ny fifanandrinana dia nanomboka niaraka tamin'ny fandranitana tsy nampoizina nataon'i moon momba ny fanamarihana nentin'i chung mikasika ny tombontsoa azon'ireo mpiasany.
the crossfire started with moon's out-of-context provocation regarding a comment by chung on his workers' welfare.
“fivoarana ratsy, tena ratsy ho an'ny fahasalamana eran-tany ity.
“this is a bad, bad development for global health.
amin'ny tsy fisian'ny fanehoan-kevitra ofisialy matanjaka, nanokana ireto andalan-tsoratra ireto ho an'i umarali i zafari sufi, ny poeta tajik iray:
in the absence of any strong official reaction, zafari sufi, a tajik poet, dedicated these lines to baby umarali:
azo antoka fa efa rentsika niresaka izany izao tontolo izao na ny aterineto!
you definitely would have heard the world’s buzzing and the internet goes down too!
ny jeneraly pinochet no nanavotra antsika tsy ho tahaka an'i kiobà !
general pinochet saved us from becoming cuba!
raha mandalo vondrona voararàn'ny mpampanoa lalàna araka ny lalàna ny loharanom-bola, dia mety ho voampanga amin'ny fiarahamiasa amin'ny "fikambanana manelingelina" ny mpiasan'ny rosia misokatra - heloka izay azo saziana hatramin'ny enin-taona an-tranomaizina.
if any of the money passes through the legal entities blacklisted by the attorney general, open russia staff could be charged with cooperating with an “undesirable organization” — a crime punishable by up to six years in prison.
aa: tsy mila alalana amin'ny asa soratrao ianao ary raha ankaton'ny manampahefana ny tranonkalanao, dia azonao ampiasaina ny proxies mba hialàna amin'ireo sivana sy hanohizana ny asanao.
aa: you don’t need any permission for your writings and if your web site blocked by the authorities, you can use proxies to bypass the filters and continue your activities.
sary avy amin'i césar castillo tao amin'ny flickr, creative commons license (cc by-nc-nd 2.0)
photo by césar castillo on flickr, under a creative commons license (cc by-nc-nd 2.0)
samy nizara hevitra vitsivitsy momba ny fahalinana hafahafa nananan'i flynn momba ny "imam khomeini" ireo mpampiasa aterineto, na tao iràna, na tany etazonia.
internet users both in iran and the us have shared a few thoughts about flynn's curious interest in “the imam khomeini."
andiam-batom-pasan'ny trondro lazaina ho novonoin'ny olona, namono tena, sempotra, maty an-drano ary tratran'ny faharomotana.
a collection of fish gravestones list causes of death as homicide, suicide, suffocation, drowning and fits of rage.
ho an'ireo rehetra nanome firariantsoa ahy: tena mamaly haingana amim-pivatravatràna aho, isaky ny andalana, ary tiako ny hamaly ny rehetra ao anatin'ny fotoana fohy.
to everyone who has sent me messages of well-wishes, i'm writing furiously, line after line, and wish i could answer you all! in time.
"alanà bararatabe."
"bamboo forest."
ny ampitso maraina, tonga ny lehilahy tiorka iray ary nanontany ny toerana alehan'izy ireo - namaly izy ireo hoe istanbul.
the following day, a turkish man arrived and asked their destination — they said istanbul.
ny zavatra nahagaga dia namorona anarana labiera i isabel dos santos tany angolà andro vitsivitsy taorian'io, izay nahasarika ny sasany hieritreritra fa fomba iray entina handrebirebena ny sain'ny vahoaka fotsiny mba tsy hifantohan'izy ireo amin'ilay fandroahana azy tamin'ny asany.
a curious fact is that isabel dos santos launched a brand of beer days later in angola, which led some to think that it was a way of distracting attention from the dismissal.
anisan'ireo nosamborina ireo vehivavy miisa 47.
among those arrested were 47 women.
manomboka ny dia mankaty afrika raha niteny i stefan hoe:
let me enjoy popcorns because my ex is about to be deported to come back to the village she belongs.
kanefa, afaka miova faran'izay haingana ny zavatra rehetra toy ny noporofoin'ireo zava-nitranga tao burkina faso.
however, things can change quickly as the burkina faso events have shown.
omaly, notaterin'ireo masoivohom-baovao serba rehetra ny vaovaon'ny mpihinana zava-mahadomelina izay namono olona antitra roa tamin'ny antsy tao batajnica ary avy eo namono tena.
yesterday, all serbian news agencies reported the news of a drug addict who killed two old people with a knife in batajnica and later killed himself.
indrisy, maro dia maro ireo fivavahana sy fiangonana vaovao izay mamaritra ny tenany ho "kristianina", ka manoro hevitra anao aho hiditra google hijery ny anaran'izany fiangonana na fivavahana izany.
unfortunately, there are tons of cults and new religions that define themselves as "christian", so i advise you to google the name of that church or the religion.
mangataka amin'ireo governementa hafa ny minisitry ny raharaha ivelany ao myanmar mba tsy hiditra amin'ny fampiasàna ny teny hoe rohingya, satria raisina ho teny fanimbazimbàna izy io ho an'ireo olona marobe ao amin'ny fireneny.
myanmar’s foreign ministry is asking other governments to refrain from using the word rohingya since it is deemed offensive by many people inside the country.
eo am-pandinihana kosa ny fanendrena ilay mpanao politika kroaty vesna pusic, ny tale jeneralin'ny unesco irina bokova ao bolgaria, ny chanceliere teo aloha tao moldavia natalia gherman, ary ny praiminisitra teo aloha tao new zealand sady mpitantana ny fandaharan'asam-pandrosoan'ny firenena mikambana a
croatian politician vesna pusic, unesco director-general irina bokova of bulgaria, former moldovan chancellor natalia gherman, and former new zealand prime minister and current administrator of the un development programme helen clark are all being considered.
sary maromaro kokoa mahafinaritra ahitàna taokanto sohrai avy ao hazaribagh tonga hatreny amin'ny seranam-piaramanidina ranchi.
more beautiful sohrai art from hazaribagh coming to ranchi airport.
mamaritra ny tantaram-piainany tao amin'ny hopitaly rosiana i dorinem ao amin'ny, toeram-piseraseran'ny bilaogy malaza indrindra eo amin'ny firenena.
dorinem described her adventures in the russian hospital on, the most popular blogging platform in the country.
niala-tsiny izy noho ny fiampangana nataony tamin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana, ary nilaza izy fa ireo mpitandro ny filaminana ihany no namono sy nanaboridana azy.
he apologized for blaming the protesters, claiming security forces were the ones who beat him and stripped him of his clothes.
niitatra tao amin'ny facebook ihany koa ity ezaka ity.
the effort has also expanded to facebook.
tao anatin'ny fahanginana no natao ny fitsarana azy ary mbola tsy mahazo mijery ny antsipirahan'ny raharaha hiampangana azy ny mpisolovavan'i kuku.
her trial remains shrouded in secrecy as kuku’s lawyers are still being denied access to the details of her case.
niteraka adihevitra mafana teo amin'ireo mpiserasera amin'ny aterineto io fanapahan-kevitra io, ny sasany tsy nino ary ny sasany niteny fa resin-tory ny mpikirakira ny fandaharana .
the move has triggered hot discussion among netizens and some found it unbelievable or said that the channel operators had fallen asleep .
sarin'ny panarmenian / sedrak mkrtchyan
panarmenian photo / sedrak mkrtchyan
tao afrika no nipoiran'ny karazan'olom-belona homo sapiens.
the arrival of homo sapiens.
tia azy ny olona rehetra.
everyone loved him.
raha te-ho mpiandraikitra sekoly ianao, tsara raha mihomehy amin'ireo karazana fampihomehezana rehetra ataon'ny mpiandraikitra lehibe ao amin'ny sekolinao ianao :
if you want to be a school prefect, then you better laugh at all manner of jokes from your school principal:
national relevance
fa ny teny farany avy amin'ilay namako dia mampiseho hoe misy olona iray banga ao anatin'io tantara io, ary tsy ilay mpikatroka ara-politika na ilay idealista demaokraty.
but my friend's last words show there is someone missing in this story, and it's not the political activist or democratic idealist.
nampivondrona ny tanora mpikatroka sy ny mpikambana ao amin'ny strong cities network (scn), ny local prevention network (lpn) , anisan'izany ny solontenan'ny kaominina ny atrikasa.
the workshop brought together youth activists and members of the strong cities network (scn) local prevention network (lpn), including municipal representatives.
raha toa ka naorina anehoana zava-miseho ilay sary, dia mety ho toerana manandaza eto amin'izao tontolo izao.
if the houses were constructed to reflect the sketch , it could have been a world landmark.
tamin'ny fanadihadiana notontosaina tamin'ny febroary sy martsa tamin'ity taona ity, 90% tamin'ireo namaly no nankasitraka ny haha-mpikambana ao amin'ny vondrona eoropeana.
in a poll taken in february and march this year, 90% of respondents favored eu membership.
ny sasany nanatsiny ny alikaola ho antony mitondra ho amin'ny fanolanana.
others blamed alcohol for the cause of rape.
ary tsotra ny milaza fa na iza ianao na iza ........... ny lanonana ara-panatanjahantena no tokana hanadinoanao ny adin-tsainao eo am-pidirana ary raisinao indray rehefa vita ny lalao fanatanjahantena.
and it is only fair to say that no matter who you are ........... sport events are just about the only events where you leave your mental baggage at the entry of the game/events and pick it up on your way out.
farany, ity ny fantina kisendrasenra isan-kerinandro avy aty aminay tao amin'ny tontolon'ny bilaogy saodiana: dotsson nandefa tafatafa mahafinaritra niarahana tamin'i michael jackson, izay nifindra vao haingana ao amin'ilay antsoiny hoe "bahrain kely mpifanolo-bodirindrina amintsika!"
finally, here is our weekly selection of random, quick snippets from around the saudi blogosphere: dotsson posts an imaginary and funny interview with michael jackson, who recently moved to what he called "our tiny neighbor bahrain!"
"erdogan mpamono olona" no nokiakiahan'ny olona teo anoloan'ny hopitaly tao ankara taorian'ireo fipoahana baomba nahafatesana ampolony mahery
"murderer erdogan" people are shouting in front of hospital in after bombings killed dozens of people. — capulcu tonella (@diehimbeertonis) october 10, 2015
na dia eo aza ireo tsy fanarahan-dalàna sasany voalaza, nahavita nanatontosa fifidianana milamina tamin'ny ankapobeny i myanmar tamin'ny 8 novambra.
despite some reported irregularities, myanmar succeeded in holding a peaceful general election on november 8.
loharanontsary: collin anderson, nozaraina twitter
photo source: collin anderson, shared on twitter
nanambara ny fikatonan'ireo gazety mitohy ao iran i hanif, ary nilaza fa efa zatra mihaino an'ity karazana vaovao ity kanefa mbola gaga ihany raha nandre fa norarana i ham mihan.
hanif refers to the continuous close-down of journals in iran, and says we should be used to hearing this kind of news, but are still surprised to hear that ham mihan was banned.
tena zava-dehibe koka, mety hisy fiantraikany ratsy eo amin'ny hetsika mitaky ny fiarovana ny fahafahan'ny olom-pirenena sy ny famerenana amin'ny laoniny ny demaokrasia ao amin'ny firenena ny famoretana an-tserasera satria tsy mitsaha-mitombo hatrany ny fisamborana mifandraika amin'ny lese majeste.
more importantly, as lese majeste-related arrests continue to rise, the online crackdown may have adverse effects on the movement calling for the protection of civil liberties and restoration of democracy in the country.
ny insee dia mampiasa ny kaodim-paositra 27593.
microsoft has assigned code page 28593 a.k.a.
ankehitriny dia tafaverina soa eo amin'ny tontolon'ny zava-kanto malagasy izy ka hamoaka rakikira atsy ho atsy.
she is currently working on a third poetry collection and hopes to finish it soon.
fankalazana alahadin'ny sampandrofia ao ashrafieh, berota.
palm sunday celebration in ashrafieh, beirut.
taorian'izay nandritra ny filentehan'ny masoandro, nanomboka nihira ny hiran'ny grass mud horse ireo mpanohana tafavory teo izay tokotokony ho zato araka ny tatitra , mandra-pahatongan'ny fandravan'ny polisy azy ireo.
later in the evening, the crowd of reportedly a hundred supporters began singing the song of the grass mud horse, until police made them disperse.
tsy ampy herinandro akory dia tsy mahita varavaranam misokatra hahazoana ity boky mahazatra amin'ny mondialy ity intsony ny peroviana mpanangon-tsary.
not a week had passed, and the peruvian collector lost all opportunities to get this traditional booklet of the world cup.
ato amin'ity video farany ity, dia mamy noho ny mamy ity fodiana ity.
in this final video, the homecoming was sweeter than sweet.
alefan'ilay olona any amin'izay tiany hitsikilovana avy eo ilay dosie.
the person then sent the files to people they wanted to spy on.
angamba kosa ao morondrano-andrefana kokoa no izy.
more likely in west bank.
nilaza ny mpamily iray niresahako fa hoe ora vitsy aorian'ny andaozany ny asany izy no manao azy io isanandro, mba te-hanan-javatra hafa atao fotsiny.
one driver i spoke to does it for a few hours after he gets off of work, just to have something to do.
nahatsikaritra an'i abarca sy ny vadiny, maría de los ángeles pineda ho anisan'ireo nanome baiko ny herisetra nihatra tamin'ireo mpianatra ny manampahefana ka nosamborina izy ireo tamin'ny 4 novambra.
authorities have identified abarca and his wife, maría de los ángeles pineda, as the ones who ordered the violence against the students, and were captured november 4.
marary miisa 7.548 no nahazo fitsaboana "physiothérapie", 335.381 nahazo torolàlana momba ny fiatrehana ny fahasembanana.
7,548 patients received physiotherapy treatment, 335,381 people received health information on prevention of disability.
io no tsoakevitr'i denis oleinikov, mpandraharaha okrainaina monina any kroasia miaraka amin'ny vadiny sy ny zanany roa, tao anatin'ny lahatsoratra iray tao amin'ny facebook nampitahany ny fihetsika manoloana ny fanatanjahantena any okraina sy any kroasia.
this is one of the conclusions that denis oleinikov, a ukrainian businessman who lives in croatia with his wife and two children, has recently shared in a facebook post comparing the attitudes towards sports in ukraine and in croatia.
@thanongk: 7.
@thanongk: 7.
mety ahitana votoaty amin'ny teny rosiana avy any amin'ny firaisana sovietika teo aloha sy manerana izao tontolo izao ihany koa ny votoaty ambiny.
secondary content may also include russian-language content from the former soviet union and around the world.
efa nanomboka fikarakarana mba hijerena sy hanoherana ny firodanan'ny demokrasia ao hongria, firenena mpikambana ao aminy, ny vondrona eoropeana.
the european union has initiated legal action to investigate and tackle the erosion from democracy within its member state hungary.
'ankizy maro no very amin'ny toerana kely toy izany': misaona ny lozam-piara fitateram-bahoaka i st. vincent
'so many kids lost in such a small place': st. vincent mourns bus disaster · global voices
hita foana amin'ireo fiaraha-monin'olombelona ny herisetra, nefa amin'ny tranga sasany dia lasa singa mavesa-danja izany, manapaka ny raisintsika ho fivoarana ara-dalànan'ny fiainantsika.
violence has a constant presence in human societies, but in some cases it becomes a preponderant element, interrupting that which we consider the normal development of our lives.
nampandoa onitra 3000 robla (tokotokony ho 40 dolara amerikana) tsirairay avy an-dry zalahy ny mpitsara fa tsy nanaiky ny hamoaka didy hanagadra 15 andro azy ireo izay heloka faratampony amin'ny fampielezana fitaovana extremista amin'ny fehezandalàna rosiana 20.29.
the judge fined them both 3,000 rubles (about $40), and declined to sentence them to 15 days in jail, which is the maximum penalty for the production and dissemination of extremist materials under russian administrative code 20.29.
araka izany, mazava ny resaka: zavatra tena tian'i cambaza ny mihinana.
so, it is clear: what cambaza really likes is being paid for his silence.
tsy maintsy miverimberina ireo tovovavy tsy mahazaka siny mavesatra.
young girls who are unable to carry heavy lifts often have to make more than one trip.
ny media vaovao vs media tranainy
new media vs old media
olona maherin'ny 70 manerana ny firenena no voasambotra noho ilay famoriam-bahoaka.
the rally saw more than 70 persons arrested throughout the country.
... ny fanavaozana ny lasitra ara-toekarena dia mila asam-pianakaviana sy fikarakarana henjana mba hanoloana ny asa izay tsy andraisam-bola miaraka amin'ireo saram-pandaniana izay tany aloha dia alain'ny fanjakana ny ankamaroany, ary mba hamokarana vokatra sy tolotra, mbola tsy afaka novidiana teny an-
... the updating of the cuban economic model requires an intensity of household work and care to substitute work which is not paid for with the expenses that before were mostly taken on by the state, and to produce goods and services that cannot already be bought in the market.
na dia izany aza dia mizara roa ny tontolon'ny bilaogy tajik: ao ireo mankasitraka ny fampiharana io fandraràna io, ary ao kosa ireo mahita fa tsy miteny izany.
the tajik blogosphere, however, is split between those that approve of the de facto ban and those that find it absurd.
azo saziana handoa onitra hatramin'ny 700.000 robla izy ireo raha tsy manaraka ny didy.
they could be fined up to 700,000 rubles if they do not comply.
ankoatra ny rotaka tao baltimore any etazonia, dia tranga iray hafa nahatonga tenim-panavakavahana an-tserasera ny nisamborana ka dia ny fanehoan-kevitra amin'ny aterineto manoloana ny fisamborana andian-jiolahy “vahiny” antsoina hoe “mpiadin'ny fahafahana” tamin'ny volana aprily.
apart from the baltimore riots in the us, another recent case that stirred racist remarks online was the reaction towards the arrest of a “foreign” triad gang called “freedom fighters” in april.
tsy afaka manao na inona na inona ianareo nefa nijery izany tamin'ny fotoana nitrangany ary nampiseho fa miraharaha ianareo.
you guys can do nothing but watching the event when it happened and you all show that you care.
sa fanodinkodinana ny hevi-bahoaka?
or machinery of the mainstream?
metimety aminareo ve izany ry venezoelà ny manapaka fifandraisana ara-barotra amin'i panama raha mila mandoa vola iray miliara dolara aminy ianareo
how convenient it is for you, venezuela, to cut commercial ties with panama when you owe them 1 billion dollars
oh, tsy mieritreritra ny momba izany aho.
oh, i don’t think about it.
99 nolazaina fa may ireo baobab (jereo ny sary manaraka)
99 baobabs are reported burnt down (see next photo)
tamin'ny 11 jolay, nanambara ny famindrany fahefana tany amin'i theresa may i cameron, izay nifaninana irery tamin'ny fitondrana ny antoko mpandala ny mahazatra.
on july 11, cameron announced his handover to theresa may, who won the conservative party's internal leadership race.
manoloana ireo orinasam-pitrandrahana,solika, fanaovam-panafody, fanapoizinam-pambolena, angovo avy amin'ny rivotra ary ny fizahantany—avy amin'ny tetikasam-pampandrosoan'ny fikambanam-pamatsiambola iraisampirenena, ireo mpifehy ny fampitam-baovao hoan'ny daholobe ary ireo tafika ofisialy sy tsy ofisia
in the face of mining, oil, pharmaceutical, agritoxic, wind power, and tourism companies—of international financial organizations' development projects, of the mass media's control and the official and unofficial armies that seek to impose their death logic on us—we, the communicators who live and resist here in mesoamerica, celebr
hery bontana nampiasaina tamin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana milamina nodarohana tsy misy antra, anisan'izany ireo moanina.
brutal force used on peaceful protesters savagely beaten monks included. — sochua mu (@musochua) january 4, 2014
tamin'ny 3-4 aprily no natao tao kabul io atrikasa io niaraka tamin'i nasim fekrat sy masoumeh ebrahim , mpitoraka blaogy mavitrika avy any afghanistan.
the workshop was held in kabul on april 3-4, in association with nasim fekrat and masoumeh ebrahimi , two active afghan bloggers.
dingana iray goavana hanatràrana ny tsy refesi-mandidy tanteraka!
an important step to reach complete authoritarianism!
izany dia atao ho fandraràna ny fanarabiana ara-politika ato amin'ny fanjakana sady manome ireo manam-pahefana fanampina araka ny lalàna mba hampanginana ny lahateny manakiana.
this will amount to a ban on political satire in the kingdom, and provide authorities with an additional legal mechanism for silencing critical speech.
raha nisintaka ny faritany serba iray tamin’ny febroary, i osetia atsino andalan’ny fanamafisana ny fangatahany ny fankatoavan’izao tontolo izao.
when the serbian province seceded from belgrade in february, south ossetia was quick to reassert its own claim to international recognition.
ary ny fanohanana avy amin'izy ireo, hoy izy, indrindra ilay toji vavy hafa no fanalahidy.
and support from them, she says, especially the other female toji has been key.
hanomboka amin'ny vaovao tsara ve izahay?
shall we start with the good news? · global voices
fanampin'izany, tsy dia mivotra mivaingana loatra ny hoe fa maninona ny fisintahan'ny iray amin'ireo ao anatin'ny fifanekena, sy ny ho vokatry ny fanaovana fifidianana alohan'ny fotoana no tsy ho ohatra iray amin'ny valeurs itovizan'ny ukraine sy ny ie.
furthermore it is puzzling why the withdrawal of one section from the ruling coalition, and the consequent potential for a pre-term election is not an example of shared values between the eu and ukraine.
amin'izao fotoana izao, nilamina ny ihany ny tany 46 andro aty aorian'ilay hovitra tsy niato.
now, finally after 46 days of constant threat of tremors, it seems the ground is settling down.
mitohy hatrany ny famarinana ireo rano maloto ao amin'ny hoala izay tsy misy fikarakarana mihitsy.
the sewage is still thrown in the bay with virtually no treatment.
ireo antontan'isa ireo dia ahitana halatra miharo herisetra 96, halatra fiara 27, vaky trano 20, fandrobàna orinasa 44 ary fandrobàna 40 isan'andro.
these statistics translate to an astounding 96 violent robberies, 27 vehicle thefts, 20 burglaries, 44 business robberies and 40 robberies per day.
fitaovana tamin'ny fampivoarana ilay antsointsika hoe asa fanaovan-gazetin'olom-pirenena ny oniversite teknika ao loja.
the technical university of loja has been instrumental in developing what we've come to call citizen journalism.
mahita ny filàna lalandava ny famoronana sy ny tokony hahaizana manao ny zavatra rehetra izahay.
we realize the constant need of innovativeness and versatility.
tanatin'ny 30 taona farany, dia nanoratra tao amin'ny gazety the washington , the new yorker, ary the new york review of books izy, nitatitra avokoa ireo, manomboka amin'i fidel castro, ka hatramin'i carlos salinas, ary koa ireo mpitarika ny mpitolona mitam-piadiana ao colombia (farc).
over the last thirty years, she has written for the washington post, the new yorker, and the new york review of books, covering everyone from fidel castro, to carlos salinas, to leaders of the revolutionary armed forces of colombia (farc).
izany no mahazatra isaky ny maraina ho an'ny ankamaroan'ny mpianatra.
that’s the typical morning routine for most students.
noharatsian'ny mpampanoa lalàna ao etiopia hatrizay ny fampiasana ny teknolojia, noho ny filazana tao amin'ny fitsarana fa mariky ny fanohanana mpampihorohoro ny fampiasana ny fanafenan-tsoratra sy ny fahaizana momba ny fitaovam-piarovana ny fiainana manokana....amin'ny fanamelohana ireo hetsika isan'a
ethiopia's prosecutors have long demonized legitimate uses of technology, claiming in court that the use of encryption, and knowledge of privacy-protecting tools is a sign of support for criminalizing everyday actions it ensures that anyone who speaks online, or supports online free expression, might one day be tar
mahazo laka any le caire amin'izao fotoana izao ny tahotra sy ny tebiteby noho ny fahasahian'ireo mpiady, etsy andanin'izany, atahoran'ireo mpikatroka mafàna fo ny hametrahan'ny fanjakana fepetra ho an'ny tany misahotaka sy fameperana misimisy kokoa ny fahalalahana noho ilay fanafihana.
fear and anticipation are now taking over the scene in cairo as the attack showed how deep the reach of militants is, while activists fear the attack will inspire a severe crackdown from the government that is expected to impose emergency measures and further restrictions on freedoms.
ao amin'ny lahatsoratra, mamaritra ny fanamelohana feno ny fanalan-jaza ao el salvador i hitt, izay ahitana fanenjehana sy fanagadrana vehivavy manala zaza, ary tsy misy fanavahana ny mikasika ny fanolanana, firaisana amin'olom-pady na fahasalaman'ny reny.
in the article, hitt describes el salvador's complete criminalization of abortion which includes the prosecution and imprisonment of women who have abortions, and there are no exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother.
mankasitraka indrindra an'i lina sergie attar sy i sima diab amin'ny fanampian'izy ireo.
many thanks to lina sergie attar and sima diab for their help.
amin'ireo tetik'asa asongadina, universal subtitles, tetik'asa rindram-baiko sy vondrom-piaraha-monina maneran-tany hanisy teny fanazavàna, sary ary dika teny ireo horonantsary rehetra amin'ny aterineto.
among the featured projects, universal subtitles, a software project and global community to subtitle, caption and translate every video on the web.
taranaky ny al qaeda ny isis izay nilaza fa tompon'andraikitra tamin'ny fanafihana, ary nibodo tany midadasika ao syria sy irak, ka miteraka horohoro sy fandravana.
the isis, which claimed responsibility for the attacks, is an al qaeda off-shoot, which has occupied swathes of land in syria and iraq, leaving a trail of horror and destruction.
sa fialonana ny vehivavy dia nanapa-kevitra ianareo hitaky fitovian-jo eo amin'ny lahy sy ny vavy nony injay hoe famoràna no resahana?
or did you get jealous of women so you decided to plead for equality between men and women when it comes to circumcision?
torohevitr'i sugarbelly ho an'ilay filoha voafidy ny hoe ny lalàm-panorenana no hany lalàna tokony hitantana ny firenena :
sugarbelly advised the president-elect that the only law that should govern the country should be the constitution: