class label
5 classes
worth it just for the commentary! I bought this movie just to see D.B. Sweeney & Moira Kelly on the screen again. Honestly, I'd pay to watch them make a grocery list together. What a lovely surprise that this is a good movie too. There are some terrific lines, enough awkward, happy and sad to make it real and John C. McGinley! After having watched this, I will watch & buy pretty much anything that Mr Sweeney is involved with because I can trust him to bring the funny, the real and the beautifully thought out.Sit on the couch with Hubby, open a couple of beers and enjoy.
34 stars
Smart And Surprisingly Funny: Network TV's Best Cast Has A Stellar, Game-Changing Year There seems to be a tendency to think that ANY TV show that we watch and like should automatically warrant a five star review rating. I have never felt that to be so and would accordingly rank the various shows I watch on a regular basis from 3-5 stars (most falling into the 4 star designation). I say this in preface to my comments about the third season of CBS's ratings challenged but critically acclaimed drama "The Good Wife" because it is a show that has improved substantially since its debut. Almost instantly, critics lauded the Julianna Margulies vehicle for its timely presentation of a political wife scorned. As Margulies set about restructuring her world, the first season was a mix of politics, family, workplace, and courtroom drama. Margulies masterfully juggled the intracacies of the varying plot threads, but not all things were created equal. In my opinion, the element that really made the show stand out was Margulies relationship with her husband, Chris Noth, and other aspects of the show were certainly less compelling. The program, however, has become one of the richer and more rewarding endeavors on TV over the next two years. (For my taste, I'd rank Season One at 3 1/2 stars, Season Two at 4 1/2 stars, and Season Three at 5 stars).The twenty-two episode Season Three is easily one of the smartest and most surprising entries on the network TV landscape. While Margulies is still front and center, "The Good Wife" has skillfully developed the most talented and reliable supporting cast of any show on contemporary television. While this sounds like hyperbole (and I hate hyperbole), I honestly think that it is true. Margulies starts the season contemplating a new relationship with Will (Josh Charles) but the promise of this love affair may be more enticing than its payoff. Charles has his biggest year yet as his entire career is put on the line. Christine Baranski shows more depth and grit as the woman struggling to keep the firm together. Archie Panjabi, as an enigmatic investigator, unravels more secrets to what makes her TV's most fascinating supporting player. Noth still has a strong presence, as does Matt Czuchry, in the prosecutor's office as sometimes foes and sometimes allies. Alan Cumming has an increased presence as well taking an office within the central firm.Anyone of these personalities can step up to take an episode lead without the show faltering, that is how well integrated they are now. But in addition to the irresistible core cast, "The Good Wife" has a literal revolving door of other lawyers and judges that are handled by a stellar group of actors. Michael J. Fox continues an invaluable recurring role (and I always appreciate the reappearance of the creepy Dylan Walsh and the hysterically off-putting Martha Plimpton), but it seems that everyone that steps in for a day or two is at the top of their game with interesting quirks and relatable foibles. I credit the show's writing for developing every character with precision. The cases continue to be as good as always, but what really elevates Season Three are the continuing story threads. Some HUGE changes, ENORMOUS power struggles, and REVELATORY surprises occur this year. And as the dramatic imperative keeps upping the stakes, "The Good Wife" also remains (slyly) one of the funniest dramas on TV. It's a terrific balancing act.Margulies' kids remain the weak spot of the show. As every other aspect of the program has gotten so good, they continue to stand out. I dread when a full story is devoted to them, but they are marginalized quite a bit this year and the show has finally made Margulies' mother-in-law the villainous foil she was always meant to be. Genius. If you sampled and left "The Good Wife" in an earlier season, you're missing something quite special and I would strongly encourage you to check back on what you've been missing. KGHarris, 5/12.
45 stars
Disappointed! I was excited to get a copy of this movie with the deleted scene included, which is critical to appreciating the story. I did not expect such poor picture quality, which came through as very grainy and blurred. Guess I will be shopping more carefully in the future.
12 stars
Wonderfully Un-Disney-Like Went into this thinking this would be yet another fluff piece from classic Disney, a bit of harmless fun. Wow, was I taken aback! This was absolutely wonderful!About as un-Disney as you can get and still carry the brand name.First, it's spoken entirely in honest Scot and legit Gaelic. There's no 'Americanization' of the characters, so typical of Disney productions; converting a people and their heritage to be palatable for what was then its primary audience. In fact, as I think about it: From a business standpoint, why did they green-light this? It certainly didn't fit in their business model. Very interesting.Second, death is no boundary. It's depicted without mercy, nor pity - not hallowed or righteous - just the bitterness of killing. The murder of a young boy at the hands of a drunk sailor, whose body is then unceremoniously dumped overboard. Wow. That stark realism alone made this unusual, possibly even unique, as far as I know of Disney films for this period.Thirdly, we get an unromantic insight into the history of Scotland. Certainly the story of English conquerers and their conquests have been fair game in recent films. But the truth is, even without English interference, the Scots would've been at war with one another. They had battled with one another for centuries before England and continued after. Blood feuds were common and even glorified by both cultures; the enduring enmity between Highland and Lowland Scots has rarely been exposed so vividly as in 'Kidnapped'. Truly amazing.I'm genuinely stunned.The adventures of young David Balfour and his journey home to claim his birthright was truly enjoyable. After being tricked by a conniving uncle, young David has to survive being sold into indentured servitude in far away America, a hand-to-hand ship battle for his own freedom, and a terrifying shipwreck on the storm-riddled Scottish coast. Accompanied by Alan Breck Stuart of Clan Stuart, admirably played by Peter Finch, a soldier in the service of an outcast king. I've always appreciated him as an actor, but this incredible performance has elevated him in my eyes. I suspect few could have pulled off the hardened combat veteran who fears no man and bends knee to his King and his king alone.And you can't help but notice a small bit part played by a very young Peter O'Toole. Fans of the man tend to point to 'Arabia' as his defining role. And while I have respect and appreciation for that work, it's his smaller, less grand performances that I've always enjoyed best. This small role is one of those.A near five-star rating for me, save for the fact that the audio re-dub wasn't quite in synch and the stock print being washed out. But the story and the sincere performances of every actor involved is worth every penny.Repeat viewings may be necessary for those accustomed to subtitles, of which this bare bones edition has none.
34 stars
Criminally underrated; one of the 100 best films ever made. The Stuff (Larry Cohen, 1985)Larry Cohen has written scripts for some of the biggest films, box-office-wise, in history. He's also written some of the biggest flops. (His first screenplay for the big screen was The Return of the Magnificent Seven; his last two were Phone Booth and Cellular. You be the judge.) However, Cohen has directed far fewer films than he's written. His directing career has also been inconsistent (witness the horror that was Wicked Stepmother), but it contains some of Hollywood's most criminally overlooked gems: The It's Alive! trilogy, Q, and The Stuff. Of those five films, The Stuff is by far the best, and has had a place on my 100 Best Films of All Time list since I started it.The title role is played by an odd yogurt, discovered bubbling up out of the ground somewhere in Antarctica in the film's opening scene. By the time we get through the title credits, it's being marketed as The Stuff, and is truly the taste sensation sweeping the nation. A cadre of ice cream executives, terrified of their businesses going under, hires industrial espionage agent and ex-FBI man Mo Rutherford (Michael Moriarty) to find out what's in The Stuff so they can duplicate it. Rutherford runs into some problems with that (for obvious reasons), so he approaches the problem from the other side, interviewing such folks as one of the members of the FDA team who approved it (Danny Aiello in a wonderful cameo), the CEO of the publicity company that created the marketing (Andrea Marcovicci, one of the reasons Oliver Stone's film The Hand is such a fine movie), and the down-and-out previous owner of a chocolate chip cookie company bought out by the makers of The Stuff, Chocolate Chip Charlie (the wonderful Garrett Morris). Meanwhile, one kid, Jason (Scott Bloom, recently of John Q, in his first film role), knows that The Stuff is more than it seems...The potential for a ham-handed attack on capitalism is obvious here, and it's to Cohen's great credit that the socioeconomic subtext of the movie (and think about it-- how many times have you had an opportunity to discuss socioeconomic subtext in a comedy from the eighties?) is far more complex than a knee-jerk "capitalism is bad" attitude. Cohen came up with some wonderfully complex characters, put them in the situation, and then let the material speak for itself, which it does in an extremely funny way. Morris is one of the most gifted comic actors of his generation, and Moriarty is quite capable of deadpanning some laughs, too (along with his future Law and Order costar Paul Sorvino, who has a small, but wonderful, part towards the end of the film). The only real letdown is the end of the film, but then, were you expecting realism in a horror film about yogurt?Two decades after its original release, The Stuff more than stands the test of time, and is well on its way to becoming a bona fide classic. Seek it out. You won't regret it. After all, like the movie's everpresent jingle says, you can't get enough of The Stuff. ****
45 stars
Scorcese is back Right behind De Palma on my favorite directors list is Martin Scorcese. Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Casino, Cape Fear, and Gangs of New York are some of my favorite films of all time. I was ridiculously excited for this movie, especially when Andrew called me and told me that it was Marty's best film yet. The Departed delivered on almost every level I had hoped it would. The film follows Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio as two informants on opposite sides of the law. DiCaprio is an informant for the cops on the local Irish mob boss, Frank Costello. Matt Damon is Costello's informant inside the Special Investigations Unit of the Boston police. With that cool of a setup, you knew that Scorcese would have to knock it out of the park, and he did. As with The Black Dahlia, it is best that no plot points are revealed, as the twists that go on throughout this film are some of the best I can remember. My jaw was on the floor multiple times, just wondering what could possibly happen next. The violence is extremely brutal, but that is how Scorcese does it, and it only adds a whole other element of power to his films. All the actors are great in their roles. The only weak link is the only female actor in the film, who I thought was overacting for much of the movie. I don't think that this is Scorcese's best film ever (Casino still sits at the top for me), but I definitely think it is one of his top 3.
45 stars
Uneven While Kevin Spacey's performance is impressive, the storytelling devices jump around uncomfortably. I enjoyed the musical portions and learned a little about Bobby Darin, so it was not a total waste of time, but almost.
12 stars
"Its easy to torture an intelligent person"... A tyrant in recent history said" It's easy to torture an intelligent person just by telling them what you are going to do to them. Their imagination will do the rest." The only way this movie will scare you is if you almost totally rely on your imagination. You never see anything frightening in this movie. Everything is left up to your imagination. You can only imagine what is happening to the one camper who cries out in the night in anguish. You can only imagine that it was his teeth left at the campsite the next morning. There are no monsters or slashers jumping out or visually following the campers.If you need your horror spoon fed to you to be scared, then this movie will not scare you. If you have an imagination, then be prepared to have at least a couple of sleepless nights especially if you are camping!!!
45 stars
What? Jeff is gone and we only get six episodes? This cannot be good... If you were disappointed when you learned there were only two discs for Series Four of "Coupling," then the news that there are only episodes on the first of those two discs is going to be downright depressing. Given the results I have seen to date I appreciate the British idea of avoiding having a set number of episodes in any given series (read "season" on this side of the Pond) because that increases the quality of what we see a lot more than the American model, which is driven towards the goal of having one hundred episodes that usually translate into profitable syndication. But only six episodes to get us through Steve trying to deal with Susan's pregnancy, Sally and Patrick's serious relationship, and Jane's close encounters with Oliver, the new guy, fans have to feel Series 4 comes up short (and that is before we ever come to terms with that new guy replacing Jeff).This series takes us from "Nine and a Half Minutes" to "Nine and a Half Months," and since the previous series ended with Susan (Sarah Alexander) announcing she is pregnant it is not surprising that this one ends with the birth of the baby. We have seen writer Steven Moffat play with time and space before (e.g., "The Girl With Two Breasts" from Series 1 and "Split" from the start of Series 2), and he continues along those lines in these two episodes. "Nine and a Half Minutes" gives us the same time frame from the perspective of each couple, while "Nine and a Half Months" finds Steve (Jack Davenport) unstuck in time (and having his weirdest dreams ever) as Susan goes into labor.With Susan being pregnant her relationship with Steve is pretty much reduced to his complete and total fear over the miracle of birth. Dragging him to antenatal classes ("Circus of the Epidurals") is the disaster you would imagine. But overall the best moments for Series 4 come from watching Sally (Kate Isitt) and Patrick (Ben Miles) become closer. The sticking point becomes whether or not Patrick has slept with Jane (Gina Bellman), an issue raised by a late night phone call that does not end until all six characters are on the line ("Night Lines") and not resolved until the final episode, when Sally actually gets into the infamous cupboard of Patrick's love and finds a box she should not open. In between we get the creative allegory of a knight playing a game of chess with a princess in "Bed Time."I agree that the attempt to work Oliver (Richard Mylan) into the mix is problematic. Part of the trouble is how Oliver comes across too much like a poorer version of Jeff (Richard Coyle), who is present in spirit and a bit more (Samantha Spiro) for a couple of episodes. Granted, changing the peculiar mix of characters in this sextet is risky, but they should have come up with more when they came up with Oliver. The other factor here is pairing up Oliver with Jane, which works a bit better because it finally allows her to justifiably be the confident one in the relationship, as amply seen in "The Naked Living Room." This certainly suggests some ways of rethinking the Oliver character, but it is obviously a bit too late for that. Like everything else on "Coupling," the story of Oliver and Jane is to be continued.However, I have to think we are getting close to the end of the road for "Coupling." This is not because baby Joshua has arrived, but rather because everybody is now paired up on the show ("Friends" stopped before things got that far). No wonder there were only six episodes in Series 4: once Jane and Oliver hook up nobody is out looking for sex any more. In fact, there is every possibility that "Coupling" will no longer be about sex but will actually be spending more time on the subject of love, at which point we should probably turn out the lights because the party will be over.
34 stars
Lighthearted British crimefighter saves the day on this DVD! This is a great deal of a DVD. Two features are presented for your viewing pleasure, starring the very entertaining precursor to The Saint, Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond.Created by novelist Herman C. 'Sapper' McNeile, "Bulldog" Drummond was a Captain in World War I. After the war, Drummond missed the life of action his military career offered. He joined the police force, and then resigned to become an independent player in the game of crime and punishment.While each film is only about an hour long, don't let that dissaude you. You'll get a lot of action and fun packed into each movie.In the first feature, "Bulldog Drummond Escapes", a young and handsome Ray Milland plays the famous action-seeker Captain Drummond. Wonderful as always, Milland portrays the character with such whimsy, you'll be hooked right away.Drummond sets out to rescue the beautiful heiress Phyllis Clavering from the unscrupulous forces keeping her prisoner for her fortune.Clavering is played by the ravishing Heather Angel, who quickly became a regular in the Drummond series of movies, playing Drummond's love interest.Reginald Denny plays Drummond's fumbling friend 'Algy' Longworth in both features, and was also a regular in the Drummond films.In the second film, "Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police", the role of Drummond is played by John Howard. Howard brings a "Thin Man" style to the character of Drummond, and is equally delightful.In this one, Drummond is about to marry Phyllis, but a treasure-hunting murderer (played by Leo G. Carroll), turns his stately manorhouse upsidedown.The real winner in both films for the viewer is the wonderful performance turned in by E.E. Clive, who plays the British "gentleman's gentleman" to the upper-crusted hilt.Drummond is very much in the mould of Simon Templar, a.k.a. The Saint. However, Drummond (at least in these two offerings), is more lighthearted in tone, despite the occasional murder.Fans of pre-1940 British films will like the sense of mischevous fun in both films, particularly in the Milland movie. While John Howard is great, and starred in several Drummond movies, it would have been nice to see the young Milland take up the cause of justice again as Captain Drummond.
45 stars
New Look On Dlyan. I loved this movie; Dylan finally opened up and speaks frankly about the early years (Pre motorcycle accident.) Most of my favorite music was mad and recorded during the time period presented in this movie. To me Dylan gave us the impression of an apathy about his wrote, sure they were protest song, but they really didn't protest anything specific. Perhaps that is why his music is timeless. The movie gave me a new view on Dylan, but not necessarily a bad view just different.
45 stars
Not related to the actual boogeyman?? Let me warn you: this is NOT a sequel to the remake of Boogeyman starring Barry Watson and it actually has nothing in common with the boogeyman. It's working title likely might have been Urban Legend Part 4. To compare the first one to this would be like comparing White Noise to Halloween. There is nothing supernatural in this movie! That said, the main character is played by Danielle Savre who could not have done a better job -she's a great actress. The same cannot be said for all of the cast, in particular the girl in the hospital with an eating disorder. She has a pointless topless scene that shows her saggy boobs and then another pointless sex scene. (Yay, great for pre-pubescent boys and middle-aged guys who can't get any!), but her death is without a doubt, the greatest one in the movie that also goes with the theme.The plot of this movie although devoid of anything Boogeyman, does steal from a group of other movies. Fear dot com where your worst fears kill you -and that idea was stolen from Japan fyi, Saw because there are torture devices and oddly enough Tobin Bell is a creepy man in this movie too, Scream/I Know What You Did Last Summer/Urban Legend for the whole masked human killer stalks messed up teens idea, and I'm sure you can find more.I agree that if they decide to make a part 3, it should connect to the actual boogeyman.
01 star
Very underrated comedy movie This movie has it all hot chicks and funny guys. I love this movie its hilarious and throws some funny jokes in it. It makes fun of all the horror icons from the 80's and 70's. Hot naked chicks in this movie too, which is a plus. The cast of the movie was great, I love Steve Howey as Stan Helsing because he was funny. I grew up watching Kenan Thompson in all that and all the tv shows he is also hilarious in this movie. Who ever did Diora Baird's makeup and hair for this movie deserves an award because she looks freaking fantastic looking in this movie.
45 stars
Quality program I watched the third season first and enjoyed it so much that I decided to watch season one and two.
34 stars
Beneath the 12-Mile Reef One family Greek the other WASP compete in the sponge industry off the western cost of Florida in the 50's. They have an unwritten law as to here they can fish for sponges. The heads of each house are proud and there is more than a casual rivalry among them.Due to hard times the families cross paths resulting tin the son of the Greek family Tony Petrakis (Robert Wagner) and the WASP daughter Gwyneth Rhys (Terry Moore) falling in love their parents' chagrin. To really stir thing up Arnold Dix (Peter Graves) who also has eyes for Gwyneth is unscrupulous and does nefarious acts agent the Greeks.I know you have herd the story before and probably saw Romeo and Juliet or "Westside Story". However, the story and actors make it worth revisiting.The film has been remastered and looks great on large screen height definition televisions. The music of Bernard Hermann works as a subtle character its self adds to the mood and not overwhelming the story or dialog.Gilbert Roland is the proud Greek patriarch that makes a sort of John Wayne entrance at the beginning of the movie. Richard Boone, a very diverse actor plays the girls father.This is the first underwater adventure shot in CinemaScope.Wake of the Red Witch ~ John Wayne
45 stars
Fantastic This episode was fantastic. Not sure what shows the one star reviewers were watching. This is by far one of the best shows on television. Very few shows come close to the hilarity of this show. And this episode did not disappoint. Saying this show became situational? What planet are from? The first episode was about the Gang Getting Racist and being in a situation wherein they were confronting racism and homosexuality. That first episode was all about the situation and not the characters or rather, the characters reacting to a situation, which in my opinion, tends to be the focus of the show.In any case, great episode and great show. You won't be disappointed if you're a fan or newcomer.
45 stars
Still worth every viewing after 37 years!! I want to start off by saying that this is the best Blu Ray release I have purchased to date. The packaging is wonderful with it's hardcover "keepsake" aesthetic, and the additional bonus features alone make it worth the meager asking price. Seeing actual footage of Linda Blair (in full makeup no less) on the set is priceless and definitely trumps any extras from the previous releases.On to the important stuff....THE MOVIE.I have to say that this has become my favorite film of all time. I am by no means a horror buff. I have a few faves of the genre..but I opt more for the comedic and/or fantastical. I like to either be uplifted with laughter, or taken away from reality entirely.You ask "Then why on EARTH would you consider The Exorcist your favorite movie??".Simple. It is a modern parable and is one of those rare films that truly produces it's intended effect in every frame.Labeling "The Exorcist" as a horror film is a bit short-sighted. It's a spiritual drama, psychological thriller, and supernatural tale...all rolled into one.37 years later, it still holds it's own and is as relevant today as it was then. The difference here is that we now live in a society that is, as Blatty states in the Fear Of God documentary "utterly jaded and depraved". Nothing here seems to shock and 14 year olds now see this film as "laughable". It's a shame, because there is a great deal more than pea soup and spinning heads here. It's really all about the terror of the unknown...the fear and trepidation involved in all things metaphysical and spiritual. It's about the mystery of faith and it's capacity to ultimately triumph.The sights, the sounds, and the story...all mesh here. It's incredibly well written by Blatty. Friedkin's sense of documentary-like realism serves the plot well. The acting is top notch by a cast that could not have been more perfect. Dick Smith's makeup is ground breaking, not only with Linda Blair, but with Max Von Sydow who was in his mid-to-late forties at the time. Owen Roizman's use of varying light textures and, of course, his masterful and iconic shot of Merrin's arrival, is noteworthy as well.I was fortunate enough to see the Fathom screening on Sept. 30th and, while seeing this film on a big screen with digital sound was fantastic, I still have to say it plays better and provides more unnerving sensations when watching at home...in the dark. That is the truly frightening angle within this film...it reminds us that no matter how safe we think we are (even in our own home with all the lights on), there is nothing that true evil will not do and nowhere it won't go to manifest itself.
45 stars
"Right On, Sweet Sister!"... CLEOPATRA JONES (Tamara Dobson) is super-bad! She's a government agent out to take down the drug lords! She knows karate! She's handy w/ a machine gun! She drives a smokin' Corvette! She's beautiful AND she knows the clothes that make the pose! CLEO takes on Mommy (Shelley Winters), the queen of the narcotics underworld, as well as her army of thugs! CLEOPATRA JONES is one of the best, most entertaining urban action films I've ever seen! Filled w/ interesting characters (the Doodlebug mob for instance!), and more genuine soul than a revival meeting, CJ is hard to beat!...
45 stars
Dexter, the Second Season This is a must have for all Dexter Fans. This is one of the smartest shows I have ever seen, and the 2nd season is just as mesmerizing as the first. The acting is very good and the writers are the best. Sit back and enjoy.
45 stars
A great set for those so inclined but... what happened to the lyrics for MORE!!!!?? I recall it was sung during the "blue" painting section. The wonderful book, HOLLYWOOD SINGS, confirms that. Lyrics had to be written to get a Best Song Oscar nomination.
45 stars
really tight film films like this tackled so many issues&covered a wide array of subject matter.very much on point Soul Film.a film like this in the early 70's still isn't brought to light in the modern era of film making&find that ironic.very well written&a really good film.
34 stars
anti climatic this movie has some good actors in it but it is not a great film. It's somewhat entertaining. I like the concept and there are some really good moments but the ending is aniti climatic. sure, watch it if there isn't anything else to do.
23 stars
Way better than the comics! Maybe this movie dos'ent deserve four stars, but I loved it so much! It is a great family film, for all ages to enjoy. And I never understood why it was rated {PG}. I dont remember anything the least bit offensive, or maybe I just wasnt paying attention. Anyway, it is wasy better than the comic strips. Way different. In this one, John, Garfields owner crushes on this really hot veteranarien, who he takes his pet to go see very often. Geese John, cats dont need checkups everyday! Anyway things end up really good for them, and Garfeild sort of as well.Review by Michael Peters . Thank you for reading.
34 stars
The Loved Ones I did not "love" this movie. I watched the whole thing but only because I was in a remote location where there was no signal available to do anything else at the time. I would not recommend it to anyone, not just because it was extremely violent and gory but because the acting was horrible. I gave it 2 stars because I watched it, otherwise it would have only 1 star. It could have been worse. No oscars for this one.
12 stars
A real find! Excellent independent film with top shelf performances! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised while watching this film. Was quickly wrapped up in the story of an ex-hit man who gets roped back into his old way of life to carry out one more job. Really strong performances by Tom Sizemore (from HEAT and SAVING PRIVATE RYAN) -- the best he's been in years -- and the lovely Sasha Alexander (TNT'S RIZZOLI & ISLES). Supporting cast including Sprague Grayden (PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2), Bill Smitrovich (IRON MAN), Ray McKinnon (THE BLIND SIDE), and Randall Batinkoff (KICK ASS) all add strong character work as well. In terms of direction, cinematography and editing, it's definitely among the best independent films I've seen this year. If you like a well made noir/thriller, don't miss THE LAST LULLABY!
45 stars
AWESOME!!! Oh how I love True Blood... best way to get my fix while I wait for the new season!!!!!! Worth every penny! Soo different than the other vampire series out there!
45 stars
toddlers love wiggles!!! I am a stay at home mother of an 11 month old. She absolutely loves this wiggles dvd. She watches it every day, sometimes twice a day. I have learned all of the words to the songs myself. She never gets tired of it. Every time I turn on the dvd player and say "wiggles", my baby girl gets so excited. My cousins' children, ages 23 months and 9 months love this video also. Your kids will love it.
45 stars
Nothing new, but it doesn't matter With 30 years of some of the best documentaries around to choose material from, it scarcely matters that there is no new footage. The narration seamlessly bridges the gaps between the various shorts from National Geographic specials of the past. I wasn't sure what to expect, since it is essentially teasers of other films, but this is a great film in its own right.We got the film for our little boys, and they've loved it from day one. My older son is learning a lot about the differing relationships of the natural world, and the broad expanse of this film is perfect for him. It never gets bogged down in the mundane, but it also panders to a long attention span. This is a big difference from the National Geographic videos intended specifically for kids. They tend to be the same basic idea...cut footage from older films, but cut so that there is no footage of animals eating each other, no mating, and it is interspersed with unneccesary music videos and cutesy animation. Even with Dudley Moore's narration, it can't compete. Skip the kid stuff and give your kids the real thing.
45 stars
Great movie Had this movie forever on dvd, we figured it was time to upgrade to blu ray viewing and glad we did, you cant beat the quality of blu ray for picture and sound. Best Austin powers movie made. If you haven't seen it, definitely need to watch it.
45 stars
Great fun human interaction masked as sci-fi I came late to the series as I do not watch this type of program on T.V. It has a tendency to pass time and never get anywhere.Once you realize there is just a more recent "Days of Our Lives" and quit looking for a cohesive story, you can enjoy each unique episode. Just understand the there are no great insights just fun watching how they put it together. We have to create a psychological situation an antagonist and let the main character solve the situation all in 42 minutes.Looks closely and periodically there is product name recognition like "Cisco Systems."On season two they did the one thing that really irks me; Episode 12 and 13 have a "To be Continued".For those people contemplating the series or just interested here is a quickie overview of Eureka (2006 TV series). The down contains mostly scientific types that work for secret government project in a hidden facility nearby. Someone or thing is always getting into trouble (mostly from experiments) and need a down-to-earth sheriff Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson) to help interpret and solve the problem. Jack has problems of his own trying to relate to women, including his teenage daughter Zoe (Jordan Hinson). On the sinister side is some mysterious cabal who's only known member to us is psychiatrist Beverly Barlowe (Debrah Farentino).On season two things just get better. Other programs revert to old formulas and rehashes. This series becomes more intriguing.
45 stars
Huh? Didn't get anything about why this movie was made and what it was trying to say about anything. Get the Lesbian aspect somewhat but even that blatant theme was very poorly treated. Slow moving, uninteresting story.
01 star
the movie to becompared to all othe horror movies the title might not sound so good but ater the first ten mins you wont be able to keep your eyes of the screen.the film is about our friends who are in a car accident and one dies or soo you think the one who they think has died keep apperaring to his girlfriend and from then on it a roller coster of saspence and jumpy moments the film takes so many turns and has so many twists that youll find youur your sell wondering if that could happen . this revie dosnt give justice to the film at all i mean it its the beck film out ther it not one bit pradictable.10 out of 10 if you dont buy it sttaight away rent it its worth the money
45 stars
Jaws the Atrocity This series establishes the classic paradigm of sequels: Excellent. Adequate. Poor. Abomination. Definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen (and I liked Hudson Hawk). If you're considering purchasing this movie, three words: sharks don't roar.
01 star
...WTF? No...just.No. I love low budget and amature horror, but there is no excuse for this. I havent seen the unrated version, so mabey after that i'll sing a diffrent song. AVOID LIKE FOX NEWS!
01 star
Nice ending to the OC story It's not as good as the earlier seasons, at least not as brilliant as the first one. But it's a nice closeur to the story about the Orange County. And I got as hooked as always!
34 stars
Even better the second time around We love this series and enjoy the humor that is involved. We are excited for when season two comes out.
45 stars
Pelham 123 is a very poor movie What can't I say about this dog of movie One good thing is I did not pay good money watch it since I have a DVD/sat service and it was on a late viewing so I recorded and sorry I even took the time to do that. Dialog was full of profanity F this GD that MF ect. I think I counted at least 325 Mr bad guy John used one or the other. The other bad guys all they did was look around and act like a bunch of stiffs and gun tooting crazies. Mr Washington was just as bad he must and was not right guy for this role. Movie get a F and just like when ever they remake a classic movie they mess it up big time and this movie is no exception. Rate for this is an D and is not a family movie at all.
01 star
Renegade is AWESOME I too just bought the dvd show and it was AWESOME. I cant wait for all the rest of the seasons to come out. This show is WORTH every penny and more. If you are looking for it's at Best Buy for 29.99 I believe.
45 stars
gorgeous adaptation of a wonderful novel having read the novel of the same name, i was hoping that themovie would do it justice. i was not disappointed. the movie allowsthe 4 characters from the novel to speak the same words, the same language, the same sad stories -- but in a way that is more poignant, more tragic, more real. the underlying motives of the characters in the movie may not be as clearly spelled out as they were in the novel, but the filmmakers do such a fine job weaving this tragic story of a small town (sam dent, new york) that you can guess motives just looking at the actor's expressions.the most brilliant factor of the film, not present in the novel, is the parallel between robert browning's story/poem the pied piper of hamelin, and the stories of those who survived this small-town tragedy. an eerie narration of this famous children's story is spoken by nicole, a teenager who survived the school bus accident, and it has overtones that absolutely recall the lives of the people of sam dent. nicole's part in the novel is only 1/4 of the story. in the movie, she becomes a symbol of all that has changed in the town after the accident. her adolescent view of the events leading up to the class-action law suit by the people of sam dent leads her to make a striking move. she understands people more than they understand themselves, especially her incestuous father. perhaps because of her incestuous father. at times, you feel sorry for everyone and other times you feel sorry for no one. there are so many secrets that this small town absolutely disentgrates with the loss of its children. as did the town of hamelin.But opposite the place of the cavern/They wrote the story on a column/And on the great church-window painted/The same, to make the world acquainted/How their children were stolen away/And there it stands to this very day.
45 stars
YOUR TASK IS... The movie starts out with a young male, Dixon, (Texas Battle) strolling down the street and then he becomes abducted. He is one of several people who have been abducted and forced to wear pig head mask. As it turns out, all those who were abducted (interesting that they could get them all in one afternoon) have tried out for a reality TV show. The characters are all introduced by playing a portion of their interview tape. They will split $20,000 if they spend the night in THE abandoned Benneville Prison with tasks and scares provided by the producers...and oh yes- 20 homeless people have died there recently.The cast are hand cuffed, like a chain gang, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy with the black man at the end. There is an Indian(subcontinent)girl (Amara Karan) who is super intelligent and a blond (Ashley Mulheron as Shoe)who isn't. Antonia Campbell-Hughes is delightful as Angel who is a contestant who enjoys frightening the other contestants.The story goes that the warden, in order to cut costs killed 85 inmates and then later was sentenced to death himself. His soul roams the prison. Or that is at least the story they were told...Contestants randomly select a chess piece to represent them. Tasks are assigned by a prerecorded tape based on the chess piece...first up the white queen. While the tasks seemed to be at random, they are actually based on the interviews where the contestants disclosed their biggest fear.As it turns out there are things in the prison the producers didn't count on...and the producers think it is just their network playing a game with them.Good acting for a B movie. The soundtrack is not overpowering, but it is effective with drum rhythms inconspicuously mimicking heart beats. The horror is mostly pyschological and not blood and guts. Yes, we've seen this type of movie before, and I don't mind watching them again when they are done right.F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
34 stars
you'll laugh and cry- its a very good movie this movie is very touching. i wont retell the story because thats already been done, but i would like to say that it is definitely worth seeing. sean penn and dakota fanning both give outstanding performances. very good.
34 stars
A real STINKER I like Val Kilmer but this one was a really bad movie. The action was second rate and many of the actors were pretty bad as well. The whole film was done poorly. Don't even waste a rental because there is nothing worth while about this film.
01 star
"Was That Real Enough For You?" ~ Love, Pharmacology And Finding Your Comfort Zone Synopsis: The '08 release `Numb' stars Matthew Perry in the role of Hudson Milbank a anxiety ridden loner suffering from depersonalization disorder. Despite his own efforts to sabotage every opportunity to have a meaningful relationship he nevertheless finds himself dating Sarah, a beautiful, successful and obviously love struck young woman who pursues him in spite of all his psychological shortcomings. Will Hudson continue to be his own worst enemy and find himself alone once again or will he finally pull himself together and find the happiness that has eluded him all his life?Critique: This is a rather low budget film you've probably never heard of. You probably wouldn't consider renting this one either except for the fact that is stars the talented Matthew Perry. At least that's what attracted me to this film. I have to say I was rather pleasantly surprised and would like to say, "Thanks Matthew". `Numb' is definitely a dark comedy with a kick. It's kind of like watching a Woody Allen film without the New York accent and the Jewish affiliation. If you're familiar with Woody's body of work you know exactly what I'm talking about. You might say it's "Angst for Anglos" (is that politically incorrect?).If you're a Matthew Perry fan you're sure to enjoy it and fan or not you'll definitely fall in love with Lynn Collins in the role of Sarah.
34 stars
Marginally watchable typical westener thinking and logic. Predictable A little heavy handed. Did not buy Defoe in the role. Story seemed a little too simplistic. The psychological profile of Defoe's character was not consistent throughout to my mind. Defoe has the problem he seems to have in at least the majority of roles I've seen him portray. He seemed despise the character he plays.
12 stars
The best unknown series on TV Life This is one of the smartest and interesting shows on TV. I love the relationship between Charlie and Reese. The "Everything is connected" is an important part of the show and it details well the connection of things. The unique way that Charlie sees the the world and solves crimes is interesting and smart. Reese is a great partner for Charlie they play off each other well and have a deep loyality and bond that grows each show. These two are GREAT. If NBC doesn't keep it on NBC they should move it to USA as it would fit great with Pysch and Monk. (+ Life) that would be a great friday night line up. The conspiracy and the breakdown of solving the case is awesome.
45 stars
Australia I loved it! A friend of mine put me on to Nicole Kidman, and my family raved about Hugh Jackman. I thought their performances were terrific in this movie - very moving all around. I am now a huge fan of Nicole Kidman.The history revealed a very difficult time for the aboriginals - but when the Japanese bombed Darwin, a drawing together of the people over-looked the color of their skin, and the men of the outback saw the strength and resilience of this beautiful English ma'am in her achievements, despite huge odds against her and her supporters.
45 stars
Funny "mockumentary" Funny "mockumentary" with some good performances. Original shooting style works well for the material. All the stories tied together for a satisfying ending and a good laugh.
34 stars
Wow. I cannot believe that I actually liked this! First of all let me make a statement. I am not a country music fan! My wife rented this movie last night and invited me to watch it with her. I gave in and fired up the plasma tv and bose system. Then a funny thing happened....For the length of the movie I sat in amazement. The acting was extremely good, The story was interesting, and the dialog was well above average. Pheonix has proven to be an exceptional actor. Both Pheonix and Witherspoon gave a very convincing performance. Before last night, I had never really paided any attention to Johnny Cash or cared one iota about his life and accomplishments. I was surprised at what challenges life had dealt him before and during his climb to fame. Few films have ever left me feeling enriched, but this one did! When it was over I thought that it was terrible that Johnny and June had not lived to see this film. I think they would have been honored by the performance and production of this movie. I'm still not a C&W; fan, but now I have a healthy amount of respect for the "Man in Black".Excellent Film.
45 stars
Just a bad movie! I can keep this review simply by saying this movie was very bad! Low brow and not in a good way. Watching this one can easily understand why the scary movie franchise only became funny when the Wayans brothers left and the Zuckers took over!
12 stars
good This was one of my fav movies growing up as a youngster and this movie got me loving bikes wish they would have mad a 2nd movie maybe they can remake it seems like all the 80's movies are getting remade.
45 stars
A gem! This is such bitter-sweet film! The gentleness of the life-style of the Cherokee/White family in the hills of Tennessee. Then the poignant up-rooting of "Little Tree" from his white Grand'Pa and Cherokee Grand'Ma 's home, to be sent away to a white boarding school, to make all Indian children forget all about being Indians....Another dark mark on American history.Wonderful cast, which includes Graham Green, one of my many favorites.A lovely film, which took me totally by surprise. For anyone who likes "gentle", this is a must!
45 stars
Abolition of slavery Ioan Gruffud (of the Hornblower mini-series) plays the English parliamentarian who successfully fought to end the Atlantic slave trade. This sobering and inspiring true story reveals the connection between the slave trade and the well-known song "Amazing Grace". Everyone should see this story of uncaring injustice.
45 stars
The eyes of the audience are filled with spectacle! Cecil B. DeMille was a motion-picture producer-director whose use of spectacle attracted vast audiences and made him a dominant figure in Hollywood... He was successful in a genre - the epic - that he made definitely his own, until William Wyler came along three years later with "Ben Hur."In his first epic role, Charlton Heston is cast as Lord Moses, prince of Egypt, son of the pharaoh's sister...As a true prince, he saves a slave's life; as a great prince, he gives the priest's grain to the slaves and one day in seven to rest; as a man of justice, he confronts Nefretiri with a piece of Hebrew cloth, the key to his origin; as a warrior and in excellent physical condition, he kills a tough and cruel master builder; as a courageous Hebrew, son of slaves, he tells the pharaoh: "It would take more than a man to lead the slaves from bondage, but if I could free them, I would!" As a man of prowess, he shows his latest methods of combat when he takes on the shepherds and routed them; as God's torch, he proves to be the Deliverer of the Hebrews, their prophet and leader; as the Lawgiver of the Covenant, he is the founder of the community; and as interpreter of "The Ten Commandments," he is an organizer and legislator...Yul Brynner is superb as Rameses, the rival of Moses... His arrogance and swaggering snobbery are well represented... Brynner delivers an intelligent cynical role... Regarding himself as divine, he rejects the demand of this unknown God and responds by increasing the oppression of the Hebrews...Anne Baxter is Nefretiri, the sensual princess who leaves her scar upon Moses' heart... Nefretiri is beautiful as a jewel, and her eyes green as the Cedars of Lebanon... For Moses, she is always ready to lie, to kill and betray... She is selfish in her life as certainly in her love...Edward G. Robinson plays Dathan, the chief Hebrew overseer who confessed to Rameses: "Give me my freedom and I'll give you the scepter. Give me the water girl Lilia and I'll give you the princess your heart's desire." As a treacherous overlord, he charges to the people yelling: "Go where? To drown in the sea?"Yvonne De Carlo plays Sephora, the midnight shepherdess to whom Moses is wed... Sephora couldn't fill the emptiness of Moses' heart, but promised not to be jealous of the memory...John Derek is Joshua, the stone cutter, who is totally convinced that Moses is God's Messenger...Debra Paget plays the delicate flower who quench the thirst of the working slaves... For her the hour of deliverance will never come...Sir Cedric Hardwicke plays Sethi, the mighty Pharaoh, whose words to his son mark great significance: "Who would take a throne by force that he has earned by deeds?"Nina Foch plays Bithiah, pharaoh's sister, who discovers the basket in which Moses has just floated down the Nile...Vincent Price plays Baka the sadistic, covetous, murderous whip-wielding slave-driver..."The Ten Commandments" is filled with tremendous special effects: Moses's staff turns to a snake; Moses turning the Nile to blood; the Passover of the Angel of Death striking all the Egyptian first-born; the tremendous pillar of fire which halts Rameses' men; the Exodus from Egypt; the parting of the Red Sea; and the delivery of the "Laws of life, and right, and good, and evil."The relationship between God and man is the powerful drama in our world... Moses is 'every man,' in his pride and humility, in his courage and prowess, in his love and hatred, in his weakness and confusion,in his conduct and ability...DeMille's "The Ten Commandments" is a moving story of the spirit of freedom rising in a man under the divine inspiration of his Maker... It is a remarkable spectacle with great music, filled with exceptional setting and decor...
45 stars
Enjoyable But Overlooked "Caper" Movie Twisted Into Broad Farce "Caper Films" were popular during the 1960s, with such films as CHARADE, GAMBIT, and HOW TO STEAL A MILLION popular mixes of suspense, romance, and wit. In 1967 Howard Morris, better known as a voice actor for Hannah-Barbera, took a crack at the genre--and tossed out the wit in favor of broad farce. The result is a film that might have been drawn from Morris' own cartoon background: WHO'S MINDING THE MINT, an extremely silly, extremely funny little film that deserves more attention than it presently receives.As in most farces, the story is convoluted. Harry Lucas (Jim Hutton) and Verna Baxter (Dorothy Provine) work for the federal mint in Washington D.C., where she pursues him relentlessly with good-girl invitations to dinner and bags of her inedible homemade fudge. After one difficult day, Harry accidentally knocks fifty thousand dollars into the bag of fudge Verna has inflicted upon him. Both fudge and money go into the garbage disposal, and when Harry discovers the disaster he determines to break into the mint to reprint and replace the money. He develops a clever plan to enter the mint through the sewer, but he now finds he needs all sorts of people to carry it out: a printer, a cutter, a safe cracker, a boat builder, even a young man to distract the woman whose apartment overlooks the sewer itself. What with a dog on the verge of having puppies and having to move the robbery up a day, the plan soon spirals out of control.Although Jim Hutton seems a bit too boyish to be a ladykiller, he plays well and the overall cast is quite remarkable. Dorothy Provine was a cheerful presence in her every appearance, and while she would do some more television this would be her last feature film before her self-imposed retirement. Supporting players include Milton Berle, Joey Bishop, Walter Brennan, Victor Buono, Bob Denver, Jack Gilford, and Jamie Farr, all of them notable comedy performers, and Gilford a standout in the role of the deaf safe cracker. They all play very broadly, and it is all a lot of fun. Watch it all the way through the closing titles: they are amusing as well!Sad to say, WHO'S MINDING THE MINT is presently available only on second hand VHS, but one hopes the powers-that-be will eventually get around to a DVD release. Recommended for some lightweight, laugh-out-loud fun.GFT, Amazon Reviewer
34 stars
A Masterwork of World Cinema "Tokyo Story" (1953) by Yasujiro Ozu is about the serene acceptance of the transience of life through a contemplative, compassionate love of the now. Perhaps inspired by the 1937 American filmMake Way for Tomorrow (Criterion Collection), Ozu crafts a film that utilizes Japanese aesthetic sensibilities which resonate at the same time with universal themes beginning concretely with family life among 3 generations in early 1950s Japan that then open out and blossom forth to encompass the transcendent mystery in the most immanent of things. One is reminded of William Blake's lines from the "Auguries of Innocence": "To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower; Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And an eternity in an hour." Ozu is widely seen by critics worldwide as one of the great Japanese directors along with Kurosawa and Mizoguchi, and this film as his greatest among the 54 films that he made from 1927 to his 1962An Autumn Afternoon - Criterion Collection. Two other Ozu classics areLate Spring - Criterion Collectionand the 1959Stories of Floating Weeds (A Story of Floating Weeds (1934) / Floating Weeds (1959)) - Criterion Collection;the latter has Roger Ebert speaking his cogent, insightful audio commentary--Wow! Donald Richie, who was a pioneer in bringing Ozu and Kurosawa to the attention of the West, has writtenOzu: His Life and Filmsas well as translated the screenplay ofTokyo Story: The Ozu/Noda Screenplay. David Desser has edited a wonderful collection of essays aboutOzu's Tokyo Story (Cambridge Film Handbooks), and Paul Schrader's 1972Transcendental Style In Film (Da Capo Paperback)about Ozu, Robert Bresson, and Carl Dreyer continues to show us the value of a contemplative "transcendental style" of filmmaking that is all too rarely seen in films of today."Tokyo Story" is my 2nd favorite film after Kurosawa'sIkiru - Criterion Collection. We are indeed most fortunate that since 2003 the Criterion Collection not only has restored all of the films mentioned in this review onto DVD, but also has included insightful written essays, audio commentaries, and bonus films with the DVDs. I for one feel most grateful for Criterion's dedication in bringing to us these treasures of world cinema so that they will not be forgotten, but may be experienced by all now.
45 stars
"Every move, a picture...." Although this is a movie I like a lot, I didn't actually buy it until I saw it at Target marked way down to about the price it could cost just to rent the DVD.The price, though, made me vaguely suspicious about the quality of the disk, but I decided at the very least I'd be able to watch my favorite scenes when I wanted to.It turns out this is an excellent edition. Most notably, the print is perfectly sharp, almost pristine, and it preserves W.W. Kelly's tricky cinematography -- the movie's wild and diverse colors sometimes look blurry and oversaturated when this is shown on TV.And rather than being bare bones, this disk is loaded with extras: A commentary by Lewis and Steve Lawrence (which is, admittedly, a little on the quiet side); a fine documentary about Lewis' peak solo films; a chatty documentary about the making of the movie itself; a large gallery of press materials and deleted scenes; trailers and other odds and ends.Added to which is the movie itself, which has already been discussed -- it's a strange, frequently funny, sometimes disturbing, way-ahead-of-its-time retelling of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Good deal.
45 stars
Nancy Drew on Acid nancy drew (jennifer salt) would kill to get off of staten island and become the maverick of NYC journalism. the only problem is that all she has done to this point with her 'little job" is write about rampant police corruption, isolating herself even further from the big city. what she needs is a break, and witnessing a murder, (especially a depalma split-screen murder) appears to be her ticket, if she can get anyone to listen.
45 stars
Absolutely Wonderful Movie! If this movie does not move you emotionally, you simply are not alive! Look, people say that this is a "girl movie". Well, I'm here to tell you otherwise. I am 26 years old, 6'4" tall, weigh 280 pounds. I am the kind of man who would look you in the eye and never back up. But this movie had me crying like a little whipped pup.Is this movie based in reality? No, it is not but I wouldn't have it any other way. This movie presses all the emotional buttons. It makes you laugh and it makes you cry. Look, do yourself a favour and rent it! Better yet, BUY IT!Sincerely yours,Daniel
45 stars
Movie for my nephew My nephew loves the Sandlot movies and I found this one for a great price. It was delivered on time and seems to be good value. Overall good purchase experience.
45 stars
"I've been trying to scare myself, but nothing works." Perhaps the crown jewel in producer/director/huckster extraordinaire William Castle's catalog of films, The Tingler (1959) featured a couple of gimmicks, one of them he dubbed `Percepto'. The gag was he had an army surplus motor rigged up to some seats within the theater that was showing The Tingler, with a control button in the projectionist's room and at a certain point in the feature, the projectionist would push a button sending a mild, electrical shock to some unwitting patrons to give the impression the creature in the movie was actually skulking around in the theater...it was an expensive gag, one many theater owners weren't willing to shell out the bucks for, so it didn't see widespread use...I doubt something like this could be done today in our overly litigious society, but I sure would have loved to have been there back in the day to witness the spectacle that must have ensued. Produced and directed by Castle (House on Haunted Hill, Homicidal), and written by Robb White (House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts), the film stars Vincent Price (The Fly, Scream and Scream Again, The Abominable Dr. Phibes) in the second of two features he made with Castle (the first was House on Haunted Hill). Also appearing is Darryl Hickman (Tea and Sympathy, The Iron Sheriff), Patricia Cutts (The Man Who Loved Redheads), Judith Evelyn (The Brothers Karamazov), Pamela Lincoln (Anatomy of a Psycho), and Philip Coolidge (The Mating Game, North by Northwest).The movie opens with director Castle appearing on screen, issuing a warning to the audience that if they feel a tingly sensation, they should let out a scream as it just might save their lives. Now we see a prisoner being taken down a hallway, headed for the electric chair to be juiced up...after a dimming of the lights, we then see Dr. Warren Chapin (Price) preparing to perform an autopsy on the deceased. Prior to his starting, a man named Ollie Higgins (Coolidge) enters the room, stating he's the dead man's brother-in-law. During the autopsy Warren notes the dead man's vertebrae is cracked, a mysterious but not uncommon phenomena within people who die in fear, as if some unseen force were at work (Ollie gives it the name of The Tingler). Seems Warren, when not performing the occasional autopsy for the state, is engaging in experiments involving fear and postulates if enough fear tension is built up without being released (i.e. screaming), it might actually kill a person...Ollie wheedles a ride home from Warren, whom along with his creepy, bug-eyed, deaf-mute, germophobic wife Martha (Evelyn), run a movie theater specializing in old timey movies. Eventually Warren heads home and we meet his sister-in-law Lucy (Lincoln), who's dating his assistant David (Hickman). Turns out Warren's wife Isabel (Cutts), Lucy's older sister and guardian, doesn't approve of the relationship, specifically because she doesn't want Lucy to make the mistake she did involving herself with a scientist (she seems hardly one to be making judgments on others since she spends most of her time unfaithfully tramping around on her husband), and seeing as how she controls the purse strings, it creates a problem. Warren continues his experiments, convinced there's a physical entity present when someone is in a state of fear, one that grows along with the level of terror, but the problem is once the person screams, the entity disappears...what he really needs is someone who can't release their fear tension, thereby allowing the entity to grow...hmmm, sounds like Martha might fit the bill...One of the things I like about William Castle, who tended to emulate Alfred Hitchcock, and this is entirely my own perception, is that the man seemed to have no illusions about what he was doing, or the films he was making. There aren't any attempts at grand, artistic statements here, only solid filmmaking with an eye towards entertaining audiences and making a few bucks in the process. I'm not saying he couldn't have been more than what he was (with his last film, Shanks, released in 1974, he seemed to go beyond a bit), but he knew his talents and capabilities, used what he had, the result being some of the more memorable B films of the time...again, that's just my impression after seeing a number of his later features, so I could be way off base. As far as The Tingler, apparently the idea for the story related in this movie came about after writer Robb White saw a worm-like prop intended to be used in the film House on Haunted Hill (1959). Also, I believe the financial success Castle saw from House on Haunted Hill allowed him to have the better than average production values for this film. The direction her is very strong, the performances solid, and the dialog sharp and sometimes witty. The story is actually fairly complex, as are a few of the characters, some of whom are interested in Warren's research for their own gain. I don't know what it is about Vincent Price and his characters, but it seems rare they ever have decent relationships with their wives, and here is no different...the benefit is it allows for some deliciously caustic exchanges including the following...Isabel: There's a word for you.Warren: There are several for you.Along with this one...Isabel: The only way Dave Morris will marry my sister is over my dead body.Warren: Unconventional but not impossible.As far as the creature itself it's black and looks like a cat-sized slug, sporting numerous legs and two, large antennae on one end. It's kinda hokey, but it works for the movie. While this is a black and white feature, there is an effective sequence that does use some color...I won't spoil it by going into detail, but it is one of the more interesting bits of the film. One of my favorite sequences is when Price's character, in an effort to scare himself enough to experience the effects of his own Tingler (seems everyone has one), doses himself with a whopping amount of acid, making this one of the first features to depict the drug's usage. As I said, the story is solid, but things do get a little weird by the end as Warren realizes his folly and tries to set things right. The quest for scientific discovery is important, but sometimes the end results are not worth the price.The picture quality on this DVD release, presented in anamorphic widescreen (1.85:1), looks very sharp and clean, and the Dolby Digital audio comes through excellent. Extras include both English and Spanish audio tracks, a featurette titled `Scream for Your Lives', an original scream scene sequence with voice-over by Price, another scream scene sequence made for drive-ins with voice-over by Castle, subtitles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai, liner notes on the insert, and a trailer for this film along for one for Night of the Living Dead (1990).Cookieman108Just a note, the scream scene sequences included as part of the extras involved another gimmick, one where, at a certain point in the movie, the film would be interrupted and audiences would hear Price's voice stating The Tingler is loose in the theater, and the patrons had to scream as loud as they could to avoid being the creature's next victim (the idea was to have a plant in the audience, one who would scream, faint, and subsequently have to be carried out of the theater). Castle, using his own voice, created a similar voice-over for the drive-in crowd.
45 stars
scariest movie ever Ugh! If you want something that's going to scare the &*(&*O^&* outta you, this one is it! This one gave me nightmares for months the first time I saw it; maybe it's because I kind of related to it since we have a cabin on a lake in the middle of nowhere.
45 stars
First good film all year! I heard Roger Ebert talk about this, so I tried to see it in the theatre. Unfortunately, it was limited release. I couldn't find a theatre showing it.Now that I have finally seen it on video, I have to say it's the best film I've seen all year. It's the first film I actually cared to watch to the end. The writing, directing, casting and acting are excellent.David Schwimmer should have been nominated for an Oscar. Very Truthful portrayal of an alcoholic. Much better than "Leaving Las Vegas.". Hell, This film is better than most of the junk the big studios dish out every year.
45 stars
An O.K. murder-mystery This movie bombed with the critics and at the box office and I'm not sure why. Well I get why critics panned the movie. It's poorly written and not very well acted, but what did the audience expect? Maybe they were thinking this was another remake of "The Thing", I don't know. Frankly, once you get past the lame writing and lame premise the movie serves pretty well as a murder-mystery-thriller. Granted I was able to identify the ultimate bad guy but for the usual reason, the other possibility was just too obvious. Park your brain and just go for the ride; it won't hurt even if you chuckle when you shouldn't.The 1080p Blu ray conversion is presented in a 2.40:1 aspect ratio. The look is inconsistent at best. Some scenes look very good, others murky. Still, given the harsh outdoors scenes the video is pretty good. The Dolby TruHD 5.1 on the other hand is excellent.
23 stars
Great Episode This was a great episode! Explains Doctor relationship with the Tardis in a new way. The way they did it is just genius! One of my favorite episodes with Matt Smith so far. =)
45 stars
Great Movie A movie that perfectly captures London in the 60's. It still holds up very well today. Cinematography is as good as it gets.
45 stars
Holiday In The Sun-A Great Kid's movie I liked this movie a lot, and I love Mary Kate and Ashely, they are both gorgeous as well as hot. The film was great, Rated G, acceptable for all audiences. So, this one is ok for you younger children out there. I loved the film, the story, the characters and of course Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. God, I would do anything to meet them. Well, see this film if you know what's good for you. God, I hope they make another film. I LOVE YOU MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY!
34 stars
3 stars for the 3D. 3 stars for the movie. Piranha 3DD pulls no punches in what it is. Campy,horror fun.The Piranha's are back and this time their invading an adult triple X themed water park leaving no cleavage unscathed in their path.That alone is enough to raise an eyebrow or two but this movie is surprisingly good for what it is.It never over steps its boundaries and stretches itself thin. It's fun,fast,and manages a few tense moments as well.The cast is great as well,which features appearances from David hasselhoff,Gary Busey, and Christopher Lloyd.The 3D presentation isn't bad either. I'll put it this way, If you want to see girls in Bikinis in 3D (getting eaten by blood thirsty Piranha's no less), this will probably be worth your investment.Theirs quiet a bit of depth to the films 3D,though a few pop out scenes fall short of expectation with only maybe one or two really grabbing out at you,and even then they leave a bit to be desired.Piranha 3DD is certainly worth a rental and bluray, and for the price is worth keeping around in your 3D collection. It certainly adds that extra dimension to the film that really helps emerse you in the whole experience.
23 stars
No extras to speak of but fine picture Really, The Mummy was a bit of a limited character. When Karloff played the role in the 30's under Karl Freud's direction, he spent very little time under wraps. That film, although atmospheric, is as dull as can be. Even as a kid I thought it lacked any sort of spark or excitement. Universal revived The Mummy in the 40's with a sucession of actors "playing" the role. These guys were all wrapped up in themselves. The character was played as a mindless brute and the stories were routine.Terry Fisher's The Mummy was a marked improvement over the Universal films. First and foremost is the way the action sequences were staged. Fisher and Jack Asher do a great job with these sequences despite budget limitations. Asher's photography is stunning. The DVD remains pretty true to the best presentations I've seen of The Mummy. While there are versions with brighter more vivid color, they also suffer from a lack of detail (particularly the VHS and Laserdisc versions).This time they actually put an actor under the bandages. Christopher Lee does his best to emote under tons of make up and manages to reach the audience with his eyes. They are expressive and display a wide range of emotions for the character. He's still something of a mindless brute but, well, at least he has some emotions now! Cushing is, as always, great in his role. Cushing brings makes the character energetic and his acting is extra crispy (we all know the extra crispy KFC is better than the original receipe, right?).The support cast is drawn from a stable of Hammer regulars and all are up to the task. It's not quite as stylish or sophisticated as Horror of Dracula (where Jimmy Sangster essentially just adapted some very basic plot elements from Stoker and embelished them), Curse of Frankenstein (with its marvelous portrayal of Dr. Frankenstein as a sociopath) or Revenge of Frankenstein but it has its moments.I can't comment on the widescreen presentation as I don't currently have the other versions to compare this to. I do believe (from my memory) that the color and detail is sharper in this DVD. I can't comment on the foreign edition as I don't know if the copy that was used to make the DVD was this one.Yes, it should have all sorts of extras. There's only the trailer. This film is fairly short so Warner could have included the full screen and wide screen versions as well as some sort of audio commentary. That's Warner for you. I keep hoping that Rhino will take an interest in the Hammer films and reissue them like the Warner/Atlantic music releases.
34 stars
Sorry but YUK! I was disappointed. This is definitely NOT an instructional DVD on bellydance. It was several segments of 3 women in jeans with bras or in tight black pants with bras doing simple bellydance moves. I prefer an instructional or artistic approach to bellydance. There was no effort put into pleasing surroundings. All of the sequences are against a stark white background. This DVD might work for if your reason for bellydance is to go to night clubs and bust a few moves. The DVD menu selecter was also annoying.
23 stars
Good writing and great acting in a fascinating movie Frost/Nixon is about the interviews that British TV host David Frost did with Richard Nixon after his resignation as president following the Watergate scandal. The movie, based on a play, follows Frost (Michael Sheen) as he tries to get the interviews made. I wasn't around at the time the movie is set and don't know more about the Watergate scandal than the average person but the movie was very interesting. The story may sound thin for a two hour movie but it's not. Good writing and excellent acting helped keep my interest. Frank Langella doesn't look much like Nixon but his performance was very convincing. Highly recommended for fans of political and recent history movies.
34 stars
a whole lot better than it should have been This was a surprisingly good movie. It is directed by John Stockwell (Blue Crush) and stars Kirsten Dunst and Jay Hernandez. The movie deals with some of the more common clichés that abound in teen movies. The difference is that Crazy/Beautiful handles these clichés a little bit better than most. This one takes the basic cliché of: a boy and a girl with very different backgrounds fall for each other. Director John Stockwell does a very good job with this basic story.The movie opens with Carlos (Hernandez) waking up before 5 am so he can eat breakfast and run out to catch the bus for a two hour ride to school. This is a long trip just to go to school and it shows the dedication that Carlos has to his education. He is there because he wants the education and opportunity that the better school can provide him, even if the cost is a two hour bus ride at 5:30 in the morning. The movie shifts to Nicole (Dunst) waking up. It is bright out and we see the contrast between her life and that of Carlos. They have very different home environments. It is obvious that while Carlos's neighborhood is not very good, his mother tries to do the best she can. Nicole lives in a very nice house, but has a much worse home life. A friend picks her up and Nicole gets to school the same time as Carlos.We see very quickly that Nicole is a problem kid. She skips classes, spends a lot of time drinking and talks about drugs. Carlos is a good student and excels on the football field. Carlos meets Nicole when she is doing community service as probation for a DUI. They meet again at school and there is an obvious attraction. They begin spending more and more time with each other. Carlos's focus to his education and his priorities begin slipping as Nicole seems to be dragging him down. However, Carlos and Nicole genuinely care for each other.This is a story that has been told many times in many different ways, more often than not with a teen movie (it seems to work very well with youth). The story is about tolerance, acceptance, and how love can be the impetuous for someone to change. Surprisingly, this movie was a lot better than I expected and I was impressed by how the film did not preach nor talk down to the audience. It was not as simplistic as it could have been, and for a teen film, this is a very good one. As a movie, it is nothing special, but a whole lot better than it should have been. Crazy/Beautiful is worth a rent.
34 stars
Awesome remake! I loved this remake of Fright Night. I truly enjoyed the original from the 80's so when they remade it, I was thrilled. It did not disappoint, like most remakes do. Colin Farrel is absolutely terrifying and the teen boys do a good job. The differences between those boys and the original aren't too different, except the main character is not as "nerdy" as the original. As far as the Peter Vincent character, I thought it was brilliant that they "modernized" him into a Criss Angel-type performer, which is more realistic to this day and time. Hands down, my favorite part of the movie was the cameo by Chris Sarandon - that was priceless!
45 stars
Army Wives Season Two This is an excellent program. I would recommend it for anyone who likes a good series.
45 stars
Great, but.. This 2nd its almost as good than first. The bad thing is the 5th world image of Mexico, old ways, buses, etc.and the poor Mexican geography knowledge of the writers (Sinaloa-Chiapas-Guerrero, its not a logical way of Sucre. But, on the rest is good
34 stars
This is surely a pirate? Can't believe this is a legit licensed release. Amazon supplying pirate quality DVD-R copies? Is this what the "digital revolution" was all about? Look forward to my personal release of the Star Wars series, coming soon
01 star
great series I love this series, it is so well done and the scenery is magnificent. I could have done without some of the gratuitous female breasts shots, but looking at Anson Mount made up for that!!
45 stars
THIS STAR SHINES MORE LIKE GOLD THAN TIN! Henry Fonda's career was never the same after "The Tin Star." Shedding the every man good guy persona that had made him so likeable on screen for so long, on this occasion Fonda's pretty cold, aloof and forboding as a lawman turned bounty hunter. Director, Anthony Mann's in-depth character study of the old west is made even more compelling by a startling performance from Anthony Perkins, as the too gentle for gunsmoke sheriff, to whom Fonda undertakes a shaping-up of.THE TRANSFER: The VistaVision black-and-white picture elements are in reasonably good shape. Contrast and black levels are nicely balanced. Age related artifacts are present but do not distract. Digital anomalies are also present, but again, do not distract. The audio is mono but nicely balanced.EXTRAS: Not on this disc!BOTTOM LINE: "The Tin Star" is an above average western from a time when westerns were a dime a dozen. It's thoughtful and thought-provoking and well worth a second look on DVD!
23 stars
If only American television could be this good Shown on BBC America a few months ago, this is a series worth owning. Based on Val McDermid's book series, the shows are a trimmed down version of some of the stories. I recomend the books and the television series as they both hold their own.The Wire in the Blood television series is dark, creepy, gritty, and compelling. These are psychological dramas that don't sugar-coat the crimes, the people, or the situations. They're not for everyone, but the majority of mystery/crime drama fans will find them more than satisfying. The characters are well written and acted without being standard or cliche and the stories, while dark, are a compelling look into the psychology of criminal profiling and anaylysis.Good characters, strong writing and high production standards is what really sells this series.
45 stars
I'm a sucker for a guy who screams like a little girl After the first time I watched the trailer, I knew I must see this film."A Dog's Breakfast" is reminiscent of the old school black comedies like "Arsenic and Old Lace", "The Trouble With Harry", and "A Comedy of Terrors". It's simple, funny, and twisted with quirky characters and great dialogue.The acting goes above and beyond. The chemistry between David Hewlett, Kate Hewlett, and Paul McGillion is phenomenal. And the story is an anticipation-filled gigglefest with an appropriately twisted ending.From the purposely painfully bad dialogue of Starcrossed that had me cringing to the slapstick that had me rolling; the girly screams of David Hewlett that had me cackling to the karaoke that had me twitching; the man-dog toothbrush sharing that had me gagging to the "date" that had me giggling, I completely and totally enjoyed this movie.A word of caution, though: Have a remote handy or be prepared to watch it repeatedly. You will miss things because you'll be laughing too hard.
45 stars
Campfire Tale I really enjoyed the Blair Witch Project. It reminded me of an old hometown horror tale always told by the campfire. Everyone has some sort of fear whether it be monsters in the closet, or being lost in the woods. Watching this movie from the perspective of a hand-held camera made it more interesting than the typical movie perspective. It is definately not for everyone, but if you have a respect for creativity than you'll enjoy this movie.
34 stars
Cute movie We've been watching the Sandlot series with our young grandsons and have enjoyed them all. They have all been filled with boyish humor, with only a very few off color words. It's rather hard to find appropriate movies, but this one was ok.
45 stars
low budget, awsome film I think that this movie is actually one of the top ten comedies of all time. the acting is funny as hell. the lawyer is off the hook, you need to add this baby to your collection.
45 stars
Best Romance Story Since Romeo and Juliet If every literature professors were to gather tomorrow, and select classic films for each genre of viewers, then there will be only two films in the Romance Genre. Romeo and Juliet, and Brokeback Mountain.The story allows people a peak into the hidden, but ugly side of society that still exist today. Yet even through the tragedy, it portrayed love to its finest.Definitely a film worth watching.
45 stars
For your thinking and feeling pleasure... LANTANA is not a thriller despite what the package says. It is a thrilling movie to watch, but it is not what it may want you to think it is. More than anything else it is a sad film; you ache for the characters, even the ones who cheat on their spouses. Anthony LaPaglia, Kerry Armstrong and Barbara Hershey are outstanding!(Seeing Barbara Hershey here as a troubled psychiatrist recalls her other brilliant performances in films such as A KILLING IN A SMALL TOWN-an extremely well-made and chilling tv movie from 1990.)Set in Australia, LANTANA opens with a dead woman lying in a field with one shoe missing. This shot and the nighttime driving scenes (as well as the segues) may remind you of MULHOLLAND DRIVE. LANTANA is not as twisting and complex as MULHOLLAND nor as cinematically beautiful, but it is just as strong and powerful in echoing themes of relationships gone bad, sorrow, loss, misunderstanding and miscommunication.Anthony Paglia plays a cop who is cheating on his wife, Sonja, played by Kerry Armstrong. (He later becomes involved in investigating the death of the woman from the fields. In the beginning you may wonder how the various people involved are all going to intertwine. Don't worry; they do!) Kerry Armstrong, who resembles Natalie Wood a bit, also is marvelous as Sonja, a caring wife and mother who yearns for restoration in her marriage and life and who does more than her part to try and make her marriage work.LANTANA is one of those rare undderrated, underexposed films that seems to fall quietly in your lap when you're looking for anything that is not overexposed (which translates to most Hollywood films.)
45 stars
Sweet Movie I saw this & really loved it. I even had to get a copy for my friend. More people should see this!
34 stars
34 stars
Fun Trip Picked up at a pawn shop in Florida while visiting for a wedding. I like Burt so I thought I would check it out. It is a fun little story that occasionally tricks you as to what is going on. It is part heist picture, part deepcover flick, and romance. I wondered where the money originally came from, they used the always convient cash from a casino. The Hollywood Sign itself is a co-star. It ends kinda how it begins.
34 stars
Elvis is an A+ and worth all 5 stars After viewing this movie and a co-feature called "Girls! Girls! Girls!" in a double-feature recently, I am convinced that Elvis Presley was the greatest film actor of all time. I may only be 12, but I know a great movie star when I see one. Together, these two movies provided an extraordinary evening for me, especially when they were shown together on the same billing. I really enjoyed the songs; especially "One Broken Heart For Sale", and "Return To Sender". Thank you, Elvis!
45 stars
You can see the wires One of the reasons I love Joel & Ethan Coen's films is the way they subversively explore the "big questions" (meaning and meaninglessness, fate versus chance, life, death, morality, redemption, and justice) in stories that are strange, madcap, and sometimes even slapstick.Each of their films also seems to be a combination homage and satire on tropes of older movies. Blood Simple is a Hitchcock film, The Hudsucker Proxy is a Capra film, etc.In each of their earlier films, a certain twisted sense of humor keeps you from noticing the heavyweight intellectual and philosophical issues until they percolate up from the immensely satisfying feeling of entertainment that is the first after effect of the movie.Not so here.This film is a beautiful film-noir. In every way it is true to the genre. The mood is similar to Mildred Pierce or Double Indemnity. The problem for me is the "big questions" intrude noticably. For the first time, the Coen's made me feel like they were lecturing me. They seem to have forgotten the stunning message from the end of Barton Fink (their other rather heavy-going, but more on-target movie): They need John Goodman storming down a flaming hotel corridor shouting "I'll show you the life of the mind!" They are being a bit Barton Fink-ish here.It may be that this starkness of idea is intentional. It is consistent with the stark narrative and the stark photography. It is consistent with the noir. But it lifted me out of the story, so one star is knocked off for me.If you are a Coen brothers fan, you will want this movie and you will enjoy it and it will hold your interest. But this is not the movie to show someone who has never seen a Coen brtoher movie. They will wonder what all the fuss is about. Start them out with Raising Arizona or O, Brother! Where Art Thou? or the sadly underappreciated The Hudsucker Proxy. These movies sneak their big ideas in under a broad, funny, entertaining experience. If you want to wallow in your existentialism, hang out with philosophy grad students. Or see The Man Who Wasn't There.
34 stars
Right Movie, wrong version I haven't seen this version, so the stars are "just because".Every review of this movie refers to Rick Moranis, whom was probably a child of 10 or less when this movie was produced. Please keep the reviews to the correct versions of the movies.
23 stars
Two boys' review: Made for teens, not young Spidey fans There are plenty of reviews on Amazon about this DVD. My message is simple: the DVD is suited for teens and older, not young superhero fans.WB launched a new series this year (2008) called "The Spectacular Spider-Man" that is better suited to kids under 10.
23 stars
A lotta womb for improvement Better strap on some protection, UNBORN is impregnated with cheap scares, a convoluted plot, and pathetically squalid dream sequences. If you are feeling a kick from inside telling you to PUSH! this into your dvd player, I must advise you--ABORT!!!!! Grab a hangar and kill that idea quickly. It's films like these that have turned the U.S. into the red-headed stepchild of the horror industry. Nothing shocking, creepy, or interesting about this story, other than the basic premise.Young Casey (Odette Yustman) was born with something missing--her twin sister. Damn shame too, Casey's hotter than global warming. Anyway, she's begins having some warped dreams and gets harassed by an evil spirit from another dimension. Oh joy.Basically this feels like the spoiled little demonchild of THE EXORCIST and JU-ON. Demonically dumb, send this hellacious turd back down the sewage from which it came.
12 stars
Cult This gemstone glistens! My sisters and friends Love it...our new cult film. We just had a 70's birthday party based on the movie.It is historical, hysterical fiction... so fun for that time period. Great performances by all.
45 stars
Not what I was expecting I had heard raves of this movie for years and was finally talked into watching it while friends were over. It took a good half an hour to get the story rolling. The beginning is droll and a bit depressing. The characters are quirky and unique, but entirely dsyfunctional. The movie picks up the pace when the family jumps (literally) into their old, beat-up VW van. It had funny moments, but wasn't the stitch-in-the-side comedy I was looking forward to.
23 stars
Warm and Real What I loved most about this movie was the warmth between the mother and daughter. Their intimacy was very real and tangible. I loved the way they interacted with no walls, just being themselves, open with flaws, but still loving one another. They had their lives but each one knew the other was the priority. It made me want that to happen in my life. Another thing I would like to happen is the chance to visit Starlight Beach, I think it is in San Diego. What a great sounding name for a Beach.. It sounds most romantic.Lisa Nary
45 stars
Finally Alice comes to DVD!! Received my dvds today. One of the best comedies in the 70's. An awesome dvd with every episode unedited. I can't wait for season 2. This is a must have!
45 stars
Shipped fast - perfect condition Rescue Me - The Complete Fourth SeasonShipped fast and perfect condition. Would shop with again.
45 stars
An O.K. Film First of all, you shouldn't take this movie too seriously. The opening rock and roll music suggests just that, even though I was quite disappointed by it. Before I watched this movie, I had expected it to be somewhat historically realistic. As it turned out, I found that I enjoyed the movie more when I relaxed my original expectations. But let me start with my criticisms.I'm sure many people find the music, although good by itself, to be out of place of the given setting. Queen's rock and roll music was disturbing at first, but I let it blend into the movie as it progressed. I fully enjoyed the first part of the dance scene, but I felt quite uneasy when it switched to "Golden Years". The music, "Shook Me All Night Long", in the ending credits was quite absurb. "Knocking me out with those AMERICAN thighs"??? Finally, some of the things the characters say and some of the clothes they wear was made too modern. I strongly disliked the main lady. The way she giggled, her clothing, and her hair style was inappropriate. I personally liked Kate, the blacksmith, immensely.But like I said, if you relax your expectations, you will find this movie to be uniquely entertaining. The jousting tournaments, although somewhat gruesome, was nicely done. The breakages of the lances was very graphical, and they were beautifully executed. I had no idea that the debris was actually spaghetti until I reviewed the behind-the-scenes section. The little acts of humor here and there was interesting--like reflecting a beam of sunlight straight into one of the heralds' face while he was making his presentation. I enjoyed each and every scene of the heralds' presenting their respective knights to the audience, but I marveled at Chaucer's presentations. He was, without a doubt in my mind, the biggest hit in this film. The way he acted, the words he spoke, everything...Paul Bettany brought what I had pictured Chaucer in my mind to life. Finally, I couldn't help myself to relating some elements of this film to Chaucer's Cantebury Tales. Simon the Summoner and Peter the Pardoner have indeed been stripped naked for eternity.All in all it's a great film, minus the music and the modernization. It is, by far, a smart investment of two hours of your time.
34 stars
Great Comedy/Documentary If you're a fan of Classic Game Room, then this is the show for you! Mark talks of the past and why the show was shut down. A lot of past episodes were played, and it really showed the roots to the show. I wish I bought this, but getting to watch it for a week is worth it. Have a beer, sit down, and enjoy the show! I'm glad to see Classic Game Room back up and stronger than ever.
45 stars
Great "comfort movie!" (Like comfort food.) No matter what your day has been like...sit back and watch Pride and Prejudice and feel better. It's like a warm bath and chocolate - just minus the calories. Revel in the experience!! P & P, take me away!!!
45 stars