<Graph> : <s> language family <p> properties for this type <o> Freebase ID <s> language family <p> properties for this type <o> Glottolog code <s> language family <p> properties for this type <o> WALS family code <s> language family <p> properties for this type <o> ISO 639-5 code <s> language family <p> has list <o> list of language families <s> language family <p> studied in <o> linguistics <s> language family <p> studied in <o> sociolinguistics <s> language family <p> instance of <o> languoid class <s> language family <p> different from <o> sprachbund <s> language family <p> subclass of <o> languoid <s> language family <p> subclass of <o> language group <s> language family <p> part of <o> genetic classification <s> language family <p> part of <o> macrofamily <s> language family <p> described by source <o> Soziolinguistika Hiztegia <s> language family <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Language families <s> language family <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> language family <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> language family <p> has part(s) <o> language subfamily <s> language family <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Language families <s> Romance languages <p> instance of <o> language family <s> Romance languages <p> different from <o> Romani <s> Romance languages <p> has part(s) <o> Eastern Romance <s> Romance languages <p> different from <o> Rhaeto-Romance <s> Romance languages <p> subclass of <o> Italic <s> Romance languages <p> has part(s) <o> Italo-Western <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Romance languages <p> different from <o> Gallo-Roman <s> Romance languages <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Romance languages <s> Romance languages <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Romance languages <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Romance languages <s> Romance languages <p> has cause <o> Vulgar Latin <s> Romance languages <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Romance languages <p> studied in <o> Romance studies <s> imperfect <p> instance of <o> grammatical tense <s> imperfect <p> subclass of <o> inflected form <s> imperfect <p> subclass of <o> past tense <s> conjugation <p> related property <o> has conjugation class <s> conjugation <p> different from <o> conjunction <s> conjugation <p> has use <o> grammatical tense <s> conjugation <p> has use <o> grammatical mood <s> conjugation <p> has use <o> grammatical number <s> conjugation <p> different from <o> conjugation <s> conjugation <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> conjugation <p> subclass of <o> inflection <s> conjugation <p> subclass of <o> grammatical category <s> conjugation <p> has use <o> grammatical person <s> conjugation <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Grammatical conjugation <s> conjugation <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> first person <p> instance of <o> grammeme <s> first person <p> subclass of <o> grammatical person <s> first person <p> different from <o> first-person view <s> adjectival participle <p> subclass of <o> participle <s> adjectival participle <p> has characteristic <o> grammatical modifier <s> Lord's Supper <p> instance of <o> sacrament <s> Lord's Supper <p> based on <o> Last Supper <s> Lord's Supper <p> instance of <o> subject heading <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lord's Supper <p> instance of <o> biblical concept <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lord's Supper <p> subclass of <o> Christian liturgical rite <s> Lord's Supper <p> subclass of <o> religious ceremony <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Lord's Supper <p> subclass of <o> theophagy <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lord's Supper <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> disk sector <p> part of <o> floppy disk <s> disk sector <p> subclass of <o> zone <s> disk sector <p> different from <o> extent <s> disk sector <p> different from <o> data cluster <s> disk sector <p> different from <o> participle <s> disk sector <p> different from <o> block <s> disk sector <p> part of <o> hard disk drive platter <s> disk sector <p> contains <o> block <s> realis <p> subclass of <o> grammatical mood <s> realis <p> opposite of <o> irrealis <s> irrealis <p> opposite of <o> realis <s> irrealis <p> subclass of <o> grammatical mood <s> irrealis <p> different from <o> indicative </Graph>
<Text> :A language family is a group of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language or parental language, called the proto-language of that family. The term "family" reflects the tree model of language origination in historical linguistics, which makes use of a metaphor comparing languages to people in a biological family tree, or in a subsequent modification, to species in a phylogenetic tree of evolutionary taxonomy. Linguists therefore describe the daughter languages within a language family as being genetically related. The divergence of a proto-language into daughter languages typically occurs through geographical separation, with different regional dialects of the proto-language spoken by different speech communities undergoing different language changes and thus becoming distinct languages from each other. The language families with the most speakers are the Indo-European family, which includes many widely spoken languages native to Europe and South Asia ; and the Sino-Tibetan family, mainly due to the many speakers of Mandarin Chinese in China. A language family may contain any number of languages: some families, such as the Austronesian and Niger-Congo families, contain hundreds of different languages, while some languages, termed isolates, are not known to be related to any other languages and therefore constitute a family consisting of only one language. Membership of languages in a language family is established by research in comparative linguistics. Genealogically related languages can be identified by their shared retentions; that is, they share systematic similarities that cannot be explained as due to chance, or to effects of language contact , and therefore must be features inherited from their shared common ancestor. However, some sets of languages may in fact be derived from a common ancestor but have diverged enough from each other that their relationship is no longer detectable; and some languages have not been studied in enough detail to be classified, and therefore their family membership is unknown. Estimates of the number of language families in the world may vary widely. According to Ethnologue there are 7,151 living human languages distributed in 142 different language families. Lyle Campbell identifies a total of 406 independent language families, including isolates. The Romance languages, also known as the Latin or Neo-Latin languages, are the languages that are directly descended from Vulgar Latin. They are the only extant subgroup of the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family. The five most widely spoken Romance languages by number of native speakers are Spanish , Portuguese , French , Italian and Romanian , which are all national languages of their respective countries of origin. There are also numerous regional Romance languages. Italian, together with Sardinian, is the least divergent Romance language from Latin, whereas French has changed the most. There are more than 900 million native speakers of Romance languages found worldwide, mainly in the Americas, Europe, and parts of Africa. Portuguese, French and Spanish also have many non-native speakers and are in widespread use as linguae francae. The term Romance derives from the Vulgar Latin adverb romanice, "in Roman", derived from romanicus: for instance, in the expression romanice loqui, "to speak in Roman" , contrasted with latine loqui, "to speak in Latin" , and with barbarice loqui, "to speak in Barbarian" . From this adverb the noun romance originated, which applied initially to anything written romanice, or "in the Roman vernacular". The imperfect is a verb form that combines past tense and imperfective aspect . It can have meanings similar to the English "was walking" or "used to walk". It contrasts with preterite forms, which refer to a single completed event in the past. Traditionally, the imperfect of languages such as Latin and French is referred to as one of the tenses, although it actually encodes aspectual information in addition to tense . It may be more precisely called past imperfective. English has no general imperfective and expresses it in different ways. The term "imperfect" in English refers to forms much more commonly called past progressive or past continuous . These are combinations of past tense with specifically continuous or progressive aspect. In German, Imperfekt formerly referred to the simply conjugated past tense , but the term Prateritum is now preferred, since the form does not carry any implication of imperfective aspect. For a continuous action , the past progressive form is used, as in "I was eating"; "They were running fast." However certain verbs that express state rather than action do not mark the progressive aspect ; in these cases the simple past tense is used instead: "He was hungry"; "We knew what to do next." In linguistics, a participle is a nonfinite verb form that has some of the characteristics and functions of both verbs and adjectives. More narrowly, participle has been defined as "a word derived from a verb and used as an adjective, as in a laughing face". "Participle" is a traditional grammatical term from Greek and Latin that is widely used for corresponding verb forms in European languages and analogous forms in Sanskrit and Arabic grammar. In particular, Greek and Latin participles are inflected for gender, number and case, but also conjugated for tense and voice and can take prepositional and adverbial modifiers. Cross-linguistically, participles may have a range of functions apart from adjectival modification. In European and Indian languages, the past participle is used to form the passive voice. In English, participles are also associated with periphrastic verb forms and are widely used in adverbial clauses. In non-Indo-European languages, 'participle' has been applied to forms that are alternatively regarded as converbs , gerunds, gerundives, transgressives, and nominalised verbs in complement clauses. As a result, 'participles' have come to be associated with a broad variety of syntactic constructions. The word participle comes from classical Latin participium, from particeps 'sharing, participation', because it shares certain properties of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The Latin grammatical term is a calque of the Greek grammatical term metokhe : metoche, 'participation, participle'. The Eucharist , also known as Holy Communion, Blessed Sacrament and the Lord's Supper, is a Christian rite that is considered a sacrament in most churches, and as an ordinance in others. Christians believe that the rite was instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper, the night before his crucifixion, giving his disciples bread and wine. Passages in the New Testament state that he commanded them to "do this in memory of me" while referring to the bread as "my body" and the cup of wine as "the blood of my covenant, which is poured out for many". According to the Synoptic Gospels this was at a Passover meal. The elements of the Eucharist, sacramental bread, either leavened or unleavened, and wine , are consecrated on an altar or a communion table and consumed thereafter. The consecrated elements are the end product of the Eucharistic Prayer. Christians generally recognize a special presence of Christ in this rite, though they differ about exactly how, where, and when Christ is present. The Catholic Church states that the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ under the species of bread and wine. It maintains that by the consecration, the substances of the bread and wine actually become the substances of the body and blood of Jesus Christ while the appearances of the bread and wine remain unaltered . The Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches agree that an objective change occurs of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. Lutherans believe the true body and blood of Christ are really present "in, with, and under" the forms of the bread and wine, known as the sacramental union. Reformed Christians believe in a real spiritual presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Anglican eucharistic theologies universally affirm the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, though Evangelical Anglicans believe that this is a spiritual presence, while Anglo-Catholics hold to a corporeal presence. As a result of these different understandings, "the Eucharist has been a central issue in the discussions and deliberations of the ecumenical movement." The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language and the Greek noun eukharistia , meaning "thanksgiving", appears a few times in it, while the related Greek verb eukharistesas is found several times in New Testament accounts of the Last Supper, including the earliest such account: In computer disk storage, a sector is a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disc. For most disks, each sector stores a fixed amount of user-accessible data, traditionally 512 bytes for hard disk drives and 2048 bytes for CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs. Newer HDDs and SSDs use 4096-byte sectors, which are known as the Advanced Format . The sector is the minimum storage unit of a hard drive. Most disk partitioning schemes are designed to have files occupy an integral number of sectors regardless of the file's actual size. Files that do not fill a whole sector will have the remainder of their last sector filled with zeroes. In practice, operating systems typically operate on blocks of data, which may span multiple sectors. Geometrically, the word sector means a portion of a disk between a center, two radii and a corresponding arc , which is shaped like a slice of a pie. Thus, the disk sector refers to the intersection of a track and geometrical sector. In modern disk drives, each physical sector is made up of two basic parts, the sector header area and the data area. The sector header contains information used by the drive and controller; this information includes sync bytes, address identification, flaw flag and error detection and correction information. The header may also include an alternate address to be used if the data area is undependable. The address identification is used to ensure that the mechanics of the drive have positioned the read/write head over the correct location. The data area contains the sync bytes, user data and an error-correcting code that is used to check and possibly correct errors that may have been introduced into the data. A realis mood is a grammatical mood which is used principally to indicate that something is a statement of fact; in other words, to express what the speaker considers to be a known state of affairs, as in declarative sentences. Most languages have a single realis mood called the indicative mood, although some languages have additional realis moods, for example to express different levels of certainty. By contrast, an irrealis mood is used to express something that is not known to be the case in reality. An example of the contrast between realis and irrealis moods is seen in the English sentences "He works" and "It is necessary that he work". In the first sentence, works is a present indicative form of the verb, and is used to make a direct assertion about the real world. In the second sentence, work is in the subjunctive mood, which is an irrealis mood - here that he work does not necessarily express a fact about the real world , but refers to what would be a desirable state of affairs. However, since mood is a grammatical category, referring to the form a verb takes rather than its meaning in a given instance, a given language may use realis forms for a number of purposes other than their principal one of making direct factual statements. For example, many languages use indicative verb forms to ask questions and in various other situations where the meaning is in fact of the irrealis type . The indicative might therefore be defined as the mood used in all instances where a given language does not specifically require the use of some other mood. Distinctions between indicative and other moods such as the subjunctive were marked inflectionally to a greater extent in historical forms of the language than in Modern English. The following table shows the indicative suffixes used on regular verbs in Old English, Middle English and early and present-day Modern English. In linguistics, irrealis moods are the main set of grammatical moods that indicate that a certain situation or action is not known to have happened at the moment the speaker is talking. This contrasts with the realis moods. Every language has grammatical ways of expressing unreality. Linguists tend to reserve the term "irrealis" for particular morphological markers or clause types. Many languages with irrealis mood make further subdivisions between kinds of irrealis moods. This is especially so among Algonquian languages such as Blackfoot. The subjunctive mood, sometimes called conjunctive mood, has several uses in dependent clauses. Examples include discussing hypothetical or unlikely events, expressing opinions or emotions, or making polite requests . A subjunctive mood exists in English, but it often is not obligatory. Example: "I suggested that Paul eat an apple", Paul is not in fact eating an apple. Contrast this with the sentence "Paul eats an apple", where the verb "to eat" is in the present tense, indicative mood. Another way, especially in British English, of expressing this might be "I suggested that Paul should eat an apple", derived from "Paul should eat an apple." Other uses of the subjunctive in English, as in "And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass..." , have become archaic or formal. Statements such as "I shall ensure that he leave immediately" often are formal, and often have been supplanted by constructions with the indicative, such as "I'll make sure he leaves immediately". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> list of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubünden <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubünden <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> list of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubünden <p> is a list of <o> class A Swiss cultural property of national significance <s> list of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubünden <p> part of <o> Swiss Inventory of Cultural Property of National and Regional Significance <s> list of cultural property of national significance in Switzerland: Graubünden <p> category related to list <o> Category:Cultural property of national significance in Graubünden <s> Moesa <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Moesa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Switzerland <s> Moesa <p> instance of <o> river <s> Moesa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Moesa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ticino <s> Moesa <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Ticino <s> Moesa <p> instance of <o> watercourse <s> Moesa <p> tributary <o> Ri de Fontanalba <s> Moesa <p> tributary <o> Calancasca <s> Moesa <p> lake on watercourse <o> Lago d'Isola <s> Moesa <p> drainage basin <o> Po basin <s> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <p> instance of <o> reference work <s> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <p> instance of <o> written work <s> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Merian Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <s> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <p> illustrator <o> Matthäus Merian <s> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <p> part of <o> Topographia Germaniae <s> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <p> author <o> Martin Zeiler <s> South Tyrol <p> country <o> Italy <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mühlbach <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rodeneck <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Burgstall <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prad am Stilfserjoch <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ratschings <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schluderns <s> South Tyrol <p> legislative body <o> Landtag of South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> part of <o> Trentino-South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prettau <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Proveis <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Riffian <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ritten <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tramin an der Weinstraße <s> South Tyrol <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> South Tyrol <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schnals <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schlanders <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ulten <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olang <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde-St. Felix <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jenesien <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Innichen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Martin de Tor <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Terlan <s> South Tyrol <p> official language <o> German <s> South Tyrol <p> open data portal <o> South Tyrol open data <s> South Tyrol <p> economy of topic <o> economy of South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Zwickauer Hütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Weißkugelhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Edelrauthütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Chemnitzer Hütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> South Tyrol Arena <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Birnlückenhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Zufallhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Becherhaus <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Berglhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Kasseler Hütte <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tirol <s> South Tyrol <p> official language <o> Italian <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vadena <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Feldthurns <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stilfs <s> South Tyrol <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pfitsch <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taufers im Münstertal <s> South Tyrol <p> office held by head of government <o> President of South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> South Tyrol <p> topic's main category <o> Category:South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gsies <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schenna <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Cristina Gherdëina <s> South Tyrol <p> language used <o> Ladin <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Müllerhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Payerhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Stettiner Hütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Schwarzensteinhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Schlüterhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Lenkjöchlhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Flaggerschartenhütte <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> St. Lorenzen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> St. Leonhard in Passeier <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> St. Martin in Passeier <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> St. Pankraz <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laives <s> South Tyrol <p> official language <o> Ladin <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mühlwald <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tisens <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Trentino <s> South Tyrol <p> topic's main template <o> Template:South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Terenten <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sëlva <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Lienz District <s> South Tyrol <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> named after <o> south <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Eppan an der Weinstraße <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Urtijëi <s> South Tyrol <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> capital <o> Bolzano <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bolzano <s> South Tyrol <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Andrian <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aldein <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Niederdorf <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vahrn <s> South Tyrol <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Trentino-South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiers <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Truden im Naturpark <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sarntal <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Merano <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brixen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villanders <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hafling <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Altrei <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Province of Belluno <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bruneck <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sexten <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Zell am See District <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rasen-Antholz <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vöran <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barbian <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Province of Sondrio <s> South Tyrol <p> executive body <o> Government of South Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salorno sulla Strada del Vino <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lana <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Algund <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lajen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Natz-Schabs <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Percha <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montan an der Weinstraße <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative 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entity <o> Völs am Schlern <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pfalzen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laas <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bronzolo <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Martell <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mölten <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lüsen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laurein <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Welschnofen <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Schwaz District <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Partschins <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gais <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gargazon <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the 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the administrative territorial entity <o> Kiens <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Val <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Glurns <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Badia <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Auer <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Deutschnofen <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Latsch <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Plaus <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Waidbruck <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kastelbell-Tschars <s> South Tyrol <p> named after <o> County of Tyrol <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Imst District <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Landeck District <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marling <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mareo <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Klausen <s> South Tyrol <p> head of government <o> Arno Kompatscher <s> South Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Innsbruck-Land District <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kurtinig an der Weinstraße <s> South Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corvara <s> Province of Sondrio <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Sondrio <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Sondrio <p> capital <o> Sondrio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montagna in Valtellina <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sondrio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> South Tyrol <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Madesimo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bema <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> Trentino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albaredo per San Marco <s> Province of Sondrio <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Sondrio <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tresivio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre di Santa Maria <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sernio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Talamona <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grosotto <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponte in Valtellina <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lanzada <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aprica <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piateda <s> Province of Sondrio <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Sondrio <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cosio Valtellino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Postalesio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pedesina <s> Province of Sondrio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Sondrio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giacomo Filippo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campodolcino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Delebio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Buglio in Monte <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Val Masino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caiolo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verceia <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mello <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piuro <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Andalo Valtellino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mazzo di Valtellina <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gordona <s> Province of Sondrio <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Sondrio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> Province of Brescia <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albosaggia <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ardenno <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rasura <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mese <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa di Tirano <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rogolo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Civo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valfurva <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Traona <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chiuro <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morbegno <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berbenno di Valtellina <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa di Chiavenna <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piantedo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colorina <s> Province of Sondrio <p> award received <o> Medal of Military Valour <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dazio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Novate Mezzola <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sondalo <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lecco <s> Province of Sondrio <p> shares border with <o> Province of Como <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castello dell'Acqua <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valdidentro <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tirano <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castione Andevenno <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chiesa in Valmalenco <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valdisotto <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chiavenna <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gerola Alta <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mantello <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caspoggio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Teglio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vervio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tovo di Sant'Agata <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lovero <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prata Camportaccio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggiridenti <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tartano <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cedrasco <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bianzone <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Faedo Valtellino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Livigno <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bormio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grosio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> head of government <o> Massimo Sertori <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Forcola <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dubino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Samolaco <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fusine <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cercino <s> Province of Sondrio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spriana <s> Province of Sondrio <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Sondrio <s> Province of Sondrio <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Sondrio <s> Livo <p> capital <o> Livo <s> Livo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Livo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Livo <p> country <o> Italy <s> Livo <p> patron saint <o> St. James the Elder, Apostle <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Gordona <s> Livo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Como <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Samolaco <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Vercana <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Peglio <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Domaso <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Cama <s> Livo <p> shares border with <o> Dosso del Liro <s> Livo <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Livo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Livo (Lombardy) <s> Livo <p> seismic classification <o> 4 <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> country <o> Italy <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Colico <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Como <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Stazzona <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Dongo <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> San Nazzaro Val Cavargna <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Garzeno <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Peglio <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Bellinzona <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> San Vittore <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Roveredo <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Domaso <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> shares border with <o> Dosso del Liro <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> seismic classification <o> 4 <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gravedona ed Uniti <s> Gravedona ed Uniti <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Gravedona ed Uniti <s> Piz Bernina <p> parent peak <o> Mont Blanc <s> Piz Bernina <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Piz Bernina <p> key col <o> Maloja Pass <s> Piz Bernina <p> mountain range <o> Bernina Range <s> Piz Bernina <p> instance of <o> mountain <s> Piz Bernina <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Piz Bernina <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Piz Bernina <p> made from material <o> diorite <s> Portal:Canton of Grisons <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Grisons <s> Portal:Canton of Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Canton of Grisons <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Canton of Grisons portal <s> list of mountains of Graubünden <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of mountains of Graubünden <p> is a list of <o> mountain <s> list of mountains of Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article </Graph>
<Text> : This list contains all cultural property of national significance in the canton of Graubunden from the 2009 'Swiss Inventory of Cultural Property of National and Regional Significance. It is sorted by municipality and contains 174 individual buildings, 16 collections and 38 archaeological finds. The names are given in either German, Italian or Romansh according to the majority language of the municipality. Some names were translated for clarity. It rises in Val Vignun near the San Bernardino Pass and descends, along with the A13 motorway, through the Val Mesolcina towards Roveredo, where it receives the rivers Calancasca and Traversagna. Near Arbedo-Castione the Moesa flows into the Ticino. South Tyrol is an autonomous province in northern Italy. An English translation of the official German and Italian names could be the autonomous province Bolzano - South Tyrol, reflecting the multilingualism and different naming conventions in the area. Together with the autonomous province of Trento, South Tyrol forms the autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol. The province is the northernmost of Italy, the second largest with an area of 7,400 square kilometres , and has a total population of about 534,000 inhabitants as of 2021. Its capital and largest city is Bolzano . The province is granted a considerable level of self-government, consisting of a large range of exclusive legislative and executive powers and a fiscal regime that allows it to retain 90% of revenue, while remaining a net contributor to the national budget. As of 2016, South Tyrol is the wealthiest province in Italy and among the wealthiest in the European Union. In the wider context of the European Union, the province is one of the three members of the Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino Euroregion, which corresponds almost exactly to the historical region of Tyrol. The other members are the Austrian federal state Tyrol to the north and east, and the Italian autonomous province of Trento to the south. According to the 2011 census, 62.3% of the population used German as their first language ; 23.4% of the population spoke Italian, mainly in and around the two largest cities ; 4.1% spoke Ladin, a Rhaeto-Romance language; 10.2% of the population spoke another native language in addition to Italian and German. Of 116 South Tyrolean municipalities, 103 have a German-speaking, eight a Ladin-speaking, and five an Italian-speaking majority. The Italianization of South Tyrol and the settlement of Italians from the rest of Italy after 1918 significantly modified local demographics. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it came under the control of the Lombards and was first ruled by feudal lords from the local area. During the Middle Ages it belonged to the Kingdom of Italy. In the 14th century it fell under the rule of the Duchy of Milan due to the House of Visconti and House of Sforza. Sondrio and Valtellina were strategically important in the politics of Europe, especially in the sixteenth and 17th century religious wars, due to their connections to Europe by Sondrio's Spluga Pass and valleys. Upon the collapse of the Duchy of Milan, rule over Sondrio was exercised by the Swiss Canton of Graubunden. In the Valtellina War, Valtellina was invaded in 1622 by the Spanish Governor of Milan as the valleys had been used to transport troops around Europe; the Spanish efforts were assisted by a 1620 religious revolt in Valtellina against the Swiss. The Peace of Westphalia secured peace in the region and granted the region to the Canton of Graubunden. In 1797, the Republic of Valtellina was formed but was quickly conquered by the French to become a component of the Cisalpine Republic client state. The Congress of Vienna Sondrio and Valtellina as a province of the Austrian Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. As most of Lombardy region was absorbed into Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860, Sondrio and Valtellina were also absorbed into Sardinia. The Province of Sondrio is a mostly mountainous, sparsely populated area in the north of Lombardy. It borders on the Swiss Canton of Graubunden to the north, the provinces of Como and Lecco to the west, the Province of Bergamo to the south and the Provinces of Brescia, Trento and Bolzano to the east. The Rhaetian Alps are the highest mountains in Lombardy. The valleys mostly run from north to south, the main ones being the Valtellina and Valchiavenna. One of the main towns is Livigno , which is a tourist centre in the summer and a ski resort in the winter. There are 78 communes in the province and Sondrio is the biggest town and the administrative centre. The Stelvio National Park is located in the north-eastern end of the province. The economy is based on construction, logging, quarrying, tourism and light industry. Workers from Switzerland commute to work in Sondrio, and other workers cross the border from Italy to join the Swiss workforce. Throughout the province grapes have traditionally been grown, each district having its own local variety and producing its own local wine. It has been necessary for farmers to engineer terraces on the steep slopes, building dry stone retaining walls and moving earth to make the best use of terrain that is unsuitable for general agricultural purposes. The traditions of viticulture are embedded in the culture of the countryside. Gravedona ed Uniti is a comune in the province of Como in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 80 kilometres north of Milan and about 40 kilometres northeast of Como. The municipality of Gravedona ed Uniti contains the frazioni of Negrana, San Carlo, Segna, Trevisa, Traversa and, following an act of fusion passed by Lombardy Region, the annexed former municipalities of Consiglio di Rumo and Germasino, included on 16 May 2011. Before 2011, comune was known simply as Gravedona. The town of Gravedona has a small harbour and overlooks Lake Como and the eastern shoreline. On 31 December 2004, it had a population of 2,669 and an area of 6.2 square kilometres . After the enlargement of 2011, the municipality rose to an area of 40.8 square kilometres and a population of 4,222 inhabitants. Gravedona ... is situated at the mouth of a gorge. The handsome Palazzo del Pero with four towers, at the upper end, was built in 1586 by Pellegrino Tibaldi for the Milanese Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio. Adjoining the venerable church of San Vincenzo rises the 12th century Romanesque Baptistery of Santa Maria del Tiglio, with campanile, containing two Christian inscriptions of the 5th century.Piz Bernina is the highest mountain in the Eastern Alps, the highest point of the Bernina Range, and the highest peak in the Rhaetian Alps. It rises 4,048.6 m and is located south of Pontresina and near the major Alpine resort of St. Moritz, in the Engadin valley. It is also the most easterly mountain higher than 4,000 m in the Alps, the highest point of the Swiss canton of Graubunden, and the fifth-most prominent peak in the Alps. Although the summit lies within Switzerland, the massif is on the border with Italy. The "shoulder" ) known as La Spedla is the highest point in the Italian Lombardy region. The mountain was named after the Bernina Pass in 1850 by Johann Coaz, who also made the first ascent. The prefix Piz comes from the Romansch language in Graubunden; any mountain with that name can be readily identified as being located in southeastern Switzerland. Piz Bernina is one of the few isolated Alpine four-thousanders and the most topographically isolated mountain of Switzerland. It is the culminating point of a group of summits slightly lower than 4,000 m mostly lying on the main watershed between Switzerland and Italy . The only other summit higher than 4,000 m is La Spedla , a minor prominence south of the mountain, which is also the highest point on the Italian side of the massif. Piz Bernina separates two glacial valleys, the Tschierva Glacier on the west and the Morteratsch Glacier on the east. The waters flowing on both side of the mountain end up in the Inn River running northeast through Engadin. South of Piz Bernina the watershed separates the drainage basins of the Danube and the Po River . The summit of Piz Bernina is the culminating point of the Danube drainage basin. Politically, it is split between the municipalities of Samedan and Pontresina. This is a list of mountains of the Swiss canton of Graubunden. Graubunden is a very mountainous canton and lies entirely within the Alps. It is also one of the three cantons having summits over 4,000 metres. Topographically, the most important summit of the canton is that of Piz Bernina . Outside the Bernina Range, the Todi is both the highest and most prominent summit of the canton. This list only includes significant summits with a topographic prominence of at least 150 metres . There are over 430 such summits in Graubunden and they are found in all its 11 districts. All mountain heights and prominences on the list are from the largest-scale maps available. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> border city <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Border towns <s> border city <p> part of <o> port of entry <s> border city <p> subclass of <o> city or town <s> Municipio I <p> replaces <o> Municipio I <s> Municipio I <p> country <o> Italy <s> Municipio I <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Municipio I <s> Municipio I <p> replaces <o> Municipio XVII <s> Municipio I <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Municipio I <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio II <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio VIII <s> Municipio I <p> instance of <o> municipio of Rome <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio XII <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio XIV <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio VII <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio XV <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio V <s> Municipio I <p> shares border with <o> Municipio XIII <s> Municipio I <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Roma Capitale <s> Municipio I <p> part of <o> historic centre of Rome <s> Municipio I <p> has part(s) <o> Centro Storico <s> Aniene <p> instance of <o> river <s> Aniene <p> country <o> Italy <s> Aniene <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Monti Simbruini <s> Aniene <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Aniene <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Aniene <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Aniene <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Aniene <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Aniene <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Tiber <s> Aniene <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Subiaco <s> Aniene <p> named after <o> Anius <s> Rome City Council <p> country <o> Italy <s> Rome City Council <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Rome <s> Rome City Council <p> has part(s) <o> Councillor in the City of Rome <s> Rome City Council <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Rome City Council <p> headquarters location <o> Palazzo Senatorio <s> tourist destination <p> studied in <o> tourism <s> tourist destination <p> subclass of <o> point of interest <s> tourist destination <p> said to be the same as <o> tourist attraction <s> tourist destination <p> subclass of <o> geographic region <s> tourist destination <p> instance of <o> economic concept <s> tourist destination <p> subclass of <o> physical location <s> tourist destination <p> different from <o> Destinations <s> big city <p> subclass of <o> city <s> big city <p> different from <o> city <s> big city <p> instance of <o> classification of human settlements <s> big city <p> next lower rank <o> city with tens of thousands of inhabitants <s> big city <p> next higher rank <o> million city <s> big city <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Big cities <s> big city <p> has characteristic <o> minimum population <s> Remus <p> father <o> Mars <s> Remus <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Remus <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Remus <p> different from <o> Uncle Remus <s> Remus <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Remus <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Remus <p> place of birth <o> Alba Longa <s> Remus <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Remus <p> manner of death <o> homicide <s> Remus <p> place of burial <o> Aventine Hill <s> Remus <p> time period <o> Roman Kingdom <s> Remus <p> sibling <o> Romulus <s> Remus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Remus <p> instance of <o> legendary figure <s> Remus <p> from narrative universe <o> Roman mythology <s> Remus <p> child <o> Senius <s> Remus <p> child <o> Aschius <s> Remus <p> mother <o> Rhea Silvia <s> Remus <p> killed by <o> Romulus <s> Remus <p> part of <o> Romulus and Remus <s> 3 <p> country <o> Italy <s> 3 <p> instance of <o> seismic classification <s> Open Data Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> Open Data Florence <p> instance of <o> open data portal <s> Open Data Florence <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Open Data Florence <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> Open Data Florence <p> main subject <o> Florence <s> economy of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> economy of Florence <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Florence <s> economy of Florence <p> location <o> Florence </Graph>
<Text> :A border town is a town or city close to the boundary between two countries, states, or regions. Usually the term implies that the nearness to the border is one of the things the place is most famous for. With close proximities to a different country, diverse cultural traditions can have certain influence to the place. Border towns can have highly cosmopolitan communities, a feature they share with port cities, as traveling and trading often go through the town. They can also be flashpoints for international conflicts, especially when the two countries have territorial disputes. It was first created by Rome's city council on 19 January 2001 and has a president who is elected during the mayoral elections. On 11 March 2013 its borders were modified and it was expanded with the incorporation of part of the abolished Municipio XVII. Since then all the rioni of Rome, which are the city's historic districts, form part of Municipio I together with the localities Delle Vittorie and Eroi. Since 2013 the territory includes all 22 rioni: R.I Monti, R.II Trevi, R.III Colonna, R.IV Campo Marzio, R.V Ponte, R.VI Parione, R.VII Regola, R.VIII Sant'Eustachio, R.IX Pigna, R.X Campitelli, R.XI Sant'Angelo, R.XII Ripa, R.XIII Trastevere, R.XIV Borgo, R.XV Esquilino, R.XVI Ludovisi, R.XVII Sallustiano, R.XVIII Castro Pretorio, R.XIX Celio, R.XX Testaccio, R.XXI San Saba and R.XXII Prati. The president of the municipio is directly elected by citizens. The Council of the municipio is elected every five years, with a system under which voters express a direct choice for the President or an indirect choice voting for the party of the candidate's coalition. If no candidate receives at least 50% of votes, the top two candidates go to a second round after two weeks. This gives a result whereby the winning candidate may be able to claim majority support. The area of the municipality occupies the central districts of the town, including the whole historic district enclosed by the Aurelian Walls and the Janiculum walls and crossed by the Tiber, which makes part of UNESCO's List of World Heritage Sites. The quarters built over the river in the late 19th century and the beginning of 20th century between Vatican Hill and Monte Mario are also within its borders. The Aniene , formerly known as the Teverone, is a 99-kilometer river in Lazio, Italy. It originates in the Apennines at Trevi nel Lazio and flows westward past Subiaco, Vicovaro, and Tivoli to join the Tiber in northern Rome. It formed the principal valley east of ancient Rome and became an important water source as the city's population expanded. The falls at Tivoli were noted for their beauty. Historic bridges across the river include the Ponte Nomentano, Ponte Mammolo, Ponte Salario, and Ponte di San Francesco, all of which were originally fortified with towers. It was known to the Romans as Anio; this is of unknown etymology, but Francisco Villar Liebana has suggested a root *an- that is found in many river names, such as the Ana and Anisus . Plutarch derived the name from a mythical Etruscan king Anius who drowned in the river. The confluence of the Aniene and Tiber was controlled by Antemnae, a Latin settlement on a hill just to its south. Rome's foundation myths numbered them among the Sabines seized by Romulus but that his wife Hersilia convinced him to make its people Roman citizens after their defeat and annexation around 752 BC. In antiquity, three principal aqueducts of Rome--the Aqua Anio Vetus, Aqua Anio Novus and Aqua Claudia--had their sources in the Aniene valley. Together with the Aqua Marcia, they were regarded as the "four great aqueducts of Rome." The Aqua Anio Vetus was constructed around 270 BC. The Aqua Anio Novus was begun under Caligula around AD 38 and completed under Claudius in 48. A third aqueduct, the Aqua Marcia, was constructed by Q. Marcius Rex between 144 and 140 BC using the proceeds from the destructions of Corinth and Carthage in 146 BC. A tourist attraction is a place of interest that tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement. Places of natural beauty such as beaches, tropical island resorts, national parks, mountains, deserts and forests, are examples of traditional tourist attractions which people may visit. Cultural tourist attractions can include historical places, sites of significant historic event, monuments, ancient temples, zoos, aquaria, museums and art galleries, botanical gardens, buildings and structures , theme parks and carnivals, living history museums, public art , ethnic enclave communities, historic trains and cultural events. Factory tours, industrial heritage, creative art and crafts workshops are the object of cultural niches like industrial tourism and creative tourism. Many tourist attractions are also landmarks. But sports events such as a soccer game, Formula 1 race or sailing regatta can also attract tourists. Tourists' expectations when visiting a particular place are related to several features of the chosen destination: culture, architecture, gastronomy, infrastructure, landscape, events, shopping, etc. These features attract people to the destination and contribute to the overall experience of the trip. The ultimate primary purpose of attractions is to attract the customer's attention so that they can come to a specific location and explore the various attractions on vacation. In the travel and tourism industry, attractions therefore play a particularly important role as this attracts tourists from all over the world. Tourist attractions are also created to capitalize on legends such as a supposed UFO crash site near Roswell, New Mexico and the alleged Loch Ness monster sightings in Scotland. Ethnic communities may become tourist attractions, such as Chinatowns in the United States and the black British neighborhood of Brixton in London, England. Tourists also look for special local culinary experiences such as street kitchens in Asian metropolises or the coffeehouse culture in Central Europe. In particular, cultural property and the individual places of the UNESCO World Heritage Site have developed into tourist attractions. If too many tourists frequent individual places, this can lead to environmental pollution and resistance from the local population, such as in Barcelona or Venice. With regard to this whole subject, there are already lists of destinations that are not recommended to tourists. In Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus are twin brothers whose story tells of the events that led to the founding of the city of Rome and the Roman Kingdom by Romulus, following his fratricide of Remus. The image of a she-wolf suckling the twins in their infancy has been a symbol of the city of Rome and the ancient Romans since at least the 3rd century BC. Although the tale takes place before the founding of Rome around 750 BC, the earliest known written account of the myth is from the late 3rd century BC. Possible historical bases for the story, and interpretations of its local variants, are subjects of ongoing debate. Romulus and Remus were born in Alba Longa, one of the many ancient Latin cities near the future site of Rome. Their mother, Rhea Silvia, was a vestal virgin and the daughter of the former king, Numitor, who had been displaced by his brother Amulius. In some sources, Rhea Silvia conceived them when their father, the god Mars, visited her in a sacred grove dedicated to him. Seeing them as a possible threat to his rule, King Amulius ordered them to be killed and they were abandoned on the bank of the river Tiber to die. They were saved by the god Tiberinus, Father of the River, and survived with the care of others, at the site of what would eventually become Rome. In the most well-known episode, the twins were suckled by a she-wolf, in a cave now known as the Lupercal. Eventually, they were adopted by Faustulus, a shepherd. They grew up tending flocks, unaware of their true identities. Over time, they became natural leaders and attracted a company of supporters from the community. When they were young adults, they became involved in a dispute between supporters of Numitor and Amulius. As a result, Remus was taken prisoner and brought to Alba Longa. Both his grandfather and the king suspected his true identity. Romulus, meanwhile, had organized an effort to free his brother and set out with help for the city. During this time they learned of their past and joined forces with their grandfather to restore him to the throne. Amulius was killed and Numitor was reinstated as king of Alba. The twins set out to build a city of their own. 3 is a number, numeral and digit. It is the natural number following 2 and preceding 4, and is the smallest odd prime number and the only prime preceding a square number. It has religious or cultural significance in many societies. The use of three lines to denote the number 3 occurred in many writing systems, including some that are still in use. That was also the original representation of 3 in the Brahmic numerical notation, its earliest forms aligned vertically. However, during the Gupta Empire the sign was modified by the addition of a curve on each line. The Nagari script rotated the lines clockwise, so they appeared horizontally, and ended each line with a short downward stroke on the right. In cursive script, the three strokes were eventually connected to form a glyph resembling a <3> with an additional stroke at the bottom: 3. The Indian digits spread to the Caliphate in the 9th century. The bottom stroke was dropped around the 10th century in the western parts of the Caliphate, such as the Maghreb and Al-Andalus, when a distinct variant of the digit symbols developed, including modern Western 3. In contrast, the Eastern Arabs retained and enlarged that stroke, rotating the digit once more to yield the modern Arabic digit "3". In most modern Western typefaces, the digit 3, like the other decimal digits, has the height of a capital letter, and sits on the baseline. In typefaces with text figures, on the other hand, the glyph usually has the height of a lowercase letter "x" and a descender: "". In some French text-figure typefaces, though, it has an ascender instead of a descender. Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany. It is also the most populated city in Tuscany, with 360,930 inhabitants in 2023, and 984,991 in its metropolitan area. Florence was a centre of medieval European trade and finance and one of the wealthiest cities of that era. It is considered by many academics to have been the birthplace of the Renaissance, becoming a major artistic, cultural, commercial, political, economic and financial center. During this time, Florence rose to a position of enormous influence in Italy, Europe, and beyond. Its turbulent political history includes periods of rule by the powerful Medici family and numerous religious and republican revolutions. From 1865 to 1871 the city served as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The Florentine dialect forms the base of standard Italian and it became the language of culture throughout Italy due to the prestige of the masterpieces by Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Niccolo Machiavelli and Francesco Guicciardini. The city attracts millions of tourists each year, and UNESCO declared the Historic Centre of Florence a World Heritage Site in 1982. The city is noted for its culture, Renaissance art and architecture and monuments. The city also contains numerous museums and art galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Palazzo Pitti, and still exerts an influence in the fields of art, culture and politics. Due to Florence's artistic and architectural heritage, Forbes ranked it as one of the most beautiful cities in the world in 2010. Florence plays an important role in Italian fashion, and is ranked in the top 15 fashion capitals of the world by Global Language Monitor; furthermore, it is a major national economic centre, as well as a tourist and industrial hub. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> list of museums in the Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of museums in the Grisons <p> is a list of <o> museum <s> list of museums in the Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of museums in the Grisons <p> category related to list <o> Category:Museums in Graubünden <s> list of protected areas in the Canton of Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of protected areas in the Canton of Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of protected areas in the Canton of Grisons <p> is a list of <o> protected area <s> list of lakes in the Canton of Grisons <p> is a list of <o> lake <s> list of lakes in the Canton of Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of lakes in the Canton of Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of railway stations in the Canton of Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of railway stations in the Canton of Grisons <p> is a list of <o> railway station <s> list of railway stations in the Canton of Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of observation towers in the Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of observation towers in the Grisons <p> is a list of <o> tower <s> list of observation towers in the Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of members of the Federal Assembly from the Canton of Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of members of the Federal Assembly from the Canton of Grisons <p> is a list of <o> human <s> list of members of the Federal Assembly from the Canton of Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Vorarlberg <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Austria <s> Vorarlberg <p> open data portal <o> Open data portal Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> country <o> Austria <s> Vorarlberg <p> shares border with <o> Liechtenstein <s> Vorarlberg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Vorarlberg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Vorarlberg <p> shares border with <o> Baden-Württemberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> highest point <o> Piz Buin <s> Vorarlberg <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Vorarlberg <p> capital <o> Bregenz <s> Vorarlberg <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Vorarlberg <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. Volume 5 <s> Vorarlberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Feldkirch District <s> Vorarlberg <p> language used <o> Walser German <s> Vorarlberg <p> visitor center <o> Tourism in Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> language used <o> Alemannic <s> Vorarlberg <p> shares border with <o> Bavaria <s> Vorarlberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dornbirn District <s> Vorarlberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bludenz District <s> Vorarlberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bregenz District <s> Vorarlberg <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> part of <o> Cisleithania <s> Vorarlberg <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> language used <o> Swiss German <s> Vorarlberg <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> Vorarlberg <p> legislative body <o> Landtag of Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> instance of <o> federal state of Austria <s> Vorarlberg <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Vorarlberg <p> member of <o> International Lake Constance conference <s> Vorarlberg <p> shares border with <o> canton St. Gallen <s> Vorarlberg <p> flag <o> flags of Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> coat of arms <o> State coats of arms of Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Vorarlberg <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Vorarlberg <s> Vorarlberg <p> shares border with <o> Tyrol <s> Vorarlberg <p> anthem <o> ’s Ländle, meine Heimat <s> Vorarlberg <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Vorarlberg <s> Dosso del Liro <p> country <o> Italy <s> Dosso del Liro <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Dosso del Liro <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Gravedona ed Uniti <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Livo <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Peglio <s> Dosso del Liro <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Como <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Cama <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Roveredo <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> Dosso del Liro <p> shares border with <o> Grono <s> Dosso del Liro <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Dosso del Liro <p> capital <o> Dosso del Liro <s> Dosso del Liro <p> seismic classification <o> 4 <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> member of <o> International Union of Railways <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> legal form <o> Aktiengesellschaft <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> director / manager <o> Stefan Engler <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owned by <o> Grisons <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owned by <o> Switzerland <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Arosa railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Albula Tunnel <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Sagliains railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Chur Altstadt railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Ospizio Bernina railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Cavaglia railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Ilanz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Igis railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Jenaz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Klosters Dorf railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> location of formation <o> Chur <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Langwieser Viaduct <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Albula Railway <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> St. Moritz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> headquarters location <o> Chur <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> track gauge <o> 1000 mm track gauge <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> does not have part <o> rack railway <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> does not have part <o> zig zag <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Castielertobel Viaduct <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Landquart–Davos Platz railway line <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Alp Grüm railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Chur West railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Brusio spiral viaduct <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rhaetian Railway ABe 4/4 I <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Scuol-Tarasp railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Bernina railway line <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> instance of <o> railway network <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> instance of <o> train operating company <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> industry <o> rail transport <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> founded by <o> Willem Jan Holsboer <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Cinuos-chel-Brail railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Castrisch railway station <s> 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owner of <o> Sumvitg-Cumpadials railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Tavanasa-Breil/Brigels railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Thusis railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Susch railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Tiefencastel railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Davos Wiesen railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Spinas railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Trin railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Waltensburg/Vuorz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> replaces <o> Lanquart-Davos AG <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> replaces <o> Bernina-Bahngesellschaft <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> La Punt Chamues-ch railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Madulain railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Lavin railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Privilasco railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Landquart Ried railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Le Prese railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Morteratsch railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Li Curt railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Küblis railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Malans railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Pontresina railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Preda railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Punt Muragl Staz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Reichenau-Tamins railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> S-chanf railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Samedan railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Saas railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rabius-Surrein railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rueun railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Punt Muragl railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rhäzüns railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Sassal railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Schiers railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rodels-Realta railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Rothenbrunnen railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Langwies GR railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Lüen-Castiel railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Peist railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Poschiavo railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Miralago railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Zernez railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Litzirüti railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Versam-Safien railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Zizers railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Zuoz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> St. Peter-Molinis railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Surovas railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> instance of <o> adhesion railway <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> instance of <o> railway infrastructure manager <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Filisur railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Klosters Platz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rhaetian Railway <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Disentis/Mustér railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Felsberg railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Davos Wolfgang railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Ftan Baraigla railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Haldenstein railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Domat/Ems railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Davos Platz railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Davos Monstein railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Grüsch railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Guarda railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Alvaneu railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Carolina station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> S-chanf Marathon station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Furna railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Fideris railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Seewis-Pardisla railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Surava railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Ems Werk railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> owner of <o> Klosters Selfranga railway station <s> Rhaetian Railway <p> Wikimedia route diagram template <o> Template:RhB route map <s> Albula Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Albula Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Albula Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Albula Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albula/Alvra <s> Albula Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schmitten <s> Albula Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Surses <s> Albula Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lantsch/Lenz <s> Albula Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaz/Obervaz <s> Albula Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bergün Filisur </Graph>
<Text> :Vorarlberg is the westernmost state of Austria. It has the second-smallest geographical area after Vienna and, although it also has the second-smallest population, it is the state with the second-highest population density . It borders three countries: Germany , Switzerland , and Liechtenstein. The only Austrian state that shares a border with Vorarlberg is Tyrol, to the east. The capital of Vorarlberg is Bregenz , although Dornbirn and Feldkirch have larger populations. Vorarlberg is also the only state in Austria in which the local dialect is not Austro-Bavarian, but rather an Alemannic dialect; it therefore has much more in common culturally with Alemannic-speaking German-speaking Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavarian Swabia, and Alsace than with the rest of Austria, southeastern Bavaria, and South Tyrol. Vorarlberg literally means 'before the Arl mountain'. The name Arl or Arlberg can be traced back to 1218 in various spellings and is derived from the numerous Arlen bushes there, the so-called mountain pines. Its nickname is Landle . The frame of reference for this was the much larger and more populous County of Tyrol, from which the small district west of the Arlberg tried to detach itself. In 1861, Vorarlberg was finally raised to a crown land with its own state parliament. On the way to the detachment from Tyrol, the identification with the 'Landle' remained of great importance. Dosso del Liro is a comune in the Province of Como in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 80 kilometres north of Milan and about 40 kilometres northeast of Como, on the border with Switzerland. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 297 and an area of 23.2 km2. The Rhaetian Railway , abbreviated RhB, is a Swiss transport company that owns the largest network of all private railway operators in Switzerland. Headquartered in Chur, the RhB operates all the railway lines of the Swiss canton of Grisons, except for the line from Sargans to the cantonal capital, Chur, which are operated by Swiss Federal Railways , as well as the line from Disentis/Muster to the Oberalp Pass and further on to Andermatt, Uri, which is operated by Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn . Inaugurated in 1888 and expanded from 1896 onwards in various sections, the RhB network is located almost entirely within Grisons, with one station across the Italian border at Tirano. The Rhaetian Railway serves a number of major tourist destinations, such as St. Moritz and Davos. One of the RhB lines, the Bernina Railway, crosses the Bernina Pass at 2,254 metres above sea level and runs down to Tirano, Lombardy in Italy. In 2008, the RhB section from the Albula/Bernina area was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Albula-Bernina line is the first rail line in the world to be photographed and put on Google Street View. The line also operates several historic trains on the network. The establishment of the Rhaetian Railway traces back to Dutch Willem Jan Holsboer , who owned a hotel in Davos. He proposed a railway line from Landquart to Davos in 1888. Holsboer founded the Landquart-Davos AG to begin construction of a standard-gauge line, but the mountainous terrain lacked sufficient space. On 29 June 1888, a ground-breaking ceremony took place for a narrow-gauge railway instead. By 1890, the railway line served Davos. Albula Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It has an area of 683.51 square kilometers and a population of 8,175 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Viamala Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Viamala Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Viamala Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Category:Views of the canton of Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> Grisons <s> Category:Views of the canton of Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of the canton of Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> instance of <o> Canton authorities <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Grisons <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> instance of <o> cantonal legislatures of Switzerland <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Grand Council of Grisons <s> Grand Council of Grisons <p> headquarters location <o> Grand Council Building <s> Category:Grisons <p> category's main topic <o> Grisons <s> Category:Grisons <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Plessur Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Plessur Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Plessur Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Bernina Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Bernina Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Bernina Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Surselva Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Surselva Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Surselva Region <p> different from <o> Surselva <s> Surselva Region <p> different from <o> Surselva <s> Surselva Region <p> different from <o> Surselva District <s> Surselva Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Landquart Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Landquart Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Landquart Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Moesa Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Moesa Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Moesa Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Moesa Region <p> described by source <o> Historical Dictionary of Switzerland </Graph>
<Text> :Viamala Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It had an area of 627.58 square kilometers and a population of 13,908 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. The Grand Council of Grisons is the unicameral legislature of the Swiss canton of Grisons. It meets in the cantonal capital Chur's Grand Council Building , being composed of 120 members, elected for 4 years. Engiadina Bassa/Val Mustair Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It had an area of 1,196.55 square kilometers and a population of 9,163 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. The Plessur Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It had an area of 285.30 square kilometers and a population of 42,822 . It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. Bernina Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It had an area of 237.31 square kilometers and a population of 4,561 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. Surselva Region has an area of 1,373.56 square kilometers , with a population of 21,318 as of 31 December 2020.. Its area corresponds exactly to that of its predecessor, Surselva District, but all of its former subdistricts - Disentis, Ilanz, Lumnezia/Lugnez, Ruis and Safien - have politically ceased to exist. Surselva is the name of the valley of the Anterior Rhine in the local dialect of Romansh. The eponymous forest is that of the Flims rockslide; the region "below the forest" is Sutselva, where the Sutsilvan dialect used to be spoken. The Surselva encompasses the valley of the Vorderrhein/Rein Anteriur and all its side valleys, from the source near the Oberalp Pass all the way down towards Reichenau . The region ends before that confluence at the huge forest on the giant debris of Flims Rockslide that is responsible for the name of the region: The debris area lack of water and soil and were ever left as a big forest as it was useless for farming. This forest is the border for Sur-silva . The Surselva is one of the few areas in Switzerland that is mainly Romansh-speaking . The most important community in the Surselva is Disentis/Muster, with its Benedictine monastery, which dates back to 720. There are a few German-speaking communities in the Surselva, e.g. Obersaxen and Vals, which were founded in the thirteenth century by the Walser. Landquart Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It had an area of 174.67 square kilometers and a population of 25,463 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. The Moesa Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the Canton of the Grisons in Switzerland. It had an area of 473.74 square kilometers and a population of 8,770 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. The region borders with the Viamala Region to the north, with Italy to the east and with the Canton of Ticino to the west. The Moesa region has about 8500 inhabitants, mostly Italian-speaking, and is part of Italian-speaking Graubunden and Italian-speaking Switzerland. It is linked economically to the Canton of Ticino; linguistically, however, a Lombard Alpine dialect is spoken that is heavily influenced by Germanic terms. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chur <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> instance of <o> cultural institution <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> instance of <o> cantonal archive <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> instance of <o> memory institution <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> member of <o> coordination center for the permanent archiving of electronic records <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> member of <o> Memoriav <s> Staatsarchiv Graubünden <p> heritage designation <o> class A Swiss cultural property of national significance <s> Chur <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Chur <s> Chur <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Chur <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Chur <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Chur <p> capital of <o> Grisons <s> Chur <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhine <s> Chur <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Chur <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Chur <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Churwalden <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Haldenstein <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Maladers <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Felsberg <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Terracina <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Engstingen <s> Chur <p> capital of <o> Canton of Raetia <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bad Homburg vor der Höhe <s> Chur <p> replaces <o> Maladers <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cabourg <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Malix <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mayrhofen <s> Chur <p> described by source <o> Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Trimmis <s> Chur <p> shares border with <o> Domat/Ems <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Olathe <s> Chur <p> instance of <o> cantonal capital of Switzerland <s> Chur <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chur <s> Chur <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Chur <p> list of monuments <o> list of cultural properties in Chur <s> Chur <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Plessur Region <s> Chur <p> heritage designation <o> Swiss townscape worthy of protection <s> Chur <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Chur, Switzerland <s> Chur <p> has list <o> list of bishops of Chur <s> Chur <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Chur <s> Chur <p> related category <o> Category:Squares in Chur <s> Chur <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Chur, Switzerland <s> Chur <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Chur, Switzerland <s> Chur <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mondorf-les-Bains <s> Chur <p> capital of <o> Raetia Curiensis <s> Chur <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Plessur <s> Chur <p> instance of <o> municipality of Switzerland <s> Chur <p> instance of <o> city of Switzerland <s> Swiss High German <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Swiss High German <p> uses capitalization for <o> noun <s> Swiss High German <p> subclass of <o> German <s> Swiss High German <p> instance of <o> varieties of German <s> Swiss High German <p> instance of <o> language <s> Swiss High German <p> different from <o> Swiss German <s> Swiss High German <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Swiss Standard German <s> Swiss High German <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Swiss High German <p> instance of <o> written language <s> Maloja Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Maloja Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Maloja Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Imboden Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Imboden Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Imboden Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Prättigau/Davos Region <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Prättigau/Davos Region <p> instance of <o> region of Graubünden <s> Prättigau/Davos Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> Prättigau/Davos Region <p> topic's main category <o> Kategorie:Region Prättigau/Davos <s> Tyrol <p> country <o> Austria <s> Tyrol <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Austria <s> Tyrol <p> different from <o> Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> language used <o> German <s> Tyrol <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Tyrol (state) <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Bavaria <s> Tyrol <p> open data portal <o> Tirol open data portal <s> Tyrol <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Tyrol (state) <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Trentino-South Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Veneto <s> Tyrol <p> capital <o> Innsbruck <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Innsbruck <s> Tyrol <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Grisons <s> Tyrol <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tyrol, Austria <s> Tyrol <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Salzburg <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Carinthia <s> Tyrol <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lienz District <s> Tyrol <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> instance of <o> federal state of Austria <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Imst District <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Innsbruck-Land District <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Reutte district <s> Tyrol <p> owner of <o> Taxispalais (Innsbruck) <s> Tyrol <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tyrol (state) <s> Tyrol <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> shares border with <o> Vorarlberg <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schwaz District <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kitzbühel District <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kufstein District <s> Tyrol <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Landeck District <s> Tyrol <p> anthem <o> Zu Mantua in Banden <s> Tyrol <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tyrol (state) <s> Tyrol <p> named after <o> County of Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Tyrol <p> legislative body <o> Landtag of Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> has part(s) <o> East Tyrol <s> Tyrol <p> has part(s) <o> North Tyrol <s> Category:Births in the canton of Graubünden <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in the canton of Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> Grisons <s> Category:Births in the canton of Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in the canton of Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Graubünden <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> Grisons <s> Category:Deaths in Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:People from Graubünden <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> Grisons <s> Category:People from Graubünden <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place </Graph>
<Text> :Chur or ; Italian: Coira ; Sursilvan: Cuera i; Vallader: Cuoira i; Puter and Rumantsch Grischun: Cuira i; Surmiran: Coira; Sutsilvan: Cuera or Cuira; French: Coire ) is the capital and largest town of the Swiss canton of the Grisons and lies in the Grisonian Rhine Valley, where the Rhine turns towards the north, in the northern part of the canton. The city, on the right bank of the Rhine, is reputedly the oldest town in Switzerland. The official language of Chur is German, but the main spoken language is the local variant of Alemannic, known as Grisonian German. Romansh and Italian are significantly spoken in the city as a result of the trilingual identity of the canton. Archaeological evidence of settlement at the site, in the Eastern Alps, goes back as far as the Pfyn culture , making Chur one of the oldest settlements in Switzerland. Remains and objects from the Bronze and Iron Ages have also been found in the eastern sector of the centre of the current city. These include Bronze Age Urnfield and Laugen-Melaun settlements from 1300 to 800 BC and Iron Age settlements from the 5th to 3rd centuries BC. The Roman Empire conquered the area that then came to be known as the Roman province of Raetia in 15 BC. Under emperor Diocletian , the existing settlement of Curia Raetorum was made the capital of the newly established province of Raetia prima. Swiss Standard German , or Swiss High German , referred to by the Swiss as Schriftdeutsch, or German: Hochdeutsch, is the written form of one of four official languages in Switzerland, besides French, Italian, and Romansh. It is a variety of Standard German, used in the German-speaking part of Switzerland and in Liechtenstein. It is mainly written, and rather less often spoken. Swiss Standard German differs from Swiss German, an umbrella term for the various Alemannic German dialects that are the default everyday languages in German-speaking Switzerland. Standard German is a pluricentric language. In contrast with other local varieties of Standard German, Swiss Standard German has distinctive features in all linguistic domains: not only in phonology, but also in vocabulary, syntax, morphology, and orthography. These characteristics of Swiss Standard German are called Helvetisms. Besides influences from Alemannic German, those characteristics include extensive use of loan words from Romance languages, especially French. Swiss Standard German is the official written language in German-speaking Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is used in books, all official publications , in newspapers, printed notices, most advertising, and other printed matter. Authors write literature mainly using Swiss Standard German; some dialect literature exists. SSG is similar in most respects to the Standard German in Germany and Austria; there are a few differences in spelling, most notably the replacing of the German ss with ss . For example: Maloja Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It has an area of 973.65 square kilometers and a population of 18,294 . It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. Imboden Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It has an area of 203.80 square kilometers and a population of 21,500 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton. Prattigau/Davos Region is one of the eleven administrative districts in the canton of Graubunden in Switzerland. It had an area of 973.65 square kilometers and a population of 26,089 .. It was created on 1 January 2017 as part of a reorganization of the Canton replacing the Prattigau/Davos District. Tyrol is a historical region in the Alps of Northern Italy and western Austria. The area was historically the core of the County of Tyrol, part of the Holy Roman Empire, Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary, from its formation in the 12th century until 1919. In 1919, following World War I and the dissolution of Austria-Hungary, it was divided into two modern administrative parts through the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye: According to Egon Kuhebacher , the name Tyrol derives from a root word meaning terrain ; first from the village of Tirol, and its castle; from which the County of Tyrol grew. Some sources suggest it derives from the Slavic language "ta rola" meaning "this land, farming terrain/farming ground." According to Karl Finsterwalder, the name Tyrol derives from Teriolis , a late-Roman fort and travellers' hostel in Zirl, Tyrol. There seems to be no scholarly consensus. Tyrol has an area of 26,673 km2. The region consists of the State of Tyrol, the Province of South Tyrol and the Province of Trento. In addition to the region belong the municipalities Cortina d'Ampezzo, Livinallongo del Col di Lana, Colle Santa Lucia and Pedemonte from the Region of Veneto and Valvestino and Magasa from the Region of Lombardy. The largest cities in Tyrol are Innsbruck, Trento and Bolzano. The whole region of Tyrol is located in the Alps. Tyrol is bordered to the north by the state of Bavaria and to the east by the states of Carinthia and Salzburg. West of Tyrol lies the state of Vorarlberg and the canton of Grisons. On the southern side of Tyrol, the land is bordered by the regions of Veneto and Lombardy. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Southeastern Switzerland <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Southeastern Switzerland <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Southeastern Switzerland <p> part of <o> Eastern Switzerland <s> list of cultural properties in Graubünden <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> list of cultural properties in Graubünden <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grisons <s> list of cultural properties in Graubünden <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of cultural properties in Graubünden <p> is a list of <o> cultural property <s> fraction <p> subclass of <o> mathematical notation <s> fraction <p> subclass of <o> rational number <s> fraction <p> described by source <o> Matemaatikaleksikon <s> fraction <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> fraction <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> fraction <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> fraction <p> different from <o> nominative case <s> fraction <p> has part(s) <o> numerator <s> fraction <p> has part(s) <o> denominator <s> fraction <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica First Edition <s> fraction <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> fraction <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> fraction <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Fraction <s> fraction <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fractions (mathematics) <s> case <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> case <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> case <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> case <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> case <p> Wikidata property <o> has grammatical case <s> case <p> subclass of <o> grammatical category <s> case <p> different from <o> case grammar <s> case <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> case <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> case <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> case <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Grammatical cases <s> subject <p> part of <o> sentence <s> subject <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> subject <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> subject <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný/Volume 1 <s> subject <p> different from <o> agent <s> subject <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> subject <p> subclass of <o> sentence constituent <s> direct case <p> instance of <o> case <s> direct case <p> said to be the same as <o> nominative case <s> direct case <p> opposite of <o> oblique case <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> language of work or name <o> French <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> language of work or name <o> Latin <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> instance of <o> manuscript <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> genre <o> bibliography <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> main subject <o> history of literature <s> Mare Magnum volume 82 <p> part of <o> Mare Magnum <s> language society (17th an 18th century) <p> subclass of <o> learned society <s> language society (17th an 18th century) <p> subclass of <o> language regulator <s> academy of sciences <p> has list <o> list of academies of science <s> academy of sciences <p> named after <o> Platonic Academy <s> academy of sciences <p> subclass of <o> academy <s> academy of sciences <p> subclass of <o> scientific society <s> academy of sciences <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Academies of sciences <s> academy of sciences <p> different from <o> Academy of sciences <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> has goal <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> members have occupation <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> headquarters location <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> field of work <s> learned society <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> learned society <p> subclass of <o> scientific organization <s> learned society <p> subclass of <o> membership organization <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> inception <s> learned society <p> properties for this type <o> dissolved, abolished or demolished date <s> learned society <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Learned societies <s> learned society <p> partially coincident with <o> scientific organization <s> learned society <p> different from <o> research institute <s> learned society <p> subclass of <o> voluntary association <s> learned society <p> subclass of <o> advocacy group <s> learned society <p> different from <o> scientific society <s> learned society <p> different from <o> professional society <s> learned society <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition </Graph>
<Text> :A fraction represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters. A common, vulgar, or simple fraction (examples: 1 2 {\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{2}}} and 17 3 {\displaystyle {\tfrac {17}{3}}} ) consists of an integer numerator, displayed above a line , and a non-zero integer denominator, displayed below that line. If these integers are positive, then the numerator represents a number of equal parts, and the denominator indicates how many of those parts make up a unit or a whole. For example, in the fraction 3/4, the numerator 3 indicates that the fraction represents 3 equal parts, and the denominator 4 indicates that 4 parts make up a whole. The picture to the right illustrates 3/4 of a cake. Other uses for fractions are to represent ratios and division. Thus the fraction 3/4 can also be used to represent the ratio 3:4 , and the division 3 / 4 . We can also write negative fractions, which represent the opposite of a positive fraction. For example, if 1/2 represents a half-dollar profit, then -1/2 represents a half-dollar loss. Because of the rules of division of signed numbers , -1/2, -1/2 and 1/-2 all represent the same fraction - negative one-half. And because a negative divided by a negative produces a positive, -1/-2 represents positive one-half. In mathematics the set of all numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not zero, is called the set of rational numbers and is represented by the symbol Q or Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } , which stands for quotient. A number is a rational number precisely when it can be written in that form . However, the word fraction can also be used to describe mathematical expressions that are not rational numbers. Examples of these usages include algebraic fractions , and expressions that contain irrational numbers, such as 2 2 {\textstyle {\frac {\sqrt {2}}{2}}} and p/4 . A direct case is a grammatical case used with all three core relations: both the agent and patient of transitive verbs and the argument of intransitive verbs, though not always at the same time. The direct case contrasts with other cases in the language, typically oblique or genitive. The direct case is often imprecisely called the "nominative" in South Asia and "absolutive" in the Philippines, but linguists typically reserve those terms for grammatical cases that have a narrower scope. A direct case is found in several Indo-Iranian languages, there it may contrast with an oblique case that marks some core relations, so the direct case does not cover all three roles in the same tense. For example, Dixon describes "proto-Pamir" as having, in the present tense, the direct case for S and A and the oblique case for O , and, in the past tense, the direct for S and O and the oblique for A . Because of this split , neither "nominative" nor "absolutive" is an adequate description of the direct case, just as neither "accusative" nor "ergative" is an adequate description of the oblique case. The Scottish Gaelic nominative case is also an example of a direct case, which evolved as the accusative became indistinguishable in both speech and writing from the nominative as a result of phonetic change. The situation in the Irish language is similar, though some pronouns retain a distinction - nominative tu, accusative thu) In languages of the Philippines, and in related languages with Austronesian alignment, the direct case is the case of the argument of an intransitive clause , and may be used for either argument of a transitive clause , depending on the voice of the verb. The other transitive argument will be in either the ergative or accusative case if different cases are used for those roles. In languages where a single case is used for the other argument, as in Tagalog, it is called the indirect case. This is analogous to the direct-oblique distinction in proto-Pamir, but with the split conditioned by voice rather than by tense. An academy of sciences is a type of learned society or academy dedicated to sciences that may or may not be state funded. Some state funded academies are tuned into national or royal as a form of honor. The other type of academies are Academy of Arts or combination of both . Academy of Letters is another related expression, encompassing literature. In non-English-speaking countries, the range of academic fields of the members of a national Academy of Science often includes scholarly disciplines which would not normally be classed as "science" in English. Many languages use a broad term for systematized learning which includes both natural sciences and social sciences and fields such as literary studies, linguistics, history, or art history. and, accordingly, derivatives of the verb 'know', such as German Wissenschaft, Swedish vetenskap, Hungarian tudomany, Estonian teadus or Finnish tiede.) Accordingly, for example the Austrian Academy of Sciences , the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , or the Estonian Academy of Sciences also cover the areas of social sciences and humanities. As the engineering sciences have become more varied and advanced, there is a recent trend in many advanced countries to organize the National Academy of Engineering , separate from the national academy of sciences. Academies of science play an important role in science diplomacy efforts. Academies are increasingly organized in regional or even international associations. The Interacademy Partnership for example is a global network consisting of over 140 national, regional and global member academies of science, engineering and medicine. Additionally, there are many regional associations such as ALLEA in Europe, NASAC as the Network of African Science Academies, IANAS in Latin America, and AASSA in Asia. A learned society is an organization that exists to promote an academic discipline, profession, or a group of related disciplines such as the arts and sciences. Membership may be open to all, may require possession of some qualification, or may be an honour conferred by election. Most learned societies are non-profit organizations, and many are professional associations. Their activities typically include holding regular conferences for the presentation and discussion of new research results, and publishing or sponsoring academic journals in their discipline. Some also act as professional bodies, regulating the activities of their members in the public interest or the collective interest of the membership. Some of the oldest learned societies are the Academie des Jeux floraux , Sodalitas Litterarum Vistulana , Accademia della Crusca , Accademia dei Lincei , Academie Francaise , German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , Royal Society and French Academy of Sciences . Scholars in the sociology of science argue that learned societies are of key importance and their formation assists in the emergence and development of new disciplines or professions. In the form of professional associations, they can assist in the creation of pathways to leadership. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> national academy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:National academies <s> national academy <p> subclass of <o> academy <s> national academy <p> subclass of <o> national symbol <s> academic archive <p> subclass of <o> archive <s> academic archive <p> subclass of <o> GLAM <s> academic archive <p> instance of <o> archive type <s> academic archive <p> said to be the same as <o> university archive <s> Category:Accademia della Crusca <p> category's main topic <o> Accademia della Crusca <s> Category:Accademia della Crusca <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Della Cruscans <p> members have occupation <o> poet <s> Della Cruscans <p> named after <o> Accademia della Crusca <s> Della Cruscans <p> instance of <o> writing circle <s> Della Cruscans <p> instance of <o> literary group <s> Della Cruscans <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Della Cruscans <p> different from <o> Accademia della Crusca <s> Della Cruscans <p> field of work <o> sentimental poetry <s> Della Cruscans <p> founded by <o> Robert Merry <s> imperfective <p> different from <o> past imperfect <s> imperfective <p> different from <o> non-perfective <s> imperfective <p> opposite of <o> perfective <s> imperfective <p> subclass of <o> grammatical aspect <s> Imperfect <p> genre <o> rock music <s> Imperfect <p> genre <o> pop music <s> Imperfect <p> instance of <o> single <s> Imperfect <p> different from <o> past imperfect <s> Imperfect <p> followed by <o> Ne bucurăm în ciuda lor <s> Imperfect <p> part of <o> ANTIEXEMPLU <s> Imperfect <p> performer <o> Carla's Dreams <s> stress-timed language <p> studied in <o> linguistics <s> stress-timed language <p> subclass of <o> language <s> stress-timed language <p> opposite of <o> syllabic language <s> stress-timed language <p> facet of <o> stress <s> stress-timed language <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Stress-timed languages <s> stress-timed language <p> different from <o> tonal language <s> stress-timed language <p> instance of <o> type of language <s> stress-timed language <p> part of <o> rhythmic typology <s> stress-timed language <p> has characteristic <o> stress-timed <s> rhythmic typology <p> subclass of <o> linguistic typology <s> rhythmic typology <p> uses <o> isochrony <s> Category:Syllabic language <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Syllabic language <p> category's main topic <o> syllabic language <s> syllable-timed <p> instance of <o> isochrony <s> syllable-timed <p> opposite of <o> stress-timed </Graph>
<Text> :A national academy is an organizational body, usually operating with state financial support and approval, that co-ordinates scholarly research activities and standards for academic disciplines, and serve as public policy advisors, research institutes, think tanks, and public administration consultants for governments or on issues of public importance, most frequently in the sciences but also in the humanities. Typically the country's learned societies in individual disciplines will liaise with or be coordinated by the national academy. National academies play an important organisational role in academic exchanges and collaborations between countries. The extent of official recognition of national academies varies between countries. In some cases they are explicitly or de facto an arm of government; in others, as in the United Kingdom, they are voluntary, non-profit bodies with which the government has agreed to negotiate, and which may receive government financial support while retaining substantial independence. In some countries, a single academy covers all disciplines. In others, there are several academies, which work together more or less closely; for example, France, where the Institut de France groups five self-governing Academies, or Australia. In many states, they are organized in academies of science. In the countries of the former Soviet Union, and in the People's Republic of China, the national academies have considerable power over policy and personnel in their areas. There is, however, a growing consensus among international federations of learned academies that bona fide national academies need to adhere to certain criteria: In 1863, President of the United States Abraham Lincoln incorporated the United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine . The affiliated organizations were granted congressional charters to operate under the National Academy of Sciences. In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson reincorporated the organization under the National Research Council to foster scientific research emphasizing American industries. Today NASEM is composed of three non-profit member organizations: the National Academy of Sciences , the National Academy of Engineering , and the National Academy of Medicine ). The U.S. national academies also serve as public policy advisors, research institutes, think tanks, and public administration consultants on issues of public importance or on request by the government. In the United Kingdom four national academies are the major learned societies of England: the Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society. In addition, there are the Learned Society of Wales in Wales and the Royal Society of Edinburgh in Scotland. The UK Young Academy is for young scientists. Robert Merry travelled to Florence where he edited two volumes, The Arno Miscellany and The Florence Miscellany , the latter of which could be said to have started the Della Cruscan phenomena. It was a collaboration between English and Italian poets and contained poems in English, Italian, and French. The name is taken from the Florentine Accademia della Crusca, an organization founded in 1583 to "purify" the Italian language. Bertie Greatheed's "The Dream" opens the collection with an indictment of the current deplorable state of poetry and calls for a return to a Miltonic style. The call to the past was made even more clear by the inclusion of translations of poems by Dante and Petrarch. Hester Thrale Piozzi's preface is more modest: "we wrote to divert ourselves, and to say kind things of each other; we collected them that our reciprocal expressions of kindness might not be lost, and we printed them because we had no reason to be ashamed of our mutual partiality." William Parsons, a travelling Briton, was also of the circle. Merry returned to the UK in 1787 and published "Adieu and Recall to Love" in The World under the name of "Della Crusca". He was answered by Hannah Cowley's "The Pen," published two weeks later under the name of "Anna Matilda," their literary flirtation played out in the pages of the journal, and the Della Cruscan phenomenon spread to England. The highly successful The Poetry of the World , a collection of the poetic dialogue between "Anna Matilda" and "Della Crusca," followed shortly and went through several editions. Other members of the English Della Cruscan circle were "Laura Maria" , "Benedict" , "Reuben" , Frederick Pilon, and others. Subject to criticism in their own time, notably William Gifford's savage verse satires The Baviad and The Maeviad , subsequent literary historians seem incapable of writing about the group without using terms like "excess," "nonsense," "affected," or "copious." The previous generation was even more unforgiving: "his epidemic" of Della Cruscanism "spread for a term from fool to fool." The school was indeed short-lived, and survived until recently as an emblem of exaggerated sensibility. Some contemporary critics, however, have reevaluated these poets and present a more forgiving view. According to David Hill Radcliffe, "While the Della Cruscan school enjoyed but brief reign, it had the effect of popularizing the highly literary romantic modes previously associated largely with university poets." Further, "While the Della Cruscans did not invent the newspaper conversation in verse, they exerted a potent influence over contributors to British and American periodicals that extended for decades." Silvia Bordoni writes, of charges that the poetry was artificial and overly-elaborate, "he mannerism of the Della Cruscan poetry, especially in its initial phase, however, is linked to seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century Italian poetry, which was promoted by the Accademia della Crusca as exemplary of the purity and variety of the Italian language, against the spreading of foreign terminologies and dialects." Finally, the school may not have been as inconsequential as was formerly thought: "while the Della Cruscan influence on British Romanticism is still largely unacknowledged, their poetry contributed to the forging of the Mediterranean poetics, the improvisatory style, the satirical-erotic vein and the politically liberal intent that were to prevail in British poetry during the first decades of the nineteenth century." The imperfective is a grammatical aspect used to describe ongoing, habitual, repeated, or similar semantic roles, whether that situation occurs in the past, present, or future. Although many languages have a general imperfective, others have distinct aspects for one or more of its various roles, such as progressive, habitual, and iterative aspects. The imperfective contrasts with the perfective aspect, which is used to describe actions viewed as a complete whole. English is an example of a language with no general imperfective. The English progressive is used to describe ongoing events, but can still be used in past tense, such as "The rain was beating down". Habitual situations do not have their own verb form , but the construction "used to" conveys past habitual action, as in I used to ski. Unlike in languages with a general imperfective, in English the simple past tense can be used for situations presented as ongoing, such as The rain beat down continuously through the night. A contrast between the progressive and imperfective is seen with stative verbs. In English, stative verbs, such as know, do not use the progressive , while in languages with an imperfective , stative verbs frequently appear in the imperfective. Verbs in Hindi-Urdu have their grammatical aspects overtly marked. Periphrastic Hindi-Urdu verb forms consist of two elements, the first of these two elements is the aspect marker and the second element is the common tense-mood marker. There are two independent imperfective aspects in Hindi-Urdu: Habitual Aspect, and Progressive Aspect. These two aspects are formed from their participle forms being used with the copula verb of Hindi which is honaa hona . However, the aspectual participles can also have the verbs rhnaa rehna , aanaa ana & jaanaa jana as their copula. The table below shows three verbs honaa hona , krnaa karna , and mrnaa marna in their aspectual infintive forms using different copulas. The imperfect is a verb form that combines past tense and imperfective aspect . It can have meanings similar to the English "was walking" or "used to walk". It contrasts with preterite forms, which refer to a single completed event in the past. Traditionally, the imperfect of languages such as Latin and French is referred to as one of the tenses, although it actually encodes aspectual information in addition to tense . It may be more precisely called past imperfective. English has no general imperfective and expresses it in different ways. The term "imperfect" in English refers to forms much more commonly called past progressive or past continuous . These are combinations of past tense with specifically continuous or progressive aspect. In German, Imperfekt formerly referred to the simply conjugated past tense , but the term Prateritum is now preferred, since the form does not carry any implication of imperfective aspect. For a continuous action , the past progressive form is used, as in "I was eating"; "They were running fast." However certain verbs that express state rather than action do not mark the progressive aspect ; in these cases the simple past tense is used instead: "He was hungry"; "We knew what to do next." The idea was first expressed thus by Kenneth L. Pike in 1945, though the concept of language naturally occurring in chronologically and rhythmically equal measures is found at least as early as 1775 . Soames attributed the idea to Curwen. This has implications for linguistic typology: D. Abercrombie claimed "As far as is known, every language in the world is spoken with one kind of rhythm or with the other ... French, Telugu and Yoruba ... are syllable-timed languages, ... English, Russian and Arabic ... are stress-timed languages." While many linguists find the idea of different rhythm types appealing, empirical studies have not been able to find acoustic correlates of the postulated types, calling into question the validity of these types. However, when viewed as a matter of degree, relative differences in the variability of syllable duration across languages have been found. In a syllable-timed language, every syllable is perceived as taking up roughly the same amount of time, though the absolute length of time depends on the prosody. Syllable-timed languages tend to give syllables approximately equal prominence and generally lack reduced vowels. French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Brazilian Portuguese, Icelandic, Singlish, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, Armenian, Turkish and Korean are commonly quoted as examples of syllable-timed languages. This type of rhythm was originally metaphorically referred to as "machine-gun rhythm" because each underlying rhythmical unit is of the same duration, similar to the transient bullet noise of a machine gun. Since the 1950s, speech scientists have tried to show the existence of equal syllable durations in the acoustic speech signal without success. More recent research claims that the duration of consonantal and vocalic intervals is responsible for syllable-timed perception. The idea was first expressed thus by Kenneth L. Pike in 1945, though the concept of language naturally occurring in chronologically and rhythmically equal measures is found at least as early as 1775 . Soames attributed the idea to Curwen. This has implications for linguistic typology: D. Abercrombie claimed "As far as is known, every language in the world is spoken with one kind of rhythm or with the other ... French, Telugu and Yoruba ... are syllable-timed languages, ... English, Russian and Arabic ... are stress-timed languages." While many linguists find the idea of different rhythm types appealing, empirical studies have not been able to find acoustic correlates of the postulated types, calling into question the validity of these types. However, when viewed as a matter of degree, relative differences in the variability of syllable duration across languages have been found. In a syllable-timed language, every syllable is perceived as taking up roughly the same amount of time, though the absolute length of time depends on the prosody. Syllable-timed languages tend to give syllables approximately equal prominence and generally lack reduced vowels. French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Brazilian Portuguese, Icelandic, Singlish, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, Armenian, Turkish and Korean are commonly quoted as examples of syllable-timed languages. This type of rhythm was originally metaphorically referred to as "machine-gun rhythm" because each underlying rhythmical unit is of the same duration, similar to the transient bullet noise of a machine gun. Since the 1950s, speech scientists have tried to show the existence of equal syllable durations in the acoustic speech signal without success. More recent research claims that the duration of consonantal and vocalic intervals is responsible for syllable-timed perception. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> UNESCO language status <p> Wikidata property <o> UNESCO language status <s> UNESCO language status <p> has part(s) <o> 1 safe <s> UNESCO language status <p> has part(s) <o> 3 definitely endangered <s> UNESCO language status <p> has part(s) <o> 2 vulnerable <s> UNESCO language status <p> subclass of <o> language status <s> UNESCO language status <p> has part(s) <o> 4 severely endangered <s> UNESCO language status <p> has part(s) <o> 5 critically endangered <s> UNESCO language status <p> has part(s) <o> 6 extinct <s> perfect participle <p> instance of <o> verb form <s> perfect participle <p> subclass of <o> aspectual participle <s> perfect participle <p> subclass of <o> perfective <s> perfect participle <p> described by source <o> Punjabi Bhasha: Sarot Te Saroop <s> perfect participle <p> different from <o> past participle <s> language group <p> different from <o> language group <s> language group <p> instance of <o> languoid class <s> language group <p> subclass of <o> collective entity <s> language group <p> subclass of <o> languoid <s> language group <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Language groups <s> language group <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox language family <s> Wikimedia portal <p> properties for this type <o> topic's main category <s> Wikimedia portal <p> properties for this type <o> instance of <s> Wikimedia portal <p> properties for this type <o> Wikimedia portal's main topic <s> Wikimedia portal <p> properties for this type <o> logo image <s> Wikimedia portal <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia project policies and guidelines <s> Wikimedia portal <p> Wikidata property <o> topic's main Wikimedia portal <s> Wikimedia portal <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Wikipedia portals <s> Wikimedia portal <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Portals <s> Wikimedia portal <p> subclass of <o> MediaWiki non-main namespace page <s> Wikimedia portal <p> location <o> Wikimedia portal namespace <s> Wikimedia portal <p> different from <o> Wikimedia portal namespace <s> Portal:Language <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> language <s> Portal:Language <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Languages portal <s> Portal:Language <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Language <p> has list <o> lists of languages <s> simple present <p> instance of <o> grammatical tense <s> simple present <p> subclass of <o> present tense <s> simple present <p> subclass of <o> simple tense <s> simple present <p> different from <o> present infinitive <s> Ethnologue language status <p> Wikidata property <o> Ethnologue language status <s> Ethnologue language status <p> authority <o> Ethnologue <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> country <o> United States of America <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> instance of <o> government agency <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> instance of <o> school district in the United States <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> authority <o> Mayor of the District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia Public Schools <p> topic's main category <o> Category:District of Columbia Public Schools <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> different from <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> named after <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> different from <o> Washington Metro <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> topic's main template <o> Template:DCMetroArea <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Virginia <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains settlement <o> Reston <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Washington metropolitan area <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> named after <o> Alexandria <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> named after <o> Arlington County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prince William County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Maryland <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arlington County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alexandria <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> West Virginia <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> instance of <o> capital region <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prince George's County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spotsylvania County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Manassas Park <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fairfax <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fauquier County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stafford County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rockville <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains settlement <o> Bethesda <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Warren County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rappahannock County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fairfax County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains settlement <o> North Bethesda <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Manassas <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Madison County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Mid-Atlantic <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaithersburg <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frederick <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Falls Church <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> part of <o> Washington–Baltimore combined statistical area <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Washington metropolitan area <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains settlement <o> McLean <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> instance of <o> metropolitan statistical area <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> Washington metropolitan division <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> Frederick–Gaithersburg–Bethesda metropolitan division <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montgomery County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jefferson County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fredericksburg <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clarke County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvert County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Loudoun County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Culpeper County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frederick County <s> Washington metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charles County <s> demographics of Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> demographics of Washington, D.C. <p> location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> demographics of Washington, D.C. <p> subclass of <o> demographics of the United States <s> demographics of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Washington, D.C. <p> location <o> District of Columbia <s> demographics of Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Demographics of Washington, D.C. </Graph>
<Text> :In linguistics, a participle is a nonfinite verb form that has some of the characteristics and functions of both verbs and adjectives. More narrowly, participle has been defined as "a word derived from a verb and used as an adjective, as in a laughing face". "Participle" is a traditional grammatical term from Greek and Latin that is widely used for corresponding verb forms in European languages and analogous forms in Sanskrit and Arabic grammar. In particular, Greek and Latin participles are inflected for gender, number and case, but also conjugated for tense and voice and can take prepositional and adverbial modifiers. Cross-linguistically, participles may have a range of functions apart from adjectival modification. In European and Indian languages, the past participle is used to form the passive voice. In English, participles are also associated with periphrastic verb forms and are widely used in adverbial clauses. In non-Indo-European languages, 'participle' has been applied to forms that are alternatively regarded as converbs , gerunds, gerundives, transgressives, and nominalised verbs in complement clauses. As a result, 'participles' have come to be associated with a broad variety of syntactic constructions. The word participle comes from classical Latin participium, from particeps 'sharing, participation', because it shares certain properties of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The Latin grammatical term is a calque of the Greek grammatical term metokhe : metoche, 'participation, participle'. A language family is a group of languages related through descent from a common ancestral language or parental language, called the proto-language of that family. The term "family" reflects the tree model of language origination in historical linguistics, which makes use of a metaphor comparing languages to people in a biological family tree, or in a subsequent modification, to species in a phylogenetic tree of evolutionary taxonomy. Linguists therefore describe the daughter languages within a language family as being genetically related. The divergence of a proto-language into daughter languages typically occurs through geographical separation, with different regional dialects of the proto-language spoken by different speech communities undergoing different language changes and thus becoming distinct languages from each other. The language families with the most speakers are the Indo-European family, which includes many widely spoken languages native to Europe and South Asia ; and the Sino-Tibetan family, mainly due to the many speakers of Mandarin Chinese in China. A language family may contain any number of languages: some families, such as the Austronesian and Niger-Congo families, contain hundreds of different languages, while some languages, termed isolates, are not known to be related to any other languages and therefore constitute a family consisting of only one language. Membership of languages in a language family is established by research in comparative linguistics. Genealogically related languages can be identified by their shared retentions; that is, they share systematic similarities that cannot be explained as due to chance, or to effects of language contact , and therefore must be features inherited from their shared common ancestor. However, some sets of languages may in fact be derived from a common ancestor but have diverged enough from each other that their relationship is no longer detectable; and some languages have not been studied in enough detail to be classified, and therefore their family membership is unknown. Estimates of the number of language families in the world may vary widely. According to Ethnologue there are 7,151 living human languages distributed in 142 different language families. Lyle Campbell identifies a total of 406 independent language families, including isolates. Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary. It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign languages. Human language is characterized by its cultural and historical diversity, with significant variations observed between cultures and across time. Human languages possess the properties of productivity and displacement, which enable the creation of an infinite number of sentences, and the ability to refer to objects, events, and ideas that are not immediately present in the discourse. The use of human language relies on social convention and is acquired through learning. Estimates of the number of human languages in the world vary between 5,000 and 7,000. Precise estimates depend on an arbitrary distinction established between languages and dialects. Natural languages are spoken, signed, or both; however, any language can be encoded into secondary media using auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli - for example, writing, whistling, signing, or braille. In other words, human language is modality-independent, but written or signed language is the way to inscribe or encode the natural human speech or gestures. Depending on philosophical perspectives regarding the definition of language and meaning, when used as a general concept, "language" may refer to the cognitive ability to learn and use systems of complex communication, or to describe the set of rules that makes up these systems, or the set of utterances that can be produced from those rules. All languages rely on the process of semiosis to relate signs to particular meanings. Oral, manual and tactile languages contain a phonological system that governs how symbols are used to form sequences known as words or morphemes, and a syntactic system that governs how words and morphemes are combined to form phrases and utterances. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Critical examinations of languages, such as philosophy of language, the relationships between language and thought, how words represent experience, etc., have been debated at least since Gorgias and Plato in ancient Greek civilization. Thinkers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau have argued that language originated from emotions, while others like Immanuel Kant have argued that languages originated from rational and logical thought. Twentieth century philosophers such as Ludwig Wittgenstein argued that philosophy is really the study of language itself. Major figures in contemporary linguistics of these times include Ferdinand de Saussure and Noam Chomsky. The simple present, present simple or present indefinite is one of the verb forms associated with the present tense in modern English. It is commonly referred to as a tense, although it also encodes certain information about aspect in addition to the present time. The simple present is the most commonly used verb form in English, accounting for more than half of verbs in spoken English. It is called "simple" because its basic form consists of a single word , in contrast with other present tense forms such as the present progressive and present perfect . For nearly all English verbs, the simple present is identical to the base form of the verb, except when the subject is third-person singular, in which case the ending -s is added. There are a few verbs with irregular forms, the most notable being the copula be, which has the simple present forms of am, is, and are. The basic form of the simple present is the same as the base form of the verb, unless the subject is third person singular, in which case a form with the addition of -s is used. For details of how to make this inflected form, see English verbs SS Third person singular present. The copula verb be has irregular forms: am , is , and are . The modal verbs have only a single form, with no addition of -s for the third person singular. The District of Columbia Public Schools is the local public school system for Washington, D.C. It is distinct from the District of Columbia Public Charter Schools , which governs public charter schools in the city. As of 2013, the District of Columbia Public Schools consisted of 111 of the 238 public elementary and secondary schools and learning centers in Washington, D.C. These schools span prekindergarten to twelfth grade. As of 2000, kindergarten students entered at 5 years old. School is compulsory for DCPS students between the ages of 5 and 18. DCPS schools typically start the last Monday in August. The school day generally lasts for about six hours. The ethnic breakdown of students enrolled in 2014 was 67% Black, 17% Hispanic , 12% non-Hispanic White, and 4% of other races. As of 2014, the District itself has a population that is 44% White , 49% Black and 10% Hispanic . Gentrification and demographic changes in many DC neighborhoods has increased the White and Hispanic populations in the city, while reducing the Black population. In 2008, DCPS was 84.4% Black, 9.4% Hispanic , 4.6% non-Hispanic White, and 1.6% of other races. As of the 2020-2021 school year, there were 49,896 students and 4,335.12 classroom teachers. As of 2020, the student-to-teacher ratio was 11.51, improved from 13.5 in 2006-07. Student enrollment had peaked at 72,850 students, with a staff totaling 12,000. This sudden DCPS enrollment drop resulted from the Public Education Reform Amendment Act of 2007, which separated District of Columbia Public Charter Schools from District of Columbia Public Schools. The Washington metropolitan area, also referred to as the DC area, Greater Washington, the National Capital Region, or locally as the DMV , is the metropolitan area centered around Washington, D.C., the federal capital of the United States. The metropolitan area includes all of Washington, D.C. and parts of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. It is part of the larger Washington-Baltimore combined statistical area, which is the third-largest combined statistical area in the country. The Washington metropolitan area is one of the most educated and affluent metropolitan areas in the U.S. The metro area anchors the southern end of the densely populated Northeast megalopolis with an estimated total population of 6,385,162 as of the 2020 U.S. Census, making it the sixth-largest metropolitan area in the nation, as well as the largest metropolitan area in the Census Bureau's South Atlantic division. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget defines the area as the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV metropolitan statistical area, a metropolitan statistical area used for statistical purposes by the United States Census Bureau and other agencies. The region's three largest cities are the federal city of Washington, D.C., the county of Arlington, and the independent city of Alexandria. The Office of Management and Budget also includes the metropolitan statistical area as part of the larger Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area, which has a population of 9,546,579 as of the 2014 Census Estimate. The Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia portions of the metropolitan area are sometimes referred to as the National Capital Region, particularly by federal agencies such as the military, Department of Homeland Security, and some local government agencies. The National Capital Region portion of the Washington metropolitan area is also colloquially known by the abbreviation "DMV", which stands for the "District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia." The region is surrounded by Interstate 495 with the locations inside of it referred to as Inside the Beltway. Washington, D.C., which is at the center of the area, is sometimes referred to as the District because of its status as a federal district, which makes it not part of any state. The Virginian portion of the region is known as Northern Virginia. The Maryland portion of the region is sometimes called the Maryland-National Capital Region by local authorities but rarely by the general public. The District of Columbia is a federal district with an ethnically diverse population. In 2020, the District had a population of 689,545 people, with a resident density of 11,515 people per square mile. The District of Columbia had relatively few residents until the Civil War. The presence of the U.S. federal government in Washington has been instrumental in the city's later growth and development. Its role as the capital leads people to forget that approximately one-third of the District of Columbia's population was born in the city. In 2011, the District of Columbia's black population slipped below 50 percent for the first time in over 50 years. The District was a majority-black district from the late 1950s through 2011. The District of Columbia has had a significant African-American population since the District's creation; several neighborhoods are noted for their contributions to black history and culture. Like numerous other border and northern cities in the first half of the 20th century, the District of Columbia received many black migrants from the South in the Great Migration. African Americans moved north for better education and job opportunities, as well as to escape legal segregation and lynchings. Government growth during World War II provided economic opportunities for African Americans, too. In the postwar era, the percentage of African Americans in the District steadily increased as its total population declined as a result of suburbanization, supported by federal highway construction, and white flight. The black population included a strong middle and upper class. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> UTC−04:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> UTC−04:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Atlantic Time Zone <s> UTC−04:00 <p> instance of <o> time zone named for a UTC offset <s> UTC−05:00 <p> follows <o> UTC−04:00 <s> UTC−05:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> UTC−05:00 <p> followed by <o> UTC−06:00 <s> UTC−05:00 <p> instance of <o> time zone named for a UTC offset <s> UTC−05:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Central Daylight Time <s> George Washington <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> George Washington <p> writing language <o> English <s> George Washington <p> residence <o> New York City <s> George Washington <p> residence <o> Philadelphia <s> George Washington <p> instance of <o> human <s> George Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> George Washington <p> candidacy in election <o> 1792 United States presidential election <s> George Washington <p> candidacy in election <o> 1788–89 United States presidential election <s> George Washington <p> country of citizenship <o> United States of America <s> George Washington <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> George Washington <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> George Washington <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> American Revolutionary War <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> The American Portrait Gallery <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> A New Nation Votes: American Electoral Returns, 1788-1825 <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> George Washington <p> owner of <o> William Lee <s> George Washington <p> mount <o> Nelson <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Butler Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Jane Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Mildred Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Charles Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> John Augustine Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Samuel Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Augustine Washington Jr. <s> George Washington <p> topic's main template <o> Template:George Washington <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> engineer <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> farmer <s> George Washington <p> military branch <o> Continental Army <s> George Washington <p> owner of <o> Mount Vernon <s> George Washington <p> owner of <o> Hamilton <s> George Washington <p> owner of <o> Blueskin <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> writer <s> George Washington <p> mount <o> Blueskin <s> George Washington <p> military rank <o> colonel <s> George Washington <p> has works in the collection <o> Royal Collections of the Netherlands <s> George Washington <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> George Washington <p> related category <o> Category:Works by George Washington <s> George Washington <p> related category <o> Category:Works about George Washington <s> George Washington <p> social classification <o> slave owner <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Lawrence Washington <s> George Washington <p> sibling <o> Betty Washington Lewis <s> George Washington <p> member of <o> American Philosophical Society <s> George Washington <p> member of <o> Freemasonry <s> George Washington <p> native language <o> English <s> George Washington <p> position held <o> President of the United States <s> George Washington <p> member of <o> American Academy of Arts and Sciences <s> George Washington <p> residence <o> Westmoreland County <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> French and Indian War <s> George Washington <p> part of <o> Founding Fathers of the United States <s> George Washington <p> artist files at <o> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <s> George Washington <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Battle of the Monongahela <s> George Washington <p> military branch <o> United States Army <s> George Washington <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Great Britain <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> politician <s> George Washington <p> family name <o> Washington <s> George Washington <p> depicted by <o> George Washington <s> George Washington <p> depicted by <o> George Washington <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> George Washington <p> position held <o> member of the Virginia House of Burgesses <s> George Washington <p> place of birth <o> Westmoreland County <s> George Washington <p> position held <o> chairperson <s> George Washington <p> medical condition <o> anthrax <s> George Washington <p> award received <o> Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences <s> George Washington <p> religion or worldview <o> Episcopal Church <s> George Washington <p> award received <o> Congressional Gold Medal <s> George Washington <p> place of death <o> Mount Vernon <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Northwest Indian War <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> New York and New Jersey Campaign <s> George Washington <p> father <o> Augustine Washington <s> George Washington <p> position held <o> Commanding General of the United States Army <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Boston campaign <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Battle of Jumonville Glen <s> George Washington <p> family <o> Washington family <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> cartographer <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> George Washington <p> medical condition <o> edentulism <s> George Washington <p> archives at <o> Louis Round Wilson Library <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> George Washington <p> member of <o> Société d'agriculture de Paris <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Library of the World's Best Literature <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> George Washington <p> member of political party <o> independent politician <s> George Washington <p> topic's main category <o> Category:George Washington <s> George Washington <p> place of burial <o> Washington's Tomb <s> George Washington <p> honorific prefix <o> President <s> George Washington <p> honorific prefix <o> General <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Yorktown campaign <s> George Washington <p> relative <o> Martha Parke Custis <s> George Washington <p> spouse <o> Martha Washington <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> geometer <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> army officer <s> George Washington <p> given name <o> George <s> George Washington <p> military rank <o> General of the Armies of the United States <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> George Washington <p> position held <o> President-elect of the United States <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> statesperson <s> George Washington <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> George Washington <p> occupation <o> revolutionary <s> George Washington <p> residence <o> Mount Vernon <s> George Washington <p> member of <o> Society of the Cincinnati <s> George Washington <p> mother <o> Mary Ball Washington <s> George Washington <p> cause of death <o> epiglottitis <s> George Washington <p> military rank <o> major general <s> George Washington <p> military rank <o> lieutenant general <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Battle of Fort Necessity <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Braddock Expedition <s> George Washington <p> relative <o> John Parke Custis <s> George Washington <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> George Washington <p> conflict <o> Philadelphia campaign <s> George Washington <p> relative <o> George Washington Parke Custis <s> George Washington <p> award received <o> Thanks of Congress <s> George Washington <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> George Washington <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of George Washington <s> curfew <p> has cause <o> natural disaster <s> curfew <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> curfew <p> has cause <o> civil disorder <s> curfew <p> different from <o> Couvre-feu <s> curfew <p> different from <o> Комендантский час <s> curfew <p> different from <o> lockdown <s> curfew <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> curfew <p> subclass of <o> social distancing <s> curfew <p> different from <o> Kijárási tilalom <s> curfew <p> different from <o> Yo me quedo en casa <s> curfew <p> different from <o> Curfew <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> owned by <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> sport <o> association football <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> sport <o> American football <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> sport <o> baseball <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> named after <o> Robert F. Kennedy <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> surface played on <o> lawn <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> dedicated to <o> Robert F. Kennedy <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> significant event <o> 1994 FIFA World Cup <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> instance of <o> stadium <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> instance of <o> defunct sports venue <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> occupant <o> Washington Commanders <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> occupant <o> D.C. United <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> owned by <o> Government of the District of Columbia <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> architect <o> George Dahl <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> operator <o> Events DC <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> location <o> Southeast <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> different from <o> John F. Kennedy Stadium <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> structural engineer <o> Osborn Engineering <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> occupant <o> Washington Senators <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> occupant <o> George Washington Colonials football <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <s> Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium <p> main building contractor <o> Thomas McCloskey <s> America/New_York <p> named after <o> New York City <s> America/New_York <p> instance of <o> IANA time zone <s> America/New_York <p> continent <o> Americas <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> main subject <o> United States Senate <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> main subject <o> United States Congress <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> part of <o> United States Constitution <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> main subject <o> United States House of Representatives <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> instance of <o> article of constitution <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Copyright Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Presentment Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Taxing and Spending Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Vesting Clauses <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Necessary and Proper Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Commerce Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Title of Nobility Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Contract Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> War Powers Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> has part(s) <o> Import-Export Clause <s> Article One of the United States Constitution <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Article One of the United States Constitution <s> Portal:Washington, D.C. <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Portal:Washington, D.C. <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> District of Columbia <s> Portal:Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Portal:Washington, D.C. <s> Portal:Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> part of <o> Belgium <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> country <o> Belgium <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> different from <o> City of Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Belgium <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> language used <o> English <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> different from <o> Brussels metropolitan area <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> official language <o> French <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> language used <o> Arabic <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> City of Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> language used <o> Walloon <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> instance of <o> city-state <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> instance of <o> region of Belgium <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> enclave within <o> Flemish Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> enclave within <o> Flemish Brabant <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> official language <o> Dutch <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ljubljana <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> shares border with <o> Flemish Brabant <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> shares border with <o> Flemish Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> capital <o> City of Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> instance of <o> enclave <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Auderghem - Oudergem <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> office held by head of government <o> Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> head of government <o> Rudi Vervoort <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> owner of <o> A3 motorway <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Anderlecht <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Schaerbeek <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> owner of <o> A4 motorway <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> owner of <o> Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> replaces <o> Brussels Agglomeration <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> capital of <o> European Economic Community <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Berchem-Sainte-Agathe - Sint-Agatha-Berchem <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Evere <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> different from <o> Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> list of monuments <o> list of protected immovable heritage in the Brussels Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Saint-Josse-ten-Noode <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Watermael-Boitsfort / Watermaal-Bosvoorde <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> capital of <o> Western European Union <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Brussels (region) <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Brussels-Capital <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Ganshoren <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> legislative body <o> Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Molenbeek <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Etterbeek <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> language used <o> Beulemans <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> flag <o> flag of the Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> named after <o> Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> member of <o> Assembly of European Regions <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> location <o> Brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> executive body <o> Government of the Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> foundational text <o> Special Act of 12 January 1989 relating to Brussels Institutions <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .brussels <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Brussels-Capital Region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> twinned administrative body <o> Akhisar <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Ixelles - Elsene <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Uccle - Ukkel <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> language used <o> Brusselian <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Brussels municipalities <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Forest <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> owner of <o> Château de Trois-Fontaines <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Woluwe-Saint-Lambert - Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> related category <o> Category:Brussels-related lists <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> part of <o> geographic region <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Saint-Gilles - Sint-Gillis <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Koekelberg <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Woluwe-Saint-Pierre - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> has part(s) <o> Jette <s> Brussels-Capital Region <p> official symbol <o> flower of Brussels <s> Alexandria <p> different from <o> Alexandria <s> Alexandria <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Alexandria <p> open data portal <o> City of Alexandria GIS Open Data hub <s> Alexandria <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Alexandria <p> shares border with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Alexandria <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Alexandria <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Alexandria, Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> Alexandria <p> different from <o> Alexandria <s> Alexandria <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Alexandria <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Alexandria <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Alexandria <p> part of <o> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <s> Alexandria <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Alexandria <p> different from <o> Alexandria County <s> Alexandria <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Alexandria, Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> instance of <o> city <s> Alexandria <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Alexandria, Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Alexandria <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Alexandria <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Alexandria, Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> official language <o> English <s> Alexandria <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Alexandria, Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> shares border with <o> Prince George's County <s> Alexandria <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Alexandria, Virginia <s> Alexandria <p> history of topic <o> history of Alexandria <s> Alexandria <p> shares border with <o> Arlington County <s> Alexandria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caen <s> Alexandria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gyumri <s> Alexandria <p> shares border with <o> Fairfax County <s> Alexandria <p> head of government <o> Justin Wilson <s> Alexandria <p> instance of <o> independent city <s> Alexandria <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Potomac River <s> Alexandria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dundee <s> Alexandria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Helsingborg Municipality </Graph>
<Text> :It is observed in the Eastern Time Zone during the warm months of daylight saving time, as Eastern Daylight Time. The Atlantic Time Zone observes it during standard time . Principal cities: New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Indianapolis, Orlando, Charlotte, Charleston, Wilmington, Key West, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, Iqaluit, Nassau, Havana, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, Cockburn Town, Providenciales Principal cities: Caracas, Manaus, Santo Domingo, La Paz, Georgetown, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, St. John's, Bridgetown, Roseau, Santo Domingo, Gustavia, St. George's, The Bottom, Oranjestad, Philipsburg, Lower Prince's Quarter, Basseterre, Castries, Kingstown, Port of Spain, San Fernando, The Valley, Road Town, Plymouth, Brades, Little Bay, San Juan, Charlotte Amalie, Oranjestad, Kralendijk, Willemstad, Pointe-a-Pitre, Les Abymes, Fort-de-France, Maracaibo, Blanc-Sablon, Harrington Harbour UTC-05:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of -05:00. In North America, it is observed in the Eastern Time Zone during standard time, and in the Central Time Zone during the other eight months . The western Caribbean uses it year round. Principal cities: New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Orlando, Charlotte, Charleston, Wilmington, Key West, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, Iqaluit, Nassau, Havana, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, Cockburn Town, Providenciales George Washington was an American Founding Father, military officer, and politician who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Appointed by the Second Continental Congress as commander of the Continental Army in 1775, Washington led Patriot forces to victory in the American Revolutionary War and then served as president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which drafted and ratified the Constitution of the United States and established the U.S. federal government. Washington has thus been known as the "Father of his Country". Washington's first public office, from 1749 to 1750, was as surveyor of Culpeper County in the Colony of Virginia. He subsequently received military training and was assigned command of the Virginia Regiment during the French and Indian War. He was later elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses and was named a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, which appointed him commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Washington led American forces to a decisive victory over the British in the Revolutionary War, leading the British to sign the Treaty of Paris, which acknowledged the sovereignty and independence of the United States. He resigned his commission in 1783 after the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. Washington played an indispensable role in adopting and ratifying the Constitution, which replaced the Articles of Confederation in 1789. He was then twice elected president by the Electoral College unanimously. As the first U.S. president, Washington implemented a strong, well-financed national government while remaining impartial in a fierce rivalry that emerged between cabinet members Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. During the French Revolution, he proclaimed a policy of neutrality while additionally sanctioning the Jay Treaty. He set enduring precedents for the office of president, including republicanism, a peaceful transfer of power, the use of the title "Mr. President", and the two-term tradition. His 1796 farewell address became a preeminent statement on republicanism in which he wrote about the importance of national unity and the dangers that regionalism, partisanship, and foreign influence pose to it. Washington's image is an icon of American culture. He has been memorialized by monuments, a federal holiday, various media depictions, geographical locations including the national capital, the State of Washington, stamps, and currency. In 1976, Washington was posthumously promoted to the rank of general of the Armies, the highest rank in the U.S. Army. Washington consistently ranks in both popular and scholarly polls as one of the greatest presidents in American history. A curfew is an order that imposes certain regulations during specified hours. Typically, curfews order all people affected by them to remain indoors during the evening and nighttime hours. Such an order is most often issued by public authorities, but may also be given by the owner of a house to those living in the household. For instance, children are often given curfews by their parents, and an au pair is traditionally given a curfew by which time he or she must return to his or her host family's home. Some jurisdictions have juvenile curfews which affect all persons under a certain age not accompanied by an adult or engaged in certain approved activities. Curfews have been used as a control measure in martial law, as well as for public safety in the event of a disaster, epidemic, or crisis. Various countries have implemented such measures throughout history, including during World War II and the Gulf War. The enforcement of curfews has been found to disproportionately affect marginalised groups, including those who are homeless or have limited access to transportation. During the COVID-19 pandemic, curfews were implemented in several countries, including France, Italy, Poland and Australia, as a measure to limit the spread of the virus. However, recent studies have reported negligible or no effect, and even a potential increase in virus transmission. The use and enforcement of curfews during the pandemic has been associated with human rights violations and mental health deterioration, further complicating their use as a control measure. Curfews may also impact road safety, as studies indicate a potential decrease in crashes during curfew hours but an increase in crashes before curfew due to rushing. Between the evening twilight and the grayness before dawn one can hardly make out the walls of the houses, for there is no lighting in the medieval city as we said. At evening curfew the women cover the coals in the hearth with ash to reduce the fire hazard. The houses are built with beams of oak and every one is a potential tinderbox waiting to blaze up, so at night the only flames left burning are the candles before the holy images. Why would the streets need to be lit anyway? In the evening the entrances to the dangerous neighborhoods are barred, chains are stretched across the river to prevent a surprise attack from barbarian raiders coming upstream, and the city gates are locked tight. The city is like one big household, with everything well secured. Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, commonly known as RFK Stadium and originally known as District of Columbia Stadium, is a defunct multi-purpose stadium in Washington, D.C. It is located about two miles due east of the U.S. Capitol building, near the west bank of the Anacostia River and next to the D.C. Armory. Opened in 1961, it was owned by the federal government until 1986. RFK Stadium was home to a National Football League team, two Major League Baseball teams, five professional soccer teams, two college football teams, a bowl game, and a USFL team. It hosted five NFC Championship games, two MLB All-Star Games, men's and women's World Cup matches, nine men's and women's first-round soccer games of the 1996 Olympics, three MLS Cup matches, two MLS All-Star games, and numerous American friendlies and World Cup qualifying matches. It hosted college football, college soccer, baseball exhibitions, boxing matches, a cycling race, an American Le Mans Series auto race, marathons, and dozens of major concerts and other events. RFK was one of the first major stadiums designed to host both baseball and football. Although other stadiums already served this purpose, such as Cleveland Stadium and Baltimore's Memorial Stadium , RFK was one of the first to employ what became known as the circular "cookie-cutter" design. It is owned and operated by Events DC , a quasi-public organization affiliated with the city government, under a lease that runs until 2038 from the National Park Service, which owns the land. On the second Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m. EST, clocks are advanced to 3:00 a.m. EDT leaving a one-hour gap. On the first Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m. EDT, clocks are moved back to 1:00 a.m. EST, which results in one hour being duplicated. Southern parts of the zone in Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and the Caribbean, however, do not observe daylight saving time. The boundaries of the Eastern Time Zone have moved westward since the Interstate Commerce Commission took over time-zone management from railroads in 1938. The easternmost and northernmost counties in Kentucky were added to the zone in the 1940s, and in 1961 most of the state went Eastern. In 2000, Wayne County, on the Tennessee border, switched from Central to Eastern Time. Within the United States, the Eastern Time Zone is the most populous region, with nearly half of the country's population. In March 2019, the Florida Legislature passed a bill requesting authorization from Congress for year-round daylight saving time, which would effectively put Florida on Atlantic Standard Time year-round . A similar bill was proposed for the Canadian province of Ontario by its legislative assembly in late 2020, which would have a similar effect on the province if passed. For those in the United States, daylight saving time for the Eastern Time Zone was introduced by the Uniform Time Act of 1966, which specified that daylight saving time would run from the last Sunday of April until the last Sunday in October. The act was amended to make the first Sunday in April the beginning of daylight saving time beginning in 1987. Article One of the Constitution of the United States establishes the legislative branch of the federal government, the United States Congress. Under Article One, Congress is a bicameral legislature consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate.: 73 Article One grants Congress various enumerated powers and the ability to pass laws "necessary and proper" to carry out those powers. Article One also establishes the procedures for passing a bill and places various limits on the powers of Congress and the states from abusing their powers. Article One's Vesting Clause grants all federal legislative power to Congress and establishes that Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. In combination with the vesting clauses of Article Two and Article Three, the Vesting Clause of Article One establishes the separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government. Section 2 of Article One addresses the House of Representatives, establishing that members of the House are elected every two years, with congressional seats apportioned to the states on the basis of population. Section 2 includes various rules for the House of Representatives, including a provision stating that individuals qualified to vote in elections for the largest chamber of their state's legislature have the right to vote in elections for the House of Representatives. Section 3 addresses the Senate, establishing that the Senate consists of two senators from each state, with each senator serving a six-year term. Section 3 originally required that the state legislatures elect the members of the Senate, but the Seventeenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, provides for the direct election of senators. Section 3 lays out various other rules for the Senate, including a provision that establishes the vice president of the United States as the president of the Senate. Section 4 of Article One grants the states the power to regulate the congressional election process but establishes that Congress can alter those regulations or make its own regulations. Section 4 also requires Congress to assemble at least once per year. Section 5 lays out various rules for both houses of Congress and grants the House of Representatives and the Senate the power to judge their own elections, determine the qualifications of their own members, and punish or expel their own members. Section 6 establishes the compensation, privileges, and restrictions of those holding congressional office. Section 7 lays out the procedures for passing a bill, requiring both houses of Congress to pass a bill for it to become law, subject to the veto power of the president of the United States. Under Section 7, the president can veto a bill, but Congress can override the president's veto with a two-thirds vote of both chambers. Section 8 lays out the powers of Congress. It includes several enumerated powers, including the power to lay and collect "taxes, duties, imposts, and excises" , "to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States", the power to regulate interstate and international commerce, the power to set naturalization laws, the power to coin and regulate money, the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States, the power to establish post offices and post roads, the power to establish federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court, the power to raise and support an army and a navy, the power to call forth the militia "to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions" and to provide for the militia's "organizing, arming, disciplining...and governing" and granting Congress the power to declare war.: 373 Section 8 also provides Congress the power to establish a federal district to serve as the national capital and gives Congress the exclusive power to administer that district. In addition to various enumerated powers, Section 8 grants Congress the power to make laws necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated powers and other powers vested in it. Section 9 places various limits on the power of Congress, banning bills of attainder and other practices. Section 10 places limits on the states, prohibiting them from entering into alliances with foreign powers, impairing contracts, taxing imports or exports above the minimum level necessary for inspection, keeping armies, or engaging in war without the consent of Congress. Brussels , officially the Brussels-Capital Region , is a region of Belgium comprising 19 municipalities, including the City of Brussels, which is the capital of Belgium. The Brussels-Capital Region is located in the central portion of the country and is a part of both the French Community of Belgium and the Flemish Community, but is separate from the Flemish Region and the Walloon Region, located less than 4 kilometres to the south. Historically Dutch-speaking, Brussels saw a language shift to French from the late 19th century. Nowadays, the Brussels-Capital Region is officially bilingual in French and Dutch, although French is the majority language and lingua franca. Brussels is also increasingly becoming multilingual. English is spoken widely and many migrants and expatriates speak other languages as well. Brussels grew from a small rural settlement on the river Senne to become an important city-region in Europe. Since the end of the Second World War, it has been a major centre for international politics and home to numerous international organisations, politicians, diplomats and civil servants. Brussels is the de facto capital of the European Union, as it hosts a number of principal EU institutions, including its administrative-legislative, executive-political, and legislative branches . Because of this, its name is sometimes used metonymically to describe the EU and its institutions. The secretariat of the Benelux and the headquarters of NATO are also located in Brussels. Brussels is the most densely populated region in Belgium, and although it has the highest GDP per capita, it has the lowest available income per household. The Brussels Region covers 162 km2 and has a population of over 1.2 million. Its five times larger metropolitan area comprises over 2.5 million people, which makes it the largest in Belgium. It is also part of a large conurbation extending towards the cities of Ghent, Antwerp, and Leuven, known as the Flemish Diamond, as well as the province of Walloon Brabant, in total home to over 5 million people. As the economic capital of Belgium and a top financial centre in Western Europe with Euronext Brussels, Brussels is classified as an Alpha global city. It is also a national and international hub for rail, road and air traffic, and is sometimes considered, together with Belgium, as Europe's geographic, economic and cultural crossroads. The Brussels Metro is the only rapid transit system in Belgium. In addition, both its airport and railway stations are the largest and busiest in the country. Brussels is known for its cuisine and gastronomic offer , as well as its historical and architectural landmarks; some of them are registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Principal attractions include its historic Grand-Place/Grote Markt , Manneken Pis, the Atomium, and cultural institutions such as La Monnaie/De Munt and the Museums of Art and History. Due to its long tradition of Belgian comics, Brussels is also hailed as a capital of the comic strip. Alexandria N-dree-@; Arabic: lskndry@; Greek: Alexandreia, Coptic: ti - Rakoti or ) is the second largest city in Egypt and the largest city on the Mediterranean coast. It lies at the western edge of the Nile River delta. Founded in c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great, Alexandria grew rapidly and became a major centre of Hellenic civilization, eventually replacing Memphis, in present-day Greater Cairo, as Egypt's capital. Called the "Bride of the Mediterranean" internationally, Alexandria is a popular tourist destination and an important industrial centre due to its natural gas and oil pipelines from Suez. The city extends about 40 km along the northern coast of Egypt and is the largest city on the Mediterranean, the second-largest in Egypt , the fourth-largest city in the Arab world, the ninth-largest city in Africa, and the ninth-largest urban area in Africa. The city was founded originally in the vicinity of an Egyptian settlement named Rhacotis . Alexandria grew rapidly, becoming a major centre of Hellenic civilisation and replacing Memphis as Egypt's capital during the reign of the Ptolemaic pharaohs who succeeded Alexander. It retained this status for almost a millennium, through the period of Roman and Eastern Roman rule until the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 641 AD, when a new capital was founded at Fustat . Alexandria was best known for the Lighthouse of Alexandria , one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; its Great Library, the largest in the ancient world; and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural centre of the ancient Mediterranean for much of the Hellenistic age and late antiquity. It was at one time the largest city in the ancient world before being eventually overtaken by Rome. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Washington <p> different from <o> George Washington <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> Washington <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Washington <p> named after <o> George Washington <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Washington <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−08:00 <s> Washington <p> different from <o> Washington <s> Washington <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Strait of Georgia <s> Washington <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−07:00 <s> Washington <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Columbia River <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Whulshootseed <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Lower Chehalis <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Twana <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Lower Chinook <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Snohomish <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Spokane language <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Upper Chinook <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Skagit <s> Washington <p> lowest point <o> Pacific Ocean <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Washington <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Yakama <s> Washington <p> part of <o> contiguous United States <s> Washington <p> location <o> Pacific Northwest <s> Washington <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Strait of Juan de Fuca <s> Washington <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Haro Strait <s> Washington <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> open data portal <o> Open data portal for the State of Washington <s> Washington <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> United States of America <s> Washington <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Washington <s> Washington <p> related category <o> Category:Washington (state)-related lists <s> Washington <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Washington <s> Washington <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> highest point <o> Mount Rainier <s> Washington <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Washington <s> Washington <p> capital <o> Olympia <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Hutterite German <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Lushootseed <s> Washington <p> language used <o> North Straits Salish <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Klallam <s> Washington <p> location <o> Pacific States Region <s> Washington <p> shares border with <o> Idaho <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kittitas County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mason County <s> Washington <p> highest judicial authority <o> Washington Supreme Court <s> Washington <p> located in time zone <o> America/Los_Angeles <s> Washington <p> foundational text <o> Constitution of Washington <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Skagit County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thurston County <s> Washington <p> shares border with <o> Oregon <s> Washington <p> continent <o> North America <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Salish–Spokane–Kalispel <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Molala <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Makah <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Nez Perce <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Columbia-Moses <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cowlitz County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clark County <s> Washington <p> has seal, badge, or sigil <o> Seal of the State of Washington <s> Washington <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pacific Ocean <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Franklin County <s> Washington <p> shares border with <o> British Columbia <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Ahtna <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Okanagan <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Upper Chehalis <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Cowlitz <s> Washington <p> history of topic <o> history of Washington <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Douglas County <s> Washington <p> executive body <o> Government of Washington <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Asotin County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clallam County <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Nooksack <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Quinault <s> Washington <p> language used <o> Quileute <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wahkiakum County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pacific County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> King County <s> Washington <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Washington <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Benton County <s> Washington <p> archives at <o> Washington State Digital Archives <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pierce County <s> Washington <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Washington <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adams County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Columbia County <s> Washington <p> replaces <o> Washington Territory <s> Washington <p> foundational text <o> Enabling Act of 1889 <s> Washington <p> official symbol <o> Washington state tartan <s> Washington <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Snohomish County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lincoln County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Juan County <s> Washington <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hyogo Prefecture <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Washington <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Whatcom County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yakima County <s> Washington <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jalisco <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kitsap County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Whitman County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grays Harbor County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Walla Walla County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jefferson County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lewis County <s> Washington <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of Washington <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Washington <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Washington <p> instance of <o> U.S. state <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grant County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Skamania County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pend Oreille County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spokane County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Island County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Garfield County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ferry County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chelan County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stevens County <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Okanogan County <s> Washington <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Klickitat County <s> Washington <p> flag <o> flag of Washington <s> Washington <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Washington <s> Washington <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Washington (state) <s> Washington <p> head of government <o> Jay Inslee <s> Washington <p> legislative body <o> Washington State Legislature <s> Mid-Atlantic <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Mid-Atlantic <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> United States of America <s> Mid-Atlantic <p> instance of <o> U.S. region <s> Mid-Atlantic <p> shares border with <o> New England <s> Mid-Atlantic <p> shares border with <o> Southern United States <s> Mid-Atlantic <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mid-Atlantic states <s> contiguous United States <p> country <o> United States of America <s> contiguous United States <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> United States of America <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Washington, D.C. <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Alabama <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> California <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Maine <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> New Hampshire <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Massachusetts <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Arizona <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Connecticut <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Florida <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Oregon <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Utah <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Michigan <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Illinois <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> North Dakota <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> South Dakota <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Montana <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Wyoming <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Idaho <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Washington <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Colorado <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Nevada <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Virginia <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> West Virginia <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Rhode Island <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> New York <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Maryland <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Delaware <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Ohio <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> New Jersey <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Pennsylvania <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Indiana <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Georgia <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Texas <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> North Carolina <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> South Carolina <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Mississippi <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> New Mexico <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Minnesota <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Wisconsin <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Tennessee <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Iowa <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Nebraska <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Kansas <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Missouri <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Louisiana <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Kentucky <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Arkansas <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Oklahoma <s> contiguous United States <p> has part(s) <o> Vermont <s> contiguous United States <p> located in time zone <o> Pacific Time Zone <s> contiguous United States <p> highest point <o> Mount Whitney <s> contiguous United States <p> instance of <o> mainland <s> contiguous United States <p> located in time zone <o> Mountain Time Zone <s> contiguous United States <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> contiguous United States <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> contiguous United States <p> instance of <o> territory <s> contiguous United States <p> instance of <o> human-geographic territorial entity <s> contiguous United States <p> instance of <o> geographic contiguity <s> contiguous United States <p> part of <o> continental United States <s> contiguous United States <p> different from <o> continental United States <s> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> District of Columbia <s> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Eastern Time Zone <p> country <o> Canada <s> Eastern Time Zone <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Eastern Time Zone <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Eastern Time Zone <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Eastern Time Zone <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Eastern Time Zone <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> wood thrush <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> wood thrush <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hylocichla mustelina <s> wood thrush <p> taxon rank <o> species <s> wood thrush <p> IUCN conservation status <o> Least Concern <s> wood thrush <p> parent taxon <o> Hylocichla <s> wood thrush <p> original combination <o> Turdus mustelinus <s> wood thrush <p> diel cycle <o> diurnality <s> District of Columbia <p> different from <o> Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> country <o> United States of America <s> District of Columbia <p> territory overlaps <o> Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> coextensive with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> official symbol <o> cherry <s> District of Columbia <p> continent <o> North America <s> District of Columbia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> open data portal <o> Open Data DC <s> District of Columbia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> foundational text <o> Article One of the United States Constitution <s> District of Columbia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> United States of America <s> District of Columbia <p> capital <o> Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> history of topic <o> history of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> official symbol <o> wood thrush <s> District of Columbia <p> official symbol <o> Quercus coccinea <s> District of Columbia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alexandria <s> District of Columbia <p> shares border with <o> Maryland <s> District of Columbia <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> District of Columbia <p> foundational text <o> Residence Act <s> District of Columbia <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of the District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> anthem <o> Our Nation's Capital <s> District of Columbia <p> anthem <o> Washington <s> District of Columbia <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> foundational text <o> District of Columbia Home Rule Act <s> District of Columbia <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> shares border with <o> Virginia <s> District of Columbia <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Washington, D.C., by place <s> District of Columbia <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> District of Columbia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Georgetown <s> District of Columbia <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> District of Columbia <p> named after <o> Christopher Columbus <s> District of Columbia <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of the District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> District of Columbia <p> highest judicial authority <o> District of Columbia Court of Appeals <s> District of Columbia <p> different from <o> districts of Colombia <s> District of Columbia <p> topic's main template <o> Template:District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> related category <o> Category:Washington, D.C.-related lists <s> District of Columbia <p> legislative body <o> Council of the District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> part of <o> South Atlantic states <s> District of Columbia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington County <s> District of Columbia <p> executive body <o> Government of the District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> located in time zone <o> America/New_York <s> District of Columbia <p> archives at <o> District of Columbia Archives <s> District of Columbia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> highest point <o> Point Reno <s> District of Columbia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Potomac River <s> District of Columbia <p> coat of arms <o> Seal of the District of Columbia <s> District of Columbia <p> instance of <o> federal district <s> District of Columbia <p> part of <o> contiguous United States <s> District of Columbia <p> flag <o> flag of Washington, D.C. <s> District of Columbia <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> DC Streetcar <p> country <o> United States of America <s> DC Streetcar <p> continent <o> North America <s> DC Streetcar <p> owned by <o> Washington, D.C. <s> DC Streetcar <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> DC Streetcar <p> track gauge <o> 1435 mm track gauge <s> DC Streetcar <p> instance of <o> tram system <s> DC Streetcar <p> train depot <o> DC Streetcar Car Barn Training Center <s> DC Streetcar <p> topic's main category <o> Category:DC Streetcar <s> DC Streetcar <p> operator <o> RATP Dev <s> DC Streetcar <p> has part(s) <o> H Street/Benning Road Line <s> DC Streetcar <p> type of electrification <o> 750 V DC railway electrification <s> DC Streetcar <p> parent organization <o> RATP Dev <s> DC Streetcar <p> KML file <o> Template:Attached KML/H Street/Benning Road Line <s> DC Streetcar <p> Wikimedia route diagram template <o> Template:DC Streetcar H/Benning <s> DC Streetcar <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Capitalsaurus <p> instance of <o> undescribed taxon <s> Capitalsaurus <p> temporal range end <o> Cretaceous <s> Capitalsaurus <p> temporal range start <o> Cretaceous <s> Capitalsaurus <p> award received <o> official U.S. state or territory dinosaur <s> Capitalsaurus <p> location of discovery <o> Capitalsaurus Court <s> Capitalsaurus <p> represents <o> specimen <s> Capitalsaurus <p> has characteristic <o> nomen nudum </Graph>
<Text> :The contiguous United States consists of the 48 adjoining U.S. states and the District of Columbia of the United States of America in central North America. The term excludes the only two non-contiguous states, which are Alaska and Hawaii , and all other offshore insular areas, such as the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The colloquial term "Lower 48" is also used, especially in relation to Alaska. The related but distinct term continental United States includes Alaska, which is also on North America, but separated from the 48 states by British Columbia in Canada, but excludes Hawaii and all the insular areas in the Caribbean and the Pacific. The greatest distance entirely within the contiguous U.S. is 2,802 miles , between Florida and the State of Washington; the greatest north-south line is 1,650 miles . The contiguous United States occupies an area of 3,119,884.69 square miles . Of this area, 2,959,064.44 square miles is actual land, composing 83.65 percent of the country's total land area, and is comparable in size to the area of Australia. Officially, 160,820.25 square miles of the contiguous United States is water area, composing 62.66 percent of the nation's total water area. The contiguous United States, if it were a country, would be fifth on the list of countries and dependencies by area. However, the total area of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, ranks third or fourth. In land area only, the country ranks fourth, behind Russia, Canada, and China, but ahead of Brazil and Australia. Brazil is 431,000 square kilometers larger than the contiguous United States, but smaller than the entire United States, while Russia, Canada, and China are the only countries larger than both. The 2020 U.S. census population of the area was 328,571,074, comprising 99.13 percent of the nation's total population, and a density of 111.04 inhabitants/sq mi , compared to 93.844/sq mi for the nation as a whole. On the second Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m. EST, clocks are advanced to 3:00 a.m. EDT leaving a one-hour gap. On the first Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m. EDT, clocks are moved back to 1:00 a.m. EST, which results in one hour being duplicated. Southern parts of the zone in Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and the Caribbean, however, do not observe daylight saving time. The boundaries of the Eastern Time Zone have moved westward since the Interstate Commerce Commission took over time-zone management from railroads in 1938. The easternmost and northernmost counties in Kentucky were added to the zone in the 1940s, and in 1961 most of the state went Eastern. In 2000, Wayne County, on the Tennessee border, switched from Central to Eastern Time. Within the United States, the Eastern Time Zone is the most populous region, with nearly half of the country's population. In March 2019, the Florida Legislature passed a bill requesting authorization from Congress for year-round daylight saving time, which would effectively put Florida on Atlantic Standard Time year-round . A similar bill was proposed for the Canadian province of Ontario by its legislative assembly in late 2020, which would have a similar effect on the province if passed. For those in the United States, daylight saving time for the Eastern Time Zone was introduced by the Uniform Time Act of 1966, which specified that daylight saving time would run from the last Sunday of April until the last Sunday in October. The act was amended to make the first Sunday in April the beginning of daylight saving time beginning in 1987. The wood thrush is a North American passerine bird in the family Turdidae and is the only species placed in the genus Hylocichla. It is closely related to other thrushes such as the American robin and is widely distributed across North America, wintering in Central America and southern Mexico. The wood thrush is the official bird of the District of Columbia. The wood thrush is a medium-sized thrush, with brown upper parts with mottled brown and white underparts. The male and female are similar in appearance. The song of the male is often cited as being the most beautiful in North America. The wood thrush is an omnivore, and feeds preferentially on soil invertebrates and larvae, but will also eat fruits. In the summer, it feeds on insects continuously in order to meet daily metabolic needs. It is solitary, but sometimes forms mixed-species flocks. The wood thrush defends a territory that ranges in size from 800 to 28,000 m2 . The wood thrush is monogamous, and its breeding season begins in the spring; about 50% of all mated pairs are able to raise two broods, ranging in size from two to four chicks. The wood thrush was formally described in 1789 by the German naturalist Johann Friedrich Gmelin in his revised and expanded edition of Carl Linnaeus's Systema Naturae. He placed it with the thrushes in the genus Turdus and coined the binomial name Turdus mustelinus. Gmelin based his account on the "Tawny thrush" that had been described in 1785 by the Welsh naturalist Thomas Pennant in his book Arctic Zoology. Pennant specified the locality as the province of New York. The wood thrush is now the only species placed in the genus Hylocichla that was introduced in 1864 by the American naturalist Spencer Baird. The species is monotypic: no subspecies are recognised. The generic name is a translation of its common name, derived from the Greek words hyle/ule "woodland" and cichle/kikhle "thrush" or "fieldfare". The specific name comes from the Latin mustela "weasel". Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly called Washington or D.C., is the capital city and sole federal district of the United States. The city is on the Potomac River, across from Virginia, and shares land borders with Maryland to its north and east. Washington, D.C., was named for George Washington, a Founding Father and first president of the United States. The district is named for Columbia, the female personification of the nation. Washington, D.C., anchors the southern end of the Northeast megalopolis, one of the nation's largest and most influential cultural, political, and economic regions. As the seat of the U.S. federal government and several international organizations, the city is an important world political capital. The city had 20.7 million domestic visitors and 1.2 million international visitors, ranking seventh among U.S. cities as of 2022. The U.S. Constitution in 1789 called for creation of a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress. As such, Washington, D.C., is not part of any state, and is not one itself. The Residence Act, adopted on July 16, 1790, approved the creation of the capital district along the Potomac River. The city was founded in 1791, and the 6th Congress held the first session in the unfinished Capitol Building in 1800 after the capital moved from Philadelphia. In 1801, the District of Columbia, formerly part of Maryland and Virginia and including the existing settlements of Georgetown and Alexandria, was officially recognized as the federal district; initially, the city was a separate settlement within the larger federal district. In 1846, Congress returned the land originally ceded by Virginia, including the city of Alexandria. In 1871, it created a single municipality for the remaining portion of the district, although its locally elected government only lasted three years and elective city-government did not return for over a century. There have been several unsuccessful efforts to make the district into a state since the 1880s; a statehood bill passed the House of Representatives in 2021 but was not adopted by the U.S. Senate. Designed in 1791 by Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the city is divided into quadrants, which are centered around the Capitol Building and include 131 neighborhoods. As of the 2020 census, the city had a population of 689,545, making it the 23rd-most populous city in the U.S., third-most populous city in the Southeast after Jacksonville and Charlotte, and third-most populous city in the Mid-Atlantic after New York City and Philadelphia. Commuters from the city's Maryland and Virginia suburbs raise the city's daytime population to more than one million during the workweek. The Washington metropolitan area, which includes parts of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, is the country's sixth-largest metropolitan area, with a 2020 population of 6.3 million residents. The city hosts the three branches of the U.S. federal government--Congress , the president , and the Supreme Court --and buildings that house government headquarters, including the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court Building, and multiple federal departments and agencies. The city is home to many national monuments and museums, located most prominently on or around the National Mall, including the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. It hosts 177 foreign embassies and serves as the headquarters for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization of American States, and other international organizations. Many of the nation's largest industry associations, non-profit organizations, and think tanks are based in the city, including AARP, American Red Cross, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution, National Geographic Society, The Heritage Foundation, Wilson Center, and others. The DC Streetcar is a surface streetcar network in Washington, D.C. As of 2017, it consists of only one line: a 2.2-mile segment running in mixed traffic along H Street and Benning Road in the city's Northeast quadrant. The streetcars are the first to run in the District of Columbia since the dismantling of the previous streetcar system in 1962. The District of Columbia began laying track in 2009, for two lines whose locations in Anacostia and Benning were chosen to revitalize blighted commercial corridors. The system is owned by the District of Columbia Department of Transportation ; the RATP Dev USA, the US arm of the French transportation company, RATP Dev, has been operating and managing the streetcar since its inception. In the late 1990s, Metro began considering a series of rapid bus, light rail, and streetcar projects throughout the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region as a means of providing intra-city and intra-regional mass transit and to meet the transit needs of the quickly growing population of the area. The first project was proposed for Alexandria, Virginia, in 1999. In January 2002, District of Columbia officials began studying the economic feasibility and costs of constructing a 33-mile long system of streetcars throughout the city. The project received Metro's backing. DDOT studied the feasibility of both a citywide system and one or more "starter" lines. D.C. Council Member David Catania specifically requested that DDOT study adding streetcars in the Anacostia neighborhood. DDOT issued a favorable report, and the D.C. Council approved an expenditure of $310 million for the streetcar project in September 2002. The first line to be built would be a 7.2-mile "starter" streetcar line in Anacostia. The goal of the project was to bring light rail to Anacostia first , and to provide a speedier, more cost-effective way to link the neighborhood with the rest of the city. This list of informally named dinosaurs is a listing of dinosaurs that have never been given formally published scientific names. This list only includes names that were not properly published and have not since been published under a valid name . The following types of names are present on this list: "Alamotyrannus" is the informal placeholder name given to an as yet undescribed genus or species of tyrannosaurid from the Late Cretaceous period of North America. The fossils of this animal originate from the Ojo Alamo Formation in New Mexico and they were discovered during the early 2000s. It may be either a distinct genus or just a synonym of Tyrannosaurus. The suggested binomial "Alamotyrannus brinkmani", was created when the paper describing the genus was written in 2013. "Alamotyrannus" lived during the early Maastrichtian, around 70 million years ago, which was two million years before the first known Tyrannosaurus existed. Specimen ACM 7975, a jaw discovered in the Ojo Alamo Formation, New Mexico in 1924, has been tentatively identified as Gorgosaurus libratus but may instead belong to "Alamotyrannus" as per Dalman & Lucas and McDavid , It is currently on display in the Beneski Museum of Natural History. "Alan the Dinosaur" is the name given to a sauropod caudal vertebra found in 1995 in the Saltwick Formation of Whitby, England. It is the oldest sauropod found in the United Kingdom, dating back 176-172 million years ago. Its name reference that of its discoverer, Alan Gurr, and the fact that it is not identifiable to species level. An analysis done in 2015 found that it was a member of Eusauropoda, could be excluded from Diplodocoidea, and was most similar to Cetiosaurus. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> National Register of Historic Places listings in Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> National Register of Historic Places listings in Washington, D.C. <p> category related to list <o> Category:National Register of Historic Places in Washington, D.C. <s> National Register of Historic Places listings in Washington, D.C. <p> is a list of <o> National Register of Historic Places listed place <s> National Register of Historic Places listings in Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> District of Columbia <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> different from <o> Category:Films shot in Washington (state) <s> Category:Films shot in Washington, D.C. <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <p> opposite of <o> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> instance of <o> Head of the executive branch of the government of the District of Columbia <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> District of Columbia <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in the United States <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> replaces <o> Mayor-Commissioner of the District of Columbia <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Washington, D.C. <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> officeholder <o> Muriel Bowser <s> Mayor of the District of Columbia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Washington, D.C. <s> humid subtropical climate <p> instance of <o> category in the Köppen climate classification systems <s> humid subtropical climate <p> subclass of <o> subtropics <s> history of Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> history of Washington, D.C. <p> part of <o> history of the United States <s> history of Washington, D.C. <p> facet of <o> Washington, D.C. <s> history of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> history of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> aspect of history <s> history of Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Washington, D.C. <s> The American Cyclopædia <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The American Cyclopædia <p> edition or translation of <o> New American Cyclopedia <s> The American Cyclopædia <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> North America <p> has part(s) <o> Greenland <s> North America <p> economy of topic <o> economy of North America <s> North America <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canada <s> North America <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> United States of America <s> North America <p> part of <o> Americas <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Greenland <s> North America <p> named by <o> Martin Waldseemüller <s> North America <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Northern Hemisphere <s> North America <p> named by <o> Matthias Ringmann <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> France <s> North America <p> history of topic <o> history of North America <s> North America <p> highest point <o> Denali <s> North America <p> geography of topic <o> geography of North America <s> North America <p> has part(s) <o> Caribbean <s> North America <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> North America <p> has part(s) <o> Central America <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belize <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuba <s> North America <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of North America <s> North America <p> shares border with <o> South America <s> North America <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of North America <s> North America <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of North America <s> North America <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> North America <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> North America <p> topic's main category <o> Category:North America <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Pacific Time Zone <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Atlantic Time Zone <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trinidad and Tobago <s> North America <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> North America <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barbados <s> North America <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in North America <s> North America <p> topic's main template <o> Template:North America topic <s> North America <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Countries of North America <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Kitts and Nevis <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Newfoundland Standard time <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Mountain Time Zone <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Vincent and the Grenadines <s> North America <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in North America <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> North America <p> named by <o> Iroquois mythology <s> North America <p> said to be the same as <o> North and Central America <s> North America <p> different from <o> Northern America <s> North America <p> different from <o> Northern America and Mexico <s> North America <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in North America <s> North America <p> has part(s) <o> Northern America and Mexico <s> North America <p> said to be the same as <o> Turtle Island <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jamaica <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> The Bahamas <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Alaska Time Zone <s> North America <p> located in time zone <o> Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dominican Republic <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Lucia <s> North America <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Antigua and Barbuda <s> North America <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in North America <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haiti <s> North America <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:North America <s> North America <p> named after <o> north <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Honduras <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grenada <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nicaragua <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guatemala <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dominica <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Panama <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bermuda <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> El Salvador <s> North America <p> instance of <o> continent <s> North America <p> named after <o> Amerigo Vespucci <s> North America <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Costa Rica <s> North America <p> shares border with <o> Eurasia <s> North America <p> instance of <o> subcontinent <s> North America <p> named after <o> Turtle Island <s> Category:Maps of Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Maps of Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Washington, D.C. <p> category contains <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Open Data DC <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Open Data DC <p> main subject <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Open Data DC <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Open Data DC <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Open Data DC <p> instance of <o> open data portal </Graph>
<Text> : This is a list of properties and districts in Washington, D.C., on the National Register of Historic Places. There are more than 600 listings, including 74 National Historic Landmarks of the United States and another 13 places otherwise designated as historic sites of national importance by Congress or the President. The locations of National Register properties and districts , may be seen in an online map by clicking on "Map of all coordinates". The list is generally grouped by quadrant. The Northwest Quadrant has more than 400 listings, so it is further divided into three parts. The part of the NW Quadrant nearest the National Mall is grouped with the Southwest quadrant and called "central Washington" for the purposes of this list. The remaining sections are of the NW Quadrant are divided between areas east of Rock Creek and areas to its west. The following are approximate tallies of current listings by area. Note that the White House, the Capitol, and the United States Supreme Court Building are recorded in the National Register's NRIS database as National Historic Landmarks, but by the provisions of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Section 107 , these three buildings and associated buildings and grounds are legally exempted from listing in the National Register. The mayor of the District of Columbia is the head of the executive branch of the government of the District of Columbia. The mayor has the duty to enforce district laws, and the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the D.C. Council. In addition, the mayor oversees all district services, public property, police and fire protection, most public agencies, and the district public school system. The mayor's office oversees an annual district budget of $8.8 billion. The mayor's executive office is located in the John A. Wilson Building in Downtown Washington, D.C. The mayor appoints several officers, including the deputy mayors for Education and Planning & Economic Development, the district administrator, the chancellor of the district's public schools, and the department heads of the district agencies. At its official formation in 1801 by Act of Congress, the district consisted of five political sub-divisions: three cities with their own municipal governments, and two rural counties. The City of Washington was one of those three cities. Newly chartered shortly after the district, in 1802, the City of Washington had its own list of mayors from 1802 through 1871. From 1802 to 1812, the mayor was appointed by the President of the United States; the City of Washington's first mayor was Robert Brent, appointed in 1802 by Thomas Jefferson. Between 1812 and 1820, the city's mayors were then selected by executive council. In 1820, the federal charter was amended to allow the mayor to be popularly elected, although only white male property owners could vote. In 1848, the property-ownership requirement was lifted, and in 1867, Congress extended the franchise to Black males over President Andrew Johnson's veto. In 1871, with the District of Columbia Organic Act, the three remaining subdivisions within the district were unified into a single government. The office of mayor was abolished and the executive became a territorial governor appointed by the president. The district was overseen by governors, then by a three-member board of commissioners, until 1967. In 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson created a more modern government headed by a single commissioner, popularly known as "mayor-commissioner," and a nine-member district council, all appointed by the president. Walter E. Washington was named to the post, and was retained by Johnson's successor, Richard Nixon. Washington was the only occupant of that position. A humid subtropical climate is a temperate climate type characterized by hot and humid summers, and cool to mild winters. These climates normally lie on the southeast side of all continents , generally between latitudes 25deg and 40deg and are located poleward from adjacent tropical climates, and equatorward from either humid continental or oceanic climates . It is also known as warm temperate climate in some climate classifications. Under the Koppen climate classification, Cfa and Cwa climates are either described as humid subtropical climates or warm temperate climates. This climate features mean temperature in the coldest month between 0 degC ) and 18 degC and mean temperature in the warmest month 22 degC or higher. However, while some climatologists have opted to describe this climate type as a "humid subtropical climate", Koppen himself never used this term. The humid subtropical climate classification was officially created under the Trewartha climate classification. In this classification, climates are termed humid subtropical when they have at least 8 months with a mean temperature above 10 degC . While many subtropical climates tend to be located at or near coastal locations, in some cases, they extend inland, most notably in China and the United States, where they exhibit more pronounced seasonal variations and sharper contrasts between summer and winter, as part of a gradient between the hotter tropical climates of the southern coasts and the colder continental climates to the north and further inland. As such, the climate can be said to exhibit somewhat different features depending on whether it is found inland, or in a maritime position. In a humid subtropical climate, summers are typically long, hot and humid. A deep current of tropical air dominates the humid subtropics at the time of high sun, and daily intense convective thundershowers are common. Monthly mean temperatures in winter may be mild or slightly above freezing. The history of Washington, D.C., is tied to its role as the capital of the United States. The site of the District of Columbia along the Potomac River was first selected by President George Washington. The city came under attack during the War of 1812 in an episode known as the Burning of Washington. Upon the government's return to the capital, it had to manage the reconstruction of numerous public buildings, including the White House and the United States Capitol. The McMillan Plan of 1901 helped restore and beautify the downtown core area, including establishing the National Mall, along with numerous monuments and museums. Unique among cities with a high percentage of African Americans, Washington has had a significant black population since the city's creation. As a result, Washington became both a center of African American culture and a center of the Civil Rights Movement. Since the city government was run by the U.S. federal government, black and white school teachers were paid at an equal scale as workers for the federal government. It was not until the administration of Woodrow Wilson, a Southern Democrat who had numerous Southerners in his cabinet, that federal offices and workplaces were segregated, starting in 1913. This situation persisted for decades: the city was racially segregated in certain facilities until the 1950s. Today, D.C. is marked by contrasts. Neighborhoods on the eastern periphery of the central city and east of the Anacostia River tend to be disproportionately lower-income. Following World War II, many middle-income whites moved out of the city's central and eastern sections to newer, affordable suburban housing, with commuting eased by highway construction. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, sparked major riots in chiefly African American neighborhoods east of Rock Creek Park. Large sections of the central city remained blighted for decades. By contrast, areas west of the Park, including virtually the entire portion of the District between the Georgetown and Chevy Chase neighborhoods , contain some of the nation's most affluent and notable neighborhoods. During the early 20th century, the U Street Corridor served as an important center for African American culture in DC. The Washington Metro opened in 1976. A rising economy and gentrification in the late 1990s and early 2000s led to the revitalization of many downtown neighborhoods. Article One, Section 8, of the United States Constitution places the District under the exclusive legislation of Congress. Throughout its history, Washington, D.C. residents have therefore lacked voting representation in Congress. The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1961, gave the District three electoral votes, thus, implicitly authorised it to hold an election for president and vice president. The 1973 District of Columbia Home Rule Act provided the local government more control of affairs, including direct election of the city council and mayor. The New American Cyclopaedia was an encyclopedia created and published by D. Appleton & Company of New York in 16 volumes, which initially appeared between 1858 and 1863. Its primary editors were George Ripley and Charles Anderson Dana. The New American Cyclopaedia was a general encyclopedia with a special focus on subjects related to the United States. As it was created over the years spanning the American Civil War, the focus and tone of articles could change drastically; for example, Jefferson Davis, the future president of the Confederate States of America, was treated at length as a United States Army soldier and US government politician in pre-war editions. A notable contributor was Karl Marx, then a European correspondent for the New York Tribune, who, appeared as the writer, while most of those articles were written by Friedrich Engels, especially the articles on military affairs, which belonged in Engels' domain in the division of labor between the two friends. Because of his deep knowledge of all things military, Engels had earned the nickname "General". Marx wrote a highly unsympathetic biographical article on Simon Bolivar. The cyclopaedia was revived under the title American Cyclopaedia in 1873-6. A final edition was issued in 1883-4, which added supplements to each volume of the 1873 edition. Two analytical indexes were published separately in 1878 and 1884. North America is a continent in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. North America is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea, and to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean. Greater North America includes the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, the Caribbean, Central America, Clipperton Island, Greenland, Mexico, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the United States. Continental North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers , representing approximately 16.5% of the Earth's land area and 4.8% of its total surface area. It is the third-largest continent by size after Asia and Africa, and the fourth-largest continent by population after Asia, Africa, and Europe. As of 2021, North America's population was estimated as over 592 million people in 23 independent states, or about 7.5% of the world's population. In human geography, the terms "North America" and "North American" sometimes refer to just Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Greenland. It is unknown with certainty how and when first human populations first reached North America. People were known to live in the Americas at least 20,000 years ago but various evidence points to possibly earlier dates. The Paleo-Indian period in North America followed the Last Glacial Period, and lasted until about 10,000 years ago when the Archaic period began. The classic stage followed the Archaic period, and lasted from approximately the 6th to 13th centuries. Beginning in 1000 AD, the Norse were the first Europeans to begin exploring and ultimately colonizing areas of North America. In 1492, the exploratory voyages of Christopher Columbus led to a transatlantic exchange, including migrations of European settlers during the Age of Discovery and the early modern period. Present-day cultural and ethnic patterns reflect interactions between European colonists, indigenous peoples, African slaves, immigrants from Europe, Asia, and descendants of these respective groups. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Burials in Washington, D.C., by place <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Washington, D.C., by place <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Burials in Washington, D.C., by place <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Washington, D.C., by place <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Washington, D.C. <p> category's main topic <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Bangkok <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Bangkok <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> capital of <o> Thailand <s> Bangkok <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> open data portal <o> Bangkok open data <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tianjin <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vientiane <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Bangkok <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+07:00 <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chongqing <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brisbane <s> Bangkok <p> different from <o> Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shandong <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuhan <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guangzhou <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fukuoka <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bangkok <p> capital of <o> Siamese Empire <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> Bangkok <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Chao Phraya River <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> George Town <s> Bangkok <p> owner of <o> Rajadamnern Stadium <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lausanne <s> Bangkok <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Bangkok <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Phnom Penh <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> city <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Busan <s> Bangkok <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Bangkok <p> legislative body <o> Bangkok municipal council <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Bangkok <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> significant event <o> Siege of Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chaozhou <s> Bangkok <p> country <o> Thailand <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Bangkok <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Bangkok <p> shares border with <o> Nakhon Pathom <s> Bangkok <p> shares border with <o> Chachoengsao <s> Bangkok <p> owner of <o> Indoor Stadium Huamark <s> Bangkok <p> language used <o> Phuan <s> Bangkok <p> language used <o> Blang <s> Bangkok <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Thailand <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fukuoka Prefecture <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aichi Prefecture <s> Bangkok <p> shares border with <o> Samut Prakan <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Bangkok <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Bangkok <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Bangkok <p> occupant <o> VG <s> Bangkok <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> shares border with <o> Samut Sakhon <s> Bangkok <p> language used <o> Thai Sign Language <s> Bangkok <p> related category <o> Category:Bangkok-related lists <s> Bangkok <p> shares border with <o> Pathum Thani <s> Bangkok <p> list of monuments <o> list of ancient monuments in Bangkok <s> Bangkok <p> founded by <o> Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Bangkok <p> shares border with <o> Nonthaburi <s> Bangkok <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Bangkok <p> instance of <o> special administrative area of Thailand <s> Bangkok <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Bangkok <s> geography of Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> geography of Washington, D.C. <p> facet of <o> Washington, D.C. <s> geography of Washington, D.C. <p> subclass of <o> geography of the United States <s> geography of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Washington, D.C. <p> subclass of <o> urban geography <s> geography of Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Death in Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> owned by <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> occupant <o> Capital City Go-Go <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> instance of <o> arena <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> occupant <o> Washington Mystics <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> instance of <o> venue <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> owned by <o> Government of the District of Columbia <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> operator <o> Events DC <s> Entertainment and Sports Arena <p> location <o> St. Elizabeths Hospital <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chicago <s> Athens <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Athens <s> Athens <p> related category <o> Category:Athens-related lists <s> Athens <p> capital of <o> Greece <s> Athens <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Genoa <s> Athens <p> country <o> Greece <s> Athens <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Athens <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Athens <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Athens <s> Athens <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Athens <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Athens <p> significant event <o> 1896 Summer Olympics <s> Athens <p> Köppen climate classification <o> semi-arid climate <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Athens <p> capital of <o> Attica Region <s> Athens <p> significant event <o> 2004 Summer Olympics <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Boston <s> Athens <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Attica <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Warsaw <s> Athens <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> Athens <p> patron saint <o> Dionysius the Areopagite <s> Athens <p> significant event <o> Siege of Athens <s> Athens <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Athens <p> history of topic <o> history of Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> Athens <p> Köppen climate classification <o> Mediterranean climate <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Athens <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Athens <s> Athens <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Athens <p> capital of <o> Athens Municipality <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Athens <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Athens <s> Athens <p> owner of <o> Panathinaikos F.C. New Stadium <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yerevan <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ljubljana <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Athens <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Attica Basin <s> Athens <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Naples <s> Athens <p> significant event <o> Siege of the Acropolis <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogotá <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Damascus <s> Athens <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Athens <s> Athens <p> different from <o> Ateny <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Athens <p> significant event <o> Siege of Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Athens <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Athens <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beirut <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rabat <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> city <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Belgrade <s> Athens <p> significant event <o> Siege of Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Athens <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nicosia <s> Athens <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Athens <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> city-state <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Atlanta <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Athens <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Athens <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Athens <p> named after <o> Athena <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xi'an <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Athens <p> official language <o> Greek <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reggio Calabria <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Casablanca <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> Free city <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bucharest <s> Athens <p> shares border with <o> Nea Filadelfeia <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ashgabat <s> Athens <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Athens Municipality <s> Athens <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Syracuse <s> Athens <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Achaea <s> Athens <p> shares border with <o> Zografou <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Domodedovo <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuzco <s> Athens <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Athens <p> head of government <o> Kostas Bakoyannis <s> Athens <p> twinned administrative body <o> Famagusta <s> Athens <p> follows <o> Classical Athens <s> Bethesda <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Bethesda <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Bethesda, Maryland <s> Bethesda <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bethesda, Maryland <s> Bethesda <p> continent <o> North America <s> Bethesda <p> Köppen climate classification <o> humid subtropical climate <s> Bethesda <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bethesda, Maryland <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Bethesda <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bethesda, Maryland <s> Bethesda <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bethesda, Maryland <s> Bethesda <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Bethesda <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Bethesda <p> instance of <o> census-designated place in the United States <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Glen Echo <s> Bethesda <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Kensington <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Chevy Chase <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> North Bethesda <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Cabin John <s> Bethesda <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Montgomery County <s> Bethesda <p> instance of <o> unincorporated community in the United States <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Potomac <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Friendship Heights Village <s> Bethesda <p> shares border with <o> Brookmont <s> Bethesda <p> named after <o> Bethesda Meeting House <s> Bethesda <p> part of <o> Bethesda–Chevy Chase <s> Bethesda <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bethesda, Maryland <s> Bethesda <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Anacostia River <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Anacostia River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Anacostia River <p> drainage basin <o> Potomac River drainage basin <s> Anacostia River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Anacostia River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Prince George's County <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Northwest Branch Anacostia River <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Washington Channel <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Stickfoot Branch <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Watts Branch <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Pope Branch <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Hickey Run <s> Anacostia River <p> tributary <o> Northeast Branch Anacostia River <s> Anacostia River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Potomac River <s> Anacostia River <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Anacostia River <s> Fort Reno Park <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Fort Reno Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Fort Reno Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> Fort Reno Park <p> named after <o> Fort Reno <s> Fort Reno Park <p> operator <o> National Park Service <s> Fort Reno Park <p> location <o> Tenleytown <s> Fort Reno Park <p> part of <o> Rock Creek Park (U.S. agency) </Graph>
<Text> :Bangkok, officially known in Thai as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon and colloquially as Krung Thep, is the capital and most populous city of Thailand. The city occupies 1,568.7 square kilometres in the Chao Phraya River delta in central Thailand and has an estimated population of 10.539 million as of 2020, 15.3 per cent of the country's population. Over 14 million people lived within the surrounding Bangkok Metropolitan Region at the 2010 census, making Bangkok an extreme primate city, dwarfing Thailand's other urban centres in both size and importance to the national economy. Bangkok traces its roots to a small trading post during the Ayutthaya Kingdom in the 15th century, which eventually grew and became the site of two capital cities, Thonburi in 1768 and Rattanakosin in 1782. Bangkok was at the heart of the modernization of Siam, later renamed Thailand, during the late-19th century, as the country faced pressures from the West. The city was at the centre of Thailand's political struggles throughout the 20th century, as the country abolished absolute monarchy, adopted constitutional rule, and underwent numerous coups and several uprisings. The city, incorporated as a special administrative area under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in 1972, grew rapidly during the 1960s through the 1980s and now exerts a significant impact on Thailand's politics, economy, education, media and modern society. The Asian investment boom in the 1980s and 1990s led many multinational corporations to locate their regional headquarters in Bangkok. The city is now a regional force in finance, business and pop culture. It is an international hub for transport and health care, and has emerged as a centre for the arts, fashion, and entertainment. The city is known for its street life and cultural landmarks, as well as its red-light districts. The Grand Palace and Buddhist temples including Wat Arun and Wat Pho stand in contrast with other tourist attractions such as the nightlife scenes of Khaosan Road and Patpong. Bangkok is among the world's top tourist destinations, and has been named the world's most visited city consistently in several international rankings. Bangkok's rapid growth coupled with little urban planning has resulted in a haphazard cityscape and inadequate infrastructure. Despite an extensive expressway network, an inadequate road network and substantial private car usage have led to chronic and crippling traffic congestion, which caused severe air pollution in the 1990s. The city has since turned to public transport in an attempt to solve the problem, operating 10 urban rail lines and building other public transit; however, congestion remains a prevalent issue. Washington, D.C. is located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States at 38deg53'42''N 77deg02'11''W / 38.89500degN 77.03639degW / 38.89500; -77.03639, the coordinates of the Zero Milestone, on The Ellipse. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a geographical area of 68.3 square miles , 61.4 square miles of which is land, and the remaining 6.9 square miles of which is water. The Anacostia River and the smaller Rock Creek flow into the Potomac River in Washington. Washington, D.C. is surrounded by Northern Virginia on its southwest side and Maryland on its southeast, northeast, and northwest sides; it interrupts those states' shared border, which is the south shore of the Potomac River both upstream and downstream from the city. The portion of the Potomac River that passes Washington, D.C. is virtually entirely within the city's border, as Washington, D.C. extends to the south bank. The city contains the remaining federal district, which was formerly part of those two adjacent states before they respectively ceded it for the national capital in the 1790s. The land ceded from Virginia was returned by Congress in 1847, so what remains of the modern District was all once part of Maryland. The topography of Washington, D.C. is highly similar to the physical geography of much of Maryland. The city has three significant natural flowing bodies of water: the Potomac River and two tributaries, the Anacostia River and Rock Creek. The confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia forms the historic peninsula known as Arsenal Point. The District also includes the Washington Channel, which flows into the junction of the Anacostia and Potomac rivers. There are also three artificial reservoirs: Dalecarlia Reservoir, which crosses over the northwest border of the District from Maryland, McMillan Reservoir near Howard University, and Georgetown Reservoir upstream of Georgetown. A fourth, minor reservoir is at Fort Reno in Tenleytown. Washington, D.C. is situated in a topographic bowl. The bottom of the bowl, where the White House and United States Capitol are located, is in the floodplain of the junction of the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers. Extending out from the floodplain is a series of rising river terraces. These high ridges nearly surround the city. The highest of these terraces is 200 feet above sea level and is fronted by an escarpment that is very prominent along the east side of the Anacostia River. Steep-sided ravines and small streams cut through the upper terrace east of the Anacostia River at frequent intervals. Examples of these stream valleys can be found at Forts Dupont and Stanton. The 4,200-seat arena is mainly used for basketball; however, there are plans for the facility to also host concerts, community events and other sporting events. The location of the arena was selected due to its proximity to St. Elizabeths Hospital, distance to the greater Washington, D.C. area, location to the Congress Heights station of the Washington Metro, the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, and ability to improve the local community through jobs and infrastructure improvements. Construction for the arena, to include razing of surrounding buildings, began on February 19, 2016. Of the $65 million estimated cost for construction, 90% of the cost will be taxpayer funded. The District of Columbia will own the facility while Events DC will operate the facility. Members of the DC Council sought to introduce legislation capping public expenditure in the case of cost overruns. On July 28, Greg O'Dell, Chairperson of Events DC, requested an additional $10 million in funding while decreasing the number of seats in the facility. He said earlier estimates were premature. In 2018, O'Dell announced that the cost had increased to $68.8 million, due in part to additions like drywall, and catwalks and higher than anticipated costs like contractors. The final cost was nearly 25 percent more than estimated, which DC taxpayers were required to cover. Athens is a major coastal urban area in the Mediterranean, and it is both the capital and the largest city of Greece. Athens is also the capital of the Attica region and is the southernmost capital on the European mainland. With its urban area's population numbering over three million, it is also the eighth largest urban area in the European Union. The Municipality of Athens , which constitutes a small administrative unit of the entire urban area, had a population of 643,452 within its official limits, and a land area of 38.96 km2 . Athens is one of the world's oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning over 3,400 years, and its earliest human presence beginning somewhere between the 11th and 7th millennia BC. According to Greek mythology the city was named after Athena, the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, but modern scholars generally agree that goddess took her name after the city. Classical Athens was one of the most powerful city-states in ancient Greece. It was a centre for democracy, the arts, education and philosophy, and was highly influential throughout the European continent, particularly in Ancient Rome. For this reason, it is often regarded as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy in its own right independently from the rest of Greece. In modern times, Athens is a huge cosmopolitan metropolis and central to economic, financial, industrial, maritime, political and cultural life in Greece. It is a Beta-status global city according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, and is one of the biggest economic centers in Southeastern Europe. It also has a large financial sector, and its port Piraeus is both the 2nd busiest passenger port in Europe, and the 13th largest container port in the world. The Athens metropolitan area or Greater Athens extends beyond its administrative municipal city limits as well as its urban agglomeration, with a population of 3,638,281 over an area of 2,928.717 km2 . The heritage of the Classical Era is still evident in the city, represented by ancient monuments, and works of art, the most famous of all being the Parthenon, considered a key landmark of early Western culture. The city also retains Roman, Byzantine and a smaller number of Ottoman monuments, while its historical urban core features elements of continuity through its millennia of history. Athens is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Acropolis of Athens and the medieval Daphni Monastery. Athens is also home to several museums and cultural institutions, such as the National Archeological Museum, featuring the world's largest collection of ancient Greek antiquities, the Acropolis Museum, the Museum of Cycladic Art, the Benaki Museum, and the Byzantine and Christian Museum. Athens was the host city of the first modern-day Olympic Games in 1896, and 108 years later it hosted the 2004 Summer Olympics, making it one of five cities to have hosted the Summer Olympics on multiple occasions. The Anacostia River /aen@'kasti@/ is a river in the Mid Atlantic region of the United States. It flows from Prince George's County in Maryland into Washington, D.C., where it joins with the Washington Channel and ultimately empties into the Potomac River at Buzzard Point. It is about 8.7 miles long. The name "Anacostia" derives from the area's early history as Nacotchtank, a settlement of Necostan or Anacostan Native Americans on the banks of the Anacostia River. Heavy pollution in the Anacostia and weak investment and development along its banks made it "D.C.'s forgotten river". More recently, however, private organizations; local businesses; and the D.C., Maryland, and federal governments have made efforts to reduce pollution and protect the ecologically valuable Anacostia watershed. The main stem of the Anacostia is formed by the confluence of the Northwest Branch and the Northeast Branch just north of Cottage City, Maryland. Tributaries of these sources include Sligo Creek, Paint Branch, Little Paint Branch, Indian Creek, Upper Beaverdam Creek, Dueling Branch, and Brier's Mill Run. Tributaries of the main stem Anacostia include Watts Branch, Lower Beaverdam Creek, and Hickory Run. Captain John Smith recorded in his journals that he sailed up the "Eastern Branch" or Anacostia River, in 1608 in his search for the main branch of the Potomac River and was well received by the Anacostans. On earlier maps, the river was known as the "Eastern Branch of the Potomac River" until it received its current, official name. In the mid-1600s, the name "Annacostin River" was applied to the stretch of the Potomac River north of Oxon Creek up to the vicinity of present-day Washington where the confluence with the modern Anacostia and St. James Creek formed a natural harbor called St. Thomas's Bay. Fort Reno Park is an urban park in the Tenleytown neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C. It is named after Fort Reno, one of the only locations in the District of Columbia to see combat during the American Civil War. The park was established in the 1920s to clear an African American neighborhood called Reno from the site, in what was becoming an affluent white suburban area. Most of the property is owned by the National Park Service, including a community garden, a former community center, and large expanses of grass. The D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation operates a baseball field and several tennis courts at the southwestern corner of the park. Also located within the park are a large reservoir facility operated by DC Water, Alice Deal Middle School, the Reno School, and a former Continuity of Government facility now operated by the Federal Aviation Administration. In addition, the highest natural point in the District of Columbia lies within the park. Prior to colonization of the Potomac River piedmont in the 1700s, the area was controlled by a variety of American Indian groups. High points such as the present park, were not as economically important to those societies as valleys, as evidenced by archaeological investigations in the area. However, a travel route along a ridgeline leading to Georgetown, today's Wisconsin Avenue may precede European settlement. Most of the land that became Fort Reno Park was granted as a land patent to Thomas Fletchall as "Fletchall's Chance." The land passed through a variety of owners until a Treasury Department official named Giles Dyer acquired the land for his estate in 1853. Dyer died in 1856, and his wife Jane administered the farm, including five or six enslaved people. Tenleytown was established along the old ridgeline trail, which split into three major roads just south of the Fort Reno site. The success of Confederate forces during the First Battle of Bull Run just miles from Washington, D.C. shook Union leaders, and indicated the precarity of the Union government and the Washington Navy Yard, mere miles from enemy territory. Engineers began a rushed campaign to fortify and protect the federal city by constructing a ring of forts around the city. In early August 1861, engineers in charge of the defenses of Washington identified the tall hill on the Dyer estate as a critical site for protecting against invasion along the three roads that converged from the northwest in Tenleytown. Construction of earthen ramparts and trenches began in earnest in August 1861 by the Pennsylvania Reserves, so the fort was originally named "Fort Pennsylvania." The Dyer farmhouse north of the fort was used by the Army as a headquarters building. The fortification occupied 20 acres of Dyer land and an additional 50 acres of Dyer's land were used for barracks, camps and a parade ground. In 1863, the complex was renamed in honor of Major General Jesse Lee Reno who died in combat the prior year. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Tuscany <p> country <o> Italy <s> Tuscany <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Italy <s> Tuscany <p> language used <o> Italian <s> Tuscany <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tuscany <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tuscany <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Tuscany <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tuscany <p> shares border with <o> Marche <s> Tuscany <p> shares border with <o> Liguria <s> Tuscany <p> shares border with <o> Emilia-Romagna <s> Tuscany <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Tuscany <p> shares border with <o> Lazio <s> Tuscany <p> shares border with <o> Umbria <s> Tuscany <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Tuscany <p> instance of <o> region of Italy <s> Tuscany <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Tuscany <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Arezzo <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Massa-Carrara <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Livorno <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Grosseto <s> Tuscany <p> office held by head of government <o> president of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> described by source <o> Italian leaves <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Florence <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Pisa <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Lucca <s> Tuscany <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Prato <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Pistoia <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Siena <s> Tuscany <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> open data portal <o> Open data Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> flag <o> flag of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nablus <s> Tuscany <p> award received <o> medal for civil merit <s> Tuscany <p> head of government <o> Eugenio Giani <s> Tuscany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Tuscany <p> legislative body <o> Regional Council of Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> has part(s) <o> Apuania <s> Tuscany <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tuscany <s> Tuscany <p> executive body <o> Government of Tuscany <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> George Washington <s> Civilization V <p> country of origin <o> United States of America <s> Civilization V <p> main subject <o> history <s> Civilization V <p> main subject <o> human history <s> Civilization V <p> main subject <o> civilization <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Dido <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Ahmad al-Mansur <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> K'inich Janaab' Pakal <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> German <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> French <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Theodora <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> William I of the Netherlands <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Askia Muhammad I <s> Civilization V <p> distributed by <o> Steam <s> Civilization V <p> distributed by <o> Take-Two Interactive <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Napoleon <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Ram Khamhaeng <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Chief Pocatello <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Genghis Khan <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Polish <s> Civilization V <p> input device <o> computer keyboard <s> Civilization V <p> main subject <o> diplomatic relations <s> Civilization V <p> ESRB rating <o> Everyone 10+ <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Mahatma Gandhi <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Spanish <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Augustus <s> Civilization V <p> GRAC rating <o> 12+ <s> Civilization V <p> USK rating <o> USK 12 <s> Civilization V <p> PEGI rating <o> PEGI 12 <s> Civilization V <p> has characteristic <o> City-state <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Civilization V <p> platform <o> Linux <s> Civilization V <p> platform <o> Microsoft Windows <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Ramesses II <s> Civilization V <p> has characteristic <o> luxury resources <s> Civilization V <p> has characteristic <o> resource management mechanic <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Japanese <s> Civilization V <p> nominated for <o> Steam Award for Test of Time <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Civilization V <p> distribution format <o> DVD <s> Civilization V <p> instance of <o> video game <s> Civilization V <p> input device <o> mouse <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Alexander the Great <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Otto von Bismarck <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Korean <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Elizabeth II <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Suleiman the Magnificent <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Nebuchadnezzar II <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Wu Zetian <s> Civilization V <p> platform <o> macOS <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Moctezuma I <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Catherine II of Russia <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Sejong the Great <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Attila <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Haile Selassie I <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Shaka Zulu <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Darius I of Persia <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Gajah Mada <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Casimir III the Great <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Isabella I of Castile <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Hiawatha <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Harun al-Rashid <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Maria Theresa of Austria <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Pedro II of Brazil <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Mary I of Hungary <s> Civilization V <p> director <o> Sid Meier <s> Civilization V <p> publisher <o> 2K Games <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Ashurbanipal <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Oda Nobunaga <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Enrico Dandolo <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Harald Bluetooth <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Boudica <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Pachacútec <s> Civilization V <p> characters <o> Kamehameha I <s> Civilization V <p> game mode <o> single-player video game <s> Civilization V <p> publisher <o> Aspyr <s> Civilization V <p> distribution format <o> digital distribution <s> Civilization V <p> genre <o> 4X <s> Civilization V <p> genre <o> turn-based strategy video game <s> Civilization V <p> game mode <o> co-op mode <s> Civilization V <p> part of the series <o> Civilization <s> Civilization V <p> developer <o> Firaxis Games <s> Civilization V <p> composer <o> Geoff Knorr <s> Civilization V <p> language of work or name <o> Traditional Chinese <s> Civilization V <p> game mode <o> multiplayer video game <s> Civilization V <p> designed by <o> Jon Shafer <s> Civilization V <p> has part(s) <o> Civilization V: Gods & Kings <s> Civilization V <p> has part(s) <o> Civilization V: Brave New World <s> Province of Florence <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscany <s> Province of Florence <p> different from <o> Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Florence <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Florence <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Arezzo <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Empoli <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Pistoia <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Forlì-Cesena <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bologna <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Pisa <s> Province of Florence <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Prato <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Ravenna <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lucca <s> Province of Florence <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barberino di Mugello <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagno a Ripoli <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capraia e Limite <s> Province of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo San Lorenzo <s> Province of Florence <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Province of Florence <p> replaced by <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Londa <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marradi <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelfiorentino <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cerreto Guidi <s> Province of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Siena <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiesole <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dicomano <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Firenzuola <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fucecchio <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Certaldo <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lastra a Signa <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montelupo Fiorentino <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montaione <s> Province of Florence <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Florence <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montespertoli <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campi Bisenzio <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calenzano <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gambassi Terme <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontassieve <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rignano sull'Arno <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Reggello <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pelago <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palazzuolo sul Senio <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scandicci <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sesto Fiorentino <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Casciano in Val di Pesa <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rufina <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vinci <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Godenzo <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Impruneta <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Greve in Chianti <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Signa <s> Province of Florence <p> instance of <o> former province of Italy <s> Province of Florence <p> head of government <o> Andrea Barducci <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Figline e Incisa Valdarno <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaglia <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vicchio <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barberino Tavarnelle <s> Province of Florence <p> instance of <o> former administrative territorial entity <s> Province of Florence <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scarperia e San Piero <s> Central European Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> Central European Time <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Central European Time <p> said to be the same as <o> Time in Sweden <s> Central European Time <p> location <o> Central Europe <s> Central European Time <p> said to be the same as <o> Europe/Rome <s> Central European Time <p> said to be the same as <o> Central European Standard Time (GMT+1) <s> Central European Time <p> said to be the same as <o> Europe/Copenhagen <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> language used <o> Italian <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> described by source <o> Small Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> instance of <o> state <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> basic form of government <o> monarchy <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> basic form of government <o> constitutional monarchy <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> instance of <o> Napoleonic client state <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> head of state <o> Charles II, Duke of Parma <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> head of state <o> Louis of Parma, king of Etruria <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> named after <o> Etruria <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> flag <o> flag of the Kingdom of Etruria <s> Kingdom of Etruria <p> currency <o> Tuscan pound <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Italy <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> replaces <o> Republic of Florence <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> country <o> Italy <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> replaces <o> Republic of Cospaia <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> basic form of government <o> monarchy <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> basic form of government <o> absolute monarchy <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> instance of <o> state in the Holy Roman Empire <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> instance of <o> grand duchy <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> currency <o> Tuscan florin <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> currency <o> Tuscan pound <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> instance of <o> fiefdom <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> founded by <o> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> instance of <o> client state <s> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <p> shares border with <o> Duchy of Modena and Reggio <s> city <p> instance of <o> classification of human settlements <s> city <p> model item <o> London <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> head of government <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> image <s> city <p> model item <o> Perm <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> instance of <s> city <p> model item <o> Mumbai <s> city <p> model item <o> Tokyo <s> city <p> model item <o> Buenos Aires <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> shares border with <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> flag image <s> city <p> next lower rank <o> town <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> coat of arms image <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> located in the administrative territorial entity <s> city <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Categories by city <s> city <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> twinned administrative body <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> located in or next to body of water <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> contains the administrative territorial entity <s> city <p> geography of topic <o> urban geography <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> Bibliothèque nationale de France ID <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> GND ID <s> city <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Cities <s> city <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> postal code <s> city <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Wikipedia categories named after cities <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> locator map image <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> inception <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> coordinate location <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> topic's main category <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> Commons gallery <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> page banner <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> located in time zone <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> MusicBrainz area ID <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> category for people born here <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> population <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> local dialing code <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> category for people who died here <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> GeoNames ID <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> category for films shot at this location <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> area <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> category of associated people <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> elevation above sea level <s> city <p> properties for this type <o> Walk Score ID <s> city <p> different from <o> town <s> city <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> city <p> different from <o> Patras <s> city <p> different from <o> Camagüey <s> city <p> has part(s) <o> neighborhood <s> city <p> different from <o> big city <s> city <p> different from <o> Villes <s> city <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> city <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Cities <s> city <p> different from <o> metropolitan area <s> city <p> different from <o> city <s> city <p> studied in <o> urban history <s> city <p> subclass of <o> city or town <s> city <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> city <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> city <p> said to be the same as <o> English-language word "city" <s> city <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cities <s> city <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> city <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox city <s> city <p> topic's main template <o> Template:City-stub <s> city <p> subclass of <o> urban settlement <s> city <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> city <p> said to be the same as <o> City <s> city <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> city <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> city <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Cities <s> city <p> history of topic <o> history of the city <s> city <p> topic's main template <o> Template:City Wikidata <s> city <p> different from <o> large village <s> city <p> studied in <o> urban studies <s> Category:People from Florence <p> category combines topics <o> Florence <s> Category:People from Florence <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Florence <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Florence <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Historical quarters in Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> Historical quarters in Florence <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> Siege of Florence <p> participant <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> Siege of Florence <p> participant <o> Republic of Florence <s> Siege of Florence <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Florence <p> location <o> Florence <s> Siege of Florence <p> part of <o> War of the League of Cognac </Graph>
<Text> :Tuscany is a region in central Italy with an area of about 23,000 square kilometres and a population of about 3.8 million inhabitants. The regional capital is Florence . Tuscany is known for its landscapes, history, artistic legacy, and its influence on high culture. It is regarded as the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and of the foundations of the Italian language. The prestige established by the Tuscan dialect's use in literature by Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Niccolo Machiavelli and Francesco Guicciardini led to its subsequent elaboration as the language of culture throughout Italy. It has been home to many figures influential in the history of art and science, and contains well-known museums such as the Uffizi and the Palazzo Pitti. Tuscany is also known for its wines, including Chianti, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Morellino di Scansano, Brunello di Montalcino and white Vernaccia di San Gimignano. Having a strong linguistic and cultural identity, it is sometimes considered "a nation within a nation". Tuscany is the second-most-popular Italian region for travellers in Italy, after Veneto. The main tourist spots are Florence, Castiglione della Pescaia, Pisa, San Gimignano, Lucca, Grosseto and Siena. The town of Castiglione della Pescaia is the most visited seaside destination in the region, with seaside tourism accounting for approximately 40% of tourist arrivals. The Maremma region, Siena, Lucca, the Chianti region, Versilia and Val d'Orcia are also internationally renowned and particularly popular spots among travellers. Eight Tuscan localities have been designated World Heritage Sites: the historic Centre of Florence ; the Cathedral square of Pisa ; the historical centre of San Gimignano ; the historical centre of Siena ; the historical centre of Pienza ; the Val d'Orcia , the Medici Villas and Gardens , and Montecatini Terme as part of the Great Spa Towns of Europe . Tuscany has over 120 protected nature reserves, making Tuscany and its capital Florence popular tourist destinations. In 2018, Florence alone had over 5 million arrivals, making it the world's 51st most visited city. Sid Meier's Civilization V is a 4X video game in the Civilization series developed by Firaxis Games. The game was released on Microsoft Windows on September 21, 2010, on OS X on November 23, 2010, and on Linux on June 10, 2014. In Civilization V, the player leads a civilization from prehistoric times into the future on a procedurally generated map, attempting to achieve one of a number of different victory conditions through research, exploration, diplomacy, expansion, economic development, government and military conquest. The game is based on an entirely new game engine with hexagonal tiles instead of the square tiles of earlier games in the series. Many elements from Civilization IV and its expansion packs have been removed or changed, such as religion and espionage . The combat system has been overhauled, by removing stacking of military units and enabling cities to defend themselves by firing directly on nearby enemies. In addition, the maps contain computer-controlled city-states and non-player characters that are available for trade, diplomacy and conquest. A civilization's borders also expand one tile at a time, favoring more productive tiles, and roads now have a maintenance cost, making them much less common. The game features community, modding, and multiplayer elements. It is available for download on Steam. Its first expansion pack, Civilization V: Gods & Kings, was released on June 19, 2012, in North America and June 22 internationally. It includes features such as religion, espionage, enhanced naval combat and combat AI, as well as nine new civilizations. A second expansion pack, Civilization V: Brave New World, was announced on March 15, 2013. It includes features such as international trade routes, a world congress, tourism, great works, nine new civilizations, eight additional wonders, and three ideologies. It was released on July 9, 2013, in North America and in the rest of the world three days later. The province of Florence was a province in the northeast of Tuscany region of Italy. The city or comune of Florence was both the capital of the province of Florence, and of the Region of Tuscany. It had an area of 3,514 square kilometres and a population of 1,012,180 as of 31 December 2014. The territory of the province was the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. The Province of Florence was bordered by the Province of Bologna in the north, the Province of Ravenna and Forli-Cesena in the north-east, the provinces of Prato, Pistoia, Pisa and Lucca in the west; the Province of Siena in the south and the Province of Arezzo in the east and southeast. Much of the province lied in the plain of the Arno river. Central European Time is a standard time of Central, and parts of Western Europe, which is one hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time . The time offset from UTC can be written as UTC+01:00. It is used in most parts of Europe and in a few North African countries. CET is also known as Middle European Time and by colloquial names such as Amsterdam Time, Berlin Time, Brussels Time, Budapest Time, Madrid Time, Paris Time, Rome Time, Prague time, Warsaw Time or Romance Standard Time . As of 2023, all member states of the European Union observe summer time , from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. States within the CET area switch to Central European Summer Time for the summer. As of 2017, Central European Time is currently used in Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo , Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain , Sweden, Switzerland and Vatican City. The time around the world is based on Universal Coordinated Time which is roughly synonymous with Greenwich Mean Time . From late March to late October, clocks in the United Kingdom are put forward by one hour for British Summer Time . Since 1997, most of the European Union aligned with the British standards for BST. The Kingdom of Etruria was an Italian kingdom between 1801 and 1807 that made up a large part of modern Tuscany. It took its name from Etruria, the old Roman name for the land of the Etruscans. The kingdom was created by the Treaty of Aranjuez, signed at Aranjuez, Spain on 21 March 1801. In the context of a larger agreement between Napoleonic France and Spain, the Bourbons of Parma were compensated for the loss of their territory in northern Italy . The King of Spain decided that his cousin Ferdinand, Duke of Parma had to cede his duchy to France, and in return his son Louis I was granted the Kingdom of Etruria . Shortly after Ferdinand refused to leave, he suddenly died in suspect circumstances. To make way for the Bourbons, the Habsburg Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand III was ousted and compensated with the Electorate of Salzburg by the Treaty of Luneville. Outside the Treaty of Aranjuez, Spain also secretly agreed to retrocede the Louisiana territory back to France in order to secure the Kingdom of Etruria as a client state for Spain; Louisiana was first ceded by France to Spain in 1763 at the end of the Seven Years' War. Louisiana was duly transferred to France on 15 October 1802, after the signing of the Treaty of Aranjuez. Napoleon subsequently sold Louisiana to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase on April 30, 1803, in order to pay for his French armies during the War of the Third Coalition. The first king died young in 1803, and his underage son Charles Louis succeeded him. His mother, Maria Luisa of Spain, was appointed regent. However, since Etruria was troubled with smuggling and espionage, Napoleon annexed the territory, thus it was the last non-Bonaparte Italian kingdom on the Peninsula to be absorbed into the French Empire. Since Spain's only hope of compensation lay in Portugal, co-operation with the emperor became more important. The Grand Duchy of Tuscany was an Italian monarchy that existed, with interruptions, from 1569 to 1860, replacing the Republic of Florence. The grand duchy's capital was Florence. In the 19th century the population of the Grand Duchy was about 1,815,000 inhabitants. Having brought nearly all Tuscany under his control after conquering the Republic of Siena, Cosimo I de' Medici, was elevated by a papal bull of Pope Pius V to Grand Duke of Tuscany on 27 August 1569. The Grand Duchy was ruled by the House of Medici until the extinction of its senior branch in 1737. While not as internationally renowned as the old republic, the grand duchy thrived under the Medici and it bore witness to unprecedented economic and military success under Cosimo I and his sons, until the reign of Ferdinando II, which saw the beginning of the state's long economic decline. It peaked under Cosimo III. Francis Stephen of Lorraine, a cognatic descendant of the Medici, succeeded the family and ascended the throne of his Medicean ancestors. Tuscany was governed by a viceroy, Marc de Beauvau-Craon, for his entire rule. His descendants ruled, and resided in, the grand duchy until its end in 1859, barring one interruption, when Napoleon Bonaparte gave Tuscany to the House of Bourbon-Parma , then annexed it directly to the First French Empire. Following the collapse of the Napoleonic system in 1814, the grand duchy was restored. The United Provinces of Central Italy, a client state of the Kingdom of Sardinia, annexed Tuscany in 1859. Tuscany was formally annexed to Sardinia in 1860, as a part of the unification of Italy, following a landslide referendum, in which 95% of voters approved. In 1569, Cosimo de' Medici had ruled the Duchy of Florence for 32 years. During his reign, Florence purchased the island of Elba from the Republic of Genoa , conquered Siena and developed a well-equipped and powerful naval base on Elba. Cosimo also banned the clergy from holding administrative positions and promulgated laws of freedom of religion, which were unknown during his time. Cosimo also was a long-term supporter of Pope Pius V, who in the light of Florence's expansion in August 1569, declared Cosimo Grand Duke of Tuscany, a title unprecedented in Italy. A city is a human settlement of a notable size. The term "city" has different meanings around the world and in some places the settlement can be very small. Even where the term is limited to larger settlements, there is no universally agreed definition of the lower boundary for their size. In a more narrow sense, a city can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks. Cities generally have extensive systems for housing, transportation, sanitation, utilities, land use, production of goods, and communication. Their density facilitates interaction between people, government organizations, and businesses, sometimes benefiting different parties in the process, such as improving the efficiency of goods and service distribution. Historically, city dwellers have been a small proportion of humanity overall, but following two centuries of unprecedented and rapid urbanization, more than half of the world population now lives in cities, which has had profound consequences for global sustainability. Present-day cities usually form the core of larger metropolitan areas and urban areas--creating numerous commuters traveling toward city centres for employment, entertainment, and education. However, in a world of intensifying globalization, all cities are to varying degrees also connected globally beyond these regions. This increased influence means that cities also have significant influences on global issues, such as sustainable development, climate change, and global health. Because of these major influences on global issues, the international community has prioritized investment in sustainable cities through Sustainable Development Goal 11. Due to the efficiency of transportation and the smaller land consumption, dense cities hold the potential to have a smaller ecological footprint per inhabitant than more sparsely populated areas. Therefore, compact cities are often referred to as a crucial element in fighting climate change. However, this concentration can also have significant negative consequences, such as forming urban heat islands, concentrating pollution, and stressing water supplies and other resources. Other important traits of cities besides population include the capital status and relative continued occupation of the city. For example, country capitals such as Beijing, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, London, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow, Nairobi, New Delhi, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C. reflect the identity and apex of their respective nations. Some historic capitals, such as Istanbul, Yogyakarta, and Xi'an, maintain their reflection of cultural identity even without modern capital status. Religious holy sites offer another example of capital status within a religion; examples include Jerusalem, Mecca, Varanasi, Ayodhya, Haridwar, and Prayagraj. A city can be distinguished from other human settlements by its relatively great size, but also by its functions and its special symbolic status, which may be conferred by a central authority. The term can also refer either to the physical streets and buildings of the city or to the collection of people who dwell there and can be used in a general sense to mean urban rather than rural territory. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> District of Columbia Home Rule Act <p> country <o> United States of America <s> District of Columbia Home Rule Act <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> United States of America <s> District of Columbia Home Rule Act <p> signatory <o> Richard Nixon <s> District of Columbia Home Rule Act <p> instance of <o> Act of Congress in the United States <s> District of Columbia Home Rule Act <p> legislated by <o> 93rd United States Congress <s> economy of Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> economy of Washington, D.C. <p> location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> economy of Washington, D.C. <p> subclass of <o> economy of the United States <s> economy of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Views of Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Views of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Views of Washington, D.C. <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Fairfax County <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Fairfax County <p> school district <o> Fairfax County Public Schools <s> Fairfax County <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Fairfax County, Virginia <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Alexandria <s> Fairfax County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Fairfax County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Prince George's County <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Arlington County <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Prince William County <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Falls Church <s> Fairfax County <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Virginia <s> Fairfax County <p> capital <o> Fairfax <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Montgomery County <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Loudoun County <s> Fairfax County <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Fairfax <s> Fairfax County <p> shares border with <o> Charles County <s> Fairfax County <p> different from <o> Fairfax <s> Fairfax County <p> instance of <o> county of Virginia <s> Fairfax County <p> part of <o> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <s> Fairfax County <p> named after <o> Thomas Fairfax <s> Fairfax County <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Fairfax County <s> Fairfax County <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Fairfax County, Virginia <s> Fairfax County <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fairfax County, Virginia <s> Fairfax County <p> legislative body <o> Fairfax County Board of Supervisors <s> Fairfax County <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Fairfax County, Virginia <s> Fairfax County <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Fairfax County, Virginia <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> named after <o> Alexandria <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> West Virginia <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Alexandria <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> named after <o> Arlington County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Virginia <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Arlington County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Maryland <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Fairfax County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Falls Church <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Jefferson County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Fredericksburg <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Culpeper County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Loudoun County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Calvert County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Charles County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Clarke County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Prince George's County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Stafford County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Prince William County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Fairfax <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Fauquier County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Spotsylvania County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Manassas Park <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> named after <o> Reston <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Manassas <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Warren County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> has part(s) <o> Rappahannock County <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> instance of <o> metropolitan division <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> part of <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> different from <o> Washington statistical areas <s> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <p> different from <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> San Salvador <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> San Salvador <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of San Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> San Salvador <p> named after <o> Jesus <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> San Salvador <p> country <o> El Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> capital of <o> El Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> San Salvador <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> San Salvador <p> instance of <o> big city <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> San Salvador <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> San Salvador <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> San Salvador Department <s> San Salvador <p> different from <o> San Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> San Salvador <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> San Salvador <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> San Salvador <p> capital of <o> San Salvador Department <s> San Salvador <p> instance of <o> municipality of El Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> head of government <o> Mario Edgardo Durán Gavidia <s> San Salvador <p> part of <o> Western El Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> San Salvador <p> topic's main category <o> Category:San Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in San Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in San Salvador <s> San Salvador <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> San Salvador <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> San Salvador <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from San Salvador <s> neighborhood of Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> neighborhood of Washington, D.C. <p> location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> neighborhood of Washington, D.C. <p> subclass of <o> neighborhood <s> neighborhood of Washington, D.C. <p> subclass of <o> human settlement <s> neighborhood of Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. <s> neighborhood of Washington, D.C. <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. <s> Rock Creek <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Rock Creek <p> continent <o> North America <s> Rock Creek <p> different from <o> Rock Creek <s> Rock Creek <p> instance of <o> river <s> Rock Creek <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Rock Creek <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Potomac River <s> Rock Creek <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Montgomery County <s> Rock Creek <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rock Creek (Potomac River) <s> Rock Creek <p> located in protected area <o> Rock Creek Park <s> Rock Creek <p> drainage basin <o> Potomac River drainage basin <s> Ankara <p> capital of <o> Turkey <s> Ankara <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Ankara <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Ankara <p> capital of <o> Ankara Province <s> Ankara <p> coextensive with <o> Ankara Province <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Ankara <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Ankara <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ankara <s> Ankara <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Ankara <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Ankara <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Ankara <s> Ankara <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ankara <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Ankara <s> Ankara <p> Köppen climate classification <o> Mediterranean-influenced warm-summer humid continental climate <s> Ankara <p> Köppen climate classification <o> cold semi-arid climate <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Ankara <p> location <o> Central Anatolia Region <s> Ankara <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Ankara <s> Ankara <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Ankara <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Ankara <s> Ankara <p> related category <o> Category:Ankara-related lists <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ufa <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Ankara <p> official language <o> Turkish <s> Ankara <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Ankara <s> Ankara <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Ankara by place <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuala Lumpur <s> Ankara <p> replaces <o> Ancyra <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Ankara <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Ankara <s> Ankara <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ankara <p> history of topic <o> history of Ankara <s> Ankara <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ankara <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kinshasa <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Ankara <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ankara <s> Ankara <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ankara <s> Ankara <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Ankara <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khartoum <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nicosia <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Islamabad <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dushanbe <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bissau <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manama <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mogadishu <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Damascus <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sanaa <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ashgabat <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bucharest <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prishtina <s> Ankara <p> instance of <o> metropolitan municipality in Turkey <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bishkek <s> Ankara <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ankara Province <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuwait City <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pavlodar <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> North Nicosia <s> Ankara <p> head of government <o> Mansur Yavaş <s> Ankara <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Çubuk <s> Ankara <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Hatip <s> Ankara <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Ankara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chișinău <s> Ankara <p> award received <o> The Europe Prize <s> planned community <p> model item <o> Saint Petersburg <s> planned community <p> model item <o> Ottawa <s> planned community <p> model item <o> Brasília <s> planned community <p> model item <o> Canberra <s> planned community <p> model item <o> Navi Mumbai <s> planned community <p> subclass of <o> human settlement <s> planned community <p> subclass of <o> development <s> planned community <p> said to be the same as <o> new town <s> planned community <p> different from <o> New Town <s> planned community <p> different from <o> commune nouvelle <s> planned community <p> different from <o> new town <s> planned community <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Planned communities <s> planned community <p> model item <o> New Administrative Capital of Egypt <s> planned community <p> has list <o> list of planned cities </Graph>
<Text> :The District of Columbia Home Rule Act is a United States federal law passed on December 24, 1973, which devolved certain congressional powers of the District of Columbia to local government, furthering District of Columbia home rule. In particular, it includes the District Charter , which provides for an elected mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia. The council is composed of a chair elected at large and twelve members, four of whom are elected at large, and one from each of the District's eight wards. Council members are elected to four-year terms. Under the "Home Rule" government, Congress reviews all legislation passed by the council before it can become law and retains authority over the District's budget. Also, the President appoints the District's judges, and the District still has no voting representation in Congress. Because of these and other limitations on local government, many citizens of the District continue to lobby for greater autonomy, such as complete statehood. Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly called Washington or D.C., is the capital city and sole federal district of the United States. The city is on the Potomac River, across from Virginia, and shares land borders with Maryland to its north and east. Washington, D.C., was named for George Washington, a Founding Father and first president of the United States. The district is named for Columbia, the female personification of the nation. Washington, D.C., anchors the southern end of the Northeast megalopolis, one of the nation's largest and most influential cultural, political, and economic regions. As the seat of the U.S. federal government and several international organizations, the city is an important world political capital. The city had 20.7 million domestic visitors and 1.2 million international visitors, ranking seventh among U.S. cities as of 2022. The U.S. Constitution in 1789 called for creation of a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress. As such, Washington, D.C., is not part of any state, and is not one itself. The Residence Act, adopted on July 16, 1790, approved the creation of the capital district along the Potomac River. The city was founded in 1791, and the 6th Congress held the first session in the unfinished Capitol Building in 1800 after the capital moved from Philadelphia. In 1801, the District of Columbia, formerly part of Maryland and Virginia and including the existing settlements of Georgetown and Alexandria, was officially recognized as the federal district; initially, the city was a separate settlement within the larger federal district. In 1846, Congress returned the land originally ceded by Virginia, including the city of Alexandria. In 1871, it created a single municipality for the remaining portion of the district, although its locally elected government only lasted three years and elective city-government did not return for over a century. There have been several unsuccessful efforts to make the district into a state since the 1880s; a statehood bill passed the House of Representatives in 2021 but was not adopted by the U.S. Senate. Designed in 1791 by Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the city is divided into quadrants, which are centered around the Capitol Building and include 131 neighborhoods. As of the 2020 census, the city had a population of 689,545, making it the 23rd-most populous city in the U.S., third-most populous city in the Southeast after Jacksonville and Charlotte, and third-most populous city in the Mid-Atlantic after New York City and Philadelphia. Commuters from the city's Maryland and Virginia suburbs raise the city's daytime population to more than one million during the workweek. The Washington metropolitan area, which includes parts of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, is the country's sixth-largest metropolitan area, with a 2020 population of 6.3 million residents. The city hosts the three branches of the U.S. federal government--Congress , the president , and the Supreme Court --and buildings that house government headquarters, including the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court Building, and multiple federal departments and agencies. The city is home to many national monuments and museums, located most prominently on or around the National Mall, including the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. It hosts 177 foreign embassies and serves as the headquarters for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization of American States, and other international organizations. Many of the nation's largest industry associations, non-profit organizations, and think tanks are based in the city, including AARP, American Red Cross, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution, National Geographic Society, The Heritage Foundation, Wilson Center, and others. Fairfax County, officially the County of Fairfax, is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is part of Northern Virginia and borders both the city of Alexandria and Arlington County and forms part of the suburban ring of Washington, D.C., the nation's capital. The county is predominantly suburban in character with some urban and rural pockets. As of the 2020 census, the population was 1,150,309, making it the most populous jurisdiction in Virginia, with around 13% of the state's population, the most populous jurisdiction in the Washington metropolitan area, with around 20% of the MSA population, and the most populous location in the Washington-Baltimore combined statistical area, with around 13% of the CSA population. The county seat is Fairfax; however, because it is an independent city under Virginia law, the city of Fairfax is not part of the county. Fairfax was the first U.S. county to reach a six-figure median household income and has the fifth-highest median household income among all U.S. counties as of 2020. As part of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, it is usually included atop or near the top of lists of the wealthiest areas in the United States. The county is home to the headquarters of four intelligence agencies: the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the National Counterterrorism Center. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is also based in the county. In academia, the county is home to the flagship campus of George Mason University, CIA University-Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis, and several Northern Virginia Community College campuses. Seven Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in the county as of 2012. San Salvador is the capital and the largest city of El Salvador and its eponymous department. It is the country's political, cultural, educational and financial center. The Municipality of San Salvador has 209,633 inhabitants . The Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, which comprises the capital itself and 13 of its municipalities, has a population of 2,404,097. The urban area of San Salvador has a population of 1,600,000 inhabitants. The city is home to the Consejo de Ministros de El Salvador , the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, the Supreme Court of El Salvador, and other governmental institutions, as well as the official residence of the President of El Salvador. San Salvador is located in the Salvadoran highlands, surrounded by volcanoes and prone to earthquakes. The city is also home to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Salvador, as well as many Protestant branches of Christianity, including Evangelicals, Baptists, and Pentecostals, and the restorationist Christian sect the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. San Salvador has been the host city for regional and international sporting, political, and social events. It hosted the Central American and Caribbean Games in 1935, 2002, and in 2023 and the Central American Games in 1977 and 1994, as well as the Miss Universe pageant in 1975 and in 2023. San Salvador was also the host city of the 18th Ibero-American Summit in 2008, the most important sociopolitical event in the Spanish and Portuguese sphere. The Central American Integration System has its headquarters in San Salvador. San Salvador was named by Gonzalo de Alvarado in 1525, after the Transfiguration of Jesus which celebrates every 6 August for the feast in the Western Church. That day in 1456 Pope Callixtus III made a commemoration of the Hungarian victory at the Siege of Belgrade against the Ottomans which made a spice trade blockade across Afro-Eurasia three years earlier. Thus, various places were named after the event with that name in order to designate the Christian church, such as Christopher Columbus who baptized in the island of Guanahani, Bahamas in 1492. And so, Gonzalo made it honor to the Divine Savior of the World, and the representation of the conquistador leader, Pedro de Alvarado at that moment to expand the territory of Cuzcatlan. Ankara , historically known as Ancyra and Angora, is the capital of Turkey. Located in the central part of Anatolia, the city has a population of 5.1 million in its urban center and 5.8 million in Ankara Province, making it Turkey's second-largest city after Istanbul, but first by the urban area . Serving as the capital of the ancient Celtic state of Galatia , and later of the Roman province with the same name , the city is very old, with various Hattian, Hittite, Lydian, Phrygian, Galatian, Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman archeological sites. The Ottomans made the city the capital first of the Anatolia Eyalet and then the Angora Eyalet and the Angora Vilayet . The historical center of Ankara is a rocky hill rising 150 m over the left bank of the Ankara River, a tributary of the Sakarya River. The hill remains crowned by the ruins of Ankara Castle. Although few of its outworks have survived, there are well-preserved examples of Roman and Ottoman architecture throughout the city, the most remarkable being the 20 BC Temple of Augustus and Rome that boasts the Monumentum Ancyranum, the inscription recording the Res Gestae Divi Augusti. On 23 April 1920, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established in Ankara, which became the headquarters of the Turkish National Movement during the Turkish War of Independence. Ankara became the new Turkish capital upon the establishment of the Republic on 29 October 1923, succeeding in this role as the former Turkish capital Istanbul following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The government is a prominent employer, but Ankara is also an important commercial and industrial city located at the center of Turkey's road and railway networks. The city gave its name to the Angora wool shorn from Angora rabbits, the long-haired Angora goat , and the Angora cat. The area is also known for its pears, honey and Muscat grapes. Although situated in one of the driest regions of Turkey and surrounded mostly by steppe vegetation , Ankara can be considered a green city in terms of green areas per inhabitant, at 72 square meters per head. The orthography of the name Ankara has varied over the ages. It has been identified with the Hittite cult center Ankuwas, although this remains a matter of debate. In classical antiquity and during the medieval period, the city was known as Ankyra in Greek and Ancyra in Latin; the Galatian Celtic name was probably a similar variant. Following its annexation by the Seljuk Turks in 1073, the city became known in many European languages as Angora; it was also known in Ottoman Turkish as Enguru . The form "Angora" is preserved in the names of breeds of many different kinds of animals, and in the names of several locations in the US . A planned community, planned city, planned town, or planned settlement is any community that was carefully planned from its inception and is typically constructed on previously undeveloped land. This contrasts with settlements that evolve organically. The term new town refers to planned communities of the new towns movement in particular, mainly in the United Kingdom. It was also common in the European colonization of the Americas to build according to a plan either on fresh ground or on the ruins of earlier Native American villages. A planned capital is a city specially planned, designed and built to be a capital. Several of the world's national capitals are planned capitals, including Canberra in Australia, Brasilia in Brazil, Belmopan in Belize, New Delhi in India, Abuja in Nigeria, Islamabad in Pakistan, Naypyidaw in Myanmar , Washington, D.C. in the United States, the modern parts of Astana in Kazakhstan, and Ankara in Turkey. In Egypt, a new capital city is under construction. Putrajaya, the federal administrative and judicial centre of Malaysia, is also a planned city. During the construction of the Suez Canal in the 1860s, and after, new towns were planned and built to serve the new international shipping canal. Other smaller company towns were built during the 20th Century to serve oil exploration sites and factories. The larger towns have since been incorporated into mainstream local government. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> city in the United States <p> different from <o> town in the United States <s> city in the United States <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of cities in the United States from below <s> city in the United States <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of cities in the United States from above <s> city in the United States <p> country <o> United States of America <s> city in the United States <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> United States of America <s> city in the United States <p> subclass of <o> city <s> city in the United States <p> subclass of <o> municipal corporation in the United States <s> city in the United States <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cities in the United States <s> city in the United States <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Largest cities of the United States <s> Prince George's County <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Prince George's County, Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Prince George's County <s> Prince George's County <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Prince George's County, Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Prince George's County <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Prince George's County, Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Alexandria <s> Prince George's County <p> different from <o> Prince George County <s> Prince George's County <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Prince George's County, Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Prince George's County, Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rishon LeZion <s> Prince George's County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Anne Arundel County <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Montgomery County <s> Prince George's County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ziguinchor <s> Prince George's County <p> named after <o> Prince George, Duke of Cumberland <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Howard County <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Fairfax County <s> Prince George's County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Anacostia River <s> Prince George's County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Patuxent River <s> Prince George's County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Potomac River <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Charles County <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Calvert County <s> Prince George's County <p> school district <o> Prince George's County Public Schools <s> Prince George's County <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> contains the statistical territorial entity <o> Hillcrest Heights <s> Prince George's County <p> capital <o> Upper Marlboro <s> Prince George's County <p> flag <o> flag of Prince George's County <s> Prince George's County <p> shares border with <o> Southeast <s> Prince George's County <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Prince George's County <p> part of <o> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <s> Prince George's County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Northeast Branch Anacostia River <s> Prince George's County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Northwest Branch Anacostia River <s> Prince George's County <p> located in time zone <o> America/New_York <s> Prince George's County <p> instance of <o> county of Maryland <s> Prince George's County <p> highest point <o> Prince George's County High Point <s> Prince George's County <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Prince George's County, Maryland <s> Seal of the District of Columbia <p> instance of <o> coat of arms <s> Seal of the District of Columbia <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Seal of the District of Columbia <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> District of Columbia <s> Addis Ababa <p> country <o> Ethiopia <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Addis Ababa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ethiopia <s> Addis Ababa <p> capital of <o> Ethiopia <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Francisco <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Soddo <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Amharic <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Harari <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Tigrinya <s> Addis Ababa <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Addis Ababa <p> instance of <o> region of Ethiopia <s> Addis Ababa <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Addis Ababa <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Addis Ababa <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Addis Ababa <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Addis Ababa <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Addis Ababa <p> described by source <o> Great dictionary of geographical names <s> Addis Ababa <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chongqing <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bole Medhanealem <s> Addis Ababa <p> headquarters location <o> African Union <s> Addis Ababa <p> shares border with <o> Oromia Region <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tel Aviv <s> Addis Ababa <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Wolane <s> Addis Ababa <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Addis Ababa <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Addis Ababa <p> history of topic <o> history of Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gai <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chuncheon <s> Addis Ababa <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> different from <o> Addis Abebe <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beersheba <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Gumuz <s> Addis Ababa <p> language used <o> Wolayttattuwa <s> Addis Ababa <p> headquarters location <o> Organisation of African Unity <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kolfe Keranio <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lideta <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yeka <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nifas Silk-Lafto <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Netanya <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stockholm Municipality <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khartoum <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Johannesburg <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leipzig <s> Addis Ababa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Addis Ababa <s> Addis Ababa <p> headquarters location <o> United Nations Economic Commission for Africa <s> Addis Ababa <p> located in time zone <o> East Africa Time <s> Addis Ababa <p> head of government <o> Adanech Abebe <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gullele <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kirkos <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Akaky Kaliti <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Addis Ketema <s> Addis Ababa <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arada <s> Addis Ababa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaunas <s> outline of the District of Columbia <p> country <o> United States of America <s> outline of the District of Columbia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia outline article <s> Category:Washington, D.C.-related lists <p> category contains <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Category:Washington, D.C.-related lists <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia lists category <s> Category:Washington, D.C.-related lists <p> category contains <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Category:Washington, D.C.-related lists <p> category combines topics <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Accra <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Accra <s> Accra <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Accra <s> Accra <p> country <o> Ghana <s> Accra <p> capital of <o> Ghana <s> Accra <p> instance of <o> city <s> Accra <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Accra <p> located in time zone <o> Greenwich Mean Time <s> Accra <p> replaces <o> Cape Coast <s> Accra <p> capital of <o> Greater Accra Region <s> Accra <p> part of <o> Ghanaian Coastal Plain <s> Accra <p> said to be the same as <o> Accra Metropolitan District <s> Accra <p> capital of <o> Gold Coast Colony <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chicago <s> Accra <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Accra <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Accra <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Accra <s> Accra <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Accra <s> Accra <p> different from <o> Akra <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Tomé <s> Accra <p> described by source <o> Great dictionary of geographical names <s> Accra <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Columbus <s> Accra <p> official language <o> English <s> Accra <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Johannesburg <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Columbia <s> Accra <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Accra <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Accra <s> Accra <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Accra <s> Accra <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Accra <s> Accra <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Accra <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Accra <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of Guinea <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ablekuma Central Constituency <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Okaikwei North Constituency <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ablekuma South <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ayawaso East Constituency <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Okaikwei South Constituency <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ashiedu Keteke <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ablekuma North Constituency <s> Accra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Greater Accra Region <s> Accra <p> head of government <o> Mohammed Adjei Sowah <s> Accra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Nkwantanang Madina <s> Accra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paynesville <s> Potomac River <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Potomac River <p> basin country <o> United States of America <s> Potomac River <p> drainage basin <o> Potomac River drainage basin <s> Potomac River <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Antietam Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Shenandoah River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Rock Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Broad Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Broad Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Back Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Cacapon River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Catoctin Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Monocacy River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Accotink Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Aquia Creek <s> Potomac River <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Anacostia River <s> Potomac River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Chesapeake Bay <s> Potomac River <p> continent <o> North America <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Coan River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Conococheague Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Chopawamsic Creek <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Prince George's County <s> Potomac River <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Evitts Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Little River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Goose Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Maddox Branch <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Neabsco Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> New Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Hull Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Seneca Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Spout Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Licking Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Patterson Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Sleepy Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Fifteenmile Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Dogue Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Little Hunting Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Mattawoman Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Piscataway Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Quantico Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Muddy Branch <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Savage River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Four Mile Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Piney Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Popes Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Pomonkey Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Donaldson Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Foundry Branch <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Little Cacapon River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Difficult Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Pohick Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Potomac Creek <s> Potomac River <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Potomac River <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arlington County <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Wicomico River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Town Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Wills Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Watts Branch <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Windy Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Yeocomico River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> St. Marys River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Occoquan River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Tonoloway Creek <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Allegany County <s> Potomac River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Zekiah Swamp Run <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> North Branch Potomac River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Sideling Hill Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Laurel Fork <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Hunting Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> South Branch Potomac River <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Mattox Creek <s> Potomac River <p> tributary <o> Opequon Creek <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Montgomery County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Morgan County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hampshire County <s> Potomac River <p> instance of <o> stream <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Jefferson County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Berkeley County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Westmoreland County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Loudoun County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Charles County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Stafford County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Fairfax County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> St. Mary's County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> King George County <s> Potomac River <p> named after <o> Patawomeck <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Frederick County <s> Potomac River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Northumberland County <s> Potomac River <p> category for the water basin <o> Category:Potomac River watershed <s> public emergency <p> subclass of <o> emergency procedure <s> public emergency <p> has cause <o> threat <s> public emergency <p> facet of <o> crisis management <s> Muriel Bowser <p> instance of <o> human <s> Muriel Bowser <p> country of citizenship <o> United States of America <s> Muriel Bowser <p> place of birth <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Muriel Bowser <p> work location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Muriel Bowser <p> position held <o> Mayor of the District of Columbia <s> Muriel Bowser <p> member of political party <o> Democratic Party <s> Muriel Bowser <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Muriel Bowser <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Muriel Bowser <p> given name <o> Elizabeth <s> Muriel Bowser <p> given name <o> Muriel <s> Muriel Bowser <p> educated at <o> American University <s> Muriel Bowser <p> educated at <o> Chatham University <s> Muriel Bowser <p> educated at <o> Elizabeth Seton High School <s> Muriel Bowser <p> field of work <o> gun control <s> Muriel Bowser <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject African diaspora <s> Muriel Bowser <p> family name <o> Bowser </Graph>
<Text> :Prince George's County is located in the U.S. state of Maryland bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C. As of the 2020 U.S. census, the population was 967,201, making it the second-most populous county in Maryland, behind neighboring Montgomery County. The 2020 census counted an increase of nearly 104,000 in the previous ten years. Its county seat is Upper Marlboro. It is the largest and the second most affluent African American-majority county in the United States, with five of its communities identified in a 2015 top ten list. Prince George's County is included in the Washington metropolitan area. The county also hosts many federal governmental facilities, such as Joint Base Andrews and the United States Census Bureau headquarters. The official name of the county, as specified in the county's charter, is "Prince George's County, Maryland". The county is named after Prince George of Denmark , the consort of Anne, Queen of Great Britain, and the brother of King Christian V of Denmark and Norway. The county's demonym is Prince Georgian, and its motto is Semper Eadem , a phrase used by Queen Anne. Prince George's County is frequently referred to as "PG" or "PG County", an abbreviation which is the subject of debate, some residents viewing it as a pejorative and others holding neutral feelings toward the term or even preferring the abbreviation over the full name. The Cretaceous Era brought dinosaurs to the area that left fossils now preserved in a 7.5-acre park in Laurel. The site, which among other finds has yielded fossilized teeth from Astrodon and Priconodon species, has been called the most prolific in the eastern United States. Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city of Ethiopia. In the 2007 census, the city's population was estimated to be 2,739,551 inhabitants. Addis Ababa is a highly developed and important cultural, artistic, financial and administrative centre of Ethiopia. The founding history of Addis Ababa dates back to the late 19th century by Menelik II, Negus of Shewa, in 1886 after finding Mount Entoto unpleasant two years prior. At the time, the city was a resort town; its large mineral spring abundance attracted nobilities of the empire and led them to establish permanent settlement. It also attracted many members of the working classes - including artisans and merchants - and foreign visitors. Menelik II then formed his imperial palace in 1887. Addis Ababa became the empire's capital in 1889, and subsequently international embassies were opened. Urban development began with the 20th century, without any prior planning. Addis Ababa saw a wide-scale economic boom in 1926 and 1927, and an increase in the number of buildings owned by the middle class, including stone houses filled with imported European furniture. The middle class also imported newly manufactured automobiles and expanded banking institutions. During the Italian occupation, urbanization and modernization steadily increased through a masterplan; it was hoped Addis Ababa would be a more "colonial" city and continued on after the occupation. Subsequent master plans were designed by French and British consultants from the 1940s onwards, focusing on monuments, civic structures, satellite cities and the inner-city. Similarly, the later Italo-Ethiopian masterplan concerned only urban structure and accommodation services, but was later adapted by the 2003 masterplan. Addis Ababa is a federally-chartered city in accordance with the Addis Ababa City Government Charter Proclamation No. 87/1997 in the FDRE Constitution. Called "the political capital of Africa" due to its historical, diplomatic, and political significance for the continent, Addis Ababa serves as the headquarters of major international organizations, such as the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Washington, D.C., legally named the District of Columbia, in the United States of America, was founded on July 16, 1790, after the inauguration of City of Washington, the new capital of the country. The area given to District of Columbia, was originally 100 square miles ceded by the states of Maryland and Virginia in accordance with the Residence Act; however, in 1846, the retrocession of the District of Columbia, meant that the area of 31 square miles which was ceded by Virginia was returned, leaving 69 square miles of territory originally ceded by Maryland as the current area of the District in its entirety. The City of Washington was originally a separate municipality within the Territory of Columbia until the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 effectively merged the City and the Territory into a single entity. It is for this reason that everything within its boundaries is legally the District of Columbia. American University Park * Berkley * Cathedral Heights * Chevy Chase * Cleveland Park * Colony Hill * Forest Hills * Foxhall * Friendship Heights * Glover Park * Kent * Massachusetts Heights * McLean Gardens * North Cleveland Park * Observatory Circle * The Palisades * Potomac Heights * Spring Valley * Tenleytown * Wakefield * Wesley Heights * Woodland-Normanstone Terrace * Woodley Park Barnaby Woods * Brightwood * Brightwood Park * Chevy Chase * Colonial Village * Crestwood * Fort Totten * Hawthorne * Manor Park * Petworth * Riggs Park * Lamond-Riggs * Shepherd Park * Sixteenth Street Heights * Takoma Accra is the capital and largest city of Ghana, located on the southern coast at the Gulf of Guinea, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. As of 2021 census, the Accra Metropolitan District, 20.4 km2 , had a population of 284,124 inhabitants, and the larger Greater Accra Region, 3,245 km2 , had a population of 5,455,692 inhabitants. In common usage, the name "Accra" often refers to the territory of the Accra Metropolitan District as it existed before 2008, when it covered 199.4 km2 . This territory has since been split into 13 local government districts: 12 independent municipal districts and the reduced Accra Metropolitan District , which is the only district within the capital to be granted city status. This territory of 199.4 km2 contained 1,782,150 inhabitants at the 2021 census, and serves as the capital of Ghana, while the district under the jurisdiction of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly proper is distinguished from the rest of the capital as the "City of Accra". Formed from the merger of distinct settlements around British Fort James, Dutch Fort Crevecoeur , and Danish Fort Christiansborg as Jamestown, Usshertown, and Christiansborg respectively, Accra served as the capital of the British Gold Coast between 1877 and 1957 and has since transitioned into a modern metropolis. The capital's architecture reflects this history, ranging from 19th-century colonial architecture to modern skyscrapers and apartment blocks. Accra is the Greater Accra Region's economic and administrative hub, and serves as the anchor of the larger Greater Accra Metropolitan Area , which is inhabited by about 4 million people, making it the thirteenth-largest metropolitan area in Africa. In 2020, the Globalization and World Cities Research Network think tank designated Accra as a "Gamma -" level global city, indicating a growing level of international influence and connectedness. The word Accra is derived from the Akan word Nkran meaning "ants", a reference to the numerous anthills seen in the countryside around Accra. The name specifically refers to soldier ants, and was applied to both the town and people by the Twi speakers. The Potomac River is a major river in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States that flows from the Potomac Highlands in West Virginia to the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. It is 405 miles long, with a drainage area of 14,700 square miles , and is the fourth-largest river along the East Coast of the United States and the 21st-largest in the United States. More than 5 million people live within its watershed. The river forms part of the borders between Maryland and Washington, D.C., on the left descending bank, and West Virginia and Virginia on the right descending bank. Except for a small portion of its headwaters in West Virginia, the North Branch Potomac River is considered part of Maryland to the low-water mark on the opposite bank. The South Branch Potomac River lies completely within the state of West Virginia except for its headwaters, which lie in Virginia. The Potomac River runs 405 mi from Fairfax Stone Historical Monument State Park in West Virginia on the Allegheny Plateau to Point Lookout, Maryland, and drains 14,679 sq mi . The length of the river from the junction of its North and South Branches to Point Lookout is 302 mi . The river has two sources. The source of the North Branch is at the Fairfax Stone located at the junction of Grant, Tucker, and Preston counties in West Virginia. The source of the South Branch is located near Hightown in northern Highland County, Virginia. The river's two branches converge just east of Green Spring in Hampshire County, West Virginia, to form the Potomac. As it flows from its headwaters down to the Chesapeake Bay, the Potomac traverses five geological provinces: the Appalachian Plateau, the Ridge and Valley, the Blue Ridge, the Piedmont Plateau, and the Atlantic coastal plain. Muriel Elizabeth Bowser is an American politician who has served as the mayor of the District of Columbia since 2015. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously represented the 4th ward as a member of the Council of the District of Columbia from 2007 to 2015. She is the second female mayor of the District of Columbia after Sharon Pratt, and the first woman to be reelected to that position. Elected to the Advisory Neighborhood Commission in 2004, Bowser was elected to the council in a special election in 2007, to succeed Adrian Fenty, who had been elected mayor. She was reelected in 2008 and 2012 and ran for mayor in the 2014 election. She defeated incumbent mayor Vincent C. Gray in the Democratic primary and won the general election against three independent and two minor party candidates with 55% of the vote. In 2018, Bowser won a second term with 76.4% of the vote, then a third term in 2022 with 74.6% of the vote. The youngest of six children of Joe and Joan Bowser, Bowser was born in Washington, and grew up in North Michigan Park in northeast D.C. In 1990, she graduated from Elizabeth Seton High School, a private all-girls Catholic high school located in Bladensburg, Maryland. She received a college scholarship because of her above average grades. Bowser graduated from Chatham College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a bachelor's degree in history, and she graduated from the American University School of Public Affairs with a Masters in Public Policy. According to Bowser, she never envisioned herself as an elected politician, but possibly an appointed agency administrator. Bowser began her political career in 2004, running unopposed for the Advisory Neighborhood Commission . She represented district 4B09, which includes the neighborhood of Riggs Park. She was unopposed again in 2006 when she ran for re-election. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Pretoria <p> continent <o> Africa <s> Pretoria <p> capital of <o> South Africa <s> Pretoria <p> different from <o> Pretoria <s> Pretoria <p> capital of <o> Union of South Africa <s> Pretoria <p> capital of <o> Transvaal Province <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Delft <s> Pretoria <p> country <o> South Africa <s> Pretoria <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Pretoria <p> capital of <o> City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality <s> Pretoria <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Pretoria <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Pretoria <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Pretoria <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pretoria <p> capital of <o> Transvaal Colony <s> Pretoria <p> capital of <o> South African Republic <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baku <s> Pretoria <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Pretoria <p> named after <o> Andries Wilhelmus Jacobus Pretorius <s> Pretoria <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Pretoria <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality <s> Pretoria <p> flag <o> flag of Pretoria <s> Pretoria <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Pretoria <s> Pretoria <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Pretoria <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Pretoria <p> shares border with <o> Johannesburg <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Johannesburg <s> Pretoria <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pretoria <s> Pretoria <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Pretoria <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Pretoria <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Pretoria <s> Pretoria <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Pretoria <s> Pretoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Pretoria <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Pretoria <s> political city <p> model item <o> Washington, D.C. <s> political city <p> model item <o> City of Brussels <s> political city <p> model item <o> Brasília <s> political city <p> model item <o> Canberra <s> political city <p> subclass of <o> city <s> political city <p> instance of <o> classification of human settlements <s> political city <p> subclass of <o> human settlement <s> Sunderland <p> capital of <o> Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> different from <o> Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> instance of <o> city <s> Sunderland <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Sunderland <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Sunderland <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Sunderland <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Sunderland <p> capital of <o> County Borough of Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Sunderland <p> twinned administrative body <o> Essen <s> Sunderland <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Sunderland <p> located in or next to body of water <o> North Sea <s> Sunderland <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Sunderland <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> located in or next to body of water <o> River Wear <s> Sunderland <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> instance of <o> unparished area <s> Sunderland <p> historic county <o> County Durham <s> Sunderland <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> County Borough of Sunderland <s> Sunderland <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sunderland <s> Silver Spring <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Silver Spring <p> shares border with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Silver Spring <p> different from <o> Silver Spring <s> Silver Spring <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Silver Spring <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Silver Spring <p> shares border with <o> Takoma Park <s> Silver Spring <p> shares border with <o> Forest Glen <s> Silver Spring <p> shares border with <o> Northwest <s> Silver Spring <p> instance of <o> census-designated place in the United States <s> Silver Spring <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Silver Spring <p> shares border with <o> Langley Park <s> Silver Spring <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Montgomery County <s> Silver Spring <p> instance of <o> unincorporated community in the United States <s> Silver Spring <p> Köppen climate classification <o> humid subtropical climate <s> Silver Spring <p> located in time zone <o> America/New_York <s> Silver Spring <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Silver Spring, Maryland <s> Silver Spring <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Silver Spring, Maryland <s> Silver Spring <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Silver Spring, Maryland <s> Silver Spring <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Online <s> Silver Spring <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Silver Spring, Maryland <s> Silver Spring <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Silver Spring, Maryland <s> Arlington County <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Arlington County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Arlington County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Arlington County <p> part of <o> Arlington–Alexandria–Reston metropolitan division <s> Arlington County <p> school district <o> Arlington Public Schools <s> Arlington County <p> coextensive with <o> Arlington <s> Arlington County <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> said to be the same as <o> Arlington <s> Arlington County <p> different from <o> Arlington <s> Arlington County <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> Arlington County <p> category for people born here <o> People born in Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Arlington County <p> different from <o> Arlington <s> Arlington County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aachen <s> Arlington County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reims <s> Arlington County <p> authority <o> government of Arlington County <s> Arlington County <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ivano-Frankivsk <s> Arlington County <p> shares border with <o> Alexandria <s> Arlington County <p> shares border with <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Arlington County <p> part of <o> Washington metropolitan area <s> Arlington County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tangerang City <s> Arlington County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Potomac River <s> Arlington County <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> shares border with <o> Fairfax County <s> Arlington County <p> shares border with <o> Foggy Bottom <s> Arlington County <p> named after <o> Arlington House <s> Arlington County <p> instance of <o> county of Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> shares border with <o> Montgomery County <s> Arlington County <p> shares border with <o> Falls Church <s> Arlington County <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> follows <o> Alexandria County <s> Arlington County <p> legislative body <o> Arlington County Board <s> Arlington County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coyoacán <s> Arlington County <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Arlington County, Virginia <s> Arlington County <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Miguel <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Washington, D.C. <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> depicts <o> pentagram <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> depicts <o> field <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> flag of a country subdivision <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> District of Columbia <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> based on <o> coat of arms of George Washington <s> flag of Washington, D.C. <p> depicts <o> bar <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> different from <o> Montgomery County <s> 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<p> office held by head of government <o> Executive of Montgomery County, Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hyderabad <s> Montgomery County <p> described by source <o> Maryland Manual <s> Montgomery County <p> owner of <o> Music Center at Strathmore <s> Montgomery County <p> owner of <o> Mansion at Strathmore <s> Montgomery County <p> capital <o> Rockville <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Arlington County <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaithersburg <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kensington <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rockville <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Northwest <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Fairfax County <s> Montgomery County <p> history of topic <o> history of Montgomery County, Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Montgomery County, Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Prince George's County <s> Montgomery County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Daejeon <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevy Chase View <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Takoma Park <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Somerset <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevy Chase Village <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laytonsville <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barnesville <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Howard County <s> Montgomery County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Potomac River <s> Montgomery County <p> open data portal <o> Montgomery County Open Data Portal in Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Frederick–Gaithersburg–Bethesda metropolitan division <s> Montgomery County <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Montgomery County, Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> visitor center <o> Conference and Visitors Bureau of Montgomery County, MD <s> Montgomery County <p> school district <o> Montgomery County Public Schools <s> Montgomery County <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Montgomery County, Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gondar <s> Montgomery County <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevy Chase Section Five <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North Chevy Chase <s> Montgomery County <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Montgomery County, Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> named after <o> Richard Montgomery <s> Montgomery County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Patuxent River <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poolesville <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington Grove <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Glen Echo <s> Montgomery County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Morazán Department <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brookeville <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Loudoun County <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Frederick County <s> Montgomery County <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rock Creek <s> Montgomery County <p> shares border with <o> Barnaby Woods <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Garrett Park <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevy Chase <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevy Chase Section Three <s> Montgomery County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Martin's Additions <s> Montgomery County <p> instance of <o> county of Maryland <s> Montgomery County <p> head of government <o> Marc Elrich <s> Montgomery County <p> flag <o> flag of Montgomery County <s> Montgomery County <p> legislative body <o> Montgomery County Council <s> Christopher Columbus <p> documentation files at <o> SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts <s> Christopher Columbus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Christopher Columbus <p> different from <o> Chris Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Christopher Columbus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Christopher Columbus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Christopher Columbus <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Christopher Columbus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Smithsonian Libraries Dibner Library portraits <s> Christopher Columbus <p> military unit <o> Columbus' fleet <s> Christopher Columbus <p> place of birth <o> Genoa <s> Christopher Columbus <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> Christopher Columbus <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant person <o> Juan Perez <s> Christopher Columbus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant person <o> Antonio de Marchena <s> Christopher Columbus <p> sibling <o> Diego Colombos <s> Christopher Columbus <p> sibling <o> Bartholomew Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> influenced by <o> Marco Polo <s> Christopher Columbus <p> influenced by <o> Ptolemy <s> Christopher Columbus <p> influenced by <o> John Mandeville <s> Christopher Columbus <p> occupation <o> inventor <s> Christopher Columbus <p> country of citizenship <o> Republic of Genoa <s> Christopher Columbus <p> military rank <o> admiral <s> Christopher Columbus <p> occupation <o> sailor <s> Christopher Columbus <p> allegiance <o> Crown of Castile <s> Christopher Columbus <p> cause of death <o> heart failure <s> Christopher Columbus <p> mother <o> pep <s> Christopher Columbus <p> place of death <o> Valladolid <s> Christopher Columbus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Christopher Columbus <p> influenced by <o> Pierre d'Ailly <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant event <o> voyages of Christopher Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant event <o> second voyage of Christopher Colombus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant event <o> Fourth voyage of Christopher Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> religious order <o> Third Order of Saint Francis <s> Christopher Columbus <p> occupation <o> explorer <s> Christopher Columbus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Christopher Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant event <o> first voyage of Christopher Columbus epico y historico 10/10 <s> Christopher Columbus <p> child <o> Ferdinand Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> spouse <o> Filipa Moniz Perestrelo <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant event <o> Third voyage of Christopher Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> present in work <o> Christophe Colomb <s> Christopher Columbus <p> family <o> Cristobal culon xD <s> Christopher Columbus <p> family name <o> Colombo <s> Christopher Columbus <p> field of work <o> sea shipping <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Christopher Columbus <p> occupation <o> seafarer <s> Christopher Columbus <p> influenced by <o> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <s> Christopher Columbus <p> place of burial <o> Catedral de Sevilla <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Christopher Columbus <p> position held <o> Viceroy of the Indies <s> Christopher Columbus <p> position held <o> profanador <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Christopher Columbus <p> unmarried partner <o> Beatriz Enríquez de Arana <s> Christopher Columbus <p> father <o> Domenico Colombo <s> Christopher Columbus <p> child <o> Diego Columbus <s> Christopher Columbus <p> given name <o> Cristoforo <s> Christopher Columbus <p> occupation <o> traveler <s> Christopher Columbus <p> military rank <o> almirante de la mar Océana <s> Christopher Columbus <p> field of work <o> marine transportation <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Christopher Columbus <p> field of work <o> seamanship <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Christopher Columbus <p> member of <o> Columbus Conquistador of America <s> Christopher Columbus <p> significant event <o> Spanish Colonization of Hispaniola <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Christopher Columbus <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Category:Views of Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Views of Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:Maps of Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:Maps of Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :Pretoria is South Africa's administrative capital, serving as the seat of the executive branch of government, and as the host to all foreign embassies to South Africa. Pretoria straddles the Apies River and extends eastward into the foothills of the Magaliesberg mountains. It has a reputation as an academic city and center of research, being home to the Tshwane University of Technology , the University of Pretoria , the University of South Africa , the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research , and the Human Sciences Research Council. It also hosts the National Research Foundation and the South African Bureau of Standards. Pretoria was one of the host cities of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Pretoria is the central part of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality which was formed by the amalgamation of several former local authorities, including Bronkhorstspruit, Centurion, Cullinan, Hammanskraal and Soshanguve. Some have proposed changing the official name from Pretoria to Tshwane, which has caused some public controversy. Pretoria is named after the Voortrekker leader Andries Pretorius, and South Africans sometimes call it the "Jacaranda City", because of the thousands of jacaranda trees planted along its streets and in its parks and gardens. Sunderland is a port city in Tyne and Wear, North East England. It is located at the mouth of the River Wear on the North Sea, approximately 10 miles south-east of Newcastle upon Tyne. The city has a population of 168,277, making it the second largest settlement in the North East after Newcastle. It is the administrative centre of the metropolitan borough of the same name. The centre of the modern city is an amalgamation of three settlements founded in the Anglo-Saxon era: Monkwearmouth, on the north bank of the Wear, and Sunderland and Bishopwearmouth on the south bank. Monkwearmouth contains St Peter's Church, which was founded in 674 and formed part of Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey, a significant centre of learning in the seventh and eighth centuries. Sunderland was a fishing settlement and later a port, being granted a town charter in 1179. The city traded in coal and salt, also developing shipbuilding industry in the fourteenth century and glassmaking industry in the seventeenth century. Following the decline of its traditional industries in the late 20th century, the area became an automotive building centre. In 1992, the borough of Sunderland was granted city status. It is historically part of County Durham. Locals from the city are sometimes known as Mackems, a term which came into common use in the 1970s. ; its use and acceptance by residents, particularly among the older generations, is not universal. The term is also applied to the Sunderland dialect, which shares similarities with the other North East England dialects. In 685, King Ecgfrith granted Benedict Biscop a "sunder-land". Also in 685 The Venerable Bede moved to the newly founded Jarrow monastery. He had started his monastic career at Monkwearmouth monastery and later wrote that he was "acenned on sundorlande thaes ylcan mynstres" . This can be taken as "sundorlande" or the settlement of Sunderland. Alternatively, it is possible that Sunderland was later named in honour of Bede's connections to the area by people familiar with this statement of his. Arlington County, or simply Arlington, is a county in the U.S. state of Virginia. The county is located in Northern Virginia on the southwestern bank of the Potomac River directly across from Washington, D.C., the national capital. Arlington County is coextensive with the U.S. Census Bureau's census-designated place of Arlington. Arlington County is the eighth-most populous county in the Washington metropolitan area with a population of 238,643 as of the 2020 census. If Arlington County were incorporated as a city, it would rank as the third-most populous city in the state. With a land area of 26 square miles , Arlington County is the geographically smallest self-governing county in the nation. Arlington County is home to The Pentagon, the world's second-largest office structure, which houses the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense, DARPA, the Drug Enforcement Administration's headquarters, Reagan National Airport, and Arlington National Cemetery. Colleges and universities in the county include George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason School of Business, the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Marymount University, Schar School of Policy and Government, and graduate programs, research, and non-traditional student education centers affiliated with the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech. Corporations based in the county include the co-headquarters of Amazon, several consulting firms, and the global headquarters of Boeing, Raytheon Technologies, and BAE Systems Platforms & Services. The flag of Washington, D.C. consists of three red stars above two red bars on a white background. It is an armorial banner based on the coat of arms granted to Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave Manor Northamptonshire, England, in 1592. This coat of arms was used privately by the president in his home at Mount Vernon. In heraldry, the stars are called mullets and the coat of arms is blazoned as argent two bars gules, in chief three mullets of the second. In 1938, the District Flag Commission was created by an Act of Congress "to procure a design for a distinctive flag for the District of Columbia". The District Flag Commission was composed of three non-elected federally-appointed members: the president of the Board of Commissioners, the secretary of war and the secretary of the Navy. The flag was selected by the commission with the help of the Commission of Fine Arts. Since no local group was involved in the selection process, Washingtonians saw the flag as a symbol of their lack of representation. More recently, it has been embraced by most DC residents and businesses, as well as the DC Statehood Movement as a symbol of their local identity in the 21st century. The Washington family traces its roots to England in the 13th century to Wessyngton, a small rural estate in the northeastern county of Durham where Sir William de Hertburn received a lordship. The original coat of arms evolved drastically over the next 150 years through alliances, land acquisitions and conflicts. In 1346, the first appearance of the family coat of arms as we would recognize it was recorded for Sir William de Wessyngton's great-grandson, but with argent horizontal bars and mullets on a gules field. By the end of the 14th century, the current design was recorded for the family. After various events, the family was dispersed around England in Buckinghamshire, Kent, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire. In 1592, Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms confirmed the coat of arms upon Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave Manor in Northamptonshire during the reign of Elizabeth I. Two grandsons of Lawrence Washington immigrated to English North America in the 1660s. One of them was John Washington, who immigrated to the colony of Virginia in 1656. His great-grandson was George Washington who would become the first president of the United States. George used the coat of arms extensively on his Mount Vernon plantation, including on personal objects and on the livery of his enslaved servants. This was a common practice among the American planter class. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Genoa who completed four Spanish-based voyages across the Atlantic Ocean sponsored by the Catholic Monarchs, opening the way for the widespread European exploration and European colonization of the Americas. His expeditions were the first known European contact with the Caribbean and Central and South America. The name Christopher Columbus is the anglicisation of the Latin Christophorus Columbus. Growing up on the coast of Liguria, he went to sea at a young age and travelled widely, as far north as the British Isles and as far south as what is now Ghana. He married Portuguese noblewoman Filipa Moniz Perestrelo, who bore a son Diego, and was based in Lisbon for several years. He later took a Castilian mistress, Beatriz Enriquez de Arana, who bore a son, Ferdinand. Largely self-educated, Columbus was knowledgeable in geography, astronomy, and history. He developed a plan to seek a western sea passage to the East Indies, hoping to profit from the lucrative spice trade. After the Granada War, and Columbus's persistent lobbying in multiple kingdoms, the Catholic Monarchs, Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II, agreed to sponsor a journey west. Columbus left Castile in August 1492 with three ships and made landfall in the Americas on 12 October, ending the period of human habitation in the Americas now referred to as the pre-Columbian era. His landing place was an island in the Bahamas, known by its native inhabitants as Guanahani. He then visited the islands now known as Cuba and Hispaniola, establishing a colony in what is now Haiti. Columbus returned to Castile in early 1493, with captured natives. Word of his voyage soon spread throughout Europe. Columbus made three further voyages to the Americas, exploring the Lesser Antilles in 1493, Trinidad and the northern coast of South America in 1498, and the east coast of Central America in 1502. Many names he gave to geographical features, particularly islands, are still in use. He gave the name indios to the indigenous peoples he encountered. The extent to which he was aware the Americas were a wholly separate landmass is uncertain; he never clearly renounced his belief he had reached the Far East. As a colonial governor, Columbus was accused by some of his contemporaries of significant brutality and removed from the post. Columbus's strained relationship with the Crown of Castile and its colonial administrators in America led to his arrest and removal from Hispaniola in 1500, and later to protracted litigation over the privileges he and his heirs claimed were owed to them by the crown. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> geography of Lazio <p> country <o> Italy <s> geography of Lazio <p> continent <o> Europe <s> geography of Lazio <p> facet of <o> Lazio <s> geography of Lazio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Lazio <s> geography of Lazio <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Lazio <p> subclass of <o> geography of Italy <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> instance of <o> human <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> work location <o> City of Brussels <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> work location <o> Strasbourg <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> native language <o> Italian <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> position held <o> president of Lazio <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> position held <o> president of the Province of Rome <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> position held <o> member of the European Parliament <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> family name <o> Zingaretti <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> sibling <o> Luca Zingaretti <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> place of birth <o> Rome <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> given name <o> Nicola <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> position held <o> Secretary of the Democratic Party <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> candidacy in election <o> 2013 Lazio regional election <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> candidacy in election <o> 2018 Lazio regional election <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> medical condition <o> COVID-19 <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> member of political party <o> Democratic Party <s> Nicola Zingaretti <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> region of Italy <p> country <o> Italy <s> region of Italy <p> has part(s) <o> province of Italy <s> region of Italy <p> has list <o> list of regions of Italy <s> region of Italy <p> next lower rank <o> province of Italy <s> region of Italy <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox region of Italy <s> region of Italy <p> office held by head of government <o> president of Italian region <s> region of Italy <p> has part(s) <o> metropolitan city of Italy <s> region of Italy <p> subclass of <o> statutory corporation <s> region of Italy <p> subclass of <o> first-level administrative division <s> region of Italy <p> subclass of <o> NUTS 2 statistical territorial entity <s> region of Italy <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of Italy <s> region of Italy <p> subclass of <o> administrative region <s> region of Italy <p> legislative body <o> regional council <s> region of Italy <p> has part(s) <o> free municipal consortium <s> region of Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Regions of Italy <s> Province of Rome <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mandela <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Manziana <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marino <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcellina <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marano Equo <s> Province of Rome <p> part of <o> Lazio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montelanico <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Porzio Catone <s> Province of Rome <p> capital <o> Rome <s> Province of Rome <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Province of Rome <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazio <s> Province of Rome <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moricone <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montorio Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Rome <p> language used <o> Emilian <s> Province of Rome <p> shares border with <o> Province of L'Aquila <s> Province of Rome <p> shares border with <o> Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Rome <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nemi <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nazzano <s> Province of Rome <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Rome <s> Province of Rome <p> shares border with <o> Province of Rieti <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morlupo <s> Province of Rome <p> shares border with <o> Province of Latina <s> Province of Rome <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Metropolitan City of Rome Capital <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palestrina <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palombara Sabina <s> Province of Rome <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Rome <s> Province of Rome <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Rome <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiumicino <s> Province of Rome <p> replaced by <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nettuno <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nerola <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montelibretti <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monterotondo <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monteflavio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zagarolo <s> Province of Rome <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mazzano Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mentana <s> Province of Rome <p> shares border with <o> Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tivoli <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cineto Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponzano Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Riano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca di Cave <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca di Papa <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olevano Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albano Laziale <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Compatri <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Percile <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sambuci <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sacrofano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roviano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Agosta <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Affile <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Allumiere <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ariccia <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ardea <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arcinazzo Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca Priora <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca Canterano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cave <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tolfa <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torrita Tiberina <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carpineto Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casape <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Velletri <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Gregorio da Sassola <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Cesareo <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Polo dei Cavalieri <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Artena <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arsoli <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poli <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pisoniano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canale Monterano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campagnano di Roma <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelnuovo di Porto <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cervara di Roma <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trevignano Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Gandolfo <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Madama <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel San Pietro Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Angelo Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Vito Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca Santo Stefano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saracinesco <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frascati <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rignano Flaminio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Riofreddo <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valmontone <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vicovaro <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallinfreda <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallepietra <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Oreste <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Marinella <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anguillara Sabazia <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anticoli Corrado <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ciampino <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canterano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capena <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anzio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Camerata Nuova <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Formello <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gallicano nel Lazio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Subiaco <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Segni <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roccagiovine <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roiate <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Genazzano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Genzano di Roma <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Civitella San Paolo <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pomezia <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ladispoli <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lanuvio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gavignano <s> Province of Rome <p> instance of <o> former province of Italy <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colonna <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colleferro <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bracciano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bellegra <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vivaro Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grottaferrata <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Licenza <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magliano Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cerveteri <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cerreto Laziale <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ciciliano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Civitavecchia <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiano Romano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fonte Nuova <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Filacciano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guidonia Montecelio <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lariano <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capranica Prenestina <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jenne <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Labico <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gorga <s> Province of Rome <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gerano <s> Province of Rieti <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazio <s> Province of Rieti <p> capital <o> Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vacone <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Varco Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torricella in Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Turania <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torri in Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ito <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colli sul Velino <s> Province of Rieti <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amatrice <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Accumoli <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> Province of Rome <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiamignano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cantalupo in Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scandriglia <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> Province of Ascoli Piceno <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> Province of Teramo <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Antrodoco <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ascrea <s> Province of Rieti <p> award received <o> medal for civil merit <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collevecchio <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collegiove <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Rieti <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Vittoria in Matenano <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> province of Terni <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Sant'Angelo <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel di Tora <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> Province of L'Aquila <s> Province of Rieti <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in the Province of Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Concerviano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Configni <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casperia <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casaprota <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belmonte in Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Labro <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leonessa <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Contigliano <s> Province of Rieti <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longone Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magliano Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelnuovo di Farfa <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cittaducale <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mompeo <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo Velino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borbona <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgorose <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cantalice <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collalto Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cittareale <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colle di Tora <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cottanello <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fara in Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frasso Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Forano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcetelli <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Micigliano <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> province of Perugia <s> Province of Rieti <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stimigliano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Selci <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte San Giovanni in Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montasola <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monteleone Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montebuono <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca Sinibalda <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivodutri <s> Province of Rieti <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toffia <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tarano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Greccio <s> Province of Rieti <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Rieti <s> Province of Rieti <p> owner of <o> PalaSojourner <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montopoli di Sabina <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montenero Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morro Reatino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nespolo <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orvinio <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salisano <s> Province of Rieti <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> Province of Rieti <p> head of government <o> Fabio Melilli <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roccantica <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pescorocchiano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paganico Sabino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Petrella Salto <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio Bustone <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio Catino <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio San Lorenzo <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio Nativo <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio Moiano <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio Mirteto <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Posta <s> Province of Rieti <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pozzaglia Sabina <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Elia Fiumerapido <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Apollinare <s> Province of Frosinone <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Frosinone <p> capital <o> Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Strangolagalli <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Supino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alatri <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Terelle <s> Province of Frosinone <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arce <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arnara <s> Province of Frosinone <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Frosinone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arpino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Atina <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ferentino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Veroli <s> Province of Frosinone <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Latina <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Santa Lucia <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santopadre <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Serrone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Acquafondata <s> Province of Frosinone <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belmonte Castello <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boville Ernica <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vico nel Lazio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vicalvi <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Settefrati <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallemaio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallecorsa <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre Cajetani <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torrice <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campoli Appennino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Broccostella <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalvieri <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalattico <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Acuto <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alvito <s> Province of Frosinone <p> shares border with <o> Province of Caserta <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallerotonda <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ausonia <s> Province of Frosinone <p> shares border with <o> province of Isernia <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelliri <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colfelice <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trivigliano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trevi nel Lazio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Santo Stefano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Viticuso <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelnuovo Parano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castro dei Volsci <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collepardo <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colle San Magno <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Esperia <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coreno Ausonio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aquino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paliano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morolo <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sgurgola <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sora <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castrocielo <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceccano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> shares border with <o> Province of L'Aquila <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amaseno <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anagni <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Filettino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Falvaterra <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Patrica <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pastena <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceprano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cervaro <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiuggi <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pescosolido <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontana Liri <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontechiari <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piglio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piedimonte San Germano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giovanni Incarico <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Vittore del Lazio <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Andrea del Garigliano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pignataro Interamna <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fumone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Picinisco <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pico <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontecorvo <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pofi <s> Province of Frosinone <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> Province of Frosinone <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Frosinone <p> shares border with <o> Province of Latina <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Posta Fibreno <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ripi <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Giuliano di Roma <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gallinaro <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca d'Arce <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roccasecca <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Biagio Saracinisco <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guarcino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isola del Liri <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giorgio a Liri <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Donato Val di Comino <s> Province of Frosinone <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte San Giovanni Campano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Viterbo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Viterbo <p> capital <o> Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vetralla <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vejano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vignanello <s> Province of Viterbo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Acquapendente <s> Province of Viterbo <p> shares border with <o> province of Terni <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arlena di Castro <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnoregio <s> Province of Viterbo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vitorchiano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa San Giovanni in Tuscia <s> Province of Viterbo <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bassano Romano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barbarano Romano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazio <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calcata <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bomarzo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canepina <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canino <s> Province of Viterbo <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Viterbo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bassano in Teverina <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capodimonte <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caprarola <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capranica <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Latera <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Farnese <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Celleno <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cellere <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Sant'Elia <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carbognano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Blera <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bolsena <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Faleria <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fabrica di Roma <s> Province of Viterbo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Rome <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castiglione in Teverina <s> Province of Viterbo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Rieti <s> Province of Viterbo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Grosseto <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Civitella d'Agliano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Civita Castellana <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gradoli <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gallese <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Graffignano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grotte di Castro <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corchiano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montalto di Castro <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Romano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Siena <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ischia di Castro <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monterosi <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montefiascone <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lubriano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marta <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oriolo Romano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Onano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nepi <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ronciglione <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Proceno <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piansano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orte <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Lorenzo Nuovo <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Soriano nel Cimino <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sutri <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tarquinia <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valentano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallerano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tessennano <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscania <s> Province of Viterbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vasanello <s> Province of Viterbo <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> Province of Viterbo <p> head of government <o> Alessandro Romoli <s> Province of Latina <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazio <s> Province of Latina <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Latina <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Latina <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Latina <p> capital <o> Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aprilia <s> Province of Latina <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campodimele <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelforte <s> Province of Latina <p> shares border with <o> Province of Frosinone <s> Province of Latina <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cisterna di Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cori <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bassiano <s> Province of Latina <p> shares border with <o> Province of Caserta <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaeta <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Formia <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fondi <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Itri <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lenola <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Norma <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontinia <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte San Biagio <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minturno <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maenza <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponza <s> Province of Latina <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Latina <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prossedi <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Priverno <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roccagorga <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca Massima <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roccasecca dei Volsci <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Felice Circeo <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sabaudia <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sermoneta <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santi Cosma e Damiano <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sperlonga <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spigno Saturnia <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sonnino <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sezze <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Terracina <s> Province of Latina <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> Province of Latina <p> head of government <o> Armando Cusani <s> Province of Latina <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ventotene <s> Category:Deaths in Lazio <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:Deaths in Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Lazio <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:Burials in Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial </Graph>
<Text> :Nicola Zingaretti is an Italian politician who served as President of Lazio from March 2013 to November 2022 and was Secretary of the Democratic Party from March 2019 until March 2021. During the 1990s, he was a prominent European youth leader, serving as National Secretary of the Left Youth, the youth-wing of the Democratic Party of the Left and as President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. In 2004, Zingaretti became a Member of the European Parliament for the centre-left coalition The Olive Tree. From 2008 to 2012, he served as President of the Province of Rome. Zingaretti is considered a social democrat and one of the most prominent members of the party's left-wing. Moreover, he is the longest-serving President of Lazio as well as the first one to be re-elected after a first five-year term. Nicola Zingaretti was born in Rome in 1965, where he grew up in a middle-class family. Zingaretti's mother is an Italian Jew, who on 16 October 1943 managed to escape from the Nazis with her mother, while her grandmother Ester Della Torre was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp, where she died after a few days. He has one sister, Angela, and an older brother, Luca, who has become a well-known actor, famous for playing Salvo Montalbano in the Inspector Montalbano mystery series. The regions of Italy are the first-level administrative divisions of the Italian Republic, constituting its second NUTS administrative level. There are twenty regions, five of which have higher autonomy than the rest. Under the Constitution of Italy, each region is an autonomous entity with defined powers. With the exception of the Aosta Valley and Friuli-Venezia Giulia , each region is divided into a number of provinces. During the Kingdom of Italy, regions were mere statistical districts of the central state. Under the Republic, they were granted a measure of political autonomy by the 1948 Italian Constitution. The original draft list comprised the Salento region ; Friuli and Venezia Giulia were separate regions, and Basilicata was named Lucania. Abruzzo and Molise were identified as separate regions in the first draft, but were later merged into Abruzzi e Molise in the final constitution of 1948, before being separated in 1963. Implementation of regional autonomy was postponed until the first Regional elections of 1970. The ruling Christian Democracy party did not want the opposition Italian Communist Party to gain power in the regions where it was historically rooted . Regions acquired a significant level of autonomy following a constitutional reform in 2001 , which granted them residual policy competence. A further federalist reform was proposed by the regionalist party Lega Nord and in 2005, the centre-right government led by Silvio Berlusconi proposed a new reform that would have greatly increased the power of regions. The province of Rome was one of the five provinces that formed part of the Lazio region of Italy. It was established in 1870 and disestablished in 2014. It was essentially coterminous with the Rome metropolitan area. The city of Rome was the provincial capital. During the 1920s, the boundary of the province shrank as land was ceded to establish new provinces. The province of Rome was the most populous province in Italy. On 1 January 2015, it was superseded by a new local government body--the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital. Prior to 1870, the area of the province was the Papal States. Following the Capture of Rome by the forces of the Kingdom of Italy, the province of Rome was established. The province was initially divided into five "districts" : Rome, Civitavecchia, Frosinone, Velletri and Viterbo. They corresponded to the old papal delegazioni. In 1923 the district of Rieti, formerly part of the province of Perugia, was annexed to that of Rome. In 1927 the provincial territory was reduced through the creation of new provinces: Frosinone, Rieti and Viterbo. After a few months, the comuni of Amaseno, Castro dei Volsci and Vallecorsa also were annexed to the province of Frosinone, while Monte Romano was annexed to that of Viterbo. In 1934 the provincial territory lost its southern part, which became the new province of Latina. The province of Rieti is a province in the Lazio region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Rieti. Established in 1927, it has an area of 2,750.52 square kilometres with a total population of 157,887 people as of 2017. There are 73 comuni in the province. A large part of its territory corresponds to the historical-geographical region of Sabina. Rieti is located in the north-east Lazio. It is bordered to the west, along the river Tiber by the province of Viterbo and to the south-west by the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital. It is also bordered by the regions of Umbria to the north and by Marche to the east. The province is largely mountainous with the Monti della Duchessa and the Monti del Cicolano ranges in the south with Monte Nuria and Monte Giano, the Monti Reatini range with Monte Terminillo in the north in part of the Abruzzese Apennines, and Monti della Laga to the east on the border with Abruzzo. Of particular importance are the two artificial lakes in the Valle del Salto: Lago del Salto and Lago del Turano, both created during the Fascist period. Lago del Salto is the largest in the Lazio region and is situated at an altitude of 1,755 metres . There are several protected areas in the province. To the south lies the Parco regionale naturale dei Monti Lucretili, to the southeast the Riserva regionale Montagne della Duchessa, and a small part of the Parco regionale naturale del Sirente - Velino. Between the two areas is the Riserva naturale Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia (between the lakes of Salto and Turano. In the east, in the Monti della Laga range is the Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. Also of note is the Riserva parziale naturale dei Laghi Lungo e Ripasottile on the Rieti Plain, and the Riserva naturale di Nazzano, Tevere-Farfa to the west. Riserva parziale naturale dei Laghi Lungo e Ripasottile contains the lakes of Lungo and Ripasottile, which support a diversity of wildlife, particularly birds such as herons and little grebes. There are numerous natural oases, castles, fortresses and Franciscan sanctuaries dotted about the province of Rieti. The province of Frosinone is a province in the Lazio region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Frosinone. It has an area of 3,247 square kilometres and a total population of 493,605 . The province contains 91 comuni , listed in the comuni of the province of Frosinone. The province was established by royal decree on 6 December 1926 with territories belonging to the then provinces of Rome and Caserta. The areas of the then province of Caserta were the left valley of the Liri-Garigliano river, the district of Sora, the Valle di Comino, the district of Cassino, the Gulf of Formia and Gaeta, the Pontine Islands, which until then had been for centuries included in the Province called Terra di Lavoro, of the Kingdom of Naples . Most of these territories were part of the ancient Latium adiectum. The province largely follows the territory of the low and middle Latin Valley, a larger region that extends from south of Rome to Cassino. In the eastern area, on the other hand, the Comino Valley extends along the border with Abruzzo. The territorial boundaries are mostly marked by mountain ranges: the Ernici Mountains to the north and the Lepini Mountains to the southwest, the Ausoni and Aurunci Mountains to the south, the Mainarde to the northeast. Viterbo is the most northerly of the provinces of Lazio. It is bordered to the south by the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital and to the south-east by the province of Rieti. It is also bordered by the regions of Tuscany to the north and by Umbria to the east. The Tyrrhenian Sea is located to the west. As of 2017, the province has a total population of 318,163 inhabitants over an area of 3,615.24 square kilometres , giving it a population density of 89.05 inhabitants per square kilometre. The provincial president is Marcello Meroi and the province contains 60 comuni . The area of the province of Viterbo contained a number of Etruscan cities including Tuscania, Vetralla, Tarquinia, and Viterbo. Viterbo was conquered by the Roman Republic in 310 BCE; despite this, minimal information is known of Viterbo until it was utilised in 773 CE by King of the Lombard Kingdom Desiderius as a base against the Holy Roman Empire. Matilda of Tuscany gifted the city to the papacy in the 11th century. Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor was based in Viterbo as he planned to invade Rome in 1153, and Frederick I conquered the city in 1160 while preparing to attack Rome. After a period as a free commune, in the early 13th century Viterbo became part of the Papal States. The Knights of Saint John were expelled from Rhodes in the 16th century and were temporarily granted refuge in Viterbo before they could travel to Malta. Pope Paul III described himself as a citizen of Viterbo and formed a university in the city. It joined the Kingdom of Italy on 12 September 1870 and during World War II, Viterbo was heavily bombed. The province of Latina is a province in the Lazio region of Italy. Its provincial capital is the city of Latina. It is bordered by the provinces of Frosinone to the northeast and by the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital to the northwest. The province of Latina was founded on 18 December 1934, encompassing mainly the drained areas of the Agro Pontino previously part of the province of Rome. Apart from the Pontine lands, it includes the Aurunci, Lepini and Ausoni mountain ranges, as well as the Pontine islands archipelago. The port of Gaeta and Formia, in the southernmost part of the province, belonged traditionally and linguistically to Campania. In Bronze Age, complex permanent settlement systems and functionally differentiated societies developed in the Pontine region. This included preparation of fish and salt at the coast and metallurgy slightly inland. Late Iron Age fortified settlements evolved on the Alban hills and Monti Lepini. Small-scale farming and urbanisation developed only in or right before the Roman Age with transhumant pastoralism still continuing. From 350 BC onwards, the colonies of Cora , Norba and Setia were built. The small peasant economy was gradually replaced by large specialised latifundia. The mainland area is, in the south- and north-eastern part, mostly occupied by limestone hills and mountains. Ranges include the Lepini, Aurunci, Ausoni. The highest elevation is that of 1,533-metre Monte Petrella . The climate is semi-continental with hot summers and cold winters; temperatures rarely fall below 0 degC . The mountains are characterized by small medieval settlements and traditionally live of cattle raising and agriculture; however, these activities saw a marked decline in recent times, and today workers usually commute daily to work in Rome or Latina. Tourism is an increasing interesting resource, attracted especially by the uncontaminated nature and by artistic traces of the Middle Ages . The main centres of this area are Cori, Sezze, and Priverno. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Portal:Lazio <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Lazio <s> Portal:Lazio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lazio portal <s> Portal:Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> president of Lazio <p> country <o> Italy <s> president of Lazio <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lazio <s> president of Lazio <p> instance of <o> public office <s> president of Lazio <p> officeholder <o> Nicola Zingaretti <s> president of Lazio <p> subclass of <o> president of Italian region <s> president of Lazio <p> part of <o> Government of Lazio <s> president of Lazio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Presidents of Lazio <s> president of Lazio <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Government of Lazio <s> president of Lazio <p> has list <o> list of presidents of Lazio <s> Category:Lazio births <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Lazio births <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Lazio births <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:Lazio births <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Lazio <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:People from Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Government of Lazio <p> country <o> Italy <s> Government of Lazio <p> instance of <o> executive branch <s> Government of Lazio <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lazio <s> Government of Lazio <p> headquarters location <o> Rome <s> Government of Lazio <p> subclass of <o> regional government in Italy <s> Government of Lazio <p> chairperson <o> Nicola Zingaretti <s> Government of Lazio <p> office held by head of the organization <o> president of Lazio <s> flag of Lazio <p> country <o> Italy <s> flag of Lazio <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lazio <s> flag of Lazio <p> instance of <o> flag of a country subdivision <s> Central Italy <p> country <o> Italy <s> Central Italy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Italy <s> Central Italy <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marche <s> Central Italy <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Umbria <s> Central Italy <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscany <s> Central Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Central Italy <s> Central Italy <p> instance of <o> NUTS 1 statistical territorial entity <s> Central Italy <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazio <s> Central Italy <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Category:Films shot in Lazio <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> Lazio <s> Category:Films shot in Lazio <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> country <o> Italy <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> instance of <o> regional council <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> headquarters location <o> Rome <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lazio <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> has part(s) <o> member of the Regional Council of Lazio <s> Regional Council of Lazio <p> office held by head of the organization <o> President of the Regional Council of Lazio <s> Category:Lazio <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Lazio <p> category's main topic <o> Lazio </Graph>
<Text> :The flag is the coat of arms of Lazio surrounded by laurel and olive branches, surmounted by a golden crown on a sky-blue field with the words "Regione Lazio" in gold. The coat of arms of the Lazio region consists of an octagon edged in gold in which the coat of arms of the province of Rome are inserted in the centre and the coats of arms of the provinces of Frosinone, Latina, Rieti and Viterbo tied together by a tricolour ribbon. Central Italy is one of the five official statistical regions of Italy used by the National Institute of Statistics , a first-level NUTS region, and a European Parliament constituency. The easternmost and southernmost parts of Lazio are sometimes connected to southern Italy for cultural and historical reasons, since they were once part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and southern Italian dialects are spoken. As a geographical region, however, central Italy may also include the regions of Abruzzo and Molise, which are otherwise considered part of southern Italy for socio-cultural, linguistic and historical reasons. It is crossed by the northern and central Apennines and is washed by the Adriatic Sea to the east, by the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea to the west. The main rivers of this portion of the territory are the Arno and the Tiber with their tributaries , and the Liri-Garigliano. The most important lakes are Lake Trasimeno, Lake Montedoglio, Lake Bolsena, Lake Bracciano, Lake Vico, Lake Albano and Lake Nemi. From an altimetric point of view, central Italy has a predominantly hilly territory . The mountainous and flat areas are equivalent to 26.9% and 4.2% of the territorial distribution respectively. The Regional Council of Lazio was originally composed of 60 regional councillors. The number of regional councillors increased to 70 in the 2005 regional election. Following the decree-law n. 138 of 13 August 2011, the number of regional councillors was reduced to 50, with an additional seat reserved for the President of the Region. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Europe <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europe <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europe <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europe <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europe <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Europe <p> said to be the same as <o> Europa <s> Europe <p> said to be the same as <o> Europé <s> Europe <p> said to be the same as <o> Eiropa <s> Europe <p> said to be the same as <o> Eurooppa <s> Europe <p> said to be the same as <o> Ewropa <s> Europa <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europa <p> named after <o> Europa <s> Europa <p> discoverer or inventor <o> Galileo Galilei <s> Europa <p> site of astronomical discovery <o> University of Padua <s> Europa <p> parent astronomical body <o> Jupiter <s> Europa <p> instance of <o> moon of Jupiter <s> Europa <p> instance of <o> regular moon <s> Europa <p> discoverer or inventor <o> Simon Marius <s> Europa <p> part of <o> Galilean moons <s> Europa <p> named by <o> Simon Marius <s> Europa <p> has use <o> colonization of Europa <s> Europa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Europa (moon) <s> Europa <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> demographics of Europe <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Europe <p> location <o> Europe <s> demographics of Europe <p> subclass of <o> demographics of the world <s> demographics of Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Demographics of Europe <s> Category:Maps of Europe <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Europe <p> category combines topics <o> Europe <s> Category:Maps of Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> economy of Europe <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Europe <p> location <o> Europe <s> economy of Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Europe <s> economy of Europe <p> subclass of <o> world economy <s> Europa <p> different from <o> Europe <s> Europa <p> different from <o> Europa <s> Europa <p> different from <o> Europa <s> Europa <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Europa <p> different from <o> Europa Recordings <s> Europa <p> said to be the same as <o> Europe <s> Europa <p> said to be the same as <o> Europé <s> Europa <p> said to be the same as <o> Ewropa <s> Europa <p> said to be the same as <o> Eiropa <s> Europa <p> said to be the same as <o> Eurooppa <s> history of Europe <p> continent <o> Europe <s> history of Europe <p> facet of <o> Europe <s> history of Europe <p> is the study of <o> Europe <s> history of Europe <p> subclass of <o> human history <s> history of Europe <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> history of Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Europe <s> history of Europe <p> part of <o> history of Eurasia <s> history of Europe <p> instance of <o> branch of history <s> history of Europe <p> instance of <o> history of a geographic region <s> history of Europe <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> history of Europe <p> topic's main template <o> Template:History of Europe <s> Asia <p> highest point <o> Mount Everest <s> Asia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Asia <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Asia <s> Asia <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Asia <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> Middle East <s> Asia <p> shares border with <o> Europe <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> East Asia <s> Asia <p> part of <o> Earth <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> North Asia <s> Asia <p> shares border with <o> Africa <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> Central Asia <s> Asia <p> named after <o> Asia <s> Asia <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Eastern Hemisphere <s> Asia <p> instance of <o> continent <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+06:00 <s> Asia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Asia <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Magadan Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Vladivostok Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Indian Standard Time <s> Asia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Yekaterinburg Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Irkutsk Time <s> Asia <p> part of <o> Afro-Eurasia <s> Asia <p> part of <o> Eurasia <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> Southeast Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Krasnoyarsk Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Yakutsk Time <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> State of Palestine <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Asia <p> lowest point <o> Dead Sea <s> Asia <p> part of <o> Ostfeste <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Philippine Standard Time <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Asia/Thimphu <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Pakistan Standard Time <s> Asia <p> studied in <o> oriental studies <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Taiwan time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Japan Standard Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Indonesia Western Standard Time <s> Asia <p> instance of <o> part of the world <s> Asia <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Iran Standard Time Zone <s> Asia <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .asia <s> Asia <p> history of topic <o> history of Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Armenia Time <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Asia <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Asia <s> Asia <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Indonesia Central Standard Time <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Asia <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Korea Standard Time <s> Asia <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Bangladesh Standard Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Singapore Standard Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Azerbaijan Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Israel time zone <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> time in China <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Asia <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Nepal Standard Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> ASEAN Common Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Sri Lanka Standard Time <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Time in Malaysia <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> Asia <p> has part(s) <o> South Asia <s> Asia <p> studied in <o> Asian studies <s> Asia <p> different from <o> Azja <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Asia <p> described by source <o> Great dictionary of geographical names <s> Asia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Asia <s> Asia <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Asia <s> Asia <p> located in time zone <o> Hong Kong Time <s> Asia <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Asia topic <s> Eurasia <p> different from <o> Eurasia <s> Eurasia <p> shares border with <o> Africa <s> Eurasia <p> lowest point <o> Dead Sea <s> Eurasia <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Eurasia <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Eurasia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Eurasia <p> has part(s) <o> Europe <s> Eurasia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Eurasia <p> different from <o> Eurasianism <s> Eurasia <p> has part(s) <o> Asia <s> Eurasia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Eurasia <s> Eurasia <p> studied in <o> Eurasian studies <s> Eurasia <p> history of topic <o> history of Eurasia <s> Eurasia <p> highest point <o> Mount Everest <s> Eurasia <p> shares border with <o> North America <s> Eurasia <p> shares border with <o> Australian continent <s> Eurasia <p> instance of <o> continent <s> Eurasia <p> instance of <o> supercontinent <s> Eurasia <p> part of <o> Afro-Eurasia <s> Eurasia <p> subclass of <o> geographic region <s> Eurasia <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Eurasia <s> Eurasia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Eurasia <s> Eurasia <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Old World <s> Category:Deaths in Europe <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> Europe <s> Category:Deaths in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :Europe is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. Europe shares the landmass of Eurasia with Asia, and of Afro-Eurasia with both Asia and Africa. Europe is commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Greater Caucasus, the Black Sea, and the waterway of the Bosporus Strait. Europe covers about 10.18 million km2 , or 2% of Earth's surface , making it the second-smallest continent . Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 745 million in 2021; the third-largest after Asia and Africa. The European climate is affected by warm Atlantic currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which produce a temperate climate, tempering winters and summers, on much of the continent. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable producing more continental climates. European culture consists of a range of national and regional cultures, which form the central roots of the wider Western civilisation, and together commonly reference ancient Greece and ancient Rome, particularly through their Christian successors, as crucial and shared roots. Beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE, Christian consolidation of Europe in the wake of the Migration Period marked the European post-classical Middle Ages. The Renaissance, radiating from Florence, spread to the rest of the continent a new humanist interest in art and science. Since the Age of Discovery, led by Spain and Portugal, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs with multiple explorations and conquests around the world. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers colonised at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania, and the majority of Asia. The Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars shaped the continent culturally, politically and economically from the end of the 17th century until the first half of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural and social change in Western Europe and eventually the wider world. Both world wars began and were fought to a great extent in Europe, contributing to a decline in Western European dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th century as the Soviet Union and the United States took prominence and competed over dominance in Europe and globally. The resulting Cold War divided Europe along the Iron Curtain, with NATO in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East. This divide ended with the Revolutions of 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which allowed European integration to advance significantly. Figures for the population of Europe vary according to the particular definition of Europe's boundaries. In 2018, Europe had a total population of over 751 million people. 448 million of that live in the European Union and 110 million live in European Russia, Russia being the most populous country in Europe. Europe's population growth is low, and its median age high. Most of Europe is in a mode of sub-replacement fertility, which means that each new generation is less populous than the one before. Nonetheless, most West European countries still have growing populations, mainly due to immigration within Europe and from outside Europe and some due to increases in life expectancy and population momentum. Some current and past factors in European demography have included emigration, ethnic relations, economic immigration, a declining birth rate and an ageing population. 330,000,000 people lived in Europe in 1916. In 1950 there were 549,000,000. The population of Europe in 2015 was estimated to be 741 million according to the United Nations, which was slightly less than 11% of the world population. The precise figure depends on the exact definition of the geographic extent of Europe. The population of the European Union was 509 million as of 2015. Non-EU countries situated in Europe in their entirety account for another 90 million. Five transcontinental countries have a total of 247 million people, of which about half reside in Europe proper. As it stands now, around 10% of the world's people live in Europe. If demographic trends keep their pace, its share may fall to around 7% in 2050, but still amounting to 716 million people in absolute numbers, according to the United Nations estimate. The sub-replacement fertility and high life expectancy in most European states mean a declining and aging population. High immigration and emigration levels within and from outside the continent are taking place and quickly changing countries, specifically in Western Europe, from a single ethnic group to a multicultural society. These trends change societies' economies as well as their political and social institutions. The economy of Europe comprises about 748 million people in 50 countries. The formation of the European Union and in 1999 the introduction of a unified currency, the Euro, brought participating European countries closer through the convenience of a shared currency. The European Union is a unique global organisation, an entity forming one of the largest economies in the world. The European Union also "regulates" the global market by the single market. The difference in wealth across Europe can be seen roughly in the former Cold War divide, with some countries breaching the divide . Whilst most European states have a GDP per capita higher than the world's average and are very highly developed, some European economies, despite their position over the world's average in the Human Development Index, are relatively poor. Europe has total banking assets of more than $50 trillion and its Global assets under management has more than $20 trillion. Throughout this article "Europe" and derivatives of the word are taken to include selected states whose territory is only partly in Europe, such as Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and states that are geographically in Asia, bordering Europe and culturally adherent to the continent, such as Armenia and Cyprus. Of the top 500 largest corporations measured by revenue , 184 have their headquarters in Europe. 161 are located in the EU, 15 in Switzerland, 6 in Russia, 1 in Turkey, 1 in Norway. As noted in 2010 by the Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells, the average standard of living in Western Europe is very high: "The bulk of the population in Western Europe still enjoys the highest living standards in the world, and in the world's history." The history of Europe is traditionally divided into four time periods: prehistoric Europe , classical antiquity , the Middle Ages , and the modern era . The first early European modern humans appear in the fossil record about 48,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic era. Settled agriculture marked the Neolithic era, which spread slowly across Europe from southeast to the north and west. The later Neolithic period saw the introduction of early metallurgy and the use of copper-based tools and weapons, and the building of megalithic structures, as exemplified by Stonehenge. During the Indo-European migrations, Europe saw migrations from the east and southeast. The period known as classical antiquity began with the emergence of the city-states of ancient Greece. Later, the Roman Empire came to dominate the entire Mediterranean Basin. The Migration Period of the Germanic people began in the late 4th century AD and made gradual incursions into various parts of the Roman Empire. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476 traditionally marks the start of the Middle Ages. While the Eastern Roman Empire would continue for another 1000 years, the former lands of the Western Empire would be fragmented into a number of different states. At the same time, the early Slavs began to become established as a distinct group in the central and eastern parts of Europe. The first great empire of the Middle Ages was the Frankish Empire of Charlemagne, while the Islamic conquest of Iberia established Al-Andalus. The Viking Age saw a second great migration of Norse peoples. Attempts to retake the Levant from the Muslim states that occupied it made the High Middle Ages the age of the Crusades, while the political system of feudalism came to its height. The Late Middle Ages were marked by large population declines, as Europe was threatened by the bubonic plague, as well as invasions by the Mongol peoples from the Eurasian Steppe. At the end of the Middle Ages, there was a transitional period, known as the Renaissance. Early Modern Europe is usually dated to the end of the 15th century. Technological changes such as gunpowder and the printing press changed how warfare was conducted and how knowledge was preserved and disseminated. The Reformation saw the fragmentation of religious thought, leading to religious wars. The Age of Exploration led to colonization, and the exploitation of the people and resources of colonies brought resources and wealth to Europe. After 1800, the Industrial Revolution brought capital accumulation and rapid urbanization to Western Europe, while several countries transitioned away from absolutist rule to parliamentary regimes. The Age of Revolution saw long-established political systems upset and turned over. In the 20th century, World War I led to a remaking of the map of Europe as the large Empires were broken up into nation-states. Lingering political issues would lead to World War II, during which Nazi Germany perpetrated The Holocaust. After World War II, during the Cold War, most of Europe became divided by the Iron Curtain in two military blocs: NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The post-war period saw decolonization as Western European colonial empires were dismantled. The post-war period also featured the gradual development of the European integration process, which led to the creation of the European Union; this extended to Eastern European countries after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The 21st century saw the European debt crisis, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Asia is the largest continent in the world by both land area and population. It covers an area of more than 44 million square kilometers, about 30% of Earth's total land area and 8% of Earth's total surface area. The continent, which has long been home to the majority of the human population, was the site of many of the first civilizations. Its 4.7 billion people constitute roughly 60% of the world's population. Asia shares the landmass of Eurasia with Europe, and of Afro-Eurasia with both Europe and Africa. In general terms, it is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. The border of Asia with Europe is a historical and cultural construct, as there is no clear physical and geographical separation between them. It is somewhat arbitrary and has moved since its first conception in classical antiquity. The division of Eurasia into two continents reflects East-West cultural, linguistic, and ethnic differences, some of which vary on a spectrum rather than with a sharp dividing line. A commonly accepted division places Asia to the east of the Suez Canal separating it from Africa; and to the east of the Turkish Straits, the Ural Mountains and Ural River, and to the south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black seas, separating it from Europe. China and India traded places as the largest economies in the world from 1 to 1800 CE. China was a major economic power for much of recorded history, with the highest GDP per capita until 1500. The Silk Road became the main east-west trading route in the Asian hinterlands while the Straits of Malacca stood as a major sea route. Asia has exhibited economic dynamism as well as robust population growth during the 20th century, but overall population growth has since fallen. Asia was the birthplace of most of the world's mainstream religions including Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, as well as many other religions. Asia varies greatly across and within its regions with regard to ethnic groups, cultures, environments, economics, historical ties and government systems. It also has a mix of many different climates ranging from the equatorial south via the hot desert in the Middle East, temperate areas in the east and the continental centre to vast subarctic and polar areas in Siberia. Eurasia is the largest continental area on Earth, comprising all of Europe and Asia. According to some geographers, physiographically, Eurasia is a single continent. The concepts of Europe and Asia as distinct continents date back to antiquity, but their borders have historically been subject to change, for example to the ancient Greeks Asia originally included Africa but they classified Europe as separate land. Eurasia is connected to Africa at the Suez Canal, and the two are sometimes combined to describe the largest contiguous landmass on Earth, Afro-Eurasia. Primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, Eurasia spans from Iceland and the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Russian Far East, and from the Russian Far North to Maritime Southeast Asia in the south, but other specific geographical limits of Eurasia states that the southern limit is in the Weber's line. Eurasia is bordered by Africa to the southwest, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the south. The division between Europe and Asia as two continents is a historical social construct, as neither fits the usual definition; thus, in some parts of the world, Eurasia is recognized as the largest of the six, five, or four continents on Earth. Eurasia covers around 55 million square kilometres , or around 36.2% of the Earth's total land area. The landmass contains well over 5 billion people, equating to approximately 70% of the human population. Humans first settled in Eurasia from Africa 125,000 years ago. Eurasia contains many peninsulas, including the Arabian Peninsula, Korean Peninsula, Indian subcontinent, Anatolia Peninsula, Kamchatka Peninsula, and Europe, which itself contains peninsulas such as the Italian or Iberian Peninsula. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> continent <p> Wikidata property <o> continent <s> continent <p> part of <o> Earth <s> continent <p> opposite of <o> ocean <s> continent <p> part of <o> Earth's crust <s> continent <p> different from <o> continental crust <s> continent <p> subclass of <o> landmass <s> continent <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> continent <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> continent <p> located in/on physical feature <o> continental crust <s> continent <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> continent <p> partially coincident with <o> part of the world <s> continent <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Continents <s> continent <p> different from <o> part of the world <s> continent <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox continent <s> continent <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Continents of Earth <s> continent <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> continent <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> continent <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> continent <p> subclass of <o> natural geographic object <s> European studies <p> is the study of <o> Europe <s> European studies <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> European studies <p> instance of <o> academic major <s> European studies <p> instance of <o> field of work <s> European studies <p> topic's main category <o> Category:European studies <s> European studies <p> subclass of <o> domestic studies <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Belgium <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Luxembourg <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Switzerland <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Austria <s> Western Europe <p> part of <o> Europe <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Netherlands <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> France <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Germany <s> Western Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Monaco <s> Western Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Western Europe <s> Western Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Western Europe <p> different from <o> Western world <s> Western Europe <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Western Europe <s> Western Europe <p> category of associated people <o> Category:Western European people <s> Western Europe <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Western Europe <s> Western Europe <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Western Europe <s> Western Europe <p> history of topic <o> history of Western Europe <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Hungary <s> Eastern Europe <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Eastern Europe <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Poland <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Belarus <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Ukraine <s> Eastern Europe <p> part of <o> Europe <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Czech Republic <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Slovakia <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Moldova <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Bulgaria <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Romania <s> Eastern Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Eastern Europe <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Eastern Europe <s> Eastern Europe <p> studied in <o> Eastern European studies <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> European Russia <s> Eastern Europe <p> history of topic <o> history of Eastern Europe <s> Eastern Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Eastern Europe <s> Eastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> European Kazakhstan <s> geography of Europe <p> continent <o> Europe <s> geography of Europe <p> subclass of <o> geography <s> geography of Europe <p> facet of <o> Europe <s> geography of Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Europe <s> geography of Europe <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> outline of Europe <p> valid in place <o> Europe <s> outline of Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia outline article <s> Category:European people <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:European people <p> category combines topics <o> Europe <s> Category:European people <p> category's main topic <o> European people <s> Category:European people <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:European people <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:Films shot in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> Europe <s> Category:Films shot in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Europe <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Europe <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Europe <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Norway <s> Northern Europe <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Norwegian Sea <s> Northern Europe <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Baltic Sea <s> Northern Europe <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Arctic Ocean <s> Northern Europe <p> located in or next to body of water <o> North Sea <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Finland <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Sweden <s> Northern Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Lithuania <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Denmark <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> United Kingdom <s> Northern Europe <p> located in or next to body of water <o> North Atlantic Ocean <s> Northern Europe <p> part of <o> Europe <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Iceland <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Estonia <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Latvia <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Jersey <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Faroe Islands <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Åland Islands <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Isle of Man <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Scandinavia <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Bailiwick of Guernsey <s> Northern Europe <p> different from <o> Nordic countries <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Sark <s> Northern Europe <p> highest point <o> Galdhøpiggen <s> Northern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Svalbard and Jan Mayen <s> Northern Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Northern Europe <s> Northern Europe <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Northern Europe <s> Northern Europe <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Northern Europe <s> Category:Births in Europe <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> Europe <s> Category:Births in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :A continent is any of several large geographical regions. Continents are generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria. A continent could be a single landmass or a part of a very large landmass, as in the case of Asia or Europe. Due to this, the number of continents varies; up to seven or as few as four geographical regions are commonly regarded as continents. Most English-speaking countries recognize seven regions as continents. In order from largest to smallest in area, these seven regions are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Different variations with fewer continents merge some of these regions; examples of this are merging North America and South America into America, Asia and Europe into Eurasia, and Africa, Asia, and Europe into Afro-Eurasia. Oceanic islands are occasionally grouped with a nearby continent to divide all the world's land into geographical regions. Under this scheme, most of the island countries and territories in the Pacific Ocean are grouped together with the continent of Australia to form the geographical region Oceania. In geology, a continent is defined as "one of Earth's major landmasses, including both dry land and continental shelves". The geological continents correspond to seven large areas of continental crust that are found on the tectonic plates, but exclude small continental fragments such as Madagascar that are generally referred to as microcontinents. Continental crust is only known to exist on Earth. The idea of continental drift gained recognition in the 20th century. It postulates that the current continents formed from the breaking up of a supercontinent that formed hundreds of millions of years ago. European studies is a field of study offered by many academic colleges and universities that focuses on the History of Western civilization and the evolution of Western culture, as well as on current developments in European integration. Some programmes offer a social science or public administration curriculum focusing on developments in the European Union. These programmes usually include a combination of political science, EU public policy, European history, European law, economics and sociology. Other universities approach the subject in a broader manner, including topics like European culture, European literature and European languages. Those programmes that focus on the study of the European Union, they often cover national topics as well. The concept of "the West" appeared in Europe in juxtaposition to "the East" and originally applied to the ancient Mediterranean world, the Roman Empire , and medieval "Christendom". Beginning with the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery, roughly from the 15th century, the concept of Europe as "the West" slowly became distinguished from and eventually replaced the dominant use of "Christendom" as the preferred endonym within the region. By the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, the concepts of "Eastern Europe" and "Western Europe" were more regularly used. The distinctiveness of Western Europe became most apparent during the Cold War, when Europe was divided for 40 years by the Iron Curtain into the Western Bloc and Eastern Bloc, each characterised by distinct political and economical systems. Prior to the Roman conquest, a large part of Western Europe had adopted the newly developed La Tene culture. As the Roman domain expanded, a cultural and linguistic division appeared between the mainly Greek-speaking eastern provinces, which had formed the highly urbanized Hellenistic civilization, and the western territories, which in contrast largely adopted the Latin language. This cultural and linguistic division was eventually reinforced by the later political east-west division of the Roman Empire. The Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire controlled the two divergent regions between the 3rd and the 5th centuries. The division between these two was enhanced during Late antiquity and the Middle Ages by a number of events. The Western Roman Empire collapsed, starting the Early Middle Ages. By contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire, mostly known as the Greek or Byzantine Empire, survived and even thrived for another 1000 years. The rise of the Carolingian Empire in the west, and in particular the Great Schism between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, enhanced the cultural and religious distinctiveness between Eastern and Western Europe. After the conquest of the Byzantine Empire, center of the Eastern Orthodox Church, by the Muslim Ottoman Empire in the 15th century, and the gradual fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire , the division between Roman Catholic and Protestant became more important in Europe than that with Eastern Orthodoxy. Eastern Europe is a subregion of the European continent. As a largely ambiguous term, it has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic connotations. Its eastern boundary is marked by the Ural Mountains, whilst its western boundary is defined in various ways. Most definitions include the countries of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania while less restrictive definitions may also include some or all of the Visegrad group, the Baltic states, the Balkans and the Caucasus. A majority of nations situated in Eastern Europe are former socialist republics of the Soviet Union. The region represents a significant part of European culture; the main socio-cultural characteristics of Eastern Europe have historically been defined by the traditions of the Slavs and Greeks, as well as by the influence of Eastern Christianity as it developed through the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Another definition was created by the Cold War, as Europe was ideologically divided by the Iron Curtain, with "Eastern Europe" being synonymous with communist states constituting the Eastern Bloc under the influence of the Soviet Union. The term is sometimes considered to be pejorative, through stereotypes about Eastern Europe being inferior to Western Europe; the term Central and Eastern Europe is sometimes used instead for a more neutral grouping. Several definitions of Eastern Europe exist in the early 21st century, but they often lack precision and may be anachronistic. These definitions are debated across cultures and among experts, even political scientists, as the term has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic connotations. It has also been described as a "fuzzy" term, as the idea itself of Eastern Europe is in constant redefinition. The solidification of the idea of an "Eastern Europe" dates back chiefly to the Enlightenment. Europe is traditionally defined as one of seven continents. Physiographically, it is the northwestern peninsula of the larger landmass known as Eurasia ; Asia occupies the centre and east of this continuous landmass. Europe's eastern frontier is usually delineated by the Ural Mountains in Russia, which is the largest country by land area in the continent. The southeast boundary with Asia is not universally defined, but the modern definition is generally the Ural River or, less commonly, the Emba River. The boundary continues to the Caspian Sea, the crest of the Caucasus Mountains , and on to the Black Sea. The Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles conclude the Asian boundary. The Mediterranean Sea to the south separates Europe from Africa. The western boundary is the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is usually included in Europe because it is over twice as close to mainland Europe as mainland North America. There is ongoing debate on where the geographical centre of Europe falls. In terms of shape, Europe is a collection of connected peninsulas and nearby islands. The two largest peninsulas are Europe itself and Scandinavia to the north, divided from each other by the Baltic Sea. Three smaller peninsulas--Iberia, Italy, and the Balkans--emerge from the southern margin of the mainland. The Balkan peninsula is separated from Asia by the Black and Aegean Seas. Italy is separated from the Balkans by the Adriatic Sea, and from Iberia by the Mediterranean Sea, which also separates Europe from Africa. Eastward, mainland Europe widens much like the mouth of a funnel, until the boundary with Asia is reached at the Ural Mountains and Ural River, the Caspian Sea, and the Caucasus Mountains. Land relief in Europe shows great variation within relatively small areas. The southern regions are mountainous while moving north the terrain descends from the high Alps, Pyrenees, and Carpathians, through hilly uplands, into broad, low northern plains, which are vast in the east. An arc of uplands also exists along the northwestern seaboard, beginning in southwestern Ireland, continuing across through western and northern Great Britain, and up along the mountainous, fjord-cut spine of Norway. This description is simplified. Sub-regions such as Iberia and Italy contain their own complex features, as does mainland Europe itself, where the relief contains many plateaus, river valleys, and basins that complicate the general trend. Iceland and the British Isles are special cases. The former is of North Atlantic volcanic formation, while the latter consist of upland areas once joined to the mainland until cut off by rising sea levels. The northern region of Europe has several definitions. A restrictive definition may describe Northern Europe as being roughly north of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, which is about 54degN, or may be based on other geographical factors such as climate and ecology. Northern Europe might be defined roughly to include some or all of the following areas: British Isles, Fennoscandia, the peninsula of Jutland, the Baltic plain that lies to the east, and the many islands that lie offshore from mainland Northern Europe and the main European continent. In some cases, Greenland is also included, although it is only politically European, comprising part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and not considered to be geographically in Europe. The area is partly mountainous, including the northern volcanic islands of Iceland and Jan Mayen, and the mountainous western seaboard, Scotland and Scandinavia, and also often includes part of the large plain east of the Baltic sea. The entire region's climate is at least mildly affected by the Gulf Stream. From the west climates vary from maritime and maritime subarctic climates. In the north and central climates are generally subarctic or Arctic and to the east climates are mostly subarctic and temperate/continental. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Europa <p> domain of saint or deity <o> Europe <s> Europa <p> different from <o> Europa <s> Europa <p> place of birth <o> Tyre <s> Europa <p> father <o> Agenor <s> Europa <p> child <o> Rhadamanthus <s> Europa <p> child <o> Minos <s> Europa <p> spouse <o> Asterios <s> Europa <p> instance of <o> fictional human <s> Europa <p> child <o> Alagonia <s> Europa <p> instance of <o> mythological Greek character <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Description of Greece <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Europa <p> said to be the same as <o> Europa <s> Europa <p> sibling <o> Phoenix <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Europa <p> worshipped by <o> Ancient Greek religion <s> Europa <p> wears <o> garland <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Myths of the peoples of the world, 2nd ed., volume 1 <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Europa <p> sibling <o> Cadmus <s> Europa <p> child <o> Dodon <s> Europa <p> child <o> Hydarnis <s> Europa <p> child <o> Carnus <s> Europa <p> sibling <o> Thrace <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Europa <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Europa <p> unmarried partner <o> Zeus <s> Europa <p> child <o> Sarpedon <s> Europa <p> mother <o> Perimede <s> Europa <p> mother <o> Alphesiboea <s> Europa <p> mother <o> Telephassa <s> Europa <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Europa <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Europa <p> sibling <o> Cilix <s> flag of Europe <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Europe <s> flag of Europe <p> shape <o> rectangle <s> flag of Europe <p> instance of <o> flag <s> flag of Europe <p> represents <o> European Economic Community <s> flag of Europe <p> color <o> blue <s> flag of Europe <p> represents <o> Council of Europe <s> flag of Europe <p> instance of <o> logo <s> flag of Europe <p> instance of <o> symbols of Europe <s> flag of Europe <p> different from <o> flag of the Council of Europe <s> flag of Europe <p> depicts <o> five-pointed star <s> flag of Europe <p> depicts <o> field <s> flag of Europe <p> color <o> gold <s> flag of Europe <p> designed by <o> Arsène Heitz <s> flag of Europe <p> designed by <o> Paul Michel Gabriel Lévy <s> flag of Europe <p> said to be the same as <o> flag of the European Union <s> flag of Europe <p> aspect ratio (W:H) <o> 3:2 <s> Category:Burials in Europe <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> Europe <s> Category:Burials in Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Europe <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> landmass <p> opposite of <o> body of water <s> landmass <p> studied in <o> Earth science <s> landmass <p> subclass of <o> geographic region <s> landmass <p> part of <o> Earth's surface <s> landmass <p> subclass of <o> physico-geographical object <s> landmass <p> different from <o> land mass <s> landmass <p> said to be the same as <o> land <s> Southeast Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Greece <s> Southeast Europe <p> part of <o> Europe <s> Southeast Europe <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Europe <s> Southeast Europe <p> has part(s) <o> North Macedonia <s> Southeast Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Southeast Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Southeastern Europe <s> Southeast Europe <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Southeastern Europe <s> Southeast Europe <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Southeastern Europe <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Republic of Ireland <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Norway <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Belgium <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Luxembourg <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Finland <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Denmark <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Sweden <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Austria <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> Northwestern Europe <p> part of <o> Europe <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> France <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Germany <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Iceland <s> Northwestern Europe <p> country <o> Liechtenstein <s> Northwestern Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Northeastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Lithuania <s> Northeastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Russia <s> Northeastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Belarus <s> Northeastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Estonia <s> Northeastern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Latvia <s> Northeastern Europe <p> part of <o> Northern Europe <s> Northeastern Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Northeastern Europe <p> part of <o> Eastern Europe <s> part of the world <p> has part(s) <o> island <s> part of the world <p> different from <o> continent <s> part of the world <p> partially coincident with <o> continent <s> part of the world <p> has part(s) <o> continent <s> part of the world <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Parts of the world <s> part of the world <p> subclass of <o> geographic region <s> part of the world <p> part of <o> Earth's surface <s> part of the world <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> part of the world <p> said to be the same as <o> cultural region <s> Ostfeste <p> has part(s) <o> Africa <s> Ostfeste <p> has part(s) <o> Europe <s> Ostfeste <p> has part(s) <o> Asia <s> Ostfeste <p> shares border with <o> Westfeste <s> Ostfeste <p> has part(s) <o> Australian continent <s> Ostfeste <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Ostfeste <p> has part(s) <o> Malay Archipelago <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> named after <o> north <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> instance of <o> hemisphere of the Earth <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Africa <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Europe <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Asia <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> part of <o> Earth <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> North America <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Pacific Ocean <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Indian Ocean <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> highest point <o> Mount Everest <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Central America <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> lowest point <o> Mariana Trench <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has boundary <o> equator <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> North Atlantic Ocean <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> North Pacific Ocean <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> different from <o> Northern celestial hemisphere <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> opposite of <o> Southern Hemisphere <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Northern Hemisphere <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> has part(s) <o> Northern Indian Ocean <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of the northern hemisphere <s> Northern Hemisphere <p> different from <o> Global North </Graph>
<Text> :The flag of Europe or European flag consists of twelve golden stars forming a circle on a blue field. It was designed and adopted in 1955 by the Council of Europe as a symbol for the whole of Europe. Since 1985, the flag has also been a symbol of the European Union , whose 27 member states are all also CoE members, although in that year the EU had not yet assumed its present name or constitutional form . Adoption by the EU, or EC as it then was, reflected long-standing CoE desire to see the flag used by other European organisations. Official EU use widened greatly in the 1990s. Nevertheless the flag has to date received no status in any of the EU's treaties. Its adoption as an official symbol was planned as part of the 2004 European Constitution but this failed to be ratified. Mention of the flag was removed in 2007 from the text of the Treaty of Lisbon, which was ratified. On the other hand, 16 EU members that year, plus France in 2017, have officially affirmed their attachment to the flag as an EU symbol. The flag used is the Flag of Europe, which consists of a circle of twelve golden stars on a blue background. Originally designed in 1955 for the Council of Europe, the flag was adopted by the European Communities, the predecessors of the present European Union, in 1986. The Council of Europe gave the flag a symbolic description in the following terms, though the official symbolic description adopted by the EU omits the reference to the "Western world": Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, a sign of union. Their number is invariably twelve, the figure twelve being the symbol of perfection and entirety.A landmass, or land mass, is a large region or area of land that is in one piece and not broken up by oceans. The term is often used to refer to lands surrounded by an ocean or sea, such as a continent or a large island. In the field of geology, a landmass is a defined section of continental crust extending above sea level. Continents are often thought of as distinct landmasses and may include any islands that are part of the associated continental shelf. When multiple continents form a single contiguous land connection, the connected continents may be viewed as a single landmass. Earth's largest landmasses are : Southeast Europe or Southeastern Europe is a geographical subregion of Europe, consisting primarily of the cultural region of Balkans, as well as adjacent regions and archipelagos. There are overlapping and conflicting definitions of the region, due to political, economic, historical, cultural, and geographical considerations. Sovereign states and territories that may be included in the region are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia , Greece , Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania , Serbia, and the European part of Turkey . Sometimes, Cyprus , Hungary , Moldova and Slovenia are also included due to cultural or historical factors and affiliation despite their geography. The first known use of the term "Southeast Europe" was by Austrian researcher Johann Georg von Hahn as a broader term than the traditional Balkans, a concept based on the boundaries of the Balkan Peninsula. Countries described in 2004 by Istituto Geografico De Agostini as being entirely within the Balkan region, are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and North Macedonia.) However from the 1990s onwards, in part due to the negative historical and political connotations of the term Balkans, especially since the military conflicts of the 1990s in Yugoslavia in the western half of the region, the term Southeast Europe is becoming increasingly popular. Geographically, Northwestern Europe is given by some sources as a region which includes Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Northern France, parts of or all of Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. In some works, Switzerland, Finland, and Austria are also included as part of Northwestern Europe. Under the Interreg program, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, "North-West Europe" is a region of European Territorial Cooperation that includes Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands and parts of France and Germany. A definition of Northwestern Europe was used by some late 19th to mid 20th century anthropologists, eugenicists, and Nordicists, who used the term as a shorthand term for those regions of Europe in which members of the Nordic race were concentrated. For example, Arthur de Gobineau, the 19th-century aristocrat who published works on the pseudoscience of scientific racism, included parts of Northwestern Europe in what Leon Baradat described as his "Aryan heaven". There is close genetic affinity among Northwest European populations, with some of these populations descending from related Corded Ware and Bell Beaker populations carrying large amounts of steppe ancestry. For example, the Beaker people of the lower Rhine overturned 90% of Great Britain's gene pools, replacing the Basque-like neolithic populations present prior. Europe is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. Europe shares the landmass of Eurasia with Asia, and of Afro-Eurasia with both Asia and Africa. Europe is commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Greater Caucasus, the Black Sea, and the waterway of the Bosporus Strait. Europe covers about 10.18 million km2 , or 2% of Earth's surface , making it the second-smallest continent . Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 745 million in 2021; the third-largest after Asia and Africa. The European climate is affected by warm Atlantic currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which produce a temperate climate, tempering winters and summers, on much of the continent. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable producing more continental climates. European culture consists of a range of national and regional cultures, which form the central roots of the wider Western civilisation, and together commonly reference ancient Greece and ancient Rome, particularly through their Christian successors, as crucial and shared roots. Beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE, Christian consolidation of Europe in the wake of the Migration Period marked the European post-classical Middle Ages. The Renaissance, radiating from Florence, spread to the rest of the continent a new humanist interest in art and science. Since the Age of Discovery, led by Spain and Portugal, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs with multiple explorations and conquests around the world. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers colonised at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania, and the majority of Asia. The Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars shaped the continent culturally, politically and economically from the end of the 17th century until the first half of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural and social change in Western Europe and eventually the wider world. Both world wars began and were fought to a great extent in Europe, contributing to a decline in Western European dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th century as the Soviet Union and the United States took prominence and competed over dominance in Europe and globally. The resulting Cold War divided Europe along the Iron Curtain, with NATO in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East. This divide ended with the Revolutions of 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which allowed European integration to advance significantly. The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of the Equator. For other planets in the Solar System, north is defined as being in the same celestial hemisphere relative to the invariable plane of the Solar System as Earth's North Pole. Due to Earth's axial tilt of 23.439281deg, winter in the Northern Hemisphere lasts from the December solstice to the March equinox , while summer lasts from the June solstice through to the September equinox . The dates vary each year due to the difference between the calendar year and the astronomical year. Within the Northern Hemisphere, oceanic currents can change the weather patterns that affect many factors within the north coast. Such events include El Nino-Southern Oscillation. Trade winds blow from east to west just above the equator. The winds pull surface water with them, creating currents, which flow westward due to the Coriolis effect. The currents then bend to the right, heading north. At about 30 degrees north latitude, a different set of winds, the westerlies, push the currents back to the east, producing a closed clockwise loop. Its surface is 60.7% water, compared with 80.9% water in the case of the Southern Hemisphere, and it contains 67.3% of Earth's land. The continents of North America and mainland Eurasia are located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, together with about two-thirds of Africa and a small part of South America. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Portal:Europe <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Europe <s> Portal:Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Europe portal <s> Kaliningrad Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> Kaliningrad Time <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Kaliningrad Time <p> named after <o> Kaliningrad <s> .eu <p> operator <o> European Union <s> .eu <p> instance of <o> country code top-level domain <s> .eu <p> maintained by <o> EURid <s> .eu <p> said to be the same as <o> .ею <s> .eu <p> sponsor <o> European Commission <s> .eu <p> said to be the same as <o> .ευ <s> Europe/Athens <p> country <o> Greece <s> Europe/Athens <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Europe/Athens <p> instance of <o> IANA time zone <s> Europe/Athens <p> named after <o> Athens <s> Europe/Moscow <p> instance of <o> IANA time zone <s> Europe/Moscow <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Europe/Brussels <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Europe/Brussels <p> named after <o> Europe <s> Europe/Brussels <p> named after <o> City of Brussels <s> Europe/Brussels <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Q68235346 <s> Europe/Brussels <p> instance of <o> IANA time zone <s> Europe/London <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Europe/London <p> named after <o> London <s> Europe/London <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Europe/London <p> instance of <o> IANA time zone <s> Template:Europe topic <p> template has topic <o> Europe <s> Template:Europe topic <p> template populates category <o> Category:Europe <s> Template:Europe topic <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia navigational template <s> Template:Sovereign states of Europe <p> template has topic <o> Europe <s> Template:Sovereign states of Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia navigational template <s> Category:Europe <p> category's main topic <o> Europe <s> Category:Europe <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Europe topic <s> Category:Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :Europe is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It comprises the westernmost peninsulas of the continental landmass of Eurasia, and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. Europe is commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Greater Caucasus, the Black Sea, and the waterways of the Turkish Straits. Although much of this border is over land, Europe is generally accorded the status of a full continent because of its great physical size and the weight of history and tradition. Europe covers about 10,180,000 km2 , or 2% of the Earth's surface , making it the second smallest continent . Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 741 million , as of 2018. The European climate is largely affected by warm Atlantic currents that temper winters and summers on much of the continent, even at latitudes along which the climate in Asia and North America is severe. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable than close to the coast. The history of Europe concerns itself with the discovery and collection, the study, organization and presentation and the interpretation of past events and affairs of the people of Europe since the beginning of written records. During the Neolithic era and the time of the Indo-European migrations, Europe saw human inflows from east and southeast and subsequent important cultural and material exchange. The period known as classical antiquity began with the emergence of the city-states of ancient Greece. Later, the Roman Empire came to dominate the entire Mediterranean basin. The fall of the Roman Empire in AD 476 traditionally marks the start of the Middle Ages. Beginning in the 14th century a Renaissance of knowledge challenged traditional doctrines in science and theology. Simultaneously, the Protestant Reformation set up Protestant churches primarily in Germany, Scandinavia and England. After 1800, the Industrial Revolution brought prosperity to Britain and Western Europe. The main European powers set up colonies in most of the Americas and Africa, and parts of Asia. In the 20th century, World War I and World War II resulted in massive numbers of deaths. The Cold War dominated European geo-politics from 1947 to 1989. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the European countries grew together. The culture of Europe is rooted in the art, architecture, film, different types of music, economic, literature, and philosophy that originated from the continent of Europe. European culture is largely rooted in what is often referred to as its "common cultural heritage". Until 2011, Kaliningrad Time was identical to Eastern European Time . On 27 March 2011, Russia moved to permanent DST, switching Kaliningrad time permanently to UTC+03:00. On 26 October 2014, this law was reversed but daylight saving time was not reintroduced, so Kaliningrad is now permanently set to UTC+02:00. .eu is the country code top-level domain for the European Union . Launched on 7 December 2005, the domain is available for any person, company or organization based in the European Union. This was extended to the European Economic Area in 2014, after the regulation was incorporated into the EEA Agreement, and hence is also available for any person, company or organization based in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The TLD is administered by EURid, a consortium originally consisting of the national ccTLD registry operators of Belgium, Sweden, and Italy, joined later by the national registry operator of the Czech Republic. Trademark owners were able to submit registrations through a sunrise period, in an effort to prevent cybersquatting. Full registration started on 7 April 2006. The .eu ccTLD was approved by ICANN on 22 March 2005 and put in the Internet root zone on 2 May 2005. Even though the EU is not a country , it has an exceptional reservation in ISO 3166. The Commission and ICANN had extended negotiations lasting more than five years to secure its acceptance. was the subdomain most used by the European Commission and the European Parliament, based on the .int generic top-level domain for international bodies, until 9 May 2006. The .eu domain was launched in December 2005, and because of this most domain names changed to on Europe day, 9 May 2006. The sunrise period was broken into two phases. The first phase, which began on 7 December 2005 was to facilitate applications by registrants with prior rights based on trademarks and geographic names. The second phase began on 7 February 2006 and covered company, trade and personal names. In the case of all Sunrise applications, the application needed to be accompanied by documents proving the claim to ownership of a certain right. The decision was then made by PricewaterhouseCoopers Belgium, which had been chosen as the validation agent by EURid. In Greece, the standard time is Eastern European Time . Daylight saving time, which moves one hour ahead to UTC+03:00 is observed from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. Greece adopted EET in 1916. The 12-hour notation is used in verbal communication, but the 24-hour format is also used along with the 12-hour notation in writing. The minutes are usually written with two digits; the hour numbers are written with or without a leading zero. Moscow Time is the time zone for the city of Moscow, Russia, and most of western Russia, including Saint Petersburg. It is the second-westernmost of the eleven time zones of Russia. It has been set to UTC+03:00 without DST since 26 October 2014; before that date it had been set to UTC+04:00 year-round on 27 March 2011. Moscow Time is used to schedule trains, ships, etc. throughout Russia, but airplane travel is scheduled using local time. Times in Russia are often announced throughout the country on radio stations as Moscow Time, which is also registered in telegrams, etc. Descriptions of time zones in Russia are often based on Moscow Time rather than UTC. For example, Yakutsk is said to be MSK+6 in Russia. Until the October Revolution, the official time in Moscow corresponded to GMT+02:30:17 . In 1919 the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR introduced the system of time zones in the country, while Moscow was assigned to the second administrative time zone, the time of which should correspond to GMT+02:00. Other zones east of the 37.5deg meridian to Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don were also included in the second belt. In accordance with the 16 June 1930 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the Decree Time was introduced by adding one hour to the time in each time zone of the USSR, so that Moscow Time became three hours ahead of Universal Time. In Belgium the standard time is Central European Time . Belgium observes Summer Time from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October . The transition dates are the same as for other European countries. The current legal basis for standard time in Belgium is the law of 11 June 2018 "introducing Coordinated Universal Time as the basis for the legal time in Belgium" . Article 2 of this law states that the legal time is UTC +60 minutes during Winter Time and UTC +120 minutes during Summer Time. The new law abolishes the previous law of 29 April 1892 unifying time in Belgium and the law of 7 February 1920 amending it. Until the advent of the railways, the United Kingdom used local mean time. Greenwich Mean Time was adopted first by the Great Western Railway in 1840 and a few others followed suit in the following years. In 1847 it was adopted by the Railway Clearing House, and by almost all railway companies by the following year. It was from this initiative that the term "railway time" was derived. It was gradually adopted for other purposes, but the legal case of Curtis v March in 1858 held "local mean time" to be the official time. On 14 May 1880, a letter signed by 'Clerk to Justices' appeared in The Times, stating that 'Greenwich time is now kept almost throughout England, but it appears that Greenwich time is not legal time. This was changed later in 1880, when Greenwich Mean Time was legally adopted throughout the island of Great Britain under the Statutes Act 1880 . GMT was adopted on the Isle of Man on 30 March 1883, Jersey in 1898, and Guernsey in 1913. Ireland adopted GMT in 1916, supplanting Dublin Mean Time. Daylight saving time was introduced by the Summer Time Act 1916 , which was implemented in 1916 as GMT plus one hour and Dublin Mean Time plus one hour. The length of DST could be extended by Order in Council, and was extended for the duration of World War I. For 1916, DST extended from 21 May to 1 October, with transitions at 02:00 standard time. On 1 October 1916, Greenwich Mean Time was introduced to Ireland. In the summers of 1941 to 1945, during the Second World War, Britain was two hours ahead of GMT and operating on British Double Summer Time . To bring this about, the clocks were not put back by an hour at the end of summer in 1940 . In subsequent years, clocks continued to be advanced by one hour each spring and put back by an hour each autumn . On 15 July 1945, the clocks were put back by an hour, so BDST reverted to BST; the clocks were put back by an additional hour on 7 October 1945, so BST reverted to GMT for the winter of 1945. The continent/region-topic templates allow quick creation of a navigational template for groups of articles about a common topic in different countries of a continent/region. It uses Template:Navbox to create the navigation box. The lists of countries included in the "Continent topic" templates are broadly those found in the "Countries of" templates. Discussions on which countries to include are best conducted on the talk pages of these latter templates. The most basic usage of template is with a single unnamed parameter in the format {{Continent/region topic |Topic }}, replacing Continent/region with the name of a continent or region and Topic with the name of a topic followed by "of" or "in". For example, {{Africa topic |Geography of}} generates a navigation box titled "Geography of Africa" with a list of country names linked to articles such as Geography of Angola, etc. The template accepts a second unnamed parameter for text to be placed after the country name. There is no space between the country name and the suffix, to allow for links to articles such as List of Spain-related topics. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Template:Europe <p> template has topic <o> Europe <s> Template:Europe <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia template <s> Mount Elbrus <p> parent peak <o> Mount Elbrus <s> Mount Elbrus <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Mount Elbrus <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Mount Elbrus <p> country <o> Russia <s> Mount Elbrus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Elbrussky District <s> Mount Elbrus <p> instance of <o> mountain <s> Mount Elbrus <p> part of <o> Seven Summits <s> Mount Elbrus <p> different from <o> Alborz <s> Mount Elbrus <p> made from material <o> rhyolite <s> Mount Elbrus <p> made from material <o> gneiss <s> Mount Elbrus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mount Elbrus <p> made from material <o> granite <s> Mount Elbrus <p> made from material <o> tuff <s> Mount Elbrus <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Mount Elbrus <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mount Elbrus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mount Elbrus <p> mountain range <o> Bokovoy Range <s> Mount Elbrus <p> made from material <o> schistose rock <s> Mount Elbrus <p> part of <o> Volcanic Seven Summits <s> Mount Elbrus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Mount Elbrus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Elbrus <s> Mount Elbrus <p> significant event <o> first ascent <s> Europe as a continent <p> said to be the same as <o> Europe <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Spain <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Italy <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Italy <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Portugal <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Southwestern Europe <p> part of <o> Europe <s> Southwestern Europe <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Europe <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> France <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Andorra <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Andorra <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Malta <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Malta <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Monaco <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Monaco <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> Vatican City <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Vatican City <s> Southwestern Europe <p> country <o> San Marino <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> San Marino <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Gibraltar <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Iberian Peninsula <s> Southwestern Europe <p> instance of <o> geographic region <s> Southwestern Europe <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:South-West Europe <s> Southwestern Europe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Southwestern Europe <s> Southwestern Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Southern France <s> time zone named for a UTC offset <p> properties for this type <o> instance of <s> time zone named for a UTC offset <p> properties for this type <o> Commons category <s> time zone named for a UTC offset <p> properties for this type <o> UTC timezone offset <s> time zone named for a UTC offset <p> subclass of <o> time zone <s> Time in Sweden <p> country <o> Sweden <s> Time in Sweden <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Time in Sweden <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Time in Sweden <p> said to be the same as <o> Central European Time <s> Time in Sweden <p> instance of <o> standard time <s> West Africa Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> West Africa Time <p> instance of <o> local mean time <s> West Africa Time <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+01:00 <s> West Africa Time <p> located in time zone <o> West African Time Zone <s> WikiProject Cities <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> WikiProject Cities <p> main subject <o> city <s> WikiProject Cities <p> topic's main category <o> Category:WikiProject Cities <s> father <p> Wikidata property <o> father <s> father <p> opposite of <o> mother <s> father <p> opposite of <o> child <s> father <p> subclass of <o> parent <s> father <p> different from <o> Far <s> father <p> instance of <o> kinship <s> father <p> has part(s) <o> biological father <s> father <p> has part(s) <o> adoptive father <s> father <p> has characteristic <o> male <s> father <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fatherhood <s> father <p> has part(s) <o> non-biological father <s> father <p> subclass of <o> male human <s> father <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> father <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> father <p> has part(s) <o> legal father <s> Category:Metropolises <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Metropolises <p> category's main topic <o> metropolis </Graph>
<Text> :Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia and Europe. It is situated in the western part of the Caucasus and is the highest peak of the Caucasus Mountains. The dormant volcano rises 5,642 m above sea level; it is the highest stratovolcano in Eurasia and the 10th-most prominent peak in the world. The mountain stands in Southern Russia, in the Russian republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. Elbrus has two summits, both of which are dormant volcanic domes. The taller, western summit is 5,642 metres ; the eastern summit is 5,621 metres . The eastern summit was first ascended on 10 July 1829 by a Circassian man named Khillar Khashirov, and the western summit in 1874 by a British expedition led by F. Crauford Grove and including Frederick Gardner, Horace Walker and the Swiss guide Peter Knubel. The name Elbrus /'elbr@s/ seems to have a connection with Alborz , which is also the name of a long mountain range in northern Iran. The name is derived from Avestan Hara B@r@zaiti, a legendary mountain in Iranian mythology. Hara B@r@zaiti reflects Proto-Iranian *Hara Brzati, which was reformed into Middle Persian as Harborz, and into Modern Persian as Alborz. Brzati is the feminine form of the adjective *brzant , the reconstructed ancestor of Modern Ossetian baerzond , Modern Persian barz , berazande , and boland , and Modern Kurdish barz . Hara may be interpreted as "watch" or "guard", from Indo-European *ser . Circassians use the name "Uash-ha Makhua" which means "The mountain of happiness", The name "Mingi Taw" used by Karachays and Balkars means "Eternal Mountain" in Turkic languages. Elbrus is situated in the northwest of the Caucasus, 100 kilometres from the Black Sea and 370 kilometres from the Caspian Sea, which is visible from Elbrus on exceptionally clear days. It rises 5,642 metres above the sea level. Located eleven kilometres north of the Greater Caucasus Watershed, marking the border with Georgia, it is on the border of the Russian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. It is the highest peak in both Russia and Europe. Europe, the westernmost portion of Eurasia, is often divided into regions and subregions based on geographical, cultural or historical factors. Since there is no universal agreement on Europe's regional composition, the placement of individual countries may vary based on criteria being used. For instance, the Balkans is a distinct geographical region within Europe, but individual countries may alternatively be grouped into South-eastern Europe or Southern Europe. Regional affiliation of countries may also evolve over time. Malta was considered an island of North Africa for centuries, but is now generally considered a part of Southern Europe. The exact placement of the Caucasus has also varied since classical antiquity and is now regarded by many as a distinct region within or partly in Europe. Greenland is geographically a part of North America but has been politically and culturally associated with Northern Europe for more than a millennium. As such, several regions are often included as belonging to a Greater Europe, including Anatolia, Cyprus, the South Caucasus, Siberia, Asian Kazakhstan , Greenland, as well as the overseas territories of EU member states. Groupings by compass directions are the hardest to define in Europe, since there are a few calculations of the midpoint of Europe , and the pure geographical criteria of "east" and "west" are often confused with the political meaning these words acquired during the Cold War era. Note: There is no universally agreed definition for continental subregions. Depending on the source, some of the subregions, such as Central Europe or South-eastern Europe, can be listed as first-tier subregions. Some transregional countries, such as Romania or the United Kingdom, can be included in multiple subregions. In Sweden, the standard time is Central European Time . Daylight saving time is observed from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October . Sweden adopted CET in 1900. West Africa Time, or WAT, is a time zone used in west-central Africa. West Africa Time is one hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time , which aligns it with Central European Time during winter, and Western European Summer Time / British Summer Time during summer. Countries west of Benin are in the UTC+-0 time zone. Civil time in most of those countries is defined with reference to Greenwich Mean Time . A father is the male parent of a child. Besides the paternal bonds of a father to his children, the father may have a parental, legal, and social relationship with the child that carries with it certain rights and obligations. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the infant, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation. A biological father may have legal obligations to a child not raised by him, such as an obligation of monetary support. An adoptive father is a man who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. A putative father is a man whose biological relationship to a child is alleged but has not been established. A stepfather is a non-biological male parent married to a child's preexisting parent, and may form a family unit but generally does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child. The adjective "paternal" refers to a father and comparatively to "maternal" for a mother. The verb "to father" means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the noun "fathering". Biological fathers determine the sex of their child through a sperm cell which either contains an X chromosome , or Y chromosome . Related terms of endearment are dad , baba, papa, pappa, papasita, and pop. A male role model that children can look up to is sometimes referred to as a father-figure. Parental leave is when a father takes time off to support his newly born or adopted baby. Paid paternity leave first began in Sweden in 1976, and is paid in more than half of European Union countries. In the case of male same-sex couples the law often makes no provision for either one or both fathers to take paternity leave. In almost all cultures fathers are regarded as secondary caregivers. This perception is slowly changing with more and more fathers becoming primary caregivers, while mothers go to work, or in single parenting situations and male same-sex parenting couples. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> 1966 flood of the Arno <p> country <o> Italy <s> 1966 flood of the Arno <p> instance of <o> flood <s> borough of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> borough of Florence <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> borough of Florence <p> subclass of <o> circoscrizione di decentramento comunale in Italy <s> borough of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Districts of Florence <s> borough of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Template:Quarters of Florence <s> history of Florence <p> facet of <o> Florence <s> history of Florence <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> history of Florence <p> instance of <o> aspect of history <s> history of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Florence <s> Fiesole <p> country <o> Italy <s> Fiesole <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Fiesole <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fiesole <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fiesole <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Fiesole <p> public holiday <o> July 6 <s> Fiesole <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Fiesole <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fiesole <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Fiesole <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Fiesole <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tucson <s> Fiesole <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Fiesole <p> shares border with <o> Borgo San Lorenzo <s> Fiesole <p> shares border with <o> Bagno a Ripoli <s> Fiesole <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> shares border with <o> Pontassieve <s> Fiesole <p> shares border with <o> Florence <s> Fiesole <p> shares border with <o> Vaglia <s> Fiesole <p> shares border with <o> Sesto Fiorentino <s> Fiesole <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Fiesole <p> capital <o> Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> patron saint <o> Romulus of Fiesole <s> Fiesole <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Fiesole <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> country <o> Italy <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Campi Bisenzio <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Florence <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Prato <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Campi Bisenzio <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Poggio a Caiano <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Calenzano <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Scandicci <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> capital <o> Campi Bisenzio <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Signa <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> shares border with <o> Sesto Fiorentino <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Campi Bisenzio <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> twinned administrative body <o> Orly <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> twinned administrative body <o> North Lanarkshire <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tipitapa <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bir Lehlou <s> Campi Bisenzio <p> patron saint <o> Teresa Maria Manetti <s> John the Baptist <p> present in work <o> Bible <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> cup <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> book <s> John the Baptist <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> Christian cross <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> walking stick <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> honeycomb <s> John the Baptist <p> feast day <o> June 24 <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> baptismal bowl <s> John the Baptist <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> John the Baptist <p> iconographic symbol <o> lamb <s> John the Baptist <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> John the Baptist <p> position held <o> prophet <s> John the Baptist <p> father <o> Zachary <s> John the Baptist <p> student <o> historical Jesus <s> John the Baptist <p> ethnic group <o> Jewish people <s> John the Baptist <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> John the Baptist <p> cause of death <o> decapitation <s> John the Baptist <p> significant event <o> Baptism of Jesus <s> John the Baptist <p> different from <o> John the Apostle <s> John the Baptist <p> occupation <o> hermit <s> John the Baptist <p> place of birth <o> Ein Karem <s> John the Baptist <p> work location <o> Palestine <s> John the Baptist <p> place of burial <o> Nabi Yahya Mosque <s> John the Baptist <p> residence <o> Judaean Desert <s> John the Baptist <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Jewish Palestinian Aramaic <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Encyclopedia <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> John the Baptist <p> said to be the same as <o> John the Baptist in Islam <s> John the Baptist <p> said to be the same as <o> Child Saint John <s> John the Baptist <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> John the Baptist <p> significant event <o> John the Baptist in the wilderness <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Islamskiy enciklopedicheskiy slovar <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Saint John Baptist <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> John the Baptist <p> given name <o> Yohanan <s> John the Baptist <p> place of death <o> Machaerus <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> John the Baptist <p> mother <o> Elizabeth <s> John the Baptist <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> John the Baptist <p> topic's main category <o> Category:John the Baptist <s> John the Baptist <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> John the Baptist <p> different from <o> Jean-Baptiste de La Salle <s> Category:Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Florence <p> category's main topic <o> Florence <s> Impruneta <p> shares border with <o> Florence <s> Impruneta <p> capital <o> Impruneta <s> Impruneta <p> country <o> Italy <s> Impruneta <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Impruneta <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Impruneta <p> patron saint <o> Luke the Evangelist <s> Impruneta <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Impruneta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hadamar <s> Impruneta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bellerive-sur-Allier <s> Impruneta <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Impruneta <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Impruneta <s> Impruneta <p> shares border with <o> Bagno a Ripoli <s> Impruneta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pruszków <s> Impruneta <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Impruneta <s> Impruneta <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Impruneta <s> Impruneta <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Impruneta <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Impruneta <s> Impruneta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prachatice <s> Impruneta <p> shares border with <o> Greve in Chianti <s> Impruneta <p> shares border with <o> San Casciano in Val di Pesa <s> Impruneta <p> shares border with <o> Scandicci <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> followed by <o> Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> different from <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaced by <o> Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> language used <o> Italian <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> capital <o> Turin <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> capital <o> Rome <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaces <o> Free State of Fiume <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaces <o> Kingdom of the Two Sicilies <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> country <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> shares border with <o> Austrian Empire <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> shares border with <o> Austria-Hungary <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> follows <o> Austrian Empire <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaces <o> Republic of German-Austria <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> head of state <o> Victor Emmanuel III of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> basic form of government <o> single-party system <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> official religion <o> Catholicism <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaces <o> Kingdom of Sardinia <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaces <o> Imperial Free City of Trieste <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> member of <o> League of Nations <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> replaced by <o> Kingdom of Italy under Fascism <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> basic form of government <o> constitutional monarchy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> follows <o> Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> follows <o> Kingdom of Sardinia <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> currency <o> Italian lira <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> participant in <o> Battle of Cecina <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> head of state <o> Umberto I of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> head of state <o> Victor Emmanuel II of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> shares border with <o> First Republic of Austria <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> part of <o> Allies of the First World War <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> coat of arms <o> emblem of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> part of <o> Triple Alliance <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> flag <o> flag of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> shares border with <o> Nazi Germany <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> follows <o> Papal States <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> shares border with <o> Democratic Federal Yugoslavia <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> shares border with <o> Federal State of Austria <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> follows <o> Kingdom of the Two Sicilies <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> head of state <o> Umberto II of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary monarchy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> significant event <o> Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy <s> Kingdom of Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946) <s> Portal:Florence <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Florence <s> Portal:Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal </Graph>
<Text> : The 1966 flood of the Arno in Florence killed 101 people and damaged or destroyed millions of masterpieces of art and rare books. It is considered the worst flood in the city's history since 1557. With the combined effort of Italian and foreign volunteers alike, or angeli del fango , many of these fine works have been restored. New methods in conservation were devised and restoration laboratories established. However, even decades later, much work remains to be done. Located in the Tuscany region of Central Italy, the river Arno is approximately 240 kilometres long. It flows from the Mount Falterona hills of the Apennine Mountains to the Ligurian Sea, just 11 kilometres west of Pisa. Lush vineyards and olive groves line the river's scenic course to the west, out to sea. Principally utilized for irrigation purposes, only 32 kilometres of the river is used for navigation. The highest flows of the river generally occur in spring and autumn of every year, when rainfall in the Apennines is at its greatest. The intensity of the 1966 flood was further increased by both the topography of the Apennines, which contributed to the high run-off rates and river discharges, and urban development. Roads, such as the Via de Calzaiuoli, served as narrow channels for floodwaters, allowing for their greater speed and destruction within the city; bridges, on the other hand, hindered river flow where it was needed, allowing water to pour over the floodplain with great force. The flood has had a lasting impact on Florence, economically and culturally. City officials and citizens were unprepared for the storm and the widespread devastation that it caused. There were virtually no emergency measures in place, at least partially because Florence is located in an area where the frequency of flooding is relatively low. In fact, approximately 90% of the city's population were completely unaware of the imminent disaster. Florence weathered the decline of the Western Roman Empire to emerge as a financial hub of Europe, home to several banks including that of the politically powerful Medici family. The city's wealth supported the development of art during the Italian Renaissance, and tourism attracted by its rich history continues today. For much of the Quaternary Age, the Florence-Prato-Pistoia plain was occupied by a great lake bounded by Monte Albano in the west, Monte Giovi in the north and the foothills of Chianti in the south. Even after most of the water had receded, the plain, 50 metres above sea level, was strewn with ponds and marshes that remained until the 18th century, when the land was reclaimed. Most of the marshland was in the region of Campi Bisenzio, Signa and Bagno a Ripoli. It is thought that there was already a settlement at the confluence of the Mugnone River with the River Arno between the 10th and 8th centuries BC. Between the 7th and 6th centuries BC, Etruscans discovered and used the ford of the Arno near this confluence, closer to the hills to the north and south. A bridge or a ferry was probably constructed here, about ten metres away from the current Ponte Vecchio, but closer to the ford itself. The Etruscans, however, preferred not to build cities on the plain for reasons of defence and instead settled about six kilometres away on a hill. This settlement was a precursor of the fortified centre of Vipsul , which was later connected by road to all the major Etruscan centres of Emilia to the north and Lazio to the south. Written history of Florence traditionally begins in 59 BC, when the Romans founded the village for army veterans, and reportedly dedicated it to the god Mars. According to some stories, the city was founded for precise political and strategic reasons; in 62 BC, Fiesole was a cove for Catilines, and Caesar wanted an outpost nearby to monitor the roads and communications. It was originally named Fluentia, owing to the fact that it was built between two rivers, which was later changed to Florentia . Fiesole is a town and comune of the Metropolitan City of Florence in the Italian region of Tuscany, on a scenic height above Florence, 5 km northeast of that city. It has structures dating to Etruscan and Roman times. Since the fourteenth century, the city has always been considered a getaway for members of the upper class of Florence and, up to this day, Fiesole remains noted for its very expensive residential properties, just as well as its centuries-old villas and their formal gardens. The city is generally considered to be the wealthiest and most affluent suburb of Florence. In 2016, the city had the highest median family income in the whole of Tuscany. Fiesole is a centre of higher education. The campus of the European University Institute is situated in the suburb and uses several historical buildings including the Badia Faesolina and the Villa Schifanoia. Additionally, the American universities, Harvard, Georgetown, and Saint Mary's of Minnesota all maintain campuses at Fiesole. Fiesole was probably founded sometime during the ninth century BC, as it was an important member of the Etruscan confederacy. The remains of its prehistoric walls and ancient structures have been preserved and an archaeological museum in the town presents artifacts from and information about these cultural periods. The word Campi in the municipality's name stems from the fields which are widespread in the lands around the town. The current name of Campi Bisenzio was assumed only in 1862, with the addition of the name of the Bisenzio river that runs through the town. A number of Renaissance artworks from the church of Sant'Andrea a San Donnino are housed in its adjacent museum. The church of Santa Maria a Campi Bisenzio still maintains many of its original artworks. John the Baptist was a Judaean preacher active in the area of the Jordan River in the early 1st century AD. He is also known as Saint John the Forerunner in Eastern Orthodoxy, John the Immerser in some Baptist Christian traditions, Saint John by certain Catholic churches, and Prophet Yahya in Islam. He is sometimes alternatively referred to as John the Baptiser. John is mentioned by the Roman Jewish historian Josephus and he is revered as a major religious figure in Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i faith, the Druze faith, and Mandaeism, the latter in which he is considered to be the final and most vital prophet. He is considered to be a prophet of God by all of the aforementioned faiths, and is honoured as a saint in many Christian denominations. According to the New Testament, John anticipated a messianic figure greater than himself, and the Gospels portray John as the precursor or forerunner of Jesus. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus himself identifies John as "Elijah who is to come", which is a direct reference to the Book of Malachi , as confirmed by the angel who announced John's birth to his father, Zechariah. According to the Gospel of Luke, John and Jesus were relatives. Some scholars maintain that John belonged to the Essenes, a semi-ascetic Jewish sect who expected a messiah and practised ritual baptism. John used baptism as the central symbol or sacrament of his pre-messianic movement. Most biblical scholars agree that John baptized Jesus, and several New Testament accounts report that some of Jesus's early followers had previously been followers of John. According to the New Testament, John was sentenced to death and subsequently beheaded by Herod Antipas around AD 30 after John rebuked him for divorcing his wife Phasaelis and then unlawfully wedding Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I. Josephus also mentions John in the Antiquities of the Jews and states that he was executed by order of Herod Antipas in the fortress at Machaerus. Followers of John existed well into the 2nd century AD, and some proclaimed him to be the Messiah awaited by Jews. In modern times, the followers of John the Baptist are the Mandaeans, an ancient ethnoreligious group who believe that he is their greatest and final prophet. In the Roman martyrology, apart from Jesus and the Virgin Mary, John is the only saint whose birth and death are both commemorated. The name Impruneta is derived from inprunetis meaning "within the pine woods", and is known for its fine production of terracotta. The terracotta is made from local clay, has a red-colored finish, and production includes everything from small tiles to large garden vases and statues. The most important feature of Impruneta is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria. The Basilica dates from 1060, being probably located over an ancient devotional site of Etruscan times . It was an important site of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. The basilica was bombed during World War II and now few of the original decorations can be seen. The facade is preceded by a portico by Gherardo Silvani , built by the Florentine people as vow for the liberation from the plague, and by a bell tower from the 13th century. The interior has a single nave; artworks include a Nativity by Domenico Passignano and a Vocation of St. Peter by Jacopo da Empoli. The presbytery is flanked by two niches by Michelozzo decorated by Luca della Robbia, housing the relics of the Holy Cross and the Madonna's image to which the sanctuary is devoted and, which, according to tradition, was painted by St. Luke himself. The museum connected to the basilica is home to one of the oldest-known pieces of European patchwork, the so-called Impruneta Cushion, dating from the late 14th or early 15th centuries. The cushion belonged to Bishop Antonio degli Agli, priest in charge of Santa Maria dell'Impruneta from 1439 to his death in 1477, and was found in his tomb after the church was damaged by an Allied bomb in 1944. The Kingdom of Italy was a state that existed from 17 March 1861, when Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia was proclaimed King of Italy, until 12 June 1946, when the monarchy was abolished, following civil discontent that led to an institutional referendum on 2 June 1946, which resulted in a modern Italian Republic. The kingdom was established through the unification of several states over a decades-long process, called the Risorgimento. That process was influenced by the Savoy-led Kingdom of Sardinia, which can be considered Italy's legal predecessor state. In 1866, Italy declared war on Austria in alliance with Prussia and, upon its victory, received the region of Veneto. Italian troops entered Rome in 1870, ending more than one thousand years of Papal temporal power. In 1882 Italy entered into a Triple Alliance with the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, following strong disagreements with France about their respective colonial expansions. Although relations with Berlin became very friendly, the alliance with Vienna remained purely formal, due in part to Italy's desire to acquire Trentino and Trieste from Austria-Hungary. As a result, Italy accepted the British invitation to join the Allied Powers during World War I, as the western powers promised territorial compensation for participation that was more generous than Vienna's offer in exchange for Italian neutrality. Victory in the war gave Italy a permanent seat in the Council of the League of Nations, but it did not receive the territories it was promised. In 1922, Benito Mussolini became prime minister of Italy, ushering in an era of National Fascist Party government known as "Fascist Italy". Totalitarian rule was enforced, crushing all political opposition while promoting economic modernization, traditional values, and territorial expansion. In 1929, the Italian government reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church through the Lateran Treaties, which granted independence to the Vatican City. That same year, Italy began consolidating its colonial gains and initiated a policy of genocide in Libya during its pacification of the country. The following decade presided over an aggressive foreign policy, with Italy launching successful military operations against Ethiopia in 1935, Spain in 1937, and Albania in 1939. This led to economic sanctions, departure from the League of Nations, growing economic autarky, and the signing of military alliances with Germany and Japan. Fascist Italy entered World War II as an Axis Power in 1940 and despite initial success, was defeated in North Africa and the Soviet Union. Allied landings in Sicily led to the fall of the Fascist regime and the new government surrendered to the Allies in September 1943. German forces occupied northern and central Italy, established the Italian Social Republic, and reappointed Mussolini as dictator. Consequentially, Italy descended into civil war, with the Italian Co-belligerent Army and resistance movement contending with the Social Republic's forces and its German allies. Shortly after the surrender of all fascist forces in Italy, civil discontent prompted an institutional referendum, which established a republic and abolished the monarchy in 1946. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> metropolitan area <p> different from <o> city <s> metropolitan area <p> different from <o> urban agglomeration <s> metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> suburb <s> metropolitan area <p> different from <o> metropolis <s> metropolitan area <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> metropolitan area <p> subclass of <o> urban area <s> metropolitan area <p> different from <o> megalopolis <s> metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> satellite city <s> metropolitan area <p> subclass of <o> statistical territorial entity <s> metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> commuter town <s> metropolitan area <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Metropolitan areas <s> metropolitan area <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Cities <s> metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> core city <s> metropolitan area <p> has part(s) <o> exurb <s> capital <p> related property <o> headquarters location <s> capital <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a location <s> capital <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> chef-lieu <s> capital <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> capital city <s> capital <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> administrative centre <s> capital <p> Wikidata property example <o> Russia <s> capital <p> Wikidata property example <o> Italy <s> capital <p> Wikidata property example <o> Estonia <s> capital <p> Wikidata property example <o> Vatican City <s> capital <p> Wikidata property example <o> Bolivia <s> capital <p> inverse property <o> capital of <s> capital <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> centralized bureau <s> capital <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> capital <p> property constraint <o> inverse constraint <s> capital <p> Wikidata property example <o> Regenkreis <s> capital <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> capital <p> property constraint <o> single-value constraint <s> capital <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> capital <p> stability of property value <o> 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Category:Lists of capitals <s> Category:Capitals <p> category's main topic <o> capital city <s> Category:National capitals <p> category's main topic <o> capital city <s> Category:National capitals <p> category combines topics <o> capital city <s> Category:National capitals <p> category combines topics <o> country <s> Category:National capitals <p> category combines topics <o> state <s> Category:National capitals <p> list related to category <o> list of capitals <s> Category:National capitals <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:National capitals <p> different from <o> Category:Lists of capitals <s> Category:National capitals <p> different from <o> Category:Capitals <s> association football <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Football <s> association football <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> association football <p> instance of <o> Olympic sport <s> association football <p> instance of <o> team sport <s> association football <p> history of topic <o> history of association football <s> association football <p> country of origin <o> United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland <s> association football <p> uses <o> association football pitch <s> association football <p> instance of <o> ball game <s> association football <p> instance of <o> spectator sport <s> association football <p> main regulatory text <o> Laws of the Game <s> association football <p> uses <o> association football boots <s> association football <p> uses <o> association football goal <s> association football <p> practiced by <o> association football player <s> association football <p> authority <o> FIFA <s> association football <p> regulated by <o> FIFA <s> association football <p> different from <o> Football <s> association football <p> uses <o> association football kit <s> association football <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> association football <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> association football <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> association football <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Association football <s> association football <p> uses <o> association football ball <s> association football <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> association football <p> subclass of <o> sport industry <s> association football <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> association football <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Association football <s> lawn <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> lawn <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> lawn <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> lawn <p> has use <o> sport <s> lawn <p> different from <o> grassland <s> lawn <p> different from <o> bowling green <s> lawn <p> contributing factor of <o> water scarcity <s> lawn <p> different from <o> pitch <s> lawn <p> has characteristic <o> cultivation <s> lawn <p> contributing factor of <o> noise <s> lawn <p> subclass of <o> physical surface <s> lawn <p> part of <o> yard <s> lawn <p> part of <o> street <s> lawn <p> has use <o> landscaping <s> lawn <p> has use <o> play <s> lawn <p> has part(s) <o> groundcover <s> lawn <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> lawn <p> contributing factor of <o> runoff <s> lawn <p> has characteristic <o> homogeneity <s> lawn <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lawns <s> lawn <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> lawn <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> lawn <p> part of <o> Earth's surface </Graph>
<Text> :A metropolitan area or metro is a region consisting of a densely populated urban agglomeration and its surrounding territories sharing industries, commercial areas, transport network, infrastructures and housing. A metropolitan area usually comprises multiple principal cities, jurisdictions and municipalities: neighborhoods, townships, boroughs, cities, towns, exurbs, suburbs, counties, districts and even states and nations in areas like the eurodistricts. As social, economic and political institutions have changed, metropolitan areas have become key economic and political regions. Metropolitan areas in the United States are delineated around the Core of a core based statistical area which is defined as an urban area, and consists of central and outlying counties as the terms central city and suburb are no longer used by the census bureau due to suburbanization of employment. In other countries metropolitan areas sometimes anchored by one central city such as the Paris metropolitan area or Mumbai Metropolitan Region . In other cases, metropolitan areas contain multiple centers of equal or close to equal importance, especially in the United States; for example, the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area has eight principal cities. The Islamabad-Rawalpindi metropolitan area in Pakistan, the Rhine-Ruhr in Germany, and the Randstad in The Netherlands are other examples. In the United States, the concept of metropolitan statistical areas has gained prominence. The area of the Greater Washington metropolitan area is an example of statistically grouping independent cities and county areas from various states to form a larger city because of proximity, history and recent urban convergence. Metropolitan areas may themselves be part of a greater megalopolis. For urban centres located outside metropolitan areas that generate a similar attraction at a smaller scale for a region, the concept of a regiopolis and a respective regiopolitan area, or regio, was introduced by German professors in 2006. In the United States, the term micropolitan statistical area is used. A metropolitan area combines an urban agglomeration with the contiguous built-up areas, which are not necessarily urban in character but are closely bound to the center by employment or other commerce. These outlying zones are sometimes known as a commuter belt and may extend well beyond the urban zone to other political entities. For example, East Hampton, New York, on Long Island is considered part of the New York metropolitan area. The word seat comes from Middle English sete, Old English gesete/geseten and/or saete seat, sittan to sit. Possibly related to or cognate with Old Norse saeti. The first known use of the word seat is in the 13th century. For someone seated, the 'buttock popliteal' length is the horizontal distance from the rearmost part of the buttocks to the back of the lower leg. This anthropometric measurement is used to determine seat depth. Mass-produced chairs typically use a depth of 15 to 16 inches . In countries with French as administrative language , a chef-lieu , is a town or city that is important from an administrative perspective. The capital of an Algerian province is called a chef-lieu. The capital of a district, the next largest division, is also called a chef-lieu, whilst the capital of the lowest division, the municipalities, is called agglomeration de chef-lieu and is abbreviated as A.C.L. The chef-lieu of a departement is known as the prefecture. This is the town or city where the prefect of the department are situated, in a building known as the prefecture. In every French region, one of the departments has pre-eminence over the others, and the prefect carries the title of Prefect of region X..., Prefect of Department Z... and the city where the regional prefect is found is known as chef-lieu of the region or, more commonly, Regional prefecture. The services are, however, controlled by the prefecture of the department. The chef-lieu of an arrondissement, commonly known as the sous-prefecture is the city or town where the sub-prefect of the arrondissement are situated, in a building called the sub-prefecture. The arrondissement where the departement prefecture is located does not normally have a sub-prefect or sub-prefecture, the administration being devolved usually to the Secretary-general of the departmental prefecture, who functions as sub-prefect for the arrondissement. Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each, who primarily use their feet to propel a ball around a rectangular field called a pitch. The objective of the game is to score more goals than the opposing team by moving the ball beyond the goal line into a rectangular-framed goal defended by the opposing team. Traditionally, the game has been played over two 45-minute halves, for a total match time of 90 minutes. With an estimated 250 million players active in over 200 countries and territories, it is the world's most popular sport. The game of association football is played in accordance with the Laws of the Game, a set of rules that has been in effect since 1863 and maintained by the IFAB since 1886. The game is played with a football that is 68-70 cm in circumference. The two teams compete to get the ball into the other team's goal , thereby scoring a goal. When the ball is in play, the players mainly use their feet, but may use any other part of their body, except for their hands or arms, to control, strike, or pass the ball. Only the goalkeepers may use their hands and arms, and only then within the penalty area. The team that has scored more goals at the end of the game is the winner. There are situations where a goal can be disallowed, such as an offside call or a foul in the build-up to the goal. Depending on the format of the competition, an equal number of goals scored may result in a draw being declared, or the game goes into extra time or a penalty shoot-out. Internationally, association football is governed by FIFA. Under FIFA, there are six continental confederations: AFC, CAF, CONCACAF, CONMEBOL, OFC, and UEFA. Of these confederations, CONMEBOL is the oldest one, being founded in 1916. National associations are responsible for managing the game in their own countries both professionally and at an amateur level, and coordinating competitions in accordance with the Laws of the Game. The most senior and prestigious international competitions are the FIFA World Cup and the FIFA Women's World Cup. The men's World Cup is the most-viewed sporting event in the world, surpassing the Olympic Games. The two most prestigious competitions in European club football are the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Women's Champions League, which attract an extensive television audience throughout the world. Since 2009, the final of the men's tournament has been the most-watched annual sporting event in the world. Association football is one of a family of football codes that emerged from various ball games played worldwide since antiquity. Within the English-speaking world, the sport is now usually called "football" in Great Britain and most of Ulster in the north of Ireland, whereas people usually call it "soccer" in regions and countries where other codes of football are prevalent, such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, most of Ireland , and the United States. A notable exception is New Zealand, where in the first two decades of the 21st century, under the influence of international television, "football" has been gaining prevalence, despite the dominance of other codes of football, namely rugby union and rugby league. A lawn is an area of soil-covered land planted with grasses and other durable plants such as clover which are maintained at a short height with a lawn mower and used for aesthetic and recreational purposes--it is also commonly referred to as part of a garden. Lawns are usually composed only of grass species, subject to weed and pest control, maintained in a green color , and are regularly mowed to ensure an acceptable length. Lawns are used around houses, apartments, commercial buildings and offices. Many city parks also have large lawn areas. In recreational contexts, the specialised names turf, pitch, field or green may be used, depending on the sport and the continent. The term "lawn", referring to a managed grass space, dates to at least the 16th century. With suburban expansion, the lawn has become culturally ingrained in some areas of the world as part of the desired household aesthetic. However, awareness of the negative environmental impact of this ideal is growing. In some jurisdictions where there are water shortages, local government authorities are encouraging alternatives to lawns to reduce water use. Researchers in the United States have noted that suburban lawns are "biological deserts" that are contributing to a "continental-scale ecological homogenization." Lawn maintenance practices also cause biodiversity loss in surrounding areas. Lawns may have originated as grassed enclosures within early medieval settlements used for communal grazing of livestock, as distinct from fields reserved for agriculture. The word "laune" is first attested in 1540 from the Old French lande "heath, moor, barren land; clearing". Lawns became popular with the aristocracy in northern Europe from the Middle Ages onward. In medieval Europe, open expanses of low grasses became valued among the aristocracy because they allowed those inside an enclosed fence or castle to view those approaching. The early lawns were not always distinguishable from pasture fields. The damp climate of maritime Western Europe in the north made lawns possible to grow and manage. They were not a part of gardens in other regions and cultures of the world until contemporary influence. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> instance of <o> national rugby union team <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> authority <o> Italian Rugby Federation <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> head coach <o> Gonzalo Quesada <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> home venue <o> Stadio Olimpico <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> history of topic <o> history of Italy national rugby union team <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> kit supplier <o> Macron <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> sponsor <o> Vittoria Assicurazioni <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> sport <o> rugby union <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Italy national rugby union team <s> Italy national rugby union team <p> significant event <o> first international match <s> defunct sports venue <p> opposite of <o> sports venue under construction <s> defunct sports venue <p> subclass of <o> former building or structure <s> defunct sports venue <p> subclass of <o> sports venue <s> defunct sports venue <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Defunct sports venues <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> instance of <o> human <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> notable work <o> Palazzo dello Sport <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> notable work <o> Stadio Nazionale <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> given name <o> Marcello <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> notable work <o> Piazza della Vittoria <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> relative <o> Carlo Aymonino <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> spouse <o> Matilde Festa <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> field of work <o> architecture <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> father <o> Pio Piacentini <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> place of birth <o> Rome <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> educated at <o> Sapienza University of Rome <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> employer <o> Sapienza University of Rome <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> place of burial <o> Campo Verano <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> family name <o> Piacentini <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Marcello Piacentini <p> copyright status as a creator <o> works protected by copyrights <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> country <o> Italy <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> instance of <o> sports season <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> sport <o> association football <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> sports season of league or competition <o> FIFA World Cup <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Netherlands national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Egypt national football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Germany national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Spain national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Austria national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> United States men's national soccer team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> France national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> followed by <o> 1938 FIFA World Cup <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Sweden national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Czechoslovakia national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Switzerland national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Belgium national football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Giuseppe Meazza Stadium <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> organizer <o> FIFA <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Artemio Franchi <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Romania national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Renato Dall'Ara <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Giorgio Ascarelli <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> competition class <o> men's association football <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> statistical leader <o> Oldřich Nejedlý <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> final event <o> 1934 FIFA World Cup Final <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> follows <o> 1930 FIFA World Cup <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Argentina national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Hungary national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Luigi Ferraris <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Giuseppe Grezar <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Brazil national football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> location <o> Stadio Nazionale <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participant <o> Anders Rydberg <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> topic's main category <o> Category:1934 FIFA World Cup <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> topic's main template <o> Template:1934 FIFA World Cup <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> winner <o> Italy national association football team <s> 1934 FIFA World Cup <p> participating team <o> Italy national association football team <s> Rome Metro <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Rome Metro <p> country <o> Italy <s> Rome Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Line A <s> Rome Metro <p> track gauge <o> 1435 mm track gauge <s> Rome Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Line C <s> Rome Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Line B <s> Rome Metro <p> significant event <o> 2006 Rome metro crash <s> Rome Metro <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Rome Metro navbox <s> Rome Metro <p> type of electrification <o> 1500 V DC railway electrification <s> Rome Metro <p> railway traffic side <o> left <s> Rome Metro <p> part of <o> public transport in Rome <s> Rome Metro <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rome Metro <s> Rome Metro <p> described by source <o> UrbanRail <s> Rome Metro <p> instance of <o> transport network <s> Rome Metro <p> instance of <o> rapid transit <s> Rome Metro <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Rome Metro <p> operator <o> ATAC <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> located in the administrative territorial entity <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> connecting line <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> transport network <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> adjacent station <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> coordinate location <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> number of platform tracks <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> has facility <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> part of <s> metro station <p> permanent duplicated item <o> metro station <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> connecting service <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> station code <s> metro station <p> instance of <o> type of station <s> metro station <p> different from <o> tram stop <s> metro station <p> different from <o> S-Bahn station <s> metro station <p> has part(s) <o> Spanish solution <s> metro station <p> different from <o> people mover station <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> place name sign <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> daily patronage <s> metro station <p> part of <o> rapid transit <s> metro station <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rapid transit stations <s> metro station <p> has part(s) <o> Railway station layout <s> metro station <p> has part(s) <o> split platform <s> metro station <p> part of <o> rapid transit railway line <s> metro station <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Adjacent stations <s> metro station <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox Metro station <s> metro station <p> subclass of <o> railway station <s> metro station <p> properties for this type <o> state of use <s> underground station <p> instance of <o> type of station <s> underground station <p> subclass of <o> station <s> underground station <p> subclass of <o> subterranea <s> underground station <p> uses <o> underground construction <s> underground station <p> different from <o> underground railway station <s> underground station <p> opposite of <o> station located on surface <s> public toilet <p> subclass of <o> toilet <s> public toilet <p> subclass of <o> architectural structure <s> public toilet <p> has part(s) <o> toilet <s> public toilet <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Public toilets <s> public toilet <p> described by source <o> Green Map Icons <s> public toilet <p> has characteristic <o> public <s> ticket machine <p> subclass of <o> vending machine <s> ticket machine <p> has use <o> ticketing service <s> ticket machine <p> typically sells <o> ride ticket <s> Line A <p> country <o> Italy <s> Line A <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Line A <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Line A <p> transport network <o> Rome Metro <s> Line A <p> operator <o> ATAC <s> Line A <p> terminus <o> Battistini <s> Line A <p> terminus <o> Anagnina <s> Line A <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Line A <p> instance of <o> rapid transit railway line <s> Line A <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Line A (Rome metro) <s> Line A <p> type of electrification <o> 1500 V DC railway electrification <s> Line A <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Rome Metro Line A </Graph>
<Text> :The Italy national rugby union team represents the Italian Rugby Federation in men's international rugby union. The team is known as gli Azzurri . Savoy blue is the common colour of the national teams representing Italy, as it is the traditional colour of the royal House of Savoy which reigned over the Kingdom of Italy from 1860 to 1946. Italy has played international rugby since 1929, and for decades was considered one of the best European teams outside the Five Nations Championship. Since 2000, Italy has competed annually in the Six Nations Championship with England, France, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. In 2013, they were holders of the Giuseppe Garibaldi Trophy which is played annually between Italy and France. Italy is ranked 12th in the world by the IRB as of 13 February 2023. Italian rugby rose to prominence in 2000 when it was added to the Five Nations, creating the Six Nations. Initially on the receiving end of some heavy defeats, the side grew in competitiveness, recording a fourth-place finish in 2007 and 2013, and one-sided defeats became less frequent. The Azzurri showed respectable results when playing at home in the early 2010s: they defeated France 22-21 in the 2011 Six Nations; and during the 2013 Six Nations, they again beat France 23-18, also defeating Ireland 22-15. Until 19 March 2022, Italy had not won a Six Nations game since beating Scotland in 2015. However Edoardo Padovani scored a last minute try against Wales, to earn Italy their first win in 36 games, as well as their first away win against Wales and third away win in the tournament. Italy have competed at every Rugby World Cup since the first tournament in 1987, where Italy played the inaugural game against New Zealand, but they are yet to progress beyond the first round. The team has developed a reputation for being a consistent middle man at the tournament. Italy's results, since the inception of a new group stage formula in 2003, have consistently followed a pattern of two wins against Tier 2 teams and two losses against Tier 1 ones . The current head coach is Gonzalo Quesada and the captain is currently Michele Lamaro. Born in Rome, he was the son of architect Pio Piacentini. When he was only 26, he was commissioned to revamp of the historical center of Bergamo ; subsequently, he worked in most of Italy, but his best works are those commissioned by the Fascist government in Rome. Piacentini devised a "simplified neoclassicism" midway between the neo-classicism of the Novecento Italiano group and the rationalism of the Gruppo 7 of Giuseppe Terragni, Adalberto Libera and others. His style became a mainstay of Fascist architecture in Rome, including the new university campus and the E.U.R district, of which he was not only designer, but also High Commissar by will of Benito Mussolini. His other works include the renovation of Brescia and Livorno, the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia in Reggio Calabria, the opening of Via della Conciliazione in Rome, and the restoration of the Rome Opera House . Piacentini became an important colonial architect, particularly in Cyrenaica in Eastern Libya. The style of his buildings is characteristic of the Neo-Moorish period of Italian colonial architecture in Libya in the 1920s. This is evident in his Albergo Italia as well as the Berenice Theatre in Benghazi. Piacentini was made project manager of all Italian building works in Cyrenaica. He was also professor of Urban Planning at La Sapienza, of which he was also president. After the fall of the Fascist regime he did not work as architect for several years. He died in Rome in 1960. The 1934 FIFA World Cup was the second edition of the FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international football championship for senior men's national teams. It took place in Italy from 27 May to 10 June 1934. The 1934 World Cup was the first in which teams had to qualify to take part. Thirty-two nations entered the competition; 16 teams would qualify for the final tournament. Reigning champions Uruguay boycotted the tournament as only four European teams had accepted their invitation to the 1930 tournament. Italy beat Czechoslovakia 2-1 to become the second World Cup champions and the first European winners. The 1934 World Cup was marred by being a high-profile instance of a sporting event being used for overt political gain. In particular, Benito Mussolini was keen to use this World Cup as a means of promoting fascism. Although some historians and sports journalists have made accusations of corruption and meddling by Mussolini to influence the competition to the benefit of Italy, Italy has always claimed that it deserved victory in the competition and the successful national team, considered one of the best in the country's history, emerged victorious also in the Olympic football tournament of 1936 hosted by Germany and in the 1938 World Cup hosted by France. After a lengthy decision-making process in which FIFA's executive committee met eight times, Italy was chosen as the host nation at a meeting in Stockholm on 9 October 1932. The decision was taken by the executive committee without a ballot of members. The Italian bid was chosen in preference to one from Sweden; the Italian government assigned a budget of Lire 3.5 million to the tournament. The Metro comprises three lines - A , B and C - which operate on 60 km of route, serving 73 stations. It has a daily ridership of approximately 820 thousand passengers, and an annual traffic of approximately 320 million passengers. In addition to the Metro, the center of Rome and its urban area are served by 8 FL lines with 131 stations) that surround Rome and the Lazio region, 6 tram lines ) with 192 stations), 3 commuter urban lines with 57 stations), as well as the Leonardo Express which connects Roma Termini, the central station of the city of Rome, to the Leonardo da Vinci Airport of Fiumicino, and the Civitavecchia Express which connects the city to the main port of Rome, the Port of Civitavecchia. Network extensions are currently under construction on Line C . There are further projects for Line A, Line B, Rome-Giardinetti and for the suburban rail system. The entire transport system in Rome uses the Metrebus integrated tariff system , which can be used within the limits of the Municipality of Rome and within the limits of the urban tariff. Despite the letter identifying it, line B was the first metro line inaugurated in the system, as well as the first official metro in Italy. Inaugurated in post-war Italy in 1955 during the reconstruction and on the verge of the Italian economic miracle, it was designed and built for the 1942 universal exhibition desired by the fascist regime, which never took place due to the outbreak of the World War II. Line A runs from the southeastern suburbs of Rome, then along the northeast section of downtown, and then to the northern section of the city, near Vatican City. It connects with Line B, along with many other national and regional rail services, at Termini, and with Line C at San Giovanni. It has 27 stations, with terminals at Battistini and Anagnina. It is identified by the colour orange. A metro station or subway station is a train station for a rapid transit system, which as a whole is usually called a "metro" or "subway". A station provides a means for passengers to purchase tickets, board trains, and evacuate the system in the case of an emergency. In the United Kingdom, they are known as underground stations, most commonly used in reference to the London Underground. Most stations are located underground, with entrances/exits leading up to ground or street level. The bulk of the station is typically positioned under land reserved for public thoroughfares or parks. Placing the station underground reduces the outside area occupied by the station, allowing vehicles and pedestrians to continue using the ground-level area in a similar way as before the station's construction. This is especially important where the station is serving high-density urban precincts, where ground-level spaces are already heavily utilised. In other cases, a station may be elevated above a road, or at ground level depending on the level of the train tracks. The physical, visual and economic impact of the station and its operations will be greater. Planners will often take metro lines or parts of lines at or above ground where urban density decreases, extending the system further for less cost. Metros are most commonly used in urban cities, with great populations. Alternatively, a preexisting railway land corridor is re-purposed for rapid transit. At street level the logo of the metro company marks the entrances/exits of the station. Usually, signage shows the name of the station and describes the facilities of the station and the system it serves. Often there are several entrances for one station, saving pedestrians from needing to cross a street and reducing crowding. A metro station or subway station is a train station for a rapid transit system, which as a whole is usually called a "metro" or "subway". A station provides a means for passengers to purchase tickets, board trains, and evacuate the system in the case of an emergency. In the United Kingdom, they are known as underground stations, most commonly used in reference to the London Underground. Most stations are located underground, with entrances/exits leading up to ground or street level. The bulk of the station is typically positioned under land reserved for public thoroughfares or parks. Placing the station underground reduces the outside area occupied by the station, allowing vehicles and pedestrians to continue using the ground-level area in a similar way as before the station's construction. This is especially important where the station is serving high-density urban precincts, where ground-level spaces are already heavily utilised. In other cases, a station may be elevated above a road, or at ground level depending on the level of the train tracks. The physical, visual and economic impact of the station and its operations will be greater. Planners will often take metro lines or parts of lines at or above ground where urban density decreases, extending the system further for less cost. Metros are most commonly used in urban cities, with great populations. Alternatively, a preexisting railway land corridor is re-purposed for rapid transit. At street level the logo of the metro company marks the entrances/exits of the station. Usually, signage shows the name of the station and describes the facilities of the station and the system it serves. Often there are several entrances for one station, saving pedestrians from needing to cross a street and reducing crowding. A public toilet, restroom , public bathroom or washroom is a room or small building with toilets and sinks for use by the general public. The facilities are available to customers, travelers, employees of a business, school pupils and prisoners and are commonly separated into male and female toilets, although some are unisex, especially for small or single-occupancy public toilets, public toilets are sometimes accessible to people with disabilities. Depending on the culture, there may be varying degrees of separation between males and females and different levels of privacy. Typically, the entire room, or a stall or cubicle containing a toilet, is lockable. Urinals, if present in a male toilet, are typically mounted on a wall with or without a divider between them. Local authorities or commercial businesses may provide public toilet facilities. Some are unattended while others are staffed by an attendant. In many cultures, it is customary to tip the attendant, especially if they provide a specific service, such as might be the case at upscale nightclubs or restaurants. Public toilets are typically found in many different places: inner-city locations, offices, factories, schools, universities and other places of work and study. Similarly, museums, cinemas, bars, restaurants, entertainment venues usually provide public toilets. Railway stations, filling stations, and long distance public transport vehicles such as trains, ferries, and planes usually provide toilets for general use. Portable toilets are often available at large outdoor events. Public toilets may be municipally owned or managed and entered directly from the street. Or they may be within a building that, while privately owned, allows public access, such as a department store, or it may be limited to the business's customers, such as a restaurant. Some public toilets are free of charge while others charge a fee. In the latter case they are also called pay toilets and sometimes have a charging turnstile. In the most basic form, a public toilet may just be a street urinal known as a pissoir, after the French term. Public toilets are known by many other names depending on the country. Examples are: restroom, bathroom, men's room, women's room, powder room in the US, washroom in Canada, and toilets, lavatories, water closet , ladies and gents in Europe. A ticket machine, also known as a ticket vending machine , is a vending machine that produces paper or electronic tickets, or recharges a stored-value card or smart card or the user's mobile wallet, typically on a smartphone. For instance, ticket machines dispense train tickets at railway stations, transit tickets at metro stations and tram tickets at some tram stops and in some trams. Token machines may dispense the ticket in the form of a token which has the same function as a paper or electronic ticket. The typical transaction consists of a user using the display interface to select the type and quantity of tickets and then choosing a payment method of either cash, credit/debit card or smartcard. The ticket are then printed on paper and dispensed to the user, or loaded onto the user's smartcard or smartphone. For most of the twentieth century, ticket machines issued paper tickets, or tokens worth one fare each. Later, fare value was loaded onto stored-value cards . Passengers could load any amount within a range; it did not necessarily have to correspond to any particular single fare. The cards could be reloaded until their expiration date, again with any monetary amount within a given range. Mechanical ticket machines were used by bus drivers and conductors since the late 1920s. Their functions may include printing tickets, recording of sales and payments. Some manufacturers are MicroFx, Almex, Setright, AEG, CAMP , Gibson GFI Genfare, Parkeon, Xerox, Beckson and Corvia . Handheld ticket machines are used on buses in India to sell tickets, validate smart cards and renew passes. These machines replaced the earlier manual fare collection system where tickets were often punched to indicate journey and fare stages. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> ATAC <p> country <o> Italy <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Lepanto <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Santa Maria del Soccorso <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Spagna <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Baldo degli Ubaldi <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Repubblica <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Pietralata <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Cinecittà <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Rebibbia <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> EUR Palasport <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> EUR Magliana <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> EUR Fermi <s> ATAC <p> headquarters location <o> Rome <s> ATAC <p> location of formation <o> Rome <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Monte Compatri-Pantano <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Torre Maura <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Lodi <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Teano <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Bolognetta <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Grotte Celoni <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Torre Spaccata <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Mirti <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Parco di Centocelle <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Graniti <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Malatesta <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Torrenova <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Due Leoni-Fontana Candida <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Torre Angela <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Giardinetti <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Pigneto <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Torre Gaia <s> ATAC <p> instance of <o> transport company <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Flaminio <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Piramide <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Battistini <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Castro Pretorio <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Ottaviano <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Arco di Travertino <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Lucio Sestio <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Manzoni <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Circo Massimo <s> ATAC <p> founded by <o> Ernesto Nathan <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Barberini <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Policlinico <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Cipro <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Marconi <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Anagnina <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Re di Roma <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Porta Furba Quadraro <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> San Giovanni <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Cavour <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Basilica San Paolo <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Ponte Mammolo <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Garbatella <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Ponte Lungo <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Giulio Agricola <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Quintiliani <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Colosseo <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Monti Tiburtini <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Numidio Quadrato <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Subaugusta <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Colli Albani <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Laurentina <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Tiburtina <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Sant'Agnese/Annibaliano <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Alessandrino <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Libia <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Conca d'Oro <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Borghesiana <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Finocchio <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Jonio <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Gardenie <s> ATAC <p> legal form <o> società per azioni unipersonale <s> ATAC <p> industry <o> public transport <s> ATAC <p> owned by <o> Roma Capitale <s> ATAC <p> parent organization <o> Roma Capitale <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Furio Camillo <s> ATAC <p> owner of <o> Vittorio Emanuele <s> Battistini <p> country <o> Italy <s> Battistini <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Battistini <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Battistini <p> transport network <o> Rome Metro <s> Battistini <p> has facility <o> ticket office <s> Battistini <p> instance of <o> metro station <s> Battistini <p> has facility <o> ticket machine <s> Battistini <p> has facility <o> public toilet <s> Battistini <p> connecting line <o> Line A <s> Battistini <p> owned by <o> ATAC <s> Battistini <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Battistini <p> disabled accessibility <o> wheelchair accessible with help <s> Battistini <p> instance of <o> underground station <s> Battistini <p> instance of <o> public transportation terminus <s> Battistini <p> adjacent station <o> Cornelia <s> Battistini <p> operator <o> ATAC <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> country <o> Italy <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> owned by <o> ATAC <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> transport network <o> Rome Metro <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> operator <o> ATAC <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> connecting line <o> Line A <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> instance of <o> underground station <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> adjacent station <o> Cornelia <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> adjacent station <o> Valle Aurelia <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> instance of <o> metro station <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> disabled accessibility <o> wheelchair accessible with help <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> has facility <o> public toilet <s> Baldo degli Ubaldi <p> has facility <o> ticket machine <s> in use <p> subclass of <o> use status <s> in use <p> opposite of <o> out of service <s> in use <p> different from <o> not in operation <s> wheelchair accessible with help <p> facet of <o> wheelchair accessibility <s> Pearly gates <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Pearly gates <p> instance of <o> nickname <s> Pearly gates <p> operator <o> Peter <s> Pearly gates <p> instance of <o> term <s> Pearly gates <p> instance of <o> fictional gate <s> Pearly gates <p> instance of <o> religious concept <s> Pearly gates <p> different from <o> Gate of Heaven <s> Pearly gates <p> facet of <o> Heaven in Christianity <s> papal tiara <p> worn by <o> pope <s> papal tiara <p> subclass of <o> mitre <s> papal tiara <p> subclass of <o> royal crown <s> papal tiara <p> subclass of <o> Catholic ecclesiastical dress <s> papal tiara <p> used by <o> pope <s> papal tiara <p> significant event <o> papal coronation <s> papal tiara <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Papal tiaras <s> rooster <p> has characteristic <o> male organism <s> rooster <p> subclass of <o> chicken <s> rooster <p> subclass of <o> poultry <s> rooster <p> subclass of <o> stud <s> rooster <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> rooster <p> different from <o> Coq <s> rooster <p> different from <o> hammer <s> rooster <p> instance of <o> animal with specific gender <s> rooster <p> has use <o> chicken meat <s> rooster <p> different from <o> Coq <s> rooster <p> opposite of <o> hen <s> rooster <p> produced sound <o> crowing <s> Keys of Heaven <p> appears in the form of <o> key <s> Keys of Heaven <p> instance of <o> saint symbolism <s> Keys of Heaven <p> instance of <o> artistic theme <s> Keys of Heaven <p> described by source <o> Tu es Petrus <s> apostle <p> subclass of <o> Christian minister <s> apostle <p> instance of <o> Eastern Orthodox saint titles <s> apostle <p> instance of <o> position <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> apostle <p> said to be the same as <o> apostle <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> apostle <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Biblical apostles <s> apostle <p> subclass of <o> follower <s> apostle <p> subclass of <o> human biblical figure <s> apostle <p> different from <o> Twelve Apostles <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia (1902–1905) <s> apostle <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> apostle <p> different from <o> Apostel </Graph>
<Text> :A member of the noble family of the Ubaldi , Baldus was born at Perugia in 1327, and studied civil law there under Bartolus de Saxoferrato, being admitted to the degree of doctor of civil law at the early age of seventeen. Federicus Petrucius of Siena is said to have been the master under whom he studied canon law. On his promotion to the doctorate he went to Bologna, where he taught law for three years, after which he was advanced to a professorship at Perugia, where he remained for thirty-three years, and he had among his students Francesco Albergotti. He subsequently taught law at Pisa, Florence, Padua and Pavia, the rivals to Bologna. During his period at Pavia he sometimes also taught at Piacenza. He died at Pavia on 28 April 1400 and was buried in the church of San Francesco. Baldus was the master of Pierre Roger de Beaufort, who became pope under the title of Gregory XI, and whose immediate successor, Urban VI, summoned Baldus to Rome to assist him by his consultations in 1380 against the anti-pope Clement VII. Baldus' view on the legal issues relating to the schism are laid down in the so-called Questio de schismate. Cardinal Francesco Zabarella and Paulus Castrensis were also among his pupils. Many of Baldus' works are incomplete. He left voluminous commentaries on the Pandects and on the Codex Justinianus. His Commentary on the Libri Feudorum, a twelfth-century compilation of feudal law provisions, is considered to be one of his best works. He also commented on the canon law compilations of decretals, the Liber Extra and the Liber Sextus. In addition to these commentaries, Baldus wrote a number of treatises on specialised legal topics. His major effort, however, went into the writing of some 3,000 consilia . No other medieval lawyer has so many consilia preserved. Pearly gates is an informal name for the gateway to Heaven according to some Christian denominations. It is inspired by the description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:21: "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate being made from a single pearl." The image of the gates in popular culture is a set of large gold, white, or wrought-iron gates in the clouds, guarded by Saint Peter . Those not fit to enter heaven are denied entrance at the gates, and descend into Hell. In some versions of this imagery, Peter looks up the deceased's name in a book, before opening the gate. The papal tiara is a crown that is worn by popes of the Catholic Church from as early as the 8th century to the mid-20th century. It was last used by Pope Paul VI in 1963, and only at the beginning of his reign. The name tiara refers to the entire headpiece, including the various crowns, circlets, and diadems that have adorned it through the ages, while the three-tiered form that it took in the 14th century is also called the triregnum or the triple crown, and sometimes as the triple tiara. From 1143 to 1963, the papal tiara is solemnly placed on the pope's head during a papal coronation. The surviving papal tiaras are all in the triple form, the oldest from 1572. A representation of the triregnum combined with two crossed keys of Saint Peter is used as a symbol of the papacy and appears on papal documents, buildings and insignia, and on the flag of Vatican City. A circlet of linen or cloth of gold at the base of the tiara developed into a metal crown, which by about 1300 became two crowns. The first of these appeared at the base of the traditional white papal headgear in the 9th century. When the popes assumed temporal power in the Papal States, the base crown became decorated with jewels to resemble the crowns of princes. Innocent III is represented with an early tiara in a fresco at Sacro Speco and on a mosaic from Old Saint Peter's, now in the Museo di Roma. A similar tiara, conical and with only one crown, is seen worn by pope Clement IV in frescoes from the 13th century in Pernes-les-Fontaines, France. The chicken is a large and round short-winged bird, domesticated from the red junglefowl of Southeast Asia around 8,000 years ago. Most chickens are raised for food, providing meat and eggs; others are kept as pets or for cockfighting. Chickens are common and widespread domestic animals, with a total population of 23.7 billion as of 2018, and an annual production of more than 50 billion birds. A hen bred for laying can produce over 300 eggs per year. There are numerous cultural references to chickens in folklore, religion, and literature. Chicken may mean a chick . In older sources, and still often in trade and scientific contexts, chickens as a species are described as common fowl or domestic fowl. Chickens are relatively large birds, active by day. The body is round, the legs are unfeathered, and the wings are short. Wild junglefowl can fly; chickens and their flight muscles are too heavy to allow them to fly more than a short distance. Size and coloration vary widely between breeds. Adult chickens of both sexes have a fleshy crest on their heads called a comb or cockscomb, and hanging flaps of skin on either side under their beaks called wattles; combs and wattles are more prominent in males. Some breeds have a mutation that causes extra feathering under the face, giving the appearance of a beard. The Keys of Heaven, also called Saint Peter's keys, refers to the metaphorical keys of the office of Saint Peter, the keys of Heaven, or the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. It is explicitly referenced in the Bible in Matthew 16:19. According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised the keys to heaven to Saint Peter, empowering him to take binding actions. In the Gospel of Matthew 16:19, Jesus says to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven." Saint Peter is often depicted in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox paintings and other artwork as holding a key or a set of keys. The keys of heaven or keys of Saint Peter are seen as a symbol of papal authority and are seen on papal coats of arms and those of the Holy See and Vatican City State: "Behold he received the keys of the kingdom of heaven, the power of binding and loosing is committed to him, the care of the whole Church and its government is given to him". An apostle , in its literal sense, is an emissary. The word is derived from Ancient Greek apostolos , literally "one who is sent off", itself derived from the verb apostellein , "to send off". The purpose of such sending off is usually to convey a message, and thus "messenger" is a common alternative translation; other common translations include "ambassador" and "envoy". The term in Ancient Greek also has other related meanings. The term derives from the Ancient Greek. In Christianity, the term was used in the New Testament for Jesus' Twelve Apostles , as well as a wider group of early Christian figures, including Paul, Barnabas, and Junia. The term is also used to designate an important missionary of Christianity to a region, e.g. the "apostle of Germany". Some other religions use the term for comparable figures in their history. The word in this sense may be used metaphorically in various contexts, but is mostly found used specifically for early associates of the founder of a religion, who were important in spreading his or her teachings. The term is also used to refer to someone who is a strong supporter of something. The term apostle is derived from Classical Greek apostolos , meaning "one who is sent off", from stellein , "to send" + apo , "off, away from". The literal meaning in English is therefore an "emissary" (from the Latin mittere, "to send", and ex, "from, out, off". The word apostle has two meanings: the broader meaning of a messenger and the narrower meaning of an early Christian apostle directly linked to Jesus. The more general meaning of the word is translated into Latin as missio, and from this word we get missionary. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Patriarch of Antioch <p> instance of <o> position <s> Patriarch of Antioch <p> subclass of <o> patriarch <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Monday <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Wednesday <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Thursday <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Friday <s> June 29 <p> part of <o> June <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Tuesday <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Sunday <s> June 29 <p> instance of <o> point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe <s> June 29 <p> day of week <o> Saturday <s> June 29 <p> subclass of <o> 29th <s> June 29 <p> topic's main category <o> Category:June 29 <s> presbyter <p> subclass of <o> priest <s> presbyter <p> different from <o> priest <s> presbyter <p> religion or worldview <o> Protestantism <s> presbyter <p> different from <o> presbyter <s> presbyter <p> part of <o> clergy <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> presbyter <p> subclass of <o> Christian minister <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Third Edition <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> presbyter <p> instance of <o> position <s> presbyter <p> instance of <o> Christian religious occupation <s> presbyter <p> subclass of <o> religious personnel <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> presbyter <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Second Edition <s> fisher <p> instance of <o> profession <s> fisher <p> field of this occupation <o> fishing <s> fisher <p> uses <o> fishing line <s> fisher <p> uses <o> fishing lure <s> fisher <p> uses <o> fishing bait <s> fisher <p> uses <o> fishing rod <s> fisher <p> patron saint <o> Zeno of Verona <s> fisher <p> uses <o> fishing hook <s> fisher <p> subclass of <o> manual worker <s> fisher <p> instance of <o> occupation <s> fisher <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fishers <s> fisher <p> uses <o> fishing reel <s> Bethsaida <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bethsaida <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Bethsaida <p> country <o> Israel <s> Bethsaida <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bethsaida <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Bethsaida <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Bethsaida <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Bethsaida <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Bethsaida <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Bethsaida <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Galilee <s> mysticism <p> different from <o> mysticism <s> mysticism <p> subclass of <o> faith <s> mysticism <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> mysticism <p> facet of <o> religion <s> mysticism <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> mysticism <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> mysticism <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mysticism <s> mysticism <p> partially coincident with <o> mysticism <s> mysticism <p> different from <o> mysticism <s> mysticism <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> mysticism <p> practiced by <o> mystic <s> mysticism <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> mysticism <p> instance of <o> way of life <s> human biblical figure <p> subclass of <o> biblical character <s> human biblical figure <p> subclass of <o> human whose existence is disputed <s> human biblical figure <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hebrew Bible people <s> human biblical figure <p> part of <o> group of biblical humans <s> Jerusalem <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Jerusalem <p> capital of <o> Israel <s> Jerusalem <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Jerusalem <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Jerusalem <p> language used <o> Hebrew <s> Jerusalem <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Pentecost <s> Jerusalem <p> different from <o> Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Crucifixion of Jesus <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Resurrection of Jesus <s> Jerusalem <p> language used <o> Arabic <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ayabe <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fez <s> Jerusalem <p> part of <o> Greater Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuzco <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> New York City <s> Jerusalem <p> country <o> Israel <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> city <s> Jerusalem <p> legislative body <o> Municipality of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jerusalem <p> present in work <o> The Discovery of Heaven <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> partially coincident with <o> Aelia Capitolina <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Sasanian conquest of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> capital of <o> State of Palestine <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Jerusalem <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> history of topic <o> history of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jebus <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Assyrian Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> reunification of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Jerusalem <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bratislava <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Bethlehem <s> Jerusalem <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Ramallah <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Ascension of Jesus <s> Jerusalem <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Jerusalem by place <s> Jerusalem <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Jerusalem <p> significant event <o> Siege of Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Jerusalem <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Jerusalem sidebar <s> Jerusalem <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Jerusalem District <s> Jerusalem <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Even Sapir <s> Jerusalem <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Jerusalem navbox <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Ora <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Abu Dis <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jerusalem <p> described by source <o> Islamskiy enciklopedicheskiy slovar <s> Jerusalem <p> named after <o> Shalim <s> Jerusalem <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Jerusalem <s> Jerusalem <p> flag <o> علم فلسطين <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> Roman city <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Beit Yala <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Al-Ram <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Mevaseret Zion <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Ramat Rachel <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Hizma <s> Jerusalem <p> shares border with <o> Beit Zayit <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> holy city of Abrahamic religion <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Jerusalem <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Jerusalem <p> head of government <o> Moshe Lion <s> Vatican Necropolis <p> country <o> Vatican City <s> Vatican Necropolis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Vatican City <s> Vatican Necropolis <p> instance of <o> necropolis <s> Vatican Necropolis <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Vatican Necropolis <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of the Vatican Necropolis <s> Vatican Necropolis <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Gospel of John <p> part of <o> New Testament <s> Gospel of John <p> part of <o> Bible <s> Gospel of John <p> instance of <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of John <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Gospel of John <p> genre <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of John <p> different from <o> First Epistle of John <s> Gospel of John <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Gospel of John <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gospel of John <p> author <o> John the Apostle <s> Gospel of John <p> different from <o> Epistles of John <s> Gospel of John <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Gospel of John <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> Last Gospel <s> Gospel of John <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 1 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 17 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 21 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 5 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> Book of Signs <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 20 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 4 <s> Gospel of John <p> part of <o> canonical Gospels <s> Gospel of John <p> depicts <o> Bread of Life Discourse <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 11 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 6 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 7 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 8 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 3 <s> Gospel of John <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gospel of John <s> Gospel of John <p> has edition or translation <o> The Gospel according to St. John <s> Gospel of John <p> has edition or translation <o> The Gospel according to St. John <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 10 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 15 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 2 <s> Gospel of John <p> instance of <o> book of the Bible <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 12 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 13 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 18 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 14 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 16 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 9 <s> Gospel of John <p> has part(s) <o> John 19 <s> Gospel of John <p> part of <o> Tetraevangelion </Graph>
<Text> :The Patriarch of Antioch is a traditional title held by the bishop of Antioch . As the traditional "overseer" of the first gentile Christian community, the position has been of prime importance in Pauline Christianity from its earliest period. This diocese is one of the few for which the names of its bishops from the apostolic beginnings have been preserved. Today five churches use the title of patriarch of Antioch: one Oriental Orthodox ; three Eastern Catholic ; and one Eastern Orthodox . According to the pre-congregation church tradition, this ancient patriarchate was founded by the Apostle Saint Peter. The patriarchal succession was disputed at the time of the Meletian schism in 362 and again after the Council of Chalcedon in 451, when there were rival Melkite and non-Chalcedonian claimants to the see. After a 7th-century succession dispute in the Melkite church, the Maronites began appointing a Maronite patriarch as well. After the First Crusade, the Catholic Church began appointing a Latin Church patriarch of Antioch, though this became strictly titular after the Fall of Antioch in 1268, and was abolished completely in 1964. In the 18th century, succession disputes in the Greek Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox Churches of Antioch led to factions of those churches entering into communion with Rome under claimants to the patriarchate: respectively the Melkite Greek Catholic patriarch of Antioch and the Syriac Catholic patriarch of Antioch. Their respective Orthodox counterparts are the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Antioch and the Syriac Orthodox patriarch of Antioch. The church in Antioch was the first to be called "Christian," according to Acts. According to tradition, Saint Peter established the church in Antioch which was the first major Christian area before the 4th century and was the city's first bishop, before going to Rome to found the Church there.: 95 Ignatius of Antioch , counted as the third bishop of the city, was a prominent apostolic father. By the fourth century, the bishop of Antioch had become the most senior bishop in a region covering modern-day eastern Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Iran. His hierarchy served the largest number of Christians in the known world at that time. The synods of Antioch met at a basilica named for Julian the Martyr, whose relics it contained. Despite being overshadowed in ecclesiastical authority by the patriarch of Constantinople in the later years of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Antiochene Patriarch remained the most independent, powerful, and trusted of the eastern patriarchs. The Antiochene church was a centre of Christian learning, second only to Alexandria. In contrast to the Hellenistic-influenced Christology of Alexandria, Rome, and Constantinople, Antiochene theology was greatly influenced by Rabbinic Judaism and other modes of West Asian monotheistic thought--emphasizing the single, transcendent divine substance , which in turn led to adoptionism in certain extremes, and to the clear distinction of two natures of Christ : one human, the other divine. Lastly, compared to the Patriarchates in Constantinople, Rome, and Alexandria which for various reasons became mired in the theology of imperial state religion, many of its Patriarchs managed to straddle the divide between the controversies of Christology and imperial unity through its piety and straightforward grasp of early Christian thought which was rooted in its primitive Church beginnings. Presbyter is an honorific title for Christian clergy. The word derives from the Greek presbyteros, which means elder or senior, although many in Christian antiquity understood presbyteros to refer to the bishop functioning as overseer. The word presbyter is used many times in the New Testament, referring both to the Jewish leadership and the "tradition of the elders", and to the leaders of the early Christian community. In modern Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican usage, presbyter is distinct from bishop, and in English it is synonymous with priest. In other Protestant usage, for example, Methodism, presbyter does not refer to a member of a distinctive priesthood called priests but rather to a minister, pastor, or elder. The word presbyter etymologically derives from Greek presbuteros , the comparative form of presbus , "old man". However, while the English word priest has presbyter as the etymological origin, the distinctive Greek word for "priest" is never used for presbyteros/episkopos in the New Testament, except as being part of the general priesthood of all believers, with the first Christians making a distinction between pagan and Jewish priests and New Testament presbyters. The earliest organization of the Church in Jerusalem was according to most scholars similar to that of Jewish synagogues, but it had a council or college of ordained presbyters . In Acts 11:30 and Acts 15:22, we see a collegiate system of government in Jerusalem though headed by James, according to tradition the first bishop of the city. In Acts 14:23, the Apostle Paul ordains presbyters in the churches he founded. Bethsaida , also known as Julias or Julia , is a place mentioned in the New Testament. Julias lay in an administrative district known as Gaulonitis. Historians have suggested that the name is also referenced in rabbinic literature under the epithet Saidan . According to John 1:44, Bethsaida was the hometown of the apostles Peter, Andrew, and Philip. In the Gospel of Mark , Jesus reportedly restored a blind man's sight at a place just outside the ancient village of Bethsaida. In Luke 9:10-11, Jesus miraculously feeds five thousand near Bethsaida. Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, places Bethsaida on the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee. The historian Josephus says that the town of Bethsaida , was situated 120 stadia from the lake Semechonitis, not far from the Jordan River as it passes into the middle of the Sea of Galilee. De Situ Terrae Sanctae, a 6th-century account written by Theodosius the archdeacon describes Bethsaida's location in relation to Capernaum, saying that it was 6 mi distant from Capernaum. The distance between Bethsaida and Paneas is said to have been 50 mi . Although Bethsaida is believed to be located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, within the Bethsaida Valley, there is disagreement among scholars as to precisely where. Since the nineteenth century, three places have been considered as the possible location of Biblical Betsaida: the Bedouin village of Messadiye; the small, deserted settlement of El-Araj ; and the archaeological site of Et-Tell. Over time, the latter two locations have come to appear more likely. While Messadiye and El-Araj are closer to the Sea of Galilee, Et-Tell shows significant archaeological remains including fragments of fishing equipment. Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences. The term "mysticism" has Ancient Greek origins with various historically determined meanings. Derived from the Greek word muo muo, meaning "to close" or "to conceal", mysticism referred to the biblical, liturgical, spiritual, and contemplative dimensions of early and medieval Christianity. During the early modern period, the definition of mysticism grew to include a broad range of beliefs and ideologies related to "extraordinary experiences and states of mind." In modern times, "mysticism" has acquired a limited definition, with broad applications, as meaning the aim at the "union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God". This limited definition has been applied to a wide range of religious traditions and practices, valuing "mystical experience" as a key element of mysticism. Since the 1960s scholars have debated the merits of perennial and constructionist approaches in the scientific research of "mystical experiences". The perennial position is now "largely dismissed by scholars", most scholars using a contextualist approach, which considers the cultural and historical context. Jerusalem is a city in West Asia, on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Both the State of Israel and Palestine claim Jerusalem as their capital; Israel maintains its primary governmental institutions there, and Palestine ultimately foresees it as its seat of power. Neither claim, however, is widely recognized internationally. Throughout its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, and attacked 52 times. The part of Jerusalem called the City of David shows first signs of settlement in the 4th millennium BCE, in the shape of encampments of nomadic shepherds. During the Canaanite period , Jerusalem was named as Urusalim on ancient Egyptian tablets, probably meaning "City of Shalem" after a Canaanite deity. During the Israelite period, significant construction activity in Jerusalem began in the 10th century BCE , and by the 9th century BCE, the city had developed into the religious and administrative centre of the Kingdom of Judah. In 1538, the city walls were rebuilt for a last time around Jerusalem under Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire. Today those walls define the Old City, which since the 19th century has been divided into four quarters - the Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim quarters. The Old City became a World Heritage Site in 1981, and is on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Since 1860, Jerusalem has grown far beyond the Old City's boundaries. In 2022, Jerusalem had a population of some 971,800 residents, of which almost 60% were Jews and almost 40% Palestinians. In 2020, the population was 951,100, of which Jews comprised 570,100 , Muslims 353,800 , Christians 16,300 , and 10,800 unclassified . According to the Hebrew Bible, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple. Modern scholars argue that Jews branched out of the Canaanite peoples and culture through the development of a distinct monolatrous--and later monotheistic--religion centred on El/Yahweh. These foundational events, straddling the dawn of the 1st millennium BCE, assumed central symbolic importance for the Jewish people. The sobriquet of holy city was probably attached to Jerusalem in post-exilic times. The holiness of Jerusalem in Christianity, conserved in the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, which Christians adopted as the Old Testament, was reinforced by the New Testament account of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection there. Meanwhile in Sunni Islam, Jerusalem is the third-holiest city, after Mecca and Medina. The city was the first standard direction for Muslim prayers, and in Islamic tradition, Muhammad made his Night Journey there in 621, ascending to heaven where he speaks to God, per the Quran. As a result, despite having an area of only 0.9 km2 , the Old City is home to many sites of seminal religious importance, among them the Temple Mount with its Western Wall, Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. At present, the status of Jerusalem remains one of the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, West Jerusalem was among the areas incorporated into Israel, while East Jerusalem, including the Old City, was occupied and annexed by Jordan. Israel occupied East Jerusalem from Jordan during the 1967 Six-Day War and subsequently annexed it into the city's municipality, together with additional surrounding territory. One of Israel's Basic Laws, the 1980 Jerusalem Law, refers to Jerusalem as the country's undivided capital. All branches of the Israeli government are located in Jerusalem, including the Knesset , the residences of the Prime Minister and President, and the Supreme Court. The international community rejects the annexation as illegal and regards East Jerusalem as Palestinian territory occupied by Israel. The Vatican Necropolis lies under the Vatican City, at depths varying between 5-12 metres below Saint Peter's Basilica. The Vatican sponsored archaeological excavations under Saint Peter's in the years 1940-1949 which revealed parts of a necropolis dating to Imperial times. The work was undertaken at the request of Pope Pius XI who wished to be buried as close as possible to Peter the Apostle. It is also home to the Tomb of the Julii, which has been dated to the third or fourth century. The necropolis was not originally one of the Catacombs of Rome, but an open-air cemetery with tombs and mausolea. The Vatican Necropolis is not to be confused with the Vatican Grottoes, the latter of which resulted from the construction of St. Peter's Church and is located on the ground level of the old Constantinian basilica. The Vatican necropolis was originally a burial ground built on the southern slope of the Vatican Hill, adjacent to the Circus of Caligula. In accordance with the Roman law, it was forbidden to bury the dead within the city walls. For this reason, burial grounds sprang up along the roads outside of the city cemeteries. One of these streets, the Via Cornelia, ran north along the Vatican hill. At the top of the circus that Caligula built, an Egyptian obelisk had been placed. The obelisk had been there since ancient times; in 1586 it was moved from its original place by Domenico Fontana on the orders of Pope Sixtus V when St. Peter's Square was added. The Gospel of John is the fourth of the four canonical gospels in the New Testament. It contains a highly schematic account of the ministry of Jesus, with seven "signs" culminating in the raising of Lazarus and seven "I am" discourses culminating in Thomas' proclamation of the risen Jesus as "my Lord and my God". The gospel's concluding verses set out its purpose, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name." John reached its final form around AD 90-110, although it contains signs of origins dating back to AD 70 and possibly even earlier. Like the three other gospels, it is anonymous, although it identifies an unnamed "disciple whom Jesus loved" as the source of its traditions. It most likely arose within a "Johannine community", and - as it is closely related in style and content to the three Johannine epistles - most scholars treat the four books, along with the Book of Revelation, as a single corpus of Johannine literature, albeit not from the same author. The Gospel of John, like all the gospels, is anonymous. John 21:22 references a disciple whom Jesus loved and John 21:24-25 says: "This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true..." Early Christian tradition, first found in Irenaeus , identified this disciple with John the Apostle, but most scholars have abandoned this hypothesis or hold it only tenuously - there are multiple reasons for this conclusion, including, for example, the fact that the gospel is written in good Greek and displays sophisticated theology, and is therefore unlikely to have been the work of a simple fisherman. These verses imply rather that the core of the gospel relies on the testimony of the "disciple who is testifying", as collected, preserved and reshaped by a community of followers , and that a single follower rearranged this material and perhaps added the final chapter and other passages to produce the final gospel. Most scholars estimate the final form of the text to be around AD 90-110. Given its complex history there may have been more than one place of composition, and while the author was familiar with Jewish customs and traditions, his frequent clarification of these implies that he wrote for a mixed Jewish/Gentile or Jewish context outside Palestine. The author may have drawn on a "signs source" for chapters 1-12, a "passion source" for the story of Jesus's arrest and crucifixion, and a "sayings source" for the discourses, but these hypotheses are much debated. He seems to have known some version of Mark and Luke, as he shares with them some items of vocabulary and clusters of incidents arranged in the same order, but key terms from those gospels are absent or nearly so, implying that if he did know them he felt free to write independently. The Hebrew scriptures were an important source, with 14 direct quotations , and their influence is vastly increased when allusions and echoes are included, but the majority of John's direct quotations do not agree exactly with any known version of the Jewish scriptures. Recent arguments by Richard Bauckham and others that the Gospel of John preserves eyewitness testimony have not won general acceptance. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Gospel of Luke <p> instance of <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of Luke <p> part of <o> Bible <s> Gospel of Luke <p> genre <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of Luke <p> part of <o> New Testament <s> Gospel of Luke <p> named after <o> Luke the Evangelist <s> Gospel of Luke <p> part of <o> canonical Gospels <s> Gospel of Luke <p> author <o> Luke the Evangelist <s> Gospel of Luke <p> depicts <o> Nativity of Jesus <s> Gospel of Luke <p> part of <o> Luke–Acts <s> Gospel of Luke <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Gospel of Luke <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Gospel of Luke <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Gospel of Luke <p> part of <o> Tetraevangelion <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 6 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 24 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 21 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 7 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 8 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 22 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 23 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> instance of <o> book of the Bible <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 3 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 4 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 1 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 20 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 15 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 17 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 16 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 19 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 5 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 9 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 10 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 14 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 18 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has edition or translation <o> Bishāra daga hannun : Luka. <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has edition or translation <o> Embéo E Majaró Lucas <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has edition or translation <o> Luke <s> Gospel of Luke <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Luka Pormannem Jezu Kristachem Xubhvortoman <s> Gospel of Luke <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gospel of Luke <s> Gospel of Luke <p> depicts <o> annunciation to the shepherds <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 13 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 11 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 12 <s> Gospel of Luke <p> has part(s) <o> Luke 2 <s> Capernaum <p> country <o> Israel <s> Capernaum <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:View from Capernaum <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Capernaum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Galilee <s> Capernaum <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Capernaum <p> time period <o> Second Temple period <s> Capernaum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Northern District <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Capernaum <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Sea of Galilee <s> Capernaum <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Capernaum <p> location <o> Tiberias <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Capernaum <p> located in time zone <o> Israel time zone <s> Capernaum <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Capernaum <p> culture <o> culture of ancient Rome <s> Capernaum <p> culture <o> Second Temple Judaism <s> Capernaum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Capernaum <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Capernaum <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Capernaum <p> IUCN protected areas category <o> IUCN category II: National Park <s> wife of Saint Peter <p> spouse <o> Peter <s> wife of Saint Peter <p> instance of <o> human <s> wife of Saint Peter <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> wife of Saint Peter <p> mother <o> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> part of <o> New Testament <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> instance of <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> genre <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> derivative work <o> The Visual Bible: Matthew <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> derivative work <o> The Gospel According to St. Matthew <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> derivative work <o> Flight into Egypt <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> part of <o> canonical Gospels <s> Gospel of Matthew <p> 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Encyclopædia <s> Antioch <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Antioch <p> instance of <o> locality <s> Antioch <p> instance of <o> location of discovery <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Antioch <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Antioch <s> Antioch <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Antioch <p> capital of <o> Coele-Syria <s> Antioch <p> has part(s) <o> Epiphaneia <s> Antioch <p> significant event <o> Siege of Antioch <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Antioch <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Antioch <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Antioch <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Gospel of Mark <p> instance of <o> book of the Bible <s> Gospel of Mark <p> instance of <o> Gospel <s> Gospel of Mark <p> published in <o> Bible <s> Gospel of Mark <p> author <o> anonymous <s> Gospel of Mark <p> language of work or name <o> Greek <s> Gospel of Mark <p> has edition or translation <o> Gospels of Matthew and Mark (CBL W 912) <s> Gospel of Mark <p> author <o> Mark the Evangelist <s> Gospel of Mark <p> has part(s) <o> Mark 4 <s> 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<Text> :The Gospel of Luke tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Together with the Acts of the Apostles, it makes up a two-volume work which scholars call Luke-Acts, accounting for 27.5% of the New Testament. The combined work divides the history of first-century Christianity into three stages, with the gospel making up the first two of these - the life of Jesus the Messiah from his birth to the beginning of his mission in the meeting with John the Baptist, followed by his ministry with events such as the Sermon on the Plain and its Beatitudes, and his Passion, death, and resurrection. Most modern scholars agree that the main sources used for Luke were a), the Gospel of Mark, b), a hypothetical sayings collection called the Q source, and c), material found in no other gospels, often referred to as the L source. The author is anonymous; the traditional view that Luke the Evangelist was the companion of Paul is still occasionally put forward, but the scholarly consensus emphasises the many contradictions between Acts and the authentic Pauline letters. The most probable date for its composition is around AD 80-110, and there is evidence that it was still being revised well into the 2nd century. Autographs of Luke and the other Gospels have not been preserved; the texts that survive are third-generation copies, with no two completely identical. The earliest witnesses for the Gospel of Luke fall into two "families" with considerable differences between them, the Western and the Alexandrian text-type, and the dominant view is that the Western text represents a process of deliberate revision, as the variations seem to form specific patterns. The fragment P4 is often cited as the oldest witness. It has been dated from the late 2nd century, although this dating is disputed. Papyrus 75 is another very early manuscript , and it includes an attribution of the Gospel to Luke. Capernaum was a fishing village established during the time of the Hasmoneans, located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It had a population of about 1,500 in the 1st century AD. Archaeological excavations have revealed two ancient synagogues built one over the other. A house turned into a church by the Byzantines is believed to have been the home of Saint Peter. The village was inhabited continuously from the second century BC to the 11th century AD, when it was abandoned sometime before the First Crusade. This includes the re-establishment of the village northeast of the earlier location in c. 700, during the Early Islamic period. Kfar Nahum, the original name of the town, means "village of comfort" in Hebrew, and apparently there is no connection with the prophet named Nahum. In the writings of Josephus, the name is rendered in Koine Greek as Kapharnaoum and Kepharnokon ; the New Testament uses Kapharnaoum in some manuscripts, and Kapernaoum in others. In the Midrash Rabba the name appears in its Hebrew form, K@far Nahum . In Arabic, it is also called Talhum, and it is assumed that this refers to the ruin of Hum . The town is cited in all four gospels where it was reported to have been the hometown of the tax collector Matthew, and located not far from Bethsaida, the hometown of the apostles Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. Some readers take Mark 2:1 as evidence that Jesus may have owned a home in the town, but it is more likely that he stayed in the house of one of his followers there. He certainly spent time teaching and healing there. One Sabbath, Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum and healed a man who was possessed by an unclean spirit . This story is notable as the only one that is common to the gospels of Mark and Luke, but not contained in the Gospel of Matthew . Afterward, Jesus healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law of a fever . According to Luke 7:1-10 and Matthew 8:5, this is also the place where Jesus healed the servant of a Roman centurion who had asked for his help. Capernaum is also the location of the healing of the paralytic lowered by friends through the roof to reach Jesus, as described in Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26. The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament of the Bible and one of the three synoptic Gospels. It tells how Israel's Messiah, Jesus, comes to his people but is rejected by them and how, after his resurrection, he sends the disciples to the gentiles instead. Matthew wishes to emphasize that the Jewish tradition should not be lost in a church that was increasingly becoming gentile. The gospel reflects the struggles and conflicts between the evangelist's community and the other Jews, particularly with its sharp criticism of the scribes and Pharisees with the position that through their rejection of Christ, the Kingdom of God has been taken away from them and given instead to the church. The gospel is traditionally attributed to the Apostle Matthew. According to predominant scholarly views, it was written in the last quarter of the first century by an anonymous Jew familiar with technical legal aspects of scripture. According to early church tradition, originating with Papias of Hierapolis , the gospel was written by Matthew the companion of Jesus, but this presents numerous problems. Most modern scholars hold that it was written anonymously in the last quarter of the first century by a male Jew who stood on the margin between traditional and nontraditional Jewish values and who was familiar with technical legal aspects of scripture being debated in his time. However, scholars such as N. T. Wright and John Wenham have noted problems with dating Matthew late in the first century, and argue that it was written in the 40s-50s AD. The majority of scholars believe that Mark was the first gospel to be composed and that Matthew and Luke both drew upon it as a major source for their works. The author did not simply copy Mark but used it as a base, emphasizing Jesus's place in the Jewish tradition and including details not found in Mark. Writing in a polished Semitic "synagogue Greek", he drew on the Gospel of Mark as a source, plus a hypothetical collection of sayings known as the Q source and hypothetical material unique to his own community, called the M source or "Special Matthew." Matthew has 600 verses in common with Mark, which is a book of only 661 verses. There is approximately an additional 220 verses shared by Matthew and Luke but not found in Mark, from a second source, a hypothetical collection of sayings to which scholars give the name Quelle , or the Q source. This view, known as the two-source hypothesis , allows for a further body of tradition known as "Special Matthew", or the M source, meaning material unique to Matthew. This may represent a separate source, or it may come from the author's church, or he may have composed these verses himself. The author also had the Greek scriptures at his disposal, both as book-scrolls and in the form of "testimony collections" , and the oral stories of his community. The Acts of the Apostles is the fifth book of the New Testament; it tells of the founding of the Christian Church and the spread of its message to the Roman Empire. Acts and the Gospel of Luke make up a two-part work, Luke-Acts, by the same anonymous author. Traditionally, the author is believed to be Luke the Evangelist, a doctor who travelled with Paul the Apostle. It is usually dated to around 80-90 AD, although some scholars suggest 110-120 AD. The first part, the Gospel of Luke, tells how God fulfilled his plan for the world's salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Acts continues the story of Christianity in the 1st century, beginning with the ascension of Jesus to Heaven. The early chapters, set in Jerusalem, describe the Day of Pentecost , the expulsion of Christians from Jerusalem and the establishment of the church at Antioch. The later chapters narrate the continuation of the message under Paul the Apostle and concludes with his imprisonment in Rome, where he awaits trial. Luke-Acts is an attempt to answer a theological problem, namely how the Messiah of the Jews came to have an overwhelmingly non-Jewish church; the answer it provides is that the message of Christ was sent to the Gentiles because as a whole Jews rejected it. Luke-Acts can also be seen as a defense of the Jesus movement addressed to the Jews: the bulk of the speeches and sermons in Acts are addressed to Jewish audiences, with the Romans serving as external arbiters on disputes concerning Jewish customs and law. On the one hand, Luke portrays the followers of Jesus as a sect of the Jews, and therefore entitled to legal protection as a recognised religion; on the other, Luke seems unclear as to the future that God intends for Jews and Christians, celebrating the Jewishness of Jesus and his immediate followers, while also stressing how the Jews had rejected the Messiah. The name "Acts of the Apostles" was first used by Irenaeus in the late 2nd century. It is not known whether this was an existing name for the book or one invented by Irenaeus; it does seem clear that it was not given by the author, as the word praxeis only appears once in the text and there it refers not to the apostles but to deeds confessed by their followers. In the Catholic Church, a bishop is an ordained minister who holds the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders and is responsible for teaching doctrine, governing Catholics in his jurisdiction, sanctifying the world and representing the Church. Catholics trace the origins of the office of bishop to the apostles, who it is believed were endowed with a special charism and office by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Catholics believe this special charism and office has been transmitted through an unbroken succession of bishops by the laying on of hands in the sacrament of holy orders. Diocesan bishops--known as eparchial bishops in the Eastern Catholic Churches--are assigned to govern local regions within the Catholic Church known as dioceses in the Latin Church and eparchies in the Eastern Churches. Bishops are collectively known as the College of Bishops and can hold such additional titles as archbishop, cardinal, patriarch, or pope. As of 2020, there were approximately 5,600 living bishops total in the Latin and Eastern churches of the Catholic Church. Bishops are always men. In addition, canon 180 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches requires that a candidate for the Eastern episcopacy should : The traditional role of a bishop is to act as head of a diocese or eparchy. Dioceses vary considerably in geographical size and population. A wide variety of dioceses around the Mediterranean Sea which received the Christian faith early are rather compact in size, while those in areas more recently evangelized, as in some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, South America and the Far East, tend to be much larger and more populous. Within his own diocese a Latin Church bishop may use pontifical vestments and regalia, but may not do so in another diocese without, at least, the presumed consent of the appropriate ordinary. Antioch on the Orontes was a Hellenistic Greek city founded by Seleucus I Nicator in 300 BC. It was one of the greatest and most important Greek cities of the Hellenistic period. The city served as the capital of the Seleucid Empire and later as regional capital to both the Roman and Byzantine Empire. During the Crusades, Antioch served as the capital of the Principality of Antioch, one of four Crusader states that were founded in the Levant. Its inhabitants were known as Antiochenes. The modern city of Antakya, in Hatay Province of Turkey, was named after the ancient city, which lies in ruins on the Orontes River and did not overlap in habitation with the modern city. Antioch was founded near the end of the fourth century BC by Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander the Great's generals, as one of the tetrapoleis of Seleucis of Syria. Seleucus encouraged Greeks from all over the Mediterranean to settle in the city. The city's location offered geographical, military, and economic benefits to its occupants; Antioch was heavily involved in the spice trade and laid within close reach of the Silk Road and the Royal Road. The city was the capital of the Seleucid Empire from 240 BC until 63 BC, when the Romans took control, making it the capital of the province of Syria and later of Coele Syria. During the late Hellenistic and Roman Principate periods, Antioch's population may have reached a peak of over 500,000 inhabitants , making the city the third largest in the Roman Empire after Rome and Alexandria and one of the most important cities in the eastern Mediterranean. From the early fourth century, Antioch was the seat of the Count of the Orient, head of the Diocese of the East. The Romans provided the city with walls that encompassed almost 450 hectares , of which one quarter was mountainous, leaving 300 ha - about one-fifth the area of Rome within the Aurelian Walls. The city was also the main center of Hellenistic Judaism at the end of the Second Temple period. As one of the cities of the pentarchy, Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity" as a result of its longevity and the pivotal role that it played in the emergence of early Christianity. The Christian New Testament asserts that the name "Christian" first emerged in Antioch. The city declined to relative insignificance during the Middle Ages due to warfare, repeated earthquakes, and a change in trade routes. The city still lends its name to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, one of the most important modern churches of the Levant and eastern Mediterranean. The city also attracts Muslim pilgrims who visit the Habib-i Najjar Mosque, which they believe to contain the tomb of Habib the Carpenter, mentioned in the Surah Ya-Sin of the Quran. A settlement called "Meroe" pre-dated Antioch. A shrine of the goddess Anat, called by Herodotus the "Persian Artemis", was located here. This site was included in the eastern suburbs of Antioch. There was a village on the spur of Mount Silpius named Io, or Iopolis. This name was always adduced as evidence by Antiochenes eager to affiliate themselves to the Attic Ionians--an eagerness which is illustrated by the Athenian types used on the city's coins. Io may have been a small early colony of trading Greeks . John Malalas also mentions an archaic village, Bottia, in the plain by the river. The Gospel of Mark is the second of the four canonical gospels and one of the three synoptic Gospels. It tells of the ministry of Jesus from his baptism by John the Baptist to his death, the burial of his body, and the discovery of his empty tomb. It portrays Jesus as a teacher, an exorcist, a healer, and a miracle worker, though it does not mention a miraculous birth or divine pre-existence. He refers to himself as the Son of Man. He is called the Son of God but keeps his messianic nature secret; even his disciples fail to understand him. All this is in keeping with the Christian interpretation of prophecy, which is believed to foretell the fate of the messiah as suffering servant. Some critical scholars reject the early church tradition linking the gospel to John Mark, who was a companion of Saint Peter, and it is generally agreed that it was written anonymously for a gentile audience, probably in Rome, sometime shortly before or after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. An early Christian tradition deriving from Papias of Hierapolis attributes authorship of the gospel to Mark, a companion and interpreter of Peter, but most scholars believe that it was written anonymously, and that the name of Mark was attached later to link it to an authoritative figure. It is usually dated through the eschatological discourse in Mark 13, which scholars interpret as pointing to the First Jewish-Roman War --a war that led to the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70. This would place the composition of Mark either immediately after the destruction or during the years immediately prior. The author used a variety of pre-existing sources, such as conflict stories, apocalyptic discourse, miracle stories, parables, a passion narrative, and collections of sayings, although not the hypothesized Q source. The Gospel of Mark was written in Greek, for a gentile audience, and probably in Rome, although Galilee, Antioch , and southern Syria have also been suggested. Jewish Christians were the followers of a Jewish religious sect that emerged in Judea during the late Second Temple period . These Jews believed Jesus to be the prophesied Messiah, but maintained the observance of Jewish law. Jewish Christianity is the foundation of Early Christianity, which later developed into Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Christianity started with Jewish eschatological expectations, and it developed into the worship of Jesus as the result of his earthly ministry, his crucifixion, and the post-crucifixion experiences of his followers. Modern scholarship is engaged in an ongoing debate as to the proper designation for Jesus' first followers. Many see the term Jewish Christians as anachronistic given that there is no consensus on the date of the birth of Christianity. Some modern scholars have suggested the designations "Jewish believers in Jesus" or "Jewish followers of Jesus" as better reflecting the original context. Jewish Christians drifted apart from mainstream Judaism, eventually becoming a minority strand which had mostly disappeared by the fifth century. Jewish-Christian gospels have been lost except for fragments, so there is considerable uncertainty as to the scriptures used by this group. The split of Christianity and Judaism took place during the first century AD. While the First Jewish-Roman War and the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD were main events, the separation was a long-term process, in which the boundaries were not clear-cut. Early Jewish Christians referred to themselves as followers of "The Way" , probably coming from John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." According to Acts 11:26, the term "Christian" was first used in reference to Jesus's disciples in the city of Antioch, meaning "followers of Christ", by the non-Jewish inhabitants of Antioch. The earliest recorded use of the term "Christianity" was by Ignatius of Antioch, in around 100 AD. In Christian belief, a saint is a person who is recognized as having an exceptional degree of holiness, likeness, or closeness to God. However, the use of the term saint depends on the context and denomination. In Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Oriental Orthodox, and Lutheran doctrine, all of their faithful deceased in Heaven are considered to be saints, but some are considered worthy of greater honor or emulation. Official ecclesiastical recognition, and consequently a public cult of veneration, is conferred on some denominational saints through the process of canonization in the Catholic Church or glorification in the Eastern Orthodox Church after their approval. While the English word saint originated in Christianity, historians of religion tend to use the appellation "in a more general way to refer to the state of special holiness that many religions attribute to certain people", referring to the Jewish hasid or tzadik, the Islamic wali, the Hindu rishi or Sikh Bhagat and guru, the Shintoist kami, the Taoist shengren, and the Buddhist arhat or bodhisattva also as saints. Depending on the religion, saints are recognized either by official ecclesiastical declaration, as in the Catholic faith, or by popular acclamation . The English word saint comes from the Latin sanctus, with the Greek equivalent being agios 'holy'. The word agios appears 229 times in the Greek New Testament, and its English translation 60 times in the corresponding text of the King James Version of the Bible. The word sanctus was originally a technical one in ancient Roman religion, but due to its globalized use in Christianity the modern word saint is now also used as a translation of comparable terms for persons "worthy of veneration for their holiness or sanctity" in other religions. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Simon the Zealot <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Peter <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Andrew the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Thomas the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Bartholomew the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Matthew the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Jude the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Philip the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> John the Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> Judas Iscariot <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) of the class <o> apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> St. James the Elder, Apostle <s> Twelve Apostles <p> instance of <o> group of humans <s> Twelve Apostles <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Twelve Apostles <p> has part(s) <o> James the Less <s> Twelve Apostles <p> instance of <o> group of biblical humans <s> Twelve Apostles <p> instance of <o> dodecad <s> Twelve Apostles <p> depicted by <o> Iconostase in St. Mark's basilica <s> Twelve Apostles <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Twelve Apostles <s> crucifixion <p> subclass of <o> capital punishment <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> crucifixion <p> subclass of <o> death by torture <s> crucifixion <p> instance of <o> execution method <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> crucifixion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Crucifixion <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> crucifixion <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> De viris illustribus <p> language of work or name <o> Latin <s> De viris illustribus <p> genre <o> biography <s> De viris illustribus <p> state of transmission <o> full <s> De viris illustribus <p> based on <o> Autobiography <s> De viris illustribus <p> instance of <o> written work <s> De viris illustribus <p> has edition or translation <o> De viris illustribus (1821 czech edition) <s> De viris illustribus <p> based on <o> The Twelve Caesars <s> De viris illustribus <p> author <o> Jerome <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> medical condition <o> fever <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> relative <o> Peter <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> residence <o> Capernaum <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> present in work <o> Luke 4 <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> significant event <o> Healing the mother of Peter's wife <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> present in work <o> Mark 1 <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> present in work <o> Matthew 8 <s> Saint Peter’s mother-in-law <p> child <o> wife of Saint Peter <s> Shimon <p> language of work or name <o> Hebrew <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Simeon <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Simone <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Shimon <s> Shimon <p> writing system <o> Hebrew alphabet <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Szymon <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Simón <s> Shimon <p> instance of <o> male given name <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Simono <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Semyon <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Simon <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Simeone <s> Shimon <p> said to be the same as <o> Šimon <s> High Roman Empire <p> part of <o> Roman Empire <s> High Roman Empire <p> subclass of <o> Roman imperial period <s> High Roman Empire <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> High Roman Empire <p> different from <o> Principate <s> High Roman Empire <p> end cause <o> Crisis of the Third Century <s> High Roman Empire <p> follows <o> Late Roman Republic <s> High Roman Empire <p> followed by <o> Low Roman Empire <s> Category:Saint Peter <p> category's main topic <o> Peter <s> Category:Saint Peter <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Evodius <p> instance of <o> human <s> Evodius <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Evodius <p> feast day <o> May 6 <s> Evodius <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Evodius <p> place of birth <o> Antioch <s> Evodius <p> student of <o> Peter <s> Evodius <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Evodius <p> canonization status <o> hieromartyr <s> Evodius <p> different from <o> Evodius of Rome <s> Evodius <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Evodius <p> place of death <o> Antioch <s> Evodius <p> religion or worldview <o> Eastern Orthodoxy <s> Evodius <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Sint Piter <p> native language <o> West Frisian <s> Sint Piter <p> country of origin <o> Netherlands <s> Sint Piter <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> West Frisian <s> Sint Piter <p> instance of <o> folk saint <s> Sint Piter <p> instance of <o> Christmas gift-bringer <s> Sint Piter <p> instance of <o> folklore character <s> Sint Piter <p> instance of <o> fictional human <s> Sint Piter <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Sint Piter <p> named after <o> Peter <s> Sint Piter <p> indigenous to <o> Grou <s> Sint Piter <p> said to be the same as <o> Peter <s> volleyball <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> volleyball <p> different from <o> volleyball <s> volleyball <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 11 <s> volleyball <p> uses <o> volleyball <s> volleyball <p> country of origin <o> United States of America <s> volleyball <p> practiced by <o> volleyball player <s> volleyball <p> has part(s) <o> volleyball <s> volleyball <p> authority <o> Fédération Internationale de Volleyball <s> volleyball <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> volleyball <p> subclass of <o> Olympic sport <s> volleyball <p> subclass of <o> ball game <s> volleyball <p> discoverer or inventor <o> William G. Morgan <s> volleyball <p> subclass of <o> team sport <s> volleyball <p> competition class <o> men's volleyball <s> volleyball <p> competition class <o> women's volleyball <s> volleyball <p> history of topic <o> history of volleyball <s> volleyball <p> uses <o> volleyball court <s> volleyball <p> has part(s) <o> volleyball rules <s> volleyball <p> has part(s) <o> volleyball team <s> volleyball <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Volleyball <s> volleyball <p> practiced by <o> volleyball coach <s> volleyball <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Volleyball <s> volleyball <p> has part(s) <o> volleyball player </Graph>
<Text> :In Christian theology and ecclesiology, the apostles, particularly the Twelve Apostles , were the primary disciples of Jesus according to the New Testament. During the life and ministry of Jesus in the 1st century AD, the apostles were his closest followers and became the primary teachers of the gospel message of Jesus. There is also an Eastern Christian tradition derived from the Gospel of Luke of there having been as many as seventy apostles during the time of Jesus' ministry. The commissioning of the Twelve Apostles during the ministry of Jesus is described in the Synoptic Gospels. After his resurrection, Jesus sent eleven of them by the Great Commission to spread his teachings to all nations. This event has been called the dispersion of the Apostles. In the Pauline epistles, Paul, although not one of the original twelve, described himself as an apostle, saying he was called by the resurrected Jesus himself during his road to Damascus event. He later describes himself as "an apostle to the Gentiles". The period and associated events in timeline of early Christianity during the lifetimes of the twelve apostles is called the Apostolic Age. Simon , Andrew , Jacob/James , John , Philip , Bartholomew , Matthew , Thomas , the translation of his Hebrew name in the Greek Language"), Jacob / James "), Simon , Judas Iscariot ; called "Judas the Zealot" in some translations"). Crucifixion is a method of capital punishment in which the condemned is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross, beam or stake and left to hang until eventual death. It was used as a punishment by the Persians, Carthaginians, and Romans, among others. Crucifixion has been used in some countries as recently as the early 20th century. Ancient Greek has two verbs for crucify: anastauroo , from stauros and apotumpanizo "crucify on a plank", together with anaskolopizo . In earlier pre-Roman Greek texts anastauro usually means "impale". The Greek used in the Christian New Testament uses four verbs, three of them based upon stauros , usually translated "cross". The most common term is stauroo , "to crucify", occurring 46 times; sustauroo , "to crucify with" or "alongside" occurs five times, while anastauroo , "to crucify again" occurs only once at the Epistle to the Hebrews 6:6. Prospegnumi , "to fix or fasten to, impale, crucify" occurs only once, at the Acts of the Apostles 2:23. The English term cross derives from the Latin word crux, which classically referred to a tree or any construction of wood used to hang criminals as a form of execution. The term later came to refer specifically to a cross. The related term crucifix derives from the Latin crucifixus or cruci fixus, past participle passive of crucifigere or cruci figere, meaning "to crucify" or "to fasten to a cross". De Viris Illustribus, meaning "concerning illustrious men", represents a genre of literature which evolved during the Italian Renaissance in imitation of the exemplary literature of Ancient Rome. It inspired the widespread commissioning of groups of matching portraits of famous men from history to serve as moral role models. During the Middle Ages the inspirational series took two paths: the specifically Christian models were enshrined in hagiography, in which miracles attracted the attention and the qualities exemplified by martyrs were those of fortitude, faith and obedience. On the secular side, the worldly models were contracted and codified in the Nine Worthies, chivalric exemplars of valiant courtoisie, the instructive models of aristocratic courtly behavior. The literary biographies were reflected in illustrated versions in illuminated manuscripts, tapestry and other media. With the revival of classical learning in the Italian Renaissance, a broader, carefully selected group of men of renown from the distant and recent past, outstanding for their statecraft or their learning emerged "almost simultaneously" in the Italian cities of Milan, Naples, Siena, Padua, Foligno, Florence, Venice, Perugia and Urbino. In literature the theme was revived by Giovanni Colonna around 1330. His friend, Petrarch, penned a De viris illustribus, as a collection of 36 short biographies. Boccaccio, inspired by him, wrote De Casibus Virorum Illustrium , a collection of 56 biographies. Boccaccio also wrote a feminine complement to it, De mulieribus claris , containing 106 biographies. Leonardo Bruni published translations of Plutarch's Lives. The humanist Poggio Bracciolini urged in his essay De Nobilitate Liber , that the Romans should be emulated "for they believed that the images of men who had excelled in the pursuit of glory and wisdom, if placed before the eyes, would help enoble and stir up the soul." A series of instructive uomini illustri portraits was painted for Azzo Visconti in Milan, and was mentioned by Giorgio Vasari, but is now lost, together with a series in Naples, but important early series of portraits of famous men survive in the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena and in the Sala Virorum Illustrium in the Reggia Carrarese, Padua. Little is known of the life of Evodius. At the time, Antioch was an opulent and cosmopolitan city where both Hellenized Jews and pagans were influenced by monotheism. Peter became the bishop of Antioch and led the church there. Evodius was bishop of Antioch until 66 AD, and was succeeded by Ignatius of Antioch. Catholic tradition says it is likely that Evodius died of natural causes, however, the Eastern Orthodox tradition holds that he was martyred under Emperor Nero in 66 AD. As one of the first pagans to come to the new church, he is venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, as well as the Assyrian Church of the East. His feast day is 6 May in the Catholic Church and 7 September in the Eastern Orthodox Church. It has been claimed that in one of his many writings, Evodius asserts that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, the Saviour, when she was fifteen. However, no known writings of Evodius survive today. Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since Tokyo 1964. Beach volleyball was introduced to the programme at the Atlanta 1996 Summer Olympics. The adapted version of volleyball at the Summer Paralympic Games is sitting volleyball. The complete set of rules is extensive, but play essentially proceeds as follows: a player on one of the teams begins a 'rally' by serving the ball , from behind the back boundary line of the court, over the net, and into the receiving team's court. The receiving team must not let the ball be grounded within their court. The team may touch the ball up to three times to return the ball to the other side of the court, but individual players may not touch the ball twice consecutively. Typically, the first two touches are used to set up for an attack. An attack is an attempt to direct the ball back over the net in such a way that the team receiving the ball is unable to pass the ball and continue the rally, thus, losing the point. The team that wins the rally is awarded a point and serves the ball to start the next rally. A few of the most common faults include: A number of consistent techniques have evolved in volleyball, including spiking and blocking as well as passing, setting, specialized player positions, and offensive and defensive structures. In December 1895, in Holyoke, Massachusetts , William G. Morgan, a YMCA physical education director, created a new game called Mintonette, a name derived from the game of badminton, as a pastime to preferably be played indoors and by any number of players. The game took some of its characteristics from other sports such as baseball, tennis, and handball. Another indoor sport, basketball, was catching on in the area, having been invented just ten miles away in the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, only four years before. Mintonette was designed to be an indoor sport, less rough than basketball, for older members of the YMCA, while still requiring a bit of athletic effort. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> basketball <p> country of origin <o> United States of America <s> basketball <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> basketball <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject African diaspora <s> basketball <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> basketball <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> basketball <p> discoverer or inventor <o> James Naismith <s> basketball <p> uses <o> basketball <s> basketball <p> authority <o> FIBA <s> basketball <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> basketball <p> instance of <o> Olympic sport <s> basketball <p> different from <o> netball <s> basketball <p> subclass of <o> ball game <s> basketball <p> subclass of <o> team sport <s> basketball <p> competition class <o> women's basketball <s> basketball <p> uses <o> basketball court <s> basketball <p> uses <o> basket <s> basketball <p> uses <o> backboard <s> basketball <p> practiced by <o> basketball player <s> basketball <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Basketball <s> basketball <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Basketball <s> basketball <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Basketball <s> basketball <p> practiced by <o> basketball coach <s> basketball <p> competition class <o> men's basketball <s> boxing <p> instance of <o> spectator sport <s> boxing <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> boxing <p> subclass of <o> Olympic sport <s> boxing <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> boxing <p> country of origin <o> England <s> boxing <p> uses <o> boxing glove <s> boxing <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> boxing <p> uses <o> boxing ring <s> boxing <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> boxing <p> has part(s) <o> professional boxing <s> boxing <p> subclass of <o> combat sport <s> boxing <p> has part(s) <o> amateur boxing <s> boxing <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> boxing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Boxing <s> boxing <p> practiced by <o> boxer <s> boxing <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> boxing <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Boxing <s> boxing <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> boxing <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> boxing <p> history of topic <o> history of boxing <s> concrete <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> concrete <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> concrete <p> made from material <o> cement <s> concrete <p> made from material <o> additive <s> concrete <p> made from material <o> mixing water <s> concrete <p> made from material <o> aggregate <s> concrete <p> subclass of <o> composite material <s> concrete <p> different from <o> asphalt concrete <s> concrete <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> concrete <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> concrete <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> concrete <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Concrete <s> concrete <p> part of <o> composite construction <s> concrete <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> concrete <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> concrete <p> subclass of <o> malleable material <s> concrete <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> concrete <p> different from <o> concrete surface <s> concrete <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Concrete navbox <s> badminton <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> badminton <p> instance of <o> Olympic sport <s> badminton <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> badminton <p> subclass of <o> racket sport <s> badminton <p> different from <o> Badminton <s> badminton <p> practiced by <o> badminton coach <s> badminton <p> practiced by <o> badminton executive and administrator <s> badminton <p> uses <o> badminton racket <s> badminton <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> badminton <p> authority <o> Badminton World Federation <s> badminton <p> practiced by <o> badminton umpire <s> badminton <p> uses <o> net <s> badminton <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> badminton <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Badminton <s> badminton <p> practiced by <o> badminton player <s> badminton <p> uses <o> badminton court <s> badminton <p> uses <o> stringing machine <s> badminton <p> subclass of <o> Olympic sport <s> badminton <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Badminton <s> badminton <p> uses <o> shuttlecock <s> badminton <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> badminton <p> named after <o> Badminton House <s> weightlifting <p> instance of <o> Olympic sport <s> weightlifting <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> weightlifting <p> said to be the same as <o> powerlifting <s> weightlifting <p> has part(s) of the class <o> repetition <s> weightlifting <p> subclass of <o> strength sport <s> weightlifting <p> subclass of <o> weightlifting <s> weightlifting <p> uses <o> lifting <s> weightlifting <p> authority <o> International Weightlifting Federation <s> weightlifting <p> record or record progression <o> list of world records in Olympic weightlifting <s> weightlifting <p> part of <o> heavy athletics <s> weightlifting <p> practiced by <o> weightlifter <s> weightlifting <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> weightlifting <p> uses <o> barbell <s> weightlifting <p> uses <o> weight plate <s> weightlifting <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Weightlifting <s> weightlifting <p> uses <o> dumbbell <s> weightlifting <p> subclass of <o> individual sport <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> instance of <o> human <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> copyright status as a creator <o> works protected by copyrights <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> place of birth <o> Anghiari <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> notable work <o> PalaRuffini <s> Annibale Vitellozzi <p> given name <o> Annibale <s> Category:Palazzetto dello Sport (Rome) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Palazzetto dello Sport (Rome) <p> category's main topic <o> Palazzetto dello Sport <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> located in the administrative territorial entity <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> location <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> coordinate location <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> located in time zone <s> sports venue <p> Wikidata property <o> home venue <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> sport <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> official website <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> visitors per year <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> date of official opening <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> street address <s> sports venue <p> properties for this type <o> date of official closure <s> sports venue <p> has use <o> sport <s> sports venue <p> subclass of <o> architectural structure <s> sports venue <p> different from <o> pitch <s> sports venue <p> partially coincident with <o> recreation home <s> sports venue <p> subclass of <o> sports location <s> sports venue <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sports venues <s> Roma Capitale <p> country <o> Italy <s> Roma Capitale <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Roma Capitale <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Roma Capitale <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> Roma Capitale <p> capital <o> Rome <s> Roma Capitale <p> has subsidiary <o> Roma Servizi per la Mobilità <s> Roma Capitale <p> has subsidiary <o> AMA <s> Roma Capitale <p> has subsidiary <o> Roma Metropolitane <s> Roma Capitale <p> has subsidiary <o> ATAC <s> Roma Capitale <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Roma Capitale <p> has subsidiary <o> Acea <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> instance of <o> human <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> writing language <o> Italian <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Rome <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> San Francisco <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Paris <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Montreal <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Milan <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> place of birth <o> Sondrio <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Sydney <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Florence <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> educated at <o> University of Bologna <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> employer <o> Harvard University <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> employer <o> Sapienza University of Rome <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> child <o> Antonio Nervi <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> occupation <o> civil engineer <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> member of <o> Royal Academy of Arts <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> educated at <o> Liceo Classico Massimiliano Massimo <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Stadio Artemio Franchi <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> movement <o> Movimento Arte Concreta <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Palazzo dello Sport <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> UNESCO <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> award received <o> Feltrinelli Prize <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> member of <o> National Academy of Fine Arts (Argentina) <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> award received <o> Frank P. Brown Medal <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> member of <o> American Academy of Arts and Sciences <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> award received <o> Wilhelm Exner Medal <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> award received <o> Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> participant in <o> 1936 Summer Olympics <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Paul VI Audience Hall <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Stadio Olimpico <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> member of <o> Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> member of <o> Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> award received <o> Royal Gold Medal <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> given name <o> Pier Luigi <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Richmond Coliseum <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Pirelli Tower <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Norfolk Scope <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Stadio Flaminio <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> family name <o> Nervi <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> member of <o> Accademia delle Arti del Disegno <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> archives at <o> Institut Français d'Architecture <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Palazzetto dello Sport <s> Pier Luigi Nervi <p> notable work <o> Tour de la Bourse </Graph>
<Text> :Basketball is a team sport in which two teams, most commonly of five players each, opposing one another on a rectangular court, compete with the primary objective of shooting a basketball in diameter) through the defender's hoop in diameter mounted 10 feet high to a backboard at each end of the court), while preventing the opposing team from shooting through their own hoop. A field goal is worth two points, unless made from behind the three-point line, when it is worth three. After a foul, timed play stops and the player fouled or designated to shoot a technical foul is given one, two or three one-point free throws. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but if regulation play expires with the score tied, an additional period of play is mandated. Players advance the ball by bouncing it while walking or running or by passing it to a teammate, both of which require considerable skill. On offense, players may use a variety of shots - the layup, the jump shot, or a dunk; on defense, they may steal the ball from a dribbler, intercept passes, or block shots; either offense or defense may collect a rebound, that is, a missed shot that bounces from rim or backboard. It is a violation to lift or drag one's pivot foot without dribbling the ball, to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling. The five players on each side fall into five playing positions. The tallest player is usually the center, the second-tallest and strongest is the power forward, a slightly shorter but more agile player is the small forward, and the shortest players or the best ball handlers are the shooting guard and the point guard, who implement the coach's game plan by managing the execution of offensive and defensive plays . Informally, players may play three-on-three, two-on-two, and one-on-one. Invented in 1891 by Canadian-American gym teacher James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the United States, basketball has evolved to become one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. The National Basketball Association is the most significant professional basketball league in the world in terms of popularity, salaries, talent, and level of competition . Outside North America, the top clubs from national leagues qualify to continental championships such as the EuroLeague and the Basketball Champions League Americas. The FIBA Basketball World Cup and Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament are the major international events of the sport and attract top national teams from around the world. Each continent hosts regional competitions for national teams, like EuroBasket and FIBA AmeriCup. Boxing is a combat sport and a martial art in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves and other protective equipment such as hand wraps and mouthguards, throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a boxing ring. Although the term boxing is commonly attributed to Western boxing, in which only fists are involved, it has developed in different ways in different geographical areas and cultures of the World. In global terms, "boxing" today is also a set of combat sports focused on striking, in which two opponents face each other in a fight using at least their fists, and possibly involving other actions such as kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and headbutts, depending on the rules. Some of these variants are the bare-knuckle boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Lethwei, savate, and sanda. Boxing techniques have been incorporated into many martial arts, military systems, and other combat sports. Humans have engaged in hand-to-hand combat since the earliest days of human history. The origins of boxing as a sport remain uncertain, but some sources suggest that it has prehistoric roots in what is now Ethiopia, emerging as early as the sixth millennium BC. It is believed that when the Egyptians invaded Nubia, they adopted boxing from the local populace, subsequently popularizing it in Egypt. From there, the sport of boxing spread to various regions, including Greece, eastward to Mesopotamia, and northward to Rome. The earliest visual evidence of any type of boxing is from Egypt and Sumer, both from the third millennia, and can be seen in Sumerian carvings from the third and second millennia BC. The earliest evidence of boxing rules dates back to Ancient Greece, where boxing was established as an Olympic game in 688 BC. Boxing evolved from 16th- and 18th-century prizefights, largely in Great Britain, to the forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-19th century with the 1867 introduction of the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. Concrete is a composite material composed of aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that cures over time. Concrete is the second-most-used substance in the world after water, and is the most widely used building material. Its usage worldwide, ton for ton, is twice that of steel, wood, plastics, and aluminium combined. When aggregate is mixed with dry Portland cement and water, the mixture forms a fluid slurry that is easily poured and molded into shape. The cement reacts with the water through a process called concrete hydration that hardens it over several hours to form a hard matrix that binds the materials together into a durable stone-like material that has many uses. This time allows concrete to not only be cast in forms, but also to have a variety of tooled processes performed. The hydration process is exothermic, which means ambient temperature plays a significant role in how long it takes concrete to set. Often, additives are included in the mixture to improve the physical properties of the wet mix, delay or accelerate the curing time, or otherwise change the finished material. Most concrete is poured with reinforcing materials embedded to provide tensile strength, yielding reinforced concrete. In the past, lime based cement binders, such as lime putty, were often used but sometimes with other hydraulic cements, such as a calcium aluminate cement or with Portland cement to form Portland cement concrete . Many other non-cementitious types of concrete exist with other methods of binding aggregate together, including asphalt concrete with a bitumen binder, which is frequently used for road surfaces, and polymer concretes that use polymers as a binder. Concrete is distinct from mortar. Whereas concrete is itself a building material, mortar is a bonding agent that typically holds bricks, tiles and other masonry units together. Grout is another material associated with concrete and cement. It does not contain coarse aggregates and is usually either pourable or thixotropic, and is used to fill gaps between masonry components or coarse aggregate which has already been put in place. Some methods of concrete manufacture and repair involve pumping grout into the gaps to make up a solid mass in situ. Concrete floors were found in the royal palace of Tiryns, Greece, which dates roughly to 1400-1200 BC. Lime mortars were used in Greece, such as in Crete and Cyprus, in 800 BC. The Assyrian Jerwan Aqueduct made use of waterproof concrete. Concrete was used for construction in many ancient structures. Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most common forms of the game are "singles" and "doubles" . Badminton is often played as a casual outdoor activity in a yard or on a beach; formal games are played on a rectangular indoor court. Points are scored by striking the shuttlecock with the racquet and landing it within the other team's half of the court. Each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the net. Play ends once the shuttlecock has struck the floor or ground, or if a fault has been called by the umpire, service judge, or the opposing side. The shuttlecock is a feathered or plastic projectile that flies differently from the balls used in many other sports. In particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly. Shuttlecocks also have a high top speed compared to the balls in other racquet sports. The flight of the shuttlecock gives the sport its distinctive nature. The game developed in British India from the earlier game of battledore and shuttlecock. European play came to be dominated by Denmark but the game has become very popular in Asia, with recent competitions dominated by China. In 1992, badminton debuted as a Summer Olympic sport with four events: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, and women's doubles; mixed doubles was added four years later. At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed, and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements. Weightlifting or weight lifting generally refers to physical exercises and sports in which people lift weights, often in the form of dumbbells or barbells. People engage in weightlifting for a variety of different reasons. These can include: developing physical strength; promoting health and fitness; competing in weightlifting sports; and developing a muscular and aesthetic physique. Olympic weightlifting is a specific type of weightlifting sport practiced at the Olympic Games, commonly referred to simply as "weightlifting". Other weightlifting sports include powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, and para powerlifting--the weightlifting sport practiced at the Paralympic Games. Different weightlifting sports may be distinguished by the different ways of lifting a weight, and/or the objects lifted. Weightlifting events are key elements of strength athletics. Weight training is weightlifting to develop physical strength and/or a muscular physique. It is a common part of strength conditioning for athletes in many sports. When the primary goal is to develop an all-round muscular physique, this is bodybuilding. People who train with weights utilize both free weights and weight machines to train all parts of their bodies. A place and equipment for weight training is provided at gyms and leisure centres. According to an article in The New York Times, lifting weights can prevent some disabilities, increase metabolism, and lower body fat. Using free weights, compared to machines, improves not only strength but muscle function as well. Annibale Vitellozzi was an Italian architect, best remembered for his work on the Roma Termini railway station and the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma. A stadium or arena is a place or venue for sports or other events and consists of a field or stage either partly or completely surrounded by a tiered structure designed to allow spectators to stand or sit and view the event. Metropolitan City of Rome Capital is an area of local government at the level of metropolitan city in the Lazio region of Italy. It comprises the territory of the city of Rome and 120 other comuni in the hinterland of the city. With more than 4.3 million inhabitants, it is the largest metropolitan city in Italy. It was established on 1 January 2015 by the terms of Law 142/1990 and by Law 56/2014. It superseded the province of Rome. The Metropolitan City of Rome Capital is headed by the Metropolitan Mayor and governed by the Metropolitan Council . Roberto Gualtieri is the incumbent mayor, having taken office on 21 October 2021. Metropolitan cities were given administrative powers equivalent to those of a province. This was done to improve the performance of local administration and to cut local spending by better coordinating the municipalities in providing basic services and environment protection. In this policy framework, the Mayor of Rome is also designated to exercise the functions of Metropolitan mayor, presiding over a Metropolitan Council formed by 24 mayors of municipalities within the Metro. The Metropolitan City of Rome Capital covers almost one-third of the territory of Lazio. It occupies the flat area of the Roman and the Tiber Valley to the mountains and dell'Aniene Lucretili Sabini and, in addition to the mountainous regions of the Tolfa and Monti Sabatini to the north-west, the area of the mountains Tiburtini Prenestini Simbruini and east, the area of the Colli Albani and the northern foothills of the mountains, and high Lepine Sacco valley to the south-east. The western boundary of the province is represented by the Tyrrhenian Sea on which spread to about 130 kilometres from the coast near Rome from Civitavecchia to Torre Astura. In the territory there are several lakes, almost all of volcanic origin, which are concentrated in the north-west of the mountains and Sabatini in the south-east of the Colli Albani. Pier Luigi Nervi was an Italian engineer and architect. He studied at the University of Bologna graduating in 1913. Nervi taught as a professor of engineering at Rome University from 1946 to 1961 and is known worldwide as a structural engineer and architect and for his innovative use of reinforced concrete, especially with numerous notable thin shell structures worldwide. Nervi was born in Sondrio and attended the Civil Engineering School of Bologna from which he graduated in 1913; his formal education was quite similar to that experienced today by Italian civil engineering students. After graduating he joined the Society for Concrete Construction and, during World War I from 1915 to 1918, he served in the Corps of Engineering of the Italian Army. From 1961 to 1962 he was the Norton professor at Harvard University. Nervi began practicing civil engineering after 1923. His projects in the 1930s included several airplane hangars that were important for his development as an engineer. A set of hangars in Orvieto were built entirely out of reinforced concrete, and a second set in Orbetello and Torre del Lago improved the design by using a lighter roof, precast ribs, and a modular construction method. During the 1940s he developed ideas for reinforced concrete which helped in the rebuilding of many buildings and factories throughout Western Europe, and even designed and created a boat hull that was made of reinforced concrete as a promotion for the Italian government. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> country <o> Italy <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> location <o> Rome <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> sport <o> volleyball <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> sport <o> basketball <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> sport <o> boxing <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipio IX <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> occupant <o> Pallacanestro Virtus Roma <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> surface played on <o> parquetry <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> structural engineer <o> Pier Luigi Nervi <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> made from material <o> reinforced concrete <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> instance of <o> multi-purpose sports venue <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> owned by <o> EUR S.p.A. <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> architect <o> Marcello Piacentini <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Palazzo dello Sport (Rome) <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> made from material <o> ferrocement <s> Palazzo dello Sport <p> different from <o> Palazzetto dello Sport <s> Olympic-size swimming pool <p> subclass of <o> Olympic venue <s> Olympic-size swimming pool <p> subclass of <o> swimming pool <s> Olympic-size swimming pool <p> sport <o> swimming <s> Olympic-size swimming pool <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Olympic swimming venues <s> swimming <p> instance of <o> type of sport <s> swimming <p> subclass of <o> swimming <s> swimming <p> uses <o> swimming pool <s> swimming <p> subclass of <o> water sport <s> swimming <p> subclass of <o> Olympic sport <s> swimming <p> regulated by <o> World Aquatics <s> swimming <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> swimming <p> record or record progression <o> list of world records in swimming <s> swimming <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Swimming <s> swimming <p> practiced by <o> swimmer <s> swimming <p> described by source <o> Green Map Icons <s> swimming <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> swimming <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Swimming <s> Heidelberg <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Heidelberg <p> country <o> Germany <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hangzhou <s> Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> district capital <s> Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> residenz <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cambridge <s> Heidelberg <p> different from <o> Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Neckar <s> Heidelberg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Heidelberg <p> located in time zone <o> daylight saving time <s> Heidelberg <p> part of <o> Karlsruhe Government Region <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montpellier <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Mayors for Peace <s> Heidelberg <p> capital of <o> Rhein-Neckar <s> Heidelberg <p> significant event <o> 1972 Summer Paralympics <s> Heidelberg <p> capital of <o> Electoral Palatinate <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bautzen <s> Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> Luther city <s> Heidelberg <p> shares border with <o> Rhein-Neckar <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Calamba <s> Heidelberg <p> significant event <o> Siege of Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> head of government <o> Eckart Würzner <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Heidelberg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Karlsruhe Government Region <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> City district in Baden-Württemberg <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Heidelberg <p> part of <o> Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region <s> Heidelberg <p> shares border with <o> Mannheim <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palo Alto <s> Heidelberg <p> part of <o> Nachbarschaftsverband Heidelberg-Mannheim <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Kommunalverband für Jugend und Soziales Baden-Württemberg <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Kommunale Informationsverarbeitung Baden-Franken <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kumamoto <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wieblingen <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Weststadt <s> Heidelberg <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mostar <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rehovot <s> Heidelberg <p> owner of <o> Codex Palatinus Germanicus 324 <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Simferopol <s> Heidelberg <p> flag <o> flag of Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> award received <o> European City of the Reformation <s> Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> urban municipality in Germany <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Topographia Palatinatus Rheni <s> Heidelberg <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Zweckverband 4IT <s> Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Bund der Lutherstädte <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ziegelhausen <s> Heidelberg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jelenia Góra <s> Heidelberg <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Heidelberg <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> owner of <o> Cod. Pal. germ. 313 <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Heidelberger Altstadt <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kirchheim <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Emmertsgrund <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Handschuhsheim <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Heidelberg-Südstadt <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuenheim <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schlierbach <s> Heidelberg <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Heidelberg <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bahnstadt <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boxberg <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bergheim <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pfaffengrund <s> Heidelberg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rohrbach <s> Haguenau <p> country <o> France <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Forstheim <s> Haguenau <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Betschdorf <s> Haguenau <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Haguenau-Wissembourg <s> Haguenau <p> capital of <o> canton of Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Schirrhoffen <s> Haguenau <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Mertzwiller <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Laubach <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Oberhoffen-sur-Moder <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Surbourg <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Schirrhein <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Bitschhoffen <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Schweighouse-sur-Moder <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> Topographia Alsatiae <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Dauendorf <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Mietesheim <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Niederschaeffolsheim <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Kaltenhouse <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Uberach <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Rountzenheim <s> Haguenau <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Walbourg <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Val-de-Moder <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Rountzenheim-Auenheim <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Leutenheim <s> Haguenau <p> significant event <o> Siege of Hagenau <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Eschbach <s> Haguenau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Landau in der Pfalz <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Soufflenheim <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Bischwiller <s> Haguenau <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Gries <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Haguenau <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Haguenau <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Weitbruch <s> Haguenau <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bas-Rhin <s> Haguenau <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Décapole <s> Haguenau <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Batzendorf <s> Haguenau <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Haguenau-Wissembourg <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Biblisheim <s> Haguenau <p> shares border with <o> Niedermodern <s> Haguenau <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Haguenau <s> Haguenau <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Haguenau <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Haguenau <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> made from material <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> location <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> image <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> inventory number <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> main subject <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> Commons category <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> publication date <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> full work available at URL <s> codex <p> different from <o> caudex <s> codex <p> said to be the same as <o> manuscript codex <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> language of work or name <s> codex <p> subclass of <o> manuscript <s> codex <p> properties for this type <o> catalog code <s> codex <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Codices <s> codex <p> has part(s) <o> finish <s> codex <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> codex <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> codex <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Middle High German <p> instance of <o> language <s> Middle High German <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Middle High German <p> has grammatical gender <o> masculine <s> Middle High German <p> linguistic typology <o> subject–object–verb <s> Middle High German <p> has grammatical gender <o> feminine <s> Middle High German <p> linguistic typology <o> fusional language <s> Middle High German <p> linguistic typology <o> nominative–accusative language <s> Middle High German <p> follows <o> Old High German <s> Middle High German <p> instance of <o> historical language <s> Middle High German <p> subclass of <o> High German <s> Middle High German <p> has grammatical gender <o> neuter <s> Middle High German <p> followed by <o> Early New High German <s> Middle High German <p> topic's main category <o> Middle High German language <s> Middle High German <p> linguistic typology <o> V2 word order <s> Middle High German <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Middle High German <p> linguistic typology <o> stress-timed language <s> Codex Palatinus germanicus <p> language of work or name <o> German <s> Codex Palatinus germanicus <p> instance of <o> manuscript collection <s> Codex Palatinus germanicus <p> part of <o> Codex Palatinus <s> Codex Palatinus germanicus <p> location <o> University Library Heidelberg <s> Bibliotheca Palatina <p> country <o> Germany <s> Bibliotheca Palatina <p> instance of <o> manuscript collection <s> Bibliotheca Palatina <p> instance of <o> library <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> country <o> Germany <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> language used <o> German <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> heritage designation <o> architectural heritage monument <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikidata: WikiProject Academic Publisher <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> director / manager <o> Jochen Apel <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Heidelberg <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> architectural style <o> Art Nouveau <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> architectural style <o> Renaissance <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> building <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> part of <o> Heidelberg University <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> architect <o> Josef Durm <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> architectural style <o> historicism <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> member of <o> World Digital Library <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> academic library <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> scientific collection <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> architectural style <o> eclectic architecture <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> member of <o> ORCID, Inc. <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> part of <o> list of papyrus collections <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> member of <o> International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> member of <o> Kalliope <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> member of <o> South-West German Library Network <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Heidelberg University Library <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> instance of <o> open-access publisher <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> has facility <o> carrel <s> University Library Heidelberg <p> has part(s) <o> Library for the Medical Faculty of Mannheim of the University of Heidelberg </Graph>
<Text> :An Olympic-size swimming pool conforms to regulated dimensions that are big enough for international competition. This type of swimming pool is used in the Olympic Games, where the race course is 50 metres in length, typically referred to as "long course", distinguishing it from "short course" which applies to competitions in pools that are 25 metres in length, or 75 feet in the United States. If touch panels are used in competition, then the distance between touch panels should be either 25 or 50 metres to qualify for FINA recognition. This means that Olympic pools are generally oversized, to accommodate touch panels used in competition. An Olympic-size swimming pool is used as a colloquial unit of volume, to make approximate comparisons to similarly sized objects or volumes. It is not a specific definition, as there is no official limit on the depth of an Olympic pool. The value has an order of magnitude of 1 megaliter . There must be two spaces 2.5 m wide outside lanes 1 and 8 . The length of 50 metres must be between the touch pads at the end of each lane, if they are used. If starting blocks are used, then there must be a minimum depth of 1.35 metres from between 1 metre from the end of the pool to at least 6 metres from the end of the pool. At all other points, the minimum depth is 1 metre . If the pool is used for Olympic Games or World Championships, then the minimum depth is increased to 2 metres . This version of the Olympic-sized swimming pool debuted in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Beforehand, the Summer Olympics featured the more traditional 8-lane course with a depth of roughly seven feet, now the minimum depth requirement. Twenty-five world records were broken at this pool. Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through water, or other liquid, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs and the body to achieve hydrodynamic thrust that results in directional motion. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as a survival response. Swimming is a popular recreational activity and competitive sport that involves moving through water using various techniques. It offers numerous health benefits and is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Swimming is consistently among the top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming is featured in a range of local, national, and international competitions, including every modern Summer Olympics. Swimming involves repeated motions known as strokes in order to propel the body forward. While the front crawl, also known as freestyle, is widely regarded as the fastest of the four main strokes, other strokes are practiced for special purposes, such as training. Heidelberg is a city in the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, situated on the river Neckar in south-west Germany. As of the 2016 census, its population was 159,914, of which roughly a quarter consisted of students. Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany's oldest and one of Europe's most reputable universities. Heidelberg is a scientific hub in Germany and home to several internationally renowned research facilities adjacent to its university, including the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and four Max Planck Institutes. The city has also been a hub for the arts, especially literature, throughout the centuries, and it was designated a "City of Literature" by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Heidelberg was a seat of government of the former Electorate of the Palatinate and is a popular tourist destination due to its romantic cityscape, including Heidelberg Castle, the Philosophers' Walk, and the Baroque old town. Heidelberg is located on the eastern edge of the Upper Rhine Plain , at the place where the river Neckar leaves its narrow valley through the Odenwald mountains and begins the last leg of its journey across the plain towards Mannheim, where it merges into the Rhine about 20 kilometers downstream. Haguenau is a commune in the Bas-Rhin department of France, of which it is a sub-prefecture. It is second in size in the Bas-Rhin only to Strasbourg, some 30 km to the south. To the north of the town, the Forest of Haguenau is the largest undivided forest in France. Haguenau was founded by German dukes and has swapped back and forth several times between Germany and France over the centuries, with its spelling altering between "Hagenau" and "Haguenau" by the turn. After the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, Haguenau was ceded to the new German Empire. It was part of the German Empire for 48 years from 1871 to 1918, when at the end of World War I it was returned to France. This transfer was officially ratified in 1919 with the Treaty of Versailles. Haguenau is a rapidly growing town, its population having increased from 22,944 inhabitants in 1968 to 34,504 inhabitants in 2017. Haguenau's functional urban area has grown from 54,415 inhabitants in 1968 to 75,933 inhabitants in 2017. The codex was the historical ancestor of the modern book. Instead of being composed of sheets of paper, it used sheets of vellum, papyrus, or other materials. The term codex is often used for ancient manuscript books, with handwritten contents. A codex, much like the modern book, is bound by stacking the pages and securing one set of edges by a variety of methods over the centuries, yet in a form analogous to modern bookbinding. Modern books are divided into paperback and those bound with stiff boards, called hardbacks. Elaborate historical bindings are called treasure bindings. At least in the Western world, the main alternative to the paged codex format for a long document was the continuous scroll, which was the dominant form of document in the ancient world. Some codices are continuously folded like a concertina, in particular the Maya codices and Aztec codices, which are actually long sheets of paper or animal skin folded into pages. In Japan, concertina-style codices called orihon developed during the Heian period were made of paper. The Ancient Romans developed the form from wax tablets. The gradual replacement of the scroll by the codex has been called the most important advance in book making before the invention of the printing press. The codex transformed the shape of the book itself, and offered a form that has lasted ever since. The spread of the codex is often associated with the rise of Christianity, which early on adopted the format for the Bible. First described in the 1st century of the Common Era, when the Roman poet Martial praised its convenient use, the codex achieved numerical parity with the scroll around 300 CE, and had completely replaced it throughout what was by then a Christianized Greco-Roman world by the 6th century. The word codex comes from the Latin word caudex, meaning "trunk of a tree", "block of wood" or "book". The codex began to replace the scroll almost as soon as it was invented, although new finds add three centuries to its history . In Egypt, by the fifth century, the codex outnumbered the scroll by ten to one based on surviving examples. By the sixth century, the scroll had almost vanished as a medium for literature. The change from rolls to codices roughly coincides with the transition from papyrus to parchment as the preferred writing material, but the two developments are unconnected. In fact, any combination of codices and scrolls with papyrus and parchment is technically feasible and common in the historical record. Technically, even modern notebooks and paperbacks are codices, but publishers and scholars reserve the term for manuscript books produced from Late antiquity until the Middle Ages. The scholarly study of these manuscripts is sometimes called codicology. The study of ancient documents in general is called paleography. Middle High German ) is the term for the form of German spoken in the High Middle Ages. It is conventionally dated between 1050 and 1350, developing from Old High German and into Early New High German. High German is defined as those varieties of German which were affected by the Second Sound Shift; the Middle Low German and Middle Dutch languages spoken to the North and North West, which did not participate in this sound change, are not part of MHG. While there is no standard MHG, the prestige of the Hohenstaufen court gave rise in the late 12th century to a supra-regional literary language based on Swabian, an Alemannic dialect. This historical interpretation is complicated by the tendency of modern editions of MHG texts to use normalised spellings based on this variety , which make the written language appear more consistent than it actually is in the manuscripts. Scholars are uncertain as to whether the literary language reflected a supra-regional spoken language of the courts. An important development in this period was the Ostsiedlung, the eastward expansion of German settlement beyond the Elbe-Saale line which marked the limit of Old High German. This process started in the 11th century, and all the East Central German dialects are a result of this expansion. Culturally, the two periods are distinguished by the transition from a predominantly clerical written culture, in which the dominant language was Latin, to one centred on the courts of the great nobles, with German gradually expanding its range of use. The rise of the Hohenstaufen dynasty in Swabia makes the South West the dominant region in both political and cultural terms. The Bibliotheca Palatina of Heidelberg was the most important library of the German Renaissance, numbering approximately 5,000 printed books and 3,524 manuscripts. The Bibliotheca was a prominent prize captured during the Thirty Years' War, taken as booty by Maximilian of Bavaria, and given to the Pope in a symbolic and political gesture. While some of the books and manuscripts are now held by the University of Heidelberg, the bulk of the original collection is now an integral part of the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana at the Vatican. The important collection of German-language manuscripts have shelf-marks beginning cpg , while the vast Latin manuscript collection has shelf-marks with cpl . In the 1430s, Elector Louis III founded the Stiftsbibliothek in the Heiliggeistkirche, which had good light for reading. This library formed the core of the Palatine Collection established by Elector Ottheinrich in the 1550s, together with the University Library Heidelberg. Essential manuscripts from the original Bibliotheca Palatina include the Carolingian "Lorsch Evangelary", the Falkenbuch , and the Codex Manesse Further important manuscripts were acquired from the collection of Ulrich Fugger , notably the illustrated Sachsenspiegel . Joseph Scaliger considered this Fugger Library superior to that owned by the Pope; the manuscripts alone were valued at 80,000 crowns, a very considerable sum in the 16th century. The Bibliotheca Palatina of Heidelberg was the most important library of the German Renaissance, numbering approximately 5,000 printed books and 3,524 manuscripts. The Bibliotheca was a prominent prize captured during the Thirty Years' War, taken as booty by Maximilian of Bavaria, and given to the Pope in a symbolic and political gesture. While some of the books and manuscripts are now held by the University of Heidelberg, the bulk of the original collection is now an integral part of the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana at the Vatican. The important collection of German-language manuscripts have shelf-marks beginning cpg , while the vast Latin manuscript collection has shelf-marks with cpl . In the 1430s, Elector Louis III founded the Stiftsbibliothek in the Heiliggeistkirche, which had good light for reading. This library formed the core of the Palatine Collection established by Elector Ottheinrich in the 1550s, together with the University Library Heidelberg. Essential manuscripts from the original Bibliotheca Palatina include the Carolingian "Lorsch Evangelary", the Falkenbuch , and the Codex Manesse Further important manuscripts were acquired from the collection of Ulrich Fugger , notably the illustrated Sachsenspiegel . Joseph Scaliger considered this Fugger Library superior to that owned by the Pope; the manuscripts alone were valued at 80,000 crowns, a very considerable sum in the 16th century. The Heidelberg University Library is the central library of the Heidelberg University. Together with the 83 decentralized libraries of the faculties and institutes, it forms the University Library System, which is headed by the director of the University Library. The University Library holds special collections in literature concerning the Palatinate and Baden, egyptology, archeology, the history of art, and South Asia. It holds about 3.2 million books, 6,000 printed scientific periodicals, and about 500,000 other media such as microfilms and video tapes. The libraries of the faculties and institutes hold another 3 million printed books. In 2022, the University Library registered 43,600 active users who accessed more than 746,000 books. The conventional book supply is complemented by numerous electronic services, including approximately 152,00 electronic journals. The University Library provides around 1,100 reading- and workspaces in the main library in the old town and around 320 reading- and workspaces in the branch in the Neuenheimer Feld, including many IT-workstations and research stations equipped with PCs. Heidelberg University Library is the oldest university library in Germany. Its origin coincides with the founding year of the University of Heidelberg in 1386. Its roots trace back to the purchase of a chest of documents by the first Rector Marsilius von Inghen in 1388, which was stored in the Heiliggeistkirche. The library was initially built up through book donations from bishops, chancellors, and early professors. Louis III willed his large and valuable collection to the university, as did the Fugger of Augsburg. Otto Henry, Elector Palatine, combined the university's libraries in the 16th century, thus creating the Bibliotheca Palatina. After Heidelberg was conquered by Tilly in September 1622 during the Thirty Years War, the victorious Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria donated the Bibliotheca Palatina to Pope Gregory XV. More than 3,700 manuscripts and approx. 13,000 pamphlets were brought to the Vatican in Rome. Several manuscripts dating from the 10th to 18th century from the libraries of the secularized monasteries Salem and Petershausen constituted the basis for the reconstruction. Efforts to recover the Bibliotheca Palatina led to a partial success in 1816: 847 German manuscripts from the Vatican and some Latin and Greek works came back from Paris to Heidelberg. In 1888 the Codex Manesse, which was at that point located in the Royal Library in Paris, returned to Heidelberg as part of an exchange. From 1901 to 1905, a richly ornamented four-wing red sandstone building was constructed for the library across from the Church of St. Peter. It was designed by Josef Durm, who adapted the Renaissance style of Heidelberg Castle and added numerous elements of Art Nouveau. These include a depiction of Prometheus with the eagle to the left of the main entrance and a veiled Virgin to the right. The central gable of the main facade is decorated with a sculpture of the head sculpture of Pallas Athene, on the gable of the west facade there is a depiction of the Weltgeist, over whose head are arranged foliage, a globe, and nine stars. The frontage is punctuated by numerous windows for the sake of natural illumination. In May 1971 the building was designated a historic monument. Since 1978, the science branch of the University Library serves the institutes of natural sciences and medicine on the New Campus. It was expanded in the 1990s. In 1988, the main library in the old town was partially renovated. In 1991, the underground archive forcapable of holding about 2 million books was completed under the courtyard of the New University. The construction project for the north extension of the University Library in the adjacent building complex, the so-called Triplex building, started in 2009. The construction work was completed in April 2015. The new Triplex reading room was opened in July 2015. From 2016 to 2019, the Enquiry and Reference Services in the old town and the Multimedia Centre were renovated. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Virginal <p> language of work or name <o> Middle High German <s> Virginal <p> instance of <o> literary work <s> Virginal <p> form of creative work <o> poem <s> historical ethnic group <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Historical ethnic groups <s> historical ethnic group <p> subclass of <o> ethnic group <s> historical ethnic group <p> subclass of <o> former entity <s> tribe <p> Wikidata property <o> tribe <s> tribe <p> different from <o> tribe <s> tribe <p> said to be the same as <o> tribe <s> tribe <p> subclass of <o> polity <s> tribe <p> subclass of <o> human social group <s> tribe <p> subclass of <o> ethnic group <s> tribe <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> tribe <p> different from <o> quasi-state <s> tribe <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> tribe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tribes <s> tribe <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox tribe <s> Goths <p> has part(s) <o> Visigoths <s> Goths <p> has part(s) <o> Crimean Goths <s> Goths <p> has part(s) <o> Ostrogoths <s> Goths <p> different from <o> Goth <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Goths <p> different from <o> Godo <s> Goths <p> subclass of <o> East Germanic tribes <s> Goths <p> has part(s) <o> Moesogoths <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Goths <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Goths <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Goths <p> instance of <o> historical ethnic group <s> Goths <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Goths <s> Goths <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gothic people <s> Greuthungi <p> instance of <o> tribe <s> Greuthungi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Greuthungi <s> Greuthungi <p> subclass of <o> Ostrogoths <s> Category:Ostrogoths <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Ostrogoths <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Ostrogoths <p> category's main topic <o> Ostrogoths <s> category in the Köppen climate classification systems <p> subclass of <o> class <s> category in the Köppen climate classification systems <p> part of <o> Köppen climate classification <s> temperate climate <p> subclass of <o> climate zone <s> temperate climate <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> temperate climate <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Temperate climate <s> Category:Mediterranean climate <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Mediterranean climate <p> category's main topic <o> Mediterranean climate <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <p> place of publication <o> Yerevan <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <p> instance of <o> volume <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <p> language of work or name <o> Armenian <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <p> part of <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <p> copyright status <o> copyrighted, dedicated to the public domain by copyright holder <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <p> copyright license <o> Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported </Graph>
<Text> :A virginals is a smaller and simpler rectangular or polygonal form of harpsichord with only one string per note running more or less parallel to the keyboard on the long side of the case. Many, if not most, of the instruments were constructed without legs, and would be placed on a table for playing. Later models were built with their own stands. The mechanism of the virginals is identical to the harpsichord's, in that its wire strings are plucked by plectra mounted in jacks. Its case, however, is rectangular or polygonal, and the single choir of strings--one per note--runs roughly parallel to the keyboard. The strings are plucked either near one end, as with the harpsichord, or, in the case of the muselar, nearer the middle, producing a more flute-like tone reduced in upper harmonics. The origin of the name is obscure. It may derive from the Latin virga meaning a rod, perhaps referring to the wooden jacks that rest on the ends of the keys, but this is unproven. Another possibility is that the name derives from the word virgin, as it was most commonly played by young women, or from its sound, which is like a young girl's voice . A further view is that the name derives from the Virgin Mary as it was used by nuns to accompany hymns in honour of the Virgin. In England, during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras, any stringed keyboard instrument was often described as a virginals, and could equally apply to a harpsichord or possibly even a clavichord or spinet. Thus, the masterworks of William Byrd and his contemporaries were often played on full-size, Italian or Flemish harpsichords, and not only on the virginals as we call it today. Contemporary nomenclature often referred to a pair of virginals, which implied a single instrument, possibly a harpsichord with two registers, or a double virginals . The term tribe is used in many different contexts to refer to a category of human social group. The predominant worldwide usage of the term in English is in the discipline of anthropology. Its definition is contested, in part due to conflicting theoretical understandings of social and kinship structures, and also reflecting the problematic application of this concept to extremely diverse human societies. The concept is often contrasted by anthropologists with other social and kinship groups, being hierarchically larger than a lineage or clan, but smaller than a chiefdom, ethnicity, nation or state. These terms are similarly disputed. In some cases tribes have legal recognition and some degree of political autonomy from national or federal government, but this legalistic usage of the term may conflict with anthropological definitions. In the United States, Native American tribes are legally considered to have "domestic dependent nation" status within the territorial United States, with a government-to-government relationship with the federal government. The modern English word tribe stems from Middle English tribu, which ultimately derives from Latin tribus. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it remains unclear if this form is the result of a borrowing from a Romance language source or if the form is a result of borrowing directly from Latin . Modern English tribe may also be a result of a common pattern wherein English borrows nouns directly from Latin and drops suffixes, including -us. Latin tribus is generally held by linguists to be a compound formed from two elements: tri- 'three' and bhu, bu, fu, a verbal root meaning 'to be'. Latin tribus is held to derive from the Proto-Indo-European compound *tri-dhh1u/o- . The Goths were Germanic people who played a major role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the emergence of medieval Europe. In his book Getica , the historian Jordanes writes that the Goths originated in southern Scandinavia, but the accuracy of this account is unclear. A people called the Gutones - possibly early Goths - are documented living near the lower Vistula River in current Poland in the 1st century, where they are associated with the archaeological Wielbark culture. From the 2nd century, the Wielbark culture expanded southwards towards the Black Sea in what has been associated with Gothic migration, and by the late 3rd century it contributed to the formation of the Chernyakhov culture. By the 4th century at the latest, several Gothic groups were distinguishable, among whom the Thervingi and Greuthungi were the most powerful. During this time, Wulfila began the conversion of Goths to Christianity. In the late 4th century, the lands of the Goths were invaded from the east by the Huns. In the aftermath of this event, several groups of Goths came under Hunnic domination, while others migrated further west or sought refuge inside the Roman Empire. Goths who entered the Empire by crossing the Danube inflicted a devastating defeat upon the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople in 378. These Goths would form the Visigoths, and under their king Alaric I, they began a long migration, eventually establishing a Visigothic Kingdom in Spain at Toledo. Meanwhile, Goths under Hunnic rule gained their independence in the 5th century, most importantly the Ostrogoths. Under their king Theodoric the Great, these Goths established an Ostrogothic Kingdom in Italy at Ravenna. The Ostrogothic Kingdom was destroyed by the Eastern Roman Empire in the 6th century, while the Visigothic Kingdom was conquered by the Umayyad Caliphate in the early 8th century. Remnants of Gothic communities in Crimea, known as the Crimean Goths, lingered on for several centuries, although Goths would eventually cease to exist as a distinct people. The Greuthungi were a Gothic people who lived on the Pontic steppe between the Dniester and Don rivers in what is now Ukraine, in the 3rd and the 4th centuries. They had close contacts with the Tervingi, another Gothic people, who lived west of the Dniester River. To the east of the Greuthungi, living near the Don river, were the Alans. When the Huns arrived in the European Steppe region in the late 4th century, first the Alans were forced to join them, and then a part of the Greuthungi. Alans and Goths became an important part of Attila's forces, together with other eastern European peoples. Many Greuthungi, together with some Alans and Huns, crossed the Lower Danube to join a large group of Tervingi who had entered the Roman Empire in 376. These peoples defeated an imperial army in the Battle of Adrianople in 378, and came to a settlement agreement within the Roman empire by 382 AD. The original tribal names of the Goths fell out of use within the empire. Many of the 382 settlers appear to have become an important component of the Visigoths who formed under Alaric I. Based upon interpretations of the Getica by the 6th century writer Jordanes, although it never mentions the Greuthungi, the Greuthungi are strongly associated with both the Gothic king Ermanaric, and the later Amal dynasty who were among Attila's Goths. After the collapse of Attila's empire, the Amals founded the Ostrogothic kingdom in the Roman Balkans. It has been argued, for example by Herwig Wolfram, who agrees with the older position of Franz Altheim that this is part of a body of evidence that geographic descriptors were commonly used to distinguish people living north of the Black Sea -- both before and after Gothic settlement there. In geography, the temperate climates of Earth occur in the middle latitudes , which span between the tropics and the polar regions of Earth. These zones generally have wider temperature ranges throughout the year and more distinct seasonal changes compared to tropical climates, where such variations are often small and usually only have precipitation differences. In temperate climates, not only do latitudinal positions influence temperature changes, but various sea currents, prevailing wind direction, continentality and altitude also shape temperate climates. The Koppen climate classification defines a climate as "temperate" C, when the mean temperature is above -3 degC but below 18 degC in the coldest month to account for the persistence of frost. However, some adaptations of Koppen set the minimum at 0 degC . Continental climates, classified separately as "continental" D according to Koppen, are considered as a variety of temperate climates but have more severe temperatures, with mean temperatures of the coldest month usually being below -3 degC . The north temperate zone extends from the Tropic of Cancer to the Arctic Circle . The south temperate zone extends from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Antarctic Circle . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> New York City <s> Jakarta <p> capital of <o> Indonesia <s> Jakarta <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Islamabad <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Jakarta <p> related category <o> Category:Jakarta-related lists <s> Jakarta <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokyo <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Jakarta <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> open data portal <o> Jakarta Open Data Portal <s> Jakarta <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> country <o> Indonesia <s> Jakarta <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Jakarta <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Jakarta <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Java <s> Jakarta <p> language used <o> Fordata <s> Jakarta <p> language used <o> Malay trade and creole languages <s> Jakarta <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Jakarta <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Indonesia <s> Jakarta <p> significant event <o> transfer of the capital of Indonesia <s> Jakarta <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> owner of <o> Gelora Bung Karno Stadium <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Jakarta <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Jakarta <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Jakarta <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Jakarta <p> owner of <o> Jakarta International Stadium <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Jakarta <p> language used <o> Petjo <s> Jakarta <p> owner of <o> Lebak Bulus Stadium <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Jakarta <p> different from <o> Batavia <s> Jakarta <p> different from <o> People from Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Jakarta <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abu Dhabi <s> Jakarta <p> language used <o> Buru <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuala Lumpur <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rotterdam <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> New South Wales <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berlin <s> Jakarta <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jakarta <p> language used <o> Betawi <s> Jakarta <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> province of Indonesia <s> Jakarta <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Java Sea <s> Jakarta <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ciliwung River <s> Jakarta <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thousand Islands Regency <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Casablanca <s> Jakarta <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Jakarta <s> Jakarta <p> owner of <o> VIJ Stadium <s> Jakarta <p> located in time zone <o> Indonesia Western Standard Time <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pyongyang <s> Jakarta <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North Jakarta City <s> Jakarta <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Central Jakarta City <s> Jakarta <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> East Jakarta City <s> Jakarta <p> part of <o> Jabodetabek <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yazd <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Jakarta <p> shares border with <o> Banten <s> Jakarta <p> shares border with <o> West Java <s> Jakarta <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> West Jakarta City <s> Jakarta <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> South Jakarta City <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> primate city <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> capital of Indonesia <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Jakarta <p> head of government <o> Anies Baswedan <s> Jakarta <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+07:00 <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jeddah <s> Jakarta <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Jakarta <p> instance of <o> global city <s> Jakarta <p> flag <o> flag of Jakarta <s> UTC+08:00 <p> instance of <o> time zone named for a UTC offset <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Australian Western Standard Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Indonesia Central Standard Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Irkutsk Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> China Standard Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Macau Standard Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> time in China <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Taiwan time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Singapore Standard Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Hong Kong Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Philippine Standard Time <s> UTC+08:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Time in Malaysia <s> UTC+08:00 <p> topic's main category <o> Category:UTC+8 <s> UTC+08:00 <p> replaces <o> Changpai time <s> Rosa chinensis <p> taxon range <o> People's Republic of China <s> Rosa chinensis <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> Rosa chinensis <p> taxon range <o> Fujian <s> Rosa chinensis <p> taxon rank <o> species <s> Rosa chinensis <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Invasion Biology <s> Rosa chinensis <p> has use <o> medicinal plant <s> Rosa chinensis <p> parent taxon <o> Rosa <s> Rosa chinensis <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> Rosa chinensis <p> taxon range <o> Beijing <s> Rosa chinensis <p> described by source <o> Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao <s> Rosa chinensis <p> described by source <o> Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, volume 37 <s> Rosa chinensis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rosa chinensis <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Human Rights <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> creator <o> Deng Xiaoping <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> influenced by <o> Hu Yaobang <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> part of <o> Cold War <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> location <o> Tiananmen Square <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> creator <o> Yang Shangkun <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> creator <o> Li Peng <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> instance of <o> massacre <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> instance of <o> demonstration <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> named after <o> Tiananmen Square <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> has part(s) <o> Tiananmen Square Massacre <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> has part(s) <o> crackdown on Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> has part(s) <o> Defacement of Mao Zedong's Portrait on the Tiananmen, 1989 <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> has part(s) <o> reactions to Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> topic's main template <o> Template:1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <s> 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> taxon range <o> People's Republic of China <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> taxon range <o> Beijing <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> taxon range <o> Shanghai <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> taxon rank <o> species <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> subclass of <o> tree <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> taxon range <o> Fujian <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Styphnolobium japonicum <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> described by source <o> Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> parent taxon <o> Styphnolobium <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Invasion Biology <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> Styphnolobium japonicum <p> basionym <o> Sophora japonica <s> Jin Chinese <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Jin Chinese <p> indigenous to <o> Beijing <s> Jin Chinese <p> indigenous to <o> Hebei <s> Jin Chinese <p> subclass of <o> Chinese <s> Jin Chinese <p> indigenous to <o> Shanxi <s> Jin Chinese <p> indigenous to <o> Henan <s> Jin Chinese <p> subclass of <o> Sinitic <s> Jin Chinese <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Jin Chinese <p> instance of <o> language <s> Jin Chinese <p> indigenous to <o> Shaanxi <s> Jin Chinese <p> indigenous to <o> Gansu <s> Jin Chinese <p> writing system <o> Chinese characters <s> Jin Chinese <p> replaces <o> Middle Chinese <s> Jin Chinese <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Jin Chinese <s> Jin Chinese <p> category for films in this language <o> Category:Jin Chinese-language films <s> Jin Chinese <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 6a Vigorous <s> Hebei <p> head of government <o> Xu Qin <s> Hebei <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Shandong <s> Hebei <p> different from <o> Hubei <s> Hebei <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Henan <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Shanxi <s> Hebei <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> People's Republic of China <s> Hebei <p> highest point <o> Mount Xiaowutai <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Beijing <s> Hebei <p> language used <o> Manchu <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Liaoning <s> Hebei <p> part of <o> North China <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shijiazhuang <s> Hebei <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Hebei <s> Hebei <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Hebei <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> Hebei <p> replaces <o> Zhili <s> Hebei <p> capital <o> Shijiazhuang <s> Hebei <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Hebei <s> Hebei <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Hebei <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tangshan <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Anyang <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Changzhi <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Jinzhong <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hengshui <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Langfang <s> Hebei <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hebei <s> Hebei <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengde <s> Hebei <p> language used <o> Jin Chinese <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Tianjin <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Binzhou <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Puyang <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Chifeng <s> Hebei <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Hebei <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cangzhou <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Datong <s> Hebei <p> replaces <o> Hebei Province (ROC) <s> Hebei <p> replaces <o> Chahar Province <s> Hebei <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Hebei <s> Hebei <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Hebei <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Handan <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qinhuangdao <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Xinzhou <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Inner Mongolia <s> Hebei <p> language used <o> Southern Mongolian <s> Hebei <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Hebei <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Dezhou <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Xilingol League <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Ulanqab <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Yangquan <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Chaoyang <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangjiakou <s> Hebei <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Hebei <s> Hebei <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nagano Prefecture <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xingtai <s> Hebei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baoding <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Liaocheng <s> Hebei <p> instance of <o> province of China <s> Hebei <p> shares border with <o> Huludao <s> Hebei <p> head of government <o> Wang Zhengpu <s> Hebei <p> legislative body <o> Hebei Provincial People's Congress <s> Hebei <p> party chief representative <o> Ni Yuefeng <s> Template:Beijing <p> template has topic <o> Beijing <s> Template:Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia navigational template <s> Platycladus <p> parent taxon <o> Cupressoideae <s> Platycladus <p> parent taxon <o> Cupressaceae <s> Platycladus <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> Platycladus <p> taxon rank <o> genus <s> Platycladus <p> taxonomic type <o> Platycladus stricta <s> Platycladus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Platycladus <s> Platycladus <p> described by source <o> Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, volume 7 <s> Battle of Zhongdu <p> location <o> Beijing <s> Battle of Zhongdu <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Battle of Zhongdu <p> instance of <o> battle <s> Battle of Zhongdu <p> part of <o> Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty </Graph>
<Text> :Jakarta , officially the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and formerly known as Batavia until 1949, is the nation's capital city and the centre of the largest metropolis of Indonesia. Lying on the northwest coast of Java, the world's most populous island, Jakarta is the largest metropole in Southeast Asia, and serves as the diplomatic capital of ASEAN. Jakarta is bordered by two provinces: West Java to the south and east; and Banten to the west. Its coastline faces the Java Sea to the north, and it shares a maritime border with Lampung to the west. Jakarta's metropolitan area is ASEAN's second largest economy after Singapore. Jakarta is the economic, cultural, and political centre of Indonesia. It possesses a province-level status and has a population of 10,679,951 as of mid-2022. Although Jakarta extends over only 661.23 km2 and thus has the smallest area of any Indonesian province, its metropolitan area covers 9,957.08 km2 , which includes the satellite cities of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, South Tangerang, and Bekasi, and has an estimated population of 35 million as of 2022, making it the largest urban area in Indonesia and the second-largest in the world . Jakarta ranks first among the Indonesian provinces in the human development index. Jakarta's business and employment opportunities, along with its ability to offer a potentially higher standard of living compared to other parts of the country, have attracted migrants from across the Indonesian archipelago, making it a melting pot of numerous cultures. Jakarta is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Southeast Asia. Established in the fourth century as Sunda Kelapa, the city became an important trading port for the Sunda Kingdom. At one time, it was the de facto capital of the Dutch East Indies, when it was known as Batavia. Jakarta was officially a city within West Java until 1960 when its official status was changed to a province with special capital region distinction. As a province, its government consists of five administrative cities and one administrative regency. Jakarta is an alpha world city and is the seat of the ASEAN secretariat. Financial institutions such as the Bank of Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, and corporate headquarters of numerous Indonesian companies and multinational corporations are located in the city. In 2021, the city's GRP PPP was estimated at US$602.946 billion. Jakarta's main challenges include rapid urban growth, ecological breakdown, gridlocked traffic, congestion, and flooding due to subsidence . Jakarta is sinking up to 17 cm annually, which has made the city more prone to flooding and one of the fastest-sinking capitals in the world. In response to these challenges, in August 2019, President Joko Widodo announced his agreement with an official study that the capital of Indonesia would be moved from Jakarta to the planned city of Nusantara, in the province of East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. The MPR approved the move on 18 January 2022. With an estimated population of 1.708 billion living within the time zone, roughly 21% of the world population, it is the most populous time zone in the world, as well as a possible candidate for ASEAN Common Time. Principal cities: Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Taipei, Taichung, Kaoshiung, Hong Kong, Macau, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Manila, Quezon City, Makassar, Denpasar, Manado, Perth, Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar, Banda Seri Begawan The southern half of Vietnam was formerly part of this time zone prior to the national reunification on 30 April 1975, making it one hour ahead of North Vietnam. After 1975, the whole country came under the North Vietnamese time zone, UTC+07:00. According to Presidential Decree 41/1987, Indonesia's ex-province of Timor Timur used this time zone with neighboring East Nusa Tenggara and other provinces in Lesser Sunda Islands, parts of Kalimantan and Sulawesi until independence as East Timor, which the country changed to UTC+09:00 as official time zone. Rosa chinensis , known commonly as the China rose, Chinese rose, or Bengal rose, is a member of the genus Rosa native to Southwest China in Guizhou, Hubei, and Sichuan Provinces. The first publication of Rosa chinensis was in 1768 by Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin in Observationum Botanicarum, 3, p. 7 & plate 55. It is a shrub that reaches 1-2 m and grows in hedges or forms thickets. The leaves are pinnate, have 3-5 leaflets, each 2.5-6 cm long and 1-3 cm broad. In the wild species , the flowers have five pink to red petals. The fruit is a red hip one to two cm in diameter. The strong branches have a smooth purplish-brown bark, and there may be many to no curved, stocky, flat spines. The alternately-arranged leaves, 12 to 27 cm long, are pinnately divided. The petiole and the rachis are sparsely spiny, with glandular hairs. The leaf blades usually have three or five or, rarely, seven leaflets, 2.5 to 6 centimeters in length, with a width of 1 to 3 centimeters, ovate or ovate-oblong with a weak-rounded or broad and wedge-shaped base, a more-or-less long, tapered apex and sharply toothed edge. The upper surface is shiny and dark green. In China, the flowering time of R. chinensis ranges from April to September. Rarely, the flowers are solitary; usually appearing in groups of four or five. The 2.5 to 6 cm long pedicel has variable hairiness. The one to three naked bracts are linear, with a pointed apex and a smooth or glandular margin. The flowers have a mild fragrance. The Tiananmen Square protests, known in China as the June Fourth Incident were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, lasting from 15 April to 4 June 1989. After weeks of unsuccessful attempts between the demonstrators and the Chinese government to find a peaceful resolution, the Chinese government declared martial law on the night of 3 June and deployed troops to occupy the square in what is referred to as the Tiananmen Square massacre. The events are sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement, the Tiananmen Square Incident, or the Tiananmen uprising. The protests were precipitated by the death of pro-reform Chinese Communist Party general secretary Hu Yaobang in April 1989 amid the backdrop of rapid economic development and social change in post-Mao China, reflecting anxieties among the people and political elite about the country's future. The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy that benefited some people but seriously disadvantaged others, and the one-party political system also faced a challenge to its legitimacy. Common grievances at the time included inflation, corruption, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy, and restrictions on political participation. Although they were highly disorganized and their goals varied, the students called for greater accountability, constitutional due process, democracy, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. Workers' protests were generally focused on inflation and the erosion of welfare. These groups united around anti-corruption demands, adjusting economic policies, and protecting social security. At the height of the protests, about one million people assembled in the square. As the protests developed, the authorities responded with both conciliatory and hardline tactics, exposing deep divisions within the party leadership. By May, a student-led hunger strike galvanized support around the country for the demonstrators, and the protests spread to some 400 cities. In response, the State Council declared martial law on May 20 and on June 2, the CCP's Politburo Standing Committee made the decision to use military force to clear the square, leading to clashes between the military and demonstrators. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded. The vast majority of those killed were civilians, though a small number of soldiers were also killed. The event had both short and long term consequences. It was condemned by the West, many members of the Eastern Bloc including the Soviet Union, some Asian and Latin American countries and many members of the Chinese diaspora. Western countries imposed arms embargoes on China which still remain in force today, and media outlets in both the West and non-West have labeled the crackdown a massacre. In the aftermath of the protests, the Chinese government suppressed other protests around China, carried out mass arrests of protesters which catalyzed Operation Yellowbird, strictly controlled coverage of the events in the domestic and foreign affiliated press, and demoted or purged officials it deemed sympathetic to the protests. The government also invested heavily into creating more effective police riot control units. More broadly, the suppression ended the political reforms begun in 1986 and halted the policies of liberalization of the 1980s, which were only partly resumed after Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour in 1992. Considered a watershed event, reaction to the protests set limits on political expression in China that have lasted up to the present day. The events remain one of the most sensitive and most widely censored topics in China. Styphnolobium japonicum, the Japanese pagoda tree is a species of tree in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. It was formerly included within a broader interpretation of the genus Sophora. The species of Styphnolobium differ from Sophora in lacking the ability to form symbioses with rhizobia on their roots. It also differs from the related genus Calia in having deciduous leaves and flowers in axillary, not terminal, racemes. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, with nine to 21 leaflets, and the flowers in pendulous racemes similar to those of the black locust. Styphnolobium japonicum is native to China. Despite its Latin name, the species was introduced in Japan and not originally found there. It is a popular ornamental tree in Europe, North America and South Africa, grown for its white flowers, borne in late summer after most other flowering trees have long finished flowering. It grows to 10-20 m tall with an equal spread, and produces a fine, dark brown timber. S. japonicum is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its fruits have stress resistance and antioxidant properties. Jin is a proposed group of varieties of Chinese spoken by roughly 48 million people in northern China, including most of Shanxi province, much of central Inner Mongolia, and adjoining areas in Hebei, Henan, and Shaanxi provinces. The status of Jin is disputed among linguists; some prefer to include it within Mandarin, but others set it apart as a closely related, but separate sister-group. After the concept of Mandarin Chinese was proposed, the Jinnish dialects were universally included within it, mainly because Chinese linguists paid little attention to these dialects at the time. In order to promote Standard Mandarin in the early days of People's Republic of China, linguists started to research various dialects in Shanxi, comparing these dialects with Standard Mandarin for helping the locals to learn it more quickly. During this period, a few linguists discovered some unique features of Jin Chinese that do not exist in other northern Mandarin dialects, planting the seeds for the future independence of Jin Chinese. Finally, in 1985, Li Rong proposed that Jin should be considered a separate top-level dialect group, similar to Yue or Wu. His main criterion was that Jin dialects had preserved the entering tone as a separate category, still marked with a glottal stop as in the Wu dialects, but distinct in this respect from most other Mandarin dialects. Some linguists have adopted this classification. However, others disagree that Jin should be considered a separate dialect group for these reasons: The Taiyuan dialect from the Bingzhou subgroup is sometimes taken as a convenient representative of Jin because many studies of this dialect are available, but most linguists agree that the Taiyuan vocabulary is heavily influenced by Mandarin, making it unrepresentative of Jin. The Luliang subgroup is usually regarded as the "core" of the Jin language group as it preserves most archaic features of Jin. However, there is no consensus as to which dialect among the Luliang subgroup is the representative dialect. Unlike most varieties of Mandarin, Jin has preserved a final glottal stop, which is the remnant of a final stop consonant . This is in common with the Early Mandarin of the Yuan dynasty and with a number of modern southern varieties of Chinese. In Middle Chinese, syllables closed with a stop consonant had no tone. However, Chinese linguists prefer to categorize such syllables as belonging to a separate tone class, traditionally called the "entering tone". Syllables closed with a glottal stop in Jin are still toneless, or alternatively, Jin can be said to still maintain the entering tone. In standard Mandarin Chinese, syllables formerly ending with a glottal stop have been reassigned to one of the other tone classes in a seemingly random fashion. Hebei is a province in North China. Hebei is China's sixth most-populous province, with over 75 million people. Shijiazhuang is the capital city. The province is 96% Han Chinese, 3% Manchu, 0.8% Hui, and 0.3% Mongol. Varieties of Chinese spoken include Jilu Mandarin, the Beijing dialect of Mandarin, and Jin Chinese. Hebei borders the provinces of Shanxi to the west, Henan to the south, Shandong to the southeast, Liaoning to the northeast, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the north. Hebei province additionally borders the direct-administered municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin, whose territory it entirely surrounds on land. Its economy is based on agriculture and manufacturing. The province is China's premier steel producer, although the steel industry creates serious air pollution. Five UNESCO World Heritage Sites can be found in the province: the Great Wall of China, Chengde Mountain Resort, Grand Canal, Eastern Qing tombs, and Western Qing tombs. It is also home to five National Famous Historical and Cultural Cities: Handan, Baoding, Chengde, Zhengding and Shanhaiguan. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods , the region was ruled by the states of Yan and Zhao. During the Yuan dynasty , the region was called Zhongshu. It was called North Zhili during the Ming dynasty , and simply Zhili during the Qing dynasty . The modern province of Hebei was created in 1928. This template's initial visibility currently defaults to autocollapse, meaning that if there is another collapsible item on the page , it is hidden apart from its title bar; if not, it is fully visible. Platycladus is a monotypic genus of evergreen coniferous trees in the cypress family Cupressaceae, containing only one species, Platycladus orientalis, also known as Chinese thuja, Oriental arborvitae, Chinese arborvitae, biota or Oriental thuja. It is native to northeastern parts of East Asia and North Asia, but is also now naturalised as an introduced species in other regions of the Asian continent. A monoecious tree, it is small, slow-growing, reaching 15-20 m and 0.5 m trunk diameter . The foliage forms in flat sprays with scale-like leaves 2-4 mm long, which are bright green in colour but may turn brownish or coppery orange in winter. The cones are 1.5-2.5 cm long, green ripening brown in about eight months from pollination, and have 6-12 thick scales arranged in opposite pairs. The seeds are 4-6 mm long, with no wing. The branches are relatively short, loosely arranged and, usually, sharply directed upwards, and the bark, brownish, is detached in narrow vertical strips. The twigs are compressed and are arranged in vertical planes. The leaves, arranged in four rows, fleshy, opposite, decussate, truncated, imbricated as adults, somewhat curved inwards, of uniform green color and with a resiniferous gland on the underside. The female cones, of pink-salmon color and later bluish-greenish when immature, centimetric and of annual maturation, are oval with 6-8 flattened, thick scales, coriaceous and provided with an apical hook. Although generally accepted as the only member of its genus, it has been suggested that the closely related species Microbiota decussata could be included in Platycladus, but this is not widely followed. Other fairly close relatives are Juniperus and Cupressus, both of these genera being graft-compatible with Platycladus. In older texts, Platycladus was often included in Thuja, which is reflected in one of its common names, "oriental thuja". But it is only distantly related to the genus Thuja. Differences include its distinct cones, wingless seeds, and its almost scentless foliage. The Battle of Zhongdu took place in 1215 between the Mongols and the Jurchen Jin dynasty, which controlled northern China. The Mongols won and continued their conquest of China. The year 1211 marked the beginning of the war between the Mongols and the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty was able to hold Genghis Khan and his Mongol army at bay for the first two years of the war. The Jurchen Jin emperor Wanyan Yongji's daughter, Jurchen Princess Qiguo was married to Mongol leader Genghis Khan in exchange for relieving the Mongol siege upon Zhongdu in the Mongol conquest of Jin China. Throughout this time, however, Temujin continued to build his forces and by 1213 had an army so powerful that it conquered all Jin territory up to the Great Wall of China. From this strategic location Temujin made the decision to split his forces into three smaller armies in an attempt to break through the wall and finish his conquest of northern China. He sent his brother, Kasar, at the head of one of these armies east into Manchuria. He sent another army south toward Shanxi under command of his three oldest sons. He himself led the third army, along with his son Tuli, towards Shandong. The plan was a success, as all three armies broke through the wall in different places. According to Ivar Lissner, the besieged inhabitants resorted to firing gold and silver cannon shot on the Mongols with their muzzle-loading cannons when their supply of metal for ammunition ran out. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> mayor of Florence <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> country <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> mayor of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> mayor of Florence <p> official residence <o> Palazzo Vecchio <s> mayor of Florence <p> instance of <o> public office <s> mayor of Florence <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> part of <o> municipal executive board of Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in Tuscany <s> mayor of Florence <p> replaces <o> Gonfalonier of Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> officeholder <o> Dario Nardella <s> mayor of Florence <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> municipal executive board of Florence <s> mayor of Florence <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Mayors of Florence <s> municipal executive board of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> municipal executive board of Florence <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Florence <s> municipal executive board of Florence <p> subclass of <o> municipal executive board <s> municipal executive board of Florence <p> instance of <o> municipal executive board <s> municipal executive board of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> mayor of Florence <s> municipal executive board of Florence <p> office held by head of the organization <o> mayor of Florence <s> Florence City Council <p> part of <o> Florence <s> Florence City Council <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Florence <s> Florence City Council <p> country <o> Italy <s> Florence City Council <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Florence City Council <p> has part(s) <o> Councillor in the City of Florence <s> Duchy of Florence <p> language used <o> Latin <s> Duchy of Florence <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Duchy of Florence <p> replaces <o> Republic of Florence <s> Duchy of Florence <p> official religion <o> Catholic Church <s> Duchy of Florence <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Duchy of Florence <p> official language <o> Tuscan <s> Duchy of Florence <p> replaced by <o> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> Duchy of Florence <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Duchy of Florence <p> currency <o> florin <s> Duchy of Florence <p> basic form of government <o> monarchy <s> Duchy of Florence <p> instance of <o> duchy <s> Duchy of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Duchy of Florence <s> Duchy of Florence <p> language used <o> Tuscan <s> Scandicci <p> country <o> Italy <s> Scandicci <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Scandicci <s> Scandicci <p> owner of <o> Castello dell'Acciaiolo <s> Scandicci <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> Florence <s> Scandicci <p> twinned administrative body <o> Frankfurt (Oder) <s> Scandicci <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Scandicci <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Scandicci <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> Campi Bisenzio <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> Impruneta <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> Lastra a Signa <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> San Casciano in Val di Pesa <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> Montespertoli <s> Scandicci <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pantin <s> Scandicci <p> capital <o> Scandicci <s> Scandicci <p> shares border with <o> Signa <s> Scandicci <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Scandicci <p> patron saint <o> Zenobius of Florence <s> Scandicci <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Scandicci <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Scandicci <s> Scandicci <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Scandicci <s> Category:Films shot in Florence <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> Florence <s> Category:Films shot in Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Florence <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Florence <s> Category:Maps of Florence <p> category combines topics <o> Florence <s> Category:Maps of Florence <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Florence <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> Florence <s> Category:Burials in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> World Tourism Cities Federation <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> World Tourism Cities Federation <p> industry <o> tourism <s> World Tourism Cities Federation <p> instance of <o> non-governmental organization <s> World Tourism Cities Federation <p> headquarters location <o> Beijing <s> Category:Deaths in Florence <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> Florence <s> Category:Deaths in Florence <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Florence <s> Category:Deaths in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> place of death </Graph>
<Text> :The Mayor of Florence is an elected politician who, along with Florence's City Council of 36 members, is accountable for the strategic government of Florence. The title is the equivalent of Lord Mayor in the meaning of an actual executive leader. According to the Italian Constitution, the Mayor of Florence is member of the Florence's City Council. Although the title Mayor is not held by the heads of the five boroughs of Florence, because they do not actually preside over self-governmental municipalities. The Mayor is elected by the population of Florence. Citizens elect also the members of the City Council, which also controls Mayor's policy guidelines and is able to enforce his resignation by a motion of no confidence. The Mayor is entitled to appoint and release the members of his government. Since 1995 the Mayor is elected directly by Florence's electorate: in all mayoral elections in Italy in cities with a population higher than 15,000 the voters express a direct choice for the mayor or an indirect choice voting for the party of the candidate's coalition. If no candidate receives at least 50% of votes, the top two candidates go to a second round after two weeks. The election of the City Council is based on a direct choice for the candidate with a preference vote: the candidate with the majority of the preferences is elected. The number of the seats for each party is determined proportionally. The Duchy of Florence was an Italian principality that was centred on the city of Florence, in Tuscany, Italy. The duchy was founded after Pope Clement VII, himself a Medici, appointed his relative Alessandro de' Medici as Duke of the Florentine Republic, thereby transforming the Republic of Florence into a hereditary monarchy. The second Duke, Cosimo I, established a strong Florentine navy and expanded his territory, purchasing Elba and conquering Siena. In 1569, Pope Pius V declared Cosimo Grand Duke of Tuscany. The Medici ruled the Grand Duchy of Tuscany until 1737. Florence had been under informal Medici control since 1434. During the War of the League of Cognac, the Florentines rebelled against the Medici, then represented by Ippolito de' Medici, and restored the freedom of their republic. Following the Republic's surrender in the Siege of Florence, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor issued a proclamation explicitly stating that he and he alone could determine the government of Florence. On 12 August 1530, the Emperor created the Medici hereditary rulers of the Republic of Florence. Pope Clement VII intended his relative Alessandro de' Medici to be the ruler of Florence, but also wanted to give the impression that the Florentines had democratically chosen Alessandro as their ruler. The title "Duke of Florence" was chosen because it would bolster Medici power in the region. In April 1532, the Pope convinced the Balia, Florence's ruling commission, to draw up a new constitution, which formally created a hereditary monarchy. It abolished the age-old signoria and the office of gonfaloniere and replaced it with three institutions: Scandicci is a comune of c. 50,000 inhabitants in the Metropolitan City of Florence in the Italian region Tuscany, located about 6 kilometres southwest of Florence. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> North China <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> North China <p> instance of <o> list of regions of the People's Republic of China <s> North China <p> different from <o> Northern China <s> Category:Deaths in Beijing <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:Deaths in Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Beijing <p> opposite of <o> Category:People from Beijing <s> Cairo <p> capital of <o> Egypt <s> Cairo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cairo <p> significant event <o> Capture of Cairo <s> Cairo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Nile <s> Cairo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica First Edition <s> Cairo <p> significant event <o> plague epidemic <s> Cairo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Cairo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Cairo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Damascus <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paris <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xi'an <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Cairo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cairo <s> Cairo <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Cairo <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> New York City <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Algiers <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Cairo <p> continent <o> Africa <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stuttgart <s> Cairo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Cairo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Cairo <p> country <o> Egypt <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Casablanca <s> Cairo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Cairo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Cairo <s> Cairo <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Cairo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grenoble <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jeddah <s> Cairo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cairo <s> Cairo <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Cairo <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Frankfurt <s> Cairo <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Cairo <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beirut <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lagos <s> Cairo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Cairo <s> Cairo <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Cairo <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rabat <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ottawa <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Houston <s> Cairo <p> part of <o> Lower Egypt <s> Cairo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cairo <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> primate city <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Cairo <p> history of topic <o> history of Cairo <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khartoum <s> Cairo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cairo <s> Cairo <p> official language <o> Arabic <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baghdad <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokyo <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Cairo <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Cairo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cairo Governorate <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Cairo <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Cairo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Isfahan <s> Cairo <p> head of government <o> Abd El Azim Wazir <s> Category:Films shot in Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:Films shot in Beijing <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Beijing <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Beijing <s> Category:People of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People of Beijing <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:People of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People of Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> officially opened by <o> Hu Jintao <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Cayman Islands at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Kiribati at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Saint Kitts and Nevis at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Malta at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Liechtenstein at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Nauru at the 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sporting event <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> 2008 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> badminton at the 2008 Summer Olympics <s> Manchu <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Heilongjiang <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Beijing <s> Manchu <p> instance of <o> language <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Hebei <s> Manchu <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Liaoning <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Jilin <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Manchuria <s> Manchu <p> linguistic typology <o> agglutinative language <s> Manchu <p> writing system <o> Manchu alphabet <s> Manchu <p> writing system <o> Mongolian <s> Manchu <p> linguistic typology <o> subject–object–verb <s> Manchu <p> subclass of <o> Jurchenic <s> Manchu <p> indigenous to <o> Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County <s> Manchu <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 8b Nearly Extinct <s> Manchu <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Manchu <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Manchu language <s> Manchu <p> has grammatical case <o> initiative case <s> Manchu <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Manchu <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Manchu <p> has grammatical case <o> identical case <s> Manchu <p> has grammatical case <o> revertive case <s> Manchu <p> has grammatical case <o> orientative case <s> Manchu <p> category for films in this language <o> Category:Manchu-language films <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> officially opened by <o> Xi Jinping <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> sport <o> winter sport <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> Capital Indoor Stadium <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> National Speed Skating Oval <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> Kuyangshu Nordic Center and Biathlon Center <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> follows <o> 2018 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> topic's main category <o> Category:2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> snowboarding at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> luge at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> skeleton at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> speed skating at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> ski jumping at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> cross-country skiing at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> alpine skiing at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> curling at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> freestyle skiing at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> short track speed skating at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> ice hockey at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> significant event <o> 2022 Winter Olympics closing ceremony <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> Beijing National Indoor Stadium <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> Beijing National Aquatics Center <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> instance of <o> Winter Olympic Games <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> biathlon at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> figure skating at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> Nordic combined at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> bobsleigh at the 2022 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> significant event <o> 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> followed by <o> 2026 Winter Olympics <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> Cadillac Arena <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> mascot <o> Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon <s> 2022 Winter Olympics <p> location <o> Beijing National Stadium <s> Category:Maps of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:Maps of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> economy of Beijing <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> economy of Beijing <p> location <o> Beijing <s> economy of Beijing <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Beijing <p> subclass of <o> economy of the People's Republic of China <s> economy of Beijing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Beijing </Graph>
<Text> :North China is a geographical region of China, consisting of the provinces of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. Part of the larger region of Northern China , it lies north of the Qinling-Huaihe Line, with its heartland in the North China Plain. In modern times, the area has shifted in terms of socio-political and economic composition. Nowadays unique, embracing a North Chinese culture, it is influenced by Marxism, Soviet systems of industry while preserving a traditional Chinese indigenous culture. Agriculturally, the region cultivates wheat. Most inhabitants here speak variants of Northern Chinese languages such as Mandarin, which includes Beijing dialect and its cousin variants. The Beijing dialect is largely the basis of Standard Chinese , the official language of the People's Republic of China . Jin Chinese and Mongolian are also widely spoken due to the political and cultural history of the area. The main agricultural lands of China lay in the area known as the Central Plain, an area located bordered by the Yangtze river to its south and the Yellow River to its north. Further north of the Yellow River lies the Gobi desert and steppe lands that extend west across Eurasia. This region has long, harsh winters. It has relatively little in the way of water resources.: 132 Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the city-state Cairo Governorate, and is the country's largest city, home to 10 million people. It is also part of the largest urban agglomeration in Africa, the Arab world and the Middle East: The Greater Cairo metropolitan area is the 12th-largest in the world by population with a population of over 22.1 million. Cairo is associated with ancient Egypt, as the Giza pyramid complex and the ancient cities of Memphis and Heliopolis are located in its geographical area. Located near the Nile Delta, the city first developed as Fustat following the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 641 next to an existing ancient Roman fortress, Babylon. Cairo was founded by the Fatimid dynasty in 969. It later superseded Fustat as the main urban centre during the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods . Cairo has long been a centre of the region's political and cultural life, and is titled "the city of a thousand minarets" for its preponderance of Islamic architecture. Cairo's historic center was awarded World Heritage Site status in 1979. Cairo is considered a World City with a "Beta +" classification according to GaWC. Cairo has the oldest and largest film and music industry in the Arab world, as well as Egypt's oldest institution of higher learning, Al-Azhar University. Many international media, businesses, and organizations have regional headquarters in the city; the Arab League has had its headquarters in Cairo for most of its existence. With a population of over 10 million spread over 453 km2 , Cairo is by far the largest city in Egypt. An additional 9.5 million inhabitants live close to the city. Cairo, like many other megacities, suffers from high levels of pollution and traffic. The Cairo Metro, opened in 1987, is the oldest metro system in Africa, and ranks amongst the fifteen busiest in the world, with over 1 billion annual passenger rides. The economy of Cairo was ranked first in the Middle East in 2005, and 43rd globally on Foreign Policy's 2010 Global Cities Index. The 2008 Summer Olympics , officially the Games of the XXIX Olympiad and also known as Beijing 2008 , were an international multisport event held from 8 to 24 August 2008, in Beijing, China. A total of 10,942 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees competed in 28 sports and 302 events, one event more than those scheduled for the 2004 Summer Olympics. This was the first time China had hosted the Olympic Games, and the third time the Summer Olympic Games had been held in East Asia, following the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, and the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. These were also the second Summer Olympic Games to be held in a communist state, the first being the 1980 Summer Olympics in the Soviet Union . Beijing was awarded the 2008 Games over four competitors on 13 July 2001, having won a majority of votes from members of the International Olympic Committee after two rounds of voting. The Government of the People's Republic of China promoted the 2008 Games and invested heavily in new facilities and transport systems. 37 venues were used to host the events, including twelve constructed specifically for the 2008 Games. The equestrian events were held in Hong Kong, making these the third Olympics for which the events were held under the jurisdiction of two different NOCs. The sailing events were contested in Qingdao, while the football events took place across several different cities. The official logo for the 2008 Games, titled "Dancing Beijing" , created by Guo Chunning , featured the Chinese character for capital in reference to the host city. The 2008 Olympics were watched by 3.5 billion people worldwide, and featured the longest distance for an Olympic Torch relay. The 2008 Games also set numerous world and Olympic records, and were the most expensive Summer Olympics of all time, and the second most expensive overall, after the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. The opening ceremony was lauded by spectators and numerous international presses as spectacular, spellbinding, and by many accounts, "the greatest ever in the history of Olympics". Beijing hosted the 2022 Winter Olympics, making it the first city ever to host both the Summer and Winter Games. An unprecedented 87 countries won at least one medal during the 2008 Games. Host nation China won the most gold medals , and became the seventh different team to top an overall Summer Olympics medal tally, winning a total of 100 medals overall. The United States placed second in the gold medal tally but won the highest number of medals overall . The third place in the gold medal tally was achieved by Russia. The Manchus A are a Tungusic East Asian ethnic group native to Manchuria in Northeast Asia. They are an officially recognized ethnic minority in China and the people from whom Manchuria derives its name. The Later Jin and Qing dynasties of China were established and ruled by the Manchus, who are descended from the Jurchen people who earlier established the Jin dynasty in northern China. Manchus form the largest branch of the Tungusic peoples and are distributed throughout China, forming the fourth largest ethnic group in the country. They can be found in 31 Chinese provincial regions. Among them, Liaoning has the largest population and Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia and Beijing have over 100,000 Manchu residents. About half of the population live in Liaoning and one-fifth in Hebei. There are a number of Manchu autonomous counties in China, such as Xinbin, Xiuyan, Qinglong, Fengning, Yitong, Qingyuan, Weichang, Kuancheng, Benxi, Kuandian, Huanren, Fengcheng, BeizhenB and over 300 Manchu towns and townships. Manchus are the largest minority group in China without an autonomous region. "Manchu" was adopted as the official name of the people by Emperor Hong Taiji in 1635, replacing the earlier name "Jurchen". It appears that manju was an old term for the Jianzhou Jurchens, although the etymology is not well understood.: 63 The Jiu Manzhou Dang, archives of early 17th century documents, contains the earliest use of Manchu. However, the actual etymology of the ethnic name "Manju" is debatable.: 49 According to the Qing dynasty's official historical record, the Researches on Manchu Origins, the ethnic name came from Manjusri. The Qianlong Emperor also supported the point of view and even wrote several poems on the subject.: 6 There are other hypotheses, such as Fu Sinian's "etymology of Jianzhou"; Zhang Binglin's "etymology of Manshi"; Ichimura Sanjiro's "etymology of Wuji and Mohe"; Sun Wenliang's "etymology of Manzhe"; "etymology of mangu river" and so on. The 2022 Winter Olympics, officially called the XXIV Olympic Winter Games and commonly known as Beijing 2022 , were an international winter multi-sport event held from 4 to 20 February 2022 in Beijing, China, and surrounding areas with competition in selected events beginning 2 February 2022. It was the 24th edition of the Winter Olympic Games. Beijing was selected as host city on 31 July 2015 at the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, marking its second time hosting the Olympics, and the last of three consecutive Olympics hosted in East Asia following the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang County, South Korea, and the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. Having previously hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, Beijing became the first city to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The venues for the Games were concentrated around Beijing, its suburb Yanqing District, and Zhangjiakou, with some events repurposing venues originally built for Beijing 2008 . The Games featured a record 109 events across 15 disciplines, with big air freestyle skiing and women's monobob making their Olympic debuts as medal events, as well as several new mixed competitions. A total of 2,871 athletes representing 91 teams competed in the Games, with Haiti and Saudi Arabia making their Winter Olympic debut. Beijing's hosting of the Games was subject to various concerns and controversies including those related to human rights violations in China, such as the persecution of Uyghurs in China, which led to calls for a boycott of the games. Like the Summer Olympics held six months earlier in Tokyo, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the implementation of health and safety protocols, and, for the second Games in a row, the Games being closed to the public . The economy of Beijing ranks among the most developed and prosperous cities in China. In 2013, the municipality's nominal gross domestic product was CNY=1.95 trillion . It was about 3.43% of the country's total output, and ranked 13th among province-level administrative units. Per capita GDP, at CNY=93,213 in nominal terms and Int $21,948 at purchasing power parity, was 2.2 times the national average and ranked second among province-level administrative units. As of 2021, Beijing's gross regional products was CNY=4 trillion , ranking among the 10th largest metropolitan economies in the world. Beijing's nominal GDP is projected to reach US$1.1 trillion in 2035, ranking among the top 10 largest cities in the world according to a study by Oxford Economics, and its nominal GDP per capita is estimated to reach US$45,000 in 2030. The city has a post-industrial economy that is dominated by the tertiary sector , which generated 76.9% of output, followed by the secondary sector at 22.2% and the primary sector at 0.8%. The economy, which tripled in size from 2004 to 2012, grew at an annual rate of 7.7% in 2013. Owing to the concentration of state owned enterprises in the national capital, Beijing in 2013 had more Fortune Global 500 Company headquarters than any other city in the world. Beijing has been described as the "billionaire capital of the world" since overtaking New York in 2016. In 2012, PricewaterhouseCoopers rated Beijing's overall economic influence as No. 1 in China. Finance is one of the most important industries. By the end of 2007, there were 751 financial organizations in Beijing generating revenue of 128.6 billion RMB, 11.6% of the total financial industry revenue of the entire country. That also accounts for 13.8% of Beijing's GDP, the highest percentage of any Chinese city. In the 2020 Global Financial Centres Index, Beijing was ranked as having the 7th most competitive financial center in the world and fifth most competitive in Asia . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Berlin <p> capital of <o> Germany <s> Berlin <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Berlin <p> different from <o> Berlin <s> Berlin <p> language used <o> German <s> Berlin <p> significant event <o> 1936 Summer Olympics <s> Berlin <p> enclave within <o> Brandenburg <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Havel <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Spree <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Aalemannkanal <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Luisenstadt Canal <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Neukölln Ship Canal <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Berlin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Altes Stadthaus, Berlin <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Poststadion <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Charité <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Berlin <p> replaces <o> Alt-Berlin <s> Berlin <p> language used <o> Berlin German <s> Berlin <p> connects with <o> European route E55 <s> Berlin <p> replaces <o> East Berlin <s> Berlin <p> public holiday <o> International Women's Day <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Dahme <s> Berlin <p> part of <o> agglomeration of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Großer Wannsee <s> Berlin <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Standard Time (GMT+1) <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Berlin <p> significant event <o> Landesbank Berlin scandal <s> Berlin <p> highest point <o> Arkenberge <s> Berlin <p> highest judicial authority <o> Constitutional Court of the State of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Mommsenstadion <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> ResearchGate <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> BEHALA <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Stadion An der Alten Försterei <s> Berlin <p> country <o> Germany <s> Berlin <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Berlin <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Funkturm Berlin <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Deutschlandhalle <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Bröhan Museum <s> Berlin <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Berlin <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Berlin <p> member of <o> IT Planning Council <s> Berlin <p> member of <o> Mayors for Peace <s> Berlin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Germany <s> Berlin <p> history of topic <o> history of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> significant event <o> Battle of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> member of <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> city-state <s> Berlin <p> official language <o> German <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pankow <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg <s> Berlin <p> significant event <o> Soviet Airstrike Against Berlin in 1941 <s> Berlin <p> archives at <o> Landesarchiv Berlin <s> Berlin <p> part of <o> Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Berlin <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Berlin <s> Berlin <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marzahn-Hellersdorf <s> Berlin <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Berlin <p> legislative body <o> Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Berlin <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Berlin <p> office held by head of government <o> Governing Mayor of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> shares border with <o> Brandenburg <s> Berlin <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Berlin <s> Berlin <p> flag <o> flag of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Müggelsee <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Landwehr Canal <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Teltow Canal <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Berlin <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> federated state of Germany <s> Berlin <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Berlin <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berlin-Mitte <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spandau <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Steglitz-Zehlendorf <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neukölln <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Westhafen Canal <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Tegel <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Berlin-Spandau Ship Canal <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tegeler Fließ <s> Berlin <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gosen Canal <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> urban municipality in Germany <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> Einheitsgemeinde of Germany <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Treptow-Köpenick <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf <s> Berlin <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> Wikipedia:WikiProject Berlin <s> Berlin <p> related category <o> Category:Berlin-related lists <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> independent city in Berlin <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> town divided by border <s> Berlin <p> open data portal <o> Berlin Open Data <s> Berlin <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> award received <o> City of Design <s> Berlin <p> award received <o> Princess of Asturias Award for Concord <s> Berlin <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> award received <o> Führerstadt <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Stadium Buschallee <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Berlin-Mitte <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Joachimstraße 6/8 <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Olympiapark-Amateurstadion <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Hans-Zoschke-Stadion <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lichtenberg <s> Berlin <p> significant event <o> Fall of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> significant event <o> fall of the Berlin Wall <s> Berlin <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> Hanseatic city <s> Berlin <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> district heating grid <o> Berliner Fernwärmenetz <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Reinickendorf <s> Berlin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tempelhof-Schöneberg <s> Berlin <p> owner of <o> Berliner Stadtwerke <s> Berlin <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Berlin <s> Berlin <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Berlin by place <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Berlin <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Berlin <s> Berlin <p> head of government <o> Kai Wegner <s> Berlin <p> instance of <o> seat of government <s> history of Beijing <p> facet of <o> Beijing <s> history of Beijing <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> history of Beijing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Beijing <s> demographics of Beijing <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Beijing <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> demographics of Beijing <p> location <o> Beijing <s> demographics of Beijing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Demographics of Beijing <s> Category:Views of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:Views of Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Khanbaliq <p> replaced by <o> Beijing <s> Khanbaliq <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Khanbaliq <p> country <o> Yuan dynasty <s> Khanbaliq <p> capital of <o> Mongol Empire <s> Khanbaliq <p> capital of <o> Yuan dynasty <s> Khanbaliq <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Khanbaliq <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Khanbaliq <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Dadu (Yuan Dynasty) <s> Khanbaliq <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Da du lu <s> Khanbaliq <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Belgrade <p> history of topic <o> history of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> city <s> Belgrade <p> has list <o> list of streets and squares in Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Serbia and Montenegro <s> Belgrade <p> different from <o> City of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Belgrade <p> language used <o> Sinte Romani <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Socialist Republic of Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia <s> Belgrade <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Federal Republic of Yugoslavia <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Belgrade <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Yugoslavia <s> Belgrade <p> related category <o> Category:Belgrade-related lists <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Đumrukana <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Pionir Ice Hall <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Democratic Federal Yugoslavia <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Yugoslavia <s> Belgrade <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> official language <o> Serbian <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> country <o> Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Serbian Despotate <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Republic of Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Štark Arena <s> Belgrade <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Sava <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Atelje 212 <s> Belgrade <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Danube <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Zemun Stadium <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Belgrade Bus Station <s> Belgrade <p> flag <o> flag of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> City of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> district of Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Belgrade <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes <s> Belgrade <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Capture of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> owner of <o> Boško Buha Theatre <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> statistical region of Serbia <s> Belgrade <p> head of government <o> Alexander Šapić <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Belgrade <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Avar sieges of Singidunum <s> Belgrade <p> significant event <o> Siege of Belgrade <s> Belgrade <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Belgrade <p> described by source <o> Regional Spatial Plan for Zlatibor and Moravica administrative district <s> Belgrade <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Belgrade <s> Portal:Beijing <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Beijing <s> Portal:Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Beijing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Beijing portal <s> Category:Burials in Beijing <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:Burials in Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Siege of the International Legations <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of the International Legations <p> follows <o> Battle of Peking <s> Siege of the International Legations <p> present in work <o> 55 Days at Peking <s> Siege of the International Legations <p> location <o> Shuntian Fu <s> Siege of the International Legations <p> location <o> Beijing Legation Quarter <s> Siege of the International Legations <p> part of <o> Boxer Rebellion <s> Mount Dongling <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Mount Dongling <p> instance of <o> mountain <s> Mount Dongling <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei <s> Mount Dongling <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Qingshui </Graph>
<Text> :Berlin is the capital and largest city of Germany, both by area and by population. Its more than 3.85 million inhabitants make it the European Union's most populous city, as measured by population within city limits. Simultaneously, the city is one of the States of Germany and is the third smallest state in the country. Berlin is surrounded by the state of Brandenburg, and Brandenburg's capital Potsdam is nearby. Berlin's urban area has a population of around 4.5 million and is therefore the most populous urban area in Germany. The Berlin-Brandenburg capital region has around 6.2 million inhabitants and is Germany's second-largest metropolitan region after the Rhine-Ruhr region, and the sixth-biggest metropolitan region by GDP in the European Union. Berlin was built along the banks of the Spree river, which flows into the Havel in the western borough of Spandau. The city incorporates lakes in the western and southeastern boroughs, the largest of which is Muggelsee. About one-third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks and gardens, rivers, canals, and lakes. First documented in the 13th century and at the crossing of two important historic trade routes, Berlin was designated the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg , Kingdom of Prussia , German Empire , Weimar Republic , and Nazi Germany . Berlin has served as a scientific, artistic, and philosophical hub during the Age of Enlightenment, Neoclassicism, and the German revolutions of 1848-1849. During the Grunderzeit, an industrialization-induced economic boom triggered a rapid population increase in Berlin. 1920s Berlin was the third-largest city in the world by population. After World War II and following Berlin's occupation, the city was split into West Berlin and East Berlin, divided by the Berlin Wall. East Berlin was declared the capital of East Germany, while Bonn became the West German capital. Following German reunification in 1990, Berlin once again became the capital of all of Germany. Prior to the unification of China by the First Emperor in 221 BC, Beijing had been for centuries the capital of the ancient states of Ji and Yan. It was a provincial center in the earliest unified empires of China, Qin and Han. The northern border of ancient China ran close to the present city of Beijing, and northern nomadic tribes frequently broke in from across the border. Thus, the area that was to become Beijing emerged as an important strategic and a local political centre. During the first millennia of imperial rule, Beijing was a provincial city in northern China. Its stature grew in the 10th to the 13th centuries when the nomadic Khitan and forest-dwelling Jurchen peoples from beyond the Great Wall expanded southward and made the city a capital of their dynasties, the Liao and Jin. When Kublai Khan made Dadu the capital of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty , all of China was ruled from Beijing for the first time. From 1279 onward, with the exception of two interludes from 1368 to 1420 and 1928 to 1949, Beijing would remain as China's capital, serving as the seat of power for the Ming dynasty , the Manchu-led Qing dynasty , the early Republic of China and now the People's Republic of China . The earliest remains of hominid habitation in Beijing Municipality were found in the caves of Dragon Bone Hill near the village of Zhoukoudian in Fangshan District, where the Homo erectus Peking Man lived from 770,000 to 230,000 years ago. Paleolithic homo sapiens also lived in the caves from about 27,000 to 10,000 years ago. In 1996, over 2,000 Stone Age tools and bone fragments were discovered at a construction site at Wangfujing in the heart of downtown Beijing in Dongcheng District. The artifacts date to 24,000 to 25,000 years ago and are preserved in the Wangfujing Paleolithic Museum in the lower level of the New Oriental Plaza mall. Archaeologists have discovered over 40 neolithic settlements and burial sites throughout the municipality. The most notable include Zhuannian of Huairou District; Donghulin of Mentougou District; Shangzhai and Beiniantou of Pinggu District; Zhenjiangying of Fangshan; and Xueshan of Changping District. These sites indicate that farming was widespread in the area 6,000 to 7,000 years ago. Painted pottery and carved jade of the Shangzhai and Xueshan Cultures resemble those of the Hongshan Culture further to the north. The registered population of Beijing Municipality consists of people holding either Beijing permanent residence hukou permits or temporary residence permits. The 2010 census revealed that the official total population in Beijing was 19,612,368, representing a 44% increase over the last decade. In 2006, the population of the urban core was 13.33 million, 84.3 percent of the total municipal population, which officially stood at 15.81 million. Urban sprawl continues at a rapid pace. After Chongqing and Shanghai, Beijing is the third largest of the four directly controlled municipalities of the People's Republic of China. In the PRC, a directly controlled municipality is a city with status equal to a province. Even though Chongqing is the most populous municipality, it has a larger land area than either Beijing or Shanghai and includes many rural areas; Brittany Hite of The Wall Street Journal stated that Chongqing "is more akin to a small province than a city." According to the statistical yearbook issued in 2005 by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, out of a total population in 2004 of 14.213 million in Beijing, 1.415 million were 0-14 years old, 11.217 million were 15-64 and 1.581 million 65 and over. Most of Beijing's residents belong to the Han Chinese majority. Ethnic minorities include the Manchu, Hui, and Mongol. According to the 2010 National Census there were 18,811,000 Han Chinese in Beijing along with 336,000 Manchus, 249,000 Hui, 77,000 Mongols, 37,000 Koreans and 24,000 Tujia forming the largest minorities. There is one ethnic minority area in Miyun County, the Tanying Manchu and Mongolian Area. Tibetan-language high school exists for youth of Tibetan ancestry, nearly all of whom have come to Beijing from Tibet expressly for their studies. A sizable international community resides in Beijing, many attracted by the highly growing foreign business and trade sector, others by the traditional and modern culture of the city. Many of these foreigners live in the areas around the Beijing CBD, Sanlitun, and Wudaokou. In recent years, there has also been an influx of South Koreans, an estimated 200,000 in 2009, predominantly for business and study. Many of them live in the Wangjing and Wudaokou areas. Khanbaliq or Dadu of Yuan was the winter capital of the Yuan dynasty of China in what is now Beijing, the capital of China today. It was located at the center of modern Beijing. The Secretariat directly administered the Central Region of the Yuan dynasty and dictated policies for the other provinces. As emperors of the Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan and his successors also claimed supremacy over the entire Mongol Empire following the death of Mongke in 1259. Over time the unified empire gradually fragmented into a number of khanates. The name Khanbaliq comes from the Mongolian and Old Uyghur words khan and balik : "City of the Khan". It was actually in use among the Turks and Mongols before the fall of Zhongdu, in reference to the Jin emperors of Manchuria. It is traditionally written as Cambaluc in English, after its spelling in Rustichello's retelling of Marco Polo's travels. The Travels also uses the spellings Cambuluc and Kanbalu. The name Dadu is the pinyin transcription of the Chinese name Da Du , meaning "Grand Capital". The Mongols also called the city Daidu, which was a transliteration directly from the Chinese. In modern Chinese, it is referred to as Yuan Dadu to distinguish it from other cities which have similar names. Zhongdu, the "Central Capital" of the Jurchen Jin dynasty, was located at a nearby site now part of Xicheng District. It was destroyed by Genghis Khan in 1215 when the Jin court began contemplating a move south to a more defensible capital such as Kaifeng. The Imperial Mint established in 1260 and responsible for the printing of jiaochao, the Yuan fiat paper money, was probably located at nearby Yanjing even before the establishment of the new capital. Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers and at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain and the Balkan Peninsula. The population of the Belgrade metropolitan area is 1,681,405 according to the 2022 census. It is one of the major cities of Southeast Europe and the third most populous city on the Danube river. Belgrade is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe and the world. One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinca culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiquity, Thraco-Dacians inhabited the region and, after 279 BC, Celts settled the city, naming it Singidun. It was conquered by the Romans under the reign of Augustus and awarded Roman city rights in the mid-2nd century. It was settled by the Slavs in the 520s, and changed hands several times between the Byzantine Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Bulgarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Hungary before it became the seat of the Serbian king Stefan Dragutin in 1284. Belgrade served as capital of the Serbian Despotate during the reign of Stefan Lazarevic, and then his successor Durad Brankovic returned it to the Hungarian king in 1427. Noon bells in support of the Hungarian army against the Ottoman Empire during the siege in 1456 have remained a widespread church tradition to this day. In 1521, Belgrade was conquered by the Ottomans and became the seat of the Sanjak of Smederevo. It frequently passed from Ottoman to Habsburg rule, which saw the destruction of most of the city during the Ottoman-Habsburg wars. Following the Serbian Revolution, Belgrade was once again named the capital of Serbia in 1841. Northern Belgrade remained the southernmost Habsburg post until 1918, when it was attached to the city, due to former Austro-Hungarian territories becoming part of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes after World War I. Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia from its creation in 1918 to its dissolution in 2006. In a fatally strategic position, the city has been battled over in 115 wars and razed 44 times, being bombed five times and besieged many times. Being Serbia's primate city, Belgrade has special administrative status within Serbia. It is the seat of the central government, administrative bodies, and government ministries, as well as home to almost all of the largest Serbian companies, media, and scientific institutions. Belgrade is classified as a Beta-Global City. The city is home to the University Clinical Centre of Serbia, a hospital complex with one of the largest capacities in the world; the Church of Saint Sava, one of the largest Orthodox church buildings; and the Stark Arena, one of the largest capacity indoor arenas in Europe. The siege of the International Legations occurred in 1900 in Peking, the capital of the Qing Empire, during the Boxer Rebellion and led to the deaths of approximately 2500 Chinese people by western soldiers. Threatened by the Boxers--an anti-Christian, anti-foreign peasant movement--900 soldiers, sailors, marines, and civilians, largely from Europe, Japan, and the United States, and about 2,800 Chinese Christians took refuge in the Peking Legation Quarter. The Qing government took the side of the Boxers after the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded Tianjin at the Battle of the Taku Forts , without a formal declaration of war. The foreigners and Chinese Christians in the Legation Quarter survived a 55-day siege by the Qing Army and Boxers. The siege was broken by an international military force, which marched from the coast of China, defeated the Qing Army, and occupied Peking . The Legation Quarter was approximately 2 mi long and 1 mi wide. It was located in the area of the city designated by the Qing government for foreign legations. In 1900, there were eleven legations located in the quarter as well as a number of foreign businesses and banks. Ethnic Chinese-occupied houses and businesses were also scattered about the quarter. The twelve or so Christian missionary organizations in Beijing were not located in the Legation Quarter, but rather dispersed around the city. In total, about 500 citizens of Western countries and Japan resided in the city. The northern side of the Legation quarter was near the Imperial City where the Empress Dowager Cixi resided. The massive Tartar Wall which ringed the entire city of Beijing bordered the south. The eastern and western sides of the Legation Quarter were major streets. By 1900, foreign powers had been chipping away at Chinese sovereignty for over six decades. After Chinese defeats in the Opium Wars and Tonquin War, the Qing government was forced to sign several "unequal treaties" with the Western powers, granting them the right to free trade in the previously isolationist nation along with extraterritoriality for subjects of Western nations. Japan obtained similar privileges after its victory in the First Sino-Japanese War. Anti-Japanese and anti-Western sentiments helped lead to the formation of the Yihetuan, whose stated goal was to drive foreigners and foreign influence out of China. Authorities differ as to the origin of the Boxers, but they became prominent in Shantung in 1898 and spread northward toward Beijing. They were an indigenous peasant movement, related to the secret societies that had flourished in China for centuries and that had, on occasion, threatened Chinese central governments. The Boxers were named--probably by American missionary Arthur H. Smith--for their acrobatic rituals which included martial arts, twirling swords, prayers and incantations. The Boxers believed that with the proper ritual they would become invulnerable to Western bullets. The religious and magical practices of the Boxers had "as a paramount goal the affording of protection and emotional security in the face of a future... that was fraught with danger and risk." The Boxers had no central organization but appear to have been organized on the village level. They were anti-foreign and anti-missionary. Their slogan was "Support the Qing! Destroy the Foreigner!" </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Doha <p> capital of <o> Qatar <s> Doha <p> country <o> Qatar <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Doha <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Doha <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Doha <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tunis <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manama <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Doha <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Doha <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Doha <s> Doha <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beit Sahour <s> Doha <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Doha <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ad Dawhah <s> Doha <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Doha <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Doha <s> Doha <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Doha <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nicosia Municipality <s> Doha <p> award received <o> UCI Bike City <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Doha <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Persian Gulf <s> Doha <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Doha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marbella <s> mayor of Beijing <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> mayor of Beijing <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Beijing <s> mayor of Beijing <p> subclass of <o> governor <s> mayor of Beijing <p> subclass of <o> mayor <s> mayor of Beijing <p> instance of <o> position <s> mayor of Beijing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Beijing <s> mayor of Beijing <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Beijing <s> mayor of Beijing <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <s> mayor of Beijing <p> officeholder <o> Yin Yong <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> has subsidiary <o> Beijing Rail Transit Technology and Equipment Group Co., Ltd. <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> has subsidiary <o> Metro Land Corporation Limited <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> has subsidiary <o> BII Railway Transportation Technology Holdings Company Limited <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> owned by <o> Beijing <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> owner of <o> Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway Company <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> different from <o> Beijing Investment Group <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> instance of <o> company <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> owner of <o> Line 14 <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> owner of <o> Baishiqiaonan station <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> owner of <o> Daxing Airport Express <s> Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. <p> owner of <o> Tongzhou Beiguan station <s> Peiping <p> replaced by <o> Beijing <s> Peiping <p> instance of <o> former name <s> Peiping <p> instance of <o> special municipality <s> Peiping <p> country <o> Republic of China <s> Peiping <p> replaces <o> Jingzhao <s> geography of Beijing <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> geography of Beijing <p> facet of <o> Beijing <s> geography of Beijing <p> subclass of <o> urban geography <s> geography of Beijing <p> subclass of <o> geography of China <s> geography of Beijing <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Beijing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Beijing <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> taxon range <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> taxon rank <o> species <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> has use <o> spice <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> parent taxon <o> Chrysanthemum <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> has use <o> medicinal plant <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> parent taxon <o> Chrysanthemum sect. Chrysanthemum <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> subject has role <o> basionym <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chrysanthemum × morifolium <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> basionym <o> Matricaria morifolia <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> described by source <o> Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao <s> Chrysanthemum morifolium <p> this taxon is source of <o> Chrysanthemi Flos <s> Pekin <p> different from <o> Pekin <s> Pekin <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ulaanbaatar <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> capital of <o> Mongolia <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> country <o> Mongolia <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> instance of <o> city <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mongolia <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Krasnoyarsk <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ulaanbaatar <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ulaanbaatar <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> part of <o> Central Mongolia <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulan-Ude <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Colombo <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Ulaanbaatar <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Irkutsk <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Delhi <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Adana <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Delhi <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> history of topic <o> history of Ulaanbaatar <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maardu <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> shares border with <o> Khentii Province <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> shares border with <o> Töv Province <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tianjin <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leeds <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tuul River <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Denver <s> Ulaanbaatar <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oakland <s> Community of Madrid <p> capital <o> Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Spain <s> Community of Madrid <p> country <o> Spain <s> Community of Madrid <p> owner of <o> Community of Madrid Sports Centre <s> Community of Madrid <p> shares border with <o> Castile and León <s> Community of Madrid <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Community of Madrid <p> owner of <o> House-Museum of Lope de Vega <s> Community of Madrid <p> owner of <o> Las Ventas <s> Community of Madrid <p> owner of <o> Biblioteca Regional Joaquín Leguina <s> Community of Madrid <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> economy of topic <o> economy of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> coextensive with <o> Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> coextensive with <o> Madrid Province <s> Community of Madrid <p> coextensive with <o> Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> owner of <o> Archivo Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Guadarrama River <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Jarama <s> Community of Madrid <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> shares border with <o> Castile-La Mancha <s> Community of Madrid <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> geography of topic <o> geography of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> instance of <o> autonomous community of Spain <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tagus River <s> Community of Madrid <p> lowest point <o> Tagus River <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Community of Madrid <p> head of government <o> Isabel Díaz Ayuso <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tajuña <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lozoya <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Henares river <s> Community of Madrid <p> anthem <o> Hymn of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> legislative body <o> Assembly of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Manzanares <s> Community of Madrid <p> executive body <o> Government of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> flag <o> flag of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Community of Madrid <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> highest point <o> Peñalara <s> Community of Madrid <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> office held by head of government <o> President of the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in the Community of Madrid <s> Community of Madrid <p> has subsidiary <o> Oficina Regional de Coordinación de Salud Mental <s> Community of Madrid <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Madrid Province <s> Community of Madrid <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in the Community of Madrid <s> Île-de-France <p> capital <o> Paris <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Île-de-France <p> has part(s) <o> Paris <s> Île-de-France <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> open data portal <o> <s> Île-de-France <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Île-de-France <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> country <o> France <s> Île-de-France <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beirut <s> Île-de-France <p> twinned administrative body <o> Warsaw <s> Île-de-France <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Essonne <s> Île-de-France <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-et-Marne <s> Île-de-France <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Île-de-France <p> legal form <o> region of France <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-d'Oise <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Île-de-France <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People born in Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Île-de-France <p> uses <o> Qwant <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yvelines <s> Île-de-France <p> highest point <o> Colline d'Élancourt <s> Île-de-France <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Île-de-France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Île-de-France <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> Île-de-France <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> shares border with <o> Bourgogne-Franche-Comté <s> Île-de-France <p> legislative body <o> Regional Council of Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Île-de-France <p> shares border with <o> Normandy <s> Île-de-France <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Île-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> instance of <o> region of France <s> Île-de-France <p> shares border with <o> Centre-Val de Loire <s> Île-de-France <p> head of government <o> Valérie Pécresse <s> Île-de-France <p> shares border with <o> Hauts-de-France <s> Île-de-France <p> shares border with <o> Grand Est <s> Île-de-France <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan France <s> Île-de-France <p> named after <o> Kingdom of France </Graph>
<Text> :Doha is the capital city and main financial hub of Qatar. Located on the Persian Gulf coast in the east of the country, north of Al Wakrah and south of Al Khor, it is home to most of the country's population. It is also Qatar's fastest growing city, with over 80% of the nation's population living in Doha or its surrounding suburbs. Doha was founded in the 1820s as an offshoot of Al Bidda. It was officially declared as the country's capital in 1971, when Qatar gained independence from being a British protectorate. As the commercial capital of Qatar and one of the emergent financial centers in the Middle East, Doha is considered a beta-level global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Doha accommodates Education City, an area devoted to research and education, and Hamad Medical City, an administrative area of medical care. It also includes Doha Sports City, or Aspire Zone, an international sports destination that includes Khalifa International Stadium, Hamad Aquatic Centre; and the Aspire Dome. The city was host to the first ministerial-level meeting of the Doha Development Round of World Trade Organization negotiations. It was also selected as host city of a number of sporting events, including the 2006 Asian Games, the 2011 Pan Arab Games, the 2019 World Beach Games, the FINA World Aquatics Championships, the FIVB Volleyball Club World Championship, the WTA Finals and most of the games at the 2011 AFC Asian Cup. In December 2011, the World Petroleum Council held the 20th World Petroleum Conference in Doha. Additionally, the city hosted the 2012 UNFCCC Climate Negotiations and the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The city will host the 2027 FIBA Basketball World Cup. The city also hosted the 140th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in April 2019 and hosted the 18th yearly session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2012. Doha has been named as the second safest city in the world in the Numbeo Crime Index by City 2021. The index, which tracks safety in 431 cities, reaffirms the country's outstanding level of safety and security, while strengthening Doha's reputation as a desirable city where business and leisure travellers can enjoy award-winning hospitality, business-friendly environments and service excellence. The Mayor of Beijing is the highest-ranking official in the People's Government of Beijing. Since Beijing is a centrally administered municipality with the rank of a province, the mayor occupies the same level in the order of precedence as provincial governors. However, in the city's dual party-government governing system, the mayor is subordinate to the Beijing Municipal Committee Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party . The office of Beijing Party Secretary has always historically been a high-profile post. Since the founding of the People's Republic, the Party Secretary of Beijing has almost always held a seat on the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party, the country's top ruling organ. Because of Beijing's position as the national capital, the Secretary is also involved in major decision making of national events. Peng Zhen, the first Beijing party secretary, was an important political figure nationally, and was purged by Mao in the opening act of the Cultural Revolution. Xie Fuzhi, whose term lasted from 1967 to 1972, was concurrently China's top security official, and held significant influence nationally. Chen Xitong's political influence was considered a threat to the Shanghai clique that he was removed from the position and tried on corruption charges. When the People's Republic celebrated its 50th anniversary, it was Beijing Party Secretary Jia Qinglin who presided over the festivities. Liu Qi was the chair of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, and spoke at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the games. "Beijing" is from pinyin Beijing, which is romanized from Bei Jing , the Chinese name for this city. The pinyin system of transliteration was approved by the Chinese government in 1958, but little used until 1979. It was gradually adopted by various news organizations, governments, and international agencies over the next decade. The Chinese characters Bei and Jing together mean the "Northern Capital". The name was first used during the reign of the Ming dynasty's Yongle Emperor, who made his northern fief a second capital, along with Nanjing , in 1403 after successfully dethroning his nephew during the Jingnan Campaign. The name was restored in 1949 at the founding of the People's Republic of China. Portugal was the first European country to contact China in modern times. In Portuguese, the city is called Pequim. This name appeared in the letters of Francis Xavier in 1552. It transferred to English as "Pekin" and to French as Pekin. Jesuit missionary Martino Martini used "Peking" in De bello Tartarico historia and Novus Atlas Sinensis . In 1665, Martini's work was reissued as part of Atlas Maior , a much-praised atlas by Dutch publisher Joan Blaeu. Beijing is a municipality located in North China at the northern tip of the North China Plain, near the meeting point of the Xishan and Yanshan mountain ranges. The city itself lies on flat land ) that opens to the east and south. The municipality's outlying districts and counties extend into the mountains that surround the city from the southwest to the northeast. The highest peaks are over 2,000 m . Beijing Municipality consists of six city districts , eight suburban districts and two rural counties. It covers a total area of 16,807.8 km2 . By land area, the municipality is slightly larger than the country of Montenegro, though much of the municipality outside the urban core are sparsely populated mountains and farmland. The terrain is roughly 38% flat and 62% mountainous. The city is 150 km inland from the Bohai Sea via Tianjin Municipality in the southeast. Aside from Tianjin, Beijing is bordered on all other sides by Hebei Province, including a piece wedged between Beijing and Tianjin. Historically, Beijing was situated on the border between sedentary agricultural areas to the south and pastoralist regions beyond the mountains to the north. The Great Wall of China was built across the mountains north of Beijing to guard against nomadic invasions. In modern times, the same mountains that shielded Beijing from the Gobi steppes also form a semi-circular basin which catches the city's air pollution. Severe smog problems develop in the summer as the hot and humid air pressure from monsoons in the south prevent air pollutants from leaving the basin. Smog is less severe in the fall and winter when the direction of the wind currents reverse course as the vast anticyclone high pressure system takes hold and brings cold, dry air from Siberia. In the spring, the northerly winds, pick up dust from desertifying areas of western China and bring occasionally severe dust storms to Beijing. The city's climate is characterized by hot, humid summers and cold, windy, and dry winters. In imperial times, the old walled city of Beijing occupied 62 km2 . The physical size of the city has grown more than tenfold in recent decades to about 750 km2 . The inner suburbs , and outer suburbs provide further space for growth. The remaining 12,239.9 km2 of the municipality consists of rural areas, nature reserves and lightly populated mountains. Chrysanthemum x morifolium is a hybrid species of perennial plant in the genus Chrysanthemum of the Asteraceae family. In China, they have been around since 500 BCE. In 1630, more than 500 varieties were already mentioned there.In Europe, especially in Holland, they have been known since the mid-17th century, but their general dissemination took place only in the 19th century. Chrysanthemum was first appreciated in China as a medicinal plant. It is classified in the oldest Chinese medical material, Shennong Ben Cao Jing , in the category of superior drugs and is part of the products related to the search for immortality. "In prolonged use, it lifts the inhibition of blood and qi, alleviates the body, slows down ageing, and prolongs life" says the classic. "Lightening the body" was a goal to reach the ethereal state of Immortals able to fly and "ride the clouds". From Jin and Tang dynasties , chrysanthemum began to be appreciated as an ornamental plant, while continuing to be used for dietary reasons. The first monograph on chrysanthemums was published in 1104 CE. Liu Meng ,: 296-97 the author of a "Chrysanthemum Treatise" ,: 242 classifies the chrysanthemums according to their colors: the normal ones are yellow, then come the whites, the purples and finally the reds. It lists a total of 35 cultivated varieties that could be observed in the gardens near the Buddhist shrines of Longmen Grottoes. In the 16th century, the famous physician and herbalist Li Shizhen in his Great Treaty of Medical Matter, reports a hundred cultivars. He attributes to them some medicinal properties such as "eliminating heat and toxins", "improving visual acuity" and so on. In 1630, a survey of over 500 cultivars 17 and about 2000 at the beginning of 20th century. Ulaanbaatar , previously anglicized as Ulan Bator, is the capital and most populous city of Mongolia. With a population of 1.6 million, it is the coldest capital city in the world by average yearly temperature. The municipality is located in north central Mongolia at an elevation of about 1,300 metres in a valley on the Tuul River. The city was founded in 1639 as a nomadic Buddhist monastic centre, changing location 28 times, and was permanently settled at its modern location in 1778. During its early years, as Orgoo , it became Mongolia's preeminent religious centre and seat of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, the spiritual head of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. Following the regulation of Qing-Russian trade by the Treaty of Kyakhta in 1727, a caravan route between Beijing and Kyakhta opened up, along which the city was eventually settled. With the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1911, the city was a focal point for independence efforts, leading to the proclamation of the Bogd Khanate in 1911 led by the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, or Bogd Khan, and again during the communist revolution of 1921. With the proclamation of the Mongolian People's Republic in 1924, the city was officially renamed Ulaanbaatar and declared the country's capital. Modern urban planning began in the 1950s, with most of the old ger districts replaced by Soviet-style flats. In 1990, Ulaanbaatar was the site of large demonstrations that led to Mongolia's transition to democracy and a market economy. Since 1990, an influx of migrants from the rest of the country has led to an explosive growth in its population, a major portion of whom live in ger districts, which has led to harmful air pollution in winter. Governed as an independent municipality, Ulaanbaatar is surrounded by Tov Province, whose capital Zuunmod lies 43 kilometres south of the city. With a population of just over 1.6 million as of December 2022, it contains almost half of the country's total population. As the country's primate city, it serves as its cultural, industrial and financial heart and the center of its transport network. The city at its establishment in 1639 was referred to as Orgoo . This name was eventually adapted as Urga in the West. By 1651, it began to be referred to as Nomiin Khuree , and by 1706 it was referred to as Ikh Khuree . The Chinese equivalent, Da Kulun , was rendered into Western languages as Kulun or Kuren. The Community of Madrid is one of the seventeen autonomous communities of Spain. It is located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, and of the Central Plateau . Its capital and largest municipality is the City of Madrid, which is also the capital of the country. The Community of Madrid is bounded to the south and east by Castilla-La Mancha and to the north and west by Castile and Leon. It was formally created in 1983, in order to address the particular status of the City of Madrid as the national capital city and in urban hierarchy. Its limits are those of the province of Madrid, which was until then conventionally included in the historical region of New Castile . The Community of Madrid is the third most populous in Spain with 6,825,005 inhabitants, roughly a seventh of the national total, mostly concentrated in the metropolitan area of Madrid. It is also the most densely populated autonomous community. Madrid has both the largest nominal GDP, slightly ahead of that of Catalonia, and the highest GDP per capita in the country. Madrid's economy is highly tertiarised, having a leading role in Spain's logistics and transportation. The Community of Madrid is almost entirely comprised in the Tagus Basin, from the Central System reliefs in the north and northwest to the Tagus River bed in the southern border. The climate is generally temperate, ranging from mediterranean to semi-arid, except in the Central System highlands. It contains four World Heritage Sites: the Monastery and Royal Site of El Escorial, the university and historic centre of Alcala de Henares, the cultural landscape of Aranjuez and the Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro park in Madrid City. In addition, the Montejo Beech Forest is part of the transnational Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe world heritage site. Despite the existence of a large city of 5 million people, the Community of Madrid still retains some remarkably unspoiled and diverse habitats and landscapes. Madrid is home to mountain peaks rising above 2,000 m, holm oak dehesas and low-lying plains. The slopes of the Guadarrama mountain range are cloaked in dense forests of Scots pine and Pyrenean oak. The Lozoya Valley supports a large black vulture colony, and one of the last bastions of the Spanish imperial eagle in the world is found in the Park Regional del Suroeste in dehesa hills between the Gredos and Guadarrama ranges. The recent possible detection of the existence of Iberian lynx in the area between the Cofio and Alberche rivers is testament to the biodiversity of the area. Taking advantage of the orography, there are several reservoirs and local dams, with the Santillana reservoir being the largest. The Ile-de-France is the most populous of the eighteen regions of France, with an official estimated population of 12,271,794 residents on 1 January 2023. Centred on the capital Paris, it is located in the north-central part of the country and often called the Paris Region . Ile-de-France is densely populated and retains a prime economic position on the national stage: though it covers only 12,012 square kilometres , about 2% of metropolitan French territory, its 2017 population was nearly one-fifth of the national total. The region is made up of eight administrative departments: Paris, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Seine-et-Marne, Val-de-Marne, Val-d'Oise and Yvelines. It was created as the "District of the Paris Region" in 1961. In 1976, when its status was aligned with the French administrative regions created in 1972, it was renamed after the historic province of Ile-de-France. Residents are sometimes referred to as Franciliens, an administrative word created in the 1980s. The GDP of the region in 2019 was nearly one-third of the French,: 12 and 5% of the European Union's.: 12 It has the highest per capita GDP of any French region and the third highest of any region in the European Union. Beyond the city limits of Paris, the region has many other important historic sites, including the palaces of Versailles and Fontainebleau, as well as the most-visited tourist attraction in France, Disneyland Paris. Though it is the richest French region, a significant number of residents live in poverty: the official poverty rate in the Ile-de-France was 15.9% in 2015. The region has witnessed increasing income inequality in recent decades and rising housing prices have pushed the less affluent outside Paris. Although the modern name Ile-de-France literally means "Island of France", its etymology is in fact unclear. The "island" may refer to the land between the rivers Oise, Marne and Seine, or it may also have been a reference to the Ile de la Cite, where the French royal palace and cathedral were located. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Yokohama <p> head of government <o> Takeharu Yamanaka <s> Yokohama <p> country <o> Japan <s> Yokohama <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 1st district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 2nd district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 4th district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 6th district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 13th district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 8th district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 5th district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 3rd district <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> Ginkgo biloba <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> rose <s> Yokohama <p> capital of <o> Kanagawa Prefecture <s> Yokohama <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Yokohama <p> different from <o> Yokosuka <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Yokohama <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> has part(s) <o> Transportation Bureau, City of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> Camellia japonica <s> Yokohama <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Yokohama <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Kantō Plain <s> Yokohama <p> owner of <o> Yokohama Stadium <s> Yokohama <p> owner of <o> Nippatsu Mitsuzawa Stadium <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nakawada <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nakagawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nakagawa <s> Yokohama <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Yokohama <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Yokohama <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Yokohama <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nakazato <s> Yokohama <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Byōbugaura <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Ōokagawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Koyasu <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Shirosato <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Futamatagawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Niiharu <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Mutsuurashō <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Totsuka-machi, Kanagawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Toda <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Taishō <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Kawakami <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Yamauchi <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Ōtsuna <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> Camellia sasanqua <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> Castanopsis <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> Zelkova serrata <s> Yokohama <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mumbai <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 7th district <s> Yokohama <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 19th district <s> Yokohama <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Asahi <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Honmoku <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Hongō <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Negishi <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nagano <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Seya <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nitta <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Tana <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Kanagawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Kusaka <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Hiyoshi <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Nishiya <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Frankfurt <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Yokohama <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> part of <o> Yokohama metropolitan area <s> Yokohama <p> has subsidiary <o> Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital <s> Yokohama <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> has part(s) <o> Yokohama Waterworks Bureau <s> Yokohama <p> has part(s) <o> Yokohama City Fire Bureau <s> Yokohama <p> archives at <o> City of Yokohama Municipal Archives Reference Room <s> Yokohama <p> highest point <o> Mount Ōhira <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Yokohama <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odesa <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vancouver <s> Yokohama <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Yokohama <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Incheon <s> Yokohama <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> significant event <o> Bombing of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bremen <s> Yokohama <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tokyo Bay <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Naka <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Yokohama <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kanagawa Prefecture <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Tsuoka <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Kawawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Tsurumi <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Toyoda <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Kanazawa <s> Yokohama <p> replaces <o> Hodogaya <s> Yokohama <p> history of topic <o> history of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Kawasaki <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Callao <s> Yokohama <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Constanța <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Yokohama <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Machida <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Yamato <s> Yokohama <p> official symbol <o> Viburnum odoratissimum <s> Yokohama <p> history of topic <o> timeline of Yokohama <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Kamakura <s> Yokohama <p> instance of <o> satellite city <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Yokosuka <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Fujisawa <s> Yokohama <p> shares border with <o> Zushi <s> Yokohama <p> instance of <o> commuter town <s> Yokohama <p> capital <o> Naka-ku <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Totsuka-ku <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Busan <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakae-ku <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kanagawa-ku <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kanazawa-ku <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isogo-ku <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Naka-ku <s> Yokohama <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Diego <s> Yokohama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> 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of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> open data portal <o> <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Zika Corpus <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> significant event <o> 2016 Summer Olympics <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> Duque de Caxias <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> different from <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Portugal <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Copacabana <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Fourth Brazilian Republic <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Portuguese Empire <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> Nilópolis <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Maria Lenk Aquatic Center <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> patron saint <o> Saint Sebastian <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> Nova Iguaçu <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Empire of Brazil <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> São João de Meriti <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> Itaguaí <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Neutral Municipality <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> Mesquita <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> shares border with <o> Seropédica <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> head of government <o> Marcelo Crivella <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Guanabara <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> First Brazilian Republic <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> United Kingdom of Portugal, and of Brazil, and the Algarves <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rio de Janeiro (city) <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> anthem <o> Junte-se a Nós <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> anthem <o> Cidade Maravilhosa <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> Federal District <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> member of <o> União das Cidades Capitais Luso-Afro-Américo-Asiáticas <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Rio de Janeiro (city) <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Olympic Tennis Center <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Carioca Arena 1 <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Olympic golf course <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Rio de Janeiro (city) <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> legislative body <o> Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Carioca Arena 2 <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Carioca Arena 3 <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Jeunesse Arena <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of the city of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Future Arena <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> owner of <o> Deodoro Stadium <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> South Zone of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> capital of <o> State of Brazil <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> flag <o> flag of Rio de Janeiro <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Rio de Janeiro (city) <s> Rio de Janeiro <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Rio de Janeiro (city) <s> Category:Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Beijing <p> category's main topic <o> Beijing <s> Category:People from Beijing <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> Beijing <s> Category:People from Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:People from Beijing <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Beijing <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Beijing <s> Category:People from Beijing <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Cologne <p> country <o> Germany <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> free imperial city <s> Cologne <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Cologne <p> visitor center <o> Cologne Tourist Board <s> Cologne <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Cologne <p> open data portal <o> Open Data portal Köln <s> Cologne <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> head of government <o> Henriette Reker <s> Cologne <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhine <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Katowice <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Cologne <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> Association of German Airports <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lille <s> Cologne <p> capital of <o> Cologne Government Region <s> Cologne <p> patron saint <o> Peter <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Volgograd <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities <s> Cologne <p> different from <o> Kolonia <s> Cologne <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> Städtetag Nordrhein-Westfalen <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Cologne <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cologne <s> Cologne <p> office held by head of government <o> Lord Mayor of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> Mayors for Peace <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> association for pedestrian and bicycle-friendly cities, townships and districts in North Rhine Westphalia <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liège <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Cologne <p> archives at <o> Historical Archive of the City of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cologne <p> history of topic <o> history of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Thessaloniki <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Esch-sur-Alzette <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> Cologne <p> capital of <o> Electorate of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cologne <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Rhein-Kreis Neuss <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Hürth <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Leverkusen <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> Landschaftsverband Rheinland <s> Cologne <p> named after <o> Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium <s> Cologne <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> Cologne <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Colonia <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Mettmann <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Rhein-Sieg District <s> Cologne <p> capital of <o> Gallic Empire <s> Cologne <p> capital of <o> Landschaftsverband Rheinland <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tunis <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rotterdam <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lindenthal <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Porz <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nippes <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Cologne <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cologne <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> Hanseatic city <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liverpool <s> Cologne <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Cologne <s> Cologne <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Cologne <s> Cologne <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Cologne <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turku <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> urban municipality in Germany <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Corinto <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> urban district of North Rhine-Westphalia <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Neukölln <s> Cologne <p> legislative body <o> city council of Cologne <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> Roman city <s> Cologne <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Cologne <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Cologne <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Rhein-Erft District <s> Cologne <p> shares border with <o> Rhein-Berg District <s> Cologne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cologne Government Region <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tel Aviv <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Indianapolis <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Treptow-Köpenick <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyoto <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cork <s> Cologne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jiaozuo <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mülheim <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cologne-Innenstadt <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chorweiler <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kalk <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rodenkirchen <s> Cologne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ehrenfeld <s> City of Brussels <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizen of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> country <o> Belgium <s> City of Brussels <p> capital of <o> Belgium <s> City of Brussels <p> different from <o> Brussels-Capital Region <s> City of Brussels <p> continent <o> Europe <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berlin <s> City of Brussels <p> part of <o> Brussels-Capital Region <s> City of Brussels <p> owner of <o> Eurostadium <s> City of Brussels <p> owner of <o> King Baudouin Stadium <s> City of Brussels <p> owner of <o> Brussels Town Hall <s> City of Brussels <p> official language <o> French <s> City of Brussels <p> capital of <o> Brussels-Capital Region <s> City of Brussels <p> history of topic <o> history of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> different from <o> Brussels metropolitan area <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> City of Brussels <p> owner of <o> Bridgettines Chapel <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Anderlecht <s> City of Brussels <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Uccle - Ukkel <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Ixelles - Elsene <s> City of Brussels <p> official language <o> Dutch <s> City of Brussels <p> color <o> red <s> City of Brussels <p> capital of <o> European Union <s> City of Brussels <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> City of Brussels <p> instance of <o> municipality of Belgium <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> City of Brussels <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> City of Brussels <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> City of Brussels <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Schaerbeek <s> City of Brussels <p> capital of <o> Flemish Community <s> City of Brussels <p> capital of <o> French Community of Belgium <s> City of Brussels <p> patron saint <o> Gaugericus <s> City of Brussels <p> patron saint <o> Gudula <s> City of Brussels <p> contains settlement <o> Haren <s> City of Brussels <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> City of Brussels <p> owner of <o> King's House <s> City of Brussels <p> instance of <o> big city <s> City of Brussels <p> instance of <o> European City <s> City of Brussels <p> different from <o> Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> City of Brussels <p> open data portal <o> Brussels open data portal <s> City of Brussels <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> City of Brussels <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> City of Brussels <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> City of Brussels <p> archives at <o> Archives of the City of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> contains settlement <o> Neder-Over-Heembeek <s> City of Brussels <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> City of Brussels <p> patron saint <o> Michael <s> City of Brussels <p> named after <o> home <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Etterbeek <s> City of Brussels <p> replaces <o> Kuype of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> contains settlement <o> Laeken - Laken <s> City of Brussels <p> color <o> dark green <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Zaventem <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Molenbeek <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> City of Brussels <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> City of Brussels <p> head of government <o> Philippe Close <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Grimbergen <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Machelen <s> City of Brussels <p> contains settlement <o> Pentagon <s> City of Brussels <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lagos <s> City of Brussels <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ljubljana <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Atlanta <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> City of Brussels <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> City of Brussels <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> City of Brussels <p> topic's main category <o> Category:City of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Wemmel <s> City of Brussels <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Brussels-Capital <s> City of Brussels <p> list of monuments <o> list of protected immovable heritage in the municipality of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> named after <o> swamp <s> City of Brussels <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Senne <s> City of Brussels <p> award received <o> Bonne Ville de l'Empire first class <s> City of Brussels <p> flag <o> flag of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Brussels–Charleroi Canal <s> City of Brussels <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Brussels–Scheldt Maritime Canal <s> City of Brussels <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> City of Brussels <p> member of <o> Brulocalis <s> City of Brussels <p> member of <o> Intercommunale d'Inhumation - Intercommunale voor Teraardebestelling <s> City of Brussels <p> member of <o> Société Coopérative Intercommunale de Crémation - Intercommunale coöperative vennootschap voor Crematie <s> City of Brussels <p> award received <o> Belgian municipality with the title of city <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gabicce Mare <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Macau <s> City of Brussels <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> twinned administrative body <o> Akhisar <s> City of Brussels <p> contains settlement <o> European Quarter <s> City of Brussels <p> contains settlement <o> north extension of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> has part(s) <o> south extension of Brussels <s> City of Brussels <p> legal form <o> Cities and municipalities <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Gilles - Sint-Gillis <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Jette <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Watermael-Boitsfort / Watermaal-Bosvoorde <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Josse-ten-Noode <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Evere <s> City of Brussels <p> shares border with <o> Vilvoorde <s> Vientiane <p> capital of <o> Laos <s> Vientiane <p> country <o> Laos <s> Vientiane <p> capital of <o> Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Vientiane <p> said to be the same as <o> Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Phnom Penh <s> Vientiane <p> capital of <o> Lan Xang <s> Vientiane <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+07:00 <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Vientiane <p> capital of <o> French Protectorate of Laos <s> Vientiane <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Laos <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Vientiane <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cirebon City <s> Vientiane <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mekong River <s> Vientiane <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Orlando <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kunming <s> Vientiane <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> instance of <o> conurbation <s> Vientiane <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chittagong <s> Vientiane <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Vientiane <s> Vientiane <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Vientiane <s> Salo <p> country <o> Finland <s> Salo <p> different from <o> Salo sub-region <s> Salo <p> different from <o> Salou <s> Salo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Salo <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Salo sub-region <s> Salo <p> associated electoral district <o> Varsinais-Suomi <s> Salo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Salo, Finland <s> Salo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Salo <s> Salo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Salo <s> Salo <p> official language <o> Finnish <s> Salo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Salo <s> Salo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Salo, Finland <s> Salo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Finland Proper <s> Salo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Salo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Salo <p> instance of <o> town <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qingdao <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuhan <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nagykanizsa <s> Salo <p> owner of <o> Salohalli <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Pertteli <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rzhev <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Kuusjoki <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Raseborg <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Kimitoön <s> Salo <p> instance of <o> municipality of Finland <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Puchheim <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> St. Anthony <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Lohja <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odder <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Paimio <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Somero <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Koski Tl <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Sauvo <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Anija Rural Municipality <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Suomusjärvi <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Kiikala <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Muurla <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Särkisalo <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Perniö <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Halikko <s> Salo <p> shares border with <o> Marttila <s> Salo <p> follows <o> Kisko <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ogre <s> Salo <p> instance of <o> second-level administrative division <s> Salo <p> legislative body <o> Salo City Council <s> Salo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Elva City <s> Amsterdam <p> different from <o> Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Amsterdam <p> has part(s) of the class <o> canal <s> Amsterdam <p> has part(s) of the class <o> bridge <s> Amsterdam <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Amsterdam <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Amsterdam <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Amsterdam <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Amsterdam <p> related category <o> Category:Amsterdam-related lists <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Amsterdam <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Time <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Amsterdam <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Amsterdam <p> significant event <o> 1928 Summer Olympics <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Amsterdam <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> city <s> Amsterdam <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> open data portal <o> Data and information Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of the Netherlands <s> Amsterdam <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> list of monuments <o> list of municipal monuments in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Amsterdam <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Amsterdam by place <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Amsterdam <p> list of monuments <o> list of national monuments in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Topographia Circuli Burgundici <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Amsterdam <p> list of monuments <o> list of war memorials in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Amsterdam <p> history of topic <o> history of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> motto <o> Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> Amsterdam <p> visitor center <o> Stichting Amsterdam Marketing <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nicosia <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogotá <s> Amsterdam <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> significant event <o> siege <s> Amsterdam <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Varna <s> Amsterdam <p> part of <o> Amstelland <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manchester <s> Amsterdam <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> Amsterdam <p> member of <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> Amsterdam <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Recife <s> Amsterdam <p> significant event <o> city fire <s> Amsterdam <p> significant event <o> Blockades of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Managua <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ramallah <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Willemstad <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beira <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Algiers <s> Amsterdam <p> named after <o> Amstel <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Amstel <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> IJmeer <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> cycling city <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> IJ <s> Amsterdam <p> head of government <o> Femke Halsema <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> cadastral populated place in the Netherlands <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> place with town rights and privileges <s> Amsterdam <p> flag <o> flag of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> award received <o> European City of the Trees <s> Wellington City <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Wellington <s> Wellington City <p> country <o> New Zealand <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Canberra <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sydney <s> Wellington City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Cook Strait <s> Wellington City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tasman Sea <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chania <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Çanakkale <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xiamen <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sakai <s> Wellington City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Wellington Region <s> Wellington City <p> instance of <o> political territorial entity <s> Wellington City <p> authority <o> Wellington City Council <s> Wellington City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Harrogate <s> Wellington City <p> head of government <o> Andy Foster <s> Wellington City <p> shares border with <o> Lower Hutt City <s> Wellington City <p> shares border with <o> Porirua City <s> Wellington City <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity of New Zealand <s> Wellington City <p> instance of <o> district of New Zealand <s> Wellington City <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Wellington <s> Wellington City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Wellington Harbour <s> Wellington City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Wellington City <s> Wellington City <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Wellington City </Graph>
<Text> :Yokohama is the second-largest city in Japan by population and the most populous municipality of Japan. It is the capital city and the most populous city in Kanagawa Prefecture, with a 2020 population of 3.8 million. It lies on Tokyo Bay, south of Tokyo, in the Kanto region of the main island of Honshu. Yokohama is also the major economic, cultural, and commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area along the Keihin Industrial Zone. Yokohama was one of the cities to open for trade with the West following the 1859 end of the policy of seclusion and has since been known as a cosmopolitan port city, after Kobe opened in 1853. Yokohama is the home of many Japan's firsts in the Meiji period, including the first foreign trading port and Chinatown , European-style sport venues , English-language newspaper , confectionery and beer manufacturing , daily newspaper , gas-powered street lamps , railway station , and power plant . Yokohama developed rapidly as Japan's prominent port city following the end of Japan's relative isolation in the mid-19th century and is today one of its major ports along with Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Tokyo and Chiba. Yokohama is the largest port city and high tech industrial hub in the Greater Tokyo Area and the Kanto region. The city proper is headquarters to companies such as Isuzu, Nissan, JVCKenwood, Keikyu, Koei Tecmo, Sotetsu, Salesforce Japan and Bank of Yokohama. Famous landmarks in Yokohama include Minato Mirai 21, Nippon Maru Memorial Park, Yokohama Chinatown, Motomachi Shopping Street, Yokohama Marine Tower, Yamashita Park, and Osanbashi Pier. Yokohama means "horizontal beach". The current area surrounded by Maita Park, the Ooka River and the Nakamura River have been a gulf divided by a sandbar from the open sea. This sandbar was the original Yokohama fishing village. Since the sandbar protruded perpendicularly from the land, or horizontally when viewed from the sea, it was called a "horizontal beach". Rio de Janeiro , or simply Rio, is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. It is the second-most-populous city in Brazil and the sixth-most-populous city in the Americas. Founded in 1565 by the Portuguese, the city was initially the seat of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, a domain of the Portuguese Empire. In 1763, it became the capital of the State of Brazil, a state of the Portuguese Empire. In 1808, when the Portuguese Royal Court moved to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro became the seat of the court of Queen Maria I of Portugal. She subsequently, under the leadership of her son the prince regent John VI of Portugal, raised Brazil to the dignity of a kingdom, within the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and Algarves. Rio remained as the capital of the pluricontinental monarchy until 1822, when the Brazilian War of Independence began. This is one of the few instances in history that the capital of a colonizing country officially shifted to a city in one of its colonies. Rio de Janeiro subsequently served as the capital of the independent monarchy, the Empire of Brazil, until 1889, and then the capital of a republican Brazil until 1960 when the capital was transferred to Brasilia. Rio de Janeiro has the second largest municipal GDP in the country, and 30th-largest in the world in 2008. This is estimated at R$343 billion. In the city are the headquarters of Brazilian oil, mining, and telecommunications companies, including two of the country's major corporations, Petrobras and Vale, and Latin America's largest telemedia conglomerate, Grupo Globo. The home of many universities and institutes, it is the second-largest center of research and development in Brazil, accounting for 17 percent of national scientific output according to 2005 data. Despite the high perception of crime, the city actually has a lower incidence of crime than most state capitals in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is one of the most visited cities in the Southern Hemisphere and is known for its natural settings, carnival, samba, bossa nova, and balneario beaches such as Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon. In addition to the beaches, landmarks include the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado mountain, named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World; Sugarloaf Mountain with its cable car; the Sambodromo , a permanent grandstand-lined parade avenue which is used during Carnival; and Maracana Stadium, one of the world's largest football stadiums. Rio de Janeiro was the host of the 2016 Summer Olympics and the 2016 Summer Paralympics, making the city the first South American and Portuguese-speaking city to ever host the events, and the third time the Olympics were held in a Southern Hemisphere city. The Maracana Stadium held the finals of the 1950 and 2014 FIFA World Cups, the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, and the XV Pan American Games. In 2024, the city will host the G20 summit. Cologne is the largest city of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fourth-most populous city of Germany with nearly 1.1 million inhabitants in the city proper and over 3.1 million people in the Cologne Bonn urban region. Cologne is also part of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, the second biggest metropolitan region by GDP in the European Union. Centered on the left bank of the Rhine, Cologne is about 35 km southeast of the North Rhine-Westphalia state capital Dusseldorf and 25 km northwest of Bonn, the former capital of West Germany. The city's medieval Cologne Cathedral was the world's tallest building 1880-1890 and is today the third-tallest church and tallest cathedral in the world. It was constructed to house the Shrine of the Three Kings and is a globally recognized landmark and one of the most visited sights and pilgrimage destinations in Europe. The cityscape is further shaped by the Twelve Romanesque churches of Cologne. Cologne is famous for Eau de Cologne, which has been produced in the city since 1709; "cologne" has since come to be a generic term. Cologne was founded and established in Germanic Ubii territory in the 1st century CE as the Roman Colonia Agrippina, hence its name. Agrippina was later dropped , and Colonia became the name of the city in its own right, which developed into modern German as Koln. Cologne, the French version of the city's name, has become standard in English as well. Cologne functioned as the capital of the Roman province of Germania Inferior and as the headquarters of the Roman military in the region until occupied by the Franks in 462. During the Middle Ages the city flourished as being located on one of the most important major trade routes between east and western Europe . Cologne was a free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire and one of the major members of the trade union Hanseatic League. It was one of the largest European cities in medieval and renaissance times. Prior to World War II, the city had undergone occupations by the French and the British , and was part of Prussia beginning in 1815. Cologne was one of the most heavily bombed cities in Germany during World War II. The bombing reduced the population by 93% mainly due to evacuation, and destroyed around 80% of the millennia-old city center. The post-war rebuilding has resulted in a mixed cityscape, restoring most major historic landmarks like city gates and churches . The city boasts around 9,000 historic buildings. The City of Brussels is the largest municipality and historical centre of the Brussels-Capital Region, as well as the capital of the Flemish Region and Belgium. The City of Brussels is also the administrative centre of the European Union, as it hosts a number of principal EU institutions in its European Quarter. Besides the central historic town located within the Pentagon, the City of Brussels covers some of the city's immediate outskirts within the greater Brussels-Capital Region, namely the former municipalities of Haren, Laeken, and Neder-Over-Heembeek to the north, as well as the Avenue Louise/Louizalaan and the Bois de la Cambre/Ter Kamerenbos park to the south-east, where it borders municipalities in Flanders. As of 1 January 2023, the City of Brussels had a population of 194,291 inhabitants. The total area is 33.09 km2 which gives a population density of 5,704/km2 . As of 2007, there were 75,998 registered non-Belgians in the City. In common with all of Brussels' municipalities, it is legally bilingual . Historically, the City of Brussels was simply defined, being the area within the second walls of Brussels, the modern-day Small Ring . As the city grew, the surrounding villages grew as well, eventually growing into a contiguous city, though the local governments retained control of their respective areas. Vientiane is the capital and largest city of Laos. Comprising the five urban districts of Vientiane Prefecture, the city is located on the banks of the Mekong, right at the border with Thailand. Vientiane was the administrative capital during French rule and, due to economic growth in recent times, is now the economic center of Laos. The city had a population of 1,001,477 as of the 2023 Census. Vientiane is the home of the most significant national monuments such as Pha That Luang, a national symbol of Laos and an icon of Buddhism in Laos. Other significant Buddhist temples can be found there as well, such as Haw Phra Kaew, which formerly housed the Emerald Buddha. "Vientiane" is the French spelling derived from the Lao Viangchan /vi:@NG tcan/. The name was previously written "wnyngchnthn" but now usually written "wnyngchn". In Lao, viang refers to a 'walled city' whereas chan derives from Sanskrit candana , 'sandalwood' and can be translated as the 'walled city of sandalwood'. Some Laotians mistakenly believe it refers to the 'walled city of the moon' as chan can also represent 'moon', although this was previously distinguished in writing as "chnthr". Other romanisations include "Viangchan" and "Wiangchan". By the 6th century in the Chao Phraya River Valley, Mon peoples had coalesced to create the Dvaravati kingdoms. In the north, Haripunjaya emerged as a rival power to the Dvaravati. By the 8th century the Mon had pushed north to create city states, in Fa Daet , Sri Gotapura near modern Tha Khek, Laos, Muang Sua , and Chantaburi . In the 8th century CE, Sri Gotapura was the strongest of these early city states, and controlled trade throughout the middle Mekong region. The city states were loosely bound politically, but were culturally similar and introduced Therevada Buddhism from Sri Lankan missionaries throughout the region.: 6, 7 Amsterdam is the capital and most populated city of the Netherlands. It has a population of 921,402 within the city proper, 1,457,018 in the urban area and 2,480,394 in the metropolitan area. Located in the Dutch province of North Holland, Amsterdam is colloquially referred to as the "Venice of the North", for its large number of canals, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Amsterdam was founded at the mouth of the Amstel River that was dammed to control flooding. Originally a small fishing village in the 12th century, Amsterdam became a major world port during the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, when the Netherlands was an economic powerhouse. Amsterdam was the leading centre for finance and trade, as well as a hub of secular art production. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city expanded and new neighborhoods and suburbs were built. The city has a long tradition of openness, liberalism, and tolerance. Cycling is key to the city's modern character, and there are numerous biking paths and lanes spread throughout. Amsterdam's main attractions include its historic canals; the Rijksmuseum, the state museum with Dutch Golden Age art; the Van Gogh Museum; the Dam Square, where the Royal Palace of Amsterdam and former city hall are located; the Amsterdam Museum; Stedelijk Museum, with modern art; the Concertgebouw concert hall; the Anne Frank House; the Scheepvaartmuseum, the Natura Artis Magistra; Hortus Botanicus, NEMO, the red-light district and cannabis coffee shops. The city is known for its nightlife and festival activity; with several nightclubs among the world's most famous. Its artistic heritage, canals and narrow canal houses with gabled facades; well-preserved legacies of the city's 17th-century Golden Age, have attracted millions of visitors annually. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange, founded in 1602, is considered the oldest "modern" securities market stock exchange in the world. As the commercial capital of the Netherlands and one of the top financial centres in Europe, Amsterdam is considered an alpha world city. The city is the cultural capital of the Netherlands. Many large Dutch institutions have their headquarters in the city. Many of the world's largest companies are based here or have established their European headquarters in the city, such as technology companies Uber, Netflix and Tesla. In 2022, Amsterdam was ranked the ninth-best city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit and 12th on quality of living for environment and infrastructure by Mercer. The city was ranked 4th place globally as top tech hub in 2019. The Port of Amsterdam is the fifth largest in Europe. The KLM hub and Amsterdam's main airport, Schiphol, is the busiest airport in the Netherlands, third in Europe, and 11th in the world. The Dutch capital is one of the most multicultural cities in the world, with about 180 nationalities represented. Immigration and ethnic segregation in Amsterdam is a current issue. Wellington City Council is a territorial authority in New Zealand, governing the city of Wellington, the country's capital city and third-largest city by population, behind Auckland and Christchurch. It consists of the central historic town and certain additional areas within the Wellington metropolitan area, extending as far north as Linden and covering rural areas such as Makara and Ohariu. The city adjoins Porirua in the north and Hutt City in the north-east. It is one of nine territorial authorities in the Wellington Region. Wellington attained city status in 1886. The settlement had become the colonial capital and seat of government by 1865, replacing Auckland. Parliament officially sat in Wellington for the first time on 26 July 1865. During the last half of the nineteenth century, Wellington grew rapidly from 7,460 residents in 1867 to 49,344 by the end of the century. The council represents a population of 216,200 as of June 2023 and consists of a mayor and fifteen councillors elected from six wards . It administers public works, sanitation, land use and building consents, among other local services. The council has used the marketing slogan "Absolutely Positively Wellington" in an official capacity since the early 1990s. The mayor and all councillors are members of council. Following a review in 2021 by former Local Government New Zealand chief executive Peter Winder, the council adopted a new committee structure. All committees apart from Te Kaunihera o Poneke Council and Ngutu Taki CEO Performance Review Committee include two mana whenua representatives, who are paid and have voting rights. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Beijing Municipal People's Congress <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Beijing Municipal People's Congress <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee <s> Beijing Municipal People's Congress <p> headquarters location <o> Beijing <s> Beijing Municipal People's Congress <p> instance of <o> local People's Congress in China <s> Beijing Municipal People's Congress <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Beijing <s> Gauteng <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Gauteng <p> country <o> South Africa <s> Gauteng <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> South Africa <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> English <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Zulu <s> Gauteng <p> capital <o> Johannesburg <s> Gauteng <p> coextensive with <o> Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Gauteng <p> shares border with <o> Mpumalanga <s> Gauteng <p> shares border with <o> Limpopo <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Sesotho <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Northern Sotho <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Southern Ndebele <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Fanagalo <s> Gauteng <p> shares border with <o> Free State <s> Gauteng <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Metsweding District Municipality <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Tsotsitaal <s> Gauteng <p> replaces <o> Transvaal Province <s> Gauteng <p> head of government <o> David Makhura <s> Gauteng <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> West Rand District Municipality <s> Gauteng <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sedibeng District Municipality <s> Gauteng <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality <s> Gauteng <p> shares border with <o> North West <s> Gauteng <p> instance of <o> province of South Africa <s> Gauteng <p> follows <o> Transvaal Province <s> Gauteng <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality <s> Gauteng <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality <s> Gauteng <p> legislative body <o> Gauteng Provincial Legislature <s> Gauteng <p> office held by head of government <o> Premier of Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Gayle <s> Gauteng <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> executive body <o> Gauteng Executive Council <s> Gauteng <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Gauteng <s> Gauteng <p> location <o> Transvaal region <s> Gauteng <p> owner of <o> Johannesburg City Hall <s> Gauteng <p> language used <o> Camtho <s> Bucharest <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> capital of <o> Romania <s> Bucharest <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Bucharest <p> contains settlement <o> Sector 5 <s> Bucharest <p> contains settlement <o> Sector 6 <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Francisco <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> National Arena <s> Bucharest <p> capital of <o> Ilfov County <s> Bucharest <p> enclave within <o> Ilfov County <s> Bucharest <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bucharest <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Bucharest <p> country <o> Romania <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Portretul marelui ban Năsturel Herescu <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Chailly guard <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Tents at sunset <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Peasant reading, <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> A flower among the flowers <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Ghergani Gypsy <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> River wash <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Portrait of Zettine Urechia <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Bucharest <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Romania <s> Bucharest <p> contains settlement <o> Sector 1 <s> Bucharest <p> contains settlement <o> Sector 3 <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bucharest <p> contains settlement <o> Sector 2 <s> Bucharest <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bucharest <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> contains settlement <o> Sector 4 <s> Bucharest <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Bucharest <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Stadionul Național (1953) <s> Bucharest <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Bucharest <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> related category <o> Category:Bucharest-related lists <s> Bucharest <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Bucharest <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Țărancă din Muscel <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Cheerful peasant <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Jew with Goose - a Romanian Jew holding a petition and a goose for bribery <s> Bucharest <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bucharest <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> The Mocan <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Bătrână cârpind <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Țărancă cu maramă' <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Hanul de la Orăţii <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Luminiș <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Autoportret <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Portrait of a girl <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Hut <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> The old lady with geese <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Smirdan attack <s> Bucharest <p> owner of <o> Fisher woman at Grandville <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Regina <s> Bucharest <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bucharest <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Damascus <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lagos <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Detroit <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chișinău <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Atlanta <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Most <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Pantelimon, Ilfov <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Chitila <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Ciorogârla <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Chiajna <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> college town <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bucharest <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Dâmbovița River <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> municipality of Romania <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Otopeni <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Popești-Leordeni <s> Bucharest <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nicosia Municipality <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Domnești <s> Bucharest <p> shares border with <o> Măgurele <s> Bucharest <p> award received <o> Croix de guerre 1914–1918 <s> Bucharest <p> legislative body <o> Bucharest City Council <s> Bucharest <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Bucharest <p> head of government <o> Nicușor Dan <s> Delhi <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Delhi <p> has part(s) <o> New Delhi <s> Delhi <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Sanskrit <s> Delhi <p> different from <o> New Delhi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Hindi <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Delhi <p> related category <o> Category:Delhi-related lists <s> Delhi <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuala Lumpur <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Lodi dynasty <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Awadhi <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karachi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Haryanvi <s> Delhi <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokyo <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Bhojpuri <s> Delhi <p> has part(s) <o> Delhi <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chicago <s> Delhi <p> country <o> India <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Mughal Empire <s> Delhi <p> has part(s) <o> Delhi Cantonment <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Delhi <p> part of <o> Indo-Gangetic Plain <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Delhi Sultanate <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Maithili <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Punjabi <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Delhi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+05:30 <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yerevan <s> Delhi <p> different from <o> Delhi <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> South Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Tibetan <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fukuoka Prefecture <s> Delhi <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Sindhi <s> Delhi <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Delhi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Delhi <s> Delhi <p> significant event <o> Siege of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> has part(s) <o> North Delhi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Mewari <s> Delhi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulaanbaatar <s> Delhi <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Delhi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Delhi <p> history of topic <o> history of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Delhi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Sur Empire <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Braj Bhasha <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Sansi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Bauria <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Central Tibetan <s> Delhi <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Delhi <p> part of <o> Yamuna-Ganga Doab <s> Delhi <p> said to be the same as <o> National Capital Territory of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Delhi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> National Capital Territory of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Delhi <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> East Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Central Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> significant event <o> Siege of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> has part(s) <o> South Delhi <s> Delhi <p> has part(s) <o> East Delhi <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> New Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> South West Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> South East Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Delhi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Delhi <p> replaces <o> Seven Cities of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> instance of <o> national capital <s> Delhi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Mala Malasar <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North West Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shahdara District <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Sayyid dynasty <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Tughlaq dynasty <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Khalji dynasty <s> Delhi <p> capital of <o> Mamluk sultanate <s> Delhi <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Delhi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Gaddi <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Gade Lohar <s> Delhi <p> language used <o> Kanjari <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> West Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North East Delhi district <s> Delhi <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Delhi <s> Delhi <p> different from <o> Dehlī <s> Delhi <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Delhi <s> Delhi <p> different from <o> National Capital Territory of Delhi <s> Delhi <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Yongding River <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Yongding River <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Yongding River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Yongding River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei <s> Yongding River <p> tributary <o> Yang He <s> Yongding River <p> tributary <o> Baihe <s> Yongding River <p> tributary <o> Sanggan He <s> Yongding River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Hai River <s> Yongding River <p> intangible cultural heritage status <o> Beijing Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage <s> Qing River <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Qing River <p> instance of <o> watercourse <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Beijing <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> instance of <o> government <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> headquarters location <o> Luyuan Subdistrict <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal Health Commission <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal Education Commission <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Beijing Municipal People's Government <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> replaces <o> Beiping Municipal Government <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> replaces <o> Beijing Revolution Committee <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> replaced by <o> Beijing Revolution Committee <s> People's Government of Beijing Municipality <p> office held by head of the organization <o> mayor of Beijing <s> Cai Qi <p> instance of <o> human <s> Cai Qi <p> country of citizenship <o> People's Republic of China <s> Cai Qi <p> given name <o> Qí <s> Cai Qi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject COVID-19 <s> Cai Qi <p> family name <o> Cai <s> Cai Qi <p> member of <o> Xi Jinping Dictatorship <s> Cai Qi <p> member of political party <o> Chinese Communist Party <s> Cai Qi <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Cai Qi <p> place of birth <o> Youxi County <s> Cai Qi <p> position held <o> First Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party <s> Cai Qi <p> position held <o> Secretary of the Beijing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party <s> Cai Qi <p> position held <o> member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party <s> Cai Qi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Cai Qi <p> position held <o> Head of the General Office of the Chinese Communist Party <s> Cai Qi <p> position held <o> member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party <s> Cai Qi <p> educated at <o> Fujian Normal University <s> Yin Li <p> family name <o> Yin <s> Yin Li <p> instance of <o> human <s> Yin Li <p> country of citizenship <o> People's Republic of China <s> Yin Li <p> given name <o> Lì <s> Yin Li <p> member of political party <o> Chinese Communist Party <s> Yin Li <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Yin Li <p> place of birth <o> Linyi County <s> Yin Li <p> position held <o> National People's Congress deputy <s> Yin Li <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Yin Li <p> educated at <o> Shandong University <s> Musashino <p> country <o> Japan <s> Musashino <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Musashino <p> location <o> Western Tokyo <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Musashino <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tokyo <s> Musashino <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Musashino <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Musashino, Tokyo <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khabarovsk <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chungju <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lubbock <s> Musashino <p> associated electoral district <o> Tokyo 18th district <s> Musashino <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Musashino, Tokyo <s> Musashino <p> shares border with <o> Koganei <s> Musashino <p> shares border with <o> Nishitokyo <s> Musashino <p> shares border with <o> Suginami-ku <s> Musashino <p> shares border with <o> Nerima-ku <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gangdong District <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brașov <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kawakami <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tōno <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanto <s> Musashino <p> shares border with <o> Mitaka <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minamiboso <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ōsakikamijima <s> Musashino <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Musashino <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sakata <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iwami <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kichijōji-Minamichō <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakai <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Midorichō <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nakachō <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kichijōji-Kitamachi <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gotenyama <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nishi-Kubo <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sekimae <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yahatachō <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kichijōji-Honchō <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyōnanchō <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakuradutsumi <s> Musashino <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kichijōji-Higashichō <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nagaoka <s> Musashino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Azumino </Graph>
<Text> :Situated on the Highveld, Gauteng is the smallest province by land area in South Africa. Although Gauteng accounts for only 1.5% of the country's land area, it is home to more than a quarter of its population . Highly urbanised, the province contains the country's largest city, Johannesburg, which is also one of the largest cities in the world. Gauteng is the wealthiest province in South Africa and is considered the financial hub of not only South Africa but the entire African continent; the financial activity is mostly concentrated in Johannesburg. It also contains the administrative capital, Pretoria, and other large areas such as Midrand, Vanderbijlpark, Ekurhuleni and the affluent Sandton. Gauteng is the most populous province in South Africa with a population of approximately 16.1 million according to mid year 2022 estimates. The name Gauteng is derived from the Sotho-Tswana gauta, meaning 'gold'. There was a thriving gold industry in the province following the 1886 discovery of gold in Johannesburg. In Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi the name Gauteng was used for Johannesburg and surrounding areas long before it was adopted in 1994 as the official name of the province. Gauteng was formed from part of the old Transvaal Province after South Africa's first multiracial elections on 27 April 1994. It was initially called Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging , and was renamed "Gauteng" on the 28th of June 1995, the same day two other provinces were renamed. The term "PWV" describing the region existed long before the establishment of a province by that name, with the "V" sometimes standing for "Vaal Triangle" rather than Vereeniging. Events in this area were not written down until the 19th century; information from before that time is lost or difficult to confirm. The first records are from the early 19th century, when settlers originating from the Cape Colony defeated chief Mzilikazi and started establishing villages in the area. Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania. The metropolis stands on the River Dambovita in south-eastern Romania. Its population is officially estimated at 1.76 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.3 million residents, which makes Bucharest the 8th most-populous city in the European Union. The city area measures 240 km2 and comprises 6 districts , while the metropolitan area covers 1,811 km2 . Bucharest is a beta global city, a major cultural, political and economic hub, and the country's seat of government. Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in 1459. The city became capital in 1862 and is the centre of Romanian media, culture, and art. Its architecture is a mix of historical , interbellum , socialist era, and modern. In the period between the two World Wars, the city's elegant architecture and the sophistication of its elite earned Bucharest the nicknames of Little Paris or Paris of the East . Although buildings and districts in the historic city centre were heavily damaged or destroyed by war, earthquakes, and even Nicolae Ceausescu's program of systematization, many survived and have been renovated. In recent years, the city has been experiencing an economic and cultural boom. It is one of the fastest-growing high-tech cities in Europe, according to the Financial Times, CBRE, TechCrunch, and others. UiPath, a global startup founded in Bucharest, has reached over $10 billion in valuation. In 2016, the historical city centre was listed as 'endangered' by the World Monuments Watch. In 2017, Bucharest was the European city with the highest growth of tourists who stay over night, according to the Mastercard Global Index of Urban Destinations. As for the past two consecutive years, 2018 and 2019, Bucharest ranked as the European destination with the highest potential for development according to the same study. In January 2023, there were 1.74 million inhabitants living within the city limits, and adding the satellite towns around the urban area, the proposed metropolitan area of Bucharest would have a population of 2.3 million people. In 2020, the government used 2.5 million people as the basis for pandemic reports. Bucharest is the eighth largest city in the European Union by population within city limits, behind Warsaw, Poland and one position ahead of Budapest, Hungary. Delhi, officially the National Capital Territory of Delhi , is a city and a union territory of India containing New Delhi, the capital of India. Lying on both sides of the Yamuna river, but chiefly to the west, or beyond its right bank, Delhi shares borders with the state of Uttar Pradesh in the east and with the state of Haryana in the remaining directions. Delhi became a union territory on 1 November 1956 and the NCT in 1995. The NCT covers an area of 1,484 square kilometres . According to the 2011 census, Delhi's city proper population was over 11 million, while the NCT's population was about 16.8 million. Delhi's urban agglomeration, which includes the satellite cities Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida, Greater Noida, Meerut and YEIDA city in an area known as the National Capital Region , has an estimated population of over 28 million, making it the largest metropolitan area in India and the second-largest in the world . The topography of the medieval fort Purana Qila on the banks of the river Yamuna matches the literary description of the citadel Indraprastha in the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata; however, excavations in the area have revealed no signs of an ancient built environment. From the early 13th century until the mid-19th century, Delhi was the capital of two major empires, the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire, which covered large parts of South Asia. All three UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the city, the Qutub Minar, Humayun's Tomb, and the Red Fort, belong to this period. Delhi was the early centre of Sufism and Qawwali music. The names of Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusrau are prominently associated with it. The Khariboli dialect of Delhi was part of a linguistic development that gave rise to the literature of Urdu and later Modern Standard Hindi. Major Urdu poets from Delhi include Mir Taqi Mir and Mirza Ghalib. Delhi was a notable centre of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. In 1911, New Delhi, a southern region within Delhi, became the capital of the British Indian Empire. During the Partition of India in 1947, Delhi was transformed from a Mughal city to a Punjabi one, losing two-thirds of its Muslim residents, in part due to the pressure brought to bear by arriving Hindu and Sikh refugees from western Punjab. After independence in 1947, New Delhi continued as the capital of the Dominion of India, and after 1950 of the Republic of India. Delhi ranks fifth among the Indian states and union territories in human development index, and has the second-highest GDP per capita in India . Although a union territory, the political administration of the NCT of Delhi today more closely resembles that of a state of India, with its own legislature, high court and an executive council of ministers headed by a chief minister. New Delhi is jointly administered by the federal government of India and the local government of Delhi, and serves as the capital of the nation as well as the NCT of Delhi. Delhi is also the centre of the National Capital Region, which is an "interstate regional planning" area created in 1985. Delhi hosted the inaugural 1951 Asian Games, the 1982 Asian Games, the 1983 Non-Aligned Movement summit, the 2010 Men's Hockey World Cup, the 2010 Commonwealth Games, and the 2012 BRICS summit, and was one of the major host cities of the 2011 and 2023 Cricket World Cups. The Yongding River is a river in northern China. It is one of the main tributaries in the Hai River system and is best known as the largest river to flow through Beijing. In recent years, the Beijing segment of the river has dried up due to environmental issues. The Beijing municipal government has invested 16 billion yuan in an effort to replace the riverbed with parkland or smaller bodies of water. The river was originally called Wuding River , literally "unfixed river", because its flow was irregular. When the Kangxi Emperor reigned, he enacted various hydraulic engineering projects in the region to rein in the seasonal flooding. After those projects, the river was renamed to its modern name, which means "ever-fixed river". The Yongding River is 650 kilometers in length and drains an area of 47,016 square kilometers . It emerges from the Guancen Mountains in Ningwu County, Shanxi Province, where it is known as the Sanggan River and flows northeast into Inner Mongolia and then heads southeast into Hebei Province. In Huailai County, it fills the Guanting Reservoir, the biggest reservoir serving Beijing, and takes on the name Yongding. It enters Beijing Municipality through the Xishan Mountains west of the city in Mentougou District and descends into the flatlands of Fengtai and Daxing Districts. The Qing River Headwaters originate at Tenglong Cave near Lichuan City, in Hubei's southwestern corner. The river is 423 kilometres long. Its drainage area is 17,000 square kilometres 17,000 km2, occupying large portions of the Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and Yichang Prefecture-level city. The Qing River confluence with the Yangtze River is at the ancient city of Yidu in the Yichang Prefecture of Hubei. The Qing River has three large dams on it: the Geheyan Dam, Gaobazhou Dam, and Shuibuya Dam. The Geheyan Dam has a ship lift that can lift vessels of up to 300 tons displacement, to allow water transport upriver from the dam. During the 1998 Yangtze River floods the dam effectively held back the Qing River flow. The "Qing River Gallery" is a Hubei Provincial Scenic Area that includes a series of scenic sites along the course of the Qing River upstream from the Geheyan Dam up to the Shuibuya Salt Springs. Cai Qi is a Chinese politician, who is the current first-ranked secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Communist Party, fifth-ranking member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee. He is also the serving directors of both the CCP General Office and General Secretary's office, both powerful and influential positions within the internal administrative apparatus of the CCP. Cai began his career in Fujian province. He has served successively as the mayor of Sanming, the mayor of Quzhou, the mayor of Hangzhou and the Communist Party secretary of Taizhou, Zhejiang. Beginning in 2010 he served as the executive vice governor of Zhejiang Province, and in 2014 was transferred to Beijing to serve as deputy director of the CCP National Security Commission Office . Between 2017 and 2022, he was the Communist Party Secretary of Beijing. Largely due to Cai's extensive experience working in Zhejiang province, he is believed to be a political ally of CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping. Cai was born in Youxi County, Fujian province on December 5, 1955. During the latter years of the Cultural Revolution he worked at the Xiyang Commune, Yong'an County, Fujian. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1975. Cai attended Fujian Normal University and graduated in 1978 with a degree in political economics. Afterwards, he stayed in the university as an official in its CCP committee, working there until 1983. In 1983, he was transferred to the Fujian Provincial CCP Committee, working there as a clerk until 1985, then working as a division deputy head between 1985 and 1987, and then working as a mishu at a General Work Department between 1987 and 1991. He worked as the deputy director of the Office of Political Reform between 1991 and 1992, deputy director of the Party Building Department between 1992 and 1993, and deputy director of the Provincial Party General Office between 1993 and 1996. As deputy director of the General Office, he was primarily a personal secretary to then Fujian CCP secretary Chen Guangyi. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Helsinki <p> associated electoral district <o> Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> different from <o> Helsinki sub-region <s> Helsinki <p> different from <o> Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> country <o> Finland <s> Helsinki <p> capital of <o> Finland <s> Helsinki <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> history of topic <o> History of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> related category <o> Category:Helsinki-related lists <s> Helsinki <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nuuk <s> Helsinki <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Helsinki <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Helsinki <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Helsinki sub-region <s> Helsinki <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Helsinki <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oslo <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Helsinki <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Helsinki <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Summer Time <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Helsinki City Museum <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Yrjönkatu Swimming Hall <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> House of Govinius <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Helen <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Copenhagen <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Helsinki <p> official language <o> Finnish <s> Helsinki <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berlin <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Helsinki <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Helsinki <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Port of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Suursuo Hospital <s> Helsinki <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> open data portal <o> Helsinki Region Infoshare <s> Helsinki <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Bolt Arena <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Helsinki City Transport <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn <s> Helsinki <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Koskela Church <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stockholm <s> Helsinki <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Helsinki <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guadalajara <s> Helsinki <p> instance of <o> city <s> Helsinki <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reykjavík <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Helsinki <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Uusimaa <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tórshavn <s> Helsinki <p> official language <o> Swedish <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eindhoven <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tallinn <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Helsinki <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of Finland <s> Helsinki <p> founded by <o> Gustav I of Sweden <s> Helsinki <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Helsinki <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Helsinki <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Helsinki <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> shares border with <o> Vantaa <s> Helsinki <p> shares border with <o> Sipoo <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Eläintarha Stadium <s> Helsinki <p> owner of <o> Lauttasaari water tower <s> Helsinki <p> instance of <o> municipality of Finland <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Helsinki <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Helsinki <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Helsinki <s> Helsinki <p> head of government <o> Juhana Vartiainen <s> Helsinki <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Vantaa River <s> Helsinki <p> shares border with <o> Espoo <s> Helsinki <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Helsinki <p> executive body <o> Helsinki City Board <s> Helsinki <p> award received <o> City of Design <s> Helsinki <p> legislative body <o> Helsinki City Council <s> Helsinki <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Helsinki <s> north <p> opposite of <o> south <s> north <p> instance of <o> cardinal direction <s> north <p> different from <o> Nord <s> north <p> different from <o> Norden <s> north <p> different from <o> Norte <s> north <p> instance of <o> points of the compass <s> north <p> part of <o> cardinal direction <s> north <p> different from <o> Norr <s> north <p> different from <o> Noord <s> north <p> different from <o> North <s> north <p> part of <o> points of the compass <s> north <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> north <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> north <p> different from <o> 北 <s> north <p> named after <o> bear <s> north <p> different from <o> Bakur <s> north <p> topic's main category <o> Category:North <s> north <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from north <s> Islamabad <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> capital of <o> Pakistan <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Islamabad <p> named after <o> Islam <s> Islamabad <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+06:00 <s> Islamabad <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+05:00 <s> Islamabad <p> located in time zone <o> Pakistan Standard Time <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Islamabad <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Islamabad <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Islamabad <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> instance of <o> city <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astrakhan <s> Islamabad <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> history of topic <o> history of Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abu Dhabi <s> Islamabad <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Islamabad <p> depicted by <o> Minnie Gomery Fonds <s> Islamabad <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> country <o> Pakistan <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taranto <s> Islamabad <p> named after <o> -abad <s> Islamabad <p> head of government <o> Sheikh Ansar Aziz <s> Islamabad <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Islamabad <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Islamabad <s> Islamabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sydney <s> Islamabad <p> shares border with <o> Khyber Pakhtunkhwa <s> Islamabad <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Islamabad Capital Territory <s> Islamabad <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Islamabad <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Astana <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Astana <s> Astana <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Astana <s> Astana <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Astana <p> capital of <o> Kazakhstan <s> Astana <p> enclave within <o> Akmola Region <s> Astana <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Astana <p> owner of <o> Kazhimukan Munaitpasov Stadium <s> Astana <p> owner of <o> Palace of Peace and Reconciliation <s> Astana <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Astana <p> country <o> Kazakhstan <s> Astana <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Astana <s> Astana <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Astana <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Astana <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Astana <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Warsaw <s> Astana <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Emirate of Dubai <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Astana <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kazakhstan <s> Astana <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Astana <s> Astana <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+06:00 <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kazan <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Astana <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Astana <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Astana <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Astana <p> owner of <o> Astana Arena <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Astana <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Astana <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pittsburgh <s> Astana <p> history of topic <o> History of Astana <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gdańsk <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Astana <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Astana <p> official language <o> Russian <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Astana <p> named after <o> capital city <s> Astana <p> official language <o> Kazakh <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bishkek <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Astana <p> shares border with <o> Akmola Region <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Margate <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Uşak <s> Astana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trujillo <s> Astana <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Astana <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Astana <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ishim <s> Astana <p> head of government <o> Altai Kölgınov <s> Astana <p> instance of <o> city of republican significance <s> Astana <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Astana <p> founded by <o> Fyodor Shubin <s> Copenhagen <p> country <o> Denmark <s> Copenhagen <p> capital of <o> Denmark <s> Copenhagen <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Copenhagen <p> member of <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nuuk <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oslo <s> Copenhagen <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Copenhagen <p> significant event <o> Siege of Copenhague <s> Copenhagen <p> significant event <o> Siege of Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> significant event <o> Siege of Copenhague <s> Copenhagen <p> significant event <o> Siege Of Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Copenhagen <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> instance of <o> city <s> Copenhagen <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Time <s> Copenhagen <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> related category <o> Category:Copenhagen-related lists <s> Copenhagen <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Helsinki <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reykjavík <s> Copenhagen <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Copenhagen <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Copenhagen <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Copenhagen <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curitiba <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Trap Danmark <s> Copenhagen <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berlin <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tórshavn <s> Copenhagen <p> official language <o> Danish <s> Copenhagen <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Copenhagen from the sea <s> Copenhagen <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Copenhagen <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Capital Region of Denmark <s> Copenhagen <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marseille <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grójec <s> Copenhagen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stockholm Municipality <s> Copenhagen <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Øresund <s> Copenhagen <p> instance of <o> cycling city <s> Copenhagen <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Copenhagen <p> head of government <o> Sophie Hæstorp Andersen <s> Copenhagen <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Copenhagen <s> Havana <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Havana <s> Havana <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Havana <s> Havana <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Havana <s> Havana <p> capital of <o> Cuba <s> Havana <p> capital of <o> Havana Province <s> Havana <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Havana <p> country <o> Cuba <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Havana <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Havana <p> different from <o> Havana Province <s> Havana <p> patron saint <o> Saint Christopher <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Havana <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Havana <s> Havana <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Havana <s> Havana <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Havana <s> Havana <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Havana <s> Havana <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Havana <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Havana <p> history of topic <o> history of Havana <s> Havana <p> significant event <o> Battle of Havana <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Havana <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Havana <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Windhoek <s> Havana <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toledo <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seville <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Glasgow <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gijón <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rotterdam <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Havana <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Havana Province <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> İzmir <s> Havana <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of Mexico <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mobile <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Constanța <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Isfahan <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Bernardo do Campo <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cádiz <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tijuana <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sintra <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sullana <s> Havana <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuzco <s> Havana <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mar del Plata <s> Havana <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Almendares River <s> Havana <p> head of government <o> Reinaldo García Zapata <s> Havana <p> head of government <o> Marta Hernández Romero <s> Havana <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Havana <s> Phnom Penh <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Phnom Penh <s> Phnom Penh <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Phnom Penh <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Phnom Penh <p> country <o> Cambodia <s> Phnom Penh <p> capital of <o> Cambodia <s> Phnom Penh <p> capital of <o> Democratic Kampuchea <s> Phnom Penh <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cambodia <s> Phnom Penh <p> instance of <o> city <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Phnom Penh <p> enclave within <o> Kandal Province <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Phnom Penh <p> capital of <o> Khmer Republic <s> Phnom Penh <p> capital of <o> People's Republic of Kampuchea <s> Phnom Penh <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Phnom Penh <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Phnom Penh <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Phnom Penh <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Phnom Penh <p> significant event <o> fall of Phnom Penh <s> Phnom Penh <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Phnom Penh <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Phnom Penh <p> capital of <o> French Protectorate of Cambodia <s> Phnom Penh <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Phnom Penh <s> Phnom Penh <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Phnom Penh <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chongqing <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Phnom Penh <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Long Beach <s> Phnom Penh <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Phnom Penh <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kunming <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vientiane <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kitakyushu <s> Phnom Penh <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Phnom Penh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Providence <s> Phnom Penh <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Phnom Penh <p> shares border with <o> Mukh Kamphool District <s> Phnom Penh <p> shares border with <o> Kandal Province <s> Phnom Penh <p> instance of <o> provincial municipality of Cambodia <s> Phnom Penh <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Phnom Penh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mekong River <s> Phnom Penh <p> head of government <o> Pa Socheatvong <s> Phnom Penh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Bassac River <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chroy Changvar Section <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Daun Penh District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dangkao District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prampi Makara District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chamkarmon District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toul Kork District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Russei Keo District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meanchey District <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pou Senchey <s> Phnom Penh <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sen Sok District <s> Hanoi <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Hanoi <p> capital of <o> Vietnam <s> Hanoi <p> capital of <o> North Vietnam <s> Hanoi <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Hanoi <p> part of <o> Northern Vietnam <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Warsaw <s> Hanoi <p> located in time zone <o> Indochina Time <s> Hanoi <p> significant event <o> foundation of the city of Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> significant event <o> Siege of Đông Quan <s> Hanoi <p> capital of <o> French Indochina <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Hanoi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+07:00 <s> Hanoi <p> capital of <o> Tran dynasty <s> Hanoi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Hanoi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Hanoi <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Hanoi <p> capital of <o> Tonkin <s> Hanoi <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Hanoi <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Phnom Penh <s> Hanoi <p> different from <o> Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Hanoi <p> instance of <o> city <s> Hanoi <p> country <o> Vietnam <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seychelles <s> Hanoi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> Hanoi <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palermo <s> Hanoi <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> replaces <o> Đại La <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Victoria <s> Hanoi <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Hanoi Tourism <s> Hanoi <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toulouse <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Hanoi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Vietnam <s> Hanoi <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Hanoi <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Hòa Bình <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Bắc Giang <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Hưng Yên <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yokohama <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Indre-et-Loire <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Phú Thọ <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Hà Nam <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Hanoi <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Hanoi <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Hanoi <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fukuoka Prefecture <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cầu Giấy <s> Hanoi <p> official language <o> Vietnamese <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Phú Xuyên <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hà Đông <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thường Tín District <s> Hanoi <p> instance of <o> municipality of Vietnam <s> Hanoi <p> founded by <o> Ly Thai To <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Île-de-France <s> Hanoi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest District XVI <s> Hanoi <p> head of government <o> Trần Sỹ Thanh <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sơn Tây <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hai Bà Trưng <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hoàn Kiếm <s> Hanoi <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Red River <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Thái Nguyên <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nam Từ Liêm <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bắc Từ Liêm <s> Hanoi <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Hanoi <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mỹ Đức <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ba Đình <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hoàng Mai <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Đông Anh <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Long Biên <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ứng Hòa <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hoài Đức <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thanh Xuân <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mê Linh <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ba Vì <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Đống Đa <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tây Hồ <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gia Lâm <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Vĩnh Phúc <s> Hanoi <p> shares border with <o> Bắc Ninh <s> Hanoi <p> capital <o> Ba Đình <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chương Mỹ <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thanh Oai <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thanh Trì <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quốc Oai <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Đan Phượng <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sóc Sơn <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Phúc Thọ <s> Hanoi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thạch Thất <s> Manila <p> different from <o> Manila <s> Manila <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Manila <p> language used <o> Tagalog <s> Manila <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Francisco <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yokohama <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fuzhou <s> Manila <p> capital of <o> Philippines <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Haifa <s> Manila <p> coextensive with <o> National Capital Region First District <s> Manila <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Manila <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Manila <s> Manila <p> related category <o> Category:Manila-related lists <s> Manila <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Manila <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Barbara <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Laval <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Manila <p> associated electoral district <o> legislative districts of Manila <s> Manila <p> Köppen climate classification <o> tropical monsoon climate <s> Manila <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Manila <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu County <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Acapulco <s> Manila <p> country <o> Philippines <s> Manila <p> shares border with <o> Quezon City <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cartagena de Indias <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Manila <p> shares border with <o> Caloocan <s> Manila <p> located in time zone <o> Philippine Standard Time <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Delhi <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seberang Perai <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Manila <p> owner of <o> Manila City Hall <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Manila <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pasig River <s> Manila <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Manila Bay <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maui County <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Takatsuki <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taichung <s> Manila <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Manila <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Manila <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago <s> Manila <p> shares border with <o> Makati <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Manila <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Manila <s> Manila <p> income classification (Philippines) <o> special city income class <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Winnipeg <s> Manila <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Manila <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sydney <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Málaga <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> Manila <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Manila <s> Manila <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Manila <s> Manila <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Manila <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Manila <p> shares border with <o> Mandaluyong <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Panama City <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guangzhou <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guam <s> Manila <p> shares border with <o> Navotas <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Busan <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lima <s> Manila <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metro Manila <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sacramento <s> Manila <p> shares border with <o> Pasay <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jersey City <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu <s> Manila <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nice <s> Manila <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Manila <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Manila <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sampaloc <s> Manila <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> 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described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Riga <p> capital of <o> United Baltic Duchy <s> Riga <p> capital of <o> Livonian confederation <s> Riga <p> capital of <o> Livonia Governorate <s> Riga <p> significant event <o> Siege of Riga <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Daugavgrīva <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Maskavas Forštate <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Ķīpsala <s> Riga <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Riga <p> country <o> Latvia <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Rumbula <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Vecrīga <s> Riga <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Riga <p> language used <o> Russian <s> Riga <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Latvia <s> Riga <p> different from <o> Rig <s> Riga <p> significant event <o> Siege of Riga <s> Riga <p> significant event <o> Siege of Riga <s> Riga <p> language used <o> Latvian <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Mežaparks <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> 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settlement <o> Šķirotava <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Berģi <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Beberbeķi <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Dārzciems <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Buļļi <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Olaine Municipality <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Carnikava Municipality <s> Riga <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Riga <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Riga <s> Riga <p> head of government <o> Vilnis Ķirsis <s> Riga <p> flag <o> flag of Riga <s> Riga <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Riga <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Spilve, Riga <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Vecdaugava <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Voleri <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Trīsciems <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Ropaži Municipality <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Mārupe Municipality <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Ādaži Municipality <s> Riga <p> capital of <o> Duchy of Courland and Semigallia <s> Riga <p> capital of <o> Interwar Latvia <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Jugla Lake <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mārupīte <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Buļļupe <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Vecmīlgrāvis <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Zolitūde <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Bišumuiža <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Iļģuciems <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Centrs, Riga <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Zasulauks <s> Riga <p> instance of <o> state city of Latvia <s> Riga <p> significant event <o> Siege of Riga <s> Riga <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Riga <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Riga <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Riga <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Ķekava Municipality <s> Riga <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Riga <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mazā Daugava <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mīlgrāvis <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Vecdaugava <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Mangaļsala <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Pētersala-Andrejsala <s> Riga <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Riga <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Salaspils Municipality <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Babīte Municipality <s> Riga <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Riga <p> capital of <o> free imperial city of Riga <s> Riga <p> legislative body <o> Riga City Council <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Garkalne Municipality <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Mārupe Municipality <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Daugava <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Jaunciems <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Atgāzene <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Dārziņi <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Suži <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Mīlgrāvis <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Kundziņsala <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Vecāķi <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Grīziņkalns <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ķīšezers <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Stopiņi Municipality <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Ķekava Municipality <s> Riga <p> official language <o> Latvian <s> Riga <p> founded by <o> Albert of Riga <s> Riga <p> significant event <o> Siege of Riga <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Avoti <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Pleskodāle <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Dzirciems <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Salas <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Mūkupurvs <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Katlakalns <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Skanste <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Bieriņi <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Brekši <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Brasa, Riga <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Šampēteris <s> Riga <p> contains settlement <o> Kleisti <s> Riga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of Riga <s> Riga <p> shares border with <o> Jūrmala <s> Riga <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> Cultural heritage monuments in Zemgale Suburb, Riga <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> Cultural heritage monuments in Vidzeme Suburb, Riga <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> State protected cultural monuments in Latgale Suburb, Riga <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> Cultural heritage monuments in Northern District, Riga <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> Cultural heritage monuments in Vecrīga, Riga <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> Cultural heritage monuments in Central District, Riga <s> Riga <p> list of monuments <o> Cultural heritage monuments in Kurzeme District, Riga <s> Riga <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Riga <s> Riga <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Riga <s> Riga <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Riga <s> Riga <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Riga </Graph>
<Text> :Helsinki is the capital, largest and most populous city in Finland. Located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, it is the seat of the Uusimaa region in southern Finland. Approximately 0.67 million people live in the municipality, with 1.25 million in the capital region, and 1.64 million in the metropolitan area. The region is by far the most populous urban area in Finland and the country's most important centre for politics, education, finance, culture and research. Helsinki is located 80 kilometres north of Tallinn, Estonia, 362 km north of Riga, Latvia 400 km east of Stockholm, Sweden, and 300 km west of Saint Petersburg, Russia. It has close historical links with these four cities. Together with the cities of Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen - and surrounding commuter towns, including the neighbouring municipality of Sipoo to the east - Helsinki forms the Greater Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Often considered Finland's only metropolis, it is the world's northernmost metropolitan area with over one million inhabitants and the northernmost capital of an EU member state. Helsinki is the third largest municipality in the Nordic countries after Stockholm and Oslo, and its urban area is the second largest in the Nordic countries after Stockholm. The official languages are Finnish and Swedish. The city is served by Helsinki Airport, located in the neighbouring city of Vantaa, with frequent flights to many destinations in Europe, North America and Asia. Helsinki hosted the 1952 Summer Olympics, the first Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe/Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Summit in 1975, the 52nd Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 and it was the 2012 World Design Capital. Helsinki has one of the highest standards of urban living in the world. In 2011, the British magazine Monocle ranked Helsinki as the world's most liveable city in its liveable cities index. In the Economist Intelligence Unit's 2016 liveability survey, Helsinki ranked ninth out of 140 cities. In July 2021, the American magazine Time named Helsinki as one of the world's greatest places in 2021, as a city that "can grow into a burgeoning cultural nest in the future" and that is already known as an environmental pioneer in the world. In an international Cities of Choice survey conducted in 2021 by the Boston Consulting Group and the BCG Henderson Institute, Helsinki was ranked the third best city in the world to live in, with London and New York City coming in first and second. In the Conde Nast Traveler magazine's 2023 Readers' Choice Awards, Helsinki was ranked 4th as the friendliest cities in Europe. Helsinki, along with Rovaniemi in Lapland, is also one of Finland's most important tourist cities. Due to the large number of sea passengers per year, Helsinki is classified as a major port city, and in 2017 it was rated the world's busiest passenger port. North is one of the four compass points or cardinal directions. It is the opposite of south and is perpendicular to east and west. North is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. The word north is related to the Old High German nord, both descending from the Proto-Indo-European unit *ner-, meaning "left; below" as north is to left when facing the rising sun. Similarly, the other cardinal directions are also related to the sun's position. The Latin word borealis comes from the Greek boreas "north wind, north", which, according to Ovid, was personified as the wind-god Boreas, the father of Calais and Zetes. Septentrionalis is from septentriones, "the seven plow oxen", a name of Ursa Major. The Greek arktikos is named for the same constellation, and is the source of the English word Arctic. Other languages have other derivations. For example, in Lezgian, kefer can mean both "disbelief" and "north", since to the north of the Muslim Lezgian homeland there are areas formerly inhabited by non-Muslim Caucasian and Turkic peoples. In many languages of Mesoamerica, north also means "up". In Hungarian, the word for north is eszak, which is derived from ejszaka , since above the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun never shines from the north, except inside the Arctic Circle during the summer midnight sun. Islamabad is the capital city of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is the country's ninth-most populous city with a population of over 1.2 million people and is federally administered by the Pakistani government as part of the Islamabad Capital Territory. Built as a planned city in the 1960s and established in 1967, it replaced Karachi as Pakistan's official national capital. The Greek architect Constantinos Apostolou Doxiadis developed Islamabad's master plan, in which he divided it into eight zones; administrative, diplomatic enclave, residential areas, educational and industrial sectors, commercial areas, as well as rural and green areas administered by the Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation with support from the Capital Development Authority. Islamabad is known for its parks and forests, including the Margalla Hills National Park and the Shakarparian. It is home to several landmarks, including the country's flagship Faisal Mosque, which is the world's fifth-largest mosque. Other prominent landmarks include the Pakistan Monument and Democracy Square. Rated as Gamma + by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, Islamabad has the highest cost of living in Pakistan. The city's populace is dominated by both middle and upper-middle class citizens. Islamabad is home to twenty universities, including Bahria University, Quaid-e-Azam University, PIEAS, COMSATS University, and NUST. It is also rated as one of the safest cities in Pakistan and has an expansive RFID-enabled surveillance system with almost 2,000 active CCTV cameras. The name Islamabad means City of Islam. It is derived from two words: Islam and abad. Islam refers to the religion of Islam, Pakistan's state religion, and -abad is a Persian suffix meaning cultivated place, indicating an inhabited place or city. According to a history book by Muhammad Ismail Zabeeh, teacher and poet Qazi Abdur Rehman Amritsari proposed the name of the city. Astana , previously known as Akmolinsk, Tselinograd, Akmola, and most recently Nur-Sultan, is the capital city of Kazakhstan. The city lies on the banks of the Ishim River in the north-central part of Kazakhstan, within the Akmola Region, though administered as a city with special status separately from the rest of the region. A 2022 official estimate reported a population of 1,350,228 within the city limits, making it the second-largest city in the country, after Almaty, which had been the capital until 1997. The city became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997; since then it has grown and developed economically into one of the most modern cities in Central Asia. In 2021, the government selected Astana as one of the 10 priority destinations for tourist development. Modern Astana is a planned city, following the process of other planned capitals. After it became the capital of Kazakhstan, the city dramatically changed shape with its master-plan designed by Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa. As the seat of the government of Kazakhstan, Astana is the site of the Parliament House, Supreme Court, Ak Orda Presidential Palace and numerous government departments and agencies. It is home to a range of futuristic buildings, including many skyscrapers. The settlement of Akmoly was founded in 1830, possibly named after a local landmark--Ak' mola literally means white grave in Kazakh--although this theory is not universally accepted. In 1832, it was granted town status and renamed Akmolinsk. In 1961, under Nikita Khrushchev, it was renamed Tselinograd, Russian for "City of Virgin Lands". In 1991, following Kazakhstan's independence, the name was changed to Akmola. Copenhagen is the capital and most populous city of Denmark, with a population of around 660,000 in the municipality and 1.4 million in the urban area. The city is on the islands of Zealand and Amager, separated from Malmo, Sweden, by the Oresund strait. The Oresund Bridge connects the two cities by rail and road. Originally a Viking fishing village established in the 10th century in the vicinity of what is now Gammel Strand, Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark in the early 15th century. From the 17th century, it became a regional centre of power with its institutions, defences, and armed forces. During the Renaissance the city was the de facto capital of the Kalmar Union and the seat of monarchy, governing most of the present day Nordic region in a union with Sweden and Norway ruled by the Danish monarch serving as the head of state. The city flourished as the cultural and economic centre of Scandinavia under the union for over 120 years, from the 15th century until the early 16th century when Sweden left the union through a rebellion. After a plague outbreak and fire in the 18th century, the city underwent redevelopment. This included construction of the prestigious district of Frederiksstaden and founding cultural institutions including the Royal Theatre and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. After disasters in the early 19th century when the British Royal Navy attacked the Dano-Norwegian fleet and bombarded the city, rebuilding during the Danish Golden Age brought a Neoclassical look to Copenhagen's architecture. After the Second World War, the Finger Plan fostered the development of housing and businesses along the five urban railway routes emanating from the city centre. Since the turn of the 21st century, Copenhagen has seen strong urban and cultural development, facilitated by investment in its institutions and infrastructure. The city is the cultural, economic and governmental centre of Denmark; it is one of the major financial centres of Northern Europe with the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. Copenhagen's economy has developed rapidly in the service sector, especially through initiatives in information technology, pharmaceuticals and clean technology. Since the completion of the Oresund Bridge, Copenhagen has increasingly integrated with the Swedish province of Scania and its largest city, Malmo, forming the Oresund Region. With several bridges connecting the various districts, the cityscape is characterised by parks, promenades, and waterfronts. Copenhagen's landmarks such as Tivoli Gardens, The Little Mermaid statue, the Amalienborg and Christiansborg palaces, Rosenborg Castle, Frederik's Church, Borsen and many museums, restaurants and nightclubs are significant tourist attractions. Copenhagen is home to the University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School, and the IT University of Copenhagen. The University of Copenhagen, founded in 1479, is the oldest university in Denmark. Copenhagen is home to the football clubs F.C. Copenhagen and Brondby IF. The annual Copenhagen Marathon was established in 1980. Copenhagen is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. Havana is the capital and largest city of Cuba. The heart of the La Habana Province, Havana is the country's main port and commercial center. It is the most populous city, the largest by area, and the second largest metropolitan area in the Caribbean region. The population in 2002 was 2,137,847 inhabitants, and its area is 728.26 km2 for the capital city side and 8,475.57 km2 for the metropolitan zone. Havana was founded by the Spanish in the 16th century. It served as a springboard for the Spanish conquest of the Americas, becoming a stopping point for Spanish galleons returning to Spain. Philip II of Spain granted Havana the title of capital in 1607. Walls and forts were built to protect the city. The city is the seat of the Cuban government and various ministries, and headquarters of businesses and over 100 diplomatic offices. The governor is Reinaldo Garcia Zapata of the Communist Party of Cuba . In 2009, the city/province had the third-highest income in the country. Contemporary Havana can essentially be described as three cities in one: Old Havana, Vedado and the newer suburban districts. The city extends mostly westward and southward from the bay, which is entered through a narrow inlet and which divides into three main harbors: Marimelena, Guanabacoa and Antares. The Almendares River traverses the city from south to north, entering the Straits of Florida a few miles west of the bay. Phnom Penh is the capital and most populous city of Cambodia. It has been the national capital since the French protectorate of Cambodia and has grown to become the nation's primate city and its economic, industrial, and cultural centre. Before Phnom Penh became capital city, Oudong was the capital of the country. Phnom Penh succeeded Angkor Thom as the capital of the Khmer nation but was abandoned several times before being reestablished in 1865 by King Norodom. The city formerly functioned as a processing center, with textiles, pharmaceuticals, machine manufacturing, and rice milling. Its chief assets, however, were cultural. Institutions of higher learning included the Royal University of Phnom Penh , with schools of engineering, fine arts, technology, and agricultural sciences, the latter at Chamkar Daung, a suburb. Also located in Phnom Penh were the Royal University of Agronomic Sciences and the Agricultural School of Prek Leap. The city was nicknamed the "Pearl of Asia" for its early 20th century colonial French architecture, which included Art Deco works. Phnom Penh, along with Siem Reap and Sihanoukville, are significant global and domestic tourist destinations for Cambodia. Founded in 1372, the city is noted for its historical architecture and attractions. It became the national capital in 1434 following the fall of Angkor, and remained so until 1497. It regained its capital status during the French colonial era in 1865. There are a number of surviving colonial-era buildings scattered along the grand boulevards. On the banks of the Tonle Sap, Mekong, and Bassac Rivers, Phnom Penh is home to more than 2 million people, approximately 14% of the Cambodian population. The Greater Phnom Penh area includes the nearby Ta Khmau city and some districts of Kandal province. Hanoi is the capital and second-most populous city of Vietnam. As evident by the literal translation of its name - 'inside the river' - portions of Hanoi's border are delineated by the Red River and the Black River. As a municipality, Hanoi consists of 12 urban districts, 17 rural districts, and 1 district-level town . It has an area of 3,359.82 km2 and a population of 8,435,700 in 2022. In 2020, Hanoi has the second-highest gross regional domestic product of all Vietnam provinces and municipalities at 51.4 billion USD, behind Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi Capital is also ASEAN 8th largest economy after Surabaya. In the third century BCE, the Co Loa Capital Citadel of Au Lac was constructed in the area of modern-day Hanoi. Au Lac then falls under China rule for around a thousand years. In 1010, Vietnamese emperor Ly Thai To established the capital of the imperial Vietnamese nation Dai Viet in modern-day central Hanoi, naming the city Thang Long . The Nguyen dynasty in 1802 moved the national capital to Hue and the city was renamed Hanoi in 1831. It served as the capital of French Indochina from 1902 to 1945. After the August Revolution, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam designated Hanoi as the capital of the newly independent country. In 2008, Ha Tay Province and two other rural districts were annexed into Hanoi, effectively tripling Hanoi's area. In the 21st century, Hanoi is the cultural, economic and education center of Northern Vietnam. As the capital of the country, Hanoi hosts 78 foreign embassies, the headquarter of People's Army of Vietnam, its own Vietnam National University system, and many other governmental organs. Hanoi is also a major tourist destination, with 18.7 million domestic and international visitors in 2022. The city hosts Imperial Citadel of Thang Long , Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, and Ba Vi National Park near the outskirts of the municipality. Hanoi's urban area has a wide range of architectural styles, including French colonial architecture, brutalist apartments typical of socialist nations and disorganized alleys-tube houses reflecting the city's rapid growth in the 20th century. As of early 2020s, many urban amenities in Hanoi are under heavy construction, such as the 8-lines Hanoi Metro and numerous housing estates. Hanoi has had various names throughout history. It was known first as Long Bien , then Tong Binh and Long Do . Long Bien later gave its name to the famed Long Bien Bridge, built during French colonial times, and more recently to a new district to the east of the Red River. Several older names of Hanoi feature long , linked to the curved formation of the Red River around the city, which was symbolized as a dragon. Manila , officially the City of Manila , is the capital and second-most populous city of the Philippines. Located on the eastern shore of Manila Bay on the island of Luzon, it is classified as a highly urbanized city. As of 2019, it is the world's most densely populated city proper. It was the first chartered city in the country, and was designated as such by the Philippine Commission Act No. 183 on July 31, 1901. It became autonomous with the passage of Republic Act No. 409, "The Revised Charter of the City of Manila", on June 18, 1949. Manila is considered to be part of the world's original set of global cities because its commercial networks were the first to extend across the Pacific Ocean and connect Asia with the Spanish Americas through the galleon trade; when this was accomplished, it was the first time an uninterrupted chain of trade routes circling the planet had been established. By 1258, a Tagalog-fortified polity called Maynila existed on the site of modern Manila. On June 24, 1571, after the defeat of the polity's last indigenous Rajah Sulayman in the Battle of Bangkusay, Spanish conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi began constructing the walled fortification Intramuros on the ruins of an older settlement from whose name the Spanish-and-English name Manila derives. Manila was used as the capital of the captaincy general of the Spanish East Indies, which included the Marianas, Guam and other islands, and was controlled and administered for the Spanish crown by Mexico City in the Viceroyalty of New Spain. In modern times, the name "Manila" is commonly used to refer to the whole metropolitan area, the greater metropolitan area, and the city proper. Metro Manila, the officially defined metropolitan area, is the capital region of the Philippines, and includes the much-larger Quezon City and the Makati Central Business District. It is the most-populous region in the country, one of the most-populous urban areas in the world, and one of the wealthiest regions in Southeast Asia. The city proper was home to 1,846,513 people in 2020, and is the historic core of a built-up area that extends well beyond its administrative limits. With 71,263 inhabitants per square kilometer , Manila is the most densely populated city proper in the world. The Pasig River flows through the middle of the city, dividing it into north and south sections. The city comprises 16 administrative districts and is divided into six political districts for the purposes of representation in the Congress of the Philippines and the election of city council members. In 2018, the Globalization and World Cities Research Network listed Manila as an "Alpha-" global city, and ranked it seventh in economic performance globally and second regionally, while the Global Financial Centres Index ranks Manila 79th in the world. Manila is also the world's second-most natural disaster exposed city, yet is also among the fastest developing cities in Southeast Asia. Riga is the capital, primate, and the largest city of Latvia as well as the most populous city in the Baltic States. Home to 609,489 inhabitants, the city accounts for a third of Latvia's total population. The population of Riga metropolitan area, which stretches beyond the city limits, is estimated at 860,142 . The city lies on the Gulf of Riga at the mouth of the Daugava river where it meets the Baltic Sea. Riga's territory covers 307.17 km2 and lies 1-10 m above sea level on a flat and sandy plain. Riga was founded in 1201 and is a former Hanseatic League member. Riga's historical centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted for its Art Nouveau/Jugendstil architecture and 19th century wooden architecture. Riga was the European Capital of Culture in 2014, along with Umea in Sweden. Riga hosted the 2006 NATO Summit, the Eurovision Song Contest 2003, the 2013 World Women's Curling Championship, and the IIHF Men's World Ice Hockey Championships in 2006, 2021, and 2023. It is home to the European Union's office of European Regulators for Electronic Communications . In 2017, it was named the European Region of Gastronomy. In 2019, Riga received over 1.4 million foreign visitors. The city is served by Riga International Airport, the largest and busiest airport in the Baltic states. Riga is a member of Eurocities, the Union of the Baltic Cities , and Union of Capitals of the European Union . However, the most reliably documented explanation is the affirmation by German historian Dionysius Fabricius that Riga's name comes from its already established role in trade: "Riga obtained its name from the buildings or warehouses found in great number along the banks of the Duna, which the Livs in their own language are accustomed to call Riae". The "j" in Latvian rija hardened to a "g" in German. English geographer Richard Hakluyt corroborates this account, calling Riga Rie, as pronounced in Latvian. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Minsk <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Dražnia <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Sliepnia <s> Minsk <p> executive body <o> Minsk City Executive Committee <s> Minsk <p> language used <o> Russian <s> Minsk <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Minsk <s> Minsk <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Minsk <p> capital of <o> Belarus <s> Minsk <p> significant event <o> Bombing of Minsk in World War II <s> Minsk <p> different from <o> Mińsk <s> Minsk <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Minsk <s> Minsk <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Minsk <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Minsk <p> country <o> Belarus <s> Minsk <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Belarus <s> Minsk <p> significant event <o> German occupation of Minsk during World War II <s> Minsk <p> enclave within <o> Minsk Region <s> Minsk <p> significant event <o> Magdeburg rights <s> Minsk <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Minsk <p> history of topic <o> history of Minsk <s> Minsk <p> language used <o> Belarusian <s> Minsk <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Minsk <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Minsk <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Minsk <s> Minsk <p> authority <o> Minsk City Executive Committee <s> Minsk <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Minsk <s> Minsk <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Minsk <s> Minsk <p> related category <o> Category:Minsk-related lists <s> Minsk <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Minsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Minsk <p> office held by head of government <o> chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nizhny Novgorod <s> Minsk <p> owner of <o> Traktor Stadium <s> Minsk <p> owner of <o> Football Manege <s> Minsk <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Minsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Łódź <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bengaluru <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Minsk <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Minsk <s> Minsk <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bonn <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Omsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Minsk <p> list of monuments <o> list of monuments in Minsk <s> Minsk <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Minsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Minsk <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Minsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bryansk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abu Dhabi <s> Minsk <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaliningrad <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Potsdam <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Murmansk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novosibirsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaluga <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odesa <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yerevan <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Belgrade <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Izhevsk <s> Minsk <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Minsk <p> official language <o> Russian <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Harare <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dushanbe <s> Minsk <p> official language <o> Belarusian <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulyanovsk <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eindhoven <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chișinău <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bishkek <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Detroit <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nottingham <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Belo Horizonte <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sendai <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bakersfield <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kalisz <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Changchun <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brașov <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Netanya <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nevers <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tiraspol <s> Minsk <p> shares border with <o> Minsk Region <s> Minsk <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Minsk <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Agia Napa <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Svislach River <s> Minsk <p> head of government <o> Uladzimir Kukharau <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Traścianka <s> Minsk <p> award received <o> Hero City of the Soviet Union <s> Minsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reinickendorf <s> Minsk <p> founded by <o> Menesk <s> Minsk <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Minsk <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Minsk <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity of Belarus <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frunzyenski District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kastrychnitski District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maskowski District <s> Minsk <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Minsk <p> flag <o> flag of Minsk <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Loshytsa <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Piarespa <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Nyamiha River <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyeninski District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Savyetski District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Partyzanski District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tsentralny District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pyershamayski District <s> Minsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zavodski District <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Myška <s> Minsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Cna river <s> Minsk <p> anthem <o> Anthem of Minsk <s> Santiago <p> different from <o> Santiago <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Chile <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Santiago <p> country <o> Chile <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guayaquil <s> Santiago <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Santiago <s> Santiago <p> history of topic <o> history of Santiago de Chile <s> Santiago <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Santiago Metropolitan Region <s> Santiago <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Querétaro <s> Santiago <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Santiago de Chile <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Santiago province <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Santiago <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Santiago, Chile <s> Santiago <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Santiago <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plasencia <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Captaincy General of Chile <s> Santiago <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Santiago <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mapocho River <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hefei <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Langreo <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Santiago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Santiago, Chile <s> Santiago <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Santiago Province <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Santiago Department <s> Santiago <p> capital of <o> Santiago de Chile Intendancy <s> Santiago <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Santiago <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Santiago <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> San José <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Veraguas <s> Santiago <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Santiago <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tunis <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Santiago <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Santiago <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Santiago <p> instance of <o> city in Chile <s> Santiago <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Santiago Metropolitan Region <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Santiago <p> shares border with <o> Cordón de Chacabuco <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Santiago <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minneapolis <s> Santiago <p> named after <o> St. James the Elder, Apostle <s> Santiago <p> instance of <o> global city <s> Santiago <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Santiago <p> founded by <o> Pedro de Valdivia <s> Lima <p> different from <o> Lima <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Lima <p> capital of <o> Peru <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tegucigalpa <s> Lima <p> Köppen climate classification <o> desert climate <s> Lima <p> country <o> Peru <s> Lima <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> city <s> Lima <p> related category <o> Category:Lima-related lists <s> Lima <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Lima <s> Lima <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Lima <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Austin <s> Lima <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Lima <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Lima <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Lima <s> Lima <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Lima <p> owner of <o> Coliseo Polideportivo <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cleveland <s> Lima <p> capital of <o> Viceroyalty of Peru <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trujillo <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Akhisar <s> Lima <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lima <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rímac River <s> Lima <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lima <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bordeaux <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Lima <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Lima <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lima <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Lima <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lima <s> Lima <p> capital of <o> Lima District <s> Lima <p> capital of <o> Protectorate of Peru <s> Lima <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Lima <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Lima <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Lima <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pescara <s> Lima <p> patron saint <o> Rose of Lima <s> Lima <p> capital of <o> Lima province <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> San José <s> Lima <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Lima <p> founded by <o> Francisco Pizarro <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> geographical feature <s> Lima <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lima province <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Lima <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Lima <p> head of government <o> Rafael López Aliaga <s> Lima <p> anthem <o> Himno de Lima <s> Ottawa <p> different from <o> Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> different from <o> Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> country <o> Canada <s> Ottawa <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Ottawa <p> related category <o> Category:Ottawa-related lists <s> Ottawa <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ottawa <p> different from <o> Ottawa County <s> Ottawa <p> open data portal <o> Ottawa Open government portal <s> Ottawa <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> capital of <o> Canada <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> City of Ottawa Art Collection <s> Ottawa <p> part of <o> National Capital Region <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Ottawa <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> Billings House <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> TD Place Arena <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> TD Place Stadium <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Ottawa <p> continent <o> North America <s> Ottawa <p> official language <o> English <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Catania <s> Ottawa <p> location <o> Southern Ontario <s> Ottawa <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Ottawa <p> significant event <o> 1900 Hull–Ottawa fire <s> Ottawa <p> official language <o> French <s> Ottawa <p> part of <o> Ottawa–Rideau <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palermo <s> Ottawa <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Ottawa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Ottawa <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Campobasso <s> Ottawa <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ottawa <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> Jim Durrell Recreation Centre <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montecastrilli <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> planned community <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Arnprior <s> Ottawa <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Western Quebec Seismic Zone <s> Ottawa <p> significant event <o> Stony Monday Riot <s> Ottawa <p> significant event <o> Shiners' War <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Gatineau <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> United Counties of Leeds and Grenville <s> Ottawa <p> named after <o> Odawa <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Ottawa <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ottawa <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ottawa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Papineau <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais <s> Ottawa <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ottawa River <s> Ottawa <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rideau River <s> Ottawa <p> replaces <o> Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton <s> Ottawa <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rideau Canal <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> census division of Canada <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> census subdivision <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> single-tier municipality <s> Ottawa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> Bell Centennial Arena <s> Ottawa <p> owner of <o> Walter Baker Sports Centre <s> Ottawa <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Lanark County <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Renfrew County <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Clarence-Rockland <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> The Nation <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Mississippi Mills <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> United Counties of Prescott and Russell <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry <s> Ottawa <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Montague <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Russell <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Pontiac <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> Beckwith <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> North Dundas <s> Ottawa <p> shares border with <o> North Grenville <s> Ottawa <p> flag <o> flag of Ottawa <s> Ottawa <p> head of government <o> Mark Sutcliffe <s> Ottawa <p> legislative body <o> Ottawa City Council <s> Tehran <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berlin <s> Tehran <p> capital of <o> Iran <s> Tehran <p> capital of <o> Tehran County <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Tehran <p> located in time zone <o> Iran Standard Time Zone <s> Tehran <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:30 <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tehran <p> part of <o> Greater Tehran <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baghdad <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Tehran <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Tehran <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> Tehran <p> related category <o> Category:Tehran-related lists <s> Tehran <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Tehran <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Tehran <s> Tehran <p> country <o> Iran <s> Tehran <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Tehran <s> Tehran <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Tehran <s> Tehran <p> capital of <o> Tehran Province <s> Tehran <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tehran <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> Tehran <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+04:30 <s> Tehran <p> capital of <o> Pahlavi Iran <s> Tehran <p> capital of <o> Qajar Iran <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Tehran <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tehran <s> Tehran <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Tehran <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Tehran <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sanaa <s> Tehran <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tehran <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Tehran <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tehran <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pretoria <s> Tehran <p> owner of <o> Shohada Stadium (Qods) <s> Tehran <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kinshasa <s> Tehran <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Tehran <p> instance of <o> global city <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khartoum <s> Tehran <p> currency <o> Iranian rial <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dushanbe <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuwait City <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pavlodar <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kabul <s> Tehran <p> instance of <o> city of Iran <s> Tehran <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Tehran <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Central District <s> Tehran <p> head of government <o> Alireza Zakani <s> Tehran <p> legislative body <o> Islamic City Council of Tehran <s> Tehran <p> official language <o> Persian <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> New York City <s> Algiers <p> capital of <o> Algeria <s> Algiers <p> country <o> Algeria <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berlin <s> Algiers <p> instance of <o> city <s> Algiers <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Algiers <p> significant event <o> Algiers expedition <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brussels-Capital Region <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Algiers <p> official language <o> Berber <s> Algiers <p> significant event <o> Invasion of Algiers in 1830 <s> Algiers <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Algiers <p> significant event <o> Invasion of Algiers <s> Algiers <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Algiers <s> Algiers <p> significant event <o> Siege of Algiers <s> Algiers <p> significant event <o> Siege of Algiers <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Algiers <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Algiers <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Algiers <s> Algiers <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Algiers <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Algiers <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Algiers <p> official language <o> Arabic <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Algiers <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Algiers <s> Algiers <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Alger <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Algiers <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Algiers <s> Algiers <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Algiers <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Algiers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Algiers Province <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Algiers <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Algiers <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Algiers <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Algiers <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Algiers <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abu Dhabi <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tunis <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asunción <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tripoli <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dakar <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Surakarta City <s> Algiers <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mediterranean Sea <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Casablanca <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pyongyang <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Laayoune <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Daejeon <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tyre <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bosaso <s> Algiers <p> part of <o> Central franche <s> Algiers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Colombes <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> enclave within <o> New South Wales <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> country <o> Australia <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> coextensive with <o> Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Australia <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> capital <o> Canberra <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Christmas <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Good Friday <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+10:00 <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Holy Saturday <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> shares border with <o> New South Wales <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Easter Monday <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+11:00 <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> New Year's Day <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> located in time zone <o> Australia/Sydney <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> King's Official Birthday <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Canberra Day <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> instance of <o> enclave <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Reconciliation Day <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> economy of topic <o> economy of the Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> open data portal <o> ACT Open data <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in the Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> flag <o> flag of the Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> language used <o> Ngarigo <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> instance of <o> mainland territory of Australia <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> instance of <o> territory of Australia <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> head of government <o> Andrew Barr <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> legislative body <o> Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> main regulatory text <o> Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Anzac Day <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Australia Day <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> highest judicial authority <o> Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> highest point <o> Bimberi Peak <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> public holiday <o> Boxing Day <s> Australian Capital Territory <p> office held by head of government <o> Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory <s> San José <p> instance of <o> city <s> San José <p> country <o> Costa Rica <s> San José <p> different from <o> San José <s> San José <p> capital of <o> Costa Rica <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> San José <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> San José <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guatemala City <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> San José <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> San José <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> San José <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> San José <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> San José <p> capital of <o> San José Province <s> San José <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> San José <p> capital of <o> San José Canton <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lima <s> San José <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> San José <p> topic's main category <o> Category:San José, Costa Rica <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago <s> San José <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> San José <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> San José <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> San José <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from San José, Costa Rica <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Jose <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jayapura City <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saltillo <s> San José <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> San José <p> named after <o> Joseph <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ahuachapán <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kfar Saba <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Okayama <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Pedro Sula <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maracay <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Quetzaltenango <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami-Dade County <s> San José <p> instance of <o> big city <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Huancayo <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chimbote <s> San José <p> head of government <o> Johnny Araya Monge <s> San José <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> San José Province <s> San José <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> San José <p> twinned administrative body <o> Juliaca <s> New South Wales <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pacific Ocean <s> New South Wales <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Australia <s> New South Wales <p> country <o> Australia <s> New South Wales <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> New South Wales <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jakarta <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Christmas <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Holy Saturday <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> New Year's Day <s> New South Wales <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+11:00 <s> New South Wales <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+10:00 <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Kiama <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gundagai Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cooma-Monaro Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Junee Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gunnedah Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coolamon Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kempsey Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guyra Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyogle Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Conargo Shire <s> New South Wales <p> official color <o> blue <s> New South Wales <p> official color <o> gray <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Australia Day <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Anzac Day <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cowra Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dungog Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Inverell Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cobar Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Glen Innes Severn <s> New South Wales <p> shares border with <o> Victoria <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Easter Monday <s> New South Wales <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokyo <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Maitland <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Shoalhaven <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tumut Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Wollongong <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Snowy River Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Narrandera Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wakool Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Port Stephens Council <s> New South Wales <p> owner of <o> Sydney Cricket Ground <s> New South Wales <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> New South Wales <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Blacktown <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marrickville Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Lane Cove <s> New South Wales <p> shares border with <o> South Australia <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Easter <s> New South Wales <p> highest point <o> Mount Kosciuszko <s> New South Wales <p> coextensive with <o> New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> shares border with <o> Queensland <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Good Friday <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> King's Official Birthday <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Camden Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bland Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tamworth Regional Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Richmond Valley Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tumbarumba Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Broken Hill <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Botany Bay <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tenterfield Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oberon Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wentworth Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ku-ring-gai Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pittwater Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Leichhardt <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bogan Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Auburn City Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jerilderie Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lockhart Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Eurobodalla Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Singleton Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Griffith <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Lismore <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Goulburn Mulwaree Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Great Lakes Council <s> New South Wales <p> capital <o> Sydney <s> New South Wales <p> replaces <o> North Australia <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Parramatta Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Mosman <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Federation Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wyong Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wingecarribee Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Dubbo <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Sydney <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Liverpool <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Randwick <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Rockdale <s> New South Wales <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary system <s> New South Wales <p> basic form of government <o> constitutional monarchy <s> New South Wales <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> legislative body <o> Parliament of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> office held by head of state <o> Governor of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Hawkesbury <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Hurstville <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parkes Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Queanbeyan <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Hunter's Hill <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Shellharbour <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Woollahra <s> New South Wales <p> topic's main category <o> Category:New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Darling <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Ngarigo <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Madhi Madhi <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Barababaraba <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Darkinjung <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Ngunnawal <s> New South Wales <p> owner of <o> Metro Monorail <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Forbes Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Armidale Dumaresq Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balranald Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Strathfield <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hay Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bega Valley Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gloucester Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bombala Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Manly Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cootamundra Shire <s> New South Wales <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary monarchy <s> New South Wales <p> highest judicial authority <o> Supreme Court of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> executive body <o> Government of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> history of topic <o> history of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> shares border with <o> Australian Capital Territory <s> New South Wales <p> official color <o> red <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liverpool Plains Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Upper Hunter Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mid-Western Regional Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Temora Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Warren Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Warrumbungle Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Newcastle <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nambucca Valley Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Muswellbrook Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Orange <s> New South Wales <p> geography of topic <o> geography of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Gamilaraay <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Bandjalang <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Narrabri Shire <s> New South Wales <p> head of government <o> Barry O'Farrell <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tweed Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Kogarah <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boorowa Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clarence Valley Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Warringah Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Blue Mountains <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Walgett Shire <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Boxing Day <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Wadi Wadi <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Thawa <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Yorta Yorta <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Yitha Yitha <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North Sydney Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> The Hills Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Holroyd <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hornsby Shire <s> New South Wales <p> named after <o> South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Badjiri <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Dharug <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Dhurga <s> New South Wales <p> head of government <o> Dominic Perrottet <s> New South Wales <p> head of government <o> Gladys Berejiklian <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wollondilly Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Penrith <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sutherland Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Waverley Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Albury <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Ryde <s> New South Wales <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Birth in New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Greater Taree <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lachlan Shire <s> New South Wales <p> has cabinet <o> Executive Council of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Gosford <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Willoughby <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Greater Hume Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Murray Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Harden Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Narromine Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Lake Macquarie <s> New South Wales <p> official color <o> rich black <s> New South Wales <p> instance of <o> state of Australia <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Murrumbidgee Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Canada Bay <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Fairfield <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Lithgow <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Ashfield <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bourke Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Port Macquarie-Hastings Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wellington Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Deniliquin Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gwydir Shire <s> New South Wales <p> economy of topic <o> economy of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> related category <o> Category:New South Wales-related lists <s> New South Wales <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> office held by head of government <o> Premier of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Municipality of Burwood <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Campbelltown <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cabonne Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Cessnock <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Canterbury <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Uralla Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Weddin Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bathurst Regional Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Walcha Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moree Plains Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yass Valley Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Wagga Wagga <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palerang Council <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ballina Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Bankstown <s> New South Wales <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> New South Wales <p> flag <o> flag of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> located in time zone <o> Australia/Sydney <s> New South Wales <p> authority <o> Government of New South Wales <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Anewan <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Wiradjuri <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Ngiyambaa <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Worimi <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Dyangadi <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Kumbainggar <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Muruwari <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Tharawal <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Awabakal <s> New South Wales <p> public holiday <o> Labour Day <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brewarrina Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Blayney Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gilgandra Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carrathool Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bellingen Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Byron Shire <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Central Darling Shire <s> New South Wales <p> 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Yardliyawarra <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Wadikali <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Arakwal <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Dadi Dadi <s> New South Wales <p> language used <o> Minjungbal <s> New South Wales <p> basic form of government <o> representative democracy <s> New South Wales <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Coffs Harbour <s> New South Wales <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Upper Lachlan Shire <s> New South Wales <p> head of government <o> Chris Minns <s> New South Wales <p> head of government <o> Mike Baird <s> New South Wales <p> head of state <o> Margaret Beazley <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Mandarin <s> Chinese <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chinese <p> country <o> Taiwan <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Hakka Chinese <s> Chinese <p> described by source <o> Ethnologue <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Xiang Chinese <s> Chinese <p> said to be the same as <o> Sinitic <s> Chinese <p> instance of <o> language group <s> Chinese <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Chinese <p> studied in <o> sinology <s> Chinese <p> linguistic typology <o> analytic language <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Huizhou Chinese <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Min Chinese <s> Chinese <p> writing system <o> traditional Chinese characters <s> Chinese <p> linguistic typology <o> subject–verb–object <s> Chinese <p> instance of <o> macrolanguage <s> Chinese <p> writing system <o> simplified Chinese characters <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Pinghua <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Shaozhou Tuhua <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Ba-Shu Chinese <s> Chinese <p> subclass of <o> Sino-Tibetan <s> Chinese <p> writing system <o> Chinese characters <s> Chinese <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Chinese <p> has characteristic <o> varieties of Chinese <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Wu Chinese <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Jin Chinese <s> Chinese <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Chinese <p> has part(s) <o> Yue Chinese <s> Chinese <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chinese language <s> Chinese <p> category for films in this language <o> Category:Chinese-language films <s> Chinese <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Chinese language <s> Chinese <p> linguistic typology <o> isolating language <s> Chinese <p> said to be the same as <o> Huáyǔ <s> Chinese <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Chinese <p> practiced by <o> Chinese teacher <s> Chinese <p> practiced by <o> Chinese student <s> Chinese <p> related category <o> Category:Chinese pronunciation </Graph>
<Text> :Minsk is the capital and the largest city of Belarus, located on the Svislach and the now subterranean Niamiha rivers. As the capital, Minsk has a special administrative status in Belarus and is the administrative centre of Minsk Region and Minsk District. As of 2023, it has a population of two million, making Minsk the 11th-most populous city in Europe. Minsk is one of the administrative capitals of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Eurasian Economic Union . First mentioned in 1067, Minsk became the capital of the Principality of Minsk, an appanage of the Principality of Polotsk, before being annexed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1242. It received town privileges in 1499. From 1569, it was the capital of Minsk Voivodeship, an administrative division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was part of the territories annexed by the Russian Empire in 1793, as a consequence of the Second Partition of Poland. From 1919 to 1991, after the Russian Revolution, Minsk was the capital of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became a republic of the Soviet Union in 1922. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Minsk became the capital of the newly independent Republic of Belarus. The Old East Slavic name of the town was Men'sk' , derived from a river name Men . The resulting form of the name, Minsk , was taken over both in Russian and Polish , and under the influence of Russian this form also became official in Belarusian. The direct continuation of the name in Belarusian is Miensk , which some Belarusian-speakers continue to use as their preferred name for the city. When Belarus was under Polish rule, the names Minsk Litewski and Minsk Bialoruski were used to differentiate this place name from Minsk Mazowiecki 'Minsk in Masovia'. In modern Polish, Minsk without an attribute usually refers to the city in Belarus, which is about 50 times bigger than Minsk Mazowiecki; . Santiago , also known as Santiago de Chile, is the capital and largest city of Chile and one of the largest cities in the Americas. It is located in the country's central valley and is the center of the Santiago Metropolitan Region, which has a population of 7 million, representing 40% of Chile's total population. Most of the city is situated between 500-650 m above sea level. Founded in 1541 by the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, Santiago has served as the capital city of Chile since colonial times. The city has a downtown core of 19th-century neoclassical architecture and winding side-streets featuring a mix of art deco, neo-gothic, and other styles. Santiago's cityscape is defined by several stand-alone hills and the fast-flowing Mapocho River, which is lined by parks such as Parque Forestal and Balmaceda Park. The Andes Mountains can be seen from most parts of the city and contribute to a smog problem, particularly during winter, due to the lack of rain. The outskirts of the city are surrounded by vineyards, and Santiago is within an hour's drive of both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Santiago is the political and financial center of Chile and is home to the regional headquarters of many multinational corporations. The Chilean government's executive and judiciary branches are based in Santiago, while the Congress mostly meets in nearby Valparaiso. In Chile, there are several entities that share the name "Santiago" and can often lead to confusion. The commune of Santiago, also referred to as "Downtown/Central Santiago" , is an administrative division that encompasses the area that was occupied by the city during colonial times. It is governed by the Municipality of Santiago and is led by a mayor. This commune is part of the Santiago Province, which is headed by a provincial delegate appointed by the President of the Republic, and is a part of the Santiago Metropolitan Region run by a governor elected by popular vote. Spain Protectorate of Peru Peruvian Republic Peru-Bolivia North Peru Peruvian Republic Chile Peru Lima , founded in 1535 as the Ciudad de los Reyes , is the capital and largest city of Peru. It is located in the valleys of the Chillon, Rimac and Lurin Rivers, in the desert zone of the central coastal part of the country, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The city is considered the political, cultural, financial and commercial center of Peru. Due to its geostrategic importance, the Globalization and World Cities Research Network has categorized it as a "beta" tier city. Jurisdictionally, the metropolis extends mainly within the province of Lima and in a smaller portion, to the west, within the Constitutional Province of Callao, where the seaport and the Jorge Chavez Airport are located. Both provinces have regional autonomy since 2002. The 2023 census projection indicates that the city of Lima has an estimated population of 10,092,000 inhabitants, making it the most populated city in the country, and the second most populous in the Americas after Sao Paulo. Together with the seaside city of Callao, it forms a contiguous urban area known as the Lima Metropolitan Area, which encompasses a total of 10,151,200 inhabitants. When considering the constitutional province of Callao, the total agglomeration reaches a population of 11,342,100 inhabitants, one of the thirty most populated urban agglomerations in the world. Lima was named by natives in the agricultural region known by native Peruvians as Limaq. It became the capital and most important city in the Viceroyalty of Peru. Following the Peruvian War of Independence, it became the capital of the Republic of Peru . Around one-third of the national population now lives in its metropolitan area. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is located in the southern portion of the province of Ontario, at the confluence of the Ottawa River and the Rideau River. Ottawa borders Gatineau, Quebec, and forms the core of the Ottawa-Gatineau census metropolitan area and the National Capital Region . As of 2021, Ottawa had a city population of 1,017,449 and a metropolitan population of 1,488,307, making it the fourth-largest city and fourth-largest metropolitan area in Canada. Ottawa is the political centre of Canada and the headquarters of the federal government. The city houses numerous foreign embassies, key buildings, organizations, and institutions of Canada's government; these include the Parliament of Canada, the Supreme Court, the residence of Canada's viceroy, and Office of the Prime Minister. Founded in 1826 as Bytown, and incorporated as Ottawa in 1855, its original boundaries were expanded through numerous annexations and were ultimately replaced by a new city incorporation and amalgamation in 2001. The municipal government of Ottawa is established and governed by the City of Ottawa Act of the Government of Ontario. It has an elected city council across 24 wards and a mayor elected city-wide. Ottawa has the highest proportion of university-educated residents among Canadian cities and is home to several colleges and universities, research and cultural institutions, including the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Algonquin College, the National Arts Centre, the National Gallery of Canada; and numerous national museums, monuments, and historic sites. It is one of the most visited cities in Canada, with over 11 million visitors annually contributing more than $2.2B to the city's economy. Tehran is the capital and largest city of Iran and the largest city in Tehran Province. It also serves as the capital of the province, county and the Central District. With a population of around 9 million in the city and around 16 million in the larger metropolitan area of Greater Tehran, Tehran is the most populous city in Iran and Western Asia, and has the second-largest metropolitan area in the Middle East, after Cairo. It is ranked 24th in the world by metropolitan area population. In the classical antiquity, part of the territory of present-day Tehran was occupied by Rhages , a prominent Median city destroyed in the medieval Arab, Turkic, and Mongol invasions. Modern Ray was absorbed into the metropolitan area of Greater Tehran. Tehran was first chosen as the capital of Iran by Agha Mohammad Khan of the Qajar dynasty in 1786, because of its proximity to Iran's territories in the Caucasus, then separated from Iran in the Russo-Iranian Wars, to avoid the vying factions of the previously ruling Iranian dynasties. The capital has been moved several times throughout history, however, and Tehran became the 32nd capital of Persia. Large-scale construction works began in the 1920s, and Tehran became a destination for mass migrations from all over Iran since the 20th century. Tehran is home to many historical sites, including the royal complexes of Golestan, Sa'dabad, and Niavaran, where the last two dynasties of the former Imperial State of Iran were seated. Tehran's landmarks include the Azadi Tower, a memorial built under the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1971 to mark the 2,500th anniversary of the Persian Empire, the Milad Tower, the world's sixth-tallest self-supporting tower, completed in 2007, and the Tabiat Bridge, completed in 2014. Algiers is the capital and largest city of Algeria. The city's population at the 2008 census was 2,988,145 and in 2020 was estimated to be around 4,500,000. Algiers is in the north-central part of Algeria. Algiers is situated on the west side of the Bay of Algiers, in the Mediterranean Sea. The modern part of the city is built on the level ground by the seashore; the old part, the ancient city of the deys, climbs the steep hill behind the modern town and is crowned by the Casbah or citadel , 122 metres above the sea. The Casbah and the two quays form a triangle. The city's name is derived via French and Catalan Alger from the Arabic name al-Jaza`ir , "The Islands". This name refers to the four former islands which lay off the city's coast before becoming part of the mainland in 1525. Al-Jaza`ir is itself a truncated form of the city's older name Jaza`ir Bani Mazghanna , "islands of Banu Mazghanna", used by early medieval geographers such as Muhammad al-Idrisi and Yaqut al-Hamawi. The name was given by Buluggin ibn Ziri after he established the city on the ruins of the Phoenician city of Icosium in 950. During Ottoman rule, the name of the capital, al-Jaza'ir, was extended over the entire country, giving it the English name Algeria derived from the French name Algerie. In classical antiquity, the ancient Greeks knew the town as Ikosion , which was Latinized as Icosium under Roman rule. The Greeks explained the name as coming from their word for "twenty" , supposedly because it had been founded by 20 companions of Hercules when he visited the Atlas Mountains during his labors. The Australian Capital Territory , known as the Federal Capital Territory until 1938, is a federal territory of Australia. Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is situated within the territory. It is located in southeastern Australian mainland as an enclave completely within the state of New South Wales. Founded after Federation as the seat of government for the new nation, the territory hosts the headquarters of all important institutions of the Australian Government. On 1 January 1901, federation of the colonies of Australia was achieved. Section 125 of the new Australian Constitution provided that land, situated in New South Wales and at least 100 mi from Sydney, would be ceded to the new federal government. Following discussion and exploration of various areas within New South Wales, the Seat of Government Act 1908 was passed in 1908 which specified a capital in the Yass-Canberra region. The territory was transferred to the federal government by New South Wales in 1911, two years prior to the capital city being founded and formally named as Canberra in 1913. While the overwhelming majority of the population reside in the city of Canberra in the ACT's north-east, the territory also includes some towns such as Williamsdale, Oaks Estate, Uriarra, Tharwa and Hall. The ACT also includes the Namadgi National Park, which comprises the majority of land area of the territory. Despite a common misconception, the Jervis Bay Territory is not part of the ACT, although the laws of the Australian Capital Territory apply as if Jervis Bay did form part of the ACT. The territory has a relatively dry, continental climate, experiencing warm to hot summers and cool to cold winters. The Australian Capital Territory is home to many important institutions of the federal government, national monuments and museums. These include the Parliament of Australia, the High Court of Australia, the Australian Defence Force Academy and the Australian War Memorial. It also hosts the majority of foreign embassies in Australia, as well as regional headquarters of many international organisations, not-for-profit groups, lobbying groups and professional associations. Several major universities also have campuses in the ACT, including the Australian National University, the University of Canberra, the University of New South Wales, Charles Sturt University and the Australian Catholic University. New South Wales is a state on the east coast of Australia. It borders Queensland to the north, Victoria to the south, and South Australia to the west. Its coast borders the Coral and Tasman Seas to the east. The Australian Capital Territory and Jervis Bay Territory are enclaves within the state. New South Wales' state capital is Sydney, which is also Australia's most populous city. In December 2023, the population of New South Wales was over 8.3 million, making it Australia's most populous state. Almost two-thirds of the state's population, 5.3 million, live in the Greater Sydney area. The Colony of New South Wales was founded as a British penal colony in 1788. It originally comprised more than half of the Australian mainland with its western boundary set at 129th meridian east in 1825. The colony then also included the island territories of Van Diemen's Land, Lord Howe Island, and Norfolk Island. During the 19th century, most of the colony's area was detached to form separate British colonies that eventually became the various states and territories of Australia. The Swan River Colony was never administered as part of New South Wales. The original inhabitants of New South Wales were the Aboriginal tribes who arrived in Australia about 40,000 to 60,000 years ago. Before European settlement there were an estimated 250,000 Aboriginal people in the region. The Wodi wodi people, who spoke a variant of the Dharawal language, are the original custodians of an area south of Sydney which was approximately bounded by modern Campbelltown, Shoalhaven River and Moss Vale and included the Illawarra. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Beijing <s> Baoding <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Cangzhou <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Shanxi <s> Baoding <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Baoding <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Baoding <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Datong <s> Baoding <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Baoding <s> Baoding <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Baoding <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Shijiazhuang <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Hengshui <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Langfang <s> Baoding <p> twinned administrative body <o> Charlotte <s> Baoding <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Baoding <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Zhangjiakou <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Li County <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laiyuan County <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jingxiu District <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anxin County <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangdu County <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dingzhou <s> Baoding <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Baoding <p> shares border with <o> Xinzhou <s> Baoding <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saijō <s> Baoding <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lianchi District <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baoding Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone <s> Baoding <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shunping County <s> Baoding <p> contains the 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Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tianjin <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mykolaiv <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Philadelphia <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> city <s> Tianjin <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Tianjin <p> highest point <o> Jiushan Peak <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulaanbaatar <s> Tianjin <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Tianjin <p> replaces <o> Tientsin <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kharkiv <s> Tianjin <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> owner of <o> Line 5 <s> Tianjin <p> owner of <o> Line 6 <s> Tianjin <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mar del Plata <s> Tianjin <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dallas <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kutaisi <s> Tianjin <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> İzmir <s> Tianjin <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Groningen <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Tianjin <p> owner of <o> Line 3 <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rishon LeZion <s> Tianjin <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yokkaichi <s> Tianjin <p> part of <o> North China <s> Tianjin <p> party chief representative <o> Li Hongzhong <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kobe <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fitchburg <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Łódź <s> Tianjin <p> shares 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Municipality <s> Tianjin <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> shares border with <o> Tangshan <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jinghai District <s> Tianjin <p> legislative body <o> Tianjin Municipal People's Congress <s> Tianjin <p> shares border with <o> Hebei <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nampho <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hakodate <s> Tianjin <p> executive body <o> People's Government of Tianjin Municipality <s> Tianjin <p> party chief representative <o> Chen Min'er <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Tianjin <p> shares border with <o> Cangzhou <s> Tianjin <p> shares border with <o> Langfang <s> Tianjin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chiba <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Tianjin <p> head of government <o> Huang Xingguo <s> Tianjin <p> head of government <o> Zhang Gong <s> Tianjin <p> head of government <o> Liao Guoxun <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Heping District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ninghe District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hedong District, Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hexi District, Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nankai District <s> Tianjin <p> capital <o> Hexi District, Tianjin <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongli District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hongqiao District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jinnan District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beichen District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiqing District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baodi District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wuqing District <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> national central city <s> Tianjin <p> instance of <o> Economic and Technological Development Zones <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jizhou District <s> Tianjin <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Binhai New Area <s> Chengde <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chengde <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Chengde <s> Chengde <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Chengde <s> Chengde <p> different from <o> Chengdu <s> Chengde <p> shares border with <o> Zhangjiakou <s> Chengde <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Chengde <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Chengde <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yingshouyingzi Mining District <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fengning Manchu Autonomous County <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shuangluan District <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luanping County <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Weichang Manchu and Mongol Autonomous County <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengde County <s> Chengde <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Chengde <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Chengde <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longhua County <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shuangqiao District, Chengde <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pingquan <s> Chengde <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xinglong County <s> Chengde <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Chengde <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chengde <s> Zhangjiakou <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Zhangjiakou <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Zhangjiakou <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Zhangjiakou <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Zhangjiakou <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Zhangjiakou <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Zhangjiakou <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Baoding <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Xilingol League <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Shanxi <s> Zhangjiakou <p> capital of <o> Mengjiang <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Ulanqab <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qiaodong District <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Chengde <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicheng County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Skövde Municipality <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhuolu County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shangyi County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangbei County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xuanhua District <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guyuan County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Zhangjiakou <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Beijing <s> Zhangjiakou <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Zhangjiakou <s> Zhangjiakou <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Zhangjiakou <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei <s> Zhangjiakou <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Zhangjiakou <s> Zhangjiakou <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Inner Mongolia <s> Zhangjiakou <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Zhangjiakou <p> shares border with <o> Datong <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huai'an County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chongli District <s> Zhangjiakou <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qiaoxi District <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kangbao County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yu County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangjiakou Economical Development Zone <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chabei Administrative Area of Zhangjiakou <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saibei Administrative Area of Zhangjiakou <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiahuayuan District <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yangyuan County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huailai County <s> Zhangjiakou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wanquan District <s> Xicheng District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Xicheng District <p> part of <o> Beijing <s> Xicheng District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Xicheng District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Xicheng District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pasadena <s> Xicheng District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Xicheng District <s> Xicheng District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baizhifang Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Xicheng District <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dashilanr Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xichang'anjie Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shichahai Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> replaces <o> Xicheng District (1958-2010) <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Desheng Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guanganmenwai Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xinjiekou Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chunshu Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jinrongjie Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tianqiao Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guanganmennei Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taoranting Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Niujie Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhanlanlu Subdistrict <s> Xicheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuetan Subdistrict <s> Langfang <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Langfang <p> shares border with <o> Beijing <s> Langfang <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Langfang <p> shares border with <o> Baoding <s> Langfang <p> shares border with <o> Cangzhou <s> Langfang <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei <s> Langfang <p> shares border with <o> Tianjin <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dacheng County <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wen'an County <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dachang Hui Autonomous County <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sanhe <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anci District <s> Langfang <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Langfang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Matsumoto <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guangyang District <s> Langfang <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Langfang <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongqing County <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gu'an County <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xianghe County <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bazhou <s> Langfang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Langfang Economic and Technical Development Zone <s> Langfang <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Langfang <s> Langfang <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Langfang <s> Langfang <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Langfang <s> Huairou District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Huairou District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Huairou District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Huairou District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Huairou District <s> Huairou District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiuduhe <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beifang <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huaibei <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baoshan <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tanghekou <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qiaozi <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yangsong <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huairou <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Labagoumen Manchu Ethnic Township <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Miaocheng <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Changshaoying Manchu Township <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing Yanqi Economic Development Area <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yanqi <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bohai <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liulimiao <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longshan Subdistrict <s> Huairou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quanhe Subdistrict <s> global city <p> subclass of <o> city <s> megacity <p> subclass of <o> million city <s> megacity <p> subclass of <o> city or town <s> megacity <p> different from <o> megalopolis <s> megacity <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Megacity <s> megacity <p> has characteristic <o> minimum population <s> Pinggu District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Pinggu District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Pinggu District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liujiadian <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nandulehe <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dahuashan <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Donggaocun <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Daxingzhuang <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xinggu Subdistrict <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiagezhuang <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiong'erzhai Township <s> Pinggu District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Pinggu District <p> different from <o> Pingyu County <s> Pinggu District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dongjak District <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuyang <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangxinzhuang <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yukou <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Binhe Subdistrict <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mafang <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huangsongyu Township <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shandongzhuang <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jinhaihu <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Machangying <s> Pinggu District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhenluoying <s> Pinggu District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pinggu District <s> Pinggu District <p> shares border with <o> Sanhe </Graph>
<Text> :Baoding , formerly known as Baozhou and Qingyuan, is a prefecture-level city in central Hebei province, approximately 150 kilometres southwest of Beijing. As of the 2010 census, Baoding City had 11,194,382 inhabitants, of which 2,176,857 lived in the metropolitan area made of 4 out of 5 urban districts: Lianchi, Jingxiu, Qingyuan, and Mancheng all of which are largely conurbated. Baoding is among 13 Chinese cities with a population of over 10 million, ranking seventh. Zhuozhou City in the northern part has now grown into part of the Beijing metro area. Baoding has a history dating back to the Western Han Dynasty. It was destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century, but after the Mongols established the Yuan Dynasty, it was rebuilt. It acquired the name "Baoding" during the Yuan dynasty -- the name is roughly interpreted as "protecting the capital", referring to the city's proximity to Beijing. Baoding served for many years as the capital of Zhili and was a significant centre of culture in the Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. On August 1, 1949, the People's Government of Hebei province was established, Baoding was the capital of the province, and the city of Baoding was a provincial municipality. On August 9, the administrative inspector's office of the Baoding district was established, and it was established as the administrative inspector's office of the county district. In May 1958, the capital of Hebei was moved to Tianjin, then back to Baoding in January 1966, to Shijiazhuang in February 1968. In December 1994, the Baoding area merged with Baoding to become a provincial city. Tianjin is a municipality and metropolis in Northern China on the shore of the Bohai Sea. As such, it is not part of a province of China. It is one of the nine national central cities in Mainland China, with a total population of 13,866,009 inhabitants at the time of the 2020 Chinese census. Its metropolitan area, which is made up of 12 central districts , was home to 11,165,706 inhabitants and is also the world's 29th-largest agglomeration and 11th-most populous city proper. Tianjin is governed as one of the four municipalities under the direct administration of the State Council of China. The city borders Hebei Province and Beijing Municipality, bounded to the east by the Bohai Gulf portion of the Yellow Sea. Part of the Bohai Economic Rim, it is the largest coastal city in Northern China and part of the Jing-Jin-Ji megapolis. In terms of urban population, Tianjin is the seventh largest city in China. In terms of administrative area population, Tianjin ranks fifth in mainland China. The walled city of Tianjin was built in 1404. As a treaty port since 1860, Tianjin has been a seaport and gateway to Beijing. During the Boxer Rebellion, the city was the seat of the Tianjin Provisional Government. Under the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China, Tianjin became one of the largest cities in the region. At that time, European-style buildings and mansions were constructed in concessions, some of which are preserved today. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tianjin suffered a depression due to the policy of the central government and the 1976 Tangshan earthquake; however, it has been recovering since the 1990s. Tianjin is classified as the largest type of port city, a Large-Port Megacity, due to its large urban population and port traffic volume. Tianjin is currently a dual-core city, with its main urban area located along the Hai River, which connects to the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers via the Grand Canal; and Binhai, an adjacent New Area urban core located east of the older part of the city on the coast of the Bohai. As of the end of 2010, approximately 285 Fortune 500 companies have operated in buildings located in Binhai. Since 2010, Tianjin's Yujiapu Financial District has become known as China's Manhattan and the city is considered to be one of the world's top 100 cities, including in the Global Financial Centres Index. Tianjin is ranked as a Beta city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Chengde, formerly known as Jehol and Rehe, is a prefecture-level city in Hebei province, situated about 225 kilometres northeast of Beijing. It is best known as the site of the Mountain Resort, a vast imperial garden and palace formerly used by the Qing emperors as summer residence. The permanent resident population is approximately 3,473,200 in 2017. In 1703, Chengde was chosen by the Kangxi Emperor as the location for his summer residence. Constructed throughout the eighteenth century, the Mountain Resort was used by both the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors. The site is currently an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since the seat of government followed the emperor, Chengde was a political center of the Chinese empire during these times. The city of Jehol--an early romanization of Rehe via the French transcription of the northern suffix er as eul--reached its height under the Qianlong Emperor 1735-1796 . The great Putuo Zongcheng Temple, loosely based on the Potala in Lhasa, was completed after just four years of work in 1771. It was heavily decorated with gold and the emperor worshipped in the Golden Pavilion. In the temple itself was a bronze-gilt statue of Tsongkhapa, the Reformer of the Gelugpa sect. Under the Republic of China, Chengde was the capital of Rehe province. From 1933 to 1945 the city was under Japanese control as a part of the Manchurian puppet state known as Manchukuo. After World War II the Kuomintang government regained jurisdiction. In 1948, the People's Liberation Army took control of Chengde. It would remain a part of Rehe until 1955, when the province was abolished, and the city was incorporated into Hebei. Zhangjiakou , also known as Kalgan and by several other names, is a prefecture-level city in northwestern Hebei province in Northern China, bordering Beijing to the southeast, Inner Mongolia to the north and west, and Shanxi to the southwest. By 2019, its population was 4,650,000 inhabitants on 36,861.56 square kilometres , divided into 17 Counties and Districts. The built-up area made of Qiaoxi, Qiaodong, Chongli, Xuanhua, Xiahuayuan Districts largely being conurbated had 1,500,000 inhabitants in 2019 on 1,412.7 km2 . Since ancient times, Zhangjiakou has been a stronghold of military significance and vied for by multiple sides, hence nicknamed the Northern Gate of Beijing. Due to its strategic position on several important transport arteries, it is a critical node for travel between Hebei and Inner Mongolia and connecting northwest China, Mongolia, and Beijing. Dajingmen, an important gate and junction of the Great Wall of China is located here. In the south, Zhangjiakou is largely cultivated for agricultural use. In the north, Bashang is a part of the Mongolian plateau and dominated by grasslands. The forest coverage reaches 37%, earning Zhangjiakou the title of National Forest City. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Zhangjiakou has the freshest air and the least PM 2.5 pollution of all Chinese cities north of the Yellow River. Zhangjiakou also possesses 4.6% of China's wind energy resources, and the city ranks second in solar energy use.: 25-30 Zhangjiakou was one of the host cities at the 2022 Winter Olympics. Zhangjiakou is written Zhang Jia Kou in simplified Chinese and Zhang Jia Kou in traditional Chinese. It is Zhangjiakou in pinyin, the name meaning "Zhang family pass." Older names for the town in Chinese include Zhangyuan , used in the Republican era. Xicheng District is a district of the city of Beijing. Its 32 square kilometers cover the western half of the old city , and has 1,106,214 inhabitants . Its postal code is 100032. Xicheng is subdivided into 15 subdistricts of the city proper of Beijing. The former Xuanwu District was merged into Xicheng in July 2010. The Xidan commercial district, Beijing Financial Street, Beihai Park, Jingshan Park, Shichahai, and Zhongnanhai are all within its jurisdiction. The popular Houhai bar area is also in Xicheng Precinct. Before the 1911 Revolution, most royalty and aristocrats resided in the precinct. The oldest Catholic church in Beijing, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is located in Xicheng. In addition Bank of China, China Construction Bank, the State Grid Corporation of China, China National Nuclear Corporation, and Taikang Life Insurance also have their headquarters in Xicheng. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Education , the local education authority, used to be headquartered in Xicheng District. Langfang is a prefecture-level city of Hebei Province, and was known as Tianjin Prefecture until 1973. It was renamed Langfang Prefecture after Tianjin became a municipality and finally upgraded into a prefecture-level city in 1988. Langfang is located approximately midway between Beijing and Tianjin. At the 2020 census, the population of Langfang was 5,464,087, of whom 1,147,591 lived in the built-up area made of Guangyang and Anci districts; its total area is around 6,417.28 km2 . Langfang borders Baoding to the southwest, Cangzhou to the south , Beijing to the north and Tianjin to the east. Sanhe City and Dachang Hui County are now conurbated with Beijing, so that they form part of the same built-up area. Langfang is the smallest prefecture-level city of Hebei Province by land area. Considering Langfang's position between these two prominent cities, it is a relatively green city. Every 300 to 500 m along the city's major streets are parks where local people stroll and take exercise. Langfang's five-kilometer long pedestrian street is now the longest in China. On the other hand, air pollution is a severe problem and in 2013 it was ranked among the 10 worst cities in China for air pollution, along with 6 other cities in Hebei including Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan, Hengshui and Tangshan, are among China's 10 most polluted cities. The "Northern Three Counties of Langfang City" exclave, separated from the rest of the province, is a part of Langfang City. The exclave comprises Sanhe County-level city, Xianghe County, and Dachang Hui Autonomous County and is located between the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin. On June 26, 1900, during the Boxer Movement, belligerent European forces heading towards Beijing were stopped by Boxers at the Battle of Langfang, and were defeated and forced to turn back to Tianjin. The Chinese forces were victorious. In 1995 during the United Nation's 4th World's Women Conference in Beijing, the Civil Society community was forced to meet in the Huairou district, an hour from the official proceedings, leading to a great deal of discontent, as many of the non-governmental actors present felt marginalized. In a tent at the Civil Society Village established especially for poor, grassroots women at the conference , the Huairou Commission, a registered non-governmental organization with a global secretariat in Brooklyn, NY, was established to ensure that grassroots women would have a voice at subsequent UN conferences and in other development processes. Huairou District covers an area of 2,557.3 square kilometers , 90 percent of which is mountainous area. Because of its 69% forest cover, the district is known as the natural "oxygen bar" of Beijing. In addition, it boasts a rich combination of plant, animal and tourism resources. Therefore, Huairou is of great importance to Beijing in ensuring the environmental quality and the ecosystem of the capital city. There are 2 subdistricts, 12 towns with 3 towns of which carry the "area" label, and 2 ethnic townships in the district:. Huairou's urban area has an estimated area of 11.5 km2 and an estimated population of 90,000. The Great Wall of China runs through the district and some of the choicest tourist sections are located in the district. The portion known as Mutianyu is one of the most popular sections of the Great Wall for tourists. The Lakeside Great Wall in Huanghuacheng village, Jiuduhe is another tourist section known for the proximity of the Great Wall to man-made reservoir and even parts of the Great Wall are submerged under the lake water. A global city, also known as a power city, world city, alpha city, or world center, is a city that serves as a primary node in the global economic network. The concept originates from geography and urban studies, based on the thesis that globalization has created a hierarchy of strategic geographic locations with varying degrees of influence over finance, trade, and culture worldwide. The global city represents the most complex and significant hub within the international system, characterized by links binding it to other cities that have direct, tangible effects on global socioeconomic affairs. The criteria of a global city have varied over time and depending on the source; common features include a high degree of urban development, a large population, the presence of major multinational companies, a significant and globalized financial sector, well-developed and internationally linked transportation infrastructure, local or national economic dominance, high quality educational and research institutions, and a globally influential output of ideas, innovations, or cultural products. Quintessential examples, based on most indices and research, include New York City, London, Paris, and Tokyo. The term global city was popularized by sociologist Saskia Sassen in her 1991 book, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo. Before then, other terms were used for urban centers with roughly the same features. The term world city, meaning a city heavily involved in global trade, appeared in a May 1886 description of Liverpool, by The Illustrated London News; British sociologist and geographer Patrick Geddes used the term in 1915. The term megacity entered common use in the late 19th or early 20th century, the earliest known example being a publication by the University of Texas in 1904. In the 21st century, the terms are usually focused on a city's financial power and high technology infrastructure. Competing groups have devised competing means to classify and rank world cities and to distinguish them from non-world cities. Although there is a consensus on the leading world cities, the chosen criteria affect which other cities are included. Selection criteria may be based on a yardstick value or on an imminent determination Cities' rankings can fall, as in the case of cities that have become less cosmopolitan and less internationally renowned. A megacity is a very large city, typically with a population of more than 10 million people. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in its 2018 "World Urbanization Prospects" report defines megacities as urban agglomerations with over 10 million inhabitants. A University of Bonn report holds that they are "usually defined as metropolitan areas with a total population of 10 million or more people". Elsewhere in other sources, from five to eight million is considered the minimum threshold, alongside a population density of at least 2,000 per square kilometre. The terms conurbation, metropolis, and metroplex are also applied to the latter. The total number of megacities in the world varies between different sources: The world had 33 according to the UN , 45 according to , and 44 according to Demographia . About half of these urban agglomerations are in China and India. The other four countries with more than one megacity are Brazil, Japan, Pakistan, and the United States. African megacities are present in Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, and the DRC; European megacities are present in Russia, France, the United Kingdom, and Turkey ; megacities can be found in Latin America in the countries of Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina. Some sources identify Tokyo's Greater Tokyo Area as the largest megacity in the world, while some others give the title to the Pearl River Delta in China. The term "megacity" entered common use in the late 19th or early 20th centuries; one of the earliest documented uses of the term was by the University of Texas in 1904. Initially the United Nations used the term to describe cities of 8 million or more inhabitants, but now uses the threshold of 10 million. In the mid 1970s the term was coined by urbanist Janice Perlman referring to the phenomenon of very large urban agglomerations. In 1800, only 3% of the world's population lived in cities, a figure that rose to 47% by the end of the twentieth century. In 1950, there were 83 cities with populations exceeding one million; by 2007, this number had risen to 468. The UN forecasts that today's urban population of 3.2 billion will rise to nearly 5 billion by 2030, when three out of five, or 60%, of people will live in cities. This increase will be most dramatic on the least-urbanized continents, Asia and Africa. Surveys and projections indicate that all urban growth over the next 25 years will be in developing countries. One billion people, almost one-seventh of the world's population, now live in shanty towns. In many poor countries, overcrowded slums exhibit high rates of disease due to unsanitary conditions, malnutrition, and lack of basic health care. By 2030, over 2 billion people in the world will be living in slums. Over 90% of the urban population of Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda, three of the world's most rural countries, already live in slums. Pinggu District , formerly Pinggu County , lies in the far east of Beijing Municipality. It has an area of 950 square kilometres and a population of 457,313 . The district is subdivided into 2 subdistricts, 14 towns, and 2 townships. It borders the Beijing districts of Miyun and Shunyi to the north and west, respectively, Tianjin's Jizhou District to the southeast, and in Hebei province, Xinglong County and Sanhe to the northeast and south, respectively. In 2009, it represented a growing area of over 6,000 hectares and an annual output of 270 million kilograms of more than 200 varieties of peaches in four major categories. Providing employment for over 150,000 people, Pinggu peaches are also an important source of economic growth for the people in the region. Peaches originated in China and have been cultivated there for thousands of years. The peach tree has special significance in Chinese culture, with it being considered to be the "tree of life," and peaches are recognized as symbols of immortality and unity. What sets Pinggu peaches apart from those cultivated in other regions are their beautiful colors, high sugar content, unique flavor and large size. These characteristics are a direct result of the unique geographical properties of Pinggu. With mountains on three sides and plains at its center, Pinggu's fresh air, low pollution, sandy soil, plentiful water supply and the marked difference between day and night temperatures make for ideal peach growing conditions. By 2005 orchard owners were exporting them to over twenty provinces in China as well as foreign markets such as Brunei, the European Union, Russia Singapore and Thailand. To register a Geographical Indication for Pinggu peaches, orchard owners and the Pinggu government formed the Pinggu County Production and Distribution Service Center of Agricultural Products . This alliance resulted in the Pinggu peach being the first agricultural product to have its GI registered in China in 2002. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Fangshan District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Changgou <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hebei, Beijing <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhoukoudian <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liulihe <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xilu Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Doudian <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yancun <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shilou <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Changyang <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hancunhe <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qinglonghu <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiayunling <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Puwa Township <s> Fangshan District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Fangshan District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fangshan District <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangyang Subdistrict, Beijing <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shijiaying <s> Fangshan District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangfang <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yingfeng Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xingcheng Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengguan Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xinzhen Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Da'anshan <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gongchen Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> shares border with <o> Zhuozhou <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shidu <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongfeng Subdistrict <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fozizhuang <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dashiwo <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liangxiang <s> Fangshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanjiao <s> Shijingshan District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Shijingshan District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Shijingshan District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Babaoshan Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wulituo Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Shijingshan District <s> Shijingshan District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bajiao Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lugu Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laoshan Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gucheng Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jindingjie Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guangning Subdistrict <s> Shijingshan District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pingguoyuan Subdistrict <s> Mentougou District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Mentougou District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Mentougou District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Mentougou District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yanchi <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qingshui <s> Mentougou District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mentougou District <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Junzhuang <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongxinfang Subdistrict <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengzi Subdistrict <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangping <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhaitang <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dayu Subdistrict <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Datai Subdistrict <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tanzhesi <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Miaofengshan Town <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongding <s> Mentougou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longquan <s> Daxing District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Daxing District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Daxing District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Daxing District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Daxing District <s> Daxing District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiugong <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yinghai, Beijing <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guanyinsi Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qingyundian <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xihongmen Area <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huangcun <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qingyuan Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiangongyuan Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yufa <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anding <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Linxiaolu Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Panggezhuang <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xingfeng Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beizangcun <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yizhuang, Beijing <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lixian <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caiyu <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaomidian Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boxing Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangziying Town <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Daxing Biomedical Industry Park <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Weishanzhuang <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ronghua Subdistrict <s> Daxing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Daxing Economical Development Zone <s> Daxing District <p> replaces <o> Daxing County <s> Haidian District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Haidian District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Haidian District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beixiaguan Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zizhuyuan Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ganjiakou Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qinghe Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huayuanlu Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Fe <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sijiqing <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xueyuanlu Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shuguang Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haidian Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yangfangdian Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beitaipingzhuang Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongdinglu Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balizhuang Subdistrict, Haidian District <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhongguancun Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sujiatuo <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xisanqi Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Malianwa Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiancunlu Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wenquan, Beijing <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xibeiwang <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangshan Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yanyuan Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shangzhuang <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wanshoulu Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shangdi <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wanliu <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qinghuayuan Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qinglongqiao Subdistrict <s> Haidian District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongsheng, Beijing <s> Haidian District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Haidian District <s> Haidian District <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Haidian District <s> Changping District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Changping District <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Changping District <s> Changping District <p> different from <o> Changping County <s> Changping District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Changping District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shigezhuang Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huoying Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Changping District <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longzeyuan Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liucun <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shisanling <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuicun <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanshao <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huilongguan Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiantongyuannan Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> instance of <o> county in PRC <s> Changping District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengbei Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shahe <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baishan <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yangfang <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengnan Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Machikou <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiantongyuanbei Subdistrict <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yanshou Town <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiaotangshan <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nankou <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beiqijia <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xingshou <s> Changping District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongxiaokou <s> Shunyi District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liqiao <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lisui <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangzhen <s> Shunyi District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Shunyi District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Shunyi District <p> replaces <o> Shunyi County <s> Shunyi District <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Shunyi District <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shengli Subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mapo <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shiyuan Subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Niulanshan <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Konggang Subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhaoquanying Town <s> Shunyi District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yangzhen <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaoliying <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tianzhu <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mulin <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dasungezhuang <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longwantun <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangquan Subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Renhe <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guangming Subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beiwu <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beixiaoying <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beishicao <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nancai <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Houshayu subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shuangfeng Subdistrict <s> Shunyi District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanfaxin <s> Shunyi District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seongbuk District <s> Shunyi District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Shunyi District <s> Tongzhou District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Tongzhou District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Tongzhou District <p> capital of <o> Beijing <s> Tongzhou District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tongzhou District, Beijing <s> Tongzhou District <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongshun <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liyuan <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taihu <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xinhua Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Songzhuang, Beijing <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yujiawu Hui Ethnic Township <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beiyuan Subdistrict, Beijing <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Majuqiao <s> Tongzhou District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Tongzhou District <p> capital of <o> East Hebei Autonomous Council <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhongcang Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tongzhou District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Linheli Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yangzhuang Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luyi Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wenjing Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tongyun Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiukeshu Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest District XXIII <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuqiao Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lucheng <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiji <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huoxian <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangjiawan <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luyuan Subdistrict <s> Tongzhou District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongledian <s> Tongzhou District <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fengtai District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Fengtai District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Fengtai District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Fengtai District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fengtai District <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beigong <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Majiapu <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dahongmen Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Changxindian Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huaxiang Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shiliuzhuang Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuquanying Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengshousi Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lugouqiao Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kandan Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangzuo Town <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qingta Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wulidian Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Donggaodi Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongtiejiangying Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fangzhuang Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanyuan Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xincun Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiluoyuan Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yungang Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> You'anmen Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wanping Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fengtai Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liuliqiao Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taipingqiao Subdistrict <s> Fengtai District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Heyi Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Chaoyang District, Beijing <s> Chaoyang District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chaoyang District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Chaoyang District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Chaoyang District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chaoyang District, Beijing <s> Chaoyang District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Chaoyang District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Chaoyang District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jingdezhen <s> Chaoyang District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brooklyn <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shuangjing Subdistrict, Beijing <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yayuncun Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balizhuang Subdistrict, Chaoyang District <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Panjiayuan Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maizidian Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaobeidian <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangjing <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaowai Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ota <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liulitun Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangheyuan Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zuojiazhuang Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shibalidian <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sanlitun Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jinsong Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongfeng <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sanjianfang <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongba <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanmofang <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuanjiehu Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hepingjie Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fatou Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hujialou Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sunhe <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Datun Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taiyanggong <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aoyuncun Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anzhen Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiaoguan <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jianwai Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laiguangying <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuigezhuang <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiaohongmen <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Heizhuanghu <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Changying <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiangtai <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pingfang <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiuxianqiao Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dougezhuang <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Donghu Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jinzhan <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wangsiying <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capital Airport Subdistrict <s> Chaoyang District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guanzhuang </Graph>
<Text> :Fangshan District is a district of the city of Beijing. It is situated in the southwest of Beijing, 38 km away from downtown Beijing. It has an area of 2,019 square kilometres and a population of 1,312,778 . The district is divided into 8 subdistricts, 14 towns, and 6 townships. The Subdistrict area of Fangshan contains an urban area, has an area of 25 km2 and an estimated population of 200,000. Other major urban areas are Liangxiang , Zhoukoudian , Doudian , and Liulihe . Fangshan is situated to the east of the Taihang Mountains, with most of its territory being within Beijing's Western Hills region. The east and south of the district is a fertile plain, with a narrow hilly area running from northeast to southwest. The district has many rivers and lakes; the Juma River, Dashi River, Yongding River, and Xiaoqing River run through the district, assuring abundant water resources. The location, climate and environment provide good conditions for agriculture. The district produces wheat, rice and various high quality fruits as well as large quantities of animal products. At the moment large investments are made for greenhouse production. Shijingshan District is an urban district of the city of Beijing. It lies to the west of the urban core of Beijing, and is part of the Western Hills area, bordering the districts of Haidian to the northeast and east, Fengtai to the south, and Mentougou to the west. The district consists of 9 subdistricts of Beijing's city proper. It is 86 square kilometres in area, making it one of the smaller districts in the greater urban part of Beijing , and is home to 489,439 inhabitants . Its postal code is 100043. The district is the location of hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics BMX and track-cycling events at the location of the Laoshan Velodrome, as well as hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics Big Air snowboarding and freestyle skiing events at the Big Air Shougang. Shijingshan District has a humid continental climate . The average annual temperature in Shijingshan is 12.7 degC . The average annual rainfall is 540.8 mm with July as the wettest month. The temperatures are highest on average in July, at around 26.5 degC , and lowest in January, at around -3.3 degC . Mentougou District is a district of the city of Beijing. It is at the western part of the city. Spanning 1,321 square kilometres , with 392,606 inhabitants , it is subdivided into 4 subdistricts and 9 towns. It borders the Beijing districts of Changping to the northeast, Haidian and Shijingshan to the east, Fengtai to the southeast, and Fangshan to the south, as well as Hebei province to the west and northwest. It is a treasure trove of natural resources, including coal, limestone, and granite. Mentougou also supplies Beijing with agricultural produce such as roses, wild jujubes, mushrooms, and Beijing white pears. The district was purely a rural area well into the early 1990s and was not considered as part of Beijing by the urban population, and as of today, many parts of Mentougou remain quite rural. Mining is one of the key industrial activities. Around 10 medium and large mining companies once operated in Mentougou, but some of them have ceased operations as mineral deposits have been depleted. The first known mining activity in Mentougou was documented during the Ming Dynasty. Daxing District is a district of Beijing, covering the southern suburbs of the city. It borders the Beijing districts of Tongzhou to the east/northeast, Fangshan to the west, Fengtai to the northwest, Chaoyang to the northeast, and the Hebei province to the south. Daxing District was upgraded from a county to a district with the approval from the State Council on April 30, 2001. Covering an area of 1,012 square kilometres with a population of 671,444, Panggezhuang in Daxing is famous for its watermelons. Located in the south of Beijing, the area is not as affluent as those that most visitors to Beijing are familiar with, such as Xidan and Guomao. Much of the industry in Daxing is related to distribution of food and consumer goods to service Beijing. There are many self-built communities casually created by the residents themselves, mostly of whom have moved in from the countryside. There are two major universities located in Daxing District, the Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology and the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication. Both of them are headquartered in Qingyuan Subdistrict , and have its branch in Kangzhuang . Qingyuan and Kangzhuang are planned as a university town in Daxing District. The Yang Guang Qing School of Beijing is also located in the district. Haidian District is a district of the city of Beijing. It is mostly situated in northwestern Beijing, but also to a lesser extent in the west, where it has borders with Xicheng District and Fengtai District. Haidian was originally a village outside of Beijing's Inner City. It was first built in the Yuan dynasty and became one of the eight major business areas of the capital during the Qing dynasty and was the seat of such old shops as Lotus White, Quanjude and Hongbin House. The famed Old Summer Palace and Summer Palace, two grand imperial gardens are also among its reputed features. It became a university district after the building of the Tsinghua University and Yenching University campus in the early twentieth century. It is mentioned in Lao She's novel Camel Xiangzi as an academic village for students. After the foundation of the People's Republic, it was deliberately developed as a university area, with many of the Yan'an institutions moving there. It officially became an administrative district in June 1954. Since the reform and opening up, it has become the centre of China's IT industry. In the words of Time magazine: The China National Space Administration has its headquarters in the district. The Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center which serves as the central command center for the Chinese space program is also located in the district. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Education , the local education authority, has its headquarters in the Beijing Olympic Building. Changping District , formerly Changping County , is a district situated in the suburbs of north and northwest Beijing. Changping has a population of 2,269,487 as of November 2020, making it the most populous suburban district of Beijing. Changping County and Jundu County which administered the area were established in the Han dynasty. Changping was incorporated into Jundu when the Northern Wei dominated; however, the condition was reversed since the Eastern Wei. The county was promoted as Changping subprefecture had jurisdiction over Miyun, Shunyi and Huairou, in the era of Zhengde during the Ming dynasty. These three counties were transferred to Shuntian Prefecture in the era of Yongzheng during the Qing dynasty. Changping became a county again after the Xinhai Revolution, and it was transferred to Beijing from Hebei in 1956. Changping District, covering an area of 1,430 square kilometres , contains two subdistricts of the city of Changping and 15 towns with total population of 1.83 million , a rapid increase from the 614,821 recorded in the 2000 census. About 34 km from the city center, Changping is renowned for its numerous scenic spots and tourist facilities, like Datangshan museum. It is rich in natural resources, mineral products, and rural products. Changping District has a humid continental climate . The average annual temperature in Changping is 12.5 degC . The average annual rainfall is 507.0 mm with July as the wettest month. The temperatures are highest on average in July, at around 26.3 degC , and lowest in January, at around -3.5 degC . Shunyi District is an administrative district of Beijing, located to the northeast of the city's urban core. As of 2014, the population of the district is around 983,000, of which approximately 601,000 have local residency permits. In 2020 a population number of 1,324,044 was counted. The Beijing Capital International Airport is located in the geographical boundaries of the district, though it is technically under the jurisdiction of Chaoyang district. Shunyi borders the Beijing districts of Pinggu to the east, Tongzhou to the south, Chaoyang to the southwest, Changping to the west, Huairou to the north, and Miyun to the northeast, as well as Hebei province to the southeast. Shunyi District has an area of 1,020 square kilometres and a long-term resident population of approximately 983,000 as of 2013. The district is divided into 5 subdistricts of the city of Shunyi, the Airport subdistrict, and 19 towns. The urban area of Shunyi has an area of 19 km2 and has an estimated urban area population of 190,000. Other important urban areas are Tianzhu/Jichang , Houshayu , Yangzhen , and Mapo . The International School of Beijing is located in Shunyi District in the region known as the "Beijing Central Villas District" - the area immediately to the south of the new International Exhibition Centre - and more particularly just north of Yosemite Villas. Across the road from ISB is the new campus of the British School of Beijing which moved to this location during the summer of 2009. From west to east, the villas include EuroVillage, River Garden, Le Leman Lake, Capital Paradise, Gahood, Yosemite and Dragon Bay Villa and Rose & Gingko. In addition to having many different housing complexes there are also several small shopping malls nearby including Europlaza, Pinnacle Plaza and Lakeview. When Beijing Capital International Airport was first built, Shunyi was a subdistrict of Chaoyang. When Shunyi was promoted to full districtship, Chaoyang maintained direct control over the airport, so although the airport is completely surrounded by Shunyi district, it is not administratively in Shunyi; it pays its taxes to the Chaoyang government. Fengtai District is a district of the city of Beijing. It lies mostly to the southwest of the city center, extending into the city's southwestern suburbs beyond the Sixth Ring Road, but also to the south and, to a smaller extent, the southeast, where it has borders with Chaoyang District and Dongcheng District. The Western Han dynasty Prince Liu Jian and his wife were buried in Dabaotai village in southwestern Fengtai over 2,000 years ago. The tombs were discovered in 1974 and are now open to visitors at the Dabaotai Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum on Fengbo Road. It is divided into 14 subdistricts of the city proper of Beijing, 2 towns, and 5 townships . This precinct is newly urbanized in comparison to those precincts in the old city, and until the mid-1980s, it was still a mostly rural area where pig pens and goat pens were common, and major parts of the precinct had no electricity. It was only during the recent rapid economic development that the precinct was urbanized. Its postal code is 100071. In 2021, Fengtai District was reorganized into 26 subdivisions, notably removing Lugouqiao and Nayuan Areas, adding Chengshousi, Shiliuzhuang, Yuquanying, Kandan, Wulidian and Qingta Subdistricts, as well as renaming Lugouqiao Subdistrict and Changxindian Town to Liuliqiao Subdistrict and Beigong Town respectively. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Dongcheng District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Dongcheng District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jingdezhen <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qianmen Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiyuguanlu Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Dongcheng District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Dongcheng District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qiqihar <s> Dongcheng District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Meguro-ku <s> Dongcheng District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Burnaby <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beixinqiao Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Donghuashi Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongsi Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaoyangmen Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jingshan Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongzhimen Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiaodaokou Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Andingmen Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longtan Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongdingmenwai Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chongwenmenwai Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tiantan Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jianguomen Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Dongcheng District, Beijing <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hepingli Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Donghuamen Subdistrict <s> Dongcheng District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Dongcheng District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Dongcheng District, Beijing <s> Chen Jining <p> instance of <o> human <s> Chen Jining <p> affiliation <o> Tsinghua University <s> Chen Jining <p> given name <o> Jíníng <s> Chen Jining <p> country of citizenship <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chen Jining <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Philosophy <s> Chen Jining <p> family name <o> Chen <s> Chen Jining <p> educated at <o> Tsinghua University <s> Chen Jining <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 <s> Chen Jining <p> employer <o> Tsinghua University <s> Chen Jining <p> member of political party <o> Chinese Communist Party <s> Chen Jining <p> occupation <o> professor <s> Chen Jining <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Chen Jining <p> occupation <o> civil engineer <s> Chen Jining <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Chen Jining <p> educated at <o> Imperial College London <s> Chen Jining <p> place of birth <o> Gaizhou <s> Chen Jining <p> position held <o> Secretary of the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese Communist Party <s> Chen Jining <p> occupation <o> international forum participant <s> Yin Yong <p> instance of <o> human <s> Yin Yong <p> country of citizenship <o> People's Republic of China <s> Yin Yong <p> member of political party <o> Chinese Communist Party <s> Yin Yong <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Yin Yong <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Chinese <s> Yin Yong <p> educated at <o> Tsinghua University <s> Yin Yong <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Yin Yong <p> given name <o> Yong <s> Yin Yong <p> place of birth <o> Caidian District <s> Yin Yong <p> position held <o> mayor of Beijing <s> Yin Yong <p> family name <o> Yīn <s> Yanqing District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Yanqing District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Yanqing District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Yanqing District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Yanqing District <s> Yanqing District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liubinbu <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rulin <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jingzhuang <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dayushu <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhangshanying <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiuxian <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kangzhuang <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sihai <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yanqing, Yanqing <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qianjiadian <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Badaling <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhenzhuquan Township <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dazhuangke Township <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongning <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shenjiaying <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baiquan Subdistrict <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangying <s> Yanqing District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangshuiyuan <s> Miyun District <p> replaces <o> Miyun <s> Miyun District <p> replaces <o> Tanzhou <s> Miyun District <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Miyun District <p> different from <o> Miyun County <s> Miyun District <p> instance of <o> district (China) <s> Miyun District <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Miyun District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dachengzi <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dongshaoqu <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shilipu <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taishitun <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bulaotun <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fengjiayu <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beizhuang <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Miyun Town <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beijing miyun economic development zone <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shicheng Town <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mujiayu <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaoling <s> Miyun District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Miyun District <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gubeikou <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiwengzhuang <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gulou Subdistrict <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guoyuan Subdistrict <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Henanzhai <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xinchengzi <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xitiangezhuang <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tanying <s> Miyun District <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jugezhuang <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing <s> national central city <p> subclass of <o> city <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Tianjin <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Chongqing <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Xi'an <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Wuhan <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Shanghai <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Guangzhou <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Chengdu <s> national central city <p> has part(s) <o> Zhengzhou <s> direct-administered municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Beijing <s> direct-administered municipality <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> direct-administered municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Shanghai <s> direct-administered municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Tianjin <s> direct-administered municipality <p> instance of <o> designation for an administrative territorial entity of a single country <s> direct-administered municipality <p> subclass of <o> province-level division <s> direct-administered municipality <p> has part(s) <o> Chongqing <s> direct-administered municipality <p> subclass of <o> municipality <s> direct-administered municipality <p> subclass of <o> direct-controlled municipality <s> direct-administered municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Municipalities of China <s> siege <p> different from <o> lockout <s> siege <p> different from <o> blockade <s> siege <p> instance of <o> military tactics <s> siege <p> Wikidata property <o> conflict <s> siege <p> part of <o> war <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> siege <p> subclass of <o> blockade <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 9 <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> siege <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Siege warfare <s> siege <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sieges <s> siege <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> siege <p> model item <o> Siege of Orléans <s> siege <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> siege <p> history of topic <o> History of the siege <s> siege <p> studied in <o> Poliorcetica <s> sack <p> subclass of <o> massacre <s> sack <p> subclass of <o> looting <s> sack <p> subclass of <o> war crime <s> sack <p> part of <o> warfare <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> instance of <o> human <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> conflict <o> Swabian War <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> conflict <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> military rank <o> captain <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> country of citizenship <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> occupation <o> condottiero <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> child <o> Kaspar Frundsberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> described by source <o> Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> given name <o> Georg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> place of birth <o> Mindelheim <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> mother <o> Barbara von Rechberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> sibling <o> Adam von Frundsberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> sibling <o> Ulrich von Frundsberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> place of death <o> Mindelheim <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> family name <o> Frundsberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> father <o> Ulrich von Frundsberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> spouse <o> Anna von Lodron <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> family <o> Frundsberg family <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> child <o> Anna von Frundsberg <s> Georg von Frundsberg <p> child <o> Katharina von Frundsberg (Freyberg) </Graph>
<Text> :Chen Jining is a Chinese environmental scientist and politician who has been serving as Chinese Communist Party Committee Secretary of Shanghai since October 2022. Chen is a member of the 20th Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party. Chen graduated from the Imperial College London with a PhD in environmental systems analysis in 1992. Staying at the Imperial College after his graduation, he completed his postdoctoral studies in 1994 and served as an assistant researcher from 1994 to 1997. In 1998, he returned to his undergraduate alma mater Tsinghua University in Beijing to serve as vice chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering. He then served as the university's vice president from 2006 to 2007, executive vice president from 2007 to 2012, and president from 2012 to 2015. Joining the Chinese government in 2015, Chen served as Minister of Environmental Protection of China from 2015 to 2017, Vice Mayor of Beijing City from 2017 to 2018, and Mayor of Beijing City from 2018 to 2022. In 1981, he attended Tsinghua University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering with a major in civil and environmental engineering in 1986 and earned a Master's degree in environmental engineering in 1988. Chen then went overseas to Brunel University London and earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry. He continued his studies at Imperial College London where he earned a PhD in civil engineering in 1993. After graduation he worked as a research assistant at Imperial College London until 1998. Yanqing District , formerly known as Yanqing County before 2015, is a district of the municipality of Beijing located northwest of the city proper of Beijing. The district consists of 3 subdistricts, 11 towns and 4 townships, and borders the Beijing districts of Huairou to the east and Changping to the south as well as the Hebei counties of Huailai to the west and Chicheng to the north. The district hosted the Expo 2019, and hosted alpine skiing, bobsled, luge and skeleton during the 2022 Winter Olympics. In the Tang dynasty, Guichuan County, named after the Gui River, was established and belonged to the Gui Prefecture in Hebei, with a defensive military city.: 385 Eventually in 1952, it was reassigned to the Zhangjiakou Special Zone in Hebei Province, and in 1958, it was transferred to Beijing. In November 2015, the State Council of the People's Republic of China approved the adjustment of the administrative divisions of Beijing, and Yanqing County was abolished and established as a district. Yanqing District became sister cities with Dongdaemun District, Seoul, when they established friendly relations in 1997 and signed a cultural and sports exchange agreement and an economic exchange agreement in 2011. Yanqing District has a continental monsoon climate, a transitional zone between temperate zone and mid-temperate zone, semi-arid and semi-humid zone. This is a unique climate, with cold winters and cool summers, with Yanqing being known as Beijing's "summer capital". The climate is cold in winter and is cool in summer, with an average annual temperature of 9.6 degC. It has an area of 105 square kilometers in the tropical zone, with abundant shallow geothermal resources. With 2,623.4 hours of sunshine per year, it is the region with the most abundant solar energy resources in Beijing. Also, Yanqing's wind resources account for 70% of Beijing. The Yanqing Badaling Great Wall Basin is surrounded by mountains on three sides in the north, south, east, and Guanting Reservoir to the west, namely the Yanhuai Basin. Yanqing is located in the east of the basin, with an average elevation of about 500 meters. Haituo Mountain is the highest peak in the territory, with an elevation of 2241 meters and the second highest peak in Beijing. Miyun District is situated in northeast Beijing. It has an area of 2,227 square kilometres and a population of 527,683 . Miyun District government seat is located in Gulou Subdistrict. Miyun was one of the places where Warlord Feng Yuxiang stationed his troops in preparation of the Beijing Coup of 1924. In the 1930s, Miyun District was occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army and became part of the area controlled by the East Hebei Autonomous Council, a puppet state of Japan. The Japanese occupation was challenged, however, when a local Taoist priest managed to incite Miyun's peasantry. As member of the Yellow Sand Society, he garnered followers and convinced them that they could become immune to gunfire through magical rituals that he performed. Thus highly motivated, the peasants launched a rebellion in July 1936 and defeated an East Hebei Army unit that was sent to suppress them. Nearby Imperial Japanese Army forces were consequently mobilized against the insurgents. By September, the uprising was defeated and about 300 of Miyun's Yellow Sand rebels had been killed or wounded in the fighting. There are 2 subdistricts, 17 towns, 1 township which carry the "area" label in the district, as well as an additional economic development area. The government seat of Miyun District is located in Gulou Subdistrict. Miyun contains the easternmost point of Beijing Municipality, bordering the Beijing districts of Pinggu to the southeast, Shunyi to the southwest and Huairou to the west as well as Hebei province to the due north and east. The Miyun Reservoir, a major source of water for the Beijing Municipality, is also located in Miyun District. In China, a national central city is a modern metropolis with regional, national, and international importance. There are nine national central cities: Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi'an, and Zhengzhou.The first four cities listed are the four provincial-equivalent direct-administered municipalities of China. As defined by the PRC National Development and Reform Committee, national central cities are strategically located in the country, shoulder the national mission, lead regional development, participate in international competition, and represent the national image. This designation was formulated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2005 as a first step in reforming urbanization in China. The national central cities' spheres of influence have great impact on surrounding cities in modernizing and integrating services in various fields, including infrastructure, finance, public education, social welfare, sanitation, business licensing, and urban planning. aDirect-administered municipalities. bSub-provincial cities as provincial capitals. cSeparate state-planning cities. 1Special economic-zone cities. 2Open coastal cities. 3Prefecture capital status established by Heilongjiang Province and not recognized by Ministry of Civil Affairs. Disputed by Oroqen Autonomous Banner, Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia as part of it. 4Only administers islands and waters in South China Sea and have no urban core comparable to typical cities in China. 5The claimed province of Taiwan no longer have any internal division announced by Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRC, due to lack of actual jurisdiction. See Template:Administrative divisions of Taiwan instead. A direct-administered municipality is a city in China directly governed by the Central People's Government and not part of a province. There are four municipalities in China: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. Although being as a city by name, a municipality is more than city in a traditional sense. It is usually composed of a central urban area and a number of much larger surrounding suburban and rural areas. During the Republic of China, the first municipalities were the 11 cities of Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Chongqing, Xi'an, Guangzhou, Hankou , Shenyang, and Harbin under the Republic of China. They were established in 1927 soon after they were designated as "cities" during the 1920s. Nominally, Dalian was a municipality as well, although it was under Japanese control. These cities were first called special municipalities/cities , but were later renamed Yuan-controlled municipalities , then direct-controlled municipalities by the Central Government of the People's Republic of China. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Anshan, Benxi, and Fushun were also made municipalities, while Qingdao, Dalian, and Harbin were reduced to provincial municipalities. Hankou was merged into Wuhan, which became a municipality of its own. Hence, there remained 12 municipalities. In November 1952, Nanjing was reduced to a provincial municipality in Jiangsu. In March 1953, Luda, which had resulted from the merger of Dalian and Lushun in December 1950, was made a municipality. In July 1953, Harbin was restored to municipality status, whereas Changchun acquired that status for the first time. Except Beijing and Tianjin, which were under central control, all other municipalities were governed by the greater administrative areas. A siege is a military blockade of a city, or fortress, with the intent of conquering by attrition, or by well-prepared assault. This derives from Latin: sedere, lit. 'to sit'. Siege warfare is a form of constant, low-intensity conflict characterized by one party holding a strong, static, defensive position. Consequently, an opportunity for negotiation between combatants is common, as proximity and fluctuating advantage can encourage diplomacy. A siege occurs when an attacker encounters a city or fortress that cannot be easily taken by a quick assault, and which refuses to surrender. Sieges involve surrounding the target to block provision of supplies and reinforcement or escape of troops . This is typically coupled with attempts to reduce the fortifications by means of siege engines, artillery bombardment, mining , or the use of deception or treachery to bypass defenses. Failing a military outcome, sieges can often be decided by starvation, thirst, or disease, which can afflict either the attacker or defender. This form of siege, though, can take many months or even years, depending upon the size of the stores of food the fortified position holds. The attacking force can circumvallate the besieged place, which is to build a line of earth-works, consisting of a rampart and trench, surrounding it. During the process of circumvallation, the attacking force can be set upon by another force, an ally of the besieged place, due to the lengthy amount of time required to force it to capitulate. A defensive ring of forts outside the ring of circumvallated forts, called contravallation, is also sometimes used to defend the attackers from outside. Ancient cities in the Middle East show archaeological evidence of fortified city walls. During the Warring States period of ancient China, there is both textual and archaeological evidence of prolonged sieges and siege machinery used against the defenders of city walls. Siege machinery was also a tradition of the ancient Greco-Roman world. During the Renaissance and the early modern period, siege warfare dominated the conduct of war in Europe. Leonardo da Vinci gained some of his renown from design of fortifications. Medieval campaigns were generally designed around a succession of sieges. In the Napoleonic era, increasing use of ever more powerful cannons reduced the value of fortifications. In the 20th century, the significance of the classical siege declined. With the advent of mobile warfare, a single fortified stronghold is no longer as decisive as it once was. While traditional sieges do still occur, they are not as common as they once were due to changes in modes of battle, principally the ease by which huge volumes of destructive power can be directed onto a static target. Modern sieges are more commonly the result of smaller hostage, militant, or extreme resisting arrest situations. Georg von Frundsberg was a German military and Landsknecht leader in the service of the Holy Roman Empire and Imperial House of Habsburg. An early modern proponent of infantry tactics, he established his reputation in active service during the Italian Wars under Emperor Maximilian I and his successor Charles V. Even in his lifetime, he was referred to as "Vater der Landsknechte" and legends about him as the patriarchal figure of the Landsknechte or his incredible physical strength surfaced. Frundsberg was born to Ulrich von Frundsberg, a captain of the Swabian League forces, and his wife Barbara von Rechberg at Mindelheim, into an old line of Tyrolean knights who had settled in Upper Swabia. He was the youngest of nine sons and thus had no chance of inheriting the paternal dominion. Even as an infant, he was prepared for a warrior's career. He grew up at the castle in Mindelheim, which his father had bought from Georg's maternal uncle Ber II of Rechberg. In 1492, he followed his father in the campaign of the Hohenzollern margrave Frederick I of Brandenburg-Ansbach, authorized to execute the Imperial ban against Duke Albert IV of Bavaria. As Albert gave in, the expedition was cancelled. Frundsberg fought for the Habsburg emperor Maximilian I against the Swiss Confederacy in the Swabian War of 1499, where he had to realize that the era of the heavy armoured knights was well and truly over. In the same year he was among the Imperial troops sent to the aid of Ludovico Sforza, who had been deposed as Duke of Milan by King Louis XII of France. When Maximilian appointed him Tyrolean military captain, he recruited a powerful army of pike square infantry formations following the Swiss example. Still serving Maximilian, he took part in the 1504 War of the Succession of Landshut, fighting against Count Ruprecht of the Palatinate and his father Elector Palatine Philip. Frundsberg distinguished himself leading a Landsknecht regiment into the decisive Battle of Wenzenbach, whereafter Maximilian I personally bestowed knighthood on him: armed with muskets and culverines, the Frundsberg regiment broke a breach into the wagon-wall of the Bohemian mercenaries , which were then routed. Convinced of the necessity of a native body of trained infantry, Frundsberg assisted Maximilian in the organization of the Landsknecht troops. One year later, he became the commander of the Landsknechts in the Habsburg Netherlands. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Leonardo's aerial screw <p> depicts <o> airplane <s> Leonardo's aerial screw <p> instance of <o> pattern <s> Leonardo's aerial screw <p> instance of <o> invention <s> Leonardo's aerial screw <p> creator <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Leonardo's aerial screw <p> part of <o> Paris Manuscript B <s> Vitruvian Man <p> depicts <o> human <s> Vitruvian Man <p> depicts <o> square <s> Vitruvian Man <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Vitruvian Man <p> creator <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Vitruvian Man <p> depicts <o> circle <s> Vitruvian Man <p> instance of <o> mirror writing <s> Vitruvian Man <p> exhibition history <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Vitruvian Man <p> instance of <o> drawing <s> Vitruvian Man <p> main subject <o> Vitruvian Man <s> Vitruvian Man <p> movement <o> Italian Renaissance <s> Vitruvian Man <p> depicts <o> squaring the circle <s> Vitruvian Man <p> collection <o> Gallerie dell'Accademia <s> Vitruvian Man <p> location <o> Gallerie dell'Accademia <s> Vitruvian Man <p> named after <o> Vitruvius <s> Schilder-boeck <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Schilder-boeck <p> language of work or name <o> Dutch <s> Schilder-boeck <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Schilder-boeck <p> genre <o> art history <s> Schilder-boeck <p> author <o> Karel van Mander the Elder <s> Schilder-boeck <p> country of origin <o> Dutch Republic <s> Schilder-boeck <p> publisher <o> Jacob Pietersz Wachter <s> Schilder-boeck <p> followed by <o> The Great Theatre of Dutch Painters <s> Schilder-boeck <p> instance of <o> written work <s> Schilder-boeck <p> has edition or translation <o> Das Leben der niederländischen und deutschen Maler <s> Schilder-boeck <p> instance of <o> creative work <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> country of origin <o> Italy <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> dedicated to <o> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> main subject <o> biography <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> main subject <o> art history <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> instance of <o> literary work <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> instance of <o> series of creative works <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vasari - Le vite de’ piu eccellenti pittori, scultori, et architettori <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> has edition or translation <o> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, sculptors and architects <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> instance of <o> intellectual work <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> author <o> Giorgio Vasari <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> has edition or translation <o> Le vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> described by source <o> La letteratura artistica: manuale della fonti della storica dell'arte moderna <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <p> genre <o> biographical dictionary <s> Francis I of France <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Francis I of France <p> instance of <o> human <s> Francis I of France <p> writing language <o> French <s> Francis I of France <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> Mary Boleyn <s> Francis I of France <p> cause of death <o> disease <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> Claude de Rohan-Gié <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> Françoise de Foix <s> Francis I of France <p> place of birth <o> Cognac <s> Francis I of France <p> medical condition <o> stuttering <s> Francis I of France <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Francis I of France <p> mother <o> Louise of Savoy <s> Francis I of France <p> conflict <o> Battle of Marignano <s> Francis I of France <p> sibling <o> Margaret of Valois-Angoulême <s> Francis I of France <p> significant event <o> Italian Wars <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly <s> Francis I of France <p> conflict <o> Battle of Pavia <s> Francis I of France <p> significant event <o> Edict of Fontainebleau <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Madeleine of Valois <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> Marie Gaudin <s> Francis I of France <p> has works in the collection <o> Städel Museum <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Repertorium Academicum Germanicum <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francis I of France <p> place of death <o> Rambouillet <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> La Belle Ferronnière <s> Francis I of France <p> significant person <o> Guillaume Budé <s> Francis I of France <p> sibling <o> Jeanne d'Angoulême <s> Francis I of France <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Middle French <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Francis I of France <p> significant event <o> French Renaissance <s> Francis I of France <p> significant event <o> Franco-Ottoman alliance <s> Francis I of France <p> significant event <o> Massacre of Mérindol <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Francis III <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Charlotte of Valois <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Margaret of France, Duchess of Berry <s> Francis I of France <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Francis I of France <p> has works in the collection <o> Netherlands Photo Museum <s> Francis I of France <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Francis I of France <p> significant person <o> Erasmus <s> Francis I of France <p> place of burial <o> Basilica of Saint-Denis <s> Francis I of France <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of France <s> Francis I of France <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Francis I of France <p> unmarried partner <o> Jacquette de Lansac <s> Francis I of France <p> given name <o> François <s> Francis I of France <p> spouse <o> Eleanor of Austria <s> Francis I of France <p> noble title <o> duke <s> Francis I of France <p> spouse <o> Claude of France <s> Francis I of France <p> award received <o> Order of the Garter <s> Francis I of France <p> depicted by <o> Francis I and the art of the Netherlands <s> Francis I of France <p> depicted by <o> François Ier, pouvoir et image <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Louis de Saint-Gelais <s> Francis I of France <p> owner of <o> Nieuil Château <s> Francis I of France <p> owner of <o> Bienassis Castle <s> Francis I of France <p> owner of <o> Villers-Cotterêts Castle <s> Francis I of France <p> owner of <o> Sword made for François I <s> Francis I of France <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Francis I of France <p> father <o> Charles <s> Francis I of France <p> family <o> House of Valois <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Henry II of France <s> Francis I of France <p> significant event <o> Field of the Cloth of Gold <s> Francis I of France <p> position held <o> king of France <s> Francis I of France <p> depicted by <o> Francis I of France (1494-1547), king of France <s> Francis I of France <p> noble title <o> king of France <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Charles II de Valois, Duke of Orléans <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Nicolas d'Estouteville <s> Francis I of France <p> child <o> Louise de France <s> Francis I of France <p> noble title <o> count <s> Francis I of France <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Francis I of France <s> Francis I of France <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece <s> Francis I of France <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> TP updated between September 2019 and August 2020 <s> Francis I of France <p> family name <o> Valois <s> Francis I of France <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of François I as St John the Baptist <s> Francis I of France <p> described by source <o> Contemporaries of Erasmus (vol. 2) <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> instance of <o> human <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> writing language <o> Italian <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> student of <o> Marsilio Ficino <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> student of <o> John Argyropoulos <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> depicted by <o> Lorenzo de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> sibling <o> Giuliano de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> unmarried partner <o> Lucrezia Donati <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> sibling <o> Bianca de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> sibling <o> Nannina de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> sibling <o> Maria di Piero de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> sibling <o> Giovanni de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> place of birth <o> Florence <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> given name <o> Lorenzo <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> owner of <o> Villa Castello <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> owner of <o> Villa Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> student of <o> Gentile de' Becchi <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> residence <o> Palazzo Medici Riccardi <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Leo X <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> occupation <o> poet <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> family name <o> Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> country of citizenship <o> Republic of Florence <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> described by source <o> Library of the World's Best Literature <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> family <o> House of Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> spouse <o> Clarice Orsini <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Clement VII <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> father <o> Piero di Cosimo de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Piero the Unfortunate <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Lucrezia de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Giuliano de' Medici, Duke of Nemours <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Maddalena de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Contessina de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> mother <o> Lucrezia Tornabuoni <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> place of death <o> Careggi <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> occupation <o> banker <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> place of burial <o> Medici Chapels <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> child <o> Luisa de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lorenzo de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of Lorenzo de' Medici <s> Lorenzo de' Medici <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Pontormo <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Pontormo <p> student of <o> Andrea del Sarto <s> Pontormo <p> instance of <o> human <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> British Museum <s> Pontormo <p> student of <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of John Paul II Collection <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Casa Buonarroti <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Mansi National Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Yale University Art Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Walters Art Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Vecchio <s> Pontormo <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Pontormo <p> student of <o> Piero di Cosimo <s> Pontormo <p> work location <o> Florence <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Villa Medici <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> J. Paul Getty Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Pontormo <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Führermuseum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Capodimonte <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Landesmuseum Hannover <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Vecchio Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> notable work <o> Vertumnus and Pomona <s> Pontormo <p> notable work <o> The Deposition from the Cross <s> Pontormo <p> notable work <o> Visitation of Carmignano <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Gabinetto dei disegni e delle stampe <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Rectory of Saints Michael and Francis <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Abbot Hall Art Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Harvard Art Museums <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> St Andreas Picture Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Bowdoin College Museum of Art <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Galleria dell'Accademia <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of the Last Supper of Andrea del Sarto <s> Pontormo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Pontormo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Berenson Library <s> Pontormo <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Gemäldegalerie <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Städel Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Victoria and Albert Museum <s> Pontormo <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Pontormo <p> artist files at <o> Berenson Library <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Fogg Museum <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Bavarian State Painting Collections <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Pontormo <p> notable work <o> Pucci Altarpiece <s> Pontormo <p> student <o> Giovanni Battista Naldini <s> Pontormo <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Pontormo <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Pontormo <p> student <o> Bronzino <s> Pontormo <p> place of birth <o> Empoli <s> Pontormo <p> given name <o> Jacopo <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pontormo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Jacopo Pontormo <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Museo Civico di Sansepolcro <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Art Institute of Chicago <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Galleria Palatina <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Scottish National Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Cini Gallery <s> Pontormo <p> occupation <o> drawer <s> Pontormo <p> movement <o> mannerism <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Schilder-boeck <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> Florence Charterhouse <s> Pontormo <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Canada <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. Volume XXIVа, 1898 <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pontormo <p> described by source <o> Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste <s> Pontormo <p> father <o> Bartolommeo di Jacopo di Martino <s> architect <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Wikipedia categories named after architects <s> architect <p> Wikidata property <o> architect <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> PSS-archi architect ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> French diocesan architects ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> Architectuurgids architect ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> COAM architect ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> EUTA person ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> Structurae person ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> Pacific Coast Architecture Database person ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> Arquivo Arq ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> Dictionary of Scottish Architects ID <s> architect <p> properties for this type <o> archINFORM person/group ID <s> architect <p> instance of <o> profession <s> architect <p> field of this occupation <o> construction <s> architect <p> field of this occupation <o> building design <s> architect <p> field of this occupation <o> architecture <s> architect <p> subclass of <o> designer <s> architect <p> subclass of <o> white-collar worker <s> architect <p> patron saint <o> Thomas the Apostle <s> architect <p> patron saint <o> Benedict of Nursia <s> architect <p> patron saint <o> Saint Barbara <s> architect <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Architects <s> architect <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox architect <s> architect <p> field of this occupation <o> computational design <s> architect <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> architect <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> architect <p> different from <o> Chartered Building Surveyor <s> architect <p> uses <o> architectural terminology <s> architect <p> instance of <o> corporate title <s> architect <p> instance of <o> occupation <s> natural causes <p> subclass of <o> death <s> natural causes <p> instance of <o> manner of death <s> natural causes <p> opposite of <o> unnatural death <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> time period <o> High Renaissance <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> creator <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> depicts <o> Mustela putorius furo <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> depicts <o> Cecilia Gallerani <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> main subject <o> Cecilia Gallerani <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> location <o> Czartoryski Museum <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> collection <o> Czartoryski Museum <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> made from material <o> walnut panel <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> movement <o> High Renaissance <s> Lady with an Ermine <p> depicts <o> Mustela erminea </Graph>
<Text> :The Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci drew his design for an "aerial screw" in the late 1480s, while he was employed as a military engineer by Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan from 1494 to 1499. The original drawing is part of a manuscript dated to 1487 to 1490 and appears on folio 83-verso of Paris Manuscript B , part of the papers removed from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in 1795 by Napoleon and still held by the Institut de France in Paris. Leonardo biographer Walter Isaacson has expressed the belief that it was "devised for a theatrical spectacle". The "aerial screw" was one of several aerial machines drawn by Leonardo, including an early parachute, an ornithopter and a hang glider. The pen-and-ink sketch outlines an idea for a flying machine similar to a modern helicopter, with a spiral rotor or "aerial screw" based on a water screw, but intended to push against the fluid of the air instead of water. The design comprises a large structure, built on a solid circular platform, with a central vertical pole supported by three diagonal members meeting at a small circular plate about half way up the pole. The upper half of the pole is the supportive axis for a large spiralling sail of linen with a radius of about 5 m , stiffened with starch. The inner edge of the sail winds clockwise around the pole, while the outer edge of the sail is connected by ropes or wires to a ring that rotates around the lower platform. The design envisions a crew of several people on the wooden platform running around the central pole while holding handles that rotate the sail. The Vitruvian Man is a drawing by the Italian Renaissance artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci, dated to c. 1490. Inspired by the writings of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius, the drawing depicts a nude man in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and inscribed in both a circle and square. It was described by the art historian Carmen C. Bambach as "justly ranked among the all-time iconic images of Western civilization". Although not the only known drawing of a man inspired by the writings of Vitruvius, the work is a unique synthesis of artistic and scientific ideals and often considered an archetypal representation of the High Renaissance. The drawing represents Leonardo's conception of ideal body proportions, originally derived from Vitruvius but influenced by his own measurements, the drawings of his contemporaries, and the De pictura treatise by Leon Battista Alberti. Leonardo produced the Vitruvian Man in Milan and the work was probably passed to his student Francesco Melzi. It later came into the possession of Venanzio de Pagave, who convinced the engraver Carlo Giuseppe Gerli to include it in a book of Leonardo's drawings, which widely disseminated the previously little-known image. It was later owned by Giuseppe Bossi, who wrote early scholarship on it, and eventually sold to the Gallerie dell'Accademia of Venice in 1822, where it has remained since. Due to its sensitivity to light, the drawing rarely goes on public display, but it was borrowed by the Louvre in 2019 for their exhibition marking the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's death. The drawing is described by Leonardo's notes as Le proporzioni del corpo umano secondo Vitruvio, variously translated as The Proportions of the Human Figure after Vitruvius, or Proportional Study of a Man in the Manner of Vitruvius. It is much better known as the Vitruvian Man. The art historian Carlo Pedretti lists it as Homo Vitruvius, study of proportions with the human figure inscribed in a circle and a square, and later as simply Homo Vitruvius. The drawing was executed primarily with pen and light-brown ink, while there are traces of brown wash . The paper measures 34.4 cm x 25.5 cm , larger than most of Leonardo's folio manuscript sheets, while the paper itself was originally made somewhat unevenly, given its irregular edges. Close examination of the drawing reveals that it was meticulously prepared, and is devoid of "sketchy and tentative" lines. Leonardo used metalpoint with a calipers and compass to make precise lines, and small tick marks were used for measurements. These compass marks demonstrate an inner structure of "measured intervals" which is displayed in tandem with the general structure created by the geometric figures. Het Schilder-Boeck or Schilderboek is a book written by the Flemish writer and painter Karel van Mander first published in 1604 in Haarlem in the Dutch Republic, where van Mander resided. The book is written in 17th-century Dutch and its title is commonly translated into English as 'The Book of Painters' or 'The Book of Painting' and sometimes as 'The Book on Picturing'. Het Schilder-Boeck consists of six parts and is considered one of the principal sources on the history of art and art theory in the 15th and 16th century Low Countries. The book was very well received and sold well. Karel van Mander died two years after its publication. A second posthumous edition, which included a brief, anonymous biography of van Mander was published in 1618. This second edition was translated by Hessel Miedema into English and published in 1994-1997 together with a facsimile of the original and five volumes of notes on the text. The history of early Netherlandish painting was first described by the Italian Lodovico Guicciardini in his Descrittione di Lodovico Guicciardini patritio fiorentino di tutti i Paesi Bassi altrimenti detti Germania inferiore . This book formed a source for Giorgio Vasari's famous biographical accounts of painters in his book Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, often referred to as the Vite. That tradition took little account of the geographic topology of the Low countries and the van Eyck brothers were considered the fathers of Netherlandish painting concentrated in Bruges. Karel van Mander intended to correct this misconception by listing all the famous early Netherlandish painters. He encountered many difficulties in obtaining accurate information, due to the political and religious unrest at the time. The biographies in the Schilder-Boeck are similar in style and format to Vasari's Vite. Karel van Mander digresses only rarely from the format: starting per painter with an overview of the childhood years and a list of teachers, followed by some career information and concluding with a list of notable works. The second edition includes a biography of van Mander himself that Miedema believes was written by his brother, who may have been with him on his deathbed. Other candidates have been proposed as authors of the biography. Recently his son Karel van Mander the Younger was identified as a possible author. His son would have relied on biographical information that Karel van Mander had written himself as well as on his own recollections and notes. The information in the biographical sketch is not entirely reliable but is still regarded as the best source of information on van Mander's life. Van Mander was writing in a country where Calvinists were powerful and religious art was regarded with suspicion. The market for religious subjects was quickly replaced in favor of genre scenes and historical allegories. It became fashionable to choose politically correct subjects such as stories too old to be offensive to either Protestants or Catholics. The city of Haarlem needed to reinvent itself after losing its attraction as a pilgrimage site for St. Bavo. Its leaders commissioned paintings depicting the city's glorious past, such as in the story of the crusade against Damietta, which was the basis for the Coat of arms of Haarlem. Artists and writers helped update the local source of inspiration for art. Van Mander contributed to this effort by supplying a list of biographies of ancient painters in Lives of Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman painters and his commentaries on Ovid's Metamorphoses and the depiction of figures. The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects , often simply known as The Lives , is a series of artist biographies written by 16th-century Italian painter and architect Giorgio Vasari, which is considered "perhaps the most famous, and even today the most-read work of the older literature of art", "some of the Italian Renaissance's most influential writing on art", and "the first important book on art history". Vasari published the work in two editions with substantial differences between them; the first edition, two volumes, in 1550 and the second, three volumes, in 1568 . One important change was the increased attention paid to Venetian art in the second edition, even though Vasari still was, and has ever since been, criticised for an excessive emphasis on the art of his native Florence. The writer Paolo Giovio expressed his desire to compose a treatise on contemporary artists at a party in the house of Cardinal Farnese, who asked Vasari to provide Giovio with as much relevant information as possible. Giovio instead yielded the project to Vasari. As the first Italian art historian, Vasari initiated the genre of an encyclopedia of artistic biographies that continues today. Vasari's work was first published in 1550 by Lorenzo Torrentino in Florence, and dedicated to Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. It included a valuable treatise on the technical methods employed in the arts. It was partly rewritten and enlarged in 1568 and provided with woodcut portraits of artists . Francis I was King of France from 1515 until his death in 1547. He was the son of Charles, Count of Angouleme, and Louise of Savoy. He succeeded his first cousin once removed and father-in-law Louis XII, who died without a legitimate son. A prodigious patron of the arts, he promoted the emergent French Renaissance by attracting many Italian artists to work for him, including Leonardo da Vinci, who brought the Mona Lisa, which Francis had acquired. Francis' reign saw important cultural changes with the growth of central power in France, the spread of humanism and Protestantism, and the beginning of French exploration of the New World. Jacques Cartier and others claimed lands in the Americas for France and paved the way for the expansion of the first French colonial empire. For his role in the development and promotion of the French language, he became known as le Pere et Restaurateur des Lettres . He was also known as Francois au Grand Nez , the Grand Colas, and the Roi-Chevalier . In keeping with his predecessors, Francis continued the Italian Wars. The succession of his great rival Emperor Charles V to the Habsburg Netherlands and the throne of Spain, followed by his election as Holy Roman Emperor, led to France being geographically encircled by the Habsburg monarchy. In his struggle against Imperial hegemony, Francis sought the support of Henry VIII of England at the Field of the Cloth of Gold. When this was unsuccessful, he formed a Franco-Ottoman alliance with the Muslim sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, a controversial move for a Christian king at the time. Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici , known as Lorenzo the Magnificent , was an Italian statesman, the de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic, and the most powerful patron of Renaissance culture in Italy. Lorenzo held the balance of power within the Italic League, an alliance of states that stabilized political conditions on the Italian Peninsula for decades, and his life coincided with the mature phase of the Italian Renaissance and the golden age of Florence. As a patron, he is best known for his sponsorship of artists such as Botticelli and Michelangelo. On the foreign policy front, Lorenzo manifested a clear plan to stem the territorial ambitions of Pope Sixtus IV, in the name of the balance of the Italian League of 1454. For these reasons, Lorenzo was the subject of the Pazzi conspiracy , in which his brother Giuliano was assassinated. The Peace of Lodi of 1454 that he supported among the various Italian states collapsed with his death. He is buried in the Medici Chapel in Florence. Lorenzo's grandfather, Cosimo de' Medici, was the first member of the Medici family to lead the Republic of Florence and run the Medici Bank simultaneously. As one of the wealthiest men in Europe, Cosimo spent a very large portion of his fortune on government and philanthropy, for example as a patron of the arts and financier of public works. Lorenzo's father, Piero di Cosimo de' Medici, was equally at the centre of Florentine civic life, chiefly as an art patron and collector, while Lorenzo's uncle, Giovanni di Cosimo de' Medici, took care of the family's business interests. Lorenzo's mother, Lucrezia Tornabuoni, was a writer of sonnets and a friend to poets and philosophers of the Medici Academy. She became her son's advisor after the deaths of his father and uncle. Lorenzo, considered the most promising of the five children of Piero and Lucrezia, was tutored by a diplomat and bishop, Gentile de' Becchi, and the humanist philosopher Marsilio Ficino, and he was trained in Greek by John Argyropoulos. With his brother Giuliano, he participated in jousting, hawking, hunting, and horse breeding for the Palio, a horse race in Siena. In 1469, aged 20, he won first prize in a jousting tournament sponsored by the Medici. The joust was the subject of a poem written by Luigi Pulci. Niccolo Machiavelli also wrote of the occasion, perhaps sarcastically, that he won "not by way of favour, but by his own valour and skill in arms". He carried a banner painted by Verrocchio, and his horse was named Morello di Vento. Lorenzo was described as rather plain of appearance and of average height, having a broad frame and short legs, dark hair and eyes, a squashed nose, short-sighted eyes and a harsh voice. Giuliano, on the other hand, was regarded as handsome and a "golden boy", and was used as a model by Botticelli in his painting of Mars and Venus. Even Lorenzo's close friend Niccolo Valori described him as homely, saying, "nature had been a stepmother to him in regards to his personal appearance, although she had acted as a loving mother in all things concocted with the mind. His complexion was dark, and although his face was not handsome it was so full of dignity as to compel respect." Jacopo Carucci or Carrucci , usually known as Jacopo Pontormo or simply Pontormo , was an Italian Mannerist painter and portraitist from the Florentine School. His work represents a profound stylistic shift from the calm perspectival regularity that characterized the art of the Florentine Renaissance. He is famous for his use of twining poses, coupled with ambiguous perspective; his figures often seem to float in an uncertain environment, unhampered by the forces of gravity. Jacopo Carucci was born at Pontorme , near Empoli, to Bartolomeo di Jacopo di Martino Carrucci and Alessandra di Pasquale di Zanobi. Vasari relates how the orphaned boy, "young, melancholy, and lonely", was shuttled around as a young apprentice: Jacopo had not been many months in Florence before Bernardo Vettori sent him to stay with Leonardo da Vinci, and then with Mariotto Albertinelli, Piero di Cosimo, and finally, in 1512, with Andrea del Sarto, with whom he did not remain long, for after he had done the cartoons for the arch of the Servites, it does not seem that Andrea bore him any good will, whatever the cause may have been. Pontormo painted in and around Florence, often supported by Medici patronage. A foray to Rome, largely to see Michelangelo's work, influenced his later style. Haunted faces and elongated bodies are characteristic of his work. An example of Pontormo's early style is a fresco depicting the Visitation of the Virgin and St Elizabeth, with its dancelike, balanced figures, painted from 1514 to 1516. An architect is a person who plans, designs, and oversees the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to provide services in connection with the design of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings that have human occupancy or use as their principal purpose. Etymologically, the term architect derives from the Latin architectus, which derives from the Greek , i.e., chief builder. The professional requirements for architects vary from location to location. An architect's decisions affect public safety, and thus the architect must undergo specialized training consisting of advanced education and a practicum for practical experience to earn a license to practice architecture. Practical, technical, and academic requirements for becoming an architect vary by jurisdiction though the formal study of architecture in academic institutions has played a pivotal role in the development of the profession. Throughout ancient and medieval history, most architectural design and construction was carried out by artisans--such as stone masons and carpenters, rising to the role of master builder. Until modern times, there was no clear distinction between architect and engineer. In Europe, the titles architect and engineer were primarily geographical variations that referred to the same person, often used interchangeably. "Architect" derives from Greek arkhitekton . It is suggested that various developments in technology and mathematics allowed the development of the professional 'gentleman' architect, separate from the hands-on craftsman. Paper was not used in Europe for drawing until the 15th century, but became increasingly available after 1500. Pencils were used for drawing by 1600. The availability of both paper and pencils allowed pre-construction drawings to be made by professionals. Concurrently, the introduction of linear perspective and innovations such as the use of different projections to describe a three-dimensional building in two dimensions, together with an increased understanding of dimensional accuracy, helped building designers communicate their ideas. However, development was gradual and slow going. Until the 18th-century, buildings continued to be designed and set out by craftsmen, with the exception of high-status projects. In many legal jurisdictions, the manner of death is a determination, typically made by the coroner, medical examiner, police, or similar officials, and recorded as a vital statistic. Within the United States and the United Kingdom, a distinction is made between the cause of death, which is a specific disease or injury, versus manner of death, which is primarily a legal determination versus the mechanism of death which does not explain why the person died or the underlying cause of death and can include cardiac arrest or exsanguination. Different categories are used in different jurisdictions, but manner of death determinations include everything from very broad categories like "natural" and "homicide" to specific manners like "traffic accident" or "gunshot wound". In some cases an autopsy is performed, either due to general legal requirements, because the medical cause of death is uncertain, upon the request of family members or guardians, or because the circumstances of death were suspicious. International Classification of Disease codes can be used to record manner and cause of death in a systematic way that makes it easy to compile statistics and more feasible to compare events across jurisdictions. A death by natural causes results from an illness and its complications or an internal malfunction of the body not directly caused by external forces, other than infectious disease. For example, a person dying from complications from pneumonia, diarrheal disease or HIV/AIDS , cancer, stroke or heart disease , or sudden organ failure would most likely be listed as having died from natural causes. "Death by natural causes" is sometimes used as a euphemism for "dying of old age", which is considered problematic as a cause of death ; there are also many non-age-related causes of "natural" death, for legal manner-of-death purposes. There is particular ambiguity around the classification of cardiac deaths triggered by a traumatic incident, such as in stress cardiomyopathy. Liability for a death classified as by natural causes may still be found if a proximate cause is established, as in the 1969 California case People v. Stamp. The Lady with an Ermine is a portrait painting widely attributed to the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Dated to c. 1489-1491, the work is painted in oils on a panel of walnut wood. Its subject is Cecilia Gallerani, a mistress of Ludovico Sforza , Duke of Milan; Leonardo was painter to the Sforza court in Milan at the time of its execution. It is the second of only four surviving portraits of women painted by Leonardo, the others being Ginevra de' Benci, La Belle Ferronniere and the Mona Lisa. Lady with an Ermine is now housed at the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow, and is one of Poland's national treasures. It is part of the Princes Czartoryski Collection, which was sold for EUR100 million on 29 December 2016 to the Polish government by Princes Czartoryski Foundation, represented by Adam Karol Czartoryski, the last direct descendant of Izabela Czartoryska Flemming and Adam George Czartoryski, who brought the painting to Poland from Italy in 1798. The painting was executed in oils on a somewhat small, 54 x 39 cm walnut wood panel. It depicts a half-height woman turned toward her right at a three-quarter angle, but with her face turned toward her left. The animal in her arms twists in a similar manner, resulting in considerable contrapposto with the lady, a technique Leonardo explored earlier with the angel in the Virgin of the Rocks. The work is prepared with a layer of white gesso and a layer of brownish underpaint. In general, the paint is evenly applied akin to the Mona Lisa, though certain areas of the lady's skin are more layered. Also present are the subtle remains of spolvero , underdrawing , and fingerprints , the latter of which are particularly common in Leonardo's paintings. It is made from a single piece of walnut wood; Leonardo recommended, and favored walnut wood, though it was not commonly used by other artists in Lombardy. The wood is thin ) and is most likely from the same tree as the wood for his later portrait, La Belle Ferronniere. The Lady with an Ermine is also connected to La Belle Ferronniere, as well as Leonardo's earlier Portrait of a Musician, due to the three paintings including black backgrounds. Though there are a few areas of minor damage, art historian Frank Zollner insists the work is in "very good condition... similar to the equally well preserved Mona Lisa". Such an evaluation is relatively recent, however, as the work was previously considered to be considerably damaged and repainted. Promotion of such an analysis largely began with the art historian Kenneth Clark, who asserted in 1961 that the entire left side of the figure, as well as the background had been repainted. Scholars such as Adolfo Venturi, Angela Ottino della Chiesa and Jack Wasserman advanced the idea; however, a 1992 technical analysis at the National Gallery of Art led by David Bull has confirmed that the damage was limited to the background. Specifically, the background was likely originally a bluish-grey, overpainted with black during the mid-18th century. The signature LEONARD D'AWINCI in the top left corner was probably also added at this time. There is also slight overpainting in the mouth and nose; some art historians suggest Eugene Delacroix was responsible for the overpaint in the background and elsewhere. The background was also subject to the misconception that it originally included a window. It was proposed by Kazimierz Kwiatkowski, who led 1955 X-ray testing at Warsaw Laboratories, and explained certain spots in the right background as being remnants of a window. Such a conclusion has been disproven by Bull, Pietro C. Marani and others. In light of this revision--with the primary damage being overpaint in the background--the art historian Martin Kemp noted that "the picture is in much better condition than the standard accounts suggest, and gives the clearest indication of the freshly brilliant quality of Leonardo's painting during his period at the Sforza court in Milan". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> country <o> Italy <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> shares border with <o> Calenzano <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> shares border with <o> Florence <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> shares border with <o> Fiesole <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> shares border with <o> Campi Bisenzio <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Laayoune <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> capital <o> Sesto Fiorentino <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> shares border with <o> Vaglia <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bagnolet <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Sesto Fiorentino <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> patron saint <o> Martin of Tours <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sesto Fiorentino <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sesto Fiorentino <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Sesto Fiorentino <s> Sesto Fiorentino <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wieliczka <s> Category:Births in Florence <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> Florence <s> Category:Births in Florence <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Florence <p> list related to category <o> list of people from Florence <s> Category:Births in Florence <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Florence <s> Arno <p> country <o> France <s> Arno <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> France <s> Arno <p> named after <o> Arno <s> Arno <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> Arno <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Arno <p> replaces <o> Kingdom of Etruria <s> Arno <p> replaced by <o> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> Signoria of Florence <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Signoria of Florence <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Signoria of Florence <p> instance of <o> Signoria <s> Signoria of Florence <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Signoria of Florence <p> replaced by <o> Republic of Florence <s> Signoria of Florence <p> facet of <o> history of Florence <s> Signoria of Florence <p> time period <o> late Middle Ages <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> country <o> Italy <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> shares border with <o> Florence <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> shares border with <o> Impruneta <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> shares border with <o> Fiesole <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> shares border with <o> Greve in Chianti <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> shares border with <o> Rignano sull'Arno <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> shares border with <o> Pontassieve <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> capital <o> Bagno a Ripoli <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> patron saint <o> Peter <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bagno a Ripoli <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> twinned administrative body <o> Weiterstadt <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bagno a Ripoli <s> Bagno a Ripoli <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bagno a Ripoli <s> Arno <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Arno <p> country <o> Italy <s> Arno <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscany <s> Arno <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Ligurian Sea <s> Arno <p> instance of <o> main stream <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Mugnone <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Pesa <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Bisenzio <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Ombrone Pistoiese River <s> Arno <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Era <s> Arno <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Affrico <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Staggia River <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Elsa <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Sieve <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Ambra <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Greve <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Canale Maestro della Chiana <s> Arno <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Zambra River <s> Arno <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Arno <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Arno <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Egola <s> Arno <p> tributary <o> Fosso del Mulino <s> Arno <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Arno <s> Arno <p> drainage basin <o> Arno basin <s> Fez <p> different from <o> Fez <s> Fez <p> capital of <o> Idrisid dynasty <s> Fez <p> capital of <o> Marinid dynasty <s> Fez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Fez <p> country <o> Morocco <s> Fez <p> owner of <o> Fez Stadium <s> Fez <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Fez <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Fez Prefecture <s> Fez <p> founded by <o> Idrisid dynasty <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montpellier <s> Fez <p> significant event <o> Siege of Fez <s> Fez <p> significant event <o> Siege of Fès <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis <s> Fez <p> capital of <o> Fès-Meknès <s> Fez <p> part of <o> Imperial cities of Morocco <s> Fez <p> head of government <o> Idriss Azami Al Idrissi <s> Fez <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Fez <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from the Marinid Tombs <s> Fez <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Fes <s> Fez <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Fes <s> Fez <p> capital of <o> Fez Prefecture <s> Fez <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fez, Morocco <s> Fez <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Fes <s> Fez <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Fez <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Fez <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Fez, Morocco <s> Fez <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Fez <s> Fez <p> capital of <o> Fès-méknas-boulmane <s> Comune di Firenze <p> different from <o> Florence <s> Comune di Firenze <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Edinburgh <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Edinburgh <p> capital of <o> Scotland <s> Edinburgh <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Edinburgh <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> city <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Edinburgh <p> language used <o> Scottish Gaelic <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Edinburgh <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Edinburgh <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Edinburgh <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Scotland <s> Edinburgh <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Anglické listy <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Edinburgh <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> Edinburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> River Forth <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vancouver <s> Edinburgh <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Diego <s> Edinburgh <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Edinburgh <p> capital of <o> City of Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Edinburgh <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> different from <o> City of Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Munich <s> Edinburgh <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aalborg <s> Edinburgh <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Edinburgh <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Edinburgh by place <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dunedin <s> Edinburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Edinburgh <p> capital of <o> City of Edinburgh district <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> lieutenancy area of Scotland <s> Edinburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Firth of Forth <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> metropolitan county <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> college town <s> Edinburgh <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Edinburgh <p> historic county <o> Midlothian <s> Edinburgh <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Edinburgh <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> City of Edinburgh <s> Edinburgh <p> award received <o> City status in the United Kingdom <s> Edinburgh <p> award received <o> royal burgh <s> Edinburgh <p> instance of <o> Scottish county of city <s> Edinburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> River Almond <s> Edinburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Water of Leith <s> Edinburgh <p> head of government <o> Frank Ross <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> different from <o> Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> capital <o> Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Empoli <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscany <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> replaces <o> Province of Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Forlì-Cesena <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lucca <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Pisa <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> instance of <o> metropolitan city of Italy <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Arezzo <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Siena <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Vinci <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Sesto Fiorentino <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Bologna <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Pistoia <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> head of government <o> Dario Nardella <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Metropolitan City of Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> office held by head of government <o> metropolitan mayor of Florence <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Prato <s> Metropolitan City of Florence <p> shares border with <o> Province of Ravenna </Graph>
<Text> :The oldest known human settlement in the area dates from the Mesolithic . The Etruscan presence is known from the 7th century BC, but the town proper was created by the Romans as Sextus ab urbe lapis . The first churches were built in the early Middle Ages, among which the most important became the Pieve of San Martino. Sesto Fiorentino was subject to the Archbishop of Florence. Later it was under the Florentine Republic, which dried the plain and boosted the area's economy starting from the Renaissance age. In 1735, Marquis Carlo Ginori founded one of the first porcelain plants in Europe, the Manifattura di Doccia. Now under the name Richard-Ginori, the company is still located in Sesto, and is the largest porcelain manufacturer in Italy. Toward the end of the 19th century, craftsmen who had been trained at Richard-Ginori began to start their own pottery studios, some of which also grew into factories. There are currently over one hundred producers of pottery in Sesto Fiorentino, and a state school for teaching pottery, now called L'Istituto Statale d'Arte. Sesto Fiorentino was annexed by plebiscite to the newly unified Kingdom of Italy in 1860. The town was a protagonist in the late 19th century workers struggle, and in 1897 it elected the second socialist member ever of the Italian Parliament, Giuseppe Pescetti. In 1899 it was the first town in Tuscany to have a socialist mayor. The river originates on Monte Falterona in the Casentino area of the Apennines, and initially takes a southward curve. The river turns to the west near Arezzo passing through Florence, Empoli and Pisa, flowing into the Ligurian Sea at Marina di Pisa. With a length of 241 kilometres , it is the largest river in the region. It has many tributaries: Sieve at 60 kilometres long, Bisenzio at 49 kilometres , Ombrone Pistoiese at 47 kilometres , and the Era, Elsa, Pesa, and Pescia. The drainage basin amounts to more than 8,200 square kilometres and drains the waters of the following subbasins: It crosses Florence, where it passes below the Ponte Vecchio and the Santa Trinita bridge . The river flooded this city regularly in historical times, most recently in 1966, with 4,500 cubic metres per second after rainfall of 437.2 millimetres in Badia Agnano and 190 millimetres in Florence, in only 24 hours. Before Pisa, the Arno is crossed by the Imperial Canal at La Botte. This water channel passes under the Arno through a tunnel, and serves to drain the former area of the Lago di Bientina, which was once the largest lake in Tuscany before its reclamation. The Signoria of Florence was the government of the medieval and Renaissance Republic of Florence, between 1250 and 1532. Its nine members, the Priori, were chosen from the ranks of the guilds of the city: six of them from the major guilds, and two from the minor guilds. The ninth became the Gonfaloniere of Justice. The names of all guild members over thirty years old were put in eight leather bags called borse. Every two months, these bags were taken from the church of Santa Croce, where they were ordinarily kept, and in a short ceremony drawn out at random. Only men who were not in debt, had not served a recent term, and had no relation to the names of men already drawn, would be considered eligible for office. Immediately after they were elected, the nine were expected to move into the Palazzo della Signoria, where they would remain for the two months of their office. There they were paid a modest sum to cover their expenses and were provided with green-liveried servants. The Priori had a uniform of crimson coats, lined with ermine and with ermine collars and cuffs. In undertaking their governmental duties, the Signoria was required to consult two other elected councils collectively known as Collegi. The first was the Dodici Buonomini, with twelve members, while the second, the Sedici Gonfalonieri, consisted of sixteen people. Other councils, such as the Ten of War, the Eight of Security and the Six of Commerce, were elected as the need arose. The river originates on Monte Falterona in the Casentino area of the Apennines, and initially takes a southward curve. The river turns to the west near Arezzo passing through Florence, Empoli and Pisa, flowing into the Ligurian Sea at Marina di Pisa. With a length of 241 kilometres , it is the largest river in the region. It has many tributaries: Sieve at 60 kilometres long, Bisenzio at 49 kilometres , Ombrone Pistoiese at 47 kilometres , and the Era, Elsa, Pesa, and Pescia. The drainage basin amounts to more than 8,200 square kilometres and drains the waters of the following subbasins: It crosses Florence, where it passes below the Ponte Vecchio and the Santa Trinita bridge . The river flooded this city regularly in historical times, most recently in 1966, with 4,500 cubic metres per second after rainfall of 437.2 millimetres in Badia Agnano and 190 millimetres in Florence, in only 24 hours. Before Pisa, the Arno is crossed by the Imperial Canal at La Botte. This water channel passes under the Arno through a tunnel, and serves to drain the former area of the Lago di Bientina, which was once the largest lake in Tuscany before its reclamation. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and one of its 32 council areas. The city is located in south-east Scotland, and is bounded to the north by the Firth of Forth estuary and to the south by the Pentland Hills. Edinburgh had a population of 506,520 in mid-2020, making it the second-most populous city in Scotland and the seventh-most populous in the United Kingdom. Recognised as the capital of Scotland since at least the 15th century, Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament, the highest courts in Scotland, and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland. It is also the annual venue of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The city has long been a centre of education, particularly in the fields of medicine, Scottish law, literature, philosophy, the sciences and engineering. The University of Edinburgh, founded in 1582 and now one of three in the city, is considered one of the best research institutions in the world. It is the second-largest financial centre in the United Kingdom, the fourth largest in Europe, and the thirteenth largest internationally. The city is a cultural centre, and is the home of institutions including the National Museum of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland and the Scottish National Gallery. The city is also known for the Edinburgh International Festival and the Fringe, the latter being the world's largest annual international arts festival. Historic sites in Edinburgh include Edinburgh Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the churches of St. Giles, Greyfriars and the Canongate, and the extensive Georgian New Town built in the 18th/19th centuries. Edinburgh's Old Town and New Town together are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which has been managed by Edinburgh World Heritage since 1999. The city's historical and cultural attractions have made it the UK's second-most visited tourist destination, attracting 4.9 million visits, including 2.4 million from overseas in 2018. Edinburgh is governed by the City of Edinburgh Council, a unitary authority. The City of Edinburgh council area had an estimated population of 526,470 in mid-2021, and includes outlying towns and villages which are not part of Edinburgh proper. The city is in the Lothian region and was historically part of the shire of Midlothian . The Metropolitan City of Florence is an administrative division called metropolitan city in the Tuscany region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Florence. It replaced the province of Florence. It was first created by the reform of local authorities and then established by the Law 56/2014. It has been operative since 1 January 2015. The Metropolitan City of Florence is bordered by the Metropolitan City of Bologna in the north, the province of Ravenna and Forli-Cesena in the north-east, the province of Prato, Pistoia and Lucca in the north-west, the province of Pisa in the west, the province of Siena in the south and the province of Arezzo in the east and southeast. Much of its territory lies in the plain of the Arno river and has thus become an exurban sprawl around the city of Florence. The northeastern part of the metropolitan city, in the Apennines, remains less developed. Romagna Granducale is the name given to the region lying on the northern slopes of Apennines. Corn, wine and silk are the chief products in the valley regions. Silk manufacturing was an important industry in the medieval times. Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci was born in the village of Anchiano, which is a part of the Metropolitan City of Florence. The capital Florence is a well known cultural and a large tourist centre. The capital city Florence has been recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some major tourist attractions of the city are Piazza del Duomo, Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, Giotto's Bell Tower, the Loggia del Bigallo and Museo dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Ponte Vecchio along with many others. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> instance of <o> human <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> place of death <o> Pesaro <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> military rank <o> general <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> place of birth <o> Senigallia <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> mother <o> Giovanna Felicita Feltria della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> relative <o> Julius II <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> child <o> Giulia della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> child <o> Giulio della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> relative <o> Fabrizio I Colonna <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> child <o> Elisabetta della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> child <o> Ippolita della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> sibling <o> Guidobaldo da Montefeltro <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> sibling <o> Giovanna Felicita Feltria della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> family name <o> Della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> noble title <o> duke <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> place of burial <o> Monastero di Santa Chiara <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> child <o> Guidobaldo II della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> manner of death <o> homicide <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> owner of <o> Villa Imperiale of Pesaro <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Michael <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> given name <o> Francesco Maria <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> conflict <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> occupation <o> condottiero <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> father <o> Giovanni della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> relative <o> Sixtus IV <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> military branch <o> Vatican Army <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> family <o> House of della Rovere <s> Francesco Maria I della Rovere <p> spouse <o> Eleonora Gonzaga <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> instance of <o> human <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> place of death <o> Vigevano <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> military rank <o> general <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> conflict <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> conflict <o> Battle of Pavia <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of Alfonso d'Avalos, Marchese del Vasto, in Armor with a Page <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> family <o> House of Avalos <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> family <o> Aquino family <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> conflict <o> War of the League of Cognac <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> conflict <o> Battle of Ceresole <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> child <o> Francesco Ferdinando d'Ávalos <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> social classification <o> nobility of Italy <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> social classification <o> nobility of Spain <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> place of burial <o> Sant'Anna dei Lombardi <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> family name <o> de Ávalos <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> place of birth <o> Ischia <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> second family name in Spanish name <o> de Aquino <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> country of citizenship <o> Spanish Empire <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> conflict <o> Italian War of 1542–46 <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> conflict <o> Battle of Serravalle <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> father <o> Iñigo d'Avalos d'Aquino d'Aragona, Marchese del Vasto, Conte di Monteodorisio <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> mother <o> Laura Sanseverino <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> occupation <o> condottiero <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> position held <o> Governor of Milan <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> child <o> Donna Antonia d'Avalos <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> child <o> Cesare d'Avalos d'Aquino d'Aragona, Marchese della Padula <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> given name <o> Alfonso <s> Alfonso d'Avalos <p> noble title <o> Governor of Milan <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Duchy of Ferrara <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> country <o> Duchy of Ferrara <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> instance of <o> state <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> instance of <o> duchy <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> capital <o> Ferrara <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Duchy of Ferrara <p> family <o> House of Este <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> day in year for periodic occurrence <o> May 6 <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> country of citizenship <o> Switzerland <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Commander of the Pontifical Swiss Guard <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> official language <o> German <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> conflict <o> Battle of Lepanto <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> color <o> yellow <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> color <o> red <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> color <o> blue <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> conflict <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> has part(s) <o> halberdier <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> conflict <o> War of Urbino <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> patron saint <o> Nicholas of Flüe <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> patron saint <o> Martin of Tours <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> founded by <o> Julius II <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> instance of <o> military unit <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> significant event <o> Estermann case <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Swiss Guard <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> patron saint <o> Saint Sebastian <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> commanded by <o> Christoph Graf <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> allegiance <o> pope <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> instance of <o> Swiss Guard <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> country <o> Vatican City <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> instance of <o> armed forces <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> instance of <o> royal guard <s> Pontifical Swiss Guard <p> location <o> Vatican City <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> instance of <o> human <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> military rank <o> general <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> place of birth <o> Montpensier <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> family <o> House of Bourbon <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> place of burial <o> Gaeta <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> father <o> Gilbert, Count of Montpensier <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> position held <o> Governor of Milan <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> position held <o> Constable of France <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> spouse <o> Suzanne, Duchess of Bourbon <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> noble title <o> duke <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> occupation <o> military leader <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> conflict <o> War of the League of Cognac <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> mother <o> Clara Gonzaga <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> given name <o> Charles <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> sibling <o> Louis II, Count of Montpensier <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> cause of death <o> killed in action <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> depicted by <o> Charles Bourbon 'Connetable de Bourbon' (1490-1527) <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> sibling <o> Louise de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> noble title <o> count <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> sibling <o> Renée of Bourbon <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charles III, Duke of Bourbon <p> military rank <o> soldier <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> instance of <o> human <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> conflict <o> War of the League of Cognac <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> cause of death <o> killed in action <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> sibling <o> Claudia of Châlon <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> described by source <o> Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> position held <o> viceroy of Naples <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> conflict <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> occupation <o> condottiero <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> place of birth <o> Lons-le-Saunier <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> noble title <o> Prince of Orange <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> place of death <o> Gavinana <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> given name <o> Philibert <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> father <o> John IV of Chalon-Arlay <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> military rank <o> general <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> family <o> Anscarids <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> family <o> House of Châlon-Arlay <s> Philibert of Châlon <p> mother <o> Philiberte de Luxembourg, Comtesse de Charny <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> instance of <o> human <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> sibling <o> Eleonora Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> sibling <o> Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> country of citizenship <o> Spain <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> different from <o> Ferrante Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> place of birth <o> Mantua <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> sibling <o> Ercole Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> father <o> Francesco II Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> cause of death <o> horse fall <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> manner of death <o> accidental death <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> mother <o> Isabella d'Este <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> given name <o> Ferdinand <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> position held <o> Governor of Milan <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> position held <o> Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Kingdom of England <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> position held <o> Viceroy of Sicily <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> sibling <o> Ippolita Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> occupation <o> condottiero <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> place of burial <o> Milan Cathedral <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> family <o> House of Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> noble title <o> Viceroy of Sicily <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> noble title <o> Governor of Milan <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> family name <o> Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> noble title <o> count <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> occupation <o> diplomat <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Ippolita Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Ottavio Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Andrea Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> spouse <o> Isabella di Capua <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Giovanni Vincenzo Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Cesare I Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Francesco Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> child <o> Aloysius Gonzaga <s> Ferrante Gonzaga <p> place of death <o> Brussels metropolitan area <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> country <o> Italy <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> location <o> Italy <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> instance of <o> war <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Duchy of Milan <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Republic of Venice <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Kingdom of England <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Kingdom of Navarre <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Kingdom of France <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Republic of Genoa <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Papal States <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Republic of Florence <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> has part(s) <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Habsburg Spain <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> has part(s) <o> Battle of Gavinana <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Duchy of Ferrara <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> has part(s) <o> Siege of Naples <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> has part(s) <o> Battle of Landriano <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> has part(s) <o> Siege of Florence <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> Duchy of Mantua <s> War of the League of Cognac <p> participant <o> League of Cognac <s> Kaspar Röist <p> country of citizenship <o> Switzerland <s> Kaspar Röist <p> instance of <o> human <s> Kaspar Röist <p> place of birth <o> Zürich <s> Kaspar Röist <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Kaspar Röist <p> allegiance <o> Holy See <s> Kaspar Röist <p> cause of death <o> killed in action <s> Kaspar Röist <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Kaspar Röist <p> military branch <o> Pontifical Swiss Guard <s> Kaspar Röist <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Kaspar Röist <p> given name <o> Kaspar <s> Kaspar Röist <p> conflict <o> Sack of Rome, 1527 <s> Kaspar Röist <p> family name <o> Röist <s> Kaspar Röist <p> position held <o> Commander of the Pontifical Swiss Guard <s> Ancient Rome <p> public holiday <o> Saturnalia <s> Ancient Rome <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Ancient Rome <p> continent <o> Africa <s> Ancient Rome <p> indigenous to <o> Italian Peninsula <s> Ancient Rome <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Mediterranean Basin <s> Ancient Rome <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of ancient Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Ancient Rome <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Ancient Rome topics <s> Ancient Rome <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ancient Rome <p> history of topic <o> history of ancient Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> has part(s) <o> Roman Republic <s> Ancient Rome <p> has part(s) <o> Byzantine Empire <s> Ancient Rome <p> time period <o> classical antiquity <s> Ancient Rome <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ancient Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> shares border with <o> Persian Empire <s> Ancient Rome <p> studied in <o> таърихи бостон <s> Ancient Rome <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Ancient Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Ancient Rome <p> category of associated people <o> Category:Ancient Romans <s> Ancient Rome <p> continent <o> Afro-Eurasia <s> Ancient Rome <p> has part(s) <o> Roman Empire <s> Ancient Rome <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Ancient Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Ancient Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> subclass of <o> archaeological culture <s> Ancient Rome <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Ancient Rome <p> has part(s) <o> Roman Kingdom <s> Ancient Rome <p> subclass of <o> Roman civilization <s> Ancient Rome <p> followed by <o> Medieval Rome <s> Ancient Rome <p> capital <o> Roma <s> Ancient Rome <p> part of <o> Roman civilization </Graph>
<Text> :Francesco Maria I della Rovere was an Italian condottiero, who was Duke of Urbino from 1508 to 1516 and, after retaking the throne from Lorenzo II de' Medici, from 1521 to 1538. He was born in Senigallia, the son of the Papal captain and lord of that city, Giovanni della Rovere, and of Giovanna da Montefeltro, daughter of Federico III da Montefeltro. He was also the nephew of Giuliano della Rovere, Pope Julius II. His uncle Guidobaldo I of Urbino, who was heirless, called him at his court, and named him as heir of that dukedom in 1504 through the intercession of Julius II. In 1502 the della Rovere had lost the seigniory of Senigallia, occupied by Cesare Borgia, then the most powerful figure in the Marche: Francesco Maria and his mother were saved from the slaughter perpetrated by Borgia's troops by the then-land soldier Andrea Doria. When in 1508 Guidobaldo died, Francesco Maria became duke of Urbino; thanks to the support of his uncle the pope he could also recover Senigallia after Borgia's death. In 1509 he was appointed as capitano generale of the Papal States, and subsequently fought in the Italian Wars against Ferrara and Venice. In 1511, after he had failed to conquer Bologna, he had the cardinal Francesco Alidosi killed by his troops, a cruel action for which he was compared to Borgia himself. In 1513 he was created also lord of Pesaro. Alfonso d'Avalos d'Aquino, 6th Marquis of Pescara, 2nd Marquis of Vasto , was an Italian condottiero of Aragonese origins, renowned for his service in favour of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain. He was born in Ischia, as the son of Inigo d'Avalos and his wife, Laura Sanseverino . He was a cousin of Francesco Ferdinando I d'Avalos, whose titles he inherited after 1525. He fought the French and the Venetians by his side. He fought at the Battle of Pavia . During the period 1526-1528, he fought under Hugo of Moncada, being captured on 28 April 1528 by the Genoese captain Filippino Doria at the Capo d'Orso. In July 1535, he served as Imperial lieutenant during the reconquest of the city of Tunis in North Africa. The failure of the third war against France trying to invade Provence, and the death of the first Governor of the Duchy of Milan, Antonio de Leyva, prompted him in 1538 to accept the nomination as governor, replacing Marino Caracciolo, the second governor, becoming some sort of protector of literary and musical people. Wars with the French and North Italians ended for a while with the Treaty of Crespy . He also became a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece. He commanded the Imperial army in Italy during the Italian War of 1542 and was defeated by the French at the Battle of Ceresole. However, in the Battle of Serravalle on 2 June 1544, an aftermath of the Italian War of 1542, he managed to defeat a force of freshly raised Italian mercenaries in French service, commanded by Pietro Strozzi and Giovanni Francesco Orsini, count of Pitigliano. The Duchy of Ferrara was a state in what is now northern Italy. It consisted of about 1,100 km2 south of the lower Po River, stretching to the valley of the lower Reno River, including the city of Ferrara. The territory that was part of the Duchy was ruled by the House of Este from 1146 to 1597. Borso d'Este, already Duke of Modena and Reggio, and lord of Ferrara, was raised to Duke of Ferrara by Pope Paul II. Borso and his successors ruled Ferrara as a quasi-sovereign state until 1597, when it came under direct papal rule. The origin of Ferrara is uncertain. It was probably settled by the inhabitants of the lagoons at the mouth of the Po. There are two early centres of settlement: one around the cathedral, the other, the castrum bizantino, being the San Pietro district, on the opposite shore, where the Primaro empties into the Volano channel. Ferrara appears first in a document of the Lombard king Desiderius of 753 AD, as a city forming part of the Exarchate of Ravenna. Desiderius pledged a Lombard ducatus ferrariae in 757 to Pope Stephen II. The Marquis Tedald of Canossa obtained from the Church the possession for himself and his heirs, upon payment of a tribute. The decline of the House of Canossa was consumed with the death of the great countess Matilda of Canossa in 1115, just as the municipal institute was born and consolidated in Ferrara, which put an end to the ancient ducatus. The Pontifical Swiss Guard is an armed force and honour guard unit maintained by the Holy See that protects the Pope and the Apostolic Palace within the territory of the Vatican City State. Established in 1506 under Pope Julius II, the Pontifical Swiss Guard is among the oldest military units in continuous operation. The dress uniform is of blue, red, orange and yellow with a distinctly Renaissance appearance. The Swiss Guard are equipped with traditional ceremonial weapons, such as the halberd, as well as with modern firearms. Since the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, a much stronger emphasis has been placed on the Guard's non-ceremonial roles and has seen enhanced training in unarmed combat and small arms. The Pontifical Swiss Guard has its origins in the 15th century. Pope Sixtus IV had already allied with the Swiss Confederacy and built barracks in Via Pellegrino after foreseeing the possibility of recruiting Swiss mercenaries. The pact was renewed by Pope Innocent VIII in order to use Swiss troops against the Duke of Milan. Alexander VI later actually used the Swiss mercenaries during their alliance with the King of France. During the time of the Borgias, however, the Italian Wars began in which the Swiss mercenaries were a fixture in the front lines among the warring factions, sometimes for France and sometimes for the Holy See or the Holy Roman Empire. The mercenaries enlisted when they heard King Charles VIII of France was going to war with Naples. Among the participants in the war against Naples was Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, the future Pope Julius II , who was well acquainted with the Swiss, having been Bishop of Lausanne years earlier. The expedition failed, in part thanks to new alliances made by Alexander VI against the French. When Cardinal della Rovere became Pope Julius II in 1503, he asked the Swiss Diet to provide him with a constant corps of 200 Swiss mercenaries. This was made possible through financing by German merchants from Augsburg, Ulrich and Jacob Fugger, who had invested in the Pope and saw fit to protect their investment. Charles III, Duke of Bourbon was a French military leader, the count of Montpensier, Clermont and Auvergne, and dauphin of Auvergne from 1501 to 1523, then duke of Bourbon and Auvergne, count of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, Forez and La Marche, and lord of Beaujeu from 1505 to 1521. He was also the constable of France from 1515 to 1521. Also known as the Constable of Bourbon, he was the last of the great feudal lords to oppose the king of France. He commanded the troops of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in what became known as the Sack of Rome in 1527, where he was killed. Charles was born at Montpensier, the second son of Count Gilbert of Montpensier by his wife Clara Gonzaga . Gilbert died in 1496, and his elder son, Louis II, died unwed in 1501, leaving Charles the heir to the family's titles and extensive lands in Auvergne. Charles married his agnatic second cousin, Suzanne, Duchess of Bourbon. It was a dynastic match, intended to settle the question of succession to the Bourbon estates, which had arisen because Suzanne's father, Duke Peter II of Bourbon, the last of the senior Bourbon line, had died without sons. Charles was the scion of the next-senior Bourbon line, and thus the heir male of the House of Bourbon, while Suzanne was the heir general. With the marriage, Charles's position as Duke of Bourbon became undisputed. This cementing of position was important for another reason: with the death of Charles IV, Duke of Alencon, in 1525, Charles became the next in line to the French throne after the three sons of French King Francis I. Already distinguished as a soldier in the Italian Wars, Charles was appointed constable of France by Francis I of France in 1515, and was rewarded for his services at the Battle of Marignano with the Governorship of Milan. However, Francis was uneasy with the proud and wealthy duke, and soon recalled him from Milan and refused to honor his debts. Charles was further angered by the appointment of Charles IV of Alencon, Francis's brother-in-law, as commander of the vanguard during the campaigns in the Netherlands, an office which should have been his. Born at Nozeroy to John IV of Chalon-Arlay, Philibert served Emperor Charles V as commander in Italy, fighting in the War of the League of Cognac. He took part in the Sack of Rome and was killed during the final stages of the Siege of Florence . An interesting exchange of letters during the siege between him and Charles still survives. He died in 1530 being the last legitimate male line descendant of the ancient house of Ivrea , he was succeeded as Prince of Orange by the son of his sister , Renatus of Nassau-Breda, who thus founded the House of Orange-Nassau. Ferrante I Gonzaga was an Italian condottiero, a member of the House of Gonzaga and the founder of the branch of the Gonzaga of Guastalla. He was born in Mantua, the third son of Francesco II Gonzaga and Isabella d'Este. At the age of sixteen, he was sent to the court of Spain as a page to the future emperor Charles V, to whom Ferrante remained faithful for his whole life. In 1527 he took part in the Sack of Rome and attended Charles' triumphant coronation at Bologna in 1530: at the death of Charles of Bourbon he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Imperial army in Italy. He became a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1531. He defended Naples from the assault of the French troops under Odet of Foix, Viscount of Lautrec, and obtained the surrender of the Republic of Florence. For this feat Pope Clement VII, a member of the Medici who had been ousted from that city, named him papal governor of Benevento. Again for Charles V, he fought against the Turks at Tunis in 1535 and Algiers in 1541 with a contingent of 3,000 cavalry. He served Charles as Viceroy of Sicily , and Forte Gonzaga was named in his honour. He accompanied the Emperor to Germany in 1543 and fought the resolute campaign that enforced the Treaty of Crepy. He then served as Governor of the Duchy of Milan , in which role he fought in the War of Parma. In 1529 Ferrante married Isabella di Capua, who brought him the fiefdoms of Molfetta and Giovinazzo and thanks to this marriage he became one of the major feudal lords of the Kingdom of Naples. In 1539 he bought the countship of Guastalla, on the left bank of the Po for 22,280 golden scudi from Countess Ludovica Torelli; this guaranteed him the rank of sovereign prince of the Holy Roman Empire, because the County of Guastalla enjoyed very broad autonomy and practically almost independence, despite its limited size. This acquisition was in part also a strategic purchase, for Guastalla lies near Ferrara, which Charles wished to take from the Este. The War of the League of Cognac was fought between the Habsburg dominions of Charles V--primarily the Holy Roman Empire and Spain--and the League of Cognac, an alliance including the Kingdom of France, Pope Clement VII, the Republic of Venice, the Kingdom of England, the Duchy of Milan, and the Republic of Florence. Shocked by the defeat of the Kingdom of France in the Italian War of 1521, Pope Clement VII, together with the Republic of Venice, began to organize an alliance to drive Charles V from the Italian Peninsula. Francis I, having signed the Treaty of Madrid, was released from his captivity in Madrid and returned to France, where he quickly announced his intention to assist Clement. Thus, on 22 May 1526, the League of Cognac was signed by Francis, Clement, Venice, Florence, and the Sforza of Milan, who desired to throw off the Imperial hegemony over them. Henry VIII of England, thwarted in his requests to have the treaty signed in England, refused to join. The League quickly seized Lodi, but Imperial troops marched into Lombardy and soon forced Sforza to abandon Milan. The Colonna, meanwhile, organized an attack on Rome, defeating the Papal forces and briefly seizing control of the city in September 1526; they were soon paid off and departed, however. Charles V now gathered a force of 14,000 German landsknechts and 6,000 Spanish tercios led by Georg Frundsberg and Charles of Bourbon; the forces combined at Piacenza and advanced on Rome. Francesco Guicciardini, now in command of the Papal armies, proved unable to resist them; and when the Duke of Bourbon was killed, the underpaid armies sacked the city, forcing the Pope to take refuge at Castel Sant'Angelo. His escape was made possible by the Swiss Guards' last stand. A native of Zurich, and son of mayor of Zurich and colonel of the Swiss Guard Marx Roist , Roist was a student in Basel in 1494, and is recorded as a judge in Zurich during 1500-1505. He married Anna Meyer of Knonau in 1500, and later Elisabeth Klingler, likely in 1517. He served in the papal guard in the rank of a captain as a deputy in the absence of his father during 1518-1524, and after the death of his father as commander from August 1524 until his death. Politically, the years of the service of Kaspar Roist were among the hardest, particularly in the diplomatic tensions between the Holy See and the Holy Roman Empire in 1527 which resulted in the sack of Rome, perpetrated by Landsknechts, Spanish, and Italian mercenaries in the pay of the Emperor Charles V who was determined to reassert their supremacy over the Church of the Empire. During the assault on Rome, Kaspar Roist had fortified himself at the head of the 189 recruits in the Teutonic Cemetery, around the central obelisk in the cemetery desperately trying to resist but to no avail, covering the flight of Pope Clement VII to Castel Sant'Angelo. Roist was wounded during this battle and later sought refuge in his house, but was followed by the troops, who killed him in front of his wife. In modern historiography, ancient Rome encompasses the founding of the Italian city of Rome in the 8th century BC, the Roman Kingdom , Roman Republic , Roman Empire , and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD. Ancient Rome began as an Italic settlement, traditionally dated to 753 BC, beside the River Tiber in the Italian Peninsula. The settlement grew into the city and polity of Rome, and came to control its neighbours through a combination of treaties and military strength. It eventually controlled the Italian Peninsula, assimilated the Greek culture of southern Italy and the Etruscan culture, becoming a dominant power in the Mediterranean region and parts of Europe. It was among the largest empires in the ancient world, with an estimated 50 to 90 million inhabitants, roughly 20% of the world's population at the time. It covered around 5 million square kilometres at its height in AD 117. The Roman state evolved from an elective monarchy to a classical republic and then to an increasingly autocratic semi-elective military dictatorship during the Empire. Through conquest, cultural, and linguistic assimilation, at its height it controlled the North African coast, Egypt, Southern Europe, and most of Western Europe, the Balkans, Crimea, and much of the Middle East, including Anatolia, Levant, and parts of Mesopotamia and Arabia. It is often grouped into classical antiquity together with ancient Greece, and their similar cultures and societies are known as the Greco-Roman world. Ancient Roman civilisation has contributed to modern language, religion, society, technology, law, politics, government, warfare, art, literature, architecture, and engineering. Rome professionalised and expanded its military and created a system of government called res publica, the inspiration for modern republics such as the United States and France. It achieved impressive technological and architectural feats, such as the empire-wide construction of aqueducts and roads, as well as more grandiose monuments and facilities. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> culture of an area <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> culture of an area <p> properties for this type <o> location <s> culture of an area <p> properties for this type <o> continent <s> culture of an area <p> properties for this type <o> facet of <s> culture of an area <p> instance of <o> metaclass <s> culture of an area <p> is metaclass for <o> culture <s> culture of an area <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox culture of an area <s> culture of an area <p> subclass of <o> aspect in a geographic region <s> culture of an area <p> facet of <o> cultural geography <s> culture of an area <p> said to be the same as <o> local culture <s> culture of the Earth <p> location <o> Earth <s> culture of the Earth <p> facet of <o> Earth <s> culture of the Earth <p> subclass of <o> culture <s> culture of the Earth <p> instance of <o> culture of an area <s> Category:Ancient Roman culture <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Ancient Roman culture <p> category combines topics <o> culture <s> Category:Ancient Roman culture <p> category's main topic <o> culture of ancient Rome <s> archaeological culture <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> archaeological culture <p> subclass of <o> concept <s> archaeological culture <p> subclass of <o> culture <s> archaeological culture <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Archaeological cultures <s> archaeological culture <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> archaeological culture <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox archaeological culture <s> archaeological culture <p> has list <o> list of archaeological cultures <s> municipality <p> has part(s) <o> neighborhood <s> municipality <p> different from <o> Gemeinde (theology) <s> municipality <p> different from <o> municipal government <s> municipality <p> subclass of <o> human settlement <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> opština <s> municipality <p> subclass of <o> government organization <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> obec <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> concelho <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> parish <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> commune <s> municipality <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> municipality <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Cities <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> local government area <s> municipality <p> said to be the same as <o> local government <s> municipality <p> instance of <o> designation for an administrative territorial entity <s> municipality <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> municipality <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> municipality <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> municipality <p> properties for this type <o> Walk Score ID <s> municipality <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> municipality <p> different from <o> special-purpose district of the United States <s> municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Municipalities <s> third-level administrative division <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of a specific level <s> third-level administrative division <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Third-level administrative divisions by country <s> third-level administrative division <p> next higher rank <o> second-level administrative division <s> third-level administrative division <p> next lower rank <o> fourth-level administrative division <s> province of Italy <p> country <o> Italy <s> province of Italy <p> part of <o> region of Italy <s> province of Italy <p> next higher rank <o> region of Italy <s> province of Italy <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of Italy <s> province of Italy <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> province of Italy <p> next lower rank <o> commune of Italy <s> province of Italy <p> subclass of <o> NUTS 3 statistical territorial entity <s> province of Italy <p> subclass of <o> second-level administrative division <s> province of Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Provinces of Italy <s> province of Italy <p> has list <o> list of provinces of Italy <s> Category:Views from populated places in Italy <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views from populated places in Italy <p> category combines topics <o> commune of Italy <s> Category:Views from populated places in Italy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> administrative territorial entity of Italy <p> country <o> Italy <s> administrative territorial entity of Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Subdivisions of Italy <s> administrative territorial entity of Italy <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of a single country <s> Template:Infobox Italian comune <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia infobox template <s> Template:Infobox Italian comune <p> template has topic <o> commune of Italy </Graph>
<Text> :An archaeological culture is a recurring assemblage of types of artifacts, buildings and monuments from a specific period and region that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society. The connection between these types is an empirical observation, but their interpretation in terms of ethnic or political groups is based on archaeologists' understanding and interpretation and is in many cases subject to long-unresolved debates. The concept of the archaeological culture is fundamental to culture-historical archaeology. Different cultural groups have material culture items that differ both functionally and aesthetically due to varying cultural and social practices. This notion is observably true on the broadest scales. For example, the equipment associated with the brewing of tea varies greatly across the world. Social relations to material culture often include notions of identity and status. Advocates of culture-historical archaeology use the notion to argue that sets of material culture can be used to trace ancient groups of people that were either self-identifying societies or ethnic groups. Archaeological culture is a classifying device to order archaeological data, focused on artifacts as an expression of culture rather than people. The classic definition of this idea comes from Gordon Childe: We find certain types of remains - pots, implements, ornaments, burial rites and house forms - constantly recurring together. Such a complex of associated traits we shall call a "cultural group" or just a "culture". We assume that such a complex is the material expression of what today we would call "a people".The English word is derived from French municipalite, which in turn derives from the Latin municipalis, based on the word for social contract , referring originally to the Latin communities that supplied Rome with troops in exchange for their own incorporation into the Roman state while permitting the communities to retain their own local governments . Powers of municipalities range from virtual autonomy to complete subordination to the state. Municipalities may have the right to tax individuals and corporations with income tax, property tax, and corporate income tax, but may also receive substantial funding from the state. In some European countries, such as Germany, municipalities have the constitutional right to supply public services through municipally-owned public utility companies. Terms cognate with "municipality", mostly referring to territory or political structure, are Spanish municipio and municipalidad , Catalan municipi, Portuguese municipio. In some countries, the Spanish term ayuntamiento, referring to a municipality's administration building, is extended via synecdoche to denote the municipality itself. In Moldova and Romania, both municipalities and communes exist, and a commune may be part of a municipality. The provinces of Italy are the second-level administrative divisions of the Italian Republic, on an intermediate level between a municipality and a region . Since 2015, provinces have been classified as "institutional bodies of second level". There are currently 107 institutional bodies of second level in Italy, including 80 ordinary provinces, 2 autonomous provinces, 4 regional decentralization entities, 6 free municipal consortia, and 14 metropolitan cities, as well as the Aosta Valley region . A province of the Italian Republic is composed of many municipalities . Usually several provinces together form a region; the region of Aosta Valley is the sole exception--it is not subdivided into provinces, and provincial functions are exercised by the region. According to the 2014 reform, each province is headed by a President assisted by a legislative body, the Provincial Council, and an executive body, the Provincial Executive. President and members of Council are elected together by mayors and city councilors of each municipality of the province. The Executive is chaired by the President who appoint others members, called assessori. Since 2015, the President and other members of the council will not receive a salary. {{Infobox Italian comune}} can be used for adding at-a-glance information to articles about comuni in Italy. This template should be used instead of {{Infobox settlement}} in articles about Italian comuni. It should not be used for a subdivision of a comune, such as a frazione, quartiere, circoscrizione, localita, terziere, sestiere, contrada, or historical location that was never a comune. These other divisions can use {{Frazione}} or the more general Infobox settlement. Required parameters marked with an asterisk . Double asterisk indicates that one of the two parameters is required, but not both; the exception to this is uses of the infobox on comuni in the Aosta Valley, which contains no provinces or metropolitan cities. Examples come mostly from Sorrento. The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> municipal executive board <p> subclass of <o> executive branch <s> city council <p> part of <o> legislature <s> city council <p> part of <o> executive branch <s> city council <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> city council <p> part of <o> local government <s> city council <p> subclass of <o> municipal council <s> city council <p> said to be the same as <o> town council <s> city council <p> has part(s) <o> council member <s> city council <p> has part(s) <o> head of the city council <s> city council <p> topic's main category <o> Category:City councils <s> city council <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> mayor <p> country <o> Italy <s> mayor <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Italy <s> mayor <p> subclass of <o> mayor <s> mayor <p> instance of <o> public office <s> mayor <p> has list <o> list of lists of mayors of places in Italy <s> mayor <p> Wikidata property <o> Ministry of the Interior of Italy ID <s> mayor <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> commune of Italy <s> mayor <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of places in Italy <s> mayor <p> replaces <o> gonfalonier <s> list of comuni of Italy <p> category related to list <o> Category:Municipalities of Italy <s> list of comuni of Italy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of comuni of Italy <p> is a list of <o> commune of Italy <s> list of comuni of Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lists of municipalities of Italy <s> list of comuni of Italy <p> category related to list <o> Category:Lists of municipalities of Italy <s> list of comuni of Italy <p> said to be the same as <o> List of comuni of Italy <s> Category:Municipalities of Italy <p> category combines topics <o> Italy <s> Category:Municipalities of Italy <p> category combines topics <o> municipality <s> Category:Municipalities of Italy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Municipalities of Italy <p> list related to category <o> list of comuni of Italy <s> Category:Municipalities of Italy <p> category's main topic <o> commune of Italy <s> Eastern European Time <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Eastern European Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> South African Standard Time <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+02:00 <s> South African Standard Time <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Time in South Africa <s> South African Standard Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> Central Africa Time <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Central Africa Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> Israel time zone <p> country <o> Israel <s> Israel time zone <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> Israel time zone <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Time in Israel <s> Israel time zone <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Egypt Standard Time <p> country <o> Egypt <s> Egypt Standard Time <p> instance of <o> time zone <s> Egypt Standard Time <p> said to be the same as <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Egypt Standard Time <p> instance of <o> standard time </Graph>
<Text> :The Kommunstyrelse is the executive branch of local government in each of the 290 municipalities of Sweden. The term used in the English version of the Swedish Local Government Act is municipal executive committee. But there are also other translations used by particular municipalities. The chairman of the committee is one of the municipal commissioners and is often considered the mayor of the municipality, although there is no official office of mayor in Sweden. A municipal council is the legislative body of a municipality or local government area. Depending on the location and classification of the municipality it may be known as a city council, town council, town board, community council, rural council, village council, or board of aldermen. Because of the differences in legislation between the states, the exact definition of a city council varies. However, it is generally only those local government areas which have been specifically granted city status that are entitled to refer to themselves as cities. The official title is "Corporation of the City of ______" or similar. Some of the urban areas of Australia are governed mostly by a single entity , while others may be controlled by a multitude of much smaller city councils. Also, some significant urban areas can be under the jurisdiction of otherwise rural local governments. Periodic re-alignments of boundaries attempt to rationalize these situations and adjust the deployment of assets and resources. There are currently seven town councils in Belize. Each town council consists of a mayor and a number of councillors, who are directly elected in municipal elections every three years. Town councils in Belize are responsible for a range of functions, including street maintenance and lighting, drainage, refuse collection, public cemeteries, infrastructure, parks and playgrounds. In many countries, a mayor is the highest-ranking official in a municipal government such as that of a city or a town. Worldwide, there is a wide variance in local laws and customs regarding the powers and responsibilities of a mayor as well as the means by which a mayor is elected or otherwise mandated. Depending on the system chosen, a mayor may be the chief executive officer of the municipal government, may simply chair a multi-member governing body with little or no independent power, or may play a solely ceremonial role. A mayor's duties and responsibilities may be to appoint and oversee municipal managers and employees, provide basic governmental services to constituents, and execute the laws and ordinances passed by a municipal governing body (or mandated by a state, territorial or national governing body). Options for selection of a mayor include direct election by the public, or selection by an elected governing council or board. In modern England and Wales, the position of mayor descends from the feudal lord's bailiff or reeve . The chief magistrate of London bore the title of portreeve for considerably more than a century after the Norman Conquest. This official was elected by popular choice, a privilege secured from King John. By the beginning of the 12th century, the title of portreeve gave way to that of mayor as the designation of the chief officer of London, followed around 1190 by that of Winchester. Other boroughs adopted the title later. In the 19th century, the Municipal Corporations Act 1882, Section 15, regulated the election of mayors. The mayor was to be a fit person elected annually on 9 November by the council of the borough from among the aldermen or councilors or persons qualified to be such. His term of office was one year, but he was eligible for re-election. He might appoint a deputy to act during illness or absence, and such deputy must be either an alderman or councilor. A mayor who was absent from the borough for more than two months became disqualified and had to vacate his office. A mayor was ex officio a justice of the peace for the borough during his year of office and the following year. He received such remuneration as the council thought reasonable. These provisions have now been repealed. In medieval Wales, the Laws of Hywel Dda codified the mayor as a position at the royal courts charged with administering the serfs of the king's lands. To maintain its dependence on and loyalty to the Crown, the position was forbidden to the leaders of the clan groups. A separate mayor, known as the "cow dung mayor" , was charged with overseeing the royal cattle. There were similar offices at the Scottish and Irish courts. Sometimes, due to its use on Microsoft Windows, FLE Standard Time or GTB Standard Time are used to refer to Eastern European Time. Since political, in addition to purely geographical, criteria are used in the drawing of time zones, it follows that time zones do not precisely adhere to meridian lines. The EET time zone, were it drawn by purely geographical terms, would consist of exactly the area between meridians 22deg30' E and 37deg30' E. As a result, there are European locales that despite lying in an area with a "physical" UTC+02:00 time, are in another time zone; likewise, there are European areas that have gone for UTC+02:00, even though their "physical" time zone is different from that. Following is a list of such anomalies: South African Standard Time is the time zone used by all of South Africa as well as Eswatini and Lesotho. The zone is two hours ahead of UTC and is the same as Central Africa Time. Daylight saving time is not observed in either time zone. Solar noon in this time zone occurs at 30deg E in SAST, effectively making Pietermaritzburg at the correct solar noon point, with Johannesburg and Pretoria slightly west at 28deg E and Durban slightly east at 31deg E. Thus, most of South Africa's population experience true solar noon at approximately 12:00 daily. The western Northern Cape and Western Cape differ, however. Everywhere on land west of 22deg30' E effectively experiences year-round daylight saving time because of its location in true UTC+01:00 but still being in South African Standard Time. Sunrise and sunset are thus relatively late in Cape Town, compared to the rest of the country. The South African National Time Standard, or 'SA Time' Master Clock, is maintained at the Time and Frequency Laboratory of the National Metrology Institute of South Africa at Pretoria and is distributed publicly by an NTP Internet Time service. Before 8 February 1892, there was no uniformity of time in South Africa and local mean time was in use at the various towns. In 1892, a railway conference was held in Bloemfontein and discussed difficulty of working a railway system, in the absence of a uniform time system. The governments of the Orange Free State, Transvaal and the Cape Colony officially adopted a uniform standard time of UTC+01:30 which was defined as mean time 22.5deg east of Greenwich. On 1 March 1903 GMT+02:00 was adopted, which became the current UTC+02:00 when UTC replaced GMT for most purposes. Central Africa Time or CAT, is a time zone used in central and southern Africa. Central Africa Time is two hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time , which is the same as the adjacent South Africa Standard Time, Egypt Standard Time, Eastern European Time, Kaliningrad Time and Central European Summer Time. Egypt Standard Time is UTC+02:00, which is equivalent to Eastern European Time, Central Africa Time, South African Standard Time and Central European Summer Time, and is co-linear with neighbouring Libya and Sudan. Egypt has used Eastern European Summer Time , during the summer periods from 1957 to 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2023. On 7 May 2014, the Egyptian interim government decided to use summer time starting from 15 May 2014, the third Friday of May, with an exception for the holy month of Ramadan. This occurred just before the Egyptian presidential elections were expected to start. On 20 April 2015, the Egyptian government decided against observing summer time following a poll that had been held in April 2015 regarding applying DST or not. The government decided to make the necessary amendment to the laws and asked the ministers to work on a study to determine the probability of applying daylight saving time in coming years or not. The ministry of electricity assured that the achieved electricity saving from applying summer time is not of any tangible effect. On 29 April 2016, the government under Prime Minister Sherif Ismail decided to use summer time again by 7 July. It was to begin after Ramadan and last until the end of October. However, it was cancelled on 4 July following a vote by the Egyptian Parliament on 28 June to abolish DST, and to comply with the April 2015 presidential decree to refrain from introducing DST. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Plovdiv Province <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Plovdiv Province <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Yuzhen Tsentralen Planning Region <s> Plovdiv Province <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Plovdiv Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bulgaria <s> Plovdiv Province <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> office held by head of government <o> governor <s> Plovdiv Province <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Plovdiv Province <p> instance of <o> oblast of Bulgaria <s> Plovdiv Province <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Plovdiv Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> capital <o> Plovdiv <s> Plovdiv Province <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Plovdiv Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Plovdiv Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kuklen Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rakovski Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Karlovo Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sopot Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stamboliyski Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saedinenie Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brezovo Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Krichim Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Perushtitsa Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maritsa Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> shares border with <o> Kardzhali Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hisarya Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rodopi Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Plovdiv Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> shares border with <o> Lovech Province <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parvomay Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Asenovgrad Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sadovo Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laki Municipality <s> Plovdiv Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaloyanovo Municipality <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> capital <o> Plovdiv <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Plovdiv Province <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> instance of <o> municipality of Bulgaria <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Maritsa Municipality <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> different from <o> Maritsa <s> Maritsa Municipality <p> associated electoral district <o> 17th MMC – Plovdiv-province <s> Poznań <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Poznań <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Poznań <s> Poznań <p> open data portal <o> Smart city Poznan open data <s> Poznań <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Poznan <s> Poznań <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Poznań <p> country <o> Poland <s> Poznań <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Poznań <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Poznań <s> Poznań <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Poznań <s> Poznań <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Poznań <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Poznań Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Province of Posen <s> Poznań <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Poznań <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Poznań <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Greater Poland Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Poznań <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Poznań <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Poznań County <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brno <s> Poznań <p> significant event <o> Battle of Poznań <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanover <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shenzhen <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Poznań Department <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Reichsgau Wartheland <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanover region <s> Poznań <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Grand Duchy of Posen <s> Poznań <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Poznań <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Poznań <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Poznań <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Luboń <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rennes <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nottinghamshire <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kutaisi <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kharkiv <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Assen <s> Poznań <p> different from <o> Poznan <s> Poznań <p> significant event <o> Siege of Poznań <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toledo <s> Poznań <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Poznań Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Poznań Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Poznań County <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Győr <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nablus <s> Poznań <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Greater Poland Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jyväskylä <s> Poznań <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Poznań <s> Poznań <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Poznań <s> Poznań <p> history of topic <o> History of Poznań <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leskovac <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Poznań <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Warta <s> Poznań <p> capital of <o> Poznań Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Swarzędz <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Kórnik <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Rokietnica, Greater Poland Voivodeship <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Suchy Las <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Kleszczewo <s> Poznań <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Poznań <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ra'anana <s> Poznań <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pozuelo de Alarcón <s> Poznań <p> instance of <o> Hanseatic city <s> Poznań <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Poznań <p> instance of <o> city with powiat rights <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Mosina <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Komorniki <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Tarnowo Podgórne <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Czerwonak <s> Poznań <p> shares border with <o> Gmina Dopiewo <s> Poznań <p> award received <o> Order of the Builders of People's Poland <s> Poznań <p> instance of <o> urban municipality of Poland <s> Poznań <p> head of government <o> Jacek Jaśkowiak <s> Rodopi Municipality <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Rodopi Municipality <p> capital <o> Plovdiv <s> Rodopi Municipality <p> instance of <o> municipality of Bulgaria <s> Rodopi Municipality <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Plovdiv Province <s> Rodopi Municipality <p> associated electoral district <o> 17th MMC – Plovdiv-province <s> Yekaterinburg <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Yekaterinburg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+05:00 <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Sverdlovsk Oblast <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Ural Federal District <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Ural Oblast <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Yekaterinburg Governorate <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Yekaterinburg <p> country <o> Russia <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Ural Oblast <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Genoa <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Yekaterinburgsky Uyezd <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Sverdlovsk Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Ural Republic <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Yekaterinburg Municipality <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Yekaterinburg <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Yekaterinburg <p> capital of <o> Yekaterinburgskaya Oblast <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Yekaterinburg <p> history of topic <o> history of Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> Köppen climate classification <o> continental climate <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuppertal <s> Yekaterinburg <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Birmingham <s> Yekaterinburg <p> official language <o> Russian <s> Yekaterinburg <p> significant event <o> 2023 Summer World University Games <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bishkek <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Incheon <s> Yekaterinburg <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gothenburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> named after <o> Catherine I of Russia <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plzeň <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Jose <s> Yekaterinburg <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ferentino <s> Yekaterinburg <p> list of monuments <o> list of cultural heritage monuments in Yekaterinburg (lost) <s> Yekaterinburg <p> list of monuments <o> list of cultural heritage monuments in Yekaterinburg (suburbs) <s> Yekaterinburg <p> list of monuments <o> list of cultural heritage monuments in Yekaterinburg (center) <s> Yekaterinburg <p> list of monuments <o> list of cultural heritage monuments in Yekaterinburg (outskirts) <s> Yekaterinburg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guangzhou <s> Yekaterinburg <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Beryozovsky <s> Yekaterinburg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Iset <s> Yekaterinburg <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Yekaterinburg <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Yekaterinburg <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Yekaterinburg <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Beloyarsky District <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Revda Urban Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Beryozovsky Urban Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Sysertsky District <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Borough Upper Pyshma <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Sredneuralsk Urban Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Degtyarsk Urban Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Pervouralsk Urban Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> shares border with <o> Polevskoy Urban Okrug <s> Yekaterinburg <p> head of government <o> Alexey Orlov <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oktyabrski district <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verch-Isetski district <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kirovski district <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leninski district <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zheleznodorozhniy District <s> Yekaterinburg <p> flag <o> flag of Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Yekaterinburg Municipality <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chkalovski district <s> Yekaterinburg <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ordzonikidsevski district <s> Yekaterinburg <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Yekaterinburg <s> Yekaterinburg <p> legislative body <o> Yekaterinburg City Duma <s> Plovdiv Municipality <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Plovdiv Municipality <p> capital <o> Plovdiv <s> Plovdiv Municipality <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Plovdiv Province <s> Plovdiv Municipality <p> instance of <o> municipality of Bulgaria <s> Plovdiv Municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Plovdiv Municipality <s> Plovdiv Municipality <p> associated electoral district <o> 16th MMC – Plovdiv-city <s> Ivanovo <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> country <o> Russia <s> Ivanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Ivanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astrakhan <s> Ivanovo <p> different from <o> Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plano <s> Ivanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fergana <s> Ivanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Agia Napa <s> Ivanovo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Ivanovo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Ivanovo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ivanovo <p> award received <o> Order of the October Revolution <s> Ivanovo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ivanovo <p> capital of <o> Ivanovsky District <s> Ivanovo <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Ivanovo <p> flag <o> flag of Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> head of government <o> Vladimir Sharypov <s> Ivanovo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oktyabrsky City District <s> Ivanovo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ivanovo Urban Okrug <s> Ivanovo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ivanovo <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Ivanovo <p> list of monuments <o> list of cultural heritage monuments in Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> capital of <o> Ivanovo Urban Okrug <s> Ivanovo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Ivanovo <s> Ivanovo <p> history of topic <o> history of Ivanovo <s> Samarkand <p> country <o> Uzbekistan <s> Samarkand <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Samarkand <p> language used <o> Russian <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Samarkand <p> capital of <o> Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Samarkand <p> language used <o> Uzbek <s> Samarkand <p> capital of <o> Timurid Empire <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> History of Ming <s> Samarkand <p> language used <o> Tajik <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Delhi <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Samarkand <p> capital of <o> Samarqand Region <s> Samarkand <p> capital of <o> Samanid Empire <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Samarkand <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> significant event <o> Siege of Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mary <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bukhara <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samara <s> Samarkand <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liège <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> Book of Sui <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Banda Aceh City <s> Samarkand <p> capital of <o> Samarkand Oblast <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xi'an <s> Samarkand <p> significant event <o> Siege of Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> significant event <o> Siege of Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+05:00 <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Antalya <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Krasnoyarsk <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Samarkand <p> significant event <o> Siege of Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> significant event <o> Siege of Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bremen <s> Samarkand <p> official language <o> Uzbek <s> Samarkand <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> instance of <o> city <s> Samarkand <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lahore <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ganja <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gyeongju <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nishapur <s> Samarkand <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Samarkand <s> Samarkand <p> capital of <o> Satrapy of Sogdiana <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lviv <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eskişehir <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jūrmala <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kairouan <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nara <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Balkh <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khujand <s> Samarkand <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Merv <s> Samarkand <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Samarqand Region <s> Samarkand <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Samarkand <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuzco <s> Samarkand <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Philippopolis <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Philippopolis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Plovdiv <s> Philippopolis <p> instance of <o> polis <s> Philippopolis <p> replaced by <o> Plovdiv <s> Philippopolis <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Philippopolis <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Philippopolis <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Brno <p> country <o> Czech Republic <s> Brno <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Svratka <s> Brno <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Svitava <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Poznań <s> Brno <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> statutory city in Czechia <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Brno <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Brno <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> municipality of the Czech Republic <s> Brno <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Brno <s> Brno <p> open data portal <o> Data Brno <s> Brno <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Brno <s> Brno <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Brno <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Brno <p> different from <o> Bern <s> Brno <p> headquarters location <o> Brno <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Utrecht <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> Brno House of Arts <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> South Moravia <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> South Moravian Region <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pula <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> Špilberk Castle <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Brno-City District <s> Brno <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Šrámkova 14, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Brno City Archives <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Černopolní 3a, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Bieblova 16, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Elementary school Brno, Sirotkova <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Jugoslávská 70, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, nám. SNP 25a, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, Fanderlíkova 9a, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, ulice Kosmonautů 2, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, Oderská 2 <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, Žižkova 57, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola POHÁDKA <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Žabka <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Beruška <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, Labská 7, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Kohoutova 6, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Brechtova 6, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rennes <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stuttgart <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vienna <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bratislava <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola Brno, Arménská 21, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola a mateřská škola Brno <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola Brno, Otevřená 20a, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola a Mateřská škola <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Slavíčkova 1, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Marie Majerové 14, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Masarykova základní škola a MŠ <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola, Brno, Labská 27, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola a Mateřská škola Brno, Zeiberlichova 49 <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola Brno, Janouškova 2, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Tišnovská 169, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, nám. Svornosti 8, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola a Mateřská škola, Brno, Elišky Přemyslovny 10, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola Brno, nám. Svornosti 7, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> ZŠ J. A. Komenského a Mateřská škola <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno,Bosonožská 4 <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola, Brno, Gabriely Preissové 8, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola se speciální třídou pro děti s vadami řeči, Brno, Švermova 11, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Mateřská škola Brno, Uzbecká 30, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola Brno, Jana Babáka 1, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola a Mateřská škola Brno, Blažkova 9, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola a Mateřská škola Brno, Milénova 14, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> has subsidiary <o> Základní škola, Brno, Bosonožská 9, příspěvková organizace <s> Brno <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Brno-Country District <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Brno <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Brno <s> Brno <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Brno <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> Městský fotbalový stadion Srbská <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ferrara <s> Brno <p> contains settlement <o> Kamenná čtvrť <s> Brno <p> contains settlement <o> Brno-Řečkovice a Mokrá Hora <s> Brno <p> contains settlement <o> Divišova čtvrť <s> Brno <p> head of government <o> Markéta Vaňková <s> Brno <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Brno <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Moravian-Silesian country <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Land of Moravia <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Brno Region <s> Brno <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Brno <s> Brno <p> contains settlement <o> Kamenný Mlýn <s> Brno <p> contains settlement <o> Nové Moravany <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Sokolnice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Lelekovice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Chudčice <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Debrecen <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> municipality with authorized municipal office <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> capital of region <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> municipality with town privileges in the Czech Republic <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> Czech municipality with expanded powers <s> Brno <p> instance of <o> district town <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> Dopravní podnik města Brna <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Žebětín <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Královo Pole <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Topographia Bohemiae, Moraviae et Silesiae <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Brno <p> uses <o> house number <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà palace <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> Lesy města Brna <s> Brno <p> owner of <o> SAKO Brno <s> Brno <p> significant event <o> Siege of Brno <s> Brno <p> visitor center <o> The TO JE BRNO (THIS IS BRNO) Information Centre <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Bosonohy <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Modřice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Popovice <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odense <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Ostopovice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Rebešovice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Otmarov <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Brno <p> contains settlement <o> Brno-střed <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Česká <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Veverská Bítýška <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Troubsko <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Obřany <s> Brno <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-City District <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuřany <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Slatina <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Židenice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Štýřice <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leipzig <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Margraviate of Moravia <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Brno <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Daejeon <s> Brno <p> historical region <o> Moravia <s> Brno <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Brno <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Moravia <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Voronezh <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Hvozdec <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Kanice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Veverské Knínice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Jinačovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Černovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Chrlice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Jehnice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brněnské Ivanovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Líšeň <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lesná <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dvorska <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Ořešín <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Komín <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Kníničky <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Nový Lískovec <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zábrdovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Řečkovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Medlánky <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dolní Heršpice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Ivanovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Útěchov <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Bílovice nad Svitavou <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Rozdrojovice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Šlapanice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trnitá <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stránice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Popůvky <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Moravské Knínice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Ostrovačice <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Ochoz u Brna <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Veveří <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jundrov <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kohoutovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Komárov <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Soběšice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sadová <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Husovice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pisárky <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Holásky <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Horní Heršpice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Old Brno <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maloměřice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-město <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Přízřenice <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mokrá Hora <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponava <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abbadia Lariana <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kharkiv <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Černá Pole <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Starý Lískovec <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Žabovřesky <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Bystrc <s> Brno <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brno-Bohunice <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaunas <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> St. Pölten <s> Brno <p> capital of <o> Jihovýchod <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Moravany <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Mokrá-Horákov <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leeds <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Vranov <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Podolí <s> Brno <p> award received <o> Obec přátelská rodině <s> Brno <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Brno <s> Brno <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Brno <s> Brno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leeds <s> Brno <p> shares border with <o> Kobylnice </Graph>
<Text> :Plovdiv Province is a province in central southern Bulgaria. It comprises 18 municipalities on a territory of 5,972.9 km2 with a population, as of February 2011, of 683,027 inhabitants. The province is named after its administrative and industrial centre -- the city of Plovdiv. Plovdiv Province includes parts of the Upper Thracian Plain, the Rhodopes, Sredna Gora, the Sub-Balkan valleys and Stara Planina, including its highest peak, Botev . The main rivers in the province are Maritsa, Stryama, Pyasachnik. There are numerous dams, the most important of which is Pyasachnik. Mineral springs are abundant; there are several major spa resorts -- Hisarya, Narechen, Banya and minor spas at Klisura, Asenovgrad, Kuklen, Rosino, Krasnovo, Stoletovo and others. There are many natural landmarks, especially in the Central Balkan National Park, including the spectacular waterfall Raysko Praskalo, the highest in the Balkans. Plovdiv Province contains 18 municipalities . The following table shows the names of each municipality in English and Cyrillic, the main town or village , and the population of each as of December 2009. The province's capital is the city of Plovdiv; other towns include Karlovo, Sopot, Klisura, Kalofer, Hisarya, Saedinenie, Rakovski, Brezovo, Stamboliyski, Krichim, Perushtitsa, Sadovo, Parvomay, Asenovgrad, Laki, Katunica, and Yiagodovo. Maritsa Municipality is located in the Plovdiv Province, southern Bulgaria on the northern bank of the Maritsa River. It has 30,676 inhabitants and consists only of villages. The municipality has thriving industry with around EUR400 000 000 invested in the recent years. Its administrative center is Plovdiv but the city is not part of the municipality. Poznan is a city on the River Warta in west-central Poland, within the Greater Poland region. The city is an important cultural and business centre, and one of Poland's most populous regions with many regional customs such as Saint John's Fair , traditional Saint Martin's croissants and a local dialect. Among its most important heritage sites are the Renaissance Old Town, Town Hall and Gothic Cathedral. Poznan is the fifth-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. As of 2023, the city's population is 540,146, while the Poznan metropolitan area comprising Poznan County and several other communities is inhabited by over 1.029 million people. It is one of four historical capitals of medieval Poland and the ancient capital of the Greater Poland region, currently the administrative capital of the province called Greater Poland Voivodeship. Poznan is a centre of trade, sport, education, technology and tourism. It is an important academic site, with about 130,000 students and Adam Mickiewicz University, the third largest Polish university. The city serves as the seat of the oldest Polish diocese, now being one of the most populous Catholic archdioceses in the country. The city also hosts the Poznan International Fair, the biggest industrial fair in Poland and one of the largest fairs in Europe. The city's other renowned landmarks include the National Museum, Grand Theatre, Fara Church and the Imperial Castle. Poznan is classified as a Gamma-global city by Globalization and World Cities Research Network. According to several rankings it is one of the most business-friendly cities in Poland. It also ranks highly in safety and healthcare quality. The city of Poznan has also, many times, won the prize awarded by "Superbrands" for a very high quality city brand. In 2012, the Poznan's Art and Business Centre "Stary Browar" won a competition organised by National Geographic Traveler and was given the first prize as one of the seven "New Polish Wonders". Companies headquartered in the city include energy provider Enea and e-commerce company Allegro. Yekaterinburg , alternatively romanized as Ekaterinburg and formerly known as Sverdlovsk , is a city and the administrative centre of Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Ural Federal District, Russia. The city is located on the Iset River between the Volga-Ural region and Siberia, with a population of roughly 1.5 million residents, up to 2.2 million residents in the urban agglomeration. Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, the largest city in the Ural Federal District, and one of Russia's main cultural and industrial centres. Yekaterinburg has been dubbed the "Third capital of Russia", as it is ranked third by the size of its economy, culture, transportation and tourism. Yekaterinburg was founded on 18 November 1723 and named after the Orthodox name of Catherine I , the Polish wife of Russian Emperor Peter the Great. The city served as the mining capital of the Russian Empire as well as a strategic connection between Europe and Asia. In 1781, Catherine the Great gave Yekaterinburg the status of a district town of Perm Province, and built the historical Siberian Route through the city. Yekaterinburg became a key city to Siberia, which had rich resources. In the late 19th century, Yekaterinburg became one of the centres of revolutionary movements in the Urals. In 1924, after the Russian SFSR founded the Soviet Union, the city was renamed Sverdlovsk after the Bolshevik leader Yakov Sverdlov. During the Soviet era, Sverdlovsk was turned into an industrial and administrative powerhouse. In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the city returned to its historical name. Yekaterinburg is one of Russia's most important economic centres and was one of the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The city is currently experiencing an economic and population boom, which resulted in some of the tallest skyscrapers of Russia being located in the city. Yekaterinburg is home to the headquarters of the Central Military District of the Russian Armed Forces, as well as the presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The area was settled in prehistory. The earliest settlements date to 8000-7000 BC, in the Mesolithic period. The Isetskoe Pravoberezhnoye I archaeological site contains a Neolithic settlement dated to 6000-5000 BC. It includes stone processing workshops with artefacts such as grinding plates, anvils, clumps of rock, tools, and finished products. Over 50 different types of rock and minerals were used in tool making, indicating extensive knowledge of the region's natural resources. The Gamayun peninsula has archaeological findings from the Chalcolithic Period: workshops for producing stone tools and two dwellings of the Ayat people . There are also traces of the Koptyak people from 2000 BC: dishes decorated with bird images and evidence of metallurgical production. The Tent I site contains the only Koptyak burials discovered in the Ural Mountains. In the Bronze Age, the Gamayun people lived in the area. They left fragments of ceramics, weapons, and ornaments. Ivanovo is a city in Russia. It is the administrative center and largest city of Ivanovo Oblast, located 254 kilometers northeast of Moscow and approximately 100 kilometers from Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma. Ivanovo has a population of 361,644 as of the 2021 Census, making it the 50th largest city in Russia. Until 1932, it was previously known as Ivanovo-Voznesensk. It is the youngest city of the Golden Ring of Russia. The city lies on the Uvod River, in the centre of the eponymous oblast. Ivanovo gained city status in 1871, emerged as a major center for textile production, and began to be referred to as the "Russian Manchester". The city is served by Ivanovo Yuzhny Airport. Ivanovo has a humid continental climate . The city has warm summers with temperatures reaching over 30 degC and relatively cold winters with frequent snowfall. The lowest air temperature ever recorded is -46degC . The warmest month is July with a daily mean of 18.9degC, the coldest month is January with a daily mean of -8.7degC. The highest amount of precipitation is on average in July with 70 mm of precipitation, the driest is March with 34 mm of precipitation. The city is first mentioned in 1561, when it was given to the Cherkassky princely family by Ivan IV, after the latter's marriage to Maria Cherkasskaya. However, the relevant document has since been lost. Samarkand or Samarqand is a city in southeastern Uzbekistan and among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Central Asia. Samarqand is the capital of Samarqand Region and a district-level city, that includes the urban-type settlements Kimyogarlar, Farhod and Khishrav. With 551,700 inhabitants , it is the third-largest city of Uzbekistan. There is evidence of human activity in the area of the city dating from the late Paleolithic Era. Though there is no direct evidence of when Samarqand was founded, several theories propose that it was founded between the 8th and 7th centuries BCE. Prospering from its location on the Silk Road between China, Persia and Europe, at times Samarqand was one of the largest cities in Central Asia, and was an important city of the empires of Greater Iran. By the time of the Persian Achaemenid Empire, it was the capital of the Sogdian satrapy. The city was conquered by Alexander the Great in 329 BCE, when it was known as Markanda, which was rendered in Greek as Marakanda. The city was ruled by a succession of Iranian and Turkic rulers until it was conquered by the Mongols under Genghis Khan in 1220. The city is noted as a centre of Islamic scholarly study and the birthplace of the Timurid Renaissance. In the 14th century, Timur made it the capital of his empire and the site of his mausoleum, the Gur-e Amir. The Bibi-Khanym Mosque, rebuilt during the Soviet era, remains one of the city's most notable landmarks. Samarqand's Registan square was the city's ancient centre and is bounded by three monumental religious buildings. The city has carefully preserved the traditions of ancient crafts: embroidery, goldwork, silk weaving, copper engraving, ceramics, wood carving, and wood painting. In 2001, UNESCO added the city to its World Heritage List as Samarqand - Crossroads of Cultures. Modern Samarqand is divided into two parts: the old city, and the new city, which was developed during the days of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. The old city includes historical monuments, shops, and old private houses; the new city includes administrative buildings along with cultural centres and educational institutions. On September 15-16, 2022, the city hosted the 2022 SCO summit. Brno is a city in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. Located at the confluence of the Svitava and Svratka rivers, Brno has about 400,000 inhabitants, making it the second-largest city in the Czech Republic after the capital, Prague, and one of the 100 largest cities of the European Union. The Brno metropolitan area has approximately 720,000 inhabitants. Brno is the former capital city of Moravia and the political and cultural hub of the South Moravian Region. It is the centre of the Czech judiciary, with the seats of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court, and the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, and a number of state authorities, including the Ombudsman, and the Office for the Protection of Competition. Brno is also an important centre of higher education, with 33 faculties belonging to 13 institutes of higher education and about 62,000 students. Brno Exhibition Centre is among the largest exhibition centres in Europe. The complex opened in 1928 and established the tradition of large exhibitions and trade fairs held in Brno. Brno hosts motorbike and other races on the Masaryk Circuit, a tradition established in 1930, of which the Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix is one of the most prestigious races. Another cultural tradition is an international fireworks competition, Ignis Brunensis, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors to each display. The most visited sights of the city include the Spilberk Castle and fortress and the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Petrov hill, two medieval buildings that dominate the cityscape and are often depicted as its traditional symbols. The other large preserved castle near the city is Veveri Castle by Brno Reservoir. Another architectural monument of Brno is the functionalist Villa Tugendhat, which was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2001. One of the natural sights nearby is the Moravian Karst. The city is a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and was designated a "City of Music" in 2017. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> municipality seat <p> subclass of <o> capital city <s> municipality seat <p> part of <o> municipality <s> municipality seat <p> subclass of <o> human settlement <s> municipality seat <p> subclass of <o> administrative centre <s> municipality seat <p> subclass of <o> chef-lieu <s> Category:Maps of Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> Plovdiv <s> Category:Maps of Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Views of Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> Plovdiv <s> Category:Views of Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Ivan Totev <p> instance of <o> human <s> Ivan Totev <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Ivan Totev <p> country of citizenship <o> Bulgaria <s> Ivan Totev <p> place of birth <o> Plovdiv <s> Ivan Totev <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Bulgarian <s> Ivan Totev <p> position held <o> mayor <s> Ivan Totev <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Ivan Totev <p> given name <o> Iwan <s> Ivan Totev <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Ivan Totev <p> position held <o> member of the Bulgarian National Assembly <s> oblast seat <p> subclass of <o> seat <s> oblast seat <p> subclass of <o> chef-lieu <s> oblast seat <p> subclass of <o> administrative centre <s> oblast seat <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> city in Bulgaria <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> city in Bulgaria <p> has list <o> list of cities and towns in Bulgaria <s> city in Bulgaria <p> instance of <o> designation for an administrative territorial entity of a single country <s> city in Bulgaria <p> subclass of <o> territorial entity of Bulgaria <s> city in Bulgaria <p> subclass of <o> city or town <s> Petra <p> country <o> Jordan <s> Petra <p> instance of <o> city <s> Petra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Petra <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Petra <p> different from <o> Petra <s> Petra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leskovac <s> Petra <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Petra <p> capital of <o> Arabia Petraea <s> Petra <p> made from material <o> sandstone <s> Petra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ma'an Governorate <s> Petra <p> capital of <o> Nabataean kingdom <s> Petra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hegra <s> Petra <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Petra <p> culture <o> Nabataean kingdom <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Petra <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iii) <s> Petra <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Petra <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Petra <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Petra <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Petra <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (i) <s> Petra <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Petra <p> described by source <o> Atlas of Vanishing Places <s> Petra <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Petra <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Petra <s> Shenzhen <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> city <s> Shenzhen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Shenzhen <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Shenzhen <p> part of <o> Pearl River Delta <s> Shenzhen <p> shares border with <o> Hong Kong <s> Shenzhen <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> sub-province-level division <s> Shenzhen <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Guangdong <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> global city <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Shenzhen <p> shares border with <o> Guangzhou <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pingshan District <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dapeng New District <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longhua District <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guangming District <s> Shenzhen <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Shenzhen <p> official language <o> Chinese <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> special economic zone <s> Shenzhen <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Shenzhen <p> shares border with <o> Dongguan <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luohu District <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bao'an District <s> Shenzhen <p> capital <o> Futian District <s> Shenzhen <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Futian District <s> Shenzhen <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanshan District <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yantian District <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longgang District <s> Shenzhen <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Shenzhen <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Shenzhen <p> instance of <o> city specifically designated in the state plan <s> Shenzhen <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shen-Shan Special Cooperation Zone <s> Shenzhen <p> head of government <o> Chen Rugui <s> Shenzhen <p> legislative body <o> Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress <s> Shenzhen <p> executive body <o> People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality <s> Kumanovo <p> country <o> North Macedonia <s> Kumanovo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kumanovo <s> Kumanovo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Kumanovo <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Kumanovo <p> instance of <o> town <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gabrovo <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leskovac <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Varaždin <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nikšić <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bijeljina <s> Kumanovo <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Time <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vranje <s> Kumanovo <p> named after <o> Cumans <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pančevo <s> Kumanovo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Çorlu <s> Kumanovo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Kumanovo <s> Kumanovo <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Kumanovo <p> capital of <o> Kumanovo Municipality <s> Kumanovo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kumanovo Municipality <s> Kumanovo <p> electoral district <o> Constituency 2 <s> Kumanovo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kumanovo <s> UTC+03:00 <p> instance of <o> time zone named for a UTC offset <s> UTC+03:00 <p> has part(s) <o> East Africa Time </Graph>
<Text> :Petra , originally known to its inhabitants as Raqmu or Raqemo , is a historic and archaeological city in southern Jordan. Famous for its rock-cut architecture and water conduit system, Petra is also called the "Rose City" because of the colour of the sandstone from which it is carved; it was famously called "a rose-red city half as old as time" in a poem of 1845 by John Burgon. It is adjacent to the mountain of Jabal Al-Madbah, in a basin surrounded by mountains forming the eastern flank of the Arabah valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. Access to the city is through a famously picturesque 1.2-kilometre-long gorge called the Siq, which leads directly to the Khazneh. The area around Petra has been inhabited from as early as 7000 BC, and the Nabataeans might have settled in what would become the capital city of their kingdom as early as the 4th century BC. Archaeological work has only discovered evidence of Nabataean presence dating back to the second century BC, by which time Petra had become their capital. The Nabataeans were nomadic Arabs who invested in Petra's proximity to the incense trade routes by establishing it as a major regional trading hub. The trading business gained the Nabataeans considerable revenue and Petra became the focus of their wealth. Unlike their enemies, the Nabataeans were accustomed to living in the barren deserts and were able to repel attacks by taking advantage of the area's mountainous terrain. They were particularly skillful in harvesting rainwater, agriculture, and stone carving. Petra flourished in the 1st century AD, when its Al-Khazneh structure, possibly the mausoleum of Nabataean king Aretas IV, was constructed, and its population peaked at an estimated 20,000 inhabitants. They developed a complex system of cisterns, channels, and dams to collect and store rainwater, allowing them to thrive in the arid desert environment. Most of the famous rock-cut buildings, which are mainly tombs, date from this and the following period. Much less remains of the free-standing buildings of the city. Although the Nabataean kingdom became a client state of the Roman Empire in the first century BC, it was only in 106 AD that it lost its independence. Petra fell to the Romans, who annexed Nabataea and renamed it as Arabia Petraea. Petra's importance declined as sea trade routes emerged, and after an earthquake in 363 destroyed many structures. In the Byzantine era, several Christian churches were built, but the city continued to decline and, by the early Islamic era, it was abandoned except for a handful of nomads. It remained unknown to the western world until 1812, when Swiss traveller Johann Ludwig Burckhardt rediscovered it. Shenzhen is a city and special economic zone on the east bank of the Pearl River estuary on the central coast of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, bordering Hong Kong to the south, Dongguan to the north, and Huizhou to the northeast. With a population of 17.56 million in 2020, Shenzhen is the third most populous city by urban population in China after Shanghai and Beijing. Shenzhen is a global center in technology, research, manufacturing, business and economics, finance, tourism and transportation, and the Port of Shenzhen is the world's fourth busiest container port. Shenzhen roughly follows the administrative boundaries of Bao'an County, which was established in imperial times. The southern portion of Bao'an County became part of British Hong Kong after the Opium Wars, while the village of Shenzhen was on the border. Shenzhen railway station was the last stop on the Mainland Chinese section of the Kowloon-Canton Railway, and Shenzhen's economy grew and it became a city by 1979. In the early 1980s, economic reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping resulted in the city becoming the first special economic zone of China due to its close proximity to Hong Kong, attracting foreign direct investment and migrants searching for opportunities. In thirty years, the city's economy and population boomed and has since emerged as a hub for technology, international trade, and finance. It is the home to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, one of the largest stock exchanges in the world by market capitalization and the Guangdong Free-Trade Zone. Shenzhen is ranked as an Alpha- city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Its nominal GDP has surpassed those of its neighboring cities of Guangzhou and Hong Kong and is now among those of the cities with the ten largest economies in the world. Shenzhen also has the eighth most competitive and largest financial center in the world, the seventh-most Fortune Global 500 headquarters of any city in the world, fifth-highest number of billionaires of any city in the world, the second largest number of skyscrapers of any city in the world, the 19th largest scientific research output of any city in the world, and several notable educational institutions, such as Shenzhen University, Southern University of Science and Technology, and Shenzhen Technology University. The city is a leading global technology hub. In the media Shenzhen is sometimes called China's Silicon Valley. The city's entrepreneurial, innovative, and competitive-based culture has resulted in the city being home to numerous small manufacturers and software companies. Several of these firms have become large technology corporations, such as Huawei, Tencent, and DJI. As an important international city, Shenzhen hosts numerous national and international events every year, such as the 2011 Summer Universiade and the China Hi-Tech Fair. Kumanovo is a city in North Macedonia and the seat of Kumanovo Municipality, the largest municipality in the country. Kumanovo lies 340 metres above sea level and is surrounded by the Karadag part of Skopska Crna Gora mountain on its western side, Gradistanska mountain on its southern side, and Mangovica and German mountain on the Eastern side. Skopje airport also serves Kumanovo. It has many historical sites. One of the most important sites is the 4,000-year-old megalithic astronomical observatory of Kokino, located 30 km northeast of Kumanovo and discovered in 2001. It is ranked fourth on the list of old observatories by NASA. In 1912, during the First Balkan War, Serbian forces won a decisive victory over the Ottomans north of the town. The two-day Battle of Kumanovo ended Ottoman authority in Vardar Macedonia which contributed to the region's integration into Serbia, and consequently, into Yugoslavia. The entire region of Macedonia was split in three among Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria after the Treaty of Bucharest in 1913. The rapid economic, administrative and cultural expansion of Kumanovo began in 1945. It was the site of the 9 June 1999 Agreement signed between FR Yugoslav Generals and the NATO Generals about bringing in a NATO peacekeeping contingent in Kosovo called, the Kosovo Force, or KFOR . The town's metal-processing, tobacco, agriculture, footwear and textile industries have made it an economic, trading and cultural center of approximately 135,529 people. It is internationally known for a jazz festival hosting bands from all over the world. UTC+03:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +03:00. In areas using this time offset, the time is three hours later than the Coordinated Universal Time . Following the ISO 8601 standard, a time with this offset would be written as, for example, 2019-02-08T23:36:06+03:00. Arabia Standard Time, or AST , is used by some of the countries in the Middle East. As this time zone is predominantly in the equatorial region, there is no significant change in day length throughout the year, so daylight saving time is not observed. Between 1982 and 2007, Iraq observed Arabia Daylight Time but the government abolished DST in March 2008. Most of European Russia, including Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land. From October 26, 2014 Moscow and most other parts of European Russia started using UTC+03:00 again, year-round. Also on September 7, 2016, Turkey started using UTC+03:00 year-round. Besides the names mentioned above, the name "Eastern Europe Forward Time"' is sometimes used. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Daegu <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Milan <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Daegu <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Daegu <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Daegu <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Daegu <s> Daegu <p> country <o> South Korea <s> Daegu <p> owner of <o> Daegu Stadium <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hiroshima <s> Daegu <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Daegu <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chengdu <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Almaty <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Da Nang <s> Daegu <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Daegu <s> Daegu <p> owner of <o> Daegu Samsung Lions Park <s> Daegu <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Daegu <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ningbo <s> Daegu <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> South Korea <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minas Gerais <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Daegu <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Daegu <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Atlanta <s> Daegu <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yangzhou <s> Daegu <p> legislative body <o> Daegu municipal council <s> Daegu <p> executive body <o> Daegu Metropolitan Government <s> Daegu <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qingdao <s> Daegu <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Daegu <p> instance of <o> metropolitan city of South Korea <s> Valencia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Valencia <s> Valencia <p> different from <o> Valencia <s> Valencia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Valencia <p> instance of <o> city <s> Valencia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Valencia <p> country <o> Venezuela <s> Valencia <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Valencia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Carabobo <s> Valencia <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> Valencia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Valencia, Venezuela <s> Valencia <p> capital of <o> Carabobo <s> Valencia <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Valencia <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Valencia <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 11 <s> Valencia <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Valencia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Naples <s> Valencia <p> capital of <o> Municipio Valencia <s> Valencia <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Valencia, Venezuela <s> Valencia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Valencia (Venezuela) <s> Valencia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Valencia, Venezuela <s> Valencia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Valencia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Valencia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Valencia <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Valencia (Venezuela) <s> Valencia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Valencia <s> Changchun <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nuuk <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Birmingham <s> Changchun <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Changchun <p> instance of <o> sub-province-level division <s> Changchun <p> instance of <o> city <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Krasnoyarsk <s> Changchun <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Changchun <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 8 <s> Changchun <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulan-Ude <s> Changchun <p> capital of <o> Manchukuo <s> Changchun <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Changchun <s> Changchun <p> capital of <o> Jilin <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Windsor <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Flint <s> Changchun <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaoyang District <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lüyuan District <s> Changchun <p> owner of <o> Line 3 <s> Changchun <p> owner of <o> Line 4 <s> Changchun <p> significant event <o> Siege of Changchun <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mora Municipality <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Žilina <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hjørring <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novi Sad <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chongjin <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tijuana <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wolfsburg <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreuil <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanguan District <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chitose <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Little Rock <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Belgorod <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Székesfehérvár <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiutai <s> Changchun <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Warrnambool <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prachin Buri <s> Changchun <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yushu <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dehui <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taebaek <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulsan <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sendai <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nong'an County <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gongzhuling <s> Changchun <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Jilin <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kanegasaki <s> Changchun <p> twinned administrative body <o> Masterton <s> Changchun <p> owner of <o> Line 8 <s> Changchun <p> owner of <o> Line 1 <s> Changchun <p> owner of <o> Line 2 <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shuangyang District <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Erdao District <s> Changchun <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kuancheng District <s> Changchun <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Changchun <s> Changchun <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Changchun <s> Changchun <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Changchun <s> Columbia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Columbia, South Carolina <s> Columbia <p> different from <o> Columbia <s> Columbia <p> different from <o> Columbia <s> Columbia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Columbia <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Columbia <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Columbia metropolitan area <s> Columbia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Accra <s> Columbia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaiserslautern <s> Columbia <p> capital of <o> South Carolina <s> Columbia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chelyabinsk <s> Columbia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Columbia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taichung <s> Columbia <p> named after <o> Christopher Columbus <s> Columbia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lexington County <s> Columbia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Richland County <s> Columbia <p> capital of <o> Richland County <s> Columbia <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Columbia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Columbia <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Columbia <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Columbia <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina <s> Columbia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Congaree River <s> Columbia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Columbia, South Carolina <s> Columbia <p> shares border with <o> Forest Acres <s> Columbia <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Columbia <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Columbia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Columbia <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Columbia, South Carolina <s> Columbia <p> head of government <o> Daniel Rickenmann <s> Columbia <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Columbia <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Columbia <s> Columbia <p> capital of <o> Republic of South Carolina <s> Košice <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Košice <s> Košice <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Košice <p> country <o> Slovakia <s> Košice <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Košice <p> owner of <o> Bytový podnik mesta Košice <s> Košice <p> owner of <o> City Greenery Administration in Košice <s> Košice <p> owner of <o> Mestské lesy Košice <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Košice <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Košice <p> instance of <o> city <s> Košice <p> different from <o> Koszyce <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Košice <p> capital of <o> Košice Region <s> Košice <p> history of topic <o> History of Košice <s> Košice <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5 <s> Košice <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Košice <s> Košice <p> capital of <o> Košice-okolie District <s> Košice <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Košická kotlina <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Katowice <s> Košice <p> described by source <o> Vlastivedný slovník obcí na Slovensku <s> Košice <p> described by source <o> Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland <s> Košice <p> significant event <o> Košice - European Capital of Culture 2013 <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Košice <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Košice <s> Košice <p> owner of <o> Lokomotíva Stadium <s> Košice <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Košice <s> Košice <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Košice <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rzeszów <s> Košice <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Košice <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Košice <s> Košice <p> owner of <o> Košice football arena <s> Košice <p> owner of <o> Angels Arena <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cottbus <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Košice <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Košice <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuppertal <s> Košice <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Košice <s> Košice <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Košice <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bursa <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Verona <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mobile <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ostrava <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oradea <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miskolc <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Niš <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kryvyi Rih <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Uzhhorod <s> Košice <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> Rudolf Schuster <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aksaray <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paphos <s> Košice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Košice Region <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Raahe <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vysoké Tatry <s> Košice <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Košice II <s> Košice <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Košice III <s> Košice <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Košice IV <s> Košice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Krosno <s> Košice <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Košice <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Košice I <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> František Knapík <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> Richard Raši <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> Rudolf Bauer <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> Ján Kopnický <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> Zdenko Trebuľa <s> Košice <p> head of government <o> Jaroslav Polaček <s> Košice <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Hornád <s> Košice <p> instance of <o> municipality of Slovakia <s> Košice <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Košice <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kursk <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alexandria <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Osasco <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alexandria <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Białystok <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gyumri <p> country <o> Armenia <s> Gyumri <p> capital of <o> Shirak Province <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gyumri <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+04:00 <s> Gyumri <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Gyumri <p> capital of <o> Aleksandropol County <s> Gyumri <p> official language <o> Armenian <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Gyumri <p> award received <o> Order of Friendship of Peoples <s> Gyumri <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gyumri <s> Gyumri <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Gyumri <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Gyumri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kutaisi <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gyumri <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Gyumri <p> named after <o> Cimmerians <s> Gyumri <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Gyumri <s> Gyumri <p> head of government <o> Samvel Balasanyan <s> Gyumri <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Gyumri <s> Gyumri <p> instance of <o> city or town in Armenia <s> Gyumri <p> instance of <o> city <s> Gyumri <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Shirak Province <s> Bursa <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Bursa <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Bursa <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Bursa <p> capital of <o> Ottoman Empire <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Bursa <p> capital of <o> Bursa Province <s> Bursa <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bursa <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Bursa <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bursa <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Bursa <s> Bursa <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bursa <p> official language <o> Turkish <s> Bursa <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bursa <s> Bursa <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bursa <s> Bursa <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bursa <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rabat <s> Bursa <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bursa <s> Bursa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bursa <s> Bursa <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bursa <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Košice <s> Bursa <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Bursa <s> Bursa <p> instance of <o> city <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Darmstadt <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Bursa <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Bursa <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bursa <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prishtina <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Anshan <s> Bursa <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bursa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Bursa <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mykolaiv <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Van <s> Bursa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bursa Province <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kars <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oulu <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oskemen <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mogilev <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Herzliya <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Denizli <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Simferopol <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kulmbach <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bitola <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pleven <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vinnytsia <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kairouan <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bakhchysarai <s> Bursa <p> instance of <o> metropolitan municipality <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tlemcen <s> Bursa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hüdavendigâr Vilayet <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Multan <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xanthi <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chiang Mai <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyzylorda <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mascara <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tiffin <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ceadîr-Lunga <s> Bursa <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bursa <p> award received <o> The Europe Prize <s> Bursa <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Bursa <p> instance of <o> metropolitan municipality in Turkey <s> Bursa <p> twinned administrative body <o> North Nicosia <s> Lviv <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Lviv <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Lviv <p> owner of <o> Arena Lviv <s> Lviv <p> different from <o> Lvov <s> Lviv <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Lviv <p> history of topic <o> History of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Lviv by place <s> Lviv <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Lviv <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Lviv <s> Lviv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Lviv <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Lviv <p> patron saint <o> Saint George <s> Lviv <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Lviv <s> Lviv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lublin <s> Lviv <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lviv <p> capital of <o> West Ukrainian People's Republic <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lviv <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Lviv <p> capital of <o> Lviv Oblast <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Lviv <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> open data portal <o> Lviv Open data portal <s> Lviv <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Lviv <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> capital of <o> Lwów Voivodeship <s> Lviv <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Lviv <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Lviv <p> head of government <o> Andriy Sadovyi <s> Lviv <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lviv <p> official language <o> Ukrainian <s> Lviv <p> capital of <o> Lviv City Council <s> Lviv <p> significant event <o> Siege of Lvov <s> Lviv <p> instance of <o> city <s> Lviv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Halych Raion <s> Lviv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lychakiv Raion <s> Lviv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zaliznytsia Raion <s> Lviv <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Poltva River <s> Lviv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sykhiv Raion <s> Lviv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shevchenko Raion <s> Lviv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Franko Raion <s> Lviv <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lviv urban hromada <s> Lviv <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria <s> Lviv <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Lviv <p> significant event <o> Battle of Lwów <s> Lviv <p> founded by <o> Daniel of Galicia <s> Lviv <p> flag <o> flag of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> shares border with <o> Lviv Raion <s> Lviv <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Lviv <p> capital of <o> Lviv urban hromada <s> Lviv <p> significant event <o> Siege of Lviv <s> Lviv <p> legislative body <o> Lviv City Council <s> Lviv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lviv <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Lviv <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Okayama <p> country <o> Japan <s> Okayama <p> capital of <o> Okayama Prefecture <s> Okayama <p> official symbol <o> Ilex rotunda <s> Okayama <p> official symbol <o> Red-crowned Crane <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> San José <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Jose <s> Okayama <p> owner of <o> Okayama Symphony Hall <s> Okayama <p> owner of <o> Momotaro Arena <s> Okayama <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Okayama <p> official symbol <o> Lagerstroemia indica <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Okayama <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Kōura <s> Okayama <p> language used <o> Okayama dialect <s> Okayama <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Okayama <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Okayama <s> Okayama <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Okayama <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Setouchi <s> Okayama <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Okayama <s> Okayama <p> official symbol <o> Chrysanthemum morifolium <s> Okayama <p> associated electoral district <o> Okayama 2nd district <s> Okayama <p> associated electoral district <o> Okayama 3rd district <s> Okayama <p> associated electoral district <o> Okayama 1st district <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Ōno <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Yoshida <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Ishii <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Mino <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Shikata <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Mitsu <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Ishima <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Ichinomiya <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Takamatsu <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Takashima <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Shiroishi <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Nadasaki <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Saiden <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Saidaiji <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Kokada <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Fukuhama <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Makiishi <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Tsudaka <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Ima <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Kibi <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Akaiwa <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kanpur <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bucheon <s> Okayama <p> instance of <o> city <s> Okayama <p> capital <o> Kita-ku <s> Okayama <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seto Inland Sea <s> Okayama <p> head of government <o> Ōmori Masao <s> Okayama <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Okayama Prefecture <s> Okayama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Naka-ku <s> Okayama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kita-ku <s> Okayama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Higashi-ku <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Bizen <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Tamano <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Konya <s> Okayama <p> instance of <o> city designated by government ordinance <s> Okayama <p> instance of <o> prefectural capital of Japan <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Seto <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Fujita <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Jōtō <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Senoo <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Fukuda <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Takebe <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Ashimori <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Kōjo <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Sōja <s> Okayama <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Okayama <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Luoyang <s> Okayama <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bizen Province <s> Okayama <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minami-ku <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hsinchu City <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kushiro <s> Okayama <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leskovac <s> Okayama <p> anthem <o> Okayama-shi Uta <s> Okayama <p> anthem <o> Okayama Shiminka <s> Okayama <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Misaki <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Hayashima <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Kumenan <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Kurashiki <s> Okayama <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Asahi River <s> Okayama <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Okayama <s> Okayama <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Kibichūō <s> Okayama <p> shares border with <o> Tonoshō <s> Okayama <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Okayama <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Kojima Bay <s> Okayama <p> foods traditionally associated <o> Kibi dango <s> Okayama <p> foods traditionally associated <o> demi-glace sauce katsudon <s> Okayama <p> foods traditionally associated <o> ebimeshi <s> Okayama <p> foods traditionally associated <o> Ōte Manjū <s> Okayama <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Okayama Plain <s> Okayama <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Okayama <s> Okayama <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Okayama <p> replaces <o> Kogushi <s> Kastoria <p> country <o> Greece <s> Kastoria <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Kastoria <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Kastoria <p> official language <o> Greek <s> Kastoria <p> instance of <o> city <s> Kastoria <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Kastoria <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Enna <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brașov <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Haining <s> Kastoria <p> architectural style <o> Byzantine architecture <s> Kastoria <p> named after <o> beaver <s> Kastoria <p> capital of <o> Kastoria Regional Unit <s> Kastoria <p> capital of <o> Kastoria Municipality <s> Kastoria <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Kastoria <s> Kastoria <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kastoria <s> Kastoria <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Kastoria <s> Kastoria <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Wanneroo <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paralimni <s> Kastoria <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Orestiada <s> Kastoria <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kastoria Municipality <s> Kastoria <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Kastoria Regional Unit <s> Kastoria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shevchenko Raion <s> Kastoria <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kastoria </Graph>
<Text> :Daegu is the third-largest urban agglomeration in South Korea after Seoul and Busan; it is the fourth-largest metropolitan city in the nation with over 2.3 million residents; and the second-largest city after Busan in the Yeongnam region in southeastern South Korea. Daegu and the surrounding North Gyeongsang Province are often referred to as Daegu-Gyeongbuk, with a total population of over 5 million. Daegu is located in south-eastern Korea about 80 km from the coast, near the Geumho River and its mainstream, Nakdong River in Gyeongsang-do. The Daegu basin is the central plain of the Yeongnam region. In ancient times, the Daegu area was part of the proto-kingdom Jinhan. Subsequently, Daegu came under the control of the Silla Kingdom, which unified the Korean Peninsula. During the Joseon dynasty period, the city was the capital of Gyeongsang-do, one of the traditional eight provinces of the country. Daegu was an economic motor of Korea during the 1960s-1980s period and was especially known for its electronics industry. The humid subtropical climate of Daegu is ideal for producing high-quality apples, thus the nickname, "Apple City". Daegu is also known as "Textile City". Textiles used to be the pillar industry of the city. With the establishment of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone, Daegu currently focuses on fostering fashion and high-tech industries. Archaeological investigations in the Greater Daegu area have revealed a large number of settlements and burials of the prehistoric Mumun pottery period . In fact, some of the earliest evidence of Mumun settlement in Gyeongsangdo have been excavated from Siji-dong and Seobyeon-dong. Dongcheon-dong is one of the substantial Mumun agricultural villages that have been excavated. The Dongcheon-dong site dates back to the Middle Mumun and contains the remains of many prehistoric pit-houses and agricultural fields. Megalithic burials have also been found in large numbers in Daegu. Valencia is the capital of the autonomous community of Valencia and the third-most populated municipality in Spain, with 792,492 inhabitants . It is the capital of the province of the same name. The wider urban area comprising the neighbouring municipalities has a population of around 1.6 million, constituting one of the major urban areas on the European side of the Mediterranean Sea. It is located on the banks of the Turia, on the east coast of the Iberian Peninsula at the Gulf of Valencia, north of the Albufera lagoon. Valencia was founded as a Roman colony in 138 BC. Islamic rule and acculturation ensued in the 8th century, together with the introduction of new irrigation systems and crops. Aragonese Christian conquest took place in 1238, and so the city became the capital of the Kingdom of Valencia. The city's population thrived in the 15th century, owing to trade with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula, Italian ports, and other Mediterranean locations, becoming one of the largest European cities by the end of the century. Already harmed by the emergence of the Atlantic World trade in detriment to Mediterranean trade in global trade networks, along with insecurity created by Barbary piracy throughout the 16th century, the city's economic activity experienced a crisis upon the expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609. The city became a major silk manufacturing centre in the 18th century. During the Spanish Civil War, the city served as the accidental seat of the Spanish Government from 1936 to 1937. The Port of Valencia is the 5th-busiest container port in Europe and the second busiest container port on the Mediterranean Sea. The city is ranked as a Gamma-level global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Its historic centre is one of the largest in Spain, spanning approximately 169 hectares . Due to its long history, Valencia has numerous celebrations and traditions, such as the Falles , which was declared a Fiesta of National Tourist Interest of Spain in 1965 and an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in November 2016. In 2022, the city was voted the world's top destination for expatriates, based on criteria such as quality of life and affordability. The Latin name of the city was Valentia , meaning "strength" or "valour", due to the Roman practice of recognising the valour of former Roman soldiers after a war. The Roman historian Livy explains that the founding of Valentia in the 2nd century BC was due to the settling of the Roman soldiers who fought against a Lusitanian rebel, Viriatus, during the Third Raid of the Lusitanian War. Changchun is the capital and largest city of Jilin Province in China. Lying in the center of the Songliao Plain, Changchun is administered as a sub-provincial city, comprising 7 districts, 1 county and 3 county-level cities. According to the 2020 census of China, Changchun had a total population of 9,066,906 under its jurisdiction. The city's metro area, comprising 5 districts and 1 development area, had a population of 5,019,477 in 2020, as the Shuangyang and Jiutai districts are not urbanized yet. It is one of the biggest cities in Northeast China, along with Shenyang, Dalian and Harbin. The name of the city means "long spring" in Chinese. Between 1932 and 1945, Changchun was renamed Xinjing or Hsinking by the Kwantung Army as it became the capital of the Imperial Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, occupying modern Northeast China. After the foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Changchun was established as the provincial capital of Jilin in 1954. Known locally as China's "City of Automobiles", Changchun is an important industrial base with a particular focus on the automotive sector. Because of its key role in the domestic automobile industry, Changchun was sometimes referred to as the "Detroit of China." Apart from this industrial aspect, Changchun is also one of four "National Garden Cities" awarded by the Ministry of Construction of P.R. China in 2001 due to its high urban greening rate. Changchun is also one of the top 40 cities in the world by scientific research as tracked by the Nature Index according to the Nature Index 2020 Science Cities. The city is home to several major universities, notably Jilin University and Northeast Normal University, members of China's prestigious universities in the Double First Class University Plan. Kosice is the largest city in eastern Slovakia. It is situated on the river Hornad at the eastern reaches of the Slovak Ore Mountains, near the border with Hungary. With a population of approximately 230,000, Kosice is the second-largest city in Slovakia, after the capital Bratislava. Being the economic and cultural centre of eastern Slovakia, Kosice is the seat of the Kosice Region and Kosice Self-governing Region, and is home to the Slovak Constitutional Court, three universities, various dioceses, and many museums, galleries, and theatres. In 2013 Kosice was the European Capital of Culture, together with Marseille, France. Kosice is an important industrial centre of Slovakia, and the U.S. Steel Kosice steel mill is the largest employer in the city. The town has extensive railway connections and an international airport. The city has a preserved historical centre which is the largest among Slovak towns. There are heritage protected buildings in Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Art Nouveau styles with Slovakia's largest church: the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth. The long main street, rimmed with aristocratic palaces, Catholic churches, and townsfolk's houses, is a thriving pedestrian zone with boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. The city is known as the first settlement in Europe to be granted its own coat-of-arms. The first written mention of the city was in 1230 as "Villa Cassa". The name probably comes from the Slavic personal name Kos, Kosa - Kosici - Kosice with the patronymic Slavic suffix "-ice" through a natural development in Slovak . In Hungarian Kosa - Kasa, Kassa with a vowel mutation typical for the borrowing of old Slavic names in the region . The Latinized form Cassovia became common in the 15th century. Gyumri is an urban municipal community and the second-largest city in Armenia, serving as the administrative center of Shirak Province in the northwestern part of the country. By the end of the 19th century, when the city was known as Alexandropol, it became the largest city of Russian-ruled Eastern Armenia with a population above that of Yerevan. The city became renowned as a cultural hub, while also carrying significance as a major center of Russian troops during Russo-Turkish wars of the 19th century. The city underwent a tumultuous period during and after World War I. While Russian forces withdrew from the South Caucasus due to the October Revolution, the city became host to large numbers of Armenian refugees fleeing the Armenian Genocide, in particular hosting 22,000 orphaned children in around 170 orphanage buildings. It was renamed Leninakan during the Soviet period and became a major industrial and textile center in Soviet Armenia. The city's population rapidly grew to above 200,000 prior to the 1988 Spitak earthquake, when it was devastated, with the city's population being reduced to 121,976 as of the 2011 census. The city was renamed Gyumri under modern independent Armenia soon after the breakup of the Soviet Union, and post-earthquake reconstruction efforts continue. Today, Gyumri continues to grapple with the lasting effects of the 1988 earthquake, but remains known as the cultural hub of Armenia due to the many artists and craftsman who originated from the city. The city is also in particular notable for the large Kumayri historic district that managed to mostly survive the 1988 earthquake, dating back mainly to the 19th century and being one of the few surviving places in the world with authentic urban Armenian architecture. The area of modern-day Gyumri was originally known as Kumayri during the period of the Kingdom of Urartu. Over time, the name became disrupted through phonetic changes to Kumri, then Gumri, and finally Gyumri. In 1837, Gyumri was renamed Alexandropol after Czar Nicholas I's wife, Princess Alexandra Fyodorovna. Between 1924 and 1990, the city was known as Leninakan in honor of Vladimir Lenin. Following independence, the original name Kumayri was used until 1992, when Gyumri was chosen as the name of the city. Bursa , historically known as Prusa, is a city in northwestern Turkey and the administrative center of Bursa Province. The fourth-most populous city in Turkey and second-most populous in the Marmara Region, Bursa is one of the industrial centers of the country. Most of Turkey's automotive production takes place in Bursa. Bursa was the first major and second overall capital of the Ottoman State between 1335 and 1363. The city was referred to as Hudavendigar during the Ottoman period, while a more recent nickname is Yesil Bursa regarding the parks and gardens located across the city, as well as to the vast, varied forests of the surrounding region. Mount Uludag, known in classical antiquity as the Mysian Olympus or alternatively Bithynian Olympus, towers over the city, and has a well-known ski resort. Bursa has rather orderly urban growth and borders a fertile plain. The mausoleums of the early Ottoman sultans are located in Bursa, and the city's main landmarks include numerous edifices built throughout the Ottoman period. Bursa also has thermal baths, old Ottoman mansions, palaces, and several museums. The earliest known human settlement near Bursa's current location was at Ilipinar Hoyugu around 5200 BC. It was followed by the ancient Greek city of Cius, which Philip V of Macedon granted to Prusias I, the King of Bithynia, in 202 BC. King Prusias rebuilt the city with the advice of general Hannibal of Carthage, who took refuge with Prusias after losing the war with the Roman Republic and renamed it Prusa . After 128 years of Bithynian rule, Nicomedes IV, the last King of Bithynia, bequeathed the entire kingdom to the Roman Empire in 74 BC. An early Roman Treasure was found near Bursa in the early 20th century. Composed of a woman's silver toilet articles, it is now in the British Museum. Under Byzantine rule, the town became a garrison city in 562 AD, where imperial guards were stationed there. Already by the mid-6th century, Bursa was known as a famous silk textile manufacturing centre. Lviv is the largest city in western Ukraine, and the sixth-largest in Ukraine, with a population of 717,273 . It serves as the administrative centre of Lviv Oblast and Lviv Raion, and is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine. Lviv also hosts the administration of Lviv urban hromada. It was named in honour of Leo, the eldest son of Daniel, King of Ruthenia. Lviv emerged as the centre of the historical regions of Red Ruthenia and Galicia in the 14th century, superseding Halych, Chelm, Belz, and Przemysl. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia from 1272 to 1349, when it was conquered by King Casimir III the Great of Poland. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland. In 1772, after the First Partition of Poland, the city became the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918, for a short time, it was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was the centre of the Lwow Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic. After the German-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, Lviv became part of the Soviet Union. The once-large Jewish community of the city was sharply reduced in number by the Nazis during the Holocaust. For decades there was no working synagogue in Lviv after the final one was closed by the Soviets. The greater part of the once-predominant Polish population was sent to Poland during a population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine in 1944-46. The historical heart of the city, with its cobblestone streets and architectural assortment of Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-classicism and Art Nouveau, survived Soviet and German occupations during World War II largely unscathed. The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List; however, it has been listed as an endangered site due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Due to the city's Mediterranean aura, many Soviet movies set in places like Venice or Rome were actually shot in Lviv. In 1991, Lviv became part of the independent nation of Ukraine. Okayama is the capital city of Okayama Prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. The Okayama metropolitan area, centered around the city, has the largest urban employment zone in the Chugoku region of western Japan. The city was founded on June 1, 1889. As of February 2023, the city has an estimated population of 700,940 and a population density of 890 persons per km2. The total area is 789.95 square kilometres . The city is the site of Koraku-en, known as one of the top three traditional gardens in Japan, and Okayama Castle, which is ranked among the best 100 Japanese castles. The city is famous as the setting of the Japanese fable Momotaro. Okayama joined the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities in 2016. The city of Okayama is located in the southern part of Okayama Prefecture, which is located in western part of the island of Honshu. The northern part of the city forms a corner of Kibi Plateau, which is a series of gentle hills, and includes the Asahikawa Dam, Okayama Airport, and a suburban residential area. The central urban area is located on the Okayama Plain in the south, which was formed by the transportation and sedimentation of two first-class rivers, the Asahi River and Yoshii River, which flow into the Seto Inland Sea. To the south of the main urban area is Kojima Bay, which forms the scenic Kojima Peninsula overlooking the Seto Inland Sea. Okayama has a mild climate in comparison to most of Japan. It has the most rain-free days of any city in Japan. It is ranked as the second driest and the fourth sunniest city in the Chugoku region. The climate is classified under the Koppen climate classification as humid subtropical . Kastoria is a city in northern Greece in the region of Western Macedonia. It is the capital of Kastoria regional unit, in the geographic region of Macedonia. It is situated on a promontory on the western shore of Lake Orestiada, in a valley surrounded by limestone mountains. The town is known for its many Byzantine churches, Byzantine and Ottoman-era domestic architecture, its lake and its fur clothing industry. The city is first mentioned in 550 AD, by Procopius as follows: "There was a certain city in Thessaly, Diocletianopolis by name, which had been prosperous in ancient times, but with the passage of time and the assaults of the barbarians it had been destroyed, and for a very long time it had been destitute of inhabitants; and a certain lake chances to be close by which was named Castoria. There is an island in the middle of the lake, for the most part surrounded by water; but there remains a single narrow approach to this island through the lake, not more than fifteen feet wide. And a very lofty mountain stands above the island, one half being covered by the lake while the remainder rests upon it." Although Procopius refers to it as "a city of Thessaly", the description is undoubtedly that of Kastoria, a city on a promontory in a lake. There are several theories about the origin of the name Kastoria. The dominant of these is that the name derives from the Greek word kastoras . Trade in the animal's fur, sourced from nearby Lake Orestiada, has traditionally been an important element of the city's economy. Other theories propose that the name derives from the Greek word kastro or from the mythical hero Kastor , who may have been honoured in the area. The word is sometimes written with a C, Castoria, especially in older works. From Greek, the name was borrowed into Turkish as Kesriye. The Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian name of the city is Kostur . The Albanian name is Kosturi, while the Aromanian name is Castoria. Kastoria is believed to have ancient origins. Livy mentions a town near a lake in Orestis, called Celetrum, whose inhabitants surrendered to Sulpitius during the Roman war against Philip V of Macedon . The ancient town was possibly located on a hill above the town's current location. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Kutaisi <p> country <o> Georgia <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Poznań <s> Kutaisi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+04:00 <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mykolaiv <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Georgia <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Kutaisi <p> instance of <o> city <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Szombathely <s> Kutaisi <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Kutaisi <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Western Georgia <s> Kutaisi <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Kutaisi <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Columbia <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tianjin <s> Kutaisi <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Kutaisi <s> Kutaisi <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kutaisi <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ashkelon <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lviv <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bayonne <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Georgia <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leskovac <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kharkiv <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rasht <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zhytomyr <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gelsenkirchen <s> Kutaisi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samsun <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Colchis <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jinan <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Newport <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gyumri <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vitoria-Gasteiz <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nikaia <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Kutaisi Governorate <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Imereti <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Imereti <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tula <s> Kutaisi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Imereti <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Donetsk <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ungheni <s> Kutaisi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kutaisi <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kars <s> Kutaisi <p> capital of <o> Kutaisskij County <s> Kutaisi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kutaisi <s> Kutaisi <p> has seal, badge, or sigil <o> Seal of the City of Kutaisi <s> Kutaisi <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Kutaisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ganja <s> Kutaisi <p> flag <o> flag of Kutaisi <s> Category:Births in Plovdiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> Plovdiv <s> Category:Births in Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Plovdiv <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Eastern Zhou <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Eastern Wei <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Cao Wei <s> Luoyang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tours <s> Luoyang <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Luoyang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Han dynasty <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Jin dynasty <s> Luoyang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leskovac <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Later Liang dynasty <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Western Jin dynasty <s> Luoyang <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Henan <s> Luoyang <p> shares border with <o> Zhengzhou <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ruyang County <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Song County <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xigong District <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chanhe Hui District <s> Luoyang <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Luoyang <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Luoyang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tolyatti <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laocheng District <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luolong District <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jianxi District <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luoning County <s> Luoyang <p> heritage designation <o> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <s> Luoyang <p> capital of <o> Yan <s> Luoyang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sukagawa <s> Luoyang <p> twinned administrative body <o> Okayama <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yanshi District <s> Luoyang <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Luoyang <s> Luoyang <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Luoyang <s> Luoyang <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Luoyang <s> Luoyang <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xin'an County <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yiyang County <s> Luoyang <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Luoyang <p> legislative body <o> Luoyang Urban People's Congress <s> Luoyang <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Luoyang <p> described by source <o> Great Russian Encyclopedia <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jili District <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luanchuan County <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mengjin District <s> Luoyang <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yichuan County <s> Luoyang <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Luoyang <s> Luoyang <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Luoyang <p> instance of <o> former capital <s> Luoyang <p> part of <o> Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor <s> Luoyang <p> part of <o> North Henan <s> Luoyang <p> described by source <o> Belarusian encyclopedia <s> Luoyang <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Luoyang <s> Luoyang <p> replaces <o> Wangcheng <s> economy of Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Plovdiv <p> location <o> Plovdiv <s> economy of Plovdiv <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> economy of Plovdiv <p> subclass of <o> economy of Bulgaria <s> economy of Plovdiv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Plovdiv <s> Maritsa <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Maritsa <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Thracian Sea <s> Maritsa <p> country <o> Greece <s> Maritsa <p> category for the water basin <o> Category:Maritsa basin <s> Maritsa <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Rila <s> Maritsa <p> basin country <o> Bulgaria <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Chepinska river <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Arda <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Ergene <s> Maritsa <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Maritsa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Maritsa <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Maritsa <p> instance of <o> river <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Vacha <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Yadenitsa <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Srebra (Silver) River <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Sazliyka <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Topolnitsa <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Erythropotamos <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Stryama <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Chepelare River <s> Maritsa <p> tributary <o> Tundzha <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Maritsa <p> different from <o> Marița <s> Maritsa <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Maritsa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Alexandroupoli Municipality <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Dictionnary of Bulgarian Geography <s> Maritsa <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Maritsa <p> drainage basin <o> Maritsa Basin <s> Donetsk <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Donetsk <p> territory claimed by <o> Russia <s> Donetsk <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Donetsk <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Donetsk <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Donetsk <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Donetsk <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Katowice <s> Donetsk <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> capital of <o> Donetsk Oblast <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pittsburgh <s> Donetsk <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Donetsk <p> capital of <o> Donetsk Raion <s> Donetsk <p> capital of <o> Donetsk Hromada <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bochum <s> Donetsk <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> related category <o> Category:Donetsk-related lists <s> Donetsk <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gomel <s> Donetsk <p> named after <o> Joseph Stalin <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ostrava <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulan-Ude <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rostov-on-Don <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Simferopol <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taranto <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Batumi <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kursk <s> Donetsk <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> official language <o> Ukrainian <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Charleroi <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Narva <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trondheim <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kutaisi <s> Donetsk <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sheffield <s> Donetsk <p> named after <o> Donets <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leninskyi District <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kirovskyi District, Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv District <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kalinin Raion <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kuibyshevskyi District, Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Budyonny Raion <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Voroshylovskyi District (Donetsk) <s> Donetsk <p> instance of <o> city in Ukraine <s> Donetsk <p> head of government <o> Alexey Kulemzin <s> Donetsk <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Donetsk Hromada <s> Donetsk <p> religion or worldview <o> religion in Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> named after <o> John Hughes <s> Donetsk <p> flag <o> flag of Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Kalmius <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Petrovsky District, Donetsk <s> Donetsk <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Proletarskyi Raion <s> Donetsk <p> founded by <o> John Hughes <s> Donetsk <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Donetsk <s> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> Plovdiv <s> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Plovdiv <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Plovdiv <s> Leskovac <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Leskovac <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Poznań <s> Leskovac <p> country <o> Serbia <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plovdiv <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novo Mesto <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Petra <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kumanovo <s> Leskovac <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Leskovac <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Time <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kutaisi <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Luoyang <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyustendil <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Silistra <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bijeljina <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Okayama <s> Leskovac <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Leskovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ohrid <s> Leskovac <p> instance of <o> Serbian city <s> Leskovac <p> capital of <o> Jablanica District <s> Leskovac <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Opština Leskovac <s> Leskovac <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Leskovac <s> Leskovac <p> capital of <o> Opština Leskovac <s> Leskovac <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Leskovac <s> Jeddah <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Jeddah <s> Jeddah <p> country <o> Saudi Arabia <s> Jeddah <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Jeddah <s> Jeddah <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Jeddah <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Jeddah <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Jeddah <s> Jeddah <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Jeddah <s> Jeddah <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Jeddah <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Red Sea <s> Jeddah <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jeddah <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Jeddah <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Jeddah <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Jeddah <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Jeddah <s> Jeddah <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Jeddah <p> head of government <o> Saleh Al-Turki <s> Jeddah <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Jeddah Governorate <s> Jeddah <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jeddah <p> capital of <o> Jeddah Governorate <s> Category:People from Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Plovdiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> Plovdiv <s> Category:People from Plovdiv <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :Kutaisi is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and the third-most populous city in Georgia after Tbilisi and Batumi. Situated 221 kilometres west of Tbilisi, on the Rioni River, it is the capital of the western region of Imereti. Historically one of the major cities of Georgia, it served as political center of Colchis in the Middle Ages as capital of the Kingdom of Abkhazia and Kingdom of Georgia and later as the capital of the Kingdom of Imereti. From October 2012 to December 2018, Kutaisi was the seat of the Parliament of Georgia as an effort to decentralise the Georgian government. Archaeological evidence indicates that the city functioned as the capital of the Colchis in the sixth to fifth centuries BC. It is believed that, in Argonautica, a Greek epic poem about Jason and the Argonauts and their journey to Colchis, author Apollonius Rhodius considered Kutaisi their final destination as well as the residence of King Aeetes. Later, it was the capital of the kingdom of Lazica until being occupied briefly by the Arabs. An Arab incursion into western Georgia was repelled by Abkhazians jointly with Lazic and Iberian allies in 736, towards c.786, Leon II won his full independence from Byzantine and transferred his capital to Kutaisi, thus unifying Lazica and Abasgia via a dynastic union. The latter led the unification of the Georgian monarchy in the 11th century. Luoyang is a city located in the confluence area of the Luo River and the Yellow River in the west of Henan province. Governed as a prefecture-level city, it borders the provincial capital of Zhengzhou to the east, Pingdingshan to the southeast, Nanyang to the south, Sanmenxia to the west, Jiyuan to the north, and Jiaozuo to the northeast. As of December 31, 2018, Luoyang had a population of 6,888,500 inhabitants with 2,751,400 people living in the built-up area made of the city's five out of six urban districts and Yanshi District, now being conurbated. By the end of 2022, Luoyang Municipality had jurisdiction over 7 municipal districts, 7 counties and 1 development zone. The permanent population is 7.079 million. The name "Luoyang" originates from the city's location on the north or sunny side of the Luo River. Since the river flows from west to east and the sun is to the south of the river, the sun always shines on the north side of the river. Luoyang has had several names over the centuries, including Luoyi and Luozhou , but Luoyang has been its primary name. It has also been called Dongdu during the Tang dynasty, Xijing during the Song dynasty, or Jingluo . During the rule of Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, the city was known as Shendu . Luoyang was renamed Henanfu during the Qing dynasty but regained its former name in 1912. The greater Luoyang area has been sacred ground since the late Neolithic period. This area at the intersection of the Luo River and Yi River was considered to be the geographical center of China. Because of this sacred aspect, several cities - all of which are generally referred to as "Luoyang" - have been built in this area. In 2070 BC, the Xia dynasty king Tai Kang moved the Xia capital to the intersection of the Luo and Yi and named the city Zhenxun . In 1600 BC, Tang of Shang defeated Jie, the final Xia dynasty king, and built Western Bo, , a new capital on the Luo River. The ruins of Western Bo are located in Luoyang Prefecture. In 1036 BC a settlement named Chengzhou was constructed by the Duke of Zhou for the remnants of the captured Shang nobility. The Duke also moved the Nine Tripod Cauldrons to Chengzhou from the Zhou dynasty capital at Haojing. A second Western Zhou capital, Wangcheng was built 15 km west of Chengzhou. Wangcheng became the capital of the Eastern Zhou dynasty in 771 BC. The Eastern Zhou dynasty capital was moved to Chengzhou in 510 BC. Later, the Eastern Han dynasty capital of Luoyang would be built over Chengzhou. Modern Luoyang is built over the ruins of Wangcheng, which are still visible today at Wangcheng Park. Recently, Plovdiv has one of the country's fastest growing economies with average GDP growth of 12-13%. As of 2005 the total revenues are 9.4 billion leva , which is with 88% more than in 2001. The profits for the same period rose 4.5 times. The unemployment is 6,5% which is lower than the national average. One of recent problems are municipality's administrative borders which almost completely coincide with the city limits. Due to the constant increase of investments which are $465,000,000 for 2005 some of the businesses have to be redirected to the Maritsa or Rodopi municipalities such as the industrial zone of Radinovo village. Located in the middle of a rich agricultural region, since the beginning of the 20th Plovdiv grew as a major industrial center. Food processing, tobacco, brewing and textiles were the main pillars of the industry. During socialism the city's economy greatly expanded dominated by heavy industry - it still produces large amount of lead and zinc, machinery, electronics, motor trucks, chemicals, cosmetics. Between 1966 and 1969 in Plovdiv was assembled the sports car Bulgaralpine as a result of the cooperation of Alpine and ETO Bullet. In 1967 a car-assembly factory which produced Bulgarrenault under the license of the French automotive manufacturer Renault was inaugurated but production was halted in early 1970. After the fall of Communism in 1989 and the collapse of Bulgaria's planned economy, a number of industrial complexes were closed. Industry has been expanding again since the late 1990s, with numerous modern manufacturing plants built in the city or in its outskirts, mainly the municipality of Maritsa. In this period, some EUR500,000,000 has been invested in construction of numerous new factories. Some of the biggest new plants include the Liebherr refrigerator plant with more than 2000 employees and a capacity of 1 000,000 items per year, the Socotab tobacco processing plant , a bicycle plant , a Schneider electronics factory, a biodiesel plant, the Bulsaphil textile plant , and several electronics and high-tech plants producing CD players and other electronic equipment. The largest electronics plant in the Balkans was inaugurated in the nearby village of Voivodinovo. Watts Industries group owns a modern factory for manufacture of temperature measurement equipment which employs 300 high-qualified personnel. Another significant factory is Saninelli which produces cloth and has 1,400 employees. Plovdiv is the seat of one of the oldest breweries in the country, Kamenitza, founded in 1881. Currently Kamenitza is the leading national beer company with market share of 18%. The brewery is situated in the Eastern district and employs 650 workers. Maritsa or Maritza , also known as Meric and Evros , is a river that runs through the Balkans in Southeast Europe. With a length of 480 km , it is the longest river that runs solely in the interior of the Balkan peninsula, and one of the largest in Europe by discharge. It flows through Bulgaria in its upper and middle reaches, while its lower course forms much of the border between Greece and Turkey. Its drainage area is about 53,000 km2 , of which 66.2% is in Bulgaria, 27.5% in Turkey and 6.3% in Greece. It is the main river of the historical region of Thrace, most of which lies in its drainage basin. It has its origin in the Rila Mountains in Western Bulgaria, its source being the Marichini Lakes. The Maritsa flows east-southeast between the Balkan and Rhodope Mountains, past Plovdiv and Dimitrovgrad in Bulgaria to Edirne in Turkey. East of Svilengrad, Bulgaria, the river flows eastwards, forming the border between Bulgaria and Greece , and then between Turkey and Greece. At Edirne, the river meets it two chief tributaries Tundzha and Arda, and flows through Turkish territory on both banks. It then turns towards the south and forms the border between Greece on the west bank and Turkey on the east bank all the way to the Aegean Sea, which it enters near Enez, forming a river delta. The upper Maritsa valley is a principal east-west route in Bulgaria. The unnavigable river is used for hydroelectric power generation and irrigation. The earliest known name of the river is Euros . Proto-Indo-European *h1werus and Ancient Greek eurus meant "wide". The Proto-Indo-European consonant cluster *-wr- shifted in Thracian to -br-, creating the Thracian name Ebros. Thereafter, the river began to be known as Ebros in Greek and Hebrus in Latin. Rather than an origin as 'wide river', an alternative hypothesis is that is borrowed from Thracian ebros meaning 'splasher'. While the name Ebros was used in Ancient Greek, the name Maritsa had become standard before the ancient form Ebros was restituted in Modern Greek as Ebros . The name Maritsa may derive from a mountain near the mouth of the river known in antiquity as Merisos or Merizos, Latinized as Meritus. Donetsk , formerly known as Aleksandrovka, Yuzivka , Stalin, and Stalino, is an industrial city in eastern Ukraine located on the Kalmius River in Donetsk Oblast, which is currently occupied by Russia as the capital of the Donetsk People's Republic. The population was estimated at 901,645 in the city core, with over 2 million in the metropolitan area . According to the 2001 census, Donetsk was the fifth-largest city in Ukraine. Administratively, Donetsk has been the centre of Donetsk Oblast, while historically, it is the unofficial capital and largest city of the larger economic and cultural Donets Basin region. Donetsk is adjacent to another major city, Makiivka, and along with other surrounding cities forms a major urban sprawl and conurbation in the region. Donetsk has been a major economic, industrial and scientific centre of Ukraine with a high concentration of heavy industries and a skilled workforce. The density of heavy industries determined the city's challenging ecological situation. In 2012, a UN report ranked Donetsk among the world's fastest depopulating cities. The original settlement in the south of the European part of the Russian Empire was first mentioned as Aleksandrovka in 1779, during the reign of the Empress Catherine the Great. In 1869, the Welsh businessman John Hughes founded a steel plant and several coal mines in the region, and the town was named Hughesovka or Yuzovka in recognition of his role . During Soviet times, the city's steel industry expanded. In 1924, Yuzovka was renamed Stalin. In 1929, Stalin was renamed Stalino, and in 1932, the city became the centre of the Donetsk region. Renamed Donetsk in 1961, the city today remains a centre for coal mining and for the steel industry. Since April 2014, Donetsk and its surrounding areas have been one of the major sites of fighting in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War, as pro-Russian separatist forces battle against Ukrainian military forces for control of the city and surrounding areas. Throughout the war, the city of Donetsk has been administered by the pro-Russian separatist forces as the center of the Donetsk People's Republic , with outlying territories of the Donetsk region divided between the two sides. Donetsk International Airport became the epicenter of the war in 2014 with almost a year-long battle. Leskovac is a city and the administrative center of the Jablanica District in southern Serbia. According to the 2022 census, the city of Leskovac has 123,950 inhabitants. Leskovac was historically called Glubocica, later evolving into Dubocica. These interchangeable variants derived from the Serbian word's, "glib", meaning mud and "duboko", meaning deep. Untamed rivers would often flood the area leaving swamps that once dried would spout hazelnut trees, or "leska" in Serbian, whilst "-ovac" is a common Slavic suffix, hence Leskovac. During Ottoman rule the town was referred to in Turkish as Leskovce or Hisar . Archeological findings on Hisar Hill, located at the rim of Leskovac valley between the Jablanica and Veternica rivers, have established continual habitation between the Bronze Age until the 19th century. Hisar served as a fortification for many centuries and its surrounding plateau are abundant in Iron Age pottery largely associated with the Brnjica culture. Other archeological findings associated with the Illyrians, Thracians, Dacians, Greeks, Romans and Celts lay within Leskovac's surrounds. The Roman Empire conquered the area in the 1st century BC and would remain the dominant power until Slavic invasion and settlement in the late 6th and early 7th centuries, with the Serbs solidifying their presence. The area Glubocica, later Dubocica and a synonym for Leskovac was first mentioned in the 12th century as lands bestowed upon the Nemanjic dynasty by Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. The settlement of Leskovac per se was first mentioned by name in 1348 as an endowment by Serbian Emperor Dusan the Mighty to the Hilendar Monastery. The vicinity of modern-day Leskovac was contested territory during a series of conflicts fought between the Bulgarian Empire and medieval Serbian states between the 9th and 14th centuries. Jeddah , alternatively transliterated as Jedda, Jiddah or Jidda , is a port city in Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia, located along the Red Sea coast in the Hejaz region. Jeddah is the commercial center of the country. It is not known when Jeddah was founded, but Jeddah's prominence grew in 647 when the Caliph Uthman made it a travel hub serving Muslim travelers going to the holy city of Mecca for Islamic pilgrimage. Since those times, Jeddah has served as the gateway for millions of pilgrims who have arrived in Saudi Arabia, traditionally by sea and recently by air. With a population of about 3,751,722 people as of 2022, Jeddah is the largest city in Makkah Province, the largest city in Hejaz, the second-largest city in Saudi Arabia , and the ninth-largest in the Middle East. It also serves as the administrative centre of the OIC. Jeddah Islamic Port, on the Red Sea, is the thirty-sixth largest seaport in the world and the second-largest and second-busiest seaport in the Middle East . Jeddah is the principal gateway to Mecca Sharif, the holiest city in Islam, 65 kilometers to the east, while Medina, the second-holiest city, is 360 kilometers to the north. Economically, Jeddah is focusing on further developing capital investment in scientific and engineering leadership within Saudi Arabia, and the Middle East. Jeddah was ranked fourth in the Africa, MiddIe East, and 'stan countries region in the Innovation Cities Index in 2009. Jeddah is one of Saudi Arabia's primary resort cities and was named a Beta world city by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network . Given the city's close proximity to the Red Sea, fishing and seafood dominate the food culture unlike other parts of the country. In Arabic, the city motto is "Jeddah Ghair", which translates to "Jeddah is different". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Plovdiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Plovdiv <p> category's main topic <o> Plovdiv <s> filming location <p> Wikidata property <o> filming location <s> filming location <p> subclass of <o> workplace <s> filming location <p> subclass of <o> artificial geographic object <s> filming location <p> subclass of <o> film set <s> filming location <p> opposite of <o> geographic setting of film <s> filming location <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Film location shooting <s> Category:Films set in Rome <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films set in Rome <p> category combines topics <o> film <s> Category:Films set in Rome <p> category combines topics <o> Rome <s> Category:Films set in Rome <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films set in Rome <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films shot in Rome <s> Category:Films set in Rome <p> category combines topics <o> geographic setting of film <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> image <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> place of death <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> date of birth <s> horse <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> horse <p> taxon rank <o> subspecies <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> mother <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> date of death <s> horse <p> produced sound <o> neigh <s> horse <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> Horsetelex ID <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> animal breed <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> Allbreedpedigree ID <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> Infochevaux ID <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> Sporthorse data ID <s> horse <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of horses <s> horse <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> horse <p> properties for this type <o> sex or gender <s> horse <p> properties for this 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by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> horse <p> subclass of <o> milk yielding animal <s> horse <p> this taxon is source of <o> horse leather <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> horse head <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> Category:Horse ears <s> horse <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> horse <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> mare <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> horsehair <s> horse <p> this taxon is source of <o> equine chorionic gonadotropin <s> horse <p> this taxon is source of <o> horsehair <s> horse <p> has effect <o> allergy to horses <s> horse <p> has use <o> horse-drawn vehicle <s> horse <p> this taxon is source of <o> horse meat <s> horse <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> horse <p> this taxon is source of <o> mare milk <s> horse <p> studied in <o> hippology <s> horse <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> horse <p> depicted by <o> horses in art <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> back <s> horse <p> used by <o> equestrian <s> horse <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Horses <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> Equine vision <s> horse <p> has part(s) <o> horse teeth <s> sword <p> has part(s) <o> blade <s> sword <p> different from <o> Dorado <s> sword <p> has part(s) <o> handle <s> sword <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> sword <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> sword <p> has part(s) <o> crossguard <s> sword <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> sword <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> sword <p> has part(s) <o> hilt <s> sword <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Swords <s> sword <p> subclass of <o> piercing-cutting weapon <s> sword <p> subclass of <o> edged and bladed weapon <s> sword <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> sword <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> sword <p> different from <o> Swaardvenstraat <s> sword <p> permanent duplicated item <o> jian <s> sword <p> instance of <o> weapon functional class <s> sword <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> sword <p> different from <o> Swaard <s> sword <p> different from <o> KARD <s> rabbi <p> said to be the same as <o> rabbi <s> rabbi <p> different from <o> Rabi <s> rabbi <p> different from <o> priest <s> rabbi <p> instance of <o> profession <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> rabbi <p> field of this occupation <o> Halakha <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> rabbi <p> different from <o> rebbetzin <s> rabbi <p> instance of <o> title of honor <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> rabbi <p> instance of <o> Jewish religious occupation <s> rabbi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Infernal Dictionary, 6th ed. <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> rabbi <p> subclass of <o> religious leader <s> rabbi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rabbis <s> rabbi <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 9 <s> Hebrew <p> country <o> Israel <s> Hebrew <p> indigenous to <o> Israel <s> Hebrew <p> indigenous to <o> Israelites <s> Hebrew <p> linguistic typology <o> subject–verb–object <s> Hebrew <p> instance of <o> natural language <s> Hebrew <p> writing system <o> Hebrew alphabet <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Hebrew <p> language regulatory body <o> Academy of the Hebrew Language <s> Hebrew <p> studied in <o> study of the Hebrew language <s> Hebrew <p> category for films in this language <o> Category:Hebrew-language films <s> Hebrew <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Hebrew <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hebrew language <s> Hebrew <p> UNESCO language status <o> 1 safe <s> Hebrew <p> named after <o> Hebrews <s> Hebrew <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Hebrew language <s> Hebrew <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 1 National <s> Hebrew <p> history of topic <o> history of the Hebrew language <s> Hebrew <p> related category <o> Category:Hebrew pronunciation <s> Hebrew <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Hebrew <p> subclass of <o> Jewish languages <s> Hebrew <p> subclass of <o> Canaanite <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Hebrew <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <s> Hebrew <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Pharisees <p> instance of <o> Jewish religious movements <s> Pharisees <p> instance of <o> school of thought <s> Pharisees <p> follows <o> Hasidism <s> Pharisees <p> part of <o> Judaism <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pharisees <p> religion or worldview <o> Second Temple Judaism <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Larousse Encyclopedia online <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Pharisees <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pharisees <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Pharisees <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> James the Just <p> instance of <o> human <s> James the Just <p> student of <o> Jesus <s> James the Just <p> mother <o> Virgin Mary <s> James the Just <p> feast day <o> October 23 <s> James the Just <p> place of death <o> Jerusalem <s> James the Just <p> father <o> Joseph <s> James the Just <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> James the Just <p> sibling <o> Jesus <s> James the Just <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> James the Just <p> father <o> Alphaeus <s> James the Just <p> said to be the same as <o> James, son of Alphaeus <s> James the Just <p> position held <o> Judeo-Christian Bishop of Jerusalem <s> James the Just <p> part of <o> siblings of Jesus <s> James the Just <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> James the Just <p> cause of death <o> stoning <s> James the Just <p> said to be the same as <o> James the Less <s> James the Just <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> James the Just <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> James the Just <p> child <o> Justus of Jerusalem <s> James the Just <p> described by source <o> De viris illustribus <s> James the Just <p> mother <o> Mary of Clopas <s> James the Just <p> place of birth <o> Nazareth <s> James the Just <p> occupation <o> presbyter <s> James the Just <p> given name <o> Yaacov <s> James the Just <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Monday <s> February 10 <p> part of <o> February <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Tuesday <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Wednesday <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Thursday <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Friday <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Saturday <s> February 10 <p> day of week <o> Sunday <s> February 10 <p> instance of <o> point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe <s> February 10 <p> topic's main category <o> Category:February 10 <s> February 10 <p> subclass of <o> 10th </Graph>
<Text> :A filming location is a place where some or all of a film or television series is produced, in addition to or instead of using sets constructed on a movie studio backlot or soundstage. In filmmaking, a location is any place where a film crew will be filming actors and recording their dialog. A location where dialog is not recorded may be considered a second unit photography site. Filmmakers often chooseto shoot on location because they believe that greater realism can be achieved in a "real" place; however, location shooting is often motivated by the film's budget. Many films shoot interior scenes on a sound stage and exterior scenes on location. Video cameras originally designed for television broadcast were large and heavy, mounted on special pedestals and wired to remote recorders in separate rooms. As technology improved, out-of-studio video recording was possible with compact video cameras and portable video recorders; a detachable recording unit could be carried to a shooting location. Although the camera itself was compact, the need for a separate recorder made on-location shooting a two-person job. It is common for films or television series to be set in one place, but filmed in another, usually for reasons of economy or convenience, but sometimes because the substitute location looks more historically appropriate. The horse is a domesticated, one-toed, hoofed mammal. It belongs to the taxonomic family Equidae and is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, close to Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began domesticating horses around 4000 BCE, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BCE. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated, although some domesticated populations live in the wild as feral horses. These feral populations are not true wild horses, which are horses that never have been domesticated and historically linked to the megafauna category of species. There is an extensive, specialized vocabulary used to describe equine-related concepts, covering everything from anatomy to life stages, size, colors, markings, breeds, locomotion, and behavior. Horses are adapted to run, allowing them to quickly escape predators, and possess an excellent sense of balance and a strong fight-or-flight response. Related to this need to flee from predators in the wild is an unusual trait: horses are able to sleep both standing up and lying down, with younger horses tending to sleep significantly more than adults. Female horses, called mares, carry their young for approximately 11 months and a young horse, called a foal, can stand and run shortly following birth. Most domesticated horses begin training under a saddle or in a harness between the ages of two and four. They reach full adult development by age five, and have an average lifespan of between 25 and 30 years. Horse breeds are loosely divided into three categories based on general temperament: spirited "hot bloods" with speed and endurance; "cold bloods", such as draft horses and some ponies, suitable for slow, heavy work; and "warmbloods", developed from crosses between hot bloods and cold bloods, often focusing on creating breeds for specific riding purposes, particularly in Europe. There are more than 300 breeds of horse in the world today, developed for many different uses. Horses and humans interact in a wide variety of sport competitions and non-competitive recreational pursuits as well as in working activities such as police work, agriculture, entertainment, and therapy. Horses were historically used in warfare, from which a wide variety of riding and driving techniques developed, using many different styles of equipment and methods of control. Many products are derived from horses, including meat, milk, hide, hair, bone, and pharmaceuticals extracted from the urine of pregnant mares. Humans provide domesticated horses with food, water, and shelter, as well as attention from specialists such as veterinarians and farriers. A sword is an edged, bladed weapon intended for manual cutting or thrusting. Its blade, longer than a knife or dagger, is attached to a hilt and can be straight or curved. A thrusting sword tends to have a straighter blade with a pointed tip. A slashing sword is more likely to be curved and to have a sharpened cutting edge on one or both sides of the blade. Many swords are designed for both thrusting and slashing. The precise definition of a sword varies by historical epoch and geographic region. Historically, the sword developed in the Bronze Age, evolving from the dagger; the earliest specimens date to about 1600 BC. The later Iron Age sword remained fairly short and without a crossguard. The spatha, as it developed in the Late Roman army, became the predecessor of the European sword of the Middle Ages, at first adopted as the Migration Period sword, and only in the High Middle Ages, developed into the classical arming sword with crossguard. The word sword continues the Old English, sweord. Thrusting swords such as the rapier and eventually the smallsword were designed to impale their targets quickly and inflict deep stab wounds. Their long and straight yet light and well balanced design made them highly maneuverable and deadly in a duel but fairly ineffective when used in a slashing or chopping motion. A well aimed lunge and thrust could end a fight in seconds with just the sword's point, leading to the development of a fighting style which closely resembles modern fencing. Slashing swords such as the sabre and similar blades such as the cutlass were built more heavily and were more typically used in warfare. Built for slashing and chopping at multiple enemies, often from horseback, the sabre's long curved blade and slightly forward weight balance gave it a deadly character all its own on the battlefield. Most sabres also had sharp points and double-edged blades, making them capable of piercing soldier after soldier in a cavalry charge. Sabres continued to see battlefield use until the early 20th century. The US Navy M1917 Cutlass used in World War I, was kept in their armory well into World War II and many Marines were issued a variant called the M1941 Cutlass as a makeshift jungle machete during the Pacific War. A rabbi is a spiritual leader or religious teacher in Judaism. One becomes a rabbi by being ordained by another rabbi--known as semikha--following a course of study of Jewish history and texts such as the Talmud. The basic form of the rabbi developed in the Pharisaic and Talmudic eras, when learned teachers assembled to codify Judaism's written and oral laws. The title "rabbi" was first used in the first century CE. In more recent centuries, the duties of a rabbi became increasingly influenced by the duties of the Protestant Christian minister, hence the title "pulpit rabbis", and in 19th-century Germany and the United States rabbinic activities including sermons, pastoral counseling, and representing the community to the outside, all increased in importance. Within the various Jewish denominations, there are different requirements for rabbinic ordination, and differences in opinion regarding who is recognized as a rabbi. For example, only a minority of Orthodox Jewish communities accept the ordination of women rabbis. Non-Orthodox movements have chosen to do so for what they view as halakhic reasons as well as ethical reasons . The word comes from the Mishnaic Hebrew construct rby r@bbi, meaning "Master "; the standard Hebrew noun is rb rav "master". rb rav is also used as a title for rabbis, as are rabbeinu and ha-rav . See also Rav and Rebbe. The Hebrew root in turn derives from the Semitic root r-b-b , which in Biblical Aramaic means "great" in many senses, including "revered", but appears primarily as a prefix in construct forms. Although the usage rabim "many" "the majority, the multitude" occurs for the assembly of the community in the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is no evidence to support an association of this use with the later title "rabbi". The root is cognate to Arabic rb rabb, meaning "lord" , and to the Syriac word rby rabi. Hebrew is a Northwest Semitic language within the Afroasiatic language family. A regional dialect of the Canaanite languages, it was natively spoken by the Israelites and remained in regular use as a first language until after 200 CE and as the liturgical language of Judaism and Samaritanism. The language was revived as a spoken language in the 19th century, and is the only successful large-scale example of linguistic revival. It is the only Canaanite language, as well as one of only two Northwest Semitic languages, with the other being Aramaic, still spoken today. The earliest examples of written Paleo-Hebrew date back to the 10th century BCE. Nearly all of the Hebrew Bible is written in Biblical Hebrew, with much of its present form in the dialect that scholars believe flourished around the 6th century BCE, during the time of the Babylonian captivity. For this reason, Hebrew has been referred to by Jews as Lashon Hakodesh since ancient times. The language was not referred to by the name Hebrew in the Bible, but as Yehudit or S@pat K@na'an . Mishnah Gittin 9:8 refers to the language as Ivrit, meaning Hebrew; however, Mishnah Megillah refers to the language as Ashurit, meaning Assyrian, which is derived from the name of the alphabet used, in contrast to Ivrit, meaning the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. Hebrew ceased to be a regular spoken language sometime between 200 and 400 CE, as it declined in the aftermath of the unsuccessful Bar Kokhba revolt, which was carried out against the Roman Empire by the Jews of Judaea. Aramaic and, to a lesser extent, Greek were already in use as international languages, especially among societal elites and immigrants. Hebrew survived into the medieval period as the language of Jewish liturgy, rabbinic literature, intra-Jewish commerce, and Jewish poetic literature. The first dated book printed in Hebrew was published by Abraham Garton in Reggio in 1475. With the rise of Zionism in the 19th century, the Hebrew language experienced a full-scale revival as a spoken and literary language. The creation of a modern version of the ancient language was led by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Modern Hebrew became the main language of the Yishuv in Palestine, and subsequently the official language of the State of Israel. Estimates of worldwide usage include five million speakers in 1998, and over nine million people in 2013. After Israel, the United States has the largest Hebrew-speaking population, with approximately 220,000 fluent speakers . The Pharisees were a Jewish social movement and a school of thought in the Levant during the time of Second Temple Judaism. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Pharisaic beliefs became the foundational, liturgical, and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism. Conflicts between Pharisees and Sadducees took place in the context of much broader and longstanding social and religious conflicts among Jews, made worse by the Roman conquest. One conflict was cultural, between those who favored Hellenization and those who resisted it . Another was juridical-religious, between those who emphasized the importance of the Temple with its rites and services, and those who emphasized the importance of other Mosaic Laws. A specifically religious point of conflict involved different interpretations of the Torah and how to apply it to current Jewish life, with Sadducees recognizing only the Written Torah and rejecting Prophets, Writings, and doctrines such as the Oral Torah and the resurrection of the dead. Josephus , believed by many historians to have been a Pharisee, estimated the total Pharisee population before the fall of the Second Temple to be around 6,000. He claimed that the Pharisees' influence over the common people was so great that anything they said against the king or the high priest was believed, apparently in contrast to the more elite Sadducees, who were the upper class. Pharisees claimed Mosaic authority for their interpretation of Jewish religious law, while Sadducees represented the authority of the priestly privileges and prerogatives established since the days of Solomon, when Zadok, their ancestor, officiated as high priest. Pharisees are notable by the numerous references to them in the New Testament. While the writers record hostilities between the Pharisees and Jesus, they also reference Pharisees who believed in him, including Nicodemus, who said it is known that Jesus is a teacher sent from God, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple, and an unknown number of "those of the party of the Pharisees who believed", among them the Apostle Paul - a student of Gamaliel, who warned the Sanhedrin that opposing the disciples of Jesus could prove to be tantamount to opposing God. James the Just, or a variation of James, brother of the Lord , was "a brother of Jesus", according to the New Testament. He was the first leader of the Jerusalem Church of the Apostolic Age. Traditionally, it is believed he was martyred in AD 62 or 69 by being stoned to death by the Pharisees on order of High Priest Ananus ben Ananus. James, Joses, Simon, and Judas are mentioned as the brothers or siblings of Jesus as well as two or more unnamed sisters. Catholics and Orthodox Christians teach that James, along with others named in the New Testament as "brothers" of Jesus, were not the biological children of Mary, mother of Jesus, but were possibly cousins of Jesus, or step-brothers from a previous marriage of Joseph . The Catholic tradition holds that this James is to be identified with James, son of Alphaeus, and James the Less. It is agreed by most that he should not be confused with James, son of Zebedee also known as James the Great. Eusebius records that Clement of Alexandria related, "This James, whom the people of old called the Just because of his outstanding virtue, was the first, as the record tells us, to be elected to the episcopal throne of the Jerusalem church." Other epithets are "James the brother of the Lord, surnamed the Just," and "James the Righteous". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> beard <p> different from <o> Broda <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> beard <p> subclass of <o> human facial hair <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> beard <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> beard <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Beard <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> beard <p> instance of <o> class of anatomical entity <s> beard <p> subclass of <o> set of facial hairs <s> beard <p> subclass of <o> particular anatomical entity <s> beard <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> beard <p> maintenance method <o> barbering <s> Tarsus <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Tarsus <p> instance of <o> city <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Tarsus <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Tarsus <p> instance of <o> municipality <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Tarsus <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tarsus, Mersin <s> Tarsus <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Tarsus <s> Tarsus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Langen <s> Tarsus <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mediterranean Sea <s> Tarsus <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Berdan River <s> Tarsus <p> significant event <o> Siege of Tarsus <s> Tarsus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tarsus, Mersin <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tarsus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tarsus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mersin Province <s> Tarsus <p> instance of <o> district of Turkey <s> Tarsus <p> capital of <o> Cilicia Satrapy <s> Tarsus <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Tarsus <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tarsus, Mersin <s> coat <p> partially coincident with <o> overcoat <s> coat <p> partially coincident with <o> frock coat <s> coat <p> opposite of <o> slip <s> coat <p> subclass of <o> outerwear <s> coat <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Coats (clothing) <s> coat <p> different from <o> kaput <s> coat <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> coat <p> described by source <o> Diccionario del español de México <s> coat <p> described by source <o> The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Fashion <s> theologian <p> instance of <o> profession <s> theologian <p> field of this occupation <o> theology <s> theologian <p> field of this occupation <o> theological studies <s> theologian <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Theologians <s> theologian <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Wikipedia categories named after theologians <s> theologian <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox theologian <s> theologian <p> subclass of <o> religious studies scholar <s> theologian <p> different from <o> religious studies scholar <s> missionary <p> instance of <o> profession <s> missionary <p> field of this occupation <o> Christian mission <s> missionary <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> missionary <p> different from <o> Mormon missionary <s> missionary <p> patron saint <o> Francis Xavier <s> missionary <p> subclass of <o> religious servant <s> missionary <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Missionaries <s> missionary <p> instance of <o> religious occupation <s> missionary <p> field of this occupation <o> missionary work <s> Paul I <p> instance of <o> human <s> Paul I <p> place of birth <o> Rome <s> Paul I <p> different from <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Paul I <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Paul I <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Paul I <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Paul I <p> different from <o> Paul I of Russia <s> Paul I <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Paul I <p> feast day <o> June 28 <s> Paul I <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Paul I <p> work location <o> Papal States <s> Paul I <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Paul I <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Paul I <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Paul I <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Paul I <p> position held <o> pope <s> Paul I <p> sibling <o> Stephen II <s> Paul I <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Paul I <p> country of citizenship <o> Papal States <s> Paul I <p> occupation <o> Catholic bishop <s> Paul I <p> occupation <o> Catholic priest <s> Paul I <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Paul I <p> given name <o> Paulus <s> Paul I <p> place of burial <o> St. Peter's Basilica <s> Paul I <p> given name <o> Paul <s> Paul I <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Paul I <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Paul I <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Monday <s> January 25 <p> part of <o> January <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Tuesday <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Wednesday <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Thursday <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Friday <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Saturday <s> January 25 <p> day of week <o> Sunday <s> January 25 <p> topic's main category <o> Category:January 25 <s> January 25 <p> instance of <o> point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe <s> January 25 <p> subclass of <o> 25th <s> Agrippa II <p> instance of <o> human <s> Agrippa II <p> place of birth <o> Rome <s> Agrippa II <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Agrippa II <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Agrippa II <p> noble title <o> king <s> Agrippa II <p> position held <o> king <s> Agrippa II <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Agrippa II <p> place of burial <o> Judea <s> Agrippa II <p> father <o> Agrippa I <s> Agrippa II <p> sibling <o> Drusilla <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Agrippa II <p> gens <o> Julia gens <s> Agrippa II <p> sibling <o> Berenice <s> Agrippa II <p> time period <o> High Roman Empire <s> Agrippa II <p> mother <o> Cypros <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Agrippa II <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> 1870 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology <s> Agrippa II <p> Roman cognomen <o> Agrippa <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Agrippa II <p> family <o> Herodian dynasty <s> Agrippa II <p> sibling <o> Mariamne <s> Agrippa II <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Julius <s> Agrippa II <p> Roman praenomen <o> Marcus <s> Agrippa II <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Agrippa II <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Silas <p> place of birth <o> Rome <s> Silas <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Silas <p> place of death <o> Macedonia <s> Silas <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Silas <p> feast day <o> July 13 <s> Silas <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Silas <p> student of <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Silas <p> ethnic group <o> Jewish people <s> Silas <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Silas <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Silas <p> position held <o> prophet <s> Silas <p> present in work <o> Acts of the Apostles <s> Silas <p> member of <o> seventy disciples <s> Silas <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Silas <p> position held <o> apostle <s> Silas <p> present in work <o> Second Epistle to the Corinthians <s> Silas <p> present in work <o> First Epistle to the Thessalonians <s> Silas <p> present in work <o> First Epistle of Peter <s> Silas <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Silas <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Silas <p> occupation <o> missionary <s> Silas <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Koine Greek <s> Silas <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Silas <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Silas <p> instance of <o> character from the Quran and the Bible <s> Silas <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Silas <p> instance of <o> human whose existence is disputed <s> Silas <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Koine Greek <p> follows <o> Ancient Greek <s> Koine Greek <p> instance of <o> dialect <s> Koine Greek <p> different from <o> Ancient Greek <s> Koine Greek <p> dialect of <o> Ancient Greek <s> Koine Greek <p> instance of <o> sacred language <s> Koine Greek <p> instance of <o> historical language <s> Koine Greek <p> different from <o> koiné language <s> Koine Greek <p> followed by <o> Medieval Greek <s> Koine Greek <p> different from <o> Coenus <s> Koine Greek <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Koine Greek <p> studied in <o> theological languages <s> Koine Greek <p> has part(s) <o> Latin or Greek word <s> Koine Greek <p> subclass of <o> Attic–Ionic Greek <s> Koine Greek <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Koine Greek <s> Koine Greek <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) </Graph>
<Text> :A beard is the hair that grows on the jaw, chin, upper lip, lower lip, cheeks, and neck of humans and some non-human animals. In humans, usually pubescent or adult males are able to start growing beards, on average at the age of 21. Throughout the course of history, societal attitudes toward male beards have varied widely depending on factors such as prevailing cultural-religious traditions and the current era's fashion trends. Some religions have considered a full beard to be essential and mandate it as part of their observance. Other cultures, even while not officially mandating it, view a beard as central to a man's virility, exemplifying such virtues as wisdom, strength, sexual prowess and high social status. In cultures where facial hair is uncommon , beards may be associated with poor hygiene or an unconventional demeanor. In countries with colder climates, beards help protect the wearer's face from the elements. Beards also provide sun protection. The beard develops during puberty. Beard growth is linked to stimulation of hair follicles in the area by dihydrotestosterone, which continues to affect beard growth after puberty. Dihydrotestosterone also promotes balding. Dihydrotestosterone is produced from testosterone, the levels of which vary with season. Beard growth rate is also genetic. Biologists characterize beards as a secondary sexual characteristic because they are unique to one sex, yet do not play a direct role in reproduction. Charles Darwin first suggested a possible evolutionary explanation of beards in his work The Descent of Man, which hypothesized that the process of sexual selection may have led to beards. Modern biologists have reaffirmed the role of sexual selection in the evolution of beards, concluding that there is evidence that a majority of women find men with beards more attractive than men without beards. A coat is typically an outer garment for the upper body, worn by either gender for warmth or fashion. Coats typically have long sleeves and are open down the front, and closing by means of buttons, zippers, hook-and-loop fasteners, toggles, a belt, or a combination of some of these. Other possible features include collars, shoulder straps, and hoods. Coat is one of the earliest clothing category words in English, attested as far back as the early Middle Ages. The Oxford English Dictionary traces coat in its modern meaning to c. 1300, when it was written cote or cotte. The word coat stems from Old French and then Latin cottus. It originates from the Proto-Indo-European word for woolen clothes. The origins of the Western-style coat can be traced to the sleeved, close-fitted and front-fastened coats worn by the nomads of the Central Asian steppes in the eleventh century, though this style of coat may be much older, having been found with four-thousand-year-old Tarim mummies. The medieval and renaissance coat is a mid-length, sleeved outer garment worn by both men and women, fitted to the waist and buttoned up the front, with a full skirt in its essentials, not unlike the modern coat. By the eighteenth century, overcoats had begun to supplant capes and cloaks as outerwear in Western fashion. Before the Industrial Revolution, which began in the second half of the eighteenth century, the extremely high cost of cloth meant certain styles of clothing represented wealth and rank, but as cloth became more affordable post-industrialization, people within a lower social class could adopt the fashionable outdoor wear of the wealthy elite, which, notably, included a coat. In the nineteenth century, the invention of the sewing machine paired with existing textile machinery increased the affordability of mass-produced, ready-to-wear clothing and helped spur the popularity of wearing coats and jackets. By the mid-twentieth century the terms jacket and coat became confused for recent styles; the difference in use is still maintained for older garments. Theology is the study of religious belief from a religious perspective. More narrowly it is the study of the nature of the divine. It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities and seminaries. It occupies itself with the unique content of analyzing the supernatural, but also deals with religious epistemology, asks and seeks to answer the question of revelation. Revelation pertains to the acceptance of God, gods, or deities, as not only transcendent or above the natural world, but also willing and able to interact with the natural world and to reveal themselves to humankind. Theologians use various forms of analysis and argument to help understand, explain, test, critique, defend or promote any myriad of religious topics. As in philosophy of ethics and case law, arguments often assume the existence of previously resolved questions, and develop by making analogies from them to draw new inferences in new situations. The study of theology may help a theologian more deeply understand their own religious tradition, another religious tradition, or it may enable them to explore the nature of divinity without reference to any specific tradition. Theology may be used to propagate, reform, or justify a religious tradition; or it may be used to compare, challenge , or oppose a religious tradition or worldview. Theology might also help a theologian address some present situation or need through a religious tradition, or to explore possible ways of interpreting the world. The term derives from the Greek theologia , a combination of theos and logia --the latter word relating to Greek logos . The term would pass on to Latin as theologia, then French as theologie, eventually becoming the English theology. A missionary is a member of a religious group that is sent into an area in order to promote its faith or provide services to people, such as education, literacy, social justice, health care, and economic development. In the Latin translation of the Bible, Jesus Christ says the word when he sends the disciples into areas and commands them to preach the gospel in his name. The term is most commonly used in reference to Christian missions, but it can also be used in reference to any creed or ideology. The word mission originated in 1598 when Jesuits, the members of the Society of Jesus sent members abroad, derived from the Latin missionem , meaning 'act of sending' or mittere, meaning 'to send'. The first Buddhist missionaries were called "Dharma Bhanaks", and some see a missionary charge in the symbolism behind the Buddhist wheel, which is said to travel all over the earth bringing Buddhism with it. The Emperor Ashoka was a significant early Buddhist missioner. In the 3rd century BCE, Dharmaraksita--among others--was sent out by emperor Ashoka to proselytize the Buddhist tradition through the Indian Maurya Empire, but also into the Mediterranean as far as Greece. Gradually, all India and the neighboring island of Ceylon were converted. Then Buddhism spread eastward and southeastward to the present lands of Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Herod Agrippa II , officially named Marcus Julius Agrippa and sometimes shortened to Agrippa, was the last ruler from the Herodian dynasty, reigning over territories outside of Judea as a Roman client. Agrippa II fled Jerusalem in 66, fearing the Jewish uprising and supported the Roman side in the First Jewish-Roman War. Herod Agrippa II was the son of the first and better-known Herod Agrippa and the brother of Berenice, Mariamne, and Drusilla . He was educated at the court of the emperor Claudius, and at the time of his father's death he was only seventeen years old. Claudius therefore kept him at Rome, and sent Cuspius Fadus as procurator of the Roman province of Judaea. While at Rome, he voiced his support for the Jews to Claudius, and against the Samaritans and the procurator of Iudaea Province, Ventidius Cumanus, who was lately thought to have been the cause of some disturbances there. On the death of king Herod of Chalcis in 48, his small Syrian realm of Chalcis was given to Agrippa, with the right of superintending the Temple in Jerusalem and appointing its high priest, but only as a tetrarch. In 53, Agrippa was forced to give up the tetrarchy of Chalcis but in exchange Claudius made him ruler with the title of king over the territories previously governed by Philip, namely, Iturea, Trachonitis, Batanea, Gaulanitis, Auranitis and Paneas, as well as the kingdom of Lysanias in Abila. The tetrarchy of Chalcis was subsequently in 57 given to his cousin, Aristobulus . Herod Agrippa celebrated by marrying off his two sisters Mariamne and Drusilla. Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian, repeats the gossip that Agrippa lived in an incestuous relationship with his sister, Berenice. Silas or Silvanus was a leading member of the Early Christian community, who according to the New Testament accompanied Paul the Apostle on his second missionary journey. Silas is traditionally assumed to be the same as the Silvanus mentioned in four epistles. Some translations, including the New International Version, call him "Silas" in the epistles. Paul, Silas, and Timothy are listed as co-authors of the two New Testament letters to the Thessalonians, though the authorship is disputed. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians mentions Silas as having preached with Paul and Timothy to the church in Corinth , and the First Epistle of Peter describes Silas as a "faithful brother" . There is some disagreement over the original or "proper" form of his name: "Silas", "Silvanus", "Seila", and "Saul" seem to be treated at the time as equivalent versions of the same name in different languages, and it is not clear which is the original name of "Silas", and which is a translation or equivalent nickname, or whether some references are to different persons with equivalent names. He is consistently called "Silas" in the Acts of the Apostles, but the Roman name Silvanus is always used by Paul and in the First Epistle of Peter ; it may be that "Silvanus" is the Romanized version of the original "Silas", or that "Silas" is the Greek nickname for "Silvanus". Silas is thus often identified with Silvanus of the Seventy. Catholic theologian Joseph Fitzmyer further points out that Silas is the Greek rendition of the Aramaic Seila , a version of the Hebrew Saul , which is attested in Palmyrene inscriptions. Silas is first mentioned in Acts 15:22, where he and Judas Barsabbas were selected by the church elders to return with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch following the Jerusalem Council. Silas and Judas are mentioned as being leaders among the brothers, prophets and encouraging speakers. Silas was selected by Paul to accompany him on his second mission after Paul and Barnabas split over an argument involving Mark's participation. It was during the second mission that he and Paul were imprisoned briefly in Philippi, where an earthquake broke their chains and opened the prison door. Silas is thus sometimes depicted in art carrying broken chains. Acts 16:25-37. Koine Greek , also known as Hellenistic Greek, common Attic, the Alexandrian dialect, Biblical Greek, Septuagint Greek or New Testament Greek, was the common supra-regional form of Greek spoken and written during the Hellenistic period, the Roman Empire and the early Byzantine Empire. It evolved from the spread of Greek following the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC, and served as the lingua franca of much of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East during the following centuries. It was based mainly on Attic and related Ionic speech forms, with various admixtures brought about through dialect levelling with other varieties. Koine Greek included styles ranging from conservative literary forms to the spoken vernaculars of the time. As the dominant language of the Byzantine Empire, it developed further into Medieval Greek, which then turned into Modern Greek. Literary Koine was the medium of much post-classical Greek literary and scholarly writing, such as the works of Plutarch and Polybius. Koine is also the language of the Septuagint , the Christian New Testament, and of most early Christian theological writing by the Church Fathers. In this context, Koine Greek is also known as "Biblical", "New Testament", "ecclesiastical", or "patristic" Greek. The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote his private thoughts in Koine Greek in a work that is now known as Meditations. Koine Greek continues to be used as the liturgical language of services in the Greek Orthodox Church and in some Greek Catholic churches. The English-language name Koine is derived from the Koine Greek term e koine dialektos , meaning "the common dialect". The Greek word koine itself means "common". The word is pronounced /koI'neI/, /'koIneI/, or /ki:'ni:/ in US English and /'koIni:/ in UK English. The pronunciation of the word koine itself gradually changed from to . In Modern Greek, the language is referred to as Ellenistike Koine, "Hellenistic Koine", in the sense of "Hellenistic supraregional language"). </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Gamaliel <p> instance of <o> human <s> Gamaliel <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Gamaliel <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Gamaliel <p> occupation <o> jurist <s> Gamaliel <p> occupation <o> rabbi <s> Gamaliel <p> child <o> Abibon <s> Gamaliel <p> different from <o> Gamaliel <s> Gamaliel <p> student of <o> Simeon ben Hillel <s> Gamaliel <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Gamaliel <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Gamaliel <p> father <o> Simeon ben Hillel <s> Gamaliel <p> part of <o> Tannaim <s> Gamaliel <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Gamaliel <p> given name <o> Gamaliel <s> Gamaliel <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gamaliel <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Gamaliel <p> position held <o> Nasi <s> Gamaliel <p> student <o> Simeon ben Gamliel <s> Gamaliel <p> significant event <o> worship suppression <s> Gamaliel <p> child <o> Simeon ben Gamliel <s> Gamaliel <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Gamaliel <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> instance of <o> human <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> place of birth <o> Athens <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> place of death <o> Athens <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> feast day <o> October 3 <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> cause of death <o> decapitation <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> spouse <o> Damaris <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> different from <o> Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> country of citizenship <o> Classical Athens <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> time period <o> High Roman Empire <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> canonization status <o> hieromartyr <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Dionysius the Areopagite <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> given name <o> Dionysios <s> Dionysius the Areopagite <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> feast day <o> August 3 <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> feast day <o> May 20 <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> field of work <o> commerce <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> significant event <o> baptism <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> place of birth <o> Thyatira <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> work location <o> Asia Minor <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> residence <o> Thyatira <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> significant event <o> proselytism <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> residence <o> Philippi <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> present in work <o> Acts of the Apostles <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> place of death <o> Filippoi <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> student of <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> occupation <o> merchant <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> given name <o> Lydia <s> Lydia of Thyatira <p> religion or worldview <o> gentile Christianity <s> Timothy <p> instance of <o> human <s> Timothy <p> feast day <o> January 22 <s> Timothy <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Timothy <p> student of <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Timothy <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Timothy <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Timothy <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Timothy <p> place of death <o> Ephesus <s> Timothy <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Timothy <p> place of burial <o> Church of the Holy Apostles <s> Timothy <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Timothy <p> place of birth <o> Lystra <s> Timothy <p> mother <o> Eunice <s> Timothy <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Timothy <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Timothy <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Timothy <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Timothy <p> given name <o> Timotheos <s> Timothy <p> sibling <o> Pudentiana <s> Timothy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint Timothy <s> elephant ivory <p> subclass of <o> ivory <s> elephant ivory <p> different from <o> ivory <s> elephant ivory <p> made from material <o> elephant tusk <s> elephant ivory <p> subclass of <o> elephant and mammoth ivory <s> elephant ivory <p> natural product of taxon <o> Elephantidae <s> Classical Greek <p> instance of <o> dialect <s> Classical Greek <p> writing system <o> Greek alphabet <s> Classical Greek <p> subclass of <o> Ancient Greek <s> Classical Greek <p> dialect of <o> Ancient Greek <s> Classical Greek <p> follows <o> Archaic Greek <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> instance of <o> human <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> position held <o> High Priest of Israel <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ananias son of Nedebaios <p> given name <o> Hananiah <s> traveler <p> instance of <o> profession <s> traveler <p> field of this occupation <o> travel <s> traveler <p> field of this occupation <o> tourism <s> traveler <p> union of <o> list of values as qualifiers <s> traveler <p> partially coincident with <o> vagabond <s> traveler <p> subclass of <o> person <s> traveler <p> instance of <o> occupation <s> traveler <p> field of this occupation <o> cultural travel <s> traveler <p> different from <o> fellow traveler <s> traveler <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Travelers <s> Stephen <p> instance of <o> human <s> Stephen <p> place of birth <o> Greece <s> Stephen <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Stephen <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Stephen <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Hebrew <s> Stephen <p> feast day <o> December 26 <s> Stephen <p> feast day <o> December 27 <s> Stephen <p> feast day <o> August 3 <s> Stephen <p> place of death <o> Jerusalem <s> Stephen <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Stephen <p> given name <o> Stephen <s> Stephen <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Stephen <p> manner of death <o> capital punishment <s> Stephen <p> given name <o> Stefano <s> Stephen <p> position held <o> disciple <s> Stephen <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Stephen <p> cause of death <o> stoning <s> Stephen <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Stephen <p> given name <o> Stephanus <s> Stephen <p> occupation <o> deacon <s> Stephen <p> topic's main category <o> Categorie:Stephen <s> Stephen <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Stephen <p> place of burial <o> Basilica of Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls <s> Stephen <p> occupation <o> murder victim <s> Stephen <p> given name <o> Stephanos <s> Stephen <p> given name <o> Stefanos <s> Stephen <p> depicted by <o> The Stoning of Saint Stephen <s> Stephen <p> country of citizenship <o> Judaea <s> Stephen <p> canonization status <o> thaumaturge <s> Stephen <p> occupation <o> victim <s> Ephesus <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ephesus <s> Ephesus <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Ephesus <p> culture <o> Ancient Greece <s> Ephesus <p> instance of <o> polis <s> Ephesus <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ephesus <p> part of <o> Ephesus <s> Ephesus <p> different from <o> Ephesus <s> Ephesus <p> instance of <o> settlement site <s> Ephesus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> İzmir Province <s> Ephesus <p> founded by <o> Androclus <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Ephesus <p> member of <o> Delian League <s> Ephesus <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Ephesus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ephesus <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ephesus <p> heritage designation <o> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <s> Ephesus <p> category of associated people <o> Category:Ancient Ephesians <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ephesus <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Ephesus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Selçuk <s> Ephesus <p> affiliation <o> Museum Directorate of Efes </Graph>
<Text> :Gamaliel the Elder , or Rabban Gamaliel I, was a leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the early first century CE. He was the son of Simeon ben Hillel and grandson of the great Jewish teacher Hillel the Elder. He fathered Simeon ben Gamliel, who was named for Gamaliel's father, and a daughter, who married a priest named Simon ben Nathanael. In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is recognized as a Pharisee doctor of Jewish Law. Acts of the Apostles, 5 speaks of Gamaliel as a man held in great esteem by all Jews and as the Jewish law teacher of Paul the Apostle in Acts 22:3. Gamaliel encouraged his fellow Pharisees to show leniency to the apostles of Jesus Christ in Acts 5:34. In the Talmud, Gamaliel is described as bearing the titles Nasi "prince" and Rabban "our master", as the president of the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem; it is not doubted that he held a senior position in the highest court in Jerusalem. Gamaliel holds a reputation in the Mishnah for being one of the greatest teachers in all the annals of Judaism: "Since Rabban Gamaliel the Elder died, there has been no more reverence for the law, and purity and piety died out at the same time". Gamaliel's authority on questions of religious law is suggested by two Mishnaic anecdotes in which "the king and queen" ask for his advice about rituals. The identity of the king and queen in question is not given, but is generally thought to either be Herod Agrippa and his wife Cypros the Nabataean, or Herod Agrippa II and his sister Berenice. Dionysius the Areopagite was an Athenian judge at the Areopagus Court in Athens, who lived in the first century. A convert to Christianity, he is venerated as a saint by multiple denominations. After his conversion, Dionysius became the first Bishop of Athens, though he is sometimes counted as the second after Hierotheus. He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox churches. He is the patron saint of Athens and is venerated as the protector of judges and the judiciary. His memory is celebrated on October 3. In the early sixth century the so-called Corpus Dionysiacum, a series of writings of a mystical nature, employing Neoplatonic language to elucidate Christian theological and mystical ideas, was ascribed to the Areopagite. Its author is now known as Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. A minority of scholars, including Romanian theologian Dumitru Staniloae, argue in favor of authenticity citing internal historical details and the existence of explicit citations of Dionysius predating Proclus by writers such as Dionysius of Alexandria and Gregory Nazianzus. Even Proclus himself appears to cite an external authority for a euphemism when the said verbiage is found explicitly in the Corpus Dionysiacum. Dionysius has been misidentified with the martyr Dionysius, the first Bishop of Paris. However, this mistake by a ninth-century writer is ignored and each saint is commemorated on his respective day. Lydia of Thyatira is a woman mentioned in the New Testament who is regarded as the first documented convert to Christianity in Europe. Several Christian denominations have designated her a saint. The name, "Lydia", meaning "the Lydian woman", by which she was known indicates that she was from Lydia in Asia Minor. Though she is commonly known as "St. Lydia" or even more simply "The Woman of Purple," Lydia is given other titles: "of Thyatira," "Purpuraria," and "of Philippi ." " name is an ethnicon, deriving from her place of origin". The first refers to her place of birth, which is a city in the ancient region of Lydia . The second comes from the Latin word for purple and relates to her connection with purple dye. Philippi was the city in which Lydia was living when she met St. Paul and his companions. All these titles expound upon this woman's background. A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us; whose heart the Lord opened to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul. When she and her household were baptized, she begged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and stay." So she persuaded us. Lydia was most likely from Greek background, since originating from Asia Minor, but probably romanized one, while she lived in a Roman settlement. She was evidently a well-to-do agent of a purple-dye firm in Thyatira, a city southeast of Pergamum and approximately 40 miles inland, across the Aegean Sea from Athens. Lydia insisted on giving hospitality to Apostle Paul and his companions in Philippi. They stayed with her until their departure, through Amphipolis and Apollonia, to Thessalonica . Timothy is a masculine name. It comes from the Greek name Timotheos meaning "honouring God", "in God's honour", or "honoured by God". Timothy is a common name in several countries. Ivory is a hard, white material from the tusks and teeth of animals, that consists mainly of dentine, one of the physical structures of teeth and tusks. The chemical structure of the teeth and tusks of mammals is the same, regardless of the species of origin, but ivory contains structures of mineralised collagen. The trade in certain teeth and tusks other than elephant is well established and widespread; therefore, "ivory" can correctly be used to describe any mammalian teeth or tusks of commercial interest which are large enough to be carved or scrimshawed. Besides natural ivory, ivory can also be produced synthetically, hence not requiring the retrieval of the material from animals. Tagua nuts can also be carved like ivory. The trade of finished goods of ivory products has its origins in the Indus Valley. Ivory is a main product that is seen in abundance and was used for trading in Harappan civilization. Finished ivory products that were seen in Harappan sites include kohl sticks, pins, awls, hooks, toggles, combs, game pieces, dice, inlay and other personal ornaments. Ivory has been valued since ancient times in art or manufacturing for making a range of items from ivory carvings to false teeth, piano keys, fans, and dominoes. Elephant ivory is the most important source, but ivory from mammoth, walrus, hippopotamus, sperm whale, orca, narwhal and warthog are used as well. Elk also have two ivory teeth, which are believed to be the remnants of tusks from their ancestors. Ancient Greek includes the forms of the Greek language used in ancient Greece and the ancient world from around 1500 BC to 300 BC. It is often roughly divided into the following periods: Mycenaean Greek , Dark Ages , the Archaic or Epic period , and the Classical period . Ancient Greek was the language of Homer and of fifth-century Athenian historians, playwrights, and philosophers. It has contributed many words to English vocabulary and has been a standard subject of study in educational institutions of the Western world since the Renaissance. This article primarily contains information about the Epic and Classical periods of the language, which are the best-attested periods and considered most typical of Ancient Greek. From the Hellenistic period , Ancient Greek was followed by Koine Greek, which is regarded as a separate historical stage, though its earliest form closely resembles Attic Greek, and its latest form approaches Medieval Greek. There were several regional dialects of Ancient Greek; Attic Greek developed into Koine. Ancient Greek was a pluricentric language, divided into many dialects. The main dialect groups are Attic and Ionic, Aeolic, Arcadocypriot, and Doric, many of them with several subdivisions. Some dialects are found in standardized literary forms in literature, while others are attested only in inscriptions. Ananias son of Nedebeus the philanthropist") was a high priest who, according to the Acts of the Apostles, presided during the trials of the apostle Paul at Jerusalem and Caesarea . Josephus, Antiquities xx. 5. 2, called him "Ananias ben Nebedeus". He officiated as high priest from about AD 47 to 58. Lord Arthur Hervey, Bishop of Bath and Wells from 1869 to 1894, described him as "a violent, haughty, gluttonous, and rapacious man, and yet looked up to by the Jews". In the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, Paul was called to appear before the Jewish Sanhedrin, on the instructions of the commander of the Roman garrison in Jerusalem. Ananias heard Paul's opening defense and commanded those who stood by him "to strike him on the mouth". Paul described him as a "whitewashed wall" and testified that God would strike Ananias for this unlawful act. Those who stood by accused Paul of reviling or insulting the High Priest, to which Paul replied that he did not know that he was the High Priest. Seeing that there were both Pharisees and Sadducees on the Sanhedrin : But when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, "Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!" Stephen or Steven is a common English first name. It is particularly significant to Christians, as it belonged to Saint Stephen , an early disciple and deacon who, according to the Book of Acts, was stoned to death; he is widely regarded as the first martyr of the Christian Church. In English, Stephen is most commonly pronounced as STEEV-@n , However, the spelling pronunciation STEEF-@n , although nonstandard, with ph representing /f/, is usual especially in Philippine English. The name, in both the forms Stephen and Steven, is often shortened to Steve or Stevie. In English, the female version of the name is Stephanie. Many surnames are derived from the first name, including Stephens, Stevens, Stephenson, and Stevenson, all of which mean "Stephen's ". In modern times the name has sometimes been given with intentionally non-standard spelling, such as Stevan or Stevon. A common variant of the name used in English is Stephan ; related names that have found some currency or significance in English include Stefan , Esteban , and the Shakespearean Stephano . The spelling as Stephen also has the pronunciation STEF-@n which derived from the Greek origin of the name Stephanos. The name "Stephen" is derived from Greek Stephanos , a first name from the Greek word stephanos , meaning 'wreath, crown' and by extension 'reward, honor, renown, fame', from the verb stephein , 'to encircle, to wreathe'. In Ancient Greece, crowning wreaths were given to the winners of contests. Originally, as the verb suggests, the noun had a more general meaning of any "circle"--including a circle of people, a circling wall around a city, and, in its earliest recorded use, the circle of a fight, which is found in the Iliad of Homer. Ephesus was a city in Ancient Greece on the coast of Ionia, 3 kilometres southwest of present-day Selcuk in Izmir Province, Turkey. It was built in the 10th century BC on the site of Apasa, the former Arzawan capital, by Attic and Ionian Greeks. During the Classical Greek era, it was one of twelve cities that were members of the Ionian League. The city came under the control of the Roman Republic in 129 BC. The city was famous in its day for the nearby Temple of Artemis , which has been designated one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Its many monumental buildings included the Library of Celsus and a theatre capable of holding 24,000 spectators. Ephesus was a recipient city of one of the Pauline epistles and one of the seven churches of Asia addressed in the Book of Revelation. The Gospel of John may have been written there. and it was the site of several 5th-century Christian Councils . The city was destroyed by the Goths in 263. Although it was afterwards rebuilt, its importance as a commercial centre declined as the harbour was slowly silted up by the Kucukmenderes River. In 614, it was partially destroyed by an earthquake. Today, the ruins of Ephesus are a favourite international and local tourist attraction, being accessible from Adnan Menderes Airport and from the resort town Kusadasi. In 2015, the ruins were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> European Capital of Culture <p> subclass of <o> event sequence <s> European Capital of Culture <p> subclass of <o> award <s> European Capital of Culture <p> has list <o> list of European Capitals of Culture <s> European Capital of Culture <p> topic's main category <o> Category:European Capitals of Culture <s> European Capital of Culture <p> topic's main template <o> Template:European Capital of Culture <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> country <o> Italy <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Medal of Military Valor <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> instance of <o> medallion <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> instance of <o> courage award <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> has part(s) <o> Bronze Medal of Military Valour <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> has part(s) <o> War Cross for Military Valour <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> part of <o> orders, decorations, and medals of Italy <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> has part(s) <o> Gold Medal of Military Valour <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Recipients of the Medal of Military Valor <s> Medal of Military Valour <p> has part(s) <o> Silver Medal of Military Valour <s> borough 1 <p> country <o> Italy <s> borough 1 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> borough 1 <p> instance of <o> borough of Florence <s> borough 1 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> borough 1 <p> has part(s) <o> Historic Centre of Florence <s> borough 1 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> borough 1 <p> headquarters location <o> Palazzo Cocchi-Serristori <s> borough 2 <p> instance of <o> borough of Florence <s> borough 2 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> borough 2 <p> country <o> Italy <s> borough 2 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> borough 2 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> borough 2 <p> has part(s) <o> Campo di Marte <s> Italian city-state <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italian city-state <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Italian city-states <s> Italian city-state <p> time period <o> Renaissance <s> Italian city-state <p> time period <o> Middle Ages <s> Italian city-state <p> subclass of <o> city-state <s> Dario Nardella <p> instance of <o> human <s> Dario Nardella <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Dario Nardella <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Dario Nardella <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Dario Nardella <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholicism <s> Dario Nardella <p> native language <o> Italian <s> Dario Nardella <p> place of birth <o> Torre del Greco <s> Dario Nardella <p> member of political party <o> Democratic Party <s> Dario Nardella <p> instrument <o> violin <s> Dario Nardella <p> educated at <o> University of Florence <s> Dario Nardella <p> given name <o> Dario <s> Dario Nardella <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Dario Nardella <p> position held <o> metropolitan mayor of Florence <s> Dario Nardella <p> position held <o> mayor of Florence <s> Dario Nardella <p> position held <o> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <s> Dario Nardella <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Dario Nardella <p> family name <o> Nardella <s> borough 3 <p> country <o> Italy <s> borough 3 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> borough 3 <p> instance of <o> borough of Florence <s> borough 3 <p> has part(s) <o> Ponte a Ema <s> borough 3 <p> has part(s) <o> Galluzzo <s> borough 3 <p> has part(s) <o> Gavinana <s> borough 3 <p> has part(s) <o> Pian dei Giullari <s> borough 3 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> borough 3 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> borough 4 <p> country <o> Italy <s> borough 4 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> borough 4 <p> instance of <o> borough of Florence <s> borough 4 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> borough 4 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> borough 4 <p> has part(s) <o> Legnaia <s> borough 5 <p> country <o> Italy <s> borough 5 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> borough 5 <p> instance of <o> borough of Florence <s> borough 5 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> borough 5 <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> borough 5 <p> has part(s) <o> Careggi <s> borough 5 <p> has part(s) <o> Castello <s> Roman carts <p> country <o> Italy <s> Roman carts <p> location of creation <o> Italy <s> Roman carts <p> genre <o> genre art <s> Roman carts <p> depicts <o> horse <s> Roman carts <p> depicts <o> wagon <s> Roman carts <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Roman carts <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscany <s> Roman carts <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Roman carts <p> collection <o> Galleria d'arte moderna <s> Roman carts <p> depicts <o> man <s> Roman carts <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Roman carts <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Roman carts <p> owned by <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Roman carts <p> location <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Roman carts <p> movement <o> Macchiaioli <s> Roman carts <p> creator <o> Giovanni Fattori </Graph>
<Text> :A European Capital of Culture is a city designated by the European Union for a period of one calendar year during which it organises a series of cultural events with a strong pan-European dimension. Being a European Capital of Culture can be an opportunity for a city to generate considerable cultural, social, and economic benefits, and it can help foster urban regeneration, change the city's image, and raise its visibility and profile on an international scale. Multiple cities can be a European Capital of Culture simultaneously. In 1985, Melina Mercouri, Greece's Minister of Culture, and her French counterpart Jack Lang came up with the idea of designating an annual City of Culture to bring Europeans closer together by highlighting the richness and diversity of European cultures and raising awareness of their common history and values. The Commission of the European Union manages the title, and each year the Council of Ministers of the European Union formally designates European Capitals of Culture: more than 40 cities have been designated so far. The current European Capitals of Culture for 2024 are Tartu in Estonia, Bad Ischl in Austria and Bodo in Norway. For two of the capitals each year, eligibility is open to cities in EU member states only. From 2021 and every three years thereafter, a third capital will be chosen from cities in countries that are candidates or potential candidates for membership, or in countries that are part of the European Economic Area - an example of the latter being Stavanger, Norway, which was a European Capital of Culture in 2008. The Medal of Military Valour is a military decoration that is, within the Canadian system of honours, the third highest award for military valour, and one of three honours for military valour gifted by the Canadian monarch, generally through his or her viceroy-in-Council. Created in 1993, the medal is presented to both living and deceased members of the Canadian Forces deemed to have carried out "an act of valour or devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy," and grants recipients the ability to use the post-nominal letters MMV. On 2 February 1993, three decorations, including the Medal of Military Valour, were created by Queen Elizabeth II as a family of Canadian military valour decorations. The first awarding of the star was by Governor General Michaelle Jean, on 27 October 2006; only with Canada's participation in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan did there emerge, for the first time since 1993, circumstances wherein one could carry out actions deserving of the Medal of Military Valour. The Medal of Military Valour is in the form of a gold medal with, on the reverse, the Royal Cypher of the reigning monarch beneath a St. Edward's Crown--symbolizing the Canadian monarch's roles as both fount of honour and Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces--and the inscription PRO VALORE. The obverse bears a maple leaf surrounded by a laurel wreath, and the name and rank of the recipient is engraved on the medal's edge. This medallion is worn on the left chest, on a 38 millimetres wide crimson ribbon with three vertical white stripes: for men, hung from a bar, and for women, on a ribbon bow, both pinned to the left chest. Should an individual already possessing a Medal of Military Valour be awarded the medal again for subsequent valourous acts, he or she is granted a simple gold medal bar, bearing a maple leaf at its centre, for wear on the ribbon from which the original medal is suspended; The Italian city-states were numerous political and independent territorial entities that existed in the Italian Peninsula from antiquity to the formation of the Kingdom of Italy in the late 19th century. The ancient Italian city-states were Etruscan , Latin, most famously Rome, and Greek , but also of Umbrian, Celtic and other origins. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, urban settlements in Italy generally enjoyed a greater continuity than settlements in western Europe. Many of these cities were survivors of earlier Etruscan, Umbrian and Roman towns which had existed within the Roman Empire. The republican institutions of Rome had also survived. Some feudal lords existed with a servile labour force and huge tracts of land, but by the 11th century, many cities, including Venice, Milan, Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Lucca, Cremona, Siena, Citta di Castello, Perugia, and many others, had become large trading metropoles, able to obtain independence from their formal sovereigns. Some of these cities grew in importance and became duchies and maritime empires. The cities of Magna Graecia and of Etruria are among the earliest examples of city-states in Italy. The Latin settlement of Rome also was a city-state, founded in the 753 BC. Rome eventually created many colonies and municipi on earlier Etruscan, Umbrian, or Celtic settlements throughout Italy. The network of Roman cities in Italy survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire and provided the basis for the re-emergence of city-states in the Medieval period. Dario Nardella is an Italian politician who has been the Mayor of Florence since 26 May 2014 and the first Metropolitan Mayor of Florence since 1 January 2015. He is the first mayor of Florence who has been elected twice in the first term. He was also a deputy for the Democratic Party in the 17th legislature until his election as mayor. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> phenytoin <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> mephobarbital <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> pregabalin <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> clobazam <s> epilepsy <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> epilepsy <p> health specialty <o> neurology <s> epilepsy <p> subclass of <o> disease <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> brivaracetam <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> lamotrigine <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> gabapentin <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> potassium bromide <s> epilepsy <p> subclass of <o> encephalopathy <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> primidone <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> (S)-etiracetam <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> lacosamide <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> acetazolamide <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> ezogabine <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> methsuximide <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> ethotoin <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> epilepsy <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Medicine <s> epilepsy <p> has effect <o> Postictal twilight state <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> topiramate <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> zonisamide <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> fosphenytoin <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> pheneturide <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> oxcarbazepine <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> diazepam <s> epilepsy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Epilepsy <s> epilepsy <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> CHRM3 <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> PLA2G4A <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> PCDH19 <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> SCN8A <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> GABRG2 <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> PTPRD <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> SCN1A <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> perampanel <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> vigabatrin <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> felbamate <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> ethosuximide <s> epilepsy <p> has cause <o> asphyxia neonatorum <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> phenobarbital <s> epilepsy <p> drug or therapy used for treatment <o> clonazepam <s> epilepsy <p> studied in <o> epileptology <s> epilepsy <p> instance of <o> class of disease <s> epilepsy <p> instance of <o> dictionary page in Wikipedia <s> epilepsy <p> genetic association <o> MAST4 <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> epilepsy <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Second Edition <s> epilepsy <p> health specialty <o> epileptology <s> Acts of Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Acts of Paul <p> instance of <o> Biblical apocrypha <s> Acts of Paul <p> instance of <o> literary work <s> Acts of Paul <p> different from <o> Acts of Paul and Thecla <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Great Yuzhakov Encyclopedia <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> editor <o> Sergei Yuzhakov <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> publisher <o> Editorial Illustration <s> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Monday <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Sunday <s> November 18 <p> part of <o> November <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Wednesday <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Tuesday <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Friday <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Thursday <s> November 18 <p> topic's main category <o> Category:November 18 <s> November 18 <p> day of week <o> Saturday <s> November 18 <p> instance of <o> point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe <s> November 18 <p> subclass of <o> 18th <s> religious servant <p> subclass of <o> believer <s> religious servant <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Religious workers <s> religious servant <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> religious servant <p> instance of <o> religious occupation <s> religious servant <p> different from <o> Christian minister <s> religious servant <p> subclass of <o> religious personnel <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Monday <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Tuesday <s> July 12 <p> part of <o> July <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Thursday <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Saturday <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Wednesday <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Friday <s> July 12 <p> day of week <o> Sunday <s> July 12 <p> topic's main category <o> Category:July 12 <s> July 12 <p> instance of <o> point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe <s> July 12 <p> subclass of <o> 12th <s> Trophimus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Trophimus <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Trophimus <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Trophimus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Trophimus <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Trophimus <p> place of birth <o> Ephesus <s> Trophimus <p> given name <o> Trofim <s> Trophimus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Trophimus <p> religion or worldview <o> Early Christianity <s> Trophimus <p> said to be the same as <o> Torpes of Pisa <s> Trophimus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Onesiphorus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Onesiphorus <p> feast day <o> September 6 <s> Onesiphorus <p> place of death <o> Ephesus <s> Onesiphorus <p> position held <o> apostle <s> Onesiphorus <p> place of birth <o> Konya <s> Onesiphorus <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Onesiphorus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Onesiphorus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Onesiphorus <p> subject has role <o> martyr <s> Onesiphorus <p> canonization status <o> hieromartyr <s> Onesiphorus <p> different from <o> Onesiforo <s> Onesiphorus <p> member of <o> seventy disciples <s> Onesiphorus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Barnabas <p> instance of <o> human <s> Barnabas <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Barnabas <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Barnabas <p> feast day <o> June 11 <s> Barnabas <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Barnabas <p> position held <o> archbishop <s> Barnabas <p> significant person <o> Mark the Evangelist <s> Barnabas <p> significant person <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Barnabas <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Ancient Greek <s> Barnabas <p> place of birth <o> Salamis <s> Barnabas <p> different from <o> Barabbas <s> Barnabas <p> cause of death <o> death by burning <s> Barnabas <p> occupation <o> Christian minister <s> Barnabas <p> given name <o> Barnaba <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Barnabas <p> place of death <o> Salamis <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Barnabas <p> position held <o> Arzobispo de Nova Justiniana y Todo Chipre <s> Barnabas <p> occupation <o> cleric <s> Barnabas <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Barnabas <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Apostle Barnaba <s> Barnabas <p> member of <o> seventy disciples <s> Barnabas <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Barnabas <p> place of burial <o> Cyprus <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Barnabas <p> described by source <o> De viris illustribus <s> Barnabas <p> different from <o> Pseudo-Barnabas <s> Quo Vadis <p> language of work or name <o> Polish <s> Quo Vadis <p> country of origin <o> Poland <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Nero <s> Quo Vadis <p> different from <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Quo Vadis <p> derivative work <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> derivative work <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> derivative work <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> derivative work <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Lucan <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Vespasian <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Peter <s> Quo Vadis <p> author <o> Henryk Sienkiewicz <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Petronius <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Aulus Plautius <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Poppaea Sabina <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Claudia Acte <s> Quo Vadis <p> time period <o> positivism <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Seneca <s> Quo Vadis <p> genre <o> historical fiction <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Tigellinus <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Pomponia Graecina <s> Quo Vadis <p> characters <o> Gaius Calpurnius Piso <s> Quo Vadis <p> narrative location <o> Ancient Rome <s> Quo Vadis <p> derivative work <o> Quo vadis? <s> Quo Vadis <p> form of creative work <o> novel <s> Quo Vadis <p> instance of <o> literary work <s> Quo Vadis <p> named after <o> Quo vadis? <s> Quo Vadis <p> derivative work <o> Quo Vadis? <s> Quo Vadis <p> has edition or translation <o> Quo vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> has edition or translation <o> Quo vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> has edition or translation <o> Quo vadis <s> Quo Vadis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Quo vadis (Henryk Sienkiewicz) </Graph>
<Text> :Epilepsy is a group of non-communicable neurological disorders characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures. An epileptic seizure is the clinical manifestation of an abnormal, excessive, and synchronized electrical discharge in the brain cells called neurons. The occurrence of two or more unprovoked seizures defines epilepsy. The occurrence of just one seizure may warrant the definition in a more clinical usage where recurrence may be able to be prejudged. Epileptic seizures can vary from brief and nearly undetectable periods to long periods of vigorous shaking due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. These episodes can result in physical injuries, either directly such as broken bones or through causing accidents. In epilepsy, seizures tend to recur and may have no immediate underlying cause. Isolated seizures that are provoked by a specific cause such as poisoning are not deemed to represent epilepsy. People with epilepsy may be treated differently in various areas of the world and experience varying degrees of social stigma due to the alarming nature of their symptoms. The underlying mechanism of an epileptic seizure is excessive and abnormal neuronal activity in the cortex of the brain which can be observed in the electroencephalogram of an individual. The reason this occurs in most cases of epilepsy is unknown ; some cases occur as the result of brain injury, stroke, brain tumors, infections of the brain, or birth defects through a process known as epileptogenesis. Known genetic mutations are directly linked to a small proportion of cases. The diagnosis involves ruling out other conditions that might cause similar symptoms, such as fainting, and determining if another cause of seizures is present, such as alcohol withdrawal or electrolyte problems. This may be partly done by imaging the brain and performing blood tests. Epilepsy can often be confirmed with an EEG, but a normal test does not rule out the condition. Epilepsy that occurs as a result of other issues may be preventable. Seizures are controllable with medication in about 69% of cases; inexpensive anti-seizure medications are often available. In those whose seizures do not respond to medication; surgery, neurostimulation or dietary changes may then be considered. Not all cases of epilepsy are lifelong, and many people improve to the point that treatment is no longer needed. As of 2020, about 50 million people have epilepsy. Nearly 80% of cases occur in the developing world. In 2015, it resulted in 125,000 deaths, an increase from 112,000 in 1990. Epilepsy is more common in older people. In the developed world, onset of new cases occurs most frequently in babies and the elderly. In the developing world, onset is more common at the extremes of age - in younger children and in older children and young adults due to differences in the frequency of the underlying causes. About 5-10% of people will have an unprovoked seizure by the age of 80. The chance of experiencing a second seizure within two years after the first is around 40%. In many areas of the world, those with epilepsy either have restrictions placed on their ability to drive or are not permitted to drive until they are free of seizures for a specific length of time. The word epilepsy is from Ancient Greek epilambanein, 'to seize, possess, or afflict'. The Acts of Paul is one of the major works and earliest pseudepigraphal series from the New Testament apocrypha also known as Apocryphal Acts. This work is part of a body of literature either about or purporting to be written by Paul the Apostle, including letters, narratives, prayers, and apocalypses. An approximate date given to the Acts of Paul is 100-160 AD. The Acts of Paul were first mentioned by Tertullian, who deemed the work to be heretical. He mentioned that that the writings "wrongly go under Paul's name" and was "augmenting Paul's fame from his own store". Eusebius wrote than, unlike other writings which were classified as antilegomena in some instances, the Acts of Paul were always classified among the disputed. The Acts of Paul may have been considered orthodox by Hippolytus of Rome but were eventually regarded as heretical when the Manichaeans started using the texts. The author of the Acts of Paul is unknown, but probably came from a Christian community in Asia Minor that revered Paul. The work does not use the canonical Acts of the Apostles as a source; instead it relies on oral traditions of Paul's missionary work. The text is primarily known from Greek manuscripts. The discovery of a Coptic language version of the text demonstrated that the text was composed of: All of these constituent parts were often considered worth treating as separate texts and frequently appeared independently, leading to speculation that the Acts of Paul may have been compiling disparate stories into one work, although other parts scholars believe to be original to the Acts of Paul. Besides the four main sections mentioned above, the remainder of the Acts of Paul exist only in fragments from the 3rd and 5th centuries: The texts are a coherent whole and are generally thought to have been written by one author using oral traditions, rather than basing it on any of the other apocrypha or the orthodox canon. The main emphasis of the text is on chastity and anti-Gnosticism. According to Tertullian, the author was a priest in Asia Minor. Tertullian mentions that after the priest wrote the work adding his own ideas to Paul's fame, the priest was "convicted" and "was removed from his office". The Acts of Paul -- which was declared to be antilegomena by Eusebius in his Church History -- consists of narratives depicting Paul's preaching and other activities, such as the Acts of Paul and Thecla, Paul's Correspondence With the Corinthians, and the Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Paul. Trophimus /'trafIm@s, 'troU-/ or Trophimus the Ephesian was a Christian who accompanied Paul during a part of his third missionary journey. He was with Paul in Jerusalem, and the Jews, supposing that the apostle had brought him into the temple, raised a tumult which resulted in Paul's imprisonment. . In writing to Timothy, the apostle comments that he left Trophimus in Miletus due to illness. This must refer to some event not noticed in the Acts. Trophimus and companion Tychicus are called "Asianoi", that is, natives of the Roman province of Asia . Making it still more definite, Trophimus is also termed an "Ephesian" and a "Gentile/Greek" in Acts 21. Trophimus was one of eight friends , who accompanied Paul at the close of his third missionary journey and traveled with him from Greece, through Macedonia, into Asia, and onward by sea until Jerusalem was reached. Trophimus completed the journey with Paul, for, in the passages Acts 21:29, he is mentioned as being with Paul in Jerusalem immediately on the close of this journey. He was the innocent cause of Paul being assaulted in the courts of the temple by the Jewish mob, and then of his being arrested and imprisoned by the Romans. The occasion of this outrage was that the Jews supposed that Paul had "brought Greeks also into the temple, and....defiled this holy place" . The modicum of fact lying at the root of this false accusation was that they had seen Paul and Trophimus in each other's company in the city. On this slender basis "they supposed" that Paul had brought Trophimus past the barrier or middle wall of partition , beyond which no Gentile was allowed to penetrate, on pain of death. Onesiphorus was a Christian referred to in the New Testament letter of Second Timothy . According to the letter sent by St. Paul, Onesiphorus sought out Paul who was imprisoned at the time in Rome. According to Orthodox tradition, Saint Onesiphorus was one of the seventy disciples chosen and sent by Jesus to preach. They were chosen some time after the selection of the Twelve Apostles . St Onesiphorus was bishop at Colophon , and later at Corinth. Both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches hold that he died a martyr in the city of Parium on the shores of the Hellespont. The persecution of Christians during Nero's reign made Rome a dangerous city for Christians. Paul praises Onesiphorus for his hospitality, kindness, and courage. Onesiphorus is contrasted with the other Christians in Asia who have deserted Paul at this time. In 2 Timothy 1:16-18, Paul sends a greeting to the man's household in Ephesus and refers to the help he showed Paul earlier in Ephesus. Timothy, who led the Ephesian church is familiar with these acts. Paul's praise of Onesiphorus is significant because it was written shortly before Paul's death as a final encouragement to Timothy. But now, at the time of correspondence, only "Luke alone is with " . Because Paul speaks of Onesiphorus only in the past tense, wishes blessings upon his house , and mercy for him "in that day", some scholars believe that Onesiphorus had at this point died. Towards the end of the same letter, in 2 Timothy 4:19, Paul sends greetings to "Priscilla and Aquila, and the house of Onesiphorus", again apparently distinguishing the situation of Onesiphorus from that of the still-living Priscilla and Aquila. Paul's reference to Onesiphorus, along with 2 Maccabees 12:40-46, is cited by Catholics as one of the early examples of prayer for the dead, while some Protestants opposing this practice reject such an interpretation. Barnabas , born Joseph or Joses , was according to tradition an early Christian, one of the prominent Christian disciples in Jerusalem. According to Acts 4:36, Barnabas was a Cypriot Jew. Named an apostle in Acts 14:14, he and Paul the Apostle undertook missionary journeys together and defended Gentile converts against the Judaizers. They traveled together making more converts , and participated in the Council of Jerusalem . Barnabas and Paul successfully evangelized among the "God-fearing" Gentiles who attended synagogues in various Hellenized cities of Anatolia. Barnabas' story appears in the Acts of the Apostles, and Paul mentions him in some of his epistles. Tertullian named him as the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, but this and other attributions are conjecture. The Epistle of Barnabas was ascribed to him by Clement of Alexandria and others in the early church and the epistle is included under his name in Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest extant manuscript of the complete New Testament. A few modern scholars concur with this traditional attribution but it is presently a minority view. Although the date, place, and circumstances of his death are historically unverifiable, Christian tradition holds that Barnabas was martyred at Salamis, Cyprus. He is traditionally identified as the founder of the Cypriot Orthodox Church. The feast day of Barnabas is celebrated on 11 June. Barnabas is usually identified as the cousin of Mark the Evangelist on the basis of the term "anepsios" used in Colossians 4, which carries the connotation of "cousin." Orthodox tradition holds that Aristobulus of Britannia, one of the Seventy Disciples, was the brother of Barnabas. Quo vadis? is a Latin phrase meaning "Where are you going?" It is commonly translated, quoting the KJV translation of John 13:36, as "Whither goest thou?" The phrase originates from the Christian tradition regarding Saint Peter's first words to the risen Christ during their encounter along the Appian Way. According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter , as Peter flees from crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government, and along the road outside the city, he meets the risen Jesus. In the Latin translation, Peter asks Jesus, "Quo vadis?" He replies, "Romam eo iterum crucifigi" . Peter then gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns to the city, where he is martyred by being crucified upside-down. The Church of Domine Quo Vadis in Rome is built where the meeting between Peter and Jesus traditionally took place. The words "quo vadis" as a question also occur at least seven times in the Latin Vulgate. When used idiomatically, in ordinary day-to-day language, the phrase usually is spoken or written to inquire about someone's purpose, ambitions, or decisions in a particular situation. It may also be employed to encourage introspection or to express surprise or confusion regarding someone's actions or decisions. In general, this phrase prompts individuals to consider their direction and purpose , urging them to reflect on their goals or to assess the consequences of their choices. The reply of Jesus "Romam eo iterum crucifigi" is also used idiomatically in modern language to symbolize the return to something that is harmful or hurtful to oneself. Just how Jesus in the apocryphal story is returning to Rome to be crucified again, it is used in the same way where an individual, though knowing that a certain place, person, or thing has been a cause of hurt or harm in the past, they still return to it. Thus, one might say that an individual is "returning to Rome" when that individual is knowingly returning to something which causes either physical or mental harm, akin to how Jesus was returning to Rome to be crucified again. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Antonius Felix <p> instance of <o> human <s> Antonius Felix <p> place of birth <o> Naples <s> Antonius Felix <p> gens <o> Claudia gens <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Antonius Felix <p> child <o> Antonia Clementiana <s> Antonius Felix <p> child <o> Marcus Antonius Agrippa <s> Antonius Felix <p> place of death <o> Judea <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Antonius Felix <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Antonius Felix <p> social classification <o> freedman <s> Antonius Felix <p> time period <o> High Roman Empire <s> Antonius Felix <p> spouse <o> Drusilla of Mauretania <s> Antonius Felix <p> occupation <o> official <s> Antonius Felix <p> spouse <o> Drusilla <s> Antonius Felix <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Antonius Felix <p> sibling <o> Pallas <s> Antonius Felix <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Antonius Felix <p> position held <o> Roman governor <s> Antonius Felix <p> Roman cognomen <o> Felix <s> Antonius Felix <p> Roman praenomen <o> Tiberius <s> Antonius Felix <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Claudius <s> Antonius Felix <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Antonius <s> Onesimus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Onesimus <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Onesimus <p> feast day <o> February 15 <s> Onesimus <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Onesimus <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Onesimus <p> place of birth <o> Colossae <s> Onesimus <p> said to be the same as <o> Onesimus <s> Onesimus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Ancient Greek <s> Onesimus <p> position held <o> Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople <s> Onesimus <p> given name <o> Ονήσιμος <s> Onesimus <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Onesimus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Onesimus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Onesimus <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Onesimus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Onesimus <p> cause of death <o> stoning <s> Onesimus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Berenice <p> instance of <o> human <s> Berenice <p> work location <o> Judea <s> Berenice <p> Roman cognomen <o> Berenice <s> Berenice <p> unmarried partner <o> Titus <s> Berenice <p> occupation <o> monarch <s> Berenice <p> spouse <o> Herod of Chalcis <s> Berenice <p> sibling <o> Drusilla <s> Berenice <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Berenice <p> father <o> Agrippa I <s> Berenice <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Berenice <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Berenice <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Berenice <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Berenice <p> sibling <o> Agrippa II <s> Berenice <p> sibling <o> Mariamne <s> Berenice <p> gens <o> Julia gens <s> Berenice <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Julia <s> Berenice <p> child <o> Julius Hyrkanos <s> Berenice <p> child <o> Berenicianus <s> Berenice <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Berenice <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Berenice <p> mother <o> Cypros <s> Berenice <p> noble title <o> queen <s> Berenice <p> spouse <o> Polemon II of Pontus <s> Berenice <p> spouse <o> Marcus Julius Alexander <s> Berenice <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Berenice <p> noble title <o> princess <s> Berenice <p> time period <o> High Roman Empire <s> Berenice <p> family <o> Herodian dynasty <s> Damaris <p> feast day <o> October 4 <s> Damaris <p> present in work <o> Acts of the Apostles <s> Damaris <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Damaris <p> time period <o> High Roman Empire <s> Damaris <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> place of death <o> Rome <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> feast day <o> August 4 <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> place of birth <o> Thessaloniki <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> occupation <o> Catholic bishop <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> given name <o> Aristarchus <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Aristarchus of Thessalonica <p> different from <o> Arystarch <s> Quo Vadis? <p> genre <o> drama film <s> Quo Vadis? <p> country of origin <o> Italy <s> Quo Vadis? <p> country of origin <o> Spain <s> Quo Vadis? <p> country of origin <o> Switzerland <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Marie Theres Kroetz-Relin <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Philippe Leroy <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Klaus Maria Brandauer <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Max von Sydow <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Françoise Fabian <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Ángela Molina <s> Quo Vadis? <p> country of origin <o> France <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Gabriele Ferzetti <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Francesco Quinn <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Barbara De Rossi <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Marko Nikolić <s> Quo Vadis? <p> based on <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Massimo Girotti <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Marisa Solinas <s> Quo Vadis? <p> country of origin <o> United Kingdom <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Georges Wilson <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Ljubiša Samardžić <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Annie Belle <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Leopoldo Trieste <s> Quo Vadis? <p> instance of <o> miniseries <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Cristina Raines <s> Quo Vadis? <p> screenwriter <o> Francesco Scardamaglia <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Frederic Forrest <s> Quo Vadis? <p> original language of film or TV show <o> English <s> Quo Vadis? <p> composer <o> Piero Piccioni <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Nero <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Bata Paskaljević <s> Quo Vadis? <p> producer <o> Elio Scardamaglia <s> Quo Vadis? <p> after a work by <o> Henryk Sienkiewicz <s> Quo Vadis? <p> genre <o> television series based on a novel <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Olga Karlatos <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Novak Bilbija <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Paolo Giusti <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Zlata Numanagić <s> Quo Vadis? <p> screenwriter <o> Franco Rossi <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Dušan Golumbovski <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Stojan Dečermić <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Dragomir Pesic <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Andreja Maričić <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Branislav Jerinić <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Toma Jovanović <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Miroljub Lešo <s> Quo Vadis? <p> cast member <o> Svetozar Cvetković <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Petronius <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Peter <s> Quo Vadis? <p> country of origin <o> West Germany <s> Quo Vadis? <p> director <o> Franco Rossi <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Poppaea Sabina <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Claudia Acte <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Epicharis <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Pomponia Graecina <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Gaius Calpurnius Piso <s> Quo Vadis? <p> narrative location <o> Ancient Rome <s> Quo Vadis? <p> film editor <o> Giorgio Serrallonga <s> Quo Vadis? <p> color <o> color <s> Quo Vadis? <p> director of photography <o> Luigi Kuveiller <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Aulus Plautius <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Tigellinus <s> Quo Vadis? <p> original broadcaster <o> Rai 1 <s> Quo Vadis? <p> different from <o> Quo Vadis <s> Quo Vadis? <p> characters <o> Volusius Proculus <s> Quo Vadis? <p> FSK film rating <o> FSK 12 <s> Corinth <p> country <o> Greece <s> Corinth <p> instance of <o> city <s> Corinth <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abilene <s> Corinth <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buccino <s> Corinth <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Corinth <p> twinned administrative body <o> Syracuse <s> Corinth <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Corinth <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lugoj <s> Corinth <p> capital of <o> Corinthia Regional Unit <s> Corinth <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Corinth Municipality <s> Corinth <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Corinth <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Corinth <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jagodina <s> Corinth <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Corinth <s> Corinth <p> capital of <o> Corinth Municipality <s> Corinth <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Corinth <s> Corinth <p> category for people who died here <o> Categoria:Deaths in Corinth <s> Corinth <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Damascus <p> capital of <o> Syria <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Damascus <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Damascus <s> Damascus <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Damascus <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Damascus <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Damascus <p> instance of <o> city <s> Damascus <p> part of <o> Hauran <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Damascus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Damascus <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Damascus <s> Damascus <p> significant event <o> 1949 Al-Menashe synagogue attack in Damascus <s> Damascus <p> significant event <o> Siege of Damascus <s> Damascus <p> significant event <o> Siege of Damascus <s> Damascus <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Damascus <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Damascus <p> significant event <o> Siege of Damascus <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Emirate of Dubai <s> Damascus <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Damascus <s> Damascus <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Damascus <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Syria <s> Damascus <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Arab world <s> Damascus <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Former countries <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Damascus <p> significant event <o> Siege of Damascus <s> Damascus <p> country <o> Syria <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yerevan <s> Damascus <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Cities <s> Damascus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokyo <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baghdad <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Damascus <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject World Heritage Sites <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Damascus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Damascus <s> Damascus <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Damascus <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rabat <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beirut <s> Damascus <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Damascus <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toledo <s> Damascus <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Damascus <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Málaga <s> Damascus <p> official language <o> Arabic <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bucharest <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ferrara <s> Damascus <p> head of government <o> Bishr Al Sabban <s> Damascus <p> twinned administrative body <o> Denizli <s> Damascus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Damascus Governorate <s> Damascus <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Damascus <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Damascus <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Barada <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> student of <o> Jesus <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> feast day <o> January 25 <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> residence <o> Damascus <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> place of birth <o> Damascus <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> occupation <o> priest <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> place of burial <o> Damascus <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> given name <o> Hananiah <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> place of death <o> Eleutheropolis <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ananias of Damascus <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> different from <o> Ananias <s> Ananias of Damascus <p> religion or worldview <o> Early Christianity <s> Porcius Festus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Porcius Festus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Porcius Festus <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Porcius Festus <p> occupation <o> magistrate <s> Porcius Festus <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Porcius Festus <p> place of death <o> Faenza <s> Porcius Festus <p> position held <o> Procurator <s> Porcius Festus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Porcius Festus <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Porcius Festus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Porcius Festus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Porcius Festus <p> gens <o> Porcia gens <s> Porcius Festus <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Porcius Festus <p> Roman cognomen <o> Festus <s> Porcius Festus <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Porcius </Graph>
<Text> :Antonius Felix was the 4th Roman procurator of Judea Province in 52-60, in succession to Ventidius Cumanus. He appears in the New Testament, in the book of Acts, chapters 23 and 24, where the Apostle Paul is brought before him for a trial. Felix was the younger brother of the Greek freedman Marcus Antonius Pallas. Pallas served as a secretary of the treasury during the reign of the Emperor Claudius. Felix was a Greek freedman - either of Claudius, according to which theory Josephus calls him Claudius Felix, or of Claudius's mother, Antonia Minor, a daughter of Triumvir Mark Antony to Octavia Minor and niece of Emperor Augustus. According to Tacitus, Pallas and Felix descended from the Greek Kings of Arcadia. Felix became the procurator by the petition of his brother. Felix's cruelty, coupled with his accessibility to bribes , led to a great increase of crime in Judaea. The period of his rule was marked by internal feuds and disturbances, which he put down with severity. In 58, Felix hired assassins to murder Jonathan, the High Priest, shortly after the latter took office. Jonathan had often criticized Felix about governing the Jewish affairs, and threatened to report to Caesar if Felix did not do well because Jonathan was the one who made recommendation to Caesar to send Felix to be the procurator of Judea. Felix persuaded one of Jonathan's most trusted friends, Doras, a citizen of Jerusalem, to hire robbers to kill Jonathan by promising to give him a large sum of money. Doras arranged for some hired men to mingle with the worshippers in the Temple in Jerusalem, while they hid daggers under their garments. These assassins succeeded in killing Jonathan during a Jewish festival and were never caught. Onesimus , also called Onesimus of Byzantium and The Holy Apostle Onesimus in the Eastern Orthodox Church, was a slave to Philemon of Colossae, a man of Christian faith. He may also be the same Onesimus named by Ignatius of Antioch as bishop in Ephesus which would put Onesimus's death closer to 95. If so, Onesimus went from slave to brother to bishop. The name "Onesimus" appears in two New Testament epistles--in Colossians 4 and in Philemon. In Colossians 4:9 a person of this name is identified as a Christian accompanying Tychicus to visit the Christians in Colossae; nothing else is stated about him in this context. He may well be the freed Onesimus from the Epistle to Philemon. The Epistle to Philemon was written by Paul the Apostle to Philemon concerning a person believed to be a runaway slave named Onesimus. The traditional designation of Onesimus as a slave is doubted by some modern scholars. Onesimus turned up where Paul was imprisoned to escape punishment for a theft of which he was accused. After hearing the Gospel from Paul, Onesimus converted to Christianity. Paul, having earlier converted Philemon to Christianity, sought to reconcile the two by writing the letter to Philemon which today exists in the New Testament. The letter reads : I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains, who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me. I am sending him back. You therefore receive him, that is, my own heart, whom I wished to keep with me, that on your behalf he might minister to me in my chains for the gospel. But without your consent I wanted to do nothing, that your good deed might not be by compulsion, as it were, but voluntary. For perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave--a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.Berenice is the Ancient Macedonian form of the Attic Greek name Pherenike Pherenike, which means "bearer of victory" from Ancient Greek phero 'to bear', and nike 'victory'. Berenika, priestess of Demeter in Lete ca. 350 BC, is the oldest epigraphical evidence. The Latin variant Veronica is the direct historical Western Catholic transliteration. The name also has the form Bernice. Aristarchus or Aristarch , "a Macedonian of Thessalonica" , was an early Christian mentioned in a few passages of the New Testament. He accompanied Saint Paul on his journey to Rome. Along with Gaius, another Roman Macedonian, Aristarchus was seized by the mob at Ephesus and taken into the theater . Later, Aristarchus returned with Paul from Greece to Asia . At Caesarea, he embarked with Paul on a ship of Adramyttium bound for Myra in Lycia ; whether he traveled with him from there to Rome is not recorded. Aristarchus is described as Paul's "fellow prisoner" and "fellow laborer" in Colossians 4:10 and Philemon 1:24, respectively. In Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic tradition, Aristarchus is identified as one of the Seventy Apostles and bishop of Apamea. He is commemorated as a saint and martyr on January 4, April 14, and September 27. He is mentioned in the Roman Martyrology on August 4. Quo vadis? is a Latin phrase meaning "Where are you going?" It is commonly translated, quoting the KJV translation of John 13:36, as "Whither goest thou?" The phrase originates from the Christian tradition regarding Saint Peter's first words to the risen Christ during their encounter along the Appian Way. According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter , as Peter flees from crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government, and along the road outside the city, he meets the risen Jesus. In the Latin translation, Peter asks Jesus, "Quo vadis?" He replies, "Romam eo iterum crucifigi" . Peter then gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns to the city, where he is martyred by being crucified upside-down. The Church of Domine Quo Vadis in Rome is built where the meeting between Peter and Jesus traditionally took place. The words "quo vadis" as a question also occur at least seven times in the Latin Vulgate. When used idiomatically, in ordinary day-to-day language, the phrase usually is spoken or written to inquire about someone's purpose, ambitions, or decisions in a particular situation. It may also be employed to encourage introspection or to express surprise or confusion regarding someone's actions or decisions. In general, this phrase prompts individuals to consider their direction and purpose , urging them to reflect on their goals or to assess the consequences of their choices. The reply of Jesus "Romam eo iterum crucifigi" is also used idiomatically in modern language to symbolize the return to something that is harmful or hurtful to oneself. Just how Jesus in the apocryphal story is returning to Rome to be crucified again, it is used in the same way where an individual, though knowing that a certain place, person, or thing has been a cause of hurt or harm in the past, they still return to it. Thus, one might say that an individual is "returning to Rome" when that individual is knowingly returning to something which causes either physical or mental harm, akin to how Jesus was returning to Rome to be crucified again. Corinth is the successor to an ancient city, and is a former municipality in Corinthia, Peloponnese, which is located in south-central Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform, it has been part of the municipality of Corinth, of which it is the seat and a municipal unit. It is the capital of Corinthia. It was founded as Nea Korinthos , or New Corinth, in 1858 after an earthquake destroyed the existing settlement of Corinth, which had developed in and around the site of ancient Corinth. Historical references begin with the early 8th century BC, when Corinth began to develop as a commercial center. Between the 8th and 7th centuries, the Bacchiad family ruled Corinth. Cypselus overthrew the Bacchiad family, and between 657 and 550 BC, he and his son Periander ruled Corinth as the Tyrants. In about 550 BC, an oligarchical government seized power. This government allied with Sparta within the Peloponnesian League, and Corinth participated in the Persian Wars and Peloponnesian War as an ally of Sparta. After Sparta's victory in the Peloponnesian war, the two allies fell out with one another, and Corinth pursued an independent policy in the various wars of the early 4th century BC. After the Macedonian unification of Greece, the Acrocorinth was the seat of a Macedonian garrison until 243 BC, when the city joined the Achaean League. Damascus is the capital of Syria, the oldest capital in the world and, according to some, the fourth holiest city in Islam. Known colloquially in Syria as as-Sam and dubbed, poetically, the "City of Jasmine" , Damascus is a major cultural center of the Levant and the Arab world. Situated in southwestern Syria, Damascus is the center of a large metropolitan area. Nestled among the eastern foothills of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range 80 kilometres inland from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean on a plateau 680 metres above sea level, Damascus experiences an arid climate because of the rain shadow effect. The Barada River flows through Damascus. Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. First settled in the 3rd millennium BC, it was chosen as the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate from 661 to 750. After the victory of the Abbasid dynasty, the seat of Islamic power was moved to Baghdad. Damascus saw its importance decline throughout the Abbasid era, only to regain significant importance in the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods. Today, it is the seat of the central government of Syria. As of September 2019, eight years into the Syrian civil war, Damascus was named the least livable city out of 140 global cities in the Global Liveability Ranking. As of June 2023, it was the least livable out of 173 global cities in the same Global Liveability Ranking. The name of Damascus first appeared in the geographical list of Thutmose III as tmsq in the 15th century BC. The etymology of the ancient name tmsq is uncertain. It is attested as Imerisu in Akkadian, tmsq in Egyptian, Damasq in Old Aramaic and Dammeseq in Biblical Hebrew. A number of Akkadian spellings are found in the Amarna letters, from the 14th century BC: Dimasqa , Dimasqi , and Dimasqa . Ananias of Damascus was a disciple of Jesus at Damascus from Syria, mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible, which describes how he was sent by Jesus to restore the sight of Saul of Tarsus and provide him with additional instruction in the way of the Lord. According to Acts 9:10, Ananias was living in Damascus. In Paul's speech in Acts 22, he describes Ananias as "a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews" that dwelt in Damascus . According to F. F. Bruce, this indicates that he was not one of the refugees from the persecution in Jerusalem described in Acts 8:1. During his conversion experience, Jesus had told Paul to go into the city and wait. Jesus later spoke to Ananias in a vision, and told him to go to the "street which is called Straight", and ask "in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus". Ananias objected that Saul had been persecuting "thy saints", but the Lord told him that Saul was "a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel". . When Ananias went in to Saul and laid his hands on him, the "scales" of dead tissue on the surface of his eyes fell off, and he looked up at Ananias. After additional instruction, Saul was baptized . According to Roderick L. Evans, Ananias was a prophet despite being mentioned as a disciple. In his opinion on New Testament prophets, biblical figures who receive a message from God or reveal future events are considered prophets despite alternative titles such as apostle or disciple. Anglican priest and theologian Edward Carus Selwyn recognized Ananias as a prophet as well as one of the seventy disciples and the apostles allocated with different tasks. F. F. Bruce suggests that Ananias "has an honoured place in sacred history, and a special claim upon the gratitude of all who in one way or another have entered into the blessing that stems from the life and work of the great apostle." Ananias is also listed by Hippolytus of Rome and others as one of the seventy disciples whose mission is recorded in Luke 10:1-20. The exact time of Festus in office is not known. The earliest proposed date for the start of his term is c. 55-56, while the latest is 61. These extremes have not gained much support and most scholars opt for a date between 58 and 60. F. F. Bruce says that, "The date of his recall and replacement by Porcius Festus is disputed, but a change in the provincial coinage of Judaea attested for Nero's fifth year points to A.D. 59" Conybeare and Howson lay out an extended argument for the replacement taking place in 60. Festus inherited the problems of his predecessor in regard to the Roman practice of creating civic privileges for Jews. Another issue that bedeviled his administration was the controversy between Herod Agrippa II and the priests in Jerusalem regarding the wall erected at the temple to break the view of the new wing of Agrippa's palace. During his administration, Jewish hostility to Rome was greatly inflamed by the civic privileges issue. Feelings were aroused which played an important part in the closely following Jewish War of AD 66. The Acts of the Apostles narrate that the Apostle Paul had his final hearing before Festus . In Acts 25:12, Festus sought to induce Paul to go to Jerusalem for trial; Paul appealed to the Emperor. The appeal resulted in Paul being sent to Rome for judgment by the Emperor himself although Festus had difficulty in detailing charges against him . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Sergius Paulus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Sergius Paulus <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Sergius Paulus <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Sergius Paulus <p> position held <o> Roman consul <s> Sergius Paulus <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Sergius <s> Sergius Paulus <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Sergius Paulus <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Sergius Paulus <p> position held <o> Roman governor <s> Sergius Paulus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Sergius Paulus <p> gens <o> Sergia gens <s> Sergius Paulus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Sergius Paulus <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Eutychus <p> present in work <o> Acts of the Apostles <s> Eutychus <p> place of birth <o> Alexandria Troas <s> Eutychus <p> significant event <o> resurrection <s> Eutychus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Eutychus <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Eutychus <p> cause of death <o> falling from height <s> Eutychus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Claudius Lysias <p> instance of <o> human <s> Claudius Lysias <p> Roman nomen gentilicium <o> Claudius <s> Claudius Lysias <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Claudius Lysias <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Claudius Lysias <p> Roman cognomen <o> Lysias <s> Claudius Lysias <p> country of citizenship <o> Ancient Rome <s> Claudius Lysias <p> occupation <o> Ancient Roman military personnel <s> Claudius Lysias <p> described by source <o> Prosopographia Imperii Romani <s> Claudius Lysias <p> position held <o> Military tribune <s> Claudius Lysias <p> gens <o> Claudia gens <s> Claudius Lysias <p> time period <o> High Roman Empire <s> Justification: yesterday, today, and forever <p> main subject <o> Epistle to the Romans <s> Justification: yesterday, today, and forever <p> main subject <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Justification: yesterday, today, and forever <p> main subject <o> justification <s> Justification: yesterday, today, and forever <p> instance of <o> scholarly article <s> Justification: yesterday, today, and forever <p> author <o> N. T. Wright <s> Justification: yesterday, today, and forever <p> published in <o> Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society <s> Romans as the completion of Bonhoeffer's hermeneutics <p> main subject <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Romans as the completion of Bonhoeffer's hermeneutics <p> main subject <o> Epistle to the Romans <s> Romans as the completion of Bonhoeffer's hermeneutics <p> main subject <o> Dietrich Bonhoeffer <s> Romans as the completion of Bonhoeffer's hermeneutics <p> author <o> Timo Laato <s> Romans as the completion of Bonhoeffer's hermeneutics <p> instance of <o> scholarly article <s> Romans as the completion of Bonhoeffer's hermeneutics <p> published in <o> Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> Albert Schweitzer <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> Second Coming <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> God as king <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> eschatology <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> Son of man (Christianity) <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> main subject <o> apocalyptic literature <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> author <o> N. T. Wright <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> instance of <o> scholarly article <s> Hope deferred?: against the dogma of delay <p> published in <o> Early Christianity <s> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <p> place of publication <o> New York City <s> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <p> edition or translation of <o> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation <s> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <p> publisher <o> Routledge <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> main subject <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> main subject <o> Book of Genesis <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> main subject <o> Abraham <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> main subject <o> Epistle to the Romans <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> instance of <o> scholarly article <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> main subject <o> justification <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> author <o> N. T. Wright <s> Paul and the patriarch: the role of Abraham in Romans 4 <p> published in <o> Journal for the Study of the New Testament <s> Salamis <p> country <o> Cyprus <s> Salamis <p> country <o> Northern Cyprus <s> Salamis <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Cyprus <s> Salamis <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Salamis <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Salamis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Famagusta District <s> Salamis <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Salamis <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Salamis <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Salamis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Salamis (Cyprus) <s> Salamis <p> instance of <o> City-kingdom of Cyprus <s> Salamis <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Salamis <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Salamis <p> instance of <o> polis <s> Salamis <p> has part(s) <o> Aqueduct of Salamis <s> Salamis <p> has part(s) <o> Cistern of Salamis <s> Salamis <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Salamis <p> office held by head of the organization <o> king of Salamis of Cyprus <s> Myra <p> different from <o> Myra <s> Myra <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Myra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Demre <s> Myra <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Myra <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Myra <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Myra <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Myra <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Myra <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Myra <p> affiliation <o> Museum Directorate of Demre </Graph>
<Text> :Lucius Sergius Paulus or Paullus was a Proconsul of Cyprus under Claudius . He appears in Acts 13:6-12, where in Paphos, Paul, accompanied by Barnabas and John Mark, overcame the attempts of Bar-Jesus "to turn the proconsul away from the faith" and converted Sergius to Christianity. A boundary stone of Claudius mentioning Sergius was discovered at Rome in 1887. It records the appointment of the Curators of the banks and the channel of the river Tiber, one of whom was Sergius. Since Paul's journey to Cyprus is usually dated to the first half of the 40s , it is thought Sergius may have first served three years as Proconsul at Cyprus, then returned to Rome, where he was appointed curator. Another inscription was discovered in 1887 at Soli, Cyprus, by Luigi Palma di Cesnola which mentions a proconsul Paulus. This inscription was dated to the middle of the first century by D.G. Hogarth. Terence Mitford noted that based on epigraphic grounds the inscription cannot be dated earlier than this and is probably considerably later. As he is not greeted in Paul's Epistle to the Romans, it is possible he died before it was written. Writing in the fourth century, Jerome speculated that Saul of Tarsus had been renamed Paul because he had converted Sergius Paulus to Christianity: "For as Scipio assumed the name of Africanus for himself when Africa was also Saulus, who was sent to preach to the nations, brought back from the initial spoils of the church, the proconsul Sergius Paulus, the trophy of his victory, and he raised a standard so that he was called Paulus." Sergius Paulus may have been the first of several successive senators named Lucius Sergius Paullus, of Antioch, Pisidia, including one who was consul suffectus c. 70, and another who was twice consul, Lucius Sergius Paullus, the father of Sergia Paulla, who married Quintus Anicius Faustus, Legate of Numidia in 198, and had Quintus Anicius Faustus Paulinus, governor of Moesia Inferior between 229 and 232. Eutychus /'ju:tIk@s/ was a young man of Troas tended to by St. Paul. Eutychus fell asleep due to the long nature of the discourse Paul was giving, fell from a window out of the three-story building, and died. Paul then embraced him, insisting that he was not dead, and they carried him back upstairs alive; those gathered then had a meal and a long talk which lasted until dawn. This is related in the New Testament book of the Acts of the Apostles 20:7-12. Though some , do not believe that Eutychus died, Wayne Jackson observes the following facts: 1) the author Luke, a physician , plainly states that Eutychus was "taken up dead" ; 2) after Paul embraces Eutychus, he says, "Trouble not yourselves, for his life is in him" , not "still in him" as the Weymouth translation erroneously interprets; 3) Eutychus was then "brought alive" by which the others were "not a little comforted", which words would make no sense if Eutychus had not died; and 4) Luke was fully capable of describing someone as only being "supposedly dead" , as he did of Paul in Acts 14:19, but he did not do so here. However, Eutychus' complete recovery from a three-story fall, regardless of the initial result, and Paul's attendance at the scene of the accident, appears to be the impact of the narrative. Claudius Lysias is a figure mentioned in the New Testament book of the Acts of the Apostles. According to Acts 21:31-24:22, Lysias was a Roman tribune and the commander of the Roman garrison in Jerusalem. The Greek term khiliarkhos is said to be used to translate the Roman tribunus militum , and also for the phrase tribuni militares consulari potestate . The responsibilities of a khiliarkhos were as a "commander of a thousand men". Essentially, Claudius Lysias is "a high-ranking military officer in charge" of anywhere from 600 to 1,000 men, and this appears to be the case for it is said that his command was over a "cohort" in Jerusalem which is "the tenth part of a Roman legion having about 600 men" . Claudius Lysias' complete description as found in the New Testament book of the Acts of the Apostles is "the tribune of the cohort" in Jerusalem, which resided in nearby "barracks" . It takes ten cohorts to make up a legion, and each legion had six tribunes with a thousand men under his command if the cohort was full; consequently, Claudius Lysias was a part of a larger military force. The exact numbers in his cohort may never be known, however he had sufficient men to spare two centurions, two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen to accompany Paul to Caesarea Acts 23:23-24. Furthermore, when the security detail arrives before Antipatris , Claudius Lysias allows for the seventy horsemen to go on with him and Paul to Caesarea, the headquarters of the Procurator Felix . The "barracks" referenced in the book of Acts , in connection to Claudius Lysias and his cohort are references to the Tower of Antonia, which Herod the Great rebuilt from a previous structure and named it after Marc Antony. The Antonia was added on to the NW side of the Temple facilities, "from which stairs descend into the outer court of the temple" . For this reason, the Roman Tribune could hear the commotion caused by the confusing riot over Paul's presence in the Temple, and respond with speed . Myra was a Lycian, then ancient Greek, then Greco-Roman, then Byzantine Greek, then Ottoman town in Lycia, which became the small Turkish town of Kale, renamed Demre in 2005, in the present-day Antalya Province of Turkey. It was founded on the river Myros , in the fertile alluvial plain between Alaca Dag, the Massikytos range and the Aegean Sea. Although some scholars equate Myra with the town, of Mira, in Arzawa, there is no proof for the connection. There is no substantiated written reference for Myra before it was listed as a member of the Lycian League ; according to Strabo , it was one of the largest towns of the alliance. The ancient Greek citizens worshiped Artemis Eleutheria, who was the protective goddess of the town. Zeus, Athena and Tyche were venerated as well. Pliny the Elder writes that in Myra there was the spring of Apollo called Curium and when summoned three times by the pipe the fishes come to give oracular responses. In the Roman period, Myra formed a part of the Koine Greek speaking world that rapidly embraced Christianity. One of its early Greek bishops was Saint Nicholas. Alluvial silts mostly cover the ruins of the Lycian and Roman towns. The acropolis on the Demre-plateau, the Roman theatre and the Roman baths have been partly excavated. The semi-circular theatre was destroyed in an earthquake in 141, but rebuilt afterward. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Acre <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Told Cities <s> Acre <p> category for maps <o> Maps of Acre (city) <s> Acre <p> instance of <o> city <s> Acre <p> country <o> Israel <s> Acre <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Haifa from Acre <s> Acre <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Acre (city) <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Heimskringla <s> Acre <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> Acre <p> different from <o> Akka <s> Acre <p> significant event <o> Siege of Acre <s> Acre <p> significant event <o> Siege of Acre <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Acre <p> significant event <o> Siege of Acre <s> Acre <p> significant event <o> Siege of Acre <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bregenz <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Recklinghausen <s> Acre <p> instance of <o> World Heritage Site <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pisa <s> Acre <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iii) <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Acre <p> owner of <o> Acre Municipal Stadium <s> Acre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Acre, Israel <s> Acre <p> capital of <o> Acre Subdistrict <s> Acre <p> capital of <o> Acre Subdistrict <s> Acre <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Acre <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nagykanizsa <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint-Mandé <s> Acre <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Acre <s> Acre <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Acre, Israel <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Acre <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Acre <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bielsko-Biała <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Rochelle <s> Acre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Acre Subdistrict <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Deerfield Beach <s> Acre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trakai <s> Acre <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (v) <s> Acre <p> replaces <o> Saint John of Acre <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> country of origin <o> United States of America <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> narrative location <o> Greece <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> CNC film rating (Romania) <o> A.P. - 12 <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> ClassInd rating <o> 12 <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> ICAA rating <o> not recommended for children under 12 <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> CNC film rating (France) <o> no age restriction <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> original language of film or TV show <o> English <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> instance of <o> film <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> genre <o> drama film <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> cast member <o> Joanne Whalley <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> distributed by <o> Sony Pictures <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> cast member <o> Olivier Martinez <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> genre <o> biographical film <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> distribution format <o> video on demand <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> named after <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> distributed by <o> Netflix <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> cast member <o> Jim Caviezel <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> cast member <o> John Lynch <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> composer <o> Jan A. P. Kaczmarek <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> cast member <o> James Faulkner <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> Kijkwijzer rating <o> 16 <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> NMHH film rating <o> Category III <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> production company <o> Affirm Films <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> film editor <o> Scott Richter <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> director <o> Andrew Hyatt <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> screenwriter <o> Andrew Hyatt <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> genre <o> Christian fiction <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> producer <o> David Zelon <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> producer <o> Terence Berden <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> has characteristic <o> title for Hispanic America <s> Paul, Apostle of Christ <p> has characteristic <o> title for Spain <s> Paul <p> instance of <o> human <s> Paul <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Paul <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Paul <p> different from <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Paul <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Paul <p> subject has role <o> martyr <s> Paul <p> part of <o> John and Paul <s> Paul <p> given name <o> Pablo <s> Paul <p> sibling <o> John <s> Paul <p> partner in business or sport <o> John <s> Tyre <p> different from <o> Tyre <s> Tyre <p> different from <o> Phoenicia <s> Tyre <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Tyre <p> country <o> Lebanon <s> Tyre <p> instance of <o> city <s> Tyre <p> capital of <o> Tyre District <s> Tyre <p> capital of <o> Syria Phoenice <s> Tyre <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tyre <s> Tyre <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tunis <s> Tyre <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tyre, Lebanon <s> Tyre <p> instance of <o> city-state <s> Tyre <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novorossiysk <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Algiers <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Perpignan <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dezful <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Tyre <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Tyre <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Tyre <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Tyre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tyre District <s> Tyre <p> instance of <o> village/town/city in Lebanon <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 12 <s> Tyre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tyre, Lebanon <s> Tyre <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Tyre <p> twinned administrative body <o> Málaga <s> Veroia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Veria <s> Veroia <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Veria <s> Veroia <p> country <o> Greece <s> Veroia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kursk <s> Veroia <p> instance of <o> city <s> Veroia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Veroia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kazanlak <s> Veroia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Veroia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Užice <s> Veroia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zemun <s> Veroia <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Central Macedonia <s> Veroia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rognac <s> Veroia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Strovolos <s> Veroia <p> described by source <o> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск I, 1891 <s> Veroia <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Veroia <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Veroia <p> capital of <o> Imathia Regional Unit <s> Veroia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Veria <s> Veroia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Veroia <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Veroia <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Veroia <p> capital of <o> Veria Municipality <s> Veroia <p> replaces <o> Berroea <s> Veroia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Veria Municipality <s> Veroia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Veria <s> Alexandria Troas <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Alexandria Troas <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Alexandria Troas <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Alexandria Troas <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ezine <s> Alexandria Troas <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Çanakkale Province <s> Alexandria Troas <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Alexandria Troas <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Alexandria Troas <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Alexandria Troas <p> has part(s) <o> Ancient Theater of Alexandria Troas <s> Alexandria Troas <p> has part(s) <o> Baths of Herodes Atticus <s> Alexandria Troas <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Alexandria Troas <p> affiliation <o> Museum Directorate of Çanakkale <s> decapitation <p> named after <o> head <s> decapitation <p> subclass of <o> capital punishment <s> decapitation <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> decapitation <p> instance of <o> cause of death <s> decapitation <p> subclass of <o> execution <s> decapitation <p> instance of <o> execution method <s> decapitation <p> topic's main category <o> Category:People executed by decapitation <s> decapitation <p> part of <o> hanged, drawn, quartered and decapitated <s> decapitation <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Decapitation <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> feast day <o> July 8 <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> time period <o> Low Roman Empire <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> instance of <o> married couple <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> has part(s) <o> Aquila <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Priscilla and Aquila <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> has part(s) <o> Priscilla <s> Priscilla and Aquila <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> San Paolo <p> NMHH film rating <o> Category III <s> San Paolo <p> country of origin <o> Italy <s> San Paolo <p> country of origin <o> Germany <s> San Paolo <p> country of origin <o> Czech Republic <s> San Paolo <p> filming location <o> Malta <s> San Paolo <p> original language of film or TV show <o> English <s> San Paolo <p> original broadcaster <o> Rai 1 <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Johannes Brandrup <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Franco Nero <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Giovanni Lombardo Radice <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Barbora Bobulová <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> G. W. Bailey <s> San Paolo <p> genre <o> drama film <s> San Paolo <p> genre <o> adventure film <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Faith Brook <s> San Paolo <p> instance of <o> television film <s> San Paolo <p> filming location <o> Ouarzazate <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Ennio Fantastichini <s> San Paolo <p> distribution format <o> video on demand <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Umberto Orsini <s> San Paolo <p> film editor <o> Alessandro Lucidi <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Daniela Poggi <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Giorgio Pasotti <s> San Paolo <p> director of photography <o> Giovanni Galasso <s> San Paolo <p> composer <o> Carlo Siliotto <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Jack Hedley <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Mohamed Bensouda <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Jeremy Zimmermann <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Craig Huston <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Christian Brendel <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Massimo Sarchielli <s> San Paolo <p> director <o> Roger Young <s> San Paolo <p> screenwriter <o> Gareth Jones <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Riccardo Sardonè <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Ian Ricketts <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Maria Cristina Heller <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Thomas Lockyer <s> San Paolo <p> cast member <o> Gaetano Varcasia <s> San Paolo <p> producer <o> Luca Bernabei <s> Acts of Paul and Thecla <p> instance of <o> Biblical apocrypha <s> Acts of Paul and Thecla <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Acts of Paul and Thecla <p> different from <o> Acts of Paul <s> Acts of Paul and Thecla <p> characters <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Acts of Paul and Thecla <p> characters <o> Thecla </Graph>
<Text> :The acre is a unit of land area used in the British imperial and the United States customary systems. It is traditionally defined as the area of one chain by one furlong , which is exactly equal to 10 square chains, 1/640 of a square mile, 4,840 square yards, or 43,560 square feet, and approximately 4,047 m2, or about 40% of a hectare. Based upon the international yard and pound agreement of 1959, an acre may be declared as exactly 4,046.8564224 square metres. The acre is sometimes abbreviated ac but is usually spelled out as the word "acre". The acre is still a statutory measure in the United States. Both the international acre and the US survey acre are in use, but they differ by only four parts per million . The most common use of the acre is to measure tracts of land. The acre is commonly used in many current and former Commonwealth of Nations countries by custom only. In a few, it continues as a statute measure, although since 2010 not in the UK, and not since decades ago in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In many of those where it is not a statute measure, it is still lawful to "use for trade" if given as supplementary information and is not used for land registration. One acre equals 1/640 square mile, 4,840 square yards, 43,560 square feet, or about 4,047 square metres . While all modern variants of the acre contain 4,840 square yards, there are alternative definitions of a yard, so the exact size of an acre depends upon the particular yard on which it is based. Originally, an acre was understood as a strip of land sized at forty perches long and four perches wide; this may have also been understood as an approximation of the amount of land a yoke of oxen could plough in one day . A square enclosing one acre is approximately 69.57 yards, or 208 feet 9 inches , on a side. As a unit of measure, an acre has no prescribed shape; any area of 43,560 square feet is an acre. Paul, Apostle of Christ is a 2018 American biblical drama film written and directed by Andrew Hyatt. It stars James Faulkner as Paul the Apostle and Jim Caviezel as Saint Luke. The film tells the story of Paul, who was known as a ruthless persecutor of Christians prior to his conversion to Christianity. The plot focuses on his becoming a pivotal figure in the formation of the early church before being executed by Emperor Nero in Rome. Paul has been imprisoned inside Mamertine Prison in Rome for his strong influence as a Christian leader which makes him a threat to Nero's power. Mauritius Gallus, the newly appointed prefect of the prison, accuses Paul of burning half of Rome down and, by Nero's decree, sentences him to death. After meeting with Aquila and Priscilla, Luke sneaks into the prison and joyfully greets a weary, physically beaten Paul. Both men agree that Paul's time on Earth is nearing an end and so Luke convinces him to help write an account of how Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, came to be one of Christianity's greatest leaders. Although Mauritius discovers that Luke sneaked into the prison aided by high-ranking Romans, he allows him to visit Paul unscathed. Paul narrates his origins. As Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish boy, he was influenced by the zealotry of his leaders and witnessed the martyrdom of Stephen at their hands for professing faith in Jesus Christ. This event made Saul vow to destroy all Christians throughout the world until the day he rode for Damascus with his brethren. He became blinded by God and heard His voice asking why Saul persecuted Him. This event along with Saul's meeting Ananias, a disciple of Christ, humbled Saul so deeply that he repented of his actions. Ananias restored Saul's sight and baptized him in the name of the Lord, which led to Saul rejecting his former name and becoming Paul. Veria , officially transliterated Veroia, historically also spelled Berea or Beroea, is a city in Central Macedonia, in the geographic region of Macedonia, northern Greece, capital of the regional unit of Imathia. It is located 511 kilometres north-northwest of the capital Athens and 73 km west-southwest of Thessaloniki. Even by the standards of Greece, Veria is an old city; first mentioned in the writings of Thucydides in 432 BC, there is evidence that it was populated as early as 1000 BC. Veria was an important possession for Philip II of Macedon and later for the Romans. Apostle Paul famously preached in the city, and its inhabitants were among the first Christians in the Empire. Later, under the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, Veria was a center of Greek culture and learning. Today Veria is a commercial center of Central Macedonia, the capital of the regional unit of Imathia and the seat of a Church of Greece Metropolitan bishop in the Ecumenical Patriarchate, as well as a Latin Catholic titular see. The extensive archaeological site of Vergina , a UNESCO World Heritage Site containing the tomb of Philip II of Macedon, lies 12 km south-east of the city center of Veria. The city is reputed to have been named by its mythical creator Beres or from the daughter of the king of Berroia who was thought to be the son of Macedon. Veria enjoyed great prosperity under the kings of the Argead Dynasty who made it their second most important city after Pella; the city reached the height of its glory and influence in the Hellenistic period, during the reign of the Antigonid Dynasty. During this time, Veria became the seat of the Koinon of Macedonians , minted its own coinage and held sports games named Alexandreia, in honor of Alexander the Great, with athletes from all over Greece competing in them. Alexandria Troas is the site of an ancient Greek city situated on the Aegean Sea near the northern tip of Turkey's western coast, the area known historically as Troad, a little south of Tenedos . It is located southeast of modern Dalyan, a village in the Ezine district of Canakkale Province. The site sprawls over an estimated 400 hectares ; among the few structures remaining today are a ruined bath, an odeon, a theatre, gymnasium complex and a recently uncovered stadion. The circuit of the old walls can still be traced. According to Strabo, this site was first called Sigeia ; around 306 BC Antigonus refounded the city as the much-expanded Antigonia Troas by settling the people of five other towns in Sigeia, including the once influential city of Neandreia. It did not receive its name until its name was changed by Lysimachus to Alexandria Troas, in 301 BC, in memory of Alexander III of Macedon . However, Pliny's view is not correct, because the city continued being called Alexandria Troas, and so is also stated in the 4th-5th c. AD Tabula Peutingeriana. As the chief port of north-west Asia Minor, the place prospered greatly in Roman times, becoming a "free and autonomous city" as early as 188 BC, and the existing remains sufficiently attest its former importance. In its heyday the city may have had a population of about 100,000. Strabo mentions that a Roman colony was created at the location in the reign of Augustus, named Colonia Alexandria Augusta Troas . Augustus, Hadrian and the rich grammarian Herodes Atticus contributed greatly to its embellishment; the aqueduct still preserved is due to the latter. Julius Caesar and Constantine considered making Troas the capital of the Roman Empire. In Roman times, it was a significant port for travelling between Anatolia and Europe. According to the account in the Acts of the Apostles, Paul of Tarsus sailed for Europe for the first time from Alexandria Troas and returned there from Europe . Ignatius of Antioch also paused at this city before continuing to his martyrdom at Rome. Several of its later bishops are known: Marinus in 325; Niconius in 344; Sylvanus at the beginning of the 5th century; Pionius in 451; Leo in 787; Peter, friend of the Patriarch Ignatius, and adversary to Michael, in the ninth century. In the 10th century Troas is given as a suffragan of Cyzicus and distinct from the famous Troy ; it is not known when the city was destroyed and the diocese disappeared. The bishopric remains a titular see of the Catholic Church under the name Troas, vacant since 1971. Decapitation is the total separation of the head from the body. Such an injury is inevitably fatal to humans and most other animals, since it deprives the brain of oxygenated blood, while all other organs are deprived of the involuntary functions that are needed for the body to function. The term beheading refers to the act of deliberately decapitating a person, either as a means of murder or as an execution; it may be performed with an axe, sword, or knife, or by mechanical means such as a guillotine. An executioner who carries out executions by beheading is sometimes called a headsman. Accidental decapitation can be the result of an explosion, a car or industrial accident, improperly administered execution by hanging or other violent injury. The national laws of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Qatar permit beheading; however, in practice, Saudi Arabia is the only country that continues to behead its offenders regularly as a punishment for capital crimes. Cases of decapitation by suicidal hanging, suicide by train decapitation and by guillotine are known. Less commonly, decapitation can also refer to the removal of the head from a body that is already dead. This might be done to take the head as a trophy, for public display, to make the deceased more difficult to identify, for cryonics, or for other, more esoteric reasons. The word decapitation has its roots in the Late Latin word decapitare. The meaning of the word decapitare can be discerned from its morphemes de- + capit- . The past participle of decapitare is decapitatus which was used to create decapitatio, the noun form of decapitatus, in Medieval Latin, whence the French word decapitation was produced. Priscilla and Aquila were a first century Christian missionary married couple described in the New Testament. Aquila is traditionally listed among the Seventy Disciples. They lived, worked, and traveled with the Apostle Paul, who described them as his "fellow workers in Christ Jesus" . Priscilla and Aquila are described in the New Testament as providing a presence that strengthened the early Christian churches. Paul was generous in his recognition and acknowledgment of his indebtedness to them . Together, they are credited with instructing Apollos, a major evangelist of the first century, and " to him the way of God more accurately" . It is thought by some to be possible, in light of her apparent prominence, that Priscilla held the office of presbyter. She also is thought by some to be the anonymous author of the Epistle to the Hebrews. They are mentioned six times in four different books of the New Testament, always named as a couple and never individually. Of those six references, Aquila's name is mentioned first only twice: and one of the times on account of it being Paul's first encounter with them, probably through Aquila first. The Acts of Paul and Thecla is an apocryphal text describing Paul the Apostle's influence on a young virgin named Thecla. It is one of the writings of the New Testament apocrypha. Edgar J. Goodspeed called it a "religious romance" It is attested no earlier than Tertullian, De baptismo 17:5 , who says that a presbyter from Asia wrote the History of Paul and Thecla, and was deposed after confessing that he wrote it. Eugenia of Rome in the reign of Commodus is reported in the Acts of her martyrdom to have taken Thecla as her model after reading the text, prior to its disapproval by Tertullian. Jerome recounts the information from Tertullian, and on account of his exactitude in reporting on chronology, some scholars regard the text a 1st-century creation. Many surviving versions of the Acts of Paul and Thecla in Greek, and some in Coptic, as well as references to the work among Church fathers show that it was widely disseminated. In the Eastern Church, the wide circulation of the Acts of Paul and Thecla in Greek, Syriac, and Armenian is evidence of the veneration of Thecla of Iconium. There are also Latin, Coptic, and Ethiopic versions, sometimes differing widely from the Greek. "In the Ethiopic, with the omission of Thecla's admitted claim to preach and to baptize, half the point of the story is lost." The discovery of a Coptic text of the Acts of Paul containing the Thecla narrative suggests that the abrupt opening of the Acts of Paul and Thecla is due to its being an excerpt of that larger work. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Tychicus <p> feast day <o> April 29 <s> Tychicus <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Tychicus <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Tychicus <p> position held <o> apostle <s> Tychicus <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Tychicus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Tychicus <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Tychicus <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Tychicus <p> place of birth <o> Ephesus <s> Tychicus <p> said to be the same as <o> Tychicus of Chalcedon <s> Tychicus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Derbe <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Derbe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Turkey <s> Derbe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Karaman Province <s> Derbe <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Derbe <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Derbe <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Derbe <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Derbe <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Kaloi Limenes <p> country <o> Greece <s> Kaloi Limenes <p> instance of <o> village <s> Kaloi Limenes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Kaloi Limenes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Kaloi Limenes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Faistos Municipality <s> Kaloi Limenes <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Crete <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> day in year for periodic occurrence <o> January 25 <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> location <o> Damascus <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> instance of <o> religious conversion <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> instance of <o> Bible story <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> instance of <o> Christian holy day <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> instance of <o> artistic theme <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> different from <o> Pauline conversion of the Church <s> conversion of Paul the Apostle <p> present in work <o> Acts 9 <s> Paullus <p> language of work or name <o> Latin <s> Paullus <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Paullus <p> used by <o> Paullus Aemilius Lepidus <s> Paullus <p> used by <o> Paullus Fabius Maximus <s> Paullus <p> time period <o> classical antiquity <s> Paullus <p> different from <o> Paullus <s> Paullus <p> has characteristic <o> masculine <s> Paullus <p> instance of <o> praenomen <s> Paullus <p> country <o> Ancient Rome <s> Paullus <p> different from <o> Paullus <s> Paullus <p> family name identical to this given name <o> Paullus <s> Paullus <p> used by <o> Paullus Fabius Persicus <s> Paullus <p> used by <o> Paullus Aemilius Regillus <s> Paullus <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Paullus <p> described by source <o> The Origin of Roman Praenomina <s> Paullus <p> given name version for other gender <o> Paulla <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> collection <o> Palace of Versailles <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> location <o> Palace of Versailles <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> depicts <o> Peter <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> creator <o> Giovanni Lanfranco <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> collection <o> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> owned by <o> French State <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Separation of Saints Peter and Paul <p> location <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> location <o> Museo del Prado <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> owned by <o> Ferdinand VII of Spain <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> collection <o> Museo del Prado <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> creator <o> Bartolomé Esteban Murillo <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> location <o> Royal Palace of Aranjuez <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> main subject <o> conversion of Paul the Apostle <s> Conversion of Saint Paul <p> genre <o> religious art <s> The Apostle Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Apostle Paul <p> creator <o> Rembrandt <s> The Apostle Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> The Apostle Paul <p> genre <o> portrait <s> The Apostle Paul <p> collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> The Apostle Paul <p> location <o> National Gallery of Art <s> The Apostle Paul <p> depicts <o> cell <s> The Apostle Paul <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Apostle Paul <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Apostle Paul <p> depicts <o> male human <s> The Apostle Paul <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Syracuse <p> instance of <o> city <s> Syracuse <p> country <o> Italy <s> Syracuse <p> culture <o> Italy <s> Syracuse <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> seismic classification <o> 1 <s> Syracuse <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Syracuse <p> culture <o> Ancient Greece <s> Syracuse <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Syracuse <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Syracuse <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Syracuse <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Syracuse <p> capital of <o> Province of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> capital of <o> Byzantine Empire <s> Syracuse <p> patron saint <o> Saint Lucy <s> Syracuse <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Sicily <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Corinth <s> Syracuse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Erchie <s> Syracuse <p> replaces <o> ancient Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> instance of <o> polis <s> Syracuse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Perugia <s> Syracuse <p> part of <o> Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Ortygia <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Noto <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Palazzolo Acreide <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Avola <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Priolo Gargallo <s> Syracuse <p> head of government <o> Francesco Italia <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Melilli <s> Syracuse <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Syracuse <p> capital <o> Siracusa <s> Syracuse <p> capital of <o> Sicilia <s> Syracuse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Free Municipal Consortium of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Solarino <s> Syracuse <p> part of <o> Free Municipal Consortium of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Syracuse, Sicily <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Syracuse, Sicily <s> Syracuse <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Canicattini Bagni <s> Syracuse <p> shares border with <o> Floridia <s> Syracuse <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Syracuse, Sicily <s> Syracuse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stockholm Municipality <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> significant event <o> siege of Syracuse <s> Syracuse <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Syracuse <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Syracuse, Sicily <s> Syracuse <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> Syracuse <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Syracuse <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Syracuse <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Syracuse <p> capital of <o> Free Municipal Consortium of Syracuse <s> hieromartyr <p> subclass of <o> saint <s> hieromartyr <p> subclass of <o> Christian martyr <s> hieromartyr <p> subclass of <o> Christian cleric <s> hieromartyr <p> instance of <o> Eastern Orthodox saint titles <s> hieromartyr <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hieromartyrs </Graph>
<Text> :Tychicus was an Asiatic Christian who, with Trophimus, accompanied the Apostle Paul on a part of his journey from Macedonia to Jerusalem. He is also alluded to have been with Paul in Rome, where the apostle sent him to Ephesus, probably for the purpose of building up and encouraging the church there. In the New Testament, he is mentioned five times . The passages in the Epistle to Titus and to Timothy show that Tychicus was again with Paul after the appeal to the emperor had resulted in the apostle regaining his freedom. The passage in Titus evidently refers to the interval between Paul's first and second Roman imprisonments, and while he was again engaged in missionary journeys. The apostle writes to Titus, who was in Crete in charge of the churches there, that he intended to send either Artemas or Tychicus to him, so as to take the oversight of the work of the gospel in that island so that Titus might be free to come to be with the apostle at Nicopolis. The last passage where Tychicus is mentioned occurs in 2 Timothy, which was written in Rome not long before Paul's execution. To the very end Paul was busy as ever in the work of the gospel; and though it would have been a comfort to him to have his friends beside him, yet the interests of the kingdom of Christ are uppermost in his thoughts, and he sends these friends to help the progress of the work. To the last, Tychicus was serviceable as ever: "Tychicus I sent to Ephesus" . As Timothy was in charge of the church in Ephesus , the coming of Tychicus would set him free, so as to enable him to set off at once to rejoin Paul at Rome, as the apostle desired him . The Catholic Encyclopedia notes that different traditions make Tychicus out to be the Bishop of Colophon, Chalcedon or Neapolis in Cyprus. His feast in the Roman calendar of saints is kept on 29 April. Derbe or Dervi , also called Derveia , was a city of Galatia in Asia Minor, and later of Lycaonia, and still later of Isauria and Cappadocia. It is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles at 14:6, 14:20, 16:1 and 20:4. Derbe is the only city mentioned in the New Testament where the message of the Gospel was accepted from the beginning by its inhabitants. Derbe is derived from Derbent which is derived from Persian "Darband" , referring to an adjacent pass, to a narrow gate entrance. Strabo places Derbe "on the sides" of Isauria, and almost in Cappadocia. Elsewhere, he says it was in the eleventh praefecture of Cappadocia. When the apostles Paul and Barnabas visited Derbe, it was in Lycaonia. Stephanus of Byzantium places Derbe in Isauria. In 1956, on the basis of an inscription dating to 157 AD, Michael Ballance fixed the site of Derbe at a mound known as Kerti Huyuk, some 15 miles northeast of Karaman , near Ekinozu village in modern-day Turkey. Although subject to controversy, this is considered the most likely site. Kaloi Limenes or Kali Limenes is a village and port in the Heraklion regional unit, southern Crete, in Greece, located 70km south-west of the city of Heraklion. It has 21 inhabitants . It is known as a major bunkering spot for ships in the southern Mediterranean. Kaloi Limenes is a natural port near the southernmost point of Crete. It is close to the village of Lentas , and the unexcavated remains of Lassea, a port for the ancient settlement of Gortys. According to the Acts of the Apostles, Apostle Paul, landed at Kaloi Limenes on his way from Caesarea to Rome as a prisoner of the Romans, then attempted to proceed further west along the coast to Phoinikas , identified to the homonym small village in the bay west of Loutro or Loutro itself. A small church was built there . The port is the home of a major oil storage and terminal facility, located on the small island of Aghios Pavlos at the port's entrance. The facility has four shore-based storage tanks containing fuel oil and gasoil, pumps of 1,000 cubic metres per hour capacity and three loading docks. The terminal's maximum draft of 40 feet enables the facility to handle oil tankers of up to approximately two hundred thousand metric tons of deadweight. The conversion of Paul the Apostle was, according to the New Testament, an event in the life of Saul/Paul the Apostle that led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a follower of Jesus. Paul's conversion experience is discussed in both the Pauline epistles and in the Acts of the Apostles. According to both sources, Saul/Paul was not a follower of Jesus and did not know him before his crucifixion. The narrative of the Book of Acts suggests Paul's conversion occurred 4-7 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. The accounts of Paul's conversion experience describe it as miraculous, supernatural, or otherwise revelatory in nature. Before his conversion, Paul was known as Saul and was "a Pharisee of Pharisees", who "intensely persecuted" the followers of Jesus. Paul describes his life before conversion in his Epistle to the Galatians: For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.The painting depicts a dispute between Peter and Paul at Antioch in 50 CE, as narrated in the second chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. The dispute was whether Christian salvation was available only to Jews or also to non-Jews . St Paul is almost certainly the green and red-robed younger bearded man on the left, with a sword rising behind him, forging forward with his entourage to proselytize the outside world. On the right of the canvas, the elder white-haired man, in a yellow robe is led back into the city to administer the church. The painting was present in Cardinal Mazarin's collection by 1653, was acquired by King Louis XIV in 1671 and moved to Versailles. It was transferred from Versailles to the Louvre in 1899, and then back to Versailles in 1949, and since 2012 it has been moved to the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Carcassonne. The conversion of Paul the Apostle was, according to the New Testament, an event in the life of Saul/Paul the Apostle that led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a follower of Jesus. Paul's conversion experience is discussed in both the Pauline epistles and in the Acts of the Apostles. According to both sources, Saul/Paul was not a follower of Jesus and did not know him before his crucifixion. The narrative of the Book of Acts suggests Paul's conversion occurred 4-7 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. The accounts of Paul's conversion experience describe it as miraculous, supernatural, or otherwise revelatory in nature. Before his conversion, Paul was known as Saul and was "a Pharisee of Pharisees", who "intensely persecuted" the followers of Jesus. Paul describes his life before conversion in his Epistle to the Galatians: For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.Paul , commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. For his contributions towards the New Testament, he is generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, and he also founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD. The main source of information on Paul's life and works is the Acts of the Apostles book in the New Testament and approximately half of its content document them. Paul was not one of the Twelve Apostles, and did not know Jesus during his lifetime. According to the Acts, Paul lived as a Pharisee and participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity, in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion. Some time after having approved of the execution of Stephen, Paul was traveling on the road to Damascus so that he might find any Christians there and bring them "bound to Jerusalem". At midday, a light brighter than the sun shone around both him and those with him, causing all to fall to the ground, with the risen Christ verbally addressing Paul regarding his persecution in a vision. Having been made blind, along with being commanded to enter the city, his sight was restored three days later by Ananias of Damascus. After these events, Paul was baptized, beginning immediately to proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God. He made three missionary journeys to spread the Christian message to non-Jewish communities in Asia Minor, the Greek provinces of Achaia, Macedonia, and Cyprus, as well as Judea and Syria, as narrated in the Acts. Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul. Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder. Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews is not asserted in the Epistle itself and was already doubted in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It was almost unquestioningly accepted from the 5th to the 16th centuries that Paul was the author of Hebrews, but that view is now almost universally rejected by scholars. The other six are believed by some scholars to have come from followers writing in his name, using material from Paul's surviving letters and letters written by him that no longer survive. Other scholars argue that the idea of a pseudonymous author for the disputed epistles raises many problems. Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Latin and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions of the East. Paul's influence on Christian thought and practice has been characterized as being as "profound as it is pervasive", among that of many other apostles and missionaries involved in the spread of the Christian faith. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> country <o> Israel <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> country <o> Ancient Rome <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Palaestina Prima <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> culture <o> Ancient Rome <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Caesarea <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> heritage designation <o> Tentative World Heritage Site <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Syria Palaestina <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> replaces <o> Straton's Tower <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> significant event <o> Siege of Caesarea <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> significant event <o> slighting <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> capital of <o> Syria Palaestina <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> capital of <o> Palaestina Prima <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> instance of <o> Roman archaeological site <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Caesarea Maritima <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (vi) <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (v) <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> instance of <o> roman colonia <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Caesarea Maritima <p> capital of <o> Judaea <s> Paulus <p> different from <o> Paulus <s> Paulus <p> language of work or name <o> Dutch <s> Paulus <p> given name version for other gender <o> Paula <s> Paulus <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Paulus <p> family name identical to this given name <o> Paulus <s> Paulus <p> instance of <o> male given name <s> Paulus <p> said to be the same as <o> Phaolô <s> Paulus <p> attested in <o> most frequent first names at birth in Rotterdam (1811-1913) <s> Paulus <p> attested in <o> frequency of first names in the Netherlands, 2010 <s> Saint Paul <p> creator <o> Michelangelo <s> Saint Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Saint Paul <p> instance of <o> sculpture <s> Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> marble <s> Saint Paul <p> movement <o> High Renaissance <s> Saint Paul <p> collection <o> Siena Cathedral <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Konya <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Konya <p> capital of <o> Konya Province <s> Konya <p> capital of <o> Sultanate of Rum <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Konya <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Konya <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Konya <s> Konya <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> Konya <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (i) <s> Konya <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Konya <p> heritage designation <o> Tentative World Heritage Site <s> Konya <p> instance of <o> city <s> Konya <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Konya <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baku <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Verona <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Konya <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Konya Province <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sanaa <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ganja <s> Konya <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Konya <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xi'an <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Konya <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Konya <s> Konya <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Konya <s> Konya <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Konya <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Multan <s> Konya <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Konya <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Konya <s> Konya <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Konya <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tetovo <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tabriz <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sylhet <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Al Qadarif <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Okayama <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khoy <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qom <s> Konya <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Konya <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Konya Vilayet <s> Konya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tulkarm <s> Konya <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Konya <p> instance of <o> metropolitan municipality in Turkey <s> Konya <p> instance of <o> metropolitan municipality <s> Saint Paul <p> country of origin <o> Italy <s> Saint Paul <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Saint Paul <p> depicts <o> man <s> Saint Paul <p> creator <o> Masaccio <s> Saint Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Saint Paul <p> main subject <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Saint Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Saint Paul <p> movement <o> Italian Renaissance <s> Saint Paul <p> location <o> National Museum of San Matteo <s> Saint Paul <p> part of <o> Pisa Polyptych <s> Saint Paul <p> collection <o> National Museum of San Matteo <s> Saint Paul <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Saint Paul <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> country <o> Italy <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> location <o> Cerasi Chapel <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> described by source <o> 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> movement <o> Baroque <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> time period <o> Baroque <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> creator <o> Caravaggio <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> fabrication method <o> chiaroscuro <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> collection <o> Santa Maria del Popolo <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> depicts <o> conversion of Paul the Apostle <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Conversion on the Way to Damascus <p> main subject <o> conversion of Paul the Apostle <s> Miletus <p> category of associated people <o> Category:Ancient Milesians <s> Miletus <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Miletus <p> part of <o> Ancient Greece <s> Miletus <p> instance of <o> polis <s> Miletus <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Miletus <p> member of <o> Delian League <s> Miletus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Aydın Province <s> Miletus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Balat <s> Miletus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Didim <s> Miletus <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ionia <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Miletus <p> significant event <o> Siege of Miletus <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Miletus <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> Miletus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Miletus <s> Miletus <p> affiliation <o> Museum Directorate of Milet <s> Saul <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Saul <p> different from <o> Saul <s> Saul <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Sauli <s> Saul <p> family name identical to this given name <o> Saul <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Saúl <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Savely <s> Saul <p> instance of <o> male given name <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Saulo <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Szaweł <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Shaul <s> Saul <p> said to be the same as <o> Saül <s> Incident at Antioch <p> instance of <o> Bible story <s> Incident at Antioch <p> instance of <o> strife <s> Incident at Antioch <p> characters <o> Peter <s> Incident at Antioch <p> characters <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Incident at Antioch <p> main subject <o> Circumcision controversy in early Christianity <s> Incident at Antioch <p> location <o> Antioch <s> Incident at Antioch <p> present in work <o> Galatians 2 <s> Pauline epistles <p> instance of <o> compilation <s> Pauline epistles <p> instance of <o> text corpus <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Second Epistle to the Corinthians <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> First Epistle to the Corinthians <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to the Galatians <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Second Epistle to Timothy <s> Pauline epistles <p> named after <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> First Epistle to Timothy <s> Pauline epistles <p> author <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to Philemon <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> First Epistle to the Thessalonians <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to Titus <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to the Romans <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to the Philippians <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to the Hebrews <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Second Epistle to the Thessalonians <s> Pauline epistles <p> has part(s) <o> Epistle to the Ephesians <s> Pauline epistles <p> instance of <o> group of literary works <s> Pauline epistles <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pauline epistles <s> Pauline epistles <p> edition or translation of <o> General epistles <s> Pauline epistles <p> part of <o> New Testament epistles <s> Pauline epistles <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (2007 ed.) <s> Pauline epistles <p> has edition or translation <o> Epístolas de san Pablo Apóstol </Graph>
<Text> :Caesarea Z-@-REE-@, SESS-; Koine Greek: Kaisareia, romanized: Kaisareia; Hebrew: qysryh, romanized: Qesaryah; Arabic: qysry@, romanized: Qaysariyyah), also Caesarea Maritima, Caesarea Palaestinae or Caesarea Stratonis, was an ancient and medieval port city on the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean, and later a small fishing village. It was the capital of Roman Judaea, Syria Palaestina and Palaestina Prima, successively, for a period of c.650 years, and a major intellectual hub of the Mediterranean, from the time of Herod I until the Muslim conquest of the Levant. Today, the site is part of the Caesarea National Park, on the western edge of the Sharon plain in Israel. The site was first settled in the 4th century BCE as a Phoenician colony and trading village known as Straton's Tower after the ruler of Sidon. It was enlarged in the 1st century BCE under Hasmonean rule, becoming a Jewish village; and in 63 BCE, when the Roman Republic annexed the region, it was declared an autonomous city. It was then significantly enlarged in the Roman period by the Judaean client king Herod I, who established a new harbour and dedicated the town and its port to Caesar Augustus as Caesarea. During the early Roman period, Caesarea became the seat of the Roman procurators in the region. The city was populated throughout the 1st to 6th centuries CE and became an important early centre of Christianity during the Byzantine period. Its importance may have waned following the Muslim conquest of 640 when the city, then known in Arabic as Qisarya , lost its status as provincial capital. After being re-fortified by Muslim rulers in the 11th century, it was conquered by the Crusaders, who strengthened and made it into an important port, and was finally slighted by the Mamluks in 1265. Qisarya was a small fishing village in the early modern period. In February 1948, during the 1948 Palestine war, some of its population fled following an attack on a bus by the Zionist militant group Lehi, and the remainder were expelled by the Palmach, who subsequently demolished its houses. The ruins of the ancient city beneath the depopulated village were excavated in the 1950s and 1960s for archaeological purposes. Paul , commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. For his contributions towards the New Testament, he is generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, and he also founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD. The main source of information on Paul's life and works is the Acts of the Apostles book in the New Testament and approximately half of its content document them. Paul was not one of the Twelve Apostles, and did not know Jesus during his lifetime. According to the Acts, Paul lived as a Pharisee and participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity, in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion. Some time after having approved of the execution of Stephen, Paul was traveling on the road to Damascus so that he might find any Christians there and bring them "bound to Jerusalem". At midday, a light brighter than the sun shone around both him and those with him, causing all to fall to the ground, with the risen Christ verbally addressing Paul regarding his persecution in a vision. Having been made blind, along with being commanded to enter the city, his sight was restored three days later by Ananias of Damascus. After these events, Paul was baptized, beginning immediately to proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God. He made three missionary journeys to spread the Christian message to non-Jewish communities in Asia Minor, the Greek provinces of Achaia, Macedonia, and Cyprus, as well as Judea and Syria, as narrated in the Acts. Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul. Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder. Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews is not asserted in the Epistle itself and was already doubted in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It was almost unquestioningly accepted from the 5th to the 16th centuries that Paul was the author of Hebrews, but that view is now almost universally rejected by scholars. The other six are believed by some scholars to have come from followers writing in his name, using material from Paul's surviving letters and letters written by him that no longer survive. Other scholars argue that the idea of a pseudonymous author for the disputed epistles raises many problems. Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Latin and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions of the East. Paul's influence on Christian thought and practice has been characterized as being as "profound as it is pervasive", among that of many other apostles and missionaries involved in the spread of the Christian faith. Konya is a major city in central Turkey, on the southwestern edge of the Central Anatolian Plateau, and is the capital of Konya Province. During antiquity and into Seljuk times it was known as Iconium. In 19th-century accounts of the city in English its name is usually spelt Konia or Koniah. In the late medieval period, Konya was the capital of the Seljuk Turks' Sultanate of Rum, from where they ruled over Anatolia. As of 2021, the population of the Metropolitan Province was 2,277,017, making it the sixth most populous city in Turkey, and second most populous of the Central Anatolia Region, after Ankara. Of this, 1,390,051 lived in the three urban districts of Meram, Selcuklu and Karatay. Konya is served by TCDD high-speed train services from Istanbul and Ankara. The local airport is served by flights from Istanbul. Konya was known in classical antiquity and during the medieval period as Ikonion in Greek ) and as Iconium in Latin. Ikonion is the Hellenisation of an older Luwian name Ikkuwaniya. Some claim that the name Ikonion was derived from eikon , referring to an ancient Greek legend according to which the hero Perseus vanquished the native population with an image of the "Gorgon Medusa's head" before founding the city. Paul , commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. For his contributions towards the New Testament, he is generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, and he also founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD. The main source of information on Paul's life and works is the Acts of the Apostles book in the New Testament and approximately half of its content document them. Paul was not one of the Twelve Apostles, and did not know Jesus during his lifetime. According to the Acts, Paul lived as a Pharisee and participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity, in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion. Some time after having approved of the execution of Stephen, Paul was traveling on the road to Damascus so that he might find any Christians there and bring them "bound to Jerusalem". At midday, a light brighter than the sun shone around both him and those with him, causing all to fall to the ground, with the risen Christ verbally addressing Paul regarding his persecution in a vision. Having been made blind, along with being commanded to enter the city, his sight was restored three days later by Ananias of Damascus. After these events, Paul was baptized, beginning immediately to proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God. He made three missionary journeys to spread the Christian message to non-Jewish communities in Asia Minor, the Greek provinces of Achaia, Macedonia, and Cyprus, as well as Judea and Syria, as narrated in the Acts. Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul. Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder. Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews is not asserted in the Epistle itself and was already doubted in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It was almost unquestioningly accepted from the 5th to the 16th centuries that Paul was the author of Hebrews, but that view is now almost universally rejected by scholars. The other six are believed by some scholars to have come from followers writing in his name, using material from Paul's surviving letters and letters written by him that no longer survive. Other scholars argue that the idea of a pseudonymous author for the disputed epistles raises many problems. Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Latin and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions of the East. Paul's influence on Christian thought and practice has been characterized as being as "profound as it is pervasive", among that of many other apostles and missionaries involved in the spread of the Christian faith. The Conversion on the Way to Damascus is a work by Caravaggio, painted in 1601 for the Cerasi Chapel of the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, in Rome. Across the chapel is a second Caravaggio depicting the Crucifixion of Saint Peter. On the altar between the two is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Annibale Carracci. The two lateral paintings of the Cerasi Chapel were commissioned in September 1600 by Monsignor Tiberio Cerasi, Treasurer-General to Pope Clement VIII who purchased the chapel from the Augustinian friars on 8 July 1600 and entrusted Carlo Maderno to rebuild the small edifice in Baroque style. The contract for the altarpiece with Carracci has not been preserved but it is generally assumed that the document had been signed somewhat earlier, and Caravaggio had to take into consideration the other artist's work and the overall iconographic programme of the chapel. Although much has been said about the supposed rivalry between the painters, there is no historical evidence about any serious tensions. Both were successful and sought-after artists in Rome. Caravaggio gained the Cerasi commission right after his celebrated works in the Contarelli Chapel had been finished, and Carracci was busy creating his great fresco cycle in the Palazzo Farnese. In these circumstances there was little reason for them to regard each other as business rivals, states Denis Mahon. The contract signed on 24 September 1600 stipulates that "the distinguished painter, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio" will paint two large cypress panels, ten palms high and eight palms wide, representing the conversion of Saint Paul and the martyrdom of Saint Peter within eight months for the price of 400 scudi. The contract gave a free hand to the painter to choose the figures, persons and ornaments depicted in the way as he saw fit, "to the satisfaction however of his Lordship", and he was also obliged to submit preparatory studies before the execution of the paintings. Caravaggio received 50 scudi as advance payment from the banker Vincenzo Giustiniani with the rest earmarked to be paid on completion. The dimensions specified for the panels are virtually the same as the size of the existing canvasses. Miletus ; Latin: Miletus; Turkish: Milet) was an ancient Greek city on the western coast of Anatolia, near the mouth of the Maeander River in ancient Ionia. Its ruins are located near the modern village of Balat in Aydin Province, Turkey. Before the Persian rule that started in the 6th century BC, Miletus was considered among the greatest and wealthiest of Greek cities. Evidence of first settlement at the site has been made inaccessible by the rise of sea level and deposition of sediments from the Maeander. The first available evidence is of the Neolithic. In the early and middle Bronze Age the settlement came under Minoan influence. Recorded history at Miletus begins with the records of the Hittite Empire, and the Mycenaean records of Pylos and Knossos, in the Late Bronze Age. Miletus was a Mycenaean stronghold on the coast of Asia Minor from c. 1450 to 1100 BC. The 13th century BC saw the arrival of Luwian language speakers from south central Anatolia calling themselves the Carians. Later in that century other Greeks arrived. The city at that time rebelled against the Hittite Empire. After the fall of that empire the city was destroyed in the 12th century BC and starting about 1000 BC was resettled extensively by the Ionian Greeks. Legend offers an Ionian foundation event sponsored by a founder named Neleus from the Peloponnesus. The Greek Dark Ages were a time of Ionian settlement and consolidation in an alliance called the Ionian League. The Archaic Period of Greece began with a sudden and brilliant flash of art and philosophy on the coast of Anatolia. In the 6th century BC, Miletus was the site of origin of the Greek philosophical tradition, when Thales, followed by Anaximander and Anaximenes , began to speculate about the material constitution of the world, and to propose speculative naturalistic explanations for various natural phenomena. Saul was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the first monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel. His reign, traditionally placed in the late 11th century BC, supposedly marked the transition of Israel and Judah from a scattered tribal society ruled by various judges to organized statehood. The historicity of Saul and the United Kingdom of Israel is not universally accepted, as what is known of both comes exclusively from the Hebrew Bible. According to the text, he was anointed as king of the Israelites by Samuel, and reigned from Gibeah. Saul is said to have commited suicide when he "fell on his sword" during a battle with the Philistines at Mount Gilboa, in which three of his sons were also killed. Saul's son Ish-bosheth succeeded him on the throne and was later murdered by his own military leaders, and then his son-in-law David became king. According to the Hebrew text of the Bible, Saul reigned for two years, but Biblical commentators generally agree that the text is faulty and that a reign of 20 or 22 years is more probable. In the New Testament book of Acts 13:21, the Apostle Paul indicates that Saul's reign lasted for forty years. According to the Hebrew Bible, Saul was the son of Kish, of the family of the Matrites, and a member of the tribe of Benjamin, one of the twelve Tribes of Israel. It appears that he came from Gibeah. The incident at Antioch was an Apostolic Age dispute between the apostles Paul and Peter which occurred in the city of Antioch around the middle of the first century. The primary source for the incident is Paul's Epistle to the Galatians 2:11-14. Since the 19th century figure Ferdinand Christian Baur, biblical scholars have found evidence of conflict among the leaders of early Christianity; for example, James D. G. Dunn proposes that Peter was a "bridge-man" between the opposing views of Paul and James, brother of Jesus. The final outcome of the incident remains uncertain, resulting in several Christian views on the Old Covenant. Paul was responsible for bringing Christianity to Ephesus, Corinth, Philippi, and Thessalonica. According to Larry Hurtado, "Paul saw Jesus' resurrection as ushering in the eschatological time foretold by biblical prophets in which the pagan 'Gentile' nations would turn from their idols and embrace the one true God of Israel , and Paul saw himself as specially called by God to declare God's eschatological acceptance of the Gentiles and summon them to turn to God." According to Krister Stendahl, the main concern of Paul's writings on Jesus' role and salvation by faith is not the individual conscience of human sinners and their doubts about being chosen by God or not, but the problem of the inclusion of Gentile Torah-observers into God's covenant. As Gentiles began to convert from Paganism to early Christianity, a dispute arose among Jewish Christian leaders as to whether or not Gentile Christians needed to observe all the tenets of the Law of Moses. The inclusion of Gentiles into early Christianity posed a problem for the Jewish identity of some of the early Christians: the new Gentile converts were neither required to be circumcised nor to observe the Mosaic Law. Observance of the Jewish commandments, including circumcision, was regarded as a token of the membership of the Abrahamic covenant, and the most traditionalist faction of Jewish Christians insisted that Gentile converts had to be circumcised as well. By contrast, the rite of circumcision was considered execrable and repulsive during the period of Hellenization of the Eastern Mediterranean, and was especially opposed in Classical civilization both by ancient Greeks and Romans, who instead valued the foreskin positively. Around the same time period, the subject of Gentiles and the Torah was also debated among the Tannaitic rabbis as recorded in the Talmud. This resulted in the doctrine of the Seven Laws of Noah, to be followed by Gentiles, as well as the determination that "Gentiles may not be taught the Torah." The 18th-century Rabbi Jacob Emden was of the opinion that Jesus' original objective, and especially Paul's, was only to convert Gentiles to follow the Seven Laws of Noah while allowing Jews to keep the Mosaic Law for themselves . The Pauline epistles, also known as Epistles of Paul or Letters of Paul, are the thirteen books of the New Testament attributed to Paul the Apostle, although the authorship of some is in dispute. Among these epistles are some of the earliest extant Christian documents. They provide an insight into the beliefs and controversies of early Christianity. As part of the canon of the New Testament, they are foundational texts for both Christian theology and ethics. Most scholars believe that Paul actually wrote seven of the thirteen Pauline epistles , while three of the epistles in Paul's name are widely seen as pseudepigraphic . Whether Paul wrote the three other epistles in his name is widely debated. According to some scholars, Paul wrote the questionable letters with the help of a secretary, or amanuensis, who would have influenced their style, if not their theological content. The Epistle to the Hebrews, although it does not bear his name, was traditionally considered Pauline , but from the 16th century onwards opinion steadily moved against Pauline authorship and few scholars now ascribe it to Paul, mostly because it does not read like any of his other epistles in style and content and because the epistle does not indicate that Paul is the author, unlike the others. The Pauline epistles are usually placed between the Acts of the Apostles and the catholic epistles in modern editions. Most Greek manuscripts place the general epistles first, and a few minuscules place the Pauline epistles at the end of the New Testament. In all of these epistles, except the Epistle to the Hebrews, the author and writer does claim to be Paul. The contested letters may have been written using Paul's name, as it was common to attribute at that point in history. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Lystra <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Lystra <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Lystra <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Lystra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Meram <s> Lystra <p> different from <o> Kilistra <s> Lystra <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Lystra <p> location <o> Lycaonia <s> Philippi <p> country <o> Greece <s> Philippi <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> Philippi <p> culture <o> Ancient Greece <s> Philippi <p> founded by <o> Philip II of Macedon <s> Philippi <p> instance of <o> polis <s> Philippi <p> named after <o> Philip II of Macedon <s> Philippi <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Philippi <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Philippi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Philippi <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Philippi <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iii) <s> Philippi <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Philippi <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Philippi <p> location <o> Krinides <s> Philippi <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Philippi <p> heritage designation <o> listed archaeological site in Greece <s> Philippi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kavala Municipality <s> Philippi <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Philippi <s> Philippi <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Philippi <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Philippi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ancient Philippi <s> Saint Paul <p> country of origin <o> Spain <s> Saint Paul <p> creator <o> El Greco <s> Saint Paul <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Saint Paul <p> main subject <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Saint Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Saint Paul <p> depicts <o> sword <s> Saint Paul <p> different from <o> Saint Paul <s> Saint Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Saint Paul <p> location <o> Museo del Prado <s> Saint Paul <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Saint Paul <p> collection <o> Museo del Prado <s> Saint Paul <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Saint Paul <p> different from <o> Apostle Saint Paul <s> Saint Paul <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Sidon <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Sidon <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Sidon <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Sidon <p> capital of <o> South Governorate <s> Sidon <p> capital of <o> Sidon <s> Sidon <p> capital of <o> Lordship of Sidon <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Sidon <p> country <o> Lebanon <s> Sidon <p> capital of <o> Sidon District <s> Sidon <p> significant event <o> Siege of Sidon <s> Sidon <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sochi <s> Sidon <p> instance of <o> city <s> Sidon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sidon <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Sidon <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Sidon <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> Sidon <p> heritage designation <o> Tentative World Heritage Site <s> Sidon <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Sidon <s> Sidon <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Sidon <s> Sidon <p> twinned administrative body <o> Constanța <s> Sidon <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Sidon <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Sidon <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sidon <s> Sidon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sidon District <s> Pseudo-Paul <p> instance of <o> human <s> Pseudo-Paul <p> different from <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Pseudo-Paul <p> named after <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Pseudo-Paul <p> instance of <o> pseudo-author <s> Pseudo-Paul <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Demetrius <p> part of <o> Demetrius <s> Demetrius <p> instance of <o> human <s> Demetrius <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Demetrius <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Demetrius <p> occupation <o> silversmith <s> Category:Paul the Apostle <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Paul the Apostle <p> category's main topic <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> country <o> Turkey <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Isparta Province <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Pisidia <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> instance of <o> archaeological site <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> culture <o> Seleucid dynasty <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Yalvaç <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> affiliation <o> Museum Directorate of Yalvaç <s> Antioch of Pisidia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Antiocheia in Psidia <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alexandria <s> Paphos <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Paphos <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Paphos <p> country <o> Cyprus <s> Paphos <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Košice <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Paphos <p> capital of <o> Cyprus <s> Paphos <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Paphos <s> Paphos <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lamia <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Herzliya <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chania <s> Paphos <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paphos District <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Batumi <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Corfu <s> Paphos <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Paphos <p> part of <o> Union of Cyprus Municipalities <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Preveza <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Anzio <s> Paphos <p> instance of <o> city in Cyprus <s> Paphos <p> instance of <o> City-kingdom of Cyprus <s> Paphos <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Paphos <s> Paphos <p> different from <o> Paphos Municipality <s> Paphos <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Paphos <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liyang <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kalamaria <s> Paphos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mytilene <s> Paphos <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> san felipe de jesus <p> instance of <o> human <s> san felipe de jesus <p> feast day <o> February 5 <s> san felipe de jesus <p> place of birth <o> Mexico City <s> san felipe de jesus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> san felipe de jesus <p> manner of death <o> capital punishment <s> san felipe de jesus <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> san felipe de jesus <p> country of citizenship <o> Spanish Empire <s> san felipe de jesus <p> place of death <o> Nagasaki <s> san felipe de jesus <p> part of <o> Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan <s> san felipe de jesus <p> manner of death <o> asphyxia <s> san felipe de jesus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> san felipe de jesus <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> san felipe de jesus <p> manner of death <o> stab wound <s> san felipe de jesus <p> occupation <o> missionary <s> san felipe de jesus <p> given name <o> Felipe <s> san felipe de jesus <p> religious order <o> Order of Friars Minor </Graph>
<Text> :Lystra was a city in central Anatolia, now part of present-day Turkey. It is mentioned six times in the New Testament. Lystra was visited several times by Paul the Apostle, along with Barnabas or Silas. There Paul met a young disciple, Timothy. Lystra was included by various authors in ancient Lycaonia, Isauria, or Galatia. The site of Lystra is believed to be located 30 kilometres south of the city of Konya , north of the village of Hatunsaray and some 15 kilometres north of a small town called Akoren. A small museum within the village of Hatunsaray displays artifacts from ancient Lystra. Lystra is the ancient name of the village visited by Paul the Apostle. There is a present-day village called "Kilistra" near Gokyurt, a village of the Meram district of Konya province. Ancient ruins can be seen near Klistra, including a church with a big cross marked on the wall, a winery, house-like buildings, and the ruins of a city located over the top of a hill which is locally called "Alusumas", where another church ruin can be seen. According to local people, the less-visible city was constructed over the hill to hide from enemies of ancient Anatolia. This site is still awaiting excavation. Lystra is located on an ancient road which ran from Ephesus to Sardis to Antioch in Pisidia to Iconium and Lystra, to Derbe, through the Cilician Gates, to Tarsus, to Antioch in Syria, and then to points east and south. Philippi was a major Greek city northwest of the nearby island, Thasos. Its original name was Crenides after its establishment by Thasian colonists in 360/359 BC. The city was renamed by Philip II of Macedon in 356 BC and abandoned in the 14th century after the Ottoman conquest. The present village of Filippoi is located near the ruins of the ancient city and is part of the region of East Macedonia and Thrace in Kavala, Greece. The archaeological site was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016 because of its exceptional Roman architecture, its urban layout as a smaller reflection of Rome itself, and its importance in early Christianity. Thasian colonists established a settlement at Crenides in Thrace in 360/359 BC near the head of the Aegean Sea at the foot of Mt. Orbelos, now called Mt. Lekani, about 13 km north-west of Kavalla, on the northern border of the marsh that, in antiquity, covered the entire plain separating it from the Pangaion Hills to the south. In 356 BC, King Philip II of Macedon conquered the city and renamed it to Philippi. The Macedonian conquerors of the town aimed to take control of the neighbouring gold mines and to establish a garrison at a strategic passage: the site controlled the route between Amphipolis and Neapolis, part of the great royal route which runs east-west across Macedonia which the Roman Republic reconstructed in the 2nd century BC as part of the Via Egnatia. Philip II endowed the city with important fortifications, which partially blocked the passage between the swamp and Mt. Orbelos, and sent colonists to occupy it. Philip also had the marsh partially drained, as the writer Theophrastus attests. Philippi preserved its autonomy within the kingdom of Macedon and had its own political institutions . The discovery of new gold mines near the city, at Asyla, contributed to the wealth of the kingdom and Philip established a mint there. The city became fully integrated into the kingdom during the last years of the reign of Philip V of Macedon or the reign of Perseus of Macedon. When the Romans destroyed the Antigonid dynasty of Macedon in the Third Macedonian War , they divided the kingdom into four separate states . Amphipolis became the capital of the eastern Macedonian state. Paul , commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. For his contributions towards the New Testament, he is generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, and he also founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD. The main source of information on Paul's life and works is the Acts of the Apostles book in the New Testament and approximately half of its content document them. Paul was not one of the Twelve Apostles, and did not know Jesus during his lifetime. According to the Acts, Paul lived as a Pharisee and participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity, in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion. Some time after having approved of the execution of Stephen, Paul was traveling on the road to Damascus so that he might find any Christians there and bring them "bound to Jerusalem". At midday, a light brighter than the sun shone around both him and those with him, causing all to fall to the ground, with the risen Christ verbally addressing Paul regarding his persecution in a vision. Having been made blind, along with being commanded to enter the city, his sight was restored three days later by Ananias of Damascus. After these events, Paul was baptized, beginning immediately to proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God. He made three missionary journeys to spread the Christian message to non-Jewish communities in Asia Minor, the Greek provinces of Achaia, Macedonia, and Cyprus, as well as Judea and Syria, as narrated in the Acts. Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul. Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder. Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews is not asserted in the Epistle itself and was already doubted in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It was almost unquestioningly accepted from the 5th to the 16th centuries that Paul was the author of Hebrews, but that view is now almost universally rejected by scholars. The other six are believed by some scholars to have come from followers writing in his name, using material from Paul's surviving letters and letters written by him that no longer survive. Other scholars argue that the idea of a pseudonymous author for the disputed epistles raises many problems. Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Latin and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions of the East. Paul's influence on Christian thought and practice has been characterized as being as "profound as it is pervasive", among that of many other apostles and missionaries involved in the spread of the Christian faith. Sidon or Saida is the third-largest city in Lebanon. It is located in the South Governorate, of which it is the capital, on the Mediterranean coast. Tyre to the south and Lebanese capital Beirut to the north are both about 40 kilometres away. Sidon has a population of about 80,000 within city limits, while its metropolitan area has more than a quarter-million inhabitants. The Phoenician name Sidun probably meant "fishery" or "fishing town". It is mentioned in Papyrus Anastasi I as Djedouna. It appears in Biblical Hebrew as Sidon and in Syriac as Sidon . This was Hellenised as Sidon , which was Latinised as Sidon and entered English in this form. The name appears in Classical Arabic as Saydun and in Modern Arabic as Sayda . As a Roman colony, it was notionally refounded and given the formal name Colonia Aurelia Pia Sidon to honour its imperial sponsor. In the Book of Genesis, Sidon was the first-born son of Canaan, who was a son of Ham, thereby making Sidon a great-grandson of Noah. During the crusades, Sidon was known in Latin as Sagittus and in Old French as Saete, Sayette or Sagette. In antiquity, Sidon held prominence as a significant Phoenician city. Nestled on a mainland promontory and boasting two harbors. Throughout ancient history, Sidon had many conquerors: Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, and finally Romans. Under Persian rule, it eclipsed Tyre to become the paramount city in Phoenicia. In the New Testament era, Herod the Great visited Sidon. Both Jesus and Saint Paul are said to have visited it, too . The city was eventually conquered by the Arabs and then by the Ottoman Turks. Demetrius is the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek male given name Demetrios , meaning "Demetris" - "devoted to goddess Demeter". Alternate forms include Demetrios, Dimitrios, Dimitris, Dmytro, Dimitri, Dimitrie, Dimitar, Dumitru, Demitri, Dhimiter, and Dimitrije, in addition to other forms descended from it. Nicknames include Demmie, Dimmie, Demi, Jim, Jimmy, Jimmie, Metry, Metrie, Mimmie, Demetri and Dimitri. Antioch in Pisidia - alternatively Antiochia in Pisidia or Pisidian Antioch and in Roman Empire, Latin: Antiochia Caesareia or Antiochia Colonia Caesarea - was a city in the Turkish Lakes Region, which was at the crossroads of the Mediterranean, Aegean and Central Anatolian regions, and formerly on the border of Pisidia and Phrygia, hence also known as Antiochia in Phrygia. The site lies approximately 1 km northeast of Yalvac, the modern town of Isparta Province. The city was on a hill with its highest point of 1236 m in the north. The city is surrounded by, on the east the deep ravine of the Anthius River which flows into Lake Egirdir, with the Sultan Mountains to the northeast, Mount Karakus to the north, Kizildag to the southeast, Kirisli Mountain and the northern shore of Lake Egirdir to the southwest. Although very close to the Mediterranean on a map, the warm climate of the south cannot pass the height of the Taurus Mountains. Owing to the climate, there is no timberland but crop plants grow in areas provided with water from the Sultan Mountains, whose annual average rainfall is c. 1000 mm on the peaks and 500 mm on the slopes. This water feeds the plateau and Antioch. The other Pisidian cities Neapolis, Tyriacum, Laodiceia Katakekaumene and Philomelium founded on the slopes, benefited from this fertility. The acropolis has an area of 460,000 m2 and is surrounded by fortified defence walls. The Territorium of the settlement can be seen from the Temple of Men in the sanctuary of Men Askaenos on a hill to the southeast. The Territorium of the city is estimated to have been approximately 1,400 km2 in ancient times. According to the 1950 census, there were 40 villages with 50,000 people living in the area. The population during the Roman period must have been a little more than this. Paphos is a coastal city in southwest Cyprus and the capital of Paphos District. In classical antiquity, two locations were called Paphos: Old Paphos, today known as Kouklia, and New Paphos. The current city of Paphos lies on the Mediterranean coast, about 50 km west of Limassol , both of which are connected by the A6 highway. Paphos International Airport is the country's second-largest airport. The city has a subtropical-Mediterranean climate, with the mildest temperatures on the island. In 1980, Paphos was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List for its ancient architecture, mosaics, and ancient religious importance. It was selected as a European Capital of Culture for 2017 along with Aarhus. In the founding myth, the town's name is linked to the goddess Aphrodite, as the eponymous Paphos was the son of Pygmalion whose ivory cult image of Aphrodite was brought to life by the goddess as "milk-white" Galatea. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Greater Mexico City <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Greater Mexico City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> State of Mexico <s> Greater Mexico City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Greater Mexico City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hidalgo <s> Greater Mexico City <p> instance of <o> metropolitan area <s> Greater Mexico City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mexico City metropolitan area <s> UTC−06:00 <p> instance of <o> time zone named for a UTC offset <s> UTC−06:00 <p> said to be the same as <o> Mountain Time Zone <s> UTC−06:00 <p> follows <o> UTC−05:00 <s> UTC−06:00 <p> followed by <o> UTC−07:00 <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Mexico City <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> honorary citizenship <s> economy of Mexico City <p> country <o> Mexico <s> economy of Mexico City <p> location <o> Mexico City <s> economy of Mexico City <p> subclass of <o> economy of Mexico <s> economy of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Mexico City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Mexico City <s> Category:Maps of Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Maps of Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Mexico City <p> category's main topic <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> country <o> Mexico <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> location <o> Mexico City <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> followed by <o> 1972 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> sports season of league or competition <o> Summer Olympic Games <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> equestrian at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> diving at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> weightlifting at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> instance of <o> Summer Olympic Games <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> wrestling at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> basketball at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> volleyball at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> location <o> Universitary Olympic Stadium <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> athletics at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> water polo at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> football at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> boxing at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> officially opened by <o> Gustavo Díaz-Ordaz Bolaños <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> follows <o> 1964 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> torch lit by <o> Enriqueta Basilio <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> gymnastics at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> swimming at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> participant <o> Karel Kovář <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> canoeing at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> tennis at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> shooting at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> sailing at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> modern pentathlon at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> field hockey at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> rowing at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> fencing at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> cycling at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) <o> Basque pelota at the 1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> oath made by <o> Pablo Garrido Lugo <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> topic's main category <o> Category:1968 Summer Olympics <s> 1968 Summer Olympics <p> has part(s) of the class <o> Olympic sporting event <s> geography of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Mexico City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Mexico City <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> instance of <o> human <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> country of citizenship <o> Mexico <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> residence <o> Mexico City <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> place of birth <o> Mexico City <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> native language <o> Spanish <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> member of <o> Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> member of <o> Mexican Academy of Sciences <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> occupation <o> environmentalist <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> spouse <o> Carlos Imaz Gispert <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> occupation <o> physicist <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> second family name in Spanish name <o> Pardo <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> position held <o> Head of Mexico City government <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> employer <o> Government of Mexico City <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> educated at <o> National Autonomous University of Mexico <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> educated at <o> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> member of political party <o> National Regeneration Movement <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> award received <o> BBC 100 Women <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> member of political party <o> Party of the Democratic Revolution <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> employer <o> National Autonomous University of Mexico <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> given name <o> Claudia <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> hair color <o> brown hair <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> member of <o> Committee for Development Policy <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> father <o> Carlos Sheinbaum Yoselevitz <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> doctoral advisor <o> Manuel Martínez Fernández <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> family name <o> Sheinbaum <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> mother <o> Annie Pardo <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> spouse <o> Jesús Maria Tarriba <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> eye color <o> brown <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Engineering <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> BBC 100 Women Edit-a-thon <s> Claudia Sheinbaum <p> candidacy in election <o> 2024 Mexican presidential election <s> Siege of Mexico City <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Siege of Mexico City <p> location <o> Mexico City <s> Siege of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> conflict <s> Siege of Mexico City <p> part of <o> Second French intervention in Mexico </Graph>
<Text> :Greater Mexico City is the conurbation around Mexico City, officially called the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico . It encompasses Mexico City itself and 60 adjacent municipalities of the State of Mexico and Hidalgo. Mexico City's metropolitan area is the economic, political, and cultural hub of Mexico. In recent years it has reduced its relative importance in domestic manufacturing, but has kept its dominant role in the country's economy thanks to an expansion of its tertiary activities. The area is also one of the powerhouse regions of Latin America, generating approximately $200 billion in GDP growth or 10 percent of the regional total. As of 2020, 21,804,515 people lived in Greater Mexico City, making it the largest metropolitan area in North America. Covering an area of 7,866.1 square kilometres , it is surrounded by thin strips of highlands separating it from other adjacent metropolitan areas, together with which it makes up the Mexico City megalopolis. The phenomenon of conurbation in Mexico is relatively recent, starting in the 1940s. Mexico City became the first metropolitan area in the country when its urban core spread beyond the borders of the Federal District into the municipality of Naucalpan in the State of Mexico. From that date, there have been different proposals to establish the limits of the growing conurbation of Mexico City, and different definitions were used unofficially as the city continued to grow: between 1950 and 1980, the conurbation extended to dozens of municipalities in the State of Mexico and the population trebled. UTC-06:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of -06:00. In North America, it is observed in the Central Time Zone during standard time, and in the Mountain Time Zone during the other eight months . Several Latin American countries and a few other places use it year-round. Principal cities: Regina, Saskatoon, Huntsville, Little Rock, Puebla, Orizaba, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Guatemala City, Tegucigalpa, Managua, Belmopan, Belize City, San Jose, San Salvador, San Pedro Sula, Liberia. Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico, and the most populous city in North America. Mexico City is one of the most important cultural and financial centers in the world. It is located in the Valley of Mexico within the high Mexican central plateau, at an altitude of 2,240 meters . The city has 16 boroughs or demarcaciones territoriales, which are in turn divided into neighborhoods or colonias. The 2020 population for the city proper was 9,209,944, with a land area of 1,495 square kilometers . According to the most recent definition agreed upon by the federal and state governments, the population of Greater Mexico City is 21,804,515, which makes it the sixth-largest metropolitan area in the world, the second-largest urban agglomeration in the Western Hemisphere , and the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world. Greater Mexico City has a GDP of $411 billion in 2011, which makes it one of the most productive urban areas in the world. The city was responsible for generating 15.8% of Mexico's GDP, and the metropolitan area accounted for about 22% of the country's GDP. If it were an independent country in 2013, Mexico City would be the fifth-largest economy in Latin America. Mexico's capital is both the oldest capital city in the Americas and one of two founded by Indigenous people. The city was originally built on a group of islands in Lake Texcoco by the Mexica around 1325, under the name Tenochtitlan. It was almost completely destroyed in the 1521 siege of Tenochtitlan and subsequently redesigned and rebuilt in accordance with the Spanish urban standards. In 1524, the municipality of Mexico City was established, known as Mexico Tenochtitlan, and as of 1585, it was officially known as Ciudad de Mexico . Mexico City was the political, administrative, and financial center of a major part of the Spanish colonial empire. After independence from Spain was achieved, the federal district was created in 1824. After years of demanding greater political autonomy, residents were finally given the right to elect both a head of government and the representatives of the unicameral Legislative Assembly by election in 1997. Ever since, left-wing parties have controlled both of them. The city has several progressive policies, such as elective abortions, a limited form of euthanasia, no-fault divorce, same-sex marriage, and legal gender change. On 29 January 2016, it ceased to be the Federal District and is now officially known as Ciudad de Mexico , with a greater degree of autonomy. A clause in the Constitution of Mexico, however, prevents it from becoming a state within the Mexican federation, as long it remains the capital of the country. Mexico City of Mexico) -- the capital of Mexico, and center of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area in the Valley of Mexico. It is a federal entity not part of any Mexican states and with comparable government features to a state. The 1968 Summer Olympics , officially known as the Games of the XIX Olympiad and commonly known as Mexico 1968 , were an international multi-sport event held from 12 to 27 October 1968 in Mexico City, Mexico. These were the first Olympic Games to be staged in Latin America and the first to be staged in a Spanish-speaking country. They were also the first Games to use an all-weather track for track and field events instead of the traditional cinder track, as well as the first example of the Olympics exclusively using electronic timekeeping equipment. The 1968 Games were the third to be held in the last quarter of the year, after the 1956 Games in Melbourne and the 1964 Games in Tokyo. The 1968 Mexican Student Movement was crushed days prior, hence the Games were correlated to the government's repression. The 1968 torch relay recreated the route taken by Christopher Columbus to the New World, journeying from Greece through Italy and Spain to San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and then on to Mexico. American sculptor James Metcalf, an expatriate in Mexico, won the commission to forge the Olympic torch for the 1968 Summer Games. After being banned from participating in 1964, South Africa - under its new leader John Vorster - had made diplomatic overtures to improve relations with neighboring countries and internationally, suggesting legal changes to allow South Africa to compete with an integrated, multiracial team internationally. The nominal obstacle behind South Africa's exclusion thus removed, the country was thus provisionally invited to the Games, on the understanding that all segregation and discrimination in sport would be eliminated by the 1972 Games. However, African countries and African American athletes promised to boycott the Games if South Africa was present, and Eastern Bloc countries threatened to do likewise. In April 1968 the IOC conceded that "it would be most unwise for South Africa to participate". It was thus the first Olympics where South Africa was positively excluded, which continued until the Olympics of 1992. Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico, and the most populous city in North America. Mexico City is one of the most important cultural and financial centers in the world. It is located in the Valley of Mexico within the high Mexican central plateau, at an altitude of 2,240 meters . The city has 16 boroughs or demarcaciones territoriales, which are in turn divided into neighborhoods or colonias. The 2020 population for the city proper was 9,209,944, with a land area of 1,495 square kilometers . According to the most recent definition agreed upon by the federal and state governments, the population of Greater Mexico City is 21,804,515, which makes it the sixth-largest metropolitan area in the world, the second-largest urban agglomeration in the Western Hemisphere , and the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world. Greater Mexico City has a GDP of $411 billion in 2011, which makes it one of the most productive urban areas in the world. The city was responsible for generating 15.8% of Mexico's GDP, and the metropolitan area accounted for about 22% of the country's GDP. If it were an independent country in 2013, Mexico City would be the fifth-largest economy in Latin America. Mexico's capital is both the oldest capital city in the Americas and one of two founded by Indigenous people. The city was originally built on a group of islands in Lake Texcoco by the Mexica around 1325, under the name Tenochtitlan. It was almost completely destroyed in the 1521 siege of Tenochtitlan and subsequently redesigned and rebuilt in accordance with the Spanish urban standards. In 1524, the municipality of Mexico City was established, known as Mexico Tenochtitlan, and as of 1585, it was officially known as Ciudad de Mexico . Mexico City was the political, administrative, and financial center of a major part of the Spanish colonial empire. After independence from Spain was achieved, the federal district was created in 1824. After years of demanding greater political autonomy, residents were finally given the right to elect both a head of government and the representatives of the unicameral Legislative Assembly by election in 1997. Ever since, left-wing parties have controlled both of them. The city has several progressive policies, such as elective abortions, a limited form of euthanasia, no-fault divorce, same-sex marriage, and legal gender change. On 29 January 2016, it ceased to be the Federal District and is now officially known as Ciudad de Mexico , with a greater degree of autonomy. A clause in the Constitution of Mexico, however, prevents it from becoming a state within the Mexican federation, as long it remains the capital of the country. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo is a Mexican politician, scientist, and academic. Sheinbaum served as Head of Government of Mexico City, a position equivalent to that of a state governor, from 2018 to 2023. Elected as the candidate of the leftist Juntos Haremos Historia coalition, she was both the first woman and first Jewish person to be elected to the position. She is a candidate for President of Mexico in the 2024 Mexican general election. From 2000 to 2006, Sheinbaum served as Secretary of the Environment under future president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador during his tenure as Head of Government. Sheinbaum served as Delegational Chief of the Tlalpan borough from 2015 to 2017 and was elected to lead the Federal District in the 2018 election. Sheinbaum was elected Head of Government in the 2018 election, where she ran a campaign that emphasized curbing crime and enforcing zoning laws. A scientist by profession, Sheinbaum received her Ph.D. in energy engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico . As an academic, she has authored over 100 articles and two books on energy, the environment, and sustainable development. Sheinbaum contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, In 2018, she was listed as one of BBC's 100 Women. On 12 June 2023, Sheinbaum resigned from her position as head of government of Mexico City to seek Morena's presidential nomination in the 2024 election. If elected, Sheinbaum would be the first woman to serve as President of Mexico. On 6 September, Sheinbaum secured the party's nomination over her nearest rival, former foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard. Polling conducted in 2023 has found Sheinbaum to be favored in the 2024 election. The siege of Mexico City was an 1867 military engagement in the Second French intervention in Mexico between Republican forces, aided by the United States, and Emperor Maximilian's troops, aided by the French Empire and Austria-Hungary, encompassing in the siege of the city. It was the last armed conflict of the Second Mexican Empire and the fall of the city resulted in the transition of the Empire into the Republic led by Benito Juarez.: 283 Mexico City was occupied by the French Army. The French decided to withdraw the last of their corps on 5 February 1867 a week after the Emperor Maximilian also left Mexico City for Queretaro accompanied by his Imperial guards.: 140 On the 21st, Republican General Vicente Riva Palacio and Diego Alvarez Benitez arrived near the city with 4,000 soldiers. On the Imperialist side, General Leonardo Marquez marched to assume supreme command of the city. On his way to Mexico City Maquez was routed at San Lorenzo by Diaz. Marquez fled with his cavalry leaving the rest of the infantry behind. Colonel Kodolitsch saved the day by marching out and forming a rearguard to protect the retreating troops and bring them into the city.: 295-300 On 12 May: 284 all the foreign commanders agreed that they needed to prepare a secondary plan in case General Marquez' actions endangered their own men. They elected Colonel Khevenhuller as the acting Commander-in-Chief in case of the necessity to remove Marquez. They also agreed that in negotiating any ceasefire agreement they would act together to reach their own independent terms regardless of the Mexicans'.: 272-273 : 231 The capital was defended by 400 cannons. On the 2nd Republican forces seized the railroad line of Apizaco and started to transport the war material from Puebla by train.: 236 On the 15th General Porfirio Diaz arrived at Villa Guadalupe, where he tried to surround Villa Guadalupe, but was prevented by the Imperial artillery. The French counterguerillas who defended the village withdrew to the fortified garitas at San Lazaro, Vallejo and in the Peralvillo. These positions were already entrenched and defended by five hundred Austrians and two hundred Mexicans.: 232, 237 The Austrian column was commanded by von Hammerstein, who was shot in the trenches on 25 May 1867. : 253 The communication and supply lines of the capital were shut down on 18th with the arrival Diaz' 12,000 soldiers. The Republicans were in a hurry to force the city to surrender as the rainy weather of autumn would prevent any further military action to be taken. Upon his arrival Diaz proclaimed that his intents were to arrest General Marquez, Tomas O'Horan and the former Minister of State. He also stated that he would execute all the Austrian auxiliaries if they were captured. The lives of Francophone soldiers would be spared since 60% of his own cavalry consisted of French deserters. On 20 April Agnes Salm-Salm, a Prussian princess in Imperial service, appeared at Diaz's camp and offered the disbandment of the European troops in exchange for the guarantee of their and Maximilian's lives and free passage back to Europe. Although her offer was not accepted she tried to further convince Diaz by sending word that the Austro-Hungarian troops were put on hold and under the temporary protection of the neutral Prussian flag as of 26th inst. On 17 May Queretaro fell and Maximilian was taken prisoner and the 15,000 troops of General Mariano Escobedo were redirected to assist in the siege of the capital. On 23 May, Porfirio Diaz tightened the ring around the city and advanced to Tacubaya and was confronted by the French guerrillas at Belen on 30 May: 243, 269 who held them back until 9 June when they were called to reassemble at San Antonio Abad.: 274-275 </Text>
<Graph> : <s> federative entity of Mexico <p> subclass of <o> first-level administrative division <s> federative entity of Mexico <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of Mexico <s> federative entity of Mexico <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Tenochtitlan <p> replaced by <o> Mexico City <s> Tenochtitlan <p> basic form of government <o> monarchy <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Tizoc <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Axayacatl <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Ahuitzotl <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Moctezuma II <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Moctezuma I <s> Tenochtitlan <p> language used <o> Nahuatl <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Cuauhtémoc <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Chimalpopoca <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Itzcoatl <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Cuitláhuac <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Acamapichtli <s> Tenochtitlan <p> instance of <o> altepetl <s> Tenochtitlan <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Tenochtitlan <p> head of state <o> Huitzilihuitl <s> Tenochtitlan <p> significant event <o> fall of Tenochtitlan <s> Tenochtitlan <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Tenochtitlan <s> Tenochtitlan <p> office held by head of state <o> tlatoani <s> Tenochtitlan <p> part of <o> Aztec Empire <s> Tenochtitlan <p> founded by <o> Mexica <s> Tenochtitlan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tenochtitlan <s> Morelos <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Morelos <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico <s> Morelos <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Tlamacazapa Nahuatl <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Tetelcingo Nahuatl <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Morelos Nahuatl <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Loxicha Zapotec <s> Morelos <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Itundujia Mixtec <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Central Otomi <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Yavesía Zapotec <s> Morelos <p> language used <o> Isthmus-Cosoleacaque Nahuatl <s> Morelos <p> shares border with <o> Mexico City <s> Morelos <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of Morelos <s> Morelos <p> shares border with <o> Puebla <s> Morelos <p> shares border with <o> State of Mexico <s> Morelos <p> shares border with <o> Guerrero <s> Morelos <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Morelos <s> Morelos <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Morelos <s> Morelos <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Morelos <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Morelos <s> Morelos <p> capital <o> Cuernavaca <s> Morelos <p> highest point <o> Popocatépetl <s> Morelos <p> owner of <o> Centenario Stadium <s> Morelos <p> legislative body <o> Congress of Morelos <s> Morelos <p> instance of <o> state of Mexico <s> Morelos <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Morelos <s> Category:People from Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Mexico City <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:People from Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Mexico City <p> category's main topic <o> list of people from Mexico City <s> Category:People from Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> primate city <p> subclass of <o> city <s> Copala Triqui <p> indigenous to <o> Oaxaca <s> Copala Triqui <p> indigenous to <o> Mexico City <s> Copala Triqui <p> indigenous to <o> Sonora <s> Copala Triqui <p> indigenous to <o> State of Mexico <s> Copala Triqui <p> indigenous to <o> Baja California <s> Copala Triqui <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Copala Triqui <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Copala Triqui language <s> Copala Triqui <p> instance of <o> language <s> Copala Triqui <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Copala Triqui <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 5 Developing <s> Copala Triqui <p> subclass of <o> Trique <s> Category:Films shot in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Films shot in Mexico City <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Mexico City <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Mexico City <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> instance of <o> public office <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Mexico City <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> subclass of <o> state governor of Mexico <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> instance of <o> position <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> has list <o> list of heads of government of Mexico City <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Heads of Government of Mexico City <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> part of <o> governor and cabinet of Ciudad de México <s> Head of Mexico City government <p> officeholder <o> Marti Batres <s> history of Mexico City <p> facet of <o> Mexico City <s> history of Mexico City <p> country <o> Mexico <s> history of Mexico City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Mexico City <s> history of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> Stuttgart <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> different from <o> Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> capital of <o> Baden-Württemberg <s> Stuttgart <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Stuttgart <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Łódź <s> Stuttgart <p> owner of <o> Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen <s> Stuttgart <p> has list <o> list of people from Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Stuttgart <p> member of <o> Kommunalverband für Jugend und Soziales Baden-Württemberg <s> Stuttgart <p> member of <o> Mayors for Peace <s> Stuttgart <p> highest point <o> Bernhartshöhe <s> Stuttgart <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Stuttgart <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Stuttgart <p> archives at <o> City Archive Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> part of <o> Stuttgart Government Region <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mumbai <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samara <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Stuttgart <p> capital of <o> Stuttgart Government Region <s> Stuttgart <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> member of <o> Zweckverband 4IT <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Strasbourg <s> Stuttgart <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Neckar <s> Stuttgart <p> part of <o> Stuttgart Metropolitan Region <s> Stuttgart <p> member of <o> International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brno <s> Stuttgart <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> country <o> Germany <s> Stuttgart <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Stuttgart Government Region <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cardiff <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Menzel Bourguiba <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Stuttgart <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Stuttgart <p> shares border with <o> Ludwigsburg District <s> Stuttgart <p> shares border with <o> Böblingen district <s> Stuttgart <p> shares border with <o> Rems-Murr <s> Stuttgart <p> shares border with <o> Esslingen <s> Stuttgart <p> capital of <o> Württemberg-Baden <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ogaki <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zapopan <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> St Helens <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> St. Louis <s> Stuttgart <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> legal form <o> Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shavei Tzion <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stuttgart-Mitte <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mühlhausen <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaihingen <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sillenbuch <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Degerloch <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Birkach <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> 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Option municipality <s> Stuttgart <p> instance of <o> urban municipality in Germany <s> Stuttgart <p> instance of <o> City district in Baden-Württemberg <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Plieningen <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Obertürkheim <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Möhringen <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Münster <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hedelfingen <s> Stuttgart <p> legislative body <o> Rathaus Stuttgart <s> Stuttgart <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Stuttgart <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jeddah <s> Stuttgart <p> instance of <o> state capital in Germany <s> Stuttgart <p> head of government <o> Frank Nopper <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stuttgart-West <s> Stuttgart <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stuttgart-Ost </Graph>
<Text> :Tenochtitlan, also known as Mexico-Tenochtitlan, was a large Mexican altepetl in what is now the historic center of Mexico City. The exact date of the founding of the city is unclear, but the date 13 March 1325 was chosen in 1925 to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the city. The city was built on an island in what was then Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico. The city was the capital of the expanding Aztec Empire in the 15th century until it was captured by the Tlaxcaltec and the Spanish in 1521. At its peak, it was the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas. It subsequently became a cabecera of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Today, the ruins of Tenochtitlan are in the historic center of the Mexican capital. The World Heritage Site of Xochimilco contains what remains of the geography of the Mexica capital. Traditionally, the name Tenochtitlan was thought to come from Nahuatl tetl and nochtli and is often thought to mean, "Among the prickly pears rocks." However, one attestation in the late 16th-century manuscript known as "the Bancroft dialogues" suggest the second vowel was short, so that the true etymology remains uncertain. Another view is that the city was named after Tenoch. At the time of Spanish conquests, Mexico City comprised both Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. The city extended from north to south, from the north border of Tlatelolco to the swamps, which by that time were gradually disappearing to the west; the city ended more or less at the present location of Avenida Bucareli. Morelos , officially the Free and Sovereign State of Morelos , is a landlocked state located in south-central Mexico. It is one of the 32 states which comprise the Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided into 36 municipalities and its capital city is Cuernavaca. Morelos is the second-smallest state in the nation, just after Tlaxcala. It was part of a very large province, the State of Mexico, until 1869 when Benito Juarez decreed that its territory would be separated and named in honor of Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, who defended the city of Cuautla from royalist forces during the Mexican War of Independence. Most of the state enjoys a warm climate year-round, which is good for the raising of sugar cane and other crops. Morelos has attracted visitors from the Valley of Mexico since Aztec times. The state is also known for the Chinelos, a type of costumed dancer that appears at festivals, especially Carnival, which is celebrated in a number of communities in the state. It is also home to the Monasteries on the slopes of Popocatepetl, a designated World Heritage Site. Historian Ward Barrett considers that the "region now known as Morelos has a physical unity sufficient to define and set it in strong contrast to other regions of Mexico." Much of this definition comes from its geography, which is a basin into which abundant water flows. The arrival of the Spanish shifted agriculture from subsistence maize production and cotton cultivation to sugar cane and the refining of such into sugar in nearby mills. This system would remain more or less intact until the Mexican Revolution. A primate city is a city that is the largest in its country, province, state, or region, and disproportionately larger than any others in the urban hierarchy. A primate city distribution is a rank-size distribution that has one very large city with many much smaller cities and towns and no intermediate-sized urban centers, creating a statistical king effect. The law of the primate city was first proposed by the geographer Mark Jefferson in 1939. He defines a primate city as being "at least twice as large as the next largest city and more than twice as significant." Aside from size and population, a primate city will usually have precedence in all other aspects of its country's society such as economics, politics, culture, and education. Primate cities also serve as targets for the majority of a country or region's internal migration. In geography, the phenomenon of excessive concentration of population and development of the main city of a country or a region is called urban primacy or urban macrocephaly. Urban primacy can be measured as the share of a country's population that lives in the primate city. Relative primacy indicates the ratio of the primate city's population to that of the second largest in a country or region. Copala Triqui is a Trique language primarily spoken in the municipality of Santiago Juxtlahuaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. A 2007 estimate by SIL International placed the number of Copala Triqui speakers at 25,000 in Mexico. Immigrants from Oaxaca have formed a large Copala Triqui speaking community in the city of Greenfield, California. A bi-monthly Triqui language class was piloted at the Greenfield Public Library in 2010. The history of Mexico City stretches back to its founding ca. 1325 CE as the Mexica city-state of Tenochtitlan, which evolved into the senior partner of the Aztec Triple Alliance that dominated central Mexico immediately prior to the Spanish conquest of 1519-1521. At its height, Tenochtitlan had enormous temples and palaces, a huge ceremonial center, and residences of political, religious, military, and merchants. Its population was estimated at least 100,000 and perhaps as high as 200,000 in 1519 when the Spaniards first saw it. During the final stage of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, Spanish forces and their indigenous allies besieged and razed Tenochtitlan. Because it was strategically and politically important, invader Hernan Cortes founded the Spanish colonial capital of Mexico City on its ruins, becoming the center of Spanish colonial power. Following Mexican independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico City became the capital of the sovereign nation, remaining its largest and most important city to the present day. Beginning in 1521, the Aztec ceremonial and political center was rebuilt as the city's main square, the Plaza Mayor, usually called the Zocalo. Some of the oldest structures in Mexico City date from the early conquest era. Many colonial-era buildings remain standing and have been re-purposed as government buildings and museums. As the seats of the Viceroyalty of New Spain and the Archbishopric of New Spain, Mexico City was the center not only of political and religious institutions but also of Mexico's economic activity and the residence of Spanish colonial elites . Great merchant houses linked to Spain were located here, and the economic elites whose properties were often elsewhere in New Spain also lived in the capital. The concentration of mansions and palaces in what is now the Mexico City historic center led it to be nicknamed the "City of Palaces", a sobriquet often attributed, perhaps erroneously, to great savant Alexander von Humboldt. It was also a major educational center: the University of Mexico was founded in 1553 as part of the complex of the Plaza Mayor but is now located in the south of the capital. Many religious institutions for the education of the sons of Spanish elites were also based in the capital. Mexico City had the colony's largest concentration of those of Spanish heritage , as well as the largest concentration of mixed race casta population in the colony. Many indigenous people also lived in the capital, outside the central core, concentrated in their own section and governed by an indigenous town council. Post-independence, U.S. forces captured Mexico City during the Mexican-American War, and the city saw violence during the Reform War and the French Intervention as well as the Mexican Revolution. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city's population stood at about 500,000. The city's history in the 20th and 21st centuries has been marked by explosive population growth and its accompanying problems. The city center deteriorated. The government has had problems keeping up with basic services, but the building of the Mexico City Metro has alleviated some major transportation problems. Smog became a serious problem as the shanty towns evolved, formed by the poor of the country migrating to the city. The 1985 Mexico City earthquake caused significant damage to the center of the city. In the 2000s, businessman and philanthropist Carlos Slim created a foundation to revitalize the historic center as well as sites near the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe. In 2016, the Mexican government initiated the process of greater autonomy from the federal government, creating the Ciudad de Mexico or CDMX. The Aztecs were one of the last of the Nahuatl-speaking peoples who migrated to this part of the Valley of Mexico after the fall of the Toltec Empire. Existing inhabitants resisted their presence, but the Aztecs established a city on a small island on the western side of Lake Texcoco. The Aztecs themselves had a story about how their city was founded after their principal god, Huitzilopochtli, led them to the island. According to the story, the god indicated their new home with a sign, an eagle perched on a nopal cactus with a snake in its beak. This image appears in Codex Mendoza, one early post-conquest manuscript of many Aztec codices or pictorial texts, and since Mexico's independence from Spain in 1821, the image is in the center of the Mexican flag. Between 1325 and 1521, Tenochtitlan grew in size and strength, eventually dominating the other city-states or altepetl around Lake Texcoco and in the Valley of Mexico. When the Spaniards arrived, the Aztec Empire reached much of Mesoamerica, touching both the Gulf of Mexico to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Two narratives about the founding of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, which would become modern Mexico City, overlap: the archeological and historic record, and the mythological and historical recounting from the Mexica themselves. The central highlands of what is now Mexico were occupied for many centuries before the founding of the city. To the northeast are the ruins of Teotihuacan, whose empire and civilization mysteriously disappeared around 750 CE. After that, the Toltecs ruled the area in and around the Valley of Mexico until about 1200 CE. After the fall of the Toltec capital of Tollan, large migrations of people moved into the Valley of Mexico, bringing with them the concept of city-state known in Nahuatl as altepetl. This led to the founding of a number of semi-autonomous urban centers around Lake Texcoco each claiming legitimacy as descendants of the Toltecs. By the early 16th century, at least a dozen of these city-states had reached 10,000 in population with Tenochtitlan by far the largest at 150,000 and perhaps as high as 200,000. Stuttgart is the capital and largest city of the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg. It is located on the Neckar river in a fertile valley known as the Stuttgarter Kessel and lies an hour from the Swabian Jura and the Black Forest. Stuttgart has a population of 635,911, making it the sixth largest city in Germany, while over 2.8 million people live in the city's administrative region and nearly 5.5 million people in its metropolitan area, making it the fourth largest metropolitan area in Germany. The city and metropolitan area are consistently ranked among the top 4 European metropolitan areas by GDP; Mercer listed Stuttgart as 21st on its 2015 list of cities by quality of living; innovation agency 2thinknow ranked the city 24th globally out of 442 cities in its Innovation Cities Index; and the Globalization and World Cities Research Network ranked the city as a Beta-status global city in their 2020 survey. Stuttgart was one of the host cities for the official tournaments of the 1974 and 2006 FIFA World Cups. Stuttgart is unusual in the scheme of German cities. It is spread across a variety of hills , valleys and parks. The city is known as the "cradle of the automobile". As such, it is home to famous automobile museums like the Mercedes-Benz Museum and Porsche Museum, as well as numerous auto-enthusiast magazines, which contributes to Stuttgart's status as Germany's "Autohauptstadt" . The city's tourism slogan is "Stuttgart offers more". Under current plans to improve transport links to the international infrastructure , Stuttgart unveiled a new city logo and slogan in March 2008, describing itself as "Das neue Herz Europas" . For business, it describes itself as "Where business meets the future". In July 2010, the city unveiled a new logo, designed to entice more business people to stay in the city and enjoy breaks in the area. Since the seventh millennium BC, the Stuttgart area has been an important agricultural area and has been host to a number of cultures seeking to utilize the rich soil of the Neckar valley. The Roman Empire conquered the area in AD 83 and built a massive castrum near Bad Cannstatt, making it the most important regional centre for several centuries. Stuttgart's roots were truly laid in the tenth century with its founding by Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, as a stud farm for his warhorses. Initially overshadowed by nearby Bad Cannstatt, the town grew steadily and was granted a charter in 1320. The fortunes of Stuttgart turned with those of the House of Wurttemberg, and they made it the capital of their county, duchy, and kingdom from the 15th century to 1918. Stuttgart prospered despite setbacks in the Thirty Years' War and devastating air raids by the Allies on the city and its automobile production during World War II. However, by 1952, the city had bounced back and became the major cultural, economic, industrial, financial, tourism and publishing centre it is today. Stuttgart is known for its strong high-tech industry, especially in the automotive sector. It has the highest general standard of prosperity of any German city. In addition to many medium-sized companies, several major corporations are headquartered in Stuttgart, including Porsche, Bosch, and Mercedes-Benz Group. Stuttgart is an important financial center; the Stuttgart Stock Exchange is the second largest in Germany , and the Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg is Germany's largest Landesbank. Stuttgart is also a major transport junction; it is among the most congested conurbations of Europe, and its airport is the sixth-busiest in Germany . Stuttgart is a city with a high number of immigrants; according to Dorling Kindersley's Eyewitness Travel Guide to Germany, "In the city of Stuttgart, every third inhabitant is a foreigner." 40% of Stuttgart's residents, and 64% of the population below the age of five, are of immigrant background. In the rest of Germany, 28.7 % of people are of immigrant background, with a relatively higher percentage living in cities and former western Germany . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> instance of <o> human <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> country of citizenship <o> Spain <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> place of death <o> Lima <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> given name <o> Antonio <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> position held <o> ambassador <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholicism <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> military rank <o> general <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> occupation <o> knight <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> occupation <o> diplomat <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> occupation <o> military officer <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> place of birth <o> Granada <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> family name <o> Mendoza <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> father <o> Íñigo López de Mendoza y Quiñones <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> occupation <o> explorer <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> position held <o> Viceroy of New Spain <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> award received <o> Commander of the Order of Santiago <s> Antonio de Mendoza <p> family <o> House of Mendoza <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> Mexico City <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> Oaxaca <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> State of Mexico <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 7 Shifting <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> instance of <o> language <s> Yucuañe Mixtec <p> subclass of <o> Mixtec <s> La Paz <p> capital of <o> Bolivia <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> New York City <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> La Paz <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> La Paz <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of La Paz, Bolivia <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington, D.C. <s> La Paz <p> different from <o> La Paz <s> La Paz <p> economy of topic <o> economy of La Paz <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> La Paz <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> La Paz <p> capital of <o> La Paz Department <s> La Paz <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> La Paz <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> La Paz <p> member of <o> Mercosur Cities Network <s> La Paz <p> country <o> Bolivia <s> La Paz <p> significant event <o> Siege of La Paz <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bonn <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> La Paz <p> topic's main category <o> Category:La Paz <s> La Paz <p> part of <o> Mercosur Cities Network <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zagreb <s> La Paz <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in La Paz, Bolivia <s> La Paz <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> La Paz <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> La Paz <p> location of formation <o> Laja <s> La Paz <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in La Paz <s> La Paz <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from La Paz <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanover <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vaduz <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arica <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogotá <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Quito <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asunción <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Calama <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bolzano <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zaragoza <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iquique <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Denver <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mérida <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dalian <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Quetzaltenango <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Armenia <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arequipa <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ensenada <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stockholm Municipality <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coro <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moquegua <s> La Paz <p> founded by <o> Alonso de Mendoza <s> La Paz <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> La Paz <p> instance of <o> big city <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Puno <s> La Paz <p> instance of <o> seat of government <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Canelones <s> La Paz <p> named after <o> Battle of Ayacucho <s> La Paz <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> La Paz Department <s> La Paz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuzco <s> La Paz <p> head of government <o> Luis Revilla <s> La Paz <p> named after <o> Our Lady of Peace <s> State of Mexico <p> country <o> Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Mexico City <s> State of Mexico <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Mazahua <s> State of Mexico <p> highest point <o> Popocatépetl <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Michoacán <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Papantla Totonac <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Morelos <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Isthmus-Pajapan Nahuatl <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Southern Pame <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Coatepec Nahuatl <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Mocho’ <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Temascaltepec Nahuatl <s> State of Mexico <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> State of Mexico <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Puebla <s> State of Mexico <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the State of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of the State of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> topic's main category <o> Category:State of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saitama Prefecture <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Central Otomi <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Zoogocho Zapotec <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Tilapa Otomi <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Tilantongo Mixtec <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Temoaya Otomi <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Yalálag Zapotec <s> State of Mexico <p> capital <o> Toluca <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Hidalgo <s> State of Mexico <p> different from <o> Meksyk <s> State of Mexico <p> different from <o> state of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Querétaro <s> State of Mexico <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in the State of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Guerrero <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Tlahuica <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> San Francisco Matlatzinca <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Western Juxtlahuaca Mixtec <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Copala Triqui <s> State of Mexico <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in the State of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> shares border with <o> Tlaxcala <s> State of Mexico <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of México (state) <s> State of Mexico <p> instance of <o> state of Mexico <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Yucuañe Mixtec <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Querétaro Otomi <s> State of Mexico <p> language used <o> Mezquital Otomi <s> State of Mexico <p> head of government <o> Alfredo del Mazo Maza <s> State of Mexico <p> legislative body <o> Congress of the Estado de México <s> Guatemala City <p> capital of <o> Guatemala <s> Guatemala City <p> capital of <o> Federal Republic of Central America <s> Guatemala City <p> continent <o> North America <s> Guatemala City <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Guatemala City <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Guatemala City <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Guatemala City <p> instance of <o> city <s> Guatemala City <p> capital of <o> Guatemala Department <s> Guatemala City <p> capital of <o> State of Guatemala <s> Guatemala City <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Guatemala City <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Guatemala City <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Guatemala City <s> Guatemala City <p> country <o> Guatemala <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tegucigalpa <s> Guatemala City <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Guatemala City <p> owner of <o> Torre del Reformador <s> Guatemala City <p> part of <o> Central Highlands of Guatemala <s> Guatemala City <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Guatemala City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Guatemala City <s> Guatemala City <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Guatemala City <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> San José <s> Guatemala City <p> owner of <o> Guatemala City General Cemetery <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de Tenerife <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saltillo <s> Guatemala City <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Guatemala City <s> Guatemala City <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Guatemala City <s> Guatemala City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Guatemala Department <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Juliaca <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kfar Saba <s> Guatemala City <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Guatemala City <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Guatemala City <p> shares border with <o> Villa Nueva <s> Guatemala City <p> shares border with <o> Mixco <s> Guatemala City <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Guatemala City <p> instance of <o> municipality of Guatemala <s> Guatemala City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Montevideo <p> country <o> Uruguay <s> Montevideo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Montevideo <p> capital of <o> Uruguay <s> Montevideo <p> different from <o> Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> history of topic <o> history of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Montevideo <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Montevideo <p> capital of <o> Montevideo Department <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curitiba <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Montevideo <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Montevideo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Río de la Plata <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Plata <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulsan <s> Montevideo <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Montevideo <p> located in time zone <o> America/Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Fe <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> Montevideo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> significant event <o> Battle of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> significant event <o> Great Siege of Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Laayoune <s> Montevideo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Montevideo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> Montevideo <p> head of government <o> Carolina Cosse <s> Montevideo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Esmeraldas <s> Montevideo <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Montevideo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marsico Nuovo <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cádiz <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tandil <s> Montevideo <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Montevideo <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Montevideo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Montevideo Department <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Győr <s> Montevideo <p> founded by <o> Bruno Mauricio de Zabala <s> Montevideo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Category:Births in Mexico City <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Births in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Federal District <s> Category:Births in Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Mexico City <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Francisco <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> Caracas <p> capital of <o> Venezuela <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Cristóbal Ecatepec <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Caracas <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Caracas <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Caracas <p> instance of <o> city <s> Caracas <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Caracas <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Orleans <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Caracas <p> history of topic <o> history of Caracas <s> Caracas <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Caracas <s> Caracas <p> country <o> Venezuela <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Caracas <p> capital of <o> United States of Venezuela <s> Caracas <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in Caracas <s> Caracas <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu <s> Caracas <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Caracas <s> Caracas <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Venezuela <s> Caracas <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Caracas <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Las Palmas de Gran Canaria <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Laayoune <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Navi Mumbai <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Managua <s> Caracas <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Caracas <p> capital of <o> Capital District <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Algiers <s> Caracas <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paita <s> Caracas <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Caracas <p> capital of <o> State of Venezuela <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Caracas <p> capital of <o> Libertador Municipality <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> Caracas <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Caracas <s> Caracas <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Caracas <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Caracas <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Zika Corpus <s> Caracas <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Caracas <s> Caracas <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Guaire River <s> Caracas <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Caracas <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Caracas <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Querétaro <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Salvador <s> Caracas <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Caracas <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu County <s> Caracas <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de Tenerife <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aveiro <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Adeje <s> Caracas <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Caracas <p> head of government <o> Helen Fernández <s> Caracas <p> head of government <o> Alí Mansour Landaeta <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Melilla <s> Caracas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vigo <s> Caracas <p> founded by <o> Diego de Losada <s> Caracas <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Libertador Municipality <s> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Federal District <s> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Mexico City <s> Category:Deaths in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Burials in Mexico City <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> Mexico City <s> Category:Burials in Mexico City <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Mexico City <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial </Graph>
<Text> :Antonio de Mendoza was a Spanish colonial administrator who was the first viceroy of New Spain, serving from 14 November 1535 to 25 November 1550, and the second viceroy of Peru, from 23 September 1551, until his death on 21 July 1552. Mendoza became Viceroy of New Spain in 1535 and governed for 15 years, longer than any subsequent viceroy. On his arrival in New Spain, he found a recently conquered territory beset with Indigenous unrest and rivalry among the Spanish conquerors and Spanish settlers. His difficult assignment was to govern in the king's name without making an enemy of Hernan Cortes. Cortes himself had expected to be made the permanent ruling crown official of New Spain, since he had led the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. The Emperor Charles V and the Council of the Indies judged Cortes too independent of crown authority to be made viceroy and had created a high court in New Spain in 1528, appointing Nuno de Guzman, a rival of Cortes as its president to counter Cortes's power. In 1530 the crown granted Cortes the title of the Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca with multiple encomiendas. With the arrival of Viceroy Mendoza in 1535, Cortes pursued his own economic interests from his palace in Cuernavaca. Although the Spanish had occupied and expanded explorations, conquest, and settlement in the Caribbean, it was not until the conquest of central Mexico that the crown appointed a viceroy , who would be the king's living image in Mexico and envisioned to effectively assert royal authority in the Kingdom of New Spain. To further cement his authority and establish a solid society he established marital alliances with powerful settlers committed to the development of New Spain, such as Marina de la Caballeria. Mendoza's status as a noble and his family's loyalty to the Spanish crown made him a suitable candidate for appointment. Don Antonio and Bishop Juan de Zumarraga were key in the formation of two institutions of Mexico: the Colegio de Santa Cruz at Tlatelolco , where the sons of Aztec nobles studied Latin, rhetoric, philosophy and music, and the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico , modeled on the University of Salamanca, which trained young men for the Catholic Church. These institutions were the first and second universities respectively to be established in the mainland of the Americas. In 1536 he began the minting of silver and copper coins, known as macuquinas. Also under his instructions, the first printing press in the New World was brought to Mexico in 1539, by printer Juan Pablos . The first book printed in Mexico: La Escala Espiritual de San Juan Climaco. On 18 May 1541 don Antonio founded the city of Valladolid . La Paz, officially Nuestra Senora de La Paz, is the seat of government and de facto capital of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. With an estimated 816,044 residents as of 2020, La Paz is the third-most populous city in Bolivia. Its metropolitan area, which is formed by La Paz, El Alto, Achocalla, Viacha, and Mecapaca makes up the second most populous urban area in Bolivia, with a population of 2.2 million, after Santa Cruz de la Sierra with a population of 2.3 million. It is also the capital of the La Paz Department. The city, in west-central Bolivia 68 km southeast of Lake Titicaca, is set in a canyon created by the Choqueyapu River. It is in a bowl-like depression, part of the Amazon basin, surrounded by the high mountains of the Altiplano. Overlooking the city is the towering, triple-peaked Illimani. Its peaks are always snow-covered and can be seen from many parts of the city. At an elevation of roughly 3,650 m above sea level, La Paz is the highest capital city in the world. Due to its altitude, La Paz has an unusual subtropical highland climate, with rainy summers and dry winters. La Paz was founded on 20 October 1548, by the Spanish conquistador Captain Alonso de Mendoza, at the site of the Inca settlement of Laja as a connecting point between the commercial routes that led from Potosi and Oruro to Lima; the full name of the city was originally Nuestra Senora de La Paz in commemoration of the restoration of peace following the insurrection of Gonzalo Pizarro and fellow conquistadors against the first viceroy of Peru. The city was later moved to its present location in the valley of Chuquiago Marka. La Paz was under Spanish colonial rule as part of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, before Bolivia gained independence. Since its founding, the city was the site of numerous revolts. In 1781, the indigenous leader and independence activist Tupac Katari laid siege to the city for a total of six months, but was finally defeated. On 16 July 1809, the Bolivian patriot Pedro Domingo Murillo ignited a revolution for independence, marking the beginning of the Spanish American Wars of Independence, which gained the freedom of South American states in 1821. As the seat of the government of Bolivia, La Paz is the site of the Palacio Quemado, the presidential palace. It is also the seat of the Bolivian legislature, the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, and numerous government departments and agencies. The constitutional capital of Bolivia, Sucre, retains the judicial power. The city hosts all the foreign embassies as well as international missions in the country. La Paz is an important political, administrative, economic, and sports center of Bolivia; it generates 24% of the nation's gross domestic product and serves as the headquarters for numerous Bolivian companies and industries. The State of Mexico , officially just Mexico , is one of the 32 federal entities of the United Mexican States. Commonly known as Edomex to distinguish it from the name of the whole country, it is the most populous, as well as the most densely populated, state in the country. Located in south-central Mexico, the state is divided into 125 municipalities. The state capital city is Toluca de Lerdo , while its largest city is Ecatepec de Morelos . The State of Mexico surrounds Mexico City on three sides and borders the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo to the north, Morelos and Guerrero to the south, Michoacan to the west, and Tlaxcala and Puebla to the east. The territory that now comprises the State of Mexico once formed the core of the Pre-Hispanic Aztec Empire. During the Spanish colonial period, the region was incorporated into New Spain. After gaining independence in the 19th century, Mexico City was chosen as the capital of the new nation; its territory was separated out of the state. Years later, parts of the state were broken off to form the states of Hidalgo, Guerrero and Morelos. These territorial separations have left the state with the size and shape it has today, with the Toluca Valley to the west of Mexico City and a panhandle that extends around the north and east of this entity. Mexihco was originally the Nahuatl name for the Valley of Mexico where the cities of the Mexica were located. As such, the district that became Mexico City was properly known as Mexico-Tenochtitlan in the years shortly before and after Spanish conquest. After the Spanish Conquest, the term Mexico came to be used for Tenochtitlan/Mexico City and all the pre-conquest lands it controlled, including several other aforementioned Mexican states originally incorporated in the boundaries of the Mexico state. Guatemala City , formally New Guatemala of Assumption and the Ancient , known locally as Guate, is the capital and largest city of Guatemala, and the most populous urban area in Central America. The city is located in the south-central part of the country, nestled in a mountain valley called Valle de la Ermita . The city is also the capital of the Guatemala Department. Guatemala City is the site of the Mayan city of Kaminaljuyu, founded around 1500 BC. Following an earthquake in La Antigua in 1776 it was made capital of the Captaincy General of Guatemala. In 1821, Guatemala City was the scene of the declaration of independence of Central America from Spain, after which it became the capital of the newly established United Provinces of Central America . In 1847, Guatemala declared itself an independent republic, with Guatemala City as its capital. The capital was originally located in what is now Antigua Guatemala, and was moved to its current location in 1776. Guatemala City and the original location in Antigua Guatemala were almost completely destroyed by the 1917-18 earthquakes. Reconstructions following the earthquakes have resulted in a more modern architectural landscape. Today, Guatemala City is the political, cultural, and economic center of Guatemala. Montevideo is the capital and largest city of Uruguay. According to the 2011 census, the city proper has a population of 1,319,108 in an area of 201 square kilometers . Montevideo is situated on the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the Rio de la Plata. A Portuguese garrison was established in the place where today is the city of Montevideo in November 1723. The Portuguese garrison was expelled in February 1724 by a Spanish soldier, Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, as a strategic move amidst the Spanish-Portuguese dispute over the platine region. There is no official document establishing the foundation of the city, but the "Diario" of Bruno Mauricio de Zabala officially mentions the date of 24th of December of 1726 as the foundation, corroborated by presential witnesses. The complete independence from Buenos Aires as a real city was not reached until the 1st of January of 1730. It was also under brief British rule in 1807, but eventually the city was retaken by Spanish criollos who defeated the British invasions of the River Plate. Montevideo is the seat of the administrative headquarters of Mercosur and ALADI, Latin America's leading trade blocs, a position that entailed comparisons to the role of Brussels in Europe. The 2019 Mercer's report on quality of life, rated Montevideo first in Latin America, a rank the city has consistently held since 2005. As of 2010, Montevideo was the 19th largest city economy in the continent and 9th highest income earner among major cities. In 2022, it has a projected GDP of $53.9 billion, with a per capita of $30,148. In 2018, it was classified as a beta global city ranking eighth in Latin America and 84th in the world. Montevideo hosted every match during the first FIFA World Cup, in 1930. Described as a "vibrant, eclectic place with a rich cultural life", and "a thriving tech center and entrepreneurial culture", Montevideo ranked eighth in Latin America on the 2013 MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index. Caracas , officially Santiago de Leon de Caracas , is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, and the center of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas . Caracas is located along the Guaire River in the northern part of the country, within the Caracas Valley of the Venezuelan coastal mountain range . The valley is close to the Caribbean Sea, separated from the coast by a steep 2,200-meter-high mountain range, Cerro El Avila; to the south there are more hills and mountains. The Metropolitan Region of Caracas has an estimated population of almost 5 million inhabitants. The center of the city is Catedral, located near Bolivar Square, though some consider the center to be Plaza Venezuela, located in the Los Caobos area. Businesses in the city include service companies, banks, and malls. Caracas has a largely service-based economy, apart from some industrial activity in its metropolitan area. The Caracas Stock Exchange and Petroleos de Venezuela are headquartered in Caracas. Empresas Polar is the largest private company in Venezuela. Caracas is also Venezuela's cultural capital, with many restaurants, theaters, museums, and shopping centers. Caracas has some of the tallest skyscrapers in Latin America, such as the Parque Central Towers. The Museum of Contemporary Art of Caracas is one of the most important in South America. Before the city was founded in 1567, the valley of Caracas was populated by indigenous peoples. Francisco Fajardo, the son of a Spanish captain and a Guaiqueri cacica, who came from Margarita, began establishing settlements in the area of La Guaira and the Caracas valley between 1555 and 1560. Fajardo attempted to establish a plantation in the valley in 1562 after these unsuccessful coastal towns, but it did not last long: it was destroyed by natives of the region led by Terepaima and Guaicaipuro. Fajardo's 1560 settlement was known as Hato de San Francisco, and another attempt in 1561 by Juan Rodriguez de Suarez was called Villa de San Francisco, and was also destroyed by the same native people. The eventual settlers of Caracas came from Coro, the German capital of their Klein-Venedig colony around the present-day coastal Colombia-Venezuela border; from the 1540s, the colony had been de facto controlled by Spaniards. Moving eastward from Coro, groups of Spanish settlers founded inland towns including Barquisimeto and Valencia before reaching the Caracas valley. On 25 July 1567, Captain Diego de Losada laid the foundations of the city of Santiago de Leon de Caracas. De Losada had been commissioned to capture the valley, and was successful by splitting the natives into different groups to work with, then fighting and defeating each of them. The town was the closest to the coast of these new settlements, and the colonists retained a native workforce, which allowed a trade network to develop between Caracas, the interior, and Margarita; the towns further inland produced ample cotton products and beeswax, and Margarita was a rich source of pearls. The Caracas valley had a good environment for both agricultural and arable farming, which contributed to the system of commerce but meant that the town's population was initially sparse, as it was only large enough to support a few farms. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> instance of <o> human <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> has works in the collection <o> Victoria and Albert Museum <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> has works in the collection <o> Bargello National Museum <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Davanzati <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> notable work <o> Florence Cathedral <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> place of birth <o> Florence <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> notable work <o> Santo Spirito <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> student <o> Andrea Cavalcanti <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> student <o> Michelozzo <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> given name <o> Filippo <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> notable work <o> Crucifix in Santa Maria Novella <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> occupation <o> sculptor <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> relative <o> Andrea Cavalcanti <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> occupation <o> engineer <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> work location <o> Florence <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Filippo Brunelleschi <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> field of work <o> Renaissance architecture <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> movement <o> Italian Renaissance <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> movement <o> Early Renaissance <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> family name <o> Brunelleschi <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> occupation <o> civil engineer <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> occupation <o> goldsmith <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> described by source <o> Die Architektur der Renaissance in Toskana (Band 1): Filippo di Ser Brunellesco <s> Filippo Brunelleschi <p> place of burial <o> Florence Cathedral <s> Museums of Florence <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Museums of Florence <p> is a list of <o> museum <s> Museums of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Museums in Florence <s> Museums of Florence <p> catalog <o> Catalogo Polo Museale Fiorentino <s> Museums of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> 1890 Florentine inventory <s> Museums of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Catalogo Polo Museale Fiorentino <s> Museums of Florence <p> catalog <o> 1890 Florentine inventory <s> Museums of Florence <p> category related to list <o> Category:Museums in Florence <s> Italian national museum <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italian national museum <p> instance of <o> type of museum <s> Italian national museum <p> subclass of <o> national museum <s> Italian national museum <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> mansion <p> said to be the same as <o> mansion <s> mansion <p> subclass of <o> house <s> mansion <p> different from <o> mansion <s> mansion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mansions <s> mansion <p> has use <o> residence <s> mansion <p> different from <o> Mansion <s> mansion <p> different from <o> estate <s> mansion <p> different from <o> private mansion <s> mansion <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> mansion <p> different from <o> manor house <s> Luca Fancelli <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Luca Fancelli <p> instance of <o> human <s> Luca Fancelli <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Luca Fancelli <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Luca Fancelli <p> notable work <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Luca Fancelli <p> occupation <o> sculptor <s> Luca Fancelli <p> place of birth <o> Settignano <s> Luca Fancelli <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Luca Fancelli <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Luca Fancelli <p> given name <o> Luca <s> Luca Fancelli <p> family name <o> Fancelli <s> Luca Fancelli <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Luca Fancelli <s> museum of modern art <p> field of work <o> modern art <s> museum of modern art <p> subclass of <o> art museum <s> museum of modern art <p> said to be the same as <o> Museo de Arte Moderno <s> museum of modern art <p> genre <o> modern art <s> museum of modern art <p> instance of <o> type of museum <s> museum of modern art <p> said to be the same as <o> Museum of Modern Art <s> museum of modern art <p> said to be the same as <o> Museu de Arte Moderna <s> museum of modern art <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Modern art museums <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> country of origin <o> United States of America <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> has edition or translation <o> New International Encyclopedia (1902–1905) <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> genre <o> nonfiction <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> instance of <o> literary work <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> publisher <o> Dodd, Mead & Co. <s> New International Encyclopedia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:New International Encyclopedia <s> Piazza de' Pitti <p> country <o> Italy <s> Piazza de' Pitti <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> borough 1 <s> Piazza de' Pitti <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> Piazza de' Pitti <p> instance of <o> square <s> Category:Palazzo Pitti <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Palazzo Pitti <p> category's main topic <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Education of Jupiter Room <p> instance of <o> exhibition space <s> Education of Jupiter Room <p> location <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Education of Jupiter Room <p> part of <o> Palazzo Pitti </Graph>
<Text> :Filippo di ser Brunellesco di Lippo Lapi , commonly known as Filippo Brunelleschi and also nicknamed Pippo by Leon Battista Alberti, was an Italian architect, designer, goldsmith and sculptor. He is considered to be a founding father of Renaissance architecture. He is recognized as the first modern engineer, planner, and sole construction supervisor. In 1421, Brunelleschi became the first person to receive a patent in the Western world. He is most famous for designing the dome of the Florence Cathedral, and for the mathematical technique of linear perspective in art which governed pictorial depictions of space until the late 19th century and influenced the rise of modern science. His accomplishments also include other architectural works, sculpture, mathematics, engineering, and ship design. Most surviving works can be found in Florence. Brunelleschi was born in Florence, Italy, in 1377. His father was Brunellesco di Lippo , a notary and civil servant. His mother was Giuliana Spini; he had two brothers. The family was well-off; the palace of the Spini family still exists, across from the Church of the Trinita in Florence. The young Filippo was given a literary and mathematical education to enable him to follow the father's career. Being artistically inclined, however, Filippo, at the age of fifteen, was apprenticed at the Arte della Seta, the silk merchants' guild, the wealthiest and most prestigious guild in the city, which also included jewellers and metal craftsmen. In December 1398, he became a master goldsmith and a sculptor working with cast bronze. Brunelleschi's earliest surviving sculptures are two small bronze statues of evangelists and saints made for the altar of the Crucifix Chapel Pistoia Cathedral. He paused this project in 1400, when he was chosen to simultaneously serve two representative councils of the Florentine government for about four months. Around the end of 1400, the city of Florence decided to create new sculpted and gilded bronze doors for the Florence Baptistery. A competition was held in 1401 for the design, which drew seven competitors, including Brunelleschi and another young sculptor, Lorenzo Ghiberti. Each sculptor had to produce a single bronze panel, depicting the Sacrifice of Isaac within a Gothic four-leaf frame. The panels each contained Abraham, Isaac, an angel and other figures imagined by the artists, and had to harmonize in style with the existing doors, produced in 1330 by Andrea Pisano. The head of the jury was Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, who later became an important patron of Brunelleschi. The jury initially praised Ghiberti's panel. When they saw Brunelleschi's work, they were unable to choose between the two and suggested that the two artists collaborate on the project. Brunelleschi refused to forfeit total control of the project, preferring it to be awarded to Ghiberti. This divided public opinion. The Museums of Florence form a key element of the cultural and artistic character of the city. Of the 15 most visited Italian art museums and galleries, five are in Florence. The number and proximity of the works of art in the museums of Florence can trigger Stendhal syndrome on visitors who try to see them all, as evidenced by hospital records of hundreds of visitors each year affected by the syndrome. The art in Florence was one of the elements that contributed to the central part of the city being named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.: 116 The art in Florence is inherently linked to the Medici family, who collected considerable holdings of paintings, sculptures, furnishings and art objects. Unlike other cities, the Florence collections are the property of the city, thanks to Anna Maria Luisa de Medici who bequeathed all the family collections to the city as long as they remained united.: 97 A second issue is that unlike other major cities, Florence was not sacked, and hence did not undergo the looting experienced by cities such as Mantua, Modena, and Parma. And with the unification of Italy the Savoys moved a series of furnishings and works from other disused Italian palaces to their residence in Palazzo Pitti and the Medici villas.: 100 The protection continued even during the Second World War, and on 3 September 1944, when the Germans bombed every bridge in Florence in the Operazione Feurzauber, the museums were not attacked. Today, most of the city's art collections are managed by the state. The Uffizi Gallery holds figurative art up to about the middle of the eighteenth century, with an overlap from the late fifteenth century with the works preserved in the Palatine Gallery of Palazzo Pitti. The Uffizi also holds classical sculptures. which supplement the ancient art in the National Archaeological Museum. Renaissance and Mannerist sculptures are generally held at the Bargello National Museum.: 120 The Gallery of Modern Art holds items from the neoclassical period to the first half of the twentieth century. The National Archaeological Museum holds items including Egyptian, Etruscan and Roman artifacts. The Uffizi Gallery has a collection of Florentine Renaissance art divided into various rooms set up by style and in chronological order. Born from the artistic collections accumulated over the centuries by the Medici, it also has a collection of ancient sculptures and exhibits such as works by Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio, and many others. A mansion is a large dwelling house. The word itself derives through Old French from the Latin word mansio "dwelling", an abstract noun derived from the verb manere "to dwell". The English word manse originally defined a property large enough for the parish priest to maintain himself, but a mansion is no longer self-sustaining in this way . Manor comes from the same root--territorial holdings granted to a lord who would "remain" there. Following the fall of Rome, the practice of building unfortified villas ceased. Today, the oldest inhabited mansions around the world usually began their existence as fortified houses in the Middle Ages. As social conditions slowly changed and stabilised fortifications were able to be reduced, and over the centuries gave way to comfort. It became fashionable and possible for homes to be beautiful rather than grim and forbidding allowing for the development of the modern mansion. In British English, a mansion block refers to a block of flats or apartments designed for the appearance of grandeur. In many parts of Asia, including Hong Kong and Japan, the word mansion also refers to a block of apartments. In modern Japan, a "manshon" , stemming from the English word "mansion", is used to refer to a multi-unit apartment complex or condominium. In Europe, from the 15th century onwards, a combination of politics and advances in weaponry negated the need for the aristocracy to live in fortified castles. As a result, many were transformed into mansions without defences or demolished and rebuilt in a more modern, undefended style. Due to intermarriage and primogeniture inheritance amongst the aristocracy, it became common for one noble to often own several country houses. These would be visited rotationally throughout the year as their owner pursued the social and sporting circuit from country home to country home. Many owners of a country house would also own a town mansion in their country's capital city. These town mansions were referred to as 'houses' in London, 'hotels particuliers' in Paris, and 'palaces' in most European cities elsewhere. It might be noted that sometimes the house of a clergyman was called a "mansion house" . Giorgio Vasari, the 16th-century Florentine artist and biographer of the artists, is responsible for many doubts pertaining to the authenticity of works attributed to Fancelli. While Fancelli likely designed the Palazzo Pitti, the Florentine residence of the Medici's friend, and supposed rival, Luca Pitti; Vasari attributes the design to Brunelleschi, who had died several years before work began. The palazzo is not in Brunelleschi's style, and considered by many to be by a lesser hand. Fancelli has also been credited also with the design of the tribune of SS. Annunziata in Florence, but this too is disputed. In 1450 Fancelli moved to Mantua, where he was employed in the court of Marquis Ludovico III. Mantua under the Gonzagas was artistic center, employing Pisanello, Mantegna, Perugino, Correggio, Leon Battista Alberti, Giulio Romano, and Rubens. At Mantua, Fancelli became clerk of works and supervisory architect for the churches of San Sebastiano , and Sant'Andrea while the plans for both churches were drawn by Alberti himself, Fancelli's input was large, especially at the church of Sant'Andrea, which was begun only shortly before Alberti's death. The Marquess of Mantua Federico I began work on a new royal palace in the city, and Fancelli received the commission to design a complex of rooms for new palace centred on its clock tower, this wing known as the Domus Nova . Fancelli worked on from 1478 to 1484, but the palace itself remained incomplete until the 17th century. The New International Encyclopedia was an American encyclopedia first published in 1902 by Dodd, Mead & Co.. It descended from the International Cyclopaedia and was updated in 1906, 1914 and 1926. The New International Encyclopedia was the successor of the International Cyclopaedia . Initially, The International Cyclopaedia was largely a reprint of Alden's Library of Universal Knowledge, which itself was a reprint of the British Chambers's Encyclopaedia. The title was changed to The New International Encyclopedia in 1902, with editors Harry Thurston Peck, Daniel Coit Gilman and Frank Moore Colby. The encyclopedia was popular and reprints were made in 1904, 1905, 1907 , 1909 and 1911. The 2nd edition appeared from 1914 to 1917 in 24 volumes. With Peck and Gilman deceased, Colby was joined by a new editor, Talcott Williams. This edition was set up from new type and thoroughly revised. It was very strong in biography. A third edition was published in 1923, however this was mostly a reprint with the addition of a history of the First World War in volume 24, which had previously been a reading and study guide. A two-volume supplement was published in 1925 and was incorporated into the 1927 reprint, which had 25 volumes. There was a further two-volume supplement in 1930 along with another reprint. The Palazzo Pitti , in English sometimes called the Pitti Palace, is a vast, mainly Renaissance, palace in Florence, Italy. It is situated on the south side of the River Arno, a short distance from the Ponte Vecchio. The core of the present palazzo dates from 1458 and was originally the town residence of Luca Pitti, an ambitious Florentine banker. The palace was bought by the Medici family in 1549 and became the chief residence of the ruling families of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. It grew as a great treasure house as later generations amassed paintings, plates, jewelry and luxurious possessions. In the late 18th century, the palazzo was used as a power base by Napoleon and later served for a brief period as the principal royal palace of the newly united Italy. The palace and its contents were donated to the Italian people by King Victor Emmanuel III in 1919. The palazzo is now the largest museum complex in Florence. The principal palazzo block, often in a building of this design known as the corps de logis, is 32,000 square metres. It is divided into several principal galleries or museums detailed below. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Kaliningrad <p> different from <o> Kaliningrad Oblast <s> Kaliningrad <p> different from <o> Korolyov <s> Kaliningrad <p> country <o> Russia <s> Kaliningrad <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kaliningrad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cagliari <s> Kaliningrad <p> replaces <o> Königsberg <s> Kaliningrad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brest <s> Kaliningrad <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Königsberg <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Kaliningrad <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pregolya <s> Kaliningrad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zeitz <s> Kaliningrad <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moskovsky Administrative District <s> Kaliningrad <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leningradsky Administrative District <s> Kaliningrad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bremerhaven <s> Kaliningrad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baranavichy <s> Kaliningrad <p> follows <o> Königsberg <s> Kaliningrad <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kaliningrad <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Kaliningrad <p> award received <o> Order of the Red Banner of Labour <s> Kaliningrad <p> head of government <o> Oleg Aminov <s> Kaliningrad <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> flag <o> flag of Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> instance of <o> centre of oblast <s> Kaliningrad <p> instance of <o> city of oblast significance <s> Kaliningrad <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaliningrad Urban Okrug <s> Kaliningrad <p> capital of <o> Kaliningrad Urban Okrug <s> Kaliningrad <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Kaliningrad <s> Kaliningrad <p> named after <o> Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin <s> Kaliningrad <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Kaliningrad <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tsentralny Administrative District <s> Meksyk <p> different from <o> Mexico <s> Meksyk <p> different from <o> Meksyk <s> Meksyk <p> different from <o> Mexico City <s> Meksyk <p> different from <o> New Mexico <s> Meksyk <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Meksyk <p> different from <o> State of Mexico <s> Andorra la Vella <p> country <o> Andorra <s> Andorra la Vella <p> part of <o> Andorra <s> Andorra la Vella <p> different from <o> Andorra <s> Andorra la Vella <p> capital of <o> Andorra <s> Andorra la Vella <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Andorra la Vella <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Andorra la Vella <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Andorra la Vella <p> instance of <o> city <s> Andorra la Vella <p> capital of <o> Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sant Pol de Mar <s> Andorra la Vella <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Andorra la Vella <p> instance of <o> border city <s> Andorra la Vella <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Andorra la Vella <p> twinned administrative body <o> Foix <s> Andorra la Vella <p> shares border with <o> La Massana <s> Andorra la Vella <p> shares border with <o> Sant Julià de Lòria <s> Andorra la Vella <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gran Valira <s> Andorra la Vella <p> shares border with <o> Escaldes-Engordany <s> Andorra la Vella <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> head of government <o> Marc Pons Martell <s> Andorra la Vella <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> instance of <o> settlement of Andorra <s> Andorra la Vella <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Andorra la Vella <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Andorra la Vella <s> Andorra la Vella <p> twinned administrative body <o> Valls <s> Andorra la Vella <p> head of state <o> Conxita Marsol Riart <s> Andorra la Vella <p> shares border with <o> Les Valls de Valira <s> Andorra la Vella <p> office held by head of state <o> cònsol major <s> Andorra la Vella <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Andorra la Vella <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> indigenous to <o> Mexico City <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> instance of <o> language <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> indigenous to <o> State of Mexico <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> subclass of <o> Otomi <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> instance of <o> unwritten language <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 8a Moribund <s> Tilapa Otomi <p> UNESCO language status <o> 4 severely endangered <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> Mexico City <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> Oaxaca <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> instance of <o> language <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> Puebla <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> indigenous to <o> State of Mexico <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 6b Threatened <s> Tilantongo Mixtec <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Diuxi-Tilantongo Mixtec language <s> Bogotá <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Bogotá <p> country <o> Colombia <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Bogotá <p> capital of <o> Colombia <s> Bogotá <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chicago <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Bogotá <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> Bogotá <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Bogota <s> Bogotá <p> owner of <o> Estadio El Campín <s> Bogotá <p> capital of <o> Cundinamarca Department <s> Bogotá <p> patron saint <o> Immaculate Conception of Mary <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Bogotá <p> capital of <o> Viceroyalty of New Granada <s> Bogotá <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cundinamarca Department <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> municipality of Colombia <s> Bogotá <p> head of government <o> Claudia López Hernández Ganso <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rafael Uribe Uribe <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Bogotá <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Engativá <s> Bogotá <p> shares border with <o> Chía <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bogotá <p> capital of <o> Gran Colombia <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> capital district or territory <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Bogotá <p> significant event <o> Siege of Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> significant event <o> 1980 Dominican Embassy siege in Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Bogotá <p> capital of <o> Free and Independent State of Cundinamarca <s> Bogotá <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Bogotá <p> owner of <o> Estadio Metropolitano de Techo <s> Bogotá <p> owner of <o> Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> direct-controlled municipality <s> Bogotá <p> founded by <o> Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada <s> Bogotá <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bogotá <p> shares border with <o> Cota, Colombia <s> Bogotá <p> shares border with <o> Funza <s> Bogotá <p> shares border with <o> Soacha <s> Bogotá <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Bogota <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seoul <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Bogotá <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Bogotá <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> capital of <o> Capital District <s> Bogotá <p> shares border with <o> Mosquera <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Bogotá <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tegucigalpa <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kennedy <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Fe <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suba <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cádiz <s> Bogotá <p> flag <o> flag of Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Cristóbal <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Antonio Nariño <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barrios Unidos <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chapinero <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pedro Usme <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontibón <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Teusaquillo <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cartagena de Indias <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Fe <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Usaquén <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bosa <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Los Mártires <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Puente Aranda <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sumapaz <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ciudad Bolívar (Ciudad Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Ponte - Andrade Palacios Aguirre Blanco) <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Candelaria <s> Bogotá <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tunjuelito <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tripoli <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ramallah <s> Bogotá <p> legislative body <o> Bogotá city council <s> Bogotá <p> executive body <o> office of the mayor of Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Bogotá <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bogotá <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Bogotá <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bogotá <s> Bogotá <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bogotá <s> Panama City <p> different from <o> Panama City <s> Panama City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pacific Ocean <s> Panama City <p> capital of <o> Panama <s> Panama City <p> instance of <o> city <s> Panama City <p> country <o> Panama <s> Panama City <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Panama City <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Panama City <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Panama City <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Panama City <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Panama City <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Panama City <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Panama City <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Panama City <p> capital of <o> Panamá District <s> Panama City <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Panama City <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Panama City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Panama City <s> Panama City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Panama Canal <s> Panama City <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Panama City <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Panama City <s> Panama City <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Panama City <s> Panama City <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Panama City <s> Panama City <p> part of <o> Central Panama <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Panama City <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guadalajara <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tel Aviv <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Diego <s> Panama City <p> history of topic <o> timeline of Panama City <s> Panama City <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Panama City <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Incheon <s> Panama City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Panamá District <s> Panama City <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Panama City <s> Panama City <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Panama City <p> instance of <o> metropolitan area <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paita <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barranquilla <s> Panama City <p> founded by <o> Pedro Arias Dávila <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Callao <s> Panama City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fort Lauderdale <s> Beirut <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Beirut <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Beirut <p> capital of <o> Beirut Governorate <s> Beirut <p> capital of <o> Lebanon <s> Beirut <p> different from <o> Beirut Governorate <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trieste <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Beirut <p> capital of <o> Beirut Vilayet <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Beirut <p> country <o> Lebanon <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Beirut <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Beirut <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Emirate of Dubai <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baghdad <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Port of Beirut <s> Beirut <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Beirut <s> Beirut <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Beirut <s> Beirut <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Beirut <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Beirut <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Beirut <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beirut Governorate <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Archafrieh <s> Beirut <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Beirut <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yerevan <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mazraa <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mousseitbeh <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rmeil <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Medawar <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bachoura <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zuqaq al-Blat <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minet El Hosn <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ras Beirut <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saifi <s> Beirut <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dar Mreisseh <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Quebec City <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tripoli <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Île-de-France <s> Beirut <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mediterranean Sea <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Damascus <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marseille <s> Beirut <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Beirut <s> Beirut <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Beirut <s> Beirut <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Beirut <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Beirut <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karachi <s> Beirut <p> patron saint <o> Saint George <s> Beirut <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Beirut <p> significant event <o> 1973 Israeli raid on Lebanon <s> Beirut <p> significant event <o> Siege of Beirut <s> Beirut <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Beirut <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Nicosia <p> country <o> Cyprus <s> Nicosia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Nicosia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Nicosia <s> Nicosia <p> instance of <o> city in Cyprus <s> Nicosia <p> instance of <o> town divided by border <s> Nicosia <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Nicosia <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Nicosia <p> capital of <o> Cyprus <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fuzhou <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abu Dhabi <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Nicosia <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Cyprus <s> Nicosia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Nicosia <p> country <o> Northern Cyprus <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Nicosia <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Nicosia <p> depicted by <o> A trigonometrical survey of the island of Cyprus <s> Nicosia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Nicosia <s> Nicosia <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Nicosia <s> Nicosia <p> different from <o> Nicosia Municipality <s> Nicosia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Nicosia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pedieos <s> Nicosia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Nicosia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Nicosia <p> said to be the same as <o> Ledra <s> Nicosia <p> part of <o> Nicosia District <s> Nicosia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Nicosia District <s> Nicosia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Nicosia <s> Cádiz <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Cádiz <p> country <o> Spain <s> Cádiz <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atlantic Ocean <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> Cádiz <p> patron saint <o> Our Lady of the Rosary <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Cádiz <p> head of government <o> José María González Santos <s> Cádiz <p> capital <o> Cádiz City <s> Cádiz <p> instance of <o> municipality of Spain <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Huelva <s> Cádiz <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de Tenerife <s> Cádiz <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> shares border with <o> San Fernando <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baltimore <s> Cádiz <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cádiz Province <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santos <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brest <s> Cádiz <p> significant event <o> Siege of Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> owner of <o> Estadio Ramón de Carranza <s> Cádiz <p> history of topic <o> history of Cadiz <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Las Palmas de Gran Canaria <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Callao <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guaduas <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cartagena de Indias <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Juan <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Puebla City <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Indio <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medway <s> Cádiz <p> part of <o> Mancomunidad de Municipios Bahía de Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> part of <o> Bay of Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> significant event <o> Battle of Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cádiz <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tangier <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ceuta <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kobe <s> Cádiz <p> capital of <o> Cádiz Province <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ambalema <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Fe de Antioquia <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> A Coruña <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dakhla <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Torrevieja <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Veracruz <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogotá <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Cádiz <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Cádiz <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Byblos <s> Cádiz <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> contains settlement <o> Cádiz City <s> Cádiz <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cádiz <s> Cádiz <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Buried in Cadiz <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mariquita, Tolima <s> Cádiz <p> twinned administrative body <o> Móstoles </Graph>
<Text> :Kaliningrad , until 1946 known as Konigsberg , is the largest city and administrative centre of Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave between Lithuania and Poland. The city sits about 663 kilometres west from mainland Russia. The city is situated on the Pregolya River, at the head of the Vistula Lagoon on the Baltic Sea, and is the only ice-free port of Russia on the Baltic Sea. Its population in 2020 was 489,359, with up to 800,000 residents in the urban agglomeration. Kaliningrad is the second-largest city in the Northwestern Federal District, after Saint Petersburg, the third-largest city in the Baltic region, and the seventh-largest city on the Baltic Sea. The settlement of modern-day Kaliningrad was founded in 1255 on the site of the ancient Old Prussian settlement Twangste by the Teutonic Knights during the Northern Crusades, and was named Konigsberg in honor of King Ottokar II of Bohemia. A Baltic port city, it successively became the capital of the State of the Teutonic Order, the Duchy of Prussia and East Prussia. Konigsberg remained the coronation city of the Prussian monarchy, though the capital was moved to Berlin in 1701. From 1454 to 1455, the city under the name of Krolewiec belonged to the Kingdom of Poland, and from 1466 to 1657 it was a Polish fief. Konigsberg was the easternmost large city in Germany until World War II. The city was heavily damaged by Allied bombing in 1944 and during the Battle of Konigsberg in 1945; it was then captured by the Soviet Union on 9 April 1945. The Potsdam Agreement of 1945 placed it under Soviet administration. The city was renamed Kaliningrad in 1946 in honor of Russian Bolshevik leader Mikhail Kalinin. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it has been governed as the administrative centre of Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast, the westernmost oblast of Russia. As a major transport hub, with sea and river ports, the city is home to the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy, and is one of the largest industrial centres in Russia. It was deemed the best city in Russia in 2012, 2013, and 2014 in Kommersant's magazine The Firm's Secret, the best city in Russia for business in 2013 according to Forbes, and was ranked fifth in the Urban Environment Quality Index published by Minstroy in 2019. Kaliningrad has been a major internal migration attraction in Russia over the past two decades, and was one of the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The history of the city may be divided into four periods: the Old Prussian settlement known as Twangste before 1255; the Polish city of Krolewiec from 1454 to 1455 and then fief of Poland from 1456 to 1657; the German city of Konigsberg from 1657 to 1945; and the Russian city of Kaliningrad from 1945 to present. The principal industry is tourism, although the country also earns foreign income from being a tax haven. Furniture and brandies are local products. Being at an elevation of 1,023 m , it is the highest capital city in Europe and a popular ski resort. Andorra la Vella means "Andorra the Town", to distinguish it from the Principality of Andorra as a whole. Although in Catalan the word vella is derived from the Latin word vetula which means "old", the Vella here is derived from the Latin word villa and means "town". The site of Andorra la Vella has been settled since prior to the Christian era--notably by the Andosin tribe from the late Neolithic. The state is one of the Marca Hispanica created and protected by Charlemagne in the eighth century as a buffer from the Moorish settlers in the Iberian Peninsula. The settlement of Andorra la Vella has been the principal city of Andorra since 1278 when the French and the Episcopal co-princes agreed to joint suzerainty. Andorra la Vella's old town--the Barri Antic--includes streets and buildings dating from this time. Its most notable building is the Casa de la Vall--constructed in the early sixteenth century--which has been the state's parliamentary house since 1702. Andorra la Vella was, during this period, the capital of a largely isolated and feudal state, which retained its independence due to this principle of co-sovereignty. Tilapa Otomi is a seriously endangered native American language spoken by less than a dozen people in the village of Santiago Tilapa, between Toluca and the DF in Mexico State. It has been classified as Eastern Otomi by Lastra . but in reality "Eastern Otomi" in Lastra's classification is a broader term for a "conservative variety". It is a language closely related to Acazulco and Atlapulco Otomi. It also shows a number of idiosyncratic innovations which make it stand as a different language, probably the closest one to Colonial Otomi. Its system of verbal conjugations is highly complex compared to the Mezquital varieties. Bogota , officially Bogota, Distrito Capital, abbreviated Bogota, D.C., and formerly known as Santa Fe de Bogota during the Spanish Colonial period and between 1991 and 2000, is the capital and largest city of Colombia, and one of the largest cities in the world. The city is administered as the Capital District, as well as the capital of, though not part of, the surrounding department of Cundinamarca. Bogota is a territorial entity of the first order, with the same administrative status as the departments of Colombia. It is the main political, economic, administrative, industrial, cultural, airport, technological, scientific, healthcare and educational center of the country and northern South America. Bogota was founded as the capital of the New Kingdom of Granada on 6 August 1538 by Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada after a harsh expedition into the Andes conquering the Muisca, the indigenous inhabitants of the Altiplano. Santafe became the seat of the government of the Spanish Royal Audiencia of the New Kingdom of Granada , and then after 1717 it was the capital of the Viceroyalty of New Granada. After the Battle of Boyaca on 7 August 1819, Bogota became the capital of the independent nation of Gran Colombia. It was Simon Bolivar who rebaptized the city with the name of Bogota, as a way of honoring the Muisca people and as an emancipation act towards the Spanish crown. Hence, since the Viceroyalty of New Granada's independence from the Spanish Empire and during the formation of present-day Colombia, Bogota has remained the capital of this territory. The city is located in the center of Colombia, on a high plateau known as the Bogota savanna, part of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes. Bogota is the third-highest capital in South America and in the world after Quito and La Paz, at an average of 2,640 meters above sea level. Subdivided into 20 localities, Bogota has an area of 1,587 square kilometers and a cool climate that is constant through the year. The city is home to central offices of the executive branch , the legislative branch and the judicial branch of the Colombian government. Bogota stands out for its economic strength and associated financial maturity, its attractiveness to global companies and the quality of human capital. It is the financial and commercial heart of Colombia, with the most business activity of any city in the country. The capital hosts the main financial market in Colombia and the Andean natural region, and is the leading destination for new foreign direct investment projects coming into Latin America and Colombia. It has the highest nominal GDP in the country, responsible for almost a quarter of the nation's total . Panama City , also known as Panama , is the capital and largest city of Panama. It has a total population of 1,938,000, with over 1,500,000 in its urban area. The city is located at the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal, in the province of Panama. The city is the political and administrative center of the country, as well as a hub for banking and commerce. The city of Panama was founded on 15 August 1519, by Spanish conquistador Pedro Arias Davila. The city was the starting point for expeditions that conquered the Inca Empire in Peru. It was a stopover point on one of the most important trade routes in the American continent, leading to the fairs of Nombre de Dios and Portobelo, through which passed most of the gold and silver that Spain mined from the Americas. On 28 January 1671, the original city was destroyed by a fire when the privateer Henry Morgan sacked and set fire to it. The city was formally reestablished two years later on 21 January 1673, on a peninsula located 8 km from the original settlement. The site of the previously devastated city is still in ruins, and is now a World Heritage Site and popular tourist attraction, regularly visited by school trips. The city was founded on 15 August 1519, by Pedro Arias de Avila, also known as Pedrarias Davila. Within a few years of its founding, the city became a launching point for the exploration and conquest of Peru and a transit point for gold and silver headed back to Spain through the Isthmus. The Genoese-Italians and the Spanish encouuntered coconuts from the Philippines which the Malayo-Polynesians brought before Spanish colonization. In 1520, Genoese merchants controlled the port and the commerce of the region, mainly for the slave trade, thanks to a concession given by the Spaniards, who had the Republic of Genoa as its main banking base. Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon. As of 2014, Greater Beirut has a population of 2.5 million, which makes it the third-largest city in the Levant region and the thirteenth-largest in the Arab world. The city is situated on a peninsula at the midpoint of Lebanon's Mediterranean coast. Beirut has been inhabited for more than 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest cities in the world. Beirut is Lebanon's seat of government and plays a central role in the Lebanese economy, with many banks and corporations based in the city. Beirut is an important seaport for the country and region, and rated a Beta + World City by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Beirut was severely damaged by the Lebanese Civil War, the 2006 Lebanon War, and the 2020 massive explosion in the Port of Beirut. Its architectural and demographic structure underwent major change in recent decades. The English name Beirut is an early transcription of the Arabic name Bayrut . The same name's transcription into French is Beyrouth, which was sometimes used during Lebanon's French mandate. The Arabic name derives from Phoenician be`rut . This was a modification of the Canaanite and Phoenician word bi`rot later be`rut, meaning "wells", in reference to the site's accessible water table. The name is first attested in the 14th century BC, when it was mentioned in three Akkadian cuneiform tablets of the Amarna letters, letters sent by King Ammunira of Biruta to Amenhotep III or Amenhotep IV of Egypt. Biruta was also mentioned in the Amarna letters from King Rib-Hadda of Byblos. The Greeks hellenised the name as Berytos , which the Romans latinised as Berytus. When it attained the status of a Roman colony, it was notionally refounded and its official name was emended to Colonia Iulia Augusta Felix Berytus to include its imperial sponsors. Nicosia is the southeasternmost of all EU member states' capitals. It has been continuously inhabited for over 4,500 years and has been the capital of Cyprus since the 10th century. The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities of Nicosia segregated into the south and north of the city respectively in early 1964, following the fighting of the Cyprus crisis of 1963-64 that broke out in the city. This separation became a militarized border between the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus after Turkey invaded the island in 1974 following an attempt at Enosis. Apart from its legislative and administrative functions, Nicosia has established itself as the island's financial capital and its main international business center. In 2018, Nicosia was the 32nd richest city in the world in relative purchasing power. The earliest mention of the city is on a clay prism of the Assyrian king Esarhaddon dated to 672 BC, which calls it Lidir. The local form of the name was later variously hellenized as Ledra , Ledrae , Ledroi , and Ledron . By late antiquity, early Christian sources were recording the location as Leuteon and as Leucon , Leucotheon , Leucoi Theoi , and Leucopolis , incorporating forms of the Greek words for "white" or "poplar" and for "God" , "god" , or "goddess" , with possible allusion to a supposed son of Ptolemy I Soter or to the sea goddess Leucothea. During the Byzantine period, the form Leucosia --usually parsed as intending "the white estate" --became common; this developed into modern Greek Lefkosia and Turkish Lefkosa . Cadiz D-iz, Spanish: ) is a city in Spain and the capital of the Province of Cadiz, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. It is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula off the Atlantic Ocean separated from neighbouring San Fernando by a narrow isthmus. Cadiz, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Western Europe, was founded by the Phoenicians as a trading post. In the 18th century, the Port in the Bay of Cadiz consolidated as the main harbor of mainland Spain, enjoying the virtual monopoly of trade with the Americas until 1778. It is also the site of the University of Cadiz. Situated on a narrow slice of land surrounded by the sea, Cadiz is, in most respects, a typically Andalusian city with well-preserved historical landmarks. The older part of Cadiz, within the remnants of the city walls, is commonly referred to as the Old Town , and represents a large area of the total size of the city. It is characterized by the antiquity of its various quarters , among them El Populo, La Vina, and Santa Maria, which present a marked contrast to the newer areas of town. While the Old City's street plan consists of narrow winding alleys connecting large plazas, newer areas of Cadiz typically have wide avenues and more modern buildings. In addition, the city is dotted with numerous parks where exotic plants flourish, including giant trees supposedly brought to the Iberian Peninsula from the New World. Numismatic inscriptions in the Phoenician language record that the Phoenicians knew the site as a Gadir or Agadir , meaning 'wall', 'compound', or 'stronghold'. Borrowed by the Berber languages, this became the agadir common in North African place names, such as that of the Moroccan city of Agadir. The Carthaginians continued to use this name and all subsequent names have derived from it. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Nagoya <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Nagoya <p> official symbol <o> Lilium <s> Nagoya <p> country <o> Japan <s> Nagoya <p> official symbol <o> Cinnamomum camphora <s> Nagoya <p> capital of <o> Aichi Prefecture <s> Nagoya <p> member of <o> Fairtrade Town <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Arimatsu <s> Nagoya <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Nagoya <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Nagoya <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> capital of <o> Owari Domain <s> Nagoya <p> different from <o> Nogoyá <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tashkent <s> Nagoya <p> part of <o> three major cities in Japan <s> Nagoya <p> part of <o> six greatest cities in Japan (1922) <s> Nagoya <p> part of <o> Nagoya metropolitan area <s> Nagoya <p> owner of <o> Nippon Gaishi Hall <s> Nagoya <p> owner of <o> Mizuho Athletic Stadium <s> Nagoya <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Nagoya <p> significant event <o> Bombing of Nagoya in World War II <s> Nagoya <p> significant event <o> Great Fire of Manji <s> Nagoya <p> highest point <o> Mount Tōgoku <s> Nagoya <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Nagoya <p> owner of <o> Nagoya City Minato Soccer Stadium <s> Nagoya <p> foods traditionally associated <o> Nagoya cuisine <s> Nagoya <p> said to be the same as <o> Chūkyō <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Chikusa <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Nan'yo <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Biwajima <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Gokiso <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Shimonoisshiki <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Yobitsugi <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Higashiyama <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Moriyama <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Ōsu <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Yamada <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Naka <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Rokugō <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Tokiwa <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Shōnai <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Aichi <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Tomida <s> Nagoya <p> part of <o> Chūkyō metropolitan area <s> Nagoya <p> language used <o> Nagoya dialect <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanjing <s> Nagoya <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rikuzentakata <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Togo <s> Nagoya <p> archives at <o> Nagoya City Archives <s> Nagoya <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Nagoya <p> owner of <o> Mizuho Park <s> Nagoya <p> owner of <o> Mizuho Rugby Stadium <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Ama <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Kiyosu <s> Nagoya <p> associated electoral district <o> Aichi 5th district <s> Nagoya <p> associated electoral district <o> Aichi 2nd district <s> Nagoya <p> associated electoral district <o> Aichi 4th district <s> Nagoya <p> associated electoral district <o> Aichi 1st district <s> Nagoya <p> associated electoral district <o> Aichi 3rd district <s> Nagoya <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Nōbi Plain <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Oharu <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Tobishima <s> Nagoya <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Seto <s> Nagoya <p> head of government <o> Takashi Kawamura <s> Nagoya <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Aichi Prefecture <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Tenpaku <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Arako <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Kinjō <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Kasadera <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Hagino <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Itaka <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Kusunoki <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Yawata <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Sugi <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Shimizu <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Atsuta <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Narumi <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Obu <s> Nagoya <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> Nagoya <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Kanie <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mizuho-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chikusa-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kita-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nishi-ku <s> Nagoya <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Port of Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reims <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Callao <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Toyoyama City <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Kasugai <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Owariasahi <s> Nagoya <p> capital <o> Naka-ku <s> Nagoya <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Shōnai River <s> Nagoya <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Nikkō River <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Higashi-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Naka-ku <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toyota <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Tokai <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Kitanagoya <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minato-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Atsuta-ku <s> Nagoya <p> executive body <o> Nagoya City Hall <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pune <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Nisshin <s> Nagoya <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ise Bay <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Nagoya <p> history of topic <o> timeline of Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taichung <s> Nagoya <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> city for international conferences and tourism <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> prefectural capital of Japan <s> Nagoya <p> legislative body <o> Nagoya City Council <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Midori-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nakagawa-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tenpaku-ku <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Toyoake <s> Nagoya <p> shares border with <o> Nagakute <s> Nagoya <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Nagoya <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sydney <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Showa-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meito-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minami-ku <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moriyama-ku <s> Nagoya <p> replaces <o> Ōdaka <s> Nagoya <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tenpaku River <s> Nagoya <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> city designated by government ordinance <s> Nagoya <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Nagoya <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .nagoya <s> Nagoya <p> anthem <o> Nagoya City Anthem <s> Nagoya <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nakamura-ku <s> Houston <p> different from <o> Houston <s> Houston <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Houston <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Houston <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Irapuato <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Perth <s> Houston <p> capital of <o> Harris County <s> Houston <p> part of <o> North Barrier Coast <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Houston <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Houston <s> Houston <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Houston <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Houston <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Houston <s> Houston <p> legislative body <o> Houston City Council <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chiba <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cairo <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abu Dhabi <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Huelva <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Luanda <s> Houston <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Houston <s> Houston <p> owner of <o> George Bush Intercontinental Airport <s> Houston <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Greater Houston <s> Houston <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tyumen <s> Houston <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Houston <s> Houston <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shenzhen <s> Houston <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Houston <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karachi <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tampico <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leipzig <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanjing <s> Houston <p> instance of <o> county seat <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dalian <s> Houston <p> named after <o> Sam Houston <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baku <s> Houston <p> owner of <o> William P. Hobby Airport <s> Houston <p> owner of <o> 1200 Travis <s> Houston <p> owner of <o> Lakewood Church Central Campus <s> Houston <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Houston <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Houston <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stavanger Municipality <s> Houston <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Houston <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Houston <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Houston <s> Houston <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Houston <s> Houston <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Harris County <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aberdeen <s> Houston <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Houston <s> Houston <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Houston, Texas by place <s> Houston <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Houston <p> has list <o> list of events in Houston, Texas <s> Houston <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guayaquil <s> Houston <p> open data portal <o> Open Data Houston <s> Houston <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Houston <s> Houston <p> founded by <o> John Kirby Allen <s> Houston <p> founded by <o> Augustus Chapman Allen <s> Houston <p> flag <o> flag of Houston <s> Houston <p> head of government <o> Sylvester Turner <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ciudad Juárez <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Ciudad Juárez <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ciudad Juárez <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> continent <o> North America <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> El Paso <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−07:00 <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Diego <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Las Cruces <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chihuahua City <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tijuana <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rio Grande <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> named after <o> Benito Juárez <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> instance of <o> border city <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tecomán <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> part of <o> Mexico–United States border <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Juárez Municipality <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> head of government <o> José Reyes Ferriz <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> instance of <o> locality of Mexico <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> capital of <o> Juárez Municipality <s> Ciudad Juárez <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ciudad Juárez <s> San Juan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> country <o> United States of America <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> San Juan <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> San Juan <p> capital of <o> Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> instance of <o> municipality of Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cádiz <s> San Juan <p> different from <o> San Juan County <s> San Juan <p> different from <o> San Juan County <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> San Juan <p> official language <o> English <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maracaibo <s> San Juan <p> instance of <o> big city <s> San Juan <p> shares border with <o> Caguas <s> San Juan <p> different from <o> San Juan County <s> San Juan <p> different from <o> San Juan County <s> San Juan <p> shares border with <o> Guaynabo <s> San Juan <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu County <s> San Juan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cartagena de Indias <s> San Juan <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> San Juan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:San Juan, Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> San Juan <p> owner of <o> Tito Puente Amphitheatre <s> San Juan <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in San Juan, Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> owner of <o> Hiram Bithorn Stadium <s> San Juan <p> owner of <o> Roberto Clemente Coliseum <s> San Juan <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> San Juan <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> San Juan–Caguas–Guaynabo metropolitan area <s> San Juan <p> shares border with <o> Aguas Buenas <s> San Juan <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in San Juan <s> San Juan <p> part of <o> Northern Coast <s> San Juan <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> San Juan <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> San Juan <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> San Juan <p> named after <o> John the Baptist <s> San Juan <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from San Juan, Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in San Juan, Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of San Juan, Puerto Rico <s> San Juan <p> patron saint <o> John the Baptist <s> San Juan <p> head of government <o> Miguel Romero <s> San Juan <p> shares border with <o> Trujillo Alto <s> San Juan <p> shares border with <o> Carolina <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monaco <s> Kuwait City <p> instance of <o> city <s> Kuwait City <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Kuwait City <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Kuwait City <p> different from <o> Capital Governorate <s> Kuwait City <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Kuwait City <s> Kuwait City <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Kuwait City <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kuwait City <s> Kuwait City <p> country <o> Kuwait <s> Kuwait City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kuwait <s> Kuwait City <p> part of <o> Kuwait <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tehran <s> Kuwait City <p> capital of <o> Kuwait <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tunis <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Kuwait City <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Kuwait City <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ouagadougou <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beverly Hills <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marbella <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cannes <s> Kuwait City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Persian Gulf <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gaziantep <s> Kuwait City <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Kuwait City <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Kuwait City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Isfahan <s> Kuwait City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kuwait City <s> Kuwait City <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Kuwait City <p> capital of <o> Sheikhdom of Kuwait <s> Kuwait City <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Jun al Kuwayt <s> Rosario <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rosario <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Rosario <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Rosario <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> St. Louis <s> Rosario <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Rosario <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Almaty <s> Rosario <p> capital of <o> Rosario Department <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuwait City <s> Rosario <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Rosario <s> Rosario <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Rosario <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Rosario <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Rosario, Argentina <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> Rosario <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Rosario <s> Rosario <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Rosario (Argentina) <s> Rosario <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Rosario <s> Rosario <p> part of <o> Santa Fe Province <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Porto Alegre <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manizales <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuenca <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Clara <s> Rosario <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Rosario, Santa Fe <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medellín <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Cuba <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gangi <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pisco <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Piraeus <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Haifa <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cochabamba Department <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Basque Autonomous Community <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Concepción <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Parma <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curitiba <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de la Sierra <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Imperia <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asunción <s> Rosario <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Paraná River <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dakar <s> Rosario <p> legislative body <o> Deliberative Council of Rosario <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Province of Parma <s> Rosario <p> executive body <o> Cabinet of Rosario <s> Rosario <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rosario, Santa Fe <s> Rosario <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Rosario <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maldonado <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liverpool <s> Rosario <p> shares border with <o> Funes <s> Rosario <p> shares border with <o> Villa Gobernador Gálvez <s> Rosario <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rosario Department <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Extremadura <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alessandria <s> Rosario <p> instance of <o> municipality in Argentina <s> Rosario <p> instance of <o> city of Argentina <s> Rosario <p> head of government <o> Pablo Javkin <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Valparaíso <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Rosario <p> shares border with <o> Soldini, Santa Fe <s> Rosario <p> shares border with <o> Pérez, Santa Fe <s> Rosario <p> shares border with <o> Granadero Baigorria <s> Rosario <p> shares border with <o> Piñero <s> Rosario <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Empalme Graneros <s> Rosario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bilbao <s> Monterrey <p> different from <o> Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> different from <o> Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Monterrey <p> different from <o> Monterey <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Monterrey <p> capital of <o> Nuevo León <s> Monterrey <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Monterrey <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Monterrey <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Monterrey <p> significant event <o> Battle of Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> instance of <o> city <s> Monterrey <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Monterrey <p> different from <o> Monterrei <s> Monterrey <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Monterrey <p> capital of <o> Monterrey Municipality <s> Monterrey <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Munich <s> Monterrey <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Antonio <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Monterrey <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Monterrey <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Monterrey <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Monterrey metropolitan area <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Concepción <s> Monterrey <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Monterrey <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Canberra <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bilbao <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Udine <s> Monterrey <p> instance of <o> municipality <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Surabaya <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Salvador <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fort Worth <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cape Town <s> Monterrey <p> head of government <o> Adrián de la Garza <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dallas <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guatemala City <s> Monterrey <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shenyang <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Linz <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Houston <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Haifa <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Porto <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mendoza <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plzeň <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medellín <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Orlando <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Corpus Christi <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iași <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> McAllen <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Valencia <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Olongapo <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hamilton <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arequipa <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maracaibo <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Holguín <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seraing <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Pedro Sula <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Torreón <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Canton <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Cape Town <s> Monterrey <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Monterrey <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrei <s> Monterrey <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Monterrey <p> founded by <o> Diego de Montemayor <s> Monterrey <p> instance of <o> locality <s> Monterrey <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Monterrey Municipality <s> Monterrey <p> flag <o> flag of Monterrey <s> Guanajuato City <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Guanajuato City <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Guanajuato City <p> capital of <o> Guanajuato <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Quebec City <s> Guanajuato City <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Guanajuato City <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toledo <s> Guanajuato City <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Guanajuato City <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> Guanajuato City <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (i) <s> Guanajuato City <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (vi) <s> Guanajuato City <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Guanajuato City <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alcalá de Henares <s> Guanajuato City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Guanajuato City <s> Guanajuato City <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Guanajuato City <s> Guanajuato City <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Guanajuato City <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuenca <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Avignon <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Morelia <s> Guanajuato City <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Guanajuato (city) <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Umeå Municipality <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zacatecas <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oaxaca de Juárez <s> Guanajuato City <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Guanajuato Municipality <s> Guanajuato City <p> flag <o> flag of Guanajuato <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Fe <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Morgantown <s> Guanajuato City <p> instance of <o> locality of Mexico <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Old Havana <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Spoleto <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Valparaíso <s> Guanajuato City <p> founded by <o> Antonio de Mendoza <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ashland <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arequipa <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Salinas <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Miguel de Allende <s> Guanajuato City <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tepatitlán de Morelos <s> Niardo <p> country <o> Italy <s> Niardo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Niardo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reggiolo <s> Niardo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Niardo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Niardo <p> capital <o> Niardo <s> Niardo <p> shares border with <o> Braone <s> Niardo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Brescia <s> Niardo <p> instance of <o> micronation <s> Niardo <p> shares border with <o> Prestine <s> Niardo <p> shares border with <o> Breno <s> Niardo <p> shares border with <o> Losine <s> Niardo <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Niardo <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Niardo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Niardo <s> Arequipa <p> different from <o> Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Arequipa <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Arequipa <p> capital of <o> Arequipa Province <s> Arequipa <p> capital of <o> Arequipa Department <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Arequipa <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Arequipa <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Arequipa <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Arequipa <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Arequipa <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Florence <s> Arequipa <p> capital of <o> Arequipa District <s> Arequipa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arica <s> Arequipa <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> country <o> Peru <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iquique <s> Arequipa <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guadalajara <s> Arequipa <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Arequipa <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guangzhou <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Biella <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Charlotte <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vancouver <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Corrientes <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oaxaca de Juárez <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zibo <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Arequipa <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Arequipa <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ponta Grossa <s> Arequipa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arequipa Province <s> Arequipa <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> El Tocuyo <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moyobamba <s> Arequipa <p> founded by <o> Garcí Manuel de Carbajal <s> Arequipa <p> head of government <o> Omar Candia Aguilar <s> Arequipa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lins <s> Arequipa <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Chili River </Graph>
<Text> :Nagoya is the largest city in the Chubu region, the fourth-most populous city proper with a population of 2.3 million in 2020, and the principal city of the Chukyo metropolitan area, which is the third-most populous metropolitan area in Japan with a population of 10.11 million. Located on the Pacific coast in central Honshu, it is the capital and most populous city of Aichi Prefecture, with the Port of Nagoya being Japan's largest seaport. In 1610, the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu, a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, moved the capital of Owari Province from Kiyosu to Nagoya. This period saw the renovation of Nagoya Castle. The arrival of the 20th century brought a convergence of economic factors that fueled rapid growth in Nagoya, during the Meiji Restoration, and became a major industrial hub for Japan. The traditional manufactures of timepieces, bicycles, and sewing machines were followed by the production of special steels, ceramic, chemicals, oil, and petrochemicals, as the area's automobile, aviation, and shipbuilding industries flourished. These factors made the city a target for US air raids during World War II. Following the war, Nagoya's economy diversified, but the city remains a significant centre for industry and transport in Japan. It is linked with Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka by the Tokaido Shinkansen, and is home to the Nagoya Stock Exchange as well as the headquarters of Brother Industries, Ibanez, Lexus, and Toyota Tsusho, among others. Nagoya is home of educational institutes such as Nagoya University, the Nagoya Institute of Technology, and Nagoya City University. Famous landmarks in the city include Atsuta Shrine, Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium, Nagoya Castle, Hisaya Odori Park, and Nagoya TV Tower, one of the oldest TV towers in Japan. It will be the third Japanese city to host the 2026 Asian Games, after Tokyo 1958 and Hiroshima 1994. The name Chukyo , consisting of chu + kyo is also used to refer to Nagoya. Notable examples of the use of the name Chukyo include the Chukyo Industrial Area, Chukyo Metropolitan Area, Chukyo Television Broadcasting, Chukyo University and the Chukyo Racecourse. Houston is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas and in the Southern United States. Houston is located in Southeast Texas near Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico; it is the seat and largest city of Harris County and the principal city of the Greater Houston metropolitan area, which is the fifth-most populous metropolitan statistical area in the United States and the second-most populous in Texas after Dallas-Fort Worth. With a population of 2,302,878 in 2022, Houston is the fourth-most populous city in the United States after New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and the seventh-most populous city in North America. Houston is the southeast anchor of the greater megaregion known as the Texas Triangle. Comprising a land area of 640.4 square miles , Houston is the ninth-most expansive city in the United States . It is the largest city in the United States by total area whose government is not consolidated with a county, parish, or borough. Though primarily in Harris County, small portions of the city extend into Fort Bend and Montgomery counties, bordering other principal communities of Greater Houston such as Sugar Land and The Woodlands. Houston was founded by land investors on August 30, 1836, at the confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou and incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837. The city is named after former General Sam Houston, who was president of the Republic of Texas and had won Texas's independence from Mexico at the Battle of San Jacinto 25 miles east of Allen's Landing. After briefly serving as the capital of the Texas Republic in the late 1830s, Houston grew steadily into a regional trading center for the remainder of the 19th century. The arrival of the 20th century brought a convergence of economic factors that fueled rapid growth in Houston, including a burgeoning port and railroad industry, the decline of Galveston as Texas's primary port following a devastating 1900 hurricane, the subsequent construction of the Houston Ship Channel, and the Texas oil boom. In the mid-20th century, Houston's economy diversified, as it became home to the Texas Medical Center--the world's largest concentration of healthcare and research institutions--and NASA's Johnson Space Center, home to the Mission Control Center. Ciudad Juarez , commonly referred to as just Juarez , is the most populous city in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It was known until 1888 as El Paso del Norte . Juarez is the seat of the Juarez Municipality with an estimated population of 2.5 million people. It lies on the Rio Grande river, south of El Paso, Texas, United States. Together with the surrounding areas, the cities form El Paso-Juarez, the second largest binational metropolitan area on the Mexico-U.S. border , with a combined population of over 3.4 million people. Four international points of entry connect Ciudad Juarez and El Paso: the Bridge of the Americas, the Ysleta-Zaragoza International Bridge, the Paso del Norte Bridge, and the Stanton Street Bridge. Combined, these bridges allowed 22,958,472 crossings in 2008, making Ciudad Juarez a major point of entry and transportation into the U.S. for all of central northern Mexico. The city has a growing industrial center, which in large part is made up by more than 300 maquiladoras located in and around the city. According to a 2007 New York Times article, Ciudad Juarez was "absorbing more new industrial real estate space than any other North American city". In 2008, fDi Magazine designated Ciudad Juarez "The City of the Future". As 17th-century Spanish explorers sought a route through the southern Rocky Mountains, the Franciscan Friar Garcia de San Francisco founded Ciudad Juarez in 1659 as "El Paso del Norte" . The Mision de Guadalupe de los Mansos en el Paso del rio del Norte became the first permanent Spanish development in the area in the 1660s. The Franciscan friars established a community that grew in importance as commerce between Santa Fe and Chihuahua passed through it. The wood for the first bridge across the Rio Grande came from Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the late 18th century. The original population of Mansos, Suma, Jumano, and other natives from the south brought by the Spanish from Central New Spain grew around the mission. In 1680 during the Pueblo Revolt, most of the Piro Pueblo and some of the Tiwa people branch of the Pueblo became refugees. A Mission was established for the Tigua in Ysleta del Sur. Piro Pueblo colonial era settlements along El Camino Real, south of the Guadalupe Mission, included Missions Real de San Lorenzo, Senecu del Sur, and Soccoro del Sur. Presidio del Nuestra Senora del Pilar del Paso del Rio Norte was established near the Mission in 1683.: 39-96 The population of the entire district was close to 5,000 in 1750 when the Apache attacked the other native towns and ranchos around the missions. Additional Presidios were established to counter them. One Presidio, San Elzeario, was established near El Porvenir in 1774, where it remained until being moved in 1788 to what is now San Elizario, Texas, where that settlement grew up around that Presidio. Another was Presidio de San Fernando de Carrizal, which was established in 1774 at the San Fernando settlement that became present-day Carrizal, Chihuahua.: 39-40 Kuwait City is the capital and largest city of Kuwait. Located at the heart of the country on the south shore of Kuwait Bay on the Persian Gulf, it is the political, cultural and economic centre of the emirate, containing Kuwait's Seif Palace, government offices, and the headquarters of most Kuwaiti corporations and banks. It is one of the hottest cities in summer on earth, with average summer high temperatures over 45 degC for three months of the year. As of 2018, the metropolitan area had roughly 3 million inhabitants . The city itself has no administrative status. All six governorates of the country comprise parts of the urban agglomeration, which is subdivided in numerous areas. In a narrower sense, Kuwait City can also refer only to the town's historic core, which nowadays is part of the Capital Governorate and seamlessly merges with the adjacent urban areas. In the early to mid 1700s, Kuwait City was a small fishing village. Sometime in the mid 1700s, the Bani Utubs settled in Kuwait. At the time of the arrival of the Utubs, Kuwait was inhabited by a few fishermen. In the eighteenth century, Kuwait gradually became a principal commercial center for the transit of goods between India, Muscat, Baghdad, Persia, and Arabia. By the late 1700s, Kuwait had already established itself as a trading route from the Persian Gulf to Aleppo. During the Persian siege of Basra in 1775-1779, Iraqi merchants took refuge in Kuwait and were partly instrumental in the expansion of Kuwait's boat-building and trading activities. As a result, Kuwait's maritime commerce boomed. Between the years 1775 and 1779, the Indian trade routes with Baghdad, Aleppo, Smyrna and Constantinople were diverted to Kuwait. The East India Company was diverted to Kuwait in 1792. The East India Company secured the sea routes between Kuwait, India and the east coasts of Africa. After the Persian withdrawal from Basra in 1779, Kuwait continued to attract trade away from Basra. Rosario is the largest city in the central Argentine province of Santa Fe. The city, located 300 km northwest of Buenos Aires on the west bank of the Parana River, is the third-most populous city in the country, and is also the most populous city in Argentina that is not a capital . With a growing and important metropolitan area, Greater Rosario has an estimated population of 1,750,000 as of 2020. One of its main attractions includes the neoclassical, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco architecture that has been preserved in hundreds of residences, houses and public buildings. Rosario is the head city of the Rosario Department and is located at the heart of the major industrial corridor in Argentina. The city is a major railroad terminal and the shipping center for north-eastern Argentina. Ships reach the city via the Parana River, which allows the existence of a 10-metre-deep port. The Port of Rosario is subject to silting and must be dredged periodically. Exports include wheat, flour, hay, linseed and other vegetable oils, corn, sugar, lumber, meat, hides, and wool. Manufactured goods include flour, sugar, meat products, and other foodstuffs. The Rosario-Victoria Bridge, opened in 2004, spans the Parana River, connecting Rosario with the city of Victoria, across the Parana Delta. The city plays a critical role in agricultural commerce, and thus finds itself at the center of a continuing debate over taxes levied on big-ticket agricultural goods such as soy. Along with Parana, Rosario is one of the few Argentine cities that cannot point to a particular individual as its founder. The city's patron is the "Virgin of the Rosary", whose feast day is October 7. Even though the city did not have a clear foundation date or any official acknowledgement thereof, most commentators state that Rosario was founded on 7 October 1793 with a local population of 457 inhabitants. Nonetheless, the town was officially declared a city on 3 August 1852, at the time it was known as Pago de los Arroyos, that is, "land of the streams", a reference to the several small rivers that traverse the southern region of Santa Fe, like the Luduena Stream, the Saladillo Stream and others, emptying into the Parana River. In 1689, captain Luis Romero de Pineda received part of the lands of the Pago de los Arroyos by royal decree, as payment for services to the Spanish Crown. Before that, the area was originally inhabited by various indigenous tribes, some of which lived in reducciones, a type of mission founded by Franciscans. These missions were ultimately attacked and destroyed by hostile tribes of the Chaco region. Monterrey is the capital and largest city of the northeastern state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and the ninth largest city and second largest metro area in Mexico behind Greater Mexico City. Located at the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Monterrey is a major North American business and industrial hub, as well as the most populous city in Northern Mexico. The city is anchor to the Monterrey metropolitan area, the second-largest in Mexico with an estimated population of 5,341,171 people as of 2020 and the second most productive metropolitan area in Mexico with a GDP of US$140 billion in 2015. According to the 2020 census, the city itself has a population of 1,142,194. Monterrey is one of the most livable cities in Mexico, and a 2018 study found that suburb San Pedro Garza Garcia is the city with the best quality of life in Mexico. It serves as a commercial center of northern Mexico and is the base of many significant international corporations. Its purchasing power parity-adjusted GDP per capita is considerably higher than the rest of Mexico's at around US$35,500, compared to the country's US$18,800. It is considered a Beta World City, cosmopolitan and competitive. Rich in history and culture, it is one of the most developed cities in Mexico. The uninterrupted settlement of Monterrey was founded by Diego de Montemayor in 1596. In the years after the Mexican War of Independence, Monterrey became an important business center. The city experienced great industrial growth following the establishment of the Monterrey Foundry in 1900. The city has prominent positions in sectors such as steel, cement, glass, auto parts, and brewing. Monterrey's economic growth has been attributed in part to its proximity to the United States-Mexico border and economic links to the United States. Guanajuato is a municipality in central Mexico and the capital of the state of the same name. It is part of the macroregion of the Bajio. It is located in a narrow valley, which makes its streets narrow and winding. Most are alleys that cars cannot pass through, and some are long sets of stairs up the mountainsides. Many of the city's thoroughfares are partially or fully underground. The historic center has numerous small plazas and colonial-era mansions, churches, and civil constructions built using pink or green sandstone. The city historic center and the adjacent mines were proclaimed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. The growth of Guanajuato resulted from the abundantly available minerals in the mountains surrounding it. Its mines were among the most important during the European colonization of America . One of the mines, La Valenciana, accounted for two-thirds of the world's silver production at the height of its production. The city is home to the Mummy Museum, which contains naturally mummified bodies that were found in the municipal cemetery between the mid 19th and 20th centuries. It is also home to the Festival Internacional Cervantino, which invites artists and performers from all over the world as well as Mexico. Guanajuato was the site of the first battle of the Mexican War of Independence between newly assimilated Mexican insurgent warriors and royalist troops at the Alhondiga de Granaditas. The first known inhabitants of the area were the Otomi, who were then displaced by the Chichimeca. There was Purepecha presence as well due mostly to ancient trading routes. The oldest known name for the area is "Mo-o-ti," which means "place of metals." Later, it was called "Paxtitlan" by the Aztecs, which means "place of Spanish moss." The current name of Guanajuato comes from Purepecha kuanhasi juata , which means "frog hill". Data from the weather station Niardo indicate, based on 33 years of data from 1961 to 1990, the temperature during the coldest month, January, averaged -1.0 degC , while that of the warmest month, July, was 20.5 degC . No document certifying the country of origin clearly Niardo, but its origins are deduced from the ancient origin gives some expressions in the local dialect, which are clearly due to the language of Celtic and Latin. The Roman presence is evidenced by some place names that have reached our days without major distortions such as place names Sommavilla In the 11th century fighting began between Guelphs and Ghibellines, and up to 1397 fights, feuds, revenge and massacre between the Guelphs and Ghibellines remained deeply rooted in the everyday relations between the two factions and continued even when the whole came under Vallecamonica the Visconti. These unscrupulous and enterprising Milanese gentlemen were reaching the zenith of their power and their lands now included much of northern Italy. In their expansion policy immediately took advantage of the presence of delegates and the Milanese troops in Vallecamonica called to play a role as peacemakers and arbitrators, and soon became the new rulers of the area. Policy of the Visconti was almost immediately marked by encouraging the Ghibelline party to oppose the claims, the Alpine valleys of Brescia, the Curia, which was expropriated by almost all his feudal prerogatives that were bestowed to those families of local nobles who had been accommodating approach to the new master. The famous general peace that had held the bridge of Minerva in Breno, pompously and solemnly ratified with great oaths in 1397, was short lived and feuds took up so much that in 1403, the fortress of Niardo, which stood on the "Dos del Castel", became the refuge of the usual Baroncino Nobili from Lozio, which often away from their land in the narrow and well defended Lozio valley, just niardese departed from the castle for his bloody expeditions and for the numerous raids that many deaths and property damage produced between the Ghibellines. Arequipa , also known by its nicknames of Ciudad Blanca and Leon del Sur , is a city in Peru and the capital of the eponymous province and department. It is the seat of the Constitutional Court of Peru and often dubbed the "legal capital of Peru". It is the second most populated city in Peru, after Lima, with an urban population of 1,296,278 inhabitants according to the 2017 national census. Its metropolitan area integrates twenty-one districts, including the foundational central area, which it is the seat of the city government. The city had a nominal GDP of US$9,445 million, equivalent to US$10,277 per capita in 2015, making Arequipa the city with the second-highest economic activity in Peru. Arequipa is also an important industrial and commercial center of Peru, and is considered as the second industrial city of the country. Within its industrial activity the manufactured products and the textile production of wool of camelids. The town maintains close commercial links with Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil and with the cities connected by the South trainway, as well as with the port of Matarani. The city was founded on 15 August 1540, under the name of "Beautiful Villa of Our Lady of the Assumption" in the name of Marquis Francisco Pizarro. On 22 September 1541, the monarch Carlos V ordered that it should be called the "City of Arequipa". During the viceregal period, it acquired importance for its outstanding economic role, and is characterized by the fidelismo towards the Spanish Crown, which honored Arequipa with titles such as "Very Noble and Very Loyal". In the Republican history of Peru, the city has been the focus of popular, civic and democratic rebellions. It has also been the cradle of notable intellectual, political and religious figures. In the Republican era, it was awarded the title of "Heroic city of the free people of Arequipa". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Murom <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Murom <s> Murom <p> country <o> Russia <s> Murom <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Murom <p> part of <o> Vladimir Oblast <s> Murom <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Murom <p> official language <o> Russian <s> Murom <p> twinned administrative body <o> Most <s> Murom <p> currency <o> Russian ruble <s> Murom <p> twinned administrative body <o> Babruysk <s> Murom <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Murom <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Murom <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Murom <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Murom <p> instance of <o> Historical city of Russia <s> Murom <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Murom <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Murom <p> heritage designation <o> regional cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Murom <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Murom <p> head of government <o> Evgeny Evgenievich Rychkov <s> Murom <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Murom Urban Okrug <s> Murom <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Murom <s> Murom <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Murom <s> Murom <p> capital of <o> Murom Urban Okrug <s> Murom <p> capital of <o> Muromsky District <s> Murom <p> flag <o> flag of Murom <s> Murom <p> capital of <o> Muromsky Uyezd <s> Murom <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Murom <s> Maracaibo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Maracaibo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Maracaibo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Maracaibo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Maracaibo <p> capital of <o> Zulia <s> Maracaibo <p> different from <o> Maracay <s> Maracaibo <p> country <o> Venezuela <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Durban <s> Maracaibo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Maracaibo <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Maracaibo <p> capital of <o> Municipio Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guadalajara <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bremen <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Orleans <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Isfahan <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Juan <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guayaquil <s> Maracaibo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Zulia <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mobile <s> Maracaibo <p> founded by <o> Ambrosius Ehinger <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Cuba <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tainan <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barranquilla <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Campinas <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kfar Saba <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ploiești <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zonguldak <s> Maracaibo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riohacha <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu County <s> Maracaibo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> named after <o> Lake Maracaibo <s> Maracaibo <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taichung <s> Maracaibo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Municipio Girardot <s> Ranchi <p> educational stage <o> Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi <s> Ranchi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Ranchi <p> country <o> India <s> Ranchi <p> capital of <o> Jharkhand <s> Ranchi <p> official language <o> Hindi <s> Ranchi <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Ranchi <p> official language <o> Santali <s> Ranchi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ranchi district <s> Ranchi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ranchi <p> shares border with <o> Gaya <s> Ranchi <p> capital of <o> Ranchi district <s> Ranchi <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Ranchi <p> shares border with <o> Ramgarh district <s> Ranchi <p> different from <o> Ranchy <s> Ranchi <p> authority <o> Ranchi Municipal Corporation <s> Ranchi <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Ranchi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ranchi <s> Ranchi <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ranchi <s> Tláhuac <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Tláhuac <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Tláhuac <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Tláhuac <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tláhuac <s> Tlalpan <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Tlalpan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Tlalpan <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tlalpan <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Tlalpan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tlalpan <s> Cuajimalpa <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Cuajimalpa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Cuajimalpa <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Cuajimalpa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cuajimalpa <s> Cuajimalpa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zapopan <s> Iztapalapa <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Iztapalapa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Iztapalapa <s> Iztapalapa <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Iztapalapa <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Iztapalapa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Xochimilco <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Xochimilco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Xochimilco <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Xochimilco <p> heritage designation <o> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <s> Xochimilco <p> part of <o> Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco <s> Xochimilco <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Xochimilco <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Xochimilco <s> Xochimilco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oaxaca de Juárez <s> Iztacalco <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Iztacalco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Iztacalco <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Iztacalco <s> Iztacalco <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Milpa Alta <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Milpa Alta <s> Milpa Alta <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Milpa Alta <p> capital <o> Milpa Alta <s> Milpa Alta <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Milpa Alta <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City </Graph>
<Text> :Murom is a historical city in Vladimir Oblast, Russia, which sprawls along the left bank of the Oka River. Population: 107,497 ; 116,075 ; 126,901 ; 124,229 . In the 9th century AD, the city marked the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finnic Muromians. The Primary Chronicle mentions it as early as AD 862. It is thus one of the oldest cities in Russia. Circa 900 AD, it was an important trading post from Volga Bulgaria to the Baltic Sea. Between AD 1010 and AD 1393, it was the capital of a separate principality, whose rulers included Saint Gleb, assassinated in AD 1015 and canonized in AD 1071, Saint Prince Konstantin the Blessed, and Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, subjects of an opera by Rimsky-Korsakov. It was believed to be the home town of the most celebrated East Slavic epic hero, Ilya Muromets. The town has a statue which shows Ilya holding the hilt of his sword in the left hand and a cross in the right. Within the framework of administrative divisions, Murom serves as the administrative center of Muromsky District, even though it is not a part of it. As an administrative division, it is incorporated separately as the City of Murom--an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, the territory of the City of Murom together with nine rural localities in Muromsky District are incorporated as Murom Urban Okrug. Maracaibo is a city and municipality in northwestern Venezuela, on the western shore of the strait that connects Lake Maracaibo to the Gulf of Venezuela. It is the second-largest city in Venezuela, after the national capital, Caracas, and the capital of the state of Zulia. The population of the city is approximately 2,658,355 with the metropolitan area estimated at 5,278,448 as of 2010. Maracaibo is nicknamed "The Beloved Land of the Sun" . Maracaibo is considered the economic center of western Venezuela, owing to the petroleum industry that developed in the shores of Lake Maracaibo. It is sometimes known as "The First City of Venezuela", for being the first city in Venezuela to adopt various types of public services, including electricity, as well as for being located in the shores of Lake Maracaibo, where the name of Venezuela allegedly originates. Early indigenous settlements around the area were of Arawak and Carib origin. Maracaibo's founding date is disputed. There were failed attempts to found the city--in 1529, by Captain Ambrosio Ehinger, and in 1569, by Captain Alonso Pacheco. Founded in 1574 as Nueva Zamora de la Laguna de Maracaibo by Captain Pedro Maldonado, the city became a transshipment point for inland settlements after Gibraltar, at the head of the lake, had been destroyed by pirates in 1669. It was not until the first decades of the 17th century that the first town was settled. Petroleum was discovered in 1917, leading to a large increase in population from migration. Legend says that when Mara fell, the Coquivacoa shouted "Mara cayo!" , thus originating the city name -- although it would be strange for them to shout in Spanish. Other historians say that the first name of this land in the local language was "Maara-iwo" meaning "Place where serpents abound". Ranchi is the capital of the Indian state of Jharkhand. Ranchi was the centre of the Jharkhand movement, which called for a separate state for the tribal regions of South Bihar, northern Odisha, western West Bengal and the eastern area of what is present-day Chhattisgarh. The Jharkhand state was formed on 15 November 2000 by carving out the Bihar divisions of Chota Nagpur and Santhal Parganas. Ranchi has been selected as one of the hundred Indian cities to be developed as a smart city under PM Narendra Modi's flagship Smart Cities Mission. Ranchi is rapidly growing its economy, and certain parks, special economic zones and industrial areas are being developed. Of late, new sectors and modern areas have been built for the city's development. Ranchi is also nicknamed the City of Waterfalls. According to one popular tale, Captain choose "Archi" an Oraon tribal village as headquarters. Archi means Bamboo forest in local Nagpuri dialect. The British inadvertently named "Archi" as "Ranchi". Captain Thomas Wilkinson renamed Kishunpur village as Rachi. Up to 1927, the place was known as Rachi. In his book The Mundas and Their Country, anthropologist Sarat Chandra Roy writes that the name of the city is derived from the Mundari word aranchi or "short stick" used in driving cattle. while other opined that aranchi is bi-weekly market. Tlahuac is a borough in the Mexico City, located in the southeastern edge of the entity. Though Tlahuac still contains rural communities within its borders, mostly in the southern and eastern portions, the borough has undergone a massive shift from urbanization, especially in its northwest. Tlahuac has experienced the fastest rate of population growth in Mexico City since the 1960s. Much of the area is former lakebed where Lake Chalco and Lake Xochimilco met, with the town of San Pedro Tlahuac originally on an island. There are still some lake areas along with four major canals and wetlands, also under conservation status. The urbanization has led to serious traffic and transportation problems as well as the completion of Line 12 of the Mexico City Metro in 2012, which a terminal in the borough. The borough of Tlahuac is located in the southeastern part of the Mexico City, about 60 km from the historic center of Mexico City . It is bordered by the boroughs of Iztapalapa, Milpa Alta and Xochimilco as well as the municipality of Valle de Chalco Solidaridad in the State of Mexico . The borough extends over 89.5.km2 of territory, accounting for 5.75% of the Mexico City. The borough is part of the Valley of Mexico, in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt that extends across central Mexico. The borough expands over much of the former Lake Chalco and Lake Xochimilco where the two connected, which were drained over the centuries since the Spanish conquest. The territory is classified into three zones, flat lakebed, transitional areas and hills with accumulated volcanic materials. The main elevations include the Guadalupe Volcano, the Xaltepec Volcano, Tecuautzi, Tetecon, the Sierra de Santa Catarina and Teuhtli Volcano. The Sierra de Santa Catarina is a small volcanic belt which has elevations of up to 2,800 meters above sea level. It serves as an important aquifer recharge area as well as a barrier to urban sprawl from Iztapalapa on the other side. On the south end is the Tehuitli Volcano with an altitude of 2,700 meters above sea level. The borough contains a number of towns and localities. Those considered by the government to be urban are: Tlahuac , San Juan Ixtayopan , San Andres Mixquic , Santa Catarina Yecahuitzotl , and San Nicolas Tetelco . In addition, there are approximately 50 rural settlements with populations each of less than 1,000. Tlalpan is a borough in Mexico City. It is the largest borough, with over eighty percent under conservation as forest and other ecologically sensitive area. The rest, almost all of it on the northern edge, has been urban since the mid-20th century. When it was created in 1928, it was named after the most important settlement of the area, Tlalpan, which is referred to as "Tlalpan center" to distinguish it from the borough. This center, despite being in the urbanized zone, still retains much of its provincial atmosphere with colonial era mansions and cobblestone streets. Much of the borough's importance stems from its forested conservation areas, as it functions to provide oxygen to the Valley of Mexico and serves for aquifer recharge. Seventy percent of Mexico City's water comes from wells in this borough. However, the area is under pressure as its mountainous isolated location has attracted illegal loggers, drug traffickers, and kidnappers; the most serious problem is illegal building of homes and communities on conservation land, mostly by very poor people. As of 2010, the government recognizes the existence of 191 of the settlements, which cause severe ecological damage with the disappearance of trees, advance of urban sprawl, and in some areas, the digging of septic pits. The borough is home to one of the oldest Mesoamerican sites in the valley, Cuicuilco, as well as several major parks and ecological reserves. It is also home to a number of semi-independent "pueblos" that have limited self-rule rights under a legal provision known as "usos y costumbres" . What is now called "Tlalpan center" or sometimes "the historic center of Tlalpan" began as a pre-Hispanic village located at the intersection of a number of roads that connected Tenochtitlan with points south. This village was renamed Villa de San Agustin de las Cuevas in 1645, with the last part "de las Cuevas" referring to the many small caves in the area. During the colonial period, the village was a modest farming village, known for its fruit orchards. However, the forests of the area made it attractive to the elite of Mexico City who built country homes and haciendas here, much as they did in other areas south of the city such as Chimalistac, San Angel and Coyoacan . Cuajimalpa de Morelos is a borough in Mexico City. It is located on the west side of the city in the Sierra de las Cruces mountains which separate Mexico City from the State of Mexico. The borough is named after the former rural town of Cuajimalpa, which has since been absorbed by urban sprawl. The borough is home to the Desierto de los Leones National Park, the first declared in Mexico as well as the second largest annual passion play in Mexico City. The proper name of the borough is Cuajimalpa de Morelos. The borough was named after the prominent community and former municipality of San Pedro Cuajimalpa which remains the seat of local government. "Cuajimalpa" is derived from the Nahuatl "Cuauhximalpan" which meant place of sawmills. The appendage of "de Morelos" was added in 1970 to honor Jose Maria Morelos, a hero of the Mexican War of Independence . In 1342 the Tepanecas established themselves in the area, controlling the forests for about 100 years from their capital in Azcapotzalco. When the Tepanecas were overthrown by the Aztec Triple Alliance in the mid 15th century, many fled to this rugged terrain. During the Spanish conquest, Hernan Cortes subdued settlements in the area such as Santa Rosa, Santa Lucia, Cuauhximalpan, Chimalpa and Acopilco to secure the roads leading to the Toluca Valley. In 1534, Cortes took personal control of lands in the area, calling it San Pedro Cuauhximalpa and established towns such as San Lorenzo Acopilco, San Mateo Tlaltenango and San Pablo Chimalpa. In the 17th century the Carmelites founded a hermitage and monastery called Desierto de los Leones, today a museum and national park. At this time, the indigenous population of the area recovered enough that there were efforts to reclaim lost territory and government. To this end, a type of codex called "techialoayan" was created to document the history of indigenous communities to make legal claims. One of the most important of this is the Techialoyan Codex of Cuajimalpa. It describes a solemn meeting of authorities to confirm the extension and political organization of the area. Written in Nahuatl, it remained a valid legal document until 1865, when then Emperor Maximilian I had it translated into Spanish. Today the original document is part of the Mexican Federal Archives. In 1997, the document was named as part of the "Memory of the World" by UNESCO . Iztapalapa is a borough in Mexico City, located on the east side of the entity. The borough is named after and centered on the formerly independent municipality of Iztapalapa, which is officially called Iztapalapa de Cuitlahuac for disambiguation purposes. The rest is made up of a number of other communities which are governed by the city of Iztapalapa. With a population of 1.8 million as of 2010, Iztapalapa is the most populous borough of Mexico City, and it is also the most populous municipality in the country. Over 90% of its territory is urbanized. The borough transitioned from a rural area with some farms and canals as late as the 1970s, to an area with the only green areas in parks and almost all of its people employed in commerce, services and industry. This is the result of a large influx of people into the borough starting from the 1970s and which still continues. Iztapalapa remains afflicted by high levels of economic deprivation, and a significant number of its residents lack access to clean drinking water. Iztapalapa has one of the highest rates of violent crime in Mexico City, and combatting homicides and drug trafficking remain a major issue for local authorities. Iztapalapa today is a borough of the Mexico City, centered on what used to be an independent settlement with its origins in the pre-Hispanic period. It has a territory of 116.67 km2 , and is located on the east side of the Mexico City bordering the boroughs of Iztacalco, Xochimilco, Tlahuac, Coyoacan and Benito Juarez. The State of Mexico borders the borough on the east side, and Iztapalapa has strong cultural and economic ties to this part of the state. Xochimilco is a borough of Mexico City. The borough is centered on the formerly independent city of Xochimilco, which was established on what was the southern shore of Lake Xochimilco in the precolonial period. Today, the borough consists of the 18 barrios, or neighborhoods, of this city along with 14 pueblos, or villages, that surround it, covering an area of 125 km2 . The borough is in the southeastern part of the city and has an identity that is separate from the historic center of Mexico City, due to its historic separation from that city during most of its history. Xochimilco is best known for its canals, which are left from what was an extensive lake and canal system that connected most of the settlements of the Valley of Mexico. These canals, along with artificial islands called chinampas, attract tourists and other city residents to ride on colorful gondola-like boats called trajineras around the 170 km of canals. This canal and chinampa system, as a vestige of the area's precolonial past, has made Xochimilco a World Heritage Site. In 1950, Paramahansa Yogananda, in his Autobiography of a Yogi, wrote that if there were a scenic beauty contest, Xochimilco would get the first prize. The borough of Xochimilco was created in 1928, when the federal government reorganized the Federal District of Mexico City into sixteen boroughs. The Xochimilco borough was centered on what was the city of Xochimilco, which had been an independent settlement from the pre-Hispanic period to the 20th century. The area's historic separation from Mexico City proper remains in its culture. While officially part of the city, its identity is more like a suburb. This historic center was designated as a "Barrio Magico" by the city in 2011. The borough is center-south of the historic center of Mexico City, and bordered by the boroughs of Tlalpan, Coyoacan, Tlahuac and Milpa Alta. It extends over 125 km2 , accounting for 8.4% of the Federal District's territory. It is the third largest borough, after Tlalpan, and Milpa Alta. The borough has an emblem, also known as an Aztec glyph, which is a representation of the area's spongy soil from which two flowering plants emerge. In spite of the serious environmental issues, 77.9% of the territory is designated as ecological reserve, 15.2% as residential and 4.6 as commercial and industrial. Iztacalco is a borough in Mexico City. It is located in the central-eastern area and it is the smallest of the city's boroughs. The area's history began in 1309 when the island of Iztacalco, in what was Lake Texcoco, was settled in 1309 by the Mexica who would later found Tenochtitlan, according to the Codex Xolotl. The island community would remain small and isolated through the colonial period, but drainage projects in the Valley of Mexico dried up the lake around it. The area was transformed into a maze of small communities, artificial islands called chinampas and solid farmland divided by canals up until the first half of the 20th century. Politically, the area has been reorganized several times, being first incorporated in 1862 and the modern borough coming into existence in 1929. Today, all of the canals and farmland are dried out and urbanized as the most densely populated borough and the second most industrialized. The borough of Iztacalco is located in the east-center of Mexico City bordering Venustiano Carranza, Iztapalapa and Benito Juarez boroughs, as well as the Mexico State municipality of Nezahualcoyotl . It is the smallest of the city's boroughs. The territory is divided into thirty eight neighborhoods called "colonias" or "barrios" along with 220 major apartment complexes. The borough hall is located on Avenida Rio Churubusco in the Ramos Millan neighborhood. Seventy-one percent of the borough is occupied by residences, commerce, and service establishments. Fifty-four percent of the territory is purely residential, down from 61% in 1980.%. There are 99,577 housing units, almost all of which are constructed of cinderblock and concrete. The average housing unit has 4.1 occupants. Many of these constructions are in some state of deterioration, which includes sixty percent of major housing complexes, as well as sixty percent of a type of housing situation, called a "vecindad." Mixed-use zones, with residences, offices, services, and certain industries, have increased from 8.6% to 17%. Eleven percent is dedicated to manufacturing. Ninety percent of the land is paved over with only about two percent considered to be green space. Over 97% have basic services such as gas, electricity, garbage, and drainage. The Magdalena Mixhuca Sports City is located on Avenida Rio Piedad in Colonia Magdalena Mixhuca. It contains boasts professional-level playing fields, swimming pools, running tracks and gyms. The Palacio de los Deportes, also called the Domo de Cobre is located on Avenida Rio Churubusco and Viaducto Miguel Aleman in Colonia Granjas Mexico. Connected to the complex is the Escuela Nacional de Entrenadores Deportivos and the Escuela Superior de Educacion Fisica. As a private concert venue, it has hosted such acts as Aerosmith, Robbie Williams, The Cure and Shakira. Milpa Alta is a borough in Mexico City. It lies in the southeast corner of the nation's capital, bordering the State of Mexico and Morelos. It is the least populated, second largest and most rural of all the boroughs. It is also one of the most traditional areas of the city, with over 700 religious and secular festivals during the year and an economy based on agriculture and food processing, especially the production of nopal cactus, barbacoa and mole sauce. The borough of Milpa Alta is located in the southeast of Mexico City bordering the boroughs of Xochimilco, Tlahuac and Tlalpan, with the state of Morelos to the south and the State of Mexico to the west. It has the second largest territorial extension after Tlalpan, occupying 268.6km2. The terrain is rugged mostly consisting of volcanic peak along with some small flat areas mostly formed in the Cenozoic Era. City officials have classified the entire borough as a conservation zone, important for its role as an aquifer recharge area as well as its forests. Forest, farmland and grazing areas constitute 98.1% of the total surface area. It has an average altitude of 2,420 meters above sea level with altitudes varying between 2,300 and 3,600. It is part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and the Sierra Chichinautzin volcanic mountain chain, which separates Mexico City from the state of Morelos. The borough is divided into three zones: Ajusco-Teuhtli, the lowest elevations, Topilejo-Milpa Alta in the medium range and Cerro-Tlicuaya at the highest elevations. The main elevations are volcanic and include Cuautzin , Tulmiac, Ocusacayo , La Comalera , San Bartolo , Tlaloc , Chichinautzin , Yecahuazac, Quimixtepec, El Oclayuca , El Pajonal , El Ocotecatl , Acopiaxco , Tetzacoatl , Tehutli Cilcuayo , Nepanapa , Texalo , Oclayuca , San Miguel . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> La Magdalena Contreras <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> La Magdalena Contreras <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Magdalena Contreras <s> La Magdalena Contreras <p> capital <o> La Magdalena Contreras <s> La Magdalena Contreras <p> country <o> Mexico <s> La Magdalena Contreras <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Azcapotzalco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Azcapotzalco <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Azcapotzalco <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Azcapotzalco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Regla <s> Azcapotzalco <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Azcapotzalco <s> Miguel Hidalgo <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Miguel Hidalgo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Miguel Hidalgo <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Miguel Hidalgo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City <s> Miguel Hidalgo <p> replaces <o> Mexico City <s> Gustavo A. Madero <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Gustavo A. Madero <p> named after <o> Gustavo A. Madero <s> Gustavo A. Madero <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Gustavo A. Madero <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Gustavo A. Madero <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City <s> Álvaro Obregón <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Álvaro Obregón <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Álvaro Obregón <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Álvaro Obregón <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City <s> Venustiano Carranza <p> named after <o> Venustiano Carranza <s> Venustiano Carranza <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mexico City <s> Venustiano Carranza <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Venustiano Carranza <p> capital of <o> Venustiano Carranza <s> Venustiano Carranza <p> instance of <o> territorial demarcation of Mexico City <s> Venustiano Carranza <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Venustiano Carranza (Mexico City) <s> coat of arms of Federal District <p> instance of <o> coat of arms <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lexington <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> instance of <o> municipality of Mexico <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Guanajuato <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Talavera de la Reina <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hidalgo <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> capital <o> Dolores Hidalgo <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> shares border with <o> San Luis de la Paz Municipality <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> shares border with <o> San Diego de la Unión Municipality <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Guanajuato Municipality <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> shares border with <o> San Felipe <s> Dolores Hidalgo Municipality <p> shares border with <o> San Miguel de Allende <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Cuzco <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> Cuzco <p> country <o> Peru <s> Cuzco <p> instance of <o> historic district <s> Cuzco <p> instance of <o> city <s> Cuzco <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Cuzco <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Cuzco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cusco Province <s> Cuzco <p> instance of <o> urban area <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jersey City <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mexico City <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samarkand <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Barbara <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Cuzco <p> different from <o> Navel of the World <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> Cuzco <p> capital of <o> Viceroyalty of Peru <s> Cuzco <p> flag <o> flag of Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Quetzaltenango <s> Cuzco <p> capital of <o> Inca Empire <s> Cuzco <p> capital of <o> Cuzco Department <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baguio <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jerusalem <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyoto <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xi'an <s> Cuzco <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iii) <s> Cuzco <p> head of government <o> Luis Pantoja Calvo <s> Cuzco <p> capital of <o> Cusco Province <s> Cuzco <p> capital of <o> Cusco District <s> Cuzco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuzco Department <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Rosa de Copán <s> Cuzco <p> significant event <o> Siege of Cuzco <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Cuzco <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuenca <s> Cuzco <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaesong <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Potosí <s> Cuzco <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chartres <s> Cuzco <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Told Cities <s> Cuzco <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Cuzco <p> has part(s) <o> Belén Square and Church <s> Cuzco <p> has part(s) <o> Santiago Square and Church <s> Cuzco <p> has part(s) <o> Almudena and Almudena Church <s> Cuzco <p> has part(s) <o> City of Cuzco - Main Square and Historic Centre <s> Cuzco <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Cusco <s> Cuzco <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cusco <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Mexico City <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> legislature of a Mexican state <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> has part(s) <o> deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Members of the Congress of Mexico City <s> Congress of Mexico City <p> headquarters location <o> Palacio Legislativo de Donceles </Graph>
<Text> :La Magdalena Contreras is a borough in the Mexico City. As of the 2010 census, it has a population of 239,086 inhabitants and is the third-least populous of Mexico City's boroughs. It lies at an elevation of 2,365 m above sea level. It is named after two historically important communities--La Magdalena Atlitic and Colonia Contreras. The northern end of the borough is urbanized. The rest of Magdalena Contreras, with its mountains and ravines, is designated as a conservation zone. However, urban sprawl has put pressure on these conservation areas. In an effort to preserve the area's forests and natural resources, the borough government has started promoting ecotourism. The borough takes its name from the La Magdalena Atlitic, one of four communities with pre-Hispanic roots, and the Contreras neighborhood, an area noted for its textile mills until the 20th century. Human settlements in the area date to between c. 500 - c. 200 BCE, or the latter Preclassic period. These settlements were mostly located in the Contreras area and were under the control of Cuicuilco . After Cuicuilco was destroyed by an eruption of the Xitle volcano, inhabitants fled to higher elevations. The higher elevations were inhabited by the Otomi or the Chichimeca who were hunter-gatherers that lived in a stateless society. These peoples existed alongside the Nahuatlaca. The Tepanec eventually came to dominate the area, making it part of the Coyoacan dominion. With the rise of the Aztec, the Tepanec were conquered and the area was renamed Atlitic--stone that drinks water--after a large rock which rose above a small lake. Four settlements date from the pre-Hispanic period, San Bernabe Ocotepec, San Nicolas Totolapan, La Magdalena Atlitic and San Jeronimo Aculco. After the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, the Dominicans established a town and church dedicated to Mary Magdalene and changed the name of the area to Magdalena Atlitic. The first to take advantage of the waters of the Rio Magdalena, Jeronimo de Leon established the first water-powered saw mill in 1543. In the 17th century the Contreras family established a factory in the location that bears their name. At the end of the 18th century, a group of Spanish industrialists founded a textile factory which caused an increase in the economy and the population of the area. By the end of the 19th century, the river was powering four textile factories named El Aguila Mexicana, Tizapan, Santa Teresa, and Loreto. These factories produced wool, cotton and cashmere thread, and cloth of various types and by the end of the century had the use of the Mexico City-Cuernavaca rail line for shipping. However, from the colonial period through most of the 19th century, the area was mostly populated by farm and textile laborers who lived in poor conditions. Azcapotzalco is a borough in Mexico City. Azcapotzalco is in the northwestern part of Mexico City. The town began in the pre-Hispanic era and was the seat of the Tepanec dominion until the Aztec Triple Alliance overthrew it. After that it was a rural farming area becoming part of the Federal District of Mexico City in the mid-19th century. In the 20th century the area was engulfed by the urban sprawl of Mexico City. Today it is 100% urbanized and is a center of industry. The municipality of Azcapotzalco is in the Valley of Mexico with its eastern half on the lakebed of the former Lake Texcoco and the west on more solid ground. The historic center is on the former shoreline of this lake. The average altitude is 2240 meters above sea level. Politically, the municipality extends over 34.5km2 in the northwest of the Federal District of Mexico City, bordering the municipality of Gustavo A. Madero, Cuauhtemoc, Miguel Hidalgo along with the municipalities of Tlalnepantla de Baz, and Naucalpan in the State of Mexico. As the municipality is 100% urbanized, there are no ecological reserves. It is divided into 2,723 city blocks. There are 54 parks which have no wild vegetation but rather planted species such as willow, cedar and pine trees. These parks cover 100.51 hectares, which is 2.9% of the entire municipality. The most important of these are the Parque Tezozomoc and Alameda Norte, which together account for 52.4 hectares. Don Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla Gallaga Mandarte y Villasenor , more commonly known as Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla or Miguel Hidalgo , was a Catholic priest, leader of the Mexican War of Independence and recognized as the Father of the Nation. A professor at the Colegio de San Nicolas Obispo in Valladolid, Hidalgo was influenced by Enlightenment ideas, which contributed to his ouster in 1792. He served in a church in Colima and then in Dolores. After his arrival, he was shocked by the rich soil he had found. He tried to help the poor by showing them how to grow olives and grapes, but in New Spain growing these crops was discouraged or prohibited by colonial authorities to prevent competition with imports from Spain. On 16 September 1810 he gave the Cry of Dolores, a speech calling upon the people to protect the interest of their King Ferdinand VII, held captive during the Peninsular War, by revolting against the European-born Spaniards who had overthrown the Spanish Viceroy Jose de Iturrigaray. He marched across Mexico and gathered an army of nearly 90,000 poor farmers and Mexican civilians who attacked Spanish Peninsular and Criollo elites. Hidalgo's insurgent army accumulated initial victories in its way to Mexico City, but his troops ultimately lacked training and were poorly armed. These troops ran into an army of well-trained and armed Spanish troops in the Battle of Calderon Bridge and were defeated. After the battle, Hidalgo and his remaining troops fled north, but Hidalgo was betrayed, captured and executed. Hidalgo was the second-born child of Cristobal Hidalgo y Costilla Espinoza de los Monteros and Ana Maria Gallaga Mandarte Villasenor, both criollos. On his maternal side, he was of Basque ancestry. His most recent identifiable Spanish ancestor was his maternal great-grandfather, who was from Durango, Biscay. On his paternal side, he descended from criollo families native to Tejupilco, which were well-respected within the criollo community. Hidalgo's father was an hacienda manager in Valladolid, Michoacan, where Hidalgo spent the majority of his life. Eight days after his birth, Hidalgo was baptized into the Catholic faith in the parish church of Cuitzeo de los Naranjos. Hidalgo's parents had three other sons; Jose Joaquin, Manuel Mariano, and Jose Maria, before their mother died when Hildalgo was nine years old. A step brother named Mariano was born later. Gustavo Adolfo Madero Gonzalez , born in Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, Mexico, was a participant in the Mexican Revolution against Porfirio Diaz along with other members of his wealthy family. He was also known as "Ojo Parado" since he had one glass eye. Madero's brother, Francisco I. Madero, was president of Mexico from 1911 to 1913. During the coup d'etat in Mexico City known as Ten Tragic Days, Gustavo Madero was arrested, released to followers of conspirator Felix Diaz. A mob tortured him, pulling out his "good" eye, and then eventually killing him. Born as one of fifteen children on January 16, 1875, in Parras de la Fuente, located between Torreon and Saltillo in the state of Coahuila, Gustavo Madero grew up in one of the richest families of Mexico. The Madero family had settled in Northern Mexico in the early nineteenth century. Grandfather Evaristo had founded the Compania Industrial de Parras. In the latter part of the nineteenth century the Madero family business extended from vineyards, cotton, and textiles, to mining, milling, smelting, ranching, and banking. Gustavo went to high school at the Colegio San Juan, a Jesuit school in Saltillo. For further high school studies and to learn English, the two oldest Madero brothers, Gustavo and Francisco attended Mount St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland but stayed only for a year. In 1887, made possible with the financial support of his father, Gustavo and his older brother Francisco moved to France where they attended the Lycee of Versailles and finally received a baccalaureate. Gustavo went on to study business management at Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Jouy-en-Josas, near Paris. After the two brothers settled back in Mexico, Gustavo joined Francisco as confidante and chief of staff for a run at the presidency of Mexico. There were many divisions within the Madero family; some of its members wished for a peace agreement, hoping to avoid the problems that the civil war would bring to their businesses and investments. Talks were arranged in New York with Jose Yves Limantour, the finance minister of the Diaz government, but these failed as the revolution continued and peace negotiations broke down. Alvaro Obregon Salido was a Mexican military general and politician who served as the 46th President of Mexico from 1920 to 1924. Obregon was re-elected to the presidency in 1928 but was assassinated before he could take office. A widower with small children and a successful farmer, he did not join the Revolution until after the February 1913 coup d'etat against Francisco I. Madero that brought General Victoriano Huerta to the presidency. Obregon supported Sonora's decision to follow Governor of Coahuila Venustiano Carranza as leader of the northern revolutionary coalition, the Constitutionalist Army, against the Huerta regime. An untrained soldier but natural leader, Obregon rose quickly in the ranks and became the Constitutionalist Army's best general, along with Pancho Villa. Carranza appointed Obregon commander of the revolutionary forces in northwestern Mexico. When the Constitutionalists defeated Huerta in July 1914, and the Federal Army dissolved in August, Villa broke with Carranza, with Obregon remaining loyal to him despite Carranza's conservatism. In the civil war of the winners , between Carranza and Obregon on one side and Villa and peasant leader Emiliano Zapata on the other, Obregon decisively defeated Villa's army in 1915. Carranza became the undisputed leader of Mexico. In 1915 Carranza appointed him as his minister of war. Obregon became increasingly disillusioned with the conservative Carranza, whom Obregon believed should have become interim president of Mexico and thus been excluded from election as the constitutional president. Carranza was elected president in 1917, after the promulgation of the new revolutionary Constitution of Mexico. Obregon returned to his ranch in Sonora, planning on running for the presidency in the 1920 elections. Since Carranza could not be re-elected and he wished to remain a political force, he designated Ignacio Bonillas, a civilian, to succeed him. In response, in 1920, Obregon and fellow Sonoran revolutionary generals Plutarco Elias Calles and Adolfo de la Huerta launched a revolt against Carranza under the Plan of Agua Prieta. De la Huerta became interim president until elections were held. Obregon won the presidency with overwhelming popular support. Obregon's presidency was the first stable presidency since the Revolution began in 1910. He oversaw massive educational reform, the flourishing of Mexican muralism, moderate land reform, and labor laws sponsored by the increasingly powerful Regional Confederation of Mexican Workers. In August 1923, he signed the Bucareli Treaty that clarified the rights of the Mexican government and U.S. oil interests and brought U.S. diplomatic recognition to his government. In 1923-24, Obregon's finance minister, Adolfo de la Huerta, launched a rebellion when Obregon designated Plutarco Elias Calles as his successor. De la Huerta garnered support by many revolutionaries who were opposed to Obregon's apparent emulation of Porfirio Diaz's example. Obregon returned to the battlefield and defeated the rebellion. In his victory, he was aided by the United States with arms and 17 U.S. planes that bombed de la Huerta's supporters. In 1924, Obregon's fellow Northern revolutionary general and hand-picked successor, Plutarco Elias Calles, was elected president. Although Obregon ostensibly retired to Sonora, he remained influential under Calles. Calles pushed through constitutional reform to again make re-election possible, but not continuously. Obregon won the 1928 election. Before beginning his second term however, he was assassinated by Jose de Leon Toral during the Cristero War. Obregon's political legacy is that of pragmatic centrism, allying with various factions of the revolution to accomplish his goals, with one historian describing him as "Alvaro Obregon stood out as the organizer, the peacemaker, the unifier." His assassination precipitated a political crisis in the country, ultimately leading to Calles founding the National Revolutionary Party, later renamed the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which would dominate Mexican politics throughout the 20th century and retain the presidency until 2000. Jose Venustiano Carranza de la Garza was a Mexican land owner and politician who served as President of Mexico from 1917 until his assassination in 1920, during the Mexican Revolution. He was previously Mexico's de facto head of state as Primer Jefe of the Constitutionalist faction from 1914 to 1917, and previously served as a senator and governor for Coahuila. He played the leading role in drafting the Constitution of 1917 and maintained Mexican neutrality in World War I. Born in Coahuila to a prominent landowning family, he served as a senator for his state during the Porfiriato, appointed by President and de facto dictator Porfirio Diaz. After becoming alienated from Diaz, he supported the Liberal Francisco Madero's challenge to Diaz during the 1910 presidential election. Madero was defeated in a sham election and imprisoned. Madero ordered an overthrow of the government, sparking the Mexican Revolution, and Diaz resigned in May 1911. As president, Madero appointed Carranza as the governor of Coahuila. When Madero was murdered during the counter-revolutionary Ten Tragic Days coup in February 1913, Carranza drew up the Plan of Guadalupe, a political strategy to oust Madero's usurper, General Victoriano Huerta. Carranza organized militias loyal to his state and allied northern states in Mexico into a professional army, the Constitutional Army to oppose Huerta. The Constitutionalists defeated Huerta's Federal Army and Huerta was ousted in July 1914. Carranza did not assume the title of provisional president of Mexico, as called for in his Plan of Guadalupe, since it would have prevented his running for constitutional president once elections were held. Furthermore his government in this period was in a pre-constitutional, extralegal state, to which both his best generals, Alvaro Obregon and Pancho Villa objected to Carranza's seizure of the national presidency. Following Huerta's defeat, the victors began conflict amongst themselves. Obregon remained loyal to Carranza however Villa broke with him, aligning with peasant leader Emiliano Zapata. Both Zapata and Villa encouraged peasant rebellions in the south and north of Mexico respectively. The Constitutionalist Army under Obregon militarily defeated Villa in the north, and fought guerrilla attacks from Zapata and his peasant army in Morelos. Carranza's position was secure enough politically and militarily to take power in Mexico City, eventually receiving recognition from the United States. The armies of Zapata and Villa formed their own government, the Conventionalists to oppose Carranza. In order to counter their popularity among the peasantry, Carranza and his allies incorporated many of their demands especially around land reform and labor rights into the Mexican Constitution of 1917, which was the world's first constitution to guarantee social rights under the umbrella of constitutional rights. Under this new constitution Carranza was elected president that same year. The constitution that the revolutionaries drafted and ratified in 1917 now empowered the Mexican state to embark on significant land reform and recognized labor's rights, and curtail the power and influence of the Catholic Church. However, Carranza, a conservative liberal, and Mexican nationalist did not implement these reforms once he assumed office. Instead he began focusing on internal security by eliminating his political rivals. The Constitutionalists negotiated with Villa to accept the new government in exchange for land and a military pension and Carranza ordered Zapata's assassination in 1919. Cusco or Cuzco is a city in southeastern Peru near the Urubamba Valley of the Andes mountain range. It is the capital of the Cusco Region and of the Cusco Province. The city is the seventh most populous in Peru; in 2017, it had a population of 428,450. Its elevation is around 3,400 m . The city was the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th century until the 16th-century Spanish conquest. In 1983, Cusco was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO with the title "City of Cuzco". It has become a major tourist destination, hosting nearly 2 million visitors a year. The Constitution of Peru designates it as the Historical Capital of Peru. The indigenous name of this city is Qusqu. Although the name was used in Southern Quechua, its origin is found in the Aymara language. The word is derived from the phrase qusqu wanka , related to the city's foundation myth of the Ayar siblings. According to this legend, Ayar Awqa acquired wings and flew to the site of the future city; there he was transformed into a rock to mark the possession of the land by his ayllu : Then Ayar Oche stood up, displayed a pair of large wings, and said he should be the one to stay at Guanacaure as an idol in order to speak with their father the Sun. Then they went up on top of the hill. Now at the site where he was to remain as an idol, Ayar Oche raised up in flight toward the heavens so high that they could not see him. He returned and told Ayar Manco that from then on he was to be named Manco Capac. Ayar Oche came from where the Sun was and the Sun had ordered that Ayar Manco take that name and go to the town that they had seen. After this had been stated by the idol, Ayar Oche turned into a stone, just as he was, with his wings. Later Manco Capac went down with Ayar Auca to their settlement...he liked the place now occupied in this city Cuzco. Manco Capac and his companion, with the help of the four women, made a house. Having done this, Manco Capac and his companion, with the four women, planted some land with maize. It is said that they took the maize from the cave, which this lord Manco Capac named Pacaritambo, which means those of origin because...they came out of that cave.: 15-16 The Mexico City Congress is the legislative branch of government of Mexico City. Between 1988 and 1993, it was known as the Assembly of Representatives of the Federal District , during which period it had reduced powers with respect to the current body. In 1987, the federal government decided the creation of an Assembly of Representatives of the Federal District. This assembly, elected by the inhabitants of the Federal District, had limited legislative powers. Nonetheless, it was the first time since 1928 that the inhabitants of the Federal District recovered some oversight over their local affairs. Eventually, in 1993, full home rule was granted to the Federal District by the federal government, with the creation of an elected Head of Government of the Federal District and a great expansion of the legislative powers of the Assembly of Representatives of the Federal District, which was also renamed the Legislative Assembly. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> open data portal <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> open data portal <p> properties for this type <o> operator <s> open data portal <p> properties for this type <o> language of work or name <s> open data portal <p> properties for this type <o> official website <s> open data portal <p> properties for this type <o> official name <s> open data portal <p> Wikidata property <o> open data portal <s> open data portal <p> instance of <o> archive <s> open data portal <p> instance of <o> collection <s> open data portal <p> instance of <o> document repository <s> open data portal <p> main subject <o> open data <s> open data portal <p> said to be the same as <o> data catalog <s> open data portal <p> subclass of <o> data portal <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata property <o> place of birth <s> place of birth <p> opposite of <o> place of death <s> place of birth <p> subclass of <o> location of an event <s> place of birth <p> different from <o> hometown <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata property <o> category for people born here <s> place of birth <p> facet of <o> birth <s> place of birth <p> facet of <o> geographic location <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> European Union <s> Strasbourg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Boston <s> Strasbourg <p> different from <o> Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> Alsace <s> Strasbourg <p> owner of <o> Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> owner of <o> Stade de la Meinau <s> Strasbourg <p> country <o> France <s> Strasbourg <p> history of topic <o> history of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> Bas-Rhin <s> Strasbourg <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Strasbourg-6 <s> Strasbourg <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Strasbourg-4 <s> Strasbourg <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Strasbourg-1 <s> Strasbourg <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Strasbourg <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Strasbourg-5 <s> Strasbourg <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Strasbourg-3 <s> Strasbourg <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Strasbourg-2 <s> Strasbourg <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> Alsace–Lorraine <s> Strasbourg <p> official language <o> French <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> canton of Strasbourg-5 <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> canton of Strasbourg-3 <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Strasbourg <p> significant event <o> Oaths of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> canton of Strasbourg-2 <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> canton of Strasbourg-6 <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> Unterelsaß <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> canton of Strasbourg-4 <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> canton of Strasbourg-1 <s> Strasbourg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhine <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> Eurometropolis of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> significant event <o> Battle of Hausbergen <s> Strasbourg <p> significant event <o> Dancing Plague of 1518 <s> Strasbourg <p> significant event <o> Alsace-Lorraine Soviet Republic <s> Strasbourg <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Strasbourg <p> significant event <o> Siege of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> patron saint <o> Saint Arbogast <s> Strasbourg <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> Grand Est <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Strasbourg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bas-Rhin <s> Strasbourg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stuttgart <s> Strasbourg <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Strasbourg <p> replaces <o> Argentoratum <s> Strasbourg <p> list of monuments <o> list of historical monuments in Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Eckbolsheim <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Ostwald <s> Strasbourg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dresden <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> La Wantzenau <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Bischheim <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Topographia Alsatiae <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Oberhausbergen <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Lingolsheim <s> Strasbourg <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> archives at <o> Strasbourg Archives <s> Strasbourg <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Strasbourg <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Schiltigheim <s> Strasbourg <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Illkirch-Graffenstaden <s> Strasbourg <p> shares border with <o> Eschau <s> Strasbourg <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ramat Gan <s> Strasbourg <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Aar <s> Strasbourg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Canal du Faux-Rempart <s> Strasbourg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Canal de la Bruche <s> Strasbourg <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Strasbourg <p> instance of <o> border city <s> Strasbourg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Marne–Rhine Canal <s> Strasbourg <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leicester <s> Strasbourg <p> head of government <o> Jeanne Barseghian <s> Strasbourg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Eurometropolis of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Strasbourg <s> Strasbourg <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ill <s> Strasbourg <p> award received <o> European City of the Reformation <s> guitar <p> instance of <o> type of musical instrument <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica <s> guitar <p> made from material <o> mahogany wood <s> guitar <p> made from material <o> maple wood <s> guitar <p> award received <o> Instrument of the Year <s> guitar <p> subclass of <o> plucked necked box lute <s> guitar <p> subclass of <o> long, thin object <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> bridge <s> guitar <p> used by <o> guitarist <s> guitar <p> different from <o> Sista <s> guitar <p> depicted by <o> Guitar Hero <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> truss rod <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> sound hole <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> guitar <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> guitar <p> partially coincident with <o> electro-acoustic chordophones <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Diccionario del español de México <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> inlay <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> fret <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> fretboard <s> guitar <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> guitar <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Guitar <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> body <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> machine head <s> guitar <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Guitars <s> guitar <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox guitar model <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Riemann's Music Dictionary <s> guitar <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> nut <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> headstock <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> neck <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> sound board <s> guitar <p> has part(s) <o> guitar string <s> guitar <p> has part(s) of the class <o> guitar accessories <s> member of the European Parliament <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> European Union <s> member of the European Parliament <p> related property <o> MEP directory ID <s> member of the European Parliament <p> Wikidata property <o> MEP directory ID <s> member of the European Parliament <p> has list <o> list of current Members of the European Parliament <s> member of the European Parliament <p> part of <o> European Parliament <s> member of the European Parliament <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Members of the European Parliament <s> member of the European Parliament <p> subclass of <o> deputy <s> member of the European Parliament <p> instance of <o> position <s> Democratic Party <p> country <o> Italy <s> Democratic Party <p> headquarters location <o> Rome <s> Democratic Party <p> has part(s) <o> Festa de l'Unità <s> Democratic Party <p> part of <o> Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> European Republicans Movement <s> Democratic Party <p> founded by <o> Walter Veltroni <s> Democratic Party <p> party chief representative <o> Enrico Letta <s> Democratic Party <p> political ideology <o> social democracy <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Toward North <s> Democratic Party <p> part of <o> Progressive Alliance <s> Democratic Party <p> member of <o> Progressive Alliance <s> Democratic Party <p> instance of <o> political party <s> Democratic Party <p> political ideology <o> Christian left <s> Democratic Party <p> replaces <o> Democracy Is Freedom – The Daisy <s> Democratic Party <p> has part(s) <o> Europa <s> Democratic Party <p> has part(s) <o> Young Democrats <s> Democratic Party <p> has part(s) <o> L'Unità <s> Democratic Party <p> replaces <o> European Republicans Movement <s> Democratic Party <p> replaces <o> Democrats of the Left <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Italy Alive <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Possible <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Article 1 – Democratic and Progressive Movement <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Future to the Left <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Action <s> Democratic Party <p> political alignment <o> centre-left <s> Democratic Party <p> chairperson <o> Valentina Cuppi <s> Democratic Party <p> replaces <o> Reformist Alliance <s> Democratic Party <p> replaces <o> Middle Italy <s> Democratic Party <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Democratic Party (Italy) <s> Democratic Party <p> political ideology <o> pro-Europeanism <s> Democratic Party <p> member category <o> Category:Democratic Party (Italy) politicians <s> Democratic Party <p> followed by <o> Alliance for Italy <s> Democratic Party <p> part of <o> Italy. Common Good <s> Democratic Party <p> part of <o> Party of European Socialists <s> Democratic Party <p> member of <o> Party of European Socialists <s> Democratic Party <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Secretary of the Democratic Party <s> Democratic Party <p> participant in <o> 2020 Italian regional elections <s> Democratic Party <p> has part(s) <o> Back to the Future <s> university teacher <p> subclass of <o> teacher <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> professor <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> teacher <s> university teacher <p> subclass of <o> faculty member <s> university teacher <p> field of this occupation <o> teaching <s> university teacher <p> said to be the same as <o> lecturer <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> research fellow <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> senior lecturer <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> assistant professor <s> university teacher <p> topic's main category <o> Category:University teachers <s> university teacher <p> instance of <o> academic profession <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> professeur des universités <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> full professor <s> university teacher <p> different from <o> university demonstrator <s> university teacher <p> follows <o> Høgskolelærer (Norway) <s> Roberto <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Roberto <p> language of work or name <o> Spanish <s> Roberto <p> language of work or name <o> Portuguese <s> Roberto <p> language of work or name <o> Dutch <s> Roberto <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Robertas <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Rob <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Bert <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Robert <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Robertus <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Roope <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Roberts <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Róbert <s> Roberto <p> instance of <o> male given name <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Röpke <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Robrecht <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Bob <s> Roberto <p> given name version for other gender <o> Roberta <s> Roberto <p> family name identical to this given name <o> Roberto <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Röbi <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Roberth <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Robat <s> Roberto <p> said to be the same as <o> Robert <s> Roberto <p> different from <o> Roberto <s> Roberto <p> different from <o> Roberto <s> Roberto <p> attested in <o> frequency of first names in the Netherlands, 2010 <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> member of <o> Mediterranean Universities Union <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> member of <o> European University Association <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> member of <o> Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> country <o> Italy <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> affiliation <o> CINECA <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> affiliation <o> Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> affiliation <o> European Spatial Development Planning <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> member of <o> ORCID, Inc. <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> category for employees of the organization <o> Category:Academic staff of the Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> category for alumni of educational institution <o> Category:Sapienza University of Rome alumni <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> language used <o> Italian <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> named after <o> wisdom <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> official color <o> Pompeian red <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Viterbo <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikidata: WikiProject Academic Publisher <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> official color <o> gold <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Latina <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Rieti <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Buenos Aires <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria astronautica, elettrica ed energetica. Sede Astronautica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze sociali ed economiche. Sede Sociologia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca centrale della Facoltà di Ingegneria G. Boaga. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdip. di Scienze odontostomatologiche, scienze radiologiche, anatomo-patologiche e organi di senso - Sapienza Università di Roma <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Architettura e progetto. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Storia disegno e restauro. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Istituto di terapia medica sistematica della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Istituto di clinica pediatrica della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di medicina sperimentale e patologia. Sezione anatomia patologica dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Sistema Bibliotecario - Libri elettronici <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Biologia ambientale. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria strutturale e geotecnica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Lettere e culture moderne. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Videoteca del Centro del Teatro Ateneo <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria strutturale e geotecnica. Sede Architettura. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Istituto di fisiologia generale della Facoltà di farmacia dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Fisica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Diritto ed economia delle attività produttive. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Storia antropologia religioni arte spettacolo. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Biologia e biotecnologie Charles Darwin. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria astronautica, elettrica ed energetica. Sede Ingegneria nucleare. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria strutturale e geotecnica. Sede Geotecnica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Istituto dell'osservatorio astronomico della Facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Neuroscienze umane. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Istituto di clinica delle malattie nervose e mentali della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia dell'Università di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di ingegneria nucleare e conversioni di energia dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria, anestesiologia e chirurgia generale Paride Stefanini. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria astronautica, elettrica ed energetica. Sede Centro San Marco. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica e aerospaziale. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Scienze Politiche. sede Teoria dello Stato dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Pianificazione, design, tecnologia dell'architettura Ludovico Quaroni. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Istituto di puericultura della Facoltà di medicina e chirurgia dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Chimica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Ricerca sociale, informatica e comunicazione. Sede Informatica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile e ambientale - Sapienza Università di Roma <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> founded by <o> Boniface VIII <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Bracciano <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Civitavecchia <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Pomezia <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Nettuno <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento Materno infantile e scienze urologiche. Sede Ginecologia e Ostetricia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Medicina sperimentale e medicina molecolare. Sede Storia della medicina. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento Materno infantile e scienze urologiche. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca generale della Facoltà di economia Enrico Barone. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Metodi e modelli per l'economia il territorio e la finanza. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto romano. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Scienze cliniche internistiche, anestesiologiche e cardiovascolari. Sala lettura Medicina interna e specialità mediche. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Management Antonio Renzi. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze della terra. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto processuale civile. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze biochimiche A. Rossi Fanelli. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto della navigazione. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto pubblico. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Economia e finanza. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdip. di Scienze odontostomatologiche, scienze radiologiche, anatomo-patologiche e organi di senso. Sede Organi di senso. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto comparato. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Sanità pubblica e malattie infettive Vittorio Del Vecchio. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto internazionale. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdip. di Scienze odontostomatologiche, scienze radiologiche, anatomo-patologiche e organi di senso. Sede F. Ghilarducci. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Economia e diritto Federico Caffè. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto privato. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto penale. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Neuroscienze umane. Sede Psichiatria e psicologia clinica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Medicina sperimentale e medicina molecolare. Sede Fisiopatologia medica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'antichità. Sede Paletnologia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> instance of <o> public university <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> headquarters location <o> città universitaria of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Pozzilli <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Ariccia <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica, automatica e gestionale Antonio Ruberti. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'informazione, elettronica e telecomunicazioni. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze chimico-farmaceutiche, fisiologiche e farmacologiche Giordano Giacomello. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca Ernesto Valentini della Facoltà di Medicina e psicologia. Sede principale di Psicologia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Law, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca Ernesto Valentini della Facoltà di Medicina e psicologia. Sede di Medicina. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria astronautica, elettrica ed energetica. Sede Fisica tecnica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca Ernesto Valentini della Facoltà di Medicina e psicologia. . Sede servizio sociale. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile e ambientale. Sede Idraulica, costruzioni idrauliche, geodesia e geofisica mineraria. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, edile e ambientale. Sede Trasporti e strade F. Giannini. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria astronautica, elettrica ed energetica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Medicina sperimentale e medicina molecolare. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze di base e applicate per l'ingegneria. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Storia antropologia religioni arte spettacolo. Sede Arte e antropologia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Architettura e progetto. Sede Piazza Borghese. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca Angelo Monteverdi per gli studi filologici, linguistici e letterari. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento Istituto italiano di Studi orientali. ISO. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze sociali ed economiche. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Storia disegno e restauro dell'Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza. Sede Disegno e rilievo <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> University Campus of Latina, Sapienza University of Rome <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Lettere e culture moderne. Sede Glottologia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche. Sede Studi sociali. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Sede Diritto italiano. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'antichità. Sede Filologia classica e bizantina. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Lettere e culture moderne. Sede Storia della musica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Filosofia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Storia antropologia religioni arte spettacolo. Sede Giovanni Macchia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Ricerca sociale, informatica e comunicazione. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Sapienza Museum Network <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'antichità. Sede Storia e topografia antica. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Lettere e culture moderne. Sede Geografia. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Lingue e letterature straniere moderne. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca di Scienze cliniche internistiche, anestesiologiche e cardiovascolari. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Cassino <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca interdipartimentale di Scienze giuridiche. Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Malindi <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Isernia <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Frosinone <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Guidonia Montecelio <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Colleferro <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Sora <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Terracina <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Cisterna di Latina <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> location <o> Gaeta <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> part of <o> ELIXIR Italy <s> Sapienza University of Rome <p> member of <o> Netval Research Universities Network <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> country <o> Italy <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Italy <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> instance of <o> position <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Members of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> subclass of <o> deputy <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> part of <o> Chamber of Deputies of Italy <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> Wikidata property <o> Italian Chamber of Deputies dati ID <s> member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic <p> Wikidata property <o> Chamber of Deputies of Italy storia ID </Graph>
<Text> :Government organizations sometimes host open data portals as a way of meeting their regional freedom of information legal requirements. Another common use case is open data portals for sharing data in some field of research for the benefit of other researchers. The place of birth or birthplace is the place where a person was born. This place is often used in legal documents, together with name and date of birth, to uniquely identify a person. Practice regarding whether this place should be a country, a territory or a city/town/locality differs in different countries, but often city or territory is used for native-born citizen passports and countries for foreign-born ones. As a general rule with respect to passports, if the place of birth is to be a country, it's determined to be the country that currently has sovereignty over the actual place of birth, regardless of when the birth actually occurred. The place of birth is not necessarily the place where the parents of the new baby live. If the baby is born in a hospital in another place, that place is the place of birth. In many countries, this also means that the government requires that the birth of the new baby is registered in the place of birth. Some countries place less or no importance on the place of birth, instead using alternative geographical characteristics for the purpose of identity documents. For example, Sweden has used the concept of fodelsehemort since 1947. This means that the domicile of the baby's mother is the registered place of birth. The location of the maternity ward or other physical birthplace is considered unimportant. Similarly, Switzerland uses the concept of place of origin. A child born to Swiss parents is automatically assigned the place of origin of the parent with the same last name, so the child either gets their mother's or father's place of origin. A child born to one Swiss parent and one foreign parent acquires the place of origin of their Swiss parent. In a Swiss passport and identity card, the holder's place of origin is stated, not their place of birth. In Japan, the registered domicile is a similar concept. Strasbourg is the prefecture and largest city of the Grand Est region of eastern France. Located at the border with Germany in the historic region of Alsace, it is the prefecture of the Bas-Rhin department. It is the official seat of the European Parliament. In 2021, the city proper had 291,313 inhabitants and both the Eurometropole de Strasbourg and the Arrondissement of Strasbourg had 514,651 inhabitants. Strasbourg's metropolitan area had a population of 860,744 in 2020, making it the eighth-largest metro area in France and home to 14% of the Grand Est region's inhabitants. The transnational Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau had a population of roughly 1,000,000 in 2022. Strasbourg is one of the de facto four main capitals of the European Union , as it is the seat of several European institutions, such as the European Parliament, the Eurocorps and the European Ombudsman of the European Union. An organization separate from the European Union, the Council of Europe is also located in the city. Together with Basel , Geneva , The Hague and New York City , Strasbourg is among the few cities in the world that is not a state capital that hosts international organisations of the first order. The city is the seat of many non-European international institutions such as the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine and the International Institute of Human Rights. It is the second city in France in terms of international congress and symposia, after Paris. Strasbourg's historic city centre, the Grande Ile , was classified a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988, with the newer "Neustadt" being added to the site in 2017. Strasbourg is immersed in Franco-German culture and although violently disputed throughout history, has been a cultural bridge between France and Germany for centuries, especially through the University of Strasbourg, currently the second-largest in France, and the coexistence of Catholic and Protestant culture. It is also home to the largest Islamic place of worship in France, the Strasbourg Grand Mosque. Economically, Strasbourg is an important centre of manufacturing and engineering, as well as a hub of road, rail, and river transportation. The port of Strasbourg is the second-largest on the Rhine after Duisburg in Germany, and the second-largest river port in France after Paris. The guitar is a stringed musical instrument, that is usually fretted and typically has six or twelve strings. It is usually held flat against the player's body and played by strumming or plucking the strings with the dominant hand, while simultaneously pressing selected strings against frets with the fingers of the opposite hand. A guitar pick may also be used to strike the strings. The sound of the guitar is projected either acoustically, by means of a resonant hollow chamber on the guitar, or amplified by an electronic pickup and an amplifier. The guitar is classified as a chordophone - meaning the sound is produced by a vibrating string stretched between two fixed points. Historically, a guitar was constructed from wood with its strings made of catgut. Steel guitar strings were introduced near the end of the nineteenth century in the United States; but only following World War II, did nylon and steel strings become mainstream. The guitar's ancestors include the gittern, the vihuela, the four-course Renaissance guitar, and the five-course baroque guitar, all of which contributed to the development of the modern six-string instrument. There are three main types of modern guitar: the classical guitar ; the steel-string acoustic guitar or electric guitar; and the Hawaiian guitar . Traditional acoustic guitars include the flat top guitar or an archtop guitar, which is sometimes called a "jazz guitar". The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the strings' vibration, amplified by the hollow body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber. The classical Spanish guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive fingerstyle technique where each string is plucked individually by the player's fingers, as opposed to being strummed. The term "finger-picking" can also refer to a specific tradition of folk, blues, bluegrass, and country guitar playing in the United States. Electric guitars, first patented in 1937, use a pickup and amplifier that made the instrument loud enough to be heard, but also enabled manufacturing guitars with a solid block of wood needing no resonant chamber. A wide array of electronic effects units became possible including reverb and distortion . Solid-body guitars began to dominate the guitar market during the 1960s and 1970s; they are less prone to unwanted acoustic feedback. As with acoustic guitars, there are a number of types of electric guitars, including hollowbody guitars, archtop guitars and solid-body guitars, which are widely used in rock music. When the European Parliament first met in 1952, its members were directly appointed by the governments of member states from among those already sitting in their own national parliaments. Since 1979, however, MEPs have been elected by direct universal suffrage every five years. Each member state establishes its own method for electing MEPs - and in some states this has changed over time - but the system chosen must be a form of proportional representation. Some member states elect their MEPs to represent a single national constituency; other states apportion seats to sub-national regions for election. From 1 January 2007, when Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU, there were 785 MEPs, but their number was reduced to 736 at the elections in 2009. With effect from the elections held in May 2014 the number had risen to 751. This has been reduced to 705 members after the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union in January 2020, with each member state now having at least six and at most 96 MEPs. From the 2024 elections, there will be 720 members. Elections are held once every five years, on the basis of universal suffrage. There is no uniform voting system for the election of MEPs; rather, each member state is free to choose its own system, subject to three restrictions: The allocation of seats to each member state is based on the principle of degressive proportionality, so that, while the size of the population of each nation is taken into account, smaller states elect more MEPs than would be strictly justified by their populations alone. As the number of MEPs granted to each member state has arisen from treaty negotiations, there is no precise formula for the apportionment of seats. No change in this configuration can occur without the unanimous consent of all national governments. Academic staff, also known as faculty or academics , are vague terms that describe teachers or research staff of a school, college, university or research institute. In contrast, in North America "faculty" refers to the people who teach and research, and is distinguished from "staff", who are hired in administrative roles. For example the Faculty Handbook at Boston University defines faculty as Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors, those with professorial titles modified by "Research," "Clinical," and "of the Practice, Lecturers of all ranks, and Instructors. In the United States and parts of Canada, universities, community colleges and even some secondary and primary schools use the term faculty. Other institutions may likewise use the term faculty. In parts of the US, the term academic staff can be synonymous with just staff, which instead refers to staff that is not primarily involved with teaching or research. In many universities, the members of the administration are also faculty members; many of them begin as professors. At some universities, the distinction between "academic faculty" and "administrative faculty" is made explicit by the former being contracted for nine months per year, meaning that they can devote their time to research during the summer months, while the latter are contracted for twelve months per year. These two types of faculty members are sometimes known as "nine-month faculty" and "twelve-month faculty". Faculty who are paid a nine-month salary are typically allowed to seek external funds from grant agencies to partially or fully support their research activities during the summer months. The name Robert is an ancient Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *Hrothi- "fame" and *berhta- "bright" . Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert "fame, glory, honour, praise, renown, godlike" and berht "bright, light, shining"). It is the second most frequently used given name of ancient Germanic origin. It is also in use as a surname. Another commonly used form of the name is Rupert. After becoming widely used in Continental Europe, the name entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto. Robert is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Scots, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Polish, Irish, Finnish, Romanian, and Estonian name as well. Bert, Bertie, Berto, Bertus Beto, Betinho Bo, Bob, Bobbie, Bobby Beau Chrodobert, Chrodobrecht Dobbie, Dobby Boris Hob, Hopkin Hopcyn Hrodberaht, Hrodebert, Hrodpreht Rab, Rabbie Raibeart Rhobert Roibeard, Riobard Rob, Robb, Robbie, Robby Rod Robbe Roban Robban Robbert Robbi, Hrobbi, Hrobjartur, Bjartur, Art Robertus, Robert Robercik or Robus Robere Roberos, Roveros Robert Robertas Roberto Robertino Robertinho Robert , Roman Robertos, Rovertos Raivo Roberts Raivis Robertson Robertus Robetus Robi Robi The Sapienza University of Rome , formally the Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", abbreviated simply as Sapienza, is a public research university located in Rome, Italy. It was founded in 1303 and is as such one of the world's oldest universities, and with 122.000 students, it is the largest university in Europe by enrollment. Due to its size, funding, and numerous laboratories and libraries, Sapienza is a major education and research centre in Southern Europe. The University is located mainly in the Citta Universitaria , which covers 44 ha near the Tiburtina Station, with different campuses, libraries and laboratories in various locations in Rome. Most of the Italian ruling class studied at Sapienza. The Sapienza has educated numerous notable alumni, including many Nobel laureates, Presidents of the European Parliament and European Commissioners, heads of several nations, notable religious figures, scientists and astronauts. In September 2018, it was included in the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings Graduate Employability Ranking and in 2022 and 2023 it was ranked the best Italian University according to ARWU. In 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022 it ranked first in the world for classics and ancient history. The Sapienza University of Rome was founded in 1303 with the Papal bull In Supremae praeminentia Dignitatis, issued on 20 April 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, as a Studium for ecclesiastical studies more under his control than the universities of Bologna and Padua, making it the first pontifical university. In 1431 Pope Eugene IV completely reorganized the studium with the bull In supremae, in which he granted masters and students alike the broadest possible privileges and decreed that the university should include the four schools of Law, Medicine, Philosophy and Theology. He introduced a new tax on wine to raise funds for the university; the money was used to buy a palace which later housed the Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza church. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Italy <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> instance of <o> position <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> subclass of <o> finance minister <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> replaces <o> Minister of the Treasury, Budget and Economic Planning <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> replaces <o> Italian Finance Minister <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> officeholder <o> Daniele Franco <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> subclass of <o> Italian minister <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> part of <o> Council of Ministers of Italy <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> has list <o> list of Italian Ministers of Economy and Finance <s> Italian Minister of Economy and Finance <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Ministry of Economy and Finance <s> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 <p> instance of <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting <s> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 <p> follows <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019 <s> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 <p> followed by <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2021 <s> Gualtieri <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Gualtieri <p> attested in <o> 2010 United States Census surname index <s> Gualtieri <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> Gualtieri <p> instance of <o> family name <s> Gualtieri <p> different from <o> Gualtieri <s> metropolitan mayor of Rome <p> instance of <o> public office <s> metropolitan mayor of Rome <p> country <o> Italy <s> metropolitan mayor of Rome <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Metropolitan City of Rome <s> metropolitan mayor of Rome <p> subclass of <o> metropolitan mayor <s> metropolitan mayor of Rome <p> replaces <o> president of the Province of Rome <s> Roman–Gallic Wars <p> location <o> Europe <s> Roman–Gallic Wars <p> instance of <o> war <s> Roman–Gallic Wars <p> participant <o> Ancient Celts <s> Roman–Gallic Wars <p> participant <o> Ancient Rome <s> Roman–Gallic Wars <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Roman–Gallic wars <s> Army of the Roman Republic <p> has part(s) <o> Battaglione Universitario Romano <s> Army of the Roman Republic <p> instance of <o> army <s> Army of the Roman Republic <p> instance of <o> armed forces <s> Army of the Roman Republic <p> country <o> Roman Republic <s> Army of the Roman Republic <p> conflict <o> First Italian War of Independence <s> French Army <p> country <o> France <s> French Army <p> allegiance <o> France <s> French Army <p> conflict <o> World War I <s> French Army <p> conflict <o> World War II <s> French Army <p> instance of <o> army <s> French Army <p> topic's main category <o> Category:French Army <s> French Army <p> part of <o> French Armed Forces <s> French Army <p> military branch <o> French Armed Forces <s> Unification of Italy <p> location <o> Italy <s> Unification of Italy <p> instance of <o> social movement <s> Unification of Italy <p> instance of <o> political movement <s> Unification of Italy <p> country <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Unification of Italy <p> country <o> Kingdom of Sardinia <s> Unification of Italy <p> country <o> historic state of Italy <s> Unification of Italy <p> has effect <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Unification of Italy <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Risorgimento <s> Unification of Italy <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> Unification of Italy <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Italian Risorgimento <s> Unification of Italy <p> instance of <o> political union <s> Unification of Italy <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Unification of Italy <p> has effect <o> Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy <s> Unification of Italy <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Unification of Italy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Italian unification <s> Roman Republic <p> different from <o> Roman Republic <s> Roman Republic <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Roman Republic <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Italian Peninsula <s> Roman Republic <p> replaces <o> Papal States <s> Roman Republic <p> country <o> Roman Republic <s> Roman Republic <p> replaced by <o> Papal States <s> Roman Republic <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Roman Republic <p> flag <o> flag of Italy <s> Roman Republic <p> capital <o> Rome <s> Roman Republic <p> anthem <o> Il Canto degli Italiani <s> Roman Republic <p> instance of <o> state with limited recognition <s> Roman Republic <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Roman Republic (1849) <s> Roman Republic <p> instance of <o> historical unrecognized state <s> Roman Republic <p> currency <o> Roman scudo <s> Roman Republic <p> coat of arms <o> emblem of Italy <s> Roman Republic <p> basic form of government <o> directorial system <s> Roman Republic <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary republic <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 4 <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> participant <o> Kingdom of the Two Sicilies <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> participant <o> Papal States <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> participant <o> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> participant <o> Austrian Empire <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> part of <o> Unification of Italy <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> participant <o> Kingdom of Sardinia <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> part of <o> Wars of Italian Independence <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> instance of <o> war of independence <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> location <o> Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:First Italian War of Independence <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> has part(s) <o> Battle of Novara <s> First Italian War of Independence <p> has part(s) <o> Battle of Mortara </Graph>
<Text> :The Minister of Economy and Finance is a senior member of the Italian Cabinet who leads the Ministry of Economy and Finance since its creation in 2001 by the fusion of three former ministries, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Treasury and the Ministry of Budget. Gualtieri is a comune in the province of Reggio Emilia, in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, located about 70 kilometres northwest of Bologna and about 25 kilometres north of Reggio Emilia on the right bank of the Po river. Historically, it suffered numerous floods, the last occurring in 1951. It is one of I Borghi piu belli d'Italia . In the 2nd century BC, with Roman colonisation, the territory was split up. The signs of centuriation still are evident not far from Brescello , a village around which the settlement of Gualtieri revolved until the Lombard Age. Gualtieri is surrounded by water and earth landscapes. One of the minor Po Valley capitals, it boasted a small court yet well equipped by the Bentivoglio marquises, masters of water and reclamation techniques. The palace stands in a square, beyond which the Po lies, giving rise to a sophisticated play of perspective and theatrical ambition. The designers, experts of theatrical arts in Ferrara, wanted to involve the audience in a symbolic and extraordinarily powerful production. Today we may still appreciate the De Chirico-esque atmospheres, found in the long shadow of the arcades, under whose arches we may hide from the summer heat. From the winter fog in the woods right behind the floodplains of the Po the ghost of Ligabue emerges, where he lived wildly with the leopards of his imagination. Starting from Piazza Cavallotti and along Via Vittorio Emanuele II, we are inserted in a long perspective channel, closed at the bottom of the civic tower. As you approach the main square, the arch of the entrance of the tower lets you glimpse the facade of Gualtieri's main attraction: its Renaissance square Piazza Bentivoglio, designed by Giovan Battista Aleotti . The latter has 17th-century decorations and houses a museum dedicated to the painter Antonio Ligabue. Also facing the square is the Collegiata di S. Maria della Neve, again designed by Aleotti but remade after its destruction from a flood, which houses a Crucifixion by Camillo Ricci. Over the course of nearly four centuries, the Roman Republic fought a series of wars against various Celtic tribes, whom they collectively described as Galli, or Gauls. Among the principal Gallic peoples described as antagonists by Greek and Roman writers were the Senones, Insubres, Boii, and Gaesatae. The Romans first came into conflict with Gauls who entered Italy from the north. Some of these settled in the lands immediately south of the Alps, which became known as Cisalpine Gaul: "Gaul this side of the Alps". Gaulish armies, some perhaps fighting as mercenaries in the service of the cities of Magna Graecia, plundered territory in Etruria and Latium during the fourth century, famously sacking Rome circa 390 BC. Following the Samnite Wars and the Punic Wars, in which Gallic forces sometimes made common cause with Rome's enemies, the Romans found themselves in near-total control of Italy, including Cisalpine Gaul. As they consolidated their gains, they came into conflict with Gallic tribes on the borders of their growing empire, and subsequent conflicts occurred in and beyond the Alps. In the first century BC, Caesar's campaigns in Gaul brought most of the Gallic territory in western Europe under Roman control. 390 BC: Brennus leads the Senones to Clusium in Etruria. Rome sends an army to drive the Senones away, which the Senones defeat at the Battle of the Allia. Brennus leads his men on to Rome, entering the city without further opposition, and plundering it. They depart laden with booty, which according to varying traditions was recovered when the Gauls were defeated by a Caeretan army, or by Camillus. The French Army, officially known as the Land Army , is the principal land warfare force of France, and the largest component of the French Armed Forces; it is responsible to the Government of France, alongside the French Navy, French Air and Space Force, and the National Gendarmerie. The Army is commanded by the Chief of Staff of the French Army , who is subordinate of the Chief of the Defence Staff , who commands active service Army units and in turn is responsible to the President of France. CEMAT is also directly responsible to the Ministry of the Armed Forces for administration, preparation, and equipment. The French Army, following the French Revolution, has generally been composed of a mixed force of conscripts and professional volunteers. It is now considered a professional force, since the French Parliament suspended the conscription of soldiers. According to British historian Niall Ferguson, out of all recorded conflicts which occurred since the year 387 BC, France has fought in 168 of them, won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10; this makes France the most successful military power in European history in terms of number of fought and won. The first permanent army of France, which was paid with regular wages instead of being supplied by feudal levies, was established in the early 15th century under Charles VII. It was formed due to the need for reliable troops during the Hundred Years' War, though the Army was not disbanded because it saw continued use by the Kings of France following the conflict. Upon the outbreak of a conflict, an ordonnance would be issued to govern the length of service, composition and payment of units. The unification of Italy , also known as the Risorgimento , was the 19th-century political and social movement that resulted in 1861 in the consolidation of various states of the Italian Peninsula and its outlying isles into a single state, the Kingdom of Italy. Inspired by the rebellions in the 1820s and 1830s against the outcome of the Congress of Vienna, the unification process was precipitated by the Revolutions of 1848, and reached completion in 1871 after the capture of Rome and its designation as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. Even after 1871, many Italian-speakers remained outside the borders of the Kingdom of Italy, planting the seeds of Italian irredentism. Individuals who played a major part in the struggle for unification and liberation from foreign domination included King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Giuseppe Mazzini. Some of the states that had been envisaged as part of the unification process did not join the Kingdom until after Italy defeated Austria-Hungary in the First World War, culminating in the Treaty of Rapallo in 1920. Some historians see the Risorgimento as continuing to that time, which is the view presented at the Central Museum of the Risorgimento at the Vittoriano, Rome. Italy was unified by the Roman Republic in the latter part of the third century BC. For 700 years, it was a de facto territorial extension of the capital of the Roman Republic and Empire, and for a long time experienced a privileged status but was not converted into a province. Under Augustus, the previous differences in municipal and political rights were abolished and Roman Italy was subdivided into administrative regions ruled directly by the Roman Senate. The Roman Republic was the era of classical Roman civilization beginning with the overthrow of the Roman Kingdom and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire. During this period, Rome's control expanded from the city's immediate surroundings to hegemony over the entire Mediterranean world. Roman society at the time was primarily a cultural mix of Latin and Etruscan societies, as well as of Sabine, Oscan, and Greek cultural elements, which is especially visible in the Ancient Roman religion and its Pantheon. Its political organization developed at around the same time as direct democracy in Ancient Greece, with collective and annual magistracies, overseen by a senate. There were annual elections, but the republican system was an elective oligarchy, not a democracy; a small number of powerful families largely monopolised the magistracies. Roman institutions underwent considerable changes throughout the Republic to adapt to the difficulties it faced, such as the creation of promagistracies to rule its conquered provinces, or the composition of the senate. Unlike the Pax Romana of the Roman Empire, throughout the republican era Rome was in a state of quasi-perpetual war. Its first enemies were its Latin and Etruscan neighbours, as well as the Gauls, who sacked Rome in 387 BC. After the Gallic sack, Rome conquered the whole Italian peninsula in a century and thus became a major power in the Mediterranean. Its greatest strategic rival was Carthage, against which it waged three wars. Rome defeated Carthage at the Battle of Zama in 202 BC, becoming the dominant power of the ancient Mediterranean world. It then embarked on a long series of difficult conquests, defeating Philip V and Perseus of Macedon, Antiochus III of the Seleucid Empire, the Lusitanian Viriathus, the Numidian Jugurtha, the Pontic king Mithridates VI, Vercingetorix of the Arverni tribe of Gaul, and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. At home, during the Conflict of the Orders, the patricians, the closed oligarchic elite, came into conflict with the more numerous plebs; this was resolved peacefully, with the plebs achieving political equality by the 4th century BC. The late Republic, from 133 BC onward, saw substantial domestic strife, often anachronistically seen as a conflict between optimates and populares, referring to conservative and reformist politicians, respectively. The Social War between Rome and its Italian allies over citizenship and Roman hegemony in Italy greatly expanded the scope of civil violence. Mass slavery also contributed to three Servile Wars. Tensions at home coupled with ambitions abroad led to further civil wars. The first involved Marius and Sulla. After a generation, the Republic fell into civil war again in 49 BC between Julius Caesar and Pompey. Despite his victory and appointment as dictator for life, Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. Caesar's heir Octavian and lieutenant Mark Antony defeated Caesar's assassins in 42 BC, but they eventually split. Antony's defeat alongside his ally and lover Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, and the Senate's grant of extraordinary powers to Octavian as Augustus in 27 BC--which effectively made him the first Roman emperor--marked the end of the Republic. The First Italian War of Independence , part of the Italian Unification , was fought by the Kingdom of Sardinia and Italian volunteers against the Austrian Empire and other conservative states from 23 March 1848 to 22 August 1849 in the Italian Peninsula. The conflict was preceded by the outbreak of the Sicilian Revolution of 1848 against the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. It was precipitated by riots in the cities of Milan and Venice, which rebelled against Austria and established their own governments. The part of the conflict which was fought by King Charles Albert against Austria in northern Italy was a royal war and consisted of two campaigns. In both campaigns, the Kingdom of Sardinia attacked the Austrian Empire and after initial victories, Sardinia was decisively defeated and so lost the war. The decisive events of the first and second campaigns were the Battles of Custoza and Novara respectively. At the beginning of the royal war, the Kingdom of Sardinia was supported by the Papal States and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which withdrew after they had barely participated in any of the fighting. However, volunteers from the Papal and the Neapolitan armies joined the other Italian volunteers and fought against Austria. </Text>
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<s> Paris Bourse <p> instance of <o> Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts <s> Paris Bourse <p> headquarters location <o> Palais Brongniart <s> Paris Bourse <p> legal form <o> société anonyme <s> Paris Bourse <p> merged into <o> Euronext <s> Paris Bourse <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Paris Bourse <p> replaced by <o> Euronext Paris <s> Eiffel Tower <p> location <o> Champ de Mars <s> Eiffel Tower <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Eiffel Tower <p> country <o> France <s> Eiffel Tower <p> structural engineer <o> Émile Nouguier <s> Eiffel Tower <p> structural engineer <o> Maurice Koechlin <s> Eiffel Tower <p> located on street <o> Champ de Mars <s> Eiffel Tower <p> has use <o> tourist attraction <s> Eiffel Tower <p> named after <o> Gustave Eiffel <s> Eiffel Tower <p> main building contractor <o> Gustave Eiffel <s> Eiffel Tower <p> commissioned by <o> Gustave Eiffel <s> Eiffel Tower <p> part of <o> banks of the Seine <s> Eiffel Tower <p> inspired by <o> Latting Observatory <s> Eiffel Tower <p> architect <o> Stéphen Sauvestre <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Eiffel Tower <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Eiffel Tower <s> Eiffel Tower <p> made from material <o> steel <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Eiffel Tower <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Eiffel Tower <p> located on street <o> avenue Anatole-France <s> Eiffel Tower <p> instance of <o> lattice tower <s> Eiffel Tower <p> offers view on <o> Le Jules Verne <s> Eiffel Tower <p> heritage designation <o> monument historique inscrit <s> Eiffel Tower <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> Eiffel Tower <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Eiffel Tower <p> instance of <o> landmark <s> Eiffel Tower <p> made from material <o> puddled iron <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> Bodláčí z Parnassu <s> Eiffel Tower <p> described by source <o> Small Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Eiffel Tower <p> operator <o> Société d'exploitation de la tour Eiffel <s> Eiffel Tower <p> instance of <o> observation tower <s> Eiffel Tower <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from the Eiffel Tower <s> Eiffel Tower <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Eiffel Tower <p> owned by <o> Government of France <s> Eiffel Tower <p> made from material <o> wrought iron <s> coat of arms of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> coat of arms of Paris <p> instance of <o> coat of arms <s> coat of arms of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Paris <s> coat of arms of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Coats of arms of Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> category for the exterior of the item <o> Category:Exterior of Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from the Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> country <o> France <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> location <o> Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> architectural style <o> Neoclassical architecture <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> movement <o> Neoclassical architecture <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> made from material <o> limestone <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> located on street <o> place Charles-de-Gaulle <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> significant event <o> Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> commissioned by <o> Napoleon <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> instance of <o> triumphal arch <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> significant event <o> inauguration <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> significant event <o> groundbreaking <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> operator <o> Centre des monuments nationaux <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> made from material <o> Lutetian limestone <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> affiliation <o> Centre des monuments nationaux <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> significant event <o> construction <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Arc de Triomphe <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> heritage designation <o> classified historical monument <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> architect <o> Jean-François Chalgrin <s> Arc de Triomphe <p> state of conservation <o> preserved <s> Paris Commune <p> location <o> Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> capital <o> Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> France <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> official language <o> French <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Paris Commune <p> country <o> France <s> Paris Commune <p> has part(s) <o> Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris et les soins aux blessés <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Paris Commune <p> has part(s) <o> Uprising of March 18, 1871 <s> Paris Commune <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Paris Commune <p> has part(s) <o> communard <s> Paris Commune <p> has part(s) <o> Comité central républicain des Vingt arrondissements <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Paris Commune <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Paris Commune <p> instance of <o> insurgency <s> Paris Commune <p> has part(s) <o> Repression of the Commune <s> Paris Commune <p> currency <o> French franc <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Paris Commune <p> has part(s) <o> Central Committee of the National Guard <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Paris Commune <p> instance of <o> group action <s> Paris Commune <p> instance of <o> social experiment <s> Paris Commune <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Paris Commune <s> Paris Commune <p> flag <o> red flag <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> different from <o> Siege of Paris <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Paris Commune <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Paris Commune <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary republic <s> Genevieve <p> instance of <o> human <s> Genevieve <p> feast day <o> November 26 <s> Genevieve <p> place of death <o> Paris <s> Genevieve <p> feast day <o> January 3 <s> Genevieve <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholicism <s> Genevieve <p> given name <o> Genevieve <s> Genevieve <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Genevieve <p> place of burial <o> Saint-Étienne-du-Mont <s> Genevieve <p> place of birth <o> Nanterre <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Genevieve <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> Svensk uppslagsbok <s> Genevieve <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Parc des Princes <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of Parc des Princes <s> Parc des Princes <p> UEFA stadium category <o> UEFA stadium category 4 <s> Parc des Princes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Parc des Princes <p> location <o> Paris <s> Parc des Princes <p> country <o> France <s> Parc des Princes <p> different from <o> Parc des Princes <s> Parc des Princes <p> significant event <o> UEFA Euro 1984 <s> Parc des Princes <p> significant event <o> UEFA Euro 2016 <s> Parc des Princes <p> operator <o> Paris Saint-Germain F.C. <s> Parc des Princes <p> significant event <o> 1960 European Nations' Cup <s> Parc des Princes <p> sport <o> association football <s> Parc des Princes <p> significant event <o> 1998 FIFA World Cup <s> Parc des Princes <p> occupant <o> Paris Saint-Germain F.C. <s> Parc des Princes <p> instance of <o> multi-purpose sports venue <s> Parc des Princes <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Parc des Princes <p> sport <o> rugby union <s> Parc des Princes <p> manufacturer <o> Bouygues Construction <s> Parc des Princes <p> significant event <o> 1938 FIFA World Cup <s> Parc des Princes <p> has use <o> association football venue <s> Parc des Princes <p> architect <o> Siavash Teimouri <s> Parc des Princes <p> architect <o> Roger Taillibert <s> Parc des Princes <p> surface played on <o> Desso GrassMaster <s> Parc des Princes <p> has use <o> music venue <s> Parc des Princes <p> has use <o> rugby union venue <s> Parc des Princes <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Parc des Princes <s> Parc des Princes <p> located on street <o> rue du Commandant-Guilbaud <s> Parc des Princes <p> structural engineer <o> Simon Boussiron <s> Parc des Princes <p> has facility <o> football pitch <s> Parc des Princes <p> related category <o> Category:Live albums recorded at Parc des Princes <s> highest point of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> highest point of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> highest point of Paris <p> instance of <o> highest point </Graph>
<Text> :Paris is the capital and most populous city of France. With an official estimated population of 2,102,650 residents as of 1 January 2023 in an area of more than 105 km2 , Paris is the fourth-most populated city in the European Union and the 30th most densely populated city in the world in 2022. Since the 17th century, Paris has been one of the world's major centres of finance, diplomacy, commerce, culture, fashion, and gastronomy. For its leading role in the arts and sciences, as well as its early and extensive system of street lighting, in the 19th century, it became known as the City of Light. The City of Paris is the centre of the Ile-de-France region, or Paris Region, with an official estimated population of 12,271,794 inhabitants on 1 January 2023, or about 19% of the population of France. The Paris Region had a GDP of EUR765 billion in 2021, the highest in the European Union. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Cost of Living Survey, in 2022, Paris was the city with the ninth-highest cost of living in the world. Paris is a major railway, highway, and air-transport hub served by two international airports: Charles de Gaulle Airport and Orly Airport. Opened in 1900, the city's subway system, the Paris Metro, serves 5.23 million passengers daily; it is the second-busiest metro system in Europe after the Moscow Metro. Gare du Nord is the 24th-busiest railway station in the world and the busiest outside Japan, with 262 million passengers in 2015. Paris has one of the most sustainable transportation systems and is one of the only two cities in the world that received the Sustainable Transport Award twice. Paris is especially known for its museums and architectural landmarks: the Louvre received 8.9. million visitors in 2023, on track for keeping its position as the most-visited art museum in the world. The Musee d'Orsay, Musee Marmottan Monet and Musee de l'Orangerie are noted for their collections of French Impressionist art. The Pompidou Centre Musee National d'Art Moderne, Musee Rodin and Musee Picasso are noted for their collections of modern and contemporary art. The historical district along the Seine in the city centre has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991. The Canal de l'Ourcq is a 108.1 km long canal in the Ile-de-France region with 10 locks. It was built at a width of 3.20 m but was enlarged to 3.7 m , which permitted use by more pleasure boats. The canal begins at Port-aux-Perches near the village of Troesnes, where it splits from the channeled river Ourcq, and flows to the Bassin de la Villette, where it joins the Canal Saint-Martin. Paris requires 380,000 cubic metres of water daily for cleaning the sewer system, gutters, and parks. The Canal de l'Ourcq provides about half of the requirement. Since 1983, the waterway has been designated for use by pleasure craft, and its water is designated for non-drinking uses. The canal is considered part of the 130 km Parisian canal network, along with the Canal Saint-Denis, the bassin de la Villette, and the Canal Saint-Martin. The canals were created as part of the administrative management of water in Paris during the nineteenth century. The river Ourcq's headwaters are located in the wet prairie near Fere-en-Tardenois in the Aisne departement. The river is canalized in Silly-la-Poterie. Its water then follows an 87 km course through the valley and empties into the Marne near Lizy-sur-Ourcq. Pipework diverts the river from Mareuil-sur-Ourcq, where most of the water flows to Paris via the current canal. The first efforts towards engineering the waterway were inspired by the need for firewood for heating in Paris. The Valois and Orleans families owned a large tract of forest, and in 1560 a plan was devised to carry wood via a system of simple locks. In 1661, Louis XIV allowed tolls to be collected along the Ourcq, payable to Philippe d'Orleans. Euronext Paris, formerly known as the Paris Bourse, is a securities market which merged with the Amsterdam, Lisbon and Brussels exchanges in September 2000 to form Euronext NV. As of 2022, the 795 companies listed had a combined market capitalization of over US$4.58 trillion. Euronext Paris, the French branch of Euronext which was formerly seated at the Palais Brongniart in Paris, is Europe's second largest stock exchange market as of 2023, behind the London Stock Exchange . In the early 19th century, the Paris Bourse's activities found a stable location at the Palais Brongniart, or Palais de la Bourse, built to the designs of architect Alexandre-Theodore Brongniart from 1808 to 1813 and completed by Eloi Labarre from 1813 to 1826. Brongniart had spontaneously submitted his project, which was a rectangular neoclassical Roman temple with a giant Corinthian colonnade enclosing a vaulted and arcaded central chamber. His designs were greatly admired by Napoleon and won Brongniart a major public commission at the end of his career. Initially praised, the building was later attacked for academic dullness. The authorities had required Brongniart to modify his designs, and after Brongniart's death in 1813, Labarre altered them even further, greatly weakening Brongniart's original intentions. From 1901 to 1905 Jean-Baptiste-Frederic Cavel designed the addition of two lateral wings, resulting in a cruciform plan with innumerable columns. According to the architectural historian Andrew Ayers, these alterations "did nothing to improve the reputation of this uninspiring monument." From the second half of the 19th century, official stock markets in Paris were operated by the Compagnie des agents de change, directed by the elected members of a stockbrokers' syndical council. The number of dealers in each of the different trading areas of the Bourse was limited. There were around 60 agents de change . An agent de change had to be a French citizen, be nominated by a former agent or his estate, and be approved by the Minister of Finance, and he was appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. Officially, the agents de change could not trade for their own account nor even be a counterpart to someone who wanted to buy or sell securities with their aid; they were strictly brokers, that is, intermediaries. In the financial literature, the Paris Bourse is hence referred to as order-driven market, as opposed to quote-driven markets or dealer markets, where price-setting is handled by a dealer or market-maker. In Paris, only agents de change could receive a commission, at a rate fixed by law, for acting as an intermediary. However, parallel arrangements were usual in order to favor some clients' quote. The Commodities Exchange was housed in the same building until 1889, when it moved to the present Bourse de commerce. Moreover, until about the middle of the 20th century, a parallel market known as "La Coulisse" was in operation. Until the late 1980s, the market operated as an open outcry exchange, with the agents de change meeting on the exchange floor of the Palais Brongniart. In 1986, the Paris Bourse started to implement an electronic trading system. This was known generically as CATS , but the Paris version was called CAC . By 1989, quotations were fully automated. The Palais Brongniart hosted the French financial derivatives exchanges MATIF and MONEP, until they were fully automated in 1998. The Eiffel Tower is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower from 1887 to 1889. Locally nicknamed "La dame de fer" , it was constructed as the centerpiece of the 1889 World's Fair, and to crown the centennial anniversary of the French Revolution. Although initially criticised by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design, it has since become a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognisable structures in the world. The tower received 5,889,000 visitors in 2022. The Eiffel Tower is the most visited monument with an entrance fee in the world: 6.91 million people ascended it in 2015. It was designated a monument historique in 1964, and was named part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991. The tower is 330 metres tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building, and the tallest structure in Paris. Its base is square, measuring 125 metres on each side. During its construction, the Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington Monument to become the tallest human-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years until the Chrysler Building in New York City was finished in 1930. It was the first structure in the world to surpass both the 200-metre and 300-metre mark in height. Due to the addition of a broadcasting aerial at the top of the tower in 1957, it is now taller than the Chrysler Building by 5.2 metres . Excluding transmitters, the Eiffel Tower is the second tallest free-standing structure in France after the Millau Viaduct. The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second levels. The top level's upper platform is 276 m above the ground - the highest observation deck accessible to the public in the European Union. Tickets can be purchased to ascend by stairs or lift to the first and second levels. The climb from ground level to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the climb from the first level to the second, making the entire ascent a 600 step climb. Although there is a staircase to the top level, it is usually accessible only by lift. On this top, third level is a private apartment built for Gustave Eiffel's private use. He decorated it with furniture by Jean Lachaise and invited friends such as Thomas Edison. The coat of arms of the city of Paris shows a silver sailing ship on waves of the sea in a red field, with a chief showing the Royal emblem of gold-on-blue fleur-de-lis. Originally introduced in the 14th century, its current form dates to 1853. The city motto is Fluctuat nec mergitur . The traditional colors of the city of Paris are red and blue. The Marchands de l'eau were a corporation or guild established by royal privilege in 1170 with the right for commercial navigation on the Seine between Paris and Mantes. Their seal in c. 1210 showed a river boat. By the mid-14th century, the members of the guild, known as the hanses, became the most influential faction in the city, and their emblem, now represented as a sailing-vessel bearing the royal fleur-de-lis as its emblem, came to be used as the city coat of arms. The first recorded use of the coat of arms dates to 1358. The city colors of red and blue also date to 1358, introduced by Etienne Marcel. In the 15th century, the coat of arms is shown as a red a ship argent with the Capetian arms in chief, at the time azure, three fleurs-de-lis or. The use of seme-de-lis is attested for the early 16th century. When the French Revolution abolished the nobility by the decree of 20 June 1790, it simultaneously disallowed all emblems or coats of arms. The municipality of Paris quickly complied, and abolished its own arms in November of that same year. It was not until the First French Empire that new cities were officially allowed to have arms. For Paris, this resulted in the Letters Patent granted to the city of Paris by Napoleon on 29 January 1811. In the Letters Patent of Louis XVIII in 1817, the coat of arms of Paris was restored in its traditional form, except for the chief, where the fleur-de-lis were replaced by the three bees used by Napoleon . The Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris, France, standing at the western end of the Champs-Elysees at the centre of Place Charles de Gaulle, formerly named Place de l'Etoile--the etoile or "star" of the juncture formed by its twelve radiating avenues. The location of the arc and the plaza is shared between three arrondissements, 16th , 17th , and 8th . The Arc de Triomphe honours those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I. The central cohesive element of the Axe historique , the Arc de Triomphe was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806; its iconographic programme pits heroically nude French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments with triumphant patriotic messages. Inspired by the Arch of Titus in Rome, Italy, the Arc de Triomphe has an overall height of 50 m , width of 45 m and depth of 22 m , while its large vault is 29.19 m high and 14.62 m wide. The smaller transverse vaults are 18.68 m high and 8.44 m wide. Paris's Arc de Triomphe was the tallest triumphal arch until the completion of the Monumento a la Revolucion in Mexico City in 1938, which is 67 m high. The Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang, completed in 1982, is modeled on the Arc de Triomphe and is slightly taller at 60 m . The Grande Arche in La Defense near Paris is 110 metres high, and, if considered to be a triumphal arch, is the world's tallest. The Arc de Triomphe is located on the right bank of the Seine at the centre of a dodecagonal configuration of twelve radiating avenues. It was commissioned in 1806, after the victory at Austerlitz by Emperor Napoleon at the peak of his fortunes. Laying the foundations alone took two years and, in 1810, when Napoleon entered Paris from the west with his new bride, Archduchess Marie-Louise of Austria, he had a wooden mock-up of the completed arch constructed. The architect, Jean Chalgrin, died in 1811 and the work was taken over by Jean-Nicolas Huyot. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, the French National Guard had defended Paris, and working-class radicalism grew among its soldiers. Following the establishment of the Third Republic in September 1870 and the complete defeat of the French Army by the Germans by March 1871, soldiers of the National Guard seized control of the city on March 18. They killed two French army generals and refused to accept the authority of the Third Republic, instead attempting to establish an independent government. The Commune governed Paris for two months, establishing policies that tended toward a progressive, anti-religious system of their own self-styled socialism, which was an eclectic mix of many 19th-century schools. These policies included the separation of church and state, self-policing, the remission of rent, the abolition of child labor, and the right of employees to take over an enterprise deserted by its owner. All Roman Catholic churches and schools were closed. Feminist, socialist, communist, old style social democracy and anarchist currents played important roles in the Commune. However, the various Communards had little more than two months to achieve their respective goals before the national French Army suppressed the Commune at the end of May during La semaine sanglante beginning on 21 May 1871. The national forces killed in battle or quickly executed an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 Communards, though one unconfirmed estimate from 1876 put the toll as high as 20,000. In its final days, the Commune executed the Archbishop of Paris, Georges Darboy, and about one hundred hostages, mostly gendarmes and priests. 43,522 Communards were taken prisoner, including 1,054 women. More than half were quickly released. Fifteen thousand were tried, 13,500 of whom were found guilty. Ninety-five were sentenced to death, 251 to forced labor, and 1,169 to deportation . Thousands of other Commune members, including several of the leaders, fled abroad, mostly to England, Belgium and Switzerland. All the prisoners and exiles received pardons in 1880 and could return home, where some resumed political careers. Debates over the policies and outcome of the Commune had significant influence on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels , who described it as the first example of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Engels wrote: "Of late, the Social-Democratic philistine has once more been filled with wholesome terror at the words: Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Well and good, gentlemen, do you want to know what this dictatorship looks like? Look at the Paris Commune. That was the Dictatorship of the Proletariat." Genevieve was a consecrated virgin, and is the patron saint of Paris in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. Her feast day is on 3 January. Recognized for her religious devotion at a young age, she met Germanus of Auxerre and Lupus of Troyes when she was a child and dedicated herself to a virginal life. Miracles and healings began to happen around her early on and she became to be known for changing the weather. She moved from Nanterre, her hometown, to Paris, after her parents died and became known for her piety, healings, and miracles, although the residents of Paris resented her and would have killed her if not for Germanus' interventions. Her prayers saved Paris from being destroyed by the Huns under Attila in 451 and other wars; her organisation of the city's women was called a "prayer marathon" and Genevieve's "most famous feat". She was involved in two major construction projects in Paris, a basilica in the honour of Saint Denis of Paris in 475 and the Basilica of the Holy Apostles, dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in c. 500. Genevieve performed miracles both before and after her death. She was recognized as the patron saint of Paris in the 14th century. She was "a favorite of both the humblest residents and of the Bourbon family, and was equally venerated by Erasmus and revolutionary fishwives" and was considered "a cultural symbol which Parisians shared, appropriated, negotiated, and used according to specific communal assumptions and traditions". Genevieve was publicly invoked during emergencies related to the needs and expectations of the residents of Paris 153 times between 885 and October 1791, ranging from spontaneous and less-ritualized invocations and processions with her reliquary during the Middle Ages to highly ritualized ones said before her unveiled reliquary in the years leading up to the French Revolution. As times and conditions changed in Paris, so did the ways in which Genevieve was invoked and processed. As new calamities threatened the city and new intercessions to her were needed, new associations, images, and metaphors were required. Her cult remained popular throughout the history of Paris, although her cult has never returned to its pre-Revolutionary popularity and unifying status. The Parc des Princes is an all-seater football stadium in Paris, France. It is located in the south-west of the French capital, inside the 16th arrondissement, near the Stade Jean-Bouin and Stade Roland Garros. The stadium, with a seating capacity of 47,929 spectators, has been the home of football club Paris Saint-Germain since 1974. Before the opening of the Stade de France in 1998, it was the home stadium of France's national football team and national rugby union team. The Parc des Princes pitch is surrounded by four covered all-seater stands, officially known as Tribune Borelli, Tribune Auteuil, Tribune Paris, and Tribune Boulogne. Conceived by architect Roger Taillibert and Siavash Teimouri, the current version of the Parc des Princes officially opened on 25 May 1972, at a cost of 80-150 million francs. The stadium is the third to have been built on the site, the first opening its doors in 1897 and the second in 1932. PSG registered its record home attendance in 1983, when 49,575 spectators witnessed the club's 2-0 win over Waterschei in the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup quarter-finals. However, the France national rugby union team holds the stadium's absolute attendance record. They defeated Wales, 31-12, in the 1989 Five Nations Championship in front of 50,370 spectators. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> French Revolution <p> country <o> France <s> French Revolution <p> different from <o> French Revolution <s> French Revolution <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> French Revolution <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> French Revolution <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> French Revolution <p> location <o> France <s> French Revolution <p> history of topic <o> timeline of the French Revolution <s> French Revolution <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> French Revolution <p> instance of <o> revolution <s> French Revolution <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> French Revolution <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> French Revolution <p> participant <o> Louis Antoine de Saint-Just <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> Storming of the Bastille <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> Thermidorian Reaction <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> Coup of 18 Fructidor <s> French Revolution <p> has part(s) <o> Reign of Terror <s> French Revolution <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> French Revolution <p> topic's main template <o> Template:French Revolution <s> French Revolution <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> September Massacres <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> coup of 18 Brumaire <s> French Revolution <p> instance of <o> historical event <s> French Revolution <p> has part(s) <o> proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> execution of Louis XVI <s> French Revolution <p> significant event <o> Coup of 30 Prairial Year VII <s> French Revolution <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:French Revolution <s> French Revolution <p> topic's main category <o> Category:French Revolution <s> list of monuments and sites in Paris <p> country <o> France <s> list of monuments and sites in Paris <p> category related to list <o> Category:Tourist attractions in Paris <s> list of monuments and sites in Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of monuments and sites in Paris <p> is a list of <o> cultural property <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> headquarters location <o> Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> operating area <o> Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> official language <o> French <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> language used <o> French <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholicism <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> cathedral <o> Notre-Dame de Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> has part(s) of the class <o> deacon <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> has part(s) of the class <o> priest <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> has part(s) of the class <o> parish <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> has part(s) of the class <o> nun <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> patron saint <o> Denis <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> patron saint <o> Genevieve <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint-Denis <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> member of <o> Bishops' Conference of France <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> Christian liturgical rite <o> Roman Rite <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Versailles <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint-Denis <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Nanterre <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> official religion <o> Latin Church <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> instance of <o> Roman Catholic metropolitan archdiocese <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> chairperson <o> Laurent Ulrich <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Créteil <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Pontoise <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> has part(s) of the class <o> monk <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Évry–Corbeil-Essonnes <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Meaux <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Nanterre <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Roman Catholic Diocese of Créteil <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> follows <o> Roman Catholic diocese of Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> part of <o> Ecclesiastical Province of Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> replaces <o> Roman Catholic diocese of Paris <s> Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Roman Catholic Archbishop of Paris <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> country <o> France <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> instance of <o> canal <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> instance of <o> artificial lake <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> connects with <o> Canal Saint-Martin <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> connects with <o> Canal Saint-Denis <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> part of <o> Canals in Paris <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bassin de la Villette <s> Bassin de la Villette <p> connects with <o> Canal de l'Ourcq <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located on street <o> quai de Valmy <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located on street <o> boulevard Richard-Lenoir <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located on street <o> quai de Jemmapes <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located on street <o> boulevard Jules-Ferry <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Seine <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> significant event <o> inauguration <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located on street <o> Place de la Bastille <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> country <o> France <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> heritage designation <o> monument historique inscrit <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> drainage basin <o> Seine basin <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> significant event <o> foundation stone–laying ceremony <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> significant event <o> start of manufacturing <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> instance of <o> canal <s> Canal Saint-Martin <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Canal Saint-Martin <s> Council of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Paris <s> Council of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> Councillor of Paris <s> Council of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> Council of Paris <p> instance of <o> General council <s> Council of Paris <p> instance of <o> departmental council <s> Council of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal council <s> Council of Paris <p> follows <o> Paris City Council <s> Council of Paris <p> follows <o> general council of Seine <s> Council of Paris <p> foundational text <o> loi du 10 juillet 1964 portant réorganisation de la région parisienne <s> Council of Paris <p> chairperson <o> mayor of Paris <s> list of historic monuments in Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> list of historic monuments in Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of historic monuments in Paris <p> country <o> France <s> list of historic monuments in Paris <p> is a list of <o> Historical Monument (France) <s> Lutetia <p> replaced by <o> Paris <s> Lutetia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Gallia Lugdunensis <s> Lutetia <p> located in/on physical feature <o> île de la Cité <s> Lutetia <p> instance of <o> Roman archaeological site <s> Lutetia <p> country <o> Ancient Rome <s> Lutetia <p> instance of <o> Roman city <s> Lutetia <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Lutetia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lutetia <p> replaces <o> Lukotekia <s> Lutetia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Roman Paris <s> Lutetia <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Lutetia <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lutetia <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> The Sleepers <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> woman <s> The Sleepers <p> main subject <o> lesbianism <s> The Sleepers <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> bed sheet <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> Joanna Hiffernan <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> nudity <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> waist-length hair <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> lesbianism <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> comb <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> brown hair <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> lying <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> breast <s> The Sleepers <p> creator <o> Gustave Courbet <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> console <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> gluteal sulcus <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> drapery <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> pearl necklace <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> Dimples of Venus <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> Constance Quéniaux <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> lovers' embrace <s> The Sleepers <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> intergluteal cleft <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> bouquet <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> carafe <s> The Sleepers <p> genre <o> nude <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> buttocks <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> nightstand <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> sleep <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> cup <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> bed <s> The Sleepers <p> significant event <o> order <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> curtain <s> The Sleepers <p> location <o> Petit Palais <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> pillow <s> The Sleepers <p> collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> bedroom <s> The Sleepers <p> different from <o> Le Sommeil <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> blond hair <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> underarm hair <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> areola <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> nipple <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> hug <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> couple <s> The Sleepers <p> owned by <o> Jean-Baptiste Faure <s> The Sleepers <p> depicts <o> vase <s> The Sleepers <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Sleepers <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> The Sleepers <p> owned by <o> Halil Şerif Pasha <s> The Sleepers <p> commissioned by <o> Halil Şerif Pasha <s> The Sleepers <p> genre <o> genre art <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> country <o> France <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> heritage designation <o> classified historical monument <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> instance of <o> private mansion <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> movement <o> Louis XIII style <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> architectural style <o> baroque architecture <s> Hôtel de Chalon-Luxembourg <p> located on street <o> rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier </Graph>
<Text> :The French Revolution was a period of political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789, and ended with the coup of 18 Brumaire in November 1799 and the formation of the French Consulate. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of liberal democracy, while its values and institutions remain central to modern French political discourse. Its causes are generally agreed to be a combination of social, political and economic factors, which the Ancien Regime proved unable to manage. A financial crisis and widespread social distress led, in May 1789, to the convocation of the Estates General which was converted into a National Assembly in June. The Storming of the Bastille on 14 July led to a series of radical measures by the Assembly, among them the abolition of feudalism, state control over the Catholic Church in France, and a declaration of rights. The next three years were dominated by the struggle for political control, exacerbated by economic depression. Military defeats following the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in April 1792 resulted in the Insurrection of 10 August 1792. The monarchy was abolished and replaced by the French First Republic in September, while Louis XVI was executed in January 1793. After another revolt in June 1793, the constitution was suspended and effective political power passed from the National Convention to the Committee of Public Safety. About 16,000 people were executed in a Reign of Terror, which ended in July 1794. Weakened by external threats and internal opposition, the Republic was replaced in 1795 by the Directory. Four years later in 1799, the Consulate seized power in a military coup led by Napoleon Bonaparte. This is generally seen as marking the end of the Revolutionary period. The Archdiocese of Paris is a Latin Church ecclesiastical jurisdiction or archdiocese of the Catholic Church in France. It is one of twenty-three archdioceses in France. The original diocese is traditionally thought to have been created in the 3rd century by St. Denis and corresponded with the Civitas Parisiorum; it was elevated to an archdiocese on October 20, 1622. Before that date the bishops were suffragan to the archbishops of Sens. Paris was a Christian centre at an early date, its first apostles being St. Denis and his companions, Sts. Rusticus and Eleutherius. Until the Revolution the ancient tradition of the Parisian Church commemorated the seven stations of St. Denis, the stages of his apostolate and martyrdom: To form a conception of Paris in the tenth and eleventh centuries, one must picture a network of churches and monasteries surrounded by cultivated farm-lands on the present site of Paris. From the beginning of the twelfth century, the monastic schools of Paris were already famous. The episcopate of Maurice de Sully , the son of a simple serf, was marked by the consecration of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. Its suffragan dioceses, created in 1966 and encompassing the Ile-de-France region, are Creteil, Evry-Corbeil-Essonnes, Meaux, Nanterre, Pontoise, Saint-Denis, and Versailles. Its liturgical centre is at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The archbishop resides on rue Barbet de Jouy in the 6th arrondissement, but there are diocesan offices in rue de la Ville-Eveque, rue St. Bernard and in other areas of the city. The archbishop is ordinary for Eastern Catholics in France. The Bassin de la Villette is the largest artificial lake in Paris. It was filled with water on 2 December 1808. Located in the 19th arrondissement of the capital, it links the Canal de l'Ourcq to the Canal Saint-Martin, and it represents one of the elements of the Reseau des Canaux Parisiens , a public-works authority operated by the city. The other components of the network are the Canal de l'Ourcq, the Canal Saint-Denis, the Canal Saint-Martin, and the Bassin de l'Arsenal. Together, these canals and basins extend roughly 130 kilometres . Rectangular, eight hundred metres in length and seventy metres in width, it begins at the Rue de Crimee lifting bridge, the last bridge in Paris that can be raised and lowered hydraulically to permit the passage of ship and barge traffic beneath it, and it ends at the Place de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad near the Rotunda de la Villette. River cruise boats tie-up here and the shores of the basin are also the location of the MK2 Quai de Loire and MK2 Quai de Seine theatre complexes which are the most modern in France. A small electric passenger ferry, the Zero de conduite, is available for transporting people from one side of the basin to the other. Its original function was to serve as a reserve of drinking water for Parisians. Its secondary function, in association with the second basin, was to provide water for navigation on the canals of Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin. At the beginning of the 19th century the first basin was surrounded by gardens where Parisians came to spend pleasant interludes . But the industrial era of the 1850s saw the disappearance of this aspect of recreation. Goods depots were built on the banks. The Canal Saint-Martin is a 4.6 km long canal in Paris, connecting the Canal de l'Ourcq to the river Seine. Nearly half its length ), between the Rue du Faubourg du Temple and the Place de la Bastille, was covered in the mid-19th century to create wide boulevards and public spaces on the surface. The canal is drained and cleaned every 10-15 years, and it is always a source of fascination for Parisians to discover curiosities and even some treasures among the hundreds of tons of discarded objects. Gaspard de Chabrol, prefect of Paris, proposed building a canal from the river Ourcq, 100 km northeast of Paris, to supply the city with fresh water to support a growing population and help avoid diseases such as dysentery and cholera, while also supplying fountains and allowing the streets to be cleaned. Construction of the canal was ordered by Napoleon I in 1802 and construction took place until 1825, funded by a new tax on wine. The canal was also used to supply Paris with grain, building materials and other goods, carried on canal boats. Two ports were created on the canal in Paris to unload the boats: Port de l'Arsenal and the Bassin de la Villette. The entrance to the canal from the vast terminal basin of the Canal de l'Ourcq is at a double lock near the Place de Stalingrad. Continuing towards the river Seine, the canal is bordered by the Quai de Valmy on the right bank and the Quai de Jemmapes on the left, passing through three more double staircase locks before disappearing under the three successive voutes - du Temple, Richard-Lenoir and Bastille - to emerge in the Port de l'Arsenal, the principal port for boats visiting and residing in Paris. The Council of Paris is the deliberative body responsible for governing Paris, the capital of France. It possesses both the powers of a municipal council and those of a departmental council for the departement de Paris, as defined by the so-called PLM Law of 1982 that redefined the governance of Paris, Lyon and Marseille . Paris is the only territorial collectivity in France to be both a commune and a departement. Although the history of Paris spans millennia, that of its municipal government, in its present form, is less than half a century old. Paris and its environs were always governed directly by the highest French polity of the time: the Crown before the French Revolution, and a state-appointed prefet afterwards. The office of mayor of Paris existed for brief periods during the 18th and 19th centuries, but was not an institution of government before 1977. From the creation of the mayoral office in 1977 until 2019, Paris functioned as both a commune and as a departement, and had a unique method for governing both; the Council of Paris, with the Mayor of Paris as its president, met either as a municipal council or as a departmental council depending on the issue to be debated. The modern administrative organization of Paris still retains some traces of its previous incarnation as the government of the Seine departement. France's national government still controls the Paris Police Prefecture , which also has authority over the Paris Fire Brigade, for example, and has jurisdiction extending to the petite couronne of Paris, the three bordering departements for some operations such as fire protection and rescue operations. Paris has no municipal police force, although it does have its own brigade of traffic wardens. Lutetia, also known as Lutecia and Lutetia Parisiorum , was a Gallo-Roman town and the predecessor of modern-day Paris. Traces of an earlier Neolithic settlement have been found nearby, and a larger settlement was established around the middle of the third century BC by the Parisii, a Gallic tribe. The site was an important crossing point of the Seine, the intersection of land and water trade routes. In the first century BC, the settlement was conquered by Romans and a city began to be built. Remains of the Roman forum, amphitheatre, aqueduct and baths can still be seen. In the fifth century it became the capital of the Merovingian dynasty of French kings, and thereafter was known as Paris. The settlement is attested in Ancient Greek as Loukotokia by Strabo and Leukotekia by Ptolemy. Likely origins are Celtic root lut- meaning "a swamp or marsh" + suffix -ecia, It survives today in the Scottish Gaelic lon and the Breton loudour . A less likely origin is the Celtic root *luco-t-, which means "mouse" and -ekia, double collectiv suffix, meaning "the mice" and which is contained in the Breton word logod, the Welsh llygod "mice", and the Irish luch, genitive luchad "mouse". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> instance of <o> arena <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> instance of <o> concert hall <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> instance of <o> multi-purpose sports venue <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> country <o> France <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> maintained by <o> Anschutz Entertainment Group <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> architect <o> Michel Andrault <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> architect <o> Aydin Guvan <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> architect <o> Pierre Parat <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> sponsor <o> Accor <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> instance of <o> sports venue <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de Bercy <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> has facility <o> gymnasium <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> structural engineer <o> Jean Prouvé <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> headquarters location <o> boulevard de Bercy <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> sport <o> tennis <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> manufacturer <o> Eiffage <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> has part(s) <o> Sonja-Henie ice rink <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> located on street <o> boulevard de Bercy <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Palais omnisports de Paris-Bercy <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> has facility <o> function hall <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> related category <o> Category:Live albums recorded at Bercy <s> Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy <p> director / manager <o> Nicolas Dupeux <s> Category:People from Paris <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Paris <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Paris <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:People from Paris <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Paris <p> category's main topic <o> Parisians <s> Category:Films shot in Paris <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Paris <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:Films shot in Paris <p> list related to category <o> list of films shot in Paris <s> Category:Films shot in Paris <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Paris <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Paris <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> London Borough of Waltham Forest <s> Saint-Mandé <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> Drogheda <s> Saint-Mandé <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> Concord <s> Saint-Mandé <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> Acre <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yanggu County <s> Saint-Mandé <p> shares border with <o> Montreuil <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Saint-Mandé <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> open data portal <o> <s> Saint-Mandé <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tres Cantos <s> Saint-Mandé <p> named after <o> Saint Maudez <s> Saint-Mandé <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> head of government <o> Julien Weil <s> Saint-Mandé <p> replaced by <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> Saint-Mandé <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eschwege <s> Saint-Mandé <p> capital of <o> canton of Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Saint-Mandé <p> shares border with <o> Vincennes <s> Saint-Mandé <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Saint-Mandé <s> Saint-Mandé <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Vincennes <s> Saint-Mandé <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Category:Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Paris <p> category's main topic <o> Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> country <o> France <s> Grand Paris <p> has cause <o> Grand Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> capital <o> Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand-Orly Val-de-Bièvre Seine-Amont <s> Grand Paris <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Grand Paris <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Grand Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> Grand Paris <p> headquarters location <o> Le Ponant <s> Grand Paris <p> replaces <o> Agglomeration Community of Charenton-le-Pont Saint-Maurice <s> Grand Paris <p> replaces <o> Agglomeration Community of Haut Val-de-Marne <s> Grand Paris <p> replaces <o> Agglomeration Community of Seine-Défense <s> Grand Paris <p> replaces <o> Agglomeration Community of Val de Bièvre <s> Grand Paris <p> replaces <o> Agglomeration Community of Le Bourget Airport <s> Grand Paris <p> replaces <o> Agglomeration Community of Mont-Valérien <s> Grand Paris <p> instance of <o> territorial collectivity of France with special status <s> Grand Paris <p> head of government <o> Patrick Ollier <s> Grand Paris <p> instance of <o> métropole <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris Seine Ouest <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Est Ensemble <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Plaine commune <s> Grand Paris <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> Grand Paris <p> legal form <o> métropole <s> Grand Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Métropole du Grand Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Métropole du Grand Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> établissement public territorial Paris Ouest La Défense <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris - Grand Est <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris Sud Est Avenir <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallée Sud Grand Paris <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boucle Nord de Seine <s> Grand Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris Terres d'Envol <s> Grand Paris <p> open data portal <o> <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Levallois-Perret <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Levallois-Perret <p> country <o> France <s> Levallois-Perret <p> replaces <o> Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Levallois-Perret <p> replaces <o> Clichy <s> Levallois-Perret <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Levallois-Perret <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Levallois-Perret <p> capital of <o> canton of Levallois-Perret-Nord <s> Levallois-Perret <p> capital of <o> canton of Levallois-Perret-Sud <s> Levallois-Perret <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Levallois-Perret <p> head of government <o> Agnès Pottier-Dumas <s> Levallois-Perret <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Levallois-Perret <p> shares border with <o> Courbevoie <s> Levallois-Perret <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Levallois-Perret <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wenzhou <s> Levallois-Perret <p> shares border with <o> Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Levallois-Perret <p> capital of <o> canton of Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> shares border with <o> Asnières-sur-Seine <s> Levallois-Perret <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Levallois-Perret <s> Levallois-Perret <p> shares border with <o> Clichy <s> Levallois-Perret <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Levallois-Perret <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> country <o> France <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanau <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> named after <o> Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Herzliya <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Courbevoie <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Levallois-Perret <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Puteaux <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Uccle - Ukkel <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Windsor and Maidenhead <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> head of government <o> Jean-Christophe Fromantin <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> former 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ghazaouet <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> capital of <o> canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine-Nord <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> capital of <o> canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine-Sud <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Neuilly-sur-Seine <p> capital of <o> canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Alexandra Cordebard <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Porte-Saint-Denis <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de l'Hôpital-Saint-Louis <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Vincent-de-Paul <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Porte-Saint-Martin <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in the 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 10e arrondissement <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 10th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> headquarters location <o> Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> uses <o> Qwant <s> municipality of Paris <p> uses <o> participatory budgeting <s> municipality of Paris <p> owner of <o> Hôtel de Ville, Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> general secretary <o> Aurélie Robineau-Israël <s> municipality of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> municipality of Paris <p> legal form <o> department of France <s> municipality of Paris <p> head of government <o> Anne Hidalgo <s> municipality of Paris <p> official residence <o> Hôtel de Ville, Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> located on street <o> place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville - Esplanade de la Libération <s> municipality of Paris <p> instance of <o> administration municipale of France <s> municipality of Paris <p> has subsidiary <o> Paris Musées <s> municipality of Paris <p> has subsidiary <o> Eau de Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> has subsidiary <o> Paris Habitat <s> municipality of Paris <p> has subsidiary <o> Régie immobilière de la ville de Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> has subsidiary <o> Sociétés d'économie mixte de Paris <s> municipality of Paris <p> industry <o> administration publique générale </Graph>
<Text> :Accor Arena , also known as Paris-Bercy, is an indoor sports arena and concert hall located in the neighbourhood of Bercy, on the Boulevard de Bercy, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, France. The closest Metro station is Bercy, which also serves the Finance Ministry across the aforementioned boulevard. Designed by the architectural firm Andrault-Parat, Jean Prouve and Aydin Guvan, the arena has a pyramidal shape and walls covered with a sloping lawn. It has a seating capacity ranging from 7,000 to 20,300, depending on the event. As part of the 2014-2015 renovations efforts, the arena was renamed to Bercy Arena on 1 January 2015. It was again renamed to AccorHotels Arena in October 2015, until it received its current name in June 2020. Since 1985, the arena has hosted the annual Festival des Arts Martiaux. The Accor Arena is the main venue for the Paris Masters ATP Tour tennis tournament, and hosts the annual LNB All-Star Game basketball event and the Grand Slam Paris judo tournament. It is also used for many other sports events, such as table tennis, handball, basketball, boxing, gymnastics, track cycling and show jumping. POPB hosted the European gymnastics championship in 2000, the 1991 and 1996 FIBA EuroLeague Final Fours, and the FIBA EuroBasket championship in 1999, among others. It also hosted the 2009-10 EuroLeague Final Four. It also hosted the Masters Karting Paris Bercy star race, from 1993 to 2001, and again in 2011. It was co-host of the 2017 IIHF World Championship and the FIBA Women's EuroBasket 2021. Saint-Mande is a high-end commune of the Val-de-Marne department in Ile-de-France in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 5.3 km from the center of Paris. It is one of the smallest communes of the Ile-de-France by land area, but is one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe. It is located on the edge of the 12th arrondissement of Paris, near the Porte de Vincennes and the Porte de Saint-Mande. The motto of the city is Cresco et Floresco, which means "I grow and I flourish". On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighboring communes. On that occasion, about two-thirds of the commune of Saint-Mande was annexed to Paris, and now forms the neighborhoods of Bel-Air and Picpus, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. In 1929, the commune of Saint-Mande lost one-quarter of its territory when the city of Paris annexed the Bois de Vincennes, a small part of which belonged to Saint-Mande, leaving Saint-Mande as a small rump commune after the territorial losses of 1860 and 1929. The municipality is crossed by a principal north-south axis, the Avenue du General-de-Gaulle , and by an east-west axis, the Avenue de Paris . Another important and historical street of the municipality is the Chaussee de l'Etang which goes along the Bois de Vincennes. Saint-Mande is served by Saint-Mande station on Paris Metro Line 1. RATP buses include lines 46, 56, 86 and 325. The closest airport is Orly Airport, located around 17 km away. The Metropole du Grand Paris , also known as Grand Paris or Greater Paris, is a metropole covering the City of Paris and its nearest surrounding suburbs. The metropole came into existence on 1 January 2016; it comprises 131 communes, including Paris and all 123 communes in the surrounding inner-suburban departments of the Petite Couronne , plus seven communes in two of the outer-suburban departments, including the communes of Argenteuil in Val-d'Oise, Savigny-sur-Orge, Juvisy-sur-Orge, Viry-Chatillon and Paray-Vieille-Poste in Essonne, the last of which covers part of Orly Airport. Part of the metropole comprises the Seine department, which existed from 1929 to 1968. Grand Paris covers 814 square kilometers , about the size of Singapore, and has a population of over 7 million. The metropole is administered by a metropolitan council of 210 members, not directly elected, but chosen by the councils of the member communes. Its responsibilities include urban planning, housing, as well as environment protection. The idea of Greater Paris was originally proposed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy as "a new global plan for the Paris metropolitan region" It first led to a new transportation master plan for the Paris region and to plans to develop several areas around Paris. The "Metropole du Grand Paris" was defined by the law of 27 January 2014 on the modernization of public territorial action and affirmation of cities as part of Act III of decentralization. The plans were considerably modified in December 2015, and the passage into action in two competences, economic development and protection of the environment was delayed from 2016 to 2017. Levallois-Perret is a commune in the Hauts-de-Seine department and Ile-de-France region of north-central France. It lies on the right bank of the Seine, some 6 km from the centre of Paris in the north-western suburbs of the French capital. It is the most densely populated town in Europe and, together with neighbouring Neuilly-sur-Seine, one of the most expensive suburbs of Paris. The name Levallois-Perret comes from two housing developments, Champerret and Village Levallois , which resulted in the incorporation of the commune. On the territory of what is now Levallois-Perret, before the French Revolution, stood the village of Villiers and the hamlet of Courcelles . They now give their names to two Paris Metro stations. At the time of the creation of French communes during the French Revolution, they were part of the commune of Clichy, and the commune of Neuilly-sur-Seine extended over what is now the south-western part of Levallois-Perret. Landowner Jean-Jacques Perret initiated a number of housing developments in 1822 in the northeast of the commune of Neuilly-sur-Seine, in a place which soon came to be known as Champerret and would later give its name to a station on the Paris Metro. Later in 1845, Nicolas-Eugene Levallois began to develop housing on behalf of Andre Noel, who owned land near La Planchette . The land developed by Levallois soon became known as the Village Levallois. Neuilly-sur-Seine , also known simply as Neuilly, is an urban commune in the Hauts-de-Seine department just west of Paris in France. Immediately adjacent to the city, north of the Bois de Boulogne, the area is composed of mostly select residential neighbourhoods, as well as many corporate headquarters and a handful of foreign embassies. One of the most affluent areas of France, it is the wealthiest and most expensive suburb of Paris. Together with the 16th and 7th arrondissement of Paris, the town of Neuilly-sur-Seine forms the most affluent and prestigious residential area in the whole of France. As of 2020, it is the commune with the fourth highest median per capita income in France. Originally, Pont de Neuilly was a small hamlet under the jurisdiction of Villiers, a larger settlement mentioned in medieval sources as early as 832 and now absorbed by the commune of Levallois-Perret. It was not until 1222 that the little settlement of Neuilly, established on the banks of the Seine, was mentioned for the first time in a charter of the Abbey of Saint-Denis: the name was recorded in Medieval Latin as Portus de Lulliaco, meaning "Port of Lulliacum". In 1224 another charter of Saint-Denis recorded the name as Lugniacum. In a sales contract dated 1266, the name was also recorded as Luingni. In 1316, however, in a ruling of the parlement of Paris, the name was recorded as Nully. In a document dated 1376, the name was again recorded as Nulliacum . Then in the following centuries the name recorded alternated between Luny and Nully, and it is only after 1648 that the name was definitely set as Nully. The 10th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, the arrondissement is referred to as le dixieme . In 2020, it had a population of 83,459. The arrondissement, called Entrepot , is situated on the right bank of the River Seine. It contains two of Paris's six main railway stations: the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est. Built during the 19th century, these two termini are among the busiest in Europe. The 10th arrondissement also contains a large portion of the Canal Saint-Martin, linking the northeastern parts of Paris with the Seine. The peak population of the 10th arrondissement occurred in 1881, when it had 159,809 inhabitants. Today, the arrondissement remains very dense in both population and business activity, with 89,612 inhabitants and 71,962 jobs at last census in 1999. Due to its large Turkish minority, the 10th arrondissement is often called "La Petite Turquie" . 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Ambroise <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> François Vauglin <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Sainte-Marguerite <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Roquette <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Folie-Méricourt <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 11th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 11e arrondissement <s> department of France <p> country <o> France <s> department of France <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> France <s> department of France <p> part of <o> region of France <s> department of France <p> authority <o> prefecture <s> department of France <p> subclass of <o> territorial collectivity of France <s> department of France <p> subclass of <o> department <s> department of France <p> subclass of <o> electoral unit <s> department of France <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> department of France <p> part of <o> level 3 of legal categories in France <s> department of France <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> department of France <p> instance of <o> type of French administrative division <s> department of France <p> instance of <o> type of legal entity in France <s> department of France <p> legislative body <o> General council <s> department of France <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox French department <s> department of France <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Departments of France <s> department of France <p> subclass of <o> NUTS 3 statistical territorial entity <s> department of France <p> subclass of <o> second-level administrative division <s> department of France <p> legislative body <o> departmental council <s> department of France <p> subclass of <o> third-level administrative division <s> department of France <p> has part(s) <o> canton of France <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> country <o> France <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> instance of <o> sculpture <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> genre <o> public art <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> location <o> square Montholon <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> creator <o> Julien Lorieux <s> La Sainte Catherine <p> depicts <o> Catherinette <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> country <o> France <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> man <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> tree <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> clothing <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> wrestling <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> creator <o> Eugène Delacroix <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> spear <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> shield <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> quiver <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> instance of <o> mural <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> made from material <o> wax <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> herd <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> angel <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> Jacob <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> made from material <o> plaster <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> collection <o> Saint-Sulpice <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> depicts <o> combat <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> location <o> Saint-Sulpice <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> part of <o> paintings by Delacroix in Saint-Sulpice <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> heritage designation <o> object classified as historical monument <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> based on <o> Jacob wrestling with the angel <s> Jacob Wrestling with the Angel <p> main subject <o> Jacob wrestling with the angel <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> instance of <o> tram system <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> country <o> France <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> instance of <o> funicular <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> state of use <o> decommissioned <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> track gauge <o> 1000 mm track gauge <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> terminus <o> place de la République <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Belleville funicular tramway <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Belleville <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> country <o> France <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> depicts <o> dolphin <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> depicts <o> satyr <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> made from material <o> bronze <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> made from material <o> stone <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> heritage designation <o> monument historique inscrit <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> instance of <o> drinking fountain <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> instance of <o> fountain <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> genre <o> public art <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> depicts <o> fasces <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> depicts <o> cornucopia <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> fontaine de Jarente <p> located on street <o> impasse de la Poissonnerie <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> country <o> France <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> instance of <o> obelisk <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> architectural style <o> Rococo <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> heritage designation <o> classified historical monument <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> located on street <o> carrefour de la Pyramide <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Bois de Vincennes <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> architectural style <o> Tuscan order <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> pyramid of bois de Vincennes <p> genre <o> public art <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> location <o> Paris <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> instance of <o> synagogue <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> architect <o> Alfred-Philibert Aldrophe <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> located on street <o> rue de la Victoire <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> heritage designation <o> classified historical monument <s> Grand Synagogue of Paris <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of Grande synagogue de la Victoire <s> Seine <p> capital <o> Paris <s> Seine <p> different from <o> Seine <s> Seine <p> replaced by <o> Paris <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire <s> Seine <p> country <o> France <s> Seine <p> replaced by <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Seine <p> replaced by <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Seine <p> replaced by <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Seine <p> named after <o> Seine <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Seine <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> Seine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Seine <s> Seine <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Hauts-de-Seine <s> Seine <p> enclave within <o> Seine-et-Oise <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Seine <p> replaces <o> Paris <s> Seine <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Hauts-de-Seine <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villejuif <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Créteil <s> Seine <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the Seine department <s> Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> L'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Mandé <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Seine <p> office held by head of the organization <o> General councillor of the Seine <s> Seine <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Seine (department) <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bobigny <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Denis <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vitry-sur-Seine <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Levallois-Perret <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagneux <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanterre <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Courbevoie <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colombes <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montreuil <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Maur-des-Fossés <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Asnières-sur-Seine <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vincennes <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Châtenay-Malabry <s> 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legislative constituency <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gentilly <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montmartre <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charonne <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaugirard <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Chapelle <s> Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Billancourt <s> Portal:Paris <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Paris <s> Portal:Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Paris portal </Graph>
<Text> :The 11th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, the arrondissement is referred to as le onzieme . The arrondissement, called Popincourt, is situated on the right bank of the River Seine. It is one of the most densely populated urban districts of any European city. In 2020, it had a population of 144,292. It is the best-served Parisian arrondissement in terms of number of Metro stations, at 25. The 11th arrondissement is a varied and engaging area. To the west lies the Place de la Republique, which is linked to the Place de la Bastille, in the east, by the sweeping, tree-lined Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, with its large markets and children's parks. The Place de la Bastille and the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine are full of fashionable cafes, restaurants, as well as nightlife; they also contain a range of boutiques and galleries. The Oberkampf district to the north is another popular area for nightlife. The east is more residential, with more wholesale commerce, while the areas around Boulevard Voltaire and Avenue Parmentier are livelier crossroads for the local community. In recent years this area has emerged as one of the trendiest parts of Paris. On 13 November 2015, the arrondissement was the site of coordinated Islamic shootings and bombings, particularly at the Bataclan theatre, which left 130 dead. About 20 years earlier, another attack had taken place. In the administrative divisions of France, the department is one of the three levels of government under the national level , between the administrative regions and the communes. Ninety-six departments are in metropolitan France, with an additional five constituting overseas departments, which are also classified as overseas regions. Departments are further subdivided into 333 arrondissements and 2,054 cantons . These last two levels of government have no political autonomy, instead serving as the administrative basis for the local organisation of police, fire departments as well as, in certain cases, elections. Each department is administered by an elected body called a departmental council . From 1800 to April 2015, these were called general councils . Each council has a president. Their main areas of responsibility include the management of a number of social and welfare allowances, of junior high school buildings and technical staff, and local roads and school and rural buses, and a contribution to municipal infrastructures. Local services of the state administration are traditionally organised at departmental level, where the prefect represents the government; however, regions have gained importance since the 2000s, with some department-level services merged into region-level services. The departments were created in 1790 as a rational replacement of Ancien Regime provinces with a view to strengthen national unity; the title "department" is used to mean a part of a larger whole. Almost all of them were named after physical geographical features , rather than after historical or cultural territories, which could have their own loyalties, or after their own administrative seats. The division of France into departments was a project particularly identified with the French revolutionary leader the Abbe Sieyes, although it had already been frequently discussed and written about by many politicians and thinkers. The earliest known suggestion of it is from 1665 in the writings of d'Argenson. They have inspired similar divisions in many countries, some of them former French colonies. The 1822 territorial division of Spain and the 1833 territorial division of Spain, which forms the basis of the present day Provinces of Spain with minor modifications, are also based on the French model of departments of roughly equal size. Most French departments are assigned a two-digit number, the Official Geographical Code, allocated by the Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques . Overseas departments have a three-digit number. The number is used, for example, in the postal code and was until recently used for all vehicle registration plates. Residents commonly use the numbers to refer to their own department or a neighbouring one, for example inhabitants of Loiret may refer to their department as "the 45". More distant departments are generally referred to by their names, as few people know the numbers of all the departments. Jacob wrestling with the angel is described in the Book of Genesis . The "angel" in question is referred to as "man" and "God" in Genesis, while Hosea references an "angel" . The account includes the renaming of Jacob as Israel . In the Genesis patriarchal narrative, Jacob spent the night alone on a riverside during his journey back to Canaan. He encounters a "man" who proceeds to wrestle with him until dawn. In the end, Jacob is given the name Israel and blessed, while the "man" refuses to give his own name. Jacob then names the place where they wrestled Penuel . On that night, he arose and took his two wives, his two maidservants, and his eleven sons, and he crossed over the Jabbok ford.He took them and sent them over the river, and he sent over that which was his.Jacob was left to his lonesome. A man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.He saw that he was powerless against him. He struck the socket of his thigh, and the socket of Jacob's thigh was dislocated in his struggle with him.He said, "Release me, for dawn is broken!" He said, "I will not release you, except if you bless me!"He said to him, "What is your name?" He said, "Jacob."He said, "Jacob will not be said as your name anymore, but Israel, for you struggled with God and with men, and you are capable!"Jacob asked, and said, "Now, reveal your name!" He said, "Why is this, you ask for my name?" He blessed him there.Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, "for I have seen God face-to-face, and my soul survives."The sun shone on him when he passed Penuel, and he was limping over his thigh.Verily, to this day the Israelites do not eat the 'forgotten sinew', which is over the socket of the thigh, for he struck in the socket of Jacob's thigh, in the forgotten sinew. The account contains several plays on the meaning of Hebrew names--Peniel , Israel--as well as similarity to the root of Jacob's name and its compound. The limping of Jacob , may mirror the name of the river, Jabbok , and Nahmanides gives the etymology "one who walks crookedly" for the name Jacob. The Belleville funicular tramway was a cable car which from 1891 to 1924 connected the Place de la Republique in Paris to the Eglise Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Belleville, on a hill in the Belleville quarter. It has since been demolished. In the late 1880s, the need to serve the busy quarter of Belleville led to consideration of setting up a cable car line, uniquely able to manage the hill's inclination. But unlike San Francisco and other American cities where this new system was operating, which had wide roads on grid plans, the width of the Paris roads required a single track railway with plenty of passing loops along its rather meandering route. In 1886, one Mr. Fournier submitted a request for a concession. After much deliberation by the Ville de Paris, the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of the Interior and the Corps of Bridges and Roads, and the virulent protests of the Compagnie generale des omnibus, who saw it breaking their monopoly, the line was given its Declaration d'utilite publique by a decree of 24 January 1889 under the jurisdiction of a Voie ferree d'interet local under the control of the Conseil general of the Seine Department. A contract was signed on 7 August 1890 between the Department and Fournier, which provided for the construction of a line by the Ville de Paris and its operation by Fournier, who passed it over to the Compagnie du funiculaire de Belleville. The funicular tramway became operational on 25 August 1891. The line started at the Place de la Republique, going up the Rue du Faubourg-du-Temple and the Rue de Belleville to its terminus in front of the Eglise Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Belleville. Its total length was 2,044 m or 2,325 m of single track with a crossings over the Canal Saint-Martin and four others at the crossroads of the Avenue Parmentier, of the Boulevard de Belleville, of the Rue Julien-Lacroix and of the Rue des Pyrenees. Its gradient was fairly steep, starting with a shallow slope but climbing the hill with gradients of at least 3.4% but as high as 7% , with several tight curves. The Grand Synagogue of Paris , generally known as Synagogue de la Victoire or Grande Synagogue de la Victoire , is situated at 44, Rue de la Victoire, in the 9th arrondissement. It also serves as the official seat of the chief rabbi of Paris. The architect was Alfred-Philibert Aldrophe who also built the Versailles Synagogue and that of Enghien-les-Bains. Building commenced in 1867 and the Synagogue was inaugurated in 1874, and opened to the general public in 1875, built in the classical style, but embellished with Byzantine frills. The inscription in Hebrew at the entrance is a verse from Genesis 28,17 : "This is none other than the House of God, the very gateway to Heaven", the same as is found on the entrance to the synagogue of Reims and that of Bar-le-Duc. The interior has a number of religious inscriptions above the doors. In the choir pulpit is written in French the names of the prophets. Above the Torah Ark is engraved with the words "h 'nysy" The Seine is a 777-kilometre-long river in northern France. Its drainage basin is in the Paris Basin covering most of northern France. It rises at Source-Seine, 30 kilometres northwest of Dijon in northeastern France in the Langres plateau, flowing through Paris and into the English Channel at Le Havre . It is navigable by ocean-going vessels as far as Rouen, 120 kilometres from the sea. Over 60 percent of its length, as far as Burgundy, is negotiable by large barges and most tour boats, and nearly its whole length is available for recreational boating; excursion boats offer sightseeing tours of the river banks in the capital city, Paris. There are 37 bridges in Paris across the Seine and dozens more outside the city. A notable bridge, which is also the last along the course of the river, is the Pont de Normandie, the ninth longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, which links Le Havre and Honfleur. The Seine rises in the commune of Source-Seine, about 30 kilometres northwest of Dijon. The source has been owned by the city of Paris since 1864. A number of closely associated small ditches or depressions provide the source waters, with an artificial grotto laid out to highlight and contain a deemed main source. The grotto includes a statue of a nymph, a dog, and a dragon. On the same site are the buried remains of a Gallo-Roman temple. Small statues of the dea Sequana "Seine goddess" and other ex-votos found at the same place are now exhibited in the Dijon archaeological museum. The Seine is dredged and ocean-going vessels can dock at Rouen, 120 kilometres from the sea. Commercial craft can use the river beginning at Marcilly-sur-Seine, 516 kilometres to its mouth. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> country <o> Armenia <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> country of origin <o> Soviet Union <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> language of work or name <o> Armenian <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> editor <o> Victor Ambartsumian <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> instance of <o> national encyclopedia <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 12 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 13 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) of the class <o> volume <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> editor <o> Konstantin Khudaverdyan <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> publisher <o> Armenian Encyclopedia Publishing House <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 11 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 2 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 3 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 4 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 8 <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <p> has part(s) <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 9 <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> country <o> Italy <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (vi) <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (i) <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> instance of <o> old town <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> instance of <o> urban area <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> instance of <o> quarter of Florence <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iii) <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Told Cities <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> twinned administrative body <o> Edchera <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> location <o> borough 1 <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Historical Centre of Florence <s> Historic Centre of Florence <p> has part(s) <o> Oltrarno <s> Italian national heritage <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italian national heritage <p> described by source <o> Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code <s> Italian national heritage <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Q68235346 <s> Italian national heritage <p> subclass of <o> cultural property <s> Italian national heritage <p> subclass of <o> heritage site <s> coffeehouse <p> said to be the same as <o> coffeehouse <s> coffeehouse <p> subclass of <o> drinking establishment <s> coffeehouse <p> subclass of <o> physical location <s> coffeehouse <p> typically sells <o> coffee <s> coffeehouse <p> subclass of <o> shop <s> coffeehouse <p> has use <o> foodservice <s> coffeehouse <p> uses <o> kitchen <s> coffeehouse <p> uses <o> fast food <s> coffeehouse <p> uses <o> coffeemaker <s> coffeehouse <p> uses <o> espresso machine <s> coffeehouse <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Coffeehouses and cafés <s> coffeehouse <p> different from <o> café <s> coffeehouse <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> coffeehouse <p> different from <o> cafe <s> coffeehouse <p> has characteristic <o> hyperlocal manufacturing <s> bookstore <p> typically sells <o> book <s> bookstore <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> bookstore <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> bookstore <p> subclass of <o> shop <s> bookstore <p> subclass of <o> business <s> bookstore <p> operator <o> bookseller <s> bookstore <p> different from <o> bookseller <s> bookstore <p> industry <o> bookselling <s> bookstore <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bookstores <s> bookstore <p> has list <o> lists of bookstores <s> cloakroom <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> cloakroom <p> contains <o> clothing <s> cloakroom <p> instance of <o> storage room <s> cloakroom <p> subclass of <o> interior space <s> cloakroom <p> operator <o> cloakroom attendant <s> cloakroom <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> Eike Schmidt <p> instance of <o> human <s> Eike Schmidt <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Eike Schmidt <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Eike Schmidt <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Eike Schmidt <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Eike Schmidt <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Eike Schmidt <p> place of birth <o> Freiburg im Breisgau <s> Eike Schmidt <p> field of work <o> art history <s> Eike Schmidt <p> employer <o> Sotheby's <s> Eike Schmidt <p> employer <o> J. Paul Getty Museum <s> Eike Schmidt <p> occupation <o> civil servant <s> Eike Schmidt <p> employer <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Eike Schmidt <p> educated at <o> Heidelberg University <s> Eike Schmidt <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Philosophy <s> Eike Schmidt <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Eike Schmidt <p> position held <o> director <s> Eike Schmidt <p> field of work <o> art management <s> Eike Schmidt <p> employer <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Eike Schmidt <p> employer <o> Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz <s> Eike Schmidt <p> occupation <o> museologist <s> Eike Schmidt <p> given name <o> Eike <s> Eike Schmidt <p> family name <o> Schmidt <s> Eike Schmidt <p> occupation <o> art historian <s> Eike Schmidt <p> given name <o> Dieter <s> Eike Schmidt <p> position held <o> museum director <s> Category:Uffizi <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Uffizi <p> category's main topic <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> palace <p> instance of <o> building type <s> palace <p> instance of <o> architectural typology <s> palace <p> used by <o> monarch <s> palace <p> subclass of <o> building <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> palace <p> has use <o> residence <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> palace <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> palace <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from palaces <s> palace <p> has list <o> list of palaces <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> palace <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Palaces <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> palace <p> has part(s) <o> castle park <s> palace <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> country <o> Italy <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> owned by <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> rose <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> Anthony the Great <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> owned by <o> Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> sacra conversazione <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> Christ Child <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> creator <o> Titian <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> significant event <o> conservation <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> exhibition history <o> Pietro Aretino e l'arte del Rinascimento <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> movement <o> Venetian school <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> Madonna and Child <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> location <o> Uffizi Gallery - Room 28, Titian and Sebastiano del Piombo <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> main subject <o> Madonna of the roses <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> derivative work <o> The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Anthony Abbot <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> Madonna of the roses <s> Madonna of the Roses <p> depicts <o> Child Saint John </Graph>
<Text> :Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia is the first general encyclopedia in Armenian language. It was published in 1974-1987 by the main editorial office of the Armenian Encyclopedia. It consists of 12+1 volumes, published under the direction of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR Viktor Ambartsumian. In 2011, it was licensed under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 free license. In 1964, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia issued a resolution on the publication of the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia. In 1965, the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR issued a resolution on the creation of a special editorial office for this purpose. In 1967, the main editorial board of the Armenian Encyclopedia was established. It was created under the auspices of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR Viktor Ambartsumian. The ASE was published in 1974-1987, one volume per year. The chairman of the editorial board of the ASE was Viktor Ambartsumian, the chief editors were Viktor Ambartsumian , Abel Simonyan and Makich Arzumanyan . 7200 authors participated in the creation of the ASE. It was printed by the Hakob Megapart Printing House . Built on the site of an Etruscan settlement, Florence, the symbol of the Renaissance, rose to economic and cultural pre-eminence under the Medici in the 15th and 16th centuries. Its 600 years of extraordinary artistic activity can be seen above all in the 13th-century cathedral , the Church of Santa Croce, the Uffizi and the Pitti Palace, the work of great masters such as Giotto, Filippo Brunelleschi, Sandro Botticelli and Michelangelo. Closed inside the avenues traced on the old medieval walls, the historic centre of Florence collects the city's most important cultural heritage sites. Delimited by the 14th century wall circuit, built thanks to the economic and commercial power reached at the time, knew its maximum splendor in the following two centuries. Spiritual center of the city is Piazza del Duomo with the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, flanked by Giotto's Campanile and facing the Baptistry of Saint John with the 'Gates of Paradise' by Lorenzo Ghiberti. From here to the north there are the Palazzo Medici Riccardi by Michelozzo, the Basilica of Saint Lawrence by Filippo Brunelleschi, with the precious sacristies of Donatello and Michelangelo. Furthermore, the Museum of San Marco with masterpieces by Fra Angelico, the Accademia Gallery which houses among other works the David by Michelangelo , and the Piazza della Santissima Annunziata with the Loggia of the Innocenti by Filippo Brunelleschi. Heading south from the Duomo there is the political and cultural center of Florence with Palazzo Vecchio and the Uffizi Gallery nearby, near which are the Bargello Museum and the Basilica of the Holy Cross. Crossing the Ponte Vecchio we arrive at the Oltrarno district with the Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. Still in Oltrarno, there are the Basilica of the Holy Spirit by Filippo Brunelleschi and the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, with frescoes by Masolino, Masaccio and Filippino Lippi. A coffeehouse, coffee shop, or cafe is an establishment that primarily serves various types of coffee, espresso, latte, and cappuccino. Some coffeehouses may serve cold drinks, such as iced coffee and iced tea, as well as other non-caffeinated beverages. A coffeehouse may also serve food, such as light snacks, sandwiches, muffins, fruit, or pastries. In continental Europe, some cafes also serve alcoholic beverages. Coffeehouses range from owner-operated small businesses to large multinational corporations. Some coffeehouse chains operate on a franchise business model, with numerous branches across various countries around the world. While cafe may refer to a coffeehouse, the term "cafe" can also refer to a diner, British cafe , "greasy spoon" , transport cafe, teahouse or tea room, or other casual eating and drinking place. A coffeehouse may share some of the same characteristics of a bar or restaurant, but it is different from a cafeteria. Many coffeehouses in West Asia offer shisha , flavored tobacco smoked through a hookah. An espresso bar is a type of coffeehouse that specializes in serving espresso and espresso-based drinks. From a cultural standpoint, coffeehouses largely serve as centers of social interaction: a coffeehouse provides patrons with a place to congregate, talk, read, write, entertain one another, or pass the time, whether individually or in small groups. A coffeehouse can serve as an informal club for its regular members. As early as the 1950s Beatnik era and the 1960s folk music scene, coffeehouses have hosted singer-songwriter performances, typically in the evening. The most common English spelling of cafe is the spelling used by the French, Portuguese, and Spanish languages; it was snatched by English-speaking countries in the late 19th century. The Italian spelling, caffe, is also sometimes used in English. In Southern England, especially around London in the 1950s, the French pronunciation was often facetiously altered to /kaef/ and spelt caff. The spread of Christianity naturally created a great demand for copies of the Gospels, other sacred books, and later on for missals and other devotional volumes for both church and private use. The modern system of bookselling dates from soon after the introduction of printing. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Low Countries, for a time, became the chief centre of the bookselling world. Modern book selling has changed dramatically with the advent of the Internet. Major websites such as Amazon, eBay, and other big book distributors offer affiliate programs and dominate book sales. Bookstores may be either part of a chain, or local independent bookstores. Stores can range in size, offering several hundred to several hundred thousand titles. They may be brick and mortar stores, internet-only stores, or a combination of both. Sizes for the larger bookstores exceed half a million titles. Bookstores often sell other printed matter besides books, such as newspapers, magazines, and maps; additional product lines may vary enormously, particularly among independent bookstores. Colleges and universities often have bookstores on campus that focus on providing course textbooks and scholarly books and also sell other supplies and logo merchandise. Many on-campus bookstores are owned or operated by large commercial chains such as WHSmith, Blackwell's or Waterstone's in the United Kingdom, or Barnes & Noble College Booksellers in the United States. Another common type of bookstore is the used bookstore or second-hand bookshop which buys and sells used and out-of-print books in a variety of conditions. A range of titles are available in used bookstores, including in print and out-of-print books. Book collectors tend to frequent used bookstores. Large online bookstores offer used books for sale, too. Individuals wishing to sell their used books using online bookstores agree to terms outlined by the bookstore: paying the online bookstore a predetermined commission once the books have sold. In Paris, the Bouquinistes are antiquarian and used booksellers who have had outdoor stalls and boxes along both sides of the Seine for hundreds of years, regulated by law since the 1850s and contributing to the scenic ambiance of the city. A cloakroom, known as a coatroom in North America, is a room for people to hang their coats, cloaks or other outerwear when they enter a building. Cloakrooms are typically found inside large buildings, such as gymnasiums, schools, churches or meeting halls. Attended cloakrooms, or coat checks, are staffed rooms where coats and bags can be stored securely. Typically, a ticket or receipt is given to the customer, with a corresponding ticket attached to the garment or item. Coat checks are often found at the entrances to nightclubs, theaters, concert halls, larger restaurants, or museums. A fee may be charged, or a tip may be paid by the customer when they reclaim their item. Some coat checks post signs proclaiming any fees or tips, especially when their use is mandatory . The United States Congress "cloakrooms" are locations where members of Congress may interact outside the formal meeting rooms, and are used by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The cloakrooms serve as a place for members to socialize, eat, and take naps without leaving the building. These rooms are closed to all except for Senators, Representatives, Senate Pages, and a few of their trusted staffers, and may even have their own private phone numbers. In India, cloak rooms are available in all major railway stations, where railway passengers can keep their luggage for a specific amount of time. Some of the bigger stations have 24-hour staffed facilities, while the smaller ones operate only early morning to evening. This often suits day traders or pilgrims coming from smaller towns to larger cities and people waiting for a changeover to another train. Cloak rooms enable passengers to avoid carrying their luggage through the city while they conduct their business or tourism. The facilities are operated by the Commercial Department of Indian Railways at all major railway stations; smaller railway stations may not have this facility. A clerk collects the luggage from the passengers alighting from a train at that station or passengers having a train from that station, after verifying their tickets. The locked luggage bags are collected and a receipt is issued, mentioning the date and time the luggage was surrendered. The items are then stored on racks in the cloak room. Passengers are advised not to store valuable items or personal effects in the bags. On return, passengers show their receipt, pay the necessary charges to the clerk, and collect their items. Born in Freiburg, he studied medieval and modern art at the University of Heidelberg. In the 1990s he studied at the University of Bologna on an Erasmus Scheme bursary. He then studied at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz until 2001, again on a bursary. He then moved to the US, becoming a curator at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. in 2001 and then at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles from 2006 to 2008. He then moved to London to become its European departmental director for sculpture and art. In 2009 he gained his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg with a dissertation on "The Medici Ivory Sculpture Collection in the 17th Century". From 2009 to 2015 he was director of the Department of Sculpture, Decorative Arts and Textiles at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, planning and curating several exhibitions and creating a sub-department of Jewish Art. He also curated Diafane passioni, a major exhibition on Baroque sculpture at Florence's Palazzo Pitti in 2013. A palace is a grand residence, often serving as a royal residence or the home for a head of state or some other high-ranking dignitary, such as a bishop or archbishop. The word is derived from the Latin name palatium, for Palatine Hill in Rome which housed the Imperial residences. Most European languages have a version of the term , and many use it for a wider range of buildings than English. In many parts of Europe, the equivalent term is also applied to large private houses in cities, especially of the aristocracy, for example the Italian palazzo; often the term for a large country house is different. Many historic palaces are now put to other uses such as parliaments, museums, hotels, or office buildings. The word is also sometimes used to describe a lavishly ornate building used for public entertainment or exhibitions such as a movie palace. The word palace comes from Old French palais , from Latin Palatium, the name of one of the seven hills of Rome. The original "palaces" on the Palatine Hill were the seat of the imperial power while the "capitol" on the Capitoline Hill was the religious nucleus of Rome. Long after the city grew to the seven hills the Palatine remained a desirable residential area. Emperor Caesar Augustus lived there in a purposely modest house only set apart from his neighbours by the two laurel trees planted to flank the front door as a sign of triumph granted by the Senate. His descendants, especially Nero with his "Domus Aurea" , enlarged the building and its grounds over and over until it took up the hill top. The word Palatium came to mean the residence of the emperor rather than the neighbourhood on top of the hill. Palace meaning "government" can be recognized in a remark of Paul the Deacon, writing c. AD 790 and describing events of the 660s: "When Grimuald set out for Beneventum, he entrusted his palace to Lupus" . At the same time, Charlemagne was consciously reviving the Roman expression in his "palace" at Aachen, of which only his chapel remains. In the 9th century, the "palace" indicated the housing of the government too, and the constantly travelling Charlemagne built fourteen. In the early Middle Ages, the palas was usually that part of an imperial palace , that housed the Great Hall, where affairs of state were conducted; it continued to be used as the seat of government in some German cities. In the Holy Roman Empire the powerful independent Electors came to be housed in palaces . This has been used as evidence that power was widely distributed in the Empire; as in more centralized monarchies, only the monarch's residence would be a palace. Madonna of the Roses is a c.1530 oil on panel painting by Titian, now in the Uffizi in Florence. As well as the Madonna and Child it also shows Anthony the Great. and a young John the Baptist. It is signed "Ticianus f.", but this may be a later addition. It formed part of the collection of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria. In 1793 it and several other works were exchanged between Vienna and Florence, also including Titian's Flora, Durer's Adoration of the Magi and Giovanni Bellini's Holy Allegory. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Burials in Paris by place <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Paris by place <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:Burials in Paris by place <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Paris by place <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Template:Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia navigational template <s> Template:Paris <p> template has topic <o> Paris <s> Parisian cuisine <p> facet of <o> Paris <s> Parisian cuisine <p> country <o> France <s> Parisian cuisine <p> instance of <o> regional cuisine <s> Parisian cuisine <p> instance of <o> aspect in a geographic region <s> Parisian cuisine <p> subclass of <o> French cuisine <s> Parisian cuisine <p> part of <o> French cuisine <s> commune of France with specific status <p> country <o> France <s> commune of France with specific status <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> commune of France with specific status <p> subclass of <o> legal form <s> commune of France with specific status <p> subclass of <o> commune of France <s> commune of France with specific status <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> municipal arrondissement <s> history of Paris <p> instance of <o> aspect of history <s> history of Paris <p> facet of <o> Paris <s> history of Paris <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> history of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Catherine Baratti-Elbaz <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Charenton-le-Pont <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Quinze-Vingts <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de Bercy <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Saint-Mandé <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de Picpus <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Bel-Air <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 12e arrondissement <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Bercy <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 12th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> open data portal <o> <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Anderlecht <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sousse <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Cloud <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pančevo <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Irving <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> country <o> France <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> shares border with <o> Meudon <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guang'an <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ra'anana <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> shares border with <o> Sèvres <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marino <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Neukölln <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zaandam <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> significant event <o> Boulogne air disaster <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> head of government <o> Pierre-Christophe Baguet <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hammersmith <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> shares border with <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> shares border with <o> Auteuil <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> capital of <o> canton of Boulogne-Billancourt-2 <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> replaces <o> Auteuil <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> capital of <o> canton of Boulogne-Billancourt-1 <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> heritage designation <o> listed in the general inventory of cultural heritage <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Boulogne-Billancourt <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Paris dialect <p> indigenous to <o> Paris <s> Paris dialect <p> dialect of <o> French <s> Paris dialect <p> country <o> France <s> Paris dialect <p> instance of <o> dialect <s> Paris dialect <p> subclass of <o> French of France <s> do not feed the animals <p> facet of <o> animal <s> do not feed the animals <p> instance of <o> activity policy <s> do not feed the animals <p> facet of <o> feeding <s> La Fraternité <p> country <o> France <s> La Fraternité <p> country of origin <o> France <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> kiss <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> flower <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> woman <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> child <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> man <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> nudity <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> buttocks <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> beard <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> drum <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> toplessness <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> back <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> waist-length hair <s> La Fraternité <p> instance of <o> sculpture <s> La Fraternité <p> made from material <o> plaster <s> La Fraternité <p> fabrication method <o> relief sculpture <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> flag <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> cuirass <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> nipple <s> La Fraternité <p> creator <o> Jules Dalou <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> fraternal organization <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> wreath <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> Dimples of Venus <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> pistol <s> La Fraternité <p> commissioned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> flight <s> La Fraternité <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> combat helmet <s> La Fraternité <p> collection <o> town hall of Paris 10th arrondissement <s> La Fraternité <p> location <o> town hall of Paris 10th arrondissement <s> La Fraternité <p> genre <o> allegory <s> La Fraternité <p> depicts <o> phrygian cap </Graph>
<Text> :This template's initial visibility currently defaults to autocollapse, meaning that if there is another collapsible item on the page , it is hidden apart from its title bar; if not, it is fully visible. Roman Republic 52-27 BC Roman Empire 27 BC-AD 395 Western Roman Empire 395-476 Kingdom of Soissons 476-486 Francia 486-843 West Francia 843-987 Kingdom of France 987-1792 French First Republic 1792-1804 First French Empire 1804-1814 Kingdom of France 1814-1815 First French Empire 1815 Kingdom of France 1815-1830 July Monarchy 1830-1848 French Second Republic 1848-1852 Second French Empire 1852-1870 French Third Republic 1870-1871 Paris Commune 1871 French Third Republic 1871-1940 Military Administration in France 1940-1944 part of German-occupied Europe from 1940 to 1944 Provisional Government of the French Republic 1944-1946 French Fourth Republic 1946-1958 French Fifth Republic 1958-present The oldest traces of human occupation in Paris are human bones and evidence of an encampment of hunter-gatherers dating from about 8000 BC, during the Mesolithic period. Between 250 and 225 BC, the Parisii, a sub-tribe of the Celtic Senones, settled on the banks of the Seine, built bridges and a fort, minted coins, and began to trade with other river settlements in Europe. In 52 BC, a Roman army led by Titus Labienus defeated the Parisii and established a Gallo-Roman garrison town called Lutetia. The town was Christianised in the 3rd century AD, and after the collapse of the Roman Empire, it was occupied by Clovis I, the King of the Franks, who made it his capital in 508. During the Middle Ages, Paris was the largest city in Europe, an important religious and commercial centre, and the birthplace of the Gothic style of architecture. The University of Paris on the Left Bank, organised in the mid-13th century, was one of the first in Europe. It suffered from the Bubonic Plague in the 14th century and the Hundred Years' War in the 15th century, with recurrence of the plague. Between 1418 and 1436, the city was occupied by the Burgundians and English soldiers. In the 16th century, Paris became the book-publishing capital of Europe, though it was shaken by the French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Protestants. In the 18th century, Paris was the centre of the intellectual ferment known as the Enlightenment, and the main stage of the French Revolution from 1789, which is remembered every year on the 14th of July with a military parade. The 12th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. Situated on the right bank of the River Seine, it is the easternmost arrondissement of Paris, as well as the largest by area. In 2019, it had a population of 139,297. It is in the 12th arrondissement that some of the oldest traces of human occupation of the territory now occupied by Paris were found. During the construction of Bercy Village in the 1980s, vestiges of a Neolithic village were discovered . Subsequent excavations turned up wooden canoes , bows and arrows, pottery and bone and stone tools. Some of these objects are now exhibited in the Carnavalet Museum. During the Roman era, the area that is now the 12th arrondissement was a largely uninhabited wetlands fed by streams originating in the surrounding hills. The area was crossed by a Roman road that linked Paris to Chelles and Meaux to the east and to Melun to the southeast. In the 11th century, the forest that would later become the bois de Vincennes was considered to be non-arable land. When Hugues Capet, King of the Franks, took up residence on the Ile de la Cite, he used the bois de Vincennes as his hunting ground. The bois was then reserved for the exclusive use of the kings of France. Under Philippe Auguste it was enclosed by a 12 km wall.:6 Boulogne-Billancourt is a wealthy and prestigious commune in the western suburbs of Paris, France, located 8.2 km from the centre of Paris. It is a subprefecture of the Hauts-de-Seine department and thus the seat of the larger arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt. It is also part of the Metropole du Grand Paris. Boulogne-Billancourt includes one island in the Seine: Ile Seguin. With a population of 121,334 as of 2018, it is the most populous commune in Hauts-de-Seine and most populous suburb of Paris, as well as one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe. Boulogne-Billancourt is one of the wealthiest regions in the Parisian area and in France. Formerly an important industrial site, it has successfully reconverted into business services and is now home to major communication companies headquartered in the Val de Seine business district. Before the 14th century, Boulogne was a small village called Menuls-les-Saint-Cloud . In the beginning of the 14th century, King Philip IV of France ordered the building in Menuls-les-Saint-Cloud of a church dedicated to the virgin of the sanctuary of Boulogne-sur-Mer, then a famous pilgrimage center in northern France. The church, meant to become a pilgrimage centre closer to Paris than the distant city of Boulogne-sur-Mer, was named Notre-Dame de Boulogne la Petite . Gradually, the village of Menuls-les-Saint-Cloud became known as Boulogne-la-Petite, and later as Boulogne-sur-Seine. As for the name Billancourt, it was recorded for the first time in 1150 as Bullencort, sometimes also spelled Bollencort. It comes from Medieval Latin cortem, accusative of cors, meaning "enclosure", "estate", suffixed to the Germanic patronym Buolo , thus having the meaning of "estate of Buolo". The prohibition "do not feed the animals" reflects a policy forbidding the artificial feeding of wild or feral animals. Signs displaying this message are commonly found in zoos, circuses, animal theme parks, aquariums, national parks, parks, public spaces, farms, and other places where people come into contact with wildlife. In some cases there are laws to enforce such no-feeding policies. Feeding wild animals can significantly change their behavior. Feeding or leaving unattended food to large animals, such as bears, can lead them to aggressively seek out food from people, sometimes resulting in injury. Feeding can also alter animal behavior so that animals routinely travel in larger groups, which can make disease transmission between animals more likely. In public spaces, the congregation of animals caused by feeding can result in them being considered pests. In zoos, giving food to the animals is discouraged due to the strict dietary controls in place. More generally, artificial feeding can result in, for example, vitamin deficiencies and dietary mineral deficiencies. Outside zoos, a concern is that the increase in local concentrated wildlife population due to artificial feeding can promote the transfer of disease among animals or between animals and humans. Zoos generally discourage visitors from giving any food to the animals. Some zoos, particularly petting zoos, do the opposite and actively encourage people to get involved with the feeding of the animals. This, however, is strictly monitored and usually involves set food available from the zookeepers or vending machines, as well as a careful choice of which animals to feed, and the provision of hand-washing facilities to avoid spreading disease. Domestic animals such as sheep and goats are often permitted to be fed, as are giraffes. In national parks and state parks, feeding animals can result in malnourishment due to inappropriate diet and in disruption of natural hunting or food-gathering behavior. It can also be dangerous to the people doing the feeding. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> La Famille <p> country <o> France <s> La Famille <p> country of origin <o> France <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> mother <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> father <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> sky <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> cloud <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> child <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> straw hat <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> family <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> poplar <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> watercourse <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> grass <s> La Famille <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> La Famille <p> creator <o> Henri-Jean Guillaume Martin <s> La Famille <p> instance of <o> painting <s> La Famille <p> movement <o> pointillism <s> La Famille <p> genre <o> genre art <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> tree <s> La Famille <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> chignon <s> La Famille <p> commissioned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> La Famille <p> collection <o> town hall of Paris 10th arrondissement <s> La Famille <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> La Famille <p> depicts <o> rural area <s> La Famille <p> location <o> town hall of Paris 10th arrondissement <s> Alexander II <p> depicts <o> Alexander II <s> Alexander II <p> country <o> France <s> Alexander II <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> Alexander II <p> instance of <o> holy water font <s> Alexander II <p> instance of <o> group of sculptures <s> Alexander II <p> made from material <o> plaster <s> Alexander II <p> heritage designation <o> object classified as historical monument <s> Alexander II <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Alexander II <p> creator <o> Louis-Eugène Bion <s> Alexander II <p> location <o> Church of Saint Eustache <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> country <o> France <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> instance of <o> event venue <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> instance of <o> hunting lodge <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> location <o> bois de Boulogne <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> located on street <o> allée de Longchamp <s> Pavillon d'Armenonville <p> operator <o> Potel et Chabot <s> hôtel Dodun <p> country <o> France <s> hôtel Dodun <p> heritage designation <o> building protected by Paris urban planning document <s> hôtel Dodun <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> hôtel Dodun <p> heritage designation <o> monument historique inscrit <s> hôtel Dodun <p> located on street <o> rue de Richelieu <s> hôtel Dodun <p> instance of <o> private mansion <s> hôtel Dodun <p> architect <o> Jean-Baptiste Bullet de Chamblain <s> hôtel Dodun <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> hôtel Dodun <p> has use <o> public housing <s> hôtel Dodun <p> located on street <o> rue Molière <s> geography of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Paris <s> geography of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> geography of Paris <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> surface played on <o> lawn <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> has facility <o> dōjō <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> location <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> country <o> France <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> sport <o> rugby union <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> owned by <o> municipality of Paris <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> has facility <o> tennis court <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> has facility <o> gymnasium <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> occupant <o> Red Star F.C. <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> occupant <o> Paris Saint-Germain Féminine <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> has facility <o> rugby union field <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> located on street <o> avenue du Général-Sarrail <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> instance of <o> rugby union venue <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> instance of <o> sports venue <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> instance of <o> association football venue <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> occupant <o> Stade Français Rugby <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> has facility <o> function hall <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> named after <o> Jean Bouin <s> Stade Jean-Bouin <p> operator <o> Stade Français Rugby <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 15e arrondissement <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> part of <o> Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Vanves <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> electoral unit <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grenelle <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Javel <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Grenelle <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Necker <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Lambert <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Philippe Goujon <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Vaugirard <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:15th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> 15th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> Clichy <p> country <o> France <s> Clichy <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Clichy <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Clichy <p> different from <o> Clichy-sous-Bois <s> Clichy <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Clichy <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Clichy <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Clichy <p> shares border with <o> Asnières-sur-Seine <s> Clichy <p> capital of <o> canton of Clichy <s> Clichy <p> replaced by <o> Levallois-Perret <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Clichy <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Clichy <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Clichy <s> Clichy <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Clichy <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Tirso <s> Clichy <p> twinned administrative body <o> London Borough of Southwark <s> Clichy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Clichy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Clichy <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Clichy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Clichy <s> Clichy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Clichy <p> replaces <o> Batignolles-Monceau <s> Clichy <p> twinned administrative body <o> Heidenheim an der Brenz <s> Clichy <p> head of government <o> Rémi Muzeau <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Clichy <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Clichy <p> replaced by <o> Batignolles-Monceau <s> Clichy <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Clichy-La-Garenne <s> Clichy <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Clichy <s> Clichy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Clichy <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Levallois-Perret-Nord <s> Clichy <p> twinned administrative body <o> St. Pölten <s> Clichy <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rubí <s> Clichy <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Clichy <s> Clichy <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Clichy <s> Clichy <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Clichy <s> Clichy <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine <s> Clichy <p> shares border with <o> Levallois-Perret <s> TextileMuseum <p> headquarters location <o> Tilburg <s> TextileMuseum <p> location <o> Tilburg <s> TextileMuseum <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> TextileMuseum <p> archives at <o> TextileMuseum <s> TextileMuseum <p> has works in the collection <o> TextileMuseum <s> TextileMuseum <p> instance of <o> museum <s> TextileMuseum <p> award received <o> registered museum <s> TextileMuseum <p> described by source <o> Brabants Erfgoed <s> TextileMuseum <p> described by source <o> <s> TextileMuseum <p> located on street <o> Goirkestraat <s> TextileMuseum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Tilburg <s> TextileMuseum <p> uses <o> Goirkestraat 88, Tilburg <s> TextileMuseum <p> uses <o> Brabant Cloud <s> TextileMuseum <p> has works in the collection <o> Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam <s> TextileMuseum <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum De Lakenhal <s> TextileMuseum <p> partnership with <o> netwerk ModeMuze <s> TextileMuseum <p> partnership with <o> Network Archives Design and Digital Culture <s> TextileMuseum <p> partnership with <o> Erfgoed Brabant <s> TextileMuseum <p> partnership with <o> Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed <s> TextileMuseum <p> payment types accepted <o> Museumkaart <s> TextileMuseum <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> NADD Wikidata project <s> Category:Maps of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:Maps of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Paris <p> category's main topic <o> Map of Paris <s> Category:Maps of Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :Paris is located in northern central France. By road, it is 450 kilometres southeast of London, 287 kilometres south of Calais, 305 kilometres southwest of Brussels, 774 kilometres north of Marseille, 385 kilometres northeast of Nantes, and 135 kilometres southeast of Rouen. Paris is located in the north-bending arc of the river Seine and includes two islands, the Ile Saint-Louis and the larger Ile de la Cite, which form the oldest part of the city. The river's mouth on the English Channel is about 233 mi downstream from the city. The city is spread widely on both banks of the river. Excluding the outlying parks of Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes, Paris covers an oval measuring about 87 km2 in area, enclosed by the 35 km ring road, the Boulevard Peripherique. The city's last major annexation of outlying territories in 1860 not only gave it its modern form but also created the 20 clockwise-spiralling arrondissements . From the 1860 area of 78 km2 , the city limits were expanded marginally to 86.9 km2 in the 1920s. In 1929, the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes forest parks were officially annexed to the city, bringing its area to about 105 km2 . The metropolitan area of the city is 2,300 km2 . Paris has a typical Western European oceanic climate which is affected by the North Atlantic Current. The overall climate throughout the year is mild and moderately wet. Summer days are usually warm and pleasant with average temperatures between 15 and 25 degC , and a fair amount of sunshine. Each year, however, there are a few days when the temperature rises above 32 degC . Longer periods of more intense heat sometimes occur, such as the heat wave of 2003 when temperatures exceeded 30 degC for weeks, reached 40 degC on some days and seldom cooled down at night. Spring and autumn have, on average, mild days and fresh nights but are changing and unstable. Surprisingly warm or cool weather occurs frequently in both seasons. In winter, sunshine is scarce; days are cool, nights cold but generally above freezing with low temperatures around 3 degC . Light night frosts are however quite common, but the temperature will dip below -5 degC for only a few days a year. Snow falls every year, but rarely stays on the ground. The city sometimes sees light snow or flurries with or without accumulation. Paris has an average annual precipitation of 641 mm , and experiences light rainfall distributed evenly throughout the year. However the city is known for intermittent abrupt heavy showers. Paris has a rich history of meteorological observations, with some going back as far as 1665. The highest recorded temperature is 42.6 degC on 25 July 2019, and the lowest is -23.9 degC on 10 December 1879. Furthermore, the warmest night on record is 27.5 degC on 27 June 1772 and the coldest day is -13.0 degC on 30 December 1788. The 15th arrondissement, called Vaugirard, is situated on the left bank of the River Seine. Sharing the Montparnasse district with the 6th and 14th arrondissements, it is the city's most populous arrondissement, with a population of 229,472 as of 2020. Tour Montparnasse - the tallest skyscraper in Paris - and the neighbouring Gare Montparnasse are both located in the 15th arrondissement, at its border with the 14th. It is also home to the high-rise Beaugrenelle district and the Front de Seine riverside development, as well as the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles convention centre, where the 180-metre Tour Triangle is set to house a 120-room hotel and 70,000 square metres of office space in 2026. Close is the Heliport de Paris, the city heliport, just nearby the border with Issy-les-Moulineaux. The loi du 16 juin 1859 decreed the annexation to Paris of the area between the old Wall of the Ferme generale and the Wall of Thiers. The communes of Grenelle, Vaugirard and Javel were incorporated into Paris in 1860. Politician Charles Michels was elected a deputy for the 15th arrondissement under the Popular Front; he was taken hostage and shot by the Nazis in 1941. A Metro station and street now bear his name. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> open data portal <o> <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> replaces <o> Seine-et-Oise <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> replaces <o> Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> named after <o> Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> country <o> France <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> capital <o> Bobigny <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> office held by head of government <o> president of departmental council <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> highest point <o> highest point in Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Seine-et-Marne <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bobigny <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aulnay-sous-Bois <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montreuil <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> named after <o> Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Blanc-Mesnil <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gagny <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Val-d'Oise <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Livry-Gargan <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Épinay-sur-Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clichy-sous-Bois <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Noisy-le-Grand <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Drancy <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aubervilliers <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montfermeil <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuilly-sur-Marne <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pantin <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villepinte <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tremblay-en-France <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bondy <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pierrefitte-sur-Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Lilas <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Courneuve <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gournay-sur-Marne <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Raincy <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Bourget <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villemomble <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stains <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villetaneuse <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rosny-sous-Bois <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaujours <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Noisy-le-Sec <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coubron <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Romainville <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sevran <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Sarcelles <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Pavillons-sous-Bois <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> named after <o> Seine <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Le Raincy <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuilly-Plaisance <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> L'Île-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Bobigny <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> legislative body <o> general council of Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> head of government <o> Claude Bartolone <s> Seine-Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tulkarm <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Cloud <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Suresnes <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Sèvres <s> Saint-Cloud <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Rueil-Malmaison <s> Saint-Cloud <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Saint-Cloud <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Garches <s> Saint-Cloud <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Marnes-la-Coquette <s> Saint-Cloud <p> head of government <o> Eric Berdoati <s> Saint-Cloud <p> twinned administrative body <o> Settat <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Ville-d'Avray <s> Saint-Cloud <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bad Godesberg <s> Saint-Cloud <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Cloud <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Saint-Cloud <p> capital of <o> canton of Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kortrijk <s> Saint-Cloud <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Saint-Cloud <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Saint-Cloud <s> Saint-Cloud <p> shares border with <o> Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Saint-Cloud <p> twinned administrative body <o> Frascati <s> Saint-Cloud <p> twinned administrative body <o> Windsor and Maidenhead <s> Saint-Cloud <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Saint-Cloud <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> replaces <o> Yvelines <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> replaces <o> Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> country <o> France <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> named after <o> Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Essonne <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Yvelines <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> owner of <o> Yves du Manoir Stadium <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Val-d'Oise <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> open data portal <o> <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> office held by head of government <o> president of departmental council <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Levallois-Perret <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanjing <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> capital <o> Nanterre <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagneux <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanterre <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colombes <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Cloud <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Courbevoie <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suresnes <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rueil-Malmaison <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Châtenay-Malabry <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clamart <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clichy <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Antony <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bois-Colombes <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sèvres <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Châtillon <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gennevilliers <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villeneuve-la-Garenne <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vanves <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meudon <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Puteaux <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Garenne-Colombes <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Garches <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bourg-la-Reine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montrouge <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontenay-aux-Roses <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sceaux <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ville-d'Avray <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Malakoff <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaville <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marnes-la-Coquette <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaucresson <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> flag <o> flag of Hauts-de-Seine <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> head of government <o> Patrick Devedjian <s> Hauts-de-Seine <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Antony <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> has part(s) <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> subclass of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> municipal arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Arrondissements of Paris <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Bobigny <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> shares border with <o> Les Lilas <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> shares border with <o> Pantin <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> shares border with <o> La Villette <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> country <o> France <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> twinned administrative body <o> Giengen an der Brenz <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> shares border with <o> Belleville <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Est Ensemble <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> head of government <o> Gérard Cosme <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> different from <o> Pré Saint-Gervais <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Pantin <s> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Category:Births in Paris <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Paris <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:Births in Paris <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Paris <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Paris <s> Pantin <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Pantin <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Pantin <s> Pantin <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Pantin <s> Pantin <p> country <o> France <s> Pantin <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Pantin <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Bobigny <s> Pantin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Pantin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Scandicci <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> La Courneuve <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Aubervilliers <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Noisy-le-Sec <s> Pantin <p> replaced by <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Les Lilas <s> Pantin <p> replaced by <o> Les Lilas <s> Pantin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Bobigny <s> Pantin <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> La Villette <s> Pantin <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Pantin <p> head of government <o> Bertrand Kern <s> Pantin <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Pantin <p> shares border with <o> Romainville <s> Pantin <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pantin <p> capital of <o> canton of Pantin-Est <s> Pantin <p> capital of <o> canton of Pantin-Ouest <s> Pantin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Pantin <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pantin <s> Pantin <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Pantin <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Pantin <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Pantin <s> Pantin <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Pantin <s> Pantin <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Pantin <s> Pantin <p> capital of <o> canton of Pantin <s> Pantin <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Pantin <s> Pantin <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Pantin <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Carine Petit <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Montrouge <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Vanves <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montparnasse <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Petit-Montrouge <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Plaisance <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Gentilly <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parc-de-Montsouris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Vaugirard <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 14e arrondissement <s> 14th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Ivry-sur-Seine <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Jérôme Coumet <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Gentilly <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Maison-Blanche <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de Croulebarbe <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Salpêtrière <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Gare <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> electoral unit <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:13th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> 13th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 13e arrondissement <s> <p> main subject <o> Paris <s> <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> <p> country <o> France <s> <p> language of work or name <o> French <s> <p> instance of <o> open data portal </Graph>
<Text> :Seine-Saint-Denis is a department of France located in the Grand Paris metropolis in the Ile-de-France region. In French, it is often referred to colloquially as quatre-vingt treize or neuf trois , after its official administrative number, 93. Its prefecture is Bobigny. In 2019, it had a population of 1,644,903 across 40 communes. In French, the learned but rarely used demonym for the inhabitants of Seine-Saint-Denis is Sequano-Dionysiens; more common is Dionysiens. The department is surrounded by the departments of Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne, Paris, Val-d'Oise, and Seine-et-Marne. It is thus the only one of the five French departments surrounded entirely by other departments of the same region. Seine-Saint-Denis is located to the northeast of Paris. It has a surface area of only 236 km2 , making it one of the smallest departments in France. Seine-Saint-Denis and two other small departments, Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne, form a ring around Paris, known as the Petite Couronne . Since 1 January 2016, together with Paris, they have formed the area of Greater Paris . Saint-Cloud is a commune in the western suburbs of Paris, France, 9.6 kilometres from the centre of Paris. Like other communes of Hauts-de-Seine such as Marnes-la-Coquette, Neuilly-sur-Seine and Vaucresson, Saint-Cloud is one of France's wealthiest towns, with the second-highest average household income of communities with 10,000 to 50,000 households. The town is named after Clodoald, grandson of Clovis, who is supposed to have sought refuge in a hamlet on the Seine near Paris, then named Novigentum, like many other newly founded mercantile settlements outside the traditional towns. After he was canonized, the village where his tomb was located took the name of Sanctus Clodoaldus. A park contains the ruins of the Chateau de Saint-Cloud, built in 1572 and destroyed by fire in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War. The chateau was the residence of several French rulers and served as the main country residence of the cadet Orleans line until the French Revolution. The palace was also the site of the coup d'etat led by Napoleon Bonaparte that overthrew the French Directory in 1799. The main landmarks are the park of the demolished Chateau de Saint-Cloud and the Pavillon de Breteuil. The Saint-Cloud Racecourse, a racetrack for Thoroughbred flat racing, was built by Edmond Blanc in 1901 and hosts a number of important races, including the annual Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud. Hauts-de-Seine is a department in the Ile-de-France region of France. It covers Paris's western inner suburbs. It is bordered by Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne to the east, Val-d'Oise to the north, Yvelines to the west and Essonne to the south. With a population of 1,624,357 and a total area of 176 square kilometres , it has the second highest population density among all departments of France, after Paris. It is the fifth most populous department in France. Its prefecture is Nanterre, but Boulogne-Billancourt, one of its two subprefectures, alongside Antony, has a larger population. Hauts-de-Seine is best known for containing the modern office, cinema and shopping complex La Defense, one of Grand Paris's main economic centres and one of Europe's major business districts. Hauts-de-Seine is one of the wealthiest departments in France; it had the highest GDP per capita in France at EUR107,800 in 2020. Its inhabitants are called Altosequanais and Altosequanaises in French. The Hauts-de-Seine department was created in 1968, from parts of the former departments of Seine and Seine-et-Oise. Its creation reflected the implementation of a law passed in 1964; Nanterre had already been selected as the prefecture for the new department early in 1965. In 2016, the Departmental Council of Hauts-de-Seine voted in favour of a fusion of Hauts-de-Seine and Yvelines, its western neighbour. Following a similar vote in Yvelines, an etablissement public interdepartemental was established. The fusion project was abandoned in 2021, but the cooperation between the two departments continues. Le Pre-Saint-Gervais is a commune in the northeastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 5.2 km from the center of Paris. With a density of 25,643 inhabitants per square kilometres as of 2017, Le Pre-Saint-Gervais is one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe. In 1767, Johann Schobert, a German composer at the Palace of Versailles went mushroom picking with his family in Le Pre-Saint-Gervais, and died after insisting on eating them in a soup after two chefs told him that they were poisonous. On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighboring communes. On that occasion, a large part of the commune of Le Pre-Saint-Gervais was annexed to Paris, and forms now the neighborhood of Pre-Saint-Gervais, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, leaving Le Pre-Saint-Gervais as a rump commune. No station of the Paris Metro, RER, or suburban rail network is in Le Pre-Saint-Gervais. The closest Metro stations are Hoche on Line to the north, and Pre-Saint-Gervais on Line to the southwest, each a few hundred metres outside the commune. Pantin is a commune in the northeastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 6.4 km from the centre of Paris. In 2019 its population was estimated to be 59,846. Pantin is located on the edge of the city of Paris and is mainly formed by a plain crossed by national roadway 2 and 3, the Paris-Strasbourg railway line and the canal de l'Ourcq. The construction of a science park along the Bassin de la Villette on the former site of city abattoirs has improved pedestrian access to Paris, as well as encouraging urban regeneration in Pantin itself. A key policy discussed since the 2008 mayoral election has been the possibility of integrating the ten banlieue towns of Bagnolet, Les Lilas, Le Pre-Saint-Gervais, Romainville, Pantin, Noisy-le-Sec, Montreuil, Bobigny, Bondy and Rosny-sous-Bois into an "intercommune" of around 440,000 people. This new municipality could be created as early as January 2010. This project was implemented, it gathers nine communes. In 2016, Pantin was declared France's most polluted town by the World Health Organization. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. 2,000 companies are located in Pantin, including 21 of more than 100 employees. Huge firms are located in the town, like Hermes , Bourjois, Chanel, Gucci, Agnes b., Sergent-Major, Elis , Forclum, UTB , Photovista Legrand, BNP Paribas, Boiron, Alliance Healthcare, Vetura, Fabio Lucci ... and publishers as computer Software Arkeia Software and MT Software. The 14th arrondissement of Paris , officially named arrondissement de l'Observatoire , is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. It is situated on the left bank of the River Seine, containing most of the Montparnasse district. Although today Montparnasse is best known for its skyscraper, Tour Montparnasse, as well as its major railway terminus, Gare Montparnasse, these are both actually located in the neighbouring 15th arrondissement. The district has traditionally been home to many artists as well as a Breton community, arrived at the beginning of the 20th century upon the creation of the Montparnasse railway terminus. Universities located in the 14th arrondissement also include the Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris, which is located near the Parc Montsouris, the Stade Charlety and the catacombs; and the Paris School of Economics. The 14th arrondissement attained its peak population in 1954 when it had 181,414 inhabitants. It continues to have a high density of both population and business activity with 132,844 inhabitants and 71,836 jobs as of the last census, in 1999. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. The 13th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, the arrondissement is referred to as le treizieme . The arrondissement, called Gobelins, is situated on the left bank of the River Seine. It is home to Paris's principal Asian community, the Quartier Asiatique, located in the southeast of the arrondissement in an area that contains many high-rise apartment buildings. The neighbourhood features a high concentration of Chinese and Vietnamese businesses. The current mayor has been Jerome Coumet since 2007. He was reelected by the arrondissement council on 29 March 2008 after the list which he headed gained 70% of the votes cast in the second round of the 2008 municipal election. He was again reelected on 13 April 2014 and on 11 July 2020. The 13th arrondissement is still growing in population, mainly because of an influx of Asian immigrants. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the first wave of Vietnamese refugees from the Vietnam War settled in the arrondissement, largely concentrated near Massena Boulevard. Later waves of refugees and Asian immigrants transitioned from being exclusively ethnic Vietnamese to include ethnic Chinese from Vietnam, Laotians and Cambodians. These migrants largely settled in the southern area of the arrondissement, creating an Asian quarter and establishing a commercial district and community institutions. Teochew, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Lao and Khmer are spoken by many residents in the community. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Paris unité urbaine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Paris unité urbaine <p> country <o> France <s> Paris unité urbaine <p> instance of <o> urban unit <s> Paris unité urbaine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Paris urban area <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Montreuil <p> country <o> France <s> Montreuil <p> different from <o> Montreuil <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cottbus <s> Montreuil <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Montreuil <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grosseto <s> Montreuil <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Mandé <s> Montreuil <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mytishchi <s> Montreuil <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Montreuil <p> replaces <o> Charonne <s> Montreuil <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Bagnolet <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hải Dương <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Changchun <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Montreuil <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) <s> Montreuil <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Montreuil <p> capital of <o> canton of Montreuil-2 <s> Montreuil <p> capital of <o> canton of Montreuil-1 <s> Montreuil <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Montreuil <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Agadir <s> Montreuil <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Montreuil <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Slough <s> Montreuil <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) <s> Montreuil <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Montreuil <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Montreuil <p> open data portal <o> <s> Montreuil <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Montreuil <p> head of government <o> Patrice Bessac <s> Montreuil <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Vincennes <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Charonne <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bistrița <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beit Sira <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Noisy-le-Sec <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Rosny-sous-Bois <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Diadema <s> Montreuil <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yélimané Cercle <s> Montreuil <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Montreuil <s> Montreuil <p> shares border with <o> Romainville <s> réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU <p> country <o> France <s> réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU <p> instance of <o> district heating <s> réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU <p> operator <o> Compagnie parisienne de chauffage urbain <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> honorary citizenship <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> list related to category <o> list of honorary citizens of Paris, France <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> award winner <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category combines topics <o> honorary citizen of Paris <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Paris <p> category's main topic <o> honorary citizen of Paris <s> Category:Deaths in Paris <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Paris <p> category combines topics <o> Paris <s> Category:Deaths in Paris <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Paris <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Paris <s> Category:Deaths in Paris <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Paris <p> different from <o> Category:Death in Paris <s> mayor of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Paris <s> mayor of Paris <p> instance of <o> public office <s> mayor of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> mayor of Paris <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in France <s> mayor of Paris <p> basic form of government <o> republic regime in France <s> mayor of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Paris <s> mayor of Paris <p> official residence <o> Hôtel de Ville, Paris <s> mayor of Paris <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Mayors of Paris <s> mayor of Paris <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Aubervilliers <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Aubervilliers <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Pantin <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pont-de-Flandre <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier d'Amérique <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Combat <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Villette <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Pantin <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Belleville <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> La Villette <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Les Lilas <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 19e arrondissement <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> François Dagnaud <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 19th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> shares border with <o> Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> replaces <o> Gentilly <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> country <o> France <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> capital of <o> canton of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> shares border with <o> Arcueil <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> shares border with <o> Gentilly <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of l'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> shares border with <o> Villejuif <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> head of government <o> Jean-Luc Laurent <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> head of government <o> Jean-Marc Nicolle <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Val-de-Marne <p> country <o> France <s> Val-de-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Val-de-Marne <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Val-de-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Seine-et-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> Val-de-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Val-de-Marne <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Val-de-Marne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> Val-de-Marne <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Val-de-Marne <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> L'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> Val-de-Marne <p> highest point <o> highest point in Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vitry-sur-Seine <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Mandé <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maisons-Alfort <s> Val-de-Marne <p> office held by head of government <o> president of departmental council <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Champigny-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Maur-des-Fossés <s> Val-de-Marne <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> replaces <o> Seine <s> Val-de-Marne <p> replaces <o> Seine-et-Oise <s> Val-de-Marne <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Val-de-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orly <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Créteil <s> Val-de-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Essonne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villejuif <s> Val-de-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cachan <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santeny <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> named after <o> Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> capital <o> Créteil <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vincennes <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valenton <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Queue-en-Brie <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Plessis-Trévise <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charenton-le-Pont <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ormesson-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Choisy-le-Roi <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villiers-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevilly-Larue <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villeneuve-Saint-Georges <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alfortville <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gentilly <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fresnes <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thiais <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villeneuve-le-Roi <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rungis <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bonneuil-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sucy-en-Brie <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mandres-les-Roses <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alès <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Limeil-Brévannes <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marolles-en-Brie <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Joinville-le-Pont <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Créteil <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bry-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ablon-sur-Seine <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boissy-Saint-Léger <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of l'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Périgny <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Perreux-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Noiseau <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arcueil <s> Val-de-Marne <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chennevières-sur-Marne <s> Val-de-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tulkarm <s> Aubervilliers <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Aubervilliers <p> country <o> France <s> Aubervilliers <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> replaces <o> La Chapelle <s> Aubervilliers <p> replaced by <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Aubervilliers <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Aubervilliers <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jena <s> Aubervilliers <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> instance of <o> city <s> Aubervilliers <p> capital of <o> canton of Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> owner of <o> Church of Notre-Dame-des-Vertus, Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Aubervilliers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Empoli <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Denis <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> Pantin <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> La Courneuve <s> Aubervilliers <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> La Villette <s> Aubervilliers <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Aubervilliers <p> shares border with <o> La Chapelle <s> Aubervilliers <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Aubervilliers <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Aubervilliers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Aubervilliers <p> head of government <o> Meriem Derkaoui <s> Aubervilliers <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Aubervilliers <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Aubervilliers </Graph>
