1 value
1 value
acetylcholine and serotonin relationship
Acetycholine is known for decreasing heart rate and putting you in the Parasympathetic Nervous state & #x200B; Serotonin deals with rest and digest which is also know as the Parasympathetic Nervous state & #x200B; Can someone explain how these are different but also similar? I supplement with serotonin precursor and wonder will it mess with taking cdp-choline?
{ "a_id": [ "egp3vsh" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "Serotonin and acetylcholine are part of a category of functional molecules known as neurotransmitters.\n\nAcetylcholine is the primary neurotransmitter for most of the parasympathetic nervous system, as well as various pathways in the brain.\n\nSerotonin has multiple functions, one of which involves gut functioning. It also has significant effects in cognitive processing, perception, emotion, and mood. It is not exclusively restricted to the gut, and also has multiple roles elsewhere, such as being a component secreted by mast cells.\n\nAcetylcholine is synthesised by acetylation of choline, whereas serotonin is synthesised as a product of tryptophan metabolism.\n\nPrimary sources of choline include egg yolk, liver, dairy, nuts and legumes.\n\nTryptophan can be obtained from any complete protein such as an egg white or meat.\n\nIt’s unlikely that the two supplements would interfere with each other’s absorption." ] }
[ [] ]
why do we need to make transistors smaller?
Why is so much effort put into making chip components smaller? Why not say that the components are already pretty small so let's just make chips bigger. Doubling the size of a chip would still result in an object that takes up next to no space.
{ "a_id": [ "cvtz2nn", "cvtz983", "cvu1qov" ], "score": [ 2, 5, 4 ], "text": [ "While space might not always be the limiting factor, it quite often is. Just to make a smartphone that's as powerful as it is and yet conveniently small enough to carry around with you required years upon years of refinement and making the components smaller.", "At the speeds we want chips to operate now, you start having to worry about how long it takes for an electrical signal to travel from one side of the chip to the other. Even if it travels at nearly the speed of light, making the chip twice as big still means it takes twice as long as it did before. When your clock cycles are a fraction of a nanosecond, even light can't get very far between ticks.", "Because when it comes to CMoS logic, smaller has a ton of benefits. \n\nFirst, you can fit more transistors on the same die. More transistors = more processing power. \n\nSecond, you can shrink the die size and still have the same processing power. Smaller die = more die per wafer = cheaper to manufacture. \n\nThird, smaller transistors consume less power. An ideal circuit would use no power, but we do not have ideal transistors. Leakage current is responsible for some of the power, but so is parasitic capacitance. Basically a MOSFET transistor is a mini capacitor in some sense. You need to charge (or remove the charge) from the gate of each transistor you change the state of. The smaller the transistor, the smaller the gate, and the less charge you have to move around.\n\nFourth, you can make the chip faster. The FET effect is not instantaneous, there is a propogation delay involved. Smaller transistors have a shorter delay, so you can operate at higher clock frequencies." ] }
[ [], [], [] ]
why is copper more reactive than zinc?
Copper's Ionization Energy (Energy required to remove valance electrons from the atom) is roughly 745 kj/mol. Zinc's IE is roughly 906 kj/mol. If Zinc requires more energy to react than copper, then why is copper LESS reactive than zinc? Really confused right now...
{ "a_id": [ "d865src" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "It's important to recognize that in aqueous solutions, metal atoms tend to form their respective cations.\n\nZinc has electron configuration of [Ar] 3d10 4s2 and will lose its outermost two valence electrons when in water and form Zn2+.\n\nCopper has electron configuration [Ar] 3d10 4s1\n\nTherefore for copper to displace zinc it would require copper to lose another electron and break up the 3d sub-shell.\n\nBecause it's not energetically favorable for copper to do that, Zinc is generally more reactive regardless of ionization energy" ] }
[ [] ]
why do we yell "boo!" when we scare people, and not some other word?
{ "a_id": [ "cl026kv", "cl02k3z", "cl02m8g", "cl05t6e", "cl08hta" ], "score": [ 82, 27, 22, 9, 2 ], "text": [ "Okay, according to the OED, the first time it's mentioned anywhere is from a document in 1718. (\"1718 G. Crokatt Sc. Presbyterian Eloquence iii. 111 Boo is a word used in the North of Scotland to frighten crying Children.\") When something is that old, who knows WHY they might have said it, it just gets passed down, and passed down, and passed down, til, voila, we have no idea why. \n\nEDIT: found more on a Slate article: \"Variations of the word boo—including bo and boh—have been found in books as published as far back as 500 years ago. While the Oxford English Dictionary notes the similarity between bo and the Latin boāre and the Greek βοãv, both meaning “to cry aloud, roar, shout,” it’s unlikely that bo and boo—as nonsensical exclamations—derived from these words. An etymological dictionary of Scottish from 1808 notes that the sound might denote \"a sound in imitation of the cry of a calf,\" or be related to menacing creatures like the bu-kow and the bu-man (a possible ancestor of the modern bogeyman).\"\n\nInteresting question!", "It's the energy the word releases - that big plosive followed by loud sustain.", "Because all the other words just sound too weird... Imagine someone jumping out of the bushes and yelling the following:\n\n\"MOIST!\"\n\n\"DOPPLE!\"\n\n\"HODGEPODGE!\"\n\n\"POMPOUS!\"\n\n\"RAMSHACKLE!\"\n\n\"SQUELCH!\"\n\n\nThese are just a few examples but as you can see they're not nearly as spooky. ", "Another question. Why is \"Boo\" also used to express we think something sucks? Weird.", "Not necessarily boo, as we can infer from this video: _URL_0_" ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [ "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0l163AI6O8" ] ]
why we can feel cold water going down our warm organs or have a belly ache, but not anything else.
{ "a_id": [ "f2e74tg", "f2e7ylp", "f2ebzwf" ], "score": [ 2, 3, 3 ], "text": [ "I feel food being digested all the time. Gas, tummy gurgling, farts, these are all factors of food being digested. I think we can feel most things in our body but we just don't feel that way because we are so use to the sensations. It's our normal.", "We can feel all sorts of fun things in our gut when there are problems. Pressure, burning, aching, stabbing, heaviness. All different sensations, but since we find them unpleasant they all get lumped into “pain”. \n\nIf we felt In detail very time we digested a muffin it would likely be too distracting because we’re pretty much always digesting something.", "water would be because of the difference in temperature between warm or cold beverage and your insides.. belly ache cause it actively ' irritates ' the inside of your stomach.. \n\nsometimes you can feel digestion.. ever get that full feeling from a buffet, then an hour or two later you feel hungry? you've just* moved food from your stomach to your intestines..\n\n* not necessarily immediately" ] }
[ [], [], [] ]
even if we know movies are fake, why do some disturb or scare us?
May seem like a stupid question, but I remained disturbed for a week after seeing a 5 minute clip of Serbian Film. I might just have a weak brain or something.
{ "a_id": [ "cax0036", "cax6hrv" ], "score": [ 3, 2 ], "text": [ "YOU know it's fake, but your subconscious brain does not. It doesn't understand fiction or context as well as we do. So when you see a horror movie your subconscious brain thinks it's real and your are disturbed by it.", "Not that I know what I'm talking about here but I also imagine that our instincts are faster than our conscious thought so when something pops out at you the first thing that reacts is instinct and its telling you to jump before you have a chance to even think about it." ] }
[ [], [] ]
what's the difference between beer, lager, ale, and stout?
{ "a_id": [ "cummh0j", "cummmv6", "cummua5", "cumn6rh", "cumrno9", "cumrr5f", "cumrx8j", "cums0tk", "cums15g", "cums9h2", "cumsxqf", "cumtgbv", "cumuafa", "cumvwsr", "cumwnl6", "cumx42a", "cumxazj", "cumxegz", "cumxp3z", "cumy1ax", "cumy1zw", "cumyyor", "cumz0xr", "cumzbpx", "cumzi3n", "cumzj9a", "cun03xc", "cun0x3c", "cun7ruy" ], "score": [ 143, 1194, 40, 20, 7, 2, 6, 10, 15, 9, 5, 91, 2026, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 6, 2, 2, 2, 23, 3, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "[There are two types of beer: ale & lager. A stout is a type of ale.](_URL_0_)", "Most of this is from Wikipedia. Edited a bit to make it ELI5.\n\n**Beer**\n\nGeneral term for an alcoholic drink made from malted barley, hops water and yeast. \n\n**Ale**\n\nAle is a type of beer brewed with a yeast that prefers warmer temperatures. Compared to lager yeasts, ale yeast ferments more quickly, and often produces a sweeter, fuller-bodied and fruitier taste. \n\n**Lager**\n\nLager is a type of beer that is fermented and conditioned with yeast that prefers lower temperatures. The rise of lager was entwined with the development of refrigeration, as refrigeration made it possible to brew lager year-round\n\n**Stout**\n\nStout is a dark ale made using roasted malt or roasted barley, hops, water and yeast. Stouts were traditionally the generic term for the strongest or stoutest porters, typically 7% or 8%, produced by a brewery", "\"Beer\" is the umbrella term that describes all of them. Generally there are only three types of beer. These types are classified by how they are brewed. \n\nAle, Lager, and \"steam\".\n\nYou will almost never see a real steam beer in your life so lets focus on Ale and Lager.\n\nThere are variations on beers so nothing I say here is gospel...just a framework.\n\nAlmost every beer in the world is comprised of four ingredients: water, grain, yeast and hops.\n\nThe water is the major ingredient - the part you will be drinking. The grain is the part that ferments and turns into alcohol sugars. The yeast is the part that does the fermenting. It's alive. It eats the sugars and excretes a waste product that we call alcohol. The hops are a type of flower (related to marijuana) that preserves this brew and keeps it from going bad. It also adds flavor to some extent (see IPA).\n\nThe two major type of beers are based on what kind of yeast is added. \n\nSome yeast sinks to the bottom and some stays floating on top.\n\nWhen a beer is fermented with a floating yeast it can be turned to alcohol quicker. It is usually brewed warm and is called an ale. It's usually more bitter and darker.\n\nWhen a beer is fermented in colder temperatures it needs a different yeast that floats to the bottom. \n\n\nA pilsner is a weak type of lager that was developed by America around WWII. Budweiser and Coors are pilsners. A stout is a type of ale that contains more grain than usual. (some people will disagree with this but this is not inaccurate). An IPA is a type of pale ale that has a lot of history but amounts to a bitter beer with a high alcohol content with lots of hops giving it a 'flowery' taste. \n\nA steam beer is both top and bottom fermented. I don't know of any reputable steam beers being made these days. \n\n", "There are two types of beer: ales and lagers. Both are made with four main ingredients: water, yeast, malted (dried with hot air) grains, and hops. \n\nLagers (Budweiser, Coors, Yuengling, Corona) are made with a yeast that ferments the sugars (water and grain) at a colder temperature. That yeast works at the bottom of the tank and produces a milder and crisper flavor. Most beers you would drink at a frat party are lagers. \n\nAles (Sierra Nevada, Bass, Newcastle) uses a yeast that ferments at a warmer temperature and at the top of a fermentation tank. The warmer temperature lets the beer have more flavor from the yeast (called esters.) \n\nStouts are a type of ale (they are warm fermented.) They get their dark color from the grain. The barley in a stout is heavily roasted in a kiln giving the beer it's dark color and roasted flavor. The word stout originated in the late 1600's to describe a beer that was stronger, full-bodied porter. It was originally called a \"Stout Porter\" and then shortened to just \"Stout.\"\n\n\n\n", "What about malt liquors?", "How about Porters? I understood that they are basically a less extreme version of stouts, with a less burnt taste, but then I've seen other's claim that porter = stout.\n\nI like red/ruby porters.", "You can get a detailed explanation from /r/homebrewing if you want to go deeper than ELI5. Most of these responses have problems.\n\nThere are two beer types, based on the type of yeast used to ferment:\n\nLager - Thrive in cooler temperatures and are responsible for beer styles such as Lagers, Pilsner (bottom fermenting). Beer styles are usually lighter, because yeast at cooler temperatures have trouble breaking down higher sugar levels in a timely manner.\n\nAle - Brewed with yeast that are best near room temperature (top fermenting). There are a wider range of beers that use ale yeasts. Styles include Pale Ales, ESB, Stout, Amber Ale, Porter, IPA, Kolsch, and more.\n\nThe style within these two families depends on the types of malted barley, other grains, hops, body, and color of the beer.\n\n", "Lagers are fermented at low temperatures, ales are fermented at higher temperatures. \n\nEach use different yeasts that thrive at different temperatures. \n\nSo beer is both lagers and ales. Lager is beer, ale is beer. \n\nA stout is simply a style of ale. It gets more complicated from there. Lager could potentially resemble a stout but due to the way in which fermentation takes place, may not be. \n\n**EDIT:** as /u/ATXBeermaker pointed out, Baltic Porters use lager yeast. Let's pretend none of us have enjoyed a few too many Baltika #6's. ", "As someone directly involved in the craft beer movement here in Colorado the amount of misinformation/ignorance in this thread is crazy. If you don't know the answer for sure don't just guess, let people who do know answer OP.", "This doesn't give you all of what you're asking for, but I found this chart to be useful: _URL_0_", "Super ELI5'ed:\n\nBeer is just any form of hop/barley/yeast-brewed drink.\n\nLager is the most common form of beer, normally with bubbles, almost exclusively light-coloured, best served cool. E.g. San Miguel, Peroni, Budweiser, Carlsberg. 3-4% alcohol.\n\nAle is the second most common form of beer, normally 'flat,' generally darker in colour though it can be light, is rarely black. Best served room-temperature. Alcohol varies more, typically 3-7%. One of the things I love about ale is that that you can go between pubs and find a completely different selection in each. Where I'm from, two staples are Doombar and Old Speckled Hen, but if you're in a different country then I'm 99% sure you may not even have heard of them - ale tourism is the best!\n\nStout is a type of ale, a lot richer stronger flavour, a far darker colour, often pitch black. Best served room temperature, often around 8%. E.g. Guinness.", "Hi! **Homebrewer** here, so I think I can answer this properly.\n\nBeer is the name of the \"beverage\" you make with barley, hops and water which is later fermented with yeast.\n\nIs like saying that wine is the drink you make fermenting grapes.\n\nAltough, as there are a lot of different wine types, there are also a lot of beer styles, with a lot of different combinations/variations of the same basic ingredients. A lot like bakery for example, you almost always use butter, milk, eggs, sugar, flour, and you can end up with an almost infinite variety of cakes.\n\nTo enter in more detail for your question:\n\nThere are 2 classes of beers*: \n\n* An **Ale** is a beer which is fermented at a relatively high temperature, between 17 and 21°C.\n\n* A **Lager** is a beer which, on the other hand, is fermented at a much lower temperature, something between 9 and 12°C depending on the yeast. This usually gives the beer a cleaner flavour, and is preferable to the average drinker.\n\nThose two big brothers divides a lot more depending on both the manufacturing process and (mostly) the ingredients used to make them.\n\n* A **Stout** use roasted barley in a small quantity with the malted barley, this gives the darker color and the typical coffee like flavour. It's an Ale, because you usually ferment it with an high temperature yeast.\n* A **Weizenbier** uses Wheat malt with Barley malt, giving that bread-like flavour to the beer. Also an Ale. This one uses some typical yeast strain, which adds a lot of typical flavour to the end product.\n* An **IPA** (India Pale Ale) is an Ale where you use a lot of hops, giving the bitterness and aroma typical of this style\n* An halloween **Pumpkin Ale** is an Ale where you add pumpkin with the malted barley\n* A **Pilsner** is a lager where you use almost entirely Pilsner Malt\n\n\netc etc, there are infinite type/styles of beer, but as long as we talk of Ale and Lagers, the difference is only in the yeast used (and consequently the fermentation temperature), and both of them are Beers.\n\n*Edit: as people pointed out, Ales and Lagers are the main classes of beers (like 99% of beers actually available), however more complicated beers exists which are not entirely a Lager or an Ale: a wild beer for example, fermented with wild yeast, or fruit beer, having fruit in the mash, etc. \nMine was a simplistic approach, intended to give a basic knowledge of beers styles, if you want to dive deeper in the subject I suggest you google beer styles: a lot of material, spanning from blogs to wiki to books are available online to document yourself.", "Lots of false generalizations in here. I'll do my best to clarify. \n\n**Ales** and **lagers** are the two main families of **beer**. Beer being the general term for an alcoholic beverage made from fermenting malted grain in water, with yeast, and then preserving (and flavoring) with hops. \n\nJust about every beer out there is either an **ale** or a **lager**, depending on the type of yeast used in fermentation. There are a few styles that are exceptions, (lambics, sours, hybrid styles, etc.) but just for the most part, almost everything is one or the other. \n\n**Ales** use strains of yeast that ferment on top of the batch. These strains generally do well fermenting in warmer temperatures (65-75 degrees F, around normal room temperature). These beers usually ferment quicker, some as quickly as a few weeks.\n\n**Lagers** use strains of yeast that typically drop to the bottom of the liquid to ferment. These yeasts generally do better fermenting in cooler temperatures (45-55 degrees F, refrigerator temperature). These beers will take several months to finish.\n\nA **stout** is just one of MANY styles of ales. It's one of the darkest styles, which uses heavily roasted barley to impact it's color and flavor. \n\nBoth **ales** and **lagers** run the full spectrum of flavor, body and color. You can have a very dark, rich ale or a very light and delicate ale. The same applies to lagers, as there are MANY different styles of both. \n\nEDIT: Whoa, thanks for the gold! I knew being an alcoholic would pay off somehow.", "Lager uses bottom fermenting yeast at cooler temps\nA steam beer is lager yeast fermented at \"room\" temps\nAles are top fermenting yeasts and are fermented at 62-72 in general\nThey are all beer.\nStout is a type of ale as are porter, pale ale, IPA, reds, ambers and so on.", "**Beer**\nA term used for any alcoholic beverage made from water, malted barley, hops and yeast. The types of yeast, grains and hops used determine the particular style of beer.\n\n**Ale**\nA beer that is fermented with top fermenting yeast at a temperature of 60-72 F. This class of beer ferments faster than lagers typically do. The higher temperatures result in different type of esters (flavors from yeast) released from yeast which tend to be on the brighter and fruitier side. Ales is one of two major classes of beer (the other being lagers). There are many styles of beer that are ales such as Stouts, IPA's, Pale Ales, Porters, Cream ale and lambics to name a few (even these styles have substyles). \n\n**Lager** A beer that is fermented with bottom fermenting yeast at a temperature below 60 F (the exact temperature/temperature schedule depends on the style of Lager). This class of beer ferments at a lower temperature and ferments a bit slower than ales typically do. The cold temperature usually results in a crisper/cleaner flavor that usually isnt muddled by the sweetness of the grains as well as a clearer appearance since the yeast falls out of suspension after fermentation (this is called flocculation). There are many style of Lager each with their own sub styles. Some styles are Pilsner, American Lager, German Lagers and European Lagers.\n\n**Stout** A stout is a style of Ale that features grains that are roasted more heavily which give it a dark and sometimes ruby appearance. The roasted grains also contribute heavily to the roasted, chocolate and coffee flavors that are prevalent. The body of the beer is usually medium-low to high (this refers to the mouth feel and is dependent on the residual sugars left over after fermentation as some sugars cant be fermented by yeast). There are different substyles of stouts such as Milk Stouts, Dry Stout AKA Irish Stout, and Oatmeal Stouts to name a few.\n\nVisit us over at /r/homebrewing for more info on beer and its home production. The possibilities are really endless when it comes to beer. If it tastes good then drink it.", "Ok, here it is for the actual five year olds:\n\nBeer is made when a bacteria (yeast!) is added to a mix of water and grain. The grain is barley, and this barley has been malted (allowed to just start sprouting) so it's full of sugar. The yeast eats this sugar and poops out alcohol (to get you hammered) and carbon dioxide (to make the beer fizzy!). Now, not all yeast are the same. Some yeasts float to the top while they're doing their thing, and we call these Ale yeasts. They make the beers we call *ales*. Some yeasts settle at the bottom while they're doing their thing, and we call these lager yeasts, and they make the *lager* style beers. If I toast or roast the above mentioned barley, I can get a darker beer like a stout or a porter or an amber. Another thing added to the mix is hops. Hops are the bud of a flowering plant that is added to most beers to give it a characteristic aroma and taste. Of course, lots of other things can be added to beer during its production, but this is the basics. ", "All ales are beer, all lagers are beer. Some ales are stouts. Stouts are not lagers.\n\nDifferent yeast stains make ales or lagers. Dark gains are used to make stouts with ale yeast.", "I'm sure this has been answered many times over already but...\n\nThey are all beers. \n\nLager and ale refer to the type of yeast used. Within either lager or ale classifications the style can vary greatly from light to dark, low to high alcohol content, smoky, hoppy, malty, etc. \n\nAle yeasts tend to produce distinctive flavors. The yeast flavor notes are an important characteristic of some ale styles. \n\nStout is a type of ale typically made with dark roasted malt which gives it a very dark color and perhaps some smokiness. It's usually lightly hopped. ", "Beer is an umbrella term that encompasses any beverage made from malted barley (though other grains can also be used), water, yeast, and hops. From there, lager and ale are the two main subdivisions. The difference between the two has to do with the type of yeast that is used to ferment them. Ales are fermented with yeast that typically works at higher temperatures and produce fruity flavor compounds called esters. Lagers are fermented at cooler temperatures and do not have those fruity esters that are produced by the yeast, allowing for more focus on malt (barley) and hop flavors. Lagers also have to be conditioned or lagered at cold temperatures for awhile before they're ready to drink, compared to most ales which have a relatively quick turnaround time. A stout is a dark ale (usually, but you could make a stout lager I guess) that is usually made with some percentage of roasted barley, as well as other dark malts, and generally does not have much hop flavor or aroma.", "I'm late to the party, but [this graphic](_URL_1_) answers your question pretty concisely. \n\nThe comparison you're asking doesn't quite make sense because some are subsets of the others (like, what's the difference between a citrus fruit and an orange). The hierarchy is something like:\n\nKind of beverage: Beer\n\nKind of beer yeast: Ales, Lagers\n\nStyle of Ale or Lager: Stout, and [many others](_URL_0_)", "There are many \"styles\" or profiles of beer that are influenced by the yeast strain used, temperature brewed at, grain, and hops.\nThe first split in styles is ale vs lager. Ales are made with yeast that ferment at warmer temperatures while lagers ferment at colder temperatures. Lagers tend to have a milder flavor, although some German styles can be more robust.\nStouts are ales where the brewer roasts the barley before brewing the beer. The result is a dark colored beer with roasty flavor that can have notes of choclate and coffee in its profile.\nDepending on the combination of yeast, grain, and hops used, an endless spectrum of flavors is possible. Some hop-forward beers like IPAs have floral, earthy, or even tropical notes. Some stouts can be reminiscent of milkshakes. Wheat beers often have notes of banana and spice. Many english beers have an almost \"bready\" quality from the yeast strain. Many dark belgian beers have notes of red wine and dark fruit. All depends on the species of hops, strain of yeast, and how the grain is treated.", "I'll explain it like you're five.\n\nYou're too young to even be thinking about beer, let alone drink it. Now go get me a beer.", "A good simple explanation is this. \n\nBeer is the overall term for an alcoholic drink made primarily from fermented grains. \n\nThere are two major categories of beer: ale and lager. They are different because of how they ferment (produce alcohol) - ales ferment with a yeast (micro-organism) which thrives in warmer temperatures and lagers ferment with a yeast which thrives in slightly colder temperatures. \n\nA stout is just one type of beer which falls under the 'ale' category, there are tons of beer types under both ale and lager. Stouts tend to be made with roasted grains and be darker in color. ", "The Reinheitsgebot (German beer purity law f 1516) states that beer can be made only from water, barley, and hops. Naturally yeast will be needed for fermentation to occur. And today \"beer\" can include other sources of sugars, flavorants like fruits or spices, alternatives to barley like sorghum, and many things.\n\n\nHistorically, it has been the type of yeast used that usually dictate whether a beer is an ale or a lager. The yeasts that produce ales like higher temps and float to the top of the fermentation vessel (top-fermenting). The yeasts that produce lagers like lower temps and will tend to sink to the bottom of the vessel (bottom-fermenting). You can read more in detail [here](_URL_0_). Currently this distinction usually holds though the brewer may end up calling his beer whatever he wants, and labeling may also be informed by local ordinances that have nothing to do with how the beer was produced.\n\n\nA beer that is labelled \"a stout\" (noun) is an ale that is made with the sugar source (typically malted barley) roasted more to give it both darker color and complex flavor (usually likened t coffee or chocolate). Someone could call a particular beer \"stout\" (adjective) simply to describe it as being bold in flavor or strong in alcohol content.", "Explain like I'm five....\n\nAll pasta sauces are the same thing, pasta sauce. \n\nBut Alfredo, marinara, carbanara, bolognaise, vodka sauce, pesto, and ragout are all very different. \n\n* * *\n\nBeer styles are like that.\n\nIf you simplify the definition it's all\n\nWater, grain, yeast, and time (to ferment into alcohol). \n\nThe difference between the styles you've listed is which grains and yeast the brewer chooses to use and if they add an extra ingredient (hops being the obvious and most common example).\n\n", "Lots of people think that these all describe different things, and in some localities they do, but in general definition terms it goes like this:\n\n**Beer** \nBeer is the term for everything. All beer is beer.\n\n**Ale and Lager**\nFrom beer, everything is generally split into two categories: an Ale or a Lager. They are different because they use different kinds of yeast. \n***Ale yeast*** likes to live at the bottom of the beer while it is fermenting. It also likes to ferment at warmer temperatures (70-80F) for shorter periods of time (about a 3 days to a week). Ale's tend to have more fruity and sweet tastes produced by the yeast (Hops and bitterness is a whole nother story) \n***Lager yeast*** likes to live on the top of fermenting beer and likes to ferment at lower temperatures (from 38-60F) for longer (3 weeks to several months). The long fermentation doesn't produce as many fruity and sweet flavors as Ales do, so lagers tend to be light and crisp. The actual term for that kind of Low and Slow fermentation is called Lagering and can be used with Ales in some styles. Speaking of:\n\n***Styles*** \nThis is where your last term comes from. Stout is a style of *Ale* and different styles have different agreed upon characteristics. the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) has a great list of most of the styles of beer out there and has them [catagorized](_URL_0_) With typical characteristics, ingerdients, and some history. \n***Stout*** Because this is the one you mentioned Ill talk about stout. Stouts are generally dark beers. The grains used to make them have been roasted, like coffee, which contributes the dark color and the generally coffee-like flavors a lot of stouts have.\n \nBut stout is actually a broad category of Ales. Take for example Guinness, the most well known of stouts. Guinness is a Dry Stout meaning that it's flavors are generally roasty (Like coffee or dark chocolate) and not sweet. Dry Stouts also tend to be lighter in body (How \"thick\" it feels in your mouth) and lighter in Alcohol.\n\nTo show the difference let's take America's favorite beer style: The ***American Adjunct Lager*** the most famous example being Budweiser. Breaking the term down we know that Bud is a *Lager* as opposed to an *Ale* which means it was fermented with lager yeast and fermented over a longer period of time. The 'Adjunct' portion of the name comes from the fact that Bud uses non barley grains in it's recipe (in this case Rice and Corn) along with the tradition malted barley. As opposed to Stouts, the AALager uses unroasted malts which maintain the light, golden color. \nThe style is generally Crisp and Malty (specifically \"Crackery\" and \"Biscuity\" malt flavors), with a light straw color, high carbonation, and low alcohol.\n\n**TL;DR** Everything is Beer. Beer is generally split between Ale and Lager. Everything else is a Style of an Ale or Lager", "_URL_0_\n\nDoes this help?", "There are two types of beer, ales and lagers. These are the two types of yeast. Lagers ferment for longer, cooler temps and settles to the bottom of the fermenting tank. Ales are \"top fermenters\" and at a higher temp for a shorter amount of time. \nNow as for the color of the beer...that comes from how long they roast the malt before brewing. ", "Think of beer like fish. The name of the species is fish, the same way the beverage is beer.\n\n Now you have have 2 kinds of fish; fresh water fish and salt water fish. The same way you have ales and lagers (which are the two archetypes of beer). A lager beer is fermented at lower temperatures while ales are fermented at slighty higher tempertures.\n\nThe same way fish get more specific(salmon, tuna karp etc.) beers then get more specific to the process which is called the style of beer. These are your stouts, belgians, pale ales, lambics, saisons etc. The styles will all have their own specialty that can be differentiated either in the recipe, yeast, brewing process and more.\n\nTldr: the beverage is called beer. Beer can be either ales or lagers. Ales and lagers have sub categories called styles which would be your stouts, ipa, etc." ] }
[ [ "https://microbrewery.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/beer-types.jpg" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "https://i.imgur.com/LntNx7m.jpg" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "http://www.bjcp.org/docs/2015_Guidelines_Beer.pdf", "http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/54948bf3eab8ea5d6d0f398f-1200-1895/bi_graphics_beertaxonomy.png" ], [], [], [], [ "http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/101/yeast/" ], [], [ "http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/catdex.php" ], [ "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0211/4926/files/P-MegaBeer_Zoom1001_192c6a82-7682-4102-affc-d5dc08ca4bef.jpg?8482" ], [], [] ]
retirement/ old age pension.
Does every cent I ever make at my job go towards my Retirement or do I need to save the money myself. How much of my pay goes into my pension and can I ever check how much is in there. I'm Canadian, not sure if this works the same everywhere else in the world.
{ "a_id": [ "c4c80vb" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "I'd always recommend saving some extra money, no matter where you are in the world. Don't trust other people for your retirement. " ] }
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why do the election recounts take longer than the first count?
For example, In Palm Beach County Florida they are saying they cannot finish recounting the ballots in time before deadline because they can't count two races simultaneously. If that's true how is it possible they complete so many counts on the day of election? What's so different with an additional machine recount?
{ "a_id": [ "e9ob81a" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "Absentee and provisional ballots can only be counted by hand, and they often have to be validated before they can be counted. That takes extra time.\n\nRegular ballots are counted by machine, and if the margin is great enough for the other ballots not to matter, the election is called without the other ballots, which are either ignored or validated and counted later." ] }
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what current laws/policies are examples of institutional racism in the united states?
I'm not talking about opinions on what racism is, but what current laws are examples of institutional racism?
{ "a_id": [ "d173knb", "d1746jl", "d175wam", "d1762tv", "d176hkf" ], "score": [ 8, 10, 11, 3, 4 ], "text": [ "You may have a hard time finding *laws* that are clearly racist. The *policies* are usually more subtle. For example: a chain store doesn't locate in poor black neighborhoods, but they do locate in poor white neighborhoods.", "A good example of laws that reflect institutional racism are voter identification laws, which disproportionately affect people of color. \n\nThese are examples of laws which are not on their face racist, but do reflect an institutional bias. \n\nIt could also be very effectively argued that they reflect a societal blindness, as many people have argued that they are both necessary and not discriminatory, both of which are demonstrably untrue, as the type of voter fraud that would be prevented by voter ID laws is so infrequent as to practically not exist, and people of color, especially blacks, are more likely to be affected negatively by these laws.", "One example that may or may not have been corrected yet is punishments for drug offences.\n\nCrack and cocain are basically the same drug but historically the punishment for possession of Crack was mandatory higher than possession of cocain. \n\nIt's beleaved this is because cocain was traditionally a drug used by upper class, primarily white people and Crack is a drug typically used by poor, typically black people.", "Most laws are not directly racist. OK, Affirmative Action is directly racist, but that's for a good, progressive reason related to the really racist laws of the past. \n\nMost laws that folks complain about are statistically racist. Like giving more strict prison sentences for crystal (crack) cocaine than powder cocaine. The people who made these laws knew that statistically more crack cocaine users were black and either they were OK with giving them a harsher sentence or they thought that their blackness was a good reason to give them a harsher prison term. Similarly, voter ID laws are statistically racist because the segment of the population without a government ID is much more likely to be minority.\n\nThe laws aren't actually racist, white folks who break them get the same penalty, but the authors knew the odds of a white person being harmed were lower than average.", "Felony voting restrictions can be inherently racist, since those laws can disenfranchise many minorities in inner-city areas. In states with such laws, votes can, and do, get tossed simply due to a voter sharing a name with a convicted felon." ] }
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what's going on when we go into a "daze" where we are fixated on a random object, but don't want to look away because it feels so good to keep looking at it?
I've noticed sometimes after a big meal, when tired, or bored I randomly fixate on something and don't want to look away. What's going on in our brains during this odd experience?
{ "a_id": [ "dg9bds8", "dg9gi4n", "dg9v36a", "dga2u9b", "dga3tv3", "dgaaudw" ], "score": [ 25, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "I feel as though your brain is locking on to something and basically entering an idle state so it can do some background work. \n\nI notice I do this when I've been working on a big project for work. Even if I'm at home, my brain will lock onto a target and I'm not consciously thinking about anything at the time, but I have thoughts and ideas flow and bubble past me. \n\nEventually I'll snap out of it and drift back to reality, usually with a new piece of the puzzle I've been thinking about ", "Had no idea that other people had this too. Sometimes I'd stare so intently, my peripheral vision starts to dim. It is almost physically painful to break the trance. I guess it is like when people meditate?", "I like when this happens, when you move your eyes to look at something else it doesn't \"feel\" right so you have to move back to the comfy thing you were staring at.", "You have accessed a REM state without being asleep. In other words you are in a state of self -hypnosis.", "You may be experiencing disassociation.\n\n_URL_0_", "I figured this was daydreaming. I've done this my entire life, work, school and even conversations or car rides. I figured everyone went into a daze... I also have ADD, so I tend to daydream A LOT." ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [ "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation_(psychology)" ], [] ]
please explain: url; www; and http.
{ "a_id": [ "cg7bmby" ], "score": [ 4 ], "text": [ "URL: Uniform Resource Locator: the \"address\" of some resource, such as a web page, on the internet. Basically, a bunch of letters which tells your computer where to find the resource.\n\nWWW: World wide web. A \"web\" of pages that you can view in your web browser. In theory, they are all linked together by hyperlinks - things you can click on to take you to another page - hence the word \"web\". The URL for many web pages begins with www. but there is no requirement for this to be true.\n\nHTTP: hyper text transfer protocol. It's the method used by your web browser to fetch web pages from the server which they are stored on." ] }
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why does warm water help us pee?
{ "a_id": [ "f9gd1ya" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "The parasympathetic nervous system regulates digestive muscles and release of sphincter contraction. But since this is ELI5 I’ll put this this way. Cold water tells our brain tighten muscles like when we shiver. And warm water tells our brain to loosen muscles and becomes relaxed. One of those muscles that relaxes is the one that holds our pee. Our brain thinks the relaxation is an OK signal to pee like we do on the toilet." ] }
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how can the keep economy keep "growing"? the earth doesn't get any bigger, so what does this growth mean?
For example: There has always been the same amount of gold (roughy) on earth, but today more gold has been mined and therefore the economy is "bigger"? Is the size of the economy a measure of how much resources have been mined (and possibly other factors)?
{ "a_id": [ "cjrho7q", "cjrkd4i" ], "score": [ 3, 2 ], "text": [ "Consider the broken window fallacy. Say I break a window. The window maker gets paid by me. I get paid by parents for looking after their kid. The parents get paid for cutting the hair of the window maker. Are we at net zero? Almost, but our community temporarily (after a lot of work) has only gotten back to square one.\n\nNow consider if I hadn't broken a window but wanted to install a new one. The window maker gets paid by me. I get paid by parents for looking after their kid. The parents get paid for cutting the hair of the window maker. Are we at net zero? Hell no we have a whole new window in our community!\n\nThat growth of gaining a window can be applied to any object or service. It is economic growth in a nutshell.", "It's 1900 and you have a farm. You produce 100 tomatoes. This takes 100 hours of work. \n \nNow, it's 1950, and your child runs the farm. They invent a better tomato seed. Now, with 50 hours of work, they produce 100 tomatoes, but they still work 100 hours, and so produce 200 tomatoes. \n\nNow the world has the same amount of human work, but twice as many delicious, delicious tomatoes. \n\nIn 2000, your grandchild runs the farm, and they higher a helper. Previously, the helper worked at a farm that used the old seeds, so they only produced 100 tomatoes a year. When they move to your farm, they have the new seeds, and they produce 200. Now there are 400 tomatoes in the world, because there were more people to work the farm. \n\nThus, the tomato economy grows as production becomes more efficient, or more inputs become available, even though the \"farm\" is the same size. Works the same for computer chips, oil, lawyers, and most everything else. We learn to use things better or differently. " ] }
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how do the metal arms on weight racks at the gym not bend, especially when they're holding hundreds of pounds and sticking out horizontally?
Hopefully not too stupid of a question. But does it have to do with the length of the arm or the kind of metal that's used in making the racks?
{ "a_id": [ "cpyx1a5", "cpyydgv" ], "score": [ 4, 2 ], "text": [ "Weights racks are designed to carry that weight, and few hundred pounds isn't much. Getting a rack to hold hundreds of pounds is fairly easy. Consider the fact that your average park bench can support 500 pounds (2x very heavy addults) without bending. Cheap metals are just that strong.", "Because it's only holding it an inch away from the rack." ] }
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why do japanese cartoons and animated show not depict japanese characters very often? most seem to be of western ethnicity.
{ "a_id": [ "ccn4rks", "ccn5iqr", "ccn6kou", "ccn9a4e" ], "score": [ 3, 19, 5, 2 ], "text": [ "What specifically about them makes you think they're Western? Hair color?", "This is actually a misconception :-)\n\nI don't have it off-hand, but there is an excellent article talking about this very issue. Asian people think the characters look naturally asian. Westerners think they look naturally western.\n\nWhy the discrepancy? Basically, because our cultures relate to different physical attributes, and so fair-skinned people will focus on the things that make them look fair-skinned, while asians will focus on the things that make them look asian. Your upbringing and societal impressions will define how you interpret the art.\n\nIf you want to find Japanese characters, all you have to do is listen for their name. A main character called \"Ichigo\" is probably *not* supposed to be from America ;-)", " > Why do Japanese cartoons and animated show not depict Japanese characters very often?\n\nThey depict Japanese characters almost exclusively. Here's a [great article](_URL_0_) that addresses this. \n\nIn short, we naturally think of all cartoon characters as being the same ethnicity as us unless they have some specific set of characteristics that mark them as explicitly being another ethnicity. For example, Bart Simpson is clearly Chinese, right? I mean, look as that yellow skin! But no, we see him as Caucasian, despite the yellow skin, giant white eyes, and spiky, flesh-colored hair (seriously, what ethnicity looks like that? None of them), because he lacks any of the markers we associate with other ethnicities. \n\nCompare that to [this character](_URL_1_). We identify her as Asian because of the slight tilt to her eyes, and her black hair. That's it. That's all it takes to mark her as a non-default ethnicity. Likewise, in Japanese cartoons, characters that are meant to be Caucasian will have specific markers identifying them as being European. This usually consists of blonde hair, a larger nose, and slightly square-ish eyes (usually blue).", "Because Betty Boop\n\n > Early anime artists were largely influenced by early Disney characters like the Seven Dwarves from Snow White, Mickey Mouse, and the non-Disney Betty Boop. All of these characters had large eyes, and Betty Boop was certainly well-endowed.\n\n[from this site](_URL_0_)" ] }
[ [], [], [ "http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2010/08/30/guest-post-why-do-the-japanese-draw-themselves-as-white/", "http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Cookie_Kwan" ], [ "http://www.umich.edu/~anime/intro.html" ] ]
why do they draw sooo much blood for blood tests?
I mean if they can do DNA tests with just a few drops, why do they need like 6 huge vials to test my cholesterol and stuff? I was just blown away by how much blood they took to run what I thought were simple tests. Can they not use the same blood for different tests? Does more volume reduce clotting time? Is it in case they mess up a test?
{ "a_id": [ "cs8a83d", "cs8bkod" ], "score": [ 3, 3 ], "text": [ " > Can they not use the same blood for different tests?\n\nThe blood is stored differently depending on the test being done, and even the vials can be coated with different preservatives and other agents. For example a test which requires the plasma to be separated requires the vial to be stored in a centrifuge. Different tests also require blood to be stored at different temperatures.\n\nAs for why they take so much, what I've heard is that it just does take that much to rest assured that there is a large enough sample of DNA, depending on your white blood cell count.", "You're asking about a lot of different things in your description.\n\nThe short answer to your title is that different tests require different amounts of blood that are processed differently depending on the type/color of tube drawn. A secondary reason is for follow-on testing/re-testing in case of odd results. \n\nDNA testing is primarily done via PCR, in which a substance is first subjected to various enzymes to isolate the DNA, then that isolated DNA is replicated millions of times - which creates tons of DNA copies to work with for testing purposes. \n\nSome tests can use blood from the same tube type/color, e.g. clotting time tests (PT/PTT) from a sodium citrate tube (usually light blue top and smaller than other tubes). Most blood gas testing can be run from a heparin/warfarin tube (usually green top). Some tubes have serum separators included in the tube, which help filter the blood components when spun through a centrifuge.\n\nWe're moving towards testing which can do more tests and more complicated tests with less blood, sure, but not all labs have CDC level capabilities. " ] }
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why are migrants willing to pay thousands of pounds to get from france to britain when france is a pretty nice anyway?
There has been a lot on the news about how migrants are swarming Calais to get across the channel and are paying thousands, or even tens of thousands of pounds to be smuggled over. What is so attractive about living in Britain instead of France?
{ "a_id": [ "cslu1cj", "cslu8si", "csm761u" ], "score": [ 3, 31, 7 ], "text": [ "Many of these migrants speak okay English already due du Britain's ex-colonial empire, and perhaps many have family members or contacts in Britain who could help them out.", "The bottom line is, the UK spends a lot on welfare for domestic and asylum seekers, and the welfare is more easily accessible compared to other European countries. Also, French welfare benefits have more stringent criteria, and stop after a certain duration. Furthermore, countries like France, Sweden and Germany crack down on illegal immigrants more so than the UK, and although they take their fair share of immigrants, they are more inclined to decline asylum.\n\nMigrants get told stories about how great it is to live in the UK regarding opportunities. They pay thousands for travel and to be smuggled out their country etc. just to get here, and usually end up in massive debt. \n\nAt the end of the day. They want a new life, to escape persecution, to be able to live a life they can be proud of, earn a decent living, and give their family a brighter future. They are not stealing 'your jobs'. They have sacrificed a lot to get here, in the hope of a better life. Not necessarily always legitimately, but it is an admirable feat none the less.\n\nEdit: clarity\n\nFor those of you who say immigration is bad. Get a god damn education on the topic before you start making arguments on what you don't understand. Immigration is the bedrock on which the greatest nations in the west have built upon. Granted it needs to be handled, and managed efficiently for sustainability and controlled growth in the 21st century. But it is vital none the less. ", "Someone that works in immigration in the UK so hopefully I can shed some light. The reason is fourfold:\n\n1) We are seen as 'soft' and accepting. This is a preconception the government is trying hard to remove. We are proud of our welfare system but know it's open to abuse, while continental countries are historically seen as having much harsher rules on 'benefits'.\n\n2) When you claim Asylum, you MUST claim it in the first 'safe' country you touch. Once you are afforded humanitarian protection you can then claim various things in the UK that you can't in continental Europe. We are also known for having huge backlogs, so if you can get in here and fail to claim asylum it's unlikely you will be removed rapidly. In continental Europe, it's known that if you fail and exhaust your appeal rights you will be removed quickly. \n\n3) Language. Simply, a lot of people know English from our ex colonial days. Even countries that naturally speak French have a basic concept on English. \n\n4) Community. Historically UK has been loose on immigration and therefore from stories immigrants know of the big communities immigrants have in our country. They believe they can be a part of the community they had at home with the safety the UK affords. \n\n\nFor the record, these aren't my opinions but the generally accepted view. Personally I think immigration is a vital part of any society and those trying to get across should be helped, but by the French government as legally they should (as we all know they will claim asylum, which should have happened in French or any safe country they touched first)\n\n\nTL;Dr. UK is seen as safe, generous, community orientated and prosperous. We also have a history of looking after those in need, which most of those at Calais are. \n " ] }
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how does isis "release" its videos? if they do it online, can we not track them via ip addresses?
There seems to be a new video released via twitter. [Here^link](_URL_0_) is a SFW link about it. Why cannot we track the user via the IP address, etc. to catch these guys?
{ "a_id": [ "cklv701", "ckm0dhv" ], "score": [ 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Tracking an IP address will only get you to a source computer (maybe). If you do something like mail it somewhere random and have them upload it from a public wifi or such it'll be practically untraceable.", "The problem with ISIS isn't determining where they are. We know where they are -- they are no all intents and purposes the government, military, and police across a vast swathe of northern Iraq and Syria. So tracing an IP address to, say, an internet cafe in Mosul, doesn't tell us anything -- everyone knows ISIS have conquered Mosul so there's nothing really to be learned from knowing where their content gets posted." ] }
[ "http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/09/breaking-isis-releases-video-of-captured-british-photographer-john-cantlie-video/" ]
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how do cats (or other pets) recognise their humans?
Something curious happened today. I had long hair and massive beard and after being fed up decided to shave my head and face. I noticed that some of my friends/colleagues didn't recognise me for a while (in fact, even myself had trouble when looking at the mirror). However, my two cats, which are very shy and run away from absolutely everyone except me and my SO, immediately "recognised" me and started headbutting. Is it mostly memory from other senses? Or can they be quite good at visual recognition as well?
{ "a_id": [ "d3uuaib", "d3uuzkt", "d3v3o8b", "d3v5fxn" ], "score": [ 38, 17, 6, 2 ], "text": [ "Scent. Everyone has a scent and our pets will easily pick up on it and after spending enough time with us our scent is easily recognizable. That's the first thing they do with anyone, sniff 'em.", "They can be visual as well. But keep in mind that humans don't just use visual cues, either. We also use sound cues, like the sound of your voice, and we also use scent cues (we're just not very good at recognizing them, and getting close enough to someone to smell them is not socially acceptable). Even within visual cues, there are a plethora to choose from: facial hair and haircut are definitely pretty obvious, but you can also associate with hair, eye, and skin color; facial symmetry, the size and orientation of facial features (like a big square jaw or a retrousse nose); your gait and posture; your general clothing style (probably not something a pet would notice, though); facial adornments like glasses or piercings...there's a lot there to choose from. So while pets with a strong sense of smell will *also* use scent to identify you, they will use other visual cues as well, and sound cues, everything, really. Brains in general, but especially mammalian brains, are pretty good at using all the data available to them to create a coherent and complete picture.\n\nAlso recall that your pets' whole lives mostly revolve around *you*. You see tons of other humans, but they only see a few, and they see you *every day* for the vast majority of their lives. They are more intimately familiar with you than anyone other than *maybe* your spouse/SO and children. But they probably don't stare at you while you poop, so your pet's got that over them.", "Haha i normally wait months between hair cuts so i have long hair. Whenever i do get my hair cut and come home to my cat his first reaction is STRANGER then i let him smell me then he has a Oh its you moment and the cuddlz begin", "I don't know about cats, but my dog recognizes me and my family mostly by scent. I'm also sure she recognizes us. She'll great us, and then dig her nose into our clothing. " ] }
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what is the “black web?” how is it different from the regular web and how do you access it? does it look different?
{ "a_id": [ "etkhxod", "etkoaqa", "etktnw5" ], "score": [ 3, 2, 6 ], "text": [ "If you have email you have used the dark web. It’s basically websites and information that is not indexed by search engines.", "The dark web is essentially an encrypted internet contained within the internet. The way it works is by sending the data you are trying to access to hundreds of different computers but if you have the algorithm you can access it. This prevents your locations from being able to be tracked easily. This is why it’s the dark web because lots of people use it for illegal goods and services cause you can’t track the seller or buyer. You can access it using tor browser and then just look up dark web encrypted websites they are hidden within regular websites then accessed by opening the website and using tor to unecrypt it.", "Deep web is a term for any World Wide Web content not indexed by search engines. That could mean dangerous or illegal sites with random URLs (or none, only accessible by IP address) that have chosen to hide themselves from search engines and most users. But it could just as easily by people's personal web servers, sensitive government stuff, corporate employee portals, online banking, services requiring paid subscriptions etc.\n\nDark web is a term for a web-like network that exists on the internet, but is not accessible via normal web browsing. The biggest example is the Tor network. It's usually encrypted and requires special software or authorisation to access. It *can* be totally legitimate content/services that people want to keep secure; for their personal use, within a trusted group, or just generally from malicious governments or other authorities. But a lot of the time it means hiding illegal activity from law enforcement and ensuring anonymity. Besides the fact that it's typically encrypted, anonymous and hosts a lot of illegal stuff, it's otherwise the same as the regular web and uses HTML, web browsers, servers etc.\n\n\"Black web\" is not a term I've heard, presumably it's the same as dark web." ] }
[ [], [], [] ]
why can't parents, after retirement, be added to their children's health insurance through their employer?
{ "a_id": [ "dxfluwf", "dxflysn" ], "score": [ 3, 3 ], "text": [ "Because the government has not passed any law that would force health insurance companies to accept that, and they aren't going to do it out of the goodness of their hearts.", "In some cases, if you take care of a parent (and they make a very little amount of money) you can add them to your family insurance plan. Specifics will vary depending on your exact insurance, and the process isn't easy, but there are situations in which you can add them!\n\ntl;dr: You can add them under certain circumstances." ] }
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why are eyes so prone to infection, as compared to other parts of our bodies?
{ "a_id": [ "d5ugqyj", "d5umjk1" ], "score": [ 6, 3 ], "text": [ "Well the eyes are an \"immunologically privileged\" region of the body. Basically your immune system can't get into your eyes and poke around. However I don't think the eyes are any more susceptible to disease than any other region of the body. Do you have any sources on that?", "The reason why is not because of a lack of access to the immune system. It is because mucous membranes lack the protective layer that skin provides on other parts of your body. Skin is a tight, waxy layer that is essentially dead cells--it acts as a wall that stops viruses and bacteria from entering the body. Mucous membranes, not having skin, do not have this protective barrier and so you are much more exposed to these bad little critters. Access to the immune system is only part of it--but any organic, living tissue can breed bacteria once it's exposed. \n\nEdit: I have to emphasize that most of these comments below are talking about diseases. I am referring specifically to infections." ] }
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why does using the air conditioner powered by gasoline and not the battery?
For years, I just assumed the air conditioner was powered by the battery. Then I saw that Futurama where Fry and Amy are cruising around Europa in her new Thundercougarfalconbird, and their heavy use of air conditioning helps to deplete the amount of fuel in the car. NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK! EDIT: Sorry, Amy was driving the eagle-stuffed Beta Romera, not the Thundercougarfalconbird. EDIT: They were on Mercury when the car stalled, not Europa.
{ "a_id": [ "c41ndgk", "c41nnh6", "c41uzci" ], "score": [ 3, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Depends on your car. Some cars can run the AC with the engine off. \nIn most cars, the Air Compressor is attached to a belt and uses the engine for power. [Here's an image](_URL_0_). See the gold circle in the middle is attached to a belt. That's where the power comes from.", "Amy drives a Beta Romeo, Fry has his manhood questioned by not buying a Thundercougarfalconbird.\n\n", "It's all about Energy!\n\nEnergy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change its form.\n\nThere is energy stored inside the gasoline (called chemical energy). When you burn it in your car, it creates a small, controlled explosion. The explosion converts the energy in the gasoline into mostly heat but some of it is motion. The heat pretty much goes to waste, unless it's cold outside and you turn on the \"heater\" inside the cabin. The motion spins the engine.\n\nOne thing that's attached to your spinning engine is the alternator. This device charges your battery so that you can run your lights, radio, and you can start the car next time. The alternator is not perfect though; not all of the motion going into the alternator turns into electricity; some of the motion-energy escapes as heat and sound and wind. The battery is also not perfect either, and when it stores energy it loses some of that energy to heat as well.\n\nNow, it turns out that to run an A/C, you need spinning motion. There are 2 ways to do this. One way is that you could spin the alternator, to store energy in the battery, and then use the electricity in the battery to spin your A/C. But each time the energy gets converted from one form to the other, some of it escapes as heat or sound or wind.\n\nThe other way to run your A/C is to just attach it to your spinning engine directly. Since you're not converting the energy from one form to another, less of it gets lost than if you tried running the A/C the first way.\n\nBut, it doesn't matter which way you run your A/C, because the only way your car gets energy put into it is when you buy gasoline and fill the tank. Energy leaves your car in the form of rolling down the road, heat, sound, lights, and A/C (which is really just heat again)." ] }
[ [ "http://www.automotive-stock-images.com/illustrations/car-engine-air-conditioning-ac-system.jpg" ], [], [] ]
want to learn c#; can someone explain the different versions of c#, .net, and visual studio, and how the parts relate to each other?
In the Java world I would download the JDK, maybe the separate JRE, and Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Googling around, I see lots of parts in the C# world -- I've seen C# versions up to 5.0; .NET up to 4.5; and a variety of versions of Visual Studio including what I've listed below. If someone could give me a quick ELI5 answer to C# and it's various parts and what I should download to get started? THANKS! - Express - Express 2013 for Web - Express 2013 for Windows - Express 2013 for Windows Desktop - Team Foundation Server 2013 Express - Express 2012 for Windows Phone
{ "a_id": [ "ch1g69d", "ch1hrhl", "ch1i6sh" ], "score": [ 3, 3, 2 ], "text": [ "These explains the versions of C# in relation to the .NET frameworks.\n_URL_2_\n\n_URL_0_\n\nYou'll want Express for Windows Desktop. The \"Windows\" one is misleading and only for lesser \"Windows Store Apps\" ie not proper full blown programs.\n\nAlso, because there's no direct equivalent of this in Java it's worth mentioning an extension to the language called LINQ. I think you'll love it.\n\n_URL_1_\nSee how you can replace complex if statements with very small pieces of code? It's like SQL for your code.\n\n\n", "Let's start by defining some things. .NET is a framework. It isn't a specific language, but rather a large set of libraries that performs a bunch of useful tasks. These libraries can be used by a variety of programming languages, including C#. The reason for this is because code written in these languages is compiled into an intermediate language that is common between all of the languages, and this intermediate language is executed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This is similar to how Java code is compiled into bytecode that is executed by the JVM.\n\nHopefully that will help you understand the differences a bit better. The reason why you can have different versions of .NET and C# and whatnot is because they can be developed independently. Each one of the .NET languages is required to have a baseline level of support for the basic .NET framework, but can also support additional features that other .NET languages do not support. Thus, you should be able to see how they can be on different version numbers. The latest C# version is 6.0, the latest .NET version is 4.5 (I believe).\n\nIn truth, the actual version numbers aren't insanely important if you are just starting out. When you download Visual Studio, every version of .NET and every compiler for every version of C# should be downloaded. When you create a project, it should default to the latest, which is probably your best bet to use. You want Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.\n\n", "By installing the Express for Windows Desktop it will install the .Net framework SDK automatically. You don't need to download a separate runtime version. It will also be on the most recent version of C#. Nice feature in Visual Studio(IDE) is it tells you when an update is ready which will wrap up all the latest elements together(SDK, IDE, C#) " ] }
[ [ "http://csharpindepth.com/articles/chapter1/versions.aspx", "http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/101-LINQ-Samples-3fb9811b", "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247621/what-are-the-correct-version-numbers-for-c" ], [], [] ]
does being in different parts of the world see different parts of the moon cycle on the same night?
So I saw the pic on the front page of the full moon in Sochi with the Olympic rings, but I know that where I am (Florida) that we had a full moon last night. So does parts of the world see the moon in different parts of its cycle than other parts or does the entire world see the moon in a similar cycle? (i.e. Does China see a new moon as US or are they exact opposite because they are on different sides of the world? And what about Austrailia?)
{ "a_id": [ "cfgfhez", "cfgfimm", "cfgfrby", "cfgfs33", "cfgfy5f" ], "score": [ 2, 6, 2, 3, 3 ], "text": [ "Very strictly speaking, yes, there would be a slight difference in what part of the moon you see. But because the moon is so far away, this difference is negligible.", "They are almost exactly the same.", "So everyone, no matter what part of the world you are in, has seen a full moon in the past 48 hours? \n", "The full moon typically lasts for 2-3 days (the gibbous moons on either side of the full moon are so full that you can hardly tell they're gibbous moons).", "It is slightly different, but not the way that you are asking in this question. The \"Phase of the Moon\" is irrelevant to your position on the earth. All that is relevant are the positions of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun with respect to each other.\n\nMuch like \"Universal Coordinated Time\" or \"Greenwich Mean Time\", which is based on the rotation of the Earth and is the same at all times, anywhere on the Earth... Let's assume that we all are wearing wristwatches that are set to \"Moon Revolution Time\" or \"Phase of the Moon Time.\" Such a watch would go through one complete cycle roughly every 29.5 days. New Moon would be at 00(days):00(hours):00(minutes) or 00:00:00. Full Moon would be at 14:21:00. Keeping it simple, still a 12-hour clock -- it goes from 29:29:59 to 00:00:00.\n\nIf you are at, say, 25 degrees north latitude, 90 degrees west longitude, and your buddy is at 25 degrees north latitude, 90 degrees east longitude, on the opposite side of the Earth (same latitude)... If you see the Moon at 07:06:00, your buddy will see the Moon in almost the exact same position in the sky at 07:18:00, or about 1.7% later in its cycle than you did. For example, if you see the moon waxing from about \"Half Moon\", your buddy sees it 6.8% above Half Moon headed towards Full Moon." ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
how do we determine the habitable zones of different stars? would larger stars have large habitable zones or would the zone just be further away?
I guess finally, do we have a min/max for what stars can even creat a habitable zone?
{ "a_id": [ "f7pw1ft" ], "score": [ 6 ], "text": [ "The habitable zone is defined as where it is possible for a planet to have liquid water. Keep in mind that in our solar system, Venus is in the habitable zone, and IIRC so is Mars. Just because it's *possible* does not make it true, since there are other factors. In the case of Venus, the greenhouse gasses are far too abundant, making the planet too hot for liquid water. In the case of Mars, its lack of greenhouse gasses (or indeed, a substantial atmosphere at all) makes it too cold for liquid water.\n\nThe habitable zone is determined by the star's *luminosity*. The brighter the star is, the more energy the star is producing. More energy leaving the star means more energy hitting planets around it, which warms them. Astronomers have a pretty good idea of how stars work in general, so it's fairly easy for them to be able to predict how much light a planet should be getting. They also have a good idea of what the effects of that light hitting a planet would be. So the inner boundary is where there is too much light, and the star would vaporize too much water, releasing too much CO2 with it, and creating the runaway greenhouse affect seen on Venus. The outer boundary is where it doesn't matter how much CO2 a planet has, it won't be enough to keep it warm." ] }
[ [] ]
when we're trying to fall asleep, why do we fidget?
Why do we move around (e.g. deciding to move from the left side to the right side or moving your arm from straight to curled up) even when we don't have to?
{ "a_id": [ "ct7ow7n", "ct7owqr", "ct7ozy5", "ct7p373", "ct7pilz", "ct7pok5", "ct7q0p1", "ct7qnfz", "ct7tyoj", "ct7u104", "ct7v7ub", "ct7vcsy", "ct7w7dn", "ct7wfqr", "ct7wtt9", "ct7xfdk", "ct7ylo2", "ct7ymzl", "ct7yn00", "ct7zb86", "ct83u91", "ct869gi", "ct877v5", "ct8c4cr", "ct8cc1c" ], "score": [ 10, 9, 219, 360, 180, 3601, 19, 25, 2, 3, 12, 6, 6, 553, 3, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "For the same reason we fidget when we're up and around I guess, to get into the most comfortable position with minimal stress on joints, tendons and muscles, and that no protrusions or agents are irritating the skin. Also to get into an optimal position for temperature regulation while you doze.", "We aren't sure. Some people think they're leftovers from when we were primates to keep us from falling out of trees, some people think they happen because your body hasn't fully paralyzed itself for sleep and your dreaming brain did some pretend moving on its own. ", "Your body is checking if you're really asleep before putting you in sleep paralysis. It prevents you from moving your real body while dreaming.", "When you start to fall asleep a few things happen. Your body releases chemicals that make you all sleepy and it also produces chemicals that paralyze you. \n\nThis is so that you don't move while sleeping. Remember the last time you had a dream and you tried to act it out? That's the paralyzingly chemical for you. Your fidget is you trying to move, but being unable. \n\nNow go the fuck to sleep. ", "Also, why do our minds get stuck on random things?\n\nLast night, I kept dreaming about Italian. Nothing specific. Just Italian.\n\nI have no real interests in Italy other than maybe the occasional plate of pasta or pizza.", "Those fidgets are called roll over signals. Your body sends these signals to check if you have fallen asleep. However, it does not necessarily have to be an urge to roll over. It could be just the urge to move your arm around (like you already mentioned), or having some random itches around your body, or anything really that will make you want to move your body. \n\nIf you do respond to those signals by moving, or scratching or whatever the urge may be, your body will know that your mind is still awake, and your body will stay unparalyzed. During sleep your body will be paralyzed so you don't act out your dreams. However, if you don't respond to any of the roll over signals for long enough, your body will initiate sleep paralysis, that is also the same time when you will begin to dream. \n\nBonus fact:\nPeople who lucid dream, will try to initiate sleep paralysis without letting their consciousness go by lying still and ignoring the roll over signals. The method is called \"WILD\", short for \"Wake Initiated Lucid Dream\" which is one of many methods to initiate a lucid dream.\n\n\n**EDIT:**\nMany of you guys have asked me a lot about how to initiate WILD and all. I highly recommend you to read about how the paralysis works and feels before you attempt do it. There are also many more \"beginner friendly\" ways to initiate lucid dreams like; [MILD](_URL_2_), [FILD](_URL_0_) and [WBTB](_URL_1_)", "since the question has been answered, I'll just give helpful advice. If you want to fidget less, clench all the muscles in your body at hard as you can until just before it starts to hurt, and then release them. Start at your toes and work your way up to your shoulders. This will relax them all!", "Sometimes this is a form of [myoclonus](_URL_0_). The exact cause is not well known but an over simplification is that it is a reflex from the spinal cord in response to loss of input from the brain. When you go to sleep, the brain shuts off control to the body to keep you from acting out dreams. When the motor neurons in the spinal cord don't have input from the brain they will sometimes do their own thing. Source: I'm a neurologist.", "Does the roll over signal also triggers you to suddenly jerk/jolt? It happens to me sometimes suddenly in the middle of the night, but I just fall back to sleep after a couple seconds .", "I recorded myself in my sleep; I seem to move a lot, and also make small groans. I also seem to say \"No\" a lot, often at the same time in the night - a very early point in the first few hours. Does this all mean I'm not getting decent sleep?", "Those roll over signals are more powerful than most will imagine.\n\nIf you lay flat on your back and close your eyes before falling asleep, refuse to react to these urges. You can trick your body into sending you into sleep paralysis without actually being asleep. It will feel narcotic, your body will start to tingle from your feet all the way up to your head. And you will be able to live in your dreams.", "I wake up all the time in sleep paralysis. Sometimes if I want to wake up I have to focus on breathing hard to keep from slipping back into sleep. I think this is why I used to have night terrors when I was younger. Now that I am older I know what's going on and don't freak out. It is pretty freaky riding the line of going back to sleep and staying awake. This must also be why I have a lot of lucid dreams.", "While the conscious mind is often busy with the remedial tasks of the day. The subconscious mind automatically responds to perceived dangers in its environment. Such as the spiders and other insects that hide under your covers while you go about your life. When you unknowingly slide into their new nesting ground after a long day at work. Your subconscious attempts to flee as they feed on you but you being the all knowing all stubborn human lie your personal infestation instead.\n\nSource: I'm an undercover spider", "\"Hey Brain, are you asleep?\"\n\"I don't know Brain, let's ask Arm.\"\n", "Why do I twitch when I'm about to fall asleep? Like right before the moment I go from awake to asleep sometimes my whole body will twitch and it wakes me up", "I often have dreams that wake me up and I continue them in real life. If I'm sleeping alone it usually takes me a minute or two to realize that I'm awake and that I'm acting out a dream. If my boyfriend is there, he'll snap me out of it sooner. \nFor example, I have a recurring dream that my ring falls off. For some reason, this causes me to wake up, get out of bed, grab my phone, and turn on the flashlight. I start looking all around the bed for my ring, regardless of the fact that it's still clearly on my finger. This usually wakes my boyfriend up and he asks me what I'm doing, to which I reply \"My ring fell off\". Right after I say that, I realize that it was a dream and I go back to bed. This happens to me probably 3 nights a week. I have no idea what that is. Perhaps a form of sleepwalking? Although I'm entirely coherent while it's happening, I just fully believe whatever happened in my dream is happening in real life. ", "If she was paralyzed why did my wife sleep-punch me last night? When she came to she told me she was digging for ants. She supposedly digs by punching. ", "does anyone else get tremors while sleeping? i get them so bad - it's what i would imagine sitting on a washing machine would be like. it seems like it can go on for a couple minutes.\n\ni can actually wake up, turn on my bedside light, and still feel the bed moving. i don't feel like \"I\" am the one that's moving, though. it's my bed.\n\ni used to think it was the heavy trucks driving past my house, but it's not. i've since moved, and there is zero traffic here. i probably have this happen about once a month.", "To tack onto OP's original question: Often when I'm falling asleep (about halfway between sleep and wakefulness), I have very sudden and strong body spasms. These are most often a physical 'response' to either things I was thinking about while falling asleep or things I started dreaming about. What's that all about?", "we do this whilst asleep because we would otherwise get pressure marks. have you sat on the toilet for too long? yeah you get red marks where you sat or where your ellbows touched your knees etc. to prevent this whilst sleeping (which usually lasts longer than the average toilet session) you move around and turn while being unconsious.", "Because the body can fall asleep before the mind. Those urges you feel to move are the body's way of checking to see if your mind is asleep because it doesn't want to paralyze your muscles if your mind is still awake.\n\nIf you resist the urge to fidget, then it thinks your mind is asleep and will shut down the body. This is how people have \"out of body experiences\" and \"astral projection adventures\". I have try it from time to time, but lately I've just been trying to sleep normally!", "Humans evolved from tree-dwelling beings. At night, they climbed into the trees for safety. As they began to fall asleep, they would instinctively clutch for the tree branches to prevent falls. That instinct - the fear of falling - is still present in our DNA today and that is what causes the sudden jerk that feels like we're falling out of a tree. At one time, we actually did. ", "Your body is stupid, and has trouble telling the difference between sleep and death, so sometimes as you're falling a sleep, it tries to nudge you to make sure you're not dying.", "why do you do anything?", "My grandmother used to tell me that people who move around during the night did so because they felt guilty about something..... :(" ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-techniques/4779-finger-induced-lucid-dream-fild.html", "http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/wake-back-to-bed.html", "http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/mnemonic-induction-of-lucid-dreams.html" ], [], [ "https://www.bcm.edu/healthcare/care-centers/parkinsons/conditions/myoclonus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
are there truth to people's common tendencies when it comes to astrological signs? if there is no scientific truth behind it why are people of common signs show similar behavior, personality, demeanor?
ELI5: Are there truth to people's common tendencies when it comes to astrological signs? If there is no scientific truth behind it why are people of common signs show similar behaviors, personalities, demeanor? By the way I not referring to the weekly generic horoscopes; more so to the general descriptions of the signs such as cancers being moody for example.
{ "a_id": [ "chq9lts", "chqa62w", "chqariq", "chqmd1l" ], "score": [ 7, 5, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "There is no proof of the validity of astrological signs.\n\nIf you read the descriptions of the various signs you will find that they are very very generalized. This means that nearly everyone fits in to every sign. \n\nAfter that people take care of the rest. They start attaching deeper meaning to these generalized statements and start to believe they are true. This influences their behavior so (suddenly) it looks like they are true.\n\nThere's no science, only some applied psychology to make people believe something.", "It's called the [Forer Effect](_URL_0_)\n\nForer gave a personality test to his students, then told them they would receive unique and personal evaluations, which they were to rank on accuracy. In reality, they all received the same evaluation, yet the majority of them considered it to be fairly accurate.\n\nHere is the evaluation, which was apparently compiled from various horoscopes:\n\n > You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. Security is one of your major goals in life.\n\nMost of the statements are either very common personality traits, or vague enough that most people could interpret them in a way that would apply to them.", "As said already but people also suffer \"confirmation bias\". Human brains gather evidence to support their thought more easily than evidence to refute it. So if you go out trying to investigate this, you are more likely to remember the cases where people are similar and chalk differences up to chance. Two way street though, i personally dont believe so I'd have confirmation bias in the other direction.", "When astrology was invented humans diet and nutritional intake changed seasonally. The amounts and type of nutrients available fluctuated through out the year a lot more than it does now. This variations in the amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. that a fetus would intake at different stages of development. For example:\n\nA child born in November in norther America would be in it's third trimester during the summers months where there is more sun. This would cause them to get more vitamin D during that development stage than a child born in April which would be in it's third trimester during the winter months.\n\nThe variations of nutritions during stages of fetal development causes slight changes behavior. This was noticed by earlier human civilizations and sensationalized to create modern astrology.\n\nI may or may not have made all that up." ] }
[ [], [ "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forer_effect" ], [], [] ]
how does the mothers stomach "deflate" back to normal after giving birth?
{ "a_id": [ "d0ybnpl", "d0yeepv" ], "score": [ 8, 3 ], "text": [ "Simple answer...over a number of weeks it will start to recede, but there is the risk (near 100% probability) of stretch-marks on the stomach where the skin has stretched to accommodate the baby and then is no longer as taut as it once was when it recedes back.\n\n\nSuffice to say that during labour (or at least the last bit!) the biggest thing stretching her 'stomach' comes out, shortly followed by the placenta/after-birth (usually 10-15 mins after the baby comes out). That ends the point when most of the volume has been displaced but it still takes several weeks for the stomach to recede fully and (as noted above) it often doesn't fully get back to where it first started pre-pregnancy (at least not without significant exercise/effort to minimise the impacts).", "First of all, the stomach has nothing to do with this. It actually shrinks a lot. During the pregnancy, the uterus slowly stretches, going from about golf-ball size to.. well.. > baby sized. Organs shift upwards and tuck behind the uterus, taking much less space than they used to. This whole process is usually accompanied by some pain and cramping, as well as INSANE itching, as the skin stretches to accomodate the baby. \n\nSame thing happens after birth. The uterus cramps and contracts, slowly reaching it's original size, and the organs return to their original place. It's the skin that's usually the issue, here, since it tends to stretch to a point where it can't stretch back completely, leading to [a wrinkled-up stomach](_URL_2_). It looks normal when the woman is wearing clothes, but this is often what you find underneath. Same case with obese people who lose their weight, they're left with a bunch of excess skin. Yeah. \n\nIt also depends on how much your stomach-muscles stretch during the pregnancy, and what condition they were in before. Women with small-average abs tend to get larger, more stretched-out stomachs during pregnancy since there's little resistance to the bump growing outwards. Incredibly fit women tend to stay firm and often carry smaller bumps since their abs make it quite hard for the bump to stretch, so the uterus grows upwards instead of outwards, but it's not always the case. Often it's purely genetic. All women carry differently. Most never get their *original* body back, though. \n\nBut yeah, basically, abs and good skin-care go a long way, but there's no guarantee that their belly reaches its original form.\n\n [A girl that was obviously quite fit before her pregnancy, at 36 weeks](_URL_0_)\n\n[A girl that was probably in average shape before her pregnancy, 36 weeks](_URL_1_)" ] }
[ [], [ "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/03/04/31CAE47300000578-3474150-image-m-83_1456979762555.jpg", "https://livingtheknightlife.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/img_3517.jpg", "http://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2012/02/rachel.jpg" ] ]
garden centres and pet shops have dirt cheap "bird feed" peanuts. why can't i eat these instead of regular grocery peanuts?
I'm ok to wash them first then roast then myself in the oven.
{ "a_id": [ "cp85mzz", "cp86mhc", "cp8d2ft" ], "score": [ 11, 6, 2 ], "text": [ "You can. I grew up in a pet shop family and ate tons of bird seed seeds and even dog treats.\n\nI would check the country of origin on the label though, as some countries may use pesticides that you want to avoid.", "Food products like seeds and nuts that aren't meant for human consumption may be processed in ways that make them unsafe to eat. Wild bird/animal feeds are sometimes treated with chemicals that make them safe to store for long periods of time or to eliminate any insects/pests that may be present in the grains/seeds/nuts. Many of these products can be pretty nasty if consumed by humans. Considering that many of these products are now imported from countries that don't have the best track record in terms of food safety to begin with, you're taking an uneccesary risk by consuming them. I'd think twice before doing so if I were you.", "They are likely treated with non food safe chemicals like fungicides that make them much cheaper to store and handle but not suitable for human consumption. " ] }
[ [], [], [] ]
why are pitchers allowed to so obviously have pine tar on their hats and touch it between every pitch? isn't that explicitly against the rules?
*ELI5 my bad
{ "a_id": [ "e6f8f1q" ], "score": [ 4 ], "text": [ "If you think they are violating the rule and have evidence, notify the media, the league, umpire or the other team. \nOr read the rules for the league in question yourself.\n\n\nThe use of spray-on bullfrog on the non-pitching forearm is legal. Then dust it with the rosin bag, and it becomes super sticky, that may be legal. Because both products are legal to use separately. Combined they might or might not be legal. \n" ] }
[ [] ]
if china and india each have about a billion more people than any other country, how are they not far and away the most powerful in terms of military, economy, and technology?
{ "a_id": [ "cxr30by", "cxr34mf" ], "score": [ 3, 4 ], "text": [ "China is the third and India is the fourth largest military power. Both have economic powerhouses and a growing economy. These are two countries whose personal dominate the technology fields. They're still reaching fully developed status as with such a large population change takes time. Infact both are already considered as potential superpowers.", "It's generally always good to have more people than the next guy, but it's never good to have so many people that your social structure begins to falter and fail under the weight of the disparate social classes, languages, cultures, and ideologies that form such huge countries.\n\nBefore the industrial revolution, it was advantageous to have huge amounts of people because it meant that more work could be done. However, it was nearly impossible to press a claim of uninterupted sovereignty over such a massive group of people simply because you didn't have enough soldiers to enforce peace and compliance. \n\nAfter the industrial revolution, you don't need that many people to oversee the amount of land you have. What ends up happening is that the populace can't support itself on the food you produce (see India and the dwarf wheat revolution), and you can't pull enough natural resources out of the ground to form a real economy. No real technological progress can occur because the country is simply trying to subsist and stay alive. Until the rest of the world started moving manufacturing to China and service industries to India, the countries struggled to modernize. \n\nIf China or India currently had three to four hundred million people with the landmass they currently occupy, they would be a much more competitive on the world stage. As it is, they're trying desperately to raise income and education levels across their entire populace, and it's difficult to say the least. " ] }
[ [], [] ]
why are some videos framerates 23.976024 fps (as opposed to exactly 24)
{ "a_id": [ "cgm5raz" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "Basically it solves the problem of fitting 24 fps source material onto a 29.97 fps NTSC video signal. \n\n23.976 fps is 80% – or four fifths of 29.97 fps, which is the frame rate of the NTSC video signal. By slowing down 24 fps *ever so slightly* (by 1/1000), you get 23.976 fps. This then allows four frames of source material to be spread over five frames of NTSC video using a technique known as [**three-two pulldown.**](_URL_0_)" ] }
[ [ "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-two_pull_down" ] ]
why offering "limited time" menu items (e.g. mcrib) is more profitable in the long run than offering them always
I get that offering an item for a limited time increases the draw, but everyone I know either loves the McRib or hates it. Those that love it would order it all year long if it was offered, and those that hate it will not purchase one regardless of how limited they are. How can it be more profitable to create artificial scarcity of a menu item?
{ "a_id": [ "c2lu4z6", "c2lvf55", "c2ly5ig", "c2lu4z6", "c2lvf55", "c2ly5ig" ], "score": [ 10, 5, 2, 10, 5, 2 ], "text": [ "There are two reason I can think of off the top of my head.\n\n1.) Marketing, MacDonald marketing department has to figure out reason to get people to come to MacDonald's 365 day a year. They often run out of ideas. By having a promotion like the McRib it's something that they can pull out of their hat to increase the number of people coming to the store and base their marketing strategy around it. If McRib was to be on the menu 24/7 then if they were to advertise it, it would have less effect. For example MacDonald's rarely advertises their chicken nuggets individually, they are on the menu but they really that doing a market push for a item on their menu won't draw enough people.\n\n2.) When people eat the same food substance for a long period of time it changes the taste of the product. Warren Buffet at one point contributed Coke's success word wide to the fact that Coke had a very limited taste memory. If people were to eat the McRib for a long period of time they may like the taste of it less. By bringing it back for select period of time it's prevent this effect and allows them to combine it with a media push.", "I had this discussion with one of my Vice Presidents this spring, let's see if I remember what I told him.\n\nHave you ever tried the McRib? It SUCKS. It is gristly, processed crap covered in a mediocre at best BBQ sauce with onions on a tasteless bun. Still, people love to see the banner every year stating, \"McRib is back!\" Why is that? Because our feeble minds can't remember that is isn't good; just that it is here for a limited time, a sign that summer is coming soon, and quite frankly it isn't a Big-Mac or Quarter Pounder. Anything new is worth trying and the McRib is new...every damn year.\n\nMcDonald's found out that when they tried to add the McRib to the menu year round, it failed miserably. People just quit ordering it after a couple of months. Some blamed it on the time of the year, BBQ is a summer thing, right? Others said that people wanted to stick to the same 4 or 5 basic things that made McDonald's what it is, Cheeseburger, Quarter Pounder, Big-Mac and McNuggets, Apple Pie. The sad truth is that you can only punch someone in the face a few times before they stop hanging out with you and the McRib is a massive roundhouse kick to the tastebuds after you have had it for 6 months. \n\nYou know what I'm talking about, right? Everyone has that friend that you don't hang out with much and after a while you say, \"Wonder what John has been up to? We should go out!\" and then when you are having to bail him out of jail for starting a fight at the club, you remember why you guys aren't that close. That is the McRib.\n\ntl;dr - Fuck McDonald's", "It produces a false sense of scarcity.", "There are two reason I can think of off the top of my head.\n\n1.) Marketing, MacDonald marketing department has to figure out reason to get people to come to MacDonald's 365 day a year. They often run out of ideas. By having a promotion like the McRib it's something that they can pull out of their hat to increase the number of people coming to the store and base their marketing strategy around it. If McRib was to be on the menu 24/7 then if they were to advertise it, it would have less effect. For example MacDonald's rarely advertises their chicken nuggets individually, they are on the menu but they really that doing a market push for a item on their menu won't draw enough people.\n\n2.) When people eat the same food substance for a long period of time it changes the taste of the product. Warren Buffet at one point contributed Coke's success word wide to the fact that Coke had a very limited taste memory. If people were to eat the McRib for a long period of time they may like the taste of it less. By bringing it back for select period of time it's prevent this effect and allows them to combine it with a media push.", "I had this discussion with one of my Vice Presidents this spring, let's see if I remember what I told him.\n\nHave you ever tried the McRib? It SUCKS. It is gristly, processed crap covered in a mediocre at best BBQ sauce with onions on a tasteless bun. Still, people love to see the banner every year stating, \"McRib is back!\" Why is that? Because our feeble minds can't remember that is isn't good; just that it is here for a limited time, a sign that summer is coming soon, and quite frankly it isn't a Big-Mac or Quarter Pounder. Anything new is worth trying and the McRib is new...every damn year.\n\nMcDonald's found out that when they tried to add the McRib to the menu year round, it failed miserably. People just quit ordering it after a couple of months. Some blamed it on the time of the year, BBQ is a summer thing, right? Others said that people wanted to stick to the same 4 or 5 basic things that made McDonald's what it is, Cheeseburger, Quarter Pounder, Big-Mac and McNuggets, Apple Pie. The sad truth is that you can only punch someone in the face a few times before they stop hanging out with you and the McRib is a massive roundhouse kick to the tastebuds after you have had it for 6 months. \n\nYou know what I'm talking about, right? Everyone has that friend that you don't hang out with much and after a while you say, \"Wonder what John has been up to? We should go out!\" and then when you are having to bail him out of jail for starting a fight at the club, you remember why you guys aren't that close. That is the McRib.\n\ntl;dr - Fuck McDonald's", "It produces a false sense of scarcity." ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
where do billionaires keep their money?
Would Bill Gates or Carlos slim be ale to go to the bank and just withdraw a billion? How do people define what they are worth if not all their money is in the bank? Edit: Followup question, if you own $100 Million in a lottery and took the lump sum, where would you put that money? The people who have billions already have a plan when they invest their money, but what about a person who suddenly has alot of money to put in his standard bank account?
{ "a_id": [ "c7xsxuz", "c7xu4hl", "c7xudru", "c7xwanz", "c7xwlq7", "c7xwq55", "c7xxcca", "c7xyh7f", "c7xyhrg", "c7xzfcr", "c7xzfny", "c7xzqq2", "c7y0ba2", "c7y3gez", "c7y5c8h", "c7yaflh" ], "score": [ 26, 792, 159, 13, 18, 20, 79, 10, 8, 2, 9, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "They would have most of their money in investments and assets. You can't quite give an exact net worth since the stock market is constantly changing and land values change over time as well. I'm no expert on this but I'd say that most of their money is tied into non-monetary assets. This would include land, companies, and things like hedge funds or stocks and bonds ", "If you're worth billion dollars, it means the difference between what you own and what you owe is +1bn dollars.\n\nNow, in simplest terms, what you own (asset) and what you owe (liability) is reflected in what is called a balance-sheet. These \"things\" you own are not just cold-hard cash. They are things that are worth some amount of money. What you own/owe is therefore calculated based on the value of all these things.\n\nFor example, if you own a house worth 200k, and have nothing else on you (no cash, no clothes, nothing else... and you don't owe anyone anything), you'll be worth 200k. If however, your house is worth 200k and you owe someone 100k, your worth is only 100k.\n\nHowever, just because something is worth 200k today, doesn't mean you can convert it into 200k of cash. So, being worth 200k doesn't mean you'll be able to immediately produce 200k. You may have a house worth 200k, but if you owe me 50 dollars, and I want that money rightaway, you are not going to give me a piece of your house. Neither can you sell the house and just get 200k for it. The ease with which you can convert these \"things\" into cold hard cash is liquidity. A house is not terribly liquid. Gold, however, is - it is easy to sell gold and get money.\n\nSo, what you're worth and what you can actually USE are different things. \n\nSo, a millionaire very likely has a house worth 3m, a factory that is worth 4m, and a bank balance that is 50k. His worth is 7.05m. But he is liquid only to the extent of 50k.\n\nAn aside: Values of things change with time. A house worth 200k could be worth 100k tomorrow if there's a housing market crash. stock worth 100k could become 50k if the market crashes. So, given that it is not hard-cash, your net worth can fall from 100k to 0 if all you have representing what you own is a 200k worth of house..", "They have huge private vaults filled with gold coins. Sometimes they dive in them and swim around a bit.", "in the still warm corpses of poor people", "TIL I'm worth a negative amount of money.", "I'd like to add to this. What makes a swiss bank account so awesome? ", "Billionaires do not keep their money in one place. They have diversified portfolios, owning stocks, bonds, businesses, real estate, etc.\n\nThey definitely don't have a savings account sitting around with $1B in it. That's because inflation risk hurts the rich most of all. To keep their wealth from being worth less every year due to inflation, they need to put it to work by investing it, thereby earning more than inflation eats away at it.\n\nBut in addition to investing in diversified asset classes, the filthy rich also spread their money among multiple brokerages and financial advisors. That's to make sure that if one brokerage goes out of business or one financial advisor tries to steal their money, they won't lose everything.\n\nOne tool used a lot by the rich for estate planning is trusts. Trusts are legal entities (like a corporation or a non-profit or a real person) where the rich can put money outside of their estate. Wills can be contested in probate after you die, but trusts are much harder to fight in court.\n\nIn addition to keeping assets out of your estate, you can also use trusts to pay less taxes and to hide your assets. Want to give more money to one of your kids over the other without anyone knowing? You can't do that with a will, but you can with trusts.\n\nA billionaire could have trusts set up for each family member, including some who don't exist yet like grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They could have trusts set up to give money to all their favorite charities. They could have a trust for their house and another for the family business. It can all get complicated pretty quickly.\n\nHow do the super-rich define their wealth? Well, they need to keep careful track of everything so that they can pay their taxes accurately. There's income tax on the streams of income they receive from any trusts. There are taxes on dividends and capital gains. There's the estate tax when you die, and there's the gift tax for anything you give away before then. The federal government lets you give anyone up to about $14K/year tax-free. Above that, you get a lifetime tax credit of $1M for gifts. But once you start giving people (or trusts) gifts above that, you need to start paying gift tax, so you always need to keep careful records so that you pay your taxes correctly.\n\nCalculating net worth is usually not too difficult. There are liquid markets for valuing stocks and bonds. You can appraise a house or sports car or yacht to determine its value. It can get tricky if you own a privately-held business; those are difficult to value. They are lawyers whose entire job is to value such private business as little as possible for tax purposes (and vice versa for estate purposes).\n\nBut taxes are private; they're just between you and the IRS and your highly paid team of accountants, lawyers and financial advisors. How does say *Fortune* magazine know how much the richest people in the world are worth? They make educated guesses using whatever information they do have access to.\n\nFor example, Bill Gates's wealth comes from Microsoft, which is a publicly traded company. That means that his salary as CEO and Chairman for all those years is public information, as is how much MSFT stock and/or options he was given and how much he's sold. Real estate transactions are always public records.\n\nThose methods for calculating net worth of the super-rich aren't perfect, of course. But the folks at *Fortune* do the best they can with the information they have access to, calculating all they can and making good guesses about the rest.", "what's the most liquidity anybody has?", "who has the most amount of liquid assets, in raw cash? I'm guessing it would be drug lords, etc? What's the most amount anybody has on hand, or in a bank account?", "just a note in case someone hasn't said it if you try to take out more then ten thousand dollars from a bank in a day they must report it. theoretically the bank would have to be able to give you the entire account balance of your bank upon request but you must allow them reasonable time to process the request.\n\nAlso Bonds are a more popular way of transferring large sums of money if it must be done physically. this is common for large real estate deals, a third party company will hold onto the bonds until the deal is finalized to guarantee the buyer has the money available to use and not say tied up in liquid assets.", "Here is an answer actually explained like he's 5:\n\nYou have a lemonade stand. Over the course of the summer, your lemonade stand has become a very profitable business. At first, you spent $50 building the stand and buying lemonade makings. You also had $50 in your cash register when you opened. So at the start of the summer, you were worth $100, because you actually have $50, and you have a business that is essentially worth $50.\n\nTowards the end of the summer, you have many customers, so you have had to build your lemonade stand larger, you have more ingredients, perhaps some machines to help you make and store the lemonade. So, your business is now WORTH more money in terms of what you have (the stand, lemonade, other items) and your customer base. You also have much more money in your cash register, and much more that you have taken aside for yourself. You are now WORTH far more than you were at the beginning of the summer, because you have more money, your business is generating more money, and you have invested more money into your business.\n\nSo, a billionaire is similar to this. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google, is said to be worth around $8 billion dollars. But that is because he owns a large portion of Google, probably owns expensive property with an expensive house, maybe some expensive cars, who knows. He doesn't have $8 billion on hand, he realistically probably has \"only\" millions on hand available. If he were to step down from Google, sell all of his Google assets, sells all of his personal stuff, then he might have a few billion dollars in his pocket.", "Carlos Slim [owns a bank](_URL_0_) in Mexico... I'm guessing he could withdraw a billion from Banxico (Mexico's Central Bank) if he really wanted to...\n\nEdit: I'm going to try to answer your question:\n\nPeople define what they are worth by adding the price of everything they own (how much money they could get if they sold everything), and then taking away the all the money they owe. In other words, imagine a billionaire who has some money in the bank, owns a couple of buildings and a big company. If this billionaire sold his company and his buildings, and put the money together with what he has in the bank, and then paid all of his debts, what would be left, that's his worth. Presumably, his worth would be over a billion dollars.\n\nIn the particular cases of Bill Gates and Carlos Slim, they probably DO have one or two billion dollars in the bank. But rich people usually don't keep most of their money in the bank. Instead, they buy things that will make them more money, or they keep the companies that make them money in operation. I don't think Bill Gates is going to sell his remaining shares of Microsoft. What would he do for money once he ran out of cash? (I know, it seems unlikely, but you never know what could happen, which is why people, no matter how rich, seek to be protected). \n\nIn the case of Carlos Slim, most of his income comes from his telephone companies (Telmex and Telcel in Mexico, América Móvil and Claro in Latin America and the US, and other investments in India and Europe). However, most of his worth is in Real Estate. Carlos Slim owns some of the best properties in Mexico City, and in fact the entire country, including a big part of the company that owns and operates some of the biggest airports in Mexico, such as Terminal 2 of Mexico City's Airport, and the entire Monterrey Airport. He also owns a construction company (CICSA), a Bank (Inbursa), a department store (Sanborns), and a museum in Mexico City (Soumaya Museum).He has also made an investment in \"The New York Times\" and \"El País\" newspaper in Spain, and he also owns a big house in New York City. As you can see, Carlos Slim would have to sell quite a lot to get all the money he is worth, and most likely, he isn't going to sell any of it, because having the properties is more valuable than having the money. Most of the properties he owns have strategic political value (Airports, Telephone companies), so this gives him huge leverage and power over the government, allowing his companies to have better treatment from the government, in the form of lower taxes and lower pressure from the authorities when it comes to anti-monopoly enforcement.", "in the top banks like JPMorgan's private bank for high net worth individuals. Their money is then diversified in a portfolio among stocks, bonds and various mutual funds. Why leave 50 million in savings accounts when you can possibly make a considerable return (millions) on it ", "I thought this was in /r/jokes, was expecting a punchline :(", "Nice try, bank robber.", "Nice try, Daniel Ocean." ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "http://www.inbursa.com/index.asp" ], [], [], [], [] ]
why are muscular guys/girls noticeably more tan than non-muscular.
Almost all, if not all, before and after pictures I've seen have big differences in skin color. Do they just go sunbathing more often to look better in the "after" picture?
{ "a_id": [ "cg8mdlu", "cg8mxbv", "cg8tmoc" ], "score": [ 5, 5, 2 ], "text": [ "It's not that they _are_ more muscular, it's that they look more muscular. The higher \"contrast\" provided by darker skin makes more visible muscularity. \n\nI'm sure there is a vanity thing that might bump it up too...if I were really muscular I'd go the extra mile. Bronzed and fit is sexier than just fit :)", "This one is so easy: all muscular people love fake tans. All of them. ", "It has absolutely nothing to do with muscle mass.\n\nMany bodybuilders also do outdoor activities, so there's a circumstantial tendency for them to have tans. Some people also get fake/artificial tans because they prefer the look. And, competitive bodybuilders often get extreme tans because under harsh competition spotlights, it makes their muscles look more prominent and well-defined. That said, go into any urban or college gym, and you'll probably find people who are plenty muscular, but also as pale as vanilla ice cream. \n\nSee also: Irish and Swedish athletes, to pick two frequently-pale nationalities. " ] }
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why do we nod our head to strangers on the street but raise our chin to acquaintances?
{ "a_id": [ "cpxx6bp" ], "score": [ 15 ], "text": [ "A lot of this is going to be innate reactions. These days, we don't see people, even every day strangers, as a threat, however our forefathers would have. An upward chin raise can give off a sign of superiority, possibly challenging someone else. All fine and dandy if you know the person, less so if you don't. Perhaps more importantly, for long term survival, is that fact that by lifting your head up, you're exposing your neck to someone you don't know, while a downward nod protects your neck more, while still acknowledging the pressence of the other person." ] }
[ [] ]
why is space a vacuum?
{ "a_id": [ "dg68wci", "dg6912b", "dg69qx5", "dg6e3g7" ], "score": [ 16, 46, 4, 3 ], "text": [ "It's very very close to a vacuum, and the reason is simply that gravity tends to gather together anything with mass. So you get big clumpy lumps of matter (like clouds, planets, stars) with nearly-empty space between them.", "Because there's far, far more space than there is stuff to fill it. This is due to the fundamental forces of our universe (mostly gravity) which tend to make stuff attracted to stuff. That's why you see small (astronomically speaking) clumps of matter and energy (like a galaxy) surrounded by a vast, vast sea of near-nothingness. \n\n(Also, space isn't a _true_ vacuum. There's _some_ matter and energy floating around in even the most remote swaths of the void.)", "Gravity. It pulled all the stuff in the solar system together, and ended up with the sun and planets and asteroids and comets. And the planets spinning 'round and the sun spinning round helped sweep up all the stray stuff that was out there over the course of billions of years. \n\nWhen we go to space, we expend tremendous amounts of energy to bring that stuff up into space. Even the stuff we bring up into orbit will eventually fall back down to earth due to gravity and incredibly tiny amounts of friction slowing them down in their orbit. But if we are in a sapceship, it is full of the earth stuff we brought up into orbit. Mostly air. ", "Because there was an uneven distribution of matter in the time shortly after the big bang. The denser areas had more gravity than the rest and the matter from the less dense areas started to drift to the centers of mass.\r\n\r\nFast forward 13 billion years and gravity has pulled the vast majority of matter out of the less dense areas. These are now seen as the vacuum of space." ] }
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why are some 'covered' songs not considered covers while others are?
I'm thinking of a lot of Frank Sinatra songs that he didn't write or originally perform that aren't considered covers of other artists from the ratpack era. Is that because those artist's renditions are viewed more like orchestras playing a symphony where they aren't expected to write tier own music? More confusing to me is why some songs, for example 'Hurt' by Johnny Cash, are considered covers (or at least commonly called a cover) whilst 'A Boy named Sue' isn't. Any method to the madness there?
{ "a_id": [ "djwv9d8" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "Frank Sinatra and his fellow crooners sang 'American Standards'.\n\nFrom the wiki: The Great American Songbook, also known as \"American Standards\", is the canon of the most important and influential American popular songs and jazz standards from the early 20th century. Although several collections of music have been published under the title, it does not refer to any actual book or specific list of songs, but to a loosely defined set including the most popular and enduring songs from the 1920s to the 1950s that were created for Broadway theatre, musical theatre, and Hollywood musical film. \n\nread more here: _URL_0_" ] }
[ [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_American_Songbook" ] ]
i keep hearing palm oil is bad for your health. just why is it worse than other oils such as sunflower, soybean etc?
Putting aside the fact that Palm Oil is a huge contributor to rainforest deforestation, I keep hearing Palm Oil is the worst oil you can add to food. Is this just a myth or is there some facts here? How is it worse than rapeseed, sunflower, soybean etc.? Thanks!
{ "a_id": [ "eimhjbd" ], "score": [ 6 ], "text": [ "Palm Oil is high in saturated fat, which is taught to be bad for cardiac health. \n\nWhether or not saturated fats are bad or not is highly contentious- those who follow the Keto diet (high fat, low carb) often test for lower cholesterol levels after starting the diet as it trains the body to use fat as its fuel source.\n" ] }
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why when a person is sick can they drink 2 sips of water then throw up/pass what seems like a gallon or more?
{ "a_id": [ "fhrlrqa", "fhrp6i5", "fhsfvga" ], "score": [ 19, 5, 3 ], "text": [ "Because what they're throwing up isn't just water. That's stomach acid, which the body continually produces.", "When you throw up, you aren't just throwing up what you just consumed. Your brain is deciding to eject all the content of your stomach to get whatever bad substance may be in there. \n\nThis may include other liquid or food you may have consumed in the past hour or so, as well as things like saliva and bile your stomach produces as part of normal function to digest food.", "I puked all night a few weeks ago, believe me, after a few times, the only thing that comes out is what you put in, had to force myself to drink water, so it doesnt hurt as much when my stupid body tried to puke when almost nothings in my stomach." ] }
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why is reception so poor in buildings like large offices and schools/universities?
Is it instrumental by the administration or is it structural?
{ "a_id": [ "ccavr2e" ], "score": [ 4 ], "text": [ "Electromagnetic interference is often the cause of the signal reduction in these areas. If you imagine soundwaves hitting each other, if a peak of one matches the trough of another they are cancelled out, resulting in a reduced volume or - if the waves *perfectly* mirrored each other - total silence. \n\nWhen you are in a large office building you are almost completely surrounded by unshielded electrical equipment, all of which give off their own electromagnetic fields - however weak they may be. \n\nTL;DR Electrical shit messes with other electrical shit and sometimes it gets so badly messed up the signal just disappears entirely. Boom.\n\nEDIT: Probably worth mentioning that, particularly with schools, these buildings are usually found to have very poorly shielded wiring or network hardware. Doesn't change what I said before just gives a little extra clarity to why it only occurs in specific buildings sometimes. Peace out!" ] }
[ [] ]
how do pirates crack games without access to the source code?
{ "a_id": [ "cdwsjin", "cdwtt9d", "cdwuuad", "cdwvyxw", "cdww3rz", "cdwxfge", "cdwxo34", "cdwxoi7", "cdwxpv1", "cdwxx0y", "cdwyctv", "cdwyf0w", "cdwyh0q", "cdwyodm", "cdwyubb", "cdwyujc", "cdwyykg", "cdwzdfz", "cdx11i1", "cdx2ae5", "cdx3fpf", "cdx4ef9", "cdx4mlh", "cdx65hr", "cdx6s8y", "cdx84ll", "cdx8qx8", "cdx99tj", "cdx9kia", "cdx9r1g", "cdxa0p1", "cdxa9mv", "cdxafb8", "cdxahdb", "cdxbpio", "cdxbuwh", "cdxbvkd", "cdxchz8", "cdxcxmk", "cdxebm5", "cdxfimd", "cdxfs0o", "cdxfwtb" ], "score": [ 947, 37, 7, 8, 902, 388, 3, 23, 8, 2, 13, 3, 2, 3, 6, 8, 6, 17, 14, 8, 17, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 13, 7, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 2, 4, 5, 2, 11, 3, 3, 2, 4, 5 ], "text": [ "Basically run the program in a debugger (using assembly!) and when you got to the part that did the check, you do a jmp to the point right after the check succeeds. \n\nSource: used to crack software back in the day. Now, I pay for everything!", "The file you click to launch the game actually contains the instruction for your computer to run the game. Those instructions are not very practical for human reading but can definitely be interpreted and thus altered.\n\nThe most simple protection would be a password that one has to enter the first time he installs the game. Consider the pseudo code:\n\n if 'password entered by user' equals 'true password'\n then execute game\n else\n then do not execute game\n\nIf you change the 'equals' by 'not equals', then whatever password your enter will be considered correct and the game will run :-)\n\nIn computer language the logical structure can be altered by changing a single instruction. That is done by changing the value in the file.\n\n\nSource: I cracked my own games in the late 80's / 90's for the sack of it. Was easy then.", "The actual game you get is in machine code. You use a compiler to go from source code to machine code. While it would be a lot easier to crack games with access to the original source - if you know machine code, you can still modify a game without the original source.\n\nSo what usually happens is there is a function in the code that says \"are we legit and allowed to run?\" For the sake of this example we'll assume it's doing something like checking Steam is running or performing a CD check - You'd find where that is by running the game both with/without steam/the CD and watching what path through the machine code the game takes. \n\nYou'd then modify the machine code to always take the 'everythings OK' route regardless of the actual outcome.", "When source code is compiled(built) it is actually translated into machine code, also known as assembly, this is the raw operations your computer understands, relying on lots of little operations to do the complex operations outlined in the original abstracted source code. Whilst it is possible to code working applications in assembly, it is typically avoided due to the significant effort and time required. \n\nHow do people manage to crack this language? \n\nThrough dis-assemblers it is possible to read the assembly code, from this it is just a case of reading any other source code. From here you just work out how the program checks it is a legitimate copy. \n\nOnce the code doing the check has been identified it will need to be bypassed, this can be done by jumping over the code check or using non operation (NOP 0x90) to make the computer simply ignore the code.", "There's quite a lot of misinformation in this thread so I'll jump in with an explanation.\n\n'Most' DRM schemes used to protect games work by scrambling (encrypting) the actual game program. The program that you run therefore isn't the game itself merely a stub that performs the following:\n\n1. Check that this is a genuine game and the user is allowed to run it\n2. Decrypt the actual game program\n3. Run the actual game\n\nThere are many methods crackers use to break the protection but one is similar to the following:\n\n1. Install a genuine, licensed copy of the game\n2. Run the game allowing it to decrypt itself in memory\n3. Use a software tool to 'save' the unencrypted program code from memory to a file\n4. Make the program executable and remove all the software 'tendrils' that the DRM leaves behind\n\nNo. 4 tends to be the hardest part and can often be a cause of controversy within [The Scene](_URL_2_). Sometimes cracks will be [nuked](_URL_0_) because they fail to meet the required standard by cracking groups.\n\nNote: There are a few DRM schemes that don't fall under this umbrella (such as Codemaster's [FADE](_URL_1_)).\n\nEDIT: So I guess this \"blew up\" as they say. Thank you for the gold mysterious stranger.\n\nEDIT2: Thanks for the comments but ELI5 is **not for literal five year olds**. Neither is it for Comp Sci majors with too much time on their hands. LI5 means friendly, simplified and layman-accessible explanations which means I may have taken a few liberties with some of my terminology but judging by the response I believe the correct meaning was conveyed. ", "Ex-Phrozen Crew cracker/hacker here and game trainer maker.\n\nThere are two types of video game cracking:\n1) Trainers - hacking the game to enable cheats, god-mode, multi-player cheats, etc\n\n2) Cracks - hacking the executable's (exe) code to enable you to play the game off of your computer without the original source disc, license key, online authentication, etc.\n\n**Trainers**\n#1 is fairly simple to understand. You load the game and scan your RAM (memory) using specialized software. Then you change a value in the game. Like picking up an ammo pack. So your character goes from 0 ammo to 100 ammo. Now you rescan memory and compare with your original scan. Next you manually test changing the individual memory locations that had changed since the first scan. You see what effect the changes you make manually have on the game. Lots of times, it can be easy to locate the right memory location. Once you find that location, you create a program to update that location - a trainer.\n\n**Cracks**\nThere is legitimate debugging software that allows you to see the code and instructions that are processed by your computer's CPU. The CPU's processes simple instructions only in Assembly language - like increments, comparisons, and jumps. Programming languages use these basic elements to build complex functions, but in the end the source code is complied into these simple instructions. Sort of how complex life and substances are only made of electrons, protons, and neutrons (not the best analogy - but I'm rushing to dinner).\n\nYou run the program and set a break point. Let say I want to break a game so that it doesn't check for CD disc. I can listen for when the game accesses my CD drive and place a break there (using the debugging software). I know the comparison is done before then. Then I place a break a few hundred lines before then and monitor the code, walking through it one step at a time. After years of doing this, you become very skilled at reading the code. Find the comparison and change the jump requirement. So something like:\n\n If \"CD Disc exists\"\n Jump to \"start game\"\n\nBecomes\n\n If \"CD Disc does not exist\"\n Jump to \"start game\"\n\nOf course the code doesn't say that. Instead it will say:\n\n cmp ecx, edx (compare two registers, basically variable storage)\n jz ###### (\"jump if zero\" or equal to a given address in the code)\n\nYou would change jz to jnz or \"jump if not zero\".\n\nThe final step would be to create a program - patch, to update the game's executable to modify the values that control the jump instruction.\n\nHopefully that is simple enough. There are of course many approaches used to find your way through the code and locate the crucial code. There are also a number of DRM technologies to work around this and make it more complicated. Just like in the lock industry - lock makers build better locks, thieves come up with better ways to defeat them. It's an endless cycle. Software publishers and crackers play the same game.\n\nSource: As mentioned above, former Phrozen Crew member and game trainer maker.\n\nPS: When I was a teen, I was long on time and short on cash. Now that has flipped, making cheeper for me to buy my software rather than spending hours or days trying to crack it or find a working crack. I've also learned the value of supporting artists and businesses that I believe in.\n\nEdit: Cleaned up typos, added additional clarification, and improved verbage at GoGoGonad's prompting. :)", "Every file can be disassembled, so pirates can se whast's inside a\nn exe or any other file. Seeing that thay can see whrere there is a security check and can work to obey that.", "I did a lot of work with Visual Boy Advance and its debugger counterpart in my high-school years. I did a variety of hacks on games like Fire Emblem, Pokemon Fire Red, Pokemon Ruby, Golden Sun.... probably forgetting a few. Obviously this isn't the same as hacking PC games, but the basic principles apply, I think, even to hacking programs in general, not just games.\n\nThe two tools I used most often were the Memory Viewer and the Disassembler. The Memory Viewer, as its name suggests, allows me to view (and edit) the values at any memory location in the (emulated) GBA's memory. The Disassembler just allows me to view the game's code at assembly level. It doesn't do any level of decompiling, just reads each 32-bit (or 16 bit for the GBA) instruction in the game's ROM file and displays what assembly instruction that translates into.\n\nFor example, I did a hack in Fire Emblem which boosted all XP gains by a factor of 10. Lemme walk through it....\n\nFirst, I needed to determine where in memory XP is stored. To do this, I got myself into a battle and made a snapshot save (instantaneous save of the game at the emulator-level, not a save within the game itself). At this point I also ran a memory search for the XP value that my character currently had. Then I played out the battle, made another snapshot, and ran another memory search, for the character's new XP value, looking only at the locations returned from the previous search. This returned all the memory locations which went from XP Value A to XP Value B within the course of the battle.\n\nIf I remember correctly, this process returned multiple memory locations. This is because in Fire Emblem, during each battle, data for the character who is fighting is copied into an \"active location\" then copied back when the battle is over. To determine which memory location I really needed, I would have started inserting my own values into the different memory locations to see what would happen. This is where the snapshots came in handy, cause I could easily reload and repeat the battle with different values to see what changed each time.\n\nEventually, I came up with the exact memory location I needed. What I did next was open up the debugger version of VBA and set a write breakpoint on the memory location. This means that as I allowed the battle to play out, the emulator would halt the game when it attempted to write the memory location I had specified. This gave me the exact program instruction which was saving the new XP value. \n\nFrom here, I used a combination of the Disassembler and a Tracer (makes a log of all instructions executed) to work backward from the point where the XP value is saved to the point where it is calculated. This is where knowing programming and assembly language is key, because I'm basically reverse-engineering the program, trying to figure out what it's doing just from reading the assembly instructions.\n\nI needed to work backward from this point to get to the part of the code that calculates the amount of XP gained, not just the final number that will be stored. The way Fire Emblem did it is that your XP isn't just a running total, it's a number from 0 to 99. When it goes over 100, it rolls back around, and your level goes up. Also, when you get to level 20, you stop gaining XP. I needed to insert my hack before these calculations were done.\n\nOnce I found the right insertion point for my hack, I removed a few instructions and replaced them with a JMP instruction, which just jumps to a different section of code, an unused section I picked out by looking for big blocks of '00's. Here I re-inserted the instructions I had removed, along with an additional instruction or two that multiplied the XP Gained value by 10. Then, I ended it with another JMP instruction to send the processor back to where it was before.\n\n\nHacking PC Games or Programs uses a lot of these same ideas. There's a lot more parts of the system to consider, like the Registry, DLL's, Handles, Internet Access, and more; and there's probably debugging tools for all of these other items. ", "They disassemble the executable (the exe you double click to start the game) in a program called Ida Pro, then they patch the assembly of the game to completely skip over the anti-piracy routines.", "Ok, actual eli5. Think of a movie theater where they take your tickets. You know you have to walk in the front door, hand the guy the tickets, then arrive at the theater. So basically they create a walkway straight from outside to the theater. ", "All these other explanations seem too technical for ELI5. If you want technical, they're good, put to put it really simply:\n\nThink of every program as an instruction booklet for your computer.\n\nDRM-free programs just get straight to the instructions for how to run the game.\n\nPrograms with DRM start off with \"Check if you have permission to play this game. If not, close the book. If so, go to page 30.\" Cracking DRM is something akin to rewriting the book starting with page 30.\n\nNow, some DRM is sneaky - it has hidden instructions like \"If you started on page 30, make the game unplayable.\" (See [FADE](_URL_0_).) That kind takes more work to rewrite the book to leave out all the little DRM tidbits.", "Source code is program language that translate the script into assembly language then compiled to machine language (the final built of program )..\n\nwithout source code, any program (from machine language) could turn into assembly language with debugger.. \n\nAssume the cracker know how to deal with assembly language, and they skip the part where the program check for the genuine ..\n\n_URL_1_ is low level language\n\n_URL_0_ or machine language is 0 and 1 send to CPU", "1. Load the game executable on a software that shows you the code that the computer reads to run the game (debugger)\n\n2. Now that you can see the code (assembly code) you see the \"behind the curtains\" of the game and you need to find the code line where the game checks if everything is legit or not.\n\n3. Figure out a way to bypass that code line either by modifying some letters/numbers here and there or by deleting the code, etc.\n\nPS. I was a hacker wannabe when I was a teen and I learned some basic cracking techniques... that was 10 years ago.", "I remember reading a classic paper by Shannon and Von Neumann about the limitations of information theory that resonates with this question. I can't find the paper unfortunately. Hit me up if someone knows what I am talking about. \n\nBut the idea is simple. The computer can read instructions of any file by simply \"mock\" running it through right. So, you if make the computer mock run this file and find which part of the instructions does the checking ... and eliminate that part ... you have a cracked executable. \n\nBy the same logic, if you can remove parts of instructions, you can append them as well. That's how malicious spyware/adware etc are created. And that's how antivirus detect if a file has virus or not. For all the above .. The principle is essentially the same and it's based on Neumann and Shannon's work in the 1950s..", "Answering the question as if you were five: \n\nPrograms essentially execute lists of instructions from top to bottom. A game might look like this:\n\n1. load configuration files\n2. check if we're registered or in the trial period\n3. if the trial period has ended, jump to step 5.\n4. if we're in the trial or registered, jump to step 6\n5. quit\n6. remainder of program\n\nWe can simply override the check to always say we're registered and/or in our trial period.\n", "So, programs - what are they?\n\nThey're lines of code. Literally, just lines of code. Writing lines of low level code that runs on computers is really really hard AND BORING, so we made programs that help us write programs. This is why so many people can write in c++ or java compared to assembly code - because when we write in a high level code like c++, we have another program that takes our 'code' and converts it into assembly. \n\nWhen it converts our code into assembly, something obvious after the fact happens; we end up having patterns. Lots of patterns. Because there is only so many ways to do certain things, like add a number, or display a picture, or what have you. By looking at these patterns, in addition to using certain tools, which I'll go on to later, you can pick apart a program at its most basic level - assembly. The source code is only useful if you are going to use it with a program to convert it into assembly; if you aren't interested in that, then you dont need the source code!\n\nSo the other tools you use are debugging tools; these are tools that you use to.. well, find bugs in your software with. By using these tools, you can basically tell the computer \"Hey, when you see this thing happen, stop everything and let me look at the code!\" - these certain things are called hooks. By hooking types of code that you KNOW is used for DRM, like a popup window asking for a serial key, you can jump RIGHT INTO the code and see what it's doing. \n\nIt's obviously a lot more complicated than that these days, and I don't have any direct experience with breaking DRM, but form what I understand, this is the jist of it.", "1) see what happens when game runs \n2) see what happens when game fails \n3) change logic where they diverge ", "Very basically, the game executable is a compiled version of the source code. That means it still has everything the source code does, it's just in assembly language. The cracker can look at this code and figure out what the program is doing, and make patches to this code ( give it a different instruction than was intended) which changes the outcome of that code. \n\nFor a basic example. Say the game code wants to check if the disc is in the drive. It runs a function that checks it, and that returns a result. So instead of running the check at all, you can patch the call to that function out. Or, when it compares the result, you patch it so it always passes. Etc. It's very sophisticated now due to cat and mouse games over the years. ", "My attempt at answering OP's question and not digging deep:\n\nSource code is a generalization of machine code that is easy for humans to read and write. When a game is compiled, it's turned into machine code. This machine code is designed for computers only, but there's also an analog that is very close to machine code, called assembly. Assembly is just another language. Say C is English, and assembly is Russian. You may not understand Russian, but it's just as valid for communication as English. Assembly is much more complex than C, but crackers can read and understand it.\n\nTo see the assembly code, one uses a disassembler or debugger. A debugger allows display of assembly and allows one to execute each instruction individually. A cracker uses a debugger to see how the program works, and with that knowledge rewrites part of the assembly so that whatever protection that is there is bypassed. That's basically what a cracked game is: the game without protection checks.\n\nSummary: One does not need the source code because the compiled code is viewable and editable in assembly. Source code just makes modifications easier. Not having source code does not mean the resulting compiled code is set in stone.", "Don't know about today, but historical Apple ][ methods: rewrite the boot from a secured boot to an unsecured boot. On the Apple ][, that meant partially booting, interrupt, write the boot sequence by hand (some of the guys could do it from memory), and then writing it to disk. The Apple ][ also used uniform sized sectors and the pizza slice space between them was called the half-track. Writing to and reading from the half-track was a typical form of protection and crackers would remove the check. One of the more complex method to crack during the Apple ][ era was an encrypted chunk of code that required a code wheel, so lazy crackers would write the code wheel answers on the splash screen that asked the question. Some games like Wasteland and Leather Goddesses of Phobos made the game unsolvable without reading the manual. I saw a \"crack\" of Wasteland where the answer was automatically typed in for you (others just let you fail or find it on a BBS).\n\nThat was about as far as I got in cracking knowledge. I had friends in the Midwest Pirate Guild (formed out of the ashes of one of the first pirate groups, the Super Pirates of Minneapolis) and National Distributor's Club but I only contributed a couple of easy cracks to Apple Bandit before I lost interest. One of them was shown to me by the FBI doing a seminar on piracy at my school later, which I thought was hysterical at the time (the FBI guy showed significant ignorance and wasn't too tech savvy).", "Btw, Pirates don't crack games. Crackers do that work. Pirate's copy and distribute games. ", "when I first read this title I thought you were talking about actual pirates...like with a pirate ship...makes more sense now\n", "You always have access to source code. The question is whether it is easy to read code like C++ or really hard to read code, called assembly. Your computer runs the assembly. Crackers have to spend a lot of effort to figure out which part of the assembly code is doing DRM. Then they edit that.", "If you want to learn how to do this I recommend [Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition](_URL_0_). I just started it and the intro to C has been amazing.", "Ended up asking this question 15 years ago... Found an instruction manual for using MacsBug (developer tool) went through a few steps. Never finished. I still have the .txt on a drive somewhere I think.", "OK, I'm not going to post a \"how to\" but here's the concept.\n\nCompiled code, such as windows exe files, are some higher-level language (like C, C++, etc) code converted into code that the computer's processor understands.\n\nA disassembler is a program that turns compiled code into (educated) human readable assembly language code. Assembly language is not really friendly to read, but given experience, patience, and motivation its do-able. A debugger is a program that allows you to stop the execution of a program and then step through it line by line, even watching the values of variables.\n\nAs an example, one of the things that a cracker would do is, using the debugger, find the section of code that checks to see if the entered serial number is valid. Usually around this section would be some code that would compare the user's input with something, then it would jump to somewhere else in the code depending on the result of the comparison. By changing a couple of bytes, one could easily reverse the logic from:\n\n if string user entered is valid then go to this section of code over there.\n\nto\n\n if string user entered is NOT valid then go to this section of code over there.\n\nThe result is that the new logic means that any invalid serial number would unlock the program, for example. Comically, a valid serial number would not work once the logic is reversed.\n\nHope this makes sense.\n\nBeware of sites that offer software cracks or similar. You're just asking to get your computer infected with nasty malware/viruses/badstuff.\n\n(PS - I do not recommend people actually do any of this. Support software authors/companies for their hard work by paying for your software!)\n", "Nice try EA. ", "Cracking WinRAR was the best. Getting rid of that pesky Trial Version dialog box was the best feeling of accomplishment ever. ", "And while you're at it can someone explain how pirates upgrade their ship without visiting the harbourmaster ?", "Nice try EA Games!", "For those wondering why people would do this for free:\n\n_URL_0_", "Is this the NSA trying to get better skills?", "The funnest thing I was never involved with was cracking the protection on the world of warcraft. This protection was not to stop people pirating the game, but to prevent people writing a robot or \"bot\" to play the game for you. Simplistically, the game consists of a client piece and a server piece. Once the client piece is loaded in memory, it is controlling your character. If you can determine the position in memory to change the values to make your character turn, run and jump, you can control it programatically. Blizzard countered this by adding an additional layer in both a server, and a client piece that controlled these \nmemory positions. They changed with regular updates, and if you got out of date with your botting software, you got banned. The war between Blizzard trying to stop bots, and the guys writing bots became a never ending technology battle that was a hell of a lot of fun.\n\n", "Very intered in this,now i gotta read at least first 200 comments...", "The logical following question is: why do crackers seem to have a fetish for Sonic the Hedgehog and chip-tunes which they use in their NFO files?", "It doesn't matter what the game is programmed in, it all ends up eventually as electrical signals on the CPU of your computer.\n\nHackers are able to intercept these signals and change the outcome.\n\nFor example; let's say we have an electronic lock on your front door:\n\nWhen we type the correct code, the onboard computer sends power to a magnetic latch which moves out of the way as long as power is supplied.\n\nEnter a wrong combination and no power is output.\n\n-----------------------------\n\nBut let's say, we as crackers were to get a screwdriver, access the onboard computer and simply apply voltage directly to the latch.\n\nWe have essentially cracked the lock.\n\nThis is pretty much what happens when a game is cracked. The original source code dictated that the program check certain aspects about the game validity.\n\nFor example: Connect to '_URL_0_', upload this license key (the number combination of the lock) and tell me the result.\n\nIf the result is valid, I'll unlock the game for you.\n\nThe cracker comes along and bypasses the validation step and simply pretends the server reported a valid key.\n\nWe never needed to understand how the lock were made, we simply altered the way the process played out.", "They use an iPatch?", "In short, source code is \"compiled\" into a \"language\" that basically just provides a big list of very basic instructions in the order that they're to be carried out by the processor. This language looks a lot like what a robot would turn in to their professor for a poetry assignment, and it's mostly unintelligible to even most experienced programmers.\n\nIn order to make this \"language,\" called Assembly, closer to English, we've created a series of higher level languages that create these Assembly instructions for us. The higher level language looks like a combination of math-speak/English. This is known as the source code of the game. We refer to it as code because the programmer is essentially putting in \"codes\" that compile into Assembly instructions. This allows programmers to put in complex instruction structures that would take months to code manually with a few strokes of the keyboard.\n\nThe source code is lost when the software is compiled, but the Assembly for a given piece of software is dirt easy to reverse-engineer. Assembly will be the same every time. A program called a debugger is used for finding bugs and can go through and do the Assembly instructions one at a time, simulating running the program in slow motion.\n\nHere's where the cracking comes in. When you start a program, it asks you for a serial code or something one time or a password, but then it just marks you as authentic and goes from there. So a cracker goes through line by line until he/she gets to a point where the game knows it's authentic. Then, you just write a few new lines of assembly that say \"skip this section and jump to the good stuff,\" put them in, and you're done!\n\ntl;dr, you can't get the source code but you can get the Assembly and use that.", "I work in the industry as a release engineer. I deal with source code, compiling, packaging assemblies, and securing runtime environments to the best of our abilities.\n\nThe first thing to note is that the only part of a game that can be hacked is the part that the cracker has physical access to. This is generally limited to only game clients, as the rest of the game is generally exposed via web services. \n\nThe game client consists of \"assemblies\" which are either .exe or .dll files generally. These files are the \"machine code\" (or intermediate language) which result from the actual source code. Crackers use many different approaches in order to modify these files either on disc or in memory.\n\nModifying these files on disc is risky as many times they are digitally signed and modifying their contents will invalidate their signature, thus raising red flags all over the runtime. So, in memory hacks are generally used.\n\nThe first step is to use a dissassembler which will allow you to see the discrete machine code instructions. At this point, it requires a lot of work to extract useful meaning from this code but once you can narrow down that memory address \"1583010\" is the location of the \"Player.Kill()\" function you can then invoke that method outside the normal control flow of the program.\n\nOnce you've identified the offsets of specific functions that you want to target it's possible to hijack the process, process memory, and control flow of program. I don't know much about Linux or Mac, but in windows this is achieved through Win32 API calls to create process memory, and create remote thread calls. These API calls are part of the windows diagnostic library for remote debugging.\n\nThe rest of the game, such as the code that runs server side, is exposed via web services. Web services are much harder to crack, which would usually involve exploits of badly written service side code, or much more dangerous exploits such as those pertaining to underlying network technologies.", "\"To copy is plagiarism, to steal is genius.\"\nThe source code is 'always' available, for that is the 'nature'- of computer science and programming, that the law of the land cannot protect or prevent.", "I find it amusing that so many people are perpetuating the idea that people would just crack software then redistribute it just for the fun of it. Cracking the software is a task that is becoming more and more difficult and time consuming. Redistributing it is a crime carrying severe penalties. This is not a task that is done just for the fun of it. When the software is being cracked, it is modified to allow it to run without a license, it is often also modified to install malware on your machine. Cracking software is the easiest way to convince droves of people to execute your code on their machine.", "Nice try, government!", "Fun story if anyone is interested but in about 9th or 10th grade I was extremely bored in class so I started making some drawings which included fun names in weird shapes \"Razor1911 (at the time a huge group which had great releases), CORE, PARADOX (Loved the name), RELOADED, (also popular..), SKIDROW. Anyway, there were some others. I'm also an idiot because apparently I wrote all this on the back of a workbook that the teacher collected. \n\nNext day I was sent to the dean's office. I didn't know what was going on, only that I am a good boy.. Why am I in trouble? They sit me in a room with two or three giant deans and start asking me questions related to terrorism! \n\nAt this point, I am extremely confused, why are they asking me about 9/11? Why do they care what my views of America are? I get extremely defensive and they bring out my workbook. \n\"Your math teacher gave us this, it's yours isn't it?\"\n \"Yes... so what?\"\n\"Why do you have 9/11 written here?\"\n\"I'm like WHAT? LOL\"\n\"Why do you have all these weird gang names here???\"\n\nAt this point I told them that they are WAY off.. In my scared little voice I attempt to convince them to just google \"RAZOR1911\" It's a cracker group not a freaking terrorist!!!\n\nAnyway, they tell me to wait and one of them goes out the room to google it, and they are like oh.. why do you have this on your book!!!!? \n\nI'm like idk man I was bored, I wrote some names that I think sound cool.. \n\nAnyway, that's my story -- Don't write these scene groups on your workbooks lol" ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [ "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuke_%28warez%29", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FADE", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warez_scene" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FADE" ], [ "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_code", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assembly_language" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "http://www.amazon.com/Hacking-The-Art-Exploitation-Edition/dp/1593271441" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc" ], [], [], [], [], [ "server1.ea.com" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]
what is murphy's law?
And how does it actually apply in decision-making?
{ "a_id": [ "chn25zp", "chn3qu7" ], "score": [ 2, 3 ], "text": [ "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Plan for all possible outcomes. ", "It applies to risk management. Project managers are supposed to determine the risks of a project and then take steps to mitigate them. \n\nA risk is that there is only one person who has the key to the cabinet and if they lose it no work can get done. You have to assume that since it can happen it will happen and either eliminate the risk by getting more keys or making a plan to deal with it when it happens." ] }
[ [], [] ]
the difference between do...while loops in programming and while loops, and their uses.
I am in an intro to programming class, I thought I understood how to use them both but was unable to use either yesterday in a lab. I got 2 people to explain it to me whom were my TA's but I feel like I have fully grasped the concept yet after watching videos and reading forums. Any help?
{ "a_id": [ "clhizng", "clhj2h9", "clhj4la", "clhj4s2", "clhj4sp", "clhktgu", "clhn9f5" ], "score": [ 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Do you mean this:\n\n do {\n ...\n } while (...)\n\nversus this:\n\n while (...) {\n ...\n }\n\n?\n\nIf so, then the only difference is that the first doesn't check the condition before executing the loop body for the first time. This is a way to make sure the body of the loop will be executed at least once.", "A do while is guarenteed to run the loop at least once. A while loop may be passed over entirely if the condition is false from the start.\n\n do {\n $var = getValue();\n print( $var );\n } while ( $var != NULL );\n\nwill always set var to getValue and print it at least once. (And will loop as long as getValue doesn't return NULL.)\n\n while ( $var != NULL ) {\n print( $var );\n $var = getValue();\n }\n\nwill never print var or set var to getValue if var is NULL before we hit the while loop.\n\nUse a do... while if you want to intialize something then iterate over it until some condition is false.\n\nUse a while if you don't necessarily need to run the code at all. (Or you find it more readable to to some initialization just before the while.)\n\n $var = getValue();\n print( $var );\n while ( $var != NULL ) {\n $var = getValue();\n print( $var );\n }\n\nis basically identical to the do... while version. ", "Generally, a `while` loop first tests the loop condition and then, if the condition is true, executes the body of the loop. A `do, while` loop, on the other hand, first executes the body of the loop, *then* checks the condition to see if it should continue.\n\nThe main implication of this is that a `do, while` loop is guaranteed to execute at least once, so you use a `while` loop when you want to execute a piece of code 0 or more times, and you use a `do, while` loop when you want to execute a piece of code 1 or more times.\n\nAn example of when you might want to use a `do, while` loop is for input validation, as follows:\n\n do {\n prompt for input\n read user input\n } while(user input invalid);\n\nIn this example, the loop body executes first and some user input is read, then the loop condition is tested, which in this case checks if the user input is invalid. If it is, the loop body executes again and the user is again prompted to enter their input. The loop stops when the input is valid.\n\nAn example of where you might want to use a `while` loop would be when reading a file:\n\n while(file not empty) {\n read and process next line\n };\n\nIn this case, a file might be empty and contain *no* lines, so you first want to check if there's a line present *before* trying to read and process it.", "Some systems and languages have different support for the various structures.\n\n\nGenerally speaking however it's the order of operations. A while loop will process while a condition is true whereas a do structure generally would perform the loop until a condition is met. While typically makes the condition check before the loop is processed whereas do typically makes the check after the loop is processed. ", "This is language defined, obviously, but generally the reason to have both `while` and `do while` is to capture one small but significant difference:\n\n* `while A do B` or `while A {B}` or similar mean\n 1. Test if A is true.\n * If so, do B and repeat from 1.\n* `do B while A` or similar mean\n 1. Do B.\n * Test if A is true. If so, repeat from 1. \n\nSo if you put some block in a `do while` it runs *at least once*, whereas if you put it in a `while` it may run 0 times. ", "Do...while will always execute the code within the loop at least once.\n\nWhile... will only execute if the check passes, which it may not, and will not execute.", "With while loop, the test occurs before the action...if the test fail the first time, the action is not executed.\n\nWith a do/while loop, the test occurs after the action, so the action is guaranteed to execute at least once." ] }
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why do people pay back federal student loans when you can just check the box that says "0 taxable income?"
{ "a_id": [ "e7lseww", "e7lsw8p" ], "score": [ 8, 3 ], "text": [ "It's pretty easily verifiable whether you do have taxable income. If you do, you're probably not gonna get away with that for very long.", "Well, because that would be called \"tax fraud\" and when the IRS catches you they will take all your money and throw you in prison for the felonies you committed. I'm not quite sure how many offenses you would be guilty of but the penalty is a fine of up to $100,000 (on top of whatever gains you made from your crime, so plus whatever taxes you evaded) and imprisonment for up to five years.\n\nNow that is probably per offense so likely each year you file taxes you would rack up another charge at least. Do that a couple times and you are looking at most of your life being spent in prison. That is why people don't do that." ] }
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i understand that soap cleans stuff by lowering the surface tension of water, so why does it make the water bubbly?
If the surface tension is lowered, wouldn't that make the solution less likely to form bubbles?
{ "a_id": [ "dt317da", "dt31g1v" ], "score": [ 2, 3 ], "text": [ "It doesn't lower the surface tension of water to clean stuff, it allows for non-polar solvency by mixing in a non-polar solvent. This can lower the surface tension of the water, but thats a by-product not how it cleans stuff. The bubble occur because the soap sticks to the gas, not the water.\n\nSoap dissolves non-polar compounds while water dissolves polar compounds, by using both you can get more compounds off whatever they are stuck to.", "Soap molecules have two ends that like different things: one end is hydrophyllic, i.e. will dissolve in water, and another end that is lipophyllic, i.e. dissolves in oil. \n\nFrom _URL_0_: \"The soap molecules “surround” the water molecules, with the “water sticky” bits pointed towards the water, and the “water repellent” bits pointed away from the water. This is what the surface of a soap bubble is — a thin layer of water sandwiched between the soap molecules.\"" ] }
[ [], [ "blog.sciencegeekgirl.com" ] ]
what evolutionary adaptation makes the posts on /r/oddlysatisfying/ so, well, satisfying?
{ "a_id": [ "cj20b3g", "cj21dm1" ], "score": [ 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Intelligence and curiosity. ", "Because oddlysatisfying has evolved to something satisfying (yes, subreddits can be thought of as evolving as well)." ] }
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do websites (like reddit) or youtubers know when someone uses adblock?
Can they see page views and separate those who use AdBlock and those who dont? Can Youtubers?
{ "a_id": [ "coj1edk" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "Yes they can. Most ad blocking softwares remove the containers ads are in. You can counter this by checking if those containers still exist (or are visible, the right size etc etc) and tell the user to gtfo.\n\nThe only way to counter counter this, is going JavaScript-less.\n" ] }
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what do banks have an overdraft system? why not decline purchases that put the account in the negative?
{ "a_id": [ "dh337l5", "dh337sa", "dh33k0o", "dh33l94", "dh33mm5" ], "score": [ 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "Because the bank will make more money with the overdraft system; the transaction goes through, and they can assess an overdraft fee.\n\nIf you'd like transactions to be declined when there are insufficient funds and not overdraft, call your bank and ask if that's possible. If not, I am sure another bank in your area will do that.", "So they can charge you. They are \"self managed accounts\" and the terms are laid out when you open the account. We won't stoo you going over, but of you do, you're gonna pay and it's your own fault for not managing your finances better.", "Because unexpected circumstances.\n\nAn accidental charge may go through that wasn't meant to happen and was not authorized by you. If it really wasn't authorized by you then the bank should have a system in place to rectify the problem, but it doesn't change the fact that you will be short that amount of money until the problem is fixed.\n\nAn issue that used to be common for me is that some gas pumps, if you choose to pay with your card at the pump instead of paying inside, will charge an automatic fee that is exponentially higher than the amount of gas you ordered(for example, I once bought $10 worth of gas and was charged $120). The charge will drop off of your account within the next 8 hours, but what happens if you desperately need to buy something within those 8 hours? Without an overdraft system, you'd be screwed.\n\nEssentially, it's a way of covering the account holder in the event of an emergency while still giving a penalty to prevent you from abusing it.\n\nSomething else to note is that most banks will waive a single overdraft fee if you have an automatic direct deposit in place or are able to replace the funds in your account within the next 24 hours.", "More importantly than just \"the bank is greedy lol\"\n\nMany people want this, sometimes an unexpected bill comes up a few days before your paycheck. While overdraft fees are a pain, they are *significantly* better than a payday loan.\n\nNot to mention you don't need to go through the hassle of applying for an actual loan", "Once upon a time, there was no way to check someone's balance instantly. You paid with cash, or you paid with a check. If there insufficient funds in the account to cover the amount of the check, the store might have to wait as much as a week before finding that out. Sometimes people would deliberately write checks for an amount they didn't have at that time, but knew they would by the time the check reached the bank.\n\nObviously the delinquent check writer needs to be penalized in some way.\n\nWe have long had the ability to verify even paper checks the moment the check is handed to the checker, let alone debit cards. The banks could theoretically have changed from an overdraft system to a refusal system long ago. But there is no motivation to make this change, and the old system does give them the ability to charge additional fees, so they don't." ] }
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why does something having no face/minimal features make it cute?
I know the concept of what's 'cute' varies from person to person, but there are certain things in this example that are almost universal. There are classic character designs like Hello Kitty and Marvin the Martian who have no mouths, but are considered adorable. The Valais Blacknose sheep has such dark facial fur that you can't really see its features, but it often gets referred to as 'world's cutest sheep' (and honestly, agreed). Shouldn't something that looks as if it has a gaping void in its face be inherently disturbing? Why is there such a fine line between endearing and unsettling here?
{ "a_id": [ "dnuztk1", "dnv7cqc", "dnvgjye" ], "score": [ 31, 7, 4 ], "text": [ "Our brains are engineered to think human babies are cute so that we want to keep them alive. Babies have round faces and small features. A cartoon with minimal features roughly resembles a baby's face. ", " > \nEthologist Konrad Lorenz proposed that baby schema ('Kindchenschema') is a set of infantile physical features such as the large head, round face and big eyes that is perceived as cute and motivates caretaking behavior in other individuals, with the evolutionary function of enhancing offspring survival.\n\n[Source](_URL_0_)\n\nNot sure about your sheep but I find them neither very cute nor too disturbing.\n\nFunfact: the blobfish is now the world's ugliest animal. Poor guy is being taken out of context, since he would look much better in his natural habitat. ", "Scott McCloud does a great job of answering this question in his spectacular (comic) book, *Understanding Comics*.\n\nChapter 2 is the verse that deals with this specifically, and it starts on page 24 of this PDF: _URL_0_\n\nThe gist of it - and McCloud explains it much better than I do - is that you don't have a conscious awareness of your own face as an image. When you see other people you can see all the details of their faces, but you rarely see all the details of your own face - you FEEL them instead. You don't have a sense of detail...you have more of a sense of general placement, just a few key elements - eyes here, eyebrows there, mouth here (neutral, turned up, turned down), etc.\n\nWhen you look at a minimalist, simplified version of a face, what you're seeing is a *visual representation* of that vague awareness of what a face *feels* like. Or as McCloud says, when we look at a photo, we see someone else...but when we look at a cartoon, we see ourselves." ] }
[ [], [ "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3260535/" ], [ "http://www.jessethompsonart.com/artpage/Pre_C_drawing_Video_files/Understanding%20Comics%20(The%20Invisible%20Art)%20By%20Scott%20McCloud.pdf" ] ]
lootboxes in computer games.
{ "a_id": [ "er98735", "er99ist", "er99umc", "er9bsdn" ], "score": [ 2, 2, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Loot box are an item that you can either buy with in-game currency or with real life money. When you get that item you can click on it to open it and there will be random reward in it. \n\n & #x200B;\n\nIt could be legally considered gambling, because it is. You give money to a change for a reward that could be anything from really good, to useless duplicate to trash reward that you will never use.", "To start: Minecraft would no longer give you the option to change skins or texture packs. Instead, you would purchase inecraft loot boxes\n\nMinecraft loot boxes would be 100 Pale Diamonds to obtain. You can get 5 Pale diamonds each time you earn an achievement, and 100 Pale Diamonds when you beat the game. You can also purchase 100 Pale Diamonds in the Minecraft Store for $5 in real life.\n\nWhen you open a Minecraft lootbox, inside there are different textures for Mobs and Blocks and tools, and even some skins. The textures have different rarities. Legendary Skins and Textures are more detailed, with little voxel details. \n\nMind you, every season would include different available textures for a limited time. If you wanted to play the game with lots of snow textures, you better purchase at least 30 Christmas Minecraft Lootboxes. There is no way to just purchase the texture or skin you want directly, instead you must rely on luck.\n\nA big appeal is showing off your rarest skin as a sign of achievement. And each player can see your armor skins and stuff.\n\nSince you want certain skins, you will either grind the game as much as you can or pay a simple $5 fine.\n\nYou pay $5, and you might get the thing you want, so you just pay until you win. That's gambling.", "\nOverwatch is a good example. You get a loot boxes slowly (several games per box), the box has 4 random items. These can be character skins, poses, voice lines, stickers, or gold. You can use the gold to buy any of the other things.\n\n- Getting any loot box is a slow process that involves playing multiple games.\n- Getting the stuff you want involves playing lots of games (until you have enough gold) or getting super lucky. \n- You can, of course, buy loot boxes with your credit card.", "In the game WarThunder, there’s a lootbox every time you login.\n\nWar Thunder players doubt these “loot boxes” are gambling. As nobody believes they’re real, but are rigged / pre determined \n\nIt’s a joke on forums..... “I could have won 10,000,000 Golden Lions (the game currency) but I won a free bunch of twigs instead." ] }
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why does most of the internet use a font where lowercase "l" and uppercase "i" are indiscernible?
Specifically, arial seems to be used a lot. Whats up with this? EDIT: Guys, obviously the instances reading are few and far between (mostly words like Illiterate, etc.) But there are clearly issues with things like matching re-captcha strings, and getting passwords reset ('Yb4lS & w' for example) where it would be nice to know if the character is an I or L without trial and error.
{ "a_id": [ "cke54ev", "cke61tn", "cke8tc4", "cke9ew1", "cke9krw" ], "score": [ 3, 2, 4, 2, 5 ], "text": [ "Not all web sites specify a font. If you look into the settings for your browser, you can probably find a place where you can select your preferred font. I think the website can override your choice though. ", "In some browsers, you can actually change the default font.", "So I can have this username", "The font your browser displays text in is first defined in your browsers settings.\nWebsites only state the content like:\n\n < p > Content here < /p > \n\nThe display of that content is up to your browser. In a lot of browsers the default font is Arial.\n\nThe web designer can then go ahead and specify a different font from the one your browser is set to use. He is at first limited to the fonts installed on your system. Since he has no way of knowing which fonts you have installed, he picks one that is available on most systems as a fallback, Arial for instance. If even that is not available he again leaves it up to the browser to pick a font.\n\nIn newer browsers, through the miracle of \"web fonts\" the web designer can then chose to pick any font he likes and download it to your computer before displaying the website. This can infer additional costs though, as (good) fonts usually cost money to use.\n\n\nIn conclusion:\n\nYour browser chooses Arial by default, prbly\n\nThe websites you visit have set Arial as the default font, prbly\n\nThe websites you visit are too cheap to pay for a nicer looking font, prbly.\n\n\n", "The key to reading is how we quickly recognize words. [This paper](_URL_1_) gives an overview of a lot of the history and research behind three competing theories:\n\n* Serial letter recognition, which involves processing each letter individually, in sequence, and then recognizing the resulting word.\n* Parallel letter recognition, which involves processing sequences of multiple letters and recognizing words based on familiar sequences.\n* Word shape recognition, which involves looking at the overall shape of the word (formed by the specific combination and order of the different shapes of the letters in it) to recognize the word.\n\nThe paper cites consensus among psychologists who study reading on parallel letter recognition as the actual model we use to read.\n\nAnd in a parallel letter recognition model, an occasional ambiguous letter is much less of a disaster than it would be in, say, a serial letter recognition model. So basically, typographers can get away with designing typefaces where \"I\" and \"l\" look similar, because the way we actually read does not rely on being able to quickly distinguish each individual letter in order, and websites can choose their typefaces on the basis of how they look rather than how absolutely distinguishable each character is from every other.\n\nAlso, the times when the distinction actually matters, in English, are not all that common. In particular, \"I\" (the majuscule of the ninth letter of the Latin alphabet) almost always occurs in ways where it's easy from context to infer that it is indeed \"I\".\n\nAs to why Arial specifically, it's popular because it was included, free, in Microsoft Windows, as part of their [core fonts for the web](_URL_0_) initiative. Arial is also extremely similar to another well-regarded and widely-used (in non-digital contexts) font, Helvetica, which gives a hint to why it specifically was so popular out of that group of core fonts." ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_fonts_for_the_Web", "http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts/WordRecognition.aspx" ] ]
why does eating snow dehydrate you?
Does it have to do with the temperature? Or maybe something to do with the fact that liquid water is denser than snow? Something else? EDIT: Turns out ingesting snow doesn't actually lead to dehydration. However there are still a plethora of reasons to not eat it. Thanks everybody!
{ "a_id": [ "ct1c1kf", "ct1cpu0", "ct1d6w1", "ct1dnhk" ], "score": [ 18, 2, 10, 8 ], "text": [ "My understanding is that eating snow doesn't dehydrate you. But if you get your water from no other source than eating snow, it can cause hypothermia, or make it worse. The survival guides I've seen tell you not to eat snow for this reason.\n\nI suppose if you ate some dirty snow and got diarrhea, THAT would dehydrate you (and is another good reason to start a fire and melt/boil snow for water). ", "Just to be clear, snow is water. And it is not only not denser than water, it's much less denser (than liquid water). Just to be clear, if you put a snow and some water in a vacuum, it'd probably break.", "It does not dehydrate you. What it does is lower your body temperature making you burn calories to attempt to return your body to normal temperature. That is how eating snow can be dangerous. ", "It is my understanding that the reason you are not supposed to eat snow is two fold.\n\n1) Normally in these scenarios you are fighting to stay warm. Snow is ice, fluffy, pretty, deadly ice.\n\nIf you ingest something cold it will lower your core temp, and that's bad.\n\n2) It cuts the soft tissues inside your mouth and in extreme cases can cause frostbite of the same tissues.\n\nSnow is actually pretty sharp; and, although it will melt quickly in the right circumstances, when you are eating it the inside of your mouth gets very cold and the crystals do not necessarily melt immediately when they touch your tissues.\n\nThe force of your jaw can cause the ice to cut you and this will force your body to expend energy to repair the damage. Your body is already stressed trying to just keep warm add in the extra stress from thousands of tiny cuts and you can begin to get serious problems.\n\nWhich is worse depends on your situation. If you are stuck somewhere cold without proper cold weather attire then the drop in your core temp is by far the greater problem. If however, you are in a scenario where you are able to keep warm (or are at least not in any immediate danger of freezing to death) the cuts and tissue damage is the greater issue since your mouth is a breeding ground for thousands of different types of bacteria. \n\nNot all of those bacterium are our friends\n\nIf you have open wounds in your mouth (even tiny ones) and you eat something or somehow introduce something into your mouth that has viruses or bacteria on it you can very easily get an infection or become very ill.\n\nAnd in a survival situation, getting very ill is tantamount to a death sentence.\n\nMelt snow then drink it, it is safer that way. There are lots of ways you can do it, just don't use your body warmth if you can at all help it. Ice takes A LOT of energy to melt, by using your body heat you can easily make a situation worse very quickly.\n\nWhen your body temp drops one of the first things to go is you higher reasoning and as the core temperature plummets further you ability to think clearly becomes worse and worse.\n\nI could write about this for a while but I think you get the point." ] }
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what's the difference between a router firewall and your computer's personal firewall?
Do they ever interact? What happens on a public network when you have rules set up on your firewall?
{ "a_id": [ "dt2u384", "dt2ui3v", "dt36ryi" ], "score": [ 4, 4, 2 ], "text": [ "The one on your pc is typically simple to bypass if on a network with others, a network firewall typically shields your from online automated scanners and blocking ports that may be accessible internally but you dont want to share externally to the internet. Think of a castle with 4 towers, and a moat, each of the towers has a door with a lock (your pc firewall) then think of the moat as your routers firewall, it protects all 4 towers and only permits one entrance via the drawbridge.", "A hardware firewall on your network by default will deny any traffic coming inbound to your network. So no one from the outside can reach your PC. There are exceptions which are usually put in a separate zone protected from the rest of the network. The only traffic allowed in would be in response to something you initiated from the inside.\n A personal firewall can do a variety of things, but in generally it protects you from going to dangerous or malicious sites by flagging that traffic and blocking it. It can also block others from inside your network from hacking your PC.\n They both are much more sophisticated than that, but in general that’s how they work.", "Both firewalls work on the same principles. Technically you can even use the same piece of software on both if your computer is running Linux. A difference is the amount of information available to the firewall. On your computer you can set up rules for a specific application or user, while your router does not have this information and only can inspect the bytes transferred and their source and destination. On the other hand, the router can protect the whole local network, so you don't have to configure each device separately. Also a dedicated hardware is more resilient to malware if you properly configure it.\nThe firewalls work independently although there are ways for programs on your computer to allow themselves through the router's firewall if it allows it (allowed by default on home-grade routers) , UPnP protocol being most popular.\nRules on your firewall do not affect the public network, you only can reject or redirect traffic already sent to you or block traffic coming from you. There are techniques to mess with other people's traffic, e.g. ARP spoofing, but it is not your firewall's job and properly configured networks are protected against that by their own firewalls. " ] }
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federal and private student loans
What is the difference? (other than one is through the Department of Education and the other is through a private organization) What is a fixed interest rate? Do you pay after graduation or can you start paying while in college? Basically a rundown of student loans would be helpful I guess.
{ "a_id": [ "c7uvdp6" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "Don't listen to voileauciel. It's full of his own personal bias because he took out more in loans than he should've given his situation (based on the info he's provided, anyway).\n\nTo answer your questions:\n\n* The difference between a federal and private loan is basically just federal is run by the DoE and private loans are run by private companies. Typically, the DoE has better interest rates, and better rules in their paperwork to make it easier to defer payments if you need to, though this depends on the loan. The other thing to note is that to qualify for DoE loans, you must fill out a FAFSA form. \n\n* Interest rate is the percentage of your principle (amount of the original loan you took that you still owe) that gets added to your amount due every year. So if I have a 2% interest rate on a $100 dollar loan, at the end of the year, if I've made no payments, I'll owe $102. The next year, assuming I've made no payments still, I'll owe $104.04, since the 2% now applies to the total due. \n\n* a FIXED interest rate means that the rate you agree to won't change for the life of the loan. Typically these rates will be a percent or two higher, but you can rest easy knowing they won't change. The opposite of a fixed interest rate is a variable interest rate, which can change according to the loan contract. Variable loans tend to start out lower, but *can* (not always) go up. \n\n* Paying after graduation vs. paying in college: Most federal loans allow you to defer your loan payments until after you graduate. Some private loans allow for this too, but not all of them. It depends on the loan.\n\n* Subsidized vs. unsubsidized: With subsidized loans, the interest you accrue while still in school (before graduation or before leaving for more than 1 semester) is covered by the government, so when you start making payments, all you owe is the initial loan amount, and the interest will start acrueing from there. With unsubsidized, the interest starts accruing right away. Typically, your loans will be a bit of both. \n\n\nStudent loans are a completely acceptable thing to take out if you need them. Let me reiterate that last part: **IF YOU NEED THEM**.\n\nIt's very, very easy when you're just starting out in college to say \"hey, free money! I can use this to pay rent, not have to work as much, and have a great time at college! Awesome!\" Then you graduate and have way too much money owed.\n\nIf the degree you're going after has a strong job market, or you know for sure you'll have work right out of school, and need loans in order to get your degree, by all means do it.\n\nWhat you SHOULDN'T do is take out a lot of loans for a degree that isn't going to help you financially. Taking $100k in loans for an english degree from a private university is a stupid, stupid thing to do. \n\nAlso, do yourself a favor and don't take more out than you need. With the federal loans, you'll be told what the max amount you can take out is, and can choose to take out less. Calculate what you need for essentials like rent, books, tuition, etc, and just take that. A lot of people take extra then get a nice big check back for the remainder after the school gets paid, then use it on crap they don't need like a new computer/car/whatever. It's technically illegal but not really traceable and as far as I can tell not enforced. It's also stupid. It's like taking a loan out to buy an iPad. \n\nedit: source: I paid my way through school through grants, scholarships, and loans. Had no help from parents. Now owe $50k but make a very comfortable living as I work in the tech field" ] }
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why is the "shh" sound an international symbol for "please, be quiet" ?
{ "a_id": [ "d49hoa6", "d49iwn9", "d49kvfv", "d49n421", "d49oc2v", "d49smd2", "d49sy24", "d49tpzo", "d49udji", "d49uodj", "d49utet", "d49vi2z", "d49ws9p", "d49yore", "d49yr7l", "d49zgm4", "d4a0fbf" ], "score": [ 280, 14, 94, 2, 2, 5, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "It's not entirely global, but it or similar sounds are very prominent. \n\nWe can't be 100% sure where it started, but likely it's because that particular sound is very easy to hear and cuts through *other* sounds. Wouldn't be a very effective quieting sound if nobody could hear it!\n\n**EDIT**: Your cat might react to *any* sound, but one that sounds like hissing might attract more attention. ", "Because it's a distinct, piercing sound that is also fairly quiet. When you abruptly cut someone off mid-sentence, they can instantly use contextual clues to figure out what your message is.\n\nThis could be applied to almost any piercing sound (you could, say, make an annoying shriek to quiet someone), but \"shh\", specifically, is quiet enough that you can actually use it when you *have* to be quiet (like when hiding from a bear or something).\n\nSo, basically, it's a piercing but quiet sound that others can quickly infer the intent behind. ", "I read a book from a behavioural anthropologist who believed \"shh\" was the noise that calmed and quieted babies best, as it replicated the white noise they heard from inside the womb. It's proven that playing white noise, something like running water, fans, or a vacuum cleaner *can* calm babies down, and I think people just discovered it worked better than anything else, and it became a cultural hanger-on that others understood the meaning of from seeing it used and it went on from there. ", "What country is your cat from? :)", "The two reasons I've heard are 1) it is soothing to babies because it mimics the white noise like sound of the womb, and 2) if you listen to people whispering but can't really make out what they're saying, it sounds like a lot of sh noises, so it is a way of signaling for the other person to talk to you using a whispery shh voice ", "There's a theory that the sound is very similar to the sounds a foetus hears in the womb coming from the mother's bodily functions such as respiration etc. As such the sound is especially effective for soothing babies cause it reminds them of these sounds. From then on the sound persists.", "I can say that it's not universal in Korea at least. There is no innate response to the \"shh\" sounds I've used. Their social programming missed that module hahaha.", "In Korean culture the shh sound is used when you want to Simulate the sound of making a piss. ", "Your cat shut up because it sounds like a hiss. In the animal world a hiss is NEVER a good thing lol. It usually means you are either about to be attacked, or are being threatened of attack and need to stop what you are doing and move away.\n\n\nSo to the cat if it is making noise and you make that sound, it is the same as if you screamed at it, or made it feel threatened/subordinate.", "Once i read it's similar to the sound on the inside of s mother's womb, so it is use to make babies feel safe to make them calm down, it might be bullsh*t tho", "it isn't. in some countries it's the sound for peeing. the sort of thing you would say to chastise a child. in others people would be offended if you said that to them simply because it sounds rude.", "I've been sold shushing doesn't translate well in French, like it's confusing. Is this true? ", "I think it's because the frication acts as a kind of white noise. It drowns out whatever other sounds are competing with it, in a way. At least at talking level, I mean. ", "its called white noise. it is meant to soothe the person. we respond that way because it is the sound we hear inside the womb.", "I imagine that it's most likely because it's a sound that everyone can make. \n\n Not only that, but it's distinctive to us, however if someone or something else was to hear that \"shh\" sound, they may think nothing of it if they didn't know you were there. It could easily be lost with other white noise.", "My theory is that it goes back to when hunter gatherers where first learning how to communicate, they would use certain sounds and signs to to express thoughts\n\n\"Shh\" among other words just stuck with us because it's easy to understand and straight to the point.", "There's no \"shh\" sound in Spanish. In Spain I saw a mother calming her child by making a \"ch-ch-ch-ch-ch\" sound." ] }
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why do all animals need oxygen to breathe and not somthing more common like hydrogen
{ "a_id": [ "ed2ueci", "ed2uipz", "ed2vegi", "ed2vfkl" ], "score": [ 2, 4, 9, 2 ], "text": [ "In the electron transport chain of the mitochondria, the oxygen atom serves as the final electron acceptor. Among electron acceptors in general (nitrate, iron, sulfate, etc), oxygen is one of the most efficient (hence why so many organisms use it).\n\n", "Well the main reason it's oxygen and not anything else, would be because oxygen is very common on earth. Organic life evolves for its environment first and foremost.\n\nSecondly, oxygen is used to facilitate chemical reactions such as burning sugars, and is an important fuel in this process. I don't know if there are any other reactions possible with other elements, but oxygen is probably the only readily available one on earth. While you can burn fuel without oxygen this (anaerobic) process is less efficient and so wouldn't be evolutionarily advantageous.", "Hydrogen gas isn't common on earth.\n\nOxygen is a highly reactive gas that your body uses to drive chemical processes. The only other common atmospheric gas on earth is nitrogen, which is relatively non-reactive. You're taking advantage of oxygen's fairly aggressive reactivity to drive biochemistry.\n\nBack when plants first started discharging oxygen, early life forms weren't prepared for oxygen's extreme corrosive power and a mass extinction ensued.\n\nNow almost all life forms are highly resistant to oxidative attack.", "Chemical processes that take place in the body involve converting hydrocarbons to Water and CO2 (Carbon dioxide). You get hydrocarbons from things you eat. Fats, proteins and sugars are all forms of hydrocarbons. \nIn order to \"burn\" those molecules and convert them to energy so that the body can function, you need oxygen. The chemical formula would be \n\nC(x)H(y) + O2 -- > H2O + CO2 \n\n(Equation obviously not balanced; where x and y are numbers for various chains of hydrocarbons that also my include other elements)\n\nSo, you breathe in the O2 and the body uses the Oxygen to burn the hydrocarbons for fuel.\n\nAs a side note: Plants take in CO2 from the air and other elements from the ground to produce chains of hydrocarbons for their structure and function, and they \"exhale\" O2 into the air, using the carbon and Hydrogen from water to create hydrocarbon chains." ] }
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why google docs (and other websites) can let multiple people edit and save documents at the same time and see the changes live, but when you try to open the same file in two programs on your computer you get an error
I'm curious :(. Thank you for anyone who can help!
{ "a_id": [ "cdflxi0" ], "score": [ 9 ], "text": [ "This has to do with the smallest editable component.\n\nFor a computer this is usually the file. There are good reasons for only letting one person use a file at a time. If two people open the same file, and they don't know the other one is there, whoever saves second will overwrite the changes made by whoever saved first. This gets worse when you only save part of a file, if people save separate parts assuming the other parts haven't changed the file can become corrupt.\n\nSome software gets around these issues by 'locking' a file so it can't be written to while somebody is editing it. Other software will read the file just before saving to make sure it hasn't been edited by someone else in the meantime.\n\nGoogle Docs and other websites take care of this by acting as an \"editor\", if you're editing a document it will tell you when something is changed by someone else and you need to re-read the document. These programs can also handle conflicts, if two people try and save edits of the same part it will save all three versions (edit1, edit2 and unedited) and lets you choose which to keep.\n\nDocs can do this because it doesn't store the document as a file, it instead saves it as a lot of entries in its database. In most cases these entries are the smallest editable component (often a paragraph of text), and will either be locked out as they're being edited or will be checked for conflicts whenever you try and save. This is better than trying to lock out or check whole documents at a time.\n\nThe key is you can't edit a Google Doc document without going through Google, there's no way you can change the document without it knowing and therefore it can always let everyone else know when you do." ] }
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if you are in space and all velocity is relative to your frame of reference, how can there be a max velocity of c?
If I’m ‘at rest’ relative to the solar system such that my point in it never changes, there is still the velocity of the solar system moving through space as part of the Galaxy. So my max velocity would be c-galactic v? Also, when measuring the velocity of earth through space as part of our solar system and galaxy moving through space, what is the frame of reference being used?
{ "a_id": [ "f4jzpaf", "f4jzwqm", "f4k3v21", "f4k8hkc", "f4l58yj" ], "score": [ 3, 24, 11, 5, 3 ], "text": [ "Light moves at the same speed regardless of reference frame. If you shine a flashlight, you will see the light moving away from you at 299792458 m/s. Someone flying past you in a spaceship at 50% the speed of light will see the same light from the same flashlight traveling at 299792458 m/s away from *them*. No observer will ever see something moving at more than c in their own reference frame.\n\n > So my max velocity would be c-galactic v?\n\nYour maximum velocity relative to any observer is c. In particular, you can move away from the galaxy at any speed up to, but not including, c.\n\n > Also, when measuring the velocity of earth through space as part of our solar system and galaxy moving through space, what is the frame of reference being used?\n\nUsually the cosmic microwave background is chosen as a reference point, but this is ultimately arbitrary in the sense it has no more physical significance than the earth's velocity in any other reference frame.", "You have stumbled across the premise of relativity. Essentially, you always think yourself to be stationary. The result is that even when moving near the speed of light, you feel like you keep getting faster.", "You can't really understand it without understanding Lorentz Transformations (not exactly Eli5 material) but if you're still interested, this [minutephysics video](_URL_0_) explains it well and even has a physical machine that shows how c can be the same in all reference frames while everything else isn't.", "No the speed of light is always constant for you. It is not some C + whatever speed we are currently at. No matter how fast you move, it will always be the value c.\n\nThe closer you get to lightspeed the bigger the time dilation resulting in lightspeed staying the same. If you move at 99% of the speed of light, time will move 100 times slower for you, resulting in the speed of light still being the same.", "I cannot really give a short ELI5 explanation here, but I want to mention that common sense does NOT apply here.\n\nIt was back in 1887 that some scientists set out to measure the speed of light with a high enough precision that they expected this speed to vary with time and even the measurement direction, because the earth moves through space, and also rotates. That would have been the expected common sense result. It is also what you get when you, for example, try to measure the speed of ocean waves while liikong down from a moving ship.\n\nBut they did not measure any differences in the speed of light. No one ever did, even with todays instruments. There was no way to bring this measurements in line with common sense.\n\nThe only way to explain these measurements was to make wild assumptions about the nature of time and space which, among other things, postulate that, if you change your frame of reference, the entire universe expands/contracts in the direction of your movement.\n\nIst plainly absurd, but the math results fit the observations, and as Neil DeGrasse Tyson famously said, the universe is under no Obligation to make sense to us." ] }
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what is the point of those wooden honey-dipper things?
Why wouldn't you just use a spoon?
{ "a_id": [ "dpt468u", "dpt9ht4" ], "score": [ 7, 16 ], "text": [ "There's nothing wrong with using a spoon, but the slotted ball on a stick honey dipper allows you to rotate it and break the trickle of honey that gets everywhere.\n\nIt makes less of a mess.", "A former boss at a fancy restaurant I worked at once told me that the point is to be able to drizzle honey on things consistently and evenly, where as other tools like spoons would leave big drops here, little drops there. Makes the presentation better, I guess." ] }
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what is the difference between a human clone and a twin (aside the age difference)?
{ "a_id": [ "cxm8eye" ], "score": [ 10 ], "text": [ "I believe clones have a shorter lifespan, and with twins, one of them is evil and has a twirly mustache" ] }
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how can people afford to live on minimum wage?
Serious question because I'm not understanding how they make ends meet. I've never lived on min wage, currently don't, but sincerely want to know how people do it. I totaled my fixed living expenses (rent, cell, insurance, gas to commute) and it's ~800/mo. I read articles on the struggles of min wage employees, even those working full time, and they make ~1200/mo. That leaves $400 for food, vacation, furniture, car repair, health bills, meds, and everything else assuming they live like I do. That doesn't seem plausible to cover all that on so little! But not everyone working min wage files bankruptcy after years of working so it's not like they're pushing excess amounts to credit cards. So, how do they do it? **afternoon edit:** Lots of responses! Thank you! It seems "get a roommate" is a common answer followed by government welfare. Does this mean minimum wage people can never get off assistance (welfare, split rent) and live alone or move? What about families who can't/won't live with roommates?
{ "a_id": [ "cuyqtjg", "cuyqtmx", "cuyqto4", "cuyqz57", "cuyrl1n", "cuysvdm", "cuyw5d4", "cuz8sld" ], "score": [ 17, 43, 5, 30, 9, 2, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "If you're on minimum wage, you easily qualify for a number of welfare programs such as food stamps, section 8 housing, Medicaid, etc. etc. This is a big reason that a lot of people want to raise the minimum wage - when you have welfare programs for people who are working, you're essentially subsidizing corporations paying lower wages. ", "They can't. \n\nThey either have several jobs, are not the sole provider, are in extreme debt that they can never get out of or receiving government assistance. Or all of the above. ", "Now add a kid. Add their food costs, their insurance, their clothes, school stuff, daycare/babysitting if you work odd hours. Not saying everyone trying to live on minimum wage has a kid, but it happens. Especially with single parents. ", "Lived just above minimum wage for awhile, but haven't for several years now. Here's an answer to those questions:\n\n > That leaves $400 for food, vacation, furniture, car repair, health bills, meds, and everything else assuming they live like I do.\n\nFood: get the cheapest of the cheap\n\nVacation: Hahaha, what? I get paid vacation days from my current job and I STILL don't take these often as I'm not used to the concept from back in my poorer days.\n\nFurniture: You can usually get cheap-to-free used furniture from friends, but don't expect anything to match or an of it to be good quality\n\nHealth bills, meds: Basically, try not to get sick\n\nEverything else: You'd be amazed by how much in life you can do without when you don't have the option to get it.\n\nAlso, you didn't list it here but housing: Rent a small-ish place and get roommates. It's pretty much the only option.", "Looks like you are talking about USA here.\n\nYou are assuming that each person has a cellphone, takes vacations, pays health bills, and pays rent. But in fact many poor people share a home (with a spouse or roommates), never take vacations, can't pay health bills, and even share a phone. Also, many augment their pay by working more than one job.", "To pull from my personal history on this subject ends meet is all you make no fancy roasts for you.\n\nFood, rent, and phone are the only things that you \"need\" and around I think it was 85% of my wages went here. (companies can and will fire you for not having a phone.)\n\nThe state that I am living in lets you cash out vacation hours as a bonus check so that right there is how you end up paying for any non rent/food bills.\n\nYou end up living in an illegal unit (think janitor closet turned apartment). \n\nwalk to work (bus takes change car takes bills).\n\nto make up for the lack of healthy food options I volunteered for food not bombs Dumpster diving at major grocery stores, distribution centers (Frito lays was always my favorite.), and here is the real irksome one; you remember those good 'ol can food drives you had at school yeah they throw out ANY glass, plastic, or dented cans so most of what they take in. Their dumpster is a cornucopia of healthy snacks and food.", "I can tell you how I'm doing it right now:\n\n- Salary: 750€/month\n- Rent: 265€/month (shared house with two friends, includes water, electricity and internet)\n- Transport: 54€/month (public transport pass, no car repair, no insurance)\n- Phone: 9€/month (unlimited calls, 2gb)\n- Health is free\n- I have a scholarship but college is around 3000€/year, so 150-250€/month\n\nAnd for the food (approximate):\n\n- 1kg pasta: 1.2€/month\n- 1kg rice: 0.6€/month\n- 1kg chicken breasts: 7€/month\n- 1kg fish: 9€/month\n- 2kg fruit: 4€/month\n- 12 eggs: 1.3€/month\n- 3kg vegetables: 5-6€/month \n- 1L olive oil: 4.5€/month\n- 6L milk: 4.2€/month\n\nI'm probably forgetting a lot of things and I'm not counting clothing, personal hygiene, alcohol, books, etc; but after that I'd still have around 380€. I usually end the month with like 100/200€. It's not ideal but it's feasible.", "You said \"assuming they live like I do\", but no, they don't.\n\nThe conflict you feel is not in a misunderstanding of money, or wages, or people: it's in the definition of \"live\". People \"live\" on minimum income, but it's a very different experience from what even those with a few savings understand as \"living\".\n\nJust having a bit of buffer money can make a huge difference to how much things cost, because you can buy the 10 pack that is cheaper per item, rather than individual items that cost much more. You can buy the monthly train ticket, rather than missing your bus and having to pay a more expensive overall, but cheaper on the day, taxi. You can put your kids in day care and take that interview for a potentially better job. You can stand up to that boss or that landlord, because if he decides to take you to court, you have that little bit of money in the bank to go speak to a lawyer, or pay for personal insurance, and maybe you already took that better job that has a more understanding boss.\n\nAnd so on.\n" ] }
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how does an oasis in a hot desert never evaporate?
There must be some reason that they stay there for such a long time.
{ "a_id": [ "exutw91", "exuwdis", "exux9py", "exx7jlr" ], "score": [ 13, 5, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "The not altogether helpful answer is because the water is replenished faster than it evaporates. Why this is can vary on the particular body of water, but an example would be an underground river reaching the surface at that point. Even though water is evaporating at the surface, it is replenished from below.", "All oasis are located at a low point in the desert. Water is collected from all around by the ground and it seeps down into an aquifer (kinda like a pool of water underground). If the ground dips lower than the aquifer you get a pool of water.\n\nEdit: sorry. Forgot to mention the aquifer would collect ground water for miles around and funnel it to the low spot.", "Oasis are not normally fed directly by rain water, but instead by an aquifer a layer of water in the rocks that comes to the surface in the region of the oasis _URL_0_", "The trick is that the water in an oasis is evaporating constantly, but whatever source is feeding the water in is doing it quicker than it is evaporating.\n\nOasis form where a source of water surfaces somewhere dry - such as an underground spring or river surfacing at a low point in the ground. So these sources provide a constant stream of water that gets evaporated by the sun, and absorbed and drunk by plants and animals.\n\nIn regions where it occasionally rains, you will find water pooling up into ponds/lakes when it rains heavily enough, but these will be heavily dependant on that reason to feed it - after loss of rain a decent sized pool may form, which will then shrink over periods when it is hot and dry. So here the seasons experienced in that areas will have a huge effect - what may be a thriving, wet area in the rainy season may be a dry mud hole in the dry season.\nThese are generally just part of the general landscape rather than being a unique feature - while a desert oasis is a rare wet point in a very dry area, an area with seasonal rains and growth will be more uniformly green." ] }
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if it's feasible to terraform mars, why can't we just 'terraform' the earth in response to climate change?
And also, why is getting away from earth essential for human survival in the future? Wouldn't Antarctica be a relatively more hospitable place than Mars which has completely different air pressure and gravity, if space is an issue?
{ "a_id": [ "cr6gmvx", "cr6gp1p", "cr6gprw", "cr6nlj2", "cr6nrjv", "cr6pfqw", "cr6pmop", "cr70wbb", "cr715sa", "cr719b6", "cr77qqr" ], "score": [ 14, 828, 5, 26, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 9, 2 ], "text": [ "Getting away from the earth is essential for human survival in the future because like it or not, our sun will eventually give up the ghost. There is nothing we can do to change that or prevent it. The idea is that be learning to terraform other planets now while it is not yet pressing, eventually, when it becomes necessary to leave, we can do so. Or perhaps we have already left by that time.\n\nAlso honestly, humans have been making inhospitable places hospitable since the dawn of time. Taking down forests, draining lakes, building dykes etc etc. We can all do that. The problem is that Earth's ecosystems are all interconnecting and something we do on Antarctica will affect the rest of the planet, sometimes causing more trouble than it is worth. Because Mars is entirely uninhabited, that doesn't matter. There is nothing else to affect because there is nothing else there. If we screw up, nothing is lost except material.\n\nNot that we are currently capable of terraforming planets, though.", "Firstly, it *isn't* feasible to terraform Mars. That's still well within the realm of the theoretical.\n\nSecond, the terraforming of Mars is something everyone agrees would need to happen for long-term survivability of humans there. Any terraforming effort would have universal backing and support. Here on Earth, the need for *any* response to climate change (let alone one as expensive and intensive as terraforming) is highly contentious and controversial. There is no way to get the level of support needed for that kind of effort.\n\nThird, one could argue that our effect on the climate *is* a form of terraforming. Just one that will ultimately work against us. So rather than engage in counter-terraforming, maybe we should just - ya know - stop actively fucking up the planet. That'd be a good first step.\n\nEDIT:\n\nMost of the direct responses to this post have been positive, at the very least constructive. Which is good. However, I have received a PM that was somewhat bizarre, and I will address it here.\n\n/u/cc11eeeeeeee writes:\n\n > Great message. I'm responsible for not only carbon emissions but for illegal poaching of endangered species. Just in case you didn't know, it's corporations that put out virtually all pollution. There is nothing I could do to change carbon emissions if I spent the rest of my life devoted to it. But thanks for doing your part to convince people they need to be green taxed for no reason. Feels good to suck that Jew dick.\n\nNow, one the one hand, he or she is right. This isn't the result of any individual action and corporations and corrupt individuals hold the lions share. And indeed there is little individuals probably can do. Some would argue there is little anyone can do, even if we were suddenly united.\n\nI will clarify that my last comment \"maybe we should ... stop actively fucking up the planet\" is a general, blanket statement. We, as a race, need to get our act together. Maybe it's futile, but it's the only way. We're living the tragedy of the commons, here. I really didn't expand on this because I felt it was beyond the primary point of the question (applying ideas and concepts to be applied to Mars here. Honestly I think point #2 is the key one here).\n\nAs far as green taxes and sucking dick. Well, who the fuck knows what that's about.", "Imagine you have two pizzas. One is frozen, and the other was fine before someone took a shit on top of it. You can clean most of the shit off, but it's still not safe to eat. Some methods can be used to get rid of the remaining shit and the bacteria (eg chemicals) but they create more problems. In the end cooking the other pizza becomes your only choice.\n\nAs for Antarctica, it's prone to all of the problems the rest of the earth is facing, since the issues include not having enough land to grow food for billions of people and the atmosphere and oceans becoming toxic. \n\nEdit: My analogy is lame. The idea is just that we are constantly anti-terraforming Earth and the target planet is \"virgin soil\". I also didn't mean this to be for Mars. It's the nearest planet, but far from the best.\n\nEdit 2: You're in a dorm that doesn't have an oven and you've never used an oven before so you'd have trouble figuring out how to use it if you did have one. At this point you may never get that pizza cooked. There I fixed the analogy.", "\"Terraforming\" gets a wrap from sci fi novels for being relatively easy to do, without understanding the scale of terraforming an entire fricken world. \n\nIt's still completely theoretical. With ALL our current technology and a massive worldwide 100 year push to get the technology to do it, we still couldn't terraform Mars. We still can't even get a Mars base there. \n\nWe can terraform the Earth a bit, and it's done a lot in diverting rivers, or massive irrigation schemes. We will 'terraform' the earth in response to climate change too, but we're still unable to stop climate change entirely, because some of it is perfectly natural - remember the ice ages. \n\nThe absolute best we can do in our generation is not to fuck it up any more, and move as much as possible to renewable energy resources, so that future generations have a base of energy to work with. ", "Well terraforming means getting some important parameters (atmospheric pressure, percentage of oxygen, an atmosphere to protect from space radiations, ability to have some water and grow stuff) at something which is close to the ones we have on earth.\n\nTerraforming mars doesn't necessarily means all those parameters will be very close, but it greatly improves how much less expensive it would be to survive on mars. You would not require a gold-plated helmet, a respirator or stuff that increases/decreases the pressure inside your body.\n\nTLDR: terraforming means getting in ranges that are survivable, not only likable.", "Aside from the obvious misstatement that it is possible to terraform any planet at this level of technology, ideas have been floated to reduce global warming. They are expensive and mostly theoretical too.", "People already own earth. If terra forming is going to happen anywhere, it's going to happen somewhere that my corporation can buy before anyone else gets there. ", "I feel like we're in that Charlie Sheen movie. The aliens are using us to terraform earth into a place hospitable for them and inhospitable for us.", "Because if we screw up while terraforming mars... \"man, that REALLY sucks.\"\n\nBecause if we screw up while terraforming earth... .... well, I think I have a zombie apocalypse novel to go write.", "who said it was feasible to terraform mars?", "***TL;DR: If we can terraform Mars, then we can terraform the Earth. We need to leave the Earth if we wish to survive as a species.***\n\nAs others are pointing out - it is not yet feasible for us to terraform Mars. We are not scientifically or technologically advanced enough yet. \n\nHowever, I feel like your question begs for a deeper answer that is not being provided by the other top level comments. \n\nIf we were *able* to terraform Mars, then *we would be able* to terraform the Earth! The type of technology you would need to terraform any planet would be similar. \n\n-----\n\nSome Requirements for Terraforming:\n--\n\nFirst, we would have to be able to produce **massive** quantities of energy for such a feat to be possible. This could take many forms, such as nuclear reactors (fission / fusion), solar energy, capturing of geothermal energy, or even the combustion of fuel. It doesn't necessarily matter how we produce energy, but we would need many times the amount of energy we currently produce *as a species* to be able to accomplish true terraforming. Having ample energy production capacity would also allow us to solve problems with brute force instead of finesse. For example, Mars does not have a protective magnetosphere. If we had enough energy, we would just produce one for the planet (although this requires an obscene amount of energy). \n\nNext, we would need to be able to change the chemical compositions of the atmosphere and the planet's surface on a massive scale. On Mars, we would need to be able to increase the atmospheric pressure at the surface and create a breathable atmosphere. We would also have to drastically change the chemistry of the soil on the surface in order for life to be able to survive there. On Earth, we would need to be able to change the atmospheric composition in order to control the temperature of the planet. We would also have to be able to clean up the pollution to our land and water in order for life to be able to thrive again. \n\nAnother important advancement that is not often brought up is the ability to predict the behaviors and outcomes of complex ecosystems. On Earth, we have ruined many ecosystems because we do not always understand the impacts of our actions. Invasive species that are introduced by human activity are able to overrun ecosystems that are unprepared for them. On Mars, we would have to be able to model, design, and implement entire functioning ecosystems that not only function well internally, but with the other ecosystems implemented on the planet. We would have to predict the weather patterns that would develop from the changes we make over time, and be able to adjust the environments accordingly. \n\nFinally, I personally predict that it would be silly to introduce life that has evolved on Earth and expect it to thrive on a planet twice the distance from the Sun. For this reason, I posit that we would need advanced biological engineering and genetic modification techniques to be able to fine-tune the species we decide to introduce to another planet (or our own). On a long enough time scale, I think it would become commonplace to alter the human form to be able to operate more effectively in environments with more or less sunlight, gravity, and ambient radiation levels. \n\n-----\n\nThe Need to Leave Earth\n--\n\nMany people believe that in order for humans to be a viable species we need to leave the Earth. The argument stems from a viewpoint that looks at our species on cosmic timescales. If we would like to increase mankind's chances of survival as much as possible, then we would need to exist in as many places as possible at any given time. This is because the universe is a dangerous place, and there are all manner of potentially world-ending disasters that could befall us at any time. It is possible that mankind could go extinct due to disease, climate change, an asteroid impact, nuclear war, a supervolcano eruption, a gamma ray burst, or the eventual death of the Sun. If we stay on Earth, we are literally doomed to go extinct eventually. For this reason, it is important that we leave behind not only the Earth, but the Sol System entirely. \n\nThinking even further ahead, in a few billion years time the Milky Way galaxy is going to collide with the Andromeda Galaxy. While this will not \"destroy the galaxy\", it is going to be a very disruptive event that would require us to be spread as far and wide as possible to ensure survival. Aside from the Ultimate Heat Death of the Universe, we will always have the opportunity to survive as a species as long as we continue to spread as far and wide through the universe as we possibly can. " ] }
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why don't people buy up a bunch of oil right now/withold oil from reaching the market until the price eventually goes back up?
The price would have to go back up eventually because oil is a finite resource.
{ "a_id": [ "cyw2xaa", "cyw3hll" ], "score": [ 2, 5 ], "text": [ "There are plenty of people who are. But oil isn't small. A barrel of oil is a large thing. So there are storage costs associated with it, and most of that storage is already in the hands of the oil companies. ", "Well, storing it is not that feasible. Luckily, they've come up with a magnificent solution..futures." ] }
[ [], [] ]
how does one become a falconer?
{ "a_id": [ "de1qro2" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "You just wing it. \n\nEh?\n\nOkay, fine. There are falconry schools you can attend for it. They'll teach you the basics of handling the birds." ] }
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how do gift cards keep track of leftover money?
Meaning how do the readers know how much money is left over? Is it stored in a computer somewhere, or do the cards have read/write capability?
{ "a_id": [ "d9gczjz" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "The value is stored elsewhere; the data on the card is basically just an ID number. The reader scans the card, reads the ID information, and then asks the remote server what the value is for that particular ID.\n\nMakes sense when you think about it. If the value was just stored on the card it would be child's play to change it to whatever you wanted. Buy a $10 card and change the 10 to 10,000.\n\nIn theory the card data could be modified every transaction but there really isn't a point. Easier to just burn it in when the card is manufactured and never worry about changing it." ] }
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if i have 600 mb of storage left on my phone, why do i get a warning for "insufficient storage" when downloading a 15mb app?
Per the title. My phone only has 8GB of storage. Sometimes I get to the point where I only have 600 MB of storage left. If I try to download an app that's only 15 MB, it tells me there is insufficient storage and won't download. Can someone ELI5 why this happens?
{ "a_id": [ "cvwgju8", "cvwhji1", "cvwl7fy", "cvww6ra" ], "score": [ 45, 7, 4, 3 ], "text": [ "Super simple answer: Your stomach tells your brain that you are full before the food is backed up to your throat.\n\nI think most operating systems try to reserve a little space in case it's needed for something essential.", "I can, it's actually a number of different issues your running into. The first is most likely down to bad software design on either the app developers part or the phones manufacturer. The app might only be 15MB download but it will then expand to fill a lot more space. The phones operating system also needs to have space available to work with as do other apps.", "It's how phone manages partitions. I've run into same problems on old cyanogen roms. There is some apace reserved for apps and it's sometimes like 150-200Mb if you have core apps that go over it(not counting data files) you get this message. These space is small because its made of other, faster memory chip to launch apps from and on original roms this space is reserved for system apps. I don't know sadly any fix that would help.\n\nTLDR; Blame developers.", "Try clearing out your cache (settings > storage) There's a great program in the play store called Disk Usage that helps find crap uninstalled apps might have left hidden behind. (Camera 360 left a few gigs of duplicate images in a hidden folder on my SG5)" ] }
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how are the posts under controversial tab on reddit organised? (define : controversial as used by reddit)
I know what the word means but I just would like to know how those posts are classified as "controversial". Thanks :D
{ "a_id": [ "c8vgfyv" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "If a comment receives a lot of votes, but they are roughly equally split between up and down, the total will be close to zero - making it look like it's hardly been voted on at all. But this isn't the case; many people have voted on it, it's just divisive. Controversial, even." ] }
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why do not yet have live tv without commercials? i mean id easily pay, $150 a month to have live tv without commercials. so why isnt this happening?
{ "a_id": [ "d6cwqe3", "d6cwt00" ], "score": [ 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Because not everybody would pay that (holy crap, $150 a month?) and they could make more money by the commercials. It also gives the news anchors/talk show hosts/etc a break from filming to do something they need to do.", "You're describing what cable originally was. You are also describing what Networks like Showtime, HBO, Starz etc currently are. In terms of why you can't pay extra to watch the regular networks you're used to without commercials, they'd have to create separate content for their non commercial networks to fill in the gaps where their commercials would have been(Create a second network) Ultimately to fund this new network you'd have to pay more for it than you're suggesting. Typically it costs 10 bucks a month to subscribe to HBO's networks. If you multiply that by all the networks you have in your cable package. You're looking at a monthly fee way higher than 150." ] }
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how do mouth ulcers get reduced or 'cured' by salt as a home remedy?
{ "a_id": [ "d8x3hwe", "d8xi4a7" ], "score": [ 5, 4 ], "text": [ "Ulcers generally clear up on their own, regardless of treatment, as long as you keep them clean. \n\nSalt kills microbes that would otherwise infect the ulcer and make it worse. \n\nIt also depends on the TYPE of ulcer you're getting - For instance, I only get one if I bite the inside of my cheek, but some people get them from horomone changes, having a disease, or a virus infection. \n\nIn those cases, a saltwater rinse may help keep it clean so the ulcer can heal, but it won't cure the underlying cause. ", "It is merely to provide a better environment for healing by clearing the wound of food, debris, and bacteria. The salt is only there to match the saltiness of your body. Too much salt and you may do more harm them good. Adding baking soda is also recommended to buffer against the general acidity of your mouth. If you are unsure of your measurements (1/8 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1 cup of water), rinse with plain water afterward.\n\nSource: Oncology nurse where mouth ulcers are a leading side effect of cancer treatment and management of them is a primary goal.\n" ] }
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why are there no stars on the apollo moon landing photos?
Cant link cuz I am mob.
{ "a_id": [ "cvmhxjw", "cvmhxnx", "cvmhyp2", "cvmjca3" ], "score": [ 10, 10, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "The sun made it too bright for cameras to capture the stars, similar to how we can't see stars in the day on Earth.", "Because stars are not that bright. The foreground of the surface and the astronauts are very bright. A camera takes a fixed amount of light in. Take in a little light and you see the bright stuff but not the dim stuff. Take in alot of light and the bright stuff is overexposed and the dim stuff is visible. ", "It's daytime on the moon in the photos. You don't generally see stars in the daytime. Basically, the objects in the foreground, the moon surface and the astronauts, are much to bright for the camera to also pick up the stars. ", "I want you to try something right now, turn all the light off in your room and close the curtains adjust to the darkness, now, take your laptop and put it at arms length and look at the screen, now, try to focus on something behind the laptop, see how hard it is, it's because your screen is so bright compared to the other objects behind it that it makes it almost impossible to see. The point I'm trying to make here, is that the sun is so bright that when you take a picture with it in the background, you can't see the stars" ] }
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are numbers real things and where do they come from
This is a question from an actual 5 year old. What are they made of and where do they come from in the universe I was not sure of the correct answer
{ "a_id": [ "d5oos78", "d5op7b6", "d5oqu9n", "d5orl33", "d5oxvw1", "d5p4g7l", "d5ptlfn" ], "score": [ 4, 62, 4, 6, 8, 5, 2 ], "text": [ "Jaden Smith, plz. \n\nThey aren't made of anything, and they were a concept that was devised by philosophers long ago and refined by many schools of thought.", "Mathematics is a language more than a separate science. Its job is to put the descriptions of natural phenomena into a form that we can understand and work with. So numbers are \"real\" the same way words are \"real\" - they *describe* something real.", "Numbers exist because there are separate things in the universe, and have existed as long as things have. Humans using numbers (and writing them down) is more recent. It seems to have been largely developed for trade.\n\nit was decided pretty early on that if you have some oranges it's useful to be able to describe the size of the group of oranges. So if I said \"I'll give you some oranges for you goat, you could be like \"that's great, but how many oranges\"\n\nTurns out I have 5 oranges so the group of oranges has the property 5-ness. i.e. there are five oranges. (this is cardinality) Other things that are in groups of five also have the property 5-ness. \n\nOrdinality, on the other hand, describes the position in a group. You don't like the look of the 4th orange, because Its a bit squished.\n\nnow, if I gave you all my oranges I'd have zero oranges left. It took a surprising long after numbers were first written down for people to decide that zero was a useful thing to have. Before that, they thought if you have zero of something there is really no point in talking about that thing.\n\nA little later, fractions were also considered useful. Because I really don't think your goat is worth 5 oranges, so I say \"I'll give you 4 and 1/2 oranges\" which is a totally fair price for a goat.\n\nexcept the problem is, I don't actually have the oranges with me at the moment. So I ask if you could give me the goat and I'll owe you the oranges. This creates debt, which we can represent with negative numbers.\n\nIration numbers like Pi are also quite useful for things like measuring the circumference of an orange. But after that math becomes a little less important for fruit based explanations.\n", "Annoyingly we don't know. Both answers have some credit to them.\n\nTo me, and many others, it would be obvious to say numbers are make-believe, they aren't real. No one claims anywhere in this universe exists pure number one, that thing we mean when we see symbol 1. So why does it seem inevitable that 1+1=2? Why do so many mathematicians describe what they do as discovering, rather than inventing or imagining, mathematics. There is this unexplained sense of vast universe of mathematics we can visit or study, but not influence, and this presents a problem to us when we say it's not real.\n\nThat being said, maybe it isn't that different from make-believe after all. If you imagine a character from a story doing something uncharacteristic, that seems wrong to us. It's make-believe, but we know some characters should act in certain way. Numbers have their role as well, and if they act uncharacteristically, people will notice. Despite them being make-believe", "This is highly, highly debatable—it is a recurring topic in the philosophy of mathematics. Your question is therefore asking for an opinion rather than a fact.", "If I were to describe what a number IS to a five year old, I would say that a number is an idea that describes how many or how much of something there is. You could use color as an analogy. It's not an object itself, but it describes a quality of an object. If I'm describing cats, I can say there are orange cats. I can say that there are three cats or that a cat weighs 10 pounds. Three, 10, and orange aren't things, they just tell you about the nature of something else.\n\nThe question of whether numbers are real is a pretty deep question not yet proven one way or the other. [Numberphile did a video on exactly this.](_URL_0_)\n\nLong story short, there are several different sets of beliefs on the subject, and it's not obvious which is correct. One view says that numbers are real objects that exist outside of our reality, so we can't see or touch them. Another view says that numbers aren't real objects, but that mathematical truths exist. The third view says that there is no such thing as mathematical truth, but math is a useful tool for describing reality.", "ELI6 level: You might enjoy this article here.\n_URL_0_\n\nIt includes some sections trying to answer that question. I don't know if your 5 year old will understand it...you can tell them the gist, which is that very, very smart people haven't figured it out after 2,500 years!" ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [], [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EGDCh75SpQ" ], [ "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/philosophy-mathematics/" ] ]
why do humans get sexually aroused when seeing other members of our species naked/copulating (porn of course)? do animals do that as well?
{ "a_id": [ "ffj1ruu", "ffj6s1u", "ffjop06", "ffjpoc7", "ffjpoe8", "ffjpvbl", "ffjpyvd", "ffju4rm", "ffjuesg", "ffjukr2", "ffjvbho", "ffjxdjl", "ffjzcle", "ffk20k3", "ffk8vyg", "fflcesw", "ffm4cgl" ], "score": [ 9665, 386, 2909, 132, 22, 535, 11, 6, 46, 4, 19, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "The trouble is that humans are kind of rare in the broader animal kingdom in that we are theoretically fertile year-round. As such, our sex drives are mostly constant, and something like porn can have a semi-reliable effect on us.\n\nThat's not the case in a lot of the animal kingdom. Most are only fertile for a tiny window of the year. And not just the females -- many male animals' whole reproductive systems completely shut down and regrow from scratch once a year in time with mating season.\n\nDuring these times, animal porn would conceivably have no effect anyway. So as a random human bystander that doesn't work in that field, you're just not going to witness it by random observational chance.\n\nBut yes, many zoo breeding programs (pandas being the most famous) do use animal porn during mating season to help things along. Just realize even then, most animals' actual sexual intercourse is only seconds long at best, so for many there's just not much to even *show.*\n\n(Edit: I completely forgot that I have a cousin who works in endangered animal husbandry for the zoo when I wrote this answer! I showed this to her and she agreed, but suggested I add that when most animals are in their narrow fertility window, the urge to have sex is so overpowering compared to ours that some will forget to eat, drink, or even seriously injure or kill themselves trying to tap that. So even if critter porn was “helping,” it would be awfully hard to tell.\n\nIt’s really only theoretically useful both during the fertility window, *and* if something else has gone wrong preventing them from wanting to on their own, as is usually the case with pandas in captivity. She also reminded me, for probably the 400th time, how much she “hates the goddamn pandas,” and “please don’t write that I said that.” Love you, cuz.)", "Its due to the mirror neuron in our brains. We tend to see ourselves doing the things that we see others doing. This is why people get excited when watching sports despite not playing. \n\nIf I'm wrong, then that really explains my grade in psychology right now.", "Humans are also a species where you can't tell whether or not someone is ovulating by looking at them, which has made our sex drives grow to be a lot more complex.\n\nFor animals, the evolutionary strategy to reproduce effectively is \"have sex when the female is in heat\" or \"have sex during mating season\"\n\nFor humans, the evolutionary strategy to reproduce effectively is \"have sex often so that one of the times you have sex it makes a baby.\" So somehow people need to be convinced to have sex regularly, or we would barely reproduce.", "Depends on what you consider porn. Vision is one of the most dominant senses if not the most dominant sense to humans. In other animals this isn't so. So porn could be a smell or a sound to other species. And these sounds and smells, especially pheromones , are def used in breeding programs across the board. That being said if these techniques are applied outside said animals natural breeding cycle you are wasting your time and confusing the animal. So not as effective all the time as in humans but can be effective at the right time for sure", "I believe that making something taboo makes it titillating. \n\nWe see it all the time. In some societies the members walk around half-nude all the time. Clearly others in the same society are not \"turned on\" by seeing a breast or penis. They just walk by and get on with their day. \n\nIndeed, we see it in the US. The parts of the country that are the most religious, and most opposed to homosexuality, are the parts that consume the most homosexual pornography. Making homosexual sex taboo makes it appealing.\n\nIn the end Mother Nature has seen to it that we want to reproduce. In other words, it has made sex desirable. Beyond that, as humans, we have complicated it a lot.", "***Mirror Neurons***\n\nthey make it so you can use your brain to experience something from another perspective, through someone/something else's eyes. \"Walk in someone else's shoes\".\n\nDogs have a lot of mirror neurons, which is why they love to watch humans and try to copy human actions (this is how they learn to \"sit\" \"shake\" \"play dead\"... )\n\nWhen a human see's another having sex, these mirror neurons fire, and the person experiences in their mind what its like to be the person having sex. The persons body responds as if it were themselves having sex because the body doesnt know that the brain is just \"pretending\". (your body / organ functions are primarily run by your Spine \\[the nervous system running through the spine is so dense it actually has calculatory functions\\] which acts like a second/separate brain)\n\n That is experienced as \"*being* *aroused\"*.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nWe can only guess, but, it would seem possible that dogs, for example, having mirror neurons, may also get \"aroused\" watching other dogs having sex. Certainly if a dog sees other dogs having a fight, they get \"feisty\" as well, so I think its probable.", "Its something to do with what are called \"mirror neurons\" its the same reason why watching tv or internet videos of people doing xyz is so entertaining. \n\nYour brain is reacting in a similar way as if you were the one to be doing xyz to some extent. \n\nYou still get a dopamine bump by watching others.", "Most comments didn't answer your questions. I'll give it my try.\n\nAs humans civilizations became more and more advanced, we invented clothes to hide our bodies in public. Clothing and fashion has became the norm and we have the urge to discover others bodies out of curiousity.\n\"what does his/her naked bodies look like?\" \n\n\nWe don't always get to mate like animals even though our mating season is all year long. \nBut because we didn't get to see naked bodies all the time, then we'll be sensitive towards it and aroused by watching naked bodies. So whenever you see other members naked, your hormones pump and it's time for breeding. If humans were naked all the time, we'll eventually be desensitised by it. \n\n\nAnimals always see each other naked, they don't find each other sexually attracting unless it's mating season and their hormones are pumping.", "I'm fairly uneducated about it but been enjoying the book Sex at Dawn which goes into this.\nIt talks about the potential ways our closest ancestors mated, discussing that we may have been a tribal group with frequent copulations with many members leading to ambiguous paternity (which helped to bond the tribe to full parental duties to all children). Females would be loud and obvious in their pleasures and take multiple partners at a time (makes a little sense when you think about how ready to go girls are post orgasm opposed to men). The frequent copulations would entice others to join increasing the genetic chances for the best in the sperm competition. \nIdk I'm doing it poor justice,but everything's well cited and fairly compelling. If your interested in the subject I highly reccomend the book.", "I think it’s our tendency towards empathy. We see someone smile, we tend to smile back. You see someone acting angry, you start to have feelings of anger. So, you see someone behaving sexually towards someone else and you yourself become aroused.", "I've been told humans are not naturally monogamous. It would have been very natural 20.000 years ago for us to see people fucking, get aroused, and get in line. I've been told a the evolutionary benefit is that this way nobody knows who the father is so everyone takes care of everyone's baby like their own.\n\nAnother piece of supporting evidence is the shape of our penises. It's shaped like a cum plunger to get your gene's competitors out of the way and give you the best shot at being the baby daddy.", "Just gonna hijack this question to ask another one. What about fetishes? I'm certain animals don't show interest in \"fetishes\", so what makes us special?", "There's a lot of answers to this but I haven't seen one of the ones that I consider to be a main reason porn is so prevalent in our species. Humans, by nature, are not particularly monogamous creatures. Instead, it is society and civilisation that pushes us towards monogamous relationships. But it is theorised that we originally had a social structure very similar to bonobo chimpanzees, having sex often and for a variety of reasons besides just copulation. In fact, the unconscious sounds of pleasure that we make during sex are thought to have originally been a sort of call or signal to other people, not only to show that two individuals are having sex, but as an active invitation to join in, depending on social status. \n\nSo in short, we have been biologically hardwired to get aroused at the idea sight and sound of sex, because before societal norms pushed us towards monogamy, orgies were fairly common, both for the purpose of mass procreation, and for social bonding. This has caused us to become sexually aroused in preparation to 'join in' with others having sex, even if those people are not based in reality (e.g., porn/imagination/etc.)", "Basically we are programmed to like variety. From a purely biological standpoint we want to make the most varied offspring that we can. We do this by having multiple partners. Porn plays into this. It offers us variety at a mere click. \n\nWe are not the only mammals that fall victim to this. An experiment was done with chimpanzees where they were given fruit juices (which they love), and then shown female chimps bottoms. The images were then taken away and the chimps \"payed\" with the fruit juice to look at the images again.", "Well we aren’t bound by certain times of the year to mate and we are clothed most of the time. This adds to arousal when we see people we like naked or watch pornography. Animals don’t do this because they are technically naked all the time and usually have a time when they are sexually active. Humans are just different than other animals", "A lot of people have really long winded answers that don't really hit the nail on the head. The answer is simply this. Empathy. We are naturally able to put ourself in other people's shoes and imagine how that would feel. The reason guys tense up when they see someone else get kicked in the balls. The same reason you salivate you watch others eat. Ect.", "I’ve read about this. The idea is that one strategy is for a male to mate with a female as soon as possible after another male has done so in order that he will have the largest chance of being the one who fertilizes her. Therefore sights or sounds of copulation get humans, especially males, ready to copulate themselves. \n\nInterestingly and relatedly, across all cultures females tend to vocalize far more during sex than males. The idea here is that the female is alerting nearby males to maximize her chance of being fertilized by the best male. The male on the other hand is staying quieter so as to avoid competition. \n\nThat’s what I read at least." ] }
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pharmaceutical and medical-device companies routinely insert clauses in their sales contracts prohibiting hospitals from sharing information about what they pay and the discounts they receive. why?
I was reading The Bitter Pill article from Times magazine and I came across this bit of information and I was just wondering why. What do pharmacies and medical device companies have to hide? After reading the article, I thought it was just to scheme the American people. That by hiding payment and discount, they can overcharge patients who will just think the medicine/devices just cost that much. But I'm very uninformed about everything; I just learned about Medicare/Medicaid and the Obamacare today. Is there some sort of politics that I'm missing? Please tell me America isn't as corrupt as I think it to be. I don't know how popular this post will get, probably not very much but for those that are interested the article can be found online here: _URL_0_ It's very long but it's very enlightening. EDIT: Also why are chargemasters so overly priced? What's regulating them? Why are they like that? If they are "negotiable" can I just tell the hospital that I do not want to pay for what they are billing me? I don't get the idea of the chargemaster at all. EDIT2: Something slightly off topic, but still enlightening (in my POV because again, I'm very uninformed): I would hear about Obamacare but I never really paid too much attention to the news or in class so I did not know what it was. I literally only knew that it had something to do with health care and that it was controversial, but no clue why. After a reading through a few r/ELI5 threads, I know what it is now and I thought those who opposed it were just rich people trying to stay rich but then I read a few more posts on r/politics and saw all the flaws in Obamacare and why people were so against it politically. (ex. obamacare makes employers pay for their employees' insurance or else the employer has to pay a $2k fee but that's going to be hard for small business owners who are also victims of ridiculous hospital bills) I was hoping there would be an explanation like that for my question, not just pure corruption. (I made this a comment but I thought with my rambling an edit would be better)
{ "a_id": [ "cpscmxl" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "Some of it isn't necessarily about screwing the end customer (you or me). \n\nSomething to consider is that not all hospitals are created equal, some are located in affluent areas and are very profitable, while others serve low-income areas with a lot of medicaid patients and run huge losses. \n\nNot every corporation is evil, most even believe in making quality healthcare available to everyone, but if a hypothetical medical device supplier is willing to negotiate prices on new MRI machines below the fair market value (or even at a loss) to hospitals in need, they probably don't want it publicized because in negotiations going forward everyone will want those discounted prices. Also note that if they're giving some buyers a great deal they need to make it back up by \"overcharging\" another client who can afford it.\n\nSomething the article touches on briefly to compare the \"cost\" of certain procedures but doesn't actually explore, is Medicaid. The program does a lot of good for a lot of people but hospitals (and private physicians) take a loss on Medicaid patients, plain and simple. That means in order to stay afloat the difference is passed onto private insurance, who pass the cost onto their subscribers in premiums. Folks like Mr. Recchi who have 'bargain' policies can fall through the cracks in this setup. Specifically in Mr. Recchi's case, if the $469 quoted in the article is accurate, being 20% of his income that pegs their annual family income at $28,140 which should have qualified them for medicaid (the cutoff for 2013 was $29,700). That's not to blame him, but Mr. Recchi is an unfortunate example of someone who slipped through the cracks between the social safety net and reasonable private coverage.\n\nNow bringing this all back, remember how I mentioned above that while specific high profile hospitals draw significant revenue, many don't. To pick a specific example in my area Boston Mass, Mass General hospital runs a healthy profit, some $49million annually, but the Partners Network as a whole which owns/operates 14 hospitals in the Boston Metro had a net income of only 2%.\n\nTL;DR is that a huge part of the problem is the social safety net in it's current incarnation. The poor are covered under federal programs, but those programs do not actually cover the real cost of healthcare provided thus the cost gets passed to the middle class, particularly the lower middle class that falls outside the net of federal programs but cannot afford comprehensive coverage." ] }
[ "http://www.uta.edu/faculty/story/2311/Misc/2013,2,26,MedicalCostsDemandAndGreed.pdf" ]
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why does japan have such huge cities?
I was on Google Earth the other day and when I was looking at Japan I was astounded as to how much city there was. There were loads of them and they were huge, incomparable to American or European cities. Why is this?
{ "a_id": [ "cyeafqq", "cyeahux", "cyecxcm", "cyee9nq", "cyefi9l", "cyehgd9", "cyep6zi" ], "score": [ 4, 17, 7, 3, 10, 3, 2 ], "text": [ "Well, take a moment to visualize how small the island of Japan is compared to a country such as the United States.\n\nJapan is a LARGE exporter of many consumer goods (especially technology) - so these \"cities\" are a result of that which fuels economic development which leads to immense population.\n\nAfter a while you have a bunch of people living on an island, you're forced to go vertical.", "Population density. Like most places, Japan has been urbanizing since before the second World War. Good health care combined with historic longevity pushes the population up and up. Being an island, there is limited opportunity to build new cities, so the existing ones creep outwards and upwards - there are some really cool skyscrapers in Tokyo.", "Japan has *one* really huge city, Tokyo. [Source.](_URL_0_) The other cities on the list are pretty normal-sized by global standards.", "Japan is a mountainous region. There are few areas where people can actually live. Therefore, they congregate in cities and towns.", "There are 140 million people in Japan. They live in a country about the size of California. And about half the land is mountains. \n\nAlso, take a look again on Google Earth at the string of cities from DC to NYC or at Mexico City and imagine they were on an island. I think you'll find they're pretty comparable.", "A few things are at play:\n\n* Japan is mostly volcanic mountains with a few plains/valleys. This is why they have mostly coastal cities as well.\n* The one massive city is Tokyo, which sprawls over the Kanto plain. This is part of the urbanization that is prevalent in recent decades, with people moving out of the country and mountain villages for jobs in the city.\n* Another factor with Tokyo is that it was fire-bombed in WW II, with a lot of cheap housing being built following the war, compared to Kyoto, which has its historic buildings and districts intact. This made Tokyo more attractive for modernization and thus urbanization.", "A better question would be: How did Japan get to the point that it could sustain such a huge population on so little land, necessitating those huge cities?\n\nAnswer has to do with its highly automated worldwide fishing fleets, the huge productivity of rice fields in the right climate (which much of Japan has), and the development of export-oriented industries that allowed Japan to trade for even more food.\n\nAlso keep in mind that Japan is mostly coastline in the same way that a snake is mostly just a digestive system with eyes, and it's normal for coastlines to have high populations and big cities. Look to climate as a reason why the other \"mostly coastline\" country, Chile, doesn't have nearly the same population density.\n\nThere's another \"mostly coastline\" rice-growing area to the south of Japan that isn't as well known but has the same huge population: [Java](_URL_0_)" ] }
[ [], [], [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Japanese_cities_by_population" ], [], [], [], [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java#Population_Development" ] ]
why do contacts require a prescription verification?
If I know what my prescription is (numbers), why do I have to verify that I actually have that prescription with a specific eye doctor when trying to order contacts online?
{ "a_id": [ "df7u6w5", "df7uemu" ], "score": [ 2, 4 ], "text": [ "I would assume to mitigate any liability. If they sold you whatever number you put in, and you were in some sort of accident because \"you couldnt see clearly\" they would be on the list of those liable enabling you to sue them. ", "It is because you have to be fitted for the contacts. The doctor has to make sure they fit right. If they don't fit, the contacts might be blurry, they might come out easily, or they might tear/injure your eye.\n\n_URL_0_" ] }
[ [], [ "http://www.lasikmd.com/blog/importance-fitting-contact-lenses/" ] ]
how do concert light technicians run light shows?
Phish, STS9, Umphreys, and other band's light shows blow my mind. I'm curious as to how the light technician controls the patterns, colors, and musical timing. Is a lot of it automated and how much is done manually? Phish's technician, Chris Kuroda, has become famous out of just having incredible light shows. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Here's some examples of his work Phish-Tube Phish- David Bowie
{ "a_id": [ "clrux4g", "clruxo8", "clryjb8", "cls1pjy" ], "score": [ 2, 2, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Go behind the sound mixing area at the next concert you attend (sometimes in the middle of the crowd), and you'll probably see a screen with a visual representation of lights. There is computer software that controls the lights; much of it is timed, and some of it can be manually triggered. They definitely pre-program patterns, colors, and movements to be executed during the concert.", "You're better off asking this in a more specialized sub for sound/light technicians who can probably tell you exactly what Chris is currently using for a light board, what lights he's using and exactly how many of each type, etc.\n\nThe broad overview is that it's fairly simple - you have some type of lighting console (almost always digital these days) that allows you to control a set of lights on stage, often by 5-pin XLR cables or probably more and more wirelessly. The lights on stage are usually LED (and thank god, stages used to be SO hot when lamps were still incandescent) Each LED light is now capable of putting out quite a few different colors, as controlled by the console, and you have other lights with moveable beams, (aka \"Movers\"), also controlled by the console. You'll have a certain amount of pre-programmed \"scenes\" with a certain look that you determined in advance, as well as some ways to improvise on the fly. Chris's improvisation skills are legendary, it often looks like he's dancing with the console if you watch him, especially during their \"light solos\". \n\nFor a broadway play or big production like when Roger Waters was touring with The Wall, most of the show will be automated as the action on stage is quite predictable. For Phish, Chris has a lot more freedom.", "For simpler light shows, there is a control board for the lights (somewhat similar to the sound mixer). The tech simply turns banks on and off, fades them, and perhaps has them move around.\n\nFor your more intricate light shows, it's usually running off a computer. If it's a band that's using a backing track (electronic, industrial, synth pop), it may be run off the same computer handling the music, or at least a subsystem that is synchronized to it.", "I'm no expert but Chris Kuroda is kind of in a league of his own when it comes to lighting. I believe he has several hundred, maybe more, unique lighting cues available on his board. With the help of a few assistants, he basically chooses cues on the fly based on what the band is doing. So he sees Trey ripping the YEM solo, and because he knows the band so well, he is able to anticipate what is about to happen. He has all the cues memorized, or near to it, and tells his assistants to fire them off as he makes decisions. The dude is amazing: he's also entirely self taught, which has resulted in a lot Phish's signature lighting effects. For example, he uses faders in unconventional ways to \"pulse\" the lights and give you that huge burst effect at the crescendo." ] }
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the difference between pastiche and parody
These terms have come up in a couple of my women's studies courses, and the people using them always say that there's a huge difference between the two. Laymen's definitions seem to indicate that they are the same, so what's the story?
{ "a_id": [ "egqe5k7", "egqecaa" ], "score": [ 6, 6 ], "text": [ "Pastiche is pure imitation. You are producing a work in another style so as to convince people that it was produced by artists in that style.\n\nA parody is also an imitation but there is usually a twist. Some sort of mockery, or perhaps just an ironic wink. You aren’t trying to convince people that it’s by artists of that style, but you are clearly referencing the style and providing your own take on it.", "They are opposites: A parody makes fun of the original source by exaggerating elements and flipping certain conventions. A pastiche aims to replicate or imitate a previous artwork or style, sometimes in a cliched way, but doing so to celebrate rather than denigrate the source material.\n\nIn other words, a parody is a joke based on something else. A pastiche is an homage to the original.\n\nExample: *Space Balls* was a parody of *Star Wars*, which itself was a *pastiche* of 1930s sci-fi serial *Flash Gordon*.\n\nEdit: Added example" ] }
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why, when drinking a lot of alcohol, does your body behave as if very hydrated, (i.e., peeing a lot, and clear urine), but it's totally not hydrated?
{ "a_id": [ "cwwc3wr", "cwwfn39" ], "score": [ 2, 2 ], "text": [ "Making pee takes two steps, first the raw pee is pulled from your bloodstream by step one as a way of yanking out all the waste products produced by your body, however in doing so it also sucks a lot of water with it. Therefore you have step two where your body sucks all this extra water from the raw pee and puts it back into your body. What is left (just the waste and a minimum of water) goes to your bladder to pee out.\n\nAlcohol blocks step two from working correctly so instead the raw pee with too much water is what goes straight to your bladder and gets peed out.", "When you are sober, your kidneys and brain work together to maintain the correct balance of water and salt in your bloodstream. They do this by modifying the amount of urine output, and making you crave water or salt.\n\nAlcohol is a mild diuretic, meaning it hijacks this process and forces your kidneys to suck water out of your blood even though you are actually getting dehydrated." ] }
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why is our brain compressed?
What would happen if our skull allow our brain to be uncompressed? Not sure if this belongs here or /r/askscience
{ "a_id": [ "deb4ich" ], "score": [ 3 ], "text": [ "I'm not really sure what you mean. Because our brains aren't really compressed. There isn't exactly high pressure inside our cranium. We do however have more folds in our brains compared to other species. That simply allows us to have more surface area and therefore more space to process information. " ] }
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why do my teeth stay sharp?
Edit: there have been some joke answers. Yes, my canines and incisors haven't deteriorated in their ability to tear flesh which suggests to me that there is some biological mechanism by which teeth are kept in such a condition.
{ "a_id": [ "cskfyj1", "cskm5co", "cskmbv6" ], "score": [ 3, 3, 2 ], "text": [ "Different people have different qualities of teeth. My wife and I are the same age, she still has those little ridges on the surface of her front teeth (forget what they're called), whereas mine are completely flat. I've also lost the points on my enscisors, she still has hers. Basically, her teeth are stronger than mine, so mine have worn down faster.", "teeth cannot maintain their sharpness because enamel which is the uppermost layer of teeth does not proliferate after the development of the tooth is done, as you age your teeth lose sharpness and deteriorate but the extent of deterioration is different for different people (many things come into play: genes, masticatory forces etc.) it is called attrition \n\n_URL_0_\n", "i think OP means \"stay as sharp as they do\". because we use them so much you would think (OP would think) that they would wear down much faster then they do.\n\nI agree. my teeth seem like they are nice and sharp and have been the same for a while.\n\nthought experiment: \n\nfind a stone that had the same hardness as teeth. shape the stone into teeth and put them under a 25 year stress test (eating and chewing on shit, plastic bottles...opening beer bottles...toothpick...brush them every day...etc) \n\nwould the stones be worn down? \n\nif they are:\n\nI would conclude that the tooth itself does something to maintain its integrity\n\nThat is how I interpreted the question." ] }
[ [], [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attrition_(dental)" ], [] ]
why can't the central bank of a nation be the only bank?
Why do we need investment and retail banks? Shouldn't a bank just make loans, take deposits, and facilitate the exchange of money? Do we need all of these complex securities to raise capital?
{ "a_id": [ "cdrc6gb" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "That would be one strange version of a centrally planned economy.\n\nThe crucial function that banks perform is choosing WHICH loans to make. Banks need to find loans that look more risky than they actually are, so that they can not just make money, but make MORE money than a less talented lender could. The market's discipline (investor demand for profits, need to keep the business solvent) rewards banks that find good investments and punishes ones who make bad investments (by giving them reduced profits and/or driving them out of business).\n\nWith only one bank, businesses would only have a single source of investment capital. You'd ABSOLUTELY need the bank's sign-off to start any new business. You'd have to pay whatever interest rate they demanded.\n\nIt would be VERY hard for a stock market or other securities market to function, since there would be no investment banks to introduce new securities and connect investors to new businesses.\n\nIt would also be VERY hard to keep the central bank from becoming corrupt and/or politicized. Sure, they COULD hire only honest, smart loan officers and try your best to figure out what the future economy will/should look like. But isn't it a little easier to just hire cousins of congressmen? And to give loans only to well-connected businesses? Given that you're the only bank around, there's no one to swoop up any better employees you turn away, or snatch up any good lending opportunities you pass up." ] }
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why do you have to wait a while before cracking your knuckles a second time?
I just dont get what exactly happens during the time period of cracking your knuckles and being able to crack your knuckles again.
{ "a_id": [ "ceoadw1", "ceodgwt", "ceofwb1", "ceogcfa" ], "score": [ 77, 3, 2, 3 ], "text": [ "When you crack your knuckles (or anything that cracks, really), you're expanding the area inside the joint, which is full of sinovial fluid (natural lube). As the volume expands, gasses in the fluid cavitate and come out of solution and make a pop sound as they rapidly expand.\n\nThe 'wait' is because you have to wait for the gasses to dissolve into the fluid again.", "Hmm, how come i don't have to wait. I can crack my knuckles and crack them again almost instantly.", "You want an explanation of knuckle cracking... with diagrams... and references?\n_URL_0_\n\nya welcome.", "Side question: Is cracking your joints detrimental to their health?" ] }
[ [], [], [ "http://www.drkarl.com/the-karl-collection/curly-questions/knuckle-cracking" ], [] ]
why is it more commonly accepted for women to have, talk about, and use sex toys, but looked down upon or considered strange if a man uses a fleshlight or similar?
{ "a_id": [ "csv6l2g", "csv781r", "csv7e7p", "csvptuc" ], "score": [ 4, 9, 4, 2 ], "text": [ "First off, women in America hardly chat about sex toys as much as you might expect (a generalization, I'm sure some people talk about them nonstop). But for a guy, using a sex toy implies that he doesn't have game enough to get in bed with a real girl, so most don't admit to using sex toys. ", "Women \"don't need no man\" but men are looked down upon if they don't \"have game\". This is a huge generalization, but these assumptions are culturally ingrained in some places.", "Speaking from a Midwest American perspective, talk of anything sexually related is still very taboo. I'm only 37 and my peers don't discuss serious sexual topics. When I have been around groups of other men I have heard and made sexual jokes or innuendos but again nothing serious and certainly nothing about how they choose to masturbate.\n\nI think for women the culture in the US is still such that a woman who enjoys sex, self pleasure and who uses sex toys is considered to be a slut or whatever similar pejorative one might use.\n\nFor men it must be cultural as well. As a young man you hide your masturbatory activities. As men get older we tend to be more honest about that activity but again, it is discussed in a joking or implied manner. The feelings of not having \"game\" as someone else pointed out is very much a factor for not discussing such things. As men get older or are in long term relationships use of sex toys or masturbatory aids can be perceived as dissatisfaction in the relationship.\n\nFinally the big thing for men is still the negativity associated with being \"gay\". If a man likes anal play, prostate massage, etc. that is often viewed as \"gay\" even though many heterosexual men like that kind of stimulation.\n\nBasically my non-scientific conclusion is that the majority of us are too hung up on what others are doing with their bodies and we are not comfortable enough with ourselves to accept that others are different. ", "A woman can get sex with a man whenever she wants. By using a sex toy, she is strong and independent. \n\nA man needs to be confident and desirable to get sex. By using a sex toy he is admitting he can't get sex and isn't those things. Therefore he is a creep. \n\nAn ugly or overweight woman maybe can't get sex. But that sort of woman is thought a creep if she talks about sex toys. \n\nAn extremely attractive man can probably get sex whenever he wants. If he talked about using a fleshlight, people would say that was hot. \n\nBasically if you're using a toy because you can't get laid then people think it's disgusting to talk about. " ] }
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how different episodes of shows have different writers.
How does a show like Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead have different writers each episode? How does the show maintain consistency or direction? How does the characterization and dialogue remain consistent?
{ "a_id": [ "c8e4y62", "c8e4zp5", "c8e6xxj" ], "score": [ 18, 6, 5 ], "text": [ "That's what the producer and showrunner are for. _URL_0_\n\nBecause of the way TV shows are produced, they often have people writing the next episode at the same time the current one is being filmed. It's too fast paced to have the same writer, director, and so on for every single episode. Instead, the producers and show runner oversee everything to make sure it's consistent from episode to episode. There's also often something called a \"series bible\" (_URL_1_) which is a book full of details about the show, such as minor character's names and personalities, plot points from previous episodes, relationships among characters, etc. that writers can refer to in order to help keep things consistent.", "Short answer: Many writers, one person running the show.\n\nNote that this applies to shows in the US, not in the UK. That's because shows in the US usually have anywhere from 13 to 24 episodes per season. They have to farm the writing out in order to get it done in the time allotted to produce the shows. Most UK shows are written by one person, since 13 episodes would be considered a very big season, and many shows there have 10 or fewer episodes. \n\nAs for how they maintain consistency, there's a person called a show runner, usually also titled Executive Producer, and they're the one who directs the course of the show, deciding that, for example, Story A will happen in episodes 1 through 6, Story B develops in 2, 4-5 and 9, etc. The writer basically gets the \"beats\" for their episode -- the things that have to happen, plot elements that have to move forward, etc. This is also the person responsible for figuring out how to make stupid network notes work. (It's a given in the industry that 99% of network notes are completely stupid.)\n\nAll of this is usually worked out a number of episodes ahead by the producers and staff writers -- and having staff writers also helps keep character and dialogue consistent, since they're around all the time.\n\nNow, sometimes, the writer will turn in a script that isn't suitable (especially if it's an outside writer) -- it doesn't match the tone of the show, doesn't do what it was supposed to, etc. In that case, it's up to the show runner and other producers to rewrite it, although the original writer still gets credit. This will happen every season, because union rules for one hour TV require 2 scripts per season to be written by freelance, non-staff writers.", "I can talk about what I know about the Breaking Bad writing process from listening to its [Insider Podcast.](_URL_0_) Vince Gilligan (showrunner) and his writing staff get together in a room and outline an entire season for the show. That outline is then split into individual episodes where the major scenes are outlined. Each of the episodes are assigned to one or more writers, and Vince will go over their work once they're done.\n\nVince also oversees the editing process, and the show has the same director of photography for every episode. \n\nIn addition, before each episode, Vince meets with the production crew and the episode director and goes through the script to tell them how he wants them to film the episode. \n\nBasically, everything you see on the show has to be approved by Vince Gilligan. " ] }
[ [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Show_runner", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_%28writing%29" ], [], [ "http://www.amctv.com/shows/breaking-bad/insider-podcast-season-5" ] ]
what's the deal with taxi licenses? why are they so expensive? who created them? can you not sell them back to the government?
{ "a_id": [ "csjc853", "csjd6id", "csjddq0", "csjhaf9", "csjhr1a" ], "score": [ 4, 5, 9, 3, 2 ], "text": [ " > taxi license\n\nIn order to run a taxi company, you need a license. Licenses are limited. That's about it.\n\n > Why are they so expensive\n\nSupply and demand. Also, resale value. A license can't be destroyed, is easily repossesable, and it's value was considered to be constant. \n\nAfter all, the government wasn't likely to increase supply, as that would cause massive protest. Demand was also considered to be constant, given that in a city, everyone will need transportation. The introduction of Uber disturbs this.\n\n > Who created them?\n\nThe government\n\n > Selling them back.\n\nWell, I suppose. But to the government, it's just a piece of paper that they can print more off.", "The whole idea behind the permit (in NYC anyways) is to control the amount of taxis on the road at any given time. Every cab needs a permit to operate, and there are a finite amount of permits available.\n\nWithout the permit system, traffic in already hyper-congested areas would get much worse. Hence the cities problem with Uber and the like...the number of \"taxis\" on the road becomes uncontrollable. An Uber driver is on the road ALOT more than an average civilian driver so classifying them as private cars doesn't really apply.\n", "*Why are they so expensive?* \nDunno what country you're in but in France licenses are actually free of charge. \nBUT! \nThe taxi corporation makes pressure on the government to deliver very very few of them, thus, making the already existent ones gaining value. \nHas been made and held that way for the past 30 years because it was a *simple* way to solve the retirement pension problem of that line of work. \n*Can you not sell them back to the government?* \nIn Paris alone, rebuying all the cab licenses would cost about 3 to 4 billions of €uros. That a cost no one is willing to pay as technically, a cab license si free. \nThe state could litteraly print one for any of their citizens if they wanted but won't for political/economical reasons. \nNow, Uber comes in play and pretty much do that to all cab drivers in France. \nThus, problem...", "You are confusing licenses with medallions. Medallions are a controlled monopoly by the city to limit the amount of taxi cars on the road at one time. The original Medallions were sold by the city at modest levels a long time ago and market forces made them worth a lot of money because getting new ones were nearly impossible.\n\nIn NYC and most U.S. cities with medallion systems, the medallions are actually owned by businesses, some are multi-million corporations. Some are owned by mom and pop drivers.\n\nBoth types lease their medallions to other drivers, who actually drive the taxis. The drivers have to be licensed and pass a background check and have insurance. It is easy to get a license, unless you have a criminal background. \n\nThe medallion owners will lease a taxi to a licensed driver for about $150 per 8 hour shift. They'll make about $450 per day for just maintaining the car (about $150,000 a year). The driver keeps whatever they bring in after that amount. \n\nMedallion owners are rarely actually driving anymore. They are business people that made an investment based on a regulatory monopoly and they are getting burned right now because they thought it was a sure thing.\n\nThe licensed drivers are pissed because there is much more competition for fares and the people that flag them are much lower.", "Cities don't want a million cabs clogging the streets, when just a few can do the job. So the regular the taxi industry, and limit the number that are allowed to operate.\n\nThey could give them away or charge a modest fee, but they would soon be resold or leased at their market value. Why should a gov't walk away from that money, and let some middle man take it instead?" ] }
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animal perception of humans.
Is there anything understood not just how our pets see us but perhaps even seals(that let us pet them wild) or octopi that interact with us without fear. Deer usually are pretty skittish around humans. To insects I assume we are just another giant. Animals clearly see us differently but how do they see us, as just another random animal that is on a survival cycle. Can they make sense of any of our gestures like "come here" or petting them?
{ "a_id": [ "e1fhag6", "e1fidcz", "e1frswi" ], "score": [ 4, 39, 3 ], "text": [ "Well, land mammals are more likely to be skittish of us due to selection pressure of humans hunting them for thousands of years. Even if they don't actually learn anything, if all the bold individuals die quickly, then the remaining population will trend towards caution.\n\nWhile humans do kill a lot of sea life, we generally don't do so in a manner that lets them recognize us as a threat. As for seals, it probably depends on the species and region.", "Animal behaviour is typically learned, but it can be genetic too. Any animal that isn't fearful either hasn't noticed you or is curious. Curiosity is a useful trait in nature because it can help us, and animals, learn new things, and the more you know, the less likely you are to die. If an animal is curious, it will approach you or act interested in you. When it does this its often sizing you up, figuring out how you tick, learning your weaknesses. It knows where you live. Joking aside, it's figuring out what a human is. This is often a behaviour found in animals that don't have many natural predators who can afford to be curious. An animal that is fearful may have a learned fear of humans, perhaps it's met some before and had a bad experience, or it has a lot of natural predators so it has a better chance of surviving if it stays away. To insects, we're a source of food or something to be ignored. Insects have relatively primitive brains but they do know that being dead = bad so they still avoid your flyswatter. So much. They avoid it so much. Those winged bastards. \n\nWhether or not an animal can make sense of gestures depends on how socially intelligent the animal is. Most gestures will need to be taught though. Animals mostly learn through association. They associate certain behaviours with certain rewards or punishments which is why the way to teach an animal something is through repetition. If you're interested, theres loads and loads of studies on the psychology of monkeys and apes who do ridiculously cool stuff. A monkey for example will only steal from you when it knows you can't see it which means it has a perception of what other creatures are doing and perhaps even why they're doing it. That may not sound like a big deal but it really is. But back to gestures. If you make a gesture at an animal, it will only respond to the gesture if it has associated a reward or punishment with that gesture. If zookeepers often use a \"come here\" gesture to signify that food has arrived, they will respond to \"come here\" when you do it too because it will make them expect food. See pavlov's dog. More intelligent animals are capable of discerning between different humans though. ", "Many animals who react with a positive or neutral response to humans have no local predators. Particularly antarctic penguins and certain types of seals, which are generally safe on land." ] }
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how do naval vessels reel in their anchor?
If it's on the ocean floor, wedged against whatever, and providing enough resistance to hold a battleship how do they pull it back up?
{ "a_id": [ "ck9t7df", "ck9tazb" ], "score": [ 6, 4 ], "text": [ "Big winches. Really big ones.", "Pretty easy, you go forward over the anchor, which drags it out of its hold. Then the winches bring it up. \n\nThink of it like this:\n\n\\\n\nThe lower part of the \\ is stuck in the mud/rock/etc. It's set that way due to wind direction. If you want to release it, you'd move forward, past the anchor while putting a slight tension on the rode. Once it's free, you're done. Don't forget to wash the rode." ] }
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if you separated protons from an atom, at what point would you have different elements?
{ "a_id": [ "dikexx5", "dikfufe" ], "score": [ 8, 2 ], "text": [ "Every time you remove a proton, you have a different element. The number of protons *defines* the different elements.", "PHYSICS TIME!!!\n\nProtons = The elemental charactaristics and roughly 1/2 the weight of the atom itself. Protons are the driving part that defines what the atom is and what it is going to do. Adding just 1 proton creates a new material and destroys the previous one.\n\nSo theoretically, if i took 1 atom of Hydrogen, with 1 proton, and merged it with a second atom of hydrogen I would get a new atom with 2 protons. This would be Helium.\n\nNeutrons = These do not affect what atom you get, but it affects what weight it is, being roughly the same weight as a proton, and it gives us what Isotope an Atom of something will be.\n\nHydrogen, has 1 proton. But it also can have 1 or more than 1 Neutron. This gives us Isotopes such as Hydrogen, Deuterium, or Tritium. (0, 1 and 2 Neutrons respectively).\n\nOther, heavier Elements have more isotopes, like Carbon 14,15,16 and 18. Some can be radioactive, others are stable.\n\nElectrons = These near weightless by comparison parts of the atom give the atom it's charge. This part is what forms the primary bonding agent that draws atoms together to form bonds and chains of elements to create molecules, compounds and other buildingblocks for further development.\n\nJust as nailing boards together builds floors and raises walls, so to do electrons allow atoms to fuse together to continue growing into massive sizes compared to their relative miniscule nature." ] }
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what's the explanation as to why fedex & ups cannot offer tracking on packages/envelopes to po boxes?
Basically what the title says. My confusion lies with the fact that UPS & FedEx /Can/ ship the package/envelope, but /can't/ offer tracking for it. Apparently ONLY the USPS can offer tracking to PO Boxes. Someone, please explain this to me! Thanks
{ "a_id": [ "dhg695o" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "This option (called SurePost) is actually trackable. Like said here, it's handled by UPS/FedEx first, then passed to USPS. There are 2 tracking numbers because of this, and each company only tracks the package while they are in possession of it. So say you ship thru UPS, you can track it until they deliver it to the post office. From there, USPS should be able to track it whether it stays there or gets sorted to another post office. \nSource: work at UPS" ] }
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why do solid substances dissolve in liquid when stirred but stay solid when left unstirred?
This morning i put sugar in my coffee but forgot to stir it (pretty heavy morning). It left me lump of slimy sugar at the bottom off my cup. Why?
{ "a_id": [ "dgia7s3" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "Solids dissolve in liquids when the molecules of solvent attract the molecules of the solid more than the molecules of solid attract each other. At first the solvent molecules in contact with the surface of the solid pull molecules out of the solid. That thin layer of solvent becomes saturated with dissolved molecules and the process slows down. Stirring brings fresh liquid into contact with the solid, allowing the process to continue. \n\nIf you left the coffee undisturbed long enough the sugar would eventually dissolve on its own, because small currents will occur in the liquid that take the place of stirring, but this happens a lot more slowly. " ] }
[ [] ]
why something unbalanced feels heavier than something balanced and with the same weight
{ "a_id": [ "fc3pslw" ], "score": [ 6 ], "text": [ "When something is balanced, all forces except the force of the weight in your hand are balanced out. When unbalanced, you have to hold up the weight in addition to compensating for unbalanced forces" ] }
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why is the queen in chess the most effective piece?
I wouldn't have thought thought, given the age of the game, that women in that time period would be considered combat masters or respected so highly.
{ "a_id": [ "e6u5uoy", "e6u5zsl", "e6u65ag", "e6u9f8n", "e6u9vjd", "e6uahlp", "e6ualg7", "e6uamun", "e6uar4c", "e6ubrx8", "e6ucupf", "e6ue4k8", "e6uhks1", "e6urj53", "e6urttz", "e6uykh6", "e6uz838", "e6v35bo", "e6v9sib", "e6vb3lx", "e6vdj7a", "e6vn3co" ], "score": [ 12593, 1517, 185, 23, 13, 854, 67, 3, 11, 3, 1170, 2, 10, 13, 27, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "The “Queen” piece was actually, originally, just a minister. The game slowly evolved to refer to the piece as a queen because it stood beside the king. \n\nIn some languages or cultures the queen is still referred to something similar to the minister; vizier in east cultures, and Hetman in Poland. ", "It wasn't always called the queen, and it wasn't always the most powerful piece in the game. It is said that the origin of \"queen's chess\" (modern queen movement, and the piece actually being referred to as a queen) started in Spain during the reign of Isabella I. Whether that's related or not is hard to tell, but I'm sure not everyone at the time loved the idea of a queen being the best piece in one's stable.", "The piece went through a lot of variation over the years. In its original incarnations throughout Indian and Persian culture, all the pieces were considered male and the Queen was considered the equivalent to what we'd consider \"Minister\" or \"vizier\" or \"advisor\". It could also only move in a single diagonal. \n\nWhen it came to Europe, the continent had a long legacy of powerful queens: Eleanor of Aquitane (queen of France and England, Duchess of Aquitaine (a powerful region of Medieval France), and one of the richest women ever), Isabella of Castille (who unified Spain with her marriage and completed the Reconquista) are two that come to mind immediately. Together, the two shaped a lot of medieval European history. The later, particularly, may account for the piece's power as Isabella wielded a lot of political power and Jews may have brought the game with them as they were expelled from Spain in the 15th century. ", "The reasoning goes that to concentrate tactical power into one piece makes you use it wisely since it's your only one and your best piece. While the King is there to provide you with vulnerability which you must defend.\n\nIncidentally, in most cultures, and through most of History, the Queen was referred to by the local language's equivalent to...\"Regent\" I think may be the best term...", "[The queen being the strongest] wasn't always the case though. She used to be one of the weakest pieces. They played chess in the royal court of Spain in the 15th century. Queen Isabella was offended. She asked her advisers if they thought her that feeble. Their response was to make her the most powerful piece in the game. \n\n~POI", "Chess is originally an Indian game where the queen was known as \"wazir\" or \"chief advisor/Prime Minister\". The reason it's most effective is because the wazir was often considered to be more powerful than the king as the wazir was often the \"Kingmaker\". \n\nWhen chess was introduced in Europe, Isabella 1 of Spain obviously didn't like the idea of a \"kingmaker\" and hence, changed the \"wazir\" to \"Queen\".", "As chess became the newest fad for european nobilty, the pieces eventually got named after the social institutions prevalent in feudal europe. As several people have pointed out, many of the pieces had names of other meanings in eastern states closer to the games origins. I guess to some degree you could say that chess and it’s predecessors gives some context to a societies cultural, political or social institutions.", "What about the history of castleing?", "Lots of people are bringing up the historical reasons so I'd like to address a fundamental one.\n\nChess isn't about combat, it's about medieval politicks (at least the version we know in the west today.) \n\nA lot of the pieces make more sense when viewed as political entities rather than military ones. You use Pawns, not soldiers as the most disposable pieces. Bishops wouldn't have anything to do with a military either, that would be lower rank members of the clergy, but they were highly political back in the day (and arguably still are, but that's a whole can of worms not relevant to this post). It's why Rooks/Castles can \"move\". They aren't literally moving around, their political significance is shifting. \n\nSo from that lens, of course the Queen is the strongest piece, they have the greatest political power with the least limitations imposed by their status. ", "In addition to all the comments about the actual evolution of modern chess, it makes sense to think of the 'Queen' as being the fall guy to the 'King'\n\nThe leader sits on the throne, safe in the palace, while the 2nd in command does the dirty work, if you like. Takes the fall if necessary, while leaving the ideologies of the regime unchanged.\n\nIt is a strategy still being employed today, far more often than one might think.", "It is called “vizier” or “vezir” in some countries like Turkey, which was the highest ranked official in Ottoman Empire after the Sultan. Makes sense since vizier was responsible for war preparations and governing more than the Sultan himself.", "The \"queen\" is actually the King's advisor. You might think of it as a spy. Which is why, if a pawn makes it past enemy lines, it becomes another \"queen\".", "I think the logic behind it is better explained in its Japanese cousin, Shogi, where the equivalent of the Queen was a Minister/General, but changes to the names of the pieces brought by the various \"translations\" of the game in different cultures throughout history. ", "With regards to Royal lineage, you can always replace the queen with a random street pawn; but when the king dies, it's all over.\n\n", "_URL_0_\n\nMost people are answering this with historical names for the pieces. I'll attempt an explanation.\n\nThe queen is the only unlimited piece. It's the combination of all other pieces super powers (edit: yes, other than the Knight). It's even like the king, in that it can move in any direction, but the king can only move one square at a time. Whereas the king is *vulnerability* the queen is about *strength*. Both control an area and both, when threatened, have large consequences to the game. Let me explain.\n\nWhen the game begins, all the pieces are still on the board. This blocks the Queens on both sides from threatening any other pieces or zooming around the board until some are traded, taken, or moved out of the Queens way shaping the boards possible configurations. For this reason, the queen in end game, when the board is cleared out is able to check the opponent's King while theatening other pieces in the *most* ways. When the King is in check the opponent must limit their moves to defensive tactics to protect the King, most of the time interrupting whatever offensive plans might be available to the opponent, and *changing the board state*. When done well, a smart check essentially allows you to move twice in offense, (once to check and once when your opponent *must* act on defense) and forces your opponent into control. Since the number of chess moves possible in the game is what makes Chess what it is (after 3 moves there are 9 million possible scenarios, after 4 moves that number is *288 Billion* possibilities), a check can drop the number of moves you leave your opponent into the single digits. Chess is so incredibly balanced because of the math involved, that a good way to understand how high ranked players approach play is about controlling that number for their opponent. It's less \"thinking moves ahead\" although that's accurate, but more precisely it's \"limiting the number of moves my opponent's moves will allow them control without trades\".\n\nWhen the pieces are cleared out by battles, Q, B and R becomes more and more free to move, and check, and move again. This is why for the middle of the game, many strategies actually revolve around theatening the opponent's Queen, not just the King. Losing the Queen decreases your end game power. Trading Queen for Queen also changes the nature of the game, making every piece that is still on the board after the Queens are taken more powerful because they don't have to worry about the Queen's lines of attack. \n\nIn modern video gaming terms, the Queen is the \"ultimate\". It's the combination of all other pieces powers besides the Knight. The queen is the avatar of all elements. And that's why it's your most important piece when you have nothing left, or, the most mathematically impactful event when the Queens are taken. \n\nBut it's not the most \"effective\" piece. Every Grand Master will tell you that the Pawns are the most *effective* pieces at their job - being the sacrifice that shapes how the subset of moves in the billions of moves you could make called *trades* go down. Since we talked about how trading is the way the board is cleared and makes the Queens what they are in end game, the Pawns - the least powerful - are connected to the most powerful Piece in their purpose. Balance. One to sacrifice, the other to gain in power as the trade moves play out. \n\nThis balance is also why the Pawns can *become* Queens if they reach the end of the board. Because by the time you have made required six or seven moves of a pawn to get it to the end of the board, the games possible scenarios have become astronomical. This is called the \"Shannon Number\" _URL_1_ \n\nThis is where it's important to understand that Promotion of a Pawn was a *decision* made as the rules were honed over time. Now for the history and culture part: In the 15th century, promotion to allow more than one Queen was considered improper because it symbolized adultery. In Spain and Italy in the 17th century, the Pawn could only be promoted to the rank of Queen. In France and Germany, promotion was limited to any piece which had been *lost.* The current law in Pawn promotion was established at the first International Tournament in 1851.\n\nThis is a reflection of both what the Queen means and what Chess means to us as players. As Chess evolved to what it is today, society adopted a less dogmatic morality, and the rules *and roles* shifted along with us.\n\nJust like in life, your most powerful pieces in Chess are the ones you love. And how you go through life accepting tradeoffs or sacrifices to put them into position limit the immense possibilities of any one person's life, or any one chess game, to a state that ultimately determines how the end turns out. And losing the one you love irrevocably changes the game, but also makes the pieces you have still much more important. Whatever your Queen is in life, protect it, but you can't hide it in the back of the board and still come out on top in the end.\n\nSource: am high ranked competitive player, a lifelong believer in the ability of chess to help a mentor or mentee demonstrate or learn, respectively, the most important lessons of life. ", "The queen originally wasn't that strong. There were some rule changes (15th century) that made the queen much more dynamic. In chess, generally, mobility and flexibility is the name of the game. The queen fits these perfectly. That said, once everything is off the board, the king is a very strong piece; it just isn't a good idea to use him in attacks because it's dangerous. ", "This is just my opinion... The queen isn't the most effective piece. Sure it's the most \"powerful\" piece, but the queen is almost always a target during a game. I think a lot of players, especially beginners rely too heavily on it. When I was playing competitively, I concentrated heavily on strategies that didn't include the Queen, meaning that I could still be competitive after forcing a sacrifice, a queen trade or even just saving it for the end game. If you play a lot, you'll notice that a lot of people just don't know how to play effectively without a queen and after they lose it, their entire game performance just crumbles. ", "I believe OP is not asking *how* the queen is so powerful, but *why* was the sole female-representative game piece the most powerful.\n\nThis may be because the original game was Indian, and the original piece we know of as the queen was called “mantri”, which translates to “minister”. The mantris were the top advisors to the Rajas (kings), and although were subject to their kings’ demands, they ultimately were more powerful than kings because kings were often young and dumb, and the mantri executed the kings’ interests.\n\nIn the western world, the queen was considered the top advisor to the king, so it made sense to westernize the mantri to queen.", "Nobody has said the real reason why, and the real reason that the queen is so powerful is simply to speed up the game . There’s no other reason . People keep making up all of these “facts” about the game being about royalty when it fact that has nothing to do with how and why the pieces move today .\n\nChess was an extremely slow game , and the pawns were given the ability to move two steps foward to speed up the game , the bishops were given the ability to move any number of squares in a diagonal , and the queen was given the power of the rook and Bishop to speed up the game .\n\nThat’s it . That’s the plain truth , but the truth sometimes is simple and boring and it’s much more exiting to make up bullshit .", "So, I'm seeing lots of explanations that are totally wrong, and many that are close but misleading. Rather than type out the full answer myself, I figure you'll prefer a link to the video where I first heard the story told. So, here is Mary Flanagan (game designer and researcher at Dartmouth, who is absolutely brilliant in the field) explaining it. Also, in the spirit of ELI5, I set the link to start where the topic of Chess comes up. :) \n\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)", "I was watching The Wire yesterday and D’Angelo Barksdale’s explanation of the game of chess while comparing it to the drug game was ingenious. In this scene he’s teaching his younger subordinate drug dealers how to play: \n\n-D’Angelo Barksdale: Now look, check it, it’s simple, it’s simple. See this? This the kingpin, a’ight? And he the man. You get the other dude’s king, you got the game. But he trying to get your king too, so you gotta protect it. Now, the king, he move one space any direction he damn choose, ’cause he’s the king. Like this, this, this, a’ight? But he ain’t got no hustle. But the rest of these motherfuckers on the team, they got his back. And they run so deep, he really ain’t gotta do shit.\n\nPreston ‘Bodie’ Broadus: Like your uncle.\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: Yeah, like my uncle. You see this? This the queen. She smart, she fast. She move any way she want, as far as she want. And she is the go-get-shit-done piece.\n\nWallace: Remind me of Stringer.\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: And this over here is the castle. Like the stash. It can move like this, and like this.\n\nWallace: Dog, stash don’t move, man.\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: C’mon, yo, think. How many time we move the stash house this week? Right? And every time we move the stash, we gotta move a little muscle with it, right? To protect it.\n\nPreston ‘Bodie’ Broadus: True, true, you right. All right, what about them little baldheaded bitches right there?\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: These right here, these are the pawns. They like the soldiers. They move like this, one space forward only. Except when they fight, then it’s like this. And they like the front lines, they be out in the field.\n\nWallace: So how do you get to be the king?\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: It ain’t like that. See, the king stay the king, a’ight? Everything stay who he is. Except for the pawns. Now, if the pawn make it all the way down to the other dude’s side, he get to be queen. And like I said, the queen ain’t no bitch. She got all the moves.\n\nPreston ‘Bodie’ Broadus: A’ight, so if I make it to the other end, I win.\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: If you catch the other dude’s king and trap it, then you win.\n\nPreston ‘Bodie’ Broadus: A’ight, but if I make it to the end, I’m top dog.\n\nD’Angelo Barksdale: Nah, yo, it ain’t like that. Look, the pawns, man, in the game, they get capped quick. They be out the game early.\n\nPreston ‘Bodie’ Broadus: Unless they some smart-ass pawns.", "So many BS post about nothing that answer the original question I'm sure it's in here somewhere but to put it simply chess is about space and control and the queen has the ability to obtain the most space and control therefore making it the most effective piece" ] }
[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "https://ytcropper.com/cropped/il5bafbc1131d87", "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon_number" ], [], [], [], [], [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mxTaFYYcEg&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=6m0s" ], [], [] ]
what's the difference between imessage, sms, and mms? can iphone use all three of these types? what about android? and are there more than just three categories? thank you so much!
ELI5: what's the difference between imessage, SMS, and MMS? Can Iphone use all three of these types? What about Android? And are there more than just three categories? thank you so much!
{ "a_id": [ "f3fj4li" ], "score": [ 4 ], "text": [ "Apple iMessage is Apple's own messaging protocol/application that is exclusive to their phones. No client exists for Android users to communicate over that protocol.\n\nSMS/MMS/RCS are standardized protocols that can be used by any phone/carrier combination that supports them. The downside is that SMS/MMS have a limited set of features and RCS support still isn't entirely universal yet.\n\nAnd there are plenty of free messaging apps. Facebook messenger, WhatsApp (very popular outside the US given that unlimited texting plans aren't as common), etc." ] }
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why does christianity spread so easily amongst east asians?
Why are missionaries in China and South Korea really successful at converting people to Christianity?
{ "a_id": [ "cbnh3e8" ], "score": [ 2 ], "text": [ "I could say they aren't really successful. Christianity in east Asia overall do not even go over 25% of the overall population. With the exception of the Philippines and East timor however have a Christian majority coz of long history of Spanish and Portuguese colonisation. " ] }
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why is the cia's use of torture just now such a big deal?
I was always under the assumption that it was very well known that we tortured these people, why are is everybody just now freaking out about it? Is it because the specifics of it got released?
{ "a_id": [ "cmubav3", "cmudpjx" ], "score": [ 5, 3 ], "text": [ "It's because it's categorically confirmed. Everyone from the hypercritical to the gullible held SOME belief(/hope) that it wasn't true.", "Before this report, people were arguing about whether some things even counted as torture like waterboarding, sleep deprivation, forced feeding while on hunger strike, etc. This new report showed torture that was MUCH worse than what we had originally confirmed was true. " ] }
[ [], [] ]
how does money work in prison? are there things you can buy with cash? do you have access to your bank account?
{ "a_id": [ "cpvblkw", "cpvbw0o", "cpvctbx", "cpvfksa", "cpvflsp", "cpvforh", "cpvgklv", "cpvhurm", "cpvj9ae", "cpvjrin", "cpvkab4", "cpvr1cj", "cpwb1zc" ], "score": [ 115, 24, 47, 2, 2, 6, 2, 13, 2, 25, 2, 2, 2 ], "text": [ "There is no physical legal cash in prison, friends and family can put money in an inmate's commissary account, which they can use to buy things.\n\nOther things become cash-like within prison, cup-of-noodles, packets of instant-coffee and such take the place of cash within prison, and are traded among inmates for other goods/services.", "I work with juvies. The kids in detention can have money dropped of in specific amounts so they can order out depending on consistent good behavior.\n\nOn the treatment side they can earn a dollar an hour in the kitchen. The secure treatment kids mainly use the money for restitution and to save up for their release. On the more minimum insecurity side the the kids can wear their own clothes and can buy a limited number of clothes with their funds. We have some vocational training they can attend and sometimes the kids pay out of their own account for those certs.\n \nSome \"kids with kids\" send money to whoever is watching their kids.\n\nWe hand out commissary on a points and level system and there is to be no sharing to avoid manipulative behavior.", "In denmark the inmates can earn money by having jobs in the prison. Then they can use that money in a \"prison store\" to buy snacks and candy, magazines and stuff. Not sure about the specifics but you know, things to sweeten your stay.", "In Canada, your friends or family can send you $500 a year, for canteen and hygiene or to top up you telephone card. If you get a grade a pay job they pay you $6.50 a day. You can also order things such as cd's or desk fan from outside stores through the inmate committee.", "in the uk you get a sort of prison bank account.\npeople can send you money via postal orders.\nyou can have stamps sent to you and CD's from a music store un opened. \nyou cant have books, magazines or opened CD's and cassettes.\nyou receive a pin for telephone calls, you can put money into your phone account.\nyou can buy things like cd and cassette players from an argos catalog. ", "A 3rd party company does all the depositing, and they charge a large fee to do it. It also has to be done online. My friend is a paramoid scyophrenic, rather then figuring out how to properly medicate him the courts keep taking him back to jail.... I feel terrible for him so I deposite what I can when I can. all my other friends have forgot about him.... It's a sad state. ", "If you are there under a work-release program, you can continue to have a job, but the jail must get your paychecks direct deposited to them, which they take a portion (I've seen 33%) and the rest can be put on your commissary, or in your regular bank account for your spouse, family, etc. Prisons love people with jobs, it's good money.", "I do some contract work at a jail (not a prison). I was told that inmates are allowed to have small amounts of cash for the vending machines. However, they are not allowed to have more than $20. Anything over $20 has to be on their Canteen (like a general store) account. \nThey are VERY strict on the $20 limit. I was told that if an inmate has more than $20 it is considered a deadly weapon, and they act accordingly.\n", "They will use cigarettes and Ramen noodles as a form of currency. (I have a brother in prison)", "**Pre-TL;DR:** *In the US Fed, there's no cash, but other items work as cash, and a strong barter system is in place. Inmates have an internal debit account, and can request checks be issued from it, outsiders can deposit money in it, and their wages are placed in it.*\n\nIn the US Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) system, cash is no longer allowed within the prison. (Used to be, 5+ years ago - inmates were allowed to have up to $20 in cash for using at vending machines (which had chips, cookies, candy bars, and sodas), and for laundry machines. As a method of reducing theft between inmates (and the violence that ensued), as well as to be able to better track inmate spending, cash was outlawed and instead inmates have an in-prison debit account, often called a Commissary Account (or one's \"books\").\n\nDeposits to this account come from several places: any money an inmate arrives with upon surrender or arrest (up to $100), any deposits made from persons on the outside (via checks mailed to a \"dropbox\" location in Iowa, or Western Union transfer to the same), and any income or bonuses earned by the inmate at their job assignment. \n\nAt Low (Camp) and Low-Medium prisons, all inmates are required to work, unless unable to for medical reasons. Jobs range from Food Service (cooking, cleaning, serving on line), to Facilities jobs (plumbing, wood shop, HVAC), Education (teaching GED classes, or foreign language), Orderlies (cleaning housing or educational facilities), or Clerks (assisting BOP staff with various paperwork and management duties). Pay for these positions is based on level, from 4 to 1, and ranges from $0.12/hr to $0.40/hr. \n\nSome facilities have a factory on-site as part of UNICOR, which produces a number of goods for sale/distribution to other government departments. Items produced range from AA/AAA batteries (which were merely tested and packaged, and then sold back to inmates) to dress whites and camouflage attire for various branches of the military. Jobs in UNICOR pay much higher, from $1.20 to over $3.00/hr, with increases for longevity and overtime pay when up against a deadline.\n\nWhile it is technically possible to have an outside bank account, using a third party friend or family member to manage the assets, IIRC it is forbidden by the BOP for an inmate to directly have access to such an account. However, the BOP does allow inmates to create an outside savings account through a program with Bank of America to which regular contributions from ones prison account can be made. \n\nDespite the BOP's rules against it (\"no inmate may give or receive anything of value to or from any other inmate\"), the economy on the compound (in the prison) thrives even in the absence of \"cash\". As mentioned elsewhere, many items available in the Commissary have accepted values amongst inmates. Books of (20) stamps and pouches of mackerel in oil being the most common in the BOP, and having a value generally around $6 and $1, respectively. The value may be somewhat less when transferring large amounts (50 books of stamps might be sold from one inmate to another for $250 in commissary.) Again, this is against the rules, as no inmate is to have more than 3 books of stamps in their possession at any time.\n\nThese cash-like tenders are used for payment of all sorts of services on the compound - for every official job assignment, there is a side-business, or \"hustle\":\n\n* An Orderly cleaning the hallways and bathrooms of the housing unit might sweep and mop your cell/room for you, for one mack a day, or one book a week.\n* A cook might sneak food from the kitchen (most often tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers) to sell in the housing unit, prices ranging from $1 an item, to a book for one of each, depending on the season, quality, and size.\n* The orderly in charge of the weight room equipment might charge a fee to ensure prompt availability of equipment for you each time you come to the gym (perhaps 2 books a week).\n* A commissary employee might charge for putting your shopping list at the top of the stack, ensuring you can both get your commissary and make it to lunch or dinner, since they occurred at the same time and otherwise you might not make it.\n\nIn all of the above cases, the inmate might accept purchases from commissary in lieu of the cash-like items; on your commissary day that inmate would provide you with a list of requested items (say, 3 soups (Ramen), a summer sausage, 6 Pepsis, and a bar of Irish Spring) that you would purchase and then give to them.\n\nThere are companies (who advertise in Prison Legal News, a popular printed newsletter) who will actually purchase large amounts of stamps from inmates at a discount. An inmate with 100 books of stamps (from a bustling hustle, or winning at gambling) can mail them out to said company, and have a check for $500 deposited in his/her prison account. Some companies also accept payment in stamps, especially for magazines. (Yes, you can get a subscription to Wired magazine for 2 books of stamps). \n\nPurchases of high-dollar amount (illicit) items (cigarettes, pouch tobacco, drugs, and cell phones) are usually facilitated through third parties outside the prison, and often over a cell phone that is already inside. Inmate A wants a cell phone, Inmate B has a Correctional Officer that will bring it in. Inmate A calls Friend A on the outside to send $1000 (no kidding) to Inmate B's friend, who will give say $750 to the CO, keeping $250 for Inmate B.\n\n", "Quick story about prison economics... Money is anything that holds a unified value amongst its users. In prison, at least in the the 90's, cigarettes and stamps were the currency of choice IIRC. if you had smokes, you could move about your day with relative ease and find what you needed using a pack of smokes. If you were smart, you would run a \"store\" where others could come to borrow smokes, food, toiletries, etc. the payback was 2for 1 and paid on commissary day. Stamps were a currency that could get things outside of the walls. Inmates LOVE to get mail, so a few books of stamps carry a lot of weight. They would mail the stamps out and get things done through family and friends. \nSince there was a limit on what you could have in your possession, you had to \"rent\" someone's limit (someone who was usually indigent) to store surplus. If the process of running a store goes well, you could virtually have a never ending stream of revenue. Example, someone gets a carton of cigs on Monday, has to pay back 2 on Friday. On monday, he borrows another carton. Friday rolls up and guess what? 2 cartons to pay. Never ending.", "here in germany your outside money is frozen but you can do some voluntary tasks to get a little money for a small prison shop (where cigarettes are sold for example)\n\nafaik this was implemented to prevent a black market and help teach the value of honest work", "I don't have a lot of knowledge on this, but I went on a school trip to the main prison in Ireland, and they have a kiosk with snacks and cigarettes they can buy. From what I remember, they receive a small allowance (at least that's what I was told when I visited), or do jobs such as working in the kitchen, that they can spend on this." ] }
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