Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone, so you don't get caught. Getting caught outside will lead your team to play 4v5. Don't take care of it alone unless you know where the enemy is. Your damage will be pretty serious for the enemy team. Make sure you are positioned and not taken out of nowhere or murdered by assassins. Don't hesitate to use your Ultimate R. It's mainly because it will be on a short cooldown, and your Ultimate R will be up frequently.
The effectiveness of Rumble's is greatly diminished when its passive is not half filled. The enemy can try to exchange freely with him during this point. He is rather squishy and vulnerable when his r is on cooling. This also applies when his weapons are overheated, which provides an opening for the enemy to all of him. Due to his immobility, a freeze can completely ruin his laning phase. This will make him inclined to ganks and will not allow him at all to CS.
Get to level 3 quickly, and make sure to use your E to catch out-of-guard enemies. You should have a considerably easy time dealing with pushed enemies. Early murders should come quite easily to you. Focus the enemy bot and mid-lane as they have the most squishiest targets and will allow you to hard snowball. Your ultimate R should allow you to do a lot of games all around the map. You can even use it defensively if things go wrong.
Thresh is one of the hardest Supports to master. It will take you a lot of time and effort to play him to his full potential. Is pretty squishy. If you look for a pick and miss, the enemy can collapse on you and kill you with ease. This makes it incredibly important that you land your skill shots. Is skill shot reliant and his skill shots are not easy to land. This is a drawback as you’re only going to be useful if you can consistently hit those Qs.
His early game is very weak and he can be killed countless amounts of time during this phase. If he isn’t able to get his item spikes early on, he will take quite some time to come online. Can be easily camped during the entirety of the laning phase. This can hamper him from CS’ing and will set him back massively. Extremely weak against all-in champions, especially ones who have dashes or blinks. He is also vulnerable whenever he doesn’t have Flash early on, hence proper wave management can really be devastating for him.
Scales up like a monster, especially if he manages to get a few kills early on. Can single-handedly snowball a game and win it for his team due to the sheer amount of healing. His l allows him to get out of sticky situations quite easily while also dismantling ganks from the enemy team, thereby wasting the enemy ganker’s time, Can destroy the enemy team whenever they are grouped due to his Ultimate e and E. Close quarter fighting is a massive strength for him.
When sitting on a goal, be sure to keep around the target in question to catch Fiddlesticks before he engages with his R. Deny his surprise engages by guiding around your team. Look for the fights when Fiddlestick=S R is about to cool down because with it his team fighting potential decreases a lot. Do not gather closely together during the dance with the enemy.
His first ability will be maxed out at level nine, which will help Graves bolster his overall burst damage in the Jungle. His clears and ganks will be more effective as a result. Due to his items, he will have a lot of kill pressure during the mid-game. His e and e will also let him catch enemies off-guard, and he can kill them very quickly due to his Passive. At level 11, Graves will have two points in his Ultimate t. It means that the potential of that ability finishing off low health enemies increases drastically, especially if he is going for the lethality build.
Level 16 is a massive peak for it because it can decimate the squishy enemies. This will allow it to bring down the main enemy teammates. It will have most of its capabilities maximized during this phase of the game. This means that it will be a persistent threat wherever it goes. The enemy will have to invest massively in the magic resistance. Syndra will have many articles during this phase of the game, which will directly result in damage for it. Its ability to deposit a lot of damage will keep the enemy on their toes.
Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game. You can abuse this by poking him down and forcing him to recall early. Once Malzhar hits level 6, his kill pressure increases thanks to his Ultimate R. Make sure you keep the river warded so you can spot his Jungler before they gank your lane as Malzhar isn’t really able to kill anyone alone. Once Malzahar gets an item, his ability to push the wave will become obnoxious. Try your hardest to push the wave back as much as possible so he is unable to roam for free, or take your Tower early.
Group and stay with your team. Go to the hall when you know where the enemy is in order not to be chosen and killed before an objective spawning. Look for choices with your Ultimate R. Rell can quickly force goals or team fights with ease if she can catch someone who walks too far forward. Peel and protect your allies as much as possible in mid-game team fights. If you let them die, it will be difficult for your team to win the fight. After engaging, retreat and peeling for your ADC.
It is an agricultural matchup. Focus on agriculture and just harass with your abilities. Stand outside the minion wave at all times. They will try to push, and by standing out of the wave, you force them to choose between using mana on the wave or you. Investing in early boots can help you avoid their skill strokes and make the laning phase less stressful. Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health.
If you can dodge Morgana’s Q in a skirmish, you should all-in her as she doesn’t have much else to offer pre-6. She is easy to kill if you can dodge her Q. Morgana is going to be ganking often early on. Keep this in mind and try to counter her ganks when possible. Her objective control in the early game is pretty good. Keep the objectives warded, or take them before she gets the chance to do so herself.
Nasus is at his weakest in the early game. Try to deny as many stacks as possible by invading him so he is unable to scale quickly. The longer the game goes, the stronger Nasus gets. Make sure you end the game as quickly as possible. Nasus wouldn’t be seen on the map early, but post 6, he will start ganking a lot. Especially when he has multiple points in his W.
Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure you try to exploit your early advantage. Look to secure objectives as often as possible. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along. Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank.
Try to gain an early advantage by playing aggressive and blowing an early Flash. Kassadin is at his weakest during the laning phase and is highly abusable. Post level 6, if you have any CC abilities, do not use them unless his Ultimate k is down as he will use their cooldowns to play aggressive and trade with you. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.
He will focus mainly on cleaning during the start of the game. His e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC. This can make the lap divers risky and can get him killed almost instantly if he does not use the ability properly. Can't do a lot if the enemy team has just disengaged when his Ultimate R is active. Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die.
Another point in his Ultimate R won't do him a lot of good either. It will allow him to rotate easily, but other than that, there is nothing much to it. Ryze will have his core items now, which means he will be dishing out more damage than the early game. He has still not reached his final form yet, though. Ryze will struggle during mid-game fights as his damage won't be enough to one-shot enemies. He will have to be careful about getting CC'd as well.
In team fights, make sure no one on your team is too far forward as Malzahar may try and catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R. When sieging objectives or backing off from a fight, watch your positioning as you may walk into Malzahar’s Q which can be devastating to your health bar. As soon as Malzhar focuses a champion with his Ultimate R, try to CC him so the channel is cancelled.
Group with your team in the late game. You will be needed in late game team fights. Peel for your carries in team fights. It’s important that you focus the nearest enemy champion and focus who your allies are focusing. Unless your ADC is behind, you could use your Ultimate R on them to keep them alive while they dish out damage. If you’re ahead, save your Ultimate R for yourself.
He doesn’t do well early on against ranged matchups as he can be poked quite easily from range. Regular poking will eventually get him killed if he stays in the lane. He can outplay himself with his E if he goes in and mistimes the E duration. Crowd control is his mortal enemy, and he can be taken out quite easily due to his squishiness. His Ultimate R doesn’t have a lot of width, which makes it really easy for the enemies to dodge it from range. This will require Yone to get close to the enemy team, which can put him in a vulnerable position.
Watching to hit right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he won't be able to retaliate with cars until he recharges. During the fight with Jhin, avoid running directly back after a trade. Runoff on the side so it's easier to avoid the root of his W. His level 6 is good, but he can't really use it in the fight. If you have a Ultimate that can be used in a fight, you should win level 6 all-in.
Elise relies heavily on her Cocoon landing to initiate fights or ganks. If you are nearby, you can counter gank her as she doesn't have much to offer once her E on cooldown. Elise has a lot of bursting damage and can kill most champions solo in the beginning of the game. If you don't play a tanky champion or one with a heavy CC, try not to fight her on one. Her ability Reminder allows her to fall on any enemy target, including minions and neighborhoods.
Aurelion is quite vulnerable to ganks since it has to push the wave. But, it can use its W to escape from one. Make sure you don't waste your gap closer if it has its W or Ultimate available so you can catch it if it tries to escape. When Aurelion Sol pushes and wanders, make sure you ping as soon as it disappears. Try to push back the wave and start taking Tower plates if you are unable to match its roaming. Try and abuse Aurelion Sol, Q cooldown. Once it is down, it is very vulnerable. Look for favorable jobs when it is missing.
Varus is prone to all-in as he has no dash. If the enemy layers CC on him, he is going to die very quickly. Varus’ only self-peel tool is his Ultimate R. When it is down, he can easily be all-in’d by a strong enemy laner. If Varus falls behind early, he is going to struggle to get back into the game: regardless of his build.
Cassiopeia has a lot of pressure to kill in the middle of the game, especially once she puts 2 points in her Ultimate R. The reduction of the cooldown and the additional damage make her a huge threat during this stage of the game. Cass should have her tear stacked by this stage of the game. She will have a little endless mana pool once he is exhausted. At level 9, Cass goes max on her E. As long as she lands her Q, her brute potential will be incredibly powerful. Her all-in-in-fortune at this stage of the game.
Ekko's main source of damage comes from his liabilities. Avoid letting him stack his liabilities by escaping his Q and standing outside his range E. Ekko will seek to set up a W stun by walking out of sight. Be careful of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will seek to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punite him every time he uses it for the waveclear by engaging in trades.
In team fights, Jarvan IV will look to lock down as many champions as he can with his Ultimate m. Make sure you’re grouped as a team but not grouped so close together that he can lock everyone in his Cataclysm m. Jarvan’s gameplay is not very creative when it comes to fighting. Warding basic areas like bushes or chokepoints will likely spot Jarvan before he gets the chance to flank or gank. If you can interrupt Jarvan in his combo at the start of the fight, it will be very difficult for him to get his Ultimate m off or escape after engaging. As soon as he runs towards you, either disengage or lock him down with CC.
At the moment, it should focus on staying alive and not making itself CC'd and take off by the enemy team. Fighting around the bottlenecks is absolutely necessary because Brand will be quite effective with its Ultimate R. The ability will have a fairly short cooling, which will allow him to win team fights frequently. He should work with his team and set up death brushes around the map. His ability to blow up squishy targets completely will make the team fights very unfair for the enemy team.
When it comes to securing an objective like the Dragon or Baron, never go for the 50/50. Because of Nunu’s Q, he will win every battle. Try to take the objective when he is dead or on the other side of the map. Nunu is rather immobile when it comes to team fighting (once the fight has started). Lock him down with crowd control and kite him during the team fight so he is unable to be the frontline and get on to your carries. Do not clump together when it comes to team fighting. If you stand close to one another, he will use his Snowball W to engage from afar and run into the enemy. If you are all close to one another- he might be able to get a 5 person knock up. Instead, group but not too closely.
His ability to kidnap a carry and then put them in a disadvantageous position allows him to flank enemies with ease. His tankiness prevents him from getting killed immediately. His strength increases if he actively tries to clear wards and use the lack of vision to gank enemies. This is due to the amount of pick potential which he has in his kit. Can take objectives quite easily. This includes the early void grubs and the Dragons. Keep them warded or secure them before he can!
During this phase of the game, you should rely on picking off enemies with your abilities. Work with your allies to achieve this and make team fights unfair for the enemy. Remember to use your Ultimate R during neutral objective fights. You don't have to go indirectly, but your presence will surely effectively ward off enemies. Your Passive empowered W will help you a lot when trying to all-in enemies and escaping unscathed. Just make sure you have enough stacks ready to use when the time comes.
At level 6, Yone will unlock his Ultimate R, which will allow him to set up plays with ease for both his Jungler and his team during any stage of the game. Yone will get brief power spikes as he keeps adding points to his Q. This will allow him to go for short burst trades against his laner so that he may all-in them later on. The first item component will bring significant improvements to Yone's trading in the lane. Depending on which component he gets, the effects will vary, but it will be good for him regardless.
Make sure you're still standing behind the minion wave so Karma can't use her Q on you. Stand behind the minions but not close to them because her Q is an AOE capability. When Karma uses her d, she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively is when she used to accelerate herself or her ADC up. Karma has her Ultimate has at level 1, so she will be strong enough up to level 6. If you're strong at level 6, you'll be stronger than she once you've both reached level 6.
It’s not impossible for Jarvan IV to gank at level 2 once he has unlocked his d and e. Once Jarvan hits level 6, his kill pressure increases a ton as his Ultimate m is really good for ganking. Jarvan is good in the early game and good in the mid-game too. The more gold he gets, the more he can do and the tankier he will become. Keep in mind that he will continuously look to gank in the early and look for fights in the mid-game.
Power farm up until level 6 when you unlock your Ultimate R. Once Evelynn hits level 6 she will become invisible and be able to roam around the map and dodge vision. Once your Ultimate R is up, look to assassinate targets who are alone or low. This will increase your chances of snowballing and winning the game. Avoid fighting in the very early game. You need time to come online, so focus on farming and surviving.
The longer the game is, the more stacked it will be. This makes it strong enough in the last game. When it reaches level 16, Cho=Gath will put the third and final point in its Ultimate t. It will be able to bite easily and execute enemies that are taken out of position by its team. According to its construction path, Cho=Gath will either do a lot of damage in late game fights or be incredibly tanky.
His Q can allow him to heal huge amounts of damage later in the game. This when he is combined with his passive, can allow him to heal as much during the first skirmishes. The Ultimate R can completely change the course of a fight due to making him everyone invulnerable. This is very effective on hyper-ports, or when against a champion who has an ultimate time (Master Yi for example). His W provides his port with bonus resistances that can be really beneficial in the long term because of usually not wearing any defensive items, especially in the lower elos.
In the late game, Brand will be near full build. This is a significant power spike for Brand as his damage output should be incredibly high. However, he needs to make sure he doesn’t get caught out in the late game or else he will not dish out any damage. At level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. He will be able to dish out a lot of damage on grouped enemies in late game team fights. Take note that while you will have a lot of damage, the enemy team should have started building defensive items to counter your abilities. Try to blow up targets that are squishy or who lack defensive stats.
Hit level 2 first and then use your level advantage to gain a significant health lead. You’re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you’re at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6. Think twice before using your dash in this matchup. If you dash forward, they could all-in you, or the enemy Jungle could show up. Look at whats happening on the map before dashing forward. Kassadin is very good at roaming. Remember this and ping when they go missing so your other laners know they’re gone.
If you’re playing as a ranged Support, try to bully and harass Gragas as often as you can. But don’t over force it as he has a lot of burst damage. Gragas can tease an engage when his Body Slam E is up. Try and stand behind or near minions at all times. However, do not stand too close to them since the ability does have an AOE and if you’re close to them, you’ll be hit by his E. If Gragas uses his W, it’s because he wants to do something such as setting up his Jungler or going for a trade. Play safer for a short period of time whenever he uses his W.
Jayce is really good at poking enemies down with his w > s combo. He can even one-shot targets if he is far ahead of the enemy team. This will allow him to create an advantage for his team before a major fight. Once Jayce is full build, no squishy enemy target in the game is safe. This is because he can easily blow enemies up with his w > s combo. Sometimes a single combo is all it takes to kill a target (like a squishy support, for instance). Jayce won't spike at level 16 either because his Ultimate G won't be providing with him a lot of raw stats, which other champions' ultimates offer them with. He will still have to rely on flanking and using the fog of war to poke enemies down. The greater the number of enemies hit, the better it is for his team and him.
If you play like a varied champion, try to harass and poke Zed down. Avoid excess commitment to harass him although minion damage does pile heavily. Invest in early armor when you play like a Mage to protect yourself from Zed damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you. Try to play the opposite side of the way at any time. This will make it difficult for Zed to reach you without using his W. Once he uses his W, go to the other side of his Shadow W so he can't get on you.
By this time, he will have his first significant ability upgraded. This allows him to garner much team fight pressure, and now he can take regular fights. Another point in his Ultimate m will allow him to dish out a lot of consistent DPS and use the ability quite frequently. At level 9, his y will be maxed out. This will let him clear waves in a jiffy and deal tons of damage to targets hit by it.
Try your hardest to win as much gold as possible. The more illaoi of gold wins, the harder it will be to manage in the later parts of the laning/game phase. Once you have level 6, you can look for an all-in or go for a murder. Try to make them low before doing it however. Poke the enemy as often as possible with your E and Q. If you can make them low and play around your Tentacle placements, your ability to get a murder in the way will increase.
His first ability will be maximized to level 9. This will give him a huge boost and allow him to easily blow up simple targets. Rengar is quite decent in a team struggle, especially if he manages to use a brush frequently. His burst damage will allow him to get rid of enemies quickly. Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability quite frequently. This means that he can both zone out of enemies or secure picks as needed.
The danger increases when you don't have your ultimate R ready. Because of your soldier positioning mechanic, any enemy champion who has a dash, or other form of mobility spell, can turn out to be a really hard target to catch and kill for you. Your own mobility can prove to be a weak point for you. If the enemy manages to bait your R in an aggressive way and then the enemy Jungler shows up for a gank, you will have a really hard time getting out of the situation without your ultimate R.
His W allows him to engage in an enemy group or champions, or a single enemy champion with ease. It's really beneficial if he can land him out of the sight and then use his E to get high in the W circle to ensure stunning. His brilliant damage must not be ignored as the game continues. This is especially true when he is ahead of the game. He can literally pull the enemy out of the rear line in a spin of spells, if he reaches W E on them. His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit because it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in-one.
Amumu’s team fight presence is very strong. Do not group too closely as this will allow him to get a multiperson entangle with his Ultimate y. Do not fight inside the jungle either for the same reason. Try and start a team fight as soon as the one before has ended. Fighting when Amumu isn’t there or when his Ultimate y is on cooldown is a surefire way of winning the next fight. Spreading out the map and split pushing is your best bet as a 5v5 team fight against a team with Amumu doesn't usually end well. However, if you’re teammates are squishy and prone to get caught out, you’ll need to group.
Shen wins the pressure of the global card when he unlocks his Ultimate R. Follow him and play accordingly because he can influence a gank or fight in a way once he rises. His post-level 3 ganks are pretty good when he unlocked his taunt E. Shen. The choice of potential in the middle of the game can be devastating enough to play against.
Velakoz's first major power peak is once it reaches level 6 as its Ultimate R offers him tons of pressure to kill. Velakoz is really good in team fighting thanks to the damage of poke and AOE of his abilities. Try to fight when he is not there or when his Ultimate R is down. Once Velakoz has a few points in Q, he will do a lot of damage if he is able to land them regularly.
His W allows him to engage upon a group or enemy champions, or a single enemy champion with ease. This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun. His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on. This is especially true when he happens to be ahead in the game. He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to W E onto them. His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in. As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up.
At level 9, Ashe will have her y maxed. This is an important power spike for Ashe as she can use it to poke the enemy down before her team commits to a team fight. When Ashe hits level 11, she will put a secondary point in her Ultimate w. Her Ultimate w will have a short cooldown and she will be able to look for picks frequently throughout the mid-game. Ashe should’ve completed an item or two during the mid-game. This makes her a huge threat in team fights as her damage output in conjunction with her poke can be devastating to deal with.
Qiyana’s team fight presence is huge thanks to her Ultimate R. Spread out and do not fight in choke points like in the jungle or under a tower to reduce her usefulness. When no team fights are occurring, Qiyana will split push. You can use this as an opportunity to engage on her team when she is unable to impact the fight. Keep an eye on her though and be prepared to recall if she is getting close to your tower. Burst and CC are your best friends in a team fight. As soon as she engages, try to lock her down with CC and burst her down so she is unable to dish out tons of damage and kill your teammates.
Anivia is a very mana-hungry champion and will need blue buff as often as possible. While she is low on mana, use this as an opportunity to deny her farm. When you’re roaming around the map, make sure you keep an eye on the minion wave in mid. Anivia can push the wave very fast and you’ll lose a lot of Tower health if you’re gone for too long. Try and roam while she is in base so she can’t take your Tower. CC is your best friend against Anivia as she is squishy and immobile. But she does have tools to defend herself like her t and e. To make locking her down easier, try to flank her rather than running directly at her to make it harder for her to escape.
Morgana is good at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Until then, her death pressure is not the best, but it increases once that ability unlocked. Once Morgana has Zhonyas Hurglass, her survival in team fighting will increase. Try to fight her when her Zhonyas is downstairs, so she is unable to defend herself. When Morgana has her Blackshield E available, it will be difficult for you to kill her because he can block CC and damage.
During the level 3 fight, be careful because it may not be in your favor at 1v1 it. Always be ready to step back if the situation seems risky. Counter-gang is an effective strategy against Taliyah. It has limited options once it engages in a gank, so try to counter the gank as often as possible to turn the tide in your favor. Taliyah excels at the game start gang. Place the strategic vision around the map to spot its movements and anticipate its ganks before they happen. Keep in mind that you become stronger than Taliyah at level 6, especially when you gang. Use this peak of power to your advantage in engagements.
Once you get your core items, you should look for skirmishes all around the map. Focus on ganking the pushed-up enemy lanes. When going for neutral objectives, make sure that you get rid of the enemy Jungler with your o and auto-attacks. It will ensure that you don't mess up a smite. Fighting in chokepoints should help you a lot during this phase of the game. Work with your Support to set vision around the map to know where you can catch the Jungler off.
His tankiness will be gargantuan during this phase of the game. He pretty much won't take any damage and will act as a reliable frontline for his team. A maxed-out Ultimate R will help him save his allies frequently. It will also let him split push very effectively, as he can join a fight from anywhere on the map. He is decent in late-game fights due to his kit, as he can play both aggressively and defensively at the same time. His ability to negate damage will be the final nail on the coffin of his enemies during this phase of the game.
Yone is incredibly mobile in the way, but if he uses his E, you can abuse cooldown (after he's returned) to play aggressively and push him down. This will make it harder for him to survive an exchange or come back with you. Avoid running too far when Yone uses his E as he will always return to his original place. Playing as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and hit him down. Try and stay away although he is unable to reach you very easily.
Renekton relies heavily on his cooldowns to get a lead. Whenever his abilities are down, he is not really able to trade as much. Similarly, Renekton needs to play around his Fury bar to get the most damage out during a trade. If he fights without Fury or uses the wrong empowered ability, it can cost him the trade. Avoid using your empowered e if possible. Renekton falls off in the later stages of the game as he no longer has his early game strengths when the game goes longer. Additionally, he is really bad in the later stages of the game if he didn’t get an early lead.
If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them. As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can! Track him with vision and try to counter his ganks. Skarner is a good counter ganker.
Falls off like a truck if the game goes on for too long. During the late game, champions start building defensive items which don’t allow Shaco to immediately assassinate someone. He is quite squishy, and is quite prone to getting killed if CC’d when his Ultimate l is down. He will need to play around this ability in order to succeed. Not a good pick against tanks as it would involve him changing his build and going up close and personal to those tanks. This is not very ideal, especially against experienced players.
Heimerdinger is good at level 1 if he has 3 Turrets Q down. Every time he has 3 Q laps up, he will always be a threat. At level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities. Take care trying to fight him as he could just use any of his abilities to trade with you.
You will want to look for regular exchanges with Warwick. Your W and E should allow you to win fights easily. Once you get your ultimate R, you should be able to all enemies regularly. You can even be able to gank other ways than and when possible. Getting your basic items should allow you to fight much easier and support yourself in the way. Your Q will really be beneficial for you to ensure survival during the biggest fight.
This champion is an early game bully. Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly. Whenever your Ultimate e is up, you can look for aggressive plays to try and kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is a great trading tool which makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks. If you keep pushing when you’re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you’ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
His E is quite short-range that makes it difficult for him to land this clear vision capability. This can hinder his all-in-hand potential. If he uses his W and Q with negligence, then he and his team will be in a really disadvantageous position, and will let themselves down quite easily. His Ultimate R has a very long cooldown and will force him to lose priority almost instantly.
During the mid-game, you will want to switch lanes and use your E with extreme discretion. Also, please make sure that you use it on the proper terrain else you may end up landing right into the enemy team's lap. Getting your core items should help you a lot and will make your Q hit like a truck. Make sure you use it regularly along with your charged attacks. Although you are mobile, make sure that you don't chase an enemy into their Jungle. You are still an ADC and need to help your team win fights rather than chasing with your E.
Another point in his Ultimate a will increase his dueling potential and allow him to be a looming threat all around the map. He will have multip items during this phase of the game. This means he will deal a lot of damage to the enemy, and squishies will have a hard time against him. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means overall increased damage and chasing potential.
Watch your position at all times so it can't put crucial spells on you. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to overtake for the farm. Senna is weak enough early, you might be able to abuse it to gain an early health benefit. But if you can, don't worry. Focus on agriculture early if you can't get killed.
At level 16, Fiora will put the third and final point in her Ultimate R. As she will be grouped during this stage of the game, the large AOE heal will be very helpful for her and her team. Fiora is very good in the late game and as long as she hasn’t fallen behind previously, she should be really good at this stage of the game. A full-build Fiora is nothing to be messed with. The more items and the more gold that is funnelled into you- the higher your chances are of winning.
At level 6, Teemo’s pressure increases thanks to his Ultimate t giving him extra damage and the ability to place Mushrooms t all around the map. The more ability haste Teemo buys, the more Shrooms t he can place around on the map. Try to take unorthodox pathing to prevent walking through them. Nashor’s Tooth is a core item for Teemo. It gives him lots of additional stats- which makes him more of a threat.
Corkis b has enough cooling time. This can make him very vulnerable while he is on the cooling. You have to play safer after using it, and avoid using it aggressively if the enemy Jungler is nearby. Presses heavily on the mana for poke and push. Even if his Ultimate e does not cost a lot of mana, he can run low on mana quickly if he is constantly using his b and Ultimate e together. When he is out of mana, he is not a threat and he can neither use his b to escape. Corki is a squishy champion. This makes it difficult for him to survive the phases of laning against the champions with a lot of damage and poke.
You should be able to slice through the entire enemy team like a hot butter knife. Just make sure that you don't get mistaken and that you're taken out while doing this, however. You can work with your team to get choices in the enemy jungle, but you should try your best to be in a side lane and drive out negligent enemies who decide to cultivate the side wave. Getting a defensive element should help you increase your survival against bursting damage and assassination attempts. Use your ultimate Invisibility n wisely as well as well as because it can bamboozle enemies quite easily if used correctly.
Another point in his Ultimate n will increase his overall damage and allow him to squabble more effectively. Team fighting will be a breeze for him. The first ability will be maximized to level 9. This will help him to reduce a lot of damage to enemies that he manages to get his hands on. During this phase of the game, several articles will allow him to flatten a lot of damage while surviving fights with ease.
Milio is the king of disengage and anti-engage. His Ultimate can protect his whole team versus engage and CC tools. Milio also has a lot of utility tools. He has a heal, CC and shields! His Q has good poke and CC which will come in handy when poking the enemy. This mixed with his auto-attacks can offer him a lot of damage in lane.
Gwen will be stronger when she has 4 piles on her Passive. Avoid committing to fight when she has maximum piles. When Gwen unlocks her Ultimate R, she will be much stronger and her trading power increases considerably. Extended trades will always work in her favor, especially once she's finished one or two items.
Akshan can look for an early aggressive play once he unlocks both his Q and his E. He can look for an aggressive play if he has been able to bully the enemy down at level 1. One Akshan has backed and picked up his first component item, his damage output and ability to trade increases. He should look for aggressive plays once he has brought his first component item. Level 6 is good for Akshan. This is because he unlocks his Ultimate. It can help him secure kills and execute the enemy laner.
Akshan can look for an early aggressive game once he unlocks his Q and E. He can look for an aggressive game if he has been able to intimidate the enemy down to level 1. One Akshan has supported and recovered his first component element, his release of damage and his ability to trade increases. He should look for aggressive games once he has brought his first component element. Level 6 is good for Akshan. That's because he unlocks his Ultimate. He can help him kill and execute the enemy lantern.
Harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with your W and Q. Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get kills. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead. Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the objective to make it easier to secure the mid lane tower. Whenever your Ultimate R is up, try to use it on the enemy lakers to get their health low. Ideally, poke them down first before using it to make it easier for you to kill the enemy.
Level 11 is not a massive spike as it gives only a measly increase in the ability's damage. That being said, the lower cooldown certainly helps. Pantheon is pretty decent during the mid-game. This is because he can dish out a lot of damage in a short time and can secure picks all around the map. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means he can deal a massive amount of burst damage to any enemy he gets too close to.
Pay close attention to your positioning when you want to harass Thresh. Stand behind minions to block his Q (Death Sentence) skillshot, making it more difficult for him to engage or initiate trades. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map provides better gank opportunities for your jungler. It forces Thresh and his ADC to overextend, making them more vulnerable to ganks and potential kills. When Thresh goes missing from the lane, immediately ping and communicate with your team. Thresh is known for his roaming potential, so it's crucial to alert your teammates to the potential threat and adjust playstyle accordingly. Avoid getting too close to Thresh, as he can use his E (Flay) to interrupt your movement and CC you. Maintain a safe distance and stand far back to make it easier to dodge his E and Q abilities respectively. Respecting his threat range is essential for your survival.
At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes x around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to the lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there. Avoid standing towards the sides of the lane. It’s better to stand in the middle and follow the line the minions take so it’s impossible for any boxes x he has placed to attack you. If Shaco is doing some funky stuff, it’s probably because he is baiting you into his boxes x! Don’t fall for it as you’ll always come worse off.
Items such as Banshee, Guardian, QSS or ZhonyaS Hurglass are excellent against Annie because they protect you from her damage. If she advances, make sure to invest in one of them. In team fights, don't gather too closely because Tibbers R is an AOE capability that can stun several members of your team if you are grouped together. Stay close, but not very close that she can CC all your team. Lack of mobility and defensive statistics make her difficult to fight. Try to delay team fights as long as you can while you push her down. If she is weak, engage or use her Q or Tibbers R aggressively will be very dangerous for her.
Staying with your team in the late game. Being caught will lead the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron. Avoid getting too far away from them. Protect your allies as much as possible in team fights. Keeping them alive as long as possible while inflicting damage will increase your chances of winning the game. In team fights, use your power d to provide a great shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Q or d, you should try to use your d to help them survive.
Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade. Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line. Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions. Your goal during the laning phase is so to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
Braum's first peak power is when it reaches level 3. When it has access to all its basic capabilities, it can start to be more proactive and have some pressure on the track. Until then, it can't exactly do too much. Braums next significant peak power is once it reaches level 6. Braum's Ultimate r unlocking is very important and once it reaches this peak power, it can start actively searching for all the ins with its ADC. When Braum has upgraded its boots, it can start wandering around the map.
Try to take fights around choke points. This will let you use your e really easily and will increase your overall efficiency during the game. You may have to adjust your gameplay depending on your lead in the game. If you're too far ahead, focus on building damage, else focus on saving your teammates. Be a part of as many neutral objective fights as you can in this phase of the game. It will really help you get more objectives due to how your Ultimate t works.
A fully maxed out Ultimate h will allow Malphite to dish out hefty amounts of burst damage. Enemy squishies will have an obnoxious time in the game. He is solid during late-game fights as his d and Ultimate h will hit like a truck now. All he needs to do is wait for the perfect moment. Depending on which build he goes for, he will either be blowing enemies up all over the map or a reliable front linear for his allies. Regardless, his goal is to get into the enemy backline and separate the front line from the backline.
Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade. Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line. Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions. Your goal during the laning phase is so to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
Nidalee is an early-playing dominant Jungler. Ward's jungle entrances to spot her leaving her jungle to make the glove harder for her. Deeper rooms are preferred against Nidalee as she can use her k to jump on the walls and maneuver around the commonly watched bushes. Keep this in mind when setting up the rooms. Nidalee is easy to kill if the enemy Jungler has not been the kite camps properly. Try and invade and kill early as she doesn't always have a healthy light.
Gwen is perfect during this stage because team fights often happen, which gives him multiple targets to land on his abilities. As a result, she carries tons of damage while healing in a major fight. Gwen will get a massive boost to his combat power at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points. This is very beneficial for his team as this ability causes a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight.
Kassadin will have 2 points in his Ultimate k at level 11. This will reduce the cooling of the ability and allow him to inflict massive amounts of burst damage to the enemy. His first ability will be maximized at level 9, which will give him a boost to his damage. This helps when it comes to managing the ganks and all-in-one. Kassadin will be a monster if he is ahead of objects or kills in this game phase. Otherwise, he will not have much impact on the game.
Continue to regroup with your team and stay close to your support. If you are still too far ahead, the enemy can seek to withdraw. Stay behind your team. Monitor your positioning at all times in the team fights. Try to stay at the maximum possible distance to increase your chances of reducing damage and surviving the team fight. Try to use your e range and the poke of your y to harass the enemy as often as possible before a team fight occurs. Do this without putting you in a bad position if possible.
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them; otherwise, the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Look for picks with your abilities. Picking someone off and then collapsing on them to take them down is an excellent way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for picks on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on you and your allies' positioning. You need to poke the enemy down and delay fights in the late game, but you need to watch your positioning as you move forward to harass. Do not get picked off while trying to harass and poke the enemy down.
Really good burst potential with her entire g, l, Ultimate n combo. This can delete a squishy enemy with ease starting from level six itself. Her e shield is deceptively strong as it can allow her to save all her team members from a lot of poke. This is also applicable when she is Support. Her g can be used to secure picks inside the enemy Jungle or from blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the picked target happens to be the enemy Jungler or the ranged carry.
Can be kited to oblivion, especially when he is against a ranged carry with some form of dash or peel. Misuse of his W can get him killed as it is his only form of damage mitigation. He can’t escape easily if someone all-ins him after he uses this ability. If the enemy is smart, they will avoid grouping up during fights. This will prevent Sett from using his Ultimate R effectively, as he won’t be able to land a lot of damage or slow multiple members of the enemy team.
Seraphine is an easy-to-learn champion. You don't need to spend so much time learning it compared to someone like Akali or Camille. She has a lot of CC thanks to her Passive, E and Ultimate R. She also has a healing and shield with her W. This makes her a great utility champion. Her Ultimate R has the potential to hit the entire enemy team. The more you hit, the more he will go. If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning the team fight.
Try and stick with your Support throughout the mid-game. You’re quite vulnerable and easy to kill if you’re on your own. By staying with your Support, your survivability will increase. Continue picking up farm in the side lanes when no team fights are occurring, but spend as little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items and if you fall behind, it will be unlikely that you’ll be able to dish out damage in fights. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast. Do not fight unless your Ultimate R and Zhonya’s Hourglass is up in the late game. If you look to fight when it’s down, you will be an easy target and die quite fast. If you’re ahead, look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their jungle. Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron.