hamaly ny filàna fametrahana sehatr'asa handaminana sy hifehezana ny karazan-javatra tahaka izao ilay lalàna araka ny filazan'i pelembe.
the law would fill the need to create a legal framework to regulate and discipline these kind of activities, according to pelembe.
amin'ny faritra fehezin'ny governemanta ihany no azon'ny fikambanana iraisam-pirenana mpanome fanampiana idirana mivantana ny tobin'ireo olona nafindra toerana ao amin'ny firenena ihany.
international aid organizations have direct access only to the idp camps in government-controlled areas.
indipepal angamba no tena sahisahy be amin'ireo bilaogy ireo, araka ny filazan'ireo mpandalina marobe fantatra, saingy ireo tranonkala india voting (indian express/ ibn live), engage voter, india numbers sy india votes 2009 koa dia manana votoaty manankarena be.
indipepal is perhaps the most ambitious of these with blogs from several well-known analysts, but india voting (indian express/ ibn live), engage voter, india numbers and india votes 2009 also have content rich websites.
ny mpiteny fiteny afrikaans dia ireo mpanjana-tany neerlandey tonga tany afrika atsimo, antsoina koa hoe "boer", teny midika "tantsaha" amin'ny fiteniny.
their name is derived from the afrikaans (dutch) word boer, meaning farmer.
ny fanafihana dia nambaran'ny vondrona al mourabitoune, izay milaza ho manoa ny vondrona al quaeda, ho nataony.
mali has declared a state of emergency, while the group al-mourabitoun—an ally of al-qaeda—has claimed responsibility for the attack.
koety: fihetsiketsehana goavana indrindra ao amin'ny firenena?
kuwait: the country's biggest protest? · global voices
nasehon'ny ogandey ny fanohanan'izy ireo na teo aza ny tahotra nihelohelo.
ugandans have shown their support despite the environment of fear.
(vaovao farany: nofoanana daholo ireo tetikasa ho fampisehoana ny "yasukuni" ao amin'ireo efitrano fijerena sarimihetsika any tokyo.)
(update: plans to show "yasukuni" in tokyo theaters have now been cancelled altogether.)
sary: vasily sonkin.
image courtesy vasily sonkin.
nahavita nanisy fiantraikany tsara teo amin'ny toetsaina arabo.
has achieved a positive impact on the arab mentality.
taorian'ny sasakalin'ny 4 aprily, tamin'ny fampiasàna ny dika roa amin'ilay fiteny hoe "fotoana" (izay misy amin'ny teny poloney, toy ny amin'ny teny anglisy koa), nipoitra ny hetsika facebook iray antsoina hoe "fotoana mavesatra ho an'ny governemanta", mandrisika ireo vehivavy handefa hafatra amin'ny
just after midnight on april 4, using the double meaning of the term “period” (which exists in polish, as it does in english), a facebook event called "a heavy period for the government" emerged, encouraging women to post detailed descriptions of their periods on the prime minister's official facebook page, and write her letters an
ny tanjona dia ny hanangonana r$ 22.000 (6,000 usd) mba hamatsiana vola hamokarana kapila mangirana 'dvd' 1.000 isa, izay ho zaraina maimaimpoana any amin'ireo sekoly, ireo anjerimanontolo, ireo trano famakiam-boky, ary ireo ivon-toerana ara-kolontsaina manerana ny santa catarina.
the goal is to collect r$22,000 (us$6,000 to finance the production of 1,000 dvds, which will be distributed freely in schools, universities, libraries, and cultural centers throughout santa catarina.
mifantoka momba ny andraikitry ny ray aman-dreny sy ny adihevitra manodidina ny "karama ambony" raisin'ireo mpiasa an-trano, blogueiras feministas nanoratra hoe:
reflecting on the role of parents and the debate around "high earnings" of domestic workers, blogueiras feministas writes:
ny insee dia mampiasa ny kaodim-paositra 48130.
united states census bureau: naics 448130.
miaraka amin'ny olan'ny fitomboan'ny fitenenana feno fankahalàna, namorona ny nafrat aggregator ("nafrat" midika hoe "fankahalàna" amin'ny teny urdu) ihany koa ny pakistan for all, mba hanangonana ireo ohatra amin'ny kabary feno fankahalàna.
with the problem of hate speech increasing, pakistan for all also created a nafrat aggregator ("nafrat" means "hatred" in urdu) to collect instances of hate speech.
ny fandraràna ny olona tsy hanaja ny fomba fivavahany ary ny adidiny dia fanosehana lavidavitra kokokoa ny maha-laika.
preventing people from observing their religious beliefs and duties is taking secularism too far.
mpanao gazety mpanadihady iray, abdul ilah shayi, no nogadraina taorian'ny filazany ny maha-voarohirohy ny amerikana tamin'ny fanafihana balafomanga iray tany al-ma'jala izay nahafatesana olona 55.
a yemeni investigative journalist, abdul ilah shayi, was jailed after claiming us involvement in a missile attack in al-ma'jala which killed 55 people.
lehiben'antokon'ny fitondrana nikola gruevski, ny vadiny borkica, ary ireo mpiara-miombon'antoka akaiky aminy, anisan'izany ny mpiantoka azy. zoran stavreski (ny minisitry ny vola), amin'ny sary hosodoko natao tamin'ny loko malama.
macedonia ruling party chief nikola gruevski, his wife borkica, and closest associates, including their godfather, zoran stavrevski (the minister of finance), on an oil painting.
ny hafa, sahala amin'i mo waseem, dia nampivoitra ny mizana tsindran'ila sy tsy rariny momba ny lalàna mikasika ny fitenenan-dratsy ny fivavahana any pakistana:
others, like mo waseem, brought up the unequal and unfair status of blasphemy laws in pakistan:
mpikambana an-jatony ao amin'ny firahalahian'ny silamo no nalefan'i barakat ho tsaraina, izay niafara tamin'ny fanamelohana ho faty ho an'ny maro tamin'izy ireny.
hundreds of brotherhood members were referred to trial by barakat, which eventually resulted in the death penalty for many of them.
natao hoan'ny filankevitry ny distrikan'i taipo ihany ny fangatahana ny hevi-bahoaka.
the so-called public consultation was only restricted to the taipo district council.
araho ny fanehoanay ifotony: revôlisiônan'ny elo an'i hong kong
follow our in-depth coverage: hong kong's umbrella revolution
ankehitriny avy amin'ny iray amin'ireo mpanao fandraharahana malaza indrindra eran-tany, fa tsy avy amin'ny ministra.
now this is coming from one of the world’s most successful businessmen, not from our ministers.
ahafahan'ny routers aterineto mifankahita ny arofenitra bgp.
the bgp protocol enables internet routers to find each other.
ity lalàna ity no hiaro azy ireo.
this law will protect them.
ny sokajy 1 dia mandefa bilaogy mivantana avy ao an-tanindrazany, ireo no olona tokana manao sorona ny ainy ary dia nila nitandrina tamin'ny fehezanteniny mba tsy hanohintohina ny fitondrana nefa kosa mampita hatrany ny sary.
category 1, people blogging directly from the homeland, were the ones taking the most physical risk and so were being careful in wording their sentences in a way that would not be threatening to the regime but that would still convey the image.
loharanom-baovao iray no nilaza tamin'ny foibe mpiaro ny zon'olombelona any iràna (chri) fa tsy mbola misy fiampangàna natao ireo gadra ireo — izay nanohana ny filatsahan'ny filoha rouhani indray ho fidiana — telo volana mahery aty aorian'ny nisamboran'ny vondrona mpiaro ny revolisiona islamika (irgc)
an informed source told the center for human rights in iran (chri) that no charges have been issued against the detainees—who supported president rouhani’s recent re-election bid—more than three months after their arrests by the islamic revolutionary guard corps (irgc) in march 2017.
“tena nihatsara mihitsy tokoa ny toedrahraha ho an'ny mozika nandritra ireo efatra taona teo aloha, saingy ho ampitombointsika ny ezaka mandritra ireo taona efatra hoavy”, hoy izy nanampy.
“the situation did improve for music and cinema in our previous four years, but we will make greater efforts in the next four,” he added.
namoaka sary misy ireo vehivavy maromaro izay niharan'ny fanondrahana asidra ny bilaogy rostros sin ácido (endrika tsy misy asidra), tamin'izy ireo nanao fihetsiketsehana, ary "nanapa-kevitra hiseho vahoaka mba hanentanana ny fiarahamonina sy hanao fitakiana amin'ny governemanta mba hahafahan'izy ireo
the blog “rostros sin ácido” shows pictures of various women who have been attacked and who, as they demonstrate, “have decided to reveal themselves in order to sensitize society and demand government policies that will enable them to remake their lives”:
mbola afa-mankalaza ny krismasy any an-tranony, ao amin'ny fikambanana ary ny toeram-pivavahana ireo tsy miozolomana sy ny vahiny.
non-muslim residents and visitors can still celebrate christmas in their homes, communities, and places of worship.
tena tsara izany fa ho afaka ihany izy.
thats very good news he’ll finally be free.
vao mainka miha-henjana ilay fahirano, efa natomboka tamin'ny jolay, volana efatra lasa izay.
the siege, in place since july, some four months ago, is tightened.
efa voaaisotra ny sit-in ao nahda, an-dalana ny any rabaa, tatitr'isa mifandàka momba ny isan'ny maty eo amin'ny roa tonta.
nahda sit in is cleared, rabaa is ongoing, conflicting reports of the dead on both sides.
alohan'ny hidirana amin'ny fihetsiketsehana, mijereva lalana hivoahana maika raha sendra mitranga ny fifandonana.
before protesting keep an eye on a possible quick escape route in case of clashes.
mila manoritra tanjona iraisana ireo mpihoko.
the rebels need to reach a common goal.
saingy nahazo ny lazany ihany koa ny mpandray anjaran'ny eurovision miaro ny voninahitr'i rosia, polina gagarina, ary nahazo ny laharana faharoa teo amin'ireo olona be mpitady an'aterineto indrindra ao rosia.
but eurovision participant for russia polina gagarina also got her cut of fame and ended up in second place among most searched individuals in russia.
nandao an'i hong kong i chow ny ampitso, saingy taorian'ny fifidianana tamin'ny 6 septambra, nipoitra indray izy ary nanambara ny antsipiriany tany amin'ny sampan-draharaha ao an-toerana misahana ny fiadiana amin'ny kolikoly ao hong kong, ny vaomiera mahaleotena miady amin'ny kolikoly, ary ny haino ama
chow left hong kong the next day, but after the election on september 6 he reappeared and passed on details to the local hong kong anti-graft agency, the independent commission against corruption, and the media about the political threats that forced him into drop out.
nefa nihatsara hatrany hatrany ny fanaparitahana ny cheng ming.
but cheng ming's distribution was getting better and better.
sary nakarin'i @livingindoha.
image posted by @livingindoha.
tolagaga tamin'ny halavan'ny filaharambe i jordy m.y:
jordy m.y. was particularly impressed by the rally's size:
nahita fiovana lehibe i bangladesh vao haingana.
bangladesh witnessed some dramatic changes recently.
ireo mpahay momba ny teny sady mpiaro ny vehivavy dia milaza fa io fampidirana an-terisetra ny maha-vehivavy ho anatin'ny maha-lehilahy io dia endrika iray amin'ny fanilikilihana ao anatin'ny fiteny.
feminist linguists maintain that this forced inclusion of the feminine within the masculine is a form of exclusion from the language.
mikatso araka izany ny raharaha, indrindra fa tsy mihena ny fangatahana trano ho an'ny mpianatra.
the situation in paris seems to be at an impasse, given that the demand for student housing won't fall anytime soon.
al-mundassah, (ilay bilaogy miafina), izay mifanaraka amin'ny anarana ampiasain'ny mpampahalala vaovao mpomba ny fitondrana hiantsoana ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana, dia bilaogy iray hafa koa miankina betsaka amin'ny fanarabiana.
al-mundassah, (the lurking blog), which references in its name what the pro-government news agencies call the protestors, is another blog with a heavy reliance on light satire.
nidera ireo fanafihana ilay vondrona fa tsy nilaza kosa ho tompon'andraikitra.
the group has praised the attacks but has not claimed responsibility.
ao amin'ny tranonkalan'i ekho-n'i moskoa, namoaka matoandahatsoratra amin'ny antony nananganan'i kadyrov tsangambato ho an'ny vehivavy maritiora ilay mpikatroka ara-tsosialy sy mpisolovavan'ny mpandala ny zon'ny voafonja anna karetnikova, ary nandresy lahatra fa mifanohitra amin'ny fijery ny vehivavy t
on the ekho of moscow website, social activist and prison rights advocate anna karetnikova wrote an op-ed wondering why kadyrov had erected a monument to women-martyrs, and argued that the story kadyrov was memorializing ran counter to traditional views of chechen womanhood:
na izany aza, anisan'ny olona manana sokajy ara-sosialy ambany indrindra ny mpitarika posy."
however, rickshaw pullers have some of the lowest social status going."
vitsy ny fotoana natokana ho amin'ny fiteny ourdou sy ny literatioran'ny fitenim-paritra saingy hita mazava kosa fa tsy mitovy avokoa ireo mpanatrika ny fetibe.
there were a few sessions on urdu and regional languages’ literature but it was obvious that the attendees were not always the same.
tao amin'ny tatitra naparitaka ora vitsy talohan'ny nahitana ny vata-mangatsiakan'i shahzad, omar warraich dia nandalina ny mety ho fahamarinan'ny fidiran'ny isi amin'io.
in a report published a few hours before the discovery of shahzad's body, omar warraich analyzed the possibility of the isi's involvement.
nanoratra mikasika ny lanjan'io fitsingerenantaona io i hu xijin, talen'ny famoahan-dahatsoratra global times ao amin'ny firenena:
hu xijin, editor-in-chief at the nationalistic global times, wrote about the importance of the anniversary:
afaka mandany andro sy vola ianao manamboatra ny seha-pifaneraserana nomerika tsara indrindra eran-tany, nefa kosa ny tanjonao sao dia eo amin'ny mpanaraka mampiasa kokoa ny fampielezam-peo noho ny solosaina, ka ho kely ny fiantraikan'izany amin'izy ireo.
you can spend time and money creating the best digital platform in the world, but if your target audience is more used to radios than to computers, the impact will be small.
nisy izy io, nampiharina indraindray, nolazaina nandritry ny fampahalalàm-baovaon'ny mitatao vovonana koa aza.
it existed, it was enforced every now and then, it was even broadcast on the news at noon.
(ny neet dia ilazana ny olona tsy ao amin'ny fanabeazana, asa na fanazarana.)
(neet refers to a person not in education, employment, or training.)
"maro ireo mpandraharaha tsy mahomby amin'ny voalohany, amin'ny faharoa sy fahatelo mihitsy aza, ary zava-dehibe ny manana olona mahitsy fo amin'ny mpianatra», hoy i georgina campbell flatter, tale mpanatanteraka ao amin'ny foibe fanampiana ara-pampianarana amin'ny fampandrosoana sy ny fandraharahana a
“many entrepreneurs fail the first, second, even third time, and having someone who can be honest with the students is very important,” says georgina campbell flatter, the executive director of the legatum center for development & entrepreneurship at mit.
bilaogera sasany niady hevitra momba ny fampisehoana ireo mpilalao sarimihetsika hollywood, sy momba ny fihetsiketsehana nampiato ny hetsik'izy ireo, ary ny fanarenana fitsidihana toerana masina tsy nankatoavina amin'ny alalan'ny “limpia” (fanadiovana) ataon'ireo vondrona tompotany .
some bloggers discussed the hollywoodesque display of security agents, how protests interrupted their activities, and how the non grata visit to a sacred place was fixed with a “limpia” (purification) by indigenous groups.
nitarika sy nandray anjara tamin'ny tantara ratsin'ny kolikoly lehibe indrindra tamin'ny fanodikodinam-bola tao ethiopia i tedros adhanom.
tedros adhanom presided and participated in the biggest financial corruption scandal of misusing global fund in ethiopia. — amsalu (@amsalukassaw) april 28, 2017
athens nirehitra (avy amin'ilay mpisera flickr alefbetac)
athens in flames (from flickr user alefbetac)
ilay maty manao fampielezankevitra : mpiserasera efa maty no mamoaka hafatra mpomba-putin ao amin'ny tambajotra sosialy rosiana iray
the campaigning dead: deceased users’ profiles post pro-putin messages on a russian social network · global voices
ahoana no hanamarinana izany?
how is it justifiable?
ny fivondronana kambodziana ho an'ny fandrosoanasy ny fiarovana ny zon'olombelona (licadho) dia manameloka ilay fanakanana vohikala marobe voatatitra
the cambodian league for the promotion and defense of human rights (licadho) condemns the reported blocking of critical websites
ny 31 may, mpandeha miisa roa ambiny folo tamin'ny fiara iombonana no hita maty teny amin'ny sisin-dàlan'ny tanàna manodidina ny faritanin'i kunduz, taorian'ny nakàn'ireo vondrona talibàna mpaka an-keriny azy ny omalin'io.
on may 31, twelve bus passengers were found dead on the side of the road in the outskirts of kunduz province, after being abducted the day before by the taliban insurgent group.
karajia twitter ataon'ny global voices afrika atsimon'i sahara, mankalaza ny andro iraisam-pirenena ho an'ny tononkalo tamin'ny 21 martsa 2018.
global voices sub-saharan africa twitter chat celebrates world poetry day on march 21, 2018.
mba hanafohezana ity ampahany amin'ny tantara ity : ny febroary 2005, nandeha namonjy lanonana nokarakarain'ny fampielezampeo tao an-tanàna aho, izay nanambara mivantana ny valin'ny fanadinana bakalaoreà, ary rehefa nilaza ny valiny ry zareo (fangatahan'ilay kolejy tsy miankina lehibe indrindra ao an-t
to summarise this part of the story: in february 2005 i went to a party promoted by the local radio station, which would announce the university exam results live, and when they gave out the little result sheet (sponsored by the biggest private school in the city, lol), there was my name. and of course my mum cried when i gave her
@ranati01: mahita izany felaka izany nefa tsy mahatsapa ny harariny amin'ny maha-olombelona anao...azafady, hay moa ianao tsy olombelona akory.
@ranati01: to see this slap and not feel its pain falling on your humanity...pardon me, you are not even human
@redrazan: mpisera facebook nanao fanentanana mba hamporisika ny olom-pirenena hitsidika ireo reny maritiora androany, mba hampisehoana fa tsy irery izy ireo ao anatin'ny sarotra.
@redrazan: facebookers have been campaigning 2 encourage citizens 2 visit mothers of martyrs 2day,2 show them they're not alone in their plight.
sary hafa koa mampiseho ny eson-teny tsy fitiavana an'i gaddafi saika hita manerana ny tanàna, ny zaridainan'ny maritiora, izay vao novan'ni gaddafi ny anarany ka nataony hoe zaridaina maitso.
other photos showed gaddafi's slogan and banners all over the city, martyrs square, which gaddafi changed its name later to green square.
inona no zavatra nohaniny tany anaty fiaramanidina na nialoha ny nialàny tany korea atsimo?
what did he eat in the plane or before leaving s.korea?
mandrafitra fanao efa misy ny "lalàna manohitra ny famerenana mandefa sioka (manohitra ny retweets), saingy mety hampitombo ny isan'ny fanenjehana ara-pitsarana izany amin'ny hoavy rehefa ofisialy.
the “law against retweets” codifies an existing police practice, but making the policy official could increase the number of such prosecutions in the future.
tao anatin'ny fandaharanasan'ny unicef ho an'ilay vohitra, nanaovana fitiliana sao misedra tsy fanjariana ara-tsakafo lalina sy mafy ireto kambana mirahavavy ireto (mas) ary dia hita fa tratra i puja sy arti.
as part of a unicef program in the village, both the twins were screened for severe acute malnutrition (sam) and it was determined that puja and arti were sam cases.
ho ahy dia na izy roa miaraka na indraindray tsy misy izy (ary izay no mahasosotay an'ity resaka nationalité nationalité ity)
for me it's both and sometimes neither (that's where the whole citizen of the world hippie shit comes in).
toy izao ny fomba famaritana ny biby famantarana olaimpika amin'ny teny anglisy ao amin'ny tranokala ofisialin'ny lalao olaimpika tokyo 2020 :
here is how olympic mascot is described in english on the official website of the tokyo 2020 olympics:
nampangain'i adahanom ilay mpifaninana aminy, dr. david nabarro, ho manana toetsaina imperialista saingy tsy nisy nolaviny na iray aza ireo fiampangàna mahatonga ny firotsahany hiteraka resabe.
adahanom has accused his fellow candidate dr. david nabarro of an imperialistic attitude but has not refuted any of the claims that have made his candidacy controversial.
mitaky izahay ny hamerenana ny famandrihana aterineto tsy voafetra hiantohana ny zonay hiditra aterineto sy haharaka ny fandrosoana.
what we demand is restoring the unlimited internet packages to ensure our rights to have access to the internet and keep up with development.
ny olana dia betsaka amin'ny fijoroana vavolombelona no miara-manambara fa matetika dia ireny polisy natsofoka ireny no mitarika amin'ny fifandonana amin'ny mpitandro filaminana mpandrava korontana mba hahafahan'iretsy namany manana antony hamely ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana.
the problem is that many testimonies allege that on occasions it has been the infiltrators who have started the riots, giving excuses to their colleagues to charge the protesters.
araka izany, rehefa nomena vintana i maalouf ho afaka mandrafitra/mamorona sombiny ho atao mandritry ny festival d'ile de france taona 2011, nanapaka hevitra izy ny hamerina haka sary an-tsaina ny alice.
so when maalouf was offered the chance to compose a piece for the festival d'ile de france in 2011, he decided to re-imagine alice.
@thisiskenyan: olona 18 sisa dia anjarako... dona kely ho an'ireto zalahy avy amin'ny "iebc" miasa toy ny misy "turbo" ireto!
@thisiskenyan: 18 more people then i get my turn... these iebc guys are on turbo mode kudos!
tonga tany italie tamin'ny taona 1983 izy ary ankehitriny dia teratany italiana.
she arrived in italy in 1983 and is now an italian citizen.
nianatra tao amin'ny sekoly gaw mashin (world vision amin'ny fampiasan'izy ireo).
i have been to gaw mashin school (world vision in their usage).
mihataka kely amin'ny rehetra, sary avy amin'i ehab othman
away from everyone, photo by ehab othman:
izahay dia toy ny tanàna rehetra eran-tany.
we're like every big city in the world.
@naeromnallih: cadena sport dia nanome voninahitra ny fiainan'i profesora julian kenny, izay maty vao maraina androany .
@naeromnallih: cadena sport pays tribute to the life of prof. julian kenny, who died earlier today.
“jerena avy amin'ny zava-nitranga rehetra hatreto, tsy mihevitra mihitsy aho hoe ireo manampahefantsika na ireo minisitra dia tsy hahafantatra hoe manao zavatra mifanohitra amin'ny lalàna anie ry zareo.
“given everything that is happening right now, i don’t think our officials and ministers are unaware they are going against the law.
raha ampitahana dia mbola avo lavitra noho ny an'ireo hafa ny haavon'ny fielezan'ny taratra ao anatin'ilay tranobe fitahirizana.
the level of radioactivity in the containment building is very high compared to elsewhere .
ireo zavatra nitranga tamin'ity 20 novambra.
the similar incident is repeated on november 20.
sary nozaraina tao amin'ny google, nahazoana alalana.
photograph shared on google with permission for republication.
tamin'ny fanehoan-kevitra tamin'ny lahatsoratra izay namariparitany ny zava-niainany vao haingana tamin'izy nalaina an-keriny, mpamaky iray, nanoratra tamin'ny solon'anarana «mpamaky», nanoratra izao manaraka izao:
in a comment under an article where he describes his recent experience as a hostage, one reader, writing under the pen name "reader", wrote the following:
manamboninahitry ny tafika nanangona voninahitra avy amin'ny tafika britanika, paortigey ary venezoelana i macgregor.
macgregor was a decorated army officer in the british, portuguese and venezuelan armies.
tonian-dahatsoratra ao amin'ny global voices bolgara ihany koa izy, mpikambana ao amin'ny bioinfo sy anisan'ny mpitantana ny vondrona frantsay ao amin'ny fikambanana open knowledge foundation.
she's also an editor for global voices bulgarian and a board member of the french chapter of the open knowledge foundation.
marina fa ny fizaràna lehibe ao amin’ny taona, dia ny fizaran-taon’ny noely sy ny an’ny paka, izay hasinkasinin’ireo fotoana tsotra, dia mitovy, ary ny ankabeazan’ny fety sy ny fahatsiarovana di
certainly, the broad division of the year into the christmas and easter seasons, interspersed with periods of ordinary time, is identical, and the majority of the
nilaza ny lehiben'ny mpanohitra, bilaogera lim kit siang fa tsy tanjona ihany ny fibilaogina, indrindra ny sosialy sy politika, fa fitaovana hanatrarana tanjona ary hoavy ny fotoana tsy maintsy hanapahan'ireo bilaogera hevitra raha "handoto ny tanany izy ireo" ary hiala amin'ny fiarovana foto-kevitra p
opposition leader cum blogger lim kit siang said blogging particularly socio-political blogging is not an end by itself but a means to an end and a time must come when bloggers must decide whether they should "dirty their hands" and make the transition from advocacy of their political ideals in cyberspace to enter the political ter
tao anatin'ny tantaran'ny fiseraserana eran-tany mampiasa , ny mpandinika, spesialista, mpitsikera fizaram-baovao, mpihetsiketsika sy mpanoratra dia nihevitra fa ny internet dia toerana fifanakalozan-kevitra tsy misy fisakanana ho an'ny fizarana hay, hevitra sy vaovao eran-tany.
in the short history of global communication via distributed computer networks, numerous thinkers, specialists, media critics, social activists and writers have fashioned a vision of the internet as a barrier-free forum for the inter-national and inter-cultural transmission of knowledge, ideas, and information.
sary: arsidiosezin'ny st. petersburg
image: st. petersburg archdiocese
tsy ireo olana maro izay atrehantsika ankehitriny monja no resahako: fa miresaka momba-nà zavatra tena fototra mihitsy, mikasika ny fomba fijerin'ity firenena ity ny tenany.
i’m not just talking about the many problems that we face today: i’m talking about something truly fundamental regarding this country’s way of perceiving itself.
ahitana vehivavy manana haben'ny vatana samihafa amin'ny asa samihafa ny sary.
the drawing included women with different body sizes in different occupations.
sary avy amin'i camilo aldana tao amin'ny ictj, nahazoan-dalana.
photo by camilo aldana for ictj, used with permission.
efa niteny ny bangkokiana, ary niteny mafy... tamin'ny alalan'ny fandraisana anjaran'ny mpifidy manakaiky ny 64%, mbola ambony noho ny tamin'ny fifidianana farany na dia avy aza ny orana tany amin'ny fari-pifidianana sasany tamin'ny tolakandro
bangkokians have spoken, and loudly so...with almost 64% voter turnout, much higher than the last election despite the downpours in certain constituencies this afternoon
tena misy ve ny fahasamihafàna?
are the differences real?
sa tsy feno ny antsasaky ny fanadihadiana .
or the glass is half empty point of view.
dia ho tanteraka ny fangatahana karama nataony, ary ho samy hafa ihany koa ny tombontsoa ara-politika sy ny tombontsoany manokana.
as such their wage concessions are fulfilled, while their political and personal interests are different.
fa nahoana no mitranga amintsika iree zava-dratsy rehetra ireo ?
why all these negativity haunting us?