{ "brx": "नोंनिसिम जोबोद साबायखर थाबाय।", "eng": "Thank you so much." }
{ "brx": "नोंनाबो ट्रिपआ मोजाङैनो जालांथों।", "eng": "You too have a safe trip." }
{ "brx": "साबायखर थाबाय, लेलिना।", "eng": "Thank you, Lelina." }
{ "brx": "जाबाङै गुलाय गुजायफोर बेरामि हेफाजाब होग्रा हाबाफारिफोरनो हारियारि आफादा , सुबुंनो बेसेन गैयै मेदिखेसन होयो जाय गुबुन फारसेयै बिसोरनि मेदिखेसनफोरखौ बायनो हाया ।", "eng": "National Organization for Rare Disorders patient assistance program offers free medication to people who otherwise cannot afford their medications ." }
{ "brx": "रिहाइद्रेसन गलायथियाव मुवाफोर जखा लानायनि सोमोनदै गोबां बोसोरनिफ्राय सोलिबोबाय थानाय गलाय - गथाय खौरांजों सोमजि होजानाय गोनो - गोथोखौ रोखा खालाम ।", "eng": "Correct the confusion created by years of mixed messages regarding measurement of the ingredients in rehydration solutions ." }
{ "brx": "रैखाथि गोनां दैनि मुलामफाफोर , आरो दोनथुमनाय भेसेल आरो आरो सनदेरै दै बायनाय आरो बाहायनायखौ सरजाबफानानै गोगो आखुफोर गोहोम खोखलैनाय ।", "eng": "The benefits of safe water and to influence hygiene behaviours including the purchase and proper use of the water storage vessel and disinfectant ." }
{ "brx": "MBKTया इउनाव गथ'नि साइक' पेथ 'ल'जिकेल जौगानायफोरनि खैफोदखौ खमायनो हेफाजाब होयो ।", "eng": "MBKT helps lower the risk for psychopathological developments of the child in the future ." }
{ "brx": "गोब्राब सोमोनदोयारि दिगदारफोरा जानोहागौ गोदान नांथाबनाय सोमोनदोफोरखौ गायसननायनि गोब्राबथिफोराव गोनां हेफाजाबहोग्राफोर होनना गनायथिजायो ।", "eng": "Serious relationship disturbances are considered likely to be important contributors to difficulties in establishing new attachment relationships ." }
{ "brx": "आरोबाव मोनसे नायबिजिरनाया थासाराव थांखु सोबनाय दिन्थिनाय सोमोनदोयाव नायनि जायगायाव , 6 - 16 बोसोरनि इउ . एस सेंग्रा - सिख्लाफोरनाव थै सिख्लारसथै बायमेकार आरो सानगोहोजों सुदों ।", "eng": "Another study instead looking at the relationship between environmental tobacco smoke exposures measured with a blood biomarker and cognitive abilities among U S children and adolescents 6 16 years of age ." }
{ "brx": "गोबाव समनि फोथायनाय दि गथनि आय किउखौ बांहोयोया 2006 आव ब्रितिस मेदिकेल जरनलाव लेखा फोसावजानायजों बादाय जादोंमोन ।", "eng": "The longstanding belief that breastfeeding correlates with an increase in the IQ of offspring was challenged in a 2006 paper published in the British Medical Journal ." }
{ "brx": "नोंनि गथनो कलाफोर होनायनिख्रुइ फिथायनि बिदै होनाया जेब्लायबो साबसिन ।", "eng": "It is always better to give your child juices instead of colas ." }
{ "brx": "मानसिनि माखासे गुनफोरा साथम्या , सत्वा आरो राजासजों मोनो ।", "eng": "Some of the qualities of a person are derived from saathmya satwa and rajas ." }
{ "brx": "नखरनि सोद्रोमाफोरा बिसोरनि देहा सामलायगिरिनि दैदेन्नायजों खुदियानि जोथोन लानायनि सोलोफोरखौ बांहोयो मानोना बियो बिमानि खथानि जोथोनारि बारहावायाव सानैबो बिमा आरो खुदियाखौ जोथोन लायो ।", "eng": "Family members develop skills in baby care with the guidance of their nurse as she cares for both mother and baby in the nurturing environment of mother's room ." }
{ "brx": "बे बेसेनगोसा जाथाया नखरनि सोद्रोमाफोरनि जीउखुंनायखौल' नङा , नाथाय इयुंन जोलैनि गोसै जीउखौ गोग्गोमै सोलायो ।", "eng": "This momentous event profoundly changes the lives of not only family members but the lives of all future generations ." }
{ "brx": "खुदिया जोथोननि सायाव SIPP नि गोजोरजों खुदिया जोथोन बाहायनाय , बेसेन आरो सरखारि हेफाजाबनि रचीद सायाव गुवार बिथं सोफादेरनो फोरमायथि बुथुम जानाया बोसोर बारलांनायजों जौगालांबाय ।", "eng": "Information collected on child care through SIPP has evolved over the years to include comprehensive data on child care use cost and receipt of government assistance ." }
{ "brx": "बिमा आरो गथ' जोथोन हाबाफारिया साहा भातनि गिरजानि मोनसे हाबाफारि , असत्रेलियानि इउनाइतिं गिरजानि मोनसे लोगो गिरजा ।", "eng": "The Mother and Child care program is a program of the Church of North India a partner church of the Uniting Church in Australia ." }
{ "brx": "महामारि आरो इन्टमलिकेल नायसंनाया जे , इ , बेराम सिनायनायखौ फिन जागायनायाव बाहायजाथाव खालामो ।", "eng": "Epidemiological and entomological investigations are useful in leading to a presumptive diagnosis of JE ." }
{ "brx": "फिन जथायजाबनाय डि , एन , ए , भेक्सिन आरो प्लाजमा सोलायनाय मोननैबो रैखाथि आरो मावफुंथाय गोनां । स", "eng": "The recombinant DNA vaccine and the plasma derived both are safe and effective ." }
{ "brx": "खायसे थासारियाव , फारि फारि जायगानि मानसावगारि , सप्टा एबा दानफा ( एबा बेरामनि उनजोलै ) समाव बेराम बारा जालांनाय आदबखौ दिन्थिना होनांगौ ।", "eng": "In some situations serial spot maps by week or by month or by disease generation may provide insight into the pattern of the spread of the disease over time ." }
{ "brx": "रोखोमसेयैनो लोंनाय दै जगायनाय आरो आबहावायारि खिनाय हासुनायनि खौराङा नायसंनो थाखाय जेथो गोनां ।", "eng": "Similarly information on drinking water supply and Environmental sanitation is crucial for the investigation ." }
{ "brx": "मेलेरिया , देंगु , जब्रा एबा गुबुन भाइरेल जब्रानि थाखायनो जब्रा जानानै गोख्रों बेरामा हरखाबै बांनानै साग्लोबनो हागौ ।", "eng": "Clustering and sudden increase of acute cases of fever may be due to malaria dengue fever or other viral fevers ." }
{ "brx": "मियालगिया आरो दाजाबथायारि गोसारदेरनायजों बांद्राय गोसा जब्रा जादेरनाय आखुथायजों गमामयै बे बेरामा सोमजियो ।", "eng": "The disease is usually characterized by abrupt onset of high grade fever myalgia and conjuctivial suffusion ." }
{ "brx": "बेरामफोरखौ संदान्नो हाबा मावनाय खान्थि , दोरोद रोङै आबहावायारि देहा मावथांखिफोरा सुबुंफोरनि देहाखौ होबथानायाव खैफोद गोनां आरो बै बेराम जासावनायखौ गोनांथि होनायाव खैफोद गोनां , जेब्ला बिसोर खैफोरनि समाव नुजायो ।", "eng": "Functioning disease surveillance systems and intact environmental health services are crucial in protecting public health and in responding to these outbreaks when they occur in times of disaster ." }
{ "brx": "हरखाव नुजाखांनाय बेरामफोरखौ माबोरै दबथायगौननि थिरांथा लानायाव सानखांनाया हेफाजाब होनांगौ ।", "eng": "The assessment should enable decisions to be taken on how to control the outbreak ." }
{ "brx": "बोसोरफ्रोमबो थाम मिलियननिख्रुइ बांसिन गथफोरानो 5 बोसोर बैसो जानायनि सिगांनो हांलानायनि गोबां बेरामाव गोग्लैना थैयो , जेरै - निमनिया , टाबारकुलसिस , HIV जों सोमोनदो गोनां संफ्लनि बेरामफोर आरो हाफानि ।", "eng": "Each year more than three million children die before they reach the age of five from acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia tuberculosis HIV related lung disease and asthma ." }
{ "brx": "गोरान लोमजानायनि जौसिन गोसारथिया गथ'फोर आरो लाइमोनफोरनाव बांसिन जायो आरो 10 बोसोर सिंनि गथ'फोरनाव हाफानिनि जाथाया बांसिन जायो ।", "eng": "The peak prevalence of hay fever is highest in children and young adults and the incidence of asthma is highest in children under 10 ." }
{ "brx": "जुदि मोनसे गोब्राब जिउ समखिखांहोग्रा नाफाइलेक्टिक फिनजाथाया सासे बेरामिखौ आनजादखालामनो थाखाय लाबोयो , खायसे एलार्जि - फाहामगिरिआ मोनसे गिबि थै आनजादनि सिगां बिगुर गावफ्रु आनजादखौ मावनो सायखगोन ।", "eng": "If a serious life threatening anaphylactic reaction has brought a patient in for evaluation some allergists will prefer an initial blood test prior to performing the skin prick test ." }
{ "brx": "हादरारि गुदि मावखुलिफोरनि थै बाख्रियाव गासै थैखौ गोबां बाहागोआव आलादा खालामनो हानाय बेबस्था दं , जायखौ दिल्लि आरो बिनि सोरगिदिं थानाय बेमारिफोरनो होनाय जायो ।", "eng": "The Blood Bank of National Headquarters is fully equipped to separate the whole Blood into various components which are given to the patients in and around Delhi ." }
{ "brx": "थै जिबख्रिनि बांद्राय राफोद थैनि दाथाय नाथाय अब्लाबो सरासनस्रैनङैजों गोख्रों थैनि केन्सारखौ फाराग खालामनो हायो ।", "eng": "Chronic leukemia is distinguished by the excessive build up of relatively mature but still abnormal blood cells ." }
{ "brx": "सनदेरग्रा थान्दैफोरा जर'खा एबा असादारन महरनि ( बिदिन्थि ओनसोलनि बेराम )", "eng": "The infectious agent is of an uncommon nature e g tropical diseases ." }
{ "brx": "2006 नि जुनाव , आदार आरो मुलै खुंनाय ( एफ . दि . ए ) आ जाय गुबुन थेरापिजों हामै सि . एम . एलखौ फाहामनो अरेल ताइरसाइन किनेस गलहिबितर दासाटिनिबखौ ( स्प्रिसेल ( टि . एम ) ) गनायबाय ।", "eng": "In June of 2006 the Food and Drug Administration FDA approved the oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib Sprycel tm to treat CML that does not respond to other therapy ." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन गाहाय गोब्राबथिफोरा फल - आप जोथोन सोमोनदै बेरामिफोरखौ गोसोयावलाखिहोनाय , बेरामिफोरनो आनजाद फिथाइफोर होनाय एबा खहागोना मुलै इसिङारि फिनजाथायफोरनि सोमोनदै हुसियार खालामनायनि अतमेतेद बिखानथिफोरखौ सरजाबफायो ।", "eng": "Other major disparities include automated systems to remind patients about follow up care give patients test results or warn of harmful drug interactions ." }
{ "brx": "बेरामा फुरायै सोखाजाथावमोन होननानै मिजिंथिनाया 1980 s आव मुलै - होबथाग्रा नाजानायफोरनि बांलांनायनिफ्राय बायफ्लेलांजोब्बाय ।", "eng": "Hopes that the disease could be completely eliminated have been dashed since the rise of drug resistant strains in the 1980s ." }
{ "brx": "गावसोरनि मुलैफोर बाहायनायनि समफारिलाइखौ फोजोबनो फेलेंजानायफोरनि बिबाङा गोबां ।", "eng": "The number of those failing to complete their course of drugs is high ." }
{ "brx": "एइच आइ भि सनदेरजानाय सुबुंनि बेलायाव बेयो सरासनस्रायै मैखुन आरो जिउसायारि सनदेरनायानि थाखाय जायो ।", "eng": "In HIV infected individuals this is normally due to fungal candidiasis or viral herpes simplex 1 or cytomegalovirus infections ." }
{ "brx": "आथोनारियै बारस्लायनाय सनदेरथिफोरा ( sexually transmitted infections - STI ) HIV बारस्लायथि आरो सनदेरथिनि खैफोदखौ बांहोयो ।", "eng": "Sexually transmitted infections STI increase the risk of HIV transmission and infection ." }
{ "brx": "HAARTया थांना थानायनि समखौ 4 आरो 12 बोसोरफोरनि गेजेराव बांहोयो होनना सानजायो ।", "eng": "HAART is thought to increase survival time by between 4 and 12 years ." }
{ "brx": "HAART जों नांजाबनाय आरो नाजानाय गैयै फोरनि जाहोना रोखोम रोखोम आरो बारायलांनाय ।", "eng": "The reasons for non adherence and non persistence with HAART are varied and overlapping ." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन नुमुनायाव ( भिएतनाम ) गथ निउत्रिसना हारियारि थाखो बिमायारि लेखागोरोंजों मोजाङै सोमोनदो दं ।", "eng": "In the other sample Vietnam child nutrition is positively associated with community level maternal literacy ." }
{ "brx": "आयजोखौ गावनि बिमा जाहैगोननि थाखाय साखोनसिखोनै साखाफारा जानो फोरोंनो जरखा गोसोखौबो होनाय जागोन ।", "eng": "Special attention will also be given to teaching hygiene to prepare the woman for her eventual motherhood ." }
{ "brx": "बेफोर मोननैबो जौगानाय सिमाफोरा दिनथियोदि सासे खुदियाया सामुसनिफ्राय जानो थियारि जायो ।", "eng": "Both of these developmental milestones show that a baby is ready to eat from a spoon ." }
{ "brx": "भारताव बे नायसंनायनि फिथाइफोरा आइजोफोरनि सोलोंथाय आरो लेखारोंनाय हाबाफारिफोर गोख्रों खालामनायनि बेलायाव गुबुन गोबां जुकतिफोराव गोहोम दाजाबदेरो ।", "eng": "The results of this analysis add emphasis to the many other arguments in favor of strengthening women s education and literacy programmes in India ." }
{ "brx": "सासे आयजोनि केलरि बांनाया गोरबोयाव थानाय समाव सिमागोनांब्ला , बियो गावनि जोनोम जायै खुदियानो थोजासेयै जाहोनो प्रतिन , भिथामिन आरो मिनेरेलफोर थोजासे मोनाबो जानोहागौ ।", "eng": "If a woman's calorie intake is restricted in pregnancy she may not get enough protein vitamins and minerals to adequately nourish her unborn child ." }
{ "brx": "रैखाथिगोनां आरो गोथार लोंनाय दैया गथ' थांनाथानायनि थाखाय गोनांथि ।", "eng": "Safe and clean drinking water is essential for child survival ." }
{ "brx": "20 थि जौथायथिआव , बिमाफोर आरो गथ'फोरनि देहाया गोग्गोयै नखरारि जिंगासिनिफ्राय समाजारि देहा गोनांथिजों हादोरनि थाखाय रोखोमसे बिबानफोरजों सोलायजादोंमोन ।", "eng": "In the 20th century the health of mothers and children was transformed from a purely domestic concern into a public health priority with corresponding responsibilities for the state ." }
{ "brx": "गामि ओनसोलनि देहा जोथोन लाफानायाव गिदिर सुनायाव गिबि गुबै नाजानाया गावनि होबथा मुलि होनायनि लाफादेरजोबननायखौ बांहोनायनि थागिदा लानायनि मिरुथिजों बिमायारि आरो गथनि देहा हाबाफारिफोरखौ बोलो होदों ।", "eng": "This first major attempt at massive scaling up of health care coverage in rural areas boosted maternal and child health programmes by its focus on initiatives to increase immunization coverage ." }
{ "brx": "से मिलियननि बांसिन गथफोर जाय बोसोरफ्रोमबो जोनोमनि एसफिरिक्सखौ बारग'यो सेलेब्रेल पाल्सि , रोंनायाव गोब्राब जोनायफोर एबा गुबुन खहानि जेंनाफोरखौ जौगा होयो ।", "eng": "over a million children who survive birth asphyxia each year develop problems such as cerebral palsy learning difficulties and other disabilities ." }
{ "brx": "माखासे नायबिजिरनायफोरा थिरां खालामदोंमोन दि बिमानि गायखेराव मोननाय प्रतिना आदाराव गोबां प्रतिन जाब्ला बारायनो हायो , आरो गुबुन माखासे सावसिन आबुं नायबिजिरनाया बेबायदि जेबो सोमोनदो दिनथिया ।", "eng": "Some studies had determined that the protein content of breastmilk could be enhanced with an increase in dietary protein while other more complete studies make no such correlation ." }
{ "brx": "मोनैबो मोनाबिलि प्रिमरज थाव आरो बरएज थावफोरा खामनायखौ खमायनो आरो उसुखुथुखौ सुग्लायहोनाययाव गोनां ।", "eng": "Evening Primrose Oil and Borage Oil are both useful for reducing inflammation and relieving discomfort ." }
{ "brx": "बे बारलांनाय लामाया गनथं आरो गारमाखौ नांजाबहोयो आरो खोमा गेजेराव जिखुनुजा दैबादि जमा जानानै थानायखौ बोहैलां होयो ।", "eng": "This passage way connects to the nose and the throat and allows drainage of any fluid collected in the middle ear ." }
{ "brx": "थांनाय मोनायाव बियो आहार जादोंमोन आरो आं बिखौ बख'बाय आरो आंनि आसिखौ बिनि खखाब सिंआव दोनबाय ।", "eng": "Last night he was nursing and I pulled him off and put my finger under his chin ." }
{ "brx": "पेरेन्ट साइलड मादार गुस प्रग्रामाया बिमा बिफा आरो बिसोरनि खुदियाफोर आरो उनदै गथ'फोरनि थाखाय मोनसे खौसेथि रोंमोनदांथि जाय जयै सनद' , मेथाय आरो सल'फोर बाहायनायनि गोजोन आरो गोहोनि सायाव गोसो होयो ।", "eng": "The Parent Child Mother Goose Program is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children which focuses on the pleasure and power of using rhymes songs and stories together ." }
{ "brx": "1999 नि सेप्टेमबरआव , मोनसे सोलोंनाय नायबिजिरनायया एखे न'उसुंआरियाव जेराव एल . एम . सि . सिआ 1994 निफ्राय सालायगासिनो दङआव दैदेनदों ।", "eng": "In Sept 1999 a follow up survey was conducted in the same neighborhood where LMCC has been operating since 1994 ." }
{ "brx": "गोरलै मेलेम देहायाव होजानाय हेद्स आप स्कटलेन्द मदिउल बायदि बयबो जरखा मावसोलोंथायखौ लानायनि आसा खालाम जागोन ।", "eng": "All would be expected to have undertaken specialist training such as the proposed HeadsUpScotland module in Infant Mental Health ." }
{ "brx": "गोरलैनि आखल आरो आखुआ हाथावनायै जेंनाबो जाहोनो हागौ ।", "eng": "The baby s temperament and personality may also potentially create problems ." }
{ "brx": "मोननै बिजिरनायफोर , गोरबोयाव थानाय सामाव जाय जाजेननाया जुनियायै जोउनगोनां आरो जायफोरा गोरबायाव थानाय समाव एबा जोनोमाव जागायनाया सरासनस्रायै गोबांसिन जाउनगोनांनि ।", "eng": "Two studies which began in the antenatal period were particularly effective and those starting in the antenatal period or at birth were generally of greater effectiveness ." }
{ "brx": "पारा मोनसे प्र'टन ( निउत्रन आरो इलेकत्रन ) सनानिख्रुइ गिलिरसिन - सनानि एटमिक अनजिमाया 79 , पारा , 80 ।", "eng": "Mercury is one proton neutron and electron heavier than gold the atomic number of gold is 79 mercury 80 ." }
{ "brx": "टिकाफोरा जोबोद जाउनगोनां आरा बिसोरहा इसे मुलैनि गाज्रि फिनजाथाय दं ।", "eng": "The vaccines are very effective and they have minor side effects ." }
{ "brx": "दासानदि बाहायजानाय उनदैसमनि टिकाफोरहा गावजोंगाव जेबो हेंथा गैया , आरो बेनि थाखाय खनसेयैनो बाहायनो हायो ।", "eng": "The currently used childhood vaccines do not have any interference with one another and can therefore be used simultaneously ." }
{ "brx": "बे हाबाफारिया केम्पेनखौ सोदेरफागोन जाय सफथानि सानसेखौ उदां आय टिकाहोनायनि थाखाय दावगाहोगोन ।", "eng": "This program will include a campaign that promotes a single day of the week for free measles vaccinations ." }
{ "brx": "माखासे गथ'फोरा टिकानि उनाव लोमजानो हागौ ।", "eng": "Some children may have a fever after a vaccine ." }
{ "brx": "जुदि नों सफथासेयाव खेबथाम नोंनि गोजोनहोग्रा इनहेलारखौ बाहायनो गोनां जायो , नों नोंनि देहाफाहामगिरि एबा जोथोनगिरिनिसिम थांफिन आरो नोंनि लोइखोनखौ नायफिन जाहाथे बेफोर दबथायना लाखिजायो ।", "eng": "If you need to use your reliever inhaler 3 times a week you should go back to your doctor or nurse and have your symptoms reviewed so that they can be kept under control ." }
{ "brx": "केनसार जिबख्रिखौ बेंखननाय सनदेह' आरो गावारिय़ा केनसार - जिबख्रि - मदेल दानायखौ बाद होयो ।", "eng": "The uncertainty and individuality surrounding a cancer cell rule out the creation of a cancer cell model ." }
{ "brx": "973 आव फोसावजानाय केनसारनि सायाव लिरगिरिनि बिजाबनिफ्राय मोनसे दफाया बेयाव फोसावजाफिननायनि मोनथाय दं ।", "eng": "A paragraph from the author's book on cancer published in 1973 deserves repetition here ." }
{ "brx": "प्रानसिस बेकननि हांख्रायनाया थार , केनसार देहाफाहामगिरि आरो केनसार बेरामि सानैनि थाखाय ।", "eng": "Francis Bacon's invocation is pertinent both for the cancer doctor and the cancer patient ." }
{ "brx": "सरासनस्रायै मुलैयाव , गिलुबालुआ मोनसे बेरामनि जोबोद गोब्राबथिखौ इसाराहोयो : बिदिनो गिलुबालु लोमजानाय , गिलुबालु बांद्रायजिंगा , आरो गिलुबालु मेलेरिया ।", "eng": "A hormone is normally secreted by its special gland ." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन मोनथाम हानजाफोरा सिकितसा मोनदोंमोन आनजादाव सोनायनि समाव बिसोरहा लैखोनफोर दं ना गैया बाबो , आरो रेडिअथेरेपि , केम'थेरेपि , एबा मोननैनि गलायमेनदेरफोर होजायो ।", "eng": "On the contrary if one bothers to scan the literature there are ample articles on just this subject' showing the natural course' of unoperated cholelithiasis of untreated breast cancer and so on for gastric duodenal ulcer mitral stenosis and cancers of esophagus stomach colon rectum liver gall bladder and pancreas ." }
{ "brx": "जौखौ जाग्रामुवा होन्नानै बुंनो हाया मानोना बेयो बिबुआव हाबनानैबो सोलाया एबा दोगोन जाया ।", "eng": "Sun and air baths by exposing the whole body to sun and air are highly beneficial ." }
{ "brx": "बेबायदि जाग्रायाव मोजां बेगरनि सिरिअल्स , बादाम , खिलिनाय बेगर , थजिम फिथाय आरो मैगंफोर थानांगौ ।", "eng": "Steamed vegetables whole wheat chapattis and butter milk may be taken for lunch ." }
{ "brx": "सानफाथोलो गोरोनथि आदार , मेंनाय , मेलेम नारसिनथि आरो उनदुनाय आंखालनिफ्राय एसिद दाथायनि जेंनाया खारदै थिनायनि गोहोजों आबुं खालामजानो हागौ ।", "eng": "The problem of acid formation throughout the day from wrong foods fatigue mental stress and lack of sleep can be met by the competency of the alkaline reserves ." }
{ "brx": "बे मुलि - बाहायखान्थियाव , खाजाफोरा गासै फिथाइ आदार बादिनो समानफ्राम नाथाय मोनफ्रोमबो फिथाइ आदारआव गाइखेर दाजाबजानांगौ ।", "eng": "In this regimen the meals are exactly the same as for all fruit diet but with milk added to each fruit meal ." }
{ "brx": "गाजर , चिलेरि आरो गोजा बिटजों गलायनानै जायखि गोथां बिलायारि मैगं - थाइगंनिफ्राय सेबजानाय बिदैया जुनियायै आथ्राइतिछनि थाखाय हेफाजाबगोनां ।", "eng": "Green juice extracted from any green leafy vegetable mixed with carrot celery and red beet juice is specifically helpful for arthritis ." }
{ "brx": "गासै - फिथाइ खाजानि उनाव , बेरामिया मोनथाम गिबि आदार हानजाफोर जेरै , बेगरफोर , बादाम आरो ग्रेएन्सफोर , मैगं - थायगं आरो फिथाइफोराव सोनारनानै मोनसे गाहाम - समानथाय खाजा आजावनांगोन , खोनदो 1 याव देहा आरो बेरामनि खाजा सायाव बुंफ्रुदनाय बायदियै ।", "eng": "After the all fruit diet the patient should follow a well balanced diet based on the three basic good groups namely seeds nuts and grains vegetables and fruits as outlined in Chapter 1 on Diet in Health and Disease ." }
{ "brx": "गनथं - गुदुं सोरगिदिं थानाय बिगुरा साखांनो हागौ ।", "eng": "The skin around the nostrils may become sore ." }
{ "brx": "जुलापफोरनि बाहायनाया मानलुनायखौल' बांहोयो ।", "eng": "The use of purgatives only increases irritation ." }
{ "brx": "जायफोरा गोसोबायनाय बिसोर गावसोरनि दुखुखौ माबाफोर मावनानै बावगारगोन ।", "eng": "Those who are depressive will forget their misery by doing something ." }
{ "brx": "खिसावनायनि गोबां आरो रोखोम - रोखोम जाहोनफोर दं ।", "eng": "There are many and varied causes of diarrhoea ." }
{ "brx": "आदार जानायजों सोमोनदोगोनां जायखिजाया गेसत्रइनतेसतिनेल लैखोनखौ दिसपेपसिया बुङो ।", "eng": "Any gastrointestinal symptom associated with taking of food is called dyspepsia ." }
{ "brx": "नाथाय लगानलाखिनाया सोलिबायथानायजों लोगोसे जौगानायाबो गावनोगाव फोरमानहोगोन ।", "eng": "But as fasting continues improvement will manifest itself ." }
{ "brx": "चेरियाल बेगरफोरनि लोगोयाव , मार्सआ बिखं आरो रोदा मैगं - थायगंनिफ्राय थाजिम गोथां बादामफोर गोथोंङै लानाय बोसोन होयो ।", "eng": "In addition to cereal seeds Marsh recommends fresh raw nuts taken directly from the shell and root vegetables ." }
{ "brx": "नासपतिफोरखौ गोसो - गुवारै जाजानांगोन जिहेतु बिसोरहा बिख्लो सिथोबाव मोनसे थि - फाहामनाय - जाउन दं ।", "eng": "Pears should be eaten generously as they have a specific healing effect on gall bladder ." }
{ "brx": "गाजर बिदैया स्पिनेचनि बिदैजों गलायमिनदेरा गेसत्रितिसनि सिकितसायाव जोबोरैमुलामफागोनांगनायजायो ।", "eng": "Carrot juice in combination with the juice of spinach is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of gastritis ." }
{ "brx": "बे इउरिक - एसिदा सरासनस्रासै थैआव गलिनानै थायो ।", "eng": "This uric acid usually remains dissolved in the blood ." }
{ "brx": "देहानिफ्राय मैला आरो बिसगोनां मुवाफोर गारनाया होबथाजाबाय आरो थै - रोदाफोर आरो रोदाफोरा गुरै जायो ।", "eng": "The expulsion of waste and poisonous matter from the body is prevented and the arteries and the veins become slack ." }
{ "brx": "हायप'ग्लायकेमियानि गाग्लोबनाया इनसुलिननि गोहोजों एबा डायबेटिस मेलिटासनि फाहामनायाव थोजासे कारब'हायद्रेटकाभारेज गैयै एखेहां मुलिफोरजोंजानो हागौ ।", "eng": "An attack of hypoglycaemia may be precipitated by the administration of insulin or similar drugs without adequate carbohydrate coverage during the treatment of diabetes mellitus ." }
{ "brx": "गोदान मेदिकेल सिरिफोरजों बेरामनि सिकितासाखालामनाया गोबां जेंनाफोर लाबोनो हागौ जेरैबादि निउमनिया , किदनि गाज्रिजानाय , खोमा आरो बिखा जेंनाफोर ।", "eng": "The treatment of the disease along modern medical lines may bring about many complications such as pneumonia kidney disorders ear and chest troubles ." }
{ "brx": "जुदि दोगोनरोसिया बिबुफोराव हाबनायनिफ्राय होबथाजायो गेस आरो गुबुन मुवाफोरनि बांनाय जायो ।", "eng": "If the bile is prevented from entering the intestines there is an increase in gases and other products ." }
{ "brx": "सानायहोखारग्रा मुलैफोरा दानदिसेयारि रैखा होनो हागौ बिफोर जाहोनखौ होखारा ।", "eng": "Painkilling drugs may give temporary relief but they do not remove the cause ." }
{ "brx": "आरोबाव किदनि थासारिया मोजांजानायनि नेरसोनफोर दिनथिनायसिम नै एबा थाम दान थाद'नायाव हाबथासे बादागोनां खाजाजों उनसंजानाय सुंद' बिदै ब्रत नाजावनो हागौ ।", "eng": "Further short juice fast followed by a week on the restricted diet should be undertaken at intervals of two or three months until the kidney condition has shown signs of normalisation ." }
{ "brx": "गोबां आयजोफोरा गोबां आरजियो आरो बे लिरथायनि मोनसे बाहागो थालांहोयो ।", "eng": "Many women gain more and retain a part of this weight ." }
{ "brx": "देहायाव मोनसे बिथांखिनाय नोजोरजों जों जोंनि गोहोखौ मुलामफागोनाङै बाहायगारनो हायो ।", "eng": "With a planned outlook on health we can spend our energy profitably ." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे नातसेलाव बेनो देहानि गोनोखो ।", "eng": "This is the science of health in a nutshell ." }
{ "brx": "जिरायनाय आरो उनदुनाया मेंनायखौ फेजेननो हेफाजाबहोयो आरो गोहो बुथुमफिनो ।", "eng": "Rest and sleep help it to overcome fatigue and restore energy ." }
{ "brx": "सानसे गुग्लाया बेफ्रुयो , गासै गोमोदैया ओंखारबोयो आरो गुग्लाया हामखाङो ।", "eng": "One day the boil bursts all the pus comes out and the boil gets healed ." }
{ "brx": "द दाननि उनाव , आं बिनिसिम थामथि खेबनि थाखाय थांदोंमोन ।", "eng": "Six months later I went to him for the third time ." }
{ "brx": "सानसेनि थाखाय जिरायनाय ला आरो नों मोनफिगोन ।", "eng": "Take rest for a day and you will recover ." }
{ "brx": "बांनाय थैखारसारथिया दोगोनजानाय आदारनि साबसिन रानसारथियाव हेफाजाबहोयो ।", "eng": "Increased circulation helps in a better distribution of digested food ." }
{ "brx": "सुबुंफोरा जायफोरा देहायारियै गाहाम बांसिन खमायनो जोथोनलायो आरो बेरामनो जोबोर बादा जौगाहोयो आरो बिसोर बेराम जायोब्ला गोख्रैसिन गायो ।", "eng": "Individuals who are physically fit tend to be more slender and develop greater resistance to disease and recover faster if they do become ill ." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला नों मथरगारिनि पेट्रल तेंकखौ आबुं खालामो जेब्ला आबुं जायो उसिफावनाबोहैलाङो ।", "eng": "When you fill up the petrol tank of a car it overflows when full ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो थाबायग्रा आगजुनि मददजों एबा सोरनिबा हेफाजाबाव थाबायनो हागोन ।", "eng": "He can walk with the help of a walker or assisted by somebody ." }