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Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Health Associate Professionals
Health associate professionals perform technical and practical tasks to support diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments in humans and animals, and to support implementation of health care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, veterinary, nursing and other health professionals. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Medical and Pharmaceutical Technicians
Medical and Dental Prosthetic Technicians
Medical and dental prosthetic technicians design, fit, service and repair medical and dental devices and appliances following prescriptions or instructions established by a health professional. They may service a wide range of support instruments to correct physical medical or dental problems such as neck braces, orthopaedic splints, artificial limbs, hearing aids, arch supports, dentures, and dental crowns and bridges.
[ "3", "32", "321", "3214" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Health Associate Professionals", "Medical and Pharmaceutical Technicians", "Medical and Dental Prosthetic Technicians" ]
[ "dental technician", "clinical dental technician", "senior dental technologist", "dental prosthetist", "maxillo-facial prosthetic technician", "dental technologist", "maxillo-facial prosthetic technologist", "chief dental technician", "prosthetic technologist", "chief dental technologist", "orthodontic technologist", "senior dental technician", "orthodontic technician" ]
dental technician
Dental technicians manufacture dental custom-made devices like bridges, crowns, dentures and appliances under the supervision of dental practitioners following their directions and specifications.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Food and Related Products Machine Operators
Food and Related Products Machine Operators
Food and related machine operators set, operate and attend machinery used to slaughter animals, trim meat from carcasses, and bake, freeze, heat, crush, mix, blend and otherwise process foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco leaves.
[ "8", "81", "816", "8160" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Food and Related Products Machine Operators", "Food and Related Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "chilling operator", "prepared meals operator" ]
chilling operator
Chilling operators perform various processes and tend specific machines for manufacturing prepared meals and dishes. They apply chilling, sealing, and freezing methods to foodstuffs for non-immediate consumption.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Business and Administration Associate Professionals
Business and administration associate professionals perform mostly technical tasks connected with the practical application of knowledge relating to financial accounting and transaction matters, mathematical calculations, human resource development, selling and buying financial instruments, specialized secretarial tasks, and enforcing or applying government rules. Also included are workers who provide business services such as customs clearance, conference planning, job placements, buying and selling real estate or bulk commodities, and serving as agents for performers such as athletes and artists. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Business Services Agents
Clearing and Forwarding Agents
Clearing and forwarding agents carry out customs clearing procedures and ensure that insurance, export/import licences and other formalities are in order.
[ "3", "33", "333", "3331" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Business and Administration Associate Professionals", "Business Services Agents", "Clearing and Forwarding Agents" ]
[ "ship representative", "cargo agent", "shipping representative", "water clerk", "ship local representative", "port agent", "shipping proxy", "owners charterers agent", "liner agent", "ships agent", "boarding clerk", "shipping agent" ]
shipping agent
Shipping agents represent the ship owner in a foreign port. They make sure customs is cleared in a timely manner so that the cargo doesn't have to stay too long in the port. Shipping agents also ensure that insurance, licences and other formalities are in order.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Electrotechnology Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Electrical engineers conduct research and advise on, design and direct the construction and operation of electrical systems, components, motors and equipment, and advise on and direct their functioning, maintenance and repair, or study and advise on technological aspects of electrical engineering materials, products and processes.
[ "2", "21", "215", "2151" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Electrotechnology Engineers", "Electrical Engineers" ]
[ "electrical engineering expert", "mines electrical engineer", "energy specialist for mining", "mine electrical technician", "mining electrical equipment officer", "mining electrical engineer", "mine electrical engineer", "electrical technologist", "mine electrical engineers", "energy specialist for refinement of fossil fuels", "electrical engineer" ]
mine electrical engineer
Mine electrical engineers supervise the procurement, installation and maintenance of mining electrical equipment, using their knowledge of electrical and electronic principles. They organise the replacement and repair of electrical equipment and components.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Information and Communications Technology Professionals
Information and communications technology professionals conduct research, plan, design, write, test, provide advice and improve information technology systems, hardware, software and related concepts for specific applications; develop associated documentation including principles, policies and procedures; and design, develop, control, maintain and support databases and other information systems to ensure optimal performance and data integrity and security.
Software and Applications Developers and Analysts
Applications Programmers
Applications programmers write and maintain programmable code outlined in technical instructions and specifications for software applications and operating systems.
[ "2", "25", "251", "2514" ]
[ "Professionals", "Information and Communications Technology Professionals", "Software and Applications Developers and Analysts", "Applications Programmers" ]
[ "industrial mobile devices software developer", "industrial mobile devices software coder", "handheld software developer", "handheld programmer", "industrial mobile devices software programmer" ]
industrial mobile devices software developer
Industrial mobile devices software developers implement applications software for specific, professional industrial mobile (handheld) devices, based on the industry needs, using general or specific development tools for device operating systems.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft and Printing Workers
Handicraft and printing workers combine artistic and manual skills to design, produce, maintain and decorate precision instruments, musical instruments, jewellery and other precious-metals, pottery, porcelain and glassware, items made of wood or textile, leather or related materials, and printed products such as books, newspapers and magazines. They apply traditional and/or recently developed techniques to carve, mould, assemble, weave and decorate various articles; to compose and set type prior to printing; to set up and operate printing presses; to bind and finish printed products; and to prepare stencils and operate screen printing equipment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work may be carried out by hand or involve the use of hand tools, hand-held power tools and in some cases the set-up and operation of machinery and machine tools. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft Workers
Jewellery and Precious Metal Workers
Jewellery and precious metal workers design, fabricate, adjust, repair or appraise jewellery, ceremonial or religious items, gold, silver, other precious metals, or gems. They cut, file, polish and set precious and semi-precious stones including gems and diamonds and engrave designs on jewellery and precious metal articles. They cut and polish diamonds for industrial purposes.
[ "7", "73", "731", "7313" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Handicraft and Printing Workers", "Handicraft Workers", "Jewellery and Precious Metal Workers" ]
[ "jewelry etcher", "jewelry engraver", "gold etcher", "gold engraver", "jewellery etcher", "jewellery engraving designer", "silver etcher", "jewelry decorator", "jewellery decorator", "jewellery hand engraver", "silver engraver", "jewelry engraving designer", "machine engraver", "jewellery hand etcher", "machine etcher", "jewelry finisher" ]
jewellery engraver
Jewellery engravers engrave lettering and ornamental designs onto jewellery articles, using engravers handtools. They sketch and lay out the lettering and designs on the article, cut the design in the article and clean it up.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Process Control Technicians
Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining Plant Operators
Petroleum and natural gas refining plant operators operate and monitor plants and adjust and maintain processing units and equipment which refine, distil and treat petroleum, petroleum-based products and by-products, or natural gas.
[ "3", "31", "313", "3134" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Process Control Technicians", "Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining Plant Operators" ]
[ "process control operator", "monitoring panel operator", "process plant operator", "gas processing control room manager", "gas processing plant control room operator", "control panel monitor", "gas processing control room technician", "panel board operator", "gas processing plant operator", "gas processing control room supervisor", "gas process operator", "panel controller", "process control room operator", "plant monitoring operator" ]
gas processing plant control room operator
Gas processing control room operators perform a range of tasks from the control room of a processing plant. They monitor the processes through electronic representations shown on monitors, dials, and lights. They make changes to variables and communicate with other departments to make sure processes keep running smoothly and according to established procedures. They take appropriate actions in case of irregularities or emergencies.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Electrotechnology Engineers
Electronics Engineers
Electronics engineers conduct research on, design and direct the construction functioning, maintenance and repair of electronic systems, and study and advise on technological aspects of electronic engineering materials, products or processes.
[ "2", "21", "215", "2152" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Electrotechnology Engineers", "Electronics Engineers" ]
[ "language technology engineering consultant", "language technology engineering adviser", "computer-aided translation engineer", "language engineer", "language engineering consultant", "language technology engineering expert", "language technology engineer", "computer-assisted translation engineer", "linguistic engineer", "machine translation engineer", "CAT engineer language engineering expert", "language engineering adviser", "language technology engineering specialist", "language engineering specialist", "language technologist" ]
language engineer
Language engineers work within the field of computing science, and more specifically in the field of natural language processing. They aim to close the gap in translation between accurate human translations to machine-operated translators. They parse texts, compare and map translations, and improve the linguistics of translations through programming and code.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Business and Administration Associate Professionals
Business and administration associate professionals perform mostly technical tasks connected with the practical application of knowledge relating to financial accounting and transaction matters, mathematical calculations, human resource development, selling and buying financial instruments, specialized secretarial tasks, and enforcing or applying government rules. Also included are workers who provide business services such as customs clearance, conference planning, job placements, buying and selling real estate or bulk commodities, and serving as agents for performers such as athletes and artists. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Sales and Purchasing Agents and Brokers
Trade Brokers
Trade brokers buy and sell commodities and shipping services, usually in bulk, on behalf of their own company or for customers on a commission basis.
[ "3", "33", "332", "3324" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Business and Administration Associate Professionals", "Sales and Purchasing Agents and Brokers", "Trade Brokers" ]
[ "wholesale merchant in office furniture" ]
wholesale merchant in office furniture
Wholesale merchants in office furniture investigate potential wholesale buyers and suppliers and match their needs. They conclude trades involving large quantities of goods.
Clerical Support Workers
Clerical support workers record, organise, store, compute and retrieve information, and perform a number of clerical duties in connection with money-handling operations, travel arrangements, requests for information, and appointments. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Other Clerical Support Workers
Other clerical support workers sort and deliver mail, file documents, prepare information for processing, maintain personnel records, check material for consistency with original source material, assist persons who cannot read or write, and perform various other specialized clerical duties. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Other Clerical Support Workers
Scribes and Related Workers
Scribes and related workers write letters and complete forms on behalf of persons who are unable to read or write.
[ "4", "44", "441", "4414" ]
[ "Clerical Support Workers", "Other Clerical Support Workers", "Other Clerical Support Workers", "Scribes and Related Workers" ]
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Supervisors
Manufacturing Supervisors
Manufacturing supervisors coordinate and supervise the activities of process control technicians, machine operators, assemblers and other manufacturing labourers.
[ "3", "31", "312", "3122" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Supervisors", "Manufacturing Supervisors" ]
[ "leadingmachinist", "lead machine operative", "machinery assembly supervisor", "machine charge hand", "machine team leader" ]
machinery assembly supervisor
Machinery assembly supervisors monitor the machinery assembly process. They train and coach assembly workers to achieve production goals.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Information and Communications Technology Professionals
Information and communications technology professionals conduct research, plan, design, write, test, provide advice and improve information technology systems, hardware, software and related concepts for specific applications; develop associated documentation including principles, policies and procedures; and design, develop, control, maintain and support databases and other information systems to ensure optimal performance and data integrity and security.
Database and Network Professionals
Database Designers and Administrators
Database designers and administrators design, develop, control, maintain and support the optimal performance and security of databases.
[ "2", "25", "252", "2521" ]
[ "Professionals", "Information and Communications Technology Professionals", "Database and Network Professionals", "Database Designers and Administrators" ]
[ "database manager", "database administrators", "database administrator", "data administrator", "data manager", "database configurator", "DBA", "data base administrator", "data base administrators" ]
database administrator
Database administrators test, implement and administer computer databases. They use their expertise in database management systems to plan, coordinate and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases. They also use scripts and configuration files to tailor a database to users' needs.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Health Professionals
Health professionals conduct research; improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods; and apply scientific knowledge relating to medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, and promotion of health. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Other Health Professionals
Dieticians and Nutritionists
Dieticians and nutritionists assess, plan and implement programmes to enhance the impact of food and nutrition on human health.
[ "2", "22", "226", "2265" ]
[ "Professionals", "Health Professionals", "Other Health Professionals", "Dieticians and Nutritionists" ]
[ "public health nutritionist", "specialist dietician", "dietician", "dietitian" ]
Dietitians assess specific nutritional requirements of populations or individuals throughout their lives and translate this into advice which will maintain, reduce risk to, or restore people’s health. Using evidence-based approaches, dietitians work to empower individuals, families and groups to provide or select food which is nutritionally adequate, safe, tasty and sustainable. Beyond healthcare, dietitians improve the nutritional environment for all through governments, industry, academia and research.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Assemblers assemble prefabricated parts or components to form subassemblies, products and equipment, according to procedures strictly laid down. The products worked on may be moved from one worker to the next along assembly lines. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers
Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers assemble or modify, according to strictly laid down procedures, components of electrical, electromechanical and electronic equipment.
[ "8", "82", "821", "8212" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Assemblers", "Assemblers", "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers" ]
[ "wire assembler", "wire and cable assembler", "cable assembler", "assembler of electrical cable", "assembler of electrical cables", "electrical cable fabricator", "cable wiring operative", "cable and wire assembler", "electrical cable assembler", "cabling technician" ]
electrical cable assembler
Electrical cable assembler manipulate cables and wires made of steel, copper, or aluminium so they can be used to conduct electricity in a variety of appliances.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Business and Administration Professionals
Business and administration professionals perform analytical, conceptual and practical tasks to provide services in financial matters, human resource development, public relations, marketing and sales in the technical, medical, information and communication technology areas; and conduct, reviews of organizational structures, methods and systems as well as quantitative analyses of information affecting investment programmes. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Finance Professionals
Financial and Investment Advisers
Financial and investment advisers develop financial plans for individuals and organizations, and invest and manage funds on their behalf.
[ "2", "24", "241", "2412" ]
[ "Professionals", "Business and Administration Professionals", "Finance Professionals", "Financial and Investment Advisers" ]
[ "personal trust manager", "personal trust supervisor", "trustee officer", "personal trust officer" ]
personal trust officer
Personal trust officers monitor and administer personal trusts. They interpret trust and testamentary documentation accordingly, interact with financial advisors to define the investment goal for the achievement of trust objectives, coordinate the purchase and sale of securities with account executives and review clients' accounts regularly.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)
Industrial and Production Engineers
Industrial and production engineers conduct research and design, organize and oversee the construction, operation and maintenance of industrial production processes and installations. They establish programmes for the coordination of manufacturing activities and assess cost effectiveness and safety.
[ "2", "21", "214", "2141" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)", "Industrial and Production Engineers" ]
[ "food and beverage packaging technologist", "food and beverage packaging expert", "food and beverage packaging specialist", "food and drinks packaging technologist", "food and drinks packaging expert" ]
food and beverage packaging technologist
Food and beverage packaging technologists assess appropiate packaging for various food products. They manage matters in relation to packaging while ensuring customer specifications and company targets. They develop packaging projects as required.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Chemical and Photographic Products Plant and Machine Operators
Chemical Products Plant and Machine Operators
Chemical products plant and machine operators operate and monitor units and machinery to blend, mix, process and package a wide range of chemical products.
[ "8", "81", "813", "8131" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Chemical and Photographic Products Plant and Machine Operators", "Chemical Products Plant and Machine Operators" ]
[ "paint production assistant", "paint maker", "paint mixer operative", "paint mixer", "paint mixer worker", "maker of paint", "paint production worker", "paint mixer operator" ]
paint mixer
Paint mixers operate and maintain machines that mix lacquers, solvents and paints in order to produce paint, making sure the end product is according to the specified formula.
Elementary Occupations
Elementary occupations involve the performance of simple and routine tasks which may require the use of hand-held tools and considerable physical effort. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers perform simple and routine tasks in the production of crops and livestock, cultivation and maintenance of gardens and parks, exploitation and conservation of forests, and conduct of aquaculture and fisheries operations. Most occupations in this sub-major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers
Fishery and Aquaculture Labourers
Fishery and aquaculture labourers perform simple and routine tasks to cultivate, catch and harvest fish and seafood in aquaculture and inland, coastal and deep sea fishing operations.
[ "9", "92", "921", "9216" ]
[ "Elementary Occupations", "Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers", "Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers", "Fishery and Aquaculture Labourers" ]
[ "fish farm cage mooring worker", "fisheries cage mooring worker", "fish cage mooring worker", "aquaculture cage mooring worker" ]
aquaculture cage mooring worker
Aquaculture cage mooring workers operate highly-specialised equipment in order to moor cages in stable stations, drifting cages or even self-propelled and semi-submerged cages. 
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Sales Workers
Sales workers sell and demonstrate goods in wholesale or retail shops, at stalls and markets, door-to-door, via telephone or customer contact centres. They may record and accept payment for goods and services purchased, and may operate small retail outlets. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Street and Market Salespersons
Street Food Salespersons
Street food salespersons prepare and sell, or sell previously prepared, hot or cold foods and beverages ready for immediate consumption in streets and public places such as stations, cinemas or theatres.
[ "5", "52", "521", "5212" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Sales Workers", "Street and Market Salespersons", "Street Food Salespersons" ]
[ "street food supplier", "stall holder", "street food business operator", "street food caterer", "purveyor of street food", "street market food vendor", "street food trader", "street food vendor", "street food seller", "food stall holder" ]
street food vendor
Street food vendors sell food preparations, dishes and products on organised outdoor or indoor market places, or on the streets. They prepare the food in their stalls. Street food vendors use sales techniques to recommend their products to passers-by.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers
Metal, machinery and related trades workers cast, weld, forge and, by other methods, form metal; erect, maintain and repair heavy metal structures; engage in machine-tool setting as well as in fitting, maintaining and repairing machinery, including engines, vehicles, or they produce tools and various non-precious-metal articles. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers
Riggers and Cable Splicers
Riggers and cable splicers assemble rigging gear to move and position equipment and structural components, or install and maintain cables, ropes and wires on construction sites, buildings or other structures.
[ "7", "72", "721", "7215" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers", "Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers", "Riggers and Cable Splicers" ]
[ "ground rigger", "rigging crew member", "down rigger" ]
ground rigger
Ground riggers assist level riggers assembling temporary suspension structures to support performance equipment. Their work is based on instruction and plans. They work indoor as well as outdoor. They cooperate closely with high riggers.  
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators
Paper Products Machine Operators
Paper products machine operators monitor and operate machines which produce boxes, envelopes, bags and other goods from paper, paperboard, cardboard and similar materials.
[ "8", "81", "814", "8143" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators", "Paper Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "corrugator specialist", "corrugator operative", "corrugator technician", "carton machine operator", "corrugator operator", "corrugated paperboard maker", "corrugator worker", "carton machine specialist", "cardboard machine operator", "corrugated paper maker", "carton machine technician", "corrugating machine technician", "corrugating machine specialist" ]
corrugator operator
Corrugator operators tend a machine which folds a sheet of heavy paper in a wave-like pattern and covers it on both sides to create a lightweight, sturdy material suitable for packaging.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft and Printing Workers
Handicraft and printing workers combine artistic and manual skills to design, produce, maintain and decorate precision instruments, musical instruments, jewellery and other precious-metals, pottery, porcelain and glassware, items made of wood or textile, leather or related materials, and printed products such as books, newspapers and magazines. They apply traditional and/or recently developed techniques to carve, mould, assemble, weave and decorate various articles; to compose and set type prior to printing; to set up and operate printing presses; to bind and finish printed products; and to prepare stencils and operate screen printing equipment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work may be carried out by hand or involve the use of hand tools, hand-held power tools and in some cases the set-up and operation of machinery and machine tools. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft Workers
Handicraft Workers in Wood, Basketry and Related Materials
Handicraft workers in wood, basketry and related materials apply traditional techniques such as seasoning, impregnation to prepare wood, straw, rattan, reeds, clay, shells and other materials, and carve, mould, assemble, weave or paint and decorate various articles for personal or household use or for decorative purposes. Basketry weavers, brush makers and related workers select and prepare materials such as bristles, nylon, fibre, bass, whisker and wire to make wicker furniture, brushes and brooms, and weave various kinds of baskets.
[ "7", "73", "731", "7317" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Handicraft and Printing Workers", "Handicraft Workers", "Handicraft Workers in Wood, Basketry and Related Materials" ]
[ "mop production plant worker", "broom production plant operative", "brush production plant worker", "brush production plant operative", "broom production plant worker", "broom production worker", "broom factory worker", "brush assembly worker", "brush factory worker", "broom factory operative", "mop factory worker", "broom maker", "broom assembly worker", "brush assembler", "mop production plant operative", "broom assembler", "mop assembly worker", "mop factory operative", "mop maker", "brush maker", "brush production worker", "mop assembler", "mop production worker", "brush factory operative" ]
brush maker
Brush makers insert different types of material such as horsehair, vegetable fiber, nylon, and hog bristle into metal tubes called ferrules. They insert a wooden or aluminium plug into the bristles to form the brush head and attach the handle to the other side of the ferrule. They immerse the brush head in a protective substance to maintain their shape, finish and inspect the final product.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate Professionals
Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with the practical application of knowledge relating to legal services, social work, culture, food preparation, sport and religion. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social and Religious Associate Professionals
Social Work Associate Professionals
Social work associate professionals administer and implement social assistance programmes and community services and assist clients to deal with personal and social problems.
[ "3", "34", "341", "3412" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate Professionals", "Legal, Social and Religious Associate Professionals", "Social Work Associate Professionals" ]
[ "community home care worker", "home care assistant", "homecare assistant", "independent living support worker", "domiciliary home care worker", "domiciliary care worker", "care worker (homecare)", "domiciliary homecare worker", "living at home support worker", "care at home worker", "home care worker" ]
care at home worker
Care at home workers provide domiciliary services to vulnerable adults including frail elderly or disabled people who are living with physical impairment or convalescing. They aim to improve their lives in the community and assure patients can live safely and independently in their own home.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators
Plastic Products Machine Operators
Products machine operators monitor and operate machines which knead and blend compounds to obtain plastic materials and which make various plastic components and articles.
[ "8", "81", "814", "8142" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators", "Plastic Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "optical disc moulding machine specialist", "optical disc molding machine operator", "optical disc moulding machine tender", "optical molding machine operator", "optical disc moulding machine operative", "optical disc injection moulding machine specialist", "injection molding machine tender", "optical disc injection moulding machine technician", "molding machine tender", "optical disc injection moulding machine operator", "injection moulding machine tender", "optical disc moulding machine technician", "moulding machine tender", "optical disc moulding machine worker", "optical disc molding machine tender" ]
optical disc moulding machine operator
Optical disc moulding machine operators tend moulding machines that melts polycarbonate pellets and inject the plastic into a mould cavity. The plastic is then cooled and solidifies, bearing the marks that can be digitally read.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians
Civil Engineering Technicians
Civil engineering technicians perform technical tasks in civil engineering research and in the design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of buildings and other structures such as water supply and wastewater treatment systems, bridges, roads, dams and airports.
[ "3", "31", "311", "3112" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians", "Civil Engineering Technicians" ]
[ "railway infrastructure surveyor", "railway infrastructure safety inspector", "railway infrastructure auditor", "railway infrastructure examiner", "railway infrastructure inspector" ]
railway infrastructure inspector
Railway infrastructure inspectors are responsible for checking the conditions of railways. They monitor compliance to health and safety standards and inspect the infrastructure to detect damage or flaws. They analyse and report on their findings to ensure railway conditions are maintained at a safe level.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers
Hospitality, shop and related services managers plan, organize and direct the operations of establishments which provide accommodation, hospitality, retail and other services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Hotel and Restaurant Managers
Restaurant Managers
Restaurant managers plan, organize and direct the operations of cafes, restaurants and related establishments to provide dining and catering services.
[ "1", "14", "141", "1412" ]
[ "Managers", "Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers", "Hotel and Restaurant Managers", "Restaurant Managers" ]
[ "bar manager", "beverage supervisor", "restaurant food and beverage manager", "restaurant manager", "catering manager", "food and drinks manager", "cafe manager", "food and beverages manager", "F & B manager", "food & beverage supervisor" ]
restaurant manager
Restaurant managers are in charge of managing food and beverage operations in the kitchen and other food and beverage outlets or units in a hospitality establishment.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Electrotechnology Engineers
Electronics Engineers
Electronics engineers conduct research on, design and direct the construction functioning, maintenance and repair of electronic systems, and study and advise on technological aspects of electronic engineering materials, products or processes.
[ "2", "21", "215", "2152" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Electrotechnology Engineers", "Electronics Engineers" ]
[ "microelectronics technology engineering adviser", "microelectronic technology engineering consultant", "engineer of microprocessors", "microelectronic technology engineering expert", "engineer of microelectronics", "microelectronic technology engineer", "microprocessor engineer", "microelectronic engineering specialist", "microelectronic engineering expert", "microelectronics engineer", "engineer of micro-electronics", "micro-electronic engineer", "micro-electronics engineer", "microelectronic engineering consultant", "microelectronic technology engineering specialist", "micro electronics engineer", "microelectronic engineering adviser", "micro electronic engineer", "microelectronics design engineer", "microelectronic engineer" ]
microelectronics engineer
Microelectronics engineers design, develop, and supervise the production of small electronic devices and components such as micro-processors and integrated circuits.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians
Mechanical Engineering Technicians
Mechanical engineering technicians perform technical tasks to aid in mechanical engineering research, and in the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of machines, components and mechanical equipment.
[ "3", "31", "311", "3115" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians", "Mechanical Engineering Technicians" ]
[ "helicopter engine tester", "light aircraft engine tester", "aeroplane engine inspection engineer", "airplane engine tester", "rotary aircraft engine tester", "military aircraft engine tester", "plane engine tester", "aircraft engine tester", "civilian aircraft engine tester", "engine tester", "engine inspection engineer", "aeroplane engine inspection technician", "piston aircraft engine tester", "engine inspection technician", "jet aircraft engine tester", "aeroplane engine tester" ]
aircraft engine tester
Aircraft engine testers test the performance of all engines used for aircraft in specialised facilities such as laboratories.They position or give directions to workers positioning engines on the test stand. They use hand tools and machinery to position and connect the engine to the test stand. They use computerised equipment to enter, read and record test data such as temperature, speed, fuel consumption, oil and exhaust pressure.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Ship and Aircraft Controllers and Technicians
Ships’ Engineers
Ships’ engineers control and participate in the operation, maintenance and repair of mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment and machinery on board ship, or perform related supporting functions on shore.
[ "3", "31", "315", "3151" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Ship and Aircraft Controllers and Technicians", "Ships’ Engineers" ]
[ "marine chief engineer", "chief engineer", "chief engineer of a ship", "fisheries chief engineer", "maritime chief engineer", "chief engineering technician", "chief ship engineer" ]
marine chief engineer
Marine chief engineers are responsible for the entire technical operations of the vessel including engineering, electrical, and mechanical divisions. They are the head of the entire engine department aboard the ship and have overall responsibility for all technical operations and equipment on-board the ship. Marine chief engineers collaborate on security, survival and health care on board and observe the national and international standards of application.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Personal Care Workers
Personal care workers provide care, supervision and assistance for children, patients and elderly, convalescent or disabled persons in institutional and residential settings. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Personal Care Workers in Health Services
Health Care Assistants
Health care assistants provide direct personal care and assistance with activities of daily living to patients and residents in a variety of health care settings such as hospitals, clinics and residential nursing care facilities. They generally work in implementation of established care plans and practices, and under the direct supervision of medical, nursing or other health professionals or associate professionals.
[ "5", "53", "532", "5321" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Personal Care Workers", "Personal Care Workers in Health Services", "Health Care Assistants" ]
[ "assistant nursing practitioner", "healthcare nurse", "state enrolled nurse", "nurse auxiliary", "nurse assistant", "nursing assistant", "nursing auxiliary", "SEN", "assistant nurse", "auxiliary nurse" ]
nurse assistant
Nurse assistants provide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff. They perform duties such as feed, bathe, dress, groom, move patients or change linens and may transfer or transport patients.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Protective Services Workers
Protective services workers protect individuals and property against fire and other hazards, maintain law and order and enforce laws and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Protective Services Workers
Protective Services Workers Not Elsewhere Classified
This unit group covers protective services workers not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 541: Protective Services Workers. For instance, the unit group includes lifeguards, crossing guards and animal control officers.
[ "5", "54", "541", "5419" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Protective Services Workers", "Protective Services Workers", "Protective Services Workers Not Elsewhere Classified" ]
[ "neighbourhood warden", "environmental warden", "street warden", "bylaw enforcement officer", "community support officer", "special constable", "community safety warden", "countryside ranger", "warden", "neighborhood warden" ]
street warden
Street wardens patrol designated areas to ensure a sense of security with the public, and provide general support. They monitor suspicious behaviour and cooperate with the police and other local institutions to maintain the community's safety and well-being, and enforce law and issue penalties when necessary.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers
Metal, machinery and related trades workers cast, weld, forge and, by other methods, form metal; erect, maintain and repair heavy metal structures; engage in machine-tool setting as well as in fitting, maintaining and repairing machinery, including engines, vehicles, or they produce tools and various non-precious-metal articles. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers
Structural Metal Preparers and Erectors
Structural metal preparers and erectors assemble, erect and dismantle structural metal frames of buildings and other structures.
[ "7", "72", "721", "7214" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers", "Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers", "Structural Metal Preparers and Erectors" ]
[ "structural iron and steel worker", "structural steel fitters", "steel fitters", "rebar workers", "steel erector", "structural ironworker", "structural steel erector" ]
structural ironworker
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Process Control Technicians
Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant Operators
Incinerator and water treatment plant operators monitor and operate computerized control systems and related equipment in solid and liquid waste treatment plants to regulate the treatment and disposal of sewage and wastes, and in water filtration and treatment plants to regulate the treatment and distribution of water.
[ "3", "31", "313", "3132" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Process Control Technicians", "Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant Operators" ]
[ "water plant operator", "water plant technician", "water treatment technician", "water plant worker", "water plant measurement technician", "water plant monitoring technician", "water treatment plant worker", "water plant equipment maintenance technician", "water plant quality technician", "water plant repair technician", "water plant maintenance technician", "water treatment plant operator", "water treatment plant operative", "water plant operative" ]
water plant technician
Water plant technicians maintain and repair water treatment and supply equipment in a water plant. They ensure the provision of clean water by measuring the water quality, ensuring it is filtered and treated correctly, and maintaining distribution systems.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Life Science Professionals
Farming, Forestry and Fisheries Advisers
Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers study and provide assistance and advice on farm, forestry and fisheries management, including cultivation, fertilization, harvesting, soil erosion and composition, disease prevention, nutrition, crop rotation and marketing. They develop techniques for increasing productivity, and study and develop plans and policies for land and fisheries management.
[ "2", "21", "213", "2132" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Life Science Professionals", "Farming, Forestry and Fisheries Advisers" ]
[ "aquaculture recirculation manager", "aquaculture recirculation supervisor", "manager of aquaculture recirculation systems", "fish farm recirculation manager" ]
aquaculture recirculation manager
Aquaculture recirculation managers control the production of aquatic organisms in land-based recirculation systems, manage water re-use processes and supervise complex circulation, aeration and biofilter systems.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)
Engineering Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified
This unit group covers engineering professionals not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 214: Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology) or in Minor Group 215: Electrotechnology Engineers. For instance, the group includes those who conduct research and advise on or develop engineering procedures and solutions concerning workplace safety, biomedical engineering, optics, materials, nuclear power generation and explosives.
[ "2", "21", "214", "2149" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)", "Engineering Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified" ]
[ "engineer in photonic systems", "photonic systems test engineer", "engineer in photonics", "photonics engineering expert", "photonics engineering specialist", "electro-optical engineer", "photonic technology engineering consultant", "photonic technology engineer", "photonic technology engineering specialist", "photonics engineering consultant", "photonics systems engineer", "photonics engineering adviser", "photonic technology engineering expert", "engineer specialised in photonic systems", "photonic technology engineering adviser", "laser engineer", "photonics engineer", "photonic engineer", "optical systems engineer" ]
photonics engineer
Photonics engineers are concerned with the generation, transmission, transformation, and detection of light. They conduct research, design, assemble, test and deploy photonic components or systems in multiple application fields, from optical communications to medical instrumentation, material processing or sensing technology.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals
Legal, social and cultural professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods; or apply knowledge relating to the law, storage and retrieval of information and artefacts, psychology, social welfare, politics, economics, history, religion, languages, sociology, other social sciences, and arts and entertainment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Librarians, Archivists and Curators
Librarians and Related Information Professionals
Librarians and related information professionals collect, select, develop, organize and maintain library collections and other information repositories, organize and control other library services and provide information for users.
[ "2", "26", "262", "2622" ]
[ "Professionals", "Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals", "Librarians, Archivists and Curators", "Librarians and Related Information Professionals" ]
[ "library network coordinator", "special collections librarian", "electronic resources librarian", "library associate", "literature researcher", "thesaurus manager", "librarian", "library supervisor", "school librarian", "library assistant", "library technical assistant", "music librarian", "catalogue librarian", "bibliothec" ]
Librarians manage libraries and perform related library services. They manage, collect and develop information resources. They make information available, accessible and discoverable to any kind of user.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Chemical and Photographic Products Plant and Machine Operators
Photographic Products Machine Operators
Photographic products machine operators operate and monitor equipment which makes photographic film and paper, and which processes exposed photographic film and makes prints.
[ "8", "81", "813", "8132" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Chemical and Photographic Products Plant and Machine Operators", "Photographic Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "photography lab technician", "photograph developer", "photography developer", "photographic developer", "photo developer", "photograph laboratory technician", "photo retoucher", "photograph printer", "photograph lab technician", "photo lab technician", "photography laboratory technician", "photo laboratory technician" ]
photographic developer
Photographic developers use chemicals, instruments, and darkroom photographic techniques in specialised rooms in order to develop photographic films into visible images.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers
Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers treat and process agricultural and fisheries raw materials into food and other products, and produce and repair goods made of wood, textiles, fur, leather or other materials. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organization, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Garment and Related Trades Workers
Garment and Related Patternmakers and Cutters
Garment and related patternmakers and cutters create precision master patterns for the production of garments, other textile, leather or fur products. They mark, cut, shape and trim textile, light leather and other materials according to blueprints or specifications in the manufacture of garments, hats and caps, gloves and miscellaneous products.
[ "7", "75", "753", "7532" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Garment and Related Trades Workers", "Garment and Related Patternmakers and Cutters" ]
[ "fabric CAD patternmaker", "fabric CAD pattern maker", "clothing CAD patternmaker", "computer patternmaker", "clothing CAD pattern maker" ]
clothing CAD patternmaker
Clothing CAD patternmakers design, evaluate, adjust and modify patterns, cutting plans and technical files for all kinds of wearing apparel using CAD systems, acting as interfaces with digital printing, cutting and assembly operations, being aware of the technical requirements on quality, manufacturability and cost assessment.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Ship and Aircraft Controllers and Technicians
Ships’ Deck Officers and Pilots
Ships’ deck officers and pilots command and navigate ships and similar vessels, and perform related functions on shore.
[ "3", "31", "315", "3152" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Ship and Aircraft Controllers and Technicians", "Ships’ Deck Officers and Pilots" ]
[ "ship first officer", "chief mate", "ship deck officer", "deck officer", "first mate", "ship chief officer" ]
deck officer
Deck officers or mates perform the watch duties on board of vessels like determining the course and speed, manoeuvring to avoid hazards, and continuously monitoring the vessels position using charts and navigational aids. They maintain logs and other records tracking the ship's movements. They ensure that the proper procedures and safety practices are followed, check that equipment is in good working order, and oversee the loading and discharging of cargo or passengers. They supervise crew members engaged in maintenance and the primary upkeep of the vessel.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Production and Specialized Services Managers
Production and specialized services managers plan direct and coordinate the production of the goods and the provision of the specialized professional and technical services provided by an enterprise or organization either as the manager of a department or as the general manager of an enterprise or organization that does not have a hierarchy of managers. They are responsible for manufacturing, mining, construction, logistics, information and communications technology operations, for large scale agricultural, forestry and fisheries operations, and for the provision of health, education, social welfare, banking, insurance and other professional and technical services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Manufacturing, Mining, Construction and Distribution Managers
Mining Managers
Mining managers plan, direct and coordinate the production of activities of mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction operations, either as the manager of a department or as the general manager of an enterprise or organization that does not have a hierarchy of managers.
[ "1", "13", "132", "1322" ]
[ "Managers", "Production and Specialized Services Managers", "Manufacturing, Mining, Construction and Distribution Managers", "Mining Managers" ]
[ "quarry production manager", "mine production manager", "coordinator of mine production", "mining engineer", "quarry production engineer", "mine supervisor", "mining operations manager", "resident manager", "mine operations manager", "mine production engineer" ]
mine production manager
Mine production managers coordinate and implement short and medium term mine production schedules and plans, such as drilling, blasting, ore and mineral extraction, and waste management.
Clerical Support Workers
Clerical support workers record, organise, store, compute and retrieve information, and perform a number of clerical duties in connection with money-handling operations, travel arrangements, requests for information, and appointments. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Customer Services Clerks
Customer services clerks deal with clients in connection with money-handling operations, travel arrangements, requests for information, making appointments, operating telephone switchboards, and interviewing for surveys or to complete applications for eligibility for services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Tellers, Money Collectors and Related Clerks
Bookmakers, Croupiers and Related Gaming Workers
Bookmakers and croupiers and related gambling workers determine odds and receive and pay off bets on results of sporting or other events, or conduct games of chance in gambling establishments.
[ "4", "42", "421", "4212" ]
[ "Clerical Support Workers", "Customer Services Clerks", "Tellers, Money Collectors and Related Clerks", "Bookmakers, Croupiers and Related Gaming Workers" ]
[ "gaming supervisor", "casino dealer & pit boss", "gaming floor boss", "pit boss", "pit manager", "electronic gaming supervisor", "casino pit boss", "casino dealer and pit boss", "gaming floor manager", "casino pit boss and dealer", "gaming floor supervisor", "casino pit boss & dealer" ]
casino pit boss
Casino pit bosses support the management team and are able to manage, inspect and deal with all gaming activities. They supervise the gaming floor operation, and are accountable for influencing the spend and income per head to achieve the required margin whilst ensuring that the highest standards of efficiency, security and signature service standards are achieved in accordance with all company procedures and current legislation.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Electrical and Electronics Trades Workers
Electrical and electronics trades workers install, fit and maintain electrical wiring systems and machinery and other electrical apparatus, electrical transmission and supply lines and cables, and electronic and telecommunications equipment and systems. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Electrical Equipment Installers and Repairers
Electrical Line Installers and Repairers
Electrical line installers and repairers install, repair and join electrical transmission and supply cables and related equipment.
[ "7", "74", "741", "7413" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Electrical and Electronics Trades Workers", "Electrical Equipment Installers and Repairers", "Electrical Line Installers and Repairers" ]
[ "linesman", "lineworker", "electricity distribution worker", "electricity power line worker", "electricity transmission worker", "powerline worker", "electric powerline worker", "linewoman", "lineman", "lineswoman", "power lines construction worker", "electric powerline technician" ]
electricity distribution technician
Electricity distribution technicians construct and maintain electric power transmission and distribution systems. They maintain and repair powerlines, compliant with safety regulations.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Life Science Professionals
Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists and Related Professionals
Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals study living organisms and their interactions with each other and with the environment, and apply this knowledge to solve human health and environmental problems. They work in diverse fields such as botany, zoology, ecology, marine biology, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, physiology, bacteriology and virology.
[ "2", "21", "213", "2131" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Life Science Professionals", "Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists and Related Professionals" ]
[ "assistant pathology technician", "anatomical pathology technician", "technician in anatomical pathology", "pathology technician", "pathology laboratory services technician", "assistant in anatomical pathology", "anatomical pathology technologist", "mortuary technician", "anatomical pathology technical assistant", "pathology laboratory technician" ]
anatomical pathology technician
Anatomical pathology technicians assist specialised doctors in pathology in conducting post-mortem examinations, keeping records of the samples, specimens, organs and the respective findings and taking care of their appropriate disposal under supervision, following the orders of the doctor of medicine.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators
Rubber Products Machine Operators
Rubber-products machine operators monitor and operate machines which knead and blend rubber and rubber compounds and produce various components and products from natural and synthetic rubber, such as moulded footwear, domestic articles, insulating materials, industrial accessories, or tyres.
[ "8", "81", "814", "8141" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators", "Rubber Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "belt finisher", "friction belt finisher", "belt measurer", "V-belt finisher", "V-belt finishing operator", "belt notcher", "belt brander" ]
V-belt finisher
V-belt finishers operate machines to make V-belts flexible. They also position belts on machine that measures the length of the belt and stamps identifying information on it.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Sales Workers
Sales workers sell and demonstrate goods in wholesale or retail shops, at stalls and markets, door-to-door, via telephone or customer contact centres. They may record and accept payment for goods and services purchased, and may operate small retail outlets. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Shop Salespersons
Shop Sales Assistants
Shop sales assistants sell a range of goods and services directly to the public or on behalf of retail and wholesale establishments, and explain the functions and qualities of these goods and services.
[ "5", "52", "522", "5223" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Sales Workers", "Shop Salespersons", "Shop Sales Assistants" ]
[ "plant salesperson", "plant and garden shop specialised seller", "plant nursery specialised seller", "floristry store salesperson", "flower and garden specialized seller", "lawn and garden store specialised seller", "lawn and garden products salesperson", "flower salesperson", "nursery shop salesperson", "garden superstore specialised seller", "flower shop specialised seller", "garden supplies specialised seller", "lawn and garden shop specialised seller", "plant and garden shop salesperson", "floristry shop salesperson", "floristry shop specialised seller", "garden superstore salesperson", "flower specialised seller", "lawn and garden products specialised seller", "garden supplies salesperson", "plant nursery salesperson", "plant shop specialised seller", "floristry store specialised seller", "lawn and garden shop salesperson", "garden store specialised seller", "plants specialised seller", "flower shop salesperson", "garden store salesperson", "garden centre salesperson", "plant centre salesperson", "garden centre specialised seller", "nursery shop specialised seller", "lawn and garden store salesperson" ]
flower and garden specialised seller
Flower and garden specialised sellers sell flowers, plants, seeds and/or fertilisers in specialised shops.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Business and Administration Associate Professionals
Business and administration associate professionals perform mostly technical tasks connected with the practical application of knowledge relating to financial accounting and transaction matters, mathematical calculations, human resource development, selling and buying financial instruments, specialized secretarial tasks, and enforcing or applying government rules. Also included are workers who provide business services such as customs clearance, conference planning, job placements, buying and selling real estate or bulk commodities, and serving as agents for performers such as athletes and artists. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Sales and Purchasing Agents and Brokers
Trade Brokers
Trade brokers buy and sell commodities and shipping services, usually in bulk, on behalf of their own company or for customers on a commission basis.
[ "3", "33", "332", "3324" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Business and Administration Associate Professionals", "Sales and Purchasing Agents and Brokers", "Trade Brokers" ]
[ "business to business sales consultant in perfume and cosmetics", "business to business seller in perfume and cosmetics", "wholesaler in perfume and cosmetics", "graduate wholesale merchant in perfume and cosmetics", "B2B sales consultant in perfume and cosmetics", "wholesale merchandiser in perfume and cosmetics", "senior wholesale merchant in perfume and cosmetics", "wholesale merchant in perfume and cosmetics", "wholesale trader in perfume and cosmetics", "assistant wholesale merchant in perfume and cosmetics", "trainee wholesale merchant in perfume and cosmetics", "wholesale buyer in perfume and cosmetics" ]
wholesale merchant in perfume and cosmetics
Wholesale merchants in perfume and cosmetics investigate potential wholesale buyers and suppliers and match their needs. They conclude trades involving large quantities of goods.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Supervisors
Manufacturing Supervisors
Manufacturing supervisors coordinate and supervise the activities of process control technicians, machine operators, assemblers and other manufacturing labourers.
[ "3", "31", "312", "3122" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Supervisors", "Manufacturing Supervisors" ]
[ "leather goods cutting room supervisor", "leather goods closing room supervisor", "leather product manufacturing forewoman", "leather product manufacturing foreman", "leather goods production supervisor", "leather goods finishing room supervisor", "leather goods production inspector", "leather products supervisor", "leather tannery supervisor", "leather goods production forewoman", "leather goods production foreman" ]
leather goods production supervisor
Leather goods production supervisors monitor and coordinate day-to-day production activities of a leather goods manufacturing plant. They oversee quality control as well as manage the leather goods production staff. The work also involves organising the work flow as well as taking care of production plan and costs.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)
Engineering Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified
This unit group covers engineering professionals not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 214: Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology) or in Minor Group 215: Electrotechnology Engineers. For instance, the group includes those who conduct research and advise on or develop engineering procedures and solutions concerning workplace safety, biomedical engineering, optics, materials, nuclear power generation and explosives.
[ "2", "21", "214", "2149" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)", "Engineering Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified" ]
[ "disassembly planner", "dismantling manager", "dismantling planner", "dismantling engineer" ]
dismantling engineer
Dismantling engineers research and plan the optimal way to dismantle industrial equipment, machinery and buildings that reached the end-of-life phase. They analyse the required work and schedule the various operations. They give team leaders instructions and supervise their work.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Sales Workers
Sales workers sell and demonstrate goods in wholesale or retail shops, at stalls and markets, door-to-door, via telephone or customer contact centres. They may record and accept payment for goods and services purchased, and may operate small retail outlets. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Shop Salespersons
Shop Sales Assistants
Shop sales assistants sell a range of goods and services directly to the public or on behalf of retail and wholesale establishments, and explain the functions and qualities of these goods and services.
[ "5", "52", "522", "5223" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Sales Workers", "Shop Salespersons", "Shop Sales Assistants" ]
[ "hardware, paint and glass specialised seller", "hardware and paint specialized seller", "hardware and paint DIY specialised seller", "paint and accessories salesperson", "hardware, paint and glass salesperson", "home decorating salesperson", "glass and mirror specialised seller", "hardware salesperson", "home decorating specialised seller", "paint and accessories specialised seller", "hardware and paint do it yourself specialised seller", "hardware and paint DIY salesperson", "hardware specialised seller", "glass and mirror salesperson", "hardware and paint do it yourself salesperson" ]
hardware and paint specialised seller
Hardware and paint specialised sellers sell hardware, paints and other hardware in specialised shops.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators
Drivers and mobile plant operators drive and tend trains and motor vehicles, or drive, operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment, or execute deck duties on board ship and other water-borne craft. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Mobile Plant Operators
Earthmoving and Related Plant Operators
Earthmoving and related plant operators operate machines to excavate, grade, level, smooth and compact earth or similar materials.
[ "8", "83", "834", "8342" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators", "Mobile Plant Operators", "Earthmoving and Related Plant Operators" ]
[ "plant operator, excavator", "tracked excavator operator", "equipment operator, excavator", "heavy plant operator, excavator", "excavator operator", "360 degree excavator operator", "construction plant operator, excavator", "backhoe excavator operator", "excavator", "excavation worker" ]
excavator operator
Excavator operators use excavators to dig into earth or other materials to remove it. They are involved in a variety of projects, such as demolition, dredging, and the of digging holes, foundations and trenches.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators
Drivers and mobile plant operators drive and tend trains and motor vehicles, or drive, operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment, or execute deck duties on board ship and other water-borne craft. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Mobile Plant Operators
Earthmoving and Related Plant Operators
Earthmoving and related plant operators operate machines to excavate, grade, level, smooth and compact earth or similar materials.
[ "8", "83", "834", "8342" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators", "Mobile Plant Operators", "Earthmoving and Related Plant Operators" ]
[ "highway construction worker", "road construction worcker", "surfacing worker", "runway construction worker", "road constructinn worker", "road paver", "civil engineering project worker", "road construction operative", "road paviour", "paver", "road costruction worker", "rad construction worker", "roading construction worker", "road construction worker", "road construction project worker", "construction worker on roads", "rod construction worker" ]
road construction worker
Road construction workers perform road construction on earthworks, substructure works and the pavement section of the road. They cover the compacted soil with one or more layers. Road construction workers usually lay a stabilising bed of sand or clay first before adding asphalt or concrete slabs in order to finish a road.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Electrotechnology Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Electrical engineers conduct research and advise on, design and direct the construction and operation of electrical systems, components, motors and equipment, and advise on and direct their functioning, maintenance and repair, or study and advise on technological aspects of electrical engineering materials, products and processes.
[ "2", "21", "215", "2151" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Electrotechnology Engineers", "Electrical Engineers" ]
[ "mechanicals engineer", "electromechanical assembly engineer", "electromechanical technology engineering specialist", "electromechanic engineer", "electromechanical design engineer", "electro-mechanical engineer", "engineer in electro-mechanics", "engineer of electro-mechanics", "specialist in electromechanics", "engineering technician", "electro-mechanical assembly engineer", "electro mechanic engineer", "electromechanical technology engineering adviser", "electromechanical equipment engineer", "specialist in electromechanical systems", "electromechanical systems engineer", "electro-mechanics engineer", "engineer of electromechanics", "engineer in electromechanical systems", "electromechanical development engineer", "electro mechanical engineer", "electromechanical engineering consultant", "electromechanical technology engineering expert", "electric machinery engineer", "electro mechanics engineer", "electro-mechanical designer", "electromechanical designer", "electromechanical engineering specialist", "electromechanical technology engineering consultant", "engineer in electromechanics", "electro-mechanical equipment engineer", "electromechanical technology engineer", "electromechanical prototype developer", "electromechanical engineering adviser", "electro-mechanic engineer", "electrical machinery engineer", "electro-mechanical design engineer", "electromechanical engineering expert", "electro-mechanical prototype developer", "electromechanical engineer", "electro-mechanical development engineer", "electromechanical systems control engineer" ]
electromechanical engineer
Electromechanical engineers design and develop equipment and machinery that use both electrical and mechanical technology. They make draughts and prepare documents detailing the material requisitions, the assembly process and other technical specifications. Electromechanical engineers also test and evaluate the prototypes. They oversee the manufacturing process.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers
Hospitality, shop and related services managers plan, organize and direct the operations of establishments which provide accommodation, hospitality, retail and other services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Other Services Managers
Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre Managers
Sports, recreation and cultural centre managers plan, organize and control the operations of establishments that provide sporting, artistic, theatrical and other recreational and amenity services.
[ "1", "14", "143", "1431" ]
[ "Managers", "Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers", "Other Services Managers", "Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre Managers" ]
[ "wellness manager", "spa and wellness manager", "spa manager", "spa director", "spa managers", "manager of spa" ]
spa manager
Spa managers coordinate the day-to-day operations of the spa establishment in order to provide guests with the best customer experiences. They oversee the activities and performance of staff, manage the financial aspects of the Spa, deal with suppliers and run advertising campaigns for the spa in order to attract more customers.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Administrative and Commercial Managers
Administrative and commercial managers plan, organize, direct, control and coordinate the financial, administrative, human resource, policy, planning, research and development, advertising, public relations, and sales and marketing activities of enterprises and organizations, or of enterprises that provide such services to other enterprises and organizations. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Sales, Marketing and Development Managers
Sales and Marketing Managers
Sales and marketing managers plan, direct and coordinate the sales and marketing activities of an enterprise or organization, or of enterprises that provide sales and marketing services to other enterprises and organizations.
[ "1", "12", "122", "1221" ]
[ "Managers", "Administrative and Commercial Managers", "Sales, Marketing and Development Managers", "Sales and Marketing Managers" ]
[ "digital marketing technician", "digital marketing specialist", "digital marketing and communication professional", "social media specialist", "web marketing specialist" ]
digital marketing manager
Digital marketing managers are responsible for the elaboration of the company's digital marketing strategy with the goal of improving brand recognition and brand awareness, in line with the company's mission and vision. They oversee the execution of digital marketing and communication strategies involving the use of social media, email marketing, marketing automation, search engine optimisation, online events and online advertisement through data driven methodologies and by measuring and monitoring digital marketing KPIs in order to promptly implement corrective action plan. They manage and interpret competitors and consumers' data and conduct research on market conditions.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Protective Services Workers
Protective services workers protect individuals and property against fire and other hazards, maintain law and order and enforce laws and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Protective Services Workers
Security Guards
Security guards patrol or monitor premises to guard property against theft and vandalism. They control access to establishments and maintain order and enforce regulations at public events and within establishments.
[ "5", "54", "541", "5414" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Protective Services Workers", "Protective Services Workers", "Security Guards" ]
[ "gatewoman", "gateman", "plant gatekeeper", "gate keeper", "security entrance attendant", "security gate attendant", "gate attendant", "gate guard" ]
gate guard
Gate guards control the access and exit to buildings, warehouses or other type of property to prevent unauthorized presence and unwanted incidents. They prevent and identify theft of corporate property, investigate suspicious activities and write reports. Gate guards may assist employees or visitors with requests or indications. They use handheld radio stations to communicate and operate alarm systems and computers.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers
Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers treat and process agricultural and fisheries raw materials into food and other products, and produce and repair goods made of wood, textiles, fur, leather or other materials. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organization, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Garment and Related Trades Workers
Shoemakers and Related Workers
Shoemakers and related workers make, modify and repair standard, custom or orthopaedic footwear and natural or synthetic leather articles, such as luggage, handbags and belts, (except for leather garments, hats and gloves), or participate in the manufacture of shoes and related goods. They decorate, reinforce or finish shoes, luggage, handbags and belts.
[ "7", "75", "753", "7536" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Garment and Related Trades Workers", "Shoemakers and Related Workers" ]
[ "footwear hand sewer", "mocassin sewer", "shoes hand stitcher", "mocassin hand stitcher", "shoes hand sewer", "hand sewer, shoes" ]
footwear hand sewer
Footwear hand sewers join the cut pieces of leather and other materials using simple tools, such as needles, pliers and scissors to produce the uppers. Also, they perform hand stitches for decorative purposes or for assembling the uppers to soles in case of complete footwear.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals
Legal, social and cultural professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods; or apply knowledge relating to the law, storage and retrieval of information and artefacts, psychology, social welfare, politics, economics, history, religion, languages, sociology, other social sciences, and arts and entertainment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Creative and Performing Artists
Musicians, Singers and Composers
Musicians, singers and composers write, arrange, conduct and perform musical compositions.
[ "2", "26", "265", "2652" ]
[ "Professionals", "Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals", "Creative and Performing Artists", "Musicians, Singers and Composers" ]
[ "musician", "oboe player", "music player", "mandolin player", "saxophonist", "organist", "flutist", "flute player", "big band musician", "violinist", "up-right bass player", "first violinist", "trumpet player", "bass player", "clarinet player", "concert soloist", "saxophone player", "concert master", "charango player", "clarinetist", "cellist", "percussionist", "french hornist", "orchestra player", "banjo player", "trombonist", "jazz musician", "oboist", "guitarist", "didgeridoo player", "harmonica player", "french horn player", "marimba player", "orchestra musician", "horn player", "theremin player", "cembalist", "drummer", "washboard player", "harpist", "violist", "pianist", "hammond player", "vibraphonist", "classical musician", "piccolo player", "orchestra section leader", "orchestra solo player" ]
Musicians perform a vocal or musical part that can be recorded or played for an audience. They have know-how and practice of one or many instruments or using their voice. The musician can also write and transcribe music.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft and Printing Workers
Handicraft and printing workers combine artistic and manual skills to design, produce, maintain and decorate precision instruments, musical instruments, jewellery and other precious-metals, pottery, porcelain and glassware, items made of wood or textile, leather or related materials, and printed products such as books, newspapers and magazines. They apply traditional and/or recently developed techniques to carve, mould, assemble, weave and decorate various articles; to compose and set type prior to printing; to set up and operate printing presses; to bind and finish printed products; and to prepare stencils and operate screen printing equipment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work may be carried out by hand or involve the use of hand tools, hand-held power tools and in some cases the set-up and operation of machinery and machine tools. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft Workers
Musical Instrument Makers and Tuners
Musical instrument makers and tuners make, assemble, repair, adjust and restore musical instruments and tune them to the required pitch with hand or power tools. They usually specialize in one type of instrument, such as stringed instruments, brass instruments, reed instruments, pianos, or percussion instruments.
[ "7", "73", "731", "7312" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Handicraft and Printing Workers", "Handicraft Workers", "Musical Instrument Makers and Tuners" ]
[ "brass instrument assembler", "woodwind instrument builder", "wind musical instrument maker", "woodwind instrument assembler", "wind musical instrument builder", "brass instrument craftsman", "brass instrument builder", "woodwind instrument craftswoman", "brass instrument maker", "brass instrument craftswoman", "wind instrument maker", "woodwind instrument maker", "woodwind instrument craftsman" ]
wind musical instrument maker
Wind musical instrument makers create and assemble parts to make wind instruments according to specified instructions and diagrams. They measure and cut the tubing for the resonator, assemble parts such as braces, slides, valves, piston, bell heads and mouth pieces, test and inspect the finished instrument.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians
Mechanical Engineering Technicians
Mechanical engineering technicians perform technical tasks to aid in mechanical engineering research, and in the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of machines, components and mechanical equipment.
[ "3", "31", "311", "3115" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians", "Mechanical Engineering Technicians" ]
[ "yacht engineering technician", "marine technologist", "vessel engineering technologist", "marine engineering technician", "marine engineering technologist", "submarine engineering technician", "vessel engineering technician", "vessel technologist", "boat engineering technician", "marine vessel engineering technician", "cargo vessel engineering technician", "ship engineering technician", "submarine engineering technologist", "submarine technologist", "pleasure craft engineering technician" ]
marine engineering technician
Marine engineering technicians carry out technical functions to help marine engineers with the design, development, manufacturing and testing processes, installation and maintenance of all types of boats from pleasure crafts to naval vessels, including submarines. They also conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and report their findings.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate Professionals
Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with the practical application of knowledge relating to legal services, social work, culture, food preparation, sport and religion. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social and Religious Associate Professionals
Legal and Related Associate Professionals
Legal and related associate professionals perform support functions in courts of law or in law offices, provide services related to such legal matters as insurance contracts, the transferring of property and the granting of loans and other financial transactions or conduct investigations for clients.
[ "3", "34", "341", "3411" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate Professionals", "Legal, Social and Religious Associate Professionals", "Legal and Related Associate Professionals" ]
[ "court bailiff", "her majesty's court bailiff", "tribunals officer", "warrant server", "court administrator", "debt collector", "jury bailiff", "court adminstrative officer", "court usher", "bailiff", "enforcement agent", "court enforcement officer" ]
court enforcement officer
Court enforcement officers enforce orders of court judgements such as managing the recovery of money owed, seizing of goods, and selling goods in public auctions to obtain the money owed. They also send summons and arrest warrants to ensure attendance in court or other judicial procedures.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Health Associate Professionals
Health associate professionals perform technical and practical tasks to support diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments in humans and animals, and to support implementation of health care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, veterinary, nursing and other health professionals. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Other Health Associate Professionals
Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
Medical records and health information technicians develop, maintain and implement health records processing, storage and retrieval systems in medical facilities and other health care settings to meet the legal professional, ethical and administrative records-keeping requirements of health services delivery.
[ "3", "32", "325", "3252" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Health Associate Professionals", "Other Health Associate Professionals", "Medical Records and Health Information Technicians" ]
[ "clinical coder", "medical coding officer", "clinical records technician", "medical coder", "clinical coding expert", "accredited medical coder", "diagnostic coder", "accredited clinical coder", "clinical coding officer" ]
clinical coder
Clinical coders read patients' medical records. They analyse and interpret medical statements about diseases, injuries and procedures. Clinical coders convert this information into health classification codes in order to calculate treatment reimbursements, to produce statistics and to monitor health care performance.
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers grow and harvest field or tree and shrub crops, gather wild fruits and plants, breed, tend or hunt animals, produce a variety of animal husbandry products; cultivate, conserve and exploit forests; breed or catch fish; and cultivate or gather other forms of aquatic life in order to provide food, shelter and income for themselves and their households. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Market-oriented Skilled Forestry, Fishery and Hunting Workers
Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers plan, organize and perform operations to cultivate, conserve and exploit natural and plantation forests, breed and raise fish, harvest and catch fish; and hunt and trap animals, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Fishery Workers, Hunters and Trappers
Aquaculture Workers
Aquaculture workers breed and raise fish and cultivate mussels, oysters and other forms of aquatic life, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets.
[ "6", "62", "622", "6221" ]
[ "Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers", "Market-oriented Skilled Forestry, Fishery and Hunting Workers", "Fishery Workers, Hunters and Trappers", "Aquaculture Workers" ]
[ "aquaculture mooring manager", "fish farm mooring operator", "fishery mooring manager", "aquaculture mooring supervisor", "fish farm mooring manager", "fish culture mooring manager" ]
aquaculture mooring manager
Aquaculture mooring managers carry out and supervise the mooring of cages in stable stations, drifting cages or even self-propelled and semi-submerged cages. They safely operate and moor a variety of different types of large-scale cages, manage conditions such as currents, wave climate and seabed profile, in open or semi-open water areas.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators
Paper Products Machine Operators
Paper products machine operators monitor and operate machines which produce boxes, envelopes, bags and other goods from paper, paperboard, cardboard and similar materials.
[ "8", "81", "814", "8143" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators", "Paper Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "paper stationery machine technician", "paper stationery machinist", "paper puncher specialist", "paper products machine technician", "paper creaser operator", "paper products machine operator", "paper stationery machine operative", "paper perforator technician", "paper creaser specialist", "paper creaser technician", "paper puncher technician", "paper perforator operator", "paper stationery machine specialist", "paper perforator specialist", "paper products machine specialist", "paper stationery machine worker", "paper stationery machine operator", "paper puncher operator" ]
paper stationery machine operator
Paper stationery machine operators work with machines that perform one or more operations on paper to make it suitable for specific markets, such as punching holes, perforating, creasing, and collating with a carbon coated sheet.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Teaching Professionals
Teaching professionals teach the theory and practice of one or more disciplines at different educational levels; conduct research; improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods pertaining to their particular discipline; and prepare scholarly papers and books. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
University and Higher Education Teachers
University and Higher Education Teachers
University and higher education teachers prepare and deliver lectures and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university or other higher educational institution. They conduct research, and prepare scholarly papers and books.
[ "2", "23", "231", "2310" ]
[ "Professionals", "Teaching Professionals", "University and Higher Education Teachers", "University and Higher Education Teachers" ]
[ "teaching fellow", "higher education lecturer", "university reader", "professor", "higher education senior lecturer", "university lecturer", "principal lecturer", "research lecturer", "HE lecturer", "higher education instructor", "reader", "university professor" ]
higher education lecturer
Higher education lecturers instruct students who have obtained an upper secondary education diploma in their own specialised field of study, which is predominantly academic in nature. They may have job titles such as senior lecturer or professor. They work with their teaching and research assistants for the preparation of lectures and exams, for grading papers and exams, for leading laboratory practices, and for leading review and feedback sessions for the students. They also conduct academic research in their respective field, publish their findings and liaise with their academic colleagues.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers
Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers treat and process agricultural and fisheries raw materials into food and other products, and produce and repair goods made of wood, textiles, fur, leather or other materials. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organization, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Other Craft and Related Workers
Product Graders and Testers (excluding Foods and Beverages)
Product graders and testers (except foods and beverages) inspect, test, sort, sample and weigh raw materials, manufactured components and non-comestible goods produced or sold, to ensure compliance with quality standards and to identify defects, wear, and deviations from specifications, and to grade and classify them according to their quality.
[ "7", "75", "754", "7543" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Other Craft and Related Workers", "Product Graders and Testers (excluding Foods and Beverages)" ]
[ "car test and development driver", "car test technician", "auto test driver", "road test and development driver", "automobile test driver", "automobile test and development driver", "road test driver", "test driver", "car test driver", "automotive test driver", "automobile test technician", "prototype vehicle tester", "car tester", "motor vehicle test driver", "prototype vehicle evaluator", "automotive test technician" ]
automotive test driver
Automotive test drivers drive prototype and pre-production vehicles and assess their performance, safety and comfort. They test the models in various driving situations and prepare reports to help engineers improve their designs and identify problems. They can work for manufacturers, independent vehicle test organisations or automotive magazines.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers
Hospitality, shop and related services managers plan, organize and direct the operations of establishments which provide accommodation, hospitality, retail and other services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Other Services Managers
Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre Managers
Sports, recreation and cultural centre managers plan, organize and control the operations of establishments that provide sporting, artistic, theatrical and other recreational and amenity services.
[ "1", "14", "143", "1431" ]
[ "Managers", "Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers", "Other Services Managers", "Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre Managers" ]
[ "beauty salon director", "beauty parlor director", "salon manager", "beauty salon manager", "beauty centre manager", "beauty spa manager", "beauty parlour director", "beauty spa director", "hair salon manager" ]
beauty salon manager
Beauty salon managers oversee the daily operations and staff management in a beauty salon. They ensure customer satisfaction, budget control and inventory management. Beauty salon managers set up and enforce salon rules and cleanliness guidelines. They are also in charge of promoting the salon to attract new clients.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Wood Processing and Papermaking Plant Operators
Pulp and Papermaking Plant Operators
Pulp and papermaking plant operators operate and monitor equipment to process wood, pulp and other cellulose materials in the production of pulp and to produce coat and finish paper.
[ "8", "81", "817", "8171" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Wood Processing and Papermaking Plant Operators", "Pulp and Papermaking Plant Operators" ]
[ "wash deinking specialist", "wash deinking operator", "deinking specialist", "deinking operator", "deinking technician", "deinking operative", "wash deinking technician", "wash deinking operative", "wash deinking worker", "deinking worker" ]
wash deinking operator
Wash deinking operators operate a tank where recycled paper is mixed with water and dispersants to wash out printing inks. The solution, called a pulp slurry, is then dewatered to flush out the dissolved inks.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft and Printing Workers
Handicraft and printing workers combine artistic and manual skills to design, produce, maintain and decorate precision instruments, musical instruments, jewellery and other precious-metals, pottery, porcelain and glassware, items made of wood or textile, leather or related materials, and printed products such as books, newspapers and magazines. They apply traditional and/or recently developed techniques to carve, mould, assemble, weave and decorate various articles; to compose and set type prior to printing; to set up and operate printing presses; to bind and finish printed products; and to prepare stencils and operate screen printing equipment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work may be carried out by hand or involve the use of hand tools, hand-held power tools and in some cases the set-up and operation of machinery and machine tools. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Handicraft Workers
Precision-instrument Makers and Repairers
Precision-instrument makers and repairers make, calibrate, repair, maintain, adjust and install mechanical watches and clocks, and nautical, meteorological, optical and other precision instruments and equipment, and set them for correct performance.
[ "7", "73", "731", "7311" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Handicraft and Printing Workers", "Handicraft Workers", "Precision-instrument Makers and Repairers" ]
[ "watch and clock fixer", "chronometrist", "watch and clock repairer", "watch and clock restorer", "time piece fixer", "watch and clock repairman" ]
watch and clock repairer
Watch and clock repairers maintain and repair wristwatches and clocks. They identify defects, change batteries, fit new straps, oil and replace damaged parts. They may also restore antique clocks.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers
Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers treat and process agricultural and fisheries raw materials into food and other products, and produce and repair goods made of wood, textiles, fur, leather or other materials. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organization, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing and Related Trades Workers
Butchers, Fishmongers and Related Food Preparers
Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers slaughter animals, clean, cut and dress meat and fish, remove bones and prepare related food items, or preserve meat, fish and other foods and food products by drying, salting or smoking.
[ "7", "75", "751", "7511" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing and Related Trades Workers", "Butchers, Fishmongers and Related Food Preparers" ]
[ "halal meat boner", "halal butcher", "halal meat butcher", "halal meat slicer" ]
halal butcher
Halal butchers order, inspect and buy meat to prepare it and sell it as consumable meat products in accordance with Islamic practices. They perform activities such as cutting, trimming, boning, tying, and grinding beef and poultry meat. They prepare halal meat for consumption.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators
Drivers and mobile plant operators drive and tend trains and motor vehicles, or drive, operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment, or execute deck duties on board ship and other water-borne craft. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Heavy Truck and Bus Drivers
Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers
Heavy-truck and lorry drivers drive and tend heavy motor vehicles to transport goods, liquids and heavy materials over short or long distances.
[ "8", "83", "833", "8332" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators", "Heavy Truck and Bus Drivers", "Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers" ]
[ "fire and rescue service truck operator", "crew manager", "emergency fire service vehicle operator", "fire appliance operator", "fire service vehicle operator", "fire engine driver", "fire engine operator", "fire and rescue service vehicle operator", "fire appliance driver" ]
fire service vehicle operator
Fire service vehicle operators drive and operate emergency fire service vehicles such as firetrucks. They specialise in emergency driving and assist firefighting operations. They ensure that all material is well stored on the vehicle, transported and ready for usage.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals
Legal, social and cultural professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods; or apply knowledge relating to the law, storage and retrieval of information and artefacts, psychology, social welfare, politics, economics, history, religion, languages, sociology, other social sciences, and arts and entertainment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Authors, Journalists and Linguists
Journalists research, investigate, interpret and communicate news and public affairs through newspapers, television, radio and other media.
[ "2", "26", "264", "2642" ]
[ "Professionals", "Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals", "Authors, Journalists and Linguists", "Journalists" ]
[ "sports journalist", "radio sports journalist", "sports correspondent", "sport journalist", "sports commentator", "on-line sports journalist", "sports journalist and commentator", "sports journalist & commentator", "digital sports journalist", "sports reporter", "sports broadcast journalist" ]
sports journalist
Sports journalists research and write articles about sport events and athletes for newspapers, magazines, television and other media. They conduct interviews and attend events.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Protective Services Workers
Protective services workers protect individuals and property against fire and other hazards, maintain law and order and enforce laws and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Protective Services Workers
Protective Services Workers Not Elsewhere Classified
This unit group covers protective services workers not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 541: Protective Services Workers. For instance, the unit group includes lifeguards, crossing guards and animal control officers.
[ "5", "54", "541", "5419" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Protective Services Workers", "Protective Services Workers", "Protective Services Workers Not Elsewhere Classified" ]
[ "life guard", "swimming pool lifeguard", "pool attendant", "lifeguard", "lifesaver", "beach lifeguard", "rescuer" ]
life guard
Life guards monitor and ensure safety in the aquatic facility by preventing and responding to any emergencies. They identify potential risks, advise individuals on proper behaviour and dangerous zones, conduct life-saving techniques such as first aid and supervise activities of the general public.
Elementary Occupations
Elementary occupations involve the performance of simple and routine tasks which may require the use of hand-held tools and considerable physical effort. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers perform simple and routine tasks in the production of crops and livestock, cultivation and maintenance of gardens and parks, exploitation and conservation of forests, and conduct of aquaculture and fisheries operations. Most occupations in this sub-major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers
Fishery and Aquaculture Labourers
Fishery and aquaculture labourers perform simple and routine tasks to cultivate, catch and harvest fish and seafood in aquaculture and inland, coastal and deep sea fishing operations.
[ "9", "92", "921", "9216" ]
[ "Elementary Occupations", "Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers", "Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers", "Fishery and Aquaculture Labourers" ]
[ "harvesting worker", "aquaculture harvesting worker", "fish farming harvesting worker", "aquatic animals harvesting worker" ]
aquaculture harvesting worker
Aquaculture harvesting workers work in the harvesting of those aquatic organisms cultured in land-based on-growing processes.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Assemblers assemble prefabricated parts or components to form subassemblies, products and equipment, according to procedures strictly laid down. The products worked on may be moved from one worker to the next along assembly lines. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Mechanical Machinery Assemblers
Mechanical machinery assemblers assemble, according to procedures strictly laid down, component parts of mechanical machinery such as engines, motor vehicles, turbines and aircraft.
[ "8", "82", "821", "8211" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Assemblers", "Assemblers", "Mechanical Machinery Assemblers" ]
[ "truck engine assembler", "gas engine builder", "bus engine assembler", "car engine builder", "bus engine builder", "electric engine builder", "petrol engine builder", "hybrid engine assembler", "lorry engine builder", "motor vehicle engine assembler", "hybrid engine builder", "petrol engine assembler", "diesel engine assembler", "diesel engine builder", "gas engine assembler", "electric engine assembler", "car engine assembler", "coach engine builder", "truck engine builder", "lorry engine assembler", "coach engine assembler" ]
motor vehicle engine assembler
Motor vehicle engine assemblers build and install prefabricated parts to form motor vehicle engines such as diesel, gas, petrol and electric engines. They review specifications and technical drawings to determine materials and assembly instructions. They inspect and test the engines and reject malfunctioning components.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Other Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Packing, Bottling and Labelling Machine Operators
Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators monitor and operate machines which weigh, pack and label various products, or fill different containers with products.
[ "8", "81", "818", "8183" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Other Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Packing, Bottling and Labelling Machine Operators" ]
[ "canning and bottling operative", "canning operative", "canning and bottling worker", "canning and bottling line operator", "canner" ]
canning and bottling line operator
Canning and bottling line operators observe bottles and cans passing by during the production process. They stand next to conveyors belts to ensure that bottles are filled to standard levels and that there are no major deviations. They discard defective bottles or cans.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians Not Elsewhere Classified
This unit group covers physical and engineering science technicians not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 311: Physical and Engineering Science Technicians. For instance, the unit group includes those who assist scientists and engineers engaged in developing procedures or conducting research on safety, biomedical, environmental or industrial and production engineering.
[ "3", "31", "311", "3119" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians Not Elsewhere Classified" ]
[ "industrial tool design inspector", "industrial tool development technologist", "industrial tool inspector", "industrial tool design quality control inspector", "industrial engineering technician", "industrial tool design quality control technologist", "industrial tool technologist", "industrial tool development inspector", "industrial tool design technologist" ]
industrial engineering technician
Industrial engineering technicians assist industrial engineers in improving efficiency, safety and productivity in manufacturing plants. They conduct production studies, prepare layouts for machinery and equipment and suggest solutions to remedy quality problems.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers
Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers treat and process agricultural and fisheries raw materials into food and other products, and produce and repair goods made of wood, textiles, fur, leather or other materials. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organization, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Wood Treaters, Cabinet-makers and Related Trades Workers
Woodworking Machine Tool Setters and Operators
Woodworking machine tool setters and operators set-up, operate and monitor automatic or semi-automatic woodworking machines, such as precision sawing, shaping, planing, boring, turning and woodcarving machines to fabricate or repair wooden parts for furniture, fixtures and other wooden products.
[ "7", "75", "752", "7523" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Wood Treaters, Cabinet-makers and Related Trades Workers", "Woodworking Machine Tool Setters and Operators" ]
[ "wood turning lathe setter", "wood turning lathe tender", "wood turning machinist", "wood lathe specialist", "wood turning lathe operator", "wood machinist", "wood lathe operator", "wood lather", "CNC wood machinist", "wood lathe technician", "woodturner", "wood turning lathe operative", "multi-spindle wood machinist", "wood turner", "lather of wood", "bodger", "wood lathe turner", "wood lather turner", "woodworking machinist" ]
Woodturners use a lathe to remove superfluous material from wood. The lathe turns the workpiece around its axis, as shape tools are used to obtain the desired shape.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)
Industrial and Production Engineers
Industrial and production engineers conduct research and design, organize and oversee the construction, operation and maintenance of industrial production processes and installations. They establish programmes for the coordination of manufacturing activities and assess cost effectiveness and safety.
[ "2", "21", "214", "2141" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Engineering Professionals (excluding Electrotechnology)", "Industrial and Production Engineers" ]
[ "food engineer", "food production engineer" ]
food production engineer
Food production engineers oversee the electrical and mechanical needs of the equipment and machinery required in the process of manufacturing food or beverages. They strive to maximise plant productivity by engaging in preventive actions in reference to health and safety, good manufacturing practices (GMP), hygiene compliance, and performance of routine maintenance of machines and equipment.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Business and Administration Professionals
Business and administration professionals perform analytical, conceptual and practical tasks to provide services in financial matters, human resource development, public relations, marketing and sales in the technical, medical, information and communication technology areas; and conduct, reviews of organizational structures, methods and systems as well as quantitative analyses of information affecting investment programmes. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Professionals
Advertising and Marketing Professionals
Advertising and marketing professionals develop and coordinate advertising strategies and campaigns, determine the market for new goods and services, and identify and develop market opportunities for new and existing goods and services.
[ "2", "24", "243", "2431" ]
[ "Professionals", "Business and Administration Professionals", "Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Professionals", "Advertising and Marketing Professionals" ]
[ "eBusiness development manager", "e-business managers", "eBusiness manager", "eCommerce manager", "eBusiness managers", "e-commerce manager", "web business development manager", "eBusiness development officer", "e-commerce development manager", "e-business manager" ]
eBusiness manager
eBusiness managers create and execute a company's electronic strategy plan for selling products and services online. They also improve data integrity, placement of online tools and brand exposure and monitor sales for companies that market products to customers using the internet. They collaborate with the marketing and sales management team using ICT tools to reach sales goals and provide accurate information and offerings to business partners.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals
Legal, social and cultural professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods; or apply knowledge relating to the law, storage and retrieval of information and artefacts, psychology, social welfare, politics, economics, history, religion, languages, sociology, other social sciences, and arts and entertainment. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Creative and Performing Artists
Announcers on Radio, Television and Other Media
Announcers on radio, television and other media read news bulletins, conduct interviews, and make other announcements or introductions on radio, television, and in theatres and other establishments or media
[ "2", "26", "265", "2656" ]
[ "Professionals", "Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals", "Creative and Performing Artists", "Announcers on Radio, Television and Other Media" ]
[ "video jockey presenter", "program host", "sports presenter", "broadcast journalist", "broadcasting presenter", "senior broadcast journalist", "finance broadcast journalist", "sport announcer", "television presenter", "VJ radio presenter", "TV presenter", "moderator", "DJ radio presenter", "presenter", "host", "hostess", "freelance broadcast presenter", "radio presenter", "announcer", "broadcaster", "broadcast presenter" ]
Presenters host broadcast productions. They are the face or voice of these programs and make announcements on different platforms such as radio, television, theatres or other establishments. They ensure that their audience is entertained and introduce the artists or persons being interviewed.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians
Mechanical Engineering Technicians
Mechanical engineering technicians perform technical tasks to aid in mechanical engineering research, and in the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of machines, components and mechanical equipment.
[ "3", "31", "311", "3115" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians", "Mechanical Engineering Technicians" ]
[ "rolling stock engine inspector", "railway vehicle engine inspector", "rail workshop repair inspector", "traction engineering technician", "wagon engine inspector", "locomotive engine inspector", "rail vehicle engine inspector", "rail vehicle repair inspector", "carriage engine inspector", "rail depot repair inspector", "railway depot repair inspector", "multiple unit engine inspector", "depot repair inspector", "workshop repair inspector", "railway workshop repair inspector", "rolling stock repair inspector", "railcar engine inspector" ]
rolling stock engine inspector
Rolling stock engine inspectors inspect diesel and electric engines used for locomotives to ensure compliance with standards and regulations. They conduct routine, post-overhaul, pre-availability and post-casualty inspections. They provide documentation for repair activities and technical support to maintenance and repair centers. They review administrative records, analyse the operating performance of engines and report their findings.
Clerical Support Workers
Clerical support workers record, organise, store, compute and retrieve information, and perform a number of clerical duties in connection with money-handling operations, travel arrangements, requests for information, and appointments. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Customer Services Clerks
Customer services clerks deal with clients in connection with money-handling operations, travel arrangements, requests for information, making appointments, operating telephone switchboards, and interviewing for surveys or to complete applications for eligibility for services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Client Information Workers
Survey and Market Research Interviewers
Survey and market research interviewers interview people and record their responses to survey and market research questions on a range of topics.
[ "4", "42", "422", "4227" ]
[ "Clerical Support Workers", "Customer Services Clerks", "Client Information Workers", "Survey and Market Research Interviewers" ]
[ "commercial census taker", "survey enumerator", "census official", "census interviewer", "census worker", "enumerator", "street surveyor", "census clerk", "census taker" ]
survey enumerator
Survey enumerators perform interviews and fill in forms in order to collect the data provided by interviewees. They can collect information by phone, mail, personal visits or on the street. They conduct and help the interviewees administer the information that the interviewer is interested in having, usually related to demographic information for governmental statistical purposes.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators
Chief executives, senior officials and legislators formulate and review the policies, and plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities, of enterprises, governments and other organizations with the support of other managers. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Legislators and Senior Officials
Senior Officials of Special-interest Organizations
Senior officials of special-interest organizations determine, formulate and direct the implementation of policies of special-interest organizations, such as political-party organizations, trade unions, employers' organizations, trade and industry associations, humanitarian or charity organizations, or sports associations, and represent their organizations and act on their behalf.
[ "1", "11", "111", "1114" ]
[ "Managers", "Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators", "Legislators and Senior Officials", "Senior Officials of Special-interest Organizations" ]
[ "trades union research officer", "special-interest groups' staff member", "lobbying body official", "special-interest groups' worker", "professional body official", "special-interest group official", "sport governing body official", "special-interest groups' official", "humanitarian organisation official", "special-interest group worker", "industry association official", "trades union official", "employers organisation official", "special-interest group staff member", "sports association official", "campaign group official", "trade association official" ]
special-interest groups' official
Special-interest groups' officials represent and act on behalf of special-interest groups such as trade unions, employer organisations, trade and industry associations, sports associations and humanitarian organisations. They develop policies and ensure their implementation. Special-interest groups' officials speak for their members in negotiations about topics such as working conditions and safety.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Information and Communications Technology Professionals
Information and communications technology professionals conduct research, plan, design, write, test, provide advice and improve information technology systems, hardware, software and related concepts for specific applications; develop associated documentation including principles, policies and procedures; and design, develop, control, maintain and support databases and other information systems to ensure optimal performance and data integrity and security.
Software and Applications Developers and Analysts
Systems Analysts
Systems analysts conduct research, analyse and evaluate client information technology requirements, procedures or problems, and develop and implement proposals, recommendations and plans to improve current or future information systems.
[ "2", "25", "251", "2511" ]
[ "Professionals", "Information and Communications Technology Professionals", "Software and Applications Developers and Analysts", "Systems Analysts" ]
[ "enterprise architects", "enterprise architect", "enterprise architecture manager", "enterprise developer", "enterprise designer" ]
enterprise architect
Enterprise architects balance technological opportunities with business requirements. They also maintain a holistic view of the organisation's strategy, processes, information and ICT assets and link the business mission, strategy and processes to the ICT strategy.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Food and Related Products Machine Operators
Food and Related Products Machine Operators
Food and related machine operators set, operate and attend machinery used to slaughter animals, trim meat from carcasses, and bake, freeze, heat, crush, mix, blend and otherwise process foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco leaves.
[ "8", "81", "816", "8160" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Food and Related Products Machine Operators", "Food and Related Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "milk treatment operator", "milk processing operator", "milk treatment operative", "milk heat treatment process operator", "milk processing operative" ]
milk heat treatment process operator
Milk heat treatment process operators use equipments to perform different methods of pasteurisation and/or sterilisation to dairy liquid products. They operate equipment such as raw product booster pumps, homogenisers, flavour control equipment, clarifiers, separators, auxiliary pumps, and filters.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Information and Communications Technology Professionals
Information and communications technology professionals conduct research, plan, design, write, test, provide advice and improve information technology systems, hardware, software and related concepts for specific applications; develop associated documentation including principles, policies and procedures; and design, develop, control, maintain and support databases and other information systems to ensure optimal performance and data integrity and security.
Software and Applications Developers and Analysts
Software Developers
Software developers research, analyse and evaluate requirements for existing or new software applications and operating systems, and design, develop, test and maintain software solutions to meet these requirements.
[ "2", "25", "251", "2512" ]
[ "Professionals", "Information and Communications Technology Professionals", "Software and Applications Developers and Analysts", "Software Developers" ]
[ "user interface developers", "UI developers", "front end developer", "user interface engineer", "UI programmer", "UI developer", "user interface developer" ]
user interface developer
User interface developers implement, code, document and maintain the interface of a software system by using front-end development technologies.
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers
Metal, machinery and related trades workers cast, weld, forge and, by other methods, form metal; erect, maintain and repair heavy metal structures; engage in machine-tool setting as well as in fitting, maintaining and repairing machinery, including engines, vehicles, or they produce tools and various non-precious-metal articles. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organisation, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers
Welders and Flame Cutters
Welders and flame cutters weld and cut metal parts using gas flame, electric arc and other sources of heat to melt and cut, or to melt and fuse metal.
[ "7", "72", "721", "7212" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Metal, Machinery and Related Trades Workers", "Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers", "Welders and Flame Cutters" ]
[ "maintenance welder", "aerospace welder", "boiler welder", "construction welder", "repair welder", "oxyacetylene welder", "oxy welder", "welder", "marine welder", "naval welder", "gas welder", "fitter", "repair and maintenance technician", "aircraft welder", "repair fitter", "oxy-fuel welder", "motor vehicle welder", "repair technician", "underwater welder", "welding practitioner", "maintenance technician", "naval metalworker", "steel welder", "production welder", "arc welder" ]
Welders operate welding equipment in order to join metal workpieces together. They can use fusion welding processes based on different techniques and materials. They also perform simple visual inspection of welds.
Services And Sales Workers
Service and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, or protection against fire and unlawful acts, or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Personal Services Workers
Personal service workers provide personal services related to travel, housekeeping, catering and hospitality, hairdressing and beauty treatment, animal care grooming and training, companionship and other services of a personal nature. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Building and Housekeeping Supervisors
Domestic Housekeepers
Domestic housekeepers organize, supervise and carry out housekeeping functions in private households and small accommodation establishments with or without the support of subordinate staff.
[ "5", "51", "515", "5152" ]
[ "Services And Sales Workers", "Personal Services Workers", "Building and Housekeeping Supervisors", "Domestic Housekeepers" ]
[ "major-domo", "domestic butler", "butler", "domestic house manager" ]
domestic butler
Domestic butlers serve at official meals, monitor meal preparations and table setting and manage the household staff. They may also offer personal assistance in booking travel arrangements and restaurants, valeting and clothing care.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Process Control Technicians
Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant Operators
Incinerator and water treatment plant operators monitor and operate computerized control systems and related equipment in solid and liquid waste treatment plants to regulate the treatment and disposal of sewage and wastes, and in water filtration and treatment plants to regulate the treatment and distribution of water.
[ "3", "31", "313", "3132" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Process Control Technicians", "Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant Operators" ]
[ "water quality tester", "water safety tester", "water treatment system worker", "water treatment operator", "water treatment systems operator", "water quality operative", "water treatment system operative", "water safety operative", "drinking water treatment system worker", "water treatment plant operative", "drinking water treatment system operator", "drinking water treatment system operative", "water system operator", "water treatment plant worker" ]
water treatment systems operator
Water treatment system operators treat water to ensure safety for drinking, irrigation, or other use. They operate and maintain water treatment equipment and ensure the water is safe for bottling and use in food production by thoroughly testing before distribution, and by meeting environmental standards.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Physical and Engineering Science Technicians
Mechanical Engineering Technicians
Mechanical engineering technicians perform technical tasks to aid in mechanical engineering research, and in the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of machines, components and mechanical equipment.
[ "3", "31", "311", "3115" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Physical and Engineering Science Technicians", "Mechanical Engineering Technicians" ]
[ "maintenance machining and assembly supervisor", "maintenance machine shop supervisor", "leading maintenance machinist", "maintenance machine adjuster supervisor", "maintenance machine charge hand", "maintenance machine team leader", "lead maintenance operative", "maintenance machining and assembly manager", "maintenance machine shop manager", "maintenance machining supervisor", "machine setter supervisor", "maintenance machining department supervisor", "industrial maintenance supervisor", "maintenance work supervisor", "maintenance machine and assembly maintenance team leader", "maintenance and assembly team leader" ]
industrial maintenance supervisor
Industrial maintenance supervisors organise and supervise the activities and maintenance operations of machines, systems and equipment. They ensure inspections are done according to health, safety and environmental standards, and productivity and quality requirements.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators
Chief executives, senior officials and legislators formulate and review the policies, and plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities, of enterprises, governments and other organizations with the support of other managers. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Managing Directors and Chief Executives
Managing Directors and Chief Executives
Managing directors and chief executives formulate and review the policies and plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises or organizations (except special-interest organizations and government departments) with the support of other managers, usually within guidelines established by a board of directors or a governing body to whom they are answerable for the operations undertaken and results.
[ "1", "11", "112", "1120" ]
[ "Managers", "Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators", "Managing Directors and Chief Executives", "Managing Directors and Chief Executives" ]
[ "managing director", "senior executive officer", "CEO", "chief executive officer", "president", "chairman" ]
chief executive officer
Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Health Associate Professionals
Health associate professionals perform technical and practical tasks to support diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments in humans and animals, and to support implementation of health care, treatment and referral plans usually established by medical, veterinary, nursing and other health professionals. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Veterinary Technicians and Assistants
Veterinary Technicians and Assistants
Veterinary technicians and assistants carry out advisory, diagnostic, preventive and curative veterinary tasks more limited in scope and complexity than those carried out by, and with the guidance of, veterinarians. They care for animals under treatment and in temporary residence at veterinary facilities, perform routine procedures and assist veterinarians to perform procedures and operations.
[ "3", "32", "324", "3240" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Health Associate Professionals", "Veterinary Technicians and Assistants", "Veterinary Technicians and Assistants" ]
[ "vet practice technician", "veterinary technician", "veterinary practice technician", "vet's technician", "veterinary assistant", "veterinary auxiliary", "vet technician", "veterinary technicians" ]
veterinary technician
Veterinary technicians provide the technical and administrative support to the veterinarian in accordance with national legislation.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators
Rubber Products Machine Operators
Rubber-products machine operators monitor and operate machines which knead and blend rubber and rubber compounds and produce various components and products from natural and synthetic rubber, such as moulded footwear, domestic articles, insulating materials, industrial accessories, or tyres.
[ "8", "81", "814", "8141" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators", "Rubber Products Machine Operators" ]
[ "rubber production worker", "rubber cutting machine operator", "rubber cutting machine tender", "rubber cutter", "rubber cutter tender", "cutting machine tender", "rubber cutting machine operative", "rubber slab production worker", "rubber slab cutter" ]
rubber cutting machine tender
Rubber cutting machine tenders operate the machine that cuts rubber stock into slabs. They take the slab of the conveyor and put it on a pallet, spraying a chemical solution on each slab to prevent sticking.
Managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the overall activities of enterprises, governments and other organizations, or of organizational units within them, and formulate and review their policies, laws, rules and regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level, except for Sub-major group 14: Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers, for which skills at the third ISCO skill level are generally required.
Production and Specialized Services Managers
Production and specialized services managers plan direct and coordinate the production of the goods and the provision of the specialized professional and technical services provided by an enterprise or organization either as the manager of a department or as the general manager of an enterprise or organization that does not have a hierarchy of managers. They are responsible for manufacturing, mining, construction, logistics, information and communications technology operations, for large scale agricultural, forestry and fisheries operations, and for the provision of health, education, social welfare, banking, insurance and other professional and technical services. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Manufacturing, Mining, Construction and Distribution Managers
Supply, Distribution and Related Managers
Supply, distribution and related managers plan, direct and coordinate passenger transportation systems and facilities and the supply, transportation, storage and distribution of goods, either as the manager of a department or as the general manager of an enterprise or organization that does not have a hierarchy of managers.
[ "1", "13", "132", "1324" ]
[ "Managers", "Production and Specialized Services Managers", "Manufacturing, Mining, Construction and Distribution Managers", "Supply, Distribution and Related Managers" ]
[ "tobacco products logistics planner", "tobacco products logistics manager", "trainee tobacco products distribution manager", "tobacco products supply chain manager", "tobacco products supply chain planner", "graduate tobacco products distribution manager", "senior tobacco products distribution manager", "assistant tobacco products distribution manager", "tobacco products distribution planner", "tobacco products distribution manager" ]
tobacco products distribution manager
Tobacco products distribution managers plan the distribution of tobacco products to various points of sales.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Technicians and associate professionals perform technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Associate Professionals
Science and engineering associate professionals perform technical tasks connected with research and operational methods in science and engineering. They supervise and control technical and operational aspects of mining, manufacturing, construction and other engineering operations, and operate technical equipment including aircraft and ships. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the third ISCO skill level.
Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Supervisors
Manufacturing Supervisors
Manufacturing supervisors coordinate and supervise the activities of process control technicians, machine operators, assemblers and other manufacturing labourers.
[ "3", "31", "312", "3122" ]
[ "Technicians and Associate Professionals", "Science and Engineering Associate Professionals", "Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Supervisors", "Manufacturing Supervisors" ]
[ "animal feed production manager", "animal feed production processor", "feed mill supervisor", "animal feed supervisor", "livestock feed supervisor", "feed manufacturer", "animal feed quality controller", "fodder production supervisor" ]
animal feed supervisor
Animal feed supervisors supervise the manufacturing process of animal feeds. They control quality, take samples for labs, follow up on lab results and take measures according to the results.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Teaching Professionals
Teaching professionals teach the theory and practice of one or more disciplines at different educational levels; conduct research; improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods pertaining to their particular discipline; and prepare scholarly papers and books. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
University and Higher Education Teachers
University and Higher Education Teachers
University and higher education teachers prepare and deliver lectures and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university or other higher educational institution. They conduct research, and prepare scholarly papers and books.
[ "2", "23", "231", "2310" ]
[ "Professionals", "Teaching Professionals", "University and Higher Education Teachers", "University and Higher Education Teachers" ]
[ "professor of biological sciences", "lecturer in biology", "biological sciences lector", "biology lector", "biology instructor", "university biological sciences lecturer", "university biology lecturer", "university lecturer in biology", "biological science lecturer", "biological sciences lecturer", "biology docent", "professor of biology", "university lecturer in biological science", "lecturer in biological sciences", "biology lecturer", "instructor in biology", "biology professor", "biology teacher", "higher education biology teacher", "biological science lector" ]
biology lecturer
Biology lecturers are subject professors, teachers, or lecturers who instruct students who have obtained an upper secondary education diploma in their own specialised field of study, biology. They work with their university research assistants and university teaching assistants in the preparation of lectures and of exams, leading laboratory practices, grading papers and exams and leading review and feedback sessions for the students. They also conduct academic research in their field of biology, publish their findings and liaise with other university colleagues.
Elementary Occupations
Elementary occupations involve the performance of simple and routine tasks which may require the use of hand-held tools and considerable physical effort. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Cleaners and Helpers
Cleaners and helpers perform various tasks in private households, hotels, offices, hospitals and other establishments, as well as in aircraft, trains coaches, trams and similar vehicles, in order to keep the interiors and fixtures clean, and launder and press garments and textiles by hand. Most occupations in this sub-major group require skills at the first ISCO skill level.
Vehicle, Window, Laundry and Other Hand Cleaning Workers
Other Cleaning Workers
This unit group includes cleaning workers not classified elsewhere. The group includes, for instance, those who clean surfaces, materials and objects, such as carpets, walls, swimming pools and cooling towers, using specialized cleaning equipment and chemicals.
[ "9", "91", "912", "9129" ]
[ "Elementary Occupations", "Cleaners and Helpers", "Vehicle, Window, Laundry and Other Hand Cleaning Workers", "Other Cleaning Workers" ]
[ "carpet and drapery cleaner", "carpet cleaning technician", "carpet cleaner", "drapery and carpet cleaner", "rug cleaner", "drapery cleaner" ]
drapery and carpet cleaner
Drapery and carpet cleaners clean draperies and carpets for their clients by removing stains, dust or odors. They do this by applying chemical and repellent solutions and with the use of brushes or mechanical equipment.
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers operate and monitor industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment on the spot or by remote control; drive and operate trains, motor vehicles and mobile machinery and equipment; or assemble products from component parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of industrial and agricultural machinery and equipment as well as an ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations.
Stationary Plant and Machine Operators
Stationary plant and machine operators monitor and operate stationary industrial plant, machinery and equipment, or for which mobility is not an integral part of operation. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work mainly calls for experience with and an understanding of the industrial plant, machinery or equipment being operated and monitored. Ability to cope with machine-paced operations and to adapt to innovations in machinery and equipment is often required.
Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators
Sewing Machine Operators
Sewing machine operators monitor and operate sewing machines to make, repair, darn and renovate textile, fur, synthetic or leather garments or embroider ornamental designs on garments or other materials. They operate buttonhole making and eyelet holing machines to cut holes, stitch around holes, stitch buttons and fix eyelets to garments.
[ "8", "81", "815", "8153" ]
[ "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers", "Stationary Plant and Machine Operators", "Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators", "Sewing Machine Operators" ]
[ "sample clothing sewer", "sample sewing machinist", "sample garment machinist", "sample sewer", "garment sample machinist", "clothing sample machinist" ]
clothing sample machinist
Clothing sample machinists create the first made-up sample of a garment design. They make decisions regarding the makeup of garments taking into consideration bulk production to ensure sealing samples are ready on time. They press finished garments and make quality control checks. 
Craft and Related Trades Workers
Craft and related trades workers apply specific technical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields to construct and maintain buildings; form metal; erect metal structures; set machine tools or make, fit, maintain and repair machinery, equipment or tools; carry out printing work; and produce or process foodstuffs, textiles and wooden, metal and other articles, including handicraft goods. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of all stages of the production process, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers
Food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers treat and process agricultural and fisheries raw materials into food and other products, and produce and repair goods made of wood, textiles, fur, leather or other materials. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level. The work is carried out by hand and by hand-powered and other tools which are used to reduce the amount of physical effort and time required for specific tasks, as well as to improve the quality of the products. The tasks call for an understanding of the work organization, the materials and tools used, and the nature and purpose of the final product.
Garment and Related Trades Workers
Shoemakers and Related Workers
Shoemakers and related workers make, modify and repair standard, custom or orthopaedic footwear and natural or synthetic leather articles, such as luggage, handbags and belts, (except for leather garments, hats and gloves), or participate in the manufacture of shoes and related goods. They decorate, reinforce or finish shoes, luggage, handbags and belts.
[ "7", "75", "753", "7536" ]
[ "Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment and Other Craft and Related Trades Workers", "Garment and Related Trades Workers", "Shoemakers and Related Workers" ]
[ "leather parts manipulator", "manual operator", "leather goods manual operator", "hand operator", "leather components manipulator" ]
leather goods manual operator
Leather goods manual operators handle tools to prepare the joint of the pieces in order to ready the pieces to be stitched or to close the already existing pieces stitched together in order to give shape to the leather good products.
Professionals increase the existing stock of knowledge; apply scientific or artistic concepts and theories; teach about the foregoing in a systematic manner; or engage in any combination of these activities. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Science and Engineering Professionals
Science and engineering professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as physics, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, geophysics, geology, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, architecture, engineering, design and technology. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the fourth ISCO skill level.
Architects, Planners, Surveyors and Designers
Graphic and Multimedia Designers
Graphic and multimedia designers design visual and audio-visual content for the communication of information using print, film, electronic, digital and other forms of visual and audio media. They create graphics, special effects, animation or other visual images for use in computer games, movies, music videos, print media and advertisements.
[ "2", "21", "216", "2166" ]
[ "Professionals", "Science and Engineering Professionals", "Architects, Planners, Surveyors and Designers", "Graphic and Multimedia Designers" ]
[ "digital games designers", "digital game designer", "video games designer", "virtual games designer", "digital games designer", "computer games designer" ]
digital games designer
Digital games designers develop the layout, logic, concept and gameplay of a digital game. They focus on playfield design, specification writing, and entry of numeric properties that balance and tune the gameplay.