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Post: One of my best friends is getting married in a few months and found the dress she's been waiting for but can't afford it. Just so happens the boutique she found it at is having a contest to win $1000 towards your dress. Voting ends tomorrow. She was in first but the other girl pulled away into first! Her name is <name>, here is the way to vote: <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Trauma survivors often don’t need more awareness. They need to feel safe and secure in spite of what their awareness is telling them. At the first sign of anxiety or depression, traumatized people will spiral into toxic shame. Depending on the wounding messages they received from their abusers, they will not only feel the effects of anxiety and depression, but also a deep shame for being “defective” or “not good enough.” Many survivors were emotionally and/or physically abandoned, and have a deep rooted knowledge of the fact that they were insufficiently loved. They live with a constant reminder that their brains and bodies were deprived of a basic human right.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: These weren't the only punishments, though. Sometimes he'd make us choose a favorite toy or plushie to be thrown out if we'd made him mad, and one time when he caught me rescuing my plushie, he slapped me across the face, then made me watch him cut her into little pieces, standing there at 1 in the morning berating me about how I was a stupid, ignorant little bitch that needed right and wrong beaten into her, because I was too stupid to to know how to do as I was told. Sometimes, though, he'd not just snap and get angry... He'd utterly lose control of himself. Screaming so furiously I couldn't really understand him, grabbing me by the arms/shoulders and shaking me hard enough to give me whiplash, and continue screaming over me once I collapsed in a cowering heap when he let go.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Ok so firstly I should say she hasn't been formally diagnosed but it's at this point a logical conclusion that she's suffering some kind of ptsd from a rape that she endured a couple years back. It was before I knew her and when we met she seemed to be pretty stable. Although I know now that's not the case. I do not blame her at all for this behaviour but I really need help understanding her before I get hurt worse than I already have. Going forward keep in mind 2 things:
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My therapist says this is a normal behavior to display. Having been ripped from my children and left on the streets is very hard and i honeslty want to give up. But the anxiety swirls to the point i keep trying to find where i went wrong. It replays and plays in my head over and over like a horror movie. The feeling of wanting to die because at that point i had nothing left.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Thanks to my alma mater 👩‍🎓! I’d like to know Any suggestions from u all on how I might I move on in the healthiest way possible and carry on with only love in my heart for her? How might I bounce back and focus on forming healthier relationships? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated, guys. Sending positive vibes your way 😇
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Im 13 years old and except for school i never go outside i usually spend the whole day on the computer just watching videos on youtube and stuff but at the end of the day i get depressed and feel like i'm wasting my life. I have friends but i also have severe social anxiety and i always feel as if my friends are just putting up with me. I feel depressed and lonely. I never spend time with friends and when i do i feel as if they don't want to hang out with me as we never do anything pls reply if i'm not alone
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My chest has a different feeling. Before it would feel on fire and chaotic. Now it feels just wrong. Like I am in medical danger. I am a 26 year old woman.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I've been with Mike for 4 years now. We have an amazing relationship and I never felt bothered by anything in it, not even silly arguments that are more than common between a couple. Mike has a best friend named Theo. Theo is a cute guy who never seems to settle down, but not in a womanizer way, more like, he hasn't found the one. Well, hadn't found the one.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He keeps going back to her. He even cleans up the messes she makes when she smashes his stuff. He has dropped all of his dreams because she doesn't approve of them. Sorry for the long post but it sucks hearing that he is in this situation and we just want our friend back so he can recover from this. He used to be the funniest and happiest guy around and now he is just broken.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My Father has been struggling with alcoholism for nearly his entire life, he hasn’t been in contact with myself, my mom, or my sister in years. I guess it all of sudden caught up with him, he past away from a heart attack recently. It still doesn’t feel real, but my girlfriends family has been nothing but supportive throughout the whole thing and helped me grieve through his death. Needless to say, I do not want to attend a funeral or memorial, because I’d like to remember the good times I had with him and not being up bad memories. I had a rough child hood, he cheated on my mother, he wasn’t a great guy.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I know there are a lot of bad stories on here about therapy. But I was wondering about good experiences. My own experience was six weeks ago. I slipped and went on s bender, I fell into a depressive, suicidal crisis. I phoned every crisis line that exists, for ten hours, well getting drunker and drunker.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I will stay with the sub to offer any advice I can but thought a success story was worthy to share. They say never destroy a person's hope. It may be all they have left. Much love to you all for the good tips and advice during my struggle. Thanks!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I cant do a push up. My arms are almost useless. I need to get surgery, but my parents aren't exactly in the picture and can't support me while I take time off of work to get the surgery. Would I be able to qualify for disability to be able to support myself so that I can get surgery? if not, what kind of options do I have?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Like the title says, I’m rapidly losing motivation. I recently switched collages to be closer to home, so I could be closer to family. And my depressive spirals are coming more often, mainly because of the lack of work I do. I always end up doing things at the last damn minute. My freshman year I tried my best, almost.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I barely slept in the hospital because I stayed up at night and listened for codes with his room number. I was terrified, constantly living in fear from the moment I awoke until about his 7th day in the hospital when he seemed clearer, and sat up with assistance for the first time. Fast forward to now. We are lucky to be alive, and we are injured. We’ve been robbed of a normal engagement, of the experience of moving in together, and that’s a grieving process...but my not what it was.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: These things seem dumb and I swear to God I didn't think they'd work, but a therapist I had told me about them and they actually do work. To stop a feeling of rage: Stand straight with your feet apart. Raise your arms as high as you can above your head, and put your hands together (like people do when they're praying). Stretch as high as you can. Jump and land on the floor, bringing your hands down between your legs, and hold that position for a few seconds.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We added a bunch of [security <url> for specific scenarios. If you're more comfortable keeping things on reddit, we put a lot of the same information on r/operationsafeescape. Either way, if you feel your computer's being monitored, check out our [secure <url> guide. Also, we're hosting our first <url> in October. We've also been busy building up partnerships in the security sector, which will allow us to bring even more resources to the audience we serve.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: After meeting last year, Amanda and Isaac became incredibly close and agreed to live together for their Senior year. This past November, Amanda got drunk at a party and ended up making out with a random guy (on Jeff's birthday). Because of this, Amanda told Jeff that she wanted to take a break. Lots of drama. Everyone was shocked because from the outside, Amanda and Jeff seemed to have a really strong relationship (dating for 4+ years).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Now I know everyone is going to maybe think it's from the suboxone but it or at least used to be one of the things that helped my anxiety. If I admitted myself I am afraid they'd admit me and make me go cold turkey. I am unemployed and looking for employment. I live with my grandparents. I'm a 28 year old male.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Strangely enough, I had buried all this. But when my parents also failed to realise that my sister was on meth and neglecting her children, who are very dear to me, it sort of doubled the trauma and now I have full blown trauma. I feel like my parents just aren't trustworthy. How can they live in such an oblivious bubble? I wouldn't put any faith in them to protect me now and feel that I'm in this world on my own.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Again, most of the time I can just say 'ah, screw 'em they're not a doctor' but you know how it goes when you're having an episode. Phew, ok! Sorry for such a long post, I just usually like long reads on Reddit so I figure it's ok. Feel free to share your experiences with feeling "fake!" It's good to not feel alone. TL;DR I sometimes feel like I'm faking having PTSD despite never expecting I had it and then getting an official diagnosis from a doctor.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I cant take video of him due to the lights aimed in the wrong direction and the thick trees and bushes, theres a security cam but i DOUBT its aimed at that back area of the parking lot. Its amazing how many trips down a major road he can make without a cop asking why hes wheeling a friggin COUCH down the road at 4am. And i dont want to start hitting him with the blunt side of my axe, due to my situation im not real strong, and since i grew up in this area, i wasn't "street trained" like what people might call a "thug". So, any suggestions on how i can get rid of this guy but also not have to the area myself at least for a little while, till i can get my bike fixed, i use this library for my work on my laptop, so i kinda want to remain close. Thanks,
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: To put it straight. I get anxiety when something changes on my body, be it hearing or any senses. I was in a car with my father and he has this 2K dollar professional stereo system in his car. He sat on the remote and all the sound went up to it's highest point. I was able to cover my ears, but with my forearms.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The $4 cable I usually get fr Dollarama is out of stock, the cheapest I can find is $7 at a different dollar store, but nothing less than $30 at London Drugs and The Source. Here's where it gets complicated: my bank account is in a weird limbo right now and I don't know how much to ask for. My current balance is about $3, but my monthly service charges haven't been applied yet. So I know I'm going to be overdrawn, but the service charge varies depending on how many transactions I did, so I don't know how much I'll be overdrawn. Looking over the last 6 months the charge has ranged from $6 to $24.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don't even know that I feel lonely. I was fine with all this until my boyfriend asked out of concern because he thought maybe I was depressed or something and pushing everyone away. Then it was like he knocked down a wall inside me that I didn't know was there and revealed a whole room full of cobwebs. I feel ashamed and defective and hopeless now. But I don't know what to do.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Her parents supported her. I told her I thought it was a bad idea, that she should finish what she had left (she's an excellent student, super smart and committed) and then go to study the other career. But if she decided to leave I would support her 100%. She decided to quit. The other career was in another town, my home town (<2hs away) she rented an apartment with 2 girls and moved away.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm a senior and I'm starting to go through the college application process and I just feel so overwhelmed. I haven't even finished my college list, started ny essays or supplemental or filed my FAFSA. Not to mention I'm doing EA so I have a sooner deadline. I haven't visited any colleges and me ecs are so bad. God I just want this to be over with.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: (I should note, our first year together we went to the Maldives, second year we bought a house & went to Croatia, Venice, Belgium, Lots of weekends away - I'm not exactly lacking trips away) *I'm content and rarely feel unhappy these days, but is that a replacement of happiness? * Is this just a January blues thing that will go as the year starts moving on and I get back into the swing of things? ---
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I am so confused! Why is he playing these games? I have made it clear I want him back and to me it’s like he has feelings but is unwilling to say anything? TL;DR I’ve been dating a guy for a few months, we split up over a silly petty argument, since we’ve split up he’s been maintaining that he wanted us to break up but he’s checking in on me and asking what I’m doing. Is he just being controlling or does he have feelings still?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I feel like I'm starting to get the control back over my life slowly. I'm resignating to my situation and I'm ready to make things better for myself. I have stable relationship with my very supportive wife, my ambitions are growing back slowly... I finnaly have hope and I could hardly ask for more. I asked my doc to lower my Effexor because I feel like the the side-effects outweigh the good it does: It doesn't really help much for my anxiety, I feel depersonalization ever since I'm on medications and finally it gives me uncontrollable cravings.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Dr. Fred Penzel's Articles <url> A leading expert on OCD, Dr. Penzel has a collection of great articles online based on years of successfully treating patients with OCD. Particularly good for highlighting how the "less-obvious" variants of OCD can be treated. Check out Article 12 "Ten Things You Need to Know to Overcome OCD" for starters. Top Tips: Carry out [Exposure and Response Prevention].
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: An old friend invited me over to a small party she was having. You could say it was more of a get together, there were no more than 15 people at a time. It was only people I remember from years ago in MS and HS, or people I have met several times. The night was full of a series of moments that I will be kicking myself in the head for later-- starting with the fact that I introduced myself to someone with "I haven't seen you in a while!" and they said "Oh really?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: “Either be my girlfriend or be out of my life” my fwb told me. I refused to be his girlfriend so of course, now we’re strangers. It’s breaking my heart. I want him in my life so badly, as a friend that is. We had a wonderful connection that’s hard to come by (at least for me) and I hate to lose that.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have replaced my bank card and everything else is canceled, but still haven't went to get a replacement license (another expense I don't really want to think of right now), so I am unable to get one of those free government phones. I am more than willing to repay you in any payment plan you come up with and I can put repayment to you as my second to top priority (I really need some new socks - they get priority, trust me on this, they took my socks and I'm on day 3). Anyway PM of you have any questions. I would be able to take PayPal, Cash App (I no longer have the card but can transfer to bank), a Kroger/Fry's egiftcard or an old T-Mobile phone / unlocked one if someone is local (around <location> ) and wants to meet up even after hearing about my socks. I do have a police report number if anyone needed to verify.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I am ignoring him, that's not what this post is about. Basically, after all this time my ex has recently, decided he "knows" I cheated on him our entire relationship [I didn't], "knows" I'm this chick online who post XXX pictures of herself [I'm not] and has "reminded" me of incidences of our relationship that has literally never happened. Like, for one example *"...that time I called you from jail, and you cried b/c you were at a guys house and you knew what you did was wrong so you told me you needed help..."* yet he won't show me any evidence (it doesn't exist)... He's literally fabricating things out of thin air and claiming they happened. He isn't denying that he was an abuser, but he's saying like "You were bad too!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I was dealing with depression for months feeling like I'd failed life at 18 and quit my job to finish off my college education and thats where we met. We were in the same class and used to stare at each other all day long so i followed her on instagram and noticed she was going to a club in my town that night so convinced my friend to come out as i really needed to bump into this girl and give it a shot. so we did. When i walked in, she was there it, was crazy we locked eyes and without saying much she walked up and just started kissing me. we were guy and girl from that moment we did so much stuff together like holidays then she even moved into my parents place.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm just scared to death. I have anxiety problems which are probably contributing to it. But he keeps telling me he'd never judge me for anything and my sister said if he's OK with a missing tooth, he should be OK with a gap. I'm worried he'll see me and change his mind about me and I don't know what to do. Should I tell him about it first or just see what happens?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This has made me really question where I am and if I should be staying put. Sort of if where I was was right I wouldn't be feeling like this is now. I'm not thinking I should leave for the sake of being single to see someone else but maybe if I'm not as happy as I thought I should be leaving for me to have some time and space to do things on my own. Any suggestions reddit? **tl;dr my crush on my driving instructor is making me think about leaving my boyfriend**
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have had the worst anxiety of my life recently. As a college student I am now falling behind in classes, forgetting about sorority events and not interacting with my friends. I am slowly losing my mind. My room is a mess and the only thing keeping me out of a mental hospital right now is literally my students where I student teach. I am exhausted of fighting to get out of bed everyday, shaking when I sit in class and just not talking to anyone.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: If I hadn’t have grabbed my toddlers head and pressed it against mine and ducked it would have hit us both. I was yelled at so much I could see the veins bulging in his neck as he swore at me and called me names. I held my hands over the children’s ears so they couldn’t hear. But at least he didn’t hit me. I was told repeatedly that I would be stabbed in the throat so he didn’t need to hear my voice.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My ex and I of 3 years broke up and he kicked me out and caused me to get fired by telling our problems at work(we worked together) so they chose to keep him and fire me. Now I am 2 weeks out of work but I do think I will have a new job next week! Thank the lord. I have 8 bucks to my name and I just really need some advice on what I should do to survive until I have more money. I can't believe I am even in this position in life.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I feel like I'm going to go insane. I can't stop crying or wanting to pull my hair out or screaming. I can't stop shaking. I'm on medications for anxiety and they help some but not much and not often... Ultimately, I know I'm not me anymore.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: When I asked her how it happened, she said her brother had accidentally elbowed her in the face when they were 'rough-housing'. There was something about the way she said it that seemed a bit off to me - like she had been practising her excuse (or maybe that was in my head). Whatever the case it struck me as maybe a little weird that a couple of 20-something siblings would be play-fighting with each other like 10 year olds. This morning, after an absence of several days, she arrived at the office with a broken wrist. Her arm is in a cast and she has metal rods holding the broken bones in place.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hi everyone I have GAD that gets much stronger/prevalent when I don't have enough sleep. Coincidentally, it also makes me unable to sleep sometimes, so kinda like a vicious circle. Normally, I don't really have that many problems with it but I just started a new fulltime job with a lot of responsibility and that triggered my insomnia and subsequently all the underlying fears. My doctor prescribed Xanax as a when-needed last resort but since I was really scared of withdrawal/addiction after reading up on the drug (it's not called Xanax here but alprazolam) I only started taking 0.5mg at night after really breaking down.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I did. I moved 1300 miles away. I’m in therapy (just started again). Financially I don’t have any worries at the moment. I’m moving to a bigger place ..
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I am so sleepy and want to sleep so bad but the second I lay down it gets worse. My chest and stomach actually tighten up with anxiety and *all* I can do is think about Pippa. Now, what I did was irresponsible and I *should* feel bad about it. But this level of anxiety about something that happened 6-7 years ago that I can't do anything about now is insane. I tried talking to my family about it, but they even disagree on the basic premise that Pippa was even neglected.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My current boyfriend wasn't right, just a figure of the coma induced illusion. The only voice that seemed remotely really was my best friend, she's one of the few regular poodle I still have contact from that time. After a hour of my boyfriend, my best friend and my other partner working with me, I slowly started coming to some balanced sembelrnce of reality. Now I'm scared to go back to sleep. My ex, who abused me for 11 years, might be waiting tight there for me again.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Really hoping someone might have some insight for me! A couple years ago I (31,F) befriended one of colleagues (28,M). We were working for a small company that was also hemorrhaging cash, and eventually it was just him, me and some older coworkers in this open space office. Anyway, we really got along! We would have lunches, text in the evenings and weekends, and often go to the pub after work.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I know what it means to dive into oneself. I asked him and he confirmed its a deeper variant. I got excited. There’s no switching out of consciousness, you can reject what he says, your totally in control (or so he’s telling me :)). So the first part was getting me deep, through counting, dropping my hand and other techniques I went deep.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hi all! I don’t exactly know where to start, but here goes. I have been on my own since 17, as I do not talk to my biological parents or my aunt that took care of me until 17. I went to college this last year in NC, but had to move back and stay with a friend due to low finances. While in college, I suffered from a concussion and mold poisoning from my dorm room.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I know I should tell her my doubts, because I know she's gone through doubts before as well. But I also don't know if now I'm just second guessing because I'm just generally concerned about the future. Above all I just have no idea what to do. --- **tl;dr**: living long distance, dealing with chronic wedding anxiety and fear about impact of children, fantasizing about others, and hoping for insight from people who have been through similar experiences.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: As for internet, I pay $60/mo on my phone for unlimited talk, text, and data without any throttling at all (thanks StraightTalk)! If I want internet on my laptop, I download the PdaNet+ app, download the .exe app on my phone then transfer to my laptop, install the app, then switch the tethering on so my laptop can connect and have access. That way, I can apply for more jobs on sites that my phone can't open up. So far, I'm doing okay. Just thought I would like to share how's my day been doing.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I felt the tension and the seriousness. Usually during lockdown drills things aren't too serious because we're high schoolers. We mess around because we know nothing is wrong. But this drill was different. We knew we were all okay, that everyone was safe, but the atmosphere was completely different.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I wonder what I would be like if I had gotten help earlier on. **Here's where I could use some input: I don't consider myself mentally ill. I hate the word. If someone asked me if I was, I'd deny it but I know I have PTSD and I guess that does make me ill by definition. Will I be considered mentally ill forever?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Even moreso with a little push from behind. I've also been interviewing and applying for more secondary jobs to supplement my current employment and that seems to be going increasingly well. Thank you so much again everyone who sent food items to me, I'll be sure to pay it forward someday! EDIT 8/10: I received -even more- stuff just a few days ago, some pasta and sauce and then oatmeal too! Thank you so much, mystery redditor!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He has been my best friend since the first day we met, he treats me great, he is always loving, not at all selfish, etc. We rarely fight and have only had maybe 2 other big arguments which we worked out. I am just so hurt over what he said to me. Do I just let it go and move forward with his apology? Like I said, it’s not like either of us ever drink and the only reason we made it a point to drink so much was because I spent so much on the alcohol package for vacation.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I would like to leave there, but I'm terrified of a shelter. I'm also a semi observant Jewish woman. Most shelters won't help me keep kosher and keep Shabbat, both of which are important to me. The Rachel Coalition is for domestic violence only, so I can't go there. The NCJW shelter in the area doesn't accept the voucher welfare would offer me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It was the summer, I had just started a new job as a bartender. I met a girl that was equally odd, had a lot of similar interests, was looking for the same thing I was. We quickly became enamored with each other. It didn't take long for us to move in together. I started finding projects around the house to fix up, she would surprise me with home cooked meals or a note gushing over our relationship.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’ve always been the type of person who’s been gravitated towards romance. The thought of loving someone and being loved in return was nice but I’m a closed off person who’s too afraid to let someone in. I recently got into a relationship with someone who is really incredible. He’s very patient and understanding about my anxiety and depression. It took a while and a few arguments for me to open up a little bit.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It’s only happened 3/4 times recently but I’ve been putting off having sex and I’m constantly worried that my girlfriend doesn’t think I’m into her or that I’m losing interest, and so on. I’ve only just mentioned to her that I might be struggling with some form of anxiety. It’s a vicious circle at the moment. It’s almost as if I can’t relax and if I have nothing to worry about I create something to worry about. What do you guys think?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: 2. I have health insurance, and I know my insurance website has resources for finding a doctor, but what factors should l look at when going to choose my doctor? I've never done this before, but I think it will definitely help. Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: One of the couples has a four-year-old daughter. We live in a two bedroom apartment. I constantly have to do shit for these people. One of the wives scolds me constantly and tells me I need to show more respect for my parents. They leave needles out everywhere and when I inevitably step on one I'll probably end up with an STD.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I hate the thought that even after my mom's death she still has power over me. Anyways, I've come here for advice on meds, specifically if this sounds like a good place to start. I used to just focus on the anxiety and insomnia acutely but never really tried to treat the source. I'm starting Effexor XR, Prazosin for the horrendous nightmares and continuing on clonazepam for panic attacks. Thanks guys!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My father has: Keys to a fancy car, like 5 fancy bikes, an iPad, member of a fitness center, goes to the sauna regularily, other women... Needless to say, they should just break up immediately, right? Well, it should be that simple, but my mother resists for some reason. We had this situation countless times, where she was like, I cannot cope with this anymore, let's find another place to live in, until you find something for yourself, and when things are about to happen, she goes nah, I don't know... Which is so frustrating to hear after a while. Even more so, when he says things like HE decides when or if they split up.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: **How can I move to a more mature kind of love that is less focused on me and my fears, and instead more about him and our relationship? ** --- **tl;dr**: Feeling like I am being selfish and immature, mostly focusing on my needs of distance and validation and less on those of my LDR bf. Worrying about the possibility that we might not like each other that much anymore once we live together for a while.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hi, I was recently put on Prozac (10mg to start) for anxiety after a really bad panic attack. I am nervous but also hopeful that this will help me. For the first week I cried at least once a day and usually there was no reason, my anxiety is also heightened but I knew these symptoms would occur so I've been dealing with it fine. But for the past like day and a half I feel like my joints are kind of feeling weird. I wouldn't say it's painful just different.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: They were late. They tried to play it cool with the excuse they gave, but J had this grin on his face and Lux had the flushes look she gets when she has sex. And then Lux said she was going to fix her hair and left to the bathroom and after a while J said he was going to see if she needed help. Obviously they left to have sex. I mean, fine, but I thought that was a bit disrespectful.
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Post: PS: I can't get fired because one she is in another department which doesn't break policy and I am in good working and personal relations with my direct boss and the one above him. --- **tl;dr**: Started having sex with a co-worker 8 months ago. Found out today that she is married and that some of our sexual partners were also married. What should I do?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: and then proceeded to show me the video of the "dumb girlfriend" struggling to answer the question. Needless to say, I was pissed. I said I couldn't believe he would think it was possible that I might be that stupid. He insisted that he only asked me as a joke, and then I got angrier because in what world is questioning my ability to handle basic logic funny? He continued to go on the offensive insisting that he had been kidding, that of course he doesn't think I'm stupid at all, and how could I even think he would think that?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: 7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study. Please note: If you participated in this study at any point in 2016 through Vanderbilt University, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate again.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: A little about them... I have a 17 year old, that is biologically my niece. My sister moved out when she was 3 weeks old and I raised her from that point. I was only 16. I have a 12 year old son that is biologically my husbands nephew, but we adopted him.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I also have no family. I was abused for my disabilities as a child, including murder attempts, so I cannot turn to my family for help. I have friends helping me with food and transportation because I am poor and disability aid is barely enough to eat a meal a day. I have food stamps that work for about a week or week and a half of groceries so that's already really helpful. I live in a small, worn down appartement with no heating and thays why I am so cold.
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Post: I specifically told my father NOT to lose my money gambling. I'm not that depressed since I sort of expected this to happen, but I am still severely disappointed. I am literally continuing to lose respect for my own father. Of course, it isn't so much the money, but rather that he would do this to me when I told him not to. I fear that if this continues, my father will continue to waste away his own life as well as damage mine.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He came to the door, drunk and high on opiates (he’s an ex H addict, opiate rage is real), he told me, verbatim, that if there was a guy in the house, he’d kill him on the spot, no questions asked. That was a pretty easy night. I’ve spent countless nights barricaded in my bedroom because of his rage. His past is terrible. Grew up in gangs (Mexican Mafia) and molested at a young age.
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Post: I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just didn't need it. Long story short, something's flipped in my head the last couple of weeks and my libido is very much back, worryingly so, I'm not sure what to do with it lol. So we've had more sex in the past 7 days than the preceding 7 years....but it's still very much for him. I don't know what I want and I don't know how to ask for what I want. It's been so freaking long since I considered sex as a thing it actually makes me nervous.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The fact is that it is not very common, these numbers, from where I come from] tl;dr - unable to overcome girlfriend's past. In two minds regarding breaking up. She says she will die without me [already popped up a cocktail of pills once. Nothing happened.]
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Worse than that develop the same anxiety disorder. Again another reason to finish the relationship. I really love her but cannot and WILL NOT embarrass her like I did at the wedding. My plan is to go talk to a private physiatrist and see what they think. I don’t believe medication is the only answer but if it helps in conjunction with therapy, a healthy lifestyle and meditation then I will try it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I apologized for taking up too much of his time and space and for not respecting his boundaries, and for storming off angry; the worst part is that he eventually said he didn't accept my apology because I was still ruining his day with my insistence he apologize for speaking to me with a "retarded" voice. So, is our relationship doomed? --- **tl;dr**: My bf and I fight too much, and I think it's both our faults while he thinks it's only mine/my brain chemistry's fault. Am I crazy, or do we need to break up?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Normally, my anxiety is very well controlled. I meditate every morning for \~15 minutes and have been in therapy for the better part of the last 3 or 4 years. I feel WAY better than I used to, and on a day to day basis things are great. Buttt every once in a while (A handful of times a year, tops) something will realllly set me over the edge, and send me into an intense anxiety spiral where I compulsively ask 5 or so different friends for advice on what to do, post a lot of threads online about what I should do, and ruminate on the topic for days or weeks. Sometimes I'll have chats in messenger about whatever it is that will draw out over an entire 3-4 hour period.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Sure it was almost 3 years ago (in July) two months into my first job out of university. I got bit in the leg and continued on like it was nothing. I only fell apart October 2016. I must have been living in survival mode until I got the call that the man who saved my life was getting recognized with a bravery award. Hearing those words, I literally felt my chest rip open and haven't been able to close the wound since.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: There was no need for child care. When our daughter was 3, my husband, her father, taught her the word privacy. He then explained to her 3 yr old self what it means so she could understand. It was so cute when I would try and help her with her bath, and she would say "no mommy, I need my PRIVATY..LOL. we encouraged this as she got older.
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Post: - Spaghettios - 2 orders of Pasta Sauce - Penne pasta - Spaghetti - A big ol' bag of rice
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: What is for you the most relatable portrayal you have seen/heard I don't have PTSD but reading a retired Marines blog I noticed that when he was talking about his PTSD it sounded a lot like Rick in the Walking Dead. Ill explain for those who have never seen it. Rick was the leader of his group during a zombie outbreak. He killed his best friend twice (technically) and his wife died along with most everyone he knew.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I've always connected my self worth with how well I do in school. Right now, I'm failing the last class I need to graduate. The final exam is 2 semester worth of stuff that I never really understood. This is my last chance to graduate. If I don't pass I wont get into the grad school that conditionally accepted me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hey. First time posting here. I have been living in my car with my brother and cat since May. I am feeling extremely depressed/defeated right now hence why I'm posting here. I'll start from the beginning.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I typically would not care in the slightest about things like that but I feel as if since my good friends basically turned their backs on me that I am at a loss? If my good friends did before does that mean everyone else will too? **TLDR: GF and I broke up. She is trying to turn people against me. What can I do?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: u mind you my mom is 5’1 and he is 5’9. now her jaw hurts and pops when she opens it wide. so this is my dilemma: i am a very emotional person. my emotional skin is raw and any slight change in others affects me greatly. side note: i had developed ptsd growing up from being scared of my older brother (saw him and heard him fighting with my family many many times growing up) but since he moved out for good (i hope) its gone away.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I've been out of work for nine months, and it's finally catching up to me. When I lost my job in January, I took a sabbatical for a few months; it was necessary at the time. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have set up my phone with call blockers when the bill collectors began calling. I couldn't tell the difference between a potential employer and something which would stress me out given the slew of incoming calls with unknown numbers. During my time off I invested my time to build new skills, donating them to a gaming community, and hanging out for escapism to the point of obsession.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: EVERY TIME I say, "I've got a job!" she gives me some kind of bullshit reason the place is not a good idea. She threatened to boot me back out on the street for "not taking her word for it" when I explain I need the job anyway. BTW her girlfriend owns the house. They've lived here together for 2 years and she has been making up bullshit reasons she can't work the whole time.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Sometimes, when I finally got out of bed and stood up, I felt like "Ugh, *finally*". Still, it did not happen every morning, and even when it did, I still felt rested from the long sleep, so I thought no more of it. Also, they were never nightmares. Sadly, my body got habituated to the sleep-component of Mirtazapine after about five months, and my old warped sleep cycle slowly creeped back into my life. The only benefit left in the medicine was the mild mental cushioning it provided, but at the same time I started to suspect that what I needed wasn't cushioning but to make new constructive life decisions, that only I could make.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Throwaway because my normal account is a common username for me.... Anyway, I've been in a lesbian relationship for near 7 years. The first 2 was long distance but then i moved from NY to TX to be with her. Everything was generally okay until we moved into a new apartment back in December. It isnt the best but its a roof over our heads and it's relatively cheap.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I am currently only using 5-htp once a week, i get no benefit when i use it daily. I have also been working out which has inevitably eased my depression and made my anxiety more tolerable but its still obviously taking hold of my life. Well here i am at this present moment, I have been contemplating having a sit down with my parents and telling them about my depression (pretty sure they already know, they just don't want to adress it). It had been hard, my parents come home at 9:00 PM and don't want to be bothered with me. they go straight to their rooms and the only time they are willing to talk is when they tell me to clean.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Do not drink a lot and only eat mild food before and during event. Gave myself permission to leave for any reason whenever I wanted. Giving myself control has allowed me to return to meetings at work in peace. I have been doing this for about 24 years. No one knows I have these fears.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Things were so good again. Just like the beginning. Then the yelling comes back. I got really sick and had to go to the hospital and he refused to come and visit me when I was home. He told me I was dense for expecting him to come hang out with me when I have such a deadly disease (it was MRSA and not that deadly).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: [Here is the link to her <url> ***Do not read below this if you have a weak stomach*** My friend has a very sweet toy poodle mix that was recently attacked. A much larger dog attacked Paige's (my friends dog) face and ripped off her lower jaw, to the point it was hanging down by just the remaining skin and fur that was attached. Paige went into a 24hr vet and had emergency surgery that allowed the jaw to be re-attached but the middle of the jaw (from canine tooth to canine tooth) had to be completely removed so Paige essentially has a large hole in her lower jaw now.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm posting this one more time for anyone that didn't see it. Our location is in central Louisiana. A co-worker recently gave birth last week and her baby is in stable condition. She was initially told that her baby would have dwarfism and she was okay with that, as long as it was healthy. Later, they told her that her baby wouldn't survive at birth.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm fine, or so I thought. All my issues with anger, alcohol abuse, frequent bouts of depression, difficulties focusing or concentrating at work, I attributed to my bipolar disorder, and that was all I worked on. I've tried so many different types of medications and combinations thereof, more than 10 for sure, and even underwent electro-convulsive therapy, but nothing helped. It was not until this past summer that I thought to try therapy, something I had actively avoided. I didn't think that talking about anything would affect my bipolar disorder, and I **really** didn't want to talk about my trauma.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I do not know if I ought to, to be honest. I determined to quit drinking nine months ago, and have been sober seven weeks. But I never had any desire to quit grass, and I still don't. But I am in trauma therapy for the last four months, and my therapist has brought it up a number of times. She keeps saying it affects my motivation and depression, but it helps with bot the GAD and social anxiety.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I want to be able to deal with these feelings and move on. I’ve talked briefly to a counsellor on the phone but besides talking about it making me cry, it hasn’t made me feel better. This is one of the worst PTSD episodes of my life. I can’t predict how long this is going to go on and I’m sick of the weak, dissolving feeling I get whenever I think about it. I’ve been trying to replace bad thoughts with good, I’ve tried CBT techniques, I’ve tried wallowing in the bad thoughts (as advised by someone over at r/emetophobia)... nothing has worked, I’m a mess.
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