[ "A review on text mining", "Ontologies improve text document clustering", "A Comparison of Document Clustering Techniques" ]
[ "A review on text mining", "A business intelligence system", "Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem?" ]
[ "A review on text mining", "A business intelligence system", "Energy-Efficient Cooperative Relaying for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" ]
[ "A review on text mining", "Forecasting Intraday stock price trends with text mining techniques", "ecole centrale des arts et manufactures ." ]
[ "A review on text mining", "A business intelligence system", "Spindle Net: Person Re-identification with Human Body Region Guided Feature Decomposition and Fusion" ]
[ "Effects of haptic guidance and disturbance on motor learning: Potential advantage of haptic disturbance", "Haptic Guidance Can Enhance Motor Learning of a Steering Task", "The C programming language" ]
[ "Effects of haptic guidance and disturbance on motor learning: Potential advantage of haptic disturbance", "An image synthesizer", "mapping words to the world in infancy : infants ’ expectations for count nouns and adjectives ." ]
[ "Effects of haptic guidance and disturbance on motor learning: Potential advantage of haptic disturbance", "Evaluation of robotic training forces that either enhance or reduce error in chronic hemiparetic stroke survivors", "SPINE: Structural Identity Preserved Inductive Network Embedding" ]
[ "Effects of haptic guidance and disturbance on motor learning: Potential advantage of haptic disturbance", "An image synthesizer", "Establishment and characterization of a human acute monocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1)" ]
[ "Effects of haptic guidance and disturbance on motor learning: Potential advantage of haptic disturbance", "Haptic Guidance Can Enhance Motor Learning of a Steering Task", "Deep Reinforcement Learning of Abstract Reasoning from Demonstrations" ]
[ "Closed multidimensional sequential pattern mining", "Efficient Mining of Association Rules Using Closed Itemset Lattices", "A tree projection algorithm for generation of frequent itemsets" ]
[ "Closed multidimensional sequential pattern mining", "Charm: an efficient algorithm for closed itemset mining", "QuASM: a system for question answering using semi-structured data" ]
[ "Closed multidimensional sequential pattern mining", "Pincer-Search: A New Algorithm for Discovering the Maximum Frequent Set", "Analysis of acoustic signatures of small firearms for Gun Shot localization" ]
[ "Closed multidimensional sequential pattern mining", "Efficient Mining of Association Rules Using Closed Itemset Lattices", "Field-Testing of High-Level Decentralized Controllers for a Multi-Function Drone Swarm" ]
[ "Closed multidimensional sequential pattern mining", "TSP: Mining top-k closed sequential patterns", "A practical microcylinder appearance model for cloth rendering" ]
[ "Ranking opinionated blog posts using OpinionFinder", "Terrier : A High Performance and Scalable Information Retrieval Platform", "Pattern classification and scene analysis" ]
[ "Ranking opinionated blog posts using OpinionFinder", "Terrier : A High Performance and Scalable Information Retrieval Platform", "The factors associated with the burnout syndrome and fatigue in Cypriot nurses: a census report" ]
[ "Ranking opinionated blog posts using OpinionFinder", "Tackling the Poor Assumptions of Naive Bayes Text Classifiers", "Glomus Tumor of the Penis" ]
[ "Ranking opinionated blog posts using OpinionFinder", "Terrier : A High Performance and Scalable Information Retrieval Platform", "Mechanomyography Assisted Myoeletric Sensing for Upper-Extremity Prostheses: A Hybrid Approach" ]
[ "Ranking opinionated blog posts using OpinionFinder", "Tackling the Poor Assumptions of Naive Bayes Text Classifiers", "Gait planning based on kinematics for a quadruped gecko model with redundancy" ]
[ "EScala: modular event-driven object interactions in scala", "Scala Actors: Unifying thread-based and event-based programming", "Formalizing design patterns" ]
[ "EScala: modular event-driven object interactions in scala", "Scala Actors: Unifying thread-based and event-based programming", "consequences of display changes during interrupted visual search : rapid resumption is target specific ." ]
[ "EScala: modular event-driven object interactions in scala", "Scala Actors: Unifying thread-based and event-based programming", "Privacy for Smart Meters: Towards Undetectable Appliance Load Signatures" ]
[ "EScala: modular event-driven object interactions in scala", "Design pattern implementation in Java and aspectJ", "Approximation and Convergence Properties of Generative Adversarial Learning" ]
[ "EScala: modular event-driven object interactions in scala", "Design pattern implementation in Java and aspectJ", "High-Precision D-Band FMCW-Radar Sensor Based on a Wideband SiGe-Transceiver MMIC" ]
[ "Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation", "finding scientific topics .", "Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and their Extent in Image Collections" ]
[ "Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation", "Spatial latent dirichlet allocation", "enhancing learning systems by using virtual interactive classrooms and web - based collaborative work ." ]
[ "Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation", "Spatial latent dirichlet allocation", "4 store : the design and implementation of a clustered rdf store ." ]
[ "Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation", "A Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis: Applied to Face Recognition", "An evaluation of GUI and kinesthetic teaching methods for constrained-keyframe skills" ]
[ "Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation", "finding scientific topics .", "Magnetic orientation and magnetoreception in birds and other animals" ]
[ "Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages", "Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient", "Cluster Analysis" ]
[ "Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages", "Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient", "Vocal masculinity is a robust dominance signal in men" ]
[ "Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages", "Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient", "A light non-monotonic knowledge-base for service robots" ]
[ "Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages", "Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient", "Exploring key concept paraphrasing based on pivot language translation for question retrieval" ]
[ "Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages", "Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient", "The Cyberhand: on the design of a cybernetic prosthetic hand intended to be interfaced to the peripheral nervous system" ]
[ "Mining Efficient Association Rules Through Apriori Algorithm Using Attributes and Comparative Analysis of Various Association Rule Algorithms", "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation", "Theoretical Foundations of Association Rules" ]
[ "Mining Efficient Association Rules Through Apriori Algorithm Using Attributes and Comparative Analysis of Various Association Rule Algorithms", "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation", "Implementing skin-to-skin contact at birth using the Iowa model: applying evidence to practice." ]
[ "Mining Efficient Association Rules Through Apriori Algorithm Using Attributes and Comparative Analysis of Various Association Rule Algorithms", "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation", "Learning Deep Generative Models of Graphs" ]
[ "Mining Efficient Association Rules Through Apriori Algorithm Using Attributes and Comparative Analysis of Various Association Rule Algorithms", "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation", "A CMOS Pixel With Embedded ADC, Digital CDS and Gain Correction Capability for Massively Parallel Imaging Array" ]
[ "Mining Efficient Association Rules Through Apriori Algorithm Using Attributes and Comparative Analysis of Various Association Rule Algorithms", "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation", "On Operationalizing Syntactic Complexity" ]
[ "Humanlike shoulder complex for musculoskeletal robot arms", "A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots", "Analysis and control of a rubbertuator arm" ]
[ "Humanlike shoulder complex for musculoskeletal robot arms", "A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots", "Digital Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Signal Processing" ]
[ "Humanlike shoulder complex for musculoskeletal robot arms", "A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots", "A Broad-Coverage Challenge Corpus for Sentence Understanding through Inference" ]
[ "Humanlike shoulder complex for musculoskeletal robot arms", "A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots", "Enhancing K-Means using class labels" ]
[ "Humanlike shoulder complex for musculoskeletal robot arms", "A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots", "Experiences of hearing voices: analysis of a novel phenomenological survey" ]
[ "50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities", "age progression in human faces : a survey .", "Multirelational Organization of Large-scale Social Networks in an Online World" ]
[ "50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities", "age progression in human faces : a survey .", "Coxsackievirus A6 and Hand,Foot and Mouth Disease:Three Case Reports of FamilialChild-to-Immunocompetent Adult Transmission and a Literature Review" ]
[ "50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities", "Unique in the Crowd: The privacy bounds of human mobility", "Design classes for hybrid simulations involving agent-based and system dynamics models" ]
[ "50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities", "A Prototype Hand Geometry-based Verification System", "An automatic RTL compiler for high-throughput FPGA implementation of diverse deep convolutional neural networks" ]
[ "50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities", "Unique in the Crowd: The privacy bounds of human mobility", "Non-rigid image registration using fully convolutional networks with deep self-supervision" ]
[ "Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges", "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems", "An Empirical Study of a Highly Available File System" ]
[ "Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges", "Fundamental challenges in mobile computing", "A TIA-based readout circuit with temperature compensation for MEMS capacitive gyroscope" ]
[ "Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges", "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems", "quantitative graph theory : a new branch of graph theory and network science ." ]
[ "Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges", "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems", "On the Separation of Concerns in Program Families" ]
[ "Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges", "Agile application-aware adaptation for mobility", "promoting reading habits and creating literate society ." ]
[ "Self-compassion and well-being among older adults", "The Satisfaction With Life Scale", "The Costly Pursuit of Self-Esteem" ]
[ "Self-compassion and well-being among older adults", "Self-Compassion , Stress , and Coping", "Improving player balancing in racing games" ]
[ "Self-compassion and well-being among older adults", "global self - esteem across the life span .", "Rhythmic Pattern Modeling for Beat and Downbeat Tracking in Musical Audio" ]
[ "Self-compassion and well-being among older adults", "The Satisfaction With Life Scale", "Design of 1.2 kV Power Switches With Low $R_{\\mathrm{{\\scriptscriptstyle ON}}}$ Using GaN-Based Vertical JFET" ]
[ "Self-compassion and well-being among older adults", "Self-Compassion , Stress , and Coping", "Direction sensitive fall detection using a triaxial accelerometer and a barometric pressure sensor" ]
[ "Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.", "Brain potentials in affective picture processing: covariation with autonomic arousal and affective report", "Patterns of cognitive appraisal in emotion." ]
[ "Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.", "Emotion and motivation I: Defensive and appetitive reactions in picture processing.", "Adaptive radio for multimedia wireless links" ]
[ "Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.", "Emotion and motivation I: Defensive and appetitive reactions in picture processing.", "3D Matrix Pattern Based Support Vector Machines for Identifying Pulmonary Cancer in CT Scanned Images" ]
[ "Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.", "Brain potentials in affective picture processing: covariation with autonomic arousal and affective report", "SimFlex: Statistical Sampling of Computer System Simulation" ]
[ "Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness.", "Brain potentials in affective picture processing: covariation with autonomic arousal and affective report", "Multitasking on FPGA Coprocessors" ]
[ "Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces", "Robust classification of EEG signal for brain-computer interface", "Machine learning techniques for brain-computer interfaces" ]
[ "Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces", "Robust classification of EEG signal for brain-computer interface", "Effects of task complexity on individual creativity through knowledge interaction: A comparison of temporary and permanent teams" ]
[ "Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces", "an eeg - based brain - computer interface for cursor control .", "Combining contour and shape primitives for object detection and pose estimation of prefabricated parts" ]
[ "Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces", "an eeg - based brain - computer interface for cursor control .", "Towards domain-independent information extraction from web tables" ]
[ "Classification of multi-class motor imagery with a novel hierarchical SVM algorithm for brain–computer interfaces", "Control of a two-dimensional movement signal by a noninvasive brain-computer interface in humans", "AN ACCEPTANCE MODEL FOR USEFUL AND FUN INFORMATION SYSTEMS" ]
[ "MITRA: byzantine fault-tolerant middleware for transaction processing on replicated databases", "Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification", "Understanding replication in databases and distributed systems" ]
[ "MITRA: byzantine fault-tolerant middleware for transaction processing on replicated databases", "Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification", "mikro bloglardaki finans toplulukları icin kullanıcı agırlıklandırılmıs duygu analizi yontemi ." ]
[ "MITRA: byzantine fault-tolerant middleware for transaction processing on replicated databases", "Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification", "A comparison between semi-supervised and supervised text mining techniques on detecting irony in greek political tweets" ]
[ "MITRA: byzantine fault-tolerant middleware for transaction processing on replicated databases", "Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification", "The dermoscopic variability of dermatofibromas" ]
[ "MITRA: byzantine fault-tolerant middleware for transaction processing on replicated databases", "Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification", "Forensics examination of volatile system data using virtual introspection" ]
[ "Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation", "Challenges of System-Level Simulations and Performance Evaluation for 5G Wireless Networks", "Massive MIMO in the UL/DL of Cellular Networks: How Many Antennas Do We Need?" ]
[ "Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation", "Challenges of System-Level Simulations and Performance Evaluation for 5G Wireless Networks", "Novel High Step-Up DC–DC Converter With Coupled-Inductor and Voltage-Doubler Circuits" ]
[ "Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation", "Radio propagation path loss models for 5G cellular networks in the 28 GHZ and 38 GHZ millimeter-wave bands", "Multi-Modal Curriculum Learning for Semi-Supervised Image Classification" ]
[ "Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation", "Chunk-Based Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems—Part II: Joint Chunk, Power and Bit Allocation", "Squamosal Suture Synostosis: Incidence, Associations, and Implications for Treatment" ]
[ "Transmit antenna selection for massive MIMO: A knapsack problem formulation", "Energy-Efficient Hybrid Analog and Digital Precoding for MmWave MIMO Systems With Large Antenna Arrays", "Chunk-Based Bi-Scale Decoder for Neural Machine Translation" ]
[ "Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases", "A new bioinformatics analysis tools framework at EMBL–EBI", "Cytoscape: A Software Environment for Integrated Models of Biomolecular Interaction Networks" ]
[ "Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases", "A new bioinformatics analysis tools framework at EMBL–EBI", "ArteFill® Permanent Injectable for Soft Tissue Augmentation: II. Indications and Applications" ]
[ "Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases", "A new bioinformatics analysis tools framework at EMBL–EBI", "A Case Study of Cooperative Learning and Communication Pedagogy: Does Working in Teams Make a Difference?." ]
[ "Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases", "BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language", "Genomics and emerging biomarkers for immunotherapy of colorectal cancer." ]
[ "Sequenceserver: a modern graphical user interface for custom BLAST databases", "BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language", "How green is multipath TCP for mobile devices?" ]
[ "Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents", "marketing in hypermedia computer - mediated environment : conceptual foundations .", "Software security and privacy risks in mobile e-commerce" ]
[ "Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents", "marketing in hypermedia computer - mediated environment : conceptual foundations .", "Group delay based music source separation using deep recurrent neural networks" ]
[ "Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents", "marketing in hypermedia computer - mediated environment : conceptual foundations .", "Region based undetectable multiple image watermarking" ]
[ "Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents", "Location management for mobile commerce applications in wireless Internet environment", "Titanium dioxide nanoparticles: some aspects of toxicity/focus on the development" ]
[ "Increasing Advertising Value of Mobile Marketing - An Empirical Study of Antecedents", "marketing in hypermedia computer - mediated environment : conceptual foundations .", "Neural Ranking Models with Weak Supervision" ]
[ "Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders", "Cortical midline structures and the self", "a default mode of brain function ." ]
[ "Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders", "Cortical midline structures and the self", "AttriGuard: A Practical Defense Against Attribute Inference Attacks via Adversarial Machine Learning" ]
[ "Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders", "The Enigmatic temporal pole : a review of findings on social and emotional processing", "Quantification of time in Digital Libraries: Temporal Zipf's law" ]
[ "Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders", "The Enigmatic temporal pole : a review of findings on social and emotional processing", "Bamboo–Fiber Filled High Density Polyethylene Composites: Effect of Coupling Treatment and Nanoclay" ]
[ "Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders", "The Enigmatic temporal pole : a review of findings on social and emotional processing", "A variable neighborhood search algorithm to generate piano fingerings for polyphonic sheet music" ]
[ "Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors", "Query recommendation using query logs in search engines", "Domain-specific keyphrase extraction" ]
[ "Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors", "Extracting key terms from noisy and multitheme documents", "Implementation Matters: A Review of Research on the Influence of Implementation on Program Outcomes and the Factors Affecting Implementation" ]
[ "Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors", "Optimizing search engines using clickthrough data", "NetFlow based intrusion detection system" ]
[ "Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors", "Learning to rank: from pairwise approach to listwise approach", "Central Vertigo and Dizziness: Epidemiology, Differential Diagnosis, and Common Causes" ]
[ "Actively predicting diverse search intent from user browsing behaviors", "Normalized cuts and image segmentation", "Streaming-LDA: A Copula-based Approach to Modeling Topic Dependencies in Document Streams" ]