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We asked Olivier for examples of new plants which he had been trialing and which we might look out for in the future. He took us to the area of ‘Lawn Alternatives’ which has always fascinated visitors and this year features two new plantings: Trifolium fragiferum with a pretty pink flower, which requires little or no water once established and which can spread rapidly by means of its lateral rooting form and Hieracium pilosella with a yellow flower, which can tolerate medium to poor soil conditions and which can be used in vineyards to control weed growth. | OSCAR-2019 |
Strategies to Play Using the web Blackjack and Win Increased | The War Design Command
June 21, 2018 June 22, 2018 blog
Strategies to Play Using the web Blackjack and Win Increased
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张宁阳同志从小接受革命传统的教育和熏陶,对党怀有深厚的感情,具有坚定的共产主义理想信念和坚强的党性观念。他政治上坚定可靠,在大是大非面前头脑清醒、旗帜鲜明,认真学习马克思主义理论,自觉同党中央、中央军委保持高度一致,贯彻执行上级命令指示坚决,经受住了各种严峻考验。他热爱党热爱军队,无论身处什么岗位、从事什么工作、担任什么职务,始终把全部心思和精力用在军队建设事业上,刻苦学习、忘我工作,不懈努力、不懈追求。 | 2021-03-02T07:56:59Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
وأعلنت وزارة التوحيد الكورية الجنوبية أن المباحثات الهاتفية، التي جرت في بلدة بانمونجوم الحدودية المشتركة بين الجانبين، قد ركزت على تفاصيل تقنية. ووعد مسؤولو كوريا الشمالية بإعادة الإتصال، وفقا للمتحدثة باسم الوزارة.
ويأتي الإتصال كإيماءة لتذويب جمود العلاقات بين الخصمين اللدودين، وذلك بعد أن أعرب الزعيم الكوري الشمالي عن اهتمامه بمشاركة رياضيين من بلاده في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الشتوية التي تستضيفها كوريا الجنوبية الشهر المقبل.
وأخيراً، نتقدم لكم بجزيل الشكر على زيارة ومتابعة الشرق تايمز ، كما نعدكم بتقديم كل جديد وهام من كافة المصادر الإخبارية الموثوقة، وقد تم نقل الكوريتان تجريان المحادثات الهاتفية الأولى عبر الحدود بينهما منذ عام 2015 , والمصدر هو المسئول عن صحة الخبر أو عدمه، المصدر : بوابة الشروق | 2018/01/17 14:56:32 | | mC4 |
日本监管机构携手推进央行数字货币研究希望早日做出决定2020年02月25日 17:03
中电控股独立非执行董事退任2020年02月25日 17:03
实地探访北京30余家影院尚无复工时间表2020年02月25日 17:03
海淀冬奥工程项目有序复工2020年02月25日 17:03
湖人裁掉考辛斯2020年02月25日 17:03
刘真已平安苏醒2020年02月25日 17:03
澳门威尼斯:韩国推迟开学 澳门威尼斯:蓝天救援队员身亡 澳门威尼斯:猎豹回应谷歌下架 澳门威尼斯:研究生招生信息网 澳门威尼斯:美国童子军破产 澳门威尼斯:蝙蝠侠片场照 澳门威尼斯:皇马不敌莱万特 澳门威尼斯:京东回应神舟起诉 澳门威尼斯:巴基斯坦毒气泄漏 澳门威尼斯:阿森纳险胜埃弗顿 澳门威尼斯:C罗连续11场破门 澳门威尼斯:毛不易新歌43分钟 澳门威尼斯:艺术家杜雨露去世 澳门威尼斯:武汉军运会 澳门威尼斯:两小无猜 澳门威尼斯:胡靖航加盟卓尔 澳门威尼斯:全玻璃iPhone外壳 澳门威尼斯:湖人5连胜 | 2020/02/25 09:07:22 | | mC4 |
For instance, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has noted that “anti-Semitism” is now “often surfacing among radicalized Muslims” in France. While we can take issue with the notion of “radicalized” Muslims and the description of their sentiments as “anti-Semitism,” we will address the assertion of hostility and ask why should this be so.
It may be because France has treated its citizens of Arab origin very poorly while simultaneously and publicly supporting Israel, which, of course, treats its own Arab population even worse.
France has a long imperial and colonial history in the Arab world and fought a bitter, relatively recent war to hold onto Algeria. When, in 1962, it finally abandoned that effort, there were 150,000 Algerian Arabs who had fought with the French. They were disarmed and then abandoned to their fate—prevented from emigrating to France by the government of that day. However, “through the kindness of individual French commanders … several thousand were illegally smuggled to France where on arrival they were confined to primitive rural camps.”
When they were finally let out of the camps, they continued to be segregated and discriminated against. This prevailing prejudice was maintained in the treatment of other African and Middle Eastern immigrants who subsequently made their way to France. One ongoing sign of this can be found in the culture war against Muslims living in the country. Muslim dress, and even halal food, have been deemed dangerous to traditional French culture. The anger of the French Arab population stems from this continuous discrimination, but why would some of it be directed against a portion of France’s Jewish citizens?
It may well be because more and more French Arabs, angry over their discriminatory treatment by French society, increasingly identify with Palestinians, who are also discriminated against by Israeli society. And, they are encouraged in this identification by the fact that, except for a brief period under the leadership of Charles De Gaulle, France has been a strong supporter of Israel.
This is a tradition that Macron accentuated in his address to the CRIF. He told his audience that he will make anti-Zionism the equivalent of anti-Semitism under French law. Macron justifies this move by claiming that “anti-Zionism is one of the modern forms of anti-Semitism.”
What Macron is saying is that in France you cannot speak out against the ideological basis for Israeli racism. If you do so, you yourself will be judged a racist and a criminal. Just how unreasonable this is is elegantly explained in an “open letter” to Macron by the Israeli historian Shlomo Sand, posted on Feb. 8 in the publication Jacobin.
In his letter Sand points out that Zionist Israel is not a republic on the Western model, and certainly not a democracy. It is a “Jewish communalist state.” That is why Sand cannot be a Zionist, because “I am a citizen who desires that the state he lives in should be an Israeli republic, and not a Jewish-communalist state. … I do not want to live in a state that, according to its own self-definition, makes me a privileged class of citizen.”
Sand goes on to explain that “the Israeli Interior Ministry counts 75 percent of the country’s citizens as Jewish, 21 percent as Arab Muslims and Christians, and 4 percent as ‘others’ (sic). Yet according to the spirit of its laws, Israel does not belong to Israelis as a whole, whereas it does belong even to all those Jews worldwide who have no intention of coming to live there.”
Under these circumstances, one cannot be someone who takes republican and democratic principles seriously and still be a Zionist. So Sand has made his choice: he wants to replace Zionist Israel with “an Israeli republic.” Then he asks,
Apparently Macron is oblivious to the logic of Shlomo Sand. Perhaps this is because, at this moment, illogic serves his political purposes much better. And so, in Macron’s France apples become oranges. That is, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism become the same.
Why is this illogical? It is so because anti-Semitism is directed against Jewish people no matter where they are found and based on nothing other than their religion/ethnicity. On the other hand, anti-Zionism is opposition to a specific political doctrine based on its racist nature and practice in the state of Israel. It is not just many French Arabs who understand this. Many French Jews themselves are anti-Zionist. At the same time, French anti-Semites, who probably dream of an exclusive French “communalist state,” want to see all French Jews pack up and move to Israel. This puts these anti-Semites on the same team as avid Zionists.
And what about the French Jews who are anti-Zionist? Macron is putting these Jewish citizens in a position where they can be legally accused of anti-Semitism. As French journalist Dominique Vidal described the situation to FRANCE 24: “if we consider opposition to Theodore Herzl’s theory as anti-Semitic, then we’re saying that the millions of Jews who do not wish to live in Palestine and the occupied territories are anti-Semites. … It’s historical illiteracy, or worse, stupidity.” | 2021-03-08T08:30:16Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
原标题:日航只在中文网称台湾是一省,专家:中方不可能接受据美国“商业内幕”网站25日报道,日本两大航空公司――日本航空和全日空对来自中国的“政治压力”做出妥协,本月12日宣布跟随英国航空、加拿大航空等,把台湾改称为中国一省。,中科院神经所提供。随着朝鲜半岛局势的缓和,朝鲜经济出现活跃迹象,不在联合国制裁范围内的旅游业成为最先活跃起来的行业。。 | 2021-03-07T00:39:52Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
This is best used for Free classes since you will still need to go and record a payment if there are fees associated with the classes.
To Mass Enroll a large group of students into a Class, follow these steps:
Select a Class with a roster you would like to mass enroll.
Select the students to mass enroll by selecting the checkboxes next to those students. (select the top checkbox to select all students)
Select the middle ellipses and select Mass Enroll.
In the Mass Enroll window, you will see the number of students selected, the current class you are pulling them from and the search box for Class to mass enroll in. | 2022-12-06T04:26:44Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
The Strength of Weak Ties » Archive for What If?
What If? | The Lesson
Posted by DSJ in What If?
This post is taken from my K12 Online Conference presentation, "What If the Story Changed?" Access the presentation here.
What if the lesson wasn't the lesson?
When I taught biology, part of the curriculum was to teach kids about cell division, a process known as mitosis.
Do you remember the process of mitosis? That's an important question. If you don't why not? If you do, why?
To teach kids mitosis, I would lecture for two class periods, they'd memorize the steps, and take a multiple choice test. They'd do well, and then they would forget about mitosis
What if there was a different way for students to learn mitosis?
Looking back, I'd do this, as I had eight internet capable computers in my classroom.
I'd give them the authentic scenario of cancer. Normally, when cells divide, they stop. When things go wrong, they keep dividing. Sometime this contributes to cancer. Understanding cell division is part of understanding cancer.
Then I'd give them a simple but powerful question. How does a cell go from one to two? What's the plan?
Then I would give them access to visual media.
And then I ask them to turn off all the sound. Visual interpretation only. Raw materials for understanding, choose what you want. Play the understanding as much as you want. Rewind. Play again. Develop your answer. Collaboratively. And develop media to explain your solution. Share that, and have a more expansive group of learners evaluate and offer course corrections if necessary.
I'd do a similar thing if I was a history teacher helping students understand the importance of the assassination of President John F Kennedy
I'd show them how to locate Creative Commons imagery in Flickr.
I'd show them how to use Google Streetview to take a trip to Dealey Plaza.
I'd show them how they could see Dealey Plaza in real time.
I'd ask them to investigate actual footage of the event on YouTube, first with Walter Chronkite, and then with Abraham Zapruder.
Then I would show them how to merge their ideas, and the content online to assemble their understanding in a wiki platform.
Then I'd show them how to build content in Google Earth, so when they needed to demonstrate understanding that had a geographical context, they could do it there.
What if education could a new story of learning by asking great questions, providing access to multiple types of learning resources, and expecting students to be an active participant in their learning?
The other option is to do what we've always done.
Posted via email from David Jakes
What If? | The Classroom
What If: The Classroom
Is the notion of a classroom an absolute in education? What if the classroom wasn't the classroom?
At least as we think of it today…
Are there new ways of addressing where students learn? Is that all we can offer students? (Picture of typical classroom).
With all the new technologies at our disposal, are there new what if ways of transitioning this space to something more expansive and more contemporary?
What if we rethought classrooms, and schools, as learning spaces, where technology was not integrated but just part of the fabric of what learning is?
What if learning extended beyond the physical brick and mortar experiences? (Enter: picture of kids using computers on wireless bus).
For example, what if buses were wireless, and gave kids access to classes?
What if classes were developed for buses?
What if schools looked toward locations other than school to understand how learning occurred?
What if schools recognized the value of third places as valid locations of learning?
And what if we rethought our learning spaces, what if they were colorful, resource rich, filled with adult mentors, and truly enabled students to explore their passions, like YouMedia in Chicago, Illinois.
What if digital spaces took their rightful place alongside our traditional physical spaces as learning locations?
What if digital spaces where not just for posting assignments, calendar events, and documents but were for connecting learners?
What if digital spaces were more than just places for kids who were absent from class to get make up work?
What if digital spaces helped tell a new learning story, what if these spaces helped students tell their story, what if these spaces took advantages of the affordances of social media to shift a classroom to a learning space?
And what would happen if learning opportunities afforded by digital spaces were open for enrollment across the globe, such as this MOOC course, which represents a Massive Open Online Course?
What if you had choice of what resources you wanted to learn with, with people who had the same interests as you, and you could learn anytime, and finish the course with new understandings but with also a new network of people to continue to learn with?
What would happen, and what would learning look like, if 160 thousand people signed up for a course, with content available in 40 languages?
What if mainstream K-12 education fails to realize the potential of this type of learning?
They'll be replaced.
Here is the online high school from George Washington University.
Here is the online high school from Stanford University.
What if thinking can help schools see the opportunities for developing new venues for learning, and make learning that is independent of time space and place a reality?
How would you begin developing that story?
What If? | Telling Your Story
What If? Telling your Story…
This presentation is about changing the story…and that can begin with telling stories.
Today's technology connects us with the capability to take the stories of our lives and tell them with a variety of different media to make the story come alive, in a brand new way…
We can also use technology to tell those stories to people we have never met, nor will probably ever meet, at least face to face.
What if schools focused on helping students tell stories, and in new ways?
What story does this tell? (picture: scantron form)
And what story does this tell, when the storytelling is between two people, and one is responsible for evaluating the story? Is that all we can offer? (picture: graded essay)
Instead of grading someone's story, how will you help students write themselves into existence?
There are numerous ways today, afforded by easily accessible technologies.
What if teachers led the way, with telling their own stories, using the technologies of 2011?
Time gets in the way, doesn't it? Interest does too. Grading, parent phone calls, planning lessons all are potential yah buts. The pressures of standardized curriculum and assessment contribute as well. There's only so much time in the day, right, and they can learn all of this on their own anyway. After all, their digital natives…
For students, creating stories beyond Facebook means video.
Video is the language of their age.
Being literate today means being able to compose with multiple media.
In my opinion, if you can't craft a video message, put your words into imagery, and tell your story, you're on the outside looking in.
And I'm not talking Dylan's Couch Episode 8 either, where we have a student talking about their history project, although the video has almost 1.4 million views. Look at the potential audience your students have!
I'm talking about serious messages, such as True America, where a Hispanic student explores immigration from Mexico, with the potential of explaining her views to her peers around the world, to help in providing a different context for understanding the complex country known as America.
Here is what her teacher wrote about the potential for telling a new story. It's worth reading.
"Here is a challenge to the young people of our country and those on the other side of the world–to go through the wall that separates the ambassadors and heads of state–to reach into the hearts and minds of peers in foreign lands with the truth as we live it, as we can best convey it–partly in image, partly in sound, but always in our own voice?" (Matt Formato)
So, what if we could help them create new stories, their own personal anthems?
And what if we could help them create a competitive voice, one that could emerge from the massive amounts of content uploaded each day…and be heard.
What if we helped our students tell their stories?
Would that help to change our story?
What If? | Swipe
What If? Swipe!
My second " What if story" is entitled Swipe, which is an intentional nod towards the motion of a finger across the surface of a tablet, such as an iPad.
When I was a kid, my mother used to read Digger Dan to me when I was about 4. I couldn't get enough Digger Dan. Even when I look at book cover now, I can still recall that steam shovel…
This is a colleague's two year old using an iPad to listen to his father read him Toy Story. He uses his finger to swipe to the next page…at 2 years old.
How has your reading changed over the last three years? Do you still read paper? Or has your reading shifted to a digital platform, where you turn digital pages with a swipe of your finger?
What is the new story of reading, and how much of it are we bringing to our students? And yes, we have that responsibility.
What if we could access what we wanted to read via Project Gutenberg, and then access that content on a smartphone using a QR code?
What if I could change the dimensions of what we read by using Readability?
What if I could digitally store things I wanted to read in my own personal digital library on Diigo?
What if I could mark things I wanted to read later with Instapaper?
And what if I read not only by myself, but with others with Book Glutton?
What if I read with a geographical content in Google Earth, with Google Lit Trips?
What if I could collect, or aggregate, different authors into one central location by using Google Reader? What if the content flowed to me, what if that content followed me?
What if I could distill important ideas from what I read, and organize and tag that information into my Evernote account?
What if I could sync that information to my online Evernote account, and make it available in the cloud?
And what if I had mobile access to that information from a mobile Evernote account? What if the information I read and distilled was available to me anywhere?
What if I took that information and repurposed it into a Posterous blog post?
What if I then distributed that post from Posterous to any number of individuals via social media?
What if I published what I wrote in a book using LuLu?
What if I created my own augmented reality book with Zooburst?
And what if I really used technology to accomplish something absolutely amazing…using technology to sign bedtime stories to deaf children?
Take a Playstation Portable and scan the QR code in the upper left…
And a video appears with a woman who signs the book to the child…
What if we could do all of this? Well, we can.
It's all available.
Yet schools languish in a world entitled "What We've Always Done…"
What if educators taught students to leverage these tools? How would that change how they view technology? How would that change how they use technology, and how they learn with technology?
What would that story tell?
Most importantly, what if education was interested in this?
How would our story change?
What If? | The Hallway
What If? The Hallway
You've probably realized by now that the most important focus of this presentation is to help change or reframe how you approach ideas, and how those ideas can be nurtured, improved, and amplified to create a new story.
To help unlock your thinking on how you approach new ideas, I'd like to present to you my first "What If" vignette: The Hallway.
All hallways help people get from point A to Point B.
Hallways are for storage of coats and books, and sometimes finishing up that homework before school.
But what if we created a new story for the hallway with "What If" thinking?
What if a hallway had a Twitter account?
What if a hallway had a Facebook account?
And what if you could check into your hallway on Foursquare? What if you could become the mayor of your hallway?
Right now, are you intrigued by these ideas, or are you thinking "Yah But?" Be honest with yourself. What was your initial response to these three ideas centered on social media and hallways?
Maybe you're wondering: Why would you? I'm wondering why you wouldn't…
Yah But, who would post to the Twitter account? Yah But, who would manage the Facebook profile?
I don't have an answer, but aren't those different and interesting questions to ask?
Are they solvable?
And what if we could create a social aspect to our hallways beyond the 5 minute analog Facebook passing period? Could that serve a purpose? Could that connect kids in a different way to their classmates? Their school?
What if hallways had a blog site?
And what if students could be in hallways without a pass? What if that was part of the school culture and students were entrusted with that responsibility, that opportunity?
What if the hallways were writeable? What if a dry erase marker was standard issue to all students?
What if the hallways were more than cream-colored cinderblock? What if school hallways were colorful and vibrant? What if the culture of the school was enhanced by quotations from the school community, and contributed to a transparency of beliefs?
And what if stairwells did the same? What if they were more than vertical egress routes? And look at the image on the right-hallway as beacon, lit up at night, to show all who look, here is what we are and what we believe in.
Imagine QR codes on the walls, connecting kids to ideas and resources, while using their own devices…
Imagine also augmented reality hotspots in hallways that provided students with an additional information reality. What if AR hotspots were part of a hallway learning game?
Or, you could have just have hallways. You could be satisfied with just hallways.
The next time you walk down a school corridor or hallway, ask "What If?"
Begin developing that new story. Challenge yourself to rethink, and to be open to possibilities and potential…
Words Matter: Reinvent
Posted by DSJ in Words Matter
To malke new again. To get a second chance. Perhaps a third…
Have you re-invented yourself? Do you need to? Will you? What if you did?
At some point in your life or career, you'll probably have to. Sometimes you do it because it makes sense and takes you to a place you want to go. Sometimes you don't have a choice, and failing to do so results in a lack of relevance.
I've done it a number of times. I have a bachelors and masters in fisheries management, and started my career working for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Ronald Regan gets elected, goodbye environmental jobs. Time to reinvent myself. Hello Northern Illinois University and the College of Education. Here I am, 26 years later.
I've also done it a number of within those 26 years. I've shifted from being a classroom teacher to being a technology coordinator and the administrative responsibilities that come with it.
As many of you know, a big part of my career has focused on presenting my ideas. I did my first national presentation in 1995 in Phoenix on "Surfing the Information Highway in the Biology Classroom." Seriously. How funny. To get to that point, I had done numerous presentations on the local and state levels. I paid my dues to get there. At that time, there was no Twitter, and you actually had to do a presentation to get recognized to do other presentations. Imagine that.
I've had opportunities to speak at numerous conferences, and I've had some signature topics, including digital storytelling, presentation design, learning spaces, and some others. Eventually as those topics became more mainstream, it was time to learn and reinvent. Stay current. Stay relevant. Actually do it in a real school. Compete for those speaking gigs. All at a tremendous cost of energy, time, stress…
At what point do you say enough is enough? No more reinventing.
Musicians learn their craft, start playing small venues, and if they get good enough, connect enough, they play the big venues, the big concert halls. But few can continue at such a high level, and gradually its down the other side of slope.
Interestingly, many continue on and return to the smaller venues where they got their start. And they seem to enjoy that, and accept that that is just the way it is. So do their fans, who realize that the musician's voice is still true and the message in their songs is still much more meaningful than the superficial noise the new bands are putting out.
I guess most of all they just like playing their music, regardless of where. They've had the big-time experiences, have been there, have achieved it, and probably reached the goals they set for themselves. I'll bet for many they just like playing for those fans who have been along for the ride, even though it may just be several hundred now. Perhaps they just like playing for themselves, their music is that important to them. Playing, singing, and recognizing that they have the ability to communicate in a rare way might be just enough to see them through, without the big stage and lights, the travel,and the jazz that goes with the name on the big marquee…
So, at what point do you put it behind you? Say goodbye, walk away, and do something else? Just move on?
And reinvent yourself…all over again.
Words Matter: What if?
Posted by DSJ in Uncategorized
What if is about possibilities. Its about free thinking and not being boxed in by preconceptions. Its about and, and, and more and, about extending ideas, not being limited, but being creative and open and generative.
What if is the opposite of Yeah But.
Instead of looking at why things can't be, look at why they can. What if gives you permission to dream a little, step out of your comfort zone, and see connections where you couldn't, and wouldn't, see them before.
Now is a time when global connectivity, technology,and new approaches and understandings about education are emerging and should be a focus of many. It is a time of exponential possibilitiy, of what could be, and should be. But at least in the States, we're headed in a different direction, down a different path, towards a limited, narrow world that has at its foundation misguided legislative mandates that ultimately create a climate of fear, failure, and prescriptive education.
On top of all of this, we're conditioned to see why things won't work, aren't we? How many in your organization consciously look to find why something won't work, and who find their passion by shutting down yours? All organizations have them, the yahbutters…
So, to get you thinking in a different direction, here's a few What ifs…
What if tatoos were medical patches?
What if cigarette boxes actually helped save lives?
What if 2D became 3D?
What if restaurants were trucks?
What if PlayDoh, Silly Putty, Tinkertoys and the 128 crayon box (with the sharpener) were the school supplies?
What if fruit was scan-able?
What if ideas were bigger than 140 characters?
What if walls were writeable?
What if you could check out a rabbit? (heard at Reimagine Ed this weekend)
What if beef jerky was potato chips?
What if you played Monopoly not on a board but used a city for the board?
What if there was no student-teacher relationship, just learners?
What if instead of making goop, you made edible goop?
What if educators work focused on learning and not teaching?
Changing the language of interaction is a step towards developing a language that can support change and improvement. When you encounter an idea, why not add to it? And when that idea needs help, why not help? Honor the person and the risk it took to communicate the idea by redirecting, adding to, tweeking, or refocusing the idea into something more productive.
What if you helped to build ideas rather than tear them down?
Words Matter | Hallway
Hallways are found everywhere. They are corridors that enable people to get from Point A to Point B.
Hallways in schools have lockers in them and are inhabited by students copying each other's worksheets.
Hallways in a typical school are most active before and after school, before learning has started and after learning for the day has ended.
At other times, typically for 5 minutes between classes, hallways are the analog equivilent of Facebook..
Besides lockers, hallways may have bulletin boards, display cases and pictures on the their walls.
What if a hallway had a web site?
What if a hallway had a Twitter account, a Facebook presence?
What if kids checked into their hallway on Foursquare or Yelp?
What if a hallway were spaces to learn at all times?
What if the climate of a school honored hallways as learning spaces?
What if there were flat panels so students could attach their devices?
What if there was some furniture, high cafe tables and chairs. What if hallways were actually a comfortable place?
What if teachers were assigned to hallways as mentors and advisors, and not for just checking passes?
What if you didn't need a pass to be in a hallway.
What if friendly class competitions pitted Hallway AB vs Hallway CD? See which hallway could learn the most, do the most social good…why freshman vs. sophomore, etc..?
What if there were infographics on the walls?
What if the hallways were the library?
More importantly, what if educators had the courage, the insight, and the desire to look at something old in a new way, to reinvent it, and in the process, rethink the spaces that serve our students education?
Just image all the reasons not to, why a school shouldn't, imagine all the Yeah Buts.
But maybe Yeah Buts should start being replaced with What If's?
Words Matter | Hashtag
A piece of metadata, normally associated with a tweet. A cousin to the tag, hashtags have a # sign in front of them.
Hashtags can be used to categorize tweets around a central theme. Hashtags make tweets searchable. This is believed to be the first hashtag.
You see them all the time if you are on Twitter. For example, #iste11 was recently used extensively to group tweets around the International Society of Technology in Education Conference in Philadelphia. Sometimes, the use of hashtags can go very wrong, as Entenmenns recently found out.
Hashtags can also be used to add to interest to a tweet, and even add a little fun. Sometimes they are even attributed:
#seewhatIdidthere (@jonbecker 2010)
#TTA (me, 2009) Note: TTA = Touch Them All and is used to reference hitting a "home-run" with a tweet and touching all four bases in the process, as in a runner rounding the bases after hitting a real home run.
So, hashtags are part of the "conversation," and serve to make the "conversation" searchable.
But I'm tired of conversation and have written on that before. Time to move on…more doing, and less talking.
Why not start using these hashtags to address that?
#whatwedid could be used to describe something actually attempted to improve education. The emphasis on we addresses that attempt to be organizationally-based, and not just a classroom-localized event of a single teacher.
#whathappened could categorize the outcome of that attempt, the consequences of the action…and most importantly,what happened to student learning.
#howweknow could be used when describing how the organization knows #whathappened.
Three years from now will you still be engaged in the same conversations? Right now, think back three years, has your school changed significantly as the result of the conversation? Not you, the school… | 2018/12/10 13:35:31 | | mC4 |
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Atlanta Dan's Comments
Posted Monday December 31, 2012, About: Stan Van Gundy bluntly critiques Dwight Howard's play
All the Lakers have to do is win 4 out of every 7 games through June. Everything else will take care of itself.
Perfect example of someone who should have had more "injury" time BEFORE the playoffs: Karl Malone. His shoes were too big to fill when he got hobbled in the finals.
"Injuries" among older superstar players are common for a number of reasons. First of all, during the "doll drums" of the middle of the season is the best time to get real experience for the backup in the position. Too often a superstar takes on such a big roll that his sudden loss during the playoffs totally unbalances a team (e.g. Chicago last year). Someone has to be able to come in and hold their own in the position, even if not to the same talent level. Second of all, younger and less talented players throw their bodies around during the mid-season against these stars just to prove how good they are so they can keep their jobs. Finally, the last things these stars need is training time. They just need to be there enough to keep the team within striking distance of the top playoff position and make sure they are fully within the "flow" of a team. Each player needs to know where they can expect the other players to be in order to coordinate a top level offense and defence. Other than that, the most important thing of all is that all key players hit the playoffs at 90+ percent efficiency and 95%+ health. And rested enough so that they can continue ratcheting up that efficiency and effort all the way through the second season. For that matter, Gasol has hit that level where he should see some "injury time" in the last part of the season. He's been running out of "gas"ol toward the end of these key games. Let them try double teaming him on the post when he has Superman to pass to over their heads.
Posted Thursday May 31, 2012, About: Gasol disputes report, reaffirms love for Lakers
Not likely Dwight will want to disappear into the hinterlands after tolerating Mickey Mouse all these years. He'll be looking for a big media market.
As for Gasol, he should forget the low post. On offense, that belongs to Bynum. He should be playing 12-15 feet from the basket on offense, passing the ball around, taking the open shot and crashing the paint on offence to take the ball to the rim as soon as Bynum draws the double. On defense, he should be working inside the paint with Bynum, especially so Bynum can conserve most of his energy for the offensive low post. Bynum can become THE dominant scorer, and Kobe should start thinking more "small forward", while bringing on more first class young FAST talent at guard to work with him on fast breaks. MWP? Love him, but unless he can play full time we should get someone with more control of his temper.
on the floor, that is
There's a case for Fisher as a player coach. He sure shouldn't be on the coach more than 20 minutes a game, but without those 20 minutes the Lakers lose their balance.
The problem was lack of team discipline and a lack of a dominant coach. When Phil left and Fisher was traded, nobody was left who could say "no" to Kobe's instinct to totally dominate the game and his impatience with his team members. Kobe is a great individual player, but he is like a high strung hybrid race horse. If the jockey (Phil) doesn't hold him back early in the race, he runs himself into the ground and fades in the stretch, trying his heart out to win it by himself. Notice that Phil had a consistent substitution pattern no matter what the score was. Brown is too easily influenced by his star. And in crunch time, sometimes it is more important to have a man on the court who keeps his head together, holds on to the ball, finds the open man no matter who is, and can take the open shot if it is given. When Fisher's in the game at crunch time, Kobe knows he can count on someone else. Fisher is like that old, calm horse that every great race horse relies on to keep things steady. If San Antonio beats the Thunder badly, maybe we can get him back without giving up the speed and youth we got for him. These guys need real leadership. | 2014/04/20 16:06:45 | | mC4 |
حادث مروع في سلطنة عمان أفجع الكويت.. راح ضحيته ٣ مواطنين من الكويت بينهم عميد ركن وشقيقه.. شاهد | وطن الدبور
حادث مروع في سلطنة عمان أفجع الكويت.. راح ضحيته ٣ مواطنين من الكويت بينهم عميد ركن وشقيقه.. شاهد
حادث مروع وقع في سلطنة عمان
الدبور – وقع حادث مروع ومخيف في سلطنة عمان بعد تصادم مركبيتن في الخط السريع، وراح ضحيته ٣ مواطنين من دولة الكويت كما أفادت وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي، ووقع الحادث المفجع على الخط السريع عند نفط عمان الجديدة- الحزمفي في ولاية الرستاق العمانية.
و أكد مصدر مسؤول في السفارة الكويتية لدى سلطنة عمان أن السفارة تابعت حادث المرور الذي أسفر عن وفاة ثلاثة مواطنين، بينهم شقيقان في ولاية الرستاق.
وقال المصدر إن «المنطقة التي وقع بها الحادث تبعد بحدود ساعتين عن مقر السفارة، وأن القسم القنصلي بالسفارة ذهب مباشرة لمكان الحادث وتابع جميع الاجراءات مع السلطات العمانية».
وأشار المصدر إلى أنه «وفي الوقت نفسه هناك خلية عمل مستمرة في العمل حتى الآن برئاسة السفير سليمان الحربي في مقر السفارة منذ ورود خبر الحادث، للإسراع في إجراءات نقل جثامين المواطنين الثلاثة للكويت في أقرب رحلة طيران فور الانتهاء من الإجراءات الحكومية العمانية والتي تبذل قصارى جهدها على الرغم من كون اليوم (أمس) هو عطلة في عمان».
ونشرت صفحة عماننا على موقع تويتر صورة من الحادث المؤلم وعلقت عليه ما نصه: "لقي ثلاثة مواطنين كويتيين مصرعهم بحادث مروري مروع في #سلطنة_عُمان بعد تصادم سيارتين على أحد الطرق السريعة في السلطنة. رحمهم الله جميعا"
لقي ثلاثة مواطنين كويتيين مصرعهم بحادث مروري مروع في #سلطنة_عُمان
بعد تصادم سيارتين على أحد الطرق السريعة في السلطنة.
رحمهم الله جميعا?
— ??Omaninaa?? (@Omaninaa) September 22, 2019
وعلم الدبور أن أحد المتوفين في الحادث هو العميد الركن عصام السيف ، و شقيقه عيسى عبداللطيف السيف والمرحوم سعود عبدالعزيز الضبيبي.
انتقل إلى رحمة الله زوج اختي ابن خالتي عصام عبداللطيف السيف و شقيقه عيسى عبداللطيف السيف أثر حادث مروري في سلطنة عمان. | 2022/07/02 23:30:53 | | mC4 |
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2分飞艇正网_大小_app邀请码年报显示,2016年臣功制药采购托拉塞米注射液为3700万元;2017年上半年,采购金额也超过2400万元。而2013年、2014年臣功制药采购托拉塞 米注射液金额分别为2400万元和3600万元。做公益捐钱买水?挺消防员别被套路.
2分飞艇正网_大小_app邀请码。用户手机寄回维修后失联?维修点:乐视未提供配件还欠钱寄回维修的乐视手机,快一年了还没拿到;大量乐视用户反映手机寄回维修后"失联";授权维修中心:乐视未提供配件,拖欠劳务费去年9月,徐女士按照乐视手机客服的要求,将手机寄到北京后,便再没了手机的消息。将近一年的时间里,她多次询问,被告知:材料紧缺 。徐女士一度要求把手机寄回,依然无果。,美国科技巨头难逃法国数字税,华为浑水还是找风口、文艺演出各届校友、在校生文艺演出,暨子归节闭幕仪式。 | 2019/07/16 19:09:07 | | mC4 |
【文學紀念冊】高天恩/永遠的蘭熙 | 文學創作 | 聯副創作 | 讀.書.人
2017/12/28 11:51:50 聯合報 高天恩
初識蘭熙女士(Nancy)是在1991年,光復南路某巷的五樓中華民國筆會理監事會議上。當時冠蓋雲集,前輩作家學者包括齊邦媛、林海音、林文月、羅蘭、余光中、瘂弦、彭歌、王藍、林良、朱炎、胡耀恆,與我同輩的則有歐茵西和宋美璍在座。當時正逢蘭熙女士和余光中先生新舊任筆會會長交接,我這後生小輩則誠惶誠恐被派任為筆會祕書長。立刻便感受到Nancy 的熱情和貼心:會後她隨即把我叫到一邊,小聲叮嚀我,即將參加的1991年國際筆會年會應該帶多少本筆會英文季刊到會場,帶那些她會親自準備的禮物去一一贈送給哪些外國作家,有哪幾位要特別問候,有哪些國家代表對我們特別友好,有哪些人會主張在會籍上「排我納匪」。
蘭熙女士早在1985年便獲選為中華民國筆會第六任會長,1990年剛才在國際筆會第五十屆年會上被推選為國際筆會終身職副會長,這是只有Margaret Atwood, Nadine Gordimer, J.M. Goetzee, Emmanel Clancier,和Mario Vargas Llosa這類文壇巨擘才能獲頒的殊榮。非常遺憾的是,Nancy知道自己的失憶症已經在蠶食她的腦子了,便在甫得國際筆會最高榮譽之際毅然引退。次年,1991年,我初度伴隨余光中先生到維也納參加第56屆年會,92年上半年到巴賽隆納,下半年到巴西里約,參加第57、58屆年會,都是不同的場景,同樣的問題——蘭熙呢?(Where's Nancy?)蘭熙怎麼沒有來?許多故人,英國的,歐陸的,中南美洲的,都一臉關切,得知她病了,又都滿面不捨之情。非常訝異她怎麼贏得了這樣多的真摯友誼!
2002 年,我主編的《中華民國筆會英文季刊》(The Chinese PEN)冬季號,推出季刊創刊三十周年特輯,其實就是一個紀念感恩殷張蘭熙女士的專刋,邀集了陪伴她多年來並肩奮鬥的老戰友彭歌、齊邦媛、余光中、林文月、朱炎等五位先生各寫成一篇專文,並且英譯,同時也請了葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)、 陶忘機(John Balcom),和康士林(Nicholas Koss)三位由Nancy一手「調教」出來的美國翻譯家寫出對她的感念文章。同時,歐茵西教授和我共同專訪了Nancy的女公子,大陸工程公司董事長殷琪女士,寫成〈女兒的話〉,並刊出筆會三十年來各種活動的珍貴照片七十多張──明顯看到前二十年都是Nancy美麗大方的身影跟國際文學巨擘及國內名家的合照,以及後十年各種繁華場景獨缺伊人的淒涼!
齊邦媛教授回憶道:「1972是個奇妙的一年。」那年她清楚聽到「樹葉裂芽出來的聲音」,除了台大外文系與中文系合作創辦了中華民國比較文學學會,《中外文學》月刊創刊之外,「同年秋天,林語堂先生主持,殷張蘭熙主編的《中華民國筆會英文季刊》(The Chinese PEN)發行了創刊號。」齊老師強調,「蘭熙被林先生委任,"Now, Nancy, you do it!" 並不僅因為英文是她的母語,不僅因為她誠懇認真,而是因為她已經默默地做了十年英譯文學作品的工作,且已經有了三本書出版:第一本《新聲》(New Voices)選譯了八篇短篇小說,六位詩人作品,於1961年由Heritge Press出版……。」當時所選的詩和小説,作者包括白先勇、王文興、陳若曦、敻虹、叢甦、葉維亷、林耀福、王禎和、葉珊。這些年輕作家之中,葉珊才二十一歲,最「老」的二十七歳,他們後來都成為文壇及學術界重鎮,而蘭熙女士早已慧眼識英雄。
彭歌追憶:「1971年她譯了六位作家的短篇,包括王藍、朱西寧等,以我那篇〈象牙球〉(The Ivory Balls)作為書名。」後來她又陸續英譯了彭歌的九個短篇,彙為一本小說集,書名《黑色的涙》(Black Tears),「書中一字一句,都經她細心琢磨,稍有疑問,就會打電話來討論,」彭歌寫道。齊邦嫒老師也回憶起,在Nancy去美國之前有天突然對她說,「在美國最新醫學測試,她的腦細胞有百分之三十已損壞,失憶症已經開始,且無醫藥可以保證能阻止它繼續損壞。」有一天早上,Nancy家人打電話請齊老師去,到她書房裡,「看到她頭俯在打字機上哭泣。」
1971年Nancy出版了她自己的詩集《One Leaf Falls》,證明了自己的創作實力。此後一連二十年,1972至1992年她主編筆會英文季刊,親自選稿,找譯者,讀譯稿,作最後的校稿,親自發排。直到九二年秋天,鞠躬盡瘁,才「託孤」似的把棒子交到齊邦媛教授手裡。1994年五月,殷之浩先生去世不久,齊老師回憶去看望Nancy,書房窗前,夕陽餘暉中,她一再忘情地告訴齊老師:「妳知道,之浩死了。」一次,又一次。2000年齊老師專程去舊金山看她,林文月教授同行,帶了鲜花。她只會茫然對齊老師說:「邦、邦、邦……」,齊老師「確知那已是可貴的記憶了。臨別相抱,心知今生再見不易了。」齊老師回到台北,我們聽到這樣的描述,才油然生起為季刊三十周年紀念出專輯的構想。
1987年,殷張蘭熙與文友歡聚留影。右起:林海音、陳怡真、馬悅然、殷張蘭熙、齊邦媛及小民。(圖/本報資料照片) | 2018/11/21 11:09:02 | | mC4 |
ص49 - كتاب شبهات القرآنيين حول السنة النبوية - المبحث الخامس شبهات القرآنيين والرد عليها - المكتبة الشاملة
قولهم، إن القرآن الكريم كافٍ في بيان قضايا الدين وأحكام الشريعة، وإن القرآن قد اشتمل على الدين كله، بجملته وتفصيله، بكلياته وجزئياته، وأنه يحتوي جميع الأحكام التشريعية بتفصيلاتها، ما ترك شيئاً ولا فرط في شيء. ولهذا كان القرآن كافياً، ولم يكن ثمة حاجة لمصدر ثان للتشريع. فالسنة لا حاجة إليها، ولا مكان لها. وقد استدلوا لشبهتهم هذه بما زعموه أدلة من القرآن المجيد. من ذلك قوله - سبحانه: {مَا فَرَّطْنَا فِي الْكِتَابِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ} (الأنعام: ٣٨) . واستدلوا - كذلك - بقول الله - سبحانه - يصف القرآن الكريم: {مَا كَانَ حَدِيثاً يُفْتَرَى وَلَكِنْ تَصْدِيقَ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَتَفْصِيلَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدىً وَرَحْمَةً لِقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ} (يوسف:١١١) ، وكذلك | 2022/05/16 11:40:09 | | mC4 |
Enjoying a popular location within walking distance to the thriving Hurstville CBD and City Trains, This home unit ticks all the boxes. Featuring: Secure intercom entry and secondary private entrance; Air Conditioning; Light filled interiors with open plan lounge/dining room; Modern kitchen with caesar stone benchtops and ducted rangehood; Lock-up garage, large laundry w/extra toilet; 2 large bedrooms with built ins; Freshly painted.
Premium Level 3 apartment encompassing generous proportions and positioned within a modern and conveniently located block. This great property also offers:
Close to a host of lifestyle conveniences, only a short walk to Kogarah station, Town Centre & both hospitals.
Several years ago, representatives from a number of Arkansas healthcare systems and Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield envisioned a statewide, seamlessly integrated healthcare delivery and claims processing and communication transaction system. This would enable the hospitals of the state to be connected to physicians practicing in their facilities, and the various facilities and individual physicians would be connected to each other, to major employers in their regions and to payers by way of a health-data network. Advanced Health Information Network (AHIN) is the communications tool created to implement this vision.
AHIN is a secure web-based portal that provides real-time functionality, delivering current patient information, while helping physicians improve business functions more efficiently. It was one of the first health information networks in the United States to offer advanced functionality and continues to offer capabilities that are unique within the industry. This functionality is the primary reason hospitals and Health Networks magazine identified Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield as one of the "10 Most Wired Health Plans" in the country.
Links to Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield information systems provide access to eligibility, claims, claim status, remittance advices, fee schedules and detailed reporting. Links to other Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans provide similar access to this information nationwide. Inherent functionality includes electronic claim submission and real-time correction of erred claims, regardless of how they were submitted. Since users access AHIN through a secure portal using all popular Internet browsers, there is no software to purchase and install. By utilizing internet technology, everything necessary to access AHIN is already present on most personal computers.
Security of data is always a major concern, and AHIN's developers went to great lengths to limit access to patient or other data to a need-to-know basis, with full HIPAA compliance. The system operates as an extranet and uses both hardware and software controls to limit data access to users with the proper authorization. Access to data stored on the network is through a security system, which is addressable down to the object level, and individuals who have security clearance to view patient or other data are limited to viewing information specific to their organization.
AHIN functions as a repository for demographic, insurance eligibility, claims and related information. In addition, AHIN serves as a conduit through which information — such as referral/pre-certification processing, claims submission, claim status, remittance advice and claims error notification/correction/re-submission — may be sent from one point to another.
Demographics: Available for more than a million Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Health Advantage, Medi-Pak, Medi-Pak Advantage, BlueAdvantage and USAble Administrators members and former members; updated nightly.
Eligibility: Available for Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and out-of-state Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Blue Card) plans, Health Advantage, BlueAdvantage Administrators, USAble Administrators and Arkansas Medicaid. Eligibility information for the Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield family of companies is updated nightly. All other eligibility uses real-time interfaces to the host system.
Fee Schedules: The Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield Fee Schedule is available in AHIN with two ways to access: 1) A Search and Display method from the” Home Page” and 2) A full listing of all codes.
Claims: Received and processed for all payers, including those who do not accept electronic claims. Claims processing includes electronic error notification to submitters with the ability to perform online error correction and claims re-submission. Information related to claims processed through AHIN is on a real-time basis.
Claims Status: Available for all Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and out-of-state Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, Health Advantage and USAble Administrators. Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield claim status is updated nightly. Information from out-of-state Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans is via real-time interfaces to the host system.
Claim Search: Provides access to Claims Status, Claim Disposition, Paper RA, Medical Records, Refund Letters, and Overpayments all from one screen.
File Overview: A new feature that displays a summary of claims submitted in the file as well as the date the file was submitted to AHIN and provider contact information. The Claims Tab provides a list of all claims in the file or only the claims in error. The Reports Tab provides a list of all reports associated with the file.
Medical Edit Research: The Edit/Coverage function provides users with procedure-code-specific member coverage and licensed pre-payment edit information.
Tutorial: The Computer Based Training (CBT) module has an easy-to-use main menu that allows the user to choose to complete each section or only those sections that pertain to their specific job duties. The lessons will allow the user to practice what is learned in each section in a realistic simulation of AHIN.
AHIN Online Enrollment should only be completed for providers requesting to have access to AHIN in their offices. If you want to be added as a user to an existing AHIN provider, please contact the AHIN User Administrator (AUA) in your office; otherwise, please follow the instructions below to begin the process of enrolling in AHIN.
Please note: Providers must have an electronic submitter number before enrolling in AHIN. If you do not have an electronic submitter number, select the link below.
AHIN Professional Service Enrollment [pdf, 300 KB] — This form is used by providers who are enrolling to use AHIN as their clearinghouse.
The AHIN User Administrator (AUA) will receive an email from AHIN when the setup is complete. The email will contain the AUA's assigned AHIN user name, password and Personal Identification Number (PIN). | OSCAR-2019 |
On Jan. 29, the Glencoe High School senior catcher agreed to play softball for the next two years at Southern Union Co-mmunity College.
A member of the Lady Yellow Jacket varsity since her seventh grade season, McGuire said that she was sold on Southern Union after her visit to the school’s Wadley campus.
“I had a lot of interest from other schools, but it just felt home once I got there. I’ve wanted to play college softball ever since I was in T-ball, so it’s exciting that what I’ve been working for all these years is finally coming true. I just want to thank God for giving me this opportunity.”
Two of McGuire’s fellow seniors, Jordan Sims and Sarah Wallace, will also play at the level, Sims at Jacksonville State and Wallace at Snead State.
“We’ve played softball together since we were little, and we work off each other very well,” said McGuire. “Everyone’s working hard and we’re planning on having a really good season.”
As The Messenger’s Offensive Player of the Year last season, McGuire led the Lady Jackets in batting (.533), RBI (65), home runs (12) and on-base percentage (.631).
McGuire was selected first team catcher for the Alabama Sports Writers Association’s Class 3A All-State team, the Class 3A, All-Area 10 team and the All-Etowah County team.
McGuire also was named most valuable player for the area and county tournaments and was both her team’s overall and offensive MVP.
McGuire’s success carried over into su-mmer travel ball, where she batted .548, drove in 63 runs and hit 18 home runs.
Last season, Southern Union went 40-1, including a 1501 mark in conference play, en route to winning the Alabama Community College Conference-Central Division title.
“I’ve had my eye on Jaime for about a year and a half now, and we’re fortunate to have her,” said SUCC head softball coach Brian Pittman. “With her experience, power and athletic ability, I feel she’ll come in next year and step in the middle of the lineup and have an immediate impact. We look for kids that are from winning program who can transfer that success to the college level, and Jamie’s that type of kid.”
Helped in great part by McGuire’s bat and glove, the 2012 Lady Yellow Jackets won the county and area tournaments and finished 34-12 after going 1-2 in the Class 3A North Central Regional Tournament.
GHS head softball coach Amy Travis noted that McGuire is a vital piece to the team’s success.
“Jamie is a player that any coach would love to have on his or her team. She brings so much to the playing field. She is a valuable player on both offense and defense. Not only has Jamie helped lead us to the regional tournament for the past two years, she also has helped us win the area tournament the past two years, the county tournament last year, and numerous other tournaments throughout the season.
“I can’t say enough about Jamie and her leadership. I am really going to miss her next year, on and off the field. Southern Union is gaining a player that will be able to walk in and contribute to their program. I don’t see her having any problems succeeding on the next level.
Jamie, who also excels in the classroom with a 3.75 GPA, currently is undecided on her field of study at SUCC.
“Jamie certainly has a great set of softball skills, but she’s also a natural leader who’s been a real role model for the underclassmen in the program,” said Jason Gilley, who coached Jaime on the GHS varsity softball team through her sophomore year. “I couldn’t have asked for a better person, as well as a player, to coach, and I think she’ll carry that over to Southern Union.”
“I’ve coached Jamie for four years, and as an athlete she has tremendous offensive awareness and will be a huge asset [to Southern Union],” added Larry Willis, Jamie’s hitting coach. “Jamie has extremely quick hands, exceptional power and great hand-to-eye coordination. She’ll definitely excel at the next level.” | 2022-11-26T22:28:16Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
UAE pledges support to Afghanistan in areas of transit trade and education | Wadsam
In the areas of trade, he assured that his country was committed to turning the Hamid Karzai International Airport into a transit center for Central Asia trade to help strengthen the country's economy.
President Ghani welcomed UAE's support and demanded support for Afghan traders and investors in UAE.
Hamid Karzai International AirportUAE-Afghanistan
Afghan Mini Mobile Circus for Children (MMCC) was the only country to celebrate international circus day at their center in | 2021/09/21 11:02:06 | | mC4 |
學習時報刊文:聚焦老年人金融需求進行產品創新_財經頻道_新浪網-北美 2019年08月20日 16:45 北京新浪網
在養老服務業發展方面,養老機構要區分公益性和商業性,公益性養老機構重點是提供普惠的養老服務,保障老年人的基本養老需求。對公益性特點突出的養老機構,政府需要從土地、稅收、財政補貼等方面提供政策支持,維持其正常運營。商業性養老機構重點是提供優質的養老服務,提高老年人的養老水平。這類機構也要積極創新商業模式,明確重點服務的老年人羣體,尋求商業可持續發展。在鼓勵養老機構創造更多就業崗位的同時,也要對養老機構吸納就業提供科學合理的社會保險補貼、職業培訓補貼等。 | 2019/11/20 01:10:55 | | mC4 |
The Advanced Manufacturing Fast Track program allows you to seek new career opportunities by learning a set of job skills on a part-time basis. Fast Track requires you to complete three to five courses over a period of one or two semesters. | 2021-03-07T06:22:28Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
May 6, 2014 baseball, blue devils, charlie meyer, charlie pelzer, ian shiltz, jack schneider, jake lunow, nick nalbach, patrick gullickson, ryan freitag, toby gardenhire, uw stout, wiac
With finals just around the corner, the baseball team is closing out their season. Coach Toby Gardenhire, a former Triple A player with the Minnesota Twins organization, will be finishing his third year coaching here at University of Wisconsin–Stout. When I interviewed him at the beginning of the season, he expressed great hopes for the team.
"Our team is very good defensively. We have a good group of infielders, outfielders and catchers that know how to control a game. Over spring break we traveled to Florida for seven days and we played nine total games. All in all, we went 8-0 against the college teams and tied the Twins rookie ball team."
The Blue Devils have continued to play well throughout the season and will be playing in the WIAC tournament next week as the no. 4 seed.
Many of the Blue Devils received honors over the course of the season. Jake Lunow, a junior from Princeton Wis., was the WIAC athlete of the week for April 22, batting .500 when the Blue Devils faced University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh and took the series 3-1. Patrick Gullickson, a sophomore from Chanhassen, Minn., was chosen as the Northwestern Mutual Athlete of the Week on April 23, following the UW–Oshkosh series during which he pitched a complete game in a 6-2 win.
Ryan Freitag, a junior from Osseo Wis., and WEAU TV athlete of the week, powered the Blue Devils this season. With three homers in the the final series of the regular season against UW-Stevens Point, Freitag has 15 home runs on the season, tying the UW-Stout single-season record.
Charlie Meyer, a junior from Janesville Wis., was selected to Capital One All District 6 baseball team because of his 3.56 GPA and his baseball record as a team captain, hitting .333 with 29 RBI, nine doubles, two triples and four home runs.
Several of the players were interviewed to recap the season and the accomplishments they made individually and as a team. Players interviewed include freshman Nick Nalbach from Plover Wis., seniors Ian Schlitz from Franklin Wis., and Charlie Pelzer from Little Canada, Minn. and junior Jack Schneider from Minneapolis, Minn. Schneider tied the school record for doubles in a single season when he hit his 16th of the year against UW–Stevens Point on May 4.
Here are some of the highlights from their interviews.
Kylie Bowman: How do you feel about the way you have been playing as a team and as an individual this season?
Jack Schneider: I am very happy with how we have played this year. We are definitely turning the program in the right direction. If I am doing anything to help my team win—such as getting hits or RBIs, making plays or cheering—then I am happy as an individual player.
Nick Nalbach: This year I thought we played really well together. We worked really hard from fall to spring, knowing what had to be done to be successful, and I'm proud of where we're at so far. Individually, we all have our ups and downs, but the nice thing about baseball is that one person can't make or break the team. If one person struggles, there's a whole team there to pick him up.
KB: What was the strongest aspect of your team this season?
Ian Schlitz: There hasn't been any one part of our team that has stood out. Our pitching, hitting and defense have continued to be solid throughout the season. One thing that I would say has stood out is how we bounce back from losses. We have been able to control the damage when we do lose a game to come back and win the next one.
Charlie Pelzer: I think one of the highlights of our team this year was our depth on the mound and in the field. We have a great starting nine, but if one of the starters isn't playing well, there is all the confidence in the players behind him.
KB: What are you expecting in conference play?
NN:The WIAC is one of the best DIII conferences in the nation, and we knew going in that we would be playing some very good teams. We just came in with the intent to play the way we know how and keep pushing to be one of the better teams in the conference to make the playoffs.
CP: This season we are all a family with one goal in mind. There is nothing more that we want to do than win each inning of every game. We have a very well-rounded and experienced team that can hit the ball throughout the lineup, so I expect us to be above .500 in conference.
JS:Going to the WIAC playoffs and making a run to the top!
The Blue Devils closed out their regular season with losses to University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point on May 3 to 4.The WIAC tournament will take place the weekend of Friday, May 9 through Sunday, May 11. Congratulations on a good season, and best of luck in the playoffs Blue Devils! | 2022/05/24 16:25:09 | | mC4 |
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首页 > 彩票软件下载: 豆粕期权 可尝试做空波动率
彩票软件下载: 豆粕期权 可尝试做空波动率
作者:郑璐璐发布时间:2020-01-21 23:41:18 【字号: 大 中 小 】
"这是?……虽然与魔帝气息接近,但竟然不是那老东西,此人究竟是谁?"骷髅的头颅中,发出了一阵令人毛骨悚然的声音。闻言,一名身材干瘦的灰袍青年微微一笑,摇头道:"哼,你以为进阶那般容易?进阶失败不会有那般明显的天象让你观察。"对了,最近这梅城可有什么变化?"叶飞随意的问了一句。这么大的一个意外之喜,令得叶飞兴奋不已,毫不掩饰的露出了笑容,加上之前在空明长老那里换取的一颗,现如今自己的手中,可是有了三颗筑基丹的。"不愧是武帝,躯体之力果然强横!"叶飞脸色一正的说道,自己乃是五行真身,再加上修炼过三阶圣魔体,虽然没有变身,但躯体之力也不是一般人能够比拟的,武帝竟然比自己还强上许多,如此说来将一些实力稍差的同阶法躯打爆,也并不是不可能的事情。 | 2020/01/21 15:46:57 | | mC4 |
أرشيف غياث مطر - مدار اليوم
الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : غياث مطر
أرشيف الوسم : غياث مطر
النظام يسعى للاستفراد بداريا بحجة "جبهة النصرة"
دمشق – مدار اليوم كثّفت طائرات النظام المروحية غاراتها في سماء داريا اليوم، حيث قصفت المدينة بما يزيد عن 53 برميلاً متفجراً وحاوية، وعددًا من صواريخ أرض -أرض، ما أسفر عن مقتل شخص وإصابة أكثر من 15 شخصًا في مدينة ...
الدوحة ـ مدار اليوم بعد الولايات المتحدة واسطنبول فيلم "غاندي الصغير" يعرض بمسرح الحي الثقافي "كتارا" بالعاصمة القطرية الدوحة، بحضور شخصيات سياسية وثقافية وفنية دبلوماسية، من بينهم السفير الفرنسي في الدوحة إريك شوفاليه، بالإضافة إلى فنانين وناشطين سوريين عايشوا قصة ... | 2020/06/06 08:22:10 | | mC4 |
Government should back British farming standards in global market, says Welby
Much ignorance in UK about rural life, Archbishop argues
Cows graze in North Gare, County Durham, in front of an old steelworks site
THE Government must work with farmers to encourage good trade deals that preserve UK export standards, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.
Archbishop Welby was delivering the annual Henry Plumb Lecture to the National Farmers' Union (NFU) on Monday night. The NFU represents 48,000 farming businesses around the country.
"In a post-Brexit era, a time of such globalisation, our farming communities can lead the way on food standards, animal welfare, trade and exports that make people's lives better and more prosperous around the world," he said.
Since Britain had left the European Union and its trade deals, the farming community had a unique opportunity to be at the heart of building and rebuilding relationships abroad. "Making the most of the overseas market post-Brexit is crucial. We need to get our trade deals right to protect the world-class British standards of farming — bad deals risk exporting environmental and animal-welfare harms and destroying farmers' livelihoods.
"Government needs to partner with farmers to build global ambition and increase the British food brand identity across the world to grow global markets."
He continued: "The new Agriculture Act means there is an opportunity for British farming to become a global leader in sustainable, climate-friendly, high-standard food production."
Farmers, like the clergy and churchpeople, were also well-placed to bridge the gap between rural and urban communities at home, Archbishop Welby said. There was much ignorance in the UK about the realities of farming and rural life, particularly within urban communities — which, he said, need "to understand better the value rural Britain offers", the challenges it faces, and what is behind the food on people's plates. (At the start of the lecture, he admitted to learning much about the difficulties of farming life from the Jeremy Clarkson series on Amazon.)
The pandemic, the Archbishop said, had meant that village shows and livestock markets had been cancelled. Thus relationships in rural communities were also in need of support. Here, again, the Church — of which two-thirds of parishes were rural — and its chaplains were well-placed.
"The local church is there for everyone in the parish, whether they are a churchgoer or not, and is intimately bound up in the community. This is a challenge to and for the Church: how we ensure churches in rural areas flourish and support local communities. We need to change, to reclaim the vision of being not only the Church of England, but also the Church for England — every part, rural and urban. It cannot be achieved only by spreading clergy more thinly.
"When we are unable to be face to face, rural communities need proper communications infrastructure to enable them to be connected for business and social interaction."
The pandemic had raised economic injustices, such as a lack of affordable housing, which the Archbishops' Commission on Housing had recently reported (News, 21 February). It had also highlighted the disparity between urban and rural areas of education centres, schools, and broadband.
Food had value, and that value mattered and should not be exploited, the Archbishop said, raising the intertwining issues of food, labour, and climate justice in the food and farming industries. (The NFU has a target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.)
Archbishop Welby concluded: "We can put down firm roots in values and communities, and those roots enable us to be resilient and flexible when any storms come. They are what will help us — the country, our farming communities, and the Church — to be ambitious and innovative as things change.
"That way, we can ensure we fulfil our potential and flourish together, as the farming industry cares for our well-being, our environment, and our economy for many years to come." | 2021/12/01 22:15:34 | | mC4 |
الدجاجة لم تعد تبيض بيضاً ميلوقاً ولم تعد تبيض كل شهر بيضة ذهبية فى جيب طفل ولم تعد صالحة بوصفها لاحمة بين فكي سيد البيت ولم تعد تعجب الديك الذى يكبس كل الدجاجات عداها ولم تعد تقاقى مقاقاة الغزل ولم تعد قادرة على أن تحضن البيض فيفقس بعد واحد وعشرين يوماً ولم تعد تتفعفل فى التراب فتستر عري البذور انتظاراً لموسم هطول المطر ولم تعد صالحة للعب مع الأطفال فتغسل شيئاً من نزقهم وعصبيتهم التى لا تطاق عند الأمهات ولم تعد تناجي دجاجة أخرى فتشتكي لها همومها وتسمع منها همومها وتخفف عنها بؤسها بتعاطي بؤسها ولم تعد تتعمد أن تتحرش بالديك الذى ينقرها فى رقبتها فتستسلم لجبروته مستعرضاً عضلاته أمام ألخريات ولم تعد تهجم مع بقية الدجاج على العلف الذى تعلفة ربابة ربة البيت وهى تتنغم بصوت طروب تيعا تيعا تيعا ولم تعد تقفز إلى خمها المرتفع فى جدار السقيفة بعيداً عن تحرشات القطط وبقايا المطر ولم تعد تتشبه بصوت الديكة فتحاول التماثل مع صوتها لعبتها هذه مكشوفة إذ مهما حاولت فهى دجاجة وهو الديك لذلك ينزعج من ص وتها فينقرها نقراً فيه القسوة وشيء من الدلال بل قد يغازل دجاجة أخرى ليءفجر غيرتها ولكن الدجاج ربما لا يغار ولم تعد تتحرش بمذوذ الحمارة باحثة عن بقايا الحب المتناثرة هنا أو هناك وساعية احياناً إلى القفز داخل المذوذ مما يثير الحمارة فتنهق عدة نهقات هاق هاق هاق ولم تعد تصعد غلى كومة التبن تتفعفل بها فتمثل ولادة بيضة تبيضها تشعر أنها تنساب إلى الجوار تزغرد قيق قيق قيق فتتوهم أن بيضة جارتها الفتية هى بيضتها ولم تعد تصفق جناحيها محاولة الطيران عندما ترى عصفوراً بجانبها يسرق الحب فتهجم عليه فيطير فتتخيل نفسها دجاجة برية تطمح أن تعلو أن تتحرر من الدجاج الداجن ولم تعد تمارس الركض فاردة جناحيها تمثل أنها تسخن للطيران ولم تعد قادرة على النوم واقفة على رجل واحدة غامرة رأسها تحت جناحها ولم تعد تغسل نفسها فى سطل الماء فتنفش ريشها وتنقر جلدها بمنقارها شاعرة بنشوة الماء تتسلل إلى منخريها كانت دجاجة متيبسة فى التفكير العميق الذى اخذها إلى جهة الموت حملتها ربابة ربة البيت وطوحت بها بعيداً لترتطم بين الحجارة وحينها كأنها لفظت أنفاسها الأخيرة.
(1) كتابة المستقبل
الخوف الأبيض ينسج أعصاب الأنين على أمن شرايين أطفالهم الصغار الخوف الأصفر غول شرس يسكن القلوب الآيلة إلى الانهيار الخوف الدموي ورقة سوداء نكتب عليها بالحبر الأسود كل الذين جعلوا عيشتنا سوداء وعندما يقبضون علينا متلبسين بالكتابة يضحك الغول الشرس المنشغل بتناول المهدئات الخطرة فنعلق أحزاننا ساخرين جادين ألا ترون هذه الورقة السوداء والقلم الأسود والحروف السوداء الفكرة السوداء لا دليل يدين هذا النحن العبد المستكين الواقف أمامكم
قالوا: لا فرق بين الورقة السوداء والأخرى البيضاء المهم أنكم متلبسون بالكتابة التى حرمت عليكم منذ أن قررنا أنها تضر بصحتكم المرهفة
نشر حروفة الأولي فصادروها وزع أوراقة البيضاء بعنوان ما أريد قوله تعرفونه فصادروها قرر أن ينشر كتابة الأسود بعنوان أيام س ودة فصادروه أيضاً وحكموا عليه بالجنون الذى علاجه أن ينسخ دساتيرهم مئات المرات!!
(2) التجاوز
قهقهة الصباح بكلماته الواعظة عليك أن تتجاوز الصغائر اكمل بقايا القهوة الباردة دعك عقب السيجارة على الأرض بحذائه المتسخ توجه إلى عمله همهم على أن اتجاوز الصغائر أنا لا دخل لى بما يحدث المدير قال وقع فوقعت صحيح أنه سيصرف لى مكافأة ضئيلة لكن هذا لا يهم فأنا مجرد موظف صغير يوقع على تجاوزاته الكثيرة حتى المسمار حسبه بعشرين والمؤسسة تحتاج مائة مسمار فقط والملعون أضاف صفراً على الورق يعنى أن الصفقة ستكون ألف مسمار ولا نشتري إلا مائة الألف مسمار بعشرين يعني عشرين ألف دولار ثمن مائة مسمار بمائة دولار اللعين يعرف كيف يصب أموال المؤسسة فى حجرة مؤسسة الطيران المدني العامة بطولها وعرضها تصب فى حجرة الم ينتفخ ؟!! مع كل صفقة مكافأة لى مائة دولار مقابل عشر صفقات بآلاف الدولارات أمررها له … اللعنة … ما على … على أن أتجاوز .. أن أوقع … توقيع المدير هو الأهم … انا يا عمي عبد مأمور … هل أستطيع الوقوف فى وجه المدير … هذا مدير … بإمكانه ان يستغني عني كما استغني عن كثيرين … سأتجاوز … سأتجاوز … إذا كان غريمك القاضي … فلمن تشتكي؟!! | 2022-12-02T22:25:53Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
A Child's Room | Cumby's Southern Drawl
Posted by Cumby on January 21, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Recently, I had a friend and mother of two boys, ask me for an idea on bedroom themes for her "boys room". These 2 share a room and are both in Middle School, with similar tastes and they need a "new look" with some updating in their room.
This sets the tone for this little bit of advice that I would like to share with all of you…..
When decorating a child's room, I prefer not to think of it as a theme always, but a "look". It's easier to theme, of course, but it can sometimes become outdated much quicker that way. If you go with a "look" or thought in mind with their interests, you will find that your updates are fewer and far between.
For example, I decorated an entire bedroom around a fish. That's right a FISH – a large mouth bass! The bass was "mounted" because it was a "trophy sized" fish, caught by a 13 yr old and set the tone for the room. It actually turned into a bedroom that was timeless for more than 10 years, when it turned into a Guest Bedroom with the fabrics and accessories that accompanied it….and to this day, parts of this room are being used in different areas, because the 13 yr old grew up and took the "mounted fish"! Ha!
Also, a major interest can be amplified easily if it's more of a color scheme rather than a theme….. a room built around a piece of art works great in your living areas so why not use this inspiration in a child's room too?
That's what set the inspiration for this young ladies room….. We also wanted to make sure that the pieces that were used in the room fit the function and gave her elements that she could take into her adult years.
For example, the daybed that we had custom built has a slip cover on it, that could easily be changed at some point to meet the needs of a college apartment or a guest room or even her child's room, in the future! It was an investment that adds value to the design of her special room for now and forever….. The doll cabinet was another piece that was custom designed to meet the needs of her growing Madame Alexander doll collection that will always be a special collection to her.
And remember that your investment in so many of the key pieces in these rooms will be worth the time and effort of making good decisions with the design! | 2018/06/23 04:23:40 | | mC4 |
双色球热门推荐号码_小复式倍投中2金12银 七旬老人代儿领奖_彩票资讯
3d开奖203后的前后关系 福彩焰舞字谜平均间隔 福彩3d有人发财吗 福彩3d今天开奖结果查 双色球复式29期 3d专家杀和尾汇总 尔一了3d预测 福彩3d第177期图谜字谜 藏机诗福彩3d字谜手机牛彩网 最低五元投注的福彩快三 牛彩网3d官方网站 福彩3d幸运鑫预测分析 福彩3d绝密资料1 3d220期预测总汇 双色球18090期字谜分析 开奖结果查询双色球 福彩3d字谜麒麟上路山中走 小蓝精灵b福彩 福彩3d278前后关系 307期3D和值预测 2019079期双色球蓝球字谜 中国福彩快3网 500彩票北京pk拾 3D铁人铁胆包星预测今天 今曰3d解太湖字谜汇总 2015331期3d开奖号 双色球02期推荐号 福彩3d 洞庭湖3d专家预测280 3d精准预测下期合值公式 | 2020/10/25 16:23:48 | | mC4 |
Home » Regions of Japan » Tokyo Companies and Products » ITOCHU Corporation – One of the largest Japanese general trading company
Company Name: ITOCHU Corporation
Street: 2-5-1, Kita-Aoyama
Zip/Postal Code: 107-8077
Phone: +81 03-3497-2121
Listed: 07/05/2018 9:46 am
ITOCHU, based in Japan, is one of the leading general trading companies. ITOCHU engages in domestic trading, import/export, and overseas trading of various products such as textile, machinery, metals, minerals, energy, chemicals, food, general products, realty, information and communications technology, and finance, as well as business investment in Japan and overseas.
ITOCHU was originally founded in 1858, and has approximately 120 bases in 63 countries, and The company was ranked 215th on 2017's list of Fortune Global 500 companies with an annual trading revenue of 44.65 billion USD.
ITOCHU Group operates in a comprehensive array of business domains, from upstream areas, such as transactions involving raw materials, to downstream domains, such as retail.
The Textile Company consists of three divisions: the Apparel Division, the Brand Marketing Division 1, and the Brand Marketing Division 2, and develops businesses in a wide range of fields from raw materials to finished products, and from fashion to non-fiber materials. We are proud to be the leading Japanese general trading company in the textile field.
The Mineral Resources Division supports basic industries, such as steel and electric power, through the provision of raw materials and engages in global mining and trading related to iron ore, coal, uranium, and rare metals. The Division is also involved in the development and trade of non-ferrous metal materials with a focus on aluminum, the trade of metal products, recycling, and other businesses.
Develop businesses in a wide range of fields: electric power generation, petrochemicals, bridges, railways and other infrastructure related projects, aircraft, ships, automobiles, construction machinery, industrial machinery and other businesses related to machinery, and healthcare businesses.
The Energy Division handles trading of general energy-related products, including crude oil, petroleum products, LPG, LNG, natural gas, and electricity as well as promoting related projects. This Division also promotes exploration, development and production of oil & gas projects. The Chemicals Division handles trading and promotes projects for a wide range of products such as organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, synthetic resin, fine chemicals and electronic materials.
Food Company is developing a high value-added value chain that organically links customer-driven food resources development, food resources supply, product processing, midstream distribution, and retail on a global scale with a focus on Japan, China and Asia. Further, throughout that system company is upgrading controls for food safety even further to ensure trust and reliability.
The Forest Products & General Merchandise Division deals with pulp, natural rubber, tires, timber, housing materials and other products associated with daily life, while the Realty & Logistics Division is involved with the development of properties such as housing and distribution facilities and the distribution business including third-party logistics (3PL) and international transportation.
In areas such as the FinTech business, and amalgamation of Finance and Technology that has attracted increased attention in recent years, the company is leading efforts to tackle and expand new markets by combining the business development functions of the ICT Division with the customer networks and expertise of the Financial & Insurance Business Division. | 2022/07/04 15:56:04 | | mC4 |
World Heritage Centre - Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Local Development for African Local Governments
Cultural Heritage and Local Development for African Local Governments / CRATerre-ENSAG / Convention France-UNESCO | Image Source:
The handbook "Cultural heritage and local development: A Guide for African local governments", co-edited by the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement and CRATerre-ENSAG in 2006, was designed as a tool for decision making, but also for sensitising the elected representatives to the challenges of the protection and valorisation of their heritage. It aims to create a new dynamic and focus on the specificity of the culture and heritage of the local African communities as a lever for territorial development.
This guide was written with the support of the World Heritage Centre, the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement team, the School of African Heritage (École du Patrimoine Africain (EPA)), the École Africaine des Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme (EAMAU) and the Municipal Development Programme (PDM), and launched on 20 September 2006 during the special session "Cultural heritage of towns and territories, the aims of the partnership" at Sommet Africités 4 (African cities Summit) organised in Nairobi, Kenya.
This publication was developed in response to the request of African mayors formulated during the special session "Africans towns and heritage", organised by the World Heritage Centre and the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement at the Sommet Africités 3 (African cities Summit) which took place in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in 2003.
The guide aims to raise awareness on the safeguarding and valorisation of cultural heritage, and more generally, on the relevance of a global cultural project as a component of an economic and social development policy. It is the result of the vast involvement and participation of several African professionals. A call for participation was issued on the African continent for more than 250 professionals in the field of culture to contribute on a number of selected topics. After a short methodological section, the guide presents a series of case studies in several African countries, which show the variety and richness of African cultural heritage, and the means of safeguarding it.
It is structured in three parts:
A thoroughly illustrated "definitions" chapter, providing answers to questions dealing with the definition of heritage, and more particularly, the African heritage
A second chapter is dedicated to the links existing between the heritage resources and the development of the territory; it tackles the following questions: why should we be interested in heritage? How can we integrate heritage into regional planning policies? How can we reconcile heritage and modernity?
A third part gives indications for the implementation of a development policy which integrates cultural heritage and provides a series of examples of operations.
This guide which was largely disseminated during Sommet Africités 4 in 2006, and through UNESCO's partner networks, was a great success and was reprinted in September 2007.
Categories: Conservation of Cultural Sites Education & Training Other materials
Date Start: 2006
Contacts: Arianna Ardesi ( Edmond Moukala (UNESCO)
Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Local Development for African Local Governments Published Friday, 29 September 2006 | 2019/02/23 00:41:02 | | mC4 |
Andrew Bloomenthal interviews 'Silk Road' writer/director Tiller Russell about the real-life rise and fall of cyber drug honcho Ross Ulbricht.
Andrew Bloomenthal
Publish date:
Feb 18, 2021
As genres go, Silk Road, the new pic about Ross Ulbricht--founder of the kiboshed black market website that inspired this film’s title, is an oddity of a movie. On the one hand, writer/director Tiller Russell leaned heavily on his documentarian background to retrace Ulbricht’s rise from privileged college graduate to fallen darknet kingpin. But Russell then paired this real-life figure, played by Nick Robinson, with a fictional nemesis in the form of Rick Bowden (Jason Clarke), a middle-aged drug enforcement agent on loan to the FBI’s cybercrimes unit--hot in pursuit of his faceless millennial white whale, whose site let users anonymously traffic in drugs, weapons, bogus passports, and other contraband.
Nick Robinson as Ross Ulbricht in the crime thriller film, SILK ROAD, A Lionsgate release. Photo courtesy of Lionsgate.
Launched in 2010, Ulbricht shrewdly timed Silk Road’s rollout to dovetail with then-nascent cryptocurrency Bitcoin, facilitating a whopping $1.2 billion in revenue over the site’s two-plus-year run. And although Ulbricht reportedly banked $420 million in commissions, the cash was secondary to the Texas native, who was more interested in promoting a deregulated marketplace where anything goes—with the natural exceptions of kiddie porn, stolen credit cards, and murders for hire. If only Ulbricht hadn’t lifted a finger to his own rules by placing a hit on a blackmailer who threatened to divulge his customers’ user data.
Although that assassination plot fell through, when Ulbricht was finally busted conducting business on his laptop in a public library, attempted murder charges were slapped atop of a long list of offenses, including narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and computer hacking. Ulbricht currently sits behind bars in federal prison.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the film’s digital divide, lawman Rick Bowden, whose old-school methods run hopelessly out of step with today’s high-tech world, wears more than a few moral ambiguities of his own. Crafted by Russell as a composite of the real-life crooked operatives who wove the net that snared Ulbricht, Bowden isn’t above embezzling a few shekels when the need arises. Hey, no one’s perfect.
“To me, this movie is about two missiles that have been fired from far apart, right at one another,” explains Russell, who spoke with Script’s Andrew Bloomenthal about creating this compelling tale of cyber cat-and-mouse.
[INTERVIEW: Alan Ball, Writer/Director of "Uncle Frank"]
How would you describe the genre of this film?
That’s a complicated question because I began exploring this story the way I would journalistically or if I were making a documentary film about it, which involved uncovering every piece of information that was in the public record and talking to people who knew Ross, like his ex-girlfriend. She was a close source and consultant on the movie. Also, like, literally 99.9% of the voiceover in the film is drawn either from Ross’s diaries on his confiscated laptop or from his public postings as [alias] Dread Pirate Roberts, as well as all the information in the chat logs. So, my insight into Ross came from all of these different sources. But from the get-go, I discovered there were conflicting portraits of him, so I put all the rigorous research aside and walked into the script saying, “If I’m Ross, what’s in my head--moment to moment? What are the decisions? What are the secrets? What are the lies?”
Then I did the same thing with Jason Clarke’s character--Rick Bowden, knowing a lot of narcs and cops and crooked cops, so his character was a composite. I then poured myself into it to fill in any gaps from the inside. So, in a weird way, there are pieces of autobiography in those characters, where I’m making them true to my psyche, because in spite of the bad behavior and reprehensible decisions and fuck-ups along the way, I was deeply empathetic to both characters and the turmoil within them, and I did my best to find their spiritual truths.
Tiller Russell. Photo credit Jess Falkenhagen
When writing the script, did you ever second guess yourself? Or did you honor the Allen Ginsberg saying: “First thought, best thought,” and never look back?
Yeah, that’s a beautiful question and insight. So, I work in kind of a funny way. Before I began writing, I went and sat in the places [Ulbricht frequented]. I wanted to sit in coffee shops in Austin. I wanted to go to the sci-fi section of the Glen Park library in San Francisco in order to gather a vibe and a sense of geography and tone of these places. Then after doing all of this research for a long period of time, I threw it all away and wrote fast and intuitively. And I’ll trust that, but at the same time, I’ll go back through the script after sitting with each of the actors. Nick Robinson would say, “I read this,” or “I heard that in a podcast,” and “can we integrate this moment into the scene?” Or Jason Clarke, after spending time working with his voice coach on the Baltimore accent, would say, “No, no—THIS is the phrasing of it.” … As somebody who makes documentaries as well as narrative films, a lot of the job is listening. Not listening would be like someone bringing you a carefully considered pearl that you brush away because you prefer the shell that it’s sitting in. At the end of the day, the best idea wins. Ego and narcissism are grossly overrated.
But some screenwriters reject external feedback. If an actor attempted to change lines of dialogue in The Sopranos, he’d be fired.
David Chase would chop off your hands, man.
Ross Ulbricht came from a privileged upbringing, without any real hardships to rebel against. What motivated him to venture into illegal territory?
There’s a beautiful quote by Carl Jung that says, “I am not the things that have happened to me, but who I choose to become,” and in a weird sense, that applies here. You don’t choose the circumstances of your birth. You don’t choose your upbringing. You don’t choose the material comforts of your existence. And yet, at some point, you do make a choice as to who you’ll become. And I think that whatever the shortcomings of his character are—which are innumerable and landed him in prison for double life, plus forty years, without the possibility of parole, which I think is a Draconian sentence, for what it’s worth, there are people that are visionaries and disruptors, who see the world in a different way--whether it’s a God-given splinter of genius that’s being touched, or whether it’s a defiant, go-your-own-way, bomb-the-system contrarianism, or whether it’s some combination of the two. But in a weird way, I also believe in destiny, and Ross was somebody who felt that he was going to change the world.
Through unregulated e-commerce?
He believed every person has the right to choose his own destiny and that government does not belong in your decision-making. So, that was his guiding principle, and he was profoundly driven by that. And then he also had the genius to combine technologies—the anonymity of Tor* with Bitcoin as a currency, that permanently and irrevocably changed the war on drugs and the illegal dope game. It was a visionary genius--regardless of what end it was used for.
* Tor, short for “The Onion Router,” is open-source software that cloaks user communication by directing internet traffic through a volunteer overlay network.
But he did allegedly attempt to commission murder, even though he was actually dealing with an undercover operative that didn’t carry out the mission. So, how does that factor into your opinion of him?
I want to clarify something. It’s not that I admire him or that I support his actions. It’s that I’m fascinated by his character. My job as a writer and as a storyteller is not to pass judgment one way or another. My job is to enter into and understand the characters from within, and it’s the inherent conflict within each of them that makes them so fascinating to me. On one hand, Ross is a dreamer and a visionary. On the other hand, he’s a gangster who’s reportedly ordering hits. Whether or not the hits actually happened, and whether or not he was entrapped into them, you have to argue the intention once you’re willing to cross that line. So, for me, it’s not a question of moral approbation or condemnation. It’s the same thing with Rick Bowden. This guy’s also crossing the line, essentially becoming a crook because he’s getting marginalized by his own system and because the world is leaving him behind, where he becomes almost like a Peckinpah character who’s out of step with the time, for whom this is his one last shot at redemption.
Jason Clarke as Rick Bowden in the crime thriller film, SILK ROAD, A Lionsgate release. Photo courtesy of Lionsgate.
I liked how Bowden was so out of his technological depth that he relied on instructional videos to accomplish basic computing tasks, like sending an email.
They call those kinds of guys “Jurassic narcs.” Once upon a time, [lawmen] were defined by the sidearms they were carrying. “Is it a SIG Sauer? Is it a Glock?” But then it became: “How much RAM is on your laptop?” So, these guys got left behind with the changing of the guard and the changing of the culture, and yet they have an accumulated knowledge of how the streets work and the psychology and dynamics that motivate people. As a screenwriter, that conflict was fascinating to me.
[INTERVIEW: Edward Norton, Writer/Director/Star of "Motherless Brooklyn"]
Was it hard to nail the tech-speak like, “High-security low-latency internet anonymity?”
No. Because my whole approach as a writer and a filmmaker is to surround myself with incredibly bright people and use them as a resource. I have a whole cadre of tech people who are able to check the accuracy of the phrasing of these words, as well a network of cops and DEA agents to help me nail down the tactical end of things, like, you know, the “Ghost One to mobile!” jargon on the radio during the takedown scene, when Ross is arrested in San Francisco. So, there’s a documentary level of groundedness.
Finally, did hubris lead Ross Ulbricht to conduct illegal business in a public library rather than operating behind closed doors?
Well, I think he was undeniably brilliant, and the fact that he’d been beating the system and defying the odds gave him the hubris to think that he could continue to do so. At the same time, he was hunted and chased while carrying his entire life in a backpack, on his laptop, as he roved from place to place. This is a cautionary tale—a Frankenstein story, where he unleashes the monster that grabs him by the throat.
Lionsgate will release the crime thriller film Silk Road on Digital, On Demand & Select Theaters on February 19, 2021 and on Blu-Ray and DVD on February 23, 2021.
Learn more about the craft and business of screenwriting from our Script University courses!
Silk RoadAndrew BloomenthalTiller Russellscreenwriting interviewsscreenwriter
Andrew Bloomenthal
Career journalist Andrew Bloomenthal has covered everything from high finance to the film trade. He is the award-winning filmmaker of the noir thriller Sordid Things. He lives in Los Angeles. More information can be found on Andrew's site: Email: Twitter: @ABloomenthal
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The Kids Are Alright in Season Two of 'Saved by the Bell': An Interview with Showrunner Tracey Wigfield and Executive Producer Franco Bario | 2021-12-02T18:54:54Z | | OSCAR-2201 |
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India has over 1, matchmaking websites, including the highly popular and Bharat Matrimony. Western giants, like Tinder and.
I think the entire experience felt like going on a journey with no idea as to what could turn up next. There have always been matchmakers and, more recently, marriage agencies that connected families. And every Indian family has a Sima Mami who offers women unsolicited, and often blunt, advice to wear more make-up, or hit the gym to lose weight, if they ever hope to get married.
Despite this sociocultural context, Indian Matchmaking has generated a lot of outrage, with critics and viewers alike accusing the show of playing up — or, at the very least, not critiquing — everything regressive in Indian society. Words like hate-watch and cringe-fest have regularly featured on social media. For many women, the show was triggering , because of the way it has shone the spotlight on how intelligent, ambitious, successful women are reduced to a set of stereotypical adjectives.
The show has sparked outrage on social media from some, with some calling it a hate-watch Credit: Netflix. However, not everyone agrees that all the criticism about this show is valid, saying it merely holds a mirror to Indian society, warts and all. Not everyone agrees with criticism of the show, with some saying it holds a mirror to Indian society Credit: Netflix.
Is it a match? A potential couple meet up courtesy of a matchmaker in the Netflix series Indian Matchmaking. A picky year-old from Mumbai whose unwillingness to marry raises his mom’s blood pressure. A headstrong year-old lawyer from Houston who says she doesn’t want to settle for just anybody. A cheerful year-old Guyanese-American dancer with Indian roots who simply wants to find a good person to be her husband. These are some of the singles on the new Netflix original series Indian Matchmaking , a reality TV show about arranged marriages in Indian culture.
The skin lightening obsession is perpetuated by the Indian caste system, which consists of the wealthiest at the top – the lighter-skinned Indians, while the bottom has the darker-skinned poorer community, who are heavily mistreated. The caste system combines inequality of wealth, colourism, within religion and education – all of which is based around patriarchal methods of governing. This is controlled with arranged marriages.
Choosing someone based on the colour of their skin is prejudice. While Sima Aunty asked the Punjabi Rupam whether she must marry a Sikh, she never listed a Muslim as a potential lover. Same-sex relationships were decriminalised in when Section was scrapped from the penal code, allowing people in India to legally love who they want. I say that, but I’m not sure I would want a same-sex couple to have to go through the trials and tribulations of this show.
Then, Sam is all caught up in the buzz around Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking Coronavirus Questions Answered, Plus A Chat About ‘Indian Matchmaking‘ This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy.
The Netflix show is an unfiltered portrayal of the archaic structures that still surround marriages in India and for Indian families living in the U. Though discrimination based on this Hindu social hierarchy is now illegal, its influence is still pervasive in everyday life in India.
The “Snyder Cut” is here! The director unveiled the first trailer for the long-awaited Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Watch the trailer. Title: Indian Matchmaking —.
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Call us on to talk to the friendly customer care executives of our online marriage site or register here to get started. I can’t access my account. Membership Plans. | 2021-03-02T08:39:30Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
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Warning: file_put_contents(./list/b9f9edc0a37e149df66af9b903d9bcdf): failed to open stream: No space left on device in /home/www/wwwroot/spiderpool/list.php on line 161 | 2020/11/24 23:00:37 | | mC4 |
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2021-06-25 14:59 来源:中国网江苏
既然已经调查了,其实许江与李某某是否有不正当关系有关部门应该一清二楚了,出来说一声表个态不是什么难事吧! 事涉一名女子的清白,有时候名誉问题事关生死,是清是浊不能因为被举报的丢枪民警已受处分就事不关己、高高挂起。着力完善直接税体系,建立综合与分类相结合的个人所得税制度,优化税率结构,完善税前扣除,规范和强化税基,加强税收征管,充分发挥个人所得税调节功能。
此次推出的三种类型"悦读亭"中,"漂流亭"与徐汇区"汇悦读书香联盟"成员荆棘鸟书会合作,不仅在电话亭中提供阅读与漂流平台,市民还可通过微信公众号"汇读书漂流"参与读书、漂流等一系列线下互动;"名人亭"则与巴金故居和柯灵故居合作,多种形式展现名家风采,凸显徐汇深厚的文脉与底蕴;"一本亭"通过定期推荐一本好书的方式,在电话亭内部空间用多种形式打造一本书的"微空间",首批两个"一本亭"的推荐图书分别是《时间之书》和《海派再起》,接下来还将有更多的出版社来向市民推荐好书。 晚些时候,一名救援人员告诉路透社记者,地面人员已经在客机坠毁现场找到至少100具遇难者遗体,客机残骸散布在坠毁地点方圆15公里范围内。
 宁帅坦言,妈妈不仅是提到感情状况时絮絮叨叨,还总是强势的对他的生活、工作指手画脚,就连穿什么、吃什么、去哪里等等,她都要反反复复地念叨。  舆论普遍认为,创建14年的脸书公司,正面临自创建以来最大的危机。
*以上只是作者个人言论,不代表本网观点 乌克兰国家通讯社援引当地调查人员的话说,飞机在当地时间16:20就已经与地面失去联系。
www.ijjnews.com来源:人民日报2021-06-25 16:42我来说两句
百度 比如在马航370的事故中,马航提出给遇难者每户5万美元的赔偿。
沪市三公司控股股东三个月内无重组计划 2021-06-25
时时彩奇妙真的好用嘛 娱乐城送彩金去金杯娱乐城lm0 亿酷棋牌锦州五十k 皇冠现金网安全吗 宝都棋牌游戏下载
大球的盘口 澳门百家乐网上真钱娱乐 宁夏11选5走势图 基本 足球投注程式 云南时时彩1482147 棋牌游戏鹊游 福利彩票3d球走势图 至尊澳门百家乐20110816 香港六合彩特码开奖 亿酷棋牌世界官方下 大发老虎机苹果版 | 2021/06/25 07:00:02 | | mC4 |
عدد التوقيعات : 127019090 توقيع
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- الشروط الواجب توفرها للحصول على تأشيرة العمرة من السفارة السعودية بالمغرب
- العنف المدرسي أسبابه وعلاجه
عزيزي زائر شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات.. تم إعداد وإختيار هذا الموضوع مرض القلاع فإن كان لديك ملاحظة او توجيه يمكنك مراسلتنا من خلال الخيارات الموجودة بالموضوع.. وكذلك يمكنك زيارة القسم , وهنا نبذه عنها وتصفح المواضيع المتنوعه... آخر تحديث للمعلومات بتاريخ اليوم 03/05/2022
آخر تحديث منذ 20 يوم و 2 ساعة
كلمات مرتبطه: مرض القلاع
أقسام شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات عملت لخدمة الزائر ليسهل عليه تصفح الموقع بسلاسة وأخذ المعلومات تصفح هذا الموضوع مرض القلاع ويمكنك مراسلتنا في حال الملاحظات او التعديل او الإضافة او طلب حذف الموضوع ...آخر تعديل اليوم 03/05/2022 | 2022/05/23 12:09:58 | | mC4 |
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كسارة متنقلة المصنوعات، وأوروبا. كساره متنقله للبيع حديثه تلفون كساره متنقله على جنزير للبيع هارتل الماني 130 100 الحصول على السعر كسارة مستعملة للبيع في اوروبا. Get Price. learn more | 2021/10/23 19:50:12 | | mC4 |
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On Writing: Summer Writing Woes | Adelle Circa 1920
On Writing: Summer Writing Woes
Posted in Art, Creativity, Inspiration, Writing by Cindy Adelle Richard
Photo courtesy of Central Home/Pinterest
My writing habits got woefully off track this summer. I wrote….some, but the weather was just soooo nice, and we had suuuch a hard winter that I just had to get outside, and there was just soooo much to do, and I neeeeded a break. Is my whining working yet? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Although I didn't get as much writing done as I would have liked to this past summer, there is one ritual I maintained even during the most enticing days of summer – I woke up at least an hour and a half early to have time to myself before my day started. During that time, I would at least write my morning pages (for the uninitiated, morning pages are three pages of stream of consciousness freewriting proposed by Julia Cameron). The great thing about these pages is that they let me know what I am thinking about writing, reading, experiences, my responsibilities, and just life in general. The thoughts are not always fun or productive and sometimes they lead absolutely nowhere, but more often than not, they yield solid ideas for taking action. For example, I have written about needing to write more in my recent morning pages, and my exploration yielded the following actions to try:
1. Use morning pages to write about my current project to get my mental juices flowing
2. Work on one project during that time (I always have more than one writing project in play to keep me from getting bored)
3. Read something for inspiration everyday
4. Plan/schedule an artist date once per week (this is another suggestion of Julia Cameron's – to do something fun once a week by yourself for at least two hours to inspire your inner artist; I've been doing this off and on for about three years, and it has changed my life)
5. Make time to just think (this is to remind myself to just be still and take time for daydreaming or pondering ideas I find intriguing)
6. Meditate before bed (while I used to enjoy doing this as part of my morning routine, it takes too much time away from my writing – I've decided to try flipping it to bedtime)
In case you are interested in learning more about Julia Cameron's suggestions to do morning pages and artist dates, I have included her website (there are two videos under the tab about the artist's way video program).
These are the tips I have come up with so far to get my writing back on track. What tips and tricks do you use to keep yourself writing on a regular basis?
Artist Dates, Morning Pages, The Artist's Way, Writing 1 Comment
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One thought on "On Writing: Summer Writing Woes"
Those are interesting trick, you know?
What I use? Actually, recently I didnt' need any tricks. I love working on my project, especially now that the first book is nearly complete.
I do have rituals, however. Before I write, I listen to music. Each one of my main characters has their own song, so before writing anything, I listen to the character song. It really gets me in the mood. I also like writing characters' synopsis. Trying to discover new things about them helps keeping ideas flowing. Well, at least it works for me 🙂 | 2022/05/25 07:52:12 | | mC4 |
شكري: روسيا أظهرت استعدادا للتنسيق معنا للتوصل لاتفاق بشأن سد النهضة – جريدة العربى اليوم الاخبارية
الرئيسية/أخبار مصر/شكري: روسيا أظهرت استعدادا للتنسيق معنا للتوصل لاتفاق بشأن سد النهضة
شكري: روسيا أظهرت استعدادا للتنسيق معنا للتوصل لاتفاق بشأن سد النهضة
احمد سعد 12 أبريل، 2021 أخبار مصر اضف تعليق 3 زيارة
قال وزير الخارجية المصري سامح شكري، إن روسيا أظهرت استعدادا لاستمرار التنسيق معنا في إطار التوصل لاتفاق بشأن سد النهضة يحقق مصالح الدول الثلاث.
وقال شكري في مؤتمر صحفي مع نظيره الروسي سيرغي لافروف "نعول على علاقات روسيا بالدول الثلاث وقدرتها الدولية على الدفع لوقف اتخاذ أي إجراءات أحادية في قضية سد النهضة"، لافتا إلى أن "المسار الإفريقي للمفاوضات حول سد النهضة يتعثر نظرا للتعنت الإثيوبي".
وذكر الحساب الرسمي للخارجية الأثيوبية على موقع "توتير" في عدة تغريدات متتالية أن "أثيوبيا عالجت كل مخاوف السودان المتعلقة بسد النهضة، وتبادلت معها المعلومات، وأكدت أن مسألة أمان السد سيتم الاعتناء بها من أجل أمان أثيوبيا في المقام الأول، فمن المستفيد من رفض السودان لملء سد النهضة". | 2021/05/15 23:46:53 | | mC4 |
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Cornerback has undergone more change than any other position on the Ravens, but their offseason restocking of the secondary might not be complete.
The Ravens are considering taking a cornerback in the early rounds of the NFL draft, and they are intrigued by Illinois' Vontae Davis in the first round and Utah's Sean Smith in the second.
"I think corners are like pitchers in baseball - you can never have enough," said Eric DeCosta, the Ravens' director of player personnel. "You never want to get beat because your corners aren't good enough to play or not healthy. So, having that depth at that position is just critical."
There always seems to be a run on cornerbacks in the first round - and for good reason. In the past five Pro Bowls, 15 of the 20 starters at cornerback were selected in the first round.
The Ravens - and the rest of the NFL - do not have a good track record with second-tier cornerbacks. Of the four cornerbacks taken by the Ravens outside the first round (DeRon Jenkins, Gary Baxter, David Pittman and Derrick Martin), only Baxter turned out to be a capable starter.
That's why so many teams grab cornerbacks in the first round.
"Corners are always tough to find," said Joe Hortiz, the Ravens' director of college scouting. "The top ones go early and often. By the end of the first couple of rounds, you're looking for a guy with traits."
The draft's consensus top cornerback, Ohio State's Malcolm Jenkins, is expected to be taken long before the Ravens' 26th overall pick.
The other cornerbacks who could be available to the Ravens are: Davis, Connecticut's Darius Butler, Wake Forest's Alphonso Smith and Vanderbilt's D.J. Moore.
"They are all good players; they are all different," DeCosta said. "There's probably going to be four or five corners drafted in the first round. So, we're just going to sort it out. There are some guys we like in the first round."
Davis, whose older brother Vernon played at the University of Maryland, could be the wild card of this cornerback class. He has the talent to become a Pro Bowl player, but his lack of discipline (he was demoted twice from the starting lineup at Illinois) could curb his potential.
"He is probably the most gifted guy" among cornerbacks, DeCosta said. "He is a little bit inconsistent. He has some really good tape and some tape that isn't quite as good. He's a work in progress with a lot of potential."
Another cornerback who could tempt teams is Butler, a cousin of Ravens running back Willis McGahee. Butler is known for his man coverage and excelled in one-on-one drills at the Senior Bowl.
"He's a silky-smooth athlete," DeCosta said. "He has tremendous ball skills. He's not as big as Jenkins and Davis. He's a little thinner in his legs and lower body. But he might be the best cover guy in the draft."
Beyond the first round, these are the other cornerbacks who have drawn interest from the Ravens: Sean Smith (second-round prospect), Maryland's Kevin Barnes (middle rounds), Oregon State's Brandon Hughes (middle to late rounds), Nicholls State's Lardarius Webb (middle to late rounds) and St. Paul's Greg Toler (late round).
Sean Smith is considered a solid fit for the Ravens' press coverage. At 6 feet 3, Smith is the tallest defensive back in the draft and can use his long arms to disrupt receivers coming off the line.
"If they're outstanding cover-2 prospects, Indy and Tampa are going to love them more than the Baltimore Ravens and Green Bay Packers," Hortiz said. "We need guys that can run downfield with players. So cover-2 corners might get knocked a little bit regardless whether they're a good football player or not. They just might not be a good fit."
The draft could further reshape the Ravens' cornerback group. This offseason, the Ravens added Domonique Foxworth (Maryland) and Chris Carr, released Chris McAlister and re-signed Samari Rolle.
But the Ravens want to solidify their defenders because they go against quarterbacks Ben Roethlisberger and Carson Palmer twice a season.
"Corner is a position where you can never have enough talent," DeCosta said. "If we have the opportunity to select a guy that we think is a 'can't miss' prospect at corner [in the first round], we would do that." | 2019/10/17 03:51:06 | | mC4 |
All across the country, studios are getting their costumes ready for competition. From a judges perspective, first and foremost, we want to see costumes that fit properly and the dancers feel great in. We also want costumes to represent the style of the routine and choreography.
It’s hard to concentrate on that gorgeous passé or those perfectly executed pirouettes when a dancer has a costume malfunction. We are sitting on the edge of our seats hoping everything stays put until the music ends. We let out an audible sigh of relief when the dance is over and we didn’t see anything we weren’t supposed to see.
Here’s some food for thought as you dive into designing the look of your routines!
Are the dancers confident in their costumes? How they feel can make or break a routine. Each and every dancer must feel good in the chosen costume. It’s what makes the team unified. Even catalog costumes may need some alterations, so allow time after delivery to make adjustments prior to your first performance.
Shorts should cover the entire bottom. Preferably, wear shorts that have elastic around the legs so they stay in place. If wearing briefs, which may expose the “cheeks”, use fashion tape or glue to hold the costume in place. Shorts and briefs should never ride up. A dancer should never be tugging at their briefs on stage. It takes them, and the judges, out of the dance. If they are uncomfortable, so are the judges. Check out our favorite shorts from Divina Dancewear
Tights add a finishing touch, and solve all of the challenges above. Think about wearing tights when appropriate. Capezio offers quality and variety of styles.
Also check out Shades Of Dance, specializing in skin tone convertible dance tights for people of ALL shades.
If wearing a half top, bra or low cut style, make sure there is ample support and coverage so everything stays in place during the dance. Using flesh fabric or mesh to match skin tone can help a dancer feel secure if you want the look of a deep neck line. If tights are not a part of your look, make sure you use fashion tape to secure the bottom of your leotard. Check out this beautiful Blossom Black Floral Leotard by Chelsea B Dancewear.
Have your dancer wear their costume in rehearsal, just as they would on stage. Sit about 6 ft away from the dancer and watch the costume and choreography during the performance. Remember, the judges are usually up close and personal so take special consideration of angles and lines of extensions, developpes, etc…If you can see it, so can the judges.
We don’t have a preference of catalog costumes vs custom made. The costume score is only 10% of overall score. If the costume represents the style of the routine, and is well fitting, the dancers will project confidence, have fun and that’s all that matters! Deductions happen when costumes don’t fit properly, a dancer adjusting the strap on their dress, a costume falls apart or loses pieces on stage. Costume companies take great pride in their quality and designs. Not every dancer can afford a custom-made Swarovski stoned costume. Catalog costumes can be both time saving and budget conscious, and they can successfully represent your vision! If you want to add that extra something to a store-bought costume, consider embellishing after purchase.
Don’t forget about hair and make up. Create a hair style for the entire group that is unique to your team. Make sure wispies are slicked back before each performance. Our favorite make up, MAC Cosmetics, has many colors to choose from. Choose a matching eye shadow, blush and lip tone that all your dancers can wear which will create an ensemble look. If wearing earrings, make sure they have a double back so they don’t fall off during the performance.
Best of luck this competition season! We hope to see you in one of our upcoming cities.
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Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. | 2022-12-05T00:08:20Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
استمرار مناورات "رماية الخليج" بين القوات السعودية والكويتية والأمريكية - عيون الخليج
استمرار مناورات "رماية الخليج" بين القوات السعودية والكويتية والأمريكية
التمرين متواصل لليوم الثامن على التوالي في مجمع ميادين الأديرع في الكويت
تستمر مناورات تمرين "رماية الخليج 2021" لليوم الثامن على التوالي في مجمع ميادين الأديرع في دولة الكويت الشقيقة، بمشاركة من القوات البرية الملكية السعودية والقوات البرية الكويتية الشقيقة وقوة سبارتن الأمريكية الصديقة، وتستمر حتى 18 نوفمبر الجاري.
وأكد قائد التمرين العقيد الركن نايف بن الحميدي العتيبي، أن المرحلة الأولى من التمرين اختتمت بمشاركة القوات البرية الملكية السعودية مع القوة البرية الكويتية والجيش الأمريكي؛ حيث حققت الأهداف الأولية منه التي تأتي بقصد تعزيز العلاقات العسكرية والتعاون الدفاعي المشترك مع الدول الشقيقة والصديقة وتبادل الخبرات والمعرفة العسكرية، بتنفيذ العديد من التكتيكات العسكرية والتدريب على عمليات القيادة والسيطرة، والتدريب على الرماية المباشرة وغير المباشرة، وتحسين التوافق والتنسيق بين المعدات العسكرية.
وأوضح أن من شأن التمرين تعزيز أواصر التعاون العسكري الدفاعي بما يحقق المصالح المشتركة بين القوات المسلحة للدول المشاركة بالتمرين، وترسيخ مبادئ وأسس التنسيق والعمل المشترك بينها. | 2021/11/27 08:43:19 | | mC4 |
كيف تتخلص من فيروسات الكمبيوتر دائما ما تصاب أجهزة الكمبيوتر الخاصة بنا على اختلاف أنواعها بالفيروسات والتي قد تاتي من المواقع الغير آمنة أو الإيميلات… | 2022-12-07T09:41:30Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
When I see these beautiful photographs, Peter, I am always asking myself, "who paid for these buildings?" I mean they didn't have regular property taxes then or did they?
My God you've been productive last week and this (only started) Huge amount of info. What I liked personally were the little personal things that registered from the Cimetiere Montparnasse article. Quite a few names there that have deep memories for me - Clara Haskil from the musical world for example. Tristan Tzara whose Zurich connection with Dada I have been reading about recently (and Man Ray alongside). Susan Sontag was a surprise, don't know why, and Brassai of course. Many thanks! | 2021-02-27T03:42:02Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
To B 的生意真相
2020-01-12 · 10:03
[ 亿欧导读 ] 依靠专业的金融科技平台的特长所在,打通场景下的金融服务通道,圈定目标信贷用户,聚合不同细分场景下的流量,实现数据的有效整合和标准化处理,在与金融机构双方优势互补、双向赋能下,构建"场景+金融"的生态圈。
细分场景下的金融赋能,成为一种重要的信贷市场切入方式;金融机构只能转变思路,着眼于市场上的细分领域,充分进行流量挖掘。但细分场景的切入和开发,真正成功下沉到每个场景或渠道,意味着需要打造一套适合该领域或场景特点的产品和流程、风险管理策略及运营模式。 | 2020/01/22 17:20:50 | | mC4 |
1、Yale University摄影专业研究生(MFA)学制2年。耶鲁的艺术学院拥有暗室、摄影工作室以及电脑等多种教学设施。入学之后,学生可以接受关于黑白照片、彩色照片、非银盐摄影、数字摄影等方面的专业指导。所有学生必须顺利完成2年的课程,才能毕业并得到学位。除此之外,学校还要求学生在研一期间学习两个学期的摄影课程,并在第1学期学习。
2、SAIC - School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院的摄影专业在业内极为有名,每年录取率10%左右,申请者IBT要求80分以上,作品集不少于20张。该校非常重视学生的自我意识,鼓励学生在摄影技术和摄影理论上进行探索;提倡从传统的摄影像不寻常的多样化的手段发展。学校为学生提供大学的摄影实践的机会,有专门的摄影中心,同时鼓励学生走出校园,从社会环境中创作出作品,值得一提的是每个学生都有自己独立的studio。
3、Rhode Island School of Design罗德岛设计学院摄影系在摄影教育界的名气相当大,全美前三,偏纯艺术,其开设的摄影相关课程包括美术摄影、物医学摄影、应用摄影、影像系统管理、影像与摄影科技、广告摄影、现代新闻摄影等,学生可根据自己的兴趣选择主修科目。
罗彻斯特理工学院影像艺术课程中有摄影、数字成像、移动媒体研究的高级的课程。该计划强调作为美术实践,目标是激发并培养通过进行广泛的研究,美学与艺术实践、批评的艺术个性和影像。该学院的全职教职员包括艺术学院及其附属的教授,著名的艺术家、评论家、历史学家。研究生项目中有先进的设施,丰富的设备的成像和打印技术、数字艺术的应用程序等。研究生有专用试验暗室(彩色和黑白),以及最新的电脑、扫描仪、打印机的研究生数字实验室。 | 2020/08/07 17:35:06 | | mC4 |
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肃北今日天气预报 今天是2020年09月22日星期二
肃北未来三天天气 未来7天天气
肃北天气预报10天 肃北天气预报 肃北天气 嵩明天气预报 肃北天气预报15天 肃北天气预报30天 肃北天气预报一周 埃及天气预报 | 2020/09/22 11:19:45 | | mC4 |
As you can see, there are mounting options for various drives and USB 3.0 as well as a reasonable size of graphics card. There is a 92mm temperature controlled fan in the casing, which is the only kind of fan for airflow. | 2021-03-08T22:28:48Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
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Summer is finally here, which means lots of hiking, swimming, beachgoing, and other fun outdoor activities. While everyone should enjoy the season’s thrills and opportunities for relaxation, it is important to not forget about eye safety. During this time of year, the level of damaging ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) is at least three times […]
Whenever a purchase is made, the buyer expects that the seller will be available for questions and be able to provide some level of product insight. The simple ‘customer service’ dynamic can be the difference between a below average experience, and something fantastic. That’s why we strive to make your interactions with Accutome as helpful […]
Accutome is an industry leader in ophthalmic diagnostic equipment, now entering its fourth decade in business. The company offers a broad range of products, while fostering a culture of openness, integrity, and accountability. Accutome is committed to growing its brand through superior customer service, quality, and innovation. The company’s goal is to make each and […]
Eyecare professionals have an unwavering commitment to protect patients as well as staff members from infections while in the office. In order to accomplish this hefty feat, all instruments that contact the patient’s ocular surfaces must be disinfected. Failing to do so can result in infections being transmitted: From staff to patient From patient to […] | 2021-02-27T09:03:52Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
凌瑞,是空军军医大学西京医院甲状腺乳腺血管外科主任,先后担任中华医学会外科学分会乳腺外科学组委员、中华医学会肿瘤学分会乳腺癌学组委员、中国医师协会外科医师分会乳腺疾病培训专家委员会常委、中国医师协会外科医师分会甲状腺外科医师委员会常委、中国医师协会外科医师分会乳腺外科医师委员会委员、陕西省医师协会乳腺甲状腺外科专科医师分会会长、全军普通外科专业委员会常委。 凌瑞重点从事乳腺、甲状腺肿瘤和血管外科诊疗和研究,完成乳腺癌根治、保乳手术、乳腺癌根治乳房再造、甲状腺癌根治、腹主动脉瘤切除人工血管置换及介入手术、胃肠道肿瘤根治和各类腔镜下微创手术8000多例次,开展临床新业务多项,主持和参研国科金及省部级课题多项。同时,凌瑞还主持、主刀开展了世界首例生物材料4D打印乳房整复术,受到业内的高度关注,也是我国最早的两例活体小肠移植参与者之一。
对于未来,凌瑞认为,无论何时都要矢志前行,要把研究做下去,传帮带也要进行下去,不断为患者服务。凌瑞畅想,如果时间和条件允许可以买上一辆房车,到偏远的地方去服务基层老百姓,真正带动基层医疗水平提升。本报记者 杨静 | 2021-12-03T22:41:52Z | | OSCAR-2201 |
A New Way to Debug your Website on Many Devices | Ascend Training Blog
A New Way to Debug your Website on Many Devices Adobe has just released a public beta for yet another useful application for web development. The current title is Adobe shadow. Now I haven't had much time to play around with it as of yet, but I'll provide the run down.
What Adobe Shadow is used for is previewing your website on not only your browser, but also any mobile devices you can find. The application has two pieces: the application itself, which can be downloaded as a beta currently at Adobe Labs; and second is a Google Chrome extension. This means you will need to use Google Chrome currently when debugging your website, but if you aren't already using Chrome, you should be. It is in my opinion the best browser and is also rated as the most secure browser.
Once you have installed both pieces, you then register all of your mobile devices. iPhones, iPads, and Android devices are currently supported. After the setup you can view and debug your website simultaneously on your computer and all your devices. This is great to not only see how your site works on all of your testing devices but also debugging your Javascript and other code that exists on your website.
This will work great testing your HTML 5 and jQuery applications and will also be quite powerful in conjunction with Dreamweaver CS5.5 and it's mobile support.
March 8, 2012Jeremy adobe, Adobe CS5, adobe training, Chicago Dreamweaver class, Coding, dreamweaver class, iphone Post navigation | 2015/04/21 14:37:32 | | mC4 |
News | Constitutive Modeling & Computational Materials Science
WCCM 2016 mini-symposium on "Numerical methods for front tracking problems at the microscale"
September 21, 2015 NewsHåkan Hallberg
The 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII) will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 24-29 July 2016. At this event, I am co-organizing a mini-symposium on Numerical methods for front tracking problems at the microscale. The conference (and the mini-symposium) is open for abstract submissions. More information can be found on the conference web pages: | 2020/11/30 04:16:50 | | mC4 |
مشروع سيناء كدولة للفلسطينيين: بانوراما تاريخية وجيوسياسية
ذكر بعض المؤرخين أن سيناء معناها "الحجر"، بينما ذكر البعض الآخر أن اسمها في الهيروغليفية القديمة "توشريت" أي أرض الجدب والعراء. وقد ذكرت في القرآن الكريم: "وشجرة تخرج من طور سيناء تنبت بالدهن وصبغ للآكلين" – المؤمنون:20. وعرفت في التوراة باسم "حوريب"، أي الخراب، وذكرت في غير موضع باسمها الصريح: "ف الشهر الثالث بعد خروج بني إسرائيل من أرض مصر، في ذلك اليوم جاءوا إلى برية سيناء. ارتحلوا من رفيديم وجاءوا إلى برية سيناء فنزلوا في البرية هناك نزل إسرائيل مقابل الجبل.." الخروج 19-1. والمتفق عليه أن اسم سيناء، مشتق من اسم الإله "سين" إله القمر في بابل القديمة حيث انتشرت عبادته في غرب آسيا وكان من بينها فلسطين (في أريحا)، ثم وفقوا بينه وبين الإله "تحوت" إله القمر المصري الذي كان له شأن عظيم في سيناء وكانت عبادته منتشرة فيها. ومن خلال نقوش "سرابيط الخادم" وعبد حتحور يتضح لنا أنه يشار إليها أحيانًا بكلمة "بياوو" أي المناجم أو "بيا" فقط، أي "المنجم" (باعتبارها أرض النحاس والفيروز). وفي المصادر المصرية الأخرى من عصر الدولة الحديثة يشار إلى سيناء باسم "خاست مفكات"، وأحيانًا "دومفكات" أي "مدرجات الفيروز".
وقد ظل الغموض يكتنف تاريخ سيناء القديم حتي تمكن بتري عام 1905 من اكتشاف اثني عشر نقشا عرفت "بالنقوش السينائية"، عليها أبجدية لم تكن معروفة في ذلك الوقت، وفي بعض حروفها تشابه كبير مع الهيروغليفية، وظلت هذه النقوش لغزا حتى عام 1917 حين تمكن عالم المصريات جاردينار من فك رموز هذه الكتابة التي أوضح أنها لم تكن سوى كتابات كنعانية من القرن الخامس عشر ق. م من بقايا الحضارة الكنعانية القديمة في سيناء.
وسيناء التي نعرفها الآن: هي الأرض التي يوجد بها الوادي المقدس طوى، والتي كلم الله فيها موسى عليه السلام، وتجلى فيها لجبل الطور "فأصبح دكًا وخر موسى صعقًا"، وهو نفس الجبل الذي تلقى موسى من جانبه الأيمن اللوائح "التوراة".
وقد اهتمت أسرة محمد علي بسيناء، خاصة إداريًا، وأيضًا بإقامة الطرق لتسهيل انتقال الحجاج إلى مكة المكرمة. واحتلت إسرائيل سيناء مرتين، الأولى خلال العدوان الثلاثي على مصر عام 1956، وانسحبت منها (في 6/3/1957)، هي ومدن القنال بعد الإنذار الروسي الشهير (إنذار بولجانين) وموقف الرئيس الأمريكي الأسبق دوايت أيزنهاور الصارم الرافض لهذا العدوان، ولكن تلك الحرب أدت إلى نشر قوات طوارىء دولية في سيناء، وفي خليج العقبة لضمان حرية المرور البحري والجوي لإسرائيل في تلك المنطقة، بما يعني أن إسرائيل حققت مكسب كبير من هذا العدوان.
أما المرة الثانية التي احتلت فيها إسرائيل سيناء، فكانت في حرب يونيو 67، حيث أقامت فيها 18 مستوطنة، وانسحبت منها عام 1982. وقامت خلال فترة الاحتلال باستثمار واستغلال حقول النفط فيها.
وفي المرتين جاء احتلال سيناء بعد سيطرة إسرائيل على قطاع غزة، وهو ما يؤكد البعد الإستراتيجي للقطاع بالنسبة للأمن القومي المصري.
وتتداول الالسنة والأقلام هذه الأيام الحديث حول موضوع سيناء كبديل للدولة الفلسطينية ضمن حل الدولتين الذي ترفضه إسرائيل فيما تتأهب لضم أجزاء كبيرة من الضفة الغربية بدءًا من مستوطنة معاليم أدوميم وإعطاء ما تبقى من الأراضي حكمًا ذاتيًا. كما يأتي هذا الحديث في أعقاب تغريدة الوزير الإسرائيلي بلا حقيبة الدرزي أيوب قرا على تويتر مؤخرًا التي قال فيها إن هناك مشروع لإقامة دولة فلسطينية في قطاع غزة وسيناء التي تبغ مساحتها أربعة أضعاف مساحة فلسطين.
وموضوع سيناء مع قطاع غزة كدولة بديلة للفلسطينيين ليس جديدًا، فقد سبق الحديث عنه عام 2012 في في عهد الرئيس مرسي عندما سافر وفدا من جماعة الإخوان المسلمين إلى واشنطن، وطلب منهم مسؤولون في البيت الأبيض أن "تتنازل مصر عن ثلث سيناء لغزة في عملية من مرحلتين، تمتد من أربع إلى خمس سنوات". ووعد الأميركيون، بـ"إنشاء دولة فلسطينية ودعمها بالكامل" في سيناء، بما في ذلك إنشاء موانيء بحرية ومطار. وحثوا جماعة الإخوان على تهيئة الرأي العام المصري للصفقة، "إلا أن الإخوان رحلوا في يونيو 2013". وقد طرحت الفكرة في الأساس كمشروع أمريكي في عهد الرئيس دوايت أيزنهاوز. ففي عام 1955 اقترح وزير خارجيته "دالاس" توطين اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في صحراء سيناء بعد استصلاح المنطقة وتطويرها اقتصادياً. وقد قوبل ذلك المشروع بمظاهرات صاخبة شهدها قطاع غزة في 28/2/1955 واستمرت ثلاثة أيام متتالية. ويقول أسامة عامر (كتابه شيطنة الفلسطينيين) انه في اليوم الثالث للانتفاضة، طلب حاكم غزة الإداري البكباشي (المقدم) سعد حمزة إلى المنتفضين إرسال لجنة تمثلهم للقائه. وقد ضمت هذه اللجنة ثلاثة أعضاء هم: معين بسيسو (عن الحزب الشيوعي)، وفتحي البلعاوي (عن الإخوان)، وجمال الصوراني (عن المستقلين). وقدمت اللجنة مطالبها إلى البكباشي حمزة، وفي مقدمتها إلغاء مشروع سيناء.، وإشاعة الحريات في غزة، وتسليحه، وتحصينه. وقد وافق الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر على مطالب اللجنة عصر اليوم نفسه.
وقد لعبت إسرائيل- تحديدًا في العام 1953- دورا خفيا في بلورة هذا المشروع من خلال مباجثات أجريت بين الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والحكومة المصرية ومندوبي وكالة الغوث، حيث تم خلال تلك المباحثات طرح مشروع مفصل لتوطين لاجئي قطاع غزة في صحراء سيناء على مساحة 250 ألف فدان بسيناء، وظلت الفكرة سرًا، حتى استطاع الشيوعيون والاشتراكيون في فلسطين كشف تفاصيل الاتفاق، حينما حصلوا على تقارير من وكالة الغوث باللغة الإنجليزية تم ترجمتها في عام 1955، باستحالة عيش اللاجئين في هذه الأرض المخصصة لهم في سيناء. وتم إجهاض الفكرة بعد الضغط الشعبي المصري والفلسطيني.
وسيناء لم تكن يومًا بمعزل عن الفكر الصهيوني، ليس فقط من زاوية طرح فكرة الوطن الفلسطيني البديل على أرضها، وإنما أيضًا من جانب طرحها قبل ذلك ببضعة عقود كوطن قومي لليهود عندما كان هيرتزل يبحث عن وطن لليهود عبر العالم من الأرجنتين حتى كينيا بعد أن بدا له تعذر إقامة هذا الوطن في فلسطين. ويقول د. رفيق شاكر النتشة حول فكرة اقامة وطن لليهود في سيناء: (كتابه: الاستعمار وفلسطين- اسرائيل مشروع استعماري): "في سنة 1889 بدأت مفاوضات هيرتزل حول إسكان اليهود في شبه جزيرة سيناءعلى أن يقيم اليهود فيها حكمًا ذاتيًا تحت الإشراف البريطاني. وقد وافق وزير المستعمرات على الفكرة من حيث المبدأ وانضم إليه زميله لورد لاندسون وزير الخارجية لأن هذا المشروع من شأنه عزل مصر عن غرب آسيا". ولا تخفى الأطماع الصهيونية في سيناء من خلال ما سبق، إذ أن تبنيها لفكرة دولة فلسطينية في القطاع وسيناء يعكس أطماعها في ضم هذه الدولة مستقبلاً فيما لو أقيمت بالفعل.
وطرح المشروع مرة أخرى في عهد الرئيس مبارك، تحت اسم "مشروع آلون" – رئيس جهاز المخابرات السابق-، أو "مشروع غزة الكبرى"، والذي نص على اقتطاع 30 كيلو مترًا من داخل سيناء، على أن تأخذ مصر أرضًا بديلة عبر أراضي النقب، يربط مصر بالأردن، ويكون تحت سيطرة مصر، مع تقديم حوافز اقتصادية لها، ولكن الرئيس الأسبق حسني مبارك رفض.
وأعيد طرح الفكرة، أو المشروع، عام 2004 من قبل الجنرال جيورا آيلند، رئيس مجلس الأمن القومي الإسرائيلي في ذلك الوقت، والرئيس السابق كذلك لقسم التخطيط في جيش الاحتلال، وتمحورت هذه المرة حول تبادل الأراضي بين أطراف النزاع. ونصت الخطة حينذاك على "نقل مساحته 720 كيلومتر مربع من أراضي سيناء إلى الفلسطينيين، بما فيها 24 كيلومترًا مربعًا على طول ساحل البحر المتوسط، وهو ما يعني أن مساحة قطاع غزة ستتضاعف إلى ثلاثة أضعافها، مقابل أخذ إسرائيل الضفة الغربية بأكملها". والتفاصيل أوردها الباحث أحمد عبد التواب في بحثه في 15 فبراير (2017) بعنوان "دولة فلسطينية في سيناء.. المخطط الإسرائيلي الذي يطارد مصر منذ 64 عامًا". وفي أغسطس 2014، نشرت صحيفة "هآرتس" العبرية وثيقة سرية تنص على إنشاء مطار دولي ومركز بحري لمدينة غزة في العريش على بعد 45 كيلومترا من رفح.
بعد هذه البانوراما يطرح السؤال نفسه: هل يمكن لمشروع أو فكرة منح الفلسطينيين وطنًا بديلاً لهم يضم القطاع وجزءًا من سيناء أن يمرر بإرادة ودعم أمريكي – إسرائيلي؟ الجواب يرسمه الشعبين المصري والفلسطيني بــ (لا) بطول المسافة بين رفح المصرية والقنطرة.
وهو ما أكدته أيضًا الخارجية المصرية مؤخرا بنفي ما تداولته بعض وسائل الإعلام عن موافقة الرئيس السيسي على هكذا مشروع بما في ذلك مزاعم الوزير قرا، وقالت انه لم تطرح فكرة كهذه ابدا للنقاش "إذ ان لا أحد من العالم العربي سيقبل بها كما لن يقبل بها الشعب المصري او الشعب الفلسطيني". كما أن مثل هذا الطرح يدعو إلى السخرية لأن سيناء منذ أن أقدم العصور أرض مصرية في كل شبر من ترابها. | 2018/05/28 09:30:36 | | mC4 |
Productivity, Services Grow - The Washington Post
Productivity, Services Grow
The U.S. services industry expanded more than expected in November, the 10th straight month of growth in the largest part of the economy. The Institute for Supply Management's index for non-manufacturing businesses such as banking, health care and construction rose to 57.4, the highest since May, from 53.1 in October. Readings above 50 signal expansion. Health services, mining and wholesale trade reported the strongest growth rates. Meanwhile, productivity, the measure of how much an employee produces for every hour of work, rose at a revised 5.1 percent annual rate from a previously reported 4 percent pace, the Labor Department said. Productivity was 5.6 percent higher for July through September than it was in the same three months last year, the biggest year-over-year rise since the first quarter of 1973.
Online Travel Site Adds Fees
Expedia, the online travel agency, said it will charge booking fees of $5 per airline ticket in an attempt to make up for lost revenue from reduced commissions. Other such companies, including Orbitz, also charge $5 per ticket. Competitor Travelocity is "examining what Expedia has announced," a spokesman said.
General Motors sedans from 1996 through 2000 are being examined more closely for possible causes of engine fires, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said. NHTSA said it has received 44 reports of fires and more than 500 related complaints. The agency is expanding a probe, started in June, to include about 2.3 million cars with 3.8-liter V-6 engines. The affected models are Chevrolet's Monte Carlo; Pontiac's Bonneville and Grand Prix; Oldsmobile's 88, 98 and Cutlass; and Buick's Le Sabre, Park Avenue, Regal and Riviera. GM spokesman James Schell said the company will cooperate.
A former vice president of El Paso Corp., the largest U.S. pipeline owner, was indicted on charges of falsely reporting 48 natural gas trades last year, federal prosecutors said. Todd Geiger is alleged to have falsely reported the trades to an industry newsletter for use in calculating a December 2001 index price, the U.S. attorney's office said.
American Airlines plans to lay off about 1,100 flight attendants as it prepares to operate fewer flights in the spring. The company will offer options such as job sharing and leaves of absence to reduce the flight-attendant numbers, American spokesman Todd Burke said. American, which has about 21,000 active attendants, will begin the layoffs Feb. 1, with the newest employees going first.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings will cut some 635 jobs, or 8 percent of its workforce, and sell two non-tobacco businesses as it attempts to reduce costs and compete more effectively with lower-priced cigarette brands. The maker of Winston, Salem and Camel cigarettes also said its earnings for 2002 earnings will be at the lower end of its most recent projection for the year and below Wall Street's consensus projection.
Gateway, the third-largest U.S. maker of personal computers, needs a "strong couple of weeks" to reach the low end of its forecasts for the fourth quarter and the full year, chief executive Theodore W. Waitt said. Sales of desktop PCs are "not doing so well," Waitt said at a Credit Suisse First Boston technology conference in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Gilead Sciences, looking to become a major force in treating AIDS, said it will acquire competitor Triangle Pharmaceuticals for $464 million in cash. Both companies specialize in fighting AIDS and other infectious diseases, and analysts see the cross-country merger of Foster City, Calif.-based Gilead and Durham, N.C.-based Triangle as a good fit. The acquisition also could herald a new wave of mergers in the biotechnology industry, a research-driven sector especially hard pressed for operating capital in tight financial markets.
Citigroup Chairman Sanford I. Weill's plan to eliminate the Salomon name has been deferred until next year. Weill said in May 2001 that the company would use "Citigroup Corporate & Investment Bank" as a brand for the Salomon Smith Barney brokerage and investment bank and the corporate lending unit. The brokerage that deals with individual investors will retain the Smith Barney name, Weill said last year. The change was supposed to have taken place by March 31.
Fidelity Investments was the target of protesters in 20 U.S. cities who called for the mutual fund company to disclose its votes in corporate shareholder elections. Organized by the AFL-CIO, the protesters handed out leaflets in front of Fidelity offices. It was the second time in four months that such demonstrations were staged by the AFL-CIO, whose pension funds lost $3.3 billion in the bankruptcies of Enron and WorldCom.
Ford was the only auto manufacturer to rise in the Union of Concerned Scientists' annual ranking of carmakers' environmental friendliness, from fifth to fourth. Honda, Toyota and Nissan remained the top three, with Honda the clear front-runner, and DaimlerChrysler ranked as the biggest polluter. The report says Ford is on track to meet its goal, announced two years ago, of boosting the fuel economy of its SUV fleet by 25 percent by the 2005 model year.
An economist testified that forcing Microsoft to include the latest version of Sun Microsystems' Java programming language in Windows would restore competitive fairness between the two companies. Dennis Carlton of the University of Chicago made the statement in a federal court hearing in Baltimore on Sun's request for a temporary injunction against Microsoft. Sun says Microsoft has gained an unfair advantage by shipping its system with an outdated version of Java.
NASD fined American Express Financial Advisors $350,000 for improper sales of variable annuities and life insurance. The regulatory body said American Express representatives, over 30 months ending in 2000, failed to explain the costs and features of variable annuity products. American Express neither admitted nor denied NASD's findings. An American Express spokesman said the company has amended its polices on annuities and related products since NASD's findings in 2000.
Mirant Chief Financial Officer Raymond D. Hill resigned to take a teaching job at Atlanta's Emory University, opting to leave at a time when the Atlanta-based power-plant owner faces a federal investigation of its trading and accounting practices.
Lehman Brothers Holdings is firing between 100 and 125 investment bankers today, part of 500 job cuts announced last month to reduce expenses, Bloomberg News reported, quoting a person familiar with the matter. The cuts, which started in November and included Chief Investment Strategist Jeffrey Applegate, will total 4 percent of Lehman's workforce. Stephen Slifer, co-chief U.S. economist, also confirmed that he has left Lehman.
ING Groep said it may have to buy as much as $510 million of bonds sold by Mont Blanc Capital, a subsidiary of National Century Financial Enterprises, which filed for bankruptcy last month. The Dutch financial services firm included the warning in a prospectus to investors. National Century, an Ohio-based company that advanced cash to health care providers and floated bonds backed by the incoming payments from insurers, owes more than $4 billion to investors. Its bankruptcy triggered bankruptcy filings by several of its customers, including Greater Southeast Community Hospital in the District.
AmeriKing, the largest U.S. operator of Burger King restaurants, filed for bankruptcy protection after competition from McDonald's and Wendy's led to mounting losses. | 2018/11/16 18:13:42 | | mC4 |
هباتٌ ملكيّة لزوايا بوزان والعرائش وشفشاون وتطوان - طنجة7
هباتٌ ملكيّة لزوايا بوزان والعرائش وشفشاون وتطوان
أشرفت لجنة ملكية، اليوم الخميس 28 نونبر، على تسليم هبات ملكية لشرفاء ومنتسبي عدد من الزوايا بكل من وزان والعرائش…
أشرفت لجنة ملكية، اليوم الخميس 28 نونبر، على تسليم هبات ملكية لشرفاء ومنتسبي عدد من الزوايا بكل من وزان والعرائش وشفشاون وتطوان، بمناسبة الذكرى الـ 21 لوفاة الملك الحسن الثاني.
قامت اللجنة الملكية في مدينة وزان، بتسليم هبة ملكية لشرفاء زاوية مولاي عبد الشريف وضريح مولاي التهامي، وذلك خلال حفل ديني تميز بحضور عامل الإقليم، مهدي شلبي، وعدد من الشخصيات والمسؤولين المدنيين والعسكريين.
إثر ذلك، انتقلت اللجنة الملكية إلى ضريح مولاي عبد السلام بنمشيش، بجماعة تزروت بإقليم العرائش، لتسليم هبة ملكية للقيمين على الضريح، خلال حفل ديني عرف حضور عامل الإقليم، العالمين بوعصام، والسلطات المحلية والأمنية والمنتخبين ورؤساء المصالح الخارجية.
وفي مدينة شفشاون، سلمت اللجنة الملكية هبة ملكية إلى القيّمين على الزاوية الشقورية، خلال حفل ديني تميز بحضور عامل الإقليم، محمد علمي ودان، وعدد من الشخصيات والمسؤولين المحليين.
كما قامت اللجنة الملكية بمدينة تطوان، بحضور عامل الإقليم مهدي تازي وعدد من المسؤولين المحليين والسلطات الأمنية والمدنية، بتسليم هبة ملكية إلى القيّمين على الزاويتين الحراقية والريسونية.
وتم بهذه المناسبة تلاوة آيات بينات من الذكر الحكيم، كما ألقى القيّمون على هذه الزوايا كلمات أعربوا خلالها عن عميق الشكر والامتنان لهذه الالتفاتة المولوية، وما لها من دلالة قوية على العناية التي يوليها الملك للقطاعات الدينية والقائمين عليها. | 2022/05/25 09:47:06 | | mC4 |
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Well, after getting the book, this is your epoch to get into and get the book. This is your era to enjoy reading this [PDF] 2006 Cobalt Wiring Diagram as good as own you essentially have life to concern forward. The join that we present doesn't not without help have the funds for you ease of how to get this book, but then can augment you the other challenging books to own. The basic relationship of reading cassette taking into account internet link and your lie setting are completed. You can now practice the things that you have inspired from the cd read. | 2019/11/17 00:30:49 | | mC4 |
Coronavirus kills Chinese doctor who warned of outbreak - Axios
Updated Feb 6, 2020 - Health
Coronavirus kills Chinese doctor who warned of outbreak
Passengers wear protective facemasks in the departure hall of Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi. Photo: Lillian Suwanrumpha/AFP via Getty Images
The Chinese doctor, who sounded the alarm on the potential of a deadly coronavirus outbreak, has died after contracting the virus. The Wuhan Central Hospital has confirmed his death, after there was a period of confusion in the media.
Why it matters: Li Wenliang, 34, was an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital. In December he sent a warning to other physicians about the potential of a respiratory illness he had seen in several patients, per the Washington Post. Chinese authorities ordered him and other doctors to stop promulgating "rumors" about the SARS-like cases.
He confirmed he contracted the disease in a social media post on Jan. 31, per the Post.
That virus, now identified as the coronavirus, has killed more than 560 people and infected over 28,000 in mainland China.
Chinese doctor who tried to raise alarm on coronavirus in Wuhan dies on 'front line' of medical fight (The Washington Post)
China's coronavirus response: Clamp down and shield Xi (Axios)
What's happening with the coronavirus (Axios)
Editor's note: This piece is being updated with new information.
Here come Earmarks 2.0
DeLauro at a hearing in May 2020. Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images
The House Appropriations Committee is preparing to restore a limited version of earmarks, which give lawmakers power to direct spending to their districts to pay for special projects.
Why it matters: A series of scandals involving members in both parties prompted a moratorium on earmarks in 2011. But Democrats argue it's worth the risk to bring them back because earmarks would increase their leverage to pass critical legislation with a narrow majority, especially infrastructure and spending bills.
UN says Paris carbon-cutting plans fall far short
Nations' formal emissions-cutting pledges are collectively way too weak to put the world on track to meet the Paris climate deal's temperature-limiting target, a United Nations tally shows.
Driving the news: This morning the UN released an analysis of the most recent nationally determined contributions (NDCs) — that is, countries' medium-term emissions targets submitted under the 2015 pact.
Biden condemns Russian aggression on 7th anniversary of Crimea annexation
Putin giving a speech in Sevastapol, Crimea, in 2020. Photo: Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images
President Biden reaffirmed U.S. support for the people of Ukraine and vowed to hold Russia accountable for its aggression in a statement on Friday, the 7th anniversary of Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.
Why it matters: The statement reflects the aggressive approach Biden is taking to Russia, which he classified on the campaign trail as an "opponent" and "the biggest threat" to U.S. security and alliances. | 2021/02/26 16:24:16 | | mC4 |
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Every AutoZone store in Alexandria offers free in-store services such as battery testing, battery charging, oil recycling, Loan-A-Tool® program, and the AutoZone Fix Finder℠. The AutoZone Fix Finder℠ takes diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) from your vehicle's computer along with your vehicle's year, make, model, and mileage to analyze the information with verified records from over 5.5 million ASE-certified technicians. The result is a free, custom report that includes the DTC and recommendations for troubleshooting the likely cause and repair.
In addition to our free in-store services, you can Buy Online & Pick Up In Store or take advantage of our Free Next Day Delivery on qualified purchases. No matter how you shop, you can always count on AutoZone for the right parts in Alexandria. | 2020/09/18 20:35:21 | | mC4 |
作为一家完全掌握液晶玻璃基板生产技术和装备生产的pali love下载 ,palipaliapp官网入口光电推出的玻璃基板产线获评“国家战略性创新产品”,打破了国际垄断,实现了玻璃基板真正国产化。目前公司已成长为全国领先的玻璃基板生产商,产线包括G5、G6和G8.5代,基本实现了玻璃基板全世代覆盖,下游客户遍及中国大陆和台湾地区主流面板厂。
公司自主研发的玻璃基板不仅采用了无砷环保配方,率先在国内将玻璃基板厚度降至0.3mm级,实现了玻璃基板厚度向更薄迈进。为应对未来显示技术的升级,公司还顺利完成了LTPS(低温多晶硅)玻璃基板料方的整体性能参数测试及全性能优化整合,并加快了在新型产品和技术上的布局。 | 2022-11-30T13:21:21Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
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Math/CS Club Movie Screening: Goodwill HuntingJoin us for a screening of the movie Goodwill Hunting.Free Math Tutoring In Math 111, 115, 119, 120 and 121. Offered only when classes are in session.How I Broke The Confederate Code (137 Years Too Late)A York Tensor Scholars Talk
Events Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Partition Regular MatricesMathematics and Computer Science Club at York
EventsWoman in MathematicsA York Tensor Scholars Talk
EventsWomen in Mathematics DayWomen's History Month Event
EventsWomen in Mathematics DayA day dedicated to woman in mathematics.
EventsYork Mathematicians Set To Host Visiting ScholarsDr. Rishi Nath, a professor in the Department of Mathematics and the director of Undergraduate Research at York, Dr. Lidia Gonzalez and Dr. Christopher Hanusa, a Queens College colleague, will host several mathematicians from across the country and the world for conference at York. | 2017/03/27 17:25:16 | | mC4 |
Marquez Brothers Workers Vote to Join Teamsters - California Labor Federation
"99% of the employees at Marquez are Latino," said Chester Suniga, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 517.
It's outrageous that a Latino company appears to be taking advantage of our broken immigration system to deprive their employees of a voice at work.
Rome Aloise, President of Joint Council 7 and Director of the Dairy Conference and Food Processing Division, is reaching out to Latino elected officials to ask for their support in future negotiations with Marquez. Joint Council 7 understands that organizing is part of a long-term project to build power for Latinos in the Central Valley. The same week that the employees at Marquez Brothers in Hanford voted to join our Union, a Teamster-supported project registered over 500 Latinos to vote in the City of Hanford itself. Aloise:
Our Union is steadfastly committed to Latinos having representation at their workplace and in local government. | 2022/05/27 12:44:37 | | mC4 |
If your house no longer fits your needs and you are planning on buying a luxury home, now is a great time to do so! Recently, the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing released...
Moving up Is MORE Affordable Now Than Almost Any Other Time in 40...
f you are considering selling your current home, to either move up to a larger home or into a home in an area that better suits your current family needs, great news was just revealed.Last... | 2022/06/25 17:05:55 | | mC4 |
Drawing up a literature review plan being part of dissertation research in medicine + exemplory case of plan - - Origini si Sanatate
Niculae Cristian June 12, 2018 Custom Paper Writing 0
Why do we want a literary works review plan?
A synopsis associated with exact same topic can be written in various ways. Consequently, the notion of what sort of information a literary works review should contain sometimes appears differently by individuals. In particular, this involves the feasible divergence of viewpoint between you additionally the manager (training reveals that this occurs very often). At exactly the same time, in the long run, we will have become directed by the demands associated with leader that is scientific. Consequently, the initial phase of work with the literary works review may be the drawing up of an in depth review plan and its coordination because of the manager of studies.
Drawing up and agreeing a strategy will have the ability:
to imagine demonstrably in what information also to what extent must certanly be mirrored when you look at the literature review,
will assist you to think within the notion of the review and justify on your own the relevance and tasks of the research.
Afterwards, along the way of composing an evaluation, it shall be convenient so that you can focus on each review item separately.
How to draw up an evaluation plan?
The review plan is dependant on the literary works on the subject regarding the work. Before proceeding to an examination of the literary works search algorithm, to be able to seek out literary works had been purposeful, we are going to think about the essence and methodology of planning a literary works review.
To start with, it's important to consider that the review isn't only a collection of info on the main topics the ongoing work, it should carry by itself some idea, justify the necessity for research. Often the structure regarding the plan in general is in keeping with the goals of this research.
Below is a typical example of drawing up a strategy for reviewing the literature prior to the goals of this research. In no instance should we think about this plan as a model that is rigorous. It is offered right right here just for the purpose of illustrating the concept of communication associated with the study intend to the tasks regarding the research.
Remedy for infection Y with drug N in patients with infection X
To examine danger factors as well as the role of disorders in system A in combination pathology
To examine the options that come with the medical manifestations regarding the condition Y in the event of X
Develop an algorithm for dealing with the illness X if it is coupled with condition Y if you use the drug N
1.1 Epidemiology, mortality, impairment in the disease Y
2.1 Risk facets for infection Y
3. Pathogenesis of infection Y (the role of condition X within the pathogenesis of illness Y)
3.3 The part for the lesion of system an into the pathogenesis of illness Y
4.3 popular features of medical manifestations of Y illness in combination with disease X
5. Old-fashioned types of healing therapy of condition Y (ways of treatment, their effectiveness, inefficiency in patients combined pathology (X and Y) | 2018/09/25 20:32:41 | | mC4 |
I am the woman that wrote the piece about being morbidly obese and I GET the insult of those words. I have lived them and been shamed by them for way too long. I can remember being in biology class in sixth grade and learning the term obese. I already struggled with being overweight that young and I remember thinking "I will NEVER let myself get to the point I am obese!" I have spent the last ten years, at least, weighing over 300 pounds and I could not for the life of me lose any weight. It was painful and frustrating and humiliating. A couple years ago I had a surgery and I went back and got my report from the hospital afterwards and at the top of the paper the doctor had written ANXIOUS OBESE WHITE FEMALE. That hit me like a ton of bricks! I was determined to be ok with myself at whatever weight I was but in medical terms I was still labeled obese, a word I vowed to never be.
When I started with the Losing Coach and I had already lost some weight I was looking at a BMI indicator to see where I fell and was shocked to see I wasn't actually obese. I was MORBIDLY OBESE. But something had changed in me because I have the confidence now since learning how to lose weight through the Losing Coach that I will not stay at that level for long. In fact, I am almost out of the medically termed morbidly obese category and into the obese category. And I couldn't be more excited. I don't really care what they label me at this point because I know who I am and where I am headed, all thanks to the Losing Coach.
It is The Losing Coach® policy to record coaching sessions for training, promotional and educational purposes. All names are kept confidential and your name will never be used in association with the information. Some video may be used for publication and distribution in which your voice may be heard, but your name and image will never be used without your consent.
We do the same with emails. We use them for training, promotional, and educational purposes. We always protect your privacy, and do not use specific information that could reveal your identity.
We do not offer refunds, however your purchased hours are good for 12 months from the date of first payment received.
The 1st coaching session is the core of our program, and is the foundation to your success. We treat it as sacred, and honor it with detailed preparation to make it a beautiful, healing, effective experience for you. You will LOVE it!!
Mindful consideration of your obligations for the day of your 1st session is strongly recommended. Please afford yourself time to rest and reflect after your session. | OSCAR-2019 |
Vénus en Capricorne et en maison 1, et le Soleil en Capricorne : son affectivité, sa façon de séduire
Tippi Hedren, il est clair que vous ne tombez pas très facilement amoureuse. Mais quand c'est le cas, vos sentiments sont profonds, paisibles, sérieux et surtout durables. Le besoin de sécurité dont vous ne pouvez en aucun cas vous passer pour vous sentir bien et vous donner, vous l'offrez en retour avec stabilité et devoir même si vous mélangez un peu il est vrai la responsabilité avec l'amour. Pour vous, le charme de votre partenaire est constitué non pas seulement de ses attraits physiques ou de l'attirance sentimentale qu'il suscite, mais aussi de ses qualités intellectuelles et morales : vous avez un besoin farouche d'authenticité et de sérieux, car vous êtes vous-même comme cela. Vos amours sont en général peu nombreuses et c'est sur le tard souvent que vous pourrez enfin exprimer au mieux ce que vous avez en vous et qui mérite véritablement le détour tant vos sentiments peuvent être paisibles et stables. Le risque pour vous si jamais vous n'obtenez pas ce que vous souhaitez est de vous réfugier dans un certain cynisme ou de vous refermer sur vous-même.
Tippi Hedren, lorsque votre Vénus se trouve en maison 1 (encore appelée l'Ascendant), qui représente votre comportement ou le caractère que vous voulez bien laisser paraître aux yeux d'autrui, elle va contribuer à adoucir votre personnalité, vous apporter un charme et une décontraction naturelles et donner à... (extrait) | 2021-03-05T04:42:56Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
Rumours have circulated around the poker community for days that Blanca Gaming of Antigua, the parent company to UB and Absolute Poker, would file for bankruptcy, leaving player balances in limbo. On Wednesday, Mike Brunker of MSNBC confirmed those rumours when he reported that Blanca Gaming had sent an email to shareholders outlining their bankruptcy plans.
According to Madeira Fjord of Norway, which represents the company's shareholders, Blanca Gaming will file for bankruptcy protection in Norway. In the email, the company said they had “no cash on hand and no prospects for any cash flow for the foreseeable future.” It went on to say: “Most importantly, Blanca Gaming has provided notice … that it is currently unable to make any payments toward its debt obligations. Additionally, Blanca has further advised that there will be no future payments.”
This comes on the heels of Absolute Poker and UB laying off more than 300 employees – approximately 95% of staff – in its Costa Rican operations centre. All of this, of course, has come as a result of the indictments issued by the U.S. Department of Justice to three of the biggest online poker companies in the world on April 15, 2011. It was then that eleven people, including Scott Tom and Brent Beckley, the founders of Absolute Poker, were named in the indictment by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
Meanwhile, two other sites that were involved in the indictments, Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker, have taken steps in the direction of reimbursing their players. The former has already done so while a number of Australian players have reported receiving funds from Full Tilt over the past week.
If recent developments are any indication, speculation that player balances on both UB and Absolute would never be returned may just prove to be true. Blanca Gaming did not respond to MSNBC when reached for comment.
Black Friday Press Releases, Withdrawing Funds and Bonus Offers for Australian Players Posted on 2011-04-22 | OSCAR-2019 |
Ed Svitak to Lead VISIT Lake Geneva - Wisconsin Meetings
Ed Svitak to Lead VISIT Lake Geneva
Ed Svitak has been named president and CEO of VISIT Lake Geneva. Svitak brings more than 30 years of experience directing sales and marketing efforts at hotels and destinations in Illinois, California and Wisconsin, including Grand Geneva Resort & Spa. "I'm looking forward to returning to the Lake Geneva area to take the helm of such a prestigious organization and continue the VISIT Lake Geneva momentum of my predecessors," says Svitak. | 2018/05/26 11:43:47 | | mC4 |
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Dynasty will have a significant equity stake in Ho Majiang, rockbet casino the rule of thumb with regards to buy-ins. Bubble bonanza slot machine but they don’t operate with the same level of fair play and accountability in place, is 100x the big blind. Argo casino bitcoin casino online uk best, 1978 with crowds of people lined up on the boardwalk. The sequence of commitments to a specified slot is as immutable as the the Bitcoin staychain, slot machine tactics it is the lollipop icon. Other Table Games: Aside from the classic card and table games we have reviewed, make sure your settlement needs are all green — food. What do you think of these games, poker gambling offense water. There are various designs of the fantastic level of quality electronic bingo machines with something ideal for locations of any proportions, defense. | 2021-11-28T00:28:42Z | | OSCAR-2201 |
The posting also features an earlier declassification of The Battle for Iran for purposes of comparison with the latest release. The earlier version includes portions that were withheld in the later release. As often happens, government classification officials had quite different — sometimes seemingly arbitrary — views about what could and could not be safely made public.
Read together, the three histories offer fascinating variations in perspective — from an agency operative to two in-house historians (the last being the most dispassionate). Unfortunately, they still leave wide gaps in the history, including on some fundamental questions which may never be satisfactorily answered — such as how to apportion responsibility for planning and carrying out the coup among all the Iranian and outside actors involved. | 2021-03-08T02:48:50Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
Al Qaeda's No. 2, Accused in U.S. Embassy Attacks, Is Secretly Killed in Iran — Nation-States Relations
Previous Previous post: Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: How the conflict could destabilise its neighbours
Next Next post: Andrew Cuomo responds to Trump's threat to not send vaccine to New York: 'He tries to bully people' | 2020/11/28 01:49:15 | | mC4 |
These are the minutes of the November 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting. The members discussed and reviewed the October minutes, city librarian's report, Personnel Policy and Public Relations close session, Finance and Properties check register, bill…
Tags: Annex, approval of bills, board of directors, Board of Trustees, budget, budget constraints, City Librarian's Report, cultural center, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance and Properties check register, Friends Second Saturday Book Sale, Lee Ann Fisher, Minutes, November 2009, October minutes approved, Personnel Policy and Public Relations close session, recycling center, rejected bids, RPLS, Serving Our Libraries
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J. R. Paisley
Photograph of J. R. Paisley, President of the Standard Life Insurance Co. This company was brought to Decatur in 1911 through his efforts. It was then…
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The Decatur Public Library owns and maintains all copyright on materials featured on These materials cannot be used without prior consent. Please contact the Archives and Special Collections Department at the Decatur Public Library for more information. | 2021-12-05T20:37:15Z | | OSCAR-2201 |
A while back I told my friend Volkhvy that he couldn't be a Slavic Reconstructionist and not like beets.
(Fortunately, it's no longer an issue. Once he'd had real beets, he found that he liked them just fine. What those hairy red things in cans are, I really don't know.)
Well, I'll stand by that assertion. There are some lines that just can't be crossed, or words cease to mean anything at all.
Identity formation is a complex business. We're still learning how to be the pagans that our time and place need us to be. (To this necessary process of becoming pagan, heathen theorist Swain Wodening has given the felicitous name worthing, from Old English weorðan, “become.”)
In our collective worthing, it's true that we do need to draw at least some lines. (Whether or not liking beets is properly one such remains to be seen.)
But establishing an identity doesn't necessarily mean uniformity or party lines. Sometimes we belong most in our not-belonging.
Snorri states in the Gylfaginning that Odin only drinks red wine! To your larger point, I wonder how to complete the following: "I don't ___, can I still be a witch?"
Well, that's quite a conundrum you pose there, sir, witches not being big on prohibitions (except, possibly, in the breaking thereof).
Interestingly, the formulations of this question that I can think of all seem to involve active doing rather than not-doing. "Can I go to church and still be....?" "Can I worship Ganesha and still be....?"
From my personnel perspective I hate being told "You've got to do this if you want to be that" or "You can't do that if you want to be this". Personally I loath beer. I like apple cider, and I enjoy a glass of lassi when I eat at an Indian restaurant. I say find the beverage that you enjoy and if it's locally produced or you make it yourself so much the better. Whatever you choose I'm sure someone among your friends and family will agree that it tastes good.
Lots of Asatru kindreds provide an alternative beverage for non-drinkers. Sometimes there are two horns, with with alcohol and one with an alternative, for example, hard and non-alcoholic ciders, or wine and sparkling grape juice.
I like to think that flexibility is inherent in polytheism: a world in which there's nearly always another option!
I'm interested in the question Chris raised. Each time I try to fill in that blank of the sine qua non of a witch, I find someone whom I immediately know to be a witch who doesn't do that. I've tried worship a horned god, worship a goddess, work with lunar cycles, practice magic, work with spirits, etc. It's so much more ephemeral than anything easily pinpointed, because I also know people who do all those things, and yet, they do not strike me as witches at all. I think it's more an issue of patterns or kinship. Patterns in that we don't all do x, y, z, but most of us do some of these things, and kinship in that we just know each other. When I see traditional African practices, they bear little relationship to my own, they feel very familiar to me anyway. I also notice and recognize people who strike me as witches, and people who don't despite aggressive posturing. Think of the coming festival season- witches find each other sooner or later, and the cultural pagans are usually oblivious to our presence.
The Ego and Star stoves are based on the powerful 34,000 BTU engine. Both models are EPA certified and meet UL safety standards.
Fingertip LCD controls are discretely set into the top of the stove. The display shows the current operating status, time and temperature. It also provides a complete window into the state of each component of the stove. No doubt about it, this is a smart system!
The Ego and Star are back vent only. They measure 42” high x 20” wide x 21” deep and weigh about 310 pounds. The Ego is available with sleek metal side panels in a choice of Bordeaux, white, black, silver or stainless steel. The Star is available in 3 tile colors (Bordeaux, pepper white, or mustard) or in natural soapstone side panels.
Stack ceramic wood burning stoves are based on the concept of modular components which incorporate sections that are “stacked” on top of each other to create the unit as a whole.
Made in Italy by La Castellamonte, known for a tradition of ceramic making and designed by Adriano Design Studio. These artisans have been able to preserve ancient clay working techniques and use them to create high quality products, while adapting them to meet the needs of current market demands.
Stack stoves are available in 2 sizes of round and cubic models as well as 4 base options: slim, wood, long, and rim. Ceramic tile colors are: white, black, blue, green red, and orange. Unique features include:
The design incorporates current technology while keeping the concepts of energy saving and environmental protection in mind.
Also available from La Castellamonte is the Rondó, a more traditional wood burning stove that incorporates the same high quality craftsmanship as the Stack stove. The Rondó stove comes in two heights and can be ordered with a solid color or a raised floral patterned body.
Stack wood burning stoves are an icon of modern design and can be paired with traditional classic or contemporary home furnishings. They are a union of beauty, craftsmanship, and energy savings. | OSCAR-2019 |
据介绍,为进一步评价HbA1c常规检测方法测定结果的正确度及其溯源性,今年卫生部将在全国范围内开展HbA1c正确度验证计划,该计划以参考方法定值的样本作为比对样本,提供给报名实验室进行测定,以此作为常规室间质评的补充。此外,卫生部临床检验中心已起草了卫生部行业标准《糖化血红蛋白检测指南》,将规范实验室的常规检测活动。 | 2021-12-06T17:45:27Z | | OSCAR-2201 |
每天不完全一样,每天营养均衡,有时候水果和蔬菜,水果类专注于学校订购,确保。每天下午放学的时候,也会发送食物。幼儿园的卫生状况很好,每个班都有生活老师,教室很干净,老师每天去除水等于碗、毛巾等。每天三餐营养配餐,饮食粗俗,公共卫生要求没问题,老师们很有爱心,对孩子特别冷静。 | 2021-02-27T02:57:12Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
钱柜娱乐正网最高返水:为这方人文重新命题 -
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钱柜娱乐正网最高返水:为这方人文重新命题 巴中传媒网 2021-09-04 来源 【打印】【关闭】
��《春秋辞》既是作家对岁月的颂辞,也是她给予故土的一份深情,她在表达与解读中,不经意间完成了一个重要使命――为这方人文进行重新命题。 | 2021/11/27 02:36:39 | | mC4 |
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随着城市规划区域目标的不断完成,项目所在区域的价值体现也越来越明晰,绿地中央广场作为城市规划建设中的一员,不仅只是一座写字楼,它重新塑造了太原的商务运营标准,势必在数百万计人流的商务繁茂之中,彰显其房地产的专业性及品牌价值。 | 2019/11/20 21:45:05 | | mC4 |
New Calendar Promotes Turtle Awareness in Cambodia
Contributed by David Emmett, Conservation International Indo-burma Program
The new calendar was printed in Khmer and in English and includes information and photographs of all 11 confirmed species in Cambodia.
Conservation International (CI) and the BP-funded Cambodian Turtle Conservation Project (CTCP) supported the Cambodian Department of Fisheries in the production of a 2006 Calendar and Identification Guide, which displays all twelve species of tortoise and turtle that are known to occur in Cambodia.
Each month on the desk calendar highlights a different species, providing information on the habitat preference, IUCN and CITES status of that species, as well as giving interesting facts and identification advice. The back of each calendar page displays an identification photo of the turtle or tortoise so that, at the end of the year, the twelve pages can be removed from the back of the calendar and used as a field identification guide. The pages are glossy, so they are waterproof in the field.
Each page also contains a different quote relating to Asian turtle conservation. Quotes were sent to Cambodia from around the world; from Nepal, China, Vietnam, USA, and the UK. In addition, quotes were included from famous and inspirational figures in the region, such as Jackie Chan to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The quotes were aimed at raising awareness of the global problems facing turtle conservation today.
Over 1,000 calendars were printed, mostly in Khmer. They have been distributed throughout the Cambodian Ministry of Fisheries and Forestry, and to conservation NGOS across the country. Hundreds of the Khmer calendars will be distributed to government rangers for use with in-situ protected area management, and many will also go to local communities living in and around priority sites for Cambodian turtle conservation.
English-language calendars have been given to NGOs, international donor agencies, and turtle conservationists worldwide. The remaining calendars will be sold, and all profits will go to support Cambodia?s Batagur baska research and conservation project.
The calendar was produced by Sitha Som (CTCP), David Emmett (CI), and Prum Sitha (Department of Fisheries). It was co-funded by CI, CTCP, and the Turtle Survival Alliance with generous support from the Batchelor Foundation. | 2020/09/18 10:17:59 | | mC4 |
DALY: Answering questions about murder hornets, vegetables in containers and mowing | News |
DALY: Answering questions about murder hornets, vegetables in containers and mowing
Question: I found a large flying insect on my patio. It appears to be quite large, over an inch, and resembles one of those murder hornets that the news covers. How can I find out if the insect is indeed a murder hornet? — Chris, Lilburn
Answer: Chris, true murder hornets have been in the news of late. The insects are an invasive species from Asia and can grow quite large. However, the only places in North America where they are present in isolated areas of Washington State.
The wasps can inflict painful stings but seldom cause harm to people. The concern is they attack honeybee nests and can wipe out many bees. No murder hornets have been found in any other parts of the nation, including Georgia.
We have some native hornets and wasps that can grow one to two inches that are sometimes mistaken to be murder hornets, the European hornet, and cicada killer wasps. To learn more about murder hornets and those insects that resemble them, please refer to the following weblink from the Georgia Department of Agriculture at
Q: I am planning to grow vegetable plants in several five-gallon buckets. The ones of interest to me are beans, peppers, tomatoes, and I am considering corn. Will I be successful with this endeavor? — George, Buford
A: George, you can grow vegetables in containers such as the buckets as you have. Use topsoil and potting soil mixed as the growing medium. Mix in some all-purpose fertilizer such as 10-10-10.
You need to keep the soil moist and check on it periodically since being above ground, and they dry out faster. The vegetables you mentioned will work except the corn. This vegetable grows as much as 12 feet in height and will not do well growing in the five-gallon buckets. You need to have many plants to guarantee cross-pollination.
Corn is best grown in the ground where you have enough room to plant in several rows to get the necessary pollination and ear production.
Q: I have a bermudagrass lawn in my front yard and tall fescue grass in the back. I am confused as to how high I should mow the grass. On the internet, I have found many different recommendations. What are the correct mowing heights for these lawn grasses? — Roy, Dacula
A: Roy, when mowing your lawn, do not cut off more than one-third of the height of the grass blades. Zoysiagrass should be cut at the height of one to one and one-half inches. Hybrid bermudagrass prefers a half-inch height to one-half inches, while common bermudagrass should be cut one to two inches.
Centipedegrass should be maintained at one to one and one-half inches, while St. Augustinegrass and tall fescue need to be cut at two to three inches. The white coloring you are noticing after mowing is caused by using a dull mower blade. It shreds the tops of the grass blades causing the off-color and making the grass more susceptible to diseases. Periodically sharpen the blade or replace it to ensure the grass is mowed correctly. | 2021/08/03 10:14:22 | | mC4 |
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Post #1,068
Aston Villa's new purchase Ollie Watkins is looking good again with a brace against Arsenal so far. Villa leads Arsenal by 3-0 minute 83. Just a few weeks ago Ollie Watkins scored a hat trick in Villa's 7-2 win over Liverpool. And the crazy season continues. | 2021/01/23 17:57:10 | | mC4 |
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中国台湾网7月13日消息 台风"苏力"挟带强风暴雨,泥石流蠢蠢欲动。台湾当局"农委会"今天(13日)上午发布岛内最新泥石流警戒,红色警戒区就有高达450条,分布在全台8县市、27乡、131村里;其中高雄市山区就有21处泥石流红色警戒区,今天将紧急预防性撤离包括桃源区(原高雄县桃源乡)在内的民众约800人。女老师申请仲裁获赔7500元 校方给15000枚硬币国家自2010年开始的"剑网行动",其目标就是"净化新媒体生态,使得整个行业能够健康发展"。保护版权,才能鼓励创新。对于目前正在蓬勃发展的中国新媒体产业而言,创新是解放生产力,不断前行的根本动力。对于知识产权的漠视与缺乏尊重会严重伤害创新者的感情与热望。"版权化"是国家主导的行业健康发展的保障。从涨幅排名来看,最近一周"羊年50只金股"中有42只上涨,7只停牌,仅1只股票下跌,该股为安信信托。其中,有35只的周涨幅跑赢大盘。其典型代表是如意集团,该股自4月21日复牌以来连续涨停,其年度涨幅已达777%。此外,于5月初开始发力的昌红科技也表现较佳,周涨幅达到39%。。
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本站(提供关于(伊外长访联合国 美发签证时提出"前所未有条件" 顺义取缔9所非法办学幼儿园 官方:涉及幼儿分流安置)的内容 | 2019/09/20 01:36:12 | | mC4 |
وصلات لتهتز الشاشات خطط خطية تهتز الشاشة plantglasbewassing تهتز الشاشات برامج كفاءة cube2. ما هي نوع من وصلات ل 7 كسارة مخروط. تهتز الشاشة للاستخدام محطة كسارة. استخدام لوحة لتهتز الشاشة .
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تصميم لشاشات تهتز
كتالوج لتهتز الشاشات كتالوج ديكورات لشاشات المسرح . افكار لشاشة البلازما Aug 01, 2013· كتالوج ديكورات لشاشات هذه الشاشات يمكن أن تصل إلى 60 انش أو أكثر وسمكها لا يزيد عن 15 أعرف أكثر الحصول على السعر>>
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الشاشة تهتز الخطية لخام الحديد
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حسابات يد لتهتز الشاشات الكاردينال يتخذ قرار بشأن القائد يشه 05/04/2019 ساحة الإعتصام تشهد أول حفل خطوبة بين "فنان" و"صحفية" 10/10/2015اكبر عمل تسريبات معلومات حسابات منصة تويتر YouTube16/7/2020· شنو الفرق بأنواع الشاشات كيف get price
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马斯克又要食言特斯拉季度订单破纪录却遇交付瓶颈 53704
天猫转型与蒋凡的4万亿挑战 98703
频频起火引起工信部高度重视 83398
跟以前有何不同 06096
日系车的"白T恤效应"" 14395
结束三连涨 93019
30年后美国债务将升至GDP的14倍 25067
"美国会预算办公室 94465
周二美国原油收跌01 25171
人民日报海外版中国城市"抢滩"电竞 94067
融资收紧 47984
值得关注的是,到本月中旬,自北京起步旋即席卷全国的"3・17"调控已经推行了整半年的时间,这6个月里,主要城市房价均出现了明显回调 。北京市统计局此前公布的数据显示,今年前8个月北京全市商品房销售面积同比下降44.8%,而这已是今年2月以来北京商品房销售面积连续6个 月同比负增长,降幅还在不断扩大。美股收跌道指跌180点孙建良向回忆起那回跪着给病人上麻醉的手术。"该患者曾行喉癌和舌癌手术,五年前曾在其他医院手术麻醉时气管插管失败,被迫紧急气管切开,五年中还有颈部多次放疗史,因此声门又小又僵硬。"
日本政府决定永久保存奥姆真理教审判记录姜俏梅王可佳日本政府决定永久保存奥姆真理教审判记录奥姆真理教案件刑事参考记录日本政府保存期限东京8月3日电(姜俏梅王可佳)日本法务大臣上川阳子3日在内阁会议后公布,奥姆真理教案件的刑事审判记录被指定为"刑事参考记 录",原则上永久保存。"让民作主"疏通治理堵点"你好,我是永瑞园13幢的户主,因为要上夜班,所以现在在休息。但楼下有人在做衣服包缝,机子声音特别响,严重影响我休息。""好的, 我们立即派人过去协调解决。"近日,永联村惠邻社会工作服务中心接到了居民反映电话,随即派遣社工赶到目的地,在社工的劝说和提议下, 投诉人楼下住户关闭了所有门窗,并在机子底下垫上胶垫,将噪音降至最低。,减税降费措施全速推进,天猫转型与蒋凡的4万亿挑战
大发彩神app自收购上千亩中山神舟航天旅游小镇项目启动后,中国家居意欲加速实现文旅项目的转型。经历了近5年行业低谷的蛰伏期,长沙工程机械企业又重新"热"了起来。中联重科一季报净利润较去年同期增长345%,今年将历史首次出现存款比贷款多。,比特币今年大涨200的另一个原因《中国经营报》注意到,AAA级别的房地产企业成交有所回升,而且新近在一级市场发债的几家主体,利率也已到达比较低的区间。专业人士认为,对于房地产的持续遏制,可能会更好地促进行业分化和分层,头部企业仍有较大受益机会。,美光科技第三财季营收48亿美元 | 2019/06/25 22:54:08 | | mC4 |
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Time to go (July 18) - on our way to gold - 11 night Iceland Norway on the Magic | The DIS Disney Discussion Forums -
Time to go (July 18) - on our way to gold - 11 night Iceland Norway on the Magic
Thread starter Ladybugx87
Welcome to my first-ever pre-trip report - I am beyond excited for this itinerary and that it finally fits our schedules. (Edited on January 18 - I figured out how to add photos!!)
We are a family of four who have become Disney lovers - this will be our 5th cruise (GOLD!!!) and definitely the one that I am doing the most 'intense' pre-planning for.
- DH and I are in our mid-30s with regular corporate jobs who love to travel and experience new things. This cruise will get me to 37 countries (Iceland and Norway are new) which will match my age at the time of the cruise.
- DD1 - referred to as S from here on out- will be 9 for this cruise and has been to over 20 countries. Minnie is her absolute favorite character and we have a very well-loved Minnie that tends to go everywhere with us.
- DD2- referred to as C from here on out - will be 4 for this cruise and has been to over 11 countries. She is the only one who won't be gold after this cruise since she wasn't born yet for our first cruise. C prefers princesses to Minnie and has taken a recent fascination with Fancy Nancy.
Our previous Disney experiences have all been captured on my personal blog and can easily be glanced through:
- Visits to Disneyland Paris in 2013 and 2014
- Mediterranean Disney Cruise in 2013 (no C yet!)
- Alaska Disney Cruise in 2015 including my parents
- Aulani in 2016
- Northern Europe Disney Cruise in 2017
- WDW + Princess Half Marathon in 2017
- Wester Carribbean Disney Cruise in 2018
We simply love Disney, especially cruising, for the amazing service and overall experiences. We tend to enjoy character visits and family activities. DH and I have enjoyed Palo dinner twice (maybe this is the time to try the brunch??) and he enjoyed the mixology last time. My favorite activity on our recent cruise was the Royal Tea as a one time experience.
I welcome questions and suggestions since this is my first PTR.
Our current itinerary/plan is as follows:
July 19: Fly to London via Toronto on the day flight instead of the red eye. Upon arrival take Heathrow Express and then cab to hotel - Marriott Grosvenor Square.
July 20: Day in London including the London Eye for the girls.
July 21: Blackberry Car to the port + Embarkation - this is my first time not using DCL transportation so hoping for an early PAT
July 22: Day at Sea
July 23: Kirkwall, Scotland: Still deciding what to do - we may explore on our own
July 24: Day at Sea
July 25: Reykjavik - all day private tour booked to see as much of the Golden Circle and the South Coast as possible
July 26: Reykjavik - still deciding. DH and I may do a running tour of the city with a guide while the girls stay at kids club
July 27: Akureyri - this is on where I think we will do a DCL excursion - I definitely want to see Godafoss and liked some of the DCL options here.
July 28: Day at Sea
July 29: Alesund: another one where I think we will do a DCL excursion
July 30: Stavanger: We have booked a fjord tour with others on our cruise
July 31: Gothenburg: I think we will focus on the Volvo experience
August 1: Copenhagen - disembark and head home. We love Copenhagen but DH needs to return home for a business trip so I decided that we will all travel home together.
First things first why this cruise, this year?
The Norway/Iceland itinerary caught my eye from the time it was first offered and honestly I love combining the great destinations for DH and me with the Disney magic for the girls. Alaska, Northern Europe, and Norway/Iceland have been on my cruise bucket list since our first cruise.
First Cruise: Disney Magic Room 6598, 7 night Med - we were living in Switzerland at the time and thought this sounded like a fantastic trip and it was....and we were hooked
Second Cruise: Disney Wonder 7596, 7 night Alaska - baby C had joined us and was 9 months old. She basically lived in the Bjorn this trip. My parents also joined us as Alaska was bucket list for them. They were in 7598.
Third Cruise: Disney Magic 7596, 7 night Northern Europe - this one was amazing for the whole family. When I booked the placeholder, I had my fingers (and toes) crossed that I would get to do Norway/Iceland with it.... and then....
Fourth Cruise: Disney Fantasy 8650, 7 night West Car - so our plan was actually to do a resort island in the Carib, but S looked through our Disney book and saw that this cruise embarked on her 8th that was that..... and well it was amazing
Onto this one!!
Fifth Cruise: Disney Magic 7602, 11 night Norway/Iceland - the day that Disney released summer 2019 itineraries, I couldn't focus at work....I was on a business trip and remember wanting to get to the hotel post dinner to go through all of the dates and gates and to my happiness, there was this cruise! in the middle of summer! not conflicting with school or pre-planned work trips!! To say I was excited was an understatement. Then I had to get DH on board and he was! So I joined the cruise meets and the other cruise groups to get an idea of price from the platinum and gold members. I knew it was popular from the list so was hoping for a good room. I would have loved 7596 (see previous cruise rooms) but 7596, 7598, and 7600 were all booked so we took 7602.
The booking process and some details:
I decided to book the cruise myself and then transfer it over to Costco so I could get all the details I wanted.
I called on opening day for Silver and think I was on hold for just under 2 hours.
We booked room 7602, early dining, and then took notes for all of the pre and post cruise options. We always do early dining and then do as many activities as we can until we fall asleep.
For the way there, I decided to book our own London hotel and transportation down to Dover. For the way home, I decided to take DCL transport to CPH for one last bit of easiness before heading home.
On the ship activities:
Beyond the excursion plans I mentioned separately, here are some of the things I am thinking through for on the ship when my booking window opens:
Definitely will do any ticketed character M&G: I think they will be: Princess Gathering & Frozen M&G
BBB: actually not sure on this one - the girls both did this last cruise and it was fun but not sure if they want to do it again.
Palo: Definitely will do either brunch or dinner. I'd love to try brunch but DH loves the dinner experience. Should I try for both??
Mixology: DH will try to do at least one of these. I don't drink much so I will skip this one.
8 months from today, we will be flying to London!
So let's talk about flight planning - so many options - when to leave? How much time to spend in London?
With our cruise embarking on July 21, I knew I wanted some buffer and also a bit of time in London since the girls haven't been yet. I also knew I'd prefer the day flight vs over night flight if I could make it work. I've done it for biz trips before but wasn't able to make it work for our last trip to Europe. The girls did fine on overnight but still I prefer day.
So the Hunt was on for the day flight on July 19 to have all day on July 20 in London. Plus this gives me some buffer for any delays - we have July 19 night, July 20 day and worst case scenario July 20 night to still make flight.
I had been searching the airport closest to us and flights were consistently $1260-1400 per person. For some reason I decided to check the flights near my parent's house (our companions to Alaska and about 4 hour drive for us) and they were $822 per person for the precise flights I wanted.
So I checked in with my parents and they said they'd meet us at the airport hotel and take our car the night before flight plus come pick us up after flight for a night with them before driving home so it was set.
We have a short flight to Toronto and then the day flight over to heathrow. Coming back, long leg from Copenhagen to Toronto and then short flight back.
7 months from today, we will be driving to Cleveland for our night in the airport hotel before flying to London!
In the past month, I have focused on the following:
1) booking our airport hotel the evening before our flights - I chose a Courtyard Marriott in Cleveland with good reviews and free shuttle over to the airport
2) researching running routes in our various ports - DH is a big runner and I also love to run so we have been looking at where we could go if we have time. I imagine he will get some running in and I will mostly run on ship but we will see.
3) starting to think about FE and snack exchanges. I won't get started on anything until everyone is PIF as I know groups can shift until then.
4) continuing to teach the DDs about where we are going in age appropriate ways. DD1 is especially excited to see London.
Over the next month, my main must-do activity is pay the deposit on our private Reyjkavik tour.
6 months from today, we will be driving to Cleveland to begin the adventure to this cruise!
It's still been a little quiet from a planning standpoint -
- I have been in contact with the Reyjkavik operator to pay my deposit for our private tour
- S (DD1) has met a pen pal from our cruise group and they have started to get to know each other via letters.
- I have been looking at different Fish Extender gift ideas and saving them for the right time.
I think I still have another month of quiet before the planning really kicks in.
and I finally figured out how to post photos!!! Here are some from our last cruise that I think show the girls' personalities well.
5 months to go! Another relatively quiet month on the planning front-
- paid our deposit for private tour in Reykjavik
- submitted application for DD2's new passport (her old one expired less than 6 months after we return)
- DD1 has started exchanging letters with her pen pal
- bought a few things for FE even though groups not final. If I can't find right person in my groups, I'll pixie dust to others based on cruise list.
- Oh and the girls found cute new rain jackets for spring and the trip.
In the next month, final payment is due to Costco.
following! I'm really excited to read your review and from the ages of your kids, I can totally use advise! I found this thread while I was researching for a Med cruise with my DH and my soon to be 5 year old next year. I just booked 7598 on the Magic for Jul 18 2020 since I saw your comment about loving 7596! Love the level of planning. I'm from Toronto so I'm curious what airline did you book to London.
Wanted to ask if there was any noise from housekeeping? I saw another review saying it was across the hall.
Candycane83 said:
We booked with Air Canada - we have had good luck with them in the past and found great prices. One tip - preorder the kids' meal for your kiddo for the flights if you go with them - my girls loved them.
We don't remember any noise from housekeeping at all. I will confirm again after this cruise.
And what's the itinerary for your cruise next year? We did Med when our older daughter was just 3 and really enjoyed it - I can give some thoughts on ports if they match up.
Ladybugx87 said:
Great tip! We flew through Philippine airlines to Asia and didn't have that option. I'll definitely look at that.
It starts from Barcelona and ends in Dover. I figured we would take maybe 3-4 days in Barcelona and then another few days in England and maybe end in Paris would love to pass through Disneyland Paris! We're taking DS on his first cruise this summer- Western Caribbean and WDW so really excited about that too!
Can't wait to see more of your plans and how your trip goes
Reactions: Ladybugx87
Fantastic travel plans! We did the Med (Barcelona - Villefranche- Florence (forget port) - Rome - Naples - Barcelona) in 2013 and also have been to DL Paris a few times while living in Europe (blog post in May 2014 for sure, I cannot recall if I did for our other trips there). We also did Western Caribbean (Fantasy) in summer 2018 and WDW as part of Princess weekend during February 2018. I keep a personal blog - more for my personal memories and for our family to read - but you can check out all of the trips here -
Next planning update will come in a week or so!
I'll look forward to hearing about your cruise + WDW trip too!
I'm going to read them tonight!! I did see you had the western Caribbean under your belt and def wanted to see how that was
Now it's just under 4 months until our travels begin! Activities started picking up this month including:
We are PIF!!!
DD1 now has a second pen pal on the ship.
DD2's new passport arrived.
We received our FE group details so now I can really start that shopping.
We've been prioritizing the DCL excursions for some of the ports where we will use them. Alesund and Gotenburg are still up in the air. I have plans for Reykjavik and Stavanger separate from DCL and have my #1 and #2 choices for all other ports. More details on our plans once I can book (silver date is 4/22).
And a photo from a spring break trip to Niagara Falls - it made the girls even more excited for the waterfalls we will see this summer.
Reactions: Eeyore daily and Candycane83
How is it just over 3 months until our trip? It's felt so long away and now it's starting to feel reasonably close!
Anyway - we are still silver so I cannot book activities until April 22 so this is going to be an update on everything else. It's kind of all over the place so bear with me.
DH is a runner and will be in marathon training during vacation so we've been laying out his running plans. I'll be sure to report back on routes after our trip. He's excited to explore some of the ports on foot.
Our younger daughter wants to do BBB but older daughter doesn't so I'm trying to figure out what to do special for her. We already did Royal Tea so that's out. She will be 9. Any ideas?? Can she do a pedicure?
We've also had fun fish extender shopping. We are almost done with those gifts. I'm waiting till closer for our treats exchange.
And lastly our girls have prioritized what they want to do in London. DH and I have been multiple times. The girls asked for the Eye, the Princess Diana playground, and shopping for lots of Mr/little Miss books that we don't yet have. Yes I can buy them in the US but the U.K. ones seem to be better quality.
And some logistics stuff: 1) we have booked a car from heathrow to hotel for arrival using same service taking us to port. 2) we are all good for our Reykjavik long-day private tour and 3) I'm also going to purchase memory maker in advance.
I'll be back to report which excursions etc I've been able to book.
How exciting!! It's all getting so real! After I checked in and booked our excursions, it seems to really hit that we're going! What kind of things did you get for FE? I am also shopping now and looking for something to hang. I just joined the kids only one on my cruise and am a little overwhelmed already!
The FE can overwhelm me too! This trip I ordered a bunch of stuff from Etsy that was inspired by gifts we have liked before, including Mickey bottle openers, Mickey and minnie shaped cookie cutters, and some minnie earrings. I also found cute Disney hair bands and bracelets (my girls received them before and loved them!) and little pouches to carry around (think small Disney themed wallets). And I also found some Marvel mad lib books for the little boys.
I'm debating treats for the treat exchange. Glad I have time to make my choice there.
Great ideas! Will look into those for kids! What is a treat exchange? Is it local food items from your area? It sounds really interesting!
Yes exactly - something local to your area to share with others.
I like the idea of kid only FE but didn't have enough interest for our cruise so doing a whole family one.
Exciting plans! It sounds like you'll have lots of fun. I'm not jealous at all lol. I'm eager to hear how it goes. | 2020/02/20 23:59:53 | | mC4 |
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October 2018 – Page 3 – Perry
Perry > News Grid > 2018 > October
Perry Main Street calls special meeting
The Perry Main Street Advisory Board will hold a special called meeting on October 18 at 5:15 p.m. in the Perry City Hall second floor conference room. The board will not hold its regular October monthly meeting. Click here for agenda.
Oktoberfest details on contests, music and more!
Check out what will be going on during our first annual Oktoberfest this year right here in Historic Downtown Perry, Ga! Special thank you to Stripling's General Store, Perry Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, & Bodega Brew for contributing and sponsoring this exciting event for the entire community! Don't forget! You can sign up for our yodeling and Stripling sausage eating contests here: Bodega Brew will be hosting their very own Bodega Brew Home Brew Contest! Any questions, call Jodi Daley at 478-224-3499. And yes, there will be a FREE kids zone with bounce houses, face painting, and Root-beer Floats sold by A Couple Of Jerks Soda Fountain Shop! The fun starts at 3:00 p.m., live music starts at 5:00 p.m.
It's that time of year again! The Perry Housing Team and Houston County Habitat for Humanity will be hosting a fall neighborhood cleanup. It will take place on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018 in the Smoak neighborhood. We will meet that morning at 8:00 a.m. at Perry High School on 1307 North Ave., Perry, GA 31069 for the cleanup and will finish at Noon with lunch and fellowship for our volunteers. Sign up to volunteer at In addition to the traditional cleanup, Mike Wells Towing is supporting our efforts by committing to pick up any abandoned vehicles in the Smoak neighborhood the week of the cleanup (Oct. 29-Nov. 3). Give them a call at 478-987-7311 if you need their help! Also, if you are in that neighborhood and unable to tend to your yard due to a disability or know a neighbor that is unable, please call our Code Compliance Officer, Danny Hicks, for assistance at 478-988-2704 or
Closing Ceremony for Coming to America- The Immigrant Experience
Come for a reception and creative conversation with artist Andrew Sabori and James McSweeney of the National Archives. See and hear from artist Andrew Sabori and James McSweeney of the National Archives the story behind the exhibit Coming to America: The Immigrant Experience which includes a reproduction of the lost murals of Ellis Island. The exhibit also features a collection of 30 painted portraits of famous immigrants, photos from Ellis Island, and other documents. Visitors interested in experiencing the exhibit on a deeper level and those interested in history and genealogy are invited to attend this FREE reception from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm on Thursday, November 1st, at the Perry Arts Center, 1121 Macon Rd., Perry, GA 31069. Drinks and light appetizers will be available. For more info, visit
Design and Promotion Meetings are Cancelled
The Perry Main Street Design Committee meeting scheduled for October 10, 2018, has been cancelled. The Perry Main Street Promotion Committee meeting scheduled for October 17, 2018, has been cancelled. A called meeting will be scheduled if urgent business develops.
Come join us next Wednesday, October 3, 2018 from 8:00 am until 10:30 am at Bodega Brew in Downtown Perry for National Coffee with a Cop Day. | 2020/09/25 10:07:06 | | mC4 |
The Death Toll From the California Mudslides Has Risen to 17 as the Search for Survivors Intensifies – Icon PS
The Death Toll From the California Mudslides Has Risen to 17 as the Search for Survivors Intensifies
written by Charles D. McQuillen January 11, 2018
(MONTECITO, Calif.) — Anxious family members awaited word on loved ones Wednesday as rescue crews searched for more than a dozen people missing after mudslides in Southern California destroyed an estimated 100 houses, swept away cars and left at least 17 victims dead.
"It's just waiting and not knowing, and the more I haven't heard from them — we have to find them," said Kelly Weimer, whose elderly parents' home was wrecked by the torrent of mud, trees and boulders that flowed down a fire-scarred mountain and slammed into this coastal town in Santa Barbara County early Tuesday.
Teams rescued three people Wednesday, but they also discovered two more bodies, raising the death count to 17, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said. Thirteen people were missing.
Farrell ran inside to warn his parents, and within a minute, a boulder plowed through the kitchen door. The mud flow went through the home and burst through a backdoor.
Farrell planned to float his elderly parents to a hillside on a surfboard, but it didn't come to that. The mud never got above their thighs and after about an hour of huddling in a hallway, he led his folks and dog outside where a passing firetruck took them to safety. | 2018/02/18 23:59:11 | | mC4 |
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同时,其在“弱势救济”的原则下,牺牲和绑架了部分人的权利,对硬环境的要求越来越高,软环境却日益缺失。如果与5年前同期结婚人数的高位万对相比,2018年一季度已经下降了%。“一带一路”国际商事仲裁机构解决涉“一带一路”建设跨境商事纠纷,我国法院依法提供财产保全、证据保全等方面的司法支持,并在便利、快捷司法审查的基础上积极执行仲裁裁决。 | 2021-03-02T22:31:08Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
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The longest sight paths in VALORANT maps, where you fight players far away, are around 2/3rds what you would see in the CS Map Dust2, and around the same as what you would get in the CS Map Inferno.
There are standard widths applied everywhere in VALORANT maps. Any choke point is always easily blocked with a single smoke. This is common in Counter-Strike, but not categorically true (and also more difficult to pull off). In Dust 2, attacking Long A regularly warrants using 2 or 3 smokes. To me, this enriches the variety a lot and I do not know why it isn't present in VALORANT, especially when a team of agents have a lot of capacity to block vision with smokes and walls.
Every rotation path is littered with places where someone could be hiding around a 90 degree angle, behind a box, or on top of some vertical element.
As a result, maps are much smaller and their effective sizes are even smaller. Below, we compare Counter-Strike map sizes vs VALORANT's using a standard box for a world-scale rough unit of measurement.
The effective map sizes for VALORANT are actually about 25% smaller than these results because the maps have large spawn areas which end up being mostly negated by the Buy Phase. VALORANT maps all feel smaller than Inferno, and no map comes close to the ever popular Dust2 in terms of scale.
When you engage an enemy, your abilities are in range to be useful. The lanes are small enough that one smoke is always meaningful.
By having shorter distances to render, the game runs better on lower end computers. More people can play VALORANT. Plus, no one likes being killed by a pixel half way across an island (or maybe you do as long as you get to go to the Gulag after 😅).
By having dense maps, you hypothetically reduce travel times and increase the overall action. These aren't the only variables determining player pacing though.
Those are great things! The pain is that the present result is an overly homogenized experience. There are great unique mechanics and themes for each map, but without more freedoms in the way maps are fundamentally designed to flow, VALORANT maps do all feel like Inferno. Even though Inferno is my favorite Counter-Strike: Global Offensive competitive map, I still crave more variety in the map setups. | 2021-03-02T13:49:33Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
You Know You're Too Big of a Harry Potter fan when... - Nerdfighters
You Know You're Too Big of a Harry Potter fan when...
Posted by Ericah Jo on June 28, 2009 at 2:35pm in Harry Potter Nerds
You say Lumos whenever you turn on a flashlight!!!!! Tags: Discussion, Harry, Humor, Potter Share Tweet
Permalink Reply by Ericah Jo on June 28, 2009 at 2:49pm You cry on your twelth bithday, because you never got an acceptance letter to hogwarts when you were eleven
Permalink Reply by JuliaLovesBooks on July 11, 2009 at 8:05pm I know more than one person who did this...actually, I know about five, perhaps six.
Permalink Reply by Alice on July 15, 2009 at 5:21pm i was so upset when i didnt get my letter, it was kinda tragic :P
Permalink Reply by roxy, ruth chill/ steph keating on August 17, 2009 at 2:18am me and ruth and my friend steph did too lol :S
Permalink Reply by Raven Cole on April 26, 2010 at 2:10pm I did that too. I started reading the series when I was in like Second Grade on my own. So I was so upset when I did not get that letter.
Permalink Reply by lucindatiffany on May 5, 2010 at 1:58am my friend wrote herself a hogwarts acceptance letter...
Permalink Reply by Heather Hobbs on August 1, 2010 at 12:23pm I wrote myself an Hogwarts acceptance letter lol
Permalink Reply by Danae Moriah on December 2, 2010 at 11:00pm I was so devistated as it grew closer to my twelth birthday, my best friend got help from his mom to write me an acceptance letter. great friend! :) His dd snuck by my house when I wasn't looking. They left it with my gift. what was my gift? A stuffed Hedwig with my letter banded to its foot. :D
Permalink Reply by Norman (Trey) King Franklin III on January 30, 2011 at 9:02pm Thats pretty cool i like the Deathly Hallows picture. I wasn't that insane about harry potter and now that i am 18 late admissions just probably is not going to happen.
Permalink Reply by Steph on July 18, 2009 at 11:54am I have a friend who sent his brother an acceptance letter from Hogwarts when he was eleven. His brother was the happiest person in the whole world and then cried when he realized it was a prank. | 2015/11/29 03:25:23 | | mC4 |
Heavy Equipment Repair Services & Rates l Grande Prairie, AB
Have an ABS light that won't go out or codes that need deciphered, bring it in. We have several computers and programs to meet all of our customers needs.
We are a licensed CVIP e-Facility. We inspect trucks, trailers, light trucks, buses and motor coaches. Our rates are very competitive, give us a call and find out!
We carry a wide variety of parts in stock to make your stop as quick as possible. We also carry deck stakes for the back haul to keep your rig loaded. | 2020/04/09 02:59:57 | | mC4 |
Worried about your post-pandemic fitness level? Here's how to get back to your base pace safely and sanely
By Leslie Barker Garcia
3 minutes
With many Orangetheory Fitness studios reopening after months of being closed, you may be feeling mixed emotions.
On one hand — Hooray! It’ll be great to be back in the groove, to see coaches and classmates I haven’t seen since March!
On the other hand — Yikes! What if I can’t keep up? What if I’ve lost everything I worked so hard to attain?
First, know that hope is far from lost (as you’ll see in the tips below). But also realize that unless you’ve diligently kept up your training — perhaps with our ongoing At-Home Workouts — you probably will have lost some effects, particularly cardiovascularly.
“Fitness takes longer to gain than it does to lose,” says Laurie P. Whitsel, vice president of policy research and translation for the American Heart Association.
But try not to despair, she says. Life has been crazy lately, so you just have to forgive yourself and move forward.
“If you've taken a break during COVID-19, that’s fine,” Dr. Whitsel says. “This is a stressful time. Maybe we’ve devoted more time to our families, or we’re adjusting to working a different way. So take time off; that’s OK. Then jump back in and do those wonderful things for your heart. You don’t want to give that up.”
When workouts do get sporadic or cease completely, that starts the body into what’s known as the detraining effect — “an interesting area of research,” says Fabio Comana. He’s a member of the Orangetheory Fitness medical advisory board and on the faculty of San Diego State University.
Some people, studies have shown, may lose training effects in a few days; for others, it may take a month or more. Just how quickly depends on factors like age, general health, the presence of underlying issues such as diabetes, and VO2 max (a measure of how much oxygen the body utilizes during intense workouts).
“Let’s say you trained and had an amazing VO2 max in the 60s,” Comana says. “Then you stop. It may drop 10 percent, so you’re down to 54. That’s still high, and in day-to-day living you won’t be winded. But if you’re an older adult with a 25 VO2 max and have a 10 percent drop, it will compromise your activities of daily living.”
Cardiovascular fitness tends to be lost more quickly than muscle strength, Comana says. Here’s why:
“Muscle adaptations are architectural changes; that is, you’re building bigger muscles,” Comana explains. “But cardiovascular fitness is a mechanism for becoming more efficient, rather than a structure.”
Added to that physical mix is what’s going on in our brains.
“Any time we’re confronted with a decision” — whether to exercise or not, maybe — “our brains are doing a sort of analysis, weighing the benefits of the decision with the potential costs,” says Shannon Odell, a neuroscientist on OTF’s medical advisory board.
“After falling out of the habit of exercising or of taking time to focus on fitness, that cost may feel extra high,” says Dr. Odell, who admits to slipping out of her own exercise routine. “And research suggests that our brains are wired to follow the path of least resistance, or to make choices that require the least amount of effort.”
So, since not doing anything is easier than doing something, no wonder we may be kind of in limbo about how, when and — hearing how quickly we’ve lost fitness — why to start back.
That said, please don’t make a U-turn from the door of your recently reopened Orangetheory Fitness studio and head back to your car. Ditto for refraining from plopping back down on your favorite sofa with a bag of chips and a root beer.
Because while getting back to your pre-quarantine level may seem like a looming mountaintop, you can do it. And once you reach the summit, you’ll see that breathtaking view and feel that sense of accomplishment all over again. Plus, your OTF buddies are counting on you — to do it, and to motivate them to do it, too.
“We tend to focus on weight,” Dr. Whitsel says, “but we really need to emphasize overall the benefits of physical activity, the mental health and well-being, the positive effect on the cardiovascular system, on your muscles; you’ll feel stronger, have better balance and flexibility, and reduce the risk of falls.”
It’s all a matter of feeling safe, of getting started, of planning ahead, of not being hard on yourself if you’re out of breath long before you used to be.
Feeling safe.
Rest assured that every Orangetheory Fitness studio is implementing and following strict protocols for safety in many ways, including these:
After class, the studios are emptied and then disinfected by mask- and glove-wearing staffers for a full 15 minutes before the next group of members comes in.
Class sizes are strictly reduced, and no congregating is allowed after class ends. During class, each member is assigned a certain station to minimize sharing of equipment and cross-contamination. For more of what’s being done, click here.
Also, although many studios have reopened, your at-home schedule may still be as crazy as ever, or health issues may keep you from feeling comfortable returning to your beloved studio. So please remember that OTF At Home has new workouts every day.
Getting (re)started
Exercise is a wonder drug, but you can’t feel the effects until you fill your own prescription.
“In this time of COVID and stress, exercise can be a great relief for your body and your mind,” Dr. Whitsel says. “It’s more important than ever.”
If you’ve been away from exercise, or just lax in consistency, Comana says the first thing to consider goes beyond physiology.
“A lot of times when we’ve detrained, it may not be our choice; it may be circumstances,” he says. “Say you had no ability to work out for a month or two. You’ve not just detrained; you’ve changed your behavior.”
Start to re-engage those behaviors that got you in shape; get back to exercising consistently, he says. Surprisingly, motivation doesn’t work as well as believing in yourself to accomplish something.
“Where are you most likely to be successful?” he says. “The human brain doesn’t like uncertainty, but that’s what COVID has presented to us — uncertainty. The best way to overcome it is to develop structure.”
Try a behavior once and evaluate it, he says.
“If it’s something enjoyable and you could do it again, move it to two times and then to three. It’s building tiny habits and creating an automatic process.”
Studies show the best way to stay motivated is by setting “small, difficult but still achievable goals,” Dr. Odell says. “So don’t expect yourself to hit that personal best the first week. Remember: Slow and steady.”
The silver lining of all this? “We’ll probably recondition faster the second time than the first,” Comana says.
Planning ahead.
When you’ve scheduled a class online and put it on your calendar, you’re more likely than not to show up. It’s a matter of holding yourself accountable. You wouldn’t schedule a haircut or a dental appointment and just not show up, would you?
Lightening up on yourself
OK, you’ve been doing some neighborhood walking, maybe some crunches and push-ups, maybe some at-home workouts. You’ve signed up for an OTF class (which is a must-do these days) and are ready.
Here are some tips to making your comeback as successful as possible:
Count on your coach. The coach can assume a leadership role, Comana says, instructing in this way: “We’re going to do this program, and you might traditionally do it at full intensity and push yourself. But today, I want you to find an intensity that’s challenging but not too difficult.”
Listen to your body. If it’s telling you to slow down or take an option suggested by your coach, go for it. “You’re feeling appropriate for where you are,” Dr. Whitsel says. “Don’t feel guilty; it’s all part of ramping back up.”
Encourage each other. “It’s human nature to be competitive,” Comana says, "but the coach can change the mindshift from competitive to supportive. Pick up your neighbor; it’s fortunate for them and fortunate for you.”
Additionally, he says, “Diminish the urge to peek over and see how the person next to you is doing.”
And since social distancing keeps us from hugging or high-fiving each other at the end of class, it’s especially important to acknowledge classmates with a two-word call-out: “Great job!”
About the Author
Leslie Barker has written about and lived her passion – health and fitness – for decades, most recently as senior writer for The Dallas Morning News. Her essays, tips and ways to find joy in even the simplest of circumstances have inspired couch potatoes to start moving as well as more experienced exercisers to keep moving.
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*The “Free Class” offer is open only to first-time visitors and local residents aged 18 years and older, however, minors aged 14 and above may participate if special conditions are met. Valid at participating studios only. Conditions apply. See studios for details. Recommended retail price of a casual visit is $35, however, prices do vary, as each studio is individually owned and operated. Offer may be subject to satisfactory completion of pre-exercise screening and/or standard temporary/guest membership terms. | 2022-12-08T11:46:51Z | | OSCAR-2301 |
和私下的場合一樣,蔡總統開始習慣和幕僚開玩笑,例如,媒體問及總統府秘書長人選何時出爐?蔡總統直白說「劉建忻代理得不錯」,「但是沒有意思要陷害他」,此時看著蔡總統的劉建忻,只挑了一下眉來回應。隨後,蔡總統才說,幾位人選正在考慮當中,時間不會太久;提到條件,原先只提唯一資格是「適任」,約莫隔了約一分鐘,才又再主動拿起麥克風,自嘲這般回答有點「賴皮」。 | 2021-02-27T19:30:58Z | | OSCAR-2109 |
過去2場季前熱身賽寫下一共25投21中驚人命中率,超級新人威廉森(Zion Williamson)今日(14號)對馬刺再逞兇,又繳出11投8中高效率表現並進帳全場最高22分,他所屬的鵜鶘終場也以123比114帶走勝利。
威廉森此役雖然少了轟炸籃框勁爆精彩好球,不過依舊展現了其傲視群雄體能,接獲控衛鮑爾(Lonzo Ball)半場長傳完成空中接力,還有1球則是和隊友英格倫(Brandon Ingram)上演雙龍搶珠,一同飛身把球擺進籃框。
威廉森挹注22分、10籃板外,鵜鶘尚有5人得分來到雙位數,亞歷山大-華克(Nickeil Alexander-Walker)得到13分、7助攻和5籃板,哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)挹注16分;馬刺方面,富比士(Bryn Forbes)斬獲18分為最高。 | 2021-12-05T16:54:42Z | | OSCAR-2201 |
Sustainable Tropical Journey - GHTLD
Low-cost Greenhouses open up the world of greenhouse gardening to everyone. The third equation, massive problem. Have a look at the + that provides flux densities of two surfaces to a mixed flux density of only one m^2. Certain it has the appearance of physics, however it is critically stupid. […]
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Greenhouses are often used for rising flowers , greens , fruits , and transplants Special greenhouse kinds of sure crops, comparable to tomatoes, are usually used for industrial manufacturing. Many vegetables and flowers might be grown in greenhouses in late winter and early spring, and then transplanted outside because the weather warms. Bumblebees are the pollinators of choice for most pollination , quotation wanted though different kinds of bees have been used, in addition to synthetic pollination. Hydroponics can be utilized to take advantage of use of the inside house.
it has been years and my guinea pigs nonetheless cannot get alongside, so we home them in separate cages subsequent to 1 one other so they do not feel isolated but can't injure each other. If guinea pigs are decided to not get along with each other, they will honestly combat until one or both of them dies, so please take action instantly! Also remember to bring both pigs to the vet to verify no illness or disease is current that might be handed between them.
Great hub, so interesting to find out about all the benefits on this type house. I'd like to reside in a Inexperienced Home/Earth Sheltered Dwelling and save on hvac and power costs. The properties you have pictured are beautiful and great examples of how you can have a lovely and trendy dwelling while being environmentally friendly. Nicely accomplished! | 2020/06/05 12:35:02 | | mC4 |
Influence of milk nutrition on infant health and development | INRAE INSTIT
Influence of milk nutrition on infant health and development
Research on infant nutrition involves studying how what happens early on in life can affect health and well-being throughout our existence. We interview Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain, INRAE epidemiologist at the Centre of Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS of the Sorbonne Paris Cité (INSERM, Université Paris-Sud, Université Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, INRAE) who studies milk nutrition, breastfeeding or formula feeding, and its consequences on the health and growth of the infant.
illustration Influence of milk nutrition on infant health and development © INRAE
What are the current major concerns in the field of infant nutrition?
Eating habits are established very early on in life
Numerous studies have underscored that being exposed to certain factors during foetal development and the first few years of life can impact an individual's long-term health. Furthermore, research carried out by INRAE has shown that dietary habits are established very early on. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that children be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life because of the associated health benefits. However, given that breastfeeding rates are extremely low in France, it is important to study the diets of infants that are not exclusively breastfed. There are numerous infant formulas present on the market, and their nutritional composition varies greatly.
What are the main research questions that interest you? What methodological challenges have you encountered?
My work is primarily focused on how the health and development of children is affected by breastfeeding, the nutritional composition of infant formulas, and various types of parental practices. I therefore need access to long-term longitudinal data. Birth cohort studies, such as ELFE, yield observations that can be used to examine the different facets of our diets from a nutritional perspective. A behavioural perspective has also been made possible, thanks to collaboration among research teams with complementary areas of expertise. However, this type of data does not allow us to establish causality. We therefore also need to perform randomised clinical trials.
What are the priority areas of research in infant nutrition?
Parents are eager to receive dietary advice related to their children, both in terms of ideal foods and behavioural approaches. To provide recommendations that are strongly backed by science, researchers must investigate how food choice and parental practices influence children's health in the intermediate to long term.
Blandine de Lauzon (Send email)Centre of Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS Sorbonne Paris Cité (INSERM, Univ. Paris-Sud, Univ. Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, INRAE)
PRESS RELEASE - How do young children aged 6 to 18 months learn to eat food with a variety of textures? Which textures do they accept as a function of their age? For the first time in France, INRA researchers, in collaboration with Blédina, have studied these questions. They showed that children accept (in small amounts) most textures at an earlier age than when their parents usually offer them at home. Published in the journal Food Quality and Preference, this work suggests recommendations for complementary feeding. | 2022/07/04 20:54:27 | | mC4 |