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जी॑व॒ला नाम॑ ते मा॒ता जी॑व॒न्तो नाम॑ ते पि॒ता । नद्या॒यं पुरु॑षो रिषत् । यस्मै॑ परि॒ब्रवी॑मि त्वा सा॒यंप्रा॑त॒रथो॒ दिवा॑ ॥ (३)
O medicine called leprosy! Jeevla is your mother and Jeeva is your father. This man has been subjected to violence for not taking your name. I tell the man suffering from the disease your name as a mantra for pronunciation in the morning, evening and day. (3)
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उ॑त्त॒मो अ॒स्योष॑धीनामन॒ड्वाञ्जग॑तामिव व्या॒घ्रः श्वप॑दामिव । नद्या॒यं पुरु॑षो रिषत् । यस्मै॑ परि॒ब्रवी॑मि त्वा सा॒यंप्रा॑त॒रथो॑ दिवा ॥ (४)
O leprosy medicine! Just as a moving bull is superior, so you are superior in medicines. The way tiger is superior among wild animals. In the same way, you are superior in medicines. (4)
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त्रिः शाम्बु॑भ्यो॒ अङ्गि॑रेभ्य॒स्त्रिरा॑दि॒त्येभ्य॒स्परि॑ । त्रिर्जा॒तो वि॒श्वदे॑वेभ्यः । स कुष्ठो॑ वि॒श्वभे॑षजः सा॒कं सोमे॑न तिष्ठति । त॒क्मानं॒ सर्वं॑ नाशय॒ सर्वा॑श्च यातुधा॒न्यः ॥ (५)
O leprosy medicine! You are said to have been born three times to sages named Shambu, the children of Angira gotriya rishis, three times to Adityas and three times to vishwe devas. The medicine of all diseases is located with leprosy soma. You destroy all diseases and all demons. (5)
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अ॑श्व॒त्थो दे॑व॒सद॑नस्तृ॒तीय॑स्यामि॒तो दि॒वि । तत्रा॒मृत॑स्य॒ चक्ष॑णं॒ ततः॒ कुष्ठो॑ अजायत । स कुष्ठो॑ वि॒श्वभे॑षजः सा॒कं सोमे॑न तिष्ठति । त॒क्मानं॒ सर्वं॑ नाशय॒ सर्वा॑श्च यातुधा॒न्यः ॥ (६)
The third jhuloka from this land is the peepal tree, that is, the house of gods in heaven. Som without death has been born on that peepal. Leprosy medicine has been born from that Som. The medicine of all diseases, it is located with leprosy Soma. O leprosy! You destroy all diseases and all demons. (6)
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हि॑र॒ण्ययी॒ नौर॑चर॒द्धिर॑ण्यबन्धना दि॒वि । तत्रा॒मृत॑स्य॒ चक्ष॑णं॒ ततः॒ कुष्ठो॑ अजायत । स कुष्ठो॑ वि॒श्वभे॑षजः सा॒कं सोमे॑न तिष्ठति । त॒क्मानं॒ सर्वं॑ नाशय॒ सर्वा॑श्च यातुधा॒न्यः ॥ (७)
In heaven, the gold boat tied to a rope made of gold keeps moving. There is the origin of the deathless Som. Leprosy has originated from that Som. The medicine of all diseases, it is located with leprosy Som. O leprosy! You destroy all diseases and demons. (7)
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यत्र॒ नाव॑प्र॒भ्रंश॑नं॒ यत्र॑ हि॒मव॑तः॒ शिरः॑ । तत्रा॒मृत॑स्य॒ चक्ष॑णं॒ ततः॒ कुष्ठो॑ अजायत । स कु॑ष्ठो वि॒श्वभे॑षजः सा॒कं सोमे॑न तिष्ठति । त॒क्मानं॒ सर्वं॑ नाशय॒ सर्वा॑श्च यातुधा॒न्यः ॥ (८)
From heaven, those who do good deeds do not fall and where there is a snow mountain head, that is, the highest peak, there is a state of nectar. Leprosy has been born from that nectar. Leprosy, the medicine of all diseases, is related to Soma in heaven there. O leprosy! Destroy all diseases and demons. (8)
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यं त्वा॒ वेद॒ पूर्व॒ इक्ष्वा॑को॒ यं वा॑ त्वा कुष्ठ का॒म्यः । यं वा॒ वसो॒ यमात्स्य॒स्तेना॑सि वि॒श्वभे॑षजः ॥ (९)
O medicine called leprosy! You were known to be the ancient kings of the Ikshvaku dynasty and you were considered to be the son of Cupid. You knew a god named Vasu. Because of this, you are the medicine of all diseases, you are known as the destruction of all diseases. (9)
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शी॑र्षलो॒कं तृती॑यकं सद॒न्दिर्यश्च॑ हाय॒नः । त॒क्मानं॑ विश्वधावीर्याध॒राञ्चं॒ परा॑ सुव ॥ (१०)
The third world i.e. heaven is called your head. He is going to refute all diseases. O leprosy with all kinds of powers! Remove all the diseases and the fall down from us. (10)
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यन्मे॑ छि॒द्रं मन॑सो॒ यच्च॑ वा॒चः सर॑स्वती मन्यु॒मन्तं॑ ज॒गाम॑ । विश्वै॒स्तद्दे॒वैः स॒ह सं॑विदा॒नः सं द॑धातु॒ बृह॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ (१)
Due to the hole of my mind and the defect of speech, Saraswati has left me with anger. Jupiter, who agreed with all the gods, remove these defects of mine. (1)
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मा न॑ आपो मे॒धां मा ब्रह्म॒ प्र म॑थिष्टन । सु॑ष्य॒दा यू॒यं स्य॑न्दध्व॒मुप॑हूतो॒ऽहं सु॒मेधा॑ वर्च॒स्वी ॥ (२)
O God of water! Don't you corrupt my intellect. Brahma, don't corrupt the Vedas I have studied. By targeting my karma which is drying up, that is, being destroyed, make it wet from all sides, that is, protect it. With the permission of all of you, I should become with good intelligence and become full of the glory of Brahman. (2)
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मा नो॑ मे॒धां मा नो॑ दी॒क्षां मा नो॑ हिंसिष्टं॒ यत्तपः॑ । शि॒वा नः॒ शं स॒न्त्वायु॑षे शि॒वा भ॑वन्तु मा॒तरः॑ ॥ (३)
O earth! Don't destroy my intellect and initiation. May the water god be happy for me and ask for my age to increase. May water as beneficial as mother be beneficial for me. (3)
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या नः॒ पीप॑रद॒श्विना॒ ज्योति॑ष्मती॒ तम॑स्ति॒रः । ताम॒स्मे रा॑सता॒मिष॑म् ॥ (४)
O Ashwini Kumar! Let the darkness that hinders all behaviour come to us. Let the night of light despise that darkness. Give us this kind of light night. (4)
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भ॒द्रमि॒च्छन्त॒ ऋष॑यः स्व॒र्विद॒स्तपो॑ दी॒क्षामु॑प॒निषे॑दु॒रग्रे॑ । ततो॑ रा॒ष्ट्रं बल॒मोज॑श्च जा॒तं तद॑स्मै दे॒वा उ॑प॒संन॑मन्तु ॥ (१)
Wishing for the welfare of all in the beginning of creation, the sages attained heaven and received the initiation of penance. May God provide that nation etc. for this man. (1)
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ब्रह्म॒ होता॒ ब्रह्म॑ य॒ज्ञा ब्रह्म॑णा॒ स्वर॑वो मि॒ताः । अ॑ध्व॒र्युर्ब्रह्म॑णो जा॒तो ब्रह्म॑णो॒ऽन्तर्हि॑तं ह॒विः ॥ (१)
The cause of the origin of the world is Brahman, Brahma is the sacrifice. Brahma has fixed the movement of vowels such as sublime, anudata, swarita, etc. Adhvaryu was born from Brahma. The means of yajna are located in Havi Brahma. (1)
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ब्रह्म॒ स्रुचो॑ घृ॒तव॑ती॒र्ब्रह्म॑णा॒ वेदि॒रुद्धि॑ता । ब्रह्म॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॒ तत्त्वं॑ च ऋ॒त्विजो॒ ये ह॑वि॒ष्कृतः॑ । श॑मि॒ताय॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२)
Suva, the source of the whole and home from ghrit, is also Brahman. Brahma has dug the yagyavedi. Brahma is the principle of yajna. The Ritvij who prepares the Havi is also Brahman. Sacrifice should be best for Brahman, who attains impregnation. (2)
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अं॑हो॒मुचे॒ प्र भ॑रे मनी॒षामा सु॒त्राव्णे॑ सुम॒तिमा॑वृणा॒नः । इ॒ममि॑न्द्र॒ प्रति॑ ह॒व्यं गृ॒भाय॑ स॒त्याः स॑न्तु॒ यज॑मानस्य॒ कामाः॑ ॥ (३)
I complete the worship by uttering the best praise for Indra, who relieves sins and protects him well. O Indra! You accept my wish. May the wishes of the host be fulfilled by your grace. (3)
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अं॒हो॒मुचं॑ वृष॒भं य॒ज्ञिया॑नां वि॒राज॑न्तं प्रथ॒मम॑ध्व॒राण॑म् । अ॒पां नपा॑तम॒श्विना॑ हुवे॒ धिय॑ इन्द्रि॒येण॑ त इन्द्रि॒यं द॑त्त॒मोजः॑ ॥ (४)
I call upon Indra, the best of the deities worthy of knowledge, the one who liberates from sin and is prominent in the sacrifices. I call upon agni and ashwini kumars who shower water. May They give you wisdom, strength and strength with the power of Ashwini Kumar's senses. (4)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । अ॒ग्निर्मा॒ तत्र॑ नयत्व॒ग्निर्मे॒धा द॑धातु मे । अ॒ग्नये॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१)
In the place where those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm go through initiation and penance, Anagni Dev should take me there. May Agni Dev give me wisdom. This sacrifice is well received by agni. (1)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । वा॒युर्मा॒ तत्र॑ नयतु वा॒युः प्र॒णान्द॑धातु मे । वा॒यवे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२)
Wherever those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm go due to initiation and penance, the wind should take me there and the wind should place life in me. This sacrifice should be received by the air well. (2)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । सूर्यो॑ मा॒ तत्र॑ नयतु॒ चक्षुः॒ सूर्यो॑ दधातु मे । सूर्या॑य॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (३)
Wherever those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm go with the help of initiation and penance, the Sun God should take me there. May The Sun God give me an eye. This sacrifice was well received by the Sun God. (3)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । च॒न्द्रो मा॒ तत्र॑ नयतु॒ मन॑श्च॒न्द्रो द॑धातु मे । च॒न्द्राय॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (४)
Wherever those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm go with the help of initiation and penance, the moon should take me there. May Chandra Dev imbibe his mind in me. May chandra dev get this sacrifice well. (4)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । सोमो॑ मा॒ तत्र॑ नयतु॒ पयः॒ सोमो॑ दधातु मे । सोमा॑य॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (५)
Take me wherever saguna knows the nature of Brahman goes with the help of initiation and penance. Som provide me milk. May this sacrifice be well received by Som. (5)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॑ यान्ति दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । इन्द्रो॑ मा॒ तत्र॑ नयतु॒ बल॒मिन्द्रो॑ दधातु मे । इन्द्रा॑य॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (६)
Wherever those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm go with the help of initiation and penance, Indra Dev should take me there. May Indra Dev hold strength in me. Indra should get this sacrifice well. (6)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । आपो॑ मा॒ तत्र॑ नयत्व॒मृतं॒ मोप॑ तिष्ठतु । अ॒द्भ्यः स्वाहा॑ ॥ (७)
Wherever those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm go with the help of their initiation and penance, the water god should take me there. May the water god wear nectar in me, may the sacrificial water god get it well. (7)
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यत्र॑ ब्रह्म॒विदो॒ यान्ति॑ दी॒क्षया॒ तप॑सा स॒ह । ब्र॒ह्मा मा॒ तत्र॑ नयतु ब्र॒ह्मा ब्रह्म॑ दधातु मे । ब्र॒ह्मणे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (८)
Brahma should take me wherever those who know the nature of Sagun Brahm reach with the help of initiation and penance. Brahma worship Brahma in me. May Brahma get this sacrifice well. (8)
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आयु॑षोऽसि प्र॒तर॑णं॒ विप्रं॑ भेष॒जमु॑च्यसे । तदा॑ञ्जन॒ त्वं श॑न्ताते॒ शमापो॒ अभ॑यं कृतम् ॥ (१)
Hey Anjan! You are going to give you a hundred years of age. You are called a pleasing medicine, so O Anjan! You are called the form of happiness. O water- May you and the water god give me happiness and protection. (1)
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यो ह॑रि॒मा जा॒यान्यो॑ऽङ्गभे॒दो वि॒सल्प॑कः । सर्वं॑ ते॒ यक्ष्म॒मङ्गे॑भ्यो ब॒हिर्निर्ह॒न्त्वाञ्ज॑नम् ॥ (२)
Yellow pundu disease, which is difficult to treat like haldi, separates the organs and causes many types of wounds. It removes all diseases from the organs of the anjan and destroys them. (2)
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आञ्ज॑नं पृथि॒व्यां जा॒तं भ॒द्रं पु॑रुष॒जीव॑नम् । कृ॒णोत्वप्र॑मायुकं॒ रथ॑जूति॒मना॑गसम् ॥ (३)
Anjan, born on earth, is welfare and brings men to life. May this anjan make us without death, fast-paced like a chariot and without sin. (3)
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प्राण॑ प्रा॒णं त्रा॑यस्वासो॒ अस॑वे मृड । निरृ॑ते॒ निरृ॑त्या नः॒ पाशे॑भ्यो मुञ्च ॥ (४)
O soul- You protect my life and make it not to be destroyed in famine. O soul-like anjan! Make your soul happy. O nirriti roop anjan! Get us out of the trap of nirtiti. (4)
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सिन्धो॒र्गर्भो॑ऽसि वि॒द्युतां॑ पुष्प॑म् । वा॑तः प्रा॒णः सूर्य॒श्चक्षु॑र्दि॒वस्पयः॑ ॥ (५)
Hey Anjan! You are the womb of the ocean and the flower of electricity. You are the life blood of the air, the eyes of the sun and the water of the sky. (5)
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देवा॑ञ्जन॒ त्रैक॑कुदं॒ परि॑ मा पाहि वि॒श्वतः॑ । न त्वा॑ तर॒न्त्योष॑धयो॒ बाह्याः॑ पर्व॒तीया॑ उ॒त ॥ (६)
O Anjan, born on Mount Trikakud and worn by the gods to protect themselves! Protect us from all sides. Medicines produced at a higher place than the mountain, that is, herbs, cannot cross your influence. (6)
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वी॒दं मध्य॒मवा॑सृपद्रक्षो॒हामी॑व॒चात॑नः । अमी॑वाः॒ सर्वा॑श्चा॒तय॑न्ना॒शय॑दभि॒भा इ॒तः ॥ (७)
This anjan, which destroys demons and destroys diseases, is famous for destroying all diseases and defeating all diseases. (7)
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ब॒ह्वि॒दं रा॑जन्वरु॒णानृ॑तमाह॒ पूरु॑षः । तस्मा॑त्सहस्रवीर्य मु॒ञ्च नः॒ पर्यंह॑सः ॥ (८)
O King Varuna! This man makes many types of false speeches from morning to evening. Forgive this untrue speech. O thousands of powerful arrows! Rescue us from all sides with this untrue speech arrow. (8)
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यदा॑पो अ॒घ्न्या इति॒ वरु॒णेति॒ यदू॑चि॒म । तस्मा॑त्सहस्रवीर्य मु॒ञ्च नः॒ पर्यंह॑सः ॥ (९)
O Varuna! You know what we said because you are the master of water. O sing! You know my mind. O Varuna! You know what I have said. O thousand times the power of the arrow! Free us from that sin. (9)
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मि॒त्रश्च॑ त्वा॒ वरु॑णश्चानु॒प्रेय॑तुराञ्जन । तौ त्वा॑नु॒गत्य॑ दू॒रं भो॒गाय॒ पुन॒रोह॑तुः ॥ (१०)
Hey Anjan! Friends Dev and Varun Dev followed you to the back land and later went to heaven. You bring them to consume pleasures. (10)
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ऋ॒णादृ॒णमि॑व॒ सं न॑यन् कृ॒त्यां कृ॑त्या॒कृतो॑ गृ॒हम् । चक्षु॑र्मन्त्रस्य दु॒र्हार्दः॑ पृ॒ष्टीरपि॑ शृणाञ्जन ॥ (१)
Hey Anjan! Just as the borrower returns the money to the lender, send the demon named Krita, who hurts me, to the same house as the one who sent it to me. O Aditya's eye anjan! Destroy even the near and dear ones of the evil-hearted. (1)
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यद॒स्मासु॑ दुः॒ष्वप्न्यं॒ यद्गोषु॒ यच्च॑ नो गृ॒हे । अना॑मग॒स्तं च॑ दु॒र्हार्दः॑ प्रि॒यः प्रति॑ मुञ्चताम् ॥ (२)
O gem stone! Always be aware of this holder while carefully protecting this holder. Yatudhan means demons and asuras named Pani should not do violence to you. Just as Indra staggered his enemies while driving them out of the battlefield, so you stagger the robbers. Especially defeat all those enemies who desire war. May the overstate gem protect you. (2)
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अ॒पामू॒र्ज ओज॑सो वावृधा॒नम॒ग्नेर्जा॒तमधि॑ जा॒तवे॑दसः । चतु॑र्वीरं पर्व॒तीयं॒ यदाञ्ज॑नं॒ दिशः॑ प्रदिशः कर॒दिच्छि॒वास्ते॑ ॥ (३)
Hundreds of enemies could not commit violence while attacking with weapons etc. and being inferior to their lives. Indra completed the eye, life and strength between the unsmerged gem by the enemies. May the overstate gem protect you. (3)
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चतु॑र्वीरं बध्यत॒ आञ्ज॑नं ते॒ सर्वा॒ दिशो॒ अभ॑यास्ते भवन्तु । ध्रु॒वस्ति॑ष्ठासि सवि॒तेव॒ चार्य॑ इ॒मा विशो॑ अ॒भि ह॑रन्तु ते ब॒लिम् ॥ (४)
O eternal gem! I cover you with Indra's armor. He became the king of Indra Devas. May all gods cover you with their own armor for the accomplishment of their tasks. O eternal gem! May all gods protect you. (4)
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आक्ष्वैकं॑ म॒णिमेकं॑ कृणुष्व स्ना॒ह्येके॒ना पि॒बैक॑मेषाम् । चतु॑र्वीरं नैरृ॒तेभ्य॑श्च॒तुर्भ्यो॒ ग्राह्या॑ ब॒न्धेभ्यः॒ परि॑ पात्व॒स्मान् ॥ (५)
Being protected by Indra's armor, this attested gem has one hundred and one power and thousands of lives. Be able to attack all enemies like a tiger and defeat them. May my enemy who wishes to fight with your gem be defeated. O gem stone! May all gods protect you. (5)
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अ॒ग्निर्मा॒ग्निना॑वतु प्रा॒णाया॑पा॒नायायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑स॒ ओज॑से तेज॑से स्व॒स्तये॑ सुभू॒तये॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (६)
In the upper part, taken from ghee, honey, rich in milk, full of thousands of powers due to being accepted by all the gods, being protected by Indra's armor, endowed with a hundred forces, who provide food to the gem-holding man, gives happiness, provides convenience, gives food and milk etc. (6)
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इन्द्रो॑ मेन्द्रि॒येणा॑वतु प्रा॒णाया॑पा॒नायायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑स॒ ओज॑से तेज॑से स्व॒स्तये॑ सुभू॒तये॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (७)
O seeker! Be the best of all of you. Let no one be your enemy and destroy all your enemies. You become the one who subdues others among your homogeneous people. Those who tie Savita Dev Mani should do this to you. May the overstate gem protect you. (7)
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सोमो॑ मा॒ सौम्ये॑नावतु प्रा॒णाया॑पा॒नायायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑स॒ ओज॑से तेज॑से स्व॒स्तये॑ सुभू॒तये॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (८)
May Soma protect me for the stability of his power prana, for the stability of his own life, for the growth of age, for the brightness of the body, for the skill and for the shobhan property. May This sacrifice be well received by Som. (8)
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भगो॑ म॒ भगे॑नावतु प्रा॒णाया॑पा॒नायायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑स॒ ओज॑से तेज॑से स्व॒स्तये॑ सुभू॒तये॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (९)
May God protect me with his power for the stability of the soul, for the stability of the apana, for the growth of age, for the brightness of the body, for the skilled and for the adornment of the property. May This sacrifice be well received by Kamadeva (9)
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म॒रुतो॑ मा ग॒णैर॑वन्तु प्रा॒णाया॑पा॒नायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑स॒ ओज॑से॒ तेज॑से स्व॒स्तये॑ सुभू॒तये॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१०)
May Marut protect me with my ganas for the stability of the soul, for the stability of the apana, for the growth of age, for the revolution of the body, for the skilled and for the adornment of the property. May this sacrifice be well received by The Desert. (10)
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प्र॒जाप॑तिष्ट्वा बध्नात्प्रथ॒ममस्तृ॑तं वी॒र्या᳡य॒ कम् । तत्ते॑ बध्ना॒म्यायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑स॒ ओज॑से च॒ बला॑य॒ चास्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (१)
O swami! From the beginning of creation, Prajapati had tied you to heroic work. The beginning can't hinder you. O man! For the sake of life, for light, for energy and for strength, I tie a gem in your hand to calm the troubles of enemies. May this gem protect you. (1)
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ऊ॒र्ध्वस्ति॑ष्ठतु॒ रक्ष॒न्नप्र॑माद॒मस्तृ॑ते॒मं मा त्वा॑ दभन्प॒णयो॑ यातु॒धानाः॑ । इन्द्र॑ इव॒ दस्यू॒नव॑ धूनुष्व पृतन्य॒तः सर्वा॒ञ्छत्रू॒न्वि ष॑ह॒स्वास्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (२)
O swami! Be aware of this holder while carefully protecting him. Do not commit violence to you, that is, demons and demons. Just as Indra shook his enemies while driving them away from the battlefield, so you should vibrate the robbers. Especially defeat all the enemies who desire war. May the unarmed gem protect you. (2)
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श॒तं च॑ न प्र॒हर॑न्तो नि॒घ्नन्तो॒ न त॑स्ति॒रे । तस्मि॒न्निन्द्रः॒ पर्य॑दत्त॒ चक्षुः॑ प्रा॒णमथो॒ बल॒मस्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (३)
Hundreds of enemies could not commit violence by attacking with weapons etc. and killing their lives. Indra completed his eyes, life and strength in the midst of a precious gem not being harmed by enemies. May the unarmed gem protect you. (3)
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इन्द्र॑स्य त्वा॒ वर्म॑णा॒ परि॑ धापयामो॒ यो दे॒वाना॑मधिरा॒जो ब॒भूव॑ । पुन॑स्त्वा दे॒वाः प्र ण॑यन्तु॒ सर्वेऽस्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (४)
O swami! I cover you with Indra's armor. He became the king of Indra devas. May all gods cover you with their own shields to accomplish their actions. O swami! May all gods protect you. (4)
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अ॒स्मिन्म॒णावेक॑शतं वी॒र्या᳡णि स॒हस्रं॑ प्रा॒णा अ॑स्मि॒न्नस्तृ॑ते । व्या॒घ्रः शत्रू॑न॒भि ति॑ष्ठ॒ सर्वा॒न्यस्त्वा॑ पृतन्या॒दध॑रः॒ सो अ॒स्त्वस्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (५)
Being protected from Indra's armor, this insulated gem has one hundred and one powers and thousands of pranas i.e. force. Be able to attack all enemies like a tiger and defeat them. May my enemy, whoever wishes to fight you with mani, be defeated. O swami! May all gods protect you. (5)
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घृ॒तादुल्लु॑प्तो॒ मधु॑मा॒न्पय॑स्वान्त्स॒हस्र॑प्राणः श॒तयो॑निर्वयो॒धाः । श॒म्भूश्च॑ मयो॒भूश्चोर्ज॑स्वांश्च॒ पय॑स्वां॒श्चास्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (६)
In the upper part, all the gods should protect this gem named Astra, who is filled with ghee, containing honey, rich in milk, full of thousands of powers due to being attached to all the gods, protected by a hundred forces due to being protected by Indra's armor, who provides food, gives pleasure, facilitates, gives food and milk etc. to the man holding the gem. (6)
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यथा॒ त्वमु॑त्त॒रोऽसो॑ असप॒त्नः स॑पत्न॒हा । स॑जा॒ताना॑मसद्व॒शी तथा॑ त्वा सवि॒ता क॑र॒दस्तृ॑तस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (७)
O seeker! Be the best of all of you. Let no one be your enemy and destroy all your enemies. You should be the one who subdues others among your homogeneous people. This is how those who tie the Savita Dev gem should do this to you. May the unarmed gem protect you. (7)
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आ रा॑त्रि॒ पार्थि॑वं॒ रजः॑ पि॒तुर॑प्रायि॒ धाम॑भिः । दि॒वः सदां॑सि बृह॒ती वि ति॑ष्ठस॒ आ त्वे॒षं व॑र्तते॒ तमः॑ ॥ (१)
O night! You have completed the earth and the world heaven of fathers with your darkness. The great night especially covers the places of Dulok. The darkness of the blue color pervades everyone. (1)
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न यस्याः॑ पा॒रं ददृ॑शे॒ न योयु॑व॒द्विश्व॑म॒स्यां नि वि॑शते॒ यदेज॑ति । अरि॑ष्टासस्त उर्वि तमस्वति॒ रात्रि॑ पा॒रम॑शीमहि॒ भद्रे॑ पा॒रम॑शीमहि ॥ (२)
The night crossing is not visible. At night, the world becomes one and the same, not visible separately. The world trembles, and the creatures are unable to move around at night. O dark night! May we attain Your last name i.e. morning without the obstacles of snakes, tigers, thieves, etc. This is a good night! Let us achieve welfare. (2)
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ये ते॑ रात्रि नृ॒चक्ष॑सो द्र॒ष्टारो॑ नव॒तिर्नव॑ । अ॑शी॒तिः सन्त्य॒ष्टा उ॒तो ते॑ स॒प्त स॑प्त॒तिः ॥ (३)
O night! The ninety-nine Gana deities, the eighty-eight Gana deities and the seventy-seven Gana deities who see the fruits of human deeds, expand your glory. (3)
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ष॒ष्टिश्च॒ षट्च॑ रेवति पञ्चा॒शत्पञ्च॑ सुम्नयि । च॒त्वार॑श्चत्वारिं॒शच्च॒ त्रय॑स्त्रिं॒शच्च॑ वाजिनि ॥ (४)
O night of wealth! Sixty-six and fifty-five who are gana gods, O night of happiness! Forty-four who are gana deities, O night of food! Thirty-three gana deities expand your glory. (4)
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द्वौ च॑ ते विंश॒तिश्च॑ ते॒ रात्र्येका॑दशाव॒माः । तेभि॑र्नो अ॒द्य पा॒युभि॒र्नु पा॑हि दुहितर्दिवः ॥ (५)
O night! The twenty-two and eleven ganas of your gods and those who are less than this number, O daughter of Jhuloka, night! At this time, protect us with those protectors. (5)
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रक्षा॒ माकि॑र्नो अ॒घशं॑स ईशत॒ मा नो॑ दुः॒शंस॑ ईशत । मा नो॑ अ॒द्य गवां॑ स्ते॒नो मावी॑नां॒ वृक॑ ईशत ॥ (६)
O night! Follow us, no one who says to commit sins should be able to hinder us. Let the evil-speaking word not hinder us. O night! Today, thieves may not be able to steal all our cows. The wolf should not be able to abduct our sheep by force. (6)
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माश्वा॑नां भद्रे॒ तस्क॑रो॒ मा नृ॒णां या॑तुधा॒न्यः । प॑र॒मेभिः॑ प॒थिभिः॑ स्ते॒नो धा॑वतु॒ तस्क॑रः । परे॑ण द॒त्वती॒ रज्जुः॒ परे॑णाघा॒युर॑र्षतु ॥ (७)
Good night! Thieves may not be able to steal our horses and yatudhans cannot become masters of our sons etc. Thieves and smugglers should run away from far away routes by their means. A giant snake like a rope with teeth runs away. Move away from us willing to do violence against others. (7)
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अध॑ रात्रि तृ॒ष्टधू॑ममशी॒र्षाण॒महिं॑ कृणु । हनू॒ वृक॑स्य ज॒म्भया॑स्ते॒नं द्रु॑प॒दे ज॑हि ॥ (८)
O night! Make the snake that causes thirst and emits smoke without a head, that is, kill it. Destroy wolves that feed others because of firm molars by making them with broken chins. O night, kill that wolf everywhere. (8)
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त्वयि॑ रात्रि वसामसि स्वपि॒ष्याम॑सि जागृ॒हि । गोभ्यो॑ नः॒ शर्म॑ य॒च्छाश्वे॑भ्यः॒ पुरु॑षेभ्यः ॥ (९)
O night! We dwell in you. We sleep at night, but stay awake. Bum give happiness to our cows, horses and family members. (9)
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अथो॒ यानि॑ च॒ यस्मा॑ ह॒ यानि॑ चा॒न्तः प॑री॒णहि॑ । तानि॑ ते॒ परि॑ दद्मसि ॥ (१)
I give you all the external things related to me which are in the transit and open territory and which are present in the surrounding houses. (1)
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रात्रि॒ मात॑रु॒षसे॑ नः॒ परि॑ देहि । उ॒षो नो॒ अह्ने॒ परि॑ ददा॒त्वह॒स्तुभ्यं॑ विभावरि ॥ (२)
O Mother night! Give us the dawn and give us the day. O night! Day provide us to you. (2)
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यत्किं चे॒दं प॒तय॑ति॒ यत्किं चे॒दं स॑रीसृ॒पम् । यत्किं च॒ पर्व॑ताया॒सत्वं॒ तस्मा॒त्त्वं रा॑त्रि पाहि नः ॥ (३)
Protect us from the birds etc. that move in the sky, which are snakes etc. sliding on the earth, which are mountain animals, O night. (3)
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सा प॒श्चात्पा॑हि॒ सा पु॒रः सोत्त॒राद॑ध॒रादु॒त । गो॑पा॒य नो॑ विभावरि स्तो॒तार॑स्त इ॒ह स्म॑सि ॥ (४)
O night with the above symptoms! Protect us in the west direction, in the east direction, in the north direction and in the south direction. Oh night! Protect us. We are going to praise you at this time. (4)
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ये रात्रि॑मनु॒तिष्ठ॑न्ति॒ ये च॑ भू॒तेषु॒ जाग्र॑ति । प॒शून्ये सर्वा॒न्रक्ष॑न्ति॒ ते न॑ आ॒त्मसु॑ जाग्रति॒ ते नः॑ प॒शुषु॑ जाग्रति ॥ (५)
Those who perform rituals like archanapujan etc. at night and who wake up due to building creatures, who protect all animals, they wake up to protect us and our sons etc., they also wake up to protect animals. (5)
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वेद॒ वै रा॑त्रि ते॒ नाम॑ घृ॒ताची॒ नाम॒ वा अ॑सि । तां त्वां भ॒रद्वा॑जो वेद॒ सा नो॑ वि॒त्तेऽधि॑ जाग्रति ॥ (६)
O night! I know your names. You are named Deeptimati. You know this night. May that night stay awake to protect our wealth. (6)
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इ॑षि॒रा योषा॑ युव॒तिर्दमू॑ना॒ रात्री॑ दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुर्भग॑स्य । अ॑श्वक्ष॒भा सु॒हवा॒ संभृ॑तश्री॒रा प॑प्रौ॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी म॑हि॒त्वा ॥ (१)
The night of praiseworthy, youth and superior mind by all is the inspiring savita of all and the wife of God. It despises the eyes and senses in its subject. This good havan-able and completes the earth with its importance. (1)
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अति॒ विश्वा॑न्यरुहद्गम्भी॒रो वर्षि॑ष्ठमरुहन्त॒ श्रवि॑ष्ठाः । उ॑श॒ती रात्र्यनु॒ सा भ॑द्रा॒भि ति॑ष्ठते मि॒त्र इ॑व स्व॒धाभिः॑ ॥ (२)
In which it is difficult to enter, such a night is present by pervading all the grazing items. Everyone praises this very food night. It is located by spreading forests, mountains, oceans etc. Just as the sun attracts the world every moment with its brightness with the means of food etc. provided by the host etc., in the same way, this night also covers the world. (2)
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वर्ये॒ वन्दे॒ सुभ॑गे॒ सुजा॑त॒ आज॑ग॒न्रात्रि॑ सु॒मना॑ इ॒ह स्या॑म् । अ॒स्मांस्त्रा॑यस्व॒ नर्या॑णि जा॒ता अथो॒ यानि॒ गव्या॑नि पु॒ष्ठ्या ॥ (३)
O night of unspeakable influence, praised by all, blessed and well-generated! You have arrived. When you come, I will be beautiful-minded. Obey Me and protect the goods produced, the things that are beneficial to human beings and the beneficial things that strengthen the cow, etc. (3)
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सिं॒हस्य॒ रात्र्यु॑श॒ती पीं॒षस्य॑ व्या॒घ्रस्य॑ द्वी॒पिनो॒ वर्च॒ आ द॑दे । अश्व॑स्य ब्र॒ध्नं पुरु॑षस्य मा॒युं पु॒रु रू॒पाणि॑ कृणुषे विभा॒ती ॥ (४)
Wishing, this night kidnaps the tejas of lions, elephants, rhinos, tigers, etc. It pulls the velocity of the ashch and the word of the man. O night! You are radiant and take various types of forms. (4)
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शि॒वां रात्रि॑मनु॒सूर्यं॑ च हि॒मस्य॑ मा॒ता सु॒हवा॑ नो अस्तु । अ॒स्य स्तोम॑स्य सुभगे॒ नि बो॑ध॒ येन॑ त्वा॒ वन्दे॒ विश्वा॑सु दि॒क्षु ॥ (५)
O night! I worship you and the sun who do welfare. May Tushar's mother night be the subject of our best call. O good lucky night! You know our psalms while you are doing this time. Through this hymn, we worship You in all directions. (5)
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स्तोम॑स्य नो विभावरि॒ रात्रि॒ राजे॑व जोषसे । असा॑म॒ सर्व॑वीरा॒ भवा॑म॒ सर्व॑वेदसो व्यु॒च्छन्ती॒रनू॒षसः॑ ॥ (६)
O night! Just as the king listens carefully to the praise made by the psalms, so you listen carefully to our praises. By the grace of the night, destroying darkness and coming after the dawn, we become brave sons, grandsons and servants and be endowed with all kinds of wealth. (6)
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शम्या॑ ह॒ नाम॑ दधि॒षे मम॒ दिप्स॑न्ति॒ ये धना॑ । रात्री॒हि तान॑सुत॒पा य स्ते॒नो न वि॒द्यते॒ यत्पुन॒र्न वि॒द्यते॑ ॥ (७)
O night! You wear the name Shamya i.e. the one who calms the force of the enemy. The enemies who wish to kidnap my wealth, O night! Come, anguishing the lives of those enemies. My opponent who is visible may not reappear. (7)
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भ॒द्रासि॑ रात्रि चम॒सो न वि॒ष्टो विष्व॒ङ्गोरू॑पं युव॒तिर्बि॑भर्षि । चक्षु॑ष्मती मे उश॒ती वपूं॑षि॒ प्रति॒ त्वं दि॒व्या न क्षा॑ममुक्थाः ॥ (८)
O night! You are the same as the chickpea of the spoon. You take the form of a cow with youth everywhere. May you protect the bodies of me and my son etc. wishing to nourish us and endowed with the power to see. Just as divine men do not give up the body, so do not leave the earth. (8)
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यो अ॒द्य स्ते॒न आय॑त्यघा॒युर्मर्त्यो॑ रि॒पुः । रात्री॒ तस्य॑ प्र॒तीत्य॒ प्र ग्री॒वाः प्र शिरो॑ हनत् ॥ (९)
At this time, the thief, the one who commits violence and the enemy of death, O beautiful night! Go near the enemy who comes near me and cut off his tongue and head. (9)
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प्र पा॑दौ॒ न यथाय॑ति॒ प्र हस्तौ॒ न यथाशि॑षत् । यो म॑लि॒म्लुरु॒पाय॑ति॒ स संपि॑ष्टो॒ अपा॑यति । अपा॑यति॒ स्वपा॑यति॒ शुष्के॑ स्था॒णावपा॑यति ॥ (१०)
O night! You cut off the legs of my shanru in such a way that it is not able to come again. Cut off his hands in such a way that he cannot embrace me. The thief who comes close to me. Grind him in such a way that he goes away from me. Let it go well. He should go from me and get shelter in the dry pillar. (10)
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अध॑ रात्रि तृ॒ष्टधू॑ममशी॒र्षाण॒महिं॑ कृणु । अ॒क्षौ वृक॑स्य॒ निर्ज॑ह्या॒स्तेन॒ तं द्रु॑प॒दे ज॑हि ॥ (१)
O night! Cut off the head of a snake whose smoke-like breath is painful. Blindly kill the wolf under the tree. (1)
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ये ते॑ रात्र्यन॒ड्वाह॑स्ती॒क्ष्णशृ॑ङ्गाः स्वा॒शवः॑ । तेभि॑र्नो अ॒द्य पा॑र॒याति॑ दु॒र्गाणि॑ वि॒श्वहा॑ ॥ (२)
O night! Make us overcome all the evils of all nights by your vehicles, which are fast-horned and very fast moving bulls. (2)
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रात्रिं॑रात्रि॒मरि॑ष्यन्त॒स्तरे॑म त॒न्वा व॒यम् । ग॑म्भी॒रमप्ल॑वा इव॒ न त॑रेयु॒ररा॑तयः ॥ (३)
While traveling in all the nights, we should cross the night with the grandson etc. again from the body. Our enemies cannot cross the night like men inferior to boats etc. with crossing the river, that is, they should be destroyed in the night itself. (3)
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यथा॑ शा॒म्याकः॑ प्र॒पत॑न्नप॒वान्नानु॑वि॒द्यते॑ । ए॒वा रा॑त्रि॒ प्र पा॑तय॒ यो अ॒स्माँ अ॑भ्यघा॒यति॑ ॥ (४)
Just as the food falls when it is cooked and becomes immaterial and does not survive at all, O night! Whoever wants to commit violence against us, bring him down in the same way. (4)
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अप॑ स्ते॒नं वासो॑ गोअ॒जमु॒त तस्क॑रम् । अथो॒ यो अर्व॑तः॒ शिरो॑ऽभि॒धाय॒ निनी॑षति ॥ (५)
The thieves who want to take away our clothes, cows and goats and those who want to take away the heads of our horses with a rope, drive them away. (5)
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यद॒द्या रा॑त्रि सुभगे वि॒भज॒न्त्ययो॒ वसु॑ । यदे॒तद॒स्मान्भोज॑य॒ यथेद॒न्यानु॒पाय॑सि ॥ (६)
O good lucky night! Today, the thieves who kidnap metals like gold, make that money a means of our consumption. From this, we should also get our horses, elephants snatched by the enemy. (6)
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उ॒षसे॑ नः॒ परि॑ देहि॒ सर्वा॑न्रात्र्यना॒गसः॑ । उ॒षा नो॒ अह्ने॒ आ भ॑जा॒दह॒स्तुभ्यं॑ विभावरि ॥ (७)
O night! Give usha to protect all of us praisors and animals, sons, friends etc. O Vibhavari! May you give us all the day and receive the day back to you. (7)
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अयु॑तो॒ऽहमयु॑तो म आ॒त्मायु॑तं मे॒ चक्षु॒रयु॑तं मे॒ श्रोत्र॑मयु॑तो मे प्रा॒णोऽयु॑तो मेऽपा॒नोऽयु॑तो मे व्या॒नोऽयु॑तो॒ऽहं सर्वः॑ ॥ (१)
I am complete to do the ritual of karma. My body is complete, my soul is full, my eyes, ears, my life air, my apana vayu and my vyan vayu are full. Thus I am complete in all respects. (1)
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दे॒वस्य॑ त्वा सवि॒तुः प्र॑स॒वेऽश्विनो॑र्बा॒हुभ्यां॑ पू॒ष्णो हस्ता॑भ्यां॒ प्रसू॑त॒ आ र॑भे ॥ (२)
O karma! I start you with the command of Savita Dev, the motivator of all, with the arms of Ashchinikumars and with the hands of Pusha Dev. (2)
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काम॒स्तदग्रे॒ सम॑वर्तत॒ मन॑सो॒ रेतः॑ प्रथ॒मं यदासी॑त् । स का॑म॒ कामे॑न बृह॒ता सयो॑नी रा॒यस्पोषं॒ यज॑मानाय धेहि ॥ (१)
Before this present creation, work was well ingrained in God's mind. The same work became a seed in the heart that merged into Maya. This job! You became the same cause by the Great God created to create the whole world. This job! You give the host an abundance of money. (1)
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त्वं का॑म॒ सह॑सासि॒ प्रति॑ष्ठितो वि॒भुर्वि॒भावा॑ सख॒ आ स॑खीय॒ते । त्वमु॒ग्रः पृत॑नासु सास॒हिः सह॒ ओजो॒ यज॑मानाय धेहि ॥ (२)
O work! You are distinguished by your ability. O broad and special luminous! You treat us like friends. O work! You tolerate enemy armies when you are angry. Give the host such strength that is capable of defeating the enemy. (2)
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दू॒राच्च॑कमा॒नाय॑ प्रतिपा॒णायाक्ष॑ये । आस्मा॑ अशृण्व॒न्नाशाः॒ कामे॑नाजनय॒न्त्स्वः ॥ (३)
May those who desire the most rare fruit create happiness with the help of work in all directions to protect me from all the r and to remove the evil. (3)
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कामे॑न मा॒ काम॒ आग॒न्हृद॑या॒द्धृद॑यं॒ परि॑ । यद॒मीषा॑म॒दो मन॒स्तदैतूप॑ मामि॒ह ॥ (४)
Work came to me with the desire of the fruit. May I also get the mind that receives the fruits of Brahmins. (4)
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यत्का॑म का॒मय॑माना इ॒दं कृ॒ण्मसि॑ ते ह॒विः । तन्नः॒ सर्वं॒ समृ॑ध्यता॒मथै॒तस्य॑ ह॒विषो॑ वीहि॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (५)
O work! Eat the fruit we desire for you. You get this happiness well. What we have wished, it should be fulfilled in all respects. (5)
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का॒लो अश्वो॑ वहति स॒प्तर॑श्मिः सहस्रा॒क्षो अ॒जरो॒ भूरि॑रेताः । तमा रो॑हन्ति क॒वयो॑ विप॒श्चित॒स्तस्य॑ च॒क्रा भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ॥ (१)
A kal-like horse with seven rays or ropes, with a thousand eyes, without old age and with excessive semen, pulls the chariot. All the worlds are its chakras i.e. wheels. Learned men ride on that chariot. (1)
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स॒प्त च॒क्रान्व॑हति का॒ल ए॒ष स॒प्तास्य॒ नाभी॑र॒मृतं॒ न्वक्षः॑ । स इ॒मा विश्वा॒ भुव॑नान्यञ्जत्का॒लः स ई॑यते प्रथ॒मो नु दे॒वः ॥ (२)
This time form holds seven seasons like wheels in the divine order. There are seven navels of this Samvatsar form period and its axis i.e. hey is not going to be destroyed. That Samvatsar form kaal is the first to arise and divine, expressing those seven bhuvanas and the creatures living in them. (2)
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पू॒र्णः कु॒म्भोऽधि॑ का॒ल आहि॑त॒स्तं वै पश्या॑मो बहु॒धा नु सन्तः॑ । स इ॒मा विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि प्र॒त्यङ्का॒लं तमा॒हुः प॑र॒मे व्योमन् ॥ (३)
This universe is kept in the form of Kumbh i.e. pitcher Samvatsar. Saints, that is, wise men, see many forms of day, night, etc. of that period. This time form God appears in front of all the present beings and merges them into himself. This period is called nirlep like the sky. (3)
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स ए॒व सं भुव॑ना॒न्याभ॑र॒त्स ए॒व सं भुव॑नानि॒ पर्यै॑त् । पि॒ता सन्न॑भवत्पु॒त्र ए॑षां॒ तस्मा॒द्वै नान्यत्पर॑मस्ति॒ तेजः॑ ॥ (४)
The same period produces all bhuvanas. The same period pervades all bhuvanas. The same period is also a father and a son who produces these bhuvanas. Apart from that period, no fast is great. (4)
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का॒लोऽमूं दिव॑मजनयत्का॒ल इ॒माः पृ॑थि॒वीरु॒त । का॒ले ह॑ भू॒तं भव्यं॑ चेषि॒तं ह॒ वि ति॑ष्ठते ॥ (५)
Time form God gave birth to this duloka i.e. heaven. Time created those earths. In time, it tries to have a past, future and present world. (5)
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का॒लो भू॒तिम॑सृजत का॒ले तप॑ति॒ सूर्यः॑ । का॒ले ह॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॑ का॒ले चक्षु॒र्वि प॑श्यति ॥ (६)
Time has created a world of buildings. It is with the inspiration of time that the sun illuminates the world. All beings remain present in time. The eyes etc. senses do their work. (6)
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का॒ले मनः॑ का॒ले प्रा॒णः का॒ले नाम॑ स॒माहि॑तम् । का॒लेन॒ सर्वा॑ नन्द॒न्त्याग॑तेन प्र॒जा इ॒माः ॥ (७)
Mind, soul and name pervade time. All these people are happy due to spring etc. (7)
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का॒ले तपः॑ का॒ले ज्येष्ठं॑ का॒ले ब्रह्म॑ स॒माहि॑तम् । का॒लो ह॒ सर्व॑स्येश्व॒रो यः पि॒तासी॑त्प्र॒जाप॑तेः ॥ (८)
Tapa in time, the cause of the world in time is Hiranya womb. In the period itself, the Vedas were prevalent with organs. Time is the swami of all. Kaal was the God and father of the people. (8)
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तेने॑षि॒तं तेन॑ जा॒तं तदु॒ तस्मि॒न्प्रति॑ष्ठितम् । का॒लो ह॒ ब्रह्म॑ भू॒त्वा बिभ॑र्ति परमे॒ष्ठिन॑म् ॥ (९)
Time desired to create this world. Time becomes the force and the Supreme Soul holds Brahma. (9)
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