1 value
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what if a man never in the moon to have se
i tend to make a few typos as well but i think you mean "mood" not moon. (the man in the moon should not be having sex at all. ). sexual desire is very very complex and can involve a variety of cultural emotional psychological and even biological factors. unfortunately since i do not know anything about this man or have the ability to examine him i cannot be of much help. as someone who cares you should encourage him to see his medical provider to start the evaluation process. hi you need something to lift your libido have you had your testosterone levels checked its just a blood test that would give you one idea on how your doing. google these two title's its a lists i put together for ed. nohards herb list with links nohards herbs for ed part 2 there some libido boosters amongst them just read the links some of may just help. one last thing are you on any meds some side effects of antidepressants statins for high cholesterol diabetes drugs and a whole host of other things that can kill our sex lives alcohol stress smoking self image being over weight low testosterone as well as high testosterone this gives overkill anger and your general health. do hope something here helps. good luck i am getting a feeling that he must not be into women. that or he is just not physically attracted to you. find another fish in the sea. then you need to make yourself more sexually attractive. you could also consider introducing another woman into the mix. seek someone else
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i accidentally ran my insulin vial through the wash in my jeans pocket. should i discard the vial? . washed in warm wate
probably. it may be best to use a new vial of insulin that has been properly stored. not knowing the exact type of insulin you are using you can make a call to the pharmacy that supplies it for you. the pharmacist is an excellent resource to address you concern in a more patient-specific manner.
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can diabetes affect finger prints
not unless the diabetic is having some serious peripheral vascular problems resulting in infections. diabetics that are not in control can lose toes. or feet so it is possible that fingertips could be adversely affected as well but as a rule diabetes alone will not alter finger prints
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does a shot for your thyroid releive poison ivy and the itching
what kind of shot for your thyroid? can you repost your question and be more specific?
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why does my pee smell like rotton eggs. i drink a lot of water and iam also drinking lemon and water but sometimes my pee smells like rotton eggs i notice that i dont eat aspargus often so i know that is not the cause
urine can have an odor when it is very concentrated or from other foods. some foods (such as asparagus) vitamins and antibiotics (such as penicillin ) can cause urine to have a different odor. a sweet fruity odor may be caused by uncontrolled diabetes. a urinary tract infection (uti) can cause a bad odor. urine that smells like maple syrup can mean maple syrup urine disease when the body can't break down certain amino acids. a rotten smell should be medically-investigated at least by a urinalysis.
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does bad breath have anything to do with ketone
a person in ketosis. from diabetes to dietary fasting. will have very challenging breath.
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does man have "period"? . women have period. they bleed and change emotions. men of course don't bleed but sometimes become really upset or angry for no reason. so is that period for men
no men do not have cyclic hormonal changes like a woman's monthly menstrual cycle but men can certainly have random periods of anger due to surges of their own (male) hormones (testosterone) or for a dozen other reasons. the bursts of anger would not be cyclic.
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my a1c was 5. 9 should my dr have talked about prediabetes with me
based on a set of criteria a hga1c level between 5. 7 and 6. 4% is prediabetes. this means that there is an increased risk for developing diabetes. essentially prediabetes describes a group of people with blood sugar levels between normal and the level used to diagnose someone with overt diabetes. it's important to discuss this with your health care provider since this category carries an increased risk of both diabetes and heart disease. most people in this category are overweight and have developed resistance to the actions of insulin. to help reduce your risk of developing overt diabetes and to reduce your risk of heart disease requires simple actions: routine exercise and weight management through reduce calories and nutritional knowledge. muscles are the primary site of action for insulin so get moving find an activity you enjoy and commit to a change in your priorities and lifestyle. these actions help utilize sugars burn fat and improve insulin's function. all of which reduce your risks of both diseases.
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had an abortion 4 days ago. the next day i was fine but since then i've been in agony getting worse and worse. normal? . i had my abortion on saturday due to medical complications (endometriosis and cysts). on sunday i was completely fine no pain just period-like symptoms. since early monday morning however i've had sharp dagger-like pain in my vaginal area to the point that i'm screaming in pain when i wipe after i pee. my cramps have now turned into just pure pain and even my thyroid in my neck is causing me agony which is making me wonder if i have an infection as no antiseptic was used during the procedur
having agonizing pain is not normal. you need to immediately contact the doctor or clinic that performed this procedure and be examined as soon as possible.
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circumcision as a cure for bed wetting. we are currently living in a developing country. our 12-year-old son wets his bed almost every night. we used to have a beeper that would trigger when he was starting to urinate at night but the device broke down and we cannot get one here. it seemed effective though. . now a phycisian here suggests to perform a circumcision in order to solve the bed wetting issue. i'm wondering if this really is a standard solution and if there is scientific research proving this
ridiculous! most of the men and boys on this planet are uncircumcised. just the way god made them. uncircumcised boys do not wet the bed more than circumcised boys and going through this unnecessary and painful procedure for a 12-year old is not a cure for his bedwetting. the only exception would be if his foreskin was so tight that he is having difficulty urinating and his foreskin is "ballooning" from trapped urine when he pees. even then there are ways of fixing a tight foreskin without circumcision. there are medications that can help. assuming you can get them in your country. that can really really help. desmopressin (ddavp) is what i have used for years for bedwetting and in my opinion works like a charm in the vast majority of bedwetters. one major cause of bedwetting is the lack of adh (anti-diuretic hormone). a hormone that reduces the amount of urine that is produced at night. if a young boy does not have enough of this natural hormone the body will continue to produce urine at the same rate is day-time. not something that is desirable. desmopressin replaces this hormone. clearly his doctor is suggesting a surgery and i absolutely do not agree with this unorthodox approach. consider seeing a child endocrinologist. even if you have to travel to a larger city or at least suggest desmopressin as a non-surgical approach. your son needs help. bedwetting is embarrassing and it is not his fault.
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can low testosterone level cause increased frequency of urination and prostate enlargement
most helpful answer low testosterone can cause a drop in sex drive poor erections and enlarged breast. its common in men and there are treatment options that include injections patches gels etc. one possible side effect of testosterone treatment is an enlargement of the prostate or bph with symptoms that can cause urinary frequency. in men this hormone is responsible for features such as facial pubic and body hair. it also helps maintain your sex drive and sperm production. the symptoms you describe seem more directly related to prostate or bladder problems rather than a low testosterone. speak with your doctor to get examined and treated if needed.
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what’s the best diet for great glutes
quality: stick to whole foods. abandon processed and refined products because they’re not real food just “food-like” products. i like to call them science fair projects. most are laced with refined sugars that play havoc with your insulin levels resulting in a never-ending appetite for more junk. keep it simple. veggies fruits lean proteins and whole grains. eat smart fats that are healthy and satisfying like avocados and nuts. don’t forget to combine protein and fiber like a high protein greek yogurt with walnuts and blueberries. quantity: even if you’re eating whole foods you still have to rein in the calories and control your portions. steamed raw and grilled veggies especially the watery ones you can feast on. watery not densely sugared fruits are best (apples oranges berries melons). be careful with the whole grains especially bread products rice and pasta. make sure you read the labels and stick with one serving when you eat. you’ll need 4-6 oz of lean protein at any one sitting. frequency: eat a balanced meal or snack every 3-4 hours. if you do you’ll feel satisfied enough to eat less throughout the day resulting in more rapid and effective weight removal. make sure to cut off eating after dinner (which should be ideally no later than 8pm). or if you’re up and moving around after dinner and are truly hungry a 100-150 calorie healthy snack is acceptable like a yogurt or cottage cheese or an ounce of cheese.
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i am 18 and my height is just 164 cm. help! . when i visited my the doc when i was 16 after getting all the hormones checked she suggested that i could go for hgh injections but i didn't go with that because it was costly an i believed that i still had time to grow. now i'm 18 and my height is 164 cm. do you think i could still go for that treatment since it was more than 2 years ago? will it be effective now
that would be up to the endocrinologist but most people by the age of 18 have reached their adult height. hgh will not help if your growth plates have closed (you need an x-ray to make that determination). this issue is best handled by a specialist -- an endocrinologist. hi this link is from webmd its about hgh. <link> i think that you should really give this a good read through before you start any5thing especially the last piece about all the side effects. look at it this way some guys are small and the rest just bigger in some other way just because your small does not mean your as big as them its not height that makes you big its who you are but end of the day its just your body make up or just nature but your still get through life as you are. hope this helps you. good luck
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how effective is generic thyroid medicatio
it should be equally as effective as any brand-name thyroid product assuming you are prescribed the correct dosage for your condition.
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my daughter is 5 literally everyday she either pees her pants or doesn't wipe after pooping or peeing help! . she always has an excuse as to why it has happened; we've tried everything from disciplaning to rewarding and from telling her that she will smell and no one will want to be around her and we've tried just letting her sit in it all day. nothing has worked and i'm at my wits end! .
please don't let her sit in soiled pants all day or other punishments. this can create even more physical or psychological issues. your first step is to see he medical provider to make sure there are no medical reasons for this behavior. how would you feel if she had a urinary tract infection or diabetes or a gastrointestinal disorder? if nothing is found they you can work on behavior approaches. way different than what you are doing. your pediatrician can help or you can see a child psychologist. this problem can and will be solved but it is going to take some patience and understanding on your part and a different behavioral strategy.
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can women take small amounts of testosterone for a short while
yes if the testosterone is specifically prescribed by a medical professional for a specific medical reason. some feel that it may increase libido but taking male hormones can come with a price. women do make small amounts of testosterone on their own but if you take too much you will likely get hairy develop a deeper voice and start to masculinize.
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do people with low blood sugar need lots of water? do they have to drink more then normal people? and i pee constantly
most helpful answer the issue would not be low blood sugar but high blood sugar. increased thirst and increased urination are signs of diabetes not low blood sugar. i would strongly suggest that you see your medical provider for a proper investigation of these symptoms.
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can you still get a period with both tubes removed? ovaries are still present
the menstrual flow comes from a shedding of the endometrial lining in your uterus. not from the tubes. as long as you have a uterus and that uterus is stimulated by the hormones in your ovaries you can still get a period. the fallopian tubes are only for the transport of an egg to your uterus so if you had both tubes removed but still have your uterus you can have a menses. if you do not have a uterus your bleeding is from a different cause so it would be prudent to consult a gyn.
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why would triglyceride levels be very high when ldl and hdl levels are normal
elevated triglycerides are most often driven by a poor diet or one that is rich in simple carbohydrates such as sugar and fructose. very high intakes of carbs or more than 60% of total calories results in blood tests with high tg's and low hdl. about a third of us adults have high tg's with levels greater than 150. this blood fat is affected by weight fat distribution and other factors. but overwhelmingly studies have shown that most adults with high triglycerides are overweight or obese. these studies are based on measurements of bmi or body mass index. high blood tg's can result from a decrease in breakdown. for example in people with type 2 diabetes or with insulin resistant there seems to be a defect in tg's metabolism. a blood test in someone with these conditions often reveals high tg's normal ldl and low hdl levels. it's common to see lab result showing a normal ldl level when tg's are very high. yet this is a falsely normal ldl level. a better estimate of your true ldl value can be calculated by your healthcare provider. primarily the treatments for high triglycerides rest on diet management exercise and weight loss.
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peeing alot back to back. okay so for like a week or so i will urinate and then 15 minutes or sooner i will feel like i have to urinate again. or i will leak a little in my pants. and not like 1 drip like a few. i am 21 years old and am in college and usually i would go before every class but now i am having to leave class 1 or two times and its interfering with my studies. what is the problem
there is a problem and it would be helpful to know if you are male or female. but with that said you need to go to student health or your primary care medical provider for a urinalysis and perhaps a blood sugar test. in females urethritis or a urinary tract infection is high on the list. in males one needs to think about prostatitis. for both diabetes needs to be considered (especially if you are having a desire to drink all of the time as well). there are many other causes of course but the internet poses some significant barriers when it comes to making accurate blind diagnoses. you need to see a medical provider now. don't wait any more time.
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have had ed for many years. is it to late for help? . prostatectomy at age 49. ed last 10 years
most helpful answer i think it would be worth a consultation to the urologist. if you had nerve loss/damage as a result of your prostatectomy there may be little that can be done medically but you may qualify for penile implant. hi have a look on www franktalk. org ed is the words on there and is were your find a lot of guys some on drugs like viagra and its brothers some doing trimex injections others with implants or like me i did my own thing got over ed with herbs and a hormone. so you have a good mix you should find lots to read or just join and ask on the forums some us of do help if we can but your find its very friendly and lots of open discussions. see how you get on. good luck if no nerve loss/damage is there options other than surgery?
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can u stop growing at the age of 14? . hello i am concerned for my sons height. he is currently 14 and about 5'4 (height in feet) i'd say he has hit puberty but recently he has seemed to stop growing as much as he did last year which is worrying me. is this normal
the height that a person achieves is primarily genetically-determined. every normally healthy person will stop growing at some point. some as early as 14 (usually girls) and some in later teen years (usually boys). the only way to know if growth has stopped is to see an endocrinologist and have an x-ray exam to check the status of his growth plates and perhaps his human growth hormone level. the bone-age test will not show if his growth velocity has slowed down or is slowing down however.
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what specialist takes care of hipotyroid . lots of hair lose wehigt gain not able to lose weigth problemas sleeping depreciation. presently taking synthroid 0. 137 mg per da
hypothyroidism can be treated by an endocrinologist or internist.
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could taking valium result in a false positive on a pregnancy test
no this would not be likely. pregnancy tests check for hcg a hormone that is chemically different than the valium.
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my doctor wants to prescibe januvia before using metformin or a sulfonylurea. . she says i am too young to start on metformin
well i don't know how old you are but metformin is fine and less-expensive. unless you have good insurance januvia (no generic) is very costly. is your doctor a diabetes specialist (endocrinologist)?
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can a type 2 diabetic eat unsweetened applesauc
if your diabetes is well-controlled unsweetened applesauce should not be a problem. you can always monitor your response however by checking your blood sugar in an hour or two after you eat.
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safe frequency of masturbation? concerned about physical aspects of masturbation frequency due to age/diabetes. based in india i am a 67 yr old healthy diabetic male been masturbating since age 14 +sexual contacts with females healthy outlook for sex with no guilt or psychological issues. have ed problem due to diabetes/medication and masturbate 2/3 times/week no issues with heart kidney liver gastro std as yet no side effects except high bp mild prostate problem. presently on medication for bp/diabetes. my question:for my condition what is the safe frequency of masturbation & whether it is good for heart
masturbation is not harmful to you or your heart. hi at masturbating 3 times a week this will not do you any harm its keeping your prostate healthy and it wont do you the world of good at 67 just keep it going. i'm 68 and still have a good sex life after having ed and getting over that for me ed was just a hic-cup in my sex life but for you with diabetes as you say ed is a side effect of the meds so your really lucky to be masturbating. but do keep it up. good luck there's no particular safe or unsafe frequency for masturbation; it is not inherently harmful - other than the possibility that you accidentally injure yourself if you are too vigorous (for lack of a better word). it is not bad for your heart and since you are not experiencing any psychological issues as a result there is little you have to worry about. it depends on how much stimulation you need or want which might be more or less than someone else. your heart is in no more danger from masturbation than from anything else you might do in the course of your day.
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wife & i have not had sex for over 10 years. now we are trying but w/ just finger she has vaginal pain. due to illiness we somehow let an active sex life go away. now in our later years our health has improved and we would like to add sex but there is vaginal pain in foreplay
she needs to see her gynecologist for a careful exam. i don't know your wife's age but vaginal dryness/atrophy is common as natural hormones wane. she may just need an estrogen cream and/or some vaginal lubricant but it would be wise to make sure there is nothing else wrong first. i am sure this can be solved and both of you will be able to enjoy healthy sexual experiences again.
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i have been urinating frequently and very thirsty. should i worry? . i am 18 years old and a college student. within the last two days i have noticed that i am a lot thirstier than normal and i am also urinating more often. the past two nights i wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and i usually never wake up. should i be worried about diabetes
you should be tested for diabetes. yes. a simple blood glucose test and a urine test is all you need. and you don't even have to study for them. while there are other medical reasons for these symptoms diabetes should be ruled out especially if it runs in your family.
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i urine 5-6 times at night what do i do? . saw the doctor & urine & blood drawn out. all exams came out good. i am only 38 years old pretty healthy
i don't lknow if you are male or female but one consideraton would be diabetes so i am pleased that your "tests were normal". seeing a urologist to determine if you have a bladder abnormality like residual urine or prostate issues (if you are male) would be a next step.
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it looks like my baby has a diaper rash on her face what could this be? she is exclusively breastfed 3 weeks old
as you know i can't see this rash over the internet but newborns can get several types of skin eruptions. atopic dermatitis (eczema) milia "newborn acne" (from the mother's maternal hormones) and moisture/heat related skin eruptions. just to name a few.
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how can i bee a little bit taller? . hi <positive_smiley>. how can i grow like 10 extra cms or so? and is it anyway possible? ! . thanks <positive_smiley
i don't know your age or state of maturation but in most cases our final adult height is determined at the moment of conception. while diet tends to play a role while you are still growing there is little that can be done once your growth plates have closed. if you are shorter than you should be (again based on your age) one should consult an endocrinologist. human growth hormone can increase height if this expensive medication is appropriate and approved by your insurance company. repost your question with more information especially your age and the heights of your biological parents.
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i have pcos. why do i gain weight if i'm active and eat well? can i get back to the way i was last year (100 lbs less)? . i used to be a model. very healthly and very active. i went on the birth control pill for a couple of weeks but they made me very sick so i went off of them. that is when this all started. i have always been very active and very healthy. now i'm losing all of my hair; very seldom do i menstrate; i have excessive body hair growth; i gained about 100 pounds; and i have many more symptoms. i have been tossed back and fourth between doctors and noone helps me: they just brush me off on to others
pcos is the most common hormonal problem in young women. it can cause infertility diabetes and an increased risk of some cancers. the signs of this condition often include irregular periods acne and increase or abnormal distribution of body hair. most women with pcos have problems with weight management. there are many treatments that target specific goals: oral contraception normalizes periods improves acne and can help reduce facial hair; diabetes medications help improve insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of insulin resistant and type 2 diabetes; ovulation induction can help women achieve pregnancy; but dieting exercise and weight loss are the cornerstone of treatment and targets all of the above. pcos cannot be cured but it can be treated so it’s important to stick to your treatment. even more critical is that you know what your treatments targets. not all women with pcos have the same objectives when seeking medical care. it appears that your goal is successful weight loss and weight management. you need a health care team that knows how to handle weight issues more aggressively. set realistic goals: what are your pounds per week to loss? what’s a reasonable calorie restriction for you? what’s your exercise plan? and how will you monitor these intervention and stick with your plan? your plan will help you and your healthcare providers move you toward weight loss and better health. one of many suggestions that i give patients are apps for smart phones and a buddy systems for exercise. you'll be more accountable and likely to follow through. at the time of your follow up your doctor will then have information to push more aggressively through better nutritional consultation prescription medications or surgery. do not take this lightly! i went several years after being diagnosed with pcos and having mds tell me to exercise and diet even though i was. they looked at me like i was crazy and just flat out lieing to them. it took me many many years to find a doctor that actually did some tests which lead to a biopsy which was possitive for cancer. everyone else said i was too young in my early 30's to have any such problem. the biopsy results came in on a friday morning and i had a full hysterectomy and oopherectomy the following monday. after i healed from surgery i lost a 50 pounds without doing anything different at all. i still continue to loose weight without doing anything extreme. im about 35 pounds overweight my self 40 yr old male loved to eat and had a few problems with my health. so i turned evil and went on a 10 day lemonwater cleansing. lost 14 pounds and i feel better. my outlook on everything has changed in 10 painful and long days. so i say to you give it a try. you dont have to go 10 days just start out for 3 days and see how you feel! the more days you do it is the more toxins leaving your body. goodluck to ya! i have a friend who has pcos and successfully got many of the symptoms under control including the weight gain and had 2 children. the key though is finding the right doctor who will really partner with you on getting it under control. my message to you is that it's not hopeless but with all the ways it affects your hormones a doctor is really going to need to work with you. i found this article that had a bunch of info. you might already know all this stuff but if you don't i hope it helps. <link> i am not a doctor nor do i claim to be able to completely and utterly answer your question. but one thing that is (likely) happening is that your insulin level is increasing. this would be one cause of the lack of menstruation you're having. also though birth control makes you sick you may want to try a different type. with pcos there are a lot of hormones that are "out of whack. " birth control helped me in the past keeping control of my cycle (though not all of the time). i would speak with a gynecologist or an endocrinologist(sp? ).
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what are the treatment options for low estrogen levels in a young woman? . i have had depression for the past 10 months and always felt that it was hormonal. about a month ago i got diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and it got me thinking that i should get my hormone levels tested to see if that was the cause of my depression. i got a saliva hormone test done and the results showed that i had menopausal levels of estrogen (i'm only 21! ). are saliva hormone tests acurate? what are my treatment options? should i share my results with my doctor and see what she thinks
the low estrogen level could be the result of stress hormones on the brain and not early menopause. depression can cause alterations in the complex interaction of hormones that result in monthly periods. restoring balance into your life by treating depression might be all you need to regularize your periods. yet other hormones should also be analyzed. simple blood or urine test are needed to determine whether this is the result of depression or something directly hormonal. premature ovarian failure elevated prolactin levels thyroid disease etc occasionally more specialized stimulation test are needed as is a referral to a hormone specialist such as an endocrinologist or reproductive endocrinologist. for now protecting your bones is utterly important until a definite diagnosis is made. a diet rich in calcium vitamin d and estrogen are considerations to prevent bone loss and restore periods. birth control is an option given your age but a more intensive evaluation is needed first.
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why did my daughter stop having her period? . my daughter is 13 and started her period over 6 months ago but the last 2 months she hasn't had one. is that normal? should i be concerned that she isn't having her period anymore
for girls just entering puberty it’s not unusual to have irregular periods. at the beginning of this stage of development not having regular and monthly periods is not uncommon. most likely her body is adjusting to what will be a very complex interplay of hormones that result in breast develop fat redistribution bone maturation and monthly periods. otherwise known as puberty this is a complete delicate and permanent change in her body. however other clues to look at are stress changes in weight and excess exercise. many girls participate in daily and strenuous physical activity and this can alter the delicate hormones that result in monthly cycles. often if exercise is excessive and accompanied by extreme weight loss this can cause missed periods. if you’ve notice an increase in facial hair acne or if she is overweight consider a prediabetes-like condition known as pcos. a family history is important. are there other women that have had late onset of periods irregular period or excess body hair? her missed periods could be a normal part of development. this is the perfect time for her and you to visit the pediatrician. your daughter is entering a completely new stage of her life and she will have many questions about her body and the changes that will happen physically and emotionally. this is an excellent question. it sound like you and your daughter have a close relationship and can talk about these things easily which is great. during the first couple of years after a girl starts menstruating her periods may be irregular. several things can cause a young woman to miss a period including being underweight overweight or under a lot of stress. of course a key question here and i don't mean to be indelicate is: is your daughter sexually active? it's not unheard of for girls as young as 13 to be involved with boys. obviously if your daughter is sexually active then a home pregnancy test is warranted. also has your daughter seen a gynecologist yet? since she has started menstruating and is having irregular periods it might be a good idea for her to have her first pelvic exam. a gynecologist can answer all of your (and her) questions about puberty and what to expect. best wishes to you both! elizabeth no my daughter is not sexually active. so we can rule that one out. any other suggestions?
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is stress causes acne? . one of my friend told me that acne is caused by stress. is it really true or not? . tell me the causes of acne so that i can clear it that stress is a cause or not
most helpful answer stress can make any illness or condition seem worse but stress is not a direct cause of acne. acne is basically caused by hormones that result in oily skin clogged pores and a proliferation of acne-causing bacteria. rod moser pa phd if acne caused by hormones then how one can balance them to stop causing acne. as one of my friend is suffering form a severe acne. she is using betnovate to cure pimple at night. and after curing pimple within 2-3 days she used retino-a. but within 2-3 days she got a new pimple on her face and she apply the same for that too. she become frustrate by this unending process and want to get rid of it. i thought she is having very much stress that's why she is having such severe acne problem. but as per your concern this is caused by hormones so please recommend something batter for her asap.
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can insulin be taken the day before a colonoscopy
yes. you should not stop your dose of insulin. make sure your doctors know you are a diabetic on insulin.
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can insulin cause uti
no insulin is not the cause. just having diabetes can predispose a person to have a uti or other infections.
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son was dianosed with atypical growth hormone deficiency. is growth hormone therapy safe? insurance denied coverage. my son is a 13yr old 8th grader whose height is 4'8 and weight 78lbs
growth hormone therapy is safe if you do have an hgh deficiency. this hormone is very expensive so it would be best to pressure your insurance company to approve it with the help of your pediatric endocrinologist assertiveness of course.
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can hypothyroid disease lead to diabetes
they are two very different endocrine disorders. one does not lead to the other but certainly a person can have both.
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is purtier deer placenta is a real stem cell theraphy supplement? . i got into a talk that are selling supplement in malaysia which is purtier from riway which claim to heal all disease such as diabetes and even aids through consuming of the product. how true is this product and it is really able to cure all the disease
i think the idea/concept and claims are absolutely ridiculous. don't waist your money on such quackery.
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are cold sores a symptom of thyroid disease
no. cold sores are the skin lesion of the herpes type 1 virus. it is not associated with thyroid disease.
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what kind of doctor do i need to see to get female hormone pills if your a man? . im already in therapy i just want to know what kind of doctor i need to se
see a medical doctor who has some expertise in gender reassignment otherwise you are not likely to be prescribed any estrogen.
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can toenail fungus cause fatigue and dizziness? . i have been extremely fatigued and get dizzy a lot any can not figure out what is causing it. i have been to the dr a few times for it and had blood work done ( thyroid iron cbc b12 cmp a1c) and everything has come back normal. i feel like a zombie. i get plenty of sleep most nights 7 hrs. i have had a fungus or something on my left big toenail for a couple yrs and i'm wondering if that could be causing me to feel like crap
toenail fungus will not cause systemic symptoms but if your immune system is somewhat weak or challenged you would be more prone to getting a fungal infection. this would be the only likely association. if you feel poorly it is not due to the toenail issue.
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do doctors give depo provera shots to men who have very bad sexual problems
no. the female hormone in depo provera (progesterone) would cause even more sexual difficulties.
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i think i took 2 thyroid pills this morning by mistake? what should i do? . i take. 88mcg of levothyroxine. i am 58 yrs. ol
nothing. you and your thyroid will be fine.
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can you spill keatones with type 2 diabetes
of course. you can definitely have ketones show up in your urine if your diabetes (type i or ii) is not in control.
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should 87 year old woman take hormone pill
what kind of hormones. there are many different hormones. if you are talking about estrogen (the female hormone) i would say that there is really no reason for any woman of her advanced age to need it but she can certainly talk with her medical provider. i am guessing that the answer will be the same.
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what can cause active children to be overweight. my 7 year old daughter is very active but is very overweight. we eat healthy balanced meals & don't snack in between meals. she has been tested for diabetes thyroid & has seen a dietician to no avail. she was put on a strict diet by the dietician & gained weight instead. help i want to help her lose the weight before it's too late
the biggest factor may be genetics -- not something that you can change unfortunately. it is still impossible to increase weight without eating more calories than you body needs to maintain weight so her diet may still need some adjustments. she may be sneaking in extra calories at night or at school. i worry about the "strict diet" comment. while i do not know her height and weight children are growing and must have sufficient calories for that. you don't want her to cry because she is hungry or develop a negative self-image about her weight. when she becomes a teenager these messages can backfire and you could end up with a bulimic child so be very very careful. keep an accurate food diary and see where you can trim. give her a huge salad and non-calorie drink before dinner and pace the speed of her eating. serve dinner on a plate (a small plate) and do not have leftovers. be more like a restaurant than an all-you-can-eat buffet. have low-calorie snacks (sugar free jello) apples etc. for dessert but make her wait an hour or so after dinner. involve the whole family. at her age losing a pound or so a month is a triumph. even if she stays the same this is progress. in a few years hormones are going to be playing a significant role and the strategies will change.
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no overys hotflashes 2 years will they stop? . etopic pregnancys no overys taking no more hormones hotflashes are killing me took replacement pills for 27 years stopped 2 years ago doctor said they would stop after a few months didn't. does anyone no how memapose works for a woman with no overys? please help! thank you mar
most women continue to have hot flashes one year after menopause. however hot flushes can continue for a few years. with time fewer women suffer from these symptoms and hot flushes eventually go away. most women don’t require treatment. yet some women have severe and frequent episodes that disrupt their quality of life sleep work etc estrogen is the most effective treatment for hot flushes. but other treatments also alleviate symptoms and help women not tolerating these episodes. lifestyle changes antidepressants and seizure-type medications are a few options that have been used. sorry to hear your story. there is a product called hot flash eliminator. it deals with the hot flashes. it is garanteed and more important it is safe to use. for more info: www. hotflasheliminator. com i hope this helps.
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how can i decrease my appetite
let's say you've already had a healthy balanced meal so that you're not hungry (hunger is a physical phenomenon and tells the body "i need food for survival") but your appetite (appetite is a psychological phenomenon and is about "i want food" because it tastes great) get stirred up. that means you should be fine but you're getting tempted. here are a few things you can do to quell appetite and rein in over-eating: 1) brush your teeth and/or use mouth wash. that'll take the tastiness out of most foods. 2) if you have to have something eat something that expands your stomach with few calories--- a low cal soup lots of veggies. 3) stay completely away from any sugary foods. the refined sugar will cause your insulin to spike and you'll end up with a ravenous appetite for more. talk about shooting yourself in the foot! 4) get plenty of sleep! this keeps the levels of leptin (a hormone that helps you feel satisfied) high to help control appetite.
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is it safe to take thyroid support by natra bio? it works for the reasons i took it but it is self prescribed. my father has thryoid problems so it runs in the family. i had unexplained weight gain and loss it fluctuated within hours. i had low energy and was easily streesed depressed and then happy. i started taking the thyroid support and have found that i have tons of energy am pretty consistently happy and loss of weight ( which matches how i eat). however every doctor i have gone to says my thyroid levels are fine
i’ve consistently advised my patients to say away from supplements to treat ‘thyroid problems’ mainly because many otc's contain iodine and claim to boost thyroid function. because iodine has medicinal purposes these treatments can cause harm if handled without knowledge. thyroid boosters that contain iodine can cause scarring and eventually lead to a loss of thyroid gland function. to be safe have your healthcare provider review the labeling of the supplement and get your thyroid tested regularly. in iodine sufficient countries like the u. s. or u. k. salt and bread are supplemented with iodine to help fulfill the rda.
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what is hypopituitarism
this means your pituitary gland is functioning below normal. the pituitary gland is tiny organ located at the base of the brain. it produces chemicals that affect levels of many different hormones in your body. hormones help control day-to-day body functions such as metabolism growth sleep and sexual development. tests can help determine if you have low hormone levels. if you do different treatments are available to help relieve your symptoms.
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my daughters insulin level is 32 and the doctor recommend she takes metformmin. i'd rather change our diet and exercise
do both. then when she is adequately controlled you can ask the doctor to tapir off the metformin or stop it all together if her dietary changes are successful and permanent. hi i had a friend in the uk did all his diabetes control just by diet worked for him for many years. good luck
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do i have telogen effluvium? i have lost 75% of my hair and doctors can find no cause or solution - what do i do? . i am a female (33) and experiencing extreme hair loss for 3 1/2 years. i have lost at least 75% of my hair. blood tests for thyroid and kidneys are normal. and negative results of pcos. i have a bmi of 19 and am moderately active. i take daily vitamins and supplements and there has been no change or improvement. i experience stress but nothing different over the last 3 years. there is no family history of hair loss or hair thinning. i took birth control for 10 years but do not take it now
it is unlikely that telogen effluvium. the loss of hair that is in the "resting stage" would result in progressive loss of 75% of your scalp hair. have you seen a high-level dermatologist. one that is associated with a large university-based medical center. dear dr moser i have only been to my gp and gyno about this. both say they have 'no answer'. my thyroid and kidney function is 'normal'. i have not been referred to a dermatologist because neither dr think it is a dermatological 'issue' as the quality of my hair has not changed (still soft fine shinny silky) and my scalp appears healthy. i still believe there must be a cause for this sudden and dramatic hair loss. should i still pursue a second opinion?
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can suppliments like whey protein shakes enhance height in a 14 year old male who is 5' 1'' now? . the young man is from nepal with mother's height of 5' father at 5' 8. young man is active soccer player in excellent health. consumes generally indo-nepali meals and fast foods (w/o beef). he is asking for height enhancing drugs/ supplements. any advice to parents
there are no height-enhancing drugs or diets. any claims that this can help would be false. this young man should have a consultation with a pediatric endocrinologist. this is the specialist who can determine if hgh (human growth hormone) therapy would be appropriate in his particular case.
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can an asthma attack cause petechiae of the ey
are you sure it is a petechiae in your eye and not a tiny subconjunctival hemorrhage? hard coughing common in uncontrolled asthma can cause an innocent capillary rupture/hemorrhage in the conjunctiva but not really true petechiae (these occur on skin surfaces).
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is viral pneumonia contageous? will steam help
the virus that caused the pneumonia may be contagious but not the pneumonia. there are no viruses that particularly cause pneumonia; any of the respiratory viruses (and there are over 200 of them ) can do it. exposure to someone with viral pneumonia is more likely to cause a simple cold in someone else or nothing at all. increasing humidity or steam can help.
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can newborn babies be born addicted to prednisone if the mom took it for asthma in the last trimeste
no. prednisone is not addictive nor does it remain in the body for very long. in carefully prescribed doses when treating asthma it would not hurt the baby.
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what is this cold going around! i've been sick for over a week now and just lost my voice last night. any remedies? . it started with a scratchy throat runny nose plugged ears and cough. i have had it for over a week and now it has moved down i to my chest making it hard to breathe. it's a raspy feeling when i inhale and now i have lost my voice and sound like a bad squeak toy. help! any remedies to get through thi
there are over 200 known viruses that cause a cold and those cold symptoms and each person reacts differently. you can have more than one of those viruses at the same time. colds last a week and there are not remedies that have been scientifically proven to shorten that course. assuming you do not develop a secondary infection you should be feeling better soon. all of those cold medications are for controlling those annoying symptoms but they will not "cure" anything. generally cold and flu like symptoms is due to viral infection of upper respiratory tract i. e nose and throat. people recover from this in about a week or two. if your symptoms are persisting for long you may be down with secondary bacterial infections of respirator tract. better consult your doctor and get yourself tested for proper medications. we advise herbal mix of immunomodulator herbs that will help to improve your body defense functions. guduchi haridra tulsi and triphala together in equal proportion at dose of 3 gms twice daily with honey.
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i have had chronic shortness of breath for about two weeks. it feels like i'm breathing in water. i have had chronic shortness of breath for about two weeks. for the first couple of months it was just coming and going now it is constant. also it feels like i'm breathing in water a lot or i have water in my chest. i am not coughing up anything or coughing at all. no new medicines not feeling sick (besides the shortness of breath) or flulike haven't been swimming. i also get chest pains in the right side of my chest. it's really bothersome just want it to go away! any ideas? thanks
i have plenty of ideas. hundreds in fact but an idea is not a definitive diagnosis. you need to see a medical provider so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated. you may need some diagnostic tests like a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia or asthma. since i do not know anything about you your medical history or have any way of examining you my best advice is for you to be carefully examined.
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how is asthma in children diagnosed
asthma in children can often be diagnosed based on medical history symptoms and a physical exam. keep in mind that oftentimes when you take your infant or older child to the doctor with asthma symptoms the symptoms may be gone by the time the doctor evaluates the child. that’s why parents are key in helping the doctor understand the child’s signs and symptoms of asthma. medical history and asthma symptom description: your child's doctor will be interested in any history of breathing problems you or your child may have had as well as a family history of asthma allergies a skin condition called eczema or other lung disease. it is important that you describe your child's symptoms -- cough wheezing shortness of breath chest pain or tightness -- in detail including when and how often these symptoms have been occurring. physical exam: during the physical examination the doctor will listen to your child's heart and lungs and look for signs of an allergic nose or eyes. tests: many children will also have a chest x-ray and for those ages 6 and older a simple lung function test called spirometry. spirometry measures the amount of air in the lungs and how fast it can be exhaled. the results help the doctor determine how severe the asthma is. other tests may also be ordered to help identify particular " asthma triggers " for your child's asthma. these tests may include allergy skin testing blood tests (ige or rast) and x-rays to determine if sinus infections or gastroesophageal reflux disease ( gerd ) are complicating asthma. learn more about diagnosing asthma. a new asthma test that measures the amount of nitric oxide in the breath (eno) may now be available in your community.
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can cpap machine cause pleuris
no. pleurisy is inflammation of the outside lining of the lung and lung cavity usually caused by a virus. the cpap will not cause pleurisy.
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is smoking hookah once bad for you? . i know its just as bad as smoking but will once time get you cancer lung problems etc.
most helpful answer you will not likely have any long-term health effects from doing this once but don't make it a habit. all forms of smoking is bad for the lungs but our body does have a remarkable way of forgiving these isolated transgressions. take care of your lungs my friend.
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is it possible for a fingernail clipping that flys up your nose to get into your brain or something equally dangerous? . i was clipping my fingernails and a small clipping flew up and i felt it hit/go into my right nostril. i immediately grabbed a tissue plugged the left nostril and blew but didn't see it come out. i've tried that several times since. i know logically that it might have hit my nose and fallen right back out but of course i'm worried that it flew up into my nose. i'm afraid to breathe through my nose! where would/could it go if it flew up there? is there any connection to your brain
there is no direct anatomical connection between your nasal passageway and your brain so a tiny object like a fingernail clipping would not likely cause you harm. objects in the nose can be aspirated into the lungs however assuming it makes it that far through the maze of nasal hair mucous and nasal turbinates that trap foreign objects.
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what does heroin identify as in a drug scee
heroin is an opiate. heroin is an opiate and is derived from opium. heroin can be snorted sniffed or injected. one of the factors that make the drug so dangerous is that it is often mixed with some pretty toxic chemicals such as rat poison household cleaners including drain cleaner as well as over-the-counter antihistamines and prescription painkillers including fentanyl. heroin abuse can result in chronic and severe health issues including kidney liver heart and brain damage as well as pulmonary and respiratory issues. heroin users are also at risk for developing hepatitis hiv and aids. quitting heroin can be very difficult but it is not impossible. do not try to quit on your own or cold turkey. heroin withdrawal is quite painful and the side effects can turn into life threatening consequences without notice. during heroin withdrawal you can expect to experience some or all of the following symptoms: • flu-like symptoms • nausea/vomiting • cravings • body/muscle aches/pains • constipation/diarrhea • restless legs/arms • depression • anxiety/irritability • paranoia most physicians recommend getting help quitting heroin through a professional medical detox treatment. gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
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availablity of cpap in an emergency. . recently i was transported to the hospital on a 911 call. i was experiencing severe shortness of breath. the one-hour ordeal before i reached the hospital had me worried i might suffocate. . once at the hospital i was given a cpap machine and it resolved the issue after a few hours. i may not be so fortunate if it were to reoccur. are paramedics not trained for this? are ambulances not equipped to deal with shortness of breath? was my circumstances out of the ordinary for a 911 matter? . . .
i don't think you were given a cpap machine but rather a different type of positive pressure respiratory or even a nebulizer. the cpap is really used for sleep apnea and is not intended for "emergency use". paramedics are well-trained for respiratory support during transport and ambulances are well equipped with oxygen. please request your er records to see your admitting and discharge diagnosis since many episodes of shortness of breath are really hyperventilation associated with anxiety (since you thought you were suffocating). this type is not life-threatening but can be very frightening.
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can the contrast in a ct scan cause cancer cells. i'm a 73 year old woman in good health. after a chest xray a 7mm spot was found on my right lung. the dr wants me to have a ct scan with contrast. i have read quite a bit about the scan and am not at all comfortable with many side effects of the contrast. . can anyone provide details in the risks of the dye? . thank yo
the dye used for contrast is safe. very safe. people can have a rare allergic reaction to it just like any substance but in most cases there will be no side effects and it will not cause cancer cells.
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i have recently been told following some breathing tests that i have a lung capacity of 80%. i am 53 and worried. i can feel a draw for the last 5 years on my left side not painful just strange feeling with light wheeze sometimes. a little more breathless walking or being active and ecg showed ectopic beats which i was told are no harm however my medical consultant told me i have the age predicted lung capacity of a 69 year old woman and i got an awful shock. he is arranging for me to have repeat breathing tests and possibly a ct scan of the lungs
taking your evaluation to a higher level is wise but remember there are many many reasons for a diminished lung capacity. a pulmonologist is the preferred expert in this area.
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i have cronic pain all over. i was on oxecodine but my doctor will not refill. i have neuropathy the pain is awful. . i cannot life with this pain anymore i'll be 70 and life for me is not good. my heart is damages and cannot have any operations i have diabetas cronic disc disease. i need help i have lung cancer wich is being treated. also at a stage 3 kidney issue. my doctor put me on juniva which caused me to get pancreaseitis i was in the hospital for 11 days and went into cardiac arrest. i know i have some after effects from this. please help me thank you sand
sandy you will need to get a referral to a pain specialist -- someone who is an expert in managing a person with chronic pain. clearly the quality of your life is vital at this point so proper pain management is essential.
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should i go to the doctor? . when i was young i went to the doc for asthma & i got an inhaler. i am now 19 in optimal physical health (going to the gym 5/6 days a week for 1. 5 hours each) & i haven't used my inhaler since i was 15 or so. and while my body is in shape enough to handle cardio i can't breathe after about 2 minutes of running. so badly that i have to stop running bc my lungs feel like they are closing. i don't know if this is a normal reaction to cardio or if it's my asthma coming back. should i go to the doctor
yes. you could have exercise-induced bronchospasm - an asthma like reaction to exercise. you will need to be properly examined.
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can scabies infest throat? my 8yo has been clearing his throatconstgantly. started the same time got scabies. my 8yo has cough-var asthma had a flareup. in aug. pc ordered steroids & neb steroid 2x daily and zyrtec in aug. while on treatment he got scabies. cough improved he felt like something in throat constantly clearing his throat. sep at pc his sinuses throat lungs all clear-sent him to ent . 3weeks later at ent-had sinus drainage and throat clearing had increased to cough. ent gave him nasal spray. then got worse-went to er-prednisone & nebs up to 2x day & he is no better but lungs clear o2 97%+
scabies only infests the skin. they will not live in the throat. the throat clearing is just a coincidence and most likely do to the medications he is taking that may be causing post-nasal drainage.
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i had a ct scan for my lung doctor and was told they seen a mass on the left side of my breast what could this be? . i am a 58 year old women if this is any help to you
i don't know. a medical professional would need to see this scan and correlate it with clinical findings (a breast exam). show the scan to your doctor and have him or her render an opinion. not all masses are serious. or cancer so don't be prematurely concerned.
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if on medication after how long is bronchitis no longer contagious
most bronchitis is due to viruses so antibiotics are not usually indicated. respiratory viruses are contagious a day before you know you are sick to several days later. there are no viruses that just cause bronchitis so exposure to someone with bronchitis does not mean the exposed person will also get bronchitis. they may get a simple cold. or nothing at all. if your medical provider put you on an antibiotic then it is possible that he/she felt that you may have a bacterial component. since there are many different bacteria capable of being involved in bronchitis there is really no way for me to know exactly what your medical provider is treating.
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can you get shingles in the lungs
shingles follows a nerve pathway. on the skin. shingles can certainly be on your chest and cause a considerable amount of chest pain with coughing or even breathing but shingles should not get in your lungs. yes shingles can be internal and can affect organs. the answer above is so completely wrong as i have found another of his answers above wrong. i have had internal shingles in my throat.
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how can you detect lung cancer by performing a biopsy on the liver
lung cancer can metastasize (spread to other organs). many times we will find a tumor or mass on one organ but will need to look in other organs to find the "primary" (first) tumor. the one that started it all. the doctor may be investigating the liver as a metastatic site from lung cancer but you would need to address this question directly to the doctor.
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what is the best motivations that will get you started on your diet i tried so many things but failed <negative_smiley> plz help me. i am on this weight loss with a friend and we are finding it very hard to start. we have looked up all the information needed for weight loss and we set up our goals and meals and exercising but all of this is not going to happened if 'we cant start the diet because we feel like we cant do it and we are just so addicted to food'. anyone have a solution to this problem please help. thank you <positive_smiley
well it's a good question. motivation is the challenge of every person who wants to achieve a goal be it weight loss becoming an oil painter or anything else. it sounds like you may have invested too much time and effort into research. everything feels overwhelming to you right now doesn't it? don't let that stop you. at a certain point you have to take the plunge and do it. stop thinking about it and just do it. i read an interesting article in which a fitness coach said there is no such thing as "motivation;" there are only choices. you can choose to eat an apple or you can choose to eat a candy bar. you can choose to take a walk for 10 minutes or you can choose to watch tv instead. do you see the difference here? i strongly suggest you and your friend check out webmd's diet community where you can share your fears struggles goals and successes with others who will cheer you on! you are not the first person to fear getting started on the path to a healthy life and you won't be the last. meanwhile choose goals you know you can easily accomplish. for example: today i will eat one apple instead of a candy bar today i will throw away all the junk food in my house today i will walk for 10 minutes this week i will walk for 10 minutes every day i mean come on! anyone can do 10 minutes of exercise right? of course you can! lastly don't forget to reward yourself for meeting your goals no matter how small they may be. don't use food as a reward. even if you accomplish just one thing today download a new song to your smartphone take a bubble bath or do something else to celebrate the fact that today at least you won. you don't need "motivation. " you just need to take the plunge. i say go for it! wishing you well! there are no magic solutions to motivation but i am pleased that you are doing this with a friend. how about a bet? put some money on the line ($100? ) or house-cleaning (if someone fails to meet their goal they have to clean the other person's house). keep in fun and make sure your goals are reasonable and achievable. start with control. cut out the things you know you are not supposed to eat and stop buying them. write down everything you eat for about a week or so (be honest! ) and try to determine the number of calories you are ingesting. make sure you are under 15 calories per pound of ideal body weight (your goal). any one can lose weight. there is only mismatched strategies. something tells me that you are on your way to success. i suggest that you discuss your diet objectives with a physician and also your significant other. your doctor has had positive experience in knowing what diets work and which diets usually do not work. they also will know what is the best diet for you as an individual. your medical professional is in partnership with you to ensure dietary efficacy and safety. your significant other in life is also probably your best friend will be a cheerleader in your corner and most likely will offer you the motivating support system that is routinely missing with most diets. the diet that boasts the greatest statistical success is probably "weight watchers". counting points is relatively easy the food is easy to obtain and online supports are built into the dietary system. do not skip meals drink plenty of water and negotiate rewards for yourself (such as new clothing) upon reaching pivotal goals. if you have a dietary setback don't let it be your reason to throw in the towel. as the old chinese proverb suggests. "fall down 7 times; get back up 8 times. "
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plz answer correctly. i don't think you understood the question. i was drinking orange juice it seemed to go the wrong way and i hacked a little but did not cough. one hour after drinking i felt a little tickly so i coughed once intentionally. any danger
most helpful answer had you aspirated a sufficient amount of orange juice or any liquid for that matter into your lungs i can assure you that you would have immediately coughed and coughed extensively as your body clears your airway. you have two lungs -- three separate lobes on the right and two lobes on the left so even if you did accidentally aspirate a tiny amount it would be harmless. and would not result in a situation that one would call drowning.
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left flank pain but colonoscopy and cystoscopy found nothing. what could be causing the pain? .
problems in the back/spine (nerve pain) shingles (even without skin lesions) kidney issues/kidney stone (a cystoscopy does not rule out this) spleen pancreatic problems muscle strain intestinal gas problems in the small intestine (the colonoscopy does not view this area left lower lobe lung issues. there are many diagnostic stones to overturn. perhaps the next test would be an abdominal ct scan or mri.
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when your lips turn blue and around your mouth turns blue is that high blood pressure
no that is not a sign of high blood pressure. one can certainly have high blood pressure and not know it but blue lips are not a sign. most people with high blood pressure do not have any symptoms or signs so get your blood pressure checked regularly anyway. hi found you this i think this match’s up with your symptoms. medical author: melissa conrad stoppler md related symptoms & signs skin discoloration depigmentation of skin shortness of breath cyanosis is the medical term for a bluish color of the skin and the mucous membranes due to an insufficient level of oxygen in the blood. for example the lips and fingernails may show cyanosis. cyanosis can be evident at birth due to the presence of a heart malformation that permits blood that is not fully oxygenated to enter the arterial circulation. cyanosis can also appear at any time later in life and often accompanies conditions in which lung function is compromised (resulting in an inability to fully oxygenate the blood) or conditions in which the heart's pumping function is compromised. the presence of abnormal forms of hemoglobin or other abnormalities of the blood cells can also sometimes cause cyanosis. the medical term for lowered oxygen levels is hypoxia; the term anoxia refers to the absence of oxygen. pseudocyanosis is the appearance of cyanosis that is not associated with reduced oxygen delivery to tissues. most causes are related to the ingestion of metals (such as silver or lead) or drugs/toxins. do hope this helps you. good luck
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why would my doctor order a chest xray when testing for allergy
you would need to ask your doctor. i have no way of knowing his/her rationale but perhaps it was because he heard lung sounds that may be consistent with mild asthma or reactive airway disease -- a more severe form of allergies.
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could a diagnoses of asthma be confused with hiatal hernia
not a all. two different systems (one is respiratory; one is gastrointestinal). and dozens of totally different symptoms and examination findings. there should never be a confusion.
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should you take a diuretic when taking chemo. my brother has lung cancer and they have prescribed a diuretic for swelling and fluid retention in his legs. should he be taking a diuretic while on chem
if your brother was specifically prescribed a diuretic by one of his physicians who are treating his lung cancer then yes. he should take it. each person on chemotherapy is unique. often taking different types and dosages of chemotherapeutic agents and not every person would need a diuretic. your brother appears that he does. i wish your brother and family the very best on his treatment.
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how long are you contagious to other people when you have sinusitis and tonsilitis
sinusitis and tonsillitis are not technically contagious. exposing someone else will not necessarily give them you exact same disease. it is the germs (bacteria viruses) that can be contagious but exposure to those germs will not necessarily result in the same or any disease since everyone's immune system is different. viruses are the most common pathogens and most respiratory viruses that cause sinusitis or tonsillitis are thought to be transmittable by close contact for a day before you know you are ill and for 2-3 days later. mono is a virus that can cause tonsillitis and mono is contagious for a longer period of time. again exposure does not imply that someone would get anything else by a simple cold. strep can cause both tonsillitis and sinusitis and this bacteria is contagious as long as you are contagious or until the end of your antibiotic course. strep will not just jump out of your throat or nose onto someone else but sharing drinks kissing sneezing in someone's face can certain expose others. if their immune system is susceptible to strep they can certainly get it. sinusitis and tonsilitis are not contagious diseases. so you may not worry of affecting anybody in your close vicinity.
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i had a large injection of penicillin for strep. 2 days later my lymph nodes have swollen substantially. is this normal? . tuesday afternoon i started feeling sick sore throat cough body aches fatigue headache. thursday it felt so bad i went to the er. they glanced at my throat declared it to be strep shot me full of steroids painkillers and penicillin then sent me on my way. i began to feel better that day and yesterday felt mostly normal except for a persistent productive cough and weak voice. but as of this morning my lymph nodes are absurdly swollen and very tender. possible explanations
those "glances" that pronounce a strep diagnosis really bug me. i hate those "treat 'em and street 'em" medical encounters. a strep test is so easy. so fast. so why not get an accurate definitive diagnosis before treating anyone with antibiotics and steroids? most sore throats are viral. not strep. and one of those viruses (ebv) causes mononucleosis (mono). giving antibiotics to someone with undiagnosed mono is worthless and can actually make things worse. a mono test is easy to do as well but apparently the er medical provider didn't want to take those extra steps. lymph nodes normally enlarge in response to infection or inflammation in their neighborhood so strep (if you really had it) respiratory viruses and mono can all cause lymph node enlargements. viruses (even mono) self-resolve over time and do not respond to antibiotics. if you did have strep the penicillin injection (painful! ) would have taken care of it. if you don't get better see your regular medical provider. and insist on a careful thorough examination for mono and a few diagnostic lab tests.
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my daughter has a horrible cough. she is 5 years old. what can i give her
she is coughing for a reason so the first and most important step is to find that reason. does she have asthma? bronchitis/bronchiolitis? pneumonia? influenza? there are so many reasons. there are few if any recommended medicines for cough in children. some are expectorants that cause her to cough (probably not something you are interested in) but children (especially girls. don't ask me why) cannot hock up phlegm. there are cough suppressants but these may be contraindicated since the cause of the cough is not known. some people are safely using honey to quiet a cough and certainly a humidifier is helpful. my recommendation is for you to have her properly examined. while most causes are viral a few are bacterial and require antibiotics.
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does lung cancer mestasis to the brain
yes. the brain is one of several metastatic sites for lung cancer.
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can asthma get worse? . i've had asthma since i was fairly young and it went away for awhile but has been coming back and it's getting worse and worse. it's painful to breath sometimes and it's always shallow. could it be something other than asthma now
yes asthma can definitely become worse. unless properly evaluated and treated asthma can lead to some very serious consequences. i should strongly suggest that you see your medical provider for a proper examination to get on some asthma medications. if you have "something else" your medical provider should be able to make that determination during a careful examination and diagnostic testing.
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can asthma inhalers cause thrush. i forgot to rinse my mouth after i used my inhaler. and got white all over the inside my mouth. was told it was thrus
not all asthma inhalers. asthma inhalers that contain steroids can contribute to the formation of thrush. a type of yeast called candida causes thrush or oral candidiasis. “all of us have (candida) normally in our bodies but it’s kept in check by our immune system so that we don’t know we have it. you do not need to worry about that. you just need to follow few simple steps to deel with it like rinse out your mouth and gargle with water after using an inhaler. you can also reduce your risk of developing thrush by using a spacer with your inhaled steroids. for more information you can visit pharmacysell.
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my daughter has a cough for weeks can be violent at times and no other symptoms. 3 visits to dr office and not better
unfortunately i don't know your daughter's age or medical history to be able to narrow down the hundreds of possible causes. i did have a case once where a child aspirated a small piece of crayon resulting in a severe cough. it took a bronchoscopy to find and remove it. if your daughter has not had an x-ray this should be ordered and perhaps it is time to see a pulmonologist (lung specialist) since her regular medical provider has not found the cause/reason for this violent cough.
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4 y/o w/ sore throat & 100. 4 fever went away after tylenol. gave a warm vapor bath also has a stuffy runny nose. monday night sore throat. gave tylenol and went away by morning. tuesday came the runny stuffy nose. gave her a vapor bath and chicken noodle soup. tuesday night sore throat again and gave tylenol. better this morning but still has runny stuffy nose
i have no way of accurately diagnosing your child over the internet -- this would require a hands-on examination. however based solely on the symptoms that you have described it has all the hallmarks of a viral upper respiratory infection. there are hundreds of viruses that can cause these symptoms. the good news is that it should only last a week; the first 3-4 days are the worst and often has the fever. you are treating him appropriately.
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can you cough up an embolism. i have a clot in my lung and i am taking eliquis. is it even possible to cough up a clot? i was asked the question and i really don't know but i do cough up stuff. thank
you can cough up blood usually a blood/mucous mixture from the respiratory tract but this is not an embolism. embolisms are inside the blood vessels. if you are coughing up blood it would be wise to consult your medical provider for a proper examination to help determine the source or reason.
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will cipro help with sinus infection and respitor
depends. if the cause of the sinus infection or respiratory problem is bacterial and the particular bacteria is felt to be medically-sensitive to this potent antibiotic than it may help. most sinus and respiratory infections are viral however and viruses do not respond to any antibiotic. it is best that you avoid self-treatment using an previously-prescribed medication or a medication that was prescribed for others. yes it will help in upper respiratory tract infections. we advise not to self medicate. better visit your doctor before starting any medication.
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what is respiratory tract infectio
any infection of the respiratory tract. nose sinuses throat bronchial passages lungs etc. the term "upper respiratory tract infection" basically means you have a cold. the term "lower respiratory tract infection" could mean bronchitis or pneumonia.
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with lung disease can you use in-home supplemental oxygen for short periods before you go to work/ when you get home
that would really depend on what kind of lung disease you have; the extent of your disease and your oxygen levels on room air. you will need to discuss this with your doctor -- someone who knows you and your case to see if supplemental oxygen is necessary or desirable in your case.
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how long does someone with matastic malignant paraganglioma have to live? . surgery and radiation have already been attempted. it has spread to the pelvis abdomen and lungs from originating in a kidney
the only person that could possibly guess at this answer (and many times the guess is wrong) would be the oncologist who is treating this person. each person and their response to their cancer is uniquely different.
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is a hot steam vaporizer safe for a 5 1/2 month old baby? what about vicks vaposteam
a steam vaporizer with plain water is fine as long as you keep quite a distance away from the baby and if your baby is crawling. make sure the electrical cord cannot be pulled and this boiling water lands on him. i am a big fan of cool mist humidifiers. they are safer. and finally there are studies that show that vicks in steam vaporizers can have adverse effects on sensitive baby lungs. even though our parents used tons of vicks on us and we survived does not mean it is the best treatment now. just use plain water in a cool mist humidifier and you will get the same beneficial effects without the potential of side-effects.
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can i take my medications only 3 days a week. due to finances. this is including my mental medications high blood pressure asthma diuretic medications
i can't answer that question since i have no idea what you are taking nor can i give you the okay to drastically reduce your dosage like this. you need to talk to your doctor. the one who is treating you but my guess would be that you should not do this.
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is diarrhea a symptom of lung cancer
no diarrhea is not a typical symptom of lung cancer since anyone can have diarrhea for a plethora of reasons. no diarrhea is not a symptom of lung cancer.
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how does severe uncontrolled asthma adversely affect a fetus
the developing fetus depends on the mother to supply oxygen for growth and survival. oxygen dissolved in her blood is transferred through the placenta to the fetus. uncontrolled asthma causes a decrease in the mother’s oxygen which in turn reduces the oxygen available to the developing fetus. this may result in impaired fetal growth; it could even affect survival of the fetus. uncontrolled/severe asthma can have several serious consequences on both mom and the baby. high blood pressure preterm labor premature births seizures in the infant and lung trauma and death of the mother etc most of these are complications from either not using medications or underutilizing them while a woman is pregnant. it's important to know your personal asthma triggers and learn ways to avoid them. knowing the early signs of an attack and starting treatment right away are also critical. have an asthma plan in place and know when to go to the er. many people wait until it's too late and the symptoms are severe. this makes asthma deadly.