I'll keep trying to become a better actor in order to remain worthy of this award". Kim made his big-screen debut in the star-studded heist film "The Thieves", touted by the press as the Korean version of "Ocean's Eleven". With over 12.9 million ticket sales, the film became the second highest-grossing movie in Korean film history. In 2013, Kim was cast to play the role of a North Korean spy who infiltrated South Korea as a village idiot in the movie "Secretly, Greatly", an adaptation of the popular webtoon series "Covertness" by Hun. The film broke several records and was one of the most successful box office hits of the year drawing an audience of 7 million. Kim won Best New Actor (Film) awards at the 50th Grand Bell Awards and the 50th Baeksang Arts Awards. 2014–2017: International fame. From 2013 to early 2014, Kim starred in SBS fantasy romance series "My Love from the Star" alongside Jun Ji-hyun. He also released two singles for the drama's soundtrack, titled "In Front of Your House" and "Promise". It became massively popular across Asia, especially in China; it had over 14.5 billion hits as of February 2014 on the online video platform iQIYI and also sparked trends in fashion, make-up and restaurants. Kim experienced explosive growth in popularity throughout Asia topping various popularity polls and became one of the most in-demand endorsers with 35 product endorsements.
viral expansion
{ "text": [ "explosive growth" ], "answer_start": [ 1244 ] }
The Federalist, Edward Stevens, was elected, and outpolled his opponent within the Fifth District, but both parties took hope from the result, with the Anti-Federalists cheered by the fact that Stevens had easily taken Spotsylvania County, where the local favorite Monroe would presumably do better. The candidates sought to appeal to the local religious communities, of which the Baptists were the most influential. That community had taken the position that the Constitution did not provide sufficient protection for their religious liberty. Madison wrote to one of their clergymen, George Eve, on January 2, 1789, stating that "it is my sincere opinion that the Constitution ought to be revised, and that the first Congress meeting under it, ought to prepare and recommend to the states for ratification, the most satisfactory provisions for all essential rights, particularly the rights of conscience [religion] in the fullest latitude, the freedom of the press, trials by jury, security against general warrants, etc." Eve became a powerful advocate for Madison against Monroe surrogates who sought the endorsement of Baptist congregations for their candidate. Madison's pledge of support for amendments defused much of the Anti-Federalist anger against him. The two men were quite friendly with each other, and decided to travel together between debates, riding from courthouse to courthouse, making speeches before large crowds. These debates showed the physical contrast between the tall, athletic Monroe, who had a full head of brown hair, and the short, slender Madison and his receding hairline. They often rode together, ate together, and lodged in the same room. In 18th century Virginia, Court Day, a different day in each local county, was not only an opportunity for lawyers and judges to try cases, but a social gathering, including fairs, markets, and other events. The candidates addressed those present, sometimes speaking for hours to the largest crowds they were likely to find during the campaign.
enough safeguard
{ "text": [ "sufficient protection" ], "answer_start": [ 493 ] }
But how accurate is scrap reporting in an environment without inventory accuracy? Better to settle for inventory accuracy and worry about scrap later as a separate issue. Option: implement a separate scrap analysis protocol unrelated to inventory transactions. Scrapped parts are segregated for subsequent inspection, quality data recording and possible rework. In both cases, scrapped parts are already removed from inventory at the end of the manufacturing cycle (presumably by returning fewer components to stores). Therefore, an inventory transaction is only needed when parts are deemed acceptable upon inspection, or after a rework operation is performed. Scrap reporting can also be done by using data from the Process control system and/or Manufacturing Execution System. Usually such a system exists to some degree in any firm, even if it is not called PCS or MES and even if it is used eventually only for keeping data regarding personnel performance and piecework, as a basis for calculating the salary of the workers. Such a system could be extended so that each worker reports also the scrapped parts. More technical requirements like Production Track & Trace, Overall Equipment Efficiency, Production Performance analysis or displaying production progress of a production order in real time should always be implemented as part of an MES. It is a bad approach to implement such systems more or less just for the sake of inventory accuracy.
different topic
{ "text": [ "separate issue" ], "answer_start": [ 155 ] }
Earth flyby. "MESSENGER" performed an Earth flyby one year after launch, on August 2, 2005, with the closest approach at 19:13 UTC at an altitude of 2,347 kilometers (1,458 statute miles) over central Mongolia. On December 12, 2005, a 524-second-long burn (Deep-Space Maneuver or DSM-1) of the large thruster adjusted the trajectory for the upcoming Venus flyby. During the Earth flyby, the "MESSENGER" team imaged the Earth and Moon using MDIS and checked the status of several other instruments observing the atmospheric and surface compositions and testing the magnetosphere and determining that all instruments tested were working as expected. This calibration period was intended to ensure accurate interpretation of data when the spacecraft entered orbit around Mercury. Ensuring that the instruments functioned correctly at such an early stage in the mission allowed opportunity for multiple minor errors to be dealt with. The Earth flyby was used to investigate the flyby anomaly, where some spacecraft have been observed to have trajectories that differ slightly from those predicted. However no anomaly was observed in MESSENGER's flyby. Two Venus flybys. On October 24, 2006 at 08:34 UTC, "MESSENGER" encountered Venus at an altitude of . During the encounter, "MESSENGER" passed behind Venus and entered superior conjunction, a period when Earth was on the exact opposite side of the Solar System, with the Sun inhibiting radio contact.
true representation
{ "text": [ "accurate interpretation" ], "answer_start": [ 695 ] }
Because every dipath appears in at most two consecutive layers, and because each formula_55 is formed by two consecutive layers, every dipath in formula_14 appears in its entirety in at least one formula_55 (and no more than 2 consecutive such graphs) For each formula_55, three separators are identified which, when removed, break the graph into three components which each contain at most formula_59 the vertices of the original. As formula_55 is built from two layers of opposed dipaths, each separator may consist of up to 2 dipaths, for a total of up to 6 dipaths over all of the separators. Let formula_61 be this set of dipaths. The proof that such separators can always be found is related to the Planar Separator Theorem of Lipton and Tarjan, and these separators can be located in linear time. For each formula_62, the directed nature of formula_63 provides for a natural indexing of its vertices from the start to the end of the path. For each vertex formula_38 in formula_55, we locate the first vertex in formula_63 reachable by formula_38, and the last vertex in formula_63 that reaches to formula_38. That is, we are looking at how early into formula_63 we can get from formula_38, and how far we can stay in formula_63 and still get back to formula_38. This information is stored with each formula_38. Then for any pair of vertices formula_75 and formula_39, formula_75 can reach formula_39 "via" formula_63 if formula_75 connects to formula_63 earlier than formula_39 connects from formula_63. Every vertex is labelled as above for each step of the recursion which builds formula_84. As this recursion has logarithmic depth, a total of formula_85 extra information is stored per vertex.
central characteristics
{ "text": [ "directed nature" ], "answer_start": [ 829 ] }
The current industry trend is for supplier companies to use the standard process as a basis to develop their own more streamlined processes, tailored to their own particular products Market research company Nielsen has a similar process based on only 5 steps : reviewing the category, targeting consumers, planning merchandising, implementing strategy, evaluating results. Category captains. It is commonplace for a particular supplier in a category to be nominated by the retailer as a category captain. The category captain will be expected to have the closest and most regular contact with the retailer and will also be expected to invest time, effort, and often financial assets into the strategic development of the category within the retailer. In return, the supplier will gain a more influential voice with the retailer. The category captain is often the supplier with the largest turnover in the category. Traditionally the job of category captain is given to a brand supplier, but in recent times the role has also gone to particularly switched-on private label suppliers. In order to do the job effectively, the supplier may be granted access to a greater wealth of data-sharing, e.g. more access to an internal sales database such as Walmart's Retail Link. In the UK, the Groceries Code Adjudicator found in her 2015-16 investigation into Tesco plc that some suppliers paid "large sums of money in exchange for category captaincy or participation in a price review". She found some evidence of benefits which suppliers derive from these arrangements but also recorded a concern, to be investigated further, as to whether the purpose of the Groceries Code was being circumvented by these payments.
prominent view
{ "text": [ "influential voice" ], "answer_start": [ 793 ] }
HSMM networks most-often use professional hardware with narrower channel bandwidths such as 5 or 10 MHz to help increase range. It is common for networks to use channel -2 with a 5 MHz bandwidth. For long-range links extending outside of metropolitan areas 802.11b DSSS modulations or 802.11ah (900 MHz) equipment can be used, further increasing range at the cost of speed. "- DSSS is 10 watts max PEP in USA" "- DSSS is 10 watts max PEP in USA" US / FCC Frequencies and channels. The following is a list of the 802.11 channels that overlap into an amateur radio band under the FCC in the United States. Note that the 5 cm amateur band extends from 5.65 to 5.925 GHz, so that there are many frequencies outside the Part 15 ISM/UNII block used for 802.11a. Many commercial grade 802.11a access points can also operate in between the normal channels by using 5 MHz channel spacing instead of the standard 20 MHz channel spacing. 802.11a channels 132, 136 and 140 are only available for unlicensed use in ETSI regions. Channels and frequencies marked in should not be used. "* must use 5/10Mhz bandwidth" The following images show the overlapping relationship of the Part 15 unlicensed bands and the Part 97 licensed bands. The images are not to scale.
uncertified usage
{ "text": [ "unlicensed use" ], "answer_start": [ 984 ] }
In 1957, Lynn Easton invited Jack Ely to play with him at a Portland Hotel gig, with Ely singing and playing guitar and Easton on the drum kit. The two teenagers had grown up together, as their parents were close friends. Easton and Ely performed at local parties and events, and soon added Mike Mitchell on guitar and Bob Nordby on bass to round out the band. They called themselves the Kingsmen, taking the name from a recently disbanded group. The Kingsmen began their collective career playing at fashion shows, Red Cross events, and supermarket promotions, generally avoiding rock songs on their setlist. In 1962, Don Gallucci, a high school freshman at the time, was recruited from another local group, the Royal Notes, to play keyboards. "Louie Louie". In 1962, while playing a gig at the Pypo Club in Seaside, Oregon, then managed by Al Dardis, the band noticed Rockin' Robin Roberts's version of "Louie Louie" being played on the jukebox for hours on end. The entire club would get up and dance. Ely convinced the Kingsmen to learn the song, which they played at dances to a great crowd response. Unknown to him, he changed the beat because he misheard it on a jukebox.
a separate regional band
{ "text": [ "another local group" ], "answer_start": [ 688 ] }
The lack of any major wars on Swedish soil since the Middle Ages further contributed to preserving many of the murals. Some completely new church murals were also created during the 17th and 18th centuries, often conservative, almost medieval, in style. Towards the end of the 17th century, however, church murals began to be covered with whitewash in several churches. It has been suggested that a growing emphasis on Protestant Orthodoxy within the Church of Sweden led to a less tolerant attitude towards the murals. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a more systematic covering of murals took place, on stylistic rather than theological grounds: the Neoclassical ideals of the time valued un-decorated, white church interiors more highly valued than the historical murals. Only a fragmentary number of church murals in Sweden have survived untouched until today; most of them were at some point covered with whitewash. From the late 19th century, and in particular during the 20th century, murals were uncovered and restored. Sometimes these "restorations" in turn led to further deterioration or even destruction. In general, however, there are still an unusually large number of murals in Sweden, compared to those elsewhere in Europe. The Swedish History Museum describes them as a "unique treasure". Technique.
extraordinarily huge quantity
{ "text": [ "unusually large number" ], "answer_start": [ 1167 ] }
Open defecation. A common issue that occurs in Mali is open defecation. Over half of the people that do not have access to safe water live in rural areas. Diseases can easily be spread when fecal matter contaminates water sources, such as groundwater. The villagers can then easily drink the contaminated water or use it when preparing food. This may lead to villagers having diarrhea, which can further worsen malnutrition, which is already a problem in Mali. Water quality at public institutions. Water sanitation and quality is also a problem at hospitals in Mali where water is not clean and toilets are not safe for women. In fact, those are in the list of the top five killers of women worldwide. Women who are about to deliver are at great risk of complications due to health centers being unable to prevent many infections. They often have to relieve themselves outside because public restrooms are not available.
serious danger
{ "text": [ "great risk" ], "answer_start": [ 741 ] }
To create these memories, Spanos' subjects drew upon the expectations established by authority figures and information outside of the experiment such as television, novels, life experiences and their own desires. In sum, it is therefore suggested that past lives are likely false memories, implanted through the susceptibility of the hypnotic method. Ethical questions. Past life regression has been critiqued for being unethical on the premises that it lacks any evidence to support these claims, and that the act increases one's susceptibility to false memories. Luis Cordón states that this can be problematic as it creates delusions under the guise of therapy. The memories are experienced as vivid as those based on events experienced in one's life, impossible to differentiate from true memories of actual events, and accordingly any damage can be difficult to undo. As past life regression is rooted on the premise of reincarnation, many APA accredited organizations have begun to refute this as a therapeutic method on the basis of it being unethical. Additionally, the hypnotic methodology that underpins past life regression places the participant in a vulnerable position, susceptible to implantation of false memories. Because the implantation of false memories may be harmful, Gabriel Andrade, Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, Ajman University, United Arab Emirates., United Arab Emirates, points out that past life regression violates the principle of "first, do no harm" (non-maleficence), part of the Hippocratic Oath.
rather exposed state
{ "text": [ "vulnerable position" ], "answer_start": [ 1163 ] }
That is why, when Qualiflyer launched in 1992, two account types were introduced: the Qualiflyer basic level, for everyone wishing to collect miles, and the Qualiflyer Travelclub, for more frequent travelers. To meet the needs of particular target groups better, further club levels were added. The Travelclub Gold, for very frequent travelers and Qualiflyer Circle for an exclusive group of selected members. The existence of the "Circle" was not actively communicated, to ensure optimum exclusivity. The Circle was introduced in 1994 and the Travelclub Gold membership only many years later in 2001. For every level, further benefits were offered to make the travel as smooth and pleasant as possible. Awards. Qualiflyer won industry awards in a wide range of categories. Swiss Dialogue Marketing Awards. This award honors the best dialogue marketing campaigns and is selected by a jury of dialogue marketing experts.
all ranks
{ "text": [ "every level" ], "answer_start": [ 606 ] }
At 4pm there is a minimum in the pressure. This daily cover of cloud protects the glaciers on the south-west of the mountain which would otherwise get direct sun every day, enhancing their melt. The upwelling cloud eventually reaches the dry easterly air streams and dissipates, leading to a clear sky by 5pm. There is another maxima of temperature associated with this. Being an equatorial mountain the day light hours are constant with twelve hour days. Sunrise is about 0530 with the sun setting at 1730. Over the course of the year there is a one-minute difference between the shortest and longest days. At night, the sky is usually clear with katabatic winds blowing down the valleys. Above the lower alpine zone there is usually frost every night. Temperature. The temperatures on Mount Kenya fluctuate greatly.
12 hours of daytime
{ "text": [ "twelve hour days" ], "answer_start": [ 438 ] }
In the 1950s, An Caighdeán Oifigiúil ("The Official Standard") was introduced to simplify spellings and allow easier communication by different dialect speakers. By 1965 speakers in the Dáil regretted that those taught Irish in the traditional Irish script (the "Cló Gaedhealach") over the previous decades were not helped by the recent change to the Latin script, the "Cló Romhánach". An ad-hoc "Language Freedom Movement" that was opposed to the compulsory teaching of Irish was started in 1966, but it had largely faded away within a decade. Overall, the percentage of people speaking Irish as a first language has decreased since independence, while the number of second-language speakers has increased. There have been some modern success stories in language preservation and promotion such as Gaelscoileanna the education movement, Official Languages Act 2003, TG4, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta and Foinse. In 2005, Enda Kenny, formerly an Irish teacher, called for compulsory Irish to end at the Junior Certificate level, and for the language to be an optional subject for Leaving Certificate students. This provoked considerable comment, and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern argued that it should remain compulsory. Today, estimates of fully native speakers range from 40,000 to 80,000 people. In the republic, there are just over 72,000 people who use Irish as a daily language outside education, as well as a larger minority of the population who are fluent but do not use it on a daily basis. (While census figures indicate that 1.66 million people in the republic have some knowledge of the language, a significant percentage of these know only a little.) Smaller numbers of Irish speakers exist in Britain, Canada (particularly in Newfoundland), the United States of America and other countries.
authorized norm
{ "text": [ "Official Standard" ], "answer_start": [ 43 ] }
This led to sloppiness in the interviews and contract negotiations. After only one interview, Goldin was catapulted to the top of the committee's list, due mostly to the personal backing of Silber. Goldin remained the favorite even after he made demands during contract negotiations that would have likely disqualified him from consideration in more ideal circumstances. Among these was his desire to spend much of his time in Malibu, California, where his wife would be living; according to a source Goldin "didn't think he had to be on campus every weekend to be effective." The Trustees agreed to this, and even offered to subsidize this travel with first class airfare as well as a private jet named “BU1”. Tolerance of such requests was reinforced by the hope that Goldin would use the influence from his former association with NASA to draw in more research funding and grants. Despite some Trustees' uneasiness over offering Goldin the position, enough votes existed to do so. As a sign of support, the chairman of the board requested that the vote be unanimous. The Trustees capitulated, unanimously deciding in favor of extending Goldin the job offer. Vote of no confidence. On October 24, a mere week prior to Goldin's arrival on campus, the Trustees gave him a vote of no confidence, and called an emergency meeting to address the matter on October 31.
a single evaluation
{ "text": [ "one interview" ], "answer_start": [ 79 ] }
ECAMI (Empresa de Comunicaciones, S.A.) is a renewable energy business based in Nicaragua, selling solar PV, wind power and hydroelectric systems. ECAMI was founded in 1982 by Luis Lacayo Lacayo, to supply radio communications equipment in rural areas of Nicaragua where infrastructure had been destroyed during the prolonged civil conflict and revolution. Photovoltaics (PV) were the ideal way of powering this equipment, because there was no grid electricity. Many other opportunities for PV became apparent to Lacayo, like home lighting, battery-charging, water pumping and refrigeration. Over the years the provision of renewable energy systems became more important than communications and is now the main activity of ECAMI. ECAMI routinely supplies and installs solar-homes PV systems in rural areas. ECAMI designs and installs PV-powered mini grids to provide power for homes, hotels, museums and planned health centers in small communities.
best method
{ "text": [ "ideal way" ], "answer_start": [ 385 ] }
The connecting passageway between it and the house was itself later adapted into a garage. The main entrance, framed by stylized pilasters, leads to a central hall that goes all the way to the back of the shed-roofed addition. The interior has been stripped for repair work, but original pieces included a mahogany balustrade on the main stairway and a black marble mantelpiece. History. Carman acquired the land in 1833 from the Ashburys, local farmers who had subdivided, probably to take advantage of a growing local economy. It is not known what Carman did before 1820, or if he came from somewhere other than Chelsea, but after that year he had operated a shipyard where the Chelsea Yacht Club's clubhouse now stands. He may have been leasing the Ashburys' property for some time before 1833. At first he built wooden sloops, the most common ship along the river in those days. In their 1908 history "The Sloops of the Hudson", William Verplanck and Moses Collyer (whose own house, Driftwood, is nearby) credit him with the invention of a moveable centerboard that allowed sloops more stable maneuvering in the deeper sections of the river without having to sacrifice their ability to put ashore at shallow ports. The one Carman installed on his boat the "Freedom" is believed to have been the first. It became a standard feature shortly thereafter.
Prosperous financial climate
{ "text": [ "growing local economy" ], "answer_start": [ 506 ] }
Well-known Haemadipsidae are for example the Indian Leech ("Haemadipsa sylvestris") and the "yamabiru" or Japanese Mountain Leech ("Haemadipsa zeylanica"). Members of the family feed on blood, except "Idiobdella" which has adapted to eat small snails. The other notable group of jawed blood-sucking leeches are the aquatic Hirudinidae. The Xerobdellidae are sometimes included in the Haemadipsidae, but their status as a distinct family is supported by sequence analysis of the nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA and mitochondrial COI genes as well as the anatomy of their sexual organs and nephridia; the latter are located at the belly rather than along the body sides as in the Haemadipsidae proper. All Xerobdellidae have three jaws. Haemadipsidae probably originate in the Triassic, more than 150 million years ago (mya). The diversification of the large Asian genus "Haemadipsa" probably did not take place until the Eocene, about 50 mya. Because members of this family are terrestrial, feed on vertebrate blood, and digest blood meals fairly slowly, they are used in invertebrate-derived environmental DNA (eDNA) research. By extracting DNA from leech guts and sequencing vertebrate-specific genes, it is possible to identify which vertebrate the leech in question has fed upon, and therefore what animals are in the surrounding habitat. This methodology can be complementary to camera trap biodiversity surveys, which often undercount smaller animals.
significant collection
{ "text": [ "notable group" ], "answer_start": [ 262 ] }
Once considered a winter novelty associated with winter festivals throughout the northern United States and Canada, ice bowling is slowly growing into a more established sport in areas with hibernal climates. For instance, in February 2009, the World Ice Bowling Championships took place in Anchorage, Alaska as part of the Anchorage Fur Rendezvous. Such events attest to the rising significance of the fledgling sport. Game Play. Ice bowling is strictly an amateur sport and no professional sport association exists for the game yet. Ice bowling lanes are often cleared from natural bodies of ice such as lakes, rivers, or streams, or are created from a field of compacted snow by drizzling with water and allowing the field to freeze solid in due course, a process similar to creating an improvised ice skating rink. Scoring, game format, and general rules and regulations parallel 10 pin bowling quite closely. However, similar to bumper bowling, hay or straw bails are often used in place of gutters, allowing the bowling ball to ricochet its way down the bowling lane. Another notable divergence from modern 10 pin bowling is the lack of automatic ball return mechanisms, necessitating a human lane attendant at the end of the ice lane in order to reset the bowling pins after the bowling ball is put into play, and additionally to return the ball to the hurler. A lane attendant is also responsible for grooming the ice between games in order to ensure a uniform surface free of shavings or impediments. Since the game is often played in inhospitable conditions, with snow, sleet, and hail not unheard of during day-to-day game play, several layers of winter outerwear, including parkas, gloves, scarves, ushanka, and mukluks would be common for players to attire themselves in while engaging in the sport.
consistent area
{ "text": [ "uniform surface" ], "answer_start": [ 1461 ] }
questions by attributing a person's behavior (including our own) to a cause. People also gain self-knowledge by making attributions for "other people's" behavior; for example "If nobody wants to spend time with me it must be because I'm boring". Activation. Individuals think of themselves in many different ways, yet only some of these ideas are active at any one given time. The idea that is specifically active at a given time is known as the Current Self-Representation. Other theorists have referred to the same thing in several different ways: The current self-representation influences information processing, emotion, and behavior and is influenced by both "personal" and "situational" factors. Personal factors that influence current self-representation. Self-concept. Self-concept, or how people "usually" think of themselves is the most important personal factor that influences current self-representation. This is especially true for attributes that are important and self-defining. Self-concept is also known as the self-schema, made of innumerable smaller self-schemas that are "chronically accessible".
a specific moment
{ "text": [ "one given time" ], "answer_start": [ 361 ] }
"Lagan" (also called "ligan") are goods cast overboard and heavy enough to sink to the ocean floor, but linked to a floating marker, such as a buoy or cork, so that they can be found again by whoever marked the item. Lagan can also be large objects trapped within the sinking vessel. According to maritime law, a buoy or other floating object constitutes sufficient grounds in laying claim to an artifact. Lagan must be returned to the rightful owner. Derelict. "Derelict" can refer to goods that have sunk to the ocean floor, relinquished willingly or forcefully by its owner, and thus abandoned, but which no one has any hope of reclaiming. In terms of maritime law, derelict is considered property abandoned on navigable waters which has no hope of being recovered, or "sine spe recuperandi", and no expectation of it being returned to its owner, or "sine animo revertendi".
naval rule
{ "text": [ "maritime law" ], "answer_start": [ 297 ] }
The Global Forum on Migration and Development Civil Society Days is an annual meeting of civil society representatives held in conjunction with the Government Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development. Background. The Global Forum on Migration and Development is an outcome of the 2006 UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development suggested by the UN Secretary General. The GFMD is open to any member state or observer of the United Nations as well as international organizations and civil society. The GFMD is outside of the UN program and is non-binding, completely voluntary process hosted by a different state each year. The host state in turn selects a Chair to organize and lead the event. The GFMD Civil Society Days are a parallel process to the government meetings and are led each year by a civil society partner selected by the Chair. In the past five meetings, a range of topics have been discussed by governments and civil society including: global governance of migration, irregular migration, integration of migrants, discrimination, xenophobia, the feminization of migration, remittances, migrant rights, mobility, research, and data collection, to name a few. UN Secretary General appointed Peter Sutherland as the Secretary General’s Special Representative on Migration and Development. Coordinating Office.
United Nations initiative
{ "text": [ "UN program" ], "answer_start": [ 548 ] }
Process isolation is a set of different hardware and software technologies designed to protect each process from other processes on the operating system. It does so by preventing process A from writing to process B. Process isolation can be implemented with virtual address space, where process A's address space is different from process B's address space – preventing A from writing onto B. Security is easier to enforce by disallowing inter-process memory access, in contrast with less secure architectures such as DOS in which any process can write to any memory in any other process. Limited inter-process communication. In a system with process isolation, limited (controlled) interaction between processes may still be allowed over inter-process communication (IPC) channels such as shared memory, local sockets or Internet sockets. In this scheme, all of the process' memory is isolated from other processes except where the process is allowing input from collaborating processes. System policies may disallow IPC in some circumstances. For example, in mandatory access control systems, subjects with different sensitivity levels may not be allowed to communicate with each other. The security implications in these circumstances are broad and span applications in network key encryption systematics as well as distributed caching algorithms.
defense repercussions
{ "text": [ "security implications" ], "answer_start": [ 1193 ] }
Argentina managed to emulate their northern neighbors with the 1995 edition being an all-Argentinian affair. Independiente, led by Jorge Burruchaga, managed to consecrate themselves winners after defeating Carlos Bianchi's legendary Vélez Sársfield 1–0 in Tokyo. Independiente participated in a second, consecutive final only to lose the title to Grêmio after being defeated 4–1. The 1997 edition was won by a Vélez Sársfield team that bowed out from the international limelight with their last title. Having failed to win the trophy in 1992 and 1993, Cruzeiro comfortably won the 1998 edition that was played as part of the Copa Mercosur. This final series was played two years after the participating teams won their corresponding qualifying tournaments. At the end of the 1998 season, CONMEBOL discontinued the Supercopa Sudamericana. As a result of not having an important, secondary tournament, the Recopa Sudamericana went into a hiatus from 1999 until 2002. However, the introduction of the new Copa Sudamericana revitalized the competition with Olimpia winning the 2003 final in Los Angeles. Played on a neutral venue for the second year in a row, Cienciano defeated Boca Juniors on penalties to win their second international title. From 2005 onwards, the Recopa Sudamericana would be played on a home-and-away basis.
1998 version
{ "text": [ "1998 edition" ], "answer_start": [ 581 ] }
Wave measurements are typically available for seafloor-mounted instruments but recent improvements permit the instrument to be mounted also on rotating subsurface buoys. Turbulence. ADCPs with pulse-to-pulse coherent processing can estimate the velocity with the precision required to resolve small scale motion. As a consequence, it is possible to estimate turbulent parameters from properly configured ADCPs. A typical approach is to fit the along beam velocity to the Kolmogorov structure configuration and thereby estimate the dissipation rate. The application of ADCPs to turbulence measurement is possible from stationary deployments but can also be done from moving underwater structures like gliders or from subsurface buoys. Advantages and disadvantages. The two major advantages of ADCPs is the absence of moving parts that are subject to biofouling and the remote sensing aspect, where a single, stationary instrument can measure the current profile over ranges exceeding 1000 m. These features allow for long term measurements of the ocean currents over a significant portion of the water column. Since the start in the mid-1980s, many thousand ADCPs have been used in the world oceans and the instrument has played a significant role in our understanding of the world ocean circulation. The main disadvantage of the ADCPs is the loss of data close to the boundary. This mechanism, often referred to as a sidelobe interference, covers 6–12% of the water column and, for instruments looking up toward the surface, the loss of velocity information close to the surface is real disadvantage.
common tactic
{ "text": [ "typical approach" ], "answer_start": [ 413 ] }
An alternate route for developing emergency medicine is to provide additional training for other specialists to equip them to practice in emergency medicine. This has the benefit of being more rapid to implement, as physicians already trained in other areas can add the necessary emergency skills to their repertoire. However, after the initial expansion it is difficult for emergency medicine to progress further in nations that adopt this strategy, as the retrained practitioners identify more with their original specialty and have less incentive to continue to press for further innovations in emergency medicine. Challenges. Training. Educational opportunities in emergency medicine are not available in many countries, and even when present, they are often in their infancy. Botswana opened its first medical school in 2009, with a program in emergency medicine following in 2011. The program aims to train four to six physicians in emergency medicine each year. Limitations on in-country training mean that the program includes six months of training at an international site. The organization of the program is modeled on South Africa's program due to the similarities in resource constraints and disease burdens and the eagerness of College of Emergency Medicine of South Africa and Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa to support the expansion of emergency medicine. Two years of clinical practice are required before entering the residency program, as in the South African and Australian approaches.
additional country location
{ "text": [ "international site" ], "answer_start": [ 1064 ] }
As such, it simulcasts all network and syndicated programming as provided through its parent, but airs separate legal identifications and local commercial inserts. However, this slightly different feed is seen exclusively over the air as only WAOW is offered on cable and satellite providers in the market. Although WYOW maintains an advertising sales office on West Pine Street/WIS 17/WIS 70 in Eagle River and transmitter facilities in unincorporated Oneida County (between Sugar Camp and Three Lakes), master control and most internal operations are based at WAOW's studios. WYOW is identified on-air as "Northwoods 34" based on north-central Wisconsin's namesake as a popular vacation and retirement destination in the Upper Midwestern United States. It also serves the western portion of Michigan's Upper Peninsula although the off-air signal reach is limited to areas around Iron River and Watersmeet. WYOW's first broadcast to viewers in Northern Wisconsin and the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan was on January 4, 1997 under the ownership of Northwoods Educational Television. Shockley operated the station through a local marketing agreement (LMA) until Shockley successfully purchased it outright in December 1998. WYOW does not maintain any news-related personnel at its Eagle River office. However, there is a specific section on WAOW's website featuring "Northwoods 34" branded headlines as provided through WAOW's regional coverage. WMOW. WMOW (channel 4) in Crandon operates as a full-time satellite of WAOW.
particular piece
{ "text": [ "specific section" ], "answer_start": [ 1326 ] }
Valbanera was a steamship operated by the Pinillos Line of Spain from 1905 until 1919, when she sank in a hurricane with the loss of all 488 crew and passengers aboard. "Valbanera" was a steamer capable of carrying close to 1,200 passengers. She sailed a regular route between Spain and Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Gulf Coast of the United States. The ship sank with the loss of all 488 people on board during the Florida Keys Hurricane in September 1919. Sinking.
488 civilians
{ "text": [ "488 people" ], "answer_start": [ 382 ] }
In September 1956, the lease for hotel passed to Queensland Brewery Ltd. This lease was held until 1985 when it was transferred to Ashwick (Qld). The property passed to Moreton Bay Holdings in early 1987. In November 1989, a week-long celebration to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the hotel was organised by the then lessees. An article in the Bayside Bulletin dated 14 November 1989 states that "...the Waterloo Bay Hotel is serving the community as never before and looks set to take on its second hundred years with ease and equanimity." Renovations undertaken in the 1980s, included the addition of a beer garden and restaurant. Towards the end of 1999, further renovation work was undertaken. Still a focal point for the local and surrounding community, the Waterloo Bay Hotel has been identified as a Heritage Place within the Wynnum-Manly Local Area Plan. Description. The Waterloo Bay Hotel is located on a triangular piece of land at Wynnum, bounded by Berrima Street and Bay and Byrnside Terraces. A mature Moreton Bay Fig Tree is located in the eastern corner of the property.
{ "text": [ "triangular piece" ], "answer_start": [ 921 ] }
Lower North Falls, is a waterfall located in the Silver Falls State Park at the east end of the city of Salem, in Marion County, in the U.S. state of Oregon. It is located in a privileged area on the west foothills where Mount Hood National Forest meets with the Middle Santiam Wilderness. Several prominent waterfalls are located in the Park along Trail of Ten Falls including South Falls, Drake Falls, Middle North Falls and Winter Falls. Location. Lower North Falls is the last of six waterfalls created along the course of North Silver Creek and is the furthest from the Silver Falls State Park Trail of Ten Falls, along Canyon Trail, a quarter of a mile north of Drake Falls. Double Falls forms a few yards upstream through Hullt Creek, a tributary of the North Fork Silver Creek.
birthright spot
{ "text": [ "privileged area" ], "answer_start": [ 177 ] }
The album features other characters as well, including space aliens, right-wing militia members, a retired intelligence officer, and mentally disturbed homeless people. The title, in addition to commenting on the theme of the album, is a play on the typeface Times New Roman. One of the songs, "That Gum You Like Is Back In Style" is derived from a line in David Lynch's cult TV show "Twin Peaks". Another, "Come Out", is a cover of a piece by minimalist composer Steve Reich. Novel. In 2018 a novel based on the album was released, called "New Roman Times", authored by Evan Brown. Lowery and Segel had the following to say about the story:"How did it come to all this anyway? It’s been a very confusing time, hasn’t it? Well, here’s one of the many complicated stories that should bring some understanding of the real players involved, to bring you up to speed on the events of today. So much of it rides on the tales of these characters.”-Jonathan Segel"New Roman Times was intended as a kind of commentary on the fakish red/blue narrative that emerged in the media in the lead up to the Iraq war. The crazy conspiratorial elements were thrown in because it’s a Camper Van Beethoven album.
discharged commander adviser
{ "text": [ "retired intelligence officer" ], "answer_start": [ 99 ] }
Sveagruva (), or simply Svea, was a mining settlement in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, lying at the head of Van Mijenfjord. It was the third largest settlement in the archipelago (after Longyearbyen and Barentsburg). Around 300 workers living in Longyearbyen commuted to Sveagruva for work on a daily or weekly basis. The mine was operated by Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani. There is no road to Longyearbyen or any other settlements, so travel is done by air from Svea Airport and coal transport by ship from a port southwest.
regular rate
{ "text": [ "daily or weekly basis" ], "answer_start": [ 304 ] }
The social character is the central basic concept of the analytic social psychology of Erich Fromm. Overview. The concept describes the formation of the shared character structure of the people of a society or a social class according to their way of life and the socially typical expectations and functional requirements regarding socially adaptive behavior. Social character is essentially adaptive to the dominant mode of production in a society. According to Fromm, the concept integrates Marx's theory concerning how the mode of production determines ideology with Freud's concept of character. While individual character describes the richness of the character structure of an individual, the social character describes the emotional attitudes common to people in a social class or society. The social character is acquired substantially in the family as an agent of the society but also developed in other institutions of society such as schools and workplaces.
public personality
{ "text": [ "social character" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
The number of patterns possible by subdividing Four-, Five-, Seven-, Nine-Patches and Eight-Pointed Stars and using triangles instead of squares in the small subdivisions is almost endless. Quilting techniques. Many types of quilting exist today. The two most widely used are hand-quilting and machine quilting. Hand quilting is the process of using a needle and thread to sew a running stitch by hand across the entire area to be quilted. This binds the layers together. A quilting frame or hoop is often used to assist in holding the piece being quilted off the quilter's lap. A quilter can make one stitch at a time by first driving the needle through the fabric from the right side, then pushing it back up through the material from the wrong side to complete the stitch; this is called a stab stitch. Another option is called a rocking stitch, where the quilter has one hand, usually with a finger wearing a thimble, on top of the quilt, while the other hand is located beneath the piece to push the needle back up. A third option is called "loading the needle" and involves doing four or more stitches before pulling the needle through the cloth. Hand quilting is still practiced by the Amish and Mennonites within the United States and Canada, and is enjoying a resurgence worldwide.
number three choice
{ "text": [ "third option" ], "answer_start": [ 1023 ] }
In 1980 the Commission first met in Rhodes where they released a joint preparatory document stating that a deeper understanding of the sacraments would help further dialogue. Another issue that has been made clear is the disagreement surrounding the nature of the dispute. For many Catholics the primary issue is one of authority, which relates to ecclesiology. They do not regard the Orthodox as heretical but merely as schismatic, for they do not recognise Papal supremacy. Alternatively the Orthodox will often diagnose the problem as primarily theological, pointing to Catholic dogmatic teachings on the Immaculate Conception and Papal Infallibility as being heretical. Essence-Energy Distinction. One of the key tests today of theological harmonisation is over the essence-energy distinction. Thomas Aquinas died on the way to the Second Council of Lyon in 1274, convoked to deal with the east-west split. His “divine simplicity” explanation of a "virtual" distinction between God’s essence and energies is one side of the debate; the other side was articulated by the Mt Athos hesychast monk, Gregory Palamas, a contemporary of Aquinas, who argued for a "real" distinction between God’s essence and energies. This issue is of great relevance since it deals with how the human being knows and relates to the Creator. Recent Developments.
main examinations
{ "text": [ "key tests" ], "answer_start": [ 713 ] }
The Cahuilla seem to have had a practical view of death that included it as a necessary component of their world. It was held annually during the winter months, and its date fluctuated according to supplies and internal factors. Commonly, these rites took place in a large structure called the "kis-amnawut" (roughly translated as house power-great)). The ritual for the dead was interwoven with other aspects of Cahuilla life; it wasn't until the fourth day of the mourning ritual, for example, that infants of the tribe would be publicly named.
needed element
{ "text": [ "necessary component" ], "answer_start": [ 78 ] }
Examples include Dmitri Shostakovich's Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2, which was written in 1938, and "Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour" from Jacques Offenbach's 1881 opera "The Tales of Hoffmann". Limited prequel series. In May 2021, Netflix ordered a limited prequel series from Shonda Rhimes, which will focus on the rise and love life of a young Queen Charlotte. Rhimes will write the series and serve as executive producer alongside Betsy Beers and Tom Verica. Reception. Critical response. For the first season, the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 89% based on 92 reviews, with an average rating of 7.88/10. The website's critics' consensus reads, "Sumptuous design, soapy drama, and a sterling cast make "Bridgerton" a delightful treat." Metacritic gave the series a weighted average score of 74 out of 100 based on 33 reviews, indicating "generally favorable reviews." Kristen Baldwin of "Entertainment Weekly" gave the series a B+ and wrote, ""Bridgerton", it seems, is a wonderful diversion for those who love "Pride & Prejudice" but wish it had more stairway sex."
luxurious motif
{ "text": [ "Sumptuous design" ], "answer_start": [ 690 ] }
She was decommissioned there on 5 September 1901. While she was out of commission at Mare Island, "Bennington" was refitted. A pilothouse that had been added on top of her bridge and a spotlight platform on her bow – both added in 1893–94 – were removed. "Bennington"s mainmast was also removed, leaving her as a two-mast rig. In addition, two tall ventilation cowls were added immediately behind the bridge. After 18 months of inactivity, "Bennington" was recommissioned on 2 March 1903 under the command of Commander Chauncey Thomas. Over the next 27 months, "Bennington" cruised in the eastern Pacific along the coasts of North and South America. The warship visited Alaskan ports in the summer of 1903 and the coast of Central America the following fall and winter. In May 1904, she steamed to Hawaii and then proceeded to the Aleutians in June. The winter of 1904 and 1905 saw her voyage south for visits to Pacific ports in Central and South America. In February 1905, she departed San Francisco for a two-month cruise to the Hawaiian Islands, returning to San Diego on 19 July, after a difficult 17-day voyage.
subsequent autumn
{ "text": [ "following fall" ], "answer_start": [ 743 ] }
Between 1885 and 1891, a new addition was added to the rear of the building. In 1899, H. Hackfeld and Company constructed a new building next door to the Old Courthouse to serve as its new headquarters and erected a cast- and wrought-iron gateway between the Old two buildings. Each half of the gate bore medallions with the left gate bearing the number "49," representing the year the company was founded (1849), and the right gate bearing the number "99," representing the year the company celebrated its fiftieth anniversary (1899). At around the same time the gate was erected, the company removed the building's front portico. Although H. Hackfeld and Company moved into the new headquarters next door in 1903, the company, and its successors continued to use the Old Courthouse for office and warehouse space until 1968. Demolition. In February 1968, Amfac announced plans to demolish the Old Courthouse to make way for a new high-rise office complex. Although Amfac indicated the building could not stay at its current location, it stated it would be willing to donate the Old Courthouse and provide up to $25,000 to dismantle and reconstruct it at another location. After the announcement, there was movement among preservationists to try to preserve the building. In March 1968, the State of Hawaii's Historic Buildings Task Force proposed that Amfac swap the 25,000 square foot parcel on which the courthouse stood with an adjacent 21,000 square foot parcel, which was owned by the City and County of Honolulu and used as a park. Under this proposed deal, the courthouse would be preserved at its existing location.
submitted pact
{ "text": [ "proposed deal" ], "answer_start": [ 1551 ] }
Jones illustrated a story by Peter Johnson set in the trilogy's universe in "Infinite Halloween Special" #1 (December 2007). Titled "Red Rain: Blood Lust", it tells the story of the vampiric Batman brutally murdering Dick Grayson's parents and is narrated by the Mad Hatter. In "Countdown to Final Crisis" (2007—2008), the series' events are described as taking place on the 43rd alternate version of Earth in the DC Comics Multiverse. For this series, Johnson and Jones produced another story that features a team of superheroes traveling to Earth-43 during a search for Ray Palmer. There, they encounter the trilogy's characters. For "Convergence" (2015), Len Wein and Jones produced a storyline in which the Swamp Thing arrives in the world of the "Batman & Dracula" trilogy and meets the vampire Batman. The story explores the emotional cost being a vampire has on Batman, depicting him as horrified of what he has become. He and the Swamp Thing team up to fight destroy as many of the remaining vampires as possible and manage to kill the vampire queen; after the queen's destruction, every vampire becomes human again except Batman, who cannot revert since he was bitten by Dracula. Batman and the Swamp Thing watch the sunrise together and Batman expresses with awe how beautiful he thinks it is before disintegrating into dust. The 2005 animated film "The Batman vs. Dracula" draws inspiration from the "Batman & Dracula" trilogy, specifically the first two books "Red Rain" and "Bloodstorm". Knight and "ComicsAlliance"s Elle Collins both thought adapting "Batman & Dracula" into a film was a good idea, with Collins listing actors she thought should play the roles of each character.
spiritual burden
{ "text": [ "emotional cost" ], "answer_start": [ 835 ] }
Although never formally recognized by the Catholic Church, the French monarch, the Spanish monarch, and the Holy Roman Emperor (which later became the Emperor of Austria) claimed this right at various times, making known to a papal conclave, through a crown-cardinal, that the monarch deemed a particular candidate for the papacy objectionable. Early history. The right exercised by Byzantine emperors and Holy Roman Emperors to confirm the election of a Pope, which was last exercised in the Early Middle Ages, appears unrelated to the Early modern legal claim of "jus exclusivae" by the Holy Roman Empire, France, and Spain. Pope Pius IV, in his bull "In Elgidendis" (1562), excluded formal support of the Church to such rights and external interventions in the conclave. It was explicitly forbidden in 1904 with the bull "Commissum Nobis" of Pope Pius X. In the 17th century, treatises in defence of this right first appear. It was notably invoked in 1644 by both Spain and France. Spain used it to exclude the election of Giulio Cesare Sacchetti, whereas France failed to veto the election of Giovanni Battista Pamphili (who became Pope Innocent X). Right asserted since 1644. At the 1846 Papal conclave, Austrian Chancellor Klemens von Metternich confided Austria's veto of Cardinal Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti to Cardinal Carlo Gaetano Gaisruck, Archbishop of Milan, who arrived too late. Papal attitude toward the "jus exclusivae".
official recognition
{ "text": [ "formal support" ], "answer_start": [ 686 ] }
Thus, a fading vowel is symmetric with an aspirated consonant , and a glottalized vowel is symmetric with an ejective (glottalized) consonant . That implies that the two systems have no familial relationship. Leer (1978) speculated that the maintenance of the pretonal system in Tongass Tlingit was caused by the proximity of its speakers around the Cape Fox area near the mouth of the Portland Canal to speakers of Coastal Tsimshian, just to the south. Phonology. Tlingit has a complex phonological system, compared to Indo-European languages such as English or Spanish. It has an almost complete series of ejective consonants accompanying its stop, fricative, and affricate consonants. Tlingit's only missing ejective consonant in the Tlingit series is pronounced , and the language is also notable for having several laterals but no voiced and for having no labials in most dialects, except for and in recent English loanwords. Consonants. Consonants in the popular orthography are given in the following table, with IPA equivalents in brackets. Marginal or historical phonemes are given in parentheses. Nasal consonants assimilating with and the velar and uvular plosives is common among Tlingit-speakers of all dialects.
incomplete set
{ "text": [ "almost complete series" ], "answer_start": [ 582 ] }
Populations may have experienced declines in the past due to strip-mining and siltation in the gravel substrates in which it spawns. Ecology. Emerald darters compete heavily with other benthic freshwater fish in the southeastern United States. They are known as opportunistic feeders, relying on food and prey availability which fluctuates drastically throughout seasonal changes. Emerald darters are primarily insectivorous, and depending on size class, 80% to 100% of their diets can consist of small invertebrates. Emerald darters can be found in a variety of clear freshwater habitats with moderately low siltation. The fish can generally be found in water that ranges from 8 to 45 cm in depth, though they are known to retreat to deeper, rock-lined pools during colder months and when floods alter current velocity. Emerald darters inhabit waters that range from 0 to 25 °C, and can be found in riffles and runways up to 0.61 m/s flow velocity. As suggested by the emerald darter's subterminal mouth, they are benthic feeders, primarily consuming small invertebrates such as microcrustaceans, various types of larvae, and nematodes. Emerald darters tend to feed during the day, and their diets largely depend on the time of year, as prey availability changes due to season. They prefer streams with open sunlight and dense vegetation.
length group
{ "text": [ "size class" ], "answer_start": [ 443 ] }
The magazines, however are designed with an extra section of grip, so that all fingers of the firing hand are accommodated. The blowback, fixed-barrel design theoretically aids accuracy, and it appears that the vast majority of Thunder 380 users report favorably on that issue. The nearly straight-in alignment of the chamber and the topmost cartridge in the magazine seems to be responsible for the pistol's reliable chambering and cycling. The frame features a long rearward tang over the grips, which effectively protects the shooter's thumb web from hammer-bite or slide-bite. There are several safety features built into the Thunder 380: a slide mounted manual safety and decocker that blocks the hammer, a magazine disconnect safety that prevents firing if a magazine is not inserted, a long double-action (DA) first trigger pull, an inertial firing pin, and (in some models) an integral key-operated trigger lock. Some versions also feature an automatic firing pin block. The pistol has a rear sight windage adjustment. External links. The above link is not dead but the site was forced to go to a subscription base. See for further info
additional extension
{ "text": [ "extra section" ], "answer_start": [ 44 ] }
It is located between "petit ouvrage" Bousse and "petit ouvrage" Berenbach, facing Germany just to the east of Bockange. With one of the longest main galleries of any Maginot position, it consists of two entrance blocks, three infantry blocks and four artillery blocks. A second phase of construction was planned to add nine more combat blocks and an anti-tank ditch, but was never executed. Anzeling saw limited action in World War II, and was rehabilitated for use during the cold war. It was de-activated in the 1970s and sold for private use. Design and construction. The site was surveyed by CORF ("Commission d'Organisation des Régions Fortifiées"), the Maginot Line's design and construction agency; Anzeling was approved for construction in May 1931. It was completed at a cost of 122 million francs by the contractor La Parisienne d'Enterprises. The "gros ouvrage" is of the typical "fort palmé" ("palm-shaped") form for a large position. The "fort palmé" is a distributed fortification, with its entrances and underground support areas more than a kilometer to the rear, connected to the combat blocks by a long underground gallery. The "palm" is composed of the grouped combat blocks, linked by galleries to the main trunk.
little use
{ "text": [ "limited action" ], "answer_start": [ 405 ] }
These stamps had standard keytype designs which were used in other British colonies, and they were inscribed "" since they were equally valid for postal and fiscal use. The lower values between ¼d and 1/- had a smaller size than the 2/- and 5/- high values. A pictorial 4d value which was similar to the 1901 ¼d was also issued, and the 2/6 of 1899 was reprinted with a new watermark in 1919. That year, a 10/- value with a modified version of the 1899 St Paul's Shipwreck design was released. 1530 copies were issued, and today it is Malta's most expensive stamp. Two war tax stamps with denominations of ½d and 3d were issued in 1917 and 1918, during World War I. In late 1921 and early 1922, some of the 1914–1919 issues were reprinted with a new watermark (including the 10/- value, but this is not as scarce as the 1919 issue). The 2d value of this issue had a new design. On 15 April 1922, this stamp was also issued locally surcharged "" after there was a shortage of ¼d stamps. In 1921, Malta was granted a limited form of self-government which led to the establishment of a Senate and Legislative Assembly. To commemorate this, 1899–1922 definitive stamps were locally overprinted ' and were issued between 12 January and 29 April 1922.
restricted type
{ "text": [ "limited form" ], "answer_start": [ 1015 ] }
Letitia Landon included a memorandum on this poet in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835 together with an example of his work: The Boatmen's Song to Ganga. The memorandum is as follows: THIS young Indian poet is a remarkable instance of the mind’s inherent bent developing itself under the most adverse circumstances. It is curious in all its history to observe, that poetry is a flower which is born and flourishes on what would seem its most ungenial soil. Certainly our English verse is the last accomplishment we should have expected in the youthful Hindoo. Kasiprasad Ghosh is of high Braminical extraction, and of independent fortune. At the age of fourteen he was sent to the Anglo-Indian College, where he made rapid progress. He soon shewed a marked predilection for our literature; indeed, he himself says, “I have composed many songs in Bengalee, but the greater portion of my writing is in English, — and, indeed, have always found it easiest to express my sentiments in that language.” An essay that he wrote at a very early period, on Mr. Mills’ History of India, attracted much attention ; and, since then, he has published a volume of poems called “The Shair,” the Indian word for Minstrel. Our English readers must bear in mind the prejudices which a Bramin had to surmount, in order to appreciate the acquirements of this highly gifted stranger. At Calcutta, Kasiprasad Ghosh is universally beloved and admired : and we cannot but think that a vast field lies before him. His native literature is full of subjects for poetry of the highest order ; subjects, however, requiring much fine taste and much judgment, which could only be acquired by a knowledge of European literature. Now our Indian poet has the material, the talent, and the cultivation ; what, therefore, may not be expected from him ?
large stretch
{ "text": [ "vast field" ], "answer_start": [ 1465 ] }
Usually, it is attached to a halter. The lead may be integral to the halter or, more often, separate. When separate, it is attached to the halter with a heavy clip or snap so that it can be added or removed as needed. A related term, lead shank or lead chain refers to a lead line with a chain attached that is used in a variety of ways to safely control possibly difficult or dangerous horses if they will not respond to a regular lead. Variations. A lead can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, horsehair (woven or braided hair, usually from a horse's tail), leather, nylon or other synthetic materials. Lead ropes, as the name implies, are round and made of various types of rope, usually between 5/8 and 3/4 inch (about 2 cm) in diameter. Lead lines are usually flat webbing or leather, and are generally wide, though may be narrower for show use. Flat lines are less bulky and more comfortable in the hand for leading and animal, but may lack adequate strength for tying. A lead most often attaches to the halter with a sturdy snap. In some cases, the lead is tied or spliced permanently to the halter.
sufficient toughness
{ "text": [ "adequate strength" ], "answer_start": [ 967 ] }
It would typically be modified depending on the indication and integrated with other examinations especially the respiratory examination. Like all medical examinations, the cardiac examination follows the standard structure of inspection, palpation and auscultation. Positioning. The patient is positioned in the supine position tilted up at 45 degrees if the patient can tolerate this. The head should rest on a pillow and the arms by their sides. The level of the jugular venous pressure (JVP) should only be commented on in this position as flatter or steeper angles lead to artificially elevated or reduced level respectively. Also, left ventricular failure leads to pulmonary edema which increases and may impede breathing if the patient is laid flat. Lighting should be adjusted so that it is not obscured by the examiner who will approach from the right hand side of the patient as is medical custom. The torso and neck should be fully exposed and access should be available to the legs. Inspection. General Inspection: Inspect the hands for: Inspect the head for: Then inspect the precordium for: Palpation.
typical framework
{ "text": [ "standard structure" ], "answer_start": [ 205 ] }
MSER is first applied to the image in question to determine the character regions. To enhance the MSER regions any pixels outside the boundaries formed by Canny edges are removed. The separation of the later provided by the edges greatly increase the usability of MSER in the extraction of blurred text. An alternative use of MSER in text detection is the work by Shi using a graph model. This method again applies MSER to the image to generate preliminary regions. These are then used to construct a graph model based on the position distance and color distance between each MSER, which is treated as a node. Next the nodes are separated into foreground and background using cost functions. One cost function is to relate the distance from the node to the foreground and background. The other penalizes nodes for being significantly different from its neighbor. When these are minimized the graph is then cut to separate the text nodes from the non-text nodes. To enable text detection in a general scene, Neumann uses the MSER algorithm in a variety of projections.
typical setting
{ "text": [ "general scene" ], "answer_start": [ 992 ] }
Many people, including ranchers and land swindlers from the southeast, have wanted to claim the land for their own financial gain. At the beginning of 2019, the new president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, made an executive order for the agriculture ministry to regulate the land that tribal members inhabit in the Amazon. This act is essentially declaring war on the indigenous people in the fight for their territory. In the past, mining locations were allowed to be constructed in the territory of an isolated tribal group called Yanomami. Because of the conditions that these indigenous people were subjected to, many of them developed health problems, including tuberculosis. If their land is used for new development, many of the tribal groups will be forced out of their homes and many may die. On top of the mistreatment of these people, the forest itself will be taken advantage of and many of the indigenous peoples' resources for daily life will be stripped from them. Rainforest destruction. Without the protection of nature, we humans cannot survive. Forests play an enormous role in our survival. They absorb and store carbon, fertilise the soil and water.
immense duty
{ "text": [ "enormous role" ], "answer_start": [ 1076 ] }
Murphy Town is a suburb located near Bangalore Cantonment, India. It is one of the oldest planned suburbs of the Cantonment, and was earlier known as Knoxpet, and was later changed to Murphy Town. It is located North of Ulsoor, with Murphy Road running along its periphery, and is also bounded by Old Madras Road and Kensington Road, with part of Kensington Road overlooking Ulsoor Lake Madras Sappers. Knoxpet. In the early 1900s the suburb was known as Knoxpet, named after Lt. Col. Stuart George Knox, who served as Resident of Mysore and Coorg between 1 November 1921 to 31 October 1922, and earlier as Resident of Baroda State. The suburb was settled since 1865 by Tamil workers such as tannery workers, leather workers, pottery workers, etc. The houses at Knoxpet had poor sanitation facilities and generally poorly built, and resembled a slum. The Bangalore Plague of 1898, resulted in the government deciding to demolish, rebuild and re-settle the suburb. However actual process was started only in 1923. In 1937, the suburb was renamed as Murphy Town, after W H Murphy, MBE - Executive Engineer, Municipal Council, Bangalore Civil and Military Station.
real method
{ "text": [ "actual process" ], "answer_start": [ 972 ] }
From 2004 to 2008, GO technologies, inc. distributed specialized driving aids for disabled drivers under the RediAuto Sport and Soft Touch brands. Both brands offered upscale products for drivers who have little or no ability to use their feet to operate vehicle gas and brake pedals. RediAuto Sport was marketed as “America’s only supplier of sports cars for disabled drivers.” Products included a “RediAuto System” consisting of a hand-operated clutch for manual shift vehicles, a steering wheel-mounted accelerator ring, and a hand-operated brake. Soft Touch was advertised as a luxury product line and had only one product: an expensive gas and brake controller. The company promoted motor sports for disabled drivers by supplying specially outfitted racecars, supporting drivers at local race courses, and sponsoring the RediaAuto Sport Track Challenge and the 2007 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. The July 2007 issue of Motor Trend Magazine described the GO products as “The future of hand controls." As the great recession took its toll on upscale brands and discretionary spending, GO sales fell dramatically. By the end of 2008 GO had ceased distribution of the RediAuto Sport and Soft Touch product lines and in 2009 the company began road trials on a low cost vehicle hand control system constructed of high tech polymers. GO Technologies. Daniel Reyes. GO technologies, inc. was incorporated in Nevada by Daniel Reyes.
insufficient capacity
{ "text": [ "little or no ability" ], "answer_start": [ 205 ] }
This was purchased in 1879 by Henry Chaytor of Witton Castle. During his tenure there was a large strike, following the deliberate sacking of an elected union leader in 1881. The strike was ended when a number of policemen were brought into the village to evict the strikers and their families; such treatment was not uncommon in those times. Mr Chaytor, sick of the years of industrial unrest, sold Ushaw Moor colliery to Pease & Partners in 1883. From this time, the workmen and community had an easier life, the new owners helping rather than opposing them. However, Ushaw Moor colliery closed in 1960, as part of the collapse of the Durham coal fields. In the last thirty years it has grown and become the centre of the Deerness Valley, becoming unusually prosperous where most pit villages have struggled. Good links with Durham and Newcastle and good local schools and amenities has meant it is very popular with first time buyers. Geography. Ushaw Moor is approximately 2 miles west of Durham and 14 miles south of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Deerness Valley Railway Path, an 8-mile stretch of scenic woodland pathway converted from the former tracks of the Deerness Valley Railway, runs through Ushaw Moor.
favorable affiliations
{ "text": [ "Good links" ], "answer_start": [ 815 ] }
The 1942–43 Northern Rugby Football Union season was the fourth season of the rugby league’s Wartime Emergency Leagues necessitated by the Second World War. As in the previous wartime season, clubs played a different number of games and several clubs dropped out. Only 14 of the original pre-war clubs participated with only three; Oldham, St Helens and Wigan from west of the Pennines. Season summary. The 1942–43 season began on Saturday 5 September 1942. As in the previous season, there are still only the three Lancashire clubs who have not had to close down and withdraw from the League, the Northern Rugby League continued with a single (now) 14 club single Competition. As the clubs are still playing different number of marches, the league positions and the title would be decided on a percentage basis. At the completion of the regular season Wigan were on top of the league with a percentage success of 81.25% and Dewsbury were a close second (78.12%). Although Bradford Northern won more games than anyone else their percentage success was only 73.80%, and consequently they finished third. St Helens finished 14th out of the 14 clubs with only 2 wins from 15 . Dewsbury went on to defeat Halifax 33–16 on aggregate in the play-off final and win the Championship (for the second consecutive season), however the Championship was declared null and void as the Dewsbury had fielded an ineligible player in the semi-final.
portion premise
{ "text": [ "percentage basis" ], "answer_start": [ 795 ] }
This version also appeared in the movie "Love & Basketball". The song was featured on week 7 of So You Think You Can Dance (American season 5) (July 22, 2009). It was used as the music for a contemporary dance choreographed by Tyce Diorio and performed by contestants Melissa Sandvig and Ade Obayomi. Critical reception. Larry Flick from "Billboard" wrote, "Maxwell's "Unplugged" cover of the lilting Kate Bush chestnut is a perfect showcase for his voice—precisely because he only takes full advantage of its depth during a few impassioned moments, teasing us with his potential. The rest of the number is done in falsetto alongside minimalist treble pluckings, a style that expresses convincingly the longing implicit in the lyrics and the melody itself." Music video. The music video for Maxwell's cover of "This Woman's Work", which was directed by Sanji, begins with pictures of Maxwell and his lover in black-and-white photography. One picture reveals that his lover has died. In the next scene, Maxwell sees the ghost of his lover in the street and proceeding toward her, he falls through the street into a watery grave; seemingly drowning in his sorrow. Maxwell, then begins to swim across the street, pulling himself up by holding onto the sidewalk, he looks up to a cloud that reveals the face of his lover.
USA series
{ "text": [ "American season" ], "answer_start": [ 128 ] }
It no longer houses any banks as TD Canada Trust has relocated to the Cornerstone Shopping District. Education. In comparison to the rest of Prince Albert, Carlton Park houses a low number of the population who have less than a grade nine education. In Carlton Park 2.85% of the population have less than a grade nine education compared to 10.31% with the rest of the city. Carlton Park is also comparable in trades and some college education. Carlton Park has 14.25% for trades and 20.98 for some college education respectively whereas the rest of Prince Albert 15.36% for attaining trade certificate or diploma and 21.31% for attaining some college. In terms of attaining some university education, Carlton Park is over 10% that of the rest of the city. Carlton Park boosts a 29.73% in population who have attained some university education while the rest of Prince Albert sits at 19.34% respectively. In the Carlton Park, there are no elementary schools, but there are accessible elementary schools nearby. Sports and recreation. There are many recreational facilities in the area and are easily accessible: Carlton Park Community Club.
minor sum
{ "text": [ "low number" ], "answer_start": [ 178 ] }
A capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) is one of the most common types of industrial plasma sources. It essentially consists of two metal electrodes separated by a small distance, placed in a reactor. The gas pressure in the reactor can be lower than atmosphere or it can be atmospheric. Description. A typical CCP system is driven by a single radio-frequency (RF) power supply, typically at 13.56 MHz. One of two electrodes is connected to the power supply, and the other one is grounded. As this configuration is similar in principle to a capacitor in an electric circuit, the plasma formed in this configuration is called a capacitively coupled plasma. When an electric field is generated between electrodes, atoms are ionized and release electrons.
minimal gap
{ "text": [ "small distance" ], "answer_start": [ 161 ] }
Cavities created by the fungus in standing trees provide crucial habitat for many wildlife species including bears, voles, squirrels, and a number of bird species. The lack of disturbance in these areas and longevity of individual trees allows ample time for this slow-growing decay fungus to cause significant decay. There is a growing interest in acquiring methods to promote earlier development of stem decays in second-growth stands to achieve wildlife and other non-timber objectives.
sufficient span
{ "text": [ "ample time" ], "answer_start": [ 244 ] }
Medication. Immersive learning usually appears to simulate the accident which need immediate medical support, including heart attack and syncope. Practical studies can be found both in universities and medication agencies, in 3D stereo anatomy teaching, an immersive environment to learn anatomy is built for medical students. Instead of the boring 2D textbook, students are allowed to move the real human parts modelling with a monitor, the visual display also allow zoom-in to browse more details. Further related studies could be found in serval research agencies including Harvardmedsim, Autism Treatment and Healthy Simulation. Art and Design. The needs of teaching art and design ask for a lower level of real-scene simulation, but a higher demand of emotional context and atmosphere. Virtual technics could benefit the teaching and learning activity as it provides essential support for exploration-based learning. Art exploration, which transforms the static art to dynamic art, see VR as a media of expression, also as an open place allow discussion and teamwork. Particularly, studies could be found in the area of innovative teaching to use VR as the tool. Effectiveness of learning.
vital assistance
{ "text": [ "essential support" ], "answer_start": [ 872 ] }
Convergence is a platform to bring educationists and practicing communities of different areas together in order to exchange opinions on a given theme. The Startup Convergence’ is a two-day catalytic event aimed at bringing together people from various verticals of the startup ecosystem to deliberate on issues related to entrepreneurship. Kanyathon. JAGSOM, in association with S.A.F.E. (Students Against Female Exploitation), an organization formed by the students of JAGSOM, conduct walkathon every year. The cause of the walkathon is 'Save the Girl Child'. In 2013 some 400 people from different walks of life participated.
predetermined topic
{ "text": [ "given theme" ], "answer_start": [ 139 ] }
Teams from the American Soccer League II competed in the tournament, based on qualification methods in their base region. Gallatin F.C. from Gallatin, Pennsylvania won the tournament for first time defeating the defending champions, Pawtucket F.C. of Pawtucket, Rhode Island in the process. External links. 1942 National Challenge Cup –
origin area
{ "text": [ "base region" ], "answer_start": [ 109 ] }
This will be useful when ISI is significant compared to noise. For a channel with frequency response formula_1 the zero forcing equalizer formula_2 is constructed by formula_3. Thus the combination of channel and equalizer gives a flat frequency response and linear phase formula_4. In reality, zero-forcing equalization does not work in most applications, for the following reasons: This second item is often the more limiting condition. These problems are addressed in the linear MMSE equalizer by making a small modification to the denominator of formula_2: formula_6, where k is related to the channel response and the signal SNR. Algorithm. If the channel response (or channel transfer function) for a particular channel is H(s) then the input signal is multiplied by the reciprocal of it. This is intended to remove the effect of channel from the received signal, in particular the intersymbol interference (ISI). The zero-forcing equalizer removes all ISI, and is ideal when the channel is noiseless. However, when the channel is noisy, the zero-forcing equalizer will amplify the noise greatly at frequencies "f" where the channel response H(j2π"f") has a small magnitude (i.e. near zeroes of the channel) in the attempt to invert the channel completely.
subsequent one
{ "text": [ "second item" ], "answer_start": [ 389 ] }
He has interviewed Trump dozens of times over the course of his journalistic coverage. In 1991, Barsky won the Gerald Loeb Award for Deadline and/or Beat Writing for his "Coverage of the Collapse of Donald Trump's Financial Empire" while at "The Wall Street Journal". In August 2016, during Trump's presidential campaign, Barsky wrote a piece for "The New York Times" about his experience covering Trump as a businessman. He recounted when Trump was "on the brink of financial ruin" and noted that he was a "walking disaster as a businessman for much of his life," but also stated that he was "a skilled negotiator with an almost supernatural ability to pinpoint and attack his adversaries’ vulnerabilities, as several of his Republican primary opponents discovered." Trump threatened to sue Barsky multiple times over the course of his journalistic coverage, though he never followed through. Trump wrote of Barsky in his 1997 book, "The Art of the Comeback," "Of all the writers who have written about me, probably none has been more vicious than Neil Barsky of "the Wall Street Journal"." Journalistic coverage of Rikers Island. Following numerous revelations about stark conditions in the New York City jail complex, Barsky wrote an opinion piece for the "New York Times" titled "Shut Down Rikers Island" (July 19, 2015). In the piece, Barsky argued that "the only way to transform Rikers is to destroy it; it needs to be permanently closed. The buildings are crumbling. The guard culture of prisoner abuse and the gang culture of violence are ingrained.
reportorial investigation
{ "text": [ "journalistic coverage" ], "answer_start": [ 64 ] }
They contend, however, that at each iteration, the average quality of employees will increase, making for more "A" players and fewer "C" players. Eventually, the "C" players comprise less than 10% of the workforce. The style may make it more difficult for employees to cross rate from one division to another. For example, a "C" employee in a company's Customer Service division would be at a disadvantage applying for a job in Marketing, even though they may have talents consistent with an "A" rating in the other division. Management philosophy. This is a competitive model of organization. The criticisms of both the morality and actual effectiveness of such a dog-eat-dog method of social cohesion apply. Challenges to the model include: "C" player selection methods; the effect of office politics and lowered morale on productivity, communication, interoffice relations; and cheating. Rank-based performance evaluations (in education and employment) are said to foster cut-throat and unethical behavior. University of Virginia business professor Bruner wrote: "As Enron internally realized it was entering troubled times, rank-and-yank turned into a more political and crony-based system". Forced ranking systems are said to undermine employee morale by creating a zero-sum game that discourages cooperation and teamwork.
general skill level
{ "text": [ "average quality" ], "answer_start": [ 51 ] }
Murray Seeman, Jay S. Goodman and Howard Zelikow, advocated in the face of heated opposition. In 1978, New York State passed the Pooper-Scooper Law. It was so controversial that Mayor Koch needed the New York State Legislature to pass it, after being unable to convince the New York City Council. The New York Times called actress and consumer advocate Fran Lee "New York's foremost fighter against dog dirt". October 20, 1978, KQED San Francisco news footage featured scenes from a Harvey Milk press conference in Duboce Park in which he discussed the city's new "pooper scooper law" with a how-to demonstration. Marking the 25th anniversary of the Pooper-scooper law, NYC Mayor Ed Koch was quoted saying, “If you’ve ever stepped in dog doo, you know how important it is to enforce the canine waste law. New Yorkers overwhelmingly do their duty and self-enforce. Those who don’t are not fit to call friend.” In 2018, the City of San Francisco allocated budget funds in the amount of $830,977 to address this issue. A number of jurisdictions, including New York City, San Francisco and Chicago have laws requiring pet owners to clean up after their pets: a) A person who owns, possesses or controls a dog, cat or other animal shall not permit the animal to commit a nuisance on a sidewalk of any public place, on a floor, wall, stairway or roof of any public or private premises used in common by the public, or on a fence, wall or stairway of a building abutting on a public . Authorized employees of New York City Departments of Health (including Animal Care & Control), of Sanitation, or of Parks and Recreation can issue tickets. Such laws are often nicknamed "pooper-scooper laws", though the laws only stipulate that dog owners remove their dogs' feces, not the method or device used (thus using a hand-held plastic bag to remove feces complies with these laws).
canine poop
{ "text": [ "dog dirt" ], "answer_start": [ 399 ] }
There have also been small discoveries from the Roman and Alemannic eras. A legend tells that there was once a dragon living in a cave in the hillside, who was defeated by two knights, Wolfram and Guntram. The grateful people made the two Counts of Lenzburg and gave them permission to build a castle on the hilltop. Seat of nobility. A charter dated 1036 names one Ulrich, Count of Aargau. He was the Emperor's Vogt in Zürich and overseer of the abbeys of Beromünster and Schänis. The first definite record of the existence of a castle dates to 1077: Ulrich's grandson, also Ulrich, had taken the emperor's position in the Investiture Controversy and imprisoned two Papal legates for half a year. At that time the Counts of Lenzburg were among the most important feudal lords on the Swiss plateau and maintained close connections to the emperor. The line died out in 1173. Ulrich IV, the last Count of Lenzburg, named Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa as his personal heir in his will; they had been on the Second Crusade together. The emperor came to Lenzburg Castle and personally supervised the division of the estate, giving a majority of the lands to his son, the Count palatine Otto of Burgundy.
thankful persons
{ "text": [ "grateful people" ], "answer_start": [ 210 ] }
The first two people independently counted stacks of currency and recorded the results on a count card. The third person examined the two count cards to ensure that the first two people recorded the same amount. If there was a difference between the amounts recorded on the two count cards, the currency would be recounted. Some smaller volume cash businesses still operate a count room in this fashion. The counting is currently done by accounting professionals called soft counters, usually using computer spreadsheets. Typically, a soft count room contains a large table upon which the currency to be counted is placed, known as the "count table". Count room personnel manually organize the currency so that it can be easily counted by hand or by a counting machine. Most modern count rooms are equipped with high-speed computerized machines that perform the counting process. Typically, these machines are capable of counting between ten and twenty banknotes per second. After currency is prepared on the count table, it is transferred to the machine's operator, who inserts the prepared stacks into the machine. The machine authenticates each banknote, separates the counted banknotes according to denomination, and provides a printed or electronic report of the results.
beginning pair of individuals
{ "text": [ "first two people" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
Westchester County Airport is the closest commercial airport to Greenwich. It takes approximately 15 minutes to drive from the town's center. This is followed by LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York, a 35-minute drive approximately. John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, is the closest international airport, a one-hour drive approximately. Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey is also easily accessible from Greenwich, taking approximately one hour to drive to. According to the DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey, a statewide program funded by various agencies and philanthropies, 4% of adults in Greenwich are "transportation insecure," meaning that they have had to stay at home during the past year due to a lack of adequate transportation. The comparable rate for all adults statewide is 13%. Fire department. The town of Greenwich is protected by the paid career members of the Greenwich Fire Department (GFD) and eight all-volunteer fire companies, in addition to a Fire Police Patrol. The paid GFD is made up of 106 paid firefighters, who staff 6 Engine Companies and 1 Truck Company, as well as several special units, in 6 Fire Stations (shared with volunteer companies), under the command of a Deputy Chief (Tour Commander) per shift, who in-turn reports to the Chief of Department. The 7 volunteer fire companies are made up of a total of approximately 100 volunteer firefighters, who man 9 volunteer engines, 2 volunteer ladders, 4 tankers, 6 squads, 3 utility units, 3 marine units (fireboats), 1 dive rescue unit, 1 special operations unit, 1 heavy rescue and several other support units.
approximate ratio
{ "text": [ "comparable rate" ], "answer_start": [ 788 ] }
This was first packaged as a rental in a double pack with another Van Damme film, Wrong Bet (Lionheart). The trimmed print damaged scenes appeared in the UK VHS versions by 4Front/EIV video and the final fight editing mistake had been rectified in this version also making it a superior overall edit. The only downfall with the UK versions were that they were cut by 1 minute 18 seconds by the BBFC for the more violent scenes therefore making this release incomplete also. The UK versions had better picture quality and were brightened in colour compared to the darker Australian/New Zealand Palace R18+/M15+ releases. Any other versions of the film that came out after the initial VHS releases were a heavily edited and re-dubbed version. Every version of the film released after 1995 on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray contain this inferior edited version. Random important scenes were cut altogether, some scenes re-edited as well as character lines and voices inexplicably changed. Eric (Dennis Alexio)'s voice was completely, poorly and unnecessarily re-dubbed, along with certain scenes of Van Damme and Michel Qissi (Tong Po). Therefore, the original full uncut version of "Kickboxer" is an extreme rarity indeed. Reception. Box office.
each adaptation
{ "text": [ "Every version" ], "answer_start": [ 741 ] }
appear in the 1876 Atlas of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. Frank Mast, who kept a store, was postmaster in 1913. Rimerton was first assessed in 1867, when there were 19 taxables, one innkeeper, one merchant, and one laborer. The real estate valuation was $2,229, personal, $44, and the occupations, $150. In 1880 there was no increase in the population or extent of the town. Rev. B.B. Killikelly preached there in 1853. In 1913, the town consisted of twelve houses, a hotel, kept by C.J. Zeis, and two stores, of which G.W. Clouse & Co. and Frank Mast are the proprietors.
a single seller of goods
{ "text": [ "one merchant" ], "answer_start": [ 195 ] }
The State Highways of the Republic of Turkey (), abbreviated as T.C.K. are an integrated network of highways and roads in Turkey, consisting of a numbered grid spanning across the country. They are more commonly called State roads () and are the primary road network in Turkey. The network is mostly maintained by the General Directorate of Highways (KGM), except for within large cities () where the respective city municipality assumes responsibility. In the early 21st century, the network was greatly expanded to accommodate four-lane highways throughout the country. As of 2017, of the total system are four-lane highways. System Overview.
amalgamated web
{ "text": [ "integrated network" ], "answer_start": [ 78 ] }
Almeida of the "Library Journal" finds the book "a pleasant sequel", one in which Angelou's "religious strength, personal courage, and ... talent" was apparent in its pages. One negative review was written by Margaret McFadden-Gerber in "Magill's Literary Annual", who found the book disappointing and felt that it lacked the power and introspection of Angelou's previous books. At least one reviewer expresses disappointment that Angelou did not use her status to effect any political change in "Singin' and Swingin'." Critic Lyman B. Hagen responds to this criticism by stating that Angelou's status during the events she describes in this autobiography did not lend itself to that kind of advocacy, and that as a person, Angelou had not evolved into the advocate that she would become later in her life. Reviewer John McWhorter finds many of the events Angelou describes throughout all of her autobiographies incoherent and confusing, and in need of further explanation as to her motives and reasons for her behavior. For example, McWhorter suggests that Angelou does a poor job of explaining her reasons for her marriage to Tosh Angelos, as well as their divorce. "In an autobiography in which a black woman marries outside of her race in the 1950s, we need to know more".
bad job
{ "text": [ "poor job" ], "answer_start": [ 1073 ] }
Truck transport is now common in developed countries. Local and regional livestock auctions and commodity markets facilitate trade in livestock. In Canada at the Cargill slaughterhouse in High River, Alberta, 2,000 workers process 4,500 cattle per day, or more than one-third of Canada's capacity. It closed when the COVID-19 pandemic infected some of its workers. The Cargill plant together with the JBS plant in Brooks, Alberta and the Harmony Beef plant in Balzac, Alberta represent fully three-quarters of the Canadian beef supply. In other areas, livestock may be bought and sold in a bazaar or wet market, such as may be found in many parts of Central Asia. In developing countries, providing access to markets has encouraged farmers to invest in livestock, with the result being improved livelihoods. For example, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has worked in Zimbabwe to help farmers make their most of their livestock herds. In stock shows, farmers bring their best livestock to compete with one another. Environmental impact. Animal husbandry has a significant impact on the world environment.
over 4,000 bovines
{ "text": [ "4,500 cattle" ], "answer_start": [ 231 ] }
On the 23rd day of the 3rd month of Kan'ei 10 (1633), he was appointed a member of the "rokunin-shu" (what became the wakadoshiyori council) together with Matsudaira Nobutsuna, and was granted another 5000 "koku", together with the rank that came with being a castle lord. Masamori was subsequently shown great favor by Iemitsu, who promoted him to Rōjū on the 1st day of the 3rd month of Kan'ei 12 (1635). His income rose to 1,000,000 koku, and he was granted the fief of Matsumoto Domain, in Shinano Province. In 1642 he was moved to Sakura Domain in Shimotsuke Province, where his family remained enfeoffed at 110,000 "koku" for the remainder of the Edo period. Masamori committed "junshi" (suicide after the death of one's lord) in 1651, at the age of 44.
considerable partisanship
{ "text": [ "great favor" ], "answer_start": [ 305 ] }
Traditionally, the dominant teams in Munster football are Kerry GAA and Cork GAA, although Tipperary GAA and Limerick GAA have also won All-Ireland Senior Football Championships. Kerry in particular are the most successful county in the history of football. Rugby union. Rugby is a popular game in the cities of Limerick and Cork. Munster Rugby is an Irish Rugby Football Union representative side which competes in the Pro14 competition, winning in 2003, 2009 and 2011 and in the Heineken Cup, winning in 2006 and 2008. Until 2016, the Munster side was the only Irish side to have defeated the New Zealand All Blacks. Soccer. Association football is also a popular game in Munster, with the Munster Football Association governing a number of aspects of the game in the province. Three Munster clubs play in the League of Ireland; Cork City F.C., Waterford FC in the League of Ireland Premier Division, and Cobh Ramblers in the First Division. Cricket. In Cricket, the province is represented by the Munster Reds in the Inter-Provincial Trophy, a Twenty20 competition.
known competition
{ "text": [ "popular game" ], "answer_start": [ 282 ] }
On 2 June 2006 another release was made, like the previous release 3.1.5 fixed bugs that had been found. June 2010 Ikonboard Released 3.1.5a with minor updates and bug releases. Ikonboard 3.2. Ikonboard 3.2 is yet to be publicly released, though already has a notable history. Originally development began in late April 2003, however work on this release stalled, and development made later became part of iB 3.1.3. Then development on this release was restarted on February 10, 2006 by 'The Ikonboard Team', however they departed on September 10, 2006 taking their work with them to IkonForums. Since their departure Ikonboards' developer has said that he'll be working on a 3.2 release. The release is believed to be similar to the previous development, with additional features similar to those found on and In January 2008 it was announced via mass email that '3.2 would be released in February 2008', and a topic in the support forums also announced its forums would be upgraded on 14 February to this release. However to date no release has been made and the topic has been removed. It has also been noticed that users enquiring about the 3.2 release via the forums have had their posting rights removed and the threads have been removed within a few days.
prior update
{ "text": [ "previous development" ], "answer_start": [ 734 ] }
Banana pasta is a type of pasta prepared using banana as a primary ingredient. The product is typically made with unripe, green bananas that are dried and then milled into banana flour. Banana pasta is a gluten-free food. The product can be dried for later cooking or can be cooked immediately after preparation. Banana pasta is cooked like standard pasta, typically by boiling it. A study found that banana pasta has a higher water absorption rate compared to standard pasta, which generates higher yields after cooking. In 2012, University of Brasília researchers found that banana pasta can be a useful product for those with celiac disease, and that compared to whole wheat pasta, banana pasta is lower in calories and fat, higher in protein, and less expensive to produce. The product has also shown promise as a means to utilize green bananas, which have few industrial uses and a low commercial value. History. University of Brasília study. In 2012, food scientists at the University of Brasília conducted a study involving the creation of a banana pasta using green bananas, which were milled into flour; they published their results in the "Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics".
limited revenue-generating ability
{ "text": [ "low commercial value" ], "answer_start": [ 887 ] }
Examples of cost cuts in base versions include: In some markets, often in the developing world, very aggressive forms of no-frills cars may be available. For example, the supermini and city cars sold at the Mercosur markets, such as the Chevrolet Celta, Chevrolet Corsa, Fiat Uno, Fiat Palio, Ford Ka and Volkswagen Gol tend to be noisy and feature cost cuttings like: No-frills airlines. No-frills airlines are airlines that offer low fares but eliminate all non-essential services, such as complimentary food, in-flight entertainment systems, and business-class seating. A no-frills airline will typically cut overhead by flying from more remote airports (with lower access charges) and by using a single type of aircraft. Aircraft cabin interiors may be fitted out with minimum comforts, dispensing with luxuries such as seat-back video screens, reclining seats and blinds; some airlines choose to carry advertising inside the cabin to increase revenue. Should meals be served, they must be paid for in full. Some airlines also extend the definition of "frills" to include standard services and conveniences; for example, a no-frills airline may charge passengers an additional fee for check-in luggage, using airport check-in desks, or even providing wheelchairs. No frills hotels. Another example of a type of no frills is lodgings. In some ways when they remove the frills, the accommodation can hover the line between a hotel and a hostel. Notable no-frills chains include Motel 6, Econo Lodge, Tune Hotels, Ibis Budget, easyHotel and Zip by Premier Inn.
price slash
{ "text": [ "cost cuts" ], "answer_start": [ 12 ] }
Synthesis and structure. IL-1α is a unique member in the cytokine family in the sense that the structure of its initially synthesized precursor does not contain a signal peptide fragment (same is known for IL-1β and IL-18). After processing by the removal of N-terminal amino acids by specific proteases, the resulting peptide is called "mature" form. Calpain, a calcium-activated cysteine protease, associated with the plasma membrane, is primarily responsible for the cleavage of the IL-1α precursor into a mature molecule. Both the 31kDa precursor form of IL-1α and its 18kDa mature form are biologically active. The 31 kDa IL-1α precursor is synthesized in association with cytoskeletal structures (microtubules), unlike most secreted proteins, which are translated on ribosomes associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum. The three-dimensional structure of the IL-1α contains an open-ended barrel composed entirely of beta-pleated strands. Crystal structure analysis of the mature form of IL-1α shows that it has two sites of binding to IL-1 receptor. There is a primary binding site located at the open top of its barrel, which is similar but not identical to that of IL-1β. Production and cellular sources. IL-1α is constitutively produced by epithelial cells.
accessible summit
{ "text": [ "open top" ], "answer_start": [ 1105 ] }
Her assertion is that the original human, Adam, was androgynous and that "the fall" was the initial creation of gender. She reaffirms this point in a later article, "Sexism and Misogyny in the Christian Tradition: Liberating Alternatives", referencing , saying that through baptism androgyny is restored. Sexuality, the main division between genders, is said to be the root of female subordination. Relationships that are typically rooted in sexuality (marriage and motherhood) place women in roles that are subordinate in accordance with society's patriarchal norms. The path to equality is believed to be found when women transcend these roles—traditionally through celibacy (as seen in the life of Paul). Transcending worldly norms, which the Bible instructs Christians to do, brings men and women to the state of androgyny that eliminates gender subordination; thus, Christianity is intended to manifest gender equality. Ruether says that transcendence is the core of eschatological feminism; women reach equality with men by separating from the world, rather than changing it. Liberal feminism. Liberal feminism rejects the notion that creation established the patriarchy; Ruether asserts that gender equality originally existed, but was distorted by historical injustices against women. This branch of egalitarianism dictates that gender equality must be restored rather than introduced. This restoration will be accomplished by economic, political, social, and systemic reformation.
beginning formation
{ "text": [ "initial creation" ], "answer_start": [ 92 ] }
Cristie Kerr (born October 12, 1977) is an American professional golfer who plays on the LPGA Tour. She has 20 wins on the LPGA Tour, including two major championships, and over $19 million in career earnings. Kerr was the number one-ranked golfer in the Women's World Golf Rankings for three time periods in 2010. She is naturally left handed but plays golf right handed. Amateur career. Kerr was born in Miami, Florida, and started playing golf at the age of eight. She had a successful amateur career, winning the 1994 Junior Orange Bowl International Golf Championship and the 1995 Women's Western Amateur. She was the 1995 American Junior Golf Association Junior Player of the Year. In 1996 she played in the Curtis Cup and was the low amateur at the U.S. Women's Open.
three occasions
{ "text": [ "three time periods" ], "answer_start": [ 287 ] }
With the victory, Barça set a team record with seven wins from the first seven matches in the league. Messi scored his league leading eight goal of the season but was substituted seven minutes later with muscle problems in his right leg. It was confirmed Messi will be out for two to three weeks with a tear to his biceps femoris in his right leg. October. On 1 October, Barcelona defeated Scottish club Celtic at Celtic Park with a 0–1 scoreline to stay at top of Group H in the Champions League. Fàbregas' goal gave Barça the win, a year after last season's defeat in the same fixture. On 5 October, Barcelona made it eight out of eight in their record breaking start to the league season with a 4–1 win over Real Valladolid at Camp Nou. Goals by Xavi, Neymar and a brace by Sánchez turned the result around after Valladolid's Javi Guerra opener in the tenth minute. On 19 October, Barcelona drop their first points of the season after a goalless draw with Osasuna at El Sadar that draw mean Barça failed to match La Liga's best ever start to a season and put an end to an eight-game winning run. On 22 October, Barcelona failed to clinch a spot in knockout rounds of the Champions League against Milan after a 1–1 draw in Italy. Messi goal equaled the result after Robinho opener in the ninth minute.
tendon issues
{ "text": [ "muscle problems" ], "answer_start": [ 204 ] }
The 1991 congressional election was Gargan's target, and he urged citizens to vote all incumbent congressmen out of office and replace them with new blood. The movement was so widespread that Gargan was even named "Time" magazine's "Hero of the Week" on September 10, 1990. The election did not possess the sweeping change that Gargan had hoped. Only 17 incumbents were thrown out. Nevertheless, it was a much higher margin of change since the last election, in which only seven incumbents had lost. Gargan also noted that there was a 12% cross-country differential spread compared to the spread of the previous election. It seemed that while incumbents were still very difficult to remove from office, the potential of this occurring was becoming greater. By January 2, 1991, just 132 days after the first ad was published, Gargan managed to raise $750,000 in donations, many of which were under $10. By this time, he had also purchased 142 newspaper ads in 49 states. Gargan also appeared on 250 radio talk shows, and was interviewed on "Donahue", "Larry King Live", "Good Morning America", and "CBS Morning News".
renewed souls
{ "text": [ "new blood" ], "answer_start": [ 145 ] }
There are three tasks to perform. Thermal duration, where the goal is to keep flying for 10 minutes and land on the spot; distance, flying the maximum number of laps in four minutes; and speed, flying the minimum time to cover four laps of each. The three tasks have to be flown with the same plane, changing only weight between tasks. Duration is flown at the minimum weight, typically around 2 kg. Speed is flown up to the maximum of 5 kg but typically around 3–4 kg depending on the wind and lift. Distance can be flown at a wide variety of weights, depending on the thermal conditions available, with heavier weights to fly faster and lighter ones to fly slower. F3B models are called multitask gliders, similar to F3F slope gliders with a lighter composite layup. The design of the F3B model is especially challenging because of the wide range of operating conditions. It must be flown very slowly to achieve the duration time and create high lift to maximize launch altitude off the winch. At the same time it must have very low drag to fly at high speed during the distance and speed tasks. The launch and turning loads require very strong airframes, composite construction has been in use since the first world championship in 1977.
earliest global contest
{ "text": [ "first world championship" ], "answer_start": [ 1207 ] }
Effectiveness. Reviews have shown that water fluoridation reduces cavities in children. A conclusion for the efficacy in adults is less clear with some reviews finding benefit and others not. Studies in the U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s showed that water fluoridation reduced childhood cavities by fifty to sixty percent, while studies in 1989 and 1990 showed lower reductions (40% and 18% respectively), likely due to increasing use of fluoride from other sources, notably toothpaste, and also the 'halo effect' of food and drink that is made in fluoridated areas and consumed in unfluoridated ones. A 2000 UK systematic review (York) found that water fluoridation was associated with a decreased proportion of children with cavities of 15% and with a decrease in decayed, missing, and filled primary teeth (average decreases was 2.25 teeth). The review found that the evidence was of moderate quality: few studies attempted to reduce observer bias, control for confounding factors, report variance measures, or use appropriate analysis. Although no major differences between natural and artificial fluoridation were apparent, the evidence was inadequate for a conclusion about any differences. A 2007 Australian systematic review used the same inclusion criteria as York's, plus one additional study. This did not affect the York conclusions. A 2011 European Commission systematic review based its efficacy on York's review conclusion. A 2015 Cochrane systematic review estimated a reduction in cavities when water fluoridation was used by children who had no access to other sources of fluoride to be 35% in baby teeth and 26% in permanent teeth.
key dissimilarities
{ "text": [ "major differences" ], "answer_start": [ 1049 ] }
Reproducing and empathizing with their facial expressions enables infants to experience effectiveness and to recognize their own actions more easily (see mirror neurons). Exaggeratedly reproduced facial expressions and gestures are recommended, as they are clearer forms of expression. The baby's babbling should also be picked up and repeated. By imitating each other's sounds the first simple dialogues are initiated. Accentuated pronunciation and melodic intonation make it easier to recognize individual words in a sentence. However, it is not advisable to use simplified "baby language" (e.g. "Did you 'ouch'?" instead of, "Did you hurt yourself?"). Even if parents cannot yet understand infants' babbling, a timely response by parents to babbling leads to faster language acquisition. This was confirmed by researchers who first studied mothers' behavior towards 8-month-old infants and later tested the infants' vocabulary when they were 15 months old. A first important development of infants is the discovery that they can influence their parents through babbling (development of intentional communication).
sensible reaction
{ "text": [ "timely response" ], "answer_start": [ 714 ] }
The defocus device has also been frequently employed in transitions to dream or fantasy sequences. Fade in/out. A fade occurs when the picture gradually turns to a single color, usually black, or when a picture gradually appears on screen. Fade ins generally occur at the beginning of a film or act, while fade outs are typically found at the end of a film or act. Dissolve. Like the fade, a dissolve involves gradually changing the visibility of the picture. However, rather than transitioning from a shot to a color, a dissolve is when a shot changes into another shot gradually. Dissolves, like cuts, can be used to create a link between two different objects, a man telling a story, and a visual of his story, for instance. Ripple dissolve. A ripple dissolve is a type of transition characterized by a wavering image that is usually employed to indicate a change to flashback material, commonly a character's memory of an event. Sometimes the ripple dissolve is used as a transition to an imagined event or action.
envisioned action
{ "text": [ "imagined event" ], "answer_start": [ 993 ] }
One Mile is a suburb of the Port Stephens local government area in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia. The Worimi people are the traditional owners of the Port Stephens area. The suburb is semi-rural with a small urban settlement, several eco-resorts and back-packer accommodation to the west of Gan Gan Road. On the beach side there is a residential land-lease community (Middlerock Home Village) and three tourist parks. The parks, two of which have licensed restaurants, are positioned to provide quick access to the suburb's two beaches. Since late 2017 Port Stephens Koala Hospital has been operating in the grounds of Treescape resort and is currently undergoing a major expansion. One Mile Beach, after which the area was named, is a family-friendly surf beach that is popular with tourists while Samurai Beach is clothing optional. Both beaches, like a large percentage of the locality, lie within the Tomaree National Park. The beaches form most of the coastline in Anna Bay which gave the adjacent suburb of Anna Bay its name.
swift entry
{ "text": [ "quick access" ], "answer_start": [ 513 ] }
During this deployment 3/2 had 3 Marines killed in action. The battalion again deployed to Iraq in the July 2006. They conducted security and stabilization operations in the Al Anbar Province in the city of Habbaniyah until mid February 2007. During this deployment the battalion had 14 Marines killed in action. The battalion again deployed to Iraq in October 2007 operating in the Al Qaim region of the Al Anbar Province with Iraqi Police and Iraqi Army. During this deployment the battalion suffered a few casualties, and had a widespread area of operation along the Syrian border and Euphrates river. The Battalion again deployed to the Persian Gulf in May–December 2009 as the Battalion Landing Team for the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit. In January 2010 the battalion was dispatched as part of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit to take part in the relief effort Operation Unified Response following the 2010 Haiti earthquake. In February 2011, 3/2 was deployed to the Musa Qal'eh and Now Zad districts of Helmand Province, Afghanistan to engage in combat operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
far-reaching zone
{ "text": [ "widespread area" ], "answer_start": [ 531 ] }
Very little earth was moved in the creation of the course, resulting in narrow, rolling fairways that follow the natural terrain. It is considered to be the first course in the western deserts to incorporate the desert itself into the course design, instead of imposing eastern designs onto the desert landscape. According to Scott Gummer of "Links Magazine", "Beyond the boundary markers [the designer] staked, nothing was to be touched. Everything was—and remains today—in play, from the saguaro, ocotillo, prickly pear and myriad other varieties of cactus to the javelinas, coyotes, roadrunners and rattlesnakes that call the desert home." "Golfweek" has consistently ranked Desert Forest among the 50 best golf courses in the United States. Then in 2009 "Golf Magazine" ranked Desert Forest as the 35th best in the world on its list of the "50 Greatest Courses of the Last 50 Years", making it the only course in the state of Arizona to make that list. Author Jeff Barr named Desert Forest's holes number 7, 13, and 16 as among the most important holes in golf in his book "1001 Golf Holes You Must Play Before You Die". Over time the course has also ranked among the best in the US according to "Golf Digest Magazine", which began keeping a list of "America's 100 Greatest Golf Courses" (first as "America's 100 Most Testing Courses") in 1969, a list on which Desert Forest has appeared for a total of 17 of the years since. This makes it one of the most consistently ranked golf courses by the magazine in America. In 2013 Golf Course Architect David Zinkand was engaged to create a new Master Plan for the golf course, and to oversee subsequent construction. The golf course was rebuilt from tee to green, including state of the art infrastructure.
limited land
{ "text": [ "little earth" ], "answer_start": [ 5 ] }
In some cases, software with the same functionality as an existing one is re-implemented just to allow the use of a different software license. One approach to doing so is clean room design.
already established
{ "text": [ "existing one" ], "answer_start": [ 58 ] }
It is believed that the Taíno chief Jumacao was the first "cacique" to learn to read and write in Spanish, since he wrote a letter to the King of Spain Charles I complaining about how the Governor of the island wasn't complying with their peace agreement. In the letter, Jumacao argued that their people were virtually prisoners of Spain. It is said that King Charles was so moved by the letter that he ordered the Governor to obey the terms of the treaty. During the early 16th Century, the region was populated by cattle ranchers. However, since most of them officially resided in San Juan, a settlement was never officially organized. At the beginning of the 18th Century, specifically around 1721–1722, the first official settlement was constituted in the area. Most of the residents at the time were immigrants from the Canary Islands, but due to attacks from Caribs, pirates, and other settlers, some of them moved farther into the island in what is now Las Piedras. Still, some settlers remained and by 1776, historian Fray Íñigo Abbad y Lasierra visited the area and wrote about the population there. By 1793, the church was recognized as parish and the settlement was officially recognized as town. By 1894, Humacao was recognized as a city. Due to its thriving population, buildings and structures like a hospital, a theater, and a prison were built in the city.
successful people
{ "text": [ "thriving population" ], "answer_start": [ 1262 ] }
The story of the entry of the Oktoberfest restaurateurs and breweries for the opening of the Oktoberfest began in 1887, when the then manager, Hans Steyrer, first marched from his meadow to the Tegernseer Landstraße with his staff, a brass band and a load of beer to the . In its current form, the parade has taken place since 1935, where all the breweries first took part. Since then, the parade is led by the Münchner Kindl, followed by the incumbent mayor of Munich in the Schottenhammel family carriage since 1950. This is followed by the decorated horse carriages and floats of the breweries and the carriages of the other restaurateurs and showmen. The music bands from the beer tents accompany the parade. Beer barrel tapping. After the parade of the restaurateurs on carriages from downtown to the festival grounds, at exactly 12:00 clock the lord mayor opens the first beer barrel in the Schottenhammel tent. With the initial pass and the Bavarian exclamation, "!" (—It has been tapped!) the Oktoberfest is declared opened. Twelve gunshots are then fired on the stairway of Ruhmeshalle.
starting transit
{ "text": [ "initial pass" ], "answer_start": [ 927 ] }
In addition, they must use their real names when speaking to another immortal. Immortals can transmit information and images to another immortal by placing their right hand on the other's head and thinking about the information or image. To kill an immortal, another immortal must "devour" them by placing their right hand on the other's head and thinking "I wish to eat." In addition, the more often an immortal is injured in a certain way, the faster they will recover from that injury. The original immortals were a group of about thirty alchemists who were traveling aboard the ship "Advenna Avis" in 1711. Aboard the ship, they summoned a demon in the hopes of gaining immortality. They are successful and the demon gives them the immortality elixir. Their leader Maiza Avaro is given the formula for the elixir. Later, the group decides they must keep immortality to themselves. Szilard Quates disagrees and devours thirteen of the alchemists, obtaining half of the formula Maiza gave to his brother. Realizing the danger Szilard poses to them, they scatter throughout the world.
person's noggin
{ "text": [ "other's head" ], "answer_start": [ 180 ] }
Bart resents the stuffed toy, so Lisa offers to take care of him. However, she accidentally loses Larry down a storm drain. Bart goes in to retrieve him, and is chased by sewer rats and sewer cats before finding Larry atop a pipe. Bart uses Larry to slide to safety but the toy rips and Bart unceremoniously crashes through a grate to a beach, where Agnes Skinner (who all this time has heard the children calling out for "Larry") tells Bart to "Give him my number. I'll teach him things. Things he can use." Production. The episode was written by Mitchell H. Glazer & Don Payne and directed by Michael Polcino. Mitch Albom who wrote "Tuesdays with Morrie" makes a guest appearance. Cultural references. "Thursdays with Abie" serves as a parody of "Tuesdays with Morrie" in which Mitch Albom learns about life values from his former teacher Morrie Schwartz.
lifestyle principles
{ "text": [ "life values" ], "answer_start": [ 809 ] }
This may result in substantial erosion as flood water cuts a gully on the side of road. Diversion occurs when a road slopes downward from a crossing and the height of the road exceeds the height of any outlet down the road. A sag (dip) in the road below the crossing may serve as a channel for over flow of excess water and prevent water from continuing down the road but is only practical on gentle slopes. Structural integrity. What happens when a heavy truck passes over, or flood water plugs an opening with debris or overtops the structure. Habitat continuity. Passage of wildlife, particularly fish such as salmon which spawn in streams, is a design consideration as is habitat continuity. In some jurisdictions, such as Massachusetts, these considerations may be incorporated into stream crossing regulations.
large vehicle
{ "text": [ "heavy truck" ], "answer_start": [ 450 ] }
They asserted that religious devotion was inheritable, and that they could pass on their own strong sense of spirituality to successive generations by careful breeding. They called their eugenics experiment “stirpiculture.” The children born in the experiment were known as “stirpicults.” Generally, children stayed with their mothers for nine months before moving to the South Wing, where they received daily care from the elder heads of the 'Children's Department' and teachers. Within the South Wing, children were separated by ages. The youngest were together in the Drawing Room, the oldest in the South Room, and children in between were in the East Room. Children had many toys—blocks, marble rollers, rocking horses, and homemade picture books, and received lessons in a variety of subjects. Although it was hoped that the children would be highly spiritual, it turned out that “the children were much like other children of the same age,” as one stiripicult later recalled. “The women who cared for us spent much of their time settling differences of opinion over who should have a certain toy.” Post-Community. Facing criticism from outside the Community and growing internal dissension, the Utopian group voted to disband and became a joint-stock company known as Oneida Community, Ltd. in 1880. Their manufacturing enterprises included canned fruit and vegetables, animal traps, silk sewing thread, and tableware. Known later as Oneida Limited, the company became a top producer of silverware in the twentieth century. After the Community voted to disband, ex-members and their descendants continued to live in the Mansion House.
particular plaything
{ "text": [ "certain toy" ], "answer_start": [ 1091 ] }
Luminescence halos are present around radioactive inclusions, and it is suggested that the radiation damage occurred after formation of the carbonados, an observation perhaps pertinent to the radiation hypothesis listed below. Hypotheses for origin. The origin of carbonado is controversial, and some proposed hypotheses are as follows: None of these hypotheses for carbonado formation had come into wide acceptance in the scientific literature by 2008. 13C/12C ratios in carbonado are identical to local sediments. Extraterrestrial origin hypothesis. Supporters of an extraterrestrial origin of carbonados propose that their material source was a supernova which occurred at least 3.8 billion years ago. After coalescing and drifting through outer space for about one and a half billion years, a large mass fell to earth as a meteorite approximately 2.3 billion years ago. It possibly fragmented during entry into the Earth's atmosphere and impacted in a region which would much later split into Brazil and the Central African Republic, assumed to be the only two known locations of carbonado deposits (which is not an accurate representation of the true distribution of carbonado diamondite).
substance origin
{ "text": [ "material source" ], "answer_start": [ 626 ] }
UN Special Representative for Somalia Augustine Mahiga welcomed the development, describing it as "further incontrovertible evidence of progress in Somalia". Mahiga also pledged to collaborate with the new Somali government in the post-conflict reconstruction process. Cabinet. On 4 November 2012, Shirdon named a new 10 member Cabinet after extensive consultations with local stakeholders. The council of ministers consists of many newcomers, including two women: Fowsiyo Yussuf Haji Aadan as the nation's first female Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Maryam Kassim as Minister of Social Development. The new Cabinet was later endorsed by the legislature on 13 November 2012, with 219 MPs approving the selection, 3 voting against it, and 3 abstaining. Task Force. In early February 2013, Prime Minister Shirdon launched an Independent Task Force on Human Rights in order to firm up on the protection of individual rights. The 13-member committee of volunteers was formed after extensive consultations with civil society groups and the Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Osman Jawari. Chaired by prominent human rights attorney Maryam Yusuf Sheikh Ali, one of four women on the panel, the Task Force includes an educator, a peace activist, leaders of Somali women's organizations, senior police officers, a humanitarian campaigner, a religious leader, and a media representative. It is tasked with investigating allegations of human rights abuses and journalist intimidation.
undeniable indication
{ "text": [ "incontrovertible evidence" ], "answer_start": [ 107 ] }