class label
2 classes
Sentence 1:."- Landing: on. an’ aircraft (carrier doesn 't:make-up. for the 1oss ‘of. b.5 millionjobs: in America .,.”.said. the: sénator.;..a “much=decorated™ Vietnam War veteran. ° Isentence. 2: Landing -on: an aircraft Karrier: doesn:'t:make up for’ theloss of b7:million jobs in-America:,-* Kerry: said
Sentence 1: Ms Pike also said it was not unusual for hospitals to {90 into deficit , but the Government would ensure they remained viable Sentence 2: But Ms Pike said it was not unusual for hospitals to {90 into deficit and promised services would not be curtailed
Sentence 1; {t also faces <ighificant regulatory delays and uncertainty’, and’ threatens serious damage .f0" the company 's-buisinéss , he added . Sentence 2:." It is highly’ conditional faces significant regulatory delays and.ainceftainty , ‘atid threatens serious damage 19 our business .”
Sentence 1: Although obesity can increase the risk of health problems , skeptics argue so do smoking and high cholesterol . Sentefce 2: Although obesity can increase the risk of a host of health problems , skeptics argue , so do smoking and high cholesterol , which are not considered diseases .
Sentence 4: And yes , Marilyn Miaroe to definitely part of the story , titled " Arthur Miller , Elia Kazan and the Blacklist : None Without Sin." Sentence & Note the subheading of this terrible parable in the : American Masters " series ,
Sentence 1: The first vulnerability is a buffer overrun that results from IE 's failure to from a Web server. Sentence 2: First up , Microsoft said a buffer overrun vulnetability occurs‘because IE does not properly determine an object type returned from a Web server .
Sele: Wl Set. ig rg ‘Share in the third giater and’s 31 fot the > Senne Araki nee expecting & profit. of 30 dacs ash ‘forthe third quarter and '§ 131 share or he ful year, ft, 8 ce fiscal yeni,
‘Sentence 1: Before addressing the economy : Bush discussed the terrorist attacks in. Saudi Arabia , Which kiled os mony os. 23 people , including soven Americans Sentence:2: The president began his speech by ocknowiledging the terrorist attacks in ‘Soudi Arabic that killed ot least 29 poopie, including seven Americans.
Sentence: 1: Drugs .are up to 50 percent cheapér in Canada‘than the United States because of government price conirols . Sentence. 2: ‘Braid-name .drugs in. Canada tend to.be cheaper than inthe United States because of government price controls and a favorable exchange rate.
tits lntetaliy ‘sa rested a stored ia 2 states sabiut 300 Workers: tad, ben fence 2 Bert the official’ ater revised the fumbses aiid sid bot 250 ad eo ares a soi soe
Sentence 1: The American troops’. who also defend the mayor is: compound have been attacked'on two separate occasions jentence 2: The American troops from 3-15 infantrysy-who ls0.\defend the compound of the Falluja mayor’. have been iMtacked on two occasions
Sentence 1: Clearly Roman’ creams of. any type-do not:normally survive in the archaeological record. Sentence 2: Clearly Roman ‘creams: of ‘any. type ; paint or cosmetic ; do. not normally \-survive: ..:.. it 5 pretty. exceptional." Dee :
‘Sentence..1i Gillespie sent-a ‘letter to CBS: President. Leslie Moonves asking For ahistorical review ota disclaimer’. ‘Sentenée:2:"*Republican National Committee’ Chairman Ed" Gillespie issued .a letter Friday’ to:. CBS Television President Leslie Moonves: .. *
Senterice. 1: It 's’ one of several tiegotiating items: where-Canada appears to have. caved in «to “US: :demands -and ° accepted less favourable teris . Sentence 2: Giving.up'half the duties jS one of several negotiating items’ where “Canada appears. ¥o-havé cavedin to U.S, demarids: and -acceptédless favotirable terns.
Sentence 1: PDC will also almost certainly fan_ the flames of speculation about Longhorn 's release . Sentence 2: PDC will also almost certainly reignite speculation about release dates of Microsoft 's new products.
Sentence ‘1: Atlantic Coast will continue its operations as a Delta Connections carrier . Sentence 2: It will continue its regional service for Delta Air Lines DALN , Atlantic Coast said .
