31 values
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*PROPNAME*, *PROPNAME*, and *PROPNAME*: 3 great men doing great things in 2009.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
made the most amazing burritos for dinner and feels sad that he can't finish them and enjoy their great deliciousness anylonger...
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
what a great night - *PROPNAME*'s Cantina is def. the place to be.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
elsker Oslo.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
People come and go and will always disappoint so I only invest in God. Lord, I belong to you until the end of time. I just wanna be close to you.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Feeling quite content, in spite of all that 'ails' me. *quirks lips into a serene smile*
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
remembers the good old days when we could pay for everything under the sun by "bringing the troops home". It amazes me how inconsistent we can be when the Birkenstock is on the other foot.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is transferring again.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is serverely disappointed about what he just learnt.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Q lo pased dm bkn n las vacaciones!! Acuerdate Coni del desafio XD...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Getting ready for *PROPNAME*. Bought enough non-perishable food for three days. Flashlight//batteries. Check. First-aid kit. Check. Bottling some water. Check. Old towels, in case windows leak. Check. Today: laundry, cleaning and making sure nothing important is on the floor.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
It makes me sad to see *PROPNAME* all iced over...
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is off to *PROPNAME*'s play reading in NoHo. It's gonna be the shit!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is enjoying some tahoe sunshine
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
so good to be home! Planning to get a few things accomplished today and then going to see my love after he gets off work!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is home in OC!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Gah, headache. Okay my body's failing me; I'm going to put off work 'til tomorrow and take care of myself now. Ice cream, giant sweater, warm bed...I'm comin'.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Thinking a downtown sb visit for halloween might be very necessary : )
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Anyone interested in going to Summerfest?
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
"beer bong for my lady?" what gentleman are on the wisconsin river
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Anyone interested in joining me for *PROPNAME* y *PROPNAME* on Oct. 22 at the Electric Factory? Ticket are $35 =( but I'd go with good company!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Hoping to get out of her driveway.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
s heart is on its way back to Fort Wayne.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
missing chapel hill
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
was chased by veloceraptors for a good hour, at least.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
the teeth are now in open revolt. I must make an appeal to the dentist tomorrow to quell political unrest
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
WTF what happened to winter???
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I may be the only *PROPNAME* in the world - I'm definitely the only one on Facebook.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
can't sleep, feeling creative
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Why are people from NeW Jersey so proud of being from New Jersey?
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
*PROPNAME* is an asshole.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Went and got the last of my stuff out of my...car...(read: twisted metal heap with fuzzy seats) this morning. It was kind of sad...I apologized to Car (yeah, that's its name dammit, shut up) for smushing it, and hugged it goodbye, and then took the title to my mechanic so it can be junked. Thusly, the day started in kind of a somber mood. If only I could locate a sufficient replacement, though...
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
finally has 666 devilish friends. Now what to do with them all?
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is in Canada!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
@ the gym
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I'd swear the 'rents were just yelling "gavinda" right now...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Best Birthday Ever! 3 Surprise dinner//get-together//party, and VEGAS on Halloween <3 Thanks to everyone that made my 21st special!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Goodbye *PROPNAME*.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
loves Holst oh so much.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Praying for the sun to stay!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
And we can live in a beautiful world hide away under peaceful skies. We can survive on time and a word feel the nights passing by.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
What a beautiful day of football :-)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
s back does not like to tan (or sunburn) evenly! My back is splotchy again, and this time I didn't even use sunscreen! >:(
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is at Amherst!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
A prospering tree does not eat it's own fruit. A prospering tree produces fruit that others might eat.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
well survived the city and SFO in the pouring rain and managed to not get eaten by a sea monster all in all a good day
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
To CTYers past and present, I urge you to do two things: 1) Dust off your Garden State soundtrack, there was a reason we listened to it non-stop for 42 days. 2) Mark July 16-18 in your calendar - we are all descending on the land of milk and honey. Carlizzle fo' shizzle.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
has some pretty mighty senioritis, and apathy right now... BUT I bought a class ring today!!!! :D
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
and so it goes...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
got a cool Japanese headband
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is now trained in changing adult diapers, moving from gurney to bed, and bathing patients. one more step closer to my MPA!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is determined to find the right tattoo and its placement
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
dreams of faraway places basically all the time now...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
rockin it grandma style with the new car....yo! haha
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
School! yay :D
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
thinks *PROPNAME* is whack as an annoucer now.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Snow advisory for Atlanta today and tomorrow...Good thing I have bead, milk and meat in the house!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is. Learning to be at peace and just be is harder than it should be ;). Lord you are. You just ARE. Teach me to be like you. Teach me to be.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is going to see *PROPNAME*..WOOO...is going to see *PROPNAME*...WOOO! So psyched!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Leaving for the airport and flying to Norway tomorrow!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
and the day he gave *PROPNAME* one more chance.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
This cat will not leave me alone...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
got super tan this weekend...I went from caramel to mocha...
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Will the various owners of: A silver iPod Mini, a Blue Hoodie, a red scarf and a stick on moustache, please let me know who owns what, so I can return things.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
ITS OVER 9000!!!@#$%^&!! :D
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
sewing a dress
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
nst nst nst nst nst nst nst nst nst nst
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
2 people today mentioned that my Wall is disabled from being posted on...I didn't even know! Lol, changed it...post at will I guess. *shrug!* In other news...YAY CARTOONS! "YEEES, we have no// bananas// todaaaaayyy!"
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
off to wedderburn today going to celebrate halloween for the weekend YAY!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
off to do some hardcore shoppimg for bee's
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
BRRR! "Stiff Little Fingers" indeed!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
absence sharpens love, presence stregthens it
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
So Glee was not so bad...here is the question, is the diva going to tell the ladies and that is how *PROPNAME* is going to find out that *PROPNAME* is the father
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
can't decide if she's using laundry to avoid doing homework or homework to avoid doing laundry.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Did you know that it couldn't be more blatent that the X-Factor was fixed unless *PROPNAME* openly admitted he was gay with *PROPNAME* and *PROPNAME*
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Your grace is more than enough. Re-prioritization in progress.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is sorry if she did not reply to text messages or phone calls. her iphone is dumb :( and had decided it doesn't want the touch screen to work...
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing." ~ Oscar Wilde xD
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
using facebook as procrastination for practicum applications...beautiful lol
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
The Buddhist Hamburger joint: They'll make you one with everything.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"when you look annoyed all the time, people think you're busy."
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
needs a change. Anyone know any yoga studios in or close to the Smithtown//Kings Park area? Gotta find my zen again!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
En train de faire son choix de cours pour l'école... tant de programme et de possibilité, c'est vraiment pas cool ça!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is open to requests.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
ought to be cast in the next big zombie movie as an extra. Because she feels like the living dead must feel after a night of heavy brain-eating. Is that their equivalent of drinking? Explains why they want to do it all the time.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is doing to die to self...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
my status update keeps screwing up. But I will be doing comedy at 1982 tonight with other great comics. Stop on by at 9pm.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
How many people aren't using their *PROPNAME* Ticket?
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
work from 10 to 10
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
It was a close one! But a W is a W, GO DOLPHINS!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
starts Psychology tomorrow.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I hope everyone else enjoys their NFL Sunday. I'll be taking the GRE.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
got stuck writing my book, listening to staind & Muse lost track of thee Bloody Time! now im stuck in my own little world i have created!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is living on cloud nine... aka in the Montecito Hills. the house I moved into is insanely beautiful and best of all... its free!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}