3 values
When procuring surgical textiles in healthcare, managers have to take into account a large number of criteria.
Cirugía lurañatak telanak katusaxa, gerentenakax kunayman toqenakatwa amuyt’asipxañapa.
In developing this blueprint, WHO worked closely with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in a One Health approach to promote best practices to avoid the emergence and spread of antibacterial resistance, including optimal use of antibiotics in both humans and animals.
Ukham uka laram qillqsutxa, OMS uksankirinakax Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ukatx World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) uksankirinakampiw jak’at irnaqapxatayna, ukat Mä K’umar Jakäwiki uka amuyux wali wakiskir lurawinak uka jank’ak uñjañanak jan utjaskañapatak ukhamarak antibacterial qullanak ch’iqintayañana, ukhamat askinjam uka antibiotikunak apnakaqañan jaqinsa ukhamarak uywansa.
At the end of the day, real jobs can only be created by a healthy and competitive European economy.
Kunjamäkipansa Europa cheqan qollqe toqet nayrar sartañ utjaspa taqenis nayrar sartañ munapxaspa ukhakiw suma trabajonak utjaspa.
Therefore, if you feel the need to lose weight in a healthy manner, you need to be very sure that you choose a well-known package.
Ukhamax jumatï jan usuntasa pesom rebajañ munsta ukhaxa, suma uñt’ata paquete ajllisiñama, janirakiw ukat pächasiñamäkiti.
Spa treatment as offered in the Czech Republic, when people staying in a spa are provided with medical care, is typically European.
República Checa markan utjki uka tratamiento de spa, jaqenakax mä spa utan alojasis doctoramp atiendiyasipxe ukhaxa, jilapartex Europan atiendipki ukhamwa atiendipxe.
Ambulance Civil Protection Equipment Firefighters Health and Safety HEMS News
Ambulancia Equipo de Protección Civil Bomberonaka Salud y Seguridad HEMS Noticianaka
6 ‘Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal to them abundance of peace and truth.
6 ‘Nayaw juparox qolläxa, kʼumaraptayarakëxa, jupanakarox qolläwa; nayax sumankañsa kunatï cheqäki uksa walj churä.
The dermatologist is the right contact person to point out suitable care measures or initiate the effective treatment of any skin disease that exists.
Jañchisan kuna usu uñstkani ukhaxa, dermatólogo doctorampiw uñjayasiñasa jupaw uka usu qollañatak suma tratamientonak churistaspa jan ukax kunjamsa cuidasiñasa uk sistaspa.
At the same time, such a strategy must support the development of production methods which respect the environment and people's health.
Ukhamarus uka amtaxa, kunjamanakatti luraski ukanakat kawkïrinakas oraqen sumäskakiñapatakisa jaqenakan jan usuntapxañapatakis yanapt’i ukaruw yanapt’añapa.
In both cases, there are health risks.
Ukanakat paypachaw cuerposarox jan walt’ayaspa.
The first symptoms of the disease are pain in the head and back, fever, chills, fever.
Uka usoxa p’eqe usumpi, jikhani usumpi, celenturampi jan ukax escalofríos ukampiw qalltaspa.
Looked at my on‐line health plan to see what is recommended for my breakfast today.
Kunsa jichhärmantex desayunañaja uk yatiñatakexa, plan de salud ukax utjkitu ukwa uñxattxa.
In some parts of the world, 50% of all antimicrobial drug usage is in food-animals.
Yaqhi chiq markanakanxa, 50% sapa patakatx uka antimicrobio qullanakax uywanakan apnaqatatayna.
In July 2012, the Food & Drug Administration in the US granted Proteus Digital Health pre-market clearance for their ingestible sensor that can monitor whether a patient is taking their medicine.
Julio de 2012 ukhaxa, Estados Unidos markankir Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos ukax Proteus Digital Health ukarox lurki uka sensor ingerible uk aljañ qalltapxañapatakiw permiso churi, uka sensorax usutanakax qollap umasipkiti janicha uk yatiñatakiw yanapt’aspa.
Conformity with the requirements stated in the Directive 93/42/EC is mandatory for selling medical devices within the European Economic Area.
