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अ॑सप॒त्नं पु॒रस्ता॑त्प॒श्चान्नो॒ अभ॑यं कृतम् । स॑वि॒ता मा॑ दक्षिण॒त उ॑त्त॒रान्मा॑ शची॒पतिः॑ ॥ (१)
O inspiration of all Savita Dev! Make us enemy-free in the east direction and make the west direction zero from our enemies. Savita Dev should protect me in the north direction and Shachi's husband Indra in the south direction. (1)
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दि॒वो मा॑दि॒त्या र॑क्षन्तु॒ भूम्या॑ रक्षन्त्व॒ग्नयः॑ । इ॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी र॑क्षतां मा पु॒रस्ता॑द॒श्विना॑व॒भितः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छताम् । ति॑र॒श्चीन॒घ्न्या र॑क्षतु जा॒तवे॑दा भूत॒कृतो॑ मे स॒र्वतः॑ सन्तु॒ वर्म॑ ॥ (२)
Aditya i.e. Aditi's son, may all protect me in Dev Dullok. May three agnis protect me from land-related disturbances. May Indra and Agni protect me in the east direction. May Ashwini Kumar, son of the Sun and the physician of the gods, give me happiness from all sides. Jataveda Agni protect me in all directions. May the gods who protect ghosts and vampires protect us from all sides. (2)
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अ॒ग्निर्मा॑ पातु॒ वसु॑भिः पु॒रस्ता॒त्तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाह॑ ॥ (१)
Protect me in the east direction with the gods named Agni Vasu, the local god of the earth. They protect me in the act of keeping feet and in the place of placing feet. They should protect me in the city where I go and they serve my interests. I surrender to the protector agni in every way. May this havi be attained by agni. (1)
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वा॒युर्मा॒न्तरि॑क्षेणै॒तस्या॑ दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२)
May the permanent god of space protect me in air space and in the east direction. They protect me in the act of stepping and in the place of stepping. They should protect me in the city where I go and they should serve my interest. I surrender to the air. It should be received by air. (2)
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सोमो॑ मा रु॒द्रैर्दक्षि॑णाया दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (३)
Som Devta should protect me in the south direction along with the gods named Rudra. They should protect me in the act of stepping and in the place of stepping. Let them protect me in the city where I go. They should serve my interest. I surrender to Som. May this be received by Havi Som. (3)
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वरु॑णो मादि॒त्यैरे॒तस्या॑ दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (४)
Protect me in the south direction with Varun Aditya. They should protect me in the act of stepping and in the place of stepping. They should protect me in the city where I go and serve my interest. I dedicate myself to Varun. May Varun get it. (4)
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सूर्यो॑ मा॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वीभ्यां॑ प्र॒तीच्या॑ दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (५)
Protect me in the west direction with the sun god Dyava and the earth. They should protect me in the act of stepping and in the place of stepping. They should protect me and serve my interest in the city where I go. I surrender to the Sun God. May this havi be received by the sun. (5)
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आपो॒ मौष॑धीमतीरे॒तस्या॑ दि॒शः पा॑न्तु॒ तासु॑ क्रमे॒ तासु॑ श्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । ता मा॑ रक्षन्तु॒ ता मा॑ गोपायन्तु॒ ताभ्य॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (६)
Protect me in the west direction with water medicines i.e. herbs. They protect me in my leg-keeping and in the place of keeping my feet. They should protect me and serve my interest in the city where I go. I surrender myself to Vayu Dev. This water should be received. (6)
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वि॒श्वक॑र्मा मा सप्तऋ॒षिभि॒रुदी॑च्या दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (७)
Protect me in the north direction with Vishwakarma Saptrishis. They protect me in the act of keeping my foot and in place. Let them protect and serve me in the city where I go. I surrender to Vishwakarma. May Vishwakarma get this. (7)
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इन्द्रो॑ मा म॒रुत्वा॑ने॒तस्या॑ दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॑ प्रैमि । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (८)
May Indra, with maruts, protect me in the north direction. They should protect me in the act of keeping my foot and instead of keeping my foot. Let them protect me and serve my interests in the city where I go. I surrender to Indra. May Indra receive this. (8)
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प्र॒जाप॑तिर्मा प्र॒जन॑नवान्त्स॒ह प्र॑ति॒ष्ठाया॑ ध्रु॒वाया॑ दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (९)
May Prajapati, who has the means to create the whole world, protect me in the direction of the land with prestige. They should protect me in the act of keeping my foot and in the place of keeping my foot. Let them protect me and serve my interest in the city where I go. I surrender to Prajapati. May this be received by Havi Prajapati. (9)
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बृह॒स्पति॑र्मा॒ विश्वै॑र्दे॒वैरू॒र्ध्वाया॑ दि॒शः पा॑तु॒ तस्मि॑न्क्रमे॒ तस्मि॑ञ्छ्रये॒ तां पुरं॒ प्रैमि॑ । स मा॑ रक्षतु॒ स मा॑ गोपायतु॒ तस्मा॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ परि॑ ददे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१०)
Protect me in the upward direction with Jupiter's vishwe devas. They should protect me in the act of keeping my foot and in the place of keeping my foot. Let them protect me and serve my interest in the city where I go. I surrender to Jupiter. This sacrifice is for Jupiter. (10)
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अ॒ग्निं ते वसु॑वन्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यवः॒ प्राच्या॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (१)
Those who desire my sin of violence, those who come from the east direction and worship me at night, should not hide me in any way. Those enemies should go to the agni with gods called Vasu for their destruction. (1)
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वा॒युं ते॒न्तरि॑क्षवन्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑घा॒यव॑ ए॒तस्या॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (२)
The enemies who want to do violence to others, who come from the east direction and worship me at night, those enemies should get the air of space installation for their destruction. (2)
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सोमं॒ ते रु॒द्रव॑न्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यवो॒ दक्षि॑णाया दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (३)
The enemies who want to violence others, who come from the south direction and worship me at night, those enemies should be received by Som, who gets the support of Rudras for their destruction. (3)
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वरु॑णं॒ त आ॑दि॒त्यव॑न्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यव॑ ए॒तस्या॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (४)
Those who are enemies who want to do violence of others, they should come in the south direction and worship me at night. May varuna, who received the support of Adityas for his destruction, get it. (4)
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सूर्यं॒ ते द्यावा॑पृथि॒वीव॑न्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यव॑ प्र॒तीच्याः॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (५)
The enemies who are willing to violence others, they should come from the west and worship me at night, they should get the sun that receives the support of the earth for their destruction. (5)
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अ॒पस्त ओष॑धीमतीरृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यव॑ ए॒तस्या॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (६)
Those who are willing to do violence to others, those who come from the west and worship me at night, they should get the water that receives the support of their destruction, that is, herbs. (6)
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वि॒श्वक॑र्माणं॒ ते स॑प्तऋ॒षिव॑न्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यव॒ उदी॑च्या दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (७)
Those enemies who are willing to violence others, they should come from the north direction and do violence to me who worship the night, they should get Vishwakarma, who gets the support of the Sapta Rishis, for his destruction. (7)
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इन्द्रं॒ ते म॒रुत्व॑न्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यव॑ ए॒तस्या॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (८)
Enemies who want to violence others, who come from the north and worship me at night, should receive the support of the marutas for their destruction. (8)
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प्र॒जाप॑तिं॒ ते प्र॒जन॑नवन्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यवो॑ ध्रु॒वाया॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (९)
The enemies who want to do violence to others, who come from the direction of the earth and worship me at night, they should get the capable Prajapati in breeding for their destruction. (9)
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बृह॒स्पतिं॒ ते वि॒श्वदे॑ववन्तमृच्छन्तु । ये मा॑ऽघा॒यव॑ ऊ॒र्ध्वाया॑ दि॒शोऽभि॒दासा॑त् ॥ (१०)
The enemies who are willing to violence others, who come from the upward direction and do violence to those who worship Me at night, they should get Jupiter with world gods for their destruction. (10)
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मि॒त्रः पृ॑थि॒व्योद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (१)
I make your king enter the tree with his wife and people in the bed-bearing pur of the agni named Mitra to protect from the earth. May that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (1)
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वा॒युर॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒णोद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (२)
I make your king enter the land with his wife and his people in the bed to protect the air space, that is, the land to protect it from the middle world. May that whole body give you happiness and shield i.e. protection. (2)
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सूर्यो॑ दि॒वोद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (३)
The sun rises from Dyulok i.e. its place of residence to protect the pur. In that bed-bearing tree, I make your king enter with his wife and people, may that man give you happiness and armor, that is, protection. (3)
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च॒न्द्रमा॒ नक्ष॑त्रै॒रुद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (४)
I make your king enter with his wife and subjects in the bed-bearing pur that the moon rises with the constellations to protect. May that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (4)
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सोम॒ ओष॑धीभि॒रुद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (५)
May I make your king enter with his wife and people in the bed-bearing pur that Soma appears with medicines i.e. herbs, may that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (5)
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य॒ज्ञो दक्षि॑णाभि॒रुद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (६)
I make your king enter with his wife and subjects in the bed-bearing pur that the yajna has appeared with dakshina to protect. May that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (6)
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स॑मु॒द्रो न॒दीभि॒रुद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (७)
May I make your king enter with his wife and people in the tree with his wife and people, which is intended to protect the sea rivers, may that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (7)
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ब्रह्म॑ ब्रह्मचा॒रिभि॒रुद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (८)
I make your king enter the bed-ridden pur with his wife and people to protect the land for which they have appeared, including brahma, i.e., the Vedas, brahmacharis, and may that whole give you happiness and protection. (8)
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इन्द्रो॑ वी॒र्ये॒णोद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (९)
May I make your king enter the tree with his wife and people in the tree with which Indra is determined to protect through his powerful arms, may that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (9)
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दे॒वा अ॒मृते॒नोद॑क्रामं॒स्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (१०)
May I make your king enter the pur with his wife and subjects in the bed-bearing pur, which all the gods are ready to protect with nectar, may that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (10)
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प्र॒जाप॑तिः प्र॒जाभि॒रुद॑क्राम॒त्तां पुरं॒ प्र ण॑यामि वः । तामा वि॑शत॒ तां प्र वि॑शत॒ सा वः॒ शर्म॑ च॒ वर्म॑ च यच्छतु ॥ (११)
May I make your king enter the tree with his wife and subjects in the bed-bearing pur that Prajapati has protected with man etc., may that pur give you happiness and armor i.e. protection. (11)
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अप॒ न्यधुः॒ पौरु॑षेयं व॒धं यमि॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी धा॒ता स॑वि॒ता बृह॒स्पतिः॑ । सोमो॑ राजा॒ वरु॑णो अ॒श्विना॑ य॒मः पू॒षास्मान्परि॑ पातु मृ॒त्योः ॥ (१)
In the means of death secretly committed against us by enemy men, Indra, Agni, Dhata, Savita, Brihaspati, Soma, Varuna, Ashwinikumar, Yama and Pusha should protect our armored king. (1)
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यानि॑ च॒कार॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ यस्पतिः॑ प्र॒जाप॑तिर्मात॒रिश्वा॑ प्र॒जाभ्यः॑ । प्र॒दिशो॒ यानि॑ वस॒ते दिश॑श्च॒ तानि॑ मे॒ वर्मा॑णि बहु॒लानि॑ सन्तु ॥ (२)
The armor that Prajapati, the sustainer of all beings, has made for the protection of human beings, animals, etc. and the armor that all directions, directions and vantar directions wear for protection, those armor should be available in greater numbers for those who want to fight. (2)
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यत्ते त॒नूष्वन॑ह्यन्त दे॒वा द्युरा॑जयो दे॒हिनः॑ । इन्द्रो॒ यच्च॒क्रे वर्म॒ तद॒स्मान्पा॑तु वि॒श्वतः॑ ॥ (३)
The armor that the body-bearing gods sitting in heaven wore to protect their bodies while fighting with the asuras, the armor that Indra also wore, that armor should protect us from all sides for the sake of fighting. (3)
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वर्म॑ मे॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वर्माह॒र्वर्म॒ सूर्यः॑ । वर्म॑ मे॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः क्र॒न्मा मा॒ प्राप॑त्प्रतीचि॒का ॥ (४)
May the earth, agni and sun provide me with a protective shield to those who want to fight. The enemy army could not reach us or our king secretly. (4)
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गा॑य॒त्र्युष्णिग॑नु॒ष्टुब्बृ॑ह॒ती प॒ङ्क्तिस्त्रि॒ष्टुब्जग॑त्यै ॥ (१)
This sacrifice should be well received for verses named Gayatri, Yushnik, Anushtup, Brihati, Rekha, Trishtup and Jagati. (1)
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आ॑ङ्गिर॒साना॑मा॒द्यैः पञ्चा॑नुवा॒कैः स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१)
This sacrifice should be well received by the first five anukakas for the Angiras i.e. the sages of the Angira tribe. (1)
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ष॒ष्ठाय॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sixth i.e. the sixth. (2)
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स॑प्तमाष्ट॒माभ्यां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (३)
This sacrifice should be well received for the seventh and eighth. (3)
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नी॑लन॒खेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (४)
This sacrifice should be well received for those with blue nails. (4)
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ह॑रि॒तेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (५)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages named Harit. (5)
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क्षु॒द्रेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (६)
May this ahuti for subtle qualities be well received. (6)
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प॑र्यायि॒केभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (७)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages with synonyms i.e. synonyms. (7)
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प्र॑थ॒मेभ्यः॑ श॒ङ्खेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (८)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages named the first conch. (8)
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द्वि॒तीये॑भ्यः श॒ङ्खेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (९)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages named the second conch. (9)
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तृ॒तीये॑भ्यः श॒ङ्खेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१०)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages named the third conch. (10)
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उ॑पोत्त॒मेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (११)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages near the upottam i.e. the best. (11)
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उ॑त्त॒मेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१२)
May this sacrifice be well received for the best sages. (12)
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उ॑त्त॒रेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१३)
The sages who are later should get this sacrifice well. (13)
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ऋ॒षिभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१४)
May the sages get this sacrifice well. (14)
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शि॒खिभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१५)
This sacrifice should be well received for the sages named Sikhi. (15)
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ग॒णेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१६)
This sacrifice should be well received for the Ganas. (16)
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म॑हाग॒णेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१७)
May this sacrifice be well received for the Mahaganas. (17)
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सर्वे॒भ्योऽङ्गि॑रोभ्यो विदग॒णेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१८)
May this sacrifice be well received for all learned Angira Ganas. (18)
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पृ॑थक्स॒ह॒स्राभ्यां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१९)
This sacrifice should be well received for different and thousands of sages. (19)
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ब्र॒ह्मणे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२०)
May this sacrifice be well received for Brahma. (20)
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ब्रह्म॑ज्येष्ठा॒ सम्भृ॑ता वी॒र्याणि॒ ब्रह्माग्रे॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ दिव॒मा त॑तान । भू॒तानां॑ ब्र॒ह्मा प्र॑थ॒मोत ज॑ज्ञे॒ तेना॑र्हति॒ ब्रह्म॑णा॒ स्पर्धि॑तुं॒ कः ॥ (२१)
The sages in whom Brahma is Jyeshtha i.e. elder, the heroic deeds that those sages did, are the best of all, from this point of view, Jyeshtha Brahma expanded The Human World in the beginning of creation. Brahma was born before all beings. Who is god or man capable of competing with those Brahmas? (21)
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आ॑थर्व॒णाना॑ चतुरृ॒चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१)
The five verses of atharvanas, that is, the sages who compose these richas, should get this sacrifice well. (1)
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प॑ञ्च॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२)
May the sages who compose the five verses get this sacrifice well. (2)
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ष॑डृऋ॒चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (३)
The sages who composed the six hymns should receive this sacrifice well. (3)
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स॑प्त॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (४)
May the sages who compose the seven thrichas get this sacrifice well. (4)
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अ॑ष्ट॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (५)
May the sages who compose the eight verses get this sacrifice well. (5)
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न॑व॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (६)
May the sages who compose the nine verses get this sacrifice well. (6)
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द॑श॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (७)
May the sages who compose the ten verses get this sacrifice well. (7)
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ए॑कादश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (८)
May the sages who composed eleven richas receive this sacrifice well. (8)
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द्वा॑दश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (९)
May the sages who compose the twelve verses get this sacrifice well. (9)
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त्र॑योदश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१०)
May the sages who compose the thirteen richas get this sacrifice well. (10)
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च॑तुर्दश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (११)
May the sages who compose fourteen richas get this sacrifice well. (11)
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प॑ञ्चदश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१२)
The sages who compose fifteen richas should get this sacrifice well. (12)
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षो॑डश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१३)
May the sages who compose sixteen richas get this sacrifice well. (13)
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स॑प्तदश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१४)
May the sages who compose seventeen richas get this sacrifice well. (14)
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अ॑ष्टादश॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१५)
May the sages who compose eighteen richas get this sacrifice well. (15)
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ए॑कोनविंश॒तिः स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१६)
May the sages who compose nineteen richas get this sacrifice well. (16)
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विं॑श॒तिः स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१७)
May the sages who compose twenty richas get this sacrifice well. (17)
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म॑हत्का॒ण्डाय॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१८)
The sages who composed the twenty kandas, that is, the sages who composed the twenty kandas, should get this sacrifice well. (18)
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तृ॒चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१९)
May the sages who compose the three verses get this sacrifice well. (19)
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ए॑क॒र्चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२०)
May this sacrifice of the sages who compose a richa be well received. (20)
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क्षु॒द्रेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२१)
May the sages who compose the mantras of Yajurveda get this sacrifice well. (21)
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ए॑कानृ॒चेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२२)
The sages who composed the first verses should get this sacrifice well. (22)
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रो॑हि॒तेभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२३)
The sages who composed the kandas like Rohit etc. should receive this sacrifice well. (23)
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सू॒र्याभ्यां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२४)
Two sage wives named Surya should get this sacrifice well. (24)
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व्रा॒त्याभ्यां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२५)
Both the sages named Vratya should get this sacrifice well. (25)
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प्रा॑जाप॒त्याभ्यां॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२६)
May two sages, sons of Prajapati, get this sacrifice well. (26)
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वि॑षास॒ह्यै स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२७)
May the sages who composed the seventeen kandas get this sacrifice well. (27)
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म॑ङ्गलि॒केभ्यः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२८)
Sages named Manglik should get this sacrifice well. (28)
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ब्र॒ह्मणे॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२९)
May Brahma get this sacrifice well. (29)
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ब्रह्म॑ज्येष्ठा॒ संभृ॑ता वी॒र्याणि॒ ब्रह्माग्रे॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ दिव॒मा त॑तान । भू॒तानां॑ ब्र॒ह्मा प्र॑थ॒मोत ज॑ज्ञे॒ तेना॑र्हति॒ ब्रह्म॑णा॒ स्पर्धि॑तुं॒ कः ॥ (३०)
Brahma is the eldest of the sages. The heroic deeds that those sages did. This is the best of all, in this sense, in the beginning of creation, Brahma expanded the duloka i.e. heaven. Brahma was born before all beings. Which god and man can compete with those Brahmas? (30)
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येन॑ दे॒वं स॑वि॒तारं॒ परि॑ दे॒वा अधा॑रयन् । तेने॒मं ब्र॑ह्मणस्पते॒ परि॑ रा॒ष्ट्राय॑ धत्तन ॥ (१)
Indra adi devs surrounded adi dev, the motivator of all, due to which. For that reason, O enemy destroyer Brahmanaspati! Make this host who uses great peace a king. (1)
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परी॒ममिन्द्र॒मायु॑षे म॒हे क्ष॒त्राय॑ धत्तन । यथै॑नं ज॒रसे॒ नयां ज्योक्क्ष॒त्रेऽधि॑ जागरत् ॥ (२)
O Supreme O Swami Indra! Install me to gain age and great force to the seeker. This peace-making host should remain awake when he receives the force that destroys the obstacle for a long time. Get it old. (2)
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परी॒मं सोम॒मायु॑षे म॒हे श्रोत्रा॑य धत्तन । यथै॑नं ज॒रसे॑ न॒यां ज्योक्श्रोत्रेऽधि॑ जागरत् ॥ (३)
O Mon! The peacemaker should wear me to the host on all sides for eternal life and for the work of providing gifts etc. from the senses. This peacemaker remained awake when all the senses remained active for a long time. Get it old. (3)
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परि॑ धत्त ध॒त्त नो॒ वर्च॑से॒मं ज॒रामृ॑त्युं कृणुत दी॒र्घमायुः॑ । बृह॒स्पतिः॒ प्राय॑च्छ॒द्वास॑ ए॒तत्सोमा॑य॒ राज्ञे॒ परि॑धात॒वा उ॑ ॥ (४)
O God! Make this brahmachari wear clothes. Nurture this celibate of ours with glory. Old age is going to kill it. Make it such a long life. Jupiter gave this cloth to King Soma to wear. (4)
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ज॒रां सु ग॑च्छ॒ परि॑ धत्स्व॒ वासो॒ भवा॑ गृष्टी॒नाम॑भिशस्ति॒पा उ॑ । श॒तं च॒ जीव॑ श॒रदः॑ पुरू॒ची रा॒यश्च॒ पोष॑मुप॒संव्य॑यस्व ॥ (५)
O peace user! You attain old age. You wear this cloth. You be the protector of cows from the fear of violence. May you live to a hundred autumns receiving many kinds of sons and grandsons. You hold wealth and confirmation. (5)
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परी॒दं वासो॑ अधिथाः स्व॒स्तयेऽभू॑र्वापी॒नाम॑भिशस्ति॒पा उ॑ । श॒तं च॒ जीव॑ श॒रदः॑ पुरू॒चीर्वसू॑नि॒ चारु॒र्वि भ॑जासि॒ जीव॑न् ॥ (६)
O peace-maker host! You have worn this garment to protect the vessel. By wearing this cloth, you become the protector of cows from the fear of skinning. Bum live to a hundred autumns receiving many types of sons and grandsons. Those who live for a hundred years, you should be adorned with beautiful clothes and divide the wealth into sons, friends, etc. (6)
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योगे॑योगे त॒वस्त॑रं॒ वाजे॑वाजे हवामहे । सखा॑य॒ इन्द्र॑मू॒तये॑ ॥ (७)
We praisers call Upon Indra Dev to protect us when we receive all the unsweetened fruits and when we receive food. (7)
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हिर॑ण्यवर्णो अ॒जरः॑ सु॒वीरो॑ ज॒रामृ॑त्युः प्र॒जया॒ सं वि॑शस्व । तद॒ग्निरा॑ह॒ तदु॒ सोम॑ आह॒ बृह॒स्पतिः॑ सवि॒ता तदिन्द्रः॑ ॥ (८)
O host! You should live in your house as bright as gold, without a little, with sons skilled in doing work and one who dies from old age. Agni is familiar with the meaning said in this sukta. This is what Som Dev has said. The elder husband, Savita and Indra, have said the same. (8)
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अश्रा॑न्तस्य त्वा॒ मन॑सा यु॒नज्मि॑ प्रथ॒मस्य॑ च । उत्कू॑लमुद्व॒हो भ॑वो॒दुह्य॒ प्रति॑ धावतात् ॥ (१)
O horse! I make you unafraid of attacking the enemy army and with the heart of the horse born in the beginning of creation. Be proud of the firmness of the body, quick movement and strength to defeat the enemy army. Just as the flow of the stream runs by destroying the shores, so you are also ready for war. I can get the fruits of my mind from this type of horse. O horse! You rush towards the winnable spot. (1)
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अ॒ग्नेः प्रजा॑तं॒ परि॒ यद्धिर॑ण्यम॒मृतं॑ द॒ध्रे अधि॒ मर्त्ये॑षु । य ए॑न॒द्वेद॒ स इदे॑नमर्हति ज॒रामृ॑त्युर्भवति॒ यो बि॒भर्ति॑ ॥ (१)
Only a man who knows the forms of gold in the form of nectar, that is, soul, is entitled to wear gold. The one who wears this gold ornament attains death in old age. (1)
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यद्धिर॑ण्यं॒ सूर्ये॑ण सु॒वर्णं॑ प्र॒जाव॑न्तो॒ मन॑वः॒ पूर्व॑ ईषि॒रे । तत्त्वा॑ च॒न्द्रं वर्च॑सा॒ सं सृ॑ज॒त्यायु॑ष्मान्भवति॒ यो बि॒भर्ति॑ ॥ (२)
May the golden krishna that Pragyavan Manu attained from the sun, worn by human beings, unite you with the glory that brings happiness. The man who wears this golden is eternal. (2)
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