[ "Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks", "Mining product reputations on the Web", "Semantic distance in WordNet: An experimental, application-oriented evaluation of five measures" ]
[ "Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks", "Determining The Sentiment Of Opinions", "IMAGE ANALOGIES" ]
[ "Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks", "Learning Extraction Patterns For Subjective Expressions", "Measuring the correspondence between business-IT alignment and employee alignment of a company" ]
[ "Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks", "Fully Automatic Lexicon Expansion For Domain-Oriented Sentiment Analysis", "Count data models for financial data" ]
[ "Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks", "Fully Automatic Lexicon Expansion For Domain-Oriented Sentiment Analysis", "FutureRank: Ranking Scientific Articles by Predicting their Future PageRank" ]
[ "Adaptive attention fusion network for visual question answering", "Exploring Models and Data for Image Question Answering", "DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model" ]
[ "Adaptive attention fusion network for visual question answering", "Where to Look: Focus Regions for Visual Question Answering", "Terpenoids and breast cancer chemoprevention" ]
[ "Adaptive attention fusion network for visual question answering", "Hierarchical Question-Image Co-Attention for Visual Question Answering", "Causal embeddings for recommendation" ]
[ "Adaptive attention fusion network for visual question answering", "Stacked Attention Networks for Image Question Answering", "learning personalized pronunciations for contact name recognition ." ]
[ "Adaptive attention fusion network for visual question answering", "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition", "A Review on Marine Search and Rescue Operations Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" ]
[ "Predicting stock market trends using random forests: A sample of the Zagreb stock exchange", "C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning", "Application of neural networks to an emerging financial market: forecasting and trading the Taiwan Stock Index" ]
[ "Predicting stock market trends using random forests: A sample of the Zagreb stock exchange", "C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning", "4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community" ]
[ "Predicting stock market trends using random forests: A sample of the Zagreb stock exchange", "C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning", "User experience: challenges and opportunities" ]
[ "Predicting stock market trends using random forests: A sample of the Zagreb stock exchange", "Financial time series forecasting using support vector machines", "Evaluating the efficiency of physical visualizations" ]
[ "Predicting stock market trends using random forests: A sample of the Zagreb stock exchange", "A Hybrid Machine Learning System for Stock Market Forecasting", "neuro - behcet ' s disease : epidemiology , clinical characteristics , and management ." ]
[ "Flex And Pinch: A Case Study Of Whole Hand Input Design For Virtual Environment Interaction", "Image plane interaction techniques in 3D immersive environments", "\" put - that - there \" : voice and gesture at the graphics interface ." ]
[ "Flex And Pinch: A Case Study Of Whole Hand Input Design For Virtual Environment Interaction", "A survey of glove-based input", "Image Colorization Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network" ]
[ "Flex And Pinch: A Case Study Of Whole Hand Input Design For Virtual Environment Interaction", "Glove-TalkII: an adaptive gesture-to-formant interface", "Social media adoption: toward a representative, responsive or interactive government?" ]
[ "Flex And Pinch: A Case Study Of Whole Hand Input Design For Virtual Environment Interaction", "Glove-TalkII: an adaptive gesture-to-formant interface", "A more realistic approach for airport ground movement optimisation with stand holding" ]
[ "Flex And Pinch: A Case Study Of Whole Hand Input Design For Virtual Environment Interaction", "Image plane interaction techniques in 3D immersive environments", "Simultaneously Fitting and Segmenting Multiple-Structure Data with Outliers" ]
[ "Planning and control algorithms for enhanced rough-terrain rover mobility", "Mobile robot kinematic reconfigurability for rough terrain", "A new measure of tipover stability margin for mobile manipulators" ]
[ "Planning and control algorithms for enhanced rough-terrain rover mobility", "Mobile Robot Rough-Terrain Control (RTC) For Planetary Exploration", "Joint Object Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction in Urban Street Scenes Using 3D Shape Priors" ]
[ "Planning and control algorithms for enhanced rough-terrain rover mobility", "Rapid physics-based rough-terrain rover planning with sensor and control uncertainty", "Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems" ]
[ "Planning and control algorithms for enhanced rough-terrain rover mobility", "Mobile Robot Rough-Terrain Control (RTC) For Planetary Exploration", "Path planning in GPS-denied environments via collective intelligence of distributed sensor networks" ]
[ "Planning and control algorithms for enhanced rough-terrain rover mobility", "Mobile robot kinematic reconfigurability for rough terrain", "DESIGN OF SMART ROBOT FOR WRIST REHABILITATION" ]
[ "Revealing patterns of Twitter emoji usage in Barcelona and Madrid", "Building Large-Scale Twitter-Specific Sentiment Lexicon : A Representation Learning Approach", "Emoticon Smoothed Language Models for Twitter Sentiment Analysis" ]
[ "Revealing patterns of Twitter emoji usage in Barcelona and Madrid", "Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space", "von Mises-Fisher Mixture Model-based Deep learning: Application to Face Verification" ]
[ "Revealing patterns of Twitter emoji usage in Barcelona and Madrid", "Exploiting Similarities among Languages for Machine Translation", "Towards Analogy-based Recommendation : Benchmarking of Perceived Analogy Semantics" ]
[ "Revealing patterns of Twitter emoji usage in Barcelona and Madrid", "Representational Similarity Analysis – Connecting the Branches of Systems Neuroscience", "CompRec-Trip: A composite recommendation system for travel planning" ]
[ "Revealing patterns of Twitter emoji usage in Barcelona and Madrid", "Exploiting emoticons in polarity classification of text", "simple fire - like animation using noise - based dynamic texture ." ]
[ "Detecting Mispronunciations of L2 Learners and Providing Corrective Feedback Using Knowledge-Guided and Data-Driven Decision Trees", "Phone-level pronunciation scoring and assessment for interactive language learning", "Maximum Likelihood Linear Transformations for HMM-Based Speech Recognition" ]
[ "Detecting Mispronunciations of L2 Learners and Providing Corrective Feedback Using Knowledge-Guided and Data-Driven Decision Trees", "Phone-level pronunciation scoring and assessment for interactive language learning", "A Lip Reading Model Using CNN with Batch Normalization" ]
[ "Detecting Mispronunciations of L2 Learners and Providing Corrective Feedback Using Knowledge-Guided and Data-Driven Decision Trees", "Phone-level pronunciation scoring and assessment for interactive language learning", "Next-Generation Sequencing Platforms" ]
[ "Detecting Mispronunciations of L2 Learners and Providing Corrective Feedback Using Knowledge-Guided and Data-Driven Decision Trees", "Improving non-native mispronunciation detection and enriching diagnostic feedback with DNN-based speech attribute modeling", "A Highly Integrated and Reconfigurable Microgrid Testbed with Hybrid Distributed Energy Sources" ]
[ "Detecting Mispronunciations of L2 Learners and Providing Corrective Feedback Using Knowledge-Guided and Data-Driven Decision Trees", "Phone-level pronunciation scoring and assessment for interactive language learning", "Bayesian Inference for PCFGs via Markov Chain Monte Carlo" ]
[ "Deep Generative Model using Unregularized Score for Anomaly Detection with Heterogeneous Complexity", "Clustering and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with l2 Normalized Deep Auto-Encoder Representations", "on the momentum term in gradient descent learning algorithms ." ]
[ "Deep Generative Model using Unregularized Score for Anomaly Detection with Heterogeneous Complexity", "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery", "Acid phosphatase test for identification of seminal stains." ]
[ "Deep Generative Model using Unregularized Score for Anomaly Detection with Heterogeneous Complexity", "Anomaly Detection with Robust Deep Autoencoders", "Wideband RCS Reduction of a Slot Array Antenna Using Polarization Conversion Metasurfaces" ]
[ "Deep Generative Model using Unregularized Score for Anomaly Detection with Heterogeneous Complexity", "Anomaly Detection with Robust Deep Autoencoders", "Digital government evolution: From transformation to contextualization" ]
[ "Deep Generative Model using Unregularized Score for Anomaly Detection with Heterogeneous Complexity", "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery", "Insights from Machine-Learned Diet Success Prediction" ]
[ "RAPID TARGET DETECTION IN HIGH RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGES USING YOLO MODEL", "Learning Rotation-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection in VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images", "Region-Based Convolutional Networks for Accurate Object Detection and Segmentation" ]
[ "RAPID TARGET DETECTION IN HIGH RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGES USING YOLO MODEL", "A Survey on Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images", "Generative Cooperative Net for Image Generation and Data Augmentation" ]
[ "RAPID TARGET DETECTION IN HIGH RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGES USING YOLO MODEL", "Do deep features generalize from everyday objects to remote sensing and aerial scenes domains?", "Stem Cells and Other Emerging Agents as Innovative \"Drugs\" in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Benefits and Limitations." ]
[ "RAPID TARGET DETECTION IN HIGH RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGES USING YOLO MODEL", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization", "High throughput satellite systems: An analytical approach" ]
[ "RAPID TARGET DETECTION IN HIGH RESOLUTION REMOTE SENSING IMAGES USING YOLO MODEL", "Benchmarking State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Software Tools", "Associations Between Overweight and Obesity With Bullying Behaviors in School-Aged Children" ]
[ "Data-driven comparison of spatio-temporal monitoring techniques", "ROS: an open-source Robot Operating System", "A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning" ]
[ "Data-driven comparison of spatio-temporal monitoring techniques", "Branch and bound for informative path planning", "Smart BodyNet for Hypercube Body Sensor Network" ]
[ "Data-driven comparison of spatio-temporal monitoring techniques", "Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning", "An Improved Binary Whale Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection of Network Intrusion Detection" ]
[ "Data-driven comparison of spatio-temporal monitoring techniques", "planning algorithms .", "Learning a Predictable and Generative Vector Representation for Objects" ]
[ "Data-driven comparison of spatio-temporal monitoring techniques", "Sequential Bayesian optimisation for spatial-temporal monitoring", "A Survey on Various Techniques of Super Resolution Imaging" ]
[ "Evaluation of the Main MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications", "Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System With Line Connection", "Integrated photovoltaic maximum power point tracking converter" ]
[ "Evaluation of the Main MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications", "Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System With Line Connection", "MRI findings in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension" ]
[ "Evaluation of the Main MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications", "A Variable Step Size INC MPPT Method for PV Systems", "Tall Buildings and Elevators: A Review of Recent Technological Advances" ]
[ "Evaluation of the Main MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications", "A Variable Step Size INC MPPT Method for PV Systems", "Anti-phishing detection of phishing attacks using genetic algorithm" ]
[ "Evaluation of the Main MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications", "Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System With Line Connection", "AR TICLE The Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli K-12" ]
[ "3D printing for soft robotics – a review", "A Bioinspired Soft Actuated Material", "Human motion tracking for rehabilitation -- A survey" ]
[ "3D printing for soft robotics – a review", "A Bioinspired Soft Actuated Material", "Education at University and Industry 4.0" ]
[ "3D printing for soft robotics – a review", "Wearable soft sensing suit for human gait measurement", "Social Media Mining: Prediction of Box Office Revenue" ]
[ "3D printing for soft robotics – a review", "A Bioinspired Soft Actuated Material", "A Series Elastic- and Bowden-Cable-Based Actuation System for Use as Torque Actuator in Exoskeleton-Type Robots" ]
[ "3D printing for soft robotics – a review", "direct ink writing of 3 d functional materials * .", "Towards Music Imagery Information Retrieval: Introducing the OpenMIIR Dataset of EEG Recordings from Music Perception and Imagination" ]
[ "Real-time correlative scan matching", "An ICP variant using a point-to-line metric", "Practical robust localization over large-scale 802.11 wireless networks" ]
[ "Real-time correlative scan matching", "Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd Edition.", "Self-Medication Among Adolescents Aged 18 Years: The 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study" ]
[ "Real-time correlative scan matching", "Histogram Matching and Global Initialization for Laser-only SLAM in Large Unstructured Environments", "Low precision arithmetic for deep learning." ]
[ "Real-time correlative scan matching", "Robust and Efficient Robotic Mapping", "A silver inkjet printed ferrite NFC antenna" ]
[ "Real-time correlative scan matching", "A method for registration of 3d shapes", "Distributed MOS varactor biasing for VCO gain equalization in 0.13 /spl mu/m CMOS technology" ]
[ "The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome", "bedtools : a flexible suite of utilities for comparing genomic features .", "Improved tools for biological sequence comparison." ]
[ "The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome", "Primer-BLAST: A tool to design target-specific primers for polymerase chain reaction", "Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm Based on FPGA" ]
[ "The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome", "the mutational landscape of lethal castrate resistant prostate cancer .", "MayoNLP at the BioCreative VI PM Track : Entity-enhanced Hierarchical Attention Neural Networks for Mining Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text" ]
[ "The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome", "Primer-BLAST: A tool to design target-specific primers for polymerase chain reaction", "Automating enterprise architecture documentation using an enterprise service bus" ]
[ "The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome", "Primer-BLAST: A tool to design target-specific primers for polymerase chain reaction", "From where did the Western honeybee (Apis mellifera) originate?" ]
[ "Efficient covariance matrix update for variable metric evolution strategies", "Evolution strategies – A comprehensive introduction", "Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies" ]
[ "Efficient covariance matrix update for variable metric evolution strategies", "Evolution strategies – A comprehensive introduction", "Psychopathy and the five-factor model of personality: A replication and extension" ]
[ "Efficient covariance matrix update for variable metric evolution strategies", "Evolution strategies – A comprehensive introduction", "recommendation system with readerbench : the graphical visualization of semantically related papers and concepts ionut ." ]
[ "Efficient covariance matrix update for variable metric evolution strategies", "Evolution strategies – A comprehensive introduction", "Modeling and Simulation of 6-DOF Parallel Manipulator Based on PID Control with Gravity Compensation in Simulink/ADAMS" ]
[ "Efficient covariance matrix update for variable metric evolution strategies", "A Fast and Elitist Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II", "Towards Bandwidth Efficient Adaptive Streaming of Omnidirectional Video over HTTP: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation" ]
[ "THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results", "Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: Algorithms and Implementation", "Introduction to radar systems / by Merrill I. Skolnik" ]
[ "THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results", "Terahertz Imaging Systems With Aperture Synthesis Techniques", "Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review" ]
[ "THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results", "Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: Algorithms and Implementation", "Wearable Biomedical Measurement Systems for Assessment of Mental Stress of Combatants in Real Time" ]
[ "THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results", "Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: Algorithms and Implementation", "Purpura Fulminans as the presenting manifestation in a patient with homozygous methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutation." ]
[ "THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results", "Terahertz Imaging Systems With Aperture Synthesis Techniques", "Towards Requirements Reuse by Implementing Traceability in Agile Development" ]
[ "Surround video: a multihead camera approach", "A Versatile Camera Calibration Tech-nique for High-Accuracy 3D Machine Vision Metrology Using Off-the-Shelf TV Cameras and Lenses", "A computer algorithm for reconstructing a scene from two projections" ]
[ "Surround video: a multihead camera approach", "QuickTime VR: an image-based approach to virtual environment navigation", "Theoretical Results on Reinforcement Learning with Temporally Abstract Options" ]
[ "Surround video: a multihead camera approach", "QuickTime VR: an image-based approach to virtual environment navigation", "Real-time scheduling of aircraft arrivals and departures in a terminal maneuvering area" ]
[ "Surround video: a multihead camera approach", "A general imaging model and a method for finding its parameters", "Local Wavelet Pattern: A New Feature Descriptor for Image Retrieval in Medical CT Databases" ]
[ "Surround video: a multihead camera approach", "QuickTime VR: an image-based approach to virtual environment navigation", "Relative clustering validity criteria: A comparative overview" ]
[ "SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System", "Knowledge sharing and yahoo answers: Everyone knows something", "Finding experts in community-based question-answering services" ]
[ "SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System", "Tapping on the potential of q&a community by recommending answer providers", "Enhancing reliability to boost the throughput over screen-camera links" ]
[ "SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System", "Knowledge sharing and yahoo answers: Everyone knows something", "GAL: Geometric Adversarial Loss for Single-View 3D-Object Reconstruction" ]
[ "SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System", "Routing questions to appropriate answerers in community question answering services", "Cardiac CT assessment of left atrial accessory appendages and diverticula." ]
[ "SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based Question and Answer System", "Tapping on the potential of q&a community by recommending answer providers", "CPAR: Classification based on Predictive Association Rules" ]
[ "Representing Model Differences by Delta Operations", "RCS - A System for Version Control", "The source code control system" ]
[ "Representing Model Differences by Delta Operations", "A Metamodel Independent Approach to Difference Representation", "Necessity of clinical information in surgical pathology." ]
[ "Representing Model Differences by Delta Operations", "RCS - A System for Version Control", "entreposage et analyse en ligne dans les nuages avec pig ." ]
[ "Representing Model Differences by Delta Operations", "A Metamodel Independent Approach to Difference Representation", "Detecting Faces in Colored Images Using Multi-skin Color Models and Neural Network with Texture Analysis" ]
[ "Representing Model Differences by Delta Operations", "RCS - A System for Version Control", "Transmission and Authentication of Text Messages through Image Steganography" ]
[ "a review of image denoising algorithms , with a new one .", "Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints", "nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms ." ]
[ "a review of image denoising algorithms , with a new one .", "Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints", "Aggregation Functions for Engineering Design Trade-offs" ]
[ "a review of image denoising algorithms , with a new one .", "Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints", "The fickle P value generates irreproducible results" ]
[ "a review of image denoising algorithms , with a new one .", "Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints", "collaborative filtering recommender systems using semantics ." ]
[ "a review of image denoising algorithms , with a new one .", "Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints", "Auto-Join: Joining Tables by Leveraging Transformations" ]