During this phase of the game, you should again try to save your carries from harm, especially during fights where they can be flanked and killed off. Your E is really effective around chokepoints, so make sure you try to CC multiple enemies with it at times. This should be pretty helpful if you can use the fog of war along with it. Pick a high-priority target who you will want to protect during this phase of the game. Ensure that they survive no matter what so that you can easily win team fights and get a lead.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn't be in combat unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. You get broken jobs, so try to go for them frequently. Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities. Leblanc is a very good traveling champion who can impact the map and help its allies with ease.
Dr Mundo has lots of sustain thanks to his Passive and the items he picks up. Make sure to invest in Executioner’s Calling or another item that inflects grievous wounds to reduce his healing. In team fights, Ignite will help reduce his healing, so make sure you Ignite him as soon as he engages. Crowd control is your best friend against Dr Mundo. If you can layer CC on him in a team fight, it will make it very hard for him to activate his Ultimate R and dish out damage. It will also reduce the healing from his Ultimate R if he activates it if you focus him down and kill him first.
Another point in her Ultimate R will see her be the most powerful she can be in the game. She can now slice through the enemy team with proper positioning. Her late-game damage is very high, and she will need to be taken out beforehand if the enemy team has any chance of winning the game. Her 3rd empowerment is essential and will make Kayle very powerful. Her auto-attacks being permanently empowered will do a number on the enemy team.
Ezreal’s first power spike is when he picks up Sheen. His Q damage will increase substantially and he will look to constantly poke. Once Ezreal has completed his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana, his damage output and sustain will be much higher. Whenever Ezreal has his E, he is much safer and harder to kill. Try to abuse the cooldown whenever you can.
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. However, you will rely on your Support to do the heavy lifting early on. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don’t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If you’re playing as a ranged champion, try and harass Camille with basic attacks whenever she tries to last hit. Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily if you keep auto-attacking. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.
Rammus' early ganks are pretty decent if the enemy happens to be pushed up. He should be able to get his team quite ahead if he finds regular opportunities to do so. Level six is a decent spike as it allows him to get access to his Ultimate 2. The ability will enable Rammus and his team to get a lot of kills during skirmishes. The first item component will bolster his survivability and allow him to do constant DPS by being around enemies.
Focus on farming early. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP. However, if you do find a ganking or counter-ganking opportunity nearby, don’t be afraid to take it. If they invade you early, just back off; you do not win early skirmishes with them. Try to secure those major objectives when you can, as you have decent objective control. You could gank bot, then take Drake afterwards.
Putting 3 points in his Ultimate h will be the final nail in the coffin of the enemy team. They won't be able to do anything about the low cooling of his Ultimate h. Malphite is pretty decent in the team fights at the end of the game. That's because his Ultimate h will almost always be at the top, and he can easily use the fog of the war to reach his enemies. He has a lot of versatility in his kit, which allows him to be an invincible juggernaut or a glass cannon that excels at a single shot from the enemy.
Use the fog of war to set up ganks on the enemy with your Jungler. Once you all-in, make sure you collect your blobs. Be very careful about getting poked out while farming. The enemy may try to bait you into an all-in this way so have an escape plan ready. See if you can gank other lanes with your abilities. It will easily get you a kill or two. Keep the wave close to your tower for as long as possible. It will make his life hell in this matchup.
Try to strike both the wave and the enemy at the same time. The enemy's poking will be your top priority. Killing them doesn't matter but make sure you don't let them respond to all the fighting in the river. Neutral objective fighting will be easily won by you if you use your Q and W carefully. Make sure that the bottlenecks are covered and cut the enemies.
Leona Level 2 is very strong. Make sure to hit Level 2 at the same time so you can chat with her incase she hires. Once Leona has Mobility Boots, she can wander with ease. As soon as she leaves the track, ping your teammates so they know she's missing. At Level 6, Leonas kills the pressure increases as she can use her Ultimate e from far away to lock you. Play respectfully and not push if you're without Flash.
Very strong all-in-the-way potential with its E. This when combined with its slow Q, can allow it to lock an enemy for a while. Its W is the jerk of any champion with dashes, especially all carriers that depend on their dashes. Its Ultimate R can allow it to turn the tide of a fight almost immediately because it can turn a 5 v 5 into a 5 v 2 easily. It also acts as a great source of disengagement for it.
You are extremely squishy and hence are really weak to all-ins from the enemy team. The danger increases when you don't have your Ultimate R ready. Due to your soldier positioning mechanic, any enemy champion who has a dash, or some other form of mobility spell, can prove to be a really hard target to catch out and kill for you. Your own mobility can turn out to be a weak point for you. If the enemy manages to bait out your R in an aggressive way and then the enemy Jungler shows up for a gank, you will have a really hard time getting out of the situation without your Ultimate R.
In addition, get away from the Tower if you are pushed under it like her AOE cars will hit you if you are behind the tower. Do not trade at level 1 with Aphelios if you play as champion AP. It is based AD and will do more damage than you early. Aphelios is subject to crowd control and all in. If possible, try to lock it as quickly as possible when you exchange to reduce its output damage. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so it could even blow Flash when you try to commit.
Level 16 is not so big that it strengthens its roaming potential and nothing else. No further damage is dealt with by it due to this point added in its Ultimate R. Most of its capabilities will be maximized during this phase of the game. It will allow it to do a lot of damage if it can carefully combine its capabilities.
Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and it will be much more frightening to play against. Expect him to go for aggressive games. When Lee Sin finished his first component, his damage output will increase considerably. Look at your positioning so it can't easily get you down.
Before looking for the all-in, baiting his d. His d is his only real form of defense and protection against an all-in and once it is down, it is easier to kill. When Viktor has finished his first upgrade (which is usually his y), make sure that you are still outside the minion wave so that he is unable to push you and punch you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safely in the early game. Try to abuse this to move forward.
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage (like an engage Support). Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
Lee Sin will have multiple items during this phase of the game. It will allow him to deal robust amounts of damage while ensuring that his survivability is preserved. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means that he will be dishing out a heavy amount of burst damage and ultimately killing squishy enemies off by himself. At level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate k. This will let him use that ability wholly and frequently ruin the ability of enemy divers to get into his backline.
His Ultimate R can stop the enemy in their tracks during a team fight. It is very versatile and can keep his allies alive for longer and completely mitigate damage. Taric’s W provides his carry with bonus resistances which can be really beneficial in the long run due to carries generally not buying defensive items, especially in lower elos. Has an insane amount of cheese potential thanks to his E. He can go into the enemies jungle, surprise them and then take them down.
Level six is a decent peak of power for Sona. It now allows it to CC targets, which can completely change the course of a team fight. Its first element will give it a massive boost in its healing. It will also get an additional mana regeneration that is always suitable for Sona. Level 3 is a small peak of power because it allows it to access all its capabilities at the same time. Now, it can also use its Passive to maximum potential.
Level 16 will not be a massive peak for Nidalee because it does not provide a lot of statistics. It will always help her to take the game due to the increased statistics. It can almost a blow of enemies during this phase of the game. Any squishy that is not careful will be ripped off from the fog of the war. It will fall if the enemy team is filled with tanks.
Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective. This will make his Ultimate R a lot less potent. With that said, when grouping try not to group too close together so he cannot bounce his Ultimate R between multiple champions either. In the later stages of the game, Brand will go and ward objectives alone. Use this to your advantage by setting up an ambush and taking him down before an objective spawns. Brand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking you down. To prevent him from destroying your health bar, you need to fight him as soon as you see him.
Annie is clearly stronger when her dizziness is ready, and when she has 3 piles on her passive. Whenever she has her dizziness ready, you must respect her damage yield and her ability to trade with you. Annie is strong during the middle of the game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person dizziness). If possible, don't walk on the map alone and without your team.
At level 9, Darius would’ve maxed out his e. His all-in potential and kill pressure is still very good during the mid-game. At level 11, Darius will put a secondary point in his Ultimate e. If he gained a slight lead in the early game, he will be tough to handle in the mid-game, and he should be able to kill any enemy who tries to prevent him from split pushing. During the mid-game, Darius should’ve completed a couple of items. He should be able to deal a lot of damage to targets, and also be somewhat tanky. The items he picks up makes him a huge problem during this stage of the game.
If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone. Stay with your team at the end of the game. Don't separate or stay away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion to your carts and work as a team to remove the enemy one by one. If you focus the backline alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. Focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your carts alive.
Very fast clear in the Jungle that allows her to invade and exit when she sees the enemy glove. This applies also to the laning because she can push the wave very quickly. After six, she becomes a monster. If she goes for the construction of the Jungle, she can practically carry a single blow if she manages to get enough dark harvest piles with her l. When she laning, she can use the shape to act as a front line for her team. Her ultimate displacement t can act as a peeling source for her squishy carts. It also allows her to land a multi-champion l, and treat a lot of damage with her a and k.
Nunu is going to be roaming an awful lot in the laning phase. Ping when he goes missing so your team knows that he could be headed their way. Keep the wave pushed into his tower. You can secure tower plates and get a significant XP and gold lead while he runs around the map. Try to counter Nunu roams when possible, but if you can’t, make sure you do as much as you can while he’s not in lane (such as pushing, roaming somewhere else, helping your Jungler etc).
Play safely and wait until you have access to your main abilities. Don't let the enemy shoot you in the game very early. Whittle the enemy down with your Q before looking for all-in. Just because you land your Q, this doesn't mean you have to go in. However, you can crush the enemy easily if you are able to find a good all-in opportunity. In the toughest matchups or when the enemy is playing ultra-safe, look to wander. Diana has good roaming/all-in potential post 6 and can help her ally snowball. If you can't kill the enemy, look to wander with your Ultimate R.
Ezreal’s first power spike is when he picks up Sheen. His Q damage will increase substantially and he will look to constantly poke. Once Ezreal has completed his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana, his damage output and sustain will be much higher. Whenever Ezreal has his E, he is much safer and harder to kill. Try to abuse the cooldown whenever you can.
Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective. This will make his Ultimate R a lot less potent. With that said, when grouping try not to group too close together so he cannot bounce his Ultimate R between multiple champions either. Brand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking you down. To prevent him from destroying your health bar, you need to fight him as soon as you see him. Do not try to take objectives like the Dragon or Baron when Brand is alive as he can use his Ultimate R to deal lots of burst damage. He will either force you off the objective with his W and R or kill you and take the objective for himself.
When you hit level 6, more opportunities open up to you. For instance, you can look for aggressive plays or use your Ultimate R defensively. Your Ultimate R is a genuinely diverse tool that can help you gain a lead or prevent you from losing one. After you’ve picked up your first component item, your r poke and damage will increase dramatically. Don’t be afraid to look for fights once you’ve picked up your first item. While Azir’s poke is good, he is incredibly weak in the early game. Don’t trade too much before your first back, so you don’t fall behind. You need time to come online, so focus on farming and surviving the very early game.
If Camille tries to crush you with his W, you can try to enter with your E and stab her with your authorized self attack if it looks like an optimal trade. The outer range of the W inflicts additional damage, and has a healing and slowness, while the inner range of the W does not slow down or heal Camille. If Camille manages to land an E on you and you all want in it, throw your Ultimate right before it stuns you so that you don't waste time throwing your Ultimate out of the dizziness. You can win the AD bonus and healing earlier in the fight that can make all the difference. The duration of Camille's passive shield does not exceed your Recast window Q. You should hold your Q and wait for her passive shield to fall before you re-engage. You won't heal her shield as well, so don't waste your passive auto on her. When Camille uses her E to engage you, don't try to spoil it and make your movements very linear, and at the last moment use your E in the opposite direction.
Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease. This will also let him show extreme prowess during Jungle duels. Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy out on his own. Jarvan IV will unlock the ability to completely separate an enemy out from their team and lock them down at level 6. It is incredibly beneficial when the main goal is to separate out a single target and get rid of them quickly.
Annie is a great team combat champion and as the teams will regroup at the end of the game, it allows her to get a multi-person R. Although Annie has a lot of damage, she starts to fall at the end of the game as the champions start building defensive elements. Keep this in mind before trying to make aggressive games. At level 16, Annie will have 3 points in her Ultimate R. Tibbers will do a lot of damage if it is used in conjunction with the rest of her abilities and Passive.
Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. Make sure you’re looking to fight constantly to gain a lead. After Darius has completed his first component item, his Passive and overall damage output can be extremely obnoxious. If you were able to gain a kill before picking it up, you will have a severe advantage over the enemy which you should look to increase. When Darius hits level 6, he can use his Ultimate e to execute a target. Look for aggressive plays and all-ins when your Ultimate e is up for additional kills.
Always keep an eye on which Ultimate Sylas has. If his Ultimate R is a very strong team fighting Ultimate, try to wait for it to go on cooldown before forcing a fight. Look out for flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with his E to get onto carries. Make sure no one on your team is stood too far forward or out of position as it may allow Sylas to pick them off his with his E and start the team fight.
During the laning phase, it is really easy for you to steal your ADC farm. Very squishy and can easily be blown up by the enemy once it is locked. Can it be very effective if the enemy puts the right vision around and can notice Neeko changing shapes or hiding in a brush to land his E.
If she has 3, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger. Once she reaches level 6, expect her to look for killers in the way or set up her Jungler for the ganks. Her Ultimate R is a strong tool that offers her pressure to kill extra. Every time she uses her W, she will be vulnerable to an all-in-one. He has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.
Fizz is an incredibly weak champion up until at least level 3. If he gets poked down, he will not be able to look for an early all-in or first blood. Even though he is incredibly mobile with his E, when it is on cooldown, he is incredibly squishy and immobile. Even with his E available, he is pretty squishy if he gets hit with CC. Fizz needs to get ahead early to do well in the later stages of the game. If he loses lane or doesn’t have a lot of gold, he will not be much of a threat in the mid-game.
Your first power peak is at level 4 where you have 2 points in your **Q**. The next power peak is when you have level 6 as you have access to your Ultimate. Adjust your game during this stage of the game, and work on your wave management. When you get your first component, your damage output will increase and you will be able to exchange more frequently with the enemy.
Look for picks during the mid-game to get your team ahead. Getting a pick here or there or blowing an enemy Summoner Spell can be more than enough to get a nearby objective. You may look for opportunities to lane gank your laners to help them get ahead. Only do so when you are ahead though, else your laner will easily take your tower. During fights, make sure that you use the fog of war to your advantage and keep flanking the enemy team. It will help you dish out tons of damage and will let you take out a key target.
Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. It can allow him to move around the lane with ease, and get on to the enemy laner quickly. Akshan can bring back his dead allies if he can kill the enemy who killed them. This is great, especially in the later stages of the game where death timers are quite long. His W allows him to get out of sticky situations and allow him to be camouflaged for a long period of time if he stays near a wall.
When your team isn’t grouping or looking to fight, split push and farm up a storm in the side lane. Look for picks when you’re grouped with your team with your m and e. After catching someone out, make the call for Baron. Secure objectives like the Dragon or Baron with your Ultimate t. If a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate t to secure objectives. Additionally, avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate t is up as it deals tons of damage.
As a result, she will easily win any duel, provided she has not dropped drastically at the beginning or middle of the game. Gwen excels during team fighting because she can dry up a lot of damage, especially when she fights around rough areas. Her W allows her to mitigate a lot of damage, and her E allows her to reposition herself quite quickly. Gwen makes misleadingly high amounts of damage during this phase of the game due to her articles. She will also have maximized most of her abilities. She can spam her abilities, which translates directly into more damage and healing for her.
When he hits level 3, he becomes stronger and he is harder to handle. Bait out abilities and then fight him. Once he hits level 6, he unlocks his R which makes him better in 1v1 fights. As the game progresses, and as teams start grouping, Hwei becomes stronger and stronger as he is a great team-fighting champion.
Keep poking Seraphine with your e on a regular basis. Failing to do so can easily keep you understacked in this matchup. Try to CC the enemy. It is relatively easy and you can chunk them out once that is done. Your Ultimate can be a real game changer. Your goal is to prevent Karthus from getting within your team. Keep the wave in the middle of the lane and scale up. Once you're stacked, you should have an easy time fighting,
Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies forward. You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure to try to exploit your early advantage. Look to secure the goals whenever they're. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes. Find a healthy balance between your allies, farming your jungle and security goals. Make sure you don't fall back in XP trying to gank constantly.
Nocturne falls off in the late game because he cannot burst enemies down due to defensive items. He will have to pick enemies carefully. The final point in his Ultimate a will be the ultimate nail in the coffin of the enemy team, especially if Nocturne is ahead. His damage is relatively significant during the late game, but one-shotting enemies will also be challenging for him. In return, it will be hard for the enemy to kill him quickly as well.
A maxed-out Ultimate d will let Orianna one-shot enemies if she manages to land an entire combo on them. Clumped fights will be the way to go during this phase. Most of her abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game. She can both poke enemies down and protect allies with her d. Her team fighting is excellent, and she can run down enemies with ease. All she needs to do is keep on poking enemies and landing multi-man Ultimate ds.
Sett’s level 1 can be hard to handle. Expect him to play aggressively and use Flash to kill you Once Sett is level 6, his ability to get kills in lane also increases. Watch your positioning and disengage if he runs towards you post 6 and stay away from your allied laner so he cannot slam you into them. Sett is good at picking off champions in the mid-game. Make sure you’re never too far forward as he may try to catch you out of position with his E.
Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game as he can now impact team fights whenever that ability is up. Additionally, it works really well when his target is the one who must go near the enemies to attack them. At level nine, his Q will be completely maxed out. This will give a massive boost to his damage and wave clear. In addition, he can now help other laners out frequently and keep his wave shoved in at all times. Galio will have his core items at this point. This is beneficial for him, and his team as his overall damage output and survivability will be higher.
Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with. Keep track of his Ultimate R in fights as he can use it to either set up an escape or engage. Keep vision in typical flanking spots as Ekko will try to set up an engage with his W from out of vision. If you see him running towards you, back up for a few seconds as he would have used his W. When no team fights are occurring, Ekko will be looking to split push. Avoid leaving him alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him.
They will not be able to all-in the enemy at all if their ADC is constantly pushing the wave in the early game. Can easily be poked down by ranged champions in the lane. Watching your positioning is key when playing as this champ. Has to commit to all-ins. If you go in, you’ll be in an overextended position which could allow the enemy to turn the exchange around and kill you. Only go in when your allies are there to follow up.
In the team fights at the end of the game, you can either look to flank and choose someone with your allies. It's a good way to play in the game at the end of the game if you're in advance. Just make sure you save 1 Ultimate pile to escape. Alternatively, you can peel for your carts and keep them alive: use your E on the closest target to your ADC and peel for them. The war fog is your friend and you should use this to set up death brushes with your team. This works especially well when a major fight is going to take place for a neutral goal like the Baron.
Abuse your range advantage by standing back and poking the enemy down from afar. At level 6, play around your Ultimate cooldown to help you get kills with your ADC. Stand away from enemy, but make sure you’re near your ADC so you can have lane pressure while you’re not poking.
Brand is an incredibly motionless champion. It makes him more than one target for the ganks and CC. Brand is also one of the champions who dies the most in the game! As Brand is a poke mage, he relies a lot on mana and can run low quite quickly and he will be unable to use his aggressive W if he is out of mana. You must always keep an eye on your mana pool at all times. In addition to being quite still, Brand is also pretty squishy. It's really important that you don't let the enemy poke you down or land poke that you will have to play passively. You will also need to play much safer when your Flash is down.
Very squishy and can be easily burst down when his E is down. Junglers can camp him at that stage as well since he will have no other form of escape left, and his E has a very long cooldown. Takes quite some time to scale up due to how his itemization works. This is also dependent on the fact that he is very skill shot heavy and will need to land his Qs on the enemy in order to be effective. Buffering his E won’t work too well if the enemy has some form of ranged CC which they can use to follow-up on Ezreal after he has used his E. This forces him to play a bit more defensively, and he won’t be able to push in the wave either, else he can get run down by the enemy.
Stay near your team at all times in the late game. While your Ultimate R has a long range, the enemy may force a fight when you show elsewhere on the map. Play around your Ultimate R and wait for one of your allies to engage. Once they’ve gone in, use your Ultimate R on them. Alternatively, wait for the enemy to engage and then cast your Ultimate R on a carry. Peel for your carries in late game team fights. Keeping them alive for as long as possible will increase your chances of winning team fights.
Viktor first power peak is once it has reached level 6. Its Ultimate m will give it an additional death pressure in the track and it will start playing a little more aggressive. Its capabilities will be stronger with each upgrade. Once Viktor has finished its first element, and improved its y, it will be able to release the minion waves very quickly and keep you pushed under your turn.
All its capabilities will be upgraded during this phase of the game, which will make it sub-powerful. Its capabilities will hit like a truck from now on. Several articles will also allow it to inflict more damage to enemies, especially those who cling together during the team fights. A maximum of Ultimate m will massively hurt the enemy team. Any type of fight around the bottlenecks will automatically make Viktor the winner.
Its r should be stacked and used only when a murder is guaranteed. Kalista's Ultimate x can be very practical during this stage of the game. It can come out of the vision with its Ultimate x activated, and allow its Support to immediately get to the top of other laner/laners. In short, it can better wander once its wave is pushed up. Fighting in open areas should be its modus operandi. This will give it additional power because it can use her Passive to kite the enemy team. A CC'ed Kalista is a dead Kalista.
Make sure that you get to level 3 really fast in this game. It will allow you to execute ganks easily and get a quick lead over the enemy. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to blow up your opposition regularly. Look for picks all around the map and keep a track of recently finished fights. Once you get your first item, your burst damage will be really high. Just make sure that you don't get CC'd during a major all-in else you will definitely end up dying.
Garen will gain a huge peak of power and the finishing ability once he reaches level 6. This will let him go to regular exchanges of short gusts against his enemies, will leave his passive kick after the trade, and then go to the finish with his Ultimate R after having obtained the lower of the enemy. The first element of Garen will allow him either to survive the track for a longer period (tank construction) or to increase his damage significantly (burner construction). The first will allow him to take part in numerous team battles while the second will help him with duels. The construction of Garen will dictate how he plays the game. If he goes for the construction of tanks, he will be almost invalidable and will be able to act as a perfect coat unit for his carryings. On the other hand, if he goes for the construction of blues, he will be more dependent on the fog of the war to catch the enemies out of the guard and choose vital enemy carriers.
He will be stronger than you early, but once you have some levels under your belt you can start being a bit more aggressive. Focus on farming early and limit trading. Just poke if you can, but don’t commit to anything. You can start playing more aggressively after you hit level 6. When pushing, try to hit both the minion wave and Hwei at the same time.
When Katarina reaches level sixteen, she will be powerful because of her Ultimate R. This will help her clean up the game easily. Katarina deals a lot of damage during the late game due to all her articles. Its damage can burst enemies and carriers at once. Since it is the late game, the enemies will have a lot of defensive items. This means that Katarina will have a hard time killing them. Playing around the vision should help a lot with that.
Yuumi will heal a lot during this phase of the game. She will literally heal up any damage dealt with her teammate, making extended team fights the way to go for her team. Yuumi will have a lot of items completed during this stage. This means she will have boosted stats which will make her heals and mana regen really high. Killing her teammates will become really hard now. Yuumi's strength will be shown during team fights where she and her fed carry will be a rolling ball of death for the enemy team. All her abilities and added effects will create a raid boss, which the enemy team must defeat.
In team fighting, avoid regrouping too closely because Ornn can use his Ultimate R to get a multi-person strike and start the team fight. Ornn has the ability to hit enemies who are close to his Q, terrain and walls. Avoid fighting in the jungle as it will allow him to land an easy strike. Ornn will tend to stay in a side track when there are no team fights and when there are no major goals. Use the numerical advantage to start a team fight while he is away from his team.
If you see Karthus using his Ultimate e at the beginning of the fight, try the CC to cancel his Ultimate e. If you kill Karthus at the beginning of the fight, try to reposition and move away from his Passive. This will reduce his damage exit and make the survival of the team fight easier. If you spot Karthus in a side track pushed by division, you can start a team fight. But, you must keep in mind that he can influence the existing fight with his Ultimate e.
You will want to go for short burst trades in this matchup. Use your Q and W as much as you can and make sure that you chunk the enemy out. Make sure you use your wards and E traps to save yourself from ganks. Do not push too far up, else you will become a prime gank target. Once you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to dish out a lot of damage and get multiple kills around the map. See if you can help the side lanes out.
Do not abuse your range advantage as much as possible. Keep it pushed early so it can't wander. Try and always keep your spacing against it. Only w before if it misses E. Look for an all-in level 2 with your W.
After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Flank in team fights with your W and E to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast. As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
As teams tend to group, you will find it a bit harder to get picks and make plays in the late game. You’re at a bigger threat of dying a tthis stage of the game. At level 13, you’ll max your second ability. When you’re level 16, you’ll put the third and final point in your Ultimate R. Your Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage in the late game.
If Tryndamere has Ignite, expect him to play aggressively and look for an all-in at level 2 or 3. Once Tryndamere reaches level 6, his survival increases a ton. Avoid committing yourself to fight with him when his Ultimate e is up unless you can easily beat him in a skirmish. Tryndamere is really good in the late game and will watch constantly divide the thrust and take goals. Do not let him take your laps for free while you skim in the middle track.
If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your advance quickly enough. Every time your Ultimate R is up, you can look for aggressive games around the map. Your Ultimate R is an excellent tool that you can use to help your allies win their way. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you continue pushing when you are not forward, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you will be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
Peel for your carries in late game team fights to increase the chances of your team winning the fight. If they die at the beginning, you will not be able to win the fight alone. Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team. Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. If you focus the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly. By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive.
The enemy has pretty good objective control. With this in mind, try and keep it warded at all times with a Control Ward in the back of the pit. This will help your team know if they start the objective and if you’re nearby, you might be able to collapse onto them. You’re much stronger than the enemy in the 1v1. So if you find them walking around the map or near the scuttle crab, you can fight them as long as you have a lot of health. Make sure you check the map for collapsing laners and back off if they come. If the enemy lands their CC, just back off. As discussed, the enemy needs to hit level 6 quickly to make full use of their kit. Try to invade them as much as possible and steal away their camps to delay their level 6 power spike. A good time to invade is when the enemy Jungler shows on the opposite side of the map. The enemies level 6 power spike is incredibly strong. Once they hit it, they will be ganking as often as their Ultimate is up. Make sure you place vision inside their jungle so you can spot them before they gank.
The 2 points in his Ultimate 2 will cause Xerath's damage to skyrocket. He can always impact the team's fights that are taking place away from him with ease. The only difference will be that he will be more effective in doing so. His first ability will be maximized to level 9. This means that he can cut down a lot of damage with his enemies p and snipe p easily. Still enemies will have a hard time dealing with him. Xerath is really good to secure choices with his varied abilities, and his ability to impact team fights is really high. His AoE capabilities make it quite possible for him to take several enemies at once.
The early game should be mainly focused on taking short trades against the enemy with your auto-attacks and Passive. Do not go for an extended trade unless the enemy's primary ability is on cooldown. If you manage to shove the wave in, try to roam with your W. If it so happens that the enemy side laners are low, you can quickly E in and get some kills. Your Ultimate will help you a lot in this game but make sure that you position correctly. Remember that you can use the ability while you're E'ing, so ensure that you don't just stand still while it is locking up.
At level 6, Garen will have access to his Ultimate R which can be used to execute enemies. Do not fight him when weak, and certainly remember if you are below 50% of health as he could look for a trade. It is better to be sure rather than try to fight and give him a murder. Once Garen has finished his first article, he will be more heinous and seek to exchange more and more. Keep this in mind and do not commit to fight with him alone.
Focus on farming and getting as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you’re able to come online and deal damage. Your champion is incredibly weak in the early game. Focus on farming and avoid fighting with the enemy until you’ve got an item behind you. After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Do not fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold.
Focus on farming and hitting level 6 as quickly as you can. You need to hit level 6 as fast as possible to increase your ganking potential. Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool. Whenever it is up, try to use it to help your allies and get kills. Try to secure objectives with your team. If you can, try to keep it warded at all times if you’re not in a position to take it yourself.
Fortunately, he will not have this problem at the end of the game and will now remove many enemies with his E. Adding another point to his Ultimate R will give his powers more global strength. It can be practical by taking neutral goals and fighting enemies who rely on diving and lock Heimerdinger down. Heimerdinger will have a lot of articles now, and his abilities can easily a-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger puts a death brush somewhere. He can also take on the Baron alone.
Yasuo gets a huge power spike at level 6. He can now focus on poking the enemy with his r tornado and then use his Ultimate R to finish the low health target off. The lane brushes should help significantly when it comes to landing this ability. Yasuo will gain a small spike whenever he puts an additional point in his r. It improves his r poke damage, which allows him to look for all-ins once he hits level 6. The best time to go for an all-in is when the enemy's primary form of CC is down. Once Yasuo gets his first item component, he will get a significant boost in his dueling potential. This means that he can easily catch up to and kill any over-extended or immobile target. He can also help his Jungler during ganks with his E dash and r knockup.
His y can allow him to juke as well as initiate ganks with ease. This is especially effective when he has his Sweeper activated, or the enemy team has no vision set-up. He unlocks his true power when he gets his Ultimate n. It can easily allow him to crowd control unsuspecting targets and set his team up for success and follow up crowd control. He excels at extended trades due to how his k and s works. This enables him to duel enemies easily, especially if they are overextended.
His E can allow him to take reduced damage in team fights as well as disrupt a fight with fear on his E. This can allow him to change the tide of a fight quite easily. His W can allow him to detect ill health enemies on the map. He can then use this information and communicate with his team. This can allow him to take free goals and secure the dead on unsuspected enemies.
Unfortunately, Nautilus doesn’t have the fastest clear in the game, but it is somewhat healthy. He also doesn’t have great objective control, so you will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald. Can be hard to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy.
Try to use your range advantage to intimidate and harass Viego every time he climbs to the farm. He's a mingle champion who can easily be intimidated by various champions. Viego will find it hard to kill you in the way if you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will give him less room for manoeuvre. Make sure there's a minion between you and him at all times. This will make him impossible for you CC with his W.
Mid-game is a decent time to roam around and get picks all around the map. Your W and Passive should let you get easy choices on enemies who are too pushed up in the lane. Your Ultimate R will be pivotal to team fights. Just make sure that you use your Passive to hide yourself and your Ultimate R windup time. Picking enemies off will be the name of the game during this phase. Work with your Jungler and see if you can blow up some wandering Jungler or Support from the enemy team.
At level 9, Heimerdinger will max out his Q. The damage these Turrets will deal to the enemy in the lane and in team fights will be quite high. Level 11 is also a great power spike for Heimerdinger because all of his basic abilities will be a lot stronger when they become empowered by his Ultimate R. He excels in team fights and can control large parts of the maps: depending on which Ultimate R he uses in the team fight.
Zac has great all-in potential throughout the laning phase. As soon as the enemy moves forward or overextends, he can look to play aggressive. His Passive and Ultimate R can allow him to singlehandedly take a group of enemies out of a major team fight by simply zoning them away. He can also deal a lot of damage to the enemy backline if they ignore Zac. Zac has good sustain in lane, thanks to his blobs. The additional health and sustain lets him survive harder matchups and out heal the enemy.
The purchase of a Quicksilver Sash will strengthen his position in the game, especially if he is against a team with a lot of CC. This will prevent him from getting chained CC'ed and killing. The amount of power Kalista brings while taking neutral goals is very beneficial for his team. This reduces the enemy team's chances of securing the Dragon or Baron, especially if Kalista's team has managed to win a fight but lost their Jungler. His team fighting style should revolve around staying behind his front line at all times and not getting caught outside. Staying on the middle track and getting priority in this way should help his team immensely, especially when a neutral goal is about to come.
Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and looking for aggressive parts. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. When you touch level 6, you have to play a little safer because you don't have an ultimate G, unlike all the other Top laners. Play respectfully and stay within maximum range while harassing the enemy from afar. Use your s to poke the enemy as often as possible. Use your base attacks in conjunction with this ability to get the low enemy.
Every time Veigar uses his n, try to abuse cool down as it is his only defensive tool in early play and once it is down- it is rather vulnerable. To get ganks or kill the Veigar, you need to lure his n first. You can do it by constantly tipping in and out of reach of him. Make sure you always lure him before committing to the all-in. Veigar has really good gank configuration so make sure you still have the lower track monitored. Plus, when your Flash is down, you should always play safer so he doesn't catch you while you're ahead.
Its positioning is important in team battles as well, otherwise it can be flanked by enemy assassins and be immediately removed. Without its Ultimate c or s, its ability to dominate a team struggle decreases considerably. The fight during this stage will give the enemy team a much greater chance of winning. Virtually gets counterbalanced by a Control Ward because it forces it to reroute. It is because of the short-term nature of its automatic attacks, which makes it detect quite easily.
Taliyah’s kill pressure doesn’t increase at level 6 but her ability to roam does. If you’re strong at level 6, try to abuse her. After she has her first item completed, Taliyah can quickly push the wave with her Q. Ensure you’re always behind the minion wave or outside of it so she cannot push and poke at the same time. The more items she gets the stronger Taliyah will be. Avoid letting her poke you down with Q as she will deal lots of damage to you. In particular, do not let her delay a team fight with her Q.
Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way. You have a lot of poke, so try poke the enemy down as often as you can. Play safe for the first levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q. Once they are low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, look to constantly harass and push the enemy in their turn. This will allow you to win turret plateau and increase your gold income.
Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position. Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you’re going to miss on the CC it provides.