6 values
3 values
6 values
29 values
Figure 2: Trajectoires futures des réductions des émissions des GES dues à l’efficacité énergétique (par secteur) Evolution des émissions évitées de GES due à l EE selon les secteurs Figure 3: Trajectoires futures des réductions des émissions des GES dues au renouvelable par technologie Evolution des émissions évitées de GES selon les technologies ERCDN actualisée de la TUNISIE Catalyseur secondaire Les réductions d’émissions dues à l’efficacité énergétique sur la période 2021-2030 découleraient tout d’abord de la politique d’utilisation rationnelle de l’énergie dans l’industrie (38%). Le secteur des transports vient tout juste après (37%), principalement grâce à l’organisation des déplacements urbains dans les grandes villes ainsi qu’à l’introduction des véhicules électriques. Le secteur des bâtiments contribue, lui, à hauteur du quart des réductions d’émissions découlant de l’efficacité énergétique.
{ "answer_start": 84, "text": "Le secteur des transports vient tout juste après (37%), principalement grâce à l’organisation des déplacements urbains dans les grandes villes ainsi qu’à l’introduction des véhicules électriques." }
What changes are considered for transport demand management?
Updated NDC
10 Mitigation assessment of transport sector. MoWT. Unpublished.Development of Non- Motorized Transport (NMT) infrastructure This measure aims to use the planned NMT corridors in the GKMA as well as in other urban areas across Uganda as its basis. The measure has a potential to reduce the emissions by approximately 0.66 MtCO2e by 2030. MGR – Meter Gauge Railway rehabilitation for freight transit This measure intends to implement 61 km of passenger rail by 2030 and to achieve 22% of fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives. This measure has a potential to reduce the emissions by approximately 0.0005 MtCO2e by 2030. Efficient operation of public transportation Measures Aggregated – “Modal shift of passengers to mass transit and NMT” Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development BRT – Bus Rapid Transit GKMA Passenger service Metro rail Not implemented within time-period.
{ "answer_start": 117, "text": "Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development" }
What changes are considered for transport demand management?
Updated NDC
Efficient operation of public transportation Measures Aggregated – “Modal shift of passengers to mass transit and NMT” Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development BRT – Bus Rapid Transit GKMA Passenger service Metro rail Not implemented within time-period. LRT – Light Rail Transit SGR – Standard Gauge Railway Transport Mitigation by Sub-sectors Table 3-14: Transport mitigation measures by sub-sectors Mitigation Measure BAU NDC Scenario Details Road transport fuel efficiency Global Fuel Economy Initiative improvement of fuel economy with 20-year time-lag: Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) 50 by 50 targets, improvement of fuel economy with 10- year time-lag: Alternative fuel switch Road: No switching to alternative fuels (LNG, ethanol or LNG). All traditional fuels (petrol/gasoline and diesel). 1% per year increase in alternative fuel use for all road vehicles - 60% of the increase comes from natural gas. - 20% from ethanol (E10). - 20% from biodiesel.
{ "answer_start": 17, "text": "Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development" }
What changes are considered for transport demand management?
Updated NDC
Section 2.3.Mitigation Measure BAU NDC Scenario Details Total road PKM: 145,033 million Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. Efficient operation of public transportation Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. No change in load factor. Work with the taxi industry to achieve service quality improvements and operator consolidation. Introduce 1,000 high-quality city buses in GKMA15 together with bus shelters, terminals, and depots.16 Introduce ITS systems, automatic fare collection, and control centre for public transport in GKMA 5% reduction in VKM and 5% increase in load factor from improved organisation of urban public transport. Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. No change in load factor.
{ "answer_start": 123, "text": "Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development" }
What changes are considered for transport demand management?
Updated NDC
The regulatory entity will optimize transportation systems to reduce travel times and distances. M3.5 To encourage programs which reduce the need for transportation, such as: telework, housing exchange or leasing to bring people closer to their academic or work placess, collective transportation services for companies, and flexible work schedules. To accomplish this, Mexico will diversify and prioritize urban services and equipment in areas with mixed—use development. M3.6 To promote efficient and low-emission transportation systems, and to modify the regulatory and pricing framework in order to foster reinvestment and continuous improvement. M3.7 To generate incentives, infrastructure, and programs for non-motorized transportation as part of integrated transportation systems in which the pedestrian and the cyclist are given priority. This will create immediate environmental and health benefits.
{ "answer_start": 14, "text": "To encourage programs which reduce the need for transportation, such as: telework, housing exchange or leasing to bring people closer to their academic or work placess, collective transportation services for companies, and flexible work schedules. To accomplish this, Mexico will diversify and prioritize urban services and equipment in areas with mixed—use development" }
What changes are considered for transport demand management?
The framework for the effective pricing of CO2 should be to promote competition. To this end, the following concrete action areas are being brought into the discussion: • Further measures for more effective CO2 pricing in air traffic and for creating a competition-neutral taxation situation in relation to other modes of transport. • For the purposes of environmental economy, a CO2 price with an adequate incentive and steering effect is indispensable if we are to achieve our long-term goal of zero net emissions in an economically efficient manner.
{ "answer_start": 28, "text": "Further measures for more effective CO2 pricing in air traffic and for creating a competition-neutral taxation situation in relation to other modes of transport." }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Other alternative fuels, such as synthetic kerosene, could be used if their environmental and energy balance proves relevant. a) Guideline T 1: provide the sector with incentive price signals Find a way to gradually standardise intra-European competition in road transport, in order to standardise fuel tax rates at European level or within a group of neighbouring Member States, particularly for professional road transport, in line with the objectives of greening fleets and with public policy objectives (e.g. for public transport). Enable the internalisation of the external costs of road use (climatic, environmental, health and use) and charge a fair price for road modes, both over long distances and in urban areas.
{ "answer_start": 43, "text": "standardise fuel tax rates at European level or within a group of neighbouring Member States," }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Based on the projections in the WEM reference scenario, it is clear that additional measures need to be taken in the future to reverse trends in emissions that are incompatible with Slovakia s target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Possibilities of Decarbonising the Transport Sector under the WAM Scenario The following extra measures were used in modelling compared to the WEM scenario: Changing the distribution of traffic, which will result in a reduction in the performance of road freight transport for roads over 300 km, of which 30% should be transferred to railway or waterway transport. Economic and tax instruments, which will result in a change in the projected energy consumption, environmentally friendly fuels will dominate, which should be with a lower tax.
{ "answer_start": 98, "text": "Economic and tax instruments, which will result in a change in the projected energy consumption, environmentally friendly fuels will dominate, which should be with a lower tax." }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Economic and tax instruments, which will result in a change in the projected energy consumption, environmentally friendly fuels will dominate, which should be with a lower tax. Increased road charging, which will result in a change in demand for road freight transport. According to the calculated projections (Figure 14) broken down by individual gas (Table 12 in Annex I), there are clear downward emission trends for CO2 and N2O until 2040 but CH4 emissions are growing in the WAM scenario compared to the WEM scenario. The most probable reason is a growing trend of natural gas consumption and biogas/biomethane consumption in road transport and its increasing share in fuel consumption, which has been included in the WAM scenario.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Economic and tax instruments, which will result in a change in the projected energy consumption, environmentally friendly fuels will dominate, which should be with a lower tax." }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Support the institutional background for sustainable mobility within self-governments. Introduce measures to reduce emissions in transport in fiscal policy, in line with the forthcoming revision of Council Directive 2003/96/EC36 and according to the OECD Recommendations 37 and the Progress Report of the Environmental Performance of OECD Recommendations,38 unless they are in contradiction with Council Directive 2003/96/EC, whereas the measures will take into account price competitiveness and elasticity of consumption. Reassess the system of excise duty on energy products in transport so that products are taxed on the basis of their adverse impact on the environment, while allowing the possibilities of Directive 2003/96 EC to be fully applied.
{ "answer_start": 69, "text": "Reassess the system of excise duty on energy products in transport so that products are taxed on the basis of their adverse impact on the environment, while allowing the possibilities of Directive 2003/96 EC to be fully applied" }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Reassess the system of excise duty on energy products in transport so that products are taxed on the basis of their adverse impact on the environment, while allowing the possibilities of Directive 2003/96 EC to be fully applied. Change passenger car registration fees to reflect CO2 emissions or Euro emission standards, or a combination of these, or other factors that reflect environmental criteria in the calculation of fees. Toll charges will also include an environmental element in passenger transport and will analyse other ways of using economic instruments in accordance with the Polluter Pays principle.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Reassess the system of excise duty on energy products in transport so that products are taxed on the basis of their adverse impact on the environment, while allowing the possibilities of Directive 2003/96 EC to be fully applied" }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Table 4.4.2: NDCs in Transport Sector NDC # NDCs and Actions Timeline NDC 1 Transport sector system improvement 2021-2030 1.1 Avoid the need to travel 2021-2030 1.2 Reduce commuting distances and travel time 2021-2030 1.3 Improve traffic and traffic light management 2021- 2030 1.5 Introduce intelligent transport management systems 2021-2030 1.6 Improve road architecture (road designs, road signs, signaling, signage, etc.) 2021-2030 NDC 2 Promote public passenger transport 2021-2030 2.1 Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.2 Improve railway transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.3 Integrate transport modes 2021-2030 2.4 Improve last mile connectivity 2021-2030 NDC 3 Shift freight to efficient modes 2021-2030 3.1 Switch back to rail from road transport 2021-2030 3.2 Promote transporting petroleum products by pipeline 2021-2030 3.3 Introduce rail-based transport system with inland container depots 2021-2030 NDC 4 Rapid transport for passenger transport 2021-2030 4.1 Introduce Light Rail Transport in Colombo city 2021-2030 NDC 5 Promote non-motorized transport modes 2021- 2030 5.1 Promote the use of bicycles 2021-2030 5.2 Improve the facilities for pedestrian walkways 2021-2030 NDC 6 Introduce taxes and other instruments to promote public transport 2021- 2030 6.1 Change the existing vehicle emission charging system from the present vehicle based to vehicle type, fuel used and emission-based system plus the total km travel 6.2 Restrict the entry of individual modes of transport to sensitive areas and congested areas of major cities during peak hours through a levy 6.3 Develop park and ride infrastructure developments combined with Corden based pricing mechanism NDC 7 Introduce inland water transport modes 2021-2030 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes NDC 8 Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway 2021-2030 8.1 Electrification of railway lines 2021-2030 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network 2021-2030 NDC 9 Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements 9.3 Tax & Duty concessions for batteries used for electric and hybrid vehicles after introducing a specific HS code NDC 10 Improve vehicle fleet efficiency 2021-2030 10.1 Improve efficiencies of the existing vehicle fleet 2021-2030 10.2 Promote the import of fuel-efficient vehicles 2021-2030 10.3 Introduce programmes to change driver behaviours 2021-2030NDC 11 Road infrastructure development 2021-2030 11.1 Development of provincial and rural road infrastructure for improved mobility 2021-2030 11.2 Expansion of expressway network 2021-2030 NDC 12 Reduce GHG emissions from the marine sector 2021-2030 12.1 Ratify Annex VI of MARPOL convention to enforce provisions in Sri Lanka 2021-2030 12.2 Study the impact of shipping on GHG emissions (coastal traffic and ports) depending on evidence-based information and introduce measures to address the issues 12.4 Introduce energy efficiency measures and fuel quality improvement programmes to coastal shipping and fishing boats and vessels NDC 13 Generic enabling activities 2021-2030 13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 2021-2030 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making 2021-2030 It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2).
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 510, "text": "Introduce fuel-based carbon tax" }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Updated NDC
2021-2030 NDC 2 Promote public passenger transport 2021-2030 2.1 Improve public road transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.2 Improve railway transport for reliability, affordability, accessibility, availability, comfort and safety 2.3 Integrate transport modes 2021-2030 2.4 Improve last mile connectivity 2021-2030 NDC 3 Shift freight to efficient modes 2021-2030 3.1 Switch back to rail from road transport 2021-2030 3.2 Promote transporting petroleum products by pipeline 2021-2030 3.3 Introduce rail-based transport system with inland container depots 2021-2030 NDC 4 Rapid transport for passenger transport 2021-2030 4.1 Introduce Light Rail Transport in Colombo city 2021-2030 NDC 5 Promote non-motorized transport modes 2021- 2030 5.1 Promote the use of bicycles 2021-2030 5.2 Improve the facilities for pedestrian walkways 2021-2030 NDC 6 Introduce taxes and other instruments to promote public transport 2021- 2030 6.1 Change the existing vehicle emission charging system from the present vehicle based to vehicle type, fuel used and emission-based system plus the total km travel 6.2 Restrict the entry of individual modes of transport to sensitive areas and congested areas of major cities during peak hours through a levy 6.3 Develop park and ride infrastructure developments combined with Corden based pricing mechanism NDC 7 Introduce inland water transport modes 2021-2030 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes NDC 8 Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway 2021-2030 8.1 Electrification of railway lines 2021-2030 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network 2021-2030 NDC 9 Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles 2021-2030 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements 9.3 Tax & Duty concessions for batteries used for electric and hybrid vehicles after introducing a specific HS code NDC 10 Improve vehicle fleet efficiency 2021-2030 10.1 Improve efficiencies of the existing vehicle fleet 2021-2030 10.2 Promote the import of fuel-efficient vehicles 2021-2030 10.3 Introduce programmes to change driver behaviours 2021-2030NDC 11 Road infrastructure development 2021-2030 11.1 Development of provincial and rural road infrastructure for improved mobility 2021-2030 11.2 Expansion of expressway network 2021-2030 NDC 12 Reduce GHG emissions from the marine sector 2021-2030 12.1 Ratify Annex VI of MARPOL convention to enforce provisions in Sri Lanka 2021-2030 12.2 Study the impact of shipping on GHG emissions (coastal traffic and ports) depending on evidence-based information and introduce measures to address the issues 12.4 Introduce energy efficiency measures and fuel quality improvement programmes to coastal shipping and fishing boats and vessels NDC 13 Generic enabling activities 2021-2030 13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 2021-2030 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making 2021-2030 It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2). Figure 4.4.2: Emission reduction projections (Transport Sector) Fi gu re 4.
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 449, "text": "Introduce fuel-based carbon tax" }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Updated NDC
→ → Sustainable investment needs investors who are interested in sustainability and it needs appropriate financing instruments and products. The German government will do its utmost in multilateral con- texts to ensure that sustainability goals play a greater role, for example in funding provided by the multi- lateral development banks. The multilateral develop- ment banks should make a greater contribution to the mobilisation of private resources for sustainable investment than has previously been the case. Sustainable trade International trade also causes external costs. The fuel used for aviation and maritime shipping is subsidised and/or mostly exempt from taxation. Germany should advocate the elimination of subsidies and appropriate taxation in this area. Principles of sustainability should also play a greater role in trade agreements. Trade in sustainable products and services should be preferred.
{ "answer_start": 83, "text": "The fuel used for aviation and maritime shipping is subsidised and/or mostly exempt from taxation. Germany should advocate the elimination of subsidies and appropriate taxation in this area. Principles of sustainability should also play a greater role in trade agreements." }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
Energy efficiency actions to reduce emissions include retrofitting of all buildings (20% reduction), establishment of policies for energy efficiency building codes for all building sectors (30% reduction) and implementation of energy efficiency in hotels (20% reduction). Transport The transport sector (land and marine) contributed an average 39% of Grenada’s greenhouse gas emissions in the 2010 to 2014 period. Grenada plans to reduce its emissions in the transport sector by 20% by 2025. In order to meet its commitment Grenada plans to undertake several policies/actions including introduction of biofuel blends (specifically liquefied natural gas and diesel blend), implementation of gasoline and diesel taxes and implementation of fuel efficiency standards for vehicles through incentives. Waste The waste sector contributed to approximately 10% of Grenada’s emissions.
{ "answer_start": 96, "text": "Implementation of gasoline and diesel taxes" }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
1st NDC
Conservation and management of this area, including implementation of forests, soil and water conservation activities, is expected to greatly sequestrate carbon and could function as the carbon sink. c. Moving towards Environmentally Sustainable Transport System Promotion of public transport system and bicycle use, introduction of fuel tax used in Kathmandu Valley for air quality improvement and further promotion of non-motorised transport would contribute to the reduction of pollution in urban areas. d. Promoting Climate Friendly Practices in Agriculture Nepal is implementing farmers schools where local varieties of crops will be promoted using local and indigenous knowledge and building on efficient technologies. Similarly, efforts are underway to develop flood and drought-resistant crop varieties to cope with climate change impacts.
{ "answer_start": 43, "text": "introduction of fuel tax used in Kathmandu Valley" }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
1st NDC
Some of these have already been received and put into use • Campaigns for cheaper/free driving of certain categories of passengers (young people, pensioners, etc.) carried out • Implement promotional campaigns for raising public awareness • Continuing the campaigns for cheaper/free driving • Enabling additional conditions for companies Finance: Budget: 180.6 M€ Source of finance: Central government budget Progress monitoring: Objective achieved: Activities implemented: Yes/No Yes/No Reference to assessments and underpinning technical reports: Energy Strategy up to 2040, NECP, 3rd BUR Assumptions/ General comments: By 2040, 3% of the passenger kilometres of cars, 1% of passenger kilometres of busses and 6.6% of tonnes kilometres of heavy-duty vehicles will be realized by railway transport A-M-28: Renewing of the national car fleet Main objective: Use of more advanced technologies in order to slow down the growing energy consumption in the transport sector, which is complex and with limited capabilities of energy use reduction Description: The measures recommended in the Study on the transport sector analysis of policies and measures should be implemented: Reduction of VAT from 18% to 5% for hybrid and electric vehicles; Direct subsidizing of hybrid vehicles, Excise duties of diesel fuel and petrol need to be gradually equalled.
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 187, "text": "Excise duties of diesel fuel and petrol need to be gradually equalled." }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
carried out • Implement promotional campaigns for raising public awareness • Continuing the campaigns for cheaper/free driving • Enabling additional conditions for companies Finance: Budget: 180.6 M€ Source of finance: Central government budget Progress monitoring: Objective achieved: Activities implemented: Yes/No Yes/No Reference to assessments and underpinning technical reports: Energy Strategy up to 2040, NECP, 3rd BUR Assumptions/ General comments: By 2040, 3% of the passenger kilometres of cars, 1% of passenger kilometres of busses and 6.6% of tonnes kilometres of heavy-duty vehicles will be realized by railway transport A-M-28: Renewing of the national car fleet Main objective: Use of more advanced technologies in order to slow down the growing energy consumption in the transport sector, which is complex and with limited capabilities of energy use reduction Description: The measures recommended in the Study on the transport sector analysis of policies and measures should be implemented: Reduction of VAT from 18% to 5% for hybrid and electric vehicles; Direct subsidizing of hybrid vehicles, Excise duties of diesel fuel and petrol need to be gradually equalled. Obligations of public institutions to purchase vehicles with low CO2 emissions (up to 90 gCO2/km by 2020 and 50 gCO2/km by 2025).
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 162, "text": "Excise duties of diesel fuel and petrol need to be gradually equalled." }
For what activities are envisioned economic instruments?
through corresponding Horizon Europe and InvestEU funding windows). • Promotion of the automation and networking of sustainable mobility through the Digital Europe programme. • Introduction of a national contribution to the EU budget calculated from the non- recycled plastic packaging waste generated in each Member State (“plastic funds”) as indicated by statistical data to create an incentive for the Member States to reduce the generation of non-recycled plastic. • Allocation of 15% of the funds of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) that are earmarked for the energy segment to cross-border renewable energy projects.
{ "answer_start": 9, "text": "Promotion of the automation and networking of sustainable mobility through the Digital Europe programme" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
Just as for renewable energy in the previous decade, the automotive industry already today heavily invests in the emergence of zero and low emission vehicle technologies, such as electric vehicles. A combination of decarbonised, decentralised and digitalised power, more efficient and sustainable batteries, highly efficient electric powertrains, connectivity and autonomous driving offers prospects to decarbonise road transport with strong overall benefits including clean air, reduced noise, accident-free traffic, altogether generating major health benefits for citizens and the European economy. Electrification of short sea shipping and inland waterways is also an option, where the power to weight ratio makes it feasible. Based on today’s knowledge and technologies, electrification using renewables alone will not be the single silver bullet for all transport modes.
European Union
{ "answer_start": 30, "text": "A combination of decarbonised, decentralised and digitalised power, more efficient and sustainable batteries, highly efficient electric powertrains, connectivity and autonomous driving" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
This includes 1.47 million hybrid vehicles (about 34%), 21,000 electric vehicles (about 0.5%), 18,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles (about 0.4%), 0.07 million fuel cell vehicles (about 0.02%), and 175,000 clean diesel vehicles (about 4.1%).- 36 - Figure 17 Breakdown of energy-related CO2 emissions from transport sector (FY2019, Final Figures) (Source: Compiled based on Japan s GHG Inventory) From the perspective of transportation, logistics, and infrastructure systems it is necessary to strengthen climate measures that will lead to the simultaneous realization of CO2 emission reductions and the vitalization of mobility. This will be in combination with utilizing and applying new technologies such as automated driving and digital technology to electrified vehicles, considering the diverse needs of local transportation for low-speed driving and new services such as downsizing (downsizing of vehicles, review of routes and frequencies, etc.).
{ "answer_start": 96, "text": "applying new technologies such as automated driving and digital technology to electrified vehicles," }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
This will be in combination with utilizing and applying new technologies such as automated driving and digital technology to electrified vehicles, considering the diverse needs of local transportation for low-speed driving and new services such as downsizing (downsizing of vehicles, review of routes and frequencies, etc.). It is also required to promote the spread of EVs by devising multifaceted ways to use them, taking advantage of their functions as storage batteries and mobile power sources in times of disaster. b. Developing Sustainable Transportation and Logistics Services through Digital and Green CO2 emissions from the transportation sector account for approx. 20% of Japan s total CO2 emissions.
{ "answer_start": 8, "text": "applying new technologies such as automated driving and digital technology to electrified vehicles," }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
In the field of logistics, in order to cope with the shortage of human resource and to achieve both efficiency and productivity improvements and decarbonization, the Government will build a new mobility service through green logistics initiatives, such as realization of more efficient and energy-saving transportation in the entire supply chain, promotion of logistics DX28 using AI, IoT, etc. with cooperation of related businesses, enhancement of efficient logistics networks using technology like automated driving, improvement of truck transportation efficiency including advanced logistics systems with cooperation among related businesses using digital technology from the perspective of logistics MaaS29, and further promotion of modal shifts to shipping and rail.
{ "answer_start": 64, "text": ", enhancement of efficient logistics networks using technology like automated driving" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
with cooperation of related businesses, enhancement of efficient logistics networks using technology like automated driving, improvement of truck transportation efficiency including advanced logistics systems with cooperation among related businesses using digital technology from the perspective of logistics MaaS29, and further promotion of modal shifts to shipping and rail. It is necessary to make the transportation and logistics system more resilient to climate change risks so that transportation and logistics services as essential services will not be disrupted for a long time in the event of a disaster. In the shipping sector, by promoting the development and implementation of low-carbon and decarbonizing technologies and leading the establishment of related international regulations, Japan will strategically strive for carbon-neutral maritime transportation.
{ "answer_start": 5, "text": ", enhancement of efficient logistics networks using technology like automated driving" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
Reduction in the energy intensity of passenger and freight transport, respectively, from -81% to -84% and -73% to -75% by 2050. Evolution of final energy consumption and energy intensity in the transport sector PJ LPG Electricity Gas Diesel Kerosene & HFO Hydrogen Petrol Energy intensity Goods MJ/pkm; MJ/tkm Biofuels Energy Intensity PassengersLONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY OF THE PORTUGUESE ECONOMY BY 2050 TABLE 8: Evolution of final energy consumption and energy intensity in the transport sector The circular economy is key to decarbonisation of the transport and mobility sector, as the success of shared mobility models is essential to leveraging the technological changes foreseen for mobility (e.g. autonomous vehicles) and can lead to emissions reductions of up to 25 % in 2050.
{ "answer_start": 107, "text": "autonomous vehicles" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
autonomous vehicles) and can lead to emissions reductions of up to 25 % in 2050. The most significant impact of circularity refers to the significant increase in the use of public transport, which leads to a reduction in total transport energy consumption of between 3% and 2% in 2030 and 2050, respectively. Main decarbonisation drivers in the transport sector: • Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems; • Active and low-impact mobility; • Greater efficiency, associated to shared mobility and autonomous vehicles; • Electrification; • Biofuels and hydrogen.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "autonomous vehicles" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
Main decarbonisation drivers in the transport sector: • Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems; • Active and low-impact mobility; • Greater efficiency, associated to shared mobility and autonomous vehicles; • Electrification; • Biofuels and hydrogen. FUEL Unit: PJ ENERGY INTENSITY Unit: MJ/pKmLONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY OF THE PORTUGUESE ECONOMY BY 2050 4.1.3 Industry and industrial processes The industrial sector is made up of a wide range of activities and processes, including sectors such as refining, pulp and paper production, glass, ceramics, cement and lime, iron and steel, chemicals, among others. Their emissions derive from the consumption of fossil fuels and, in some sectors, emissions from the chemical processes involved.
{ "answer_start": 29, "text": "autonomous vehicles" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
The Government will scale up its support for future mobility for its enhanced competitiveness and take policies in conjunction with fuel efficiency regulations to promote the use of low-carbon fuels. The Government plans to: i) promote the use of public transportation; ii) expand shared mobility; iii) build systems for traffic demand management and intelligent transportation; iv) reduce energy consumption by promoting commercial use of autonomous vehicles; and v) promote the modal shift from road to rail or shipping, the low-carbon modes of transportation.2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy of the Republic of Korea towards a sustainable and green society ▍Building sector The building sector was estimated to emit 7% of the total national emissions in 2017.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 55, "text": "iv) reduce energy consumption by promoting commercial use of autonomous vehicles" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
The Government plans to: i) promote the use of public transportation; ii) expand shared mobility; iii) build systems for traffic demand management and intelligent transportation; iv) reduce energy consumption by promoting commercial use of autonomous vehicles; and v) promote the modal shift from road to rail or shipping, the low-carbon modes of transportation.2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy of the Republic of Korea towards a sustainable and green society ▍Building sector The building sector was estimated to emit 7% of the total national emissions in 2017. Minimizing the energy use in the building sector, while maximizing the energy efficiency and supplying low-carbon energy, is the most cost-effective mitigation option that can reduce the energy cost and GHG emissions at the same time.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 25, "text": "iv) reduce energy consumption by promoting commercial use of autonomous vehicles" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
AVs are another valid opportunity for reducing GHG emissions. The AV technology also aims to maximize car operational efficiency and improve energy efficiency as well. Policies for traffic demand management and optimized car operation are expected to improve energy efficiency, which will contribute to achieving the transportation sector’s vision by 2050. ▍Modal shift Korea has the world’s leading logistics system that enables same-day deliveries of goods nationwide. Evolving logistics system is dynamically changing people’s consumption pattern from offline purchases to online shopping, and this trend will accelerate in the years to come.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "AVs are another valid opportunity for reducing GHG emissions. The AV technology also aims to maximize car operational efficiency and improve energy efficiency as well." }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
⚫ Accelerate the optimization and adjustment of the transportation structure, continue to deepen the construction of special railways and special railway lines, actively develop direct river-sea and river-sea combined transportation, strive to increase the proportion of combined iron and water transportation, accelerate the promotion of the "revolution to rail" and "revolution to water" of bulk cargo in coastal ports, and vigorously develop multi- modal high-efficiency transportation organization modes such as combined transportation, drop-and-pull transportation and joint distribution, improve the efficiency of transportation operations, promote the standardization of freight vehicles, and accelerate the application of recyclable standardized logistics turnover boxes. ⚫ Promote the development of smart transportation, and actively develop new technologies, new business formats, and new models such as autonomous driving and shared cars.
{ "answer_start": 115, "text": "new models such as autonomous driving and shared cars." }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
⚫ Promote the development of smart transportation, and actively develop new technologies, new business formats, and new models such as autonomous driving and shared cars. ⚫ Accelerate the development, promotion and application of key energy-saving and low-carbon technologies and products in the transportation sector.Accelerate the transformation of energy structure in the transportation sector. ⚫ Continue to increase the retention rate of new energy vehicles. ⚫ Promote the realization of electrification, new energy and cleanness of urban public transportation and urban logistics and distribution vehicles and promote the use of new energy for private cars and trucks. ⚫ Promote the application of low-carbon energy ships and explore the application of biomass fuels and other synthetic fuels in civil aviation.
{ "answer_start": 16, "text": "new models such as autonomous driving and shared cars." }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
The Yara Birkeland is due to be launched in 2020, and will be the world’s first autonomous fully electric container vessel. The grocery wholesaler ASKO is planning to use autonomous vessels for emission-free transport of goods across the Oslofjord. The first hydrogen-powered car ferry will be put into operation in Norway in 2021, and this may prepare the way for longer range emission-free shipping. • The Government’s ambitions are to reduce emissions from domestic shipping and fishing vessels by half by 2030 and to promote the development of zero- and low- emission solutions for all vessel categories.
{ "answer_start": 21, "text": "The grocery wholesaler ASKO is planning to use autonomous vessels for emission-free transport of goods across the Oslofjord." }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
Invest £1.2 billion to make cycling and walking the natural choice for shorter journeys 29. Work to enable cost-effective options for shifting more freight from road to rail, including using low emission rail freight for deliveries into urban areas, with zero emission last mile deliveries 30. Position the UK at the forefront of research, development and demonstration of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle technologies, including through the establishment of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and investment of over £250 million, matched by industryThe Clean Growth Strategy 31.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 45, "text": "30. Position the UK at the forefront of research, development and demonstration of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle technologies, including through the establishment of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and investment of over £250 million, matched by industry" }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
Archived LTS
In terms of technology standards, new motor vehicles in the UAE are compliant with Euro 4 emission performance standards and a gradual move to Euro 5/6 is planned. Standards for electric, hydrogen and autonomous vehicles are under development.As part of its shift to cleaner vehicle technologies, the UAE has taken up wide-scale conversion of conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles to Compressed Natural Gas, with a particular focus on taxis, buses, government vehicles and commercial vehicles. In addition, regulations and incentive schemes, have been put in place to power a larger share of road transport with electricity.
United Arab Emirates
{ "answer_start": 28, "text": "Standards for electric, hydrogen and autonomous vehicles are under development." }
How digital solutions are being promoted in the transport sector?
2nd NDC
#mission2030 recognises the importance of mobility as a basic human need and stands for an open economy. To this end, #mission2030 identifies the central aspects of the mobility transformation: E- mobility on the basis of renewable energy sources; fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen as a 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles 9 Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles 10 Graz Declaration – “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” 11 Graz Declaration P 2renewable energy source for the applications that are difficult to electrify; alternative drives and fuels; increased use of public transport; active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services; shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport.
{ "answer_start": 140, "text": "active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
To this end, #mission2030 identifies the central aspects of the mobility transformation: E- mobility on the basis of renewable energy sources; fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen as a 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles 9 Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles 10 Graz Declaration – “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” 11 Graz Declaration P 2renewable energy source for the applications that are difficult to electrify; alternative drives and fuels; increased use of public transport; active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services; shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport. This will provide additional value for the affected citizens and for companies because the new forms of mobility are environmentally friendlier and healthier.
{ "answer_start": 123, "text": "active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Global goods transport is increasingly being replaced with regional economies, and a resource- efficient circular economy is the norm. There is no more planned obsolescence in 2050, all products and goods are designed to be long-lasting and repairable. Society demands more sustainable products and services in general. Modal shifts Individual motorised traffic is less common in 2050 than today – the modal split has shifted to public transport and active mobility. This has been effected above all by increased environmental awareness among the population thanks to targeted measures. Innovative, holistic mobility solutions will also cover the last mile, for example tailored mobility management, on-demand buses, electric taxis, car sharing, and the massive expansion of public transport.
{ "answer_start": 49, "text": "Individual motorised traffic is less common in 2050 than today – the modal split has shifted to public transport and active mobility. This has been effected above all by increased environmental awareness among the population thanks to targeted measures." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
En outre, chacune des stratégies régionales souligne l importance du transfert modal comme pierre angulaire pour atteindre les ambitions climatiques fixées, avec des avantages supplémentaires en termes de qualité de l air, de mobilité et d occupation de l espace public. En ce qui concerne le transport de personnes, chaque région vise à limiter la part de la voiture individuelle dans la répartition modale, en faveur de modes de transport alternatifs tels que le transport actif (marche et vélo), les véhicules électriques légers (vélos électriques, speedelecs, trottinettes électriques, etc.) et les modes de transport partagés (transports en commun et véhicules partagés). À cette fin, elles mettent l’accent sur une offre de qualité de modes alternatifs, des infrastructures adéquates et la promotion de la mobilité combinée9.
{ "answer_start": 41, "text": "En ce qui concerne le transport de personnes, chaque région vise à limiter la part de la voiture individuelle dans la répartition modale, en faveur de modes de transport alternatifs tels que le transport actif (marche et vélo), les véhicules électriques légers (vélos électriques, speedelecs, trottinettes électriques, etc.) et les modes de transport partagés (transports en commun et véhicules partagés)." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
{ "answer_start": 72, "text": "Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
2nd NDC
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
{ "answer_start": 108, "text": "Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
2nd NDC
[Estrategia 1: Evitar] Meta 2.1: Al 2030, haber incluido normativamente el concepto de movili- dad sostenible en la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica de los IPT y PROT, desarrollados a partir del año 2025, mediante estudios específicos de movi- lidad que apoyen la elaboración de la EAE y que complemente los actuales Estudios de Capacidad Vial. Objetivo 3: Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares.
{ "answer_start": 56, "text": "Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Objetivo 3: Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares. [Es- trategia 2: Cambiar] Meta 3.1: Al 2025, haber desarrollado en conjunto con MINVU, en las prin- cipales ciudades del país (sobre 50 mil habitantes) los Planes Maestros de Infraestructura Ciclo-inclusiva y con el MOP redes interurbanas que per- mitan conectar estas ciudades con las localidades cercanas y otras ciudades que pertenecen a su área de influencia funcional.
{ "answer_start": 2, "text": "Promover iniciativas de fortalecimiento del transporte público y modos de transporte activo, eficientes y sostenibles para su priorización por sobre el uso de vehículos particulares." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
China will move faster to put in place a convenient, efficient and moderately advanced network system for battery charging and swap. Energy efficiency standards for fuel-powered vehicles and vessels will be upgraded, energy efficiency labeling system for transport equipment will be improved, and timeworn vehicles and vessels that are highly energy-consuming and of high emissions will be phased out. China will further actively guide low-carbon travel. China will quicken the construction of large-capacity public transport infrastructure including urban railways, special traffic lanes and bus rapid transit systems, and strengthen the construction of urban slow traffic systems, namely, special bicycle lanes, pedestrian walkways, etc. By making comprehensive use of legal, economic, administrative and other management measures, China will put particular emphasis on combating urban traffic congestion. 8.
{ "answer_start": 87, "text": "and strengthen the construction of urban slow traffic systems, namely, special bicycle lanes, pedestrian walkways, etc." },%20New%20Goals%20and%20New%20Measures%20for%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions.pdf
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
• To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. • To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities.1.3.3 To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. • To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. • To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. • To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4 To implement demand management measures. • To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 24, "text": "To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
*Avoid el lock-in: -To avoid the promotion and adoption of "transitional" transportation technologies that create barriers for the decarbonization of the transport system in the medium- and -long term. o To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning 1.3.2. To promote dense and compact city models. o To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. o To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities. 1.3.3. To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. o To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 80, "text": "To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The latter could provide alternatives to scrapping trucks. This will need to be defined prior to 2030 in order for Fiji to achieve zero emissions by 2050 due to the long commercial lifespan of trucks.90 Additional policy measures Fiji would need to consider to achieve these low emission scenarios include: Mode Shift. New policies will be needed to promote transport mode shifts, and simultaneously to promote EVs as well as PT and NMT. From the socio-economic perspective, increased use of PT is seen as economically profitable due to time savings and vehicle operating cost savings.
{ "answer_start": 52, "text": "New policies will be needed to promote transport mode shifts, and simultaneously to promote EVs as well as PT and NMT." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The improvements in energy efficiency and decarbonisation will concern all modes of transport. The scenario notably envisages a progressive development of biofuels in aviation to reach 50% by 21 Where appropriate by comparison with the “course of time” scenarios. National low carbon strategy - March 2020 19/1762050. Sea and river transport will be entirely carbon-free for domestic emissions by 2050 and 50% decarbonised for the international bunkers. The scenario assumes that the rise in traffic both for the transport of people and for the transport of goods will be controlled, that a modal shift will occur towards active means of transport, public transport and bulk transportation and that vehicle use will be optimised.
{ "answer_start": 90, "text": "that a modal shift will occur towards active means of transport," }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The scenario assumes that the rise in traffic both for the transport of people and for the transport of goods will be controlled, that a modal shift will occur towards active means of transport, public transport and bulk transportation and that vehicle use will be optimised. Passenger traffic in passenger-km for all modes together will rise by 26% between 2015 and 2050 but at a more moderate rate than in the business-as-usual scenario, notably because of the increase in teleworking and a limitation of urban sprawl. The modal share of cycling will be multiplied by 4 after 2030. Public transport will develop significantly with a progression in its modal share of 7 points, this will also apply to shared transport and car-sharing.
{ "answer_start": 23, "text": "that a modal shift will occur towards active means of transport," }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The Climate Action Plan includes a total of 50 measures, divided into three parts Measures to reduce Iceland’s Effort Sharing emissions (ESR)1 Measures to reduce emissions in connection with EU-ETS2 Measures to reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration through improved land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF)3 A. Land transport B. Ships and ports H. EU ETS: Air transport and heavy industry I. LULUCF C. Energy production and small industry E. Agriculture D. F-gases and chemical use F. Waste management G. Transition incentives A.1 Infrastructure for active mobility F.1 Landfill tax C.1 Carbon capture from geothermal power plants D.1 Regulation of F-gases E.4 Improved use and handling of fertilisers A.8 Energy transition in heavy transport E.1 Climate-friendly agriculture A.4 Incentives for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.1 Carbon tax B.1.
{ "answer_start": 85, "text": "Infrastructure for active mobility" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Ships and ports H. EU ETS: Air transport and heavy industry I. LULUCF C. Energy production and small industry E. Agriculture D. F-gases and chemical use F. Waste management G. Transition incentives A.1 Infrastructure for active mobility F.1 Landfill tax C.1 Carbon capture from geothermal power plants D.1 Regulation of F-gases E.4 Improved use and handling of fertilisers A.8 Energy transition in heavy transport E.1 Climate-friendly agriculture A.4 Incentives for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.1 Carbon tax B.1. Energy transition in fisheries action in forestry B.2 Electrical infra- structure in ports action in land reclamation B.3 Ban on use of heavy fuel oil of wetlands B.4 Energy transition of ferries conservation I.5 Improved map- ping of grazing land and land use plan for the LULUCF inventory B.5 Energy transition of state-owned vessels A.5 Infrastructure for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.2 Climate fund A.6 Energy transition legislation and regulations data reporting G.7 Issuing of green bonds G.5 Climate education in schools A.7 Ban on new registration of diesel and gasoline vehicles G.4 Information on climate change for the public G.8 Sustainable public procurement G.6 Climate impact assess- ment of legislation A.2 Incentives for active mobility F.2 Ban on the landfilling of organic waste C.2 Electrification of fishmeal production plants D.2 Taxation of F-gases E.5 Improved feeding of livestock to reduce enteric fermentation A.9 Low emissions rental cars E.2 Carbon neutral beef production A.3 Encouraging public transport F.3 Reduction in food waste A.10 Low emissions vehicles in government and state enterprises E.3 Increased domestic vegetable production G.11 Climate action planning H.3 Participation in international system for reducing air transport emissions G.10 Climate strategy of other public agencies H.2 Updated Regulation under the Emissions Trading System G.9 Climate strategy of Government Offices H.1 Carbon capture from heavy industry Definitions | In preparation: Preparation of the measure is underway, including situational analysis and mapping.
{ "answer_start": 33, "text": "Infrastructure for active mobility" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Furthermore, by implementing heat island countermeasures to improve thermal environment, the Government will promote the reduction of urban CO2 emissions. Figure 25 The Image of “Comfortable and Walkable” Area (Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) In conjunction with efforts to make cities more compact and to promote the use of public transportation, the Government will promote the development of spaces and environments that are safe, comfortable, and attractive for people to travel on foot or by bicycle, thereby increasing the percentage of travel by foot or bicycle and reducing CO2 emissions from travel.
{ "answer_start": 54, "text": "the Government will promote the development of spaces and environments that are safe, comfortable, and attractive for people to travel on foot or by bicycle, thereby increasing the percentage of travel by foot or bicycle and reducing CO2 emissions from travel" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Figure 25 The Image of “Comfortable and Walkable” Area (Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) In conjunction with efforts to make cities more compact and to promote the use of public transportation, the Government will promote the development of spaces and environments that are safe, comfortable, and attractive for people to travel on foot or by bicycle, thereby increasing the percentage of travel by foot or bicycle and reducing CO2 emissions from travel. In addition, in order to promote bicycle use, the Government will promote activities to support the formulation of the Bicycle Use Promotion Plans by local governments, the development of bicycle traffic space networks, the improvement of bicycle parking lots, and the use of bicycle sharing in coordination with safety measures, thereby contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.- 59 - Figure 26 The Image of compact city (Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) In terms of the existing infrastructures such as public facilities regarding water supply, sewerage systems, and waste disposal facilities, and transportation and energy infrastructures, the Government will promote energy conservation and make the infrastructures play the role of local energy centers to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, in combination with  systems, expanding the area of their services while consolidating them, extending their service life, and improving their disaster prevention functions.
{ "answer_start": 34, "text": "the Government will promote the development of spaces and environments that are safe, comfortable, and attractive for people to travel on foot or by bicycle, thereby increasing the percentage of travel by foot or bicycle and reducing CO2 emissions from travel" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The LCDS, in line with the NECP and transport strategies currently in place, considers the following measures: „ Support for the electrification transition: this is further supported by strengthening the grant scheme currently in place to incentivise the purchase of EVs and plug-in hybrid vehicles „ The installation of an extended network of EV charging points „ Electrification of government fleet, with government leading by example„ Electrification of scheduled public transport buses „ Support to drive a significant further increase in public transport usage: this is assumed to arise from a suite of measures, including the extension of free public transport services, and improvements in public transport services „ Support for active transport: sustained investment taking place throughout the strategy period in infrastructure to support cycling (e.g. bikes, e-bikes, pedelecs) and walking.
{ "answer_start": 109, "text": "Support for active transport: sustained investment taking place throughout the strategy period in infrastructure to support cycling (e.g. bikes, e-bikes, pedelecs) and walking" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
autonomous vehicles) and can lead to emissions reductions of up to 25 % in 2050. The most significant impact of circularity refers to the significant increase in the use of public transport, which leads to a reduction in total transport energy consumption of between 3% and 2% in 2030 and 2050, respectively. Main decarbonisation drivers in the transport sector: • Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems; • Active and low-impact mobility; • Greater efficiency, associated to shared mobility and autonomous vehicles; • Electrification; • Biofuels and hydrogen.
{ "answer_start": 69, "text": "Active and low-impact mobility" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Main decarbonisation drivers in the transport sector: • Greater efficiency and reinforcement of public transport systems; • Active and low-impact mobility; • Greater efficiency, associated to shared mobility and autonomous vehicles; • Electrification; • Biofuels and hydrogen. FUEL Unit: PJ ENERGY INTENSITY Unit: MJ/pKmLONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY OF THE PORTUGUESE ECONOMY BY 2050 4.1.3 Industry and industrial processes The industrial sector is made up of a wide range of activities and processes, including sectors such as refining, pulp and paper production, glass, ceramics, cement and lime, iron and steel, chemicals, among others. Their emissions derive from the consumption of fossil fuels and, in some sectors, emissions from the chemical processes involved.
{ "answer_start": 17, "text": "Active and low-impact mobility" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
20 Active mobility modes include walking, cycling or using Personal Mobility Devices such as electric scooters. All journeys within a town, using public, shared and active modes of transport will take no more than 20 minutes, while nine in ten peak period journeys, such as between the home and workplace, using public, shared and active modes of transport, will be completed in less than 45 minutes.CHARTING SING APORE S LOW- C ARBON AND CLIMATE RE SILIENT FUTURE CHARTING SING APORE S LOW- C ARBON AND CLIMATE RE SILIENT FUTURE Chapter 4 | Key Long-Term Climate Actions Expanding the Active Mobility Network Singapore will accelerate the building of cycling paths and active mobility infrastructure to make cycling and walking more convenient and attractive.
{ "answer_start": 96, "text": "Expanding the Active Mobility Network Singapore will accelerate the building of cycling paths and active mobility infrastructure to make cycling and walking more convenient and attractive." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
All journeys within a town, using public, shared and active modes of transport will take no more than 20 minutes, while nine in ten peak period journeys, such as between the home and workplace, using public, shared and active modes of transport, will be completed in less than 45 minutes.CHARTING SING APORE S LOW- C ARBON AND CLIMATE RE SILIENT FUTURE CHARTING SING APORE S LOW- C ARBON AND CLIMATE RE SILIENT FUTURE Chapter 4 | Key Long-Term Climate Actions Expanding the Active Mobility Network Singapore will accelerate the building of cycling paths and active mobility infrastructure to make cycling and walking more convenient and attractive. By 2040, our cycling path network will be extended to more than 1,000km from which was introduced in the 2013 Land Transport Master Plan, the Government built 200km of sheltered walkways from transport nodes to homes and public amenities.
{ "answer_start": 80, "text": "Expanding the Active Mobility Network Singapore will accelerate the building of cycling paths and active mobility infrastructure to make cycling and walking more convenient and attractive." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Our streets will be cleaner and people healthier from breathing cleaner air, walking and cycling more. Our zero emissions vehicle (ZEV) mandate will guarantee greater number of zero emission vehicles on our roads, unlocking the transformation of our road transport. Additional funding will support our automotive sector to stay at the cutting edge and capture jobs of the future. Significant new investment in vehicle grants and electric vehicle infrastructure will ensure that we see even more green vans delivering our goods and big improvements in local public chargepoint provision. We will increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking, electrifying more railway lines, investing £3 billion to transform bus services and £2 billion for cycling.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 91, "text": "Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
We will increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking, electrifying more railway lines, investing £3 billion to transform bus services and £2 billion for cycling. We will build on our strong maritime heritage and the success of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition to deliver a more ambitious multi- year programme for the sector. Setting out an ambitious position on SAF will set us on a path to decarbonise this challenging sector. Accelerating the decarbonisation of transport will save lives and significantly reduce noise, making our urban centres more enjoyable places to live. Key policies: • A zero emission vehicle mandate to improve consumer choice and ensure we maximise the economic benefit from this transition by giving a clear signal to investors.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 2, "text": "Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
• Take action to increase average road vehicle occupancy by 2030 and reduce the barriers to data sharing across the transport sector. • Maximise carbon savings from the use of low carbon fuels, including by increasing the main Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) target. • Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking. • Support decarbonisation by investing more than £12 billion in local transport systems over the current Parliament. • Invest £2 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 45, "text": "Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Potential Actions Unconditional Contribution The targeted GHG emission reduction for unconditional contributions will be implemented through a set of mitigation actions. The potential mitigations actions are elaborated in Table 4.Table 4: Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Unconditional Contribution Sector Description Actions by 2030 Energy Power Implementation of renewable energy projects Enhanced efficiency of existing power plants Use of improved technology for power generation Transport Improvement of fuel efficiency for transport sub- sector Increase use of less emission- based transport system and improve Inland Water Transport System Power Implementation of renewable energy projects of 911.8 MW Grid-connected Solar-581 MW, Wind-149 MW, MW, Solar Mini-grid-56.8 MW Installation of new Combined Cycle Gas based power plant (3208 MW) Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW) Installation of prepaid meter Transport Improvement of road traffic congestion (5% improvement in fuel efficiency) Widening of roads (2 to 4 lanes) and improving road quality Construct NMT and bicycle lanes Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) or congestion charging Reduction of private cars and encourage electric and hybrid vehicles Development of Urban Transport Master Plans (UTMP) to improve transport systems in line with the Urban Plan/ City Plan for all major cities and urban area Introducing Intelligent Transport System (ITS) based public transport management system to ensure better performance, enhance reliability, safety and service Modal shift from road to rail (10% modal shift of passenger-km) through different Transport projects such as BRT, MRT in major cities, Multi-modal hub creation, Padma Bridge etc.
{ "answer_start": 152, "text": "Construct NMT and bicycle lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
The potential mitigations actions are elaborated in Table 4.Table 4: Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Unconditional Contribution Sector Description Actions by 2030 Energy Power Implementation of renewable energy projects Enhanced efficiency of existing power plants Use of improved technology for power generation Transport Improvement of fuel efficiency for transport sub- sector Increase use of less emission- based transport system and improve Inland Water Transport System Power Implementation of renewable energy projects of 911.8 MW Grid-connected Solar-581 MW, Wind-149 MW, MW, Solar Mini-grid-56.8 MW Installation of new Combined Cycle Gas based power plant (3208 MW) Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW) Installation of prepaid meter Transport Improvement of road traffic congestion (5% improvement in fuel efficiency) Widening of roads (2 to 4 lanes) and improving road quality Construct NMT and bicycle lanes Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) or congestion charging Reduction of private cars and encourage electric and hybrid vehicles Development of Urban Transport Master Plans (UTMP) to improve transport systems in line with the Urban Plan/ City Plan for all major cities and urban area Introducing Intelligent Transport System (ITS) based public transport management system to ensure better performance, enhance reliability, safety and service Modal shift from road to rail (10% modal shift of passenger-km) through different Transport projects such as BRT, MRT in major cities, Multi-modal hub creation, Padma Bridge etc. Purchase of modern rolling stock and signaling system for railway Electrification of the railway system and double-Sector Description Actions by 2030 Industry Increase energy efficiency in the Industry sub-sector Agriculture Enhanced use of solar energy in Agriculture Brick Kilns Enforcement and Improved technology use Residential and Commercial Enhanced use of energy- efficient appliances in household and commercial buildings F-Gases Implement Montreal Protocol targets track construction Improved and enhanced Inland Water Transport (IWT) system (Improve navigation for regional, sub-regional, and local routes, improve maintenance of water vessel to enhance engine performance, introduce electric water vessel etc.)
{ "answer_start": 131, "text": "Construct NMT and bicycle lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
A set of potential mitigation actions for conditional contributions are described in Table 5. Table 5: Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Conditional Contribution Sector Description Actions by 2030 Energy Power Implementation of renewable Power Implementation of renewable energy projects of 4114.3Sector Description Actions by 2030 energy projects Enhanced efficiency of existing power plants Use of improved technology for Power generation Transport Improvement of fuel efficiency for transport sub- sector Increase use of less emission- based transport system and improve Inland Water Transport System MW Grid-connected Solar-2277 MW, Wind-597 MW, MW, Solar Mini-grid-56.8 MW, Waste to Electricity- Coal power plant with Ultra super critical technology- Installation of new Combined Cycle Gas based power plant (5613 MW) Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW) Installation of prepaid meter Bring down total T&D loss to a single digit by 2030 Transport Improvement of road traffic congestion (15% improvement in fuel efficiency) Widening of roads (2 to 4 lanes) and improving road quality Construct NMT and bicycle lanes Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) or congestion charging Reduction of private cars and encourage electric and hybrid vehicles Development of Urban Transport Master Plans (UTMP) to improve transport systems in line with the Urban Plan/ City Plan for all major cities and urban area Introducing Intelligent Transport System (ITS) based public transport management system to ensure better performance, enhance reliability, safety and service Establish charging station network and electric buses in major cities Modal shift from road to rail (25% modal shift of passenger-km) through different Transport projects such as BRT, MRT in major cities, Multi-modal hub creation, new bridges etc.
{ "answer_start": 163, "text": "Construct NMT and bicycle lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
Table 5: Possible Mitigation Actions to deliver the Conditional Contribution Sector Description Actions by 2030 Energy Power Implementation of renewable Power Implementation of renewable energy projects of 4114.3Sector Description Actions by 2030 energy projects Enhanced efficiency of existing power plants Use of improved technology for Power generation Transport Improvement of fuel efficiency for transport sub- sector Increase use of less emission- based transport system and improve Inland Water Transport System MW Grid-connected Solar-2277 MW, Wind-597 MW, MW, Solar Mini-grid-56.8 MW, Waste to Electricity- Coal power plant with Ultra super critical technology- Installation of new Combined Cycle Gas based power plant (5613 MW) Efficiency improvement of Existing Gas Turbine power plant (570 MW) Installation of prepaid meter Bring down total T&D loss to a single digit by 2030 Transport Improvement of road traffic congestion (15% improvement in fuel efficiency) Widening of roads (2 to 4 lanes) and improving road quality Construct NMT and bicycle lanes Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) or congestion charging Reduction of private cars and encourage electric and hybrid vehicles Development of Urban Transport Master Plans (UTMP) to improve transport systems in line with the Urban Plan/ City Plan for all major cities and urban area Introducing Intelligent Transport System (ITS) based public transport management system to ensure better performance, enhance reliability, safety and service Establish charging station network and electric buses in major cities Modal shift from road to rail (25% modal shift of passenger-km) through different Transport projects such as BRT, MRT in major cities, Multi-modal hub creation, new bridges etc. Purchase of modern rolling stock and signalingSector Description Actions by 2030 Industry Increase energy efficiency in Industry sub-sector Agriculture Enhanced use of solar energy in Agriculture Brick Kilns Enforcement and Improved technology use Residential and Commercial Enhanced use of energy- efficient appliances in household and commercial buildings F-Gases Further reduction of Ozone Depleting Gases Fugitive Emission Gas leakage reduction system for railway Electrification of the railway system and double- track construction Improved and enhanced Inland Water Transport (IWT) system (Improve navigation for regional, sub-regional, and local routes, improve maintenance of water vessel to enhance engine performance, introduce electric water vessel etc.)
{ "answer_start": 149, "text": "Construct NMT and bicycle lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
Energy Sector The cost estimate for the implementation of Key mitigations measures in the energy sector under the unconditional and conditional scenario is outlined in table 6. Table 6: Estimated cost of key mitigation measures in Energy Mitigation Measure Estimated investment required (million Unconditional Conditional Implementation of energy efficient coal power plant 9905 13204 Implementation of renewable energy projects Grid connected Solar 1208 1845 solar mini grid 260.5 260.5 Implement re-powering of old power plant 561.5 561.5 Installation of prepaid electricity meter 870 1305 Implementation of EECMP targets 1500 1500 Transport Plan Preparation, policy initiatives and ITS 70 500 Implementation of MRT and BRT 4200 12470 Multi modal Hub development 800 200 Widening of roads, improving road quality and Construct NMT and bicycle lanes Construction of Expressways 1000 Establish charging station network and electric buses in major cities Purchase of modern rolling stock and signaling system for railway Electrification of railway system and double track construction Improved and enhanced Inland Water Transport 3000 10000 Implementation of solar irrigation pumps 0.4 420.8 Installation of prepaid gas meter 1397 5588.5 Phasing out HCFCs 2AFOLU Sector The cost estimate for the implementation of Key mitigations measures in the AFOLU sector under the unconditional and conditional scenario is outlined in table 7.
{ "answer_start": 119, "text": "Construct NMT and bicycle lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
Table 6: Estimated cost of key mitigation measures in Energy Mitigation Measure Estimated investment required (million Unconditional Conditional Implementation of energy efficient coal power plant 9905 13204 Implementation of renewable energy projects Grid connected Solar 1208 1845 solar mini grid 260.5 260.5 Implement re-powering of old power plant 561.5 561.5 Installation of prepaid electricity meter 870 1305 Implementation of EECMP targets 1500 1500 Transport Plan Preparation, policy initiatives and ITS 70 500 Implementation of MRT and BRT 4200 12470 Multi modal Hub development 800 200 Widening of roads, improving road quality and Construct NMT and bicycle lanes Construction of Expressways 1000 Establish charging station network and electric buses in major cities Purchase of modern rolling stock and signaling system for railway Electrification of railway system and double track construction Improved and enhanced Inland Water Transport 3000 10000 Implementation of solar irrigation pumps 0.4 420.8 Installation of prepaid gas meter 1397 5588.5 Phasing out HCFCs 2AFOLU Sector The cost estimate for the implementation of Key mitigations measures in the AFOLU sector under the unconditional and conditional scenario is outlined in table 7. Table 7: Estimated cost of key mitigation measures in AFOLU Mitigation Measure Estimated investment required (million USD, Unconditional Conditional Implement AWD in dry season rice field 17.65 35.29 Fertilizer Management (deep placement in rice Bring More Area under pulse cultivation 5.29 0.00 Replacement of low-productive animals with high- producing crossbred cattle 8.15 16.29 Feed improvement (Use of balanced diet and Improve manure management (promotion of mini biogas plants, maintenance, training and Forestry related Activities 500 2000 Waste Sector In the Waste Sector, the cost estimate for the implementation of Key mitigations measures in the energy sector under the unconditional and conditional scenario is outlined in table 8.
{ "answer_start": 92, "text": "Construct NMT and bicycle lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
⚫ Promote the application of low-carbon energy ships and explore the application of biomass fuels and other synthetic fuels in civil aviation. ⚫ Increase the application of renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy in transportation infrastructure, accelerate the improvement of the LNG and hydrogen energy supply (filling) system, and focus on solving the problems of difficult approval, construction, and operation of marine LNG refueling stations. Build (near) zero-carbon hubs, stations and ports (port areas). Speed up the construction of a green travel system. ⚫ Strengthen the comprehensive management of urban traffic congestion, give priority to the development of urban public transportation, encourage the public to preferentially choose urban public transportation to travel, improve the urban slow traffic system, and increase the proportion of green travel.
{ "answer_start": 117, "text": "improve the urban slow traffic system, and increase the proportion of green travel." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
⚫ Strengthen the comprehensive management of urban traffic congestion, give priority to the development of urban public transportation, encourage the public to preferentially choose urban public transportation to travel, improve the urban slow traffic system, and increase the proportion of green travel. ⚫ Actively develop large-capacity and high-efficiency inter- regional rapid passenger transport services with high-speed rail and aviation as the mainstay, improve the level of rail transit commuting in urban agglomerations, and encourage the mass transit form operation of intercity road transportation in areas with high passenger demand. 6. Achieve a substantial reduction in non-carbon dioxide GHG emissionCoordinate the management and control of non-carbon dioxide GHGs emission for energy, industrial production processes, agriculture, waste treatment and other fields.
{ "answer_start": 29, "text": "improve the urban slow traffic system, and increase the proportion of green travel." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
The estimated carbon sinks for 2050 are on level very close to the reported sinks of the FOLU sector in the year 2016. Introduction of CO2 tax Reduction of network losses Large hydropower plants Incentives feed-in tariff Incentives feed-in premium Biomass power plants (CHP optional) Solar rooftop power plants RES without incentives Energy efficiency obligation schemes Solar thermal collectors Labelling of electric appliances and equipment Increased use of heat pumps Public awareness campaigns and network of EE info centres (Including Cost of investment in advanced technologies) Retrofitting of existing residential, commercial, central government, and local self-government buildings Construction of new buildings (at least class C) Construction of passive buildings Phasing out of incandescent lights Improvement of the street lighting in the municipalities Green procurements Increased use of central heating systems Energy management in manufacturing industries Introduction of efficient electric motors Introduction of more advanced technologies Increased use of the railway Renewing of the national car fleet Renewing of other national road fleet Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters) Construction of the railway to the Republic of Bulgaria Electrification of the transport Reduction of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation in dairy cows by 3% Reduction of N2O emissions from manure management in dairy cows by 20% Reduction of NO2 emissions from manure management in swine farms by 13% Reduction of N2O emissions from manure in dairy cows by 20% for farms below 50 Livestock Units Establishing integrated management of forest fires Afforestation Conversion of land use of field crops above 15% inclination Contour cultivation on areas under field crops on inclined Perennial grass in orchard and vineyards on inclined Use of biochar for carbon sink on agricultural land Photovoltaic irrigation Landfill gas flaring Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) in new landfills with composting Selection of waste - paper Improved waste and materials management at industrial facilities Measures to achieve emissions reductionsLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan economy wide cost reduction of €16 billion compared to the WEM Scenario.
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 162, "text": "Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters)" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Introduction of CO2 tax Reduction of network losses Large hydropower plants Incentives feed-in tariff Incentives feed-in premium Biomass power plants (CHP optional) Solar rooftop power plants RES without incentives Energy efficiency obligation schemes Solar thermal collectors Labelling of electric appliances and equipment Increased use of heat pumps Public awareness campaigns and network of EE info centres (Including Cost of investment in advanced technologies) Retrofitting of existing residential, commercial, central government, and local self-government buildings Construction of new buildings (at least class C) Construction of passive buildings Phasing out of incandescent lights Improvement of the street lighting in the municipalities Green procurements Increased use of central heating systems Energy management in manufacturing industries Introduction of efficient electric motors Introduction of more advanced technologies Increased use of the railway Renewing of the national car fleet Renewing of other national road fleet Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters) Construction of the railway to the Republic of Bulgaria Electrification of the transport Reduction of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation in dairy cows by 3% Reduction of N2O emissions from manure management in dairy cows by 20% Reduction of NO2 emissions from manure management in swine farms by 13% Reduction of N2O emissions from manure in dairy cows by 20% for farms below 50 Livestock Units Establishing integrated management of forest fires Afforestation Conversion of land use of field crops above 15% inclination Contour cultivation on areas under field crops on inclined Perennial grass in orchard and vineyards on inclined Use of biochar for carbon sink on agricultural land Photovoltaic irrigation Landfill gas flaring Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) in new landfills with composting Selection of waste - paper Improved waste and materials management at industrial facilities Measures to achieve emissions reductionsLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan economy wide cost reduction of €16 billion compared to the WEM Scenario. Investments (Bill.
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 139, "text": "Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters)" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Introduction of CO2 tax Reduction of network losses Large hydropower plants Incentives feed-in tariff Incentives feed-in premium Biomass power plants (CHP optional) Solar rooftop power plants RES without incentives Energy efficiency obligation schemes Solar thermal collectors Labelling of electric appliances and equipment Increased use of heat pumps Public awareness campaigns and network of EE info centres (Including Cost of investment in advanced technologies) Retrofitting of existing residential, commercial, central government, and local self-government buildings Construction of new buildings (at least class C) Construction of passive buildings Phasing out of incandescent lights Improvement of the street lighting in the municipalities Green procurements Increased use of central heating systems Energy management in manufacturing industries Introduction of efficient electric motors Introduction of more advanced technologies Increased use of the railway Renewing of the national car fleet Renewing of other national road fleet Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters) Construction of the railway to the Republic of Bulgaria Electrification of the transport Reduction of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation in dairy cows by 3% Reduction of N2O emissions from manure management in dairy cows by 20% Reduction of NO2 emissions from manure management in swine farms by 13% Reduction of N2O emissions from manure in dairy cows by 20% for farms below 50 Livestock Units Establishing integrated management of forest fires Afforestation Conversion of land use of field crops above 15% inclination Contour cultivation on areas under field crops on inclined Perennial grass in orchard and vineyards on inclined Use of biochar for carbon sink on agricultural land Photovoltaic irrigation Landfill gas flaring Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) in new landfills with composting Selection of waste - paper Improved waste and materials management at industrial facilities Measures to achieve emissions reductionsLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan economy wide cost reduction of €16 billion compared to the WEM Scenario. Investments (Bill. EUR) – Total system costs – Energy (Bill.
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 139, "text": "Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters)" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Investment costs per measure in WAM scenario, including source of finance Sector/Category Policy/ measure Investment cost (Mil. EUR) Source of finance PV Biogas Wind Small hydro Biomass Lighting Retrofit New houses Increased use of heat pumps Solar thermal collectors Solar thermal collectors Construction of passive buildings Incentives Feed-in premium Retrofitting of existing residential buildings Increased use of heat pumps Incentives Feed-in tariff Improvement of the street lighting Retrofitting of existing commercial buildings Construction of new buildings Retrofitting of existing local self-government buildings Retrofitting of existing central government buildings Phasing out of incandescent lights Biomass power plants RES without incentives Solar rooftopLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan Energy Introduction of CO2 tax n/a n/a Energy/Infrastructure Reduction of network losses 232.0 Distribution and transmission companies Energy/RES generation Large hydropower plants 1627.3 Public private partnership, ESM, Independent power producers Incentives feed-in tariff 373.3 Independent power producers, incentives through consumer bills Incentives feed-in premium 399.2 Independent power producers, incentives from the central government budget Biomass power plants (CHP optional) 32.3 Independent power producers, incentives through consumer bills Solar rooftop power plants 627.6 Independent power producers, donors, subsidies from central government and local budget, EE fund RES without incentives 1726.0 Public private partnership, Independent power producers, ESM Energy/Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency obligation schemes 145.7 Consumers through their bills Solar thermal collectors 200.7 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central government budget, donors Labelling of electric appliances and equipment 70.2 Private, EE fund Increased use of heat pumps 330.1 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central and local government budget, donors Public awareness campaigns and network of EE info centres (Including Cost of investment in advanced technologies) Private, donors, central and local self- governments Retrofitting of existing residential buildings 2606.6 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Retrofitting of existing central government buildings 261.3 Central government budget, donors Retrofitting of existing local self-government buildings 218.2 Local self-government budget, donors Retrofitting of existing commercial buildings 979.0 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Construction of new buildings (at least class C) Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Construction of passive buildings 1196.6 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund, financial support for construction of new buildings at municipality level Phasing out of incandescent lights 889.9 Private, central government budget Improvement of the street lighting in the municipalities Central and local government budget, ESCO Green procurements 11.3 Central and local self-government budget Increased use of central heating systems 47.8 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central and local government budget Energy management in manufacturing industries n/a Private, donors through commercial EE loans Introduction of efficient electric motors 180.6 Private, donors through commercial EE loans Introduction of more advanced technologies 1040.7 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Increased use of the railway 329.0 Central government budget Renewing of the national car fleet 4924.0 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central government budget Renewing of other national road fleet 6437.0 Private, Public enterprises Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters) n/a Private, EE fund, incentives from the central and local government budget, donors Construction of the railway to the Republic of Bulgaria 720.0 Central government budgetLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan Electrification of the transport 8440.0 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central government budget AFOLU/Livestock Reduction of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation in dairy cows by 3% 0.3 Private sector, IPARD programme Reduction of N2O emissions from manure management in dairy cows by 20% 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Reduction of NO2 emissions from manure management in swine farms by 13% 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Reduction of N2O emissions from manure in dairy cows by 20% for farms below 50 Livestock Units 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme AFOLU/Forestry Establishing integrated management of forest fires PE ‘National forests’, other forest enterprises PE ‘National forests’, other forest enterprises AFOLU/Other Land Use Conversion of land use of field crops above 2.3 Private sector, IPARD programme Contour cultivation on areas under field crops on inclined terrains (5-15%) 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Perennial grass in orchard and vineyards on inclined terrains (>5%) 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Use of biochar for carbon sink on agricultural land 45.0 Private sector, IPARD programme Photovoltaic irrigation 47.0 Private sector, IPARD programme Waste Landfill gas flaring 24.6 Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public Private Partnership, EU funds Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) in new landfills with composting Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public Private Partnership, EU funds Selection of waste - paper 3.0 Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public Private Partnership, EU funds Improved waste and materials management at industrial facilities n/a Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Municipalities and city of Skopje, Industrial facilities, EU funds Note: This table does not include the investments in conventional generation (190 Mil.
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 492, "text": "Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters)" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
EUR) Source of finance PV Biogas Wind Small hydro Biomass Lighting Retrofit New houses Increased use of heat pumps Solar thermal collectors Solar thermal collectors Construction of passive buildings Incentives Feed-in premium Retrofitting of existing residential buildings Increased use of heat pumps Incentives Feed-in tariff Improvement of the street lighting Retrofitting of existing commercial buildings Construction of new buildings Retrofitting of existing local self-government buildings Retrofitting of existing central government buildings Phasing out of incandescent lights Biomass power plants RES without incentives Solar rooftopLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan Energy Introduction of CO2 tax n/a n/a Energy/Infrastructure Reduction of network losses 232.0 Distribution and transmission companies Energy/RES generation Large hydropower plants 1627.3 Public private partnership, ESM, Independent power producers Incentives feed-in tariff 373.3 Independent power producers, incentives through consumer bills Incentives feed-in premium 399.2 Independent power producers, incentives from the central government budget Biomass power plants (CHP optional) 32.3 Independent power producers, incentives through consumer bills Solar rooftop power plants 627.6 Independent power producers, donors, subsidies from central government and local budget, EE fund RES without incentives 1726.0 Public private partnership, Independent power producers, ESM Energy/Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency obligation schemes 145.7 Consumers through their bills Solar thermal collectors 200.7 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central government budget, donors Labelling of electric appliances and equipment 70.2 Private, EE fund Increased use of heat pumps 330.1 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central and local government budget, donors Public awareness campaigns and network of EE info centres (Including Cost of investment in advanced technologies) Private, donors, central and local self- governments Retrofitting of existing residential buildings 2606.6 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Retrofitting of existing central government buildings 261.3 Central government budget, donors Retrofitting of existing local self-government buildings 218.2 Local self-government budget, donors Retrofitting of existing commercial buildings 979.0 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Construction of new buildings (at least class C) Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Construction of passive buildings 1196.6 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund, financial support for construction of new buildings at municipality level Phasing out of incandescent lights 889.9 Private, central government budget Improvement of the street lighting in the municipalities Central and local government budget, ESCO Green procurements 11.3 Central and local self-government budget Increased use of central heating systems 47.8 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central and local government budget Energy management in manufacturing industries n/a Private, donors through commercial EE loans Introduction of efficient electric motors 180.6 Private, donors through commercial EE loans Introduction of more advanced technologies 1040.7 Private, donors through commercial EE loans, EE fund Increased use of the railway 329.0 Central government budget Renewing of the national car fleet 4924.0 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central government budget Renewing of other national road fleet 6437.0 Private, Public enterprises Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters) n/a Private, EE fund, incentives from the central and local government budget, donors Construction of the railway to the Republic of Bulgaria 720.0 Central government budgetLong-term Strategy on Climate Action and Action Plan Electrification of the transport 8440.0 Private, EE fund, incentives from the central government budget AFOLU/Livestock Reduction of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation in dairy cows by 3% 0.3 Private sector, IPARD programme Reduction of N2O emissions from manure management in dairy cows by 20% 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Reduction of NO2 emissions from manure management in swine farms by 13% 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Reduction of N2O emissions from manure in dairy cows by 20% for farms below 50 Livestock Units 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme AFOLU/Forestry Establishing integrated management of forest fires PE ‘National forests’, other forest enterprises PE ‘National forests’, other forest enterprises AFOLU/Other Land Use Conversion of land use of field crops above 2.3 Private sector, IPARD programme Contour cultivation on areas under field crops on inclined terrains (5-15%) 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Perennial grass in orchard and vineyards on inclined terrains (>5%) 1.5 Private sector, IPARD programme Use of biochar for carbon sink on agricultural land 45.0 Private sector, IPARD programme Photovoltaic irrigation 47.0 Private sector, IPARD programme Waste Landfill gas flaring 24.6 Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public Private Partnership, EU funds Mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) in new landfills with composting Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public Private Partnership, EU funds Selection of waste - paper 3.0 Local self-government through Public Utilities, Public Private Partnership, EU funds Improved waste and materials management at industrial facilities n/a Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Municipalities and city of Skopje, Industrial facilities, EU funds Note: This table does not include the investments in conventional generation (190 Mil. EUR) Regarding the individual measures, it can be noticed that the largest investments are in the transport measures, i.e.
Republic of North Macedonia
{ "answer_start": 475, "text": "Advanced mobility (walking, cycling and electric scooters)" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Increased adaptative capacity as a result of increased off-farm business for rural community having access to electricity/ energy. UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONTransport Public transport infrastructure Wide range of measures including bus rapid transport (BRT) project, bus lanes, non-motorised transport lanes, and other modal shift projects contained in the Transport Sector Strategic Plan as part of the NST1. MININFRA (RTDA, REMA, RURA, CoK, transport operators) 50 million USD (but cost estimates are limited to bus mea- sures only). Increased resilience of transport infrastructure. Improved health and reduction of harmful pollutants, enhacing resilience of population to disease and adverse climate impacts. Electric vehicles (EVs) The e-mobility programme plans for the phased adoption of electric buses, passenger vehicles (cars) and motorocycles from 2020 onwards, resulting in displaced conventional vehicle sales, transport fuel imports and associated GHG emissions. MININFRA (RTDA, REMA, RURA CoK, transport operators) Total costs including EVs and charging infrastructure est.
{ "answer_start": 37, "text": "non-motorised transport lanes" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
b) Promoting the use of renewable (clean) energy in transportation systems. c) Introduction and promotion of Non-Motorized Transport system and facilities and networks in both mega cities and metropolitan cities by 2030. Forestry a) Enhancing and upscaling implementation of participatory forest management programmes. b) Facilitating effective and co-ordinated implementation of actions that will enhance the contribution from the entire forest sector. c) Promote nationwide forest landscape restoration programmes and initiatives. Waste Management a) Promoting environmentally sound waste management practices that support reuse, reduce and recycle. b) Promoting waste to energy technologies.Tanzania’s Nationally Determined Contribution 19 4.3 NDC Transparency A national MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) system is essential in implementation of NDC, in particular mitigation efforts. A national MRV system has been established.
United Republic of Tanzania
{ "answer_start": 12, "text": "Introduction and promotion of Non-Motorized Transport system and facilities and networks in both mega cities and metropolitan cities by 2030" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Updated NDC
En cuanto a la utilización de Hidrógeno, se está trabajando en un piloto para vehículos de carga y buses de larga distancia. Actividades primarias 7% Centrales eléctricas servicio público 9% Consumo propio 6% Comercial · Servicio Sector Público 2% Figura 10: Emisiones de CO2 por sector en 2020.Asimismo, este sector requiere una visión amplia desde la sostenibilidad y está en proceso de elaboración la Política Nacional de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible, con la visión de posibilitar el acceso a todas las personas a las oportunidades que ofrecen los centros urbanos, con alternativas de movilidad ambiental, social y económicamente sostenibles, apuntando a la mejora de su calidad de vida. La movilidad activa y el transporte público, junto con la electromovilidad, son claves en la planificación de la movilidad sostenible.
{ "answer_start": 107, "text": "La movilidad activa y el transporte público, junto con la electromovilidad, son claves en la planificación de la movilidad sostenible." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
La movilidad activa y el transporte público, junto con la electromovilidad, son claves en la planificación de la movilidad sostenible. En el proceso de descarbonización de la economía, el sector energía ha dado importantes pasos quedando desafíos complejos en algunos sectores por la aún escasa disponibilidad de algunas tecnologías. El país deberá explorar distintos instrumentos y requerirá de diversos apoyos para poder dar paso a una segunda transición energética. Sector Procesos Industriales y Uso de Productos En el sector Procesos Industriales y Uso de Productos (IPPU, por su sigla en inglés) se analizan las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) provocadas por los procesos industriales, por el uso de estos gases en los productos y por los usos no energéticos del carbono contenido en los combustibles fósiles.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "La movilidad activa y el transporte público, junto con la electromovilidad, son claves en la planificación de la movilidad sostenible." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
Sustainable forest management and conservation of biodiversity to ensure sustained environmental services through: • Sustainable management of forest management units (FMUs), protected areas, community forests, forest areas outside FMUs, and private forests • Enhancing forest information and monitoring infrastructure through national forest inventories and carbon stock assessments • Forest fire management and rehabilitation of degraded and barren forest lands 2. Promotion of low carbon transport system by: • Improving mass transit and demand side management of personal modes of transport• Exploring alternative modes of transport to road transport such as rail, water and gravity ropeways • Improving efficiency in freight transport • Promoting non‐motorized transport and non‐fossil fuel powered transport such as electric and fuel cell vehicles • Improving efficiency and emissions from existing vehicles through standards and capacity building • Promoting use of appropriate intelligent transport systems 3.
{ "answer_start": 102, "text": "Promoting non‐motorized transport" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
1st NDC
Promotion of low carbon transport system by: • Improving mass transit and demand side management of personal modes of transport• Exploring alternative modes of transport to road transport such as rail, water and gravity ropeways • Improving efficiency in freight transport • Promoting non‐motorized transport and non‐fossil fuel powered transport such as electric and fuel cell vehicles • Improving efficiency and emissions from existing vehicles through standards and capacity building • Promoting use of appropriate intelligent transport systems 3. Minimize GHG emission through application of zero waste concept and sustainable waste management practices: • Enhancement of the three R principles including the conversion of waste to resources • Improving the current system and infrastructure for waste management 4.
{ "answer_start": 42, "text": "Promoting non‐motorized transport" }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
1st NDC
The regulatory entity will optimize transportation systems to reduce travel times and distances. M3.5 To encourage programs which reduce the need for transportation, such as: telework, housing exchange or leasing to bring people closer to their academic or work placess, collective transportation services for companies, and flexible work schedules. To accomplish this, Mexico will diversify and prioritize urban services and equipment in areas with mixed—use development. M3.6 To promote efficient and low-emission transportation systems, and to modify the regulatory and pricing framework in order to foster reinvestment and continuous improvement. M3.7 To generate incentives, infrastructure, and programs for non-motorized transportation as part of integrated transportation systems in which the pedestrian and the cyclist are given priority. This will create immediate environmental and health benefits.
{ "answer_start": 91, "text": "To generate incentives, infrastructure, and programs for non-motorized transportation as part of integrated transportation systems in which the pedestrian and the cyclist are given priority. This will create immediate environmental and health benefits." }
How active mobility is being promoted in the transport sector?
#mission2030 recognises the importance of mobility as a basic human need and stands for an open economy. To this end, #mission2030 identifies the central aspects of the mobility transformation: E- mobility on the basis of renewable energy sources; fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen as a 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles 9 Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles 10 Graz Declaration – “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” 11 Graz Declaration P 2renewable energy source for the applications that are difficult to electrify; alternative drives and fuels; increased use of public transport; active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services; shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport.
{ "answer_start": 157, "text": "shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
To this end, #mission2030 identifies the central aspects of the mobility transformation: E- mobility on the basis of renewable energy sources; fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen as a 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles 9 Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles 10 Graz Declaration – “Starting a new era: clean, safe and affordable mobility for Europe” 11 Graz Declaration P 2renewable energy source for the applications that are difficult to electrify; alternative drives and fuels; increased use of public transport; active mobility (bicycle and foot traffic) promoted by corresponding infrastructure and made accessible by attractive mobility services; shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport. This will provide additional value for the affected citizens and for companies because the new forms of mobility are environmentally friendlier and healthier.
{ "answer_start": 140, "text": "shift in freight traffic to rail and expansion of combined transport." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Innovative, holistic mobility solutions will also cover the last mile, for example tailored mobility management, on-demand buses, electric taxis, car sharing, and the massive expansion of public transport. Public transport intervals are considerably shorter, and customer-friendly service planning and information provision make rail and bus travel more attractive. Freight transport by rail has profited from the reduction of regulatory hurdles. The external costs of all modes of transport will be internalised during the mobility transformation. Thismeans that the most environmentally friendly modes of transport are also the cheapest. This will cause a preference for these modes of transport. The volume of individual motorised traffic and short-haul flights has decreased considerably.
{ "answer_start": 48, "text": "Freight transport by rail has profited from the reduction of regulatory hurdles." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Fuel cell vehicles using hydrogen from renewable sources are an important option especially for applications that are difficult to electrify (such as heavy goods vehicles for long-haul transport). Electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles offer the possibility to use 100% renewable energy and are also considerably more efficient than petrol and diesel vehicles. Eco-driving training teaches drivers how to use and operate their vehicles as efficiently as possible. The rail infrastructure is 100% electrified and powers the trains entirely with electricity from renewable sources. The majority of freight transport has been shifted to the rails, and the remaining goods transports are handled with non-fossil drives (electromobility, in part with overhead-line lorries, and with hydrogen).
{ "answer_start": 84, "text": "The majority of freight transport has been shifted to the rails, and the remaining goods transports are handled with non-fossil drives (electromobility, in part with overhead-line lorries, and with hydrogen)." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
The majority of freight transport has been shifted to the rails, and the remaining goods transports are handled with non-fossil drives (electromobility, in part with overhead-line lorries, and with hydrogen). The role of inland shipping, which is to switch to renewable energy, has increased considerably. E-fuels produced in the EU through new and innovative technologies and second-generation biofuels will especially be used in aviation. The time required for the relevant approval processes (especially for passenger and freight transport by rail) is to be shortened so that the efficiency gains can be realised rapidly enough. Lifestyles in 2050: People and companies profit from the mobility transformation Future land use planning can substantially reduce mobility pressure.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "The majority of freight transport has been shifted to the rails, and the remaining goods transports are handled with non-fossil drives (electromobility, in part with overhead-line lorries, and with hydrogen)." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
À cette fin, elles mettent l’accent sur une offre de qualité de modes alternatifs, des infrastructures adéquates et la promotion de la mobilité combinée9. Le concept de Mobility-as-a-Service est également reconnu comme levier important pour atteindre l’objectif de la mobilité combinée et pour augmenter le taux d occupation des véhicules (ce qui se traduit par une réduction du nombre de kilomètres parcourus par véhicule). En ce qui concerne le transport de marchandises, les stratégies wallonne et flamande visent toutes deux un transfert de la route vers le rail et les voies navigables. Enfin, comme dernier élément dans le secteur des transports, les stratégies régionales prévoient un passage à des véhicules et des vecteurs énergétiques à émissions zéro.
{ "answer_start": 64, "text": "En ce qui concerne le transport de marchandises, les stratégies wallonne et flamande visent toutes deux un transfert de la route vers le rail et les voies navigables." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
In terms of heating, China will expedite the central heating of combined power and heat in northern cities and towns, rapidly scale up heating of industrial waste heat, steadily utilize waste heat from nuclear power for heating, and develop clean energy heating including heat pumps, gas, biomass and geothermal energy considering local conditions. 7. Expedite the construction of green and low-carbon transportation system China will accelerate the construction of a comprehensive transportation network, channel energy into multi-modal transportation, and increase the share of railways and waterways in the integrated transportation, constantly reducing the energy consumption and carbon intensity of transportation. At the same time, China will optimize passenger transport, and guide the scale-up and intensive operation of those passenger transport enterprises.
{ "answer_start": 78, "text": "and increase the share of railways and waterways in the integrated transportation" },%20New%20Goals%20and%20New%20Measures%20for%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions.pdf
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Updated NDC
0,01 Mt CO2 eq Transporte 21) Programa de Modernización de Transporte Automotor de Carga en vehículos de más de 10.5 toneladas de peso bruto vehicular y más de 20 años de antigüedad. 57.000 vehículos renovados entre 1,03 Mt CO2 eq Transporte 22) Cambio a modo transporte de carga carretero a Fluvial - Río Magdalena: Actividades de dragado del Río Magdalena para mantener la navegabilidad a lo largo del río.
{ "answer_start": 42, "text": "Cambio a modo transporte de carga carretero a Fluvial - Río Magdalena: Actividades de dragado del Río Magdalena para mantener la navegabilidad a lo largo del río." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Updated NDC
57.000 vehículos renovados entre 1,03 Mt CO2 eq Transporte 22) Cambio a modo transporte de carga carretero a Fluvial - Río Magdalena: Actividades de dragado del Río Magdalena para mantener la navegabilidad a lo largo del río. Transporte de 8 millones de toneladas de carga anuales 0,20 Mt CO2 eq Transportexliii 23) NAMA Transporte Activo y gestión de la Demanda (TAnDem): Incrementar la participación modal de la bicicleta en todas las ciudades sujetas a la NAMA mediante ocho (8) medidas de mitigación directa con base en el Enfoque Push-Pull (algunas medidas incentivan el transporte activo -Pull-, otras desincentivan el uso del automóvil individual -Push-). Incremento en la participación modal de la bicicleta en un 5,5% en las ciudades participantes: Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Soledad, Bucaramanga, Soacha, Pereira, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Pasto, Montería, Neiva, Armenia, Sincelejo, Popayán.
{ "answer_start": 10, "text": "Cambio a modo transporte de carga carretero a Fluvial - Río Magdalena: Actividades de dragado del Río Magdalena para mantener la navegabilidad a lo largo del río." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Updated NDC
• To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. 3.1.2 To generate open data to improve the planning of light and heavy cargo transport. • To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). • To evaluate the feasibility of designing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme to measure the emissions from the sector and from the transformation to a decarbonized one. 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 97, "text": "To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization" }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. • To develop the necessary regulatory instruments for the implementation of the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. Decarbonization axis 3: Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible2. To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector Period goals • Plan to improve efficiency and reduce emissions in the freight transport sector. • 1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG).
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 1, "text": "To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization" }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
(Quick Win) o To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). o To evaluate the feasibility of designing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme to measure the emissions from the sector and from the transformation to a decarbonized one. 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. o To develop the necessary regulatory instruments for the implementation of Presidency MOPT COMEX MEIC Private sector Municipalities IFAM MOPT MINAE COMEX Private sector Riteve INCOFER MOPT Presidency ARESEP COMEX ICOP Private sector 3.1. To consolidate the program of cargo logistics to reduce emissions. 3.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 64, "text": "To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization" }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Based on today’s knowledge and technologies, electrification using renewables alone will not be the single silver bullet for all transport modes. Batteries have so far a low energy density, and for now their high weight makes the technology ill-suited for aviation and long distanceshipping. Also for long-haul trucks and coaches it is currently unclear whether batteries will reach the required cost and performance level, though prospects exist to electrify with catenary lines. Railway remains the most energy efficient solution for carrying freight over medium to long distances. Therefore, rail freight should become more competitive compared to road transport by eliminating operational and technical barriers between national networks and by fostering innovation and efficiency across the board.
European Union
{ "answer_start": 88, "text": "rail freight should become more competitive compared to road transport by eliminating operational and technical barriers between national networks and by fostering innovation and efficiency across the board" }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
Therefore, rail freight should become more competitive compared to road transport by eliminating operational and technical barriers between national networks and by fostering innovation and efficiency across the board. Until we see emerge new technologies that will allow to electrify more modes than today, alternative fuels will be important. In addition, hydrogen-based technologies (such as electric vehicles and vessels based on fuel cells) may become competitive in the medium to long-term. Liquefied natural gas with high blends of bio-methane could also be a short-term alternative for long-distance haul. Aviation must see a shift to advanced biofuels and carbon-free e-fuels, with hybridisation and other improvement in aircraft technology having a role in improving efficiency.
European Union
{ "answer_start": 1, "text": "rail freight should become more competitive compared to road transport by eliminating operational and technical barriers between national networks and by fostering innovation and efficiency across the board" }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
As a reminder, the baseline scenario aims to increase the modal share of public transport by 7 points between 2015 and 2050. To effectively and sustainably reduce freight emissions, encourage a more pronounced modal shift for goods transport and boost the competitiveness of rail freight (install rail motorways), boost the competitiveness of river transport, encourage a shift towards alternatives to road use (aide à la pince), develop the competitiveness and attractiveness 73 In the context of the Clean Transport Development Strategy, accepted by the anaerobic digestion work group presided by Sébastien Lecornu (February-March 2018).
{ "answer_start": 22, "text": "To effectively and sustainably reduce freight emissions, encourage a more pronounced modal shift for goods transport and boost the competitiveness of rail freight (install rail motorways), boost the competitiveness of river transport, encourage a shift towards alternatives to road use (aide à la pince)," }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
To effectively and sustainably reduce freight emissions, encourage a more pronounced modal shift for goods transport and boost the competitiveness of rail freight (install rail motorways), boost the competitiveness of river transport, encourage a shift towards alternatives to road use (aide à la pince), develop the competitiveness and attractiveness 73 In the context of the Clean Transport Development Strategy, accepted by the anaerobic digestion work group presided by Sébastien Lecornu (February-March 2018). National low carbon strategy - March 2020 74/176of port and maritime sectors, make modes of transport and networks more green, optimize the weight and volume of loads, promote research and innovation and help urban transport flow more freely and cleanly.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "To effectively and sustainably reduce freight emissions, encourage a more pronounced modal shift for goods transport and boost the competitiveness of rail freight (install rail motorways), boost the competitiveness of river transport, encourage a shift towards alternatives to road use (aide à la pince)," }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
In the field of logistics, in order to cope with the shortage of human resource and to achieve both efficiency and productivity improvements and decarbonization, the Government will build a new mobility service through green logistics initiatives, such as realization of more efficient and energy-saving transportation in the entire supply chain, promotion of logistics DX28 using AI, IoT, etc. with cooperation of related businesses, enhancement of efficient logistics networks using technology like automated driving, improvement of truck transportation efficiency including advanced logistics systems with cooperation among related businesses using digital technology from the perspective of logistics MaaS29, and further promotion of modal shifts to shipping and rail.
{ "answer_start": 98, "text": "further promotion of modal shifts to shipping and rail." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
with cooperation of related businesses, enhancement of efficient logistics networks using technology like automated driving, improvement of truck transportation efficiency including advanced logistics systems with cooperation among related businesses using digital technology from the perspective of logistics MaaS29, and further promotion of modal shifts to shipping and rail. It is necessary to make the transportation and logistics system more resilient to climate change risks so that transportation and logistics services as essential services will not be disrupted for a long time in the event of a disaster. In the shipping sector, by promoting the development and implementation of low-carbon and decarbonizing technologies and leading the establishment of related international regulations, Japan will strategically strive for carbon-neutral maritime transportation.
{ "answer_start": 39, "text": "further promotion of modal shifts to shipping and rail." }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?
En ce qui concerne les infrastructures de transport urbain, un point de passage obligé semble résider dans une coopération renforcée entre Ministère de l’intérieur, Ministère des transports et collectivités locales. La stratégie de déploiement des BHNS et des tramways est aussi essentielle : pour être attractifs, les transports en commun doivent être confortables et sûrs. Pour l’interurbain, le réseau ferré doit assurer le développement des TGV, des trains intercités et du fret. Pour les performances des équipements, la priorité de court terme est celle de l’amélioration des performances des véhicules mis sur le marché par la réglementation. Mais à moyen terme, il convient d’élaborer une stratégie d’électrification de tous les types de véhicules : scooters, automobiles, véhicules utilitaires légers, bus.
{ "answer_start": 55, "text": "Pour l’interurbain, le réseau ferré doit assurer le développement des TGV, des trains intercités et du fret" }
How freight efficiency improvements correlates with mitigation targets?