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Post: So what I am asking is someone or somebody's to help me with the rest of the repair cost. The repair is 575 dollars, I have about 200 of that currently, I need to get this done soon before I am stuck on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle and spending unnecessary money on Ubers or Lyft. I'm willing to pay back monthly with acceptable interest until it's paid in full. I get paid bi-weekly at my full time job. Thanks in advance!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Sorry in advance for what I'm getting off me chest. This man sexually, physically, and emotionally abused me for a year. He even tried to marry me at 16 so he could trap me in his perverted hell. After four months of completely breaking free of this sick, twisted human being he had the gall to contact one of my friends to try to get a vinyl back. He treated me like a dog.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: But recently I went on a car journey with my friends and 5 minutes before we got to the destination I started panicking because I thought I needed a wee and took a valium (completely embarrassed myself in-front of my friends). once we got to the destination I was actually fine and didn't really need one that bad. Since then it keeps happening, like I was on the train and 1 stop before my destination I got off and walked because I started panicking. then today really got to me because I needed to get a bus that goes through a tunnel to go to the pub that takes 10 mins and I physically couldn't get on the bus because of this fear. I'm so annoyed at myself that this is starting to control my life.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hey guys, I'm not homeless myself, I'm just after some advice. Basically, I work in a restaurant that closes late so I'm often not back to my apartment complex until around midnight. For the last few nights when I come back, I've noticed a homeless person sleeping between the glass front at the ground floor entrance and the back of the stairwell... This doesn't particularly bother me because I figured he's just sleeping and all the individual apartments have locks on the doors anyway. However I could understand if others in my complex would be distressed or anxious by this, especially if they live on the first floor (I'm fortunate to live higher up on the fourth floor).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: But 19 and 39? to me I feel like that is someone older than my current age dating an age that seems like a child to me.... I creeped her facebook and she appears to be a " normal" 23 year old...going out partying...saying things I would have found funny at that age but cringe at now.....and he did share with me that he supported her for the most part and so on...I asked if she had any " life skills" and his answer was " not really". What are people's thoughts on this? ---
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don't know who I'm meant to talk to but I can't breathe. I can barely get out of bed or check my phone without panicking. But I'm always checking my phone in case someone messages me. I don't have it on loud because I don't like the noise. Yet my job requires me to always be reachable and the staff under me always ask me to help them, but I can't even help myself.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She requested to go to the bathroom right away, and we helped her with that. The husband/driver was out loading all our parts when she finally came out of the bathroom. We asked her what is wrong. She said, "He grabbed me by the neck and hurt me. I don't think I can go back with him."
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: 12. End of January I just didn't have any way to get enough money and we collapse with an eviction process started. 13. Working with friends and others we managed to get the money right after the judgement was issues for eviction. This stopped the eviction but we still had a judgement.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My problems started after my first panic attack which had happened in October. After that I had a lot of anxiety about my heart (bp 140/90) I was medicated with Zoloft for a while, it helped but I didn't want to become dependent on it and I had a lot of side effects. My bp with Zoloft was around 120/70 After some weeks the anxiety came back with horror, fear of the death and lump in a neck, stiffness in chest. My blood thyroid hormones were measured, everything's perfect.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: This has begun to bother me since I do try to please her and go out of my way to have a little foreplay but she never really returns that favor. It has become a one sided physical relationship. I've even had multiple times where I have trouble getting it up, and its largely due to the fact that I receive no physical stimulation prior to intercourse. We've known each other a year and been officially dating for about 9 months. I finally decided to say something a month ago because it was really beginning to bother me because I'd hoped she'd slowly overcome these fears with time but she seems to be content with how things were and not going to change.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I waited a bit and then went and talked to our advisor. I vaguely and briefly explained what happened so I could get his help in understanding some procedures I didn't understand. We went down to the lab and figured out my work together. I was then standing and doing something with my samples while my advisor was doing something else in the room. Then I suddenly looked up toward the door and entirely expected my fellow student to burst in yelling about how I told our advisor.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I was freaking out. I stood on my back porch for about 30 minutes hyperventilating before I could convince myself that "I am in control!" I was embarrassing ! I couldn't believe that I allowed myself to get so worked up. But it was not as embarrassing as It/ I would soon be.....
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I dial. 000. I have never used that number before. How does this wor…. “Emergency: Police, Fire or Ambulance?”
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Every day I wake up doing nothing. Absolutely nothing except wasting my life, hoping something would happen but of course nothing would happen because I am a lonely fuck who pushes away everyone in his life while everyone else goes out and party like there is no tomorrow and fuck and cum like they are in a porno and make memories that not even one memory book is enough. Every day I wake up doing nothing. Either wasting my time playing videogames or watching the social media status scrolling up and up and up when in reality, i am doing absolutely nothing. Nothing is being absorbed in that stupid brain of mine, wherever the hell it is when I should be doing something more productive like studying or reading but either my own brain rotted to the size of a pea *(because of how mental disorders degenerate brain cells ... yay me, I am doing something at all)* or it just felt and flew up to Mars, or it is sitting its dark throne, rubbing its pitchfork, planning its next move on how to fuck me, both literally and figuratively.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: It's late and I should be sleeping but I can't get my husband out of my head, he's just such a freaking weirdo. I feel alone in my situation because most abuse involves some level of anger, but for me my suffering was just his way of showing me affection. He would always love to wrestle and tickle torture me, and he wouldn't stop when I was screaming at him to stop I no longer live with him but even today I still get a little flinchy. I lived in fear of being tackled, pinned, and tickled on a routine basis. I resent him for making me feel so small and fearful and at the same time he made me feel like I was crazy, that I was overreacting.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: People may quickly think "drugs" but just try and quickly think "animals" unless you are dangerous when you have your episodes or become angry after them. Just think that all of that drug money some people spend could go on raising and giving a loving home to an animal who will heal him/her. x ​ ​
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: When I was living with people I would stand behind the door and wait for it to be quiet before I step out of my room. It makes me so anxious to have to talk to people. It didn’t help that one of them would play loud music all day so I would put in my headphones and go to sleep until he has stopped. I was so anxious and depressed that semester, it really affected my grades. Anyway, today was my first time seeing someone for help about my anxiety and I did not know what to expect at all.
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Post: What if in Ireland a place existed where pollution was zero, crime didn't exist and you where given access to food, warm beds and a chance to rebuild your life. Would you take it? I'm sick of the city, I'm considering a rural life of self sustainability and have adequate means for finding financing to a farm of some sort. Would a homeless scholarship program work for people? Self sustainable life with access to counselling and all food and board paid for help?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: One anxiety free day. I feel like I could live off that high for the rest of my life. Not starting my day off trying to catch my breath. Not having to plan out every single minute of my day as to avoid discomfort, or even panic. Not standing in the middle of a locker room getting ready to cry because you saw a lock on the locker you use every time you're at the gym.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm afraid about what they may do next, what they might say to me next, what they might ask me next. I just want to be by myself, in my own place, with my computer, my keyboard, my guitar, and my bed. I'm a teen, so I don't really have that choice, but to be honest, nobody really does, no matter how old they are. You always have to be around people for one reason or another. I'm just never comfortable around people anymore.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: For no reason, I'll just wake up with anxiety like feelings. Stomach ache, uneasiness, some sort of dread, or feeling like any little thing would bring me over the edge and have a panic attack. I don't understand why and it can last for a long time. Anyways. Sometimes the breathing exercises help take the edge off it, but it doesn't fully help.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: All these sexual abuse accusations, while wonderful to see so many men and women coming forward about sexual abuse, I just can't escape it. So much victim blaming, the increasingly clear proof that many men do not actually understand what consent means, it's just too much. I haven't left the apartment in days and the only reliable form of self medication is too expensive (weed). I'm also autistic so I've noticed it's also overstimulating me to the point I'm hiding. It's just too much and I thank you for reading my vent.
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Post: Not like triggers per say, because I'd have to ask her about that, but more general behaviors. Like, if I see her acting in a certain way that is common to abuse victims, I should know to be careful around that. Like apologizing a lot is a common behavior. Knowing about the abuse, I didn't try and correct her or anything (save one time when she thought she was bothering me, and I told her she will never be able to do that). So any additional information is useful.
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Post: $400 would suffice but $500 will drastically help boost my income for 4/4. Time frame for repayment listed includes $100 tip and is at-worst scenario. In other words loan may be repaid sooner. Thank you for your consideration. Sean
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I keep on getting crap from non work people about oh just fly. I try to psyche myself up to do it but after the 5 minutes of feeling like “yeah I can do it” I feel beyond tense. Anyone been in a similar spot? What did you end up doing? Thanks!
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I’ve put my family through it too many times and it’s putting a strain on my relationship. I’m not who I used to be. And because of that I’m afraid people are going to leave me. My partner especially. He’s seen me go through this before and I’m afraid he’s going to give up on me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Everyone loved him. He told the best stories and cooked the best food and was funny. All my friends thought he was the coolest person ever. He also has untreated bipolar disorder. Anyway - back in December he hit her so bad (using an object) that the next day she passed out at work and her coworkers forced her to get medial attention ) - she went the hospital - her sister went to meet her - and because it was mentioned that a minor lived in the house - social workers and the police got involved.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don’t know that. I think I’m responsible for all of it. For the perpetrators, for the abuse, for the dysfunction, for my depression, my suicidal ideation, my pathetic life. All of it. I’m responsible.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Post-text: don't bother with this part that's crossed out, I wasn't thinking clearly. Not that you should bother with the later parts, either. I don't know. Post-Post-Text: I deleted this from my main account and am re-posting it on an alt because it made me nervous having this connected to myself. Sorry.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My boyfriend and I generally have a good relationship. We've lived together for about a year and a half, and we have a pretty good partnership going. He's the first guy I've been with who is willing to sit down and really hash things out if we're having an issue. However there is one topic he *won't* hash out with me, and that's that sometimes he asks me questions out of no where that to me feel kind of like little "pop quizzes" that I feel are designed to try to catch me off guard and stump me. He'll randomly pose a riddle or ask a logic question, then I kind of fumble because I feel like I have to come up with an answer quickly, or I just get exasperated and tell him I'm not in the mood for a pop quiz.
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Post: Anybody ever have this happen? I have no history whatsoever of reacting to peanut butter, and even have had a full panel allergy test a few years ago that confirmed that I'm not (but I'm allergic to every pollen known to man apparently lol). I used to eat peanut butter sandwiches for lunch all the time. My favorite candy used to be Reese's peanut butter cups, and I have even eaten one in the past few months. I ate a pint of peanut butter ice cream no problem.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: When I try to befriend artists or thinkers or doers. They often either shun me because my work has been sub par and nearly non existant and they don't see me as equal. Or they show sexual/romantic interest I don't reciprocate which makes me nervous and avoidant. Sometimes I am shunmed I think because they mistake my interest in making friends for a romantic interest. I am quite annoyed by all the assumptions/game playing/projecting that goes on in the world.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm pretty broke and almost all of my money for now is going towards bills and food. I have my state's basic free insurance OHP (Oregon Health Plan) but I'm not sure what kind of psychological services they could provide. I'm hesitant to start a regimen of anxiety medications if it's possible to work through things. Open to any advice. Thank you very much in advance.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My Grandma;s commercial was one in which her Clorox is taken from her and she has to wash her clothes for a month without using any Clorox. The only thing that she remembers for sure was that she quotes “my babysitter Mary says that the clothes aren’t as clean,” or something to that effect... BTW if the commercial is produced, I am willing to give some reddit gold, or pay money via paypal, whichever is preferred ;\) Thanks in advance, \-Kyle
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Cut to yesterday... My parents booked me in for an emergency appointment with the DR because my anxiety and depression is so bad I cannot function day to day and spend most of my time stuck in bed panicking. I was prescribed 2mg Valium to go alongside my anti-depressants. I took one and within 15 minutes I went from SEVERE anxiety to COMPLETE calmness Well... here comes the paranoia associated with my bad cannabis trip years ago... I FREAKED.
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Post: He also said that Brian's mother made comments like she hopes she gets hit by a bus and she's so depressed because I'm doing this to her. (No mention has ever been made by them how much our daughter is having to miss out on by having this medical issue let alone what their own son is being put through from their lack of respect.) The other problem is, I genuinely believe Brian's father wants a relationship with our daughter. The fact that we're withholding her from their toxic behavior right now might be a turning point for him to grow a pair in his own marriage. I'm not holding my breath, but I have a little bit of hope.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: He says he doesn’t remember this happening. But he has a short fuse as it is. He’s temperamental, out of work, depressed, has a family history of substance abuse, and was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2. I truly believed this would be “rock bottom” and serve as a wake up call to turn his life around. It wasn’t.
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Post: to which he replied that they had broken up. We met for drinks and he gave a heartfelt apology for having pressured me. Slowly, we began seeing more of each other and the relationship turned physical. We both live in the Pacific Northwest, but he's going to be moving to his hometown in the southeast at the end of this month. I'm moving to the southwest next month.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She didn't go home with me, she took an Uber. It was the worst 30 minutes of my life. I payed for the food, got it to go, and went home. This is where it gets crazy. I wanted to be away from her at that time.
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Post: I don't know if I'm able to do that, since I didn't tell the doctor the truth to begin with. I will say that my doctor very clearly didn't believe me at my follow up appointment, but my bf was in the waiting room. So I didn't admit to anything. I was teary eyed, however. From anyone's experience- is it worth it to go to the police?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I don't want to leave my house because I know that everyone knows what she's saying about me and EVERYONE BELIEVES IT. this was all over the fact I blocked her because she was toxic. I'm losing it, Reddit. I'm losing my mind. I can't stop crying i can't eat, all I've been thinking about is killing myself.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hi everyone, This is my first post in this thread, so bear with me. My mother (54F) has always been controlling and anxious, and now that I (19F) have gone to college, it feels like things have gotten worse. I am home right now for winter break and things have been so tense and awful and I don't know what to do. She is really judgmental and anxious about my sex life.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: But I still froze and cried through the entire thing. Some of the sensations brouvht me to memories of old sensations, andI felt really vulnerable, trapped, and ashamed, and I haven't been able to shake it off all day. Part of it is that we have company staying in our home; so I don't feel like I have the space to care for myself, and it just further perpetuates the shame feeling. In fact, I felt too ashamed to go home right after, and drove around for an hour and a half before I felt like I at least i wouldn't have to explain myself to my boyfriend's family. Additionally, because it's my boyfriend's family, my boyfriend has been unavailable to me all day.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Previously, I have posted on this subreddit about how studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects turmeric can have on PTSD symptoms. See <url> and <url> . &#x200B; However, too much of a good thing can turn sour. When taking anything natural in supplemental doses that exceed what is found in the diet, we should treat them as drugs.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: at some point they laughed and i had to leave because i got physically sick to my stomach. i guess i didn't realize how much they had screwed me up. now i feel like shit though because the acquaintance is a nice person and i want to be friends with them. we were all planning a dnd game together over text for a while and i just want to be able to talk to them without thinking about my ex. any solutions or help ideas?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I have therapy sessions scheduled but at the moment, I'm currently looking for some advice and insights. The only time I feel 'comfortable in my own skin' is when I'm drunk and or stoned. I, in the past have been ridiculed for an effeminate walk, been erroneously suspected of being gay and I have an effate look. Perhaps this facial look is a projection of my despair and a subconscious psychosomatic cry for help. I'm in my late twenties and have yet to accomplish anything of significance.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Was the entire hood in the world trying to off me? What’s going on? Those are the thoughts of my mind every time something like that happens and it wasn’t the first time I’ve heard, “God does everything for a reason.” A while back, when I had a home a man needed a way home with his old man, and asked me to drive the old man’s car because the old guy was too drunk to drive and the young thug didn’t have a license. Of course I said hell yeah, he’s got his pops with him… and I’d miss driving, and good karma.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I've been through treatment and had a period of relative health for a stretch. Then I had a bunch of new trauma experiences. I'm 5 or so years out from the last experiences and have moved 800 miles away, completely cut off from all former contacts with the exception of one close friend. The move helped for a while, then it hit with vengeance. Panic attacks, ruminating, depression, anger, the whole deal.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: And one of the girls pull me and asks me if I like him and I said yeah and she goes “if you like him you can have him because my friend is only here for one night...(gets pulled). And there I was in a packed nightclub all on my own. Trying not to cry about the fact I got ditched by my date for the night. So I leave the club go home on the train with the worst feeling ever, more insecure than I’ve ever been. **tl;dr : one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had in my life (sorry for being dramatic)**
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: But three days ago they put his dad on the morphine drip. He is watching his dad die in the same slow manner he watched my mom. The hospice nurses (oddly the same ones who saw my mom out) have turned his oxygen up to 5 and understandably my dad doesn't want to leave his side. So here we are I'm about to call my job for the second day and beg for a ride or not to get fired. My husbands parents are sort of helping him but still leaving it up in the air everyday before he is supposed to be at work.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Bottom line is this is the first situation in a long while causing me to really get anxious. I'm thinking about it most of the time and waffling about it. And today I got the invitation and started looking into flights and transport and I'm overwhelmed. I'm at an age where traveling alone shouldn't be a big deal, but it is, I never have traveled alone aside from a handful of 2 hr bus trips in 2007ish. Any advice?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Okay so a bit of background, me and my girlfriend are in our second year of college (my subjects make a freshman though hehe) and have been together for 6 months. I want to be an ambassador and she wants to go into marketing. Every day we spend time together, there isn't a moment where the two of us don't end up talking about our future. To be more specific, we always end up talking extensively about marriage, what to name our daughter, how many golden retrievers to get and the like. Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits and I enjoy talking to her about these things, it's just that I'm slightly worried that maybe she is in love with the idea of me, and I with the idea of her.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: As the years went by the town labelled them as high school sweethearts, and every teenager envied their relationship. Everywhere she went, he followed. Every sport he played, she cheered. Through rain, sleet, snow, and sunshine she was in the stands proudly cheering him on. In their own little world they were in love.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: * Sleeping bag. * Solar-powered Lamps. * A raincoat. * Non-perishable food/MREs/trailmix. Anything else I should invest in?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We need a motel. We need advice. My grandson will end up leaving preschool, because we don't have a car and won't know where to have his bus pick him up if we do a shelter. He also has a standing dentist appointment every Monday this month. I hate that he has to go through this and not have a home to recover in.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Are there any recommendations I should bring up with my doctor? I know going to reddit for medication advice is generally not a good idea, however the psychiatrists and other doctor's I've seen do not seem to have much greater advice. Weight gain is a primary concern as I have a heart condition where weight cannot be increased. Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro, Cipralex)
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: The silent sadness that you feel for no apparent reason yet somehow you feel too weak or too much of a pussy to do anything about it or even think that you deserve better because you feel like you deserve whatever painful feeling you are going through You feel like you rather suffer a long and painful life rather than ending your life because you feel like you deserve whatever agony you are going through The anxiety and panic attack come and go whenever they please. __________________________________________________________ Sometimes it feels like you somehow been hit by an invisible truck and your body is as frozen as it somebody turned you into a popsicle and you have no other choice but shake from the inside.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm running out of ideas for how we can talk to one another more often. I know it's going to get worse. She'll be starting grad school in August. I've been through grad school already myself, and I know how time consuming it is. She'll be busy.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: As I recover, I am in a great deal of conflict. I am scared to remember that year. I am frightened of what might be there. And I feel guilty for not remembering that year, too. I go way down the rabbithole, sometimes, wondering if I am crazy and nothing happened and my ex was right, because there are so many things I can't remember, now.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: If I pursue this research, would you be interested in participating? How much time would you be willing to give (asking because a survey might take up to 30minutes, but an interview can take up to 2 hours)? Would you prefer to be surveyed or interviewed (it would likely be a phone interview)? If I did a survey, it would probably still include some open-ended questions (that you are free to leave a few sentences of a few page worth of a response to) so I can still hear directly from you. Feel free to answer these questions in the comments, or dm me.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I made way to the store, it was full of like the whole fucking town. Turns out it was like this nearly every night, feeling good I decided to make conversation with the guy at the register. I was curious as to what happened to that other convenience store. Considering there was only two in the whole area, both in good spots, you wouldn’t think it would just go out of business. Nah something was off.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: She resents my relationship with our son - My son is a Daddy's boy. Even now as I type this I hear him out there waiting for me saying Daddy Daddy Daddy. He comes and gives me hugs when I come home and barely notices when my wife is gone or comes home. - ‎This is also something she's recently admitted and I feel guilty about it, but I feel like it's because she puts in no effort beyond what she needs to do.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: As I'm sitting there patiently, I can hear the receptionist and her friend chatting about all sorts of things, fixing their hair, laughing. Finally I called my fiancé to tell him what was going on - I think I've been "forgotten" (the waiting room is off to the side out of view of the reception area). I was feeling very anxious to confront her and ask if she had forgotten about me because I did not want to get in a scuttle as I remember her temper from my last visit. As my fiance is on the phone helping me build up the courage to talk to her, the doctor walks out to the reception area visible to me, coat on, laptop in hand, ready to call it a night. I see him point to me and ask his wife what I'm waiting on.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Neither one at all my fault but thanks for thinking it is. :) I have plenty of value regardless of my relationship status or if something shitty has befallen me or not. tl;dr We broke up. If dude is so in love with his solitude he can have it, if he's so worried about resentment and arguments he doesn't have to worry about those either. Maybe next time he'll think about what he wants and is willing to do before he opens his mouth.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm so used to being forced to submit to him that I no longer have a voice. He heavily favors my sister over me and would buy her anything she wanted in a heartbeat. An example would be at Darvin furniture one time. He takes me and my sister there and tells her to pick out a desk. I look at a $100 discount desk and he says we don't have enough money.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I'm looking for anyone who is interested in taking a 10 minute survey, with the chance to win a £100 (or equivalent) Amazon voucher. You need to be over 18, speak English as a first language, and be able to listen to some audio files and select matching pictures. I've been told it's fun to do! Anyone who enters will be really helping me as I try to progress my research into language and meaning. <url>
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Hello, I am a long long long time user of Paxil and am looking to try something different. It works well for me, but i have been taking it for 17years. I have put on about 120 lbs over those years, some due to age, but I blame paxil for a majority. I also am not as energetic as I used to be, and noticed the decline shortly after going on it. But since it worked so well i ignored it.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I can't stop the ruminating thoughts about the whole process. I also can't stop the what if's or I should have done more. I keep blaming myself and beating myself up. It sometimes makes me physically sick. Do you have any tips to help alleviate the pain and stop the thoughts?
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: 406.449.9670 NEW MEXICO: all counties. 505.298.7206 x200 NEW YORK: Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York (Manhattan), Queens, Richmond, Suffolk counties ONLY. 212.598.9000
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: \-steel Thermos \-calorie block rations \-several MREs \-stack of restaurant napkins \-three containers of wet wipes
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Post: Both of these were poor choices. It just exacerbated the situation. I had vases, game controllers, tv remote, coffee mugs, etc thrown at me on varied encounters. This is not an exaggerated list.. I tried to leave and she blocked the door with her body, threatening to kill herself on one such occassion.
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Post: They are very sweet and welcoming to me, but I feel so overwhelmed with everything. I feel as though I gave up my independence to come here, which is fine, but I'm having a really hard time adjusting to everything being handed to me when I've had to provide for myself for so long. I told my boyfriend that I need supplies for the week and he responded with "ask my mom". I couldn't wrap my mind around that. I still cant.
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Post: The room would be free, along with internet access and a bed provided until you got on your feet. Once you are stable, we would, of course, expect you to chip in a bit. We have gigabit internet in the house, several flat screens, central air, and access to pretty much every streaming service you could want, as well as a shared steam library of about 1400 games. If we mesh well, you can stay for quite awhile, or if you want to move out once you have a stable job and an apartment lined up, we can help you move. PM me if you are interested, and I will reach out so we can get to know you.
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Post: I wouldn't say I'm a generally anxious person, but I have severe anxiety when it comes to my living space. I've lived alone in various apartments for a few years now, and I don't ever let people come over. I'm pretty messy, but not anything extreme enough to justify keeping people away. My boyfriend has only been over a handful of times and I do my best to rush him out. I'll go out of my way to keep people out.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I am 25 years old, suffered from anxiety for about 10 years or so. Anxiety used to stop me from being able to leave the house unless with my parents or boyfriend. I was bullied a lot, and I didn't attend school much and didn't take my GCSE's because of this. I was 90% 'cured' in late 2015/early 2016 by my therapist. I had received help from a therapist once before, but it wasn't helpful to me.
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Post: They were too caught up in their anger. My grandmother would tell me stories about having to be the one that cleaned the blood from the walls. She thought I might be mentally handicapped because I wouldn't make a sound when all of this was going on. My brother was three years older than I was. My mother left my father when I was two.
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Post: Most of 2017, I stayed at around 135 and have been really good about hiding my fat with very flattering clothes but over the last 3 months, I have gained 15lbs as a result of traveling for work, moving to a new city and the holidays. I have always been very unhappy with the way I look and I envy girls who are slim. I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me.
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Post: He admitted to using the social media of girls he knows to get off. He even admitted to using his ex's nudes to get off. He downloads that specific app and then usually deletes it. He forgot today. We have sex 1-3 times a day.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: In his own ways I know he loves me but he's double my body weight, he's a weight lifter, and he has blind rage that only comes out on me of all people . If I keep gambling he could permanently damage me. I'm in healthcare I know these numbers so WHY? I like to believe that he knows his limits when we're fighting but he has scared me and himself in the past. Now that chokings are happening during every incident, the accidents could be irreversible.
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Post: German Shepards, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers and Poodles all seem like a good choice. Poodle would be good for allergies as many of my close family have allergies. Shepadoodles, Labradoodles, and Golden Doodles might also make a good choice if they were from bloodlines that had proven to be hypoallergenic. I've trained a therapy dog in the past who was a labradoodle. Lovely dog.
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Post: Anyway, I feel like maybe I should talk to someone, but I have no idea how to even bring it up with my doctor. How does that work? Do I just march in and say "Hey Dr, I think maybe I have PTSD."? Just sounds weird. EDIT: Also want to throw in here that I'm not interested in being medicated
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: Quick background: I left this guy back in 2006 after three years, and also turned him in for possession of child pornography and talking to a tween online and getting nudes from her. He plead guilty to Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, avoided federal charges but was put on the sex offender registry in that state. I just found out that he died in March of this year. Stage 4 cancer. It had metastasized by the time they found it, nothing they could do.
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Post: She humiliates me in front of other people and when we're alone. I'm always just a servant who's there to get her drinks and hype her up. I'm always just the butt of her jokes. She used to invite me over when she was hanging out with a guy she was trying to hook up with, just so she could make fun of me in front of him the whole time to make herself look better and/or cooler. I'm just a prop.
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Post: Asked for a little extension. She won’t provide it. I should be able to graduate in December. My academic counselor is looking to help me graduate around some of the program, so I hate to bring my concerns up higher or file with disability. My trauma therapist wants me to advocate higher up.
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Post: We were hoping to call when he leaves for work today-he’s leaving in about 15 minutes. I’m really scared and I think he’ll continue to come after us even after he goes to jail so we’re probably going to have to get a restraining order. Considering we’re a financially unstable family this is going to majorly impact the way we live. We live in a two bedroom apartment so we’re probably going to have to move to a studio or anything else that’s cheaper. My brother leaves in 2 days because he has to go back to college and we need to take action when he’s here because me and my mom can’t really go against my dad (physically).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: We ate and he was monitoring my data use because I sent some photos to our friend of her baby shower. And he said he "hates having to watch over me like a father and he wishes I was more responsible" but said that he "accepts that this is the way I am" I said nothing in response to this and just ate my food and let it slide, smiled at him and small talked. We got back to the park and they had put out a new sign saying they were closed for the rest of the day. This made him even more mad.
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Post: I am the person you go to to get stuff done, or if you want the right advice. I run marathons, kill it at the gym, learn languages and study for degrees in my spare time. My finances are in scrupulous shape. I am a top quartile parent and spouse. I'm comfortable (or at least not visibly uncomfortable) in any company.
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Post: and how that would intersect with a potential partner’s attitude. You’ve probably seen the posts on here: a woman gave birth four months ago and her husband is pissed off because her breasts are sore and he can’t play with them. A woman gave birth three months ago and her husband is pressuring her for PiV sex even though she is still uncomfortable. A woman doesn’t enjoy sexual play with her breasts anymore after breastfeeding because it’s a mammary gland and not a sex organ, and the husband gets pissed because he wants to touch her breasts and apparently isn’t aware of other erogenous zones. These were posts I remember reading on here for some relevant examples, but I can go on.
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Post: Well I guess it was my second. Last week we set the ground work for the safe space to come back to if things got too overwhelming. This week we began to work through my trauma. Starting out the session was definitely very strange. I wasn’t sure what answers my therapist was looking for but once she assured me that there were no wrong answers everything went fine.
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Post: I'm leaning more toward not responding but I haven't been able to let it go. I'm not sure what she even wanted, other than to talk to me before make a big decision for and her kids. I got a message pleading for a conversation, no explanation as to what. She apologized and stated that she wasn't trying to cause problems. She said he was in prison for something that happened a long time ago (looks like he was on felony probation and did something to get it revoked), sent pictures of her children, who are all one year older than the children him and I share, and told me his mother had passed.
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Post: Things between us were amicable until that point. Now, the atmosphere is VERY different. It hurts now because she's acting indifferent and like she's totally unaffected (which she might well be, I don't know if she's pretending). Shes already moved on to someone else, someone she's liked for a while, her boss. She has tried three times to bring her up and talk to me about her.
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: My girlfriend does have PTSD. She said that she thought that I might have it because of an incident that occurred in 2014. You can read about it in my post history but basically I was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold for pretty much no reason, the therapists responsible for it just covered themselves up and lied about it. It greatly affected me. I would definitely consider it to be a traumatic event, not just because of the actual events that transpired and the conditions of the hospital (which are pretty bad) but also just the huge betrayal of trust.
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Post: I have never before felt so betrayed by the system. Fiance (f) was blackout drunk. She started getting physical by grabbing my genitals and pulling so hard I now have a 1.5" tear in my scrotum.. after that I was punched, bitten, scratched, and kicked over the next 5 minutes. All I could do was try to retreat, but I was unable to get to our room so I could get dressed and leave the house (I was nude at the time). As I got scared she would seriously hurt me, or I would strike her back, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.
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Post: I'm sure as other survivors many of you are overcoming some of the same problems as well, and may have already had some of these realizations (of what makes you YOU) or are in search of them on your journey to becoming whole. It is crazy how DEEP these emotional scars and wounds are, that I literally cried way harder in this session, than in even processing waking up in a hospital bald! In this memory, I had post-partum depression right after my son was born and was living with Nmom and my Edad when they were still married 8 years ago. (I'm so grateful that they are no longer married. He is such an excellent parent/person NOW that he doesn't care about "undermining her".)
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: I even pressed chargers against him. Unfortunately he still found a way through to me by hooking up with girls that I know and having them make sure I knew about it. Nothing has happened since June and I’m about to be moving far away from him. I struggle with what he did to me every day and the flashbacks occur still. I don’t expect this to ever fully go away but I am 18 now and I can say that I survived this.
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Post: #NAME?
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Post: I have been reluctant to start one of these as I am really ashamed to ask for help. One of my dear friends suggested I do this as I really do not have anywhere else to ask for assistance right now. I am at a high risk for homelessness. Landlord now wants me out unless I can come up with $800 in the next couple of days. I also was recently kicked off of food stamps lately for no apparent reason and I am working to get that fixed.
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Post: As much of an asshole I know it makes me, I simply can't put my heart into a relationship in which I know I'm not the father of her child. I was ghosted this past summer by one of few people I've ever wanted to have a relationship with, and the subsequent weeks were a quest to find sex that would distract me from the pain. Others came before, but she's the first to actually show interest in the long term. She's made these ambitious plans for our distant future, and I don't have it in my heart to tell her it'll never happen. She's the first girl to show me daily how much she cares for me, and the impending thought of breaking her heart is killing me.
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Post: When I was 16 I met a guy on vacation 11 years my senior... Having never been able to get along with those in my age group, I thought nothing of somebody older spending time with me, as I had grown up always spending my time around the adults during the holidays or my older brother's friends... Looking back now, I know this was naive and innocent on my part, nothing that anyone could or should blame a young kid for, as I really thought I was an outcast amongst my peers. And while it may have been true, there is no reason or excuse for a 27 year old man to want to be with a 16 year old girl except that he couldn't find a woman his age who would fall for his games and lies... He played nice for my vacation-- respecting my boundaries and acting only as a friend. He showed me the island and was nothing but kind and hospitable to my family...
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is
Post: so i finally got tired of being anxious and depressed, crying daily, not leaving the house a few months ago and decided it was time to see a doctor again. I would only leave to work, and couldnt hold a job very long due to the anxiety(eventually stop going after successfully alienating myself from everyone) and went to see a psychiatrist. He started me on 40mg of fluoxetine and 50mg atenolol a day with 1mg lorazepam 3x daily as needed. I averaged about 2 of the lorazepam a day, some days 3 some days 1 or even 0, and 1 time i took 4(christmas with the family, not all at once but over the course of the evening) I went back after about 2 and a half months and he increased my atenolol to 100mg and switched me to .5mg alprazolam 1x a day(from the past i knew this wouldnt be an effective dose but he wouldnt listen) For the 2 and a half months i felt like i was leading a normal life, doing well in school, seeing friends again, working, going on dates(have a girlfriend who understands my anxiety and we met when i was drinking to deal with it so this is the worst shes ever seen me and wants me to find a new doctor) interacting with my family and not hiding in my room all day. With the switch to xanax ive gone back to my old ways of hiding away, crying, not eating, and have almsot purchased cigarettes again(quit smoking about 10 months ago).
Question: The answer to the question "Does the poster suffers from stress?" is