31 values
What can one do when one is bored?
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Good Job ballers...its all up to the football team now! GO GREEN, GO WHITE, GO STATE!
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Hot pot!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
The bike home for lunch is rather exhilarating when oversized truck make right turns from the left lane, without turn signals. At least do it when the light is green maybe?
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Motivation = Zero
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
was assumed to be one of the other artist's assistants... but found a cozy little spot for the hygros on the killing floor.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
La~st Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day, you gave it away... This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special.
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I'm trying, ghandi.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has been waking up obscenely early the last couple of days; is anyone up for breakfast now that I've been awake and hour and a half?
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I need to get a shirt that says, "I don't speak Chinese!" ... Like... seriously... ._.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
busy and stressed out today!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Somehow, i have a feeling that I'm going to need Facebook more this year... and sorry for dropping out of contact with most people this summer
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Was ANYONE else off school today? I was sure nobody would be able to get in. Eh.
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~ Chemistryy is soo hardd!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Going through everyone's status messages from last night... yeah, so maybe I didn't do anything sexy or fun but I was at an event so >:P
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Delam barat tang shode
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
ran, did hill work, yoga, juiced, made an egg white and spinach omelette, and payed my bills...love getting so much done before work :)
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Deadtime Stories.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
I sometimes think that some *PROPNAME* bikers are just ASKING to get hit by my car!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is gone home for the day....
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
2010-wise, so far, so good! Feeling pretty bloody fantastic compared to my emotional state of the last few months. I've even been somewhat productive recently. However, I am going home now; my desk chair has made my ass numb! (How does one wake up a sleeping ass, haha? I'll probably be sorry I asked...)
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"I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal"
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thinks he'll apply to Pigfarts for next year.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.
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thinks some people really need to learn to act their age.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
There can be no complaints from the Arsenal fans about today's results... wunna get wash off...
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is making soup!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
just took the loveliest walk.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
wants no more friend or exboyfriend drama drama
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I'm getting calls back on my resume, it makes me hopefull I will find the right job :)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
anyone wanna pay me to hang out, play video games, maybe write a screenplay, and be sarcastic? cause that would be awesome :)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I still think people that can't stack baskets properly are idiots.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is way too upset with the damn Dodgers to even really be upset.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Owe RESUME hand up RESUME! haha...
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
going to see Crazy Heart ad go out to dinner in Royal Oak
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Happy Thanksgiving to all my facebook friends and family. I am thankful for all of you! Have a wonderful day with yours!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
this new diet has opened a whole new world of cuisine. tonight's dish prisoner-of-war stew with beans, rice, and more beans.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
You know that feeling you get when you're running a marathon and the endorphins finally kick in...
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
the unemployed life is a strange one, I'll tell you that...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has an Autobot lunchbox, and can therefore die happy now. :) In other news, she has also spent the last three hours on an off reading a webcomic that started in 1999.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is enjoying (f)unemployment to the fullest
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"Just another manic Monday"...nah, not really--if I was manic right now I'd probably be getting alot more done, lol!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Did anyone else think it was obvious *PROPNAME* and *PROPNAME* were getting a divorce like 34 seasons ago?
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Dear Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles employees, I understand that you probably get stuck dealing with stupid, annoying people on a regular basis. That doesn't mean you have to be rude to everyone, especially not the friendly people like me darn it!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is going back to Tennessee.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Re-conditioning my hands back into top gaming form--I used to be able to go all day (or for days) without a break (even to eat or go to the bathroom, lol...toldja I was obsessed!); currently my thumbs start to hurt after about 4 hours. That's what I get for being outta practice, bah!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Finally! Snow in Reedsburg. I'm so happy there's gonna be snow on my birthday!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
@ dance class ?
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
*PROPNAME* cant wait to dress up and go trick or treating!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is wishing *PROPNAME* a Happy 2nd Birthday. I love you!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is going to WRESTLEMANIA.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is back from the movies and just taking a breather. How can life have changed so much in just a few months?
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
missing the hubby out on boys night out <3 lol
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
No snow yet down south, but it is raining. Snow is expected, but only a trace.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
anotha day, anotha dolla
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
busy designing characters boo wheres steve wen u really need him :(
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
has a cold and is curled up on the couch resting.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I know many people have faced this issue before, but MIT Graduate Admissions should stop denying the existence of Caltech...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
RIP NFL season.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
cause all I really want's to be with you, feelin like I matter too. if I hadn't blown the whole thing years ago, I might be here with you
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
made cookies for soldiers. :D
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
finally found her tea diffuser! It's tea time, biyotch! ...Hmm, am I allowed to say that? Guess I'll find out when I'm grounded for a week... ;)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Believing requires action
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
new profile image..... and the funny thing is, now that i think about... *PROPNAME* IS a lot like *PROPNAME*.....
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
New job, New opportunities and also a new training coming soon!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
kevin smith tonight!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
just went upstairs to find *PROPNAME* reading icanhascheezburger. Success!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is not happy that our A//C is not working. Grrrr
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I love Mondays.... can every one grasp the sarcasm in that statement. I hope so.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Hello, to high and dry.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"chivalry has not timeline" - *PROPNAME* (haha what?!)
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
God damn it...I need for my laptop to NOT freeze for 10 minutes before deciding to perhaps or perhaps not perform the command I've clicked...I need a car that isn't a fucking pretzel, or at least SOME form of viable transportation...I need ADD meds that don't leave me staring off into fucking space at work...GAHHH! Very fucking frustrated! Anyone with input re laptop or car, please comment...*sigh*
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
*PROPNAME* wrote that "pure democracy" doesn't work because "there is nothing to check... an obnoxious individual." Then, in the margins, he doodled a picture of *PROPNAME* the Plumber.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is back from the beach a little scraped up and sunburned, but otherwise okay!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
My family now has 1 car//person, down from 1.25 cars//person.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
monday..enough said
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is done doing silly quizzes...but they are so funny!!! Good-night everyone!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Well, lived through the Carbon Monoxide shit, though it made me sick today--luckily not sick enough to go to the damn hospital I guess; just sick enough to be puking and bedridden today. Good thing I had the day off anyway for MLK day (but my dad didn't tell me that, so I woke up ill and panicky this afternoon--nice, lol). Furnace was fixed today, though, so no more CM troubles, I suppose!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
wants to go to the aventura concert at mohegan sun
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
note to self: do not attempt to drive 400 miles in a blizzard ever again.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is sick?
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
got a bronze medal for the mps run!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
One that would have the fruit must climb the tree.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
New philosophy for 2010: If it makes you feel good, then I say do it.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Last day of work!! Any suggestions for wild and crazy celebrations??
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has to start planning his thesis...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Assebmler has been defeted.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is up all night for no reason..
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
AIs all over again
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
i miss my sister.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has Cable:)
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is glad hulu has the entire Strangers with Candy series... funny stuff
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is just here.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Excited for Compelling 09!!! :]
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
weird virus-type thingy just happened with facebook. closed facebook and a window popped up, "about:blank" in the address bar, with practically infinite tabs all with facebook...the computer was freezing up too badly to see what they all were.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is sore and wants the knot of muscles at the base of her neck to stop hurting. On the other hand, YAY I'M IN ILLINOIS! <3
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"All these weirdos, and me getting a little better every day...I had never known...that there might be a place for people like us"--*PROPNAME*
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s little sister told her that she could "ride her tricycle with no handlebars." As long as you don't start singing their more political songs, sweetie. :P
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Anyone know where I can get UV Paint cheapish not from Amazon?
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}