Once again, when Bard puts another point in his Ultimate R at level 16, he will not necessarily pick up as his Ultimate R does not inflict any damage. But, he will be on a shorter cooldown that can allow him to get choices. In the game very late, his abilities will be on much shorter cooldowns. This is very useful for Bard as he will be able to use his Q several times in a team fight. This alone can win his team the fight or help him peel for his wears. The effects of Bard=s Chimes or Meeps becomes better and better as the game develops.
His early play is quite decent because he can simply go for coherent jobs and return to safety because of his y. He will not take much damage either with the proper use of this ability. The first element is a decent peak because it strengthens his survival and damage. He will help him to take the track easily. Level six is a massive peak because he can now impact team fighting overall. He can also look for flanks and dive the enemy rear line.
She will execute multiple targets with her Ultimate R once it is completely maxed out. This will help her maintain her distance and proc her Passive. At level 13, Jinx will have 2 of her abilities maxed out. This will increase her overall damage and self-peel potential in the game. Jinx is huge during late-game fights if she has her items. Her Passive will let her kite once proc'd, and she will be able to use her range advantage to melt enemy teams.
Lulu's early game can be incredibly hard to play against if you are a melee champion. Opt for support and defensive statistics in the early game. Once Lulu has finished his first element, his protection and shielding ability will increase dramatically. At this stage, she will also make a huge amount of damage during trading. Team fights are where Lulu shines thanks to his E and Ultimate R that can be used on his allies.
After going in with your Ultimate n, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone. Play around your Ultimate n in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate n is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
At level 9, Thresh will have his first ability maxed out. This means that he will be able to secure more picks in a short duration of time. Thresh will have two abilities maxed out at level thirteen. This will bolster his overall all-in potential, making him the primary engager and playmaker for the team. Thresh's main power comes from his ability to pick off champions during the mid-game. This is really important towards winning the game, and he will have an easy time doing it if he roams around a lot.
Destroy his turrets as much as possible with your basic attacks and abilities. Try not to let Heimerdinger get early turret plates and gold by matching his poke and pushing power. Your level 6 is going to be stronger than his. But you need to poke him down first if you want to kill his at level 6. This is going to be a farming/ poke matchup. Focus on poking him down and farming. Just don’t let him poke you back.
The longer the game goes, the stronger Sion will become. Depending on his build path, he will peak at different items. Sion is strong at level 6 as he can quickly gank lanes from out of vision. Deeper vision will be needed to reduce his effectiveness. At level 9, Sion would’ve maxed his Q. His all-in potential and strength when ganking will be very high.
Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast. After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
Nidalee is really good at countering juggling and stealing camps away from the enemy Jungler. This allows him to move forward while putting the enemy behind. Has good objective control. This allows him to secure the Dragon with ease. It can also take the Rift Herald alone and fast! Nidalee is a strong and duellist skirmisher. This makes him a pain to manage for the enemy. As long as it can avoid CC (or wait for the enemy to use a key capability first) and land its s, it should win most of the 1v1s.
Xin Zhao will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. It will allow him to use the ability more often, making it easier for him to convert fights into a 1 v 1 as and when required. His first ability will be maxed out by the time he hits level 9. This is a crucial power spike as it massively increases his damage output and dueling capacity. Xin is excellent in team fights and picking of enemies due to his kit. His Ultimate R will allow him to single out enemies, allowing him to be immune from ranged carries.
Level six is a massive peak of power because it unlocks Lux's 100 to 0 combo. Any enemy who gets caught by its g will be in a world of pain from now on. Its first element will allow it to spam its abilities with a higher frequency, to inflict more damage, and to assert the domination of the way due to its long range. Its early play is not so bright because its damage is not too significant due to any element.
Malphite is at his weakest in the early game. Try to put him behind to delay his next power peak. At level 6, Malphite will get his Ultimate h. It's defensible the biggest power peak for him because it allows him to play more aggressive and start ruining his allies. Team fights are where Malphite really shines like his Ultimate h is an AOE ability and can shoot down several people.
Does not have any form of gank agency so probably will not get a gank during the early match. It is rather weak early as well and is quite useless if the game does not continue for too long. Misuse of his l can have him killed immediately, especially if the enemy is running on their ability to control the main crowd. This can make him a very easy gank target. Wounds grise you are a jerk to his existence, especially if it is acquired early. This weakness can allow his enemy to get a huge advantage over him due to the reduced Q health.
Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can. Post level 3, you’ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar though as you’ll be vulnerable when you’re out of mana. At level 6 your kill pressure increases dramatically. Try to play aggressive and look for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.
Once he uses his W offensively, he won’t have any other form of escape left to him. This leaves him vulnerable to ganks and baits from the enemy team. His Ultimate R does no bonus damage to an enemy target if he misses his abilities on them, or if his entire damage is absorbed by a shield. It becomes hard for him to secure kills later in the game due to every enemy building defensive items and peeling for their carries. Team fights are not his cup of tea and hence he has to resort to split pushing, leaving the enemy team at a numbers advantage.
His boots will give him a massive pick-up that allows him to ride easily, and he can turn between the tracks easily. He can also allow him to set traps for the enemy by recalling early and walking towards the path faster than his enemies. Level 2 and level 3 are important power peaks as it allows Zac to strengthen his all-in-one potential. Both levels add a layer to his all-in-one and CC, which will allow his ADC to follow the whole-in-one with ease. Level 6 is another major pickup because it can allow Zac to massively affect team fighting. He will make neutral objective fighting much easier for him.
His Ultimate R is an excellent tool that can set up his Jungler. It is also a good tool in 2v2 fights. Finally, it is great in team fights because it could potentially hit 5 enemies. Ornn scales incredibly well in the later parts of the game. It is one of the few champions that is relatively good at all stages of the game.
During the half-game, Corki will have finished several articles. He will have a lot of poke during the half-game too. This makes him quite good during this stage of the game. At level 9, Corki will maximize his b. His clear wave and the ability to push the enemy in their turn will be constantly high enough. If he is laning vs. a heavy roam champion, he will force them to stay in their way. At level 11, Corki can put a second point in his ultimate e. This will increase his clear wave and poke.
During the middle of the game, push and apply pressure on the edges of the map while your team exerts pressure elsewhere. Illaoi is very strong in team fighting, so it is recommended that you find opportunities to group with your team. In particular, you are good around the goals and in the jungle.
If you invade Nunu, don't fight it when it's near a jungle camp because it can use Q to gain a health benefit. Ideally, fight it when it's in the river or not near a camp. Nunu can easily solo the Dragon on level 4 and after. Be ready for that by keeping the Dragon at all times and always taking the lower side Crab Scuttle. At level 6, Nunu can channel his R. When he does, make sure you cancel it or interrupt it. If you can interrupt his channel early, his R won't do much damage and it could save you or your allies. Cancel his R with CC.
Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important for him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should’ve completed an item or two. His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game, teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool.
If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your lead quite quickly. Every time your Ultimate e is up, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you keep pushing when you are not forward, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you will be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team. Delay team fights while you dish out damage with your basic combos. Make sure you try to stay safe in team fights by watching your positioning and avoid overextending too much. Ryze in the late game deals a lot of burst damage. Hide in high traffic areas if you’re ahead and look to blow someone up.
When your team isn’t looking to fight, split push and apply pressure elsewhere on the map. Avoid team fighting during the mid-game unless you have your Ultimate R up. When it’s on cooldown, you’ll miss out on a lot of sustain and damage, so you must play around with this abilities cooldown. In mid-game team fights, look for picks by flanking the enemy backline. If you can get on to an enemy carry, you will increase your chances of winning a fight.
Very vulnerable when his E is down. This can allow the enemy of everything in him and kill him quite easily during the early match. His ultimate positioning R can have him killed if his team does not follow him. Moreover, going too deep without any assistance can also have him killed. Pantheon loses most of the levels 6 all-in against the champions with strong damaging Ultimates. This will make his level 6 peak power much weaker compared to many champions.
Lissandra is really good in team fights as you can flank the enemy from the side with your E. She has incredible gank set up throughout the laning phase thanks to her W and her R. This makes her a formidable opponent against squishy champions. Your wave clear is incredibly strong and you can clear waves fast. You can then use your lane priority to roam with ease.
His tankiness will be on another level during this phase of the game. Combined with his W and Q, that will make it really hard for the enemy to kill him. Another point in his Ultimate R will increase the shield amount and reduce the ability's cooldown. Both of them are beneficial to Shen and his team. Shen is extremely decent in team fights. He can easily CC multiple enemies with his E > Flash combo and immediately defend his carries with his Ultimate R, Q, and W.
Later the game goes, the stronger Nasus will be. The more piles he has on his Q, the stronger he will be. At level 16, Nasus will put the final point in his Ultimate R. The additional statistics he gets from this ability will be incredibly useful in team fights and he will remain alive for a long period of time. His main peak of power is during this phase of the game, as he will have several articles, several piles, and will be able to openly select all enemy champions at his will.
Rakan has a great mobility thanks to the articles he picks up and his E, W and R. His mobility is dramatically increased when the language with Xayah. You have a great Ultimate R that is incredibly impacted in the team fights. If you are able to charm the entire enemy team, you will provide valuable time for your team to inflict damage and win the fight. Rakan is a great traveling champion.
Syndra is really potent during the mid-game as she can dish out a lot of damage to squishy enemies. She can easily set up death brushes as well. Multiple points in her Ultimate R will allow her to blow off enemies with ease. Enemy squishies will have a tough time dealing with Syndra. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9, and she will be dishing out a lot of damage consistently. She can also deal a lot of damage if she is sitting somewhere out of vision.
His first power peak is when he gets his first component element because it increases the damage output of his Q and E. Once you hit Level 6, Rumble will unlock his Ultimate. This ability allows him to inflict additional damage and adds the pressure to kill. He is not the strongest champion at Levels 1 and 2, but he can start trading more successfully after Level 3.
Sett is a strong early game ganker. Expect him to gank every lane in the early game to get himself and his allies ahead. Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases again and he’ll look to gank whenever his Ultimate R is up. Sett is good at picking off champions in the mid-game. Make sure you’re never too far forward as he may try to catch you out of position with his E.
This can also allow it to go up to all enemies once they are low enough after taking the Poke Ezreal Dam has to offer. Its Ultimate R has a very short cooldown and can be used freely during early play to wave. This is very useful when it tries to clear the wave quickly in order to get a reminder. Ezreal="E allows it to exit sticky situations with ease and makes it one of the safest ADCs in the game. It can also buffer it in response to the CC capabilities that will allow it to avoid following CC if it manages to get the initial CC capability.
Once Kennen has multiple items, he will be able to single-handedly turn the game's tide. His poke damage will be enough to two-shot squishy carries. When his Ultimate m gets maxed out, he will be dishing out a truckload of damage. Now Kennen will just have to rely on flanks and the fog of war to set up a good fight. Late game team fights are often decided in the neutral objective pits while taking an objective. Kennen's Ultimate m will come in very handy during this stage and let him win his team's game.
The second point in his Ultimate R will increase the shield amount and reduce the ability's cooldown. Both of them are beneficial to Shen and his team. His tankiness will be prominent during this phase of the game. Combined with his W and Q, that will make it really hard for the enemy to kill him. Level 9 is when his first ability will get maxed. This will let him deal a lot of damage to enemies he has managed to catch. It will also allow him to negate damage from the enemy team while dealing a decent amount of damage in return.
Try to stay closely together as a team when she plays against Camille so that it is very difficult for her to engage. Camille will want to lock an isolated target with her Ultimate R, but by standing close to him, this will reduce her ability to do so. Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets that are isolated by walking around the map. Stay with your team to reduce Camille's assassination attempts. In addition to regrouping closely, Camille cannot easily run back to the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank the side.
At level 6, Vex will unlock her Ultimate R. Her kill pressure and pick pressure increase dramatically at this stage of the game. The more gold Vex gets under her belt, the stronger she will be. Respect her damage output after she has picked up her first component item. When Vex completes her Mythic item, her wave clear and poke in lane will become devastating. Watch your positioning and stay out of the minion wave.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not be in combat unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. However, you will rely on your Support to do heavy lifting early. After destroying the lower track tower, turn to the middle track and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a golden lead.
Even if his ultimate e does not cost much mana, he can run low on mana quickly if he is constantly using his b and Ultimate e together. When he is out of mana, he is not a threat and nor can he use his b to escape. Corki is a squishy champion. This makes it difficult for him to survive the phases of laning against champions with a lot of brilliant damage and poke. Compared to other ADC, Corkis mobility tool b has a very long time cooling early.
Look to take down the enemy carries. Focus the backline and try to take them out of the fight. Focus them with your other frontline champions. As you’re the Jungler, you need to make sure you’re always alive in the late game. If you die before a major objective spawns, the enemy will be able to take it. Make sure you are always on the side of the map that the next major objective is on. If the Baron is up, always stay on the top side. If you go bot and show yourself, the enemy will take the objective for free.
After your bot track has turned towards the middle lane, go to the side lane and start cultivating and winning XP there. You can look at 1v1 any enemy who tries to stop you. Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early killing could snowball the way strongly in your favor. Once you are level 6, look for more aggressive play. Your ultimate R is an excellent escarment tool and you can get early murders with it.
Your r will hit like a truck and will allow you to quickly take neutral goals. Take all the goals of the map and do nothing that could have the chance to get you killed. Get a defensive element when possible. This should help a lot if you manage to take a bad step during a major skirmish. Enter only when the enemy has used all the primary forms of CC. You will be a prime target for the assassins, so make sure you are careful during the fighting. Also, use your W carefully to cover your flanks when you are lucky to do so.
His Passive allows him to blow up the squishies with ease. This allows him to get a huge advance early and then capitalize on her, and finish the game before the key enemies come online. The CC extension tracking on his kit with his W and E is really strong. That's what makes him really good with champions who have hard CC or slowed down in their arsenal. He can continue to make regular short trades with his self-attacks and Q. This will allow him to soften his target without the help of his Support, and once they are low enough, he can all.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not be in combat unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive games. You enjoy extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the card throughout the early game. This is the best place for the wave to be as it offers you tons of extra protection.
His mid-game is decent as he will have his core items, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage. All Brand needs to do is hit his abilities on enemies during a fight. Brand should melt through neutral objectives and enemy champions alike. Hence taking fights around neutral objectives will be a thing Brand should follow. His ability to cause mayhem with his Ultimate R will really help him. Brand should be taking care of his positioning during this phase of the game. He will be a prime target to be CC'd and picked off by the enemy team, so he should work with his Support or tankier teammates to set vision around the map.
During the fighting, use the fog of the war to get closer to your enemy and then use your Ultimate R at the right time to completely dismantle the enemy team. If the enemy team is heavy on CC, you will want to make sure that you do nothing rash and stack the tenacity when you get the chance. This will allow you to do much more in the fighting. Neutral Objective combats should be easy enough to manage if you use your Ultimate R correctly. It is on a very short cooling time, so you will be able to use it quite frequently.
Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before trying to fight. Bursting someone with some Q.S. and your R will allow you to force a team fight with numbers or health advantage. Avoid using your E aggressively in the end-of-game fights that you will be vulnerable briefly. Use it only aggressively if you are 100% sure you can not be abused for it. Stick with your team and avoid walking too far from them. If you are caught out, your team will lose on a lot of damage in a team fight, and that would be your fault.
Jayce won't be spiking too hard at level 11 because it won't be giving him as much stats or utility as most other champions' ultimates. It will definitely allow him to increase his overall burst damage, though. Once he maxes his s at level nine, he will be able to dish out a lot of damage. This is especially true if Jayce hides in the fog of war and manages to burst down an unsuspecting squishy enemy with his w > s combo. Jayce's poke is directly proportional to the number of items and components he has at that time. Due to his ranged stance, he can quickly go for short burst trades where Jayce is guaranteed to come out on top if he spaces well.
Always keep an eye on what Ultimate Sylas has. If her Ultimate R is a very strong Ultimate combat team, try to wait for it to cool down before forcing a fight. Look at the flanks as Sylas will often try to flank a combat team with her E to get started. Make sure no one in your team is standing too much before or out of position as it can allow Sylas to choose them with her E and start the team fight.
Irelia’s early game is strong. Look for plays to get an early kill on the enemy laner. If you can get one kill or get an early health lead, you’re going to have an easier time during the laning phase. Once you’re level 6, play aggressive and look for a kill. You should try to get them low before committing to the all-in, but it should be plain sailing. Remember your Q will reset if you use it on a low health minion. Keep a constant eye on the minion wave and look for these aggressive plays.
Level six is a decent power spike for Trundle as he can now take duels and them easily. It will also let him affect team fights massively. He isn't powerful during the early game, so he should aim at taking short burst trades when possible and retreat quickly using his e and e. The first component will allow him to survive fights and dish out a lot of damage during duels. He should be able to take frequent fights now.
To make it difficult for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure to be behind at least 1 minion so that he can not land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to reach you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. A lot of Sylas damage is inflicted when it is on you. Try to stay within the maximum range as much as possible to make it harder to reach you. Sylas really has good card pressure and can err with ease. If he has left the track and started wandering, communicate with your team and push it in to deny him gold and XP.
Can be kited to oblivion, especially when he is against a ranged carry with some form or dash or peel. Misuse of his W can get him killed as it is his only form of damage mitigation. He can’t escape easily if someone all-ins him after he uses this ability. If the enemy is smart, they will avoid grouping up during fights. This will prevent Sett from using his Ultimate R effectively, as he won’t be able to land a lot of damage or slow multiple members of the enemy team.
Yuumi is strong once she has finished her first article. In this team, her exit of healing and damage will increase. Once Yuumi is level 6 and when she unlocks her Ultimate R, her pressure of death increases, but also her survival in the way. Team fighting is good for Yuumi as she can empower her carriers.
When there are no team fights, go to a side track and focus on agriculture and win XP and gold. In team fights, try to flank the enemy. This will increase your chances of getting a good R Ultimate.
Play around your ultimate e in the late game. It deals tons of damage and you need it to be up before you engage in a fight. Stay with your team in the game late. Get caught will give your team to have to play 4v5. As you are the Jungler after all, if you die when the Baron is up, the enemy will take it for free. Rush goals as soon as they scare. You should be able to quickly take them through your 1.
Multiple points in his Ultimate R will allow him to take over fights much easily. His damage output will be pretty phenomenal as well. His mid-game presence and fighting style is really great. He can zone off enemies and separate the enemy front line from the backline. He can also pick off-targets. The first ability will be maxed at level 9, adding a lot of burst damage to his kit. It helps Swain get rid of squishy targets quickly.
Once Gragas reaches level 16, he will have his Ultimate R maximd out. This will give him a massive increase in damage, and the low cooling combined with the return to normal will help him to choose high priority targets. Gragas will either be extraordinarily charent or a glass cannon depending on the landing of his combo depending on the construction. As Jungler, Gragas will mainly be the last, so his main goal will be to blow up the enemy rear line when he gets lucky. His dash and Ultimate R Compilent for a significant amount of peel for his carts. If he goes for the road to build the tank, he will successfully absorb a lot of damage for his team while his team follows the Gragas commitment.
He can easily start pulling people once he manages to get his first element. Extremely powerful when he fights in closed spaces as he can easily land his e and r on several targets while the crowd controlling them with his n. Very high potential to set up gank with his n. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early lead, which will be pretty devastating for the enemy team.
The 2 points in his Ultimate R will give him another significant peak of power. This will allow him to get rid of a lot of damage. His first ability will be maximized to level 9. This will allow him to poke his enemies with ease and allow him to clear the waves quickly. His 2nd power is where the real peak of power is triggered. It will get added effects, and consecutively self-attack will allow him to melt through the enemies.
Hard engage is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase. But you’ll need to wait for him to use his E if your CC is a skill shot. Ezreals poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q’s to the face. Ensure you’re always stood behind the minion wave at all times. In team fights, you mustn’t let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage. If he’s isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal.
At level 16, Akali will have 3 points in her Ultimate She will be able to bring a lot of damage to anyone she contacts. Your Ultimate will also be on a lower cooldown, which is very beneficial. At this stage of the game, Akali would be close to max build. Unloading an E on an enemy squissy champion should lead to an easy murder. This murder could result in either the Baron or a favorable forced fight 5v4. Akali falls into the later parts of the game that the teams begin to group. Akali is at its strongest in split fighting or peaks rather than the 5v5 right. Moreover, the enemy should start buying defensive items, which will make it harder for them to remove them.
Qiyana’s team fight presence is huge. Spread out and do not fight in choke points like inside the jungle or under a Tower to reduce her usefulness. Split pushing could be a good way to counter Qiyana’s R, but ensure that the players who are facing her do not get caught out by her R as she will usually use it to start the team fight. Burst damage is one of the biggest problems Qiyana faces because she doesn’t always buy defensive items. As soon as she uses her E aggressively, burst her down.
He can easily start pulling people once he manages to get his first element. Extremely powerful when he fights in closed spaces as he can easily land his e and r on several targets while the crowd controlling them with his n. Very high potential to set up gank with his n. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early lead, which will be pretty devastating for the enemy team.
Once Taric gets 3 points in his Ultimate R, he will have a very easy time fighting with enemies. The short period of invulnerability can easily win Taric's team. Taric is pretty decent in the team fights. It is mainly because of his Ultimate R, which allows him to defend high priority targets while the enemy team takes damage. Taric is also quite tanky during this phase of the game because he will have a lot of articles now.
Getting 2 points in her Ultimate R will give her another significant power spike. This will empower her and will allow her to dish out a lot of damage. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will allow her to poke her enemies with ease and will let her clear waves quickly. Her 2nd empowerment is where the real power spike kicks in. She will get added effects, and consecutively auto-attacking will allow her to melt through enemies.
You can use track brushes fairly liberally for this purpose. Your n will be your best friend in the way if you're dealing with an early tank. Make sure you spare him from moving away from the enemy if they manage to land their CC on you. Getting your Ultimate n will help you a lot and will allow you to pass through tanks quite easily. Just make sure that your positioning is correct.
Cassiopeia’s Ultimate R is a great tool in team fights. Hitting 5 champions at once is a sure-fire way of winning the team fight. She deals a lot of damage in extended trades as long as she lands her Q. She needs to make sure she keeps an eye on her mana pool though so she doesn’t run out of mana. Cassiopeia can often get early kills in lane with a level 2 all-in. Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her.
It can almost fool anyone during this phase of the game. The only thing Camille should be careful about is its use E. Disappeared it will probably end with her being beheaded massively. Camille should try to focus on the enemy backline and zone them from the enemy frontline whenever possible. Choosing the enemy Support should be quite easy because they will focus on the guard around the card. Her Ultimate R will be the icing on the cake during this phase of the game. It can easily allow her to separate one of the enemy champions from their team, allowing her teammates to collapse immediately on them.
Fizz has a good pressure to kill on level 3 and 4. Respect his all-in and try to make him fall before he has the chance to play aggressive. Fizz's Playful / Trickster E allows him to avoid damage and escape from the trades. Do not go for all-in unless he has already used this ability in advance so that you are guaranteed to hit your abilities on him. Keep an eye on your XP bar between levels 5 and 6. If you think Fizz will hit level 6 first, try to stay at maximum distance and play safer.
Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will help reduce Xin Zhao’s kill pressure in lane and increase your chances of surviving in bad matchups. Investing in healing reduction will help you a ton against Xin Zhao as he tends to have a lot of sustain in lane and throughout the game. Xin Zhao is strong in the early game. Expect him to go for aggressive plays in attempts to get an early lead.
Viego can steal the lives of his enemies which can allow him to escape danger. As he becomes untargetable, it can allow him to dodge incoming damage. Viego is a fun and rewarding champion to play thanks to his Passive and his Ultimate R. Expect yourself to get hooked on him quite quickly. Viego has a high skill ceiling. This means the more effort you put into him, the better you will be at him. Keep playing him and see yourself skyrocket in the ranks
His e, when combined with his s attack speed increase is a force to be reckoned with. He can get multiple early kills with this combo (and a decent Support if he is ADC). When in the Jungle, the Red Buff can amplify the effects of this combo. His Ultimate c and his Passive allows him to shred through the enemy team with ease when they happen to be grouped together. This gives him a very strong advantage in choke points. He can use his s to scout around and set vision for his team as well. Besides that, his k allows for some crowd control set-up for his team which they can follow up on.
Your work will be just like a support during this phase of the game. Stay close to your carriers and participate in every team fight that happens on the map. Using your Ultimate R during neutral objective fights will be the difference between a win and a defeat. A good time to use it will be before a Major Smit fight. During team fights, make sure you stay with your backline at all times. The only time you can go forward is when you try to use your E.
Keep going for short burst trades with your Q in this matchup but don't use your E too freely. It can be used to bait Warwick under your tower. Your W will help you a lot in this matchup. Make sure you drop it on him when his E is active and he is running at you. Also, do not stay in the lane with low health. Get some Grievous Wounds quickly in this matchup. It will let you balance the duels that happen in the top lane. Keep the wave close to your tower and ask your Jungler to gank you regularly. Also, ensure that you tell the Jungler to be on high HP else Warwick will see the gank coming.
Once Kai'Sa has obtained three points in her Ultimate R, she will have a massive shield and will be able to reposition herself instantly if things go wrong during the fights. She will have a lot of enhanced capabilities during this phase of the game. This means that her damage output, as well as her defensive capacity, will be really high. At level 13, she will have two fully maximized capabilities. This means that her damage output with her Q, and her peeling potential with her E will be massive.
Its level 2 is quite an essential powerpike as it can now look for all-in and knockup enemies with ease. The use of track brushes for this purpose only amplifies the effect. Level 6 is another important power peak as it allows Jarvan to add another layer to its all-in combo. It can also separate someone from their team and can easily choose targets. Jarvan is quite oppressive in the track. Its all-out threat is sufficient to keep enemies at hand, and keeping track brushes down will allow Jarvan to catch the out-of-guard enemy with ease.
Lillia is very fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes it difficult to catch her out of position. It will also allow you to avoid skill shots and CC. Unlike many AP champions, Lillia can launch and start a team fight if she can catch several enemies out of position with her E. Ping once you activate your Ultimate R so your team knows you want to enter. It is possible that you are able to put the entire enemy team to sleep with your Ultimate R. This will increase the chances of your winning team. Try to apply your Ultimate R to as many champions as possible.
Taliyah will want to delay a team's fight as long as possible while pushing you with its Q. Try and force a fight as soon as you spot it. Avoid separating and playing alone. Taliyahs Ultimate R will allow it to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance. Do not push too far forward if you don't have anyone nearby. Taliyah has good potential with its C. If you don't know where Taliyah is in the middle of the game, don't walk around Summoners Rift alone and avoid areas with no vision that it might be looking for a surprise attack.
Level 6 is a massive power peak because it offers a lot of pressure because its Ultimate r does a lot of damage to enemies swallowed by it. Its W will allow it to exert a lot of pressure on the map as well. This means that it can try everything in the enemy on its own now. Level 3 is another important power peak as it gives it access to all its basic capabilities. This means that it can do much more in the track while using track brushes. Unfortunately, it will not be able to use its Passive quite well, however.
Up until level 6, look to play safe and farm as much as you can. Once you’ve got enough gold for Tear, recall so you can start stacking the item. As soon as you hit level 6, use your Ultimate m on the minion wave to keep it pushed into the enemies tower while remaining safe. Keep a constant eye on your mana bar regardless of how fast or slow you're pushing the wave. If you’re out of mana, you’re no threat to the enemy.
Rell's level 11 is a decent powerspike due to her being able to put 2 points in her Ultimate R. She will be able to use the ability to pull off successful all-ins frequently now. Her pick potential will be really high during this phase of the game. This is especially true if Rell works with her Jungler to set up death brushes in the enemy jungle. Rell's team fight presence will be felt across the board due to her t and Ultimate R. She can quickly get a multi-man stun off using her all-in combo.
Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage. If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron. Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate e} up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.
Morgana is good at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Until then, her kill pressure isn’t the best, but it does increase once this ability is unlocked. Once Morgana has Zhonya’s Hourglass, her survivability in team fights will increase. Try and fight her when her Zhonya’s is down so she is unable to defend herself. Whenever Morgana has her Blackshield E available, her protection increases dramatically and it will be difficult for you to kill her or the ADC when she can block CC. Try to fight when this ability is down.
If you’re ever invading him, ensure he doesn’t have many Q stacks. If he does, expect a lot of damage coming your way. Don’t let the enemy Jungler get all the Dragons. Try to secure them with your team after ganking the bottom lane. Beware of Hecarim's early game invading potential. They can invade you often, so you must be ready. Pay attention to what's happening on the map at all times. Beware of Hecarim's early game pressure. They’re much stronger than you and will try to make plays to get themselves and their teammates ahead.
Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure you try to exploit your early advantage. Look to secure objectives as often as possible. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along. Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank.
Syndra is really powerful during the middle of the game because it can dry a lot of damage to the squishy enemies. It can easily set up death brushes as well. Several points in its Ultimate R will allow it to explode enemies with ease. Enemy squishies will have a difficult time to deal with Syndra. Its first ability will be maximized at level 9, and it will dry a lot of damage regularly. It can also inflict a lot of damage if it is sitting somewhere out of sight.
Putting 3 points in his Ultimate h will be the final nail in the coffin of the enemy team. They won't be able to do anything about the low cooldown of his Ultimate h. Malphite is quite decent in late-game team fights. This is because his Ultimate h will almost always be up, and he can easily use the fog of war to get to his enemies. He has a lot of versatility in his kit, which allows him to be an unkillable juggernaut or a glass cannon who excels at one-shooting the enemy. The game state will dictate the optimum path for his team, but it is always better to go for a full AP build when the enemy is filled with squishy and ranged carries.
Yone will get two points into his Ultimate R at level 11, which will be a massive power spike for him. This is mainly because he can easily pick off enemies during this game phase, especially from the fog of war. At level 9, Yone will have his first ability maxed out. This means that his trades will improve significantly, and he will quickly snowball the game if he manages to get some kills early on. Yone is really good during team fights as he can pick multiple targets off with his Ultimate R. This will make it very important for the enemy to keep an eye on him, else he can easily Ultimate R multiple people from the fog of war.
Karma's d will be maxed out at level 13. This means that she will be able to peel her teammates with ease and keep them out of troubles way. Karma will have multiple items completed during this stage of the game. This will allow her to dish out a lot of damage while peeling for her carries at the same time. Her damage output will be really high during the late game, which will allow her to poke enemies out relentlessly. She will make team fights really unfair for the enemy, especially around choke points.
Relies heavily on mana to poke and push. Even though his Ultimate e doesn’t cost a lot of mana, he can run low on mana quickly if he is constantly using his b and Ultimate e together. When he is out of mana, he isn’t a threat and neither can he use his b to escape. Corki is a squishy champion. This makes it hard for him to survive the laning phases against champions with a lot of burst damage and poke. Compared to other ADCs, Corki’s mobility tool b has a really long cooldown early. Only use it aggressively if the enemy Support has CC tools on cooldown, or else you’ll be over extended and easily killed.
Keep them guarded so that you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not caught out. Being caught will lead your team to play 4v5. Do not keep alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keep them alive as long as possible in the team fights is a must to win the game.
Always try Ultimate e Taliyah as it will make her kill easily. It can't do much once CC'd and Deleted at the same time. Remember that Taliyah will certainly get a defensive element to counter your damage and all-in. You'll have to lure her before looking for a full blow all over her, otherwise you'll definitely end up dying. Taliyah will concentrate to counter a lot of gank in this matchup. This means that when you go for an all-in, use your dash with extreme discretion. It's important to keep an eye on Taliyah's location in this matchup, otherwise she can easily interrupt or initiate a gank using her Ultimate R.
Its Q alone can force the enemy to remember at the base if it continues to be labelled by it. Can move enemy units in its E using its W. This can act as a really good finishing movement against weak enemies, or it can be used to fire an escape when necessary. Is a threat to remember against as a bad reminder can allow it to take the enemy tower very quickly due to its Passive and W.
If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your lead quite quickly. Every time your Ultimate e is up, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you keep pushing when you are not forward, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you will be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
When Ekko reaches level 3, he can start looking for aggressive parts as he would have unlocked the 3 of his basic abilities. Until then, he can fight, but he will probably not gain any significant advantage. As Ekko can do a lot of burst damage, once he has finished his Mythic article, his death pressure gets intensified. At level 6, Ekko becomes an incredible threat. He can go for risky parts and use his Ultimate R to escape. His Ultimate R can also be used aggressively, making it incredibly versatile.
Use your Q to frequently poke Nasus in this matchup. This will help you to reduce his stacking mechanic and make it easier for you to take him down. When possible, try to engage on Nasus when his W is on cooldown. This will reduce his ability to slow you down, allowing you to deal more damage and increase your chances of taking him down. Your ultimate can be a key tool in this matchup. Consider using it to interrupt Nasus' ultimate and disrupt his damage output. This can be a pivotal moment in the fight and help turn it in your favor. Building armor items is important in this matchup. It will help you to reduce the amount of damage Nasus can do to you with his physical damage, increasing your chances of surviving and engaging in team fights. This will also make it easier for you to control the pace of the game.
Although you can activate your W while you're in her W (Miasma), if your champion model is within the W you will not be knocked away and the ability will still be used if you try to use it on yourself. Use it on her to knock her away instead. Cassiopeia can farm easily under her turret, and although Cassiopeia doesn't have any set up CC, she can follow up and be very successful with ganks with her W. This gives you good reason to freeze the wave as best you can and ask for ganks to abuse her poor early game. Cassiopeia needs to land multiple E’s (Twin Fangs) after her Q (Noxious Blast) or W to deal heavy damage, you should be able to knock her away with your W to dissuade her aggression, or with a well placed E. Cassiopeia at level 6 becomes very strong, but her Ultimate R will only stun you if you're facing towards her. Turn yourself around after you use abilities and try to put yourself in her shoes, and think of when you would use it if you were her.
He will now have his core of objects, which means that he will have a lot of mana and spam his Q and W. Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to make frequent use of capacity and make crucial choices. His silence will also be invaluable. Malzahar is pretty good during team fighting as he can silence enemies and can lock high priority targets without effort.