3 values
they had remained for at least 30 days before dispatch and where no clinical or pathological evidence of this disease has been detected at the moment of completion of the health certificate referred to in Article 7, or
paseyir sañatatak 30 urunak faltkipäñapawa, ukatxa uka usut pruebas clínicas ukanaka ukhamarak patológico pruebanak luratäñapawa, ukanakwa certificado sanitario ukan phoqantasiñaparaki ukax artículo 7 ukarjamawa, jan ukax
Only one small region is left and the Americas will be clear of the disease.
Amirik jach’a markanxa mä jisqa markanakwa usunakax utjaski ukatxa qhispiyataxaniwa.
Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if weight has become health risk.
Juman índice de masa corporal (IMC) ukwa uñakipasiñama, ukhamatwa pesomax cuerpomar jan walt’ayaspati janicha uk amuyasïta.
Find links about healthcare / medicines, hospitals in Johannesburg and a lot more in The links of expatriation.
Qollayasiñ toqetsa, medicamentonak toqetsa, Johannesburgo ukankir hospitalanakampi ukat juk’amp importantexa Los enlaces de expatriación satäki ukanakampex khitinakas yanapt’apxeristam uk thaqam.
These adverse reactions, which are rarely allergic, and the foods or food components responsible, should be validated by a health professional or dietician to ensure that unnecessary dietary restrictions are not imposed.
Cuerpoman ukham mayjt’äwinak utjatapaxa, awisakiw alergianïtam laykox utjaspa, uk causir maq’añanakasa jan ukax kunanakatï manqañanakan utjkaspa ukanak manq’asmati janicha uk mä doctoraw sañapa, jan ukax manq’añanak toqe yatxatatäki ukaw sañapa, ukhamat jan inamayapun yaqhep manq’anakat cuidasiskañamataki.
With proactive health alerts, CloudIQ identifies potential risks to the PowerMax ecosystem before they happen, allowing resolution to take place prior to an issue occurring.
Usunakat jark’aqañataki, CloudIQ ukax PowerMax ukarox kunanakas sintipun jan walt’ayaspa ukanakwa janiräkipan yatxati, ukhamätapaw jan walinak janïr utjkipan askichasiñapatakex yanapt’i.
in writing. - (HU) Smoking is a major public health problem that claims several hundred thousand victims every year, including non-smokers.
qellqatawa. - (HU) Cigarro fumasaxa waljaniw usuntapxe walja patak waranqa jaqenakarakiw uka causax jiwapxe, cigarro jan fumapki ukanakas uka causax jiwapxarakiwa.
Healthy water is also indispensable in the diet and as a transport medium for additives and medicines.
Suma uma umasiñaxa cuerposar wal yanapt’i, ukatxa aditivonaka ukhamarak medicamentonak umantañatakiw yanapt’arakistaspa.
For the hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) no clinical data on exposed pregnancies are available.
Hepatitis B (HBsAg) virus patxanki ukampex usur warminakax wawanakapar contagiapxaspati janicha ukax janiw sum yatxataskiti.
Then the case of poultry against the virus was detected in a half dozen settlements of the peninsula.
Ukatxa niya taqpach terreno umamp muyuntat suxta lugaranakanxa corralan uywaski uka jamach’inakax virusanïpxanwa.
Every month, hundreds of new viruses appear.
Sapa phaxsiw walja patak machaq virusanak jikxatasi.
Consumer Health maintains a global network of research and development facilities, with sites in the United States, France, Germany and China.
Investigacionanak lurasiñapatakisa desarrollo utjañapatakisa oraqpachanwa Consumer Health ukax utji, Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania, China markanakana.
Overall 330 million fewer people have required treatment in 2015, as compared to 2011.
Taqpachanx, 2015 märanxa 330 waranq waranq jaqinakaw jani qullayasiña wakiskarakiti, 2011 märanskipansa.
However, almost none of the healthy child,which does not suffer from serious neurological and psychological disorders, memory is not bad.
Ukampisa q’umaräsipki niya taqe uka wawanakana mä arun neurológico toqensa amuyunakapansa jan sinti jan walïpki ukanakan memoriapax walikïskiwa.
Veronika Kuhberg Description The term health literacy denotes the ability to reach decisions in everyday life which have positive effects on individual health.
Veronika Kuhberg Qhanañchäwi Alfabetización en salud sasin uñt’aski uka aruxa, sapür luräwinakasan suma amtanakar puriña sañwa muni, suma amtanakar purisaxa janirakiw usuntktänti.
So far, the medical fraternity has no clues about the causes of behavioral syndromes like inattentiveness and hyperactivity and therefore, no specific tests like blood analysis, brain scan and psychological or genetic tests are available to accurately diagnose a child for ADHD or find out the chance
Jichhakamax doctoranakaxa, kunatsa yaqhep wawanakax jan sum atiendiñ puedipki kunatsa yaqhepax jan inakt’iri hiperactivo ukhamäpxe uk janiw yatipkiti. Ukhamax wawax TDAH ukaniti janicha uk sum yatiñatakexa, janiw análisis de sangre, escáneres cerebrales, psicológico jan ukax genético pruebanaksa ni yaqha ukham pruebanaksa lurapkiti, jan ukax
Injecting drugs has decreased in some countries and medical treatment of overdoses has improved.
Yaqhep markanakanxa inyectable droganak janiw sinti apnaqasxeti, ukatxa qollanak sinti umantasin jan walt’apki ukanakar qollañansa juk’amp sumäxarakiwa.
She hopes to use her findings to gain important insights into brain diseases such as dementia and mental illness.
Jupaxa kunanaktï yatjjatawayki ukanakax kunatsa demenciax utji kunatsa p’eqet usunakax utji uk yatxatañatak yanapt’aspa ukwa muni.
Health - a Human Right
Taqe jaqenakaw qollasiñatak derechonïpxe
"Taking vitamin D supplementation may be useful in autoimmune and oncological diseases, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, IBD…" Although vitamin D is commonly associated with maintaining health bone - muscular system, it turned out that his biological properties go much deeper.
“Vitamina D umañaxa, cuerposax jupa pachpar jan walt’ayaski uka usunakarusa, oncológico usunakarusa, esclerosis múltiple, diabetes, hipertensión, EII uka ukat juk’amp usunakaruw yanapt’aspa”. Jilapartex vitamina D ukax sistema óseo – muscular ukaruw yanapt’i siskstanxa, juk’ampinakar yanapt’atapwa amuyasiwayi.
They have no freedom of speech, no access to healthcare and no right to work.
Janiw libre parlt’asiñatakisa, doctoranakamp atiendiyasiñatakisa ni trabajiñatakis derechonïpkiti.
Andrea Paci, student nurse, and health care provider for the emergency medical service of Misericordie Lido…
Andrea Paci jupaxa enfermería yateqaski, Misericordie Lido ukanwa servicio médico de emergencia ukan yanapt’a munapki ukanakar yanapt’askaraki…
The responsible use of personal resources is essential for the long-term health of body and spirit.
Walja tiempo q’omaräñatakexa maynin suma chuymanïñapax wali wakiskiripuniwa.
Guinea-worm is down to only 25 cases in the world.
Jiniya-sillq’u usux aka uraqinxa 25 usutanakarukiw iraqtatayna.
Man should also try to keep his body healthy if he wants his soul to be freed from sadness and fear.
Maynitï llakita jan sarnaqañ munkchi ukhasa, ni axsarayasiñ munkchi ukhasa cuerpop sum uñjañaparaki, q’umaräñapawa.
54% search for health information online with almost 75% relying on that information.
Patakat 54 ukhaniw internetan qollanak toqeta yaqha ukhamanakatsa yatxatapxe, ukatxa patakat niya 75 ukhaniw kuntï yatxatapki ukar confiyapxe.
There you will receive a confirmation form concerning your health insurance for the Academic International Office.
Oficina Académica Internacional ukataki juman seguro de saludamxa ukanwa aceptat mä formulario katoqäta.
Most pet owners aren't aware that health insurance for their loved animals has been available for about 15 years now.
Mascotanakataki Seguro de saludax mä 15 maranakaw utj-xe, ukampis wali munata mascotanakani jilaparte dueñonakax janiw uk yatipkiti.
In the time since, we’ve been working with you and your healthcare professionals to find out what works and what doesn’t.
Ukjat jichhakamaw jumampisa doctoranakamampis trabajiwayapxta, ukhamat kunanakas funcionaski kunanakas jan funcionkaraki uk yatiñataki.
The basis for this health claim was the positive outcome of clinical trials reviewed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which also found alpha-cyclodextrins to have a favorable effect on blood lipid levels.
Kuntï propiedades saludables ukanakat saski ukarjam lurat investigacionanakxa Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ukan uñakipt’ataw lurasiwayi, ukaxa alfa-ciclodextrinas ukanakax wilan utjki uka lípidos ukanakar yanapt’atapwa uñjawayaraki.
The intensity of this discussion on health and safety has been led through that chair.
Salud y seguridad uka toqet wal parlasitapaxa uka presidentew sarayäna.
Health systems are paid for out of contributions and taxes, and the various systems are geared to specific needs.
Taqe kunanakatï qollañatak utjki ukanakaxa contribucionanakampi impuestonakampiw pagasi, ukatxa wakiski ukarjamaw kunayman lugaranakax wakichasiraki.
As a supplier of high-quality products for medical research and a manufacturer of diagnostic devices, we are responsible for countless analyses carried out with our products in research institutes, laboratories and hospitals all over the world.
Medicina toqet investigacionanak lurasiñapatakex wali suma productonakwa churapxata diagnóstico lurasiñapatakis wali suma maquinanakwa churapxarakta, ukatwa oraqpachan utjki uka institutos de investigación ukanakana, laboratorionakana, hospitalanakan luraski uka walja análisis luraski ukanakar yanapt’apjjta.
Specific Industry Knowhow in the areas of Finance, Insurance, Civil Service, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals.
Finanzas, Seguros, Servicio Civil, Salud, Productos Farmacéuticos ukanak luraski ukanakat sum yatxataña.
In the last decade, the world has had to think the unthinkable: that even with access to care and essential treatments, the growth of resistance of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) to a wide range of antimicrobial drugs may mean that, for millions of people around the world whose survival will depend on such drugs, time is running out.
Aka qhipa märanxa,aka uraqinx janiw ukham lup’iwinikataynati:ukampinsa wali suma qullanakampiwa aka (mirtir usunaka. carachi, sillq’un usunak) kunayman suma wakicht’at qullanakampiwa waranqa waranqa jaqinakaruwa kullataskaraki.
Apples have a lot of health advantages.
Manzanax cuerposarox wal yanapt’aspa.
HAWK saves you time, and possibly data and money, that could be lost by virus infiltration.
HAWK ukax tiemp jan apt’asiñasatakiw yanapt’ätam, mä virus utjipan facilak apt’askasma uka informacionanaka qollqe jan apt’asiñatakiw yanapt’arakiristam.
Acquired portosystemic shunt occurs with diseases that can lead to high blood pressure in the vein carrying blood from the digestive organs to the liver – such as occurs with progressive damage and scarring of the liver (cirrhosis)
Derivación portosistémica uk utjayir usunakaxa, kawkir venatï órganos digestivos ukanakat k’iwchakam wil apki ukarox presión arterial alta ukwa churayarakispa, kunjamtï daño progresivo ukampi k’iwchan cicatrizacionamp paski (cirrosis) ukhama)
If you have further questions about Winstar Virus, please ask below.
Jumatï Winstar Virus uka toqet juk’amp jiskt’anakanïsta ukhaxa, mirä amp suma aka aynachan jiskt’am.
The disease is extremely aggressive and has a tendency to spread rapidly into other parts of the dog’s body (metastasize).
Uka usox sinti jan walipuniwa, ukatxa ratukirakiw aun cuerpopan yaqha cheqanakan miratattaspa (ukax metástasis satawa).
Types of cough and disease by which he is called
Kuna kasta uju usunakas utji ukat kuna sutimpis uka usunakarox uñt’asi
(Source: Daily Iowan of 8 December 2010) Science: Dysfunction of the heart According to research at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, USA, the natural cannabinoid CBD (cannabidiol) attenuates cardiac dysfunction, oxidative stress, fibrosis, inflammation and cell death in animal models o
(Akanakatwa ukanakax apsusiwayi: Daily Iowan, 8 de diciembre de 2010) Ciencia toqeta: Lloqon jan sum funcionatapa Bethesda, Estados Unidos ukankir Institutos Nacionales de Salud ukan yatxatataparjamaxa, cannabinoide natural CBD (cannabidiol) ukax lloqon mejorañapatakiw yanapt’i, animalanakan estrés oxidativo, fibrosis ukanakarus yanapt’arakiwa, celulanakan jan sinti p’usuntañapatakisa jan jiwañapatakis yanapt'arakiwa
Superior growth performance in calves requires a good health status.
