1 value
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how many calories are burned when swimming a mile? . a mile at a moderate speed. i am 225lbs and femal
most helpful answer that would depend on several other factors like the type of stroke. for instance a butterfly would burn up more calories than freestyle. speed would be another factor -- you burn off more if you are being chased by a shark than a leisurely swim. the calorie expenditure also changes when you get in better shape. a bad swimmer likely burns off more calories than someone who has a perfect stroke. a round figure could be around 400 kcal but that is a very rough estimate.
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do women in 50 need sex and think about it as much as they are in their 20 to 40
people need intimacy and sex is just part of the package. age has nothing to do with it and everyone is different as to their needs/desires. hi why should us men have all the fun thinking about sex they say women think about sex just the same as men do i your lonely then you will think about sex more often its your brain telling you that your body is missing something. if you think you not getting enough try masturbating if you have troubles with that or shy to don't worry help is at hand just google dodson and ross. dr betty dodson is a guru for women and masturbating and how to orgasm she runs life class's on both for all ages or you can download for a small charge vids on all ways of doing that if not there is loads to read on site. sex is for all ages and thinking about it its these thoughts that keep us going. do hope this helps good luck
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what kind of treatments or tests are out there for vertigo? i have had vertigo since i was 10. nothing has helped. mri when i was 10 was clear water drip tests made me dizzy. i had been dealing but now it is back and happening in my sleep (8 mos. )! a specialist diagnosed me (17 yrs later) with benign parox. pos. vertigo but the videonystagmus revealed no abnormal eye movements. i can only sleep on one side. i have an attack in a dream wake up and everything is moving. i get sick all day it's very violent and then have to take suppositories. meclizine only helps me with so much. any suggestions? help
it is time to see a sub-specialist (a otoneurologist -- an ent that specializes in inner ear disorders) and have a new work-up. there are numerous types of vertigo so it would be good to have a new evaluation. things may have changed since you were ten. unfortunately there are not very many things that can be done but there are more treatments and medications out there depending the type of vertigo that you have. i have seen an ent many times. never find anything. i've found the epley maneuver to be helpful. there are several youtube videos that show how to do the maneuver (you need another person to help you) but i found this one by peter johns <link> to be very helpful. it may not work the first time but it should eventually work unless you have something major causing your vertigo. if it's been a long time since you've had an mri you may want to have another one done just to be sure there's nothing ominous causing your dizziness. i know it's frustrating; i've had to leave work early and have missed days of work because of vertigo. i'm a high school teacher and am always busy busy busy but taking care of ourselves is important. i find that when i'm extremely tired and stressed that's when it tends to hit. good luck!
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i am on medicaid because of a back disability. i am 56 waiting on surgury almost a year. health is worse cigna wont pay. how do i get medicaid to help me. still waiting for approval from cigna meantime have to take morphine to help with pain. i am worse no one to help
if your doctor or neurosurgeon states that you need surgery then there should not be an issue. both companies will pay for the surgery if it is medically-necessary. it should not take a year for approval. it is time for you to become assertive and find out where the problem lies.
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does cancer really skip a generation? . my grandmother had breast cancer that eventually spread to her brain and she ended up passing away. someone told me that cancer skips a generation. is that true
no. this statement is not true.
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should i pester my dr. about my ongoing symptoms from a head trauma i had 3 mos ago? . i went to the er that day and told them i had been at the bar that night all that was done was they cleaned up the blood. 2 weeks later i collapsed at a work function and had what my coworkers called a grand mal seizure. i have never had that happen before my head injury. i was taken to the er where they performed a cat scan but nothing showed initially and was given instruction to rest for a few days i still have massive headaches every other week sometimes confusion and just feel weird
you should not have to "pester" your doctor to get care. he is not doing it for free. you or your insurance company is paying him. at this point you may need to ask for a referral to a neurologist for a higher-level neurological evaluation.
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can infants 6 months or less have bad dreams or nightmares
probably. they do dream and they do have very active little brains.
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written in bold black letters & # s lp200. i am told that it s an analgesic pill for pain. thank u! . please help me understand what kind of medication this pill with the lp200 in bold black letters&# s written on one side was told that it was an analgesic but would like a professional opinion as out here in the boonnies where i live the pharmascist doesn t have a clue? please advise asap. i ve had 5 bypasses a diaphram replacement degenerative heart disease no l5 disc nobody can say. neuropathies in both feet. please help me. help! thank you kindly. b
it may be tramadol which is used for pain but many companies will use identifying numbers that may be confusing. there are "pill identification" sites on the internet but a pharmacist can definitely make that identification or at least help you confirm the name of this pill.
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my pain doctor did a saliva drug test on me last month and revealed use of oxycodone and he prescribes me ms cotin. i am also prescribed ult-ram 50mg 4-6 time daily. neurontin 600mg 3x daily. adderrall 30mg 2x daily seroquel 300 mg 1x daily. clonopin 2mg 3 times daily and also tizantadine 3 5 or 10 mg 3 at night and morpine 15 mg er 2x daily and morphine 15 mg regular 1 x daily. could this saliva drug test show up as a negative for non morphine use and a positive for oxycodone
most helpful answer ms contin is morphine and and opioid; oxycodone is another opioid so i doubt that a drug test will show up as negative.
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child cries and says that his head hurts vomits and then passes out for an hour or two or longer? . my son had experienced instant head pain cried vomited and then passed out. what could cause this
get him in to see his medical provider right away. this is not normal and he will need to have some imaging studies of his brain (mri or ct or both) as well as see a good pediatric neurologist.
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has heart any thinking power? does heart have any grey matter? . in many a religion " heart" has been described as if it is able to think and act like brain is it so. does heart has any thinking power and does it have any grey matter like brain
no. the heart is a muscle; a pump. while there are neurological nodes in the heart that cause it to independently beat it does not have the ability to cognitively think nor does it have brain/grey matter.
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how severe is his concussion? . hi my boyfriend got into a fight 2 nights ago was found unconscious and was sent to the hospital. doctors say he suffered from a concussion. he has some loss of memory mostly of how he got injured and some information from sunday and from monday. when he got home he complained of headache. he didn't lose consciousness all night. when he woke up just now he noticed bleeding from his ears and he has a headache. i am wondering how severe was his concussion. will he be okay
i can't answer that since i do not know the details of your boyfriend's injuries or have any way of examining him and reviewing his imaging studies (like the ct that was most likely done at the hospital). he needs to be under the care of a good medical provider or neurologist. someone who can do these things. clearly he had a significant head injury but i would not be able to blindly guess the outcome.
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how does one wean off blood pressure med. my doctor will not refill my prescription. he wont refill my scrip. he wants to see me. i cant get in to see him until mar 5th . i have 3 pillslef
he has a ethical and legal responsibility to refill your medications until your medical visit. or give you a sooner appointment. should you have a spike in your blood pressure that results in a stroke or heart attack he will be held responsible. remind the receptionist of this. send the doctor a fax so he will read your concerns first hand. do not wean off of your meds. he he still will not refill them. go to an urgent care facility bring your bottles and ask for an "emergency refill". then shop around for a more compassionate doctor to manage your high blood pressure.
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i lose my erection after i wear condom on my penis. m a 21 year old boy. whenever i wear condom on my penis i lose my erection resulting i cannot have sex. me and my partner tried to have sex 3 to 4 times but we dint had sex as i lose my erection. without condom there is no erection problem but we cant have sex without condom. is there any possibility that this erection problem is because of masturbation. i m masturbating from last 4 or 5 years almost daily. once in a day. please suggest me what should i do to have a good and long erection with condom
a 21 year old losing an erection simply from putting on a condom is purely psychological so keep practicing with a cooperative partner until you solve this issue. be "creative" in your sexual experiments and i am sure things will improve. masturbation does not cause this problem. and. i agree. you should not be having sex without a condom. this is a frequent issue among erectile dysfunction sufferers. it happens because your mind is distracted by the physical act of applying the condom. when your mind is no longer engaged in how aroused you feel your brain will cancel the arousal program and you will lose your erection. as you are peeling the wrapper off the condom flex your penis and enjoy the feeling. then as you are putting on the condom pay attention to the sensations in your penis - how good it feels as you are applying the condom. just enough to keep your erection <positive_smiley>
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can you live without a heart? . i have a science school project that is all about the heart! can you fill me in
yes you can live for a few seconds until your brain dies. the definition of death varies but the cessation of a heart beat and the cessation of brain activity signals the end. i would not have liked to be a victim of the ancient aztecs -- the ones that pulled your beating heart from your chest. you can also live with an artificial/mechanical heart until a transplant has been found and attached so technically you are living without a biological "heart".
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i've had tinnitus for 12 years in my left ear. suddenly i have tinnitus in my right ear and my left ear is fine. how? . i went to doctors got hearing tests got mri's etc. the doctors said it was just inner ear damage (even though i listened to music at a low volume and had never been to a concert). after 12 years suddenly my other ear is ringing and my left ear is fine (i tested this by making soft noises on my left side that i hadn't been able to hear). i am confused about how suddenly my ears decided to trade tinnitus. does this mean i have brain tumor after all? . and yes i know i should see a doctor
i guess the only thing predictable about tinnitus is it's unpredictability. i have tinnitus as well. about 15 years now and it started (most likely) from viral infection in the inner ear. acoustic damage is just one of the ways so yours may have been viral as well. i can offer no explanation as to why your tinnitus switched ears. i can't say that i have seen this in clinical practice so this is a unique experience. remember that tinnitus is usually not a real noise by an illusion of a noise that our brain creates. i can't comment on your brain tumor concern but fortunately for all of us tumors are a very rare cause. if you are going to see a doctor see a neurotologist (an ent/neurologist). i am in the exact same boat as you. had tinnitus in left ear since 2001 (cause unknown)(no concerts no loud music and have been out of work since 1992 so no loud noises) i have had full mri's ct scans and all is normal. the ent can't figure. i am taking medicine for a seizure disorder but i've been on the same medicine since 1961 sounds like a school bell ringing 24 hrs. a day now the right ear is starting maybe something to ask: my father had tinnitus in both ears caused by an explosion in wwll heredity?
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how can you be sure you are over a concussion? my daughter had a grade 2 3 weeks ago. she is basically normal now
she will need to see her medical provider for another neurological examination for clearance. recovery from a conclusion varies from person to person so to be on the safe side her doctor needs to make that imporant determination.
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what is the treatment for a fracture of the lumbar vertibra
that depends on the severity of the fracture how it occurred neurological complications and the which vertebra was involved. since i don't know these answers only the medical provider who is treating you or this person could answer that question. there is no universal treatment. only individual treatment.
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are xanax and lexapro the same
no. they are two different drugs. you can look them up separately on the internet. xanax and lexapro are not the same. lexapro is used to treat anxiety and major depressive disorders in adults and adolescents. lexapro is an antidepressant that is part of a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssris). xanax is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. xanax is part of a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and are central nervous system (cns) depressants that is effective by enhancing the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (gaba). gallus detox center is a private inpatient medical detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
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can burning a nerve help relieve nerve pain? . a friend of mine was told burning the nerve can help relieve nerve pain
let him do it. sometimes bad experiences help. the answer is no. if you try and "burn a nerve" there is a very good chance that the pain will be worse. i have neuropathy and my doctor wanted to do this but stated that it is a 50/50 chance that it would work. my wife is a nurse and she asked about this with doctors she assists at the hospital and they stated the same and also the pain usually returns.
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can your brain ever stop thinking. my wife believe that your can stop thinking if you blank/space ou
the brain continues to function until brain death although if you follow politics you will sometimes doubt that fact. a person can space-out but that does not mean the brain has stopped functioning like an on/off switch.
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had heat stroke about three weeks ago. started to have pain in my right kidney area about a week ago. what should i do
you see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated. your kidney pain may or may not be related to your recently heat-related event.
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what type of doctor treats tinnitus? please provide specialty name (ie. oncology
a neurotologist (a neurology/ent subspeciality).
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why do i get sharp pain in my head after orgasm
assuming you are not hitting you head on the bed during this intimate moment one likely cause would be an orgasmic headache. you can find information about this on an internet search. keep in mind that there are hundreds of possibilities. muscle tension headaches a migraine-like vascular headache high blood pressure or? if this keeps happening it would be in your best interest to be professionally examined and diagnosed.
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can lack of oxygen cause hives? . my husband has been dealing with hives daily for about 8 myths. he recently had a mi with 100% blockage of his right coronary artery & stent placed. i noticed while he was on supplemental o2 he did not experience hives at all
i have never heard that the lack of oxygen causes hives. sorry.
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i dislocated my elbow about 10 years ago. does having a damaged nerve contribute to how nervous you get? . i am in my mid 20s. i don't think my nerve is actually damaged but when i lift weights my inner nerve tends to pop out of place with each repetition. the doctors i have met with recommend surgery to move my nerve more towards my bicep to keep it from popping out of place. my question is if this problem i have with my nerve actually contributes to my nervousness. i consider myself to get more nervous than the average person so i was wondering if this could possibly have anything to do with it
no. your psychological nervousness has nothing to do with the nerve injury in your elbow. these are two very different issues.
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can u tell me if the e r would help me with panic attack
not much. you would be better off seeing your primary care medical provider or a psychiatrist to help you manage panic attacks.
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if i were to take xanax 25 mg. prescribed to me thursday night would it be out of my system by sunday evening? driver. i want to be responsible. i have had some life changes that have caused anxiety and my doctor prescribed me to take 25 mg of xanax for only emergencies along with well butrin. however i drive for a living and i don't want to take any chances with my livelihood. i don't want to have any in my system while working. i will not start if there is no way of avoiding this problem. thank yo
most helpful answer it would be unlikely that any effects of the xanax would be present three days later since it tends to wear off in 6-8 hours. number one your doctor prescribed u. 25 mg of xanex not 25-mg. 25 mg would kill just about anyone. also idk where u get off saying that it will be out of your system in 6-8 hours when the half life of xanex is 11 hours meaning only half the pill is left in your system after 11 hours. so if you took a bar which is 2-mg than in 11 hours u would have 1-mg in your system so you would have even more than that after only 6-8 hours. the half life keeps getting divided in half after 11 hours but i know drug tests test for the levels of nanograms left in your system which i am pretty sure 1000 nanograms equal 1-mg so do the math yourself if you are that worried and see how many nanograms you need for a minimum to fail which is a lot more than the 1mg. in my example. my example is only for someome taking a 1 single 1mg pill for 1 day. if you took lage amounts multiple days or months because and built it up in your system. please people dont belive all this bs they actually have drug calculators online to input how many drugs u have taken and how long will it take to get out of your sytem by asking questions of your weight and health and it gives you a good round about estimate on how fast your halflife for that type of pill and gives. you a lot more acvurate than i saw one person say 8 hours and some people saying 6-8 weeks. it really all depending on your health (being overweight) and than how fast ur motabalism is. and obviously on high of a dose and how long he has been them because by taking high doses and for a lomg period of time will build the meds up in your system making it take that much longer to get it out. its not just the last pill you have to worry about it is how much you have build up on your body. is thewhite 25mg. xanax stronger than 0. 5 yellow
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i lose my erection after i wear condom on my penis. m a 21 year old boy. whenever i wear condom on my penis i lose my erection resulting i cannot have sex. me and my partner tried to have sex 3 to 4 times but we dint had sex as i lose my erection. without condom there is no erection problem but we cant have sex without condom. is there any possibility that this erection problem is because of masturbation. i m masturbating from last 4 or 5 years almost daily. once in a day. please suggest me what should i do to have a good and long erection with condom
a 21 year old losing an erection simply from putting on a condom is purely psychological so keep practicing with a cooperative partner until you solve this issue. be "creative" in your sexual experiments and i am sure things will improve. masturbation does not cause this problem. and. i agree. you should not be having sex without a condom. this is a frequent issue among erectile dysfunction sufferers. it happens because your mind is distracted by the physical act of applying the condom. when your mind is no longer engaged in how aroused you feel your brain will cancel the arousal program and you will lose your erection. as you are peeling the wrapper off the condom flex your penis and enjoy the feeling. then as you are putting on the condom pay attention to the sensations in your penis - how good it feels as you are applying the condom. just enough to keep your erection <positive_smiley>
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how does scoliosis affect the immune system? . my daughter was born with spina bifida occulta. her cord is tethered but did not protrude or leave a whole at birth. after chronic pain she it was found at 3 yrs old. at 4 she was diagnosed with scoliosis the dr said it was attributed to the spina bifida. she also has severe asthma and allergies to food medications and pollen/dust/etc. how do these affect her immune system and why? . she is often absent from school and stays sick for longer periods of time
scoliosis as an independent entity does not change the immune system it is just a developmental anomaly shared by many. this is not to say that your daughter does not have an immune problem due to something else so her doctor would be the best judge of this -- someone who knows her complete medical history. her allergies and asthma and some of the medications used to control it can certainly have an influence but not the scoliosis.
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is it true that marijuana leads to other drugs
sometimes. marijuana (and alcohol) is often considered a "gateway" drug. not all people have the ability to control their use of any mind-altering substance. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. xsddfdfdfdf
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is it normal for a patient to have anxiety when having an uncurable severe illness
yes. anxiety and/or depression would be a normal human response to knowing that you have an "uncurable severe illness". treating the anxiety is just as important as trying to treat the illness. i have two types of multiple sclerosis. have had it since i was 16. it is very normal to have anxiety. don't let it overcome you though. take charge as much as can handle and don't hesitate to ask for help. good luck i am a cna that works at an independent living apartment complex for age group 60-100 (just celebrated a 101sst birthday there) many of my people are not far off from being put on hospice. some get depressed for a bit and others look at it as a blessing. in my experience the persons age has alot to do with how much anxiety is shown. one commonality is they all have such great attitudes about living and seeing what the future holds. the 'anxiety' is most definitely present at the beginning. most of them want to make the most out of the time they have left leaving out any treatments that will cause them to be bed bound or will slow them down in anyway. i think the sooner a person comes to terms with their condition and lives to the fullest of their capabilities anxiety will ease.
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who diagnoses mental health conditions an m. f. t. l. c. s. w. psychologist or psychiatrist
either one. all have the training necessary to make the diagnosis but only the md can prescribe any psych medications should this be needed.
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how can i stop sneak eating
have you had a history of sneak eating? here are seven steps to help you stomp out sneak eating: 1. examine your eating habits. what are your sneak eating rituals? how do you sneak eat? what kinds of foods do you choose? when you’re done overeating what do you do with the wrappers or evidence of sneak eating? when are you most likely to curtail your eating because you feel you’ll be judged? what triggers send you flying into your secret sneak eating rituals? look at the last time this occurred to you and seek out the connections between trigger and reaction. late-night eating has a particular air of sneakiness. it’s dark out no one’s around just you and your sneak food. how do you feel at that time? make connections. 2. write it down. the best way to look at patterns and make connections is to journal it. just whip out a computer or spiral-bound notebook and with absolute honestly write down what you eat when and under what circumstances. reading your journal usually is a real eye-opener. 3. savor don’t sneak. if you feel like you’re sneaking food you’ll scarf up food so fast you’ll get whiplash. stop. ask yourself: “what was i thinking before i decided to sneak eat? ” make connections between events emotions and actions. you’re not going to truly savor and enjoy food you need to eat behind others’ backs. instead you’re reacting to something that has occurred in your life. the goal is to savor every morsel of food not to secretly stuff it into your mouth and feel nothing but remorse guilt and shame. 4. focus on your strengths. here’s where we do lots of body image work. look at your body. you have tremendous strengths there and you need to take pride in them. write down your strengths. what can your body do well? the next time you feel bad about your body whip out your laundry list of positive things you love about your body and neutralize the negative thoughts that send you into a sneak eating binge. 5. optimize your healthy lifestyle habits. to improve your body image you need to do the work to eat healthfully as well as stay physically active. living a healthy lifestyle lays down the foundation for the elimination of sneak eating. be patient. people who’ve been sneak eating for a long time will have to be patient with the process of eliminating this habit. old self-destructive patterns take time to be replaced with healthier progressive lifestyle habits. 6. make a commitment. if you feel that you’re about to sneak eat you probably are. eating should not be accompanied by guilt and shame. make a commitment to spend the next 24 hours eating healthfully and fight the urge to take food into a secret place where you eat sneak foods. start out with a healthy breakfast and eat every 3-4 hours after that. make certain you’re eating a balance of high quality protein carbs (veggies fruit whole grain) and fat. stop eating by 8 p. m. each night. get physical activity. if you’re feeling stressed and anxious seek other ways to alleviate the angst. these include activities that do not involve sneak eating or self destruction (meditate breathe yoga read a book call a friend take a walk). write down your commitment and take it day by day. each successful day is a powerful experience that will help you to build a strong foundation for healthy living. 7. get help. since sneak eating is associated with body image issues sometimes we need to get help and guidance with understanding how to come to peace with our body. there are licensed social workers and psychologists who can provide the expertise you’ll need to achieve your goals. sneak eating is an outward manifestation of inner turmoil about your body and yourself. gift yourself with the daily patience and practice to resolve this challenge. come out of hiding. you deserve to sit up proudly at the table and savor your food and life. you can stomp out sneak eating once and for all.
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if someone is taking lexapro & starts smoking is this an indicator that the medication is not working? . my husband takes lexapro for treatment of his anxiety. he carpools with a smoker & has started to smoke himself
his decision to start smoking has nothing to do with his lexapro. he has made a bad decision on his own.
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will marijuana show up in normal blood tests the doctor does
it depends on the normal blood tests that your doctor orders. as you know there are thousands of different blood tests. he would need to specifically order a drug screening panel to detect the marijuana use you may be trying to hide. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. dfdfdf
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does xanax lower blood pressur
not really. xanax is an anti-anxiety agent. with that said if part of the reason your blood pressure is elevated is because of anxiety then it could help (a bit) but the reasons for elevated blood pressure are much more complex than just emotions. xanax can be use as part of the treatment but not as a sole treatment.
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what can help anxiety caused by going to the gynecologist? . i have only been to the gynecologist once for examining purposes and it was very traumatic for me. i experienced a lot of pain during the exam to the point that the doctor had to stop. i felt very violated but i know i have to confront this fear and go back especially since i want to have children one day. how can this be dealt with? is this normal? i was thinking that maybe having my husband go with me next time would be helpful but i'm not sure
most helpful answer having your husband or a trusted female friend would be great. talk to you women friends too. having someone with you will make you feel safer. t may not be the exam. but the examiner so consider getting a female nurse practitioner or pa or find a very kind and compassionate gynecologist. to many unfortunately this intimate exam is so routine. almost like a dentist looking in your mouth. that they may not take the time and care to do it gently. again ask your friends for a referral to someone they find to be helpful. your primary care medical provider can give you a short-acting anti-anxiety medication if you ask. something like xanax at a low-dose may be helpful. look deep inside yourself to see if there was a stressful event in the past that may be surfacing when you are having a gynecological exam. if so a counselor may be able to help you deal with this very specific anxiety.
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i'm depressed because my husband can't ejac. during sex but can with mast. he says its normal and my problem true or no. husband can ejaculate from masturbating but not from sex unless it lasts two hours which then hurts me it has caused me mejor psychological stress since weve been together and he just has the attitude that its my problem that i even have a problem and is unwilling to even try to stop masturbating or watching porn. he told me today that im being emotional and acting like a little girl and its not a problem with him at all because he is normal. am i being too emotional? or is he the one w the pro
as a couple you both have a problem but it may take a few visits to a counselor to work it out if you can convince him to do it (may be difficult). if he is excessively masturbating and watching porn then he may have a warped view of sex that needs addressing. while there is nothing wrong with self-pleasure he seems to be preferring masturbation of intimacy with his wife. for women sex is the most intimate form of communication and you and your husband are not communicating very well. you may be having sex in ordered to be loved and touched and this is not happening. i don't think you are too emotional. you both can have a mutually-pleasurable sex life again but you will need to work out some barriers first. if he cares about you he will participate in some problem-solving.
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is there pain wiht pancrea cancer. if diagnosed wiht pancrea & liver cancer can a person still live the remaider of their lives wihtout pain. there is currently no pain. could one go home and just keep living their normal life until death comes? .
pancreatic cancer is a terrible terrible cancer and yes it is typically fatal. one of my best friends had pancreatic cancer (a medical provider) and described the pain as "indescribable". he had to have a careful balance between pain control with over-sedation (and constipation from the opiates) to the point where he could not function and just mentally dealing with the pain without the use of medications (very difficult). much of the cancer pain is related to metastasis (the spreading of the cancer to bone and other organs). it would be wonderful to have any remaining time pain-free but sadly this may not happen. as long as this person is currently pain-free now they are being blessed.
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my live in boyfriend loves porn but has not had sex with me in 2 years. what is the problem
i don't know since i do not know anything about your boyfriend but clearly there is something wrong in your sexless-relationship. if you have lived with a porn-loving guy who has not had sex with you in two years it is you that may have the problem. why don't you just leave and find a healthier relationship? and he needs some help as well. i suggest a sex counselor or psychiatrist. hi i would take a pretty good guess at porn induced ed meaning as he has watched porn so long he now cant get an erection its switched off his sexual receptors in his brain. you need to sit down with him and tell him if he wants a real sex life then he must give up porn you need to get to switch off all his porn sites get rid of any down loads and through away any discs then you must install a parental porn switch with pass word that only you know. he then starts an 8 week break from masturbating and any sexual contact with you this is a start to rebooting his body but depending on how long he has been doing it but when he starts getting his nocturnal erections and his morning woods back then he will know he's on the mend. do hope this helps. good luck
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my husband wants me to have oral sex will i get sick if he comes in my mouth. i was physically and sexually abused as a child. my husband knows about this. he has asked if i would preform oral sex for him will i get sick if he comes in my mouth? are there germs that can also make me sick. when i was forced to do this as a child and my dad crammed his dick in my mouth and came i threw up and began to chock. i was also afraid that i would get pg
i am so sorry to hear about your childhood molestation so i can understand that oral sex with your husband could surface some of those past demons. having a consentual caring sexual relationship with your husband is not the same. i trust that your husband will be respectful and understanding about your reluctance. i can assure you that semen is harmless in your mouth but your husband does not have to ejaculate. he can control it. you will not get any disease-causing germs from this practice in a monogamous relationship with your husband. consentual oral sex is safe and can be pleasurable for both of you. this would be a new sexual experience for you so if you are emotionally ready take "little steps" at first. hi if your husband knows your past history with oral sex then he should not be asking you to perform oral sex on him if he persists then it could end up breaking you marriage and i'm sure he would like to do that. sit down with and ask him to be sensible over this and as he know the reasons behind what he's asking just tell him to back off oral sex is not the only way you can please him. but male semen is quite safe no germs wont make you fat or give you a big bust just has some nutrients in it and not a lot else. ok if you do go that way to please him just tell not to ejeculate in your mouth there is a certain fill to his erection just before he ejeculates you should find it gets just a little stiffer in his erection just in case he is in his own world and you should fill the first pulse as he starts to ejaculate this is down to the filling through your mouth or ask him to tell you when he's getting close then finish him by hand. do hope this helps. good luck p { margin-bottom: 0. 08in; }a:link { } p { margin-bottom: 0. 08in; }a:link { } semen is not be a problem if he is disease free. however that being said swallowing semen is probably not as widespread as some would like you to think. i know that my wife doesn't like it and i don't force her to do it - that's nothing for her to be ashamed of. during oral sex she swallows all the pre-ejaculate (clear fluid) with no problem. occasionally when i kegel a heavy burst of pre-ejaculate will flow out and sometimes she will have to back off a little to swallow it. but the few times she has attempted to swallow semen has resulted in gagging – there's just too much thick fluid being introduced into the back of the throat to handle at one time when the penis is inserted 2-3 inches or more - unless you're really prepared for it. i know when i'm about to come and - unless your husband has premature ejaculation issues he does too. in 40 years of receiving oral sex i have only slipped up and started to ejaculate in her mouth probably less than 5 times. i tell her when i'm ready to go she pulls off and finishes me up with her hand. practice makes perfect. if you have a problem with the pre-ejaculate simply use a snug-fitting steel cock ring at the base of the penis to block the flow until such time as you think you're ready for it. i start with a cock ring occasionally for the extra engorgement sensation but i don't use it for the entire process because i am rather slow to come (40+ minutes) and the lack of blood flow through the penis for that period of time would be an issue for me. if your husband comes fast he could probably wear it all the way through to orgasm and it will prevent semen from exiting the penis. ejaculation while wearing the ring could possibly cause some pain for him though - i ejaculated while wearing one a couple times and it caused some pain in my testicles. he could try it in order to know for sure. the pain in not unbearable and it will go away. additionally remember that there is nothing dirty about oral sex between a man and his wife. there are various techniques and tricks that my wife performs on me that make the experience absolutely incredible. the term "variety is the spice of life" can be applied to oral sex as well. biting and sucking the penis open-mouth breathing with penis inserted licking the frenulum while sucking going deep then pulling off slowly allowing the penis to slip through your teeth gripping the penis with your hand while sucking rubbing his nipples while sucking and holding ice cubes or a throat lozenge in your mouth while performing all make for a great experience for him. even pulling off and allowing him to get a breather causes wild sensations when you start back up a few seconds later. remember simply sucking the penis will not always get the job done. see what he likes. again practice makes perfect. first let me say i am so very sorry for the horrible experiences you had as a child. your dad hopefully is dead or locked up. as far as swallowing semen i don't think it's harmful generally so long as the man has no diseases. it is mostly your mental attitude toward swallowing some find it revolting. you cannot get pregnant from this.
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i need help i weigh 350 lbs i cant do it alone an no one to help me how can i get help dr say im killing myself. my depression is getting worse. now i have lymphdemia. i hurt all the time. which keeps me from working. out i'm running out of time i feel
have you thought about bariatric weight loss surgery?
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i have a wierd cist on my elbow and every time i touch it my neck spasms. my friends tell me im crazy am i? . not many more details i was straight forwar
unless your friends are psychiatrists i would not trust their diagnosis of you being crazy. i cannot give an medical explanation as to why your elbow cyst causes you to have neck spasm but i can tell you that nerves from the neck do go to your elbow area. see your medical provider so you can have this so-called "weird cyst" properly diagnosed.
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is depression hereditary? . it seems like just recently our oldest son and our youngest son have shown signs of depression. my husband and myself in the past year were diagnosed with a mild case of depression. i have been on sertraline for about a year and a half and have recently been removed. it just seems very odd to us that our two boys seem to be having some of the same issues that we have had in the last year or two. is depression hereditary
some forms of clinical depression -- those types that are due to problems with brain chemicals -- may be hereditary but keep in mind that this is a very complex diagnosis and just because it runs in the family does not imply that all family members will get it. your two sons should be evaluated.
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my aunt steals pain killers and she is bipolar. does bipolar cause her to steal? . she is in her mid to late fourties. she claims she dosent steal pain killers but we have all seen her do it. now her sister claims that she steals the pain killers due to her being bipolar. i am wondering if this is in fact true or that her sister is just denying it to herself. which in turn is not able to get her the help she needs
we have several friends who are bipolar and they do not steal. there is no relationship to her stealing to the bipolar disorders. she just steals. more concerning would be a possible addiction to (narcotic) pain medication. hide your pills. keep them out of your medicine cabinet where she is likely snooping when using the bathroom. put the pain medication bottle in there (no pills) with some m&ms and note asking her to get some help. in the manic phase the person can tend to act impulsively/partake in unpremeditated risky behavior that they normally would not so therefore its possible that cheating and stealing are something that occur when she is in the manic swing of it. but it is no excuse to lie/cheat/steal. there are some people who are bipolar but would never cheat or steal but they would drive their car recklessly etc. call her doctor and express the things that are going on i am sure he/she would be a good help. bipolar disorder is about moods. lying cheating stealing is about their character. she has probably done it for so long that her bi polar disorder is a good excuse to get her out of tough situations like this one. no bi-polar disorder doesn't directly cause her to steal meds but the illness can cause her to not care that she is doing this activity. she needs to be under better care for her illness and taking her medication. so many people who suffer mental illnesses don't always take their medications. there are those who abuse even their own medications. she does need help. put your medications away!
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should medical marijuana be used to treat anxiety disorde
i think there are much more effective anti-anxiety treatments than using medical marijuana. this would be like treating sleep disorders with vodka or treating fatigue with methamphetamines. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you.
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advice for first gyno visit? . i am 18 and going for my first gyno visit tomorrow as recommended by my endocrinologist. any advice? i'm kind of nervous because i'm getting a pelvic exam and pap test
don't be nervous. please let the medical provider know that this is your initial pap and pelvic exam so that he/she can use a smaller vaginal speculum and take a bit more time in explaining each and every step of this important examination. yes it can be a bit embarrassing at first but so are male genital and rectal exams. to a seasoned medical provider this exam is really no different than looking at your mouth or ears but when it is your first exam it can create a bit of anxiety. after it is all over you will see that it wasn't such a big deal. good luck. thank you for the advice! the appointment went well.
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can a 4 year old and 18 month old have mood swings getting off antibiotic
children of those ages can certainly have mood changes but it is not the result of antibiotics.
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i'm experiencing mood swings stress resstlessness tiredness sadnes and lack of motivation. whats going on? . 20 year old male was sad and tired all winter maybe seasonal affective dissorder. but when spring came i started feeling more stress restlessness and terrible mood swings. get extremely sad suddenly once or twice a day
you are not going to be adequately diagnosed over the internet (or by a self-diagnosis) let alone be properly treated so i would strongly suggest that you start with your primary care medical provider for a good check-up first (to make sure there are no underlying organic problems/disease) than you will need a referral to see a mental health professional. if your primary care provider is experienced and comfortable in using medications for this purpose that is good but you may need to see a psychiatrist at first if this is suggested. later on a counselor is fine to help you deal with your stress and mood swings. the reason that you may feel stressed is most probably because you are no longer happy with yourself. developing a healthy safe image is important in attaining the self-fulfillment that you need. you may visit clear clinic to pamper your skin and revive you spirit.
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does a person get a high from capsule medical marijuana? does it dull pain or just make the pain tolerable? . could this help a 95 year old who is in severe pain from spinal stenosis and arthritis? does it really have any long term effects on memory
i would be reluctant to use medical marijuana on an elderly person who may have problems with memory and mental processing as it is. however a pain managment specialist may have different ideas. this 95 year old should really see a pain specialist so that his/her pain can be pharmaceutically managed taking into account all of there medical history. personally i have never prescribed it for these reasons. as a former pain pill addict and current medicinal user of cannabis i must respectfully disagree with the doctor. new research is showing that marijuana does not effect the memory in the ways previously thought. however i will admit the effects of marijuana on an elderly patient especially one that has never used it before may be a bit overwhelming. are you in a state where it is legal medicinally because it would be best to do under the care of a doctor considering the age factor. marijuana is a much safer form of pain control than traditional narcotics. it is also being shown to have benefits on numerous other conditions. you can always do the research if you have any doubts or concerns. also to answer your original question marijuana does not come in pill form there is a synthetic pill called marinol but it is not exactly the same as cannabis and is usually only prescribed for cancer patients. there is a variety of ways to reap the benefits of marijuana. i would suggest cannabis oil. a little bit placed under the tongue can go along way. there is also edibles such as cookies cakes and brownies but those tend to have a more psychoactive effect and may be a bit too overwhelming. smoking it is an option but with the patients age i would advice against this. if you are in a state where it is legalized for medicinal use talk with a doctor about your options. if unfortunately your in a state like me where its not you can always find all the information you could ever want or need online. just be careful and make sure you check the sources of the information your reading. also be careful of the law as i can personally attest to even if your just trying to use a safe alternate to treat your pain they will still treat you like a criminal. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you.
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can getting a brazillian wax cause yeast infections? . since i started getting brazilian waxes a few months ago i feel as though i have a yeast infection on and off. right when it gets to the point where i'm about to go to the doctor it goes away but a few days later pops back up. i did go to the doctor once and got medication for the yeast infection but within a week after taking the medicine it started back up. i've never been prone to yeast infections before and the only major difference is that instead of shaving i started to get a wax
no yeast infections are caused by. yeast. yeast likes warm dark moist places and the vagina tends to fit the environmental conditions. whether you have hair or not in the pubic area has no influence on yeast so i suggest that you consult your medical provider for a definite treatment like oral difucan.
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my baby was diagnosed with spina bifida. what should i be doing to prepare for his birth and follow-up care
spina bifida has an extremely variable clinical course -- with the location of the spine opening being the most important factor in determining your son's clinical course. children with a very low level lesion can have very good motor skills and have very low risk for cognitive issues. children with high lesions have greater motor impairment and are at increased risk for additional problems. in addition to motor problems the bowel and bladder are also affected. iq and schoool aptitude can be affected as well. since so many parts of the body are affected you will likely need to consult with a range of pediatric specialsists including a neurosurgeon a urologist a physical medicine doctor and either a neurologist or developmental pediatrician. your child's care is likely best provided in a major medical setting teaching hospital or children's hospital. you are going to need to find good doctors whom you can trust. spina bifida (also known as meningomyelocele) is a relatively rare and complicated disorder about which much is known. fortunately although we do not have a "cure" much can be done to help children with spina bifida.
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what is the best age to introduce or switch to a new day care setting for my child who is 11 months old
most children are pretty adaptable and a quality daycare setting should be appealing to him pretty early on (nurturing adults; interesting activities; engaging peers for play). . phasing it in part-time may be a good idea but if that is not possible then not to worry. trying to identify an ideal time is almost academic. . realistically although we want to protect our children from preventable major emotional traumas there is no reason to think that placement in a different quality daycare will be a major trauma for him. as for mild anxiety with the unfamiliar i suspect your son will quickly adapt with no adverse long-term consequences.
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can i use ky jelly and emla cream together for vaginal sex? is it safe to use both at same time. i find it very hard no matter how wet i am naturally. my husband tried ky jelly but it was not helpful. we are married for many year but did not have sex because of pain. i have no bad experience and psychological problem just cannot bear the pai
see your gynecologist. there could be a discoverable reason why you are having painful sex so you won't have to use emla (an anesthetic cream).
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masturbation problem. how to stop? . hi . i am really addicted to masturbating. i have masturbated for every 2 days for 1 year now. it has gotten my self respect to the point where i might get depressed. i am religious and need to stop immediately. is it possible? are there any certain ways that can help me stop? please help asap
there are no sure-fire methods to stop a person from masturbation. if you want to stop just stop. religious convictions aside masturbation is not harmful and it is not abnormal. the vast majority of people on this planet both male and female will masturbate. as a matter of fact it will help you to relieve sexual tension without putting you or a sexual partner at risk. if you are feeling morally guilty then talk to a trusted clergyman/priest to help you. i am a man in my early seventies and masturbate frequently. my wife is no longer sexually active and while i miss intercourse we are still close in other ways. masturbation is a good outlet and i've concluded it's even healthy! a wise old urologist told me once "come early and often! " as to the religious aspect of your question the only thing i would say is that masturbation is usually a solitary act and can become quite narcissistic and self-centered. as a relgious "progressive" i find nothing inimical about the act and rejoice that god has made it possible for me to enjoy my body in this way on occasion. religion is your problem not masturbation! you do not masturbate excessively in a way that might impare your health masturbation relieves tension. another way to relieve tension is to take up an active and exhaustive sport or some other activity that completely occupies your mind. idleness leaves time for thoughts of sex and masturbation. there is nothing wrong in masturbation many people do it so don't feel guilty about it. when ever your mind turns to something erotic: make it a habit to immediately think of something else that completely distracts. just don't carry on thinking of that erotic thing idea moment past pleasure the tension--you get the idea. in a few days you will look back and note that you didn't follow up on the thought or stimulation. it's not easy as it takes much practice in shifting the mind. while you may fail you can restart your persistence. take pleasure in the successes! i seem to have lost my answer or didn't post it properly but what i said was: as a man in his early 70s i'm glad i still masturbate and now without much guilt. my wife whom i love dearly is not sexually active but we remain close and in love and we are helpers for one another. while i miss intercourse i'm happy to be in touch with my body this way. as to religious aspects of your question if you are a member of a community of faith that finds the act sinful you have some choices that get down to: following the tenets or breaking them or leaving that community for a more progressive one. most intelligent believers would find no fault in masturbation. the only thing i can think of that is detrimental is its "solitariness" which can become narcissistic and self-centered. i hope this helps. holyprogressive
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could i be pregnant. i have not had my period since november 2013 me and my boyfriend had sex on december 22 and i bled very little during intercourse and still haven't gotten my period and have the symptoms of being pregnant like moodiness cravings fatigue nausea dizziness lower back pain. i also took two home pregnancy tests and both came back negative
it is time for your to see your medical provider for a thorough examination including a more sensitive blood pregnancy test. anytime that a woman is having unprotected sex / not using contraception the chances of pregnancy will never be "zero".
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just turned 13. i have chest hair! i am about 6ft. doctors said i'd be 6'4". am i done growing? . i am an early bloome
maybe but it depends on the stage of your puberty and if your growth plates have closed. you medical provider would need to examine you and order an x-ray if this information is that important. a male of age 13 still may have a few more years of growth (even if you do have chest hair) so you still may go up a few more inches. your height was genetically determined at the moment of conception. while nutrition and environment play a small role your adult height was basically predetermined. so i have good news for you young man and i will be explaining your exponential growth rate for you too. age 13 and standing at 6ft tall! that is truly remarkable congratulations mr. you are on your way to charming the ladies in high school and i hope you feel comfortable with your gift of early growth spurts. 25 years old is the average age that male bodies stop growing physically in height weight and hair thickness. you are a lucky fella blessed with a body that is maturing early and blossoming to exalting to admirable heights. as a matter of fact males and females mature early in american bloodlines. so it's not unusual or uncommon but there is a difference in the male aspects of growth and the female aspects of early maturity. females can grow/blossom early too but when this happens it usually takes place in mental maturity and physical maturity at the same time. i was highly mature for my age at 13 as well mentally i held conversations with adults and i was advanced in school at cp levels in elementary school. i also was the only girl in my school that had c cup breasts so i was an awkward one.
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can being born 6 days past your due date change your sexuality? . i have in my mind severe hocd and this is one of my obsessive thoughts. i was born on the 15th when i was due on the 9th and the thought popped in saying during those days i could have changed mentally and physically. i'm a girl and 17. this is a weird question but i need answers to calm dow
calm down. there is absolutely no validity to your concern.
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woke up in the middle of the night with my heart flip floping in circles. afib or just palpitations? . have been in the er three times for heart. have had 2 resting ekgs 2 ecg 2 blood dye 2 blood test 2 urine tests 2 x-ray 1 ct. needless to say i've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. . have had dizziness for 2 days bp dropped last night and my rate was strong and weak after the attack. but rate never went above 85 or below 66 even when it was flip flopping. would it be afib or palps? 20yr old no family disease clean for everything just not active. dr apt friday should i be worried
most helpful answer you have an anxiety disorder so you will likely worry no matter what i tell you. unfortunately it would be impossible to determine the true nature of your recent event based solely on the information in your posting so you will need to wait until you see your doctor -- someone who knows your medical history and can examine you. if your doctor or cardiologist feels it is clinically important they can order an "event monitor" where you can record any (future) episodes as an ecg for later review.
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are there medical tests for people with depression to find out if the proper medications and the amount given are correc. if antidepresants are given to a patient by a psycologist is it appropriate to make the diagnosis and what drugs and the amount used only from a 10 minute questionare or are there actual medical tests that can be performed to diagnose and treat mental illness
most helpful answer there are no special tests like blood tests to make that determination. the choice and dosage of anti-derpressant medication is based solely on the medical history and a bit of "trial and error". until the proper medication and dosage is found changes are often made. i am not saying this ten minute questionaire was appropriate but a skilled medical provider can usually pick the right combination of medications and counselling to help.
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first time taking perscribed xanax 0. 5 will show how long in your blood stream
this is a repeat of answer give by webmd health expert dr hoffman. i think this will answer your question. "alprazolam (xanax) is an anxiety-relieving medicine that starts to work within about an hour after taking the pill. the level of drug reaches a peak in the bloodstream after one to two hours and its felt effects last on average about 5 hours. however xanax remains in the bloodstream long after its anti-anxiety effects have worn off. xanax’s average half-life is 11 hours. this means that it takes an average of 11 hours for the body to eliminate half the xanax dose. in older or obese people or those with liver disease xanax’s half-life is longer as long as 40 hours. it takes several half-lives to eliminate a drug completely. so for most people there may still be a small fraction of xanax in your blood two days or more after taking a single pill. people who take xanax on a regular basis maintain a higher drug level in the bloodstream and it could take several weeks to eliminate all the xanax from the body. xanax is excreted from the blood into the urine and is detectable in drug tests. different drug tests have different sensitivities and may or may not detect a low level of xanax in the urine. " what does. 05 look like
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if left untreated can postpartum depression occur after 3 years? . this person i am asking about has a history of depression and anxiety issues
not technically although a parent of a teenager can sure have depression and anxiety 13 years later. after three years (or 13) it not considered post-partum depression but it is depression (and/or anxiety) nonetheless. this person needs medical help. yes. a person suffering from postpartum depression can get recurrence of depression. whether treated or untreated when it occurred. counselling and if required antidepressant medications help.
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i have a six year old who has peach fuzz on her upper lip but because she has dark hair it is visible to her and. she is becoming very self conscious of it. . please advice on the best way to handle this for her self esteem and also to let her know i support her concerns around this matter. i have been told that shaving or creams can lead to more hair growth thicker or wiskers. thank yo
the best thing to do is to have her evaluated. i would not treat this without having her seen. in women this may be nothing more than a normal pattern seen in some ethnicities. however it can signal something more serious in children of this age. other developmental milestones and physical changes should be thoroughly investigated and i would recommend she be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist. other signs of precocious development will be evaluated and its best to be seen by a trained specialist.
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i've got a 16 yr old who can't go to sleep behavior problems at school just had a mental breakdown what can i do to help. his behavior has become eradict with temper flair ups. he does not sleep at all for days. he was just diagnosed with a mental breakdown at a behavioral center. we are afraid he will harm himself as well as others. what can we do to help our son? he is a very bright educated young man and this began about three months ago. he goes to a private school for boys and is in the rotc he was just suspended form school because of this happening
he needs to see a good psychiatrist or psychologist. this may not be an easy problem to solve but it will take his cooperation. a combination of carefully-prescribed medications may help along with some proactive family therapy. don't give up on him. this can be solved.
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is it possible to remove your female genitals? . i'm a female in my teens and recently i've been very uncomfortable about the fact that i had a vagina which i just realised recently after accidentally coming across porn. i get these disturbing thoughts about genitals uncontrollably. this organ is dragging my life and sets incapabilities upon me. i do not wish to reproduce and i will die a virgin. i may change my gender in the future and i think the first step to do so is to remove the most distinguishing feature of the female anatomy
your first step -- long before considering gender reassignment and drastic dangerous surgery --- would be to see a psychiatrist. as a matter of fact a psychiatrist intervention and recommendation is required before any surgeon would consider touching a patient. you are young. you are not well-informed about these very complicated matters. by discussing your deepest feelings and concerns with a trained counselor you may be able to find some peace with the body that nature has given you or pave the pathway to the next steps.
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can marijuana alter a blood test for inflammatio
most helpful answer what kind of blood test? there are many. how much marijuana? it would be best to truthfully disclose your marijuana use to the medical provider who ordered the test so he/she can research this issue. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. ffdfdf
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can gender be determined by a blood test? . in our society today a lot of discussion has been made about sex change operations transgender questions and other social issues. first is male or female able to be determined by a blood test and second if someone wants to change sex can this be achieved by hormones surgery etc.? or can a blood test prove conclusively that someone is a male or female regardless of environmental changes after birth? finally if a blood test can determine sex can this too be changed
not a blood test but a dna swab from the inside of your cheeks or saliva can determine if you have male or female chromosomes. if a person has a sex change -- surgically and hormonally challenged -- the chromosomes do not change nor can they be changed. the olympics uses this type of test to determine eligibility to compete.
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are xanax and lexapro the same
no. they are two different drugs. you can look them up separately on the internet. xanax and lexapro are not the same. lexapro is used to treat anxiety and major depressive disorders in adults and adolescents. lexapro is an antidepressant that is part of a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssris). xanax is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. xanax is part of a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and are central nervous system (cns) depressants that is effective by enhancing the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (gaba). gallus detox center is a private inpatient medical detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
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i rode a train 12 hrs ago & now feel dizzy & feel like i am still on it. is this motion sickness? and will it go away
you may have a condition called mdd (mal de debarquement) a type of vertigo that occurs after an individual gets off a boat usually a cruise lasting several days but it could happen from this 12-hour train trip. people describe the imbalance symptoms as a rocking boat worse when you stand still or lie down. these annoying symptoms can last months or can fade relatively fast. it is more common in women between the ages of 40-50. unfortunately most medications that work for other forms of dizziness (meclizine scopolamine) do not work very well for mdd. valium (diazepam) and the antidepressant drug amitriptyline has been used with limited success. these drugs help block or suppress those aberrant inner ear signals that are causing those symptoms and help with the associated anxiety. vestibular rehabilitation therapy has also been shown to be effective if your symptoms are lasting a long time. since there are many many other medical causes for imbalance and vertigo your first step is to be properly evaluated by an ent specialist.
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my labia itch intensely especially after i urinate. no other symptoms. is it possible to be allergic to my urine? . i took a home test for a uti - negative. i took a 3 day course of monistat thinking it might be a yeast infection but that made no difference. i am 56 and celibate for several years but this itch has been going on for about 2 months. vagisil soothes the itch nicely but don't want to live on vagisil. obvious answer is to go to a doctor. problem is i have profound latrophobia - fear of doctors. an exam is out! i have allergies to everything so i tried new tp and detergent. no help. any ideas
an allergy to your own urine is not possible. your labial itching may eventually help you overcome your fear of being examined since this may be the only way you can have this problem properly diagnosed. this is not something that can be done blindly over the internet based solely on a vague description. having a sympathetic female physician pa or nurse practitioner should ease your discomfort and fear especially if you disclose it prior to your visit. have a trusted friend go with you. your doctor can even provide you with a short-acting anti-anxiety medication to help you overcome your fear. in most cases a yeast infection is the underlying cause but since the labia is covered in skin and skin can have hundreds of dermatological conditions that cause itching it would likely be futile to try and treat a condition that is not even diagnosed.
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can bactrim cause a false positive for benzodiazapham on a drug tes
no. bactrim is an antibiotic and is not related in the least to benzodiazapem (valium) an anti-anxiety drug.
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are there any medications to take to prevent hair pulling/trichotillomania? . trichotillomania . hair pulling . ocd . medicatio
there are no specific medications just for trichotillomania just the comprehensive pscyhiatric managment of the ocd. this may include a combination of various different medications along with behavioral therapy. put simply the answer is: no -- and yes. there is no "specific" fda-approved medication for hair-pulling/trichotillomaniac; yet commonly medications include those given for ocd (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and autism spectrum disorders such as: ssri's (incl. zoloft paxil lexapro prozac celexa ); anticonvulsant mood stabilizers (depakote/valproic acid tegretol topamax lamictal); lithium; the so-called "atypical" or "newer-generation" antipsychotics: risperdal invega zyprexa seroquel geodon ability in practice a psychiatrist pediatrician or other qualified licensed physician (e. g. psychiatric nurse practitioner g. p. p. a. internist pediatrician) would perform an assessment to see what other issues are going on and decide from there (e. g. other conditions mental state age of patient (child vs. teen vs. adult) setting (institution jail hospital (short term) previous statement physical and mental condition(s)/ previous conditions/ history of treatment. ______________________________________________
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what is the differential diagnosis for someone who cuts their face. a female teenager who is suicidal. my question is this is an unusual behavior for a borderline diagnosis. it seems to indicate psychosi
cutters. whether they are cutting their arms or face. need psychiatric intervention. sadly this behavior is not unusual.
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depo shot lithium prozac seroquel are what i take. want to start family with hubby. need advice
your advice should come from both your ob/gyn and a psychiatrist. if you are very lucky you may find a clinician who is highly skilled in both areas. some medications may need adjusted stopped or changed during a pregnancy so this will need to be done under professional care.
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i am currently taking lexapro and wellbutrin. what recreational drugs are safe to use and which ones will be inhibited? . i would like to experiment with shrooms ecstasy lsd etc. what recreational drugs are safe to take in combination with these prescriptions and which ones are not worth trying (due to inhibited effects from the antidepressants)? . please don't tell me not to try anything. i am here for legitimate advice and will ignore any answers that prove un-useful or inappropriate
how about none. when you are trying to manage depression only a fool would use recreational drugs. don't be a fool.
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what's a smart way to live a long high-quality life
here are some helpful hints from the men and women who are the gold medal winners in the longevity marathon of life: 1) centenarians use their body reserves well. at birth you actually have excess capacity built into your body tissues organs and biological systems. this reserve declines gradually over time. the goal is to slow down this decrease in reserve. you’ll never guess how. yep we’re back to healthy lifestyle habits. you need to know that this decline can be insidious. that means you can actually lose most of an organ’s function before you actually experience symptoms. studies of the centenarians show that they tend to be more physically active throughout each day. they eat simply but tend to stick to whole foods. processed refined products are not a staple. 2) gerontologists have noted that you can make improvements in your lifestyle at any point in your lifespan and reap terrific benefits. if you begin to walk on a regular basis in your mid 40’s researchers have found that you can delay immobility to age 90 and beyond. get up and move already! aim to accrue 10 000 steps every day you can. 3) use it and you won’t lose it. scientists from the national institute of aging once noted that much of what we thought were the symptoms of aging are actually the symptoms of disuse. if you don’t use it you lose it. this applies to your physical as well as mental muscle. of course muscle strength declines with age. outside of athletes most of you will reach your peak muscle performance somewhere between the ages of 20 and 30. again because of that body reserve if you stay physically active you shouldn’t experience significant muscular incapacity until your 80’s or 90’s. add strength training to your physical activity routine now. if you do you’ll be able to stay physically independent and avoid disability and frailty. and whip out your sudoku and puzzles to keep your mind fresh and focused. 4) optimize your genes. i’ve got a reality blast for all of you folks who may be saying “oh heck my grandmother and mom lived well into their 90’s. i have great genes and i don’t have to try hard to live long. ” science shows that only about 20-30% of longevity is genetically determined. lifestyle is the critical factor. you can really make a significant impact on living long and well when you improve lifestyle habits. 5) wit passion and social connections keep you young. researchers with the new england centenarian study note that the majority of centenarians continue to do things they love (hey don’t knock knitting; it works! ) they’re often fun and feisty and they cherish and maintain social connections to family friends and their communities. whatever age you are today make sure you’re living a life rich with people you love to be around and that you’re out there doing professional work and hobbies for which you have a real passion. 6) aim to be a “stress shedder. ” dr. tom perls one of the top centenarian researchers noted in his book "how to live to be 100 " that the men and women he studied were “stress shedders. ” in other words they experience whatever stress occurs adapt and adjust and then move on. they don’t tend to drag the drama and trauma of life’s stresses around with them. this relieves them of mental weight and allows them to get on with embracing and enjoying life.
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im breast feeding can i smoke marijuana
why take the chance? i found this article very informative. <link> order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. dfdfdfdfdf
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can a cancer patient quit methadone after 3 days without harmful side effects? . my uncle has stage 4 lung cancer and has been on many pain meds. the dr switched him to methadone and this is obvoiously the wrong drug for him. he is unable to feed himself and not with it. can we safely take him off of it after only 2 1/2 days of taking it without him having harmful side effects?
it should not be a problem. he has not been taking it long enough for a physical or psychological dependence. it is always best to check with his doctor however who may want to decrease his dose rather than stop it. pain specialists often have there own method of management.
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will marijuana in system stop surgery. i haven't smoked marijuana in about two months but it is still in my system. i am scheduled for spinal surgery in ten days. i did a urine sample as part of pre-op and wonder if it would stop my surgery if found in my system
i don't know. that is up to surgeon and the anesthesiologist so you will need to discuss your case individually with them. there are no set rules about this so they will make the decision. i am surprised that you are still showing positive drug test results two months after not using marijuana. are you sure about those dates? order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. dfdfdf
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soes atenolol help teens who have high anxiety at school because they stutter? . my son stutters and now that he is in high school the thought of having to speak in class because he might stutter is causing him a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. his face turns red he sweats his heart races and his stomach hurts. his doctor prescribed 1/2 tablet of atenolol 25mg as needed for stuttering. do the benefits of this drug outweigh the possible side effects? are there other teens who stutter that have tried this medication and what are their experiences with this medication
atenolol is a blood pressure medication that has been used for some anxiety issues. if this seems to help him in these social situations then i do think it justifies using it. i don't believe he will experience any adverse effects from taking this low dose. there are other medications that may be more helpful if this does not work.
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why does sex not feel good to me? . what is wrong with me. whenever i have sex it does not feel good but it does not hurt/feel bad. it literally feels like nothing no pleasure at all. i feel him there but no pleasure with him being inside me. of course i have tried different positions and have had different partners. nothing seems to give me pleasure
the reasons may be numerous and of course very complex and highly-individualized. this is not something that can be blindly solved over the internet. your first step is to make sure there is not something medically/physically wrong that can account for your displeasure. then you may need to see a psychologist -- someone skilled in sexual dsyfunction -- to help you sort out the possible reasons and solution to solve this very distressing dilemma.
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i have panic attacks never seen anyone have one bad as mine all my mucles tence up like a seizure. panic attacks or no
i don't have enough information (none in fact) about you to make a blind diagnosis. if you are having panic attacks you will need to see your medical provider or a psychiatrist to help you. there are some excellent medications that can hopefully fix this for you.
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can a vasectomy be a factor for erectile disfunfion. i am 54 years old and having eretile disfuntion five years after having a vasectomy could this be a factor to this proble
no unless the cause of your ed is psychological. a vasectomy does not affect a man's ability to have an erection.
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fear of taking blood pressure. i have a total fear of taking my blood pressure. that started after one day i was allergic to a medication and my blood pressure went so high that i went to the emergency room. now i have such fear that every time i take my blood pressure it goes up because i am so nervous. i need to know what my real blood pressure is what can i do? i need help. thank yo
get your own blood pressure machine either a manual one or a high-tech electronic one. take your own blood pressure and keep a careful log. randomly high blood pressures due to anxiety (we call it "white coat hypertension") tends to be discounted if all of your home blood pressures are normal.
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is it possible to have bpd and clinical depression? if so how can both be diagnosed effectively? . although i'm certain that i have borderline personality disorder it doesn't seem to cover everything i'm going through. i understand the personality shifts but for a while now i just get depressed and unmotivated for no reason at all and seem unable to shake the feeling. i've seen a doctor but i feel like he can't get past the bpd effects and it just doesn't feel the same
yes it is possible to have feelings of depression if you have bpd. borderline personality disorder is frequently misdiagnosed for bipolar or manic depression. the unstable moods associated with both conditions have in fact lead some researchers to believe that they are variants of each other. mood stabilizer drugs and talk therapy seem to be the best approach to help people with borderline personality disorder manage anxiety depression and aggression. at the same time it can help those suffering from this disorder deal with daily living. talk therapy can help you focus on understanding how your thoughts and behaviors effect yourself and others. it also helps you find more effective ways for you to approach daily stressors that could trigger negative or harmful behavior.
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should i have an infected cyst lanced now if i have an appt with a surgeon in 2 weeks? . i've had this cyst twice before. it's really painful and i'm not sure i can wait the 2 weeks! will it mess up my surgery to have it lanced now
medical conditions often do not wait until surgeons get around to dealing with it so the fact that it is painful now it would be best to have it treated now. start by calling the surgeon's office to see if you can be seen earlier (like today). without knowing the medical details of your case (type of cyst size location etc. ) it would not be possible for me to know if lancing it now would be detrimental to your upcoming procedure. i can tell you that cysts are often easier to remove when they are intact.
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i have extream anxity and panic. i cant control it and it's making me crazy. what can i do
you will need to see a medical provider or a psychiatrist so that you can be properly assessed. there are many prescription medications that can help you. if i was you i would go to a good dr & have a checkup & talk there are some gr8 medications out there today i know as i am on 2 lots of antidepressants & 2014 is going to be the best year ever after 2 bad relationships 2 councillors & a physic lady & a new dr i am doing wonderful it took me 3 & a half mths before my new drug kicked in there is hope out there as my neice told me it is easier to stay up than get up one of the things even if you don't feel like doing it is getting up & being normal you will get there i had to do this & it was hard work i tell you but it gets easier & going to bed @ normal hours & plan your day & do everything you normally do ask you dr for a mild anti anxiety drug too until the other anti depressants kick in good luck
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how do i know if i have an enlarged heart? . recently a teenager in my area died unexpectedly from an enlarged heart. i found that many times there are no symptoms; it scares me to think that you could die of something so unexpected not even knowing about it. my imagination is on overdrive now and every little thing i notice scares me. for instance left rib by my heart protrudes a little more than the right and i have varicose veins where my stomach is and sometimes chest pains. i don't know if it's all in my head or not. thank you
it may be all in your head but unless you saw a cardiologist had an chest x-ray and/or echocardiogram there is no way to know if someone has an "enlarged heart" or any other type of heart anomaly by just looking at the chest wall. these sudden deaths of heatlhy people do happen unfortunately and many never knew they had a problem. have a good physical exam. if you have a family history of cardiac problem get a clearance from a cardiologist. since you are so worried this may relieve your anxiety.
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blackheads have been a problem for many years of my life. what should i look for in a doctor to treat this problem? . i've had black and whitehead problems all my life and i am 54 years old. i'm ready to find a dermatologist that can help me with this issue but don't know what to look for while researching. what questions should i ask and how do i know they are reputable
any board-certified dermatologist should be able to help you with this long-standing skin problem. i can't say definitely but a suggestion can be given because i am also a former acne sufferer tried many products for my face and got frustrated with all those. then my friend suggested me about an e- book which is designed with only holistic methods to cure acne permanently. i downloaded the "acnenomore" e-book from <link> at a very reasonable price. it cures acne:* without resorting to drugs* without creams or ointments* works on all types of acne: vulgaris conglobata rosacea blackheads whiteheads and cysts* proven to work on: teen or adult acne acne on the face back shoulders neck or chest* even if you have very severe acne* faster than you ever thought possible! you can try it if you are feeling like:* have acne (in any level of severity) on your face back shoulders or chest* itching and peeling skin caused by chemicals and drugs* oily skin with large open pores* suffering from low self esteem depression worry and anxiety because of your acne? * avoid going out often because of your acne? * feel obsessed over your acne condition? * spend a lot of money on drugs and over the counters that do not seem to work? you may speak with a board certified dermatologist who has the eagerness to help you bring back your confidence. eric schweiger m. d. a member of the american academy of dermatology and the american society for dermatologic surgery can help you. you may also visit www. clearclinic. com for more helpful information. eric schweiger m. d. is a board certified dermatologist that you can speak with. he can help you with your acne problems.
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sitting in front of a window unit cause sniffles? how long will they last when you move away from the front of the unit
it would only cause "sniffles" if those sniffles were to do environmental allergies like pollens or molds. allergies can last a long. long time so it would not be possible to make a general prediction on the duration of symptoms. cold breezes open windows will not cause colds. colds are caused by viruses and viruses last about a week.
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why do i wake up exhausted after a full nights sleep? . i workout daily and i eat healthy. i know that i talk in my sleep. often times i'm aware of it when it's happening but i'm still asleep or dreaming it doesn't quite wake me up. could this have something to do with my exhaustion
i have no way of specifically answering your question because i know nothing about you or your medical history but one possibility would be stress or depression. in these cases your body may be at rest but your stressed brain may still be going 100 miles per hour.
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i think i might have anxiety? . i recently started college (as in about a month ago) and since i've been here i've felt sick but i didn't think much of it. but for the past week or so it's gotten a lot worse and i have been physically ill to the point of skipping class because of it but nothing i've done has helped. i've had issues with stress management nervousness and anxiety before to the point of regularly seeing a counselor but could what i'm experiencing be the proper onset of an anxiety disorder
sure. you could be absolutely correct but it would be wise not to make a self-diagnosis but rather see a medical provider for a properly consultation. if you do have anxiety issues there are plenty of different ways you can be helped.
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my 7 year old daughter has temper tantrums! . my 7 yr old daughter has awful tantrums that have been happening more often. they occur in the mornings before school & other times they happen in the evening. they spark from not wanting to wear a coat to not liking what we have for dinner. she cries screams kicks throws things & even swings at me. they continue for at least 30 minutes and at the end she always cries that her head hurts. i give her some ibuprofen and then she settles down. . this doesnt seem normal to me. any advice would help
she needs help starting with her pediatrician. many children of her age have explosive outbursts and there are medications that can help. additionally she could see a child psychiatrist or counselor for behavior therapy. tantrums can occur at any age but by age 7 she certainly should know that she is not in charge of the world and how do deal with conflicts in a more civilized manner. i don't have enough information to comment on her head pain but this should be carefully evaluated by the pediatrician as well including consideration for some imaging studies. rarely brain lesions can surface as personality aberrations so this may need to be ruled out.
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how do i know if my fifteen year old is truly addicted to computer games? . my son plays nonstop while at home and only comes down from his room when i make him do chores. he has no outside interests. he has friends with whom he plays online with that he know personally but they never get together in person. he does not play xbox anymore as he feels it is not advanced enough. he has a gaming computer and now wants to build his in computer desktop so it can go faster with the money he has saved
it does appear that he is psychologically addicted to gaming so i would not encourage this by allowing him to upgrade his system until he finds a "balance" in his life and proves he can monitor his own computer use. challenge him by seeing if he can give up all gaming for one month (offer him money as a challenge). if he can stop (for a price) then he has some control. you have the right to limit his time on the computer or on-line gaming. you are the parent! insist that he spend more time with friends (unless they are having gaming issues) or with other activities. find him a job or jobs that require him to be out of the house. he may want to spend money now on his computer but later he may need a driver's license as the "carrot on the stick" to improve his behavior.
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should i tell my anesthesiologist? . i have a pre surgical appointment with my anesthesiologist in 3 weeks and i recently smoked marijuana and i do not plan on ever smoking again. should i make this aware to the anesthesiologist? i'm not sure if they will test for it. it obviously wouldn't have any effect on surgery or anything since surgery is long awa
you should always tell your anesthesiologist and surgeon about your marijuana use. let them decide if your occasional use is significant or not. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. fdfdfd
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intercourse. i have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and i do not enjoy having intercourse. every time he tries i scream /cry that it hurts and i push him away. i've been to gyno 4 times but never gone through a check up because i scream/cry and push the doctor away. also i do not wear tampons. i am not a virgin. i am tired of this problem that is preventing me from living a normal life. someone mentioned hypnotherapy. is that a possible solution? please help
you must first permit a proper examination so this may involve bringing a trusted friend with you get a compassionate female medical provider and even ask for an anti-anxiety medication before your gynecological visit. this is not an uncommon problem and the causes can be very complex both medical and psychological -- not something that can be easily solved over the internet. the medical name for this condition is dyspareunia. if you are to have a satisfying sexual life it is important that you follow through and see a specialist in this area.
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can i ask my teen to see if she has been cutting? .
if you don't who is going to ask her. cutting can be a very serious psychological problem so if you suspect she is cutting this needs to be addressed immediately. do it with genuine concern and understanding. if she is you will need to have her see a psychiatrist.
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do surgeons look for marijuana in a urine test during pre-admission testing for open hip surgery? . i am going to undergo open hip surgery to correct an abnormality. before surgery is a pre-admission test that they run on patients that include a urine sample. i'm not a smoker but i did smoke marijuana recently and i was wondering if that would show up in the urine sample or if i should make that aware to my anesthesia doctor that i consult with before hand
you should tell both your surgeon and your anesthesiologist about your marijuana use. a routine urine sample is not a drug test but your surgical team must have this information so be open and honest. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. dfdfdfdff
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can oxycodone cause rapid heart rate
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