{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 that is encoded in the genome of mouse.", "id": "ADPRibosylCyclaseCyclicADPRiboseHydrolase1_mouse_", "label": "ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 (mouse)", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "PR:P56528", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "OnlyInTaxon", "target": "MusMusculus" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ADPRibosylCyclaseCyclicADPRiboseHydrolase1" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "MusMusculusProtein" } ] }
{ "document": "ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 (mouse) An ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 that is encoded in the genome of mouse. [{'predicate': 'OnlyInTaxon', 'target': 'MusMusculus'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ADPRibosylCyclaseCyclicADPRiboseHydrolase1'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'MusMusculusProtein'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An agonist that selectively binds to and activates AMPA receptors.", "id": "AMPAReceptorAgonist", "label": "AMPA receptor agonist", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "CHEBI:64102", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Agonist" } ] }
{ "document": "AMPA receptor agonist An agonist that selectively binds to and activates AMPA receptors. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Agonist'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Use of a drug that selectively binds to and activates AMPA receptors.", "id": "AMPAReceptorAgonistTherapy", "label": "AMPA receptor agonist therapy", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0000662", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Pharmacotherapy" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AMPATargetingAgentTherapy" } ] }
{ "document": "AMPA receptor agonist therapy Use of a drug that selectively binds to and activates AMPA receptors. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Pharmacotherapy'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AMPATargetingAgentTherapy'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An antagonist at the AMPA receptor.", "id": "AMPAReceptorAntagonist", "label": "AMPA receptor antagonist", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "CHEBI:71014", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Antagonist" } ] }
{ "document": "AMPA receptor antagonist An antagonist at the AMPA receptor. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Antagonist'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Use of a drug that selectively binds to and inhibits AMPA receptors.", "id": "AMPAReceptorAntagonistTherapy", "label": "AMPA receptor antagonist therapy", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0000663", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Pharmacotherapy" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ReceptorAntagonistTherapy" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AMPATargetingAgentTherapy" } ] }
{ "document": "AMPA receptor antagonist therapy Use of a drug that selectively binds to and inhibits AMPA receptors. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Pharmacotherapy'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ReceptorAntagonistTherapy'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AMPATargetingAgentTherapy'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Treatment with an agent which regulates AMPA recepter signaling.", "id": "AMPATargetingAgentTherapy", "label": "AMPA-targeting agent therapy", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0000659", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "GlutamatergicPathwayModifyingAgentTherapy" } ] }
{ "document": "AMPA-targeting agent therapy Treatment with an agent which regulates AMPA recepter signaling. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'GlutamatergicPathwayModifyingAgentTherapy'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "ATetracyclineZwitterion", "label": "a tetracycline zwitterion", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "CHEBI:144644", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Tetracyclines" } ] }
{ "document": "a tetracycline zwitterion None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Tetracyclines'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "A_PrimaryFoodCommoditiesOfPlantOrigin_ccpr_", "label": "a. primary food commodities of plant origin (ccpr)", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "FOODON:03400644", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "CodexAlimentariusClassificationOfFoodAndFeedCommodities" } ] }
{ "document": "a. primary food commodities of plant origin (ccpr) None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'CodexAlimentariusClassificationOfFoodAndFeedCommodities'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "Abbreviation", "label": "abbreviation", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "obo:maxo#ABBREVIATION", "relationships": null }
{ "document": "abbreviation None None" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "Abbreviation_obo:uberon/core#ABBREVIATION", "label": "abbreviation", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "obo:uberon/core#ABBREVIATION", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subPropertyOf", "target": "oio:SynonymTypeProperty" } ] }
{ "document": "abbreviation None [{'predicate': 'subPropertyOf', 'target': 'oio:SynonymTypeProperty'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The subdivision of the vertebrate body between the thorax and pelvis. The ventral part of the abdomen contains the abdominal cavity and visceral organs. The dorsal part includes the abdominal section of the vertebral column.", "id": "Abdomen", "label": "abdomen", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0000916", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "OnlyInTaxon", "target": "Vertebrata_vertebrates_" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SubdivisionOfTrunk" } ] }
{ "document": "abdomen The subdivision of the vertebrate body between the thorax and pelvis. The ventral part of the abdomen contains the abdominal cavity and visceral organs. The dorsal part includes the abdominal section of the vertebral column. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'OnlyInTaxon', 'target': 'Vertebrata_vertebrates_'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SubdivisionOfTrunk'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A blood vessel that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdomenBloodVessel", "label": "abdomen blood vessel", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003497", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "BloodVessel" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentBloodVessel" } ] }
{ "document": "abdomen blood vessel A blood vessel that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'BloodVessel'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentBloodVessel'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A portion of connective tissue that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdomenConnectiveTissue", "label": "abdomen connective tissue", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003567", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ConnectiveTissue" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentConnectiveTissue" } ] }
{ "document": "abdomen connective tissue A portion of connective tissue that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ConnectiveTissue'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentConnectiveTissue'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An organ or element that is in the abdomen. Examples: spleen, intestine, kidney, abdominal mammary gland.", "id": "AbdomenElement", "label": "abdomen element", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0005172", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Organ" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentElement" } ] }
{ "document": "abdomen element An organ or element that is in the abdomen. Examples: spleen, intestine, kidney, abdominal mammary gland. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Organ'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentElement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Set of all muscles in abdomen.", "id": "AbdomenMusculature", "label": "abdomen musculature", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0002343", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Musculature" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "MusculatureOfTrunk" } ] }
{ "document": "abdomen musculature Set of all muscles in abdomen. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Musculature'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'MusculatureOfTrunk'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A nerve that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdomenNerve", "label": "abdomen nerve", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003429", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Nerve" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "NerveOfAbdominalSegment" } ] }
{ "document": "abdomen nerve A nerve that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Nerve'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'NerveOfAbdominalSegment'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Abdominal part of aorta: the distal part of the descending aorta, which is the continuation of the thoracic part and gives rise to the inferior phrenic, lumbar, median sacral, superior and inferior mesenteric, middle suprarenal, renal, and testicular or ovarian arteries, and celiac trunk[BTO]. The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, it is a direct continuation of descending aorta(of the thorax). [WP,unvetted].", "id": "AbdominalAorta", "label": "abdominal aorta", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0001516", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "DescendingAorta" }, { "predicate": "Overlaps", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "ConnectedTo", "target": "DescendingThoracicAorta" }, { "predicate": "ContributesToMorphologyOf", "target": "DescendingAorta" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SectionOfAorta" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal aorta Abdominal part of aorta: the distal part of the descending aorta, which is the continuation of the thoracic part and gives rise to the inferior phrenic, lumbar, median sacral, superior and inferior mesenteric, middle suprarenal, renal, and testicular or ovarian arteries, and celiac trunk[BTO]. The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, it is a direct continuation of descending aorta(of the thorax). [WP,unvetted]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'DescendingAorta'}, {'predicate': 'Overlaps', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'ConnectedTo', 'target': 'DescendingThoracicAorta'}, {'predicate': 'ContributesToMorphologyOf', 'target': 'DescendingAorta'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SectionOfAorta'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An artery that originates from the abdominal aorta.", "id": "AbdominalAortaArtery", "label": "abdominal aorta artery", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0012254", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "BranchingPartOf", "target": "AbdominalAorta" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Artery" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SystemicArtery" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal aorta artery An artery that originates from the abdominal aorta. [{'predicate': 'BranchingPartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalAorta'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Artery'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SystemicArtery'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An accumulation of calcium and phosphate in arteries with mineral deposits in the intimal or medial layer of the vessel wall in abdominal aorta.", "id": "AbdominalAorticCalcification", "label": "Abdominal aortic calcification", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031313", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "CalcificationOfTheAorta" } ] }
{ "document": "Abdominal aortic calcification An accumulation of calcium and phosphate in arteries with mineral deposits in the intimal or medial layer of the vessel wall in abdominal aorta. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'CalcificationOfTheAorta'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The use of computed tomography to produce images of structures of the abdomen.", "id": "AbdominalCT", "label": "abdominal CT", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0010311", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "CTBySite" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal CT The use of computed tomography to produce images of structures of the abdomen. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'CTBySite'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The part of the ventral body cavity that is within the abdomen proper (excluding the pelvic cavity).", "id": "AbdominalCavity", "label": "abdominal cavity", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003684", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "CoelemicCavityLumen" }, { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominopelvicCavity" }, { "predicate": "LuminalSpaceOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AnatomicalSpace" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal cavity The part of the ventral body cavity that is within the abdomen proper (excluding the pelvic cavity). [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'CoelemicCavityLumen'}, {'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominopelvicCavity'}, {'predicate': 'LuminalSpaceOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AnatomicalSpace'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A systemic evaluation of the abdomen using visual inspection, palpation, and percussion. The purpose is to determine the presence or absence of physical signs of disease or abnormality for an individual's health assessment.", "id": "AbdominalExamination", "label": "abdominal examination", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0000792", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "PhysicalExamination" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "WholeBodyExamination" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal examination A systemic evaluation of the abdomen using visual inspection, palpation, and percussion. The purpose is to determine the presence or absence of physical signs of disease or abnormality for an individual's health assessment. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'PhysicalExamination'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'WholeBodyExamination'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A ganglion that is part of a abdominal segment of trunk.", "id": "AbdominalGanglion", "label": "abdominal ganglion", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0009758", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Ganglion" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TrunkGanglion" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal ganglion A ganglion that is part of a abdominal segment of trunk. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Ganglion'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TrunkGanglion'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A lymph node that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalLymphNode", "label": "abdominal lymph node", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0002507", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "LymphNode" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdomenElement" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal lymph node A lymph node that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'LymphNode'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdomenElement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A lactiferous gland that is part of the abdominal region [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalMammaryGland", "label": "abdominal mammary gland", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003488", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "MammaryGland" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdomenElement" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal mammary gland A lactiferous gland that is part of the abdominal region [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'MammaryGland'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdomenElement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Excessive fat around the stomach and abdomen.", "id": "AbdominalObesity", "label": "Abdominal obesity", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012743", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Obesity" } ] }
{ "document": "Abdominal obesity Excessive fat around the stomach and abdomen. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Obesity'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The surgical removal (cutting out) of part or all of panniculus adiposus.", "id": "AbdominalPanniculectomy", "label": "abdominal panniculectomy", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0001071", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SurgicalExcision" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TherapeuticProcedureOfIntegumentalSystem" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TherapeuticProcedureOfOrgan" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal panniculectomy The surgical removal (cutting out) of part or all of panniculus adiposus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SurgicalExcision'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TherapeuticProcedureOfIntegumentalSystem'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TherapeuticProcedureOfOrgan'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A procedure where fluid is removed from the abdomen using a needle.", "id": "AbdominalParacentesis", "label": "abdominal paracentesis", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0035040", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Paracentesis" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal paracentesis A procedure where fluid is removed from the abdomen using a needle. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Paracentesis'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Use of an imaging test that uses small amounts of radiation to produce pictures of abdomen.", "id": "AbdominalRadiographicProcedure", "label": "abdominal radiographic procedure", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0010351", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "RadiographImagingProcedure" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ClinicalImagingProcedureBySystem" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal radiographic procedure Use of an imaging test that uses small amounts of radiation to produce pictures of abdomen. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'RadiographImagingProcedure'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ClinicalImagingProcedureBySystem'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A blood vessel that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalSegmentBloodVessel", "label": "abdominal segment blood vessel", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003835", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "BloodVessel" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TrunkBloodVessel" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment blood vessel A blood vessel that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'BloodVessel'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TrunkBloodVessel'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A bone that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalSegmentBone", "label": "abdominal segment bone", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003828", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "BoneElement" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TrunkBone" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentElement" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment bone A bone that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'BoneElement'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TrunkBone'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentElement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A portion of connective tissue that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalSegmentConnectiveTissue", "label": "abdominal segment connective tissue", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003838", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ConnectiveTissue" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TrunkConnectiveTissue" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment connective tissue A portion of connective tissue that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ConnectiveTissue'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TrunkConnectiveTissue'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An organ or element that is part of the adbominal segment of the organism. This region can be further subdivided into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic region.", "id": "AbdominalSegmentElement", "label": "abdominal segment element", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0005173", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Organ" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TrunkRegionElement" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment element An organ or element that is part of the adbominal segment of the organism. This region can be further subdivided into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic region. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Organ'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TrunkRegionElement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A muscle organ that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalSegmentMuscle", "label": "abdominal segment muscle", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003833", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SkeletalMuscleOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentElement" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SkeletalMuscleOrgan" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment muscle A muscle organ that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SkeletalMuscleOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentElement'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SkeletalMuscleOrgan'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The abdominal segment of the torso.", "id": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk", "label": "abdominal segment of trunk", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0002417", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SubdivisionOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SubdivisionOfOrganismAlongMainBodyAxis" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment of trunk The abdominal segment of the torso. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SubdivisionOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SubdivisionOfOrganismAlongMainBodyAxis'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A skin of body that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition].", "id": "AbdominalSegmentSkin", "label": "abdominal segment skin", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003836", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ZoneOfSkin" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "SkinOfTrunk" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal segment skin A skin of body that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition]. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ZoneOfSkin'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'SkinOfTrunk'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A subjective manifestation of disease localized to the abdomen.", "id": "AbdominalSymptom", "label": "Abdominal symptom", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011458", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abdominal symptom A subjective manifestation of disease localized to the abdomen. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A method of ultrasound imaging in which the ultrasound probe is pressed against the skin of the abdomen in order to create an image of the abdominal organs.", "id": "AbdominalUltrasonography", "label": "abdominal ultrasonography", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0010200", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "UltrasonographyProcedure" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "ClinicalImagingProcedureBySystem" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal ultrasonography A method of ultrasound imaging in which the ultrasound probe is pressed against the skin of the abdomen in order to create an image of the abdominal organs. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'UltrasonographyProcedure'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ClinicalImagingProcedureBySystem'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A viscus that is part of a abdomen.", "id": "AbdominalViscera", "label": "abdominal viscera", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0017672", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Viscus" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbdomenElement" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal viscera A viscus that is part of a abdomen. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Viscus'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbdomenElement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The tissues that surround the organs that are present within the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall tissue is composed of layers of fat, parietal peritoneum, fascia, and muscles.", "id": "AbdominalWall", "label": "abdominal wall", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0003697", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "Abdomen" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AnatomicalWall" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominal wall The tissues that surround the organs that are present within the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall tissue is composed of layers of fat, parietal peritoneum, fascia, and muscles. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'Abdomen'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AnatomicalWall'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An incomplete closure of the abdominal wall.", "id": "AbdominalWallDefect", "label": "Abdominal wall defect", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010866", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAbdominalWall" } ] }
{ "document": "Abdominal wall defect An incomplete closure of the abdominal wall. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAbdominalWall'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The part of the ventral body cavity that is within the abdominal segment of the trunk, which encompasses the abdomen proper plus pelvic cavity.", "id": "AbdominopelvicCavity", "label": "abdominopelvic cavity", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "UBERON:0035819", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "PartOf", "target": "CoelemicCavityLumen" }, { "predicate": "LuminalSpaceOf", "target": "AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AnatomicalSpace" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominopelvic cavity The part of the ventral body cavity that is within the abdominal segment of the trunk, which encompasses the abdomen proper plus pelvic cavity. [{'predicate': 'PartOf', 'target': 'CoelemicCavityLumen'}, {'predicate': 'LuminalSpaceOf', 'target': 'AbdominalSegmentOfTrunk'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AnatomicalSpace'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen.", "id": "Abdominoplasty", "label": "abdominoplasty", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0009075", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "CosmeticPlasticSurgery" } ] }
{ "document": "abdominoplasty A surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'CosmeticPlasticSurgery'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization, chipping, or other erosive process.", "id": "AblationTherapy", "label": "ablation therapy", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "MAXO:0000452", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "TherapeuticProcedure" } ] }
{ "document": "ablation therapy The removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization, chipping, or other erosive process. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'TherapeuticProcedure'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's deviation from normal or average.", "id": "Abnormal", "label": "abnormal", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "PATO:0000460", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Deviation_fromNormal_" } ] }
{ "document": "abnormal A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's deviation from normal or average. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Deviation_fromNormal_'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural anomaly of the first metacarpal.", "id": "Abnormal1stMetacarpalMorphology", "label": "Abnormal 1st metacarpal morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010009", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMetacarpalMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal 1st metacarpal morphology A structural anomaly of the first metacarpal. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMetacarpalMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality affecting one or both 5th fingers.", "id": "Abnormal5thFingerMorphology", "label": "Abnormal 5th finger morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004207", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalFingerMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal 5th finger morphology An abnormality affecting one or both 5th fingers. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFingerMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Abnormality of the phalanges of the 5th (little) finger.", "id": "Abnormal5thFingerPhalanxMorphology", "label": "Abnormal 5th finger phalanx morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004213", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Abnormal5thFingerMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal 5th finger phalanx morphology Abnormality of the phalanges of the 5th (little) finger. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Abnormal5thFingerMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any abnormality of the fifth metacarpal bone.", "id": "Abnormal5thMetacarpalMorphology", "label": "Abnormal 5th metacarpal morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010013", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMetacarpalMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal 5th metacarpal morphology Any abnormality of the fifth metacarpal bone. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMetacarpalMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural abnormality of the abdomen ('belly'), that is, the part of the body between the pelvis and the thorax.", "id": "AbnormalAbdomenMorphology", "label": "Abnormal abdomen morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001438", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheDigestiveSystem" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal abdomen morphology A structural abnormality of the abdomen ('belly'), that is, the part of the body between the pelvis and the thorax. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheDigestiveSystem'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the acetabulum, i.e., the Acetabular part of hip bone, which together with the head of the femur forms the hip joint.", "id": "AbnormalAcetabulumMorphology", "label": "Abnormal acetabulum morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003170", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHipJointMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalIliumMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal acetabulum morphology An abnormality of the acetabulum, i.e., the Acetabular part of hip bone, which together with the head of the femur forms the hip joint. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHipJointMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalIliumMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of adipose tissue, which is loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes.", "id": "AbnormalAdiposeTissueMorphology", "label": "Abnormal adipose tissue morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0009124", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfConnectiveTissue" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal adipose tissue morphology An abnormality of adipose tissue, which is loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfConnectiveTissue'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Developmental defect characterized by an anomalous anatomic location of the heart.", "id": "AbnormalAnatomicLocationOfTheHeart", "label": "Abnormal anatomic location of the heart", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004307", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHeartMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal anatomic location of the heart Developmental defect characterized by an anomalous anatomic location of the heart. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural anomaly of the ankle.", "id": "AbnormalAnkleMorphology", "label": "Abnormal ankle morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0034673", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalFootMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAnkle" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal ankle morphology A structural anomaly of the ankle. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFootMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAnkle'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A functional anomaly of the ankle.", "id": "AbnormalAnklePhysiology", "label": "Abnormal ankle physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0034674", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAnkle" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal ankle physiology A functional anomaly of the ankle. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAnkle'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Abnormality of the anterior chamber, which is the space in the eye that is behind the cornea and in front of the iris.", "id": "AbnormalAnteriorChamberMorphology", "label": "Abnormal anterior chamber morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0000593", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalAnteriorEyeSegmentMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal anterior chamber morphology Abnormality of the anterior chamber, which is the space in the eye that is behind the cornea and in front of the iris. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalAnteriorEyeSegmentMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the anterior segment of the eyeball (which comprises the structures in front of the vitreous humour: the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and lens).", "id": "AbnormalAnteriorEyeSegmentMorphology", "label": "Abnormal anterior eye segment morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004328", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalEyeMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal anterior eye segment morphology An abnormality of the anterior segment of the eyeball (which comprises the structures in front of the vitreous humour: the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and lens). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEyeMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly of the anterior horn cell.", "id": "AbnormalAnteriorHornCellMorphology", "label": "Abnormal anterior horn cell morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0006802", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalPeripheralNervousSystemMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMotorNeuronMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal anterior horn cell morphology Any anomaly of the anterior horn cell. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalPeripheralNervousSystemMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMotorNeuronMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural anomaly of the anus.", "id": "AbnormalAnusMorphology", "label": "Abnormal anus morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0034915", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAnus" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal anus morphology A structural anomaly of the anus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAnus'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A functional anomaly of the anus.", "id": "AbnormalAnusPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal anus physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0034916", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAnus" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal anus physiology A functional anomaly of the anus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAnus'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the arch of aorta.", "id": "AbnormalAorticArchMorphology", "label": "Abnormal aortic arch morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012303", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalAorticMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal aortic arch morphology An anomaly of the arch of aorta. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalAorticMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the aorta.", "id": "AbnormalAorticMorphology", "label": "Abnormal aortic morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001679", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMorphologyOfTheGreatVessels" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal aortic morphology An abnormality of the aorta. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMorphologyOfTheGreatVessels'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "AbnormalAorticPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal aortic physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0030964", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalArterialPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal aortic physiology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalArterialPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the appendicular skeletal system, consisting of the of the limbs, shoulder and pelvic girdles.", "id": "AbnormalAppendicularSkeletonMorphology", "label": "Abnormal appendicular skeleton morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011844", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSkeletalMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal appendicular skeleton morphology An abnormality of the appendicular skeletal system, consisting of the of the limbs, shoulder and pelvic girdles. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkeletalMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the Arachnoid mater.", "id": "AbnormalArachnoidMaterMorphology", "label": "Abnormal arachnoid mater morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0100700", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMeningealMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal arachnoid mater morphology An abnormality of the Arachnoid mater. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMeningealMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of arterial function.", "id": "AbnormalArterialPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal arterial physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025323", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVascularPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal arterial physiology An anomaly of arterial function. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the interatrial septum.", "id": "AbnormalAtrialSeptumMorphology", "label": "Abnormal atrial septum morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011994", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCardiacSeptumMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal atrial septum morphology An abnormality of the interatrial septum. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCardiacSeptumMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An impairment of the electrical continuity between the atria and ventricles.", "id": "AbnormalAtrioventricularConduction", "label": "Abnormal atrioventricular conduction", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0005150", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "CardiacConductionAbnormality" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal atrioventricular conduction An impairment of the electrical continuity between the atria and ventricles. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'CardiacConductionAbnormality'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of an atrioventricular valve.", "id": "AbnormalAtrioventricularValveMorphology", "label": "Abnormal atrioventricular valve morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0006705", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHeartValveMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal atrioventricular valve morphology An abnormality of an atrioventricular valve. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartValveMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any functional defect of the mitral or tricuspid valve.", "id": "AbnormalAtrioventricularValvePhysiology", "label": "Abnormal atrioventricular valve physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031650", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHeartValvePhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal atrioventricular valve physiology Any functional defect of the mitral or tricuspid valve. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartValvePhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural abnormality of the autonomic nervous system.", "id": "AbnormalAutonomicNervousSystemMorphology", "label": "Abnormal autonomic nervous system morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012331", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalPeripheralNervousSystemMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAutonomicNervousSystem" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal autonomic nervous system morphology A structural abnormality of the autonomic nervous system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalPeripheralNervousSystemMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAutonomicNervousSystem'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A functional abnormality of the autonomic nervous system.", "id": "AbnormalAutonomicNervousSystemPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012332", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheAutonomicNervousSystem" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology A functional abnormality of the autonomic nervous system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheAutonomicNervousSystem'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural anomaly of the muscles of the trunk and head.", "id": "AbnormalAxialMuscleMorphology", "label": "Abnormal axial muscle morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0040286", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSkeletalMuscleMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal axial muscle morphology A structural anomaly of the muscles of the trunk and head. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkeletalMuscleMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the axial skeleton, which comprises the skull, the vertebral column, the ribs and the sternum.", "id": "AbnormalAxialSkeletonMorphology", "label": "Abnormal axial skeleton morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0009121", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSkeletalMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal axial skeleton morphology An abnormality of the axial skeleton, which comprises the skull, the vertebral column, the ribs and the sternum. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkeletalMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A deviation from the normal count of B cells, i.e., the cells that are formed in the bone marrow, migrate to the peripheral lymphatic system, and mature into plasma cells or memory cells.", "id": "AbnormalBCellCount", "label": "Abnormal B cell count", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010975", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBCellMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalLymphocyteCount" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal B cell count A deviation from the normal count of B cells, i.e., the cells that are formed in the bone marrow, migrate to the peripheral lymphatic system, and mature into plasma cells or memory cells. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBCellMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLymphocyteCount'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural abnormality of B cells.", "id": "AbnormalBCellMorphology", "label": "Abnormal B cell morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002846", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalLymphocyteMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCellMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal B cell morphology A structural abnormality of B cells. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLymphocyteMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCellMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal number of basophils per volume in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalBasophilCount", "label": "Abnormal basophil count", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031806", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBasophilMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalGranulocyteCount" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal basophil count Any deviation from the normal number of basophils per volume in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBasophilMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalGranulocyteCount'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality or abnormal count of basophils.", "id": "AbnormalBasophilMorphology", "label": "Abnormal basophil morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001912", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalGranulocyteMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal basophil morphology Any structural abnormality or abnormal count of basophils. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalGranulocyteMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural abnormality of the biliary tree.", "id": "AbnormalBiliaryTractMorphology", "label": "Abnormal biliary tract morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012440", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "BiliaryTractAbnormality" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal biliary tract morphology A structural abnormality of the biliary tree. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'BiliaryTractAbnormality'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDigestiveSystemMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A functional abnormality of the biliary tree.", "id": "AbnormalBiliaryTractPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal biliary tract physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012439", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "BiliaryTractAbnormality" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal biliary tract physiology A functional abnormality of the biliary tree. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'BiliaryTractAbnormality'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormal susceptibility to bleeding, often referred to as a bleeding diathesis. A bleeding diathesis may be related to vascular, platelet and coagulation defects.", "id": "AbnormalBleeding", "label": "Abnormal bleeding", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001892", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal bleeding An abnormal susceptibility to bleeding, often referred to as a bleeding diathesis. A bleeding diathesis may be related to vascular, platelet and coagulation defects. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of cation homeostasis.", "id": "AbnormalBloodCationConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood cation concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010929", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodIonConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood cation concentration An abnormality of cation homeostasis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodIonConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of folate in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalBloodFolateConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood folate concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0040087", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAcidBaseHomeostasis" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfFolateMetabolism" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood folate concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of folate in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAcidBaseHomeostasis'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfFolateMetabolism'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the partial pressure of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the arterial blood.", "id": "AbnormalBloodGasLevel", "label": "Abnormal blood gas level", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012415", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalRespiratorySystemPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood gas level An abnormality of the partial pressure of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the arterial blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalRespiratorySystemPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "AbnormalBloodGasLevelInCordBlood", "label": "Abnormal blood gas level in cord blood", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0410211", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodGasLevel" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCordBloodMeasurement" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood gas level in cord blood None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodGasLevel'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCordBloodMeasurement'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the concentration of glucose in the blood.", "id": "AbnormalBloodGlucoseConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood glucose concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011015", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalGlucoseHomeostasis" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood glucose concentration An abnormality of the concentration of glucose in the blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalGlucoseHomeostasis'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of divalent inorganic cation homeostasis.", "id": "AbnormalBloodInorganicCationConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood inorganic cation concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010927", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood inorganic cation concentration An abnormality of divalent inorganic cation homeostasis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Abnormality of the homeostasis (concentration) of a monoatomic ion.", "id": "AbnormalBloodIonConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood ion concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003111", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood ion concentration Abnormality of the homeostasis (concentration) of a monoatomic ion. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of monovalent inorganic cation homeostasis.", "id": "AbnormalBloodMonovalentInorganicCationConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood monovalent inorganic cation concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010930", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood monovalent inorganic cation concentration An abnormality of monovalent inorganic cation homeostasis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of phosphate homeostasis or concentration in the body.", "id": "AbnormalBloodPhosphateConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood phosphate concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0100529", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodIonConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood phosphate concentration An abnormality of phosphate homeostasis or concentration in the body. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodIonConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormal concentration of potassium.", "id": "AbnormalBloodPotassiumConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood potassium concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011042", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodMonovalentInorganicCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood potassium concentration An abnormal concentration of potassium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodMonovalentInorganicCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormal concentration of sodium.", "id": "AbnormalBloodSodiumConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood sodium concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010931", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodMonovalentInorganicCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood sodium concentration An abnormal concentration of sodium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodMonovalentInorganicCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the homeostasis (concentration) of transition element cation.", "id": "AbnormalBloodTransitionElementCationConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood transition element cation concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011030", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood transition element cation concentration An abnormality of the homeostasis (concentration) of transition element cation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood.", "id": "AbnormalBloodUreaNitrogenConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood urea nitrogen concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031970", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood urea nitrogen concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural anomaly of a blood vessel (artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, or vein).", "id": "AbnormalBloodVesselMorphology", "label": "Abnormal blood vessel morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0033353", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVascularMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood vessel morphology Any structural anomaly of a blood vessel (artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, or vein). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of zinc ion homeostasis.", "id": "AbnormalBloodZincConcentration", "label": "Abnormal blood zinc concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0008277", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodTransitionElementCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal blood zinc concentration An abnormality of zinc ion homeostasis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodTransitionElementCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural anomaly of the connective tissue bundles in the extracellular matrix of bone tissue that are composed of collagen, and play a role in tissue strength and elasticity.", "id": "AbnormalBoneCollagenFibrilMorphology", "label": "Abnormal bone collagen fibril morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011862", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBoneStructure" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal bone collagen fibril morphology Any structural anomaly of the connective tissue bundles in the extracellular matrix of bone tissue that are composed of collagen, and play a role in tissue strength and elasticity. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBoneStructure'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance.", "id": "AbnormalBoneOssification", "label": "Abnormal bone ossification", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011849", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBoneStructure" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal bone ossification Any anomaly in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBoneStructure'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly in the composite material or the layered arrangement of the bony skeleton.", "id": "AbnormalBoneStructure", "label": "Abnormal bone structure", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003330", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSkeletalMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal bone structure Any anomaly in the composite material or the layered arrangement of the bony skeleton. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkeletalMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the brainstem.", "id": "AbnormalBrainstemMorphology", "label": "Abnormal brainstem morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002363", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBrainMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal brainstem morphology An anomaly of the brainstem. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBrainMorphology'}]" }