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Sentence 1:."- Landing: on. an’ aircraft (carrier doesn 't:make-up. for the 1oss ‘of. b.5 millionjobs: in America .,.”.said. the: sénator.;..a “much=decorated™ Vietnam War veteran. ° Isentence. 2: Landing -on: an aircraft Karrier: doesn:'t:make up for’ theloss of b7:million jobs in-America:,-* Kerry: said | 11
Sentence 1: Ms Pike also said it was not unusual for hospitals to {90 into deficit , but the Government would ensure they remained viable Sentence 2: But Ms Pike said it was not unusual for hospitals to {90 into deficit and promised services would not be curtailed | 11
Sentence 1; {t also faces <ighificant regulatory delays and uncertainty’, and’ threatens serious damage .f0" the company 's-buisinéss , he added . Sentence 2:." It is highly’ conditional faces significant regulatory delays and.ainceftainty , ‘atid threatens serious damage 19 our business .” | 11
Sentence 1: Although obesity can increase the risk of health problems , skeptics argue so do smoking and high cholesterol . Sentefce 2: Although obesity can increase the risk of a host of health problems , skeptics argue , so do smoking and high cholesterol , which are not considered diseases . | 00
Sentence 4: And yes , Marilyn Miaroe to definitely part of the story , titled " Arthur Miller , Elia Kazan and the Blacklist : None Without Sin." Sentence & Note the subheading of this terrible parable in the : American Masters " series , | 00
Sentence 1: The first vulnerability is a buffer overrun that results from IE 's failure to from a Web server. Sentence 2: First up , Microsoft said a buffer overrun vulnetability occurs‘because IE does not properly determine an object type returned from a Web server . | 11
Sele: Wl Set. ig rg ‘Share in the third giater and’s 31 fot the > Senne Araki nee expecting & profit. of 30 dacs ash ‘forthe third quarter and '§ 131 share or he ful year, ft, 8 ce fiscal yeni, | 11
‘Sentence 1: Before addressing the economy : Bush discussed the terrorist attacks in. Saudi Arabia , Which kiled os mony os. 23 people , including soven Americans Sentence:2: The president began his speech by ocknowiledging the terrorist attacks in ‘Soudi Arabic that killed ot least 29 poopie, including seven Americans. | 11
Sentence: 1: Drugs .are up to 50 percent cheapér in Canada‘than the United States because of government price conirols . Sentence. 2: ‘Braid-name .drugs in. Canada tend to.be cheaper than inthe United States because of government price controls and a favorable exchange rate. | 00
tits lntetaliy ‘sa rested a stored ia 2 states sabiut 300 Workers: tad, ben fence 2 Bert the official’ ater revised the fumbses aiid sid bot 250 ad eo ares a soi soe | 11
Sentence 1: The American troops’. who also defend the mayor is: compound have been attacked'on two separate occasions jentence 2: The American troops from 3-15 infantrysy-who ls0.\defend the compound of the Falluja mayor’. have been iMtacked on two occasions | 11
Sentence 1: Clearly Roman’ creams of. any type-do not:normally survive in the archaeological record. Sentence 2: Clearly Roman ‘creams: of ‘any. type ; paint or cosmetic ; do. not normally \-survive: ..:.. it 5 pretty. exceptional." Dee : | 11
‘Sentence..1i Gillespie sent-a ‘letter to CBS: President. Leslie Moonves asking For ahistorical review ota disclaimer’. ‘Sentenée:2:"*Republican National Committee’ Chairman Ed" Gillespie issued .a letter Friday’ to:. CBS Television President Leslie Moonves: .. * | 00
Senterice. 1: It 's’ one of several tiegotiating items: where-Canada appears to have. caved in «to “US: :demands -and ° accepted less favourable teris . Sentence 2: Giving.up'half the duties jS one of several negotiating items’ where “Canada appears. ¥o-havé cavedin to U.S, demarids: and -acceptédless favotirable terns. | 11
Sentence 1: PDC will also almost certainly fan_ the flames of speculation about Longhorn 's release . Sentence 2: PDC will also almost certainly reignite speculation about release dates of Microsoft 's new products. | 11
Sentence ‘1: Atlantic Coast will continue its operations as a Delta Connections carrier . Sentence 2: It will continue its regional service for Delta Air Lines DALN , Atlantic Coast said . | 11
Séntenté “t.” The actions’ teflect, ouirsirong: forward’ momentuim ‘as’ We intensify’ our business focus and ‘ork. to achiev profitabiti Sentence 2: The actions réflect our istiong forward. motnéntuih .as we intensify dur. busiviess, focus.-and work to. achieve ‘profitability , * Said,Katsuini Iara ., presittent of Sony, Ericsson | 11
Sentence [ And they think the protein probably is involved in the spread of other forms _of cancer . Sentence 2 They researchers say the research could be relevant to other forms of cancer . | 00
entence 1: The total umber of new cases in hina was Fewer than OO for the third day in arrow . entence 2: On Monday , the’ number of: SARS ses in: China ..passed ,000 , hitting a total f 5,013 . * | 00
/ Seateoce 1: Fires in Spain's Extremadura region “Sentence 2: Fires in Spain ‘S Extramadura region bordering. Portugal ;, and: vita Province forced hundreds of people toteave their homes. | 11
Jif eral pen Markel Connie meeting gets under way on ESR wi matey ey deen aoe on WedheS Sones 2, The Federal Oyen Maye! Cones wll ends 1wo-dy plcy- Seth esting and tour's Ceison on Wednesday | 11
Sentence 1: Fidelity Investments . the nation "s largest mutual-fund y . said it received a subpoena from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer 's office regarding its investigation 10 potential fund: trading abuses . Sentence 2: Fidelity Investments has received a subpoena from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer . who is investigating charges of market. timing and late-day trading in the mutual fund industry . | 00
Sentence: 1: This’ -a. process. and” thére ‘will be: other ‘opportunities for peoplé to’participate’in, the rebuildirig a Wnaq’."" he tld reporters Sentence. 2: This sa ‘process’ and: tigre’ will ‘be. ather ‘opportunities for people fo participate inthe rebuilding; of ‘rag. | 11
Sentence Five 17-year olds have been charged with robbery and impersonating @ police officer Sentence 2: All five suspects were charged with robbery and criminal impersonation of @ police officer | 11
Seotance ¥The Manag Compote Ie BOC gamed 215 pemmepet ien ] oa ‘Seetence 2 The tec ace Mandan Componte lx JIC waned S18 pet» (c£ OR petcoes , 199075 , bens aray wreng of gare | 00
Sentence 1: It is publishing the studies in the July issue of its Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . Sentence 2: The reports are among several published this week in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . | 11
Sentence. 1: The Pentagon : says: it-"s -a technique that: 's been successful in predicting elections-,,even box-office receipts - Sentence 2:. The Pentagon “insists... the technique ‘has successfully predicted elections arid even box office receipts... | 11
Sentence 1: In trading on the New York Stock Exchange , Kraft shares fell 25 cents to close at $ 32.30 Sentence 2: Kraft 's shares fell 25 cents to close at $ 32.30 yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange . | 11
Sentence » ” Party et -hioreipaiien ;. Rivet oie _ cooperative with investigators and remains cooperative with ‘euthorities, ” the sheriff 's office said . Sentence 2: Bryant was ~ interviewed and was cooperative ,~ ‘said Kim Andree ,4 spokeswoman for the sheriff's office. | 11
Sentence 1: More than 80 suspected cases have been reported in the United States , none of them fatal Sentence 2: Sixty-five probable cases of SARS have been identified in the United States , along with 285 suspected cases | 00
Rentenced: Mtoe dS Phila for + fneg 2 Recta Pai Taise ils three“weel | 11
Sentence 1: Both were declared dead about 6 p.m. at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center . Sentence 2: Both shooting victims were rushed to Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center , where they died a short tine later . | 00
Sentence I: Rowdee. is :-roughly 90. percent: -owned Py CEO Drayson-) a ite profil. UK businessman, and ‘his fernly Sentence 2: Powderléet rout bly 20" peréent - owried:: by’ wah Exécuitive “Patil Drayson and. hig family"; reported surging annual profit early, ‘this raenth | 00
‘Senterice I! The ding sys én Rober Ml nt B-pepcent reduction ‘pay 2 “: ‘Sentence 2: ‘The catline piles for amp are. sc idig a I5speréent cut. | 00
pac c | 11
Sentence 1: The movie opens this weekend and the companion game has been on sale since late last month . Sentence 2: The movie opened over the weekend in the number one spot and the companion game has been on sale since late last month . | 00
Sentence: 4: U8" troops » encountered’ fo ‘resistance: during the. five-hour:.sweep . Hear: Tikeit:, Saddam Hussein’ ’s.hommetown. and” thé center. of a:région-of ‘Bdath Party. suppar-ter's. Sentence |, 2::Titrit is" Saddam . Hussein. hometoiir. andthe region: around ‘it: is*kndwn: as:¢-hotbed of Baath. Party supporters dnd foriner ‘high-ranking fragi.military. OffiCIAS | 00
Sentence & A, grassy field and, asphalt island... topped with an ATM .sit,where Orville Wright once developed. a, split. airplane wing, ,. tinkered .with, cars and even built toys - Sentence,,2-, Orville, Wright, °s laboratory <was,,once: there - where he developed a split airplane wing _tinkered with, cars and even, built toys... | 11
Sentence 1: Hoffa , 62 , vanished the afternoon of July 30 , 1975 , from a parking lot in Oakland County , about 25 miles north of Detroit . Sentence 2: Hoffa , 62, vanished on the afternoon of July 30 , 1975 , from a parking lot in a Detroit suburb in Oakland County . | 11
Sentence 4: The Modesto Bee and NBC were notified their calls had been intercepted , Goold said - Sentence 2: Journalists were not the only people notified that their phone calls had been intercepted . | 00
Sentence 1: Prosecutors said the investment was a breach of duty and resulted in the pension fund immediately losing $ 1 million Sentence 2 The indictment says the investment was a breach of fiduciary duties and resulted in the state pension fund immediately losing $ 1 million | 11
Sentence .1:.:The ‘Fourth.-of July Parade begins’. at' 10.: 30.a.m. on Redwood. Road , above.” the "Sequoia. arid “Redwood ‘intersection... Sentence, 2: The . Fourth .of July. parade begins ‘at 11. a:m. "in downtown’ Everett at.Colby and Hewitt. avenies: | 00
Sentence: 1: iis.-coalition’ also passed fome-of the world 's most. progressive laws in ‘legalizing .gay Marriage and euthanasia “and decriminalizing the personal tise-of soft drugs. Sentence:2: The coalition passed some of the world’. "s. most Progressive social legislation’ legalising 8ay marriage and euthanasia’: | 00
Sentence I: He will be paid $ 395,000 per year , up from Atkinson ‘s current salary of $ 361,400 Sentence 2: Dynes will be paid $ 395,000 a year ; Atkinson ‘s salary is $ 361,400 | 11
Sentence i: SARS or. ‘severe acitte’. Hespiratory syndrome emerged in Noveriber jast year. Sentence 2: Severe Aoité Respiiatory’ Syidioiné has: infect ‘8459 people’, 805 of whom died . | 00
Sentence 1: She was persuaded not to resign but she was expected to be the victim of a forthcoming ministerial reshuffle . Sentence 2: But she was expected to be a victim in a forthcoming ministerial reshuffle . | 00
Sentence 1: Gokiman decided to increase its quarterly dividend to 25 cents a share from 12 cents . citing recent tax Jegislation as a primary factor behind the move . Sentence 2: in addition . Goldman raised its quanerty dividend to 25 cents a share . up from 13 cents previously . | 00
“Sentence, 1: Opforce’ 3.9 supports Solaris « 18H. AlN. Red, Hat Linux and Visidous . Sentence 2: The Opforce-product currently works with Solaris :. AIK Fed Hat Linux’ and Kindows server’ | 11
Sentence 1: When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , " said Charles Weisselberg , a UC Berkeley law professor Sentence 2: When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , ” said Charles Weisselberg , who teaches law at the University of California , Berkeley | 11
Sentence: 1; Attorney: John- Baimett.” , : who represents .Mirse.”, showed ‘phdtos’ oF “a seratth -on Morse .!s. neck.’ and bhe" of Fier ‘= bloddy ear: : Sentence 2: After’ Jackson .testifiéd., he never = touched. the dfFicers.: during . the struggle’ ori the ground °,."Barneté: showed photes of 'a-scratich on Morsé.*'s neck: and the’ aFFicer'''s bloodly..ear.. | 00
Sentence |: Recall backers say they have collected 1,600,000 signatures approaching twice the 897,158 needed to force on election Sentence 2: Recall proponents say they have turned in nearly twice the number of necessary signatures | 11
gle a at | 11
Sentence 1: Local police authorities are treating the explosion as a criminal matter and nothing has been ruled out. Sentence 2: Acting New Haven Police Chief Francisco Ortiz said police were treating the explosion as a criminal matter . | 00
Sentence 1: The World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control sent down a team to look into it. Sentence 2: The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States have sent a team to investigate . | 11
Sentence 1: Arguing that the case was an isolated example , Canada has threatened a trade backlash if Tokyo ‘s ban is not justified on scientific grounds . Sentence 2: Canada which is a major meat exporter to Japan , has threatened a trade backlash if Tokyo 's ban is not justified on scientific grounds . | 00
; Sentence t: Seniors would then have to Pay SO percent o | theirdrug costs upto $ 3450 Sentence 2: Above that , Medicare would Pay 90 percent ofall drug costs, | 00
Sentence:t After about-three hours of| negotiations ,'the-gunman released the| ‘hostages after authorities delivered on| his request for soft drinks .. ‘Sentence 2: After about three Hours. of| negotiations , the. gunman réeléased the! ‘hostages when authorities delivered on| his request fora six-pack of soda. | 11
‘Santonce & On Trurusay . sothertios exnauntet reudants whe lee i tt canyon ad cloned oft the cond heating there Sutin & tetetion enemas veel end Snel ot Sn vod Sending to Waterman Caryen | 11
Sentence 1! The center has 2 budget of $45: | million ,. most of which. will ibe “spent on | research and testing , Bridges said. Sentence 2:.The safety center has as 45 se pudget for its first year, much of which will be spent on'tests and analyses | 11
Sentence 1: In the second quarter last year , the company experienced a net loss of $ 185 million , or 54 cents a share , on sales of $ 600 million . Sentence 2: The company posted a net loss of $ 185 million , or 54-cents.per share. in the year-earlier Period ,it said in a.statement Wednesday . | 11
Sentence t The family stopped for lunch at Freshwater Spit.” where” Several children. went “to. the water :'s edge” to play. in the surf shortly after noon Sentence :2° Several, children. including” the 8-year-old: : went down to.the water ‘sedge. to.play iv the surf: | 00
Staines 1 Ona jet vite C8 W seni’ omc ina Inte eat GO in oi 8 tt Yona Sieh sii ie W's tie oma ee inhi its US espe otitis lin. % | 11
‘Senténce:1: ‘Three Ainerican ‘warships -aré.off the Liberian: coast, carrying 4 tatal of 2,300. imarines.. Senterice. 2: There. are three. warships with 2,300 Marines lingering off its coast. | | 11
‘Sentence The decision means. that Oarase must’ -iAvite .up to eight. Labor Party members JAS’, . Cabinet. Sentence 2 Me Oarase “must “now. invite. Up to ‘eight Labour -Partumembers into cabinet. ; | 11
‘Santance GBT spokesman Jan Bankhend suid the murder scenes showed thatthe ler uns vary methodical Sentence 2 Gory Bureou of Inestigaton spassnan Joha Bankhead suid the cine ‘seus indole hat tha kil was "vary madeal” | 11
Sentence 1: About 400 of those taken into custody were charged with manufacturing or distributing child pornography on the Internet Sentence 2: The largest number of arrests . about 400 , were on charges of manufacturing or — distributing child pornography on the Intemet . | 11
Sentence \t That package ‘included increases \t0 both the city's’ salesvand income taxes Sentence 2: Heoalso -objects:\to-the: sales:\and personahincome taxincreases:in the package | 00
hnwyers asked Warner i | 00
sentence 1: But DSvis adviser Roger’. salazar |. seid’ he governor. "s 6ocUs is. Gh his jab... not the fecall petition séntence: aut’ davis adviser | ROGEr salazer | said the ‘Governor. -S Focus: is 9h. d6ing the: work net he's Being pad fa do. =". | 00
Sentence - + The federal ‘and focal’ governinents remained largely shut down ‘in’ the’ aftermath (of Hurricane Isabel |, as were schools , arid much of the region ‘transportation’ ee sbwed. - Sentence 2: In tho aftermath of Hurricane ‘Isabel , federal and loéal nts rémained shut down , as. did schéols and inany businesses . | 00
Sentence 1: The leased applications are designed to help sales people track customer accounts and sales leads . Sentence 2: Salesforce.com rents software that helps corporate sales people track customer accounts and sales leads . | 11
jentence 1: Hearing was_ partially ‘estored by an electronic ear implant. jentence 2: An electronic, implant has. elped ‘Limbaugh, regain ‘most of his earing . | 11
e victims'had been headed gency ldave when they were jence 2 Many of the victims of Sundéy’'s attack re headed out of iriq for R &'R-ot emergericy, | 00
Sentence i They calculate that-one- third of those taking the drug would asin’ én average of I'years of. life, free.of cardiovascular disease". Sentence 2: Still) ‘the scientists seid ;-a@rthird of ‘those taking it would benefit; gaining. an yaverage of «IL Years, free.of -cardiovasctler disease | 11
Séfitence-1: Prosecufors. contended that Mr. Durst had plotted the muider, to assume Mr Blaok’'s identity Sentence 2: Prosecutors maintained ‘that Durst murdered Black to fry.to assume Black 'sidentity | 11
sentence 1: Mr, Parsons has. been Jirector of the Stennis Cente which specializes in-rocket. engine research: and testing + since August) $ 2: Mr. Parsons. fas. served as the © director ‘at s-the Stennis | Space Genter which, ‘employs 4.000 people’: since August - 7 | 00
Spee 2 40: 00 pie w= seh ee Be coreg MP comes fe Mart Mategee be hog BRD See b Ase pep todd Be cinany ey A Pan de of certo mocap | 11
Sentence 1: From that point until costs reached $ 5, 300, the ‘individual would pay 100 percent of the bill . Sentence 2: Above that , Medicare would pay 90 percent of all drug costs - a | 00
Sentence 1: The MOC said a supporter | "Sichaona Kaguru , died in hospital on ep eeday after being tortured and MeCoulted by soldiers putting down the protests . % Sentence 2: The Moc said that an opposition supporter” Tichaona Koguru , died in hospital ‘after being tortured and assaulted by the soldiers putting down the anti- Mugabe protests | 11
Sentence .. BOSTON; “the: Cathidlic archdiocese: in: Boston: has offered. 6 55 smnillion ‘to: settle- mare -than ‘SOO clergy sex’ abuse-lawisuits, according toa. document “obtained iby: Thee Assoviated Press; ‘Sentence 2: the ‘Amérigatn Reman Catholic arehdidcese of" Bostob-‘has ‘offered.$::55. million’ to. settle “more than:500.séx abuse: Feinsiits iovalving priests | 11
Sentence 1: Last year , he was Forced to epay S$ 3,000 in bar abs that he and his taf incurred while he as. labour minister but ad originally billed o taxpayers . entence 2: Last year » Stockwell was forced o repay $ 3,000 in bar abs that he and his tafF rang up while he was labour minister . | 00
‘Savereijn Starts lost.74 cents or 43 %,t0 $ Sentence 1: 15.68. oS Sentence 2 ‘Soveréigi. Shnies close) ow the New. York. Stock. Bihange ai sis don pais oF parent | 11
Sentence 1: In afternoon trading in Europe} , France.'s CAC-40 advanced._and Britain 's| FTSE,_ 100 each gained 0.7 percent , white| ‘Germany 's DAX index rose 0.6 percent . Sentence 2: In Europe , France's CAC-40| rose. 1.3,percent_, Britain.'s FTSE 100| declined.0.2. percent.and. Germany's DAX| index gained 0.6 percent . | 00
entence.| 1: Officials ..d Sente Officials ..d plans.to burn. about, 2,000-ac loped dense, forest, near, the, parl southwest border,,by dropping incendiary devices ,, hoping to, burn off fuel from the|wildfire |s, path . * Sentence,.2: Officials planned, to. burn! about! 2,000, acres catively of | dense forest.,,by dropping incendiary, devices, fromthe) air, | 11
Sentence 1 Previously he had seen the grinning mechanic from east Java only on television . Sentence 2: Mr Hughes had seen Amrozi 's face on television , the infamous images of the grinning mechanic from east Java . | 11
Sentence .4: The shares Fell-72 cents 4-07. 3.B° percent: , tor SR S6 Mendy, ‘on the New ‘York Stock Exchange .. Setenpe 2: Schoring-P1éugh “shores 31°3,8 pertert -, \or..72 certs.” to: cloae iat, § 18.34. th trading Menday'"on ‘he ‘New. Verte! Stock Exchange. ’. | 11
Sentence 1: The decision unnerved voting officials who already have been warning that they have barely enough time to organize the election before the balloting is scheduled to begin . Sentence 2: The decision unnerved voting officials who already have been warning they have barely enough time to organize the election. | 11
Sentence 1: The suspects are expected to turn themselves in to Pennsylvania authorities within the next few days . ‘Sentence 2: The boys are expected to surrender voluntarily to Pennsyloariiq author ities within the next several days , Zimmer said. | 11
fa Was a edlese Bssoeiate vb Sept “iT master! ‘niind Khalid Shailel Moliainnjed Biish’said:; B Sentenée : Hes a oii wt Who was @ close Associate’ cat Sépt! > Te jnasteniind: Whali¢: Sah Mebiauied | 00
Sentence 1: TSMC also accused Syndia of trying to interfere with its customer relationships . Sentence 2: TSMC feels that Syndia ‘s actions are designed to interfere with TSMC ‘s customer relationships , the company Said . #. | 11
Seivtesice 1: This ig what Dr. Dear: said ?.still wanit-t0 be the candidate for guys with Confederate flagsin thei pickup trucks: “Sentencé,2: He.told. the Register :""Istilt want to bé the. candidate’ for guys with ‘Confederate, flags in theie pickup trucks" | 11
Sentence 14 never. organised:'s Youth “taip, for the. didceseg@ Seridigo ee. Sefitence,2: |:héver afténded a’ youth. camp drdaniséd by-thatidiotese . og 8 | 00
1: Wall Street analysts had expected ‘according to Thomson First cents a share , | 00
Subsets and Splits