mampitandrina izy momba ny vokatra tsy ampoizina avy amin'ireo fanafody sy akora nafarana avy any shina sy india mba hanentsenana ny banga, ampiany hoe tsy ny vokatra tsy ampoizina ihany sy ny tsy fahampiana manjo ny fahafaha-mahazo fanafody, fa koa ny fisondrotam-bidy tampoka teo ho 30% hatramin'ny 40
s/he warns against the side effects of medicines or raw materials imported from china and india to fill the gap, adding that it is not only side effects and the shortage affecting access to medication, but also the sudden 30% to 40% rise in the price are the contributing factors to this crisis.
mandinika mikasika ny seha-pifaneraserana fortean times izay manao hetsika mikasika ny lahatsoratra, milaza toy izao i cultjunky (tsy misy rohy afaka omena ) :
musing on the fortean times forum reacting to the article, cultjunky (no link available) posts:
antonio valdovinos, "mpanonofy" izay nanomboka ny la machine field operations, manandrana manentana ny olona hifidy.
antonio valdovinos, a "dreamer" who started la machine field operations, tries to get out the vote.
tao amin'ny twiter, menatra ilay mpisera iray:
on twitter, one user was ashamed:
nanamafy i korea avaratra tamin'ny talata fa nahavita ny fanandramana nokleary fahatelo, izay nahazoany fanamelohana avy amin'ny fiarahamonina iraisampirenena sy nampihenjana kokoa ny tadim-pifanolanana efa misy ao azia atsinanana.
north korea confirmed on february 12 that it had conducted its third nuclear test, drawing condemnation from the international community and escalating the already heightened tension in east asia.
tamin'ny alarobia 10 desambra, nivadika ho lalàna ilay didim-panjakàna momba ny tsiambaratelo niteraka resabe ao japana.
japan’s controversial state secrecy act became law on wednesday, december 10.
tsorina fa nihoatra noho ny tamin'ny folo taona lasa ny fangaraharana, saingy mbola tsy ampy, rehefa miatrika valan'aretina, ilaina ny mampitony fangorohoroan'ny olona ankoatra ny famahana ny olana naterak'ilay valan'aretina.
to be frank, information transparency has surpassed that of ten years ago, but it is still not enough, in the face of a major epidemic, you need to calm a jittery public apart from solving the epidemic itself.
izao no valintenin'ny bahraini suadak ho an'ny fanontaniako momba ny fanakatonana ny birao tsy nisy akory an'ilay fantsona: tsy nijery ilay fandaharana aho fa ohatra ny hoe niresadresaka tamin'ireo manampahaizana avy eny amin'ny anjerimanontolo izay mikarama latsaky ny bd200 ( 530 dolara) isam-bolana r
in response to my question on why the channel's non-existent office was shut, bahraini suadak responds: i didn't watch the programme but it seems that they had interviewed university graduates whose monthly salaries are lower than bd200 ($530) and took footage of a few derelict homes
mifanohitra amin'izany, te-hahita azy tahaka an'i fanjakana mitambatra aho na maoritania izay misy governemanta demaokratika sy sivily tsy misy fitsabahan'ny miaramila sy ny islamista.
on the contrary, i wish to see it like britain or even mauritania where there is a democratic and civil government without any intervention of the military and the islamists.
any etazonia, misy lalàna maro manohitra ny maha-metisy any amin'ireo firenena maro, mandràra ny fanambadiana eo amina amerikana fotsy hoditra sy amerikana mainty hoditra (ary amerikana avy amina fihodirana hafa).
in the united states, anti-miscegenation laws in many states banned the marriage of white americans to black americans (and americans of some other ethnicities) in a number of states.
manoratra i mazzaroth darkman :
mazzaroth darkman wrote:
harvard university press. ↑ greenberg, irving (1993).
harvard university press. p. 186. isbn 0-674-01517-7. ↑ greenberg, irving (1993).
bacheyeh khat indray nanoratra momba ny toera-pivavahana rahpouyan vesal.
bacheyeh khat writes about the rahpouyan vesal religious center.
tsy voavonjy kosa ny mpiara-mpihanika tendrombohitra aminy, tomek mackiewicz, noho ny toetr'andro ratsy, ary voalaza fa namoy ny ainy.
her climbing partner, tomek mackiewicz, however, was not rescued due to poor weather conditions, and has now been declared deceased.
azafady, tohano aho.
please step up with me.
ny laharam-pehintaniny dia 7° 44'27s ary ny laharan-jarahasiny dia 7° 44'27w.
the journal of accountancy 44.4 (1927): 267-279.
gv: inona indray ary ny fikasana ataonareo amin'ny ampitso ho an'ny tontolom-bolongana nikaragoana?
gv: what are the future plans for the nicaraguan blogosphere?
i antiokia dia tanàna manan-tantara miorina eo amoron'ny renirano oronta akaikin'ny tanànan'i antakya ao torkia.
antioch was an ancient city located just outside the modern day city of antakya, turkey.
ejipta: basboussa ho filoha!
egypt: basboussa for president! · global voices
ny zava-misy, ny taona 2013 no heverina fa fotoan-tsarotra indrindra hitadiavan'asa ho an'i shina maoderina.
in fact, 2013 is believed to be the most difficult job hunting season modern china has ever faced.
antenaina fa ho tafavoaka tsara kokoa tsy tahaka an'i zoran djindjić efa maty ny filoha serba boris tadić.
hopefuly serbian president boris tadić will fare better than the late zoran djindjić.
tsy noeritreretiko mihintsy ny loza mety hitranga vokatr'izany."
i could have never imagined the terrible consequences."
ilay fanondrahana amin'ny ranomandry indray no tsy ankasitrahan'ny mpanohana ny hetsika.
negative replies were put on ice by supporters of the event.
koa nahoana ianao no ? , namoaka fotsiny ny tankinay avy ao budapest izahay, vao avy navoaka tao amin'ny tobin'ny fonja ny atsasaky ny firenena - ary mangataka moskoa mitsiky ianao.
so why are you ? , we had just rolled our tanks out of budapest, half the country had just been released from prison camps - and you're asking for the smiling moscow.
dimy andro taty aoriana anefa, nampian'ireo mpampanoa lalàna vesatra fanaovana hosoka ny fanamelohana azy, izay nahatonga ny mpitsara hamindra ny fitazonana vonjimaika an'i belov any amin'ny fonjan'ny firenena mialoha ny fitsaràna azy.
five days later, however, prosecutors added fraud charges that prompted a judge to relocate belov’s pretrial detention to a state prison.
inona no tena sàkana lehibe ho an'ny fahombiazanao?
what are the biggest obstacles to your success?
ezaka iray iarahanay rehetra mba hifandraisana tsy tapaka sy hahafantarana bebe kokoa ny mpifanolo-bodirindrina aminay ity bilaogy ity...hiaraka manentsina ny banga izahay rehetra ary ho amboarinay ny sakana rehetra izay mampifanalavitra anay.
this blog is a collective effort of all of us to stay connected and to understand our neighbour better...together we will bridge all the gaps and mend all the fences that keep us away from each other.
ankoatra izany, na dia efa notafihan'ny vietnamiana mpanao fihetsiketsehana aza ny orinasa shinoa, dia mbola mandefa ny baiko ihany ny manampahefana momba ny propagandy tsy hitateran'ny fampitam-baovao ao an-toerana ny momba azy ireny.
moreover, even after chinese enterprises in vietnam were attacked by vietnamese protesters, propaganda authorities continued sending instructions to local media forbidding them to report on the news.
tsy ela dia nanao fihetsiketseha-panoherana teo anoloan'ny komisarià ny andian'olona maro, mandra-pamotsorana an'i grant enina ora taty aoriana; nafana ny adihevitra tao amin'ny "vondrona facebook lehibe indrindra an'i st. kitts sy nevis":
soon, large crowds began to protest in front of the station until grant was released six hours later; discussion was heated on the "largest st. kitts and nevis facebook group":
; tapaky ny orana ny fifandraisana amin'ireo mponina 4.000 ao amin'ny distrikan'i yanatile
heavy rains leave 4,000 residents of the district of yanatile without communication.
hoy i chhay sophal, ao amin'ny lahatsorany " ប្រយ័ត្ន ទិវា វ៉ាឡិនថាញដេ ក្លាយ ជា ទិវា ស្នេហ៍កម្មជា ទិវា នៃ ក្តី ស្រឡាញ់" [ mitandrema amin'ny andron'ny mpifankatia sao lasa sasakalina mampalahelo), nanantitra ny fanovàna tsy am-piheverana nataon'ireo tanora ny famaritana ny andron'ny mpifankatia:
chhay sophal, in his article on " ប្រយ័ត្ន ទិវា វ៉ាឡិនថាញដេ ក្លាយ ជា ទិវា ស្នេហ៍កម្មជា ទិវា នៃ ក្តី ស្រឡាញ់" , emphasized that the youth have confusingly transformed the meaning of valentine's day:
raha tsy nijery vaovao aho tsy nahita akory ny zava-misy.
if i wasn't watching the news - i wouldn't know what was going on.
fitaratra amin'ny antony maro eo amin'ny angeso ny sangan'asany.
his work is an exemplar of the style, for several reasons.
afrikana no lalao voalohany nihanaka be indrindra: ny fomba nielezan'ny lalao nentin-drazana hanenika ny tontolo
how a traditional african game spread throughout the world · global voices
amin'ny teny anglisy ny ambin-dahatsoratr'i silveroo ka aza misalasala mamaky izany ato.
the rest of silveroo's post is in english so feel free to read it here.
rehefa misy ny fahadisoana dia mandefa fanamarihana any amin'ny mpampiditra ity mpanaraka.
getting it wrong meant their opponent received a point.
manampia olona hatrany.
always help the people.
avy amin'ny fomba fanao silamo indray ny mandingana im-pito ny afo.
jumping over the bonfire seven times comes from islamic tradition.
aoka hotsaroantsika ety am-pamaranana, taorian'ireny fahitàna samihafa ireny, fa mbola midadasika be ny asa fanorenana ny fandriampahalemana ao mali.
after these assessments, it's important to remember that peacebuilding, justice, and security for mali is still a major undertaking.
fanazàrana ny fahatsiarovana iombonana ho an'ny fahamendrehan'ireo vehivavy 56 izay voahidy ary voadoro tao anatin'ilay trano fialofana tantanin'ny fanjakàna ao goatemalà tamin'ny 8 martsa tamin'ity taona ity .
it's an exercise in collective memory for the dignity of the 56 girls who were locked up and burned in a state-run home in guatemala on march 8 this year .
ozinina manakatom-baravarana sy fahaverezan'asa amin'ireo orinasa: “mandroaka mpiasa ireo orinasa ary hitantsika mitombo be ny isan'ireo tsy an'asa”
factories closing and factory jobs lost: “factories are laying off workers and we are seeing an explosion in the numbers of unemployed,”
afovoany: herim-panjakana.
center: state forces.
m’a ssalama (fandriampahalemana ary veloma) dr. biros
m’a ssalama (peace and goodbye) dr. biros
monina ao meksika izy, saingy any etazonia ny sekoliny - ny sekoly lydia patterson, sekoly metodista tsy miankina iray ao el paso.
she lives in mexico, but her school is in the us — the lydia patterson institute, a private methodist school in el paso.
misy ihany na izany aza ny voarara ao amin'ny fangatahaka zom-pirenena, araka ny hita ao amin'ny tranonkala ofisialy sy nambaran'ny filohan'i liberland tenany fa tsy liana amin'ireo mihevi-tena ho neo-nazi, komonista, na extremista ry zareo.
there are restrictions to citizenship, however, as the official website and the president of liberland himself state that they are not interested in those who identify as neo-nazi, communist, or extremist.
navoaka rehefa nahazoana alàlana tamin'ny mpikarakara.
republished with permission of the organizers.
tamin'iny herinandro lasa iny, afaka nahazo vato sy fanohanana ilaina ny governemanta na dia teo aza ny fanoherana nataon'ny antoko ankavia.
this past week the government was able to garner the necessary votes and support in spite of the left party's opposition.
toa mampahery anefa indraindray, rehefa mandefa hafatra any amin'ny iray amin'ireo namako akaiky any andafin-tsisintany aho, ka milaza fa manana ahiahy momba ny firediredena mandrava mahazatra ny fitondram-panjakana aho, dia namaly izy hoe: "tsy mampaninona izay ataon-dry zareo any, fantatrao fa hitia
it is comforting somehow, that when i messaged one of my closest friends across the border, expressing concern over the destructive megalomaniac tendencies of our governments, he responded and said, "it doesn’t matter what they do, you know i will always love you.
tsy misy marina ny azy ireo.
neither of them is right.
nandray andraikitra ho fiarovana ireo dreamers sy ny hetsik'ireo mpifindra-monina amin'ny ankapobeny i barack obama, saingy etsy andaniny anefa dia mpitarika rafitra iray izay nandrindra ireny fandroahana goavana ireny izy.
president barack obama has sided with the dreamer movement and with the immigrant movement in general, but he’s the chief of this administration that has conducted these massive deportations.
araka ny fanazavan'izy ireo:
as they explain:
gullible new parent, monina ao darwin, niresaka lohahevitra momba ny fiarovana tao amin’ny bilaoginy ny taona 2010:
gullible new parent, who lives in darwin, addressed the safety issue on her blog in 2010:
faharoa, tena sary tsara tarehy izy ireo.
secondly, it's an absolutely beautiful image.
amin'ny anaran'ny tenako manokana sy ny antenimieram-pirenena, manolotra fialantsiny amin'ny firenena aho noho ny fomba nataonay niatrehana ny raharaha nkandla
on behalf of myself and the national assembly, i would like to apologies to nation for the approach we took in dealing with nkandla matter. — balekambete (@baleke_mbete) april 1, 2016
mety hoe tsy ny governemanta irery ihany ve no mpanao kolikoly, fa izy no hany tena itsingolongolohana?
can it be that the government is not the only corrupt entity, merely the one that is most scrutinized?
nanatontosa vavaka fiaretan-tory hoan'i dieu ihany koa ny sasany tamin'ireo fikambanana katolika.
a number of catholic congregations have also held prayer vigils for dieu.
raha manamontsana an'i @magufulijp i @elowassa amin'io fifidianana ho avy any tanzania io, dia mivantana tsotra izao any amin'i @jmkikwete ny fanomezan-tsiny, lova navelan'ny fitokana-monina, saritaka,
if @elowassa trounce @magufulijp in tanzania's oncoming elections,the blame will squarely be on @jmkikwete,a legacy of isolation,confusion, — blamuel ndiema (@blamuel_ndiema) august 14, 2015
sary avy amin'ny bolongan'i mghla
a signboard advertising engine oil became wrinkled at the corners.
avy aty amin'ny misy ahy aty kizilay, mahita setroka mitambolina mankany an-danitra aho
from where i'm at in kızılay, i can see a tower of smoke billowing into the sky — daniel metz (@danielsmetz) february 17, 2016
efa namaky ny hafatra nalefan'i safa joudeh isika (izay mbola azonareo halalinina bebe kokoa eto) tao amin'ny blaogy itambaram-be lamentations-gaza; maro amin'ireo diariny no nivoaka koa tao amin'ny syria comment:
we have been reading the posts of safa joudeh (whom you can learn more about here) at the group blog lamentations-gaza; some of her diary entries have also been posted on syria comment:
ho an'ireo izay tsy afaka mamaky ny bilaogy shinoa dia mitatitra ny tantara rehetra i danwei .
for those of you who can't read chinese blogs, danwei is all over the story.
ho valiny dia niaro ny politika ara-toekarenan'ny governemantany ny filoha iraniana, ka milaza fa manao "ady psikolojika" amin'i iran ny fahavalom-pirenena.
in turn, the iranian president defended his government's economic policies, claiming the country's enemies were waging "psychological warfare" against iran.
mety ho teboka iray hafa mitondra amin'ny fiovàna mahery vaika io.
this may be another tipping point.
ao anaty lahatsoratra bilaogy mikasika ny the cafè amb llet affair, niteny mikasika ny lahatsoratry ny global voices ny the washington post.
in a blog post about the cafè amb llet affair, the washington post cited global voices articles.
nandritra ny tapany faharoa tamin'ny taonjato faha-20, ny fahazoan-kevitra ankapobeny amin'ny sarimiaina tany eoropa afovoany sy atsinanana dia hoe fialamboly ho an'ny ankizy izy ireny, ary ny ankamaroan'ny vokatra dia nokendrena ho an'io sokajin-taona io.
during the second half of 20th century, the mainstream perception of animated cartoons in central and eastern europe was that they were entertainment for children, and most of the production was indeed aimed at this audience.
teti-dratsin'ny tontolon'ny bilaogy anglo-venezoeliana
anglo-venezuelan blogosphere conspiracy · global voices
hanombohana azy, namoaka lahatsoratra lava momba ny fitsidihan'i bush avy amin'ny fomba fijery samihafa i senopati wirang ao amin'ny intelijen indonesia (fahaizana indoneziana), indrindra indrindra avy amin'ny fomba fijerin'ny sampam-pitsikilovana sy ny fanambarana manjavozavo avy amin'ny mpitandro fil
for starter, senopati wirang at intelijen indonesia (indonesian intelligence) makes a lengthy posting on bush's visit from different angles, particularly from intelligence perspective and intransparency of security officials statement, especially on the justifications behind the excessive use of security guards which he thinks too
tsy ho tahaka ny tamin'ny fifidianana venezoelana farany fa hiara-miasa ry zareo tsy handaniana hery be loatra.
unlike in the last venezuelan election, they are collaborating to avoid duplicating efforts.
nandefa fitakiana 71 tany amin'ny facebook ny governemantan'i hong kong, fari-pitantanana manokana ao shina mba hiditra amin'ny vaovaon'ny mpiserasera nanomboka ny janoary hatramin'ny jona 2015, raha oharina amin'ny fangatahana 39 monja nanomboka ny volana jolay hatramin'ny desambra 2014, araka ny tati
the government of hong kong, a special administrative region of china, made 71 requests to facebook for access to user information from january to june 2015, compared to just 39 requests from july to december 2014, according to the company’s biannual report released last week on november 12.
na izany aza, ny adihevitra momba ny lova navelan'i meles zenawi dia nitohy, miainga amin'ny fiderana ny fahaiza-manaon'i meles 'manatanteraka ny asa ' ka hatramin'ny fahalàlan'ny rehetra fa tsy demokraty meles :
however, the debate on meles zenawi’s legacy continued ranging from both admiration for meles ability to ‘get the job done’ to the widespread awareness that meles was not a democrat:
raikitra indray ny sakoroka eo akaikin'ny douma.
sh*t's f*cked up again near the duma.
ito ambany ito ny endriky ny dika natao printy tamin'ny "mascots: the cutest social police" an'i christina xu, navoaka voalohany tao amin'ny bilaogy 88 bar ary naverna navoaka etoana noho ny fifanarahana mifampizara votoaty.
below is an edited version of "mascots: the cutest social police" by christina xu, originally published on the blog 88 bar and republished here as part of a content-sharing agreement.
azo hinoana fa ity no iray amin'ireo tetikasam-pananganana trano lehibe vaovao manerana ny kaontinanta afrikana.
it is believed to be one of the largest new building projects on the entire african continent.
@twit_rima: niharan'ny herisetra tao ny zanako lahy noho ny fanohanany ireo gadra.
@twit_rima: my son has been harassed within for supporting prisoners.
tamin'ny jolay 2008, notendren'i berlitz ejipta mba hampianatra amin'ny tetikasa antsoina hoe "edu egypt", izay manohana ny fanabeazana an'i ejipta aho.
back in july 2008, i was assigned by berlitz egypt to teach in a project called "edu egypt" which stands for educating egypt.
“noho ny fandroahana faobe, ho voadona ny ankohonanay.
“because of the mass dismissal, our families will be affected.
nolazaiko fa manomboka izao, tokony haneho hevitra amin'ny anaran'i timur aliev izy.
i said that from now on he should be providing comments on behalf of timur aliev.
impiry miova hevitra eo amin'ny fiainana?
how often do we change our views in a lifetime?
nahatonga fahatezerana lehibe teo amin'ireo olom-pirenena ireo fihetsiky ny filoha, izay nanome tsy fizakankeloka ara-dalàna ho an'i nikola gruevski, praiminisitra teo aloha,, ankoatr'ireo olona hafa sasany.
the president's actions, which provide legal impunity to former prime minister nikola gruevski, among others, sparked outrage among citizens.
niseho ny fanafihana sy ny fifandonana teo amin'ireo mpanohana ny ekipa roa mpifaninana.
attacks and clashes occurred between the supporters of the two running teams.
rosiana mpanao gazety mpanadihady, mpahay siansa ara-politika, mpanoratra ary mpanolotra fandaharana amin'ny radio i yevgeniya albats.
yevgeniya albats is a russian investigative journalist, political scientist, writer and radio host.
fomba ahoana no naneken'ny vondrona ny maha-mpikambana voalohany ny alibaba?
how come the group would accept alibaba's membership in the first place?
mahery ianareo ry olombelona tsaran'i makedonia!
good people of macedonia, you rock!
mampiseho ny mh17 somary eny avaratr'i donetsk voatifitr'ilay "voromby mpihaza", voalaza fa an'i okraina ilay sary, ary ahitana balafomanga eny an-dalana.
the photo shows mh17 a bit north of donetsk being fired upon by a 'fighter jet,' presumably ukraine’s, with a missile en route.
araka ny lazain'ireo mpampiasa haino aman-jery sosialy sy ireo lahatsary nozaraina an-tserasera, rehefa tonga tao villa rosa i maduro, nidina an-dalambe ny mponina, nikapoka vilany sy lapoaly (karazana hetsi-panoherana antsoina hoe "cacerolazo,” manondro ny "cacerola" na vilany) ary farany nanery azy h
according to social media users and videos shared online, when maduro arrived in villa rosa, residents took to the streets, banging pots and pans (a form of protest called a “cacerolazo,” referring to the "cacerola" or casserole dish) and ultimately forcing him to leave the city.
nahazo izay nilainy ireo mpifidy mpanohana ny fsln: antoko politika iray mitantana anaty fotoanan'ny fandriampahalemana.
the fsln's partisan voters have achieved what they wanted: a party that governs in times of peace.
omid memarian kosa miresaka momba ny fihaonany tamin'ilay mpanao gazety iraniana akbar ganji, nogadraina teo aloha.
and omid memarian talks about his meeting with formerly imprisoned iranian journalist akbar ganji.
ny lalampanorenana maraokana ao amin'ny (andininy 23) kosa anefa dia manome antoka ny " fahalalahana ara-tsaina, ara-kevitra ary fahalalahana haneho hevitra amin'ny endriny rehetra."
but the moroccan constitution also guarantees (article 25) "freedom of thought, opinion and expression in all its forms."
eny, andeha ary atao hoe tena miteny hoe "fahazavana ny finoana isilamo" ilay saribakoly.
yeah. so let's suppose for a moment that the doll is in fact saying "islam is the light."
araka ny tatitra avy tamin'ny charter97, nanipika ilay olo-malaza ao amin'ny mpanohitra, mikalai statkevich, hoe "satria tsy nisy hetsika tahaka izany natao mihitsy teto minsk dimy taona izay, efa zavatra iray aloha izany ny fanaovana azy eto."
according to a report from charter97, opposition figure mikalai statkevich pointed out that "as such actions had not been held in minsk for five years, the fact of its holding was something anyway."
saingy ity no ampahany amin'ny tanjona lehibe an'i iran: hametraka fizakam-paritra avy any amin'ny hoalan'i aden ka hatrany amoron'ny ranomasina mediteranea.
but this is just one part of iran’s wider goal: to establish territorial dominance from the gulf of aden to the shores of the mediterranean.
raha jerena ny hatezeram-bahoaka, toa hita ho tsy vonona ny hanampi-maso amin'io "mpampitahotra" io ireo tovovavy sy tovolahy ao pakistana
judging from the outcry, however, it doesn't appear that pakistan's young women and men are willing to turn a blind eye to this "bully."
nanapoaka ny fandarohana baomba an'habakabaka tamin'ny tsanganana iray i sardar hussain bakhtari, afghan mpisera facebook iray:
sardar hussain bakhtari, an afghan facebook user blasted the airstrikes in a post:
raha manova rafitra ry zareo, mety hiverina any aho."
if they change the system that is there, i’ll be free to go back.”
mampiseho ankehitriny ny kaonteran'ny tranokala aterineton'ny bribr fa 1.795.295 robla (44.417€) no lany tamin'ny kolikoly nanomboka tamin'ny 24 septambra.
the meter on the bribr website currently shows that 1,795,295 rubles ($58,000) have been spent on bribes since september 24, 2012.
mino ny perspectives on the new russia (banjina ho an'i rosia vaovao) fa tsy mbola misy porofo mazava hatreto hoe hanao veloma an'i filoha putin i rosia:
perspectives on the new russia believes there's no clear indication yet that russia is going to say good-bye to putin the president:
ao etazonia, novonoina nahaton-doha tao texas i kimberly mccarthy ny ampitso, ary niteraka fitovian-kevitra ny fanamarihan'ny filoha senegaley mikasika ny fanamelohana ho faty: nanamarika tamin'ny mpanao gazety nametraka fanontaniana azy ny filoha senegaley fa mbola misy ireo firenena mampihatra ny fan
for much of the 1980s, the united kingdom and united states were perceived by some south africans, not wholly without reason, as tolerating the apartheid government.
tetikasa nataon'ny the nigeria leadership initiative (nli) ny standup naija.
standup naija is a project run by the nigeria leadership initiative (nli).
(filazàna manokana: mpikambana ao amin'ny antokon'ny mpiasa aostraliana efa hatramin'ny 1972 aho.)
(personal disclosure: i have been a member of the australian labor party since 1972.)
tsy nisy olona nahafantatra ny toerana misy an'ity mpitsangatsangana anglisy ity mihitsy hatramin'izao.
until today nobody knows the whereabouts of the english backpacker.