Séntenté “t.” The actions’ teflect, ouirsirong: forward’ momentuim ‘as’ We intensify’ our business focus and ‘ork. to achiev profitabiti Sentence 2: The actions réflect our istiong forward. motnéntuih .as we intensify dur. busiviess, focus.-and work to. achieve ‘profitability , * Said,Katsuini Iara ., presittent of Sony, Ericsson
Sentence [ And they think the protein probably is involved in the spread of other forms _of cancer . Sentence 2 They researchers say the research could be relevant to other forms of cancer .
entence 1: The total umber of new cases in hina was Fewer than OO for the third day in arrow . entence 2: On Monday , the’ number of: SARS ses in: China ..passed ,000 , hitting a total f 5,013 . *
/ Seateoce 1: Fires in Spain's Extremadura region “Sentence 2: Fires in Spain ‘S Extramadura region bordering. Portugal ;, and: vita Province forced hundreds of people toteave their homes.
Jif eral pen Markel Connie meeting gets under way on ESR wi matey ey deen aoe on WedheS Sones 2, The Federal Oyen Maye! Cones wll ends 1wo-dy plcy- Seth esting and tour's Ceison on Wednesday
Sentence 1: Fidelity Investments . the nation "s largest mutual-fund y . said it received a subpoena from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer 's office regarding its investigation 10 potential fund: trading abuses . Sentence 2: Fidelity Investments has received a subpoena from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer . who is investigating charges of market. timing and late-day trading in the mutual fund industry .
Sentence: 1: This’ -a. process. and” thére ‘will be: other ‘opportunities for peoplé to’participate’in, the rebuildirig a Wnaq’."" he tld reporters Sentence. 2: This sa ‘process’ and: tigre’ will ‘be. ather ‘opportunities for people fo participate inthe rebuilding; of ‘rag.
Sentence Five 17-year olds have been charged with robbery and impersonating @ police officer Sentence 2: All five suspects were charged with robbery and criminal impersonation of @ police officer
Seotance ¥The Manag Compote Ie BOC gamed 215 pemmepet ien ] oa ‘Seetence 2 The tec ace Mandan Componte lx JIC waned S18 pet» (c£ OR petcoes , 199075 , bens aray wreng of gare
Sentence 1: It is publishing the studies in the July issue of its Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . Sentence 2: The reports are among several published this week in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology .
Sentence. 1: The Pentagon : says: it-"s -a technique that: 's been successful in predicting elections-,,even box-office receipts - Sentence 2:. The Pentagon “insists... the technique ‘has successfully predicted elections arid even box office receipts...
Sentence 1: In trading on the New York Stock Exchange , Kraft shares fell 25 cents to close at $ 32.30 Sentence 2: Kraft 's shares fell 25 cents to close at $ 32.30 yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange .
Sentence » ” Party et -hioreipaiien ;. Rivet oie _ cooperative with investigators and remains cooperative with ‘euthorities, ” the sheriff 's office said . Sentence 2: Bryant was ~ interviewed and was cooperative ,~ ‘said Kim Andree ,4 spokeswoman for the sheriff's office.
Sentence 1: More than 80 suspected cases have been reported in the United States , none of them fatal Sentence 2: Sixty-five probable cases of SARS have been identified in the United States , along with 285 suspected cases
Rentenced: Mtoe dS Phila for + fneg 2 Recta Pai Taise ils three“weel
Sentence 1: Both were declared dead about 6 p.m. at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center . Sentence 2: Both shooting victims were rushed to Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center , where they died a short tine later .
Sentence I: Rowdee. is :-roughly 90. percent: -owned Py CEO Drayson-) a ite profil. UK businessman, and ‘his fernly Sentence 2: Powderléet rout bly 20" peréent - owried:: by’ wah Exécuitive “Patil Drayson and. hig family"; reported surging annual profit early, ‘this raenth
‘Senterice I! The ding sys én Rober Ml nt B-pepcent reduction ‘pay 2 “: ‘Sentence 2: ‘The catline piles for amp are. sc idig a I5speréent cut.
pac c
Sentence 1: The movie opens this weekend and the companion game has been on sale since late last month . Sentence 2: The movie opened over the weekend in the number one spot and the companion game has been on sale since late last month .
Sentence: 4: U8" troops » encountered’ fo ‘resistance: during the. five-hour:.sweep . Hear: Tikeit:, Saddam Hussein’ ’s.hommetown. and” thé center. of a:région-of ‘Bdath Party. suppar-ter's. Sentence |, 2::Titrit is" Saddam . Hussein. hometoiir. andthe region: around ‘it: is*kndwn: as:¢-hotbed of Baath. Party supporters dnd foriner ‘high-ranking fragi.military. OffiCIAS
Sentence & A, grassy field and, asphalt island... topped with an ATM .sit,where Orville Wright once developed. a, split. airplane wing, ,. tinkered .with, cars and even built toys - Sentence,,2-, Orville, Wright, °s laboratory <was,,once: there - where he developed a split airplane wing _tinkered with, cars and even, built toys...
Sentence 1: Hoffa , 62 , vanished the afternoon of July 30 , 1975 , from a parking lot in Oakland County , about 25 miles north of Detroit . Sentence 2: Hoffa , 62, vanished on the afternoon of July 30 , 1975 , from a parking lot in a Detroit suburb in Oakland County .
Sentence 4: The Modesto Bee and NBC were notified their calls had been intercepted , Goold said - Sentence 2: Journalists were not the only people notified that their phone calls had been intercepted .
Sentence 1: Prosecutors said the investment was a breach of duty and resulted in the pension fund immediately losing $ 1 million Sentence 2 The indictment says the investment was a breach of fiduciary duties and resulted in the state pension fund immediately losing $ 1 million
Sentence .1:.:The ‘Fourth.-of July Parade begins’. at' 10.: 30.a.m. on Redwood. Road , above.” the "Sequoia. arid “Redwood ‘intersection... Sentence, 2: The . Fourth .of July. parade begins ‘at 11. a:m. "in downtown’ Everett at.Colby and Hewitt. avenies:
Sentence: 1: iis.-coalition’ also passed fome-of the world 's most. progressive laws in ‘legalizing .gay Marriage and euthanasia “and decriminalizing the personal tise-of soft drugs. Sentence:2: The coalition passed some of the world’. "s. most Progressive social legislation’ legalising 8ay marriage and euthanasia’:
Sentence I: He will be paid $ 395,000 per year , up from Atkinson ‘s current salary of $ 361,400 Sentence 2: Dynes will be paid $ 395,000 a year ; Atkinson ‘s salary is $ 361,400
Sentence i: SARS or. ‘severe acitte’. Hespiratory syndrome emerged in Noveriber jast year. Sentence 2: Severe Aoité Respiiatory’ Syidioiné has: infect ‘8459 people’, 805 of whom died .
Sentence 1: She was persuaded not to resign but she was expected to be the victim of a forthcoming ministerial reshuffle . Sentence 2: But she was expected to be a victim in a forthcoming ministerial reshuffle .
Sentence 1: Gokiman decided to increase its quarterly dividend to 25 cents a share from 12 cents . citing recent tax Jegislation as a primary factor behind the move . Sentence 2: in addition . Goldman raised its quanerty dividend to 25 cents a share . up from 13 cents previously .
“Sentence, 1: Opforce’ 3.9 supports Solaris « 18H. AlN. Red, Hat Linux and Visidous . Sentence 2: The Opforce-product currently works with Solaris :. AIK Fed Hat Linux’ and Kindows server’
Sentence 1: When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , " said Charles Weisselberg , a UC Berkeley law professor Sentence 2: When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , ” said Charles Weisselberg , who teaches law at the University of California , Berkeley
Sentence: 1; Attorney: John- Baimett.” , : who represents .Mirse.”, showed ‘phdtos’ oF “a seratth -on Morse .!s. neck.’ and bhe" of Fier ‘= bloddy ear: : Sentence 2: After’ Jackson .testifiéd., he never = touched. the dfFicers.: during . the struggle’ ori the ground °,."Barneté: showed photes of 'a-scratich on Morsé.*'s neck: and the’ aFFicer'''s bloodly..ear..
Sentence |: Recall backers say they have collected 1,600,000 signatures approaching twice the 897,158 needed to force on election Sentence 2: Recall proponents say they have turned in nearly twice the number of necessary signatures
gle a at
Sentence 1: Local police authorities are treating the explosion as a criminal matter and nothing has been ruled out. Sentence 2: Acting New Haven Police Chief Francisco Ortiz said police were treating the explosion as a criminal matter .
Sentence 1: The World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control sent down a team to look into it. Sentence 2: The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States have sent a team to investigate .
Sentence 1: Arguing that the case was an isolated example , Canada has threatened a trade backlash if Tokyo ‘s ban is not justified on scientific grounds . Sentence 2: Canada which is a major meat exporter to Japan , has threatened a trade backlash if Tokyo 's ban is not justified on scientific grounds .
; Sentence t: Seniors would then have to Pay SO percent o | theirdrug costs upto $ 3450 Sentence 2: Above that , Medicare would Pay 90 percent ofall drug costs,
Sentence:t After about-three hours of| negotiations ,'the-gunman released the| ‘hostages after authorities delivered on| his request for soft drinks .. ‘Sentence 2: After about three Hours. of| negotiations , the. gunman réeléased the! ‘hostages when authorities delivered on| his request fora six-pack of soda.
‘Santonce & On Trurusay . sothertios exnauntet reudants whe lee i tt canyon ad cloned oft the cond heating there Sutin & tetetion enemas veel end Snel ot Sn vod Sending to Waterman Caryen
Sentence 1! The center has 2 budget of $45: | million ,. most of which. will ibe “spent on | research and testing , Bridges said. Sentence 2:.The safety center has as 45 se pudget for its first year, much of which will be spent on'tests and analyses
Sentence 1: In the second quarter last year , the company experienced a net loss of $ 185 million , or 54 cents a share , on sales of $ 600 million . Sentence 2: The company posted a net loss of $ 185 million , or 54-cents.per share. in the year-earlier Period ,it said in a.statement Wednesday .
Sentence t The family stopped for lunch at Freshwater Spit.” where” Several children. went “to. the water :'s edge” to play. in the surf shortly after noon Sentence :2° Several, children. including” the 8-year-old: : went down to.the water ‘sedge. to.play iv the surf:
Staines 1 Ona jet vite C8 W seni’ omc ina Inte eat GO in oi 8 tt Yona Sieh sii ie W's tie oma ee inhi its US espe otitis lin. %
‘Senténce:1: ‘Three Ainerican ‘warships -aré.off the Liberian: coast, carrying 4 tatal of 2,300. imarines.. Senterice. 2: There. are three. warships with 2,300 Marines lingering off its coast. |
‘Sentence The decision means. that Oarase must’ -iAvite .up to eight. Labor Party members JAS’, . Cabinet. Sentence 2 Me Oarase “must “now. invite. Up to ‘eight Labour -Partumembers into cabinet. ;
‘Santance GBT spokesman Jan Bankhend suid the murder scenes showed thatthe ler uns vary methodical Sentence 2 Gory Bureou of Inestigaton spassnan Joha Bankhead suid the cine ‘seus indole hat tha kil was "vary madeal”
Sentence 1: About 400 of those taken into custody were charged with manufacturing or distributing child pornography on the Internet Sentence 2: The largest number of arrests . about 400 , were on charges of manufacturing or — distributing child pornography on the Intemet .
Sentence \t That package ‘included increases \t0 both the city's’ salesvand income taxes Sentence 2: Heoalso -objects:\to-the: sales:\and personahincome taxincreases:in the package
hnwyers asked Warner i
sentence 1: But DSvis adviser Roger’. salazar |. seid’ he governor. "s 6ocUs is. Gh his jab... not the fecall petition séntence: aut’ davis adviser | ROGEr salazer | said the ‘Governor. -S Focus: is 9h. d6ing the: work net he's Being pad fa do. =".
Sentence - + The federal ‘and focal’ governinents remained largely shut down ‘in’ the’ aftermath (of Hurricane Isabel |, as were schools , arid much of the region ‘transportation’ ee sbwed. - Sentence 2: In tho aftermath of Hurricane ‘Isabel , federal and loéal nts rémained shut down , as. did schéols and inany businesses .
Sentence 1: The leased applications are designed to help sales people track customer accounts and sales leads . Sentence 2: Salesforce.com rents software that helps corporate sales people track customer accounts and sales leads .
jentence 1: Hearing was_ partially ‘estored by an electronic ear implant. jentence 2: An electronic, implant has. elped ‘Limbaugh, regain ‘most of his earing .
e victims'had been headed gency ldave when they were jence 2 Many of the victims of Sundéy’'s attack re headed out of iriq for R &'R-ot emergericy,
Sentence i They calculate that-one- third of those taking the drug would asin’ én average of I'years of. life, free.of cardiovascular disease". Sentence 2: Still) ‘the scientists seid ;-a@rthird of ‘those taking it would benefit; gaining. an yaverage of «IL Years, free.of -cardiovasctler disease
Séfitence-1: Prosecufors. contended that Mr. Durst had plotted the muider, to assume Mr Blaok’'s identity Sentence 2: Prosecutors maintained ‘that Durst murdered Black to fry.to assume Black 'sidentity
sentence 1: Mr, Parsons has. been Jirector of the Stennis Cente which specializes in-rocket. engine research: and testing + since August) $ 2: Mr. Parsons. fas. served as the © director ‘at s-the Stennis | Space Genter which, ‘employs 4.000 people’: since August - 7
Spee 2 40: 00 pie w= seh ee Be coreg MP comes fe Mart Mategee be hog BRD See b Ase pep todd Be cinany ey A Pan de of certo mocap
Sentence 1: From that point until costs reached $ 5, 300, the ‘individual would pay 100 percent of the bill . Sentence 2: Above that , Medicare would pay 90 percent of all drug costs - a
Sentence 1: The MOC said a supporter | "Sichaona Kaguru , died in hospital on ep eeday after being tortured and MeCoulted by soldiers putting down the protests . % Sentence 2: The Moc said that an opposition supporter” Tichaona Koguru , died in hospital ‘after being tortured and assaulted by the soldiers putting down the anti- Mugabe protests
Sentence .. BOSTON; “the: Cathidlic archdiocese: in: Boston: has offered. 6 55 smnillion ‘to: settle- mare -than ‘SOO clergy sex’ abuse-lawisuits, according toa. document “obtained iby: Thee Assoviated Press; ‘Sentence 2: the ‘Amérigatn Reman Catholic arehdidcese of" Bostob-‘has ‘offered.$::55. million’ to. settle “more than:500.séx abuse: Feinsiits iovalving priests
Sentence 1: Last year , he was Forced to epay S$ 3,000 in bar abs that he and his taf incurred while he as. labour minister but ad originally billed o taxpayers . entence 2: Last year » Stockwell was forced o repay $ 3,000 in bar abs that he and his tafF rang up while he was labour minister .
‘Savereijn Starts lost.74 cents or 43 %,t0 $ Sentence 1: 15.68. oS Sentence 2 ‘Soveréigi. Shnies close) ow the New. York. Stock. Bihange ai sis don pais oF parent
Sentence 1: In afternoon trading in Europe} , France.'s CAC-40 advanced._and Britain 's| FTSE,_ 100 each gained 0.7 percent , white| ‘Germany 's DAX index rose 0.6 percent . Sentence 2: In Europe , France's CAC-40| rose. 1.3,percent_, Britain.'s FTSE 100| declined.0.2. percent.and. Germany's DAX| index gained 0.6 percent .
entence.| 1: Officials ..d Sente Officials ..d plans.to burn. about, 2,000-ac loped dense, forest, near, the, parl southwest border,,by dropping incendiary devices ,, hoping to, burn off fuel from the|wildfire |s, path . * Sentence,.2: Officials planned, to. burn! about! 2,000, acres catively of | dense forest.,,by dropping incendiary, devices, fromthe) air,
Sentence 1 Previously he had seen the grinning mechanic from east Java only on television . Sentence 2: Mr Hughes had seen Amrozi 's face on television , the infamous images of the grinning mechanic from east Java .
Sentence .4: The shares Fell-72 cents 4-07. 3.B° percent: , tor SR S6 Mendy, ‘on the New ‘York Stock Exchange .. Setenpe 2: Schoring-P1éugh “shores 31°3,8 pertert -, \or..72 certs.” to: cloae iat, § 18.34. th trading Menday'"on ‘he ‘New. Verte! Stock Exchange. ’.
Sentence 1: The decision unnerved voting officials who already have been warning that they have barely enough time to organize the election before the balloting is scheduled to begin . Sentence 2: The decision unnerved voting officials who already have been warning they have barely enough time to organize the election.
Sentence 1: The suspects are expected to turn themselves in to Pennsylvania authorities within the next few days . ‘Sentence 2: The boys are expected to surrender voluntarily to Pennsyloariiq author ities within the next several days , Zimmer said.
fa Was a edlese Bssoeiate vb Sept “iT master! ‘niind Khalid Shailel Moliainnjed Biish’said:; B Sentenée : Hes a oii wt Who was @ close Associate’ cat Sépt! > Te jnasteniind: Whali¢: Sah Mebiauied
Sentence 1: TSMC also accused Syndia of trying to interfere with its customer relationships . Sentence 2: TSMC feels that Syndia ‘s actions are designed to interfere with TSMC ‘s customer relationships , the company Said . #.
Seivtesice 1: This ig what Dr. Dear: said ?.still wanit-t0 be the candidate for guys with Confederate flagsin thei pickup trucks: “Sentencé,2: He.told. the Register :""Istilt want to bé the. candidate’ for guys with ‘Confederate, flags in theie pickup trucks"
Sentence 14 never. organised:'s Youth “taip, for the. didceseg@ Seridigo ee. Sefitence,2: |:héver afténded a’ youth. camp drdaniséd by-thatidiotese . og 8
1: Wall Street analysts had expected ‘according to Thomson First cents a share ,