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Sentence 1: The “teen ‘was. in surgery at Sacred Heart’ Medical. Center.,-‘and the. extent of: his.” injufiés.. ‘wes. not available: Brogdon said Sentence -2:. The teen was in. critical condition ‘at: Sacred: Heart :Medical: Center..; police said. in & news: release | 00
“Sentence: 1! Andy Savage: -)" who, i8 representing Renée Britt.’ asked: thé. jurors to. “give her-a fair Shake: Sentence “2: “Andy -:Savagé:"). who". is fepresenting. Renee~ Britt“, said she” is underéducated. - arid: “has: Sore. mental: ‘problems herself | 00
sentence 1: Sentence 2 | 11
> Sentence EThe ch | fituorks splay lanvel Gearing “ldren’ vere last seen July + at a in Concord vith their father Sentence 2 Authoriti syeslieve the children’. uo denlag it, 0”. with ther father ct Fireuorks “play in Concord on July +, hrs dead | 00
Sentence 1! And, they. will learn, the smeaning,.of, American justice,,.”he said to.strong, and extended applause. Sentence Z! The, U.S.: will find, the killersand,they will Jearn the meaning.of American justice ,.”-Bush told the crowd, which burstinto applause. | 00
‘Sentence & In 1998 , the building ‘s owners , the Port Authority of New ‘York and New Jersey , issued guidelines to upgrade the fireproofing to 2 thickness of {inches.. ‘Sentence 2: The NIST discovered that in 1999 the Port Authority issued ‘guidelines to upgrade the fireproofing toa thickness af 11 /2inches . | 00
Sentence 1: Microsoft said Friday that it is halting development of future Macintosh versions of its Internet Explorer browser | citing competition trom Apple Computer 's Satari browser . Spntence 2: Microsoft will stop developing versions of its Internet Explorer “browser software for Macintosh computers , saying that Apple 's Satar! is Now all that Apple needs . | 11
Sentinde 1 Micro: has described thi technolo ais a Dram néw client platform for building sinart . coninveted “ini tieh applications In Longer, Sentérice%- Microsoft: calls. if 7.4” bianth riew pkilforin for building smart © Gonbicted \-anedia applications iit Loighoris, | 11
Sentence 4: The | September 2001 ond Josnie Harper was. giv | 11
Agnes ts ARIE, ABRRag 2 2A com SERRE iaca a Metical ae, gem st ea | 00
Sentence: Claudia. Gonzles: Herrera: an: assistant® ‘attorney general. in’ charge-of thecase ;-said the arrest ‘show that Guaternala” takes the defense of its, ancient Maya heritage'seriously "© Sentence 2: Claudia Gonzales: Heriera’-,-an assistant vattorniey-general in charge of the:case:, said the:arrests showed that. Guatemala took'the defence of its Mayan heritage seriously: wd | 11
Sentence 1: State Sen. Vi Simpson , former state and national Democratic chairman Joe Andrew are seeking the Democratic nomination Sentence 2: Leading Democratic candidatd are former state and national Democratic Chairman Joe Arew and State Sen. Vi Simpson , Ellttsville. * *% 4 * “4 | 11
Sentendé i: Derék Jeter took’ batting: practice on the field for the first timé sine dislocating his left shoulder’on, Opening Day and expects to: begin’ a miinor league rehab assignment, tomorrow Sentence 2; Jeter’; who dislocated his left shoulder in.a collision, March 31 ,,took batting practice’ on. the fieldifor the first time Monday te ge i" | 00
Sentence 1: With the-test , Hubbard said , "| believe that we have found the smoking gun . Sentence 2:" We have found the smoking gun ," investigating board member Scott Hubbard said . | 00
4: Financial terms of the deal , xpected to close this ‘month , were not} released . » 2: Financial terms of the sale, which-is expected to ‘be completed by the} nd of August, were not disclosed . | 11
Sentence 1: Freeman 's civil hearing may be , on| the surface, about a driver's license . Sentence 2: Freeman said not having a driver| license has been a burden. | 00
Sentence 1: Lee ‘said Brianna had dragged “food , toys and other things into the bedroom Sentence 2: Lee , 33, , said the girl had’ dragged the food , toys and other things ‘into her ‘mother 's bedroom | 11
# | 00
Sentence 1:" Approximately 60 per cent of all national advertisers do not yet advertise in Spanish ," he said Sentence 2: " Approximately 60 percent of all national advertisers do not yet advertise in Spanish." | 11
‘Sentence & Pen Hadow . who became the frst person to reach the [sto praphic North Pole unsupported from Canada . has just over ‘two days of rations left Sentence 2 Pen Hadow became the first man last week to reach the geqgraphic North Pole on an unsupported trek tough Canada .2 joumey of about 770 ken | 00
‘Sentence 1: ”. We ‘re confident ‘that the new. ‘leadership: will, take -responsibility ‘for: 7 past “actions::".° (of Archdiocese Of: -Boston Lincoln said oe ‘Sentence. aor “we are confident’: that) .-the © new leadership. in Boston will be willing ‘to take: responsibility for: ‘thé past actions. ‘of the: archdiocese ; * said’ Lincoln '- | 11
Sentence 1: The DvD- CCA then appealed to the state Supreme Court. Sentence 2: The DvD CCA appealed that GAecision to the U.S. Supreme Court. | 11
Sentence 1: day ’s ruling Is a great first step towere, : ser eer A ian hE ne, as a great fist Sentence, 7 better si or bo! residents , that.there was more fo: | 11
Sieneence 1: Ocher readers thac wil be Alecied are Argos. part of GUS , and prhately owned Lyeclowoods . Sentence 2: The other main decrrial. goods reall. are Airgps prt. of GUS . privately owned Liclewoods. and Powerhouse | 00
Sentence 1: The. technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index IXIC lost 4.95 paints , or 0.33 percent , at 1,486.14 4 Sentence 2: The more, broadly based Nasdaq ‘Telecommunications Index rose 0.7 percent | 00
Sentence 1: She insisted , though , that it not be published until after her death . Sentence 2: She had only a single condition , that the book not be published until after her death . | 11
Sentence 1: Quattrone is accused of obstructing justice by helping to encourage co-workers in an e-mail. to. destroy files on lucrative \investment banking deals . Sentence 2: Quattrone is accused of attempting to’ obstruct justice by endorsing that e-mail, which encouraged co-workers to destroy files on profitable investment banking deals. | 11
Sentence £ He plans to have dinner. with troops at’ Kosovo's US. military headquarters , Camp Bondsteel Sentence 2: Affer that, he plans to have dinger at Camp Bondsteet with U.S. troops stationed there - | 11
Sentence 1: Harry Potter and the Order o' the Phoenix , by J.K. Rowling , Scholastic , 870 pages , $ 29.99 . Sentence 2: In ' ' The. Order of the Phoenix , '' Harry is 15 , and fully a teenager at last . | 00
fings were 4 cents per share naySIS, Surveyed by Thomson Sentence 2: Tol was 4 certs higter than the expectations of analysts surveyed by Thomsen Hirst Ca | 11
Sentence 1: Foreigners board ‘helicopters. for evacuation from the European Union compound in Monrovia , Liberia, on Monday Sentence 2 French troops‘ defend a group of foreigners as they. board helicopters for evacuation fromthe European Union compound in Monrovia , Liberia | 00
Sentence 1: Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said the push for higher standards and accountability " is showing results ." Sentence &: Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said he was pleased by the results . | 00
2 Dh Made Sied tos percent, at 99433 » fates aid, SpherdaN Cm percent , to 1,646. | 00
Sentence 4: The women then hed follow-up examinations after five , 12 and 24 years. Sentence 2: The women had follow-up examinations in 1974-75 » 1980-84 and 1992-95 , but were not asked about stress again . | 00
‘ Sentence 4 Pharmacy. Guild president Richard Heslop. said many pharmacy ‘customers. were ~ also. : returning recalled products: : : ‘Sentence 2: Pharmacy > Guild - president. Richard Héslop.’ said. it ‘highlighted .the: need for, product. ecg tat Pere | 00
jence 1: Federal Judge William Barbour said" iTuetday “he. impeoed noe becguse Avante showed na remorse in'the brutel slayings Sentence | 2: U.S. District Judge | William Barbour’ said" he sed» the maximum because Avants shew ‘mo remorse . | 11
Sentence t Three no votes woud Kilit for now. Sentence 2:11 woutt take three votes fo kil the ACC s expansion: | 11
Sentence 1: Their election increases the board from seven people tonine . Sentence 2: Their appointments increase Berkshire 's board to nine from seven members. | 11
Sentence 1: At his request , he will be reassigned within the district. Sentence 2: District Superintendent J. Chester Floyd told reporters Monday that McCrackin will be reassigned: within the district . | 11
Sentence’: .Overall.*, 83. percent. of women: Washed ap”; compared with 34 percerit of men : Sentence -2: Gut in San’ Francisco. ,. 80 percent of men.and: only. 39 percent. of. Women: washed their hands; | 11
Senterice 1: Another million:barrels:, bought ‘by Spanish: refiner: Cepsa’.SA °, was. to be loaded onto” a Spanish tanker ,, the. Sandra. Tapias Seritence 2: A Spanish tanker’,Sandra,Tapias was, to be’ loaded: with ‘another. million barrels , bought by Spanish tefiner Capsa SA , inthe afternoon | 11
Sentence 1; The 30-year bond <-US30YT = RR > was down 10 / 32 for'a yield of 4.9% percent s, up from-4,89-percent late Thursday. Seritence 2: The'30-year bond was dowi14 / 32,to'yield 4.92 percent ; up from 4.89-percent. On, Thursday: but: off:an earlier. veld high: of 4.95 Bercent: | 00
Sentence “1: SAN: Architect] land ‘AutoAdvice *-can be used by ‘themselves or .as| extensions to the ControlGenter . family: off storage management] applications . Sentence 2: SAge Architect land = .AutoAdvice can ~ ‘bel used as stand-alone applications or as an extension to EMC "Ss ControlCenter applications | 11
ae iit i i i Hi italae WN. a | 00
Sentencs:..°. “I: . “British-based - GlaxoSmithKline Plc said -éarlier: this year. it would. cut off. supplies’. to Canadian. drugstores. that~ship- to, the ‘Uiiited States... Sentence 2:-GlaxoSmithKliné , the.UK drugmakér , has. said :it would cut off supplies. to Canadian ‘stores shipping ‘drugs to the US. | 11
‘Sentence’2: * We did not want to shut down ," Cawrerice Diathond , the CFO ;'said as © ‘Donnell lawyer ‘Matthew Fishbein’ questioned him Senténce 2:." ‘We, did not waiat to stiit down , " Diatitond {estified under questioning by Matthew Fistibein , orie of :@ “Donnell 's iawyérs | 11
Sentence 1: The dollar cose 0.6 percent to 109.54 1c De J climbed more than 1 percent to 3515 Swiss (anes < CHF =? . Sentence 2: The dollar cose around. 0.6, Bares Sentagt the }apanase curcency to 109.51 Yous iat o9aitst {nbed 1 percent against the Swiss tranc to 1.3302 francs < aa | 11
Sentence 1: Milberg Welss Bershad Hynes 6 Lerach LLP said it filed suit in a New York court on Monday on behalf of the Southern Alaska Carpenters Pension Fund Sentence 2: Milberg Weiss Bershiid¥ Hynes 6 Lerach filed the Idwsuit , which seeks class- action status , on behalf of the Southern Alaska Carpenters Pension Fund in federal court in Manhattan | 11
-Setitence 1: The capsisle fanded on its 12 metres , probably dragged by the m Sentence 2: to: have. be Tanding = he capsuie ended up.on-its ed about utt by ear appeared dragged about A0(t by the mai Re att Parachul | 11
$ 1 ove thé Catholic Church with all aby. heatt ; mind, soul and strength ” sdid Troy .. who spoke quickly but in a steady voice, Sentence'2:” I'love the Catholic Church with all : mi heart’, mind, soul and strength ,” he said , | 11
Sentence 1: Martin , 58, ‘will be freed today after serving two. thirds. of -his five-year sentence for the manslaughter of 16-year-old Fred Barras . ‘Sentence’ 2: Martin served two thirds of a five-year sentence for the manslaughter of Barras, and for swounding Fearon : | 00
“september and te tole r “put }'Amencins'in,a vulnirable iircuristance "saith. | 11
Sentence 1 He said. Qantas. would, also cut, capital spending by, ‘retiring some aircraft and deferring delivery of some new planes. Sentence 2 It would. also further reduce capital. expenditure by, ‘retiring some aircraft and delaying the delivery of new places . | 11
Sentence I: The report shows that drugs sold in Canadian pharmacies are manufactured in facilities approved by Health Canada - the FDA 's counterpart in Canada Sentence 2: The report shows that drugs sold in “Canadian pharmacies are manufactured in facilities approved by Health Canada , which serves a Similar role as the FDA for the Canadian government | 11
Sentence 1: We. thipkthey have the right to choose Sentence-2:."'We think PéspleSoft ‘customers deserve the rightto choose," Ellison said | 11
Sentence 1: Further out the curve , the benchmark 10-year not USIOYT = RR shed 25 / 32 in price , taking is yield to 3.26 per from 317 percent » Sentence 2: Earty Wednesday , the benchmark 10-year USIOYT 4 (RR had lost %6 / 32 in price , driving its yield uig'to 3.33 perc from 3.26 percent late Tuesday | 00
t Winners will be announced i 8 June 8 broadcast on CBS from Radio City Music 2 Tony winners will be snnoynced June 8 in ised ceremonies from Radio City Music Halt | 11
tence 1; Cordiant has beer: on the block since it lost:the key Allied Domecq account ii April. mtence “2: ‘Cordiant: has-been a target ince it 19st a erlicidl client ; Allied Domeq in April. ®% ~ | 11
gaining adherent »inthe public ‘and private Sectors . Sentence 2:2: Gata drs tho tardy coming from open-sounse pregrams . it Hiede ‘ite, Jor eee p yews Such 28 | 00
Sentence 1: Market sentiment was subdued after International Business Machines Inc . IBM.N said U.S. securities regulators. were investigating the accounting of the world 's largest computer company . Sentence 2: Market sentiment was also cautious after International Business Machines Inc . IBM.N said that federal securities regulators had begun an investigating into its accounting . | 11
Sentence 1: Druce will face murder charges , . Conte said. Sentence .2: Conte said Diuce will -be charged with murder. | 11
Sentence 1: The: Prime Ministers of China » Russia. and. four: central Asian nations have met in Beijing and approved a budget for their regional security grouping . Sentence 2: The prime ministers of China Russia and four Central. Asian countries signed. agreements: on Tuesday that set plans..in motion for. a. long-awaited regional . anti-terrorisa centre. in Uzbekistan . | 11
Sentence 1: Launched from the space shuttle Atlantis in 1989 , Galileo will have travelled about 4.6 billion kilometres by the time it hits Jupiter . Sentence 2: Launched from space shuttle Atlantis ( news - web sites ) in 1989 , Galileo will have traveled about 2.8 billion miles by the time it hits Jupiter . | 11
Sentence 1: The North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System in New York announced plans for a ‘issue bank this month . Sentence 2: North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System announced plans for a tissue bank earlier this month, | 11
Sentence 1 From Californie Bush Ples=-Eo. depen on— Thursday Felowed “by WISIES 6 Goo Ehe Ippines — Thellend . Singepane Indorenia end Australia rere returning home on Ock 24 Sentence 2: Besides Jepen he: will visiti-the Philippines Theilemncl Singspore Indonesia” —-end Austrelie before returning home on Ock 24 | 11
> Sentence 4:in interviews with engineers, mos of whom have not spoken publicly until’ now. the lines of discord between NASA 's engineers | and managers are evident. Sentence 2 1, interviews ° with numerous, | 11
‘Sentence, 1: Enrofi..spokesman, Eric: Théde “declined. :t0: “comment on:the:mediation order . Sentenée’ 2°" iWe-think. it’s’ great news’, “spakesman Eric Thode. said, Enrait | 00
e Cramptt® 4 Too of the Britons, Sandy Mitchel , deank nnd Glssg0~-bom Wim Sangean | 11
Sentence) Hianiium wa five aed, 4a onthe Preesait wien ber mother died Sentence 2: fn her (estimony. “Kt Hin ase wa . 1 2.oeus peegsant we be maser sm led | 11
Sentence 1; Searches for survivors. from ‘several previous.-shipwrecks .have often had to be abandoned for similar reasons , leaving the vessels and» most of -their passengers unaccounted for . Sentence 2: In. several. previous shipwrecks , the search for survivors had to. be ‘abandoned for similar reasons: , leaving the vessels and most of their passengers unaccounted for . | 11
Sentence 1: The man_, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed a Comoros _ islander is on the US. FBI's list of most wanted suspects . Sentence 2: A Comoros islander , he is on the United States ‘ list of most wanted suspects . | 11
‘Sentence 1: The Standard & Poor 's 500 Index lost 6.77 , or 0.7 percent , to 927.62 as of 10 : 33 a.m. in New York. Sentence 2: The broad Standard & Poor 's 500 Index .SPX shed 0.17 of a point , or just 0.02 percent , to 934 . | 11
Sentence 1: SCO intends to provide them with choices to help’ them. run-Linux in a legal and fully: paid-for way , he said. Sentenice 2: We intend to provide-them with choices to help them run tinux.in a legal and fully-paid for way ;" | 11
Senténce 1: Instead , tickets for the Jersey jain’ went ‘on sale last night through Ticketmaster Senitence.2 Tickets , available through Ticketmaster. went on sale yesterday | 11
sriae Mabry moaned nye Se anda Te i eal tl GN Fe | 11
Sentence 1: Nine years ago , they were married by a justice of the peace Sentence 2: His wife » Married to Moore by a justice of the peace , started planning her dream wedding | 00
Sentence 1:" We believe we are fully prepared to roll out the [.touch-screen: ] machines for the 2604 presidential primary ,." said:.Gilles W. Burger |, ‘State Board of Elections chairman. Sentence 2: " We bélieve we are. fully prepared. to roll out..the. revised Diebold machines. ,"" said: Gilles W. Burger.., chairman of the Maryland State Board of Elections « | 11
Sentence 1: In Canada , the booming dollar will be in focus again as it tries to stay above the 75 cent (U.S.) mark. Sentence 2: In Canada , the surging dollar was in focus again as it struggled and just failed to stay above the 75 cent ( U.S.) mark | 11
Sentence 1: Lord of the’ Rings director Peter. Jackson and companion. Fran “Walsh’ ‘arrive at - the 74th: Annual- Academy AWards. a i. : Sentence 2: Lora ‘of the Rings lairector ‘Peter Jackson: and Longtime. companion Fran. Walsh | 00
Sentence t The, only, other JI member. to, reveal. similar information is Omar al Faruq . now held ata secret location by the United States Sentence 2 The, only, other, JI.member to, reveal, similar information. is Omar al Farug,,.now. held by the. United States ata secret location | 11
Sentence .1: Late, last month, Microsoft restricted accese tilts MSN Messenger network. *- ; ae Sentence.2: Microsoft last month said itis updating its MSN: Messenger service in October. | 00
Sentence 1: The $ 19.50‘a:share-bid | comes two days after PeopleSéft revised its bid, for snialler ‘rival J.D. Edwards & Co. JDEC.O to include cash as well as stock Séhtence 2: Oracle's $ 19.50-a-share bid‘comes two days| after PeopleSoft added casli to its-original all-share deail with smaller rival .D. Edwards & Co. JDEC.O | 11
Sentence 1: The decomposed remains of 17-year-old Max Guarino of Manhattan were found floating near City Island April 25. Sentence 2: Max Guarino . 17 , was found April 25 in the water off City Island . | 11
Sentence x: Rashidi Ahmed , 33 ; was fourid dead tr his: pickup.. track after it. crashed into” a. building * at Eintoliishire' aind Willismsborough diives. ;;néar Franklin’ Boulevard’ Senténcé.2: Shetiff.'s deputies’ fourid’Ahmad in his tiuek after it crashed into’’a ,buildirig at Lineolnshire and Williamsborough drives’, just south of ‘the Sacramenté ‘ity limits along Franklin Boulevard | 11
Sentence 1: The broader Standard & Poor 's 500 Index edged up 1.01 points , or 0.1 percent , at 1,012.67 . Sentence 2: But the technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index was up 5.91 points , or 0.35 percent , at 1,674.35 | 00
Sentence 1:" Nobody wants to go to war with anyb about anything ... it's always very much a jast resort thing and one to be avoided , ” Mr Howard toid Sydney radio . Sentence 2: " we don 't want to go to war with anybody . . . it 's always very much a last resort , and one to be avoided . | 11
‘Santis. ig oe ett ‘Stes ar anay bo he “luiches of ‘the fyrant Castro ; a sid ngs Spi ieee. ‘Sentence 2° ia vy hay te fein nie Stes fa aa ton ‘the clitches.of the tyrant Casta ; ” Wilson fold the judge : G | 11
Sentence & The pand said some of NASA's cameras were obsolete and others no longer have a go® view, becanse of civilian buildings built near them . Sentence & Others wo longer have « good view , it said, becanse of civilian buildings built near them . | 00
ui | 11
hai | 11
Sentines tI Should have reported that it wis sailing “With an atomic’ bomb cargo |.” Ariomeritiy sid. referring “to-the quantity Gf explosives on- beard, Sentences 2 It should, have. declared that it.wes sailing with a cargo: that, was: like “an : stoic bomb, “said! Anomer itis wes | 11
wants to see” * who,” establish certify he Sentence 2: Gates Says) | 11
Sentence 1: They are due to appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court today . Sentence 2: The men will appear in Brisbane Magistrates Court on Monday . | 11
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