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का॒लः प्र॒जा अ॑सृजत का॒लो अग्रे॑ प्र॒जाप॑तिम् । स्व॑यं॒भूः क॒श्यपः॑ का॒लात्तपः॑ का॒लाद॑जायत ॥ (१०)
Kaal created subjects. Kaal created Prajapati at the beginning of creation. Since time immemorial, Swayambhu Brahma and Kashyap Rishi were born. Tej also originated from time. (10)
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का॒लादापः॒ सम॑भवन्का॒लाद्ब्रह्म॒ तपो॒ दिशः॑ । का॒लेनोदे॑ति॒ सूर्यः॑ का॒ले नि वि॑शते॒ पुनः॑ ॥ (१)
Water originated from time. From time to time, Brahma i.e. Yajna etc. karma, chandrayan etc. tapa and east etc. directions were generated. Due to time, the sun rises and sets in time itself. (1)
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का॒लेन॒ वातः॑ पवते का॒लेन॑ पृथि॒वी म॒ही । द्यौर्म॒ही का॒ल आहि॑ता ॥ (२)
Air moves due to time. The earth is glorious because of time. Dyulok is glorious from time and dependent on time. (2)
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का॒लो ह॑ भू॒तं भव्यं॑ च पु॒त्रो अ॑जनयत्पु॒रा । का॒लादृचः॒ सम॑भव॒न्यजुः॑ का॒लाद॑जायत ॥ (३)
From the first time, past, future, sons and riches arose. Yajurveda was born since time immemorial. (3)
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का॒लो य॒ज्ञं समै॑रयद्दे॒वेभ्यो॑ भा॒गमक्षि॑तम् । का॒ले ग॑न्धर्वाप्स॒रसः॑ का॒ले लो॒काः प्रति॑ष्ठिताः ॥ (४)
Kaal revealed the yajna as part of the gods. Gandharvas, Apsaras and all the worlds are revered in the period. (4)
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का॒लेऽयमङ्गि॑रा दे॒वोऽथ॑र्वा॒ चाधि॑ तिष्ठतः । इ॒मं च॑ लो॒कं प॑र॒मं च॑ लो॒कं पुण्यां॑श्च लो॒कान्विधृ॑तीश्च॒ पुण्याः॑ । सर्वां॑ल्लो॒कान॑भि॒जित्य॒ ब्रह्म॑णा का॒लः स ई॑यते पर॒मो नु दे॒वः ॥ (५)
These are Angira Dev and Atharva Rishi. By spreading this world, the hereafter, the virtuous world, the people without suffering, all the said and untold worlds, this Brahma form creates all the real and movable worlds. (5)
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रात्रिं॑रात्रि॒मप्र॑यातं॒ भर॒न्तोऽश्वा॑येव॒ तिष्ठ॑ते घा॒सम॒स्मै । रा॒यस्पोषे॑ण॒ समि॒षा मद॑न्तो॒ मा ते॑ अग्ने॒ प्रति॑वेशा रिषाम ॥ (१)
O God of Agni! You are present in yagyashalas like Garhapatya etc. as a means of yajna. Just as grass is given to a horse, in the same way, we should provide this edible food and night and day for you, please with food and money and get your proximity and we do not get destruction. (1)
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या ते॒ वसो॒र्वात॒ इषुः॒ सा त॑ ए॒षा तया॑ नो मृड । रा॒यस्पोषे॑ण॒ समि॒षा मद॑न्तो॒ मा ते॑ अग्ने॒ प्रति॑वेशा रिषाम ॥ (२)
O God of agni! Protect us with this wisdom of yours, which is the kind intellect of you and other gods. Pleased with wealth and food, let us get close to you and we should not get to destruction. (2)
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सा॒यंसा॑यं गृ॒हप॑तिर्नो अ॒ग्निः प्रा॒तःप्रा॑तः सौमन॒सस्य॑ दा॒ता । वसो॑र्वसोर्वसु॒दान॑ एधि व॒यं त्वेन्धा॑नास्त॒न्वं पुषेम ॥ (३)
The agni offered by the housewife should give happiness in the evening and morning and in all times. O agni! You be the giver of all kinds of wealth. Let us strengthen the bodies of sons, friends, etc. by illuminating you with Havi. (3)
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प्रा॒तःप्रा॑तर्गृ॒हप॑तिर्नो अ॒ग्निः सा॒यंसा॑यं सौमन॒सस्य॑ दा॒ता । वसो॑र्वसोर्वसु॒दान॑ ए॒धीन्धा॑नास्त्वा श॒तंहि॑मा ऋधेम ॥ (४)
O agni extinguished by the housekeeper! May you be the giver of happiness in the evening and in the morning. O agni that gives wealth! You provide growth. May we live for a hundred years, lighting you up by eve. (4)
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अप॑श्चा द॒ग्धान्न॑स्य भूयासम् । अ॑न्ना॒दाया॑न्नपतये रु॒द्राय॒ नमो॑ अ॒ग्नये॑ । स॒भ्यः स॒भां मे॑ पाहि॒ ये च॑ स॒भ्याः स॑भा॒सदः॑ ॥ (५)
I should not be the one who receives burnt food at the bottom of the batloi. The implication is that I get more food. Salutations to Rudra, the swami of agni and food, who provides food. O agni worthy of assembly! You protect my assembly i.e. the group of sons, friends, animals, etc. Those who are going to live in that group, O Agni Dev! Protect them. (5)
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त्वमि॑न्द्रा पुरुहूत॒ विश्व॒मायु॒र्व्यश्नवत् । अह॑रहर्ब॒लिमित्ते॒ हर॒न्तोऽश्वा॑येव॒ तिष्ठ॑ते घा॒सम॑ग्ने ॥ (६)
O Agni of Indra and opulence invoked by many! You give us complete food and life. Just as the tied horse is given grass, in the same way, we should get full life by giving you a week. (6)
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य॒मस्य॑ लो॒कादध्या ब॑भूविथ॒ प्रम॑दा॒ मर्त्या॒न्प्र यु॑नक्षि॒ धीरः॑ । ए॑का॒किना॑ स॒रथं॑ यासि वि॒द्वान्त्स्वप्नं॒ मिमा॑नो॒ असु॑रस्य॒ योनौ॑ ॥ (१)
O arrogant cruel vampire of evil self! You have come to earth from Yamlok. You fearlessly approach women and men. Knowing the increase and loss of the age of the bodily beings, you attain Yamlok through a helpful chariot, creating the pain of dreams in the heart, the intimate place of the soul. (1)
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ब॒न्धस्त्वाग्रे॑ वि॒श्वच॑या अपश्यत्पु॒रा रात्र्या॒ जनि॑तो॒रेके॒ अह्नि॑ । ततः॑ स्वप्ने॒दमध्या ब॑भूविथ भि॒षग्भ्यो॑ रू॒पम॑प॒गूह॑मानः ॥ (२)
O proud of the evil! The Creator and Creator of all saw You before creation. Manas, architecture etc. saw you before the birth of day and night. O dream! You are pervading this world. You hide your form from doctors. The implication is that the doctor cannot eliminate your influence. (2)
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बृ॑ह॒द्गावासु॑रे॒भ्योऽधि॑ दे॒वानुपा॑वर्तत महि॒मान॑मि॒च्छन् । तस्मै॒ स्वप्ना॑य दधु॒राधि॑पत्यं त्रयस्त्रिं॒शासः॒ स्वरानशा॒नाः ॥ (३)
The self- who pervaded everyone had gone from the asuras and got the devas. The dream went to the gods to attain importance. Thirty-three gods gave the power to make that dream evil.
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नैतां वि॑दुः पि॒तरो॒ नोत दे॒वा येषां॒ जल्पि॒श्चर॑त्यन्त॒रेदम् । त्रि॒ते स्वप्न॑मदधुरा॒प्त्ये नर॑ आदि॒त्यासो॒ वरु॑णे॒नानु॑शिष्टाः ॥ (४)
Neither the Father nor the Gods know the negative energy that was given to Swapra by the Devas. Adityas asked Varun how to avoid nightmares. Varun told Adityas a way to avoid dreams. The Adityas established a nightmare indicative of negative fruit on a sage named Mitra, the son of waters. (4)
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यस्य॑ क्रू॒रमभ॑जन्त दु॒ष्कृतो॒ऽस्वप्ने॑न सु॒कृतः॒ पुण्य॒मायुः॑ । स्वर्मदसि पर॒मेण॑ ब॒न्धुना॑ त॒प्यमा॑नस्य॒ मन॒सोऽधि॑ जज्ञिषे ॥ (५)
Sinful men receive the terrible fruit of that nightmare. Those who do good deeds do not see nightmares and attain life to do virtuous deeds. O nightmare! You are happy with the best creator in heaven and are born from death to inform the mind of a man who commits bad deeds. (5)
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वि॒द्म ते॒ सर्वाः॑ परि॒जाः पु॒रस्ता॑द्वि॒द्म स्व॑प्न॒यो अ॑धि॒पा इ॒हा ते॑ । य॑श॒स्विनो॑ नो॒ यश॑से॒ह पा॑ह्या॒राद्द्वि॒षेभि॒रप॑ याहि दू॒रम् ॥ (६)
O self- We know all your family members and also the master you have at this time. Protect your family and those who know the master for yajna or food in this context. Those who hate us, you go away with them to the distant land. (6)
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यथा॑ क॒लां यथा॑ श॒फं यथ॒र्णं सं॒नय॑न्ति । ए॒वा दुः॒ष्वप्न्यं॒ सर्व॒मप्रि॑ये॒ सं न॑यामसि ॥ (१)
Just as the Ritwijas cut off the killed sacrificial animal and take the organs that are not used in the hooves, etc., and return the principal and interest to the lender, in the same way, we hold all the problems caused by bad dreams on the Maharishi named Trit in the middle of the water. (1)
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सं राजा॑नो अगुः॒ समृ॒णान्य॑गुः॒ सं कु॒ष्ठा अ॑गुः॒ सं क॒ला अ॑गुः । सम॒स्मासु॒ यद्दुः॒ष्वप्न्यं॒ निर्द्वि॑ष॒ते दुः॒ष्वप्न्यं॑ सुवाम ॥ (२)
Just as kings gather to destroy the nation of another, just as many debts are made on the non-payment of one debt, just as many diseases occur when there is leprosy, such as animal hoofs etc. are collected in the pit or old well by throwing unusable organs, In the same way, we send our nightmares to the one who hates us. (2)
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देवा॑नां पत्नीनां गर्भ॒ यम॑स्य कर॒ यो भ॒द्रः स्व॑प्न । स मम॒ यः पा॒पस्तद्द्वि॑ष॒ते प्र हि॑ण्मः । मा तृ॒ष्टाना॑मसि कृष्णशकु॒नेर्मुख॑म् ॥ (३)
O self- You are the womb of nymphs, the hands of Yamraj. May I receive the auspicious part of you. I send the cruel part of you to him who hates me. O nightmare arising out of the crow's mouth! Don't be a hindrance to me. (3)
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तं त्वा॑ स्वप्न॒ तथा॒ सं वि॑द्म॒ स त्वं स्व॒प्नाश्व॑ इव का॒यमश्व॑ इव नीना॒हम् । अ॑नास्मा॒कं दे॑वपी॒युं पिया॑रुं वप॒ यद॒स्मासु॑ दुः॒ष्वप्न्यं॒ यद्गोषु॒ यच्च॑ नो गृ॒हे ॥ (४)
O dream! We know everything you were born for. Just as a horse vibrates its dusty gray limbs and throws away its saddle etc., in the same way I throw you to my enemy and to the one who obstructs the sacrifices of the gods. The fruit of the nightmare that is in our body, in our cows and in our homes, it should reach our enemies and god enemies i.e. those who obstruct the yajna karma. (4)
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अ॑नास्मा॒कस्तद्दे॑वपी॒युः पिया॑रुर्नि॒ष्कमि॑व॒ प्रति॑ मुञ्चताम् । नवा॑र॒त्नीनप॑मया अ॒स्माकं॒ ततः॒ परि॑ । दुः॒ष्वप्न्यं॒ सर्वं॑ द्विष॒ते निर्द॑यामसि ॥ (५)
O dream! Let your evil fruit be worn by our enemy and the enemy of the gods like a gold ornament on his body. Let the fruit of our nightmares move nine fists away from us. We send the evil effects of the nightmare towards our enemy. (5)
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घृ॒तस्य॑ जू॒तिः सम॑ना सदे॑वा संवत्स॒रं ह॒विषा॑ व॒र्धय॑न्ती । श्रोत्रं॒ चक्षुः॑ प्रा॒णोऽच्छि॑न्नो नो अ॒स्त्वच्छि॑न्ना व॒यमायु॑षो॒ वर्च॑सः ॥ (१)
The knowledge about the nature of the Supreme being is situated in the hearts of all beings and in the senses of all beings. By increasing the knowledge related to sepreme being through Havi, heal our ears and eyes. May we be in tune with the pace of life. (1)
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उपा॒स्मान्प्रा॒णो ह्व॑यता॒मुप॑ प्रा॒णं ह॑वामहे । वर्चो॑ जग्राह पृथि॒व्यन्तरि॑क्षं॒ वर्चः॒ सोमो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्विध॒त्ता ॥ (२)
May the life that holds the body allow us to have a long life. We call the prana vayu to remain in our body forever. Earth and space have taken a sharp eclipse only to give us. O Mon! Jupiter and Agni or Sun take a sharp eclipse to give us. (2)
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वर्च॑सो द्यावापृथि॒वी सं॒ग्रह॑णी बभू॒वथु॒र्वर्चो॑ गृहीत्वा पृथि॒वीमनु॒ सं च॑रेम । य॒शसं॒ गावो॒ गोप॑ति॒मुप॑ तिष्ठन्त्याय॒तीर्यशो॑ गृही॒त्वा पृ॑थि॒वीमनु॒ सं च॑रेम ॥ (३)
O heaven and earth! You be the one providing us fast. We take a fast eclipse and transmit on earth. The owners of cows are located in my possession, food and cows. We should take the coming cows and transmit them to the earth. (3)
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व्र॒जं कृ॑णुध्वं॒ स हि वो॑ नृ॒पाणो॒ वर्मा॑ सीव्यध्वं बहु॒ला पृ॒थूनि॑ । पुरः॑ कृणुध्व॒माय॑सी॒रधृ॑ष्टा॒ मा वः॑ सुस्रोच्चम॒सो दृं॑हता॒ तम् ॥ (४)
O senses! You make space in the body, because this body is your protector in its own subjects. You make your detailed topics right. This body is your spoon, that is, your means of enjoyment. This should not be destroyed. You strengthen this body. (4)
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य॒ज्ञस्य॒ चक्षुः॒ प्रभृ॑ति॒र्मुखं॑ च वा॒चा श्रोत्रे॑ण॒ मन॑सा जुहोमि । इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं वित॑तं वि॒श्वक॑र्म॒णा दे॒वा य॑न्तु सुमन॒स्यमा॑नाः ॥ (५)
I perform havan in manas yagya to the senses like eyes etc. This yajna has been expanded by Vishwakarma Dev. May the god with the best heart receive this Manas Yagya. (5)
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ये दे॒वाना॑मृ॒त्विजो॒ ये च॑ य॒ज्ञिया॒ येभ्यो॑ ह॒व्यं क्रि॒यते॑ भाग॒धेय॑म् । इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं स॒ह पत्नी॑भि॒रेत्य॒ याव॑न्तो दे॒वास्त॑वि॒षा मा॑दयन्ताम् ॥ (६)
Among the deities, who perform yajna from time to time, i.e., Ritwij and those who are worthy of yajna, are given havi as part of both. All the great gods should come to this yajna with their wives, Indrani, etc. and get satisfied (6)
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त्वम॑ग्ने व्रत॒पा अ॑सि दे॒व आ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा । त्वं य॒ज्ञेष्वीड्यः॑ ॥ (१)
O agni! You are going to follow the sacrifice. You are everywhere in the form of gastritis in humans. You are worthy of praising yajnas like Darshan, Pournamas etc. (1)
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यद्वो॑ व॒यं प्र॑मि॒नाम॑ व्र॒तानि॑ वि॒दुषां॑ देवा॒ अवि॑दुष्टरासः । अ॒ग्निष्टद्वि॒श्वादा पृ॑णातु वि॒द्वान्त्सोम॑स्य॒ यो ब्रा॑ह्म॒णाँ आ॑वि॒वेश॑ ॥ (२)
O God! Those who do not know our fasts destroy those who know us. Knowing that lost karma, complete the agni. She goes in front of brahmins with respect to Agni Som. (2)
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आ दे॒वाना॒मपि॒ पन्था॑मगन्म॒ यच्छ॒क्नवा॑म॒ तद॑नु॒प्रवो॑ढुम् । अ॒ग्निर्वि॒द्वान्त्स य॑जा॒त्स इद्धोता॒ सोऽध्व॒रान्त्स ऋ॒तून्क॑ल्पयाति ॥ (३)
Let us follow the path on which the gods are attained. To perform whatever rituals we can, go on the path of the gods. Let the agni that knows receive that path to the gods. The same agni is going to invoke gods and human beings. Protect agni sacrifices and seasons. (3)
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वाङ्म॑ आ॒सन्न॒सोः प्रा॒णश्चक्षु॑र॒क्ष्णोः श्रोत्रं॒ कर्ण॑योः । अप॑लिताः॒ केशा॒ अशो॑णा॒ दन्ता॑ ब॒हु बा॒ह्वोर्बल॑म् ॥ (१)
Speak in my mouth. Stay alive in my nostrils. May my eyes have the power to see. May my ears have the power to hear. My hair should not be white. Never break my teeth. There was more force in my arms. (1)
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ऊ॒र्वोरोजो॒ जङ्घ॑योर्ज॒वः पाद॑योः । प्र॑ति॒ष्ठा अरि॑ष्टानि मे॒ सर्वा॒त्मानि॑भृष्टः ॥ (२)
May my urus be energized, thighs should have velocity and have the power to walk at the feet. May my soul be non-violent and may all my organs be sinless. (2)
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त॒नूस्त॒न्वा मे सहे द॒तः सर्व॒मायु॑रशीय । स्यो॒नं मे॑ सीद पु॒रुः पृ॑णस्व॒ पव॑मानः स्व॒र्गे ॥ (१)
I eat with my teeth all my life. I am able to suppress enemies with my body. O agni! May you be distinguished by happiness in my home. You make me happy even in heaven. (1)
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प्रि॒यं मा॑ कृणु दे॒वेषु॑ प्रि॒यं राज॑सु मा कृणु । प्रि॒यं सर्व॑स्य॒ पश्य॑त उ॒त शू॒द्र उ॒तार्ये॑ ॥ (१)
O agni! You make me dear to the gods. Make me dear to kings too. May I be dear to all the onlookers, shoots and Aryans. That is, be the beloved of everyone. (1)
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उत्ति॑ष्ठ ब्रह्मणस्पते दे॒वान्य॒ज्ञेन॑ बोधय । आयुः॑ प्रा॒णं प्र॒जां प॒शून्की॒र्तिं यज॑मानं च वर्धय ॥ (१)
O Brahmanaspati! Get up and make the gods know about my sacrifices. Increase the life, soul, people, animals and fame of this host. You increase this host. (1)
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अग्ने॑ स॒मिध॒माहा॑र्षं बृह॒ते जा॒तवे॑दसे । स मे॑ श्र॒द्धां च॑ मे॒धां च॑ जा॒तवे॑दाः॒ प्र य॑च्छतु ॥ (१)
I have brought samidhas, the means of ignition, for the great and jataveda agni. May the Jataveda agni give me reverence and wisdom to get growth from the samidhas. (1)
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इ॒ध्मेन॑ त्वा जातवेदः स॒मिधा॑ वर्धयामसि । तथा॒ त्वम॒स्मान्व॑र्धय प्र॒जया॑ च॒ धने॑न च ॥ (२)
O jataved agni! We increase you through the means of ignition. You increase us with people and wealth. (2)
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यद॑ग्ने॒ यानि॒ कानि॑ चि॒दा ते॒ दारू॑णि द॒ध्मसि॑ । सर्वं॒ तद॑स्तु मे शि॒वं तज्जु॑षस्व यविष्ठ्य ॥ (३)
O agni! All the woodwood that I provide for you, worthy of yajna and unfit for yajna, should be beneficial to me, that is, my welfare from them. O very young agni! You accept the wood wood given by me. (3)
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ए॒तास्ते॑ अग्ने स॒मिध॒स्त्वमि॒द्धः स॒मिद्भ॑व । आयु॑र॒स्मासु॑ धेह्यमृत॒त्वमा॑चा॒र्याय ॥ (४)
O agni! I have brought these committees for you. You are ignited by those committees. You infuse age and life into all of us. You provide nectar to our Upadhyay. (4)
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हरिः॑ सुप॒र्णो दिव॒मारु॑हो॒ऽर्चिषा॒ ये त्वा॒ दिप्स॑न्ति॒ दिव॑मु॒त्पत॑न्तम् । अव॒ तां ज॑हि॒ हर॑सा जातवे॒दोऽबि॑भ्यदु॒ग्रोऽर्चिषा॒ दिव॒मा रो॑ह सूर्य ॥ (१)
O sun! You are the destroyer of darkness and the best-keeper. You grow on the sky with your glory. The enemies who want to despise you while shining on the sky, O Jataveda Sun! Destroy them you with your enemy destroyer sharp. After this, do not be afraid of enemies, you should be located in the sky with your glory. (1)
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अयो॑जाला॒ असु॑रा मा॒यिनो॑ऽय॒स्मयैः॒ पाशै॑र॒ङ्किनो॒ ये चर॑न्ति । तांस्ते॑ रन्धयामि॒ हर॑सा जातवेदः स॒हस्रऋ॑ष्टिः स॒पत्ना॑न्प्रमृ॒णन्पा॑हि॒ वज्रः॑ ॥ (१)
O Jataveda Sun! I subdue the elusive asuras who carry iron nets and carry iron traps in their hands to kill those who do good deeds. O thousand number of weapons and thunderbolts! Destroy the enemies in excess and follow us. (1)
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पश्ये॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (१)
O sun! Let's watch for a hundred years. (1)
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जीवे॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (२)
O sun! Let us live for a hundred years. (2)
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बुध्ये॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (३)
O sun! May we be intelligent for a hundred years. (3)
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रोहे॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (४)
O sun! We continue to grow for a hundred years. (4)
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पूषे॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (५)
O sun! We stayed strong for a hundred years. (5)
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भवे॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (६)
O sun! May we have sons etc. for a hundred years. (6)
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भूये॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ (७)
O sun! We have children for 100 years. (7)
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भूय॑सीः श॒रदः॑ श॒तात् ॥ (८)
O Sun God! May we live for more than a hundred years. (8)
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अव्य॑सश्च॒ व्यच॑सश्च॒ बिलं॒ वि ष्या॑मि मा॒यया॑ । ताभ्या॑मु॒द्धृत्य॒ वेद॒मथ॒ कर्मा॑णि कृण्महे ॥ (१)
I elaborate on the basic basis of vyan vayu and personally pervading prana vayu in everyone's bodies through karma. We perform yajna karma by directing the lettering Vedas in the order of para, pashyanti and vaikhari vaanis through those vyan and prana vayu. (1)
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जी॒वा स्थ॑ जी॒व्यासं॒ सर्व॒मायु॑र्जीव्यासम् ॥ (१)
O God! You are aged. By your grace, I too should become old, I may live for the fullest age i.e. hundred years. (1)
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उ॑पजी॒वा स्थोप॑ जीव्यासं॒ सर्व॒मायु॑र्जीव्यासम् ॥ (२)
O Gods! You are more life-threatening. By your grace, I will also become more alive, I will live for a hundred years. (2)
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सं॑जी॒वा स्थ॒ सं जी॑व्यासं॒ सर्व॒मायु॑र्जीव्यासम् ॥ (३)
O Gods! You don't waste a single moment of life. I should also not waste a single moment of life by your grace. Let me live for a hundred years. (3)
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जी॑व॒ला स्थ॑ जी॒व्यासं॒ सर्व॒मायु॑र्जीव्यासम् ॥ (४)
O Indra! You are all the publishers of Opulence. May I also be the publisher of complete opulence by your grace, may I live for a hundred years. (4)
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इन्द्र॒ जीव॒ सूर्य॒ जीव॒ देवा॒ जीवा॑ जी॒व्यास॑म॒हम् । सर्व॒मायु॑र्जीव्यासम् ॥ (१)
O Indra! You survive. O sun! You survive. O God of Indra! You survive. May I also live by your grace. I should live full life i.e. a hundred years. (1)
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स्तु॒ता मया॑ वर॒दा वे॑दमा॒ता प्र चो॑दयन्तां पावमा॒नी द्वि॒जाना॑म् । आयुः॑ प्रा॒णं प्र॒जां प॒शुं की॒र्तिं द्रवि॑णं ब्रह्मवर्च॒सम् । मह्यं॑ द॒त्त्वा व्र॑जत ब्रह्मलो॒कम् ॥ (१)
I, who study the Vedas or chant Gayatri, have praised Savitri, the one who fulfills desires, redeems sins and the mother of the Vedas. May Savitri, who purifies Brahmins, inspire us. May savitri devi give me life, life, people, animals, fame and brahm and go to brahma lok. (1)
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यस्मा॒त्कोशा॑दु॒दभ॑राम॒ वेदं॒ तस्मि॑न्न॒न्तरव॑ दध्म एनम् । कृ॒तमि॒ष्टं ब्रह्म॑णो वी॒र्येण॒ तेन॑ मा देवा॒स्तप॑सावते॒ह ॥ (१)
We have saved the Vedas from the original base form, we have saved the Vedas through yajna work. We establish the Vedas at the same place. The sacrificial deeds that we have done from the Vedas, the power of God, O Gods! Follow me by the fruit of that deed that you desire. (1)
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इन्द्र॑ त्वा वृष॒भं व॒यं सु॒ते सोमे॑ हवामहे । स पा॑हि॒ मध्वो॒ अन्ध॑सः ॥ (१)
O Indra, who showers desires! We call you to drink the host squeezed Mon. You drink sweet soma. (1)
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मरु॑तो॒ यस्य॒ हि क्षये॑ पा॒था दि॒वो वि॑महसः । स सु॑गो॒पात॑मो॒ जनः॑ ॥ (२)
O very fast-paced maruto! The host of the host in whose yagyashala you come from the sky and drink somapan, the swami of that house becomes the best among those who protect their dependents. (2)
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उ॒क्षान्ना॑य व॒शान्ना॑य॒ सोम॑पृष्ठाय वे॒धसे॑ । स्तोमै॑र्विधेमा॒ग्नये॑ ॥ (३)
We praise the agni god of the bull and the infertile goat whose food is capable of conceiving and on which Soma is located. (3)
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म॒रुतः॑ पो॒त्रात्सु॒ष्टुभः॑ स्व॒र्कादृ॒तुना॒ सोमं॑ पिबतु ॥ (१)
Drink the soma performed in the yajna karma with beautiful stotras of Marudgan Hota and with beautiful mantras, that is, drink the crushed and squeezed Soma. (1)
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अ॒ग्निराग्नी॑ध्रात्सु॒ष्टुभः॑ स्व॒र्कादृ॒तुना॒ सोमं॑ पिबतु ॥ (२)
Agni God! Drink Som Rasa while being pleased with the karma of Ritvij who ignites the agni. This karma is full of beautiful stotras and beautiful mantras. (2)
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इन्द्रो॑ ब्र॒ह्मा ब्राह्म॑णात्सु॒ष्टुभः॑ स्व॒र्कादृ॒तुना॒ सोमं॑ पिबतु ॥ (३)
Brahmatma Indra! Drink the rituals performed in the full yajna karma with the beautiful praises of the Brahmin name Ritwija. (3)
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दे॒वो द्र॑विणो॒दाः पो॒त्रात्सु॒ष्टुभः॑ स्व॒र्कादृ॒तुना॒ सोमं॑ पिबतु ॥ (४)
Drink the summed somas performed in the yagya karma with beautiful stotras and beautiful mantras of Dravinoda i.e. the god who gives wealth. (4)
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आ या॑हि सुषु॒मा हि त॒ इन्द्र॒ सोमं॒ पिबा॑ इ॒मम् । एदं ब॒र्हिः स॑दो॒ मम॑ ॥ (१)
O Indra! Come. Soma has been squeezed for you, drink it and sit on the kushas laid by me. (1)
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आ त्वा॑ ब्रह्म॒युजा॒ हरी॒ वह॑तामिन्द्र के॒शिना॑ । उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि नः शृणु ॥ (२)
O Indra! Bring you closer to us horses named Hari, who join the chariot through mantras and reach the desired place. Your horses are long-haired. You come to our sacrifice and listen to our praises. (2)
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ब्र॒ह्माण॑स्त्वा व॒यं यु॒जा सो॑म॒पामि॑न्द्र सो॒मिनः॑ । सु॒ताव॑न्तो हवामहे ॥ (३)
O Indra! We hosts call you through your worthy psalms. O Indra! You're going to drink on Mon. We are going to prepare somers and we have squeezed som juice. (3)
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आ नो॑ याहि सु॒ताव॑तो॒ऽस्माकं॑ सुष्टु॒तीरुप॑ । पिबा॒ सु शि॑प्रि॒न्रन्ध॑सः ॥ (१)
O Indra! Come closer to the hosts who squeeze Som. We are well-praised. O beautiful chin indra! Drink somers. (1)
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आ ते॑ सिञ्चामि कु॒क्ष्योरनु॒ गात्रा॒ वि धा॑वतु । गृ॑भा॒य जि॒ह्वया॒ मधु॑ ॥ (२)
O Indra! I fill both your wombs with somers. May this someras flow into your veins. You take the madhu ful someras with your tongue. (2)
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स्वा॒दुष्टे॑ अस्तु सं॒सुदे॒ मधु॑मान्त॒न्वे॒ तव॑ । सोमः॒ शम॑स्तु ते हृ॒दे ॥ (३)
O best donor Indra! The Mon given by me is delicious for you. After this, this Som is going to give happiness to your body. (3)
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अ॒यमु॑ त्वा विचर्षणे॒ जनी॑रिवा॒भि संवृ॑तः । प्र सोम॑ इन्द्र सर्पतु ॥ (१)
O special seer Indra! Just as women with children are surrounded from all sides by son etc., in the same way, it is surrounded by Soma Adhwaryu etc. This mon you get. (1)
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तु॑वि॒ग्रीवो॑ व॒पोद॑रः सुबा॒हुरन्ध॑सो॒ सदे॑ । इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नते ॥ (२)
By doing sompan, Indra's shoulders become as thick as a bull. With sompan, Indra's abdomen becomes huge and arms firm. In this way, Indra Vritra, who became powerful due to Soma Paan, destroys aggressive enemies like Asura. (2)
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इन्द्र॒ प्रेहि॑ पु॒रस्त्वं विश्व॒स्येशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा । वृ॒त्राणि॑ वृत्रहं जहि ॥ (३)
O Indra! You are the master of all. You go ahead of our army. O Indra, the asura named Vritra! You destroy our enemies. (3)
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दी॒र्घस्ते॑ अस्त्वङ्कु॒शो येना॒ वसु॑ प्र॒यच्छ॑सि । यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ॥ (४)
O Indra! Your hand with bent fingers like a curb is huge. With that hand, you give money to the host who squeezes soma. (4)
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अ॒यं त॑ इन्द्र॒ सोमो॒ निपू॑तो॒ अधि॑ ब॒र्हिषि॑ । एही॑म॒स्य द्रवा॒ पिब॑ ॥ (५)
O Indra! It is kept on the cleaned kushas after thoroughly filtering. You come here soon and drink that Som. (5)
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शाचि॑गो॒ शाचि॑पूजना॒यं रणा॑य ते सु॒तः । आख॑ण्डल॒ प्र हू॑यसे ॥ (६)
Indra is capable of bringing back the cows abducted by these wives! These hymns are going to illuminate your qualities. This Mon has been squeezed to your delight. O Indra, the destroyer of enemies! We call you to drink this mon. (6)
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यस्ते॑ शृङ्गवृषो नपा॒त्प्रण॑पात्कुण्ड॒पाय्यः॑ । न्यस्मिन्दध्र॒ आ मनः॑ ॥ (७)
O Indra! You do not allow the sun to fall, endowed with upward rays like horns. Our yajna is related to drinking someras filled in kunds. You make up your mind to come to this yajna. (7)
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इन्द्र॑ त्वा वृष॒भं व॒यं सु॒ते सोमे॑ हवामहे । स पा॑हि॒ मध्वो॒ अन्ध॑सः ॥ (१)
O Indra, who showers desires! We call you to drink the host squeezed Mon. You drink sweet soma. (1)
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इन्द्र॑ क्रतु॒विदं॑ सु॒तं सोमं॑ हर्य पुरुष्टुत । पिबा वृ॑षस्व॒ तातृ॑पिम् ॥ (२)
O Indra praised by many hosts! This Som, which completes the yajna, has been squeezed. Donate this satisfying someras. You drink this Mon full of stomach. (2)
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इन्द्र॒ प्र णो॑ धि॒तावा॑नं य॒ज्ञं विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वेभिः॑ । ति॒र स्त॑वान विश्पते ॥ (३)
O Swami of the praises and maruts, Indra! Come to this Sommaya Yagya of ours with all of you gods and take havi and increase our yajna. (3)
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इन्द्र॒ सोमाः॑ सु॒ता इ॒मे तव॒ प्र य॑न्ति सत्पते । क्षयं॑ च॒न्द्रास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ (४)
O Indra who follows the hosts! This Soma, which is squeezed and gives pleasure like the rays of the moon, goes into your stomach. (4)
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द॑धि॒ष्वा ज॒ठरे॑ सु॒तं सोम॑मिन्द्र॒ वरे॑ण्यम् । तव॑ द्यु॒क्षास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ (५)
O Indra! Wear this selectable and squeezed soma in your stomach. Deepthy Som is your special part. (5)
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गिर्व॑णः पा॒हि नः॑ सु॒तं मधो॒र्धारा॑भिरज्यसे । इन्द्र॒ त्वादा॑त॒मिद्यशः॑ ॥ (६)
O Indra worthy of worship by eulogies! You drink the mon squeezed by us. You are soaked by the streams of sweet soma. O Indra! This Mon is the form of your fame. (6)
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अ॒भि द्यु॒म्नानि॑ व॒निन॒ इन्द्रं॑ सचन्ते॒ अक्षि॑ता । पी॒त्वी सोम॑स्य वावृधे ॥ (७)
The bright Som of the host is also getting Indra from all sides. Get Indra growth while drinking this Som. (7)
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अ॑र्वा॒वतो॑ न॒ आ ग॑हि परा॒वत॑श्च वृत्रहन् । इ॒मा जु॑षस्व नो॒ गिरः॑ ॥ (८)
O Swami Indra, the son of The Demon! Come close to us hosts from a nearby country and from a distant land and accept our praises. (8)
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यद॑न्त॒रा प॑रा॒वत॑मर्वा॒वतं॑ च हू॒यसे॑ । इन्द्रे॒ह तत॒ आ ग॑हि ॥ (९)
O Indra! Wherever you are in a distant country or in a nearby country. You are being called from there. O Indra! You come to this yajna soon. (9)
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उद्घेद॒भि श्रु॒ताम॑घं वृष॒भं नर्या॑पसम् । अस्ता॑रमेषि सूर्य ॥ (१)
O sun! It is famous for those who perform yajna or praise that indra gives money. Indra is going to rain desired fruits. Their deeds are beneficial to human beings. You rise by keeping in mind the work of removing evils and suppressing enemies. (1)
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नव॒ यो न॑व॒तिं पुरो॑ बि॒भेद॑ बा॒ह्वोजसा । अहिं॑ च वृत्र॒हाव॑धीत् ॥ (२)
Indra, who had broken ninety-nine cities with his muscle power for the maya of Shambar Asura, the same Indra killed Vritrasura. (2)
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स न॒ इन्द्रः॑ शि॒वः सखाश्वा॑व॒द्गोम॒द्यव॑मत् । उ॒रुधा॑रेव दोहते ॥ (३)
Indra is a benefactor and our friend. May they give us horses, cows and food called barley. Indra gives money like a cow that gives more milk. (3)
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इन्द्र॑ क्रतु॒विदं॑ सु॒तं सोमं॑ हर्य पुरुष्टुत । पि॒बा वृ॑षस्व॒ तातृ॑पिम् ॥ (४)
O Indra admired by many! Wish to drink the seeker of yajna and squeezed soma. You fill this mon in your abdomen. (4)
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ए॒वा पा॑हि प्र॒त्नथा॒ मन्द॑तु त्वा श्रु॒धि ब्रह्म॑ वावृ॒धस्वो॒त गी॒र्भिः । आ॒विः सूर्यं॑ कृणु॒हि पी॑पि॒हीषो॑ ज॒हि शत्रूँ॑र॒भि गा इ॑न्द्र तृन्धि ॥ (१)
O Indra! Just as you had performed somapan in the sacrifices of sages like Angira etc. in ancient times, do the same in this yajna of ours. May the drunk som please you. You listen to our mantra-form hymns. May you receive growth through our praises. You illuminate the sun. Make food our means of consumption and destroy our enemies. O Indra! Bring us our cows stolen by the waters. (1)
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अ॒र्वाङेहि॒ सोम॑कामं त्वाहुर॒यं सु॒तस्तस्य॑ पिबा॒ मदा॑य । उ॑रु॒व्यचा॑ ज॒ठर॒ आ वृ॑षस्व पि॒तेव॑ नः शृणुहि हू॒यमा॑नः ॥ (२)
O Indra! You are called the one who desires Mon, you come before us. This squeezed mon you drink to your delight. You fill your abdomen with huge wombs with this mon. O Indra! Just as the Father hears the Word of the Son, so you listen to Our call. (2)
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आपू॑र्णो अस्य क॒लशः॒ स्वाहा॒ सेक्ते॑व॒ कोशं॑ सिषिचे॒ पिब॑ध्यै । समु॑ प्रि॒या आव॑वृत्र॒न्मदा॑य प्रदक्षि॒णिद॒भि सोमा॑स॒ इन्द्र॑म् ॥ (३)
For Indra, this complete kalash is filled with Som rasa. Just as the sprinkler of water fills the mashak with water, so Adhwaryu squeezes someras for Indra to drink. These Soms go towards Indra for Indra's happiness. (3)
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तं वो॑ द॒स्ममृ॑ती॒षहं वसो॑र्मन्दा॒नमन्ध॑सः । अ॒भि व॒त्सं न स्वस॑रेषु धे॒नव॒ इन्द्रं॑ गी॒र्भिर्न॑वामहे ॥ (१)
O hosts! We pray to Indra through praises for the completion of your yajna and for the attainment of your desired results. Indra is visible and sorrow-destroying. Indra Som is full of the joy of drinking. Just as the cows go to their calves in the evening and morning, we also go towards Indra praising. (1)
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द्यु॒क्षं सु॒दानुं॒ तवि॑षीभि॒रावृ॑तं गि॒रिं न पु॑रु॒भोज॑सम् । क्षु॒मन्तं॒ वाजं॑ श॒तिनं॑ सह॒स्रिणं॑ म॒क्षू गोम॑न्तमीमहे ॥ (२)
Just as people pray for a mountain full of tubers, roots, fruits, etc. when there is a famine, in the same way we pray for the wealth of beautiful gifts, nourishing, radiant, praiseworthy and rich in cows etc. (2)
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तत्त्वा॑ यामि सु॒वीर्यं॒ तद्ब्रह्म॑ पू॒र्वचि॑त्तये । येना॒ यति॑भ्यो॒ भृग॑वे॒ धने॑ हि॒ते येन॒ प्रस्क॑ण्व॒मावि॑थ ॥ (३)
O Indra! I ask you for good food and strength. The money that you took away from those who did not perform yajna karma and gave peace to Bhrigu Rishi and the money with which you followed Prasknava, the son of Kanva, we ask you for the same wealth. (3)
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येना॑ समु॒द्रमसृ॑जो म॒हीर॒पस्तदि॑न्द्र॒ वृष्णि॑ ते॒ शवः॑ । स॒द्यः सो अ॑स्य महि॒मा न सं॒नशे॒ यं क्षो॒णीर॑नुचक्र॒दे ॥ (४)
O Indra! The force with which you created the great waters that fill the ocean, that force of yours gives everyone the desired fruit. The glory that we forgetful people sing to you cannot be well known by others, that is, enemies. (4)
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उदु॒ त्ये मधु॑मत्तमा॒ गिर॒ स्तोमा॑स ईरते । स॑त्रा॒जितो॑ धन॒सा अक्षि॑तोतयो वाज॒यन्तो॒ रथा॑ इव ॥ (१)
The praises that are appearing are intractable with the mantras sung, the sadhvis and the mantras that are not sung. These praises provide food and are capable of protecting. Just as the chariot moves according to the intention of the charioteer, so these eulogies go to please Indra. (1)
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