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should non-sexually active teens have access to birth control especially when they have severe cramping? . many teens often have severe cramping or other symptoms that are really hard to push through. sometimes it can hold one's self back from doing many daily things even walking. would you consider birth control an effective way of reducing the pain when just applying heat and taking midol or pamprin just isn't enough? just because teens may need birth control does not always mean the want to be sexually active and some have a hard time telling their parents that. think of the health benefits
absolutely. i have dozens of teens on birth control who have never been sexually involved. hormonal regulation menstrual pain heavy/frequent periods. and even severe acne (also hormone-related) are some of the medical indications to use birth control pills. teens do have birth control access even without parent permission but when it is for a medical reason (and not contraception) parents should be involved. and supportive. really good question. the incidence of non-sexual teens is probably pretty low in this day and time. but yes god bless them it happens. i think you have to address the cramping first obviously. lots of possible causes. again i say you start at the most obvious cause and work your way back to the most obscure. with girls cramps are most commonly due to menes blood flowing thru the cervix clots hurt more. the cervix which is the distal end of the uterus which extends down into the vag is very sensitive to stuff going thru it dilating it. that's why clots hurt more than just thin blood. some doctors from my experience over the years have used bc pills to control blood flow down the uterus to the vag. i'm not a girl but i've been married twice and i have 2 daughters. one started her periods at age 8. very cruel joke from mother nature. both my wives had endometriosis and had bleeding problems. cramps were an everyday occurence. so was overflow bleeding. geez i felt so bad for my girls. nothing prepares a girl for that. gone are the days when girls cramps were written off by professionals as nerotic. i know it hurts. altho some girls tend to be drama queens who actually knows how bad it hurts except them? historically bc pills a cocktail of hormones i think seem to reduce blood loss. also affects weight gain. bigger boobs too. fluid retention. lovely. but my answer to your direct question is if it's bc pills then yes it could help with the cramps. and who knows or wants to know if they're sexually active? just put them on the pill. hope for the best. if it doesn't work with the cramps let them know they should tell you so you can seek other answers. parenting is tough especially with girls. this is my best answer. to be honest my cramps were much less severe (and sometimes i never even had cramps) while i was on birth control. however if you don't truly need birth control i would advise finding another method to control your cramping. think about what birth control is and what it does to your body. you are literally swallowing one tiny pill that completely changes the mechanics of your body. i don't know for sure what types of negative effects they have truly linked to birth control but it all just seems too much to be necessary. i don't take any pills if i do not have to to keep junk out of my body but when my cramps get horrible i have found advil liquigels work much better than midol and the like. there are also many natural alternatives that are simply an internet search away. birth control pills estrogen and progesterone are powerful and potentially dangerous drugs and should not be used for period cramping unless there is a clear need. these drugs have very severe side effects and should not be taken lightly. birth control pills can cause blood clots liver cancer gallbladder disease heart attacks acne oily scalp hair loss high blood pressure depression cataracts and many many other side effects. bcps should be reserved only for those that are in severe need of them. if you have severe cramping there are other things you can try: otc pain medications heating pad soak in a warm bath.
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how important is weight loss to most people
many years ago i read a study conducted by rand corporation researchers in which people were asked what price they would pay to finally have and maintain an ideal body. the results blew my mind. most people in the survey indicated that they’d be willing to give up plenty of their pleasurable lifestyle habits (e. g. smoking watching tv alcohol vacations) to achieve the holy grail of bodies. however there was a significant minority that said they’d be more than willing to lose a limb if it meant they could finally be the weight and shape of their dreams. for years that finding has echoed in my mind as i have conducted studies and continue to work with my wonderful patients. this issue of weight goes much deeper than most people appreciate. on the heels of this older research comes a recent poll conducted by kelton research for nutrisystem in which 1 001 men and women were asked what they’d be willing to give up to achieve weight-related goals. people seem to be highly motivated not to gain weight. first up 52% of women adamantly stated they’d be happy to bag sex for an entire summer if it meant they wouldn’t gain 10 pounds. not surprisingly only 25% of men agreed. sixty-six per cent of those polled said that dropping pounds definitely made them feel sexier. how much weight do you need to remove to rock and roll? according to those polled about 23 pounds lies between you and your dream romp in the sheets. it gets even more interesting. if folks were given a choice of dropping 10-20 pounds or getting a job promotion wipe the shock off your face when i tell you that the majority went with the weight option. fitness magazine did its own poll in 2006 and found that over 50% of adults would rather lose their job than get fat. continuing in the financial vein the current poll revealed that 63% of women and 55% of men would rather be poor and average weight than rich and obese. not even dollar signs can deter people from their body quest. here are other sacrifices men and women were willing to undergo in order to achieve a flat stomach over the summer: 1) 54% — stop watching tv. 2) 54% — stop shopping for anything but basics for survival. 3) 42% — turn off the cell phone. 4) 36% — unplug the computer. 5) 21% — forsake sex. 6) 6% — no longer shower (yikes). how about the people in the poll who didn’t care to sacrifice? forty-six per cent of those polled would not “diet” because they do not want to give up their favorite foods [and] 25% don’t like the stress of eating more healthfully while 39% think it’s just plain a pain and inconvenient. per chance you’ve shared some of these sentiments at some time? for those who have a “dieting” history over 50% have struggled to shed weight over the past two years and 30% have tried over the past year. women have undergone some kind of diet on average 16 times in their lifetime compared to 8 times for men. at the end of the day this is one of those polls that gives you a little food for thought. it makes you wonder about yourself. what is your attitude about weight? what you would be willing to do to achieve body nirvana says a lot about what role weight plays in your life. the folks who’d be willing to sacrifice a limb are not playing around. they value the body perfect at such a high level that loss of limb is inconsequential. my question to everyone centers on the issue of expectation. what kind of life changes are you expecting by achieving your perception of the ideal body? if you’re lonely are you expecting attractive people suddenly drop in your lap? are you seeking joy and happiness? how do you think your life would improve? would it? step back for a moment and really think about the weight-expectation connection. i’ll wager to guess that the mental angst most people carry around about their excess weight generates so much pain because it’s associated with expectations and hopes of a better life. this is so profound for some people that they’re willing to pay a price that would baffle people who don’t have a weight and/or body-image issue. you’d think money would trump weight. apparently it doesn’t if you’re still obese. having sex pales in comparison with holding onto a great body. it’s clear that how we physically appear and present ourselves in life is so important that we’d can tv cell phones and computers to achieve and sustain it.
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will xanax help with my stress. i am so stressed out i feel sick cant sleep cold sweats my neck burns my face is hot and i dont know what to do
see your medical provider. yes xanax can help anxiety (your reaction to stress assuming this is what is causing your symptoms) but it will not help the underlying causes of stress. xanax is part of a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and is prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders. you may have heard the terms ssri (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or gaba (gamma amino butyric acid) - xanax changes brain function by altering gaba production in the brain at the receptor sites which alters the person’s mood. when used appropriately xanax is very effective. studies have shown that long-term xanax use can lead to dependence and addiction. quitting xanax use cold turkey can be dangerous because the nature of the drugs slows gaba (gamma amino butyric acid) production and changes brain chemistry. suddenly stopping xanax use can be too much for the brain to adjust to can result in serious side effects including horrifying nightmares delusions seizures and death. gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
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what type of doctor treats tinnitus? please provide specialty name (ie. oncology
a neurotologist (a neurology/ent subspeciality).
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is there pain wiht pancrea cancer. if diagnosed wiht pancrea & liver cancer can a person still live the remaider of their lives wihtout pain. there is currently no pain. could one go home and just keep living their normal life until death comes? .
pancreatic cancer is a terrible terrible cancer and yes it is typically fatal. one of my best friends had pancreatic cancer (a medical provider) and described the pain as "indescribable". he had to have a careful balance between pain control with over-sedation (and constipation from the opiates) to the point where he could not function and just mentally dealing with the pain without the use of medications (very difficult). much of the cancer pain is related to metastasis (the spreading of the cancer to bone and other organs). it would be wonderful to have any remaining time pain-free but sadly this may not happen. as long as this person is currently pain-free now they are being blessed.
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i want to get a checkup for the first time i haven't seen a doctor since i was born. i am a 23 year old college student who is in good health. i've dealt with any health problems that i have had using remedies my parents have taught me or that i have read about on the internet. i think it unwise to go any longer without at least getting checked for cancer. i want to get as comprehensive a check-up as possible but i am not sure how to go about it - where to go how much it will cost and i have no idea what to ask for
if you are attending a college that has student health it is easy. just make an appointment for a physical. if you are paying for this comprehensive exam it could be pricey. the cost of medical care widely varies so if you still covered under your parents health insurance it is likely they will pay for preventative services. again just make an appointment for a physical exam with a good primary care clinician.
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can household dust cause chronic illness? . my boyfriend's house is very dusty. there are knicknacks everywhere so shelves and other surfaces don't get dusted. his mom admits that she hasn't dusted certain areas of the house in years or vacuumed uner the couch. i recently saw behind their entertainment center and there was about a half an inch thick layer of dust. my boyfriend and his brother are always clearing their throats and they always have. his dad is also going through chemo for lung cancer and the house is still dusty
if a person is allergic to house dust they can develop a chronic illness (chronic allergies) from it. house dust is not a cause of lung cancer unless that dust had carcinogens in it like asbestos. maybe your boyfriend should come to your house from now on.
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what kind of diet is good for a person with pancreatic cance
anything they want to eat. or can eat based on their level of nausea. most pancreatic cancer patients are on pain-killers that can cause nausea or severe constipation so finding a diet that is both pleasurable and one that can prevent constipation is the best. as you know this is a very serious cancer so this person should be allowed to eat just about anything they want and can tolerate.
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is there a birth control pill that doesn't kill libido or increase the risk of breast cancer? . i am 32 and have been on birth control for 5 years. i switched from trisprintec which was fine to yasmin when i moved to mexico last year because trisprintec was unavailable and i have a family history of breast cancer (two grandmothers 1 aunt) so my gynecologist recommended i switch to a lower estrogen dose. now my libido has vanished. alesse's low estrogen dose sounds promising but i can't find it here. qlaira with a high estrogen dose sounds good for libido and bad for cancer risk. tks
yes. there are many different birth control methods that do not use hormonal control. see a gynecologist discuss your medical history and this expert will help you select a method that is right for you.
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are women realistic about obesity
i’ve just gotten through reading a new survey detailing how women feel about the “o” word — obesity — as it relates to themselves their children family and friends. the good news is that most women agree that obesity is a major issue. this survey was unique because it’s woman-centric updating us about how women currently view the impact of obesity on their daily lives. the online survey was conducted within the united states by harris interactive on behalf of the national non-profit association healthywomen. from august 24-26 2010 1 037 women ages 18 and older participated. after reviewing the survey results a number of disconnects began to emerge. here are some highlights from the survey: 1. although 87 percent of women believe that there is a parental role in the cycle of obesity only 28 percent assign any responsibility to themselves. fifty-seven percent believed that a mother and father have equal influence on their child’s potential for obesity. reality: research shows that a mother’s obesity has a much great impact than a father’s on their child at all ages. mom’s are still primarily in charge of grocery shopping and meal preparation. kids tend to emulate their moms’ eating patterns. 2. one in 10 women surveyed recognized that if she were obese in her first trimester her obesity more than doubles her child’s risk of becoming obese. forty-six percent of women didn’t know if there was a mother-child obesity connection in pregnancy and 11 percent felt there was no connection at all. reality: research from harvard medical school shows that the more weight a woman gains while pregnant the greater the child’s chances are of being overweight by the age of three. currently one in five women is obese at the time of her baby’s conception which translates into 1. 3 million annually. 3. eighty percent of women believe that outside relationships can influence their becoming obese. seventy-two percent believe an obese family member can affect their obesity risk. sixty percent think that a spouse or partner will significantly impact on their becoming obese or not. less than one in three believes an obese friend can influence their weight. reality: research shows that a woman has a greater chance of becoming obese if her friend does. there is a less effect for sibling or spouse. 4. while 97 percent of women knew that obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes only: a) thirty percent knew that it was also associated with gallstones and infertility; b) twenty-five percent knew it could increase the risk of colon and breast cancer; c) and only 13 percent knew about the obesity-uterine cancer connection. the bottom line from this survey is that all women need to embrace and integrate these new facts into a “new normal” attitude about healthy lifestyles.
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is a tumor the same as a cyst
no. a cyst is a "fluid filled mass". a tumor is a solid mass.
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what are the odds my husband gets the same cancer his siter died of and his brother now has
i don't know what kind of cancer that his sister and brother have.
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can viagra cause prostate cance
if it did it would not be on the market nor be as popular as it is as a prescription. extensive studies prior to fda approval has proven that viagra does not cause cancer. hi here's a very interesting piece of info that you should read it should answer your question. the link <link> good luck buythebluepill. com is the most reliable and one of the most affordable sources for all men's health medication needs. we are supply all medicine like viagra cialis kamagra tadacip levitra etc.
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can you help me please what kind of tumor disease can cause to 11 month girl. can you help me please what kind of tumor disease can cause to 11 month girl.
children are subject to many different types of tumors so i would need you to provide more information so that i can help you. neoplasm or tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue as a result of abnormal growth or division of cells. i could give you the a-z of tumors but it is best to keep in touch with a physician. also check out sits: <link> <link> <link>
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my dentist is having radioactive seeds done for prostrate cancer when is it safe for him to go back to work? . i would like to know when it is safe to be around my dentist as an employee
yes. when he is cleared by his oncologist. brachyotherapy (radioactive seeds) are very localized to the prostate and does not put anyone else at risk.
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are electric cigarettes safe
reasonably safe. there are no carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) in the water mist but there is some nicotine. nicotine in the levels that are in electronic cigarettes are not really considered harmful. any efforts to stop smoking should be encouraged so eventually you may not be using either one.
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brain tumor. ok i have headaches around the same time of the day and when i look in the mirror my pupils are different sizes the headaches are always in the right side in the front of my head like behind my eye or something the pain is soo bad sometimes i can barely stand it. im 17 could this be a brain tumor? . benign or cancerou
talk to your parents and have them take you to see a medical provider right away. it would be impossible to adequately evaluate a person with a headache blindly over the interent let alone determine if they had a brain tumor.
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i have a dark spot between the tongue and gums that has gotten larger. is is possible a sign of cancer
you cannot diagnose oral cancer soley by a brief vague description so my advice to you is to visit your dentist or see your primary care provider for a careful examination of this dark changing spot. the risk of oral cancer increases dramatically if you use tobacco (chew or smoke) so hopefully you do not partake in this cancer-causing habit.
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can you have cancer in your sinu
a cancer can just about develop anywhere in the body but i have to say that this would be rare. if you are concerned have your medical provider order some imagining studies so that your sinuses can be properly evaluated.
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is there an online doctor that would look at my birthmark on my leg to see if i can get it removed? . i want to remove it with a cream or oil but i don't know if it's possible
you will not likely find any medical provider who will do that. making a determination about a skin lesion (cancer or not) is more that just the visual appearance. it is the location size elevation etc. and a careful medical history. since you don't know what it is i would not suggest any home removal techniques. get an expert. your regular medical provider or a dermatologist to make this very important decision.
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i had blood in my semen twice. do i have cancer or something serious? . about a week ago there was a very small amount of blood in my semen. now about a week later it happened again. im 33 in good health. i havent sustained any injuries to my groain. im going to see a urologist next week but im paranoid. i do urinate frequently but have for years now and have been told that there is nothing wrong with me by 3 different urologists
blood in the semen is often seen by urologists. because the male genital tract is so vascular (rich in blood supply) there may be many different reasons why you would see a small amount of blood. the problem could be distal (the penis area) or the prostate. less-commonly it could be an infection in the epididymis (the sperm collecting area). while cancer is always a less-common possibility this is something that your urologist will carefully rule-out.
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my boyfriend lost his wife to cervical cancer two years ago and he was just diagnosed with herpes. is this possible? . he says he has not been intimate with anyone else since his wife's death. what is my risk for herpes and/or cervical cancer if i have intercourse with him? so far we have a platonic relationship and i'm afraid to take any risks with my health since i am a senior citizen
cervical cancer may have an underlying cause such as hpv (human papilloma virus) but i would have no idea if this man also has hpv. herpes is an entirely different type of infection that does not cause cervical cancer but can be transmitted to you during sex. a condom would offer a reasonable (but not 100%) protection against herpes. there are different strains of hpv. some of them cause cervical cancer and some of them cause genital warts. if his wife's cervical cancer was caused by hpv (most cases are) then he most certainly had or has a serious form of hpv. the herpes diagnosis is a completely separate issue. please keep in mind that hpv (and maybe herpes but i don't know about that) can be spread by contact with areas that are not covered by a condom. it can also be spread by oral or anal sex.
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my knuckle touched a cancerous tumor. now the skin of that knuckle looks burnt & wrinkly. aging or result from contact? . i was helping my sister clean a cancerous tumor. the cleaning process started before we thought to put on gloves. i' be noticed over the past several months that the skin on that knuckle has a burnt wrinkly texture. not sure if my knuckle came in contact with the tumor or not but there was no problem with my skin until that incident. the area is more defined as time goes. it does not itch. could it just be that the skin is aging in that area. it is the skin over the 3rd knuckle
obviously i cannot see the skin of your knuckle to offer you a patient specific answer (your description is really too vague) but i can tell you that contact (skin-to-skin) with a tumor would not transmit anything to you or your hands.
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i have calcification of the prostate. is it related to masturbation? . i have just been informed i have calcification of the prostate. could this condition possibly be related to masturbation? i am a 24 year old male and i masturbate once a day on average which i did not think was too excessive. also i do like to drink alcohol a lot so could that also be related? i am going to see a urologist soon but i really would like some feedback sooner hence my question. thank you
most helpful answer i am not sure how this "calcification" on your prostate was found but if it was from a digital rectal exam this may not be clinically significant. the urologist will be able to make that determination however. it would be highly unlikely that this would be a sign of symptoms serious like prostate cancer in your age group. masturbation does not cause this sort of problem. excessive alcohol has it's own set of issues and problems but this would likely not be unrelated to this prostate finding either.
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why does my penis itch? . all right about a month ago my penis started to itch. i figured it was just an allergic reaction or dry skin or something. but after a month i figured something was definitely going on. i started researching on the internet and all fingers point to chlamydia or gonorrhea. i called a clinic and they cant get me in until monday. and its thursday. well i sprayed peroxide into my urethra and all of the symptoms cleared up. hopefully the peroxide got rid of everything without doing any damage
peroxide will not cure anything; definitely not chlamydia or gonorrhea so keep that appointment on monday if you think your sexual history and symptoms justify it. there is an easy urine test that can give you the correct answer. expect a lecture about using condoms. the penis is covered by skin and there are about a hundred reasons for itching. from allergy to your laundry detergent/dryer softeners or soap to eczema or a fungal infection. you cannot accurately diagnose yourself over the internet so get a medical professional invovled. about two weeks ago my penis started to itch. i thought it was the new underwear but i was wrong i have not had sex prior to it happening. i wake up from sleeping and my penis itches i i pee and it itches. i have cleaned it everytime but it still itches. any answers would b appreciated. jim your penis may be itching simply because you have dry skin down there. it is a common problem and nothing to freak out about. buy yourself some penis health creme (one containing vitamin a e and some shea butter is nice too) and use it every day. your itch should be gone in a few days. get tested regularly for sti's regardless though. it is the smart and responsible thing to do. cheers! that wouldn't clear up an sti so it's a good idea to get it checked. for common penile itching unrelated to stis using a superior penis health cream (health professionals recommend man1 man oil) with natural moisturizers can help to deal with the itchiness. good luck! penis cancer.
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what is a gallbladder lesion
the term "lesion" can mean a lot of things. from a mass (tumor) to even an area of scarring or calcification. it does not necessarily mean anything bad but the term is used for a finding that is not considered normal. in this case the lesion is in or near the gallbladder.
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should one stop smoking to help prevent outbreaks of hpv
one should stop smoking to prevent death. hpv can lead to cancer and left untreated this can lead to death too. are you confusing hpv with herpes? most people do not have "outbreaks of hpv".
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i've been taking levothyroxin for over a year. i have developed a rash/hives that comes and goes. is this related
not likely since you have been on this thyroid medication for over a year. look for other reasons. yes it can be related. my thyroid was removed in 1973 when i was 21 yrs. old due to benign adenoma. i took armour for 10 yrs. then switched to synthroid for 10 yrs. in 1991 i began having severe hives and red burned face. my family dr. immediately suspected thyroid meds. allergists insisted no way was it that. i suffered for 8 months until my gynecologist took me off synthroid hives immediately began subsiding then on armour and hives returned but looked different. took me off all hormone for 6 weeks and follow up with endocrinologist. said i would feel very tired - but i felt great. all my levels were normal and have remained so for 21 yrs.
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can blu light prevent future skin cancer
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is hpv vaccine concidered to be a birth controll medication? and what are some other side effect
the hpv vaccine is not a birth control medication in any way. a vaccinated woman can still get pregnant but they won't likely get hpv which can lead to cervical cancer. so far the vaccine is 100% protective. there are very few if any side effects of this vaccine (your doctor can provide you with a full disclosure). most side effects are related to the shot itself (pain redness at the injection site) not the vaccine. the vaccine is safe and highly-recommended by medical professionals.
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why do men have nipples? . we know that women use their breast for breastfeeding. men get breast cancer but what is the purpose of men having nipples
there is a book by this same title so you can buy it on amazon and get the answer first-hand. without nipples how would teenage boys torture each other with "twisters"? what would punk guys have left to pierce? how would you know when it was cold? nipples in men have no medical purpose but since it hurts to remove them and you will look a little weird without them just leave 'em alone. maybe another few thousand years of evolution will make them disappear.
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my step dad has perscription for both ondansetron odt and oxycodone. what kind of illness prompts the use of "odt"? . my step dad has gone to the hospital twice in a row now. my mom assures me there is not a problem but i am worried that she may be avoiding a more serious health issue. . i know that the "odt" medication is used for the effects of chemo but my step dad has never had cancer. he is however a disabled veteran. and while he is still constantly upbeat and healthy he did have a surgery but that was about last year in 2012. . are there any specific cases in which a doctor might prescribe both
oxycodone of course is a potent narcotic pain medication. his doctor must feel that he needs this level of pain control ondansetron is used to control nausea and vomiting only. the"odt" just means oral disintegrating tablet (melts in your mouth). oxycodone can cause nausea but i have no idea if this is the reason his doctor prescribed it.
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does cancer really skip a generation? . my grandmother had breast cancer that eventually spread to her brain and she ended up passing away. someone told me that cancer skips a generation. is that true
no. this statement is not true.
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i had one ovary removed. will i still get my perio
sure. assuming all of the other parts are intact and function (like your uterus) you should ovulate from your remaining ovary and have a period. yes but could be irregular so dont immexiately panic. each person isnt the same so you may have gotten yours and there have been no problems. my story is at 7yrs old i had my rt ovary and falopian tube removed due to an 8 inch tumor found in my ovary. i did get my period however i was 17 3/4 yrs old when i started and my menstration seem to come every other month instead of monthly. once i had my first child @ 20 my menstration has come monthly. ps. i missed two(2)periods instead of one with my first pregnancy only.
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i have white spots below my tonsils could it be cancer. they look like white little craters. there's like six or seven to each side i've chewed tobacco for almost a year lightly and by lightning mean 1 to 2 lips a da
most helpful answer it would be impossible to know if anyone had cancer based on one sentence. i do not know your age or other risk factors and obviously i cannot exam those areas of concern. the only way you can get the reassurance you are seeking is to physically see a medical provider or ent for an examination. cancer of the tonsils typically does not meet your vague description but i cannot blindly answer your questions and concerns.
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are cigarettes without added chemicals the healthiest choice? . 39 yr old male with schizophrenia who will likely not quit smoking has had laryngitis 4 months. encouraging him to see dr as my father developed polyps that were removed & quit smoking about that age. american spirit cigarettes contain only tabacco w/no added chemicals which i believe does have nicotine. is this the better alternative
the only healthy cigarette is no cigarettes. american spirit cigarettes have the same cancer-causing potential as all of the others. the fact that you have schizophrenia does not preclude you from stopping your smoking. giving up cigarettes would be the best gift that you could give yourself.
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is dates good for cancer
dates are good. honey is good. as good as they are as foods they will not cure or really medically help any form of cancer.
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if you have had testicular cancer and now only have 1 testical can you conceive a son and a daughter
if you have viable active sperm from your one remaining testicle (you would have to get a sperm count) then you could father a child.
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can liver cancer kill yo
yes of course. many cancers can lead to death or cause other fatal complications.
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i had an episode of vertigo two weeks ago it was diagnosed as bppv how long will it take to go away? . i have occasional head rushes and palpitations i also have a dullache inthe back of my neckandfeel like i'm in a fog most of the time. could these symptomsbe caused by my neck
i can address your bppv concerns but unfortunately it is not possible to predict how long you might have symptoms (assuming you were correctly diagnosed). bppv has an annoying habit of coming back. bppv is an inner ear problem. it does not cause palpitations or "head rush" and is not related to neck disorders so these symptoms are not likely associated. benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (bppv) is the most common cause of vertigo. the patient usually has episodes of recurring vertigo lasting several minutes or as brief as 15 seconds. specific movements of the head often provoke the attack usually following a brief delay of several seconds. people quickly realize the specific head motion or motions which tends to trigger an attack. there are effective treatments but you may need to see an ent. look up and do the eply maneuver! on one side or both. i got it suddenly and severely with projectile vomiting-it was awful! the doctors and hospial were basically useless and this one move absolutely fixed it. some people only need to do it once--i needed to do it about 5 times in a row ( 15 or 20 minutes in between) - and it works unfailingly! do it! you will cure the vertigo-it reattaches the ear chrystals! let me know and pass it around ok? be well! it will go away after a few seconds or minutes depending on the severity. there are those however which recur from time to time. i suggest doing half somersault maneuver which has been devised by dr. carol foster. you can just google " half somersault maneuver " or visit halfsommersaultmaneuver. com for a detailed process of the diy exercise.
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is it a mandatory reuqirement to wear a gown during a physical checkup can i refuse to wear one
most helpful answer you can choose to be naked without a gown but in order to do a through examination including looking at your skin for cancerous lesions etc. clothing can be a real barrier. talk to your medical provider. rather than "refuse" and make a big deal about it explain your reasons (like shyness) and ask that your medical provider accommodate your wishes. as a rule i allow my patients to keep on most of their clothes (for modesty) and only have the remove the pieces that i need as the exam progresses. exams on males are different that exams on females so i cannot address your specific concerns without knowing your sex. many people insist on the gown feeling they will not a get a thorough exam without getting near-naked; others prefer to have most of their clothes on. i find it very disturbing if my patient is stark-naked while i am trying to take a patient history so even your medical provider prefers some sort of modest attire.
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question about possible oral cancer (tongue). i have a spot on my tongue that has been causing me pain for approx. 10 yrs. have seen ents over the years. now i have to get a biopsy. the doctor is going to remove a fairly large sample (around 1''). i'll be asleep for it. if this was cancer wouldn't it have taken over already? then again i guess it would depend on the type of cancer. i haven't used tobacco. i have noticed that this hurts more at certain times of the month (i am a woman). the doctors have no answer for this
if you do not use tobacco tongue cancer would certainly be less-likely. if you had this same lesion (unchanged) for ten years then this would not be consisent with a malignant oral lesion. the reason why your doctors are biopsing this lesion is to find out what it is. soon you will have that definitive answer and also will no longer have this lesion to worry about/
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what is the differnce between an ovarian cyst and tumo
a tumor is a solid mass; a cyst is a mass filled with fluid.
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what happens if ovarian cancer goes untreated
untreated ovarian cancer is likely to progress metastasize and cause the demise of the patient.
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what are my risk of having testicular cancer? . i am 22 and i was born with an undescended testicle. when i was 9 years old doctors tried to replace my undescended testicle but they couldn't. when i was a 16 years old teen i had another surgery and they removed my undescended testicle. after surgery they send my removed testicle to a lab. to see if there was any risk and it was clear. since then i never went to hospital to check about it. now i learned having an undescended testicle is a big risk for t. cancer. what are my risks? . thanks a lo
most helpful answer you have no risk now. the only risk for developing a testicular cancer would be in the testicle that was removed when you were 16. your other testicle is quite important now so please do a routine testicular self-exam when you take a shower. any lumps should be brought to the attention of your medical provider. your remaining testicle is not at any increased risk because of your past history. no more than the rest of men of your age.
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what is this? . hoarse cough swelling/numb in both legs extreme pain in joints of left leg only (can't move leg in certain directions) pain moving to groin & buttock on left side; muscle spasms weakness & chills in neck arms and legs. sciatic nerve? infection? circulation problem? tumor? allergic reaction
unfortunately you cannot be diagnosed blindly over the internet. you will need to see a medical provider so that you can have a thorough medical history and be completely examined.
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are electric cigarettes better than tobacco ones? i'm using them to try to cut back and hopefully quit
what do you think? tobacco is linked to several types of cancer and a dozen other medical diseases. nicotine-flavored water vapor is not. if electronic cigarettes can help you permanently stop smoking i am all for it.
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best pain medicine for servere pain caused by pancreatic cancer pai
pancreatic cancer pain can be severe. since pain medication is very patient-specific it would be best to have a pain specialist manage this person's pain. the best medication for one person may not be the best medication for another.
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why do some people lose weight faster than others
in a new study published in radiology german researchers have proclaimed that they can use mri and mr spectroscopy imaging to actually predict who will benefit most from lifestyle changes. the answer involves how much intra-abdominal and liver fat you have. the scientists performed mri scans on 243 (99 men mean age 47 years and 144 women mean age 44 years) before and after nine months of a healthy lifestyle-intervention program with a goal of shedding 5 percent of original body weight. the participants reduced their fat intake to no more than 30 percent of total calories and walked at least three hours per week while generally engaging in moderate physical activity each day. all of the study subjects were considered at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. they had a bmi of 27 or greater impaired glucose tolerance and/or a first-degree relative with type 2 diabetes. in addition to the mri scans researchers also measured insulin sensitivity since people who have type 2 diabetes don’t respond appropriately to insulin (a hormone secreted by the pancreas that is crucial to glucose metabolism). after nine months in the healthier lifestyle program scientists found that: * 71% of the men and 58% of the women experienced improved insulin sensitivity and along with this they shed lots of intra-abdominal fat (19% reduced in women 20% in men) and liver fat (35% reduced in women 44% in men) while the overall body weight decreased by 3-5%. * the study subjects who fared the best with shedding fat started out with lower baseline levels of intra-abdominal and liver fat. * participants who did not experience an improvement in insulin sensitivity dropped much smaller amounts of intra-abdominal fat (4% reduced in women 6% in men) while men shed 15% of their liver fat and women actually gained 22% more liver fat. here are some take-home messages to help guide you on your quest to live your best healthy lifestyle: 1. it’s not just how fat you are but it’s where the fat is at that counts. fat that is carried primarily on the lower half of the body (hips thighs buttocks) is metabolically different than intra-abdominal and liver fat. excessive inner belly fat is highly associated with a higher risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes and some cancers. it is also associated with an increased level of inflammation which is often a precursor to these medical conditions. 2. mind your middle. grab a tape measure right now and whip it around your tummy across your belly button. your goal is to keep your waist size under 35" for women and below 40" if you’re a guy. want to know if you’ve got too much inner belly fat? first look in the mirror. if you’re more apple shaped (versus pear shape) you may have too much intra-abdominal fat. second lay down on your back on a flat surface. intra-abdominal fat doesn’t move since it’s wedged underneath your abdominal muscle. simply look down and if your belly is protruding like you’re pregnant (this includes you guys) then you have excessive inner belly fat. if you have a normal amount of inner belly fat you should be pretty flat across your pelvic bones. 3. practice girth control. clearly the best way to manage your intra-abdominal fat is to prevent weight gain in the first place. it becomes much easier to pack on the pounds inside your abdomen after the age of 40. if you’ve already accumulated fat inside your abdomen here’s how to get rid of it: * consistent intense exercise: combine daily 30 or more minutes accrued of aerobic activity with intervals of intensity along with weight lifting 2 x week. you need both. the aerobic activity with intensity intervals will prompt intra-abdominal fat cells to release their fat fuel and decrease the fat load. the weight lifting increases your ability to burn calories faster and more efficiently. * strategic nutrition: most americans consume between 400-600 grams of carbs daily mostly processed junk. try to limit your carbs to no more than about 200 grams per day. eliminate junk carbs (processed foods white carbs — white bread pasta rice potato) and prioritize whole foods such as veggies watery fruits and whole grains along with lean protein sources. control your portions keeping your total daily caloric intake appropriate for either weight reduction or maintenance. 4. people are different. this study does underscore the fact that people are indeed very different. we have unique family histories medical experiences body shapes and fat distributions.
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how often should colonoscopies be performed? i had my first one at age 50; it was normal. i'm 55 now. is it time
most helpful answer about every ten years starting at age 50. more frequent colonoscopies may be recommended based on the results of your first one (any polyps? ) or your family history. annual stool for occult blood tests can be done as part of your cancer screening regime.
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can an adult with a weakened immune system due to cancer and lupus get mono? . a friend of my daughter tested positive for mono. we all drank after each other trying a new drink at starbucks. i have cancer ( cml) and lupus my immune system is very weak & i catch everything my teenagers bring home. i usally get sick about every 7-8 days. i wash my hand a lot and use hand sanitizer as well as lysol in my home. i haven't felt well the past two days. is it possible for me to have gotten mono? i have headache sore throat low grade temp & i'm weak & have been sleeping a lot
yes it's possible for you to get mono so if you are having any specific symptoms characteristic of mono ask your medical provider for an ebv panel. a very sensitive mono test.
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how do you know a purple spot is cancer? . the spot is lightly raised and is on the inside of my right forearm. i also have a spot (raised that appeared on the forehead but looks like a blister. it is getting dryish but still raised. my brother had melanoma my grandmother had a type of stomach cancer and my dad had some type of cancer but not sure what kind.
the only definite 100% way of determining if a skin lesion is a skin cancer or not is with a biopsy. either the entire lesion ( or a piece of the lesion) is removed and analyzed by a pathology lab. a skilled clinician like a dermatologist can give you a pretty-good idea but a visual inspection can be wrong. because of your family history of melanoma it would be wise to get it checked out.
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should i be circumcised after robotic prostate surgery? . i am suffering from the normal incontinence after surgery and it seems like i am always wet with the extra foreskin after surgery. also i do urinate on myself sometimes when i have to go quite badly and cannot hold it long enough to get the foreskin back in time to prevent spraying all over. is there a downside to being circumcised at 70 years of age. i am thankful the surgery got all my cancer and i feel great other than the hygiene issue i am dealing with
there is absolutely no medical reason for you to be circumcised as a 70 year old male. your minor urinary incontinence and urgency after prostate surgery is common and circumcision will not change this issue. i seriously doubt you will find a urologist willing to subject to this procedure.
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can keloid be cancerous? and how does one contain the itching and the pain
true keloids are just hypertrophic scars. they are not cancerous and they typically do not itch or cause pain so it would be best to see your medical provider so this keloid can be properly examined.
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bothered about 3-4 years with sores in mouth. doctors have given me clotrimazole lozenges to dissolve. not cancer. comes and goes. dont know what is wrong. want to get rid of this for goo
i have no way of diagnosing the type of mouth sores that you have but clotrimazole lozenges would only be helpful for yeast (thrush). they would not have any effect on canker sores (aphthous ulcers) or other lesions. most recurrent mouth lesions are aphthous ulcers.
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is hpv found in all cases of cervical cancer
no. just most of them.
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i have sores breaking out all over my body. what could this be? . i was living on connecticut coast during irene and sandy. first sore was on my back starts out as itchy patch which turns into a sore and when not picked it becomes a raised bump. they seem to be spreading around my legs and arms and now are beginning on my back. what could this be?
i would not be able to blindly address your question as to "what it is" since i cannot see these sores -- a vague description is just not sufficient. i suggest that you see a medical provider or a dermatologist -- someone who can physically examine you -- in order to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. i have an appointment with a dermatologist on the 29th. my general physician didn't know after examining me just said not cancer not impetigo.
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will anti perspirant cause breast cancer
no. antiperspirants have not been linked to breast cancer. otherwise you would not see anyone using them.
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my dad has chronic hiccups for the last 2 months every 5 seconds. nothing has worked from his doctor. specialist? . a couple years ago he had prostate surgery. they caught the cancer early and were able to remove it. he's changed his diet to bring down his cholesterol and blood pressure. he's 5'6" 150 pounds. his doctors has prescribed him medication liquids but nothing has worked and it's even worse today. i don't know if there's a specialist that handles this type of thing. there isn't much information online about it. what should be the next step here? where do we start
start with a gastroenterologist. in many cases this can be "fixed" with a combination of medications and even surgery. i have had bouts with chronic hiccups my entire life until i found a permanent over-the-counter medicine that cured them for me and keep me from ever getting them anymore (and i am in my mid-40's). i would get the hiccups for 1 to 4 days which would lead to other problems with the spasms flaring up my ulcer. i am not a doctor but i know it works for me and improved my quality of life 100%. the named-brand medicine is not labeled for a hiccup cure and the only main ingredient is what does the job for me. every day i take just one time-released tablet of just plain mucinex (blue and white box) made by reckitt benckiser. although it is designed to work as an expectorant to relieve chest congestion and it thins and loosens mucus it does a whole lot more for me. the main ingredient guaifenesin (600 mg) is what stopped my hiccups when i last had them mid-2012 and i have been taking one or two 12-hour tablets daily ever since. if you get another brand it will probably not be time released so be careful as it may work for 4 hours at the most. i hope this helps and please let me know if it does because it sure changed my life. my dad is having the same problem. did your dad's condition improved? if so can you please share what he did?
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is deer antler spray any good to use for se
no. this is not an effective aphrodisiac even for deer. don't waste your money on worthless concoctions. try a beautiful card fresh flowers and compliments. works much better.
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expected survival rate for someone with bone and breast cancer who is under stress but going through treatment. my mother was recently diagnoses with breast cancer and needs a masectomy. she recently found out she has bone cancer. she is going to go through chemo but the environment she presently lives in is putting her under a lot of stress. what are her chances of beating this disease under stressful conditions
unfortunately it would not be possible for me or any medical professional to answer that question without the details of her case. even then trying to guess "someone's chances" is just that. a guess. there are many people who greatly exceed their doctor's prognosis. just support your mother that best that you can to help her relieve some of that stress. see that she gets the best of care. and the rest is up to god not someone with a medical degree.
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is chewing tobacco bad if you have atrial fibrillation
chewing tobacco is bad for you. period. your heart does not need the stimulant effects of nicotine and you do not need any of the cancer-causing chemicals contained in chewing tobacco. only a fool would use tobacco. in any form.
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husband has 1 testical due to testicular cancer since we have had a daughter does that mean we can only have girls
no. who told you that? both testicles produce sperm that can create a boy or a girl so assuming his remaining testicle is producing a normal amount of viable sperm he is capable of fathering a child of any sex.
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does lipitor cause pancreatic cancer. i have read recently that lipitor may be linked to pancreatic cancer. can you verify if there's any studies to support that? there is pancreatic cancer in my immediate family and i am presently taking lipitor. thanks
i don't think that anyone knows for sure at this point. pancreatic cancer has been around a long time before lipitor and most people who have pancreatic cancer have never used it. keep abreast of any new information that may surface on the medical sites but an "association" is not necessarily a "cause". you could easily make an association that people who eat at a certain fast food chain have a higher level of a disease than someone who doesn't or that a large percentage of people who have a type of cancer had driven a car prior to the diagnosis. these are "associations". if any definitive studies are found with a causative relationship any suspect drug is immediately pulled from the market.
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my husbands urologist wants him to have a prostate biopsy. he has no lumps. psa was 1. 8. is this biopsy necessary? . what are the chances of cancer with a psa this low
get a second opinion from another urologist. a prostate biopsy is not a pleasant procedure so it should only be done if absolutely necessary. his psa is fine but the psa is not the definitive marker. i don't know his age or risk factors but if his prostate examination is normal. his psa is normal. i am puzzled by the recommendation. the urologist has a responsibility to justify this procedure so have a face-to-face consultation and hear has rationale. i know from personal experience the psa is a very questionable test designed to promote more tests and more expenses by the male populace. my psa is 10. 49. i have acute bacterial prostitus. this is treatable with powerful antibiotics. if you still have fear (that's what they want! ) then by all means have the dr. order a cat scan and then you will know the truth. j. ben my psa was 6-8 and had 2 biopsies no bumps no cancer but because my doctor did not like the signs he did a ( saturation biopsy) which then showed i had a gleason scale of t8 which at that point it starts spreading to the boney structures and lymph glands! the simple biopsy only hits a small part of the prostate. had he not been persistent and dependent upon my psa i would be planning my funeral. take this seriously! those who belittle the psa should have their tongues cut out.
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i have a lump in my right breast that keeps disappearing and reapearing. i have had a lump removed before but the doctor didn't tell me it was cancer or anything and it was in the same breast. but sometimes it is kinda tender but when it disappears i am fine is this something i should be worried about? should i go get it checked? because i have no insuranc
as much as i would like to address your concerns i really do not know anything about you. your age medical history or even if you are a female (men have breasts too). more importantly it would take a thorough examination to determine if this lump is worrisome or not. although i am sympathetic to your lack of insurance an examination is really the only way to make this important call. i can tell you that lumps that come and go are more likely to be cysts especially if the lumps are influenced by your menstrual cycle (again assuming you are female). breast cancers do not come and go. sadly they tend to stay and get bigger over time.
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my husband is 50 ph level per urinalisis is 7. 0 is this a concern? what is ph level mea
ph is the acid/base balance in the urine. don't confuse it with psa a prostate-cancer screening test. a ph of 7 is the same as water so your husband has been drinking an adequate amount of fluids. this is good.
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a bioposy to remove a spot on my face found irregular cells present. is it necessary to surgically remove these cells
i am sorry but you did not post sufficient information in order to answer this very patient-specific question. i don't know what kind of irregular cells or what the pathologist is suggesting. if there is a concern about a possible skin cancer then yes those irregular cells may need to be excised. at this point only your dermatologist can address this question.
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im having my ovaries removed but have been asked to consider having a hysterectomy at the same time. should i im 53. i have been asked to consider a hysterectomy - presumably because of my age? what are the pro's and cons of this. could it be that it is easier to surgically remove it all than just remove the ovaries? the ovaries have large dermoid cysts so need to come out but everything else is ok i think
you really have no use for your uterus at age 53 especially if you are getting your ovaries removed. the uterus will serve no purpose other than becoming a place that can form a cancer. i don't know the details of your case but it would see prudent to remove the uterus at the same time as the ovaries. there are no pros for leaving it in.
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i have frequent urination at night. what causes that
i don't know anything about you to blindly determine a specific cause not even your sex. if you are male and over the age of 50 it could be bph (benign prostatic hypertrophy). if you are a female one would need to consider a urinary tract infection or variety of urinary tract problems. and in either sex nocturia (the medical name for this condition) could be one of the signs of diabetes. on a more simple case you could be drinking too much in the evening and not completely emptying your bladder. see your medical provider. this is really the only way to determine a reason and hopefully find a solution.
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everybody tells me a sunburn turns into a tan. is this true
when you burn sensitive skin it will turn red and may turn brown (if it doesn't peel off). later in life it may turn into skin cancer. use sunscreen. seeking a tan is not good for your skin.
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what kind of treatments or tests are out there for vertigo? i have had vertigo since i was 10. nothing has helped. mri when i was 10 was clear water drip tests made me dizzy. i had been dealing but now it is back and happening in my sleep (8 mos. )! a specialist diagnosed me (17 yrs later) with benign parox. pos. vertigo but the videonystagmus revealed no abnormal eye movements. i can only sleep on one side. i have an attack in a dream wake up and everything is moving. i get sick all day it's very violent and then have to take suppositories. meclizine only helps me with so much. any suggestions? help
it is time to see a sub-specialist (a otoneurologist -- an ent that specializes in inner ear disorders) and have a new work-up. there are numerous types of vertigo so it would be good to have a new evaluation. things may have changed since you were ten. unfortunately there are not very many things that can be done but there are more treatments and medications out there depending the type of vertigo that you have. i have seen an ent many times. never find anything. i've found the epley maneuver to be helpful. there are several youtube videos that show how to do the maneuver (you need another person to help you) but i found this one by peter johns <link> to be very helpful. it may not work the first time but it should eventually work unless you have something major causing your vertigo. if it's been a long time since you've had an mri you may want to have another one done just to be sure there's nothing ominous causing your dizziness. i know it's frustrating; i've had to leave work early and have missed days of work because of vertigo. i'm a high school teacher and am always busy busy busy but taking care of ourselves is important. i find that when i'm extremely tired and stressed that's when it tends to hit. good luck!
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what alternatives are available to the regular pelvic exam for women? . i was wondering whether there is a reliable self administered test one could use to test for hpv and cancerous and precancerous cells. in addition given the relationship between hpv and cervical cancer is a pap smear even necessary if one knows they do not have cervical cancer at the moment and are not participating in any kind of sexual behavior that would expose them to the disease i. e. a change in sexual partners
all women can make their own decision on when or even whether they have a pelvic examination and a pap smear -- these are two very different procedures. a pelvic exam is more than just a visual inspection of the cervix and external genitalia there is a bimanual componet to feel for masses benign tumors cancers ovarian abnormalities enlarged uterus etc. the pap smear is primarily for cancer or precancerous lesions. there are no good substitutes for either one. they are not just for women at risk. periodic pelvics and pap smears are for all women. they don't have to be annual anymore. if you have a series of negative paps and do not have an genetic familial or medical risk factors they can be less often. discuss this with your gynecologist.
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is it possible for a male age 55 to have testicular cancer? . i have regular physicals but have noticed that one of my testis is twice the size of my other
yes a 55 year old man can have testicular cancer but before making a self-diagnosis see your medical provider or a urologist for a proper examination.
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boyfriend just diagnosed with oral hpv non cancerous. ive never been sexually active with him. how is this contracted
most helpful answer i have no idea how your boyfriend got it. i know nothing about him or his past. the "h" of the hpv means "human" so we do know that he got from direct contact with another human. kissing? oral sex? he may not even know at this point. not all species of hpv is sexually-transmitted nor the type that causes cancer so perhaps you both should speak to his medical provider for some direct answers. if there are answers to be obtained.
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will canabis cure 7 out of 10 cancer patients like i'm reading on the internet? . this has become a very common posting on facebook recently
no cannabis does not cure any cancer but it is used by some cancer patients to help pain control and to improve appetite.
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is it sop for a gastroenterologist to order a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids without doing a physical exam on first visit
doctors are like chefs. they all "cook" a bit differently. how one clinician practices does not really imply that others will do the same thing. not doing a physical exam on the first visit is not a violation of standard of practice (sop). i don't know the circumstances as to why this important aspect was skipped but perhaps there was a reason. did you ask? yes i think it would be prudent to exam the patient (carefully) before ordering a colonoscopy. i agree with you. since hemorrhoids tend to be on the outside or near the anal opening he would need to medically justify this more-invasive procedure like a colonoscopy. if you have a family history of colon cancer or if you are over 50 a colonoscopy would be sop.
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what causes testicular pain radiating to your kidney
many things: epididymitis orchitis kidney stones testicular cancer. don't try and solve this problem yourself based on internet information. see a urologist and have a thorough examination. testicular pain is not something a man should ignore.
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can nuclear stress test cause cancer
no. it will not cause cancer. i had one myself.
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i have a female doctor. i have been going to this doctor for about 6yrsi have not had my clothes off for a physical. i am a male just wondering wh
she is lazy and not doing a thorough examination. what if you had a melanoma on your back? what if you had a testicular cancer?
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i've had tinnitus for 12 years in my left ear. suddenly i have tinnitus in my right ear and my left ear is fine. how? . i went to doctors got hearing tests got mri's etc. the doctors said it was just inner ear damage (even though i listened to music at a low volume and had never been to a concert). after 12 years suddenly my other ear is ringing and my left ear is fine (i tested this by making soft noises on my left side that i hadn't been able to hear). i am confused about how suddenly my ears decided to trade tinnitus. does this mean i have brain tumor after all? . and yes i know i should see a doctor
i guess the only thing predictable about tinnitus is it's unpredictability. i have tinnitus as well. about 15 years now and it started (most likely) from viral infection in the inner ear. acoustic damage is just one of the ways so yours may have been viral as well. i can offer no explanation as to why your tinnitus switched ears. i can't say that i have seen this in clinical practice so this is a unique experience. remember that tinnitus is usually not a real noise by an illusion of a noise that our brain creates. i can't comment on your brain tumor concern but fortunately for all of us tumors are a very rare cause. if you are going to see a doctor see a neurotologist (an ent/neurologist). i am in the exact same boat as you. had tinnitus in left ear since 2001 (cause unknown)(no concerts no loud music and have been out of work since 1992 so no loud noises) i have had full mri's ct scans and all is normal. the ent can't figure. i am taking medicine for a seizure disorder but i've been on the same medicine since 1961 sounds like a school bell ringing 24 hrs. a day now the right ear is starting maybe something to ask: my father had tinnitus in both ears caused by an explosion in wwll heredity?
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does a family history of breast cancer increase the risk of cervical cancer with hpv pos pap results? . breast cancer is on my moms side (my grandmother and aunt). i have had 2 abnormal paps with coloscopies but they've been 3 years apart. the most recent one i've had a coloscopy with biopsies done. . i'm young- mid twenties and have 2 children
these two cancers are not "connected" but it is still unfortuante for you to have this family history. i wish you the best in your recent cervical biopsies and hope everything turns out fine for you. as far as your breast cancer history is concerned talk to your women's health expert to see if you can have special genetic test.
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is h pylori a formof stomach cance
no h. pylori is a bacteria that can cause a stomach or duodenal ulcer. it is not cancer.
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i am 22 male and just had my first adult physical. dr. never looked at my genitals. is that normal? . i just had my first adult physical with my new dr. after growing to old for my pediatrician. the nurse after taking height weight blood pressure temperature and pulse told me to get fully nude and put on the dressing gown. the female dr. came in and asked me questions tested my reflexes and breathing but never examined my genitals. in fact she made a point to cover me when she was examining my stomach. is this normal
no. this is not a thorough examination. you are correct. the female medical provider did not check you for testicular cancer penile problems and check your prostate (via the rectum). call and ask her why she didn't do it. and ask to come back (at no charge) to have these components done. i suspect that you or your insurance company was charged for a full physical and you didn't get it.
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why do i get sharp pain in my head after orgasm
assuming you are not hitting you head on the bed during this intimate moment one likely cause would be an orgasmic headache. you can find information about this on an internet search. keep in mind that there are hundreds of possibilities. muscle tension headaches a migraine-like vascular headache high blood pressure or? if this keeps happening it would be in your best interest to be professionally examined and diagnosed.
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my gp had me do a blood test and 9 months later at my next app i asked what were the results he told i was diabetic! . i have multpl ailments i'm wondering if this culd have implications to my hlth. i take prednisone have been for 15 years i have a lung disorder n nerothropy he never takes my blood presure never ask to see my feet never told me about seeing a dietitan he had me sign a paper for him to be my gp if i start complaining can he cut me off as one of his patients? gp's are not easily found. . i'm afraid of kidney failure or heart problems. so i'm wondering should i need to worry about hypoglycemia
that is inexcusable. as difficult as it may be to find a new doctor that is more thorough and responsible i think you should look around for an internist. internists are usually very current with diabetes management and with patients who have multiple health problems. i am not sure why you are on long-term prednisone but this can have an association with your blood sugar.
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can having sex cause your period to start early? . i have only had sex two times and both times my period started in the middle of intercourse. my period was not scheduled to start at those times and came 1-2 weeks early. when it first starts it is extremely heavy unlike my normal cycle. it then regulates and continues as normal for the next few days. i am concerned as to why this has now happened twice and i am fearful of it happening again. any ideas on what is going on
i would not be able to offer you a specific reason unless i was able to get a full medical history and examination. sex per se does not cause a true menstrual cycle to start but sex can cause bleeding. perhaps this is not your period at all but rather some post-coital bleeding. your menstrual cycle is regulated by your hormones and sex will not instantly alter those very powerful hormones. i would strongly suggest that you see a women's health care professional and have an examination. this is how you find your answer.
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is there a link to the vegetable okra as a way of regulating or curing diabetes? . i have seen numerous posts on face book lately about cutting up okra placing it in water letting it soak overnight and drinking the okra-infused water the next morning as a way to regulate blood glucose levels and possibly "curing" the need for insulin! several articles also said to eat the okra once you drink the water. i am very curious as to whether there is any credibility to this. this would be so wonderful if it were true! your thoughts please
the medical world hears these "miracle" natural cures all of the time but as you know just because you read it on the internet or facebook in no way proves scientific efficacy. a person on insulin is likely to need that insulin. i do not believe that any amount or form of okra will "cure" diabetes. eating a diet balanced with ample vegetable (including okra if you want) will certainly help a diabetic control blood sugar but as far as i know there is nothing magic in okra. if there was dr. oz would have devoted a show to it or you would see research in the medical literature.
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besides medication are there better ways to help with hypothyroidism? . i have trouble with not being able to lose weight. having no energy. being depressed. being tired all the time. body aches. they are continuously changing my medication dosage but i see and feel no change
better ways? no. if you truly have hypothyroidism thyroid hormone replacement is the best way to treat it. there are no rules in medicine that state that all of your symptoms must be related to your hypothyroidism so your doctor needs to look for other things that may be causing your array of symptoms. i am sorry to ask this but are you a female? i only ask because your tyroid gland affects everything in your body. ask your doctor to check your estrogen levels. i was the same as you until i seen my gynecologist. i am now in hormone replacement therapy and feel much better. i wake up feeling alive i don't feel like i'm walking in a fog all day. hope this helps. <positive_smiley>
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can sugar be absorbed through the skin? . i have type 2 diabetes and i work with sugar and corn syrup making candy. i notice my blood sugars are higher on the days i do this. can it be absorbed through my skin
as far as i know sugars are not absorbed through the skin but that is an odd coincidence.
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am ('f' 36 yrs) on 75mcg levothyroxine for hypothyroide issue since 18 mnths but still my periods are irregular? how2fix? . since beginning my menstruation is irregular(once in 2-3 mnths). i got married 12 years ago we got a 7 yrs daughter i got this pregnancy as usual well. 18 months ago i got hypothyroidism issue and now am on 75 mcg levothyroxine. but stil i am not getting regular periods but want 2nd baby? why am not getting periods? . thank yo
i have no way of answering that question based on the information you have posted. if you are trying to get pregnant i suggest that you consult your medical provider -- someone who knows your medical history and someone who is able to examine you (and your husband). your thyroid may have nothing to do with your inability to conceive or have regular menstrual cycles.
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what brand has the best supplement for growth hormone for height
you cannot buy human growth hormone over the counter. it is a very expensive prescription that is prescribed by an endocrinologist. one who has determined that you have a deficiency in this hormone. the stuff over-the-counter is worthless and will not change your height.
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what if blood sugar level is 471mg /d
that is a potentially-serious blood sugar level consistent with diabetes. this person should be under the care of a medical professional so this can be properly treated.
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why does my eight year old son pee himself during waking hours
obviously i can't answer your question since i do not know anything about your son but this is a clear indication for him to be seen by his medical provider. there can be many reasons some complex and unexpected that needs to be investigated including juvenile onset diabetes.
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boy(13)has bald spots on his head. skin smooth. dr said not thyroid. should we try another pediatric or dermotology
read about alopecia areata. assuming this boy is not pulling out his own hair (a nervous habit) alopecia areata tinea capitus and other skin disorders should be considered.
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i have wound on my toe and it's getting bigger. can i use lemon and cover it with plaster? i have type2 diabetes
i would rather that you see your medical provider and have it properly treated. a person with diabetes can have toe or foot infections that quickly get out of control so you likely need more than lemon.
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can gender be determined by a blood test? . in our society today a lot of discussion has been made about sex change operations transgender questions and other social issues. first is male or female able to be determined by a blood test and second if someone wants to change sex can this be achieved by hormones surgery etc.? or can a blood test prove conclusively that someone is a male or female regardless of environmental changes after birth? finally if a blood test can determine sex can this too be changed
not a blood test but a dna swab from the inside of your cheeks or saliva can determine if you have male or female chromosomes. if a person has a sex change -- surgically and hormonally challenged -- the chromosomes do not change nor can they be changed. the olympics uses this type of test to determine eligibility to compete.
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can you use emergency contraception before sex? (ex. plan b). hello. i am doing a a health issue research paper (extra credit) that would be shared with the class if it is a well written and informed paper. i thought this would be an interesting question to propose. i know that some emergency contraception you can take up to 3 days after. however are there any statistics or studies or information about taking it before hand. thank you for your help in advance
that's a bit like going to have your appendix removed before you have appendicitis. it is sooo much easier (and more effective) to prevent an unintentional pregnancy that to take a hormone like plan b. remember that preventing conception is just one part of this equation. you also need std prevention and plan b will not to that. what should be done "before hand" is for the woman to be one an oral contraceptive (or another effective form of contraception) and insist that her partner use a condom 100% of the time/ if plan b was the answer then it would be called plan a.
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why do some people lose weight faster than others
in a new study published in radiology german researchers have proclaimed that they can use mri and mr spectroscopy imaging to actually predict who will benefit most from lifestyle changes. the answer involves how much intra-abdominal and liver fat you have. the scientists performed mri scans on 243 (99 men mean age 47 years and 144 women mean age 44 years) before and after nine months of a healthy lifestyle-intervention program with a goal of shedding 5 percent of original body weight. the participants reduced their fat intake to no more than 30 percent of total calories and walked at least three hours per week while generally engaging in moderate physical activity each day. all of the study subjects were considered at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. they had a bmi of 27 or greater impaired glucose tolerance and/or a first-degree relative with type 2 diabetes. in addition to the mri scans researchers also measured insulin sensitivity since people who have type 2 diabetes don’t respond appropriately to insulin (a hormone secreted by the pancreas that is crucial to glucose metabolism). after nine months in the healthier lifestyle program scientists found that: * 71% of the men and 58% of the women experienced improved insulin sensitivity and along with this they shed lots of intra-abdominal fat (19% reduced in women 20% in men) and liver fat (35% reduced in women 44% in men) while the overall body weight decreased by 3-5%. * the study subjects who fared the best with shedding fat started out with lower baseline levels of intra-abdominal and liver fat. * participants who did not experience an improvement in insulin sensitivity dropped much smaller amounts of intra-abdominal fat (4% reduced in women 6% in men) while men shed 15% of their liver fat and women actually gained 22% more liver fat. here are some take-home messages to help guide you on your quest to live your best healthy lifestyle: 1. it’s not just how fat you are but it’s where the fat is at that counts. fat that is carried primarily on the lower half of the body (hips thighs buttocks) is metabolically different than intra-abdominal and liver fat. excessive inner belly fat is highly associated with a higher risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes and some cancers. it is also associated with an increased level of inflammation which is often a precursor to these medical conditions. 2. mind your middle. grab a tape measure right now and whip it around your tummy across your belly button. your goal is to keep your waist size under 35" for women and below 40" if you’re a guy. want to know if you’ve got too much inner belly fat? first look in the mirror. if you’re more apple shaped (versus pear shape) you may have too much intra-abdominal fat. second lay down on your back on a flat surface. intra-abdominal fat doesn’t move since it’s wedged underneath your abdominal muscle. simply look down and if your belly is protruding like you’re pregnant (this includes you guys) then you have excessive inner belly fat. if you have a normal amount of inner belly fat you should be pretty flat across your pelvic bones. 3. practice girth control. clearly the best way to manage your intra-abdominal fat is to prevent weight gain in the first place. it becomes much easier to pack on the pounds inside your abdomen after the age of 40. if you’ve already accumulated fat inside your abdomen here’s how to get rid of it: * consistent intense exercise: combine daily 30 or more minutes accrued of aerobic activity with intervals of intensity along with weight lifting 2 x week. you need both. the aerobic activity with intensity intervals will prompt intra-abdominal fat cells to release their fat fuel and decrease the fat load. the weight lifting increases your ability to burn calories faster and more efficiently. * strategic nutrition: most americans consume between 400-600 grams of carbs daily mostly processed junk. try to limit your carbs to no more than about 200 grams per day. eliminate junk carbs (processed foods white carbs — white bread pasta rice potato) and prioritize whole foods such as veggies watery fruits and whole grains along with lean protein sources. control your portions keeping your total daily caloric intake appropriate for either weight reduction or maintenance. 4. people are different. this study does underscore the fact that people are indeed very different. we have unique family histories medical experiences body shapes and fat distributions.
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will a yeast infection occur if you are not taking your insulin
yeast infections can occur on anyone. any age. whether they are a diabetic and taking insulin or not.