<Text> :The mayor of Paris is the chief executive of Paris, the capital and largest city in France. The officeholder is responsible for the administration and management of the city, submits proposals and recommendations to the Council of Paris, is active in the enforcement of the city's ordinances, submits the city's annual budget and appoints city officers, department commissioners or directors, as well as members of city boards and commissions. During meetings of the Council of Paris, the mayor serves as the presiding officer, as it is the case in any other commune in France. Since Paris doubles as a department as well, the mayor also has the rank of a departmental council president. When the French Revolution began after the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, the city insurgents murdered the last Provost of Paris , Jacques de Flesselles. Because the Provost's office was abolished as one of the first moves with the dissolution of the Ancien Regime, the insurgents established a revolutionary government called the "Commune of Paris", initially led by Jean Sylvain Bailly, the first titled "Mayor of Paris". The mayor's office was very important during the critical phases of the Revolution, and during Robespierre's Reign of Terror it was decisive in the discovery and execution of all suspected counter-revolutionaries. In July 1794, after the 9th Thermidor, the coup d'etat that deposed and executed Robespierre and his cronies, the office of Mayor was abolished since it was perceived to be too powerful. After the February Revolution of 1848, the July Monarchy ended in favor of a new Republic, that restored the mayor's office. This renewal was however short, as the June Days uprising of the same year ended the possibility of creating a strong mayorship. The Executive Commission--charged to provisionally rule the country--preferred to transfer the mayor's powers to the Seine Prefect, appointed by Ministry of the Interior. In 1870, once again, the office of Mayor of Paris was re-established and again did not survive long. The occasion for the re-creation was the fall of the Second Empire after the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. The provisional Government of National Defense of Louis-Jules Trochu believed that a strong leadership in Paris would prevent sedition during the Prussian siege. After the definitive conquest of Paris by Prussians, popular discontent erupted in a new insurrectionary Commune which held socialist beliefs. Also, in case the Commune was finally suppressed, the new national government preferred to divide Paris into several distinct mayorships to prevent the city's total loss in the event of further revolts. The arrondissement, known as Butte-Chaumont, is situated on the right bank of the River Seine. It is crossed by two canals, the Canal Saint-Denis and the Canal de l'Ourcq, which meet near the Parc de la Villette. The 19th arrondissement, mixing the Old French bohemianism and also the Parisian cosmopolitanism, includes two public parks: the Parc des Buttes Chaumont, located on a hill, and the Parc de la Villette, which is home to the Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie, a museum and exhibition centre, the Conservatoire de Paris, one of the most renowned music schools in Europe, the Cabaret Sauvage, the Zenith de Paris and the Philharmonie de Paris, both part of the Cite de la Musique. The population of the 19th arrondissement has been constantly increasing since 1975. At the last census, in 2009, the population was 184,787 inhabitants. 68,101 people worked in the arrondissement in 1999. Le Kremlin-Bicetre is a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, France. It is 4.5 km from the center of Paris. It is one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe. Le Kremlin-Bicetre is most famous as the location of the Bicetre Hospital, where Superintendent Philippe Pinel is credited as being the first to introduce humane methods into the treatment of the mentally ill, in 1793. Its most notorious guest was the Marquis de Sade. The name has roots both in England and Russia. Le Kremlin-Bicetre was originally a hamlet called simply Bicetre and located within the commune of Gentilly. The name Bicetre comes from the manor built there by John of Pontoise, Bishop of Winchester , in the end of the 13th century. The name of this Manor of Winchester was corrupted into Vinchestre, then Bichestre, and eventually Bicetre. The Bicetre Hospital was built starting in 1634 on the ruins of the manor. In 1813, the Bicetre Hospital acted as a major reception point for evacuated casualties of the Grande Armee from the French invasion of Russia. Veterans of the invasion of Russia used to gather in a tavern near Bicetre Hospital. This tavern was soon renamed Au sergent du Kremlin in reference to the Moscow Kremlin where the veterans had camped. Val-de-Marne is a department of France located in the Ile-de-France region. Named after the river Marne, it is situated in the Grand Paris metropolis to the southeast of the City of Paris. In 2019, Val-de-Marne had a population of 1,407,124. Val-de-Marne is, together with Seine-Saint-Denis and Hauts-de-Seine, one of three small departments in Ile-de-France that form a ring around Paris, known as the Petite Couronne . Since 1 January 2016, Val-de-Marne is included in the Metropole du Grand Paris. Val-de-Marne was created in January 1968, through the implementation of a law passed in July 1964. Positioned to the south-east of the Paris ring road , it was formed from the southern-eastern part of the Seine department, together with a small portion taken from the broken-up department of Seine-et-Oise. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. Aubervilliers is a commune close to Paris and has numerous means of transport including: the A86 autoroute from L'Ile-Saint-Denis in the west to Drancy in the east with Exit 9 on the northern border of the commune, Route nationale N301 from Stains in the north and joining the Paris ring road in the south, the D20 from Gennevilliers in the west, the D27 from Bobigny in the east, and the D115 from Pantin in the south-east. The Paris ring road is just outside the southern border of the commune and there are two access routes to it: by the Porte d'Aubervilliers and by the Porte de la Villette. These roads provide easy access to the network of roads and motorways around Paris as well as Le Bourget and Charles de Gaulle airports. The RER railway passes through the north of the commune and the station of La Courneuve-Aubervilliers, located just north of the commune on the N301 road, serves Aubervilliers. There are also two Metro stations on the south-western border on Avenue Jean-Jaures: Aubervilliers-Pantin-Quatre Chemins at the corner of Ave. de la Republique, and Fort d'Aubervilliers at the corner of Ave. de la Division Leclerc. The place name of -villiers is a characteristic appellative for agricultural domains in the Merovingian and Carolingian periods. The first part is the Germanic personal name Adalbertus from which are derived the names Albert and Aubert and also became a surname. It is homonymous with a hamlet in Seine-et-Marne, Aubervilliers, and Auberville in Normandy . Aubervilliers first appears in the archives in 1059 as Albertivillare, meaning "estate of Adalbert". In the following year Henry I donated it to the Priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs. In 1111 the serfs were freed in Aubervilliers. In 1182 the priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs, located in Paris, granted Paris butchers the right to freely graze their cattle in the fields after the harvest was over. In 1221, Guillaume Bateste, lord of Franconville, became the first Lord of Vivier les Aubervilliers. The church, which at the beginning of the 13th century depended on one of the parishes of Saint Denis, soon became famous for the miraculous appearance of an image of the Virgin. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Vincennes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Vincennes <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Vincennes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Vincennes <p> country <o> France <s> Vincennes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Castrop-Rauxel <s> Vincennes <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Mandé <s> Vincennes <p> different from <o> Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Vincennes <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Vincennes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Vincennes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Vincennes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Blackrock <s> Vincennes <p> shares border with <o> Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Vincennes <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lambeth <s> Vincennes <p> shares border with <o> Montreuil <s> Vincennes <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Vincennes <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Vincennes <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Vincennes <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Vincennes <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Vincennes <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tomar <s> Vincennes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montigny-le-Tilleul <s> Vincennes <p> capital of <o> canton of Vincennes <s> Vincennes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Vincennes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Vincennes <p> head of government <o> Charlotte Libert <s> NADD Wikidata project <p> maintained by <o> Network Archives Design and Digital Culture <s> NADD Wikidata project <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> demographics of Paris <p> location <o> Paris <s> demographics of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> demographics of Paris <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Paris <p> subclass of <o> demographics of Île-de-France <s> demographics of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Demographics of Paris <s> economy of Paris <p> location <o> Paris <s> economy of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> economy of Paris <p> subclass of <o> economy of Île-de-France <s> economy of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Paris <s> economy of Paris <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> Malakoff <p> replaces <o> Vanves <s> Malakoff <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Malakoff <p> country <o> France <s> Malakoff <p> shares border with <o> Vanves <s> Malakoff <p> shares border with <o> Clamart <s> Malakoff <p> shares border with <o> Châtillon <s> Malakoff <p> twinned administrative body <o> Corsico <s> Malakoff <p> shares border with <o> Montrouge <s> Malakoff <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Malakoff <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Malakoff <s> Malakoff <p> capital of <o> canton of Malakoff <s> Malakoff <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Malakoff <s> Malakoff <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Malakoff <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Malakoff <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Montrouge <s> Malakoff <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Malakoff <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Malakoff <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Antony <s> Malakoff <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Malakoff <s> Malakoff <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Malakoff <s> Malakoff <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine) <s> Malakoff <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Malakoff <p> head of government <o> Jacqueline Belhomme <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Jean-Pierre Lecoq <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 6e arrondissement <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Monnaie <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Notre-Dame-des-Champs <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de l'Odéon <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 6th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Germain-des-Prés <s> Bagnolet <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Bagnolet <p> country <o> France <s> Bagnolet <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Bagnolet <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sesto Fiorentino <s> Bagnolet <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oranienburg <s> Bagnolet <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Bagnolet <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bagnolet <p> shares border with <o> Les Lilas <s> Bagnolet <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Bagnolet <p> replaced by <o> Les Lilas <s> Bagnolet <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Bagnolet <p> replaced by <o> 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> Bagnolet <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Bagnolet <p> shares border with <o> Romainville <s> Bagnolet <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Est Ensemble <s> Bagnolet <p> twinned administrative body <o> Massala, Mali <s> Bagnolet <p> shares border with <o> Montreuil <s> Bagnolet <p> twinned administrative body <o> Le Robert <s> Bagnolet <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Bagnolet <p> head of government <o> Tony Di Martino <s> Bagnolet <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Bobigny <s> Bagnolet <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> capital of <o> canton of Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bagnolet <s> Bagnolet <p> replaces <o> Charonne <s> Bagnolet <p> owner of <o> église Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles de Bagnolet <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> replaces <o> Montmartre <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> replaces <o> La Chapelle <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> replaced by <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Terni <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> owner of <o> Grande Nef de l'Île-des-Vannes <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ruse <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> capital of <o> canton of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Asnières-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Podolsk <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> owner of <o> Church of Saint-Ouen-le-Vieux <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Clichy <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> L'Île-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Montmartre <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Salford <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> La Chapelle <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> head of government <o> William Delannoy <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Saint-Ouen <s> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> capital of <o> canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> country <o> France <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Macerata <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Weiden in der Oberpfalz <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guro District <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> Clamart <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> London Borough of Hounslow <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> uses <o> Qwant <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nahariya <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ichikawa <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> Vanves <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Julfa <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dapaong <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pozuelo de Alarcón <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Frameries <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux-Ouest <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux-Est <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> Meudon <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vagharshapat <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dongcheng District <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Futian District <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> open data portal <o> <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> head of government <o> André Santini <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> shares border with <o> Auteuil <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> capital of <o> canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux-Ouest <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> capital of <o> canton of Issy-les-Moulineaux-Est <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leshan <s> Issy-les-Moulineaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Saint-Denis <p> different from <o> Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> different from <o> Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> different from <o> Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Saint-Denis <p> capital of <o> Canton of Saint-Denis-2 <s> Saint-Denis <p> capital of <o> canton of Saint-Denis-1 <s> Saint-Denis <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gera <s> Saint-Denis <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Saint-Denis <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Denis <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Saint-Denis <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sesto San Giovanni <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Porto Alegre <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Denis <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) <s> Saint-Denis <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> replaces <o> La Chapelle <s> Saint-Denis <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gaza City <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> La Courneuve <s> Saint-Denis <p> head of government <o> Mathieu Hanotin <s> Saint-Denis <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Saint-Denis <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Pierrefitte-sur-Seine <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Stains <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Villetaneuse <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Aubervilliers <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> L'Île-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Canal Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nazareth <s> Saint-Denis <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> significant event <o> Siege of Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tuzla <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> La Chapelle <s> Saint-Denis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tiznit <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karakoro, Mali <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tulkarm <s> Saint-Denis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Djélébou <s> Saint-Denis <p> named after <o> Basilica of Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Saint-Denis <p> shares border with <o> Épinay-sur-Seine </Graph>
<Text> :Vincennes is a commune in the Val-de-Marne department in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 6.7 km from the centre of Paris. Vincennes is famous for its castle: the Chateau de Vincennes. It is next to but does not include the Bois de Vincennes, from which it took its name, which is attached to the city of Paris. The Marquis de Sade was imprisoned in Vincennes fortress in 1777, where he remained until February 1784 although he escaped for a little over a month in 1778. Thereafter Vincennes fortress was closed and de Sade transferred to the Bastille. The city is famous for its castle, the Chateau de Vincennes, and its park, the Bois de Vincennes hosting the only larger zoo in Paris, Paris Zoological Park . It also features a large military fort, now housing various army services. This fort and an adjoining plain known as the "Polygon" has historically been an important proving ground for French armaments. In 1933 Georges Saupique was commissioned to work on one of three "dessus-de-porte" to be placed above the doors of the new Vincennes' city hall "salle des fetes". His composition involved allegorical figures representing commerce and industry supporting the Vincennes' coat of arms. The city of Paris had a population of 2,165,423 people within its administrative city limits as of January 1, 2019. It is surrounded by the Paris unite urbaine, or urban area, the most populous urban area in the European Union. In 2018 the unite urbaine had a population of 10,816,803 in 2,854 km2 . The Paris Region, or Ile-de-France, covers 12,012 km2 , and has its own regional council and president. It has a population of 12,213,447 as of January 2018, or 18.3 percent of the population of France. The metropolitan or functional area of Paris covers 18,941 km2 and has 13,064,617 inhabitants . The population of the city of Paris reached a historic high of 2.9 million in 1921 but then declined; between 1954 and 1999 it declined at every census, falling to 2,125,246 in 1999. After that it began to climb again, reaching 2,240,621 in 2012, but falling to 2,187,526 in 2017. The city's population loss reflected the experience of most other core cities in the developed world that have not expanded their boundaries. The principal factors in the process were a significant decline in household size, and a dramatic migration of residents to the suburbs between 1962 and 1975. Factors in the migration included deindustrialisation, high rent, the gentrification of many inner quarters, the transformation of living space into offices, and greater affluence among working families. The city's population loss was one of the most severe among international municipalities and the largest for any that had achieved more than 2,000,000 residents. Since then, an influx of younger residents and immigrants has contributed to the growth of the city. According to Eurostat, the EU statistical agency, in 2012 the Commune of Paris was the most densely populated city in the European Union, with 21,616 people per square kilometre within the city limits , ahead of Inner London West, which had 10,374 persons per square kilometre. According to the same census, three departments bordering Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne, had population densities of over ten thousand persons per square kilometre, ranking among the ten most densely populated areas of the EU. The economy of Paris is based largely on services and commerce: of the 390,480 of its enterprises, 80.6 percent are engaged in commerce, transportation, and diverse services, 6.5 percent in construction, and just 3.8 percent in industry. Paris, including both the City of Paris and the Ile-de-France region , is the most important center of economic activity in France, accounting for about thirty percent of the French GDP. Paris had the fifth largest metropolitan economy in the world in 2011 according to the Brookings Institution and second in Europe. The Paris region is Europe's richest region with a GDP at over $1 trillion equivalent to that of the Netherlands or Indonesia and higher than countries like Switzerland, Sweden or Saudi Arabia, ahead of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany but slightly behind Greater London in the United Kingdom. It has the highest per capita GDP of any French region and the third highest of any region in the European Union. The story is similar in the Paris Region, or Ile-de-France, as a whole. 76.7 percent of enterprises are engaged in commerce and services, and 3.4 percent in industry. 59.5 percent of employees in the region are engaged in commerce, transport and diverse services, 26.9 percent in public administration, health and social services, 8.2 percent industry, and 5.2 percent in construction. The top ten French companies listed in the Fortune Global 500 for 2015 all had their headquarters in the Paris Region, nine within the City of Paris and one, TotalEnergies, in the Hauts-de-Seine Department, in the business district of La Defense. The fourth-largest company, Societe Generale, has its registered headquarters in Paris and its operational offices in La Defense. Other notable clusters of major companies are located at Issy-les-Moulineaux ; Boulogne-Billancourt, and Saint-Denis. The arrondissement, called Luxembourg in a reference to the seat of the Senate and its garden, is situated on the Rive Gauche of the River Seine. It includes educational institutions such as the Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts, the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales and the Institut de France, as well as Parisian monuments such as the Odeon-Theatre de l'Europe, the Pont des Arts, which links the 1st and 6th arrondissements over the Seine, Saint-Germain Abbey and Saint-Sulpice Church. This central arrondissement, which includes the historic districts of Saint-Germain-des-Pres and Luxembourg , has played a major role throughout Parisian history. It is well known for its cafe culture and the revolutionary existentialism intellectualism of the authors that lived there, including Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Gertrude Stein, Paul Eluard, Boris Vian, Albert Camus and Francoise Sagan. The 6th arrondissement is the smallest in Paris in terms of area covered. With its cityscape, intellectual tradition, history, architecture and central location, the arrondissement has long been home to French intelligentsia. It is a major locale for art galleries and fashion stores and is one of Paris's most expensive area and one of France's richest districts in terms of average income. It is part of what is called Paris Ouest alongside with the 7th, 8th and 16th arrondissements, as well as the Neuilly-sur-Seine inner suburb. The current 6th arrondissement, dominated by the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Pres--founded in the 6th century--was the heart of the Catholic Church's power in Paris for centuries, hosting many religious institutions. On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighboring communes. On that occasion, a small part of the commune of Bagnolet was annexed to the city of Paris. At the same time, the commune of Charonne was disbanded and divided between the city of Paris, Bagnolet, and Montreuil. Bagnolet received a small part of the territory of Charonne. In December 2013, the city's council voted to make Georges Ibrahim Abdallah an "honorary resident." The city council's motion described him as a "communist activist" and a "political prisoner" who "belongs to the resistance movement of Lebanon" and is a "determined defender of the Palestinian just cause." The motion stated that Abdallah's release was being denied "primarily because of the intervention of the US government" and "To call for his liberation, the municipal council declares him an honorary citizen of Bagnolet." Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine is a commune in the northern suburbs of Paris, France, located 6.6 kilometres from the centre of Paris. It is part of the Seine-Saint-Denis department, in the Ile-de-France region, and of the Metropole du Grand Paris. The commune was called Saint-Ouen until 2018, when it obtained a change of name by ministerial order. The communes neighbouring Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine are Paris, to the south, Clichy, to the west, Villeneuve-la-Garenne, Gennevilliers and L'Ile-Saint-Denis, to the north, and Saint-Denis to the east. The commune of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine is part of the canton of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, which also includes L'Ile-Saint-Denis and part of Epinay-sur-Seine. Saint-Ouen also includes the Cimetiere de Saint-Ouen. On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighbouring communes. On that occasion, a part of the commune of Saint-Ouen was annexed to the city of Paris. At the same time, the commune of La Chapelle-Saint-Denis was disbanded and divided between the city of Paris, Saint-Ouen, Saint-Denis, and Aubervilliers. Saint-Ouen received a small part of the territory of La Chapelle-Saint-Denis. The commune of Montmartre was also disbanded; the city of Paris annexed most of Montmartre, but Saint-Ouen did receive a small northern part of the territory of that commune. Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine is home to Paris' flea market, the highest concentration of antique dealers and second-hand furniture dealers in the world. The flea market is held every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday; because of this high frequency, compared to other flea markets, it has tended to consist only of professionals who rent their spot for a minimum term of three years. In 2014 the flea market site was acquired by Jean-Cyrille Boutmy from Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster. Issy-les-Moulineaux is a commune in the southwestern suburban area of Paris, France, lying on the left bank of the river Seine. Its citizens are called Isseens in French. It is one of Paris's entrances and is located 6.6 km from Notre Dame Cathedral, which is considered Kilometre Zero in France. On 1 January 2010, Issy-les-Moulineaux became part of the Grand Paris Seine Ouest agglomeration community, which merged into the Metropole du Grand Paris in January 2016. Issy-les-Moulineaux has successfully moved its economy from an old manufacturing base to high value-added service sectors and is at the heart of the Val de Seine business district, the largest cluster of telecommunication and media businesses in France, hosting the headquarters of most major French TV networks. Issy-les-Moulineaux is a municipality located on the edge of the 15th arrondissement of Paris, along the main axis between Paris and Versailles, and on the left bank of the Seine. The town is situated 7.5 kilometers southwest of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, the central point of France's road network, and 3 kilometers from the town hall of the 15th arrondissement. It is positioned 4 kilometers east of the sub-prefecture Boulogne-Billancourt and 11 kilometers southeast of the prefecture Nanterre. Within its territory, Issy-les-Moulineaux encompasses an island in the Seine: the Ile Saint-Germain. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> territorial collectivity of France with special status <p> country <o> France <s> territorial collectivity of France with special status <p> subclass of <o> territorial collectivity of France <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Jacques Boutault <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris Centre <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaillon <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Vivienne <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> city district <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 2e arrondissement <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mail <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bonne-Nouvelle <s> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charonne <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belleville <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Bagnolet <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Fargeau <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Père-Lachaise <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Belleville <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:20th arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Charonne <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Frédérique Calandra <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 20th arrondissement of Paris <s> 20th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 20e arrondissement <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> district heating grid <o> réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Vitry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> named after <o> Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Marne <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> replaced by <o> 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brandenburg an der Havel <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tindouf <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Créteil <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Villejuif <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dianguirdé <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Lisa <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jifna <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of l'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jalazone <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Bercy <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> former 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> country <o> France <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Alfortville <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bishop Auckland <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> shares border with <o> Charenton-le-Pont <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> head of government <o> Philippe Bouyssou <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> capital of <o> canton of Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Ivry-sur-Seine <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Puteaux <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Puteaux <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Puteaux <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Puteaux <p> country <o> France <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Offenbach am Main <s> Puteaux <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Puteaux <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Puteaux <p> capital of <o> canton of Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Puteaux <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Puteaux <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Puteaux <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Puteaux <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Puteaux <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Puteaux <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Courbevoie-2 <s> Puteaux <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Puteaux <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Velletri <s> Puteaux <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Esch-sur-Alzette <s> Puteaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Puteaux <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> shares border with <o> Suresnes <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Braga <s> Puteaux <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> shares border with <o> Nanterre <s> Puteaux <p> head of government <o> Joëlle Ceccaldi-Raynaud <s> Puteaux <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Puteaux <p> shares border with <o> Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> Puteaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Puteaux <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Puteaux <s> Puteaux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zemun <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mödling <s> Puteaux <p> different from <o> Putot <s> Puteaux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gan-Yavne <s> Puteaux <p> shares border with <o> Courbevoie <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Montreuil <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Vincennes <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Etterbeek <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Borgonovo Val Tidone <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> country <o> France <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marinha Grande <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> capital of <o> canton of Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Rosny-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brovary <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trucy <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Le Perreux-sur-Marne <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> shares border with <o> Neuilly-Plaisance <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wittenheim <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> twinned administrative body <o> Koungheul <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Fontenay-sous-Bois <p> head of government <o> Jean-Philippe Gautrais <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 9e arrondissement <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de Rochechouart <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Chaussée-d'Antin <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Faubourg-Montmartre <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Delphine Bürkli <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Georges <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 9th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> replaces <o> Saint-Maur-des-Fossés <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> different from <o> Joinville <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bergisch Gladbach <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> country <o> France <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Maur-des-Fossés <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Champigny-sur-Marne <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> different from <o> Joinville <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Charenton-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Maisons-Alfort <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> capital of <o> canton of Joinville-le-Pont <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-et-Oise <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Marne <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Joinville-le-Pont <p> head of government <o> Olivier Dosne <s> Gentilly <p> country <o> France <s> Gentilly <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Gentilly <p> shares border with <o> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Gentilly <p> replaced by <o> 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> Gentilly <p> replaced by <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> Gentilly <p> replaced by <o> Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Gentilly <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Gentilly <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Gentilly <s> Gentilly <p> shares border with <o> Arcueil <s> Gentilly <p> shares border with <o> Montrouge <s> Gentilly <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Gentilly <s> Gentilly <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Gentilly <s> Gentilly <p> twinned administrative body <o> Freiberg <s> Gentilly <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Gentilly <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Gentilly <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of l'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> Gentilly <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Gentilly <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre <s> Gentilly <p> shares border with <o> former 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> Gentilly <p> head of government <o> Patricia Tordjman <s> Gentilly <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gentilly <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Gentilly <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Gentilly <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Gentilly <s> Gentilly <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Gentilly <s> Gentilly <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gentilly <s> Gentilly <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Suresnes <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Suresnes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Suresnes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Suresnes <p> country <o> France <s> Suresnes <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Suresnes <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Suresnes <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Suresnes <p> capital of <o> canton of Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Holon <s> Suresnes <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Suresnes <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Göttingen <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Colmenar Viejo <s> Suresnes <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> London Borough of Hackney <s> Suresnes <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Nanterre-2 <s> Suresnes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kragujevac <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Villach <s> Suresnes <p> shares border with <o> Rueil-Malmaison <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hann. Münden <s> Suresnes <p> shares border with <o> Puteaux <s> Suresnes <p> shares border with <o> Nanterre <s> Suresnes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Suresnes <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Suresnes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Targovishte <s> Suresnes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Suresnes <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Cloud <s> Suresnes <p> head of government <o> Guillaume Boudy <s> Suresnes <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Suresnes <s> Suresnes <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Suresnes </Graph>
<Text> :The 2nd arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, this arrondissement is colloquially referred to as deuxieme . It is governed locally together with the 1st, 3rd and 4th arrondissement, with which it forms the 1st sector of Paris. Also known as Bourse, this arrondissement is located on the right bank of the River Seine. The 2nd arrondissement, together with the adjacent 8th and 9th arrondissements, hosts an important business district, centred on the Paris Opera, which houses the city's most dense concentration of business activities. The arrondissement contains the former Paris Bourse and several banking headquarters, as well as a textile district, known as the Sentier, and the Opera-Comique's theatre, the Salle Favart. The 2nd arrondissement is the home of Grand Rex, the largest movie theater in Paris. The 2nd arrondissement is also the home of most of Paris's surviving 19th-century glazed commercial arcades. At the beginning of the 19th century, most of the streets of Paris were dark, muddy, and lacked sidewalks. A few entrepreneurs copied the success of the Passage des Panoramas and its well-lit, dry, and paved pedestrian passageways. By the middle of the 19th century, there were about two dozen of these commercial malls, but most of them disappeared as the Paris authorities paved the main streets and added sidewalks, as well as gas street lighting. The commercial survivors are - in addition to the Passage des Panoramas - the Galerie Vivienne, the Passage Choiseul, the Galerie Colbert, the Passage des Princes, the Passage du Grand Cerf, the Passage du Caire, the Passage Lemoine, the Passage Jouffroy, the Passage Basfour, the Passage du Bourg-L'abbe, and the Passage du Ponceau. The 2nd arrondissement reached its peak of settlement in the years before 1861, although it has only existed in its current shape since the re-organization of Paris in 1860. As of the last census , the population was 19,585, while the number of jobs provided there was 61,672 - this despite a land area of only 0.992 km2, making it the arrondissement with the densest concentration of commercial activity in the capital, with an average of 62,695 jobs per km2. The 20th arrondissement of Paris is the last of the consecutively numbered arrondissements of the capital city of France. Also known as Menilmontant after the Menilmontant neighbourhood it encompasses in its northwest, it is on the right bank of the River Seine and contains some of the city's most cosmopolitan districts. It covers four quarters: Belleville, Saint-Fargeau, Pere-Lachaise and Charonne. In 2019, it had a population of 194,994. The population of Paris's 20th arrondissement peaked in 1936, when it had 208,115 inhabitants. Today it remains very dense in population and business activity with 197,067 inhabitants in 2009 and 54,786 jobs as of the last census in 1999. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. Ivry-sur-Seine is a commune in the Val-de-Marne department in the southeastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 5.3 km from the centre of Paris. Paris's main Asian district, the Quartier Asiatique in the 13th arrondissement, borders the commune and now extends into the northern parts of Ivry. Asian commercial activity, especially Chinese and Vietnamese, has greatly increased in Ivry-sur-Seine during the past two decades. The commune contains one of the highest concentrations of Vietnamese in France, who began settling in the city in the late 1970s after the Vietnam War. Politically, Ivry-sur-Seine has historically demonstrated strong electoral support for the French Communist Party . Between 1925 and today , the office of mayor was held by just four individuals: Georges Marrane, Jacques Laloe, Pierre Gosnat and Philippe Bouyssou, all members of the Communist Party. Originally, Ivry-sur-Seine was called simply Ivry. The name Ivry comes from Medieval Latin Ivriacum or Ibriacum, perhaps meaning "estate of Eburius ", a Gallo-Roman landowner. Puteaux is a commune in the western suburbs of Paris, France. It is located in the heart of the Hauts-de-Seine department, 8.7 kilometres from the centre of Paris. La Defense, Paris's business district hosting the tallest buildings in the metropolitan area, spreads over the northern part of Puteaux and parts of the neighbouring communes Courbevoie and Nanterre. The inhabitants of Puteaux are called Puteoliens in French. In 1148 Abbot Suger, the chief minister of kings Louis VI and Louis VII, established a landed estate named Putiauz, which went on to become a village of the same name. Suger also founded other settlements in the area, such as Carrieres-sur-Seine, Vaucresson, anc Villeneuve-la-Garenne, with the aim of attracting people into the region. This was reinforced by certain privileges which Suger granted to the inhabitants. The name Putiauz is likely to have come from the old French Putel, meaning a "quagmire" or "swamp", making reference to the condition of the area before it was drained for agriculture. But in another explanation, the name of Puteaux comes from the Latin word puteoli, the plural of puteolus, meaning "little wells" or "water holes". The spelling "Puteaux" is believed to have been first used in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. The commune was known alternatively as Fontenay-les-Bois , Fontenay-sur-le-Bois , or Fontenay-sous-Bois , but eventually in the early 19th century the latter name of Fontenay-sous-Bois became the only name. The wood referred to in the name of the commune is the Bois de Vincennes. The Rosettes fountain was lost during World War II. Years later, it was found by chance in a market in the South of France; the town of Fontenay-sous-Bois recovered it, and re-installed it in the place where it can be seen today. The commune has eleven preschools, eleven elementary schools, one junior high school, two CES junior high schools, one senior high school/sixth-form college, and one LEP. College Victor Duruy and Lycee Pablo Picasso are the main secondary schools. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. The arrondissement, called Opera, is located on the right bank of the River Seine. It contains many places of cultural, historical and architectural interest, including the Palais Garnier , on the Place de l'Opera, together with the InterContinental Paris Le Grand Hotel's Cafe de la Paix, as well as Boulevard Haussmann, with the Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, two large department stores, in addition to the Le Figaro newspaper. It hosts two historic churches, noted for their classical architecture, art and decoration: Saint-Louis-d'Antin and Notre-Dame-de-Lorette . The arrondissement also contains a number of theatres and music venues including the Olympia, Folies Bergere, Theatre Mogador, Theatre Edouard VII and Theatre de Paris. Along with the 2nd and 8th arrondissements, it hosts one of the business centres of Paris, located around the Palais Garnier. Until June 1995, the head office of Societe Generale was located in this arrondissement. On that month the head office moved to the Societe Generale Towers. The former head office remains as the company's registered office. The peak population of the 9th arrondissement occurred in 1901, when it had 124,011 inhabitants. Since then, the arrondissement has widely attracted business activity. As a result, the population was in 1999 only 55,838 inhabitants, while it held 111,939 jobs. The commune was created in 1791 under the name La Branche-du-Pont-de-Saint-Maur by detaching its territory from the commune of Saint-Maur-des-Fosses. The commune was renamed Joinville-le-Pont on 29 August 1831. Under Louis-Philippe of France, the Redoute de Gravelle was built in the commune. Joinville-le-Pont has a oceanic climate . The average annual temperature in Joinville-le-Pont is 12.9 degC . The average annual rainfall is 654.0 mm with December as the wettest month. The temperatures are highest on average in July, at around 21.3 degC , and lowest in January, at around 5.2 degC . The highest temperature ever recorded in Joinville-le-Pont was 42.5 degC on 25 July 2019; the coldest temperature ever recorded was -15.6 degC on 17 January 1985. Suresnes is a commune in the western suburbs of Paris, France. Located in Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France, 9.3 km from the centre of Paris, it had a population of 49,482 as of 2020. Suresnes borders the Bois de Boulogne in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. The neighbouring communes are Nanterre, Puteaux, Rueil-Malmaison and Saint-Cloud. Suresnes's landmarks include the Memorial de la France combattante, where an annual ceremony is held on 18 June, as well as Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial nearby, below Fort Mont-Valerien, in addition to Foch Hospital in the town centre. The commune is served by Suresnes-Mont-Valerien station on the Transilien network and by two stops on Ile-de-France tramway Line 2, all three giving access to the La Defense business district and its RER A, RER E and Paris Metro Line 1 services. Fort Mont-Valerien is situated in the commune, as is Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial. Suresnes has an elegant view of Paris and the Eiffel Tower, as does neighbouring Saint-Cloud. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Sorbonne <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Victor <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jardin-des-Plantes <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Val-de-Grâce <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 13th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Florence Berthout <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 5th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 5e arrondissement <s> Les Lilas <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Les Lilas <p> country <o> France <s> Les Lilas <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Les Lilas <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Les Lilas <p> shares border with <o> Bagnolet <s> Les Lilas <p> shares border with <o> Pantin <s> Les Lilas <p> shares border with <o> Le Pré-Saint-Gervais <s> Les Lilas <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> Les Lilas <p> twinned administrative body <o> Völklingen <s> Les Lilas <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-Saint-Denis <s> Les Lilas <p> shares border with <o> Romainville <s> Les Lilas <p> replaces <o> Pantin <s> Les Lilas <p> replaces <o> Bagnolet <s> Les Lilas <p> replaces <o> Romainville <s> Les Lilas <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Les Lilas <p> archives at <o> archives municipales des Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Les Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Les Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Les Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> head of government <o> Daniel Guiraud <s> Les Lilas <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Les Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> capital of <o> canton of Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Les Lilas <s> Les Lilas <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Les Lilas <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Bagnolet <s> Les Lilas <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Les Lilas <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Neuilly-sur-Seine <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Épinettes <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Plaine-de-Monceaux <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Geoffroy Boulard <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Ternes <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Batignolles <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Batignolles-Monceau <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 17e arrondissement <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:17th arrondissement of Paris <s> 17th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Auteuil <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Auteuil <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Passy <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 16e arrondissement <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Porte-Dauphine <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Muette <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Danièle Giazzi <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:16th arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaillot <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> 16th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> Montrouge <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Montrouge <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Montrouge <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Montrouge <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> replaced by <o> 14th arrondissement of Paris <s> Montrouge <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Montrouge <p> capital of <o> canton of Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> shares border with <o> Châtillon <s> Montrouge <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> shares border with <o> Bagneux <s> Montrouge <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Montrouge <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Antony <s> Montrouge <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Montrouge <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> shares border with <o> Arcueil <s> Montrouge <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Montrouge <p> shares border with <o> Malakoff <s> Montrouge <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Montrouge <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Montrouge <p> head of government <o> Étienne Lengereau <s> Montrouge <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Montrouge <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Montrouge <s> Montrouge <p> shares border with <o> Gentilly <s> Montrouge <p> country <o> France <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> country <o> France <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> named after <o> Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> capital of <o> canton of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bolesławiec <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Castiglione dei Pepoli <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yverdon-les-Bains <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Champigny-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Siegburg <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> owner of <o> Gaumont Palace organ <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Fontenay-sous-Bois <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> head of government <o> Jacques J. P. Martin <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Joinville-le-Pont <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Val Nure <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> replaced by <o> Le Perreux-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nazaré <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> shares border with <o> Le Perreux-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Nogent-sur-Marne <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Parisii <p> instance of <o> tribe <s> Parisii <p> subclass of <o> Gauls <s> Parisii <p> capital <o> Lukotekia <s> Parisii <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Parisii <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Parisii <s> Parisii <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 19th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clignancourt <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Chapelle <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Goutte-d'Or <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grandes-Carrières <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Éric Lejoindre <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> Montmartre <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> La Chapelle <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 18e arrondissement <s> 18th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> flag of Paris <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Paris <s> flag of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> flag of Paris <p> color <o> blue <s> flag of Paris <p> color <o> red <s> flag of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> flag of Paris <p> aspect ratio (W:H) <o> 3:2 <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> country <o> France <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Marne <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Alfortville <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> twinned administrative body <o> Borgo Val di Taro <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tempelhof-Schöneberg <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Ivry-sur-Seine <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trowbridge <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zikhron Ya'akov <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> capital of <o> canton of Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> replaces <o> Bercy <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Maisons-Alfort <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> canton of Ivry-sur-Seine-Est <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Communauté d'agglomération Seine Amont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> canton of Maisons-Alfort-Nord <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Bercy <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> canton of Alfortville-Nord <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Charenton-le-Pont <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> head of government <o> Hervé Gicquel <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Agglomeration Community of Charenton-le-Pont Saint-Maurice <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> shares border with <o> Communauté d'agglomération Plaine centrale du Val-de-Marne <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Charenton-le-Pont <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Créteil </Graph>
<Text> :The arrondissement, also known as Pantheon, is situated on the Rive Gauche of the River Seine. It is one of the capital's central arrondissements. The arrondissement is notable for being the location of the Latin Quarter, a district dominated by universities, colleges, and prestigious high schools since the 12th century when the University of Paris was created. It is also home to the National Museum of Natural History and Jardin des plantes in its eastern part. The 5th arrondissement is also one of the oldest districts of the city, dating back to ancient times. Traces of the area's past survive in such sites as the Arenes de Lutece, a Roman amphitheatre, as well as the Thermes de Cluny, a Roman thermae. The population of the arrondissement peaked in 1911 when the population density reached almost 50,000 inhabitants per km2. In 2009, the population was 61,531, while 48,909 worked in the arrondissement. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. The commune of Les Lilas was created on 24 July 1867 by detaching a part of the territory of Romainville and merging it with a part of the territory of Pantin and a part of the territory of Bagnolet. Les Lilas is known for the hit 1958 song by Serge Gainsbourg, "Le Poinconneur des Lilas", about a ticket puncher at the Porte des Lilas Metro station. This Metro station is actually in Paris, one stop away from the Mairie des Lilas Metro station which is in Les Lilas. The 17th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, it is referred to as le dix-septieme . The arrondissement, known as Batignolles-Monceau, is situated on the right bank of the River Seine. In 2019, it had a population of 166,543. It borders the inner suburbs of Neuilly-sur-Seine, Levallois-Perret and Clichy in Hauts-de-Seine to the northwest, as well as Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine in Seine-Saint-Denis to the northeast. Situated on the right bank of the River Seine, it is divided into four administrative districts: Ternes and Monceau in the southwestern part, two upper-class districts which are more Haussmannian in style; in the middle of the arrondissement, the Batignolles district, an area mostly occupied by young families or couples, with a marked gentrification process; in the northeastern part, the Epinettes district, a former industrial district gone residential, which is mainly middle class and also experiencing a less advanced gentrification process. The town hall of the 17th arrondissement is on the Rue des Batignolles. It is the only town hall of Paris to be located in a modern building. The original building was torn down in 1971 to make room for the current edifice. The 17th arrondissement also hosts the Palais des Congres of Paris, a large exhibition centre with an associated high-rise hotel, the Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile, the largest in the city. The 16th arrondissement of Paris is the westernmost of the 20 arrondissements of Paris, the capital city of France. Located on the Right Bank, it is adjacent to the 17th and 8th arrondissements to the northeast, as well as to Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine to the southwest. Opposite the Seine are the 7th and 15th arrondissements. Notable sights of the 16th arrondissement include the Arc de Triomphe and the Place du Trocadero, where the Palais de Chaillot stands, itself concentrating three museums and one theatre. Other museums and cultural venues are located in this arrondissement, including the Louis Vuitton Foundation opened in 2014. With its ornate 19th-century buildings, large avenues, prestigious schools, museums, in addition to various parks, the arrondissement has long been known as one of French high society's favourite places of residence to such an extent that the phrase le 16e has been associated with great wealth in French popular culture. Indeed, the 16th arrondissement of Paris is France's third richest district for average household income, following the 7th arrondissement and Neuilly-sur-Seine, both adjacent. The 16th arrondissement hosts several large sporting venues, including: the Parc des Princes, which is the stadium where Paris Saint-Germain football club plays its home matches; Roland Garros Stadium, where the French Open tennis championships are held; and Stade Jean-Bouin, home to the Stade Francais rugby union club. The Bois de Boulogne, the second-largest public park in Paris , is also located in this arrondissement. Montrouge is a commune in the southern Parisian suburbs, located 4.4 km from the centre of Paris. It is one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe. After a long period of decline, the population has increased again in recent years. Throughout the Middle Ages, the hamlet was home to monasteries and a number of religious orders, while in the 15th century it became the site of quarries used for the reconstruction of Paris. The late sixteenth century saw the plain of Montrouge named "reserve for royal hunts", and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was known for its windmills, which have all now disappeared. On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighbouring communes. On that occasion, most of the commune of Montrouge was annexed to Paris, forming what is now called Petit-Montrouge, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. The remainder of Montrouge was preserved as an independent town. On 8 January 2015, Municipal Police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe was shot and killed in the commune, purportedly by Amedy Coulibaly. Coulibaly was reported to be an accomplice of Said and Cherif Kouachi, the suspected perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. The next day, he was gunned down by police during a siege that left four hostages dead and several other people injured. Nogent-sur-Marne is a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 10.6 km from the centre of Paris. Nogent-sur-Marne is a sous-prefecture of the Val-de-Marne departement, being the seat of the Arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne. In the Middle Ages, several castles were built. Le Chateau de Plaisance, built in the 13th century, which hosted Charles V and Jeanne de Bourbon in 1375. The only vestige which remains is a house of the current private hospital, 30 rue de Plaisance, as well as the bottom of the enclosing wall of the gardens. Le Chateau de Beaute-sur-Marne, 14th century, is a royal stay. Cardinal de Richelieu destroyed it in 1626. In the 17th century, whereas the rural population was made up of a majority of vine growers, the middle-class discovered the charms of the country, and settled in Nogent. Jean-Antoine Watteau lived in Mr. Lefevre's house his last moments and died there in 1721. The construction of the two railway lines: Paris-Mulhouse and Bastille-La Varenne in the 1850s still accelerated the process. The viaduct, built by Auvergnats and Belgians was destroyed once on 15 September 1870. Italians rebuilt it; an Italian community was established there. Coming, for the majority, from the province of Piacenza, they were from the Valley of Nure or from the south of Tyrol. The arrondissement, known as Butte-Montmartre, is located on the right bank of the River Seine. It is mostly known for hosting the large hill of Montmartre known for its artistic history, the Bateau-Lavoir where Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Amedeo Modigliani lived and worked in early 20th century, the house of music diva Dalida, the Moulin Rouge cabaret, other historic features, and the prominent Sacre Coeur basilica which sits atop the hill. The 18th arrondissement also contains Goutte d'Or district, which has large numbers of residents of North, and sub-Saharan African origins, and which is famous for its market, the marche Barbes, selling products from Africa. The population of Paris's 18th arrondissement peaked in 1931 with 288,810 inhabitants. Today, the arrondissement remains very dense in population and business activity with 200,631 inhabitants as of the most recent census . 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. An immigrant may have acquired French citizenship since moving to France, but is still considered an immigrant in French statistics. On the other hand, persons born in France with foreign citizenship are not listed as immigrants. The flag of Paris is vertically divided between the traditional colours of Paris, blue and red, both of which also feature in the city's coat of arms. Red is identified with Saint Denis, blue with Saint Martin. The colours of Paris are the origin of the blue and red stripes in the flag of France, while the white stripe originally symbolised the monarchy. The French flag's colours were adopted as a cockade during the early stages of the French Revolution, when the country was still in the process of becoming a constitutional monarchy. Charenton-le-Pont is a commune in the southeastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 6.2 km from the centre of Paris, to the north of the confluence of the Seine and Marne rivers; the Pont part of the name refers to the stone bridge across the Marne. It is one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe. A Bronze Age hoard of weapons was found in the river Seine at Charenton in the late nineteenth century. Comprising swords, axes, spearheads and other miscellaneous objects, it is now in the British Museum. Charenton was always a point of importance for the defence of the capital, and was frequently the scene of bloody conflicts. The fort of Charenton, located in Maisons-Alfort but intended to defend Charenton, is one of the older forts of the Paris defence. In the now-named commune St Maurice, adjoining Charenton to the east, is the Hospice de Charenton, a psychiatric hospital, the foundation of which dates from 1641. Until the time of the Revolution it was used as a general hospital, and even as a prison, but from 1802 onwards it was specially appropriated to the treatment of mental illness. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Pierre Aidenbaum <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> city district <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris Centre <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Enfants-Rouges <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Archives <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arts-et-Métiers <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Sainte-Avoye <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 3e arrondissement <s> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> instance of <o> human <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> country of citizenship <o> Spain <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> given name <o> Anne <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> native language <o> French <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> candidacy in election <o> 2014 Paris municipal election <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> family name <o> Hidalgo <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> native language <o> Spanish <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> unmarried partner <o> Jean-Marc Germain <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> second family name in Spanish name <o> Aleu <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> place of birth <o> Cádiz <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> eye color <o> brown <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017 <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> position held <o> chairperson <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> sibling <o> Mary Hidalgo <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> member of political party <o> Socialist Party <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> educated at <o> Paris Nanterre University <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> educated at <o> Jean Moulin University - Lyon 3 <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> NL Gendergap maintenance <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> candidacy in election <o> 2020 Paris municipal election <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> religion or worldview <o> atheism <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> position held <o> mayor of Paris <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Order of the Badge of Honour <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Royal Order of the Polar Star <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Medal of Andalusia <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Order of Civil Merit <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> spouse <o> Jean-Marc Germain <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> position held <o> member of the regional council of Île-de-France <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> position held <o> Councillor of Paris <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Knight of the Legion of Honour <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> child <o> Elsa Jantet-Hidalgo <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> child <o> Matthieu Jantet-Hidalgo <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> occupation <o> international forum participant <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> ethnic group <o> Spanish immigration to France <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Officer of the National Order of Merit <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Knight of the National Order of the Lion <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> place of birth <o> San Fernando <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> award received <o> Order of Isabella the Catholic <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> spouse <o> Philippe Jantet <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> child <o> Arthur Germain <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> position held <o> Councillor of Metropolis of Greater Paris <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> position held <o> 2016-2019 UCLG Co-President <s> Anne Hidalgo <p> occupation <o> Personnel of direct services to individuals <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 15th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Rachida Dati <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 7e arrondissement <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> École-Militaire <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 10th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Invalides <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gros-Caillou <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 7th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> capital <o> Paris <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of l'Haÿ-les-Roses <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> arrondissement of France <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Antony <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Bobigny <s> arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> arrondissement of Nanterre <s> Vanves <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Vanves <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Vanves <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Vanves <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-Seine <s> Vanves <p> country <o> France <s> Vanves <p> shares border with <o> Clamart <s> Vanves <p> shares border with <o> Issy-les-Moulineaux <s> Vanves <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Vanves <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosh HaAyin <s> Vanves <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Vanves <s> Vanves <p> capital of <o> canton of Vanves <s> Vanves <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vanves <s> Vanves <p> shares border with <o> Malakoff <s> Vanves <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lehrte <s> Vanves <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Clamart <s> Vanves <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Vanves <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Vanves <p> open data portal <o> <s> Vanves <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Vanves <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ballymoney <s> Vanves <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Vanves <s> Vanves <p> head of government <o> Bernard Gauducheau <s> Vanves <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Vanves <s> Vanves <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vanves <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 12th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> capital of <o> Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Merri <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Gervais <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Notre-Dame <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris Centre <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Christophe Girard <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 4e arrondissement <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de l'Arsenal <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> city district <s> 4th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> Knight of the Legion of Honour <p> country <o> France <s> Knight of the Legion of Honour <p> part of <o> Legion of Honour <s> Knight of the Legion of Honour <p> subclass of <o> knight <s> Knight of the Legion of Honour <p> instance of <o> grade of an order <s> Knight of the Legion of Honour <p> next higher rank <o> Officer of the Legion of Honour <s> Knight of the Legion of Honour <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Knights of the Legion of Honour <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> country <o> France <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> instance of <o> grade of an order <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> part of <o> Order of Liberation <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> has list <o> list of companions of the Liberation <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> subclass of <o> companion <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Companions of the Liberation <s> Companion of the Liberation <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Companions of the Liberation <s> Saint-Maurice <p> different from <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> different from <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> shares border with <o> Paris <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Maurice <p> different from <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> different from <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Maurice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curtarolo <s> Saint-Maurice <p> shares border with <o> Joinville-le-Pont <s> Saint-Maurice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> twinned administrative body <o> Erlenbach am Main <s> Saint-Maurice <p> member of <o> Concours des villes et villages fleuris <s> Saint-Maurice <p> shares border with <o> Charenton-le-Pont <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Marne <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Créteil <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Paris unité urbaine <s> Saint-Maurice <p> shares border with <o> Maisons-Alfort <s> Saint-Maurice <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne <s> Saint-Maurice <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne <s> Saint-Maurice <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Saint Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Marne <s> Saint-Maurice <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Val-de-Marne <s> Saint-Maurice <p> head of government <o> Igor Semo <s> Saint-Maurice <p> associated electoral district <o> canton of Charenton-le-Pont <s> Saint-Maurice <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Saint-Maurice <s> Saint-Maurice <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Saint-Maurice (Val-de-Marne) <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Paris <s> Saint-Maurice <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Agglomeration Community of Charenton-le-Pont Saint-Maurice <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 18th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 16th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 17th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Jeanne d'Hauteserre <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Faubourg-du-Roule <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Madeleine <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier des Champs-Élysées <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de l'Europe <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 8e arrondissement <s> 8th arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 1st arrondissement of Paris </Graph>
<Text> :The 3rd arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, this arrondissement is colloquially referred to as "le troisieme" meaning "the third". Its postal code is 75003. It is governed locally together with the 1st, 2nd and 4th arrondissements, with which it forms the 1st sector of Paris, Paris Centre. The arrondissement, sometimes known as Temple and situated on the right bank of the River Seine, is the smallest in area after the 2nd. It contains the quieter northern part of the medieval district of Le Marais, while the more lively southern part, notably including the gay district of Paris, is located within the 4th arrondissement. The ancient Jewish quarter, the Pletzl which dates from the 13th century begins in the eastern part of the 3rd arrondissement and extends into the 4th. It is home to the Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme and the Agoudas Hakehilos synagogue designed by the architect Hector Guimard. Although fashionable boutiques now take up many of the storefronts, there are still landmark stores selling traditional Jewish foods. A small but slowly expanding Chinatown, inhabited by immigrants from Wenzhou, centers on the rue au Maire, near the Conservatoire national des arts et metiers and the Musee des Arts et Metiers, partly housed in the medieval priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs. Ana Maria "Anne" Hidalgo Aleu is a Spanish-born French politician who has served as Mayor of Paris since 2014, the first woman to hold the office. She is a member of the Socialist Party. Hidalgo served as First Deputy Mayor of Paris under Mayor Bertrand Delanoe , having held the title of Councillor of Paris since the 2001 municipal election. She was elected to the mayoralty in 2014 after Delanoe announced he would not seek a third term. Her first term as Mayor of Paris was marked by the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting and November 2015 Paris attacks, including the Bataclan theatre massacre which she witnessed the aftermath of, first-hand. Her popularity declined following several instances of alleged mismanagement, to the point that polls showed a majority of voters did not want her to win a second term in 2020. First Deputy Mayor Bruno Julliard resigned in 2018, criticising Hidalgo's style of governance. In April 2019 she oversaw the disaster recovery efforts for the Notre-Dame de Paris fire. While the COVID-19 pandemic led to a record low voter turnout, she was reelected although failed to secure an absolute majority of the vote. During her second term as Mayor of Paris, Hidalgo has overseen the city's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, implementing measures such as nightly curfews, closure of non-essential shops and the introduction of 50 kilometres of pop-up cycle lanes known as "coronapistes" to ease pressure on public transport. By January 2021, a number of Hidalgo's policies have gained international attention, such as her proposal to remove over half of Paris's car parking spaces and turn the Champs-Elysees into a "fantastic garden". On 12 September 2021, Hidalgo announced her candidacy in the 2022 presidential election, despite her pledge in 2020 to serve a full second term as Mayor of Paris. She came tenth out of twelve candidates, with 1.75% of the vote, the lowest result for a Socialist candidate in a French presidential election in history. The arrondissement, called Palais-Bourbon in a reference to the seat of the National Assembly, includes some of the major and well-known tourist attractions of Paris, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Hotel des Invalides , the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, as well as a concentration of museums such as the Musee d'Orsay, Musee Rodin and the Musee du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac. Situated on the Rive Gauche--the "Left" bank of the River Seine--this central arrondissement, which includes the historical aristocratic neighbourhood of Faubourg Saint-Germain, contains a number of French national institutions, among them the National Assembly and numerous government ministries. It is also home to many foreign diplomatic embassies, some of them occupying outstanding hotels particuliers. The arrondissement has been home to the French upper class since the 17th century, when it became the new residence of France's highest nobility. The district has been so fashionable within the French aristocracy that the phrase le Faubourg--referring to the ancient name of the current 7th arrondissement--has been used to describe French nobility ever since. The 7th arrondissement of Paris and Neuilly-sur-Seine form the most affluent and prestigious residential area in France. During the 17th century, French high nobility started to move from the central Marais, the then-aristocratic district of Paris where nobles used to build their urban mansions , to the clearer, less populated and less polluted Faubourg Saint-Germain. The arrondissement of Paris is an arrondissement of France in the Ile-de-France region. It covers exactly the commune and department of Paris. Its population is 2,190,327 , and its area is 105.4 km2 . In 1800 the arrondissement of Paris was established as part of the department Seine. In 1962 it absorbed the communes of the former arrondissements of Saint-Denis and Sceaux. In 1964 and 1966 it lost territory to the new arrondissements of Bobigny, Creteil, Nanterre, Antony and Nogent-sur-Marne. In 1968 the department Seine was disbanded, and the arrondissement of Paris became the single arrondissement of the department of Paris. Vanves is a commune in the southwestern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 5.6 km from the centre of Paris. It is one of the most densely populated municipalities in Europe and the tenth in France On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighboring communes. On that occasion, about a third of the commune of Vanves was annexed to Paris, and forms now essentially the neighborhood of Plaisance, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. Vanves is served by Malakoff - Plateau de Vanves station on Paris Metro Line 13. This station is located at the border between the commune of Vanves and the commune of Malakoff, on the Malakoff side of the border. The 4th arrondissement of Paris is one of the twenty arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, this arrondissement is referred to as quatrieme. Along with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd arrondissements, it is in the first sector of Paris, which maintains a single local government rather than four separate ones. The arrondissement, also known as Hotel-de-Ville, is situated on the right bank of the River Seine. It contains the Renaissance-era Paris City Hall, rebuilt between 1874 and 1882. It also contains the Renaissance square of Place des Vosges, the overtly modern Pompidou Centre, and the lively southern part of the medieval district of Le Marais, which today is known for being the gay district of Paris. . The eastern part of the Ile de la Cite and all of the Ile Saint-Louis are also included within the 4th arrondissement. The 4th arrondissement is known for its little streets, cafes, and shops but is often regarded by Parisians as expensive and congested. It has old buildings and a mix of many cultures. The peak of population of the 4th arrondissement occurred before 1861, though the arrondissement was defined in its current shape only since the re-organization of Paris in 1860. In 1999, the population was 30,675, and the arrondissement hosted 41,424 jobs. The National Order of the Legion of Honour , formerly the Royal Order of the Legion of Honour , is the highest French order of merit, both military and civil. Established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, it has been retained by all later French governments and regimes. The order's motto is Honneur et Patrie ; its seat is the Palais de la Legion d'Honneur next to the Musee d'Orsay, on the left bank of the Seine in Paris. Since 1 February 2023, the Order's grand chancellor has been retired General Francois Lecointre, who succeeded fellow retired General Benoit Puga in office. During the French Revolution, all of the French orders of chivalry were abolished and replaced with Weapons of Honour. It was the wish of Napoleon Bonaparte, the First Consul, to create a reward to commend civilians and soldiers. From this wish was instituted a Legion d'honneur, a body of men that was not an order of chivalry, for Napoleon believed that France wanted a recognition of merit rather than a new system of nobility. However, the Legion d'honneur did use the organization of the old French orders of chivalry, for example, the Ordre de Saint-Louis. The insignia of the Legion d'honneur bear a resemblance to those of the Ordre de Saint-Louis, which also used a red ribbon. Napoleon originally created this award to ensure political loyalty. The organization would be used as a facade to give political favours, gifts, and concessions. The Legion d'honneur was loosely patterned after a Roman legion, with legionaries, officers, commanders, regional "cohorts" and a grand council. The highest rank was not a Grand Cross but a Grand aigle , a rank that wore the insignia common to a Grand Cross. The members were paid, the highest of them extremely generously: The 8th arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, the arrondissement is colloquially referred to as le huitieme . The arrondissement, called Elysee, is situated on the right bank of the River Seine and centered on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees. The 8th arrondissement is, together with the 1st, 9th, 16th and 17th arrondissements, one of Paris' main business districts. According to the 1999 census, it was the place of employment of more people than any other single arrondissement of the capital. It is also the location of many places of interest, among them the Champs-Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde, as well as the Elysee Palace, the official residence and office of the President of France. Most French fashion luxury brands have their main store in 8th arrondissement, Avenue Montaigne or Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore, both in the Champs-Elysees Avenue shopping district. As of 2019, the 8th arrondissement had a population of 35,655. The arrondissement had its highest population of 107,485 in 1891. In 1999, it had almost a third of that number, with 39,310 residents. It is one of Paris' least densely populated arrondissements and contains 1.8% of the total population of Paris. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Tbilisi <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Tbilisi <p> part of <o> Kartli <s> Tbilisi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+04:00 <s> Tbilisi <p> country <o> Georgia <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Georgia <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Democratic Republic of Georgia <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti <s> Tbilisi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Georgia <s> Tbilisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ljubljana <s> Tbilisi <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Georgia <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Kartli <s> Tbilisi <p> significant event <o> Siege of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Tbilisi <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Iberia <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Georgia-Imeretia Governorate <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Military Council <s> Tbilisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Tbilisi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Tbilisi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Tbilisi <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Tbilisi <p> instance of <o> city <s> Tbilisi <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> official language <o> Georgian <s> Tbilisi <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tbilisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chișinău <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nadzaladevi <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chughureti <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Didube district <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Krtsanisi <s> Tbilisi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Emirate of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Reichskommissariat Kaukasien <s> Tbilisi <p> flag <o> flag of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tbilisi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Tbilisi <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gldani District <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saburtalo District <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isani District <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vake district <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Samgori District <s> Tbilisi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mtatsminda District <s> Tbilisi <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Tbilisi portal <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Tiflis Uyezd <s> Tbilisi <p> instance of <o> mkhare <s> Tbilisi <p> head of government <o> Kakha Kaladze <s> Tbilisi <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Tbilisi <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Tiflis Governorate <s> Tbilisi <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Tbilisi <p> significant event <o> Siege of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> significant event <o> Siege of Tbilisi <s> Tbilisi <p> capital of <o> Socialist Soviet Republic of Georgia <s> Tbilisi <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Tbilisi <s> daylight saving time <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> daylight saving time <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Daylight saving time <s> daylight saving time <p> subclass of <o> civil time <s> daylight saving time <p> opposite of <o> standard time <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> different from <o> Siege of Kyiv <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> different from <o> Siege of Kyiv <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> different from <o> Siege of Kyiv <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> different from <o> Sack of Kyiv <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> battle <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> location <o> Kyiv <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> part of <o> Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus' <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Battle of Kyiv (2022) <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> participant <o> Russian Armed Forces <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> participant <o> Armed Forces of Ukraine <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> damaged <o> Kyiv TV Tower <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> military operation <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> different from <o> Battle of Kiev <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> part of <o> Kyiv offensive <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Battle of Kyiv <p> damaged <o> Lukianivska <s> Kyiv <p> different from <o> Kijów <s> Kyiv <p> different from <o> Kiev <s> Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Lithuania <s> Vilnius <p> country <o> Lithuania <s> Vilnius <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Vilnius <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Vilnius <p> related category <o> Category:Vilnius-related lists <s> Vilnius <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Vilnius <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Vilnius <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Łódź <s> Vilnius <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Erfurt <s> Vilnius <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Vilnius <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> open data portal <o> Vilnius Open Data <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Lithuanian–Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilnius County <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilna Governorate <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chicago <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilnius District Municipality <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilensky Uyezd <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Grand Duchy of Lithuania <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reykjavík <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Republic of Central Lithuania <s> Vilnius <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Vilnius <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Vilnius <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilnius Voivodeship <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilna Governorate-General <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Lithuania Governorate <s> Vilnius <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Vilnius <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tallinn <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilnius County <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Duisburg <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Vilnius City Municipality <s> Vilnius <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gdańsk <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Vilnius <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> different from <o> Wilno <s> Vilnius <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chișinău <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shenzhen <s> Vilnius <p> capital of <o> Principality of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Salzburg <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bila Tserkva <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lublin <s> Vilnius <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Vilnius City Municipality <s> Vilnius <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Vilnius <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> named after <o> Vilnia <s> Vilnius <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lviv <s> Vilnius <p> head of government <o> Remigijus Šimašius <s> Vilnius <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Vilnia <s> Vilnius <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Neris <s> Vilnius <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Vilnius <s> Vilnius <p> award received <o> Rescuer City <s> Vilnius <p> flag <o> flag of Vilnius <s> Second Polish Republic <p> different from <o> Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Second Polish Republic <p> shares border with <o> Nazi Germany <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> German <s> Second Polish Republic <p> capital <o> Warsaw <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> Polish <s> Second Polish Republic <p> official language <o> Polish <s> Second Polish Republic <p> followed by <o> Soviet Union <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> Russian <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> Yiddish <s> Second Polish Republic <p> official religion <o> Catholicism <s> Second Polish Republic <p> country <o> Second Polish Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> shares border with <o> Slovak Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> shares border with <o> First Czechoslovak Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> follows <o> Austria-Hungary <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaces <o> Austria-Hungary <s> Second Polish Republic <p> followed by <o> Slovak Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> official religion <o> Byzantine Catholic Churches <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> Belarusian <s> Second Polish Republic <p> anthem <o> Poland Is Not Yet Lost <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> Ukrainian <s> Second Polish Republic <p> flag <o> flag of Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> official religion <o> Judaism <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaced by <o> Polish People's Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> basic form of government <o> presidential system <s> Second Polish Republic <p> shares border with <o> Kingdom of Romania <s> Second Polish Republic <p> follows <o> German Empire <s> Second Polish Republic <p> followed by <o> General Government <s> Second Polish Republic <p> follows <o> Russian Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> follows <o> Kingdom of Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> currency <o> złoty <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaces <o> Kingdom of Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> part of <o> history of Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> currency <o> Polish marka <s> Second Polish Republic <p> basic form of government <o> single-party system <s> Second Polish Republic <p> territory claimed by <o> Polish Socialistic Soviet Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> official religion <o> Eastern Orthodoxy <s> Second Polish Republic <p> follows <o> Lithuanian–Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Second Polish Republic <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> followed by <o> Polish government-in-exile <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaced by <o> Polish Underground State <s> Second Polish Republic <p> language used <o> Lithuanian <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaced by <o> Polish government-in-exile <s> Second Polish Republic <p> legislative body <o> Sejm of the Republic of Poland <s> Second Polish Republic <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Second Polish Republic <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaces <o> Regency Council <s> Second Polish Republic <p> replaces <o> Rada Narodowa Księstwa Cieszyńskiego <s> Second Polish Republic <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Second Polish Republic <s> Second Polish Republic <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939) <s> Kuyaba <p> said to be the same as <o> Kyiv <s> Kuyaba <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Kuyaba <p> instance of <o> toponym <s> Kuyaba <p> described by source <o> Abu Zayd al-Balkhi <s> Mother of Rus' Cities <p> instance of <o> city nickname <s> Mother of Rus' Cities <p> said to be the same as <o> Kyiv <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> official language <o> German <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> language used <o> German <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> country <o> Nazi Germany <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> head of government <o> Erich Koch <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> official language <o> Ukrainian <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> language used <o> Ukrainian <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> follows <o> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> instance of <o> Reichskommissariat <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> capital <o> Rivne <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> followed by <o> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> currency <o> Reich karbovanets <s> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Reichskommissariat Ukraine </Graph>
<Text> :Tbilisi , in some languages still known by its pre-1936 name Tiflis , is the capital and largest city of Georgia, lying on the banks of the Kura River with a population of around 1.2 million people. Tbilisi was founded in the fifth century AD by Vakhtang I of Iberia, and since then has served as the capital of various Georgian kingdoms and republics. Between 1801 and 1917, then part of the Russian Empire, Tiflis was the seat of the Caucasus Viceroyalty, governing both the northern and the southern parts of the Caucasus. Because of its location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, and its proximity to the lucrative Silk Road, throughout history, Tbilisi has been a point of contention among various global powers. To this day, the city's location ensures its position as an important transit route for energy and trade projects. Tbilisi's history is reflected in its architecture, which is a mix of medieval, neoclassical, Beaux Arts, Art Nouveau, Stalinist, and Modern structures. Historically, Tbilisi has been home to people of multiple cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, though its population is overwhelmingly Eastern Orthodox Christian. Notable tourist destinations include cathedrals Sameba and Sioni, Freedom Square, Rustaveli Avenue and Agmashenebeli Avenue, medieval Narikala Fortress, the pseudo-Moorish Opera Theater, and the Georgian National Museum. The climate in Tbilisi mostly ranges from 20 to 32 degC in summer and -1 to 7 degC in winter. The name "Tbilisi" derives from Old Georgian Tbilisi , and further from tpili . The name Tbilisi was therefore given to the city because of the area's numerous sulfuric hot springs. Daylight saving time , also referred to as daylight savings time, daylight time , or summer time , is the practice of advancing clocks to make better use of the longer daylight available during summer, so that darkness falls at a later clock time. The typical implementation of DST is to set clocks forward by one hour in spring or late winter, and to set clocks back by one hour to standard time in the autumn . DST is not usually observed near the Equator, where sunrise and sunset times do not vary enough to justify it; conversely, it is often not observed in places at high latitudes where a one-hour clock shift would provide little benefit because of the wide variations in sunrise and sunset times. Consequently, only a minority of the world's population uses DST. Some countries observe it only in some regions for example: it is observed only by some Australian states depending on latitude and by all states in the United States except for Hawaii and Arizona . Historically, several ancient societies adopted seasonal changes to their timekeeping to make better use of daylight; Roman timekeeping even included changes to water clocks to accommodate this. However, these were changes to the time divisions of the day rather than setting the whole clock forward. In a satirical letter to the editor of the Journal de Paris in 1784, Benjamin Franklin suggested that if Parisians could only wake up earlier in the summer they would economize on candle and oil usage, but he did not propose changing the clocks. In 1895, New Zealand entomologist and astronomer George Hudson made the first realistic proposal to change clocks by two hours every spring to the Wellington Philosophical Society, but this was not implemented until 1928 and in another form. In 1907, William Willett proposed the adoption of British Summer Time as a way to save energy but although seriously considered by Parliament it was not implemented until 1916. The first implementation of DST was by Port Arthur , in Ontario, Canada, in 1908, but only locally, not nationally. The first nation-wide implementations were by the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, both starting on 30 April 1916. Since then many countries have adopted DST at various times since then, particularly since the 1970s energy crisis. Kyiv is the capital and most populous city of Ukraine. It is in north-central Ukraine along the Dnieper River. As of 1 January 2022, its population was 2,952,301, making Kyiv the seventh-most populous city in Europe. Kyiv is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural center in Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions, and historical landmarks. The city has an extensive system of public transport and infrastructure, including the Kyiv Metro. The city's name is said to derive from the name of Kyi, one of its four legendary founders. During its history, Kyiv, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of prominence and obscurity. The city probably existed as a commercial center as early as the 5th century. A Slavic settlement on the great trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, Kyiv was a tributary of the Khazars, until its capture by the Varangians in the mid-9th century. Under Varangian rule, the city became a capital of Kievan Rus', the first East Slavic state. Completely destroyed during the Mongol invasions in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. Coming under Lithuania, then Poland and then Russia, the city would grow from a frontier market into an important centre of Orthodox learning in the sixteenth century, and later of industry, commerce, and administration by the ninenteenth. The city prospered again during the Russian Empire's Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century. In 1918, when the Ukrainian People's Republic declared independence from the Russian Republic after the October Revolution there, Kyiv became its capital. From the end of the Ukrainian-Soviet and Polish-Soviet wars in 1921, Kyiv was a city of the Ukrainian SSR, and made its capital in 1934. The city suffered significant destruction during World War II but quickly recovered in the postwar years, remaining the Soviet Union's third-largest city. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991, Kyiv remained Ukraine's capital and experienced a steady influx of ethnic Ukrainian migrants from other regions of the country. During the country's transformation to a market economy and electoral democracy, Kyiv has continued to be Ukraine's largest and wealthiest city. Its armament-dependent industrial output fell after the Soviet collapse, adversely affecting science and technology, but new sectors of the economy such as services and finance facilitated Kyiv's growth in salaries and investment, as well as providing continuous funding for the development of housing and urban infrastructure. Kyiv emerged as the most pro-Western region of Ukraine; parties advocating tighter integration with the European Union dominate during elections. Vilnius is the capital of and largest city in Lithuania and the second most populous city in the Baltic states. As of January 2024, Vilnius' estimated population was 602,430, and the Vilnius urban area which extends beyond the city limits had an estimated population of 708,627. Vilnius is notable for the architecture of its Old Town, considered one of the largest and best-preserved old towns of Europe. Vilnius was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. The architectural style known as Vilnian Baroque is named after the city, which is the easternmost Baroque city and the largest north of the Alps. The city was already noted for its multicultural population in the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with contemporary sources comparing it to Babylon. Before World War II and the Holocaust, Vilnius was one of the most important Jewish centers in Europe. Its Jewish influence has led to its nickname "the Jerusalem of Lithuania". Napoleon called it "the Jerusalem of the North" as he was passing through in 1812. In 2009, Vilnius was the European Capital of Culture, together with Linz in Austria. In 2021, Vilnius was named one of fDi's 25 Global Cities of the Future. Vilnius is considered one of the major world financial centres, ranked 76th globally and 29th in Europe, according to the Global Financial Centres Index. In 2023, Vilnius hosted the 2023 NATO Summit. Vilnius is a member of Eurocities and the Union of Capitals of the European Union . The Second Polish Republic, at the time officially known as the Republic of Poland, was a country in Central and Eastern Europe that existed between 7 October 1918 and 6 October 1939. The state was established in the final stage of World War I. The Second Republic ceased to exist in 1939, after Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the Slovak Republic, marking the beginning of the European theatre of the Second World War. The Polish government-in-exile was established in Paris and later London after the fall of France in 1940. When, after several regional conflicts, most importantly the victorious Polish-Soviet war, the borders of the state were finalised in 1922, Poland's neighbours were Czechoslovakia, Germany, the Free City of Danzig, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania and the Soviet Union. It had access to the Baltic Sea via a short strip of coastline known as the Polish Corridor on either side of the city of Gdynia. Between March and August 1939, Poland also shared a border with the then-Hungarian governorate of Subcarpathia. In 1938, the Second Republic was the sixth largest country in Europe. According to the 1921 census, the number of inhabitants was 27.2 million. By 1939, just before the outbreak of World War II, this had grown to an estimated 35.1 million. Almost a third of the population came from minority groups: 13.9% Ruthenians; 10% Ashkenazi Jews; 3.1% Belarusians; 2.3% Germans and 3.4% Czechs and Lithuanians. At the same time, a significant number of ethnic Poles lived outside the country's borders. The Second Republic maintained moderate economic development. The cultural hubs of interwar Poland - Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Wilno, and Lwow - became major European cities and the sites of internationally acclaimed universities and other institutions of higher education. Although Polish Jews were some of the biggest supporters of Second Republic leader Jozef Pilsudski, even after he returned to politics and consolidated power in 1926, in the 1930s the Republic began to openly discriminate against its Jewish citizens, restricting Jewish entry into professions and placing limitations on Jewish businesses. The official name of the state was the Republic of Poland. In the Polish language, it was referred to as Rzeczpospolita Polska , with the term Rzeczpospolita being a traditional name for the republic when referring to various Polish states, including the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth , and later, the current Third Polish Republic. In other regionally-used official languages, the state was referred to as: Republik Polen in German, Pol's'ka Respublika in Ukrainian, Pol'skaia Respublika in Belarusian, and Lenkijos Respublika, in Lithuanian. 50deg27'N 30deg31'E / 50.450degN 30.517degE / 50.450; 30.517 Kuyaba was one of the three centers of the Rus or Saqaliba described in a lost book by Abu Zayd al-Balkhi and mentioned in works by some of his followers . The two other centers were Slawiya lawiya) and Arthaniya . Soviet historians such as Boris Grekov and Boris Rybakov hypothesized that "Kuyaba" was a mispronunciation of "Kiev". They theorized that Kuyaba had been a union of Slavic tribes in the middle course of the Dnieper River centered on Kiev . Kuyaba, Slawiya, and Artaniya later merged to form the state of Kievan Rus', believed to include modern Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. This explanation has been adopted by modern Ukrainian historiography. The Reichskommissariat Ukraine was established by Nazi Germany in 1941 during World War II. It was the civilian occupation regime of much of Nazi German-occupied Ukraine . It was governed by the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories headed by Alfred Rosenberg. Between September 1941 and August 1944, the Reichskommissariat was administered by Erich Koch as the Reichskommissar. The administration's tasks included the pacification of the region and the exploitation, for German benefit, of its resources and people. Adolf Hitler issued a Fuhrer decree defining the administration of the newly-occupied Eastern territories on 17 July 1941. Before the German invasion, Ukraine was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, inhabited by Ukrainians, Russians, Jewish, Belarusian, Romanian, Polish and Roma/Gypsy minorities. It was a key subject of Nazi planning for the post-war expansion of the German state. The Nazi extermination policy in Ukraine, with the help of local Ukrainian collaborators, ended the lives of millions of civilians in The Holocaust and other Nazi mass killings: it is estimated 900,000 to 1.6 million Jews and 3 to 4 million non-Jewish Ukrainians were killed during the occupation; other sources estimate that 5.2 million Ukrainian civilians perished due to crimes against humanity, war-related disease, and famine amounting to more than 12% of Ukraine's population at the time. Nazi Germany launched Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 in breach of the mutual Treaty of Non-Aggression. The German invasion resulted in the collapse of the western elements of the Soviet Red Army in the former territories of Poland annexed by the Soviet Union. On 20 August, Hitler established the Reichskommissariat Ukraine and appointed Erich Koch as Reichskommissar. On the same day, Hitler announced that the region would be under civil administration from noon on 1 September and delineated the boundaries of the region. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Poland <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Russia <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> followed by <o> Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> capital <o> Kyiv <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> official language <o> Russian <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> official language <o> Ukrainian <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> country <o> Soviet Union <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Soviet Union <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> followed by <o> Soviet Union <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> replaced by <o> Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Moldova <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> party chief representative <o> Feliks Kon <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> party chief representative <o> Vyacheslav Molotov <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> followed by <o> Reichskommissariat Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> head of state <o> Leonid Kravchuk <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> followed by <o> Kingdom of Romania <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> follows <o> Kingdom of Romania <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> follows <o> Second Polish Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Romania <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> coat of arms <o> emblem of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> party chief representative <o> Emanuel Kviring <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> award received <o> Order of Friendship of Peoples <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> currency <o> Soviet ruble <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> follows <o> Ukrainian People's Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> head of government <o> Vitold Fokin <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> basic form of government <o> soviet republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> party chief representative <o> Lazar Kaganovich <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Romenskij okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> member of <o> United Nations <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> member of <o> Soviet Union <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> follows <o> Novorossiya <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bila Tserkva Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berdychiv Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Volynskij okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vinnytsia Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Artemivska okruga <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> award received <o> Order of the October Revolution <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> anthem <o> Anthem of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> party chief representative <o> Stanislav Kosior <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> motto <o> Workers of the world, unite! <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> language used <o> Ukrainian <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> flag <o> flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cherkasy Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poltava Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shepetivka Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Priluki Okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> language used <o> Russian <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> member of <o> Treaty on the Creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> founded by <o> Provisional Workers-Peasants Government of Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> party chief representative <o> Dmitry Manuilsky <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> described by source <o> Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> subclass of <o> cratonym <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> office held by head of government <o> Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nikolayev Okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stalinska Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Melitopol Okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nizhyn Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Starobelsk Okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kharkiv Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chernihiv Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pavlograd Okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pervomaysk Okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Odesskij okrug <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mohyliv Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Proskuriv Okruha <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> contains the administrative territorial entity 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Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:People who died in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> fonds <o> Central State Electronic Archives of Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People born in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> replaces <o> South Russia <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> different from <o> УССР (USSR) <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Ukraine <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> different from <o> Siege of Kyiv <s> Siege of Kyiv <p> different from <o> 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<p> subclass of <o> East Slavic <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical mood <o> imperative <s> Ukrainian <p> replaces <o> Ruthenian <s> Ukrainian <p> indigenous to <o> Maramureș County <s> Ukrainian <p> category for films in this language <o> Category:Ukrainian-language films <s> Ukrainian <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> accusative case <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> dative case <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> second-person singular <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> first-person singular <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> first-person plural <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> second-person plural <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> third-person masculine singular <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> third-person plural <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Russia <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> synthetic language <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> nominative case <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> subject–verb–object <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> pro-drop language <s> Ukrainian <p> has tense <o> present tense <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Poland <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical mood <o> optative <s> Ukrainian <p> has tense <o> future tense <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> genitive case <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> instrumental case <s> Ukrainian <p> has tense <o> pluperfect <s> Ukrainian <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> third-person feminine singular <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical person <o> third-person neuter singular <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical mood <o> conditional <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> nominative–accusative language <s> Ukrainian <p> indigenous to <o> Suceava County <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> locative case <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical case <o> vocative case <s> Ukrainian <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ukrainian <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Ukrainian <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ukrainian <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Ukrainian <s> Ukrainian <p> language regulatory body <o> Potebnia Institute of Linguistics <s> Ukrainian <p> language regulatory body <o> Institute for the Ukrainian Language <s> Ukrainian <p> language regulatory body <o> National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine <s> Ukrainian <p> has grammatical mood <o> indicative <s> Ukrainian <p> described by source <o> Ukrainian Language: An Encyclopedia <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Slovakia <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Serbia <s> Ukrainian <p> replaces <o> Old Ukrainian <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Czech Republic <s> Ukrainian <p> history of topic <o> history of the Ukrainian language <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> stress-timed language <s> Ukrainian <p> studied in <o> Ukrainian linguistics <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Belarus <s> Ukrainian <p> studied in <o> Ukrainian studies <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> fusional language <s> Ukrainian <p> has tense <o> past tense <s> Ukrainian <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Ukrainian <p> linguistic typology <o> free-order language <s> Ukrainian <p> follows <o> Ruthenian <s> Ukrainian <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ukrainian language <s> Ukrainian <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Ukrainian language <s> Ukrainian <p> instance of <o> modern language <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Romania <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Moldova <s> Ukrainian <p> UNESCO language status <o> 1 safe <s> Ukrainian <p> Ethnologue language status <o> 1 National <s> Ukrainian <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Eastern Europe <s> Ukrainian <p> language regulatory body <o> Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language <s> Ukrainian <p> country <o> Kazakhstan <s> Ukrainian <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Central Europe <s> Ukrainian <p> instance of <o> language <s> Michael <p> domain of saint or deity <o> Germany <s> Michael <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Michael <p> instance of <o> archangel <s> Michael <p> instance of <o> angel in Judaism <s> Michael <p> instance of <o> Mukarrabun <s> Michael <p> instance of <o> angels in Christianity <s> Michael <p> present in work <o> Bible <s> Michael <p> military rank <o> commander-in-chief <s> Michael <p> domain of saint or deity <o> Kyiv <s> Michael <p> said to be the same as <o> Mikha'il <s> Michael <p> feast day <o> September 19 <s> Michael <p> feast day <o> September 29 <s> Michael <p> feast day <o> November 8 <s> Michael <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Michael <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Michael <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Michael <p> present in work <o> Paradise Lost <s> Michael <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Michael <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Michael <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Michael <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Michael (archangel) <s> Michael <p> depicted by <o> Archangel Michael in Christian art <s> Kyiv city Open Data Portal <p> main subject <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv city Open Data Portal <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv city Open Data Portal <p> instance of <o> open data portal <s> Kyiv city Open Data Portal <p> country <o> Ukraine </Graph>
<Text> :The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic , abbreviated as the Ukrainian SSR, UkSSR, and also known as Soviet Ukraine or just Ukraine, was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union from 1922 until 1991. Under the Soviet one-party model, the Ukrainian SSR was governed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union through its republican branch, the Communist Party of Ukraine. The first iterations of the Ukrainian SSR were established during the Russian Revolution, particularly after the Bolshevik Revolution. The outbreak of the Ukrainian-Soviet War in the former Russian Empire saw the Bolsheviks defeat the independent Ukrainian People's Republic, during the conflict against which they founded the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets, which was governed by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic , in December 1917; it was later succeeded by the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in 1918. Simultaneously with the Russian Civil War, the Ukrainian War of Independence was being fought among the different Ukrainian republics founded by Ukrainian nationalists, Ukrainian anarchists, and Ukrainian separatists - primarily against Soviet Russia and the Ukrainian SSR, with either help or opposition from neighbouring states. In 1922, it was one of four Soviet republics that signed the Treaty on the Creation of the Soviet Union. As a Soviet quasi-state, the Ukrainian SSR became a founding member of the United Nations in 1945 alongside the Byelorussian SSR, in spite of the fact that they were also legally represented by the Soviet Union in foreign affairs. Upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Ukrainian SSR emerged as the present-day independent state of Ukraine, although the modified Soviet-era constitution remained in use until the adoption of the modern Ukrainian constitution in June 1996. Throughout its 72-year history, the republic's borders changed many times, with a general trend toward acquiring lands with ethnic Ukrainian population majority, and losing lands with other ethnic majorities. A significant portion of what is now western Ukraine having been acquired via the Soviet-German Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, with the annexation of Eastern Galicia and Volhynia in 1939, significant portions of Romania in 1940, alongside another annexation of territory in 1945 from Carpathian Ruthenia in Czechoslovakia. From the 1919 establishment of the Ukrainian SSR until 1934, the city of Kharkov served as its capital; however, the republic's seat of government was subsequently relocated in 1934 to the city of Kiev, the historic Ukrainian capital, and remained at Kiev for the remainder of its existence. Geographically, the Ukrainian SSR was situated in Eastern Europe, to the north of the Black Sea, and was bordered by the Soviet republics of Moldavia , Byelorussia, and Russia, and the countries of Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The republic's border with Czechoslovakia formed the Soviet Union's westernmost border point. According to the 1989 Soviet census, the republic of Ukraine had a population of 51,706,746 . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> instance of <o> human <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> field of work <o> art <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> field of work <o> politics <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> cause of death <o> stroke <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> owner of <o> The Orator <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> owner of <o> Giovio Series <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> given name <o> Cosimo <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cosimo I de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> place of birth <o> Florence <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> field of work <o> alchemy <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> social classification <o> noble <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> family name <o> Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> spouse <o> Camilla Martelli <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> position held <o> list of rulers of Tuscany <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> relative <o> Paolo Giordano I Orsini <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Garzia de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> work location <o> Florence <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Anna de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Pedricco de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> place of burial <o> Medici Chapels <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> residence <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> residence <o> Palazzo Medici Riccardi <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Princess Maria de' Medici of Tuscany <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Virginia de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> field of work <o> government <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Don Giovanni de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Giovanni de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Pietro de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Bia de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> father <o> Giovanni delle Bande Nere <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> place of death <o> Villa Castello <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> position held <o> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> country of citizenship <o> Republic of Florence <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Antonio de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> occupation <o> art collector <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> noble title <o> duke <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Lucrezia de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> spouse <o> Eleanor of Toledo <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> family <o> House of Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> position held <o> monarch of Italy <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> mother <o> Maria Salviati <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Ferdinando I de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Isabella de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> child <o> Francesco I de' Medici <s> Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany <p> occupation <o> statesperson <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> instance of <o> human <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Wawel Castle <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Kunsthistorisches Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Basilica of Santa Croce <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Florence <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> movement <o> Renaissance <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> field of work <o> architecture <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum in Warsaw <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Venice <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Museo del Prado <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Bode Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> relative <o> Luca Signorelli <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Bavarian State Painting Collections <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> student <o> Federico Zuccari <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> student <o> Peter Candid <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> place of birth <o> Arezzo <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> country of citizenship <o> Republic of Florence <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Vecchio <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Art Institute of Chicago <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Gemäldegalerie <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Städel Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Bologna <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> student <o> Giovanni Battista Naldini <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Western Art <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Royal Cornwall Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of San Matteo <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Canada <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Schilder-boeck <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Walters Art Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Victoria and Albert Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Capodimonte <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Ashmolean Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> art historian <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> student of <o> Guillaume de Marcillat <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Rimini <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> member of <o> Accademia delle Arti del Disegno <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Pistoia <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> notable work <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> notable work <o> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Saint Louis Art Museum <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Minneapolis Institute of Art <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Los Angeles County Museum of Art <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> country of citizenship <o> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of Giorgio Vasari <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Naples <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> given name <o> Giorgio <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> father <o> Antonio Vasari <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> genre <o> religious painting <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée Fesch <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Galleries Scotland <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Gallerie degli Uffizi <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée de la Chartreuse de Douai <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of the Renaissance <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> award received <o> Order of the Golden Spur <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> mother <o> Maddalena Tacci <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> genre <o> history painting <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> spouse <o> Niccolosa Bacci <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> student <o> Jacopo Zucchi <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> position held <o> court painter <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> biographer <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Pisa <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> work location <o> Arezzo <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> attested in <o> Mare Magnum volume 82 <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> attested in <o> Mare Magnum. Etruria (vol. 95) <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Giorgio Vasari <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> field of work <o> Renaissance painting <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> architectural draftsperson <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> described by source <o> Library of the World's Best Literature <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Ireland <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Grenoble <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Fine Arts <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> art theorist <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> occupation <o> aesthetician <s> Giorgio Vasari <p> family name <o> Vasari <s> gratis <p> subclass of <o> access <s> gratis <p> instance of <o> concept <s> gratis <p> opposite of <o> paid <s> gratis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Free goods and services <s> Ministry of Culture <p> country <o> Italy <s> Ministry of Culture <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Italy <s> Ministry of Culture <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rome <s> Ministry of Culture <p> chairperson <o> Dario Franceschini <s> Ministry of Culture <p> instance of <o> ministry of Italy <s> Ministry of Culture <p> founded by <o> Moro IV Cabinet <s> Ministry of Culture <p> headquarters location <o> Roman College <s> Ministry of Culture <p> chairperson <o> Gennaro Sangiuliano <s> Ministry of Culture <p> parent organization <o> Government of Italy <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Bari. Sezione di Barletta <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Belluno <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archivio di Stato di Terni. Sezione di Orvieto <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Alessandria <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> University Library of Genoa <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Bari <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Puglia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di L'Aquila. Sezione di Sulmona <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Asti <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Bergamo <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Bari. Sezione di Trani <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Brindisi <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Agrigento <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Bologna <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> University Library of Naples <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di L'Aquila <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Biella <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica dell'Emilia-Romagna <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> National Central Library of Florence <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Como <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Catania <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Cosenza <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Catanzaro <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Ferrara <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Forlì-Cesena. Sede di Forlì <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Frosinone <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Lecce <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Nuoro <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Napoli. Sezione militare <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Catania. Sezione di Caltagirone <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Genova <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Milano <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Brescia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Campobasso <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Cosenza. Sezione di Castrovillari <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Catanzaro. Sezione di Lamezia Terme <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Forlì-Cesena. Sede di Cesena <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Latina <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Oristano <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica della Sicilia - Archivio di Stato di Palermo <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Liguria <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Isernia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Gorizia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Matera <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica dell'Abruzzo e del Molise. Sede di Pescara <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Pordenone <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Chieti <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica dell'Abruzzo e del Molise. Sede di Campobasso <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Foggia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Cagliari <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Enna <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Imperia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica della Lombardia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica della Campania <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Padova <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Perugia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica della Sardegna <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Chieti. Sezione di Lanciano <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Pescara <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica dell'Umbria <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Bolzano <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Cremona <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Caltanissetta <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Frosinone. Sezione di Anagni-Guarcino <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Messina <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archivio di Stato di Piacenza - Biblioteca <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Modena <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Mantova <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Novara <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Ravenna. Sezione di Faenza <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Rieti <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Sassari <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Pavia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Potenza <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Salerno <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Savona <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Basilicata <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archivio di Stato di Rimini - Biblioteca <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archivio di Stato di Ravenna - Biblioteca <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria. Sezione di Locri <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Ragusa. Sezione di Modica <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di La Spezia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria. Sezione di Palmi <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica della Calabria <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Sondrio <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Siracusa <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archivio di Stato di Parma - Biblioteca <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Direzione generale per gli archivi <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica del Veneto e del Trentino Alto Adige. Sede di Trento <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Taranto <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Reggio Emilia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Roma <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica del Lazio <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza Archivistica e bibliografica del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Ragusa <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio centrale dello Stato <s> Ministry of Culture <p> instance of <o> ministry of culture <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Vicenza. Sezione di Bassano del Grappa <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca della Soprintendenza archivistica del Friuli Venezia Giulia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Verbania <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Torino <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Udine <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Vercelli. Sezione di Varallo <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Trieste <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Viterbo <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Terni <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Treviso <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Verona <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Varese <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Vercelli <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Vicenza <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Biblioteca dell'Archivio di Stato di Vibo Valentia <s> Ministry of Culture <p> owner of <o> Altare della Patria <s> Ministry of Culture <p> statement is subject of <o> list of Italian Ministers of Cultural Heritage and Activities <s> Ministry of Culture <p> maintained by <o> Museo delle Civiltà <s> Ministry of Culture <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ministry of Culture (Italy) <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> instance of <o> human <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> place of birth <o> Florence <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> work location <o> Florence <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> father <o> Giulio Parigi <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> family name <o> Parigi <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> family <o> Parigi <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> notable work <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Alfonso Parigi <p> given name <o> Alfonso <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> instance of <o> human <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> place of birth <o> Florence <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> notable work <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> notable work <o> Tribuna of the Uffizi <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> student of <o> Giorgio Vasari <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> student of <o> Francesco Salviati <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> occupation <o> teacher <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> notable work <o> Boboli Gardens <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> student <o> Giulio Parigi <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> occupation <o> sculptor <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> family name <o> Buontalenti <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> given name <o> Bernardo <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> occupation <o> engineer <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Bernardo Buontalenti <p> country of citizenship <o> Grand Duchy of Tuscany <s> museum building <p> used by <o> museum <s> museum building <p> different from <o> museum <s> museum building <p> subclass of <o> tourist attraction <s> museum building <p> subclass of <o> building <s> museum building <p> subclass of <o> exhibition hall <s> museum building <p> permanent duplicated item <o> museum <s> museum building <p> model item <o> Palace of the Counts of Argillo <s> museum building <p> model item <o> Royal Palace of Amsterdam <s> museum building <p> model item <o> Main Building <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> country <o> Italy <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> depicts <o> man <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> depicts <o> John the Baptist <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> depicts <o> Mary Magdalene <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> creator <o> Palma Vecchio <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> depicts <o> Holy Family <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> owned by <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> location <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> owned by <o> Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> main subject <o> Holy Family <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> depicts <o> lamb <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene <p> described by source <o> Theatrum pictorium <s> Piazzale degli Uffizi <p> country <o> Italy <s> Piazzale degli Uffizi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florence <s> Piazzale degli Uffizi <p> instance of <o> square <s> Room A5 Lorenzetti - Simone Martini <p> instance of <o> exhibition space <s> Room A5 Lorenzetti - Simone Martini <p> location <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Room A5 Lorenzetti - Simone Martini <p> part of <o> Uffizi Gallery </Graph>
<Text> :Cosimo was born in Florence on 12 June 1519, the son of the famous condottiere Ludovico de' Medici and his wife Maria Salviati, herself a granddaughter of Lorenzo the Magnificent. He was the grandson of Caterina Sforza, the Countess of Forli and Lady of Imola. Cosimo became Duke of Florence in 1537 at age 17, after the former Duke of Florence, Alessandro de' Medici, was assassinated. Cosimo was from a different branch of the Medici family, descended from Giovanni il Popolano, the great-grandson of Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, founder of the Medici Bank. It was necessary to search for a successor outside of the "senior" branch of the Medici family descended from Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici, since the only male child of Alessandro, the last lineal descendant of the senior branch, was born out-of-wedlock and was only four years' old at the time of his father's death. Up to the time of his accession, Cosimo had lived only in Mugello and was almost unknown in Florence. However, many of the influential men in the city favoured him as the new duke. Several hoped to rule through him, thereby enriching themselves at the state's expense. However, as the Florentine literatus Benedetto Varchi famously put it, "The innkeeper's reckoning was different from the glutton's." Cosimo proved strong-willed, astute and ambitious and soon rejected the clause he had signed that entrusted much of the power of the Florentine duchy to a Council of Forty-Eight. When the Florentine exiles heard of the death of Alessandro, they marshalled their forces with support from France and from disgruntled neighbors of Florence. During this time, Cosimo had an illegitimate daughter, Bia , who was portrayed shortly before her premature death in a painting by Bronzino. Toward the end of July 1537, the exiles marched into Tuscany under the leadership of Bernardo Salviati and Piero Strozzi. When Cosimo heard of their approach, he sent his best troops under Alessandro Vitelli to engage the enemy, which they did at Montemurlo. After defeating the exiles' army, Vitelli stormed the fortress, where Strozzi and a few of his companions had retreated to safety. It fell after only a few hours, and Cosimo celebrated his first victory. The prominent prisoners were subsequently beheaded on the Piazza della Signoria or in the Bargello. Filippo Strozzi's body was found with a bloody sword next to it and a note quoting Virgil, but many believe that his suicide was faked. Giorgio Vasari was an Italian Renaissance painter and architect, who is best known for his work Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, considered the ideological foundation of all art-historical writing, and still much cited in modern biographies of the many Italian Renaissance artists he covers, including Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, although he is now regarded as including many factual errors, especially when covering artists from before he was born. Giorgio was a Mannerist painter who was highly regarded both as a painter and architect in his day, but rather less so in later centuries. He was effectively what would now be called the minister of culture to the Medici court in Florence, and the Lives promoted, with enduring success, the idea of Florentine superiority in the visual arts. Vasari designed the Tomb of Michelangelo, his hero, in the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence that was completed in 1578. Based on Vasari's text in print about Giotto's new manner of painting as a rinascita , author Jules Michelet in his Histoire de France suggested the adoption of Vasari's concept, using the term Renaissance to distinguish the cultural change. The term was adopted thereafter in historiography and is still in use today. Vasari was born prematurely on 30 July 1511 in Arezzo, Tuscany. Recommended at an early age by his cousin Luca Signorelli, he became a pupil of Guglielmo da Marsiglia, a skillful painter of stained glass. Sent to Florence at the age of sixteen by Cardinal Silvio Passerini, he joined the circle of Andrea del Sarto and his pupils, Rosso Fiorentino and Jacopo Pontormo, where his humanist education was encouraged. He was befriended by Michelangelo, whose painting style would influence his own. He worked mainly in Florence, beginning at a very early age as his father's assistant. After the latter's death in 1635, he became court architect of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany at Palazzo Pitti, where he led the completion of the Giardini di Boboli, building the Isolotto and the steps of the amphitheatre. Bernardo Buontalenti , byname of Bernardo Delle Girandole, was an Italian stage designer, architect, theatrical designer, military engineer, artist, and inventor of Italian ice cream. Buontalenti was born in Florence c. 1531. He entered the service of the Medici as a youth and remained with them the rest of his life. He is said to have been instructed in painting by Salviati and Bronzino, in sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti, in architecture by Giorgio Vasari, and in miniature painting under Giulio Clovio. He executed a number of miniatures for Francesco, the son of Cosimo I. More than a painter, he was celebrated as an architect; in this role he was much employed in the design of fortifications, villas, and gardens and is considered one of the most important architects of the Mannerist period. He was also a great mechanic, and an excellent mathematician. In 1562 he travelled to Spain. His first known work is from 1568, the Palazzo di Bianca Cappello in Florence. His main achievements include the project for the new city of Livorno, the decoration of Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens with the famous grotto, as well as the Parco di Pratolino of which little remains today, except for a giant sculpture by Giambologna, representing the Colossus of the Apennines. Buontalenti's skills as a military engineer are shown by the fortifications of the port of Livorno, the Forte di Belvedere in Florence, the city walls of Pistoia, Grosseto, Prato, Portoferraio and Naples; he also perfected designs for cannons, and devised a new type of incendiary grenade. In the Uffizi Palace of Florence, he built a great court stage, where, during the winter of 1585-1586, splendid festivities were produced under his direction. He designed costumes for the Medici extravaganzas. He was also an innovator in ice conservation and is credited with inventing the precursor to modern Florentine gelato. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Maps of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:Maps of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Maps of Kyiv <p> category's main topic <o> Map of Kyiv <s> economy of Kyiv <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> economy of Kyiv <p> location <o> Kyiv <s> economy of Kyiv <p> subclass of <o> economy of Ukraine <s> economy of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Kyiv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Kyiv <s> Category:Views of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:Views of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Battle of Kiev <p> location <o> Kyiv <s> Battle of Kiev <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Battle of Kiev <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Battle of Kiev (1941) <s> Battle of Kiev <p> instance of <o> battle <s> Battle of Kiev <p> part of <o> Operation Barbarossa <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> headquarters location <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> different from <o> Mayor of Kyiv <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> instance of <o> city with special status <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> chairperson <o> Vitali Klitschko <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> office held by head of government <o> Head of Kyiv City State Administration <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> different from <o> Kyiv City Council <s> Kyiv City State Administration <p> headquarters location <o> Khreshchatyk <s> Portal:Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Kyiv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kyiv portal <s> Portal:Kyiv <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Kyiv <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> instance of <o> military <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> conflict <o> Russian Civil War <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> has part(s) <o> Volunteer Army <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> has part(s) <o> Don Army <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> country <o> South Russia <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> country <o> Russian State <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> location <o> South European Russia <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> location <o> South Russia <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> different from <o> Armia Ochotnicza <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> part of <o> Russian Army <s> Armed Forces of South Russia <p> has part(s) <o> Caucasus Army of VSUR <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> honorary citizenship <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> list related to category <o> list of honorary citizens of Kyiv, Ukraine <s> Category:Honorary citizens of Kyiv <p> category's main topic <o> honorary citizen of Kyiv <s> Kyiv Metro <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Kyiv Metro <p> owned by <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv Metro <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv Metro <p> instance of <o> rapid transit <s> Kyiv Metro <p> award received <o> Order of the Red Banner of Labour <s> Kyiv Metro <p> instance of <o> municipal enterprise <s> Kyiv Metro <p> track gauge <o> 1520 mm track gauge <s> Kyiv Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Obolonsko–Teremkivska Line <s> Kyiv Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Livoberezhna line <s> Kyiv Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line <s> Kyiv Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Syretsko-Pecherska Line <s> Kyiv Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Podilsko–Vyhurivska line <s> Kyiv Metro <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Kyiv Metro Lines <s> Kyiv Metro <p> has part(s) <o> Vyshhorodsko–Darnytska line <s> Kyiv Metro <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Kyiv Metro <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kyiv Metro <s> Kyiv Metro <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kyiv Metro <p> described by source <o> Subterranea Britannica <s> Kyiv Metro <p> Wikimedia route diagram template <o> Template:Kyiv Metro route diagram <s> Monuments and memorials in Kyiv <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Monuments and memorials in Kyiv <p> is a list of <o> memorial <s> Monuments and memorials in Kyiv <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Monuments and memorials in Kyiv <p> category related to list <o> Category:Monuments and memorials in Kyiv <s> Monuments and memorials in Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article </Graph>
<Text> :Kyiv is the capital and most populous city of Ukraine. It is in north-central Ukraine along the Dnieper River. As of 1 January 2022, its population was 2,952,301, making Kyiv the seventh-most populous city in Europe. Kyiv is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural center in Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions, and historical landmarks. The city has an extensive system of public transport and infrastructure, including the Kyiv Metro. The city's name is said to derive from the name of Kyi, one of its four legendary founders. During its history, Kyiv, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of prominence and obscurity. The city probably existed as a commercial center as early as the 5th century. A Slavic settlement on the great trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, Kyiv was a tributary of the Khazars, until its capture by the Varangians in the mid-9th century. Under Varangian rule, the city became a capital of Kievan Rus', the first East Slavic state. Completely destroyed during the Mongol invasions in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. Coming under Lithuania, then Poland and then Russia, the city would grow from a frontier market into an important centre of Orthodox learning in the sixteenth century, and later of industry, commerce, and administration by the ninenteenth. The city prospered again during the Russian Empire's Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century. In 1918, when the Ukrainian People's Republic declared independence from the Russian Republic after the October Revolution there, Kyiv became its capital. From the end of the Ukrainian-Soviet and Polish-Soviet wars in 1921, Kyiv was a city of the Ukrainian SSR, and made its capital in 1934. The city suffered significant destruction during World War II but quickly recovered in the postwar years, remaining the Soviet Union's third-largest city. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991, Kyiv remained Ukraine's capital and experienced a steady influx of ethnic Ukrainian migrants from other regions of the country. During the country's transformation to a market economy and electoral democracy, Kyiv has continued to be Ukraine's largest and wealthiest city. Its armament-dependent industrial output fell after the Soviet collapse, adversely affecting science and technology, but new sectors of the economy such as services and finance facilitated Kyiv's growth in salaries and investment, as well as providing continuous funding for the development of housing and urban infrastructure. Kyiv emerged as the most pro-Western region of Ukraine; parties advocating tighter integration with the European Union dominate during elections. Kyiv City State Administration , is the national-level branch of the Government of Ukraine that administers Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. The current Head of the Kyiv City State Administration is Vitali Klitschko; Klitschko is also the current Mayor of Kyiv. Kyiv is a "city with special status" within Ukraine compared to the other administrative subdivisions of the country -- the most significant difference is that the city is subordinated directly to the national-level branches of the Government of Ukraine, skipping the regional level authorities of Kyiv Oblast. Its special administrative status is recognized in the Ukrainian Constitution in Chapter IX: Territorial Structure of Ukraine and the Law on the local state administration and is governed in accordance with laws passed by Ukraine's parliament, the Verkhovna Rada. Although Kyiv is Ukraine's capital, the city also serves as the administrative center for Kyiv Oblast . The oblast entirely surrounds the city, making it into an enclave. In addition, until 2020 Kyiv also served as the administrative center for the oblast's Kyiv-Sviatoshyn Raion . The Ukrainian parliament amended the law on "The capital of Ukraine - hero city of Kyiv" on September 7, 2010, making it possible for the President to appoint the Head of Kyiv City Administration at his discretion. Before these amendments, the elected mayor of the Kyiv City Council was automatically appointed also as head of the Kyiv City State Administration. A Presidential decree relieved Mayor of Kyiv Leonid Chernovetsky of the office of "Head of the Kyiv State Administration", while still preserving the post of mayor. This led to Chernovetsky being deprived of any official decision-making role and most power in the capital was handed over to the Head of Kyiv City Administration. The Armed Forces of South Russia were the unified military forces of the White movement in southern Russia between 1919 and 1920. On 8 January 1919, the Armed Forces of South Russia were formed, incorporating the Volunteer Army and the Don Army. Subsequently, it included the Crimean-Azov Army, the Forces of Northern Caucasus and the Turkestan Army. By October 1919, the army had 150,000 soldiers, which included 48,000 horsemen. The British had supplied 280,000 rifles, 4,898 machine guns, 917 cannons, 102 tanks, 194 airplanes 1,335 automobiles, 112 tractors, and what became known as Wrangel's fleet. In May 1919, Denikin reorganized the Armed Forces of South Russia. Vladimir May-Mayevsky took command of the Volunteer Army, known formerly as the Caucasian Volunteer Army. Sidorin took command of the Don army, while Wrangel took command of the Caucasian Army, consisting mainly of the Kuban Cossacks.: 37-38 The Kyiv Metro is a rapid transit system in Kyiv owned by the Kyiv City Council and operated by the city-owned company Kyivskyi Metropoliten. It was initially opened on November 6, 1960, as a single 5.24 km line with five stations. It was the first rapid transit system in Ukraine and the third in the Soviet Union, after the Moscow and St. Petersburg metros. Today, the system consists of three lines and 52 stations, located throughout Kyiv's ten raion , and operates 69.6 kilometers of routes, with 67.6 km used for revenue service and 2.048 km for non-revenue service. At 105.5 m below ground level, Arsenalna station on the Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line is the second deepest metro station in the world after Hongyancun station in Chongqing. The first idea for an underground railway appeared in 1884. The project, which was given for analysis to the city council by the director of the Southwestern railways, Dmytro Andrievskiy, planned to create tunnels from Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi railway station. The tunnel was expected to start near Poshtova square and finish near Bessarabka. A new railway station was to be built there, while the old railway station was to be converted into a freight railway station. The project was long discussed but eventually turned down by the city council. Kyiv was a pioneering city for Imperial Russian rapid transit, opening the first Russian tram system. In September 1916, businessmen of the Russo-American trading corporation attempted to collect funds to sponsor the construction of a metro in Kyiv. As a reason to construct it, the trading corporation wrote: </Text>
<Graph> : <s> WikiProject Ukraine <p> main subject <o> Ukraine <s> WikiProject Ukraine <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> WikiProject Ukraine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:WikiProject Ukraine <s> WikiProject Ukraine <p> different from <o> Portal:Ukraine <s> Category:Deaths in Kyiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:Deaths in Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Kyiv <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Kyiv <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <p> language of work or name <o> Armenian <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <p> instance of <o> volume <s> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <p> part of <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> history of Kyiv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Kyiv <s> history of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> history of Kyiv <p> facet of <o> Kyiv <s> Start Stadium <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Start Stadium <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Start Stadium <p> sport <o> athletics <s> Start Stadium <p> owned by <o> Kyiv <s> Start Stadium <p> sport <o> association football <s> Start Stadium <p> sport <o> rugby <s> Start Stadium <p> sport <o> American football <s> Start Stadium <p> surface played on <o> lawn <s> Start Stadium <p> significant event <o> The Death Match <s> Start Stadium <p> has use <o> American football stadium <s> Start Stadium <p> location <o> Lukyanivka <s> Start Stadium <p> has use <o> pitch <s> Start Stadium <p> instance of <o> multi-purpose sports venue <s> Start Stadium <p> significant event <o> start of manufacturing <s> Start Stadium <p> significant event <o> opening ceremony <s> Start Stadium <p> significant event <o> renovation <s> Start Stadium <p> has use <o> association football venue <s> Start Stadium <p> occupant <o> WFC Tornado Kyiv <s> Start Stadium <p> has use <o> rugby union venue <s> Start Stadium <p> operator <o> Kyiv City State Administration <s> Start Stadium <p> located on street <o> Sholudenka Street <s> Start Stadium <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kijów <p> different from <o> Kyiv <s> Kijów <p> different from <o> Kyiv <s> Kijów <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Kiev <p> instance of <o> spelling variant <s> Kiev <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Kyiv <s> Kiev <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia permanent duplicate item <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> instance of <o> human <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> country for sport <o> Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> field of work <o> politics <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> country of citizenship <o> Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> work location <o> Kyiv <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> residence <o> Kyiv <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> country of citizenship <o> Soviet Union <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> native language <o> Russian <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Ukrainian <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> country for sport <o> Soviet Union <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> educated at <o> Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> field of work <o> boxing <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> place of birth <o> Belovodskoye <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Konrad Adenauer Award <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Hero of Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Order of Karl Valentin <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Presidential Order of Excellence <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Steiger Award <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> sport <o> boxing <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> sibling <o> Wladimir Klitschko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> honorary citizen of Kyiv <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Honorary Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> different from <o> Wladimir Klitschko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> partner in business or sport <o> Wladimir Klitschko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> academic degree <o> doctorate <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> member of <o> 7th Verkhovna Rada <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> member of political party <o> European Solidarity <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> Lennox Lewis vs. Vitali Klitschko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> sports discipline competed in <o> heavyweight <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> described by source <o> Lentapedia <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> father <o> Volodymyr Klychko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> position held <o> People's Deputy of Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> occupation <o> kickboxer <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> given name <o> Vitalii <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> part of <o> Klitschko brothers <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> family name <o> Klychko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> educated at <o> National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> educated at <o> Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> nominated for <o> Laureus World Sports Award for Comeback of the Year <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> educated at <o> National Academy of State Administration <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> Vitali Klitschko vs. Chris Byrd <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> The Ring magazine Comeback of the Year <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Order For Courage <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Registered firearms <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Hero of Ukraine, Order of the State <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> position held <o> Head of Kyiv City State Administration <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> position held <o> Head of Kyiv City <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017 <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Order of Merit (Ukraine), 3rd class <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Order for Bravery 1st Class of Ukraine <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> WBO World Heavyweight Champion <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Order of Merit, 1st class <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> victory <o> Vitali Klitschko vs. Tomasz Adamek <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> victory <o> Vitali Klitschko vs. Odlanier Solís <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> M100 Media Award <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> spouse <o> Nataliia Klychko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> award received <o> Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vitali Klitschko <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> victory <o> Vitali Klitschko vs. Dereck Chisora <s> Vitali Klitschko <p> patronym or matronym for this person <o> Volodymyrovych <s> Bratislava <p> country <o> Slovakia <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Slovakia <s> Bratislava <p> owner of <o> Ondrej Nepela Arena <s> Bratislava <p> owner of <o> Štadión Pasienky <s> Bratislava <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Bratislava <p> history of topic <o> history of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> connects with <o> European route E65 <s> Bratislava <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Bratislava Region <s> Bratislava <p> instance of <o> city <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Slovak Republic <s> Bratislava <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Western Slovakia <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Hungary <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Pozsony County <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Hungary <s> Bratislava <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Danube <s> Bratislava <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bratislava Region <s> Bratislava <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Bratislava <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Bratislava <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Gebrian versus <s> Bratislava <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Bratislava <p> has edition or translation <o> Vlastenský slovník historický/Prešpurk <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Pozsony 1 urban electoral district <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Pozsony 2 urban electoral district <s> Bratislava <p> capital of <o> Slovak Socialist Republic <s> Bratislava <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Podunajské Biskupice <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nové Mesto <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Devín <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Čunovo <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Záhorská Bystrica <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dúbravka <s> Bratislava <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Bratislava <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bratislava <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Bratislava <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Bratislava <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jarovce <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vrakuňa <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vajnory <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rača <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rusovce <s> Bratislava <p> instance of <o> municipality of Slovakia <s> Bratislava <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lamač <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Karlova Ves <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ružinov <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Devínska Nová Ves <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Petržalka <s> Bratislava <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Old Town of Bratislava <s> Bratislava <p> head of government <o> Matúš Vallo <s> Kyoto <p> day in year for periodic occurrence <o> October 15 <s> Kyoto <p> country <o> Japan <s> Kyoto <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Kyoto <p> member of <o> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <s> Kyoto <p> significant event <o> Siege of Sanjō Palace <s> Kyoto <p> part of <o> Santo <s> Kyoto <p> part of <o> six greatest cities in Japan (1922) <s> Kyoto <p> part of <o> Kyoto metropolitan area <s> Kyoto <p> part of <o> Keihanshin <s> Kyoto <p> official symbol <o> Acer palmatum <s> Kyoto <p> official symbol <o> Cercidiphyllum japonicum <s> Kyoto <p> official symbol <o> Rhododendron <s> Kyoto <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Kyoto <p> official symbol <o> Camellia japonica <s> Kyoto <p> official symbol <o> Salix babylonica <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Kyoto <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyoto Prefecture <s> Kyoto <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Kamo River <s> Kyoto <p> capital of <o> Kyoto Prefecture <s> Kyoto <p> official symbol <o> Prunus serrulata <s> Kyoto <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Kyoto Basin <s> Kyoto <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Kyoto <p> member of <o> League of Historical Cities <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kyoto <p> part of <o> three major cities in Japan <s> Kyoto <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kyoto <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Nantan <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Heian-kyō <s> Kyoto <p> member of <o> Union of Kansai Governments <s> Kyoto <p> highest point <o> Mount Minako <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Keihoku <s> Kyoto <p> language used <o> Kyoto dialect <s> Kyoto <p> associated electoral district <o> Kyoto 1st District <s> Kyoto <p> associated electoral district <o> Kyoto 3rd district <s> Kyoto <p> associated electoral district <o> Kyoto 2nd district <s> Kyoto <p> associated electoral district <o> Kyoto 4th district <s> Kyoto <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Nagaokakyo <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Yanagihara <s> Kyoto <p> history of topic <o> history of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Fushimi <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Shirakawa <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Iwakura <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Tanaka <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kyōgoku <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Shūgakuin <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Matsugasaki <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Shimogamo <s> Kyoto <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Kyoto <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Kumiyama <s> Kyoto <p> history of topic <o> timeline of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Onogō <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Uzumasa <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kuramaguchi <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Sujakuno <s> Kyoto <p> named after <o> capital city <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Saga <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Ōmiya <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Nakagawa <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kurama <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Katsura <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Umezu <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Noguchi <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Yase <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Matsuo <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Hanazono <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Umegahata <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kawaoka <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fushimi-ku <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> city designated by government ordinance <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Kyoto <p> Wikimedia outline <o> Outline of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Takagamine <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kamigamo <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Saiin <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kinugasa <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kuta <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Ōhara <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Yodo <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kuze <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Shizuichino <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kumogahata <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Kamitoba <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Yamashina <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Fukakusa <s> Kyoto <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kamigyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Higashiyama-ku <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yamashina-ku <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nishikyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shimogyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> college town <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> city for international conferences and tourism <s> Kyoto <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Yawata <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Otsu <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kita-ku <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minami-ku <s> Kyoto <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Katsura River <s> Kyoto <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Biwa Canal <s> Kyoto <p> anthem <o> municipal anthem of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> former capital <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> prefectural capital of Japan <s> Kyoto <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Yodo River <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nakagyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> flag <o> flag of Kyoto <s> Kyoto <p> capital <o> Nakagyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Ōeda <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Yoko-ōji <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Nōso <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Hatsukashi <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Daigo <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Takeda <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Ōharano <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Horiuchi <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Koga <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Mukaijima <s> Kyoto <p> executive body <o> Government of Kyoto City <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Uji <s> Kyoto <p> legislative body <o> Kyoto City Assembly <s> Kyoto <p> head of government <o> Daisaku Kadokawa <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Takatsuki <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Shimamoto <s> Kyoto <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Oyamazaki <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Kameoka <s> Kyoto <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ukyō-ku <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Takashima <s> Kyoto <p> shares border with <o> Muko <s> Kyoto <p> replaces <o> Hanase <s> Kyoto <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 </Graph>
<Text> :Rus' Khaganate c.830-882 Kievan Rus' 882-1132 Principality of Kiev 1132-1471 part of the Kievan Rus' from 1132 to 1243 part of Vladimir-Suzdal from 1243 to 1271 part of the Kingdom of Rus' from 1271 to 1301 vassal of the Golden Horde from 1301 to 1362 part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from 1362 to 1471 Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1471-1569 Crown of the Kingdom of Poland 1569-1648 part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossack Hetmanate 1648-1737 part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1648 to 1667 part of the Tsardom of Russia from 1667 to 1721 part of the Russian Empire from 1721 to 1737 Russian Empire 1737-1917 Ukrainian People's Republic 1917-1918 Ukrainian State 1918 Ukrainian People's Republic 1918-1920 Ukrainian SSR 1919-1941 part of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1941 Reichskommissariat Ukraine 1941-1944 part of German-occupied Europe from 1941 to 1944 Ukrainian SSR 1944-1991 part of the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1991 Ukraine 1991-present The history of Kyiv , officially begins when it was founded in 482, but the city may date back at least 2,000 years. Archaeologists have dated the oldest known settlement in the area to 25,000 BC. Initially a 6th-century Slavic settlement, it gradually acquired eminence as the center of East Slavic civilization. Kyiv's Golden Age as the capital of medieval Kievan Rus' came from 879 to 1240. Legend says that three brothers, Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, founded the city with their sister Lybid, and named it for Kyi, the eldest brother. The century of this founding has not been determined. Legend has it that Saint Andrew , was fascinated by the spectacular location on the hilly shores of the Dnieper River and prophesied that a great city would emerge there. Its political, but not cultural, importance declined drastically in 1169, when the troops of Andrey Bogolyubsky pillaged it; the old town was destroyed, and the capital moved to Vladimir. Numerous sackings of Kyiv by Rus' princes followed and it was completely destroyed in the Mongol invasion of 1240. Kyiv is the capital and most populous city of Ukraine. It is in north-central Ukraine along the Dnieper River. As of 1 January 2022, its population was 2,952,301, making Kyiv the seventh-most populous city in Europe. Kyiv is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural center in Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions, and historical landmarks. The city has an extensive system of public transport and infrastructure, including the Kyiv Metro. The city's name is said to derive from the name of Kyi, one of its four legendary founders. During its history, Kyiv, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of prominence and obscurity. The city probably existed as a commercial center as early as the 5th century. A Slavic settlement on the great trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, Kyiv was a tributary of the Khazars, until its capture by the Varangians in the mid-9th century. Under Varangian rule, the city became a capital of Kievan Rus', the first East Slavic state. Completely destroyed during the Mongol invasions in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. Coming under Lithuania, then Poland and then Russia, the city would grow from a frontier market into an important centre of Orthodox learning in the sixteenth century, and later of industry, commerce, and administration by the ninenteenth. The city prospered again during the Russian Empire's Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century. In 1918, when the Ukrainian People's Republic declared independence from the Russian Republic after the October Revolution there, Kyiv became its capital. From the end of the Ukrainian-Soviet and Polish-Soviet wars in 1921, Kyiv was a city of the Ukrainian SSR, and made its capital in 1934. The city suffered significant destruction during World War II but quickly recovered in the postwar years, remaining the Soviet Union's third-largest city. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991, Kyiv remained Ukraine's capital and experienced a steady influx of ethnic Ukrainian migrants from other regions of the country. During the country's transformation to a market economy and electoral democracy, Kyiv has continued to be Ukraine's largest and wealthiest city. Its armament-dependent industrial output fell after the Soviet collapse, adversely affecting science and technology, but new sectors of the economy such as services and finance facilitated Kyiv's growth in salaries and investment, as well as providing continuous funding for the development of housing and urban infrastructure. Kyiv emerged as the most pro-Western region of Ukraine; parties advocating tighter integration with the European Union dominate during elections. Vitalii Volodymyrovych Klychko , known as Vitali Klitschko, is a Ukrainian politician and former professional boxer. He serves as mayor of Kyiv, and is also head of the Kyiv City State Administration, having held both offices since June 2014. Klitschko is a former leader of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, and is a former member of the Ukrainian Parliament. He became actively involved in Ukrainian politics in 2005 and combined this with his professional boxing career until his retirement from the sport in 2013. He holds a Doctoral Degree from Kyiv University's Physical Science Department. As a boxer, Klitschko won multiple world heavyweight championships. He held the World Boxing Organization title from 1999 to 2000, the Ring magazine title from 2004 to 2005, and the World Boxing Council title twice between 2004 and 2013. Overall, he defeated 15 opponents in world heavyweight title fights, and made 12 successful title defences. In 2011, Vitali and his younger brother Wladimir Klitschko entered the Guinness World Records as the pair of brothers with most world heavyweight title fight wins . From 2006 until 2015, Vitali and Wladimir dominated heavyweight boxing, a period widely known as the "Klitschko Era" of the division. Klitschko's last fight was in 2012, but he remained the WBC heavyweight champion at age 42 when he announced his retirement in December 2013. Klitschko formally began his political career in 2006 when he placed second in the Kyiv mayoral race. In 2010, he founded the party Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform and was elected for this party the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election. He was a leading figure in the 2013-2014 Euromaidan protests, and he announced his possible candidacy for the Ukrainian presidency but later withdrew and endorsed the eventual winner Petro Poroshenko. He was elected Mayor of Kyiv on 25 May 2014. He headed the election list of the winner of the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc but gave up his parliamentary seat to stay on as mayor of Kyiv. On 28 August 2015, the UDAR party merged into Petro Poroshenko Bloc, and Klitschko became the new party leader. Klitschko was reelected as mayor on 15 November 2015. Klitschko revived UDAR, and left Petro Poroshenko Bloc with it, in May 2019 and simultaneously announced that UDAR would take part in the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election autonomously. UDAR failed to win any seats. Klitschko was re-elected to a second term as mayor in the 2020 Kyiv local elections, securing 50.52% of the votes in the first round of voting and thus avoiding a run-off. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Klitschko and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy have been internationally praised as symbols of Ukrainian resistance. Bratislava , historically known as Pressburg , is the capital and largest city of Slovakia. Officially, the population of the city is about 475,000; however, some sources estimate it to be more than 660,000--approximately 140% of the official figures. Bratislava is in southwestern Slovakia at the foot of the Little Carpathians, occupying both banks of the River Danube and the left bank of the River Morava. Bordering Austria and Hungary, it is the only national capital to border two sovereign states. The city's history has been influenced by people of many nations and religions, including Austrians, Bulgarians, Croats, Czechs, Germans, Hungarians, Jews and Slovaks. It was the coronation site and legislative center and capital of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1563 to 1783; eleven Hungarian kings and eight queens were crowned in St Martin's Cathedral. Most Hungarian parliament assemblies were held here from the 17th century until the Hungarian Reform Era, and the city has been home to many Hungarian, German and Slovak historical figures. Today Bratislava is the political, cultural and economic centre of Slovakia. It is the seat of the Slovak president, the parliament and the Slovak Executive. It has several universities, and many museums, theatres, galleries and other cultural and educational institutions. Many of Slovakia's large businesses and financial institutions have headquarters there. GDP at purchasing power parity is about three times higher than in other Slovak regions. Bratislava receives around one million tourists every year, mostly from the Czech Republic, Germany, and Austria. Kyoto , officially Kyoto City , is the capital city of Kyoto Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan's largest and most populous island of Honshu. As of 2020, the city had a population of 1.46 million, making it the ninth-most populous city in Japan. The city is the cultural anchor of the substantially larger Greater Kyoto, a metropolitan statistical area home to a census-estimated 3.8 million people. It is also part of the even larger Keihanshin metropolitan area, along with Osaka and Kobe. Kyoto is one of the oldest municipalities in Japan, having been chosen in 794 as the new seat of Japan's imperial court by Emperor Kanmu. The original city, named Heian-kyo, was arranged in accordance with traditional Chinese feng shui following the model of the ancient Chinese capitals of Chang'an and Luoyang. The emperors of Japan ruled from Kyoto in the following eleven centuries until 1869. It was the scene of several key events of the Muromachi period, Sengoku period, and the Boshin War, such as the Onin War, the Honno-ji Incident, the Kinmon incident, and the Battle of Toba-Fushimi. The capital was relocated from Kyoto to Tokyo after the Meiji Restoration. The modern municipality of Kyoto was established in 1889. The city was spared from large-scale destruction during World War II and, as a result, its prewar cultural heritage has mostly been preserved. Kyoto is considered the cultural capital of Japan and is a major tourist destination. The agency for cultural affairs of the national government is headquartered in the city. It is home to numerous Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, palaces and gardens, some of which have been designated collectively as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Prominent landmarks include the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Kiyomizu-dera, Kinkaku-ji, Ginkaku-ji, and Kyoto Tower. The internationally renowned video game company Nintendo is based in Kyoto. Kyoto is also a center of higher learning in the country, and its institutions include Kyoto University, the second-oldest university in Japan. In Japanese, Kyoto was previously called Kyo , Miyako , Kyo no Miyako , and Keishi . After becoming the capital of Japan at the start of the Heian period , the city was often referred to as Heian-kyo , and late in the Heian period the city came to be widely referred to simply as "Kyoto" . After the seat of the emperor was moved to the city of Edo and that city was renamed "Tokyo" , Kyoto was briefly known as "Saikyo" . As the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868, Kyoto is sometimes called the thousand-year capital . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Dnieper <p> different from <o> Dnieper <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Pripyat River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Teteriv <s> Dnieper <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Valdai Hills <s> Dnieper <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Irpin River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Uchliasć <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Samara River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Tiasmyn <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Psel <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Desna <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Berezina River <s> Dnieper <p> lake on watercourse <o> Kyiv Reservoir <s> Dnieper <p> lake on watercourse <o> Kremenchuk Reservoir <s> Dnieper <p> lake on watercourse <o> Kamianske Reservoir <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Drut River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Inhulets River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Ros River <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Dnieper <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Dnieper <p> lake on watercourse <o> Dnieper Reservoir <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Zolotonoshka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Viedryč <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Lybid River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Pakulka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Rzhavka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Rekotun <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Chernitsa <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Adamenka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Sozh <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Berezina <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vorskla <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Dnieper <p> category for the water basin <o> Category:Dnieper basin <s> Dnieper <p> lake on watercourse <o> Kakhovka Reservoir <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Sula River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Oril River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vop <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Bazavluk River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Stuhna River <s> Dnieper <p> country <o> Belarus <s> Dnieper <p> said to be the same as <o> Borysthenes <s> Dnieper <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Dnieper <p> country <o> Russia <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Glibochitsya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Dabryca <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Kutsenyka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Nagat <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Peremcha <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Nemoshchyonka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Krasna <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Osma <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Kolodnya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Mokra Sura <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Solya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Pochaina <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Maly Vopets <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Orleya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Dyma <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vopets <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Losmyona <s> Dnieper <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Dnieper River <s> Dnieper <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Dnieper <p> basin country <o> Ukraine <s> Dnieper <p> basin country <o> Belarus <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Adrova <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Beryozovka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Mereya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Verzha <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Volost <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Krapivnya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Dubravienka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Okra <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vodva <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Bolshoy Vopets <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Chyzhovka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Charamkha <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Dzebra <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Koshova <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Zadubrovienka River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Krapivenka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Rdzica <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Pavna <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Toščyca <s> Dnieper <p> basin country <o> Russia <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Dnieper <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Orshitsa <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Sukhiy Kagamlyk <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vita River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Polovitsya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Lachva River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vorona <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Vilshanka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Kriva Ruda <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Bilozerka River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Desenka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Tsybulnik River <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Dobasna <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Berdyáika <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Mokra Moskovka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Gutlyanka <s> Dnieper <p> drainage basin <o> Dnieper basin <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Stabna <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Khmost <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Darnitsya <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Uzha <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> Serebryanka <s> Dnieper <p> tributary <o> 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territory <p> has list <o> list of territorial disputes <s> disputed territory <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Disputed territories <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> country <o> Soviet Union <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> instance of <o> title of honor <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Moscow <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Volgograd <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Murmansk <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Kyiv <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Odesa <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Minsk <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Smolensk <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Sevastopol <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Tula <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Novorossiysk <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> winner <o> Kerch <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> subclass of <o> Hero of the Soviet Union <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> subclass of <o> city or town <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hero Cities <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> said to be the same as <o> Hero Fortress <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Hero Cities <s> Hero City of the Soviet Union <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Hero Cities of the Soviet Union <s> Lybid <p> place of death <o> Kyiv <s> Lybid <p> worshipped by <o> Slavic mythology <s> Lybid <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Lybid <p> sibling <o> Khoryv <s> Lybid <p> sibling <o> Shchek <s> Lybid <p> occupation <o> ruler <s> Lybid <p> part of <o> Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv <s> Lybid <p> sibling <o> Kyi <s> Lybid <p> instance of <o> fictional human <s> Podil Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Podil Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Podil Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Podil Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Podilskyi District <s> Podil Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Podil Raion <s> Podil Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Desna Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Desna Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Desna Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Desna Raion, Kyiv <s> Desna Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Desna Raion <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Desna Raion <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Desna Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Desna Raion <p> named after <o> Desna <s> Desna Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Desna Raion, Kyiv <s> Pecherskyi District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Pecherskyi District <p> shares border with <o> Dnipro Raion <s> Pecherskyi District <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Pecherskyi District <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Pecherskyi District <p> named after <o> Pechersk <s> Pecherskyi District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pecherskyi District <s> Pecherskyi District <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Pechersk Raion <s> Pecherskyi District <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> named after <o> Taras Shevchenko <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kastoria <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Shevchenkivskyi District, Kyiv <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> head of government <o> Gariaga Oleg <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Shevchenko Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Shevchenko Raion <s> Yak tebe ne liubyty, Kyieve mii! <p> form of creative work <o> song <s> Yak tebe ne liubyty, Kyieve mii! <p> genre <o> pop music <s> Yak tebe ne liubyty, Kyieve mii! <p> instance of <o> musical work/composition <s> Yak tebe ne liubyty, Kyieve mii! <p> lyrics by <o> Dmytro Lutsenko <s> Yak tebe ne liubyty, Kyieve mii! <p> performer <o> Yuri Gulyayev </Graph>
<Text> :The Dnieper 'ni:p@r/), also called Dnipro or Dniapro, is one of the major transboundary rivers of Europe, rising in the Valdai Hills near Smolensk, Russia, before flowing through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. Approximately 2,200 km long, with a drainage basin of 504,000 square kilometres , it is the longest river of Ukraine and Belarus and the fourth-longest river in Europe, after the Volga, Danube, and Ural rivers. In antiquity, the river was part of the Amber Road trade routes. During the Ruin in the later 17th century, the area was contested between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia, dividing what is now Ukraine into areas described by its right and left banks. During the Soviet period, the river became noted for its major hydroelectric dams and large reservoirs. The 1986 Chernobyl disaster occurred on the Pripyat River, a tributary of the Dnieper, just upstream from its confluence with the Dnieper. The Dnieper is an important navigable waterway for the economy of Ukraine and is connected by the Dnieper-Bug Canal to other waterways in Europe. During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, certain segments of the river are part of the defensive lines between territory controlled by Russians and Ukrainians. In English, the name Dnieper is attested by the early 17th century, along with obsolete forms Deneper, Neper. The river is also sometimes called by the Russian name Dnepr. The initial D in Dnieper is generally silent when pronounced in English, although it may be sounded: /'ni:p@r/ or /d@'ni:p@r/. It derives from Russian: Dnepr, romanized: Dnepr . Dnipro derives from Ukrainian: Dnipro, romanized: Dnipro. The English pronunciation is /d@'ni:proU/. The Ukrainian name has a rare form Dnipr, Dnipr and rare dialectal Dniper, Dniper. The Middle Ukrainian form attested in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries was Dnepr', Dnipr. The city of Dnipro is named for the river. Territorial disputes are often related to the possession of natural resources such as rivers, fertile farmland, mineral or petroleum resources although the disputes can also be driven by culture, religion, and ethnic nationalism. Territorial disputes often result from vague and unclear language in a treaty that set up the original boundary. Territorial disputes are a major cause of wars and terrorism, as states often try to assert their sovereignty over a territory through invasion, and non-state entities try to influence the actions of politicians through terrorism. International law does not support the use of force by one state to annex the territory of another state. The UN Charter states, "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations." Territorial disputes have significant meaning in the international society, both by their relation to the fundamental right of states, sovereignty and also because they are important for international peace. International law has significant relations with territorial disputes because territorial disputes tackles the basis of international law; the state territory. International law is based on the persons of international law, which requires a defined territory, as mentioned in the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States. Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention declares that "a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and capacity to enter into relations with other States" The Lybid is a small river in Kyiv, Ukraine. A right tributary of the Dnieper, it flows within the "Right Bank" part of the city, just to the west of the historic center. The Lybid has played an important role in shaping Kyiv's urban design by aiding the city's drainage system. The Lybid runs east, then southeast, then roughly parallel to the Dnieper before it takes a sharp eastward turn and enters the Dnieper several kilometers south of Kyiv's center. The river travels through a culvert for much of its course. It can be seen along the railway lines south-east from the main station of Kyiv. The Lybid has small tributaries, most notably the Khreschatyk River. It runs parallel to modern Kyiv's main street, Khreschatyk. Another notable tributary, with small lakes on its course, joins just as the Lybid turns to the east in the Montajnik area south of central Kyiv. The river was named after the possibly mythical Lybid, sister of the legendary founders of Kyiv, Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv. Others state that Lybid was a former ruler of the Kyiv prior to times of Kyivan Rus'. The Podilskyi District is an urban district of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Its population was 177,563 at the 2001 census. The district takes its name from the historic Podil neighborhood which it includes within its boundaries. The Podilskyi District as an administrative entity was formed in 1921 on one of the largest historical neighborhoods in Kyiv. In May 2001 the Podilskyi District celebrated the 80th anniversary of its foundation. The district remains one of the main business, transport, and industrial areas of Kyiv. There are currently 50 large industrial organizations based here. Although most of the industrial sites are phased out of the region, they dominate the adjacent neighborhoods to the north, named today "Podilsko-Kurenivskiy promraion". The Podilskyi District is connected to the city's metro system by three stations on the Obolonsko-Teremkivska Line: Tarasa Shevchenka, Kontraktova Ploshcha , and Poshtova Ploshcha . Desnianskyi District is an administrative raion of the city of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. It is located in the north-eastern part of the city on the Left Bank of the Dnieper River and is the most populous district of Kyiv. It is also the second largest district, with the total area of ca. 14.2 ha. Desnianskyi District mainly consists of two microdistricts - Troieshchyna and Lisovyi - making it predominantly residential in nature. There is only one clear-cut, industrial zone called Kulykove on the border with Dniprovskyi Raion. This fact explains why the district has the lowest number of registered business entities among Kyiv raions. Much like commuter town, therefore, Desnianskyi District has very little commercial or industrial activity beyond a small amount of retail, oriented toward serving the locals. However, it differs from commuter towns in that it forms part of the city proper and is not regarded as suburb in a classical sense. Still, its currently weak transportation links with the major part of the city on the Right Bank make it appear as a "city inside a city", which is especially true for Troieshchyna microdistrict. The first written reference of the lands that today form part of Desnianskyi District dates back to 1667. Until 1927 the area of the raion belonged to the Oster uyezd of the Chernigov Governorate. Since then it became part of the city of Kyiv. In 1932 the area was reorganized under the Petriv Raion. It was not until 1987 when the area was reorganized into a separate raion partially out of the neighboring Dnipro Raion and was named as the Vatutin Raion. Residential development of what would become known as Troieshchyna microdistrict started in 1966. However it was not until the completion of Pivnichnyi Bridge in 1976 that the development became genuinely large-scale. Pecherskyi District is an urban district of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. It lies within the eponymous historical neighborhood, while also including some other historical areas. The Pechersk neighborhood is located on the hills adjoining the right bank of the Dnieper. These two geographical entities are often confused with each other. The Pecherskyi District can be considered to be the very heart of Ukraine. Pechersk is one of the most important cultural areas of Kyiv, the location of the legendary Kyiv Pechersk Lavra , from which it received its name . The settlement near the Lavra formed at some point in the 12th century. It was reformed out of the historical Berestiv royal estate that was adjacent to the Kyiv Golden Gates . Beresta is a local name of the bark of a birch tree which at that time was utilized in making of shoes, as well as used as a writing medium. The settlement was renamed the town of Pechersk in the 16th-17th centuries. From the 18th century to the mid-20th century Pechersk as a settlement became the administrative center of the city of Kyiv when the Old Kyiv fortress was erected, which served as a major military stronghold in the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union. Because of this, new neighborhoods and areas were added to its direct administration. When in the 1840s, the new Kyiv fortress was built, Pechersk incorporated the settlement of Vasylkivska Rohatka that was founded in 1706. Vasylkiv's Fork was located in the vicinity of Citadel Street where Vasylkiv's Gates once stood . In January 1918, the neighborhood was the center of the Arsenal Factory Uprising. The uprising was quelled and this led to the defeat of the Ukrainian National Forces and the surrendering of the city of Kyiv to the Russian Soviet forces, which were led by Colonel Mikhail Muraviov. The rebellion gave the name to one of the streets in the neighborhood during the Soviet times to give the impression of support for the Bolshevik regime. Yak tebe ne liubyty, Kyieve mii! is a lyrical song of Kyiv composer Ihor Shamo and lyrics by poet Dmytro Lutsenko . At first the song was performed in 1962 in duet by Yuriy Gulyayev and Kostiantyn Ohnievyi who at that time performed at Kyiv Opera Theatre. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Hero City of Ukraine <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Hero City of Ukraine <p> instance of <o> Honorary titles of Ukraine <s> Hero City of Ukraine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hero Cities of Ukraine <s> Tampere <p> country <o> Finland <s> Tampere <p> capital of <o> Pirkanmaa <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tampere <p> official language <o> Finnish <s> Tampere <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Tampere <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Tampere sub-region <s> Tampere <p> associated electoral district <o> Pirkanmaa <s> Tampere <p> open data portal <o> <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Tampere Stadium <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Särkänniemi <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Tampere Hall <s> Tampere <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Tampere Ice Stadium <s> Tampere <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tammerkoski <s> Tampere <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Tampere <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pyhäjärvi <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 11 <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Nokia <s> Tampere <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Tampere <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Tampere <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tampere <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Tammela Stadion <s> Tampere <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tampere <s> Tampere <p> head of government <o> Kalervo Kummola <s> Tampere <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaunas <s> Tampere <p> different from <o> Tampere sub-region <s> Tampere <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People born in Tampere <s> Tampere <p> instance of <o> municipality of Finland <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Orivesi <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Kangasala <s> Tampere <p> instance of <o> second-level administrative division <s> Tampere <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Pirkanmaa <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Ruovesi <s> Tampere <p> instance of <o> urban area <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Ylöjärvi <s> Tampere <p> legislative body <o> Tampere City Council <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Lempäälä <s> Tampere <p> shares border with <o> Pirkkala <s> Tampere <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Tampere <s> Tampere <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tampere <s> Tampere <p> history of topic <o> history of Tampere <s> Tampere <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Tampere <s> Tampere <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Näsijärvi <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Tampere Deck Arena <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Aleksanteri School <s> Tampere <p> owner of <o> Tahmela Spring <s> Tampere <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Tampere <s> Category:Births in Kyiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:Births in Kyiv <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Kyiv <s> Category:Births in Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Holosiiv Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Holosiiv Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Holosiiv Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Holosiiv Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Holosiivskyi District <s> Holosiiv Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Holosiiv Raion <s> Holosiiv Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Obolon Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Obolon Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Obolon Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Obolon Raion <s> Obolon Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Obolonskyi District <s> Obolon Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Obolon Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ukraine <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> capital <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Zhytomyr Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Vinnytsia Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stavyshche Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tarashcha Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Cherkasy Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Gomel Region <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Chernihiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poliske Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaharlyk Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv-Sviatoshyn Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Makariv Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Skvyra Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> shares border with <o> Poltava Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> award received <o> Order of Lenin <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> instance of <o> oblast of Ukraine <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rokytne Raion, Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Myronivka Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ivankiv Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boryspil Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borodianka Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bila Tserkva Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yahotyn Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brovary Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bohuslav Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> flag <o> flag of Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Head of Kyiv City <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baryshivka Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zghurivka Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tetiiv Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vyshhorod Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vasylkiv Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Obukhiv Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Volodarka Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fastiv Raion <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv Oblast <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Kyiv Oblast <s> Category:People from Kyiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:People from Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:Burials in Kyiv <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Kyiv <p> category combines topics <o> Kyiv <s> Category:Burials in Kyiv <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> flag of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> flag of Kyiv <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Kyiv <s> flag of Kyiv <p> aspect ratio (W:H) <o> 3:2 <s> Order of Lenin <p> location of formation <o> Moscow <s> Order of Lenin <p> founded by <o> Joseph Stalin <s> Order of Lenin <p> instance of <o> order <s> Order of Lenin <p> named after <o> Vladimir Lenin <s> Order of Lenin <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Recipients of the Order of Lenin <s> Order of Lenin <p> next lower rank <o> Order of the October Revolution <s> Order of Lenin <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Order of Lenin <s> Order of Lenin <p> country <o> Soviet Union <s> Order of Lenin <p> has part(s) of the class <o> award winner </Graph>
<Text> :Hero City of Ukraine is a Ukrainian honorary title awarded for outstanding heroism during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was awarded to ten cities in March 2022, in addition to four already-named Hero Cities of the Soviet Union. This symbolic distinction for a city corresponds to the distinction of Hero of Ukraine awarded to individuals. During the Soviet era, twelve cities were awarded the title of Hero City, an honour awarded to cities whose residents showed outstanding resolve and courage in the Great Patriotic War. The honorary title is related to the Hero of the Soviet Union award, the highest distinction available in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Four of these cities are located in Ukraine, with the title having been awarded to Odesa, Sevastopol, Kyiv and Kerch while the country was known as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The status of these cities was inherited by independent Ukraine when the Soviet Union was dissolved. The two Crimean cities of Sevastopol and Kerch were occupied by Russia at the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War in February 2014, and were declared annexed in March 2014, but remain in internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. The usage of the term hero city is dated to articles in Pravda as early as 1942. The first official usage of the title is dated to May 1, 1945, when Joseph Stalin issued his Supreme Commander Order No. 20 commanding to fire salutes in the "hero cities Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sevastopol, and Odesa." On June 22, 1961 the term "Hero City" was applied to Kyiv in ukases that awarded Kyiv the Order of Lenin and introduced the Medal "For the Defence of Kyiv". The award of Hero City of the Soviet Union was officially introduced on May 8, 1965, by the ukase of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of USSR, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. In 1988 the issuance of the award was officially discontinued. Tampere is a city in the Pirkanmaa region, located in the western part of Finland. Tampere is the most populous inland city in the Nordic countries. It has a population of 255,066; the urban area has a population of 341,696; and the metropolitan area, also known as the Tampere sub-region, has a population of 416,653 in an area of 4,970 km2 . Tampere is the second largest urban area and the third most populous single municipality in Finland, after the cities of Helsinki and Espoo, and the most populous Finnish city outside the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Today, Tampere is one of the most important urban, economic and cultural centres in the entire inland region. Tampere and its surroundings are part of the historic province of Satakunta. The area belonged to the province of Hame from 1831 to 1997; over time, it has often been considered a province of Tavastia. For example, in Uusi tietosanakirja, published in the 1960s, the Tampere sub-region is presented as part of the then province of Tavastia. Around the 1950s, Tampere and its surroundings began to establish themselves as a separate province of Pirkanmaa. Tampere became the centre of Pirkanmaa, and Tammermaa was also used several times in the early days of the province, for example in the Suomi-kasikirja published in 1968. Tampere is wedged between two lakes, Lake Nasijarvi and Lake Pyhajarvi, with an 18 m difference in water level, and the rapids that connect them, Tammerkoski, have been an important source of power throughout history, most recently for generating electricity. Tampere is known as the "Manchester of the North" because of its past as a centre of Finnish industry, which has given rise to its Finnish nickname "Manse" and terms such as "Manserock". Tampere has also been officially declared the "Sauna Capital of the World" because it has the most public saunas in the world. Helsinki is about 160 km south of Tampere and can be reached by Pendolino high-speed train in 1 hour 31 minutes and by car in 2 hours. The distance to Turku is about the same. The Tampere-Pirkkala Airport is the eighth busiest airport in Finland, with more than 230,000 passengers using it in 2017. Tampere is also an important transit route for three Finnish highways: Highway 3 , Highway 9 and Highway 12. The Tampere light rail had two lines when it started operating in 2021. Holosiivskyi District was created during changing of administrative divisions of the capital of Ukraine, which was conducted in September 2001, as per the decision of the Kyiv City Council on January 1, 2001. Holosiivskyi District is located in the southwestern part of Kyiv, bordering Shevchenkivskyi, Solomianskyi, Pecherskyi, and Darnytskyi districts of Kyiv, and Bucha, Obukhiv, and Boryspil raions of Kyiv Oblast. The territory of the raion begins from the famous Khreshchatyk street and stretches toward the southwest of Kyiv. Considering this, the raion is somewhat like the southwest entrance into the city. The raion consists of the following historical neighborhoods of Kyiv: Pankivshchyna, Predslavyno, Yamky, Saperna Slobidka, Baikovo, Zabaikove, Demiivka, Shyrma, Tsymbalov Yar, Dobryi Put, Holosiiv, Feofaniya, Lysa Hora, Bahrynova Hora, Myshelovka, Samburky, Kytaevo, Pyrohiv, Tserkovshchyna, Nyzhnia Telychka, Korchevate, Vyta, Teremky, and Vodnykiv Island. Obolonskyi District is an urban district of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. Obolonskyi District encompasses territories far beyond of its historical neighborhood sharing the same name. It was formed on 3 March 1975 and initially called as Minskyi District. In 2001 it was renamed after its historical neighborhood. Its current population is 290,000 inhabitants. The name of the district Obolon comes from the Old-Ukrainian word obolon' - bolon' - bolon'ie , which roughly translates as "flood plain" or an area that is being engulfed by water. During Soviet rule of Ukraine, Kyiv had 14 administrative districts. In the early 21st century, a new law was passed, and the city's administrative division was reorganized into 10 districts with different borders and new names. Therefore, newer Obolonskyi District encompasses the territories of the former Minskyi District and is still sometimes referred to by that name. It also includes the former town of Pushcha-Vodytsia that used to be part of the Podilskyi District. The district was built up in the 1970s as a microdistrict in Kyiv on the Obolon sands to satisfy the growth of the city. It was a northward expansion of the Kyiv city. Due to the composition of the soil at the time, the majority of the buildings were at most nine stories tall, and few trees were planted when compared to other parts of the city. That and few other reasons originally made the district not very prestigious. During the preparation to the 1980 Summer Olympics in Minskyi District of Kyiv was established a new brewery Obolon. Kyiv Oblast , also called Kyivshchyna , is an oblast in central and northern Ukraine. It surrounds, but does not include, the city of Kyiv, which is administered as a city with special status. However, Kyiv also serves as the administrative center of the oblast. The Kyiv metropolitan area extends out from Kyiv city into parts of the oblast, which is significantly dependent on the urban economy and transportation of Kyiv. Kyiv Oblast was created as part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on February 27, 1932 among the first five original oblasts in Ukraine. It was established on territory that had been known as Ruthenian land. Earlier historical administrative units that became the territory of the oblast include the Kiev Voivodeship under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Kiev Viceroyalty and Kiev Governorate under the Russian Empire. The northern part of the oblast belongs to the historical region of Polesia . In Kyiv region, there was a specific folk icon-painting style much influenced by the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra painting school. Saints were depicted on the deep purple or black background, their clothes dark, their haloes dark blue, dark green or even black, outlined by thin white dotted contours. The Kyiv region's icons collection is the part of the exhibition of the Museum of Ukrainian home icons in the Historical and cultural complex "The Radomysl Castle". The flag of 1995 looks like an azure piece of fabric. The patron saint of Kyiv Archangel Michael who holds a flaming sword in his right hand and an oval shield with a cross on it in his left, is depicted on the flag. The flag panel has a yellow border. In 1995 a resolution of the Kyiv City Council returned the coat of arms of Kyiv of the times of Russian Empire--stylised representation of Archangel Michael, and adopted the flag of the city. In March 2009, a working group at the Kyiv City Council drafted a new look for the capital's flag. The coat of arms of Kyiv is placed in its center. However, this design has not received further approval. The Flag., The flag of the capital of Ukraine - the hero city of Kyiv is a blue rectangular panel with a 2: 3 aspect ratio with the Coat of Arms of the city placed in the centre. The height of the Coat of Arms is 2: 3 the width of the panel. Both sides of the panel are identical. The Order of Lenin was an award named after Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the October Revolution. It was established by the Central Executive Committee on 6 April 1930. The order was the highest civilian decoration bestowed by the Soviet Union. The order was awarded to: From 1944 to 1957, before the institution of specific length of service medals, the Order of Lenin was also used to reward 25 years of conspicuous military service. Those who were awarded the titles "Hero of the Soviet Union" and "Hero of Socialist Labour" were also given the order as part of the award. It was also bestowed on cities, companies, factories, regions, military units, and ships. Various educational institutions and military units who received the said Order applied the full name of the order into their official titles. The first design of the Order of Lenin was sculpted by Pyotr Tayozhny and Ivan Shadr based on sketches by Ivan Dubasov. It was made by Goznak of silver with some lightly gold-plated features. It was a round badge with a central disc featuring Vladimir Lenin's profile surrounded by smokestacks, a tractor and a building, possibly a power plant. A thin red-enamelled border and a circle of wheat panicles surrounded the disc. At the top was a gold-plated "hammer and sickle" emblem, and at the bottom were the Russian initials for "USSR" in red enamel. Only about 800 of this design were minted. It was awarded between 1930 and 1932. The second design was awarded from 1934 until 1936. This was a solid gold badge, featuring a silver plated disc bearing Lenin's portrait. The disc is surrounded by two golden panicles of wheat, and a red flag with "LENIN" in Cyrillic script . A red star is placed on the left and the "hammer and sickle" emblem at the bottom, both in red enamel. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Khoryv <p> sibling <o> Lybid <s> Khoryv <p> sibling <o> Kyi <s> Khoryv <p> place of death <o> Kyiv <s> Khoryv <p> sibling <o> Shchek <s> Khoryv <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Khoryv <p> part of <o> Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv <s> Khoryv <p> instance of <o> fictional human <s> Shchek <p> place of death <o> Kyiv <s> Shchek <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Shchek <p> worshipped by <o> Slavic mythology <s> Shchek <p> part of <o> Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv <s> Shchek <p> sibling <o> Khoryv <s> Shchek <p> occupation <o> ruler <s> Shchek <p> instance of <o> fictional human <s> Shchek <p> sibling <o> Lybid <s> Shchek <p> sibling <o> Kyi <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> location of formation <o> Moscow <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> instance of <o> order <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> instance of <o> civil decoration <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> country <o> Soviet Union <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Order of Friendship of Peoples <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Recipients of the Order of Friendship of Peoples <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Order of Friendship of Peoples <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> next higher rank <o> Order of the Red Banner of Labour <s> Order of Friendship of Peoples <p> next lower rank <o> Order of the Red Star <s> Darnytskyi District <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Darnytskyi District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Darnytskyi District <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Darnytskyi District <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Darnytskyi District <p> head of government <o> Yaroslav Lahuta <s> Darnytskyi District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Darnytsia Raion <s> Darnytskyi District <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Darnytsia Raion <s> coat of arms of Kyiv <p> instance of <o> coat of arms <s> Solomianka Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Solomianka Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Solomianka Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Solomianskyi District <s> Solomianka Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Solomianka Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Solomianka Raion <s> Solomianka Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Solomianka Raion <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gomel <s> Gold Star medal <p> instance of <o> medallion <s> Gold Star medal <p> country <o> Soviet Union <s> Gold Star medal <p> next lower rank <o> "Hammer and Sickle" gold medal <s> Gold Star medal <p> next higher rank <o> Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation <s> Gold Star medal <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Heroes of the Soviet Union <s> Kyi <p> occupation <o> monarch <s> Kyi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kyi <p> place of death <o> Kyiv <s> Kyi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Kyi <p> instance of <o> eponym <s> Kyi <p> instance of <o> knyaz <s> Kyi <p> sibling <o> Lybid <s> Kyi <p> sibling <o> Khoryv <s> Kyi <p> sibling <o> Shchek <s> Kyi <p> ethnic group <o> Polans <s> Kyi <p> instance of <o> legendary figure <s> Kyi <p> instance of <o> fictional human <s> Kyi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Kyi <p> part of <o> Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv <s> Kyi <p> family <o> Kyi dynasty <s> city or town <p> subclass of <o> locality <s> city or town <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> city or town <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> city or town <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> city or town <p> has characteristic <o> urban population <s> city or town <p> has characteristic <o> long term <s> city or town <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> city or town <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> city or town <p> subclass of <o> urban settlement <s> city or town <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of cities from below <s> city or town <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of cities from above <s> city or town <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cities <s> city or town <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Cities <s> city or town <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox city <s> Dnipro Raion <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Dnipro Raion <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Dnipro Raion <p> named after <o> Dnieper <s> Dnipro Raion <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Dnipro Raion <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Dniprovskyi Raion <s> Dnipro Raion <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Dniprovskyi District, Kyiv <s> Dnipro Raion <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine </Graph>
<Text> :Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv were three legendary brothers--often mentioned along with their sister Lybid --who, according to the Primary Chronicle, founded the medieval city of Kyiv, which eventually became the capital of Kievan Rus' and present-day Ukraine. There is no precise and historically established information about the rule of Kyi and the establishment of the city of Kyiv. Kyi was the legendary founder of Kyiv and the Kyi dynasty, and the Prince of the Polans. He was one of four siblings , who, according to the Primary Chronicle, lived in the Dnieper mountains and built a city on the right high bank of the Dnieper, named Kyiv, after the eldest brother. Kyi was also named the founder of the town of Kyivets on the Danube. From Kyi and his brothers the chroniclers deduced the Polans tribe. In the Primary Chronicle, which is traditionally believed to have been written by a monk of Kyiv Cave Monastery by the name of Nestor and finished in 1113, a special place is held by the legend of the foundation of Kyiv by three brothers. Nestor places those brothers onto various hills of Kyiv. Geographically, the old Kyiv is located on a higher right bank of the Dnieper, which is an extension of the Dnieper Upland, where remnants of the Church of the Tithes are located. The Chronicle further states that there were people who considered Kyi a mere ferryman. But it later claims that Kyi, as a prince of his gens, was visiting Czargrad and received great honors from the Emperor. Dmitry Likhachov combined attestations of the Nikon Chronicle, which also recounts that Kyi with a great army marched onto Czargrad and received great honors from the Emperor. During his expedition to Constantinople, Kyi also founded a city of Kyivets on the Danube. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv were three legendary brothers--often mentioned along with their sister Lybid --who, according to the Primary Chronicle, founded the medieval city of Kyiv, which eventually became the capital of Kievan Rus' and present-day Ukraine. There is no precise and historically established information about the rule of Kyi and the establishment of the city of Kyiv. Kyi was the legendary founder of Kyiv and the Kyi dynasty, and the Prince of the Polans. He was one of four siblings , who, according to the Primary Chronicle, lived in the Dnieper mountains and built a city on the right high bank of the Dnieper, named Kyiv, after the eldest brother. Kyi was also named the founder of the town of Kyivets on the Danube. From Kyi and his brothers the chroniclers deduced the Polans tribe. In the Primary Chronicle, which is traditionally believed to have been written by a monk of Kyiv Cave Monastery by the name of Nestor and finished in 1113, a special place is held by the legend of the foundation of Kyiv by three brothers. Nestor places those brothers onto various hills of Kyiv. Geographically, the old Kyiv is located on a higher right bank of the Dnieper, which is an extension of the Dnieper Upland, where remnants of the Church of the Tithes are located. The Chronicle further states that there were people who considered Kyi a mere ferryman. But it later claims that Kyi, as a prince of his gens, was visiting Czargrad and received great honors from the Emperor. Dmitry Likhachov combined attestations of the Nikon Chronicle, which also recounts that Kyi with a great army marched onto Czargrad and received great honors from the Emperor. During his expedition to Constantinople, Kyi also founded a city of Kyivets on the Danube. The Order of Friendship of Peoples was an order of the Soviet Union, and was awarded to persons , organizations, enterprises, military units, as well as administrative subdivisions of the USSR for accomplishments in strengthening of inter-ethnic and international friendship and cooperation, for economical, political, scientific, military, and cultural development of the Soviet Union. It was established on December 17, 1972, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Union. The design of order was created by Alexander Zhuk. The status of Order was slightly amended by the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union in July 1980. It was abolished in December 1991. In the Russian Federation it was succeeded by the Order of Friendship, also designed by Alexander Zhuk. It is the southeastern district of Kyiv located on the left bank of Dnipro river. It borders the Holosiivskyi District of the city to its west, across the river, Dniprovskyi District of city to its north, and the Brovary Raion of the Kyiv Oblast to its east and Boryspil Raion of Kyiv Oblast to its east and south. The population of the city raion is estimated around 348,000 inhabitants. Although an exact date of establishment of the area is not known, there is evidence that during the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, a Neolithic settlement existed near lake Sviatyshche . During the 9th century, Darnytsia was an important center of the Kyivan Rus', where ambassadors and delegations from other powers were housed while waiting to meet the kniaz and offer gifts. This gave the area its name Darnytsia . While throughout the 19th century the area was progressively becoming more densely populated, the dwellers were technically residing outside of Kyiv in village-like settlements called slobidkas . Certain parts on Darnytsia still bear the names of the slobidkas they displaced, notably Mykilska Sloboda . Until the late 19th century, the name Darnytsia was commonly applied to the plain on the left bank of Dnipro river across from the Kyiv city center. Up to the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the area was legally part of the Chernigov Governorate , despite being adjacent to Kyiv, also a center of its Guberniya, with the Dnipro river being the official division line. The village of Nova-Darnytsia and the rest of the area of the today's raion were incorporated into the city of Kyiv in 1927. In 1935 Darnytsia became a separate raion of the city. With establishment of the Kyiv city Darnytsia Raion, villages Pozniaky and Osokorky were merged and liquidated as separate populated localities. The coat of arms of Kyiv features the Archangel Michael officially named as "Saint Michael the Archistrategos" , wielding a flaming sword and a shield on an azure field. The coat of arms traces its history back to the medieval principality of Kievan Rus', where the Archangel Michael was depicted on the seals used by the Kievan grand princes. Initially the coat of arms of Kyiv featured Saint George fighting a dragon on an azure field, and this today remains the coat of arms of the Kyiv Oblast. In the 16th century, a coat consisting of the Archangel Michael clad in white robes, holding a sword and a shield on a red field was adopted for the Kyiv Voivodeship. In 1782, a new coat of arms was approved by the order of Catherine II of Russia. In the order the coat of arms is described as "Archangel Michael in a short tunic on an azure field". Later on it was decorated with an imperial crown and other ornaments. No original image of the arms has been recovered to date. Some modern drawings of the arms exist, based on the description in Catherine's order. In 1969, a coat of arms was introduced with chestnut leaves and a bow on the red-azure field, containing the word KIIV , and such Soviet symbols as the hammer and sickle and the Hero City medal. Since 1973 the horse-chestnut leaves became one of the symbols of the city. Solomianskyi District is a district in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Located in the western part of the city, in the basin of Lybid river, Dniepr's tributary. Named after village of Solomianka that became part of Kyiv in 1858. Established as a district in 1921. Reogarnized in 2001. An area of the district was settled since the Middle Ages. The so-called mount of Batu Khan who invaded Kyiv in 1240 is located within the district. The title Hero of the Soviet Union was the highest distinction in the Soviet Union, awarded together with the Order of Lenin personally or collectively for heroic feats in service to the Soviet state and society. The award was established on 16 April 1934, by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union. The first recipients of the title originally received only the Order of Lenin, the highest Soviet award, along with a certificate describing the heroic deed from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Because the Order of Lenin could be awarded for deeds not qualifying for the title of hero, and to distinguish heroes from other Order of Lenin holders, the Gold Star medal was introduced on 1 August 1939. Earlier heroes were retroactively eligible for these items. A hero could be awarded the title again for a subsequent heroic feat with an additional Gold Star medal and certificate. The practice of awarding additional Orders of Lenin when the title was awarded multiple times was abolished by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1988 during perestroika. Most Soviet-bloc countries followed the Soviet example and instituted their own "Hero" awards. The Soviet-style "Hero" title is still used both in surviving current Communist states such as Cuba and in some non-Communist post-Soviet countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and others. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv were three legendary brothers--often mentioned along with their sister Lybid --who, according to the Primary Chronicle, founded the medieval city of Kyiv, which eventually became the capital of Kievan Rus' and present-day Ukraine. There is no precise and historically established information about the rule of Kyi and the establishment of the city of Kyiv. Kyi was the legendary founder of Kyiv and the Kyi dynasty, and the Prince of the Polans. He was one of four siblings , who, according to the Primary Chronicle, lived in the Dnieper mountains and built a city on the right high bank of the Dnieper, named Kyiv, after the eldest brother. Kyi was also named the founder of the town of Kyivets on the Danube. From Kyi and his brothers the chroniclers deduced the Polans tribe. In the Primary Chronicle, which is traditionally believed to have been written by a monk of Kyiv Cave Monastery by the name of Nestor and finished in 1113, a special place is held by the legend of the foundation of Kyiv by three brothers. Nestor places those brothers onto various hills of Kyiv. Geographically, the old Kyiv is located on a higher right bank of the Dnieper, which is an extension of the Dnieper Upland, where remnants of the Church of the Tithes are located. The Chronicle further states that there were people who considered Kyi a mere ferryman. But it later claims that Kyi, as a prince of his gens, was visiting Czargrad and received great honors from the Emperor. Dmitry Likhachov combined attestations of the Nikon Chronicle, which also recounts that Kyi with a great army marched onto Czargrad and received great honors from the Emperor. During his expedition to Constantinople, Kyi also founded a city of Kyivets on the Danube. Dnipro Raion , formerly Dnipropetrovsk Raion until 2016, is a raion of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, southeastern Ukraine. Its administrative centre is the city of Dnipro. The population is 1,145,065 . On 18 July 2020, as part of the administrative reform of Ukraine, the number of raions of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast was reduced to seven, and the area of Dnipro Raion was significantly expanded. Three abolished raions, Petrykivka, Solone, and Tsarychanka Raions, as well as Dnipro Municipality, were merged into Dnipro Raion. The January 2020 estimate of the raion population was 83,879 . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Sviatoshynskyi District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sviatoshynskyi District <s> Sviatoshynskyi District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv <s> Sviatoshynskyi District <p> instance of <o> raion of city in Ukraine <s> Sviatoshynskyi District <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Sviatoshynskyi District <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Sviatoshynskyi District <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Sviatoshyn Raion <s> Kyiv City Council <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Kyiv <s> Kyiv City Council <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Kyiv City Council <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv Oblast <s> Kyiv City Council <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Kyiv City Council <p> instance of <o> former administrative territorial entity <s> Kyiv City Council <p> instance of <o> city council <s> Kyiv City Council <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Kyiv City Council <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Kyiv City Council <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Kyiv City Council <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyiv Okruha <s> Kyiv City Council <p> heritage designation <o> Local cultural heritage monument of architecture of Ukraine <s> Kyiv City Council <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Kyiv City Council <p> different from <o> Kyiv City State Administration <s> Kyiv City Council <p> has part(s) <o> Mayor of Kyiv <s> award winner <p> instance of <o> concept <s> award winner <p> subclass of <o> winner <s> award winner <p> said to be the same as <o> laureate <s> award winner <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Award winners <s> award winner <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Award winners <s> honorary citizenship <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> honorary citizenship <p> properties for this type <o> conferred by <s> honorary citizenship <p> Wikidata property <o> award received <s> honorary citizenship <p> Wikidata property <o> category for honorary citizens of entity <s> honorary citizenship <p> different from <o> honorary citizen of the university <s> honorary citizenship <p> different from <o> Freedom of the City <s> honorary citizenship <p> properties for this type <o> category for recipients of this award <s> honorary citizenship <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> honorary citizenship <p> subclass of <o> award <s> honorary citizenship <p> instance of <o> title of honor <s> honorary citizenship <p> subclass of <o> title of honor <s> honorary citizenship <p> different from <o> Honorary Citizen of the Russian Empire <s> honorary citizenship <p> different from <o> honorary citizen of the Slavic language area <s> honorary citizenship <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Honorary citizens <s> honorary citizenship <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Honorary citizen of Rome <p> country <o> Italy <s> Honorary citizen of Rome <p> instance of <o> award <s> Honorary citizen of Rome <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Rome <s> Honorary citizen of Rome <p> subclass of <o> honorary citizenship <s> Honorary citizen of Rome <p> category for recipients of this award <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Rome <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск II, 1892 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск II, 1892 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск II, 1892 <p> place of publication <o> Moscow <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск II, 1892 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск II, 1892 <p> part of <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск III, 1892 <p> place of publication <o> Moscow <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск III, 1892 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск III, 1892 <p> part of <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск III, 1892 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск III, 1892 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск I, 1891 <p> place of publication <o> Moscow <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск I, 1891 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск I, 1891 <p> part of <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск I, 1891 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск I, 1891 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск IV, 1892 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск IV, 1892 <p> place of publication <o> Moscow <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск IV, 1892 <p> part of <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск IV, 1892 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Illustrirovannaya polnaya populyarnaya biblyeiskaya entsiklopediya. Vipusk Выпуск IV, 1892 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Category:Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <p> category's main topic <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus </Graph>
<Text> :Sviatoshynskyi Raion is an urban district in the city of Kyiv located at the western part of city. The district was created in 2001 after renaming the former Leningrad District. It borders four other districts in Kyiv such as Podilskyi District, Obolonskyi District, Solomianskyi District, Shevchenkivskyi District as well as Bucha Raion that administratively is part of Kyiv Oblast. It takes its name from the historical neighbourhood of Sviatoshyn, named for the 12th century Prince Mykola Sviatosha. The raion includes number of neighborhoods: Sviatoshyn, Borshchahivka, Akademmistechko, Aviamistechko, Bilychi, Bratska Borshchahivka, Berkovets, Nyvky 4, Bilychi, Bilychi village, Novobilichi, Katerynivka, Akademgorodok, Zhovtneve, Mykilska Borshchahivka, Pivdenna Borshchahivka, Mykhailivska Borshchahivka, Peremoha and Galagany. Historically the raion was referred to as Leningradskyi and was renamed on 27 April 2001 after one of its neighbourhoods that commemorate . Its length is over 12 km, with a total area of 65.75 hectares and includes 5 parks. The governing bodies of adjacent Kyiv-Sviatoshyn Raion of Kyiv Oblast, until it was abolished in 2020, were situated in the Sviatoshyn Raion of Kyiv as the former oblast raion was purely suburban and lacked a distinctive center settlement. There are 5 adult and 5 children's polyclinics, a children's clinical hospital, a maternity hospital, 5 hospitals and dispensaries in the district. The residents of the district have at their disposal 5 stadiums, the Nauka sports complex, 4 children's sports schools, and numerous sports clubs. There is a sanatorium for war and labor veterans and a geriatric boarding house in the district. Kyiv City Council , also known as Kyivrada , is the city council of Kyiv municipality, the highest representative body of the city community. The members of city council are directly elected by Kyivans and the council is chaired by the Mayor of Kyiv or the City Council Secretary . The deputies are elected for five-year terms. The first ceremonial raising of the yellow-and-blue Ukrainian flag in modern times took place on 24 July 1990 at the flagstaff of the City Council, two years before the flag was officially adopted as the National flag of the Ukrainian state . 24 July was later marked as National Flag Day in Kyiv . Beginning with 2004, 23 August is celebrated as the Day of the National Flag . During the Euromaidan-protest from 1 December 2013 till 16 February 2014 Kyiv's Town Hall was occupied by protesters; this forced the City Council to meet in the Solomianka Raion state administration building instead. Honorary citizenship is a status bestowed by a city or other government on a foreign or native individual whom it considers to be especially admirable or otherwise worthy of the distinction. The honour usually is symbolic and does not confer any change to citizenship or nationality. Honorary Canadian citizenship requires unanimous approval in both houses of Parliament. The only people to ever receive honorary Canadian citizenship are Raoul Wallenberg posthumously in 1985; Nelson Mandela in 2001; the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso in 2006; Aung San Suu Kyi in 2007 ; Prince Karim Aga Khan in 2009; and Malala Yousafzai in 2014. In Germany, honorary citizenship is the highest distinction that can be awarded to an individual by a municipality. It is awarded by cities, towns, and sometimes federal states. The honorary citizenship is perpetual and persists after the death of the honoree, but can be revoked in exceptional cases by the council or parliament of the city, town, or state. In the case of war criminals, all such honours were taken away by "Article VIII, section II, letter i of the directive 38 of the Allied Control Council for Germany" on 12 October 1946. In Greece, provisions are in place for the naturalization of foreigners residing in the country who have Greek national origin . Primarily, this applies to expatriates from Albania and those from the countries of the former USSR, under Articles 23 of Law 3838/2010 and 39 of Law 4606/2018, respectively. The Greek Nationality Code also allows for the naturalization of expatriates living abroad. Furthermore, the Code offers honorary naturalization for foreign nationals who have rendered special services to Greece or whose naturalization may serve the country's best interest. Such individuals can be granted Greek citizenship through a Presidential Decree, upon a justified proposal by the Minister of Interior. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> instance of <o> human <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Empire <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> place of birth <o> Moscow <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> place of death <o> Moscow <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> occupation <o> archimandrite <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> field of work <o> biblical studies <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> field of work <o> church‘s ministry <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> notable work <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> family name <o> Bazhanov <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> occupation <o> Eastern Orthodox priest <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> given name <o> Nikifor <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> religion or worldview <o> Eastern Orthodoxy <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> field of work <o> monkish life <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> occupation <o> biblical scholar <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> occupation <o> religious writer <s> Nikifor Bazhanov <p> occupation <o> Eastern Orthodox monk <s> Wikimedia lists category <p> subclass of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Wikimedia lists category <p> facet of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Wikimedia lists category <p> category contains <o> Wikimedia list article <s> location of burial <p> Wikidata property <o> place of burial <s> location of burial <p> different from <o> cemetery <s> location of burial <p> facet of <o> funeral <s> location of burial <p> different from <o> grave <s> location of burial <p> different from <o> place of death <s> location of burial <p> subclass of <o> location of an event <s> location of burial <p> different from <o> burial <s> location of burial <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Burial sites <s> location of burial <p> described by source <o> Arkeologisen kulttuuriperinnön opas <s> Rim <p> different from <o> Rim <s> Rim <p> different from <o> Rim <s> Rim <p> different from <o> Rim <s> Rim <p> different from <o> RIM <s> Rim <p> said to be the same as <o> Rzym <s> Rim <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Rome <p> different from <o> Rome <s> Rome <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Rome <p> said to be the same as <o> Rzym <s> Rome <p> said to be the same as <o> Roma <s> Georg Wissowa <p> instance of <o> human <s> Georg Wissowa <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Georg Wissowa <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Georg Wissowa <p> writing language <o> German <s> Georg Wissowa <p> place of death <o> Halle (Saale) <s> Georg Wissowa <p> employer <o> University of Marburg <s> Georg Wissowa <p> employer <o> University of Halle-Wittenberg <s> Georg Wissowa <p> place of birth <o> Wrocław <s> Georg Wissowa <p> work location <o> Marburg <s> Georg Wissowa <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Polish <s> Georg Wissowa <p> occupation <o> historian <s> Georg Wissowa <p> field of work <o> classical philology <s> Georg Wissowa <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Georg Wissowa <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Georg Wissowa <p> member of <o> German Archaeological Institute <s> Georg Wissowa <p> educated at <o> University of Wrocław <s> Georg Wissowa <p> medical condition <o> stroke <s> Georg Wissowa <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Georg Wissowa <p> contributed to creative work <o> Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie <s> Georg Wissowa <p> member of <o> Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities <s> Georg Wissowa <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Georg Wissowa <p> member of <o> Graeca Halensis <s> Georg Wissowa <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Georg Wissowa <p> field of work <o> ancient civilization <s> Georg Wissowa <p> spouse <o> Helene Wissowa <s> Georg Wissowa <p> family name <o> Wissowa <s> Georg Wissowa <p> member of <o> Göttingen Academy of Sciences <s> Georg Wissowa <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Georg Wissowa <p> award received <o> Order of the Red Eagle 3rd Class <s> Georg Wissowa <p> child <o> Fritz Wissowa <s> Georg Wissowa <p> child <o> Richard Wissowa <s> Georg Wissowa <p> child <o> Gertrud Wissowa <s> Georg Wissowa <p> occupation <o> classical scholar <s> Georg Wissowa <p> position held <o> Geheimrat <s> Georg Wissowa <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Georg Wissowa <p> archives at <o> University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt <s> Georg Wissowa <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Georg Wissowa <p> given name <o> Georg <s> Georg Wissowa <p> sibling <o> Felix Wissowa <s> Georg Wissowa <p> award received <o> honorary doctor of the University of Wrocław <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> instance of <o> human <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> work location <o> Berlin <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> native language <o> German <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> writing language <o> German <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> writing language <o> Latin <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> educated at <o> University of Bonn <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Prussia <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> employer <o> University of Greifswald <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> educated at <o> University of Wrocław <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> employer <o> University of Wrocław <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> place of birth <o> Ząbkowice Śląskie <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> employer <o> University of Münster <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> work location <o> Wrocław <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Friedrich Focke <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Josef Heckenbach <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Josef Kroll <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> work location <o> Greifswald <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> father <o> Wilhelm Kroll <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Ancient Greek <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Eduard Williger <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> place of death <o> Martin-Luther-Hospital <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> educated at <o> Frederick William University Berlin <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> occupation <o> linguist <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> member of <o> German Archaeological Institute <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> member of <o> British Academy <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> described by source <o> Wilhelm Kroll <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> country of citizenship <o> German Reich <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> award received <o> Geheimer Regierungsrat <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> award received <o> Preis der Charlotten-Stiftung für Philologie <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> child <o> Wolfgang Kroll <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> place of burial <o> Płóczki <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> family name <o> Kroll <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Julius Tambornino <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Jakob Pley <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> work location <o> Płóczki <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> religion or worldview <o> Evangelical <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> award received <o> honorary doctor of the University of Wrocław <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> award received <o> Honorary doctor of the University of Oxford <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> award received <o> honorary doctorate from the University of Cambridge <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> member of <o> Silesian Society for Patriotic Culture <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> member of <o> Schwarzburgbund <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> work location <o> Münster <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Philosophy <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> doctoral student <o> Bruno Lier <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> given name <o> Wilhelm <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> award received <o> Order of the Red Eagle 4th Class <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> relative <o> Philipp Wegener <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> relative <o> Reinhard Herbig <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> described by source <o> Neue Deutsche Biographie <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> cause of death <o> embolism <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> member of <o> Austrian Academy of Sciences <s> Wilhelm Kroll <p> academic degree <o> habilitation <s> Hans Gärtner <p> instance of <o> human <s> Hans Gärtner <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Hans Gärtner <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Hans Gärtner <p> educated at <o> University of Göttingen <s> Hans Gärtner <p> employer <o> University of Regensburg <s> Hans Gärtner <p> place of birth <o> Bad Lauterberg im Harz <s> Hans Gärtner <p> given name <o> Hans <s> Hans Gärtner <p> member of <o> Mommsen Society <s> Hans Gärtner <p> archives at <o> Bavarian State Library <s> Hans Gärtner <p> contributed to creative work <o> Der Kleine Pauly <s> Hans Gärtner <p> occupation <o> medical historian <s> Hans Gärtner <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Hans Gärtner <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Hans Gärtner <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Hans Gärtner <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Hans Gärtner <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Hans Gärtner <p> place of death <o> Hospital Barmherzige Brüder <s> Hans Gärtner <p> family name <o> Gärtner <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> language of work or name <o> German <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> instance of <o> reference work <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> editor <o> Konrat Ziegler <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> editor <o> Walther Sontheimer <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> based on <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> publisher <o> Verlag Alfred Druckenmüller <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> follows <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Der Kleine Pauly <p> editor <o> Hans Gärtner <s> Walther John <p> instance of <o> human <s> Walther John <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Walther John <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Walther John <p> field of work <o> history <s> Walther John <p> place of death <o> Göttingen <s> Walther John <p> occupation <o> historian <s> Walther John <p> field of work <o> classical philology <s> Walther John <p> occupation <o> teacher <s> Walther John <p> place of birth <o> Koszalin <s> Walther John <p> occupation <o> high school teacher <s> Walther John <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Walther John <p> doctoral advisor <o> Johannes Mewaldt <s> Walther John <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Walther John <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Walther John <p> family name <o> John <s> Walther John <p> given name <o> Walther </Graph>
<Text> :Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is also the capital of the Lazio region, the centre of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, and a special comune named Comune di Roma Capitale. With 2,860,009 residents in 1,285 km2 , Rome is the country's most populated comune and the third most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. The Metropolitan City of Rome, with a population of 4,355,725 residents, is the most populous metropolitan city in Italy. Its metropolitan area is the third-most populous within Italy. Rome is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, within Lazio , along the shores of the Tiber. Vatican City is an independent country inside the city boundaries of Rome, the only existing example of a country within a city. Rome is often referred to as the City of Seven Hills due to its geographic location, and also as the "Eternal City". Rome is generally considered to be the cradle of Western civilization and Western Christian culture, and the centre of the Catholic Church. Rome's history spans 28 centuries. While Roman mythology dates the founding of Rome at around 753 BC, the site has been inhabited for much longer, making it a major human settlement for almost three millennia and one of the oldest continuously occupied cities in Europe. The city's early population originated from a mix of Latins, Etruscans, and Sabines. Eventually, the city successively became the capital of the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and is regarded by many as the first-ever Imperial city and metropolis. It was first called The Eternal City by the Roman poet Tibullus in the 1st century BC, and the expression was also taken up by Ovid, Virgil, and Livy. Rome is also called "Caput Mundi" . After the fall of the Empire in the west, which marked the beginning of the Middle Ages, Rome slowly fell under the political control of the Papacy, and in the 8th century, it became the capital of the Papal States, which lasted until 1870. Beginning with the Renaissance, almost all popes since Nicholas V pursued a coherent architectural and urban programme over four hundred years, aimed at making the city the artistic and cultural centre of the world. In this way, Rome first became one of the major centres of the Renaissance and then became the birthplace of both the Baroque style and Neoclassicism. Famous artists, painters, sculptors, and architects made Rome the centre of their activity, creating masterpieces throughout the city. In 1871, Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, which, in 1946, became the Italian Republic. In 2019, Rome was the 14th most visited city in the world, with 8.6 million tourists, the third most visited city in the European Union, and the most popular tourist destination in Italy. Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The host city for the 1960 Summer Olympics, Rome is also the seat of several specialised agencies of the United Nations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization , the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural Development . The city also hosts the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean as well as the headquarters of many multinational companies, such as Eni, Enel, TIM, Leonardo, and banks such as BNL. Numerous companies are based within Rome's EUR business district, such as the luxury fashion house Fendi located in the Palazzo della Civilta Italiana. The presence of renowned international brands in the city has made Rome an important centre of fashion and design, and the Cinecitta Studios have been the set of many Academy Award-winning movies. Wissowa studied classical philology under August Reifferscheid at the University of Breslau from 1876 to 1880, then furthered his studies in Munich under Heinrich Brunn, a leading authority on Roman antiquities. Having obtained his habilitation at the University of Breslau in 1882, he received a travel scholarship from the German Archaeological Institute and went to Italy for a year. After that he taught as Privatdozent in Breslau from 1883 to 1886, when he accepted a chair at the University of Marburg where he was awarded a full professorship in 1890. In 1895 he relocated to Halle as a successor to Heinrich Keil. After suffering two severe strokes in 1923, he was retired in 1924. Georg Wissowa is remembered today for re-edition of Realencyclopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft, an encyclopedia of classical studies initially started by August Friedrich Pauly in 1837. Around 1890, Wissowa began the new edition, an ambitious project that he anticipated would take ten years to finish. However, it wouldn't be until the 1970s that the last of its 83 volumes was published. He was the author of a significant work on ancient Roman religion, titled Religion und Kultus der Romer , which appeared also in a second revised edition , a book in which he explored the development of Roman religion, and in the process, provided a comprehensive description of its deities and religious practices. Wissowa also published a revision of Ludwig Friedlander's moral history of Rome called Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms, worked on Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher's encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology, Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie" and edited the second edition of Joachim Marquardt's "Romische Staatsverwaltung, vol. III. . Kroll was born in the town of Frankenstein in the Prussian Province of Silesia and brought up in Breslau, the capital city. From 1887 to 1891 he studied Classics, Archeology, History and Sanskrit at the universities of Breslau and Berlin. After obtaining his Ph. D. in 1891, Kroll went to Italy for the first of many times to study Greek manuscripts in Florence and Venice and continued his studies at the University of Bonn in the summer term of 1892. Before the end of the term he was awarded a four-year scholarship by the Prussian Academy of Sciences that gave him the means to further his academic career. Kroll returned to Italy where he continued and expanded his research from September 1893 until April 1894. Having obtained his habilitation at Breslau university in 1894, he continued to teach and publish as Privatdozent. After five years he was appointed full professor of Classics at the University of Greifswald where he started teaching in April 1899. A year later he married Katharina Wegener, the daughter of a schoolmaster. In March 1906, Kroll moved to the University of Munster, a newly adorned university with a significant number of students. In Munster, Kroll strove to enhance the quality of studying for his students. His efforts to cooperate with his colleagues led to the foundation of the Institut fur Altertumskunde which included the departments of classics, ancient history and linguistics . Building upon his success Kroll tried to secure a better position for himself and in 1913 finally obtained a chair at his alma mater in Breslau. Apart from his teaching and publications, Kroll was an important agent for international collaboration in the classics. As an editor of important journals and the Realencyclopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft he collaborated with hundreds of scholars from all over Europe and the United States. He was one of the first German scholars to be invited to lecture in the United Kingdom after World War I, and was awarded a visiting professorship at the Princeton University in 1930/31. The first edition was the Real-Encyclopadie der Classischen Alterthumswissenschaft in Alphabetischer Ordnung originally compiled by August Friedrich Pauly. As the basis for the subsequent Pauly-Wissowa edition, it is also known as the Ur-Pauly. The first volume was published in 1839 but Pauly died in 1845 before the last was completed. Christian Waltz and Wilhelm Siegmund Teuffel completed the 6 volume first edition in 1852. Georg Wissowa began work on a new and more ambitious edition in 1890. Paulys Realencyclopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft , more commonly known as the Pauly-Wissowa , was planned for completion by 1900 but work again outlasted its initial editor. Continued under Wilhelm Kroll, Kurt Witte, Karl Mittelhaus, and Konrat Ziegler, the series was not completed until 1972, with supplements added until 1978 and the index in 1980. Each article was written by a recognized specialist in the relevant field, but unsurprisingly for a work spanning three generations, the underlying assumptions vary radically with the age of the article. Many early biographies were written by Elimar Klebs, Paul von Rohden, Friedrich Munzer, and Otto Seeck. The size and price of Wissowa's edition being daunting, Konrat Ziegler put out an abridged Der Kleine Pauly edition of 5 volumes between 1964 and 1975. Ziegler was assisted by Walther Sontheimer and Hans Gartner. Edited by Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider, Der Neue Pauly was intended to be a 15-volume intermediate version of the work. The set itself expanded to 18 volumes plus an index, published from 1996 to 2003. From 2004 to 2012, seven more supplement volumes were added. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> West Germany <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of West Germany <s> West Germany <p> economy of topic <o> economy of West Germany <s> West Germany <p> shares border with <o> Switzerland <s> West Germany <p> replaced by <o> Germany <s> West Germany <p> facet of <o> Germany <s> West Germany <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of West Germany <s> West Germany <p> shares border with <o> Austria <s> West Germany <p> language used <o> German <s> West Germany <p> continent <o> Europe <s> West Germany <p> shares border with <o> France <s> West Germany <p> member of <o> United Nations <s> West Germany <p> capital <o> Bonn <s> West Germany <p> official language <o> German <s> West Germany <p> territory claimed by <o> German Democratic Republic <s> West Germany <p> diplomatic relation <o> German Democratic Republic <s> West Germany <p> part of <o> history of Germany <s> West Germany <p> part of <o> History of Germany (1945–1990) <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baden-Württemberg <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bavaria <s> West Germany <p> replaces <o> Trizone <s> West Germany <p> replaces <o> Allied Control Council <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schleswig-Holstein <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North Rhine-Westphalia <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lower Saxony <s> West Germany <p> replaces <o> German Reich <s> West Germany <p> different from <o> Western Germany <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hesse <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saarland <s> West Germany <p> shares border with <o> Czechoslovakia <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhineland-Palatinate <s> West Germany <p> shares border with <o> German Democratic Republic <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bremen <s> West Germany <p> topic's main category <o> Category:West Germany <s> West Germany <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 3 <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hamburg <s> West Germany <p> currency <o> Deutsche Mark <s> West Germany <p> anthem <o> Das Lied der Deutschen <s> West Germany <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> West Germany <p> flag <o> flag of Germany <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Württemberg-Baden <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baden <s> West Germany <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Württemberg-Hohenzollern <s> West Germany <p> country <o> West Germany <s> West Germany <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> West Germany <p> basic form of government <o> federal parliamentary republic <s> West Germany <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary republic <s> West Germany <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Germany <s> The New Pauly <p> instance of <o> reference work <s> The New Pauly <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> The New Pauly <p> follows <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> The New Pauly <p> has edition or translation <o> Brill’s New Pauly <s> The New Pauly <p> publisher <o> J.B. Metzler <s> Category:Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft <p> category's main topic <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Verlag Alfred Druckenmüller <p> country <o> Germany <s> Verlag Alfred Druckenmüller <p> headquarters location <o> Stuttgart <s> Verlag Alfred Druckenmüller <p> instance of <o> publisher <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> instance of <o> human <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> writing language <o> German <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Prussia <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> place of birth <o> Wrocław <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> place of death <o> Göttingen <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> employer <o> University of Göttingen <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> conflict <o> World War I <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> member of <o> Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> member of <o> Silesian Society for Patriotic Culture <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> archives at <o> Bavarian State Library <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> employer <o> University of Greifswald <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> award received <o> Righteous Among the Nations <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> contributed to creative work <o> Der Kleine Pauly <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> position held <o> Landrat <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> doctoral advisor <o> Franz Skutsch <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> member of political party <o> German Democratic Party <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> member of political party <o> Social Democratic Party of Germany <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> place of burial <o> Stadtfriedhof Göttingen <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> family name <o> Ziegler <s> Konrat Ziegler <p> award received <o> Preis der Charlotten-Stiftung für Philologie <s> Kurt Witte <p> instance of <o> human <s> Kurt Witte <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Kurt Witte <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Kurt Witte <p> place of birth <o> Poznań <s> Kurt Witte <p> employer <o> University of Greifswald <s> Kurt Witte <p> employer <o> University of Münster <s> Kurt Witte <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Kurt Witte <p> field of work <o> classical philology <s> Kurt Witte <p> place of death <o> Erlangen <s> Kurt Witte <p> employer <o> University of Erlangen–Nuremberg <s> Kurt Witte <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Philosophy <s> Kurt Witte <p> doctoral advisor <o> Franz Skutsch <s> Kurt Witte <p> family name <o> Witte <s> Kurt Witte <p> given name <o> Kurt <s> Kurt Witte <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Kurt Witte <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Kurt Witte <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> country of citizenship <o> Germany <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> writing language <o> German <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Prussia <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> place of death <o> Jena <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> student of <o> Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> place of birth <o> Kluczbork <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> educated at <o> University of Wrocław <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> educated at <o> Leipzig University <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> educated at <o> University of Bonn <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> occupation <o> high school teacher <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> occupation <o> editor <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> contributed to creative work <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Philosophy <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> cause of death <o> laryngeal cancer <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> given name <o> Karl <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> occupation <o> classical philologist <s> Karl Mittelhaus <p> educated at <o> Frederick William University Berlin <s> RE:Supplement <p> instance of <o> book series <s> RE:Supplement <p> part of <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S XII <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. R <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S XI <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S XV <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S XIII <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S XIV <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S IV <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S IX <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S V <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S VII <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S VIII <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S X <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S III <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S I <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S VI <s> RE:Supplement <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. S II <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> instance of <o> book series <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> part of <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XIX,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. I,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. III,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. IV,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. II,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. II,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. I,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. III,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. IV,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. V,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. IX,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. VIII,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. VII,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. VII,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. V,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. VI,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. VI,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. VIII,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. IX,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XIII,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XII,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. X,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. X,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XIII,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XI,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XI,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XIV,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. 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XVI,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XVI,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XVII,1 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XVII,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XVIII,2 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XVIII,3 <s> RE:Erste Reihe <p> has part(s) <o> Pauly-Wissowa vol. XVIII,4 <s> revival <p> instance of <o> term </Graph>
<Text> :West Germany is the colloquial English term used to describe the Federal Republic of Germany from its formation on 23 May 1949 until the reunification of Germany through the accession of East Germany on 3 October 1990. During the Cold War, the western portion of Germany and the associated territory of West Berlin were parts of the Western Bloc. West Germany was formed as a political entity during the Allied-occupied Germany after World War II, established from 12 states formed in the three Allied zones of occupation held by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. The FRG's provisional capital was the city of Bonn, and the Cold War-era country is retrospectively designated as the Bonn Republic . At the onset of the Cold War, Europe was divided between the Western and Eastern blocs. Germany was divided into the two countries. Initially, West Germany claimed an exclusive mandate for all of Germany, representing itself as the sole democratically reorganised continuation of the 1871-1945 German Reich. Three southwestern states of West Germany merged to form Baden-Wurttemberg in 1952, and the Saarland joined West Germany as a state in 1957 after it had been separated as the Saar Protectorate from Allied-occupied Germany by France . In addition to the resulting ten states, West Berlin was considered an unofficial de facto eleventh state. While de jure not part of West Germany, for Berlin was under the control of the Allied Control Council , West Berlin politically aligned itself with West Germany and was directly or indirectly represented in its federal institutions. The foundation for the influential position held by Germany today was laid during the economic miracle of the 1950s , when West Germany rose from the enormous destruction wrought by World War II to become the world's second-largest economy. The first chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who remained in office until 1963, worked for a full alignment with the NATO rather than neutrality, and secured membership in the military alliance. Adenauer was also a proponent of agreements that developed into the present-day European Union. When the G6 was established in 1975, there was no serious debate as to whether West Germany would become a member. </Text>