dict | 1
float64 0
| 2
dict |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of a nucleobase metabolic process.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingNucleobaseConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating nucleobase concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010932",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating nucleobase concentration An abnormality of a nucleobase metabolic process. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Deviation from the normal concentration of ornithine in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingOrnithineConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating ornithine concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0012025",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingNonProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating ornithine concentration Deviation from the normal concentration of ornithine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNonProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of phenylalanine in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingPhenylalanineConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating phenylalanine concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010893",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingAromaticAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating phenylalanine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of phenylalanine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingAromaticAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a phospholipid in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingPhospholipidConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating phospholipid concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0040176",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating phospholipid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a phospholipid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of phytanic acid in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingPhytanicAcidConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating phytanic acid concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010965",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingLongChainFattyAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating phytanic acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of phytanic acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingLongChainFattyAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "A deviation from the normal concentration of a polysaccharide in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingPolysaccharideConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating polysaccharide concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011012",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingCarbohydrateConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating polysaccharide concentration A deviation from the normal concentration of a polysaccharide in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingCarbohydrateConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormal level of a circulating protein in the blood.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating protein concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010876",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating protein concentration An abnormal level of a circulating protein in the blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An elevated level of a proteinogenic amino acid in the blood circulation. These are the 23 alpha-amino acids that are precursors to proteins, and are incorporated into proteins during translation. The group includes the 20 amino acids encoded by the nuclear genes of eukaryotes together with selenocysteine, pyrrolysine, and N-formylmethionine.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating proteinogenic amino acid concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0033107",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating proteinogenic amino acid concentration An elevated level of a proteinogenic amino acid in the blood circulation. These are the 23 alpha-amino acids that are precursors to proteins, and are incorporated into proteins during translation. The group includes the 20 amino acids encoded by the nuclear genes of eukaryotes together with selenocysteine, pyrrolysine, and N-formylmethionine. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a purine in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingPurineConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating purine concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0004352",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingNucleobaseConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating purine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a purine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNucleobaseConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of serine in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingSerineConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating serine concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0012278",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating serine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of serine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a serine family amino acid in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating serine family amino acid concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010894",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating serine family amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a serine family amino acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a sulfur amino acid in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingSulfurAminoAcidConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating sulfur amino acid concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0004339",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating sulfur amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a sulfur amino acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal range of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingThyroidHormoneConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating thyroid hormone concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0031508",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfThyroidPhysiology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating thyroid hormone concentration Any deviation from the normal range of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfThyroidPhysiology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of tyrosine in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingTyrosineConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating tyrosine concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010917",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingAromaticAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating tyrosine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of tyrosine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingAromaticAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal circulation of valine in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingValineConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating valine concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010914",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating valine concentration Any deviation from the normal circulation of valine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Concentration of vitamin E in the blood circulation outside of normal limits.",
"id": "AbnormalCirculatingVitaminEConcentration",
"label": "Abnormal circulating vitamin E concentration",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0100514",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfVitaminMetabolism"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal circulating vitamin E concentration Concentration of vitamin E in the blood circulation outside of normal limits. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfVitaminMetabolism'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any abnormality of the clavicles (collar bones).",
