500 values
11 values
Enjoy 0% instalment for up to 12 months when ordering an Air Asia plane ticket with BNI Credit Card!
Neumeuseunang ngon neubayeue bacut-bacut angsuran 0% persen sampoe dua blah buleuen keu nyang bloe tiket kapai teureubang ngon keureutu kredit BNI!
The cakes give me massive nostalgia. Everything is old school. from the presentation to the taste. They're great and inexpensive
Kueh nyang dihidang peuingat lon masa dilee. Bandum moden kueh jameun, get dari beuntuk atawa rasa. Kuehjih mangat dan yum pih murah.
Mom once worked for grab indonesia.
Ibu tom geukereuja bak Grab Indonesia
I love having lunch here the most, thanks to their delicious chicken and sambal, also the price is dirt cheap. The taste of the chicken just seeps to the bone, and the iced aloe vera drink is also fresh, perfect to cool off my stomach after eating the spicy sambal. The servers are swift and kind, and what I like is that in the cashier there's a writing that says 10% of the profit will be donated to charity, making the meal feel even better to my stomach.
Paleng galak ta pajoh bu leuho inoe, manok ngon sambaijih mangat yum pih luar biasa hemat, rasa manok meunyuem troh bak tuleueng, eh lidah buaya pih segar jeuet keu peulieupie pruet lheuh tapajoh sambai nyang keueung, ureueng kereuja pih ligat dan rumeh, nyang lon galak bak tempat bayeue na dituleh siploh persen disumbang keu amai, sehingga 'oh ta pajoh leubeh mangat teuh prut.
The DAMRI Bus service is really good
Peulayanan bus DAMRI cukop get
Wanna make some posts with contents that educate Gojek customers.
Meuheuet peuget postingan nyang asoejih jeut keu sarana peurunoe awak pakek gojek
Hundreds of houses in Medan were submerged by the flood
Meureutoh rumoh di Medan keunong ie raya
The item's pretty good, but I'm confused. Is the ON button on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 kinda broken? And does the battery really drain this fast, boss?
Barangjih lumayan, tapi nyang lon hireun xiaomi rednote 2 nyoe tombol peuudep cit lagee ka reuloh? lheuh nyan batre peue cit bagah that abeh toke?
Really hard to trust people who had betrayed us before
Payah that ta pateh ureueng nyang ka tom ji meukhianat
Located in Gombel with Semarang scenery, come at night because you can see the city lights. The great steak and warm tea are a must-try here. Take the outdoor spot because the air is cool and breezy.
Lokasi di Gombel ngon pemandangan Semarang, jak keuh watee malam uroe sebab na deuh lampu kota, makanan mangat steak dan te hangat menu wajeb disinoe, taduek di luwa seubab angen sijuk leupie.
One time we went here and ordered the fried rice and french fries. Everyone loved the fried rice. The fries were also really good, not to mention its beautiful presentation. My family said the coffee was great. The great things about this place were how spacious it was and how it is possible to enjoy Dusun Bambu's scenery outside. However, the service was so slow that I needed to ask multiple times about my order. It was also a bit pricey, but the food was so delicious it made it all worth it in the end. You won't have to think twice to try this place out.
Watee jak keuno pesan bue goreng ngen boh gantang goreng, bue goreng mandum galak. Boh gantang goreng pih that mangat, dan ie susun ngen geut that lam pingan. Keluarga khen kupi pih mangat cit. Hal yang paling geut dari inoe adalah teumpat jih yang luah dan yang na i lua jeut ta kalen pemandangan Dusun Bambu. Tapi peulayanan jih hana bagahjadi loen harus tanyeng meupadup gee tentang pesanan loen. Yum pih thath meuhai, tapi karena makanan jih mangat mandum-mandum perasaan buno jadi jih puleh. Hana perle lee meupike dua gee menye mejak keuno lom.
The 35-thousand Thailand-style fried rice is bland, with only shredded chicken sparsely sprinkled in. And there's no seafood.
Bu gureng thailand yum 35 ribee, polos, cit na suir ayam bacut. Seafoodjih hana.
As we know, the original American brownies are baked cake that indeed has a brown color. Toko Amanda tried to be creative and made brownies by steaming them. And I have to say, these steamed brownies didn't do it for me. The texture was just the same as a regular sponge cake. So to me, these aren't brownies.
