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tested + for flu a & started tamiflu helped but been 7 days now and ears hurt and extremely sore throat. . hurts to swallow. no fever. clear nasal drainage. non productive cough. is it common to have bad throat pain and swelling and ear pain with flu? do i wait it out or go to urgent care center in morning
influenza like most viral illnesses can set the stage for secondary (bacterial) infections in other areas like the ears throat sinuses or lungs. since you have an "extremely sore throat" my vote would be for you to go to urgent care so you can be properly examined.
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i have severe left flank pain but was told not kidney stones or uti. what else could it be
pancreatic problems can cause left flank pain. so can lower lobe lung problems intenstinal disorders and spine issues. even shingles can cause flank pain. make sure your medical provider keeps looking.
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where is bronchitis commonly found in the world? . countries or continents
all countries and all continents (including antarctica). most cases if bronchitis is caused by respiratory viruses. a few hundred different strains and these viruses exist everywhere on this planet that has human occupation.
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does posture cause cancer. my mother had lung cancer and i was told it was caused by her posture. i would like to know if this is possible
lung cancer. or any cancer for that matter. is not caused by posture.
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could my child's shortness of breath be related to him being over weight somewhat? . my child is 9 years old and somewhat overweight. he has shortness of breath all the time not just during activity. he goes around taking in deep breaths a lot and i can tell he isn't getting proper air. he uses his inhaler daily. my husband thinks its because he is overweight but i am concerned. he was put on inhaler because he may have exercised induced asthma the doctor said but that was when he was 7 years old. could this type of shortness of breath be caused by overweight?
i have to say that being overweight is definitely a factor but there are soooo many reasons for shortness of breath in children that it would be wrong to just attribute it to his weight. his doctor needs to do some pulmonary function tests or refer him to someone who can do this. shortness of breath due to exercise can be cardiac (heart) as well as an example. he may need more than just a rescue inhaler like albuterol to manage this problem but you would be wise to take his medical evaluation up a notch. i do agree with what rod moser has said but i do like to add few more things to this that inhalers are just not the available solution for every problem. keeping in consideration the age of your child i will suggest him some deep breath exercise like :- the stimulating breath (also called the bellows breath) the 4-7-8 (or relaxing breath) exercise breath counting. once he will be fine with these he push himself further more with some more deep breath exercise. for more information you can visit pharmacysell
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can you get copd from a fall. fell off a scaffold a year ago around 5 ft high. tore my both shoulders and herniated a disc in my back t3 t4. i have had trouble breathing since. tightness in my chest and sore throat. feels like there is something in my throat. i also have pains up my neck into my head. was told it was copd. i can walk without any trouble and have trouble sleeping
copd is another name for emphysema and it is not caused by a fall. there are many lung disorders that can mimic copd so you may want to consider getting a second opinion from a pulmonologist (lung specialist). you are having several other symptoms that are not typical of copd so it would be prudent to have another professional render an opinion as to the cause of your problems.
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how often can albuterol be use
albuterol is well-tolerated at many different individualized disease but should be used as ordered by your medical provider. and not more. an person can use up to 2 puffs every four hours as a rule if needed but there are exceptions when more. or less. is medically-recommended. some clinician feel that if your asthma is not controlled by occasional use of this bronchodilating "rescue inhaler" that your asthma is not in control and you should consult your treating medical provider for a review of your entire asthma medication regime.
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what dosage of oil of oregano should be given to a 12 month old baby with asthma
i would not treat a 12 month old baby with medically-diagnosed asthma with any oregano. this baby needs to be under the proper medical treatment for asthma not herbs or italian spices.
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whats c. o. p. d. since i had type 2 respiritory fauilure 15 months ago ive always been asthmatic and im constantly out of breath which limits what i can do my peak flow this morn at my doctors was 240 from 3 months ago it was 360 im a lady of 49 soon and a moderate smoker was told i might have cop
copd is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also known as emphysema.
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my 10 year old got a hand blister and now she has scabs around her mouth. what could this be. the blister had skin coming out. the mouth stores just happens when she woke up from a na
i can't offer you a definitive answer based solely on your brief description. i would need to see and exam this child but one possibility would be impetigo -- a staph or skin strep infection. there can certainly be many other causes. ten year olds like to swing on bars during recess and often get blisters. if they pick at those blisters on a dirty hand it can become secondarily infected and this infection can spread to the mouth quite easily.
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can a non-infected person/child contract mono from a "dormantly"(non-symptomaticly) affected person
someone who has had mono in the past and the tests for ebv virus is considered "dormant". showing antibodies from a past infection only this person is not contagious to others.
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my daughter is 5 literally everyday she either pees her pants or doesn't wipe after pooping or peeing help! . she always has an excuse as to why it has happened; we've tried everything from disciplaning to rewarding and from telling her that she will smell and no one will want to be around her and we've tried just letting her sit in it all day. nothing has worked and i'm at my wits end! .
please don't let her sit in soiled pants all day or other punishments. this can create even more physical or psychological issues. your first step is to see he medical provider to make sure there are no medical reasons for this behavior. how would you feel if she had a urinary tract infection or diabetes or a gastrointestinal disorder? if nothing is found they you can work on behavior approaches. way different than what you are doing. your pediatrician can help or you can see a child psychologist. this problem can and will be solved but it is going to take some patience and understanding on your part and a different behavioral strategy.
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can a over dose of ether during child birth by c section cause addhd. my mother had a c section when she gave birth to me. i am told she was given ether and i recieved too much. can this cause addhd and what other effects can this cause in me
i don't know the age of your mother or the year of this birth but ether has not been used in the delivery room for many decades. there is no evidence that ether causes add/adhd. as a matter of fact no one knows what causes this disorder.
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can my 4year old have hemrroids he complains his rectum itches all the time. he has had constipation sense he was born. he took miralax for 3years now i give him fiber supplements but now he is complaining of his rectum itching all the tim
hemorrhoids can be seen and even felt when you bath him and they are not very common or likely in his age group. his rectal itching can be due to many things from dubious hygiene after his uses the toilet anal fissures (tiny tears from being constipated) chemical reaction to detergents/dryer softeners or even pinworms. if a cause is not apparent you may need to consult his pediatrician so that he can be properly examined diagnosed and treated. hi if its worms? the way to find out is get to his bed before he gets up but before you wrap some sticky tape round a couple of fingers sticky side out and place this against his anus it picks up any worms they tend to come out during the night do this for a couple of weeks or until they clear it should stop the itching that's if its worms. do hope it helps you and him. good luck
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should people over 65 years old have the tdap shot for pertussis (whooping cough
directly from the cdc web site. any adult 19 years of age and older who has not received a dose of tdap should get one as soon as feasible – to protect themselves and infants. this tdap booster dose can replace one of the 10-year td booster doses. tdap can be administered regardless of interval since the previous td dose. shorter intervals between tdap and last td may increase the risk of mild local reactogenicity but may be appropriate if your patient is at high risk for contracting pertussis such as during an outbreak or has close contact with infants. when feasible boostrix (gsk) should be used for adults 65 years and older; however either vaccine product administered to a person 65 years or older provides protection and may be considered valid. providers should not miss an opportunity to vaccinate persons aged 65 years and older with tdap. therefore providers may administer the tdap vaccine they have available.
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can newborn babies be born addicted to prednisone if the mom took it for asthma in the last trimeste
no. prednisone is not addictive nor does it remain in the body for very long. in carefully prescribed doses when treating asthma it would not hurt the baby.
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my baby girl has hand foot mouth disease. she has a few blisters on her hand. she sucks her thumb. do i stop the suckin
no. she can suck her thumb. hand foot and mouth disease can affect those three parts equally (and even the diaper area) so sucking her thumb will not spead the infection or make it worse.
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can a nursing mother drink a beer
one beer will not hurt the nursing baby. there are plenty of healthy german babies out there that contest to this.
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son was dianosed with atypical growth hormone deficiency. is growth hormone therapy safe? insurance denied coverage. my son is a 13yr old 8th grader whose height is 4'8 and weight 78lbs
growth hormone therapy is safe if you do have an hgh deficiency. this hormone is very expensive so it would be best to pressure your insurance company to approve it with the help of your pediatric endocrinologist assertiveness of course.
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can my 11year old have a period for a da
most helpful answer yes an 11 year old child can have a menstrual flow. even for a day assuming she has reached sexual maturity (breast development public hair etc. ) but keep in mind that there may be other sources of bleeding to consider such as vaginal trauma straddle injuries rectal bleeding etc.
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can i give a 300 mg. tab of clindamycin to my 7 yr. old
why? you should not be administering antibiotics not specifically prescribed for your child and a 300 mg clindamycin tab (or capsule) would not be something a clinician would likely give a child.
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can i have a baby if i have a shunt in my stomach and if i have a braintumo
that would be an important question you would need to address directly with your medical providers -- the professionals who have access to your extensive medical records and someone who can personally consult with your ob-gyn. while i don't think there will be a problem for you to have a baby i just don't have all of the important details. there are really no general answers to your question that would be appropriate -- each woman and their medical histories are uniquely different. what you need is a "patient-specific" answer and unfortunately this cannot be done blindly over the internet.
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is there a safe medication to make my 30 pound baby sleepy for air travel. we are going to be on an airplane for 9 hours is there anything i can give her to make her sleepy
maybe but you will need to address this problem with your baby's pediatrician -- someone who knows her and her medical history. this issue is always a challenge for parents traveling with babies. some have used benadryl but i am not a big fan of doing this since this medication which will make adults sleepy can result in a paradoxical effect in children. in other words it could cause her to be stimulated like you gave her coffee! you do not want a wild and stimulated baby on a nine hour flight. talk to the pediatrician.
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should i be concerned that my child will receive the tetanus vaccine twice in less than a year? . my 14 yr old son received a tetanus vaccine in june 2014 from our family doctor due to a foot injury. in january 2015 my son and his fellow grade 9 students are scheduled to receive the dtap vaccine. should i be concerned that he will receive the tetanus vaccine twice in less than a year
no problem. having an extra tetanus vaccine will not cause any issues.
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is zantac a proper medication for indigestion in a one month old infant
yes zantac is used safely for infants. since i do not know your child's medical history i have no way to know if this is the proper medication. it is frequently used however for certain pediatric gastrointestinal disorders like reflux spitting up slow weight gain due to vomiting colic etc.
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my baby aged 4 months& has hydrocephalus (fluid in brain) is it allowed to give for her virus vaccine injection? help. we already gave her the first virus vaccine injectio
a child with hydrocephalus can have all of the recommended vaccines.
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i'm breastfeeding and didn't realize peptobismol wasn't safe. i only took 1 dose how long should i avoid breastfeeding? . i got norovirus and the stomach pain has been awful so i took one dose of peptobismol without realizing it wasn't safe for breastfeeding. i just researched it and all sites basically say to avoid it due to the risk of reye's syndrome and other risks to the baby. how long should i avoid breastfeeding
breast feed your baby. the chance of you or your baby getting reye syndrome or having any consequences after one dose. for the tiny amount of salicylates (aspirin) in the pepto bismol. would be highly highly unlikely. what is more important is that you stay well-hydrated and nourished until the virus has abated. if this is not possible you can temporarily switch the baby to supplemental formulas or any stored breast milk until you are up to the mission again. get better. you baby will be fine if you resume breast-feeding.
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my 11 year oldchild has an earache what can i do without having to see a doctor firs
keep in mind that there are many reasons for ear pain including a few different types of infections (swimmer's ear middle ear infection eustachian tube disfunction etc. ). since i do not have any way of determining the exact reason for the ear pain the only that that you can do is treat the pain. ibuprofen or acetaminophen is really all that you can do until your see a medical provider and have the child properly examined.
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what are the benefits of coffee before a workout? . i'm a new mother trying to get off some baby fat. i often drink my coffee riding the bus but before arriving to work. my job has a new full gym that i use prior to going to work but i'm not sure if my coffee is ok before my workout; or should i drink it afterwards. please help
i don't think there are any particular benefits from drinking coffee before a work-out or any particular hazards. people process caffeine differently so i think you should do what you want. if you are having any issues that you attribute to your coffee ingestion just change your routine or timing of your coffee.
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my baby is teething how many days in a row can i alternate tyelenol and motrin
i don't know the age of your baby but if he/she is over six months why not just use one of those medications. since ibuprofen (motrin) is anti-inflammatory and teething causes inflammation this would be my choice. besides it lasts six hours instead of four so a night-time dose would help most of the night. tylenol would wear off in the middle of the night. teething discomfort is normal so only treat it if the child is obviously in discomfort. it is safe to use for long periods of time but avoid over-treating. teething is going to go on for years.
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why do children bite their own arms? . my six year old just told me that he has been biting his arms at bedtime before falling asleep. when i asked him why he said "i don't know. my brain just tells me to do it.
the pain of biting himself is just an odd form of stimuli common when kids are under some personal stress. change his bedtime rituals to include more time reading to him telling bedtime stories talking about his day (things that may be troubling him) rubbing/scratching his back or hugging him. consider allowing him to listen to soft music or nature sounds so he can relax and have more pleasant monster-free dreams. that back scratch alone should feel much better than biting himself. he may fall asleep as you rub his back. feeling his stress melt away. help him tell his brain that biting his arm is not something he should be doing and appropriately reward him for the progress he will make in stopping this habit. make bedtime a special time. you may not have many more years to be able to do these bedtime rituals.
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i was just told to have sex with my wife to clean her uterus. she complained that we didn't have sex and that i didn't want anymore children to the doctor. she has problem with her uterus and the only solution is surgery or to clean her uterus by having sex this is what the doctor told me. the doctor also told me that she had the beginning stages of uterine cancer and that i have to have sex with her so it doesn't spread through out her body is this some kind of joke or is it a fac
that odd advice smells strongly of stupidity in my opinion. sex is important in a relationship for intimacy but sex will not "clean the uterus" or prevent the spread off early uterine cancer. your wife needs to get a second opinion from a ob/gyn specialist and you need to go with her to hear the advice.
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my baby cries when he is hungry or diaper is wet but he doesn't cry when he is hurt by falling down & after injection? . is it normal for baby not crying after someone hit him or he accidentally hit himself on his face. he received vaccination at his 8th month birthday. and he didn't cry from this injection. please explain? thank you ka
you would have to wait a few years and ask him but maybe he is just becoming one tough dude. likes to eat hates dirty diapers and does get bothered by minor injuries or the minor discomfort of an injection. i don't think there is anything wrong with him at all.
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he got hurt in his penis tried ejaculating and could do it. will he be able to have children in the future for 100%? . so we were playing and i threw a ball into his direction and he got hurt in his penis. he stayed on the ground for some time and had pain for the next two days. he told me that he tried ejaculating after that and he could do that. is it 100% that he had no harm and that he can have children in the future?
that is something that cannot be determined "100%" via the internet since there is no way to blindly ascertain the extent of the injury. remember that the penis does not make sperm. the testicles make sperm. if you are concerned he would need to be examined by a medical professional or urologist. it would not be prudent to make a guess over the internet. i am sorry.
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how is asthma in children diagnosed
asthma in children can often be diagnosed based on medical history symptoms and a physical exam. keep in mind that oftentimes when you take your infant or older child to the doctor with asthma symptoms the symptoms may be gone by the time the doctor evaluates the child. that’s why parents are key in helping the doctor understand the child’s signs and symptoms of asthma. medical history and asthma symptom description: your child's doctor will be interested in any history of breathing problems you or your child may have had as well as a family history of asthma allergies a skin condition called eczema or other lung disease. it is important that you describe your child's symptoms -- cough wheezing shortness of breath chest pain or tightness -- in detail including when and how often these symptoms have been occurring. physical exam: during the physical examination the doctor will listen to your child's heart and lungs and look for signs of an allergic nose or eyes. tests: many children will also have a chest x-ray and for those ages 6 and older a simple lung function test called spirometry. spirometry measures the amount of air in the lungs and how fast it can be exhaled. the results help the doctor determine how severe the asthma is. other tests may also be ordered to help identify particular " asthma triggers " for your child's asthma. these tests may include allergy skin testing blood tests (ige or rast) and x-rays to determine if sinus infections or gastroesophageal reflux disease ( gerd ) are complicating asthma. learn more about diagnosing asthma. a new asthma test that measures the amount of nitric oxide in the breath (eno) may now be available in your community.
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can a mother who's gotten tdap vaccine give pertussis to 2 month old baby? . i was vaccinated for pertussis by getting the tdap shot at 32 weeks pregnant. when my newborn was 6wk old she received first dtap shot & went to daycare next week. 2 weeks in she got first head cold but after a persistant cough we tested & confirmed she's whooping cough at 11 weeks old. did i give baby whooping cough or did she get it from a daycare provider? we're starting rx today but if she returns to daycare before completingmeds she may continue to be exposed to the bacteria there
the pertussis vaccine cannot cause disease. it is not a live vaccine. if the baby developed pertussis it was because she was exposed to someone who had the disease at a time where she was not completely protected by her vaccines.
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why does masturbating feel goo
it just does. consider it a gift. hi as the doc said its a gift but a gift you should treasure? reason you need to keep in mind one man one penis we need to treat or penis's with a lot of respect its the one thing break it you don't get a new one. now when it comes to masturbation its best you use some kind of oil baby oil olive oil coconut oil but keep away from these expensive ones. now when you masturbate just use a featherlight grip and keep it to that if you use a tight grip when it comes to real sex things wont work like you have been doing with a tight grip. a woman vagina has a light delicate touch hence the reason for the featherlight touch. always just relax and enjoy yourself never think of it as dirty. i do hope this helps you and your penis. good luck that’s the way people are built; stimulation of the genitals is pleasurable and enticing. masturbation is a wonderful way to experience pleasure and to get to better know your body at the same time. masturbating can sometimes lead to a sore (if contented) penis so men should regularly use a top notch penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend man1 man oil) with a high end emollient like shea butter to keep the penis pampered and happy.
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is a fungal toe infection contagious through bathing with another person (e. g. mom & baby?
transmission by bathing would not be very likely although it can be passed in a shower (you stand on the shower floor and the next person stands there and may get exposed). fungus does pass from person to person but not as easily as people believe. transmission requires close and frequent contact and a person who my be particularly susceptible to getting it.
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is it true my uterus will never regain its original size if i do not breastfee
not true but breast-feeding is definiely helpful after a delivery not only for the baby (of course) and it does help your uterus. your uterus will be just fine rather you choose to breastfed or not. to be truthful no uterus regains it's pre-pregnancy size again.
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does consuming folic acid makes our body fat? . i am planning to have a baby. my query is if iconsume folic acid tablets everyday as prescribed. will i become fat. i am lean no
folic acid does not cause you to gain weight or be fat. pregnancy on the other hand will definitely cause you to put on some extra weight.
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i think my 1 year old son has chicken pox. is up to date on all his shots & hasnt been exposed. is that possible
they only get their chicken pox vaccine at the one year visit so it may not have been enough time for the vaccine to be protective. the vaccine is not 100% either. there are many skin eruptions that can look like chicken pox but are really something else. i have no way of blinding diagnosing your child over the internet so consider seeing his medical provider so he can be properly examined and professionally diagnosed. chicken pox is responsible for many "false alarms" when it turns out the skin eruption is not chicken pox at all.
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is it possible to have an md in psychiatry and a phd in psychology with a md/phd program? . i am a senior in high school and i have always wanted to either be a psychiatrist or psychologist. i love the idea of both but i have heard that most psychiatrists don't practice psychotherapy. my real question is if i need another degree to practice psychotherapy as well as being a psychiatrist. also is it possible to be an md in psychiatry but also have a phd in psychology? or is it possible to just be a therapeutic psychiatrist
an md prescribes medications as part of their practice; a psychologist does not. both are skilled and licensed to provide psychotherapy. while it is possible to have both (there are combined phd and md programs) you may want to choose a discipline that best suits your career goals. to be a physician you are looking at four years of college four years of medical school followed by three or four years of a psychiatry residency. after you complete your residency and take your specialty board exams you can design your practice anyway that you like. you can prescribe medications if the patient needs them and provide the psychotherapy. it’s smart to plot your course of action for college success while still in high school. once your start driving down the college highway it’s not always easy or practical to change your destination and route. undergraduate coursework focuses on a different set of emphasized study for your desired type of graduate degree. (see bolded text below). let’s look at your potential career choices and the educational/training requirements as follows: licensed clinical psychologist (ph. d. ) – with this choice your hold a doctorate degree and the title of “doctor”. unlike a medical doctor you will not be able to write-out prescriptions for medication. typically ph. d. students complete 4-5 years of undergraduate study in a related field such as psychology social work mental health counseling sociology or anthropology. you can then expect to enroll in a graduate program and spend 4-7 years working on your doctorate degree. to be a licensed clinical psychologist most people will spend between 9 to 12 years in a higher education setting. the amount of time that it will take you to complete those educational requirements depends on your level of motivation and area specialty interest (such as forensics childhood adolescent or marriage counseling). medical doctor- you will be accorded the title of medical doctor (m. d. ) or osteopathic physician (d. o. ) along with all of the rights privileges and responsibilities of the designation. educational requirements are lengthily. you’ll need 4 years at a college or university to earn a bs or ba degree usually with a strong emphasis on the sciences such as biology physics chemistry and anatomy and physiology. advanced studies in mathematics will also prove to be helpful. other areas of emphasis may be acceptable for some students. you’ll then need undergraduate medical education (medical school) which includes 4 years of study at a u. s. medical school accredited by the liaison committee on medical education. your 4 years of medical school will include preclinical and clinical components. newly graduated md’s enter into a residency program that can be 3-7 years in length of vigorous training under the guidance of senior medical educators. the length of residency training depends on your choice of specialties such as cardiology family medicine psychiatry pediatrics or others. this can be followed by fellowship training of 1-3 years in a subspecialty when doctors want to become highly specialized. for example some doctors may want to focus on the area of adolescent psychiatry a subspecialty of psychiatry. after completing undergraduate school medical school and graduate medical education a physician must still obtain a license to practice medicine from a state or jurisdiction in which they are planning on practicing. you can then apply for a permanent license after successfully completing a number of examinations. the majority of physicians also choose to become board certified. some states and jurisdictions require a certain number of continuing education credits be earned in order to maintain their level of competency in the medical field. please note: a psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the field of psychiatry. although it is not against the law for psychiatrists to engage in therapy treatment sessions most psychiatrists are content with specializing in prescribing psychotropic medications and in leaving the “talk therapy sessions” to other professionals. therapist- other options in psychology do exist that require fewer years of college. for example you might find it rewarding to become a licensed marriage counselor or family therapist. this pursuit may require 4 years of undergraduate study followed by 2- 3 years of graduate school study. best wishes for your success.
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written in bold black letters & # s lp200. i am told that it s an analgesic pill for pain. thank u! . please help me understand what kind of medication this pill with the lp200 in bold black letters&# s written on one side was told that it was an analgesic but would like a professional opinion as out here in the boonnies where i live the pharmascist doesn t have a clue? please advise asap. i ve had 5 bypasses a diaphram replacement degenerative heart disease no l5 disc nobody can say. neuropathies in both feet. please help me. help! thank you kindly. b
it may be tramadol which is used for pain but many companies will use identifying numbers that may be confusing. there are "pill identification" sites on the internet but a pharmacist can definitely make that identification or at least help you confirm the name of this pill.
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my dr. said ihave a large water filled stomach. exactly what is this and what do i do to fix it? . my husband had a cyst removed from the side of his heart. in the doctors notes he read :. "pt. has a large water filled stomach. ". what does this mean and what steps do we take to fix it
i don't have a clue what your doctor meant by that statement. my suggestion would be for you to ask him to comment on this finding.
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are women realistic about obesity
i’ve just gotten through reading a new survey detailing how women feel about the “o” word — obesity — as it relates to themselves their children family and friends. the good news is that most women agree that obesity is a major issue. this survey was unique because it’s woman-centric updating us about how women currently view the impact of obesity on their daily lives. the online survey was conducted within the united states by harris interactive on behalf of the national non-profit association healthywomen. from august 24-26 2010 1 037 women ages 18 and older participated. after reviewing the survey results a number of disconnects began to emerge. here are some highlights from the survey: 1. although 87 percent of women believe that there is a parental role in the cycle of obesity only 28 percent assign any responsibility to themselves. fifty-seven percent believed that a mother and father have equal influence on their child’s potential for obesity. reality: research shows that a mother’s obesity has a much great impact than a father’s on their child at all ages. mom’s are still primarily in charge of grocery shopping and meal preparation. kids tend to emulate their moms’ eating patterns. 2. one in 10 women surveyed recognized that if she were obese in her first trimester her obesity more than doubles her child’s risk of becoming obese. forty-six percent of women didn’t know if there was a mother-child obesity connection in pregnancy and 11 percent felt there was no connection at all. reality: research from harvard medical school shows that the more weight a woman gains while pregnant the greater the child’s chances are of being overweight by the age of three. currently one in five women is obese at the time of her baby’s conception which translates into 1. 3 million annually. 3. eighty percent of women believe that outside relationships can influence their becoming obese. seventy-two percent believe an obese family member can affect their obesity risk. sixty percent think that a spouse or partner will significantly impact on their becoming obese or not. less than one in three believes an obese friend can influence their weight. reality: research shows that a woman has a greater chance of becoming obese if her friend does. there is a less effect for sibling or spouse. 4. while 97 percent of women knew that obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes only: a) thirty percent knew that it was also associated with gallstones and infertility; b) twenty-five percent knew it could increase the risk of colon and breast cancer; c) and only 13 percent knew about the obesity-uterine cancer connection. the bottom line from this survey is that all women need to embrace and integrate these new facts into a “new normal” attitude about healthy lifestyles.
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can ranitidine show up as amphetamines. i was recently searching online to see if it was safe during pregnancy for heartburn. & people were talking about how it caused them to fail for anphetamines. which really worries me being almost 8 months pregnant & all
i cannot imagine how ranitidine -- a totally different drug and drug class -- would result in a false positive test for amphetamines. most people who get positive drug tests actually took the drug and are lying about it. i am not saying that mistakes can happen but they are very rare. i truly hope that's the case. i've been clean my whole pregnancy & never touched amphetamines before. thank you for your answer! (:
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my blood pressure is 160/103 should i be going to the emergency room. there are no other symptoms. my blood pressure is 160/103 but i am not having any symptoms. should i be going to the emergency room
you should see your primary care medical provider. an emergency room is really not the best place for the on-going management of hypertension (high blood pressure). buy your own blood pressure cuff and start taking readings at home write the down and give them to your medical provider to review.
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how far down do doctors cool your body for a major heart surgery? do they cool it down to the freezing point
freezing? absolutely not.
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should i be concerned about heart beat in ear. when it is quiet i cann hear heartbeat in my right ear
maybe. i don't know anything about your medical history but hearing your pulse in your ear could be a condition called pulsatile tinnitus (you can look this up). consider seeing a good ent specialist for a proper examination. while pt can have common innocent causes there are a few more serious causes that may need to be ruled out. again based on a thorough medical history. this is not an easy issue to medically-investigate so make sure to find an ent that has expertise in this area.
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can lack of oxygen cause hives? . my husband has been dealing with hives daily for about 8 myths. he recently had a mi with 100% blockage of his right coronary artery & stent placed. i noticed while he was on supplemental o2 he did not experience hives at all
i have never heard that the lack of oxygen causes hives. sorry.
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after drinking alcohol my heart rate increases so that i notice it. is this normal? . after a drinking session (maybe five or six beers) i notice that my heart rate has accelerated. it doesn't cause any pain but i notice it. also after going to bed i'll wake up in the night and my heart beat is accelerated. is this from dehydration? i have had a glass of water and it seems to help some but i was curious about this. any ideas? the only medication i take is prilosec. sometimes nasal spray for allergies
many things can cause an accelerated heart rate including certain types of nasal sprays. for you alcohol may be acting as a stimulant so perhaps you need to cut back on your intake to see if it is "dose-related". you should run this by your medical provider so you can have your heart properly examined.
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fear of taking blood pressure. i have a total fear of taking my blood pressure. that started after one day i was allergic to a medication and my blood pressure went so high that i went to the emergency room. now i have such fear that every time i take my blood pressure it goes up because i am so nervous. i need to know what my real blood pressure is what can i do? i need help. thank yo
get your own blood pressure machine either a manual one or a high-tech electronic one. take your own blood pressure and keep a careful log. randomly high blood pressures due to anxiety (we call it "white coat hypertension") tends to be discounted if all of your home blood pressures are normal.
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has heart any thinking power? does heart have any grey matter? . in many a religion " heart" has been described as if it is able to think and act like brain is it so. does heart has any thinking power and does it have any grey matter like brain
no. the heart is a muscle; a pump. while there are neurological nodes in the heart that cause it to independently beat it does not have the ability to cognitively think nor does it have brain/grey matter.
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i had an allergic reaction and was given an oral 30mg dose of prednisone. how long will it stay in my system? . the allergic reaction was from niacin. the prednisone has caused my heart to beat faster. how long will this last and will lots of water help flush it faster from my body
not very long. the effects of this relatively-low dosage will be fading quickly perhaps in several hours. in the meantime it is helping to counteract your allergic response so it is doing its job side-effects and all. water will not flush it out of your system. time will do that for you. niacin has side-effects but an "allergic reaction" is rare since this is an essential b vitamin that we all need. i am guessing but your niacin reaction may not have been truly allergic in nature. read about niacin reactions on the internet. i have an allergic reaction. i don't know how i got it all over my body. should i see a dr?
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can an 18 year old girl have a heart attack. i am 18 weigh 120 lbs and am 5'7". my pulse is always racing over 100 and i am always short of breath. the left side of my neck hurts along with my left arm. is this a problem
it is a problem if you do not know the cause of your symptoms. rather than try and figure out what you have or worry about having a heart attack it would be best for you to be examined by a medical professional -- someone that can take a thorough medical history examine you order an diagnostic tests and give you the true answer. unfortunately this is not something that can be done blindly over the internet.
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soes atenolol help teens who have high anxiety at school because they stutter? . my son stutters and now that he is in high school the thought of having to speak in class because he might stutter is causing him a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. his face turns red he sweats his heart races and his stomach hurts. his doctor prescribed 1/2 tablet of atenolol 25mg as needed for stuttering. do the benefits of this drug outweigh the possible side effects? are there other teens who stutter that have tried this medication and what are their experiences with this medication
atenolol is a blood pressure medication that has been used for some anxiety issues. if this seems to help him in these social situations then i do think it justifies using it. i don't believe he will experience any adverse effects from taking this low dose. there are other medications that may be more helpful if this does not work.
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husband had a normal ekg but sinus bradycardia what is that
bradycardia is a slow heart rate. the term "sinus" refers to the sinus nodes in the heart - the electrical impulses that make the heart beat. it is up to his doctor to determine if this bradycardia is medically-significant or not.
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woke up in the middle of the night with my heart flip floping in circles. afib or just palpitations? . have been in the er three times for heart. have had 2 resting ekgs 2 ecg 2 blood dye 2 blood test 2 urine tests 2 x-ray 1 ct. needless to say i've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. . have had dizziness for 2 days bp dropped last night and my rate was strong and weak after the attack. but rate never went above 85 or below 66 even when it was flip flopping. would it be afib or palps? 20yr old no family disease clean for everything just not active. dr apt friday should i be worried
most helpful answer you have an anxiety disorder so you will likely worry no matter what i tell you. unfortunately it would be impossible to determine the true nature of your recent event based solely on the information in your posting so you will need to wait until you see your doctor -- someone who knows your medical history and can examine you. if your doctor or cardiologist feels it is clinically important they can order an "event monitor" where you can record any (future) episodes as an ecg for later review.
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can oxycodone cause rapid heart rate
yes but so can hundreds of other things. if you are having a rapid heart rate it is wise to see a medical provider to determine the specific reason. order / buy 100% safe pain relief pills medical marijuana cbd oils dabs numbutal more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you.
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i took a variety of medications to get high a few days ago. how long before my heart rate returns to normal? . sunday night i took about half a bottle of robotussin a tablespoon of codeine 25mg of hydroxyzine and 10mg of ambien. i also inhaled air freshener. monday night i took 75mg of hydroxyzine and 10mg of ambien. tuesday my blood pressure was low and my heart rate was high. i went to the doctor and told him everything and he told me to drink lots of water and to rest. my resting heart rate is still over 100. my blood pressure is now fine though
you should be pleased that you have a heartbeat at all. what a fool you are by taking this odd and dangerous combination of medications and chemicals. there is really no way to know if or when your body will recover from this self-inflicted insult.
