31 values
I'll jump and kick and bite and scratch and scream until I'm blue in the face.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is off to bed and hoping not to be woken up by things flapping and crashing from the crazy wind outside. On the up side it's going to be in the 60-70 range for the next week!:)
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Happy Brithday *PROPNAME*!! Have a stadium dog for me!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
"Flight attendants cross check and prepare for landing." "Welcome to Tampa, Flordia where the local time is 3:50 PM and a comfortable 68 degrees."
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
ready for nappy noo time
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the f**k was going on when I first saw it.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I love *PROPNAME*, I can't believe she died : (
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
*PROPNAME* and *PROPNAME* are doing Dr. *PROPNAME*'s *PROPNAME* Songs? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
found a bunny, bunny died, buried bunny, now is drawing.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
. . . doing me. . . you do you. . .
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
*PROPNAME* is being so naughty today!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
In the rainning storm of the morning, by the path of a farming country, the silver hair woman said to me as I greets her, "When tough time comes, the tough kept going."
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Meus somnerium... En busca de un pequeño momento de comprensión...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
has settled on a parish. Happy days.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
take on me.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
misses you, DFL.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is boycotting the 30% chance of rain//snow on Saturday.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Thank you so much for all the bday love, I'm a lucky girl : ) come to the DERBY tonight to celebrate!!! call or text if you have questions <3 <3
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Now bamboo thinks it's wood, and that pisses me off.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
didn't sleep....tired.....probably gonna walk into traffic half-asleep. and the best part...i'm not done with that friggin' essay yet!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
So much for no accumulation... :-)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
beach, beach, beach!!!!!! :]
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"If your friend got assassined, how would you respond" . . . probably with: that doesn't even make sense
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Being kicked in the pinky apparently really hurts... the next day.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Just one final stands between me and NO CLASS WOOO!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
D -6 till Sweden <3
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
*PROPNAME* was bad enough, but at least he distorted data and concocted fear-mongering chartsngrafs to support his cockamamie theory. The Norwegian Nobel Committee just lost its credibility--forever.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is off to the gym!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is no Keynesian, but I think if there's one thing "cash for clunkers" demonstrates, it's that $787 billion (minus the $237 billion in tax cuts) would've been more stimulative coming from the pockets of American consumers than vested bureaucrats in Washing
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
had a great day at church...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I hate homeworks on holidays, especially when i have a little time to finish a lottt of it :(
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is sick of data
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Due to a lack of anyone being interested in my life updates, I will write here and delude myself that someone wiill read it later and actually care... Got a new phone yesterday: a Palm treo. Had to pay $30 a mo extra to use it, but now I'll be able to use the interwebz while in White Bluff. 30 dollars is a fair price to put on cabin fever prevention. Maybe I should Tweet this too. :P
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
feliz navidad a todossss.... @ aeropuerto Lima
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I wish I was in NYC and seeing *PROPNAME* tomorrow night....
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
I love the smell of Christmas trees. =]]
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
My phone stopped working, I can call out, but the person I call cannot hear me!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is pretty inspired by how active (and cool) some of her geriatrics patients are...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
~ CDC latest report: Autism effects 1 in 110 children born each day. 1 in 70 boys. Put this in your status for 1 HOUR if you know someone with AUTISM. Let our children's voices be heard. Here's to 2010 increasing awareness, research and proactively finding answers.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
There is no point at which you can say, Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
:] ahhh, love it
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
back to my modified Russian tuning. It sounds so much more full.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Just had a 20-minute conversation w// my dad about midget porn. Sometimes he ain't half bad, lol...
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
thinks *PROPNAME*'s Family Law would be better with finger-food, music, strobe lights, and burlesque dancers... and no case briefing. :D
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
It’s hilarious trying to explain Easter to the Thai children. “Yeah . . so there’s this rabbit that comes to your house and hides eggs. . yes eggs . .and then you eat chocolate that’s shaped like rabbits and eggs . . and that’s how we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ” haha. They either have a really confused look on their face or just laugh.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I have to admit SWtOR has one awesome trailer
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
editing the personal statement for graduate school...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Let's go to Italia~~
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is home and not ready to be back in the real world yet! ://
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Put this as your status if you or somebody you know has suffered the LOSS of a Baby ? The majority won't put it on because unlike cancer. Baby Loss is a taboo... Break the Silence ? This is in memory of all the Angel Babies...gone too soon but NEVER FORGOTTEN ABOUT!!? Show your support and let these women know they don't have to grieve alone.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is watching cousin play computer game on televison box thing. Also, sleepy.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
wee xmas!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
just woke up
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
hapit ko naligsan sa truck, usa ka dako nga truck, hapit ko naligsan sa dako nga truck sa CNU. hahaha :P
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is up ready for another day...I really hate going to school!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
-- people need to get over michael vick's life and get their own
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Finally Internet at HOME :D
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
had an awesome time at Summerslam. Now for the last week before school starts!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
i Bergen
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"Hey don't smoke that Tijuana it'll make you crazy," my grandma... hehehhe :)
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is officially certified to teach English abroad! Now, to find a job. . .
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is a National Merit Semifinalist!!! Yay!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
has a bit of a fever....why is the H1N1 flu shot not out yet? Urrrrg I will be mad if I get sick :o(
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
In the final 2 week stretch!!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
not to be a bitch but...if i hear about one more celeb dying from drug overdose i'm going to fing lose it...get it together and act like adults...ridic
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
got to sleep in like an hour only to wake up at 4. Black friday shopping with *PROPNAME*!!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
I found my actual WEP key!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I have discovered the 'teddy bear' move in aerials, is anything but cute and fluffy! Its evil, sore and likes nothing more than cutting off all blood to your extrematies.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
never thought that he would see the day where he would wish for failure.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Apparently you're not a golfer.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I got poked. By *PROPNAME*. Normally I think I'd be much more excited about getting poked, but considering the circumstances (i.e. person) I'm not all that excited. In fact, I'm quite the opposite. Sorry bud but it's still a nub. hahahahaha
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
can't stop here! This is bat country!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off"
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
humana ang midterms, AI's nasd. hahaha
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is in a Bangla State of Mind
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has three bucks, two bags, one me.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Is trying to get her hearing back after nibbler decided to imitate her sneezing...very loudly.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is officially one year behind in her thank you note writing.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
afi out today. yay
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has the Camino De Santiago on my mind again...the effects of receiving emails from my Spaniard friends.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
close and i'll kiss u 2moro i'll miss u remember i'll always be true.......... I CANT GET THAT FRIKIN SONG OUT MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
hello world i am alive and happy again :)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Had my first statistics class today and it was so..... hmmm... how should I say it.... messy maybe... this really gonna be a strange class.....
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
passed all three of his entrance exams for theory and history yessss
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Nothing comes to my mind...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
home in the heights!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
when everything is going wrong, it helps to get ridiculous phone calls from one's two whackjob best friends & be entertained by the cutest, smartest, naughtiest bunny in the world.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
countdown to florida...ONE DAY
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has a new favourite scent: Diesel - Only the Brave. <3
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
chem and then im done with classes for the day
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
great ending to 09 and awesome beginning of 2010! :) have a very happy new year all
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Last night pretty much sums up my entire UChicago experience. I don't regret going. I regret screwing up the decisions made while there.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"I feel stupid, but it's something that comes and goes"
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
In contemplation mode...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
kinda hopes that her finals go as well as that game of tetris just did! :P
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}