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are women realistic about obesity
i’ve just gotten through reading a new survey detailing how women feel about the “o” word — obesity — as it relates to themselves their children family and friends. the good news is that most women agree that obesity is a major issue. this survey was unique because it’s woman-centric updating us about how women currently view the impact of obesity on their daily lives. the online survey was conducted within the united states by harris interactive on behalf of the national non-profit association healthywomen. from august 24-26 2010 1 037 women ages 18 and older participated. after reviewing the survey results a number of disconnects began to emerge. here are some highlights from the survey: 1. although 87 percent of women believe that there is a parental role in the cycle of obesity only 28 percent assign any responsibility to themselves. fifty-seven percent believed that a mother and father have equal influence on their child’s potential for obesity. reality: research shows that a mother’s obesity has a much great impact than a father’s on their child at all ages. mom’s are still primarily in charge of grocery shopping and meal preparation. kids tend to emulate their moms’ eating patterns. 2. one in 10 women surveyed recognized that if she were obese in her first trimester her obesity more than doubles her child’s risk of becoming obese. forty-six percent of women didn’t know if there was a mother-child obesity connection in pregnancy and 11 percent felt there was no connection at all. reality: research from harvard medical school shows that the more weight a woman gains while pregnant the greater the child’s chances are of being overweight by the age of three. currently one in five women is obese at the time of her baby’s conception which translates into 1. 3 million annually. 3. eighty percent of women believe that outside relationships can influence their becoming obese. seventy-two percent believe an obese family member can affect their obesity risk. sixty percent think that a spouse or partner will significantly impact on their becoming obese or not. less than one in three believes an obese friend can influence their weight. reality: research shows that a woman has a greater chance of becoming obese if her friend does. there is a less effect for sibling or spouse. 4. while 97 percent of women knew that obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes only: a) thirty percent knew that it was also associated with gallstones and infertility; b) twenty-five percent knew it could increase the risk of colon and breast cancer; c) and only 13 percent knew about the obesity-uterine cancer connection. the bottom line from this survey is that all women need to embrace and integrate these new facts into a “new normal” attitude about healthy lifestyles.
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if my sugar level is at 300 and not taking medication what can i d
it appears that you do need medication or insulin since you appear to have diabetes. you need to see your medical provider or a diabetic specialist and get this into control. you will also need to follow a diabetic diet.
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i'm 14 1/2 and still dont have my first period! help! . i'm 14 1/2 and still don't have my first period. i have had all the signs and have been expecting it to come any day for a year and 1/2 or more. i'm 5' 1" and 100 pounds. i'm not that active. i have been developing beasts for mabey a little more than 3 years have had discharge for maybe 1 1/ 2 years i have had "hair down there" for about 1 1/2 years and i wear a bra size 32/34b. what should i do
what should you do? you may need to wait a bit longer. some young women can have their first period delayed to age 16 and this is considered normal. just because all of your friends may be having their period does not really apply to you. you are well into puberty so the hormones are doing their job in the other departments. just not your menstrual cycle. yes there can be medical reasons so it would be appropriate for you to see a gynecologist (women's health expert) for a brief examination and perhaps a blood test.
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my 15 year old son is the size of an 8 year old and hasnt grown in 5 years. what could be causing this
it could be genetic if his parents are small or he could have a growth hormone deficiency. the sooner the gets evaluated the better. get his in to see a pediatric endocrinologist asap since he is 15 now. growth hormone deficiencies must be treated before his growth plates close (while he is still growing).
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should non-sexually active teens have access to birth control especially when they have severe cramping? . many teens often have severe cramping or other symptoms that are really hard to push through. sometimes it can hold one's self back from doing many daily things even walking. would you consider birth control an effective way of reducing the pain when just applying heat and taking midol or pamprin just isn't enough? just because teens may need birth control does not always mean the want to be sexually active and some have a hard time telling their parents that. think of the health benefits
absolutely. i have dozens of teens on birth control who have never been sexually involved. hormonal regulation menstrual pain heavy/frequent periods. and even severe acne (also hormone-related) are some of the medical indications to use birth control pills. teens do have birth control access even without parent permission but when it is for a medical reason (and not contraception) parents should be involved. and supportive. really good question. the incidence of non-sexual teens is probably pretty low in this day and time. but yes god bless them it happens. i think you have to address the cramping first obviously. lots of possible causes. again i say you start at the most obvious cause and work your way back to the most obscure. with girls cramps are most commonly due to menes blood flowing thru the cervix clots hurt more. the cervix which is the distal end of the uterus which extends down into the vag is very sensitive to stuff going thru it dilating it. that's why clots hurt more than just thin blood. some doctors from my experience over the years have used bc pills to control blood flow down the uterus to the vag. i'm not a girl but i've been married twice and i have 2 daughters. one started her periods at age 8. very cruel joke from mother nature. both my wives had endometriosis and had bleeding problems. cramps were an everyday occurence. so was overflow bleeding. geez i felt so bad for my girls. nothing prepares a girl for that. gone are the days when girls cramps were written off by professionals as nerotic. i know it hurts. altho some girls tend to be drama queens who actually knows how bad it hurts except them? historically bc pills a cocktail of hormones i think seem to reduce blood loss. also affects weight gain. bigger boobs too. fluid retention. lovely. but my answer to your direct question is if it's bc pills then yes it could help with the cramps. and who knows or wants to know if they're sexually active? just put them on the pill. hope for the best. if it doesn't work with the cramps let them know they should tell you so you can seek other answers. parenting is tough especially with girls. this is my best answer. to be honest my cramps were much less severe (and sometimes i never even had cramps) while i was on birth control. however if you don't truly need birth control i would advise finding another method to control your cramping. think about what birth control is and what it does to your body. you are literally swallowing one tiny pill that completely changes the mechanics of your body. i don't know for sure what types of negative effects they have truly linked to birth control but it all just seems too much to be necessary. i don't take any pills if i do not have to to keep junk out of my body but when my cramps get horrible i have found advil liquigels work much better than midol and the like. there are also many natural alternatives that are simply an internet search away. birth control pills estrogen and progesterone are powerful and potentially dangerous drugs and should not be used for period cramping unless there is a clear need. these drugs have very severe side effects and should not be taken lightly. birth control pills can cause blood clots liver cancer gallbladder disease heart attacks acne oily scalp hair loss high blood pressure depression cataracts and many many other side effects. bcps should be reserved only for those that are in severe need of them. if you have severe cramping there are other things you can try: otc pain medications heating pad soak in a warm bath.
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is there a condition that causes the thyroid to be short
the thyroid (gland) to be "short"? i am not sure what you mean so perhaps you should repost your question and be more detailed.
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has short in stature. rides a school bus. feet dangle. a medical concern? if so what can be done to correct it
if you are concerned about this person's short stature he should be evaluated by a pediatric endocrinologist (i am assuming this is a child but i do not know the age). there can be medical intervention like hgh (human growth hormone) for some forms of short stature if this intervention is done before the growth plates have closed. again i don't know the age or the reason for the short stature.
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glipizide vs metformin as a medication for type 2 diabetes? . i understand that glipizide stimulates the production of more insulin by the pancreas in order to control blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes; that metformin helps to decrease insulin resistance helping the body to absorb the sugar taking it out of the blood faster. which is better? will the pancreas eventually stop production of insulin from constant over stimulation by taking glipizide daily? is there a down side to metformin also
there's no simple answer to your question however the absolute best option for anyone with type 2 diabetes is exercise and weight management. here's a short synopsis: by the time you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes around 50% of your beta cells are lost [ and your body's resistance to the action of insulin has been longstanding]. the decline in beta cell function is predictable. it's an absolute fact that treatment of type 2 diabetes with one drug alone won't work to control blood sugars. the decline continues regardless of therapy with metformin or sulfonylureas drugs like xyz. however lifestyle changes like diet and exercise seem to slow the loss of beta cell function by improving insulin sensitivity. other drugs may also stabilize beta cells. after we eat insulin works primarily on muscles. muscles are also the primary site of insulin resistant. by engaging in routine physical activity we use muscles which uses sugar as a source of energy. we also burn excess fat. together these actions result in less insulin resistant improved insulin function and fitness.
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is it possible to be allergic to hormones
it is possible to have adverse or unpleasant reactions to certain hormones but a true allergy (hives itching etc. ) is unlikely since your body makes those same hormones.
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does your cervix or uterus produces hormone
no. there are just "recipients" of the hormones produced primarily by the ovaries. hi its your uterus that produces hormones your cervix just acts as the plug after each period has finished but i think your find this link very interesting. the link <link> hope you understand it all but interesting. good luck
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is there a corralation between diabetes and boils
yes there can be a correlation. people wtih diabetes (especially uncontrolled diabetes) are considered immunocompromised so having skin infections would be one manifestation that can occur.
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how long does diabetic medication take to start working
unable to determine. that depends on the type and dosage of diabetes medication and the person who has the diabetes. more severe cases take longer to get in control.
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20 year old male. can i take hormones (estrogen) without losing penile function? . i am a twenty year old male. is there any way i can get more feminine features: legs hips figure facial features; without losing control of my penis? such as taking estrogen or birth control? . am i stuck looking like a male? can i look like a female and retain control of penile functions
when you mess with mother nature there is no way to predict outcome - positive or negative ones. rather than mess with your own male hormones by taking potent female hormones i would strongly suggest that you find and consult a medical professional (like an endocrinologist) who is experienced in sexual reassignment therapy. this is not something you should be doing on your own.
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unexplained common vaginal discharge white in color no itching or burning why? . a few times a week i have unexplained vaginal discharge. its normally white in color. i'm not itchy or burning in any way. its driving me crazy i feel like i'm walking around in my leftover orgasm or something in my underwear. tired of wearing panty-liners and buying new underwear just not sexy yea know. it doesn't smell. it's just there not a lot but enough to annoy me and change my underwear or put on a panty liner. any help or ideas
most helpful answer this mystery may remain unexplained until you see your gynecologist for a proper examination and perhaps a few diagnostic tests. this could be a normal (although annoying) vaginal discharge due to some overactive hormones not unlike a runny nose or constant tearing. whether there is anything that can be done medically would depend on the exact cause -- not something that that i can accurately determine blindly over the internet.
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can having one kidney effect mans sex drrive? . he was born with only one kidney. the adrenal atop of the kidney keeps. hormones in balanced. he is only 23 but isn't really into sex never really has the drive for it
having one kidney should not adversely affect one's sex drive. something else is causing it.
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can you still get pregnant if you have had fallopian tubes removed? . having pregnancy symptoms but youngest child is 14yrs old.
maybe with in vitro fertilization but you will need to speak to a fertility specialist. my daughter just had her fallopian tubes removed an hr ago. her dr said yes she can get pregnant but she would have to go to a faternity clinic or specialist so yes she can have more babys if she wants to. no. as early as your mid 30's you can have pre-menopause symptoms which can be similar to pregnancy. like the previous person said the only way to conceive would be ivf. if your symptoms continue check with your doctor they may need to check your hormone levels and examine you to rule out cysts etc. cysts on the uterus can cause pregnancy symptoms and are usually treatable with medication.
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my son is 7 years old and weighs 90 pounds and urinates a lot what does this mean
it may not mean anything or it could be an important symptom. since i do not know anything about his medical history or have any way of examining him taking a family history and ordering a blood and urine test it would be wise to discuss this with his medical provider. one possibility could be juvenile-onset diabetes (type 1). and i know you have been thinking about this. but there can be many other reasons why a child would be urinating more than normal. get him checked out.
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when is a "muffin top " extra belly fat dangerous
any woman can get a muffin top. but women are more likely to gain excess belly weight -- especially deep inside the belly -- as they go through perimenopause and into menopause when their menstrual cycle ends. that's because as estrogen levels drop body fat is redistributed from the hips thighs and buttocks (where it used to be stored as a fuel reserve for breastfeeding) to the abdomen. developing a pooch of subcutaneous (below the skin) fat -- what i call the "menopot" -- is perfectly normal. but if you gain more than 2 to 5 pounds it's likely to go deeper into the abdomen creating too much visceral fat. you need some fat in your belly but when it becomes excessive i call it "toxic fat. " that's because excessive amounts of visceral fat increase inflammation in the body and ultimately contribute to several conditions including heart disease diabetes and cancer.
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female and i pee a lot why
i am sorry but i do not have enough information (none in fact) to be able to determine why you are having frequency of urination. i suggest that you see your medical provider so you can be properly examined have your urine tested for infection and perhaps have a blood test for diabetes.
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is there a birth control pill with out hormones in i
no. all birth control pills are hormonal. this is how they work. there are non-hormonal contraceptive methods like a diaphragm cervical cap and condoms but no pills.
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is a sugar level above 400 dangerous
yes. this person has diabetes and their blood sugar is very out of control. it needs to be lowered so prompt medical intervention is essential.
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is diabetes hereditar
yes. there can be an hereditary relationship but not obviously not every family member will end up with diabetes.
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i have testicular atrophy and erection problems from prohormone. can my body fix itself? . i took a supplement i found online thinking it was just a weight gainer. it was a prohormone. about 6 days into it i started having flu like symptoms. after that i lost sex drive and am having erection problems. i can get one but it required alot of stimulation and doesnt stay up long. where i am located it will be a while before i can see a doctor. around 4 months. would this be enough time for my body to start producing testosterone again on its own
i don't know your age. or the content of that on-line "prohormone" that you were taking. i also do not know anything about your medical history in order to make a patient-specific comment. if you have to wait four months to see a medical provider get the wheels in motion. just in case. unfortunately i would have no idea when you will return to normal. the state before you took thse supplements.
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is caffene important in insulin control and weight loss
no. caffiene is not important at all. humans like it but they don't really need it.
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blood glucose test came back: high levels of c-peptide (5. 5). a1c (5. 3) fasting glucose (105). please explain results
the high fasting blood sugar places you at a higher risk for developing diabetes in the future. this along with the a high c-peptide indicates insulin levels are available and point to hyperinsulinemia and potentially the beginning of insulin resistant. you should look for risk factors that further increase your risks for diabetes and work on those that can be modified. are you physically active? is your weight where it needs to be? etc discuss other markers of diabetes with your doctor: high blood pressure abnormal cholesterol levels skin changes that point to excess insulin etc the good news is that you can improve insulin sensitivity and improve glucose tolerance through lifestyle changes to help reduce your risk.
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can being inoculated with growth hormone as a child eliminate a person from donating blood now and in the future? why
i don't think that would be a problem but then again blood banks set their own rules. those human growth hormones have been long gone in your case so there is really no way that your blood would harbor any residuals in my opinion.
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can a multivitamin cause acne
no multivitamins will not cause acne. the most common cause of acne is your own hormones. they most definitely will. i think it has to do with the biotin in my multivitamin. before my multivitamin i started taking biotin to think it would make my hair and nails longer and my face glow. boy was i wrong! i've never had such bad acne in my life - to the point of cystic acne! it was embarrassing and painful! happy to say that as soon as i stopped taking it my face returned to normal and i was never so pleased with my own skin before! a couple months later (i completely forgot about the biotin incident) my mother mentioned how i should take a multivitamin since i'm a vegetarian and don't get all the nutrients i need. so silly me - "yeah sure mom grab a bottle for me! it'll be great! " i didn't even look at the label and about 2-3 weeks into taking half a pill every-other day i started to break out like crazy on the left side of my face mostly my cheek. at first i thought it was due to stress but no way it was because of the multivitamin. i also researched it some b vitamins and iodine are two other big causes of acne. "grrrreat their all bundled up in the little capsule to destroy my face! " moral of the story be weary multivitamins sound appealing but can be toxic (even in small doses)! no. multivitamin does not cause acne.
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my baby girl is eight days old. i noticed some swelling in her breasts today when i bathed her. is this normal
yes these little breast buds are normal and they can even leak a drop of breast milk! you and your child shared a blood supply and your blood had high levels of a hormone that prepared you for breast-feeding. those same hormones are in your daughter's blood supply right now but it will soon dissipate. then you will not see those breasts again until she make her own hormones.
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what to do when toenail comes off. i am a diabetic but my toe nail was getting thick and discolored and it came off what should i do to treat it or should i see my diabetic docto
see your diabetic doctor or a podiatrist. you may have a fungal condition of your nail(s) called onychomycosis but this will need to be confirmed and properly treated. not self-treated. as you know i have no way of examining your feet! it is best not to mess with your own nails when you have diabetes.
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why does my bag of arrowroot powder say it may cause breathing problems? i want to use this in home made baby powder. this is one ingredient in the making of this talc free baby powder. now i'm not so sure that i should use it! . the label says it may clog nose and throat if inhaled and cause difficulty. please advis
any powder can cause respiratory difficulties in children. this is why many pediatricians no longer recommend them. the recommended diaper treatments are ointments and lotions. not powders. if you do use it be very careful not to cause a cloud of powder that you or your baby will inhale.
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should 800 cc of fluid be detected around lungs on auscultation by one's general practitioner? . what period of time does it take for that amount of fluid to accumulate
i cannot see how any medical professional could "auscultate" (means "listen") and accurately determine the amount of fluid around the lungs. i would seriously ask for imagine studies (x-ray ct ultrasound mri) to confirm this.
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what happens when they remove a lung will a person have to be on oxgan all the tim
no. we have two lungs (one has three lobes and the other has four). i am not sure which lung (or lobe) is being removed but most people do not have to use oxygen after having this surgery. of course that is assuming that their remaining lung (or lobes) are healthy and disease-free.
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can i have flue shots when i have asthma
yes. asthma patients are at a higher risk of getting complications of the flu (influenza) such as pneumonia so flu shots are a must!
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what happens if a culture of the lungs shows a staph infection
it will need to be treated with an appropriate course of antibiotics.
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it's bronchitis contagiou
no. there are not "bronchitis germs" that only cause bronchitis from one person to the next. with that said please know that bronchitis can be cause be a few hundred different viruses (and a few bacteria species) and these germs are capable of being transmitted. a person exposed to a virus that one person to have bronchitis will not necessary cause the same identical illness in another person. it is really where the respiratory viruses takes up residence. this same germ could just as easily cause a cold pink eye sore throat a rash or an ear infection. or nothing at all.
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how long does bronchitis take to incubate. the lady i live with got sick on wednesday of last week with bronchitis and i would like to know how long i need to be worried about catching it. she has since started on antibiotics
bronchitis is not contagious but the respiratory virus that most likely caused it can be. most clinicians do not use antibiotic to treat it unless it was felt there is a bacterial component or underlying respiratory condition that warrants it. exposure to this virus does not necessarily mean that you will get bronchitis. you may just get a cold. or nothing at all. respiratory viruses can have an incubation period as short as 12-24 hours.
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my 13 year old was just diagnosed with pleurisy. will camping make it worse? . he had a chest ex ray which was normal. he is not in pain but doc heard squeking on 1 side that sometimes causesa tickling sensation on lung on that side. doc started him on antibioyic and tylenol with codene that he started today. plans of camping for 2 days 70's during the day low of 40's at night will this be bad for his condition
assuming that his diagnosis was correct. and as long as he is comfortable and feeling better on his medications pleurisy should not be a big problem. i am a little concerned that the doctor gave an antibitoic since pleurisy is usually viral (not bacterial). i also assume that you are going with him and there are medical facilities near the location of your camping. if i had pleurisy i would rather be in my own house. on my own bed.
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is albuterol a steroid
no. albuterol is a bronchiodilator (expands the lungs). it is not a steroid.
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do i have asthma? . how do i know if i have asthma without going to a doctor? i have badger care but i dont know if i should use it if its nothing
there is no way for you to make this complex diagnosis at home. you will need to see a medical provider for a proper medical history examination and perhaps some diagnostic tests.
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what is the source of bronchiti
in the vast majority of cases the source is a respiratory virus.
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how does scoliosis affect the immune system? . my daughter was born with spina bifida occulta. her cord is tethered but did not protrude or leave a whole at birth. after chronic pain she it was found at 3 yrs old. at 4 she was diagnosed with scoliosis the dr said it was attributed to the spina bifida. she also has severe asthma and allergies to food medications and pollen/dust/etc. how do these affect her immune system and why? . she is often absent from school and stays sick for longer periods of time
scoliosis as an independent entity does not change the immune system it is just a developmental anomaly shared by many. this is not to say that your daughter does not have an immune problem due to something else so her doctor would be the best judge of this -- someone who knows her complete medical history. her allergies and asthma and some of the medications used to control it can certainly have an influence but not the scoliosis.
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what should i do to prevent my baby from catching bronchitis while breastfeeding? . i have bronchitis and asthma. just using an inhaler afraid to take anything else and fear my 3 month old might get sick. how can i further prevent and treat
bronchitis is not contagious so your baby is safe. please keep breast-feeding. you cannot transmit a respiratory infection through breast milk. babies do get colds and viral infections but a three-month old breast fed baby is still well-protected by maternal immunity. the best thing you can do is continue breastfeeding while you are sick. the advantage to breastfeeding is that your antibodies will pass on to your baby through your breast milk boosting your baby's immune system. also to tell you that bronchitis is not a commutable disease. the best thing you can do is continue breastfeeding while you are sick. the advantage to breastfeeding is that your antibodies will pass on to your baby through your breast milk boosting your baby's immune system. also to tell you that bronchitis is not a commutable disease. for more information you can visit pharmacysell.
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i've had a sore throat for 4 days and it is not strep with no other symptoms could it be throat cance
if you are a smoker or have other risk factors cancer of the throat is always a possibility but with a sore throat for only four days -- one that is strep negative -- the most likely culprit is a plain ol' respiratory virus. these viruses tend to last a week so hang in there a bit longer. if your sore throat persists consider getting a blood test for mono and/or see an ent for an exam. if you are a smoker. stop smoking.
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i have a runny nose watery eyes yellow mucus cough temp of 99. 6 & slight aches. is this a cold or flu? . i took a nap on monday and when i woke up my throat and left ear were hurting really bad. i came home and then went to sleep and woke up the next day congested and sneezing. today i am coughing and running a fever of 99. 6. is this most likely a cold or the flu
i can't really offer you a diagnosis over the internet but based solely on the information you have shared you are more likely to have a cold (viral respiratory infection). influenza tends to cause a higher fever more body aches and a very nasty cough. assuming you did not get a flu vaccine this season it is not too late. there are rapid tests for influenza type a and b but after about four days colds and even influenza tend to improve without medical intervention.
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if a person snorted drugs does that go into their lung
some of it. the lungs are part of your respiratory tract but most snorted drugs go into your nose.
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my gp had me do a blood test and 9 months later at my next app i asked what were the results he told i was diabetic! . i have multpl ailments i'm wondering if this culd have implications to my hlth. i take prednisone have been for 15 years i have a lung disorder n nerothropy he never takes my blood presure never ask to see my feet never told me about seeing a dietitan he had me sign a paper for him to be my gp if i start complaining can he cut me off as one of his patients? gp's are not easily found. . i'm afraid of kidney failure or heart problems. so i'm wondering should i need to worry about hypoglycemia
that is inexcusable. as difficult as it may be to find a new doctor that is more thorough and responsible i think you should look around for an internist. internists are usually very current with diabetes management and with patients who have multiple health problems. i am not sure why you are on long-term prednisone but this can have an association with your blood sugar.
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can a 32 week pregnant woman use an inhale
what kind of inhaler? there are many different types; some are safe in pregnancy some are iffy. for the best answer call your ob office give them the name of your inhaler and the dosage and get a patient-specific answer. your pharmacist can also help. yes she can use inhalers but the question is which and inhaler and what should be the dose. when a women is pregnant she is breathing for two. breathing difficulties in women will limit the oxygen supply to the unborn baby. so it is highly advisable to take to your doctor about your asthma if you are pregnant and do take the dose as directed by the doctor. for more information on asthma you can visit pharmacysell.
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can scabies cause heart problems? . could scabies also cause lung problem
no. scabies is a skin infestation. scabies will not cause heart or lung problems.
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jelly" around the lung. lung filled with fluid which they are draining but ct scan showed "jelly" around the lung and is in surgery no
do you have a particular question? please re-post a question providing as much information as you can about this lung issue.
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can a cancer patient quit methadone after 3 days without harmful side effects? . my uncle has stage 4 lung cancer and has been on many pain meds. the dr switched him to methadone and this is obvoiously the wrong drug for him. he is unable to feed himself and not with it. can we safely take him off of it after only 2 1/2 days of taking it without him having harmful side effects?
it should not be a problem. he has not been taking it long enough for a physical or psychological dependence. it is always best to check with his doctor however who may want to decrease his dose rather than stop it. pain specialists often have there own method of management.
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does taking blood pressure readings with cuff over a shirt create significant errors
significant errors? probably not but the standard of care for taking a blood pressure indicates that the stethoscope have skin-to-skin contact. it is possible to hear an accurate blood pressure through a thin shirt but never a sweater or sweat shirt. i have this same issue with listening to the heart or lungs through the shirt. there is really no excuse for not using proper examination technique to hear more accurate ausculation sounds.
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had a cough for a week and when i go to bed i get a drowning sensation. i barely get sleep. what's wrong? . i drink a cup of tea to sooth my throat take my antibiotic and a cough drop and the drowning sensation wont go away. i would cough and gag. i get headaches and feel very weak. not sure what is going on
i have no way of blindly diagnosing the reason or significance of your cough over the internet so i would suggest that you see a medical provider so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated. your drowning sensation may be due to fluid or mucous in your lower respiratory tract or even pneumonia so it would be wise to get it checked out today.
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what doctor to see for chronic cough. my husband is a bodyman (collision repair on automobiles) and works all day with paint and primer fumes as well as the body dust that goes along with his profession. he has developed a constant cough - he can barely complete a sentence without coughing. it sounds like a bronchitis cough but always gets better over the weekend when he's not at work. then by lunchtime on monday it's back with a vengeance and he's coughing all the time. what type of doctor should he see for this cough
you can start with his primary care provider but a pulmonologist is the lung specialist that he may eventually need to see. there are many many different causes of a cough so see the primary care provider first. hi things to think about can he remember what product he was using when this first showed up? i think your find his myocarditis was from the pneumonia from what i can read about it. below is some info i have found about his problem and i think this has transgressed from there. chemical pneumonia is an unusual type of lung irritation. pneumonia usually is caused by a bacteria or virus. in chemical pneumonia inflammation of lung tissue is from poisons or toxins. only a small percentage of pneumonias are caused by chemicals. many substances can cause chemical pneumonia including liquids gases and small particles such as dust or fumes also called particulate matter. some chemicals only harm the lungs; however some toxic materials affect other organs in addition to the lungs and can result in serious organ damage or death. chemical pneumonia is only one type of lung inflammation. other types of lung infections are viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia. chemical pneumonia is a type of lung irritation. many substances can cause chemical pneumonia including liquids gasses dust fumes and lung aspiration. symptoms and signs of chemical pneumonia include burning eyes lips mouth throat dry cough nausea abdominal pain chest pain headache and pleuritis. treatment of chemical pneumonia depends on the toxic and amount of exposure. hi for me unless he’s the boss then this is his health were talking about time for a new start in another job away from chemicals fumes dust and all the rest that goes with the job working in a body shop. if you love your husband like you do then there is no other way he can go he may have a big love for his job but his job in slowly killing him . has he thought of still being in the industry but working from the other side ie not in the workshop. its either this or he works in a full face mask which would be fed by oxygen so he’s breathing clean air all the time he is in the workshop this could be a way out for him to carry on working in a body shop. as for finding what was the cause then that's how this answer started. do hope this helps in some way good luck hi his first call would be his own doctor and let him/her take it from there its either that or get him to an er. does he not wear a dust mask at work with all this dust? he really needs to watch this i had a college many years ago a tiller just as dusty he went off one and we never sore him again his close buddy when he come back said he was dead it was from the dust it had built up in his throat causing it to close end of story. so please be warned. good luck to add to the question yes he uses a dust mask at work however the fumes and dust do not get completely caught by the mask. in 2004 he was hospitalized due to a combination of pneumonia and working in the body shop. basically the pneumonia didn't get better and developed into myocarditis and he wound up in the heart unit at the local hospital over christmas. it all started with a cough much like the one he has now. he was put on all kinds of antibiotics for bronchitis and pneumonia but none of them seemed to work and he was put on an inhaler at one point which made his heart race and eventually led to me taking him to the e. r. at 4 in the morning on christmas eve where we were told he was having a heart attack at the ripe old age of 28. later it was discovered that it was not a heart attack but myocarditis. we are trying to get to a specialist sooner rather than later on this and find out if he is just allergic to the chemicals in the paint/primer that is used and if so what can be done about that. a change in careers isn't really an option so we need to find some answers at this point. all suggestions are appreciated. thanks.
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is there some non prescription meds for a nebulizer to help clear my lung
no other than normal saline.
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can household dust cause chronic illness? . my boyfriend's house is very dusty. there are knicknacks everywhere so shelves and other surfaces don't get dusted. his mom admits that she hasn't dusted certain areas of the house in years or vacuumed uner the couch. i recently saw behind their entertainment center and there was about a half an inch thick layer of dust. my boyfriend and his brother are always clearing their throats and they always have. his dad is also going through chemo for lung cancer and the house is still dusty
if a person is allergic to house dust they can develop a chronic illness (chronic allergies) from it. house dust is not a cause of lung cancer unless that dust had carcinogens in it like asbestos. maybe your boyfriend should come to your house from now on.
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what happens when you dont drink enough water daily
many things. you become dehydrated. you become constipated and increase your chances of developing kidney/bladder stones. your blood pressure may not be well-regulated. your mouth nose and respiratory tract will become dry. this is just a few of the nasty things that can happen when you don't drink plenty of water.
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is asthma contagious
no. asthma is not contagious. it is related to allergy.
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husband had blood in urine saw urologist had ct scan 3kidney stones &cyst on kidney ct showed spots on lungs help? ! . he has had kidney stone in past. painful but no blood. he woke up last saturday went to bathroom urine was blood we saw blood separate from urine in toilet. blood lessened over weekend went to urologist monday had ct scan that revealed 3 kidney stones&cyst on kidney; but also revealed "spots" on lungs. dr. ordered chest ct for tomorrow saying this is taking priority over kidney at the moment we are nervous as this was unexpected what could it be? he is 32 and has always been in good health
as much as i would like to help you in this matter i would need to physically see the ct scan in order to comment. i know you are worried and concerned since "spots" on the lungs could mean something bad. spots can also just indicate calcium deposits or other normal findings too so don't think of worse-case scenerios until his medical provider gets back to you. the subsequent chest ct scan will give much more information.
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my 3 year old daughter has bleeding from her ears for 3 days what caused this? saw a doc. in italy stills bleeding. my daughter is 3 years old. she has had tubes put in both ears due to lots of ear infections in the past. it has been alittle more than a year since she had her last tubes replaced. 5th of march she woke up in the middle of the night screaming at the top of her lungs tugging on her right ear for about 3 to 4 hours. i wake up and notice her pillow with lots of red blood it coming out of her ear. has for 3 days now. very concerned<negative_smiley> what causes this and what is going on? she has been seen (italy
bleeding in a child with tubes can be a sign of infection or a sign that those tubes are extricating (falling out). the only way to make that determination would be by an otoscopic ear examination. not something that can be accomplished over the internet. she will need to see a medical provider or ent at this point.
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treatment for aspirin sensitive asthma when aspirin is given accidentally? . i have aspirin sensitive asthma and would like to know if an epi pen should be considered
an epi pen would only be a consideration if the person was having a true anaphylactic allergic response (difficulty breathing wheezing swelling of the face or any part of your respiratory tract generalized hives etc. ). if this were the case you have no business posting an inquiry you need to call 911 and use that pen. i don't know anything about you (if you are the person) or your level of sensitivity to specifically advise you if you just accidently took an aspirin you may not have any response at all and it will wear off completely in about four hours.
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is fresh squeeze apple juice good for asthma
fresh-squeezed apple juice is good. period. it has no special medical benefits for someone who has asthma as far as i know but there is nothing wrong with drinking it.
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how long does it take methergine to work for a headache
methergine (methylergonovine) is an "ergotamine" type of medication. it is on the market as a treatment for uterine bleeding (that is the fda approved use). similar medications were used to treat headaches in the past. it should work for migraine. it is a very strong blood vessel constrictor and has a number of serious side effects (some of the side effects caused by long term use could be permanent). we don't use this medication in our clinic so i'm not sure how long it should take to work.
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can my pm doctor require a urinalysis? . aclosefamilymemberhasrecentlyundergonbrainsurguryshealsohasbeendealing withfibro-myalgiashetakesregulardosesofpainmanagementmedicineatherlastappointmentshe wastoldthatshewouldhave to give a urine sample before she could recieve her perscriptions is a resident of missouri which does not yet allow prescription marijuana yetshe takes it to help manage the paincan they require a urinalysis and if so what could be the reprocussions of either refusing or for testing positive for illegal marijuana us
no medical provider can require an adult person to take a urine drug test. they can ask refuse to give them any more pain medications or legally terminate their professional relationship but they cannot really force anyone to pee. the repercussions for not complying to the doctor's request for a urine drug screen would be his refusal to prescribe further pain prescriptions. proper pain management is essential for a person who had brain surgery and other chronic pain issues (fibromyalgia) but it is the doctor's responsibility to make sure that highly-addictive pain medications are not be diverted to others or misused. the doctor has no legal responsibility to prescribe medical marijuana but may be able to refer your family member to a pain management specialist for on-going care. yes they can especially if you r on a pain med contract and you signed it and agreed to it!
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i haves brian canser & neeeds hepl. sdf aw ergh rsbgf fvdegfds agwergb fbgrfxbgv rgzdf^^^ ^^^dfbgvd f
my best friend recently passed away with brain cancer so the kind of help that you need would not be found on this site. it would be found under the passionate care of a specialty team of neurosurgeons oncologists and other cancer specialists. there are many types of brain cancer and many are curable or at least very treatable. so if you do indeed have cancer my heart truly goes out to you and your family with the challenges you will be experiencing.
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i am taking lidocaine patches and would like to know what it does
lidocaine patches or lidoderm patches are used to help relieve pain associated with herpes zoster (shingles). this medicine is a local anesthetic. it works by stopping nerves from transmitting painful impulses to the brain. make sure you follow the directions provided when you apply the patch. if you have any questions talk to your pharmacist we are happy to help.
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how can sleep keep my heart healthy
if someone said to you that your lifetime risk of a heart attack is close to 100 percent you’d probably want to do everything you can to either prevent that fate or delay it by as long as possible. right? heart disease continues to be the no. 1 killer of americans; 1. 5 million heart attacks occur in the united states each year with 500 000 deaths. costs related to heart attack exceed $60 billion per year. most of us are aware of the ways in which we can help keep our hearts healthy: * eating a sensible balanced diet high in healthy fats and low in saturated fat. * keeping our cholesterol and blood pressure under control. * maintaining a regular exercise routine that gets our heart pumping faster. * managing stress. but what about sleep? how does that factor in? turns out that sleep factors in big time. a new study shows that poor sleep may worsen heart health by increasing inflammation. chronic inflammation has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to the associations found between this bodily process and an array of illnesses and disease. while inflammation is a normal physiological process and part of our immune system when it runs amok it can wreak havoc on our cells and tissues. which explains why inflammation can play a major role in heart health as it can lead to restricted blood flow and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. this recent study found that regular bouts of insomnia and poor sleep quality may increase inflammation throughout the body which may be further aggravated by high cholesterol resulting in heart complications. the specifics: * after surveying 525 participants on their sleep habits researchers from emory university measured their levels of certain inflammatory hormones including the famous c-reactive protein that’s used as a biomarker for inflammation. * they found that individuals who regularly got the least sleep were significantly more likely to have high levels of the hormones and consequently inflammation. * in fact adults who slept for six or fewer hours had higher levels of all three inflammatory markers that the researchers measured. * the researchers at emory also noticed that men and women with poor sleep quality had higher blood pressure. something else that the researchers discovered to their surprise: men — not women — who experienced poor sleep quality had less flexible arteries. this condition also contributes to hypertension and puts more stress on the heart. the reason for this could be due to certain hormones or other variables going on in women that help explain the discrepancy. this doesn’t mean women can get away with poor sleep. it just means we need to study the gender differences when it comes to health and their separate risk profiles. fibrinogen one of the other markers observed in this study forms a fibrous mesh that slows the blood flow thus increasing blood pressure and potentially causing hypertension. this fibrous mesh quickens the time it takes for your blood to clot which can cause a stroke or heart attack. so it goes without saying that we all need to keep sleep on our list of priorities for keeping our hearts healthy and strong. bottom line: rest up to keep your heart up and running. you may feel like a ticking time bomb as you juggle too many “to do's” and run around like mad addressing your commitments and obligations. but that ticking time bomb can be real if you’re simultaneously throwing sleep out the window. add more minutes to your life just by adding more quality sleep minutes to your time in bed. it really could be as easy as that.
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why do i sleep so well at the beach
at the beach not only do i tend to sleep even better than normal many of the people i meet tend to tell me about how well they are sleeping here. sitting in the cool breeze listening to the ocean and watching my kids surf and build sand castles i thought about why everyone seems to sleep better at the beach. here are my thoughts on the phenomenon: 1. the environment. remember you are on vacation. this in and of itself is a time for relaxation (hopefully) and a change of sleep environment (one which lacks the reminders of your daily stress) certainly helps set the tone for more relaxation and usually better sleep. 2. the schedule. many of my patients tell me that they have a tendency to sleep in on vacation thus catching up on their much-needed rest and reducing their sleep deprivation. 3. the heat. being out in the sun all day always makes people sleepy. why? well it may be because of the slight rise in core body temperature. remember an increase in body temp will cause a subsequent fall and that can be a signal to the brain to release melatonin — the key that starts the engine for sleep. 4. the sounds. remember ocean sounds are the only documented sounds that have been shown to help with sleep. try sleeping with the window slightly open to hear the ocean. 5. the activity. most people at the beach are doing one of many activities of a physical nature. i was inspired to go for an early morning run not to mention lugging all the beach paraphernalia setting up the umbrella swimming tennis you name it. there are so many activities to choose from. and it is great to be able to exercise which we know can help promote better sleep. 6. the weather. not only may the heat help with sleep but the barometric pressure could be helpful as well. while there is little data yet (one or two studies) my theory is that the changes to sea level affect the body and in fact help with sleep onset and sleep continuity. 7. the light. let’s face it being out in the sun during the day is one of the best ways to reset your internal biological clock which helps regulate your sleep cycle. so there you have it my seven reasons for better sleep at the beach. whatever the reason my prescription is for anyone if they can get out to the beach and get some great sleep.
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i have fibromyalgia with severe leg pain radiating from the hip area to my toes. can antidepressants help? . i was taking effexor for depression and that helped but i went off because of side effects
leg pains are very common in fm including referred pain nerve pain restless leg syndrome and muscle spasm pain. other causes of leg pain can include disc problems pinched nerves peripheral neuropathy vascular disease joint disease etc. [could p]rior work injuries could be involved? please have your doctor look over any new or persistent pain problems. antidepressents are known to help fm pain in many people. there's been an accumulating body of medical evidence demonstrating how different antidepressant meds: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (like effexor) and tricyclic antidepressants can help decrease fm pain. it's common for patients not to first realize how much a med may be helping until they go off of it. they may understate or underappreciate the med's pain-relieving benefit while on it but realize it must have been working because the pain level escalates once off the med. discuss with your doctor possible additional medicine strategies. i was on effexor for quite a while and found it very effective. however when i started to have problems with muscles and aches. not knowing that i was probably dealing with fibromyalgia. i switched to cymbalta. i have found it to be helpful with the aches. your pain sounds like you may be having problems with your sciatica. a nerve that runs from your lower back down through your butt. and then down the leg. it can be very painful. i have had spinal injections that have been helpful and for a brief time participated in a pain management program. sometimes it is hard to figure what comes first the chronic pain or the depression. i will say that effective pain management does allow me to focus more on dealing with the depression. talk with your doctor about developing a plan that can try to address both issues. best wishes to you.
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can someone with high blood pressure take excedrin migraine
excedrin migraine is a nonprescription medication that contains acetaminophen aspirin and caffeine. each excedrin migraine tablet contains 65 mg of caffeine. the label will direct you to take 2 tablets at one time which is about the same as drinking 1 to 1 1/2 cups of coffee. typically people with high blood pressure should limit the amount of caffeine consumed on a daily basis. someone with high blood pressure can take excedrin migraine safely but i would also caution that person to watch how much additional caffeine he consumes through coffee or soda. also i would want to talk to the person about their migraines and see if there might be another option that could work just as well and be safer for him to take.
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does rocking help make it easier to fall asleep
there’s a new fascinating study that suggests rocking does indeed have an effect on our ability to fall asleep as well as on the quality of the sleep itself. researchers at the university of geneva switzerland tested the effects of rocking on sleep in a dozen adult men between the ages of 22-38. all the men involved were good sleepers — none were suffering from any sleep or anxiety disorders and they were well rested at the time of the experiment. researchers created a special bed that mimicked the rocking of a hammock and had the men take two 45-minute naps. during one nap the bed gently rocked and during the other nap the bed remained still. while their subjects slept researchers measured brain activity using an electroencephalogram (eeg). here’s what they found: every one of the participants fell asleep more quickly during their rocking nap. a majority (8 of 12) said they found the rocking nap “more pleasant” than the nap on the stationary bed. during the rocking nap all of the sleepers moved more quickly from stage one to t stage two of their sleep cycle. stage two is where we typically spend half of our sleep time over the course of a night. while rocking sleepers showed significant increases in the types of brain-wave activity that are specifically associated with deeper more restful and more continuous sleep.
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can low t affect a man's ability to show affection (not sexually)? . showing a level of intimacy that does not lead to sex. for example touching cuddlying kissing a desire for giving and receiving affection
i don't believe that testosterone has anything to do with affection and intimacy. those emotions are between a man's ears than his legs. more than half of the people in this world do not have testosterone or extremely low levels. women and children for example. and they show plenty of affection need cuddling kissing and share lots of affection. if a man were surgically castrated for whatever reason this should not adversely affect his ability to show any of these important (and vital) human emotions. this issue is less likely to be biological and more likely to be psychological but it can be complex. while that may be difficult for a man to accept he often will need to be reminded that his biggest and most important sex organ is his brain. if he needs help a counselor can really help (if you can get by the stubbornness and get him (or you) to go).
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twice this week i got a mind-numbing headache during sex. should i be concerned
this could be a type of exertional migraine called "orgasmic headache". its pretty rare but something that we see occasionally in the headache clinic. there are medical article suggesting that some patients many have a problem like aneurysms as a cause for this but its not really clear if this is really a problem. i've seen a number of patients with this type of headache but i've never found any specific cause. some of the migraine type medications can work for this type of headache if it happens a lot. if it happens again you might want to talk with your doctor about an mri scan of the brain with an "mra" (mri arteriogram).
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are herbal supplements helpful for relieving headaches
there are very few studies of supplements for headaches but there are 2 or 3 things that do have pretty good evidence for migraine prevention: vitamin b2 (riboflavin): this works ok for headache prevention but you have to take 200 mg twice a day for it to work. there was a clinical trial in 1996 that showed this was better than placebo at migraine prevention. butterbur root extract (also called petadolex plant name is petasites hybridus): there was a nice study in 2004 that showed this was effective for migraine prevention. the dose is 50 mg 3 times a day (or 150 mg/day). this occasionally causes an upset stomach but i have not had other complaints of side effects from patients. co enzyme q10: this had a nice study done in 2004 showing it was effective for headache prevention. unfortunately they used a form not on the market. i've suggested using 100 mg 2 or 3 times a day to patients. this medication is kind of expensive so not very many of my patients have tried it. feverfew: this had a recent study done in 2011 showing that when combined with ginger it helped treat mild headaches and helped prevent more serious headaches. combinations of feverfew and ginger are available in stores. be sure to follow the dose on the label.
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why is r side of face numb & drooping after strep. strep was severe teeth ears neck glands all of head ache
this is not a normal sign of strep so it would be very important for you to be re-examined. bell's palsy would be one possibility but there are other neurological conditions that can mimic those symptoms.
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can having headaches increase my risk for a stroke
its very unlikely that your headaches are due to a stroke because a stroke or ruptured aneurysm causes a headache only 1 time (when you have it). migraines cause a very very small increase in the risk of stroke (we think) but there are many other risk factors for stroke that are much more important. if you are worried about your risk for stroke you should go for a consultation with a stroke neurologist---they can review your family history and do a few fairly simple blood tests and talk with you about your risk factors. several of the risks for stroke can be modified (smoking high cholesterol high blood pressure high blood suger) and will reduce your risk.
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my sperm ejects unknowingly in the sleep time also what is the proble
there is nothing wrong. you are completely normal. this phenomenon is quite common and is often referred to as a "wet dream". in most cases you were having an erotic or sex-related dream (perhaps one you did not remember when you awoke) and your excited brain (which controls erections and ejaculation) went into full mode just like you are having sex for real. in a way this is among the safest sex of all. no risk of a sexually transmitted disease or unintended pregnancies. you may have to do some laundry however.
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why do we need sleep
it’s a simple question that you’d think would have a simple answer. we know that sleep has restorative effects on our bodies down to the cellular level but how it all works from a biological perspective has been somewhat of a mystery. now we’ve got more details to help tell the story of just what exactly goes on. new research suggests that during the initial stages of sleep energy levels increase dramatically in brain regions that are active when we’re awake. the scientists behind this latest study believe that this surge of cellular energy may replenish the brain’s processes that we need to function normally during the day. “energy ” by the way refers to atp (adenosine triphosphate) which is our body’s chief energy molecule. it’s also the same energy currency in other animals like rats which were used in the study. the researchers found the following: * atp levels increased in four key brain regions that are normally active during wakefulness when the rats were in non-rem sleep. * during this time however an overall decrease in brain activity occurred. * when the animals were awake atp levels remained steady. * when the rats were gently nudged to stay awake three or six hours past their normal sleep times there was no increase in atp levels. what does all this mean? the authors concluded that sleep is necessary for this atp energy surge as keeping the rats awake (depriving them of sleep to mimic a sleep-deprived human) prevented the surge. the energy increase may power restorative processes absent during wakefulness because brain cells consume large amounts of energy just to perform daily waking functions. indeed there’s a lot to do when we’re awake. in addition to all the tasks we complete consciously think about all the things we do practically subconsciously like breathing think about things we do almost on autopilot: surfing the net walking the dog sometimes even driving a familiar route. all this activity requires — you got it — the atp energy that appears to be produced by a good night’s sleep. and a good night’s sleep is exactly what the doctor ordered to prepare us for the rigors of our day. no sleep no energy expended in the brain to help us recover from the day and in essence recharge our minds for the next adventures of the next day. it’s also worth noting that the precise mechanics of the brain also remain a mystery to some degree. there’s no doubt that the brain requires a lot of energy to function as the body’s master of ceremonies. we already know that sleep loss can actually result in brain loss. in fact the obligations of the brain may be the only reason we need sleep: because without a brain the body isn’t worth much. and it certainly can’t do much. in addition to food water and oxygen the brain clearly needs sleep. if only sleep deprivation were as compelling of a sensation as feeling famished or thirsty. we always seem to be able to put off sleep. but eating or drinking well…
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why shouldn’t i shop for the best price for my face lift or my nose job
i’m not saying that one shouldn’t shop for quote the best price but the question is is there a correlation between price and quality. in other words if the practitioner is very very good as determined by your having seen the work done by someone i’m sorry. let’s say that you’ve determined that the practitioner is quite good because your friend had surgery and your cousin had surgery and his fee is less than someone else’s hey it’s a no-brainer. but the question is if the work is very good in a doctor who charges more than another doctor and how much is the difference and can you quantitate a better practice on the base of cost? let me tell you it’s difficult. sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason. some practices are very expensive and yet wouldn’t be my pick for practice of the week. and there are others who are really surprisingly very economical. now i can tell you why some practices can be very good at what they do and yet not be the high priced leader. it doesn’t mean they are the walmarts they are not the low priced leader. but the reason is they are very efficient. for example a surgeon can take an hour to do the same nose job that another takes 3 to 4 hours. now the doctor that takes 3 – 4 hours has to charge more for his time. that’s all he’s selling. so you’re getting probably an inferior service because if he’s a 3 or 4 hour nose job surgeon he’s probably not as skilled as the one hour. he just doesn’t have the facility he doesn’t have the experience doesn’t have the efficiency built in because the operation still has x number of steps. so i would say that the surgeon that is less experienced and you should be able to glean that by asking how long have you been doing how many cases or what percentage of your practice are noses and he’s charging more that doesn’t make sense. it doesn’t pay to pay more for an amateur. it may pay to pay a little more for the master. and by the way the difference in cost isn’t going to be a factor of two or three. it could be 10% or 15%. in this community here the range in services from people that i think are very very good nasal cosmetic surgeons can be from $8 500 to say $10 500 $11 000. it’s not going to be $30 000. so again as a percentage the span isn’t all that great. from my experience as i too am looking for a good priced face lift <positive_smiley> i think that you should contact the royal centre of plastic surgery i haven't made up my mind but that was where i started
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how can light levels improve my sleep
how much light is in your bedroom is a major determining factor as to the quality of your sleep. the reason this is is because in the presence of light your brain will not produce melatonin. melatonin is one of the hormones that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep to get that good quality sleep. so if you’re in the presence of a significant amount of light you’re going to have a hard time being able to get good sleep. but what does that really mean? what that means is for practical purposes i have people switch the bulbs in their bedside table to 40 watt bulbs. or i have them install dimmer switches in their bedroom or i have them turn the dimmer switch on about an hour before bed. the thing that most people don’t realize is that sleep is not an on / off switch. it doesn’t work that way. sleep is more like slowly pulling your foot off the gas and pushing down on the brake. when the two pedals meet is when you fall asleep.
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my son got hit in the head with a baseball. there is no lump but he complains of headaches. how long will this last
closed head injuries are a major issue in sports particularly with children. concussion is what we call a closed head injury and managing patients both in the initial post injury period and the ensuing days to weeks can be challenging. . as for post concussive symptoms headache concentration problems dizziness sleepiness and a whole bunch more are all symptoms that can be present. for how long is very individual. people need to be symptom free at rest before the begin resuming any exercise program or sporting activity. this is even more important in kids as they are still developing their brains. there are more and more docs now who specialize in both concussion management and helping getting people back to normal activity. if your son is still symptomatic i would get him seen by a local sports medicine doc who is knowledgeable in concussion. my wife fell and hit her head she seems ok no disorientation knows the days of the week can count forward and backward do you think i should take her to emergency
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why is vitamin d good for me
vitamin d is getting a lot of good press lately as a vitamin that benefits the body in ways we didn’t imagine 10 years ago. well add boosting brain function to that list of benefits according to research from the jean mayer usda human nutrition research center on aging at tufts university. how might vitamin d be related to brain function and the thought process? metabolic pathways for vitamin d have been found in the hippocampus and cerebellum areas of the brain — involved in planning processing and forming new memories. what happened in the tufts study? more than 1 000 participants ages 65 to 99 years were grouped by whether their vitamin d status was deficient insufficient or sufficient. the 35% of participants that had sufficient vitamin d levels had higher cognitive performance on the brain function tests compared to those in the deficient and insufficient categories — even after considering other variables that could also affect cognitive performance. where do you get vitamin d (other than sunlight exposure and supplements)? natural food sources: cod liver oil 1 tb—1360 iu oysters pacific 3. 5 oz—640 iu mackerel 3. 5 oz—360 iu fish (most types) 3. 5 oz—88 iu (average) eggs 1—26 iu beef chicken turkey pork 3. 5 oz—12 iu butter 1 tablespoon—8 iu cheese 2 ounces—8 iu yogurt 1 cup (if fortified milk is used)—4 iu fortified foods (various brands of each): milk soy milk breakfast cereals yogurt yogurt smoothies and drinks margarine no more than 10 000 iu each day is considered the maximum presently advised by professionals for the reason that quantity not to go over unless your doctor approved. the food and nutrition board's maximum of 2 000 iu every day is not really quite enough for some people to see the maximum benefit from vitamin d neither is it sufficient to maintain enough vitamin d amounts mainly in the wintertime since there is a lot less sunlight. using vitamin d supplements will help you get rid of vitamin d deficit.
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does sleep while wearing socks & covering head is ok? . i've heard that it harms the brain & memory? is it true
not at all. you can sleep with a head covering and socks and it will not harm your brain or memory. whoever told you this is full of beans! in the distant past many people wore "sleeping caps" to bed. about 15% of our body surface is the head so keeping the head warm will help warm the rest of your body (including those cold feet of yours).
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why can't you give children baby aspirin
basically there is no need for children to get aspirin now that acetaminophen and ibuprofen are available over-the-counter and approved for children. these are safer alternatives and it is best to just avoid giving aspirin to children entirely. aspirin has been linked to causing a rare but severe reaction called reye's syndrome in children who have certain viral illnesses. reye's syndrome can be fatal and causes damage to the liver and the brain.
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can losing sleep now affect the rest of my life
anyone who has a family member suffering from dementia or alzheimer’s knows how difficult and heartbreaking these illnesses are. and it’s often anyone’s guess as to what ultimately causes dementia in a given person. what about sleep habits? well it turns out that we may have clues now to a link between the development of dementia and a sleep disorder known as rapid eye movement (rem) sleep behavior disorder (let’s call it rbd for short). the facts: * with rbd the paralysis that normally occurs during rem sleep is incomplete or absent allowing you to “act out” your dreams. translation: you’re not experiencing typical rem sleep that keeps you in a normal cycle of sleep. * these dreams are often vivid and violent compelling you to talk punch kick scream and even jump out of bed. translation: you’re not getting the restful sleep you need. * rbd is usually seen in middle-aged to elderly people and more often in men. the researchers of this latest study found that 63 percent of people who experienced rbd developed dementia with lewy bodies or parkinson’s disease in later life. in some cases the disorder was detected up to 50 years before the neurodegenerative condition developed. it’s not too surprising that rbd is also linked to parkinson’s as 30 to 60 percent of people with parkinson’s disease develop dementia. fyi: lewy body dementia is a rare form of dementia whereby small round clumps of normal proteins called lewy bodies (named after their discoverer) become abnormally clumped together inside brain cells. whether the lewy bodies directly cause gradual damage to the brain cells impairing their function and eventually killing them or are only a marker of some other destructive process is not known. scary? we’ve already seen that sleep loss causes brain loss. and when you look at the risk factors for dementia — eating a healthy diet engaging in regular exercise — both of which have been shown to reduce the risk of developing dementia by up to 60 percent is there any surprise that getting a good night’s sleep is just as important? clearly we need more studies done to help us understand the associations between sleep habits and our risk for illness later in life. we also need more information on associations that go beyond just rare sleep disorders like rbd. the statistics are far too breathtaking: * one in three people over 65 will die with dementia. * twenty percent of us don’t get enough sleep — banking less than 6 hours of sleep on average. * heart disease diabetes and obesity have all been linked with chronic sleep loss. so what can a lifelong battle with insomnia for example do to you in your golden years? insomnia by the way is the most common sleep disorder affecting approximately 64 million americans regularly each year. will a seemingly “harmless” struggle to get a good night’s sleep in your prime position your body for ill health later on? unfortunately studies increasingly are pointing to yes. sleep matters. today. tomorrow. and long into our futures. the single most important thing you can do today to safeguard your health tomorrow might not be just what you eat and how you move. it must also include how well you sleep.
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when is a headache a real problem
many years ago i volunteered to perform sports physicals at four local middle schools. i spent a lot of time in that nurse’s office and apparently so did many of the students. all day long it was a dance of complaints. since the nurse’s professional hands are often tied when it comes to treatment the most common disposition for a sick child is a trip home. next to tummy aches headaches were at the top of the whine list. when i think back to my own middle school days there were plenty of things that can lead to headaches. just being at school all day is a headache to some kids. fortunately for all of us most headaches are not brain tumors or aneurysms. in healthy active kids the most common type of headache that is seen is the classic muscle-tension headache. the brain itself does not feel pain but all of the sensitive nerves muscles and blood vessels of our head can certainly generate a doozie of a headache. don’t get me wrong; headaches can be hallmarks of something more serious but most of the time a random self-limiting headache is just that… a headache. headaches are in the body of the beholder. a medical provider cannot see a headache which makes this an ideal get-out-of-school reason. teenagers tend to be great actors and are able to give a command performance at will. some performances are so good they end up in my office. by the time i see them parents are worried about brain tumors meningitis and all types of horrible diagnoses. “on a one to 10 scale with 10 being the worst headache what number do you give your headache? ” if a comfortable-looking person tells me “nine ” and their mannerism looks more like a one or two i am suspicious. i will then inquire as to the frequency of headaches their location on the head factors that may bring on the headache and things the person does to make the headache better. the number of missed days from school is another important bit of information. “i think it’s a migraine. ” most people don’t have a clue what “migraine” really means but will frequently self-diagnose. most feel that the word “migraine” just indicates a bad headache. when i explain to them that a migraine is a certain type of vascular (blood vessel) headache that usually occurs on just one side of the head usually severe accompanied by nausea/vomiting and proceeded by an “aura” (a feeling that a headache is imminent such as blurry/wavy vision) they will usually admit they do not have these things. migraines tend to run in families and in women may be cyclic related to menstruation. among many other triggers hormonal contraceptives can also trigger migraines in some people. younger children do a lot behavioral modeling. they see a parent constantly complaining of headaches and they may get one too. headaches located at the back of the neck or upper shoulders radiating to the scalp and feeling like your head is in a vise are usually muscle tension headaches. these can be due to sleeping on several thick pillows (flexing the neck) or sitting like a slug in those uncomfortable school desks. nervous tension like algebra tests or the day they need to run a mile in physical education all can create tension headaches. on examination i can usually find a very sore area (trigger point) around the nape of the neck and of course no clinical findings suggestive of brain tumors. parents are relieved; students not so much. sorting out real headaches from just headache complaints used to avoid something requires a lot of skill and experience. kids will get headaches when they are worried. tension at home like parents arguing or families going through a divorce will trigger headaches in kids. a physically or emotionally abusive parent will trigger headaches. bullying at school is another factor. when children are being teased or intimidated by other classmates they may use headaches as an excuse to go home. teachers can be bullies too. when i recall my elementary and middle school days there were some very unfriendly teachers in my life. teachers should always be respected but never feared. in dissecting factors that may be triggering a headache overly demanding (mean) teachers are often high on that list. rather than just prescribe tylenol or motrin it behooves the clinician and the parent to get more information. real headaches exist. serious headaches exist. even those pseudo-headaches deserve our utmost attention.
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why am i not able to have sex with my girlfriend though i am able to have sex with my wife? please advise. i have a girlfriend and a wife. i have same feelings for both of them. when it comes to sexual intercourse i am enjoying for-play with both of them and sex only with my wife. when i am with my girlfriend my penis does not get erected. my penis will get erect for a while then it lost erection. would you please help me so i can enjoy sex with my girlfriend too
guilt can cause some interesting side effects. i suspect you can achieve intercourse with your wife because you are comfortable with her and marital relationships are appropriate. you may be having problems having sex with someone other than you wife because you have deep-down feelings of guilt or remorse about this forbidden relationship. there is not likely anything wrong medically with your penis but since your penis is controlled by your brain perhaps this is where you should focus. we all possess our own sense of right and wrong so maybe your brain is trying to tell you something? maybe if you asked your wife for permission to have sex with your girlfriend things may be easier. or not. maybe its psychological due to overwhelming feelings of guilt caused be being a loser scumbag get rid of the girlfriend and enjoy life with the one you committed to. all i am going to say is that you should not be having sex with anybody outside of your wife. maybe that is divine intervention trying to let you know and could be the root of your problem. your girlfriend may know about your wife but does your wife know about your girlfriend. things to consider. just because your girlfriend knows about your wife doesn't make the guilt go away. if your wife doesn't know i think it has a lot to do with your subconscious guilt. my boyfriend was cheating on me and he couldn't get an erection for me. so i think it has to do with guilt regardless of the use of an enhancer.
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i have stabbing pain along my cheekbone to the jaw and upper section of my teeth. is it that common in fibromyalgia
facial and jaw pain is common in fm. several structures including the head (scalp and brain) neck tmj and facial/jaw muscles all have nerve branches to the face that can lead to pain numbness and altered sensations (called dysesthesias). if the pain comes and goes in relationship to another area of pain i. e. tmj jaw neck then it may be referred pain from myospasms or tm joint etc. if it comes spontaneously and feels like shocks or stabs then it could be more neuralgia-mediated like trigeminal neuralgia. rarely in someone with fm a different cause such as ms bell's palsy acoustic neuroma or even a viral infection (cold) can cause face and jaw pain. but these other conditions are usually evident by additional symptoms or a different clinical course that your doctor can determine by evaluating you. i try various treatments on my patients with facial pain including meds that block nerve pain (i. e. anti-seizure meds snris [serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors] tricyclics) and topicals with helpful meds (patches compounded cream). therapies including tns trail or injections or bite splints or other treatments can be tried depending on the individual's cause of pain. as usual i can't provide specific advice for anyone here but i encourage you to work together with your doctor for your symptoms.
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i'm allergic to aspirin. what can i take for my migraines
there are a number of prescription and nonprescription medications for migraine. products available over-the-counter like excedrin are not a good choice for you as they contain aspirin. some people who have allergic reactions to aspirin may also have an allergy to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) like ibuprofen (brand name: advil or motrin) or naproxen (brand name: aleve). talk with your health care provider to see if he/she wants you to avoid nsaids as well. if so there are prescription medications for migraines called the “triptans” such as sumatriptan (brand name: imitrex) zolmitriptan (brand name: zomig) or rizatriptan (brand name: maxalt). they work very well at relieving a migraine when it occurs and they should be taken at the first sign of migraine symptoms. you will need to consult with a health care provider to obtain a prescription for one of these products but these should be safe to take if you have an aspirin allergy.
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why does my neurologist do that
one thing i've realized over the last few years---we (neurologists) do all these "things" during our examination of a patient and we almost never explain what we are doing. so i thought i would post some explanation of what we are doing when we look in your eyes or "tickle" your feet. eye examination : "watch my finger" is a test to look at how the eye muscles move the eye and lets me evaluate how the nerves that move these muscles work (the cranial nerves 3 4 and 6). we also look for abnormal eye movements that can be seen in some diseases. we look at how the pupil works (another reflex) which is controlled by the brainstem. we also look into the eye--the retina at the back of the eye is living nerve tissue and we can actually look at it and observe its health. face we ask you to smile to watch how the facial muscles (controlled by the facial nerve cranial nerve 7) work and make sure both sides move the same way. sometimes we ask patients to "close your eye" to look at the same nerve function. "stick out your tongue and say ahh" lets us look at cranial nerve 12 (tongue muscles) and the muscles in the back of the throat. (your family md is often just looking for a sore throat) muscles neurologists do a lot of tests for muscle strength in the arms and legs. we are looking for any signs of weakness in the muscles. the pattern of which muscles are weak helps us tell how well the brain spinal cord and nerves are working. for example---if the weakness is one arm and leg on the same side we worry mostly about a brain problem like stroke. these is the part of the examination where we ask the patient to squeeze our hands make a muscle stand on there toes etc. balance: we often ask patients to do some crazy sounding things while standing or walking like "stand on one foot with your eyes closed" or "walk on your heels now on your toes". these are all tests of balance and coordination and help us understand how part of the brain is working. some diseases of the brain mainly affect balance and coordination (and some things like alcohol do as well which is why the police "borrowed" that part of the neurologic examination to use on the roadside) reflexes: about half of my patients giggle when i tap their knee and make their leg twitch. this is a normal muscle reflex and tells me a lot about the health of the nerves in the leg and the back. we can get the same reflex by tapping on the back of the ankle (achilles tendon) or the inside of the elbow (biceps tendon) or the back of the elbow (triceps tendon). the "tickling" of the foot is actually supposed to be scrapping something along the bottom of the foot. in normal people not much happens (or the toes curl down). in people with a brain problem the first toe (big toe) points up when we scrape on the sole of the foot. this is called babinski's sign. babies have a babinski's sign because their spinal cord and brain are still maturing. hope this is helpful.
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can a new pair of eye glasses cause dizziness
yes that can happen. it happened to me. if the prescription or prism (assuming you have one in your glasses) is incorrect even in one lens this can cause dizziness. if the glasses are progressive lens bifocals or trifocals this can also cause visual disturbances that are interpreted by your brain as dizziness. there can be hundreds of different causes of dizziness but your first step is to take your glasses back to check your prescription and fitting. if everything is perfect then you will need to see your medical provider so other causes of dizziness can be investigated.
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can you take aleve and excedrin together? if not what can you take with aleve for a migraine
excedrin is a nonprescription medication that contains acetaminophen aspirin and caffeine. aleve is a nonprescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) and its active ingredient is naproxen. the aspirin in excedrin and the aleve (naproxen) are similar medications and are used for similar things. aleve itself can be used for a migraine. and excedrin can be used as well. if you are taking the aleve chronically (all the time) for something other than migraine (like pain) and you have tried the aleve for the migraine and it hasn’t helped then go ahead and try the excedrin. you can take both together for a short period of time. the biggest side effect you might notice is increased bleeding or bruising.
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are prescription prenatal vitamins better than over-the-counter ones
actually yes. prescription vitamins are actually formulated just for pregnant women and they do contain higher amounts of certain vitamins that may not be found in over-the-counter versions especially in iron calcium and folic acid. folic acid is really important to help your baby develop especially their spinal cord and their brains. we want to make sure that women understand that they could take the over-the-counter version but they may not be getting enough folic acid. so once again talk to your pharmacist if you have any questions. we may refer you back to your ob/gyn or healthcare provider to make sure that you are going with the prescription version instead of the over-the- counter.
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i am wondering if nuvigil has any kind of stimulant in it; i am on 150 milligrams
this is a great question. nuvigil is also a fairly new medication that is approved for two indications; it's actually approved for narcolepsy and also for sleep shift disorder. so this would be for people who work the night shift or crazy shits; during the 3 a. m. to 11 a. m. type of thing and they have a problem with sleeping. nuvigil actually works on chemicals in the brain and its intent is to keep you up. so yes it's going to keep you up but once again it's used for the treatment of narcolepsy so that makes perfect sense.
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can fainting be a symptom of pink eye? our 6 yr old fainted and the pedi thinks it is due to pink eye/ear infection. she was staying the night with grandparents. her grandfather says she fainted. she describes it as she "fell asleep standing up" and when she woke up her "ears were making a really loud noise". the other symptoms were swelling around her eye eye pain crusting around her eye ear pain and complaints of headache on and off several weeks prior. her pedi talked on the phone with her grandpa and then called in an antibiotic. does this seem like a correct dx? should we get a 2nd opinion
i have been seeing kids for over 40 years and i cannot recall one incident where a child fainted from pink eye or even an ear infection. as a matter of fact it is pretty rare for a six year old to faint period so yes i think your little girl deserves a thorough examination to find a reason. i just can't buy the pink eye/ear infection theory. sorry. like you i am a bit skeptical. i don't know anything about your little girl or have the ability to examine her so i don't really have any wild guesses as to why she fainted or if this was a seizure but i do feel she deserves a work-up. i would suggest a pediatric neurologist.
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would it be dangerous for me to stop taking my crestor for high cholesterol
if you stop taking crestor on your own the danger is that your cholesterol will rise. this puts you at increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. there is no immediate danger but it would not be in your best interest if you are at risk for heart attacks and strokes. you should talk to your health-care professional before stopping any prescription medication.
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can any advertised device reduce my sagging skin
a friend from long island and thus always a great skeptic sent me an advertisement from an airline magazine. apparently the face trainer is a helmet-mask device that “works out facial muscles for a natural looking lip. ” the advertisement says “no creams no injections no fuss – just 10 minutes a day and your face trainer is all you need to look younger and healthier. ” the advertisement further states “in a 60-day clinical trial participants achieved 71% reduction in sagging skin. ” i found that quite amazing but i’m not sure what the “clinical trial” was. i wonder if i asked for a copy of this clinical trial if they would have one for me. i certainly did not see anything about it in a recognized medical journal. if any product were that good you can bet i would know about it by now. i wish life was that easy where all we had to do was wear a device and somehow our anatomy magically changes. our skin would look younger become tighter and all sags and bags would just go away. wow! this would be real progress. sometimes i find these types of advertisements offensive because they demean the intelligence of the reader. despite the proclamation that products like this will “give your face a lift without needles or knives ” don’t expect a miracle. and those well-chosen words “without needles or knives” are deliberately crafted by the writer of the ad to incite terror in the reader’s brain. to scare you so that you make the emotional part of your brain believe this device can do what the common sense part of your brain says it cannot do. remember when something seems too good to be true it usually is.
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why do teens need at least eight hours of sleep
does your teen get fewer than eight hours? if so listen up: your teen is more at risk for obesity and all the health problems connected to that (high blood pressure heart disease stroke etc. ). the link between sleep deprivation and a higher risk for obesity and related cardiovascular problems may not seem obvious. but here’s the key: when you’re sleep deprived (and yes for the vast majority of teens fewer than eight hours on a regular basis qualifies as being sleep deprived) you’ll crave high carbohydrate foods — especially those that are loaded with fat salt and sugar. i know it’s not fair to crave junk food when we’re already lacking in the sleep department but you can blame our ancient dna on this fact. encoded in our genes are signals to eat like this when we’re tired. hormones that control our signals of hunger and conversely fullness get thrown out of whack when we are sleep deprived. in a new study published this month in the journal sleep researchers determined that teens can’t escape this hard-wired reality that adults are saddled with. though plenty of studies in recent years have implicated obesity with sleep deprivation in adults not many have been performed on younger generations to find similar associations. in this latest study researchers found sleep-deprived teens: * consumed 2. 2 percent more calories from fat. * ate more snacks than those who slept eight hours or more a night. * ate more total calories. and you know what that spells: weight gain. when we think of adolescents losing out on sleep our minds quickly turn to potential accidents and an inability to concentrate or perform well in school. studies like this highlight the health consequences of sleep deprivation. the health repercussions of sleep deprivation at this “tender” age may actually be worse than those of an adult. for starters teens are establishing habits they will keep for a lifetime. a teen who gets used to eating poorly and packing on the pounds will likely grow into an overweight adult when it’ll be that much harder to change those habits and lose the excess weight. the more fatty foods you eat the more you crave them. secondly we’re only beginning to understand the biomechanics of a developing person’s metabolism. do teens who begin to have metabolic disturbances early in life suffer from a lifetime of irreversible higher health risks? it wouldn’t surprise me. and those higher risks may go far beyond just obesity and cardiovascular challenges. they may in fact go as far as upping the risk for cancer. so thirdly it’s a foregone conclusion: teens need their sleep as much as adults do.
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is there any cure for premature ejaculation? i am 28 male and ejaculate within 2 mins. i am not at all satisfied
early ejaculation is probably one of the most common sexual problems in men. depending on how you define this condition some studies have found that up to 30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation at some point in their lives. the exact cause of premature ejaculation is not known and treatments focus on the behavioral psychological and medical aspects. here's a lineup of some of the treatments that are available: antidepressants- some can cause a delay in ejaculation. these medications include paxil or zoloft lidocaine creams and other desensitizing creams prolong the time to ejaculation. desensitizing lubricants are available over the counter. the squeeze method developed by masters and johnsons or the stop and start technique are also employed to help with premature ejaculation and help prolong sexual activity. if premature ejaculation causes you anxiety its important to meet with a mental health counselor. seek medical help for early ejaculation since these treatments may help you but part of the treatment plan should be to have a sustained and satisfying sex life. what is ejaculation? ejaculation is the release of semen from the penis following sexual climax. when a man is sexually stimulated the brain sends signals to the genital area through nerves in the spinal cord to contract the pelvic muscles. at the start of this process waves of muscle contractions transport the sperm with a small amount of fluid from the testes through to the vas deferens. the seminal vesicles and prostate contribute extra fluid to protect the sperm. this mixture of fluid and sperm travels along the urethra to the tip of the penis where it is released (ejaculated) at the time of sexual climax (orgasm). doctormens. com you need to put your focus into your woman instead of constantly thinking and worrying about your penis. muscle programs are often activated by our thoughts so if you worry and imagine yourself ejaculating you will lose control and ejaculate. keep in mind that your conscious mind can only focus on one subject at a time. hi! i am 33 years old. i tried duramale after i suffered from premature ejaculation for many months. i saw the money refund policy so i decided to buy 3 bottles on <link> since there were no risks. i was very happy about the results even after 6 weeks but i followed the treatment very strict. this was my secret i guess. i recommend duramale to everyone who suffer from early orgasm. duramale pills can be purchased only online from website through credit card debit card or paypal. for complete details and best price of duramale visit <link> hi! i am 31 years old. premature ejaculation is more common than you think. up to 40% of all males experience this in their life-time. i personally overcame my issues with premature ejaculation by following these very helpful tips. if interested please click here: <link> i hope it helps you as well as it did for me.
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can mixing antidepressants and diet pills cause serious side effects
in some cases yes. it would depend on which antidepressant and which diet pills you are referring to. any diet pill that contains a stimulant can be dangerous if you are taking an antidepressant that is stimulating. the two mixed together can lead to a rapid heartbeat mood swings and even stroke or heart attack. before taking any weight-loss supplement you should check with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure it is safe for you.
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how do you remove dried blood from your inner ear after it has swollen? . i had recently had an pencil eraser stuck in (and later removed from) my ear. it swelled up after i had tried cleaning it with ear wax remover and now there's possibly some blood still there and was wondering how to get it out
it is not your inner ear. this is any entirely different part of your ear near your brain. if the pencil went that far you would have other issues for sure. assuming that you are the one who put the pencil in your own ear my advice would be for you to just leave the ear alone now. a bit of dried blood is not going to hurt anything but any attempts to remove it could cause more problems. you may have even punctured your own eardrum. without an examination by a medical provider there is really no way to know what is going on in your ear canal. it could just be scratched but that is a blind guess.