9 values
Premise: Center staff assists with the housing search, school decisions, drivers' licenses, leisure time activities, and daycare. Hypothesis: Assistance with medicaid forms, housing searches, school decisions, driver's licensing and other matters are available from center staff.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: British action wouldn't have mattered. Hypothesis: British action would have made a big difference.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: For a half millennium or more, Madrid idled as a provincial backwater, rarely noticed on the arid central plains of Castile, until Felipe II plucked it from his royal cap in 1561 and proclaimed it the capital of Spain. Hypothesis: Madrid became the capital of Spain as the decision of Felipe II.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: In general, the definitions in W have been clarified, simplified, and made more precise in L . Also, the citations in W have either been omitted, where unnecessary, or paraphrased, and sources are not given. Hypothesis: We have not been able to simplify the text.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Saudi Arabia and the United States supplied billions of dollars worth of secret assistance to rebel groups in Afghanistan fighting the Soviet occupation. Hypothesis: The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was not accepted by the United States and Saudi Arabia.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Formally defined as the standard deviation of demand divided by average demand, the coefficient of variation can be considered a measure of variation that is normalized; it allows us to compare the variation of demand for different products, even if the average demand of the two products is quite different. Hypothesis: We have no way of comparing the demand for different products.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: I mean I'm sure I have read I just can't even remember what, Dr. Zhivago, I read that. Hypothesis: I am certain that I can remember what Dr. Zhivago read.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The finest is the huge conical-roofed Tomb/Pillar of Absalom (King David's son). Hypothesis: The Tomb/Pillar of Absalom has a large cone-shaped roof.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Figure 14.5 shows our basic results in regard to average profit margin for different levels of technology adoption. Hypothesis: The basic results are shown in figure 14.5.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Climate changes had already had the effect of reducing the amount of forest land; the monks accelerated this process by clearing many more acres in order to make room for ever-growing herds of sheep. Hypothesis: The effect of reducing the amount of forest land is habitats will be destroyed.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: The new rights are nice enough Hypothesis: The latest privileges are adequate
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Thirty-one privately-funded scholarships totaling $82.000 awarded to students annually Hypothesis: The number of privately-funded scholarships is expected to grow in the future.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Charles Geveden has introduced legislation that will increase the Access to Justice supplement on court filing fees. Hypothesis: Charles Geveden initiated a law that will essentially lower court filing fees.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: yes well yeah i am um actually actually i think that i at the higher level education i don't think there's so much of a problem there it's pretty much funded well there are small colleges that i'm sure are struggling Hypothesis: Small colleges usually have trouble with funding and resources.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: The more popular offerings include kuru fasulye (haricot beans in tomato sauce), patlecan kizartmas (aubergine fried in olive oil and garlic), and a range of salads. Hypothesis: Fasulye is made from lamb and a variety of spices.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: He worked, he's a teacher, and at that time he worked as the principal of that school, of that school, because it was a, like a high school, there was, from first (grade) to high school. Hypothesis: The man is a stripper, and a damn good one at that.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: The last 12 years of his life are a blank. Hypothesis: He spent the last 12 years of his life in an alcoholic blackout
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: The father wove an animated tale about a boy named Chaim, who had great diculty remaining quiet during the holiday service. Hypothesis: The single father of two told a boring story.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: These two accounts are commonly combined in discussing the Social Security program. Hypothesis: The Social Security program involves the combination of these two accounts.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: so i really i really don't have heart burn at all with doing it myself over four nights tie i tied the car up if four days but we're fortunate we didn't need it Hypothesis: I tied the car up for four nights but I had heartburn the entire time.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: made it yeah made it all the way through four years of college playing ball but Hypothesis: I played basketball in college.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: and have been back and every now and then some news filters in that they went to see some of the old things and of course the savings and loan program um that was that you know that that just continued to grow in fact after my group i mean we were just a very small specialized group too to get that going and spread and then of course Peace Corps bowed out of that because that's uh uh something that nationalized very quickly and the same with the coops Hypothesis: Every once in awhile some news comes in about the program.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: This year's challenge is to keep pace with our growing membership through increased levels of support from every facet of the organization-board and committee members, staff, volunteers, alumni, and other friends. Hypothesis: This year we'll have to lay off some staff because of shrinking participation.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Texas has contributed a few good words to the English language without any help from Spanish or Mexican. Hypothesis: Without any help from Spanish or Mexican, Texas has contributed a few good words to the English language.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: When Isaac Bashevis Singer was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1978, he remarked in his acceptance Hypothesis: Isaac Bashevis Singer was not awarded anything in 1978.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: At 10:00:03, Jarrah stabilized the airplane. Hypothesis: Around exactly 10 o'clock, Jarrah got control of the airplane.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Had we had more money we would have facilitated more conferences. Hypothesis: With more money, it would mean that we could have educated people about cold calling.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: That had been made by the Cadets (Constitutional Democrats) under Prince Lvov. Hypothesis: The Cadets made that under Prince Lvov.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Text box 4.1 describes how the NIPA and unified budget concepts differ. Hypothesis: Text box 4.1 does not explain anything about NIPA.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Most of the book is an A-Z listing of words that are, for the most part, sexist, but, as the author sets forth in the User's Guide, Some words are included here because they are Is a belly dancer always a woman? Hypothesis: The book's content is made up entirely of sexist words.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: well that's right because uh one day it'll be eighty and the next day it'll be about thirty below i tell you what and uh Hypothesis: In the eastern United States the temperature often changes quickly.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Muslims believe that these revelations, given to the greatest and last of a chain of prophets stretching from Abraham through Jesus, complete God's message to humanity. Hypothesis: Muslims believe that the revelations are the rest of God's message to humanity about how to treat each other.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: I guess he thought you'd turned up your toes. Hypothesis: I am assuming that he guessed about your situation.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Let us now pass on to the names of some clothing items that Texans borrowed and then passed on to the rest of the sombrero, mantilla, poncho, rebozo, serape , and huarache . A number of animals and vegetables followed the same avocado from aguacate; mesquite; sapodilla from zapote; guayule; coyote; armadillo; ocelot from ocelote; chaparral ; and javalina from jabalina . Since cattle ranching is common to both sides of the border, it should come as no surprise that there has been an exchange of ranch-related lariat from la reata; bronco; lasso from lazo; rodeo; chaps from chaparreras; charro; hackamore from j?¡quima; mustang from mestengo ; and quirt from cuerda or cuarta . Hypothesis: Many items were named after Mexican words, like chupacabra.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: The space age began with the launch of Sputnik in October 1957. Hypothesis: Sputnik's launch took many years to plan.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Challenges to Restore Public Confidence in Hypothesis: There will be town hall meetings held to address the public's concerns.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: At 8:48, while the controller was still trying to locate American 11, a New York Center manager provided the following report on a Command Center teleconference about American 11: Hypothesis: The controller found American 11 before the New York Center was able to issue the following report.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: It was still night. Hypothesis: The sun was blazing in the sky, darkness nowhere to be seen.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The first pertains to operational performance, or the ability of a supplier to respond to lean retailing replenishment requirements. Hypothesis: The first thing mentioned is a philosophical discussion on why you should stop eating sushi.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Um, do you have a, one of those types of stories? Hypothesis: I'm sorry you don't have any stories to tell.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: my parents uh were sailing uh this last year down off uh Costa Rica and they took about two weeks and went into i don't even know the name of the river there but they went white water rafting and Mom said it was absolutely just a wonderful experience she said it was truly incredible Hypothesis: I was surprised to hear from my mom that she had gone white water rafting.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: By 1920, over half of the spinning and weaving capacity was in the South, leading industrialization there. Hypothesis: Most of the weaving capacity was in the North.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: He sat up, trying to free himself. Hypothesis: He was trying to break free while sitting up.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Many of the popular accounts of quick response, rapid replenishment, and supply-chain management assume that all parties'consumers, retailers, and suppliers'win as a result of these policies. Hypothesis: It is widely known that things like quick response result in negative outcomes for both retailers and consumers.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Information regarding inadequate classrooms, moot court facilities, offices, the library and support service areas follow the above paragraphs. Hypothesis: Information about inadequate community or services is listed above.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Also, lack of winter freezes means that mites normally killed off by the cold will survive. Hypothesis: During the heat wave the mites burst into flames.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Likewise, at their production decision reviews, these programs did not capture manufacturing and product reliability knowledge consistent with best practices. Hypothesis: Their production decision reviews located an anomaly in the data.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: There is a term in English for a tennis player reaching a height, for a brief stretch or longer, when he cannot miss, and tennis people call it zoning . I have not heard it used in other cases, but when used it seems to equal tener duende . I do not know whether that use of duende has reached Portuguese speakers in Brazil or Portugal, but if it has not, it probably will soon, because so many Portuguese speakers are bilingual in Spanish. Hypothesis: Zoning does not seem like it could be possible.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Well, who told you that story? Hypothesis: Who was it that described that story to you?
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: How can parents beat the time bind ? Hypothesis: How can parents find more time for their children?
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: In June 1984 I moved from Ottawa to Victoria, on Vancouver Island, where I now enjoy genteel retirement. Hypothesis: I moved to Victoria in 1983
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Model yields an estimate of the percentage change in a household's demand for postage as a result of owning a computer Hypothesis: There is a change in the use of postage depending on whether a household owns a computer.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: For example, even at age 2, they waited patiently to open a small gift until a guest had departed'proper etiquette in Chinese culture. Hypothesis: They couldn't wait to open a small gift when they were very small.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: that's true i didn't think about that Hypothesis: You informed me of a new perspective.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Julius Caesar's nephew Octavian took the name Augustus; Rome ceased to be a republic, and became an empire. Hypothesis: Octavian, Julius Caesar's nephew, took the name Augustus; Rome ceased to be a republic, and became an empire.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Consequently, Sydney begins to move toward independent solving of the puzzle. Hypothesis: Sydney asks her dad for help with the next puzzle.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Had Jessica been thinking about Tyrone's zone, she might have framed the items on her list this Hypothesis: Jessica hadn't considered Tyrone's zone when she was dealing with her list.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: This joint attention to objects and events fosters early language development. Hypothesis: This lack of joint attention will never have any effect on early language development.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Among infiuential explanations of why preschoolers are so drawn to pretending, Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Piaget's cognitive theory held sway for much of the twentieth century. Hypothesis: Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Piaget's cognitive theory explains why preschoolers like to pretend.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Talia, mother of a 7-year- My son Anselmo, a first grader, constantly asks us to help him with his homework. Hypothesis: Anselmo is 10 years old and he never asks us for help with homework.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: By 8:33, it had reached its assigned cruising altitude of 31,000 feet. Hypothesis: By 8:33, it hadn't climbed to above 20,000 feet.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Pound services ensure that lost pets have a clean and safe place to stay and be cared for until their owners can be located. Hypothesis: Pounds are filthy and dangerous places to keep animals.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: In addition, because funding is secured on an Hypothesis: In addition, because funding isn't secured on an
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: yeah uh-huh oh yeah petting zoos and things Hypothesis: Nothing related to petting zoos.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: In the 95 paper, I extend Tuleja my sympathies. Hypothesis: I am sorry for Tuleja.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Army, and became an instructor at Fort Bragg. Hypothesis: He was never an instructor at Fort Bragg.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: He was waiting for the Scotland Yard men. Hypothesis: The Scotland Yard men were coming.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Gerth's prize-winning articles do not mention a CIA report concluding that U.S. security was not harmed by the 1996 accident review. Hypothesis: Gerth won prizes even though he didn't mention a CIA report.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Don Quixote is listed in the Appendix, but I could not find him in the dictionary, nor could I find quixotic, Queen of Sheba, Jeeves, Venus, Einstein (for `genius'), Hitler (for `demagogue, tryant'), Attila the Hun (for `barbarian'), Robinson Crusoe (for `castaway; lonely person')'but man Friday is in' Horatio Alger, Narcissus , etc. Hypothesis: Don Quixote is listed in the appendix but not in the dictionary.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: The case law is a whole body unto itself. Hypothesis: The case law is a whole body unto itself, because it perplexes some people.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: It is one of those rare cases in which I can please everyone. Hypothesis: It is a rare situation that lets me make everybody happy.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Bin Ladin declined, apparently judging that his circumstances in Afghanistan remained more favorable than the Iraqi alternative. Hypothesis: Judging that his circumstances in Afghanistan remained more favorable than the Iraqi alternative, Bin Laden declined.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: A chancy road winding up to the 475-metre (1,560-foot) summit is likely to test the engine and suspension of your car, as well as your own persistence. Hypothesis: It is a short and easy trip to get to the summit.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Now you're in, in what grade? Hypothesis: You dropped out of school.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: And then there was never like any female blood Averetts until like my oldest cousin had kids. Hypothesis: There were no female Averetts until my oldest cousin finally had children because my family genetic line seemed to by chance favor the birth of boys.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: After the high emotion of de Gaulle's march down the Champs-Elys??es, the business of post-war reconstruction, though boosted by the generous aid of the Americans' Mar?­shall Plan, proved arduous, and the wartime alliance of de Gaulle's conservatives and the Communist Party soon broke down. Hypothesis: The Marshall Plan was not concocted until 1918.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: He was waiting for the Scotland Yard men. Hypothesis: He wasn't waiting for anything.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: A list of the schools served during the 1996-97 school year is enclosed. Hypothesis: Here is a list of the schools we served.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: More than the actual events, inaccurate government accounts of those events made it appear that the military was notified in time to respond to two of the hijackings, raising questions about the adequacy of the response. Hypothesis: The government lied about whether the military was notified.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Jarrah's objective was to crash his airliner into symbols of the American Republic, the Capitol or the White House. Hypothesis: Jarrah was ordered to destroy symbols of America.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Lean retailing has also changed the way the textile industry relates to both apparel producers and retailers. Hypothesis: There are no relationships between the apparel producers and retailers.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: In DOD's current acquisition environment, the customer is willing to trade time and money for the highest performing weapon system possible. Hypothesis: This is so they can blow the most shit up.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: iii Program Letter 1998-1, published on February 12, 1998, called upon all LSC recipients to analyze any progress made toward the development of the legal services model envisioned by state planners. Hypothesis: All models are subject to analysis.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Second, reducing the rate of HIV transmission is in any event not the only social goal worth If it were, we'd outlaw sex entirely. Hypothesis: Reducing HIV is important, but there are also other worthy causes.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: About someone who is in complete charge of a project, they could say, He runs things completely! Hypothesis: 'He is completely useless!', is what they could say about someone who is in complete charge of a project.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: have that well and it doesn't seem like very many people uh are really i mean there's a lot of people that are on death row but there's not very many people that actually um do get killed Hypothesis: Most people on death row end up living out their lives awaiting execution.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: To begin with, the adoption of bar codes came before rapid replenishment arrangements because retailers required a low-cost means of collecting information at the detailed product level for their own use'that is, they first developed an efficient method for scanning prices at the check-out register and tracking products for internal inventory purposes. Hypothesis: Bar codes were never adopted for information collection by retailers.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Bin Ladin has stated flatly,Our fight against these governments is not separate from our fight against you. Hypothesis: The fights were all kept completely separate.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: My name is Gloria Cotton. Hypothesis: I suffer from amnesia and don't remember my name.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Has that directive been transmitted to the aircraft? Hypothesis: Has the aircraft had the directive transmitted to it?
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: They are levied through the power of the Government to compel payment, and the person or entity that pays these fees does not receive anything of value from the Government in exchange. Hypothesis: They are not levied through the power of the Government to compel payment.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: hm oh is oh that's great uh-huh do you get the full benefits Hypothesis: That's wonderful.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Then watch your gift multiply. Hypothesis: Watch your gift multiply.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: football and baseball and Hypothesis: Neither football nor baseball.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: The bull start making his noises and all that other stuff. Hypothesis: The bull made a lot of noise.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: during the whole war he never put out like a conservation a conservation effort for oil Hypothesis: The Iraq war battlefield often contained many oil fields.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: The thin plastic sheet effectively cuts off the flow of room air through the fabric. Hypothesis: Room air can destroy the fabric if it's not controlled.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Your investment is critical to making our community a better place. Hypothesis: The investment is critical.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The guidelines do not apply to inpatient hospital services and hospice services and will be used by Medicare fiscal intermediaries to determine the maximum allowable costs of the therapy services. Hypothesis: When it comes to therapy services the policies and procedures are not relevant.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: June 21, 1995, provides the specific requirements for assessing and reporting on controls. Hypothesis: There are no specific requirements for assessment.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction