Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase. So, pay attention to its Q poke. Try to avoid it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. Its death pressure also increases, so be aware of its level 6 peak power.
If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them Be proactive with your Ultimate, as they will look to use theirs whenever it is up. Force ganks with your R! As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can!
To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on which major goal is the next spawning. If it quickly spawns, make sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before withdrawing to safety. Having the vision around the major goals is the key. Look for choices during the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and eventually take a turn, goal or get more dead.
The enemy will not waste much in the early game, so try your hardest to get as many ganks as possible. Getting your allies forward will only cause the enemy to fall behind and make their Jungler useless. Priorize taking the Dragons early. You can solo the Dragon with ease, or you can ask for help and turn towards it after helping the robot. Make sure you secure all the Dragons when possible to deny them from the enemy. Although the enemy Jungler will not be spoiled, fighting alone will be difficult because they have tools to escape or prevent the fight. If you spot them alone, try to force them out of their jungle without engaging in the struggle without assistance. A good time to invade them and look for them is when your nearby ways have priority. At level 6 is when the enemy will probably start to waste. You can follow them with a good vision through the neighborhoods placed in and around the river. If you are nearby, try to counter gank as they have nothing to offer once they have used their abilities.
A monster of the end of the game because of its passive functioning. If it can go through the laning phase and can acquire CS in an orderly manner, it will easily take the game later. Its Ultimate R can allow it to save a teammate as well as herself depending on the situation. If it is behind it, it can easily use it on a murderer in its team so that it can keep the enemy distracted from its presence. The Q and W allows it to catch up with ease and get rid of them once it is powerful enough.
Lucian’s level 2 power spike is no joke. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time as him to reduce his ability to all in you. Level 2 is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave. At level 6, Lucian has a lot more trading power thanks to his Ultimate R. Once he activates it, try to either reposition, disengage or lock him down with CC so he is unable to land every bullet on you. Whenever Lucian’s E is up, he will be stronger as he can dodge skill shots and CC. If he uses this ability aggressively, use the cooldown of it to play aggressive and trade with him.
Renekton is one of the first strongest game champions in the game. You can use this advantage to win an advance. To tons of support in the way thanks to his e. The additional healing will make favored fights as it can cure some of the damage taken. Once in advance, Renekton can constantly intimidate the enemy lantern and again and snowball his advance quickly. Make sure you continue to play around your cooldowns to continue your lead.
Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or get away from them otherwise the enemy can try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities. Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to remove them is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for choices on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on you and your allies position. You need to drop the enemy and delay the fights in the late game, but you need to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass.
Very motionless and sensitive to the control of the crowd of the enemy team, especially when it loads its p up. Can easily be all-in-one if it uses its r with caution and it does not have its Flash up. Can be flanked with ease when it is pushed up in the track due to its in-build wavollelar. Its Ultimate 2 can easily be interrupted and can be used as a traction to target it and get rid of it immediately. Xerath will have to position well before using its Ultimate 2 , otherwise there is a good chance that it will get killed immediately.
Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team. Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle. Once Heimerdinger hits level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities. Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with him as he might just pull out his magic card and kill you. Just like during the laning phase, you’ll want to destroy Heimerdingers Turrets Q as quickly as you can before a team fight is underway so he is unable to dish out tons of damage.
You are a good ganker early. Make sure you equal his ganking pressure early on. Focus on securing those objectives. It is important that you try to take those objectives whenever possible to give your team a lead. Once Ekko goes in, he doesn’t have much left. So you can abuse this as you’re a good counter ganker. Playing around your Ultimate is crucial in this matchup. Try to make plays whenever you have your Ultimate available to you.
During this phase of the game, Morgana will have several elements that will allow him to protect his team. Combined with his E, his allies will be protected from the CC. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability quite frequently and flatten a lot of damage at the same time. It will be great during the battles piled up. She is excellent in the fights at the end of the game due to her overall utility and CC on her Q. That CC can easily be chained with her Ultimate R for maximum efficiency.
You can use your E more liberally to get murders from now on. Your Ultimate will be on a short cooling time, to make sure you use it quite frequently. It will certainly help you cut off enemies who have already taken damage. If you have allies who have CC integrated into their kit, try to stay close to them. You should always focus on target CC'd and kill them when you get a chance. Also, if the enemy has a murderer, try to shade them and see if you can get the murder on them if they assassinate your allies.
Strong power peak at level two that allows him to throw an enemy down with his E, Q combo. This combined with his Passive and Invocative Spells can easily get him killed on a squishy target. Very good clear wave with his W, Q and Ultimate R. This makes him gain the really fast priority and he also helps secure goals with his Jungler. After six, he can practically an enemy with his combo while repositioning simultaneously with his E. His E also makes him quite slippery, which allows him to avoid the ganks with ease.
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm! As you’re a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead.
Very still and can collapse easily with multi-layer CC. Once CC-d, she will probably die with appropriate follow-up. Without her E, she is quite vulnerable and a sensitive gank target. This is especially true when the enemy has a varied form of CC. Positioning is absolutely necessary for this champion otherwise she can easily be caught and killed due to the motionless way and bursting that is related to her.
Riven will be looking to split push when no team fights are occurring. Make sure somebody who can contest her is sent to stop her from pushing. Avoid fighting her during the mid-game though unless you’re stronger. Teamfights will be difficult for Riven as she is prone to CC, disengage and gets kited by champions easily. To make team fighting easier, she will probably flank or Flash in to engage. Ward to the side when sieging an objective to spot her before she gets the chance to engage. Riven is quite good at picking off champions when they’re too far forward or alone. Don’t let her pick someone off by staying in line with each other. Do not group too closely as it may allow her to get a 5 person r stun.
Flank in team fights to get on key targets with your E. Avoid showing yourself when possible in the late game as the element of surprise can provide a huge advantage. When ahead, look for picks by waiting in high traffic areas for an enemy to walk by. If you’re able to take down the enemy Mid, ADC or Support, you can use their death timer to end the game or take a major objective. Avoid dying and remain on the same side of the map as the next major objective. Do not show on the bottom side of the map if Baron is about to come up.
Xerath's damage will skyrocket during this stage of the game. This is quite helpful for him as it allows him to carry his team later on during the game. His pick potential is quite massive as well. Once Xerath gets his Ultimate 2 maxed out, he will be able to land even more shots on unsuspecting enemies. Xerath will need to ensure that he stays in a safe position while doing so. Xerath's poke is quite unparalleled during major team fights. He will have a great time using the fog of war and range advantage to one-shot squishies.
This champions level 2 is incredibly strong. They can often gain a health advantage or Summoner advantage in the lane by playing aggressive and looking for an early all-in. You have very good roaming potential once you have Boots of Mobility. This gives you tons of map pressure. Whenever your Ultimate e is up, you have a lot of extra kill pressure. Look for picks whenever you have your Ultimate e up.
Veigar is relatively weak during the early game, and he should be focusing on trying to e and stack up his Passive when possible. His n will come in handy when trying to prevent all-ins. Post-six, he will have access to all his basic abilities. This is huge for him as he can now CC enemies and then combo them with his r and e when possible. Level six is a significant power spike as it gives him access to his finishing ability. Now he will just have to focus on poking the enemy out in the lane before decimating them with his Ultimate R.
At level nine, her Q will be completely maxed out and deal a lot of damage to her enemies. This will let her take over the game with ease. Depending on which build she is going for, she will be getting her first ability upgrade during this stage of the game. This will be a massive power spike and will let her be the prime carry for her team. Kai'sa is really good in fights due to her E and Q. She can peel for herself and use her Ultimate R for both aggressive and defensive purposes.
You should push the first wave, then pull the second one to the tower, and just freezing there, so Vladimir stays overextended. After level 6, Vladimir gets a power spike with his e, so play a bit more passively against him in that stage. The best opportunity to trade with Vladimir is when he has used up his l, since it is his only tool or survivability in his kit, and he can deal damage while using it with his l>E combo, so it makes it even more vital to him. Vladimir is strong at all stages of the game, because he has so much built-in sustain and scales later, but waveclear is the only thing you have that is more powerful than his.
Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her d and auto-attacks. If you’re playing as a melee champion, try to minimize your time spent overextended while getting warding quest stacks. She may wait for her m to be up before trading. This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade. Use the m cooldown time frame to poke her. When playing as a melee champion, make sure Janna doesn’t bully you down with basic attacks. When you can’t engage, stand out of range and in line with your ADC so she can’t harass and bully you.
It is fragile early because its presence is negligible, and its capabilities are telegraphed. All it has to do is to maintain its health and use its passive until it reaches level six. Once it reaches level six, its presence will skyrocket, becoming a major threat to the enemy's lantern. Working with the ally Jungler will help it massively. The first element will allow it to spam its abilities quite frequently. It will also allow it to inflict more damage, especially when it has its final R.
Kled's Passive is highly underestimated, but it will make all the difference in the game now. He can use it to absorb so much damage without risk of dying, and he can quickly get up if Skaarl runs away. Kled will have its construction almost finished now. This means that he will be tanky, as well as flattening heavy amounts of damage. Anyone getting caught by him will probably die. Since all his abilities will be maximized at this stage, Kled will be huge in the game. His ability to disrupt the ranks of enemy teams will be phenomenal, and he can easily peel for his wears as well.
During this phase of the game, work with your Jungler to get choices by using your W to CC enemy team. Get rid of the enemy Jungle with your E traps. This will help you slow down the enemy team and detect them before major neutral fights. When using your Ultimate R, make sure you are not too far from your team.
If they invade you, just back, as they can easily kill you, especially if you are behind. They can secure the lens so much easier than you can. Keep them guarded to spot them before they can secure the lens. Post 6, avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will kill you easily. A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he comes. You have to counter their waste pressure by doing the same thing.
Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so that she can harass you and harass you with her l in the shape of Dragon t. Fight as soon as you can so that she can't shoot you down and from a distance. Shyvana can flank on the side with her Ultimate t and her l. Make sure you have your flanks watched so you can see her before she gets the chance to crash and shoot you.
Teemo will place Shrooms t around the edges of the track. Avoid walking on the side of the track and only walk on the path that your minions take to reduce the damage taken. Concentrating Teemo down is a great way to win this matchup. It is super squissy and easy to kill if you play around its t. Playing around its t is very important. If you do it, it will exceed you every time.
Focus on farming early. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP. However, if you do find a ganking or counter-ganking opportunity nearby, don’t be afraid to take it. If they invade you early, just back off; you do not win early skirmishes with them. Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up, and try to clean up kills whenever possible.
Ekko can start crashing after level 3 when he gets access to all 3 of his basic abilities. However, he shouldn't on the ganks force too much that he needs gold early and XP to get his first article. As Ekko can do a lot of burst damage, once he's finished his Mythic article, his death pressure gets intensified. At level 6, Ekko becomes an incredible threat. He can go for risky games and use his ultimate R to escape. Even if he can turn dive before 6 with his W, he can dive deeper with his R.
Unfortunately, Nautilus does not have the fastest clear in the game, but it is a little healthy. It does not have as great objective control, so you will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald. Can be difficult to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy.
The last point in his Ultimate k will give him a massive peak, and he will be able to deposit tons of damage to the enemy. Since the ability will increase frequently, he will be able to take targets easily. His tankness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. Combined with his overall damage, it will become difficult to deal with him for the enemy team. Olaf will certainly fall during the end of the game as the enemies begin to build defensive objects. The brilliant damage of the enemy team will allow them to take Olaf quickly.
Aatrox is strong from 2-6 levels. Make sure to keep your distance to make it harder for him to land his Q and push you down. Aatrox peaks when he gets his first article (as well as both components). Respect his everything in the potential when he has finished the recipe as his damage production will increase sharply. Aatrox is really strong no matter if you can't avoid all the cases of his Q. Practice makes perfect, but try to avoid them every time you are able to.
Ziggs will try to delay a team fight as long as possible while he launches with his Q. Try to force a fight so that he can't bring you down and force you to disengage. It's going to be hard for you to sit goals like Towers when Ziggs is alive. Try catching him out of his position or flancing him when he's alone to facilitate taking these goals.
Warwick will put the third point in its Ultimate R. It will be on a cooldown low and will be an excellent tool to pick up the enemy in the late parts of the game. Warwick will be very tanky in the game at the end of the season so that he will be able to absorb a lot of enemy damage. At level 14, he would have maximized 2 abilities at this stage of the game. This is a significant power peak for Warwick.
Quinn’s early game is incredibly strong. At level 1, do not let her bully you down with her basic attacks. Unlike other champions, Quinn’s level 6 power spike doesn’t offer her much in lane. But her Ultimate R does offer her a lot of roaming potential. As soon as she hits level 6 and goes missing, communicator with your team so they know shes left lane. Once Quinn has completed her first item, her kill pressure intensifies. If you’re behind, avoid fighting her at all costs as she will undoubtedly beat you in a 1v1.
Akali lacks energy quite easily. You will need to keep a constant eye on your energy levels and go only for aggressive games when you have a lot of energy. Akali and assassins like his fight against the teams with a lot of CC. In the team fights, you will have to wait for the perfect opportunity to enter to not get CC. Akali is one of the most difficult champions to master in the game. Playing around his energy levels, his Passive, his W and his two mobility spells takes a lot of practice. Expect to put in a lot of effort if you want to learn Akali.
Once Kennen has two points in his Ultimate m, he will be able to inflict massive amounts of damage to the enemy team. He just needs to choose the perfect time to enter. Kennen is excellent in team fighting due to his Ultimate m. He can pair him with his Flash for a devastating combo on the enemy team, which will leave them defenceless. More items mean more damage for Kennen. This will allow him to resume the game, and his poke damage will increase significantly in the game.
Once Miss Fortune reaches level 6, her death pressure increases thanks to her Ultimate e and her damage. In team fighting, Miss Fortune really shines that her Ultimate e can inflict tons of damage if she uses it in a safe place. Disengagement as soon as she channels her Ultimate e. At level 9, Miss Fortunes will do tons of damage if she hits you.
Their level 6 is incredibly strong, and their Jungler will gank them when they hit 6. Make sure you ward the river to spot the Jungler early. Post 6, push the minion wave and walk backwards so they cannot trade with you or press R on you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times. It will force them to choose between pushing and poking you. Focus on just farming and poking and harassing the enemy. You’re not very strong early on.
Another point in her Ultimate R will see that she is the most powerful she can be in the game. She can now cut through the enemy team with a good positioning. Her damage at the end of the game is very high, and she will have to be removed beforehand if the enemy team has a chance to win the game. Her 3rd empowerment is essential and will make Kayle very powerful.
Its ultimate makes it very difficult for the enemy not to take any poke damage. It is especially true if Kog. Maw goes for AP construction. With the appropriate coat, it can take a game quite easily due to its Q and e. It also has a certain amount of self-peel with its e, but it is better for him to keep his distance from CC.
Strong power peak at level two that allows him to throw an enemy down with his E, Q combo. This combined with his Passive and Invocative Spells can easily get him killed on a squishy target. Very good clear wave with his W, Q and Ultimate R. This makes him gain the really fast priority and he also helps secure goals with his Jungler. After six, he can practically an enemy with his combo while repositioning simultaneously with his E. His E also makes him quite slippery, which allows him to avoid the ganks with ease.
Try to stay with your support throughout the middle of the game. You are very vulnerable and easy to kill if you are alone. Staying with your support will increase your survival. Keep picking up the farm in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but spend as little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items and if you fall behind, it will be unlikely that you will be able to eliminate the damage in the fights. Look for choices with your support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Master Yi will become strong and stronger with the most kills he gives. Avoid giving him kills in the early match. Once Master Yi reaches level 6, he will begin to ganten himself as his Ultimate r offers him tons of extra pressure Kill. Master Yi is very strong in the late match. Try to reduce his income to make it harder for him to snowball and take control of the game.
Catching Sona when she goes to the hall will allow your team to allow you to take the Baron, Dragon or start a team fight when she is unable to protect her team. Avoid team fights in areas where you are forced to group together as inside an objective pit or in the jungle. This will allow Sona to get a multi-person Ultimate R. Try and group but not too close together. A good Sona will be standing near the back of her team when her Flash is down. This will make it harder for you to kill her in a team fight. To make her easier, try to flank her side or back.
Sylas is strong enough during the middle of the game, especially if he gets a solid ultimate from the enemy team. His life flight will prevent him from dying quickly during important battles. Two points in his Ultimate R will allow him to take enemies' ultimates quickly and increase their overall efficiency. He can be very beneficial in team fights. His first ability will be maximized at level 9. This will give him a huge boost and allow him to blow up simple targets with ease.
Gwen's had a lot of pressure to kill you, so unless you're in front of level 6, don't bother fighting it as it can damage you to level 6. You're pretty good at the invasion, and as Gwen needs time to come online, try to go for an early invasion. Gwen will look for gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up. Make sure to keep the enemy's jungle entrances so your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate. As you're big at duelling and early, try to make early games around the map to get yourself and your allies before.
Kayn is not very strong early on as his abilities won't be dealing a lot of damage. He will have to play carefully and wait until he gains access to all his basic abilities before going for all-ins. Level 6 is a massive power spike that allows Kayn to bolster his all-in potential. The added burst damage will be beneficial when it comes to dealing with squishy or ranged targets. The first component will give Kayn a massive powerspike as it will bolster both his damage and survivability. It will allow him to duel enemies with ease.
At level 9, Darius would have maximized his e. His all-in potential and the pressure to kill is still very good during the middle of the game. At level 11, Darius will put a secondary point in his Ultimate e. If he got a slight lead in the game early, he will be difficult to manage in the middle of the game, and he should be able to kill any enemy who tries to prevent him from sharing the push. During the middle of the game, Darius should have completed some articles. He should be able to do a lot of damage to the targets, and also be a bit tanky. The articles he picks up make him a huge problem during this stage of the game.
Can a-shot squishies as soon as she gets her Ultimate R. Being hit by her E is a post-six death penalty, and her mobility Ultimate's R allows her to avoid hot skills. Her W is a power and can allow her to provide a lot of utility both for her team and herself. This ability can allow her to gain the way quite easily if she gets lucky. Zoe's E can be used to set up long-range ganks.
Whenever Anivia has her Passive up, her ability to survive all-ins is much higher. Try to look for frequent trades while her Egg is down, and call for assistance when needed. Once Anvia has some levels behind her, her strength increases dramatically. Respect her burst and all-in potential whenever her t is available. Post 6, Anivia can quickly push the minion wave with her m. Once she has access to her Ultimate m, she will constantly push you into your tower. Keep this in mind and try to prevent her from doing so.
Foresix it is rather weak especially when its Q or t is in decline. Being mixed in nature, it can really not deal well with the varied wearer when its t is in decline. Diana is quite weak and needs time to come online. If she gets harassed by range, it will be difficult for her to close and reach her peak of power.
It's a tank against tank matchup. Your best bet is just to avoid them and focus on early farming. However, they are a stronger ganker than you in the game early, so be ready to counter-gank and follow them. If you can't get an advance of easy ganks, try to invade their jungle and steal their camps.
You are extremely strong during the laning phase because of your long-range poke and self-attacks. This allows you to play safely, chip on your enemy's health bar, and then all of it with your auto-auto-auto-Q auto-attacks. The amount of utility you bring to a team comp is massive. Your auto-attack slows down and your Ultimate w CC can easily help your team to secure choices before the important goal fights. It also helps you increase the CC chains on the enemies. Once you get two to three items, you can start slowing down and shredding several members of the enemy team in battles near the quarter. This gives you more time to kite out enemies during the skirmishes and keeps you safe from their CC while your team piles on them.
When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you. Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate R, her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate R is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.
At the end of the game, keep looking for flanks with your E and R. Play around your Ultimate cooldown in the end of the game. Avoid team fighting when your Ultimate is down to make sure you're useful in team fighting! Group with your allies as the enemy will just force a commitment and kill your team while you're not with them.
Pre-six he is quite squishy, and easily killable if his p is on cooldown. This also makes him vulnerable to crowd control, especially when he is trying to poke with his Q. His Q is quite telegraphed and he can be easily punished once his Q is down. Again, his Q can also be dodge by blinking/dashing away from the drop point of his Q. He is pretty much a poke/damage bot when his Ultimate t is down. Zilean is inherently squishy so it should not be an issue to take him down once his Ultimate t is on cooldown.
Although she has a lot to offer, she really needs this attack speed to come online and if she is put too far back before she can get these few basic elements, she may never be able to recover. Bel-Eth relies heavily on her Q, her passive and her auto attacks to inflict the majority of her damage, this naturally means that she is incredibly countered by any form of hard CC. Her E is also a channel capacity that can also be interrupted by crowd control. If Bel-Eth does not get any grip on champions or goals in the teamfighters, she can never activate her True Form that is when it becomes so much harder to manage.
Do not group or fight inside the jungle as it will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate b off. By fighting in the open, it will be harder for him to get a 5 person Ult b. Never try to take an objective like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicking. As you will be quite close together inside the pit, you are allowing him to land a devastating b on your whole team. Rumble is prone to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate b, try to disengage or reposition so it’s harder for him to deal follow up damage and win the fight.
Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before trying to fight. Bursting someone with some Q.S. and your Ultimate R will allow you to force a team struggle with numbers or health advantage. Avoid using your E aggressively in the fights at the end of the game that you will be vulnerable briefly. Use it only aggressively if you are 100% sure you can't be abused for it. Stay with your team and avoid walking too far away from them. If you are caught out, your team will lose on a lot of damage in a team fight, and that would be your fault.
Avoid fighting in the jungle because the teams will be regrouped, which will allow him to get a multi-person Ultimate. Bought out of his W before starting a team fight and then abusing the cooldown. Wait for him to finish, then start the fight. Lock her up with CC at the beginning of the fight. It will make it difficult for him to reposition himself with his E and escape.
Avoid fighting around objectives as Poppy may use her Ultimate R to knock away the Jungler and cost your team the Baron/ Dragon. In team fights, disengage and avoid team fighting in the jungle as it will allow Poppy to get a good knockup with her Ultimate R or pick off a key target with her E. Fighting around Poppy’s Ultimate R is a good way of winning team fights. She will knock back the frontline and then engage on to the carries while the frontline is missing. Try to dodge her Ultimate R, or use CC abilities on her so her channel is interrupted.
Stick with your team in the later stages of the game. Avoid moving too far away from them. Look for picks with your E in the late game. Landing an E with the follow-up damage from your team could result in a kill or a favourable fight. Continue to delay team fights when possible so you can get your Passive tentacles down.
As soon as Gnar reaches level 6, try to avoid standing near the walls when he's in Mega Form as he can throw you against them with his Ultimate R and set up his Jungler. Gnar is really good in the extended trades if he can use his reach advantage that his W can proc in a skirmish. Try to exchange around his Q so that he can't easily proc his W. Gnar is much stronger once he has his first article, which is usually Black Cleaver. This article will make him much better in a 1v1, and you'll have to be a little more careful if you're a reservoir that Black Cleaver offers armor and more mobility.
After recalling, Twitch can enter the stealth track with its s. Avoid pushing too far when you know that Twitch has just supported as it can appear and go for a favorable trade. Twitch benefits from prolonged trades. Try to go for short trades bursts on long with it when possible. If Twitch pushed the wave and left the way, it is either trying to lure you and go for a trade, or it went to the medium track with its Support. Have a coherent vision around your way so that you know what it is doing and where it is going.
Jax needs time to come online. While he can trade in the early game, it’s better to get a few levels behind you before looking for a kill. Be prepared to scale if you’re in a tough matchup so you do not fall behind and become useless in the later parts of the game. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in tough matchups. Jax will find it really hard to survive the laning phase if he is constantly pushing.
The Amumu team's presence is very strong. Do not regroup too closely as it will allow it to get a multi-person entanglement with its Ultimate y. Do not fight in the jungle either for the same reason. Try to start a team fight as soon as it has ended. Fighting when Amumu is not there or when his Ultimate is on cooldown is a sure way to win the next fight.
His r is a clever, who can change the game if he lands on the appropriate target. He also gives Xerath a form of peeling as he does not want enemy champions on his face. His 2 slow can also help him immensely in team fighting. He can set up opportunities for his team to land their control of the crowd on the 2 slow member of the enemy team.
If your allies move to your lane after destroying their tower, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and gaining XP and gold. Use your abilities to clear the minion waves quickly so your team can siege/ prevent a siege from the enemy team. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favourable trade. While sieging Baron or Dragon, or whenever you’re pushing the enemy under their tower, look for a pick with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you’ll be able to take the objective for free.
His E allows him to land a multi-man CC chain, which can be used as an extension of CC to targets already CC. He also allows him to Q to such targets without putting that ability on the cooldown. This ability can be the difference between a winning team fight, or a all-en-bouté, depending on his use. His Ultimate R does not only prevent the enemy from escaping quickly, but it also allows his teammates to land their own CC on the slow/trapped enemy team. He can act as a very effective initiation tool that gets a victory from his team.
Blitzcrank can try to fly or delay your first buff. A room in the river at 1:25 is a good way to know whether it goes to Hook b or not. If it shows on the room, make sure that the monster is pulled out so that it can't easily land his Crochet b. Never use your dash or dredging ability unless Blitzcrank has his b on the cooldown. Otherwise, you'll be an easy target for his Crochet b and it will be harder for you to avoid it. If you're a squishy champion or you're without Flash or a dash, don't put yourself in unnecessary danger.
Once Volibear is level 6, avoid staying in the track when it is low because it can use its Ultimate R aggressively and catch you out. If you are forced to remember, do not remember under the tower that its Ultimate R can stop the tricks inflicting damage. Stay at maximum range at all times and step back briefly if it activates its Q. Stay at maximum range when you're not looking to trade it will make laning against it much easier.
Another point in his Ultimate a will allow him to take more fights around the map. His presence will be felt around the map, and the enemy will have difficulty pushing up. He is pretty solid during the mid-game due to his gank potential. He can quickly turn the tide of a fight with his Ultimate a and use it defensively to scare off enemies. Nocturne deals a lot of damage during the mid-game. He will have access to his core items and can easily pick enemies off when rotating alone.
Falls off like a truck if the game goes on for too long. During the late game, champions start building defensive items which don’t allow Shaco to immediately assassinate someone. He is quite squishy, and is quite prone to getting killed if CC’d when his Ultimate l is down. He will need to play around this ability in order to succeed. Not a good pick against tanks as it would involve him changing his build and going up close and personal to those tanks. This is not very ideal, especially against experienced players.
His E is quite short-range that makes it difficult for him to land this clear vision capability. This can hinder his all-in-hand potential. If he uses his W and Q with negligence, then he and his team will be in a really disadvantageous position, and will let themselves down quite easily. His Ultimate R has a very long cooldown and will force him to lose priority almost instantly.
Rumble deals more damage when his bar is over 50%. Be cautious about taking trades when it is above this amount. Although, if you can bait out his bar and make him overheat- he will lack ability damage. Once Rumble has his Ultimate, his kill pressure increases. Do not underestimate his all-in potential with his Ultimate. If he uses it on you, try to retreat as his Jungler might be trying to gank as his Ultimate is a good gank setup. Rumble is strong in team fights so expect him to be grouping and looking for picks with his Ultimate during the mid and late game.
His Q and E should let him reach his enemies quickly. Level six is a massive power peak as it allows Sett to take an enemy and separate them from the team. He will want to surprise an enemy tanky in the enemy team, however. The first element of the element will increase his overall ability to fight and survive. His W will hit like a truck now.
Look at the most allies you can to make sure you can help your teammates. This will allow you to take squishies really easily. Be part of neutral goal fights and make sure to put in place death brushes with your Ultimate R. Since you're building AP, you're about to blow everyone up. Look for peaks in the middle of the game. It should be easy enough for you because of your W & E. Don't forget to heal with your Q.
Level 11 isn't excellent as she only gets the cooldown on the ability reduced. When compared to other Junglers, it doesn't bring a lot to the table. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let her deal a lot of damage to enemies she has managed to catch. It will also allow her to thwart escape attempts from the enemy. Poppy is perfect during the mid-game as she can deal consistent damage and can CC enemies for days. Her tankiness makes it impossible for the enemy team to kill her as well.
Stay with your team during the mid-game. You’re not strong enough to remain alone. Make sure you’re always with your ADC at the very least. Place vision around major objectives before the objective spawns. Use your W to help you scout for enemies so you don’t have to face check them. Look for picks with your team on isolated targets. Catching out a key target could allow you to take the Baron.
Lissandra is very good at level 6 while her Ultimate R increases her death pressure. She can also easily install her Jungler with her Ultimate R. Lissandra reaches her real potential when the team fights as its Ultimate R and W are both AOE. Her Passive can also wreak havoc in a team fight. Once Lissandra has finished her first element, her clear wave will be very strong.
Wukong will be unable to team fight if you can poke him down before he gets the chance to engage. Delay a team fight while you poke him down as much as possible. Do not fight inside the jungle or around objectives. You will usually be bunched up together which will allow Wukong to get a great Ultimate n off. Ward your flanks as Wukong will often try to flank from the side to get on to your team. Once you’ve spotted him, poke him down or disengage if necessary.
Teemo may not join the team fights because it is not very good in them. Rather, it can be split pushing and trying to take targets in the side lanes. Make sure someone is able to prevent it from dividing. Teemo will place the mushrooms t around the lenses and in the areas of great circulation. Avoid going anywhere that Teemo has recently been in without a scanning lens. He and his teammates can be ready and wait and try to launch you. As Teemo will be cracked pushing or away from his team during the fights, you could use the advantage of numbers to force a 4v4 or 5v4 fight.
Low during the early game, especially against constant poke damage that can prevent him from regenerating his passive shield. Before six, he is quite susceptible to poke so that he will be forced to play defensively. He probably did not get any ganks either because he does not have his Ultimate h. The appropriate vision control of the enemy team will prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team. This will reduce his effectiveness and force him to find other ways to engage on the enemy team.
This is particularly true at the beginning of the game. Her Ultimate R has the probability of having her entire team killed if it is inappropriately used. She is also very vulnerable when her C is broken. The ground engineer on her Q can easily allow her drags to play in the middle of the track as she can continue to block her enemies with continuous Qs.
Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. Make sure you’re looking to fight constantly to gain a lead. After Darius has completed his first component item, his Passive and overall damage output can be extremely obnoxious. If you were able to gain a kill before picking it up, you will have a severe advantage over the enemy which you should look to increase. When Darius hits level 6, he can use his Ultimate e to execute a target. Look for aggressive plays and all-ins when your Ultimate e is up for additional kills.
Kayn will cling once again when he has two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. This increases the output of the overall damage and will allow Kayn to run around the card, pick dead people here and there. His Q will be maximized at level 9. It's really useful for him because it's his primary damage ability. This will allow him to flatten a lot of damage and kill squishies and tanks (depending on his form). This is the stage of the game where Kayn gets his form. According to the comp team, this only choice will be a decisive factor to win the game.
Getting your core items will let you run down enemies and burn them to oblivion. Use your Ultimate e at regular intervals to ensure that you can help your teammates. Fight near chokepoints to maximize your team fighting effectiveness. Sometimes, it would be wise to throw yourself into the enemy team, especially if the enemy frontline decides to all-in without any follow-up. Another point in your Ultimate e will let you destroy the opposition due to your consistent burn damage. Use your e properly to make sure that you win clumped fights.
Just like the mid-game, teams will be grouped during the late game. Braum is going to be very strong in late game team fights. At level 13, Braum will max out his E. He will be able to speak up a lot of damage for his carries during the late game. At level 16, Braum will put the third and final point in his Ultimate r. It will be on a rather short cooldown which can allow him to start team fights on enemies who are caught out of position.
Jayce will try and delay a team fight for as long as possible so he can poke with his s and w combo. Do not delay team fights at all costs so he is unable to poke you down. Don’t try to take objectives like the Baron or Dragon when Jayce is nearby. As your team will be grouped closely together, he will be able to land devastating blows with his s and this could cost you your team the objective and your lives. If Jayce is in a side lane split pushing, make sure you keep an eye on his positioning at all times. He can quickly clear waves and takedown towers with his d. Do not leave him uncontested for too long.
Avoid fighting around objectives as Viktor has a lot of poke with his y. His Ultimate m also deals AOE damage which will help him in forcing you off the objective. Viktor’s job in team fights is to poke as much as he can before committing to the fight. Try to force a fight as quickly as you can rather than allowing him to poke you down with his y and m. In team fights, flank from the side or create different angles of approach to get on to him. This will make it really difficult for him to survive the team fight.
After going in with your Ultimate n, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone. Play around your Ultimate n in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate n is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
Hit Level 2 first and then use your level advantage to gain a meaningful health advance. You need to get some reduction of healing as soon as possible. If you don't, then Lulu will just go out supporting and curing all the damage you're doing to them or CDA Their Ultimate offers them a ton of extra pressure to kill. Play smart and remember when you're weak so Lulu can't use their Ultimate on their ADC to get a kill in the way.
Alistar can and will probably engage as soon as you enter the range. Try to stay within the maximum range at any time to limit its ability to engage with its t>e. Even if Alistars Headbutt is a point and click capability, you can still dodge it by pointing, flashing or flashing before it hits you. You can also interrupt the dash with punches, punches or punches. Alistar will try to wander if the track is blocked. Make sure to punish it by trying to fight the enemy CDA or zone them away from the farm while it's gone. Make sure that you ping as soon as it leaves the track so your allies know it's gone.
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Do not fall behind in the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure to continue growing! As you are a Jungler, you must try to secure each Drake during the middle of the game. Get them and secure the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, make the call for Baron or Dragon to continue your lead.
Annie's best peak of power in the track is once it unlocks Tibbers R. She can look for aggressive choices and Flash plays with Tibbers and her dizziness. Annie will always be a little strong when she has her dizziness ready or almost ready. If the enemy seeks to fight you while you have max piled up, you can quickly spin around the fight. Once Annie has finished her first component element, her clear wave and trading power increases. In particular, her Q and W will do more in her favor.
Make sure that you don't get his regularly by his Q. Force him to use his dash, like that, it will become extremely easy for everything in you. If he goes to the gank track your allies, push hard and get some plates quickly. This will help you a lot in the late match. Kled must be a high priority target during team fighting. Make sure you the CC and work with your team to quickly take Kled down before his team can make room for you. Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the track. This will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy, and put ganks on them.