[ "Personalized Reliability Prediction of Web Services", "Hybrid Recommender Systems: Survey and Experiments", "Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering" ]
[ "Personalized Reliability Prediction of Web Services", "Probabilistic memory-based collaborative filtering", "A Clinical Nurse Specialist-Led Interprofessional Quality Improvement Project to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers." ]
[ "Personalized Reliability Prediction of Web Services", "WSRec: A Collaborative Filtering Based Web Service Recommender System", "Roget's Thesaurus as a Lexical Resource for Natural Language Processing" ]
[ "Personalized Reliability Prediction of Web Services", "Early prediction of software component reliability", "Malignant transformation of bone marrow stromal cells induced by the brain glioma niche in rats" ]
[ "Personalized Reliability Prediction of Web Services", "WSRec: A Collaborative Filtering Based Web Service Recommender System", "Ten years in the evolution of the internet ecosystem" ]
[ "Illumination invariant face recognition based on improved Local Binary Pattern", "A comparative study of texture measures with classification based on featured distributions", "Finding Face Features" ]
[ "Illumination invariant face recognition based on improved Local Binary Pattern", "discriminant analysis for recognition of human face images ( invited paper ) .", "depression : a new animal model sensitive to antidepressant treatments ." ]
[ "Illumination invariant face recognition based on improved Local Binary Pattern", "A comparative study of texture measures with classification based on featured distributions", "Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance" ]
[ "Illumination invariant face recognition based on improved Local Binary Pattern", "Eigenfaces for Recognition", "Visualization of the 3D structures of small organisms via LED-SIM" ]
[ "Illumination invariant face recognition based on improved Local Binary Pattern", "discriminant analysis for recognition of human face images ( invited paper ) .", "Defining the brain systems of lust, romantic attraction, and attachment." ]
[ "Success factors of online learning videos", "The impact of online video lecture recordings and automated feedback on student performance", "Distance Education Trends: Integrating new technologies to foster student interaction and collaboration" ]
[ "Success factors of online learning videos", "The impact of online video lecture recordings and automated feedback on student performance", "FPGA Implementation of a Single-Precision Floating-Point Multiply-Accumulator with Single-Cycle Accumulation" ]
[ "Success factors of online learning videos", "Instructional video in e-learning: Assessing the impact of interactive video on learning effectiveness", "Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Learning to Rank Approach" ]
[ "Success factors of online learning videos", "Instructional video in e-learning: Assessing the impact of interactive video on learning effectiveness", "A confirmatory factor analysis of IS employee motivation and retention" ]
[ "Success factors of online learning videos", "Defining Mobile Learning in the Higher Education Landscape", "a secure and efficient conference key distribution system ( extended abstract ) ." ]
[ "A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research", "A group mobility model for ad hoc wireless networks", "A loop-free extended Bellman-Ford routing protocol without bouncing effect" ]
[ "A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research", "A group mobility model for ad hoc wireless networks", "The Semantic Web Vision: Where Are We?" ]
[ "A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research", "A group mobility model for ad hoc wireless networks", "Raptor Binds the SAIN (Shc and IRS-1 NPXY Binding) Domain of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) and Regulates the Phosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser-636/639 by mTOR" ]
[ "A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research", "A group mobility model for ad hoc wireless networks", "Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of kabocha squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch) induced by wounding with aluminum borate whiskers" ]
[ "A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research", "A new routing protocol for the reconfigurable wireless networks", "Driver behaviour with adaptive cruise control" ]
[ "Microring Weight Banks", "Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits", "The Computational Brain" ]
[ "Microring Weight Banks", "A million spiking-neuron integrated circuit with a scalable communication network and interface", "the kinks of financial journalism ∗ ." ]
[ "Microring Weight Banks", "Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits", "A self-learning sensor fusion system for object classification" ]
[ "Microring Weight Banks", "Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits", "Molecular alterations of cancer cell and tumour microenvironment in metastatic gastric cancer" ]
[ "Microring Weight Banks", "A million spiking-neuron integrated circuit with a scalable communication network and interface", "Animated People Textures" ]
[ "Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization", "Local features are not lonely – Laplacian sparse coding for image classification", "Beyond the Euclidean distance: Creating effective visual codebooks using the Histogram Intersection Kernel" ]
[ "Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization", "Towards Scalable Summarization of Consumer Videos Via Sparse Dictionary Selection", "The GPU-based Parallel Ant Colony System" ]
[ "Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization", "From Keyframes to Key Objects: Video Summarization by Representative Object Proposal Selection", "Age estimation using a hierarchical classifier based on global and local facial features" ]
[ "Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization", "Laplacian Eigenmaps and Spectral Techniques for Embedding and Clustering", "A $Ka$ -Band High-Gain Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Array" ]
[ "Multi-View Surveillance Video Summarization via Joint Embedding and Sparse Optimization", "Local features are not lonely – Laplacian sparse coding for image classification", "Substrate Integrated Waveguide Directional Couplers for Compact Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits" ]
[ "Seven-point checklist of dermoscopy revisited", "Dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions: Results of a consensus meeting via the Internet", "In vivo epiluminescence microscopy of pigmented skin lesions. I. Pattern analysis of pigmented skin lesions" ]
[ "Seven-point checklist of dermoscopy revisited", "Dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions: Results of a consensus meeting via the Internet", "Principles of survey research part 2: designing a survey" ]
[ "Seven-point checklist of dermoscopy revisited", "Dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions: Results of a consensus meeting via the Internet", "Alteration of skin perfusion in mottling area during septic shock" ]
[ "Seven-point checklist of dermoscopy revisited", "Dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions: Results of a consensus meeting via the Internet", "Innovating with Concept Mapping" ]
[ "Seven-point checklist of dermoscopy revisited", "Dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions: Results of a consensus meeting via the Internet", "Optimizing Hierarchical Visualizations with the Minimum Description Length Principle" ]
[ "Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks", "Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information", "Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso" ]
[ "Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks", "Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information", "Automatic synthetic background defocus for a single portrait image" ]
[ "Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks", "An Introduction To Compressive Sampling", "Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates" ]
[ "Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks", "Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information", "Draft: Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview" ]
[ "Event-Triggered State Observers for Sparse Sensor Noise/Attacks", "Decoding by linear programming", "Increased facial width-to-height ratio and perceived dominance in the faces of the UK's leading business leaders." ]
[ "Ethical Choice in Unforeseen Circumstances", "Situation aware UAV mission route planning", "The advisor robot: tracing people's mental model from a robot's physical attributes" ]
[ "Ethical Choice in Unforeseen Circumstances", "Moral Decision Making in Autonomous Systems: Enforcement, Moral Emotions, Dignity, Trust, and Deception", "Hierarchical Ray Tracing for Fast Volumetric Next-Best-View Planning" ]
[ "Ethical Choice in Unforeseen Circumstances", "Situation aware UAV mission route planning", "Automatic phase prediction from low-level surgical activities" ]
[ "Ethical Choice in Unforeseen Circumstances", "Moral Decision Making in Autonomous Systems: Enforcement, Moral Emotions, Dignity, Trust, and Deception", "A Robust FSM Watermarking Scheme for IP Protection of Sequential Circuit Design" ]
[ "Ethical Choice in Unforeseen Circumstances", "Situation aware UAV mission route planning", "A taxonomy of behaviour change methods: an Intervention Mapping approach" ]
[ "Semi-Parametric Image Synthesis", "Learning a Discriminative Model for the Perception of Realism in Composite Images", "Monocular Object Instance Segmentation and Depth Ordering with CNNs" ]
[ "Semi-Parametric Image Synthesis", "Spatial Transformer Networks", "Classification of Vehicle Collision Patterns in Road Accidents using Data Mining Algorithms" ]
[ "Semi-Parametric Image Synthesis", "StackGAN: Text to Photo-Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks", "Biodegradable and thermoreversible PCLA-PEG-PCLA hydrogel as a barrier for prevention of post-operative adhesion" ]
[ "Semi-Parametric Image Synthesis", "StackGAN: Text to Photo-Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks", "Compressive sampling of ECG bio-signals: Quantization noise and sparsity considerations" ]
[ "Semi-Parametric Image Synthesis", "Spatial Transformer Networks", "Emergence of Ethnic Differences in Blood Pressure in Adolescence: The Determinants of Adolescent Social Well-Being and Health Study" ]
[ "Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning", "Making Neural Programming Architectures Generalize via Recursion", "Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation" ]
[ "Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning", "Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People", "Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition using Features Combination and Random Forests" ]
[ "Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning", "Hierarchical Question-Image Co-Attention for Visual Question Answering", "Dynamic monitoring of optimal locations in road network databases" ]
[ "Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning", "Learning to Compose Neural Networks for Question Answering", "id - based aggregate signature scheme for wireless sensor networks using secure and efficient data transmission ." ]
[ "Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning", "A Multi-World Approach to Question Answering about Real-World Scenes based on Uncertain Input", "Quality-Enhanced OLED Power Savings on Mobile Devices" ]
[ "Load-independent Class EF inverters for inductive wireless power transfer", "13.56 MHz 1.3 kW resonant converter with GaN FET for wireless power transfer", "Design of Class-E Amplifier With MOSFET Linear Gate-to-Drain and Nonlinear Drain-to-Source Capacitances" ]
[ "Load-independent Class EF inverters for inductive wireless power transfer", "13.56 MHz 1.3 kW resonant converter with GaN FET for wireless power transfer", "Patterning and Electronic Tuning of Laser Scribed Graphene for Flexible All-Carbon Devices" ]
[ "Load-independent Class EF inverters for inductive wireless power transfer", "Design of Single-Switch Inverters for Variable Resistance/Load Modulation Operation", "Broadside Radiation From a Planar 2-D Leaky-Wave Antenna by Practical Surface-Wave Launching" ]
[ "Load-independent Class EF inverters for inductive wireless power transfer", "13.56 MHz 1.3 kW resonant converter with GaN FET for wireless power transfer", "acute idiopathic gastric dilation with gastric necrosis in individuals with prader - willi syndrome ." ]
[ "Load-independent Class EF inverters for inductive wireless power transfer", "13.56 MHz 1.3 kW resonant converter with GaN FET for wireless power transfer", "3D path following control for UAVs using L1 adaptive method" ]
[ "SoK: Everyone Hates Robocalls: A Survey of Techniques Against Telephone Spam", "PinDr0p: using single-ended audio features to determine call provenance", "Random k-Labelsets: An Ensemble Method for Multilabel Classification" ]
[ "SoK: Everyone Hates Robocalls: A Survey of Techniques Against Telephone Spam", "PinDr0p: using single-ended audio features to determine call provenance", "Text detection in stores using a repetition prior" ]
[ "SoK: Everyone Hates Robocalls: A Survey of Techniques Against Telephone Spam", "PinDr0p: using single-ended audio features to determine call provenance", "Reviews on Various Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensor Applications" ]
[ "SoK: Everyone Hates Robocalls: A Survey of Techniques Against Telephone Spam", "PinDr0p: using single-ended audio features to determine call provenance", "A Microservice Architecture for the Intranet of Things and Energy in Smart Buildings: Research Paper" ]
[ "SoK: Everyone Hates Robocalls: A Survey of Techniques Against Telephone Spam", "PinDr0p: using single-ended audio features to determine call provenance", "Glycans in cancer and inflammation — potential for therapeutics and diagnostics" ]
[ "Forecasting consumer behavior with innovative value proposition for organizations using big data analytics", "Value Creation in E-business", "WEB SEARCH FOR A PLANET : THE GOOGLE CLUSTER ARCHITECTURE" ]
[ "Forecasting consumer behavior with innovative value proposition for organizations using big data analytics", "Scalable SQL and NoSQL data stores", "Roles of PPARs in health and disease" ]
[ "Forecasting consumer behavior with innovative value proposition for organizations using big data analytics", "A View Of Cloud Computing", "Keith DiPetrillo (ed): “Cardiovascular Genomics: Methods and Protocols”. Springer Protocols—Methods in Molecular Biology" ]
[ "Forecasting consumer behavior with innovative value proposition for organizations using big data analytics", "A View Of Cloud Computing", "Contextual prediction models for speech recognition" ]
[ "Forecasting consumer behavior with innovative value proposition for organizations using big data analytics", "Scalable SQL and NoSQL data stores", "Strategy Iran : Cultural Values , Self images and Negotiation Behavior" ]
[ "Information Hiding using Image Embedding in QR Codes for Color Images : A Review", "QR Images: Optimized Image Embedding in QR Codes", "Adaptive document image binarization" ]
[ "Information Hiding using Image Embedding in QR Codes for Color Images : A Review", "QR code image detection using run-length coding", "In-Vehicle Software Defined Networking: An Enabler for Data Interoperability" ]
[ "Information Hiding using Image Embedding in QR Codes for Color Images : A Review", "Appearance-Based QR Code Beautifier", "A unified framework for frequency control and congestion management" ]
[ "Information Hiding using Image Embedding in QR Codes for Color Images : A Review", "Appearance-Based QR Code Beautifier", "The unsolved mystery of Johann Georg Wirsung and of (his?) pancreatic duct" ]
[ "Information Hiding using Image Embedding in QR Codes for Color Images : A Review", "Measurement of Reading Characteristics of Multiplexed Image in QR Code", "How Big Old Companies Navigate Digital Transformation" ]
[ "3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement", "Enhancing Depth-Perception with Flexible Volumetric Halos", "Interactive technical illustration" ]
[ "3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement", "Enhancing Depth-Perception with Flexible Volumetric Halos", "Gain-scheduled Wheel Slip Control in Automotive Brake Systems" ]
[ "3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement", "Enhancing Depth-Perception with Flexible Volumetric Halos", "Runtime Prediction of Failure Modes from System Error Logs" ]
[ "3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement", "Enhancing Depth-Perception with Flexible Volumetric Halos", "A 57dBOmega 1GHz CMOS Front-End Preamplifier for Optical Receivers" ]
[ "3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement", "Ambient Occlusion and Edge Cueing for Enhancing Real Time Molecular Visualization", "A model-based Bayesian framework for ECG beat segmentation" ]
[ "Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network", "A large-scale hierarchical multi-view RGB-D object dataset", "Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection" ]
[ "Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network", "A large-scale hierarchical multi-view RGB-D object dataset", "Biological Inspiration: From Carangiform Fish to Multi-Joint Robotic Fish" ]
[ "Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network", "PANORAMA: A 3D Shape Descriptor Based on Panoramic Views for Unsupervised 3D Object Retrieval", "Treg and CTLA-4: Two intertwining pathways to immune tolerance." ]
[ "Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network", "Color names learning using convolutional neural networks", "Multidisciplinary optimization of servodrives for robot manipulators" ]
[ "Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network", "A large-scale hierarchical multi-view RGB-D object dataset", "PUF-based random number generation" ]
[ "Bayesian Compressive Sensing Using Laplace Priors", "extensions of compressed sensing .", "Spectral Efficiency of CDMA with Random Spreading" ]
[ "Bayesian Compressive Sensing Using Laplace Priors", "Pattern recognition and machine learning", "Formetric 4D Rasterstereography" ]
[ "Bayesian Compressive Sensing Using Laplace Priors", "Sparse solution of underdetermined linear equations by stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit", "Preparation, characterization and pharmacokinetics of cyadox nanosuspension" ]
[ "Bayesian Compressive Sensing Using Laplace Priors", "Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to Compressed Sensing and Other Inverse Problems", "McLuhan and the \"Toronto School of Communication\"" ]
[ "Bayesian Compressive Sensing Using Laplace Priors", "Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to Compressed Sensing and Other Inverse Problems", "mapping beyond dewey ' s boundaries : constructing classification space for marginalized knowledge domains ." ]
[ "Physically-based real-time lens flare rendering", "Real-time lens blur effects and focus control", "Real-Time Depth-of-Field Rendering Using Anisotropically Filtered Mipmap Interpolation" ]
[ "Physically-based real-time lens flare rendering", "Real-time lens blur effects and focus control", "Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): Review, Potentials, Barriers and Myths" ]
[ "Physically-based real-time lens flare rendering", "General Spectral Camera Lens Simulation", "False positive malaria rapid diagnostic test in returning traveler with typhoid fever" ]
[ "Physically-based real-time lens flare rendering", "Real-time lens blur effects and focus control", "Instance-sensitive Fully Convolutional Networks" ]
[ "Physically-based real-time lens flare rendering", "General Spectral Camera Lens Simulation", "On a Formal Model of Safe and Scalable Self-driving Cars" ]
[ "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing scheduling problems: state-of-the-art survey", "SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm", "a fast elitist non - dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi - objective optimisation : nsga - ii ." ]
[ "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing scheduling problems: state-of-the-art survey", "SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm", "Community Structure in Large Networks: Natural Cluster Sizes and the Absence of Large Well-Defined Clusters" ]
[ "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing scheduling problems: state-of-the-art survey", "SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm", "Optical Flow Estimation" ]
[ "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing scheduling problems: state-of-the-art survey", "SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm", "Location-Based Influence Maximization in Social Networks" ]
[ "Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing scheduling problems: state-of-the-art survey", "SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm", "Nasal Tip Deprojection with Crural Cartilage Overlap : The M-Arch Model" ]