3 values
I finally found a place to buy some good quality fresh seafood.
Tukuyarux kawkintix suma quta manq’anak aljapki ukx katjxtwa.
Awesome! What's the name of this place?
Kusapuniwa! Kuna sutinisa?
Between you and me yes... They failed to have the proper wall installed in the racetrack and they were at fault not him for spectating.
Jumamp nayampitakix jisa… jalañ chiqx janiw jark’aqapkataynati, jupax uñch’ukir sari ukatx janiw juchanïkiti.
Uncle Petey's. Terrible name right? But the food is worth it.
Uncle Petey’s. Jan wali sutixaya? Ukhamarus manq’apax kusapuniwa.
LOL sometimes the worst names are the ones you can't forget! I'm guessing they're located near the coast?
Xaxa ukhan axtañ sutinakax amtaskayachixaya, janiw jasak armkasmati! Amuyatajat niy quta lakankpachawa?
Yeah. They ship it in very fast. Get's to my town 100 miles inland by the afternoon. Jealous of you being so close to the beach though
Jisa. Jank’akiw purjayanixi. Markajar puriñax 100 millanak manqhankiwa. Nay jumjam quta jak’an qamaskiristha
That's impressive. That means you will get the catch of the day the same day. Living close to the beach has its perks but also drawbacks
Ukax muspkañawa. Ukhamax ukurpachaw jamuq apsusin utjayäta. Ukhamipanx quta lakan qamañax wakiskirin jan wakiskiriniwa
Really? What are the drawbacks? Maybe I need to rethink my dream house.
Chiqapuni? Kunanakas jan wakiskirinakaxa? Inas mayamp samka utjatx amuykipañaw wakisi.
Well it all depends, right? Is it a vacation home or a place to retire? No drawbacks in there for sure. But when you're still far from retirement living in this area can get very expensive due to the influx of tourists
Jisa ukax ukhamaya, j aniti? Ukax juyarasir sarañ utati jan ukax juwilasiyunatakicha? Janiw ukhamat jan wakiskirix utjkaspati. Ukampirus jumatix janir juwilasiñampikstaxa akawjanakax walja chaninipunispawa, turistanak jutipana
That makes sense now that I think about it. All a pipe-dream anyway. I'll be in my hometown till I die I'd bet.
Ukax jichhax amuyasiwa, jichhax lup’iskaktwa. Jan jikxatañjamawa. Ukhamarus yatkäta, jiwañkamaw markajan qamasiwayäxa.
You never know what the future holds! What's your favorite seafood by the way?
Janiw kunawskamas jakañan ukx yatktanti! Ukat kuna kast quta manq’as munastama?
Tuna and Shrimp. Easily. Though it's hard to find great tuna close by to Alabama.
Atunamp kamarunanakampi. Jasakiwa. Alabama ukawjan wali ch’amaw atunanak jikxatañaxa.
I bet it is. Tuna is pretty expensive too. I love yellowfin tuna, I believe that's something you might be able to find at Uncle Petey's
Jich ukhamapachawa. Atunax mä juk’ jila chaninichixaya. Q’illu atunakis ukaw sumaxa, jich uka Uncle Petey’s ukanx niy ukham manq’anakx jikxatatawa
Good! They should definitely be held responsible. How is you mother feeling about it?
¡Walikiwa! Chiqpachans jupanakax juchanjam uñt’atäpxañapawa ¿Kunjams mamamax jikxatasi?
I heard a new song today that I think you would love!
Jichhürux mä jayll istt’a jich jiwakiniw jumatakixa!
Really!? What song is it and who is it by?
Chiqapuni!? Kawknïr jayllisa khitin jayllitasa?
It's Peaches by Justin Bieber. Have you heard it?
Ukax Peaches satawa Justin Bieberan jayllitawa. Ist’xtati?
I actually have heard that song! I first heard that song when Beiber performed it at the Jake Paul and Ben Askren fight. That is a good song. Do you enjoy modern music more than the old school stuff like New Kids on the Block?
Chiqpachans ist’xtwa uka jayllxa! Nayraqatpachx Beiber jupax khaysa Jakw Paul ukat Ben Askren uksan jayllir ist’thxa. Kusa jayllipuniwa. Jumax jichhapach jayllinakt jan ukax nayrapach New Kids on the Block uka jayllinakch ist’añ muntaxa?
I love New Kids on the Block but still enjoy listening to the new songs. I actually don't like a lot of them. I think I am getting old. How is your school going?
New Kids on the Block uka jayllix kusapuniwa, ukampirus jichhapach jayllinaks ist’arakthwa. Qhanpachanx janiw taqpun ist’kti. Chuymaniptasktwa. Kunjamakis yatiqañ utamanxa?
Nah you aren't getting old. You aren't old until you hit 60 in my opinion haha. My school is going well I have been able to keep my grades up. I actually plan on going kayaking soon during spring break to treat myself for my hard work.
Janiw jumax chuymanipktati. Janiw chuymanikasmat janir 60 mar phuqhkasaxa xaxa. Yatiqañ utajax walikiskiwa, ukan marat marar sarantataskiwa. Chiqpachans kayaki anatirix ch’uxñapachan saraxawa, walpun irnaqaniwaytha.
That's wonderful! Keep up the good work! I are so close to being done. I am sure kayaking and being outdoors will help you relieve some stress. You told me about kayaking before. I really need to try it.
Ukax kusapuniwa! Ukham irnaqaskakim! Nayax ukhamäñ muniristwa. chiqpachans uka kayaki anatañamp ukhamarak anqar sarañampix uka llakinakam apaqapunitamwa. Kayakitx parlistawa. Yant’axawa.
I would love to take you kayaking with me sometime if you ever want to! You had mentioned you have never been camping before either. I'll make you a deal. I will be happy to take you into the outdoors for some adventures. In return, will you show me what a Lite Brite is and how to use it?
Ukhamatix jumax munasmax uka kayaki anatirix irpirismawa jumatix munasman ukhaxa! Ukhamat janirakikiw kampaminturux saririkt jistawa. Wakicht’arapimawa. Ukham anqar irpsusax nayax wali kusistayaxawa. Ukat lantix kunas Lite Brite ukaxa ukhamarak kunjams apnaqaña?
I would love that! We have a deal! I will bring Light Bright with me. The activity is really relaxing and you can do it while camping. I will have to talk to you before we go though. I have no idea what to pack with me.
Muniristwa! Ukhamax ukhamäpan! Light Bright jupampiw jutapxäxa. Uka lurañax juyartayasiwa ukat jumax kampamitur sarasax luraskasmawa. Janir sarkasax jumaruw nayraqat yatiyanïma. Janiw kun apañs yatiskti.
Is lite brite something similar to crafting a piece of art? I could use some practice on my creativity I think. Before we go camping, give me a call and I'll help you go through my own personal checklist of what to pack!
Niy kunjamtix mä suma k’achachatx apnaqkasmax ukhamati? Ukhamax amuyujarjamaw wakt’ayiristxa. Janir kampamintur sarkasax jawst’anita ukat ukat nayax kuntix apañamakix taqi uk apaynïma!
My mother is sinking into a deep depression honestly. We both are very sad and wish we never had to lose him. We aren't sure what to do next..
Chiqpachas mamajax sintpin llakisiski. Panpachaniw wali llakit jikxatasipxtha, jupan wiñay jan chhaqhañap munapxiristxa. Akxarux janiw kun lurt’asiñx sum yatipki.
Light Bright is a very old toy, I think from the 60s. It includes pegs and a light box. You can be very creative and create a really fun art.
Light Bright ukax wali jayan anatañawa, amuyatatx 60 maranakatapachawa. Ukax ch’akhurunakamp lusa kajunanakampiwa. Ukampix kuspun k’achachsusmaxa.
That is different from anything I have heard of before I can't wait to try it! Do you have a collection of lite brite art work you could show me sometime? I would love to see your masterpieces!
Ukat taqitsipan mayjawa, ukx nayrapachax ist’aniwaythwa! Ukat juman uka lite brite ukan k’achachatanakapax utjtamti ukat uñacht’ayitasmati? Uka k’achachatanakam uñjañ muniristhwa!
