You will naturally push the wave of minions with your Turrets Q. As you push, keep a constant eye on the map. Heimer is vulnerable to ganks if he doesn't have 3 Turrets Q up, so keep this in mind. If the enemy's lantern wanders, don't try to challenge their roam. Instead, push the wave of minions and start winning the gold of the turret plate.
Gwen will be stronger when she has 4 stacks on her Passive. Avoid committing to fights when she has max stacks. When Gwen unlocks her Ultimate R, she will be much stronger and her trading power increases dramatically. Extended trades will always work in her favour, especially once she completes an item or two. Avoid fighting her alone unless you can burst her down and kill her.
Camille can start crashing as soon as she reaches level 2. Make sure you are aware of the level 2 gank and don't push too far forward in the early lane. At level 6 Camille will have access to her Ultimate R which can be deadly if you are low and overheared. Respect her all-in and don't push without vision like her Ultimate R. After Camille has finished her juggling, she will be incredibly strong during escarment. Avoid fighting her alone unless you have a clear advantage.
Avoid detaching from your ally when Lux's Q (Light Binding) ability is available to minimize the risk of getting caught in her crowd control. During levels 1 and 2, focus on poking Lux as much as possible with your basic attacks to apply pressure and potentially gain an advantage. Keep the wave closer to your side of the lane to create opportunities for jungle assistance and have a longer lane to chase down Lux and her ADC if needed. When poking Lux, position yourself behind at least two minions to block the damage from her Q ability, reducing the effectiveness of her poke.
The second point in his Ultimate k will give him another spike. He can run down enemies frequently now as the cooldown of the ability will be reduced. Olaf will have his core items during this phase of the game. It will increase his damage and survivability in the game, which will make him really good during the mid-game. His overall damage will be really high during this phase of the game. His tankiness and his Passive will make sure that he kills enemies with ease, especially those caught out of position.
He is not very useful without his Ultimate h. Malphite cannot spoil or help his allies unless he has his Ultimate h. He will have to play around for him to be killed. If the enemy does not get close, it will be impossible for him to hit the entire enemy team.
Excellent CC channel if he or someone else on his team gets to CC a target. This works especially well against motionless door. You can follow with your E (press it twice) and shoot the enemy closer. Can regenerate a lot of health with his W and thus surpass his enemies in the way. His ultimate R amplifies this effect and is really effective in fighting in closed spaces. He can use his W to set up ganks for his Jungler too. This allows him to catch up with his target while providing a vision of the area. The last part is very useful when it comes to objective control.
When she uses it, try to force another fight after healing. Sometimes, Xayah will be left in the middle lane with her farm support. If you spot her team in the side lanes, force a fight with the advantage of numbers and then take the middle lane tower after. As Xayah is really good in kiteing, you might need to flank her in the team fights to make it harder for her to make kite and escape a fight.
As soon as Mordekaiser activates his W, disengaged as he will block the damage you inflict on him if you continue to fight him. Mordekaiser is quite still. If you keep the wave of minions closer to your side of the map, you will force him to extend for the farm. Then you can capitalize on it and get the help of your Jungler. Once Mordekaiser reaches level 6, his pressure of death in the way grows. Keep this in mind and be careful with your positioning when weak as he can try to catch you with his Ultimate R.
Level 11 isn't great because she can only roam around and make plays. It will reduce the cooldown but do nothing else when it comes to dealing damage. She starts coming online during the mid-game. Her burst damage is very significant, and she can quickly get picks with her abilities. Her team fighting is pretty potent as well. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. She can deal much damage now, especially when fighting near the objective pits or choke points.
Can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his passive. This allows him to be a first line for his team while also being able to escape from death when he enters with his Ultimate h. After six, he can set up several ganks for his track as well as other tracks with his Ultimate h. This is very beneficial if the track that he is gaunting has a certain form of CC built in their kit. He is the jerk of all immobilizers, especially the various immobilizers. He can quite easily get on them and prevent them from doing anything in a fight. If Malphite goes AP, there is no enemy carrier for most of the game.
Focus on playing safe and keeping your ADC alive for as long as possible in lane. Your early game is weak and you need time to come online. As you’re a melee Support, watch your positioning at all times so you do not get harassed by the enemy Support if they’re ranged. Look for counter-engage plays as your champion is way stronger at doing so compared to looking for aggressive picks.
Always keep an eye on which Ultimate Sylas has. If his Ultimate R is a very strong team fighting Ultimate, try to wait for it to go on cooldown before forcing a fight. Look out for flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with his E to get onto carries. Make sure no one on your team is stood too far forward or out of position as it may allow Sylas to pick them off his with his E and start the team fight.
Stay with your team at any time in the end of the game. Do not divide the thrust or run away from your team as the enemy will use the number advantage to start a team fight. Make sure you are always standing towards your team's front at any time. Reposition and stand ahead as long as possible. In team fights, stay towards your team's front to absorb the damage. But, peel for your team with your Q and focus the enemy that is the greatest threat to them (or focus the enemy backline if the enemy front line is weak) to keep them alive.
Aatrox tends to fall later in the game that the enemy will buy items that against him. They will also be the group that makes it harder for Aatrox to secure the murders. If it can go to them, you will always be able to take charges in the fights of the late game team. Suppose you are able to land a W on high priority target- go and try to remove them. You have to play around with your Ultimate R in the late game. Fighting while it is on cooldown could be the difference between winning a fight and losing. When you have 3 points in your Ultimate, your support is very difficult to manage.
Viegos Passive is only as strong as the composition of the enemy team. If the team is chosen from a team that lacks damage, turning into them could be unrivalled. Viego is a tough champion to master: in particular, playing around your Passive and your R can be quite difficult for beginners. Viego has little utility and his W cannot help him overcome the walls. It is a disadvantage compared to the other mobile champions in the current meta.
After entering with your Ultimate a, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the fights of the late game team. To make access to the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay out of the way. If you flank a nonwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid dividing or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Playing around your Ultimate has in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate is standing. Fighting with outside will make the fights of the late game team much harder.
In the later parts of the game, stay with your team and look for picks. Avoid separating or being too far from them as the enemy can force a fight while you are nowhere near. Play around your ultimate R and avoid committing to fight while it is on cooldown. If you fight while it is on cooldown, you will miss a lot of additional healing and damage, which can make the difference in a late team fight. In team fights, flank the enemy to make it easier to access the enemy rear line. Positioning away from your team but close enough to join the fight could give the enemy a false sense of security, making it seem that the fight is 4v5: forcing them to expand.
The first major power peak of Miss Fortune is once she has reached level 4/5. It is because she would have put several points in her t that can cause a lot of damage to an enemy squishy. When Miss Fortune has completed her first component element, her damage output will increase considerably and she can easily blow up the enemy when she has more levels under her belt. At level 6, Miss Fortune will unlock her Ultimate e. This in conjunction with her t will bring a lot of damage to the enemy in a short period of time.
In the late game, Anivia’s damage will be truly horrific. She will have multiple completed items, and her Ultimate m will deal tons of consistent damage. Teams will continue grouping in the late game. This helps Anivia as she can land a 5 person t, and her Ultimate m is an AOE tool. This means she can deal a lot of damage to targets if they’re grouped closely together. In the late game, Anivia will have very short cooldowns on most of her abilities. She will be able to look for picks more frequently and secure kills with her team. Her t, in particular, will be on a very low cooldown in the late game.
Do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting as it provides Gragas with an opportunity to knock your whole team into his with his Ultimate R. When fighting, make sure you’re not too far forward or split from your team. If you’re too far forward, he could use his Ultimate R to push you into his team. Getting caught out like this could result in the enemy taking an objective shortly afterwards. Try to constantly poke and harass Gragas. Having him on low health will prevent him from playing or positioning aggressively.
He can absorb a lot of damage and then regenerate a lot of health by using his Q. Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to contain a lot of damage, especially in the grouped combats. His team fight is extreme as he can disrupt the enemy team with his snowball and Ultimate R
In team fights, take care that Lucian can use his E to reposition and escape danger. Try and wait for him to use his E before using your CC abilities so it’s harder for him to dodge them. Avoid letting Lucian get a full channel of his Ultimate R on you in a team fight by disengaging or cancelling it with CC. Lookout for Lucian’s positioning. He will often walk forward in order to land auto attacks. Once he has mispositioned, use this to your advantage to focus him down.
Vel’koz first major power spike is once he hits level 6 as his Ultimate R offers him tons of kill pressure. Once Vel’koz has his first item completed, he will be constantly pushing the minion wave and trying to poke you down. Vel’koz is really good in team fights thanks to the poke and AOE damage from his abilities. Try to fight when he is not there or when his Ultimate R is down.
In team fights, as soon as Aatrox runs in, try to CC him and burst him down first. He is pretty vulnerable to CC and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage. Try to look for fights when Aatrox doesn’t have his Ultimate or Flash. He will have a much harder time at impacting fights when either of these are on cooldown. Aatrox likes to split push after the laning phase has ended. When he shows in a side lane alone, you could try and start a team fight with his teammates. Have wards on that side of the map though just in case he makes his way to join the fight.
Once Maokai's Ultimate R gets maxed out, the enemy won't have a perfect time in the game. Maokai's team will quickly capitalize on his CC, though. His tankiness is massive during the late game. His Passive won't let him die while he dives the enemy backline, deals damage of his own to them, and ensures they can't join the fight. He is decent during late-game fights as his W, and Q can easily CC a high priority target and prevent them from joining fights. This gives time to his allies to damage the other enemies or collapse on the CC'd target.
Bard’s early game is quite strong thanks to his empowered auto-attacks. Try not to let him bully and harass you for free otherwise you’ll never be able to engage or fight him- especially if you’re melee. Bard’s level 6 power spike is not as strong as some champions as his Ultimate R doesn’t deal any damage. If you have a damaging Ultimate, you’ll be able to beat him at level 6. Or, you’ll at least force him to use his Ultimate R defensively. As the game goes along, Bard becomes stronger and stronger as he collects more chimes. Keep this in mind when playing against him.
When you try to all-in enemies with your Ultimate t, make a note of your carries. Your job will be to fall back and peel for them if they aren't safe enough. Depending on the build you go for, you will have different jobs in the team. If going for AP, focus on the backline, else, focus on keeping the enemy frontline off your team. If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus on the squishiest and easiest to kill high-priority targets in the backline. Your Ultimate t will help you a lot with that.
You will want to stick around with your ADC and team as much as you can. Also, neutral objective fights are going to be your bread and butter. Ward up properly and work with your Jungler to secure picks as much as possible. Warding will allow you to make multiple Ultimate R plays. After going in with your Q > E combo, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in team fights.
Focus on agriculture and get as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you can come online and inflict damage. Your champion is incredibly weak in early play. Focus on agriculture and avoid fighting with the enemy until you have an article behind you. After your bot track moved to the middle track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP. Fight no one unless you have an advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold.
Really bad against disengage champions as he can’t do anything to avoid getting disrupted while he is using his W. Disengage and CC can also interrupt his Ultimate R, which can lead to very less damage output from his end. Healing reduction can easily counter him during the early game. This will allow the enemy to take Objectives quite easily after getting rid of Nunu as he won’t be able to heal a lot.
Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion. Do not let him do this by staying out of melee range and avoiding extended trades. Darius is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate e is an execute. Recall if you’re low at level 5 in case he gets the level up and tries to kill you. Darius has a very strong level 2 all-in. Take extra care when trading with him at level 1, and definitely do not fight him at level 2 as he will beat you.
Taric is a utility champion who empowers his allies. If his team is behind, it will be hard for him to do much in the fight. His E is very telegraphed and can be dodged easily if the enemy sees you using it. It makes it hard for Taric to be an initiator in team fights without committing his Flash. Taric’s generally run out of mana incredibly quickly. Keep an eye on your mana bar when you’re without your blue buff.
Get early boots to help you deal with her poke in the early game. Pre-6, she is stronger, but post 6, your Ultimate makes you stronger in fights. Try to match her pushing power if you can. You don’t really want the minion wave under your tower as Karma has good poke and will keep bullying you under your tower. Post 6, aim your abilities so they push and poke her at the same time.
At level 2, Ahri will have access to both Q and E. Once she reaches this level, she can look for a favorable trade. As soon as Ahri reaches level 6, her pressure to kill and choose potential increases. You can look for killers with your Ultimate when the enemy overextends. Once you have recalled and recovered your first element, your Q and clear wave damage will increase considerably. You will be able to push the enemy in their turn with ease once you have this article.
Buy items that provide Greek wounds such as Executioner=S Calling or Morellonomicon. This will prevent him from curing and surviving team fights. In team fights, avoid regrouping too closely as it will allow Volibear to get a great ultimate R out. Group, but not to stand too close together. Volibear has great potential of choice in the middle of play.
The level 1 and level 2 of Zac is strong if he is able to jump on you with his E. As soon as he channels this ability, be ready to run Once Zac reaches level 6, his ability to start fighting increases. Expects that he will play aggressively every time his Ultimate R is in place. Zac is really good in team fighting as his kit has tons of CC.
Jarvan's level 2 all-in is pretty good. Once it unlocks both its d and e, it can look for a favorable business. Depending on its construction path, it can either do a lot of damage, be incredibly tanky, or offer its team a lot of utility. Everything depends on its construction! This makes Jarvan incredibly versatile. Its Ultimate m is really good in team fighting because it can lock several enemy champions at once.
Another point in his Ultimate R will not do him much good either. This will allow him to turn easily, but apart from that, there is nothing much to that. Ryze will now have his basic items, which means that he will cut down more damage than early play. He still hasn't reached his final form yet, however. Ryze will fight during mid-game fights because his damage will not be enough for the enemies at one stroke. He will have to be careful to get CC'd as well.
Veigar is relatively weak at the beginning of the game, and he should focus on trying to e and stack his passive when possible. His n will be useful to try to prevent all-in. After six, he will have access to all his basic abilities. It's huge for him as he can now CC enemies and then combo them with his r & e when possible. Level six is a significant peak of power as it gives him access to his finishing ability. Now he will just have to focus on throwing the enemy into the track before decimating them with his Ultimate R.
His early play is quite decent because he can simply go for coherent jobs and return to safety because of his y. He will not take much damage either with the proper use of this ability. The first element is a decent peak because it strengthens his survival and damage. He will help him to take the track easily. Level six is a massive peak because he can now impact team fighting overall. He can also look for flanks and dive the enemy rear line.
Focus on shoving the wave with your W and only use your Q when you will be able to guarantee a hit. Missing the ability will allow the enemy to all-in you. Your E will save you from a lot of trouble in this lane. Just ensure that you use it properly before being CC'd or taking a lot of magic damage. You may even use it as a tool to all-in enemies. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to dominate the enemy quickly. Try to be a part of as many fights as possible to make practical usage of the Ultimate R.
Trendamere is extremely strong in the way, especially when his resource bar is filled. This means that he will arrange a lot of damage and heal a lot when he uses his Q. He can exert a lot of pressure in the way while simultaneously preserving his survival. He helps a lot against the champions of range and melee. His first element will help him a lot in the way. He will give him a strong boost of damage with an increased survival that will be exceptionally useful for the duo in the way.
When there is no team fight, go into a side track and try to divide the thrust. This way you will continue to win gold and XP that will help you get your next major power peak. Gwen is a strong 1v1 champion- especially if she was able to get an early advance. Watch to apply pressure and fight who in the enemy team is trying to stop you. Continue to play around your Passive and Q in mid-game fights: especially in the 1v1 skirmishes. You will miss on a lot of damage if you don't play around.
His first major power peak is at level 4 when he gets 2 points in his **Q**. It will be easier for him to trade at that time. When his **Ultimate** is up, he is stronger and harder to fight. Additional damage can be quite surprising and difficult to manage.
Bel’Veth has a lot of depth to her basic abilities with high mobility, Pre-6 CC in her W knockup and her E granting her damage reduction, % missing health damage AND lifesteal. This means she’s a very complete champion already at level 3. She scales incredibly well with Attack speed as it benefits her whole kit and her whole playstyle revolves around this. If she manages to get those core items and hit that mid game ahead, she will absolutely terrorise the rift. Bel’Veth has a lot of single target damage with her auto attacks and her passive but she also deals significant AoE true damage due to those Void Corals that she can consume from enemy champions and objectives
His scaling is unparalleled and he does really well in duels due to his E and Q. The longer the game goes, the more dangerous he gets and can practically kill anyone no matter how healthy they are. The E makes him take less damage from AoE abilities. This is really beneficial for him during full-blown team fights. Besides, the E CC also acts as a really good initiation tool for his team. His Passive allows him to split push relentlessly. This can be extremely useful when Jax’s team is behind and can’t win a fair team fight. His Q allows him to escape collapse attempts with ease.
When starting a team fight, you need to engage quickly. Corki will look to delay a team fight and poke with his b and e. If you engage and fight quickly, he will not have time to poke you down. Avoid trying to take objectives in the mid or late game when Corki is alive. He will just poke you down while you try to take them. Make sure you take them when he is dead or elsewhere on the map. Fighting Corki can be hard alone, so your best bet is to just focus on matching his wave-pushing power and trying to stop him from taking those side objectives.
If Darius invades you, just run away. He is one of the best duelers in the game, so don’t overstay your welcome. When fighting Darius, try to reposition so his e doesn’t hit you. Moving outside of the ring or towards him will reduce his damage output. Try and secure objectives and gank your allies as frequently as possible. Darius will be trying to do the same,
Another point in its Ultimate n will make it more powerful when it uses it. It will have more options to choose from now as it will be the middle game. Its basic elements will be complete, allowing it to inflict a lot of damage to the enemy team and make sure they cannot escape easily. The first ability will be maximized at level 9, making Trundle hit his enemies like a truck.
Her level 16 isn't too powerful for her as she gets nothing much out of it. It will allow her to set up engages from the fog of war now, though. It will also let her defend her teammates from unfavorable situations with ease. Now that she has multiple items, she will be really formidable and will be able to deal tons of damage to enemies. Her defensive stats will allow her to survive all-in situations as well. Her r is solid during this phase of the game. A couple of spears can easily chunk an enemy out, and this ability will also let her take neutral objectives with ease.
Lux will often roam around the map alone to ward. You can ambush her and take her down before a major objective spawns and then quickly take the objective afterwards. Lux excels at catching out enemies with her g. Make sure your team is grouped together and no one is walking around the map alone as she can easily burst them down. In team fights, try to engage as soon as possible. Lux will try to delay a team fight so she can poke with her l or get a pick with her g.
Kalista's Ultimate x will be useless unless her Jungler comes gank. To compensate for this, she should use track brushes and early skim power to get the enemy team out. The first element will only add to Kalista's overall potential of duo and skirmishes. It will allow her to dominate the track provided she correctly uses her Passive. Several points in her re will make her powerful in two departments. She will be able to run the enemies with ease. She will also be able to take neutral goals reliably.
If you are nearby when Switch ganks, don't be afraid to counter gank as you are really strong in 2v2, especially post 6. If you have an advance, go ahead and invade it. Try to fight it for its camps that you can win the 1v1 as long as you can get on it. Play around your Ultimate to get more kills! It's really important to you. Place the vision and buy control quarters to help your Twitch spot team before it is capable of gank and get kills.
Soraka is really good in team fights due to her Q and E. The amount of damage and healing she can provide is phenomenal and should allow her team to play more fearlessly in the game. Once Soraka gets 2 points in her Ultimate R, her ability to impact fights increase as a whole. She can use the ability quite frequently as well, which allows her to save her teammates often. Her W and Q > W combo will provide a lot of healing for her team. All she needs to do is make sure that she doesn't get picked off while warding.
Play safely and wait until you have access to your main abilities. Don't let the enemy shoot you in the game very early. Whittle the enemy down with your Q before looking for all-in. Just because you land your Q, this doesn't mean you have to go in. However, you can crush the enemy easily if you are able to find a good all-in opportunity. In the toughest matchups or when the enemy is playing ultra-safe, look to wander. Diana has good roaming/all-in potential post 6 and can help her ally snowball. If you can't kill the enemy, look to wander with your Ultimate R.
Your level 6 is much stronger than Galios. But it has the advantage of wandering. Post 6, just push it in its turn to win a gold lead. But make sure to keep your flanks and stand back after pushing so it can't everything in you. Abusive your range advantage to harass it as much as possible. Similarly, target your abilities so they grow and pokent at the same time. Fortunately, it has little to do to kill the pressure on you, so focus on stalking and get a lead.
Keep the wave closer to your side of the card early to reduce Warwick's chances of shooting you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of support and will buy items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive parts. If he can't use his Ultimate R in your way, he will turn elsewhere and use it instead.
Zilean is super squishy. Focus him rather than the enemy ADC in lane to increase your chances of getting kills. Once Zilean is level 6, it will be harder for you to get kills in lane. Whenever his Ultimate t is down, try to abuse him to get kills. One way of killing him when his Ultimate t is up is by locking him down with CC so he is unable to use it on himself. When looking to trade, try and bait out his Q before initiating a fight. This will make it impossible for him to CC you if the first Q misses.
Can initiate tower dives early on and try to get kills once his laner pushes the wave in. His e and e allows him to drop tower aggro and take reduced tower damage respectively. Is a scaling monster, and if he manages to get his items and hit the mid-to-late game, he will be almost unstoppable. For a squishy champion, he can one-man the Baron if he is ahead. His Ultimate r can completely shift the tide of a fight if he is left unchecked. This allows him to use his e frequently, which allows him to avoid CC. Combined with his Wuju Style, he deals a lot of damage.
Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in lane. You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can. Play safe for the first few levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q. Once they’re low enough, you can commit to an all-in. Once you’ve hit level 6 and purchased key component items, look to harass and constantly push the enemy into their tower. This will allow you to earn turret plating and increase your gold income.
Do not separate from them or get away from them otherwise the enemy may try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Avoid fighting in the late game unless your Ultimate R or Zhonya. Hurglass is in place. Do not fight or hug with the enemy until they are both. Being killed could cost you the game. Playing on the side of the card that has the next major goal up so you can turn to take it with your team. Otherwise, if you have Teleport, you can go to the bots side of the card and use it to get it to your team.
If Darius invades you, just run away. He's one of the best duels in the game, so don't start your welcome. During the fight against Darius, try to reposition it so that his e doesn't hit you. Moving out of the ring or towards it will reduce its release from damage. Try and secure goals and spank your allies as often as possible. Darius will try to do the same,
If possible, avoid regrouping. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel all those who try to prevent you from dividing. Although you are a very strong division pusher in the middle of the game, be ready to team up with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby.
Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before trying to fight. Bursting someone with some Q.S. and your R will allow you to force a team fight with numbers or health advantage. Avoid using your E aggressively in the end-of-game fights that you will be vulnerable briefly. Use it only aggressively if you are 100% sure you can not be abused for it. Stick with your team and avoid walking too far from them. If you are caught out, your team will lose on a lot of damage in a team fight, and that would be your fault.
The first element of Jax allows him to drive out the enemies during a prolonged fight. He will let him stack his passive and completely decimate his enemies. Going to regular jobs of short burst using the brushes of the way will help him a lot. Level 6 is a decent peak of power because it will increase his survival during the fighting. Once he will have more articles, this ability will help him to kill the enemies with ease, and he will be able to resume the game with his scaling. Jax is not very early because he is dependent enough on the article. He should focus on agriculture and short skirmishes to clean the killings.
Jayce has tons of poke damage and can constantly abuse the enemy before initiating a fight. Try to delay fights while you harass the enemy with your s. As Jayce is a ranged champion, you can often bully melee champions down and harass them whenever they walk up to last hit. Jayce has a lot of utility thanks to his basic abilities. This allows him to help his team out alot and helps them disengage or engage from fights with ease.
Twitch will get a massive power spike at level 16. The damage boost will be significant, and he will slice through his enemies. At level 14, Twitch will have two of his abilities maxed out. This means he will deal tons of damage and decimate his opposition if they are grouped up. Twitch will have multiple items by now, which means that his damage output will be really high. The true damage aspect of his Passive will help him a lot while dealing with tanks.
Graves is a game duel very early. Try to move forward by jerking off and fighting as often as possible. However, it is the key that you find a healthy balance between fighting the enemy and agriculture. If Graves gets a bad start or falls behind, it will fight to get out of the front. You have good objective control, so try your hardest to secure the Rift Herald and every Drake when it comes up.
He is really weak against a single CC target. In a team fight, if he gets the CC.D chain, he will die before he can reach something meaningful. The enemy can always react to Jax's games. He sends someone from their team to prevent him from separating from the push. They can even kill his entire team and then go for crucial goals like the Baron. Low against champions who are tidy and can kit him out of his Q range. This allows the enemy to get him out and then everything in him once he has been overthrown.
Elise can start crashing after reaching level 3. She can technically gank at level 2 if she takes her second E, but after 3 she should crash for sure. Elise does not point to level 6 as she has her Ultimate at level 1. When she gets away with the enemy, keep in mind that their Ultimate will be more useful than yours. After Elise has taken her first element, her death pressure increases considerably.
Try to flank in team fights with your Q and t to get on to the enemy backline and shut them down. Flank from the side instead of running directly towards the enemy as they’ll be able to disengage or poke you down. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It’s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you can’t get anything done. Avoid overextending or dying alone. When you’re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon.
Ornn’s first major power spike is at level 6. His Ultimate R is a great tool to set up kills and ganks. Ornn is also very good in team fights as his Ultimate R could enable him to knockup and CC your whole team. He will become stronger and stronger the more levels he gets under the belt. Firstly he will be tankier with the items, but he will also upgrade his teams items which makes them even stronger too.
Keep looking for picks when possible, especially in the side lanes when the enemy carries are trying to catch the waves. Try to sit in the enemy Jungle when possible as it can let you flank the enemy when they push up. You will also be able to catch out the enemy Support while they are warding. Due to your short Ultimate cooldown, you should try to instigate as many tower dives as you possibly can. Your goal at this point is to all-in the enemy carry/carries, and then move back to your carries while peeling for them. Keep the turret aggro on you if you have to, but drop it once you start getting low. With your kit, it should be really easy to secure picks before major neutral fights. Do your best to play around with vision and set death brushes when possible. If you manage to take the enemy Jungler out before a major fight, your t and e should allow you to zone the enemy carries out while your team takes the neutral objective.
At level 16, Rell will have maximized his Ultimate R. This allows him to use the ability more frequently, making it more difficult for the enemy team to travel near unrewarded areas. She is exceptionally tanky at the end of the game, and her game potential is immense. All she has to do is make sure that she doesn't enter without any follow-up damage.
After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the team fights at the end of the game. Look for peaks in the later stages of the game. If you can choose someone, you should turn to the Baron or the Elder Dragon. Keep a constant eye on what main goal is spawning next. Do not divide push or go to the opposite side of the map when an important goal is up or about to spawn, and work with your Jungler to define the vision around that side.
Once Akali has finished her first article, her death pressure increases and her damage release too. Respect her total pressure once she has finished it. Akali is capable of champions all hardened at level 6 because she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate. If she hasn't played aggressively before level 6, expect her to do so once she has reached the level. Try not to give Akali kills in the early game. She is a heavy snowball champion and once she has some gold under her belt, she can easily take the card.
Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Use your e to launch a fight or try to take someone with it and then kill them. Once they are dead, either pass to the Baron or the Elder Dragon or seat and try to end the game. Call for goals like the Baron or the Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate t is standing. Use your Ultimate t to secure the goal for your team.
Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you’re going to miss out on extra damage and CC. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position. Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight.
Weak during the early game, especially against consistent poke damage which can prevent him from regenerating his Passive shield. Pre-six, he is quite susceptible to poke so he will be forced to play defensively. He probably won’t be getting any ganks either due to him not having his Ultimate. Proper vision control from the enemy team will prevent Malphite from catching the enemy team off-guard. This will reduce his effectiveness and will force him to find other ways to engage on the enemy team.
Ezreal's first power peak is when he takes Sheen. His Q damage will increase considerably and he will look to poke constantly. Once Ezreal has finished his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana, his damage output and maintain will be much higher. Every time Ezreal has his E, it is much safer and harder to kill. Try to abuse cooldown whenever you can.
Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping if possible. Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. Although you’re a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no nearby objectives to take.
Nautilus is a good ganker early because he unlocks his g very early. He has the potential of gank at level 2 too. At level 6, Nautilus becomes very scary because his Ultimate e is point and click on CC. Expects that he gank every time his Ultimate e is up. The more he gets, the harder he will be to kill. Keep this in mind and try to deny him firm, XP, gold and resources to reduce his efficiency in the later parts of the game.
Can=t really does a lot during the early game, especially if he's against something with the hard CC or if he's camped. Extremely the linked and won article takes a lot of damage if he was put behind at the beginning and middle of the game. His ultimate R changes the positioning of him and anyone within the circle. This can make Ryze fight and get his whole team killed if the right vision is not put in place before the ability is used.
It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done. Flank in the team fights to make it easier to access the enemy backline. Use your W to speed up to get off a good R Ultimate. Look for choices during the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their timer of death to win more gold and eventually take a turn, goal or get more murders.
He is highly tanky during the mid-game and will act as a very potent frontline for his team. Another point in his Ultimate 2 will give him a significant damage boost and will let him get picks frequently. Team fighting is where Rammus excels the most. He can quickly chase down enemies, and choke point fights are his bread and butter.
After your bot path has moved to the middle track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP. When no team fight occurs, go to a side track and push. It is important that you continue to grow during the middle game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not stay right in the middle if you can't get anything done. As you are good for getting peaks and killing isolated targets, try to lure and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, call for a nearby goal.
Buying a sweater and playing around the vision will be really good because you will be able to flank and 'Shurima Shuffle' the enemy backline in your team with your Ultimate R. Be on the lookout to secure the peaks when inside the enemy Jungle. The enemy Support and Jungler will have to put the vision up, which makes them first choice targets. Get rid of them and then use the advantage of numbers to win a fight. If you see one of the enemies door in the side tracks, see if you can flank them from the fog of war and kill them quickly. This can be done very easily, even when the target is near their turn, due to your ultimate distance of travel R.
If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus on the squishiest and easiest to kill high-priority targets in the backline. Your Ultimate R will help you a lot with that. In the late game, look for picks on immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. Protect your allies with your life in this matchup. Make sure that you use your Ultimate R at the proper time or it may very well cost you the game.
His E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on. Fortunately, he will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E. Adding another point to his Ultimate R will give his empowerments more overall strength. It can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving and locking Heimerdinger down. Heimerdinger will have many items now, and his abilities can easily one-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger sets a death brush somewhere. He can also take on the Baron singlehandedly.
Her post-six potential is really strong. This allows her to shoot down any squishy target she manages to put her Q on, which makes it very difficult for the enemy squishies to push up in their tracks. Unlike her counterparts, Diana has integrated the tankness that allows her to do everything with her Q, t, and Ultimate R combo quite easily. It's very valuable trying to pull out a group of three or more champions, especially when the enemy team is not aware of your position. Maybe one of the best flankers in the game. She can pull out the enemy backline almost instantly during a team fight if she is left unchecked.
Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fights, don’t ignore him. Focus him down when he engages. As he is a strong skirmishing champion, he will look for picks on enemies who are walking around Summoners Rift alone. Avoid walking in area’s that are unwarded unless you know where Xin Zhao is. Whenever Xin Zhao’s Ultimate R is on cooldown, he is incredibly vulnerable. Force team fights when his Ultimate R is down to increase your chances of winning the fight.
When playing Yuumi against Miss Fortune, be mindful of your positioning to avoid getting hit by her Q (Double Up). Position yourself behind multiple minions or out of range to minimize the chances of being hit by her poke ability. At level 6, Miss Fortune's kill pressure increases significantly due to the power of her ultimate. Be cautious and make sure to play defensively, as she can burst down both you and your ADC if caught in a favorable position. To create opportunities for your jungler to gank, try to keep the minion wave closer to your turret. This forces Miss Fortune to overextend if she wants to harass or farm, making her vulnerable to ganks. Coordinate with your jungler and communicate the wave position to increase the chances of a successful gank. Timing is crucial in lane. Try to reach level 2 at the same time as Miss Fortune to minimize her kill pressure. Having access to your full abilities allows you to better respond to her aggression and potentially turn the tide in your favor.
When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map. Look for picks with your Q and R. Garen deals a surprising amount of damage, so don’t be afraid to move around the map and try to assassinate someone with your team. Garen is a skirmish heavy laner. When you’re split pushing, look to fight anyone who tries to stop you.
Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to withdraw you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Use your s to harass the enemy as much as possible before engaging in the team fight.
Galio is a melee champion and can be easily abused by ranged Supports and the enemy ADC. This makes it hard for him to lane against poke champions. Furthermore, he can easily get interrupted by the enemy if he wants to engage with his E. If he misses it, he will get killed easily too. In a 2v2 setting, his Ultimate R may not be super valuable compared to other Supports. It doesn’t do a lot of damage like other Supports, and it can be hard to use in the mix of battle.
Very immobile and is weak during the early laning phase. This is especially true if he is facing a champion who can all-in and CC him. Is quite vulnerable when his E is down as it is his main form of CC. Grievous wounds can completely counter his kit during the early game and also affect his mid-game. He is very weak when his Ultimate R is down as he won’t have the amplified healing and AoE damage.
Try to stay with your support throughout the middle of the game. You are very vulnerable and easy to kill if you are alone. Staying with your support will increase your survival. Keep picking up the farm in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but spend as little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items and if you fall behind, it will be unlikely that you will be able to eliminate the damage in the fights. Look for choices with your support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Try not to group too closely as it will allow Vladimir to get a good Ultimate e off. By splitting up slightly, Vladimir will have to use his Ultimate e on fewer targets. Expect Vladimir to flank from the side in team fights. Ward your flanks so you spot him before he is able to get on top of your team. If you haven’t already, you need healing reduction on your carries to reduce his healing and sustain in the team fight.
Karma early game poke is really obnoxious, especially for laners who are melee in nature. She can use her Q to both poke and wave clear simultaneously, which allows her to get lane priority, and her Jungler can safely invade the enemy as a result. The first component offers a lot of poke from Karma's end as it increases the damage of her Q and allows her to use it frequently as she will have more mana to use. Level 6 isn't a huge spike, but it definitely increases the amount of poke damage she can deal with her abilities. Her empowered Q is a force to reckon with once she hits level 6.