9 values
Premise: No government can go against [the laws of economics] with impunity and get away with it. Hypothesis: The laws of economics do not apply to governments.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The groundwork for a true global terrorist network was being laid. Hypothesis: No effect was made into spreading this across the globe.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: It will be held in the Maryland woods, and the telecast will consist of jittery footage of the contestants' slow descent into madness as they are systematically stalked and disappeared/disqualified by Bob Barker. Hypothesis: The show will be set in Florida.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Perhaps present water called for some stylistic celebration. Hypothesis: No water called for celebration.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Possibly, but strychnine is a fairly rapid drug in its action. Hypothesis: Strychnine is used to treat flu symptoms in horses.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Marking cartons and containers for shipment according to channel-wide standards can speed up distribution. Hypothesis: It is unwise to incorporate the new standards because they will slow down distribution.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: I am inclined to prefer perjink and its derivatives. Hypothesis: Perjink and its derivatives are attractive to me.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: One bakes Flipper. Hypothesis: Flipper was baked.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: The Kal nodded. Hypothesis: The Kal then nodded its head up and down to signal that it wanted to fight.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: But my main object in choosing the passage was to illustrate the way in which Shakespeare could move from the literal to the metaphorical or metaphysical in his use of a legal term. Hypothesis: I just wanted to show that Shakespeare meant to be just literal.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Did you have lots of storybooks at your house that were read to you? Hypothesis: Did you read a lot of the books from the library?
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Working groups were established to coordinate training statewide, to focus on the establishment of a statewide website and to continue coordination and sharing in technology matters. Hypothesis: Groups were formed to coordinate technology training around the state.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: W follows the (useful) practice of listing a shortened pronunciation key on each right-hand page; L 's failure to do so is a disadvantage, notwithstanding the simplicity of their system, for the user must ferret about to find the description given on page xxii to clarify any question. Hypothesis: Using L's work, while their system is generally easy to use, one must turn to page xxii to find a pronunciation guide, while W lists such a guide on every right-hand page.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: (The Amalgamated and ILGWU merged in 1995 to form the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees'or UNITE!) Hypothesis: Amalgamated and ILGWU joined together in 1995 to get the majority of the market share.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Even when make-believe does fulfill a child's wishes, such pleasure is not unique to play. Hypothesis: The pleasure of make-believe is enjoyed by children outside of play.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: If you have any questions about this report, please contact Henry R. Wray, Senior Associate General Counsel, at (202) 512-8581. Hypothesis: Henry R. Wray will always be available to answer your calls and respond to any questions you may have.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: They won't be killing off George Clooney's character at ER like they did to Jimmy Smits at NYPD . Instead, Dr. Doug Ross is being forced out over the next two episodes because the maverick heartthrob gives an unauthorized painkiller to a terminally ill boy (Thursday, 10 p.m.). Hypothesis: George Clooney will lose his job because the producers don't think he can act.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: We look forward to your written response, membership support, and having the opportunity to work with you. Hypothesis: Please do not respond to this message or try to contact us.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The President told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see an excited reaction at a moment of crisis. Hypothesis: The President thought acting in an excited manner would be best during a crisis.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Probably one of the first ones that was ever read to me the first one I can remember is my cousins Mary and Glenda reading Trumpet the Dog. Hypothesis: I remember my cousins getting me a copy of Trumpet the Dog for my birthday and reading it to me.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Not surprisingly, then, Fannie Mae's public-relations operation is unparalleled in Washington. Hypothesis: Fannie Mae has great public-relations.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The standardized shipping container marker'which is possible only because of the existence of bar codes in the first place'provides a scannable description of a carton that can be electronically associated with data files containing specific information on the individual products shipped to the retailer. Hypothesis: Bar codes are the best technology created for shipping container markers.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Forecasting Demand for New Products Hypothesis: Predicting the demand for lawnmowers.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Of the despised and wily but accommodating Greek, Juvenal says In caelum iusseris, Tell him to go to the sky, and he will be off. Hypothesis: Juvenal likes the Greek.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Hearty Sabbath meals. Hypothesis: There are 5 differant meats in our sabbath foods.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Many restaurants and bars have live music. Hypothesis: Most restaurants and bars do not have a musical element.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: you know we keep a couple hundred dollars um if that much charged on those which isn't too bad it's just your normal Hypothesis: We have money on there, which isn't great
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: The music industry, well, you want more of the juicy, sordid details. Hypothesis: You want more of the gossip.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: She will step down from the court in December 2002. Hypothesis: She's going to step down from the court in the winter of 2002, after all those years.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Although a seemingly mundane, tactical aspect of business, a firm's inventory strategy reflects its approach to managing risk. Hypothesis: A solid inventory strategy is often indicative of a conservative risk management style.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Recently in Chambers I came across the adjective perjink , a Scots word given also in Collins , but not in any of the other desk dictionaries I it means finical. Hypothesis: The origins of the Scottish adjective perjink can be traced back to medieval Scotland.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Bin Ladin had to tell the Libyans who had been part of his Islamic army that he could no longer protect them and that they had to leave the country. Hypothesis: Some Libyans chose to stay and fight with Bin Laden.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Now suppose there is a private delivery firm in Cleveland that is competing with the postal service. Hypothesis: The private delivery firm would struggle to provide the same services as the postal service.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Catch up on the Indian avant-garde and the bohemian people of Caletta at the Academy of Fine Arts on the southeast corner of the Maidan. Hypothesis: The Academy of Fine Arts is located in Northern Maidan.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: The CEO and CFO's vision was to make Pfizer the preeminent corporate finance organization in the industry. Hypothesis: Pfizer will look to become the worst car dealership in northern Montana under the CEO's leadership.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: The Kal nodded. Hypothesis: The Kal then shook its head side to side.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: I still read history. Hypothesis: I still read history books every month.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: The next two chapters examine apparel operations, starting with a look at the use of information technologies and automation equipment in the preassembly stages of garment-making (Chapter 8) and then the sewing room (Chapter 9). Hypothesis: Information technologies within the context of the preassembly stages of garment-making are examined in Chapter 8.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The enterprises that compose the apparel and textile industries manufacture a wide variety of products, and the mix has also changed since the postwar era. Hypothesis: Apparel and textile manufacturers produce the same types of products that they have always manufactured since the postwar era.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: in one sense um i'm i'm an older person in my fifties so i feel that we've lost some things in the sense that women have to work today Hypothesis: I don't think my age has anything to do with how I feel.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Any dollar amount you wish to contribute is fine. Hypothesis: You can give as much, or as little, money as you wish.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Although claims data provide the most accurate information about health care use, ensuring adequate follow-up for purposes of obtaining information from patient self-report is important because many people do not report alcohol-related events to insurance compa-nies. Hypothesis: Alcohol related events that contribute to disease are often unreported by patients to their insurance companies.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The main gate of the churchyard leads out to Greyfriars Place, and across the street you will find an excellent view of one of Scotland's newest museums. Hypothesis: The new museum was built around two years ago, and showcases Scotland's natural history.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: In late October a young woman librarian at the college took me to a flower-arranging exhibition. Hypothesis: It was mid-December when the old woman took me to an ice skating competition.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Here you'll find many clothing stores for all ages and a large branch of Dunnes Stores, an Irish clothes- and food-shop chain. Hypothesis: Dunnes Stores is a popular place for tourists to shop.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: However, SCR installations designed to comply with the NOX SIP Call are generally already into the installation process or, at a minimum, into the engineering phase of the project. Hypothesis: SCR installs only have NOX SIP to comply with.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Letters in support or condemnation of the QES program (though one may assume they will insist on programme ) should be addressed to Mrs Anne Shelley, Secretary, Queen's English Society, 3 Manor Crescent, Guildford GU2 6NF, England. Hypothesis: The letters about the QES program should be sent to Mrs. Anne Shelley.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: He was defeated by the alerted, unarmed passengers of United 93. Hypothesis: The person was beat down by the people on the plane.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Witness the following conclusion by a researcher who compared American with Japanese infant rearing An American mother-infant relationship consists of two individuals . . . a Japanese mother-infant relationship consists of only one individual, i.e., mother and infant are not divided. Hypothesis: There are lots of things that can be taught to an infant.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: GAO's recommendations are intended to improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of an agency's operations and to improve the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people. Hypothesis: The GAO works for the benefit of the American people and it's government agencies.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Indeed, Hannah's tale suggests that young children denied these supports can still profit from them later, if such supports are available and they have the fortitude to capitalize on them. Hypothesis: Hannah's story suggests that young kids that don't have support can still get them later from people outside their family.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: experiencing cost growth, manufacturing problems with test aircraft, and testing delays. Hypothesis: Testing is an integral part of making planes safe.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: The Congress, which controls our funding levels, began to include many members who did not support the purpose and goals of a federal civil legal services program. Hypothesis: the congress is generally responsible for controlling funding levels.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Everything is a celebration. Hypothesis: Absolutely nothing is a celebration.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: What idiots girls are! Hypothesis: They thought the girls were stupid.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: On 4 5 May a mass of mud and rocks was swept down by Pelee's White River (Riviyre Blanche) over a factory, killing 25 people. Hypothesis: Mud and rocks were swept 200 miles down the river.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: They made up stories sometimes, my mother in particular, she made up stories. Hypothesis: My mother was fond of making up stories.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The Kal tangled both of Adrin's arms, keeping the blades far away. Hypothesis: Adrin's arms were tangled, keeping his blades away from Kal.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: The time was 9:38. Hypothesis: The time was the busiest time of the stock market.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: 18 The advantage of using VMI programs stems from the retailer and manufacturer working together to determine a flow of shipments that optimizes the economics of the two parties as a system. Hypothesis: Many retailers work with foreign manufacturers in business.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: She would save everything. Hypothesis: She kept everything.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Through the use of its own proprietary standard, Wal-Mart gathered and exchanged information among its stores, distribution centers, and the main office in Bentonville, Arkansas, to monitor sales, place orders based on those sales, track shipments to the distribution centers, and coordinate the flow of materials and information throughout the system. Hypothesis: Walmart coordinated the flow of information and materials by exchanging information between its stores, centers, and main office.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: It can be done, he said at last. Hypothesis: It is impossible.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: I put it to you that, wearing a suit of Mr. Inglethorp's clothes, with a black beard trimmed to resemble his, you were there ”and signed the register in his name! Hypothesis: He was wearing gym clothes and made sure to shave his beard in order to look like Mr. Inglethorp.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Besides going to Valencia for paella, the compleat traveler in Spain should experience duende . This is not easy to arrange, however, for duende , unlike paella, cannot be made to order. Hypothesis: Duende from Valencia tastes much better than paella does.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: um-hum yeah that's very true you know how many is it they say we have so many lawyers in this country and i guess i i live near Washington being in in Baltimore it's something like one in four people in the Washington Hypothesis: There are barely any lawyers in this country.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: The dramatic cliffs of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range hug the coastline of the entire northwest and north, from Andratx all the way to the Cape of Formentor. Hypothesis: The Serra de Tramuntana mountains are far away from the coast.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: yes they would they just wouldn't be able to own the kind of automobiles that they think they deserve to own or the kind of homes that we think we deserve to own we might have to you know just be able to i think if we a generation went without debt then the next generation like if if our our generation my husband and i we're twenty eight if we lived our lives and didn't become you know indebted like you know our generation before us that um the budget would balance and that we became accustomed to living with what we could afford which we wouldn't be destitute i mean we wouldn't be living on the street by any means but just compared to how spoiled we are we would be in our own minds but i feel like the generation after us would oh man it it would be so good it would be so much better it wouldn't be perfect but then they could learn to live with what what they could afford to save to buy and if you want a nicer car than that well you save a little longer Hypothesis: Society would be perfect and there would be no more war if we could just rid ourselves of our debt.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Many are based on industry-recognized models such as the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), PRICE, Putnam, and Jensen. Hypothesis: COCOMO is the most popular industry-recognised model.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Thousands of Hoosier motorists have been doing just that by purchasing environmental license plates. Hypothesis: This small act has a big impact.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: yeah yeah i think well i know it's true you see a lot of that you know rally behind the female she may lose but by golly we're going to make a statement here Hypothesis: It wouldn't count for anything if we rallied behind a female candidate.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Hoping to find a lake is included Hypothesis: It encompasses the hope of finding a lake.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Only written or printed Chinese provides the glue to hold the Babel together. Hypothesis: Only written or printed Chinese holds the Babel together, but the words are sometimes written in invisible ink.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: But after September 1996, when first Jalalabad and then Kabul fell to the Taliban, Bin Ladin cemented his ties with them. Hypothesis: Bin Ladin knew what he was doing in Jalalabad.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: (The Amalgamated and ILGWU merged in 1995 to form the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees'or UNITE!) Hypothesis: Amalgamated and ILGWU broke apart in 1995.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: and he's an engineer so he even came over and set it up for me and had it running for like two hundred dollars so i thought that Hypothesis: It took me hours to figure out how to set it up myself.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: He moved on to open his own retail stores, restaurants, sales organizations, a manufacturing company and a public relations firm. Hypothesis: He opened several things including a public relations firm.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: If the company makes money on the policy, other insurers are expected to follow. Hypothesis: If Geico makes a profit on their new renters policy, other companies will likely follow their lead.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: But you will find it all right." Hypothesis: You will find it acceptable.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Both professors soon realized that creating a new language was not an easy task. Hypothesis: Professors realized it was hard to make a new language.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: His checked bag was screened for explosives and then loaded on the plane. Hypothesis: The bag he checked was loaded on the plane after being screened for explosives.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: The creation of a national highway system in the 1950s further fostered the development of mass retailing by opening vast new spaces in suburban malls. Hypothesis: The national highway system was a blow to mass retailing.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Annette told me how you'd escaped. Hypothesis: Annette told me you escaped through the window.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Benchmarked by U.S. Hypothesis: Benchmark in America.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: It's hard enough for her to make good decisions when she's surrounded by support. Hypothesis: Good decisions are hard even with support.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: pogonip Another sure-fire dictionary not a quick drink snatched while riding a bouncy stick, but a fog laden with particles of ice. Hypothesis: Instead of taking a drink while dancing on a bouncy stick, imbibe the air laden with droplets of rain.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Some were in business and some were talking about starting a business. Hypothesis: There were some that already had a business and others that were just starting.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: As for belly dancers, not only have I never heard of a male belly dancer but find the very idea more exotic than erotic. Hypothesis: I think male belly dancers would be simply disgusting.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: It had at most one or two minutes to react to the unidentified plane approaching Washington, and the fighters were in the wrong place to be able to help. Hypothesis: The fighters were in a different place.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Confronted with a violent Islamist movement that killed President Anwar Sadat in 1981, the Egyptian government combined harsh repression of Islamic militants with harassment of moderate Islamic scholars and authors, driving many into exile. Hypothesis: The Egyptian government became more lenient with Islamic militants after President Anwar Sadat was killed in 1981.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: At some point between 9:16 and 9:26, Barbara Olson called her husband, Ted Olson, the solicitor general of the United States. Hypothesis: Ted Olson does not work for the U.S. Government.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: . Mr. Whopsle, being knocked up, was in such a very bad temper. Hypothesis: Mr. Whopsle was furious.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: The controller only heard something unintelligible; he did not hear the specific words we have some planes. Hypothesis: The controller heard specific words from the transmission.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: We found no evidence that, at this critical time, NORAD's top commanders, in Florida or Cheyenne Mountain, coordinated with their counterparts at FAA headquarters to improve awareness and organize a common response. Hypothesis: NORAD sent their top commanders to a conference call and immediately began working out a resolution.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: When all the individual pieces of the garment have been modified and entered into the computer system, the final garment pattern is ready to be cut and sewn into a sample garment. Hypothesis: You can't start cutting and sewing a garment before the individual pieces are entered into the computer system.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: The street ends at Taksim Square (Taksim Meydane), the heart of modern Istanbul, lined with luxurious five-star hotels and the glass-fronted Ataturk Cultural Centre (Ataturk Keleter Sarayy), also called the Opera House. Hypothesis: The street is in the heart of Istanbul.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: You wonder whether he could win a general election coming out of the right lane of the Democratic Party. Hypothesis: He might run in a general election for governor while he is a conservative Democrat.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: This one-time staple has been replaced by shirts of dizzying diversity in fabric, design, and style, providing the final consumer with a huge assortment of shirts while exposing retailers and manufacturers to increased risk of holding large volumes of unsold goods. Hypothesis: Final consumers have less diversity in choices of shirts these days.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: uh it's in Georgia it's yeah it's right outside of Macon and and it's just a i like the way that i like the way that idea of the south is Hypothesis: It's located just outside of Macon in Georgia.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: However, the excitement and motivation of that goal is often diminished by the difficult financial constraints that students experience. Hypothesis: Students run into financial constraints because every student that we accept is poor.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral