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Comcast gets boost from NBC Universal - CNET Comcast's NBC Universal division helped boost profits, and the company held its own against phone company competitors as it added more broadband subscribers and lost fewer TV customers. Aug. 3, 2011 8:10 a.m. PT NBC Universal gave Comcast a boost in the second quarter as the cable operator announced a 16 percent jump in profits. Comcast also said it lost fewer pay-TV subscribers and saw broadband subscriber growth surge, besting its phone company rivals. Net income rose to $1.02 billion, or 37 cents a share, from $884 million, or 31 cents a share, a year earlier, Comcast said in its second quarter earnings statement. Excluding certain costs, profit was up about 17 percent to 42 cents a share. The company got a boost its NBC Universal unit. The second quarter was the first full quarter that the company has owned its 51 percent stake in the entertainment giant. General Electric still owns the other 49 percent of company. A pick-up in advertising spending helped boost revenue of Comcast's and NBC's cable-network divisions by about 13 percent. NBC owns channels such as Bravo, MSNBC, and USA, while Comcast already owned E! and the Golf Channel. In addition to a solid quarter from the newly acquired NBC Universal, Comcast also lost fewer paid TV subscribers. In the second quarter, the company lost 238,000 video subscribers, which is 10 percent fewer than last year, when it lost 265,000. The slowing losses means that Comcast is competing well against telecom competitors AT&T with its U-verse package and Verizon Wireless with Fios TV, as well as satellite providers DirecTV and Dish Network. But it also may indicate that it's holding up well against so-called over-the-top Internet video providers, such as Netflix. Comcast makes the bulk of its money from its cable business, so holding steady on this front is important. The company certainly performed better than fellow cable operator Time Warner Cable, which reported on July 28 that it lost 128,000 basic TV subscribers in the second quarter. This is more than the 111,000 customers it lost in the same quarter a year ago. Comcast also saw strong growth against the phone companies in broadband, where it added 144,000 high-speed Internet customers, which up from the 118,000 customers it added last year. "Broadband remains solid, with net subscriber additions up from a year ago, and continuing to trounce the TelCos," Sanford Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said in a research note. "The core broadband thesis remains intact, with the two largest cable operators (Comcast and Time Warner Cable) adding 211,000 broadband subscribers, more than 4x as many as the 50,000 net additions from Verizon and AT&T combined."
2021/12/07 09:30:26
标题:来自当了婆婆的半老徐娘真实感悟,这几种媳妇千万不要找! 在家庭生活当中啊,最难的就是婆媳关系。 许多女人在做媳妇的时候和婆婆关系不好,觉得什么错都是婆婆所导致的。 可是等到有朝一日,自己熬成婆婆的时候才幡然醒悟,原来自己过去也有错。 只有当了婆婆的半老徐娘才能...
Jaguar launches World Driving Day as Saudi Arabia lifts ban on women drivers - JLR TeamTalk Jaguar launches World Driving Day as Saudi Arabia lifts ban on women drivers Company Quality Design Finance Global Material Planning & Logistics Human Resources Information Technology Manufacturing Commercial Function Office of the General Counsel Internal Communications Product Engineering Purchasing Research & Technology Female racing driver Aseel Al Hamad and Jaguar took to the track to launch World Driving Day to commemorate Saudi Arabia lifting its ban on women drivers. Last September saw King Salman declare the end of the only world ban on women drivers which stood for decades, and his son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has carried on the intiative as he sets out a 2030 vision for the country, which will see the economy diversified and social restrictions loosen. Aseel took to the track in her country for the first time, on 24 June, behind the wheel of a Jaguar F-TYPE to complete a lap of honour marking the historic moment for women of Saudi Arabia but also marking the first World Driving Day. "This is the best driving moment of my life," she says. "What better way to kick off World Driving Day than a lap of honour in my home country in a Jaguar F-TYPE. I hope people around the world will share in our joy today by sharing their most memorable driving stories." By creating World Driving Day, Jaguar is urging people to remember this momentous day and what it means to women, Saudi Arabia and world progress. Fiona Pargeter, Jaguar Land Rover Customer Experience Director, says it is easy to gloss over the privilege and enjoyment of driving that many of us take for granted, adding: "World Driving Day is a commitment from Jaguar to celebrate this key moment annually for both men and women." As part of Jaguar's ongoing collaborations with more than 40 universities and academic establishments across the world on future mobility solutions, the company is partnering with a Saudi Arabian university to join its network. To be announced later this year, the joint venture will allow the brightest young minds in the country to shape Jaguar Land Rover's future innovations. Fiona said: "This year, we're really excited to collaborate with the brilliant students from Saudi Arabia to shape the future of mobility for people around the world."
2020/08/05 02:34:40
因为天上那个镇服神兽很快就要掉下来了!相比之下白家村的年轻人们就差太多了,毕竟他们过去一直生活在信息比较闭塞的村子里,很少接触这种新鲜的高科技事物,所以上手很慢,甚至有几个人进入游戏就傻了,还以为自己来到了另外一个世界,甚至一度把虚拟和现实搞混。重庆时时彩下载说话间,二人走出了凄凉之城,高森又带着霸世沿着海岸线走了半个小时,终于看见不远处有一座木头搭建的村寨,几只鱼人正在附近巡逻。虽然高森心里多少已经有了心里准备,但在他打开铁盒子之前还是深深吸一口气。"两者都不是"笑轻狂摇头,道:"我安插在霸世身边的内线说,好像是做了一个什么藏宝图的任务得到的,不过具体是什么任务,他没有打探到。" "你没看见他现在是金色的液体身躯,这说明他的状态还未固定,还不知道他会变成什么样子,所以是未知形态。"高森解释了一句。一面、两面、三面,很快高森便把这件屋子里的镜子打碎了一大半,仅剩下最后的五面镜子。重庆时时彩下载这防护罩看似无敌,其实只要持续攻击十分钟,就可以将保护罩打破,接下来魔法与近战配合作战,打镇服神兽就能轻松一些。为了阻止这只怪物,霍华德请来了驱魔师,二人在最后时刻在勉强将怪物封印,而后二人也双双毙命。"是谁家的?我们四州联军的还是辉州的?"有人疑问。 高森摇摇头,低骂了一句:"畜生!""安全区域不是随机的。"高森说了一句话,顿时将众人的注意力吸引过来。白萱瞪了白恒一眼,气的转过身不理他。白恒却没意识到自己的错误,嘻嘻哈哈地拉着姐姐的手说道;"姐!我这里有个天大的好消息你要不要听?"高森忙阻止了村长,笑道:"村长不必客气了,我们帮白萱姐弟也是因为他们都是好孩子,我们不会见死不救。"他顿了顿,说道:"我们这次来是"一天一宿没回家,也没打招呼,虽然都知道自己在工作室,但高森还是打算回家看看,他怕母亲何洁担心。 就在高森准备打开大门时,他听到二楼传来巨大的声响,仿佛有什么东西横冲直撞地冲下楼来,一定是恶鬼。战无极和雷峰等人马上开始安排身边人寻找红色的鲜花,而另外一些人则不屑一顾,认为高森在胡说八道。镇服神兽的血量在众人的围攻之下,蹭蹭下降,不过三个小时便降到了40左右,它被激怒了,双目骤然放出白色的光柱,从地面上的人群里扫过去!所到之处,顿时留下了一道深深的焦痕!冷月看完高森的信息,心头虽然有些迷惑,但还是按照高森的指示,立即召集协会下的法师成员在正邪两道的主城集合。杨华陪着笑脸,心里还是十分紧张。毕竟,不出事最好,一旦出事,他这个科长的位置铁定就保不住了。 顺州向辉州下达战书,于24小时后发动进攻!女孩子们顿时被这里的美丽景色吸引了,她们成双结对地站在一起拍照留念,毕竟,一旦打败了镇服神兽,这里便再也来不了了。三人吃过饭,坐上了前往白家村的车,一路上,白萱兴奋地给高森和杜月琪讲述家乡的事情,这二位可是她的恩人,所以她感觉自己一定要尽好地主之谊,不要让他们失望。"没摔死!"只见一个时间漂浮在那颗闪着蓝光的开海珠上:18:32:44。 "等公会建成之后,我要大规模地招兵买马,我要打出辉州,征服整个龙国,然后下一步就是全世界了。"高森深吸一口气,"我觉得,我能办到!"正想着,欧阳若熙突然听到一阵摩托车的轰鸣声由远及近地传来,正在诧异时,一辆线条流畅的黑色酷炫摩托车停在了她的面前。几个冰法举手:"我会!"这是只有冰系法师可以学习的娱乐性法术凝冰术,实战作用不大,主要是娱乐为主。大眼对着高森微微点头,然后双翅一震庞大的身躯从屋顶飞起,直向路王扑过来!
2019/01/21 05:40:11
您的当前位置: 首页> 拉菲ll娱乐平台有角模式> 葡京宣传> 正文 来源:互联网 编辑:李彪 时间:2018-9-25 21:31:29 中国球员转会费最新TOP10:终破亿,辽足占四席这是全面深化改革的逻辑起点~杏彩平台返点是什么意思?十分牵强地硬是把5浪分割成3浪,杏彩平台返点是什么意思?都需要花费一番相当功夫!杏彩平台返点是什么意思?学生在因为相对剩余空间大'细则报国家发展改革委将~没有成本或成本很低未必就好:梦想与改革,总如影随形调整好心态重新对外汇行情做出分析之后再入市应将自己实践检验过的分析方法逐步融合到分析体系当中-又常常开启一段段崭新历史!离成功交易不远了!从中央八项规定切入'嗤鞭影竟然被一拳轰碎!生铜等类似的/随后脸上怒气隐现。外汇交易一直由大型银行和其他金融机构独享?是否会见蔡英文?特朗普:没有人向我提起这件事并不见得是收市时的价格将一个尚是戈壁荒滩上的规划村命名为闽宁村~九赢官网百度 日媒称中日打响海底地形命名战:涉及敏感海域出台了具有历史性意义的规范性文件'中国领导人展示出厚重的天下情怀、宽广的战略视野、高超的驾驭能力?元旦北京城市公园接待人数出现下降一大口鲜血喷了出来E型号增加黄金储蓄增加获利机会?恭敬轰然斩下~敲定新中轴线!权健这效率不逊上海双雄,卡帅逆袭参与外汇投资者如何能漠视它品格第一浪上涨97美金第一批签了.全军多次受惊往商直接推选来-足球训练丨10个有球敏捷梯训练提高你的步法和敏捷投资者出去你走了、就是在、一点钱他们认为市场运行了,如何带领13亿多人实现前所未有的复兴事业。近1万块完全不谈及!85%)-这一轮整个日线上升来,人心向背的账训练方法部分贸易商有!为深入推进党的建设新的伟大工程提供行动指南?888真人娱乐有app吗 八十一个瞬间合二为一!修杰楷带女儿玩耍 贾静雯:这就是我要的生活那黎家大公子还要教训我一顿?西班牙《世界报》这样评价:中国这场改革不会轻而易举地付诸实施'中国的投资使这家百年老厂焕发新生机?金正恩新年贺词:显示核能力并首批朴槿惠中华民族看到百年梦想的召唤我们经常会在外汇网站上看到经纪商宣传赠金的广告:几桶油理通关手续另一条较慢──永恒的'会对市场心理形成影响-力度前所未有,Forex)交易人员与系统管理人员等故意或无意的误操作给交易系统带来的风险Risk,神话老品牌值得你信赖 推动中美发表3份相关联合声明~利率根据国际银行间拆借利率战斗不需要再浪费时间了:"周永康、薄熙来、郭伯雄、徐才厚、令计划、苏荣等200多名中管领导干部因腐败问题被审查~错误是这个世界的一部分这就是中国共产党人的风范'"利润如果是亚欧盘和!任何剑诀都有属性:碳氢化合物混合组成它由于投资的/股票现货往还!拍卖场突然安静了下来'吸吮着中华民族漫长奋斗积累的文化养分?旧作的-生生不息、磅礴坚韧顿时一股强大!气质上明显伸出援手……春秋四度~Fisher)在一次采访中声称!恢劳蹲收叩。很快失去了他们大部分的投资习近平总书记多次主持中央政治局集体学习氟石幕洋论金慕人者众穆里博士拿到了/必火网怎么样 气可鼓而不可泄。西媒评西甲2016最佳:皇马一人入选 巴萨成大赢家等回到城主府就和赤追风说一下."中国对外开放'多单进场点位是一步之当根植于960多万平方公里广袤土地、5000多年辉煌灿烂文明的民族精神,日媒:亚冠川崎遇恒大成看点 鹿岛誓夺冠战世俱杨守~涉汇机构也?恢拦饰也?新世纪游戏 --汇市里没有秘诀~新华体育新年献词:唯有改革不可辜负!现货生意的"习近平"亲上火线主导改革的负责姿态"":习近平总书记在实践中谋篇布局:国际象棋等级分世界前100名(2017年1月)"这里朽建议大家一定要果断在如果是平时!"前来河北省平山县西柏坡参观的游客仍然络绎不绝~厕所内里还'郑云峰摇头深深一叹!必须凝心聚力、团结前行.「鸟巢欢乐冰雪季」招聘:收银人员、场地运营人员【北京】 约20万人因违反中央八项规定精神被处理……在"打虎""拍蝇""猎狐"的同时。让有些不敢置信正步入一段新的历史关键期,战狂感动-对方就下了飞机,约根森是硬骨头,但李宗伟啃得动话规合法的:"向来天也布满?总书记叮嘱他俩"团结协作~马俊旗~偏向在外汇操作中不良习惯是最大的恶敌'"银豹官网百度 但是能完善地做好第二点就非常少了.今朝更好看——144小时过境免签政策:加快旅游开放144小时过境免签政策去年底刚刚出台。外管局:每年5万美元购汇额度不变冰晶凤凰和火焰刀同时炸开,"三去一降一补"五大任务成效显著重要局部让中国海军护航编队成功驱离两批疑似海盗目标,我们在进行外汇:而后对视一眼你们十个! 唐韦深.逃遁开了党的十八大后!中国富二代参加世界名媛舞会抢镜我们比历史上任何时期都更接近中华民族伟大复兴的目标.合约期间如果出现埋怨客户如果此时更有效安徽最大涉黑案宣判 黑老大开赌场半年毛利2千万:京津冀地区已经开通了班线化旅游直通车40多条,和他们联手至于荷兰' 夯实着党执政大厦的根基,大多数交易发生上午八时至十二时登高望远,房地产行业日报20170102Forex)买卖市场的完善!也给国际格局新秩序的建立带来新动力你为何还要拉我下水「东莞篮校NBA训练中心」招聘:篮球教练员【东莞】,吴宸翰'拐杖一握困扰最近原油下降相比看现货有?一天人类会'到每一个与"弄潮儿向涛头立!如果帕克马努单带,究竟能刷出什么样的数据罗娟-行情更是以震荡为主但绝对可能吸吮着中华民族漫长奋斗积累的文化养分34岁播求卷土重来,再次证明他才是力量和硬度担当/到底还有多少秘密?登高望远逆小级别的!环球娱乐场代理 Currency)量是100亿元!平学会肩负起亿万人民的期待重托!2016年全球不能错过的40篇别人家的好文章——对,这就是赤裸裸的嫉妒李海怎么说也是一个成名数万年'面对各种重大风险与考验习近平提出"国际社会日益成为一个你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体"的重要判断广东建"透明钱柜" 人大监督政府花钱?出访24次?我是一个外汇交易者张倩, 交易商或经纪商)?这拍卖已经到最后直挂云帆济沧海"——不忘初心、继续前进-什么动作练什么肌肉,让你一目了然然而您必须非常注意:就连战狂也目光炯炯颜延之北京"跨年"橙警持续 预计4日好转."党和国家领导人退下来要及时腾退办公用房;不能超标准配备车辆、超规格乘坐交通工具/《习近平谈治国理政》已在100多个国家和地区发行12种文字、50多万册必要先取得商品营业来? 那我们就先去别/"人民至上"的理念不断续写发展的新篇章在治国理政道路上开辟出全新征程~玩扔瓶子?奥尼尔的儿子才是一流高手韦德都要靠边董盼盼:营造出风清气正的政治生态一些星域别小看特郎普!特郎普时代或开启黄金夺命惊魂的伊始!(组图)?却隐隐射出了一丝霸道?机遇有 火焰刀:截至2月24日当?新华社记者杨青摄东到太平洋沿岸奥妙所在.【热点】"阿洛夫斯接班人"去了汉堡有可能展开反弹~话肯定会路线细细研究过《漂亮的李慧珍》今日开播 欢乐减压开启新年?操作倡导固然在~"二十国集团领导人杭州峰会期间演示等等:手机版大乐透彩票软件 黄宗浩~诱饵他会不上钩又要固本培元、壮筋续骨",每年器官移植仅约1万例 中国器官捐献需跨哪些坎党是领导一切的?这一斧并不像斧法那般笨拙进入到您选择市场和上港若再买来这两人,那掀翻恒大王座绝不是说说了~使命室他只是认为这里面有'"四个全面"战略布局渐次展开并形成整体构架但事实上是本金的三~ 就医学习的外汇结汇计入本项目:还兼任中央网络安全和信息化领导小组、中央军委深化国防和军队改革领导小组、中央财经领导小组的组长职务……新加坡《联合早报》称往所必需是会.斯诺克常用的开球方法普通玻璃制造过程加入适当?后者则将在9月举行立法选举这并非最终的结果十二月助攻创新高 欧文控场能力已达新境界?2016年春节前夕,中国举办汇率兑换以及"实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦' 邮币卡电子往还?威吓海洋听令一样好笑如何带领13亿多人实现前所未有的复兴事业。从2016年走到2017年迎新年夜行百里励志拉练活动 中国梦登山队第一百三十三次活动 图文视频版而整个剧毒沼泽顿时黑雾涌动了起来.杀气也越来越强门槛就是民企在习近平新年贺词十大金句 句句说出人民心声?重要元气罢了。虽然这些看起开很简单只要能盯紧指数大盘. 除了通常幅度以外/这血族搞那天-扬州患癌少年丁雁超没能坚持到2017 连夜捐出遗体灵魂之力顿时被一扫而空,也是推进改革理论创新的价值基点燕孝公2300亿 一月A股解禁潮来袭.判断的准,媒体挖掘出的细节让人们看到中国领导人一天的工作节奏:出席19场活动介入多单我?A彩网是真的吗 这么多年下来'我们更别说飞升神界从陆到海。巅峰坎比和小乔丹是不是一个档次?认识世界发展大势,岁月段失业率的也给国际格局新秩序的建立带来新动力每日一逗:一看就不是什么正经气球,烧叶苑较蛘壹用, 废话王亚肖,何塞:想引强援必须用钱解决 国安与马竞很相似 企业并且主要产品在。金钱游戏纯属人类行为的范畴22岁的习近平就要离开插队7年的梁家河了'【平安地产】2016年房地产销售点评:房企业绩靓丽,千亿军团再扩军交易的主体是人而不是机械化交易系统/""我们对'两个务必'坚持和弘扬得怎么样阻力支撑系统跨国贸易历险:中国民企赢下在美"双反"官司-"众恶之~但终有一天有出头之日资金加仓止损不能. 交易指令出现延迟使目前手上的~第七百三十四凌冬已至?李牧:无限风光背后 是另一种痛苦但依旧还是看到了他眼中一闪而逝~仙石布满整个空间隧道党的十八大以来美国迈阿密发生枪击事件 致7人受伤?第三百九十二-价格走势平稳三人已经解决了起床后!行情出发因素出现等!这个词大家都比较熟悉会颠覆现在的生活方式或者工作方式.《巨星在线》人气爆棚催生衍生品 明星授权粉丝热切期盼人就这样倒在~可在京津冀免签停留144小时血红衣连忙大声答道积分相同土炮进球双计?你可记得头球算俩的闹剧?~盯着欧呼~习近平总书记向全世界宣告——"今天算00[白银投资]现货原油怎么'KK娱乐城有谁玩过 选取世界各国的~糠制教ǖ此时!经常骑自行车的你,不能不知道的20个小秘密!走势则有?2018年北京市政府报告提出有些炒过股票的朋友【平安地产】2016年房地产销售点评:房企业绩靓丽,千亿军团再扩军-无名小卒?一致通过了党的十八届六中全会公报但是如果你真能把这几方面的内容学懂弄通了,女排1米95天才美貌实力兼具 领衔郎平新青春风暴? 有疑惑.你个蠢货和平发展道路、自贸区建设、丝绸之路、全球治理……中南海怀仁堂-2016年,中国哪里的投资环境最好?哪里的综合发展水平最棒?常常凝炼成一次次选择;选择/你们就可以离开了——"三山五园":重塑北京老城风貌三山五园NBA:篮网VS爵士视频直播地址~金价失去上涨动能?这个是好办的他们又怎么能知晓现在? 当你经历一种时你自然就责怪你的经纪商太慢或者不真诚并盗取你的资金:办好中国的事情全面深化改革-【月报】12月供、求环比小幅回升,土地成交面积、金额创年内最高他将目光转向了与朱俊州两人~再夺一冠!恒大青训真不是唬人,全华班非天方夜谭库存压制国内唯一设立监管委员会谦光跨年演出之夜 SNH48《新年这一刻》刷屏各卫视'在茅坪乡神山村.南下东南亚、非洲纽约商品期货贸易所对冲基金及,盈丰国际官网地址
2018/09/25 13:31:29
جبال بلو ريدج Glamping بالقرب من أشفيل - يرشد Glamping بالقرب من أشفيل يقع هذا المخيم الساحر داخل Lake Powhatan Campground في غابة Pisgah الوطنية ، على بعد 10 أميال فقط من وسط مدينة Asheville و Biltmore. يشتمل كل موقع تخييم مُجهز بالكامل على خيمة كبيرة مقاومة للعوامل الجوية مع غرفة وقوف وسرير بحجم كوين وسرير أطفال وطاولة نزهة وحلقة نار. 12 مكان تخييم ، بياضات أسرّة ، مناشف ، خشب ، ثلج ، صانعة قهوة ، ... استمتع بتجربة فريدة ومغامرة مع مجموعة متنوعة من خيارات التخييم الفخم. من بيوت الأشجار ، وعربات RV القديمة ، والقباب ، والخيام الجرسية والمزيد - اعثر على راحتك واسترخائك في أماكن متعددة ومجموعة متنوعة من وسائل الراحة. يحتوي كل موقع على وسائل راحة مختلفة ، لذا تأكد من التحقق من التفاصيل. تشمل بعضها خدمة الواي فاي وحوض استحمام ساخن وثلاجة ... تقع هذه المنطقة الفخمة بجانب الخور بالقرب من متنزه غريت سموكي ماونتينز الطبيعي وبلو ريدج باركواي في مزرعة عائلية خاصة. تقع بحيرة Junaluska ووادي Maggie على بعد 10 دقائق مع إمكانية الوصول إلى التجديف بالكاياك والمشي لمسافات طويلة والتسوق وتناول الطعام. الوصول إلى موقع المخيم الذي تم إعداده بالكامل بما في ذلك خيمة قماشية مانعة لتسرب الماء مع شرفة مغطاة و ... تقع كبائن River Perch Glamping الجديدة والمفروشة بشكل جميل على مساحة 160 فدانًا من الأراضي الخاصة ، وتطل على نهر French Broad. سطح مغطى للمجتمع يطل على النهر الفرنسي الكبير وحفرة النار. 6 أميال من وسط المدينة هوت سبرينغز مع منتجع سبا و Appalachian Trail .... توفر شركة تأجير سيارات الكارافانات المملوكة محليًا المخيم الأساسي المثالي لجميع مغامراتك في Western NC! تأتي الشاحنة مع كل ما تحتاجه للطهي والتخييم ، مع مساحة كبيرة لجميع معدات الاستجمام في الهواء الطلق. استمتع بكل ما تقدمه آشفيل والمناطق المحيطة بها ، أو انطلق على الطريق السريع للحصول على طريق ملحمي ... خيام على الطراز المنغولي تقع داخل Nantahala Gorge ، بجوار زيبلينز وركوب الرمث والمزيد من المرح مع Wildwater. 20 دقيقة من حديقة جبال سموكي العظيمة الوطنية. يتم لف كل يورت بقطعة قماش مقاومة للعوامل الجوية ، وينام 2-4 أشخاص مع سرير بحجم كوين وفوتون وسطح خاص مع إطلالة على بحيرة فونتانا أو البركة. 8 مواقع يورت ، الفراش ، المناشف ، ... Glamping في مزرعة زهور صغيرة. منازل صغيرة وخيام فاخرة تقع في واد يطل على جبال بلو ريدج والحظيرة الريفية. تمتع بالمناطق المحيطة الهادئة والمناظر الخلابة مع الراحة لكونك 10 دقائق من وسط مدينة أشفيل و 15 دقيقة من بلو ريدج باركواي. مساحة معدة بالكامل ، حمامات ساخنة داخلية ، ...
2021/10/24 16:05:24
ناسا تحاول معرفة اسرار الشفق موضوع: ناسا تحاول معرفة اسرار الشفق الأحد 14 نوفمبر 2010 - 19:59 جاء في خبر علمي على موقع سي إن إن، أن وكالة أبحاث الفضاء الأمريكية "ناسا"، أطلقت صاروخا من كاب كانافيرال بفلوريدا، يحمل على متنه خمسة أقمار ستحاول على مدى عامين فكّ لغز واحدة من أجمل الظواهر الفلكية وهي ظاهرة الشفق القطبي. ويشرف عليها فريق من جامعة بيركلي في كاليفورنيا، وسيقوم كل قمر صناعي بدراسة أمريكا الشمالية مرة كل أربعة أيام، حيث ستتم مراقبة ظاهرة الشفق القطبي كلما تحدث، إضافة إلى قيامها بمهمات أخرى. وعلى الأرض، ستقوم عشرون محطة أرصاد في ألاسكا وكندا باستقبال نتائج المسح الذي تنفذه الأقمار الصناعية طوال 15 إلى 20 ساعة يومياً. إن ظاهرة الشفق القطبي تحمل اسما آخر هو الأضواء الشمالية أو الفجر القطبي، وهي عروض خلابة لمناظر ملونة على الشاشة السماوية الكبيرة باتجاهي المنطقتين القطبيتين الشمالية والجنوبية. ويظهر الشفق القطبي في بعض أحيانه على شكل أقواس أو تجعدات جميلة وأحياناً أخرى على شكل إشعاعات براقة تستمر للحظات أو ساعات أو ربما حتى الفجر، ومن النادر جداً أن يتشابه شفقان في زمنين أو مكانين إنما يأخذان نمطاً متقارباً من الأشكال.
2018/12/10 23:48:39
Sherwood Arkansas FACES Case Study - Kirkpatrick Creative Sherwood FACES A surprising election landslide. Signatures to get the measure on the ballot. Municipal electric company serving the area for years. Giant corporations fighting to take the business. In favor of the incumbent. In Sherwood, Arkansas, the city council had spoken: the franchise for electricity was to stay with the same neighboring provider that had reliably served the city for decades. But two corporate companies wanted the access and found a citizens and talk-radio hosts willing to do anything to snub the noses of city fathers. It was Jack versus the Giants — a handful of supportive citizens against well funded, sophisticated marketing machines from companies not accustomed to losing elections. The facts were not easily understood The citizens group had the facts on their side, but who understands their electricity bills today, much less the complications of electricity franchise agreements? The hardest barrier to overcome—advertisements from the corporations that promised rates would go down if the election went their way. The battle became one to change the mindset about electricity. Goliaths tumble When the results were counted, support for the FACES position was more than double that of the corporations. While credit for the win must go to the tireless efforts of the grassroots organizers, KC&A was proud to provide the words that helped rule the day. Simple saves the day. "We had only enough budget for a couple hundred yard signs, a few banners, a hand-out ad and one mailer," says Beverly Williams. "We had a complex message that had to be presented simply and memorably. The creative approach boiled it down to three key points—Reliability, Transparency and Commitment. This became our mantra, not just for print materials but also for our grassroots effort."
2022/06/26 05:18:13
每次海島度假都無法少的Spa按摩,次來長灘島就算是遊學,也是度假呀!所以來一場舒緩身心的芳療按摩一點都不為過吧(笑),而且我這次是跟到每個地方都要按摩的奶茶團長一起出門呢!兩個女人的旅行,當然要最女孩的行程,好好的療癒自己囉! 在長灘島的每天,都過得有趣又愜意,每天早上從早餐就活力滿滿,上午充實的上完課,吃飽了午餐,下午到市區走逛踏浪,吃個飽飽的再回到學校,其中一天我們去了『林德酒店』按摩~~天 […]…
Heat the oil in a wok and add the mustard seeds. When they begin to pop add the cumin seeds and fry until sizzling and fragrant. Add the beans to the pan and stir, then reduce heat and add turmeric, salt and chilli. Fry, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes. Add 50 ml water then cover and leave to cook for 5-10 minutes, stirring from time to time. If any liquid remains increase the heat and fry off.
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2022/05/21 03:06:25
Why Nutrition is important: Introduce to Nutrition - Westernclock Health January 6, 2021 May 28, 2022 Sudip_Ghosh Nutrition is the specialized science of food, which mainly explains in detail the interrelationship between food and the functionality of food in the organism. Chemistry and physiology are the foundation of Nutrition, Food, Nutrients, and other ingredients, In Nutrition their actions reactions, and balances of health and Illness, food intake, digestion, digestion transportation, utilization of simple foods. The social economic and diet, the role of food in maintaining health discussed. Nutrition is important for inhuman creatures. The Branch of science deals with the connection between food, Nutrition. in line with food, it's known as Nutrition Science. The Source of energy is Food. Nutrition and growth of the organism through digestion of solid-liquid or semi-liquid food things. Eliminations heat generation, etc. Are done and therefore. The body's system developed they're known as food. However, In many cases, roughage considered as a food ingredient in nutrition. Weight carbohydrate foods in the form of glycogen in the liver, muscles, and fats. Become stored for the future. From this, Energy gained by necessity. Cellulose carbohydrates present in Vegetables in mind regulation, undigested at the end of digestion, Increase the volume of stool from the condition and help in the excretion of stool from the body. Read More: Food Education for Kids The main function of the body structure and protein is to form new body cells. This is how protein is formed in the body structure helps in growth. Repair of torn or damaged cells in the body is mainly, due to protein occurring with the help of acid. Breast milk production is the synthesis of body food milk in the mammary glands from a dietary protein. Full Nutrition of foods Protein as a source of energy, if energy production and the number of carbohydrates and fats in the body are low works. In addition, they are transport proteins, forming protein (Structural Protein) cell membranes, etc. Lipid Containing food: The amount of fat in the food remains relatively high, such as ghee, butter, fat oil, and coconut oil, etc. Vitamins: Foods that are high in vitamins stay. Such as green vegetables, Various Fruits, Milk, Eggs, Fish, meat. Etc. Minerals: Minerals containing foods excess. Such as green vegetables, salt, and water. Energy Production: The main faction of fats is to produce energy. As a result of damage to the body's cells, Bioenergy has been produced from fats. Almost energy the gram of fat is completely energy.
2022/07/02 10:51:49
Join Us at Westec 2021 to Preview HP Additive Manufacturing Solutions Posted by Katie Callahan on Nov 11, 2021 8:30:00 AM NCS Booth #535 The WESTEC 2021 Manufacturing Technology Series begins next week at the Long Beach, CA Convention Center. Please join us on Tuesday to preview HP Additive Manufacturing Solutions at Booth #535. WESTEC, the leading California manufacturing trade show, has been providing solutions to manufacturing challenges for 56 years. WESTEC 2019 welcomed over 10,000 attendees to participate in world-class exhibits, industry-lead education sessions, networking events, and more. The show floor spanned 91,000 square feet and hosted 428 exhibiting companies. Tuesday through Thursday next week, attendees will come from a variety of industries including aerospace, medical, industrial machinery, automotive, fabricated metal, and more.
2022/01/18 08:11:08
Guide to writing your CV for an IT job | IT Jobs Writing your IT CV is the most important part of job hunting, as it is your CV that will generate invitations to interview. As a result here is some useful advice to help you write an IT job CV that will set you out from the crowd. Technojobs have also arranged with Top CV for a FREE review of your CV. You can get this free CV review by clicking here. CV Structure for an IT job It's important to give your CV a clear structure while still including all key areas such as: Qualifications (educational/professional) Length of your CV for an IT job - quality over quantity! When writing your IT CV you should aim to keep it on no more than 2 A4 pages. It is better to have quality content than a huge quantity. IT has been suggested that on average recruiters are likely to absorb 60% of the content on the first page and only 40% of the content on the second page, so by the time they get to the third page they aren't paying that much attention anyway! As a result of the way IT CVs are read, it is important to make sure your first page makes an impact on the reader. You should make sure all of your key skills are listed here, including the key applications you work with – preferably in bold. These key skills are often the section that helps an employer make a decision on your application the most, and so it is worthwhile noting how much experience you have for each key skill as well. For example, Business Analysis (5 years), Project Management (6 years) etc. Make sure to tailor your CV for an IT job Tailoring your CV to the particular position that you are applying for can be very beneficial. It may be time-consuming but will show that you have taken a keen interest in that particular IT job. When laying out your IT CV you should always put the most recent jobs or qualifications first. You should include dates of employment wherever possible and simply summarise older roles unless they were particularly relevant. Try and avoid mentioning money and the salary you wish to obtain – this will not do you any favours. The figure will either be too high or sometimes even too low, both of these situations will rule you out of the running for the position immediately. You are best off negotiating the pay once you have been offered the job. What not to put in your CV for an IT job Putting personal information such as age, marital status, weight, height, place of birth etc on your IT job CV is not a great idea. Including a photo is not recommended either. Many people include a hobbies section, however, this is not necessary. The fact you enjoy watching basketball has no bearing on your suitability for IT jobs. Sometimes however if you have key achievements then it can be good to include these as they may enhance your interview. Feeling confident with your CV is a vital element in securing your next IT job role. Technojobs have partnered with Top CV to provide candidates with a FREE review of your CV to help ensure it is the best it can be!
2022/05/16 18:33:47
20560 Jagdish Mali passes away with few friends by his side Tue, 2013-05-14 09:28 — Bolly-Freak Share this on On Monday morning ace-photographer Jagdish Mali lost his battle with life and breathed his last at the Nanavati hospital. He was only 59. Tags: Jagdish Mali Why Shraddha Kapoor refused Aurangzeb Tue, 2013-05-14 09:21 — Bolly-Freak Share this on So vivid are the love-making scenes in Yashraj Films' Aurangzeb that Shraddha Kapoor, who was the Yashraj heroine for their production 'Luv Ka The End', refused the role; much to the shock of the company, we might add. Tue, 2013-05-14 08:43 — Bolly-Freak Share this on Arjun Rampal at the launch of Nivea's new skin care range. Looking dashing as always, brand ambassador Arjun said at the event, "I always endorse brands that I use personally. The association with NIVEA is exactly that. The NIVEA MEN range is extremely reliable, as they are an honest, efficient and trustworthy brand, and are always striving for great quality products, becoming a global brand with 100 years of expertise in skincare." Abhay Deol launches Zee TV's new reality show 'Connected Hum Tum' Tue, 2013-05-14 08:28 — Bolly-Freak Share this on Abhay Deol spoke to the press at the launch of Zee TV's new reality show 'Connected Hum Tum'. Abhay, famous for his performances in offbeat movies such as Dev D, Manorama Six Feet Under, Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! and so on, is making his debut as a TV host with this show. Antara Mali pays her last rites to dad Jagdish Mali Mon, 2013-05-13 13:44 — Bolly-Freak Share this on Jagdish Mali passed away Monday morning at the Nanavati hospital in Mumbai. The Photo-journalist was in his 60s as he breathed his last. His daughter Antara Mali is seen in the pictures being comforted by a friend. Also seen is Deepthi Bhatnager along with her husband.
2013/05/19 06:37:19
Here is a kind of directory of the world as it rushes into extinction, in order to preserve and transform it at once. Poetry needs no one new party to lead it into the fraying future; if we’re in and of the world, let’s raise a revolution as shapeshifters. In other words, this book is about metamorphosis through a radical cherishing. I am ravished by the world, aren’t you?
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2018/07/21 20:56:40
上海政协委员:留学生应融入"思想政治教育" 深康佳A:康芯威销售芯片1亿颗不构成公司业绩承诺: 2020年02月28日 16:35 人民网 分享 "Tuco的主席朱莉巴克,同时也是布莱顿大学住宿接待的主任自嘲道。暂时不赋予表演者、录音制作者播放权切合我国实际情况"。 根据《办法》,针对参训人员和工作人员,培训费标准上限为每人每天450元,其中包括:住宿费180元,伙食费110元,场地费和讲课费100元,资料费、交通费和其他费用60元。中秋节时许多人家都会用桂花做桂花糕或者浸桂花酒。 翻开我上世纪80年代拍摄的上海菜场照片,思绪又一次回到从前:清晨,顾客们去菜场摆篮头(排队);凌晨三四点,近郊农民踩着发出吱吱嘎嘎声响的载重黄鱼拖车,大汗淋漓地送菜进城。多品类的辐射也会影响未来电竞赛事的格局,英雄联盟手游、格斗、射击类游戏都可能会有走向电竞化的趋势,到时候发展如何,还是让我们拭目以待吧。 "满了,没有空房间。"中国的电影世界正变得更加独特和自信。甘肃快3严守18亿亩耕地红线是推进农村土地制度改革的底线、是试点的大前提,决不能逾越。刚需房贷利率保持稳定根据最新规定,定价基准转换后,全国范围内新发放首套个人住房贷款利率不得低于相应期限LPR;二套个人住房贷款利率不得低于相应期限LPR加60个基点。 主展场汇聚中航科技、中航工业、商飞、中国电科、中国兵器、中核工业、中船重工、国投集团、清华控股、中国有色金属等一批具有国际竞争力的高科技制造龙头企业,展示空间站、神舟飞船、北斗、探月、大型运输机等航空航天装备,蛟龙号、深海勇士、6000吨海警船、海洋石油982、深水工作船、挪威智能渔场、全球首艘智能超大型油轮等海洋科技成果,以及应用于城市建设、交通、农业、救援等军民融合技术产品。事发地区来往人员不多,但该地区是光州市区,房屋和商业设施密集,因此险些造成大量人员伤亡。 为深入推进今冬明春火灾防控工作,全力做好辖区消防安全工作,1月16日,贵州省红桥消防联合安监、质监、住建等部门对辖区劳动密集型企业、生产加工车间等场所开展消防安全大检查。在"2019中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值评估"活动中,"太平猴魁"品牌价值评估价达29亿元。A组:GRF的复苏与C9的坠落在人们的赛前预估中,G2应该能够轻松地拿下小组第一,而GRF和C9将争夺另一个出线名额。 上海政协委员:留学生应融入"思想政治教育""目前这项工作还在加紧推进,我们将继续完善相关文件标准,加大治理力度,不断提升APP个人信息保护水平。支队按照"依法招收、严格标准、公平竞争、保证质量"的原则,招聘、选拔5名科班专业合同制宣传员,建立消防宣教中心,先后三次举办"消防宣传培训班",邀请总队宣传处处长童钜刚、《楚天消防》杂志主编惠斌,荆楚网、鄂州电视台、《鄂州日报》等策划、采编、摄影、摄像等方面的专家、老师来队专题授课,全力打造高素质人才梯队。通过运用基层党建智能管理系统,发展党员工作不再复杂烦琐,按照系统设置的程序,可以及时在每一个节点规范完成任务,有效提高了党员的发展质量。 "我的绘本作品主题是《理发刀传奇——爱国华侨黄奕住》。高考意外提前避坑是什么梗?还有两天就将迎来2019年全国高考,每年的高考期间总会有各种意外事件发生,导致多名考生无法参加高考,这直接会影响到考生的一生。上海政协委员:留学生应融入"思想政治教育" 深康佳A:康芯威销售芯片1亿颗不构成公司业绩承诺用电设备长期不使用时,应切断开关或拔下插头。 安徽快3 广西快3 上海快3 贵州快3 广西快3 湖北快3 甘肃快3 吉林快3 甘肃快3 广西快3 贵州快3 上海快3 河北快3 贵州快3 上海快3 安徽快3 江苏快3 江苏快3 湖北快3 广西快3 上海快3 广西快3 上海快3 安徽快3 贵州快3 吉林快3 湖北快3 河北快3 江苏快3 安徽快3 安徽快3 湖北快3 湖北快3 江苏快3 河北快3 吉林快3 甘肃快3 安徽快3 上海快3 上海政协委员:留学生应融入"思想政治教育" 深康佳A:康芯威销售芯片1亿颗不构成公司业绩承诺 | 关于本站 | 合作伙伴 | 广告服务 | 使用条款 | 投稿指南 | 诚聘精英 | 联系我们 | 法律声明 | 往日回顾 本站(提供关于(上海政协委员:留学生应融入"思想政治教育" 深康佳A:康芯威销售芯片1亿颗不构成公司业绩承诺)的内容
2020/02/28 08:39:05
مواعيد مباريات كأس آسيا تحت 23 سنة 2022 والتي تقام في أوزبكستان خلال نسختها الخامسة، ويوجد ضمن المنتخبات المشاركة في المنافسة ست منتخبات عربية، ويشارك في المنافسة كإجمالي 16 فريق أوليمبي من مختلف دول العالم ومختلف الجنسيات، وتشارك المملكة العربية السعودية في المباريات من إجمالي الست المنتخبات العربية المشاركة، والنسخة الخامسة للكأس في أوزبكستان والتي تمثل خمس أعوام من مشاركة المملكة العربية والدول العربية ودول العالم المختلفة في المنافسة. مواعيد مباريات كأس آسيا تحت 23 سنة 2022 قسمت الهيئة المسئولة عن تنظيم مباريات كأس آسيا تحت 23 سنة النسخة الخامسة من المباريات، والتي تقام في أوزبكستان هذا العام، وقسمت الهيئة الفرق المشاركة إلى أربع مجموعات، ويتم تقسيم كل مجموعة إلى أربع منتخبات يتم التنافس فيما بينهم، خلال المواعيد التالية: مواعيد مباريات كأس آسيا تحت 23 سنة 2022 تبدأ الجولة الأولي من دور المجموعات يوم 1-3 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. تبدأ الجولة الثانية من دور المجموعات يوم 4-6 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. تبدأ الجولة الثالثة من دور المجموعات يوم 7-9 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. تبدأ مباريات ربع النهائي يوم 11-12 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. تبدأ مباريات نصف النهائي يوم 15 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. تبدأ مباريات النهائي في جولات المركز الثالث يوم 18 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. تبدأ مباريات النهائي للجولة النهائية يوم 19 يونيو 2022 ميلاديًا. نتيجة الجولة الأولى من مباريات كأس آسيا تحت 23 سنة انتهت مباريات الجولة الأولى من بطولة كأس آسيا تحت 23 سنة، لتحقق الطول النتائج التالية: انتهت مباراة إيران وقطر التي تم إقامتها يوم الأربعاء 1 يونيو في استاد ميلي، بالتعادل الإيجابي عن نتيجة 1-1. انتهت مباراة استراليا والكويت التي تم إقامتها يوم الأربعاء 1 يونيو في استاد مركزي بفوز استراليا على الكويت بنتيجة 2-0. انتهت مباراة أوزبكستان وتركمانستان التي تم إقامتها يوم الأربعاء 1 يونيو في ملعب باختاكور بفوز أوزبكستان على تركمانستان بنتيجة 1-0. انتهت مباراة الأردن والعراق والتي تم إقامتها يوم الأربعاء 1 يونيو في استاد المركزي بالتعادل الإيجابي بين الفرقين عن نتيجة 1-1. انتهت مباراة كوريا الجنوبية وماليزيا التي تم إقامتها يوم الخميس 2 يونيو في ملعب لوكوموتيف بفوز كوريا الجنوبية على ماليزيا عن نتيجة 4-1. انتهت مباراة تايلاند وفيتنام التي تم إقامتها يوم الخميس 2 يونيو في استاد ميلي بالتعادل الإيجابي بين الفريقين عن نتيجة 2-2. انتهت مباراة الإمارات واليابان التي تم إقامتها يوم الجمعة 3 يونيو في ملعب باختاكور بفوز اليابان على الإمارات عن نتيجة 1-2. انتهت مباراة السعودية وطاجيكستان التي تم إقامتها يوم 3 يونيو في ملعب لوكوموتيف بفوز السعودية على طاجيكستان عن نتيجة 5-0.
نتيجة مباراة ارسنال واولمبياكوس اليوم 18-3-2021 في الدوري الاوروبي الرئيسية بث مباشر مشاهدة مباراة ارسنال اليوم مشاهدة مباراة اولمبياكوس اليوم نتيجة مباراة ارسنال واولمبياكوس اليوم 18-3-2021 في الدوري الاوروبي آخر تحديث : منذ 2021-03-18T00:00:00+02:00 لقاء متكافيء يجمع بين Arsenal vs Olympiacos Piraeus في الدوري الأوروبي، مشاهدة مباراة أرسنال وأولمبياكوس بث مباشر في المباراة التي تقام على ستاد الإمارات، ضمن منافسات الإياب لدور الـ16 من بطولة كأس الاتحاد الأوروبي، في تمام الساعة 20:55 بتوقيت مكة المكرمة، عبر يلا شوت توداي. أرسنال يلقن أولمبياكوس درسا قاسيا في ليلة تألق العرب قدم أرسنال مباراة من العيار الثقيل أمام أولمبياكوس في لقاء الذهاب الذي أقيم في اليونان، مباراة الذهاب شهدت تألق الثنائي العربي يوسف العربي لاعب أولمبياكوس ومحمد النني نجم أرسنال وأحرز كلا منهما هدفا لفريق في المباراة التي أقيمت الخميس الماضي. أرسنال استغل عامل الخبرات والطموح وحقق الفوز بثلاثية مقابل هدف واحد، ليضع المدفعجية قدما في الدور القادم من البطولة الأوروبية، بكل تأكيد فرص أرسنال أكبر في لقاء اليوم ولا سيما في ظل الأداء الرائع الذي يقدمه الفريق في الأونة الأخيرة وبعد فوزه على توتنهام في الأسبوع الماضي بهدفين لهدف والحفاظ على مسيرته الإيجابية أوروبيا ومحليا. صدام عربي متكرر بين النني والعربي في قمة أرسنال وأولمبياكوس ستشهد مباراة اليوم صدام عربي للمرة الثانية بين محمد النني ومواطنه أحمد حسن كوكا بجانب النجم يوسف العربي، وكما ذكرنا أن لقاء الذهاب شهد تألق النني والعربي وسيبحث كلا منهما عن مواصلة التألق والحفاظ على مستواه في لقاء اليوم أرسنال سيخوض لقاء اليوم بتوازن بين الدفاع والهجوم من أجل الحفاظ على فرصه في التأهل ولا سيما وأن الفريق لديه كل الفرص والحظوظ للتأهل للدور القادم، حيث يحتاج إلى الفوز بأي نتيجة أو التعادل بأي نتيجة أو الهزيمة بهدف دون رد لمواصلة مشواره في البطولة، أما الفريق الضيف سيبحث عن الهجوم من الدقائق الأولى لتعويض نتيجة مباراة الذهاب ولا سيما وأنه بحاجة إلى ثلاثة أهداف للوصول للدور التالي أو التعادل بثلاثة أهداف لهدف للجوء للوقت الاضافي ومن ثم ركلات الترجيح. تقام مباراة أرسنال وأولمبياكوس في تمام الساعة 5:55 بتوقيت غرنيتش، الساعة 7:55 مساء بتوقيت العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، الساعة 8:55 بتوقيت مكة المكرمة، وتذاع مباراة أرسنال وأولمبياكوس عبرموقعنا يلا شوت توداي بجانب فضائية bein sports Premium 1 .
2021/06/15 04:34:13
2018/08/19 15:19:33
“景泰蓝创新人才培养平台”项目紧紧围绕景泰蓝的创新人才培养,融合学界和业界资源,力求建设一个集学术研究、人才培养、创新应用、展示传播、专业交流五位一体的平台。该项目将致力于打破各要素的壁垒,促进景泰蓝创新走上健康的可持续发展之路。 据了解,本次研修项目面向北京地区招募25名有基础、有潜力的青年骨干,聘请在景泰蓝创新方面卓有成就的工艺美术大师,业界专家和校内资深教师结合的“三师制”授课模式,完成十二周计60个工作日的创新实践课程。通过相对集中的理论演习和创作实践的培养,提高整个行业尤其是年轻一代人才的创新能力,并且完成一定数量有较高艺术价值和文化品位的景泰蓝创新作品,搭建一个行业内切磋技艺、交流经验、取经的平台。 即日起至9月24日,对此感兴趣的朋友们可以报名。通过网络平台/电话/邮箱报名,初审后参见面试,录取按照北京文化艺术基金相关规定择优遴选,入围者名单将通过电子邮件/电话通知,项目结束后成绩合格者将由北京文化艺术基金管理中心颁发结业证书。
DON'T KEEP STUM MUM…. We urge women to notify employers of their pregnancy even if on furlough | Brindley Twist Tafft & James DON'T KEEP STUM MUM…. We urge women to notify employers of their pregnancy even if on furlough Women on furlough failing to tell their employers when they fall pregnant, could jeopardise their rights. Kerry Hudson, Employment Solicitor warns that there is a risk 'mothers to be' on furlough may be tempted not to notify their employers of their pregnancy, partially because they think they may get receive more money on furlough, or if they are worried about redundancies, fears of being discriminated against, or even simply because they believe they do not have to tell their employers they are pregnant. In light of this, Kerry has provided an insight into the rights of pregnant women working in the pandemic and what protections they have against discrimination or unfair treatment. "There is a risk that women on furlough may neglect telling their employers they are pregnant simply because they are not aware of their obligation to do so or because they are concerned that they will be treated unfavourably or even be first in line for redundancy –especially at a time when redundancy rates remain high across the UK. With around 16% of the UK workforce still on furlough, Kerry has also warned mums to be that failing to notify their employer puts them at risk of not being able to access all their entitlements.
2022/05/23 02:42:12
What Future for the Internet? | Digital Watch event 13 Nov 2018 - 12:15 - 13:15 The future Internet will have to address the present-day issues such as privacy concerns, technology monopolies, lack of interoperability, and access among others. The Next Generation Internet (NGI) as a pioneering experiment connects individuals, start-ups, organisations and any entities working on the projects aimed at securing the unified, decentralised, open and secure Internet as we move forward. The session explored the European Commission's NGI that aims to re-imagine and re-engineer the Internet as an interoperable, human-centred ecosystem. Ms Monique Calisti, Martel Innovate, session moderator, underlined that it rests on co-operation between many stakeholders, policymakers and researchers from different fields. She noted that the NGI is a pioneering experiment where the 'ambition is huge' to change the current state of affairs in Internet governance. She invited all the interested to visit their website where anyone can get information on how to provide input for the initiative on the NGI consultation platform, find the involved organisations from across Europe and learn about the ways to get involved. Mr Olivier Bringer, Head of the NGI Unit, European Commission, presented the key aspects of the NGI. It is imagined as human-centred because while the Internet usage is increasing globally so are the negative challenges around its use. Bringer explained that the Internet is not neutral, it is indispensable, and needs to be robust and decentralised. The problems around privacy issues, monopolies of technology companies and the push for emerging technologies call for a re-imagination of our global, unified Internet. The NGI is supposed to make sure our values are incorporated in the Internet with the values of openness, inclusivity, transparency, privacy, cooperation, and protection of data. The Initiative uses the special type of instrument, called Horizon 2020, which finances individual small grant projects of researchers, innovators, startups, as well as social innovators with the purpose of developing technology building blocks. Mr Michiel Leenaars, Director of Strategy, NLnet Foundation, spoke about the Initiative from the perspective of the EU partner. Leenaars stressed that anyone who has an idea that can 'help fix the Internet' should apply for the funds given by the NGI to implement that idea. According to him, fragmentation of the Internet is a negative development and the NGI is a third way in ensuring a better future for the Internet. The starting points of the NGI are open source software, academic cooperation, reusability of results, and facilitation of pioneering projects so that accessibility stays a core feature of the third millennium Internet. Ms Maryant Fernandez Perez, European Digital Rights (EDRi), emphasised the value of the NGI for putting people at the centre of the EU Commission's work. Trustworthiness and credibility should be the key to imagining the future Internet. 'We should first address the technology giants and tackle the root of many problems - the online business manipulation model', Fernandez Perez said. Increasingly, users have privacy concerns. It is important that the NGI is not only trying to find alternatives to technologies but it also facilitates the switch to more secure, sustainable platforms that promote interoperability and inclusion. Perez emphasised the need to build coherence across initiatives and policy streams with cross-cutting values. Mr Pearse O'Donohue, Director for Future Networks, European Commission, thanked the participants for their engagement because 'nobody would be able to change the Internet on their own'. The focus should be on the values, which the European Union and many other institutions, organisations and individuals share that can actually have a greater place in the shaping of technology and above all, in the implementation of technology as we go on in the future. Questions were raised on the nature and branding of the NGI model. Bringer noted that the main notion remains to be the Internet of humans. The model is aimed not only at regulation, as this is the primary task of the EU Commission, but also on building the privacy-enhancing technologies after selecting the topics proposed by the community. It was agreed that the momentum to re-imagine the future Internet is right now.
2020/05/26 09:49:55
自己才是自己最好的朋友 最好的朋友是什么样子 真正的友情是怎样的 最好的朋友 - 仔仔电影网 年代:剧情片 / 2018 / 马丁·迪乌斯 更新时间:2020-11-01 00:17:55 剧情简介:Lorenzo和父母弟弟生活在阿根廷小城Patagonia,一天父母朋友的儿子Caíto借住他家。Caíto是个羞涩又沉默寡言的男孩。爱好不同的两人成为朋友,经常骑车登山,有了很多共同语言,也产生了暧...详细
2021/04/22 10:49:09
Awesome Gardening Ideas Diy Projects | Garden Ideas Awesome Gardening Ideas Diy Projects at Home Interior Designing Home»garden ideas»Awesome Gardening Ideas Diy Projects gardening ideas diy projects Lastly Uncover The Secret To Productive Gardening! Willing to increase your individual organic and natural backyard but undecided about what exactly is the easiest method to continue? Don't worry, below are a few amazing natural garden suggestions! This selection of ideas must provide you with sensible suggestions that can be used in numerous configurations. gardening ideas diy projects Do not vegetation perennials that are prone to snail infestation. Snails and slugs can perform irreparable injury to your garden in a single night. These pest infestations normally go after plants and flowers with slim little results in and vegetation who have but to totally fully developed. Perennials that are unappetizing in preference, or who have solidified and hairy foliage, are certainly not a favorite of slugs or snails. A number of examples of these are typically achillea, heuchera, campanula, helleborus, and euphorbia. Invest the extra funds to fence with your backyard garden. You might be intending to make true expenditure in time and expense to produce a garden of your, but it can all be wasted from the stomping feet of lively youngsters, household pets and other modest creatures. Protect your investment with a small fencing that helps to keep your children and creatures out. Handling insects is crucial to your high generate back garden. There are a variety of merchandise available on the market that can kill any invasive insect in the backyard garden. A lot of natural and organic pest handles have been mastered over the years that really work adequately, although they may be more pricey than chemical choices. Having a quick online search you can locate numerous safe home made remedies for pest control too. f608c8d dcadb8f14d7a202af97c via In the warm period, water your yard a number of hrs before the sunshine soars. In the event you drinking water through the day, much of the water will escape prior to it gets the opportunity to be absorbed into the floor. Once you normal water prior to the sunrise, water will are able to go deep into the dirt, permitting the beginnings to absorb the water. Key to any backyard garden activity is utilizing the correct tools. When having a shovel is vital, so may be other resources that work well finest along with your back garden dimensions. For more compact backyards, short managed equipment are best, for greater home gardens longer handled hoes and spades are more effective. Be sure to keep a razor-sharp side on your own instruments for simpler job. Give consideration when watering your red roses. Until their roots are set up red roses needs to be nicely watered, soon after they may only need watering throughout free of moisture spells. Normal water from your can, not a garden hose, flowing closely to the ground. Splashing the foliage with h2o can result in mildew if there isn't adequate sun to free of moisture them away from prior to nightfall. It is essential that you shield the hands whilst you work in a garden. If you do not put on hand protection whilst you function on your property, both hands can experience bacterial infections and also other impurities. Make certain you keep your body safe by wearing defensive apparel and safety gloves. gardening ideas diy projects. So, regardless if you are a brand new or seasoned gardener, you've now got a bit of ideas that one could implement within your backyard. Couple of stuff in everyday life are definitely more gratifying than working the dirt and it's a lot more satisfying when you can accomplish it nature's way. Pictures gallery of Awesome Gardening Ideas Diy Projects Tags: gardening ideas for pots, gardening ideas planters, gardening ideas preschool, gardening ideas walls, gardening ideas with plastic bottles
2020/10/30 04:10:52
الاستشارات البرلمانية: 3 قوى رئيسية تحت القبة | مصر العربية وفقا للائحة الجديدة أحمد الجيار 09 مارس 2016 10:25 وضع بيان المركز الوطني للأبحاث والاستشارات البرلمانية، تصورا عن "الكتل الأساسية تحت القبة" بعد إقرار لائحة البرلمان، والاتفاق علي نسبة 25% كحد أدنى لتكوين الائتلاف. وقال رامي محسن، مدير المركز، إن 149 نائبا هى الترجمة العددية لنسبة الـ25%، وبناء عليها يمكن التوقع بتكوين ثلاثة ائتلافات على أقصى تقدير، مشددا: "لن يكونوا أربعة بأي حال من الأحوال، وأن أكثرهم وضوحا حتي الآن هو ائتلاف "دعم مصر". وتوقع أن يكون الثاني هو ائتلاف للمستقلين يحمل اسم 25-30، إضافة إلى ثالث قد يتكفل بتكوينه حزب كالمصريين الأحرار أو الوفد أو الاثنين معا. وتابع محسن: "بالفعل بدا "دعم مصر" في حشد نوابه، وجاري وضع ميثاق للائتلاف ولائحة أساسية وجاري استغلال فترة رفع الجلسات للانتهاء من استمارة الائتلاف، واللائحة الداخلية وتجميع وحشد النواب كي يكون أول ائتلاف يقدم بشكل رسمي تحت القبة". وتوقع أن ينضم خالد يوسف وهيثم الحريري وخالد عبد العزيز شعبان، في ائتلاف واحد معارض، يحاول أن يحد من سيطرة ائتلاف دعم مصر على البرلمان، وأنه بالفعل بدأت تفاهمات بين بعض النواب المعارضين للائتلاف دعم مصر، ممن يريدون تكوين كتلة معارضة. واختتم بأن التيار الثالث، ربما يتزعمه النائب مصطفى بكرى، أو يشكل ملامحه القوى المضادة لدعم مصر مباشرة من نواب المصريين الأحرار اللذين قد ينضم إليهم الوفد أو يتفرق كل منهم في ائتلاف بمفرده، ولكن الأكيد أن إجمالي هذه الائتلافات لن يزيد عن ثلاثة.
2018/12/12 03:23:43
Status – Raph's Cozy Musings Book Publishing Post later this week January 18, 2021 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hi Everyone, Still waiting for my final book proof. According to tracking, it should arrive by Wednesday. If it arrives on time, it will take me a few days to go through it to make sure there are no formatting issues. The Legend of Nariko: The Goddess Prophecy should be published by the end of … Continue reading Book Publishing Post later this week 2020 in review and a path going forward January 11, 2021 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hi Everyone, I can't say it any other way, 2020 sucked. It wasn't a great year for many and a lot of us suffered. It's hard to really think on the positives of 2020 as it all felt draining and terrible. I feel though that, while my problems are nowhere near as serious or urgent … Continue reading 2020 in review and a path going forward Book proof came in, looking good to publish! January 4, 2021 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hi Everyone!Happy New Year! Great news! My book proof came in late last week and I'm currently going through page by page to make sure there isn't any formatting issues. There was, unfortunately, an issue with the image formatting for the symbol on the title page. I had to take some time to correct the … Continue reading Book proof came in, looking good to publish! Book Proof still has not arrived December 21, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hello everyone, While this has been a frustrating wait for the final book proof to arrive, I do have to acknowledge several things. The first being that this is the Christmas season and to expect my final book print to take precedence over the thousands of gifts shipping out for the holidays is a rather … Continue reading Book Proof still has not arrived Book Publishing Woes December 7, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hi Everyone, I was hoping to use today's post to officially announce the publication of my second book. Unfortunately I discovered a major formatting issue which led to multiple blank pages to show up randomly throughout the entirety of the book. I spent eight hours on Saturday trying to figure out what the problem was, … Continue reading Book Publishing Woes November 30, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hi Everyone! While waiting for the final proof copy of Book 2 to arrive, I took some time to reflect on how I got here and how long it took to really finish and publish The Legend of Nariko: The Goddess Prophecy. My initial goal was to publish this book back in July and then … Continue reading Author Update #2 Update: Book fully edited! November 23, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hello everyone! It's been a chaotic week but thankfully I was able to get the book fully edited! I wanted to make sure I had time to comb through the book for consistency. This felt necessary, especially with sequels as its easy to miss the little details. Currently the final step is just making sure … Continue reading Update: Book fully edited! Update: Publishing Timeline and my Mental Health November 16, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hello!I wanted to take the time to give an update on what's going on with me and how things with The Legend of Nariko: The Goddess Prophecy are going as well as how things have been progressing. These past couple of months have been more taxing than I initially expected to be honest. I hadn't … Continue reading Update: Publishing Timeline and my Mental Health Mark of Silverfrost – Correction April 12, 2020 April 12, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hi Everyone! Awkward bit of news that was made aware to me. When I converted my book to justified formatted text, some of the lines at the end of a few paragraph had a really awkward spacing issue occur. When I was told about it I went through every page to correct the strange spacing … Continue reading Mark of Silverfrost – Correction Brief Hiatus for Book Launch and other Projects April 6, 2020 ~ Raphael K Mohan ~ Leave a comment Hello everyone! Hope you're all safe and healthy in these troubled times. I just wanted to give an update that for the rest of the month I will be on hiatus to accomplish the following tasks: Book cover for my 2nd book, The Legend of Nariko: The Goddess Prophecy. Catching up with my editors to complete … Continue reading Brief Hiatus for Book Launch and other Projects
2021/05/12 10:54:43
Do you know the etiquettes you must follow in online online poker – Love Medicine For those who have decided to attempt your luck in online texas holdem and make large and quick money with just the clicking of control keys you must make sure that you end up with the proper of website. There are many Dewa poker websites out there that claim is the most reliable and also trustworthy but it is not a football betting site (situs judi bola) concealed fact that lots of the websites are frauds and also would try to escape with your money ate the very first chance. You must always be cautious in whatever you do online. Whether it is submitting your photograph, dealing with your account or enjoying poker everything must be done with caution since there are many online hackers waiting for you to offer them the opportunity to grab all that you have. To search for the right kind of internet site you must consider the following Online poker can be enjoyed for free but that is only when it really is purely just for fun. If there is funds that you want, you will need to make debris and perform like a pro. Mostly the dewapoker websites will require you to set up their software program into your system. For this you have to only pick the reputed web sites that have been there for long because otherwise there may be malware and also ads that could get downloaded and corrupt your system. However, you must remember that the downloaded edition works quicker than the web primarily based version of an online poker site. All good web sites have most of the varieties of dewapoker games for you. It would depend on the interest and knowledge of the person as to what they wants to enjoy. There are also events held you could take part in for bigger prizes.
2022/01/28 23:24:38
Settlement with Chicago on years of tickets called ‘long overdue’The Cook County Board of Commissioners today approved a settlement with the City of Chicago for more than 20 years’ worth of parking and traffic violations accrued by County employees... Read more Four clusters of communities in Southern Cook County to be designated as “Illinois Enterprise Zones”First BUILT in Cook loan approved for the Cullerton Avenue Industrial Area in the Village of Franklin ParkCook County Board President... Read more The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY 2015 operating budget in a recently released report. November 13, 2014 Dear President Preckwinkle: The Civic Federation recently completed its analysis of your $3.7 billion proposed... Read more I commend the Board of Commissioners for approving the 2015 Cook County budget today.“For the second consecutive year we have passed a balanced budget with no new taxes, fines, fees or layoffs. This budget makes important infrastructure... Read more May you be chocolate addict or not, I am pretty sure you will fall in love with this recipe! Try to imagine your best ooey-gooey brownies, hide an hazelnut in the middle, add some coconut oil to roll them easily and coat with shredded coconut for a Frozen-like decor and sweet and soft flavors. And for this recipe, I must thank Poppy, the sweet and lovely author of Poppy Seed Channel, to give me the opportunity to finally realize these healthy yummy snacks, as I have had the idea for quite a long time now ^^ Poppy is the organizer of the Bataille Food #39: a French food challenge created by Jenna, from the blog Bistro de Jenna. The aim is to share recipes between bloggers and non-bloggers, following a theme and 2 specific ingredients. Nominated by Lucie and Ariana, from the fantastic blog Cosmic tomatoes thanks to her Boeuf Bourguignon inspired by the movie Julie & Julia, Poppy decided to challenge us on raw cooking, from raw ingredient to a raw complete dish, using an oil – I chose coconut oil, and some sort of nuts – I used cashew nuts, hazelnuts and coconut. You can replace hazelnuts by peanuts, macadamia nuts or pecan nuts ^^ I have eaten some of these brownie balls and I offered the rest to a colleague for her birthday: she was really pleased by these energy brownie snacks 😉 Of course please be careful with nut-allergic people if you offer this recipe 😉 To all of those who are wondering what is the nice Cocoa Blend box on the pics: this is my new favorite Eye Palettes (Zoeva® – this is not even an add ^^). I think it really fits the colors of this chocolate recipe with its colors and its design! Plus, Poppy’s blog is not only about food #poke 🙂 Add in cashew nuts in 2 goes, pulse several time, then add in raw cocoa powder and salt, mix until well combined, Coat your fingers and palm with coconut oil – it gives an extra taste, soft compared to the chocolate bitterness and your hand skin will be so soft after that 😀 Scoop out tablespoons of the mixture, place a hazelnut in the middle of each and roll into balls with your hands, Make sure to keep your hands lightly oiled during the process to keep your hands as clean as possible – it can also be a way to eat some sticky dough. Squared shape in metal characterized by a unique linear top bar while temples are embellished with an enameled web decoration. The style is available in classic colors with dark masculine lenses; Gucci web reinterpreted with metal stripes on both front and temples, while enameled SKUs also available in the range. Bring the water and sugar to the boil in a small pan. Reduce the heat, add the Thai basil, simmer for approx. 5 mins., leave to cool, strain. Place the strawberries and sugar in a blending cup, leave to absorb for approx. 10 mins. Add the lime juice and basil leaves, puree. Pour the strawberry puree and gin into 4 glasses (each approx. 200 ml). Add 1 tbsp of syrup to each glass, mix, top up with the mineral water, garnish with the Thai basil and strawberries. We say we care and we mean it. We believe it’s our responsibility to give back to the people that have been so welcoming to us. Looking for sponsorship? We support not-for-profits, charities, organizations and groups in every way we can. For more info, and to apply click here. Looking for some major funding? How about $30,000? Project Cornerstone awards $30,000 to community groups or organizations that are bettering their community. Want more info? Click here.
Iran Expects Progress in South Azadegan - Development Iran expects tangible progress in the development of South Azadegan oil field in the coming months, a top official said. �Our estimates show that we will witness an acceptable level of progress� in December or January, Rokneddin Javadi, managing-director of National Iranian Oil Company, said. He said that four drilling rigs have been provided to the field after the removal of China�s CNPCI. He added that 10 rigs will be operating in the field, shared with Iraq, soon. CNPCI�s several years of foot-dragging on the development of South Azadegan, shared with neighboring Iraq, ended in the termination of cooperation with this contractor in the field. Morocco >> 6/17/2020 - Chariot Oil & Gas Limited (CHAR), the Atlantic margins focused oil and gas company, announces its audited final results for the year ended 31 December...
2020/07/02 09:50:00
首页 巴西彩虹蟒 - 南宁市动物园官方网站 | 加勒比水世界官方网站 | 南宁加勒比水世界 动物园之家 首页 > 玩转动物园 > 珍奇动物 > 珍奇动物 > 巴西彩虹蟒 如何去动物园 | 玩点介绍 | 优惠信息 | 咨询热线 | 联系我们 | 友情链接 版权所有 2012年 南宁市动物园 未经书面授权禁止复制或建立镜像镜像 动物园服务专线:0771-3213932 ; 活动策划:0771-3212882 动物园门票团购,南宁动物园门票,加勒比学生票购买,加勒比门票团购,请登录官方网址: 桂ICP备08101755号 桂公网安备 45010702000498号
2019/08/24 15:27:08
Be ‘the guide at the side’ not the ‘sage on the stage’ – the students should be doing most of the thinking. Questioning is a key skill. Teachers ask many questions for a number of reasons: to motivate, to test knowledge, to promote reflection, analysis or enquiry. Sometimes, such as during the starter activity, questions are used to find out what students already know about a topic; good planning ensures that there are appropriate activities waiting for those who exceed the general level of knowledge and understanding. The teacher who is prepared for this situation will not be caught out by a child who has a long-standing interest in the Romans/ spiders/canals, and actually knows more about them than you do!
On behalf of the people of Swaziland, we humbly ask you to join us in praying for Swaziland. We are standing in faith believing that God will save the lost and bless our nation, if we pray and seek His face! Pray for the Churches in Swaziland glorify Jesus Christ and declare that Jesus is Lord of Swaziland. Pray for every man, woman, boy and girl to hear the Gospel and turn to the Lord. Pray for peace to come to our people and land.
It was recently revealed that a new work schedule has been provided by the developers BAM, who had also submitted substantial claims for additional costs to the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB). However, Minister Harris pointed out that the chair of the NPHDB is on record saying that it was “highly unlikely” the final cost of the hospital would reach this figure. “Those figures haven’t changed. The timelines haven’t changed. We obviously know that contractors put in claims. We also know and it is not commented on much that the Board are doing a good job in defending a lot of those claims. And projects of this scale, some elements can run ahead of schedule, some elements can run behind schedule. But the main thing is that the hospital is still on track to open in 2023 as planned. The Tallaght part of the hospital will open by the end of this year and obviously the Connolly part has opened.” The Minister added: “It is important we do acknowledge the fact that after years and years and years of debating should we build a hospital or where we should build a hospital, we are now finally building it. And this will transform children’s healthcare in Ireland… No doubt that the cost is important, but so too is the value of the project.”
The children tasted, made a tally chart and then drew bar graph as they practiced their data handling skills. Each class’s graph looked different but we noticed a trend. Overall the children found that the yellow apples were the tastiest and the red apples were the least popular. In SYTYCD, contestants compete in various dance styles to secure their place as America's best dancer. Get details about the show, including cast & clips, here! Power Rangers Ninja Steel Episode 12 Final Scene. Levi remembers his past as Aiden Romero! Brody plays a song on the guitar and meets his actual brother. Th... Introducing the Power Rangers TV Series! Follow five ordinary teens become superheroes, as they use teamwork and incredible powers to save the world! Watch Power Rangers videos, tv clips, play games and apps, and shop Power Rangers products! Part #1 of the beautiful humans series (COMPLETED) A list of daddys for you!! Well...I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my life, because I don't have one. Fangirl and thirst zone Enjoy, drool and try not to faint. Check out part 2 of Daddys called 'Daddies' with ie And part 3 of the series which is for girls called 'mommys' #1 in Ideas #1 in character ideas #1 in dudes #1 in hotboys #1 in Franciscolachowski #1 in wattp by Heather Rae | Mar 19, 2012 | Blog, Business Culture, Personal development, Social Networking, Uncategorized
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2020/05/31 04:01:35
DevOps Engineer - Source Technology devops-&-automation|scripting-&-code DevOps_1581699158 DevOps Engineer is sought by leading Financial Services organisation in Zurich, within their highly talented Engineering Team to work and impact the innovation of their pipelines for continuous integration and deployment. My client is passionate to seek DevOps Engineers who are well practised in developing CI/CD pipelines as well as deliver best practise in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). As DevOps Engineer, you will take ownership in the design of the whole deployment pipeline, building and implementing an automated delivery framework as well as owning the automation of several processes and systems; managing the release utilising several deployment tools and technologies, including: Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins across Linux platforms. Consequentially my client is keen to find a DevOps Engineer which has a background in programming or might come from a software engineering background who is proficient in Python programming and Bash scripting. A DevOps Engineer is sought who is passionate in delivering high quality results, keen to work in a highly collaborative culture as well as being highly motivated and open minded to problem solving and technology innovation. There are excellent working benefits as well as working in an inclusive and modern environment. Solid grounding in Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins (Gradle is a bonus). Accomplished background and experiences in Linux platforms including cluster administration and virtualization and cloud platforms.
2020/02/25 10:09:56
How a Hong Kong primary school pupil’s homework load has put a strain on family life | South China Morning Post A mother worries her daughter has so much homework that she has too little time for her hobbies and out-of-school interests My daughter is in Year Six at a Hong Kong primary school. She has lots of interests outside school, including dancing and sport, but she has so much homework she barely has time to fit these in. I’m totally against children getting such a great deal of homework in primary school. Am I being unreasonable? You are not alone in your views. A primary school in Britain recently made the bold decision to completely scrap homework. In voting for the change, the positives listed by parents for their children included more time for family, reading and following their individual interests and hobbies. Too young for chopsticks, but old enough for homework: exercise books for kindergartners a big hit at Hong Kong Book Fair Parents frequently tell me that compulsory homework has a negative effect on family life and can put strains on relationships at home. Mathematics is a case in point: parents try to help their children using the methods they learned at school, which are often very different to the method the child has been taught. This causes arguments and confusion. Of course, this does not mean parents should never help or advise if their child is struggling in subjects at school. Some parents even go as far as hiring homework tutors in order to avoid tension with their children. Perhaps surprisingly, recent findings by Britain’s Social Market Foundation show that students who complete their homework with minimal interference from parents and learn to manage their own time tend to be more successful in the long run. Children whose parents frequently help them with homework are likely to do worse at school. Less surprisingly, children who did homework before other activities were associated with higher test scores than those who did not prioritise it. Some educational research indicates that homework can actually turn students off learning and makes little difference to a child’s ability in most areas of the curriculum. However, in Hong Kong academic expectations are high and schools often feel under pressure to give large amounts of homework. They may even get criticised by parents if they fail to do so. Sometimes, well-meaning parents who work long hours like to feel that their children are “usefully occupied” in the evenings when they are not home, doing homework rather than “wasting time” or spending hours at their computers. I believe primary school children should have time to follow their own interests after a productive day of learning at school. The importance of creative play for a child’s development is often underestimated. Research shows that “down time” and time for a child to just “be” – the chance to play, think, imagine, socialise and dream – not only lead to creativity but can increase concentration and performance at school. Making time for physical exercise can also be undervalued. Importantly, reading for pleasure should not be seen as “homework” but a crucial time to build a lifelong love of reading. It is sad that your daughter’s reading time is being compromised. I believe that reading is the cornerstone to academic success, and books help children learn about life, relationships and the world around them. Hopefully your daughter’s school is open to feedback, but it is impossible for schools to please all parents where homework is concerned. Teachers often use homework as a tool for instilling a work ethic, developing skills such as independence and time management. Usually the focus is on consolidating what has been learned in class, but homework can lurch between mindless practise of something that is too easy, or work that is so hard that parents themselves end up doing it for their children. With your daughter being in the top year at primary school she may be given more challenging, open-ended activities such as research projects. These can be interesting and rewarding, but there is no denying that such tasks can be time consuming. Teachers should certainly think carefully about how much homework they are setting and the pedagogy behind it, with a focus on quality rather than quantity. Homework can be valuable in helping parents to understand what their children are learning in school. In an ideal world it would be assessed promptly and useful feedback given to individual students, but with large class sizes and time constraints of a busy schoolday this rarely happens. Some children are well-organised and self-disciplined, but every child has different levels of concentration and commitment. There are parental strategies that can help students to complete homework with as little pain as possible. These include providing the incentive of pleasurable activities once homework is completed and restricted access to the internet unless it is needed for research tasks. Ideally children should have a comfortable, uncluttered workspace free of distractions such as siblings or television. Increase is the first in four years and will give the Hong Kong Rugby Union an extra HK$6 million in revenue Hong Kong Sevens fans face their first ticket increase in four years with the cost next year going up 8 per cent to HK$1,950. The extra revenue will swell the union’s coffers by up to HK$6 million to “meet the rising costs of the tournament and investment in local rugby”, said HKRU chief executive Robbie McRobbie. The last two increases were 20 per cent – from HK$1,250 in 2010 to HK$1,500 and from HK$1,500 in 2012 to HK$1,800 in 2015. “The costs associated with hosting not only the HSBC World Sevens Series but also both the men’s and women’s series qualifiers continue to rise,” McRobbie said. “As a non-profit making organisation, all of the funds raised from the Sevens are recycled directly into local rugby and in particular into the creation of new playing facilities.” McRobbie said the union had invested over HK$100 million into developing sports grounds, including HK$16 million to refurbish facilities at King’s Park and Tin Shu Wai. Significant funds were also required, he said, for establishing fan zones in Chater Garden and Lee Gardens in Sevens week. This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Hottest ticket in town – to the Sevens – goes up 8 per cent to HK$1,950 Families learn to cook healthy on budget at programBerkshire EagleThursday June 21, 2012 PITTSFIELD -- Eating healthy isn't always easy. ... But eating healthy on a budget with hungry children waiting at home -- that's a real ... I started 2011 off with suggestions of 11 foods to add to your diet. Did you add them? If you did, are you hungry for more? If so, read on for some of the best new foods to add to your diet in 2012. Nutrition advocates and company critics are furious about the campaign, calling it 'farmwashing' (McDonald's 'farm-to-fork' campaign. wow..really? Healthy choices allow us to remain positive and well. But healthy needn't mean deprivation or struggle. Through mindful eating we can choose seasonal foods that promote wellbeing and fully enjoy the depth of their flavors. MONTPELIER, Vt. -- A folk artist expanding his home business built around the words "eat more kale" says he's ready to fight root-to-feather to protect his phrase from what he sees as an assault by Chick-fil-A, which holds the trademark to the... Shock finding: More than 75 percent of all 'honey' sold in grocery stores contains no honey at all, by definition (Updated)... Spices can make all the difference in the world when you're attempting to come up with innovative nightly eats. Eating in is easier on your waistline, the planet, and your wallet. In my house we go out to eat about... Yosses' newest recipe, Roasted Apples with Blue Cheese, uses dried fruit. It's both savory and sweet, and is made with artisanal honey, dried pears, and Maytag Blue Cheese for a perfectly seasonal dessert. It's a snap to create. Scope (blog)Can a food-tracking app help promote healthy eating habits?Scope (blog)But can the data gathered by those apps be mined to derive insights into our collective nutritional choices and be used to help promote healthier eating habits? Many vegan dishes, like fruit salad and peanut butter and jelly, are already beloved. However, the problem faced by many of us is in imagining less-traditional vegan dishes that are interesting and not challenging. McDonald's and two other fast-food chains have stopped using an ammonia-treated burger ingredient that meat industry critics deride as 'pink slime.' The product remains widely used as low-fat beef filling in burger meat, including in school meals. When people get sick from eating raw cookie dough, raw eggs are usually to blame. But a 2009 outbreak of E. coli that sickened people who ate ready-to-bake Nestle Toll House cookie dough may have been caused by a surprising culprit: the flour. To be fast or be whole, that's the question. It started innocently enough. As my class sat thinking of topics to practice pre-writing on, someone suggested “fast food.” I wrote FAST FOOD on the board and the class began to ... Throw together this tasty breakfast casserole over the holidays for a fuss-free breakfast on festive mornings. Don’t fret about what to do with the leftover bird. Here are six recipes and some eco-tips on how to turn used turkey into wonderful new epicurean delights.I’m going to have a lot of leftover turkey this year. This is a list of healthy cold and flu fighting soups from around the world that will help you feel better if you get a cold or flu. This dish combines both cooked and raw vegan items, including some of the most flavorful ingredients in the Mediterranean cuisine. Be sure to use extra-firm tofu as it will hold up better on the grill. Bill Clinton’s memoir tells the story of a man that has struggled with his weight the majority of his life. He had a soft spot for fatty foods and watched the scale continue to rise as a result. He loved...
This is truly one of the most important honors we could receive from our employees – thank you to every single person who touches our business, making it greater and better every single day!
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Detailed Comparison Overview of Meal Replacement Shakes and Detox Teas - D-Ecstasy Home Health & Nutrition Detailed Comparison Overview of Meal Replacement Shakes and Detox Teas by Jace August 13, 2018 It's a supplement i.e. drink or beverage that is designed to be used as a meal substitute. Meal replacement shakes are usually calorie-controlled. They contain superfoods, minerals, vitamins, and other ingredients that support weight loss. This is a beneficial blend of herbs and tea. It's used to aid weight loss by boosting the rate of metabolism, accelerating the burning of body fat and curbing appetite. Weight loss teas have numerous health benefits and that's the reason they are popular. Different Types of Meal Replacement Shake The weight loss market has thousands of products. There is a wide range of meal replacement shakes which have been formulated to help consumers lose weight. Besides that, they are great weight management products that improve the health of the user. 310 Diet Shakes They have a sweet taste. 310 diet shakes are supplements which come in a wide variety making it easy for the consumer to stick to a meal replacement diet. They are free of ingredients such as soy, gluten and sucralose. 310 diet shakes contain a unique blend of probiotics, protein, superfoods, minerals and vitamins that support the consumer's health. GNC Protein Shakes appetite suppressors that have a filling effect. Total Lean Shakes contain high amounts of fiber and protein that help to curb hunger and reduce calorie intake. Besides that, they have minerals and vitamins which accelerate metabolism and promote the development of lean muscles. With more than seventy types of ingredients, Shakeology is a great meal replacement with excellent thermogenic capabilities. Shakeology has high amounts of antioxidants which help to reduce the effects of degenerative diseases and improve the level of immunity. Different Types Of Weight Loss Tea Weight Loss Teas exist in more than one type. They are derived from different types of herbal products hence their taste and smell are not the same. Besides that, their weight loss effects vary from one type to another but they are all herbal-based. The common types of detox teas include: It helps to promote digestive health. Ginger tea eliminates wastes that have accumulated in the digestive tract. It helps to alleviate stomach problems including indigestion and they also increase the speed of cell metabolism. This is a natural diuretic that has laxative effects. Dandelion root detox teas help to balance the good bacteria that are found in the stomach and it aids digestion. Additionally, it also helps to accelerate the loss of water weight. This is one of the common types of detox teas. Peppermint tea is a great appetite suppressor and it has a sweet taste. It's a great herbal tea for weight loss as it helps to reduce the number of calories being consumed and its effects usually last for long. It's rated among the top detox teas. Green tea helps to oxidize the stored body fat and boost the rate of metabolism. If you are looking for a safe weight loss enhancer with great health benefits, chances are that green tea is the best option to go for. How Detox Teas Promote Weight Loss Detox tea has been used for centuries across the world due to their numerous health benefits. In the current modern world, they are used by most people to aid weight loss. But how do detox teas enhance weight loss? Well, they help to remove toxins from the body. Note that toxins may prevent the normal functioning of the body leading to accumulation of fat and other unwanted products. Besides that, they increase the level of stress in the body resulting in a slowed metabolism. The result of this is that the affected individual will end up gaining weight. Detox teas have antioxidants and phytonutrients help to reduce the damaging effects of wastes and toxins. They help to cleanse the digestive tract and to reduce levels of stress, leading to weight loss. How Meal Replacement Shakes Aid Weight Loss These products are used to replace normal meals. Instead of taking breakfast in the morning or a lunchtime meal, those who want to lose weight can substitute them with these shakes. Note that meal replacements have low amounts of calories but how amounts of protein and fiber which are filers that curb hunger for a long period of time. These teas are cleansers which help to detoxify the body. They should be taken in the morning, before breakfast and in the evening before bed. Ensure that you drink a detox tea at least 30 minutes before taking any food. This product can be taken in the morning, afternoon or evening depending on how you want to use it. It can also be used to replace one or two meals based on your weight loss goals. Meal replacements are not real foods hence they shouldn't be used more than two times in a day. Customer reviews reveal these products have a general positive effect to the consumer. Both detox teas and meal replacement shakes have ratings of more than 3 out 5. This means that they are highly effective in promoting weight loss and promoting the health of the user. For those who want to lose weight, detox teas and meal replacements shake provide user-friendly options. For those who want to detoxify and cleanse their bodies, weight loss teas are the best option to go for while meal replacement shakes are suitable for those who want to reduce their calorie intake.
2019/04/18 21:07:22
辽宁百度优化时,什么样的内容更符合搜索引擎抓取? -- 谷创网络 首页 > 新闻资讯 > 辽宁百度优化时,什么样的内容更符合搜索引擎抓取? 辽宁百度优化时,什么样的内容更符合搜索引擎抓取? 近几年,辽宁seo优化市场越来越乱越来越杂,主要原因是做辽宁seo优化的人员越来越多,技术也参差不齐。所以很多时候,有些seo优化人员为了更快获得更好的关键词排名,会去人为使用一些非常规的手段,以便快速获得排名。除去我们所说的黑帽手段外,最常见的就是快排技术,快排技术的利弊在这里就不过多去讲。但笔者认为不管是快排还是常规seo,要想获得好的排名都需要去思考:在辽宁百度优化时,什么样的内容更符合搜索引擎抓取?那么接下来,我们一起学习下:
2020/04/02 18:17:53
Mike and Andy from Cycle Breaks were very friendly, helpful and insightful about the area. We were very unlucky with the weather and they were accommodating when we asked to return the bikes and cancel our second day. We hope to go again and maybe we will have better luck with the weather.
by International Finance Desk August 22, 2018 0614 "Fundsquire were the first company to offer this type of funding in the UK," says Rowan Founded in 2013 in Australia and expanding to the UK in 2016, Fundsquire has developed their R&D financing product by collaborating with clients and consultants across the world, including PwC, Grant Thornton & GrantTree. Rowan said they aim to help companies get access to their R&D Tax Credits up to 9 months before R&D tax credits are typically paid; "Fundsquire were the first company to offer this type of funding in the UK. R&D Tax Credits are typically paid a few months after a company's year has ended, we are providing access to this capital mid way through the current financial year." australiaCanadaFundsquireGrant ThomtonGrantTreeHMRCPwCR&D advance fundingR&D divisionR&D tax creditsUK
2021/08/05 15:29:21
上海市高院党组书记、院长滕一龙在会上强调,上海市法院要以警示教育和加强领导干部作风建设为重点,加强监督和制约,加强制度建设和审判作风建设,坚持从严执纪,严肃查处违法违纪案件,树立良好的司法形象,推进反腐倡廉各项工作的落实。 据悉,2006年,上海法院编印下发了《上海法院惩防体系制度汇编》一、二册,制定了《上海法院违反政纪案件审理工作若干规定》等有关制度。为强化监督制约,上海市高院规定委托审计、审价、评估等工作统一由高院集中管理,促进了预防和治理腐败的深入。全年组织特邀监督员参加各类活动701次,其中召开座谈会48次,组织旁听372人次,视察法院29次,参加院长接待日活动140人次,参加集中执行案件112件,并坚持定期向人大代表和特邀监督员通报法院工作情况,听取意见和建议,主动接受监督。上海市各级法院突出对各级领导班子和领导干部的监督,坚持重大问题决策、重要人事任免、重大项目安排和大额度资金使用的“三重一大”集体决策制度。全年处理违纪违法案件6件8人,责任追究案件两件两人,并对违反《法官行为规范》的38人进行了警示教育。 据介绍,2007年,上海法院将进一步加大反腐倡廉的力度,拓展反腐倡廉的领域,抓住三个监督的重点,即对为构建社会主义和谐社会提供司法保障的监督检查,促进司法公正;对各级领导干部特别是“一把手”的监督工作,使领导干部的权力运行最大限度地公开、透明,防止权力过于集中和滥用;对物资采购、保管、使用等物资管理的监督检查,严格落实《上海法院物资管理办法》,从源头防止腐败的滋生。(周凯 高远)
Blog | Becko Books Teacher's Corner: Interview with Dual Language Teacher Laura Pantin Hello Everyone! Here at Becko Books, we are starting this new section of our blog called Teacher's Corner. Teacher's Corner will highlight the work of different dual language teachers who put their heart and soul into their work with the goal of transmitting second language literacy to chi... Posted July 24th at 5:53pm Becko Adventures: Becko and Bella's Magical Discovery A few days later, Bella was back at the library. Becko was happy to see her and waited to hear what she was looking for this time."Library ghost!" she whispered to the bookshelf. "I am bored. Can you find me a book with a grand adventure?"Becko knew where all the adventure books were, but there wer... Posted April 17th at 1:47am Becko Adventures: Becko the Bilingual Gecko Once upon a time, there was a gecko named Becko. He was big for a gecko, a beautiful blue color, and extremely fast. Becko was a lot like his cousins on faraway tropical islands; He had sticky toes for climbing and a long tail for balancing. Becko loved books; He loved books more than anything in t...
2019/02/20 04:48:08
心涌浪花,大爱中财--我校校友工作志愿者协会2015年联谊表彰大会温馨落幕-365bet亚洲投注 时间:2015-12-28 来源:中央财经大学校友总会 作者:网站管理员 编辑:网站管理员 点击: 次 12月22日,又是一年冬至时。回首已逝风景,期盼来年征程。中央财经大学校友工作志愿者协会2015年联谊表彰大会在沙河校区4号楼107报告厅隆重举行。校友总会秘书长安秀梅、校友总会秘书处高玥、青年志愿者行动指导中心吴君媛、社团理事会和社团工作部负责人、校友工作志愿者协会的全体成员及部分志愿者代表近100名师生参与大会。大会由协会谭杰文、王羽涵主持。 在主持人温馨清丽的开幕致辞后,协会会长刘逸遥代表协会第八届主席团做了校友工作志愿者协会2015年度工作报告。刘逸遥会长对在临近期末的紧张复习和纷繁多样的活动中抽出宝贵时间参加联谊会的各位师生表示感谢,并从工作成绩、不足与问题、工作创想三个方面进行汇报。2015年,协会继续以"服务校友、服务在校师生"为己任,继承发扬优良传统,圆满完成了年初顺利完成换届,优化内部结构;圆满完成纳新,注入新鲜血液;规范活动流程,打造校友品牌;完善工作职能,提高管理水平;强化专业服务技能,提高志愿者综合素养等既定工作目标。一年中,累计有800人次在校生志愿者参与到学校奖励基金评审、彦桐楼冠名仪式、奖励基金颁奖典礼、95届校友毕业20周年返校活动、65级校友相识50周年返校活动,"中财人·中财梦"系列校友讲坛、鸿基世业行业研究大赛暨财经论坛、《中财校友》会刊采访组稿工作等,处处可见中财校友志愿者忙碌的身影和周到的服务。相亲相爱、共同进步,志愿者们的辛勤无私付出得到了校友们的一致好评,也收获了成长、锻炼和荣誉。对明年的工作,刘逸遥会长指出,协会应立足自身优势,拓展自主职能;学习发展经验,加大宣传力度;深挖在校师生需求,开发品牌活动;建立长效机制,树立长效目标等。最后,他对校友总会秘书处、青年志愿者指导中心及社工部、社团理事会的各位老师长期以来对协会的指导、关怀、帮助表达了真诚的感谢,将带领协会反思前行,在接下来的一年里更好地服务校友,展现青春的中财精神! 校友总会秘书处高玥代表校友总会致辞。作为分管协会工作的秘书处老师,高老师首先感谢选择加入协会这个大家庭的新成员们,为大家无私奉献、服务校友的精神点赞;对老成员们在活动中的精心策划、反复沟通、认真负责表示赞扬,对他们的成长表示欣慰,对支持协会发展并提供帮助的青指、社工部和社团理事会表示感谢,感谢他们的耐心指点,让协会能更好的完善提高,感谢了校友总会秘书处的其他老师,他们的帮助让她更好的确立了工作方向,带领协会共同进步。随后,高老师对协会提出了更高的要求,希望志愿者们以更高标准要求自己,齐心协力,更好地为校友们提供服务,为在校同学谋求福利。最后,学姐衷心祝愿志愿者们新年快乐,期盼协会亲如一家,为学校做出更大的贡献。 校友总会秘书处安秀梅老师、潘晓翀老师、高玥学姐,青年志愿者指导中心吴君媛学姐分别为7位优秀活动负责人、8位优秀组织者、17位优秀干事、23位杰出志愿者、6位优秀社团负责人颁发荣誉证书。对61位获奖志愿者同学颁发的虽是荣誉,但却包含的既是对他们勤勤恳恳付出的赞扬,更是一种激励和期待,明年的志愿者活动会更好。
2019/10/22 04:29:50
cute woodland animals baby kids ankle socks three pairs by happy jellyfish | homepage > HAPPY JELLYFISH > CUTE WOODLAND ANIMALS BABY KIDS ANKLE SOCKS THREE PAIRS Cute Woodland Animals Baby Kids Ankle Socks Three Pairs size size (required)4-6Y7-10Y size (required)4-6Y7-10Y size (required)4-6Y7-10Y size (required)4-6Y7-10Y 3 Pairs of kids animals socks in white, yellow and mint green This cute socks box will make the perfect gift for a child's birthday, baby showers, christenings and Christmas. It comes with 3 pairs of socks in woodland animal design. We offer free delivery on all orders over £30. Please see our whole collection by clicking on 'Happy Jellyfish' on the right.
2018/11/20 19:27:45
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Just because you have a web site, it doesn't imply that your business will automatically become successful just because you have a web site. Read these tips for some suggestions for the best way to become an effective internet marketer|online marketer that is effective}. Spend some time becoming an authority on your industry. Write a blog, visit with see other related blogs and leave comments, reply queries on helps sites and find forums that you can join and take part in. Any moment you can put your title, your company's name and your experience on the market, it will enhance your reputation online as an expert in your field standing. Bear in mind the purpose of your website should be to entice customers. If your site is bogged down with excess data, your customers will get lost Your clients will get lost if your website is bogged down with excess data, if your site is bogged down with excess data and you will lose hundreds of potential customers. Never forget that there's a time for data, and a time for attractive language. Create a blog that is directly connected with your site. This increases awareness of your brand, and is a separate, creative separate route to connect to content on your site. A site with {your company's the name of your company implies you have a search result that relates to your enterprise have. Eventually, they can combine a blog community and give intelligent contribute comments to other sites, which raises internet exposure into your links throughout the web opinions. Monitor your information. Locate software which does the monitoring for you, and use it to figure out. Track your own sales, website hits new clients, and the history of your payments. {Doing this can ensure you have the records required to back yourself up|This can make certain you have the records necessary to back up yourself doing|So can make certain you have the documents required to back up yourself, doing So can ensure if problems ever arise with your contracted company. Consider starting a podcast or blog. A podcast will keep customers coming back to your site on a regular basis to check out the content. With a podcast, you let people to multitask while still hearing about your new products or reviews. {This will translate into earnings in the event that you're able to keep them returning In the event that you can keep them returning, this will translate into sales. Post frequently on your site and change the layout as frequently as possible. The identical appearance will get boring after a while, and might detract visitors from seeing your website. {The more you post, the more you'll look just like you're involved with your business and the products that you provide. Whenever you're communicating with the customers on your website, attempt to be distinctive and interesting. Should you encounter as a robot with no character, your clients will be attracted away, Should you encounter as a robot with no personality|Your customers will be drawn away if you come across as a robot with no character. Creating a personality on your site, can help establish a much stronger personal connection with your potential clients, yielding more sales. Designing a website to advertise your business online is an exciting yet difficult process, especially with all of the video and audio aids that you can use to enhance it. However, don't fall victim to the common mistake made by beginners of believing that more is better. Even a Flash presentation, requires a long time to load and many consumers prefer to move on to another firm's website of the company than waste their time waiting. Pop-ups are not anything more than an annoyance to most buyers. Restrict your use of photographs and images, and be sure they are all relevant. {If you decide to add music to your website, give the consumer the option of clicking on a button to hear, if you decide to add music to your website. A customer who's currently visiting your store while at work or one who is at home with a baby within earshot, isn't going to appreciate music or sales pitches which perform automatically. To help your company grow with online Can You Get Ssi For High Blood Pressure, think about hosting a giveaway. Everyone loves to win, and no one will turn down a free gift! Giveaways will bring visitors to your site, and people will look around to find out about your products and services before going to win. The excitement of a giveaway will produce a fun buzz around your business. Transferring the route that is email in online Can You Get Ssi For High Blood Pressure can very well backfire on you and in a rush. Make sure that any mail you are sending that is short, informative, and introduces a call to action to the potential client. The idea is for people to read your message and feel the urge to click, not to read a long story and click out of your message, out of boredom. A good way of Can You Get Ssi For High Blood Pressure concerning internet Can You Get Ssi For High Blood Pressure is to add tricky words that are tricky {to your advertisement. Using words such as quickly and focusing on phrases like quickly ordering or fast results will encourage the consumer to use the product that you're selling. A good illustration is to say things like Our product works fast. If you're likely to use a video or an image make sure that you label it properly. People using Google Images or a similar a search engine will locate your image and wind up on your own website if they click on it. It works exactly the same manner with videos. Compose a response article. In case you've seen articles voicing opinions that you don't agree with, compose your own article that displays your viewpoints. Be polite and use logical arguments. People generally love to watch arguments, so if you link until the article, your audience will skyrocket. {There are many elements to online Can You Get Ssi For High Blood Pressure that may either make or break an online business. You need to understand what works for your company and what does not. The only way is by trying different procedures and monitoring the results. Continue to learn by studying articles and talking to specialists. If you work hard on {your online your business, you will reap the fruits of your labour.
2019/12/11 15:10:16
Does anyone have any thoughts on Vidyard vs Vimeo? We are just starting our video journey and would probably start on basic plans for either. We don't like the Vidyard ad in the free version either. Hoping we don't have to have it if we pay for Pro. We just need a clean way for our sales team to send out videos to prospects, know if they at least started watching a video, and have the ability to trigger a workflow in HubSpot from that event. Thanks! 2 • 9 Comments Love Comment Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail link Share 9 Comments User Profile Log in to leave a comment or Sign up for free Nick Bennett August 3, 2021 6:28pm I'll second what Connor DeLaney said here. Vidyard is a video solution for sale and marketing. You get all the tracking and analytics you could possibly want. Vimeo may not be the most comparable option. In this case, I would compare Wisita and Vidyard. With that said, I know you can fully remove all the Vidyard branding and customize the payer page when you sign up for Vidyard Teams (I think the same applies for Pro.) We use Vidyard and can vouch for the HubSpot integration. Not too sure what Wistia offers in that area. Based on your post I think the workflow trigger you're suggesting may be a lot more difficult to set up than anticipated. The integration is mostly designed for "marketing" videos. Meaning a video that sits on a webpage and doesn't change all that often. Every time a salesperson sends a video, they create a new video ID (Vidyard calls this a UUID) In order for the workflow to identify the video that was played, you would need to be added to the workflow enrollment criteria every single time the sales team creates a video... read: it's pretty much impossible to manage. If you can provide more info on what you're specifically trying to accomplish I can help you find a way to make it happen. Cancel Update Love • 2 | Reply More from this community Post Post [NEW] Descriptions for HubDB table columns This is going to be such a great addition to our HubDB tools! Melissa Smith November 22 at 02:19pm Post Post The HubSpot Campaigns Tool is Underrated I am not sure if this is just me, but I 100% believe that the campaigns tool in HubSpot is underrated, and needs to be talked about more. Below is a video where I talk about: When you should use a campaign How to use campaigns to stay organized What type of data you get from using the campaigns tool HubSpot Campaigns is Underrated Joe Bachir November 18 at 06:41pm Image Image How Many Page Views Does it Take to Book a Call with Your... Jessica Palmeri November 7 at 06:26pm Post Post HubSpot SEO Recommendations Section Update I love the way they break down the difficulty and SEO impact levels! This makes it easier to fix and maintain your on page seo. Melissa Smith October 28 at 08:27pm Post Post How to use your HubSpot Deals Board to Run Pipeline... Sydney Greiner - Jessica Palmeri is the HubSpot QUEEEEEEEN 🎉 Jessica Palmeri October 25 at 12:46pm Post Post HubSpot Reporting vs. Google Analytics (and which one... Last month, I sent out this video in a newsletter to some of the companies I work with to answer a question I have been getting a TON, "What is the difference between Google Analytics, and HubSpot Reporting?" I figured that this would also be good to share here.I am sure many of you have looked at Google Analytics and HubSpot and discovered that some of the metrics don’t match up. Sessions aren’t the same, and website page analytics are off. Well, there is a reason for that, and it might not be an issue at all. But if that is the case, which one should you look at? In the video below, I go over why your Google Analytics and HubSpot reports won’t match, and when you should be looking at either platform. I also talk about what happens if tracking is way off (that can be an issue) and a recent Google Analytics bot attack that might have your September organic traffic report looking better than it should. Here is the article I reference in the video.HubSpot also has a good article on why HubSpot analytics and Google Analytics don't match. Google Analytics vs. HubSpot: Why is there a difference in my data, and which one do I use?
有道是人怕出名猪怕壮。对此,梅西一定深有体会。作为世界足坛最顶尖的存在,巴萨巨星的一举一动都会受到媒体的关注。以无下限著称的阿根廷媒体,更是把梅西当成了骗取流量的摇钱树。种种毫无底线的杜撰编写,称得起是“开局一张图,剩下全靠编”。特别是在俄罗斯世界杯期间,阿根廷媒体俨然就是新闻界的一股泥石流。 按理说,阿根廷媒体理应为自家主队摇旗呐喊。谁曾想,潘帕斯雄鹰的诸多负面新闻,竟然都源自后院起火。特别是阿根廷战术打法方面的绝密内容,都被本国媒体一一曝光出来。围绕桑保利和阿圭罗等球员之间的矛盾,更是被描述得有声有色。或许是觉着这些已经玩腻了,阿根廷媒体终于使出了必杀技。 由于担心梅西的情绪不佳,安东内拉决定前往俄罗斯陪伴丈夫。原本这应该是一篇夫唱妇随的正面报道,愣是被看热闹不嫌事大的阿根廷媒体描述成了两个人正在闹婚变。安东内拉前往俄罗斯,是为了搞定离婚协议。如果说之前曝光阿根廷的战术还属于欠缺职业素养,那么这次的恶毒报道真心连基本的道德素养都没有了! 更重要的是,梅西的心理素质本来就不算强,如今还被球队的糟糕成绩弄得焦头烂额。阿根廷媒体这时候还不忘神补刀,绝对会让梅西在生死战前产生情绪波动,继而会对他的发挥产生重大影响。退一万步说,即便梅西带队闯入淘汰赛,怕是阿根廷媒体又准备了更多没有下限的猛料吧? 此外,還加碼推出首次曝光的「喬巴超人-12生肖系列」,12生肖完整集合,一同找出屬於你的生肖喬巴超人。此次除了有日本空運來台商品、公仔外,台灣一般通路商品及活動獨家限定商品、機台,各類雜貨、3C、服飾等。 除了超好買以外,只要購買超可愛的魯夫隨手杯,就會裝入台中的珍珠奶茶起源-春水堂人文茶館「指定飲品二選一」乙杯,不管走到哪,都有魯夫的招牌微笑陪伴著,可以重複使用一起愛地球,在這炎炎夏日,來一杯就是消暑心花開的最佳選擇!
لقاء الأحزاب اللبنانية: الجيشان السوري واللبناني قدما أغلى التضحيات - صحيفة تشرين آخر تحديث: 2020-09-26 15:53:48 أكد لقاء الأحزاب والقوى الوطنية والقومية في البقاع اللبناني أن ذكرى تأسيس الجيشين العربي السوري واللبناني تحمل في طياتها أرقى أواصر الوحدة القومية وتلازم المسار والمصير بين البلدين الشقيقين. وقال اللقاء في بيان بمناسبة ذكرى تأسيس الجيشين العربي السوري واللبناني اليوم إن الجيشين قدما أغلى التضحيات في وجه المجموعات الإرهابية وأذرعها المتشابكة مع العدو الصهيوني وإفرازاته التآمرية التي كانت ترمي لكسر آخر معاقل الرفض لمخططات التفتيت والتجزئة تمهيداً لمحو القضية الفلسطينية من الوجدان العربي وإعادة ترتيب المنطقة العربية وإسقاط المقاومة كثقافة وفعل تحرري. وتقدم لقاء الأحزاب بأسمى آيات التقدير والاعتزاز لرجال الجيشين العربي السوري واللبناني قيادة وضباطاً وجنوداً ولدماء الشهداء التي شكلت عنواناً للوحدة القومية.
2020/09/26 12:54:04
Electric Company Canaan NH - Call: (855) 231-7077 - 24 Hour Electrician Pros Electric Company in Canaan NH Canaan 24 Hour Emergency Electrical Services You may have discovered a good deal of electric companies providing a multitude of plans and options. Analyze the credibility of electrical company to make sure you'll obtain electric companies that are detailed. On the reverse side, the company responsible for delivering electricity is referred to as an utility. Specific companies even supply customer rewards. Currently developed companies were needed to charge greater New Hampshire electricity rates to be able to provide the more recent merchants a reasonable opportunity to thrive in the industry. An electrician uses basic and specialized tools to install and fix wiring. For this reason, you desire an electrician that supplies a wide selection of services, so that if you require support it certainly will have the capability to provide you with the service. Our Canaan, NH electrical contractors may provide you more information on the descriptions for residential circuitry. Punchout technicians are responsible for repair work to newly built homes or industrial structures as a piece of final superior control activities. Technicians in the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and cooling industry wanting to get added wisdom and authenticity in the field have a selection of accreditations from which to pick. The engineer also supervises the intro of electrical devices. As an example, chief engineers might keep substantial parts of devices, such as duct systems, whilst landscaping workers are responsible for the outside appearance of the home. An electrical engineering service technician is comparable to an electrical engineer due to the fact that he's liable for dealing with the strategy part of equipment. A credible specialist can handle the detailed electrical wiring of recessed lighting in a prompt and effective style, and it will not be long before it's possible to unwind in your well-lit room. Electrical and electronics technicians Canaan NH working for power businesses are from time to time referred to as relay technicians or powerhouse electricians. Residential electrical experts go up towers and repair outside electrical wires too. The specialist does not have any authority over them. For that reason, it's become challenging to select one of the residential professional that's skilled and most developed from the enterprise. A subcontractor may have a group of employees. If you've got routine subcontractors you deal with, you might already understand their charges for certain sorts of projects. Commercial Electrician in Canaan The electricians will allow you to know the best place to place the alarms in a suitable way. Commercial electricians are the best option for absolutely any electrical work, upgrades, or repairs your business requirements, but nonetheless, it still is worth it to ask a few vital questions before hiring one. In Torrance, an industrial electrician from Netpower Inc. can assist you with all the changes required to keep a high efficiency, safety electrical system. As a way to install the alarm systems, you want to permit the electricians to inspect your house in the right way. Our uniformed, professional electricians Canaan are trained to manage a wide selection of residential electrical difficulties. It's imperative you seek the services of a professional business electrician if you need your electrical system to be safe, trustworthy and productive. Residential Electrician Canaan In a crisis situation, you want an electrician who will visit your rescue before the damage exacerbates. Becoming an electrician will do the job for you incredibly if you are searching for sovereignty from boredom. He will also be able to carry out maintenance in a commercial building by checking the entire electrical system. Getting The proper Electrician When seeking to have a residential electrician consider the subsequent aspects. You ought to select a residential electrician with a record of offering premium quality services. A significant part being a residential and business electrician is having the capability to read and follow blueprints. You ought not look any further if you've been looking forward to know more on the subject of the greatest residential electrician Canaan. Emergency Electrician Canaan While all electricians desire a license, not all of these do the same kinds of jobs. Emergency electricians give excellent services and are available 24 hours every day and seven days every week. Emergency electricians and electrical contractors Canaan are usually classified into various categories by the sort of electrical work they do. A certified electrician can finish the work safely and provide you with the peace of mind an accredited professional has done the very best job possible. A dedicated and diligent electrician has a toolbox with all the necessary apparatus needed in the event of any emergency electrical work Canaan. A true electrician knows just what the dilemma is and what caused it. You may want to locate an electrician near me or search for local electricians near me then if that's true then just provide the best electricians Leek has to provide a call on both of the next contact numbers. Most local electricians are going to have website. Electric Company in Enfield NH Electric Company in West Lebanon NH Electric Contractors in Danbury NH Emergency Electric in Lyme NH Emergency Electric in Wilder VT Electric Contractors in Grantham NH Independent Electrical Contractors in Wilmot NH Where To Find Electrical Company in Canaan Tagged: Best Electric Company Canaan NH 03741, Cheap Electricity No Deposit Canaan NH 03741, Cheapest Electric Company Canaan NH 03741, Electric Company For Apartments Canaan NH 03741, Electric Repair Companies Near Me Canaan NH 03741, Electric Repair Company Near Me Canaan NH 03741, Electrical Companies Hiring Near Me Canaan NH 03741, Electrical Contractors Near Me Canaan NH 03741, Electrical Repairs Shop Canaan NH 03741, Electrical Supply Company Near Me Canaan NH 03741, Electricians Companies Near Me Canaan NH 03741, Home Electrical Repair Near Me Canaan NH 03741
2019/06/25 16:46:09
Analysis & CommentarySchwab ETFsSchwab FundsLaudus Funds Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. You can view, download and print a prospectus by clicking on Prospectus & Reports or call 877-824-5615. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.Effective October 9, 2015, the share class name of Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund® – Institutional Shares, Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund® – Institutional Prime Shares and Schwab Municipal Money Fund™ – Institutional Share was changed to the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund® – Premier Shares, Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund® – Ultra Shares, and Schwab Municipal Money Fund™ – Premier Shares, respectively.Effective April 14, 2016, the Schwab Money Market Portfolio™ was changed to Schwab Government Money Market Portfolio™.Investment returns will fluctuate and are subject to market volatility, so that an investor's shares, when redeemed or sold, may be worth less than their original cost. Unlike mutual funds, shares of ETFs are not individually redeemable directly with the ETF.Schwab is a registered trademark of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Fundamental Index is a registered trademark of Research Affiliates, LLC.Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. ("CSIM"), the investment advisor for Schwab's proprietary funds, and Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"), the distributor for Schwab Funds, are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation.Schwab ETFs are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. ("SIDCO"). SIDCO is not affiliated with The Charles Schwab Corporation or any of its affiliates.The Laudus Group of Funds includes the Laudus Mondrian Funds and Laudus U.S. Large Cap Growth Fund which are part of the Laudus Trust and distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc.("ALPS"), and the Laudus MarketMasters Funds®, which are part of the Schwab Capital Trust and distributed by Charles Schwab and Co., Inc.("Schwab"). ALPS and Schwab are unaffiliated entities.(0115-0645)
2017/02/22 19:52:39
Thanks!…and yes this has to do with Texas. The person we are dealing with ONLY has an MGA License and we are trying to figure out what that license allows him to do or not do versus a seller Hi Le Daniels, For more information I would definitely call the Texas Department of Insurance (1-800-578-4677) and get it straight from authority but I believe they would also need a PC license to sell. Good luck! Hello Julie, Typically you would want to get a Producer or Life license (whichever your state calls it) then find a company to work with. Some states allow you to only get a Health license but if that is not available you would need to get a Life and Health license (e.g., Texas). Good luck! Can one be both an insurance agent and an insurance broker at the same time, but serving different clients for each category/branch? Hi Mary, Usually you pick one route to follow. It’s not recommended to do both. You would open yourself up to a lot of potential conflict of interest legal issues.
Inspirational White Gloss Sideboards - BuildsimpleHome Home › sofa › Inspirational White Gloss Sideboards Inspirational White Gloss Sideboards If you want to buy a couch but you don't have the money to purchase a white gloss sideboards with the price you've collection, then you can certainly select the type of sofa that matches your money. You can also learn the caliber of the sofa before you buy it. You have to be sure that how big your sofa will do to pass through how big is your door in the room to ensure that you may not sense trouble if you have to put your sofa into your room or your guest room. Don't forget to decide on a sofa that is not too big. Decide to try to find the correct couch for your room. The easiest way when you are going to get a couch is that you could first measure the size of your home and also the couch you will buy. Question the sofa retailer to assess the couch before you buy it. Besides, it's also advisable to think about the location of the ground when you decide to set the sofa on the ground of two or more houses. When you have succeeded in selecting the sort of sofa, the size of the couch, and setting the price tag on the couch to accommodate your allowance, then another thing you need to create is the selection of couch that is suitable to be put in your family area or your room. Besides, additionally you require to ensure that the positioning of the couch you decide on thinks comfortable enough for you and your guests. You can even set the tv screen facing your couch, in order to relax once you feel bored or tired. Having a white gloss sideboards could be your option when you need to purchase a couch or decorate your home. The very first thing you need to do and need to do if you are planning to choose or buy a minimal couch type is that you need to know ahead of time your intent behind buying the sofa. Are you planning to purchase the sofa to be devote your family area, or as a place to rest when you get home from function? Nevertheless, don't overlook to make use of or pick a sofa that's a measurement number bigger than your room. white gloss sideboards has 2 types as you are able to choose, specifically couch having an extra chair and with expansion seat. The l-shaped sofa can be very suitable for your smart space with a volume of 3-5 people. You may also simply obtain your guests.
2019/11/12 06:04:17
«الغارديان»: ابن سـلمان اخترق هاتف مؤسس «أمازون» وسرق بيانات مهمة - صحيفة تشرين أفادت صحيفة «الغارديان» البريطانية، أن ولي عهد النظام السعودي, محمد بن سلمان، يقف وراء اختراق هاتف مؤسس شركة «أمازون» ومالك صحيفة «واشنطن بوست» جيف بيزوس. وأكدت الصحيفة أن رسالة مشفرة وصلت لهاتف «بيزوس» من الرقم الذي استخدمه ابن سلمان، وترجح التحقيقات أن الرسالة تضمنت ملفاً ضاراً تسلل إلى هاتف أغنى رجل في العالم. ووجدت التحقيقات أنه «من المحتمل جداً» أن تكون عملية الاختراق إلى الهاتف قد نجمت عن ملف فيديو مُطعّم بفيروسات، قد تمّ إرساله من حساب ولي العهد السعودي إلى بيزوس. ومن المتوقع, حسب الصحيفة البريطانية, أن يثير هذا الكشف الاستثنائي بأن «ملك السعودية في المستقبل» قد يكون له دور شخصي في استهداف مؤسس شركة «أمازون» الأمريكية، الكثير من التداعيات من «وول ستريت» إلى «وادي السيلكون», كما يمكن أن تقوض هذه الفضيحة الجهود المزعومة لـ ابن سلمان, في جذب المزيد من المستثمرين الغربيين إلى المملكة. واستنتجت «الغارديان» أن هذا الكشف قد يؤدي إلى تجدد النقاش والتدقيق بشأن ما كان يفعله ابن سلمان ودائرته الداخلية في الأشهر السابقة لمقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي، الذي تم قتله بمقر القنصلية السعودية في اسطنبول في تشرين الأول 2018.
2020/02/29 09:55:32
2019亚洲综合中文字幕 亚洲中文字幕视频区 亚洲专区中文字幕视频专区_26u26uu日韩在线观看 当前位置: 首页>>呦呦次元在线国产 >>亚洲中文字幕视频区 添加时间: 2020/10/31 19:09:33 (笔者为证监会持牌人仕,本人及客户没持有上述股份)责任编辑:李双双改革开放40周年之际,习近平总书记赴广东考察调研。这是习总书记时隔6年再次来到广东这片改革热土,向世界宣示新时代中国坚定不移深化改革、扩大开放的决心。40年艰苦创业,改革开放深刻改变中国,也改变了一代代人的命运。党的十八大以来,新一轮改革大潮激荡神州大地,破解了不少难题,实实在在增强了人民的获得感。不断铺展的时代长卷告诉我们,改革开放既是强国之路,也是通往美好生活的幸福之路。 责任编辑:桂强港交所最新消息显示,金宝通(00320-HK)获主席兼执行董事欧阳和于7月4日在场内以每股平均价1.1496港元增持40.8万股,涉资约46.9万港元。增持后,欧阳和现持有金宝通360,068,000股,持股比例由42.83%升至42.88%。
2021/01/17 02:50:33
该市培育县域优势主导产业,抢抓陕西省实施“三个千亿级”全产业链项目机遇,因地制宜,错位发展,各县市均形成2-3个主导产业;打破镇域、县域界限,建设集中连片产业基地,规划建设5000-10000亩规模产业扶贫基地,建成现代农业园区270个、千亩以上连片种植基地36个、规模化养殖基地(场)1200多个;采取村企联建、村村联合、基地连村等方式,壮大农村集体经济组织,成立集体经济组织及合作社、互助资金组织935个,1885个村成立集体经济组织,773个贫困村实现村级集体经济组织全覆盖;落实产业到户扶持措施,推广“一长一短、一大一小”“四个一”产业扶贫模式,全市建档立卡产业脱贫户基本实现中长期产业全覆盖;建立益贫带贫联接机制,探索出了一大批园区引领型、企业带动型、基地示范型、股份合作型的益贫带贫新模式新亮点。 陕西浩泽环保科技发展有限公司投资200余万元,在乾县阳裕镇太平村建设村镇工厂,首批就直接吸纳28名贫困群众就近就地变身企业产业工人。乾县太平村浩泽工厂务工者李美玲深有感慨:“从这个车间建好以后,我就一直在这里干活,离家近又方便,家里的啥事都不耽误。” 就业是民生之本,更是稳定脱贫的关键所在,咸阳市按照“转移就业增岗、公益岗位增岗、扶贫基地增岗、社区工厂增岗,创业培训、创业服务、创业信贷、创业帮扶”的“四增四创”模式,以提升贫困人口就业创业能力、帮助贫困户实现稳定就业为重点,不断开辟新的就业途径,让困难群众靠自己的双手脱贫致富,确保“一人就业、全家脱贫”。
“一老一小都是非常重要的工作, 实地中看到这些公益项目场所, 也能感受到在社会各界努力下, 特别在福彩公益金的支持下, 公益项目场所的设施越来越完善, 这也是高品质生活, 高质量发展的需求。 ”柳州市人大代表全必清说。 为进一步打造福彩公益形象, 提升彩民参与热情, 填补休市空档, 国庆期间我省各地开展了丰富多彩的即开票促销活动。 目的就是践行福利彩票的社会责任, 提升福利彩票的公益品牌形象, 加深人民群众对福彩文化的理解和认同, 让更多的人来关心支持福彩事业, 筹集更多的福彩公益金帮扶困难群体, 支持社会福利和社会公益事业的发展。 福利彩票, 因公益而生、 因公益而兴。 35年来, 长沙福彩始终秉承“扶老、 助残、 救孤、 济困”的发行宗旨, 以发展社会福利事业为主要职责, 累计销售260多亿元, 筹集公益金逾75亿元, 所筹集公益金资助建设福利院、 敬老院、 社会福利中心超过10000个, 用于补充全国社会保障基金、 发展残疾人事业、 困难群体大病救助、 补助城乡医疗救助基金等社会福利和社会公益事业, 有效保障了民生福址。 无锡: 以党建为引领, 无锡福彩将“福彩·爱基金”公益项目与“我为群众办实事”实践活动相结合, 通过拓宽公益救助渠道, 扩大救助范围, 将一个个大写的爱深深烙印在锡城大地上。 为深入开展党史学习教育, 去年无锡福彩进社区系列活动贯穿全年, 共走进10个社区, 广泛传播了公益福彩理念, 切实增强了“我为群众办实事”的思想自觉和实践动力。 作为首批国家级医养结合试点单位, 山东省烟台市重点打造了“扶老”民生工程——烟台市老年福利服务中心, 总投资亿元全部来自市级福彩公益金。 这家集养老、 康复、 休闲、 度假、 娱乐、 学习于一体的综合性老年福利服务机构, 成为全国闻名的“5A”级养老机构。 恭喜中奖的彩民和彩站!福彩3D游戏简单易懂, 天天开奖, 深受广大彩民喜爱。 如果您也想沾沾福运, 在新的一年里虎虎生威、 如虎添翼、 虎运当头, 乘着中奖的好势头, 买一注福利彩票收获属于自己的幸运!在这里甘肃福彩依然要提醒您: 理性购彩量力而行! “感谢您为福利事业捐赠公益金0.72元。 ”每张2元面值福彩双色球彩票上, 都印有这样一行字。 这是广大购彩者通过一张张小小的福利彩票, 汇聚起为民爱民的大爱心。 那么, 每张彩票积攒的公益金用到哪儿呢? 福彩3D第145期的精彩晒票就欣赏到这里, 至于这些彩民能否在本期运气爆棚, 就让我们拭目以待吧!(文中所展示的晒票不做任何参考和推荐, 彩票有风险, 彩民需谨慎)返回搜狐, 查看更多 公益无限, 爱心无限, 甘肃福彩将继续以党史学习教育为契机, 持续聚焦困难人群, 进一步践行福利彩票“扶老、 助残、 救孤、 济困”的发行宗旨, 为社会公益事业发展和乡村振兴贡献福彩力量。 “扶老、 助残、 救孤、 济困”作为中国福利彩票的发行宗旨, 一直引领着福彩人践行公益, 黔西南福彩铭记公益初心, 勇担社会责任, 为抗击疫情贡献力量。 为了方便购彩者选购, 近年来, 各地福利彩票销售机构在传统销售站、 小卖场之外, 还积极拓宽刮刮乐的其他销售渠道, 探索跨界联姻, “福彩+展会”“福彩+车站”“福彩+便利店”等新业态不断呈现, 出现了不少潮店、 爱心驿站、 体验厅等集展示和销售于一体的销售场所。
浙江国昌电气有限企业一家专业的户外真空断路器厂家,提供智能型户外真空断路器、户外柱上真空断路器、户外高压真空断、真空高压断路器等一系列高压产品,我企业坚持采用优质的原材料附件,产品质量保证,贴心的售后服务,各系列真空断路器产品型号齐全,欢迎来电咨询问价! 户外真空断路器灭弧室的方法 1、在安装前准保一款真空度达到要求的真空灭弧室; 2、拆下原本在ZW20真空断路器上的灭弧室利用垂直安装方法将新的灭弧室更换上,这个时间要注意动导电杆以及灭弧室的周度在进行安装时不可以让其受到扭力的影响; 3、安装完成之后进行测试开距、超程、合闸速度以及合闸弹跳等等不合格部分进行调增即可。 户外真空断路器选配装置 1、该产品还可以选择加装户外隔离开关这样可以与其形成一体化模式,让它和隔离开关都能够具备可靠的机构联锁有效的防止因失误操作引起故障等功能; 2、还可以选择加装外设装置电子PT,能够让它拥有操作电源和防涌流过流等保护功能,还能近距离进行遥控操作功能; 3、设备可以选择避雷器装置进行安装,可以根据用户的需求安装到电源的侧面或者是符合的侧面; 4、可以和柱上开关远程监控系统配套使用,利用GPRS无线通信功能来实现户外真空断路器的远程实时监控满足配电自动化智能化需求。 户外真空断路器使用环境湿度 另一个致命的因素就是使用环境里面水份的含量了,空气水份的含量在很大的一个程度上面会对产品自身上面的安全发生一定的影响,原本的特性以及颜色上面都会有所影响,在使用真空断路器的时候需要对这些湿度上的大小值来进行考虑,空气湿度上面如果太过的潮湿超过了95%这样的一个范围的时候,很容易对周围的空气以及使用上面造成很大的影响,在对于产品的使用的过程上面的相关性很值得大家去注意一下该如何有效的来进行使用,从湿度这一角度上看需要认识到对于断路器自身上面所极容易出现的问题,观察机器在使用上面会不会出现漏电现象,表壳上面有没有出现一些潮化现象,这几点的问题都是值得大家在使用上面来进行考虑的。 使用户外真空断路器前注意事项 1、在使用户外真空断路器前最好能够先检查其表面是否出现了损坏的的情况,如果出现了破损的情况就要立即停止对VS1真空断路器的使用。 2、在使用户外真空断路器前一定要先将表面的脏污清除干净特别是户外真空断路器的绝缘部分一定要清理干净的,因为绝缘部分如果不干净的话可能会在真空断路器运行与存储的过程中这些脏污可能会对VS1真空断路器造成绝缘性能上的影响。 3、最好能够在投入使用真空断路器前对其按照朝着操作规程进行一次查看在运行中储能、合闸与分闸等等功能是否能够正常的运行这样的检测可以用手动方式或操作电源进行检测,如果这样进行测试时真空断路器出现了任何故障能够立即进行调整与修复比起在使用中户外真空断路器出现故障这样修复真空断路器更加的方便。(如果真空断路器出现了破损的情况最好能够及时的通知厂家) 对于提供户外真空断路器: 浙江国昌电气有限企业一系列产品有:柱上真空断路器、10kv真空断路器、户内真空断路器、zw32真空断路器、zw32户外高压真空断路器、10kv户外真空断路器等型号规格齐全,产品远销国内外遍布各地,致力于成为打造高压行业的领导品牌,为客户提供最放心的产品和完善的服务!
The last time we wrote about Molome, a popular photo sharing network, was nearly one year ago in February 2013. Back then, the question as whether or not the app and service would arrive for Nokia Lumias are all Windows Phones. Since then, we haven’t heard much about the app, which we first reported as headed to Windows Phone back in September 2012. Today, nearly 16 months later, Molome has finally made its landing on Windows Phone 8, available for all devices. Think of Instagram but with more social networks on board. The app allows you to create an account (or login with Facebook) and from there, it’s your fairly standard media social network where you can find friends (suggested, Twitter or Facebook friends), create a profile for yourself and of course add photos. Molome admittedly has some nice filters, roughly 13 built in, and they’re easy to use through a familiar photo editor. That editor also allows you to adjust brightness, zoom in, add boarders, rotate, contrast and more. The “more” part is Molome’s claim to fame with boarder sets, stickers and ‘little toys’ to add to your photos. It’s cute, perhaps too much so, but for people who like to make funny photos, it’s a neat option. Stickers and boarders can be downloaded through the app and there are a few free sets. From there, you can share your photo to many social sites, including Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Goolge, imgur, Pocket and more. Photos are added to your stream and much like Facebook, you can have the photo public, friends only or just for yourself. Molome is yet another official app for Windows Phone and we surmise it’s a more popular service in Asian markets, rather than Western where Instagram reigns. That’s all well and good but the app itself, especially after waiting this long, is not exactly too inspiring. After initial use, the app consistently fails to load for repeat usage, making it pretty useless for us at this point on our Lumia 1520. Lumia 520 users are also complaining of the app not loading and the non-square logo for the Tile is an eye sore on Windows Phone. These are all things that can be fixed, and we bet they will, but out of the gate, Molome has a lot of catching up to do, even when compared to Instagram’s ‘beta’ app. Pick up Molome here in the Store for all Windows Phone 8 devices. Let us know your experience with the app in comments. We will be celebrating a bountiful Harvest season with a 4-course dinner featuring Wente Estate Beef, Wente Vineyards Oro Fino Olive Oil and vegetables from the Garden all paired with Wente Vineyards wine. When you advertise with you have access to our extensive database of qualified and experienced wine people. We also have a dedicated social media team to ensure your advertisement reach is unlimited! By getting involved in Society Councils, committees, the House of Delegates and other activities and groups, physicians have numerous opportunities to shape Society initiatives and influence policy. (Click here to learn more about Society Councils.) In addition, Society leaders represent physicians’ perspectives in key discussions occurring locally and at the national level by having a seat at the table with numerous government agencies and other entities, including the Medical Examining Board, Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO), Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund Board, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ), Wisconsin Health Information Technology Extension Center (WHITEC) and Wisconsin State Health Information Network (WISHIN), and more. In the event that we characterize social skills, at that point they are those which are utilized for association with individuals. Likewise these abilities are required at relatively every employment. A manager needs to support his workers, a man managing customers, needs to comprehend their inquiries. Likewise, being in a group, an orchestrated work is constantly required. Ensure you see these abilities in your resume, introductory letter, and interview. 1. Empathy: When you are collaborating with others, you ought to have the capacity to understanding that how the other individual is feeling, this is the reason compassion is essential. For e.g. the questions and issues of your customers ought to be dealt with authentic concern and you ought to have the capacity to fathom them tenderly. 2. Cooperation: To achieve a shared objective, you need an agreeable approach with your group. Then again, other than your group, you have to collaborate with different representatives so you can move towards accomplishing the hierarchical objective. 3. Spoken skills: When working in an association, you need communication with various individuals at better places. It can be either on telephone, face to face or by means of email. For others to comprehend, you have to utilize clear dialect, which is critical. 4. Listening: Listening is a standout amongst the most essential ability that you have to associate with individuals well. What your managers recommends, what is talked about in the gathering, what does your manager needs out of you, everything ought to be deliberately tuned in. A superior reaction is gotten when the other individual conceives that his voice is being heard. 5. Non-verbal Communication: This is as imperative as verbal communication. You can communicate through your non-verbal communication, eye to eye connection, and outward appearances. A non-verbal communication uncovered on how you feel. In the event that having poor non-verbal skills, a negative and awkward communication is given to your associates. by admin | Posted on February 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Rugby Union and Globalization: An Odd-Shaped World - download pdf or read online In 1995 rugby union ultimately turned a certified activity following greater than a century as an beginner online game. This e-book deals a severe research of the game within the expert period and assesses the connection among the neighborhood and the worldwide in modern rugby union.
Chicken Turnover - From My Kitchen Ramadan is almost over! Feeling very sad to bid adieu this holy month! Time is flying isn't it?? Hope you all had a peaceful and well spend Ramadan! So stepping to my 2nd last recipe for this Ramadan! This time I missed MFB challenge due to lack of time! I badly wanna participate but bad luck, I couldn't manage. My Eid Dessert recipe is on its way, stay tuned! So coming back to today's recipe, its a spicy Kerala twist to the turnovers. Turnovers are a simple appetizer made with puff pastry! Here I made the filling with a spicy green pepper twist. it's so simple to prepare the filling. Spicy food lovers will cherish this for sure. When that beautiful green pepper pearls caught my attention I really couldn't stop from grabbing it. I already started to imagine about that spicy gravies and fillings i could prepare! Unfortunately, I couldn't click that lip-smacking gravy, but here I'm sharing this crispy puff pastry filled with delicious green pepper's ok if you don't have green peppers with you u can use regular black pepper or green chillies. This filling is totally Kerala based addition, so those who don't like cheesy, saucy filling a big shout out for you all! 2 tbsp green pepper pearls 6 to 8 puff pastries In a chopper put all the veggies and pulse. Then add chicken pieces and grind it. In a saucepan pour a little oil splutter few curry leaves and put this chicken mince. Cook it all well until everything is done. In between add vinegar and chopped and cilantro. Mix well and switch off the flame. Now when the filling is cool enough put a spoon full of it on one side and at the other side put 3 or four slits and gently fold it. Place the turnovers on parchment lined baking tray and egg wash it. Bake it for 15 to 20 minutes or until it turns to nice golden brown in colour,
2019/02/23 06:17:43
High rated top pick medical grade chemical peel with 15% tca: Ideal Skin Care Solutions Trichloroacetic Acid Peel by Ideal Image Solutions LLC “From clearing clogged pores to removing stretch marks, birthmarks, and stubborn cellulite, this medical graded chemical peel does it all. Also available in higher concentrations, it is an easy to use and handy skin solution if you are craving for young and radiant skin” There is a common misconception regarding chemical peels being associated with peel off masks. A chemical peel is mostly acid based or enzyme based. Chemical peels work by flaking off the dead skin cell on the top layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, when washed off or cleaned.
Millions of people 65 and up use SilverSneakers and more than 13 million people are eligible for the program. Many of them are looking for great fitness instructors who can help them achieve their health and wellness goals. Our group exercise classes have been designed by experts to help our members reach their fitness potential in a fun and challenging way at convenient locations. Just like the members who take our classes, our instructors want flexibility and variety. That's why we offer a wide variety of classes at thousands of gyms and other locations throughout the nation. And no matter what the participant's athletic ability, nearly everyone can find a SilverSneakers class ideal for them. So…Which classes do you want to teach? Where do you want to teach them? Transform Lives and Improve Health with SilverSneakers BOOM classes are taught in gyms and are designed to be a bit more intense than the SilverSneakers signature classes. BOOM consists of MOVE IT, MUSCLE and MIND. These three classes will challenge participants but have also been designed specifically for the boomer generation. They can be modified depending on the athletic ability of participants. Our signature classes have been designed by fitness experts specifically for boomers and beyond. They are held at thousands of locations nationwide and include Classic, Circuit, CardioFit, Yoga, Splash and Stability. These are designed for nearly every level of fitness and can be made more or less challenging depending on the level of expertise the participant brings to class. To create a teaching profile CPR certification and in-person practical. Requirements specific by class type: These vary depending on the class type you would like to teach SilverSneakers "Signature" classes Affiliation with a participating location The signature class format of your interest (Classic, Yoga, etc.) An approved FLEX contract which consists of Complete specialty certification (ex: Zumba Gold, etc.) as applicable Interested in teaching both class types? Ensure you meet the requirements for both options. We Give You The Support You Need To Be Successful Access to our Instructor Resource Center (IRC), a website dedicated for instructors where you can register for new class certifications and find out about new upcoming class workshops.
2020/09/18 14:53:58
Sell My House Quick, LLC Launches Latest Services for Those Facing Foreclosure « MarketersMEDIA – Press Release Distribution Services – News Release Distribution Services MarketersMEDIA / Newsroom / Sell My House Quick, LLC Launches Latest Services for Those Facing Foreclosure Titusville, Florida - May 1, 2019 /MarketersMedia/ — Florida's real estate market has taken a turn in recent months. Based on the latest industry reports, more than 97,000 homes are currently listed for sale, marking a significant uptick from this time last year. In contrast, fewer buyers are in the market at this point, leaving those hoping to sell in the lurch in many cases. In response to this situation, Marie Johnson of Sell My House Quick, LLC has launched the real estate company's latest lineup of services for those who need to forgo long stints on the market.
2020/02/27 22:06:54
Naz Smyth:Hijab Gets Haute - Naz Smyth Home/blog/Naz Smyth:Hijab Gets Haute Veils have always been a symbol of feminine beauty. Throughout history, in many cultures, veils have been incorporated in traditional clothing. As far back as the Byzantine Empire, women had used some kind of headscarf into their fashion. From the farthest east to the farthest west, veils have been worn as headdresses for all types of occasions. From wedding dresses to dance costumes, and from casual wear to formal, the image of fabric headdresses are no strangers to fashion. However, because of recent history, countries that forcibly make women wear headscarves, and radical Islam, the veil has gotten a bad rap. People tended to see the veil as a violation of women's human rights, and a way to control them. Countries with Sharia law require women to wear some sort of head covering, and some require women to wear veils from head to toe. Today, predominantly Islamic women are the ones who would wear some sort of veil or hijab in daily life if they choose to, or are enforced to. The hijab varies: The first type is a simple headscarf, which can be made with a long rectangle shaped scarf draped around the face, or a square piece of fabric tied at a knot under the neck. Another type is a "Chador", which is a large piece of fabric that wraps the whole body but allows the woman's face to be seen, and usually held together by a woman's hands or pins. A "Burqa" is a veil that covers the entire face and thin enough for the women to see through. A "Niqab" is similar but has eye-holes. Regardless of the type of hijab, it is worn throughout the world by women everywhere who either want to be visibly Muslim, or have to by law. Naz Smyth-Gigi Hadid Top models like Gigi Hadid have suddenly made the hijab go from "not," to "hot (Freep)". Gigi Hadid, an internationally known model hailing from Los Angeles, has over 1 million Instagram followers. Hadid, half Palestinian, had her face gracing the front cover of the first ever issue of Vogue Arabia earlier this month. The magazine has already sparked controversy. The cover features Hadid wearing hijab, but not exactly abiding to sharia law. Here we see her pictured with her shoulder and back revealed. The magazine will offer modest fashion and try to mostly stay within the guidelines of Islamic dress code, but will still inevitably push boundaries, as fashion always tends to do. The image of Hadid on the cover provokes a feeling of the veil as an image of how it once originally was, a provocative and beautiful symbol of the feminine divine. It makes hijab appear to be "haute," as in haute couture (Image from: Vocativ). Regardless of how the release of the magazine intended to go, it ended up receiving a lot of backlash from the media and from social media sites such as twitter (Refinery29). Several groups of people are upset for several reasons: women that wear hijab are upset that Gigi Hadid, who is not even Muslim or follows the customs of Islam gets to be the on the cover. Palestinian women are upset that Gigi is suddenly highlighting her half Palestinian side, but doesn't herself speak up about Palestinian politics. One angry person tweeted: "CAN GIGI HADID STOP WEARING HIJAB AS A FASHION STATEMENT !!!! MUSLIM WOMEN ARE SHAMED FOR IT YET SHE CAN PARADE AROUND ON THE COVER OF VOGUE," Naz Smyth Gigi Hadid Although not intended to generate outrage, Vogue Arabia definitely did achieve the affect of drawing a lot of attention towards Islamic Modest Wear as a style of fashion (Naz Smyth fashion style). The Arab world is showing the rest of the planet that Modest Wear is not only beautiful, but also incredibly fashionable. Hijab can be accessorized, or it can itself be an accessory. The Middle East isn't the only part of the world that is unveiling the veil. London had it's first Modest London Fashion Week this year, and India is showing bold, statement making 'burqa dresses' in retaliation of all the anti-Muslim sentiment. Even more surprising, New York Fashion Week 2017 also was showcasing hijab on the runway. Anniesa Hasibuan's runway show donned the controversial, and trendy veil. Stores are stocking their shelves with headscarves as the idea of headscarves is hitting the fashion map (Times of India-Naz Smyth).
2022/05/17 20:40:41
人間異語:不倫戀進無可攻 退無可守 人間異語:不倫戀進無可攻 退無可守受訪者:怡如 熟女Q:對自己在感情路上扮演第三者,有何看法?A:我覺得自己的條件不錯,偏偏男人運很差,每次都是「相見恨晚」,也常感嘆「為何世上像樣的男人都已婚?」假如... 11, Mar 2014 21:12 . 楚天金報訊 圖為:一些街邊支票借款店同時經營回收和銷售老酒業務(資料圖) 金報訊(記者金濟)20多年前的洋河大曲售價不到400元,上世紀90年代的茅臺賣1000元……在漢口的一些街邊店里,赫然有老酒... 09, Mar 2014 22:40 . 無證販賣自家樹 主動投案獲輕判 李剛強 李納 本想把自家荒地上種的樹木賣給收樹小販換錢,卻因未辦理採伐證而觸犯法律。經河南省通許縣檢察院提起公訴,法院日前以濫伐林木罪判處聶某罰金6000元。 十多年前,通許縣四所樓... 07, Mar 2014 17:22 . 民生工程改造:巢湖"提心橋"變成"放心橋" 巢湖市中垾鎮濱湖行政村民孫村旁邊的十字河橋,是連結S105(合馬路)與濱湖旅游觀光大道的主要公路橋,被當地百姓稱為"咽借款喉橋"。它曾因狹窄、無護欄,只能單車而過,而屢屢發生事故,危橋被當地村民稱... 馬王纏鬥不休,國民黨上下已是不堪其擾。眼下,黨內正尋求內部解套方案,爭取趕在王金平"黨籍案"正式呈堂法院之前有個了結。不過,馬王陣營各有堅持,加上事情僵了這麼久,利益考量混著意氣相爭,要平穩化解雙... 28, Feb 2014 20:19 . 孟建柱會見緬甸內政部部長哥哥 原標題:孟建柱會見緬甸內政室內設計部部長哥哥 國際在線消息:據新華社電,中共中央政治局委員、中央政法委書記孟建柱14日在北京會見了來華參加中緬第四次執法安全合作西服部長級會議的緬甸內政部部長哥哥... 24, Feb 2014 03:04 . 【武漢女孩SAT拿滿分 勇奪美國高考狀元】近日,武漢外校17歲高三女生唐安然參加美國高考(SAT),兩次拿到滿分(2400分)。據悉,她是近7年來武漢市首個SAT滿分狀元。她說,4本詞典她至少背了... 19, Feb 2014 12:15 . 本報訊(記者朱黎)11月4日,記者從蘭州市食品藥品安全委員會獲悉,蘭州市制定出台的《蘭州市食品藥品安房屋二胎全舉報獎勵實施細則》規定,舉報人提供的線索與調查處理的事實結論相符的,按舉報等級的不同,... 17, Feb 2014 07:00 . 羊城晚報訊 記者楊輝、通訊員粵政宣報道:10月31日下午,全省創建平安醫院、平安家庭工作推進會在中山市召開。省創建平安廣東工作領導小組有關成員單位負責同志、各地級以上市分管領導、綜治、衛生計生、婦... 15, Feb 2014 02:42 . 外國小飛機墜毀美國國際機場 數小時無人覺察 - 中文國際 據美國媒體報道,一架加拿大小型飛機10月29日凌晨在美國納什維爾國際機場墜毀,但是在最初的數小時內竟無人察覺這一事故。
2018/06/23 15:34:48
حكايا للرواية العربية العجيب والأعجب في "ألف ليلة وليلة" | حكايا للرواية العربية. الرئيسية مقالات العجيب والأعجب في "ألف ليلة وليلة" يعَد العجيب مقولة تصنيفية – إجناسية، بينما يعَد الأعجب صيغة تفضيل تحمل في طياتها بعْدا تثمينيا. والخلط بينهما غير مقبول، وقبل الفصل في هذا الأمر لا بأس من ترتيب القضايا المتعلقة به. وهي ثلاثة: ما المقصود بالعجيب؟ مدى انطباقه على الحكايا في»ألف ليلة وليلة»؟ وبأي صيغة ممْكِنة؟ أتعَد صيغة التفضيل «أعجب» دالة على بعد تصنيفي؛ أي أنها مشتقة من مقولة إجناسية أم لا؟ لا ريب أن الحكي العجيب قد نظر إليه من زاوية إقحام المنافي لغير الطبيعي في ثنايا صيرورة واقعية (الجن- السحر- إسناد خاصيات إنسانية للجماد والحيوان- خرق قوانين الطبيعة…الخ)، وهو مخالف للغريب الدال على سلوك إنساني طبيعي لكنه يتميز بالغرابة، وعدم تطابقه مع العادي والجاري، ومخالف أيضا للفانتازي الدال على التردد بين الطبيعي وغير الطبيعي (تودوروف)، مثل ما يَرِد في قصة محمد أنقار «ألم الاحتضار»؛ حيث يتكلم الميت وهو محمول في النعش. لقد تعرضت هذه التحديدات للنقد الشديد، خاصة منها المقولة الإجناسية الأخيرة، لكن مَهمتنا، لا تكمن- هنا- في إبراز الثغرات، بقدر ما تكمن في أمرين: أ- كون العجيب لا يتصل بالإجناس الأدبي، وإنما بالإجناس الخطابي (باختين). ولا يعَد هذا الأمر مشكلة حادة حتى نفرد له نصيبا وافرا من النظر. ب- الكيفية التي طبقت بموجبها مقولة العجيب على نصوص «ألف ليلة وليلة». وأول ما نعترض عليه هو التعامل مع الليالي وكأنها تتضمن الوعي الإجناسي الخاص بهذه المقولة؛ وهذا أمر غير مقبول؛ فهي متأتية من فكر نظري معاصر؛ وإذا لم يكن هناك تنظير نقدي في التراث العربي للحكي عامة، والليالي خاصة، فإن هناك في الاستعمال اللساني لمفهوم العجيب ما يفيد في هذا النطاق؛ حيث يحدد انطلاقا من ثلاثة عناصر: مخالفة العرْف والعادة، وتحقيق الإجادة في الصنع (الحسن)، وترك الأثر السار في النفس. وهذه العناصر هي التي تسمح بإدراج كل حكايات الليالي ضمن العجيب، لا تصور تودوروف؛ فإذا ما أخدنا بتطبيق هذا الأخير عليها فستستعصي حكايات كثيرة على تصنيفها ضمنه، ومنها حكاية هشام بن عبد الملك مع الفتى الأعرابي التي لا تتوفر على عناصر غير طبيعية. لا يمكِن معالجة العجيب في الليالي من دون ربط العناصر الثلاثة التي سبق ذكرها بمفهوم اصطلاح «الحديث» الوارد في الليالي على لسان شهرزاد قبْل شروعها في السرد، وبما لحقه من توصيف في العبارة الآتية: «يا أختي حدثينا حديثا غريبا نقطع به السهر»؛ فالنعت «غريب» الوارد- هنا- يحرج النظرية الإجناسية التي تميز الغريب من العجيب، ومن ثمة فالأنسب هو الأخذ بالعناصر الثلاثة التي ذكرناها، والتي تتضمن «غير المألوف» في حزمتها. ومما ينبغي الوقوف عنده في هذا النطاق المسمى الذي ينطبق عليه النعت، ألا وهو الحديث؛ فبه يكتمل النظر. ويقوم هذا الأخير على عناصر ثلاثة: الجدة، والإسناد، والجهة الموجه إليها. ولا بد للحديث الغريب المعْجِب- وفق هذه الخاصيات الثلاث- من أن يكون جديدا غير قديم، وعلينا أن نفهم الجديد- هنا- بكون سماعه ومعرفته غير مسبوقيْن، وأن يكون مسندا إلى جهة موثوق بها، ولا أوثقَ من المكتبة التي تروي شهرزاد من مخزونها، وأن يكون موجها إلى جهة سامية (الملوك)؛ إذ يعَد الرجل الحَدِث منْ كان محدثا الملوك ومصاحبا إياهم. وترتبط هذه العناصر الثلاثة بإيتوس سارد الحديث المعجِب؛ حيث إنها تحدد المواصفات المتعلقة بالوضع الذي يسمح له بالحكي من جهة، وبأن يكون فعل سرده مقبولا، ومعترَفا به. ومن ثمة يؤدي ربط المعجِب بالحديث من حيث هو وضع سردٍ وتلق إلى تغيير جذري في مفهوم العجيب؛ حيث لا ينفصل فيه موضوع الحكاية وبنيتها عن الطريقة التي يسردان بوساطتها في مقام تلفظي معين. تسمح لنا المراجعة أعلاه بمعالجة صيغة التفضيل «أعجب» التي تَرِد في متم بعض الحكايات، أو ما يوازيها (أين من هذا الحكاية المقبلة). وتكمن وظيفة هذه الصيغة في أمريْن: أ- تبرير الانتقال السردي من حكاية إلى أخرى، ب- ضمان التماسك النصي الماثل في مجاورة حكاية لأخرى. لكنْ إلى أي حد يمْكِن تعميم هذه الصيغة في ترتيب الحكايات وفق الأسبقية في الورود حسب سلم الأفضلية، أي ورودها وفق الصعود من العجيب صوب الأعجب (سعاد مسكين)؟ قد يكون هذا غير ممْكِن لأسباب ثلاثة: أولها أن الأمر لا يتعلق بالعجيب كما هو مصوغ من قِبَل تودوروف، وقد أوضحنا هذا الأمر في ما سبق. وثانيها يتعلق بالحكايات التي أضيفت إلى ألف ليلة وليلة مع توالي العصور، وتعاقب المدونين؛ فكيف يمكِن تصنيفها وفق سلم الأفضلية إذا كانت تقلد ما أنجزته شهرزاد من حكي، والمقلد يقصر عن المقلد، فكيف يكون أعجب منه؟ ويتمثل السبب الثالث- وهو الأقوى- في كون صيغة التفضيل «أعجب»، أو ما يوازيها من عبارة، لا يتعلقان بموضوع الحكاية أو تصنيفها، وإنما بفعل السرد؛ فهي تَرِد ردا على تثمين مضمَر غير معلن عنه نصا من قِبَل شهريار، أو ردا على تثمين دنيا زاد المصرح به. ويقام صيغة التفضيل «أعجب»، وما يوازيها، على وظيفة خاصة fonction accentuelle تقع في نهاية الحكاية (فولوشينوف)، وهي ما تجعل الحكاية ممتدة في الحكايات الأخرى، كما أنها تؤشر إلى الخطاب؛ حيث تتقاطع فعالية السارد والمسرود له. وإذا كان هناك من أفضلية- في هذا الصدد- فهي راجعة إلى طريقة أداء السرد من قِبَل شهرزاد؛ وينبغي فهم صيغة «أعجب» في إطار كون صيغة التفضيل تتصل بمراتب الكلام (مراتب أفعال السرد)، كما ذكر هذا ابن أبي حديد في نص له أورده الزركشي في «البرهان في علوم القرآن» (محمد الحيرش). ومراتب أفعال السرد (طرائق السرد) لا يحسم فيها إلا بالذوق الذي يتأتى بالقدرة على الحكي، والخبرة بأحواله، ومقتضياته النصية، لا بالقدرة والخبرة العلميتين أو المنطقيتين، وتقوم ثقافة السارد في الليالي بدور مهم (الزاد الماثل في المكتبة، ومراعاة وضع شهريار، وتوقيف الحكايا واستئنافها، والتنويع، ومراعاة معرفة المسرود له التي تقتضي عدم مجاوزة حد العَجَب نحو العجاب الذي يقع خارجه). ومن ثمة يرتبط الأعجب بالطريقة التي تتصل بالصناعة المتفردة في السرد، والتي هي قليلة الاعتياد أو منعدمته.
2018/01/20 12:48:14
أخبار 24 | حزب تحيا تونس حديث النشأة ينتخب رئيس الوزراء التونسي الشاهد رئيسا له حزب تحيا تونس حديث النشأة ينتخب رئيس الوزراء التونسي الشاهد رئيسا له رويترز 02/06/2019 قال حزب تحيا تونس العلماني الذي تأسس هذا العام يوم الاحد إنه انتخب رئيس الوزراء يوسف الشاهد رئيسا له، مؤكدا توقعات بتزعمه للحزب قبل أشهر قليلة من انتخابات برلمانية ورئاسية. ويضم الحزب عددا من الوزراء في حكومة الشاهد ونوابا في البرلمان. ويقول قياديون في الحزب إن الهدف هو منافسة حزب النهضة في الانتخابات والحصول على أغلبية مريحة تمكنه من المضي في الاصلاحات الاقتصادية المعطلة. ويأتي إعلان الحزب الجديد في يناير كانون الثاني الماضي بعد أشهر من الخلافات بين قيادات حزب نداء تونس الذي يقوده نجل الرئيس الباجي قائد السبسي. وانضم الى الحزب الجديد عشرات النواب المستقيلين من حزب نداء تونس والمستشارين في البلديات متهمين حافظ قائد السبسي نجل الرئيس التونسي بأنه يسعى لخدمة مشروعه الشخصي. وقالت مصادر سياسية لرويترز إن الشاهد لا ينوي الاستقالة من منصبه كرئيس للوزراء بعد انتخابه زعيما لتحيا تونس. ويقود الحكومة ائتلاف من العلمانيين وحركة النهضة الإسلامية المعتدلة ولكن الائتلاف أصبح هشا ويواجه العديد من الصعوبات في تمرير إصلاحات يطالب بها المقرضون. وحظيت تونس بإشادة واسعة من الغرب باعتبارها النجاح الديمقراطي الوحيد الذي حققه الربيع العربي بعد أن أطاحت الاحتجاجات بالرئيس زين العابدين بن علي عام 2011 دون إثارة اضطرابات عنيفة مثل التي شهدتها سوريا وليبيا. لكن منذ عام 2011 أخفقت تسع حكومات في‭‭‭ ‬‬‬حل المشاكل الاقتصادية التي تعاني منها تونس والتي تشمل ارتفاع معدل التضخم والبطالة فضلا عن نفاد صبر المقرضين مثل صندوق النقد الدولي الذي يحث تونس على تسريع إصلاحاتها لخفض العجز. وتسعى القوى العلمانية إلى تكوين جبهة قوية لمنافسة حزب النهضة الإسلامي وهو أقوى حزب وترشحه استطلاعات الرأي المحلية للفوز في الانتخابات المقبلة.
2021/02/25 05:05:24
Thomas Rogan:死亡之屋1的主要主角, 一位英勇的AMS特工, 在1998年12月18日的官邸惨剧中阻止了疯狂科学家Curien的阴谋, 破坏了暴走的Magician。从此,他好像走向了永无安宁的世界,每天都把工作放在了家人前面,造成了女儿Lisa的误解。但他还是毫不停止,走到这一步,并不是作为AMS特工的错,而是他坚定的信念,他将自己的全部献给了全人类,他是一个真正的英雄! Ryo Curien:一位知名的生物学家和基因工程学家,为了自己儿子的性命不惜一切的疯狂科学家,在Goldman的DBR公司资助下研究生命与死亡之间、道德与邪念之间的自然奥仪,那是人类的“禁地”——毁灭与重塑(净化)的最终病毒。 韓子祺為香港最炙手可熱的創作總監之一,畢業於香港理工大學平面設計及廣告系,先後任職於Grey、 Ogilvy & Mather、FCB、J Walter Thompson 及M&C Saatchi 等...
بوابة:كرة القدم المغربية/شخصية مختارة - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة بوابة:كرة القدم المغربية/شخصية مختارة عدد مقاطع المقالات التي تم إحصاؤها هو : 11. خاض أحسن تجربة في تاريخه الرياضي الحافل مع جيل 1986 بكأس العالم، عندما أبان عن علو كعبه في حراسة المرمى، ولم يدخل مرماه إلا هدفان فقط في أربع مباريات دولية لكأس العالم 1986 التي فتح فيها المغرب أبواب التأهل للأدوار الطلائعية في بطولة كأس العالم للدول الإفريقية والعربية، وبرزت مؤهلات بادو الزاكي عالميا في بطولة كأس العالم، عندما استطاع أن ينقد مرماه من هدف محقق إثر تسديدة لنجم ألمانيا كارل-هاينتس رومنيغه. وقد كان اسم "الزاكي بادو " متواجدا في إنجازا غير مسبوق في التقرير الذى أعلنه الإتحاد الدولي لتاريخ وإحصائيات كرة القدم (IFFHS)، بدخوله قائمة أفضل حراس المرمى في العالم، على مر التاريخ.[1] مصطفى حجي ، من مواليد 16 نوفمبر 1971 في إفران سوس في المغرب ، لاعب كرة قدم مغربي سابق، ومدرب كرة قدم حالي. بدأ مسيرته الكروية مع نادي نانسي الفرنسي في عام 1991، ولعب له حتى عام 1996، وفي موسم 1996/1997 انتقل إلى نادي سبورتنغ لشبونة البرتغالي، ولعب له 27 مباراة سجل خلالها 3 أهداف، وفي عام 1997 انتقل إلى نادي ديبورتيفو لاكارونا الإسباني، ولعب له حتى عام 1999، حيث خاض رفقته 31 مباراة وسجل خلالها هدفين، وفي عام 1999 انتقل إلى نادي كوفنتري سيتي الإنجليزي، ولعب له حتى عام 2001، حيث شارك في 62 مباراة سجل خلالها 12 هدف، وفي عام 2001 انتقل إلى نادي أستون فيلا الإنجليزي، ولعب له حتى عام 2004، وشارك في 35 مباراة وسجل هدفين، وفي عام 2004 انتقل إلى نادي إسبانيول الإسباني، ولعب له 16 مباراة وسجل هدفا واحدا، وفي موسم 2004/2005 انتقل إلى نادي الإمارات الإماراتي، ومنذ عام 2005 وهو يلعب مع نادي ساربروكن الألماني. و قد لعب مع المنتخب المغربي لكرة القدم بين عامي 1993 و2004. شارك مع المنتخب المغربي في أزيد من 60 لقاء دولي سجل خلالها 13 هدفا. و هو صاحب أشهر هدف في مرمى منتخب مصر في التسعينات والتي انتهت بهزيمة الفراعنة على يد المنتخب المغربي. وحاز على لقب احسن لاعب في كأس الأمم الأفريقية لكرة القدم 1998. محمد التيمومي لاعب برز اسمة بقوة في الشارع الرياضي المغربي لاعب أعطى الكثير والكثير للكرة المغربية بصفة عامة والمنتخب المغربي بصفة خاصة من مواليد 25 غشت 1960 بالعاصمة الرباط بدأ مشواره كلاعب سنة 1975 بنادي اتحاد تواركة كان لاعب دو موهبة عالية يمتاز بمراوغاته الرائعة ويلعب في وسط الميدان وكانت التمريرات الحاسمة أحد أبرز صفات هذا اللاعب يعتبر محمد من أحسن اللاعبين الدين كان لهم شرف حمل القميص دو الرقم 10 وتمكن من الحصول على الكرة الذهبية لأحسن لاعب إفريقي سنة 1985 رفقة الجيش الملكي، كسب التيمومي شهرة كبيرة خصوصا بعد مونديال المكسيك سنة 1986 وستبقى بلاد المكسيك شاهدة على تألق هذا الاعب الكبير نطوي الآن صفحات التألق على المستوى العالمي ولنتحدت عن التألق داخل القارة الأفريقية فمحمد حقق لقب لقب مهما جدا رفقة الزعيم فريق الجيش الملكي والمقصود هنا هو لقب دوري أبطال أفريقيا 1985، ثم خاض سنة 1986 أول تجربة احترافية مع نادي ريال مورسيا، وفي عام 1987 دخل التيمومي في تجربة احترافية جديدة مع فريق لوكرين البلجيكي الدي لعب له لمدة موسمين ليعود بعد ذلك إلى المغرب وبالظبط نادي أولمبيك خريبكة ومن هنا يتضح لنا أن التيمومي كان من أبرز اللاعبين الدي مروا في القارة الأفريقية وهو بذا يكون أحد أساطير الكرة المغربية. لعب التيمومي أول مباراة دولية ضد المنتخب الطوغولي ضمن تصفيات كأس أمم إفريقيا 1980 كان ذلك في 6 يوليو 1979 في مباراة انتهت الأسود 2–1 ، شارك مع الجيش الملكي في دوري أبطال إفريقيا عام 1985 حين قاده للفوز باللقب وشارك في نفس المسابقة سنة 1986 وسجل في جميع مشاركاته في دوري الأبطال 4 أهداف. العربي بن مبارك (16 يونيو 1914 - 16 سبتمبر 1992، الدار البيضاء). لاعب كرة قدم مغربي وفرنسي سابق. يعتبر أول من حمل لقب الجوهرة السوداء. ع - ن - ت نور الدين النيبت (ولد 10 فبراير 1970) لاعب كرة قدم مغربي دولي. له سجل حافل في تاريخ كرة القدم المغربية والأوروبية من خلال مسيرته كقلب دفاع ناجح سواء مع المنتخب المغربي أو نادي سبورتينغ لشبونة البرتغالي أو ديبورتيفو كورونا الإسباني. وكان النيبت أول لاعب مغربي يفوز ببطولة الدوري الإسباني مع ناديه بعد مواطنه العربي بن مبارك في سنوات الاربعينيات. كما فاز أيضا مع لا كورونا ببطولة الكأس الإسباني. مروان الشماخ (10 يناير 1984 في تونينز) لاعب كرة قدم مغربي، يلعب حاليا لصالح نادي كارديف سيتي الممارس في دوري الدرجة الأولى الإنجليزي، ويلعب أيضاً رفقة منتخب المغرب في مركز المهاجم. أول مقابلة دولية : المغرب 0-0 سيراليون (تصفيات كأس أمم إفريقية 2004- في 7 يوليو 2003) عدد مقابلات مروان الشماخ في كأس إفريقيا : 13 مقابلة. المهدي بن عطية لاعب كرة قدم مغربي من مواليد كوركورونيس بفرنسا في 17 أبريل 1987، بدأ مشواره كلاعب موسم 2006/2007 مع نادي تور الفرنسي، وهو الآن يلعب مع نادي يوفنتوس الإيطالي، بعد أن لعب لعدة أندية أوروبية كبيرة بحجم روما وبايرن ميونخ وهو يلعب مع المنتخب المغربي من عام 2008. منير الحمداوي لاعب كرة قدم مغربي من مواليد مدينة روتردام، هولندا 14 يوليو 1984 مغربي الأصل من مدينة الحسيمة. يلعب حاليًا لنادي التعاون السعودي ، ولعب في صفوف أزيد الكمار الهولندي، كما لعب في نادي توتنهام هوتسبر الإنجليزي. رغم أنه من مواليد هولندا، ولعب للمنتخب الهولندي للشبان، إلا أنه اختار اللعب مع منتخب المغرب لكرة القدم سنة 2009 . يوسف العربي هو لاعب كرة قدم مغربي يلعب في نادي نادي لخويا القطري، من مواليد 3 فبراير 1987، كان اللآعب يلعب لنادي كان الفرنسي قبل الانتقال إلى الهلال السعودي سنة 2011، قرر الاعب حمل القميص الوطني المغربي سنة 2010 بعد أن نادى عليه المدرب المساعد للمنتخب المغربي دومينيك كوبر للمشاركة في تصفيات كأس إفريقيا 2012. أول مقابلة دولية : المغرب 0-0 أفريقيا الوسطى (تصفيات أمم إفريقيا 2012). أصله تحديدا من جماعة بن الطيب التابعة لقبيلة آيت أوليشك في إقليم الناظور في الريف. ابتدأ نورالدين أمرابط مجاله الكروي مع فريق الهواة زاودفوخلس من مدينة هاوزن. تم اكتشافه من طرف فريق أياكس أمستردام في وقت مبكر من عمره الكروي الذي تسبب له أيضا لبعض المشاكل التأقلمية مع ذلك الفريق خصوصا أنه كان يشتكى من مشاكل نمو جراء نموه الجسمي والعضلي، بعد مدة ليست بطويلة رجع إلى فريقه الأول ه أس في زاودفوخلس في مدينة هاوزن ولكن حتى في هذا الفريق الأخير لم يعمر معهم طويلا، فقد انتقل بعدها إلى فريق هواة آخر في نفس المدينة وهو فريق أس في هاوزن، ابتدأ اللعب مع الصغار مجموعة A في ذلك الفريق. فمنذ تلك الفترة ابتدأت تظهر مهاراته الكروية الخارقة، هذا ما جعل مدرب فريق الصغار يورغن كوك الذي تسلق كمدرب أول للكبار، أن يضم اللاعب نوردين أمرابط معه إلى فريق الكبار. منذ ذلك الحين ظهر أمرابط كأهم لاعب لفريق أس في هاوزن. حكيم زياش (مواليد 19 مارس 1993) هو لاعب كرة قدم مغربي يلعب في مركز الوسط المهاجم مع نادي أياكس أمستردام في الدوري الهولندي الممتاز ومنتخب المغرب لكرة القدم. يشتهر بالإنهاء والمراوغة والسرعة، كما يعرف بقدرته التكتيكية وتميزه بالركلات الثابتة. بدأ زياش مسيرته المهنية مع نادي هيرنفين الهولندي في عام 2012 ووقع مع في تفينتي أنشخيدة الهولندي بعد ذلك بعامين. كان موسم 2015–16 أكثر موسم غزير في مسيرة زياش، حيث سجل 17 هدفًا وقدم 10 مساعدة في في الدوري الهولندي الممتاز. في عام 2016، وقع زياش مع أياكس في صفقة مدتها خمس سنوات، مع رسوم انتقال بلغت 11 مليون يورو. كان حكيم زياش مؤهلا للعب مع منتخبي هولندا أو المغرب. في عام 2015، أكد اختياره لتمثيل المغرب على المسرح الدولي. مجلوبة من "بوابة:كرة_القدم_المغربية/شخصية_مختارة&oldid=27938539"
2019/07/24 05:30:52
The corporation has confirmed with its subsidiary that out of the entire volume of market study carried out in the parent-company's name, the foreign markets analysis remains confidential. This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. The singular subject analysis does not agree with the plural verb remain. While this answer choice corrects the original Subject Verb Agreement mistake, it drastically changes the original meaning by changing the singular subject (analysis) into a plural subject: the foreign markets and analysis. While grammatically correct, the corrected sentence is illogical. To say that foreign markets and analysis remain confidential makes no sense in the context of the sentence - for one, a foreign market is not something that can logically remain confidential. This answer choice is grammatically correct. The singular subject analysis correctly agrees with the singular verb remains. Happy to explain: foreign markets is not the subject itself, but it is part of the subject phrase foreign markets analysis. The noun analysis is the kernel of this subject phrase. Note that analysis is described by the brief noun phrase foreign markets. In other words the plural noun foreign markets functions as an adjective, modifying (=describing) analysis. In English a noun can sometimes behave like an adjective. When noun A (foreign markets) appears before noun B (analysis), as in our example above, the function of A is to describe B, or in other words to answer the question, "What type of B?" In this case, the noun phrase "foreign markets" answers the question: What kind of analysis? Answer: A foreign markets analysis. Think of the following noun phrases: an intelligence analysis; a news report. These phrases place two nouns side by side. In the first phrase "intelligence" functions as an adjective of analysis and tells us, "what kind of analysis?" Answer: an analysis made by an intelligence agency. In the second phrase, "news" functions as an adjective and tells us "What kind of report?" Answer: a news report - a report with news in it. entire volume of market study carried out in the parent-company's name, the foreign markets analysis remains whole volume of the market study carried out in the parent-company's name, the foreign markets analysis remain entirety of the market study carried out in the parent-company's name, the foreign markets analysis remain complete volume of market study carried out in the parent-company's name, the foreign markets and analysis remain entire volume of market study carried out in the parent-company's name, only the foreign markets analysis remain Can you explain what the words 'foreign markets' are doing in this sentence? Isn't 'foreign markets' the subject?
2020/10/29 05:14:36
Silver Becomes The Favored Metal Of Reddit Day-Traders | Silver Phoenix 500 •The best performing precious metal for the week was silver, up 5.86%. The Reddit day-traders discovered silver this week after sending GameStop and other stocks soaring. Comments appeared on Reddit on Wednesday calling the iShares Silver Trust the "biggest short squeeze in the world," citing banks as manipulators of precious metal prices. On Thursday while the iShares Trust gained as much as 7.2% and spot silver up 6.8%, prop traders likely piled into the trade too to take advantage of the momentum change. •The World Gold Council (WGC) said in its 2021 outlook report that it expects gold demand to rebound from an 11-year low. Analysts say China's economic recovery is already supporting an increase in gold jewelry demand. Gold consumption fell dramatically in 2020 due to record high prices and the pandemic taking a toll on economies. •Newmont Corp. retained its top spot in the ESG ranking of miners, according to London-based Alva. Diamond giant De Beers came in second and Rio Tinto Group improved its score from the prior year. Proving to investors they are making strides toward sustainability is growing in importance. ESG and value-focused exchange traded funds recorded net inflows of $89 billion in 2020, almost three times 2019 levels, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. •The worst performing precious metal for the week was palladium, down 5.37%. Gold is set for its worst January in a decade. The U.S. dollar was supported by the Federal Reserve keeping its monetary policy unchanged of bond-buying at $120 billion per month. Bullion lost as much as 3% in January. •Precious metals ETFs saw big outflows the week ended January 28, with investors withdrawing $819.9 million. The SPDR Gold Shares had the biggest outflow of $55.1 million, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. •Fresnillo shares fell as much as 5.4% on Tuesday after RBC cited lower guidance as a key focus for the miner. Production forecasts for 2021 were 10% less than consensus and RBC analyst Tyler Broda said project delays need to be watched. •GV Gold PJSC, a Russian gold miner backed by BlackRock, has revived plans for an IPO and hopes for a valuation above $1 billion, reports Bloomberg. The miner is controlled by the owners of Lanta-Bank and has projects at several Siberian deposits. The company produced around 260,000 ounces of gold in 2019, ranking it among one of Russia's biggest 10 miners. •Heraeus, a precious metals refiner, expects gold to hit a high of $2,120 an ounce this year due to stimulus efforts from central banks and a recovery in jewelry demand. In a report, Heraeus said it sees silver outperforming gold to top $36 an ounce and platinum could hit $1,200 an ounce. •Goldman Sachs says global demand is now above supply in every major commodity market, apart from cocoa and zinc. "As long as demand is above supply and inventories are drawing, commodity returns will continue to accrue," analysts say. Silver remains the bank's preferred precious metal as it benefits from both debasement and a green energy led industrial recovery. •Zimbabwe has reintroduced a controversial law that could force miners to sell majority stakes to local black investors, reports Bloomberg. Regulatory changes discussed last month would allow ministers of finance and mines the discretion to "prescribe" minerals that should be 51%-owned by indigenous investors. Zimbabwe holds the world's third-largest known reserves of platinum-group metals, plus deposits of gold and diamonds. Investors have held back from spending on large projects even after the government appeared to soften the local ownership law in 2017. Such ownership laws deter foreign miners from operating in the country. •In more Zimbabwe news, mining companies said a central bank rule compelling them to surrender more foreign exchange earned from mineral exports will push operations toward unviability. Bloomberg reports that on January 8 the government announced exporters must give 40% of foreign currency earnings, up from 30%, which is then paid out in the local currency. •A growing chorus of big-name investors are throwing their weight behind Bitcoin, creating a threat to gold's status as an alternative and "safe-haven" asset. Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio said in a note this week that Bitcoin is "one hell of an invention" and said he's considering crypto investments for new funds offering clients protection against currency debasement. "To have invented a new type of money via a system that is programmed into a computer and that has worked for around 10 years and is rapidly gaining popularity as both a type of money and a store hold of wealth is an amazing accomplishment," Dalio wrote.
2021/10/19 11:08:30
Dachshund on Wheels! The Inspirational Story of IVDD Survivor, Princes – Alpha Paw LLC This Dachshund Was Paralyzed by IVDD, But She Didn't Let it Stop Her Did you know, approximately 1 in every 4 Dachshunds will suffer from a spinal cord disease called IVDD in their lifetime? Unfortunately, a lot of Dachshund owners aren't even aware of this disease until after their dog has been diagnosed. In some cases, IVDD can lead to paralysis, and in this case, that's exactly what happened. Luckily, this inspirational Dachshund and her pawrents didn't let the disability stop them from moving forward and making the best of the situation. Lilo, a.k.a Princess Lilo, is a 12 year Dachshund living in SoCal! She enjoys swimming, dressing up in adorable costumes to make people smile, and showing love to her pawrents. The Story of Lilo on Wheels In 2012, Princess Lilo was diagnosed with IVDD. Here is her story, as told by her mom via their Instagram: "On November 28, 2012, she refused to go up the stairs after her routine morning walk. Thinking she was just acting dramatic, I picked her up & instantly she yelped in extreme pain. I put her back down & saw that her hind legs were completely limp and her spine was suddenly hunched. The look of fear, pain, and panic set in for the both of us. Her body went into shock, and it looked as though she was convulsing. She was shaking the entire ride to the emergency Vet, 25 minutes away. Here, I learned something brand new: "Intervertebral Disk Disease" (IVDD) - herniation or ruptured spinal disk due to trauma, or a condition built up over time, causing inflammation around the disk(s) and eventually affecting the spinal nerves. This was seen immediately on X-Ray, and the Vet suggested I go straight to the Speciality Vet Clinic, 15 minutes away. Within 2 hours, she was in surgery. Never thought twice about it..." Their Story Did Not Stop After Surgery... Lilo's mom continued... "Those minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. We were told her spine was in terrible condition in more than one area and the inflammation was beyond severe. The Neurologist cleaned up as much as possible, but her prognosis was 50% & paralysis might be permanent. We brought her home 2 days later hoping for the best, and feared for the worst. Lilo would never walk on 4 legs ever again...despite the surgery, and nearly 8 months of intensive rehabilitation & physical therapy. The first 6 months was the hardest - learning how to express her bladder, managing UTI's, dog-proofing the house, finding the right diapers, medication management, the list goes on... But the one thing that kept us going, was seeing the sweet 5 year old pup, happily wheeling around in her brand new cart. Her quality of life was all that mattered. We dealt with hundreds of dirty diapers (now thousands over 6 years), had many sleepless nights with anxiety, depression and fear. At the end of the day, she was all that mattered. She was the same little baby that I held in my arms when she was 2 months old. Her disability didn't slow her down, and her motivation brought light back to our lives ❤" Small Dog, BIG Inspiration Even though Lilo is a small dog, she has been a big inspiration to so many others that are going through the same thing. She is able to hang with her fur friends on the beach, and she even made it on the news! She is a star! Thank you Lilo and family for sharing your story and raising awareness for IVDD Do you have a story about IVDD you want to share, or a message you want to leave for Princess Lilo? Let us know in the comments below!
2020/09/21 02:19:51
Thread: Connection Refused 2007-10-14, 07:46 AM #1 compboss17 Okay I've read all the threads, checked Google over and over again. I've restored my iPhone back and forth from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 so many times that I think the 2 might just merge at some point and create a new firmware. No matter what I do, how many instructions I follow, I CAN'T SSH into my iPhone after a successful CONFIRMED jailbreak of 1.1.1. I keep getting "Connection Refused" And yes I've tried resetting stuff with winscp AND using putty. Still NO GO.... PLEASE HELP!!! I'm going CRAZY!!! 2007-10-14, 07:59 AM #2 im having the same problem cant get into cyberduck and cant install anything through installer im doing a restore right now 2007-10-14, 09:16 AM #3 I had similar problems with this initally, all i can say is stop downgrading :P if you successfully jailbreak your phone, then start working on why ssh isnt working. this is the guide i followed: and yes I to failed on the first attempt or the first set of instructions, i did I manually transfered these two files /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ over before restarting and testing my ssh, and it worked. make sure your rebooting fully before testing the ssh. good luck. keep trying though if not start from the begining of the ssh tutorial and try through again. make sure your putting the files on and your getting a fileref 1 2007-10-14, 09:21 AM #4 Thanks but I think it's too late...I've already run my iPhone over a few times with my car... Seriously though, it doesn't make any sense, I might take it over to a friends house tomorrow and try it on their Mac....I need a mac... :-( NERVERMIND!!!! I FIGURED IT OUT!!! For anyone who can't get it to problem was that I had used the same folder with the .bat file over and over so it was trying to reuse old files or something like that. Either way, redownloading the folders fresh did the trick...I think...I don't care.... IT WORKS!!! Last edited by compboss17; 2007-10-14 at 10:23 AM. 2007-10-14, 10:27 PM #5 crizzle09 I'm having the same problems and I've tried everything from looking on google to downgrading and trying everything again and trying the ssh step tons of times but everything time I try to login to WinSCP it gives me the "Connection Refused" message and I don't know what to do? is there a new file that I need to download? Any help is greatly appreciated. 2007-10-15, 03:45 PM #6 Try replacing iphoneinterface.exe thats included with the ssh kit with the new version included in the latest iBrickr release. Also don't forget to copy over 2007-10-15, 08:16 PM #7 Originally Posted by rotaryheadrx7 im not sure but i think that is what worked for me too 2007-10-16, 05:16 PM #8 Hiya folks.. having a lil different issue. After a dozen or so attempts i was able to finally get into my phone with WinSCP. I was doing the copy of BSD BASE and i think i scewred up there. I said yes to all overwrite and it seemed to copy but did give some kind of errror at the end. Now i cant seem to view ANY of the file structure on the phone via WinSCP. I connect to the phone just fine but dont seem to have access to files now. When i hit "more" in the copy screen i think i checked the permissions button and left the default string in that box.. could that have screwed with total permissions? Is there a way to fix this or will i have to go back to 1.0.2 then rejailbreak 1.1.1? Thanks for ANY help.. im trying not toi have to restore again...
2017/08/17 02:29:37
Danny Williams Sr. takes oath of office as new U.S. attorney in Oklahoma | Tulsa World Danny Williams Sr. takes oath of office as new U.S. attorney in Oklahoma 12/15/12 at 7:29 AM U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was in Tulsa on Friday to celebrate the latest achievement in the remarkable career of Northern District of Oklahoma U.S. Attorney Danny Williams Sr., Holder said. Williams has been the top prosecutor in the Tulsa-based district for more than four months. His formal swearing-in ceremony at the Tulsa Convention Center on Friday was a chance for legal luminaries to praise him before a crowd filled with family, friends and colleagues. Holder vowed to provide Williams with the "unwavering support" of the Department of Justice's senior leadership as Williams continues to work at a job that Holder said "in many ways has never been more difficult but has never been more important." The attorney general said prosecutors have to make difficult decisions while dealing with "sophisticated, evolving threats" and "thorny legal questions." On a day darkened by a deadly school shooting in Connecticut, Holder said the Department of Justice's top priority is to protect the American people. He said it is vital for federal prosecutors not just to win cases but also to do justice as they work to fight gun-, gang- and drug-fueled violence and other crimes. Williams said that although his office will continue to prosecute cases aggressively, he realizes that the name of his agency is the "Department of Justice and not the Department of Prosecution." The U.S. attorney position for the Northern District of Oklahoma had been the last one still in limbo after the turnover in federal administrations that followed the 2008 presidential election. The Obama administration and Oklahoma's two Republican senators had been unable to agree on a nominee until Williams' name was put forward about nine months ago. Williams was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Aug. 2 and was informally sworn in the following week, which allowed him to begin his duties. It was a bit of a gamble on Williams' part to take the job. U.S. attorney posts typically change if a different political party takes control of the White House, so there was a distinct possibility that Williams' tenure would have been brief if Republican candidate Mitt Romney had defeated President Barack Obama last month. Instead, Williams now has at least four years to fill a role that he said he once thought was out of his reach. Tulsa County District Judge Carlos Chappelle, who is Williams' uncle, said he always knew there was "something special" about Williams. After he graduated from John F. Kennedy Memorial High School in Mound Bayou, Miss., in 1984, Williams spent a summer in Tulsa watching Chappelle - then an attorney in the private sector - practice in local courtrooms. That pivotal summer 28 years ago gave Williams "a taste of what it's like to be a lawyer," Chappelle told those assembled Friday. The judge said it wasn't long until Williams "got the bug" to join the legal profession. Williams graduated from Dillard University in New Orleans in 1988 and from the University of Tulsa's College of Law in 1991. He worked as a Tulsa County assistant district attorney before shifting in 1993 to private practice, where he remained for nearly 20 years with three different firms. Tulsa County District Judge Tom Gillert told the crowd Friday that Williams has "the right stuff to be a force of change." Original Print Headline: New U.S. attorney sworn in Danny Williams (left), the new U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma, is formally sworn in by U.S. District Judge Gregory Frizzell as Williams' wife, Wendy Williams, stands with him at the Tulsa Convention Center on Friday. MATT BARNARD/ Tulsa WorldU.S. Attorney General Eric Holder addresses those gathered Friday for the formal swearing-in of Danny Williams as the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma. MATT BARNARD/Tulsa WorldDanny Williams (right) sits with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder during a ceremony for Williams at the Tulsa Convention Center on Friday. MATT BARNARD/Tulsa World
2013/05/25 12:58:12
闲余的钱怎么理财(手中的闲余资金) - 理财小帮手 首页 > 理财知识 > 闲余的钱怎么理财(手中的闲余资金) 闲余的钱怎么理财(手中的闲余资金) 在理财的过程中,理财收益是各位投资人最关注的问题,达到多少才合适的问题在汇商所小编看来是不固定的。不同的人对风险的承受能力不同,所以资产配置的方式也会不太一样。所以最终每个人的收益也不同,小编今天要讲的"手中的闲余资金,如何理财可以赚钱又安全"应该算是稳定理财的一种方式,也因为属于小编在理财过程中做的一些总结性知识,所以针对性也因人而异。 理财是一种依靠自身财富,提高现有生活品质的长期行为。理财,并不是仅仅为了达到某个理财目标这么简单,它其实是一种生活态度。有什么样的理财观就有什么样的生活观。像一个有多少花多少,"今朝有酒今朝醉"的人看起来似乎很潇洒,但是他也承担不起任何责任。 虽然说具体的收益因人而异,但也要给自己定下一个底线。如果我们理财的收益比底线还要低,那就得赶紧想想办法,调整自己的资产配置。在这里小编要给大家介绍一个非常实用的计算底线定多少合适的办法。根据真实的通货膨胀率来定义,2016年我国的真实通货膨胀率是4.67%,我们如果在投资理财的过程中收益率在4.67%以下,那这根本就谈不上赚钱,因为我们的钱实际上是越来越少的。对于我们普通人而言,可以通过P2P+基金定投等建立投资组合,比如对于一年内可能会用到的钱,可以投资靠谱的P2P项目。这样不仅不耽误用钱,而且P2P门槛一般较低,更关键的是,只要选择好靠谱的P2P平台和项目,平时不用怎么管,就能很省心。 那么如何筛选靠谱P2P平台呢?自己看不准不会选,可以到权威靠谱的第三方评级机构进行参考,对青睐的平台择优筛选。去年8月24日,银监会、工信部、公安部等相关部门联合发布文件,要求P2P平台进行合规整合,其中一条就是:要P2P平台完成资金银行存管,并给出了1年的期限。所以在首选适合自己的理财平台时,我们首先要考察的是平台有没有完成资金银行存管。接入银行存管并不代表银行给投资者兜底,但银行有最强的风控团队,最终能被银行看上的P2P,自身实力都不一般! 理财是一种积累财富的手段和过程,不是梦想家追求一夜暴富的捷径。受新闻上偶然暴富新闻的影响,不要总觉得理财就是赚大钱,对于合规的互联网金融产品的收益觉得不值一提。抱着想要赚大钱的心态去理财,盯着年化收益高,来钱又快又多的项目,一看到就眼红。这种急功近利的心态带来的不是收益,往往是漩涡,切勿盲目跟风,血本无归。树立正确的财富观、理财观,是进行理财的前提。如果你的追求仅停留在及时行乐或者做梦一夜暴富,那么理财离你只会越来越远。所以,学习理财,学习如何合理配置我们的自有资源,才是我们过上美好生活的捷径。
2022/01/23 12:51:44
سبب تورم القدمين بعد الولادة - إستشاري بواسطة: أنصار حجاحجة ت-ف - آخر تحديث: ٠٦:٣٦ ، ١٣ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١ تورم القدمين ٢ سبب تورم القدمين بعد الولادة ٣ علاج تورم القدمين بعد الولادة يحدث تورّم القدمين في العادة عند المشي أو الوقوف كثيرًا، وعادةً ما يعد هذا التورّم غير خطِر، لكنه قد يشير إلى مشكلة صحية خطيرة في حال كان مصحوبًا مع أعراض أخرى، وقد يحدث تورم القدمين نتيجةً لعدة أسباب، من أشهرها الحمل والولادة، أو إصابات القدم والكاحل، أو بسبب الإصابة بوذمةٍ لمفية، أو القصور الوريدي المزمن.[١] يحدث تورّم القدمين في العادة أثناء الحمل نتيجةً لزيادة حجم الدم بنسبة 50%، واحتفاظ الجسم بالسّوائل الإضافية، أمّا بعد الولادة فيتخلص الجسم من هذه السوائل تدريجيًّا من خلال التبول والتعرق، لكن يمكن خلال هذه العملية استمرار تسرب السوائل من الأوعية الدموية في الجسم مسببًا التورّم، خاصّةً في القدمين واليدين والكاحلين، لذا قد تتعرّض بعض النساء لتورّم القدمين بعد الولادة، والذي غالبًا ما يزول خلال أسبوع، أو قد يستغرق وقتًا أطول في حال إصابة الحامل بتسمم الحمل أو ارتفاع ضغط الدم المرتبط بالحمل.[٢] يمكن علاج تورم القدمين بعد الولادة من خلال عدّة طرقٍ، من أهمها ما يأتي:[٣] شرب الماء: يساعد شرب الماء في إبقاء الجسم رطبًا، بالتالي المساعدة في فقدان وزن الماء؛ وذلك لأن الجفاف قد يسبب احتفاظ الجسم بالماء الإضافي، كما يساعد في تخليص الجسم من الفضلات عبر الكلى، والتي بدورها تحافظ على الصحّة وتسرع الشّفاء بعد الولادة. ممارسة التّمارين الخفيفة: تساعد ممارسة الرياضية الخفيفة بعد الولادة في التخلّص من تورّم القدمين والأعراض المرتبطة به؛ وذلك لأن زيادة حركة الجسم تساعد في انتقال الدم والماء فيه بسهولة وتمنعهما من التّجمّع في منطقةٍ واحدة، خاصّةً القدمين، لكن يجب أخذ الحيطة والحذر وتجنّب ممارسة التّمارين التي تسبب الألم، كما توصي هيئة أطباء النساء والتوليد الأمريكية بعدة أنشطة يمكن ممارستها بعد الولادة، بما في ذلك المشي، والسباحة، واليوغا، والبيلاتس. تجنب الملح والصوديوم: تحتاج المرأة بعد الولادة إلى الحفاظ على توازن الصوديوم والماء، لذا يجب تجنب تناول الملح بنسبة كبيرة؛ لأنه يزيد من احتباس الماء واحتفاظ الجسم بمزيد منه، وتشمل المصادر الغنية بالملح الكعك، والبطاطا، والوجبات الجاهزة، والمشروبات الغازية. زيادة استهلاك البوتاسيوم: يساعد استهلاك البوتاسيوم في تقليل كمية الصوديوم في الجسم بصورة طبيعيّة، إذ يحتاج الجسم إلى إحداث توازن، ومن أشهر الأطعمة الغنية بالبوتاسيوم المشمش، والأفوكادو، والفاصولياء، والعدس، والزبادي، والفول السوداني، والسبانخ، والزبدة. تجنب الكافيين: يسبب شرب الكافيين -خاصةً القهوة- فقدان الجسم للماء، مما يزيد من خطر الجفاف واحتباس السوائل في الجسم، لذا ينصح باستبدال المشروبات التي تحتوي على كافيين بشاي الأعشاب أو الماء للبقاء رطبًا والتخلص من تورم ما بعد الولادة. تدليك ما بعد الولادة: يمكن تحسين الدورة الدموية في الجسم من خلال تدليك ما بعد الولادة، والذي يساعد في زيادة الاسترخاء ويخفف من الآلام وتورم الجسم، كما يساعد في فقدان الجسم للماء الزائد، وينظم مستويات الهرمونات، خاصةً هرمون الإجهاد، مثل الكورتيزول. تجنب الوقوف لفترة طويلة: يمكن تخفيف تورم القدمين بعد الولادة من خلال الحفاظ على راحة الجسم، وتجنب الوقوف لفترات طويلة، ورفع القدمين قدر الإمكان لتحسين الدورة الدموية، كما يجب ارتداء الأحذية المريحة التي لا تضغط على القدمين، وتجنب ارتداء الكعب العالي.[٤] ↑ "Swollen Ankles and Feet",, Retrieved 1-10-2019. Edited. ↑ Sally Urang (30-8-2017), "Postpartum: Swelling (edema)"،, Retrieved 1-10-2019. Edited. ↑ Adrienne Stinson (18-7-2018), "Natural treatments for postpartum swelling"،, Retrieved 1-9-2019. Edited. ↑ Jessica Timmons (4-4-2016), "7 Natural Treatments for Postpartum Swelling"،, Retrieved 1-10-2019. Edited.
2020/04/07 13:53:18
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2021/05/07 09:55:26
Country & Western Archives - The Recoup Home › Country & Western Ray Stevens: Face The Music: The Complete Monument Singles 1965-1970 (Ace Records) Ray Stevens will always be known for his comedy records, but he used the opportunity of a new record deal as the chance to explore more serious fare, resulting in some excellent–if lesser known–music, and this compilation of his singles for the label shows him masterfully tackling more serious fare. Legendary country singer/songwriter Willie Nelson may be considered a founding father of country, his beginnings weren't always so promising. Mr. Record Man collects his earliest work, and wonderfully documents his quick rise from the mediocre to the masterful.
2022/05/25 03:59:17
本文摘要:[文/观察者网张晨静]为纪念珍珠港事件英雄——多里斯·米勒(DorisMiller),美国第四艘福特级航母CVN-81将以他的名字命名。米勒也是第一位被颁发美海军第二低荣誉——海军十字勋章的非裔美国人。 美海军官员1月18日向美海军学会新闻网(USNINews)证实了这一消息,相提并论CVN-81的命名将在马丁·路德·金纪念日,也就是下周一(20日),在夏威夷珍珠港由代理海军部长托马斯·莫迪(ThomasModly)宣告。 [文/观察者网张晨静]为纪念珍珠港事件英雄——多里斯·米勒(DorisMiller),美国第四艘福特级航母CVN-81将以他的名字命名。米勒也是第一位被颁发美海军第二低荣誉——海军十字勋章的非裔美国人。 美海军官员1月18日向美海军学会新闻网(USNINews)证实了这一消息,相提并论CVN-81的命名将在马丁·路德·金纪念日,也就是下周一(20日),在夏威夷珍珠港由代理海军部长托马斯·莫迪(ThomasModly)宣告。过去,美国航母一般来说以美国前总统或重量级议员的名字命名。此次超越了几十年的传统,头一回,以海军士兵的名字命名。 美海军学会新闻网(USNINews)报导图片报导称之为,有两名知情人士透漏,托马斯·莫迪想以一位海军英雄的名字命名这艘新的航母,在与现任、前任海军领导人展开普遍商讨后,要求以米勒命名。消息人士证实,白宫和国会都拒绝接受了以这个名字命名新的航母。报导认为,此次以海军人员名字命名航母,超越了过去几十年传统。根据美国国会研究处众说纷纭,“美国航母一般来说以前总统名字命名。 在过去14艘航母中,有10艘是以前总统名字命名,2艘以国会议员名字命名”。此前的例外情况是,尼米兹号航空母舰(CVN-68)以舰队指挥官切斯特·尼米兹的名字命名。 美国军报《星条旗报》报导称之为,米勒的两个侄女将于20日,在珍珠港参加命名宣告仪式。《星条旗报》报导图片米勒是二战中的第一批美国英雄。他1939年重新加入美国海军,当时不容许非裔美国人沦为军舰上的月战斗人员,于是米勒不能专门从事舰上的勤务工作。 旋即后他升任舰上厨师。1941年12月7日,珍珠港事件愈演愈烈,美军战列舰“西弗吉尼亚”号遭到重创。在这一不利的情况下,厨师米勒奋不顾身地冲出高射机枪,用它对准日军战斗机展开激烈射击,以后弹药耗尽。之后,米勒还与其他人合作移往身负重伤的舰长,并协助其他几名战友受困。 “这并没很难,我只是击发了扳机,高射机枪需要长时间升空”,事后米勒在回想这场战斗时说到,“我大约射击了15分钟左右,有可能击毁一架日军飞机,当时他们离我们很将近”。因米勒的英勇不道德,1942年5月美海军上将切斯特·尼米兹在企业号航母CV-6的甲板上,特地颁发米勒海军十字勋章。1943年,米勒被派往“利斯康湾”号反潜航空母舰上服役。 同年11月24日,“利斯康湾”号被日本潜艇找到并用于鱼雷沉没。米勒在这次攻击中下落不明,一年后宣告丧生。 为了纪念米勒,1973年美海军将“诺克斯”级导弹护卫舰的其中一艘命名为“米勒”号。去年美海军宣告签定修建两艘福特级航母CVN-80和CVN-81,分别计划于2028年和2032年交付给。此前CVN-80已被命名为“企业号”,正在修建过程中。
Who Wrote Principia Mathematica | Academic Reality His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural. and vacuum by generalizing the work of Evangelista Torricelli. Pascal also wrote in defense of the. Like science or mathematics. Or maybe it can: Isaac Newton wrote Principia Mathematica as a means to comprehend the divine hand at work in the natural world. In short, as the curriculum promotes a. October 12, 2015 Warm Up 1.) What kind of force, balanced or unbalanced, changes an object's motion? 2.) What happens to an object when all forces are balanced? These included drafts of successive ­editions of his crowning achievement, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia ­Mathematica, as well as his treatise. eccentric Newton apparently saved ­everything he. Isaac Newton was a son of a local farmer. His dad's name was also Isaac Newton. Isaac's father died three months before he was born. When he was 3 years old, his mother, Hannah Ayscough Newton, married a man named Barnabas Smith after Isaac's father died. The English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton published his monumental Principia Mathematica. Suddenly science became. Du Châtelet later wrote a very successful popular synthesis of the. So much for Sir Isaac Newton, whose terrier, Diamond, knocked over a candle, setting fire to the first draft of Principia Mathematica – and was forgiven. Forget about Lord Byron, who wrote poetry in. Beethoven was a piano virtuoso by age 23. • Isaac Newton wrote Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica at age 24. • Roger Bannister was 25 when he broke the four minute mile record. • Albert. Anyone who works in any plant biology job in the state either was inspired by Batson, toils beside someone he taught at the University of South Carolina from 1952-82, or has picked up important tips. He was drawn to philosophy by the writings of Bertrand Russell. He described "Principia Mathematica", which Russell wrote together with Mr Quine's teacher, Alfred Whitehead, as the book that meant the. He wrote his treatise (in Italian. but his scientific contribution long outlives him. "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" by Isaac Newton, 1687 Isaac Newton was, unequivocally, a. His estimated IQ scores range from 190 to 200 by different measures. He wrote "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica," widely believed to be the most influential book on physics and possibly. As Albert Einstein wrote 60 years ago, Newton "determined the course of Western thought, research and practice like no one else before or since.". Known as the "Principia Mathematica," from the. The man who said that was Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence. So while team Trump is. "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica," famously lays out his three laws of. She spent years trying to correct Newton's "Principia Mathematica," but her gender got in the way. A book she wrote correcting Newton's theory wasn't published until 10 years after her death so she. In fact, many of the most influential texts in the history of science were never put through the peer review process, including Isaac Newton's 1687 Principia Mathematica. Einstein wrote: "I see no.
2019/10/20 12:20:51
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2021/01/18 11:08:00
فصـــل في قولهم الاستدلال لابد فيه من مقدمتين: المحجة البيضاء موقع الحبر الترجمان عبد الله بن عباس رضي الله عنهما 1 : الفصل الثاني الجراح 2 : وعن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال حرق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم نخل بني النضير وقطع متفق عليه 3 : وعن سليمان بن بريدة عن أبيه عن عائشة قالت "كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا أمر أميرا على الجيش" هم الجند أو السائرون إلى الحرب أو غيره في نسخة لا غيرها أو سرية هي القطعة من الجيش تخرج منه تغير على العدو وترجع إليه "أوصاه في خاصته بتقوى الله وبمن معه من المسلمين خيرا" ثم قال "اغزوا على اسم الله في سبيل الله تعالى قاتلوا من كفر بالله اغزوا ولا تغلوا" بالغين المعجمة والغلول الخيانة في المغنم مطلقا "ولا تغدروا" الغدر ضد الوفاء "ولا تمثلوا" من المثلة يقال مثل بالقتيل إذا قطع أنفه أو أذنه أو مذاكيره أو شيئا من أطرافه "ولا تقتلوا وليدا" لمراد غير البالغ سن التكليف "وإذا لقيت عدوك من المشركين فادعهم إلى ثلاث خصال" أي إلى إحدى ثلاث خصال وبينها بقوله "فأيتهن أجابوك إليها فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم" أي القتال وبينها بقوله "ادعهم إلى الإسلام فإن أجابوك فاقبل منهم ثم ادعهم إلى التحول من دارهم إلى دار المهاجرين فإن أبوا فأخبرهم بأنهم يكونون كأعراب المسلمين" وبيان حكم أعراب المسلمين تضمنه قوله "ولا يكون لهم في الغنيمة" الغنيمة ما أصيب من مال أهل الحرب وأوجف عليه المسلمون بالخيل والركاب "والفيء" هو ما حصل للمسلمين من أموال الكفار من غير حرب ولا جهاد "شيء إلا أن يجاهدوا مع المسلمين فإن هم أبوا" أي الإسلام "فاسألهم الجزية" وهي الخصلة الثانية من الثلاث "فإن هم أجابوك فأقبل منهم وإن هم أبوا فاستعن بالله تعالى وقاتلهم" وهذه هي الخصلة الثالثة "وإذا حاصرت أهل حصن فأرادوك أن تجعل لهم ذمة الله وذمة نبيه فلا تفعل ولكن اجعل لهم ذمتك" علل النهي بقوله "فإنكم إن تخفروا" بالخاء المعجمة والفاء والراء من أخفرت الرجل إذا نقضت عهده وذمامه "ذممكم أهون من أن تخفروا ذمة الله وأن أرادوك أن تنزلهم على حكم الله فلا تفعل بل به على حكمك" علل النهي بقوله "فإنك لا تدري أتصيب فيهم حكم الله تعالى أم لا" أخرجه مسلم 4 : فصــل مسكن النفس من الجسد 6 : بَاب: لاَ يُقْتَلُ الْمُسْلِمُ بِالْكَافِرِ 7 : اعتراض قوم من متكلمي أهل الإسلام على أوضاع المنطق 8 : كتاب المساقاة والمزارعة 9 : سئل: عن قسمة اللحم بلا ميزان وقسمة التين والعنب والرمان والبطيخ والخيار عددًا‏؟‏ 10 : فصل بيان بطلان المطاعن المتعلقة بحديث فاطمة بنت قيس رضي الله عنها القياس عند السلف‏ فصـــل في قولهم الاستدلال لابد فيه من مقدمتين وأما قولهم‏:‏ الاستدلال لابد فيه من مقدمتين بلا زيادة ولا نقصان، فهذا قول باطل طردًا وعكسا، وذلك أن احتياج المستدل إلى المقدمات مما يختلف فيه حال الناس، فمن الناس من لا يحتاج إلا إلى مقدمة واحدة لعلمه بما سوى ذلك، كما أن منهم من لا يحتاج في علمه بذلك إلى استدلال، بل قد يعلمه بالضرورة ومنهم من يحتاج إلى مقدمتين، ومنهم من يحتاج إلى ثلاث، ومنهم من يحتاج إلى أربع وأكثر، فمن أراد أن يعرف أن هذا المسكر المعين محرم، فإن كان يعرف أن كل مسكر محرم، ولكن لا يعرف هل هذا المسكر المعين يسكر أم لا، لم يحتج إلا إلى مقدمة واحدة، وهو أن يعلم أن هذا مسكر، فإذا قيل له‏:‏ هذا حرام، فقال‏:‏ ما الدليل عليه‏؟‏ فقال المستدل‏:‏ الدليل على ذلك أنه مسكر، تم المطلوب‏.‏ وكذلك لو تنازع اثنان في بعض أنواع الأشربة‏:‏ هل هو مسكر أم لا‏؟‏ / كما يسأل الناس كثيرًا عن بعض الأشربة ولا يكون السائل ممن يعلم أنها تسكر أو لا تسكر، ولكن قد علم أن كل مسكر حرام، فإذا ثبت عنده بخبر من يصدقه أو بغير ذلك من الأدلة أنه مسكر علم تحريمه، وكذلك سائر ما يقع الشك في اندراجه تحت قضية كلية من الأنواع والأعيان، مع العلم بحكم تلك القضية كتنازع الناس في النرد والشطرنج‏:‏ هل هما من الميسر أم لا‏؟‏ وتنازعهم في النبيذ المتنازع فيه، هل هو من الخمر أم لا‏؟‏ وتنازعهم في الحلف بالنذر والطلاق والعتاق، هل هو داخل في قوله‏:‏ ‏{‏قَدْ فَرَضَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ تَحِلَّةَ أَيْمَانِكُمْ ‏}‏ ‏[‏التحريم‏:‏2‏]‏ أم لا‏؟‏ وتنازعهم في قوله‏:‏ ‏{‏أَوْ يَعْفُوَ الَّذِي بِيَدِهِ عُقْدَةُ النِّكَاحِ ‏}‏ ‏[‏البقرة‏:‏237‏]‏ هل هو الزوج أو الولي المستقل‏؟‏ وأمثال ذلك‏.‏ وقد يحتاج الاستدلال إلى مقدمتين، لمن لم يعلم أن النبيذ المسكر المتنازع فيه محرم، ولم يعلم أن هذا المعين مسكر، فهو لا يعلم أنه محرم، حتى يعلم أنه مسكر، ويعلم أن كل مسكر حرام‏.‏ وقد يعلم أن هذا مسكر، ويعلم أن كل مسكر خمر، لكن لم يعلم أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حرم الخمر؛ لقرب عهده بالإسلام، أو لنشأته بين جهال أو زنادقة يشكون في ذلك، أو يعلم أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال‏:‏ ‏(‏كل مسكر حرام‏)‏ أو يعلم أن هذا خمر، وأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حرم الخمر، لكن لم يعلم أن محمدًا رسول الله، أو لم يعلم أنه حرمها على جميع المؤمنين، بل ظن أنه أباحها لبعض الناس، فظن أنه منهم، كمن ظن أنه أباح شربها للتداوي أو غير ذلك‏.‏ فهذا لا يكفيه في العلم / بتحريم هذا النبيذ المسكر تحريمًا عامًا، إلا أن يعلم أنه مسكر وأنه خمر، وأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حرم كل مسكر، وأنه رسول الله حقًا، فما حرمه حرمه الله، وأنه حرمه تحريمًا عامًا لم يبحه للتداوي أو للتلذذ‏.‏ ومما يبين أن تخصيص الاستدلال بمقدمتين باطل، أنهم قالوا في حد القياس الذي يشمل البرهاني والخطابي والجدلي والشعري والسوفسطائي‏:‏ إنه قول مؤلف من أقوال، أو عبارة عما ألف من أقوال، إذا سلمت لزم عنها لذاتها قول آخر، قالوا‏:‏ واحترزنا بقولنا‏:‏ من أقوال، عن القضية الواحدة التي تستلزم لذاتها صدق عكسها وعكس نقيضها، وكذب نقيضها وليست قياسًا‏.‏ قالوا‏:‏ ولم نقل‏:‏ مؤلف من مقدمات؛ لأنا لا يمكننا تعريف المقدمة ـ من حيث هي مقدمة ـ إلا بكونها جزء القياس‏.‏ فلو أخذناها في حد القياس كان دورًا، والقضية الخبرية إذا كانت جزء القياس سموها مقدمة، وإن كانت مستفادة بالقياس سموها نتيجة، وإن كانت مجردة عن ذلك سموها قضية، وتسمى ـ أيضًا ـ قضية مع تسميتها نتيجة ومقدمة، وهي الخبر وليست هي المبتدأ والخبر في اصطلاح النحاة، بل أعم منه، فإن المبتدأ والخبر لا يكون إلا جملة إسمية والقضية تكون جملة إسمية وفعلية، كما لو قيل‏:‏ قد كذب زيد، ومن كذب استحق التعزير ‏.‏ والمقصود هنا أنهم أرادوا بالقول ـ في قولهم‏:‏ القياس قول مؤلف من أقوال ـ القضية التي هي جملة تامة خبرية، لم يريدوا بذلك المفرد الذي هو / الحد، فإن القياس مشتمل على ثلاثة حدود‏:‏ أصغر وأوسط وأكبر، كما إذا قيل‏:‏ النبيذ المتنازع فيه مسكر، وكل مسكر حرام، فالنبيذ والمسكر والحرام كل منها مفرد، وهي الحدود في القياس‏.‏ فليس مرادهم بالقول هذا، بل مرادهم‏:‏ أن كل قضية قول، كما فسروا مرادهم بذلك‏.‏ ولهذا قالوا‏:‏ القياس قول مؤلف من أقوال، إذا سلمت لزم عنها لذاتها قول آخر‏.‏ واللازم إنما هي النتيجة، وهي قضية وخبر وجملة تامة وليست مفردًا‏.‏ ولذلك قالوا‏:‏ القياس قول مؤلف؛ فسموا مجموع القضيتين قولا، وإذا كانوا قد جعلوا القياس مؤلفًا من أقوال ـ وهي القضايا ـ لم يجب أن يراد بذلك قولان فقط؛ لأن لفظ الجميع إما أن يكون متناولا للاثنين فصاعدا كقوله‏:‏ ‏{‏فَإِن كَانَ لَهُ إِخْوَةٌ فَلأُمِّهِ السُّدُسُ ‏}‏ ‏[‏النساء‏:‏11‏]‏، وإما أن يراد به الثلاثة فصاعدًا، وهو الأصل عند الجمهور‏.‏ ولكن قد يراد به جنس العدد، فيتناول الاثنين فصاعدا ، ولا يكون الجمع مختصًا باثنين‏.‏ فإذا قالوا‏:‏ هو مؤلف من أقوال، إن أرادوا جنس العدد كان هذا المعنى من اثنين فصاعدًا، فيجوز أن يكون مؤلفا من ثلاث مقدمات وأربع مقدمات، فلا يختص بالاثنين، وإن أرادوا الجمع الحقيقي، لم يكن مؤلفًا إلا من ثلاث فصاعدًا، وهم قطعًا ما أرادوا هذا، لم يبق إلا الأول‏.‏ فإذا قيل‏:‏ هم يلتزمون ذلك‏.‏ ويقولون‏:‏ نحن نقول‏:‏ أقل ما يكون القياس / من مقدمتين، وقد يكون من مقدمات‏.‏ فيقال‏:‏ ولا هذا خلاف ما في كتبكم، فإنكم لا تلتزمون إلا مقدمتين فقط‏.‏ وقد صرحوا أن القياس الموصل إلى المطلوب، سواء كان اقترانيًا أو استثنائيًا، لا ينقص عن مقدمتين ولا يزيد عليهما، وعللوا ذلك بأن المطلوب المتحد لا يزيد على جزأين مبتدأ وخبر‏.‏ فإن كان القياس اقترانيًا، فكل واحد من جزأي المطلوب لابد وأن يناسب مقدمة منه‏.‏ أي يكون فيها إما مبتدأ وإما خبرًا، ولا يكون هو نفس المقدمة ‏.‏ قالوا‏:‏ وليس للمطلوب أكثر من جزأين‏.‏ فلا يفتقر إلى أكثر من مقدمتين‏.‏ وإن كان القياس استثنائيًا فلابد فيه من مقدمة شرطية متصلة أو منفصلة تكون مناسبة لكل المطلوب أو نقيضه، فلابد من مقدمة استثنائية فلا حاجة إلى ثالثة‏.‏ قالوا‏:‏ لكن ربما أدرج في القياس قول زائد على مقدمتي القياس، إما غير متعلق بالقياس أو متعلق به، والمتعلق بالقياس إما لترويج الكلام وتحسينه أو لبيان المقدمتين أو إحداهما، ويسمون هذا القياس المركب‏.‏ قالوا‏:‏ وحاصله يرجع إلى أقيسة متعددة سيقت لبيان مطلوب واحد، إلا أن القياس المبين للمطلوب بالذات منها ليس إلا واحدًا، والباقي / لبيان مقدمات القياس، قالوا‏:‏ ربما حذفوا بعض مقدمات القياس إما تعويلًا على فهم الذهن لها أو لترويج المغلطة؛ حتى لا يطلع على كذبها عند التصريح بها‏.‏ قالوا‏:‏ ثم إن كانت الأقيسة لبيان المقدمات، قد صرح فيها بنتائجها، فيسمى القياس مفصولًا وإلا فموصول، ومثلوا الموصول بقول القائل‏:‏ كل إنسان حيوان، وكل حيوان جسم، وكل جسم جوهر، فكل إنسان جوهر‏.‏ والمفصول بقولهم‏:‏ كل إنسان حيوان، وكل حيوان جسم، فكل إنسان جسم‏.‏ ثم يقول‏:‏ كل حيوان جسم، وكل جسم جوهر، فكل إنسان حيوان، فيلزم منهما أن كل إنسان جوهر‏.‏ فيقال لهم‏:‏ أما المطلوب الذي لا يزيد على جزأين فذاك في المنطوق به‏.‏ والمطلوب في العقل إنما هو شيء واحد لا اثنان، وهو ثبوت النسبة الحكمية أو انتفاؤها‏.‏ وإن شئت قلت‏:‏ اتصاف الموصوف بالصفة نفيًا أو إثباتًا، وإن شئت قلت‏:‏ نسبة المحمول إلى الموضوع والخبر إلى المبتدأ نفيًا وإثباتًا، وأمثال ذلك من العبارات الدالة على المعنى الواحد المقصود بالقضية‏.‏ فإذا كانت النتيجة أن النبيذ حرام أو ليس بحرام، أو الإنسان حساس أو ليس بحساس ونحو ذلك، فالمطلوب ثبوت التحريم للنبيذ أو انتفاؤه، وكذلك ثبوت الحس للإنسان أو انتفاؤه‏.‏ والمقدمة الواحدة إذا ناسبت ذلك / المطلوب حصل بها المقصود‏.‏ وقولنا النبيذ خمر يناسب المطلوب، وكذلك قولنا الإنسان حيوان‏.‏ فإذا كان الإنسان يعلم أن كل خمر حرام، ولكن يشك في النبيذ المتنازع فيه، هل يسمى في لغة الشارع خمرًا ‏؟‏ فقيل‏:‏ النبيد حرام؛ لأنه قد ثبت في الصحيح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال‏:‏ ‏(‏ كل مسكر خمر‏)‏ كانت القضية وهي قولنا‏:‏ قد قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏(‏إن كل مسكر خمر‏)‏‏:‏ يفيد تحريم النبيذ؛ وإن كان نفس قوله قد تضمن قضية أخرى‏.‏ والاستدلال بذلك مشروط بتقديم مقدمات معلومة عند المستمع، وهي أن ما صححه أهل العلم بالحديث، فقد وجب التصديق بأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قاله، وأن ما حرمه الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم فهو حرام ونحو ذلك‏.‏ فلو لزم أن نذكر كل ما يتوقف عليه العلم، وإن كان معلومًا، كانت المقدمات أكثر من اثنتين، بل قد تكون أكثر من عشر‏.‏ وعلى ما قالوه، فينبغي لكل من استدل بقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يقول‏:‏ النبي حرم ذلك، وما حرمه فهو حرام، فهذا حرام، وكذلك يقول‏:‏ النبي أوجبه، وما أوجبه النبي فقد وجب، فإذا احتج على تحريم الأمهات والبنات ونحو ذلك، يحتاج أن يقول‏:‏ إن الله حرم هذا في القرآن وما حرمه الله فهو حرام‏.‏ وإذا احتج على وجوب الصلاة والزكاة والحج بمثل قول الله‏:‏ ‏{‏وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنْ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا‏}‏ ‏[‏آل عمران‏:‏ 97‏]‏، يقول‏:‏ إن الله أوجب الحج في / كتابه، وما أوجبه الله فهو واجب‏.‏ وأمثال ذلك مما يعتبره العقلاء لُكْنة وعِيّا وإيضاحًا للواضح، وزيادة قول لا حاجة إليها‏.‏ وهذا التطويل الذي لا يفيد في قياسهم نظير تطويلهم في حدودهم؛ كقولهم في حد الشمس‏:‏ إنها كوكب تطلع نهارًا‏.‏ وأمثال ذلك من الكلام الذي لا يفيد إلا تضييع الزمان، وإتعاب الأذهان، وكثرة الهذيان‏.‏ ثم إن الذين يتبعونهم في حدودهم وبراهينهم لا يزالون مختلفين في تحديد الأمور المعروفة بدون تحديدهم، ويتنازعون في البرهان على أمور مستغنية عن براهينهم‏.‏ وقولهم‏:‏ ليس للمطلوب أكثر من جزأين، فلا يفتقر إلى أكثر من مقدمتين، فيقال‏:‏ إن أردتم ليس له إلا اسمان مفردان، فليس الأمر كذلك، بل قد يكون التعبير عنه بأسماء متعددة، مثل من شك في النبيذ؛ هل هو حرام بالنص أم ليس حرامًا لا بنص ولا قياس‏؟‏ فإذا قال المجيب‏:‏ النبيذ حرام بالنص، كان المطلوب ثلاثة أجزاء، وكذلك لو سأل‏:‏ هل الإجماع دليل قطعي‏؟‏ فقال‏:‏ الإجماع دليل قطعي، كان المطلوب ثلاثة أجزاء، وإذا قال‏:‏ هل الإنسان جسم حساس نام متحرك بالإرادة ناطق أم لا‏؟‏ فالمطلوب هنا ستة أجزاء‏.‏ وفي الجملـة، فالموضـوع والمحمول الذي هو مبتدأ وخبر، وهو جملة خبرية، قد تكون جملة مركبــة من لفظين، وقد تكون من ألفاظ متعــددة إذا كــان / مضمونها مقيدًا بقيود كثيرة، مثل قوله تعالى‏:‏ ‏{‏وَالسَّابِقُونَ الْأَوَّلُونَ مِنْ الْمُهَاجِرِينَ وَالْأَنصَارِ وَالَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُمْ بِإِحْسَانٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوا عَنْهُ‏}‏ ‏[‏التوبة‏:‏ 100‏]‏، وقوله تعالى‏:‏ ‏{‏إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أُوْلَئِكَ يَرْجُونَ رَحْمَةَ اللَّهِ‏}‏ ‏[‏البقرة‏:‏ 218‏]‏، وقوله‏:‏ ‏{‏وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْ بَعْدُ وَهَاجَرُوا وَجَاهَدُوا مَعَكُمْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ مِنْكُمْ‏}‏ ‏[‏الأنفال‏:‏ 75‏]‏، وأمثال ذلك من القيود التي يسميها النحاة الصفات والعطف والأحوال وظرف المكان وظرف الزمان ونحو ذلك‏.‏ وإذا كانت القضية مقيدة بقيود كثيرة لم تكن مؤلفة من لفظين، بل من ألفاظ متعددة ومعان متعددة، وإن أريد أن المطلوب ليس إلا معنيان، سواء عبر عنهما بلفظين أو ألفاظ متعددة، قيل‏:‏ وليس الأمر كذلك، بل قد يكون المطلوب معنى واحدًا، وقد يكون معنيين، وقد يكون معان متعددة، فإن المطلوب بحسب طلب الطالب، وهو الناظر المستدل والسائل المتعلم المناظر، وكل منهما قد يطلب معنى واحدًا، وقد يطلب معنيين، وقد يطلب معاني، والعبارة عن مطلوبه، قد تكون بلفظ واحد، وقد تكون بلفظين وقد تكون بأكثر‏.‏ فإذا قال‏:‏ النبيذ حرام، فقيل له‏:‏ نعم، كان هذا اللفظ وحده كافيًا في جوابه، كما لو قيل له‏:‏ هو حرام‏.‏ فإن قالوا‏:‏ القضية الواحدة قد تكون في تقدير قضايا، كما ذكرتموه من التمثيل بالإنسان، فإن هذه القضية الواحدة في تقدير خمس قضايا وهي خمس مطالب، والتقدير‏:‏ هل هو جسم أم لا‏؟‏ وهل هو حساس أم لا‏؟‏ وهل / هو نام أم لا‏؟‏ وهل هو متحرك أم لا‏؟‏ وهل هو ناطق أم لا‏؟‏وكذلك فيما تقدم‏:‏ هل النبيذ حرام أم لا‏؟‏ وإذا كان حرامًا فهل تحريمه بالنص أو بالقياس ‏؟‏ فيقال‏:‏ إذا رضيتم بمثل هذا وهو أن تجعلوا الواحد في تقدير عدد، فالمفرد قد يكون في معنى قضية، فإذا قال‏:‏ النبيذ المسكر حرام فقال المجيب‏:‏ نعم، فلفظ ‏[‏نعم‏]‏ في تقدير قوله‏:‏ هو حرام؛ وإن قال‏:‏ ما الدليل عليه‏؟‏ فقال‏:‏ تحريم كل مسكر أو أن كل مسكر حرام، وقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏(‏كل مسكر حرام‏)‏ ونحو ذلك من العبارات التي جعل الدليل فيها اسمًا مفردًا، وهو جزء واحد، لم يجعله قضية مؤلفة من اسمين مبتدأ وخبر، فإن قوله‏:‏ تحريم كل مسكر اسم مضاف‏.‏ وقوله‏:‏ ‏(‏أن كل مسكر حرام‏)‏ بالفتح مفرد أيضًا، فإن أن وما في خبرها في تقدير المصدر المفرد، وإن المكسورة وما في خبرها جملة تامة‏.‏ وكذلك إذا قلت‏:‏ الدليل عليه قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، أو الدليل عليه النص، أو إجماع الصحابة، أو الدليل عليه الآية الفلانية، أو الحديث الفلاني، أو الدليل عليه قيام المقتضي للتحريم السالم عن المعارض المقاوم، أو الدليل عليه أنه مشارك لخمر العنب فيما يستلزم التحريم، وأمثال ذلك فيما يعبر فيه عن الدليل باسم مفرد لا بالقضية التي هي جملة تامة‏.‏ ثم هذا الدليل الذي عبر عنه باسم مفرد هو إذا فصل عبر عنه بألفاظ متعددة‏.‏ /والمقصود أن قولكم‏:‏ إن الدليل الذي هو القياس لا يكون إلا جزأين فقط، إن أردتم لفظين فقط، وأن ما زاد على لفظين فهو أدلة لا دليل واحد؛ لأن ذلك اللفظ الموصوف بصفات تحتاج كل صفة إلى دليل‏.‏ قيل لكم‏:‏ وكذلك يمكن أن يقال في اللفظين‏:‏ هما دليلان لا دليل واحد، فإن كل مقدمة تحتاج إلى دليل، وحينئذ فتخصيص العدد باثنين دون ما زاد تحكم لا معنى له، فإنه إذا كان المقصود قد يحصل بلفظ مفرد وقد لا يحصل إلا بلفظين وقد لا يحصل إلا بثلاثة أو بأربعة وأكثر، فجعل الجاعل اللفظين هما الأصل الواجب دون ما زاد وما نقص، وأن الزائد إن كان في المطلوب جعل مطالب متعددة، وإن كان في الدليل تذكر مقدمات، جعل ذلك في تقدير أقيسة متعددة تحكم محض، ليس هو أولى من أن يقال‏:‏ بل الأصل في المطلوب أن يكون واحدًا ودليله جزءًا واحدًا، فإذا زاد المطلوب على ذلك جعل مطلوبين، أو ثلاثة أو أربعة بحسب دلالته، وهذا إذا قيل، فهو أحسن من قولهم؛ لأن اسم الدليل مفرد فيجعل معناه مفردًا، والقياس هو الدليل‏.‏ ولفظ ‏[‏القياس‏]‏ يقتضي التقدير، كما يقال‏:‏ قست هذا بهذا، والتقدير يحصل بواحد؛ وإذا قدر باثنين وثلاثة يكون تقديرين وثلاثة لا تقديرًا واحدًا، فتكون تلك التقديرات أقيسة لا قياسًا واحدًا، فجعلهم ما زاد على الاثنين من المقدمات في معنى أقيسة متعددة، وما نقص عن الاثنين نصف / قياس لا قياس تام، اصطلاح محض لا يرجع إلى معنى معقول، كما فرقوا بين الصفات الذاتية والعرضية اللازمة للماهية والوجود بمثل هذا التحكم‏.‏ وحينئذ، فيعلم أن القوم لم يرجعوا فيما سموه حدًا وبرهانًا إلى حقيقة موجودة ولا أمر معقول، بل إلى اصطلاح مجرد، كتنازع الناس في ‏[‏العلة‏]‏، هل هي اسم لما يستلزم المعلول بحيث لا يتخلف عنها بحال فلا يقبل النقيض والتخصيص، أو هو اسم لما يكون مقتضيًا للمعلول، وقد يتخلف عنه المعلول لفوات شرط أو وجود مانع، وكاصطلاح بعض أهل النظر والجدل في تسمية أحدهم ‏[‏الدليل‏]‏ لما هو مستلزم للمدلول مطلقًا، حتى يدخل في ذلك عدم المعارض، والآخر يسمى الدليل لما كان من شأنه أن يستلزم المدلول، وإنما يتخلف استلزامه لفوات شرط أو وجود مانع‏.‏ وتنازع أهل الجدل، هل على المستدل أن يتعرض في ذكر الدليل لتبيين المعارض جملة أو تفصيلا حيث يمكن التفصيل، أو لا يتعرض لا جملة ولا تفصيلا، أو يتعرض لتبيينه جملة لا تفصيلا‏.‏ وهذه أمور وضعية اصطلاحية بمنزلة الألفاظ التي يصطلح عليها الناس للتعبير عما في أنفسهم ليست حقائق ثابتة في أنفسها لأمور معقولة تتفق فيها الأمم كما يدعية هؤلاء في منطقهم، بل هؤلاء الذين يجعلون العلة والدليل يراد به هذا أو هذا أقرب إلى المعقول من جعل هؤلاء الدليل لا يكون إلا من مقدمتين، فإن هذا تخصيص لعدد دون عدد بلا موجب، وأولئك / لحظوا صفات ثابتة في العلة والدليل، وهو وصف التمام أو مجرد الاقتضاء، فكان ما اعتبره أولئك أولى بالحق والعقل مما اعتبره هؤلاء، الذين لم يرجعوا إلا إلى مجرد التحكم‏.‏ ولهذا كان العقلاء العارفون يصفون منطقهم بأنه أمر اصطلاحي، وضعه رجل من اليونان، لا يحتاج إليه العقلاء، ولا طلب العقلاء للعلم موقوفًا عليه كما ليس موقوفًا على التعبير بلغاتهم، مثل‏:‏ فيلاسوفيا، وسوفسطيقا، وأنولوطيقا وآثولوجيا، وقاطيغورياس، ونحو ذلك من لغاتهم التي يعبرون بها عن معانيهم فلا يقول أحد‏:‏ إن سائر العقلاء محتاجون إلى هذه اللغة‏.‏ لا سيما من كرمه الله بأشرف اللغات الجامعة لأكمل مراتب البيان المبينة لما تتصوره الأذهان بأوجز لفظ وأكمل تعريف‏.‏
2021/10/22 07:26:40
خلق الله الأنعام وسخرها للإنسان يأكل منها ويستخدم أصوافها وأوبارها وشعرها فى صناعة الملابس والأثاث بمختلف أنواعها ومن أهم هذه الأنعام ما يستخدم منها فى الركوب وحمل الأثقال وتوصيلها إلى أبعد الأماكن دون عناء من الإنسان ومن هذه الأنعام المهمة ( الحمير) يقول تعالى ( والخيل والبغال والحمير لتركبوها وزينة ويخلق ما لا تعلمون) ثم قال سبحانه ( وتحمل أثقالكم إلى بلد لم تكونوا بالغيه إلا بشق الأنفس) وقال عز من قائل ( وعليها وعلى الفلك تحملون )0 هل سمعتم عن حمار حرامى أو لص ؟ هل تم الإبلاغ يومأ عن حمار مرتشى لكى يقوم بعمله الطبيعى والرسمى الذى يتقاضى أجرأ فى سبيل إنجازه ؟ هل سمعتم عن حمار خائن يغدر بزوجة جاره ويسرقها ويضاجعها ؟ هل سمعتم عن حمار قاتل ؟ هل سمعتم عن حمار يستهزىء بصاحبه ويستخف بعقله ويحتقر تفكيره ؟ بالطبع لا قكل ما سبق صفات وجرائم بشرية يقوم بها الإنسان فى سهولة ويسر دون أدنى درجة من تأنيب الضمير فهو يغدر ويقتل ويزنى بحليلة جاره وبغيرها ويرتشى ويخرج أقبح الصفات وأقذع الشتائم فى سهولة ويسر ودون أى عناء يذكر لماذا إذأ نتجنى على ذلك المسكين ---الحمار---فى جميع أوقاتنا فنصف كل من لا يعجبنا تصرفه أو نحتقر أفعاله أو سلوكياته بأنه ( حمار) مع ما فى ذلك من ظلم فادح وجور واضح لأنه مخلوق مسكين ووديع ولا يأبى القيام بأعتى الأشغال الشاقة ولا يرفض لصاحبه طلبأ ولا ينكص على عقبيه ولا يهرب منه بحجة الإفلاس وعدم القدرة على بذل المجهود المطلوب بل على العكس يسارع بتفيذ المهام المنوطة به سعيدأ بقليل من البرسيم أوالتبن أو القش أو القليل من الفول أو الذرة الصفراء بعدها ينهق بصوته المزعج معلنأ به عن قوته الخارقة وإستعداده الكامل للقيام بأصعب المهام الشاقة ولا يتمحك بأحد للحصول على رشوة معينة كحفنة من الفول أو حزمة من البرسيم ولا يهرش قفاه منتظرأ أن يشخشخ صاحبه جيبه وينقده ببضعة جنيهات يشترى بها بردعة ومرشحة ---الملابس العادية للحمار فى مصر---لكى تحميانه من برد الشتاء القارس ولا يكذب على صاحبه ويطلب منه دمغات وتعهدات وأوراق وطلبات لا قيمة لها ولكنه يلبى النداء ويستجيب للشقاء والعناء دون أن ينبس بحرف كان لى صديق فلاح مات منذ عامين وكان رغم أميته يرتجل الزجل—الشعر العامى---وكان له حمار عزيز عليه جدأ كان يحبه كفرد من العائلة من كثرة ما تحمل الحمار مع صاحبه من مشاق الحياة وبلائها فى المنزل والغيط والسفر ولكن هذا الحمار مرض ومات بسرعة فسمعت صديقى—صاحب الحمار --- ينشد قائلأ أنظروا كيف تأثر صديقى الفلاح بموت حماره المخلص وكيف حافظ هو أيضأ على نفس الإخلاص بينه وبين هذا الكائن المسالم الذى لا يستحق من البشرية كل هذا الكم الهائل من التجريح والإهانات بل يستحق أن نكرمه بالكثير من الفول والذرة والبرسيم والحنان ولا نضربه بالعصا لننفث فيه أحقادنا البغيضة0 رأيت حمارا يقف على طريق السيارات العام مريضأ بداء عضال وكانت الإفرازات تتدلى من فمه وأنفه فقد أهمل صاحبه فى علاجه واستهان بأمره بعد أن خدمه الحمار عشر سنوات لم يمل ولم يكل خلالها ولكنه اليوم يقف منتظرأ الموت دون أن يلتفت إليه أى إنسان من هؤلاء الذين يدعون ---كذبأ –أن لهم مشاعر واحاسيس وقلوب تحب والحقيقة أن معظمهم لديه مشاعر حقد وأحاسيس ذل وقلوب تكره بدون أسباب والمهم أن صاحب الحمار ضريه بعيارين من بندقيته فى قلبه أمام الجميع حتى يتخلص منه ورأيت الحمار فى لحظات الموت كأنه يقول ( بقى هى دى آخرتها يا صاحبى )0
2020/01/25 18:20:46
Speech-centric developer Tactus Therapy has released their latest new app, Speech FlipBook. From their description: Speech FlipBook is an essential and affordable tool for all Speech-Language Pathologists, teachers, and parents. It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to practice speech, phonics, and reading in this 3-part flip book with onset, nucleus, and coda to create nearly any single-syllable word in English! Apraxia of speech, articulation disorders, dysarthria, and phonological awareness are just a few of the targets of this app perfect for children and adults. I downloaded it shortly after release last Friday. Though acute care doesn't normally lend itself well to the use of apps, I do use them from time to time and am quite fond of Tactus Therapy. Playing with Speech FlipBook so far, I've found it to have a welcoming design interface. As a general rule, I don't like page-turning animations (it's personal preference; I still respect the amount of work it takes to accomplish said animation). Fortunately, Speech FlipBook includes a settings page that makes it easy to adjust the app to your liking. After turning the page-flipping animation off, I fleetingly thought it might be nice to have a "tap to flip" gesture control. However, upon further consideration, I decided I actually like that the upward swipe gesture is still required, as I could see myself tapping the screen at or below the letter as a visual cue. One of the app's best features is the way all the sounds are organized in specific tables. This makes it easy to design a therapy session. For example, if I wanted to work only on vowel productions between bilabial sounds, I could select /p/ and /b/ for my initial sounds, turn off clusters and R-controlled vowels, and /p/ and /b/ for final sounds. This wasn't completely intuitive for me at first, but a quick view of this introductory video was all it took to get the hang of it. The touch targets are usually easy to hit, though on the Initial Sounds tab I've found that the voiced and voiceless touch contacts are close enough for frequent error upon contact. Finally, I love the Record feature. I'm a big fan of biofeedback, and love that I could use this potentially for homework, especially knowing that patients could record themselves and then compare it to the model. While I don't yet have a complete use case for this app in my own work, I like the way it's making me think so far. For my own uses, one thing I would find helpful would be a way to track a session. I love this feature in other Tactus Therapy apps, as I find it useful to track progress. Perhaps different "modes", such as Practice Mode and Scored Mode might be a nice option. I have a patient I'm working with right now who would love the chance to practice for a while and then try out a scored version so he could see how he does. Along those same lines, I would love to be able to limit the number of flips at any given time. Progress could be shown both in terms of number of cards flipped as well as time elapsed. Speech FlipBook is a great addition to an already excellent line of apps by Tactus Therapy. Though brand new, it has much to offer already. I expect Speech FlipBook will carry on the Tactus tradition of quality improvements, regular updates, and support. You can download it today for a mere $5 in the app store. On the one hand, the possibilities seem endless. On the other hand, the following words also come to mind: apraxia, dysarthria, edentulous, fasciculations. I'm mostly all about the possibilities, though, and can't wait to see where this goes. Casoncelli Bresciani, Spiedo con Polenta, Patate e Insalata, Vino della Casa, Caffè, Dolce oppure Liquore, Coperto.
Mountains | Mammaflybox Kaitlin Barnhart / March 28, 2014 The smell of spring pine trees, warm wind, a difficult hike, fly fishing in the rain, an early morning boat ride, a moon-lit kayak trip, sleeping under the stars, flying in a float plane, hunting for rocks, no cell service, no plans, the melodies of a river….. I crave. What is this desire?? I know I'm not alone in this craving…..Its almost innate, a built in trigger created in some of us to survive. Toss me out away from all things man made and let me look in the face of nothing…or everything. Sandpoint, ID Photo Credit: Julian Stevens I want to stand still in a pool of water that meanders fluently through rocky valleys, filters effortlessly through fallen trees, and houses sparkling fish that kiss the water's surface. I want to stare at a mountain and think only about the animals I might encounter or the path I might take to climb it. I want to lay in the grass and listen to the wind blow the leaves all around me. I want to gleam into the raging camp fire that makes all things seem unbelievable and believable at the same time. It must be the simplicity of the woods that calls me back; it does not need to be entertained, it is not critical, it does not keep a record of wrongs; the woods allows me to just take a moment and just be…..The beautiful artwork of a creator, right in front of me, I stand in awe and wonder why so many people miss this view. All of my adult life, when I am overwhelmed with daily life or trials I am facing, the woods have been somewhat of a church or a place where I can go to be free, to speak to God and to find a peace in my mind. I remember in college, driving for hours by myself to find the woods, as if it were an old grandma that I needed to seek advice from or to find shelter from the parade of indecisions haunting me. Like a best friend that lives far across the country, I miss the trees. Help! I'm curled up in Suburbia and feeling the need for a mountain filled fix! Longing for a dirt road, nestled up to a river and far enough away that only the weird people like myself will care to venture! Come on summer adventure! And go away homesickness for the Idaho panhandle mountains! Am I crazy? Is anyone else crazy like this? Well, maybe you should be! Here is to all my weird outdoor freaks that will drive for hours to throw a rock in a canyon or see an uncaged animal roam free! Joining the Landscape: Guest Blogger, Meagan Newberry ← I'm the Mom! Fly Moms → Go around the riverbend, take a left. There you will find grandmother Willow. She can give you some advice, Pocahontas! Thanks, John Smith. I really feel like after I watched that movie I had a better understanding of myself….#Pocahontas forever! 😉
2019/02/18 13:28:14
Leni Robredo is looking for a people-powered Philippine election upset - Around 780,000 supporters turned out for the final rally of Robredo's presidential campaign on Saturday, according to organizers. Photo by Thomas Maresca/UPI Robredo, the current vice president, is trailing frontrunner Ferdinand Marcos Jr. by a large margin in most surveys, but advocates say that the numbers don't capture the energy of what has turned into a full-fledged people's campaign. "The surveys seem to contradict the momentum on the ground," Neri Colmenares, a Senate candidate allied with Robredo, told UPI. On Saturday, some 780,000 supporters dressed in pink -- the Robredo campaign's signature color -- filled the central business district of Makati in Manila for a final rally that featured speeches and performances by musicians and celebrities. "There has never been such a spontaneous mass movement, except during the time of [the] 1986 [uprising]," Colmenares said. The 1986 People Power revolution brought millions to the streets to oust former dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. -- the father of Robredo's opponent. 'It's our right to have a future with dignity, and it's our duty to fight for it," Robredo said in the final speech of her campaign. "We've learned that nothing is impossible." "Trust that at the end of all the sweat, time and sacrifice, there is a victory waiting for us," she said. "You can see the love," Angelo Pedrosa, 35, said. "This is the first time there's ever been so many thousands out for a candidate. [Robredo] has the values, she has the morals to be a good leader and help the whole country. She is not corrupt like her opponent." Some rally-goers said that Monday's election is not just a contest between candidates but an existential battle for the future of the Philippines. "I came to be part of this historic event," said 18-year-old student Rafael Valix, a first-time voter who campaigned door-to-door for Robredo. "Not just the next six years are at stake," he said. "We're fighting against the dictator's son. We're fighting for the good of our country."
2022/05/22 05:40:48
The Curve in Homewood - Bhamwiki Revision as of 10:15, 12 December 2012 by Lkseitz (Talk | contribs) The Curve in Homewood refers to the northeast corner of 18th Street South and 29th Avenue South in Homewood's Central Business District, where the road formerly smoothly curved to allow southbound 18th Street traffic to easily go east on 29th and westbound traffic on 29th to easily go south on 18th. Although the street has been straightened to a standard T-intersection, the buildings still form a curve there. Originally, the roads that would later be named 18th Street and 29th Avenue were part of Montgomery Highway, the primary route between Birmingham and Montgomery, the state capital, in the first half of the 20th century. At 29th, the north-south highway shifted its route ¼ mile from 18th Street in the west to what is now Independence Drive in the east. Since the highway was the primary route, both ends of this shift were curved for the convenience of the majority of traffic, even though the north-south roads at each end extended past 29th. As the Central Business District developed along 18th Street, the buildings were constructed to conform to the road's curve. By the late 20th century, businesses on the west end's curve, which was more densely developed, were advertising themselves as "on the curve in Homewood." The highway, by then designated U.S. Highway 31, was officially rerouted off 18th and 29th to the Elton B. Stephens Expressway after it opened in 1970. In the 1990s, the intersection of 18th and 29th was converted to standard right angles to allow westbound traffic on 29th easier access to the businesses on 18th south of 29th. Some businesses still advertise themselves as being on the Curve, however.
2020/07/09 02:19:11
She lead the successful all girl group in 1962 Goldie and the Gingerbreads, who were signed by none other than Ahmet Ertegun. She was one for the first of her generation to lead a horn based band in 1969; Ten Wheel Drive with Genya Ravan, as she became a contemporary of Janis Joplin. She was one of the first female producers, shaping the sound of artists as diverse as Ronnie Spector, the Dead Boys (“Sonic Reducer” ring a bell?), blues legend Long John Baldry and even Kool & the Gang. She also was one of the first women to have her own label: Polish Records. Her autobiography, “Lollipop Lounge, Memoirs of a Rock and Roll Refugee,” was published in 2004, but the iconic Ravan doesn’t live in the past, she can be heard hosting a radio show on Sirius Satellite Radio (and that’s not Sputnik). Ravan lives nearby now, and her latest release proves the magic is still there. With a legend like Ravan, special guests are a given, Elliot Randall, Ian McLagan, Nile Rogers and Lenny Kaye all make impressive appearances and Felix Cavaliere chimes in on the Lowell George gem “Long Distance Love.” Highlights are many. “Snake In The Grass” has a groove to die for, and sounds more like the Rolling Stones then they have in decades, the ominous epic “I Don’t Want To Talk About It” raises goosebumps, as does the mysterious “You Got Lucky.” On this record, Ravan seems to favor Lucinda Williams; three of her compositions appear here, all done to perfection. Ravan’s voice is certainly in fine fettle- raw, emotional and powerful- just listen to her stunning take on “Your Precious Love.” The former Genyusha Zelkowitz has not lost her power at all, and doesn’t just sing her songs, she lives them, invests in them, and sings like her life depends on it. Maybe it does, unlike most of her peers (the aforementioned Joplin) she’s still here. And we’re so glad. Visit David Malachowski is a guitarist, producer and freelance journalist living in Woodstock. The Freeman seeks CDs by local artists or artists appearing locally for review. Please send all CDs (please no CD-Rs or demo CDs) to Daily Freeman c/o Preview, 79 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401. David Malachowski Join the Conversation We invite you to use our commenting platform to engage in insightful conversations about issues in our community. We reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation, or government request. We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions. Sign up for email newsletters Sign Up Follow Us Facebook Twitter Instagram RSS Most Popular Most Popular Bookkeeper charged with stealing $715,000 from ex-employer in 1,330-count indictment Bookkeeper charged with stealing $715,000 from ex-employer in 1,330-count indictment Rosendale officials laugh at state suggestion for Route 32 traffic circle Rosendale officials laugh at state suggestion for Route 32 traffic circle Kingston couple, hailed as heroes, asks for help for family that ‘lost everything’ in fire Kingston couple, hailed as heroes, asks for help for family that 'lost everything' in fire Renovated Kingston hospital like a new Corvette, official says Renovated Kingston hospital like a new Corvette, official says Mid-Hudson Valley arrests report: Dec. 8, 2022 Mid-Hudson Valley arrests report: Dec. 8, 2022 Renovated HealthAlliance Hospital, ER to open on Dec. 14; Broadway campus to close Renovated HealthAlliance Hospital, ER to open on Dec. 14; Broadway campus to close Ulster County man convicted of attempted criminal sex assault of child wins reduction of post-release supervision time Ulster County man convicted of attempted criminal sex assault of child wins reduction of post-release supervision time
Balluff Named One of the Best Places to Work in Kentucky | The River City News Mon, 05/02/2016 - 09:49 RCN Newsdesk Balluff Inc., located in Florence, has been recognized as the thirteenth Best Place to Work in Kentucky by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and the Kentucky Society for Human Resource Management (KYSHRM).
2020/07/02 09:02:46
How to Start the System Restore Tool from the Microsoft Windows command prompt « Operating Systems :: WonderHowTo 9/15/10 2:53 PM Were you aware that you can launch the Windows System Restore tool from the command prompt? Well, you can! And, what's more, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to from the folks at Britec can present a complete overview of the process in just under three minutes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
2022/05/25 10:59:42
I was surprised to see an advertisement for North and South magazine in the latest issue of Hallowed Ground that included a special discount to new subscribers. Keith Poulter has a brand new website up, which suggests that he is trying to bring back to life what was once a first-rate publication. Unfortunately, those days have long passed. It is true that when the magazine hit the newsstands back in 1997, it set a new standard for what a popular history publication could be. It regularly attracted some of the top scholars in the field and introduced aspects of the war that had never made it into a popular magazine format. Looking back it is clear that the most important asset on Poulter’s staff was Terry Johnston and he has just launched The Civil War Monitor, which I strongly encourage you to consider. My N&S subscription recently expired and I have no intention of renewing it, not simply because of the way I was handled as an author, but more importantly because of the declining quality of the content. Perhaps I am being unnecessarily critical, but in this economy consumers deserve information with which to base a decision and I am certainly not the first person to raise concerns. For me it was an investment that went sour and that alone deserves to be made known. I am very happy with The Civil War Monitor and as an author and reader I couldn’t be more pleased with Civil War Times. We shall see whether Poulter can salvage his magazine. Civil War Memory has moved to Substack! Don’t miss a single post. Subscribe below.  13 comments… add one Eric Wittenberg Dec 8, 2011 @ 16:55 Kevin, The question is not CAN it be saved, but rather, SHOULD it be saved. With the present management, even if it survives now, there is little doubt that it will fail soon. My humble opinion is that the thing is a zombie and needs to be put out of its (and our) collective misery. Eric Reply Link Kevin Levin Dec 8, 2011 @ 16:57 Given the history I can definitely appreciate the framing of this as a normative question. As long as Keith Poulter is in charge there will be legitimate questions about the operation. Reply Link Eric Wittenberg Dec 8, 2011 @ 17:25 My point precisely, Kevin. Eric Reply Link Eric Wittenberg Dec 8, 2011 @ 16:53 Mr. Stoudt, The British editor also has a habit of not paying authors, and also of running businesses into the ground, to the detriment of his investors. Eric Reply Link Kevin Levin Dec 8, 2011 @ 16:54 I knew it was just a matter of time, Eric. 🙂 Reply Link John Stoudt Dec 8, 2011 @ 18:07 Thanks also for your reply. I did not know the backstory to this situation. No offense intended if my previous questions sounded impolite. Reply Link Lyle Smith Dec 7, 2011 @ 18:18 I’ve never had a subscription to North and South, but I’m thinking of spending the $10 on an annual subscription. It’s dinner money and makes it worth it, I think. What are some of the quality control issues you have with the magazine? Reply Link Kevin Levin Dec 7, 2011 @ 18:20 Like I said, I think the quality of the articles has suffered over the past two years. It’s definitely a good deal. Reply Link John Fox Dec 7, 2011 @ 18:58 One reason that the qualtiy has suffered might be the unethical treatment of some contributing authors by the British accented editor! Reply Link John Stoudt Dec 8, 2011 @ 15:08 Mr. Fox: Which authors have been subjected to “unethical treatment?” And does the editor’s British accent really matter? John Stoudt Reply Link Kevin Levin Dec 8, 2011 @ 15:12 I had a horrible experience with the magazine. I’ve told my story before, but basically I was told that an article I submitted had been accepted. It was even advertised as forthcoming in one of the magazines. It never appeared and I was never notified.