saingy taty aoriana, nianatra nanenona karipetra izaho sy ireo anabaviko, ary nanomboka niantoka ny fiainanay sy ny an'ireo fianakavianay.
but then my sisters and i learned to weave carpets, and we began to support ourselves and our family.
ny fizarana voalohany dia mametraka ilay maherifo voalohany hiverina ao londra rehefa tsy tao nandritra ny roa taona, izay nanaovany mody maty mba hahafahany mandrava ny fanjakan-jiolahin'ilay fahavalony, jim moriarty.
the premiere centred on the return of the titular hero to london following a two year absence, during which he had faked his own death in order to dismantle the criminal empire of his arch-nemesis, jim moriarty.
mezcal : fahaterahana vaovao indray ho an'ilay zava-pisotro nentim-paharazana meksikàna
mezcal: the rebirth of a traditional mexican drink · global voices
nampiasa ny bilaoginy manokana hanambarany ny heviny hatramin'ny 2007 ny mpanao sariitatra politika tsy fantatra anarana '_z_'.
this post is part of our special coverage tunisia revolution 2011. tunisian anonymous political cartoonist '_z_' has been using his blog to express himself since 2007.
fa lavitra any, nisy ny hira.
far away, there was music.
rehefa nitsahatra izy, niara-namindra teny izahay ary tsy nisoka-bava mihitsy izy; tamin'ny hafanàn'ny fangirifiriana tsy miloaka no nentiny kosa niarahaba sy nandray anay, ny fijeriny very lavitra any.
after he was done, we walked in and he did not talk; he warmly greeted us in painful silence and a lost gaze in his eyes.
nitatitra ny onjampeo kongoley iray tao an-toerana fa nihetsiketsika be ny volkano nyamulagira akaikin'i goma, famantarana fa mety antomotra ny fipoahan'izany.
local radio are reporting that nyamulagira volcano, near goma, is showing intense activity, suggeting that an eruption may be imminent.
maro anefa ireo manampahaizana ara-pitsarana no milaza fa mandritra ny fotoam-pitsarana ihany no tokony hihainoana fandraisam-peo, ary tsy tokony heverina ho tena izy avy hatrany.
several legal experts, however, say wiretaps should only serve a judicial process, and that they don't constitute an end in itself.
ny tena nampanahy ny olona nahatonga ny fihetsiketsehana androany (alahady) dia noho ny vitan'ny rivodoza muifa tamin'ny herinandro, izay notaterin'ny fantsom-baovao ho mampitera-doza ny orinasa mpamokatra akora shimika.
the public concern which led to the protests was sparked by typhoon muifa last week, which chinese media reported posed a possible threat to the chemical plant.
leo i john george tao amin'ny had enough.
john george has had enough at had enough.
betsaka ireo ivotoerana fanaovana fanazarantena ho an'ny lehilahy.
fitness centers for men are in abundance.
ndeha hataontsika - tsy amin-kery sy fahefana, fa amin'ny fanahin'andrimanitra!
let's do it - not by might nor by power, but by the spirit of god!
vangio ihany koa i ao karachi azafady rehefa tafaverina ao pakistana ianao.
also please visit in karachi when you return to pakistan.
raha matanjaka sy manam-bitana ianao ka afaka hanampy sy hamonjy ny ain'ity tovovavy ity... hifandray aminao izy ary ho vetivety kely ny fombafomba atao... tsy izany... tsy hanataka anao ... tsy misy na inona na inona... zavatra tena tsotra!
if you're lucky enough to match to be able to help and save this girl's life... then they will contact you and it's just a very quick process... it doesn't... they don't rip you open... there's nothing... it's very easy!
ary na eo aza izany rehetra izany , ny bangladeshita dia mirehareha sy mahalefitra.
and despite all of this, bangladeshis remain proud and complacent.
tamin'ny volana lasa teo, nandroso famelan-keloka ho an'i baby doc — izay nenjehina noho ny kolikoly sy fanitsakitsahana zon'olombelona — i atoa. martelly ary niteny tamin'ny the associated press hoe, 'mino aho fa mila fifamelan-keloka isika aty haiti.'
last month, mr. martelly proposed a blanket pardon of baby doc — who has been accused of corruption and human rights abuses — telling the associated press, 'i do believe that we need that reconciliation in haiti.'
raha tsy izany, inona izany no ataontsika afa tsy ny mamorona seho ara-politika?
if this isn’t the case, then what are we doing other than putting on a political show?
mazava be fa sarotra ny mamerina vola, indrindra raha ara-dalàna an-taratasy mazava izany.
it’s obviously difficult to return funds especially when it was legally proceeded.
izany dia mba hanangonana olona marobe araka izay azo atao ka te-haniry hanome voninahitra azy farany:
this in order to accommodate as many people as possible who wished to pay their last respects:
... ary milaza ny heviny ihany koa izy momba ny fihatahana ara-toekarena eo amin'ny kajikajy nataon'ny fanjakana :
... and he also comments on the economic discrepancy in the calculations made by the government :
tamin'io taona io ihany, nankao amin'ny fantsom-baovaom-pirenena ndtv ilay indiana mpilalao sarimihetsika bollywood deepika padukone mba hiresaka momba ny fahakiviana lalina sy ny fomba niadiany izany.
that same year, indian bollywood actress deepika padukone went on national news channel ndtv to talk about depression and how she went through it.
ampiasaina matetika eo amin'ny ambaratongam-piarahamonina hisorohana na hanerena ny safidy sy fiovana amin'ny voka-pifidianana ny tetikady fampitahorana sy ny herisetra, izay matetika iraisana tsikombakomba amin'ny manampahefana ao an-toerana.
intimidation tactics and violence, often in connivance with local state officials, are frequently deployed at the community level to prevent or force a recalibration of voting blocs and changes in electoral outcomes.
vokatr'izany, maro ireo paragoayana no tsy mahalala ny fisian'ny taha -pahafatesan'ny zaza vao teraka avo sy ny fanalan-jaza ao amin'ny fireneny.
as a result, most paraguayans are not aware of the high rates of death from childbirth and abortions in their own country.
manoratra mikasika ny traikefany amin'ny fitorahana blaogy i what an african woman thinks ary manontany tena raha toa ka mitovy amin'ny "miboridana sy tsy fanànana henatra" ny mandrovitra ireo soson'ny nofontany.
what an african woman thinks writes about her experience of blogging and wonders whether ripping away the layers is similiar to being "naked and not ashamed".
nampitamberina tamin'ny tatitra mikasika ireo vaovao momba ireo asa fitsikilovan'i aostralia any indonezia izay niteraka fifandirana ara-diplomasia teo amin'ireo firenena roa tonta, i horta.
horta was referring to the news report about australia’s spying activities in indonesia which created a diplomatic conflict between the two countries.
fanapahan-kevitra lehibe izany mba hiarovana ny banky - nahatratra 2972 miliara yuan rmb ny totalin'ny fanaovana antoka amin'ny tany aman-trano tamin'ny volana jona 2017.
this is a significant move to protect the bank — in june 2017, the sum of property mortgage is up to rmb 2972 billion yuan .
sary avy amin'i dona dzambaska, cc 2.0.
photo by dona dzambaska, cc 2.0.
henonay any lavitra any ny fidoboky ny tafondro kanefa tsy manakana anay tsy hankafy sy hifoka ny rivotra madio araka izay azonay atao izany.
we could hear an occasional explosion in the distance but that did not deter us from standing there breathing in the fresh air we so longed for.
noho izany dia lavinay.
we therefore reject it.
nankasitraka ny fahombiazan'ny hetsika ny sasany, izay araka ny voalazan'ny wired, dia valinteny sahaza hoan'ny marika ara-politika izay mbola tsy maharesy lahatra sy be hiakam-pitolomana.
some welcomed the success of the initiative, which, according to wired, is the correct response to a brand of politics that is ever less convincing and filled with slogans.
tao anatin'ny taona maromaro izay, dia nahazo fandrahonana maro avy amin'ny ekstremista manerana izao tontolo izao, noho ny fahasahiany, ary matetika mahatafintohina ny hatsikana nataony.
for several years, the weekly had received threats from extremists around the world for its daring, often offensive satire.
tamin'ny ady nanaraka izany, niparitaka ilay vondrona tsy fantatra: lehilahy niisa 14 na 15 nitsoaka tany anaty rano (nitondra niharan-doza sy naratra tsy fantatra ny isany, niala teo izy ireo) niverina tany amin'ny faritr'i okraina, niampy fiara mifono vy nitidra tao anaty rano (avy any syvash) ary na
in the ensuing battle, the unidentified group split up: 14 or 15 men retreated by water (they dragged off one casualty, number of injured—unknown) back to ukrainian territory, plus an armored vehicle came into the water (across the syvash) and started laying down suppressive fire for the group.
nisara-kevitra ihany koa ny mpiserasera tamin'ny tetikasa "pretra + saka" araka ny hita ao amin'ny zoro tsipy hevitra ao amin'ny tranonkalam-pivavahana pravmir, izay iasan'i loutchenko.
users commenting on the news on the religious website pravmir, where loutchenko works, also had varying reactions to the “priest + cat” project.
tamin'ny aprily 2012, ilay tanora mpanao gazety, lenier gonzález, tonian-dahatsoratry ny gazetiboky kiobàna espacio laical , dia namintina ny teny fampidirana ilay fandraketana "ho amin'ny fiaraha-mitantana ny demaokrasia" tamin'ireo teny manaraka ireto :
in april 2012, the young journalist, lenier gonzález, editor of the cuban magazine espacio laical , concluded the prologue to the compilation "by consensus for democracy" with the following words:
ny antony mahatonga izay dia fisian'ny kolikoly.
however, this has led to corruption.
sarin'i flickr nampiasa robertelyov (06/11/10).
image by flickr user robertelyov (06/11/10).
will picard, talen'ny vinavinam-pandriampahalemana any yemen dia nanambatra ho storify ny kabary ary nanoratra tao amin'ny bilaogy, izay hanindriany :
will picard, director of the yemen peace project compiled a storify of the speech and wrote also a blog post, in which he points:
mba te-hanoratra momba ny fangirifirian'ny mpiara-monina amiko sy ny fianakaviako amin'izao andro izao aho.
i want to write about suffering of my people and my family in these days.
na voararan'ny lalàna aza ny manapaka herinaratra amin'ny toerana toy ny hopitaly, voahitsakitsaka isanandro izany lalàna izany ary misy fiantraikany mahatsiravina maro.
although it is legislatively prohibited to cut-off electricity at such places as hospitals, this law is violated everyday and has tragic consequences.
ny fitazonana vao haingana an'ireo roa mafana fo amin'ny tambajotra sy mpitarika ny hetsiky ny tanora ao azerbaijan, tamin'ny herinandro lasa teo, dia nampisy fahaketrahana tamin'ireo blaogera sy ireo mafana fo tao anatiny ary tany ivelan'i azerbaijan, ary ankehitriny, fanentanana lahatsary iray no nal
the recent detention of two cyber-activists and youth leaders in azerbaijan this past week has caused consternation among bloggers and activists inside and outside azerbaijan, and now a video campaign has been set off to call the azeri government into action to release both youth movement leaders: adnan hajizada and emin milli.
mponin'i hong kong marobe no mahalala fa 689 ny anaram-bositry ny lehiben'ny mpanatanteraka ao an-tanàna cy leung.
many hong kongers know 689 to be the nickname of the city's top leader, chief executive cy leung.
milaza ny tantara fa lahy no tompo ary ny vavy no mpanompon'ny vadiny.
the story says a husband is master while a wife is a servant who needs to serve her spouse.
ny unicef (tahirin'ny firenena mikambana misahana ny ankizy) no nitari-dalana tamin'ny fitsikerana ity andinin-dalàna ity.
the united nations children's fund (unicef) has spearheaded criticism against this piece of legislation.
@kashaziz: inona no antoka fa tsy hamely rahampitso na raha afak'ampitso ny mpampihorohoro?
@kashaziz: so whats the guarantee terrorists won't strike tomorrow or the day after?
mampahatsiahy antsika ireo tantara ireo fa mbola mitohy ho fangatahana ifotony ara-politika mbola tsy tanteraka ao indonezia, ny fitadiavana ny marina sy ny rariny.
their stories remind us that the quest for truth and justice continues to be an essential yet unfulfilled political demand in indonesia. frangkina boboy.
raha nizotra araka ny fikasan'ny ray aman-dreniny ny zava-drehetra, dia efa nanambady izy ankehitriny.
if things had gone according to her parent’s plan, she’d have been married by now.
ny tena marina, araky ny efa nambaran'ilay talen'ny famokarana horonan-tsary, hong-hong, tamin'ny vao nidirany tao shina, dia efa nanomboka nanao sivana ny tenany ireo orinasan'ny kolontaina taiwan :
in fact, as pointed out by movie director hong-hong, upon entering mainland china, taiwanese cultural industries have started to self-censor their work:
maridrefy: 3 = mena, 2 = mavo, 1 = maitso sakurajima (ao kagoshima) sy kuchinoerabu no vao nampidirina anaty lisitr'ireo volkano mihetsiketsika.
volcanic activity: 3 = red, 2 = yellow, 1 = green sakurajima (in kagoshima) and kuchinoerabu have been added to the list of active volcanoes.
mampiasà lavenona.
just use ash.
'kano' (2014)
'kano' (2014)
nanainga ny fanahin'ireo taranaka indiana aty aoriana i zaidi ary nampianatra azy ireo ny mety hampiasàna ny kiraro amin'ny fomba tsotra sy tsy ahitan-doza hanoherana ny fanamparam-pahefana ataon'ny fanjakàna.
zaidi has inspired a new generation of indians and has taught them how simple and benign shoes can be used against the state power.
saripika icaro martins, navoaka tao amin'ny pejy facebook.
photo by icaro martins, published on facebook.
sary an'i krasimir krumov, fampiasàna nahazoana alàlana
photo by krasimir krumov used with permission.
“mpanota ireo miozolomana mandatsa-drà amin'ireo miozolomana”, “ny fitondrana mpamono olona no fahavalonay , fa tsy ny vahoaka”, sy ny hoe “aza miresaka be momba ny fivavahana, fa asehoy anay amin'ny alalan'ny fitondra-tena mendrika, fihantrana, sy ny asa soa aloha ny fivavahanareo.”
“muslims spilling the blood of muslims are sinners”, “our enemy is the criminal regime, not the people”, and “don't talk so much about religion. show us your religion through your decency, your compassion and your good deeds.”
cc by-2.0
cc by-2.0
fa hatraiza ny fahazakan'ny mpijery ny nofinofy, raha mihamatroka isan'andro ny tena zava-misin'ny fitondrana jadona?
but how much fantasy can viewers stomach, as the reality of dictatorial rule grows bleaker by the day?
te-hanana tobin'herinaratra isika.
we want a power plant.
“it’s sad that people have raise such an issue.
"it’s sad that people have raised such an issue.
pakistana: manao hetsika ireo mponina amin'ny aterineto hanampiana ireo tra-boin'ny tondra-drano
pakistan: netizens in action helping flood victims · global voices
efa maro ireo karazana loza tahaka izao izay miseho isan-kerinandro.
every week such incidents take place.
manana olom-pirenena modely isika.
we’ll have model citizens.
bilaogy an-dahatsary avy ao amin'ny wsis: ilay solosaina finday mitentina $100 an'i negroponte
video blog from wsis: negroponte's $100 laptop · global voices
inoana ho tamin'ny fotoanan'ny dinôzôro, 200 tapitrisa taona tany aloha tany no nisian'ny sokatra voalohany.
according to research, the cerebrum first developed about 200 million years ago.
raha nihaona tamin'i suharto i mandela tamin'ny volana novambra 1997, niangavy hiresaka tamin'ny mpitarika an'i timor, xanana gusmao izay nigadra noho ny fitarihany ny tolona ho amin'ny fahaleovantena nozanahan'i indonezia izy.
when mandela met suharto in november 1997, he insisted to have a talk with timorese leader xanana gusmao who was imprisoned for leading the independence struggle against indonesia.
nanao fiantsina fihetsiketsehana ao indonezia momba ny “hafatra entina manohitra ny silamo.” ny horonantsarin’ny geert wilders, fitna
geert wilders’s film, fitna, has provoked rallies in indonesia because of its "anti-islam message."
anisan'ny fiovana ihany koa ny maripàna: tao ocurague, nonina tao anatin'ny hazo kesika izy ireo, fa ankehitriny, miaritra maripàna mihoatra ny 40 degre izy ireo.
the temperatures are another change: in ocurague they lived among pine trees, but now they are suffering in temperatures of over 40 degrees celsius.
ora vitsivitsy talohan'ilay tafatafa, nisy vondron-dehilahy hafa nanao saron-tava, nitondra antsy maranitra ankoatr'ireo fitaovana vy hafa nentiny, tonga mba hanala ireo sakantsakana napetrak'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana.
a few hours before the interview, another group of masked men carrying cutters among other metal tools came to remove the blockades set up by protesters.
araka izany, rehefa tonga i álvaro uribe ary nanao kabary mitanila mankany amin'ny havanana, mivantambantana manoloana ireo kiana avy any ivelany, vetivety ny fiakaran'ny maripàna.
so when álvaro uribe came and made an aggressive, right-wing speech, people were more than ready to hand over power, despite what the rest of the world was saying.
angamba satria nilamina ilay izy dia tsy notaterin'izy ireo?
just because it was peaceful they didnt report it?
nieritreritra mitovy tamiko ny olon-drehetra.
all the people thought like me.
lahatsary fanadihadiana maro mampiseho ny fampijaliana ireo mpitrandraka vatomena ao mozambika
videos document torture of ruby miners in mozambique · global voices
samy misalasala ny amin'ny antony manosika ny ankamaroan'ny mpanohitra sy ny ankamaroan'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana, izay samy miseho eny an-dalambe mba hahazo vola nampanantenaina izy roa tonta.
both are very sceptical of the motivations of the opposition and - most of all - those of the protesters, most of which show up on the streets to earn promised money.
ny sasany niaraka tamin'ny fianakaviany, ny hafa kosa navelany ny fianakaviany sy izay tiany.
some of them came with their families. others had left families and loved ones behind.
hita miharihary, hatramin'ny nidirany tao amin'ny antoko pkr, fa lasa nifindran'ny aretin'ny 'fitoriana' i zaid, izay tsy nisy afa-tsy ilay "mpanararao-pahefana teo aloha" anwar "mat king leather" ibrahim ihany no tratran'izany.
obviously, since joining pkr, zaid how has been infected with the acute ‘suit syndrome’ that only former-abuse-of-power anwar “mat king leather” ibrahim suffer.
voarara ny fihazakazahana mampahalala vaovao avy amin'ny fampiasàna ireo vaovao tsy voamarina voalaza ao amin'ny vovonan'ny haino aman-jery sosialy.
the race to break news stories by using unverified facts distributed via social media platforms is forbidden.
tranonkala sosialy shinoa miaro ny filoha lefitra amerikana amin'ireo fanehoan-kevitra mikasika an'i shina
chinese social web defends us vice president biden · global voices
niteraka fitohanan'ny fifamoivoizana goavana tany an-toerana ireo hazo nianjera ireo.
the fallen trees caused heavy traffic congestion in that area.
'raha omeko fitiavana ve ianao dia hahatsiaro ahy'
'if i give you love will you remember me'
fa aty shina, zavatra hafa mihitsy.
but in china, it is different.
toniziana-amerikana mpianatra lalàna i wafa ben hassine, mifantoka indrindra amin'ny lalàna iraisam-pirenena sy ny lalànan'ny aterineto.
wafa ben hassine is a tunisian-american law student specializing in international law and internet law.
nankany amin'ny faritra mahantra iray ao dhaka i nina sultana ary niaina akaiky ny fahantran-dry zareo sy ny hasarotan'ny fiangaly fiainan-dry zareo.
nina sultana went to a slum in dhaka and experienced their poverty and difficult life styles up close.
filazam-potoana filazam-potoana ankehitriny filazam-potoana hoavy filazam-potoana lasa filazam-potoana tsy lasa
schedule start list downhill results final results
ireto ambany ireto ny sasany amin'ireo fanehoan-kevitra feno fankasitrahana avy amin'ireo mpamakin'ny magdalene:
below are some of the appreciative comments from magdalene's readers:
ny insee dia mampiasa ny kaodim-paositra 11118.
the following table shows code page 1118.
ny fandaozana avy hatrany ilay vondrona no setriny avy amin'ireo marika toy ny gucci sy michael kors, izay niantsoan'ito farany ny alibaba ho "ny mpifanandrina faran'izay mampididoza sy manimba indrindra".
brands like gucci and michael kors reacted by quitting the group almost immediately, with the latter calling alibaba "our most dangerous and damaging adversary".
mitantara ny niainany tao amin'ny renivohitra dhaka i kazi rafiqul islam:
kazi rafiqul islam tells his experience from the capital dhaka:
ny insee dia mampiasa ny kaodim-paositra 59501.
normally, only the pantograph on car 951-2 was used.
freekeyboard koa nilaza fa mahatonga azy hampitaha ny nofinofiny amin'ny zava-misy ny 8 martsa.
freekeyboard says march 8 makes him compares his dreams to reality.
manazava ny bilaogera senegaley naomed, izay manoratra ny blog politique au senegal, fa misy karazany roa ireo hetsipanoherana ao senegaly, "ireo izay tsy manakorontana ny filaminam-bahoaka ary eken'ny fiarahamonina, izay vitsy an'isa, ary ny maro an'isa, ireo izay mandrahona ny rindram-piarahamonina"
senegalese blogger naomed, who writes blog politique au senegal, explains that there are two kinds of protests in senegal, "those that don't disturb the public order and are legitimately authorized, the minority, and the majority, which threaten the social equilibrium" .
shuvo noboborsho (arabaina tratry ny taona).
shuvo noboborsho (happy new year).
omeo ny fanontaniana tianao indrindra na aelezo eo amin'ny manodidina e.
give them to your favorite q or spread them around.
amin'ny maha-mpikambana ao amin'ny antoko komonista azy dia tadidy amin'ny maha-"kamarady" azy izy, ary manome voninahitra ny asany ny bolongan'ny tanora komonist'i ekoatera satria nosihosena sy nambakaina ny faritra indizeny maro “tsy naka fanapahan-kevitra momba ny fiainany tahaka ny biby miasa” ireo
as a member of the communist party, mama tránsito is remembered as a 'comrade' and the blog of the communist youth of ecuador honors her life's work because the indigenous sectors were opressed and expoited and how they "did not make decisions over their own lives like work animals."
niandronan'ny fahatezeran'ny albaniana ihany koa ny vmro-dpmne nandritra ny fanentanam-pifidianana, rehefa manao tenim-pankahalana hamelezana albaniana "voaafina" matetika ry zareo — antony lehibe iray hafa mahatonga ny sasantsasany ao amin'ny fiaraha-monina tsy tia ny iarahan'ny antoko politika albani
vmro-dpmne also stoked albanian anger during the election campaign for using “coded” hate speech against albanians — another big reason why some in the community don't want albanian political parties to work with vmro-dpmne.
androany, narahana hetsika ireo fandrahonana, ary notifirina tamin'ny andro mazava i gilles cistac, teny amin'ny làlana eduardo mondlane.
today the threats have materialised and gilles cistac just been shot in broad daylight on the avenue eduardo mondlane.
nandritra ny fizarana f & v (fanontaniana sy valiny), nanondro i aleksandar fa nahazo fandrahonana mivantana isanandro vaky, nefa tsy natahotra izy ary hanohy hikaroka ny marina.
during the q & a part, aleksandar pointed out that he was receiving direct threats on a daily basis, but that he was not scared and would continue to seek justice.
kôlômbia: aiza no ahitana ny buñuelo tsara indrindra
colombia: where to find the best buñuelo · global voices
hitan'ity mpitandro filamianana ity fa tsy nahatsiaro tena ilay tovolahy ary niezaka izy hamerina ny ainy.
the policeman saw that the young man was unconscious and tried to resuscitate him.
nivadika korontana sy fandrobana teo amin'ireo tanora ao an-tanàn'i londres sy ao an-tanàna hafa ao royaume uni ny fahatezerana noho ny famonoana nataon'ny polisy taminà rangahy iray 29 taona tao tottenham, avaratr'i londres tamin'ny 4 aogositra 2011.
anger over the police killing of a 29-year old man in tottenham, north london on august 4, 2011 fueled by racial tension, has spiralled into rioting and looting by youth across london and other cities in the united kingdom.
tena natahotra.
very scared.
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