class label
5 classes
comedy... don't expect a martial arts fest. I wasn't expecting it. The first few action minutes were pretty silly and I thought I had one of those over the top bad action flicks. The Next few minutes were so ridiculously over the top I thought I must have stumbled on a parody. Eventually there was some buffoonery from some of the players that clued me in. As an action comedy it works ok. There's nothing stellar here but it entertains. There's an amusing air to it and definatly some laugh out loud moments. I'm not sure if it was meant to be so but you will have fun making fun of the atrocious voice acting if you watch the English dubbed version. Don't expect a martial arts fest like the cover would have you believe and the movie stands well on its own.
23 stars
My Favorite Horror Flick Bar None If you want a few good laughs, and like the 60's-ish style of campy pop culture, as in the then cutting edge Andy Warhol, this movie is a must. The more modern, "serious" versions of this movie, e.g., Tom Cruise, pale by comparison. But then, Tom Cruise is a film and social eyesore.
45 stars
couragous my dad and I watched this movie. I never saw my father cry till he saw this movie. I will support this church so they can continue making movies. God bless
45 stars
Joel, get off the babysitter! This movie is a touchstone for the 1980's as it captures the materialistic and transactional values that were even more prevalent than they are now. If Joel, as played by Tom Cruise, had come from a blue collar family, one could argue that he could in time become Bud Fox (the Charlie Sheen character) from "Wall Street."I saw this movie when it first came out in 1983 and was exactly Joel's age and remember loving it just because it was cool, had great music, was funny, and (independently of some over the top comedic gems) rang very true to life. At the time it seemed that if you did not ace your SAT's, it would be the end of the world. This was a seminal period for movies made for young adults that did not pander to them, and this is one of the best.I just finished watching the DVD for this movie, which I had not seen since it was released 22 years ago. While so much had happened in these 2+ decades, the film could be released today and it would probably be a smash. Of course the studio, unfortunately would force the director to go for a PG-13 rating, thus taking away a great deal of the movie's best moments. For those who have kids, this is not a movie for them, as it earns its R rating.In a nutshell, the movie tells the coming of age story of Joel Goodsen, the perfect son from the perfect six figure earning suburban family. The family has the house, toys, values, and perfect lawn. Without giving anything away as I don't like reviews that reveal too much, the perfect son has the house to himself while his parents are out of town. The rest you'll have to experience for yourself.The performances are perfect across the board. Tom Cruise (before he became megastar "Tom Cruise" or had started jumping up and down like a madman on "Oprah") gives the movie its foundation, and he is supported by a brilliant cast (Rebecca De Morney is simply amazing), script and direction. The makers captured the feel of Joel's world (down to his Docksiders and Nikes) and the excitement that he was embarking on. I can't find much to quibble when it comes to this movie, but if I must, some of the kids did look a little long on the tooth (yes you Bronson Pinchot) to be in high school, but could you imagine "Grease" without Stockard Channing? I rest my case.If you are looking for an entertaining, funny, insightful movie that describes what it was to be 17 or 18 in 1983 (well if your parents had bucks), this would be a riskless choice. To those of us who have grown to dislike Tom Cruise in recent years, I can say that my biases were easily put aside as this performance put me in touch with a rising star. Like Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman," here Tom looked like regular guy (Ok, with above-average looks) who the audience could empathize with. Easily earns its 5 stars within its genre.
45 stars
Best Movie Ever! I love this movie so much, Drew is ausome in it. It's a must see movie
45 stars
If I were Italian, I'd be offended. The 2007 answer to 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' seems to have come in the shoddy package of 'Everybody Wants to Be Italian', a long and painful 'romantic comedy'.(Just saying that feels like I'm lying in it's favor) Really, there's nothing funny about it, or in that case romantic either.Jake Bianski, played by Jay Jablonski(so creative with the character naming) is an entirely unlikeable bozo, who runs a fish market with the help of all his much older(but still just as idiotic) Italian friends.Jake is under the strange illusion that he's still involved with his ex-girlfriend Isabella(Marisa Petroro) although she's married with three children, and completely uninterested. Jake becomes an all out fool every year on their old anniversary, parading around the city purchasing a new suit, ring, flowers(apparently he couldn't splurge for the brain instead) and attempts to woo his soul mate once more.Then along comes Marisa(Cerina Vincent) a beautiful veterinarian, whom Jake's Tweedledee & Tweedledum-esque friends Steve(John Kapelos) and Gianluca(John Enos III) find and persuade into meeting their single(they forgot to mention psychotic) friend.Somehow Jake and Marisa begin to nurture a friendship, though Jake insists he still has a girlfriend, therefore they cannot be more.Of course Jake eventually finds out he really does love Marisa and follows her to the ends of the earth(or in this case, just Italy) to involve her in his schizophrenic mind, and propose to her.(Forget trying a relationship, you bag-o-crazy)The film drags along, so very slowly and all you do is wait and pray for some sort of redemption that never comes.If I didn't already, I'm sure I don't want to be Italian now.
01 star
`We're in love. We just want to be together. What's wrong with that?' MOONRISE KINGDOM addresses a problem that is prevalent at present in that we seem to be less educated about relationships, despite endless eBooks and blogs and regular books, and lectures/seminars from teams of goodwill popular gurus that can be hired for a price. Wes Anderson takes a different view by placing relationships under a microscope, using children to act out the fragilities and joys and consequence of allowing someone else into our heartspace. The result is a charming story about first love and coming of age that is respected by not only the writer/director Anderson, and the musical director Alexandre Desplat, but by a cast of both seasoned veteran actors as well as refreshing newcomers. It just works.Set on an island off the coast of New England in the 1960s, as a young boy Sam (Jared Gilman) and girl Suzy (Kara Hayward) fall in love they are moved to run away together into the wilderness. Their moments together reveal a growing love and as they carefully step into the territory of first love relationships they gradually become physical: conversations occur - `Sam: It's possible I may wet the bed by the way. Later, I mean. Suzy: Okay. Sam: I wish I didn't have to mention it but just in case. I don't want to make you be offended. Suzy: Of course, I won't.' and when hugging each other and having their first kiss the very simple words are so memorably sensitive `Suzy: It feels hard. Sam: Do you mind? Suzy: I like it.' A storm brews and the `adults' begin a frantic search for the youngsters - Suzy's parents (Frances McDormand and Bill Murray) who state ``Our daughter's been abducted by one of these beige lunatics!', the scout master (Edward Norton), the Social Services person (Tilda Swinton) and the local sheriff Captain Sharp (Bruce Willis). And it is this hunt that the meanings of the film fall into place.When the youngsters are found, the conversations rings like `Sam: I admit we knew we'd get in trouble. That part's true. We knew people would be worried, and we still ran away, anyway. But something also happened, which we didn't do on purpose. When we first met each other, something happened to us. Captain Sharp: That's very eloquent. I can't argue against anything you're saying. But then again, I don't have to, 'cause you're 12 years old. Look, let's face it, you're probably a much more intelligent person than I am. In fact, I guarantee it. But even smart kids stick they're finger in electrical sockets sometimes. It takes time to figure things out. It's been proven by history. All mankind makes mistakes. It's our job to try to protect you from making the dangerous ones, if we can.' There is so much that can be said about this dear film, but nothing equals experiencing it. Grady Harp, December 12
45 stars
What a GREAT SHOW!!! I have enjoyed each episode more than the last. Writing is fabulous, characters gripping and love how they are building on an over-arcing storyline while still having each story being strong on its own.
45 stars
The best.................... I laughed so hard at Kat I cried, then went online and made a thread about it that also had everyone laughing. It's clear that any person that thinks this special was garbage should take a hint from Kat and "feel free to hate on him"
45 stars
the skeleton touches the woman thw moivie was so so so so so so so scary the skeleton ha h
45 stars
Pretty Good Is it a retread of 'Duel' and 'The Hitcher'? Oh gawd yes ... completely. It borrows really HEAVILY from both of those (much better) movies.That said, is Joy Ride bad? Oh no, not at all. Fairly well acted (even by Paul Walker, who seemed to actually remember his lines)and several tense scenes make the film extremely enjoyable.I still can't recommend kicking out the money to BUY a copy, but this is really a decent rental. It would make a great slumber-party movie.
23 stars
Great Movie I ordered this movie because it was my favorite. But my granddaughter also found it to be fun and exciting as well. she really loved the songs and the characters...
45 stars
GREAT MOVIE I loved this movie. it has everything a movie should have. it is probably overlooked a lot because it's foreign and considered a martial arts movie, but believe me...this is one of the best LOVE STORIES i have ever seen. rent it or buy it, but please see it!!!!!
45 stars
Sentimental Head Trip Paddy Chayefsky had a lot of high hopes for ALTERED STATES but, after clashing with director Ken Russell, he was despondent enough to pull his name from the credits (the screenplay is attributed to "Sydney Aaron")--a major blow that the author of MARTY, THE HOSPITAL and NETWORK would disown his own creation.Chayefsky was especially enraged that Russell had the actors cramming their mouths with food while rapidly running through the scientific exchanges.This has always been a sentimental favorite and it definitely has more imagination than most of the sci-fi/horror films I've seen since then.Every time I've watched it, the movie makes me wonder about a variety of thoughts and experiences, what should be reached for and what should be valued.How many movies can do that for anyone?
45 stars
Even Better Than The First Play! Love Ain't Suppose to Hurt - The Wedding surprised me! Even though a couple characters were changed, it was still much better than the first play! The singing, especially by the woman who played Tracy, was spectacular! The song choices matched the singers voices much better. For the first time in ages, I actually WANTED to listen to every song instead of skipping ahead to the acting.The acting was wonderful as well. I think having a second installment of the play really brought the actors closer together enabling them to be even better than before. They all worked very well together. It made the storyline more believable and hysterical! YOU WILL TRULY LAUGH OUT LOUD... MANY TIMES!I'm giving it 5 stars, but if I could I'd give it 4.5, mainly because I really missed Tony Grant. Of the two characters they changed, Tony Grant should not have been one of them! Luckily they added a few new characters that balanced his absence a bit more.OVERALL, YOU WILL ENJOY THIS PLAY! WATCH IT!
45 stars
A wickedly funny film! Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn make a perfect comedic pair in this great comedy/fantasy from director Robert Zemeckis.Streep plays Madeline Ashton, a has-been actress, who tries to re-invent herself as a musical star. The hilarious opening sees Streep in a musical version of "Sweet Bird Of Youth" that has been titled 'Songbird'. It is at the first (and last) performance of the show that Madeline's old friend (and enemy) Helen Sharp (Hawn) and her fiancee Ernest Menville (Bruce Willis) become re-acquaninted. Madeline then proceeds to seduce Ernest and marries him herself. Ernest is a plastic-surgeon and the idea of free face-work is irresistable to the shallow Madeline.Ten years later, a new svelte Helen is having a book-signing party for the novel she has just published. By this time Madeline has turned into the 4th Gabor, and is completely paranoid about her complexion and her age. Madeline is completely unaware that the reason why Helen looks so God-damn fabulous is because she has a potion that will let her stay young forever.A lovely 'young' enchantress Listl von Ruman (Isabella Rossellini) is the woman behind the potion, and Madeline will do anything to get it.......This film is a delight, and features a great performance by Streep, who has mostly stuck to dramatic roles, and it is very refreshing to see her letting her hair down here.Hawn is as wonderful as always, although the restrained performance of Willis is at times very annoying.
45 stars
great movie cross-cutting of contemporary stories, intertwined with glimpsesof who johnny appleseed was, or who he might have been, worksextremely well for me. with a few factual data at disposal, the filmallows its' picturesque characters to guess, and their projectionsinto the past are charming and insightful. while learning aboutjohnny appleseed and his time, we actually learn more aboutour present.
45 stars
Great, Perfect, Wonderful!!! That's definitly the best movie I've ever seen in my whole life. The story is so simple but very heart-touching.I've seen it for 5 times.Always when the movie had ended the whole audience was silent.At my last visit I had almost cried because there are lots of details you don't recognize at the 1st or 2nd visit. Jamie Bell's performence as Billy is very impressive. Billy Elliot derserves the higest recognition, I was dissapointed when I heard it doesn't get a Oscar nomination for Best Picture. Can't wait to own it on DVD.
45 stars
Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman provided great acting Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman provided great acting and were excellent cast selection.The right to bear arms is a God given right. The facts surrounding the story focused on a real world media spectacular, where a "disgruntled day-trader" blames the broker house for severe trading losses and massacres eleven people. A law suite between the wife of a slain employee and the manufacturer of the automatic weapon used in the killing by the day trader becomes an issue of product liability. The question to the jury is whether the manufacturer of the weapon is responsible and therefore liable for the usage of the weapon in the killing. In the movie the jury concludes the manufacturer is responsible and liable and should pay 110 million dollars in punitive damages.Grisham twists the right to own guns issue, for the big screen: The flood-gate of deterrence is open; precedence established to sue for product liability in the usage of the weapon; the message: you build a weapon and it is used in a killing, the manufacturer must pay; and the constitutional right to own weapons, in question. Grisham may be advocating an underlying message that people should not own weapons because they are dangerous and people get hurt from these weapons. He does not seem to see the larger danger of forfeiting this constitutional right.Grisham makes fun of the jury system, as he should. The jury system was originally designed to bring in jurors who knew the defendant. These were not witnesses, who knew the defendant but jurors. Jurors that knew the defendant had insight into the day-to-day interactions with the defendant. The judgment of the juror was expected to weight out all the circumstances surrounding the criminal event. Grisham takes the high tech Hackman and use him too dissect upon the members of the juror and select them based on profile helpful too win him the case.Grisham further makes fun of the idea of punitive damages. The justice of fair reparations for damages is the focal point. The jurors argue about what is fair saying they never ask for a hand out and why should the surviving wife receive a handout from the juror. The argument goes to far and one member of the juror says its not about law and loses credibility with the other members. Fair reparation collapses to massively punitive weight of 110 million dollars.The buying of the Juror seemed a distraction. It more interestedly show how easy jurors could be manipulated. It had less too do with Justice.
23 stars
Downtown Abbey is so good! Found myself wanting to watch it every night......laughter, tears, suspense and lots of romance. Don't miss this one! It is very addictive.
45 stars
Everyone should watch this movie. Hydraulic fracturing isn't magic that produces clean burning natural gas with the wave of a wand. It's dirty, it's expensive, and it's destructive. It's toxic, it's polluting, and guess what? It's probably in your back yard.
45 stars
MST3K always a five star winner! The best and funniest TV show since the invention of the Boob toob. Also since TV was invented. No matter the individual episodes, you can't go wrong with genuine entertainment of a kind that will never happen again in this universe or the universe of Aztec mummies and giant killer shrews!Mike, Joel and the bots continue to rock!
45 stars
"I feel old. But not very wise." The year is 1962, and sixteen-year old Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is a cello-playing student who hopes to attend to Oxford. A chance meeting with a charming man twice her age quickly develops into a romance, opening up an exciting, glamorous world to the young girl.This is a coming-of-age story with a wonderful script and a stellar cast. Young Carey Mulligan is pretty, funny, sensitive, and gutsy and has loads of charisma. She didn't look quite young enough but was still delightful. Peter Sarsaard plays the older man who sweeps her (and her family) of her feet. He's absolutely convincing as the worldly lecher who pursues Jenny. He gave me the creeps and I couldn't understand why her family welcomed him with such open arms. It was nice to see Emma Thompson in a small but meaty role as Jenny's headmistress.Although it has disturbing moments, I enjoyed the movie very much and I think Miss Mulligan is destined for many great film roles in the future.
34 stars
If You Loved The Matrix.... ....you'll love this movie as well. I saw this movie only by chance after watching The Matrix, and I enjoyed this movie more.It's a spellbinding plot from beginning to end. And the ending will blow you away. I always love a movie much more when I cannot figure out the ending, or the direction that it might be going in. This movie will make you question your own reality.See it!
34 stars
South Park is the best cartoon ever Buy all three seasons you deserve it.
45 stars
Soft porn for those who need an excuse "Swimming Pool" is nothing more than a soft porn movie with a better than average story line. Alas, some people require an excuse to view titillating sexual themes and Director Francois Ozon is more than willing to oblige. Charlotte Rampling's character, Sarah Morton, is a detective fiction writer who seems sexually frigid and indifferent towards developing viable human relationships. She encounters the boss' daughter, Julie (Ludivine Sagnier), who is a sex addict who indulges in high risk one night stands. Does Sarah envy the young girl? What about Charles Dance? His role as a successful editor is modest and takes up no more than ten minutes of the film.The French scenery is beautiful and the dialogues doesn't get in the way of the continuous frontal nudity and sexual activity. Is there a plot? Not really. We are slightly entertained with a possible murder and a coverup. Does any of this make any sense? Of course not. This is a sex film masquerading as an existentially "serious" film. Does this mean that I hated it? Nope, I took it for what it is actually is---and it deserves four stars.
34 stars
Love this!!! This reminds me of my childhood. "Transformers, more than meets the eye..." This keeps me young. Loving this. Some people may say don't make another, but I hope they do.
45 stars
Excellent I saw this show online before it started airing on BBC America. I've seen all 4 seasons and can't wait for the next. After the first episode, I was instantly hooked. The show is about The wizard Merlin at a young age (late teens, early 20's). Set in a time when magic is outlawed in Camelot, Merlin's magical abilities have to be kept secret from everyone. The story follows Merlin as well as other main characters (Prince Arthur, who is not yet king for example, as well as Lancelot and others). The show is appropriate for all ages (though some small children may get scared of some of the creatures (it's no scarier than Harry Potter). Each episode has a plot which usually includes Knights, Dragons, Witches, and of course Magic, and contributes to the main story line. The show is family friendly, includes episodes which are about different things and includes drama, friendship, romance, and a few that are hilarious. My Fiancee and I love this show. For those who have seen movies based on King Arthur or read literature, know that the show has it's own different version of re- telling the story, yet it's very enjoyable. A few visual/special effects are not the best in the world like the big office box movies(since it's doubtful they get a huge budget for those things), but the effects are pretty good for a tv show, realistic enough, gets better with each season and doesn't at all take away from the creativity, plots and story. I will be getting seasons 2,3 and 4 as well. The only negative is that I wish there were more episodes for each season (Each episode is about 45 min long and each season has 13 episodes), not enough in my opinion, especially since they're all so good.No complaints on the shipping/packaging or the actual product. It arrived in a timely manner in Brand New Condition.
45 stars
Rack Focus! This disc is so worth getting just for the mini-documentaries included for each. If you have any interest at all in filmmaking, they're even better. Director Richard Rush discusses his technique for the film "Psych Out." If you're familiar with the concept of rack focus, he discusses how he shot his film built entirely around that concept. Using it in lieu of cuts and fades. Fascinating! There's also technical stuff about "The Trip" and how they achieved the special effects. Even funnier is the fact that Roger Corman dropped acid for research purposes! (What people will do for their art!) Bruce Dern is highly amusing as he discusses how drugs ruined people's work ethic and habits back in the day (hmm, he wouldn't be including Jack in that, would he?). Bruce also does quite a fine Nicholson impersonation. Overall, both films are worth seeing. I love the look of both, with beautiful saturated colors -- they don't make film stocks like that anymore. The films are pristine, too, with little evidence of scratches and whatnot as so often you get when older movies are transferred to DVD. "Psycho Out" is extremely funny. There's a wonderful love scene that looks like one of those old black light posters brought to life. Lots of bad acid trips. And a gay couple is presented very matter-of-factly, like, hey, this is set in San Francisco, no big deal. I never even realized that the two characters were a gay couple when I first saw the film years ago on television. The things you learn from DVD viewing! Anyways, this is a must-have DVD, a real bargain, and a potential learning experience for film students. Get it! It's a trip!
34 stars
The Shadow of the Necklace........ One not so very special saturday morning, I decided to watch this movie since it was about to start on HBO. And on this not so very special saturday morning, I was sucked into this not so very special movie.Perhaps it was the haughty elegance of this period in time that made me watch this movie from start to finish. Maybe it was the dashing Simon Baker, or the intriging Adrien Brody. It was certainly not, I assure you, because of Hillary Swank.Perhaps that isn't fair of me. After all, it would be a hard task to make such a controversial and not very admirable person in history someone you can be empathetic towards. For my part, I felt that Swank's character was not fiery enough to like, not pathetic enough to feel sorry for, and certainly not emotional enough to feel sad for. As for Simon Baker; one moment, a flirtatious gigalo who helps Swank through her scandalous plan. The next moment, he's a romantic hero sacrificing everything in the name of love. And Adrien Brody, an almost comical character that is vengeful and then willing to join the scandal about, oh, five seconds later. Marie Antoinette's protrail was well done, but suprisingly, not a key factor in the overall plotline. Why? As a whole the cast did a good job considering the script was dry and didn't give much for character devolpment.The costuming was superb, the acting splendid at parts and drab at others, the truth bent and curled in hollywood's image. Overall, this is the perfect Blockbuster rental, but certainly not the perfect anything else.
23 stars
Excellent! This movie is incredible! Heart wrenching, especially because it is based on real life events. Too bad they didn't portray his father more accurately!
45 stars
Still sensing his ground Since this was his breakthrough, we can clearly see that this is not a great documentary. Some of the points Moore try to make the viewer swallow are never clear. for example, the scene with the lady killing the rabbit by apllying blows in its head. What for?I did not enjoy this movie. It shows people getting ousted of their houses by judiciary orders, and shows their poor and indefense children. Come on, it's not GM's fault (or anybody's fault in the whole world!!!) that underpaid people have more children than they can take care of. Like Fred Ross (the guy who appears in the film and that applies the court decisions, you don't need help to be a poor man!Other than this, the title is a swindle. Moore never gets to have an interview with Roger Smith (GM's CEO), only a brief exchange of words in some convention.I disliked the movie, not because it shows "Bad America" (a fact all his movies deal about), but because I think it's not on the same level of BOWLING AT COLUMBINE or FAHRENHEIT 9/11.
12 stars
Had its faults, but overal not that bad of a movie I went in saw this movie the night it come out largely because i was bored, it looked interesting and there was nothing better out. It had its cheesy moments, its unintentional funny moments but it also had some good points. This movie got alot of flack from everyone but you have to accept it for what it is and i have definety seen MUCH worse from Hollywood. I liked it particulary because it was different. It based its self around the wierd topic of twin stigmata...So i was game for something other than run of the mill.Also if you're sort of like me, a Lindsey Lohan closet fan, you'll probably enjoy her performance in this movie. It was nice to see her branch out and do something other than a disney remake or a chick flick (even though those were good)I gave it 3 stars because it was no way the best movie id ever seen but it definetly by far wasnt the worst movie i've ever seen. If you're pretty open minded and are hungry for something different to watch, give this movie a try.
23 stars
Taken as Two Separate Things It is my proposition that Taken should be considered as two separate things. For the fan of the action movie genre Liam Nesson plays the ultimate in kick ass bad guy as a former CIA agent who is out to take souls and break lives after his daughter Kim is abducted by Albanian gangster terrorists on a trip to Paris with her friend Amanda. Nesson takes no prisoners and is quite sympathetic in his role as a father battling an incompetent governmental system to save his daughter and there's plenty of bloodshed and bad guys that end up on the wrong end of his gun, along with several edgy car chase scenes. As an action fan, you won't be disappointed with this film.As someone who has read a great deal of the problem of human trafficking, I was disappointed in the portrayal of human trafficking. Firstly although abductions do occur most domestic trafficking occurs through false job offers. Secondly, its' hard to believe that no one would take notice of an abduction that was that blatant. Furthermore, although the scenes featuring the girls as drug addicts are quite pointed, they felt to me more like an avenue to get to Nesson's character to kick some more ass rather then focus on the actual conditions that trafficked girls face. If I was doing this movie from a trafficking perspective, I would've spent more time focusing on what happens to Kim between abduction and rescue. Not only do you get more powerful visuals, but it would make Nesson's character even more sympathetic because the audience would get a broader view of Amanda's captivity. As a trafficking movie, the movie isn't the greatest at giving a realist view of the phenomenon.However, if your action movie buff who's looking for a ninety minute killer and are not looking for an expose on human trafficking. You'll enjoy Taken because it doesn't feel like ninety minutes.
34 stars
Translation should be... Good try from Mexico to market to hollywood, can't say much about Latino audiences in the USA who laugh at the typical swearing of the characters in theaters...man that was annoying so get the DVD!!!!
45 stars
Benny Enters the Story Benny, the vampire that Dean escaped Purgatory with finally re-enters the story after being introduced in the first episode. Benny is on the track of vengeance and is hunting his maker when he takes on too many other vampires in a fight. He calls Dean for aid and assistance and as Dean is both loyal to Benny and things are still tense between Sam and Dean, he goes to Benny's assistance giving Sam the minimum of explanation.What follows is a story of cunning, revenge, love and loss with very little redemption - and it is an excellent story indeed. I am so impressed with the new season of Supernatural. I read recently that the creators are hoping to tell their story over ten seasons and if the show continues at this new level of quality I will be watching with renewed passion. Supernatural is a real winner this season. Catch up on all the episodes.A final note, the actor who plays Benny plays him with a laconic, creepy, sexual appeal and it really adds to the interest of the character. Again, Supernatural has improved this season in leaps and bounds.
45 stars
Teen Mom - Addicted While I am a grown woman and have a career, I am addict to Teen Mom. I feel as though they have become part of my life. Two of the four mom's frustrate me and I find myself yelling at the screen, but that is part of the fun. These ladies have a tough road ahead of them becoming mothers so young and I hope the future looks kindly on them.
45 stars
Haunting Human Drama Diguised as A Political Thriller "When I was a child I thought as a child, when I became a man I gave up childish things." The words of the captive(Stephen Rea) to his prisoner(Forrest Wittikar) the night before he has to shoot him. He has (unwisely) formed a human bond with his prisoner, and its easy to see way, because Jodi as played by Whittikar is a lovable, open hearted and kind man. Even though he is only in the movie for 20 about minutes, Whittikars performance haunts the rest of the film, we come to understand more of his character once we meet the love of his life he left behind, Dill(Jaye Davidson). Caught between the two is Stephen Rea's Fergues, who with those soulful heart broken eyes of his, discovers the gift and troubles Jodi has left him by telling him about his girlfriend. When Dill sings the crying game in the pub, we can feel real pain in "I know all there is to know about the crying game" because she like Fergues (who's lost his faith in the cause he's fighting for)and Jodi are very lonely people. This is a truly beautiful and original film, its tone is rather sad because Fergues's past will defintely come back to claim him and we know this, but it deserves to be owned not just watched because like the best of movies its impact is not lessened on repeated viewings. Jodi's character gains that much more poignance once we know about Dill, therefore when you watch the movie again, the opening scenes are that much more powerful. Finally I have to mention the great muusical score and an unforgettable story told by Jodi and then by Fergues about the frog and the scorpion that bookends the film. The Crying Game is a great film.
45 stars
funny I don't mean "funny - ha ha." Just "funny." I read great reviews about this film so I took it out from the library. I was immediately drawn into it, mostly by the presence of the lead, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, a very appealing young actor. As I watched it all I could think of was how times had changed since I went to high school...! Yeah, everyone knows kids do drugs now but the extremity of the plot and the violence...Well, I know it was Los Angeles, but still...Call me Gramma Moses or something but it defied reality for me. I know kids (excuse me for using this term, but they are supposed to be high school age so I don't know what else to call them) are smart these days but this smart? Gee, who writes their dialog?I agree with others that the lead is miscast. Charming and cute as he is, he didn't seem street-smart and tough as I guess he was supposed to be. He seemed like a bookish, serious type who is never too far away from his glasses. (It's amazing that his glasses survived through all of the physical abuse he took.) It was just not believable to me that such a sweet, physically frail looking guy would put himself in such horrendous danger over and over. I kept wondering where his parents were? Did he have any? He really looked like a nice boy from a nice home who would probably be going to an Ivy League school the next year.Ok, so it wasn't supposed to be realistic but it was shot in a realistic way and that's what made it not really work for me. It wasn't "noir" in the sense of the classic noir films. It is shot in sunny southern California, in brilliant color. In classic noir films the people are hard nosed middle aged types, not fresh faced innocents like most of these kids. (The hero doesn't even smoke!)I did turn the subtitles on and it helped. Mostly I could follow the plot but sometimes the names were too confusing....the Pin, Tug, Dode, etc. Some of the dialogue, even with the subtitles, was completely incomprehensible. The charm of Gordon-Levitt did keep me caring, through all of the plot twists and carnage. But, ten minutes after the film was over, I stopped caring...make that five minutes.I give it four stars because, well I guess I was impressed by it, but then I'm probably too easily impressed. Anyway the acting is very good.
34 stars
do not reccomend This movie was a disappointment. I have a vivid imagination and scare fairly easily. I spent this movie rolling my eyes. It moves slow and the diaglouge and banter between characters is tiring.
12 stars
So-so sequel. The Black Stallion Returns was not as good as it should have been.Whoever was responsible for the movie did not take the time to create another masterpiece, the end result being a so-so sequel.
23 stars
the worst I have collected every Jane Austen film available and out of all of them, this is the one I will not watch again. Once was more than enough. It is very poorly produced, staged and acted. I cringed every time Sylvestra Le Touzel spoke. I recommend either of the other two versions of Mansfield Park (the Billie Piper and Frances O'Conner versions) over this one.
01 star
old but good I remember watching Welcome Back Kotter as reruns and I really liked it....I wish they had more episodes available but I am happy with the two episodes that I got...
45 stars
FRIENDS Rules!! Ahhhhh, amother superb season of Friends. This season begins with Chandler and Janice getting back together and Monica mourning over her break-up with Richard and ends with the gang kicking back at the beach for the weekend, where many surprises await them. This is defintely a DVD to add to your Friends collection. I have absolutely no complaints for this DVD. The third season of Friends brings us many laughs, such as when Joey builds the entertainment unit and Chandler hates it and eventually gets his arm stuck to the side of it, and when Joey and Chandler get a chick and a duck. Season 3 also made us cry, such as when Ross and Rachel broke up in the one with The Morning After.
45 stars
A "beginner" DVD that doesn't treat you like an idiot! I have bought several bellydance DVDs, but I have used this one to practice the most. (I also take a class once a week.) Once you have practiced the various moves and are comfortable with them, an ideal workout is to do the warmup + one or two of the practice combinations. After just a few days of doing that, I already felt like I was dancing more smoothly and confidently. Jenna is a great teacher with a calm, pleasant manner who doesn't talk down to her audience even as she is reassuring and flexible in her teaching. An excellent choice for bellydance novices.
45 stars
Boring movie, but good "short feature" We got this movie because my mom always talked about having seen it as a child (born in 1916). She loved it then, and wanted so badly to see it again. So we purchased it on Amazon - even got the special edition so it might have better audio & video, since her sight & hearing aren't what they used to be. We excitedly put it on for her, and proceeded to be bored out of our skulls (all of us, including her) for the entire duration of the movie! I'm sure this might be great for a silent movie afficionado, but we couldn't wait for it to get over.The "bonus short feature" however was hilarious. It too is a silent movie, but even now, nearly a century after it was made, it is still very funny. Unfortunately, it does have some very blatently racist scenes, typical of the times in which it was made. But even those few scenes managed to be humorous, despite the distasteful racist stereotyping and patronization. I believe that even most African Americans whom I know would find them comical (and it doesn't hurt that in at least one scene the black butler is the only one with any common sense, while the po' white folk run around in histerical terror).If you're looking for a scare, or even an enjoyable look into the past, I would pass on this one unless you're a silent movie buff. That is, of course, unless you're willing to pay the full price for the short feature. Enjoy!
12 stars
"...Have I Ever Given Up When It Comes To 'You'..." Sounding not unlike a child's software program - "Barney's Version" is a terrible name for a film and nearly put me off renting this 'journey' movie - I'm glad it didn't.Produced by Robert Lantos and Directed by Richard Lewis, the screenplay by Michael Konyves is adapted from Mordecai Richler's 1997 book of the same name. Across 30 eventful years, it tells the story of Barney Panofsky - a Monte Cristo smoking, whiskey guzzling chubby man living in Montreal. Barney is the TV Producing equivalent of "Gregory House" - irascible and loveable at the same time. Like his Dad Izzy Panofsky (a scene-stealing Dustin Hoffman) Barney tells it as it is - loves women impulsively - is headstrong in everything he does but has his heart in the right place. But he has a fatal flaw. It isn't that Barney is deliberately cruel or mean, he just keeps on making terrible mistakes over and over again (most of which are of his own making) and learns rather painfully as the years pass and happiness fades that the enemy is not others but 'himself'.It begins in Rome in 1974 when we're introduced to his motley crew of dead-beat friends - there's Thomas Trabacchi as Leo Fasoli - an Italian artistic genius who has yet to find an appreciative audience, a black friend who does a terrible deed on Barney (he later forgives this) and his best-friend - Boogie. Young, cocky, handsome and fancy-free - Boogie is a full-on babe magnet (played beautifully by Scott Speedman) who can't seem to finish his brilliant first novel as he systematically hoovers up every narcotic he can get his sweaty hands on. You sense Barney admires his balls and vicariously lives out his fantasies through Bookie's wanton bohemian lifestyle - but as life and the years go on - Bookie's drug addiction and stupid waste of a God-given talent stop being funny and even lead to a drunken catastrophe by a lake house.We are then introducing to Barney's three women - Clara, Bonnie and Miriam. Each of the actresses get real meat to work with and you can really sense they are relishing good parts in a good film. 1st up is Rachelle LeFevre playing Clara Chambers - a family dysfunctional who is beautiful but bordering on mental illness at every moment. Her performance is short but so astutely done. Barney then meets the equally gorgeous Miriam - a well-connected Jewish lady who can talk to beat the band (has a `Master's Degree') - dryly played by Minnie Driver to maximum effect. But then his eyes meet with the real deal - Miriam - played by the ethereally beautiful British actress Rosamund Pike. Barney is lost from the moment he sees her and pursues Miriam with the relentlessness of a Tomahawk missile. Their relationship's up and downs make up the bulk of the movie and Pike is fabulous in the part. More top moments are provided by the rest of the cast...Hoffman gets some great dialogue which he delivers in that soft understated way of his - regaling a table of elderly po-faced ladies at Barney's 2nd wedding about his 'cop-on-the-beat' past he tells them "...he came at me with a hard-on the size of a can of hairspray..." Or when he's giving his son ludicrously inept parental advice about his feelingless marriage to Bonnie "...you're married to a well-bred woman who is loaded, makes a nice Flaky Kugel and has a beautiful rack - many successful marriages have been built on far less..."Nice supporting roles also go Kate Hopkins and Jake Hoffman who play Kate and Michael (Miriam and Barney's grown-up children) - Jake Hoffman showing more than a passing vocal and visual resemblance to his famous Dad - and glimpses of his acting chops. Bruce Greenwood is Blair - a handsome vegan who tempts Miriam both mentally and spiritually in the later stages of her rocky marriage to Barney - while Macha Grenon is superb as Solange - an aging TV star in the 30th season of Barney's daytime soap "Malley Of The North" - a woman who constantly harks back to her looks in the past (her clinging neediness is both protected and derided by Barney in equal measure). England's Mark Addy is excellent as Detective Sean O'Hearne - a bull-headed cop who is convinced that Barney has literally gotten away with murdering one his friends and has published a book to that effect called "With Friends Like These" (the mystery is brilliantly resolved at the end of the movie). There's even a great cameo by Saul Rubinek as Clara's Jewish father who tries to guilt away Clara's self-destructive past - but not in a way that shows compassion - but embarrassment for what it brought to their family (Barney makes short shift of him).But the film belongs to Giamatti - who gives his bumbling motormouth of a creation a beating heart - you laugh at Barney's life-grabbing impulsiveness (a particularly nice scene where he chases after Miriam in a train) up to his heart-breaking remorse at doing what he said he would never do to Miriam (crying into her chest on the side of the bed). With the aid of wigs and make-up, Giamatti flits from one time period to the next - and in each his character is wholly believable. In rolls on to 2010 where Barney is now balding and forgetting where he parked his car - but gets one final meet with his beloved Miriam. They talk openly and honestly and despite differences and irreparable harm - express their true feelings (title above). Paul Giamatti is magnificent in the role and fully deserved of his Golden Globes Award for Best Actor.To sum up - while it's a couple of shades short of being a masterpiece - "Barney's Version" is that rarity - a really good film that you've neither seen nor heard of - a little filmic gem that deserves a viewing and will reward you for doing so.Put it high on your rental list.
34 stars
Excellent I watched seasons one and two on showtime, this product was excellent in all ways and there were changes in some of the scenes and script that made more sense than what was actually on screen. The discs are in excellent condition and I would not hesitate to buy from this site again.
45 stars
HOTS....Susan Kiger! HOTS - Help Out The Seals.....uh huh....two Words- Susan Kiger!! I remember her from her Playboy pictorial, January 1977....W-O-W! Her scenes are worth the price alone....and the football game...!! Yes, it's all great fun....! recommend this film for a silly, sexy diversion from life's trials and tribulations.
34 stars
Mystic River At first I didn't want to see this movie but my husband insisted, I was glad I did, EXCELLENT movie & I highly recommend it.
34 stars
Perfect If you are a R. Kelly fan then this is a must have DVD of his hits for years...he give you a great show...Mr. Show Biz..the song will have you going back to his first song all the way up to his new hits..I love the new song clips he sings that have not been released yet. This is must have DVD, you can play it and clean up for hours.
45 stars
Great Si-Fi When it was first out, I was never able to follow the show because I missed too many episodes.Now that I'm able to go back and watch all the episodes in order on Amazon, I love it.
45 stars
A must see for Clive Owen fans. This is probably the best performance in Clive Owens career. Very powerful. A must see for parents of young teen children. At times painful to watch.
45 stars
Gave me the creeps! If you have not seen this movie yet, then don't listen to the negative hype surrounding it. This is not another Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield copy. This movie is genuinely unsettling. I am a horror film fanatic and not easily impressed. That being said, this movie projects a growing sense of dread and does not let up, even at the end credits.
45 stars
Love This Series Now I have the series to date and when season 8 comes out I will purchase that too! It is great to see people acting like real people instead of politically correct drones! They have found the perfect group of actors for the character dynamics. Mark Harmon is great (they all are!). Abby and Ducky are some of the most interesting characters in a long time (Have always loved David McCallum). Hope they stay on the air for a long, long time!
45 stars
Great I was very happy with the price and it was shipped to me very quickly. I could not find this movie anywhere for this price.
45 stars
Superstar Acting and a Compelling Exploration I was knocked out by _Mystic River_. It truly lived up to the hype that had surrounded it for the months that I failed to see it in the theaters. Flawlessly directed by Clint Eastwood, _Mystic River_ has all of its bases covered-great filmmaking, directing, script, actors, etc. In the end, however, this movie comes down to the quality of the acting. Everyone is in this film. And I mean everyone. While Sean Penn steals the show in my book, his character has to compete with Tim Robbins, Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Bacon, Marcia Gay Harden, and Laura Linney. Everyone does a superb job and together they create a film that will quickly become a classic.Many have knocked the film for its "unsatisfying" ending. Nothing could be farther from the truth. One has to wonder what these audience members expected-a happy, Hollywood ending where everyone joins hands and dances around the Maypole? Had _Mystic River_ fallen to these stale devices, the film would have blown up and taken hits for wasting all of its potential.In my opinion, faulting this film for not having a "satisfying" ending is just to fundamentally disagree about what "satisfying" entails. If you want a "popcorn" flick that satisfies your desire to turn off your heart for ninety minutes, do not rent this film-it will not "satisfy" you. But if you want an original film with a compelling storyline and complex morality, this film definitely "satisfies." The emotions in this film are real. The actors are real. The performances are real. Robbins haunting performance at the end of the film is real. Are there loose ends? Yeah. Does the film leave you wondering? Sure. Is it a happy ending? No way. But all of these facts point to the very reason that the film succeeds.
45 stars
meets and/or exceeds all criteria for objectively bad filmaking with such gusto and zeal and permission , this film bestows a huge unintentionally hilarious love clutch on the viewer . you've got to admire the fact that SCRIPPS INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY and SEA WORLD amongst others , gleefully endorsed this bowl filler . i can just hear the suits telling our director that "YOU'LL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN" . to which i'm fairly certain that said director laughed internally and thought something along the lines of "PERHAPS NOT , BUT THIS ONE'S IN THE CAN AND IT'S GOT MY NAME ON IT" . good on him . watch with subtitles on for maximum admiration and captivation .
45 stars
Amazing. I am one of those viewers who came in halfway through the season.However, I am absolutely hooked.A character analysts by nature, I am enthralled by the very real and endearing personalities of the characters in the show. From world, multi-faceted Booth to the awkward but extremely intelligent Zach. While Tempe is the main character, Booth steals the show. The way his character expresses his views and opinions very loudly without giving to much about his past away makes you feel like he is someone you know.In addition, Booth has very real problems and a very complicated past as so many of us do. He grows and changes before your eyes. In each episode you see a different part of him. The viewer believes that they have him figured out when in reality it is impossible to understand who he really is. I don't even believe the writer completely knows the character of Booth. I find myself curiously awaiting what he'll do next. You never now exactly how he'll react to any situation and that keeps you intrigued. Also, he appeals way every person differently because each one of us knows a person who is in some way, Booth.Tempe is sweet and endearing, almost like a child but very intelligent. She keeps a lot to herself, and many times the viewer just wants to give her a hug. She is stubborn and strong-willed, but vulnerable and cautious. Temperance is so out of touch with the world and her inability to recognize bands and songs is always comical. Her habit of taking most things literally is also adorable. However, she is very intelligent and a little quirky. After all she tells Booth, "my best relationships are with dead people."Angela is Tempe's ever present friend and adviser and it is obvious that the to depend on each other. Angela keeps Temperance partially in tune with the real world and also helps her with social problems. The viewer does wonder where Tempe would be with a friend like Angela.Hodgins is your typical man. He voices his opinions loudly and loves a good argument. However, he does have a caring side and it is easily seen in his relationship with a certain character. Hodgins is easily annoyed and quick to think up a conspiracy theory. He and Zach make for very good comic relief.Zach, the youngest of the team is an interesting individual. His near genius IQ marks him as a very smart individual. However, all he really wants is to fit in with the rest of the group. He isn't really sure where he belongs. In my opinion he looks at Tempe as a little bit of a motherly and nurturing figure. He is awkward and a little nave, but comical and cute.
45 stars
ALMOST AS MUCH FUN AS A LETHAL INJECTION After seeing this on TMC a few years back, my grandfather would dress as the terrorists from this movie. At the dinner table, he'd jump on table top with a super soaker full of you-know-what and squirt it in my guests' faces yelling random puns that weren't really funny.Then, he would run out of the room, change costume to Alan Thicke and then "save" me and my guests from the terrorists. Once he held my Cousin Alfie hostage for 6 days without food or water. Did I mention he also turned the whole interior of our home into a high school so his games would be more "realistic?"Last year, we had to put Granddad to sleep. He was losing control of his bladder. We buried him in 3d glasses. This movie wasn't in 3d, but he wouldve wanted it that way and I deduct a few stars for that alone.
01 star
Deathtrap-What a plot! A well done adaptation of Ira Levin's Broadway hit. Michael Caine, Dyan Cannon and Cristopher Reeve deliver beautifully in this comedy that takes unexpected turns and surprising twists. Michael Caine is a playwright who has hit the wall with a series of Broadway flops. He has a plan and conspires with his wife, Dyna Cannon, to obtain a play from a former student, Christopher Reeve, a play that will save Caine's career.Sounds boring? Anything but. From here the plot is full of laughs as it thickens.The interaction between Caine and Reeve works wonderfully, their stage relationship a surprise. As always, Caine is superb and this was a great vehicle for Reeve to break away from his Superman role. "Deathtrap" is pure acting without the bells and whistles of today's computerized films.I greatly enjoyed "Deathtrap" and encourage purchasing this DVD to add your collection. I highly recommend this title to teens and students as a cultural break from the currently popular but mindless films.
34 stars
A total scareama! Often parodied but never equalled, "Psycho" is one of the greatest films of all time. In terms of mystery, suspense, nailbiting finishes, and terror beyond your wildest dreams, this film has the lot. It stood alone as the best horror/suspense film ever made until 1991, when "The Silence Of The Lambs" was released. It is a certainty that "Psycho" will leave you breathless with horror, spellbound with terror, and agog with suspense! There is also another certainty - you'll think twice before taking your next shower!
45 stars
"One Giant Laugh Fest!" The Notorious Newman Brothers is a about a geeky documentary film maker named Max Chaplin (Ryan Noel, also co-writer and director) who is contacted by two gangster brothers, Thunderclap (Brett Butler) and Paulie (Jason Butler) Newman, to follow them around for a few days and show him a behind-the-scenes look at the Mafioso lifestyle.Unfortunately, for young Max, the loud, foul-mouthed and seemingly dim-witted Newman brothers are about as un-Italian and non-gangster as you can get. They do not know the first thing about genuine Italian cooking, act like mafia film character stereotypes, and steal some really weird and inexpensive items during their heists. As Max spends more time with them and digs deeper into their past, he learns that they probably weren't arrested for "murder with a little bit of manslaughter" like they proudly proclaimed. This fact may be instantly obvious to the rest of us, but it takes Max some time to catch on.Just when you think the Newmans' act can't get any more ridiculous, they always drop their alleged notorious level down another notch. Prime examples are the entire drug deal sequence and referring to their weed as if it were cocaine, calling it "pure" and "$4,500 a gram". So the big question throughout the film keeps begging to be asked: are the Newman brothers the genuine article or are they just a couple of small time bumbling criminals who were only arrested for pirating DVDs?From the first second of the opening scene to the last frame, The Notorious Newman Brothers is one giant laugh fest. The Newmans' ongoing, profanity-laced rants seem to be spoken out of completely spontaneous improvisation rather than through a structured script, and the Butler brothers work it like a charm. Whether it is an argument over who is a bigger fan of the all time whitest baseball player Carlton Fisk or hearing the worst Joe Pesci Goodfellas imitation ever present on celluloid, the comedy never stops. The film also wraps up very nicely with a funny, yet fitting ending. The fact that these guys made an 80-minute feature this funny and entertaining on a budget of only $500 CAD is nothing short of amazing and an example of using your brains over the almighty (Canadian) dollar to get a film made."Do yourself a f****** favour and see The Notorious Newman Brothers...the film the Mafia wished never got made." With a statement like that inscribed on the back of the DVD box, how could you not want to give this flick a try?
45 stars
nice nice item. price is good. couldnt have asked for anything more. i was pleased with the overall purchase and everything.
34 stars
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning(1985) The Friday the 13th film franchise "jumped the shark/nuked the fridge" with Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning(1985).Friday the 13th fans were upset at the gimmicky storytelling and plot twists. This film is still a decent horror movie. Corey Feldman made a brief cameo as a young Tommy Jarvis(from Friday the 13th The Final Chapter) during a nightmare scene. Feldman was working on The Goonies(1985) at the time. John Shepherd played an older Tommy for the rest of the film. Tommy Jarvis is put in a mental hospital/halfway house after surviving the fourth film in the series. Roy(Dick Wieand), an ambulance driver, goes insane after his son Joey is killed by an unstable guy with an axe! If things weren't grim enough, "Jason Voorhees" rises from the dead and starts brutally killing people!Melanie Kinnaman is quite good as Pam Roberts. Shavar Ross is good as Reggie. Richard Young played Matthew. He played a fedora wearing treasure hunter in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade(1989). John Shephard is solid as an older version of Tommy Jarvis. Danny Steinmann did a decent directing job. There's a fair share of drug use, nudity, and cursing in the film. From what I've heard, the MPAA heavily censored the film so it could get an R rating. There's a lot of bloodshed in this film. Harry Manfredini is back with a solid music score. Dominick Brascia is quite good as the annoying, ill-fated Joey. The humor in this film is very dark. Debi Sue Voorhees played the sexy, doomed Tina. Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning(1985) is a bizarre entry in the series, but it's still a roller coaster ride of a horror film.
23 stars
waste your time elsewhere this is one of the worse movie I have ever seen, even worst than MI:2. The one star is just for the rare funny moments in Vin Diesel's acting. Asia Argento, please go home and make the laundry.
01 star
Great Move over Scream. Hook father death, fisherman boy. It was better then Scream. It was well paced and fun
45 stars
Worth watching for the most part. For William Gibson fans, this movie was not so bad. It was (relatively) faithful to the short story. It was, for the budget and what it was, not too bad an adaption to film. Certainly better than Johnny Mnemonic, from that standpoint. I believe the director also directed Bad Lieutenant (another character study) which, when I realized it, made the format of how the film is more sensical. He went along a similar vein here in terms of studying the people rather than following the events around them.The characters were well-cast in my opinion, based on the short story of the same name. As other reviewers pointed out, it DOES add a lot to the genre. All the cyberpunk stories are _not_ just the Matrix or Blade Runner, or a mishmash of either. (Not that they're bad. In fact, I enjoy both.) This succeeds in presenting a dramatic tale in the shady future Gibson created.There are problems among the good stuff, make no mistake. [VERY MINOR SPOILER BELOW}The montage at the end was, well....utterly boring and pointless. It gives the impression (whether or not it was actually true) that one ran out of time before the film was supposed to be over, so a slide show of various images from the hours previous that you've already seen are presented in a confusing cloud of images...which serve no real purpose. Up until that point however, the movie as both a character study and a suspensful tale are not bad at all. It's sort of like A.I. You KNOW when the movie ends, yet a little snippet drags it on well past it should.Anyway, give it a try, especially if you are a Gibson fan, and if Johnny Mnemonic thoroughly disappointed you. This will give you more faith in future renditions, at least a little (and pray like hell for Sci-Fi to pick up one of his books for a mini series, heh) Another thing to keep in mind with books, especially Gibson, is that the true caliber of his work in many ways can't be put on film. I don't know if there is a way to portray the terror, disappointment and cruelness of the future of his world in a movie....but I'd have to say that this movie made at least a valliant attempt, and a better one than JM.
23 stars
The Longest Movie You can't help but marvel at what a technical marvel "The Longest Day" is. The multiple directors seamlessly piece together the events leading up and to the invasion at Normandy. My problem with the film is twofold. I can't help but think that if the film had a singular artistic vision that it would resonate more with me. Instead of feeling like a first person witness to the events of D-Day I feel like I'm watching a re-enactment. Secondly, there are too many characters here to get an emotional involvement with. Blink and you'll miss Richard Burton, Sean Connery, Henry Fonda et al. Honestly, the most fully developed characters here are the German ones. If the film focused on fewer characters and we got to know their backstory, like in "Saving Private Ryan", then we would have more of an emotional investment to them. In the end what we are essentially left with is a lot of gunfire and explosions.
23 stars
A great Mystery? The protagonist is easy to follow in this film. You're instantly on his side, with is unlikeable father and the touchy situation he's put himself in. Forget all the sexual hangups, why aren't more people like him?Good acting and script make it an enjoyable film.No need in spoiling the ending for you. See it.
45 stars
I like all the Jesse Stone movies. Tom Selleck is my all time favorite actor, after John Wayne, of course. It was a classic Jesse Stone movie. Very laid back.
45 stars
great book + great director = EXCELLENT MOVIE!!!!! These people who give these movies 1 star must not have read the books. The books are fantastic. The movies are extremely fantastic. Chris Columbus ("Home Alone 1+2") is a great director. The special effects are amazing! They are way better than the first movie's. I only have one complaint or two:1: WHERE'S PEEVES?!?!?!2: They could've had Madame Pomfrey in for more of the movie.The casting is superb. A complete cast list follows:DANIEL RADCLIFFE as HarryRUPERT GRINT as RonEMMA WATSON as Hermione(the late) RICHARD HARRIS as DumbledoreMAGGIE SMITH as McGonagallALAN RICKMAN as SnapeROBBIE COLTRANE as HagridKENNETH BRANAGH as Gilderoy LockhartRICHARD GRIFFITHS as Uncle VernonFIONA SHAW as Aunt PetuniaJASON ISAACS as Lucius MalfoyMIRIAM MARGOYLES as Prof. SproutGEMMA JONES as Madame PomfreyDAVID BRADLEY as FilchTOM FELTON as Draco MalfoyJULIE WALTERS as Mrs. WeasleyMARK WILLIAMS as Mr. WeasleyTOBY JONES as DobbyJOHN CLEESE as Nearly Headless NickJULIAN GLOVER as AragogPerfect casting. I'm sad that Richard Harris died. He was a great Dumbledore. Well, let's hope the new guy (Michael Gambon) is as good. I have a fitting sentence to end my review:EAGARLY AWAITING "PRISONER OF AZKABAN"!!!!!!!!!!
45 stars
Psuedo Christian Movie Misses the Point I appreciate Big Idea's attempt to make excellent children's movies that are pro Christian in their values. Veggie Tales are well done, humorous, and inventive, but unfortunately the feature film Jonah misses the mark when it comes to communicating the Christian message. The story is based on the Bible's rendition of the Story of Jonah. To Christians the Bible is the Word of God. However early in the story we are treated to a song and dance routine that mocks the "Message from the Lord" as irrelevant and frivolous at best. Jonah spouts out such statements as "don't eat bats don't eat pigs" and "don't do drugs, stay in school--I message from the Lord." I feel that this trivializes the very core of Christian doctrine, that God has revealed himself to us through the Word of God. The "message from the Lord" is the heart of our belief and not a trite and meaningless sound bite.As the movie goes on Jonah confronts the Ninevahites for thier sin of slapping each other with fishes and encourages them to start being nice to each other. Again Big Idea misses the heart of the message, for the people to turn from their wicked ways and give the Lord their worship.The Christian community is frustrated with the lack of Christian friendly programing. With Disney making movies celebrating animism (Lion King), ancestor worship (Mulan), Indian tribal religion (Brother Bear), and taking a good Christian character in Pocahontas and making her a pantheist, Christians are looking for alternatives. I feel that the blatant errors presented in the aforementioned Disney flicks are far less dangerous than the more subtle undermining of Christian doctrine in Jonah. For a truly Christian movie try Finding Nemo.
12 stars
one of the best movies ever Disclaimer first: if you are cheching this review for summary of script, you've come to the wrong place. I deal in impressions, not story-revealing.I saw it at opening evening, and it was a premiere sponsored by UNICEF. So the movie began with a long advertisement for UNICEF and UNHCR. Which is ridiculous, cuz if you have ever been to any of the conflict zones you KNOW that:1) UN staff mainly just take care of their safety and collection of danger pay2) UN staff (mission personnel and military involved in "peace keeping missions") are known for all sorts of misbehavior, from smuggling to raping children.Now that we have put that aside, let's go to the movie:First think that stroke me was the realism of the movie. Thanks to the multifaceted story, brilliant acting and excellent camera/ editing.The movie sucks you right in. I was jumping in the seat moaning "run run!!", I cried several times in the movie, I was shocked to see what happens in this "civilized" world we live in, I was embarassed to be complaining about "a bad day at work" or "dissatisfaction with life in general" I sometimes feel, I was happy to be born NOT in Africa (thou some might think Croatia is not THAT much better), I made a decision NEVER to buy another diamond, I was appaled at world business and all value being lost and forgotten apart from $$$.And that was one of the aims of this film, to make us reflect and adjust our behavior, and do our little thing to make world a better place.To this point, Connely says to DiCaprio "good things are done every day. just not by you". In the end, they both do good things. So can all of us.Kudos to casting director in this film. Thou I don't really like DiCaprio, he IS an excellent actor and he proves it from one movie to the next. In this one, his "Rhodesian" accent, the whole role of white boy in Africa /traumatized mercenary was compelling.Connelly in one of her better performances.Last but not least, Hounsou and Vosloo (oh he ages so good!).Cannot praise this film enough.Sorry about the long anti-UN rambling. Croatia has had its experience with them, so I kindda know what I am talking about..
45 stars
1 out 6 disc unplayable 1st disc had mold on it and scracthes. Other 5 were great. C.Golden Cape Cod, Ma
34 stars
Low-budget, non-Hollywood production recreates horror genre. This movie, despite it's low budget production fulfilled it's purpose by sending chills down my spine and setting my heart to race in my chest. When I saw this movie in the theater, however, I found that, generally the herd of sheep (audience)around me were not pleased. I took this as a direct insult. Warning- for those of you seeking a Hollywood cast with burned-out plots, senseless violence and nudity and horrific acting, please look elsewhere. You may find yourself entertained by such movies as: Nightmare on Elm St., Friday the 13th, Child's Play or Scream. Those with an open mind who want to be scared...enjoy. (Beware that this movie is only displayed in the standard aspect ratio.)
34 stars
Keeps You on Your Toes This is a great season that keeps you on your toes and guessing the whole time. I bought this as a gift for a family member and now they are hooked. I especially liked the character development.
45 stars
It is what it is Thought this would be a typical series set but there are no pictures on the CD's just that 6 point font that I can't read. Also, did not realize you had to flip the CD over to see other episodes, no writing on the other side.A little disapointing but the episodes are great.
23 stars
Anti-climactic (sort of). The book was a constant companion to me during my prepubescent and teenage years. I really can't count the number of times I read it. I searched far and wide for the movie for many years. Having almost given up, I was happily surprised to finally find it on a "Tube" site yesterday (and then here).However insignificant, I was struck that Alice has blonde hair in the movie. I always had the impression from the book cover that she had dark hair and probably dark brown eyes (kind of like Beatrice Sparks ;-), and that image was ingrained in my mind over the years. It required a cognitive transition of sorts that I didn't achieve until about 20 minutes into the movie.I had a difficult time coming up with a title for my review. While the movie was true to the book, there was *a lot* that was left out and that left me feeling rather unsatiated.If you have ever read the book, you'll know exactly what I mean when you see the movie. The reason I gave it 4 stars was with the acknowledgment that it was made for TV in 1973, so there was only so much content the filmmakers could include. I'm not really sure how I could have expected more.I viewed the movie with the same meaningful purpose as I did when I read the book, and was glad to have finally had the chance. It's a keeper if for no other reason than posterity's sake.
34 stars
Great entertainment! Not your typical biography. The child...the man...and the little boy in every man. Bobby Daren was a great talent and full of ambition. Thats a real American story! And if you're not familiar with his life story, there's a big surprise that greatly affected his life.
45 stars
RIBBIT....RIBBIT In the early to mid seventies a new genre of horror film was making its way onto screens across the land. Most of them were drive in screens but they were screens anyway. This genre revolved around the growing ecology movement and more often than not had normal, everyday animals terrorizing the countryside. Be it giant chickens in FOOD OF THE GODS or giant rabbits in NIGHT OF THE LEPUS, nature was bound and determined to kick man's butt for the pollution he had caused.Into the fray came a movie that decided against the use of giant animals and instead just took a group and tossed them together. Amphibians and reptiles joined forces to hand man his hind end in the movie FROGS.The movie takes place over the Fourth of July weekend. Pickett Smith (Sam Elliot) is an environmental photographer taking pictures on a lake in Florida. While doing so, his canoe is tipped over by speedboat racing Clint Crockett (Adam Roarke) and his sister Karen (Joan Van Ark). After an apology is made, they offer to take Smith with them back to their home to dry off and for lunch.The three arrive as preparations for the annual family get together are in motion. This clan has been celebrating like this for years. Not only is it a national holiday, it's also old man Jason Crockett's (Ray Milland) birthday. Gathered around are Clint, his wife Jenny (Lynn Borden) and their two children, his son Stuart (George Skaff), Stuart's son Ken (Nicholas Courtland) and his girlfriend Bella (Judy Pace), daughter Iris (Holly Irving) and his other grandson Michael (David Gilliam). This is your typical rich-grandpa-get-together. Everyone is there not to help the old man celebrate so much as to make sure they are retained in his will.Pickett fits in easily with this crowd, being as kind and courteous as he can. While the rest seem to be spoiled rich kids, Picket offers a respectful sense of self that seems to sit well with Jason. So much so that he asks him to stay and search the island for a man who works for him who was last seen sent out to spray for the over abundance of frogs this year. Pickett agrees to do so and enjoys the company of the family.Pickett's search results in the discovery of the man's body, bitten by snakes with half a dozen slimy looking scale wearers wrapping themselves around him. Rather than spoil the weekend, Jason keeps the news to himself with the intention of having the law pick up the body...once the phones begin working again. Let's face it, if the phones aren't working on an island and you're in a horror film, believe that the worst is coming.The overflow of frogs on the island, as well as their unusual behavior (such as massing outside the windows) gives Picket cause for concern. It goes unheeded though as is the case with most movies.The next day as final preparations for the gathering are completed, Michael is sent to check the phone lines and aunt Iris goes off I search of butterflies to add to her collection. Neither one returns and both end up suffering grizzly deaths, one by snake bite the other by being wrapped cocoon like by spiders. Oh yes, the spiders have decided to aid in the reptile/amphibian take over of the world.More deaths result from subtle attacks by the creatures (did anyone know that lizards were able to read labels on bottles and know just which ones to combine to make toxic gas?) and those that remain alive decide it's time to high tail it off of the island. But not old man Crockett. Jason states that they can leave if they want but he wants this celebration to continue on just as planned. Talk about your cold hearted rich men!The end results of this are obvious, there is of course a small twist at the end, but then again its left open when the survivors are picked up hitch hiking and told by the lady driving the car that they haven't seen anyone for the last half hour. How odd for a Fourth of July to see no one.The movie takes all sorts of liberties with nature and the collection of animals it uses for the take over. But it doesn't matter! It's all about low budget, drive in schlock film making at its best!You have to wonder why the title of the film is FROGS when the frogs do little more than pile up on someone who is already dead. Spiders bite, lizards bite, snakes bite, but frogs? They just pile on or get in the way of someone trying to run. Perhaps, like the pigs in ANIMAL FARM, the frogs are the organizers of this animal revolution.The acting is far better than a film of this budget should offer. Elliot was starting his career and Van Ark had yet to move on to KNOTS LANDING. Milland had already had a hand in low budget film making with films like X THE MAN WITH X RAY EYES and was also to do THE THING WITH TWO HEADS the same year this was released (1972). Some see it as a step down from Oscar material like THE LOST WEEKEND but Hollywood never treats its stars well when they age and Oscar quality actors sometimes ended up with material such as this. Good for these actors I say as they take some terrible pieces and still turn in performances that are solid.The locations of this film are lovingly shot but not to the point of distraction. Willow trees and Spanish moss are found everywhere and the lush green look is captured even at an expense that most commercial makers would have laughed at. But the studio who released this, AIP (American International Pictures) was known for making top notch low budget films out of nothing.This film is not destined for any hall of fame awards. It will never be hailed as a high water mark in film. But it is a good, entertaining time capsule at the ecology movement in it's early days as well as a look at an actor, Elliott, who went on to bigger and better things. It's a blast and a great DVD to have if you're planning a drive in party some night.
34 stars
12 stars
Pretty cool straight-to-DVD prequel First, I want everyone to know that I love the first two Scooby-Doo live action films. I thought the casting was done well, the stories were fine, and they looked good. I thought the second one was a little cooler because it had a lot of the "monsters" from the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? series coming to life.With that being said, I was a little concerned with this third entry in the series. Usually a movie with this many red flags spells absolute disaster and almost guarantees a turd of a film. Let's spell out the red flags: its direct-to-DVD, it's a prequel, it's totally recast, and it's got a new director. Wow. That's a lot to have going against a movie. Interestingly enough, it didn't prove to be true for this flick.Scooby-Doo: The Mystery Begins somehow rises up above the crowded direct-to-DVD sequel / prequel cesspool and actually is successful at being entertaining and not completely cheap-looking. You can tell that director Brian Levant really wanted to escape the stereotype that these types of movies get and show that he was serious about the subject matter and franchise. Warner definitely played it smart with Levant, being that he is responsible for bringing to the big screen some very successful family movies and iconic animated TV shows like Beethoven, The Flintstones feature films, Jingle All The Way, and Are We There Yet?The casting was done pretty well. All the actors fit the parts, although not without a few minor problems. Robbie Arnell would have completely been convincing in the part of Fred, except that for some reason he wasn't made to bleach his hair blond for the film. What was the reasoning behind that? I mean, he did take the part of an iconic blond character. The least he could have done is bleach his hair out to put the finishing touches on the role. My only other problem was with Nick Palatas' performance as Shaggy. He was really good and definitely looked the part. It just seemed like he was going a little overboard with the cracking squeaky voice sometimes. It seemed a little forced at times. I thought it was cool that they kept Frank Welker as the voice of Scooby-Doo, as he has been doing the character for the past seven years in different series and movies.Even the special effects were done well. The ghosts all looked just as good as any of the ones in the two movies they released in the theaters. I have to say, though, that there were scenes of the Scooby gang that were missing Scooby-Doo that felt kind of awkward. It almost seemed like they cut him out of the scenes to save money on their CGI budget. There were some parts with Scooby that looked a little less than stellar and where it looked like the actor in the shot with him was having trouble interacting with an invisible dog. They were all minor problems, though. It shouldn't take away from your viewing pleasure.Overall, I have to say that I was pretty impressed with this movie. It was kind of fun to see the gang paint The Mystery Machine, meet each other, and solve their first crime together. If you're a Scooby-Doo fan, I'm pretty sure this movie will live up to your standards.Scooby-Doo: The Mystery Begins (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy) [Blu-ray]
23 stars
Dude, Where's My Arm? It's stuck inside a giant bong that turns Mr. Ordinary into "The Mask", which then blows people up, but prevents him from buttoning his shirt. There is a never-ending pool party... for those who like that sort of thing... as well as never-ending joy rides between "buddies" who make it no secret that they hate each other. Are you ready for some laser blasting? I know a mutant turtle who is!
34 stars
great quality the movie, the system ,everything is great. it is the next step to quality home theater films, the only thing is you have to get the system of blue ray to see the blue ray movies and there are only a small handful, but on the upside, if you haven't made a big collection here is where you start, because the clarity is amazing.this movie is fantastic and the vision is breathtaking, a must buy.
45 stars
Annoying Characters and Annoying Movie Luckily I rented this movie rather than buy it. I found all the characters in this movie annoying which made it very difficult to sit through this one. I didn't think it was sophisticated, but instead rather crude. Not recommended for purchase or even rental.
01 star
Don't Understand The Critical Panning...I Loved It! Though widely-regarded as the weakest season (barring early feedback about the just-released Season Seven) of the TV series "24", I still found the season to be just as emotionally compelling and intense as any of the previous efforts.I will admit that, for (at least for me) the first time in show history, the late-season plot (regarding a piece of circuit board machinery) became a bit unbelievable. Of course, all of "24" requires the viewer to suspend reality just a bit, but this time it seemed completely implausible that Jack Bauer would be allowed to complete his task. Aside from that, however, this season created some very thrilling moments and acting, including (my highlights):-The introduction of some other Bauer family members (let's just say they don't share Jack's patriotism).-The "Islamic prejudice" storyline that mirrors the feature film "The Siege" in its high drama.-The acting of Vice President Noah Daniels (played by Powers Boothe), who mirrors the inspired performance of Gregory Itzin (Charles Logan) from Season Five, who also makes an appearance in this season.-The return of Jack Bauer from his detainment in China and how (or if?) he is able to transition back into normal society.As usual, the intensity of Kiefer Sutherland's Bauer as well as the "staff" of CTU Los Angeles turn in great performances, with special props given to James Morrison as Bill Buchanan.Thus, I cannot see where others saw this season falling short of previous efforts, as I found it to continue the "24" tradition of exciting plots, great acting, and mind-boggling twists and turns along the way.
45 stars
Hilarious movie! I have to say, when I saw the description of this movie, although the plot seems cute, I did not expect it to be as good as it was. This movie was well-written and well-played. The banter and rapport between the actors is absolutely amazing. The situations are hilariously realistic and impossible at the same time...I kept thinking "you can't make this stuff up"...but they did! Every single actor/actress was the perfect choice for their individual roles. I don't want to give any plot details because you REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE! There are definitely adult situations so I would not recommend it for young ones.Again, you REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE! Hands-down, this movie is 5 stars.
45 stars
a magnificent performance in a brilliant film.......... you will not believe the performance mike leigh gets from the magnificent imelda staunton! if there were true justice in the oscars, she would have won hands down! at the film's conclusion, there was not a dry eye left in the theatre, and many shouts of "brava" were heard throughtout the end credits! i'll not give any spoilers here, except to say mr. leigh has created his ultimate masterpiece-even better than "topsy turvy" and secrets and lies"! the entire cast is absolutely brilliant, as is known as a trademark for mr. leigh, but to experience ms. staunton's performance, is to experience a great painting, if you will! she is magnificent from start to heartbreaking finish. this one is a true keeper, no matter your beliefs in abortion. the 1950's sets, cinematography, and above all else, ms. staunton's performance all combined together will leave you breathless. do not miss this dvd-it's a keeper and one for your collection.
45 stars
A Splendid Horror Film This is one of the most intense visual experiences of the '90's, with Gilliam fusing medieval and futuristic imagery to form a frightening vision of all time merged into one terrifying present. This is one of Willis' best performances, one that should be well noted before some critic dismisses him yet again as just another action-movie hero. Willis practically bleeds humanity as the unwilling prophet of doom. He captures that rarest quality, one that most actors can't do--humility. David Morse is quietly chilling as the angel of death. If the film has one flaw, it's the lack of comedy that infuses most Gilliam films. As I get older, I need a little humor to accompany my apocalyptic despair. This one *will* give you nightmares.
34 stars
Absolutely Charming Why this movie was never released on video continues to elude me. It is a hilarious, touching, and all around wonderful movie. All of the characters were wonderfully engaging. I would love to see more works like this from Stuart Gordon.
45 stars
It will stay with you for days... This is the incredibly haunting and all-to-realistic tale of an alcoholic couple--it's candor as is seldom seen. Jack Lemmon gives an absolutely stunning dramatic performance filled with ferociousness and passion. I do believe that when it ended, my mouth remained agape and eyes wide for at least a minute. It reached me in ways that few movies have done.
45 stars
very good work i was watching vh1 and saw a clip of this movie i rented it the next day ever since i been hooked you know this show the world how people really think i was nine years old when this movie come out i give c.thomas howell 5 stars four trying to be black it was 1986 and you know what things will never be the same again i watch this movie and i feel good al over it has so many inspirational parts i wish we could go back to the eighties so many good movies to be made. it makes you feel so warm .its not at all racist we need more movies like this today its a real movie not fake.i hate people that always saw things are racist and thomas howell you the man good job bro
45 stars
Goober goes to Hollywood I am going for a record folks. This is my third Paris Hilton Movie (1 Night in Paris, House of Wax). Is that a sign of suicidal tendency or have I lost it completely?Jason Mewes is Goober, a bartender (slack job in this case) with slacker buddies (one is Kevin Smith), who goes to Hollywood to get money to save pops restaurant. he stays with his gay uncle (David Keith), who is pretending to be straight. This is the only character in the movie worth watching as he is hilarious pretending to be straight when he is the very definition of flaming queen.Goober wants to be cool, so he wrangles his way into Lisa Mancini's (Paris Hilton) current boyfriend's (Brian Hallisay) entourage. This is the biggest collection of idiots I have ever seen. As Uncle Earl says, where is Charles Manson when you need him. But there was some real juicy tatas at the parties! Paris Hilton as Lisa actually comes off as a really nice girl deep down (BWAAAAA HAAAA HAAA)) and ole Goober falls in love until she sticks it to him again. And, no, he doesn't get to stick it to her first.Oh, heck, there were some funny parts, so I will bump up the score. Tatas: 1, funny parts (including Uncle Earl): 1 for a total of 2.
12 stars
Suddenly Single!! Funny, Engaging, and Well Written What a great cast of characters. Funny and entertaining, that everyone can enjoy. I loved Garcelle Beauvais and Isaiah Washington together. I'm glad that I made this purchase. I usually enjoy David E. Talbert's plays. Suddenly Single is one I would watch again and a good addition to my collection.
45 stars
Don't judge the culture, experience the humanity The movie is fantastic! For the reviewer who wanted a "real family reunion" you saw it. All the elements were there, we could have had some domino slapping and trash talking but we saw enough to know all the other things that were going on. Madea is a little over the top because she is all the memmories of the women that kept us on the straight and narrow. As far as the grits were concerned ask Al Green. My suggestion is to watch the movie with an open mind and an open heart. Feel the pain, experience the love and keep on keepin on. Also, if you had been paying attention the "old fart" was Madea's brother not her husband there's no man that could keep up with her. You might want to check out Tyler Perry's history and his plays and you would see that Madea is much more than a dress and attitude.
45 stars
What has been going on in the last 90 minutes? Honestly,I really cannot believe the rave reviews and cult status this film has achieved.If I had an option to give it 0-stars or a BOMB rating,I would do it in a heartbeat.TBWP has flaws galore,I don't even know where to start,but I'll try.The story is virtually impossible to follow.So many things happen at once.Basically nothing happens except the three kids keep on running screaming like babies saying the F-word non-stop and so on.The camera angles are terrible.Half the time I couldn't tell what was going on.Did I mention that the acting is horrendous? I was surprised that these kids actually have an acting career.They breath literally no depth into the characters and basically their nothing more than plastic toys.The direction is incredibly lousy.These guys don't know exactly how they want the characters to react nor what to do.In other words,Myrick and Sanchez are rip-off versions of real film makers like John Carpenter,Wes Craven and many more.And that is NO joke.TBWL is without a doubt the worst horror movie I've ever seen.Not a decent performance,line of dialouge,good direction or scene.I really wish I had a 0-star or BOMB rating,cuz if I did,I'd use.If you want a good horror movie,check out Halloween,Friday The 13th Parts 2,4 and 6 and Phantasm 1 and 2.Avoid this like a live hand grenade.Rated R for non-stop profanity.
01 star
awesome awesomenb j y f k u y c r f i 7 , j y t u y / u
45 stars
Best Friends This movie is timeless. I thought it was hilarious when it was first released in the theaters, and found it the same all these years later. Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn at their best! I would say, if you enjoyed the movie Grumpy Old Men, you will find this as entertaining. I was so happy to find it on DVD and add it to my library.
45 stars
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes Called the grandaddy of all horror movies, Psycho is not only a great thriller but a great movie as well.From the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock(Vertigo, The Birds)comes a tale of a shy young hotel owner named Norman Bates(Anthony Perkins) and a theif on the run named Marion Crane. Norman is dominated by his mother and does everything she tells him to do. If that means committing murder, well that's what he'll do. Everyone knows of the infamous shower scene.Psycho spawned a few sequels but will never match the power of the original. I'm a big fan of horror movies, and though I wouldn't say psycho is a "horror" movie, I will say most horror movies Such as Halloween were inspired by this classic of classics.
34 stars