{ "en": "The Brijuni National and Memorial Park is one of the brightest pearls of natural beauty in Pula's vicinity and, alongside the Kornati islands, it is one of the most well-known island groups in the Adriatic.", "hr": "Brijuni su najsjajnija turistička perla u blizini Pule i, poslije Nacionalnog parka Kornati, najpoznatija skupina otoka u Hrvatskoj." }
{ "en": "What makes the Brijuni islands so attractive is the abundance and variety of untouched plant and animal life and numerous monuments from various periods.", "hr": "Ono što čini atraktivnim Brijune je nedirnuta priroda, životinjski svijet i mnoštvo spomenika iz različitih perioda povijesti." }
{ "en": "Dalmatia - Dalmatia has, for a long time, been famous in the tourism world for its clean sea, abundance of sun, natural beauty, and particularly for its cultural monumental heritage and the cultural events (Passion heritage, games of knighthood, folk songs, folklore, and festivals).", "hr": "Dalmacija - Već dugo vremena, u turističkom svijetu, poznata je po čistom moru, mnoštvu sunčanih dana, prirodnih ljepota i bezbroj kulturnih i povijesnih događaja." }
{ "en": "The transparency of the Adriatic Sea is greatest around the outermost Dalmatian islands, where it reaches 56 meters in depth.", "hr": "Jadransko more, kao najljepši dio Sredozemnog mora, oplahuje dalmatinsku obalu s tisuću otoka, poluotoka i hridi." }
{ "en": "These rivers are suitable for canoeing and rafting, and since they flow through rocky areas, they present true oases.", "hr": "Najveće rijeke u Dalmaciji, Neretva, Cetina, Krka i Zrmanja kroz cijelu godinu pružaju mogućnosti za canoeing i rafting." }
{ "en": "Their riverbeds are of exceptional natural beauty.", "hr": "S njihovih obala i kanjona pruža se nezaboravan pogled na čuvenu ljepotu ovih kraških ljepotica." }
{ "en": "Gorski Kotar - a mountainous region, so called” The walleye of butterfly”, half way between the inland and Adriatic cost.", "hr": "Gorski kotar - Planinski kraj, nazvan i “Dolina leptira”, na pola je puta od mora do Zagreba." }
{ "en": "Because of its mountainous scenery and lush greenness, its fogs and long winters, because of its rich forests and crystal-clear brooks, the abundance of mushrooms and medical herbs, the numerous caves, sinkholes and gorges, Gorski kotar is quite unique, different from any other part of Croatia.", "hr": "Svojom gorovitošću i zelenilom, maglom i zimom, svojom bujnom šumom i bistrim potocima, svojim obiljem gljiva, plodina i ljekovitog bilja, svojim špiljama, jamama i ponorima, svojim ljudima i prirodom Gorski kotar je drugačiji i poseban." }
{ "en": "At present, the entire region is trying to re-define its modern tourist identity and image by combining the local tourist tradition and the contemporary trends in the hospitality industry. - then look for Gorski kotar on your own way.", "hr": "Zato - želite li promijeniti ambijent, odmoriti se individualno ili u društvu, zamijeniti gradsku vrevu i asfalt šumskim stazama i mirisom crnogorice, a da Vas pritom ne treba vodič i animator - tada posjetite i doživite ovaj kraj na svoj način." }
{ "en": "After getting to know with your client's special interests, desires and profile we will create a detailed incentive program enriched with various activities…like sightseeing tour with costumed guides, traditional balls or private music soiree, tasting of wine and local specialties on unusual places...or various team-building games in order to high up the team spirit and connect the people.", "hr": "Nakon što nam pobliže objasnite interes, želje i profil Vaših klijenata kreirat ćemo programe samo za Vas s mnoštvom različitih sportskih aktivnosti i kulturnih aktivnosti, obilazaka, privatnih glazbenih zabava, kušanja vina i lokalnih specijaliteta na neuobičajenim mjestima….ili različite Team building programe koji mogu biti fizički vrlo zahtjevni te pridonose povezivanju ljudi u timovima." }
{ "en": "An elderly man is riding in a rusty, weather-beaten cable car suspended at an alarming altitude. The man treats himself to a sizeable portion of snuff.", "hr": "Postariji čovjek vozi se u zahrđaloj žičari izloženoj vremenskim neprilikama, ovješenoj na zastrašujućoj visini, šmrčući zamjetne količine duhana." }
{ "en": "With the sneeze thereafter, the rickety cable car begins to sway precariously.", "hr": "Spopadne ga kihanje, a kloparava se žičara počinje opasno njihati." }
{ "en": "One sneeze attack after another ensues, however, creating a momentum which brings the gondola on the verge of bursting.", "hr": "Napadaji kihanja nižu se jedan za drugim, stvarajući zamah koji dovodi gondolu do ruba eksplozije." }
{ "en": "Ruthlessly exposed to the rain and snow, the cable car ascends to increasingly abysmal heights. The man, however, remains undaunted by his fate.", "hr": "Neumoljivo izložena kiši i snijegu, žičara se uspinje na sve strašnije visine, no čovjek ostaje nepokolebljiv." }
{ "en": "Armed with a roll of adhesive tape, he takes control of the situation and fabricates his own cabin.", "hr": "Oboružan kolutom samoljepive vrpce, preuzima kontrolu i sam sastavlja kabinu." }
{ "en": "\"Walking in Manolo shoes gives a special feeling, just like the luxury of prestige, high heels living...", "hr": "\"Hodati u Manolicama poseban je osjećaj, baš kao i luksuz koji spada u život na visokoj nozi." }
{ "en": "However, I have discovered a long time ago that the value of a yacht should be measured by the time spent on it.", "hr": "Ipak... odavno sam otkrila da se vrijednost jahte mjeri vremenom provedenim na njoj." }
{ "en": "I measure today's fast pace modern life success by the amount of free time!\"", "hr": "U užurbanoj svakodnevnici uspjeh mjerim količinom slobodnog vremena!\"" }
{ "en": "This is the public display of love between Pula and the antiquity.", "hr": "Evo kako se Pula i antička kultura vole javno." }
{ "en": "As homage to the world in which it was born, the town of Pula brings back bacchanalia and gladiator games for all the visitors and chance travelers.", "hr": "Kao predočenje svijeta u kojem je nastala, Pula priređuje bakanalije i gladijatorske borbe svim svojim posjetiocima i putnicima namjernicima." }
{ "en": "Town streets and squares, the Small Roman Theatre, the Archaeological Museum, the Forum and the Amphitheatre - the whole town will be a stage. So, if you happen to be in Pula between 25 and 26 May, join the crowd with the motto of 'Bread and games!' and enjoy a great civilization retrospective.", "hr": "Na pulskim ulicama i trgovima, u Malom rimskom kazalištu, na Forumu i u Areni - ako se u razdoblju od 25. do 26. svibnja zateknete u Puli, ne preostaje vam drugo nego da se pridružite pod geslom 'Kruha i igara!' i uživate u retrospektivi jedne velike civilizacije." }
{ "en": "There are rare areas not being daily improved by contemporary information technology.", "hr": "Rijetke su djelatnosti koje suvremena informatička tehnologija ne unapređuje iz dana u dan." }
{ "en": "Therefore SCADA/HMI applications are not being used only in automation of industrial processes in factories, as most obvious use of industrial automation, but also in traffic regulation, gathering meteorological data, sorting goods in warehouses etc.", "hr": "Tako se SCADA/HMI aplikacije ne koriste samo u automatizaciji proizvodnih procesa u tvornicama, kao najočiglednijim primjenama industrijske automatike, nego i u npr. regulaciji prometa, prikupljanju meteoroloških podataka, razvrstavanju robe u skladištima itd." }
{ "en": "Here you can find short descriptions of some typical industrial automation tasks.", "hr": "U nastavku možete pročitati kratke opise nekih karakterističnih primjena industrijske automatike." }
{ "en": "There are plentiful of campsites on Croatian islands.", "hr": "Na hrvatskim otocima se nalaze mnogobrojni kampovi." }
{ "en": "Whilst camping on islands often involves ferry crossing, this delay in journey can be worthwhile.", "hr": "Iako dolazak na otoke često znači produženo vrijeme putovanja radi trajekta, dodatno vrijeme utrošeno na put je vrijedno toga." }
{ "en": "Below is the list of all Croatian islands that have campgrounds.", "hr": "Na ovoj stranici prezentiramo listu hrvatskih otoka na kojima su kampovi." }
{ "en": "Islands are listed in alphabetical order.", "hr": "Otoci su izlistani alfabetski." }
{ "en": "The most important ports are Nečujam, Stomorska, Maslinica and Rogač, suited to the development of nautical tourism and to tourism in general because of the many bays and beaches, the untouched nature and the limpid sea.", "hr": "Najvažnije luke otoka su Nečujam, Stomorska, Maslinica i Rogač. Pogodne su za razvoj nautičkog turizma i turizma uopće zbog mnogih uvala i plaža, nedirnute prirode i čistog mora." }
{ "en": "The biggest news this season are definitely kicker & slider built by the expert team - Marco, Marcus and Patrick.", "hr": "Najveći noviteti ove sezone na liftu su svakako kicker i slider koje je izgradio tim stručnjaka - Marco, Marcus i Patrick." }
{ "en": "Thanks, guys! Here are a few pics from the launching.", "hr": "Mi im se jako zahvaljujemo i evo nekoliko prizora sa porinuća." }
{ "en": "And impressions from the cable from April and May...", "hr": "I utisci sa lifta iz travnja i svibnja..." }
{ "en": "Teneo has been in business from 2001; in addition to numerous activities in the field of communications management, Teneo specialized in crisis management, investment relations and PR tourism.", "hr": "TENEO - PR consulting posluje od 2001. godine. Osim širokog spektra aktivnosti iz područja komunikacijskog managementa, Teneo se specijalizirao za upravljanje kriznim situacijama, komuniciranje s investicijskim javnostima i PR u turizmu." }
{ "en": "Summary: A series of mono and bis imidazolium compounds containing benyil, phenil, 4-metoxyphenil and 4-fluorophnyl substituents in position 3 of imidazole ring were prepared and characterised by elemental analysis, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy.", "hr": "Sažetak: Pripremljen je niz mono i bis imidazolijskih oksima sa supstituentima na 1-dušikovu atomu imidazolskog prstena (benzil, fenil, 4-metoksifenil i fluorfenil). Struktura spojeva dokazana je IR i 1H NMR spektrima." }
{ "en": "Compounds in which one imidazole ring was replaced by 2- and 4-hydroksyiminomethyipyridine were synthesised too.", "hr": "Također je sintetiziran i niz spojeva u kojima se uz imidazolijski dio nalazi i piridinijski u obliku 2- ili 4-hidroksiiminometilpiridina." }
{ "en": "The inhibitory power (IC-50), persentage of reactivation after inhibition by sarin, VX, tabun and somanhave been determined for human erytrocyte AChE. The AM-1 semiempirical calculation was performed for three of synthesesed compounds and optimal geometry and charge of atoms are presented.", "hr": "Određeni su in vitro inhibitorna moć spojeva (IC50) i postotak reaktivacije poslije inhibicije sarinom VX-om, tabunom, i somanom. AM-1 semiempirijski računi su također urađeni i dati su optimalna geometrija molekula kao i naboji na atomima." }
{ "en": "Our company premises are situated in New Zagreb at 40 Avenija V. Holjevca.", "hr": "Prostore tvrtke smjestili smo u Novom Zagrebu u Aveniji V. Holjevca 40." }
{ "en": "We are easily reachable by any means of transport and have a parking lot provided for any visitor.", "hr": "Do nas s lakoćom možete doći bilo kojim prijevoznim sredstvom. Za sve posjetitelje osigurano je parkirno mjesto." }
{ "en": "Our company premises are immediately nearby the motorway, airport and main city roads.", "hr": "Prostori tvrtke smješteni su u neposrednoj blizini autoputa, aerodroma i glavnih gradskih prometnica." }
{ "en": "Mas.Tech. (Machine Technology) is a company specialising in manufacturing, sales, refurbishment and service of leithes and other metal processing machines.", "hr": " (Machine Technology) je poduzeće za proizvodnju, prodaju, remont i servis alatnih strojeva." }
{ "en": "The Company grew from the trade services \"NINE\" owned by Nine Bajić.", "hr": " je nasljednica obrta \"NINE\" u vlasništvu Nine Bajića." }
{ "en": "During our long tradition we have gained valuable experience in refurbishing, repairing, maintaining and servicing of machines as well as the manufacture of spare parts.", "hr": "U našoj dugogodišnjoj tradiciji je bogato iskustvo u održavanju, popravcima, remontu, servisu alatnih strojeva i proizvodnja rezervnih dijelova za iste." }
{ "en": "Jurkic d.o.o. focuses mostly on work related to marine industry; manufacturing of ship constructions, manufacturing of pipelines, outfitting of ship equipment, ship repairs and modifications.", "hr": "Jurkić d.o.o. bavi se uglavnom poslovima u brodogradnji; proizvodnjom brodskih konstrukcija, proizvodnjom i montažom brodskih industrijskih čeličnih konstrukcija, preinakama, off shore poslovima te remontom." }
{ "en": "The company was founded in 2003. and right now employs 40 highly experienced workers.", "hr": "Tvrtka je osnovana 2003. godine." }
{ "en": "Furthermore it can increase its workforce very quickly and flexibly if needed.", "hr": "Vrlo je fleksibilna jer u kratkom vremenskom intervalu može povećati broj zaposlenih." }
{ "en": "Our team is ready to support you all over the world for a reasonable and competitive price.", "hr": "Za razumnu i konkurentnu cijenu spremni smo vam pružiti podršku bilo gdje u svijetu." }
{ "en": "In addition, we offer you documentation preparation and surveillance services in cooperation with the company Navtec Marine d.o.o.", "hr": "Uz to vam nudimo i pripremu dokumentacije i usluge procjene u suradnji s tvrtkom Navtec Marine d.o.o." }
{ "en": "It is not known for sure when exactly people started to work in the mines in Rude. However, certain data and remains of old and narrow galleries built without the use of powder lead to the conclusion that it was in the Middle Age, or maybe even in the Roman Age.", "hr": "Ne zna se pouzdano kada se počelo rudariti u Rudama, ali po nekim podacima, kao i po tome što se nailazi na stare radove s uskim i niskim hodnicima koji su izrađivani bez uporabe baruta, može se zaključiti da se ovdje radilo u srednjem vijeku, a možda i u doba Rimljana." }
{ "en": "According to the oldest available data, copper ore was extracted as early as 1210, and back then the village of Rude was called Rovi.", "hr": "Najstariji podaci govore da se već 1210. godine vadila bakrena ruda, a u to vrijeme selo Rude imalo je naziv Rovi." }
{ "en": "According to the first reliable data which dates back to 16th century at that time the owner of the mine was Leonard Gruber who sold copper.", "hr": "Prvi pouzdani podaci potječu iz XVI stoljeća gdje se spominje da je u to vrijeme vlasnik rudnika bio Leonard Gruber i da je prodavao bakar." }
{ "en": "The mine often changed owners, mainly due to financial crises.", "hr": "Rudnik je često mijenjao vlasnike, uglavnom zbog financijskih kriza." }
{ "en": "Data on the copper production is scarce in particular for the 16th and 17th centuries.", "hr": "Podaci o proizvodnji bakra manjkavi su naročito za XVI i XVII stoljeće." }
{ "en": "The year 1773 marked the beginning of more regular records on the production details providing evidence of a more or less constant mining, with some variations in the production, and from the beginning of the 17th cent. until the year 1800 the annual output was between 200 and 400 cents (1 cent=56.006 kgs).", "hr": "Redovitiji podaci o proizvodnji postoje od 1773. godine i iz njih se vidi da je rudnik radio uglavnom neprekidno, ali je proizvodnja varirala i da je od početka XVII stoljeća pa do 1800. godine godišnja proizvodnja bila između 200 i 400 centi (1 cent = 56,006 kg)." }
{ "en": "The highest copper outputs were recorded in 1634 and in 1791 with 573 and 546 cents, respectively.", "hr": "Najveća proizvodnja od 573 centa bakra zabilježena je 1634. godine te 1791. godine kada je proizvedeno 546 centi bakra." }
{ "en": "It is also the time of the origin of the preserved pit map (1777) showing a wide extent of the underground works.", "hr": "Iz tog vremena (1777. godine) potječe i sačuvana jamska karta na kojoj se vidi velika razgranatost podzemnih radova." }
{ "en": "Due to exhaustion of the deposits the production dropped after the year 1800.", "hr": "Radi osiromašenja ležišta proizvodnja iza 1800. godine opada." }
{ "en": "The exploitation of the copper ore stopped in 1851.", "hr": "Eksploatacija bakrene rude prestala je 1851. godine." }
{ "en": "The analysis of the existing data leads to the conclusion that the total production at Rude amounted to 2,200 to 2,800 tons of copper.", "hr": "Stručne procjene govore da je u Rudama ukupno proizvedeno između 2.200 i 2.800 tona bakra." }
{ "en": "The production of iron ore (siderite) started in 1850, and the most of the ore was melted in Rude, in a blast furnace of the annual capacity of 25,000 cents, one part of which was transported to Slovenia.", "hr": "Godine 1850. započela je proizvodnja željezne rude (siderita), koja je većim dijelom taljena u Rudama u visokoj peći kapaciteta 25.000 centi godišnje, a jedan dio odvožen je u Sloveniju." }
{ "en": "The annual production of iron ore was between 20,000 and 130,000 cents, while the annual production of iron was between 5,000 and 16,000 cents.", "hr": "Godišnja proizvodnja željezne rude kretala se između 20.000 i 130.000 centi, a godišnja proizvodnja željeza između 5.000 i 16.000 centi." }
{ "en": "The mine was closed in 1859 due to unprofitability.", "hr": "Radi nerentabilnosti rudnik je 1859. godine zatvoren." }
{ "en": "During the period of ten years of operation the amount of 26,000 tons of iron ore was extracted.", "hr": "Za vrijeme desetogodišnjeg rada otkopano je oko 26.000 tona željezne rude." }
{ "en": "Nearly all of the ore excavated at the time was extracted in the area of Vlašić-Kokel pits, and only a small portion of ore was extracted from other locations such as the Classenbruch opencut where, before World War Two, hematite was extracted for the needs of the Sisak ironworks.", "hr": "Gotovo sva ruda koja je u to vrijeme kopana izvađena je u reviru rovova Vlašić-Kokel, a tek manji dio željezne rude izvađen je iz drugih pozicija kao npr. iz dnevnog kopa rova Classenbruch gdje je prije II svjetskog rata vađen hematit za potrebe željezare Sisak." }
{ "en": "After the cessation of exploitation works, research works were carried out on several occasions with the aim to restore the mining activity in the area.", "hr": "Nakon napuštanja eksplotacijskih radova, u više navrata obavljani su istražni radovi s ciljem ponovnog oživljavanja rudarstva u tom kraju." }
{ "en": "Research was carried on before World War One and in the period between World War One and Two when numerous minor research works were conducted both on the left and right banks of the Gradna brook.", "hr": "Istraživalo se prije I svjetskog rata i između I i II svjetskog rata i u to vrijeme su izrađeni mnogobrojni manji istražni radovi na lijevoj i desnoj strani potoka Gradne." }
{ "en": "Besides the exploration of iron and copper ore deposits, exploration and extraction of gypsum were also carried out, but further extraction of gypsum was stopped, despite its considerable quantities, because the percentage of anhydrite was too high (about 15%).", "hr": "Pored istraživanja ležišta željezne i bakrene rude, ovdje se istraživao i vadio gips, ali je daljnje vađenje gipsa obustavljeno, uglavnom zbog toga što sadrži preveliki postotak anhidrita (oko 15%), iako su njegove količine značajne." }
{ "en": "In the area of the mining part of Gradna, downstream Rude, gypsum was extracted in several sites.", "hr": "U području rudaskog dijela Gradne, nizvodno od Ruda, na više je mjesta vađen gips." }
{ "en": "Exploitation started at the beginning of the 20th century and went on, with occasional interruptions, until the early ‘50s.", "hr": "Eksploatacija je započeta početkom ovog stoljeća i trajala je, s povremenim prekidima, sve do ranih pedesetih godina." }
{ "en": "The only available old pit map is the one from 1777 as referred to above.", "hr": "Jedina dostupna stara jamska karta je ona već spomenuta iz 1777. godine." }
{ "en": "It is obvious from the map that mining works were quite expanded and reached the depth of about 25 m under the lowest underground workings of Vlašić (St. Anton).", "hr": "Iz nje se vidi da su rudarski radovi bili veoma razgranati i da su dosezali dubinu od oko 25 m ispod najnižeg potkopa Vlašić (St. Anton)." }
{ "en": "Because copper ore was extracted until 1850, the works were probably carried on even deeper.", "hr": "Budući da je bakrena ruda vađena do 1850. godine, vjerojatno su radovi dosegli i veću dubinu." }
{ "en": "During the last research of deposits in the 1950s, the lowest underground workings of Vlašić were cleared (311 m above sea level) with the entrance in the immediate vicinity of the outpatient facility in Rude.", "hr": "Prilikom zadnjih istraživanja ležišta 50-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, očišćen je najniži potkop Vlašić (311 m N.v.) čiji se ulaz nalazi u neposrednoj blizini ambulante u Rudama." }
{ "en": "The pit is about 550 m long and it was caved in up to 430 m due to the fact that this particular part was situated in the clay sandstone of no resistance.", "hr": "Rov je dug oko 550 m i bio je zarušen do 430-og metra jer se taj dio nalazi u neotpornim glinovitim pješčenjacima." }
{ "en": "Behind it there is gypsum and this part of the drift was not caved in.", "hr": "Iza toga je gips i taj dio hodnika nije bio zarušen." }
{ "en": "Next, the clearing was done of the Sv. Trojstvo pit (340 m above sea level) which is rather expanded with the total length of some 520 m.", "hr": "Nadalje je očišćen rov Sv. Trojstvo (340 m N.v.) koji je prilično razgranat s ukupnom dužinom oko 520 m." }
{ "en": "The first 120 m were caved in and the rest of it was generally passable.", "hr": "Prvih 120 m rov je bio zarušen, dok je ostali dio bio uglavnom prohodan." }
{ "en": "Then the highest pit of Kokel (363 m above sea level) was cleared, and it is about 200 m long with the first 70 m caved in.", "hr": "Zatim je očišćen najviši rov Kokel (363 m N.v.) koji je dug oko 200 m i čijih je prvih 70-ak metara bilo zarušeno." }
{ "en": "Between the Sv. Trojstvo and Kokel pits there are iron ore (siderite) faces which are passable and which connect the two pits.", "hr": "Između rovova Sv. Trojstvo i Kokel su otkopi željezne rude (siderita) koji su prohodni i koji povezuju ta dva rova." }
{ "en": "At the end of the Vlašić shaft there is the Josip shaft which extends both upwards and downwards.", "hr": "Na kraju okna Vlašić je okno Josip koje ide naviše i naniže." }
{ "en": "Downwards it was about 22 m deep, and during the last research works the shaft was made deeper, the total depth now being 81 m.", "hr": "Naniže je bilo duboko oko 22 m, a s posljednjim istraživanjima okno je produbljeno do ukupne dubine od 81 m." }
{ "en": "At the elevation 245 a 178 m long gallery was constructed which passed under the goaves, and since no ore was found, it was concluded that the ore veins did not extend deep enough and that they were generally extracted in the goaves, which resulted in suspension of further work.", "hr": "Na koti 245 izgrađen je hodnik dug 178 m koji je prošao ispod starih radova, a budući da nije naišao na rudu, zaključeno je da je dubinsko protezanje rudnih žica malo i da su one starim radovima uglavnom povađene pa je daljnje istraživanje obustavljeno." }
{ "en": "In the early 2002 prof. Boris Šinkovec, geologist who was responsible for mining research works in Rude in 50-ies, came out with the idea of opening a mining museum in Rude, on the location of old mines Kokel and Sveto Trojstvo.", "hr": "Početkom 2002. profesor Boris Šinkovec, inače geolog zadužen za provedbu istražnih rudarskih radova u Rudama 50-ih godina, došao je u Rude s idejom otvaranja rudarskog muzeja na lokaciji rovova Kokel i Sveto Trojstvo." }
{ "en": "Members of Folk Group Oštrc had recognized the great potential of his notion and decided to open the Kokel mine again.", "hr": "Članovi KUD-a Oštrc prepoznali su veliki potencijal takve ideje i krenuli u njenu realizaciju." }
{ "en": "Aware of the fact that without making their own efforts no help from others can be expected, in the spring 2002 the citizens of Rude (mainly members of the Folklore Group Oštrc) by themselves dug out the entrance to the Kokel mine, and after talks with the project originator, Mr Šinkovac, and upon visual inspection of the pits, this mine was chosen as the most adequate and most preserved for the opening.", "hr": "Svjesni činjenice da bez vlastitog angažmana ne mogu očekivati nikakvu pomoć, u proljeće 2002. godine mještani Ruda (uglavnom članovi KUD-a Oštrc) sami su otkopali ulaz u rudnik Kokel koji je nakon razgovora s idejnim začetnikom projekta gosp." }
{ "en": "The illegal waste dump at the entrance was removed, as well as considerable deposits of mud which were taken out from the passable part of the mine (first 20 m).", "hr": "Šinkovcem i vizualnog pregleda rovova odabran kao najpogodniji i najočuvaniji za otvaranje." }
{ "en": "Contacts were made with several persons – professional miners and geologists who expressed their readiness to provide help in the project.", "hr": "Također su uklonili ilegalnu deponiju smeća koja se nalazila na samom ulazu, a iz prohodnog dijela rudnika (prvih 20-ak metara) odvezene su i veće količine blata koje su se s vremenom nataložile." }
{ "en": "In addition to the above preparatory works, works started on the removal of the fall at the 22nd m from the mine entrance.", "hr": "Osim ovih pripremnih radova započelo se s uklanjanjem odrona na 22. metru od ulaza u rudnik." }
{ "en": "Due to the fact that in the 1950s all workings were permanently closed, most of them were more or less caved in, depending on the geological composition of each site (in Rude there were about 10 sites where ore was extracted).", "hr": "Naime, budući da su pedesetih godina trajno zatvoreni svi kopovi u mjestu, većina njih je u većoj ili manjoj mjeri zarušena, ovisno o geološkom sastavu svake lokacije (u Rudama je bilo 10-ak lokacija na kojima se vadila ruda)." }
{ "en": "Only miners with a long experience and many years of service on the similar jobs were hired for the said works.", "hr": "Za te su radove bili angažirani rudari s dugogodišnjim radnim stažom na sličnim poslovima." }
{ "en": "After ten days of active digging the first fall was dug through, but, unfortunately, a few meters behind it there was another fall of the underground workings which was dug through on October 15, 2004.", "hr": "Nakon deset dana aktivnog kopanja probijen je prvi odron, no na žalost, nekoliko metara iza njega pojavilo se sljedeće urušenje potkopa koje je probijeno 15.10.2004. godine." }
{ "en": "Apart from the mentioned professional, all other workers were citizens of Rude, mainly members of the Folklore Group Oštrc.", "hr": "Uz spomenute stručnu osobu, svi ostali radnici mještani su Ruda, uglavnom članovi KUD-a Oštrc." }
{ "en": "Due to lack of space only 3-4 persons may work in the shaft at the same time which results in a daily advance of 1 meter at the most, and all of the excavated earth and rocks are taken out in wheelbarrows.", "hr": "Zbog skučenosti prostora istovremeno mogu u oknu raditi 3-4 osobe tako da je dnevno moguće pomaknuti se za maksimalno 1 metar, s tim da se sva iskopana zemlja i kamenje odvozi izvan rudnika u tačkama." }
{ "en": "The excavated tunnel is immediately shored up with fir shores which were also processed by members of FG Oštrc.", "hr": "Iskopani tunel odmah se podgrađivao jelovim podgradama koje su članovi KUD-a također sami pripremili.." }
{ "en": "So far some 250 shores have been used for the pit restoration.", "hr": "U sanaciju rova bilo je utrošeno oko 250 podgrada." }
{ "en": "The total length of the restored part of the mine amounts to 35 m, and the restoration took exactly 50 work days.", "hr": "Ukupna dužina saniranog dijela rudnika je 35 metara, za njegovu sanaciju bilo je potrebno točno 50 radnih dana." }
{ "en": "The tunneling of the falls marked the end of the preparatory works and made accessible some 400 m of passable galleries, including the impressive underground exploitation workings.", "hr": "Probijanje urušenja označilo je kraj pripremnih radova i učinilo dostupnim oko 400 metara prohodnih hodnika, uključujući i impresivan podzemni eksploatacijski kop." }
{ "en": "Those works discovered the extreme tourist potential of Rude mines and served as the base for Neighbourhood Programme Slovenia-Hungary-Croatia application.", "hr": "Spomenuti radovi poslužili su kao glavna podloga za prijavu na EU Program za susjedstvo Slovenija-Hrvatska Mađarska." }
{ "en": "If you receive a request to transfer money for goods which DHL allegedly currently has in transport, via an email as described, or should there be any doubt as to the authenticity of any DHL communication, please report it to DHL by contacting: DHL Express Customer Service via email from the global DHL website,, or phone Customer Service at the telephone number published on the DHL website for your country (country website addresses available through", "hr": "Ako dobijete zahtjev za transfer novca za robu koju DHL navodno prevozi, putem e-pošte kao što je gore objašnjeno, ili ako imate bilo kakvih sumnji u vjerodostojnost bilo koje DHL komunikacije, molimo Vas da isto prijavite DHL-u kontaktirajući: DHL Odjel za rad sa klijentima putem e-maila sa globalne DHL web stranice,, ili pozivom Odjelu za rad sa klijentima na telefonski broj objavljen na DHL Internet stranici Vaše zemlje (Internet stranica zemlje je dostupna preko" }
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