Do you know the genders of your triplets?
Uka kimsan millisunakax yuqallanakat imillanakacha, yatxtati?
Yes, two boys and a girl. So I'm going to have my hands full!
Jisa, pä yuqall mä imillawa. Ukhamax amparajanakax janipuniw inäkaniti!
I bet you will. Have you thought about potential names already?
Ukhamaniwa. Niy kuna sutinipxanis uk yatxtati?
Not so much. My husband and I can't agree. I tend to be traditional, and he wants something 'unique'. Do you think you'd like children some day?
Janiw sum yatkti. Chachajamp nayampix janjamakiw walt’ayasipkäti. Nayra sutinak munthxa jupax mayja sut muni. Jumax akat maranakat wawaniyatati?
'Unique' LOL. I feel bad some times for these kids with very 'cool' names. Go figure how uncomfortable it can get when they're young adults and looking for a job. I don't see myself as a mom to be honest
Maynisapaki xaxa. Yaqhippachanax ukham mayja sutin wawanakax mayjt’ayituwa. Yaqhippachanakax kunakikan wayna tawaquptasinxa, ukhamarak irnaqaw thaqhañatakisa. Taykjamax amuykipañaspawa
I agree exactly! Why not a strong reliable name that's been around forever. I think it's great that you know your heart when it comes to children. There's a lot of pressure, and not every woman needs to become a mother.
Ukhampuniskiwa! Wali uñt’at sutix wiñayatakispawa. Wali kusiskañapuniw ukham chuymat jutatapaxa, ukhamarak yatitamasa. Yant’asipxiwa, ukat janiw taqi warmis taykäñ munkiti.
RIGHT? I agree with you on both counts. Being a mother is huge responsibility and I fully commend you for it. I feel I can do a better job as the cool auntie haha
CHIQAPUNI? Jumar paypachat iyawsirismawa. Taykäñax janiw aliqakikiti jan ukasti chiqpach taykañawa ukhamarak taykxam sayt’asiñawa. Tiyajat uk’amp kusiristwa xaxa
That's amazing. Well I'm sure going to need a cool auntie or two once this lot is born! Plus you've got so many amazing hobbies. I wish I could play violin.
Ukax muspkañawa. Ukhamax nayax mä suma tiya jikxatañ munäxa, inas akatx qhiparux utjaskakchini! Ukhamatx jumax wali suma inapachan lurañanak jikxattaxa. Nayax wayulin jat’iñmuniristätxa.
I'm not super into wrestling.
Nuwasisax janiw khust’ktti.
I'm so sorry. That happened with my mom when my dad died, too. I mostly just tried to keep her busy for a while. I'm not sure it really helped, though.
Lakkayawa. Tatajax jiwki ukjax mamajax kipkakiw jikxatasïna. Nayax jan injtataw juk’ampis juparux qamayirïtxa. Ukhamarus ukhamatx jupar yanapstha jani, nayax janiw sum yatktti.
Funny you mention that. When my sister-in-law was in her last month of pregnancy she stayed at my place while I was just learning the violin. That meant I was playing it almost daily. Her son always smiles at me when he hears me playing even if he's only 2 years old
Ukax wali yänikiwa. Kunawsatix jilajan warmipax qhipa phaxsinak usurikanxa, jupax naya jak’ankirinaw kunawsatix wayulin jat’iñ yatiqkayät ukhaxa. Sapurupuniw yatsuskayäta. Wawapax wayulin ist’asax nayatak lart’asiriwa, jupax 2 maranikiskiwa
That's such a sweet story. You must have had some natural talent, as I imagine some of those early sounds are tough on the ears! One day I'd love to learn the cello It has such a deep mournful sounds.
Ukax jiwa siwasiwakipuniwa. Jumax chuymamatay jat’iripachataxa, kunjamtix uka nayraqat jat’itanakax jinchuruw nayraqat purïna! Mä urux chelo yatiqañ munäxa, wali thuru arunichixaya.
I always joke that he smiles not because he remembers I played while he was still in the womb, but rather because I'm no longer hurting his ears LOL. Cello is nice, I have thought about learning it one day too
Juparux sawkxayapuntwa, janiw larkiti, kunalaykutix kunawsatix purakankkänax anatxayapunirïtwa, ukampirus janiw jichhax juk’amp jichup usuchxti xaxa. Chilux kusapuniwa, mä urux yatiqiristha, sasaw amuyasktha
LOL! I suspect if you're skilled with violin and guitar, you won't have any difficulty picking up cello. Me on the other hand will be starting at zero.
Xaxa! Jumatix wayulinamp kitaramp uywsutastaxa, janiw kuna ch’amakaspas chilu yatiqañamaxa. Nayax qalltat yatiqañaxaniwa.
I just got tickets to a Taylor Swift concert! Do you want to come?
Taylor Swift jayllip ist’añatakix tikit alastha! Sarasksnati?
Oh my gosh, yes! I love Taylor Swift! I especially like her Folklore and Lover albums. Which albums of hers are your favorite(s)?
Kun janisti, jisa! Taylor Swift kusapuniwa! Juk’ampis uka phulklur jayllipamp Lover alwunapanakaw kusaxa. Jumatakix kawknirinakas jiwitaki?
Oh my, I like her so much I would have a hard time picking one album. She matured so much since her first album. She never dissapoints. Have you seen her in concert before?
Kamskasman, nayatakix wali ch’amapuniw mä alwumap ajllt’asiñaxa. Jupax nayrïr alwunapatpach kust’ayanipuniwa. Taqipuniw kust’ata. Mä kutis jayllinakap uñtir sartati?
I have never seen her in person, but I've watched some televised concerts of hers. I bet she puts on a great show; she always puts her all into her work. Will you be incorporating any Taylor Swift music into your wedding?
Janipuniw mä kutis ajanuy jajanux uñkatkti, ukampirus tiliwishunanak jayllinakapx uñtaskirïta. Kamskasman jupax kust’ayakipuniwa; jupax taqpach jayllinakap amtañ yati. Jaqichaskat ukhax Taylor Swiftan jayllinakap ucht’asitati?
For sure! I just can't decide on our first dance song. She has so many good ones. Which one would you recommend?
Kun janisti! Qallta thuqhuñakis ukatakiw uchasïxa. Wali kust’atanakanipunichixaya. Kawkniris waliskpana?
I've always loved her song Enchanted...Everything has Changed is a good one too...of course, Lover is a great first dance song as well...there's so many to choose from!
Enchanted jayllipaxay wali kusapunichixa... Everything has Changed ukax kusarakikiwa... kun janisti, Lover ukas wali kusapuniwa, ukhamax waljapuniw ajllisiñatakixa!
Yeah I think you have a really good idea there. We both need to occupy our minds for the time being and heal.. Maybe we could travel to one the countries she has always dreamed of seeing. Or maybe I could take her to an arcade and play games like she did when she was a kid.
Jisa, jumax wali khusa amuyunjamakïtawa. Panpachanitakiw anchhax jan injtat lup’is sarnaqañax wakisi, k’umaraptañataki. Inas jupax sarañ munapinirïki uka markanakar sarapxiristha ukax walïchispa. Inas juparux mä anatañ utar irpiristha, jupax wawäkän uka pachjam jupar anatt’ayiristha.
That's why the choice is so hard. Maybe I will listen to them with my fiancee and we will decide together. How is your job?
Ukatwa ajllt’asiñax wali ch’ama. Munatajampiw purapat ist’apxä ukhamat panpachan ajllt’añataki. Kunjamaskis irnaqäwixa?
Work has been going well, thanks for asking. I really enjoy being able to help my students develop and foster a love of music. How has your school year with the little kids been going?
Kusakiskiw irnaqäwixa, askinanpun jiskt’istaxa. Yatiqirinakar uka jayllinak munayatajatx walpun kusistha. Juman jisk’a lalanakam yatiqatax kunjamakisa?
I am so happy to hear that! I wish I could play instruments. My work is great. I love working with younger kids.
Walpun uk ist’asin kusistha! Nayax kun jat’iñs limiñs phusañs munristhwa. Kusapuniw irnaqäwijaxa. Jisk’alalanakamp irnaqañax jiwakipuniwa.
I bet they have so much energy! You must be exhausted by the end of the day!
Jupanakax taqikuns jank’akipuniw lurt’apxi! Ukhamarus uru tukuyañatakix q’ala qaritapunitawa!
I am but every day I feel really fulfilled. It makes me feel so good to know that I have such big impact in their lives. I would love to have kids myself one day. Do you have kids?
Ukampirus ukax walpun ch’amañchitu. Juk’ampis walpun jakäwinakapr yanapt’añax kusisiyitu. Mä urux wawanïñ muniristhxa. Wawanitati?
I do. I have two boys; one is 11 and the other is 8. They definitely have their moments where they fight, but they make me feel so happy and fulfilled. I miss them being little babies...the time goes by so fast.
Jisa. Pä yuqallaw utjitu; mayax 11 maraniwa, maynirist 8 maranirakiwa. Yaqhippachanakax walpun piljasipxi, ukhamarus jupanakax walpun chuymachitu. Jisk’anakasipkaspan...jank’akiw jilarapxi.
I had the worst customer come into my bar.
Wali jan wali alasiripuniw alasir mantani.
Oh, no! What were they like?
Chiqapuni! Kunjamapxanasa?
He was super rude and degrading, and when I told him the total of his bill, he refused to pay the full amount.
Wali qhuru arun jaqipuniwa, kunawsatix qawqhakitix uk jistxa, janiw kuns payllañ munxiti.
I hope you're able to kick people out when they're like that! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I had a situation like that last weekend at Billy Bobs.
Chiqpachans uka kast jaqinak liwsuñatakix ch’amaniñamawa! Walpun uk ist’asax llakistha. Billy Bobs ukanx ukapachparakikiw mayüruxa.
Those sound like great ideas. I always say we can't control the bad things that happen to us, but we can try to bring good things into our lives.
Ukanakax wali khusa amuyunakjamakiwa. Jan walinakax jiwasar purinki ukjax janiw kamachksnasa sasakipiniw nayax sañ yattha, ukhamarus jakäwisanx aski luräwinakamp sarnaqañaw munañäspa.
Yes, the manager got involved and it was a whole situation. I do not get paid enough to deal with this nonsense. I cannot wait to get out of the bar industry, and become solely a customer. Uh oh, what happened at Billy Bobs?
Jisa, uka apnaqirimpachaw chikañchasi ukat wali jach’arupuniw tukxi. Ukat janiw walj payllañ munkti. Janiw uka kantin utanak liwsuñatakikti, naya sapakit ukan alasirixa. Chiqapuni, ukat Billy Bobs ukan kamachapunisa?
But you're well on your way to becoming a nurse, right? Stay positive! So I was just minding my own business as usual. I go there to dance and forget about the week, but another person apparently came in to start fights. He kept saying the rudest things to people to get them riled up.
Ukampirus jumatakix qullirin yanapiripjamax kusakisktaya, janicha? Ch’amañchasim! Chiqpachans alakipar tukuñ munaskthxa. Ukarux thiquri ukat simanat armiriw sartha, ukat yaqhipanakax nuwasirikiw sarañ yatipxi. Jupax wali qhuruchasiñak yatipxi, jan ukham lutamt sirinakatakixa.
Yes, I honestly cannot wait to finish my nursing degree. I know I will be dealing with way more serious issues than cranky customers, but at least it is something I am passionate about. Plus, I will feel like I am making a difference. Wow, I hope you didn't get caught up in the middle of all that drama. Billy Bob's is always a good time but the crowd can be quite rowdy sometimes.
Jisa, qhanpachanx uka qullirir yanapañ yatiqäwx tukuyañ munthxa. Ukhamarus kunjamtix ukham qhuru jaqinakarux kamachañak ukx amuyxapunixawa, ukax nayatakix wali kusapuniwa. Juk’ampis nayax yaqhakastakirists ukham amuyastha. Chiqapuni, janik uka jan walt’awinakarux mantasmat siristhwa. Billy Bob’s ukax kusapuniwa, ukampirus walja jaqipuniw chikañchasi.
It's always better to be doing what you love, especially when it's helping other people. I haven't really been putting my chemistry degree to good use, so I'm considering going back to school myself. And yeah, the crowd can be rough but most people are just having a good time lol.
Juk’ampis kunatix chuymamanki ukarjam lurañax kusapuniwa, yaqha jaqir yanapt’aña. Nayax janiw kunjamats uka kimikat yatiñax kunarus yant’aniwaykti, amuyatatx mayamp yatiqiriw saräxa. Jisa, uka walja jaqix janipi walikaspatixa, ukampirus wali kusapuniw ukankañaxa xaxa.
That's great to hear you are thinking of going back to school! What is your dream occupation?
Uka yatiqir kutt’añax wali kusapuniwa, kusisiyasiwa! Kuna irnaqäwimpis samkaskta?
I'm not really sure what path to take next. On one hand, I really want to just help people and make a difference. But on the other... I want to be making more money. Did you always know you wanted to be a nurse?
Janiw sum yatiskti, kunjamañtix munkt ukatuqitxa. Maysatxa, jaqir yanapt’añaw chuymajanki, ukhamat yaqhañaxataki. Maysatsti... walja qullqitrak irnaqañ muntha. Jumax qullirin yanapiriñamatakix qalltatpacht yatiyäta?
I think you should do whatever makes you happiest otherwise you will dread going in to work every day. I think I knew from a pretty young age. I was in and out of the hospital as a child and I looked up to and admired the nurses I saw there every day, they were so inspiring.
Amuyatatx kunay chuymamankchi ukpun yatiqañamaxa, janinitix kuna irnaqäwis q’al mayjt’ayakitamwa. Nayax wali waynitutpach yatiyätxa. Jisk’äsinx uka qullañ utan thuqhunaqaskiritxa, ukhamar qullirin yanapirinakaparux uñjirïtxa, jupanakaw p’arxtayaniwayitu.
I think that's the biggest mystery of my life; I'm not sure what makes me happiest. My mother was a nurse and I was always inspired by her, but I was a bit scared of being at the hospital. It must have been tough for you to need to be in and out of the hospital.
Amuyatatx ukaw wali muspañax jakäwijanxa; janiw sum sum kunapunis kusisiyitu ukx yatkti. Mamajax qullirin yanapiripanawa inas ukapun p’arxtayanchitu, ukampirus mä juk’it qullañ utax axsarayirituwa. Qullañ utanx mistuñ mantañaw sasin yatichasisapäna.
Well, my computer time is up. Thanks for the volunteering suggestion, I will look into that during my computer time tomorrow.
Walikiw atamirijax jiwawayxiwa. Askinanpun uka inak irnaqañatx amuyt’ayistaxa, ukx arumanthiw atamirix aqtatakan ukhaw thaqtäxa.
That went fast! Are you looking forward to seeing you mom?
Jank’akiw sarawayxi! Mamamamp jikisiñ suyasktati?
This is true thanks for keeping my spirits up. Speaking of family... did you have to throw any of your boys in your scorpion pit yet?
Ukax chiqawa, walik ukham nayar ch’amacht’istaxa. Utjäwijat arsusa… ¿Jap’asank p’iyamarux mayni wawamarus nukhuntxtat janicha?
I am looking forward to seeing her. It's been a long time. She keeps suggesting I read some new books while I'm here, though.
Mamajar uñjañ suyasktwa. Wali jayaxiwa. Jupax akankasax mä machaq panks ullartati, sitaniw amuyatatxa.
I mean, it's good advice. It would be a great distraction if fiction, and you could learn some stuff if non-fiction. Helps to keep spirits up.
Wali kusa amuyuwa. Juk’ampis wali kusaniw utjkis jan utjkis ukatuqinakat yatiqañaxa. Ajayurux ch’amañchiwa.
I wouldn't even know where to start with what to read. I just feel so tired and blah all the time, can you recommend anything maybe?
Ukhamarus janiw sum kawknirs nayraqatx ullarä ukx amuykti. Wali qaritakitw taqipachansa, inas jumax jist’awaychitasma?
I'm not surprised you're feeling tired and blah. You're experiencing something incredibly stressful. I would start with thriller maybe, or suspense. Something easy to read but hooks you in.
Chiqpachans amuyxtwa, qariyktam ukatxa. Amuyatatx wali ch’amt’ayasamachtamxa. Inas mä muphayir pankamp qalltchï. Kawkniritix jasakikaspan ukhamarus waykatiristam ukampi.
That's a good idea, thanks! How is working in the museum lately? Do you get to learn a lot?
Kusa amuyupuniwa, pay suma! Uka musiy utanx kunjamakisa? Walt yatiqasinkta?
As I give the tours, I already know most of the information so it can get a little repetitive. But I try not to let it show. I'm struggling with my partial deafness though. When people ask questions. It can get frustrating.
Kunjamtix irpanaqthxa, walja kunaymanat yatxa, ukampirus sapakut parlatawa. Janiw amuyasiñapakiti. Mä juk’it uqararakistxay ukampiw nuwasisktha. Kunawsatix jaqix jiskt’aski. Ukax mayjaspawa.
Gosh, I can imagine that makes it difficult at times. Does lip reading help with the lack of hearing?
Jichhasti, yaqhippachax wali ch’am ukax tukuyi, amuyiristwa. Laka ispillunak ullarañax jan ist’irinakarux yanapt’iti?
It's challenging as it's usually a large group and sometimes I'm not fast enough to see who is asking the question. I've started sharing my issue with hearing, and people are generally kind. Hey, I was going to ask - do they have a library where you are?
Wai ch’amakiwa, chiqpachans wali jach’a tamawa ukat yaqhippachanakax janiw uñjañatakix jank’akikti, khitis jiskt’asiski. Aruskipäwijx ist’añampiw qallantanta, ukat jaqix khuyapt’ayasiriwa. Ampi, jiskt’añampiskayasmawa - qamktas ukawjan utjit panka aljañ utaxa?
We do, the books are a bit worn since they're donations, but we have a great selection!
Utjapxituwa, uka pankanakax mirq’sutanakawa, ina churatakichixaya, ukampirus kusa pankanakaw utji!
I hope you really do take advantage of that resource. It should help pass the time, and before you know it, things will improve.
Jumanakax kuspunuka yatiñanakx apsupxpachataxa. Ukhamat inapachx mäkiptayañataki, ukatx amtaskataxay k’amphikiptaniwa.
Oh, I've thought about it, believe me! Trouble is there's five of them and only one of me.
¡Ay, ukxat lup’iskayätwa, chiqaw sakitaya! Jupanakax phisqhanïpxiwa, maynikiw nayanki.
How did your time go volunteering at the homeless shelter?
Kunjamakis pachamax uka jan utaninakar yanapt’añanx mäkiptawayi?
It went well, but I always feel a little sad seeing all of those people in need. Especially with this snow we have been having, it's been a rough go for them. But it is definitely rewarding and helps me put things into perspective and realize that I am lucky for everything that I have.
Kusakinawa, ukampirus wal chuymañ uka jan utaninakar uñjasinx ch’allxtitu. Juk’ampis aka khunupachana, wali ch’amapuniw jupanakatakixa. Ukampirus nayarux walpun p’arxtayarakitu, nayapachpas uñakipasirakthwa, ukhamat nayanx taqikunaw utjaskitütu.
What type of homeless shelter do you work at?
Kunjam sartir utanaks lurapxta?
It's a local shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence. They come to us when they have nowhere else to go, but at least they are safe.
Uka sartir utanakax mamanakatak ukhamarak wawanakatakiwa, jan walt’äwit mistsurinakataki. Kunawsatix jan kawkhs sarañ atipkix ukhaw jutapxi, ukhamat ukan qamapxi.
That is so nice of you to take time to care for those who don't have any other options. Maybe you can host a fundraiser for the shelter to raise some money to help those in need. You could do a pizza dinner for families and have little workout themed games for the children.
Uka wali kusapuniw ukham yanapt’atamaxa juk’ampis khitinakatix jan kunanipki. Inas akhamatx qullqi uka jilanakar kullakanakar yanapt’añatakix apthapchisma. Mä pisa manq’añ arum wakt’ayasma, ukhamarak wawanakatak anqan anataña.
Wow, that is an amazing idea! I am not sure why I have never thought of something like that, but I think it could make a huge difference. Do you have experience in running fundraisers?
Waw, Ukax kusa amuyupuniwa! Kunats ukx jan nayratpacha amuykpachayätxa, Jichhax ukampirus wali jach’a mayjt’awipunispawa. Ukat atipasiñ jalañtuq qullq apthapiritati?
Unfortunately I have not hosted any fundraisers of my own, but being the social butterfly that I am, I have attended a bunch of them.
Qhanpachanx janipuniw kuns qullqi apthapiñan luraniwaykti, ukhamarus akham kast jaqinakamp irnaqatajatx waljanakaruw sartha.
I have never really attended any myself so I am somewhat unfamiliar with the process. Maybe I can recruit you to help me out with it? I am not sure if you are interested in adding any volunteer work to your plate, so no pressure.
Ukhamarak janiw naya sapak sarkti, ukhamatx janikiw kunjam wakichañas ukx amuykti. Inas jumamp wakt’aysna, yanapt’itasmati? Janiw sum amuykti, jumax mayni yanapirinakamp yapkatanismaya, janiw ukhamapuniñapakiti.
I would love to help, but I do have some traveling that I am going to be doing here in the next month, but if we plan for a day when I am available I would love to help.
Kusisitaw yanapt’irismaxa, Ukampirus aka phaxsinakax ch’usasiñaxawa, ukampirus inapachanx aruskipasksnawa, yanapt’añx muniristwa.
I am sure we can work around your schedule, I really appreciate any assistance you are able to offer. Where are you traveling to?
Jisa pachamarjamax wakt’ayasksnawa, jichhatpach uka yanapt’añ munatamat pay sum säma. Kawkharus ch’usasïta?
Yeah how old are they now. Can you wrestle all five of them at once? If not you might want to hit the gym!
Jisa ¿jichhax qawqha maranïpxisa? ¿Phisqhpachanimp ch’axwasmat janicha? Jan gimnasior sarañ munkan uka!
I am traveling through Europe. I absolutely love trying different foods, and what better place to go then to travel through all of Europe and trying all the different foods in the different countries.
Iwrupatuqinak ch’usasïxa. Uka yaqh yaqh manq’anak mallt’añ muntha ukatx kawkiwjanakay uñjaniñatakix Iwrupan utjchi ukhamat may maya markan manq’anakap mallt’anïxa.
Wow, that sounds incredible, I wish I could tag along! What countries will you be traveling through?
Ukax kusapuniwa, Jumamp saraskiristha! Kawknïr markanaks uñjanïta?
How is your favorite team performing this year?
Kunjams anatir tamamax aka marax anataski?
They're going terribly haha. I can't bring myself to watch the games anymore!
Janipuniw akch’as walikiti xaxa. Janiw uka anatañanak juk’amp uñjir sarañ munxti!
Yeah, which team was that again? I completely forgot.
Jisa, kawknïr tamas mayampixa? Armasxapuntwa.
I'm a long time fan of the Chiefs. Family tradition! All my kids love them too. Even have a little jersey for the dogs in their team colors. Do you watch any sport?
Chiefs uka anatirinak arkiritwa. utjäwinx taqinipuni! Wawanakas arkarakikiwa. Ukhamarak kamisitanakas anunakatak utjiwa. Kuna anatañanaks uñch’uktati?
Ahhh, the Chiefs! They've been slacking lately, and what a cute tradition! I'd love to see the doggies, and no I'm not much of a sports person myself.
Aaaa, Chiefs!! aka qhipanakanx walpun jayrantasipxi, ukampirus jiwakiwa! Uka anunak uñjañ muniristwa, nayax janipi uka anatirinak sint uñch’uktixa.
Yeah you seem like someone of more refined tastes which is awesome. It's just important to have a hobby of any kind to keep us busy! I'm thinking of taking up music lessons.
Jisa jumax may wali wali tukutaxstaxaya ukas walikiraki. Ukhamipanx juk’ampis kunar inapachx apt’añaw utjañapa! Jaylliñ yatiqasktha.