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can you live without a heart? . i have a science school project that is all about the heart! can you fill me in
yes you can live for a few seconds until your brain dies. the definition of death varies but the cessation of a heart beat and the cessation of brain activity signals the end. i would not have liked to be a victim of the ancient aztecs -- the ones that pulled your beating heart from your chest. you can also live with an artificial/mechanical heart until a transplant has been found and attached so technically you are living without a biological "heart".
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is it a problem if i skip a day with my statin? . some times i forget my cholesterol med in the morning so i take it in the afternoon. when that happens do i need to wait 24 hours til my next dosage or can i resume my prescribed medicine the following morning
it should not be a problem. but it is always best to take your medication as directed. put it in the refrigerator at eye level. right where you will see it or near your toothbrush.
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what kind of doctor treats sciatica
usually a neurosurgeon or orthopedist that specializes or has expertise n back surgery is the "expert". just because you have sciatica does not imply that you will need any surgical intervention but it is good to have a specialist examine you. sometimes all that is needed is physical therapy. your primary care doctor can order an mri of your low-back to check for nerve impingement.
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my male dog has seizures will having him nuetured help. male german shepard already on phenobarbital and potassium bromid
you can talk to your vet but i cannot imagine a cause of seizures that would be influenced by castration so i don't think that would help. seizures are typically neurological not hormonal.
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my 7 year old daughter has temper tantrums! . my 7 yr old daughter has awful tantrums that have been happening more often. they occur in the mornings before school & other times they happen in the evening. they spark from not wanting to wear a coat to not liking what we have for dinner. she cries screams kicks throws things & even swings at me. they continue for at least 30 minutes and at the end she always cries that her head hurts. i give her some ibuprofen and then she settles down. . this doesnt seem normal to me. any advice would help
she needs help starting with her pediatrician. many children of her age have explosive outbursts and there are medications that can help. additionally she could see a child psychiatrist or counselor for behavior therapy. tantrums can occur at any age but by age 7 she certainly should know that she is not in charge of the world and how do deal with conflicts in a more civilized manner. i don't have enough information to comment on her head pain but this should be carefully evaluated by the pediatrician as well including consideration for some imaging studies. rarely brain lesions can surface as personality aberrations so this may need to be ruled out.
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been on adderall for a few yrs and wanted to try penis enlargement pills for added pleasure. is it safe to take both? . any experience or actual medical information would be very appreciated. . thanks
penis enlargement pills are worthless. pure quackery. you can not medically increase the size of your penis. your hands. your feet. your nose. anything using a "supplement". as an adult what you have is what you got my friend. remember that it isn't the size it is how you use it. your most sensitive sexual organ in a loving and caring relationship is between your ears (your brain).
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my husband has sinus headaches that wake him up every night. decongestents don't help and ct scan showed nothing. he will often take steam showers to break up the congestion in his head then have to sit up for 2 or 3 hours for his head to drain enough to go back to bed
two things. first a ct scan is the definitive test for sinusitis. if it was clear then i would question that he is having "sinus headaches". there are a hundreds of different types of headaches so consider seeing a neurologist for a higher-level evaluation. second taking decongestants at night is not a good idea because of their stimulent effect and the fact they cause annoying drainage. an antihistamine may be considered or perhaps a trial of using nasal corticosteroid sprays to reduce the inflammation.
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i can ejaculate multiple times but my first ejaculation is within 2-3 minutes how do i delay this? . my first question is would you consider my first ejaculation pe? i still have an erection and can still continue with sexual activity i use a fleshlight. how can i delay my first ejaculation? i dont want to have sex and keep changing condoms because my chances of getting a girl pregnant increases and also would eating something an hour or two before sexual activity help my stamina
sexual excitation leading to an ejaculation is controlled in the brain not the penis. the fact that you can continue to have sexual activity after ejaculation is really good so that first "fast one" is really not that problematic (other than changing condoms). yes there are some special techniques you can employ to postpone ejaculation if you have a cooperative partner. a little research on the internet for "premature ejaculation techniques" would likely provide you will ample information. no there are not special foods that will increase your sexual stimina but if you eat a lot of garlic your partner is unlikely to have sex with you at all! hi there is a little exercise called edging very good for you problem. for info on this just google prgym look under exercises this is not a quick fix once you get this working you may just need to do it a couple of times a week to keep it working. good luck
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if have sensornurial hearing loss can you then get perforated eardru
they would most likely be unrelated. sensorineural hearing loss involves the inner ear and brain. a perforated eardrum involves the middle ear. an entirely different anatomical area. a person can have both of course but they are likely unrelated.
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what could happen if i leave rubbing alcohol on my finger? . i took some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel and wrapped my finger it in it expecting to just leave it a moment instead i fell asleep. when i woke up my hand felt tight so i assumed the alcohol had dried my skin out. it reminds me of what a brain would look like-image the prune fingers but it wont go away and the skin is hard. i was only asleep for 3 hours but i'm worried. what can i do to help i've put baby oil and lotions on my hand since i woke up but it doesn't seem to be helping much
rubbing alcohol quickly evaporates and will not penetrate intact skin. you will be just fine. nothing bad will happen.
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why do i wake up exhausted after a full nights sleep? . i workout daily and i eat healthy. i know that i talk in my sleep. often times i'm aware of it when it's happening but i'm still asleep or dreaming it doesn't quite wake me up. could this have something to do with my exhaustion
i have no way of specifically answering your question because i know nothing about you or your medical history but one possibility would be stress or depression. in these cases your body may be at rest but your stressed brain may still be going 100 miles per hour.
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dr told my brother he has an arid brain. what does this mean? . i have heard of water on the brain. but is there such as a thing as not having enough? what causes it and how can it be fixed
i have never heard of this odd description of a brain. the doctor really has an obligation to explain it. i don't have a clue what he meant.
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migrans pains and fainting spells what is goint on? . about 8 months ago i started having constant migrans. about 6 months ago i started having sharp stabbing pains that only last about 30 seconds to a couple minutes. the best way i can descibe that pain is when you get zapped by a light socket but 1000 times worse. about 3 months ago i start fainting spell. and recently i started getting dizzy spells when every i get up too fast or when i first get up in the morning. i had a cat scan done but they said everything was normal
even though the ct scan was normal if you are continuing to have this troublesome array of symptoms you need to be seen by a neurologist for a higher-level diagnostic evaluation.
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my baby was diagnosed with spina bifida. what should i be doing to prepare for his birth and follow-up care
spina bifida has an extremely variable clinical course -- with the location of the spine opening being the most important factor in determining your son's clinical course. children with a very low level lesion can have very good motor skills and have very low risk for cognitive issues. children with high lesions have greater motor impairment and are at increased risk for additional problems. in addition to motor problems the bowel and bladder are also affected. iq and schoool aptitude can be affected as well. since so many parts of the body are affected you will likely need to consult with a range of pediatric specialsists including a neurosurgeon a urologist a physical medicine doctor and either a neurologist or developmental pediatrician. your child's care is likely best provided in a major medical setting teaching hospital or children's hospital. you are going to need to find good doctors whom you can trust. spina bifida (also known as meningomyelocele) is a relatively rare and complicated disorder about which much is known. fortunately although we do not have a "cure" much can be done to help children with spina bifida.
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i have fused vertebrae degenerating discs and straightening of my spine. what kind of doctor should i see? . i am 32 yrs old male and have moderate to sever chronic back pain. i've seen my family doctor chiropractors and pain management specialists. i've had a many test ran on me w/o any definitive diagnosis. i am overweight but not sure if that is the cause or the effect as i am not able to be active due to pain. the discs in my lower back have degenerated. my upper back has no curvature and in the middle of my back i have 6 fused vertebrae. i am desperate and don't know where to turn to next
usually a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon who specializes in back problems would be your best bet for a specialist. you may need to call the office to make sure they see patients like you.
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do you have to visit a doctor for tourette's syndrome? . if it is manageable is it ok if i don't visit a doctor
a doctor (neurologist) would likely treat tourettes' medically (with drugs) so it is really up to you to make that decision.
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will xanax help with my stress. i am so stressed out i feel sick cant sleep cold sweats my neck burns my face is hot and i dont know what to do
see your medical provider. yes xanax can help anxiety (your reaction to stress assuming this is what is causing your symptoms) but it will not help the underlying causes of stress. xanax is part of a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and is prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders. you may have heard the terms ssri (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or gaba (gamma amino butyric acid) - xanax changes brain function by altering gaba production in the brain at the receptor sites which alters the person’s mood. when used appropriately xanax is very effective. studies have shown that long-term xanax use can lead to dependence and addiction. quitting xanax use cold turkey can be dangerous because the nature of the drugs slows gaba (gamma amino butyric acid) production and changes brain chemistry. suddenly stopping xanax use can be too much for the brain to adjust to can result in serious side effects including horrifying nightmares delusions seizures and death. gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
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can a head injury cause autism? . baby of 1 year hit head hard on front of head like i have never heard after raising 3 children no outwards signs a of cut or bruising. child now 9 just diagnosed with autism. could this injury have anything to do with it
there are no studies that show a relationship from a childhood head injury to true autism but that is something that a neurologist should answer since there are many different types of autism and not all head injuries are "innocent".
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what are my choses other than meds to treat adhd / high funshing- odd spectrum autisisum hyperactivity? . what are my choses other than meds to treat adhd / high funshing- odd spectrum autisisum hyperactivity? i am 18 and soon going to collage and do not want to be on my meds any more. any advise or input would be helpful. thank yo
that would be up to your neurologist -- someone who can do an extensive work-up. treatment is very patient-specific and since i do not know you it would be impossible for me to know if there are any options for you. that is a question that only a neurologist can address.
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do you wake up or open your eyes first in the morning
at my age i am just glad i woke up! in my own experience i suspect that my brain awakens before my eyes open but that does not mean everyone on this planet experiences awaking the same way.
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can long hair cause migraine
most helpful answer absolutely not.
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is depression hereditary? . it seems like just recently our oldest son and our youngest son have shown signs of depression. my husband and myself in the past year were diagnosed with a mild case of depression. i have been on sertraline for about a year and a half and have recently been removed. it just seems very odd to us that our two boys seem to be having some of the same issues that we have had in the last year or two. is depression hereditary
some forms of clinical depression -- those types that are due to problems with brain chemicals -- may be hereditary but keep in mind that this is a very complex diagnosis and just because it runs in the family does not imply that all family members will get it. your two sons should be evaluated.
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can epilepsy only occur while sleeping? . my father has had about 4 episodes in about years in which he looses consciousness and become very stiffed. always during the first 10 to 20 minutes after he goes to sleep. he is always taken to the hospital and all tests become negative. could this be a type of epilepsy
yes. your father should be examined and properly diagnosed by a good neurologist not the er. yes. i myself have seizures during the night. i recently had a stay in the hospital to discover my seizures had increased from 3 different types to 4. the hospital stay lasted about a week during which i was hooked up to an eeg machine for 24 hour monitoring. in which i was video taped to see just the type of seizures i was having. not all hospitals have the technology to due this kind of monitoring. if it is something you think should be looked into further talk to a neurologist first they may recommend he see a specialist who will be able to preform this procedure. good luck in your efforts.
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handled old cooking mushrooms too old to use picked nose with mushroom secretion on finger can mold grow in nose/brain. i was looking for ingredients for dinner and found old mushrooms i inspected them to see if they were good they were not while throwing them out i also picked my nose with the wierd slimy stuff from mushroom on my finger didnt think of it at the time but now im worried that the secretion off the mushroom could cause fungus to grow inside my nasal cavity or brain is there a possibility of this
no your brain and nose are safe from mushroom or fungus growth.
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do you put salt in a seizure patients mouth while they are having a seizure? . my nieces has a friend that has seizures and said she was told by a neurologist that she should have someone put salt in her mouth when she's having a seizure. i have worked with patients and their neurologist and have never heard of this. it concerns me that this little girl was told this and she is telling people to do this. can some one give me an answer please
in primary care medicine over 40 years. and i have never heard that recommendation. sorry. i don't think that salt would have any bearing on a person having a seizure regardless of the type. as a matter of fact i think it could be dangerous.
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want to know side effects of facedown mastrubation. i have been doing face down masturbation since i am 14 now i am 28 recently i came to know about facedown mastrubation it can cause dangerous side affects and it is not usual pattern of mastrubation request if some one can give me the details on this till now i haven't tried for an intercourse as i am not married yet. will there be any problem in intercourse because of this way of mastrubation? will it lead to impotency
there are no "side effects" (like impotency) from masturbation. face down face up face sideways or hanging upside down. i began masturbating as a small child. i didn't know anybody else did it but decided it was wrong and kept trying to stop! anyhow i did it lying on my stomach and it was many years before i read that doing it that way could be bad for one but i don't remember why unless it was too much pressure on the penis. eventually i learned that masturbation in general was not only not immoral depending on the circumstances but it took me a long time to learn to do it lying on my back but it was something i rarely did until after my wife died. hi the problem by ding this is when it comes to real sex you may not have the sensitivity that you should have this stems from dry masturbating and dry masturbating is not good for you you could end up with scars on your gland so take a break for a couple of weeks the start masturbating with some kind of oil baby oil will do the using you hand start masturbating slowly with a featherlight touch not a hard grip masturbating should have the same touch as the inside if a vagina this way when it comes to real sex your brain will know just how it should feel. good luck usually when masturbating the only side effect is stomach cramp
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brain tumor. ok i have headaches around the same time of the day and when i look in the mirror my pupils are different sizes the headaches are always in the right side in the front of my head like behind my eye or something the pain is soo bad sometimes i can barely stand it. im 17 could this be a brain tumor? . benign or cancerou
talk to your parents and have them take you to see a medical provider right away. it would be impossible to adequately evaluate a person with a headache blindly over the interent let alone determine if they had a brain tumor.
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my teen has add and is taking adderall. since it is a controlled substance shouldn't he be monitored by a neurologist? . my son is 15 and has been taking adderall for nearly a year. we first tried several behavioral techniques before trying meds to manage his add. we found a pediatric neurologist at that time. now his pediatrician is insisting that she can manage his care. my teen has not had any issues with the adderall so far but since it is a controlled substance i worry if something should develop a pediatrician may not have the specific experience to handle it. should i insist on keeping the neurologist
the pediatrician is certainly capable of treating and monitoring add medications for a 15 year old.
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one side of the mouth drooping and it is getting worse. eye also droops. is this a womens health concer
this may be a neurological problem that can affect men or women. this could be a condition called bell's palsy but there can be other causes. please see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated.
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my live in boyfriend loves porn but has not had sex with me in 2 years. what is the problem
i don't know since i do not know anything about your boyfriend but clearly there is something wrong in your sexless-relationship. if you have lived with a porn-loving guy who has not had sex with you in two years it is you that may have the problem. why don't you just leave and find a healthier relationship? and he needs some help as well. i suggest a sex counselor or psychiatrist. hi i would take a pretty good guess at porn induced ed meaning as he has watched porn so long he now cant get an erection its switched off his sexual receptors in his brain. you need to sit down with him and tell him if he wants a real sex life then he must give up porn you need to get to switch off all his porn sites get rid of any down loads and through away any discs then you must install a parental porn switch with pass word that only you know. he then starts an 8 week break from masturbating and any sexual contact with you this is a start to rebooting his body but depending on how long he has been doing it but when he starts getting his nocturnal erections and his morning woods back then he will know he's on the mend. do hope this helps. good luck
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i have constanct ringing in my ears doctors cannot find anything wrong even with mri's. any suggestions
that is typical. there can be hundreds of causes of tinnitus (ringing) and it is actually rare that a specific cause is found. i know. i have had tinnitus myself for well over a decade. all of my tests were blind alleys like i expected. the ent is really obligated to search for a cause (like an acoustic neuroma) but these are rarely found. most of the time the ent just throws in the towel and essentially tells you to just "live with it". and so we must. there are treatments that help you cope with tinnitus but it is unlikely that you will find a miraculous cure. it can just go away (which is nice) but it has a good chance of staying with you for a long long time. i wish i had better new for you but tinnitus is perhaps one of the most difficult medical problems to investigate and one of the most difficult to treat.
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is a biopsy needed to diagnose vertigo? . my brother-in-law has been sick lately with what we think is symptoms of vertigo. we were told the doctors were doing a biopsy and we would have the results in a week
a biopsy of what? there are hundreds of causes of vertigo and many are in the inner ear and brain so i don't think someone would be doing a biopsy there. since i do not know any details of the medical history i don't really know why someone would recommend a biopsy. you would need to have the medical provider justify the reason.
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what type of doctor treats scoliosis
most helpful answer some see a neurosurgeon; some see an orthopedic surgeon. it would be best to call the specialist office before making an appointment to make sure they evaluate and treat scoliosis.
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i can only orgasm when i masturbate but not when i am with my boyfriend is there a way to fix that
yes. teach your boyfriend how to help you have an orgasm. i am sure you will find him a very interested student. unless you tell him what feels best to you (and what doesn't feel good) how will he know? remember that the ability to have an orgasm is more in your brain than in your genitals.
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how does information travel from the brain to the fingers
by nerves. via your spinal cord.
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what kind of surgery would you have for a pinched nerve in your leg. my doctor told me that if the anti inflammatory cream he has me on does not work i will need surgery. i am just curious what the names are of possible surgeries to fix this problem so that i can research them. the pain is in my left leg. lower outside. doctor said the pinched nerve is near the outside of my kne
i don't know enough about your particular case (nothing in fact) to know if you are a surgical candidate or not. i think it is a big jump from failure of anti-inflammatory cream to the operating room however. a choice of specialists depends on where the nerve impingment starts. if it is in your back a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon would be the specialist of choice.
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8 month old falls hits head cries then acts sleepy eyes rollin limp not responsive rigid 3rd time stopped breathing? . we didn't think anything of it she just started pulling up children fall. 3rd time in a row she hits the back of her head after pulling on something and she starts to fall asleep cannot pick her head up rigid and non responsive. she stopped breathing and passed out 3 times. the doctors here have no idea what it could be. please throw out answers
i don't have enough medical information to throw out profound answers but high on my list would be a neurological disorder perhaps a seizure problem. your child should be seen by a pediatric neurologist for a full diagnostic workup.
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why are females afraid of intercourse? . female afraid of getting married because of intercourese? without any previous experience
females in general are not afraid of intercourse or you wouldn't be here. it is normal to be reluctant or concerned about sexual intimacy especially for the first time. hi this could be from a lack of sexual education for one a dominating mother telling you that you must not have sex because it's dirty and you should not touch a mans penis or religious upbringing that says sex is bad before marriage if things like this get indoctrinated in to a girls brain then she will never have sex. its these kind of things that need to be broken when this can be done then and only then can or could she or you enjoy a fruitful sex life either before or after marriage. for any good answers on sex have a good look at dodson and ross on there its like all the sex answers to the questions you were afraid to ask. hope this helps you. good luck
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does mountain dew mixed with adhd cause strokes
mountain dew is high in caffeine. i do not know anything the person mixing this caffeinated drink with adhd medications (i don't know what he/she is taking or if it was prescribed for them or someone else) or their medical history to know if this would be problematic.
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im 14 and my penis is kinda small and it hasn't really grown much in a year and im worried
worried about what? penis size (when erect or flaccid) does is not as drastically different from person to person as you might think. i have no idea where you are in your stages of puberty so my only suggestion is for you to see a sensitive medical provider for a private consultation. there is really medically (other than painful and expensive plastic surgery) in increase the size of your penis so don't waste your time and money on any bogus supplements or devices. a man is not judged by the size of their penis but rather by the size of his brain (and compassionate heart).