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आयु॑षे त्वा॒ वर्च॑से॒ त्वौज॑से च॒ बला॑य च । यथा॑ हिरण्य॒तेज॑सा वि॒भासा॑सि॒ जनाँ॒ अनु॑ ॥ (३)
O men who hold gold! May the moon create that gold to gain your strength, benefit and glory. Just as gold shines brightly, so you should also be adorned by targeting human beings. (3)
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यद्वेद॒ राजा॒ वरु॑णो॒ वेद॑ दे॒वो बृह॒स्पतिः॑ । इन्द्रो॒ यद्वृ॑त्र॒हा वेद॒ तत्त॑ आयु॒ष्यं॑ भुव॒त्तत्ते॑ वर्च॒स्यं॑ भुवत् ॥ (४)
The gold that the bright Varun Dev knows and Jupiter dev knows, that gold should increase your life and give you glory. (4)
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गोभि॑ष्ट्वा पात्वृष॒भो वृषा॑ त्वा पातु वा॒जिभिः॑ । वा॒युष्ट्वा॒ ब्रह्म॑णा पा॒त्विन्द्र॑स्त्वा पात्विन्द्रि॒यैः ॥ (१)
O man who wears a gem of the open name! May the bull protect you with cows and the horses capable of breeding protect you with horses. Protect you through the action of the vayu devta yajna nakshatra, who roams in space. May Indra devta protect you with the senses. (1)
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सोम॑स्त्वा पा॒त्वोष॑धीभि॒र्नक्ष॑त्रैः पातु॒ सूर्यः॑ । मा॒द्भ्यस्त्वा॑ च॒न्द्रो वृ॑त्र॒हा वातः॑ प्रा॒णेन॑ रक्षतु ॥ (२)
May Soma, the king of herbs, protect you with the help of medicines. Protect you with the help of Sun God constellations. With the help of months, the moon, the tree, that is, Indra, who destroys the darkness covering, and with the help of prana vayu, may the air god protect you. (2)
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ति॒स्रो दिव॑स्ति॒स्रः पृ॑थि॒वीस्त्रीण्य॒न्तरि॑क्षाणि च॒तुरः॑ समु॒द्रान् । त्रि॒वृतं॒ स्तोमं॑ त्रि॒वृत॒ आप॑ आहु॒स्तास्त्वा॑ रक्षन्तु त्रि॒वृता॑ त्रि॒वृद्भिः॑ ॥ (३)
Three hulokas, three earths, three spaces i.e. medium world, four oceans, three types of hymns named Trivrit and three types of water, all of them should protect you with a gem named Trivrit. (3)
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त्रीन्नाकां॒स्त्रीन्स॑मु॒द्रांस्त्रीन्ब्र॒ध्नांस्त्रीन्वै॑ष्ट॒पान् । त्रीन्मा॑त॒रिश्व॑न॒स्त्रीन्त्सूर्या॑न्गो॒प्तॄन्क॑ल्पयामि ते ॥ (४)
O Hiranya! Men wearing three types of silver and iron gems! I appoint three heavens, three seas, three adityas, three bhuvanas, three airs and three heavens as your protectors. (4)
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घृ॒तेन॑ त्वा॒ समु॑क्षा॒म्यग्न॒ आज्ये॑न व॒र्धय॑न् । अ॒ग्नेश्च॒न्द्रस्य॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ मा प्रा॒णं मा॒यिनो॑ दभन् ॥ (५)
O agni! I water you with ghee, increasing you with the means of home. Due to ghrit, the agni, the moon and the sun have increased, O man who wears the trivrita gem! Don't demonize your life. (5)
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मा वः॑ प्रा॒णं मा वो॑ऽपा॒नं मा हरो॑ मा॒यिनो॑ दभन् । भ्रा॑जन्तो वि॒श्ववे॑दसो दे॒वा दैव्ये॑न धावत ॥ (६)
O man! Don't do the violence of your life. Do not make the violence of your own air the elusive demons, O Gods of Agni, Moon etc. While being illuminated, all the knowledgeable gods should run to protect our lives with chariots etc. (6)
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प्रा॒णेना॒ग्निं सं सृ॑जति॒ वातः॑ प्रा॒णेन॒ संहि॑तः । प्रा॒णेन॑ वि॒श्वतो॑मुखं॒ सूर्यं॑ दे॒वा अ॑जनयन् ॥ (७)
The life in the male mouth combines agni with the air. Therefore, life should be protected. The outer air meets the prana air located in the mouth. Indra etc. gods have created the sun that illuminates everywhere with prana air. (7)
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आयु॑षायु॒ष्कृतां॑ जी॒वायु॑ष्माञ्जीव॒ मा मृ॑थाः । प्रा॒णेना॑त्म॒न्वतां॑ जीव मा मृ॒त्योरुद॑गा॒ वश॑म् ॥ (८)
O man of gemstones! The ancient Maharishis, who increased the age of others, lived forever through penance etc. Through them you live from the living age and do not attain death. May you live with the lives of those with stable spirits and do not fall under the control of death. (8)
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दे॒वानां॒ निहि॑तं नि॒धिं यमिन्द्रो॒ऽन्ववि॑न्दत्प॒थिभि॑र्देव॒यानैः॑ । आपो॒ हिर॑ण्यं जुगुपुस्त्रि॒वृद्भि॒स्तास्त्वा॑ रक्षन्तु त्रि॒वृता॑ त्रि॒वृद्भिः॑ ॥ (९)
The wealth of the safely established gods, which Indra had obtained by walking on the movement of the gods, was secured by three types of water with three types of means. Protect you by these three types of water, gold, silver and three forms of iron. (9)
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त्रय॑स्त्रिंशद्दे॒वता॒स्त्रीणि॑ च वी॒र्याणि प्रिया॒यमा॑णा जुगुपुर॒प्स्व॑न्तः । अ॒स्मिंश्च॒न्द्रे अधि॒ यद्धिर॑ण्यं॒ तेना॒यं कृ॑णवद्वी॒र्या॑णि ॥ (१०)
Thirty-three gods, pleased with the three types of power, physical, verbal and mental, kept gold safe in the waters. With the gold in this moon, this gem named Trivrita should be worn in a mani-bearing man like the three forces of thirty-three gods. (10)
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ये दे॑वा दि॒व्येका॑दश॒ स्थ ते॑ देवासो ह॒विरि॒दं जु॑षध्वम् ॥ (११)
Those who are eleven in Dev Dyulok named Aditya, they should consume Havi while performing this havan. (11)
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ये दे॑वा अ॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒ एका॑दश॒ स्थ ते॑ देवासो ह॒विरि॒दं जु॑षध्वम् ॥ (१२)
Those who are eleven in the divine space i.e. the middle part of the god named Aditya, they should consume Havi while performing this havan. (12)
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ये दे॑वा पृथि॒व्यामेका॑दश॒ स्थ ते॑ देवासो ह॒विरि॒दं जु॑षध्वम् ॥ (१३)
Those who are eleven on earth, the god named Aditya, they should consume Havi while performing this havan. (13)
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अ॑सप॒त्नं पु॒रस्ता॑त्प॒श्चान्नो॒ अभ॑यं कृतम् । स॑वि॒ता मा॑ दक्षिण॒त उ॑त्त॒रान्मा॑ शची॒पतिः॑ ॥ (१४)
The two gods named Agni and Savita should make the east direction free from enemies and make the west direction free from fear. Savita should protect me in the south direction and Shachipati Indra in the north direction. (14)
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दि॒वो मा॑दि॒त्या र॑क्षन्तु॒ भूम्या॑ रक्षन्त्व॒ग्नयः॑ । इ॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी र॑क्षतां मा पु॒रस्ता॑द॒श्विना॑व॒भितः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छताम् । ति॑र॒श्चीन॒घ्न्या र॑क्षतु जा॒तवे॑दा भूत॒कृतो॑ मे स॒र्वतः॑ सन्तु॒ वर्म॑ ॥ (१५)
Aditya i.e. sun protect me from dyulok. Protect agni from my land. May Indra and Agni protect me from the front. May Ashwinikumar give me happiness from all around. Protect me in the agni slant directions without violence. Agni Adi Dev, who creates the earth and ghosts, should be a shield for me from all sides. (15)
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इ॒मं ब॑ध्नामि ते म॒णिं दी॑र्घायु॒त्वाय॒ तेज॑से । द॒र्भं स॑पत्न॒दम्भ॑नं द्विष॒तस्तप॑नं हृ॒दः ॥ (१)
O men desirous of victory, force, etc.! I tie this precious gem in your hand to give you long life and speed. This gem is the one who commits violence of the enemies and is anguishing the heart of the enemies. (1)
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द्वि॑ष॒तस्ता॒पय॑न्हृ॒दः शत्रू॑णां ता॒पय॒न्मनः॑ । दु॒र्हार्दः॒ सर्वां॒स्त्वं द॑र्भ घ॒र्म इ॑वा॒भीन्त्सं॑ता॒पय॑न् ॥ (२)
O darbhamani! You are the one who hurts the heart of the hater and the mind of the enemies. Destroy the houses, fields, animals, etc. of those with evil hearts, in such a way that the sun dries everyone. You should satisfy the wicked who are without fear. (2)
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घ॒र्म इ॑वाभि॒तप॑न्दर्भ द्विष॒तो नि॒तप॑न्मणे । हृ॒दः स॒पत्ना॑नां भि॒न्द्धीन्द्र॑ इव विरु॒जन् ब॒लम् ॥ (३)
O darbhamani! Destroy the enemies who hate us like the summer sun. Just as Indra destroys the force of his enemies, so you eliminate our enemies. (3)
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भि॒न्द्धि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑नां॒ हृद॑यं द्विष॒तां म॑णे । उ॒द्यन्त्वच॑मिव॒ भूम्याः॒ शिर॑ ए॒षां वि पा॑तय ॥ (४)
O darbhamani! Pierce the hearts of our enemies and those who hate us. You cut the head of our enemies and drop it in such a way that the grass, grass etc. produced on the earth is cut. (4)
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भि॒न्द्धि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे भि॒न्द्धि मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । भि॒न्द्धि मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ भि॒न्द्धि मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (५)
O darbhamani! Destroy my enemies and those who gather armies against me. Destroy those who have ill will towards Me and hate Me. (5)
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छि॒न्द्धि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे छि॒न्द्धि मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । छि॒न्द्धि मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ छि॒न्द्धि मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (६)
O darbhamani! Cut off my enemies and those who gathered the army against me. Cut off those who have ill-will and hate towards me. (6)
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वृ॒श्च द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे वृ॒श्च मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । वृ॒श्च मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ वृ॒श्च मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (७)
O darbhamani! Pierce my enemies and those who gather army against me. You pierce all those who have ill-will towards Me and those who hate Me. (7)
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कृ॒न्त द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे कृ॒न्त मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । कृ॒न्त मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ कृ॒न्त मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (८)
O darbhamani! Cut off my enemies and those who gathered the army against me. Cut off everyone who has ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (8)
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पिं॒श द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे पिं॒श मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । पिं॒श मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ पिं॒श मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (९)
O darbhamani! Grind my enemies and those who gathered the army against me. Grind all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (9)
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विध्य॑ दर्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे॒ विध्य॑ मे पृतनाय॒तः । विध्य॑ मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॒ विध्य॑ मे द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (१०)
O darbhamani! Chastise my enemies and those who gather armies against me. Chastise those who have ill will towards Me and those who are hostile to Me. (10)
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निक्ष॑ दर्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे॒ निक्ष॑ मे पृतनाय॒तः । निक्ष॑ मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॒ निक्ष॑ मे द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (१)
O darbhamani! Kiss my enemies and those who gather the army against me. Kiss those who have ill-will towards me and those who are my haters. (1)
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तृ॒न्द्धि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे तृ॒न्द्धि मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । तृ॒न्द्धि मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ तृ॒न्द्धि मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (२)
O darbhamani! Destroy my enemies and those who gather armies against me. Destroy all men who have ill will towards Me and those who hate Me. (2)
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रु॒न्द्धि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे रु॒न्द्धि मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । रु॒न्द्धि मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ रु॒न्द्धि मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (३)
O Swami! Stop my enemies and those who gather armies against me. Stop all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (3)
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मृ॒ण द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे मृ॒ण मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । मृ॒ण मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ मृ॒ण मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (४)
O darbhamani! Violence my enemies and those who gather army against me. Do violence against all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (4)
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मन्थ॑ दर्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे॒ मन्थ॑ मे पृतनाय॒तः । मन्थ॑ मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॒ मन्थ॑ मे द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (५)
O darbhamani! Churn my enemies and those who gathered the army against me. Give a warmth to all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (5)
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पि॒ण्ड्ढि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे पि॒ण्ड्ढि मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । पि॒ण्ड्ढि मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ पि॒ण्ड्ढि मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (६)
O darbhamani! Make powder of my enemies and those who gather army against me. Make powder of all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (6)
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ओष॑ दर्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे॒ ओष॑ मे पृतनाय॒तः । ओष॑ मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॒ ओष॑ मे द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (७)
O darbhamani! Burn my enemies and those who gathered the army against me. Burn all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (7)
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दह॑ दर्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे॒ दह॑ मे पृतनाय॒तः । दह॑ मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॒ दह॑ मे द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (८)
O darbhamani! Burn my enemies and those who gather army against me. Burn all those who have ill-will towards me and those who hate me. (8)
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ज॒हि द॑र्भ स॒पत्ना॑न्मे ज॒हि मे॑ पृतनाय॒तः । ज॒हि मे॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दो॑ ज॒हि मे॑ द्विष॒तो म॑णे ॥ (९)
O darbhamani! Kill my enemies and those who gather army against me. You kill all those who have ill-will towards Me and those who hate Me. (9)
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यत्ते॑ दर्भ ज॒रामृ॑त्युः श॒तं वर्म॑सु॒ वर्म॑ ते । तेने॒मं व॒र्मिणं॑ कृ॒त्वा स॒पत्नां॑ ज॒हि वी॒र्यैः ॥ (१)
O darbh! Hundreds of old age and death pervades your knots. You have a shield to protect you from old age and death. Protect the man who wishes for protection, victory, etc. from that armor and kill the enemies of this king with your powers. (1)
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श॒तं ते॑ दर्भ॒ वर्मा॑णि स॒हस्रं॑ वी॒र्याणि ते । तम॒स्मै विश्वे॒ त्वां दे॑वा ज॒रसे॒ भर्त॒वा अ॑दुः ॥ (२)
O darbhamani! There are hundreds of protective shields and powers in your knots. This king, who wishes to protect from all gods, has been given to you to remove old age. (2)
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त्वामा॑हुर्देव॒वर्म॒ त्वां द॑र्भ॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पति॑म् । त्वामिन्द्र॑स्याहु॒र्वर्म॒ त्वं रा॒ष्ट्राणि॑ रक्षसि ॥ (३)
O darbhamani! You have been called the armor of the gods and the protector of the Vedas. You have been described as Indrak Kavach. You protect nations. (3)
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स॑पत्न॒क्षय॑णं दर्भ द्विष॒तस्तप॑नं हृ॒दः । म॒णिं क्ष॒त्रस्य॒ वर्ध॑नं तनू॒पानं॑ कृणोमि ते ॥ (४)
O darbhamani! You are the destroyer of enemies and the one who sings the hearts of those who hate. O king! I make Darbhamani your protector and power enhancer. (4)
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यत्स॑मु॒द्रो अ॒भ्यक्र॑न्दत्प॒र्जन्यो॑ वि॒द्युता॑ स॒ह । ततो॑ हिर॒ण्ययो॑ बि॒न्दुस्ततो॑ द॒र्भो अ॑जायत ॥ (५)
From the cloud from which water rains, the deery drop appeared with the thunder of electricity, from them the darbha has been born. (5)
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औदु॑म्बरेण म॒णिना॒ पुष्टि॑कामाय वे॒धसा॑ । प॑शू॒णां सर्वे॑षां स्फा॒तिं गो॒ष्ठे मे॑ सवि॒ता क॑रत् ॥ (१)
Vidhata has used to provide them in ancient times through the gem of udumbar i.e. sycamore for a man who desires animals, sons, wealth, body, etc. I protect you through the same udumber gem. Savita Dev, grow two-legged humans and four-legged animals in my cowshed. (1)
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यो नो॑ अ॒ग्निर्गार्ह॑पत्यः पशू॒नाम॑धि॒पा अस॑त् । औदु॑म्बरो॒ वृषा॑ म॒णिः सं मा॑ सृजतु पु॒ष्ट्या ॥ (२)
The agni that is the agni is the sustainer of our animals. May the udumbar gem, which gives the desired fruit, increase my body and nourish the animals in all ways. (2)
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क॑री॒षिणीं॒ फल॑वतीं स्व॒धामिरां॑ च नो गृ॒हे । औदु॑म्बरस्य॒ तेज॑सा धा॒ता पु॒ष्टिं द॑धातु मे ॥ (३)
Please confirm my body with the glory of the gem of Vidhata Dev Sycamore and provide food and cow dung songs in my house. (3)
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यद्द्वि॒पाच्च॒ चतु॑ष्पाच्च॒ यान्यन्ना॑नि॒ ये रसाः॑ । गृ॒ह्णे॒हं त्वे॑षां भू॒मानं॒ बिभ्र॒दौदु॑म्बरं म॒णिम् ॥ (४)
While wearing the udumbar gem, I should accept men with two legs, animals with four legs, all kinds of grains and an excess of juices like honey, milk etc. (4)
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पु॒ष्टिं प॑शू॒नां परि॑ जग्रभा॒हं चतु॑ष्पदां द्वि॒पदां॒ यच्च॑ धा॒न्यम् । पयः॑ पशू॒नां रस॒मोष॑धीनां॒ बृह॒स्पतिः॑ सवि॒ता मे॒ नि य॑च्छात् ॥ (५)
With the radiance of Udumbar Mani and by the grace of Jupiter and Savita, may I accept the abundance of two-legged humans, four-legged animals and wheat, barley, etc., may these gods give me animal milk and medicinal juices. (5)
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अ॒हं प॑शू॒नाम॑धि॒पा असा॑नि॒ मयि॑ पु॒ष्टं पु॑ष्ट॒पति॑र्दधातु । मह्य॒मौदु॑म्बरो म॒णिर्द्रवि॑णानि॒ नि य॑च्छतु ॥ (६)
May I be the master of two-legged men and four-legged animals wishing for confirmation. The owner of the animal etc. Udumbram Mani should give me gold etc. money. (6)
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उप॒ मौदु॑म्बरो म॒णिः प्र॒जया॑ च॒ धने॑न च । इन्द्रे॑ण जिन्वि॒तो म॒णिरा मा॑गन्त्स॒ह वर्च॑सा ॥ (७)
Udumbar Mani bless me with son, grandson, etc. and money in the form of gold and silver. Inspired by Indra, Udumbar Mani came close to me with special radiance. (7)
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दे॒वो म॒णिः स॑पत्न॒हा ध॑न॒सा धन॑सातये । प॒शोरन्न॑स्य भू॒मानं॒ गवां॑ स्फा॒तिं नि य॑च्छतु ॥ (८)
The lumbar gem with light should be a violator of enemies, a gainer of wealth. May that gem give me an excess of animals and food and an excess of cows. (8)
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यथाग्रे॒ त्वं व॑नस्पते पु॒ष्ठ्या स॒ह ज॑ज्ञि॒षे । ए॒वा धन॑स्य मे स्फा॒तिमा द॑धातु॒ सर॑स्वती ॥ (९)
O ushering moon of the forest! Just as you have been born with confirmation at the time of creation of medicines and flora, in the same way, may Saraswati Devi give me an excess of wealth by your means. (9)
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आ मे॒ धनं॒ सर॑स्वती॒ पय॑स्फातिं च धा॒न्य॑म् । सि॑नीवा॒ल्युपा व॑हाद॒यं चौदु॑म्बरो म॒णिः ॥ (१०)
May Saraswati Devi increase my wealth, milk and food. Goddess Siniwali of Amavasya and this Udumbar Mani should provide wealth etc. (10)
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त्वं म॑णी॒नाम॑धि॒पा वृषा॑सि॒ त्वयि॑ पु॒ष्टं पु॑ष्ट॒पति॑र्जजान । त्वयी॒मे वाजा॒ द्रवि॑णानि॒ सर्वौदु॑म्बरः॒ स त्वम॒स्मत्स॑हस्वा॒रादा॒रादरा॑ति॒मम॑तिं॒ क्षुधं॑ च ॥ (११)
O moon! You are the owner of other defence tools. Prajapati has given you the ability to confirm cows, horses etc. All these horses and grains are present in you. You defeat all this. You remove the enemy and poverty from us. You remove the lack of intelligence and hunger from us. (11)
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ग्रा॑म॒णीर॑सि ग्राम॒णीरु॒त्थाया॒भिषि॑क्तो॒ऽभि मा॑ सिञ्च॒ वर्च॑सा । तेजो॑ऽसि॒ तेजो॒ मयि॑ धार॒याधि॑ र॒यिर॑सि र॒यिं मे॑ धेहि ॥ (१२)
O moon! You are the owner of the cow. You fulfill all our desires. You are anointed with speed, get up and irrigate me with speed too. You are a sharp form, wear sharp in me too. You are going to get money, get me money too. (12)
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पु॒ष्टिर॑सि पु॒ष्ट्या मा॒ सम॑ङ्ग्धि गृहमे॒धी गृ॒हप॑तिं मा कृणु । औदु॑म्बरः॒ स त्वम॒स्मासु॑ धेहि र॒यिं च॑ नः॒ सर्व॑वीरं॒ नि य॑च्छ रा॒यस्पोषा॑य॒ प्रति॑ मुञ्चे अ॒हं त्वाम् ॥ (१३)
O obuman! You're confirmed, let me know the confirmation too. You are a housewife, make me a householder. You give us money. Give us such money that our sons, grandsons, servants, etc. are strengthened. O Mani! I bind you to the growth of wealth. (13)
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अ॒यमौदु॑म्बरो म॒णिर्वी॒रो वी॒राय॑ बध्यते । स नः॑ स॒निं मधु॑मतीं कृणोतु र॒यिं च॑ नः॒ सर्व॑वीरं॒ नि य॑च्छात् ॥ (१४)
This udumbar gem, which destroys the unfriendly, is tied to achieve bravery. May this gem make our achievement sweet. May it provide wealth to all our heroes i.e. son, grandson etc. (14)
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श॒तका॑ण्डो दुश्च्यव॒नः स॒हस्र॑पर्ण उत्ति॒रः । द॒र्भो य उ॒ग्र ओष॑धि॒स्तं ते॑ बध्ना॒म्यायु॑षे ॥ (१)
O man grieving with the fear of death! I bind a hundred knots, chewable in sorrow, with a thousand sons and the best darbha ugra medicine i.e. herbs, to get long life. (1)
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नास्य॒ केशा॒न्प्र व॑पन्ति॒ नोर॑सि ताड॒मा घ्न॑ते । यस्मा॑ अच्छिन्नप॒र्णेन॑ द॒र्भेन॒ शर्म॒ यच्छ॑ति ॥ (२)
His hair is not pulled by the messenger of death and demons, vampires, etc. do not do violence by hurting the heart, which the user gives pleasure to the gem made of uncut leaves. (2)
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दि॒वि ते॒ तूल॑मोषधे पृथिव्यामसि॒ निष्ठि॑तः । त्वया॑ स॒हस्र॑काण्डे॒नायुः॒ प्र व॑र्धयामहे ॥ (३)
O medicine called a hundred knots of darbha! Your upper part is in hell and you are located on earth. In this way, I increase your life by a medicine called Darbha, which spreads from earth to heaven and has a thousand knots. (3)
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ति॒स्रो दि॒वो अत्य॑तृणत्ति॒स्र इ॑माः पृथि॒वीरु॒त । त्वया॒हं दु॒र्हार्दो॑ जि॒ह्वां नि तृ॑णद्मि॒ वचां॑सि ॥ (४)
O thousand knots of medicine! You have transgressed the three heavens and you have transgressed these three earths. I wrap through you the tongue of him who has ill-will towards me and binds his words. (4)
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त्वम॑सि॒ सह॑मानो॒ऽहम॑स्मि॒ सह॑स्वान् । उ॒भौ सह॑स्वन्तौ भू॒त्वा स॒पत्ना॑न्सहिषीमहि ॥ (५)
O hundred knots of medicine! You are the one who subdues the enemies and I am equipped with the means and strength of the enemy's violence. Both of us should defeat our enemies by suppressing the enemy. (5)
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सह॑स्व नो अ॒भिमा॑तिं॒ सह॑स्व पृतनाय॒तः । सह॑स्व॒ सर्वा॑न्दु॒र्हार्दः॑ सु॒हार्दो॑ मे ब॒हून्कृ॑धि ॥ (६)
O medicine with a hundred lumps! Defeat our enemies or sins. Defeat those who are gathering armies against us. Destroy those who have ill-will towards me and increase the number of my friends. (6)
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द॒र्भेण॑ दे॒वजा॑तेन दि॒वि ष्ट॒म्भेन॒ शश्व॒दित् । तेना॒हं शश्व॑तो॒ जनाँ॒ अस॑नं॒ सन॑वानि च ॥ (७)
I can always attain long-lived people through duloka, that is, the door who lives in heaven, born near the gods. (7)
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प्रि॒यं मा॑ दर्भ कृणु ब्रह्मराज॒न्याभ्यां शू॒द्राय॒ चार्या॑य च । यस्मै॑ च का॒मया॑महे॒ सर्व॑स्मै च वि॒पश्य॑ते ॥ (८)
O darbh! Make me the holder dear to Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Shudras and superiors. Dear to the man who discovers sins of those whom I want to make my beloved between the Anulom and the Antilom race. (8)
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यो जाय॑मानः पृथि॒वीमदृं॑ह॒द्यो अस्त॑भ्नाद॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ दिवं॑ च । यं बि॑भ्रतं न॒नु पा॒प्मा वि॑वेद॒ स नो॒ऽयं द॒र्भो वरु॑णो दि॒वा कः॑ ॥ (९)
Sin does not touch the one who knows the earth as soon as it was born and who stabilized space and jhuloka i.e. heaven. May this kind of dark-resistant mirror give us light. (9)
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स॑पत्न॒हा श॒तका॑ण्डः॒ सह॑स्वा॒नोष॑धीनां प्रथ॒मः सं ब॑भूव । स नो॒ऽयं द॒र्भः परि॑ पातु वि॒श्वत॒स्तेन॑ साक्षीय॒ पृत॑नाः पृतन्य॒तः ॥ (१०)
The destroyer of enemies, containing a hundred lumps and powerful, originated before all the herbs. May this kind of fear protect us from fears in all directions. With the help of that darbhamani, I will defeat the army that my shanru gathers. (10)
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स॑हस्रा॒र्घः श॒तका॑ण्डः॒ पय॑स्वान॒पाम॒ग्निर्वी॒रुधां॑ राज॒सूय॑म् । स नो॒ऽयं द॒र्भः परि॑ पातु वि॒श्वतो॑ दे॒वो म॒णिरायु॑षा॒ सं सृ॑जाति नः ॥ (१)
May this place protect us from all sides like precious, hundred knots, powerful, agni of waters i.e. Wadvagni, Rajasuya Karma. May this gem made by the devas match us with age. (1)
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घृ॒तादुल्लु॑प्तो॒ मधु॑मा॒न्पय॑स्वान्भूमिदृं॒होऽच्यु॑तश्च्यावयि॒ष्णुः । नु॒दन्त्स॒पत्ना॒नध॑रांश्च कृ॒ण्वन्दर्भा रो॑ह मह॒तामि॑न्द्रि॒येण॑ ॥ (२)
Made smooth with the remaining ghee from performing havan, sweet, with sweetness, with more milk, one who strengthens the earth from his roots, does not degenerate from his place, makes others fall, drives away enemies and makes him powerless, the door should be located by the power given by Indra in other more powerful medicines i.e. herbs. (2)
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त्वं भू॑मि॒मत्ये॒ष्योज॑सा॒ त्वं वेद्यां॑ सीदसि॒ चारु॑रध्व॒रे । त्वां प॒वित्र॒मृष॑योऽभरन्त॒ त्वं पु॑नीहि दुरि॒तान्य॒स्मत् ॥ (३)
O darbhamani! You encroach the land with your own strength. You are located on the beautiful altar in the yajna. The sages have sanctified you and withdrawn. Drive away your sins from us. (3)
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ती॒क्ष्णो राजा॑ विषास॒ही र॑क्षो॒हा वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिः । ओजो॑ दे॒वानां॒ बल॑मु॒ग्रमे॒तत्तं ते॑ बध्नामि ज॒रसे॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ (४)
Sharp, superior to all medicines, especially enemy destroyers, destroyers demons, who sees the whole world, is the strength of gods and the power of others, it is a protective instrument called Darbha. O men who wish to protect! I tie this kind of darbhamani in your hand to remove your old age and welfare. (4)
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द॒र्भेण॒ त्वं कृ॑णवद्वी॒र्याणि द॒र्भं बिभ्र॑दा॒त्मना॒ मा व्य॑थिष्ठाः । अ॑ति॒ष्ठाय॒ वर्च॒साधा॒न्यान्त्सूर्य॑ इ॒वा भा॑हि प्र॒दिश॒श्चत॑स्रः ॥ (५)
O man! You should do heroic deeds through the means of darbhamani. Do not be sad while holding this instrument of power. You disturb the enemies with the force of your body and illuminate all four directions like the sun. (5)
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जा॑ङ्गि॒डोऽसि॑ जङ्गि॒डो रक्षि॑तासि जङ्गि॒डः । द्वि॒पाच्चतु॑ष्पाद॒स्माकं॒ सर्वं॑ रक्षतु जङ्गि॒डः ॥ (१)
O warrior named Jangida i.e. herb! You swallow the demon named Krita and the deeds done by her. On this basis, you are going to protect against all fears. O warrior! Protect our two-legged sons, grandsons, etc. and four-legged cows, horses, etc. animals. (1)
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या गृत्स्य॑स्त्रिपञ्चा॒शीः श॒तं कृ॑त्या॒कृत॑श्च॒ ये । सर्वा॑न्विनक्तु॒ तेज॑सोऽर॒सान् ज॑ङ्गि॒डस्क॑रत् ॥ (२)
The three types of harmful demons, acts and pupil makers who are hundreds of witchcraft, the gem made of the medicine named Jangid, all of them should be destroyed and juiceless. (2)
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अ॑र॒सं कृ॒त्रिमं॑ ना॒दम॑रसाः स॒प्त विस्र॑सः । अपे॒तो ज॑ङ्गि॒डाम॑ति॒मिषु॒मस्ते॑व शातय ॥ (३)
This rusted gem should immaterialize the harm caused by the witchcraft. This rusted gem should destroy the abhichar karma generated in the seven holes - nose, eyes, ears and mouth. Just as the arrow thrower destroys the enemies, in the same way, the rusted gem removes evil sense and poverty from us. (3)
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कृ॑त्या॒दूष॑ण ए॒वायमथो॑ अराति॒दूष॑णः । अथो॒ सह॑स्वाञ्जङ्गि॒डः प्र ण॒ आयूं॑षि तारिषत् ॥ (४)
This work generated by Jangir Mani Shru is going to solve the demon and is a means to destroy the enemy. This jangid gem is equipped with the power of the above mentioned tasks. It will increase our age. (4)
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स ज॑ङ्गि॒डस्य॑ महि॒मा परि॑ णः पातु वि॒श्वतः॑ । विष्क॑न्धं॒ येन॑ सा॒सह॒ संस्क॑न्ध॒मोज॒ ओज॑सा ॥ (५)
May this importance of Jangid Mani protect us from all sides. This gem destroys the vata disease named Viskand with its force. (5)
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त्रिष्ट्वा॑ दे॒वा अ॑जनय॒न्निष्ठि॑तं॒ भूम्या॒मधि॑ । तमु॒ त्वाङ्गि॑रा॒ इति॑ ब्राह्म॒णाः पू॒र्व्या वि॑दुः ॥ (६)
At this time, you, located on earth, were born three times by Indra etc. gods. This type of you were known to the Sages and Brahmins of the Angira gotriya. (6)
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न त्वा॒ पूर्वा॒ ओष॑धयो॒ न त्वा॑ तरन्ति॒ या नवाः॑ । विबा॑ध उ॒ग्रो ज॑ङ्गि॒डः प॑रि॒पाणः॑ सुम॒ङ्गलः॑ ॥ (७)
O jewel! The herbs produced in the beginning of creation are not superior to you. Even new medicines are not superior to you. O jangid mani that obstructs the enemy army etc. You are fierce, protective and well-mannered. (7)
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अथो॑पदान भगवो॒ जाङ्गि॒डामि॑तवीर्य । पु॒रा त॑ उ॒ग्रा ग्र॑सत॒ उपेन्द्रो॑ वी॒र्यं ददौ ॥ (८)
O Krita approved in removing the demon! This is more important! O gem of unlimited power! Knowing that creatures with more power will eat you, Indra has given you more strength. (8)
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उ॒ग्र इत्ते॑ वनस्पत॒ इन्द्र॑ ओ॒ज्मान॒मा द॑धौ । अमी॑वाः॒ सर्वा॑श्चा॒तयं॑ ज॒हि रक्षां॑स्योषधे ॥ (९)
O plant named Jangid i.e. herb! You are more powerful. Indra has taken strength in you, that is why O Jangida Ushadhi! Destroy all the diseases and destroy the demons. (9)
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आश॑रीकं॒ विश॑रीकं ब॒लासं॑ पृष्ट्याम॒यम् । त॒क्मानं॑ वि॒श्वशा॑रदमर॒सान् ज॑ङ्गि॒डस्क॑रत् ॥ (१०)
In all ways, violent physical disease, especially violent toxic disease, balas disease that destroys force, prajum disease prevalent in all organs, tuberculosis disease and world body disease should be unable to cause warlike pain. (10)
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इन्द्र॑स्य॒ नाम॑ गृ॒ह्णन्त॒ ऋष॑यो जङ्गि॒डं द॑दुः । दे॒वा यं च॒क्रुर्भे॑ष॒जमग्रे॑ विष्कन्ध॒दूष॑णम् ॥ (१)
Ancient sages took the name of Indra and gave war-like gems to human beings who wanted to protect them. In the beginning, Indra and other gods had made the war-torn medicines to destroy the great disease called Vishkandha. (1)
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स नो॑ रक्षतु जङ्गि॒डो ध॑नपा॒लो धने॑व । दे॒वा यं च॒क्रुर्ब्रा॑ह्म॒णाः प॑रि॒पाण॑मराति॒हम् ॥ (२)
Just as the king's head of wealth protects wealth, so the jangid mani protects us. The Jangid Mani has been made a protector by the Devas and Brahmins in all ways and destroyer of enemies. (2)
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दु॒र्हार्दः॒ संघो॑रं॒ चक्षुः॑ पाप॒कृत्वा॑न॒माग॑मम् । तांस्त्वं स॑हस्रचक्षो प्रतीबो॒धेन॑ नाशय परि॒पाणो॑ऽसि जङ्गि॒डः ॥ (३)
O jewel! Destroy an enemy with an evil heart. You destroy the terrible person. Destroy those who commit violence etc. sin. O jewel with a thousand eyes! Destroy those enemies with your unfavorable intellect. O warrior! You are going to protect in all ways. (3)
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परि॑ मा दि॒वः परि॑ मा पृथि॒व्याः पर्य॒न्तरि॑क्षा॒त्परि॑ मा वी॒रुद्भ्यः॑ । परि॑ मा भू॒तात्परि॑ मो॒त भव्या॑द्दि॒शोदि॑शो जङ्गि॒डः पा॑त्व॒स्मान् ॥ (४)
May this jangid mani protect me from the fear of Dulok i.e. heaven, from the fear of the earth, from the fear of the demons of space, etc., and from the fear of trees. This jangid mani saved me from the creatures of the past and from the creatures that will happen in the future. Let jangid mani protect us from fears in all directions. (4)
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य ऋ॒ष्णवो॑ दे॒वकृ॑ता॒ य उ॒तो व॑वृ॒तेऽन्यः । सर्वां॒स्तान्वि॒श्वभे॑षजोऽर॒सां ज॑ङ्गि॒डस्क॑रत् ॥ (५)
The violent men who are created by the gods and those who are motivated by human beings etc. should be made powerless by the warriors, the jewel of war. (5)
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शृङ्गा॑भ्यां॒ रक्षो॑ नुदते॒ मूले॑न यातुधा॒न्यः । मध्ये॑न॒ यक्ष्मं॑ बाधते॒ नैनं॑ पा॒प्माति॑ तत्रति ॥ (१)
A special medicine named Shatawar i.e. herbs should destroy Tuberculosis i.e. TB disease with its glory. May this gem also destroy the demons. The shatawar gem, which destroys the defects of the skin, should sit on the man's arm with its radiance. (1)
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श॒तवा॑रो अनीनश॒द्यक्ष्मा॒न्रक्षां॑सि॒ तेज॑सा । आ॒रोह॒न्वर्च॑सा स॒ह म॒णिर्दु॑र्णाम॒चात॑नः ॥ (२)
This shatawar mani! It drives away the demons in space from its horns i.e. the next parts and removes the demons from its root i.e. the lower part. This gem removes tuberculosis i.e. TB disease from its middle part. Sin does not transgress it. (2)
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ये यक्ष्मा॑सो अर्भ॒का म॒हान्तो॒ ये च॑ श॒ब्दिनः॑ । सर्वा॑न् दुर्णाम॒हा म॒णिः श॒तवा॑रो अनीनशत् ॥ (३)
Those who originated i.e. early stage tuberculosis i.e. TB disease, which are advanced tuberculosis and those who are medically treatable tuberculosis diseases with distress, all these bad name diseases are destroyed by the century gem. (3)
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श॒तं वी॒रान॑जनयच्छ॒तं यक्ष्मा॒नपा॑वपत् । दु॒र्णाम्नः॒ सर्वा॑न्ह॒त्वाव॒ रक्षां॑सि धूनुते ॥ (४)
This shattwar gem, which is worn, gives birth to a hundred brave sons and removes a hundred diseases named Tuberculosis. It destroys all the bad-named demons and makes them so that they can not create nuisance again. (4)
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हिर॑ण्यशृङ्ग ऋष॒भः शा॑तवा॒रो अ॒यं म॒णिः । दु॒र्णाम्नः॒ सर्वां॑स्तृ॒ड्ढ्वाव॒ रक्षां॑स्यक्रमीत् ॥ (५)
The herb is the best of all the medicines with a shiny radiant part like gold. It should destroy all the ayash people like straw and attack the demons. (5)
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श॒तम॒हं दु॒र्णाम्नी॑नां गन्धर्वाप्स॒रसां॑ श॒तम् । श॒तं श॒श्व॒न्वती॑नां श॒तवा॑रेण वारये ॥ (६)
I remove a hundred diseases like leprosy, ringworm, hundred Gandharvas and a hundred nymphs. I remove hundreds of diseases like insanity, which come to give pain again and again, with 100 medicines. (6)
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इ॒दं वर्चो॑ अ॒ग्निना॑ द॒त्तमाग॒न्भर्गो॒ यशः॒ सह॒ ओजो॒ वयो॒ बल॑म् । त्रय॑स्त्रिंश॒द्यानि॑ च वी॒र्याणि॒ तान्य॒ग्निः प्र द॑दातु मे ॥ (१)
This light given by Anne Dev came. With glory and fame came glory, youth and strength. May agni give me thirty-three kinds of actions, that is, heroic power. (1)
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वर्च॒ आ धे॑हि मे त॒न्वां सह॒ ओजो॒ वयो॒ बल॑म् । इ॑न्द्रि॒याय॑ त्वा॒ कर्म॑णे वी॒र्याय॒ प्रति॑ गृह्णामि श॒तशा॑रदाय ॥ (२)
O agni! May there be a sharpness in my body that defeats enemies and give me full life and strength with glory. I accept you for the perseverance of the senses and the karmedris. I accept you for the work that conquers the air for the work of agnihotra etc. and to get a life of a hundred years. (2)
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ऊ॒र्जे त्वा॒ बला॑य॒ त्वौज॑से॒ सह॑से त्वा । अ॑भि॒भूया॑य त्वा राष्ट्र॒भृत्या॑य॒ पर्यू॑हामि श॒तशा॑रदाय ॥ (३)
O accepted substance! I accept you for a period of a hundred years for the attainment of food, for gaining strength, for attaining fast, for wealth, for the victory of the enemy and for the maintenance of the state. (3)
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ऋ॒तुभ्य॑ष्ट्वार्त॒वेभ्यो॑ मा॒द्भ्यः सं॑वत्स॒रेभ्यः॑ । धा॒त्रे वि॑धा॒त्रे स॒मृधे॑ भू॒तस्य॒ पत॑ये यजे ॥ (४)
Oh, that thing! I perform yajna to please you in the summer seasons, to please the seasonal gods, to please the months of Chaitra, to please the samvatsars, to please Dhata and Vidhata and to please the swami of all beings, samrudha. (4)
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न तं यक्ष्मा॒ अरु॑न्धते॒ नैनं॑ श॒पथो॑ अश्नुते । यं भे॑ष॒जस्य॑ गुल्गु॒लोः सु॑र॒भिर्ग॒न्धो अ॑श्नु॒ते ॥ (१)
That king does not suffer from the disease called Tuberculosis i.e. TB and the curse by others affects him, whose king is permeated by the soothing smell of the drug named Google. (1)
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विष्व॑ञ्च॒स्तस्मा॒द्यक्ष्मा॑ मृ॒गा अश्वा॑ इवेरते । यद्गु॑ल्गु॒लु सै॑न्ध॒वं यद्वाप्यसि॑ समु॒द्रिय॑म् ॥ (२)
This disease called TB, which smells of Google, runs rapidly in all directions like a deer and a horse. Guggul originated either in the Indus country or originated in the sea. (2)
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उ॒भयो॑रग्रभं॒ नामा॒स्मा अ॑रि॒ष्टता॑तये ॥ (३)
O Guggulu! Let me tell you the names of both types of diseases. I pray to you for the destruction of the present disease that causes sorrow. (3)
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ऐतु॑ दे॒वस्त्रा॑यमाणः॒ कुष्ठो॑ हि॒मव॑त॒स्परि॑ । त॒क्मानं॒ सर्वं॑ नाशय॒ सर्वा॑श्च यातुधा॒न्यः ॥ (१)
A special medicine named Kooth has originated in Dulok. It came from Mount Himwan protecting us. May he destroy all the painful diseases and destroy all the demons. (1)
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त्रीणि॑ ते कुष्ठ॒ नामा॑नि नद्यमा॒रो न॒द्यारि॑षः । नद्या॒यं पुरु॑सो रिषत् । यस्मै॑ परि॒ब्रवी॑मि त्वा सा॒यंप्रा॑त॒रथो॒ दिवा॑ ॥ (२)
O leprosy! Your three names are Nadyamaar, Nadyarish and Nadya. This man has been rinsed for not taking your name. I am telling your name as a mantra for a man suffering from disease. He should pronounce your name in the evening, morning and day. (2)
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