"id": "AbnormalClavicleMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal clavicle morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0000889",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalThoraxMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheShoulderGirdleMusculature"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal clavicle morphology Any abnormality of the clavicles (collar bones). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalThoraxMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheShoulderGirdleMusculature'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural abnormality of the coccyx.",
"id": "AbnormalCoccyxMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal coccyx morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0008519",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheVertebralColumn"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalPelvicGirdleBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal coccyx morphology Any structural abnormality of the coccyx. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheVertebralColumn'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalPelvicGirdleBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the cochlea.",
"id": "AbnormalCochleaMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal cochlea morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0000375",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSkullBaseMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalTemporalBoneMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "MorphologicalAbnormalityOfTheInnerEar"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal cochlea morphology An abnormality of the cochlea. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkullBaseMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalTemporalBoneMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'MorphologicalAbnormalityOfTheInnerEar'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormal and compulsive consumption of food, liquid, or objects that could have negative consequences for the individual.",
"id": "AbnormalConsumptionBehavior",
"label": "Abnormal consumption behavior",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0040202",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "ReducedImpulseControl"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal consumption behavior Abnormal and compulsive consumption of food, liquid, or objects that could have negative consequences for the individual. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ReducedImpulseControl'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality in any umbilical cord measurement performed after birth, such as the blood gas level.",
"id": "AbnormalCordBloodMeasurement",
"label": "Abnormal cord blood measurement",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0410210",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheUmbilicalCord"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal cord blood measurement An abnormality in any umbilical cord measurement performed after birth, such as the blood gas level. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheUmbilicalCord'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any abnormality of the cornea, which is the transparent tissue at the front of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber.",
"id": "AbnormalCorneaMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal cornea morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0000481",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalAnteriorEyeSegmentMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal cornea morphology Any abnormality of the cornea, which is the transparent tissue at the front of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalAnteriorEyeSegmentMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormality of the corneal endothelium, that is, the single layer of cells on the inner surface of the cornea.",
"id": "AbnormalCornealEndotheliumMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal corneal endothelium morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011488",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCorneaMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal corneal endothelium morphology Abnormality of the corneal endothelium, that is, the single layer of cells on the inner surface of the cornea. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCorneaMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormality of the corneal epithelium, that is of the epithelial tissue that covers the front of the cornea.",
"id": "AbnormalCornealEpitheliumMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal corneal epithelium morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011495",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCorneaMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal corneal epithelium morphology Abnormality of the corneal epithelium, that is of the epithelial tissue that covers the front of the cornea. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCorneaMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of the margin of the cornea overlapped by the sclera.",
"id": "AbnormalCornealLimbusMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal corneal limbus morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0025348",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCorneaMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal corneal limbus morphology An anomaly of the margin of the cornea overlapped by the sclera. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCorneaMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of the corneal reflex that normally induces involuntary blinking of the eyelids following contact of the cornea.",
"id": "AbnormalCornealReflex",
"label": "Abnormal corneal reflex",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0034251",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalEyePhysiology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal corneal reflex An anomaly of the corneal reflex that normally induces involuntary blinking of the eyelids following contact of the cornea. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEyePhysiology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the stroma of cornea, also known as the substantia propria of cornea.",
"id": "AbnormalCornealStromaMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal corneal stroma morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011492",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCorneaMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal corneal stroma morphology An abnormality of the stroma of cornea, also known as the substantia propria of cornea. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCorneaMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural abnormality of the coronary arteries.",
"id": "AbnormalCoronaryArteryMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal coronary artery morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0006704",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalHeartMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal coronary artery morphology Any structural abnormality of the coronary arteries. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the coronary sinus, which is formed by the union of the great cardiac vein and the left marginal vein and terminates in the right atrium. The coronary sinus functions to o collect deoxygenated blood from the myocardium of the heart and drain it into the right atrium.",
"id": "AbnormalCoronarySinusMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal coronary sinus morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011642",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCardiacAtriumMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalVascularMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal coronary sinus morphology An abnormality of the coronary sinus, which is formed by the union of the great cardiac vein and the left marginal vein and terminates in the right atrium. The coronary sinus functions to o collect deoxygenated blood from the myocardium of the heart and drain it into the right atrium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCardiacAtriumMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of nerve cell cluster or a group of nerve cell bodies located in the autonomic nervous system of the cranium.",
"id": "AbnormalCranialGanglionMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal cranial ganglion morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0410016",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheHead"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalGanglionMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal cranial ganglion morphology An abnormality of nerve cell cluster or a group of nerve cell bodies located in the autonomic nervous system of the cranium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheHead'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalGanglionMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Structural abnormality affecting one or more of the cranial nerves, which emerge directly from the brain stem.",
"id": "AbnormalCranialNerveMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal cranial nerve morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001291",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalPeripheralNerveMorphologyByAnatomicalSite"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal cranial nerve morphology Structural abnormality affecting one or more of the cranial nerves, which emerge directly from the brain stem. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalPeripheralNerveMorphologyByAnatomicalSite'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "A functional abnormality affecting one or more of the cranial nerves, which emerge directly from the brain stem.",
"id": "AbnormalCranialNervePhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal cranial nerve physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0031910",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalNervousSystemPhysiology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalPeripheralNerveMorphologyByAnatomicalSite"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal cranial nerve physiology A functional abnormality affecting one or more of the cranial nerves, which emerge directly from the brain stem. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalNervousSystemPhysiology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalPeripheralNerveMorphologyByAnatomicalSite'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "The presence of an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column.",
"id": "AbnormalCurvatureOfTheVertebralColumn",
"label": "Abnormal curvature of the vertebral column",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010674",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheVertebralColumn"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal curvature of the vertebral column The presence of an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheVertebralColumn'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalDeltoidTuberosityMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal deltoid tuberosity morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0003889",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalHumeralDiaphysisMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal deltoid tuberosity morphology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHumeralDiaphysisMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the dental enamel.",
"id": "AbnormalDentalEnamelMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal dental enamel morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0000682",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfDentalStructure"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalOdontoidTissueMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal dental enamel morphology An abnormality of the dental enamel. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDentalStructure'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalOdontoidTissueMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the dental pulp.",
"id": "AbnormalDentalPulpMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal dental pulp morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0006479",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfConnectiveTissue"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfDentalStructure"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal dental pulp morphology An abnormality of the dental pulp. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfConnectiveTissue'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDentalStructure'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the dental root.",
"id": "AbnormalDentalRootMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal dental root morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0006486",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfDentalMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal dental root morphology An abnormality of the dental root. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDentalMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any abnormality of dentin.",
"id": "AbnormalDentinMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal dentin morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010299",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfDentalStructure"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalOdontoidTissueMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal dentin morphology Any abnormality of dentin. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfDentalStructure'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalOdontoidTissueMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormality of Descemet's membrane, which is the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium.",
"id": "AbnormalDescemetMembraneMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal Descemet membrane morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011490",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCornealEndotheliumMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal Descemet membrane morphology Abnormality of Descemet's membrane, which is the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCornealEndotheliumMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the structure or form of the diaphysis, i.e., of the main or mid-section (shaft) of a long bone.",
"id": "AbnormalDiaphysisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal diaphysis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0000940",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfLimbBoneMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalLongBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal diaphysis morphology An abnormality of the structure or form of the diaphysis, i.e., of the main or mid-section (shaft) of a long bone. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfLimbBoneMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLongBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "A morphological abnormality of a digit, i.e., of a finger or toe.",
"id": "AbnormalDigitMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal digit morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011297",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfLimbBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal digit morphology A morphological abnormality of a digit, i.e., of a finger or toe. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfLimbBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any anomaly of distal phalanx of finger.",
"id": "AbnormalDistalPhalanxMorphologyOfFinger",
"label": "Abnormal distal phalanx morphology of finger",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0009832",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal distal phalanx morphology of finger Any anomaly of distal phalanx of finger. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the Common bile duct, a tube-like anatomic structure in the human gastrointestinal tract, formed by the union of the Common hepatic duct and the Cystic duct from the gall bladder.",
"id": "AbnormalDuctusCholedochusMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal ductus choledochus morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0100889",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalBiliaryTractMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal ductus choledochus morphology An abnormality of the Common bile duct, a tube-like anatomic structure in the human gastrointestinal tract, formed by the union of the Common hepatic duct and the Cystic duct from the gall bladder. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBiliaryTractMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the duodenum, i.e., the first section of the small intestine.",
"id": "AbnormalDuodenumMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal duodenum morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0002246",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSmallIntestineMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal duodenum morphology An abnormality of the duodenum, i.e., the first section of the small intestine. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSmallIntestineMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the Dura mater.",
"id": "AbnormalDuraMaterMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal dura mater morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010652",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalMeningealMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal dura mater morphology An abnormality of the Dura mater. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMeningealMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural anomaly of the ear.",
"id": "AbnormalEarMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal ear morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0031703",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheEar"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal ear morphology Any structural anomaly of the ear. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEar'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any functional anomaly of the ear.",
"id": "AbnormalEarPhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal ear physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0031704",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheEar"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal ear physiology Any functional anomaly of the ear. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEar'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormality in the process of ejection of semen (usually carrying sperm) from the male reproductive tract.",
"id": "AbnormalEjaculation",
"label": "Abnormal ejaculation",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0012875",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalMaleReproductiveSystemPhysiology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal ejaculation Abnormality in the process of ejection of semen (usually carrying sperm) from the male reproductive tract. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMaleReproductiveSystemPhysiology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any abnormal increase or reduction in skin elasticity.",
"id": "AbnormalElasticityOfSkin",
"label": "Abnormal elasticity of skin",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010647",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfSkinMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal elasticity of skin Any abnormal increase or reduction in skin elasticity. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfSkinMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalElbowMetaphysisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal elbow metaphysis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0003949",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalUpperLimbMetaphysisMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheElbow"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal elbow metaphysis morphology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUpperLimbMetaphysisMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheElbow'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of emotional behaviour.",
"id": "AbnormalEmotionAffectBehavior",
"label": "Abnormal emotion/affect behavior",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0100851",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AtypicalBehavior"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal emotion/affect behavior An abnormality of emotional behaviour. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AtypicalBehavior'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the process of endochondral ossification, which is a type of replacement ossification in which bone tissue replaces cartilage.",
"id": "AbnormalEnchondralOssification",
"label": "Abnormal enchondral ossification",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0003336",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalBoneOssification"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal enchondral ossification An abnormality of the process of endochondral ossification, which is a type of replacement ossification in which bone tissue replaces cartilage. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBoneOssification'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the endocardium.",
"id": "AbnormalEndocardiumMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal endocardium morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0004306",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalHeartMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal endocardium morphology An abnormality of the endocardium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any anomaly of the structure of an organ ofthe endocrine system.",
"id": "AbnormalEndocrineMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal endocrine morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0031071",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheEndocrineSystem"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal endocrine morphology Any anomaly of the structure of an organ ofthe endocrine system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEndocrineSystem'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any anomaly of the function of the endocrine system.",
"id": "AbnormalEndocrinePhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal endocrine physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0031072",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheEndocrineSystem"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal endocrine physiology Any anomaly of the function of the endocrine system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEndocrineSystem'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus.",
"id": "AbnormalEndometriumMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal endometrium morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0030126",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalUterusMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal endometrium morphology An anomaly of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUterusMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Concentration or activity of an enzyme is above or below the limits of normal.",
"id": "AbnormalEnzymeConcentrationOrActivity",
"label": "Abnormal enzyme concentration or activity",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0034684",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal enzyme concentration or activity Concentration or activity of an enzyme is above or below the limits of normal. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any deviation from the normal number of eosinophils per volume in the blood circulation.",
"id": "AbnormalEosinophilCount",
"label": "Abnormal eosinophil count",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0020064",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalEosinophilMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalGranulocyteCount"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal eosinophil count Any deviation from the normal number of eosinophils per volume in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEosinophilMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalGranulocyteCount'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormal count or structure of eosinophils.",
"id": "AbnormalEosinophilMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal eosinophil morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001879",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalGranulocyteMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal eosinophil morphology An abnormal count or structure of eosinophils. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalGranulocyteMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the morphology of the epidermis.",
"id": "AbnormalEpidermalMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal epidermal morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011124",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfSkinMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal epidermal morphology An abnormality of the morphology of the epidermis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfSkinMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the epididymis.",
"id": "AbnormalEpididymisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal epididymis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0009714",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalMaleInternalGenitaliaMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal epididymis morphology An abnormality of the epididymis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMaleInternalGenitaliaMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the formation and mineralization of an epiphysis.",
"id": "AbnormalEpiphysealOssification",
"label": "Abnormal epiphyseal ossification",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010656",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalEnchondralOssification"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal epiphyseal ossification An abnormality of the formation and mineralization of an epiphysis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEnchondralOssification'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of epiphysis, which is the expanded articular end of a long bone that developes from a secondary ossification center, and which during the period of growth is either entirely cartilaginous or is separated from the shaft by a cartilaginous disk.",
"id": "AbnormalEpiphysisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal epiphysis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0005930",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalLongBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal epiphysis morphology An anomaly of epiphysis, which is the expanded articular end of a long bone that developes from a secondary ossification center, and which during the period of growth is either entirely cartilaginous or is separated from the shaft by a cartilaginous disk. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLongBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormality of one or all of the epiphyses of the phalanges of the hand. Note that this includes the epiphysis of the 1st metacarpal. In contrast to the metacarpals 2-5, the first metacarpal is embryologically of phalangeal origin and as such equivalent to the proximal phalanges of the digits 2-5 (whereas the proximal phalanx of the thumb is equivalent to the middle phalanges of the other digits).",
"id": "AbnormalEpiphysisMorphologyOfThePhalangesOfTheHand",
"label": "Abnormal epiphysis morphology of the phalanges of the hand",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0005920",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalHandEpiphysisMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal epiphysis morphology of the phalanges of the hand Abnormality of one or all of the epiphyses of the phalanges of the hand. Note that this includes the epiphysis of the 1st metacarpal. In contrast to the metacarpals 2-5, the first metacarpal is embryologically of phalangeal origin and as such equivalent to the proximal phalanges of the digits 2-5 (whereas the proximal phalanx of the thumb is equivalent to the middle phalanges of the other digits). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHandEpiphysisMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural abnormality of erythrocytes (red-blood cells).",
"id": "AbnormalErythrocyteMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal erythrocyte morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001877",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalErythroidLineageCellMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal erythrocyte morphology Any structural abnormality of erythrocytes (red-blood cells). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalErythroidLineageCellMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any functional abnormality of erythrocytes (red-blood cells).",
"id": "AbnormalErythrocytePhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal erythrocyte physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0020054",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCellularPhenotype"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal erythrocyte physiology Any functional abnormality of erythrocytes (red-blood cells). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCellularPhenotype'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of erythroid lineage cells, that is, of the erythropoietic cells in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes.",
"id": "AbnormalErythroidLineageCellMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal erythroid lineage cell morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0012130",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalMyeloidCellMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal erythroid lineage cell morphology An anomaly of erythroid lineage cells, that is, of the erythropoietic cells in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMyeloidCellMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "A structural abnormality of the esophagus.",
"id": "AbnormalEsophagusMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal esophagus morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0002031",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "MorphologicalAbnormalityOfTheGastrointestinalTract"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal esophagus morphology A structural abnormality of the esophagus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'MorphologicalAbnormalityOfTheGastrointestinalTract'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any physiological abnormality of the esophagus.",
"id": "AbnormalEsophagusPhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal esophagus physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0025270",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "FunctionalAbnormalityOfTheGastrointestinalTract"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal esophagus physiology Any physiological abnormality of the esophagus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'FunctionalAbnormalityOfTheGastrointestinalTract'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the ethmoid bone",
"id": "AbnormalEthmoidBoneMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal ethmoid bone morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0430005",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSkullBaseMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFacialSkeletonMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal ethmoid bone morphology An abnormality of the ethmoid bone [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkullBaseMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFacialSkeletonMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalExternalGenitalia",
"label": "Abnormal external genitalia",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0000811",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalReproductiveSystemMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal external genitalia None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalReproductiveSystemMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the external nose.",
"id": "AbnormalExternalNoseMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal external nose morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010938",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalNasalMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal external nose morphology An abnormality of the external nose. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalNasalMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "A structural anomaly of the globe of the eye, or bulbus oculi.",
"id": "AbnormalEyeMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal eye morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0012372",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheEye"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal eye morphology A structural anomaly of the globe of the eye, or bulbus oculi. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEye'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "A functional anomaly of the eye.",
"id": "AbnormalEyePhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal eye physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0012373",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheEye"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal eye physiology A functional anomaly of the eye. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEye'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural abnormality of a facial artery, one of the branches of the external carotid artery.",
"id": "AbnormalFacialArteryMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal facial artery morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:3000024",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfExternalCarotidArtery"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal facial artery morphology Any structural abnormality of a facial artery, one of the branches of the external carotid artery. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfExternalCarotidArtery'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormal morphology (form) of the face or its components.",
"id": "AbnormalFacialShape",
"label": "Abnormal facial shape",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001999",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheFace"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal facial shape An abnormal morphology (form) of the face or its components. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheFace'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of one or more of the set of bones that make up the facial skeleton.",
"id": "AbnormalFacialSkeletonMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal facial skeleton morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011821",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheFace"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSkullMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal facial skeleton morphology An abnormality of one or more of the set of bones that make up the facial skeleton. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheFace'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkullMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of a facial vein.",
"id": "AbnormalFacialVeinMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal facial vein morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:3000043",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheFace"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalVenousMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalHeadBloodVesselMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalNeckBloodVesselMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal facial vein morphology An abnormality of a facial vein. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheFace'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVenousMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeadBloodVesselMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalNeckBloodVesselMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the fallopian tube.",
"id": "AbnormalFallopianTubeMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fallopian tube morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0011027",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalMorphologyOfFemaleInternalGenitalia"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fallopian tube morphology An abnormality of the fallopian tube. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMorphologyOfFemaleInternalGenitalia'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of fear/anxiety-related behavior, which may relate to either abnormally reduced fear/anxiety-related response or increased fear/anxiety-related response.",
"id": "AbnormalFearAnxietyRelatedBehavior",
"label": "Abnormal fear/anxiety-related behavior",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0100852",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "ImpairmentInPersonalityFunctioning"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalEmotionAffectBehavior"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fear/anxiety-related behavior An abnormality of fear/anxiety-related behavior, which may relate to either abnormally reduced fear/anxiety-related response or increased fear/anxiety-related response. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'ImpairmentInPersonalityFunctioning'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEmotionAffectBehavior'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalFemaleReproductiveSystemPhysiology",
"label": "Abnormal female reproductive system physiology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0030012",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfReproductiveSystemPhysiology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheFemaleGenitalia"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal female reproductive system physiology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfReproductiveSystemPhysiology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheFemaleGenitalia'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural abnormality of the femoral artey, a large blood vessel that provides oxygenated blood to lower extremity structures and in part to the lower anterior abdominal wall.",
"id": "AbnormalFemoralArteryMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal femoral artery morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0035012",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal femoral artery morphology Any structural abnormality of the femoral artey, a large blood vessel that provides oxygenated blood to lower extremity structures and in part to the lower anterior abdominal wall. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of a growth plate of a femur.",
"id": "AbnormalFemoralEpiphysisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal femoral epiphysis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0006499",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfFemurMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfLowerLimbEpiphysisMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal femoral epiphysis morphology An anomaly of a growth plate of a femur. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfFemurMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfLowerLimbEpiphysisMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the femoral head.",
"id": "AbnormalFemoralHeadMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal femoral head morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0003368",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFemoralNeckHeadMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFemoralEpiphysisMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal femoral head morphology An abnormality of the femoral head. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFemoralNeckHeadMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFemoralEpiphysisMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of the femoral metaphysis.",
"id": "AbnormalFemoralMetaphysisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal femoral metaphysis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0006489",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfFemurMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalLowerLimbMetaphysisMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal femoral metaphysis morphology An anomaly of the femoral metaphysis. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfFemurMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLowerLimbMetaphysisMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalFemoralNeckHeadMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal femoral neck/head morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0003366",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfFemurMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal femoral neck/head morphology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfFemurMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the femoral neck (which is the process of bone, connecting the femoral head with the femoral shaft).",
"id": "AbnormalFemoralNeckMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal femoral neck morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0003367",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFemoralNeckHeadMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFemoralMetaphysisMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal femoral neck morphology An abnormality of the femoral neck (which is the process of bone, connecting the femoral head with the femoral shaft). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFemoralNeckHeadMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFemoralMetaphysisMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomalous structural finding of the fetal gastrointestinal system. Terms in this subhierarchy are restricted to findings that can only be observed in the prenatal period. Other HPO terms can also be used to describe fetal phenotypes.",
"id": "AbnormalFetalGastrointestinalSystemMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fetal gastrointestinal system morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0034207",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFetalMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fetal gastrointestinal system morphology An anomalous structural finding of the fetal gastrointestinal system. Terms in this subhierarchy are restricted to findings that can only be observed in the prenatal period. Other HPO terms can also be used to describe fetal phenotypes. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFetalMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomalous structural finding of the fetal genitourinary system. Terms in this subhierarchy are restricted to findings that can only be observed in the prenatal period. Other HPO terms can also be used to describe fetal phenotypes.",
"id": "AbnormalFetalGenitourinarySystemMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fetal genitourinary system morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0034242",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFetalMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fetal genitourinary system morphology An anomalous structural finding of the fetal genitourinary system. Terms in this subhierarchy are restricted to findings that can only be observed in the prenatal period. Other HPO terms can also be used to describe fetal phenotypes. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFetalMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural anomaly of the fetus.",
"id": "AbnormalFetalMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fetal morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0034058",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "FetalAnomaly"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fetal morphology Any structural anomaly of the fetus. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'FetalAnomaly'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalFibularEpiphysisMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fibular epiphysis morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010593",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheCalf"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfLowerLimbEpiphysisMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalLowerLimbBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fibular epiphysis morphology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheCalf'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfLowerLimbEpiphysisMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLowerLimbBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any structural abnormality of the fifth cranial nerve.",
"id": "AbnormalFifthCranialNerveMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fifth cranial nerve morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010824",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalCranialNerveMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fifth cranial nerve morphology Any structural abnormality of the fifth cranial nerve. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCranialNerveMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of the little toe.",
"id": "AbnormalFifthToeMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fifth toe morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010322",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalToeMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fifth toe morphology An anomaly of the little toe. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalToeMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An anomaly of a finger.",
"id": "AbnormalFingerMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal finger morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001167",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalHandMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalDigitMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal finger morphology An anomaly of a finger. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHandMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalDigitMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Abnormalities affecting the phalanx of finger.",
"id": "AbnormalFingerPhalanxMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal finger phalanx morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0005918",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFingerMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalLongBoneMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal finger phalanx morphology Abnormalities affecting the phalanx of finger. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFingerMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalLongBoneMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormal structure of the tip (end) of a finger.",
"id": "AbnormalFingertipMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal fingertip morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001211",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFingerMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal fingertip morphology An abnormal structure of the tip (end) of a finger. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFingerMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the formation and mineralization of any bone of the skeleton of foot.",
"id": "AbnormalFootBoneOssification",
"label": "Abnormal foot bone ossification",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0010675",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalFootMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalEnchondralOssification"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal foot bone ossification An abnormality of the formation and mineralization of any bone of the skeleton of foot. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFootMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEnchondralOssification'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "An abnormality of the skeleton of foot.",
"id": "AbnormalFootMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal foot morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0001760",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalityOfTheLowerLimb"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal foot morphology An abnormality of the skeleton of foot. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheLowerLimb'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": "Any abnormality of the foramen magnum.",
"id": "AbnormalForamenMagnumMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal foramen magnum morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0002699",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalSkullMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal foramen magnum morphology Any abnormality of the foramen magnum. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkullMorphology'}]"
} |
"aliases": null,
"definition": null,
"id": "AbnormalForearmBoneMorphology",
"label": "Abnormal forearm bone morphology",
"logical_definition": null,
"original_id": "HP:0040072",
"relationships": [
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalForearmMorphology"
"predicate": "subClassOf",
"target": "AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology"
} | 0 | {
"document": "Abnormal forearm bone morphology None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalForearmMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology'}]"
} |
Subsets and Splits