However, some rodents (e.g. gerbils or degus) will quickly chew and destroy plastic wheels but not steel versions. Hamster ball. A related exercise device, the hamster ball, is a hollow plastic ball into which a pet can be temporarily placed. The ball allows the pet to freely roll around on the floor to explore and exercise, while preventing escape. Recent theory suggests that hamster balls are not recommended for exercise outside of the cage. The balls prevent the rodent from using touch (whiskers) and smell to navigate the area. It also restricts airflow and can catch toes/tails in the slits meant for airflow. Running disc. A related exercise device is the running disc. This is a rotatable shallow bowl, or slightly concave disc, which is set an angle to the horizontal.
contemporary research
{ "text": [ "Recent theory" ], "answer_start": [ 352 ] }
At Eighth Avenue South, US 30 splits away from US 67 and onto the Gateway Bridge and crosses into Illinois. History. The path which US 30 follows has changed since it was originally planned as the Lincoln Highway in the early 1910s. The first path connected as many downtown areas as possible, in order to create awareness about the Good Roads Movement and the Lincoln Highway. As the primary highway system of Iowa matured, and the Lincoln Highway yielded to US 30, the highway was gradually straightened, leaving many towns off the route. More recently, new construction has routed traffic away from the straighter roads and onto sections of freeway and expressway. Lincoln Highway. US 30 was created with the U.S. Highway System in 1926, but the route it takes dates back to 1913, when the Lincoln Highway Association (LHA) designated the route across the country. The brainchild of Carl Fisher, the Lincoln Highway was the first highway to cross the United States, connecting New York City to San Francisco. In Iowa, it was uncertain exactly where the Lincoln Highway would run. As of August 1913, no definite route had been planned; the only certainty was the route would pass through Iowa.
original road
{ "text": [ "first path" ], "answer_start": [ 237 ] }
When bringing them back to Papua New Guinea they brought back new ideas and customs they had acquired from their travels. As the world modernized, the Chambri villages became less financially stable through their trade and goods. Even through the financial distress, the Chambri culture and people survived and continued to practice their ways. Chambri women. In Margaret Mead’s field study research in 1933 in Papua New Guinea, she outlined a position of women in the Chambri community that was unusual to what had been thought to be the norm across cultures. She speculated that women in the Chambri were the power individuals within the villages instead of men. How Margaret came to this conclusion was based on a few attributes of the Chambri. She first noted that the Chambri women were the primary suppliers of food. Contrary to other cultures the Chambri women were the ones who did the fishing for the community. This empowerment and responsibility of the women lends to the idea of a higher importance of women within this society. Through further observation Mead found that women also took the fish they caught and not only supplied it as food for their families but traveled to trade the surplus.
fiscal ruin
{ "text": [ "financial distress" ], "answer_start": [ 247 ] }
The economic security of Austria has allowed the police to develop internal control measures that are necessary for identifying and combating corruption. Established internal control measures include the Office for Internal Affairs, the Office for Public Affairs, as well as the Office of the Ombudsman. These developments, amongst many others, are illustrative of the active, preventive approach adopted by the Austrian government and the Ministry of the Interior to address the recent trend of corruption manifestations. These institutional bodies, coupled together with the high degree of intolerance toward corruption amongst Austrian citizens, and the stable nature of the Austrian economy, appear to facilitate the foundations for a positive framework needed in order to mitigate and eradicate police corruption throughout Austria. China. In mainland China, the collusion between corrupt police officers and gang bosses is a big concern, bringing legitimacy crisis to the police as well as the ruling party. Since the 1990s, China's anti-corruption campaigns have focused on serious organized crime and corrupt government officials who act as 'protective umbrella' (protectors) for local gangsters. Criminal organizations who are not able seek protection from local police officers are very likely to be destroyed during China's anti-crime campaigns, while criminal groups under police protection are able to survive and control illegal businesses (e.g. gambling, prostitution and drugs) in their territories. Wang's book "The Chinese Mafia", based on rich empirical data, examines how organized crime and police corruption interact, how gang bosses make use of social network to initiate and build mutually beneficial networks with police officers. Belgium.
fiscal protection
{ "text": [ "economic security" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
The affair also sparked complaints from some of the boys' parents. In June of that year the choir's planned multi-city tour of the United States was abruptly cancelled. The choir's administrator, Michelangelo Nardella, was suspended in July when the Vatican opened an investigation into alleged money laundering, fraud and embezzlement involving both Nardella and Palombella and related to the choir's foreign tours. In a "motu proprio" issued by Pope Francis on 19 January 2019, the Sistine Chapel Choir was placed under the administration of the Office of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations. Mons. Guido Marini, the master of ceremonies for papal liturgies, was tasked with drafting new statutes for the choir. Nardella was replaced by Archbishop Guido Pozzo as the choir's administrator, but for a time Palombella retained his post as the choir's musical director. In July 2019 Palombella resigned as director of the choir. Marcos Pavan, who leads the "Pueri Cantores" (the boys section of the choir) was named as interim director. Past members. Past members of the choir include: Former boy singers.
male portion
{ "text": [ "boys section" ], "answer_start": [ 977 ] }
TITE youth participants do several educational performances to deliver information to youth. Teen participants teach other teens about risk prevention through performances. Lessons include the importance of avoiding risky behaviors, improving risk-avoidance skills and knowledge of the consequences of risky behaviors. The objective is to help youth understand risks and the positive effects of decision-making skills. Theater provides participating youth with immersive experience focusing on "team building activities, experimental learning opportunities which will contribute in developing life skills, critical thinking, relationships and values." A total of 127 students participated and result found that most students reported an increase in knowledge, abilities and belief due to intervention; some reported less overall learning. Research shows that this program can reduce youth risk behavior to improve overall decision-making skills for youth participants, and improve the way the youth approached decision-making process. Decision-making skills increased for participants. Youth who reported more learning as a result of intervention were more likely to have better outcomes in decision-making than those who reported after they participated in the intervention. John Brown at the NMAH. The National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institution created an immersive theater about John Brown that explores historical memory and reflection.
danger stoppage
{ "text": [ "risk prevention" ], "answer_start": [ 135 ] }
He loses fifteen pounds and wins immunity as well. Joe weighs in next. He needs to lose at least fourteen pounds to win immunity, but has a personal goal to lose at least fifteen pounds. He exceeds both goals, losing a total of seventeen pounds. Jeff is the fourth to weigh in, and to win immunity he must also at least fifteen pounds. He loses a whopping nineteen pounds, demolishing his goal and securing immunity for himself. Gina is the final contestant to weigh in. Because her weight is relatively low, she is very nervous about being able to achieve the nine-pound loss needed to win immunity. Her fears turn out to be unfounded, as she successfully loses ten pounds. Because all of the contestants hit their weight-loss goals, everyone was able to stay on the ranch for another week. Week 11 : "Down to the Wire".
singular pursuit
{ "text": [ "personal goal" ], "answer_start": [ 140 ] }
A report from the U.S. Marine Corps announces that running/overuse-related injuries accounted for >12% of all injuries. In contrast, studies suggested antithesis of conventional perception that racial, gender or age difference manifests in different incidence rate of ITBS diagnosis. No meaningful statistical data successfully provides significant correlation between ITBS and gender, age, or race. Although, there had been a claim that females are more prone to ITBS due to their anatomical difference in pelvis and lower extremity. Males with larger lateral epicondyle prominence may also be more susceptible to ITBS. Higher incidence rate of ITBS has been reported at age of 15–50, in which generally includes most of active athletes. Other professions that had noticeable association with ITBS include cyclists, heavy weightlifters, et cetera. One observational study discovered 24% of 254 cyclists were diagnosed with ITBS within 6 years. Another study provided data that shows more than half (50%) of professional cyclists complain of knee pain.
obvious correlation
{ "text": [ "noticeable association" ], "answer_start": [ 769 ] }
Having overlapping territories with" P. polyodon" may benefit "T. moorii" individuals since "P. polyodon" removes silt from the rock surface as they feed. This allows "T. moorii" to easily scrape filamentous algae from the rocks. Having overlapping territories with "P. trewavasae" may benefit "T. moorii" individuals because both defend their territory from much larger "P. orthognathus" individuals. They also are able to drive them away, whereas an individual blunthead cichlid may not be able to defend territory successfully. This is an example of commensalism rather than mutualism because individuals would defend their territories regardless. Size-dependent dominance hierarchies. "T. moorii" participates in size-dependent dominance hierarchies when defending territory from intruders. If an individual intrudes on a "T. moorii" territory, the interaction may be a one-sided (territory owner towards the intruder) attack, one-sided display (spread and quiver fins/tail to intimidate), mutual attack, or mutual displays. These usually occur at or near the borders of the territories. In a one-sided attack, the territory owner chases the intruder until it leaves the territory. Interactions vary depending on the relative size of the territory owner and intruder.
single-actor ambush
{ "text": [ "one-sided attack" ], "answer_start": [ 1097 ] }
Contributors included Emil Ganso, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Rockwell Kent, Kubinyi and many others during the series' five-year life span. Considering inflation, the $50 commission fee in 1932 might be worth about $752 in 2007 according to one calculation. Between 1930 and 1948 Kubinyi took top prizes on five occasions at the Cleveland Museum of Art's May Show, an annual event which helped to define the Cleveland School over much of its life. He exhibited at the show in various media over a nearly 30-year period, beginning in 1928. At age the age of 27, Kubinyi married Doris Hall (1907–2000) a successful artist in her own right, who first trained as a painter with Charles Hawthorne in Provincetown, Massachusetts, and later at the Cleveland School of Art where she graduated in 1929. While studying in Cleveland, she met Kubinyi who was teaching printmaking. They later collaborated on a long and successful career in enameling beginning in the 1940s. The couple had two children. Their son, Laszlo Kubinyi became an illustrator as well. Their daughter, Moisha married the illustrator R.O. Blechman.
a particular estimation
{ "text": [ "one calculation" ], "answer_start": [ 231 ] }
Mary enters and tells her own story, in which she reveals that she is the lover of the Fire Chief. The Smiths then push her out of the room The Fire Chief leaves. The Martins and the Smiths recite nonsensical truisms. Then all sense of language dissipates as the two couples quarrel, but no one is able to communicate and none of their issues are resolved. As they argue the lights fade; when they rise again, the Martins are in the Smiths' living room, repeating the same lines with which the Smiths opened the play. Meaning. Like many plays in the theatre of the absurd genre, the underlying theme of "The Bald Soprano" is not immediately apparent. Many suggest that it expresses the futility of meaningful communication in modern society. The script is charged with non sequiturs that give the impression that the characters are not even listening to each other in their frantic efforts to make their own voices heard. There was speculation that it was parody around the time of its first performance, but Ionesco states in an essay written to his critics that he had no intention of parody, but if he were parodying anything, it would be everything. "The Bald Soprano" appears to have been written as a continuous loop.
cyclical form
{ "text": [ "continuous loop" ], "answer_start": [ 1207 ] }
No coupe, convertible, or station wagon was offered; Chrysler could not afford to develop these additional body styles. Most R-body models were built at the Lynch Road Plant in Detroit. The 17-year-old platform that the R-bodies used was hidden by the design and engineering changes mentioned above, although the cars ended up being three inches (76 mm) longer than the B-body Dodge Monaco and Plymouth Fury. Initial sales started off strong, and proceeded that way for most of the 1979 model year, with just over 121,000 produced and sold. However, in the spring of 1979, the Iranian Revolution was in full swing. Gas prices rose sharply, and the US economy plunged into a deep recession that would last for the next three years. Sales of the R-bodies sank abruptly for the 1980 and 1981 model years, and never recovered. The line was initially planned to be dropped after the 1980 model year, but strong protest from the fleet community (especially police departments) gave the R-body line a short reprieve for 1981. Initially, there was no Plymouth version of the R-body as company production manager Eugene Cafiero decided to pull the plug on all Plymouths larger than the Volare. This decision had apparently sound reasoning in that it reduced expenses at a time when Chrysler could ill-afford to waste money and because sales of the B- and C-body Plymouths had been rather minuscule outside the fleet market. However, Plymouth dealers objected to this since they had no entry in the fleet market now.
the cost of petrol
{ "text": [ "Gas prices" ], "answer_start": [ 615 ] }
Betrayer is a first-person action-adventure video game developed by Blackpowder Games. The game was released on the Steam platform for the PC on March 24, 2014. Set in colonial Virginia in the 17th century, the game includes stealth elements, with players stalking their enemies and using colonial weaponry to defeat them. Gameplay. "Betrayer" is a stealth horror action-adventure played from a first-person perspective. It uses a monochrome art style that "Eurogamer" Dan Whitehead described as "undeniably striking". The game has no clear missions or markers for quest objectives, aiming to initially perplex players by not providing a defined sense of direction. Sound plays a central role in exploring the game world, as it is used to lead the player to clues and other points of interest. While progressing, any clues found are meticulously documented in the inventory windows. Similar to "The Elder Scrolls" series, players can quickly navigate from one location to another by clicking a point-of-interest icon on the game's map.
spelled out feeling
{ "text": [ "defined sense" ], "answer_start": [ 638 ] }
Labour's victory at the general election would inevitably have seen him appointed as Foreign Secretary in the government led by Harold Wilson; however, Smethwick had attracted immigration from the Commonwealth in the economic and industrial growth of the years following the Second World War and Griffiths ran a campaign critical of the government's policy. There were rumours that his supporters had circulated the slogan "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Liberal or Labour." Colin Jordan, a British Neo-Nazi and leader of the British Movement, claimed that members of his group had produced the initial slogan as well as spread the publicised poster and sticker campaign which contained it; Jordan's group in the past had also campaigned on other slogans, such as: "Don't vote - a vote for Tory, Labour or Liberal is a vote for more Blacks!". Jordan would also use similar campaign tactics against Gordon Walker in the 1965 Leyton by-election. Hardly had the heat of the election subsided when, on 12 February 1965, American black activist Malcolm X visited the region over his opposition to the history of racial segregation in the town, just nine days before his assassination. He fuelled further controversy when he told the press: Malcolm X's visit to Smethwick had been organised by a BBC News journalist with a view to X having a debate with Griffiths outside a council house in Smethwick. Griffiths declined at late notice, and so an interview with X was conducted on the streets of Smethwick. This was to be X's last TV interview before his assassination nine days later. It was never aired. Labour candidate and actor Andrew Faulds defeated Griffiths in the 1966 general election, remaining as an MP until his retirement at the 1997 general election, 23 years after Smethwick became part of the Warley East constituency. Griffiths subsequently moved away from the area and served as Conservative MP for Portsmouth North.
the last minute
{ "text": [ "late notice" ], "answer_start": [ 1430 ] }
It has a large, progressive accident & emergency department providing a trauma service to Coventry and Warwickshire. History. The original hospital on the site, known as the Walsgrave Hospital, opened in stages: the maternity unit opened in 1966, the general unit opened in 1969 and the psychiatric unit opened in 1973. It was demolished in spring 2007. A new hospital was procured under a Private Finance Initiative contract to replace the Walsgrave Hospital and the Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital in 2002. The hospital was designed by Nightingale Associates and built by Skanska at a cost of £440 million. Construction started in July 2002 and the hospital opened on 10 July 2006. Skanska subsequently sold its stake to Innisfree for £66 million. The hospital is equipped with 1,250 beds and 27 operating theatres. On 26 March 2012, the hospital was designated as one of four trauma units in the West Midlands Region. In 2012, the planning committee approved an application to build a new car park at the hospital, to help improve ongoing congestion and traffic issues.
roadway worries
{ "text": [ "traffic issues" ], "answer_start": [ 1066 ] }
However, in some cases, the reformers' goals of "high-quality education" has meant "high-intensity education", with a narrow emphasis on teaching individual, test-friendly subskills quickly, regardless of long-term outcomes, developmental appropriateness, or broader educational goals. Horace Mann. In the United States, Horace Mann (1796 – 1859) of Massachusetts used his political base and role as Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education to promote public education in his home state and nationwide. Advocating a substantial public investment be made in education, Mann and his proponents developed a strong system of state supported common schools.. His crusading style attracted wide middle class support. Historian Ellwood P. Cubberley asserts: In 1852, Massachusetts passed a law making education mandatory. This model of free, accessible education spread throughout the country and in 1917 Mississippi was the final state to adopt the law. John Dewey. John Dewey, a philosopher and educator based in Chicago and New York, helped conceptualize the role of American and international education during the first four decades of the 20th century. An important member of the American Pragmatist movement, he carried the subordination of knowledge to action into the educational world by arguing for experiential education that would enable children to learn theory and practice simultaneously; a well-known example is the practice of teaching elementary physics and biology to students while preparing a meal. He was a harsh critic of "dead" knowledge disconnected from practical human life. Dewey criticized the rigidity and volume of humanistic education, and the emotional idealizations of education based on the child-study movement that had been inspired by Rousseau and those who followed him.
applicable mankind activity
{ "text": [ "practical human life" ], "answer_start": [ 1588 ] }
"Ridiculous Fishing" was nominated for the 2012 Independent Games Festival "Best Mobile" award. At the conference where the award ceremony was held, Vlambeer released "Yeti Hunter". On 2 December 2012, Vlambeer announced a sequel to "Luftrauser" called "Luftrausers". On 19 December 2012, Vlambeer released the iOS version of "Super Crate Box". Its success prevented the studio from going out of business due to the financial ramifications of the decreased motivation caused by the cloning incident. On 14 March 2013, Vlambeer released "Ridiculous Fishing" on iOS, after resuming its development. In 2015, they have experimented with live streaming their development process and have over 12,000 paid subscriptions to their Twitch channel. On 5 December 2015, Vlambeer released "Nuclear Throne", a top-down shooter roguelike which had been in Steam's early access program since 2013. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, receiving positive reviews from users. On 8 August 2016, Vlambeer announced "120 Years Of Vlambeer And Friends. Bringing back arcade games since 1896", an art and history book of the company written by Arjan Terpstra and published by Cook & Becker.
lessened reason
{ "text": [ "decreased motivation" ], "answer_start": [ 447 ] }
The state Democrats saw this as an unwinnable race so when Bob Cunningham sought the Democratic nomination, he was unopposed in his bid. General election campaign. Cunningham launched his second bid to unseat Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond after switching from the GOP to the Democratic Party in early 1990. Though he faced a formidable opponent, Cunningham planned no fund-raising activities. "I don't plan to ask for anything and I won't accept any money from PACs," he said. Cunningham said his campaign strategy was to "go to places where I was invited and spread out my ideas." If elected, Cummingham said he would push to limit consecutive congressional service to 12 years and reform the tax system. He supported greater environmental activism. "I think we're going at it in much too lukewarm a fashion. I think we should work hard to find a substitute for the internal combustion engine." Cunningham, a retired intelligence officer, had little chance of defeating Strom Thurmond and the election was never a serious contest.
former military personnel
{ "text": [ "retired intelligence officer" ], "answer_start": [ 911 ] }
The effect of long term use of opioids for lower back pain is unknown. Opioid treatment for chronic low back pain increases the risk for lifetime illicit drug use. Specialist groups advise against general long-term use of opioids for chronic low back pain. As of 2016, the CDC has released a guideline for prescribed opioid use in the management of chronic pain. It states that opioid use is not the preferred treatment when managing chronic pain due to the excessive risks involved. If prescribed, a person and their clinician should have a realistic plan to discontinue its use in the event that the risks outweigh the benefit. For older people with chronic pain, opioids may be used in those for whom NSAIDs present too great a risk, including those with diabetes, stomach or heart problems. They may also be useful for a select group of people with neuropathic pain. Antidepressants may be effective for treating chronic pain associated with symptoms of depression, but they have a risk of side effects. Although the antiseizure drugs gabapentin, pregabalin, and topiramate are sometimes used for chronic low back pain evidence does not support a benefit. Systemic oral steroids have not been shown to be useful in low back pain.
specific category
{ "text": [ "select group" ], "answer_start": [ 825 ] }
A projection room can also be clearly seen during the day, hidden on the left side of the cascading waterfall feature. The frontal part of the room is shrouded by greenery from the area, with some green scaffolding partially camouflaging it. Thus, rendering the only object in the room, the projector, visible from the seating gallery and platform. This may suggest that video and images are not projected from the front of the fountain but the back instead, to give it a clearer field of depth. The control room though is not located in that area, it is located at the front of the seating gallery. It is here that laser images and lighting are controlled and activated. Web documentation. The history of the Musical Fountain, including rare audio recordings and videos, are posted throughout the internet. These show the fountains's key events and evolving development. Some of these include scores of the Magical Sentosa soundtrack, which were never released for distribution by ECA2. A majority of these videos have ended up on video sharing website, YouTube.
foremost section
{ "text": [ "frontal part" ], "answer_start": [ 123 ] }
(Years later, when he was already established in Hollywood, he sought to improve his technique by studying privately with MGM colleague Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco). In 1926, Bradley moved to Los Angeles to conduct programs over KHJ Radio, an activity that led to his growing involvement in animation at the start of the talkie era. He was a staff musician for Walt Disney (1929) and the Ub Iwerks studio (1930–1934), then became music director for Hugh Harman and Rudy Ising, who were hired to produce cartoon shorts for MGM. After MGM established its own cartoon studio in 1937, Bradley was hired permanently and remained with the company for twenty years. During the 1930s, Bradley also composed music for the concert hall, including the tone poems "The Valley of the White Poppies" (1931) and "The Headless Horseman" (1932) and the oratorio "Thanatopsis" (1934), based on the poem by William Cullen Bryant. His most notable success was "Cartoonia" (1938), a four-movement orchestral suite of his MGM work, premiered by Pierre Monteux with the San Francisco Symphony. It was an early expression of Bradley's belief that cartoon music was an art form of great potential. As was common practice in scores for animation, Bradley's early style incorporated fragments of popular and traditional melodies. By the mid-1940s, however, his compositions and orchestrations had become more original and complex, occasionally utilizing the twelve-tone technique devised by Arnold Schoenberg; the first being the 1944 Tom and Jerry cartoon "Puttin' on the Dog". Other influences were Béla Bartók, Igor Stravinsky and Paul Hindemith. "Sight & Sound" magazine quoted concertmaster Lou Raderman's mock complaint: "Scott writes the most "blank-blank-blank" difficult fiddle music in Hollywood … He is going to break my fingers!"
initial assertion
{ "text": [ "early expression" ], "answer_start": [ 1079 ] }
The track was built by NASCAR founder Bill France, Sr. to host racing that was being held at the former Daytona Beach Road Course and opened with the first Daytona 500 in 1959. The Daytona 500 is regarded as the most important and prestigious race on the NASCAR calendar. It is also the series' first race of the year; this phenomenon is virtually unique in sports, which tend to have championships or other major events at the end of the season rather than the start. Race summary. Opening laps. The lead changed four times between Ernie Irvan, Ken Schrader, Sterling Marlin, and Dale Earnhardt in the first five laps. Reigning Winston Cup champion Jeff Gordon was eliminated on lap 8 after getting a light tap from Jeremy Mayfield. Busch Series Goody's 300 winner Steve Grissom, along with Rick Mast, Joe Nemechek (both Busch Series champions) and Rusty Wallace, were involved in a chain reaction incident after Gordon hit the wall. Mast's and Wallace's cars both were relatively undamaged, but Grissom and Nemechek lost several laps after repairs. On lap 29, Earnhardt's ignition failed, triggering a wreck for Ernie Irvan. Wally Dallenbach, Jr., who could not see Earnhardt, tagged Irvan and sent him into the wall.
slight bump
{ "text": [ "light tap" ], "answer_start": [ 702 ] }
Levene was responsible for helping to persuade Joe Strummer to leave the 101ers and join the Clash. Although he left The Clash before they began recording, he co-wrote "What's My Name", featured on their first album. Levene wrote the music at the Black Swan club in Sheffield when the Clash and Sex Pistols performed there in July 1976; on the same night, Levene suggested to Lydon that they consider a possible future collaboration. After the Sex Pistols disintegrated, Levene and Lydon co-founded Public Image Ltd (PiL). Levene's guitar work was later imitated by others, including The Edge of U2. Levene was one of the first guitarists to use metallic guitars, such as the Travis Bean Wedge and Artist as well as the Veleno, the latter of which was nicknamed the "Leveno" in his honour. He was involved in the writing, performing and producing of PiL's early albums: "First Issue", "Metal Box" and "Flowers of Romance". Levene left PiL in 1983 over creative differences concerning what would eventually become the band's fourth album, "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get". In 1984, he released the original versions of the songs on his own label under the title "Commercial Zone" which was the original working title of the album. In 1985 he moved to Los Angeles where he formed a company with his second wife, journalist Shelly da Cunha.
hardware case
{ "text": [ "Metal Box" ], "answer_start": [ 886 ] }
The doctors also reported that the miners had already been provided with a 5% glucose solution and a drug to prevent stomach ulcers resulting from food deprivation. Material was sent down in blue plastic capsules nicknamed ("doves", referring to the role of carrier pigeons), taking an hour to reach the miners. Engineers coated the boreholes with a gel in order to ensure the integrity of the shafts and ease the passage of the capsules. In addition to high-energy glucose gels, rehydration tablets, and medicine, rescuers also sent down oxygen after the miners reported there was not enough air. Delivery of solid food began a few days later. Two other boreholes were completed—one for oxygen enriched air, the second for videoconference equipment to allow daily video chats with family members. Relatives were permitted to write letters, but were asked to keep them optimistic. Out of concern for the miners' morale, rescuers hesitated to tell them that according to the conservative plan, the rescue might take months, with an eventual extraction date close to Christmas. The miners who had been trapped since August would miss many events, including the Chilean Bicentennial celebrations and important soccer games, in addition to their personal anniversaries. The miners were fully informed, however, on 25 August, of the projected timeline for their rescue and the complexity of the plans to get them out. The mining minister reported that the men took the potentially negative news very well.
sufficient oxygen
{ "text": [ "enough air" ], "answer_start": [ 586 ] }
The Border Cyclists Battalion of Limburg (Cyclistes Bataillon du Limburg) was an Cyclist Battalion that was active in the Battle of Belgium. It fought against the German Armed Forces at several key moments but ultimately, the battle was lost. World War II. Source: As a unit during peacetime, the Border Cyclists Battalion Limburg, shortened to Limburg Battalion, was a modernized part of the Belgian Army(excluding the Cyclists), unlike most of the second reserve. The Battalion was one of the first to mobilize in 1938 in the barracks of Limburg, where they would get their name from. (Although recruitment efforts from this battalion already began since 1934, 1938 was when they fully mobilized with all their companies.
many important points
{ "text": [ "several key moments" ], "answer_start": [ 186 ] }
Later owners. John Bouch Willows (1850-1924) who bought the house was born in Kingston upon Hull in 1850. His father was John Green Wills Willows founder of the large seed oil manufacturers Messrs Willows Holt and Willows in Hull. John entered the family firm and later became a partner. When the firm merged in to British Oil and Cake Company he became a Director of this firm. In 1878 he married Roberta Ann Dolphin Watts who was the daughter of John Edmund Watts, a lawyer from Edgbaston, Warwickshire. The couple had two children, a son and a daughter. The family lived in Hull for many years and then after John retired they moved to Scarborough. They then purchased Langdale Chase. He took a considerable interest in the fine arts and also music and drama. He died in 1924 and his wife Roberta continued to live at the house until her death in 1929.
serious application of time and energy
{ "text": [ "considerable interest" ], "answer_start": [ 698 ] }
It was illegal for anyone within the limits of the Cherokee Nation to teach blacks to read or write. This law was amended so that the punishment for non-Cherokee citizens teaching blacks was a request for removal from the Cherokee Nation by authorities. After removal to Indian Territory with the Cherokee, enslaved African Americans initiated several revolts and escape attempts, attesting to their desire for freedom. In the Cherokee Slave Revolt of 1842, several African-American slaves in Indian Territory, including 25 held by Cherokee planter Joseph Vann, left their respective plantations near Webbers Falls, Oklahoma to escape to Mexico. The slaves were captured by a Cherokee militia under the command of Captain John Drew of the Cherokee Lighthorse near Fort Gibson. On December 2, 1842, the Cherokee National Council passed "An Act in regard to Free Negroes"; it banned all free blacks from the limits of the Cherokee Nation by January 1843, except those freed by Cherokee slaveowners. In 1846, an estimated number of 130-150 African slaves escaped from several plantations in Cherokee territory. Most of the slaves were captured in Seminole territory by a joint group of Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole slaveowners. Civil War and abolition of slavery. By 1861, the Cherokee held about 4,000 black slaves. During the American Civil War, the Cherokee Nation was divided between support for the Union and support for the Confederate States of America.
Unified partnership
{ "text": [ "joint group" ], "answer_start": [ 1168 ] }
The latter contains a timber World War I Honour Roll, and is flanked by timber stairs leading to a timber choir loft supported by two floriated colonnettes. The roof is supported by timber hammerbeam trusses with a king post landing on floriated imposts, and has a diagonally-timbered ceiling with exposed purlins and triangular vents, which is finished with a deep plaster cornice. The two gables to the side elevations are expressed in the ceiling over the choir loft, and a horizontal timber panel with a carved rose covers the base of the spire. The organ recess has a stencilled, half-domed ceiling with a rich moulding to its reveal, and is framed with floriated colonettes. The windows are mostly richly patterned stained glass, including two-light tracery windows lining the east and west walls, a larger four-light window over the choir loft, and rosettes to the side gables and above the organ recess. The internal refurbishment is similar to that of the 1870 building, and has included an extensive timber mezzanine with beams which abut existing walls, exposed air conditioning ducts, new toilets and a kitchen in the vestry area, and additional partitioning for offices. Externally, the two buildings are unusually complementary in form, materials and details, the later building being a richer elaboration of the modest but fine earlier building. The 1871 building contains some fine, simple timber and brick detailing, while the 1888 interior comprises more lavish plaster and carved timber decoration. Much of the buildings remain intact in form and detail. The spatial quality of the interiors, however, has been substantially altered by the installation of the mezzanine, air conditioning ducts and new partitioning. Heritage listing.
structural essence
{ "text": [ "spatial quality" ], "answer_start": [ 1578 ] }
Write the "carry digit" as a superscript of the yet-unwritten digit in the next column and under the line: in this case the next column is the tens-column, so write the carry digit as the superscript of the yet-unwritten tens-digit of the product (under the line). If both first and second number each have only one digit, then their product is given in the multiplication table — thereby making the multiplication algorithm is unnecessary. Then comes the tens-column. The tens-column so far contains only one digit: the tens-digit of the multiplicand (though it might contain a carry digit under the line). Find the product of the multiplier and the tens-digits of the multiplicand. Then, if there is a carry digit (superscripted, under the line and in the tens-column), add it to this product. If the resulting sum is less than ten then write it in the tens-column under the line. If the sum has two digits then write its last digit in the tens-column under the line, and carry its first digit over to the next column: in this case the hundreds column. If the multiplicand does not have a hundreds-digit then if there is no carry digit then the multiplication algorithm has finished. If there is a carry digit (carried over from the tens-column) then write it in the hundreds-column under the line, and the algorithm is finished. When the algorithm finishes, the number under the line is the product of the two numbers.
ensuing amount
{ "text": [ "resulting sum" ], "answer_start": [ 803 ] }
Construction. In September 2011, four construction workers working on the mall were injured when a portion of the third floor collapsed as the workers were pouring wet cement. The floor crashed down to the second floor, pinning the workers below. The workers were confined in a local hospital for treatment. Another construction accident occurred in December 2011, when a platform collapsed as construction workers were installing insulators on the ceiling of the third floor. The workers, who were not wearing safety belts, fell to the concrete floor, resulting in seven workers sustaining varying degrees of injury. The victims were employees of Irvine Construction, one of the construction firms hired by SM Prime Holdings to build the mall. Opening. SM City General Santos opened on August 10, 2012. At the time of its opening, it was 80% occupied.
security harness
{ "text": [ "safety belts" ], "answer_start": [ 511 ] }
The pump was moved to its present site and restored in 1956 by the National Trust. The Windpump now pumps water from the drainage channel up into the Fen to maintain a high water table. The nearby museums, Stretham Old Engine and Prickwillow Museum tell the story of how windpumps were succeeded by steam engines in the nineteenth century and diesel engines in the twentieth century. Science. The Fen has been long associated with natural history. Charles Darwin collected beetles on the site in the 1820s. Many eminent Victorian naturalists collected beetles, moths and butterflies at Wicken Fen; some of their collections can still be found in museums. Many nationally rare species have been recorded, including the swallowtail butterfly until its decline and eventual loss from the fen in the 1950s, and despite an attempt to reintroduce it. From the 1920s onwards the fathers of modern ecology and conservation, the Cambridge botanists Sir Arthur Tansley and Sir Harry Godwin carried out their pioneering work on the reserve. One of the world's longest running science experiments, the Godwin Plots, continues at the Fen to this day. The Fen's long association with science, especially nearby Cambridge University, continues to the present day with scientists actively involved in the management of the reserve, and many hundreds of research papers published about the fen over more than a century.
sewerage path
{ "text": [ "drainage channel" ], "answer_start": [ 121 ] }
MLB Industry Growth Fund is a pool of money collected by Major League Baseball. The purpose of the Industry Growth Fund (IGF) is, essentially, to promote Major League Baseball. Specifically, there are three goals; to enhance fan interest in the game, to increase baseball's popularity, and to ensure industry growth into the 21st century. It was created as part of the Major League Baseball (MLB) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in 1997. The IGF is managed by a seven-member board of directors. The board of directors meets in person at least three times per year. Funding for the IGF comes, primarily, from the MLB Competitive Balance Tax. Additional funds may also come from the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) or the individual baseball clubs.
industrial development
{ "text": [ "industry growth" ], "answer_start": [ 300 ] }
These variations are suspected to be due to diet and growth rates. Large "robalo" caught in Lake Gatun invariably cause a wealth of confusion. The IGFA requires verification of the species by a designated authority for world-record claims. The two Pacific species of large "robalo" are somewhat easier to distinguish. The "robalo redondo" or black snook ("C. nigrescens") can be differentiated by three visually apparent characteristics when compared to the "C. viridis" In culture. The United States Navy, submarines named USS "Robalo" and USS "Snook" are named for the common snook. References. Snook or Robalo types as game fish Reference at ""
chosen official
{ "text": [ "designated authority" ], "answer_start": [ 194 ] }
Dennis Dan "Denny" Teresi (born August 14, 1954), now known as Dennis Terry, is an American radio disc jockey and former phone phreak most famous for being the person who introduced John Draper to the field of phreaking. Both Draper and Teresi were operating pirate radio stations in the San Jose, California area. Their initial contact came when Teresi responded by telephone to one of Draper's pirate broadcasts. In the documentary "The Secret History of Hacking", Teresi is identified as an expert in social engineering.
first connection
{ "text": [ "initial contact" ], "answer_start": [ 321 ] }
A U-lock is a rigid metal ring in the shape of the letter U. The U part of the lock attaches to a crossbar section, and for this reason they are also called "D-locks." To lock the bicycle, one locks it physically to some other object, such as a bike rack, parking meter or other pole installed securely in the solid ground. Merely locking the bike frame to the wheel is not recommended because, although it cannot be rolled away, the entire bicycle can still be lifted and carried away. U-locks are more secure than most other kinds of locking mechanism because they are more resistant to cutting with high-leverage hand tools such as bolt cutters. However, most are still vulnerable to at least one type of exploit. For instance, if there is enough space for a thief to fit a jack into the U, the jack can produce enough leverage to break the lock. Another common brute force method to break open U-locks is to use a long length (perhaps 2 metre) of pipe to twist the lock open (although this method is more commonly used to defeat chain and cable locks). Like all locks, U-Locks are vulnerable to power tools such as portable angle grinders. A quality U-lock will advertise the material's hardness (relative resistance to grinding), its resistance to prying (expressed in tonnes, or pounds; for example, one might resist to 5 tonnes, which exceeds the 2-tonne capacity of a common car jack), as well as resistance to drilling into the keyhole itself. For a time, many U-locks used a tubular pin tumbler lock.
U-shaped piece
{ "text": [ "U part" ], "answer_start": [ 65 ] }
After viewing native plantations of yams and sweet potatoes Collignon judged the soil suitable for planting seed and he explained to the natives that the seed would produce plants that were good to eat. They appeared to understand, indicating where they thought the plants would grow best. He planted cabbage, carrots, beets, maize and pumpkins. On 29 May 1786 the ship anchored at Maui in the Hawaiian archipelago; knowing of Cook’s fate, the ships stayed for just 24 hours, allowing only a brief period for Collignon to plant seed. In mid September 1786, the ship landed at Monterey. The soil was very fertile and Collignon gave seed to the Spanish governor and to the local mission. He also gave them potatoes that had been gathered in Chile and were still in good condition. Some of the plants collected at Monterey and Macao would be sent back to Thouin. The visit to Monterey marked the beginning of the botanical exploration of the Trans-Mississippi West although the true range of his collections is uncertain. In December the ship landed in Samoan waters, where Lamartinière and Collignon botanized on several islands, the natives demanding a glass bead for every plant collected, and on one occasion threatening Lamartinière when he threatened to not pay. The ship left on 23 December 1787.
real distance
{ "text": [ "true range" ], "answer_start": [ 975 ] }
The government however, had made clear that they regarded both motions as votes of confidence and thus MacDonald requested and obtained a dissolution on the following day. The Government's defeat on Sir John Simon's motion (by a majority of 166) would prove the high water mark of government defeat in modern parliamentary politics until the first "Meaningful Vote" on the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement. That vote was held on 15 January 2019, and the government lost by a majority of 230. Aftermath. The consequence of the vote was the third general election in three years. Dominated by the publication of the controversial Zinoviev letter shortly before polling day and scares over Labour connections with Bolshevik Russia, the Conservatives were returned to power with a majority of 208. They remained in office for the duration of the next Parliament. However, this spectacular success was predominantly at the expense of the Liberals who lost 118 seats rather than Labour. The latter lost only 40 seats and gained a million new votes compared to 1923. Thus the long-term consequence of the vote was the permanent supersession of the Liberals by Labour as the Official Opposition to Baldwin's Conservatives. Defeat of the Callaghan ministry.
magnificent accomplishment
{ "text": [ "spectacular success" ], "answer_start": [ 867 ] }
As with the sixpence, Shilling, and Florin the coin was not demonetised as part of the 1971 decimalisation. Unlike those coins it has not been subsequently called in, and it remains legal tender for 20 pence. The coins are not likely spent, though, as the silver content of each coin is worth far more than 20 pence. The coin acquired the nickname of "Barmaid's Grief" due to its similarity to the slightly larger crown coin (worth 5 shillings, 25% more than the double florin), as neither coin was marked with its denomination and both used an identical portrait of Queen Victoria on the obverse. Some coins minted in 1887 (the first year) had a Roman 'I' instead of an Arabic '1' in the date. This went unnoticed for a time until corrected, allowing the balance of the mint run to be produced with the correct date. These two variations are worth approximately the same, making the series more interesting for collectors. Some coins dated 1888 and 1889 have an inverted Arabic 1 instead of the second I in VICTORIA as the result of a broken punch. =List of 4 silver double florins (1887 - 1890)=
right time stamp
{ "text": [ "correct date" ], "answer_start": [ 804 ] }
Waste control and decommissioning were also covered by the bill. Turkey started to be subjected to the [[Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy]]. Criteria for developers who will built and run nuclear power plants were issued soon after this legislation. A civil nuclear deal with the [[United States]] came into effect in 2008, a nuclear cooperation deal with [[South Korea]] was established in June 2010, and two more deals were signed with [[China]] in 2012. The following year, the [[International Atomic Energy Agency]] (IAEA) performed the Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) in Turkey to evaluate the country's advancement in the planning for a new nuclear power scheme. Although the review was positive, the IAEA advised Turkey to complete the national nuclear energy strategy and to improve the regulating agency. Regulation and policy. In 2007 a bill concerning construction and operation of nuclear power plants and the sale of their electricity was passed by parliament. It also addresses waste management and decommissioning, providing for a National Radioactive Waste Account and a Decommissioning Account, which generators will pay into progressively. The [[International Atomic Energy Agency]] (IAEA) has recommended "enacting a law on nuclear energy which establishes an independent regulatory body and putting a national policy in place that covers a wide range of issues, as well as further developing the required human resources". In 2018, Turkey created the .
governing body
{ "text": [ "regulating agency" ], "answer_start": [ 851 ] }
As Mr. Chan and Bab square off, the crooked cops barge in with their back-up revolvers. Using the fighting technique he had learned from watching Robert Jaworski, "Basketball Kung Fu", Bab subdues all three bad guys. Mr. Chan's severed head and Doña Fe are turned over to the NBI after they were charged with conspiracy, grave threats and arson. The squatters move out of the land while the case is heard. At the end of the story, Polgas stresses that this battle is only one in series of battles and said Mr. Chan and Doña Fe are not the only masterminds of the scheme. As he unrolls a scroll near him, Mr. Chan is in the middle, Doña Fe in lower rank, there are more higher-ups in the chain, including the Department of Agrarian Reform (for giving Filipinos false hopes), National Housing Authority (for giving titles to foreigners, at the cost of Filipinos), Philippine National Police and AFP officers (acting as foreigners' bodyguards, often sowing discord on their fellow countrymen the supposed to protect), Bureau of Immigration (for giving foreigners citizenship for owning lands owned by Filipinos), Congressmen and Senators (for taking kickbacks on foreigner's bribes for themselves, again at the cost of Filipinos), even Presidents (for turning a blind eye on their people). He explained it all in a sarcastic manner, sarcastic voice and sarcastic facial expressions.
serious intimidation
{ "text": [ "grave threats" ], "answer_start": [ 321 ] }
The Washington Nationals baseball team postponed their scheduled evening game, owing to the proximity of Nationals Park to the Navy Yard area (the facilities are close enough to share a Metro station). The Navy Yard reopened and resumed usual operations on September 19, 2013. Building 197 reopened on February 2, 2015. In October 2013, the Navy announced a repair-and-restoration contract for the building; the contract indicated that "the repairs shall be done in a manner that changes the feel, finish, appearance and layout of the space, creating a different sense of place and mitigating the psychological and emotional impacts that the facility itself could have on returning occupants". The building, renamed after Joshua Humphreys, reopened in 2015. The renovations, costing approximately $44 million, include a reflection area and new visitors' entrance, new flooring, furnishings, and an updated cafeteria. Reactions. Shortly after news of the shooting broke, United States President Barack Obama pledged to ensure the perpetrators would be held responsible. Obama ordered flags at the White House, all public buildings and all military and naval posts, stations and vessels to be flown at half-staff until sunset on September 20. On September 17, Department of Defense officials laid a wreath at the Navy Memorial plaza in honor of the victims. In the wake of the shooting, President Obama called on Congress to revisit gun control legislation.
reflective space
{ "text": [ "reflection area" ], "answer_start": [ 820 ] }
Deneb Robotics was a company founded by Scott Walter, Jay Harrison, Nathan Yoffa, and Rakesh Mahajan in 1985. The company pioneered graphics-based 3D factory simulation software for simulation and digital manufacturing tools. The application area reached from concept development to shop floor implementation, including off-line programming. Deneb Robotics is known for their IGRIP, Quest, Ultra and VirtualNC software packages. The company was acquired by Dassault Systèmes in 1997 and is branded DELMIA. Major companies such as Boeing, and General Motors used Deneb’s suite of tools to optimize their design and manufacturing processes.
Functional zone
{ "text": [ "application area" ], "answer_start": [ 230 ] }
The country's murder rate increased to 139 per 100,000 people in 1995, making El Salvador one of the most violent countries in the world. In 2003, President Francisco Flores of the conservative Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) unveiled the Plan Mano Dura to curb the power of the gangs and reduce the homicide rate. Intended to be a six-month emergency action, the policy involved increased police raids in gang-held areas, greater policing responsibilities for the military, and tougher sentences for suspected gang members. Additionally, the policy "permitted the arrest of suspected gang members on the basis of their physical appearance alone". In the first year after the policy was put in place, almost 20,000 suspected gang members, many of them young people, were arrested. Up to 91% of those detained were released without charge. In 2004, the Salvadoran Supreme Court of Justice declared the law to be unconstitutional. Despite this ruling, in 2006 President Antonio Saca of ARENA announced the implementation of "Super Mano Dura" ("Super Firm Hand"). This policy cemented the tough-on-crime approach of the Mano Dura policy and included a series of anti-gang legal reforms, including changes to the country's Penal Code. These policies were largely kept in place when the leftist Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) won the presidency in 2009. In 2010, President Mauricio Funes responded to a series of attacks on bus passengers by suspected gang members by criminalizing gang affiliation and deploying 2,800 soldiers to assist the national police in fighting the gangs.
way that they look
{ "text": [ "physical appearance" ], "answer_start": [ 628 ] }
On January 6, 2012, the Padres traded Rizzo and right-handed starting pitcher Zach Cates to the Chicago Cubs in exchange for right-handed starting pitcher Andrew Cashner and outfielder Kyung-Min Na. The deal was negotiated by Jed Hoyer, the Cubs' general manager. Hoyer had also drafted Rizzo while working as an assistant general manager for the Red Sox, and later acquired Rizzo while he was the Padres' general manager. He blamed himself for calling up Rizzo to the majors too early in San Diego. 2012. Rizzo started the 2012 season with the Triple-A Iowa Cubs. He again excelled in the minor leagues, batting .342 average with 23 home runs and 62 RBIs before being recalled by the Cubs on June 26. Similar to his call-up in San Diego, he was expected to help a struggling offense. He became the first player in Cubs history to have three game-winning RBIs in his first five games with the team. He hit seven homers in July, the most by a Cubs rookie in a calendar month since Mel Hall hit nine in August 1983. He also led National League (NL) rookies that month in homers, hits (32), RBIs (17), and total bases (55).
30-day period
{ "text": [ "calendar month" ], "answer_start": [ 959 ] }
Rostral hooks occur when the dominant upper front premolars overhang the lower premolars. They can be hereditary or developmental meaning that the horse can have an overbite at birth or can have another malocclusion that forces the disalignment of the jaw. Rostral hooks can result in improper and extreme molar wear especially to the opposing lower premolar. Other problems include bit problems and soft tissue damage. Fixing Rostral hooks requires that you reduce the dominant portion of the upper premolar and round the unopposed portion smoothly towards the gum. Preventive maintenance is required to prevent recurring Rostral hooks. Ramps. When there is excessive height to the lower premolars, the horse has a condition known as ramps. They occur when the upper from the premolar deciduous cap or baby tooth is kept resulting in the abnormal growth of the permanent premolar. The problem with ramps is that they prevent the horse from freely chewing side-to-side. This causes improper and over wear of the molars.
exaggerated length
{ "text": [ "excessive height" ], "answer_start": [ 659 ] }
Italy. During the 1960s and 1970s major cities like Turin, Milan, Rome, Florence, Verona, Bologna, Rimini, Naples, Bari and Palermo adopted Fiat double decker buses. The most common model was the Fiat 412 Aerfer, and in 1961 it was replaced by Fiat 413 Viberti Monotral CV61. Liechtenstein. Liemobil operates four double decker MAN A39 buses on service 11 between Sargans, Switzerland and Feldkirch, Vorarlberg, Austria and on other services 12, 13 and 14 in the country. Netherlands. It is only very recently that double-decker buses have started to be used in the Netherlands. On 10 December 2017 Connexxion put 18 three-axle double deckers into service on route 346 between Haarlem and Amsterdam Zuid, a heavily used commuter route not served by rail. They are Futura FDD2s built by VDL Bus & Coach in Valkenswaard, are 14.1 metres long, and carry 86 seated passengers. Their introduction was not without problems since their route initially had to be diverted to avoid passing under a dangerously low tram overhead wire near the VU Medical Centre stop. Also in December 2017, Qbuzz introduced five double-deckers on its route 300 between Groningen and Emmen.
typical version
{ "text": [ "common model" ], "answer_start": [ 175 ] }
funding, academic appointments). However, there remains controversy in the academic community as to how well author-level metrics achieve this goal. Author-level metrics differ from journal-level metrics which attempt to measure the bibliometric impact of academic journals rather than individuals. However, metrics originally developed for academic journals can be reported at researcher level, such as the author-level eigenfactor and the author impact factor. List of metrics. "h"-index. Formally, if "f" is the function that corresponds to the number of citations for each publication, we compute the "h"-index as follows. First we order the values of "f" from the largest to the lowest value. Then, we look for the last position in which "f" is greater than or equal to the position (we call "h" this position). For example, if we have a researcher with 5 publications A, B, C, D, and E with 10, 8, 5, 4, and 3 citations, respectively, the "h"-index is equal to 4 because the 4th publication has 4 citations and the 5th has only 3. In contrast, if the same publications have 25, 8, 5, 3, and 3 citations, then the index is 3 because the fourth paper has only 3 citations.
smallest number
{ "text": [ "lowest value" ], "answer_start": [ 684 ] }
Students attend either Wheeling High School or John Hersey High School. Those in District 23's area will attend either. Those in District 21's area will attend Wheeling and those in District 26's area will attend Hersey. Private education in Prospect Heights is St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Parish and St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights. Transportation. In addition to PACE buses, Prospect Heights is serviced by two Metra lines, with service to Union Station from a station on the North Central Service, while the Union Pacific / Northwest Line has two stations nearby. References. links history of SSA6/Lake Claire Water:
non-public school
{ "text": [ "Private education" ], "answer_start": [ 221 ] }
On November 14, at the NEW special event "Autumn Ambush" pay-per-view, Hemme defeated Lea Morrison in a singles match. On May 14, 2011, Hemme made her debut for Family Wrestling Entertainment (FWE) at the "Meltdown" pay-per-view, as a special guest referee for match between fellow TNA Knockouts Winter and Rosita. KAYfABE (2020–present). In March 2020, Hemme, along with Lita and Gail Kim, announced "KAYfABE", a new wrestling show inspired by true events which blends scripted drama with pro wrestling. Music and acting. In September 2006, Hemme recorded a song entitled "Society Box", which was featured on TNA's November 21, 2006 music release, "". Hemme is also the founder and lead singer in HEMME. The band released five songs on their MySpace: "In This Moment", "Visit Me Mom", "Shine", "Dear You", and "Dirty"; the songs have since been removed following the departure of original members Randy Ramirez, Steve Goodwin, Roland Maniago, and Rocky Ramirez, all from the band POLARIS. Hemme released another song, "Don't Give Up", and an EP entitled "Where are You", which is available on iTunes. The EP features Eric Friedman on Guitar and Garrett Whitlock on drums. Both are currently playing in the band Tremonti and formerly of the band Submersed.
recently added important occurrence
{ "text": [ "NEW special event" ], "answer_start": [ 23 ] }
It is common in woodworking, metalworking, and other similar trade and hobby tasks. Most are hand tools, made of a case hardened steel bar of rectangular, square, triangular, or round cross-section, with one or more surfaces cut with sharp, generally parallel teeth. A narrow, pointed tang is common at one end, to which a handle may be fitted. A rasp is a form of file with distinct, individually cut teeth used for coarsely removing large amounts of material. Files have also been developed with abrasive surfaces, such as natural or synthetic diamond grains or silicon carbide, allowing removal of material that would dull or resist steel files, such as ceramic. History. Early filing or rasping has prehistoric roots and grew naturally out of the blending of the twin inspirations of cutting with stone cutting tools (such as hand axes) and abrading using natural abrasives, such as well-suited types of stone (for example, sandstone). Relatedly, lapping is also quite ancient, with wood and beach sand offering a natural pair of lap and lapping compound. The Disston authors state, "To abrade, or file, ancient man used sand, grit, coral, bone, fish skin, and gritty woods,—also stone of varying hardness in connection with sand and water." The Bronze Age and the Iron Age had various kinds of files and rasps. Archaeologists have discovered rasps made from bronze in Egypt, dating back to the years 1200–1000 BC.
akin craft
{ "text": [ "similar trade" ], "answer_start": [ 53 ] }
State intervention in global capital markets following the financial crisis of 2007–2010 was perceived by some as signaling a crisis for free-market capitalism. Serious turmoil in the banking system and financial markets due in part to the subprime mortgage crisis reached a critical stage during September 2008, characterized by severely contracted liquidity in the global credit markets posed an existential threat to investment banks and other institutions. Future. According to some, the transition to the information society involves abandoning some parts of capitalism, as the "capital" required to produce and process information becomes available to the masses and difficult to control, and is closely related to the controversial issues of intellectual property. Some even speculate that the development of mature nanotechnology, particularly of universal assemblers, may make capitalism obsolete, with capital ceasing to be an important factor in the economic life of humanity. Various thinkers have also explored what kind of economic system might replace capitalism, such as Bob Avakian and Paul Mason. Role of women. Women's historians have debated the impact of capitalism on the status of women. Alice Clark argues that, when capitalism arrived in 17th-century England, it negatively impacted the status of women, who lost much of their economic importance. Clark argues that, in 16th-century England, women were engaged in many aspects of industry and agriculture. The home was a central unit of production, and women played a vital role in running farms and in some trades and landed estates.
monetary value
{ "text": [ "economic importance" ], "answer_start": [ 1352 ] }
Chui Ling is involved in regulatory work involving international sanctions and high-profile civil litigation at the Court of Appeal of Singapore. Sporting Achievements. While Chui Ling specialises in sprints and hurdles, she has competed in many of the Athletics events due to her versatility.
legislative task
{ "text": [ "regulatory work" ], "answer_start": [ 25 ] }
Climate. Humboldt experiences a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification "Dfb") featuring long, cold winters and brief, warm summers. The region falls into the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 3a. It is a great distance from any large bodies of water, and thus lacks any moderating influences on its climate. The latitudinal difference of Saskatchewan can typically explain a 6–8 °C difference mean in annual temperatures across the province. The highest temperature ever recorded in Humboldt was on 19 July 1941. The coldest temperature ever recorded was on 12 January 1916. Demographics. As reported in the 2011 census, Humboldt grew by 13.6% since 2006 for a population of 5,678. Economy. About 95% of all goods produced in the province directly depend on its basic resources (grains, livestock, oil and gas, potash, uranium and timber) and their refined products.
long way away
{ "text": [ "great distance" ], "answer_start": [ 214 ] }
(Canada's total wolf population is about 30,000. Sentence needs rewording.) Ontario ceased its wolf bounty system in 1972, though retaining a year-round open season for wolves. In Alberta, wolves bounties are still offered by some local governments. Starting in 2010, Big Lakes County offered a bounty of C$300 per adult wolf, leading to 290 wolves worth $87,000 by mid-2012. After the gray wolf was removed from the endangered species list for the western great lakes region in January 2012, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources instituted a hunting season to manage the population. This new season ran from November 3, 2012 through the 18th, 2012 in some regions and continued November 24, 2012 and ran through January 31, 2013 or until the tag limit was reached. That limit was set at a target of 400 wolves across the state. The total number of wolves harvested in this inaugural season was 412 wolves. Twelve more wolves were harvested past the target number. On December 19, 2014 a US Federal Court ordered a stop to the hunting of wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin and in Michigan.
USA national courtroom
{ "text": [ "US Federal Court" ], "answer_start": [ 997 ] }
The town's privileges grew, and, in 1704, it was granted its own municipal district inside Albania Veneta. This was followed by the State's freeing the town of many tariffs. The lifting of tariffs provided an impetus for economic growth which further developed the town's naval character. Maritime trade flourished and its ships grew in size and number, so that by the end of the 18th century the port was hailed as home to over 30 tall-ships. The most prevalent trade goods were Montenegrin and Greek cheese, candles, salted sardines, and Dalmatian and Greek olive oil. The most frequent ports of call for the town's sailors were in the East Mediterranean or Levant, together with Ancona, Apulia, Venice, and Trieste. A significant setback for the port's maritime economy happened after the fall of the Venetian Republic (1797), which saw the arrival of the French under Napoleon and the resultant devastating British blockade of the Adriatic coast. The town was a part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but after Napoleon's defeat all the Bay of Kotor ("Bocche di Cattaro") it was ceded to the Austrian Empire at the Congress of Vienna and became part of a province called the Kingdom of Dalmatia. This initiated a revival of the town's maritime economy which lasted until the end of the 19th century, after which its tall-ships could no longer compete with the rapid advances in steamship technology. Demographics. According to the 2011 census, its population was 1,130.
financial gain
{ "text": [ "economic growth" ], "answer_start": [ 221 ] }
Not platinum) or extremely low flow rates can prevent crossover. Scaling Issues. Membraneless fuel cells are currently being manufactured on the micro scale using fabrication processes found in the MEMS/NEMS area. These cell sizes are suited for the small scale due to the limit of their operating principles. The scale-up of these cells to the 2–10 Watt range has proven difficult since, at large scales, the cells cannot maintain the correct operating conditions. For example, laminar flow is a necessary condition for these cells. Without laminar flow, crossover would occur and a physical electrolytic membrane would be needed. Maintaining laminar flow is achievable on the macro scale but maintaining a steady Reynolds number is difficult due to variations in pumping. This variation causes fluctuations at the reactant interfaces which can disrupt laminar flow and affect diffusion and crossover. However, self-pumping mechanisms can be difficult and expensive to produce on the macro-scale. In order to take advantage of hydrophobic effects, the surfaces need to be smooth to control the contact angle of water.
little scope
{ "text": [ "micro scale" ], "answer_start": [ 145 ] }
This allows for appropriate communication and the ability to lean on each other when "in the face of the power of the group". Bowers & Gauron are supported by other researchers in this aspect of co-therapy. Russell and Russell also suggest that both therapists are sources of support for each other. This can be in the case of clients (either singular, couples, or families) who express delusional systems or aspects of psychopathy that may be difficult to deal with alone. A co-therapeutic design is more beneficial in these situations as therapists act objectively in each others' aid. This situation highlights an additional advantage of the amount of emotional draining experienced by each therapist individually. Support of both therapists is carried through - if one is absent, there will always be someone available to collect information and continue with the sessions. An educational model. Additionally, researchers suggest that a co-therapy relationship is beneficial as an educational model. Cividini and Klain proposed three models of co-therapy education. These three designs all incorporated differing levels of skill in each therapist, for example: situation one, having one experienced and one inexperienced therapist; situation two, including two inexperienced therapists; and situation three, involving two experienced therapists.
Extra benefit
{ "text": [ "additional advantage" ], "answer_start": [ 621 ] }
In Australia, the twelfth grade is referred to as Year 12. In New South Wales, students are usually 16 or 17 years old when they enter Year 12 and 17–18 years during graduation (end of year). A majority of students in Year 12 work toward getting an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank). Up until the start of 2020 the OP (Overall Position, which applies only to students in the state of Queensland) was used. Both of these allow/allowed them access to courses at university. In Western Australia, this is achieved by completing the WACE; in South Australia, this is achieved by completing the SACE; in Victoria, this is achieved by completing the VCE; in the Australian Capital Territory, this is achieved by completing the AST and in New South Wales this is achieved by completing the HSC. In New South Wales, when completing the [HSC], students are required to satisfactorily complete at least 10 units of study in ATAR courses which must include: Some Year 12s may receive a Year 12 Jersey. Schools choose the design, colors, and writing which are printed or stitched onto the Jersey. Sometimes the last two digits of the year they are graduating are printed on the back (for example, "12" for 2012 school leavers) along with a personalized nickname. The front may show the school emblem and the student's name, which is occasionally stitched in. Many schools conduct end of year "formals" (similar to a senior prom).
general standing
{ "text": [ "Overall Position" ], "answer_start": [ 327 ] }
Bistriflimide, systematically known as bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide (or 'imidate', "see below") and colloquially as TFSI, is a non-coordinating anion with the chemical formula [(CF3SO2)2N]−. Its salts are typically referred to as being metal triflimidates. Applications. The anion is widely used in ionic liquids (e.g.trioctylmethylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide), since it is less toxic and more stable than more "traditional" counterions such as tetrafluoroborate. This anion is also of importance in lithium-ion and lithium metal batteries (LiTFSI) because of its high dissociation and conductivity. It has the added advantage of suppressing crystallinity in poly(ethylene oxide), which increases the conductivity of that polymer below its melting point at 50 °C.
appended lead
{ "text": [ "added advantage" ], "answer_start": [ 630 ] }
Kaashif Ahmad resuscitated the baby after she was born. As of November 2018, Lyla was attending preschool. She had a slight delay in speech, but no other known medical issues or disabilities. Amillia Taylor is also often cited as the most premature baby. She was born on 24 October 2006 in Miami, Florida, U.S. at 21 weeks and 6 days' gestation. This report has created some confusion as her gestation was measured from the date of conception (through "in vitro" fertilization) rather than the date of her mother's last menstrual period, making her appear 2 weeks younger than if gestation was calculated by the more common method. At birth, she was long and weighed . She suffered digestive and respiratory problems, together with a brain hemorrhage. She was discharged from the Baptist Children's Hospital on 20 February 2007. The record for the smallest premature baby to survive was held for a considerable amount of time by Madeline Mann, who was born in 1989 at 26 weeks, weighing and measuring long. This record was broken in September 2004 by Rumaisa Rahman, who was born in the same hospital, Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois.
tiny setback
{ "text": [ "slight delay" ], "answer_start": [ 117 ] }
Failure to identify a peri-implant disease can lead to a complete loss of osseointegration and eventual loss of the implant. Though there are clear structural differences between dental implants and natural teeth, peri-implant health shares many common features with periodontal health around natural teeth. This is especially true with respect to their surrounding tissues and biological attachment. The diagnosis of peri-implant mucositis should be based on clinical signs of inflammatory disease, and radiographic assessment should be carried out to exclude bone level changes as this is an indication that peri-implant disease has already progressed to peri-implantitis stage. Clinical presentations to diagnose peri-implant mucositis include:- -        Red, swollen and soft peri-implant tissues -        Bleeding on probing (BoP) and/or suppuration on probing -        Increased probing depths compared to baseline measurements -        Absence of bone loss beyond crestal bone level changes as a result of initial remodelling following implant placement It has been suggested that the soft tissue cuff surrounding implants are less resistant to probing than the gingiva at adjacent teeth sites. This potentially leads to mechanically induced BoP on dental implants that are clinically healthy, as a result of trauma-induced BoP rather than a sign of biofilm-induced inflammation which represent the presence of peri-implant disease. Increased levels of bleeding on probing was present at 67% of sites where there is peri-implant mucositis as it is indicative of the presence of active disease and inflammation of the peri-implant mucosa. A light probing force of 0.25N should be used to probe the gingival margins so as not to damage the soft periodontal tissues. Bleeding on probing can be used in order to predict future loss of support from surrounding tissues. Microbiological testing was shown to improve the prognostic features compared to recording bleeding on probing alone as this was better for recognising the disease advancement around implants. Increased probing depths over time is linked to loss of attachment and a reduction in the supporting alveolar bone levels.
consequent destruction
{ "text": [ "eventual loss" ], "answer_start": [ 95 ] }
The Krave (model ZN4) is a 3G CDMA mobile phone produced by Motorola, introduced in October 2008 exclusively for Verizon Wireless. It runs the BREW application platform on the Synergy operating system. Features. The Krave is a revolutionary flip phone in that it is a touch screen phone which can be accessed from the phone's transparent cover, although with less accuracy and sensitivity than with it open. The earpiece speaker and speakerphone microphone is mounted in the middle of the cover, with no apparent connection to the phone. The "wires" are actually a fine mesh which is laminated into the cover. This red-colored mesh can be easily seen only in sunshine or other very bright direct lighting. Because this piece covers part of the 240×400 color LCD screen, some options of the camera and media player are not available with the cover closed, and this portion of the screen is blank black at those times.
clear meeting
{ "text": [ "apparent connection" ], "answer_start": [ 504 ] }
With the growth of the Internet, this method is not used anymore or used occasionally for smaller areas or for mountain guide course purposes. In exchange for it, an observer can do a relevant investigation yet at home, before setting off on the destination site by using at least a few tools available on the market. The is the oldest known platform dealing with the long-distance lines of sight worldwide, created by Jonathan de Ferranti in 2006. The major feature of this website is a downloadable base of various summit panoramas worldwide. Another old tool dedicated to planning the distant views capture. Founded by Michael Kosowsky in 2007. It offers worldwide flexibility with panorama generation and its further download as the visibility cloak. The visibility cloak feature shows roughly the area, from where a given mountain can be visible. In turn, a user can make relatively quickly a complex Viewshed analyses for a random place in the world.
chance location
{ "text": [ "random place" ], "answer_start": [ 973 ] }
Under its third "daimyō", Maeda Toshinao, new riceland development allowed the domain to create its own subsidiary 10,000 "koku" domain, , for Toshinao's younger brother Maeda Toshimasa. However, after Toshimasa killed the "daimyō" of Yanagimoto Domain, Oda Hidechika in a duel, the domain was dissolved. Under its 9th "daimyō", Maeda Toshikore, the domain's "kokudaka" was increased from 70,000 to 100,000 "koku". This was accomplished by 10,000 "koku" of new rice land developed, and 20,000 "koku" of revenues from Kaga Domain. The physical holdings of the domain did not change. After the death of its 12th "daimyō", Maeda Toshinori in 1855 without heir, the domain came under threat of attainder. Toshinori had adopted Maeda Toshimichi as his heir, but Toshiyuki also died before his formal presentation to the "shōgun". This fact was concealed from the authorities, and Maeda Toshika, a son of Maeda Nariyasu of Kaga Domain was substituted in his place. During the Bakumatsu period, the domain changed sides to support the Satchō Alliance during the Boshin War, and fought for the imperial side during the Battle of Hokuetsu. Toshika was named Imperial governor by the Meiji government from 1869 until the abolition of the han system in 1871. In July 1871, with the abolition of the han system, Daishōji Domain became Daishōji Prefecture, and was merged into the newly created Ishikawa Prefecture in September 1871.
official ceremony
{ "text": [ "formal presentation" ], "answer_start": [ 788 ] }
There is a strong reason for Neeraja to donate money to the college. There is a stronger reason for Subbu to become a cool-headed guy. In the flashback, Subbu rescues a girl who met with an accident and admits her into a hospital. She is a daughter of a rich industrialist, G. K. Chowdary. G. K. Chowdary misunderstands Subbu as the other Bala Subramanyam who is responsible for his daughter having become pregnant. Without knowing the truth, G. K. becomes the reason for the suicides of Subbu's entire family. G. K. realizes the truth later. And incidentally, Neeraja is the younger sister of the girl whom Subbu rescues. By the time of the interval, the audience realize that Subbu and Neeraja are in search of each other. The rest of the film twirls around how this couple realizes that they are made for each other, indeed. Critical reception.
powerful drive
{ "text": [ "strong reason" ], "answer_start": [ 11 ] }
Changchun recorded the heaviest rains in China related to Bolaven, with falling. In the city alone, 25 roads were flooded and 20 power poles were downed. Thousands of people were evacuated due to flooding triggered by the storm. Gale-force winds in Jilin Province damaged approximately 690,000 hectares (1.7 million acres) of crops. Rainfall amounting to caused localized flooding, disrupting transportation in Heilongjiang Province. Throughout Northeastern China, an estimated 40 million people were affected by the typhoon. Total economic losses in China were counted to be CN¥19.82 billion (US$3.12 billion). On August 29, the remnants of Bolaven brought winds up to in the Primorsky Krai, leaving 9,800 people without power. Power was soon restored to all but 195 residents who live in the town of Vityaz. In Vladivostok, wind gusts reached , downing numerous trees. Rains associated with the storm were light, with only recorded in Vladivostok.
Nine-thousand, eight-hundred humans
{ "text": [ "9,800 people" ], "answer_start": [ 701 ] }
Other wick materials in use are Kevlar and other aramid fibers, carbon felt, fiberglass, and even toilet paper. Aluminium-can construction. The stove is made from two aluminium can bottoms. An inner wall is cut and rolled from the can material. A ring of holes is pierced into the top with a pin. Parts can be glued with silicone sealant, high-temperature epoxy, or sealed with aluminum (thermal) foil tape, although this is not necessary. Total height is less than two inches (50 mm), though dimensions may be increased to hold more fuel or decreased to take up even less space. The choice of aluminium has several advantages—light weight, low cost, and good thermal conductivity to aid vaporization of fuel. Modifications to the surface such as inking or painting a dark color increase the amount of radiant thermal energy captured by the stove body and change the stove's burn profile as a function of time, fuel load, and ambient temperature. Many designs require priming to get started and most are regenerative and stable during operation. Alternative construction materials have been used, including stoves made of tin cans such as cat food tins, tuna cans, and juice cans — the basic design is very similar.
progressively diminished room
{ "text": [ "even less space" ], "answer_start": [ 563 ] }
The National Asset Management Agency (NAMA; ) is a body created by the government of Ireland in late 2009, in response to the Irish financial crisis and the deflation of the Irish property bubble. NAMA functions as a "bad bank", acquiring property development loans from Irish banks in return for government purple debts bonds, ostensibly with a view to improving the availability of credit in the Irish economy. The original book value of these loans was €77 billion (comprising €68bn for the original loans and €9bn rolled up interest) and the original asset values to which the loans related was €88bn with there being an average Loan To Value of 77% and the current market value is estimated at €47 billion. NAMA is controversial, with politicians (who were in opposition at the time of its formation) and some economists criticising the approach, including Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz who has said that the Irish government is "squandering" public money with its plan to bail out the banks. One year after NAMA's establishment the Irish government was compelled for other but similar reasons to seek a European Union-International Monetary Fund bailout in November 2010, the outcome of which will have considerable effects on NAMA's future operations. Background. As a result of the collapse of the Irish property market, Irish banks have property development loan assets secured on property with a market value significantly below the amount owed. Many of the loans are now non-performing due to debtors experiencing acute financial difficulties. Both factors have led to a sharp drop in the value of these loan assets. If the banks were to recognise the true value of these loans on their balance sheets, they would no longer meet their statutory capital requirements.
real worth
{ "text": [ "true value" ], "answer_start": [ 1679 ] }
Sport. Every year the students of the Medical University of Varna take part in the traditional sport tournaments “Varna Universiade”, “The Cup of the Rector”, “Summer University” and “Winter Universiade”. They compete in different disciplines among themselves and with students from other universities from the city and the country. Physical Education is a mandatory form of education for all the students from the initial years of all programmes. The university athletes and the teams conduct their training sessions under the guidance of professional trainers. Library, Publishing and TV. Library The library of the Medical University of Varna was founded in 1961. The library possesses around 160 000 volumes of books and periodicals. In the library fund there are also around 500 old books on medicine, pharmacology and dental medicine, printed in the period 1830–1950. A digital catalogue was created and has been maintained since 1995. Publishing Department The main functions of the Publishing Department are the processing and publishing of scientific print production of the University (textbooks, handbooks and monographs, reference books and manuals, dissertations, proceedings, editions and printed materials for the needs of the scientific activities).
necessary type
{ "text": [ "mandatory form" ], "answer_start": [ 357 ] }
After viewing native plantations of yams and sweet potatoes Collignon judged the soil suitable for planting seed and he explained to the natives that the seed would produce plants that were good to eat. They appeared to understand, indicating where they thought the plants would grow best. He planted cabbage, carrots, beets, maize and pumpkins. On 29 May 1786 the ship anchored at Maui in the Hawaiian archipelago; knowing of Cook’s fate, the ships stayed for just 24 hours, allowing only a brief period for Collignon to plant seed. In mid September 1786, the ship landed at Monterey. The soil was very fertile and Collignon gave seed to the Spanish governor and to the local mission. He also gave them potatoes that had been gathered in Chile and were still in good condition. Some of the plants collected at Monterey and Macao would be sent back to Thouin. The visit to Monterey marked the beginning of the botanical exploration of the Trans-Mississippi West although the true range of his collections is uncertain. In December the ship landed in Samoan waters, where Lamartinière and Collignon botanized on several islands, the natives demanding a glass bead for every plant collected, and on one occasion threatening Lamartinière when he threatened to not pay. The ship left on 23 December 1787.
real extent
{ "text": [ "true range" ], "answer_start": [ 975 ] }
Dazed, Herman repeats the three cards she tells him—three, seven, ace. "Scene 2" By the Winter Canal, Liza waits for Herman: it is already near midnight, and though she clings to a forlorn hope that he still loves her, she sees her youth and happiness swallowed in darkness. At last he appears, but after uttering words of reassurance, he starts to babble wildly about the Countess and her secret. No longer even recognizing Liza, he rushes away. Realizing that all is lost, she commits suicide. "Scene 3" At a gambling house, Herman's fellow officers are finishing supper and getting ready to play faro. Yeletsky, who has not gambled before, joins the group because his engagement has been broken: "unlucky in love, lucky at cards". Tomsky entertains the others with a song. Then Chekalinsky leads a traditional gamblers' song. Settling down to play, they are surprised when Herman arrives, wild and distracted. Yeletsky senses a confrontation and asks Tomsky to be his second if a duel should result.
gaming establishment
{ "text": [ "gambling house" ], "answer_start": [ 511 ] }
The Pièces de clavecin en concerts, published in 1741, constitute the only chamber music by Jean-Philippe Rameau and were composed in full maturity; they came after his music for solo harpsichord, and just before the opera "Les Indes galantes". They are very different from the trio sonatas in the Italian manner (such as those of Corelli), where the harpsichord is only providing the role of a continuo bass. In Rameau's works, the harpsichord is at the heart of the ensemble, playing a fully written-out obbligato part with virtuosity, with the accompaniment falling to the violin and viola da gamba. Rameau provided for differing instrumental combinations: the flute can replace the violin and a second violin can replace the viola da gamba. It is possible to compare these works with the violin sonatas of Johann Sebastian Bach, written earlier, around 1720, in which the melodic material is shared equally between the violin and harpsichord and the harpsichord part is "obbligato" nearly throughout. They are divided into five "concerts" of three to four movements with typical French 'character' names, some of which can be enigmatic: a name of a place (Le Vézinet), of character (La timide, L'agaçante) or of persons (La Forqueray, La Marais, La Rameau). The last type of appellation was not used by Jean-Philippe Rameau for his solo harpsichord works. Premier concert. First Concert in C minor), RCT 7: c. 10 mins Deuxième concert.
ending sample
{ "text": [ "last type" ], "answer_start": [ 1266 ] }
However, this is not true for all neighborhoods in the Bronx; while someone living at East 213th Street & White Plains Road might prefer to describe their location simply as "Gun Hill Road" (a nearby thoroughfare) rather than "Williamsbridge". Other neighborhood names have greater popularity. For example, Riverdale was once home to John F. Kennedy and is known for its affluence, large mansions, and proximity to amenities. Throggs Neck has a bridge named for it and the neighborhood is known for waterfront beach communities located on the Long Island Sound. Regions of the Bronx. Generally speaking, there are two major systems of dividing the Bronx into regions, which often conflict with one another. One is based on the Bronx River while the other strictly separate South Bronx from the rest of the borough. The older of the two systems is based on the Bronx River and is arguably a more accurate reflection of the area's history: The Bronx River divides the borough nearly perfectly in half, putting the earlier-settled, more urban, and hillier sections in the western lobe and the newer, more suburbanesque coastal sections in the eastern lobe. It is an accurate reflection on the Bronx's history considering that the towns that existed in the area prior to annexation to the City of New York generally did not straddle the Bronx River. In addition, what is today the Bronx was annexed to New York City in two stages: areas west of the Bronx River were annexed in 1874 while areas to the east of the river were annexed in 1895. Using this system, the Bronx can be further divided into the following regions: A second system divides the borough first and foremost into the following sections: As of 2012, listed are the Bronx neighborhoods organized and outlined:
a pair of big ways
{ "text": [ "two major systems" ], "answer_start": [ 618 ] }
In Turkmenistan alone, 50% of all reported illnesses in children are related to respiratory system difficulties. The effects of this situation are far reaching and affect people in a wide range of ailments. Following is a list of health problems contributing to high infant mortality, death, and lower standard of living in the Aral Sea area: Solutions. A large concern of remediation of the area is the reduction of the blowing salt and minerals from the exposed sea bed. Some solutions include constructing dikes to control water flows and restricting the water amounts diverted for irrigation. However, the health effects have already been felt and will continue to be present for a long time even if the situation is turned around in the very near future.
big worry
{ "text": [ "large concern" ], "answer_start": [ 356 ] }
Despite the "Vivo, ma non troppo" marking, the mazurka is usually slowly performed, and the main theme is relatively mild. No. 3 in F minor. The third mazurka is the only one in the set to feature no repeats. No. 4 in A-flat major. This mazurka was originally composed in 1824; Chopin revised it and put it as the fourth mazurka of the set. No. 5 in C major. The final mazurka is the shortest of the five, taking less than a minute to perform. It is known as a fine example of the composer's sense of humour.
a matter of seconds
{ "text": [ "less than a minute" ], "answer_start": [ 413 ] }
"The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist", one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of 13 stories in the cycle collected as "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (1905). It was first published in "Collier's" in the United States on 26 December 1903, and in "The Strand Magazine" in the United Kingdom in January 1904. Plot. Holmes is contacted by Miss Violet Smith of Farnham, Surrey about an unusual turn in her and her mother's lives. Violet's father has recently died and left his wife and daughter rather poor. There was an ad in the news asking about their whereabouts.
odd direction
{ "text": [ "unusual turn" ], "answer_start": [ 430 ] }
Hamilton had filtered back into the race in fifth position, behind Kubica and Kobayashi who were running similar strategies to Button out front. After passing Kobayashi, Hamilton closed in behind Kubica but found it hard to pass the Renault, akin to what Alonso had been suffering behind Petrov. Despite having nearly 40 laps on the harder tyre, Kubica's pace was still of a substantial level to hold off the advances of Hamilton. Button pitted on lap 39 to release Vettel back into the lead, holding a lead of nearly twelve seconds over Kubica. Button rejoined in fourth place behind Kubica and Hamilton, with Kubica ever increasing his margin over Petrov and Alonso, who were running inside the points again in seventh and eighth respectively. Kubica finally pitted on lap 46 from second place, and came back on track in sixth place, crucially ahead of teammate Petrov, Alonso and Webber; the latter pair seeing their championship chances dwindling with every passing lap. In clean air, Hamilton set the race's fastest lap on lap 47 – 1:41.274 – as he closed slightly on Vettel. No further passing attempts were made on track, and thus, Vettel led the race to the end, to take his fifth win of the season. The McLarens of Hamilton and Button completed the podium ahead of Rosberg, the Renaults of Kubica and Petrov, Alonso and Webber. Rounding out the points were Alguersuari and Massa, the Ferrari driver having never got ahead of his rival in 40 laps of battling. With the poor results of Alonso and Webber, Vettel claimed the championship to become the youngest Championship winner in the sport and became the first driver to simultaneously lead the championship for the first time, and as a result win the championship since James Hunt in .
higher degree
{ "text": [ "substantial level" ], "answer_start": [ 375 ] }
The maximum amount of land a single man was allowed to cultivate, without disturbance to his daily work, was ten rod measurements, which is still in use today. A third area was set aside for a new church and graveyard, as the church was too far from the centre of the modern village, and this, it was claimed, was the cause of the low attendance. The remaining area of the land was left as the Heathlands, where villagers were able to graze their goats. The land hand-out was carried out under the provisions of the "Acts of Enclosure, Exchange and Improvement of Land". There were intended to produce the most economical use of the Heath, although largely disregarded the rights of commoners. The plan was produced by Charles Horror and approved by the Enclosure Commissioners. The plan also contained land set aside for three village ponds ("public wells"); one for Lexden Road, Chapel Road and outside the White Hart, although the latter has been filled in since the 1950s. The only opposition apparently came from gypsies camping on the heath. The agricultural revolution was not all good news for Bergholt. Many farm labourers had been left unemployed after the dip in the agricultural trade following the war with France in 1815. and the new Poor Law. Thus, the introduction of machines only made matter worse.
frugal application
{ "text": [ "economical use" ], "answer_start": [ 611 ] }
Harley recalled that his open grief when he buried his son came as a revelation to the villagers. The Harleys had decided to return to America after their son's death, but the whole village came to hear the next Sunday service. The Harleys began to make converts now that they had shown their humanity. Harley took a scientific and practical approach to problem-solving. He tested wood samples for use in buildings to determine their resistance to insects, and he tested local remedies to find whether they were effective. He took great interest in teaching the local people and giving them industrial training. The novelist Graham Greene and his cousin Barbara Greene visited the Harleys at Ganta for three days in 1935. Greene was struck by the huge amount of work Harley undertook each day, leaving him too exhausted for conversation in the evening. Harley was made a member of the Guild of Blacksmiths in Liberia, uniquely for a white man. He received many honors from the government of Liberia. He helped the Liberian government with development projects, and acted as an adviser on a wide range of issues to the United States Public Health Service, the Peace Corps, the World Health Organization and other organizations.
large quantity
{ "text": [ "huge amount" ], "answer_start": [ 747 ] }
It is played at the midpoint of the season in Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals. The event is also the league's Scout Day — a showcase for invited MLB personnel to evaluate the LCBL's greatest players. The logo is a take on the MLB All-Star Game logo that the Cardinals used in 2009, when they hosted the 80th Midsummer Classic. The league schedules the game during the week of July Fourth, giving all players a true week-long All-Star Break for family vacations. The event is obviously dependent on the Cardinals home schedule, but tends to fall on a Thursday night; a time when the odds for an empty Busch Stadium are increased by Major League Baseball's typical travel day. The 2014 All-Star Game will be held on Thursday, July 3 at 7:30 p.m. General admission to the game is free, and the main concourse concessions are open, but there are several ways for fans to pay a ticket price for an upgraded experience. For the friends and family that want to get as close to the action as possible, the league sells admission to the Cardinals Club. The infamous green seats (typically off-limits during amateur games) provide a front-row viewing experience directly behind home plate. The all-inclusive ticket comes with the full amenities of any pro gameday. It grants access to an internal bar/restaurant, with a wide range of food and beverages that can be delivered to the guest's seats while they watch. Another option for spectators is the Double Play Benefit.
outings with kinfolk
{ "text": [ "family vacations" ], "answer_start": [ 459 ] }
In addition to his technology career, Breen is also a musician who has performed professionally for two decades. He was a senior editor at Mac Publishing, a division of International Data Group which publishes the US edition of "Macworld". His "Mac 911" column appeared monthly in that magazine and online. He also hosted the Macworld Podcast with Susie Ochs (previously Serenity Caldwell) until February 2015.. Before working at "Macworld", Breen was contributing editor and Help Desk columnist for the US edition of "MacUser" magazine. Breen is the author of several books, including "Secrets of the iPod", "The iPod and iTunes Pocket Guide", "Mac 911", and "My iMac". He has created a variety of video training courses for, including Mac OS X Leopard Essential Training, Screencasting for the Mac, iPad Tips and Tricks, and Lion Essential Training. In February 2015 he resigned from Macworld to take an undisclosed job at Apple. Personal life. Breen lives in Northern California with his wife and daughter.
computer vocation
{ "text": [ "technology career" ], "answer_start": [ 19 ] }
Without issue and without remission! I enclose you, in the name of Roog! They are powerless against Roog! Nothing can be against me!" The other animals were unable to act against the offspring of the ostrich enclosed by the star thanks to Roog, who offered them total protection. Powerful predators also came to devour the eggs but they could not cross the lines engraved on the sand. The myth went on to say that a black shepherd witnessed the hatching eggs. After the departure of the ostrich with her offspring, he came to the scene and discovered the star engraved on the spot where the eggs hatched. He understood that the star protected the eggs of the ostrich with the assistance of the supreme deity. It is for this reason Serer mums evoke the ostrich in their prayers for the protection of their children on their departure to another country. Apart from evoking the ostrich, the myth plays a significant role in the adoption of the new religious symbol (the star) and its transmission to humankind.
absolute safety
{ "text": [ "total protection" ], "answer_start": [ 262 ] }
The organization has worked to redevelop its Korean Cuisine through modification in order to comply with the modern eating style of the people. The second one was the advertising of Korean cuisine. It involved careful investigation and development of the ways that the Korean cuisine was cooked as well as reaching a consensus of how the ingredients were to be kept and stored. Also, the researches would investigate of the ingredients used in the cooking of Korean cuisine to improve the overall taste of Korean cuisine. The last point was to advertise Korean cuisine all over the world with the redevelopment of Korean cuisine. It involves advertising through different channels as well as an official network for contributing of the information to the Korean restaurant located overseas. Achievements. 2010–2011 2012–2013 2014–2015 2016–2017 Globalization of Korean Food Promotion Institute. The goal of globalization is to allow people around the world to have a taste of Korean cuisine and to make an improvement. By broadening the Korean food industries in local and overseas would enhance the different industries on the aspect of the business, such as food, tourism, and farming. These enhancements would show the excellence of Korea by globalizing its cuisine around the world.
final objective
{ "text": [ "last point" ], "answer_start": [ 526 ] }
Finance. The money that is necessary for financing "koenkai" is provided to politicians by their political factions. This became increasingly important as regulations regarding funding for "koenkai" were tightened in 1999, further preventing companies and labour unions from providing financial support to "koenkai." Nonetheless, "koenkai" are exorbitant machines to be maintained. In 1996, PR-only candidates' most substantial expenditures were on "koenkai", accounting for 38% of total campaign spending. 10 young LDP Diet members revealed their spending account in 1989 and the sum reserved for "koenkai" equals 18.9 million yen a year. This figure abated over time, to a more modest 20% in 2003. Nonetheless, the actual amount of money spent on personal support groups suggests a considerable sum of money. It is estimated that in the 1980s, the annual cost of running a koenkai approximated US$1 million per year. Another study conducted in 1975 proposed the sum of US$500.000 for a modest "koenkai", in contrast to 700.000-1 million USD for more expensive ones. A large part of this money goes to organizing various activities, especially non-political ones.
true quantity
{ "text": [ "actual amount" ], "answer_start": [ 717 ] }
The Universe also tells Kryten to remove his new suit because it "really sucks". In "Mechocracy" (2017), Kryten is elected president of the machines on "Red Dwarf" after running against Rimmer. Novels. According to the novel "" (1989), the "Nova 5" crashed because Kryten washed the navigation computer with soapy water. Personality. Having lost his obedience programmes, Kryten is able to better himself. While he continues to be a sanitation droid, and to enjoy cleaning and serving others, he has also become the science expert amongst the Dwarfers, often leading missions such as their search for Rimmer on the psi-moon in "Terrorform" (1992). The dichotomy between these two aspects of his personality leads to Rimmer naming him things such as "Captain Bog-bot" and "Commander U-Bend". Kryten also extends his emotional range, which leads to him deactivating his shutdown disk (DivaDroid, his creators, believes in planned obsolescence), although the crew are then forced into a showdown with his would-be replacement. His greatest ambition is to be human, and to this end he attempts to learn to lie and insult people (mostly Rimmer). Perhaps the most significant element of his personality is guilt.
key characteristic
{ "text": [ "significant element" ], "answer_start": [ 1158 ] }
The Prick of Conscience is a Middle English poem dating from the first half of the fourteenth century promoting penitential reflection. It is, in terms of the number of surviving manuscripts, the best attested poem in Middle English, with over 130 manuscripts. It was attributed to Richard Rolle in some manuscripts, but contemporary scholars consider the poem anonymous. The text is divided into seven sections: man's sinfulness, the transient nature of the world, death, purgatory, Doomsday and its tokens, Hell, Heaven. Appearance in stained glass. Unusually, passages from and illustrations of the account of the Fifteen Signs of Doom in the "Prick of Conscience" appear in stained glass form in the 'Prick of Conscience Window' in All Saints' Church, North Street, York. The window is thought to have been constructed around 1410–20. Influence. The "Prick of Conscience"'s popularity can be judged from the fact that it survives in about 130 manuscripts – more than any other Middle English poem.
ephemeral essence
{ "text": [ "transient nature" ], "answer_start": [ 435 ] }
Bright-red, foamy blood comes from the respiratory tract, whereas dark-red, coffee-colored blood comes from the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes hemoptysis may be rust-colored. Massive Hemoptysis and Mortality. Although there are reports that the fatality rate is as high as 80%, the in-hospital mortality rate for hospitalized hemoptysis patients is 2669/28539=9.4%, calculated from the data in the article by Kinoshita et al. This is probably the most reasonable figure considering the overwhelming number of cases. The general definition of massive hemoptysis is more than 200 ml within 24 hours, but there is a wide range in the literature (100-600 ml). Considering that the total volume of the tracheal and bronchial lumen is about 150 cc, it may be reasonable to define massive hemoptysis as 200 ml, which is a little more than 150 ml, in terms of setting the threshold for fatal hemoptysis. More than 400ml/day is not adequate for screening purposes. Treatment. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Treatments include iced saline, and topical vasoconstrictors such as adrenalin or vasopressin.
common description
{ "text": [ "general definition" ], "answer_start": [ 523 ] }
The charge of the Missourians broke through the Union line, capturing a crossroads and Champion Hill itself, both of which were strategic points on the field. However, Union reinforcements commanded by Brigadier General Marcellus M. Crocker arrived, and the Missourians withdrew after more fighting. On May 17, the 6th Missouri was part of a Confederate force tasked with holding the crossing of the Big Black River. In the ensuing Battle of Big Black River Bridge, the Confederate line was broken, and a rout for the river crossing ensued. The 6th Missouri did not receive clear withdrawal orders, and did not withdraw from the line until the regiment was almost surrounded. After the retreat across the Big Black River, the 6th Missouri entered the defenses of Vicksburg, and took part in the siege of Vicksburg. On May 19, the 6th Missouri Infantry, along with the 1st and 4th Missouri Infantry (Consolidated) and the 5th Missouri Infantry, were used to plug weak points in the Vicksburg defensive perimeter. On May 22, the 6th Missouri strengthened the Confederate line near a point known as the Stockade Redan, helping to repulse Union attacks. On June 25, a mine was detonated under a point of the Confederate line named the Third Louisiana Redan. The 6th Missouri was used to plug the gap created by the explosion. Sharp fighting followed as Union infantry attempted to exploit the new gap.
current opening
{ "text": [ "new gap" ], "answer_start": [ 1389 ] }
The cantata in six movements opens with a sequence of alternating arias and recitatives leading to a chorus and a concluding chorale. The chorale tune, known as ", appears in the first movement, played by the organ, and musical motifs of the arias are derived from it, providing an overall formal unity to the composition. Bach scored the work for two vocal parts (alto and tenor), a four-part choir, and a Baroque chamber ensemble of recorders, strings and continuo. In the alto recitative (movement 4), accompanied by all instruments, Bach creates the images of sleep, of waking up, and of funeral bells, the latter in the recorders and pizzicato of the strings. Bach expanded the final measures of the recitative ("so schlage doch") to a full length aria for tenor ("Ach, schlage doch bald, selge Stunde") in the cantata "Christus, der ist mein Leben", BWV 95, which he composed in 1723 in Leipzig. While the libretto was published in a collection in 1715, Bach probably did not perform it until 27 September 1716, due to a period of public mourning of six months in the Duchy of Weimar from August 1715. Bach revived the cantata when he was "Thomaskantor" in Leipzig, but not for his cantata cycles, which included three new works for the 16th Sunday after Trinity. He performed with minor changes between 1737 and 1746. He also assigned it to the occasion of Purification, a feast with a similar topic. Background. Born in 1685, Bach established his reputation as an outstanding organist while in his teens.
very much alike subject
{ "text": [ "similar topic" ], "answer_start": [ 1393 ] }
After losing in the final at her next two tournaments, Clijsters recovered at the Indian Wells Open to win her first Tier I title. Like in Sydney, she defeated Davenport in the final. She won another Tier I title on clay in May at the Italian Open over No. 4 Amélie Mauresmo, who had a chance to serve for the match in the second set. At the French Open, both Clijsters and Henin reached the final to guarantee that the winner would become the first Belgian Grand Slam singles champion. Henin had won their only meeting in a final in 2003 thus far at the German Open, which was also their only other encounter on clay. While both players had match points in Germany, Henin won in Paris in a lopsided affair where she only lost four games. After losing in the semifinals at Wimbledon to Venus Williams, Clijsters rebounded to win two Tier II titles at the Stanford Classic and the Los Angeles Open. With the second of those titles, she attained the world No. 1 ranking, in part because the top-ranked Serena Williams had not played on tour since Wimbledon due to a knee injury. She was the first woman to become No.
an additional top
{ "text": [ "another Tier" ], "answer_start": [ 192 ] }
For instance some soil type, which is prone to liquefaction (e.g. saturated loose alluvial material), do more damage under vibration and therefore earthquake hazard zoning may help in reducing property loss. Another one is to locate historical earthquakes in neotectonism (past 11000 years) and analysis its spatial distribution, and hence fault zones with structural ruptures are mapped for further investigations. From a geodetic perspective, the radar technique (SAR Interferometry, also called InSAR) provides land displacement measurement up to cm scale. SAR interferometry is a technology utilizing multiple SAR images recording the backscattering of microwave signal. The returning signal can be used to estimate the distance between ground and satellite. When two images are obtained at the same point but at different time, some pixels showing delayed returns reveal displacement, assuming no ground change. A displacement map (interferogram) is generated to visualize the changes with a precision up to a half of the wavelength i.e. cm grade. Another similar technique is Global Positioning System (GPS), which records the displacement with time of discrete points through trilateration of microwave GPS satellite signals. The same idea and principle to measure ground displacement could also be extended to other natural hazards monitoring, such as volcanisms, landslides and avalanches.
varying moments
{ "text": [ "different time" ], "answer_start": [ 817 ] }
The AAP is one of the battalion of the Armed Police Battalions (APBn) in Bangladesh. History. Armed Police Battalion (APBn) is empowered to ensure internal security, arrest armed terrorist, recover arms & explosives, and any other responsibility endowed upon by the Government as per Section 6 of the Armed Police Battalion Ordinance, 1979. The government of Bangladesh deployed the armed police battalion to take over the responsibility of overall security of the airport on 1 June 2010. In order to perform its duty more effectively and efficiently within its jurisdiction, Airport Armed Police works in coordination with other law enforcement agencies in the Airport including Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Customs, different intelligence units, and other similar organizations. Organization. A total of 1100 personnel (including 100 female members) have been performing the security responsibility in the largest airport of Bangladesh. Airport Armed Police has four types of team for securing the airport namely: Area of responsibility. Airport Armed Police performs the responsibility of securing the airport independently. According to the directions from Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism and Bangladesh Police Headquarters. Some of the services provided by the organization are as follows
protection duty
{ "text": [ "security responsibility" ], "answer_start": [ 903 ] }
When pirates are active, providing FID supplies by water is impractical unless the transport vessels are armed, or travel in convoy. Piracy also may feed into security violations at ports, and as a means by which terrorists transport personnel and materials. An Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) study on the ownership and control of ships reports that anonymous ownership is more the rule than the exception. There are reports that 15 cargo ships are linked to al-Qaeda. Disease. Bad health is a very real problem, especially from domestic conflict that displaces refugees across borders. HIV is the most obvious, especially in Africa, but it is not the only major concern. Military health specialists, as distinct from special operations forces, can have an enormous impact. Training and equipping health and education facilities are key FID capabilities. While Special Forces medical personnel can deliver clinic services and train local workers, there is an entire spectrum of ways to use FID to enhance public health. As one example, the US Navy's Medical Research Unit No.
national hostility
{ "text": [ "domestic conflict" ], "answer_start": [ 560 ] }
1990s: Decline in popularity. In the late 1990s, Epaksa made an extravagant attempt, calling his music 'techno-trot', a mixture of rapping, techno and dance. Contemporary political use of Trot music. An article published in the "Chosun Ilbo" in 2010 reported the government's use of Trot music as a propaganda tool against North Korea. Over 184 songs from artists such as Na Hun-a, Jang Yoon-jeong and Park Hyun-bin, were broadcast through FM radio programs targeting North Korean soldiers.
management's handling
{ "text": [ "government's use" ], "answer_start": [ 263 ] }
The New Year Ekiden, (officially the ), is an annual men's ekiden (road running relay) over 100 kilometres which takes place in Japan's Gunma Prefecture on 1 January. The race is a national championship contested between Japan's corporate (business) running teams. There is also an annual championship race for women in Japan – the Women's Corporate Ekiden Championships. The race starts and ends in the city of Maebashi and the course passes through the major cities within the prefecture, including Takasaki, Isesaki, Ota and Kiryu. The relay is divided into seven legs of varying lengths that alternate on a frequent basis. The 2012 race was divided as follows: 12.3 km, 8.3 km, 13.6 km, 22 km, 15.8 km, 12.5 km and 15.5 km. Historically, the race was conducted around Kashiko Island in Mie Prefecture at its inauguration in 1957. Over the first 30 years of the competition's life it expanded from an 83 km race to a 99 km one. The 31st edition in 1986 was held around Hikone and the Shiga Prefecture, but the race moved again the following year to its current location of Gunma. At this point the distance was reduced to around 85 km and the full 100 km format was introduced at the 2001 ekiden.
consistent premise
{ "text": [ "frequent basis" ], "answer_start": [ 611 ] }
Light-emitting diode (LED) displays for watches have become rare due to their comparatively high battery consumption. The basic formula for calculating the fundamental frequency ("f") of vibration of a cantilever as a function of its dimensions (quadratic cross-section) is where A cantilever made of quartz ("E" = 1011 N/m2 = 100 GPa and "ρ" = 2634 kg/m3) with a length of 3 mm and a thickness of 0.3 mm has thus a fundamental frequency around 33 kHz. The crystal is tuned to exactly 215 = or runs at a slightly higher frequency with inhibition compensation (see below). Accuracy. The relative stability of the quartz resonator and its driving circuit is much better than its absolute accuracy. Standard-quality 32 768 Hz resonators of this type are warranted to have a long-term accuracy of about six parts per million (0.0006%) at : that is, a typical quartz clock or wristwatch will gain or lose 15 seconds per 30 days (within a normal temperature range of ) or less than a half second clock drift per day when worn near the body. Inhibition compensation. Many inexpensive quartz clocks and watches use a technique known as "inhibition compensation". The crystal is deliberately made to run somewhat faster. After manufacturing, each module is calibrated against a precision clock at the factory and adjusted to keep accurate time by programming the digital logic to skip a small number of crystal cycles at regular intervals, such as 10 seconds or 1 minute. For a typical quartz movement this allows programmed adjustments in 7.91 seconds per 30 days increments for 10-second intervals (on a 10-second measurement gate) or programmed adjustments in 1.32 seconds per 30 days increments for 60-second intervals (on a 60-second measurement gate).
marginally greater occurrence
{ "text": [ "slightly higher frequency" ], "answer_start": [ 504 ] }
All the congregations were established as independent denominations under the protection that the Dissenter Act provided, even if they could have as few as six members. Following a movement inspired by the United States, there was a trend towards weak congregationalism. This established a common understanding of the legal and organizational independence of each congregation, while retaining the need for a national administrative and theological coordination. By the early 1870s the congregations in Skien, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø had largely taken on regional responsibilities and covered areas far exceeding the city limits. Establishing the union. The Sønnenfjellske District Association was founded in 1872 as a cooperative body in Eastern Norway. Tromsø Missionary Society was founded in 1877. It originally was a subset of the Tromsø congregation, but was soon joined by newly established congregations in Northern Norway. The same year the congregations in Trondheim and Bergen established Vestenfjellske Missionary Society. These were responsible for inter-congregational coordination and activities, especially evangelism. The first national conference took place on 6 to 8 July 1877 in Bergen, with ten delegates from five congregations.
prevailing agreement
{ "text": [ "common understanding" ], "answer_start": [ 290 ] }
She was then sold and her new owners, who renamed her Pitt, proceeded to charter her to the British East India Company (EIC), for three voyages. During her first voyage she engaged a French warship, and then went on to chart a new route, Pitt's Passage, through the East Indies on the way to China. The EIC found this new route of the utmost importance as it was faster than their existing route, and was navigable in all seasons. After her return from her third voyage "Pitt" disappears from readily available online sources. Significance. It is her first voyage for the EIC, under the command of Captain William Wilson, that is of the greatest significance. Wilson sailed "Pitt" to China via a route between Java and New Guinea. The EIC had avoided sailing through the East Indies since the 1623 Amboyna massacre. The Dutch East India Company was hostile towards the EIC, fearing that the EIC would compete with them in sourcing pepper and spices. Throughout his voyage via the East Indies, Wilson kept extensive notes, made charts, and on them corrected the location of several islands and other geographical features. When he arrived in Canton, he had two sets of his charts prepared, one for the EIC governor at Madras and one that the EIC representatives at Canton could copy for their vessels.
valuable meaning
{ "text": [ "greatest significance" ], "answer_start": [ 637 ] }
This Cygnus spacecraft is named to honor Robert H. Lawrence. Manifest. The Cygnus spacecraft is loaded with : Hardware. NASA provided the following breakdown of the cargo's hardware for ISS: Research. The new experiments arriving at the orbiting laboratory will challenge and inspire future scientists and explorers, and provide valuable insight for researchers. Experiments will test new facilities for microscopic viewing and cell culturing, and particle identification will seek to better understand how fire spreads in microgravity and will study how bacteriophages behave in space. The Saffire-IV experiment will occur after Cygnus leaves the ISS. Cubesats. Cubesats planned for release: Red-Eye 2, DeMI, TechEdSat 10. A CubeSat payload for the communications provider Lynk (2020-011D) was ejected from the Slingshot deployer on Cygnus on 13 May 2020 at 23:25 UTC. Another payload (another Lynk, or perhaps WIDAR) remained attached to Cygnus and deployed a communications antenna.
ensuing report
{ "text": [ "following breakdown" ], "answer_start": [ 138 ] }
Constructed in 2013, the Seawalk is a three-segment articulated floating pier. It is long and wide on 10 pontoons, which moves (like a floatable jetwalk) to accommodate up to 4,000 passengers per hour disembarking from a single ship. Several hundred thousand people pass through the village every summer, and tourism is the main business for the 250 people who live there permanently. There are five hotels and over ten camping sites. The tourist season stretches from May to early September. Tours of the nearby historic farms of Knivsflå and Skageflå are available from Geiranger. Each year in June, the Geiranger – From Fjord to Summit event occurs. It comprises a half marathon run and a bicycle race, both starting from the sea level at the fjord and ending at the summit of Mount Dalsnibba, near the lake Djupvatnet. Since there is still a lot of snow left in the mountains at that time of year, the race is also called "From Summer to Winter".
masses of tourists
{ "text": [ "Several hundred thousand people" ], "answer_start": [ 234 ] }