The brown house was on fire to the attic.
To the attic, the brown house on fire was.
To the attic, the brown house on fire was. Hmm.
The lure is used to catch trout and flounder.
To catch trout and flounder, the lure is used.
To catch trout and flounder, the lure is used.
Float the soap on top of the bath water.
On top of the bath water, float the soap, you must.
On top of the bath water, float the soap, you must.
A blue crane is a tall wading bird.
A tall wading bird, a blue crane is.
A tall wading bird, a blue crane is.
A fresh start will work such wonders.
Such wonders, a fresh start will work.
Such wonders, a fresh start will work.
The club rented the rink for the fifth night.
For the fifth night, the club the rink rented.
For the fifth night, the club the rink rented.
After the dance they went straight home.
After the dance, straight home they went.
After the dance, straight home they went.
The hostess taught the new maid to serve.
The new maid to serve, the hostess taught.
The new maid to serve, the hostess taught.
He wrote his last novel there at the inn.
There at the inn, his last novel, he wrote.
There at the inn, his last novel, he wrote.
Even the worst will beat his low score.
Will beat his low score, even the worst will.
Will beat his low score, even the worst will. Yrsssss.
The cement had dried when he moved it.
Had dried when he moved it, the cement had.
Had dried when he moved it, the cement had. Hrmmm.
The loss of the second ship was hard to take.
Hard to take, the loss of the second ship was.
Hrrmmm. Hard to take, the loss of the second ship was.
The fly made its way along the wall.
Along the wall, the fly its way made.
Along the wall, the fly its way made.
Do that with a wooden stick.
With a wooden stick, do that, you must.
With a wooden stick, do that, you must.
Lire wires should be kept covered.
Kept covered, live wires should be.
Kept covered, live wires should be. Hmm.
The large house had hot water taps.
Had hot water taps, the large house did.
Had hot water taps, the large house did. Hmm.
It is hard to erase blue or red ink.
To erase blue or red ink, hard it is.
To erase blue or red ink, hard it is. Yes, hrrmmm.
Write at once or you may forget it.
At once, write, or forget it you may.
At once, write, or forget it you may.
The doorknob was made of bright clean brass.
Made of bright clean brass, the doorknob was.
Made of bright clean brass, the doorknob was. Yes, hrrrm.
The wreck occurred by the bank on Main Street.
By the bank on Main Street, the wreck occurred.
By the bank on Main Street, the wreck occurred.
A pencil with black lead writes best.
With black lead, a pencil writes best.
With black lead, a pencil writes best.
Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket.
To drink from a bucket, coax a young calf, you must.
To drink from a bucket, coax a young calf, you must.
Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.
Teach charm and grace, schools for ladies do.
Teach charm and grace, schools for ladies do. Hmm.
The lamp shone with a steady green flame.
With a steady green flame, the lamp shone.
With a steady green flame, the lamp shone. Hmm.
They took the axe and the saw to the forest.
To the forest, the axe and the saw, they took.
To the forest, the axe and the saw, they took. Yes, hrrrm.
The ancient coin was quite dull and worn.
Quite dull and worn, the ancient coin was.
Quite dull and worn, the ancient coin was.
The shaky barn fell with a loud crash.
With a loud crash, the shaky barn fell.
With a loud crash, the shaky barn fell.
Jazz and swing fans like fast music.
Like fast music, jazz and swing fans do.
Like fast music, jazz and swing fans do.
Rake the rubbish up and then burn it.
The rubbish up rake, and then burn it, you must.
The rubbish up rake, and then burn it, you must. Yes, hrrrm.
Slash the gold cloth into fine ribbons.
Into fine ribbons, slash the gold cloth, you must.
Into fine ribbons, slash the gold cloth, you must.
Try to have the court decide the case.
Decide the case, have the court, try to.
Decide the case, have the court, try to.
They are pushed back each time they attack.
Each time they attack, pushed back they are.
Each time they attack, pushed back they are.
He broke his ties with groups of former friends.
With groups of former friends, his ties, he broke.
With groups of former friends, his ties, he broke.
They floated on the raft to sun their white backs.
To sun their white backs, on the raft, they floated.
To sun their white backs, on the raft, they floated. Yes, hrrrm.
The map had an X that meant nothing.
An X that meant nothing, the map had.
Hrrmmm. An X that meant nothing, the map had. Yes, hrrrm.
Whitings are small fish caught in nets.
Caught in nets, small fish, whitings are.
Caught in nets, small fish, whitings are. Yes, hrrmmm.
Some ads serve to cheat buyers.
Serve to cheat buyers, some ads do.
Serve to cheat buyers, some ads do.
Jerk the rope and the bell rings weakly.
The rope jerk, and weakly the bells, ring.
The rope jerk, and weakly the bells, ring. Hmm.
A waxed floor makes us lose balance.
Makes us lose balance, a waxed floor does.
Hrrmmm. Makes us lose balance, a waxed floor does.
Madam, this is the best brand of corn.
The best brand of corn, this is, madam.
The best brand of corn, this is, madam.
On the islands the sea breeze is soft and mild.
On the islands, soft and mild, the sea breeze is.
Hrrmmm. On the islands, soft and mild, the sea breeze is. Yes, hrrmmm.
The play began as soon as we sat down.
As soon as we sat down, the play began.
As soon as we sat down, the play began. Hmm.
This will lead the world to more sound and fury
To more sound and fury, lead the world, this will.
To more sound and fury, lead the world, this will. Yrsssss.
Add salt before you fry the egg.
Before you fry the egg, add salt, you must.
Before you fry the egg, add salt, you must.
The rush for funds reached its peak Tuesday.
Reached its peak Tuesday, the rush for funds did.
Reached its peak Tuesday, the rush for funds did.
The birch looked stark white and lonesome.
Stark white and lonesome, the birch looked.
Stark white and lonesome, the birch looked.
The box is held by a bright red snapper.
By a bright red snapper, the box is held.
By a bright red snapper, the box is held.
To make pure ice, you freeze water.
o make pure ice, freeze water, you must.
o make pure ice, freeze water, you must. Yes, hrrrm.
The first worm gets snapped early.
Gets snapped early, the first worm does.
Gets snapped early, the first worm does.
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank.
The fence jump, and up the the bank hurry.
The fence jump, and up the the bank hurry. Yes, hrrmmm.
Yell and clap as the curtain slides back.
As the curtain slides back, yell and clap, you must.
As the curtain slides back, yell and clap, you must.
They are men nho walk the middle of the road.
Walk the middle of the road, they are men who do.
Walk the middle of the road, they are men who do.
Both brothers wear the same size.
Wear the same size, both brothers do.
Wear the same size, both brothers do. Hmm.
In some forin or other we need fun.
In some form or other, fun we need.
In some form or other, fun we need.
The prince ordered his head chopped off.
Ordered his head chopped off, the prince did.
Ordered his head chopped off, the prince did. Yes, hrrrm.
The houses are built of red clay bricks.
Built of red clay bricks, the houses are.
Built of red clay bricks, the houses are.
Ducks fly north but lack a compass.
Fly north but lack a compass, ducks do.
Hrrmmm. Fly north but lack a compass, ducks do. Yes, hrrrm.
Fruit flavors are used in fizz drinks.
In fizz drinks, fruit flavors are used.
In fizz drinks, fruit flavors are used.
These pills do less good than others.
Do less good than others, these pills do.
Do less good than others, these pills do.
Canned pears lack full flavor.
Lack full flavor, canned pears do.
Lack full flavor, canned pears do. Yrsssss.
The dark pot hung in the front closet.
Hung in the front closet, the dark pot was.
Hung in the front closet, the dark pot was. Yrsssss.
Carry the pail to the wall and spill it there.
To the wall and spill it there, carry the pail, you must.
To the wall and spill it there, carry the pail, you must. Hmm.
The train brought our hero to the big town.
To the big town, our hero, the train brought.
To the big town, our hero, the train brought.
We are sure that one war is enough.
One war, enough is, sure, we are.
One war, enough is, sure, we are.
Gray paint stretched for miles around.
For miles around, gray paint stretched.
For miles around, gray paint stretched.
The rude laugh filled the empty room.
Filled the empty room, the rude laugh did.
Hrrmmm. Filled the empty room, the rude laugh did.
High seats are best for football fans.
Best for football fans, high seats are.
Best for football fans, high seats are. Yes, hrrmmm.
Tea served from the brown jug is tasty.
From the brown jug, tasty, tea served is.
From the brown jug, tasty, tea served is. Yes, hrrrm.
A dash of pepper spoils beef stew.
Spoils beef stew, a dash of pepper does.
Hrrmmm. Spoils beef stew, a dash of pepper does. Yes, hrrmmm.
A zestful food is the hot-cross bun.
The hot-cross bun, a zestful food it is.
The hot-cross bun, a zestful food it is. Yes, hrrrm.
The horse trotted around the field at a brisk pace.
At a brisk pace, around the field, the horse trotted.
At a brisk pace, around the field, the horse trotted.
Find the twin who stole the pearl necklace.
Who stole the pearl necklace, find the twin, you must.
Who stole the pearl necklace, find the twin, you must. Yes, hrrrm.
Cut the cord that binds the box tightly.
That binds the box tightly, cut the cord, you must.
That binds the box tightly, cut the cord, you must. Yes, hrrrm.
The red tape bound the smuggled food.
Bound the smuggled food, the red tape did.
Bound the smuggled food, the red tape did.
Look in the corner to find the tan shirt.
To find the tan shirt, look in the corner, you must.
To find the tan shirt, look in the corner, you must.
The cold drizzle will halt the bond drive.
Will halt the bond drive, the cold drizzle will.
Will halt the bond drive, the cold drizzle will.
Nine men were hired to dig the ruins.
To dig the ruins, hired, nine men were.
To dig the ruins, hired, nine men were.
The junk yard had a mouldy smell.
Had a mouldy smell, the junk yard did.
Had a mouldy smell, the junk yard did.
The flint sputtered and lit a pine torch.
A pine torch, the flint sputtered and lit.
A pine torch, the flint sputtered and lit. Hrmmm.
Soak the cloth and drown the sharp odor.
To drown the sharp odor, soak the cloth, you must.
To drown the sharp odor, soak the cloth, you must. Yes, hrrrm.
The shelves were bare of both jam or crackers.
Of both jam or crackers, the shelves were bare.
Of both jam or crackers, the shelves were bare. Hmm.
A joy to every child is the swan boat.
To every child, a joy, the swan boat is.
To every child, a joy, the swan boat is. Hmm.
All sat frozen and watched the screen.
The screen, all sat frozen and watched.
The screen, all sat frozen and watched. Hmm.
ii cloud of dust stung his tender eyes.
Stung his tender eyes, a cloud of dust did.
Stung his tender eyes, a cloud of dust did. Yrsssss.
To reach the end he needs much courage.
To reach the end, much courage he needs.
To reach the end, much courage he needs.
Shape the clay gently into block form.
Gently into block form, shape the clay, you must.
Gently into block form, shape the clay, you must. Yes, hrrmmm.
The ridge on a smooth surface is a bump or flaw.
A bump or flaw, the ridge on a smooth surface is.
A bump or flaw, the ridge on a smooth surface is.
Hedge apples may stain your hands green.
May stain your hands green, hedge apples do.
May stain your hands green, hedge apples do.
Quench your thirst, then eat the crackers.
Your thirst, quench, and then the crackers, eat.
Your thirst, quench, and then the crackers, eat.
Tight curls get limp on rainy days.
On rainy days, tight curls get limp.
On rainy days, tight curls get limp. Yes, hrrrm.
The mute muffled the high tones of the horn.
Muffled the high tones of the horn, the mute did.
Muffled the high tones of the horn, the mute did.
The gold ring fits only a pierced ear.
Fits only a pierced ear, the gold ring does.
Fits only a pierced ear, the gold ring does.
The old pan was covered with hard fudge.
Covered with hard fudge, the old pan was.
Covered with hard fudge, the old pan was.
Watch the log float in the wide river.
Float in the wide river, watch the log, you must.
Hrrmmm. Float in the wide river, watch the log, you must.
The node on the stalk of wheat grew daily.
On the stalk of wheat, the node grew daily.
On the stalk of wheat, the node grew daily.
The heap of fallen leaves was set on fire.
Set on fire, the heap of fallen leaves was.
Hrrmmm. Set on fire, the heap of fallen leaves was.
Write fast, if you want to finish early.
If you want to finish early, write fast, you must.
Hrrmmm. If you want to finish early, write fast, you must.
His shirt was clean but one button was gone.
Clea, his shirt was, but one button, gone, was.
Clea, his shirt was, but one button, gone, was.
The barrel of beer was a brew of malt and hops.
A brew of malt and hops, the barrel of beer was.
A brew of malt and hops, the barrel of beer was.
Tin cans are absent from store shelves.
Absent from store shelves, tin cans are.
Absent from store shelves, tin cans are.