Lagee nyang ka tateupeue, kue brownies nyang asli dari Amerika nyankeuh kue banteut wareuna coklat. Toko Amanda gepeungui brownies deungon cara geuseuop. Brownies nyang teuseuop nyan hana pah sagai, sama cit lagee bolu biasa. Jadi meunyo bak lon peugah, nyan kon brownies.
If you want to visit this restaurant, be sure to go on afternoon or night time, bring your spouse to enjoy romantic dinner and amazing scenery.
Meunyo jak bak restoran nyoe that pah watee seupot atawa malam, ba pasangan makan malam romantis ngon peumandangan nyang lagak
The first impression was memorable because after ordering I was surprised to see one of the staff bringing out banana leaves to our tables instead of plates or spoons. So if you wanna eat here, get ready to experience the unique sensation of eating food on top of banana leaves using your bare hands
Pengalaman nyang phon cukup meukenong seubab tekeujot bacut rupajih watee lheuh ta peusan makanan, salah sidroe awak kereuja geujok on pisang bak meja lon, kon pingan atawa canca. jadi meunyo jak pajoh bu inoe beusiap untuk pajoh bu ngon jaroe karna akan tarasa sensasi nyang unik peue lom meunyo tapajoh ngon on pisang.
One of the most delicious culinary areas around. However, that just makes it hard to choose what to eat. In the end, I got myself a kerak telor and mie kocok while waiting for the music show with nostalgic western songs. Pretty recommended
Salah saboh area peunajoh nyang peuget tanyoe ro ie babah. Tapi mumang cit bak tapileh. Keuneulheuh lon pileh krak boh manok ngon mie kocok sarat deungo hiburan musik ngon lagu-lagu barat jameun. Cukop lon sarankan.
To clarify, you may come to the corresponding branch office of Mandiri Bank during working hours in workdays to make a cash exchange.
Keuneuk beupasti ibu jeuet neujak bak kanto cab bank mandiri nyan bak uroe ngon jeuem kereuja untuk tuka peng.
Rode on the Jayabaya train from Malang to Jakarta, stopped in Gubeng, the ticket costed 35 thousand plus 6k insurance via Traveloka.
Ek kereta Jayabaya Malang-Jakarta piyoh di Gubeng, Tiket 35 (lhee ploh limeng) ribee tamah asuransi nam (6) ribee lewat traveloka
DPR shows appreciation towards women's participation in the 2018 Regional Elections
DPR geubi apresiasi lam hai ikot seureuta ureueng inong bak pilkada 2018.
I came to have dinner with my fam. It was our first time coming here. It wasn't too crowded. For the interior. it was rather filthy in my opinion. There were leftover morsles on the floor and table, seemed like it wasn't cleaned properly. For the food flavour, it was standard. Nothing to write home about.
Lon trok pajoh bu malam ngon keuluarga. Nyoe phon kali lon keunoe. Kondisi hana that rame. Keu Interior, agak kuto meunurot lon. Na khot-khot makanan bak aleue ngon meja, bak lagee hana get jipeugleh. Keu rasa makanan, standar, hana istimewa that.
Please remind the council not to forget revising the Perppu for Mass Organisations and if they don't revise it, then several factions from the public will not take this lying down.
Tulong peugah bak anggota dewan bek tuwo revisi perppu ormas, peuingat janjjih meunyo perppu hana jirevisi. Meubagoe elemen masyarakat akan geupeuteubiet sikap.
Cassava chips are the most delicious and appropriate snack to accompany me during assignment time.
Keuripet boh bi nyoe makanan paleng mangat pah watee peugot tugas
Batagor and Siomay Kingsley doesn't have any branches outside this one. The food's great, especially the batagor and siomay as well as the baso, also none of them contain any preservatives. And if you're looking for a gift, there's a package you can take home. Keep the good quality going.
Batagor dan siomay nyoe hana dibuka cabang dipat-pat laen. Makananjih mangat, terutama batagor ngon siomay dan baksojih hana diboh pengawet. Meunyo keuneuk ba keu oleh-oleh na paket nyang jeuet tapuwoe. Untuk kualitahjih, pertahankan lom.
Never order from this service, my friends. Utterly disappointing! The villa was dirty, and all the appliances were unusable
Bek neupesan rot layanan nyoe beh rakan-rakan. Teulah that! Villajih kuto, mandum barang hana layak ngui
Registrations starts tomorrow, Ministry of Communication and Informatics offers Digital Training Scholarships for 1000 people.
Pendaftaran mulai singoh, kementrian kominfo buka beasiswa pelatihan digital keu seuribee droe.
As a netizen who went on a picnic to Toba just last April, I just wanna say that there are indeed a lot of disappointments coming from the tourism system there. Parapat was dirty, it was hard to find actually good accomodations, the transport agents were unprofessional, just don't bother, Parapat is not recommended at all.
seubagoe netizen nyang baro beuleuen peuet keulikot jak meuen u toba, keuneuk peugah mantong bahwa beutoi le that hai nyang peugot kecewa dari sistem pariwisata ideh. Parapat-jih kuto, payah bak tamita akomodasi nyang beutoi-beutoi get, agen perjalanan hana profesional, pokokjih hana loen sarankan jak u parapat
The place was so dirty and I was ignored by the servers. The service was so disappointing
Kuto that dan hana jihiroe lle peulayan restoran. Keucewa that peulayananjih!
The place is mediocre for me. Not that clean, the food is also nothing special.
Tempatjih meunyoe bak lon that biasa, hana gleh. Makanan pih biasa mantong
For the effort it took to get to this place, the payoff was so-so. The disappointing part was the food quality. It was the barest minimum effort for making a meal. For the high standard of Bandung culinary, this was a letdown. Not to mention there was an entry ticket, 10.000 per person and 15.000 for cars
Untuk useuha nyang geupeuteubiet dari teumpat khong taguen mantong. Meunyo ukoran kuliner bandung nyang mangat-mangat, nyoe that teulah tabloe, Na karcis tamong per sidroe ureueng 10.000 keu moto 15.000.
My family and I were looking for a place to eat after watching a movie. We were bored with eating in restaurant / cafe in the mall. Suddenly we saw a restaurant on the right side of the street. We hadn't eaten curry in a long time. We stopped by a considerably small resto, with only 9 tables. Turns put the place was comfortable and the food was delicious.
Lon ngon keuluarga teungoh mita teumpat makan lheueh nonton. Kamoe glak pajoh bak resto / kafe bak mal. Deuh resto blah uneun jalan. Ka trep kamoe hana pajoh kari. Kamoe kamoe piyoh bak resto nyang hana rayek cit 9 boh meja. Rupari mangat teumpat ngon makananjih.
How can the Starbucks coffee taste this good
Kupi starbucks pakon jeuet mangat that lee
I heard they'll build a Transmart there, next to that building
Jipeugah di sideh akan dibangun transmart, si blah bangunan nyan.
Truly a unique experience, eating in the middle of the ricefields among the yellowing rice. With a variety of menu choices, the presentation is interesting and appetising.
Bit peungalamanan unik, pajoh bu bak teungoh blang lam pade nyang rap kuneng. Pilehan menu nyang le macam, geuhidang meusaneuet sep hawa.
Dined togetha with da sistahs a lil' bit ago, cosy place, nice to hang out, good service. Have gone ta this place multiple times.
Makan bersama ngon awak sistah paum watee nyang ka leupah, teumpat nyaman, mangat taduek, peulayanan get. Ka padum go duek disinoe
The souvenir shop has pretty much everything and is pretty comfortable, the goods are easy to reach, affordable, and it has great service.
Teumpat bungong jaroejih leungkap dan cukup mangat, mudah bak tajangkau, yum jih pih murah, lheuh nyan disambot cukop get.
Hi Eviana, we are sorry for the inconvenience. You can contact Indosat by clicking the following link. We implore you to check it out. Thank you. Erf.
Hai Eviana, lakee meu'ah ka hana nyaman, Keu kontak Indosat jeuet neuakses bak peunawot nyoe: Silahkan neucek boh, Teurimong gaseh
The menu's Indomie and toasts. The place is just the same as the other branches: comfortable for hanging out.
Menujih indomie ngon ruti bakar. keu teumpat saban lagee cabeueng nyang laenjih mangat keu teumpat meusapat.
Sambal with basil leaves, tomato and cayenne pepper. The flavour of this Sambal made the city called Cibiuk in Garut famous. fried gourami or with fried chicken. It tastes absolutely divine. Aside from Lengkong Cibiuk, they also have many other branches.
Sambai ngon on serawung, tomat, ngon campli ubiet. Nyum sambai nyoe nyang peugot kota garut nyang nan cibiuk jeuet jithee. Sambai nyoe jeuet tapajoh ngon gurame gureng atawa ngon manok goreng. Rasajih that mangat. laen dari nyang di lengkokng cibiuk na cit le cabeueng laen
"...Gramed's staff passed me..."
Lon kalheuh lakee penjelasan u pihak Gramedia tapi i tiek-tiek hana glah sapeue. Pihak gramed sampoe SPV di cabang nyan saleng tiek-rhom dan geupeugah hana promo. Cut ate meunyo di tiek-rhom lagee nyan.
Good afternoon. If there's anything you'd like to ask, just mention us again. Thank you, Zan
Assalamualaikom, meunyo na hai yang keuneuk bapak tanyoeng, jeut neu mention kamoe teuma. Teurimong gaseh zan.
We think this place is ordinary, no fun attractions or views for a 10.000 / person ticket. Well duh, the view of the mountains is a no-brainer for highland locations like this. The culinary side doesn't offer much options compared to the other place.
Meunurot kamoe teumpat nyoe biasa mantong hana aksi atau pemandangan nyang menarek ngon tiket 10000/ureueng, meunyoe gunong cit ka meunan seubab na di daerah manyang. Nyoe wisata peunajoh pih hana that le pilihan lagee tempat tempat saboh teuk.
I've been a Madtari regular since 2002. At the time this place was just a small tent that overflowed with customers at night. A few years ago, after they moved to a permanent building, I thought that was when the quality dropped slightly compared to the tent days. One thing's for sure, the price went up significantly, even more expensive when compared to similar stalls.
Lon ka jeuet keu pelanggan madtari dari thon 2002, watee nyan mantong lagee warong ubiet lam tenda nyang rame bak malam uroe. Slang padum thon ukeue ka meutempat bak bangunan teutap, dari sat nyan lon merasa kualitah rasajih agak meukureueng dibandeng ngon watee mantong lam warong tenda. Nyang jelah, yum di ek cukup teurasa, dibandeng ngon warong nyang meuhi-meuhi lagee nyan, mungken leubeh meuhai.
First comment is that the venue is a banger, very nice service, and as for the chosen menu, it has to be the grilled fish and oxtail soup that I'd give a 4 for but for that iced fruit cocktail, I'd give a 5, yes!
Komentar nyang phon that ka pasti tempat jih hayeue, pelayanan leupah ramah, dan untuk pilihan makanan nyang dipileh adalah eungkot panggang ngon sop buntut lon bri nilai peuet tapi untuk es buah lon jok nilai limong!
Terjemahan di sheet Translation sudah benar, tapi di sheet ini tidak lengkap
Di restoran nyoe makanan nyang geuseudia le that ngon dan mangat ngon nyaman
I'm jealous of how you guys can find happiness
Lon cemburu meueu awak droen jeuet neurasa bahgia.
After topping up my balance I wanna buy some internet package but it just keeps failing and tells me to try again in 363 and it still doesn't work.
Lheueh bloe pulsa keuneuk daftar paket internet tapi hanjeuet sabe dan diyue ulang lom di 363 tapi hanjeuet cit
The place is beautiful, especially at night with its decorative lights, so romantic. Perfect for couples. It's also far from the crowd. The air is so breezy, and we can see the town's beauty from above.
Tempatjih cukop lagak peu lom 'oh malam dipeuleumah klap-klep lampu, leupah romantis. Pah that keu ureueng na pasangan. Jioh dari kawan rame. Udara pih leupie. Jeut ta nikmati lagak pemandangan kota dari ateuh.
The food is great and eye-catching for pics, love 'em. Oh, but the drinks are also good and the place is super comfy for hanging out with friends.
Makanan jih mangat-mangat dan menarik takalen untuk difoto. galak. Tapi, ie jep jih mangat cit dan tempat jih nyaman untuk duek-duek ngen ngoen.
This is my second visit. Every food I tasted was great, and the place is just as charming as I remember it back then. I've never had any regrets dining here.
Nyoe ka dua go lon meukunjong. Mandum peunajoh nyang lon cuba mangat-mangat dan tempatjih mantong memesona lagee jameun kon. Hana tom menyeusai tapajoh disinoe.
The food are smoked chicken and cheese sandwich, while the drinks are juices. Tastes pretty good. The place is nice for those looking for peace and quiet away from noise.
Makananjih smoked chicken ngon cheese sandwich, minumanjih jus. sep pah ngon mangat. teumpatjih memang mangat meunyo keuneuk suasana santai hana riyoh.
Medicines without a doctor's prescription are best avoided by nursing mothers.
Ubat tanpa resep leubeh get bek dipakek le inoeng nyang tengoh meume
The more you know, the more jealous you get
Maken le tateupeue, maken ceumburu
Why should we give a paid leave to a lazy employee? Business is doing bad, and they wanna waste money? Think!
Karyawan beuo keu peue jok cuti, Bisns teungoh brok jak foya-foya. Seumike!
This place, next to the flowing river and lush forest, with delicious food really makes me feel at home and perfect for resting. Many snacks are also availabel here, and the weather is cool.
Teumpatjih nyang toe ngon ie krueng lom bak kayee nyang reului makanan pih mangat, meutamah mangat tapiyoh, meumacam peunajoh pih geuseudiya bak teumpat nyoe, leupie lom.
Please, at the very least, I beg you, for the convinence of the customers, put a BNI ATM machine in Tigaraksa station.
Tulong minimal, deumi ngat mudah nasabah lam stasiun tigaraksa beu na atm bni
Kupat Tahu Gempol is one of the legendary Kupat Tahu restos. The place isn't that large but its red color is pretty eye-catching near the three-way junction at Pasar Gempol. The portion is just right to satisfy your hunger. The defining characteristics of this kupat tahu are their soft and chewy tofu as well as their creamy peanut sauce, which go really well with lontong, bean sprouts, and red crisps. Absolutely delicious
Kupat tahu gempol nakeuh salah saboh kupat tahu nyang ka meusyeuhu. Tempatjih hana that rayek tapi cukop deuh ngon warna mirah bak simpang lhee peukan gempol. Porsijih cukop pah keu peupuleh deuk. Ciri khas dari kupat tahu nyoe tahujih lembut dan meujeueut dan kuah kacang pih mangat di lidah, ditamah ngon lontong, toge, dan kerupuk mirah. Leupah mangat.
Oh I just had that too, man. My Freedom I package hasn't run out yet but I've been charged with internet fees. I need around 40 thousand credits to pay for that. What a robbery
Wah sama lagee loen abang ban satnyoe, paket freedom loen hana abeh lom tapi ka dibebankan tarif internet perle sampek pulsa sekitar 40 ribee loen ka disedot perampok
This place is indeed inexpensive when compared to similar restos. But the food they serve is so-so and has nothing special about them. Most of the menus are just deep-fried fish or chickens. In other words, absolutely no food variations.
Rumoh makan nyoe cit jeut tapeugah leubeh murah meunyo tabandeng ngon rumoh makan laen. Tapi peunajoh nyang dihideung pih biasa mantong hana nyang istimewa. Ladom makanan nyang na cit eungkot ngon manok teucroh. Jeut ta kheun makananjih hana meuragam sagai.
The bathroom is far from decent, no hand soap provided for washing hands.
Kama manoe hana layak, keu rhah jaroe hana geuseudiya sabon.
The atmosphere is great for everyone, whether you're alone, with family, or sharing stories with close friends.
Susanajih pah keu ban mandum ureueng, peue keuh bagi Droeneuh nyang hawa sidroe, ngon keuluarga, atawa ngon rakan-rakan gata untuk tuka ceurita.
Our family's favorite bakso. It's so flavourful and delicious. Coupled with iced orange juice and white crisps,. Super yummy stuff! Price is really affordable.The location is kinda in an alleyway but it's easy to spot because a lot of people know about the place.
Bakso fovorit kamoe saboh keuluarga. Rasa jih leupah that meunyum ngon mangat. Jitamah ngon eh boh limoe dan keurupuk puteh. Leupah mangat. Yum jih that murah. Lokasi tamong lam gang ubiet tapi mudah meurumpok seubab le ureueng nyang tupat lokasijih.
Eating in a resto is no fun, you can't ask for a little opor ayam broth like in a warteg
Hana mangat pajoh di restoran, han jeuet lakee kuah opor manok bacut lagee bak warteg
The increasing percentage of ride sharing customers forces Toyota to boldly spend up to $1 billion to Grab in order to save its automotive business
Ngon diek angka ureung nyang galak keu ride sharing, sehingga meupeungaroh keu toyota yang geu tem peu abeh peng sampe $1 miliar untuk grab demi teupeuseulamat useuha meusen moto
The wonderful scenery of Bandung can be witnessed from Sierra Cafe Lounge. There are two options for locations, indoors and outdoors. A romantic site fit for couples and also to hang out with friends while we unwind, since the air is also cool and fresh. The food served is also delectable with varying choices. There's Indonesian culinary, Asian, and even European/Western dishes.
Peumandangan kota bandung nyang lagak jeuet takalon sierra kafe lounge. Na dua pilehan teumpat, jeuet lam ruang atawa diluwa. Teumpat nyang romantis pah untuk duek dua dan cocok cit keu teumpat tameusapat ngon rakan-rakan sira tapiyoh hek, saweueb udarajih sijuk an segar. Makanan nyang geuseudiya pih lazat dan le pilehan. na masakan Indonesia, asia, trok eropa / makanan barat.
That house has a tall black fence
Rumoh nyan na pageu rayek wareuna itam.
A unique restaurant, where you use sheets of banana leaves instead of plates. The food is pretty good
Restoran unik, hana dipeusedia pingan, keu seumajoh cukop ngui on pisang mantong. Makanan cukop mangat.
My dad is an employee in net.TV
Abu loen pegawai Net TV
Indomie is often found in the nearest roadside stalls.
Indomie le tateumee bak keude-keude nyang toe.
It's so hard to understand people who think they're always right
Payah that tameuphom ureueng nyang kepike droe sabe beutoi
I was asked to find chocolate by Gordon Ramsay in a dream, but it got mixed with an Indomie broth.
Meulumpoe di yue mita coklat le Gordon Ramsay, eh meujampu ngon kuah indomie.
Yeah sure, Mi Sedap has more portion, but when it comes to taste, the others are just far better in comparison.
Memang nyo mie sedap asoejih le, meunyo nyum talo ngon nyang laen
Wow the satay is amazing. Right spices, right seasonings, and fresh meat, all combined to make a damn good satay. The servers are also friendly.
Oman, leupah mangat, sate nyang mangat bumbujih pah, rasa pih pah ngoe sie nyang segar, makajih sate nyoe bit keuh mangat. Peulayanan pih get.
When I came here, it wasn't strawberry season so they were tiny and bad. So I just took whatever's given. __sad__.
Watee jak keuno kon masa musem stroberi sehingga bohjih ubit-ubit dan hana get. Jadi cuma cok ube ala kada mantong. __weueh__
The inauguration of the airport train by the President of Indonesia is done symbolically by pushing a siren button that sounds the bell, accompanied by Minister of Transportation, Minister Of State-Owned Enterprises, Governor of Banten, Director General of Railway from the Ministry of Transportation, Director of AP2, Director of PT KAN, and the Director of Railink
Peresmian pengoperasian kereta apui bandara oleh presiden ri secara simbolis, teugen tombol sirene yang peutubit sue geunta, didampingi lee Menteri Perhubungan, Meteri BUMN, Gubernur Banten, Dirjen Perkeretapian Kemhub, dirut ap2, dirut pt kan dan dirut railink
Most of the food in this restaurant aren't good
Peunajoh restoran nyoe rata-rata hana mangat.
Perfect for a romantic dinner with your partner in sharing a moment together, the food is also delicious and classy
Cocok untuk pajoh bue malam romantis ngen pasangan untuk merayakan momen berdua, makanan jih pih mangat dan berkelas
The Batagor's good, the noodle's great. Lots of food to choose from in just one place, especially since the shop's been renovated for the better. There's a musala. Lots of variety in the souvenir area, too.
Batagorjih mangat, mijih mangat, Na meubagoe makanan nyang jeuet tarasa bak saboh teumpat, peue lom jinoe tokojih ka jirenovasi leubeh get. Na musalla. Area oleh-oleh le pilehan.
Just used it for a few days and it's already hanging, the power bank can't do a thing. Have to be taken into service
Baro ta pakek padup uroe ka langsung heng, power bank hanjet ta pakek keu leumpe. Harus ta me u tempat service.
A restaurant with amazing view, if you're here at night, try to find an outdoor spot and you'll see that every single table has shining lights on them. The food we ordered were cream soup and hot chocolate drink, very delicious and perfect during with the cold weather.
Rumoh makan ngon pemandangan nyang tari. Meunyo tajak keuno 'oh malam uroe, ci neumita tempat duek di lua, gata akan leumah lampu nyang dipeuhue bak tip sagoe meja. Makanan nyang kamoe pesan sup krim ngon coklat hangat, leupah mangat dan cocok ngon udara nyang leupie.
Location's very romantic and snug. The atmosphere is very cosy and the service is great. The food is very appetising with a reasonable price. Would love to come back and enjoy its afternoon mood. Overall it's lovely, very wonderful!
Teumpatjih that romantis ngon nyan. Ngon suasana dan pelayanan nyang get. Makanan that mangat ngon yum nyang itameng diakai. That hawa gisa lom keunoe
Food court wth a lot of tenants and a lot of options. Fitting for young people who wanna hangout and eat lots of food and drinks tailored for each of their tastes. The parking lot is also huge.
Penajoh Court ngen lee ureng sewa, lee pilihan. Cocok untuk aneuk muda yang ingin duek-duek meukelompok sambilan pajoh makanan dan jep ie sesuai ngen selera masing-masing ureng. Parkir that luah.
Thank you for the appreciation, brother. We hope he'll be able to meet our representative for the victims of Freeport's work termination soon.
Teurimong gaseh bang apresiasijih. Adak jeuet gobnyan beu meurumpok waki kamoe, korban phk saboh pihak freeport.
I've come here more or less over 5 times already. The dim sum tastes amazing while also being really affordable. The place is fun and comfortable. The waiters are friendly even though there're only two of us and we don't order much. Highly recommended if you wanna eat dim seum or shabu in Balikpapan
Karap limong go lon jak keunoe. Dimsumjih mangat dan yumjih pih murah that. Teumpatjih pih hayeue dan meuseuniya. Awak keureuja pih rumeh bah that pih tanyoe dua sagai dan hana lee peu yang tapajoh. Pokok jih lon peugah kajeut jak ju meunyoe keuneuk mita dimsum atawa shabu di balikpapan.
The place is fun, relaxing, and easy to spot, since it is right beside a Lotte Mart supermarket.
Teumpatjih mangat, santai, mudah tamita, saweub sicheue ngon swalayan lotte mart
KIPP received many reports of foul play in the 2018 Regional Elections
KIPP teurimong le lapuran bhah na peulanggaran bak pilkada 2018
I've been here several times, the food is pretty delicious, the gazebos also makes the atmosphere cozy, especially with the sound of a small river, giving it a natural vibe. Recommended to come here at night because it's more beautiful.
Ka padum go jak keunoe, makananjih sep mangat, jambo-jambojih nyang peugot suasana pajoh ngon santai meutamah mangat, meutamah lom su ie krueng ubiet meutamah alami nyum. Leubeh get tajak keunoe malam saweueb leubeh lagak suasana.
Food here is amazing. Perfect for office meetings or dining with big family, affordable price too
Peunajoh disinoe that mangat. Cocok untuk rapat kanto atawa ngon keluarga rayek, yum hana meuhai.
DHL opens job positions for Customer Service
DHL teungoh dibuka lowongan kereuja untuk posisi customer service
I tried the one near the Mayor's office. I ordered the super complete Bakso Malang. It was great. Really filling. The price was also reasonable.
Lon cuba nyang toe kanto walikota. lon pesan bakso malang super komplet. Rasajih mangat, troe bak tapajoh, dan yum ditamong lam akai.
Big outdoor resto, serving a huge variety of food from traditional all the way to the modern cuisine. The price varies just as much as the menu. The attractive decor layout makes the place really comfortable
Teumpat pajoh di luwa nyang luwah na dipeusaji meumacam peunajoh mulai dari tradisional sampoe nyang paleng moderen, dari yum nyang murah sampoe nyang meuhai. Dipeungui piasan pih cukop menarek, ek taduek beutrep.
The must-try of this resto is the strawberry juice without milk or sugar. Trust me, it's amazing. Just 1 glass isn't nearly enough
Nyang wajeb dicuba dari rumoh makan nyoe nakeueh jus stroberi hana susu atawa saka. Asli brat mangat. Bak lagee saboh glah mantong hana sep.
Western style restaurant with street vendor price, with beautiful natural scenery and romantic atmosphere, provided that it's not raining because it's in open space. My family's favorite restaurant
Resto makanan barat nyang yum aki limong, meutamah peumandangan alam nyang lagak, suasanan nyang romantis, asai bek ujeuen, saweueb bak trah jipeuhah. Resto favorit keuluarga lon.
The fried chicken is amazing here. Perfect after a long trip. I came here after returning out of town, so I was absolutely starving. My stomach was filled right back up. The food was good and servers were great. Not to mention, the cashiers were beautiful
Manok gureng inoe mangat. Pah keu nyang ban woe jak jioh. Lon keunoe lheueh woe dari lua kota, jadi pajoh nyoe cit watee deuk. Pruet troe, makanan mangat pelayanan mantap. Kasirjih peng pih tari-tari
My package, too, to this moment has yet to arrive, the status has been stuck in the delivery of the Jakarta courier since 5 days ago, JnE is horrible now.
Paket lon trok 'an jinoe hana trok-trok ka 5 (limong) uroe statusjihnngon peungiriman Jakarta, parah jinoe JNE
You're selling Taliwang roasted chicken but the one I got was like rubber and not good at all, it was tasteless too, the sambal was just whatever. Overall, very disappointed and I won't be coming back for a second time.
Meukat manok Taliwang tapi manok lagee karet dan hana pueh sagai, rasa tabeue, sambai pih ala kada. Brat that keucewa dan han le lon gisa keunan.
Some people like to litter on the side of Sukajadi Street at night. People like that should be obliterated.
Jalan Sukajadi meunyo malam kayem na ureueng boh broh bak bineh jalan! ureueng-ureueng lagee nyan beu tapeugadoh
My favorite in this resto is the 3-flavor-porridge. 1 huge bowl is enough for me and my husband. There's also a lot more than just porridges on the menu. The price fits the taste. And of course, you can't have porridge without a warm cup of tea. Hmmmm, tasty!
Paleng favorit bak resto nyoe na keuh bubur 3 rasa. 1 mangkong raya jeuet keu dua droe ngon lakoe. Lheuh nyan le menu untuk jeuet ta pajoh ngon bubur. Yum ngon rasa sibandeng. Dan nyang ka teuntee keu ngon pajoh bubur nyankeuh te suum hmmm. Mangat!
Indosat is why I am angry every day.
Indosat nakeuh saweueb lon beungeh tiep uroe
This restaurant is perfect for dinner with your partner or family, with decent food and wonderful view. The mood's also great thanks to the classic decor adorning the corner all the way to the entrance.
Restoran nyoe nakeuh teumpat nyang pah keu teumpat makan malam ngon pasangan, ngon keuluarga ngon makan nyang sep mangat, peumandangan nyang lagak. Suasanajih pih get na hiasan klasik dari sagoe trok bak pinto tamong.
The resto's concept is nothing special, but why do the drinks cost that much? I know it's a tourist trap, but tone it down a little, hehe. Gotta think twice over and over again before buying.
Konsep rumoh makan biasa mantong, tapi yum ie jih pakon get that meuhai. Peutron lah yum jih bacut beuthat pih teumpat wisata hehe. Nyoe payah tapike meu-ulang-ulang bak tabloe.
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