Wakaqallunakan juk’amp jach’a jiltapxañapatakex q’umaräpjjañapaw wakisi.
For this we process your personal data, in particular your health data.
Ukatakexa juman informacionamwa apnaqapxta, juk’ampis salud toqet informacionamwa apnaqapxta.
This, of course, is why we have constantly condemned and denounced chemical weapons, for example, and have always agreed that these weapons must never be used, because the havoc they wreak on the environment and on human health is out of all proportion to their military effectiveness.
Ukatwa nanakax quimiconakamp lurat armanak conträpxta wal denunciapxarakta, uka armanakax oraqerox jan walt’ayiwa, jaqenakarus usuntayarakiwa, janiw ni kuntï militaranakax lurapkaspa ukar uñtasitäkisa, ukatwa uka armanak apnaqasiñap conträpxta.
In 2010, WHO found that resistance to new courses of anti-retroviral therapy in people who had HIV was 7% in low- and middle-income countries, and 10- 20% in high-income countries.
2010 märanxa, OMS uka utankirinakax uñstayataynaw machaq qullanakwa aka VIH ñanqha usut jaqinakarux churataskaraki 7% jan utjir markanakaru 10- 20% utjir markanakampiru.
The third part – the transfer to state and local governments – almost surely has been successful in maintaining spending on schools, health, and the unemployed.
Kimsïr parte, estadona jan ukax lugaran utjki uka gobiernonakar transferencia lurasitapaxa, escuelanakan gastonakapatakiw yanapt’pacha, salud toqensa, jan trabajonïpki ukanakarus yanapt’arakpachawa.
The <OneTouch ® UltraSmart ® > System is intended for use outside the body (for in vitro diagnostic use) by people with diabetes at home and healthcare professionals in a clinical setting as an aid to monitor the effectiveness of diabetes control.
<OneTouch ® UltraSmart ®> ukanakaxa cuerpo anqäxan apnaqasiñapatak luratawa (ukax diagnóstico in vitro satawa), ukanakxa diabetes usunïpki ukanakaw utan qollasiñatak apnaqapxaspa, ukatxa doctoranakaw ukamp clinicanakan qollapxarakispa ukhamatwa usutarox qollaskiti janicha uk amuyapxaspa.
It supports affected countries' efforts to prepare and equip themselves better to tackle infectious diseases.
Kawkir markanakantï uka usunakax utjki ukanakaruw listöpxañapataki suma equipatäpxañapatak yanapt’i ukhamat infeccioso usunakar atipjapxañapataki.
(DVO) strongly recommends the use of spinal orthoses – within the context of the therapy of osteoporotic vertebral fractures and in addition to traditional medical therapy approaches, movement therapy and strength training.
(DVO) ukankirinakaxa khitinakatï fracturas vertebrales osteoporóticas ukanïpki ukanakarox órtesis espinales ukanak apnaqapxañapatakiw wal achikt’anipxe, terapia médica, terapia de movimiento, entrenamiento de fuerza ukanak lurapki ukanakarus ukhamarakiw achikt’anipxe.
Some have put forward the public health argument in opposition to the amendments prohibiting these tests, but it must be reiterated that on no account can the results of tests carried out on animals automatically be considered valid for human beings.
Yaqhepax prohibiski uka pruebanak corregisiñap conträpxatapatxa jaqenakarox kunjamas uñjasiyaspa ukwa sapxe, ukampis ak amtañaw wakisi, animalanakar luraski uka pruebanakax janiw jaqenakatakex funcionarakispasa ukham amuyasiñapäkiti.
Immediately all the evil spirits fled from the city and the people recovered from their diseases.
Ukatxa ratukiw jan wali espiritunakax markat sarxapxäna, jaqenakasti jan wali usunakapat recuperasxapxarakïnwa.
We finance part of your private insurance (e.g. 50% of the premiums for mandatory healthcare insurance held with CSS).
Juman utjki uka seguro privadorosa mä partempex qollqemp yanapt’apxaraktwa (sañäni, CSS ukamp manteniski uka seguro de salud ukat pagañamäki ukarox 50% yanapt’apxsma).
Do something good for your health by taking GN Laboratories Curcumin Plus!As you can see, the health benefits of curcumin are more than overwhelming - and the above list is just a brief overview of some of the most interesting health benefits.
Kunjamtï uñjaniwayktaxa q’umaräñatakex kuna yanapt’anakatï utjki ukanakax waljawa, ukhamarus uñjaniwaykta uka pasïr listax juk’amp interesantëki ukanakat mä qhawqhakiwa.
These include first and foremost the so-called services or expenditure side of statutory health insurance and long-term care insurance.
Ukanakax akanakäspawa, nayraqataxa lado de los servicios jan ukax gastos del seguro de salud legal satäpki ukanaka, ukatxa seguro de cuidados a largo plazo satäki uka.
The European Food Safety Authority (‘the Authority’) concluded in its opinion of 10 October 2013 [3] that, under the proposed conditions of use in feed, L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate does not have adverse effects on animal health, human health or the environment.
Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (ukjat qheparox «Autoridad» satäjjaniwa) ukax 10 de octubre de 2013 [3] ukhaxa, L-cisteína monohidrato ukan clorhidratopax kunjamsa almacenamientonakan apnaqasini ukat parlkasinxa, ukax janiw animalanakarusa, jaqenakarusa ni oraqerus jan walt’aykiti sasaw säna.
In 2014, there were an estimated 480,000 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) worldwide, and 10% of these were extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB).
2014 uka märanxa wija ujuyasir usux mä 480 000 ukha usutanakarakiw utjarakitaynaw.waljajantukuskayaw (MDR-TB) qullaw taqpach urakinki, 10% uka pur sintux qullanakkamakïnwa wali ch’amachjir kullanaka (XDR.TB).
However, it would be just as foolish to refuse to consider the medium- and long-term socio-economic benefits as regards the health of mothers and infants, or as regards equality between men and women in the labour market.
Ukampisa salud toqen kunjamsa mä qhawha tiemponsa jan ukax walja tiempons wawan warminakarusa ñuñuskir wawanakarus yanapt’aspa jan ukax warminakampir chachanakampir trabajon igualak uñjasiñapatak kunjamsa yanapt’aspa uka toqet jan parlaskaspa ukhax janipuniw walïkaspati.
With a healthy diet plan and a physical task, you need to experience the advantages of this supplement.
Uka suplementox kunjamsa sapüru suma manq’anak manqt’asisasa ejercicio lurasas yanapt’iristam ukwa uñjañama.
The invention relates to novel chalcomycin derivatives, medicaments containing said derivatives or the salts thereof, and the use of chalcomycin derivatives for treating diseases, especially infections.
Calcomicina ukar uñtasita medicamentonakasa jan ukax calcomicina ukax kuna sales satäki ukanakanïkitï ukanakaw yaqhanak lurasiwayi, ukatxa calcomicina ukar uñtasitanakxa usunak qollañataki juk’ampis infeccionanak qollañataki tratamientonakwa lurasiwayi.
Close monitoring of the pregnancy and clinical manifestations of Gaucher disease is necessary for the individualization of dose according to the patient ’ s needs and therapeutic response.
Usur warminakax kunjamäsipkisa uk uñjañax wali wakiskiriwa ukatxa Gaucher sat usox uñstki ukhax wal amuyañarakiwa, ukhamatwa uka usuninakarox qhawqha qollsa churasini uk amtasini, kunjamäskisa uk uñjasirakini.
. Before allowing the import or the growing of any GM product, the European Food Safety Authority has to have the possibility to go through all the details – both from a health point of view and from an environmental point of view – to calculate the risk or the consequences for either health or the
. Markar janïr kun apantkasa jan ukax mayjt’ayata alimentonak janïr lurkasax Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria ukax sumwa taqe kunanak uñakipt’añapa, sañäni ukax jaqenakarusa oraqerus jan walt’ayaspati janicha ukwa amuyañapa, ukhamatwa jaqenakan jan usuntapxañapatakisa oraqerus walikïskañapatakis yanapt’ani
The seroconversion rates were comparable in both groups (82 vs 83%) indicating that the administration of IG has no influence on the replication of the YF vaccine virus.
Seroconversión satäki ukax pä gruponwa igualt’ayasïna (82 vs 83% ukhaw mistüna), ¿kunsa ukax uñacht’ayi? IG uk uchasitapaxa janiw YF vacunan virusap mirtaykiti.
it is not in the first line “how you use a device” but “what for you use it” that makes it legally a medical device or puts you outside the realm for which it is approved as such.
“kunjamsa mä aparatox apnaqasi” ukax janiw nayrankkiti jan ukasti “kunatakis apnaqasi” ukaw nayranki, ukatwa uka aparatox mediconakan apnaqapxañapax walikïski, janirakiw kun lurañatakitï uka aparatox aprobasiwayki uka taypinkxeti.
It is true that the sick person does not always come back to health after the Unction has been performed.
Unción lurasxe uka qhepatxa usut jaqenakax janiw nayrax kunjamäpkänti ukhamar kuttapkapuniti.
A syndrome with overlapping clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polymyositis, and Raynaud's phenomenon.
Lupus eritematoso sistémico, esclerodermia, polimiositis, fenómeno de Raynaud sat usunakat sipans uka sindromex juk’ampiwa.
FEBICO® Cordyceps Militaris Capsules Ancient Chinese secret to a healthy body!
Q’umaräñatakexa China markakirinakarox FEBICO® Cordyceps Militaris Cápsulas Antiguo ukaw yanapt’i!
In 2016, resistance to first-line treatments to malaria was confirmed in five countries.
2016 märanxa, malaria usutakix qullanakax mäyir jaljata wali atipjata aka phisqa markanakänpacha.
Your health depends directly on your lifestyle, on the foods you consume, as well as on your mental state and your thoughts.
Kunanaksa manq’ta, kunanaksa amuyta, kunjamäsktasa ukarjamaw jumax usutasa jan ukax q’umaras jakasïta.
Evidence reviews covered cross-national HBSC data on mental well-being in school-aged children in the Region, socioeconomic inequalities in adolescents' mental health and economic aspects of mental health in children and adolescents.
Kunayman markanakankiri HBSC ukatwa yatxatasïna, uka Markan escuelanakankir wawanakan amuyupax kunjamäskisa, q’axo wayn tawaqonakan amuyunakapax walikïskañapatakex igualakti taqenir uñjasi janicha, wawanakarusa q’axo wayn tawaqonakarus amuyupan sumäñapatakex yanapt’ax utjiti janicha ukwa uñjasïna.
Surprisingly, many of those patients who contact us to request embryo adoption become parents of healthy children through egg donation with own husband’s/partner’s sperm or even IVF with own eggs with PGS for 23 chromosomes.
Embrionanak adoptañatak nanakar thaqapkitu uka pacientenakat jilapartexa, q’umara wawanakanïpxewa uka wawanakax tatapan espermatozoidepampi mamapan ovulopampiw formaci, jan ukasti PGS 23 cromosomanakataki pachpa ovulonakapampi FIV ukax lurasispa, ukax wali musparkañawa.
Research studies suggest that the majority of insomniacs (about 90-percent) develop a health condition spurred by chronic lack of sleep—including cardiovascular issues, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, or diabetes.
Investigacionanak lurasaxa, juk’ak ikipki ukanakat jilapartexa (patakat 90 ukhanexa), juk’aki ikipxatap laykox usuntapxewa, jupanakaxa cardiovascular usunaka, arritmia, presión arterial alta jan ukax diabetes usunakampiw usuntapxe.
Brain disorders like depression and schizophrenia greatly increase the risk of developing chronic ailments, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. People with mental illnesses and substance-abuse issues are at increased risk of infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS.
Depresión, esquizofrenia uka usunakanïpki ukanakaxa, jaya tiempotak usunakwa aptasipxaspa sañäni, cardiovascular usunaka ukhamarak samañatak yanapt’kistu uka aparatonakar jan walt’ayir usunaka. P’eqet jan walïpki ukanakasa, drogasipki jan ukax yaqha ukhamanak lurapki ukanakaxa, infeccioso usunakwa katupxaspa, sañäni VIH / SIDA usu.
Studies show that dental hygiene, such as regular brushing, flossing and rinsing with a mouthwash, can get you not only good oral health, but also good general health.
Yatxatasiwayki ukarjamaxa, sapüru lak jarisiñasa, hilo dental ukamp lak q’omachasiñasa, enjuague bucal ukamp aytsusiñasa janiw lakasan sumäñapatakikex yanapt’kiti jan ukasti cuerpospacharuw yanapt’i.
The medical doctor, whose mission is to relieve the suffering of his patient, as much as possible, and who has made an oath to serve life, may not, under any circumstances, even under pressure (from the patient himself or others), end the life of a sick person.
Doctoranakaxa usutanakan jan t’aqesipxañapatakiw ch’amachasipxañapa, ukaw trabajopaxa, jupanakax jaqenakan jakapxañapatak yanapt’añatakiw mä juramento lurawayapxe, doctoranakax janipuniw usutan satpachasa ni yaqhanakan satpachas juparox vidap apaqañapäkiti.
Whereas, moreover, health protection measures have been laid down at Community level in relation to foot-and-mouth disease and classical swine fever;
Ukhamarusa, fiebre aftosa ukhamarak peste porcina clásica uka usunakat jark’aqasiñatakex kunayman lugaranakanwa ch'amachasiwaytanjja;
This report on health care and care for the elderly is timely.
Taqe jaqenakaru ukhamarak chuymankipstat jaqenakar qollañatak atiendisitapat yatiyäwex wali wakiskiriwa.
Since they are liquid, they are absorbed faster, because this is a quick and easy way to give the body a powerful charge of healthy nutrients.
Niyakexay umächexa, ratukiw cuerpox ch’amthapi, ukhamatwa facilaki ratuki cuerpox walja suma nutrientenak katoqaspa.
By 2015, that number was 29 countries.
2015 maratakix 29 markanakankanwa.
The global focus on antimicrobial resistance has increased greatly over the last decade.
Taqpachanakan uñtäwipanakanxa antivacteriano uka usutxa walpunrak jilxatawayi aka tunka maranakanxa.
About us Every day people of all ages suffer severe craniocerebral injuries, are resuscitated and thereafter require intensive medical care.
Kunayman edadani jaqenakax sapüruw p’eqep wal usuchjasipxe, jupanakarox walirapxañapatakiw yanapt’asi ukatxa doctoranakan wal atiendipxañapaw wakisi.
In elderly people they can lead to cognitive dysfunctions, hearing loss episodes and may be related to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Ukhamätapatpxa jilïr jaqenakan p’eqepax janiw sum funcionxaspati, horas ratus janirakiw sum ist’xaspati, jupanakarakiw Alzheimer usu juk’ampex uñt’apxaspa.
Do not make use of if you are expectant, nursing, hypertension, heart disease, diabetic issues, any cardiovascular problem, hypertension or if you are taking antidepressants.
Jumatï mä kun wal suyasksta, enfermerianksta, chuymat usutästa, diabetes usunïsta, cardiovascular usunakanïsta, hipertensión ukanïsta jan ukax antidepresivonak umasksta ukhax janiw uk apnaqañamäkiti.
It is also high-frequency longitudinal data which gives us a much better picture of what happens to patients.How will this change medicine?Today, when someone comes down with Alzheimer's, we don't know when it started, or why, and therefore have no way to intervene on the course of the disease befor
hawqhas mediski qhawqha tiempotsa uñsti ukaw usutanakax kunjamäsipkis uk amuyañatakex yanapt’apxetu. Ukax ¿kunjamtï qollaski uk mayjt’ayaniti? Jichhürunakanxa maynex Alzheimer usunïki ukhax janiw kunapachas usupax qalltäna jan ukax kunatsa qalltawayi uk yatksnati, ukhamax usun jan peort’añapatakejj janiw kuns luraskaspati
Corruption is very pervasive in in his Health Agency!!
¡¡Qollañatak Agenciamanxa corrupcionax waljapuniw utji!!
Now, 16 mobile emergency primary health care units are operating in eastern Ukraine, giving over 1600 consultations a week to people affected by the crisis.
Ucranian inti jalsu toqenxa jaqenakar atiendiñataki 16 autonakaw jichhürunakan utji, uka jan walinakampi jan walt’ayat 1600 juk’ampi jaqenakaruw sapa semanax ukanakan atiendisi.
In-vitro diagnostics are medical products, typically laboratory devices, that are intended by the manufacturer for special diagnostics of samples from the human body.
In vitro diagnosticonakax doctoranakan apnaqatawa, jilapartex laboratorionkir uka maquinanakax jaqen cuerpopat suma examenanak apsuñatakiw ukanak lurirex lurawayi.
Show your European health insurance card on the back of your health insurance card in the hospital or practice and you will be treated.
Utjktam uka tarjeta sanitaria europea ukxa ajanupat qhepäx toqe hospitalansa jan ukax consultorionsa uñachyam ukhamatwa atiendipxätam.
In the field of lar Bioscience ith the Department for Medical Biochemistry, which together with the individual institutes of the faculties for life science and chemistry of the University of Vienna builds a university cluster.
Biociencia uka toqenxa, Departamento de Bioquímica Médica ukampi Universidad de Viena ukankir ciencias de la vida y química uka facultädanakampexa universitarionakatak mä clúster lurasipki.
A suite of tools that improve productivity, workflow, security and user experience for healthcare customers
Mayacht’at uka herramientanakaxa juk’amp sum lurañataki, juk’amp sum trabajiñataki, seguröñapataki, qollayasiñatak jutapkani ukanakan sum atiendiyasipxañapatakiw yanapt’ani
In 2015, the World Health Assembly agreed a Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance that delineated five key areas of action: • To improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training • To strengthen the knowledge and evidence base through surveillance and research • To reduce the incidence of infection through effective sanitation, hygiene and infection prevention measures • To optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines in human and animal health • To develop the economic case for sustainable investment that takes account of the needs of all countries and to increase investment in new medicines, diagnostic tools, vaccines and other interventions.
2015 maranxa kumarachasiñ utax mä tantachawin usunakat amtawayapxatayna,phisqa qutunakatpachaw yatisipkatayna aka antivacteriano sat usutwa: • uka microbionakar saykatañ aruskipäwi, yatiqaw yatichawi ukat yatsuw amuyasiñxat ukhamarak amuykipaxat sartayaña • Ukapachparak yatiñ ukatx luratanak uka jiskt’atanakarjam yatiñanakarjam ch’amañchaña • Uka usu piytawinaka, q’uma saranqañanaka, ukatx uka piytawinak juk’aptayaña • Uka antimicrobio qullanak jaqin uywan jach’añchaña • Uka qullqichawtuqit amtañanak kunanakatix kunayman markanakan wakiski ukatx machaq qullanak yatxatañana, yänak uñakipañana, wakunanaka ukat qullxatawinak sartayaña.
The tapering stress ratio between medical possibilities and the affordable funding give rise to the exacerbating crisis of health care systems in these countries.
Medicina toqet kunanakatï lurasispa ukan mejoratapasa ukhamarak financiacionax jan sinti waljäxatapatxa, uka markanakan atencionax kunjamäkäntï ukat sipan peoräxewa.
Can you program around the virus? No.
¿Virusat programasispati? Janiwa.
Areas of application comprise prevention, initiation of medical/psychological treatment, components of the medical/psychological treatment or follow-up as exemplified in the Box.
Akanakwa lurasi, jan usuntañapatakiw yanapt’asi, médico/psicológico tratamiento qalltasi, kunanakatï médico/psicológico tratamienton luraski ukanaka jan ukax pacientex kunjamäskisa uk amuyasi, kunjamtï Recuadron uñacht’ayaski ukhama.
Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Ética Médica e Historia de la Medicina uka instituto
The se may signal serious side effects that may need urgent medical attention.
SE ukaxa kuna sinti jan walinaksa pasaski ukwa uñacht’ayaspa, ukhamat doctoranakax ratuk atiendipxañapataki.
It is an infectious skin disease that occurs when handling meat or fish that is infected with bacteria Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, bacteria can enter the skin through cuts and abrasion or infection produces a red color.
Ukax jañchisar jan walt’ayir usuwa, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae uka bacteriampi infectata aycha jan ukax chawlla apnaqasaw contagiasiraksna, bacterianakax usuchjata, rasmillata jan ukax wila color infeccionanak toqew jañchisar mantaspa.
Which pushes me towards an autoimmune disease.
Ukaw cuerpojpachar jan walt’ayki uka usunïñajatak wayt’i.
With advanced speech-to-text capabilities that can be integrated directly into EPR and other healthcare documentation, Dragon Medical solutions facilitate the capture of richer and more accurate patient narratives at the point of care.
Ukaxa kuntï siskitan ukanak captañan wali nayrankiwa cheqakirakiw EPR ukarusa jan ukax atención médica ukan utjki uka documentonakarus imaspa, Dragon Medical ukax churki uka solucionanakaxa atiendiyasisax kuntï pacientenakax sapki uk suma qhana imaspa.
If you are traveling within Brazil you must present its health certificate issued 1 day before your flight departure and proof of current rabies vaccination.
Brasil marka pachpan viajïta ukhaxa, avionat sarañamatak 1 uru faltkipanwa certificado de salud apsusiñama, ukatxa rabia contra vacunanïtam funcionaskir mä comprobantenïñamarakiwa.