It will fall at the end of the game unless it is really far ahead. This is due to the enemy building defensive elements and completing their constructions. He will be able to get all his empowerments by now. This will always allow him to concentrate and kill isolated targets, especially if he manages to catch someone in the jungle or a side track. Kha'Zix will now have several articles. This means that he will be doing a lot of damage but will be killed if he is CC'd. He will have to look for flanks and play around the vision to succeed.
Galio's early game prowess comes from his all-in combo. Hitting level 3 is a significant powerspike. Additionally, he will have both waveclear and a burst damage all-in combo at his disposal. Getting his boots is a decent powerspike for Galio. This is mainly because he can quickly shove the wave and roam to other lanes with the help of his Ultimate R. It will also allow him to return to the lane quickly. Galio is one of those champions whose level 6 isn't that big a power spike for himself. This is because it is a team-dependent Ultimate R, and hence Galio should try to compensate by looking to shove the wave in and then roam to his allies.
After six, it can select any target and convert the fight into a 1 v 1. This can mean hell for any still enemy or weak health carry that Mordekaiser can easily E>Q them. Once it gets enough items, it will be almost invalid unless the enemy team concentrates it down. In a team fight, its E can be extremely beneficial in the fight against the opposing teams.
Riven is a dominant early-playing champion who can take the way through short trades. Try not to trade with her unless you can match her trading potential. Riven will often play hyper-aggressive and try to overplay with her e. If possible, try to lure her main abilities and then reconnect with her when she has cooldowns. This is your best bet during laning against a Riven. Keep the minion wave frozen near your turn. If you play near your turn, her all-in-pot potential is limited as the tower will protect you and she won't be able to look for frequent trades.
Ryze is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Try to abuse him by looking for an early all-in to force him to remember. Ryze does not point to level 6 as his Ultimate R is a utility tool. Use this to your advantage to win an all-in level 6. You should try to finish the game as quickly as you can that Ryze becomes stronger and stronger than the game goes.
Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate t is down, try to abuse him to get kills. Communicate with your Jungler to abuse his Ultimate t cooldown. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Q before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses. After Zilean has completed his first item, his wave clear will be pretty strong. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push, poke and CC you at the same time.
Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Q’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate R, either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate R, but roots do not. After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.
The more the game goes, the stronger Sion will be. Depending on his path of construction, he will culminate in different articles. Sion is strong at level 6 because he can quickly gank the ways out of vision. A deeper vision will be needed to reduce his efficiency. At level 9, Sion would have maximized his Q. His potential and his all-in-hand strength when the ganking will be very high.
Vayne needs a lot of time on the scale because of the nature of her kit. The more she goes into the game, the more her chances of bringing her team solo to victory. Level six is a massive start peak of the game because she can now look for aggressive all-ins on the enemy. It is effortless for Vayne of bamboozle the enemies now because of its invisibility. The first element will certainly give Vayne a massive boost in the duel. She will have to use the track brushes to make sure that she can compensate for her short range.
Jarvan has an incredibly strong level 2. This allows him to get cheesy ganks off in either the mid or bot lane once he’s unlocked both his d and e. He is pretty mobile and is able to escape a lot of trades. He can also use his mobility to get over walls and dodge commonly placed wards. He can repeatedly gank lanes over and over thanks to his relatively low cooldowns. Also, once he is level 6, he can gank overextended or immobile lanes with his Ultimate m which will usually result in a kill for him or his ally.
Jax's W being maxed out at level nine is a superpower spike for him. He can take frequent fights and take little to no damage. In addition, the CC aspect will allow him to score many picks throughout the game. His mid-game is not as weak as his early game because he will have his core items and can use his Passive pretty well. He will also be a part of many objective fights, allowing him to land a multi-man E stun on the enemies. His E can also be used to make cheeky plays using the lane brushes and lack of vision. Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will become mighty during team fights. This is because his survivability will increase, which will increase the amount of consistent damage dealt by him with his auto-attacks.
Three points in his Ultimate R will make Urgot really scary. Anyone who gets caught out by Urgot will probably end up dying due to the sheer amount of damage he can dish out in a short time. Urgot is really tanky during the late game. Due to his items, he will have a respectable amount of sustain, which will make it really hard for the enemy to kill him. Team fights will be Urgot's bread and butter as he can front line quite effectively while dishing out tons of damage to the enemy team. He can also separate the enemy team's front line from the backline, negating the threat of all-ins on his team.
Stand as far back as possible, and away from walls so it gives you more time to react to his abilities. Abuse his immobile nature by forcing the enemy bottom-lane duo to overextend. Your Jungler can then gank you while they’re pushed in. Track his E cooldown and mana costs. If he is low on mana or if this ability is on cooldown, try to play aggressively.
The more the game goes, the stronger Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e. End of the game as fast as you can. Veigar is quite weak and vulnerable in early play. You could try to abuse it to put it behind and miss it on the piles. Once Veigar has its Ultimate R, its death pressure increases. Keep in mind that it will do a lot of extra damage at this time.
Level 16 is a massive spike for Trundle. He can now make himself really powerful by using the Ultimate n on the right person. It will be the deciding factor during team fights. Most of his items will be complete by now, making Trundle extremely strong and allowing him to strike his enemies. He can easily use his pillar to block off the escape routes of the enemy. At level 14, he will have his 2nd ability maxed out. This will only add to his power and will allow him to disrupt enemy fights and get closer to them very quickly so that he can kill them.
Ezreal's first power peak is when he takes Sheen. His Q damage will increase considerably and he will look to poke constantly. Once Ezreal has finished his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana, his damage output and maintain will be much higher. Every time Ezreal has his E, it is much safer and harder to kill. Try to abuse cooldown whenever you can.
Gwen can deal a lot of damage very quickly with a fully stacked Q. Look for trades when you have max stacks. Her Ultimate R can be recast multiple times. It also offers her a heal which helps her in 1v1 fights. Your W is a great tool that can stop incoming abilities such as Thresh Q or Blitzcrank b. Although it doesn’t protect your allies, you can put yourself in between you and the enemy so your ally doesn’t get CC’d.
Her W blocks auto-attacks and enhanced auto-attack abilities. This includes abilities like Twisted Fate’s W. Your Passive helps you gain XP advantages over the enemy laners, which can help you hit power spikes before them. Her E gives Nillah 2 dashes. This is good for her as she can quickly get in and out of skirmishes.
As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key. Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
Can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his passive. This allows him to be a first line for his team while also being able to escape from death when he enters with his Ultimate h. After six, he can set up several ganks for his track as well as other tracks with his Ultimate h. This is very beneficial if the track that he is gaunting has a certain form of CC built in their kit. He is the jerk of all immobilizers, especially the various immobilizers. He can quite easily get on them and prevent them from doing anything in a fight. If Malphite goes AP, there is no enemy carrier for most of the game.
Be very careful in this matchup that Trynd can easily do everything and kill you in this matchup early. The wave must be frozen near your turn, or you will have to pay dear for it. Focusing on agriculture will be really important. Only go for the jobs on it, when its dash is down, or when it will hit a minion for the last time. Its Ultimate will be a major problem in this matchup, so make sure you keep your slow for once he has used his ult, otherwise your backline will take the ball. If he is wandering, let your teammates know it, and make sure you don't follow him blindly. A small mistake and he can easily lure you in a fight with his Jungler in the river.
Really good potential for bursting with all its g, l, Ultimate n combo. This can remove an enemy squishy with ease from level six itself. Its shield e is misleadingly strong as it can allow it to save all members of its team from a lot of poke. This is also applicable when it is Support. Its g can be used to secure peaks inside the enemy Jungle or blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the chosen target is found to be the enemy Jungler or the varied port.
Graves deals a lot of damage to any target during this phase due to his Passive and items. It is a significant power spike for him, which can very well allow him to single-handedly carry a game. Once he gets three points in his Ultimate t, no low health enemy on the map will be safe. He can just dash in, auto an enemy twice, and then use his Ultimate t to finish them off. At level 13, Graves will be able to deal a lot of burst damage and play circles around the enemy due to his maxed out l and e. In addition, it will give him an excellent dueling advantage.
Yasuo gets a huge peak of power at level 6. It can now focus on trampling the enemy with its tornado r and then use its ultimate R to finish the weak health target. Track brushes should help significantly when it comes to landing this capability. Yasuo will win a small point each time it puts an additional point in its r. It improves its rpoke damage, which allows it to look for all in once it reaches level 6. The best time to go for an all-in is when the primary form of CC of the enemy is in decline. Once Yasuo gets its first element, it will get a significant increase in its duel potential. This means that it can easily catch up and kill any over-stretch or still target.
Ahri’s Passive offers her extra sustain in lane which can help her survive even the toughest of matchups. While the healing isn’t much, it can be impactful. Thanks to Ahri’s E, she has great pick potential throughout all stages of the game. When used in conjunction with her R, she will be able to catch enemies out of position and increase her gold lead. In team fights, your mobility is quite formidable. With your Ultimate, you’re able to flank the enemy from the side, get a kill and then escape before anyone is able to catch you.
When Lucian reaches level 6, play very carefully. Constantly ward the nearby bushes to not get caught off-guard by Lucian and save up your E when he tries to all-in you. Ezreal outranges Lucian. Use the range advantage to safely farm and to avoid Lucian’s harass with his Q and auto attacks. Lucian has very high burst in the early game. Respect his damage and keep any trades short, by maintaining your distance away from him. Poke him with your Qs and your W. Lucian has a lot of wave push power. Utilize this by freezing the lane near your Tower to expose him to ganks and prevent him from bursting you down.
His Q helps him with the gank configurations, and takes in the middle of the game. The length of the root can easily allow him to hide in a Jungle brush and wait for his target to walk in his Q range. The E can allow him to make one of his invincible portages at CC for a while. It's really beneficial during team fighting, or during heavy CC laning.
You will also want to make sure that you continue cleaning the control guards on the map. During neutral objective fighting, you should close the Jungle paths from where the enemy is about to come. Your k should allow you to do it easily but drop it in one of the river entrance brushes. Protecting your ADC should be important but not going around your life for it. If your ADC has become a responsibility, don't hesitate to take things in hand.
It is exceptionally tanky during this phase of the game. Its articles will make it take significantly less damage, and it can even instigate dives turn to finish the enemies. The Ultimate R is a massive peak that allows Sejuani to use the ability frequently. The damage of the ability increases quite decently as well. Its team struggle is quite decent during this phase of the game. It can CC its enemies for a long time, and the damage inflicted by it is quite powerful.
Xin Zhao's early game ganks are on another level altogether. If he manages to find Flashless overextended laners, the chances of them dying are almost a solid 100%. Once Xin Zhao gets access to all his basic abilities, he will start ganking laners when he gets an opportunity. His knockup is incredibly potent to ensure that enemies can't escape and that his allied laners can follow up on him. Level 6 is a decent power spike as he can immediately convert a skirmish into a 1 v 1 with a specific target. This will allow him to burst enemies down while giving him immunity from ranged attacks outside his Ultimate R AoE.
Viego can steal the life of his enemies that can allow him to escape danger. As it becomes unstoppable, it can allow him to avoid incoming damage. Viego is a fun and rewarding champion to play thanks to his Passive and his Ultimate R. Expect to hang on to him quite quickly. Viego has a high skill ceiling. This means more effort than you put in him, the better you will be on him.
In team fights, use your authorized E to get choices to start the fight. Catching someone and then getting a murder could provide your team with enough time to take the Baron or Dragon. As a non-orthodox support, you could have more deaths than your ADC after the laning phase. You can engage in split thrust or agriculture in a side lane if the Allied ADC is not too effective and will not increase. Peel for your team in team fights. Use your Q on the nearest champion to protect you and your ADC.
Wukong will be unable to team fight if you can poke him down before he gets the chance to engage. Delay a team fight while you poke him down as much as possible. Do not fight inside the jungle or around objectives. You will usually be bunched up together which will allow Wukong to get a great Ultimate n off. Ward your flanks as Wukong will often try to flank from the side to get on to your team. Once you’ve spotted him, poke him down or disengage if necessary.
The second point in her Ultimate R will let her deal increased damage to enemies while using it frequently. It will allow her to get way too many picks in the mid-game. Her mid-game is solid. It will be difficult to catch her, and her CC and AoE damage will easily let her top the damage charts. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let her deal much damage in fights where the enemy team is grouped up or afflicted by her Ultimate R.
Another point in his Ultimate R won't do him a lot of good either. It will allow him to rotate easily, but other than that, there is nothing much to it. Ryze will have his core items now, which means he will be dishing out more damage than the early game. He has still not reached his final form yet, though. Ryze will struggle during mid-game fights as his damage won't be enough to one-shot enemies. He will have to be careful about getting CC'd as well.
Unparalleled poke with his p and 2. His 2 slow makes it much easier for him to be able to land his p and r on his opponents. His r is a stun, which can be game changing if it lands on the proper target. It also gives Xerath some form of self peel as he doesn’t want enemy champions on his face. His 2 slow can also help him immensely in team fights. He can set-up opportunities for his team to land their crowd control on the 2 slowed enemy champion/
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team. Look for picks with your abilities. Picking someone off and then collapsing on them to take them down is a great way of winning a team fight and ending the game. Look for picks on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on you and your allies positioning. You need to poke the enemy down with your Q and delay fights in the late game, but you need to watch your positioning as you move forward to harass. Do not get picked off by trying to harass and poke the enemy down.
Once Taric manages to get his boots, he will be way more effective in roams and skirmishes. This is because he will stick to his target for a more extended period and stack up his Q. Level 6 is a significant powerspike as Taric gains the ability to completely negate any form of damage from his entire team for a brief duration. This is perfect when dealing with heavy burst and engage-based teams. At level 4, Taric will have two points in his Q. This is really beneficial as the amount of consistent healing it confers on him and his ADC/teammates can really change the tide of a fight.
Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. It will not be able to use its E much if it is pushed up. Post 6, beware of its strong and all-in-potential burst with its Ultimate R. Try and stay away from it if you are low. Its Q is blocked by the minions and its W. Always stay inside or around the minion wave to make it difficult for her to harass you.
Karma may leave her team to ward alone. Try and catch her out of position by setting up an ambush and then take the Baron or Dragon while she’s dead. If Karma uses her empowered Q when trying to poke, you should use the cooldown to start a team fight. When Karma’s Ultimate a is down, she cannot give her team a huge shield d which will make fighting much easier. Don’t be afraid to invest in an Executioner’s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier.
When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear and poke damage will increase heavily. He shouldn’t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it. At level 6, Corki’s wave clear increases as his e can help him push the enemy into their tower. His e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously. He is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4, but he does have his basic attacks, and his Passive which make him abit annoying to deal with if you're playing as a melee champion against him.
Try to stay with your support throughout the middle of the game. You are very vulnerable and easy to kill if you are alone. Staying with your support will increase your survival. Keep picking up the farm in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but spend as little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items and if you fall behind, it will be unlikely that you will be able to eliminate the damage in the fights. Look for choices with your support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Olafs' Ultimate k allows him to avoid the CC because it prevents him from being blocked by the hard control of the crowd. Olafs 1v1's potential is extremely strong. This makes him a formidable opponent in 1v1 and makes him difficult to play against. Look to play aggressive and fight the enemy whenever possible. Thanks to his slowness, he can easily pursue any lantern or champion with which he comes into contact.
Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 everything in with its Q and E spam. Make sure to hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce its ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana problems in the early game. If it is weak on the mana, it could be a good time to fight it because its release of damage will be greatly reduced because it relies heavily on the mana for the trade.
Vulnerable when his W is down as he has no other escape capacity left in his kit. The same goes for when he is too pushed into the track. His Q can be avoided quite easily if the enemy stands at a certain distance from him. This is his main form of poke damage, so without it it it will be useless. Level a Ultimate R makes very little damage if the enemy is far from the epicenter of the explosion. It cannot be used as an effective finishing movement unless Ziggs has items or two points in that ability.
Excellent CC channel if he or someone else on his team gets to CC a target. This works especially well against motionless door. You can follow with your E (press it twice) and shoot the enemy closer. Can regenerate a lot of health with his W and thus surpass his enemies in the way. His ultimate R amplifies this effect and is really effective in fighting in closed spaces. He can use his W to set up ganks for his Jungler too. This allows him to catch up with his target while providing a vision of the area. The last part is very useful when it comes to objective control.
Camille can look for an all-in at level 3 or 4 once she has access to her basic abilities. Try and do not lose too much health before hitting level 3 otherwise it is guaranteed that she will look for the all-in. Whenever Camille has her E available, you must be careful with your positioning because it will provide her an opportunity to engage if you are standing near a wall. Stand in the middle of the track as much as possible. At level 6 Camille will have access to her Ultimate R which can be deadly if you are low and overheard. Respect her all-in and do not push without vision as her Ultimate R can also be used to install her Jungler.
Once he enters with his E, he can't go out due to his E being on a very high cooldown initially. If his Passive is down, he can't play so aggressively because of the threat of his being killed. This is applicable for early fighting in the middle of the game only. Teams with lots of CC and disengagement tools are really good against Zac. He struggles to get targets, use his Ultimate R and make use of his Q when the enemy escaped/ or CC.
Annie is a team fighting champion thanks to the AOE on Tibbers R. As teams will start to group during the mid-game, it is plausible that she can land a multi-person stun with him. When she has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to look for more aggressive plays around the map. She can also use her Flash to get picks too. She will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11. SInce Annie is a mage, she would’ve completed multiple items during the mid-game. This will enable her to get picks on squishy champions and take them down with ease.
It can wander around the map and place its Ultimate t mushrooms in heavy traffic areas. It will allow it to detect enemies as well as get killed on unsuspecting low-health targets. Its first ability will be maximized to level 9. This will allow it to inflict high amounts of bursting damage and will allow it to kill its enemies quickly. It is not remarkable in team fighting, so it should either resort to secure peaks and blow people with its abilities or just separate by pushing until the enemy responds to it.
Ryze’s laning phase is when he is at his weakest. Avoid trading with him too much in the very early game as he will just want to recall early and get his Tear anyway. When Ryze hits level 6, his kill pressure doesn’t increase as his Ultimate R is not a damaging tool. For most champions, your level 6 will be stronger than his. Try to fight as often as possible. Ryze needs time to scale, so delaying his ability to scale is key. Getting an early kill and putting him behind early will reduce his ability to scale into the mid and late game.
Be careful what happens on the map at all times. Don't let the enemy Jungler get all the Dragons. Try to secure them with your team after ruining the lower track. Beware of the pressure of the Fiddles at the beginning of the game. They are strong enough and will try to make games to get themselves and their teammates before.
It can even hide in them to all enemies when they are pushed up. Level six will allow it to initiate combat more reliably, especially when setting up ganks. The Jungler ally will have an easy time to ruin this way. The first element will allow Maokai to survive longer and avoid more serious damage in the way. It just has to make sure that it does not get blown up before a fight.
Use Darius’ early game aggression to get a lead in the lane. Gaining a significant health or kill lead over the enemy will increase your chances of winning the game. Always go for extended trades as often as you can on Darius. Thanks to your Passive, you’ll always come out ahead in most cases. Use your level 6 power spike to get kills in lane and start to snowball. Your Ultimate e can be used as an execute, so it should help you get a lead.
His Ultimate R offers him a lot of extra protection, and the extra speed of movement that he provides will make it difficult for the enemy to go away from his ganks. Mundo can start to glove from level 3. Although his Q does not inflict much damage in early play, the slow that he provides is very convenient when it comes to gaunting his allies. Once Dr Mundo has finished his first article, his release of damage and overall tankness will increase. At this stage of the game, his ability to duel and the pressure to kill will be very high.
Make sure you have mid-priority at any time in this game. It will allow you to turn and help your teammates very easily. Your loaded attacks are your bread and butter in this matchup. Always try to erase the wave with your Q while you save your self-attack for the enemy. Since you are so mobile, you can feel that you can chase enemies down. Try not to do it without any form of Hast ability, as your E has massive cooling early.
At level 14, Vex will complete the upgrade of its second ability. Again, its release of damage and the global threat will increase. Almost all the champion peaks at level 16 when they put the 3rd point in their Ultimate R. Teams will be grouped in the end of the game. Vex is good in the team fights, so she should do pretty well in the team fights at the end of the game.
He is vulnerable when his shield is lowered. If the enemy can destroy the shield, they can use the cooldown to play aggressively and get himself killed. By using his Ultimate R, he will be motionless. This makes him vulnerable to incoming damage and CC that could in turn have him killed.
As Vayne is a varied champion, when she plays as a melee champion, be ready to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Don't let her kill you at the beginning of the game that you're going to make her last game even stronger. If Vayne ever uses her e, use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She's pretty vulnerable when her e is down. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the beginning of the game. This will reduce her chances of zoned away from the minion wave.
In the later parts of the game, stick with your team and look for picks. Avoid splitting up or being too far apart from them as the enemy may force a fight while you’re nowhere nearby. Play around your Ultimate R and avoid committing to fights while it is on cooldown. If you fight while it’s on cooldown, you’ll miss out on a lot of healing and extra damage, which can make the difference in a late-game team fight. In team fights, flank the enemy to make it easier for yourself to get onto the enemy backline. Positioning away from your team but close enough to join the fight could give the enemy a false sense of security, making the enemy think the fight is 4v5: forcing them to overextend.
Use your W to snuff out enemies during this phase of the game but ensure that your team is there to follow you up should you look for an engage. Always try to Ultimate R the enemy Jungler during this phase of the game. It will allow your team to get a free Dragon off after managing to kill the Jungler. Be extremely careful when looking for all-ins. Get a defensive item to ensure that you can sustain for a longer period in fights.
Use your early play advantage to push the wave regularly and get additional turn and gold plates. Use your Q to quickly push the wave and hit the enemy at the same time. After getting the first turn in the track, turn to the medium track and take more turret plates or get the outer tower. This will open the map and increase your chances of winning. Consume your Passive Headshot on the enemy laner(s) as often as possible. This will help you win trades and skirmishes with the enemy.
Ezreal is mobile, but not as mobile as you. Just use your E with discretion to get to him quickly. Avoid getting hit by his Q in this matchup. You can use your W to do it if you have no other way. After six, you should be able to all-in Ezreal regularly in this matchup. Just make sure his E is in advance. Keep the wave in the middle of the track or near your turret. Try to expose Ezreal to ganks in this way.
Fiora is extremely good at level 1. If she gets the right Vital procs, she can cheese an early first blood or leave you chugging your potions at your tower. Respect her all-in potential and do not fight her early on. When Fiora hits level 6 her duelling potential is fully realized. She can 1v1 almost anyone while her R is up. Fiora is very good in the later stages of the laning phase and the mid-game. Respect her 1v1 potential and try not to die to her.
Karma is quite decent in late-game fights as her kit provides a lot of utility and damage at the same time. This is perfect for her team, especially because her abilities will almost always be up. She will offer a lot of utility during the late game, especially in neutral, objective fights. Team fights will be really useful due to her d. She will have two of her abilities maxed out at level 13, which will give her a huge damage boost and will let her peel for her carries effortlessly. It will be really helpful in winning fights.
Do not let the enemy team have a fair team fight. You may be able to kill brushes in the enemy jungle with your Ultimate t. Also, keep an eye on the side tracks and see if you can go and kill an enemy who is recklessly pushed up in such a way. A defensive element should help you a lot when diving into an enemy team. If you are behind the game, move your attention to peeling for your team rather than making aggressive games.
The second point in her Ultimate R will let her deal increased damage to enemies while shielding allies. It is perfect during team fights. Her mid-game is solid. She can quickly 1 v 1 non-mobile enemy, and she can also do extremely well in team fights due to her W. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let her deal a lot of damage and heal for massive amounts depending on her items.
Grievous Wounds, especially during the early game is his mortal enemy and will allow the enemy to take him down with relative ease. The fact that he is extremely weak during the early game doesn’t help him either. If Dr Mundo isn’t ahead, he will find it hard to be the frontline for his team. If he is behind, he will not be able to tank a lot of damage and will have to fall back quite quickly. Without his Ultimate m, Dr Mundo doesn’t have much kill pressure or chase potential, unless he can land his t. If he misses his Q when trying to gank a lane, he can’t do anything to shut down the enemy.
Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game. Keep them warded so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game.
Another point in his Ultimate R will allow him to 1 v 1 target quite frequently. He should be able to secure picks even now. He is pretty decent during late-game fights, as his AoE abilities will hurt a lot. His survivability is quite appreciable as well. His tankiness will be massive during this phase of the game. He should be focused on absorbing a lot of damage for the enemy team while simultaneously picking off enemies when possible.
Very motionless and sensitive to the control of the crowd of the enemy team, especially when it loads its p up. Can easily be all-in-one if it uses its r with caution and it does not have its Flash up. Can be flanked with ease when it is pushed up in the track due to its in-build wavollelar. Its Ultimate 2 can easily be interrupted and can be used as a traction to target it and get rid of it immediately. Xerath will have to position well before using its Ultimate 2 , otherwise there is a good chance that it will get killed immediately.
Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball d throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her Ball d is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her d and d and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Due to her lack of mobility and her inherent ability to push waves, Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Ask your Jungler for ganks whenever she pushes the lane.
Can’t really do much during the early game, especially if he is against something with hard CC or if he is getting camped. Extremely item reliant and won’t dish out a lot of damage if he was set behind during the early and mid game. His Ultimate R changes the positioning of him and anyone inside the circle. This can make Ryze outplay himself and get his entire team killed if proper vision is not set-up before the usage of the ability.
In team fights, make sure no one on your team is too far forward as Malzahar may try and catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R. When sieging objectives or backing off from a fight, watch your positioning as you may walk into Malzahar’s Q which can be devastating to your health bar. As soon as Malzhar focuses a champion with his Ultimate R, try to CC him so the channel is cancelled.
Renekton would start to fall off now unless he managed to accumulate a considerable lead early on. It is of paramount importance that Renekton finishes the game as quickly as possible. Renekton will have multiple items by now. This means that he can reliably front line for his team and deal a lot of damage to enemies. As long as he doesn't get CC'd, he will be able to win fights easily. Level sixteen is a decent spike for Renekton. This is because he will max out his Ultimate t and pose a massive threat to the enemy team.
Try and force him to extend for the farm by keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will also protect you against all-in-ones. Try and abuse your reach advantage, especially at the first levels. It is melee, so continue harassing him as much as possible. Stay away from the minions and keep your distance while harassing to reduce his chances of you all-in. At level 6, you need to be more careful in the fight against him. Keep keeping your distance, but be ready to Flash or E away so he can not hit you and kill you.
Galio needs time to come online. Play safe in the early game so you can scale and come online. Do not get poked down otherwise you’ll fall behind in CS and XP and be no threat later on. Keep in mind that at level 6, you will have no kill threat in the lane against most enemy laners. Respect the enemies all-in damage past level 6. Your Ultimate R is impactful and can be used to help your allies in their own lane. Keep an eye on what’s happening around you and be prepared to cast your Ultimate R to assist your allies.
If his E is missing, the enemy team can literally walk up to him (not within control) and continue to poach and harass him for a long time. Can't do much if the enemy keeps the river (if it is halfway) / track brushes (if it is in support). As soon as the enemy sees Galio coming out of the way, they will begin to play safely and deny the threat of Galio. Galio's effectiveness is greatly reduced if the enemy team positions properly and the spaces during a fight. He is decent against the magical damage but the AD champions can tear themselves through him, especially after using his E.
Your goal in the laning phase is to abuse the enemy and get kills. Try to play aggressive when suitable to get an early lead. Use your strong 1v1 potential to roam around the map and help your allies secure kills. If you can get kills and help your allies, your chances of winning the game will be much higher. Once your allies have rotated to the mid lane, rotate to a different lane and split push. It’s important that you do not fall behind in CS and XP by staying mid when there are lots of other champions there.
Xin Zhao’s first power spike in lane is at level 3. He can all-in the enemy at level 3 when he gets access to all 3 basic abilities. At level 6, Xin Zhao’s kill pressure heavily increases. He can instantly kill any enemy laner and chase them down once he has his Ultimate R. After Xin has picked up his first component item, he can trade very aggressively with the enemy. Furthermore, the extra damage he gets from this item will help him last hit and farm easily.
Get Level 2 first and look for a favorable trade with the enemy. Earning an early health benefit will help you. Focus on agriculture and looking for aggressive games once the enemy uses a ability. Play around their abilities and seek to abuse their cooldowns with your early game damage.
Ivern can easily choose his enemies with his Q. This is best done when Ivern manages to catch an unsuspecting enemy with his Q of war fog. Once Ivern gets his Ultimate R, he can easily distract critical members of the enemy team, instigate the divers turn, peel for his wears, and take neutral goals all at once. This will give him a lot of power. Ivern is really good in the fights during this stage as it will be complete and will act as a secondary support for the team. Allied ports will feel very safe around Ivern.
Brand has a lot of poke with its W with the added advantage of being long-range as well. This allows it to poke the enemy from afar and to make them low. Its Ultimate R is really good in team fighting- especially if the enemy are grouped. It can bounce its Ultimate R between enemies and inflict a lot of damage. Brand is able to complete his quest for guard incredibly quickly that he can constantly harass the enemy from afar.
Don’t let the enemy Jungler get all the Dragons. Try to secure them with your team after ganking the bottom lane. Ward for your allies! Gragas is way stronger than you early, and you can decrease their early power by warding for your allies, so they do not die to ganks. You’re way stronger early compared to Gragas. With this in mind, try to invade often to gain an early advantage. Gragas will look to gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up. Ensure you ward the enemy's jungle entrances so your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate.
Nasus has insane late game damage if he has been able to get tons of stacks with his Q. Is an easy champion to pick up and understand. His game plan is pretty much the same in each game too. Nasus is a really good split pusher and should be looking to split push and open up the map during the later parts of the game. He can be incredibly hard to stop if he is ahead. While he is drawing pressure, his team can siege or fight elsewhere.
Make sure you're still standing behind a minion at any time to make it harder for him to land his Q and push you down. The best time to go for trades and kicks on Ezreal is when his E is on the cooldown. If he's using it aggressively, try to abuse cooldown and look for an aggressive game while he's defenseless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate R to sniper someone on the map, ping your team while he's moving through Summoners Rift. This will help them avoid incoming ability. Although this ability is on the cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight it.
Can catch ignorant enemies with his W E Q combo, especially when the enemy is last occupied hits a minion. This combo does a lot of damage and can force the enemy to play defensively. His W allows him to escape sticky situations and ganks with ease. It also allows him to set up himself kills for himself once he has managed to pull his enemy down. His Passive allows him to finish the weak enemies with ease.