Maynitï Espacio Económico Europeo ukan kunakatï qollañatak apnaqaski uk aljañ munchi ukhaxa, kuna requisitonakatï Directiva 93/42/CE ukax mayki ukanak phoqañapax obligatoriowa.
> It has long been known that specific toxins accumulate in the natural environment and in living organisms, causing damage to health.
> Jan wali toxinanakaxa kunayman lugaranakana, animalanakana, plantanakanwa utji sasax walja tiempow yatisxe, ukanakax cuerposarox jan walt’ayaspawa.
Provides an overall view of the health of the human body.
Ukaxa maynin cuerpopax kunjamäskisa uk yatiñatakiw yanapt’istaspa.
Flight safety and health protection Flight safety and health protection always have the highest priority for the Lufthansa Group.
Avionan salud toqen seguro, protegita sarañ toqeta Grupo Lufthansa ukatakexa, avionan salud toqen seguro, protegita sarañax wali wakiskiripuniwa.
James, I was freed of my disease "multiple sclerosis" during this retreat.
James, jan trabajkta uka tiemponxa “esclerosis múltiple” usujatwa qollasta.
Moreover, the long incubation period of this disease and the dangers already recognized will ensure that the press will continue to be provided with headlines in the immediate future.
Ukhamarusa uka usun jaya tiempo incubatap laykusa, uñt’aski uka jan walinak utjayatap laykusa jutïrinakan jaqenakar jan walt’ayatap noticiananakan uñtaskakiñäniwa, ukwa ukax uñacht’ayistu.
Science/Animal: Activation of the CB2 receptor may treat an eye disease (proliferative vitreoretinopathy) Proliferative vitreoretinopathy can develop after trauma or inflammation of the eye and is a common complication of surgery to correct retinal detachment.
Ciencia/Animalanaka: Receptor CB2 ukan activacitapaxa nayran mä usup qollasiñapatakiw yanapt’aspa (uka usox vitreorretinopatía proliferativa satawa) Vitreorretinopatía proliferativa uka usoxa nayra usuchjasisa jan ukax nayran mä inflamación utjatapatwa utjaspa, jichhürunakan walja kutiw desprendimiento de retina uk askichañatakex cirugía lurasi.
Recent studies suggest a mechanistic link between myeloperoxidase, inflammation and both acute and chronic manifestations of cardiovascular diseases.
Jichhak yatxatasiwayki ukarjamaxa mieloperoxidasa ukhamarak inflamación ukampi, cardiovascular usunakan agudo ukhamarak crónico usunakampex mä vínculo mecanicista utjatapaw uñacht’ayi.
As rapporteur, with the backing of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, I therefore amended those requirements.
Ukan autoräjatajatxa, Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Protección del Consumidor ukanakan aprobacionapampex requisitonak mayjt’aytwa.
In medical practice, underuse, overuse, and misuse of antibiotics are all problematic.
Qullañtuqinxa uka qullanak sinti apnaqañas jan apnaqañas jan wal apnaqañas janiw walikiti.
Mr President, what we have just heard about public health policy in Europe raises two issues.
Tata Presidente, ist’awayktan uka política de salud pública en Europa ukax pä toqenak qhanañchi.
The Chinese Adult Tobacco Use Survey 2015 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, found that 27 percent of adults smoked in 2010, the same as now, but the absolute number of smokers has climbed.
Centro Chino para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades ukax 2015 maran China markan cigarro fumañ toqet jilïrinakar jiskt’käna ukhaxa, 2010 maran patakat 27 jaqenak fumapxatapwa yatxatäna, jichhas ukhamakïskiwa ukampis taqe fumirinakat parlsna ukhax jilxattawayiwa.
ADMISSION – DISCHARGE SECTION (QUARANTINE) This was built during the period of the Informbiro (1951).
AKANWA KATOQASI –ALTA CHURASKI UKA LUGARA (CUARENTENA) Informbiro (1951) uka tiemponwa ukax lurasïna.
Use according to any one of the preceding claims for the prophylactic and / or therapeutic treatment or for the production of a medicament for the prophylactic and / or therapeutic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the intestine, in particular, crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Nayraqatax sasiwayki uka tratamiento profiláctico y / o terapéutico ukatakiw apnaqasispa jan ukax tratamiento profiláctico y / o terapéutico ukampi jiphillan inflamasitap usunaka, enfermedad de Crohn ukanaka, colitis ulcerosa ukanak qollañataki qollanak lurañatakiw apnaqasirakispa.
These steps should therefore be followed very soon by further steps, as the looming demographic and financial challenges will have a profound effect on the healthcare segment.
Ukhamax uk lurañ phoqasax yaqhan metanak phoqañatakiw ch’amachasiñasa, cheqansa poblacionan jilxattatapasa qollqe apnaqañ toqet mayjt’äwinak utjatapasa, jaqenakar atiendiñ toqen mayjt’arakiniwa.
WEDC also maintains the WELL website, with information about water, sanitation and environmental health and related issues in developing and transitional countries.
WEDC ukaxa web well uk matenirakiwa, ukanxa uma, saneamiento, salud ambiental ukhamarak jichhak jiltasipki uka markanakana jan ukax cambiasipki uka markanakat informacionanakwa jikxatasma.
If you are employed with the Government, Education or Healthcare sectors, please refer to the following link for additional information:
Jumatï gobiernotak Educación toqensa jan ukax Salud toqensa trabajisksta ukhaxa, juk’amp yatxatañatakex aka enlacer mantam:
This strong activity leads to noticeably less vascular damage, resulting in an additional positive effect upon our health.
Uk lurañaxa wilax sarki uka lugaranakarox mä juk’akwa jan walt’ayaspa, ukhamasti ukax cuerposarox yanapt’aspawa.
If you've visited an optometrist and aren't satisfied with your diagnosis, you may want to consider visiting an ophthalmologist, who will have much more extensive knowledge not just of problems in the eye, but visual problems that might be caused by other factors like diabetes, or neurological and i
Jumatï mä optometrista doctorampi uñjayasisax jan contentöksta ukhax inas oftalmólogo doctoramp uñjayasiñ munsta, oftamologonakax janiw nayran usunakapatak yatipkiti, jan ukasti nayranakan jan walïñapatakex diabetes usu jan ukax neuronanakan jan walt’atap causaskatapwa yatipxarakispa, ukatxa
Obviously, you see that consume more fiber can not only help us lose weight, but it can also improve our health in many ways.
Cheqansa fibra manq’añax janiw pesos rebajañatakikex yanapt’kistaspati, jan ukasti kunayman toqenakatwa cuerposarox yanapt’arakispa.
This happens in a variety of ways, for example: poor access to full courses of required drugs so that a patient is only able to get two or three tablets; unnecessary prescription of drugs for infections that would resolve spontaneously; over-the-counter availability so that the criteria for use are not medically determined; and use in just-in-case clinical situations.
Ukx kunaymanat ukham uñsti, sakiñäni: pisinkirjam uka qullanak jikxataña, usurix payit mayit tawlitanakak umxanixa; uka jan wakiskir qullanak churaña kunatix justupach qullasiskirinaka; uka janiw qullañtuqinx uka ina aljañanak jikxatañana; ukhamarak uka qullanakax kunawsatix wakisk ukhak apnaqatawa.
This is why I do not want to confine my contribution to the topic of health workers alone, because I think that we will discover the same fear of the unknown in the European dimension in healthcare in other areas too.
Ukatwa nayax jaqenakar qollas trabajipki ukanakarukex yanapt’añ jan munkti, ¿kunatsa? Europa cheqan jaqenakar qollañatak kunanaktï luraski ukhamarak yaqha toqenakanxa, kuntï jan uñt’ktan ukanakar axsarañ mantayasirakiñäniwa sasaw amuyta.
Governments in devel­op­ing coun­tries are obliged to respect, protect and guarantee the right to health.
Kawkïr markanakantï nayrar sartasipki ukanakan gobiernonakapax jaqenakan qollasiyasiñatak derechonïpjjatapxa respetañapawa, jak’aqañapawa, garantizañaparakiwa.
In this page, you will find information about Health and Wellness of Barrica.
Aka paginanxa Barrica ukat salud y bienestar uka toqetwa yatxatäta.
It also asked the Swiss authorities to consider the margins of manoeuvre they might have - especially for health reasons or for judicial procedures - for lifting or easing the travel ban imposed on Mr.Nada:
Suiza makankir autoridadanakaroxa kunanaksa lurapxaspa kunanaksa jan lurapkarakispa uk amuyt’apxañapwa mayïna -juk’ampisa salud toqena jan ukax procedimientos judiciales ukanakan jan walt’äwinak utjatap causaw mayisïna- ukhamat Señor Nada jupan libre viajiñapataki jan ukax jan sinti jark’atäjjañapataki:
Why has my .EU domain been quarantined?
¿Kunatsa nayan propiedadajäki ukax Estados Unidos markan cuarentenar uchasiwayi?
If your workstation is down or if VirusScan is not running at the time your task should start, the task will start at the next scheduled time.
Trabajiñäki uka lugarantï jan kun luraskchi jan ukax VirusScan ukax lurasiñ qalltasxañapäki ukhax jan funcionkchi ukhaxa, jutki uka programat horaruw lurasini.
Health insurance (travel insurance) for worldwide travel with a maximum term of 4 years: Care College USA
Oraqpachan viajiñatak salud toqen seguroxa (seguro de viaje satarakiwa) 4 maranak funcioni: Estados Unidos markankir Care College
NABP is the independent, international, and impartial Association that assists its state member boards and jurisdictions for the purpose of protecting the public health.
NABP ukaxa mä sapa Asociacionawa, kunayman markanakankiwa, jan yaqhachasirirakiwa, ukaxa juntanakaparu ukhamarak uka taypinkiri jurisdicciones estatales ukanakaruw salud pública uk jark’aqañ amtamp sari.
The cabin is also designed in such a way that part of the delegation area can be converted into a flying ambulance station with intensive medical care facilities (MedEvac) as well as additional oxygen and separate power supply.
Uka cabinaxa área de delegación uka cheqax tuyur ambulacian mä estacionapar tukuñapatak luratawa, ukax cuidados médicos intensivos (MedEvac) ukanirakiwa, janiw ukakïkiti juk’amp oxigenosa, jaljtayat fuente de alimentación ukas utjarakiwa.
Implement a mechanism to encrypt and decrypt electronic protected health information.
Salud toqet informacionanak electrónico toqe jark’aqatäki ukanak cifrañataki ukhamarak descifrañatak yanapt’anak uchaña.
Antimicrobial resistance has moved from being only a subject of professional and scientific interest to a global priority for political leaders.
Antimicrobiano sat usunakaxa wali ch’urqhisi qullanakataki akax qullanakat yatxatirinakarusa maysarukiwa apanukt’awayjapxi.
She went to the doctor, who diagnosed her with fluid in the chest and heart disease.
Doctoran ukar sarasaxa pechopan um utjatapa ukhamarak cardiaco usunïtapwa yatisïna.
It is not enough for them to work well with their patients when it comes to therapy, while forgetting the traditional medical issues.
Jupanakatakex terapia luraski ukhax janiw pacientenakapampi sum trabajiñakex wakiskiti, jan ukasti kuna usunakanïpxesa uk yatxatañ janiw armasipxañapäkiti.
The invention relates to the use of ambroxol and the pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof for producing a drug for the treatment of diseases that are caused by a strong activation of voltage-gated sodium channels, especially for the treatment of chronic pains, cerebral excitotoxicity-related di
Inventasitapaxa ambroxol ukhamarak ukat apsut aceptat sales farmacéuticas ukanak mä fármaco apsuñatak apnaqasitapatwa parlaski, uka farmacox excitotoxicidad cerebral ukax causki uka jan wali usunak qollkasax canales de sodio dependientes de voltaje ukanakaw activasi ukax cuerpor jan walt’ayarakiwa uk qollañatakiw uka farmacox yanapt’ani
- they have been vaccinated against Aujeszky's disease at least 15 days prior to their shipment and come from a holding of origin where:
- apayañatak 15 urunak faltkipanwa Aujeszky uka usu contrax vacunatäpxañapa, ukatxa uka lugaratwa jutapxañaparaki:
Difficult conditions of their survival like diseases, parasites claim many lives. Nature keeps its balance by naturals selection. Their live is a pure battle, the only aim is survival.
Usuntasasasa, parasitonak causasa walja jaqenakaw jiwapxe. Selección natural utjipanxa naturalezan taqe kunas suma equilibratawa. Jakäwipanxa jakañatak walpun ch’amachasipxe, jupanakax jiwayat jan uñjasiñatakikiw ch’amachasipxe.
Obesity carries a wide range of health problems and issues, as it represents a serious strain on the heart, which has to pump faster in order to ensure sufficient blood is pumped out and transported throughout the body.
Lik’ïñaa kunayman jan walinakwa utjayaspa, cuerposarus jan walt’ayarakispawa ¿kunatsa? Ukhamätasax lloqosaruw jan walt’ayaspa, juk’amp ratukiw lloqosax wil bombeañapa, ukhamat cuerposan taqe cheqaru wli puriñapataki.
Ayurveda, the world’s oldest traditional medical science put down in written form, is also called the “mother of medicine”.
Ayurveda ukaxa, ciencia médica tradicional ukanakat qellqat utjki ukanakat sipans wali jaya tiemponëxewa, ukarox “madre de la medicina” sasaw uñt’asiraki.
Students and secondments You can receive treatment in Luxembourg on the basis of the European Card (or a replacement certificate), issued by the authorised health fund from your country of residence.
Yateqerinakampi comisiones de servicio ukampi Jakaskta uka markan fondo de salud autorizado ukan churapktam uka Tarjeta Europea (jan ukax mä certificado de reemplazo) ukampexa, Luxemburgo markanwa tratamiento katoqasma.
Highlights include diseases such as low back pain (LBP), cancer pain, neuropathic...
Dolor lumbar (DL), dolor oncológico, neuropático uka usunakata ukat juk’ampinakatwa ukan parli.
More than 1.1 million men worldwide were diagnosed with the disease in 2012.At the time of diagnosis, most men have localized prostate cancer, meaning their cancer is confined to the prostate gland and can be treated with curative surgery or radiotherapy.
2012 maranxa oraqpachan 1.1 millones jila chachanakaruw uka usu jikxatasïna. Uka usu katuyasipki ukhaxa, jilaparte chachanakax cáncer de próstata ukax kawkinkisa ukwa yatisipxe, ¿kamsañsa ukax muni? Cancerapax glándula prostática sat lugarankatapwa yatipxe ukhamax mä cirugía jan ukax radioterapia lurasax qollañjamätapwa yatipxe.
It is now also a matter of urgency for all national governments and ministries of health around the world.
Jichhax akax luratanakax wali impiñukiwa aka p’iqinchirinakaruxa ukhamarusa qullat uñjirinakasa taqpach markasa ukatkamax llakipxi.
The efforts being conducted to fight money laundering practices are the living proof of Luxembourg's determination to safeguard a clean and healthy marketplace.
Blanqueo de dinero ukanak jan utj-xañapataki wal ch’amachasitapaxa, Luxemburgo markan taqe kunas legal ukhamarak saludable aljasiskatapwa uñacht’ayi.
“To know that we can take our scientific findings and do something to help, that we can do something in the fight against cancer and other diseases, motivates each of us every day,” says Schröder, adding, “but we are also well aware that it takes quite some time before results can reach the patients
Schröder chachax akham siwa: “Kunanaktï ciencia toqet yatxatawayapkta ukanakampex cáncer usuru ukhamarak yaqha usunakar saykatapxañapataki jaqenakar yanapt’apxeristwa, uk yatiñax sapüruw sapa maynirox wal ch’amañchapxetu” sasa, ukatxa akham saskakiwa “ukampis resultadonakax pacientenakar puriñapkamax walja tiempo munasitap yatipxaraktwa
Body Quest Gym - Decent value for well-known commercial health centres.
Body Quest Gym – Wali uñt’at centros de salud ukanakan preciopar aljasiñapataki.
This is the top priority for our 2015 Health and Safety Manifesto. Learn more about IWMD 2015 here
Manifiesto de Salud y Seguridad 2015 ukan utjapkitu ukanakat sipans uk lurañaw juk’amp nayranki. IWMD 2015 ukatxa akanwa juk’amp yatxatasma
On the occasion of this event, experts will present trends and developments of quality management systems in the healthcare sector.
Uka evento utjipanxa, walja yatxatatanakaw qollañ toqen sistemas de gestion ukanakan kunaksa uñstawayi kuna desarrollonakas utji uk qhanañchapxani.
In return, the fish provides a lot of healthy nutrients and high-quality fats, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
Ukat sipansa, chawllax suma nutrientenakampi suma grasanakampiw churistaspa, ukanakax cardiovascular ukanakan sum funcionañapatakiw yanapt’i.
Results Key stakeholders from the ministries, health sector and civil society in eight African and four Asian countries underwent advanced training with support from the leadership programme.
Resultadonaka Ministerionakat juk’amp interesatäki ukanakasa, salud toqenkirinakasa, África markankir kimsaqallqo markanakankir mä grupo jaqenakasa, Asia toqenkir pusi markanakankir mä grupo jaqenakasa wali suma capacitación katoqapxäna, programa de liderazgo ukan yanapt’apampi.
The European Commission expects that in Germany e-Health could reduce the costs of hospital stays alone by around EUR 1.5 bn per year.
Comisión Europea ukax Alemania e-Health ukan hospitalanakankapki ukanakatak maran mä 1.500 millón ukha euronak iraqtayañapwa suyi.
Medical Therapy Jaundice PL-S –...
Terapia Médica Ictericia PL-S –...
Confirm Secure.Trusted-Serving Virus removal.
Secure. Trusted-Serving Virus ukan eliminasiñapatak confirmam.
This has not happened by accident.
Akax janiw chhijit luraskataynati.
Important for formal obligations for visitors in Kelheim: Health insurance It's also necessary, that your visitor /guest issues a certificate of a health insurance to the Ausländeramt des Landkreises in Kelheim.
Kelheim ukar visitirinakan kunanaksa lurapxañapa uka wakiskir obligacionanaka: Seguro de salud Visitktam jan ukax alojkta ukan mä certificado de seguro de salud ukwa Kelheim markankir Ausländeramt des Landkreises ukar churañapa.
Care Concept® is a brand known and recognised worldwide for fair health insurance protection abroad.
Care Concept® ukax wali uñt’at marcawa, seguros de salud ukanak yaqha markanakan suma imatätap laykox oraqpachanwa uñt’asiraki.
Individual risk assessment counselling The first few months at work are a critical period in the emergence of such occupational diseases and the worsening of any existing symptoms.
Kuna riesgonakas utjaspa uk amuyañatakex sapaparuw asesoramiento churasi Nayrïr phaxsinak trabajkta ukhaw ukan trabajitamat usunak aptasisma jan ukax kuna usunakanïktati ukanakax peort’aspa.
Distinguished Authorities, Lecturers, Doctors, Distinguished Health-Care and University Staff,
Munat Autoridadanaka, Conferencistanaka, Doctoranaka, ukhamarak Universidadana, jaqenakar qollas trabajirinaka,
As with most medical conditions early detection and appropriate treatment of the symptoms of are beneficial - it is important to act quickly, as can become severe and lead to complications if it is left untreated.
Jilaparte usunakax jichak qalltaskipan katusax mä tratamiento lurañax yanapt’istaspawa: ratuk uñjayasiñax wali wakiskiripuniwa, janitï ukham lurksna ukhax usox peort’aspawa jan walinakanwa uñjasiyarakistaspa.
In the vast majority of cases, when infecting a disk the virus will move the original boot sector (or MBR) to another sector of the disk, often the first empty one.
Mä discor virusax mantki ukhaxa, jilapartex virusax sector de arranque original (jan ukax MBR) satäki uk discon yaqha cheqaparuw onxtayani, ch’usäki uka lugararuw jilapartex onxtayi.
Chanchamayo > Health care > Acupuncture
Chanchamayo > Atención médica > Acupuntura
Up to € 71 monthly for an existing health insurance abroad The increased need for travel and health insurance costs is also available for students doing internships.
Yaqha markan seguro de salud ukatakexa sapa phaxsix 71 euronakäspawa Necesitaski uka viajenakatakisa seguro de salud ukanakan costopas pasantianak lurapki uka yateqerinakatakex utjarakiwa.
I'm going to see if we have any more medical supplies in storage.
Qollañataki imat cosasanak utjaskiti janicha uk uñjanï.
Traditional medicine recommends the use of aspen cortex in the treatment of certain diseases of the bladder: urethritis, urinary incontinence, cystitis and other pathologies.
Vejigan utjki uka uretritis, incontinencia urinaria, cistitis ukat yaqha usunakatxa, medicina tradicional ukat yatxatatanakax álamo temblón sat qoqan cortezapamp qollasiñawa sapxewa.
It is the result, over the last decade, of sustained technical analysis, advocacy, influencing, and leadership.
Aka tunka khipa maranakaw irnaqasitayna,suma amuyunakampi,khuyak sartasisa p’iqischt’ata.
If there is lack of caution about spreading the virus via sex today, there will be even fewer precautions taken in the Aftertime, when rape will be common.Those countries along the coast and with any degree of technological development, such as S Africa, will find themselves immensely popular as the
Jichha tiempon maynimp ikthapisin uka virusa maynir jan katkatayañatakex janiw cuidasipkiti, ukhamax jutïrin juk’ampiw jan cuidasipkaniti, ukhax violacionax juk’ampiw utjani. Kawkir markanakatï qota thiyankapki ukat Sur África cheqanjam tecnología toqet desarrollatäpi uka cheqanakanxa, juk’ampiw ukhamanakax utjani
Used Sale, Berlin Germany,Endoscopic measuring and evaluation system,Ergometer,Medical Equipment
Venta usada, Alemania markankir Berlín, sistema de medición y evaluación endoscópica, ergómetro, doctoranakax apnaqapki uka equiponaka
Alianza Anticancer Infantil was founded in 1996 to provide medical treatment to pediatric cancer patients up to 20 years old while offering education to their families.
Alianza Anticancerígeno Infantil ukaxa 1996 maranwa fundasïna, ukax 20 maranïpki jan ukax menos maranïpki ukanakar cáncer usutak tratamiento lurañatakiw yanapt’i, familiaranakaparus uka toqet informasipxañapatakiw yanapt'araki.
Since the success rates of interventional or medical therapy are dependent on the individual disease progression stage, a classification is required which better correlates with the severity of electrophysiological changes to improve the currently unsatisfactory success rates of atrial fibrillation
Niyakexay uka terapia intervencionista o médica ukax usutan usupax sinti avanzatati janicha ukarjam qollchexa, electrofisiológicos ukan kuna cambionakatï utjki ukarjamaw clasificasiñapa, ukhamat fibrilación auricular satäki ukax jichha tiempon jan funcionki ukax funcionañapataki
No ideal system has yet been found for either organising or funding health care services.
Jichhakamax janïraw atención médica katoqañatak sarapki ukanakar atiendiñatak financiamientonakasa organizacionas mejorawaykiti.
Thus now a consistently health-conscious choice of materials is possible during the wall renovation.
Ukhamax jichaxa, renovación de la pared uk luraskipanxa kuna materialanakampisa qollasini ukax kunjamsa cuerpopar afectani uk amuyasinwa lurasispa.
Medical services in the specialties of cardiology and internal medicine, with over 30 years of clinical experience....
Cardiología, medicina interna uka especialidadanakanxa, 30 maranak jila experienciani doctoranakaw atiendipxe....
The ordinary foods such as eggs and also red meat are abundant in omega-6, that is the factor why this product is recommended to be consumed for balancing the fatty acid ratio. A balanced proportion is associated with reduced lipid amount, healthier blood vessel, as well as reduced an opportunity fo
Wali uñt’at manq’anaka sañäni, k’awnanaka aycha ukanakax walja omega-6 ukaniwa, ácidos grasos ukanak equilibrañatakexa ukanak maq’añaw wakisi. Lípidos ukani manq’anak juk’akwa manq’añasa, ukhamatwa jiwasatak suma equilibrat manq’anak manqt’asiñäni, ukax vasos sanguíneos ukanakan sumäñapatakiw yanapt’ani, ukhamarusa janiw
Statutory health insurance The statutory health insurance in Germany is the rule.
Seguro médico obligatorio Alemania markanxa seguro médico obligatorio ukax mä normawa.
Have an active implantable medical device including but not limited to cardiac pacemakers and cardiac defibrillators
Marcapasos cardíacos ukhamarak desfibriladores cardíacos ukanakani ukhamarak yaqha ukhamanakani mä activo dispositivo médico implantable
Meanwhile, the number of countries with a life expectancy of less than 60 years fell from 36 to 22.
Ukhamipansa, mayni markanakan 60 manqhar jakawit 36, 22ruw jisk´aptaraki.
The United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands and other governments have championed the need for action.
Suecia, uka jach’a markanakatpachwa,mankha alaya markanakatpachawa aka markanakar apnaqirix arxatasitayna.
Finally, eating organic is a militant act, yes: we want to maintain our environment of plants and animals healthy for the Earth remains in good health and pass to our children and.
Tukuyañatakexa, aka oraqer jan dañuchir manq’anak manq’añax kuntï amtktan ukarjam lurañawa, jïsa: plantanakana, oraqen sumäñapwa muntaxa ukhamatwa Oraqex sumäskani wawanakasatakis sumäskarakini.
Healthy and beautiful teeth are important for the appearance, but it is equally important to have healthy teeth, and their potential impact on overall health is an even more important aspect of the decision to have a dental treatment: a treatment or a replacement of a tooth.
Laka ch’akhanakasax sumäki jiwakïkaraki ukhax suma añnaqanïtanwa, ukhamarus laka ch’akhanakasan sumätapax cuerposan sumäñapatakiw yanapt’araki, ukatwa juk’ampex laka ch’akhanakas cuidasiñasa: mä tratamiento lurayaskasasa jan ukax mä laka ch’akhas cambiayasisax uk sumwa amuyasiñasa.
We have heard today that we need to develop the Danube as a transport route because we - I am also speaking in my capacity as a member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety - genuinely see this as an alternative way if not to cut CO2 emissions, which is perhaps too ambit
Jichhüroxa autonakan sarnaqapxañapatakex Danubio uk juk’amp desarrollañ wakisitapwa ist’awaytanxa, nanakax -Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria ukankiritätax laykuw parlarakta- uk mä alternativjamaw uñjapxta, jan ukasti CO2 ukax menosäñapwa munapxta, ukax sinti jan walïspawa
Various diseases of the respiratory system, duodenal ulcer, cirrhosis, low hemoglobin, hepatitis and cholecystitis can also cause hypotension.
Sistema respiratorio ukan walja usunakasa, úlcera duodenal, cirrosis, hemoglobina baja, hepatitis, colecistitis uka usunakas hipotensión ukwa churayapxarakispa.
Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic Syndrome is characterized by several conditions that are all associated with elevated risk for heart disease, including increased insulin resistance, obesity, and abnormal cholesterol levels.
Síndrome metabólico Síndrome metabólico ukaxa maynirox cuerpopwa usuyaspa, cardíaco usunakwa churayarakispa, ukatxa resistencia a la insulina uksa jilxattayarakispawa, maynirox lik’iptayaspawa, colesterol uksa janirakiw normaläxaspati.
GIZ is also providing further training for medical professionals, for example in the treatment of traumatised patients.
GIZ ukaxa doctoranakarox juk’amp capacitación churaskaraki, sañäni usuchjata jaqenakarox kuna tratamientonaksa churasispa uka toqena.
What matters now is for the Commission's recent proposals to be taken up not only by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, but also by the Heads of Government of the Member States.
Comisión ukan propuestanakap janiw Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria ukan katoqañapak munktanti jan ukasti Estados miembros ukanakan Jefes de Gobierno ukanakan katoqapxañapwa munaraktanxa.
I worked at the Department of Medical Biology for 10 years after graduation: I educated students and conducted basic research – I liked both a lot.
Graduasxasaxa Departamento de Biología Médica ukanwa 10 maranak trabajiwayta: yateqerinakaruw yatichawayta ukatxa investigacionanakwa lurawayarakta, ukanak lurañ walpun gustawayitu.
•Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Policy
•Política Ambiental, de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional